A Precariedade de Liberdade
A Precariedade de Liberdade
A Precariedade de Liberdade
r 2011 Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis
SUMMARY : One of the main features of slavery in Brazil was that slaves had a better
chance of achieving freedom than was the case in other slave societies. However
difficult freedom may have been to obtain, significant rates of manumission resulted
in a high percentage of free and freed people of color in the population of the country
throughout the nineteenth century. This article analyzes facets of the structural
precariousness of freedom in nineteenth-century Brazil. It deals with such themes as
the constitutional restrictions on the political rights of freed persons; the masters’
interdiction of their slaves’ learning how to read and write; the practice of granting
conditional manumissions; the masters’ right to revoke liberties; the illegal enslave-
ment of free people of color; and police profiling of free and freed blacks under the
allegation that they were suspected of being slaves. The idea is to highlight situations
which often blurred the distinction between slavery and freedom, therefore rendering
insecure the condition of free and freed people of African descent.
One of the main features of slavery in Brazil was that slaves had a better
chance of achieving freedom than was the case in other slave societies.
However difficult freedom may have been to obtain, significant rates of
manumission resulted in a high percentage of free and freed people of
color in the population of the country throughout the nineteenth century.
Nevertheless, much remains to be known regarding the experience of
freedom for freed people and their descendants while slavery still existed.
* This paper was written while I was a visiting scholar at Stanford University in the fall of 2010,
associated with the Spatial History Project and the Center for Latin American Studies. During
this period, I held a fellowship from the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São
Paulo (FAPESP). Research in Brazil was funded by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvi-
mento Cientı́fico e Tecnológico (CNPq) and FAPESP. My thanks to Michael Hall for his
corrections of my English. João José Reis and Rebecca J. Scott provided detailed comments that
were very helpful in preparing the final version of this article.
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406 Sidney Chalhoub
This article seeks to analyze facets of what I will denominate the struc-
tural precariousness of freedom in nineteenth-century Brazil. Thus, I will
deal with such themes as the constitutional restrictions on the political
rights of freed persons; the masters’ interdiction of their slaves’ learning
how to read and write; free and freed blacks’ very limited access to ele-
mentary schooling; the practice of granting conditional manumissions; the
masters’ right to revoke liberties; the illegal enslavement of free people
of color; and police profiling and arrest of free and freed blacks under
the allegation that they were suspected of being runaway slaves. In
approaching all these complex themes very briefly, the idea is to highlight
situations which often blurred the distinction between slavery and freedom
in nineteenth-century Brazil, therefore rendering insecure the condition of
free and freed people of African descent.1
Comparing data on the free population of color in Brazil, Cuba, and the
United States, the three main slave societies in the Americas in the nine-
teenth century, helps to bring our subject into relief. According to the
Brazilian census of 1872, the only national census carried out before the
abolition of slavery in 1888, the country had 9,930,478 inhabitants, of
whom 8,419,672 were free (84.7 per cent) and 1,510,806 remained slaves
(15.2 per cent). With regard to racial composition, 38.1 per cent were white,
19.7 per cent black, 38.3 per cent pardos (mixed race) and 3.9 per cent
Indian. Blacks and pardos together, including all social conditions (free,
freed, and slave) comprised 58 per cent of the total population (5,756,234
people). Slaves excluded, the free population of 4,245,428 people of African
descent represented 42.7 per cent of the inhabitants of the country, just
about the same number of people deemed white in the 1872 census.2
In Cuba, according to historian Rebecca Scott, the total population
reached 1,389,880 in the early 1860s, of whom 57.1 per cent were white,
26.6 per cent slaves, and only 16.2 per cent free blacks – a sharp contrast
with the 42 per cent in this category in Brazil at about the same time.
1. For a previous presentation of the concept of the ‘‘structural precariousness of freedom’’, see
Sidney Chalhoub, ‘‘Precariedade estrutural: o problema da liberdade no Brasil escravista (século
XIX)’’, História Social: Revista dos Pós-graduandos em História da UNICAMP, 19 (2010), pp. 33–62.
The present article is a considerably revised and enlarged version of that earlier piece.
2. Nelson de Castro Senra, História das estatı´sticas brasileiras (Rio de Janeiro, 2006), I,
pp. 418–419, 423. Concerning the status and reliability of the 1872 census, it is worth noting
that census tables yield incorrect figures quite often. In addition, masters provided the infor-
mation regarding their slaves, and it seems that they did not care to give accurate information,
for example, about their captives’ ages and places of birth. With respect to the slave population,
the 1872 slave registration or matrı´cula appears more accurate. In general, however, demo-
graphers deem the 1872 census reasonably reliable, especially in comparison with the ones that
followed it in 1890 and 1900. My thanks to Robert Slenes for these clarifications; for further
details, see Robert W. Slenes, ‘‘The Demography and Economics of Brazilian Slavery:
1850–1888’’ (unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, 1976), passim.
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Precariousness of Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Brazil 407
Ouro Preto
Valença Cantagalo
Rio de Janeiro
Sao Paulo
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408 Sidney Chalhoub
3. Rebecca J. Scott, Degrees of Freedom: Louisiana and Cuba after Slavery (Cambridge, MA
[etc.], 2005), pp. 273–274.
4. Senra, História das estatı´sticas brasileiras, p. 423.
5. Ira Berlin, Generations of Captivity: A History of African-American Slaves (Cambridge, MA
[etc.], 2003), pp. 278–279.
6. Idem, Slaves without Masters: The Free Negro in the Antebellum South (Oxford, 1974), p. 138.
7. Ibid., pp. 138, 140–141.
8. Rosemary Brana-Shute, ‘‘Slave Manumission in Suriname, 1760–1828’’, Slavery and Abolition,
10 (1989), pp. 40–63, 44.
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Precariousness of Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Brazil 409
9. Manoela Carneiro da Cunha, Antropologia do Brasil: mito, história, etnicidade (São Paulo,
1986), pp. 123–144.
10. Sidney Chalhoub, Machado de Assis, historiador (São Paulo, 2003), ch. 4.
11. Slenes, ‘‘Demography and Economics of Brazilian Slavery’’, pp. 495, 501, 504, 542. The data
on manumission presented by Slenes refer to a period of decline of slavery in Brazil. Because of
the lack of a national census and a national slave registration prior to 1872, it is not possible to
compare the rates found by Slenes with those pertaining to earlier periods. Nonetheless, for the
sake of my argument here, it suffices to say that recent studies continue to confirm that
manumission rates in Brazil have consistently guaranteed the presence of a relatively high
population of free and freed people of African descent in the country during the nineteenth
century. For a survey of the literature, see Herbert S. Klein and Francisco Vidal Luna, Slavery in
Brazil (Cambridge, 2010), ch. 9, especially pp. 267–269.
