Innovations in Science Teaching

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50 Innovative Teaching
Methods in Science Friday January 5, 2018
Student engagement and understanding of materials is given more emphasis in today’s
education over spoon feeding the facts. Therefore, using black-boards or the typical
lecture methods are not adequate to teach science and other related subjects.
Many scholars and researchers have proposed advanced ideas and they claim
that virtual teaching scenarios or simulations can help to build better understanding of
subjects amongst students.
More than just conveying facts or findings in science, students will love to explore the
world of science. These innovative teaching methods in science can substitute the
typical teaching techniques to achieve the goal.

1. Hands on Learning:
This is the best teaching method invented so far that involves the active participation
of students to experience scientific concepts than to just have an audience view.
Schools are promoting the use of low cost apparatus in classrooms to helps students to
have hands on learning experience. It can be a string telephone to teach about sound
and communication, matchstick mecanno to teach 3D structures, notched pencil to
teach rotation motion or anything similar.

2. Story Telling
Students love to hear stories and therefore, storytelling is one of the best ways to get
their attention in class.
Teacher can explain the facts of biology or the laws of physics in the form of stories.
This is a mental organizer as human brains can remember stories than just plain facts.
Some teachers present the whole concept as a story while some others use a story to
open and end the session.

3. Role Play
This innovative method is becoming an integral part of science education as students
can intellectually and physically involve through activities while learning a new
Activities can be organized in classroom sessions where a group of students can take
the role of atoms or molecules to study a chemical reaction or they can represent a
scientist group to demonstrate the particular scientist’s laws.

4. Sports Based Learning

This is an interesting approach to learn problem solving in physics or a step wise
method to study complex chemical reactions.
A game of football or cricket helps them to learn about percentage, average or
probability which can find its use in physics problems. Sports are mostly played in
teams which also promote the importance of team work that helps them to
synchronize better in group projects.

5. Visual clues
Using visual clues easily supplements auditory information and students can easily
connect better with ideas.
The multi-sensory experiences improve their understanding and memorization. This
includes drawings, diagrams, and pictures to assist theory and setting up examples to
show its application side.
The sequence of lab procedures can be better taught using pictures with words

6. Instructional Conversations
Building instructional conversations is a key method to teach science vocabulary. Let
them talk in between the lectures about the experience they had with an application
related to the topic of discussion.
This promotes their dialogue construction in science as they communicate using
scientific and technical terms. Make this a classroom strategy to help students to
easily learn science vocabulary.

7. Science Text Cards

This is an innovative teaching method to convey the science facts in an easy and
organized way. In this activity, statements related to science concepts are written on
index cards.
Students can work individually, pairs or in groups to sort the cards based on the given
format. The formats include true/false,agree/disagree, matching pairs, classification,
sequencing and more.

8. Word Games
This is a creative strategy to help elementary students to experience the language of
science. Hangman, Pictionary, Dingbats, Bingo, Scrabble, Odd One Out, Charades,
Trivial Pursuit etc. are the common games.
Playing these games using scientific terms helps the students to work closely with
different hard to understand words and use them fluently in their subject.

9. Graphic Organizers
This teaching approach is helpful for students to interact with science in a more
organized and structured way. Teachers can use different types of templates to
represent the data according to the topic that is being handled.
A typical format for graphic organizer contains a central point from which different
branches are formed and there may be sub-branches in certain cases. Arrows are used
to point the direction or sequence of a process.

10. Word Parts

This teaching strategy is followed by teachers to educate the basics of science to
elementary students. While introducing new scientific terms, they can reinforce the
structure of words.
Students are asked to identify and understand prefix, suffix, and base word, and to
relate their meanings. For example, metamorphosis — meta (large), morph (change),
osis (process); photosynthesis — photo (light), synth (make), isis (process).

