Road Map On Educational Data Mining
Road Map On Educational Data Mining
Road Map On Educational Data Mining
Educational Data mining is an important subject and research ground which are supposed taken care of the great data which
are arising in the educational field. The exploring data is formed as a data set and then various computational techniques are
applied to derive an interesting pattern out of it which further analysis, decisions can be done for the re-modeling of learning
pattern, improvement of teaching method and also for the improvement of education organization. This paper makes a wide
study about recent and relevant studies that has been gone through this area. The result of these studies will give the technical
process to taking up the teaching style into the future level and gives foreshadow the students’ educational performance.
Keywords: Data Mining, Education System, Educational Data Mining, Database.
Educational Data mining is most demanding and innovative data mining sub domain in the research community.
Educational data mining is a research area which is a package of mathematical and dispositional method for
comprehending the learning process of students and also derives what are the strategies that should be taken up by the
teachers to enhance their teaching skills along with the improvement in the education system. Data is exploring
enormously in both traditional and web based educational system. To handle such a huge data exploration lots of tools
were used such as systematic learning approaches and education process management system. The success of the huge
work needs much more focused work in order of educational data mining [12] to become a strong and fully fledged
enhance the educational system. The Education is isolated into three levels.
2.1 Primary Education
Primary education is compulsory and free of cost for all the children and not matter of their nationality or gender and
also there should not be any consideration for any sort of discriminations.
2.2 Secondary Education
It is also known as the elementary education and it should be generally available and accessible to all regardless to their
2.3 Higher Education
It is also known as University level education and if a student or a learner is eligible to study a particular course by
meeting all eligibility criteria and university norms, then He / She is having the complete rights to acquire university
Data Mining is a versatile sub domain of Computer Science and Technology. It is a process of finding similar or
interesting patterns from a large data set. Data Mining is a field where the user will come across Database systems,
Statistics, Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning too. The major concept behind to the data mining is to process
and extract information or data from a large and data set and convert it into understandable structure for the future use
4.1 Knowledge Discovery of Data (KDD)
Knowledge Discovery of Data, an acronym of datamining is the process of extracting hidden and interesting knowledge
from data[1].
Preprocessed Transformed
Data Data
Data Knowledge
Data Decision
Collection Making
5.1.1 Data Collection: Target data is collected from various educational system repositories and preprocessed.
5.1.2 Association Discovery: This phase aims at discovering associations between the data variables. Various
algorithms like classification, regression, association rule mining, clustering, sequential patterns, and decision tree
and so on are applied to discover the relationships.
5.1.3 Validation of Association: To avoid over fitting, the identified associations should be validated.
5.1.4 Decision Making: The validated associations are utilized for predictions which support the decision making to
enhance the learning environment.
The Data is visualized in the phase 3 and 4 to avoid knowledge dilution.
Educational data mining is one of the most challenging data mining research areas where still huge numbers of
innovative concept are flourishing up for mining new things from the existing dataset. Education can be delivered in
any form, because sharing or teaching someone about a specific or generalized subject can be characterized under
education system and not only the intellectual thoughts but also it will focus up creating a student or a group of persons.
Thus information or data set related to educational data is generating in a very large amount and data mining helps to
find out the most interesting pattern from such datasets.
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