BYTE Vol 00-02 1975-10 Build A Graphics Display
BYTE Vol 00-02 1975-10 Build A Graphics Display
BYTE Vol 00-02 1975-10 Build A Graphics Display
When we d es igned the CT-1024 we of Frame functions. These m ay be want to con nect it to the com puter
knew that there were m a ny applica- operated by pu shbutt o n switc hes, or wit h a parallel interface syste m . A di-
tions for an in expe nsiv e TV display un com mitted ke ysw itc h es on yo ur key- rect pa rall e l interface allows for much
term in a l system. Even so, we have boal·d. A lth oug h not esse nti a l to ter - fa ste r data transmission a nd reception
been surpri sed at th e many ad ditional min a l operatio n , these features ca n be a nd is basically a simpler device th an a
uses that hav e been suggested by our ver y h e lpful in so m e app li cat ions. se ri a l interface system. Our parallel
c ustomer in the last four month s sinc e CT-M MANUAL CURSOR CONTROL in terface circuit cont a ins the necessary
w e introduced thi s kit . KIT .. ... .. ........ ...... ......... ..... ... ...... . $ 11.50 ppd tristate b uffe rs to driv'e eit h er a separ-
ate transm itt and receive bus system, or
The basic kit, consisting of the charac-
a bidirectional data bus system. TTL
ter generator, sync and timing circuits, If you plan to use yo u r te rmin a l wit h a
log ic leve ls are standal-d on this inter-
curso r and 1024 byte memory gives telephone lin e m odem, or any other
face. Switc h se lect ion of eit her full, or
you ever ything you ne ed to put a six- syst e m t h at req uri es a se l' ial data o ut-
ha lf d u p lex operation is provided_ Th e
t ee n lin e message on the sc reen of a ny put; yo u w ill n eed our sel-ial interface
te rmin a l may wr ite directly to the
TV monitor , or standard set with a (UART) plug-in circui t . Thi s c irc uit
sc ree n, or the computer may " ec ho "
vi deo input jack added to it. Input converts t he ASC II code from a par-
the m essage and w l-ite to the sCl"een .
information to the CT-1024 m ay be a ll e l to a ser ia l form a nd adds " Start"
any ASCII coded so urce having TTL and "Stop" bit s to each characte r. Th e CT-L PARALLEL INTERFACE
logic leve ls. Two pages of m emory for sta nda rd tl'a nsmi ss io n I-ate for this KIT •.... .... ....... .. .. ........ ..... .... ........$22 .95 ppd
a tota l of up to one thou sa nd and c irc ui t is 110 Baud, but opt io na l rat es
twenty four c haracters may be stored of 150 , 3 00 , 6 00 and 1200 Baud m ay We would be h appy to se nd yo u a com-
at a time. Th e CT-1024 automatically be obtained by add ing addi ti o na l parts plete data package describing the CT-
switches from page one to page two to the board. Th e o utp ut of this c ir- 1024 and a achemat ic . If you want t h is
and back when you reac h the bottom cuit is an RS -232 type in te rf ace a nd add ition a l information, circle ou r num -
of the sc ree n. A manual page selector may be used to driv e a ny type mod e m , bel- shown below on your reader i nfo l--
switch is a lso provided . Th e main board or co upl er system using th is sta nd a rd mation service ca l-d . Th e CT-1024 kit
is 9'12 x 12 inch es. It ha s space pro- inte rface. has co mpl et e asse mbly instructions
vided to allow up to four accessory with parts locat ion diagrams a nd st ep-
circuits to be plugged in. If you want a by-step wiring in st ru ctio ns. If you
KIT ..... ........... ... .. ..... ........ ........ ... $39.95 ppd
display for advertising, a t eac hing aid, would like to check th e in struction
or a communication syste m then our m a nual before you purchase the kit,
basi ~ kit and a suitabl e power supply
If you are using t h e CT -1024 as a n 10 please return the co up o n with $ 1.00
is a ll you will need . (inpu t - output) device on your own a nd we will ru sh you t h e manual and
co mput er syste m, you will probably th e add ition a l data m ent io ned above.
MEMORY KIT ...... .... ....... ...... .. $175.00 ppd
Power supply kit to provide + 5 Volts @
2.0 Amps and - 5 Volts , -12 Volts @ 100
M a. required by the CT -1 basic display
o Enclosed is $ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 0 or Master Charge # _ _ __ _ _ _ __
CT-P POWER SUPPLY KIT .... .. ..$15.50 ppd o or BankAmericard # _ _ __ _ _ __ Card Ex piration Date _ _ _ _ __
A very nice convenience featul-e at a o CT-1024 Kit o CT-M Cursor Control Kit
very reaso nable cost is our m a nu a l cur- o CT-S Serial Interf ace Kit o CT-L Parallel Interface Kit
so r control plug-in circuit. Th e basic NAME ____________________________________________________
kit a llows you to erase a fram e and to ADDRESS _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____
b rin g t h e cur sor to t h e upper left cor · CITY·____________________________ STA TE _ _ _ _ _ _ Z I P _ ____
ner (home up). By add ing this plug-in,
you can get Up, Down, Left, Right, o $ 1.00 Enclosed send m anual and data package
Erase to End of Lin e and Erase to End
Southw est T ec hnical Products Corp. , Bo x 32040, San Antonio, Te xas 78284
In the Queue ~~TI
t ~ I ~' ~' ~':;.;.' . f '-,,;,;,,·~
TELEVISION INTERFACE . .. .... . ........ . ..... 20
Hardware - Lan caster p.52
Speaking of Computers ........... . ........ 5
BYTE mal!Qz i ne i s p u b lis h ed
mo nt h l y by G t"ec n Publis hing, letters ....................... . ..... . ... 8
I nc.. Pe l e r borough . New
H a m ps h ire 03458.
S u bscrip l io n ro l es are $ 1 2 {or
Clubs and Newsletters ..... . ......... . . . .. 12
o n e :\'car wo rl dw ide. T wo ( ... .::; ~
years. $22. T h ree ~Ie a rs, $30 . A Word From the Publisher . . .............. 61 ~.,,,£:::;:;
".b ~
Seco n d c l ass pos t age
app l ica t ion pend in g at Book Reviews ..... . . . .... ..... . . ... . .... 82
Pe t e r borolJl!h . New H am p sh ire .... o:J-
03 -1 58 and of add iliona l Bits and Pieces .................... . ..... 84
m aili n ~ of fi ces. P h o n e:
603·924·3873. E ll li re co nte ll is
-.- ~~
cop,vrijfhl 1975 by Green
Reader's Service .. . .................... . .96 p. 70
Pu blis hi ng, I nc .. Pe t er b orough ,
NH 03458. A.dd ress edil oria l The BYTE Questionna ire .......... . ....... 96
co ,. respo n de n ce fa E dit o r ,
BYTE. Box 378 . Be l mo nl MA.
02 1 78.
Are you? send info to
o an educator STAMP
o a hobbyist HERE
n an OEM . . . QTY/YR _ _
o looking for
product to ZIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Before After
KITS Sept. 30 Sept. 30
791 SOl! lh 500 West , Bou.nli./iil, Utah 84010 (80 I) 292- 8466
Carl Helmers
Functional Specifications
Editorial •• H The Home Brew Voder"
the "ship 's co mputer" give the 5 unused bits o f the
status re ports a urall y to ma ke typic al speech valu e wo rd
the ga me mo re exciti ng - could be used to cont rol 5
perhap s coupling in a few additi o nal bells and whi stles.
A whole line o f ho mc bells a nd whi stl es (literall y) in Th e so ftware o f th e
co m p ut er ex pc rimcntati on the fo rm of special purp ose applic a ti o n is in two
can be started by th e person sy nth es ize rs of ph o to n se g me nt s. There is the
wh o design s - and writes up to rp edo, phase r, transporter ma chin e-independc nt data
as an articl e fo r BYTE - a spcech ele mcn ts, say 100 and oth er sound effec ts table which specifics t he basic
simp le J nd p r-aetie al circui t to b as ic s o un ds, th e data Tr-c kkies know and love_ phoneme informati o n - and
generate speec h o utpu t fro m requircment is thu s 3900 The n there is the ultimate t he rules fo r combin ati o n
ph oncme co des in a pro gram. bytes well within the appli catio n - making a higher into understandable wo rds.
The ou tpu t pro bl c m in digi tal me mo ry budgets of many grade vo ice sy nthesi ze r whi ch Th en there is th e machin e-
s p cec h r'cprcse ntation BYTE readcrs' sy stems . Th e can sin g, literally, so yo ur d e p e nd e nt pro gr a m mc d
tec hniqucs is we ll within th e thruput requir'ed to ou tp ut machi ne can play vocal "tal ke r " routi nc which
range of a microcomputer the voice byte s is also well music. accepts an " n-byte" characte r
sys te m a nd in ex pensive within a mi cro 's capac ity - Ho w c a n such audio strin g wi th phonemc codes
digi La l to a nalog co nve rsio n 1000 mi croscco nd s is J. lot of peripherals be brou ght into and sy nthesizes the ph one mes
me t h o d s ( s u c h a s t he tim e to fool around wi t h. It's ex ist e ncc? One way is one by one from t he data
Mo torola 6·bit cl cheapo evc n lon g enough for a through the encouragcme nt I tabl e by outputting the
MC I406 DA Cs). tortoise of a co mpute r Ii ke ca n give by publishing articles selected seri es of 3-bit codes
Consid er, fo r' in stance, a the 8008 to do enou gh bit o n vario us approach es - the in real ti mc. In a des ign
brut e fo rce tec hniqu e III diddlin g t o pre p a re a design arti cles of readers article , "talke r" wo uld be
whi ch the voice info is command code for a 3-bi t w hi c h m a ke BYTE an specified functionall y in a
encoded as 3-bi t (eight level) DAC port. essen tial publi cation fo r the high level language alo ng with
quanti tics whi ch are sent o ut Now, wh a t' s all t he hom e co mpu te r a glob al flo w chart, and th e
at a rate of once evcry purpose to the ho me voder? ex perime nter. A seco nd way phoneme data info rm ati on
millisecond fo r co nve rsi o n. Well, if you can't thin k o f a i s f o r the va ri ous wo uld be spec ified as a tabl e
(Rate: 3000 bits per second .) use fo r it , I' ll suppl y a cou ple entreprencurial readers in the in hex and/o r octal codes. So
A typ ica l vo ice " phoneme of suggesti o ns. Wo uldn 't it be audicnce to ta ke a c ue fro m here yo u have the idea - Ict's
s trin g " in th e micro's neat to put up a ho me this li tt le es say and get sec wh at BYTE rea ders can
memo ry wo uld specify data sec urity sy ste m using yo ur w o rkin g o n p a ck age d come up with in th e way of
for may be 100 milli seconds. mic ro in whi ch the burglar pro du cts in th e audi o o utp ut articl es o n the subjec t.
Thi s would req uirc a to tal of gets sc ared o ut of his wits by linc whi c h th e majo rity of
100 data va lucs or 300 bits, a t hrea t i ss u ed in a read ers will be able to put
sto red in a packc d bit string c o mputc reeze voice whil e toge th er and program. (Oh yes, o ne pare nth etic al
for ma t in 38 bytes plus one li ghts are fl as hing and o th er The esse nti al elemen ts of note - the proof of the
ove rh ead byte fo r string o min o u s things a r e t he in ex p e nsive vo ic e putting is in the spea kin g.
le ngth . 11- onc consid crs a happen in g? Or in th e area of synthesi zer are the famili ar Prospective vader des igne rs
rca so n ablc voca bul ary of gamesman sh ip - when the h a rdw a re a nd soft ware should se nd along a tape
game pro gram ge ts erro neo us combin ati o n: The hardware reco rdin g of their des ign in
input, have yo ur progra m part is th e n-bit (3 will do) oper a ti o n pr efe rably
issue the text of the message DAC outpu t port (and latch) speakin g the first two lincs of
" fo ul!" O r, ge tting less which co nverts intern al codes L e wi s Ca rroll' s p oe m
exotic, si mpl y ma ke yo urse lf into one of 8 vo ltage leve ls. "Jabberwoc ky," the universal
a ca lc ul ator whi ch will The DAC in turn will drivc an test string:)
literally read ou t the an swers active lo w pass filter (op
to your pro bl e ms as wcll as amp) and a power amplifi er
sho w th em o n an o utpu t for th e speake r. If yo u get
sc reen. Gett ing exotic aga in, fa ncy, a second DAC could
suppose yo u ma ke a 5 ta r be used as a gain control
T re k orie nted space war o utput (with an app ro pri ate
game. You reall y should have 8-bit latc h fo r storage) - and
A Need in Search of a Product
duplication stencils - the
blue ink smeary reproduction
that was in vogue for high
schools and grade schools
Have you ever run a befor e Xerox and its
business, newsletter or club imitators became so
which requires periodic widespread. A Sears version
mailing of information? Have of this system, per their
you ever tried to maintain a office products catalog, costs
mailing list? The purpose of from about $70 upwards.
this short essay is to identify Similar units run up to the technology which can be
an opportunity which exists range of about $200 to $300 asse mbled by any of BYTE's
fo r the entrepreneurial and address master blanks for more experienced readers is a
persons in BYTE's readership the "Elliott" system cost hardware/software system
- the opportunity to create about a dime each. This type consisting of the following
and market a specialized of system has a higher degree items:
mailing information system of automation (retyping of 1. Microprocessor (8-bit)
using contemporary names is much less frequent) with 1024 bytes RAM, 2048
technology in the form of - but still involves a costly to 4096 bytes ROM program,
microcomputers and "use-onIY-<)nce" part, the three serial ports, one 8-bit automatic sequence checking
inex pe nsive peripherals . Here stencil. parallel output and one 8-bit to maintain a sorted sequence
is what you have to compete parallel input. on the files.
agai nst in the general market Addressograph-Multigraph 2. Adding machine tape 6. Update/Merge program
- the free market of all the The next step up in cost - ASCII printer accepts so ftware for "batch"
poss ible solutions to the a much more permanent parallel output and prints it changes to the file, in which a
problems of mailing labels. system for large usage - is as characters on rolls of tape. p revi ously prepared (and
the Addressograph- 3. ASCII input keyboard sequenced) update tape is
Multipart Carbon Forms Multigraph type of syste m - parallel input of text and merged with an old tape to
Myoid standby in the which uses metal plates commands. create a new ou tpu t tape.
mailing list area is the prepared in advance. These 4. Triple audio cassette 7. P r i n t pro gram
multipart carbon form which systems have a much longer interface capable of two software to print the file
is manufactured by Dennison lasting and more expensive input operations and one either as an unconditional
among others. These forms label master blank - and output operation dump of all labels , or a
hold 33 names per sheet and minimal systems can be had simultaneously. selective dump such as "every
come with four parts to in the $800 range and up. 5. Edit/Merge program - nth name" or "names with
reduce typing and retyping of The system involved is software for editing of zips 07932 to 07860."
names. They come with water essentially the same as the "cu rrent label" records held 8. A Percy Wing Machine .
base glue backing and are duplicator style systems - in RAM, using the keyboard This is a hand-operated gizmo
perfo rated - but the main but more costly, due to for commands and text input, which costs about $100 and
proble m is typing. The 33 fancier equipment, some using the printer for output. is used to automatically apply
name per sheet figure only automation of envelope Allow optional input from labels from the roll of
holds if you don't make any handling and longer lasting one tape port, output to a printout - slicing each label
typing errors! The degree of media. There is still no sec on d tape port, with off the roll and au tomatically
au toma tion of this system is automation of the typing and applying it with glue to the
usually zero, unless you have related information handling. mailing piece.
a power typewriter and are Here is where the new Put together a packaged
using the carbon forms to computer systems will begin product based on these ide as,
save output. Cost is also low to effectively compete. and it could most likely be
- paid for in typing time of sol d in the $1500 to $ 2000
cou rse - at about $2 to $3 The Hypothetical Small range, supplying a nice profit
for a package of ten . No Computer Addressing System margin and a product which
competition I a b or A "trivial" application of competes effectively with the
intensive. the microprocessor Ad d re ssograp h- M u I tigraph
"systems," yet provides
Spirit Duplicator Methods automatic features and a
The next step up in the much more compact storage
world of office automation is method (cassette tape) for
a sys tem involving spirit lists of moderate size.
1-8008 $5D PS 25-1 0 to 25v 1a lab t ype power supp ly with adjustab le current
lim iting; remote sens ing & remote programming for vo ltage & current.
Insturctions inc luded. All pa rts except chass is, meter( s), p.c . boa rd .
8-2102 Kit of pa rts w ith schemat ics. $ 14.95
P.C. boards ava ilabl e, No. 007 $3.00 ea.
3650 Charles St., Suite K • Santa Clara, CA 95050 • (408) 247 -0158
We sell many ICs and components not listed in this ad. Send a stamp for our free flyer. TERMS OF SALE:
All orders prepaid; we pay postage. $7.00 han dling charge on orders under $ 10.00. California residents please
include sales tax. Please include name, address and zip code on all orders and fl yer requests. Prices subject to
change without notice.
other factors. Th e Simplest solution to this problem
approach, with the leasl either 10 you privolely or for
amount of money and the publicalion.)
least amount or computer In order to program the
te c h n o l ogy " lea rnin g" typical th ree-space navigation
experience is to simply go out problem, assuming well
and buy one of the new determined static orbilal
HP-25 calculators. Yo u'll find elemenls, the folio wing items
it quite capable of solu tions are required:
to a l arge number of 7. A computer with
numerical analysis problems software for SIN, COS, TAN
for engineering - although and A RCTA N trig functiol1S unit sphere for 0 ImolVn
it's adequate for exte nsive (you can ge t this set from anlatitude, longitude ond time.
linear algebra and matrix data interface calculator chip). This is the right ascension ond
ca l culation. My associate 2. Vector-matrix algebra declination of on optical
"IT'S ALL IN THE Chris Bancroft has been using subrou tines for three-space. telescope or eqUivale nt terms
EPHEMERIS . .. " the slightly more powerful Since you are tall?ing about for your radio antenna.
HP-65 for more than a year s ta tic 0 I' bits (no active Th e place to loo/? for
Dea r Mr. Helmers, no w to arrive at exact control altering parameters),detailed in formation is (/n
I hav e sent in a anal y ti c 0 1 (a nd very you don't need much in the advanced undergraduate or
subscription order for BYTE. predictive ) solutions to nature of the more advanced graduate level boo!? on
It seems to be what I'm engineering problems in error correcting algorithms. c l assical m ec hani CS,
looking for. Already I have applied electronics - and the 3. A floatin g point spacecra ft n (wigation or
been looking at surplus ads HP-25 should be able to arithmetic paclwge to go astronomy if you wan t to
for CPUs with an eye to perform similarly on many along with the computational find in fo on th e calc ula tions.
making my own digital problems. But a pre-paclwged requirements of #1 and #2. One possible source of
computer though "simple calc ula tor may be "no fun" - information, m entio ned to
This sh ould pro bably include
minded" it would probably and certainly is not useful for data con versions to integer m e by Bob Bal?er of
have to be. any t hi n g o t h er t h an and character string forms forLittle ton, Mass., is a radio
Among o ther things, I am calculation. Furth er, the convenience or programming. amateur organization called
a ham and a consulting programming or a really 4. A n orbital model which the A mateur Satellite
engineer for EBASCO. What I complicated satellite position uses a given set of ephemeris Corporation - AMSA T, Box
have in mind is to have algorithm (e.g., adding in information a/ some time "t " 27, Washington DC 20044.
avai lable a programmable second and thJi-d order Bob tells me that their
compute r to solve filter perturbations of the earth's n ews l e tt er frequently
design problems (a nd gravitational potential) may m en lions compu tat ional
antenna/feed line impedance be beyond the range or a algorithms for the OSCA R
problems p a rametric all y). simple hand calculator amateur radio satellite
However as a first without multiple mental algorithms which could be
question: Do you think it overlays. adapted to any satellile
may be in the realm of a The problem of simple orbital elements. Another
" non-computer expert" to ce l estial mechani cs po ss ible source of
make a home built computer computation is well within information is the HP-65
solve we athe r satel lite orbits the range of a small h ome Users Club run by Richard
and read out azimuth and microcomputer system which Nelson - in scanning through
e levation information for contains perhaps 4k bytes (or his bacl? issues recently I saw
tracking purposes? I can feed equivalent) and the fa cility to several listings of names of
in very accurate time do 0 verlay programming pr og rams sou nding
information. I don't know using at least one audio suspiciously like what y ou
yet how to get from "here" cassette drive. In order to do want, e.g., "Orbital Element
to "there." this kind of calculation, Determination " and the like.
W. J. Byron however, I am making the (HP-65 Users Club, 254 7
New York NY following assumption: you West Camden PI., Sanla Ana
already have the analytical CA 92704') While by no
solu tion to the problem in and calculates new satellite means a complele design, I
the form of an algorithm pOSition at lime "t + !::.t" hope this information proves
You have an interesting specification. (In case you later. (The "now" position.) use ful to you.
question. .. For the first don't, maybe a reader with a 5. A n output model which . . . CARL
portion, how to solve the bent for applied celestial us es various coordinate
analytica l equations of me c hani CS, coordinate transformations to turn the
engineering, there is a range transformation problems and n ow position in
of solutions depending upon numerical integration might "geocentric coordinates" into
your pLllposes, budget and be so k ind as to supply a an apparent position on the
EVOLUTION publishing operation I have I invite y ou or any reader
NOT EROSION joined - and it will be the who thinks he or she is
element which makes the getting a bad deal on the
reputation for the magazine magaz in e to write me
Dea r Mr. Helmers, as a source of ideas and fun. connection with the M. P. personally at any time. I
I am a subscri bel' to ECS '" CARL Publishing Co. operation I won't promise to publish all
magazine and was a little was running in my spare time such letters - yours, Mr.
une as y to receive the until BYTE started - one of Sou thard, is published by
the first such items was a distinction of being the first
a nnounc e m e nt of its "BILL ME"
transformation into "BYTE" . condition of the arrangement - but I wi/I endeavor to
I hope this is an evolutionary I made with Green Publishing answer each one personally.
Dear Sir:
that all ECS subscribers As to technical content,
development, and not an
should be picked up by you can peruse the first issue
erosion into the murkiness of Yes, I'll byte, but I think
BYTE on a two issues for one then make a judgm~nt. I will
total commerci alism . I have I've been taken. I was a
basis. Thus since your ECS endeavor to produce the best
very much enjoyed and subscriber of ECS and was
subscription of $27 was possible magaz in e by
benefited from ECS. told that SUbscription was
fulfilled by mailings of 70 selecting the best possible
Thanks for the help, and okay for the charter BYTE
issues, the remaining two ECS articles. I am not about to
good luck in your new publication; I guess that
issues become four BYTE ignore the biggest
venture. promise . .. and ten bucks
issues. Adding to that your multiprocessor system of
Duane L. Gustavus can also buy a year's
inadvertent resubscription them all - the human race
Denton TX subscription. I've been bit
gives a total of 76 BYTES . .. .. , all the people in the
(for more than the ten bucks)
OK, you say, "he promises readership of BYTE who will
by others feeding off the
76 BYTES - will I get be coming up with ideas for
I think I can sympathize crumbs of micro machine
them?" You can best evaluate articles and submitting them
with your uneasiness about data, so can't begrudge you
that after you've gotten will set the level of much of
ECS Magazine's yours .