11. Social media

The different social media platforms can be used wisely to teach science to make the
science classrooms more interesting and engaging. For instance, students can be asked
to follow scientists in Twitter and share his/her new thoughts and findings in class or
to use Feedly for improving the content of their research projects.
Students can also use Vine to document and to share science videos, Pinterestaccount
for sharing images for research projects or writing prompts or WordPress class
account for peer-to-peer learning.
12. Virtual science labs
There are many virtual science labs available online for free and therefore, this
approach almost gives hands on experience of learning the subject without much
Detailed diagrams, illustrations or close up pictures allow students to virtually get
inside a plant or animal part without actually doing it. Dissections in biology can be
studied thoughtfully with a virtual hands-on sensation without the problem of odour
and similarly, experiment a chemical reaction without burns.

13. Word walls

Science word walls in classrooms can stimulate the interest of students in the subject
and an opportunity for them to illustrate different concepts. In an advanced technique,
a more in-depth understanding of different scientific terms can be made possible with
pictures that accompany the words.
This is also an option to help them better understand words with multiple meanings.
Teachers can design creative word walls or ask students to contribute to the idea
weekly or monthly.

14. Thinking Maps

This is an ideal way to visually represent different thought processes which help to
organize the science education with a better flow. There are different types of thinking
maps available which can be chosen wisely to represent the particular topic.
This includes bridge maps to teach relation between ideas, brace maps to break larger
objects into smaller parts, flow maps to show sequence of events, multi-flow maps to
show effects or causes of an event, tree maps to classify objects or ideas and more.

15. Mini anchor charts

These interesting charts are a great idea to give a detailed overview or explanation of
a science topic. Teachers use it to interactively teach areas such as scientific methods,
types of energy, plant life cycle, states of matter, mixtures and solutions, force &
motion and more.
To make the whole idea interesting, teacher brings variations such as black and white
charts, coloured ones; fill in the blank models, and full page anchor charts for large

16. Crossover Learning

In this teaching method, students are given opportunity to learn in multiple settings
such as inside the classroom, museums, field trips or clubs.
Teachers can use this method effectively by proposing a question in class, taking
students to informal settings to find answers and then, going back to classrooms to
discuss and share the findings. This way, learners can record, link, recall and share
their diverse learning events to explore the topic and get a deeper level understanding.

17. Argue with Science

Learning through argumentation gives students a widened thinking to contrasting
ideas which in turn deepen their understanding.
They can refine ideas with others and engage with open-ended questions, and re-state
observations or remarks in a more scientific language. Teachers can also guide them
in their approach and share the intellectual expertise with them.

18. Context-Based Learning

In this method, students are given the opportunity to create context and explore ideas
from them. They interact with surroundings, hold conversations with subject experts,
make relevant notes and attempt to modify the nearby objects.
The context can be understood in detail by exploring the world around. This gradually
helps them to interpret new information from the context and relate to what they
already know.

19. Computational thinking

This is an advanced technique to improve thinking and problem solving skills. The
method comprises decomposition i.e. breaking large problems into small units and
pattern recognition-related problems to the ones which were already solved
successfully in the past.
Computational thinking skills also cover algorithms-step by step approach to reach a
solution; abstraction-neglecting unimportant details and debugging-refining these

20. Remote labs

Learning by doing is an unparalleled approach to teach science and this is made a
reality with remote labs. Students are given access to authentic scientific tools and
opportunities to control remote lab experiments.
This would enhance their inquiry skills and conceptual understanding and also, the
students can learn and explore with motivation.

21. Embodied Learning

In this approach, mind and body of the students work together to explore science. The
physical feedback as well as the resultant actions will reinforce their learning process.
This idea is well supported by today’s technology such as visual systems that track
movement or wearable sensors to collect physical and biological data.

22. Science museums

Give opportunity tostudents to visit a science museum as part of the learning
process.This gives them access to innovative resources and they can visualize data
they learnt in class.
They can have a look at the real work of scientists which improves their urge to learn
about it further. Regular visits to museums make learning science more engaging and

23. Projects
This can be an individual activity or group activity which helps students to showcase
the application side of what they learnt through theory.
This method involves choosing the idea, building a plan, executing the plan and
finally evaluating it. When students pass through these stages, they can improve their
skills to express ideas, problem solving, overcoming the challenges, team work and
self assessment.

