In Situ Electromagnetic (Eddy Current) Examination of Nonmagnetic Heat Exchanger Tubes

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Designation: E690 − 15

Standard Practice for

In Situ Electromagnetic (Eddy Current) Examination of
Nonmagnetic Heat Exchanger Tubes1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E690; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope* 2.2 Other Documents:

1.1 This practice describes procedures to be followed during SNT-TC-1A Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifi-
eddy current examination (using an internal, probe-type, coil cation and Certification in Nondestructive Testing3
assembly) of nonmagnetic tubing that has been installed in a ANSI/ASNT-CP-189 ASNT Standard for Qualification and
heat exchanger. The procedure recognizes both the unique Certification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel3
problems of implementing an eddy current examination of NAS-410 NAS Certification and Qualification of Nonde-
installed tubing, and the indigenous forms of tube-wall dete- structive Personnel (Quality Assurance Committee)4
rioration which may occur during this type of service. The ISO 9712 Non-destructive Testing—Qualification and Cer-
document primarily addresses scheduled maintenance inspec- tification of NDT Personnel5
tion of heat exchangers, but can also be used by manufacturers
3. Terminology
of heat exchangers, either to examine the condition of the tubes
after installation, or to establish baseline data for evaluating 3.1 Standard terminology relating to electromagnetic ex-
subsequent performance of the product after exposure to amination may be found in Terminology E1316, Section C,
various environmental conditions. The ultimate purpose is the Electromagnetic Testing.
detection and evaluation of particular types of tube integrity
degradation which could result in in-service tube failures. 4. Summary of Practice
1.2 This practice does not establish acceptance criteria; they 4.1 The examination is performed by passing an eddy
must be specified by the using parties. current probe through each tube. These probes are energized
with alternating currents at one or more frequencies. The
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the
electrical impedance of the probe is modified by the proximity
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
of the tube, the tube dimensions, electrical conductivity,
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
magnetic permeability, and metallurgical or mechanical dis-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
continuities in the tube. During passage through the tube,
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
changes in electromagnetic response caused by these variables
2. Referenced Documents in the tube produce electrical signals which are processed so as
to produce an appropriate combination of visual displays,
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 alarms, or temporary or permanent records, or combination
E543 Specification for Agencies Performing Nondestructive thereof, for subsequent analysis.
E1316 Terminology for Nondestructive Examinations 5. Significance and Use
5.1 Eddy current testing is a nondestructive method that can
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E07 on Nonde- be used to locate discontinuities in tubing made of materials
structive Testing and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E07.07 on
Electromagnetic Method.
Current edition approved June 1, 2015. Published June 2015. Originally
approved in 1979. Last previous edition approved in 2010 as E690 – 10. DOI: Available from American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT), P.O. Box
10.1520/E0690-15. 28518, 1711 Arlingate Ln., Columbus, OH 43228-0518,
2 4
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or Available from Aerospace Industries Association of America, Inc. (AIA), 1000
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM Wilson Blvd., Suite 1700, Arlington, VA 22209-3928,
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Available from International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 1, ch. de
the ASTM website. la Voie-Creuse, CP 56, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland,

