Mozambique Weekly 24 MARCH TO 31 MARCH PDF
Mozambique Weekly 24 MARCH TO 31 MARCH PDF
Mozambique Weekly 24 MARCH TO 31 MARCH PDF
24 - 31 March 2017
w w w. rhula. net
Increase in fuel prices makes life in Mozambique World Bank hopes to resume budget support (Pages
more difficult (Page 17) 15-17)
The effects of the government’s recent fuel prices are Resident director, Mark Lundell, says that the World
already being felt. For example, in Quelimane Bank expects to resume direct support to the State
(Zambézia Province) some food items are no longer Budget by the end of year. This is a positive signal that
available because transport is more expensive and Mozambique’s relationship with the Bank and its fellow
producers are refusing to send their produce to the city. Bretton Woods institution, the IMF, could return to
(For background to fuel price rises see Rhula Weekly normal later this year (following debt-restructure).
‘Pointers’ and Pages 26-30.) Lundell says that over the next five years the Bank
intends to support 25 projects in 17 strategic areas; “an
Add to this the recent announcement by government investment of approximately $2-billion, and each project
that it is withdrawing flour subsidies and liberalising of could have a budget of between $80-million and $100-
bread prices. million”.
There were riots in 2008 and 2010 sparked by fuel and The Centre for Public Integrity (CIP) calls for any
food price increases. resumption of World Bank support to be linked to
government transparency and greater control of the
Kroll Audit deadline extended for second time (Page funds on both sides. Previously, due to mismanagement
13) of resources, Bank funding has failed to achieve their
main objective: poverty reduction. Mozambique also
The extension to 28 April is probably due to a needs to stop believing it will always have help; greater
combination of three factors: 1) it was always an self-sufficiency is the only way to sustainable economic
unreasonable delivery schedule – initially three months development. What is holding Mozambique back is
then four (now five); 2) There is likely to have been corruption and lack of transparency, which both deters
obstruction by those (some in very senior positions in investment and aggravates poverty. (Pages 16-17)
the security apparatus) who don’t want the facts to
come out (President Nyusi has removed several of Germany maintains freeze on State Budget support
them); 3) the complexity of collecting, collating and (Page 18)
analysing the data required from banks, suppliers and
other relevant sources - across multiple jurisdictions. As The German government has reiterated its position: it
the Attorney-General’s Office points out, it has required will continue its three-year freeze on State Budget
them to adopt “legal procedures in line with the support and continue only to support specific projects.
specificities of each of the various jurisdictions The decision was taken by the German parliament.
involved”. Ahead of a German business delegation 9 April,
Ambassador Detler Walter says that: “We see great
The last point is easy to comprehend. The London opportunities in Africa and Mozambique in particular, so
offices of Credit Suisse and VTB Capital arranged the we are convinced that trade between the two countries
loans to Ematum, Proindicus and MAM. The Ematum will increase.” (More on co-operation agreements
‘fishing boats’ were built by a shipyard in Brest (France), signed between Mozambique and Germany pages 42-
owned by a company in the Middle East, where it is 43).
alleged a considerable amount of the funds ended-up.
Proindicus allegedly placed orders for military Japan assures continuity of support (Page 18)
equipment in a number of jurisdictions. It is all very
complicated and opaque, as presumably it was Outgoing Ambassador Akiri Mizutani says that Japan
designed to be. will continue to support investment projects, particularly
in the construction of bridges, power and gas plants, as
According to the Attorney-General’s Office, the Swedish well as training human resources. (See Mitsui
Embassy (who are paying Kroll) and the IMF, the ‘full investment below).
report’ will be ‘be published 90 days after its completion
(i.e. end of July if there are no further delays). It is likely, Singapore wants to invest in logistics and tourism
however, that the ‘full report’ will ‘economize’ when it (Page 19)
comes to some of the more politically embarrassing
truths. Brexit as an opportunity for Africa? (Pages 19-20)
The diplomatic expression that might be used in a As the UK triggers two years of talks to leave the EU,
circumstance like this is: “we must consider this matter there are both challenges and opportunities for Africa. It
in context….and keep our eye on the desired outcome”. will be leap into the unknown, as trade agreements
The ‘context’ in this case is that too much revelation have to be renegotiated. As Ghana’s Foreign Minister
could blow the ruling Frelimo elite apart in the run-up to has pointed out: “We don’t know where we are going to
its important Party Congress in September. The desired end”. On the other hand, trade with the UK has been
‘outcome’ is a report that makes a ‘positive contribution’ very important for African Commonwealth countries,
to the goal of creating a framework for restructuring the and the UK will be seeking to boost its trade with these
‘toxic debt’, resumption of IMF and G14 donor support countries (currently worth over $100-billion). There is an
for the State Budget. opportunity to strike deals that favour African
businesses seeking to export to the UK market, leading
The $350-million capital gains tax (CGT) agreed to more trade, more investment and more jobs. It makes
between the Tax Authority and ENI (sale of 25% sense for African Commonwealth countries to negotiate
Rovuma Area 4 to ExxonMobil) is going to help as one bloc, because that is likely to extract a better
temporary to partially fill $500-million hole in the State deal out of the UK. “When you are united, you are
Budget left by the donor freeze. There will also be a (yet stronger”.
agreed CGT) sum payable on the $733-million in assets
Vale has just agreed to sell to Mitsui.
Banco de Moçambique (Pages 20-21) To date Sasol’s ventures in Mozambique have delivered
more than $1-billion in the form of corporate taxes,
Swearing in Felisberto Navalha (a veteran of 21 years) royalties and social investments, as well as profit share
as the new administrator of the Bank, Prime Minister and dividends paid out to state entities.
Carlos Agostino do Rosário declared that the main
mission of the Bank is to preserve the value of the Mining:
metical, seeking innovative solutions for consolidating
the stability of the currency, and the level of prices. Vale announces part-sale of Mozambique assets to
Mitsui (Pages 24-25)
The metical depreciated sharply in the first nine months
of 2016, to MT80 to the US Dollar. Since October it has Vale has received $733-million from Mitsui and expects
staged a considerable recovery to a current rate of circa a further $37-million later in the year. Mitsui is
MT67 to the dollar. This recovery, at least in part, is purchasing 15% of Vale’s Moatize open-caste coal mine
considered a consequence of the vigorous measures in Tete Province (owned 95% by Vale and 5% by the
taken by the Bank, including a dramatic increase in state).
benchmark interest rates.