24. Multimedia Approach

This method is a blend of text, audio, animation, video, still images or interactivity
content forms to teach diverse difficult to understand concepts in science.
The educator can convey vast information using advanced media, devices and
techniques, and involve a wide range of activities to provide a meaningful learning

25. ICT Enabled Learning

ICT refers to the use of Information and Communications Technology to teach the
scientific ideas that promotes open source learning.
In order to make the accessing, storing, transmitting, and manipulation of information
more easy, this approach integrates telecommunications, computers and relevant
enterprise software, storage, middleware, and audio-visual systems required to handle
the topic.

26. Video clips

This teaching technique makes use of instructional video clips available online or in
libraries to show and teach a new concept.
The evolution of a process can be conveyed better with animation videos. It can also
be videos of demonstration of an idea or an application side of a theory or an
interview with a scientist, tutorial by a subject expert and more.

27. Power Points

Instead of the conventional talk and chalk methods, teachers now include power point
presentations in their classroom sessions to make it more interesting.
They connect the computers to projectors to address a larger classroom and include
interesting slides with diagrams and flow charts to make the teaching more

28. Mini-labs
Mini-labs allow students to take part in hands-on activities inside the classrooms to
illustrate a concept. This makes classroom sessions more fun, engaging and
Students can attempt to mock-up day/night with a globe and flashlight, build circuits,
test for conductivity and magnetism, produce mixtures and solutions or model the
formation of sedimentary rock and more.

29. Science Fair

Schools should conduct science fairs as part of their teaching strategy to
promote students interest in the subject as well as to evaluate their level of
In this competition, students are given a time frame to answer a question or perform a
task through a range of experiments and research. They showcase the output in the
form of reports, display board, or as models.

30. Research books

Teacher can promote the use of research books in classrooms rather than just text
books and lecture notes. Students are asked to do a research on whatever topic is
covered in class by means of libraries, websites or by talking with experts.
This can include the extended information of their syllabus and their findings with
diagrams and charts to emphasize it. They can share their research books with
classmates too.

31. Documented Problem Solving

In this method, the teacher insists students to record their thought process when
solving a problem. They are asked to explain their reasoning for reaching the
particular solution rather than simply presenting a solution.
This kind of documented problem solving helps them to have a deeper understanding
of their process and gives an option for self analysis.

32. Science kit

This is one of the innovative methods of teaching science to kids and adults alike. Let
it be physical science, life science, or earth science, teachers are now making use
of science kits to help students have an engaging educational experience.
They can conduct small experiments with guided instructions to identify rock
specimens, to watch out for insect metamorphosis or demonstrate chemistry reactions.
33. Science stations
This is a fun, quick and engaging way to teach science that promotes student-led
learning. Science stations support differentiated learning that lets students to immerse
themselves in topics, experience science to the fullest and then reflect back on their
There will be multiple stations built with different learning styles and students can
research, explore, watch, read, write, assess and illustrate the science concepts.

34. Observation stations

More than just the text book assignments that have limitations in exploring the topic,
these advanced observation stations help students to build up their research,
observation and creativity.
This includes activities that help them to have an understanding of a specific concept
using 5 to 6 stations with varied options. The activities include determining mass
using a triple beam balance or testing objects to find out their electrical conductivity
and magnetism and a lot more.

35. Peer-to-Peer Teaching

Students take the role of teaching each other that promotes excitement learning
science. In Peer-to-Peer Teaching approach, they are really engaged in the content by
discussing scientific topics, generating questions and working in teams to explore new
Some of the activities involved in this approach include buzz groups, solution groups
and critic groups.

36. Science movies

Teachers take initiatives to take them for science movies in theatres or in school halls
that clearly showcase the application side of scientific concepts.
More than just entertaining them, many science movies captivate their attention and
illustrate diverse science concepts in the real world. Science and nature-focused
documentaries is one of the best ways to introduce science to kids than spoon feeding
them with text book content.