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

E690 − 15
that conduct electricity. Signals can be produced by disconti- 6.1.14 If specified in the contractual agreement, personnel
nuities located either on the inner or outer surfaces of the tube, performing examinations to this practice shall be qualified in
or by discontinuities totally contained within the tube wall. accordance with a nationally recognized NDT personnel quali-
When using an internal probe, the density of eddy currents in fication practice or standard such as ANSI/ASNT-CP-189,
the tube wall decreases very rapidly as the distance from the SNT-TC-1A, NAS-410, ISO 9712 or a similar document and
internal surface increases; thus the amplitude of the response to certified by the certifying agency, as applicable. The practice or
outer surface discontinuities decreases correspondingly. standard used and its applicable revision shall be identified in
5.2 Some indications obtained by this method may not be the contractual agreement between the using parties.
relevant to product quality. For example, an irrelevant signal 6.1.15 If specified in the contractual agreement, NDT agen-
may be caused by metallurgical or mechanical variations that cies shall be qualified and evaluated in accordance with
are generated during manufacture but that are not detrimental Specification E543. The applicable edition of Specification
to the end use of the product. Irrelevant indications can mask E543 shall be specified in the contractual agreement.
unacceptable discontinuities occurring in the same area. Rel-
evant indications are those that result from nonacceptable 7. Apparatus
discontinuities. Any indication above the reject level, which is 7.1 Electronic Apparatus:
believed to be irrelevant, shall be regarded as unacceptable 7.1.1 The electronic apparatus shall be capable of energiz-
until it is proven to be irrelevant. For tubing installed in heat ing the probe coils with alternating currents of suitable
exchangers, predictable sources of irrelevant indications are frequencies, and shall be capable of sensing changes in the
lands (short unfinned sections in finned tubing), dents, electromagnetic response of the probes. It is important to note
scratches, tool chatter marks, or variations in cold work. that a differential coil probe system tends to maximize the
Rolling tubes into the supports may also cause irrelevant response from abrupt changes along the tube length, while a
indications, as may the tube supports themselves. Eddy current single coil probe system usually responds to all changes.
examination systems are generally not able to separate the
7.1.2 Since many gradual changes are irrelevant, a differen-
indication generated by the end of the tube from indications of
tial coil system may permit higher gain than an absolute coil
discontinuities adjacent to the ends of the tube (end effect).
system, which enhances the response to small, short defects.
Therefore, this examination may not be valid at the boundaries
Electrical signals produced in this manner may be processed so
of the tube sheets.
as to actuate an audio or visual readout, or both. When
necessary, these signals may also be further processed to
6. Basis of Application produce a permanent record. The apparatus should have some
6.1 The following criteria may be specified in the purchase means of providing relative quantitative information based
specification, contractual agreement, or elsewhere, and may upon the amplitude or phase of the electrical signal, or both.
require agreement between the purchaser and the supplier. This may take many forms, including calibrated sensitivity or
6.1.1 Type of eddy current system, and probe (coil assem- attenuation controls, multiple alarm thresholds, or analog or
bly) configuration, digital readouts, or combination thereof.
6.1.2 Location of heat exchanger, if applicable, 7.2 Readout Devices, which require operator monitoring,
6.1.3 Size, material, and configuration of tubes to be such as an oscilloscope or impedance plane presentation, may
examined, be used when necessary to augment the alarm circuits. This
6.1.4 Extent of examination, that is, length, tube sheet areas, may be necessary, for example, to find small holes, indications
straight length only, minimum radius of bends, etc., of which tend to be nearly in phase with the response from
6.1.5 Time of examination, that is, the date and location of lands in skip-fin tubing. Since the lands cause very large
the intended examination, and the expected environmental signals to occur, phase discrimination may not prevent irrel-
conditions, evant alarms from tube support, if the alarm is set to reject the
6.1.6 The source and type of material to be used for hole. By observing an oscilloscope or oscillograph, however,
fabricating the reference standard, the ability to detect this type of defect may be improved,
6.1.7 The type(s), method of manufacture, location, especially in areas between the tube supports.
dimensions, and number of artificial discontinuities to be
7.3 Examination Coils—Examination coils shall be capable
placed on the reference standard,
of inducing current in the tube and sensing changes in the
6.1.8 Allowable tolerances for artificial discontinuities, and electrical characteristics of the tube. The examination coil
methods for verifying compliance, diameter shall be selected to yield the largest practical fill-
6.1.9 Methods for determining the extent of end effect, factor. The configuration of the examination coils may permit
6.1.10 Maximum time interval between equipment refer- sensing both small, localized conditions, which change rapidly
ence checks, along the tube length, such as pitting or stress corrosion cracks,
6.1.11 Criteria to be used in interpreting and classifying and those which may change slowly along the tube length or
observed indications, from tube to tube, such as steam cutting, mechanical erosion,
6.1.12 Disposition of examination records and reference or metallurgical changes. The choice of coil diameter should be
standard, based upon requirements judged to be necessary for the
6.1.13 Contents of examination report, and particular examination situation.