BYTE #76. Th e aim of BYTE the material available for
transformation into BYTE. I am eternally hopeful for
magazine is - as is the aim of publication. If you don't like
Y es, it is indeed an BYTE, but not optimistic. I
the large corporation for my personal work, kindly
evolutionary transition, in have been a ham for a long
which you work - to turn a give me the courtesy of
several respects. First, if you time (23 years), and Mr.
look in the first issue you will Green is not my favorite; also reasonable profit in the long
find a much larger and more I didn't think Mr. Helmer's run and provide enduring and
varied editorial content than I ECS info was very good. I satisfying work for those
was ever able to achieve in agree, however, that there connected with the
the course of preparing my "sure is a need for a good enterprise. It can only do so
self-published 24-page photo magazine," so hope BYTE by providing good service to
offset magazine. Second, by can serve that need. Let's its customers - the readers
providing a place for hope it's better than 73. and advertisers who patronize
commerce - a free market - Please bill me for the lousy the magazine. BYTE is very
it serves as a unifying element sawbuck. much a market phenomenon,
in the whole sphere of the C. Southard WA~IOT and cannot exist unless it
computer hobby endeavor. Cedar Rapids IA maintains a readership of
Throughout history, it is the intelligent and active persons
market place which has such as yourself. If BYTE
sustained the progress in I am prin ting your Ie tter in were to consistently turn you
ideas, and technology which BYTE for a reason, a matter off - as well as others on a stating why - I know that
has brought the human race of principle if you will: I am large scale - we'd be heading the ECS Series articles I
from crude wheels to $20 personally responsible for the into bankruptcy faster than a previously put out had many
bus-oriented microcomputers. editorial content of BYTE Penn Central express train flaws. I have heard some good
Third, there is the element of magazine, and have my should be running. and some bad evaluations of
professionalism in format and reputation on the line as a the ECS Series and ECS
execution. BYTE is being put result. I believe that after you Magazine items.
together by a fine have read your first issue of I wi" not however disown
organization of craftspeople BYTE you will find it well anything I have done - and
who take pride in the work worth a $70 which you had that series of self-published
which results. Sure, the no reason to send in at this articles is my product with all
magazine is commercial and time other than (perhaps) a its flaws and imperfections. If
has advertisements - but negative attitude and a you wish to exercise the
then, don't you work for promotional circular which moneyback guarantee, let me
yourself, some employer, or came your way as a result of know . .. and send back your
other agency? This pride in one of our mailing lists. I copies to fulfil! your part of
the quality and value of work have a number of items of the exchange.
ex tends throughout the unfinished business in ... CARL
Send morse code
Control repeater stations
Operate as a calculator
Receive/send/buffer data
between a wide variety
of communication devices
Monitor instruments
Control mach ines
Sort/compile data
Test other devices
Play games
Like the former SCELBI-SH, the SCELBI-SB is built around the amazing'S 0 0 S' "CPU -on-a-Chip" which has been
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However, the NEW SCELBI-SB offers ex tended memory capability at reduced cost! It is directly expandable to
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The NEW SCELBI-SB still retains the outstanding features of its predecessor. Decoding logic for S Output and 6
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The NEW SCELBI-SB is backed by a line of low cost SCELBI interfaces which currently include : an interface that
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Last, but certainly not least, SCELBI has a wide selection of software ready to run on the NEW SCELBI-SB
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The NEW SCELBI-SB isavailableNOW. (We have been delivering since June!) It is available in three forms. Ultra -low
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Written to provide you with the detailed knowledge you need to know in order to successfully
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Notes from the Garden State
via the Goethels Bridge
STOP fussin' and cussin' at soldering,
heat sinks, short circuits and ruined compo-
nents. That's a DRAG ... when circuit build-
ing should be FUN and components should
be REUSABLE. Now you can plug in, power
up and test your experimental circuits FAST,
those components) with aU the assurance
and satisfaction of A P HIGH PERFOR-
MANCE in every circuit-building device.
will change state, actuating
the set or reset side of the flip
flop. A "note" at some pitch
consists of a del ay loop in the
program followed by
instructio ns to change the
state of the flip flop. Since
L-'VII'Ir- J
OPTIONAL the same cou nt is used for the
RESISTOR two halves of a complete
cycle of the note, this will
produce a perfect square
wa ve . The act ua l music
program organi za tion is a bit
The Kluge Harp peripheral and the KLUGEHARP program were concocted in order to test out a Motorola 6800 system's
operation. This photo shows a test bench mounting of the three main cards and control panel. The Kluge Harp peripheral, such
as it is, is the single isolated wire wrap socket in the foreground, with wires dangling from connections on the CPU card.
more co mpl ex a nd is over and over agai n all t he indicated by the length code column were deter min ed
described in d etail be low. lines of code down through ju st retrieve d. The no te using the prime number 137
Fig. 1 i II us tra tes the the "EN 0 " at the sa me ge neration is acco mpli she d by as an arbitrary starting po int
hardwa re as imple me nte d in ma rgi n, fo und at line 17 . This delaying a numb er of time and calculating t he in teger
my syste m. The 743 7 circuit is t he main loop used to cyc le units (CPU states) set by t he closest to the resu It of the
is used to fo rm the NAND through the SCORE stored at pitch co d e found at fo llowing formula:
gate flip flop. This f lip flop in some point in memory as S CO RE{NOTER) , t h e n
t urn drives a p ara ll e l pairs of note se lectio n/ le ngth c hanging the state of the (In(137)+ n In(2)/12)
comb in at io n of the two data bytes. o utput flip flop a nd repeating
remaining 743 7 gates, acti ng Lines 3 to 4 compu te t he th e process . The loop at lin es
as a buffer. The o utput of "next" pointer to thi! SCORE 8-10 counts down the pitch
this bu ffer is used to drive t he - in cre me nting NOTER by 2. code a nd h as a fixed delay Wher e e is the usu al
speaker; a n 8 Ohm 5" speaker The n LNGTH is set eq ual to mul tiplie d by the pi tc h code mathematical numbe r 2 .717
produced more than adequate the seco nd byte of the to give the time for o ne h alf ... and the natura l loga rithm
volume. (A 100 Ohm resistor current pair, SCORE cycle of the desired of x (base e ) is indicate d by
in se ri es will limit t he vo lume (NOTER+1). The length frequency. Lin es 11 to 15 In{x) . This is the standard
leve l to spare the ear drums. ) codes are taken fro m T able I change the state of the Kluge ma the matica l calculation of
alo ng wit h no t e cod es when Harp o utput device (O to 1, 1 the music al "well tempered"
Generating Music With you set up a SCORE, a nd to 0) - remembering in the scale the 8-b i t
Program Loops represent a fixed interval of software locatio n IT what the approximation used by t he
Fig. 2 illu strates t he basic time fo r t he note in q uestio n, previo us state was. Klu ge Harp is not perfect by
concept o f the o ne-c hann el measu red as the nu mb er of any mea ns, but comes close
music ge nera tor, expressed in cyc les. Generating Codes e nou gh for the purposes of
a procedure-oriented language Lin e 6 begin s a note length Table I is a refere nce tab le this project.
for compactness. The main loo p which exte nds to line of 21 notes " ro ughl y" spaced Th e le ng t h count columns
program loo p beg ins at line 2 14. This "note length" loop at equal interva ls o n the we ll are dete rmined base d up on
o f t h e li s t i ng " DO repeats t he ge neratio n of t he tempe red scale. The integer the asse mbly l ang u age
FOREVER" mea ns repe at note a number of times numbers in the "divide ratio" generated code for this
Fig. 2. The KLUGEHARP program specified in a procedure-oriented
computer language.
3 NOTER = NOTER + 2;
6 DO FOR I = LNGTH TO 1 BY -1;
8 DO FOR J = PITCH TO 1 BY -1;
10 END;
11 IT = IT + (-127); /* SWITCH SIGN BIT OF IT */
16 END;
17 END;
Data assumed by KlUGEHARP:
NOTE R: 16-bit (two-byte)
rou tine, so that for each LCn = nth length count. the pitch count innermost address value. Initialize to
pitch, the corresponding time is the total nu mber of loop . point to the address of the
length count column will states for one "beat" of the pC n is the pitch count for the first byte of SCORE.
measure a nearly identical music (e.g., the shortest nth frequency . SCORE: An array of data in
interval of time. The formula note). Table I shows the divide memory containing the code
is: oh is the overhead of the ratio in decimal, a sequence of the music (see
Lcn = time I (oh + dt# pc n ) length counting loop . hexadecimal equivalent note Table II). Initialize with the
where: dt is the number of states in pitch code, and seven music of your heart's desire
or use the example of Table
Table 1. Kluge Harp Synthesizer pitch/length specification codes (HEX).
NOTEND: 16-bit address
value, the address of the last
n divide hex note Note Length Codes (second byte of pair) byte of SCORE (must be an
ratio code 1 2 4 6 8 16 32
even number).
-10 77 40 19 32 64 96 C8 NOTESTART: 16-bit address
-9 81 51 18 30 60 90 CO value, the address of the first
-8 86 56 17 20 5A 87 B4 byte of SCORE (must be an
-7 91 5B 16 2B 56 81 AC even number).
-6 97 61 14 29 51 7A A2 F3 SETLOC: An unimplemented
-5 102 66 13 27 40 74 9A E7 address location which if
-4 108 6C 12 25 49 6E 92 DB referenced turns off one bit
-3 115 73 11 23 43 68 8A CF among the high order address
-2 122 7A 10 21 41 62 82 C3 lines, bit 14 in the author's
-1 129 81 10 1F 3E 50 7C BA F8 case .
D 137 89 OF 1D 3A 57 74 AE E8 R ESETLOC: A n
1 145 91 OE 1C 37 53 6E A5 DC unimplemented address
2 154 9A 00 1A 34 4E 68 9C DO location which if referenced
3 163 A3 OC 19 31 4A 62 93 C4 turns off one bit among the
4 173 AD OC 18 2F 47 5E 8D BC high order address lines, bit
5 183 B7 OB 16 2C 42 58 84 BO 13 in the author's case.
6 194 C2 08 15 2A 3F 54 7E A8 Data used but not initialized:
7 205 CD OA 14 28 3C 50 78 AO LNGTH
8 217 D9 09 13 25 38 4A 6F 94 PITCH
9 230 E6 09 12 23 35 46 69 8C IT
10 244 F4 08 11 21 32 42 63 84 I, J
Fig. 3. Mo torola 6800 Co de f or K LUGEHARP p rogram.
Table II. WOLFGANG: Set the content of SCORE in memory to the
codes in this table - given for the addresses of the M6800 program
versi on - and KLUGEHARP will play four bars from the classical
6800 Address Value 6800 Address Value
FC12 7A4'J
7A41 Note 2
FC52 6640J
6640 Note9
FC14 7A41 FC54 6640
FC16 7A41 FC56 6640
FC1A 6640J
6640 Note 3
FC5A 4064J
4064 Note 10
FC1C 6640 FC5C 4064
FC1E 6640 FC5E 4064
FC20 FC60
A33' ]
A331 Note 4
6640 Note 11
FC26 A331 FC66 6640
FC28 A331
FC2A A331 FC68 7343 - Note 12
FC6A 6640 - Note 13 NOTE: This program is
FC2C 9A34 Note 5 FC6C 7343 Note 14 simpleminded and not at all
FC6E 7A41 - Note 15 optimized. As a challenge to
FC2E 893A Note 6 FC70 7343 - Note 16 readers, figure out a way to make
the notation more compact yet
FC30 9A34 FC72 preserving the total length of each
FC76 7M']
Did you know...
• That all our modules are 100% compatible w ith the Altair 8800 VDM-l Video Displ ay Module
computer, NO modifications necessary ! Thi s module is the first real computer termina l display in kit
• Th at our 4K RA Static Re ad/Write Memory module doesn't have form. Under software control the VDM-1 d isplays sixteen 64
to lo se it's data when you pull the plug I character l ines to any standard video monitor. Characters are
• Th at our 3P+S I nput/Output modul e wi ll fully interface two TV produced in a 7x9 dot matrix, with a full 128 character set, upper
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• That we make the most powerful alphanumeric Video Display range of the 8800 computer . Multiple cursors are complete ly
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rugged mother board can be install ed as one sing le rep lacement
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Th e MB- 1 has very heavy power and ground busses and comes
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board of the 8800. Available now.
Anyone with a bunch of memory circuits, control logic and adding a video input and a
a wire wrap gun can whip up a digital video generator with selector switch or else
TTL output levels. The problem as I see it is to get that digital dedicating the set to exclusive
video signal into a form that the TV set can digest. The care TV typewriter use. Direct
and feeding of digital inputs to the TV set is the subject of video eliminates the
bandwidth restrictions
Don Lancaster's contribution to BYTE 2 - an excerpt from
provided by the tuner, i-f
his forthcoming book, TV Typewriter Cookbook, to be
strip, and video detector
published by Howard W. Sams, Indianapolis, Indiana. filter. Response can be
... CARL further extended by removing
or shorting the 4.5 MHz
sou nd trap and by other
modifications to provide us
with longer line lengths and
We can get between a TV certain exactly spelled out premiu m characters. No FCC
typewriter and a television FCC regulations and that approval is needed, and
style display system either by system type approval is several sets or monitors are
an rf modulator or a direct req u i re d. The second easily driven at once without
video method. limitation is one of complicated distribution
I n the rf modulator bandwidth. The best you can problems.
method, we build a possibly hope for is 3.5 MHz There are two limitations
miniature, low power, direct for black and white and only to the direct video technique.
wired TV transmitter that 3 MHz for color, and many One is that the set has to be
clips onto the antenna economy sets will provide far modified to provide direct
terminals of the TV set. This less. Thus, long character line video entry. A second, and
has the big advantage of lengths, sharp characters, and far more severe, restriction, is
letting you use any old TV premium {lots of dots} that many television sets are
set and ending up with an character generators simply "hot chassis" or ac-dc sets
essentially free display that aren't compatible with with one side of their chassis
can be used just about clip-on rf entry. connected to the power Ii ne.
by anywhere. No set I n the direct video These sets introduce a severe
modifications are needed, and method, we enter the TV set shock hazard and cannot be
Don Lancaster you have the additional immediately following its used as TV typewriter video
advantage of automatic safety video detector but before entry displays unless some
isolation and freedom from sync is picked off. A few isolation technique is used
hot chassis shock problems. premium TV sets and all with them. If the TV set has a
There are two major monitors already have a video power transformer, there is
restrictions to the rf input directly available, but usually no hot chassis
modulator method. The first these are still expensive and problem. Transistor television
of these is that transmitters rare. Thus, you usually have sets and IC sets · usi ng no
of this type must meet to modify your TV set, either vacuum tubes tend to have
power transformers, as do
older premiu m tube type sets.
All others (around half the
sets around today) do not.
Fig. 1. Standard video interface levels. (Source impedance = 72 or 100 Ohms.)
Direct Video Methods
- - - - - 2VOLTS With either interface
(OPTIONAL approach, we usually start by
SYNC getting the dot matri x data,
blan king, cursor, and sy nc
0 . 5 VOLTS
BLACK LEVEL signals together into one
- - - - - - - - SYNC L E V E L - - - - - - - - - composite video signal whose
form is usefu I to monitors miniature coax), the receiving Fig. 2. Analog switch combiner generates composite video.
and TV sets. A good set of end of the cable need not be
standards is shown in Fig. 1. terminated in a 72 or 100 1[+5
The signal is dc coupled and Ohm resistor. When H SYNC
always positive going. Sync terminated cable systems are .JL+5
tips are grounded and blacker in use for long line runs or CURSOR
between the half volt black they need extra in the way of
level and the two volt white drivers and supply power. CI
4066 (CMOS)
level will be some shade of The exact width of the SMEARING
gray, proportionately brighter horizontal and vertical sync (SEE TEXT)
with increasing positive pulses isn't usually too
vol tage. With most TV important, so long as the
typewriter systems, only the shape and risetime of these 680
three states of zero volts pulses are independent of
- -....._ - - - - - - o Q V I D E O OUT
(sync), half a volt (black), position control settings and
and two volts (white dot) power supply variations. One
would be used. One possible exception to this is when
exception would be an you're using a color receiver SYNC'OV
additional one volt dot level and a color display. Here, the 8lACK.0.4V
for a dim but still visible horizontal sync pulse shou Id
portion of a message or a be held closely to 5.1
single word. microseconds, so the
The usual video source receiver's color burst
impedance is either 72 or 100 sampling does in fact
Ohms. Regardless of how far intercept a valid color burst. very much improve the shabby, or washed out
we travel with a composite More on this later. display legibility and character. By reducing the
video output, some sort of contrast. Why? video bandwidth going into
shielding is absolutely Intentional Smear Because we are interested the system, we can move the
essential. Fig. 2 shows us a typical in getting the most legible dot matrix energy lower in
For short runs from board composite video driver using c h a racter of the highest frequency, resulting in
to board or inside equipment, a 4066 quad analog switch. It contrast we can. This is not cleaner characters of higher
tigh tly twisted conductors gives us a 100 Ohm output necessarily the one having the contrast.
should be OK, as should impedance and the proper sharpest dot rise and fall For most TV displays,
properly guarded PC runs. signal levels. Capacitor C1 is times. Many things interact to intentional smearing will help
Fully shielded cables should used to purposely reduce the determine the upper video the contrast, legibil ity, and
be used for interconnections video rise and fall times. It is response of a TV display. overall appearance. The
between the TVT and the called a smearing capacitor. These include the tuner ultimate limit to this occurs
monitor or TV set, along with Why would we want to settings and the i-f response when the dots overlap and
other long runs. As long as further reduce the bandwidth and alignment, the video become illegible. The
the total cable capacitance is and response of a TV system detector response, video
less than 500 pF or so (this is that's already hurting to peaking, the sound trap
around 18 feet of RG178-U begin with? In the case of a setting, rf cable reflections,
quality video monitor, we and a host of other responses.
wouldn't. But if we're using Many of these stages are
an ordinary run-of-the-mill underdamped and will ring if
TV set, particularly one using fed too sharp a risetime
rf entry, this capacitor can input, giving us a ghosted,
remove th e ca rri er· and then
rou ted to a vide o amp lifi er
made up of one or mo re
tub es 01" transistors.
At some point in the vid eo
ampli ficatio n, the bl ack and
white signal is sp li t three
ways. Fir st, a reduced
bandwidth o utpu t routes
sync pu Ises to th e sy nc
Fig. 3. Block diagram of typical Band W television. separator stage to lock the
set's horizo ntal and vertical
scan nin g to the video. A
second bandpass output
sharply filtered to 4.5 MHz
ext racts t he FM sou nd
sub carrier and rou tes this to a
SPEAKER sound i-f ampli fier for furt her
process in g. Th e th ird output
is video, which is strongly
a mplifi e d a nd t h en
capacitively coupled to the
VIDEO I-F cathode of the pic ture tube.
AMPLIFIER VIDEO The gai n of the video
amplifier sets the co ntr ast of
the display, while the bias
setti ng on the cathode of the
picture tube (with respect to
its grounded control grid) sets
POWER the dis p I a y b rig h t ness.
SUPPLY Somewhere in the video
ampli fier, further rejection of
th e 4.5 MHz sound subcarrier
is usu ally picked up to
minimi ze pictur e
interfe rence . This is call ed a
sou nd trap. Sou nd traps can
be a series resonant circuit to
ground, a parall e l resonant
optimum a mount of true of recent small screen,
circuit in the video signal
inte ntional smear is usually solid state portab le TV sets.
path, or simply part of the
the value of capacitance that On the other hand, if you
transformer that is picking
is needed to just close the have a hot chassis type with
inside of a lOW" presented to off the sound for more
one side of the power line
processin g.
the display. connected to th e chassis, you
The video detector o utput
should avoid its use if at all
Adding a Video Input is usually around 2 volts peak
possible. If you must use this
Video inputs are easy to to peak and usu all y subtracts
type of set, be absolutely
add to the average television from a white level bias
certain to use one of the
setti ng. Th e stronger the
set, provid ed you follow safety techniques outlined
signal, the more negative the
some reaso nabl e cautions. late r in Fig. 8.
swing, and the blacker the
Firs t and foremost, you must A block diag ram of a
picture. Sync tips are bl acker
h ave a n acc urat e an d typical TV set appears in Fi g.
than black, helping to blank
complete schematic of the set 3. UHF or VHF signals
the display during retrace
to be modifi ed, prefera bly a picked up by the tuner are
Sams Photofact or something downconverted in frequency
similar. The first thing to to a video i-f freq uency of 44
check is the power sup pl y on MH z and then filtered and
the set. If it has a power amplified . The output of the
transformer and has the video i-f is transformer
c has sis pro p e r·1y safe ty coupl ed to a video detecto r,
isolate d fro m the power lin e, most often a small sign al
it's a good cho ice fo r a TVT ge rm anium diode. Th e vid eo
mo nit o r. Thi s is particularly detec tor output is filtered to
Fig. 4 shows us the typical and thus higher ga in to hi gh
video circuitry of a transistor frequency video signa ls.
black and white television. Note particularly t he
Our basic cir cuit consists of a biasing of the video driver. A
diode detector, a unity gain bias network provides uS 'with
emitter fo ll ower, and a a stab le sou rce of 3 vol ts. In
variab le gain vid eo output the absence of input video,
stage that is capac itively this 3 volts sets the white
coupled to the picture tube. leve l of the display, as well as
The cathode bias sets the establi shing proper bias for accepting a maximum of a 2
brightness, while the video both stages. As an increasing volt peak to peak signal. It
gain sets t he contrast. signal appears at the last also has the right polarity, for
Amplified signals for sync video output transformer, it a positive go ing bias level
and sound are removed from is negatively rectified by the means a whiter picture. But,
the coll ector of the video video detector, thus loweri ng an unmodified set is already
driver by way of a 4.5 MHz the 3 volts proportionately. biased to the white level, and
resonant transformer for the The stro nger the signal, the if we want to enter our own
sound and a low pass filter blacker the picture. Sync will video, this bias must be
for the sync. A parallel be the strongest of all, giv ing shifted to the black level.
resonant trap set to 4.5 MHz us a blacker than black bias We have a choice in any
elimin ates sou nd interference. level of only one volt. TV of direct or ac coupling of
Peaking coi ls on each stage The base of our video our input video. Direct
extend the bandwidth by driver has the right sensitivity coupling is almost always
providing higher impedances we need for video ent ry, better as it elifTlinates any
~----~----SYN C
+150V lOOK
4 .5MHz
c-SOUNC 6800
I v (SYNC)
+ 12V 250/LH
15 K 4.5MHz 47
(3V) " -
470 BIAS
Fig. 5. Direct coupled video uses 1.2 volt offset of Darlington
transis tor as bias.
shading effects or any change
of background level as 2.2K
add i t ion al characters are USING TWO
added to the screen. Fig. 5 1.2V(SYNC) RF TRANSISTORS
shows how we can direct 3.2V(WHITE)
couple our video into a 2.2 K
transistor black and white set. DARLINGTON
We provide a video input, INPUT PAIR
usually a BNC or a phono MPSA65
jack, a nd route this to a PNP ALTERNATE
Dar l i ngton transistor or TOR AND DIODE
transistor pair, borrowing
around 5 mils from the set's
+ 12 volt supply . This output
is routed to the existi ng video
driver stage th rough a SPOT
switch that either picks the to pick up the same amount Ac or capacitively coupled 2 volt peak to peak video, the
video input or the existing of offset, as shown in Fig. 5. video inputs should be sync tip voltage would be 1
video detector and bias If more or less offset is avo ided. Fig. 6 shows a volt; the optimum bias is then
network. needed, diodes or transistors typical circuit. The TV's 1.6 volts. Input video is
The two base·emitter can be stacked up further to existing bias network is capacitively coupled by a
diode drops in our Darlington pick up the right amount of lowered in voltage by adding fairly large electrolytic
transistor add up to a 1.2 volt offset. a new parallel resistor to capacitor in parallel with a
positive going offset; so, in The important thing is ground to give us a voltage good high frequency
the abse nce of a video input that the video driver ends up that is 0.6 volts more positive capacitor. This provides for a
or at the base of a sync tip, with the same level for white than the blacker than black minimum of screen shading
the video driver is biased to a bias and for black bias in sync tip voltage. For instance, and still couples high
blacker than black sync level either position of the switch. with a 3 volt white level, and frequency signals properly . A
of 1.2 volts. With a white clamping diode constantly
video input of 2 volts, the clamps the sync tips to their
video driver gets biased to its bias value, with the 0.6 volt
usual 3.2 volts of white level. drop of this diode being
Thus, our input transistor taken out by the extra 0.6
provides just the amount of Fig. 6. Ac coupled video needs shift of bias to black level plus a
clamping diode. volts provided for in the bias
offset we need to match the network. This clamping diode
white and black bias levels of automatically holds the sync
our video driver. Note that tips to their proper value,
the old bias network is on the EXISTING
other side of the switch and
.01 * DETECTOR regard less of the nu mber of
white dots in the picture.
does nothing in the video EXISTING Additional bypassing of the
position. bias network by a large
Two other ways to offset INPUT VIDEO electrolytic may be needed
our video input are to use for proper operation of the
two ordi nary transistors clamping diode, as shown in
IN914 *
connected in the Darlington CLAMP Fig. 6. Note that our bias
configuration, or to use one network is used in both
transistor and a series diode 250/LH
switch positions - its level is
shifted as needed for the
direct video input.
+12 Tube type sets present
about the same interface
+ 0 problems as the solid state
* 470
05 versions do. Fig. 7 shows a
*New components. *I~D /L F
typical direct coupled tube
interface. In the unmodified
Fig. 7. Direct coupled video added to tube type Band W television.
10 DX 8 ....- - - - - 4 ' V ' v - - - - - O +
RF f.:.1·~-." CATHODE
t~mJ 130V
*New components.
circuit, the white level is zero minus two volts with respect power line connected to the
volts and the sync tip black to the cathode. A white level chassis. Depending on which
level is minus two volts. If we presents +2 volts to the grid, way the line cord is plugged
can fi nd a negative su pp Iy which eq uals zero volts grid in, there is a 50-50 chance of
(scarce in tube type circuits), to cathode. the hot side of the power line
we could offset our video in Should there already be a being connected directly to
the negative direction by two self bias network on the the chassis.
volts to meet these bias levels. cathode, it is increased in Hot chassis sets,
Instead of this, it is usually value as needed to get the particularly older, power
possible to self bias the video black rather than white level hungry tube versions, should
amplifier to a cathode voltage bias in the direct video mode. be avoided entirely for direct
of +2 volts. This is done by video entry. If one absolutely
breaking the cathode to Hot Chassis Problems must be used, some of the
ground connection and There is usually no shock suggestions of Fig. 8 may ease
adding a small resistor (50 to hazard when we use clip-on rf the hazard. These include
100 Ohms) between cathode entry or when we use a direct using an isolation
and grou nd to get a cathode video jac k on a transformer- transformer, husky
voltage of +2 volts. Once this powered TV. A very severe back-to-back filament
value is found, a heavy shock hazard can exist if we transformers, three wire
electrolytic bypass of 100 use direct video entry with a power systems, optical
microfarads or more is placed TV set havi ng one side of the coupling of the video input,
in paralle I with the res istor.
