A person’s beliefs, opinions, thoughts, feelings are A person’s validity of beliefs incorporates a
not taken into consideration while making person’s thoughts, beliefs, opinions,
decisions. Decisions are imposed on other persons reasoning, inferences and feelings
and expected them to accept it and follow it (Robinson, 2016, pg.9). Viviane Robinson
without knowing capability of the other person. describes increasing the validity of
information as being at the “heart
of…interpersonal effectiveness” (2016, pg.
Model I is a theory of unilateral control over Model II is a theory of joint control and
others. Action is designed so that to maintain four inquiry. Its major underlying values consist
underlying values: achieving purposes as defined of providing valid information, allowing free
by the actor, winning, suppressing negative and informed choice, and internal
feelings, and being rational.(from reading) The commitment. The primary strategies in this
strategies which are primary involves controlled Model II involves making ,encouraging
inquiry, and protection of others and self as well. others, giving them space, welcoming their
Consequences in this include limited learning, not suggestions, motivating others in such a
an open relationship with groups, and decreased way that they gain confidence and achieve
effectiveness. the goal. (Line 1 and 25)
In Model I one always assumes I am In Model II as the level of the experience
right and the other person is wrong without even increases, the learner develops slowly and
knowing the fact. No explanation is accepted from gradually using the recipe to implement a
the other person to clarify his/her point of view. broader strategy, such as "helping the other
person in getting their task done or giving
them emotional support.(Line 30)
In Closed-to-learning model I the intention is “An Open-to -learning conversation,
to win with making the other person as little therefore, is one in which this value is
upset as possible without any evidence of having evident in how people think and talk.”
the reason of failure or success in the goal to be (2011, pg. 9).
In this Model I charge is taken of
both the work (task) and the process In this Model II higher authorities make a
of how it is done by the higher authority. plan of action so that their colleagues feel
committed to as they have been part of the
process. Robinson (2011) writes.
In Model I at times negative messages are Perhaps the most important factor in
communicated indirectly through leading learning and practising OTL ™ is motivation.
questions by the leader showing their OTL always provide a personally and
power. Insincere praise is being offered targeting professionally attractive leadership ethic,
people. One always which then helps in providing motivation
protect self from negative emotions by minimizing to others driving the learning and the
own risk taking hiding own fear and resultant greater efficiency and
assumes the validity of own private evaluations effectiveness as a leader will be reason
attributions and protect self from negative emotio enough to work for the betterment of the
ns by minimizing own organization.
risk taking and responsibility.