E690 − 15
7.4 Single-Coil or Differential-Coil Probe Systems: The tube-wall deviations in a particular heat exchanger can be
7.4.1 Single-Coil Probe Systems—In a single-coil probe monitored over subsequent shutdowns, or be corrected, at the
system, the signal obtained from the interaction between the discretion of the user or through administration of a code
examination coil, and the portion of the test specimen within its specific to a class of users. Specific types and sizes of artificial
influence is often balanced against an off-line reference coil in discontinuities should be chosen to reflect both the purpose of
a similar specimen, often with the aid of electrical compensa- the eddy current examination in particular situations, and any
tion. In some systems, electrical balancing of the examination knowledge of the type of defects, that can be expected to occur.
coil is accomplished entirely by the use of an electrical balance A special consideration in this type of examination is the high
reference. probability of certain types of defects occurring in the area of
7.4.2 Differential-Coil Probe Systems—In a differential-coil the tube supports. It is recommended that a way of simulating
probe system, the reference coil is identical to (again, often the tube support (such as a simple outside diameter ring of a
with the aid of electrical compensation), and on the same material similar to the tube support) be supplied, so that the
longitudinal axis as the examination coil. In this type of influence of the tube support on the discontinuity signal may be
configuration, both coils function simultaneously as examina- observed.
tion and reference coils, and the instrument responds only to 8.2 The tube used when adjusting the sensitivity and phase
unbalance voltages (that is, differential voltages) between the settings of the apparatus shall be of the same material,
two coils. dimensions, and configuration as the tubes installed in the heat
7.4.3 In either the single or differential coil system, some exchanger.
form of original balance is attained and it is the disruption of
8.3 It is important to note that artificial discontinuities may
this balance which provides the response signals that indicate
not be representative of natural discontinuities and may not
deviations in the tube wall as compared to the original sample.
provide a direct relationship between instrument response and
7.5 Speed-Sensitive Equipment—Eddy current equipment discontinuity severity. They are intended only for establishing
that produces a variation in discontinuity signal response with an approximation of sensitivity levels to various types of
variations in the examination-scan speed. This is characteristic conditions. The relationship between instrument response and
of equipment that employs filter networks to attenuate the discontinuity size, shape, and location is important and should
detected signal at frequencies below or above, or both, an be established separately, particularly as a function of exami-
adjustable or fixed frequency. Speed insensitive d-c coupled nation frequency.
equipment provides a constant discontinuity signal response
8.4 Since there may be a need to compare the results of this
with changing examination speeds.
examination procedure, as applied to a particular tube or heat
7.6 Driving Mechanism—A means of mechanically travers- exchanger, with the results of prior or subsequent
ing the probe coil through the tube may be used. Whether the examinations, it is important that a record be kept of each
probe is traversed through the tube manually or mechanically, examination. The reference standard should be maintained to
care should be taken to maintain as uniform a probe speed as provide a basis for comparing results from successive exami-
possible to produce repeatable indications of discontinuities nations. In this situation it is recommended that the reference
when using speed sensitive equipment. standards should provide at least three levels of readout, so that
7.7 Phase-Selective System—An instrumentation system examination data may be referred against a standardization
that includes built-in circuitry to indicate phase differences in curve. Tubes with indications in excess of a predetermined
the response signal relative to the excitation signal. This ability level should be recorded to identify the affected tube, its
aids in discriminating between abnormal conditions in the tube location, and, when necessary, to describe the level of re-
wall (cracks, pitting, wear from the tube supports) and normal sponse.
change (lands in skip-fin tubing, the tube support itself, 8.5 Any combination of notch size and shape might be
contaminants in or about the tube such as sludge, etc.). Phase incorporated in a reference standard. This determination must
may also provide information on defect position relative to the be made by the party responsible for the examination, within
tube-wall surfaces, and this information may be used to the context of the overall considerations mentioned in 9.1, and
estimate the relative severity of defects. the functions a reference standard can serve. In the simplest
case, where it is desired to establish and periodically verify the
8. Reference Standards response of the examination system to identify tubes with
8.1 The purpose of this type of examination is to provide indications greater than some predetermined level, a single
information to aid in evaluating the condition of each heat reference notch that causes the system to give an indication at
exchanger tube, and in assessing the likelihood of failure that level may be sufficient for standardization. Where it is
during service. It is not possible to specify an all-inclusive anticipated that comparisons of indications obtained over a
reject level standard that would acknowledge all of the possible period of time will need to be analyzed for trend information,
combinations of heat exchanger design (including tubing type it is suggested that at least three similar notches of progres-
and dimensions), environmental factors, type and amount of sively greater size be used to establish a standardization curve.
use, and acceptable level of operational shutdowns. The 8.6 Notched tubes may also be used as a guide in qualifying
purpose of the standards is to standardize the instrument to find a particular examination system, including the coil
a number of common tube-wall changes of varying severity. configuration, to detect tube wall changes that approximate the