Switching then grounds the
cathode in the normal rf
mode and makes it +2 volts in
the video entry mode .
In the direct video mode, a
sync tip grounded input
presents zero volts to the
grid, which is self biased
and total package isolation . Fig. 8. GetUng Around a Hot Chassis ProbJem.
Far and away the best rou 'te
is simply never to attempt Hot chassis problems can be avoided entirely by
direct video entry onto a hot , using ' only transformer-powered TV circuits or
chassis TV. by using clip-on rf entry. If a hot chassis set
Makirig the Conversion must be used, . here are some possible ways
Fig . 9 sums up how we around the problem:
modify a TV for direct video
entry. AI wa ys have a 1. Add an isolation transformer.
complete schematic on hand,
A 110 volt to 110 volt isolation trans-
and use a transformer style
former whose wattage exceeds that of the
TV set if at all possible . Late
models, small scree!,), medium
set may be used. These are usually expen-
to high quality solid state sets sive, but a workable substitute can be made
are often the best display by placing two large surplus filament trans-
choice . Avoid using junk sets, formers back to back. For instance, a pair
particularly very old ones. of 24 volt, 4 Amp transformers can handle
Direct coupling of video is far around 100 Watts of set.
preferable to ac capacitor modulator, the tuner, video
coupling. Either method has i -f strip, and the video 2. Use a three wire system with a solid ground.
to maintain the black and detector filter. Direct video
white bias level~ on the first entry should bring !Js to a 3 Three prong plug WIring, properly
MHz bandwidth for a color
video amplifier stage. A shift polarized, will force the hot chassis connec-
of the first stage quiescent set and perhaps 3.5 MHz for a
tion to the cold side of the power line. This
bias from normally white to black and white model, unless
we are using an extremely
protection is useful only when three wire
normally black is also a must. plugs are used in properly wired outlets. A
Use short, shielded leads bad set. The resultant 6 to 7
severe shock hazard is reintroduced if a
between the video inp~t jack million dot per second rate is
adequate for short character user elects to use an adaptor or plugs the
and the rest of the circuit. If
a changeover switch is used, lines of 32, 40, and possibly system into an unknown or improperly
keep it as close to the rest of 48 characters per line. But wired outlet. The three wire system shou Id
the video circuitry as you the characters will smear and NOT be used if anyone but yourself is ever
possibly can. be illegible if we try to use to use the system.
longer line lengths and
Extending Video and Display premium (lots of dots) 3. Optically couple the input video.
Bandwidth character generators on an
By using the direct video ordinary TV. Is there Light emitting diode-photocell pairs are
input route, we eliminate any anything we can do to the set low in cost and can be used to optically
bandwidth and . response to extend the video couple direct video, completely isolating
restrictions of an rf bandwidth and display the video input from the hot chassis. Most
response for these longer line of these optoelectronic couplers do not
I n the case of a color TV,
have enough bandwidth for direct video
the answer is probably no.
use; the Litronix I L-1 00 is ohe exception.
The video response of a color Probably the simplest route is to use two
set is limited by an essential separate opto-isolators, one for video and
delay line and an essential one for sync, and then recombine the
3.58 MHz trap. Even if we signals inside the TV on the hot side of the
were willing to totally circuit.
separate the chrominance and
luminance channels, we'd still 4. Use a totally packaged and sealed system.
be faced with an absolute
limit set by the number of If you are only interested in displaying
holes per horizontal Ii ne in messages and have no other input/output
the shadow mask of the tube. devices, you can run the erltire circuit hot
This explains why video color chassis, provided everything' 'is sealed inside
displays are so expensive and
one case and has no chassis-to-people
so rare. Later on, we'll look
at what's involved in adding
access. Interface to teletypes, cassettes,
color to the shorter line etc., cannot be done without additional
lengths. isolation, and servicing the circuit presents
With a black and white the same shock hazards that servicing a hot
TV, there is often quite a bit chassis TV does.
we ca n do to present long
lines of characters, depending
Fig. 9. How to Add a Direct Video Input to a TV Set.
on what set you start out
wit h and how much you are
willing to modify the set.
1. Get an accurate and complete schematic of
The best test signal you
ca n use for bandwidth
the set - either from the manufacturer's
exte nsio n is the dot matri x service data or a Photofact set. Do not try
data you actually want to adding an input without this schematic!
display, for the frequency
response, time delay, ringing, 2. Check the power supply to see if a power
and overshoot all get into the transformer is used. If it is, there will be no
act. What we want to end up shock hazard, and the set is probably a
with is a combination that good choice for direct video use. If the set
gives us reasonably legi ble has one side of the power line connected to
characte rs. the chassis, a severe shock hazard ex ists,
A good osc ill oscope (15 and one of the techniques of Fig. 8 should
MH z or better bandwidth) is
very useful during bandwidth
be used. Avoid the use of hot chassis sets.
exte nsion to show where the
signal loses its response in the 3. Find the input to the first video amplifier
circu it. At any time during stage. Find out what the white level and
th e modification process, sync level bias voltages are. The marked or
there is usu all y o ne response quiescent voltage is usually the white level;
bottleneck. This, of course, is sync is usually 2 volts less. A transistor TV
what should be attacked first. will typically have a +3 volt white level and
Obviously the bette r a TV a +1 volt sync level. A tube type TV will
you start with, the easier will typically have a zero volt white level and a
be the task. Tube type gutless -2 volt sync level.
wonders, particul arly 01 der
ones, will be much more
difficu lt to work with th an 4. Add a changeover switch using minimum
with a modern, small screen, possible lead lengths. Add an input con-
qu ali ty solid state portabl e. nector, either a phono jack or the premiu m
Seve ral of the things we BNC type connector. Use shielded lead for
can do are watching the interconnections exceeding three inches in
control settings, getting rid of length.
the so und tra p, minimizing
circuit strays, opti mi zin g spot 5. Select a circuit that couples the video and
size, controllin g peak ing, and biases the first video amplifier stage so that
shiftin g to hi gher current
the white and sync levels are preserved. For
operatio n. Let's take a look
at these in t urn. transistor sets, the direct coupled circuits
of Fig. 5 may be used. For tube sets, the
circuit of Fig. 7 is recommended. Avoid the
Control Settings use of ac coupled video inputs as they may
Always run a data display introduce shading problems and changes of
at the lowest possible backgrou nd as the screen is filled.
contras t and using only as
much brightness as you rea ll y
need. In ma ny circuits, low
6. Check the operation. If problems with
contrast mea ns a lowe r video contrast or sync tearing crop up, recheck
ampli fie r ga in , and thus le ss and adjust the white and sync input levels
of a ga in · b a ndwidth to match what the set uses during normal rf
res Lri c Lio n. operation. Note that the first video stage
must be biased to the white level during rf
Eliminate the Sound Trap
operation and to the sync level for direct
video use. The white level is normally two
The sound trap adds a
volts more positive than the sync level.
notch at 4.5 MH z to the
vid eo response. If it is
elimin ated or swit ched out of
the circuit, a wider vid eo
bandwidth a ut o maticall y
Fig. 10. Removing the sound trap can extend video bandwidth.
(a) Response (b) Parallel resonant trap -
short or bypass.
frequencies. Someti mes you
FREQUENCY can al ter this second network
CONTRAST to favor dot presentations.
Fig. 11 shows a typical
(d) Combined trap and peaking network and the
pickoff - open or SOUND I-F effects of too little or too
(c) Series resonant trap - remove (series resonant);
open or remove.
much peaking. Note that the
short or bypass (parallel
resonant). stray capacitance also enters
into the peaking, along with
the video amplifier output
capacitance and the picture
tu be's input capacitance.
Generally, too little peaking
will give you low contrast
dots, while too much will give
TRAP you sharp dots, but will run
dots together and shift the
more continuous portions of
the characters objectionably.
Peaking is changed by in-
creasi ng or decreasing the
results. Fig. 10 shows us the Additional Peaking low frequency signals double
series inductor from its design
response changes and the Most TV sets have two the amplitude of the higher
several positions for this trap. peaking networks. The first frequency ones. The second
Ge nerally, series resonant of these is at the video of these goes to the collector Running Hot
traps are opened and parallel detector output and or plate of the video output Sometimes increasing the
resonant traps are shorted or compensates for the vestigial stage and raises the circuit operating current of the video
bypassed through su itable sideband transmission signal i m ped ance and th us the output stage can increase the
switching or outright that makes sync and other effective gain for very high system bandwidth - IF this
elimination. The trap has to stage is in fact the limiting
go back into the circuit if the Fig. 11. Adjusting the peaking coil can extend video response.
response, IF the power
set is ever again used for supply can handle the extra
ordinary program reception. (aj' Circuit. + current, IF the stage isn't
Sometimes simply backing already parked at its
the slug on the trap all the gain-bandwidth peak, and IF
way out will improve things the ex tra heat can be gotten
enough to be useful. rid of without burning
Minimizing Strays anything up. Usually, you can
~--------~---------+CRT try adding a resistor three
One of the limits of the VIDEO times the plate or collector
video bandwidth is the stray OUTPUT
load resistor in parallel, and
capacitance both inside the see if it increases bandwidth
video output stage and in the by 1/3. Generally, the higher
external circuitry. If the the current, the wider the
contrast control is directly in bandwidth, but watch
the signal path and if it has TOO MUCH
(b) Response.
long leads going to it, it may L TOO LARGE
be hu rti ng the response. If
you are using the TV set I-----::c::::-~\ OPTI MUM
exclusively for data display,
can you rearrange the control AMPLITUDE
location and simplify and L TOO SMALL
shorten the video output to
picture tube
interconnections? FREQUENCY
carcfu II y any dissipation Fig. 14. Television Picture
Carrier Frequencies.
limits. Be sure to provide
extra ventilation and Channel 2 . ...... 55.25 MHz
additional heatsinking, and Channel 3 ....... 61.25 MHz
check the power supply for Channel 4 ....... 67.25 MHz
unhappiness as well . For Channel 5 .... . .. 77.25 MHz
Channel 6 ....... 83.25 MHz
major changes in operating
current, the emitter resistors
and other biasing components
should also be
Fig. 13. Standard rf interface levels. Impedance 300Q. Carrier
proportionately reduced in
frequency per Fig. 14.
Spot Size 100 % AMPLITUDE
Even with excellent video
bandwidth, if you have an BLACK=
out-of-focus, blooming, or /"75 % AMPLITUDE
changing spot size, it can
completely mask character
sharpness. Spot size ends up o
Fig. 15. FCC Regulations on Class
the ultimate limit to WHITE= 10% OR 1 TV Devices. More complete
resolution, regardless of video .3mV RMS TYPICAL information appears in subpart H
bandwidth. of Part 15 and su bpart F of Part 2
of the Federal Communications
Once agai n, bri gh tness and
Commission Rules and Regula-
contrast settings will have a tions. It is available at many large
profound effect, with too technical libraries.
much of either blooming the
spot. Most sets have a focus A Class 1 TV device generates
jumper in which ground or a a video modulated rf carrier of a
minimize display washout with a 55.250 MHz carrier standard television channel
positive voltage is selected.
from ambient lighting. Fig. frequency, except in areas frequency. It is directly
You can try intermediate connected to the antenna
12 lists several sources of where a local commercial
values of voltage for material for contrast terminals of the TV set.
Channel 2 broadcast is
maximum sharpness. Extra The maximum rms rf voltage
improvement. Much of this is intolerably strong. Circuit must be less than 6 millivolts
power supply filtering can rather expensive, with pricing cost, filtering problems, and using a 300 Ohm output line.
sometimes minimize hum and from $10 to $ 25 per square The maximum rf voltage on
stability problems tend to
noise modulation of the spot. any frequency more than 3 MHz
foot being typical. Simply increase with increasing
Anything that externally away from the operating channel
adding a hood and channel number. must be more than 30 dB below
raises display contrast will let positioning the display away The sync tips are the the pea k in-{;hannel output
you run with a smaller beam from room lighting will also strongest part of the signal, voltage.
current and a sharper spot. An antenna disconnect switch
help and is obviously much representing 100%
Us i ng circularly polarized of at least 60 dB attenuation must
cheaper. modulation, often something
filters, graticu Ie masks, or be provided.
around 4 millivolts rms across No user adjustments are
simple colored filters can Direct Rf Entry a 300 Ohm line. The black permitted that would exceed any
If we want the con- level is 75% of the sync level, of the above specifications.
venience of a "free" or about 3 millivolts for 4 Residual rf radiation from
case, leads and cabinet must be
disp lay, the freedom from millivolt sync tips. White level less than 15 microvolts per meter.
Fig. 12. Con trast Enhancing hot chassis problems, and is less than 10% of maximum. A Class 1 TV device must not
Filter Materials. "use it anywhere" ability, Note that the signal is interfere with TV reception.
direct rf entry is the obvious weakest when white and Type approval of the circuit is
required. A filing fee of $50 and
choice. Its two big limitations strongest when sync. This is
Circularly polarized filters: an acceptance fee of $250 is
are the need for FCC type the exact opposite of the involved .
Polaroid Corp. approval, and a limited video video interface of Fig. 1.
Cambridge MA 02139
bandwidth that in turn limits Rf modulators suitable for
Anti·reflection filters:
the number of characters per clip-on rf entry TV
Panelgraphic Corp.
line and the nu m ber of dots typewriter use are called Class
10 Henderson Dr.
West Caldwell NJ 07006 per character. 1 TV Devices by the FCC. A
Ligh t control fil m :
An rf interface standard is Class 1 TV device is supposed
shown in Fig. 13. It consists to meet the rules and
3M Visual Products Div.
3M Center of an amplitUde modulated regulations summarized in
St. Paul MN 55101 carrier of one of the standard Fig. 15.
Acrylic plexiglas filter sheets: television channel video Fig. 16 shows us a block
Rohm and Haas frequencies of Fig. 14. diagram of the essential parts
Philadelphia PA 19105 Channel 2 is most often used of a TV modulator. We start
Fig. 16. Block diagram of rf modulator.
o I
INPUT L ________________ ~~~ __ .J
Fig. 18. Differences between color and black and white spectra.
/1 ztt,."
OF 3 .57945 MHz
--I !- 51,.. SEC - -; L- 5 . I,..SEC
Fig. 20. Colors Are Generated by Delaying or Phase Shifting th e
Burst Frequency .
Approximate Approximate
Color Phase Delay
Burst 0
Yellow 15
12 nanoseconds wanted. Th e o utput
Red 75
58 nanoseconds chromi nance signal is RC
0 filte red to make it somewhat
Magenta 135 105 nanoseconds
0 sinusoid al. It's then cut down
Blu e 195 151 nanoseconds
0 in a mplitude to around
Cyan 255 198 nanoseconds one-qu arter the maximum
Green 315 244 nanoseconds video white levei and is
capacitive ly coupled to the
100 Ohm video output of
Fig_ 2 or otherwise summed
int o the video or r f
modul ator circuitry. For
detector circu it to keep its is, or ca n be trim med to refere nc e phase pos iti on truly dramatic color effects,
own 3.58 MHz refe rence spec ific co lors by varying th e (000) imm ediately before, the amplitude and delay of
locked to the version being supp ly voltage. durin g and for a minimum of the chromin ance signal can be
transm itted. Th e reference phase and a few m ic roseco nds afte r each changed in a more complex
Fig. 20 shows us the ph ase the delayed co lor ou tpu ts go horizo ntal sy nc pulse. This version of the same ci rcuit.
angles re late d to eac h color to a one-of-eight data gives the set a chance to lock More inform ation useful in
with respect to th e burst selecto r. The data selector and hold onto th e reference solving television interface
ph ase. It also shows us the pick s either the refere nce o r a color burst. app ears in the Television
eq uivalent amo unt of delay selected color in response to a The chrom inance output Engineering Handbook, by
we need for a given ph ase code prese nted digitall y to from the data selecto r shou Id Donald Fink, and in various
angle. Since we usu ally want the three select lin es. The be disabl ed for th e duration issu es of th e IE EE
onl y a few di screte colors, it's logic that is driving thi s of the sy nc pulses and any Transactions on Consumer
far easier to digitally genera te se lecto r mu st return to the time a white screen displ ay is Electronics.
colors simply by del ay ing the
reference through gates or
buffers, rather than usin g.
co mpl ex a nd ex pe nsive
ana log phase shift methods.
Fig. 21. Color subcarrier genera tor. Hex buffer used as delay lin e. Use
Strictly s peaki ng, we supply voltage variation on 4050 to trim colors.
sh ou ld control both the
c hr om in a n ce phase an d
amp li t ude to be abl e to do 3 -30pF 15pF
both pastel and stron gly "-------'I'f--+----I t----.---l ~
saturated co lors. But simply
keeping the subcarrier
amplitude at the value we 4049
used for the btJrst - aro und (CMOS)
25% of video amplitude - is MAGENTA BLUE GREEN
fa r simpl er and will usua ll y 22 MEG
get us use ful res ults.
A circ ui t to add color to a
TV type writer is shown in PHASE
Fig. 2l. A 3.5 79545 MH z
crysta l osci ll ato r drives a
stri ng of CMOS bu ffe rs th at H SYNC
• dis
0>----------1 inh 4512 (CMOS)
make up a digital delay lin e. ONE-OF-EIGHT
The output delays caused by
the propagatio n delay tim es COLOR
SELE CT 330n
in eac h buffer can be used as INPUTS 680pF
.01 l
(lOon LOAD)
The MODULAR MICROS shifts each digit left automatically as a
new digit is entered! The value on the
from MARTIN RESEARCH display is also entered into an internal
CPU register, ready for the next opera-
Here's why the new MIKE 2 and MIKE 3
tion. Simply by pressing the write ke~' ,
are the best values in microcomputers to-
for example, the user loads 135 into
Fig. 1. Defining what to do is like
the tip of some Egyptian tyrant's
tomb in the spring flood . . . as
the murky generalities recede
more and more of the structure
is defined and clarified ...
Fig. 3. The main control routine of LIFE specified in a procedure- on lines 5 to 8 are executed complete LI FE grid pattern
oriented language . .. over and over again until into the "next" complete
DONE is found to be equal to pattern . The rules of the
1 LIFE :
logical 1 or "TRUE" when a Game of LI FE - the "facts
test is made at the EN D of life" - must be applied to
statement of line 9 . A "DO each location in the grid to
FOR" loop is used to compute the next value of
sequence "N" calls to a that location. Fig. 4
subroutine called illustrates two potential
DO FOR I = 1 TO N;
GENERATION which does strategies for computing the
the actual work of computing nex t generation - methods of
the next generation content scanning the grid to compute
and then displaying it on the one location at a time.
scope. The remainder of Fig. The first strategy, Fig.
3 su mmarizes the data and 4(a), is to employ alternate
subroutines referenced by copies of a complete LI FE
LIFE. grid of 64 by 64 points. If
From this point, the LI FE generations are numbered
Subroutines Referenced by LIFE: Line can extend in two consecutively, the generation
KEYBOARD INTERPRETER ... This is the routine which directions. In order to have a algorithm would transform
looks at the interactive keyboard and interprets user actions complete LIFE program, copy A into a "next" copy in
such as specifying initial patterns , modifying patterns, etc. N is both areas have to be B on odd generations, and
denned by the GO command which causes return from this traversed the complete the cycle by
subroutine to LIFE . KEY BOA R DIN T E R- transforming copy B into a
GENERA TION . . . This is the routine which is used to evolve PRETER and the "next" copy in the A grid on
one generation of the life matrix and display the result . Since GENERATION even generations. Si nee each
the entire matrix is kept in software by GENERA TION until routine . . . but the grid requires 4096 bits -
after a new matrix has been evolved, there will never be any partitioning has nicely which can be packed into 512
partially updated patterns on the scope. separated the two problems. bytes - a total of 1024 bytes
The simpler and most is required for data storage if
Data (8 bit bytes) used by LIFE at this level: self·contained of the two this method is used. The
FA LSE - the value "0". segments is the primary advantages of this
TRUE - the value "I" . GENERATION algorithm, so method are its "straight·
DONE - variable set by KEYBOARD INTERPRETER I'll turn attention to it next. forward" nature and its
after a user command (GO) to start execution. separation of old and new
N - a variable set by user interaction in KEYBOARD _ Grid Scanning Strategies data at all times.
INTERPRETER giving the number of generations to evolve. The GENERATION A second strategy is
I - a temporary loop index varia ble. subroutines of the LI FE illustrated in Fig. 4(b), the
program has as its design goal strategy of using alternate
the transformation of one row·buffers with only one
main grid copy. Two 64 bit
rows must be maintained -
the last previous row and the An objective: Split the processing into moderately large
current row - as 8 byte
segments, each of which is less complicated than the program
copies. These copies contain
taken as a whole.
information prior to updating
in the row by row scan down
the matrix. The main
advantage is a saving of data defi ned as the set of X and Y
the new. If this is not the
areas (partially offset by case, a less desirable output in limits on the extent of live
more complicated software). which partially updated cells in the grid. In Fig. 5, the
The main disadvantages are active area is the inner square
patterns are seen will be the
its less "intuitive" nature, the of 7 x 7 = 49 grid locations.
result. (Counting the CRT
extra time required to make In computing the next
refresh, the method of Fig.
data copies, and a slightly 4(a) thus requires three full generation, a box which is
larger program. cop ies of the matrix one location wider in each of
The choice between these information, and the method the four cardinal directions is
two methods is primarily one of Fig. 4(b) requires two full the "zone of possible
of the amo unt of storage to copies.) expansion" for the pattern.
be devoted to data. The In Fig. 5, this zone is the
tradeoff is in favor of the Active Area Optimization
outer box of 9 by 9 locations.
double matrix method when With the choice of a The computatiorl of "next
very small LI FE matrix sizes matrix scanning strategy generation" values need only
are considered. The extra 8 the al ternate row-buffer be carried out for the 81 grid
bytes required for a second method another locations bounded by the
copy of an 8 by 8 grid of bits consideration in designing the outer limits of the zone of
hardly compares to the generation algorithm is a
programming cost of the computation time
alternate row-buffer strategy. optimization method. There
When large matrices are is no real need to calculate a Fig. 5. Active area optimization - never compute more than the
considered, however, the new value of every cell in a absolute minimum if speed is at a premium.
memory requirements of an mostly empty LIFE grid. If I ZONE
extra copy of the data are only have one glider with its OF POSSIBLE
considerable, but the corner at location (34, 27) of EXPANSION
programming involved is no the grid, why should I ~ OF PATTERN
more difficult. For example,
consider the limit of an 8 bit
indexing method - a 256 by
256 grid. This will require a
compute any new generation
information outside the area
which could possibly be
affected by the present
r- - t
"Y" LlV E
1- ~b11
.• ••
-T [;i 'iJ•• •
would use up 16k bytes, or optimization depend upon V
one fourth of the addressing the size of the grid. If most
space of a typical patterns occupy the full grid, PRESENT I
contemporary micro- then very little will be saved ACTIVE I I
computer, and all of the - for the small 8 x 8 grid AREA 1___._" X" -----..1
addressing space of an 8008 "straw man" used in LIVE CELL
microcomputer! At the 64 x discussing scanning strategy, LIMITS
64 bit level, the tradeoff is there would also be no point
much cioser to the break-even to active area optimization.
point, but I expect to find at But with a huge 256 by 256 possible expansion. Thus in
least 100 bytes saved as a grid, and an 8 by 8 active the case of the 64 by 64
result of using the row-buffer area, this optimization might matrix of LI FE poi nts, th is
method. An assumption mean the difference between optimization for the pattern
which is also being made a 15 minute computation and of Fig. 5 will limit the
when the alternate row-buffer a 1 or 2 second computation . program to calculation of 81
method is used is that the of the next generation. new points versus the 4096
scope display or TV display Fig. 5 illustrates the poi nts which would be
you use for output will have concept of active area calculated if at least one cell
its own refresh memory so optimization in a LIFE was found at each of the
that the "01 d" pattern can be program. The current minimum (0) and maximum
held during computation of generation's active area is (63) values of the X and Y
(Subscrip ts, lik e in XPL and
PLjM are taken to run 0
through the dimensio n minus
The "facts of life" must be applied to each location in the grid 1 . ) NRMIN , NRM AX ,
to compute the next value - cell or no cell - of th at location. NCMI N, and NCMAX are
use d to keep track of the new
active area Ii mits after this
generation is co mpu ted;
coordinates. This case yields a along with notes on further NCOLMIN and NCOLMAX
savings of 98% of the s ubr o utin es a nd d a t a are originally initialized by
ma x imum generation to requirements. The procedure the KEYBOARD INTER·
generation computing tim e. starts by in itializing the data PRETE R and are upd ate d by
used for the scan of the LI MITCHECK after each
The GENERATION matri x, in lines 3 through 15. generation is calcul ated -
Subroutine THIS and THAT are used to using the new active area
Fig. 6 illu strates the code alternately reference the 0 limits.
of the GENERATION and 1 copies of an 8 byte The actual scan of the grid
routine, specified in a data item called a 2 by 8 byte of LIFE , stored in the da ta
procedure·oriented language, data area called "TEMP". area called LI FEB/TS, is
1 GE NERA n ON :
TEMP of the previous row, and the saved value in TEMP of th e
current row before updating.