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410 Sidney Chalhoub
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Precariousness of Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Brazil 411
Until recently, historians seemed to share a paradigm, so to speak, for the
study of slavery in Brazil and perhaps in the Atlantic world in general. In
the mid-1980s, Rebecca Scott described the frame of mind prevailing in
the field, stressing that studies on the history of slavery had overcome
the common association between subordination and passivity. In other
words, historians had learned to consider slave initiatives within the
system that oppressed them, and to explore the creation of alternative
values and beliefs despite the burdens of economic exploitation and
social and ideological domination.12 It appeared possible to bring slave
communities to life in historical narratives, largely because there was
agreement regarding what constituted the politics of dominion in slave
societies, and to approach the question of what slaves did with what was
done to them – just to retread the battle cry of social historians in those
glorious times.
The politics of dominion in slave societies centered upon three aspects:
the slave market, with its transformations over time and impact upon
slave communities; ideologies and practices with regard to manumission
and the constitution of slave families;13 and, last but not least, physical
punishment, then seen not just as a reaffirmation of violence as the cor-
nerstone of slave discipline, but as happening in the context of class
struggle, somewhat limited by slaves’ pressures and concepts about fair
treatment and tolerable punishment.14 More recently, the effort to pursue
slaves’ views of slavery in Brazil, where African-born captives comprised
the majority of the slave labor force in most regions until past the
mid-century, entailed seeking the forms of re-appropriation and recom-
bination of cultural legacies in the context of New World slavery. People
who arrived in Brazil through the slave trade ‘‘discovered’’ Africa in New
World slavery, meaning that their common fate made them aware of the
connections and shared assumptions pertaining to their otherwise unique
ethnic legacies.15
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412 Sidney Chalhoub
Central Africans and Cultural Transformations in the American Diaspora (Cambridge, 2001),
pp. 183–208, and Robert W. Slenes, ‘‘Saint Anthony in the Crossroads in Kongo and Brazil:
‘Creolization’ and Identity Politics in the Black South Atlantic, ca. 1700–1850’’, in L. Sansone,
E. Soumonni, and B. Barry (eds), Africa, Brazil and the Construction of Trans-Atlantic Black
Identities (Trenton, NJ, 2008), pp. 209–254.
16. Robert W. Slenes, ‘‘A ‘Great Arch’ Descending: Manumission Rates, Subaltern Social
Mobility and Slave and Free(d) Black Identities in Southeastern Brazil, 1791–1888’’, in John
Gledhill and Patience Schell (eds), Rethinking Histories of Resistance in Brazil and Mexico
(Durham, NC, forthcoming).
17. Manolo Florentino and José Roberto Góes, A paz das senzalas: famı´lias escravas e tráfico
atlântico, Rio de Janeiro, c.1790–c.1850 (Rio de Janeiro, 1997).
18. Hebe M. Mattos de Castro, Das cores do silêncio: os significados da liberdade no sudeste
escravista – Brasil, século XIX (Rio de Janeiro, 1995).
19. See also Zephyr Frank, Dutra’s World: Wealth and Family in Nineteenth-Century Rio de
Janeiro (Albuquerque, NM, 2004).
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Precariousness of Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Brazil 413
The Constitution of 1824 considered freedmen born in Brazil to be citizens.
It did not mention African-born freed people, who were numerous because
of the high percentage of Africans among slaves for as long as the slave trade
continued. It was clear, however, that an African captive, when freed,
remained a foreigner, thus eligible for citizenship only through naturaliza-
tion. Perdigão Malheiro, in his influential study of the legal aspects of
Brazilian slavery published in the 1860s, said that there existed no legislation
to impede the naturalization of Africans, although the underlying assump-
tion of the comment was that such a possibility would be unexpected or
unwelcome.20 Police documents pertaining to the city of Rio de Janeiro,
from the 1830s to the 1860s, show that there was great hostility toward freed
Africans, often suspected of luring slaves to run away, planning rebellions,
and having an inclination toward vagrancy and crime.21 The police often
had them summarily deported to Africa, especially in the aftermath of slave
rebellions such as the one in Bahia in 1835.22
Regarding the political and civil rights of Brazilian freedmen, Perdigão
Malheiro thought that their condition ‘‘in our society is highly restricted’’
because of ‘‘a generalized racial prejudice against the African race’’.23 In
the electoral system established by the Constitution, with two principal
stages of citizenship rights mainly on the basis of wealth, freedmen could
20. Perdigão Malheiro, A escravidão no Brasil: ensaio histórico, jurı´dico, social, 2 vols (Petrópolis,
1976), I, p. 141. The first edition appeared in 1866 and 1867.
21. See, for example, Arquivo Nacional, Rio de Janeiro [hereafter AN], Secretaria de Polı́cia da
Corte, Ofı́cios com Anexos (1837), maço IJ6–174.
22. João José Reis, Rebelião escrava no Brasil: a história do levante dos malês em 1835
(São Paulo, 2003).
23. Malheiro, A escravidão no Brasil, I, p. 141.
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414 Sidney Chalhoub
vote in primary or local elections. They could vote for and be elected to
the municipal council, but they were not allowed to participate in the
following stage, the election of provincial deputies, general deputies, and
senators. Since citizenship rights also served as criteria for the occupation
of jobs in the state bureaucracy, a freedman could not be appointed a
justice of the peace, ranked police officer, attorney, judge, diplomat, or
bishop – they were even barred from serving as jurors in jury trials. They
could be admitted to the National Guard, but not as officers.24 As for civil
rights, still following Perdigão Malheiro, manumission gave freed people
the condition of persons, ‘‘who could exercise freely their rights and
activities, according to the law, as could other citizens, form a family,
acquire property’’ etc. (emphasis in the original). He compared the
situation of freed persons to that of minors coming of age.25
The 1832 code of criminal procedure gave freed Africans and slaves the
same treatment concerning travel within the country: they had to have a
passport, even when accompanied by their masters or protectors.26 At local
level, restrictions on freed Africans’ economic and social activities were
commonplace. In Salvador, in the province of Bahia, a city ordinance issued
in 1859 established a fine for slaves caught on the streets at night who did
not carry the written permission of their masters; likewise, freed Africans
would be fined in the amount of 3 mil-réis (worth at least three days work),
or eight days in prison, if found on the streets at night without a note ‘‘from
any Brazilian citizen’’.27 In other words, an African freed person could not
move about the city freely at certain times without the protection of a
citizen, someone willing to vouch for his or her conduct.