Mitsui is also purchasing 50% of Vale’s share of the
The Prime Minister also called for the promotion of Nacala Logistics Corridor (CLN). This consists of the
“financial inclusion”. This entails the spread of retail newly constructed coal terminal at Nacala-a-Velha, and
banking throughout the economy, “encouraging the the railway line between Moatize and Nacala that
commercial banks to set up branches in the districts”. passes through southern Malawi. CLN is 50% owned
Currently only half of the country’s 154 districts have by Vale and 50% CFM
bank branches.
The government tax authority will have its eye on the
Millennium-BIM $75-million profit for 2016 (Page 21) CGT due from this transaction. It is impossible to
estimate the amount at this stage, given the lack of
Mozambique’s largest bank announced net profits of transparency that surrounded the ENI $350-million CGT
MT5-billion ($75-million at current exchange rates) for settlement.
the 2016 financial year. It increased its deposits by
9.7% and credit portfolio by 19.7%. Finance extended to Penspen wins Mozambique JV pipeline deal (Page
companies increased 25.6% and the bank paid about 25)
MT3.7-billion in tax. The bank’s solvency ratio, at
18.5%, is considerably higher than the 8% ratio Petrozim has awarded Penspen (
demanded by the Banco de Moçambique. the project to expand the capacity of the Feruka-Harare
multi-product pipeline. The existing network, jointly
Measuring the blow to asset growth in the banking developed by Mozambique and Zimbabwe, includes the
sector (Pages 21-22) CPMZ pipeline that runs from Beira into tanks at Feruka
in Zimbabwe. The product is then pumped from Feruka,
BMI Research says that, due to the country’s economic via the Petrozim pipeline, to the Msasa Terminal in
difficulties, the banking sector asset growth rate is Harare. This pipeline was designed and installed by
expected to fall to 4.8% this year, and is projected to be Penspen in the early 1990’s. The new project is
7.9% in 2018. Total asset growth in the banking sector designed to expand the capacity of the Feruka-Harare
was about 23% per annum between 2010 and 2015, pipeline to meet increasing demand.
before falling dramatically to 7.9% in 2016.
Savannah Resources defines its resource estimate at
Oil & Gas: Ravene deposit, Inhambane (Pages 25-26).
CIP condemns ‘lack of transparency’ in ENI tax Finland grants $1,4-million to train National Assembly
settlement (Pages 22-23) deputies in matters related to the extractive industries,
in order to help them better monitor, supervise and
According to the CIP, the Tax Authority (AT) has not legislate in the field (Page 26).
been transparent in explaining how it came to the $350-
million CGT figure for ENI’s sale to ExxonMobil of a Gangland chaos in Montepuiz (Pages 26-27)
The rush for rubies has turned Montepuiz (Capo
Economist João Mosca calls for renegotiation of some Delgado), centre of operations for Gemfields’ subsidiary
of the oil and gas contracts drawn up between the state Montepuiz Ruby Mining (MRM), into the ‘Wild West’.
and private companies, where it is obvious those Thousands of artisanal miners and cabals of gem
companies have been granted very high tax benefits, traffickers have created an environment riddled with
and hence the volume of taxes is very low, organized crime, gang violence and all kinds of drugs.
disadvantaging social development in the country.
The area produced nearly 40% of rubies sold on the
Sasol best corporate taxpayer for second time world market last year. Gemfields says it is proud to be
(Pages 23-24) supplying rubies mined “responsibly” and “ethically” and
to share profits with locals.
Sasol Petroleum Temane (SPT) has received the Best
Taxpayer award for 2016. It received the same award in
Some locals, however, say they have enjoyed no Agriculture & Fishing:
benefits, claiming instead that they have been robbed of
their livelihoods and violently removed from mining Government intends to issue five million land titles
territory allocated to large operators. (Pages 35-36)
It is fast becoming a public relations disaster for Mozambique on track to surpass grain production target
London-listed Gemfields and a potential embarrassment (Page 36)
to government.
Water shortage leads to sharp drop in banana
Energy: production (Pages 36-37)
EdM struggles (Pages 27-28) Call for Mozambique to become a major food
producer (Pages 37-38). President Nyusi argues that
At a time that EdM, like all government parastatals, is the country enjoys all the necessary conditions to cease
struggling to stay solvent, it is trying to negotiate with being a mere consumer of agricultural products and
the Zimbabwe government over its approximate US$8- become a major producer. He admits that marketing is a
million unpaid electricity bill. Some of this bill relates to major bottleneck in the production chain and that the
15 years of electricity generated by the Mavuzi power poor state of the roads is one of the main hindrances to
station in Manica province, recently rehabilitated at a effective marketing. Priority should be given to building
cost of $120-million. a national food reserve for periods of crisis.
EdM reveals that it also lost more than MT20-million Government wants to attract Indian investment in
since the beginning of 2016 due to vandalism of its Mozambican agriculture in the hope of increasing
infrastructures, which contributed to the stoppage of production (Page 38)
some projects.
Ncondezi and Shanghai Electric Power (Page 29)
Truce continues, but blemished by isolated attacks
Aim-listed Ncondezi Energy is progressing with it JV on Renamo officials (Page 47)
with Shanghai Electric Power (SEP) for a 300MW power
plant in Tete province. SEP will inject $25.5-million for a CRIME
60% shareholding in Ncondezi Power Holding-2, the
Ncondezi subsidiary which will own and operate the Portuguese keep up diplomatic pressure on
project. Mozambique authorities over disappearance of
Portuguese businessman (Page 50)
Southern Africa records first electricity surplus in 10
years (Pages 29-30) Organised criminal gang targeting fuel at Vale’s Moatize
mine (Page 54)
Transport & Construction:
Motorists warned again by authorities that some filling
Trouble at Maputo Public Transport Company stations in Maputo are providing less fuel than they pay
(EMTPM) (Pages 30-31) for (Page 24).
Tension between workers and management over wage Car owners are encouraged not to leave their keys with
demands continue after recent strike called off. The key car washers because vehicle thefts from car wash
problem for EMTPM is that the fares it charges do not companies are becoming increasingly frequent in
cover its costs. According to the company, passengers Maputo (Page 52)
should pay MT2.5 per Km, but the current fare is
MT0.25 per Km. “Unless EMTPM is allowed to raise its HUMAN RIGHTS
fares, or a much larger subsidy is paid to the company,
future labour disputes look inevitable”. The Mozambique Bar Association (OAM) says summary
executions are a reality in Mozambique and deplores
Beira minibuses strike (Page 31). Unofficial and with the human rights situation in the country (Page 54-56)
no prior warning, minibus operators, demanding tariff
increases, went on strike, leaving many commuters to Food security update: crisis affects 2.3-million (Page 56)
walk many kilometres to and from work.