LlMITCHECK . . . This is the routine used to calcu late th e
n ext values of NROWMIN, NROWMAX, NCOLMlN ,
THAT = 1; f* COPY VARIA BLE "TEr4P " *f
NCOLMAX using the curre nt values of NRMIN, NRMAX ,
DO FOR I = 0 TO 7;
DISPLA Y . .. This routine tra nsfers the L1FEBITS data to the
T E~l P (THA T ,I) = LI FEBITS (6 3 , Il ;
display , on whatever kind of device yo u have.
o TF.MP ( THAT,I) =0: Data (8 bit bytes) used by GENERATION at this level :
11 END:
12 NRMIN = 09; f* THEN I NI TIALI ZE ACT I VE AR EA LIMITS *f I = temporary index (not the same as the I in Fig. 3)
13 NR~1AX = 0: ICOL = index for column scanning ...
14 NC MIN = 99 ; IROW = index for row scanning . ..
15 NC~1AX = 0: NCMA X = current maximu m column index of live cells
NCMIN = current minimum column ind ex of live cells
17 DO FOR I ROW = NR OWMIN TO NR OWMAX; f* SCAN ACTIV E ROWS ONLY *f NRMA X = current maxi mum row index of live cells
18 DO FOR I = 0 TO 7 ; f* COPY THIS ROW TO TEMP ORARY *f NRMIN = current minimum row index of live cells
20 EN D; Data (8 bit bytes) used by GENERA TION but shared with the
21 DO FOR ICO L = NCOLm N TO NCOLr-lA X; f* SC AN ACTI VE CO LUMNS ONLY *f whole program:
22 CALL FACTS_OF_LIFE (TROW, I COL); THIS = current line copy index into T EM P.
23 END; THA T = previous line co py index into TEMP .
24 x = THIS; TEMP = 2 by 8 array of bytes containing 2 64 -bit rows.
25 THIS = THA T : NROWMIN = minimum row index of live cell s.
26 THAT = X; f* THI S SWI TC HES BU FFERS *f NROWMAX = maximum row inde x of live cells.
27 EN D: NCOLMIN = minimum column index of live cells .
NCOLMA X = maximum column index of live cell s.
20 CALl. DI S PLA Y;
LlFEBITS = 64 by 8 array of bytes contain ing 64 rows of
64 bits.
Assumptions :
HVOL V1:.R . . . This is the routine use d to calc ulate the next NCOLMAX are initialized in KEYBOARD INTERPRETER
value of the lCO Uh bit in the IROWth row of L1FEBITS for th e first time prior to entry - and retain o ld valu es across
usi ng the curren t value of the nex trow, the saved va lu e in multiple execu tio ns of GENER A TJON thereafter.
Fig. 7. The LIMITCHECK routine specified in a procedure-oriented
language . ..
Fig. 8. The FACTS OF LIFE routine specified in a procedure-
oriented langu age. FACTS- OF LIFE do es the ac tual calcula tlOn of
the next value for the LIFEBITS loca tion at the IROW th row and
ICOLth column' based upon the previous value of the 8 neighboring
loca tions. (The state defined in LIFE Line 1, la s t mon th.) This routine
implements the rules descri bed in BYTE # 1, page 73.
1$ STATE ~ STATE + LGET (M,N); Data (8 bit bytes) used by FACTS_OF _LIFE at this level:
!ROW = Parameter passed from GENERA TION.
21 ~
OLDCEL L TGET (THIS, ICOL) ; M = temporary , row index.
22 IF OLDCE LL ~ 1 THEN DO; N = temp orary, colum n index.
23 IF STATE ~ 2 OR STATE ~ 3 THEN NE'I/CELL ~ 1; STA TE = count of "o n" bits in neighborhood of lROW, ICOL.
24 END; OLDCELL = temporary copy of old cell a t IROW, I COL.
25 ELSE DO; NEWCELL = new value for locatio n IROW, ICOL.
27 END;
Data (8 bit bytes) used by F ACTS_ OF _LIFE but shared with
the whole program :
Fig. 9. The SETLI MIT rou tine specified in a procedure-orien ted
langu age.
LIFE Line 2
Procedure-Oriented Computer may be c all e d as a language , one statement
Languages "su broutine" from a program typically represen ts several
\ /'
The examples of programs
accompanying two articles iri
thi s issue have been
c onstructed in
procedure-{)riented language.
or another procedure. A
procedure may be called in a
"function" sense as well , in
which case a RETURN
statement would be required
machine instructions . In these
the high I evel language
statement has a "semantic
intent" - a definition of its
operation - which can be ~-
" 'ffi/,1/'
" -: .. /
........ .
This method of program to set a value. transla ted in to the lower level
representation is compact and
complete . In principle, one Data
machine language. In these
examples several types of
/ .j. ~ --
could write a compiler to For the purposes of these statements are employed .. .
automatically translate the examples , no "data
programs written this way declarations" are put into the
into machine codes for some programs to complicate the
compu ter. By writing the pic ture . Instead , each
"IF .. . THEN ... ELSE . .. " "assignment" - a stateme nt
programs in this manner, example has a section
constructs are used for of the form "X = Y ;" is call ed
more detail is provided than following it which verbally
notation of decisions. The the assignment state me nt. Y
in a flow chart, and the describes each data name
first set of ellipses indicate a is "evaluated" and the result
program is retained in a used. Only one "data type" is
condition which is to be is moved into X when the
machine independent form. considered at this point -
tested. The second set of statemen t is execu ted. If X or
The particular integers - and these are
ellipses in the model is used Y have subscripts as in
representation used here generally assu med to be 8
to stand for the "true part" - "TEMP(THIS,I)=
resembles several languages in bits.
a statement (or DO group) LIFEBITS(IROW ,I) ;" then
the "PLI I" family of Arrays of integers are used which is to be executed if and the subscripts (such as
computer languages, but is in several examples. Art array only if the condition is true; "THIS,I" and "I ROW,I" in
not in tended for compilation is a group of bytes, starting at the third set of ellipses is the the example) are used to
by any existing compiler. For the location of its address and " false part" - a statement reference the name as an
readers familiar with such extending through ascending which is only executed if the array and pick particular
languages , you will find a memory addresses from the condition is false. The word bytes.
strong PLI I in fluence and a starting point. The purpose of ELSE and the whole false
modera te XPL influence. In a an array is to reference part are often omitted if not
future issue BYTE will be "elements" within the array needed.
running articles on a language by "subscripts". For these
specifically designed for examples, the elements are
microcomputer systems, referenced by the numbers 0 "DO groups" - a grouping of
P LIM, which is an adap tation through "n-I" for an array several statements beginning
of the XPL language for 8-bit dimension 0 f length "n". If with a "DO" statement and
machines. For the time being, LIFE BITS is an array of 64 "CALL X" is a statement running through a
this representation is used by 8 bytes, then used to call a subroutine, in corresponding "END" is used
with some notes to aid your LIFEBITS(63,7) is the last its simplest form. A more to collect statements for a
understanding. element of the last row of the complicated form is to say logical purpose. In "DO FOR
array, and LIFEBITS(I,J) is CALL X(Z) where Z is a set 1= 0 to 7;" this purpose is to
Programs and Procedures the byte at row I, column J of "arguments" to be passed execute th e next few
A pro gram is a group of provided I and J are within to the routine. Another form statements thr o ugh the
lines which extends from a the proper ranges. of su broutine call is the corresponding "END ;" 8
PROGRAM statement to a "function reference" in an times with I ranging from 0
matching CLOSE statement. Statements assignment statement , where to 7. "DO UNTIL
It is intended as the "main A program or procedure the name of the su broutine is DONE=TRU E ;" is a n
routine" of an application. A consists of statements which used as a term in an example of a group whi ch is
pru cedure is a similar group specify wha t the com pu ter arithmetic expression. repeated indefinitely until a
of lines which extends from a should do. In a machine condition is met a t the END .
PROCEDURE statement to language, these wou ld "DO FOREVER" is a handy
its CLOSE statement. A correspond to the selected way of noting a group to be
pro c e d u rem a y have operation codes of the repeated over and over with
parallleters indicated in the computer which is being no end test, a prac ti ce ofte n
PROCEDURE statement , and programmed. For a high level frowned upon.
A QUICK Test of Keyboards
This indicator circuit can be used to advantage when
analyzing keyboards using techniques descri bed in BYTE # 1,
"Deciphering the Mystery Keyboard," page 62.
After completing the pattern at the same time. The ASCII, EBIDIC, or whatever
assemb ly of a keyboard late solution was very simple, could be checked out quickly
one night, I wanted to check inexpensive, and quickly with this system.
the keyboard out for proper allowed the bit pattern on the
operation. So I picked up my keyboard outp ut pins to be
YOM and started looki ng at viewed as a bit pattern. Fig. 1 A keyboard which
the voltage levels on the shows the system used. The generates ASCII coded
output pins of the keyboard, LEOs are lit or unlit characters has the "A" key
since I do not have a CRT depending on the key pressed pressed and held. The LED
terminal or any oth er ASCII and held. The pattern bit pattern would look like
device available . Well, being a produced by the LEOs will this:
software type, I kinda felt a d isp lay the bits of the O·LED on, logic level high
littl e frustrated since I am character generated by the '·LED off, logic level low
generally used to being able key pressed on the keyboard. all' 110 ASCII character
to see al l the bits of a bit Keyboards which generate code for "A"
bit 0 123456
1 000 001
It should be pointed out
that this test method will
work without modification
Fig. 1. Examining Keyboard Outputs with LED Indicators. A with diode encoded
TTL·compatible output can drive the typical LED with about 10 keyboards such as Southwest
milliamperes in an active low state. Technical Products KBD·2
keyboard (which is the
keyboard I assemb led and
+ 5V
tested with the above
method). However, some
keyboards may generate an
inv erted code which
shouldn't be a problem. Some
KP keyboards (surplus and
perhaps new) with more
GND sop his ti ca ted debouncing
Jf LED 330n techniques may not work
by AND with this test method without
ENCODER Jf LED 330n some additional components.
Don R. Walters BI
For example, some keyboards
3505 Edgewood Dr. B2 J'LED 330n
have a bus·oriented tri-state
AIIII A rbor M I 48 104 B3 330n MOS output without
sufficient drive to light the
Jf LED 330n
B4 diode lamps; you would need
a buffer gate in this case, as
B5 330n
well as an output data strobe.
86 330.0. Other keyboards require an
active "read" operation in
which a pulse is supplied to
reset flip flops acknowledging
CPU acceptance of data.
OURS. SPECIFY 5, 6, 8, OR 12 VOLTS. $7.95 + 2 LBS.
o o
INSTALLED BOBBIN OF 250 FT. GREEN WIRE, AND AN EXTRA BOBBIN o SOR Thi s is a flat, multiconductor wire ,
OF RED WIRE AS WELL AS I NSTRUCT IONS .. .. ... .. .. . .. ... . $9 . 50 ---$27,95--- available in multiples of 10 conduc-
tors up to 100 conductors. Comes in
8 BIT CHIP o conductor
---AND TO GO WITH YOUR WIRE PENCIL--- o 20 ft . lengths only. Cost is l¢ per
VECTORBOARD---TYPE 169P84-062, PRE - PUNCHEDVECTORBOARD WITH 0 foot; for example, a 20
HOLES ON . I" CENTERS (PERFECT FOR I Cs). 8t" X 17", 1/ 16" SET - 8008 + conductor cable 20 ft . long = $4 . 00
THICK EPOXY GLASS .... ....... .. . .. $8.95 + 1 lb . SPHG/BOARD .
o 8-2102s o 0 0 o 00
o o o o
o o 0
SEE lacillt
0 0
o DatE 101' 0
o COlllDlltEr 11E\VS
o o o 0
0 00
G 14 PIN
T 40 PIN 5/$2.95
T 24 PIN 5 1 $1.95 G 16 PIN 10/$1.95
~~ T 28 PIN 5/$1 . 95 G 40 PIN 5/$2.95 0
~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o o 0
00 0
~ bywrap" 0
0 0
0 0
(00/ o
0 0
~~===~=- o
0 0
o 0 0
CONNECTIONS PROTECT COMPONENTS FROM HEAT, ARE EASILY MODI- less case and transformer, but includes
ASSEMBLY OF COMPLEX DIGITAL PROJECTS . IF THE HIGH COST OF TAX. NO COD. board, and the readout may be remoted .
WRAPPING PUTS YOU OFF, LOOK AT OURS .. YOU GET THE TOOL (RE- The readout-board-lens combin'a tion alone
TIGHT PLACES), BIT , CHARGER, NICADS, AND INSTRUCTIONS. ~~~~~ has sold for $14.95 nationally. POSTPAID
\ ,~\\t ~\1tS on aGODBOUT RAH kit I '6 ;'
(\\\\ \ \ S131.0' YJo € per BIT I • ,18
\ \ \\ \ COMPATIBLE ALTAIR 8800 & OTHER 8 8IT MACHINES / / / / I'
\ \
j' I
I /
\ \ \. \--\~.-\"\HE\ iHOIL~ [Atl t:; ~A;": 17 ,BIj'TT . . I / /
'.': £"~
jj...... : .j'
:~~ ':'1'" ~"r":
: jj"'\~'
: '.': ~~.~:..
' :........
: :~::I ~
~""l!!'" ~"'\::
-;.w::": :':: : ~
: • ~ !)
:r: ::"\~'
j' .... .... ...................
.................... ('.': :r: t:1:
.... :"a'
..J: · ~
'1:' ~
:r: :!'!:
:........ : ~.
InfUlr FOR
/ / .
. / " /""
.. ' /"
becomes def ec t ive i t ca n be
Modular Construction, OR re m oved, re paire d or re p laced
with o u t h avin g to do a lo t o f
unwlrln g a nd rewirin g o r
1~- 18 i n . I~
compa ny whic h makes the printe d c ircui t board ca rd
TO-C LEAR PC B OAR D LE NGT H i nd u str ia I process cont ro l cages) ca bin e ts, pr in ted
~• 't)~
~ co m p u t e r sys t e m th e n c irc uit board s) a nd eve n
asse mble s the parts together) m o dul ar p owe r su p·pli es.
w r i tes the n e cessa r y Tru e) it a lways looks good o n
softwa re) and add s wh ateve r paper) bu t if yo u t hin k o ut
- t othe r sp ec ial h ar dware is th e projec t and are a Ii ttle
4 . 5 in . OR TO neede d . T he e nd prod u ct is carefu I a nd persistent) yo u
CLE A R PC BOA RD somethi ng ne w , bu t is still sho ul d b e a ble to fab ri cate
_I made up ou t of all t he
su basse mbli es (m o du les). But
th e m o dul es of yo u r
co mpute r sy ste m at a frac ti o n
FRONT more im po rtan tl y) becau se of th e cost th at commerc ia l
1 - + . - - - -- 19 in . - - -- - - the sys te m is made up of units wo uld cost) p lu s yo ur
ED GE CON NECTORS CA N BE MOUN TED EITHER m od ul es, if a m o dul e system wi ll h ave a go od
Fig. 2. Ca bin e t Fa brication . Imagina tion, me tal p la tes and angle stock are blended into a com puter ca bine t
for your system.
/' Y
H. Walt ers
.'fS() S /,'dW'w(wd /Jr. AS NEEDED
profes s ional-looking Fig. 3. Typical 22-pin printed circuit board stock (minus printed wiring), Note: Gold plating on contacts is
appearance. highly recommended ; avoid surplus backplane socke ts with any tarnish to in terrace vrith contact.
The printed circuit board
card cage of Fig. 1 is simple 1--- 1 in
to fabricate from locall y ~
. ~
- -,- -
available materials (hobby
shops, hardware sto res, and
r '-
. 156 in .
perhaps lumber yal'ds are a WIDTH AS NEEDED
good source of ma terials), 3 .6 in . FOR 22 PIN FOR 22 PIN EDGE
The side panels of the PC IS COMMON)
board card cage can be made AS NEEDED FOR
from heavy gauge aluminum, DIFFERENT NUMBER
Aluminum door kick panels
available in most hardware
stores are good sources for
the aluminum of the side
panels. The spacing-brace bar
is, again, something found in
most hardware stores in the
FOIL PADS 1- - - -- - 6.5 OR lOin. IS EASY - - - -- - ---1.
(approximately 1/16 inch TO DEAL WITH
thick) aluminum bars , The
card cage asse mbly can be (SIDE VIEW)
fastened together with pop
rivets or nuts and bolts (6-32
binder head mach ine screws
are about the right size), Card
guides can be made from this is to use an abras ive heavy gauge cookie sheet). It is hoped that th is short
channeled plastic strips, cleanser such as COMET, Pl ace men t of parts is not burst of ideas will motivate
aluminum or even wood. The AJAX, etc ., and a littl e elbow critical and there is enough others into trying their hand
card guides can be fastened in grease. Then use the method 1 roo m for whatever needs to at building some of the
the card cage with gl ue or that best suits yo ur needs for be in the power supply. The re physic al hardware of their
drilled and bolted in. PC laying out the foil pattern is eve n e nough room for a system (t e rmin a l or
board edge connectors can be and etching the bo al'd . PC barrier terminal strip. Barrier computer). The ide as
mounted on the back edge of board edge connec tor foil terminal str ip ? Yep, if you presented here can be rea li zed
the back spacing-brace bars in pads are not too hard to put use ban'ier terminal strips on with a little cash, some work,
a vertical position by drilling on a board, even if you use an power supplies, in your and perseverance, So if you
and tapping holes in the back etch resist pen to do it. There com pu ter, and for connecti ng are building your computer
e dg e of the back are also a cou pl e of t he rea l world to your or terminal from scratch,
spacing-brace bars, Edge companies wh o sell a I'u bb er computer, then it is very easy partially from scratc h, or
connectors could also be stamp fo r edge connector foil to disconnect a wirers) fro m from a kit , here are some
mounted hori zontally on a pads, IC pin pads, etc. the barriel' terminal strip with ideas which should be of
piece of aluminum and then Etching PC boards is not a sc rewd rive ... interest to you.
fastened to the back difficult either. Try it; afte r
spacing-brace bars. all, practice may not make
perfect PC boards, but afte r a Fig. 4. Building a power supply as an assembly.
The cabinet of Fig, 2 is
another ite m that can be wh il e of trial a nd errol' yo u'll ~ _______ BARRIER TERMINAL STRIP
more easi ly welded and aluminum shou ld be made
would be better for larger
cabinets or I'elay rack type
enc losu re s,
from 1/32 o r 1/ 16 in ch
aluminum (yep, go get an
alu mi n um door kic k panel or
o Enclosed is check for $ _ _ _ _ _ __ o Altair 8800 0 Kit 0 Assembled
oo orBankAmericard # -------~- o Options (list on separate sheet)
Master Charge # _ _ _ __ _ _ include $8 for postage and handling
o Credit Card Expiration Date _ _ __ _ o Altair Documentation Special
o Please send free Altair catalog
Name _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1. Central Processing Unit (CPU) Board . Oth er Altair Opti o ns in c lude additi o nal PRICES :
Thi s d o uble-sid ed boa rd is th e heart of th e expander boa rd s, computer termin als, Altair Computer kit with complete assembly
instructions 5439 .00
A ltair 8800. It wa s d es igned around a audi o -casse t te int e rf ace b o ard , lin e Assembled and tested Altair Computer 5621.00
powerful , by te o ri ented, vari abl e word printers, A SCII keyboa rd s, f loppy di sc sys- 1,024 word memory board ______ ___ 597.00 kit and
le ngth p rocesso r - a co mpl e t e ce ntr a l tem , alph a-num e ri c di spl ay and more. 5139.00 assembled
process in g unit o n a sin gle LSI chip using 2,048 word memory board ________ S145.00 kit and
n-c hannel, si li co n gat e MOS t ec hnology. S195.00 assembled
5. All aluminum case and dress panel. Th e
Th e CPU bo ard also co ntain s th e Altair 4,096 word memory board 5264.00 kit and
A ltair Com p uter has been d esigned bo th 5338.00 assembled.
System Cloc k - a stand ard TTL osc illato r for th e ho b byist and for in d ustrial use. It Full Para llel Interface board . .. $92.00 kit
with a 2. 000 MH z c ry st al as th e f eedba c k and 5114.00 assembled.
co mes in an all aluminum ca se co mpl ete
element. with sub-panel and dress panel.
Serial Interface board (RS232) 5119.00 kit and
5138.00 assembled.
2. Power Supply. Th e A ltair Pow er Supp ly Serial Interface board (TTL or teletype) . $124.00
provid es two + 8, a +1 6 and a -16 vo lts. 6. It all adds up to one fantastic computer. kit and $146.00 assembled
Th ese vo ltage s are unregulated until th ey Th e Altair is co mp arabl e to mini-co m- Audio Cassette Record InterfacL __ S128.00 kit and
reac h th e indi v idu al boa rd s (C PU , Fro nt puters costin g 10-20 th o usa nd d o ll ars. It
5174.00 assembled
Panel. M em o ry, I/ O , et c.). Eac h boa rd has Expander Board (adds 4 slots to 8800) ___ S16.00 kit
ca n be co nnec ted t o 256 input/ o utput and S31.00 assembled
all th e nec essa ry regul ation fo r its own d ev ices and can directl y address up to
o perati o n. 65, 000 w o rd s o f memo ry. It has ove r 200 NOTE : A ltair Com p ute rs come w ith co m p le te d oc u-
The A lta ir Power Suppl y all ow s you to m achine in stru c ti o ns and a cyc le tim e of me nt atio n and opera tin g in stru c ti o ns. A ltai r c us-
ex pand yo ur co mputer by addin g up to '16 2 mi c roseco nd s. to m ers rece ive software a nd ge ne ra l co mput er
bo ard s in side th e main case. Provision s for inform at io n th ro ugh f ree membershi p to th e A lt air
Yo u ca n o rd er th e A ltair Computer by User's C lub . Software now avai la ble in cl ud es a
th e additi o n o f a co o lin g fan are part o f simpl y filling o ut th e cou pon in thi s ad or resi dent assem bler. systern rn o nit o r, tex t ed ito r and
th e Altair d es ign. BAS IC lan gu age .
by ca llin g us at 505/265-7553. Or yo u can'
as k fo r free tec hni ca l co nsultati o n or for
3. Expandability and custom designing. Th e o ne of o ur free A ltair Sys tem Cat alog ues.
A lt a ir h as b ee n d es i g n ed t o b e eas il y
ex pand ed and eas i Iy ad apted to thousand s MI TS/63 28 Linn NE , Albuquerqu e, NM , 871085 05/ 265-7553
o f appli cation s. Th e bas ic A ltair com es ,------ - --- -- --- - - - - - - - ,
w ith o ne expander boa rd ca p abl e o f ho ld - MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! I
in g fo ur ve rti ca l bo ard s. Three additi o nal
expand er boa rd s ca n be added in sid e th e o Enclosed is c hec k fo r $ I
m ain case. o Bank Ame ri ca rci 1/ I
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o C reclit Ca rd Exp ira ti o n Da te I
4. Altair Options. M emo ry boa rds now
"Creative Electronics" o Alta ir Com pu te r 0 Ki t 0 Asse mbl ed :
ava il abl e inc lud e a 1024 w o rd mem o ry o O pti o n s (li st o n se p a ra te shee t ) I
boa rd , a 2048 wo rd memo ry boa rd , and a In c lucie $8. 00 fo r pos ta ge a nd ha ndling. I
4096 word memo ry board . I nterf ace bo ard s Price s and spe c i f ica ti o n s sub jec t to c hange
in c lud e a parall el board and 3 se ri al boa rd s I
wi th o u t not ice . \'Va rra nt y: 90 da ys o n pa ri s NAME ______________________________ I
( RS 232, TTL and Telet ype). No te: Interf ace fo r ki ts a nd 90 day s o n pa ri S a nd labo r for I
boa rd s all ow yo u to co nnec t th e Al ta ir asse rnbl ed unil s. ADDR ESS ___________________________ I
Co mputer t o co mputer termin als, tele- I
t ypewriters, line printers, pl o tt ers and o th er C IT Y STATE & Z IP _____
I M IT S/ 6328 Linn NE, Albu que rqu e, NM, 87'108
d evices.