E690 − 15
size, shape, and location of those types of natural defects which sensitivity, restandardize the system in accordance with Sec-
are of interest in a particular heat exchanger. This is not to be tion 9, and reexamine all tubes examined since the last
confused with a reference standard, because the intent of this standardization.
type of experimentation is to simulate the natural discontinui- 10.3 Examine the appropriate tubes, and note those which
ties in the tube walls. The user of this standard is cautioned to produce signals that exceed a predetermined maximum in
consider the disparity that may exist between the eddy current accordance with the specific procedure being used.
response from artificial notches, and the response from natural
10.4 Since defects may be corrected or action deferred to
defects. It is especially important that in the case of materials
the next examination, depending upon the economics of the
where work hardening affects the permeability of the material,
situation as measured in terms of overall costs versus useful
techniques such as electrical discharge or abrasive machining
life, it is important to ensure that each examination is properly
should be used to produce notches, rather than conventional
standardized and records are accurately kept in order to
machining operations.
recognize trends for particular heat exchangers.
8.7 A ring made of a material similar to that used for the
tube supports of the heat exchangers being examined (usually 11. Report
plain carbon steel) may be used to simulate the signals obtained 11.1 A report documenting the circumstances and results of
from the tube supports. The thickness of the ring (the dimen- each examination should contain the following information:
sion parallel to the longitudinal axis of the tube, when the ring 11.1.1 General:
is slipped over the tube) should be the normal thickness of the The dates the examination was conducted,
tube support in the vessel to be examined. The inside diameter The owner of the heat exchanger and its exact
of the ring should be equal to the nominal inside diameter of location,
the holes in the tube support, and the minimum outside The manufacturer of the heat exchanger, its serial
diameter of the ring should equal the inside diameter plus twice number, and the location of the tubes examined in the bundle,
the thickness of the ring in the axial direction. and The name of the individual responsible for con-
9. Adjustment and Standardization of Apparatus ducting the examination and the name of a representative of the
Sensitivity heat exchanger owner responsible for approving the procedure.
9.1 Choose an examination frequency appropriate for the 11.1.2 Instrument Standardization:
alloy and dimensions of the tubes being examined. The The manufacturer of the instrument and its type,
optimum frequency for a particular type of instrument should The instrument standardization procedure,
be determined through experimentation with samples identical The size of the probe and its type,
to the tubing in the heat exchanger to be examined. The A description of the reference standard used,
examination probe diameter should be as large as possible, A description of the response from notches in the
consistent with the need to pass through each tube freely. reference standard, and The instrument settings for frequency and signal
9.2 Standardization of the examination equipment should
follow the manufacturer’s recommendations, and an approved
11.1.3 Results:
specific procedure related to the particular application. The location in the tube bundle of significant
10. Procedure discontinuities, noting the amplitude and other relevant char-
acteristics of these indications, and
10.1 The tubes should be as clean as practical before eddy An interpretation of the results and a description of
current examination is attempted.
any special circumstances.
10.2 Standardize eddy current system at the start of each
examination, and routinely check at appropriate intervals or 12. Keywords
whenever improper functioning of the system is suspected. If 12.1 eddy current; electromagnetic; NDT; nondestructive
improper functioning occurs, resulting in a loss of apparatus testing

E690 − 15

Committee E07 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (E690 – 10)
that may impact the use of this standard. (June 1, 2015)

(1) Editorial revisions were made throughout the document.

(2) In 2.2 and 6.1.14, changes were made, such as adding ISO
9712, to be consistent with Policy P-10.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
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