Cornelder de Moçambique plane crash (Page 32)
Mozambique bans Brazilian meat imports (Pages 58-
The woes of LAM (and its passengers) (Pages 33- 59)
34). Flight cancellations “due to technical problems” …
“Constraints in the name of safety". Three of LAM’s
aircraft out of operation.
Nigel Morgan
Managing Editor
Mining: ............................................................................................................................................................ 24
Brazil’s Vale sells stake in Moatize coal mine to Mitsui ..................................................................................... 24
Penspen seals Mozambique JV pipeline deal ................................................................................................... 25
Savannah Resources defines resource estimate at Ravene deposit in Mozambique ........................................ 25
Finland disburses MT100-million to train deputies on extractive industry matters in Mozambique .................... 26
Ruby rush brings gangland turf war to Mozambique ......................................................................................... 26
Energy: ............................................................................................................................................................ 27
EdM to tackle Zimbabwe over US$8-million electricity bill ................................................................................. 27
EdM lost more than MT20-million in 2016 due to vandalism ............................................................................. 27
President Nyusi re-inaugurates Mavuzi power station ...................................................................................... 28
Ncondezi progresses JDA with Shanghai Electric Power on 300MW Mozambique power plant project ............ 29
Southern Africa records first electricity surplus in 10 years ............................................................................... 29
Tourism: .......................................................................................................................................................... 39
Hotel inspection campaign looms ..................................................................................................................... 39
Other: .............................................................................................................................................................. 39
Minister Diogo launches revision of Labour Law and Mechanisms for Contracting Foreign Citizens ................. 39
Ematum workers demand payment of wage arrears ......................................................................................... 39
According to UNDP data, the living situation in Mozambique became worse during President Nyusi’s first year
in office ............................................................................................................................................................. 40
President Nyusi in further phone contact with Dhlakama .................................................................................. 41
Renamo guarantees that it will be ready for the next elections ......................................................................... 41
EU wants to support 2018 and 2019 elections in Mozambique ......................................................................... 41
Peace and financial crisis dominate Zambézia Provincial Assembly ................................................................. 41
MDM proposes elimination of districts which coincide with municipalities ......................................................... 42
More on the co-operation agreements signed by Mozambique and Germany .................................................. 42
President Nyusi marks centenary of Barue revolt ............................................................................................. 43
President Nyusi travels to Manica for working visit ........................................................................................... 43
President Nyusi travels to Niassa on working visit ............................................................................................ 43
President Nyusi travels to Inhambane on working visit ..................................................................................... 43
Joaquim Chissano to be appointed High Reresentative of the AU for Western Sahara .................................... 44
Zambian deputies in Mozambique to gain experience and knowledge on the topic of public-private partnerships
......................................................................................................................................................................... 44
SECURITY ............................................................................................................................................45
Police give truce positive assessment .............................................................................................................. 47
Unknown individuals kill Renamo official in Tsangano ...................................................................................... 47
Renamo accuses the FADM of kidnapping three of its members from Nampula Province ................................ 47
Vietnam and Mozambique foster defence co-operation .................................................................................... 47
Mozambique and Zambia agree to prioritise the fight against drugs and illegal immigration ............................. 48
Swaziland claims parts of Mozambique and South Africa territory .................................................................... 48
Malawi and Mozambique police bring peace to Lizulu after violent protests against Burundians ...................... 49
CRIME ..................................................................................................................................................50
Mozambican police extend investigation into disappearance of Portuguese businessman nationwide ............. 50
Fake Mozambican doctor arrested trying to cross into Zimbabwe with “unauthorised medical equipment” ....... 50
Inhambane: ..................................................................................................................................................... 51
Corruption in Inhambane: more than MT20-million diverted from state coffers in 2016 ..................................... 51
Man arrested for murdering his father in Inhambane ........................................................................................ 51
Maputo: ........................................................................................................................................................... 51
Counterfeiters use children in Maputo .............................................................................................................. 51
Police foil robbery in Matola .............................................................................................................................. 51
Two kidnapping suspects shot dead by police in Matola ................................................................................... 52
Fake FADM officer arrested in Maputo ............................................................................................................. 52
Three arrested in connection with theft at Zimpeto National Stadium................................................................ 52
Adolescent car wash attendant arrested for car theft ........................................................................................ 52
Nampula: ......................................................................................................................................................... 52
Would-be kidnappers arrested in Nampula ....................................................................................................... 52
Mozambican police seize three tons of precious stones in Nampula province .................................................. 53
New criminal tactic worries Nampula residents ................................................................................................. 53
Niassa: ............................................................................................................................................................ 54
Government officials detained for corruption..................................................................................................... 54
Sofala: ............................................................................................................................................................. 54
Six people arrested for fishing out of season .................................................................................................... 54
Tete:................................................................................................................................................................. 54
Man shot while trying to steal fuel from Vale facility .......................................................................................... 54
HEALTH ...............................................................................................................................................58
Mozambique bans Brazilian meat imports ........................................................................................................ 58
Mozambique registers 154,000 new cases of tuberculosis every year .............................................................. 59
INAE closes establishments selling goods gnawed by rats ............................................................................... 60
GRAPH 1 – MOZAMBIQUE CURRENCY EVALUATION ...................................................................... 12
GRAPH 2 – TIME PERIOD BY DAY OF WEEK ..................................................................................... 46
GRAPH 3 – RECORDED INCIDENT INITIATOR BY PROVINCE ......................................................... 46
GRAPH 4 – INCIDENTS WITH FATALITIES PER REGION .................................................................. 46
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Cabo Delgado
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Saying it was difficult to make an optimistic country that has difficulties or cannot, at least in
speech on the economic reality of Mozambique, the first two tranches (instalments), honour its
the professor said the country has inefficient commitments, so the situation is negative”.
public services and lack of access to credit,
noting “corruption at every level” as a key issue “It is difficult for me to make a very optimistic
for companies along with a “weak and inefficient speech because conditions do not allow it. I am
state with strong centralised decision-making in a serious person – I do not do optimism
the central bodies”. management. But I am reasonably hopeful –
there are good things to come and the future
Mosca also said that the concentration of the could be very good, because Mozambique has
state’s attention on major investments has the potential. The current government is very
effect of increasing the external dependence of receptive to investment and Mozambican
Mozambique, embodied in the fact that 93% of society is very plural in political, religious, ethnic
the investment made in the country comes from and social terms”, he said.
abroad and the State Budget has a 30%
dependence on co-operation. But Mosca continued to list the main risks for
foreign investors, from poor public services to
Source: MacauHub the difficulties in accessing credit, “corruption at
all levels” and a “fragile and inefficient state,
Economist João Mosca paints grim picture with a strong centralisation of decisions in the
of Mozambique’s economy central organs”.