The example from Salvador comes from historian João Reis’s recent book
on the life of Domingos Sodré, an African slave, later freed and becoming
the owner of slaves, who lived in the city in the years following the
1835 rebellion. Restrictions on the economic activities of freed Africans
increased in the period. It seemed that local authorities intended to keep
freed Africans under constant pressure, perhaps to convince at least some of
them to cease living in Bahia, preferably assuming for themselves the cost
24. See also Keila Grinberg, O fiador dos brasileiros: cidadania, escravidão e direito civil no
tempo de Antonio Pereira Rebouças (Rio de Janeiro, 2002).
25. Malheiro, A escravidão no Brasil, I, pp. 141–143.
26. Actually, the law just said that citizens were exempted from having passports for travel
within the country; afterwards the government ‘‘interpreted’’ the law, to make it clear that non
citizens in general – freed Africans included – needed passports; Collecção das leis do Imperio do
Brasil, law of 29 November 1832, articles 118–120; for the interpretation, AN, Secretaria de
Polı́cia da Corte, Ofı́cios com Anexos (1835), Minister of Justice to the Chief of Police,
18 March 1835, maço IJ6–170.
27. In Portuguese, ‘‘que não levarem bilhetes de qualquer cidadão brasileiro’’; João J. Reis,
Domingos Sodré, um sacerdote africano: escravidão, liberdade e candomblé na Bahia do século
XIX (São Paulo, 2008), p. 88.
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Precariousness of Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Brazil 415
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416 Sidney Chalhoub
more than one and a half million – that is, 0.08 per cent of slaves were
literate.31 In the city of Rio, where the situation regarding literacy seemed
much better than in the rest of the country, 329 captives were able to
read and write in a total slave population of more than 48,000 – that is,
0.7 per cent of captives were literate in the capital. Data about literacy in
the 1872 census appeared appalling in general, for it became known that
for every 100 inhabitants, 81.4 were illiterate; by excluding children under 5,
too young to go to school, one comes to a figure of 77.4 illiterate per 100.
The city of Rio was the only place where more than half the population
could read and write – and just barely, 50.1 per cent.
Apparently shocked by the census results, politicians devoted much
time and talk to the question of elementary schooling in the following
years, but no meaningful action ensued. Instead, the literacy requirements
established by the electoral law of 1881 curtailed decisively the citizenship
rights of generations of people of African descent that had become or
were about to become free at the time. The perverse combination of
literacy requirements for voting rights and lack of elementary school for
the poor continued for decades to come.32
There were diverse ways to obtain freedom in Brazilian slavery: letters
of manumission; freedoms conceded in last will and testaments and post-
mortem inventories;33 liberties granted at the baptismal font; and manu-
missions achieved by judicial means. Manumissions could be gratuitous or
unconditional, in which case the freed person had no further obligations
toward the ex-proprietor (other than gratitude and due respect); and
onerous or conditional, which lumped together a variety of situations,
31. As I said before, masters provided information about their slaves to the 1872 census takers;
therefore, it is possible that they did not care to report correctly the literacy of their slaves.
Regardless of that, there is no reason to believe that the rate of literacy was in any way
significant among the slave population in Brazil. It is perhaps worth mentioning that in almost
three decades of research in the archives of Brazilian slavery, especially in police papers and
criminal and civil trial records, I have found the signature of one single slave – his name was
32. For the data presented here, see Diretoria Geral de Estatı́stica, Recenseamento Geral do
Brazil de 1872, and Senra, História das estatı´sticas brasileiras, pp. 428–431.
33. This clear-cut rendering of paths to freedom in Brazilian slavery is not unproblematic. For
example, bequests of freedom in wills often made their way to the notary books as manu-
mission letters. In addition, post-mortem inventories normally carried out what was established
in wills and testaments, and thus it may make sense to comprise all of those in the category of
liberties given by bequests. A further complication is that at times a slave bought his or her
freedom for the price of his or her evaluation during the post-mortem inventory proceedings,
an obvious instance of self-purchase rather than manumission by bequest.
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Precariousness of Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Brazil 417
34. Manumission studies have been a vast sub-field in slavery studies in Brazil for decades; for a
recent review of the literature, see Klein and Vidal Luna, Slavery in Brazil, ch. 9.
35. Peter L. Eisenberg, Homens esquecidos: escravos e trabalhadores livres no Brasil, séculos
XVIII e XIX (Campinas, 1989), pp. 255–314, 282.
36. Lizandra Meyer Ferraz, ‘‘Entradas para a liberdade: formas e freqüência da alforria em
Campinas no século XIX’’ (M.A. thesis, UNICAMP, 2010), pp. 122–123.
37. Klein and Vidal Luna, Slavery in Brazil, p. 261.
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418 Sidney Chalhoub
38. Malheiro, A escravidão no Brasil, I, pp. 117–121; Chalhoub, Visões da liberdade, pp. 122–131;
Eduardo Spiller Pena, Pajens da casa imperial: jurisconsultos, escravidão e a lei de 1871 (Campinas,
2001), pp. 79–88.
39. Manolo Florentino, ‘‘Sobre minas, crioulos e a liberdade costumeira no Rio de Janeiro,
1789–1871’’, in idem (ed.), Tráfico, cativeiro e liberdade. Rio de Janeiro, séculos XVII–XIX
(Rio de Janeiro, 2005), pp. 331–359.
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Precariousness of Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Brazil 419
Studies using judicial records have focused upon slaves’ initiatives to file
for freedom in court, their ability to find allies for their causes, the
arguments mustered to forward their legal cases.40 However correct this
approach, it has missed evidence that often times in these lawsuits an
ex-slave was seeking to defend a condition of freedom that he or she had
obtained in the past, and had been enjoying when the legal case started –
in other words, the freed person was actually struggling against an
attempt to re-enslave him or her. According to Grinberg, in a sample of
402 lawsuits to decide the bondage or freedom of one or more persons
pertaining to the Higher Court of Rio (Tribunal da Relação do Rio de
Janeiro), 27 per cent consisted of appeals to re-enslave someone, or for
someone to maintain freedom. As is obvious, in appeals for re-enslave-
ment, the ex-master or his/her heir initiated the case, hoping to regain
property rights over a given person; in appeals to maintain freedom, freed
people took action to resist an ongoing attempt to return them to bondage.
Grinberg’s study hints that captives who had received conditional manu-
mission were more likely to face the threat of revocation on the supposed
grounds of ingratitude.41
Grinberg’s work details legal arguments put forward in appeals to
maintain freedom and in attempts to revoke manumissions, and computes
their results, seeking to evaluate freed people’s chances of confirming their
condition through these means, and comparing what she finds in the
judicial cases with discussions conducted in law books and periodicals.
Although the point is not developed in her work, it suggests the need to
relate the different forms of manumission to the frequency and content of
judicial cases motivated by attempts to re-enslave freed persons.