L __ ___ _ __ __ __ __ ___ _ __
. 50 5/265-7553 ~
Permission Granted to Xerox
(or 8/11, IHM. 11/)('('0 or othprillise ./ill'simi/e. ('0P)' or dupli(,ate)
The Management
, - - - - - - - - -Cut - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - ------Tea:;:-- - - - - - - - - ,
I Name... . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. i Name. . .. .. . ... . . ... .. .. ... ..... ... .... .. . ... . . ... .. . . . :
Add a Stack
to Your 8008
Bes ides higher speed, the memory. The stack pointer contents of the top location
most sign ificant improveme nt d oe s not nee d to be are read into register A and
offered by the 8080 is the initiali zed and thus the stack then all of the lower data in
addition of a general purpose is always ready for use) or it the stack moves up one
stack capability. Using the can be complete ly ignored by location and the top location
stack, the programmer may programs that don't need it is lost.
save registers used in without prob lems. An obvious app li cation of
subroutin es and interrupt Pro gr amming the data th e s tack is in writing
service routines and then later stack is quite simple. The subroutin es that do their job
restore them. Argu men ts to output address assoc iated without destroying any
subroutines may also be with the stack is given the registers. A simple example is
pushed onto the stack. In the sym bolic name STPSH for the exchange HL and DE
8080 the stack is kept in STack PuSH and the input subroutine in Fig. 1. First
main memory and addressed
by means of a stack poin tel'
registe r. One inconvenience
of the 8080 stack is that data
may be push ed and popp ed Fig. 1. A subroutine to exchange
DE and HL register pairs using
on ly in byte pairs creating
one stack location and no addi·
wasted space if on ly a single tional registers.
regis te I' needs to be saved.
Also, the stack puinter MUST
be set up d l th e beginning of
a program befo re any
subroutines are call ed and LDA
kept valid at all times or very LAL EXCHANGE LAND E
strange things may happen. LLE
Much of the programming LEA
convenience of the 8080 INP STPOP RESTORE A FROM STACK
stack may be had on an 8008 RET AND RETURN
system with the addition of
about six ICs and the use of
one input and one output
address . The basic stack is 16
elements deep which is addre ss is given the name register A is pushed onto the
genera ll y adequate for STPOP for STack POP. When stack. Th en registers H and 0
hv register saving app li cations. an OUT STPSH is executed and Land E are exchanged
11111 Chlll11be rlin Addition of more chips and by the program, all of the using A. Finally the original
The Compute r Hobbyist substitution of 256 X 4 ex isting data (or garbage) in state of register A is restored
RAMs for the 16 X 4 RAMs the stack is conceptually by popping it off the stack
f )O Jj()X :!9 S
gives a 256 element capacity, pushed down one location and the subroutin e returns.
CII I"\' \C :! 7.J II amp le for almost any use . In and the byte in register A is Because of the push·down
either case the added written into the top location nature of the stack, one
hardware provides both a which was vacated. When an subroutine that uses the stack
stack pointer an d a dedicated INP STPOP is execu ted, the may cal l another su broutine
Hal Chamberlin and his associates at The Computer
Hobbyist put out excellent small systems technology ...
designs include a high reliability aud io cassette recording
method, an inex pensive high resolution graphics display - and
this article's stack design among others. Several of their more
general purpose designs (e.g ., tap e interface, CRT display) are
that uses it a nd so o n without soon to be available in kit or assembled versions. This article
lo ss of data as lo ng as th e describes a custom modificat ion of an 8008 based system
s tac k 's capacity is not which you can add to an input/output port to achieve a stack
exceede d. The only mechanism . The method is that old standby of minicomputer
req uirement is that a ll of the instruction set escape mechanisms - use I/O commands to
data saved o n the stack by a implement "new instructions." With a stack of sufficient si ze
subroutine be po pped back and suitable save/restore subroutines accessed by RST instruc- This circuit br ings the
off before it returns. 8008 one step closer
tions of the 8008, you can eliminate conflicts in register usage
Fig. 2 shows a completely
between multiple levels of subroutines. The overhead penalty to the goal of a "real"
general interrupt service
routine that uses the data is a single RST or CAL instruction in the linkage code, the computer.
stac k to save all regis ters and register save and restore routines, and the t ime required to
the state of the conditions (e, execute the save/restore subroutines.
Z, 5, Pl. Whe n entered, . .. CARL
register A is first pushed onto
the stack. Th en the remaining
six registers are saved one at a
Fig. 2_ A general purpose register
time by first loading them and condition code save routine.
into A and then pushing A
onto the stack . None of the
instruc tio ns necessary to do GSAVE OUT STPSH SAVE A ON THE STACK
this affect the condition flags. LAB SAVE B
Finally a chain of conditional OUT STPSH
jumps is executed to create a LAC SAVE C
"magic number" in A that
reflects the state of the
conditions. After A is pushed LAE SAVE E
o nto th e stack, the interrupt OUT STPSH
may be serviced without LAH SAVE H
restrictions on register usage. OUT STPSH
In order to return to the LAL SAVE L
interru pted progra m, first the OUT STPSH
magic numb er is po ppe d off LAI 0 CLEAR A
and added to itself with an RAR PUT CARRY IN HIGH ORDER
A D A instruction . Th e
number is such that the
pro pe r conditions are set LBI 030B RESTORE THE SIGN FLAG
when it is added to itse lf. GSAVl JTP GSAV2 OR IN A 004B IF PARITY
Next the six ind ex registers ORI 004B INDICATOR IS OFF
are popped off and restored GSAV2 ORB COMBI NE B AND A
in reverse order fro m which GSAV3 OUT STPSH SAVE MAGIC NUMBER ON STACK
instructio n is executed . This ADA ADD IT TO ITSELF TO RESTORE CONDITIONS
method of complete status INP STPOP RESTORE L
saving may be m odifi e d for LLA
use by a de bug progra m. INP STPOP RESTORE H
Debu g can be ente red by a LHA
con sole interrupt a nd the us er INP STPOP RESTORE E
may exami ne things. Th en
program executi o n may be
resumed wit h no loss of data . INP STPOP RESTORE C
These two programming LCA
examp les shou ld se rve to INP STPOP RESTORE B
illustra te the use of the stac k. LBA
Th e stack is impl emented INP STPOP RESTORE A
with an up-d ow n counter and RET RETURN WITH STATUS RESTORED
Fig. 3. Logic Diagram of a 16 element data stack. NOTE: "X" refers to
a source of logical one, usually a 1 k resistor to +5.
+5 +5
390 ~ ~
0 o 7
B C 6
74123 50NS 74123 74193
NO. 2
X- B
01--- X - B
x-rl LO
6 10 INC o I
5 6 INB 7
4 4 INA c.9
7489 _ 7401.1 6
~ B 7
CE I 7401 4
12 WE
3 1NO
2 10 IN C o UI I J 7401..r 3
I 6 INS ~
0 4 INA C 9 _ J 7401..r 2
~ ADS sl--
14 A04
15 5
c==J 7401 .r
A02 A
AOI L..:.J7401 f 0
STA CK 1 2
a rand om access read-write timing prob lem may arise in a addressi ng the next lower
. memo ry. Rather th an the system using the 8008-1 if element on the stack .
data moving when pushes and the output data is not valid Figs. 3 and 4 show the
p o ps a re executed, the fo r the sum of write pul se logic diagram and timing
An obvious application up-dow n counter acts as a delay and write pul se width chart respectively fo r a 16
of the stack is in writing pointer to the top ele ment on (950 NS) required by t he elem ent data stack. A bus
subroutines that do their the stack and the pain ter MOS RAM . (Timing given is type of I/O syste m (as
. job without destroying moves. Th e logic is set up so for the 2101 RAM. Matters opposed to a "port" ty pe) is
that when an OUT STPSH is a re imp roved if 2101-1, assumed. As show n, any
any registers.
decoded, the coun ter first 21 01 -2, or 9101 RAM is syste m with eith er separate
counts up one notch and used_) There should be no data inpu t and output busses
after suffici ent time for the prob lems with the bipo lar or a bidirectional bus may be
add ress to settle in the RAM, RAM in the 16 ele me nt used. Some systems may use
a write pu lse is gene rated to version_ an output bus with TRUE
write the data from A into When an I NP STPOP is data and an input bus
the RAM . Th e write pul se recognized, the contents of requiring FALSE data. In this
delay can be fa irl y short (50 the curre ntl y addressed case, the 7401 s may be
NS or so) in the '16 ele ment location are simpl y gated omi tted and the TIL RAM
stack but mu st be at leas t 200 onto the input bus. The outputs tied directly to the
NS for the slower MOS RAM counter co un ts down one input bus. The tw o
used in the 256 ele ment notc h at the end of the INP sin gle-shots, SS-l and SS-2,
ve rsion. It is poss ible that a instruction t h e r eby are used to time the seq uence
Fig. 4. Stack T iming Diagram. 2 101 RAM . If a 910 1 is use d,
t he t imin g m ay be speede d up
consid erab ly . An 8101 m ay
OU T PU TAD D RES S D<__--.!.V~A,,-!LI~D_ _ _ _~X!/j!III/Illillill(Ii!(lil!ib req u i r e so mewh at slower
timing. In any case be sure to
check the data sheet for the
CPU OUTPU T DA TA 1!i/}/!1/1I07X~_~YA",-L",-",1D'-----_~X(I//j/iI/J7W17/!JiIl/OZ7l/j, RAM bein g u se d.
PUSH DECODE Aftel' writing a few
programs using the stack yo u
I will wonder how yo u got
alo ng without it. The size a nd
STACK COUNTER _ _ _ _Nc:!.-_--'X N +1 speed of so me ro utines m ay
be improve d by a factor of
two if use of the stack
a ll ev i ates the n eed to
con sta ntly reference me mory .
INPU T ADDRESS 7JllllP< VAll D Xl./iilIIII1I/!/I1/!/lZ An overall improve ment of
INPUT ENABLE 10 to 20% can be ex p ect ed
on large programs such as
assemblers_ Th e biggest
STACK OUTPUT illlllll!1.7Z[lll1lx YAL.I[2 X<liflJ7ZZZ!l./117tIIllliJ1.!l improve m ent howeve r will be
STACK COUNT ER N X N-I in codin g time since register
usage will not h ave to be
carefully pla nn ed in adv ance.
Use the stack to pass
of eve nts fo r a stack push. mem o ry when either a push parameters to subroutines
First, NAND ga te number 1 or a pop is being executed when you don't have
recognizes the coincid ence of and di sabl es it otherwise . enough registers.
the 5TP5H device code o n Th e logic n ecessa ry fo r a
the ad dress bu s and a n output 256 e l e m e nt s t ack is
strobe pulse o r its e qLliv ale nt. esse nti all y the 'sam e as for the
The gate outp ut triggers 55-1 16 e lem en t version . The
which in cre me nts the stack major di ffere nces are that a
pointer coun ter when its separate single-shot sh o uld be 1K 475ns all orders shipped
cycle is finishe d. An RC use d to time th e write delay STATIC RAM SIGNETICS postpaid and
netwo r k betwee n the two and that a buffer is ab so lu te ly $4.25 for one 2602-1 insured. Mass
sin gle-s hots delays firing of necessary to drive the CP U $4.00 each for residents add 3%
55-2 until the coun te r h as input bu s. If the polarity of eight sales tax
settled down and th e RAMs the input bus is the sa me as $3.75
recognize the new address . that of the output bu s or it is each for 32
The write e nable is connected the same bus, 8093 or 74125 WHY PA Y FOR BEING SMALL?
to 55-2 which all ows data on n o n i n vert i n g and quad
Cenli-Byte is a new so ul'ce of memory components
th e C PU o utput bus to be tri-state bu ffe r s are and other necessary ite ms For th e computer hardware
written into the new ly convenient to use . builde r. Our function is to be a voice to the
addressed RAM locatio n. Ope n-coll ector 7401 gates manufacturing companies re presen ting you, the
may be use d in stead if the modest volume consumer of spec ial purp ose com-
The occurre nce of an INP
ponents. Centi-Byte brings you th is specia l in t ro-
5TPOP is detected by NAND input bus is in verted. Th e ductory oFfer o r fast me mory ch ip s, c hip s fast enough
gale number 2 . As lo ng as the chip enab les on the M05 to run an MC6800 o r 8080 at maximum speed. These
gale is sat isfied, data f ro m the RAM5 sh ould be gro und ed so 2602- 1's are new devic e s purchased in quantity an d
RAM is placed on the CPU that the chip is always f ull y gu ara nteed to m a nuFacturer's spec ific atio ns.
Centi -Byte works by concentrating your
inpu t bus. At the end of the enabled. The connection to
purchasing power into q u antity buys 01' new
INP inst ru ction when the the bu s drivers is left as it was compo nents. Let us k now what you need in th e way
NAND gate outp u t goes back for th e 16 ele ment vers ion of specialized compo nents and subsyste ms Fo r future
10 a ONE, th e cou nter however. Th e timings for the offe ri n gs. With your pUI'chas ing power co nce ntrated
decremen ts to add ress the write delay and write pulse thl'Ough us, together we will lower the cost of h o me
comp utin g.
ne x t lower cle ment o n the width sin gle -sh ots can be set
slack . A 7400 co nn ected as
a n OR-NOT e nab les the
to the minimum values
allowable fo r the sta nd ard
:· )::.¥~tf4BYti~
PO BOX 312
the value innovator
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AM and FM outputs, phase 2.5 readings/sec
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much more. DC Current; ±1.5%
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Ah yes! I t conjures up
visions of an earlier day,
Home Computer
something to make it at least
as exc iting as old-time radi o.
We m e nti o n ed three
applications for a hom e
1) checkbook balanci ng
A computer at home? Ask many present day computer 2) recipe converting
systems people what they'd do with a home computer and 3) game playing
you'll get the old silent treatment in return. But all that For starters Mom and Pop
indicates is a lack of imagination. A large part of the BYTE should have a program for
Richard Gardner philosophy is the discovery of appl ications areas through the collecting and summarizing
Box 134 imaginations and practical results of readers. Richard Gardner all their financial data, on a
Harvard Square supplies us with a "Gee Whiz" article on potential applications daily, monthly and yearly
areas to get things in motion a bit. Richard has extensive (for yo ur "friend" and mine,
Cambridge MA 02139
computer applications experience including one stint working the I RS) basis. A fami ly will
for the Children's Museum in Boston, creating interactive be more secure by knowing
computer oriented exhibits. Eventually, many of the systems the state of its financial
ideas Richard mentions in his article will appear as practical affairs. You will want to
plans and programs in the pages of BYTE - as developed and
described by our readers. If you'd like an interactive meeting
of the minds on possible uses and ideas , Richard invites
correspondence from readers. . .. CARL
HI~ Olfl\l..fTY
REA,,"~ " .. en
compute interest for different energy use. Open a nd close Using a Symbol Table to
purch ase plans, a nd balance curtains o n windows to use Improve the Food Tabl e
the checkbook. the su n's e nergy or keep it
Moving on to a suqject out. Most pe op le in America
close to my hea rt (just below, 2) Security. Whil e yo u're have a poor di et in sp ite of
and a little to the righ t) - at home or away, mo nito r the the fact that we have more
food. AI most anyone can ope n i ng a nd closing of food of a better quality a nd
convert 4 to 7 se rvings - ju st windows a nd d oo r s. var iety than a ny other
doubl e it a nd feed the Au to matically telephone the cou ntr y . So I co nsider th e Since your computer won 't
leftove rs to the dog, or give it pol ic e wi th a recorde d fo ll owing to be importa nt be doing anything most of
to a charitable organization message whe n you're go ne or uses for a ho me computer: the day . ..
(tax ded uc ti ble, of cou rs e). at home. Monitor th e use of 1) Selection of foods on a
'M1 a t you really want to your swimming pool - sound seaso nal bas is to red uce cost
know is whether everyone got an alarm when the poo l is in a nd improve quality. A This a pplication, lik e others
e nough nutrie nts (vitamins, use a nd nobody's in the program for doin g this would mentione d, would use the
min era ls, pro te in, etc .) from I ifeguard sea t. Fire I·un for a year and use a data telephon e system t he
what they ate t o d ay . Hint: it monitoring eq uipme n t can be base for yo ur area (to take world's largest compute r. I
can be done. I know of two locate d in many pl aces a nd advantage of loca l produce) . can see it now. The kids get
people who started a small sound an alarm long before A second data base would be home from school and ask,
company to do it. you might sme ll o r see p ,·ogra mm e d for widel y "What's for dinne r, Ma Bell? "
On to fun and games -
hundreds of game pl aying The Bottom Line Isn 't
progra ms have bee n written (I Always an End Statement
inv e nt e d one called Or, how to profit from
YOUGUESS) for all sorts of your hom e computer:
computers and languages. 1) I nco me m anage me nt, as
You should have them all. It previou sly menti o ned, but
will win friends and influence with the hel p of ano ther
neighbors, if you'll pardon computer. Seve ra l co mpu ter
the pun . companies that do nothing
t'd say that's at least as but figure taxes (fo r you
excitin g as o ld-ti me radi o. know who!) already exist.
Good, but we can do much Eventually they will all ow
be tter. Let's consider three you r compu ter to call th eir
things: computer. Your computer
1) Today's computers are shovels in a year's data and
very fast. Th e applications out pops a tax fo rm with all
we've me ntioned might take the right numbers. You mi ght
one ho ur of CPU time per smoke. The fire dep art ment ava il ab le foods and when think it easier to d o yo ur own
day , at the very most. So can be call e d automaticall y they are best and cheapest. programming, but re me mber
wha t do we do with the other with another r ecor d e d 2 ) A m e nu building that you can't wri te every
23+ hours? message. program to take advantage of program you will want to use.
2) There are lots of These a pplications will the above system bu t with In additi o n, th ese companies
computers in the world, a nd ma ke use of photoce lls, the inte n tio n of in creas ing have staffs that do nothing
they can tal k to each other. th eramins (m otion se nsing variety a nd m ax imi zing but make pr ogra m
3) Co mpute rs can hear, devices) , heat sensors, contact nutriti o n. improv ements a nd changes
see, feel, smell a nd touch. s wi tches, smelli ng devices 3) A sh op pin g gu ide to require d by the I RS . Wh at
Kee p these thi ngs in mi nd (like those use d by the take a dva ntage of local food person in his or her ri ght
as we consider what might be Defense D e partm ent In suppli es by indica ting th e mind could poss ibl y keep
called economic, personal a nd Vietna m to smell passing best o ne or two m arkets from track of a m y ri ad of new
educatio nal applications for elephants and tigers). Ei ght which to pu rchase your foo d. rules from the I RS ?
the home computer. bit s might be used to Thi s data base m igh t be 2) Pl ay the po ni es or the
represe nt a tempe rature range mainta in ed by some person in puppies? An obvious use fOl"
Computerizing the Home of 256 degrees. 100 degrees your locality - and then yo ur compu te r. Again, use a
Since your computer would be adeq ua te for most rented on a per use basis. No data base com pil e d by some
won't be doing a nything most locatio ns. One analog to se nse in everyo ne typi ng in loca l eager beaver. Perhaps
of the day why not put it to digital converter could be today's pri ce for cumquats. you'd be charged a sma ll fee
work : used for other analog inpu ts, Perh aps th e New Yor/? Times for accessi n g the day's
1) H eatin g and a ir such as from a photoce ll. A wi ll eve ntu ally computerize stat ist ics. Pe rhaps yo u have a
conditioning control. digital to analog converter its cookbook, plus thousands data base or progra m to
Optimi ze incr eases a nd would ge nerate vo ltages to be of other rec ip es, and a llow trade.
d ecreases in the inside used by motors and other the publi c to access t hi s data 3) Th en there' s always th e
temp e r ature to minimi ze mecha nisms . base via a perso na l computer. world's biggest daily crap
used to play Space War - the
Gra ndpa of compu ter games l
Your computer, a TV set, a
few bu ttons and switc hes
and, presto - Sp ace War! Or
ping-pong, or drivin g down a
road, flying and landing an
a i rplane, landing on the
moon, chess, checkers (you
can pl ay these ga mes in
Boston with the Children's
Museum computer).
2) Toys th at play with you
- like robots. The Boston
Children's Museum has a
robot that was built for about
$200. Mass production of a
special chip and board will
bring that cost down. Th en
the biggest cost will be the
Meccano Set (I ike an erector
set, only better), which can
be used to build almost any
sort of mech anical device.
and quality changes during stories, fina nci al page stories, How about a robot to do
th e year: clothes, home or any story th at contains a housework ?
furnishings, gifts, trans- keyword or so m e 3) The ultimate fun,
po rt at ion, eve n housi ng. combination of key words. though, is to write your own
Some local person, or you, Thi s would be done early in programs to do all these
could create the necessary the morning and read by you things! Kids, and adults, will
game - the stock market. A commodity and price data at breakfast time. pl ay only so many games of
company in Phil adelphi a will bases, then use or rent them. 2) Your local university or tic-tac-toe - then they want
charge you $ 300 a year for a Remember! There is a host high school might have a to know how it works. Help
small numeric terminal and of areas for small bu sin ess compu ter with courses th at them write their first BASIC
24 hour a day access to their activiti es using your home can be taken via a remote program .. . and they're
stock data base. You key in compu ter as a tool of the terminal. Many universities likely to be hooked for life!
the number of a stock and trade. All it takes is already give some courses Eventually programming will
out pops th e high, low, imagin ation , a bit of di gging using o nly this meth od. include a bro ader range of
average, etc . Your computer into the wants and concerns 3) Th e Children's Museum input/out devic es such as the
could make one call after of your neightbors, and the in Bosto n will eventually previously mention ed buttons
eac h trading day, collect the programming of your a llow you to call their and switches, ph otoce ll s,
stock data you're interested computer. computer, via a terminal or microphones, etc. This will
in, ha ng up , and then computer, and access a data lead to the applications just
determine if you should buy, base of cultural, educational , discussed, and who knows
Six Munce Ago I Couldn't
sell or hoi d. Th e decisi on and social events in the what?
Even Spell Computer
making cou Id be done by Boston area. Your computer These are just some of the
Programmmer ...
your program or one being might call theirs once a day possible applications for a
rented from a stock mark et Computers are good for to learn what's new or learn home computer. All of them
wizard you know. kee ping you in touch with about a particular type of might no t be reasonable or
4) I menti oned how a the world. For exa mple: event. prac tical th ings to do but
computer could be used to 1) The New York Times they should set you to
optimize th e purch ase of has a computer ized data base Computers As Toys thinking.
food. Thi s principl e ap pli es to of all its back issues - Compu ters are probably As future issues of BYTE
any commodity whose price currently accessibl e to the the grea t e st toy ever unfold , the Gee Whizze rs
general public, for a fee. The inve nted. Here are some a pplic atio ns will lead to
cost will probab ly go down to exa mp les of how you can practical articles on the
the poi nt where yo u might play around with yours: software a nd speciali ze d
program yo ur co mputer to 1) It has bee n rumored periph era ls nee de d to
query the Times data base that 50%, or more, of the implement some of these
a nd retri eve front page computer time use d at MIT is ideas.
from the Publisher . ..
are they real?
Carl T. Hel mers Jr.
Wayne Gree n
We have a lot of bu zz displ ay ge ne r ator an d hand and were ex pectin g to MANAGING EDITOR
words these days, and o ne rece ived one a few days later be abl e to set up a prod ucti on Judith Havey
phrase we hear a lot is about in the m a il . I was department very soon. The ASSOCIATE EDITORS
co mp a ni es b ein g "real". disapp ointed not to have a system is based upon the Dan Fylstra
Bein g the publish er of BYTE, chance to talk with them at Motoro la M6800 chip and Chris Ryl and
it seemed to me that it would greater le ngth. feat ures a PROM load er. CONTRIBUTING EDITORS
be worth while if I were to They pl a n to have anoth er Hal Ch amberlin
In Sal t Lake I was met by
make a trip to visit the major Dou g Hancey of Sphere and PROM with Basic in it, which Don Lancaste r
micr oco mput er systems would be quite a step ahead
driven o ut to their new plant ASSISTANT EDITORS
companies and tal k with for it would free all of the
in Bountiful, a suburb. It's a John C. Burnett
them .. . possibly mak ing small buildin g and I have a RAM memory fo r use and
Susan G. Philbrick
t hem more rea l to our would permit instant use of
feeling that they will quickly PRODUCTION MANAGER
readers. Basic without t he usual
be outgrowin g t he faci liti es Lynn Panciera-Fraser
My first stop was in load in g process.
... I don't think they realize ART DEPARTMENT
Denver - a short layover
what a dema nd there is go in g I gather that Motoro la has
betwee n pl anes on my way to Nancy Estl e
to be for their syste m. been extre mely helpful in
Salt Lake. I tri ed to locate Neal Kandel
supplyin g in fo rm ation and Peri Mahoney
the Digital Group there, but They had a prototype up
sup port for the effort. This .
had no luck. Sorry about and runnin g and it looked Bob Sawyer
may have a lot to do with
that. I know they are real good. There were a cou pie of PRINTING
because I recently sent them glitches, of course, but they Biff Mahoney
a check for their video seemed to have these well in Continued on page 81
Bill Heydolph
Ed Crabtree
Barbara J. Latti
Marge McCarthy
Bill Edwards
Nancy Cluff
Susan Chandler
Dorothy Gibson
Cheryl Hurd
Pearl Lahey
Lorrai ne Mo rton
Judy Waterman
,~' . Marshall Ray mond
Bill Morell o
Sphere HQ in Bountiful, Utah, just outside of Salt Lake. That's Michael Wise, the president, in
front. These are new offices for Sphere and the production will be set up in the back part of the COMPTROLLER
building. Knud E. M. Kell er
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glides from one breathtaking
Caribbean jewel to another.