37. Science games for kids

Kids always love to play and that is why smart teachers introduce science to them
with interesting games. They can learn more about science and technology with fun.
A wide range of games are available online that showcase the concepts of animals,
plants, space, forces, light, sounds, magnets, electricity, weather and gases. There are
games with multiple levels and passing each level teaches a new concept and
illustrates scientific experiments.

38. Science songs

This is another creative teaching method to help kids to learn about the science world
with fun. Teachers can make use of the interesting science songs available online or
create one to introduce the basics of astronomy, biology, botany, physical science and
earth science with fun.
Science Is Real, Meet the Elements, The Star Song and Motion Song are a few among
the popular science songs available online.

39. Science Exhibition

Encourage your students to take part in science exhibitions as part of school level or
inter-school level competitions. This is a great opportunity to bring out their creativity
in science and design an application based on a scientific concept.
Develop this inquisitiveness and creative mindset in students right from the
elementary classes to help them to grow up as science enthusiasts.

40. Mobile apps for Science

A number of mobile apps are available online for elementary, middle school and high
school students as well as for those undergoing advanced studies. Today’s kids are
tech savvies and they love to learn science using their gadgets.
The advanced mobile apps built with innovative features in fact turn students into
scientists. This lets them hold science in their hands and explore it with just a few
taps. The popular apps in the category include Human Body, Cozmic Zoom, Earth
Primer, Video Science, Science360, NASA GLOBE Observer and a lot more.

41. Field trips

In the middle of boring classroom sessions, take your students out for field trips to
experience science while learning. Go to an aquarium, a nature center, a scientist’s
home or visit a pet store.
You can also spend sometime with the students in the bird park or simply go on a
nature walk to experience the science around while learning new concepts.

42. Science clubs

Set up science clubs in your schools or community, which is an ideal approach to
STEM education that assimilates high quality hands-on instruction.
This is the right place for science enthusiasts to share and discuss new happenings in
science world and to connect innovative ideas to what they actually learnt.

43. Reward discovery

Right from the elementary classes, teachers should support, guide and inspire students
to discover the wonders of science.
With an inquisitive mindset, there are a lot to discover from the science world we are
living in. Also, reward them for the small discoveries they make and let them share
and present it in class.

44. Interactive science journals

This is an advanced version of lecture notes in which students express the information
they learnt into different templates and elicit their own responses.
Students can use this technique effectively to have a deeper connection to their
learning and this activity promotes their higher level thinking. They can be creative
with their notebooks using pictures, charts and comments, thus, building an
encompassing resource for future reference.

45. Science at home

Like scientists say, science starts from home. Encourage your students to discover
science at home from elementary classes itself. Ask them to find out a specific science
concept application at home as assignments and let them discover science on the go.
There are fun science activities at home that involve parents and kids such as
measuring Earth’s circumference with a shadow, creating under water fireworks with
chemistry, building a balloon powered toy car and a lot more.

46. Flipped Classroom

In this innovative teaching technique, students are asked to go through video
instructions or tutorials in the initial stage, i.e. digital learning.
The second stage will be in classrooms where they involve in challenging tasks and
assignments based on the information gathered through video assets. This flipped
learning frees up class time for activities such as hands-on labs, guided practice or
online simulations.

47. Guided Discovery Problems

Understanding science is more than just knowing some facts and the guided discovery
problems method makes it possible. This technique can be integrated into lecture, lab
and field courses.
It refers to understanding science step-by-step through the discovery process and
involves collection and processing of data, debugging and explaining it through
intriguing puzzles, structured hands-on activities and right presentation of
The conceptually difficult or counter-intuitive topics are better handled with this

48. Fishbone
This is a visual tool for organizing critical thinking which is a good approach for
problem solving in science. The fishbone diagram helps to teach students about the
root causes leading to a problem and quantifying the relationship between the effect
and cause. This is more effective when teaching a group. In this diagram approach,
the head of the fish represents the change, the ribs show the reason and riblets have
the supportive evidence.