The following extract, dated 28 July 1870, tells the story of Augusta, a
woman who sought legal protection for her liberty:
The black Augusta, a Brazilian, says that about eight years ago, the Lieutenant
Colonel José Rodrigues Gonçalves Valle freed her by letter, with the condition
to accompany him during his life.
Upon the Lieutenant Colonel’s death on 8 November 1864 (see attached
document), the Plaintiff left the house and separated her savings, as a free
person, that she is, and in this state has remained ever since, without con-
testation from anyone. Recently, however, João Carlos Álvares Valle, who
alleges to be in charge of the post-mortem inventory of the property of the
40. For examples, see Chalhoub, Visões da liberdade; Keila Grinberg, O fiador dos brasileiros,
and Liberata, a lei da ambiguidade: as ações de liberdade da Corte de Apelação do Rio de
Janeiro no século XIX (Rio de Janeiro, 1994).
41. Keila Grinberg, ‘‘Senhores sem escravos: a propósito das ações de escravidão no Brasil
imperial’’, in José Murilo de Carvalho and Lúcia Maria Bastos Pereira das Neves (eds),
Repensando o Brasil do Oitocentos (Rio de Janeiro, 2009), pp. 415–435. Actually, historian Hebe
Mattos had remarked the importance of appeals to maintain freedom in Das cores do silêncio,
ch. 9, p. 200.
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420 Sidney Chalhoub
On 7 November 1831, as a consequence of a treaty signed with Great
Britain associated with the formal recognition of independence, the
Brazilian government enacted a law prohibiting the slave trade. Such law
was systematically disrespected for the following two decades, a period
during which about 750,000 Africans were smuggled into the country,44
therefore making illegal enslavement a major source of slave labor for the
rapid expansion of coffee in the south-eastern provinces. Notwithstand-
ing its failure to abolish the slave trade, recent research has been exploring
precisely the political and social consequences of such law, how non-
compliance with it impacted relations between masters and slaves, and
public policies regarding slave emancipation.
42. AN, processo cı́vel (1870), Segunda Vara Cı́vel da Corte, no. 3395, maço 849, galeria A.
43. AN, processo cı́vel (1848), Tribunal da Relação do Rio de Janeiro, no. 4, caixa 42.
44. Data from www.slavevoyages.org; accessed 15 November 2010.
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Precariousness of Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Brazil 421
Figure 3. Portrait of Glyceria da Conceição Ferreira; carte de visite; Carneiro & Gaspar Studio,
Rio de Janeiro, c.1872.
Arquivo Nacional, Rio de Janeiro. Used with permission.
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422 Sidney Chalhoub
There were moments in which it appeared possible that the 1831 law
could become decisive in slaves’ strategies for achieving freedom, threa-
tening to bring to court the question of the illegality of much of the slave
property existent in the country. According to historian Elciene Azevedo,
the black abolitionist Luiz Gama attempted just that in the 1860s,
a decade during which the British also kept the imperial government
under pressure to resolve the question of the africanos livres – liberated
Africans – who were those Africans apprehended in ships involved in the
contraband trade, declared free and put under the protection of the
Brazilian government, which in its turn exploited their services in public
works and hired them out to private citizens. Luiz Gama rightly argued in
judicial petitions – although to no avail – that the concept of africanos
livres should encompass all Africans imported after the enactment of the
law of 1831, and not just those recovered by British warships and given to
the imperial government.45 Beatriz Mamigonian concluded her detailed
study of africanos livres reflecting on the question of how the experience
of these few thousand Africans may have influenced the strategies and
visions of slavery and freedom of others, hundreds of thousands, introduced
by contraband and held illegally under bondage.46
Mamigonian returned to the theme more recently, to ask the following
question: ‘‘Considering that the illegality of the slave property originated in
importations occurred after 1831 was uncontroversial, how did slave owners
sustain their right to such property?’’47 The author examined resolutions by
the Council of State, annals of proceedings and debates of the Senate,
ministerial reports, and other official documents to surmise that politicians
and public officials upheld the enslavement of Africans arrived after 1831
because such conduct was legitimated by custom – that is, planters had
traditionally had their access to slave labor guaranteed, a seigneurial right so
much recognized that the illegal enslavement of Africans seemed to count on
the connivance of public authorities at all levels and to enjoy the active
support of several sectors of the population. Nevertheless, there remained
the problem of British pressure to broaden the meaning of africanos livres,
with Her Majesty’s diplomats in Rio eventually taking initiatives to
denounce the open sale, sometimes in highly publicized auctions, of Africans
whose ages made obvious their illegal importation.
45. Elciene Azevedo, Orfeu de carapinha: a trajetória de Luiz Gama na imperial cidade de São
Paulo (Campinas, 1999).
46. Beatriz Galotti Mamigonian, ‘‘To Be a Liberated African in Brazil: Labour and Citizenship
in the Nineteenth Century’’ (unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Waterloo, Canada,
2002). Beatriz Mamigonian and Keila Grinberg have recently edited a collection of articles on
the social and political aspects of the law of 1831; Estudos Afro-Asiáticos, 29 (2007), pp. 87–340.
47. Beatriz Galotti Mamigonian, ‘‘O direito de ser africano livre: os escravos e as interpretações
da lei de 1831’’, in Silvia H. Lara and Joseli M. N. Mendonça (eds), Direitos e justiças no Brasil.
Ensaios de história social (Campinas, 2006), pp. 129–160, 132.
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Precariousness of Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Brazil 423
48. AN, Secretaria de Polı́cia da Corte, Ofı́cios com Anexos (August–December 1854), Chief
of Police to Minister of Justice, 5 August 1854, maço IJ6–218. There are other examples in
IJ6–217 (January–July 1854). For more on British initiatives, see W. D. Christie, Notes on
Brazilian Questions (London [etc.], 1865), pp. 82–85.
49. www.slavevoyages.org; accessed 21 October 2010.
50. The classic work on the conservatives, or saquaremas, is Ilmar Rohloff de Mattos, O tempo
saquarema (São Paulo, 1987); for a study that relates the resumption of the illegal trade with the
particiapation of the conservatives in the central government, see Tâmis Peixoto Parron,
‘‘Polı́tica do tráfico negreiro: o Parlamento imperial e a reabertura do comércio de escravos na
década de 1830’’, Estudos Afro-Asiáticos, 29 (2007), pp. 91–121.