And you're aboard, having
the time of your life with an
\ intimate group of lively, fun-
loving people. Singles and
couples, too. There's good food,
"grog:' and a few pleasant
comforts ... but there's little
resemblance to a stay at a
fancy hotel, and you'll be
happy about that.
Spend ten days exploring
paradise and getting to know
congenial people. There's no
_. other vacation like it.
Your share from $245. A new cruise is forming now.
Write Cap'n Mike for your free adventure
booklet in full color.
Fig. 1. The ,INTEL.PS File
F:F:=.=0';': :1
· ["USF~ A[J[.'= ';':C,: 1.';"(1
used to equate most of the [ !lI::.R AC'E= 2(1 4
(!U:::.F; F'FZ=i!:t1 3.
'. ~ 1 ;' - ( " .. -1 ',' 4(0 ) '140(1 !
[ .'USR F.: LC=-(1I~12
1: 0
(.;USF~ F.:::.T 2=0 2 5
The use of these two · DUSF:
· r'U:::.F:
c.P C=.2 72
· ['USF~ F·5 T :;.=O ::, 5
('U S F~ F; :=.T4-=(14~'
operands can be seen in the ("USF:
CH! =.2-;-::
CPE<:7 4
(:>USR F· :=.T5= (I ~,·5
· MACf"-0 ,Jr:=-.
U U:=·F: RS T~, =O';·5
listing of the I NTEL.PS file ['lISf"
(. F·H=.2 7 ":',
CP L= 2l':,
UUSF.' R::. T 7 =- O;-S
"~ "1 l - \ ·, .. · l ,., 460 .. ·.41;(1 :.
· [)USF.· F; T (= I34:;'
shown in Fig. 1. L'USF:
C F'1'1= 2':'7
[.·(.E: =011
· (.JUSF; F: TP=0 (J
.. -1,·.·41;'n)
. . 1 '. 41~H)
\ · 1 } - \ '. ' ' /4(1I) ,·t4i)B l
.. - 1 ' . '-1(,,:,
can easily be accommodated ['U5F- F't=1F'3 '~: 2
by using th e assemble r's immediate statements (e.g.,
macro facility to perform the for those opcades which
eva lu ations. An example of a require the use of th e macro
macro defi ned fOl" the CAL facility).
opcode is th e following:
Assembler Output
The assembler output
shown in Fig. 3 was obtained
(t1)-((( '1) by issuing the command line:
/ 400) *400) macro facility is used in a
simil ar manner to create an MAC WALKL.SR $LPT/L
8-bit octa l represe ntation of which assembles the source
(1"1 )/400
the operand for an immediate fi le WALKL.SR using the
typ e of opcode . For example, 8008 defined symbol table,
6002 \·JAU . L
(.'ELR',' (.,00('20 1 /27 .1 /3.2 1 /3.3-
JF Z ~,(l00 7 '" "Ie .l./ 3.€' READOUT AT A FANTASTIC PRICE?
.H1P i?I€I(H€'1 "1(. 1 /~ 4 1 /3 9
LO I €lI)€I:1 '5";. rK :1./ .2::: S. D. presents the MAN·64 by Monsanto· 40 inch
u,r (lI~lI!11 ";.2 "K :1 / B7
LE I €,(l 1:'1t'..; I'K :1 ..-" 10 character. All LE 0 construction . not reflective
-;.TAPT t:1I30 B(II.!1 Ell 1 / 04 1 / (,,; :1 / 44
I·Jf,U L '~' i?lI)ill)'5 Ell 1 / 0: 1 / (14 :1 ....·14 1 /3 ";. 1 /3. 7 bar type, fits 14 pin 01 P. Brand new and factory
prime. Left D.P.
$1.5gea. 6for $7.50
a dd ress i n g problem, etc. use of a post-p rocessor could MOTOROLA POWER DARLINGTON - $1.99
Another in te restin g fea ture of be to punch a pa per tape of MJ3001 - NPN - 80 Volts· 10 Amps - HFE 6000
the macros is that they can be the object code which could typo To-3 Case. Ideal for power supplies, etc.
rec ursive. be loaded directly into the We include a free 723 . regulator w/schematic for
Further refi nemen t of this 8008 system if a pa per tape power supply with purchase of the MJ3001. You
syste m, currently being reader was avail abl e. get the two key parts for a DC supply for only
considered by the a uthor, is $1.99. Regular catalog price for the MJ3001 is
the u se of a Fortran Disavowal .. . $3.82.
post-processor program which The fact t hat the 8008 can
could reformat the listing exec ut e so m e opcodes LARGE SIZE LED LAMPS
wit h ad dresses in Intelese so doesn't make it a cOr.1puter. Similar to MV5024. Prime factory tested units. We
that they would be eas ier to This was found o ut the hard include plastic mounting clips which are very hard
read . Also, th e re is a slight way - by buildin g an 8008 to come by.
"bug" when using PC relative system (it see ms that while Special 4 for $1
addressing as was do ne on software people claim they
line 39 of the p rogra m in Fi g. could have surmised this from 48 HOUR SERVICE
3 (e . g., t h e J MP .+1 looking a t the instruction set, You deserve, and will get prompt shipment. On
state ment). In this case, the hardware peo pl e have to orders not shipped in 48 HRS' a 20% cash refund
lo w order byte of the jump build a working syste m will be sent. We do not sell junk. Money back
address is eva lu ated to o ne b efore they le ar n . . . ). guarantee on every item. WE PAY POSTAGE .
less than it sho uld be. A Ho wever, there are some uses Orders under $10 add 75t handling. No C.O. D.
post -processor co uld easily for an 8008 syste m. The Texas Res. add 5% tax.
identify this case, and correct author is prese ntl y working
it. (Uritil such time, this on an article by the title:
prob le m ca n be avo id ed by
usin g labe ls for all bra nches -
whic h is better progra mmin g
" How To Make the 8008
Emula te a Computer." S.
P. o.
BOX 28810 DAWS, TEXAS 75221
[Look for it in a future
pract ice anyway I) Another issue of BYTE - CH.J
Asynchronitis sufferers - relief is here. h
Christopher!1I. BnllLf'oft
CELDA T Design Aswcintes
Box 752
Amherst NH 03031
Do you suffer from however, because the the leading edge of the gate
asynchronitis? A typical frequencies are not identical and trailing edge of the clock,
sufferer has two systems, - as we see in Fig. 1, showing or vice versa, are nearly
each with its own clock, and Case 1 effective simultaneous - out comes a
these systems must communication, Case 2 - a short pulse, alias glitch. If
Fig . 1. Th e Asynchronitis
Sufferer. There are cases where
communicate. With a simple bit garbled, and Case 3 - counters - or any similar
the system #1 clock and the AND gate their oops! The result in Case 3 devices - are used, this blip
s.v stem #2 ga ting signal overlap communications suffer, shows what happens when may only partially trigger
perfectly (1 and 2) and other the m, causing erratic or
pesky cases (like 3) where a glitch
erroneous results.
The chronic sufferer may
be cured with a dose
constructed from a 7400
CLOCK pac kage, just a shade more
complicated than the single
CASE { GATE NAND gate. As simple and
inexpensive as it is, this
I OUTPUT _ _ _ _ _....1
dosage guarantees that the
gated clock pulses are always
2 { GATE~ complete, eliminating those
OUTPUT nasty short spikes which
cause bad operation. This
3 { GATE cure also provides an output
/--\ 1--\
OUTPUT _ _ _..:.,1-, 1 I 1 which rises and falls in
' - "GLITCH AT TRAILING EDGE ,_L~~G~L~IT~C~H~A~~T~T~R~A~IL~INGEDGE s y n c h ronization with the
clock, no matter when the
(SYSTEM NO.1) i----OUTPUT gate command occurs. (See
Fig. 2.)
Examining the timing
diagram (Fig. 3), we see how
the cure works. Gates 1 and 2
GATE (Fig. 2) form a latch that
____ OUT
Fig. 3. How the cure works. Case
1 shows the de·glitcher without
an active role due to fortuitous
alignment. Case 2 shows how a
glitch (cropping up at C) is
ignored and replaced by a full
clock pulse at output F (and a
clock synchronized gate l evel at
output E) . All gates 7400.
o CARD at $49.95
o $29 .95
CARD AT $29.95
Build an Osci Iloscope
Ever wonder how to make a computer draw pictures for
output? One way is to use an oscilloscope - which many
readers have on general principles for debugging the logic Many members of the
circuitry. Jim Hogenson provides a practical circuit for large family of alph an umeric
accomplishing that end in his "Oscilloscope Graphics Inter- computer output devices may
face" design . This graphics device was conceived by Jim as a be readily used in the home
neat idea to add to the 8008-oriented computer system he was computer system. But there
are as yet few devices of a
building for a high school sc ience fair. He first mentioned it to
graphic orientation which are
me in a letter late last year. I suggested to him (or was it the
economically acceptable in
other way around?) that it might be appropriate to turn it into the home computer syste m.
an article for the EC5 Magazine I was publishing at the time. The oscilloscope grap hic
After a fair amount of time spent researching the various interface project presented
options - plus one lengthy phone conversation with me - Jim here provides one unique,
settled on the design shown in this article, which is reprinted inexpensive a nd
here from its original publication in the last issue of EC5 uncomplicated solution to
Magazine. The interface is very simple, and can be adapted to the grap hic output problem
virtually any computer with a minimum of 8 parallel TTL in small scale systems. It
output lines and a clock pulse line which is active when output turns a n essential test
instrume nt - the oscilloscope
data is stable. Arrangements have been made for a PC version
- into a versatile output
of this design (see the parts list, Fig. 6) so you won't have to
wire wrap the thing like Jim did in his first version. The osc illoscope graph ic
... CARL interface is programmed a nd
operated through a parallel
8-bit TTL compatible input.
An image is represe n ted by a
by patte rn of dots which is
.lames Hoge nson organized acco rdin g to the
Bo x 2 95 computer's in structions.
During the scan cycle, the
Halstad MN 56!)48
digit a l dot p atter n is
converted to a n a l og
waveforms which reproduce
Fig. 1. Oscilloscope graphics display block diagram.
the image on an osc ill oscope
screen. The graphic interface
stores th e dot pattern within
its 0 wn intern al refresh
memory . Therefore, once the
pattern has been ge ne rated
and lo aded into the grap hic
interface mem ory, the
computer is left free to
execute other programs.
CHIP Principle of Operation
CKTRY The raster begins its scan
,- -I in the upper left-h and corner,
: BLANK I X scanning left to right and
I CKTRY i DAC down. The full raster co ntains
L_T_-.J 4096 dots, 64 rows of 64
dots each. The horizontal
OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT scan is produced by a
Graphics Interface
Fig. 2. Oscillo scope graphics in tef-
face instruction codes.
the memory and select the clock pulse is used to execute
desired dot status bit for the instructi o n. This clod:
programming. pulse is tah:en from the
After loading the programming. Control co de mi c r oco mput Cl" o utput
coordinates of the dot "1" will stop the sca n. int erface. The instru ct io n
selected for programming, the Control code" 6" will restart code is decoded by the 7410
status of the dot (on or off) is the scan. When the scan is on, triple three-input NAND gate
set using the ZON, ZOF, ZFI the 12-bit counter will be and two inverters . The clock
or ZN I control codes. Setti ng incremented a t a high will decrement the stored Y pulse is enabled by the
the instructio n code at 10 frequency and the coordinate. Control code "7" NAND gate to the
directs the control circuitry programmed imag e is will not set Z, but will appropriate counter sectio n,
to decode the three le ast display ed on the scope decrement the entire 12-bit or to the strobe input of the
significant bits of the input screen. counter by one. This, in control code decod er.
word for fu rther instruction. Control code "2", "set Z effect, will decrement the The 12-bit counter
The three least significant bits on", will program a bright stored X coordinate. Since consists of two 6-bit counting
are called the "control code." dot to appear at the dot the X and Y counter sections sections. E ac h section
Since the 12-bit counter location presently stored in a re cascaded, Y will consists of two cascaded TTL
must s tore selected the counter. Control code automatically be incremented 74193 presettable binary
coordinates during "3", "set Z off)), will or decremented once for counters. Bits 0 through 5 of
programming, the raster scan program a dim dot or blank every 64 executions of an the data input are common to
must be disabled before to appear at the dot location increment or decrement X both sections of the counter.
presently stored in the 12-bit control code. The set X in struction will
counter. The increment and pulse the load in pu t of the
Control codes "4" and decrement control codes are leas t significan t o r hori zo n tal
"5)) set Z in the same m anner very useful in constructing section, while the set Y
as control codes two and lines in an image since lines instruction will pu Ise the load
require repeated "set Z" input of the most significant
instructions, often on the or vertical section of the
same ax is. An effective counter. A pulse on the load
method of clearing an image input will cause the data on
bits 0 through 5 to be loaded
into the proper counter
Fig. 3. Timing pulse input to the section.
interface. The 8 data lines mus t Four TIL counters must
be stable during this pulse. be used to provide
independent lo a ding
capabilities for each 6-bit
-----,. I ~--- PULSE WIDTH DETERMINED - - section. The counters within
MINIMUM 750NS each section are cascaded in
the normal fashion. The two
connecting the upper data B
output of the X counter
section (IC 8, pin 2) through
inverter "a)) of IC 2 to the
count up input (IC 9, pin 5)
from the screen is repeating a of the Y counter section. The
"se t Z with increment" inverter is needed to provide
control code in a proper synchroni zat ion
three. However, after setting programmed loop. This in high frequency counting.
Z, these instructions will method allows the option of The control code is
increment the counter by one using either a light or dark decoded b~ a 74155 decoder
thus advancing to the next image background. connected for 3 to 8 line
dot location in the raster scan decoding. Bits 0 through 2
pattern. This will allow Circuit Operation are decoded by the 74155 .
programming of the entire Once the data word on the The control code is enab led
raster using only a repeated microcomputer p a r a llel by the pulse coming from the
"set Z" instruction . output interface is stable, one 741 0 instruction decoder
Control code "0" will not only when the instruction
set Z, but will decrement the code is set at lOon bits 7 a nd
most significant or vertical 6.
section of the counter only. Decoder Ii nes 1 and 6 are
In effect, control code "0" connected to an R/S fli p flop
Fig. 4. PC ar twork of the graphic
interface, by Andrew Hay.
(a) Componen t side.
1- -
Fig. 4. PC artwork of the graphic
interface, by Andrew Hay.
(b) Solder side.
• 0- 0 ~ ...
~oo~==oo~==~o=~;·;~~~~~~~~ f:·~;------
". o!. ~:---" 0---:'. --=:~
0= •• -
~ : · ~ ~~,f
o0 0 - - - -__
o __--0:
o 00---------0
0 0 0
0 0 a 0-0;::===::::;-;0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0; 0-0..
. 0
o _
•• •• a-o ••
D-O o •
0 0
•• •
•• a--o
••• .0. o
o •
.. ... .• ....
0 0 0 0
• •• 0
• •• 0
o-a • 0 o-a • 0 o-a
o-a • 0 • • 0
A printed circuit board using the masks of Fig. 4 is available for $29.95.
Write to M. F. Bancroft, CELDAT DeSign Associates, Box 752,
Amherst NH 03031 .
Fig. 7. Osc illo sco pe graphics interface circuit diagram. (aj
RB 4 B
2 .2K 7 3
H ~--'-'--------{ E
electro lytics will filter out Fig. 7. Oscil/oscope graphics interfa ce circuit diagra m . (b)
low frequenc y noise and
voltage transie nts whi le the
sma ll disc capacitors will
F +5 V
filter out hi gh frequency AO A9
noise which cou ld false ly B l5 12 10K
BO A 10 A6 lSB
trigger nip nop and counter 9
circuits. I~ B 6 B
IC I 5 R3
MCI406 5. 6K
9 C 7 7
0 0
Set-up, Testing and Operation IC7 6
74193 4
The system requires a +5 5 AI
3 C/ S3 r-- --l
L_- -_...J
C6 - 11
+5V .0 1,.F
IC +5 GND +9 -9 N/C
1,2,3,4,5 14 7
6 16 8 9 ,4
7,9 16 8,14
8,10 16 8,14 6,7,9,10 ,12,13
11 ,12,13,14 10 9
15,16 11 2 3
17,18 7 4 1 ,5,8 A-Q - pin 8 A-1 -- pin 4 A -2 -- pin 5 A -3 -- pin 6
19 4 ,8 A -4 -- pin 7 A-5 -- pin 2 A'{; -- pin 1 A -7 -- pin 16
20 14 7 1 ,2,3,8,9,10,11,12 ,13 A -a -- pin 15 A-9 -- pin 14
Fig. 8. CLEA R Program flow ch art. Adju st ing th e freque ncy may Sli ght gaps 0 1' ove ri J pping
be necessary to o bta in a betwee n some do ts is caused
stable raste r. Th e frequency is b y non-lin eari ties in the
adjuste d using R9, the 7.5k manu fact urin g of the DACs.
pot. T he frequency of the If no raster at all appears,
s y s te m cloc k sho uld be first check for a sq uare wave
approx im ate ly 100 kH z, but outpu t at pin 3 of the 555
is not critica l. Th e only timer Ie. Then check for
require ment is appea rance of squ are wave outputs at each
the ras ter. TTL 74193 cou n te r. These
If the raster is evenl y squ are waves will be binary
distributed ove r the sc ree n, submul tiples of the osc illator
but is severely chopped up, frequency. If the coun ter is
chec k t he di gita l inpu ts to the operatin g, check all con-
DACs. Use the sco pe to check nectio ns to the DACs and op
LOAD ITERATION the vert ical and hori zontal amp s.
REGISTERS ramp waves individu all y. If Ap pl y in g p ower will
the wave is not an even ramp, pro duce a rand om patte rn of
two or mo re of th e DAC on and off dots. Ad just the
inputs may be reversed. Note ampli tud e of the Z ax is signal
that DAC inpu t A 1 is the fo r best contrast. Sin ce most
most significant bit while s cop es w ill h ave a n
inpu t A6 is the least ac -c o upl ed (or capacitor
s ig ni f ica nt bit. Reversed coupled) Z ax is inpu t, both
inpu ts m ay a ls o cause ampli t ude and frequ ency of
incompl e te raster form ations, t he s ign a l will affect
.. ZNI
00/353 026
00/354 = 021
Lei h.
/' ZNI , DCY
perfo rmance . Ch arging the Fig. 11 . CHECKERBOARD Test Pattern Program flow chart.
capac itor wi thin th e sco pe
with too much vo ltage at a START
give n frequency will cause the
bl an k pul se to carryove r into
the nex t doL. Thi s co uld
cause more dots than desired
to be bl an ke d o ut or dimmed. SET X & Y TO " 0 ," .
A fter a satis fac tory ras ter CLEAR REGISTE RS ,
is obta ined, each in stru ction SET PARITY
should be exec uted to veri fy
its ope rati on. First, clea r the
screen. The n owch art fo r a
simple CLEAR program is
shown in Fig. 8. The meth od SELECT " SET Z"
outlined is to simpl y send out DEC LOOP INSTRUCTION
a " set Z off with in crement"
instru cti on 4096 times.
Fi g. 9 shows th e program
listin g for an 8008 sy ste m.
This example used the B and
C registers to kee p track of NO
t he ite ration count. The
r eg i ste r c o nt e nts a re
decremented once fo r each
outpu t ZFI instructi on. Th e
RETURN in structio n may be
substi tute d with a HALT if
the CL EAR program is not to
b e u se d as a call e d
subr o u t ine. The CLEAR
subroutin e as li sted in Fi g. 9
begins by turning off t he scan XSECLOOP INCREMENT "C "
(which must be done befo re
any programming, as stated) ,
bu t does not turn the scan
bac k on after t he inte rface
me mo ry is cleared. The
course of operation is left to
the programmer o nce CLEAR ROWLOOP INCREMENT "0"
has bee n call ed.
The chart in Fi g. 10 may
be use d in testing the vari o us
contro l command s. T he chart
shows the commands to be
used to corlstruct a Ii ne
segme nt in the direction "0" REGISTER
shown by th e arro w. Lin es
mo vin g in a downward
dir2c ti on req uire th at Y be
reset wi th (n+1) fo r each dot
programm ed , "n " bein g the
Fig. 12. Listin g of 8008 code for prese nt Y coordinate. Use the
th e CHECKE RBOARD program . STX and STY instructions-to
se lec t a sta rtin g poin t. The
dot whose coord in ates are
START 00/200 = 006 LAI 00/ 255 = 302 LAC
X=OO, Y=OO will be in the
00/201 = 201 00/256 = 024 SUI
00/202 = 121 OUT10 00/257 = 003 upper left co rn er, the poin t
00/203 = 006 LAI 00/260 = 150 JTZ where the scan begin s its
00/204 = 000 (ST X ) 00/261 = 267 cy cle.
00/205 = 121 OUT10 00/262 = 000 The flo w chart fo r a
00/206 = 006 LAI 00/263 = 020 INC
00/207 = 100 (STY) 00/264 = 104 JMP
00/210 = 121 OUT10 00/265 = 221 PATTERN program is shown
CLEAR 00/211 = 016 LBI 00/266 = 000 in Fi g. 11 , with an 8008
REGISTERS 00/212 = 000 ROWLOOP 00/267 = 026 LCI listin g in Fi g. 12. Th e patte rn
00/213 = 321 LCB 00/270 = 000
pr o du ce d will be 1 6
00/214 = 331 LDB 00/271 = 303 LAD
00/215 = 351 LHB 00/272 = 044 N DI alternatin g light and dark
. 00/216 = 361 LLB 00/273 = 037 squ ares. The 64 rows of dots
00/217 = 046 LEI 00/274 = 024 SUI are divided into 4 groups of
PARITY REG 00/220 = 000 00/275 = 017 16 rows each_ Eac h row is
DEC LOOP 00/221 = 040 INE 00/276 = 150 JTZ
00/222 = 304 LAE 00/277 = 305
divided into 4 segments. The
00/223 = 044 NDI 00/300 = 000 segments are alternately li ght
00/224 = 001 00/301 = 030 IND and dark. The 4 gro ups also
00/225 = 150 JTZ 00/302 = 104 JMP alternate d to reverse t he
00/226 = 246 00/303 = 221
00/227 = 000 00/304 = 000
pattern betwee n each group.
00/230 = 066 LLI YSECLOOP 00/305 = 303 LAD The set Z with in cre ment
00/231 = 332 00/306 = 044 NDI in stru cti o ns is used. The
DOTLOOP 00/232 = 301 LAB 00/307 = 340 least significant bi t of the E
00/233 = 024 SUI 00/310 = 330 LDA
00/234 020 00/311 024
register is used in DECLOOP
= = SUI
00/235 = 150 JTZ 00/312 = 140 to altern ate between "se t Z
00/236 = 253 00/313 = 150 JTZ on" and "set Z off." To
00/237 = 000 00/314 = 326 obtain the complement of the
00/240 = 010 INB 00/315 = 000 entire pattern on the scree n,
00/241 = 307 LAM 00/316 = 303 LAD
00/242 = 121 OUT10 00/317 = 004 ADI
place a 001 in locati on
00/243 = 104 JMP 00/320 = 040 00/220 instead of 000.
00/244 = 232 00/321 = 330 LDA
00/245 = 000 00/322 = 040 INE
DECLOOPJMP 00/246 = 066 LLI 00/323 = 104 JMP
00/247 = 333 00/324 = 221
00/250 = 104 JMP 00/325 = 000
00/251 = 232 END 00/326 = 006 LAI
00/252 = 000 00/327 = 206 (TSN)
XSECLOOP 00/253 = 016 LBI 00/330 = 121 OUT10
00/254 = 000 00/331 = 377 HLT
00/332 = 204 (ZNI)
00/333 = 205 (ZFI)
Mike is demonstrating the prototype Sphere system It is on Here's Mike with the Sphere system cabinet and keyboard. In
three boards, a keyboard/character generator, CPU and production there will be several more con trol keys on the
memory board. The output is being displayed on a small keyboard , including a numeric set of keys for fast number
television screen. entry, cursor control, etc.
from page 61
game program and let me sit much mo re th an a rumo r. interfacin g of memo ry and
down and kill off the entire Th e dates of re lease we re n't peri ph erals.
so me of th e oth er 6800 based popul a ti o n of a mythi cal fi rmed up ye t, bu t it was We' ll have a lot more info
co mputer sy stems which are coun try in sh ort o rder . .. definitely comin g down the on just wh at MITS is doin g
comin g out . . . more on th at a nd b eco m e in sta n t ly pi ke. Ed said th at MITS and th eir plans in the near
late r. addicte d to co mpu te r games. wo uld give good support to future.