Mozambique does not have the financial “There is macro-economic instability, public
resources to pay off its public debt, currently policies are often inconsistent and public
estimated at US$15-billion, on its own. The services are not efficient”, he said.
‘hidden debts’, contracted from 2010 onwards in
an unsupervised manner during the last term of “There is the possibility of political and social
former president Armando Guebuza, represent conflicts, and citizens’ lives are subsidised to
about 10% of that amount. the tune of 40%. There is fictitious management
at the central bank, which supports the metical
According to researcher João Mosca, the to avoid inflation and protect imports”, Mosca,
problem is the inability of the Mozambican maintains.
economy to generate sufficient resources, and
the fact that the public accounts “continue to be And civil society is becoming stronger. Mosca
negative”. cites the ProSAVANA project, an agricultural
mega-programme financed by Brazil and Japan
Professor Mosca spoke to Deutsche Welle in the provinces of northern and central
Africa on the side-lines of a ‘Lusophone Africa, Mozambique.
a Prospective Vision’ conference entitled
‘Mozambique, Between the Crisis and A New The objective of this project is to convert
Economy’ in Lisbon on the morning of 28 subsistence agriculture into market production.
“The ProSAVANA project was paralysed
Negative impact on credibility and trust: because of criticism and by social networks,
which do not exist in Angola and are becoming
The consequences of Mozambique’s default increasingly active and influential”, he
have a negative impact, in particular on concluded.
credibility and confidence in governance and the
economy, contributing to a downturn in Operation without significant economic effects:
investment and the rise in interest rates with
consequent effects on debt volume and Mosca considers the sale of ENI’s Rovuma
services. This forces more resources to be paid Basin shares to ExxonMobil to be
servicing debt, reducing the capacity of the “extraordinary” or “unique” and says that the
Mozambican state to provide services. This is operation will not change the perception of
how economist João Mosca assesses the international investors regarding the default, as
consequences of Mozambique’s inability to fully it will have no significant economic effect.
meet its international financial commitments.
“It will certainly serve well to pay off debt without
“Internally also the confidence of citizens – any effect on the economy, on the capacity of
especially of the entrepreneurs who invest – the state, the capacity of investment by the
falls”, Mosca said, adding that “international businesspeople, internal changes in the
credit and investment change completely, economy, this is not going to reflect in any way.
although in some areas – for example in the gas Therefore, it is money that enters on one side
issue – this element is not as determinant. But it and goes out on the other. Of course, this may
is important in any case to know that it is a
Return to Contents Page
have some effect due to debt reduction in terms In addition to the support of the IMF, Mosca
of interest”. suggests “eventually a reduction in lenders’
interest rates” and “some penalisation of banks
However, documents are beginning to appear that acted in bad faith”, because, he adds,
that question the evaluation of capital gains on “there was a lack of seriousness of all the
the sale. It is suspected that they have been parties – government, companies and creditors,
undervalued, and that, according to Mosca, including mediators – around the financial
there have been technical problems or lack of network [which was put in place] for such
transparency. investments”.
Mosca also spoke about the legitimacy of World Bank hopes to resume budget
Proindicus, Ematum and MAM debts contracted support
without parliamentary scrutiny.
The World Bank expects to resume direct
“These hidden debts were illegal, un- support for the Mozambican State Budget by
transparent, and very few people – even in the end of this year, according to the Bank’s
government – knew about them”. They were resident director in Mozambique, Mark Lundell.
fraudulent to the extent that the volume and
values and interest rates agreed were Lundell, speaking on Tuesday 28 March at a
absolutely out of line with the market. They lecture at the Higher Institute of International
were, even technically, badly made relations (ISRI) in Maputo, said “World Bank
investments. The fishing boats did not meet policy stresses budget support”. He wanted a
cold-storage conditions, seaworthiness, high proportion of the Bank’s funding for
navigational instruments, or fishing capacity for Mozambique to take this form, and expected
the purpose that was envisaged. “There is also such support to resume by the end of this year,
the problem of the legal status of the company if not before.
itself, in order for it to be able to fish in
international waters and even in conditions The World Bank is one of the 14 donors and
governed by international shipping, so almost funding agencies who used to provide general
everything is wrong in this process”, the budget support. But all 14 suspended
economist said. disbursements of budget support when the
scandal of government-guaranteed secret debts
State Budget remains negative: came to light in April 2016.
In view of the facts, Mosca maintains that The previous government, headed by president
Mozambique does not have the financial Armando Guebuza, had issued illegal
capacity to repay its debt because “the State guarantees for loans of over US$2-billion by
Budget remains negative. The balance of European banks (mainly Credit Suisse and VTB
payments continues to be negative and if only of Russia) to three quasi-public, security related
because of this, there is there no way to change companies – US$850-million for Ematum,
this negative trend in the medium-term: four, US$622-million for Proindicus and US$535-
five, six years or more. The only capacity that million for MAM.
can be obtained is through inflows of financing
to pay unpaid financing. And hence it will Of these loans, only that for Ematum was in the
necessarily have to come from the International public domain, since it took the form of a bond
Monetary Fund and other financial offer on the European market in 2013.
organisations. It’s not worth thinking about”, the
economist warns. The over US$1.1-billion lent to Proindicus and
MAM in 2013 and 2014 was kept in deepest
secrecy, thus misleading the Mozambican
Mozambique's Debt (as a public and the country’s foreign partners as to
percentage of GDP) the true state of the Mozambican foreign debt.
140% 130% The Ematum, Proindicus and MAM loans added
120% 20% to the fordebt, and pushed it to
100% 86% unsustainable levels. The government is unable
80% 62% to meet its commitments under these loans, and
53% has defaulted on them three times.
20% A condition for the resumption of normal
0% relations between Mozambique and its foreign
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 partners is an independent, international audit of
Ematum, Proindicus and MAM. That audit is in
the hands of the London branch of the US
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company Kroll, and its audit report should be important to say what actions will be taken when
delivered by 28 April. receiving these funds – how will they be spent.
It is important that there is a greater
Lundell seemed optimistic that relations would participation of the actual beneficiaries of this
return to normal. He told his ISRI audience that funding, because it is no good receiving the
over the next five years the World Bank intends funds and saying, “We are going to implement
to support 25 projects in Mozambique in 17 activities aimed at boosting production”; it is
strategic areas. important to know exactly where these funds will
be allocated. It is important that there is
Notícias cites Lundell as claiming this would be transparency in this process, because we
“an investment of approximately US$2-billion, already have experience of funds channelled by
and each project could have a budget of the World Bank, and we still have not reached
between US$80-million and US$100-million”. the goal, which is poverty reduction.