51. Anais do Senado, 30 June 1837, pp. 175–181.
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424 Sidney Chalhoub
chambers and irked the British; although it passed in the Senate, the
deputies buried it.52 The illegal trade continued unabated in the following
years, and there is a fascinating glimpse of what may have gone on in the
minds of planters at the time in the excerpt below, taken from the last will
and testament of Antônio Machado de Campos, from Campinas, province
of São Paulo, 1837:
Due to ignorance and because other people told me that I could do it, I bought
two Africans after the law that forbade these transactions, and because my only
wish is to save my soul and in matters of conscience one has to proceed very
cautiously, I ask the person in charge of my last will and testament to take the
aforementioned Africans to the judge of the orphans, requiring that they be
deposited with my heirs until they are educated, and they will be baptized, but
not as slaves. Therefore I finish this will, and I want fulfilled what I establish
here, except that if there is a law determining that the Africans now existent
should be slaves, then the two about whom I made the declaration above must
belong to my heirs as their slaves.53
The passage bears witness to the class solidarity prevailing among slave
owners, with planters encouraging each other to disrespect the law, all
of them patriotically sharing the ideal of increasing their wealth through
contraband and the illegal enslavement of Africans – incidentally, ‘‘to
reduce a free person to slavery’’ was a crime specified in the 1830 criminal
code. On the subject of class conscience, Antônio Machado performed
equally well, for he showed that he was aware of parliamentary debates
about the revocation of the law of 1831 and the legalization of slave
property held illegally, thus the conditional form used in his will – ‘‘if there
is a law determining that the Africans now existent should be slaves’’.
Although seigneurial expectations for the repealing of the 1831 law did not
prevail, at least one deputy argued convincingly that the mere discussion of
the subject in the parliament seemed to have helped to legitimate the
contraband trade, contributing to increase the pace of importations.54
The appalling rate of illegal enslavement that occurred after 1831
impacted the daily experience of freedom for people of African descent in
general, since it caused insecurity and rendered freedom precarious. The
connection between illegal enslavement and the precariousness of freedom
52. For opposition in the Senate, see Anais do Senado, July 1837, in particular the interventions
of Senator Teixeira de Gouvêa; for opposition in the Chamber of Deputies, see, for example,
Annaes do Parlamento Brasileiro, Camara dos Srs Deputados, 3 October 1837, p. 615. Also, for
general accounts, see Robert E. Conrad, World of Sorrow: The African Slave Trade to Brazil
(Baton Rouge, LA [etc.], 1986), ch. 4, and Leslie Bethell, The Abolition of the Brazilian Slave
Trade: Britain, Brazil and the Slave Trade Question, 1807–1869 (Cambridge, 1970), ch. 3.
53. Cited in Meyer Ferraz, ‘‘Entradas para a liberdade’’, pp.75–76.
54. Annaes do Parlamento Brasileiro, Camara dos Srs Deputados, 2 September 1837, p. 453;
see also Conrad, World of Sorrow, p. 97.
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Precariousness of Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Brazil 425
55. Sidney Chalhoub, ‘‘Illegal Enslavement and the Precariousness of Freedom in Nineteenth-
Century Brazil’’, in John D. Garrigus and Christopher Morris (eds), Assumed Identities: The
Meanings of Race in the Atlantic World (College Station, TX, 2010), pp. 88–115.
56. AN, Secretaria de Polı́cia da Corte, Ofı́cios com Anexos (1831–1832), maço IJ6–165.
57. Wilma Peres Costa, ‘‘Estratégias ladinas: o imposto sobre o comércio de escravos e a
‘legalização’ do tráfico (1831–1850)’’, Novos Estudos CEBRAP, 67 (2003), pp. 57–75.
58. Collecção das leis do Imperio do Brasil, decree n. 151, 11 April 1842, article 6: ‘‘No acto da
primeira matricula a ninguem se exigirá o titulo por que possue o escravo’’.
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426 Sidney Chalhoub
the 1830s and 1840s, at least judging from the amount of time and effort
the police dedicated to prevent it during the period.59 Slave stealing
necessarily involved establishing networks with the participation of a
variety of individuals, beginning with the captives themselves, who often
agreed, and sometimes asked, to be taken away.
In May 1837, the justice of the peace of the first district of Sacramento
parish received the information that a tavern in the neighborhood served
as a gathering place for the enticement of slaves to run away.60 As was
usually the case in such matters, a slave made the first contact with his or
her fellows and attracted them to the tavern. In this case, his name was
Matheus, an African from Congo and a mason. Interrogated by the judge,
one of the blacks to be carried away, Manoel Monjolo, said that he wanted
‘‘to embark to get rid of the bad master he had’’; in addition, he explained
that Matheus had approached him saying that Joaquim José Ribeiro, a
Portuguese man who worked in the tavern, could arrange for him to be
sent away. The negotiations continued for a while, with Manoel Monjolo
perhaps seeking to be assured that he would be moving to a more
advantageous situation within bondage; he said that he had had meals
with Matheus in the tavern ‘‘several times’’, without ever paying for them.
The police caught Manoel Monjolo and Joaquim José Ribeiro as they
walked to Prainha, a beachfront location, supposedly the departure point
for the stolen slave.
Had the journey proceeded, Manoel Monjolo would have joined other
slaves and been conducted, maybe by another Portuguese man, to the
interior of the province of Minas Gerais or São Paulo, for example. There
he would have been sold to a coffee planter, probably under a new name,
João Monjolo, for instance; the master would have included him on
the list of slaves pertaining to his household, registered him, and paid
the annual slave fee. More importantly, the alleged master would have
counted on never being asked to document how he had originally
obtained the captive.61 As this case shows, the business of acquiring
smuggled Africans became inseparable from having a constant influx of
stolen ladino slaves as well, therefore occasionally giving captives the
opportunity to take the initiative to change masters, hoping to improve
their lot within slavery.
59. Marcus J. M. de Carvalho, ‘‘‘Quem furta mais e esconde’: o roubo de escravos em Pernambuco,
1832–1855’’, Revista do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro, 150 (1989), pp. 317–344.
60. AN, processo criminal (1837), Tribunal da Relação do Rio de Janeiro, Joaquim José Ribeiro
(apelante), furto de escravos, no. 1281, maço 139, galeria C.
61. This synthesis of how Manoel Monjolo’s story would have evolved is based on evidence
collected from police papers, series IJ6, several packets for the 1830s and 1840s; for a detailed
account on how stolen slaves were sold in the interior, see AN, Secretaria de Polı́cia da Corte,
Ofı́cios com Anexos (1842–1843), maço IJ6–199.
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Precariousness of Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Brazil 427
62. Judy Bieber Freitas, ‘‘Slavery and Social Life: Attempts to Reduce Free People to Slavery
in the Sertão Mineiro, Brazil, 1850–1871’’, Journal of Latin American Studies, 26 (1994),
pp. 597–619; see also Marcus J.M. de Carvalho, Liberdade: rotinas e rupturas do escravismo no
Recife, 1822–1850 (Recife, 1998), pp. 242–253.
63. Annaes do Parlamento Brasileiro, Camara dos Srs Deputados, 1 September 1854,
pp. 349–350.