Th e pl ans were to set up a I p ro mptl y or d e re d a both th e Intel 8080 and From New Mex ic o I fl e w
pro du cti on facility in th e co mpl ete Altai r 8800 with Moto rola M6800 sys tems. to San Antonio and a sh ort
bac k part of th e buildin g and enough me mory to h andle Wi th both Sphere and MITS vi sit to Southwest Tec hnical
have th e first kits avail able in Star Tre k. I wanted it right pr o duci ng 6800 systems Produ cts, Da n Me y e r
Oc to ber. Thi s will ta ke so me now, bu t I had to get in lin e Moto rola was doin g we ll and pro pri e to r. SWTP has lo ng
doin g, bu t I wouldn 't be behind the oth er custo me rs. their so li d bac kup of th eir bee n well known fo r th eir
surpri sed if th ey co me clo se Next, in ta lkin g with Ed chips was pay ing off. This excell e nt hi-fi kits . Readers of
fo r t h ey are a very Roberts, th e presiden t of would also mean a big plus to Th e A udi o A m ate ur
determin ed group . MITS, I fo u nd th at th e use rs sin ce this wo uld all ow a (Peterb orough N H 03458)
They have an interesting rum ors o f a new MITS syste m lot m o re swa ppin g of
se t of peripherals in the base d upon the M6800 was programs ancl would simpli fy Continued on page 87
wo rk s, in c ludin g so m e
medium cost fl opp y disk
syste ms, and a poss ible
revo lu tio nary ta pe syste m.
We'll try to bring you up to
date on Sph ere as thin gs
prog ress.
The Al ta ir 8800 has been
selling well , as yo u probab ly
kn ow, and th ey are bu sy
keep in g up with it. They are
also in producti on on all so rts
o f interface and control
boa rds, memory boa rds, e tc .
They also have a very bu sy
gro up o r co ll ege -t y p es
wo rkin g away at program
d e ve l o pm e nt. They are
delivering Basic now and are
about ready to le t loose
Ex tend ed Basi c. Th ey put
Basi c into a sys tem for me so
I co uld see it wo rk . .. th en Meanwhile, at MITS, over 5000 Altair 8800's have been shipped. Here is a view of part of the
ran in a ta pe of a Hammurabi production line (during lunch when people were out) .
two covers and meet at the expan ding one's crea tive
middle. Computer Lib is a powers - a topic of intense
general, "c ul t u ra l" personal interest to the
introduction to co mputers aut h or. Some u sef ul
for all those who beli eve that introductory mater ial on
they will "never understand" display term inals, film output
what com puters are all abo ut. (and comp uter art)' halfto ne
It covers many topics: The image synthesis, and shading
basic store d program concept, and smooth in g ob jec ts is
the "rock bottom" as pects of includ ed here. The auth or
computer arc hitecture and then describes his fa r·o ut
m ac hin e l a n guage, ide as for a n advanced
mini co mput ers, big text-handling system which
com p u te rs, ti m e-sh ari ng, manip ulates "hypertext," and
program min g langu ages (with a super graphics syste m which
two exce ll e nt exampl es, is the ideal medi um for
TR AC* and APL), I BM and "fantics" (the art of getting
the co m p ut er industry, ideas across, both
"cybercrud ," the author's emotionall y and cog niti ve ly)
own term fo r the practice of and "thinkerto ys." These are
puttin g things over on people the n co mbin ed into the
usin g comp uters (especially, ultimate system, "Xanadu,"
forcing them to adapt to a which, of course, is part of
Computer Lib/Dr ea m with rotating clay again st ri gid , in f lex ible, poorly the "Xa n adu network."
Mac hin es by Th eo dor H. your fi ngers until it becomes thought out system), and Bes id es the materia l on
Nelson . $ 7 postpaid fro m a pot. Thi s is categorica ll y eve n some comments on grap hi cs, this part of the
Hugo 5 Book Service, Box fa l se. Co mp ute rs in vo lve "Th e Hearts and Mind s of book also features CAl and
2622, Chicago IL 60690,. 70 imagin atio n and creation at Compu ter Peop Ie. " PLATO, i n formatio n
copies for $50 postpaid. the hi ghest level. Comp uters I fo und th ese last retrieval, and art ificia l
are an involveme nt you can comments es p ec i a ll y intelligence.
This is a marvelous, reall y get into, rega rdl ess of p o i g n a nt. "Computer Nelson is a generali st, for
delightful, o n e-of- a-k ind your trip or your karma ... people," Nelso n says , "are a the most part, and, li ke many
book. Softbou nd in an 11" THEREFORE, welcome to mystery to others, who see generalists, his exp lanatio ns
by 14" format and fi ll ed with the computer wo rld , the th e m as so m ew h at for things are so metim es
sh ort pieces o n m any damnd est and craziest thing frightening, so m ew h at ove rly simpli stic. Readers
eleme n ts of computer lore, that has eve r happe ned. But ridiculous. Th eir concerns wi t h a s trong tec hni cal
this is the Whole Earth we, the comp uter people, al'e seem so peculiar, their hours background in certai n areas
Catalog of compute r fa ndom. not crazy . It is you others so bi zarre, their language so will wince at hi s
As t h e author says, a who are crazy to let us have incompre hensibl e ... We are exp lanatio ns of DN A and
com pute r fa n is "someo ne all this fun an d power to like those littl e peopl e down RNA, the brain, artific ial
who app rec iates the optio ns, ourselves. COMPUTERS among t h e m us hr ooms, intelligence (which Nelson is,
fun, excite ment, and fiendish BELONG TO ALL skittering around co mpl ete ly stra nge ly, down on), and
fasc in atio n of com puters ... MANKIND ." pr eocc upi e d with "body electronics" (ESB and
Somehow the idea is abroad Th e two halves of the unfathomable co ncerns and a ll that, including
tha t comp u te l' activi ties are book, Computer Lib and see min gly indiffe rent to "psy ch o-aco ustic dil don ics ").
uncreative, as com pared, say, Dream Machines, start at the normal hum anity. In the And "practicall y-min ded"
moonlight (i.e., pretty late, engi neering types, who are
with s nacks around the involv ed in th e hard work of
eq u ipm ent) you may hear ou r actu all y buildin g interactive
mu sic ." I'll leave some of the computer systems, may
more telling co mm ents abo ut snicker at Nelson's gra ndi ose
compu tel' people for you to plans. But id eas like these are
rea d you rself. desperat ely needed, and
Th e other half of the people who use computers
book, Dream Machines, is would do well to rea d th is
primaril y an introduction to book and share its visions.
comp uter graphic s, as a way We' re pu blishin g this rev iew
of 0 rg a niz ing ideas and in the hope th a t some of you
ou t there will ge t the book,
*TRAC is a registered service
seize upon its id eas and tu rn
mark of Rockford Research, Inc.,
them in to reality. How about
BOOK which means that we have to
print this acknowledgement it, ladies and gentlemen 7
whenever we so much as mention
REVIE IV its name . - d.h.f.
into the intri cacies of
program d eve lopment,
I'OU ti nes, and sharpening
progr a mming ski ll s .
T ec hniques lik e masking,
setting up pointers and
Practical Digital Electronics- devoted to desc rip tions of the counters, and character
An Introductory Course, by various logic families (27 strings are discussed in detail
juris Blul?is and Mark Baker. pages) and mOI'e to data with illustration by actual
Hewle tt-Packard Co., 7507 commu nications (7 pages) M ac hine Language sou rce progr a m s. Oth er
Page Mill Road, Palo Alto CA and memories (13). Not to be Progr a mming For Th e chapters cover sorting and
94304. Text (order missed are so me useful "8008" ( a nd sim il a r mathematical operations,
#05035-90073, $8) and appendices on number ing microcomputers) by Nat input/output programming,
workbook (order # systems and codes, and a Wadsworth. Scelbi Computer real ti me progra:ns and
05035-90003, $8) may be brief description of Boolean Consu lting, In c., 7322 PROM considerations. The
obtained from the company algebra and Karnaugh maps. Rear-Boston Post Road, mathemathical operations
at the above address, or Sequential circuits are not Milford CT 06460. 7975. chapter gives detailed source
through a local HP sales introduced in this eleme ntary $ 79.95. programs for floating point
office. text. Perhaps the best review of arithmetic operations which
Wh e ther this book is Machine Languag e are directly translatable into
This is a good up-to-date , suitable for you depends on Programming For Th e machine code for use. This
introductory text on digital whether you are approaching "8008" is in the author's own alone is worth the price of
electronics. It is most notable the topic more from an words. "By the time you have the book considering some of
for its treatment of experimenter's or hobb yist's co mpl ete d absorbing and the prices quoted for sim il ar
arithmetic elements and other viewpoint, or from a more understanding the contents of programs bei ng offered.
e l ementary topics in "serious" profess ion al this publication you shou ld From a different point of
computer d es ign, data engineering viewpoint. If you be we ll equipped to develop view, Machine Language
communication codes, and are a hobb y ist , Don programs of your own and Programming For The
memories. Lan caster's TTL Cookbook thus be in a position to reap "8008" is a very unusual
The text begins with an might be more appropriate eve n greater benefits from book. The author takes a
e lementary description of (see the review in BYTE # 1) . yo ur 8008 based subject matter t hat has all the
gates and flip flops. If you are more "seriously" microcompu ter . . . " possibilities of being dull
Considerable attention is inclined, this might be the The book begins with a reading and blends it into a
devoted to the simple RS flip book for you. The deta il ed description of the book that is enjoyable to
flop in order to make su re accomp a nying la boratory CPU instruction set and from read. One gets the impression
tha t the reader u nderstan ds workbook is independent of th at po in t on the reader is led that programmi ng is a new art
exact ly how this basic the text and is useful only if form with the preciseness of
memory element works . This you are also purch asi ng HP 's science, but the beauty of art.
is followed by chapters on 5035T Logic Lab setup. Although the book is based
data communications and - d.h.f. upon the 8008 machines, the
logic families. Then counters, material is presented in such a
shift registers, and other way that it is a worthwhile
combinational circuits are investm e nt for learning
studied; especially useful are machin e l anguage
the explanations of priority programming.
encoders, which are used to
select a mong interrupts Bill Fuller
coming from pe ripheral 2377 Dalworth 157
d evices attached to a Grand Prairie TX 75050
computer, and parity
generator/checkers, which are
used in data communications.
Finally , there is an excellent
chapter on arithmetic
elements, and a short chapter
on memories (RAMs and
Whil e the inclusion of
rna teri al on memories and
data communications is an
exce ll e nt idea, the actual
coverage of th ese topics is
somewha t sparse. One wishes
th at less space had been
INTEL 8008 TABLE OF OCTAL OP CODES AND "OLD" MNEMONICS (Note: th e instru ctio n
mnemonics used are those of
Key : "M" - mnemonic " OP" - op code " L" -length "S" - states the 0 rig ina I 8008
"T" - time @ 500 kHz (us). documentation , rather than
the later Intel mnemonics for
this computer designed for
M OP L S T M OP L S T "compatibility"(?) after the
fact with the 8080. The ea rly
ACA 210 5 20 JFC 100 3 9/11 36/44 mnemonics are easier to map
ACB 211 5 20 JFP 130 3 9/11 36/44 into op codes using mental
ACC 212 5 20 JFS 120 3 9/11 36/44
gymnastics than the later set.)
ACD 213 5 20 JFZ 110 3 9/11 36/44
ACE 2 14 5 20 JMP 104 * 3 11 44
ACH 215 5 20 JTC 140 3 9/11 36/44
ACI 014 2 8 32 JTP 170 3 9/11 36/44 M OP L S T
ACL 216 5 20
ACM 217 8 32 JTS 160 3 9/11 36/44 LHA 350 5 20
JTZ 150 3 9/11 36/44 LHB 351 5 20
ADA 200 5 20 LHC 352 5 20
ADB 201 5 20 LAB 301 5 20 LHD 353 1 5 20
ADC 202 5 20 LAC 302 5 20 LHE 354 1 5 20
ADD 203 5 20 LAD 303 5 20 LHI 056 2 8 32
ADE 204 5 20 LAE 304 5 20 LHL 356 5 20
ADH 205 1 5 20 LAH 305 5 20 LHM 357 8 32
ADI 004 2 8 32 LAI 006 2 8 32
ADL 206 5 20 LAL 306 5 20 LLA 360 5 20
ADM 207 8 32 LAM 307 8 32 LLB 361 5 20
LLC 362 5 20
CAL -'- 106 3 11 44 LBA 310 5 20 LLD 363 5 20
CFC 102 3 9/11 36/44 LBC 3 12 5 20 LLE 364 5 20
CFP 132 3 9/11 36/44 LBO 313 5 20 LLH 365 1 5 20
CFS 122 3 9/11 36/44 LBE 314 1 5 20 LLI 066 2 8 32
CFZ 112 3 9/11 36/44 LBH 315 1 5 20 LLM 367 8 32
CPA 270 5 20 LBI 016 2 8 32
CPB 271 5 20 LBL 316 5 20 LMA 370 7 28
CPC 272 5 20 LBM 317 8 32 LMB 371 7 28
CPO 273 5 20 LMC 372 7 28
CPE 274 5 20 LCA 320 5 20 LMD 373 7 28
CPH 275 1 5 20 LCB 321 5 20 LME 374 7 28
CPI 074 2 8 32 LCD 323 5 20 LMH 375 1 7 28
CPL 276 5 20 LCE 324 5 20 LMI 076 2 9 36
CPM 277 1 8 32 LCH 325 1 5 20 LML 376 7 28
CTC 142 3 9/11 36/44 LCI 026 2 8 32
CTP 172 3 9/11 36/44 LCL 326 5 20 NDA 240 5 20
CTS 162 3 9/11 36/44 LCM 327 8 32 NOB 241 5 20
CTZ 152 3 9/11 36/44 NDC 242 5 20
NOD 243 5 20
DCB 011 5 20 LOA 330 5 20 NDE 244 5 20
OCC 021 5 20 LOB 331 5 20 NOH 245 1 5 20
DCD 031 5 20 LDC 332 5 20 NDI 044 2 8 32
DCE 041 5 20 LDE 334 5 20 NDL 246 5 20
DCH 051 5 20 LDH 335 1 5 20 NOM 247 8 32
DCL 061 5 20 LDI 036 2 8 32
LDL 336 5 20 NOP * 300 5 20
HLT 000 x X LOM 337 8 32
001 X X ORA 260 5 20
377 X X LEA 340 5 20 ORB 261 5 20
LEB 341 5 20 ORC 262 5 20
IN B 010 5 20 LEC 342 5 20 ORO 263 5 20
IN C 020 5 20 LEO 343 5 20 ORE 264 5 20
IND 030 5 20 LEH 345 1 5 20 ORH 265 5 20
INE 040 5 20 LEI 046 2 8 32 ORI 064 5 20
INH 050 5 20 LEL 346 5 20 ORL 266 5 20
INL 060 5 20 LEM 347 8 32 ORM 267 8 32
RA L 0 22 5 20
RA R 0 32 5 20
Mnem. Code Description *
RET ' 007 5 20
RF C 003 3/ 5 12/ 20
RFP 0 33 3/ 5 12/ 20
INO 101
RF S 023 3/ 5 12/ 20
RFZ 013 3/ 5 12/ 20 IN1 103
IN2 105
002 5 20
RRC 012 5 20 IN3 107
RSTO 005 5 20
IN4 111
RST1 015 5 20
RST2 025 5 20 IN5 113
RST3 035 5 20
IN6 115
045 5 20
RST5 055 5 20 IN7 117
RST6 065 5 20
OUT10 121
075 5 20
RTC 043 3/5 12/20 OUT11 123
RTP 073 3/5 12/20
OUT12 125
RTS 063 3/5 12/20
RTZ 053 3/5 12/20 OUT13 127
SBA 230
OUT14 131
5 20
SBB 231 5 20 OUT15 133
SBC 232 5 20
SBD 233 5 20
OUT16 135
SBE 234 5 20 OUT17 137
SBH 235 1 5 20
OUT20 141
SBI 034 2 8 32
SBL 236 5 20 OUT21 143
SBM 237 8 32
OUT22 145
SUA 220 5 20 OUT23 147
SUB 221 5 20
OUT24 151
SUC 222 5 20
SUD 223 5 20 OUT25 153
SUE 224 5 20
1 20
OUT26 155
SUH 225 5
SUI 024 2 8 32 OUT27 157
SUL 226 5 20
227 8 32
OUT30 161
OUT31 163
XRA 250 5 20
XRB 251 5 20
OUT32 165
XRC 252 5 20 OUT33 167
XRD 253 5 20
XRE 254 5 20
OUT34 171
XRH 255 5 20 OUT35 173
XRI 054 5 20
XRL 256 5 20
OUT36 175
XRM 257 5 20 OUT37 177
Arithmetic/Logical Mnemonics:
AC ; add with carry input * The description column is left blank for your notes on the current assignments of devices.
AD ; add , no carry input
S6 ; subtract, borrow input
SU ; subtract, no borrow input
NO ; logical product (AND)
OR ; logical sum (OR)
XR ; exclusive or (XOR)
CP ; compare
Fig. 1. A typical "mark sen se card " used to in put data to a distri b utor's
- - . ---7----'----=--c,-=-_ -=-= - -- - - - --- --- -
3. YOUI plogr.mmet's nlme. telephone numbel .Ind u lenlion
SLOTS TO 8800)
4. DESIGNED FOR THE 8800 030 I ' - -~--, -1"'- bits. For PROMs of Idrger
L~~ L- -----L _ _ ~~ _
-;:-:j: sizes, multiple cards are used
6. G· , 0 EPOXY BOARDS WITH SOFT LE AD PEN CIL - see the in stru ctio ns on the
IIIIttt.... OVER FOR FULL INSTRUCTIONS card reprodu ce d in Fig. 1.
R GOLD PLATED CONNECTOR CONTACTS. The onl y hitch with th is
method insofar as individu als
10. 90 DAY WARRANTY ON PARTS AND LABOR Pr ogra mming Read-Only· are concern ed is th at the
Memories Th e Easy Way dis t ributo r' s m a r ke tin g
I t is ofte n tim es opera ti on is se t up to deal
FOR FACTORY PROGRAMMING. SPECIFY TWO 4k advantageous fo r you to wi th companies on a regul ar
MEMORY ADDRESS LOCATIONS FOR EACH CMR·BOBO·Bk "freeze" a program in to one basis. Thu s it might be best to
MEMORY CARD ORDERED. of severa l ty pes of field ma ke an arrange ment fo r o ne
-------------- ---- - -
pr ogra mm a bl e read·only person in a local compu ter
club to handle orders for
me mo ries (PROM is the
D E N CL OS ED IS CHEC K O R M. O . F O R $ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ a bb rev iat io n) . Th ere are PROM s by this meth od - so
D C. O. D .'s A CCEPTED WITH 3 0 % DEP OS IT. T O T A L th at the club could be li sted
A MOU N T $ 3 0 % = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ seve ral varieties of read-only
VA . RE SIDENTS ADD 4 % me mo ri es avail able, wi th as the "co mp any " maki ng the
• PLEASE SEND _ _ _ CMR·SOSO,Sk CARD( S ) ' A S diffe re nt ch aracte ri stics. The ord e r. Th e pri ce for
.PLEASE S END _ _ _ EX PANDER BOARD(S) purp ose of th is note is to progra mmin g is nomin al -
(ADDS 4 SLOTS TO 88 00) BOARD ONL Y @ 1 5. 00 E A . illu stra te one way in which perh aps $2· $3 per chip over
POSTPAID TO : you can get these me mories the basic cost of th e devi ce.
N AM E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
progra mmed - using t he (Soo ner or late r, BYTE will
ADDR ESS ______ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ serv ices of an appro pri ate print an article on the vari ous
distribu to r. Illu strated in Fi g. types of fi eld programmable
CITY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STATE & Z lp·_ _ _ _ _ __
1 is t he me th od of gettin g ROM devices and the kind of
i nex p e n s i ve pr ogrammers
P.O . BO X 1 6 7. 19 21 DOGWOOD LANE
input data to the distri buto r's
progra mm ing mac hin es - a which can be bu ilt fo r home
VIENNA, VIRGINIA 221 8 0 " mark se nse" card with use.)
positio ns fo r 32 words of 8 " .CARL
Model Railroad Switch + 12 C>---+----,
Control Circuit SWITCH
0- ""T - 5 f-*-----'-!
51 0
:t9 I
o-...J_ 4 t-+---"-L-.-/
And at Southwest Technical Products this prototype CPU
4 6 board was getting its final wringing out before getting into
production. Systems are expected to be available by
6 7 November! Motorola M6800 based . . . again'
MAIN L E o $ ~IOING L : : TO IC'S ··--I~l-, -,-----"0 from page 81 of what is coming. Th ere are
outfits talking ' about some
have been reading the SWTP slower systems .,. probably
flOO f'OO ads for some time and seen 8008 based . ,. wh ich will
+5 +5
the rave reviews of the come in under $2 00 for the
equ ipm ent. CPU .. . and may be even one
GROUND Dan has a good sized plant for $1OO!
SEPARATE + 12V SUPPLY 1 and is doing a substanti al All of the firms . are
AMP, (UNREGULATED) business in audio kits. I went working hard to develop
TO SWITCH COIL-S IDING USED FOR SWITCHES there to just say hell o and tell accessories, memories and
CONTROL- SHORT TO GROUND TO THROW SWITCH TO him how much I enjoy ed programs. Look out 1976.
MAIN LINE putting his television
typewriter kit together ' "
and to see what he mi ght
It just doesn't take any
time at all for the flakes to
have up his sleeve for t he
future. To my ama:ze me nt he rise. New as the computer
had an M6800 CPU up and hobby field may be, there are
[2] LED TO +5 TO INDICATE SWITCH IN SIDING goi ng, hooked to one of his already some sharp operato rs
[II +5 VOLTS IN FOR ICs TVT units. Those Motoro la in there taking advantage of
boys sure do get around. The the unwary. I'm put in mind
POINTS 4 AND 5 CAN BE PARALLEL TO MANUAL of the "lifetime" guarantee
plans are to have systems
ava il ab le in kit form by offered by a chap selling ball
SECOND, 74121 WITH RESISTOR AND CAP CONTROL Novembe r ... more support point pens in the subway cars
TIME. for 6800 syste ms . . . more in New York.
users, more programs. On e flake is se lling
R ea d er Her m an De that th e switch is energized in This is an exciting time in imitati o n Southwest Tech
Monstoy is busy working up a given dir ectio n of the microprocessor business circuit boards (the television
app lic atio ns for his 8008 movement. Th e 2N3766 with systems getting going typewriter circuit). Good
system in the area of model transistors used in this just about every mo nth. The luck if you fa ll for this one.
railroad layout contro l. He circuit's output drive have a Sphere, MITS and SWTP SW Tech is a substantial firm
sends alo ng this diagram of a rating of 20 Watts, so this systems are just the vanguard with a long history of good
mode l railroad switch control circuit should be able to drive pro ducts and service to back
circuit which is used to drive so le noids which take up to th e m up - I've built their TV
PCC Update
the so lenoid operated track abo ut 1 Ampere at 12 volts. typewriter and it is sple ndid.
switches of a typical HO train Note th at it may be necessary In conversation with Bob Said flake is getting ready to
layo ut. The input (at the left to put protection diodes Albrecht at P eo ple's put out imit at ion
of the drawi ng) can be a pair across the co il s of the Computer Company, PO Box microprocesso r boards
of comp le m e nt ary TTL solenoid operated railroad 310, Menl o Park CA 94025, and kits. Undoubtedl y he will
signals (e.g., the Q and Q switch if the coil is hi ghly the followi n g upd ate d give all of the support to his
outpu ts of some flip flop ) or inductiv e. For m a nual informatio n was obtained as boards and system that one
from th e manu al switch opera tion , the electric al BYTE #2 goes to press: mi ght expect from someo ne
indica ted with dotted lin es at push-button sw itch Sl can be PCC's publication will be operating out of a cellar.
the left of the drawing. in parallel with computer chargi ng a flat subscription Watch out!
The ones hot 74 121 is used drive. rate of $5 fo r six issues, with
to contro l the length of time no special rates for students. ... WAYNE GREEN
(415) 592·8097
Til e LogIC P,nlw IS n 1,,111 which 1\ 10, the
m~1 "ar, IIldB~I>eI\Slhle III houhle sha01 mg
logiC famll,e s. TT L. OTL. RTL. CMOS. II
de"vf!s the IlOwer i 1 l oopeia ttldnCC 11v
ofl of 'h e CUCUl I under 'l: sI, II' ;'\"I,og1l IC,)111
10 mA max. 11 mel ,\ MAN3 '~ ,U10Ul to
ontheate anv 01 the 101l0wlll9 sta1l1~ hV thc~c
wmhnl"'IHI) - IILOWI a IPU LSEI- p . Thc
P, one- un delCCt hIgh fo cQucncy pulsc~ 10
45 r.1Hz. II ta,,'T he tIIell at MOS Icvel~ 0'
t"cu,ldamagcw.lI,e'iul t
slanc laldrn.toocoml'Ulc' WstClns. Wep,uvlde
evl:.ythlll!l Irom Ihe ~upe. low no .w vet to .
loglCC<i1d, to t,ne' lual.,v low p.otilusockcl~,
10 Ih ~ e.ghl 2 102's Wc even indude hmm!l ti"'lulumn hYII .:lISCaJlncl tol .
PHONE ORDERS - (415) 592-8097
. . We'v e got a bunch of the se fantastic video displ a y terminals ... and we've got a
little problem. We promised Sanders Associate s that we would sell them as scrap . A
couple of wires disconnected makes them scra p, right? These VDTs should be great for
SSTV, for a CW/RTTY keyer terminal, an oscilloscope, weather satellite monitor, or
even a computer terminal (which they were). We've tested some of these and they
seem to be near-perfect. You aren't likely to find a VDT system like this for less than
ten times the price . . . so order several right away while we've got 'em.
f r o nf o r Ihe chassis mounf ing base. Makes a ve,'y This is rIle rrosl; /1 g o n Ihe cake . All compo nenls A
pro(e::",' ;o nal Video Read ou l Terminal com binalio n. IhnJ £ (i, perfeclly inside this enclostlre. II is
These keyboards are in lik e new condilion . h ave hinged and can be lifted for easy access f O the
. . ~.
inl erconncclio n dilla clc hed on !he Ie-Diode
malrix PC board. Th ey ca n be readily use d for a llY
ASCII encoded requiremen l. Si milar keyboards.
elec lron ies. I t will really dress up a ny projecl.