49. Science Quiz

Include quiz as a part of your classroom sessions when teaching science. This can be
done as a whole class activity by splitting the group into 4 or more sets. The questions
can include the application of the theory taught in class. Students can discuss and
share ideas to find the solution within the stipulated time frame. This teaching
approach helps students to think from different angles and sometimes, to think out of
the box.

50. Build your model

This can be a challenging task given to students as part of science education. Models
are the building blocks of science which are used to explain the diverse aspects of real
Ask your students to build their own model using the scientific knowledge they have
acquired and you can provide supportive guidance. Students will be creative in
making models and designing their own imaginative means of testing them. This is
the right approach to find the scientist in them.
The new era teachers and science enthusiasts have come up with many innovative
teaching methods in science and the listed ones are just a few among them. We live in
a scientific world and the advanced teaching strategies are helping students to
discover and explore science every day.
Other than the listed methods, teachers looking for advanced techniques can also try
group discussion, case studies, laboratory experiments, seminar, outdoor teaching,
creative illustrations, crafts, dramatization, and interactive lecture demonstrations to
help students to experience the beauty of science.

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Visualization, technology tools, and

active learning
1. Visualization
It can be very hard for students to understand a list of disconnected facts.
Knowledge that is organized and connected to concepts with a goal of
mastery, including the ability to visualize the concepts, can lead to the ability
to transfer knowledge and to a deeper, longer-term understanding of what is
being taught.

Visualization is an especially good teaching strategy for reading and literacy

teachers. Check out this lesson in how to use visualization to help students
illustrate mental images from a portion of text that is read aloud:

Teaching students visualization skills help them understand, recall, and think
critically about subjects they study.

2. Wisely managed classroom technology

Computers, tablets, digital cameras, video conferencing technology, and GPS
devices can all enhance a student’s learning experience. Possible uses of
classroom technology include using video games to teach math and foreign
languages, leveraging Skype to communicate with classrooms or guest
speakers from around the world, or multimedia projects that allow students to
explore subject matter using film, audio, and even software they create.

However, introducing new tech devices in the high school classroom often
requires that teachers add an element of educational technology leadership to
their usual classroom management. Giving students laptops or tablets, for
example, means teaching them to use devices respectfully and preventing
damage to the equipment. Tech-savvy teachers gave Education Week the
following advice on using classroom technology:
 Explain that the use of tech tools in class is a privilege not everyone has—and
if abused, it can be discontinued.
 During class, teachers should move around the classroom or use monitoring
software to ensure students are using their devices appropriately. When they
understand that you will intervene if they go off-task, students know they must
focus on their assignment.
 Put students in charge of the upkeep of devices. Classes can learn tech
terms, basic maintenance tasks, and appoint a few students to serve as tech
monitors responsible for distributing and storing equipment. Doing this creates
a sense of value and ownership for the welfare of classroom technology.
3. Active learning: Peer instruction, discussion groups, and
collaborative problem solving
All high school educators dread a roomful of blank faces or silence after they
open up a topic for class discussion. According to the Johns Hopkins Center
for Educational Resources (CER), devoting time to active learning projects is
one way to get students thinking, talking, and sharing information in the
classroom. The CER publishes a series called The Innovative Instructor that
explores these methods.
One particular article in that series, Bring on the Collaboration!, describes a
class structure where the instructor leads a short overview of the day’s topic
and gives students a challenge to meet by the end of the class, such as
answering a question or solving a problem. Students break into small groups
to do research online, chart out ideas, and discuss ways to meet the
challenge. Groups upload their work to a Blackboard site, where the teacher
can then review it. At the end of class, each group shares what they’ve
learned with their peers. The results? Higher engagement overall and
students were “amazingly” on task during group work.
These are just three ideas for directions you can go in your quest for
innovative teaching methods to get your students more engaged. In today’s
increasingly creative world, new ideas are sprung nearly every day. Join us on
Facebook where we share ideas like these, and much more, with other
passionate educators like you.

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