64. Arquivo Edgard Leuenroth, UNICAMP, processo criminal (1865–1866), Tribunal da
Relação do Rio de Janeiro, reel 84.0.ACR.163 (microfilm copy of original belonging to the
Arquivo Nacional).
65. For an insightful discussion of how to read depositions in police and judicial records, see
Arlette Farge, Le gout de l’archive (Paris, 1989). Social historians in Brazil have been sys-
tematically using criminal and civil trial records for the study of slavery and working-class
culture since the 1980s: see, for early examples, Boris Fausto, Crime e cotidiano: a criminalidade
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428 Sidney Chalhoub
José, who was a shoemaker, had been born in Pau d’Alho, in the north-
eastern province of Pernambuco. He was thirty-seven years old, single,
then living in the city of Rio; he said that he resided on Catumby Street,
but did not know the number. He confessed to having stabbed the victim
out of despair caused by the harsh physical punishment imposed by his
master. Answering questions asked by a police officer, José declared that:
He, the respondent, is free by birth; his mother is alive in Pau d’Alho, and her
name is Joanna Maria da Conceição; besides her mother, he also has an aunt in
Recife, Silvéria Maria da Conceição, who lives on Direita Street [y], and the
Lieutenant Colonel of the National Guard Antônio Laurianno Lopes Coutinho,
who also lives in Recife, on Queimados Street, served as godfather at his bap-
tism. [He said] [t]hat he came to this capital engaged by the Portuguese Manoel
Teixeira de Araújo, as his servant; but this man had to go to a hospital and left
him with Bernardo José Pinto, who lives in this city on Rosário Street, from
where he the respondent was taken to Cantagalo [a county in the province of
Rio], lured by promises to earn more money there working at his profession;
but there arriving he learned that he had been enslaved, and not being able to
suffer the punishments inflicted upon him, he tried to commit suicide by cutting
his own throat with a razor. From Cantagalo he was sold to Fuão Goulart, who
now lives on Catumby Street, there receiving the same punishments he had been
suffering in Cantagalo; yesterday, as he left the shop where he worked to take a
knife to sharpen, without the intention of killing anybody, it happened that he
met Pereira on Cano Street; Pereira then grabbed him [y] to conduct him to
Goulart’s house, and it was on this occasion that the respondent, having received
several blows given by Pereira with his umbrella, stabbed him, which he did not
intend to do, and Pereira contributed for this outcome because he inspired
terror in the respondent, threatening that he would be put in shackles and
receive beatings; that he regrets what happened to Pereira, and wished he had
done it to himself [y].
José probably belonged to a family whose members had recently
obtained freedom – perhaps the very first generation of a family of freed
people. His mother carried the names of ‘‘Maria’’ and ‘‘Conceição’’,
alluding to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and very common among freed
women;66 also, she managed to have her son baptized by a person of a
em São Paulo (1880–1924) (São Paulo, 1984); Maria Odila Leite da Silva Dias, Quotidiano e
poder em São Paulo no século XIX – Ana Gertrudes de Jesus (São Paulo, 1984); Sidney Chalhoub,
Trabalho, lar e botequim: o cotidiano dos trabalhadores no Rio de Janeiro da Belle Époque (São
Paulo, 1986); Hebe Maria Mattos de Castro, Ao sul da história: lavradores pobres na crise do
trabalho escravo (São Paulo, 1987); Maria Helena P.T. Machado, Crime e escravidão: trabalho,
luta e resistência nas lavouras paulistas, 1830–1888 (São Paulo, 1987), and many others. For a
recent survey of Brazilian social history since the 1980s, see Sidney Chalhoub and Fernando
Teixeira da Silva, ‘‘Sujeitos no imaginário acadêmico: escravos e trabalhadores na historiografia
brasileira desde os anos 1980’’, Cadernos AEL, 14 (2009), pp. 11–50.
66. Jean Hébrard, ‘‘Esclavage et dénomination: imposition et appropriation d’un nom chez les
esclaves de la Bahia au XIXe siècle’’, Cahiers du Brésil Contemporain, 53/54 (2003), pp. 31–92.
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Precariousness of Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Brazil 429
67. Guillermo Palacios, ‘‘Revoltas camponesas no Brasil escravista: a ‘Guerra dos Maribondos’
(Pernambuco, 1851–1852)’’, Almanack Braziliense, 3 (2006), pp. 9–39, 22 (quotation from
correspondence sent by a local judge to the president of the province of Pernambuco); see also
Mara Loveman, ‘‘Blinded Like a State: The Revolt against Civil Registration in Nineteenth-
Century Brazil’’, Comparative Studies in Society and History, 49 (2007), pp. 5–39.
68. AN, processo cı́vel (1862), Juı́zo Municipal da Segunda Vara do Rio de Janeiro, no. 1, caixa
523, galeria C.
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430 Sidney Chalhoub
enslavement of both mother and son, Felismina and Odorico. When she
was seven, Felismina had been sold to her father by a man named José
Bento, from Valença, a coffee county in the province of Rio, and given the
name of Thereza. However, one day, as the supposed Thereza walked on
the street with another slave woman pertaining to the household, a black
woman who passed by recognized her as Felismina, born in Valença as a
free girl and her godchild. The Perdigão family believed in the story and
considered Felismina free thereafter. Later her sister, Dona Mariana,
brought Felismina to live with her. Felismina gave birth to Odorico
during this period; thus it seems that Dona Mariana had him baptized as
slave, although her sister does not go so far as to say that. The third
witness, Miguel Geraldo da Silva, a typesetter, thirty-four years old,
confirms the whole story, and suggests that the family considered
Odorico free because the young man, unlike slaves, went about the city
wearing shoes.
In spite of the witnesses’ declarations that the Perdigão family deemed
Odorico a free person, he was sold to Leopoldino dos Santos Pereira, who
sold him to José Antônio Teixeira, who died, but whose widow intended
to sell him again, finally prompting legal action by his father, Joaquim de
Azevedo Ramos. Asked to present documentary evidence that Felismina
had been a freed person, therefore proving that Odorico had been born
free, Ramos argued that he took the trouble of filing the petition just
because he did not have a paper trail to sustain his allegations. Since
Felismina had been born free, and not freed after birth, he did not have a
letter of manumission or another type of document to support his story.