He said that previous World Bank funding had DW Africa: The World Bank has acknowledged
led to robust economic growth, but admitted this that past investments did not improve the living
had not produced the expected impact in raising conditions of the Mozambican population. With
living standards of the Mozambican population. the resumption of investments, the main focus
will be on reducing poverty. How do you
Source: Agencia de Informacao de
evaluate this new focus?
Moçambique/Jornal Notícias
CB: The World Bank’s main vision is precisely
Researcher calls for transparency in
to reduce poverty. All funds have always been
management of Mozambique World Bank
for the purpose of combating poverty. So at this
point, it is important to note that in addition to
The World Bank will resume financial support to receiving the funds, the government has to
Mozambique by the end of this year, investing adopt a [different] attitude. It has already been
approximately €1.9-billion in the country over shown that in recent years there have been
the next five years. But will this be the light at major failures in terms of transparency, in terms
the end of the tunnel in the country’s current of accountability. It is important that the
crisis? government is more transparent now; that it
supervises, and that the World Bank itself
Mozambique’s Centre of Public Integrity (Centro monitors how these funds are spent better. We
de Integridade Pública, CIP) finance researcher, have to learn from the mistakes of the past. The
Celeste Banze, says the resumption of foreign big problem in the past is that there was a lack
investment may have positive effects on the of supervision, a lack of commitment on the part
economy, provided there is government of the government to really fight poverty.
transparency and greater control of the funds on
both sides. DW Africa: The Mozambican Debt Group says
that the country should not pay the hidden
According to Banze, the Mozambican state debts, and that the banks that brokered the
already has a poor record with World Bank transactions should be responsible for the
resources. Due to mismanagement of payment, since the loan was contracted without
resources, investments have failed to achieve the approval of the National Assembly
their main objective: poverty reduction, Banze [parliament]. Do you think this is a sustainable
says. argument?
DW Africa: Do you think the resumption of CB: I think the country is in default, mainly
World Bank financial support, valued at US$2- because of these commercial debts. For now,
billion (approximately €1.9-billion), will boost the the audit being conducted by Kroll, and the
Mozambican economy and help generate result being reported this month is what will
resources for the repayment of public debt? show what actually happened to these funds,
which will dictate the reactions that the country
Celeste Banze (CB): Yes, I believe so. This will have, especially regarding the accountability
help is always welcome as far as the country’s of the main beneficiaries of this debt.
anti-poverty activities are concerned. The big
problem that we have to overcome is these DW Africa: What would a sustainable way out
funds having the same fate as the other funds of Mozambique’s economic crisis look like?
that were previously channelled by the World
Bank in Mozambique. CB: Production. To stop believing that we will
always have help. The big problem is that the
However, there is a greater commitment on the country is has lost confidence, and now that the
part of the government to supervise these usual budget support has stopped, nod we are
funds, in order to make them transparent. It is now feeling the harmful effects. So, producing,
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the country becoming self-sufficient … This is Increase in fuel prices makes life in
the sustainable way to get out of this crisis. Mozambique more difficult
DW Africa: Apart from the lack of foreign The effects of the government’s recent fuel price
investment, what stops Mozambique producing? hike are already being felt.
CB: I think it’s the lack of transparency. It’s Some food items are no longer on sale in
corruption, lack of accountability. It is important Quelimane (Zambézia Province) because
that, first, the [budget] execution of public transport is more expensive and producers are
expenditure be conducted in a transparent way. refusing to send their produce to the city.
That’s the best way for us to have a sustainable
production. “The rise in the price of fuel is stopping people
bringing produce to Quelimane”, said trader
Source: Deutsche Welle/Club of Mozambique Alberto Soares.
World Bank announces record US$57-billion Other foods price have also risen. A kilogram of
for sub-Saharan Africa, Mozambique flour now costs almost MT80, when previously it
included cost MT50. The reno potato is now MT50 a
kilogram, as opposed to MT40.
On Sunday 26 March, the World Bank
announced US$57-billion in financing for sub- Things could get worse:
Saharan Africa over the next three fiscal years.
Of that total, US$45-billion will come from the Bonde Carlos is another trader who is worried
International Development Association, the about falling profits. “We traders will never
World Bank fund that provides grants and develop with this rise in prices. We’ll always be
interest-free loans for the world’s poorest going backwards”, he says.
Economist Horácio Mucuveia says the situation
The package will also feature an estimated could lead to worse living standards for the
US$8-billion in private sector investments from population.
the International Finance Corporation, a private-
sector branch of World Bank, and US$4-billion “With a rise in the price of fuel, motorists are
will come from the International Bank for going to value transport more, so it will be
Reconstruction and Development, the bank’s difficult for the population to access food. The
unit for middle-income nations, World Bank impact on Zambézia’s population is negative”,
President Jim Yong Kim said in a statement. Mucuveia says.
“This represents an unprecedented opportunity Motorist Francisco Morais says the government
to change the development trajectory of the “must reduce expenses, so that the populations
countries in the region”, Kim said. “With this can feed their families”.
commitment, we will work with our clients to
However, Mucuveia is not optimistic about a
substantially expand programmes in education,
drop in the price of fuel. “Because of the
basic health services, clean water and
economic crisis, the government is always going
sanitation, agriculture, business climate,
to raise prices in order to prop up the economy”,
infrastructure and institutional reform”, he
he says. “Fuel in Mozambique will not go down
in price”.
Kim left for Rwanda and Tanzania on Sunday in
But back in the market, trader Alberto expects
a show of World Bank support for the entire
better days and puts his hopes in the
region. The new financing from the International
Development Association will target 448
projects that are already underway in sub- “We want the government to resolve this. There
Saharan Africa. The region accounts for more is no war, cars are moving normally on the
than half of the countries eligible for this kind of roads; we want people’s lives to improve”.
financing from the IDA, the bank said.
Source: Deutsche Welle/Club of Mozambique
Source: AFP Africa News/Kenya NTV/Club of
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Germany maintains cut of direct support to him a positive image of Mozambique. “The
the Mozambique State Budget image I get from Mozambique is positive. I leave
Mozambique with all the memoranda and
Three years after taking the decision to cut commitments made and in progress. Currently,
direct support to the Mozambican State Budget, there are 50 young Japanese volunteers who
the German government has reiterated its work in the most diverse areas, transmitting
position and says that the focus remains on knowledge and experiences to improve the life
financing concrete projects. The information of the communities”, he said.
was advanced on Thursday 30 March, by the
German Ambassador to Mozambique, Detler The visit of President Filipe Nyusi to Japan is
Wolter, after a meeting with the Confederation described by him as being one of the milestones
of Economic Associations (Confederação das of his mission in the country. The consolidation
Associações Económicas de Moçambique, of relations between the two countries was yet
CTA). another achievement made since his
accreditation in 2014 as the ambassador of
Ambassador Wolter held a meeting with the Japan.