MeasuresiJpprox . 22"L x IB " W x 20"H a nd weighs
approx. 10 los. Made ofsleel wilh a ha ndsom e blu e
when available , se ll (or almo:.1 IwO rimes {he very
low SUNTRON I X price of - $'19.95. PPD
crack le finisll. Gel 'em while th ey 1,1SI. (or _
S I1.95 (incl. beze l ) POB.
12" big·screen CRT. Tube ca n be mo unted eilher ITEM n· FOUH PC BO ARDS CHOCK·FULL OF
verfica ll y or horizon lally by rO ldling fran I p lale 90 GOODI ES Two D/A conveners. o ne IC·load ed
degrees. Comes wilh base, on.o~( s w. an d in,rensilY logic board, a nd o ne multipurpose board. We h ave
cOlll ro l, (ou r conlro ls (or verI. "md honz. Has no schematic cJala for !hese ooiH'ds a t presenf. We
plerl/y of roo 111 (or mosl any eleclronics needed for will supply .lny dala we oblain 10 pu rc hasers as wc
your pe l projec!. All subilssemblies offered will ge l if. Of coU/'Se when we fina lly figure Olll wha!
perfeclly (il in spaces provided. I'IIly fry rocu! th e Ihese boards are good for . ule price will change
melal yourself? This chassis will lei you can· accordingly . T ,lke file gam ble now a nd we 71
cenlra le o n tile electr o nics inslead of !he m ewl· provide any da la we gel free of charge 811ya ll four
work!! Order no w fOI onl y $ 14.95 POB , Ie.,.; boards o r jllS! on e S 1.50 ea. (our choice ) or all
CRT. four fo!' S5.00. PPD
This is a real s uper CRT High V oltage Po w er bl1ltc used 10 suppl y elillow vollelges n eeded by rhe
:;upply , providing all vO l lages needed for a n y CRT. original 720 CRT Terminal. I nput. 117VAC, ou /·
OU IPUIS lO· 14KV DC, plus 490 Vdc, minu s J 50 puis : plus 16.0 VDC @ IO.OA :minu s I6.0VDC @
Vdc. Need:> inpuls of plus 5.0 VDC , p lus 16.0 VDC lO. OA : p lus S.OVDC @ more than 2. 0A , all
and a drive :;ignal of approx 8.4 kHz @ 1.0 vrm... or regu l<1lc d. Mounts 0 /1 lhe rear of the Basic Chassis
mo re. All inpuls/ oulpUIS via plug/jack ca bles and (/lem C ) Weighs approx 45 Ibs a nd will be shipped
"veil has a sockel/cable assy (or t h e CRT. A very with interconnection d,l/a (or only - $19.95 FOB.
(ine buy a t only - $ 14.95 (ind. data) FOB
PACKAGE DEAL - For the reall y seriou s ex perimenter we 'll make a very special offer - y ou can
bu y all of the sub-assemblies listed above plus a good 12 " CRT, a muffin fan for cooling. We'll
supply ins tructions for interconnection for all subassemblies so that you can, within minutes after
rece iving this once-in-a lifetime deal, put an X-Y d isplay on the CRT. We'll also include a lis t of
possible applications for those with short imagination s! Don 't miss out on this re al mon ey-saving
bu y; th e individual pric es fo r th e sub-assemIJlip.s add up to $127. 70. You can bu y the entire
pac k age for a very low package price of - $ 79.95 FOB .
On all postpaid orders, please ADD $1.50 to cover handling costs. Orders
shipped same day in most cases.
603 ' 0. · .644
e DIn P1111 J
10% OFF ON ORDERS OVER $100.00 OCTOBER 6 digit multiple"ed 7 segment output, fast; slow set, 24
PIN DIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... $3.85
15% OFF ON ORDERS OVER $250.00
9 digit, 4 function, chain operation, 9 V battery
operation, 16 sec turn-off 22 PIN DIP .. . . . $3.85
TTL 74154 1.25
7451 .17
7400 $ .14 7453 .17 74155 1.07 POCKET CALCULATOR KIT MEMORIES
7401 .16 7454 .17 74156 1.07 1103 Fully decoded RAM MOS 1024 bit dynamic
5 function plus constant -
7402 .15 7460 .17 74157 .99 addressable memory with
18 PIN DIP ...... . ........... $1.48
7403 .16 7464 .35 74158 1.79 1702A 2048 bit stalic PROM electrically program-
individual recall - 8 digit
7404 .19 7465 .35 74160 1.39 mable and erasable, 24 PIN DIP $15.85
display plus overflow -
7405 .19 7470 .30 74161 1.25 battery saver - uses standard
7406 .35 7472 .30 74162 1.49 2102-2 1024 bit N channel static RAM 16 PIN DIP
or rechargeable batteries - all
7407 .35 7473 .35 74163 1.39 necessary parts in ready to $3.85
7408 .18 7474 .35 74164 1.59 assemble form - instructions
7409 .19 7475 .57 74165 1.59 5261 Fully decoded RAM MOS 1024 bit dynamic
7410 .16 7476 .39 74166 1.49 18 PIN DiP . . .. .. . . ..... . . . . . $1.78
741 1 .25 7483 .79 74170 2.30 CALC KIT (WITH BATIERIES) .. . ..... . . $12.95
7413 . 55 7485 1.10 74173 1.49 ASSEMBLED (WITH BA TIERIES) . . . . .. . . $14.95 DTL
7416 .35 7486 .40 74174 1.62 BA TIERIES ONLY (DISPOSABLE) SET .. $ 2.00 7402 Quad 2 input NOR gate $ .13
7417 .35 7489 2.48 74175 1.39 7420 Dual 4 input NAND gate .14
7420 .16 7490 .59 74176 .89 7446 BCD 10 7 seg driver .79
7422 .26 7491 .97 74177 .84 8038 FUNCTION GENERATOR 7460 Dual 4 input expander .10
7423 .29 7492 .71 74180 .90 Voltage controlled oscillator - sine, square, trianglar 7493 4 bit binary counter .51
7425 .27 7493 .60 74181 2.98 output 16 PIN DtP ... ....... . ..... . . $3.95 74175 Quad D flip flop 1. 25
7426 .26 7494 .94 74182 .79
7427 .29 7495 .79 74184 2.29
7430 .20 7496 .79 74185 2.29 MEMORIES Data sheets on request
With order add $.30 for items less than $1.00 ea. ~
7432 .23 74100 1.30 74187 5.95 1101 256 bit RAM MOS I I.SO
7437 .35 74105 .44 74190 1.35 1103 1024 bit RAM MOS 3.95
2102 1024 bit static RAM 5.55
7438 .35 74107 .40 74191 1.35 520] 2048 bit UV eras PROM 17.95
7440 .17 74121 .42 74192 1.25 5260 1024 bit RAM 2.49 LINEAR CIRCUITS
7441 .98 74122 .45 74193 1.19 5261 1024 bil RAM 2.69 300 POI V Reg (super 723) TO·5 I .71
7442 .77 74123 .85 74194 1.25 5262 2048 bit RAM 5.95 301 Hi Pert Op Amp mDIPTO-S .29
7443 .87 74125 .54 74195 .89 7489 64 bit ROM TTL 2.48 302 Volt follower T(}.5 .53
7444 .87 74126 .63 74196 1.25 8223 Programmable ROM 3.69 304 N08 V R08 T(}.5 .8{I
74200 256 bit RAM tri-state 5.9<1 305 POI V Reg T(}.5 .71
7445 .89 74141 1.04 74197 .89
307 Op AMP (super 741) mDIP T0-5 .26
7446 .93 74145 1. 04 74198 1.79
7447 .89 74150 .97 74199 1.79 CALCULATOR & 308 Micro Pwr Op Amp mDIP 10-5 .89
CLOCK CHIPS 3091< 5'11 lA regulator T(}'3 1.35
7448 1.04 74151 .79 74200 5.90 310 V follower Op Amp mDIP 1.07
7450 .17 74153 .99 5001 12 OIG 4 funcl fix dec $3.45 311 Hi perf V Comp mDIP 10-5 .95
5002 Same as 5001 exc btry pwr 3.95 319 Hi Speed Dual Comp DIP 1.13
5005 12 DIG 4 funcl w/ mem 4.95 320 Neg Reg 5.2. 12. 15 T(}'3 1.19
MM5725 8 OIG 4 funcl chain & dec 1.98 322 Precision Timer DIP 1.70
LOW POWER TTL MM5736 18 pin 6 OIG 4 funct 4.45 324 Quad Op Amp DIP 1.S2
74100 S .25 74L51 S .29 75L90 $1.49 MM5738 8 OIG 5 funCl K & mem 5.35
74102 .25 74L55 .33 74L91 1.45 339 Quad Comparator DIP 1.58
MM5739 9 DIC 4 funcl (btry sur) 5.35 3<1lK Pas V reg (5V, 6'11, 8'11,
74 LOJ .25 74L71 . 25 74L93 1.69 MM5311 28 pin BCD 6 dig mux 4.45
74104 .25 74L72 .39 74L95 1.69 12V, 15V, 18V,
24V) TO· 3 1.69
MM5312 24 pin 1 pps BCD 4 dig mUI 3.95 3401 Pos V reg (5'1 ,
6V, 8'11,
74106 .25 74173 .49 74198 2.79 MM5313 28 pin 1 pps BCD 6 dig mux 4.45
74110 .25 74174 . 49 741164 2.79 12'11, 15'11, 18V.
24V) TO-220 1.49
MM5314 24 pin 6 dig mUll 4.45 372 AF·lf Strip detector DIP 2.93
74L20 .33 74178 .79 741165 2.79 MM5316 40 pin alarm 4 dig 5.39 AM/ FM/SSB Slrip DIP .53
74L30 .33 74185 1.25
74142 1.49 74 186 .69
376 Pa; V Reg mDIP 2.42
377 2w Stereo amp DIP 1.16
LED's 380 2w Audio Amp DIP 1.13
HIGH SPEED TTL MV1UH Red TO 18 S .22 380~8 .6w Audio Amp mDIP 1.S2
74HOO S .25 74 H21 $ .25 74H55 S .25 MV50 Axial leads .18 381 Lo Noise Du al preamp DIP 1.52
74HOl .25 74H22 .25 74H60 .25 MV5020 Jumbo Vis. Red (Red Dome) .22 382 Lo Noise Du al preamp DIP .71
74H04 .25 74H30 .25 74H61 .25 Jumbo Vis. Red (C lear Dome) .22 550 Pree V Reg DIP .89
74H08 .25 74H40 .25 74H62 .25 ME4 Infra red diff. dome .54 555 Timer mDIP .89
74Hl0 .25 74H50 .25 74H72 .]9 MANl Red 7 seg•• 270" 2. 19 556A Dual 555 Time r DIP 1.49
74Hl1 .25 74 H52 .25 74H74 .39 MAN2 Red alpha num .32" 4.39 560 Phase Laclced Loop DIP 2.48
74H20 .25 74 H53 .25 74H76 .49 MAN4 Red 7 seq ..190" 1.95 562 Phase Locked Loop DIP 2.48
MANS Creen 7 seg•• 270" ].45 565 Phase locked Loop DIP 10-S 2.38
MAN6 .6" high solid seq. 4.25 566 Function Ceo mOlP T().. S 2.25
8000 SERIES MAN7 Red 7 seq •. 270" 1.19 567 Tone Decoder mOlP 2.66
8091 S .53 8214 $1.49 8811 $ .59 MAN8 Yellow 7 seq .. 270" 3.45 709 Operational AMPL 10-S or DIP .26
8092 .53 8220 1.49 8812 .89 MAN66 .6" high spaced seq . ].75 710 Hi Speed Volt Comp DIP .35
8095 1.25 8230 2.19 8822 2.19 MCT2 Opto-iso transistor .61 711 Dual Difference Com par DIP .26
.IUI 8520
Y Reg
Dual Hi Perf Op Amp
Comp Op AMP
8200 2.33 8554 2.19 6880 1.19 NSN33 ] digit .12" red le d 12 pin 747 Dual 741 Op Amp DIP or TO-S .71
8210 2.79 8810 .69 8263 5.79 fils IC skt. $1.79 748 Freq Adj 741 mDIP .35
8267 2.59 HPS082 5 digil .11 led magn. lens 1304 FM Mulpll Stereo Demod DIP 1.07
com. cath ].49 1307 FM Mulpx Stereo De mod DIP .74
FNA37 9 digit 7 seg led RH dec elr. 1458 Dual Comp Op Amp mDIP .62
9000 SERIES magn. lens 4.95 1800 Stereo multiplexer DIP 2.48
9002 S .35 9309 I .79 9601 S .89 SP-425-09 9 digit .25" neon direct inte r- LH2111 DualLM 211 Y Comp DIP 1.70
9301 1.03 9311 .79 9602 .79 face with MOS/ l SI, 180 YDC. 7 segl.79 3065 1Y-FM Sound System DIP .62
3075 FM Det-LMTR &
4000" S .26 4017A 1.19 4066A .89 1.39 75150 Dual line Drive r DIP 1.75
4001" .25 4020A 1.49 4068A .44 75451 Dual Perepheral Driver mDIP .35
4oo2A .25 4021A 1.39 4069A .44 75452 Dual Pe riph e ral Driver mDIP .35
4006A 1.35 4022A 1.10 4071A .26 DTL 75453 (351) Dual Periph Driver mOlP .35
4oo7A .26 4023A .25 4072A .35 930 I .15 937 .15 949 .15 7~91 Quad Seq Driver for LED DIP .71
4008" 1.79 4024A .89 4073A .39 932 .15 944 .15 962 .15 75492 Hex Digit driver DIP .8{I
4009A .57 4025A .25 4075A .39 936 .15 946 .15 963 .15
4010A .54 4027A .59 4078A .39
4011A .29 4028A .98 4081A .26
4012A .25 4030A .44 4082A .35 Satisfaction guaranteed. Shipment will be made via first class mail within 3 days from receipl of
4013A .45 4035A 1.27 4528A 1.60
4014A 1.49 4042A 1.47 4585A 2.10 order. Add $.50 to cover shipping and handling for orders under $25.00. Minimum order $5.00.
401 5A 1.49 4049A .59
California residenls add sales lax .
74COO I .22 74C74 11.04 74C162 . S2.93
P.O. BOX 17081 MONTEREY, CA. 93940 USA
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74C42 1.61 74C16O 2.48 8OC97 1.13
7.4C7J 1.04 74C161 2.93
Sfl140DN . 16 SN145IN 21 SN71l 1!)IN 1.25 lN~OOI !iOV " ! Amp Hi /SIOD 7400 Gate 1JSIDD Mr.t531W 601911 SJ.9S
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XR·205 Wav~lo r m Generat ol BAli
CMOS Mono lithic Funclion Gen~rillol SPECIAL 4.49
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tNI188 400 PIV 3!1 AMP
I.M320K 5 1.35 LM703CN 4!1 154!J3CN 39
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14 pili
2 Q ll,n
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1 55
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18 Ill!! .52 .47 43 4011'11 I 7~
lM3231<·5 10.50 W711N .39 7M94CN B9 2N2J6~ 5/51.00 2N3705 ~/ 51.O0 2N4403 41SI00
LM324N 1.80 Lf.1123N .55 RCA LINE AR WIRE WRAP SOCKET S IGOLO I LEVEL .3 W2JG9A 4,$1.00 2113700 5i5100 1NUO!l 51SIOU
LM723H .55 5105 .95 85 Ft12415 ~ SI .OO 1113707 515100 1145086 4/51 00
LM339N 1.10 CA30 13 1.70 101111' $.45 .4' 37 24pII'
2tn48~ 415100 2N3711 5fSI00 2N5081 4/5100
LM340K 5 1.95 LM133N 1.00 CA30n 2.15 14 pili .39 .38 ,31 2811 111 '00 1.25 1.10 2145088 41510U
S 6~
LM340K 11 1.95 LM139N 1.29 CA3035 2.25 16 pili .43 .,2 41 36JhH 159 1.45 130
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LM340K Ib 1.95 WHICH 3/ 1.00 CA3039 1.35 18 P(lI .15 .68 61 4011111 1.15 1.5!1 1.40 2112925 5/$1.00 W3903 !!IS I OO lN5129 ~ /$I .OO
. 1 35V 28
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IJ(JI 256B RAM 2.25 2401 2KSR 9.95 INT EGRATED ASSt , 9
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California Residents - Add 6% Sales Tax 4.1 1!i 16 . 14 12 I 2!1 16 14
10 25 15 13 10 I !l0 16
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47 25 19 17 15 10 16 14 12 09
THE KIL OBYTE RAM CARD Pel Kit 69.95 47 50 25 21 19 10 25 15 13 10
'Comptet! lK lt8 MemOI Y ' High No ise Immunity Componenn 100 ?5 24 20 18 10 50 16 14 17
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Board ' 220 25 32 28 25 100 16 19 15 14
220 50 4!i 41 38 100 2b 24 20 18
FREE Wi t h each $ 75 order of Microprocessor cotnllonenlS, 410 ]5 3] 29 .27 100 50 3!1 30 18
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Valu e cum pu te l PHREAKS FREE FREE FREE PHONE ORDERS - (415) 592-8097 2200 16 70 62 5b 470 15 31 28 76
Cornputer projects need power supplies. Finding the right power
transformer can be a problem. We have one of the largest and
most diversified stocks of power transformers in the country_
Below we list s ome representative items in our inventory. Our
cata log, free on request lists many more.
36 V. @ 1 .0 A. ct, & 6.3 V @ 200 ma o 3 Ibs. 89313 3.502/ 6 .00
70 V. @ 1.5 A. c t, & 6.3 V @ 500 mao . 6 lb. 89314 6.502 / 12 .00
90 V. @ 2.0 A . c t, & 6.3 V @ 1.5 A. 8Y, lb. 89315 9.952 / 19.00
50 V . ~ @ 1.5 A. ct, & 6.3V @500 mao 6 lb. 89316 6.502/12.00
26 V.@ 1.0 A. ct. &6.3 V. @ 500 ma o 3 lb. 89318 3.75217.00
38 V. @ 1.5 A. ct. & 6.0 V .@ 500 rna. 2 lb. 89319 6.952/ 13.00
350 V . @ 35 mao ct. & 6.3 V. @ 2 .7 A 2 lb. 89321 3 . 50 2/6.00
85283 70 V . @ 1 .5 A. ct. & 6 .3 V @ 1.5 A. 7Lb. 89322 6 .752/ 13.00
35 V. @ 6.0 Ct. & 10 V. @ 10.0 A. 6.0 Lb. 89906 8.95 ea.
64 or 32 V. @8.0 A. ct. & 18 V. @8 .0 A ct. 10 lb. 8990511 .9 5
We have a large selection of KEYTOPS and SWITCHES, made by (OP -AMPS)
RAYTHEON CO. The key tops come in black, grey and white,
with contrasting legends. The switches mate with the tops, and are TYPE DESCRIPT IO N CASE STOCK PRICE
magnetic reed switches. Th e following combinations are available :
709 H i Performance TO·5 84301 .5 0 5/2 .00
54 key typewriter set, keys only, black K9276 2 .95 85301 1.00 6/5.00
4709 Dual 709 DIP
54 key typewriter set, keys only, grey K9278 2 .9 5
741 Hi Performance DIP 84316 .65 5 / :1 .00
54 key TTY set, no symbols white K9279 2.95
54 key TTY set, with symbols white K9282 2 .95 747 Dual 741 DIP 84317 1.25 5 / !:i 00
741 Hi Performance Mini DIP 84345 .65 5/3 .00
54 key set, keys & switches black K9288 30.00 747CT Dual 741 TO·5 83111 1.25 5/!:i. OO
54 key set, keys & switches grey K9290 30.00 1458 Du al 741 Mini DIP 83112 1 .25 5 /5 .00
54 TTY set, no symbnls keys & Sw. White K9291 30.00 LM101A Gen, Purpose TO·5 84503 .50 5/ 2.00
54 TTY set, with symbo ls, keys & Sw. white K9291 30.00
81ank key 1 Y, keys wide white K9297 A 3/.25 :;!~. :i::i'H,!5iJ:1L'i 1ni2f:l 8 U R R 0 UGH SSE L F
_" , ..".. SCAN display , des·
81ank key 2 keys wide white K92978 3/ .2 5 igned for numeric app-
K9297 A with switch white K9298A 3 /2. 00 /~" li cation, requiring up to
K92978 with switch white K92988 3/2.00 MODEL SSD 1000-0010. 16 char~cters of numeric
Information. Display IS made
~-----------------------------; up of neon dot matrix. Each character is defined by a positive
MINIATURE 7 SEGMENT READOUT logic 4 bit code. Display operates in a scanning mode. scanning
from left to right, one column at a time. Electronics is in inter
Miniatllre 7 segment LED readout (EXITON XMN 101). ior of bezel, and consists of LSI chip and integrated circuits.
Displays all numbers and 9 letters. 0.0. 5/16"x l /4" Current distributor price is $135.00. LIMITED QUANTITY
Display is .12 ". SPECIAL FOR THIS ISSUE ON L Y STOCK NO.5180 with data $49 .50 2/90 .00
STOO< NO.B5173 with data sheet .50 ea . 5/2.00
This one by RCA, sandwich board construction with diode matrix.
Fairly small measures approx. 5 x 7 inches. The memory is on one
plane 32 x 32 x 9 (9216). Edge connector simplifies use. They are
brand new and we have some data provided by one of our customers
which we will photo copy and include.
#SP-SO .................................. $25.00
Another brand new memory, ultra small. Measures only 4 x 4 inches
with format on one plane of 32 x 32 x 16 (16,384) . Only about 35
units of this on hand.
#SP-S1 .................................. $20.00
Please add shipping cost on above.
To get fu rt her information on the products advert is ed in this
issue of BYTE merely tear, rip , or sn ip out t hi s advertiser inde x,
fill out the data at the bottom of the p age, mark the appropriate
boxes, and send the works to BYT E, Peterborough NH 03458.
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Power for the
New Proto Boards
B-203 and PB-203A A complete mini-
with built-in breadboard budget
kit with full Ie capacity
regulated Add $1.50
shipping/handlln g
short-proof The PB-100 is a low cost, big 10 Ie capacity
power supplies! breadboard kit, complete down to the last nut, bolt
and screw. Includes 2 QT-35S Sockets ; 1 QT-35B
Ready-to-use. Ju st plug in and sta rt
Bus Strip ; 2 5-way binding posts ; 4 rubber feet;
building! 2 ex tra floating 5-way bin ding
posts for external s ign a ls (PB-203 o nly). Co mplet e ly
screws and easy assembly instructions. 4.50"
se lf-contai ned w ith power sw itch, indi cat o r lamp and p ower (114 .3mm) wide x 6.00" (152.4mm) long x 1.35"
fuse. 24 14-pin DIP capacity. All meta l co nstruct io n . (34.3mm) high. Order your PB-100 kit! Start building
n o chipping or cracking as with plastic cases. T wo-to ne and testing now!
qua lit y case mak es both PB-203 and PB-20 3A aesthetically ,
as well as techn ica ll y attractive.
Add $2 .50 ship ping / handlin g
Add $2.50 shipping / handlin g
PC-16 16-pln Proto-Clip :
Add $1 .00 shipping
and handling
Specialties Corp.
brings ICs to life
faster than a scope . . .
safer than a
Add $2 .50 shipping / handling
Self-contain ed , pocket size . No
adjustments o r calibrations needed.
Puts life int o digital designs. Just
c lip to any DIP IC up to 16 pins.
Simultaneously displays static and
dynamic logic states of DTL , TTL ,
HTL or CMOS o n 16 large high Intensity LEDs . Wat c h
signals work thro ugh counters , shift registe rs, timers ,
adders, flip flops, decoders, entire systems. Con ce ntra te on
signal flow and input /o utput truth t ables . Fo rget probe
grounds, pin co unting or sy nc polarity . Precision plasti c
g uid es and fle x ible plastic web' insure p osi ti ve connections.
Versatile . Fast. Ac c urate . Indi spe nsable . Order yo urs t oday '