Here, again, as in the case of the black Augusta, seen above, part of the
motivation to go to court consisted of creating a paper trail to safeguard
the right to freedom. Paradoxically, Felismina’s freedom seemed harder to
prove than Augusta’s because she had never been a slave. Augusta gath-
ered witnesses to show that a letter of manumission had existed and
disappeared. Felismina’s ex-lover had to resort to witnesses to reconstruct
her story from scratch, a mission made more difficult by the sheer fact
that illegal enslavement entailed erasing or muddling the evidence of the
original act of reducing someone to bondage.69
69. For a discussion of illegal enslavement in a different context, see Rebecca J. Scott, ‘‘Paper
Thin: Freedom, Re-Enslavement, and Determinations of Status in the Diaspora of the Haitian
Revolution’’, Law and History Review, (November 2011). Scott discusses the re-enslavement of
refugees from Haiti – first in Cuba, then in Louisiana – in the early nineteenth century, to
conclude that ‘‘The same codes and statutes that determined that some persons could be held as
property required no sound or consistent account of how the property right in a given indi-
vidual had lawfully come into being in the first place. They required no proof that the person in
question was subject to such ownership; property in his or her person was, like property in
other ‘immovables,’ presumed from the fact of possession’’ (cited with permission).
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Precariousness of Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Brazil 431
During the long period during which he held the job of chief of police
in Rio, from 1833 to 1844, Eusébio de Queiróz organized the routine
procedures of the institution according to the tenet that ‘‘since it is not
easy to obtain proof of slavery, when a black insists that he is free’’, it
seemed ‘‘more reasonable, in the case of blacks, to presume their bondage,
until they present a certificate of baptism or a letter of liberty to prove
otherwise’’.70 It is noteworthy that the policy of deeming a slave any
person suspected of being one took root while the contraband trade
brought more than 750,000 Africans to the country in the 1830s and
1840s. Eusébio de Queiróz’s doctrine provided a rationale, so to speak, for
overlooking procedures that would have made it difficult not to recognize
the illegal enslavement of Africans. Moreover, it transferred to Africans
and their descendents the burden of proving their liberty, at a time when
masters would have problems if pressed hard on the question of how they
had originally acquired much of their slave property.
The consequences of such police conduct were durable for people of
African descent, since their detention on the allegation that they were
suspected of being fugitive slaves remained common for as long as slavery
existed in Brazil. Not surprisingly, the police appeared particularly prone
to making mistakes in this matter, not least because, as mentioned before,
three out of every four blacks and pardos were free or freed according to
the census of 1872. In the city of Rio, the 1872 census computed a
population of 274,972, of which 226,033 were free people (82.2 per cent),
and 48,939 slaves (17.7 per cent). As regards the racial composition of the
free population in relation to the total population, 55.2 per cent were
considered white, a high percentage due, in part, to the strong presence of
Portuguese immigrants in the capital (more than 55,000), 10.3 per cent
black, 16.3 per cent pardos, 0.33 per cent caboclos (mixed with Indians);
among the remaining 17.7 per cent slave population, 77.3 per cent were black,
22.6 per cent pardos.71 On the aggregate – that is, slave and free combined –
the population of African descent in Rio represented 44.4 per cent of the
total. Considering only the population of African descent, 59.9 per cent was
free, 40 per cent slave; in other words, for every five people of color residing
in the capital in 1872, three were free, two slaves.
Let us turn briefly to the Livros da Casa de Detenção da Corte, that is,
the books that registered the entry to the House of Detention of people
70. AN, Secretaria de Polı́cia da Corte, Ofı́cios com Anexos (1835), Chief of Police to Minister
of Justice, 7 December 1835, maço IJ6–171.
71. Luiz Carlos Soares, O ‘povo de Cam’ na capital do Brasil: a escravidão urbana no Rio de
Janeiro do século XIX (Rio de Janeiro, 2007), pp. 376–380, and Senra, História das estatı´sticas
brasileiras, I, p. 442.
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432 Sidney Chalhoub
arrested daily in the city of Rio in the 1860s and 1870s.72 Despite several
gaps in the available data, the House of Detention books convey a wealth
of information on each person detained – that is, name, age, nationality,
place of birth, parents’ names, reason for arrest, marital status, address,
occupation, height, color, clothes worn on occasion of detention, date of
entry, date of release, name of master (for slaves), social condition (slave,
free, freed), authority who ordered the arrest. There were different books
for slave and free people. The database contains 8,445 entries: 2,697 in
books pertaining to slaves (31.9 per cent), 5,748 in books for free detainees
(68 per cent).
Focusing on slave entries reveals that throughout the period the main
function of the police with regard to the institution of slavery consisted of
assisting masters in disciplining their captives. Thus 61 per cent of slave
arrests may be described as actions to help masters maintain control of
their bonded labor force – for instance, detentions made on a master’s
request, capture of supposed runaways, arrests associated with slaves
being out on the streets after curfew without a master’s permission; 29.8
per cent of the detentions resulted from slaves being accused of com-
mitting a variety of felonies and misdemeanors; in 6.1 per cent of the cases
the slaves took the initiative of seeking the police – for example, to
complain of mistreatment or to file a petition for freedom; 3.1 per cent of
the entries do not specify a motive for the detention.
Searching the database for entries associated with being a ‘‘fugitive’’
slave, or ‘‘suspected of being a fugitive’’ slave, we come to a total of 1,097
such detentions: 447 for ‘‘fugitive’’, 650 for ‘‘suspected of being a fugitive’’.
Although 70 per cent of entries for these motives appeared in books
dedicated to slaves, it is perhaps surprising to find nearly 30 per cent of
them annotated in books pertaining to free people. However difficult to
be sure about these matters, it seems that there were situations in which
the police tended to take information as presented to them; therefore, if
those detained for allegedly being runaway slaves declared themselves to
be slaves and to have run away, they would enter a book for the registry
of slaves as ‘‘fugitives’’. In other words, the police appeared inclined to
believe a person who admitted to being a slave, despite the fact that the
police records carry several examples of free people who alleged themselves
72. The Livros da Casa de Detenção da Corte are kept in the Arquivo Público do Estado do
Rio de Janeiro; there are copies of them in microfilm in the Arquivo Edgard Leuenroth at
UNICAMP. The contents of the books pertaining to the 1860s and 1870s are being loaded on to
a database belonging to the Centro de Pesquisa em História Social da Cultura (CECULT/
UNICAMP). The following paragraphs are based on what the database held as of July 2010,
which represented nearly 90 per cent of cases existent in the books for the 1860s and 1870s.
I owe a special thanks to Anita Lazzarin, a student research assistant at CECULT, who helped
me to consolidate the data used in this article.
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434 Sidney Chalhoub
Seen from a distance, the abolition of the slave trade and of slavery proper
were perhaps the most impressive nineteenth-century historical achieve-
ments of western European countries and their former colonies in the
Americas. By the end of the century, nationalist deliriums, scientific
delusions, and imperialist predation, on the part of several European
countries, rested on representations about the progress of freedom and
civilization that the suppression of slavery and other forms of compulsory
labor epitomized. The end of slavery appeared as a prerequisite for
industrial and technological progress, the expansion of markets, the
improvement of financial institutions, the voluntary migration of workers,
the acquisition of civil and political rights, and urbanization.