CTA’s board of directors, during which he
reiterated Germany’s position on cutting direct Source: Jornal Notícias
support to the Mozambican State Budget,
saying they will continue to invest only in Chinese companies invest over US$50-
specific projects. “Since 2014, our government billion in Portuguese-speaking countries
has decided to cut off the direct support we
provided to the Mozambican State Budget to The investment of Chinese companies in
make room for the funding of specific projects”, Portuguese-speaking countries totals US$50-
Ambassador Wolter said. The official also said billion and the value of contracts in these
that the decision was taken by the German countries exceeds US$90-billion, said the
parliament, looking at international demands. Deputy Secretary-General of Forum Macau
appointed by China. Ding Tian, who was
Prakash Prehlad, the vice president of the CTA, speaking at a session on business opportunities
spoke about the importance of this meeting, in Portuguese-speaking countries organised by
since it contributes to the improvement of the the Macau Trade and Investment Promotion
business environment in the country. For Institute said trade between China and the
example, a German business delegation is “eight” amounted to nearly US$100-billion in
expected in Mozambique from 9 April to 2016, with China continuing to be “one of the
exchange experiences with local entrepreneurs. most important partners” in these countries.
“We see great opportunities in Africa and The Deputy Secretary-General of Forum Macau
Mozambique in particular, so we are convinced nominated by China said Macau has become
that trade between the two countries will “an indispensable bridge between the parties –
increase”, Ambassador Wolter said. The China and the Portuguese-speaking countries”,
business environment is very favourable, due to its unique advantages.
Germany is a focus for private sector support,
Prehlad said. Without advancing specific data, During the session, which attracted
the vice president of the CTA said that projects representatives of the sectors of trade and
in the provinces of Sofala, Manica and logistics, Gloria Batalha Ung, an executive
Inhambane have been in force for more than member of IPIM, reiterated that Macau is
five years, financed by Germany. “working towards building a service platform”,
between China and the Portuguese-speaking
Source: O País countries, to enable small and medium
enterprises as well as young local
Japan assures continuity of support entrepreneurs, to be better informed.
Japan will continue to support Mozambique in Ung recalled that every year IPIM sends
various investment projects, particularly in the delegations from Macau and mainland China on
construction of bridges, power and gas plants, visits to study Portuguese-speaking countries
as well as in the training of human resources. and confirmed that, in mid-June this year, there
will be a visit to Cabo Verde for the “Meeting of
The guarantee was made by Akira Mizutani, Entrepreneurs for Economic and Trade Co-
outgoing ambassador of Japan in Mozambique, operation between China and Portuguese-
after leaving a meeting with Prime Minister speaking countries 2017”. This session’s
Carlos Agostinho do Rosário, where he went to speakers were representatives of companies
say goodbye as his three-year diplomatic that have already invested or done business
mission in the country comes to a close. In fact, with Angola, Brazil, Portugal and Timor-Leste.
at the end of the meeting, Mizutani said that it
was a lively conversation and that he takes with Source: MacauHub
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Entrepreneurs from CPLP and China meet in Brexit as an opportunity for Africa?
Cabo Verde in June
As British Prime Minister Theresa May triggers
From 16 to 18 June, Cabo Verde will host a formal Brexit talks, African nations are gearing
meeting between businesspeople of the up for negotiations of their own. But it’s not all
Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries doom and gloom since Brexit could work in
(CPLP) and China under the theme ‘Promoting Africa’s favour. It will be a big leap into the
Opportunities for Economic Co-operation unknown once the United Kingdom triggers
Between China and the Community of formal talks to leave the European Union (EU).
Portuguese Speaking Countries’, Cape Verdean
investment agency Cabo Verde TradeInvest The EU’s existing trade agreements will then no
said on Thursday 30 March. Ana Lima Barber longer apply to Britain and have to be
also told reporters that the meeting is part of the renegotiated. “We don’t know where we are
framework to strengthen economic and going to end”, Ghana’s Foreign Affairs Minister
business co-operation between China and the Shirley Ayorko Botchwey told Deutsce Welle.
CPLP and aims to promote business “Are we going to have to sign new agreements?
opportunities in each country. “The idea is to And if so which agreements are we going to
increase trade, facilitate meetings, especially for sign? All these things are very fluid at the
small and medium-sized enterprises, in order to moment, so you can’t say much”.
identify new markets and exploit synergies,
taking advantage of Cabo Verde’s platform, Traditionally, trade with the UK has been very
which is stable, democratic and well situated”, important for African Commonwealth countries
she said. like Ghana. At its peak in 2012, UK-
Commonwealth Trade accounted for US$120-
The meeting will take place in the capital, Praia, billion, according to the Commonwealth. Some
with the participation of about 300 are hopeful the UK might be eyeing to boost
entrepreneurs from China, Angola, Cabo Verde, trade with its former colonies.
Mozambique, Brazil, Portugal, Guinea-Bissau,
São Tomé and Príncipe and Timor-Leste. A Better deals for Africa?
Macau delegation organised by the Macau
Institute for Trade and Investment Promotion “With UK going solo, it may strengthen our
(IPIM) will attend the gathering with course to face them one-on-one”, said financial
representatives of Forum Macau and the Pan- analyst Courage Martey. Rather than dealing
Pearl River Delta. with the EU as a whole, “there is an opportunity
for us to balance the scale, to ensure that we
Source: MacauHub strike trade deals that especially favour our local
business”. South Africa has similar hopes to
Singapore wants to invest in Mozambique in resurrect its relationship with the UK.
logistics and tourism
“Initially there were fears that Brexit would be
Following a meeting with Prime Minister Carlos harmful to the South African economy because
Agostinho do Rosário on Tuesday 21 March, of the threat of a decline in European economic
the State Minister in the Office of the Prime growth as a result of Brexit. But those fears
Minister of Singapore, Josephine Teo, said that have been allayed more recently as we have
her country was interested in investing in seen increased interest by the British in South
Mozambique in the fields of logistics and Africa”, said Azar Jammine, chief economist at
tourism. According to Minister Teo, it is also in the Johannesburg-based consultancy
Singapore’s interest to exchange synergies with Econometrix.
Mozambique in the development of human
resources. “The latter could indeed result in more trade,
more investment, which would lead to more
“We are harmonising our co-operation for the jobs”.
development of human resources. We are also
aware of the need to extend co-operation in According to Jammine, it’s all down to how
improving the business environment between Brexit will affect European economic growth.
the two states”, the senior Minister said. On
Tuesday, the first day of her visit to “If you believe that Brexit is going to have a
Mozambique, Minister Teo held meetings with negative impact on European economic growth,
Minister of Transport and Communications, bear in mind the fact that Europe is a very
Carlos Mesquita, and also with Minister of important trading partner for South Africa
Industry and Commerce, Ernesto Tonela. accounting for nearly a third of all its exports,
During the day, she signed an agreement on then clearly Brexit would have a negative
investment promotion and protection. impact”.
Don’t go it alone:
According to Wanyama, the East African In pursuing its main mission, the Prime Minister
countries are rather optimistic about a new trade added, the central bank must formulate and
agreement, pointing to the long-established manage monetary policy and guarantee
relationship between the UK and the EAC supervision of the national financial system”.
dating back to the 40s and 50s. The challenges facing the bank “demand the
modernisation of monetary and exchange
“There is actually hope that they will not only policy, and the continual improvement of
pick up where Brexit left them, but that the UK mechanisms of communication so as to impact
as a long-time friend will give East African positively on the behaviour of economic agents”.
countries preferable treatment”. However, it’s
not yet clear what the UK’s intentions are, says Prime Minister Rosário hoped that Navalha “will
Accra-based financial expert Martey. participate actively in seeking innovative
solutions for consolidating the stability of the
“One of the things that got them out of the EU metical, and of the level of prices. These are
appears to be more of an inward-looking fundamental conditions for attracting investment
direction. And so the priority will be the things and improving the living conditions of the
that favour the people of the UK rather than the population”.
Commonwealth relationship”.
The metical depreciated sharply in the first nine
Source: Deutsce Welle/Club of Mozambique months of 2016, slumping to the rate of MT80 to
the US dollar. Since October it has staged a
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considerable recovery and the exchange rate US$75-million-dollar profit for Mozambique’s
quoted on Monday by the main commercial largest bank
bank, the Millennium-BIM, was MT67 to the
dollar. This recovery has been attributed, at Mozambique’s largest commercial bank, the
least in part, to vigorous measures taken by the International Bank of Mozambique (Millennium-
Banco de Moçambique, including a dramatic BIM) has announced net profits of about MT5-
increase in its benchmark interest rates. billion (US$75-million, at current exchange
rates) in the 2016 financial year.
Prime Minister Rosário also called for
implementation of the government’s Strategy for A general meeting of the bank’s shareholders,
the Development of the Financial Sector 2013- held in Maputo on Wednesday 29 March,
22 “by improving access to financial services, approved the annual report and accounts, which
particularly in the rural areas”. showed that Millennium-BIM increased its
deposits in 2016 by 9.7%, reaching a total of
He urged Navalha to play his role in “promoting MT97.8-billion.
financial inclusion”, and the spread of banking
throughout the economy. This would involve The bank’s credit portfolio grew by 19.7%, and
“encouraging the commercial banks to set up reached MT84.4-billion. Financing of companies
branches in the districts”. Currently only around during the year was MT68.4-billion, an increase
half of the country’s 154 districts have bank of 25.6% on the 2015 figure. During the year,
branches. the bank paid the Mozambican state about
MT3.7-billion in tax.
Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique
A statement issued by Millennium-BIM on
Felisberto Navalha: The new administrator at Thursday declared that the bank’s solvency
Banco de Moçambique ratio remains 18.8% – much higher than the 8%
demanded by the Banco de Moçambique.
On Monday 27 March, Felisberto Navalha was
sworn in as the new administrator of the Banco The bank declared that it now has about 1.6-
de Moçambique, joining the seven-member million clients, served by around 2,500 bank
board of directors headed by Governor Rogério workers. It remains the largest bank in
Zandamela and Deputy Governor Gertrudes Mozambique and occupies the 56th position in
Macueve, the sole female director. the ranking of the 100 largest banks in Africa.
million on sovereign bonds maturing in 2023. Sousa also said that the move would help the
Public debt, which BMI Research estimates to country to attract more foreign currency and
be at 109% of GDP this year, will hamper improve the balance of payments, because of
economic recovery, as will the austerity the foreigners who visit Mozambique and make
measures required. purchases in the country.
“Any future negotiations with the International “All the companies that visit us, whether for
Monetary Fund and creditors should stipulate investment – many companies related to oil and
severe cuts in public spending to try to stabilise natural gas will surely be users of American
the debt burden, which will slow down the Express cards and will from now on make
demand for credit in the domestic banking normal use of their cards as they have in other
sector”, BMI Research says. countries of the region like South Africa, where
American Express cards have been accepted
The domestic private sector will not make a for many years. This was not the case in
major contribution to the appreciation of assets, Mozambique, but now it is”, Sousa says.
since it is also penalised by the poor
performance of the sectors most affected by the Sousa explained that the bank’s plan was to
public debt crisis, especially construction. allow the approximately 9,600 merchants who
have BCI’s electronic POS (point of sale)
“Beyond commodity territory, we believe that the payment systems to add American Express in
development of major infrastructure projects will the near future.
be a rarity for the construction industry in the
next two years because of budget constraints Under the agreement, BCI is responsible for
and weak investor sentiment”, analysts say. The managing the relationships with merchants as
report also notes that the default environment well as expanding the American Express
increases risk for the financial sector, with the network in the country. Since 1997, American
budget deficit improving to 6.3% of GDP from Express has been partnering with banks and
an estimated 8.8% last year. financial institutions around the world, issuing
American-branded American Express products
“However, the increasing cost of debt service and accepting payment on its network.
may undermine the government’s ability to
assist any struggling banks”, says BMI On Tuesday, the agreement between the
Research, stressing that the ratio of government parties was signed by Sousa and American
debt to GDP was 42.2% in 2014 and is Express vice-president for the development of
expected to rise to almost 110% of GDP this banking partnerships for Europe, Middle East
year. and Africa, Catherine Malec.
On a positive note, analysts point out that the Source: O País/Club of Mozambique
largest Mozambican banks are owned by
external entities. “Millennium-BIM, BCI, Oil & Gas:
Standard Bank, Barclays, Moza and Banco
Único represent 90% of the sector’s assets, Lack of transparency surrounds ENI tax
which we see as positive in a prospective of payment – NGO
financial stability”, the analysts conclude.
The CIP condemned the lack of transparency in
Source: Lusa/Club of Mozambique the method used by the Mozambican tax
authorities to calculate the tax that Italy’s ENI is
American Express cards can now be used in to pay on its recent share transaction with
BCI POS and ATM ExxonMobil.