Nonetheless, such a panoramic perspective elides the indeterminate and
fragmentary character of much of the history of slavery in the nineteenth
century, particularly with regard to the strengthening of the institution
in ways that rendered even more tragic the experience of the African
diaspora. At the end of the eighteenth century, slavery remained strong in
the British and French sugar-producing colonies. The Haitian Revolution
interrupted the prosperity of the main French sugar colony; successive
abolitionist waves and political turmoil ended British involvement in the
slave trade and, subsequently, in the 1830s, brought slavery to an end in
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Precariousness of Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Brazil 435
Figure 4. Portrait of a man; carte de visite; photographer: Militão Augusto de Azevedo, 1870s.
Museu Paulista, São Paulo. Used with permission.
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436 Sidney Chalhoub
its colonies. The same historical process that consolidated the pre-
eminence of Great Britain in world markets and international relations
caused both the abolition of slavery in British colonies and the expansion
of it in other areas of the Americas. In the following decades, as the cotton
industry grew, the US South deepened its commitment to slavery; in 1830,
Cuba had become the leading world producer of sugar, while its slave
population of 85,900 people, in 1792, reached 286,900 in 1827, and
436,500 in 1841.76
Due to low birth rates among the slave population, the expansion of
coffee in Brazil in the second quarter of the nineteenth century depended
heavily on the importation of enslaved Africans. Actually, demand for
bonded Africans had been increasing since the 1790s as a consequence of
markets made available after the collapse of sugar production in Haiti. In
the 1820s, coffee remained the third item in the country’s exports, after
sugar and cotton.77 In other words, the restructuring of slavery in Brazil,
following the demise of gold mining, preceded the growth of coffee in the
provinces of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.
Current estimates for the number of Africans taken to Brazil during the
whole period of the slave trade, from the mid-1500s to the early 1850s,
stand at more than 4.8 million. In the first quarter of the nineteenth
century (1801–1825), 1,012,762 Africans disembarked in the country; in
the second quarter (1826–1850), there were 1,041,964, plus 6,800 after the
1850 law that effectively abolished the trade. These figures show that
42 per cent of the total number of Africans transplanted to Brazil during
three centuries of the slave trade arrived there in the first half of the
nineteenth century.78 Most Africans introduced in the second quarter of
the century ended up in coffee-growing south-eastern provinces; further-
more, a vast majority of them, approximately 750,000, came in contempt of
the international treaties and national legislation that had prohibited the
African trade.
As I have argued in this article, the core of the concept of the structural
precariousness of freedom in nineteenth-century Brazil rests upon the
idea that there prevailed, in the longue durée, modes and imperatives of
social interaction that often made the boundaries of slavery and freedom
76. Dale W. Tomich, ‘‘The ‘Second Slavery’: Bonded Labor and the Transformation of the
Nineteenth-Century World Economy’’, in idem, Through the Prism of Slavery: Labor, Capital,
and World Economy (Lanham, MD, 2004), pp. 56–71; for data on the Cuban slave population,
see p. 64. See also idem, ‘‘World Slavery and Caribbean Capitalism: The Cuban Sugar Industry,
1760–1868’’, Theory and Society, 20 (1991), pp. 297–319, and in the same issue, by Sidney Mintz,
‘‘Comment on Articles by Tomich, McMichael, and Roseberry’’, pp. 383–392.
77. Tomich, ‘‘The ‘Second Slavery’’’, p. 67.
78. www.slavevoyages.org; accessed 6 September 2010. Robert Slenes has called my attention to
the magnitude of these numbers.
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Precariousness of Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Brazil 437
79. Rohloff de Mattos, O tempo saquarema; see also Jeffrey D. Needell, The Party of Order:
The Conservatives, the State, and Slavery in the Brazilian Monarchy, 1831–1871 (Stanford, CA,
80. Marcos Ferreira de Andrade, ‘‘Rebelião escrava na comarca do Rio das Mortes, Minas
Gerais: o caso Carrancas’’, Afro-Ásia, 21:2 (1998–1999), pp. 45–82; Flávio dos Santos Gomes,
Histórias de quilombolas: mocambos e comunidades de senzalas no Rio de Janeiro, século XIX,
2nd edn (São Paulo, 2006); Reis, Rebelião escrava no Brasil.
81. Robert W. Slenes, ‘‘The Brazilian Internal Slave Trade, 1850–88’’, in Walter Johnson (ed.),
The Chattel Principle: Internal Slave Trades in the Americas (New Haven, CT [etc.], 2004),
pp. 325–370.
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438 Sidney Chalhoub
82. As early as 1854, the Provincial Assembly of São Paulo sent a letter to the imperial govern-
ment to complain of slave crime and to protest against the non-application of the death sentence,
due to the intervention of the Emperor, to several slaves who had murdered masters and their
relatives; see ‘‘Consulta de 30 de Outubro de 1854. Sobre a representação da Assembléia Legislativa
da Provı́ncia de São Paulo acerca da pena de galés que se impõe aos escravos’’, in José Prospero
Jehovah da Silva Caroatá, Imperiais resoluções tomadas sobre consultas da seção de Justiça do
Conselho de Estado. Desde o anno de 1842, em que começou a funccionar o mesmo Conselho, até
hoje (Rio de Janeiro, 1884), part 1, pp. 507–509. For a detailed study of the subject in the 1870s and
1880s, see Célia Azevedo, Onda negra, medo branco. O negro no imaginário das elites – século
XIX (São Paulo, 1987).
83. Christie, Notes on Brazilian Questions, passim.
84. Elciene Azevedo, O direito dos escravos: lutas jurı´dicas e abolicionismo na provı´ncia de São
Paulo (Campinas, 2010).
85. In the House of Detention database that I have been using in this paper (see n. 72, above),
entries that originated with slaves taking the initiative of going to the police went from 2.6 per cent
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Precariousness of Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Brazil 439
of the cases in the 1860s to 9.6 per cent in the 1870s; on slaves going to the police and filing appeals
for freedom, see Chalhoub, Visões da liberdade, passim.
86. On the 1885 law, see Joseli Mendonça, Entre a mão e os anéis: a lei dos sexagenários e os
caminhos da abolição no Brasil (Campinas, 1999).
87. Sidney Chalhoub, ‘‘The Politics of Silence: Race and Citizenship in Nineteenth-Century
Brazil’’, Slavery and Abolition, 27 (2006), pp. 73–87, 73–76; idem, ‘‘Solidarité et liberté. Les
sociétés de secours mutuel pour gens de couleur à Rio de Janeiro dans la seconde moitié du
XIXe siècle’’, Cahiers du Brésil Contemporain, 67/68 (2007), pp. 363–392.
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