American Express credit cards can now be used “In the public presentation of the value of the
in Mozambique at BCI point-of-sale systems capital gains tax that will be applied on ENI East
and ATMs, but the bank and the company Africa, the Tax Authority (Autoridade Tributária,
issuing the credit cards only formalised the AT) did not explain why it chose a formula
agreement on Tuesday 28 March. The different from that used in previous transactions,
agreement will make life easier for tourists and that is, there are no details on how the Tax
foreign businesspeople, BCI Executive Authority came to the decision that this was the
Committee President, Paulo Sousa, said. best formula to use”, the CIP economists write.
“Anybody visiting Mozambique, for work or In a note on the calculation of the tax that ENI is
leisure, can use American Express cards at all expected to pay for the sale of 25% of its stake
our terminals and pay for services or purchases, in Area-4 of the Rovuma Basin to the American
or use them at ATMs, which before now was not multinational ExxonMobil entitled There Is No
possible”, he explained. Transparency In The Calculation Of The Value
Of Capital Gains, the CIP notes that in its
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statement, the AT says that: “in order to reach have very high tax benefits, and [hence] the
the value [of US$350-million in taxes] [it] volume of taxes is very low”, Mosca said.
resorted to the information made available and
provided by ENI, without specifying which In a speech as part of the ‘Lusophone Africa, a
[information]”. Prospective View’ conference promoted by
Portugal’s AIP Foundation, he said that: “if the
“Government dependence on company new contracts are not changed, society will not
information is problematic, since there may be benefit much from this sector because the
an intentional or unintentional omission in the products are fully exported and there are few
declaration, affecting the process of tax royalties [taxes from companies to the state]
assessment”, the CIP remarks. contractualised”.
Economists use an opinion from the Mosca, who painted a very pessimistic view on
Administrative Court on the accounts for 2014 the state of the economy of the country, is of the
and 2015 to argue that the judges draw opinion that “we must revise contracts because
attention to “the fact that companies are not the tax benefits [to companies] are very high
playing their role as they should, which could and Mozambique has a fiscal policy much
allow multinationals to claim recovery of costs lighter than Angola’s, for example, and although
that are not recoverable under the terms of the we have to remain competitive, there is room for
country’s tax law”. change”.
“All things considered, it should be noted that The actions of the tax authorities in collecting
the key to calculating the capital gains to be taxes on the large multinationals investing in the
imposed on ENI is the costs that are not country have been one of the economic issues
disclosed and there are concerns about their in debate in recent days in Mozambique. On
reliability, since, as the Tax Authority states in Monday, the CIP said that the calculation
its opinion on the state’s General Account of method the Mozambican tax authorities used to
2015, they are not adequately monitored by the calculate the tax that ENI had to pay for the
competent entities, in this case, the National transaction with ExxonMobil lacked
Petroleum Institute and the AT”, the CIP points transparency.
Source: Lusa
Good governance, the monitoring group
concludes, “begins with transparent and Sasol receives Best Corporate Taxpayer
unequivocal laws, making it impossible for them Award in Mozambique for second time
to be applied in different ways and at the
pleasure of those who apply them”. Sasol Petroleum Temane (SPT) received the
award for Best Corporate Taxpayer for 2016 at
Last week, the AT announced that the the Mozambican Tax Authority’s annual event
government would receive about US$350- held on 22 March 2017.
million in taxes for the acquisition of 25% of ENI
East Africa by US energy company ExxonMobil. The event acknowledged various corporate
According to Aníbal Balango, the payment will companies who received certificates of
only be made when the financial transaction is recognition from the Tax Authority Chairperson,
completed, probably in about six months. Amelia Nakhare. This is the second year that
SPT has been presented with the award, having
Source: Lusa/@Verdade/Club of Mozambique received the same award in 2015.
Economist says new Mozambique gas At the event, the Republic of Mozambique
contracts should be renegotiated Pipeline Company (ROMPCO) received first
place in the IRPC (corporate income tax)
On Wednesday 29 March, Mozambican payable on profit category, ROMPCO is a joint
economist João Mosca said that contracts venture between Sasol, Companhia
between the state and private operators with Mocambiçana de Gasoduto S.A (CMG), and
regard to Mozambique’s natural gas reserves South African Gas Development Company
should be renegotiated to increase revenues (SOC) Limited (iGas).
and benefit a larger proportion of the population.
Additionally, Central Térmica de Ressano
“The effect of the exploitation of natural Garcia (CTRG) was awarded first prize in the
resources on society will take a long time, overall best tax payer in the medium tax payers’
unless the state has a strong tax system group. The CTRG power plant is a partnership
capable of absorbing capital gains and other between the Mozambican state power utility,
taxes and income and then moves to benefit a Electridade de Mozambique (EdM) with 51%
larger group of people. But those companies and Sasol with 49%. CTRG is currently
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producing 175 megawatts (MW) which benefits client less than he paid for”, said Mussagy.
two-million Mozambicans. “INNOQ’s goal is to eliminate the trend to
always give less to the consumer”.
“We are honoured to have received this
acknowledgement from the Mozambican Tax When a pump systematically provides less fuel
Authority and are proud to have played a than it should, INNOQ bans it from serving any
pioneering role in the development of the more motorists until the anomaly has been
country’s gas industry”, said Peter Manoogian, corrected. At this Galp service station, there
acting senior vice president of Exploration and were a total of 16 pumps providing petrol and
Production International at Sasol. diesel. The inspectors put a ban on two of them
which, although they had been inspected
“Mozambique lies at the centre of our growth before, were still pumping amounts that were
strategy for southern Africa, we remain resolute less than the acceptable margin of error.
in nurturing our investments in the country and
partnering with the Mozambican government If inaccurate petrol pumps are not corrected, but
and other stakeholders to help stimulate growth continue to swindle motorists, INNOQ can
to improve the quality of life of Mozambicans”, impose fines of up to MT600,000 (approximately
he concluded. US$9,000). The management of the petrol
station claimed that all equipment in Galp filling
Sasol’s commitment to Mozambique began well stations is maintained regularly, and anomalies
over a decade ago when, together with its are corrected.
partners, Companhia Moçambicana de
Hidrocarbonetos (CMH) and the International INNOQ also checked containers of cooking gas,
Finance Corporation (IFC) developed the and found that several did not contain the
Pande/Temane natural gas project. This project regulation amount. However, this is unlikely to
pioneered the monetisation of the Pande and be a deliberate fraud, since the inspectors found
Temane gas fields which had been effectively some containers with too much gas, as well as
‘stranded’ for over 30 years. those that held too little.
To date, more than US$1-billion was delivered Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique
to the government of Mozambique. This
includes corporate taxes, royalties and social Mining:
investments, as well as profit share and
dividends paid out to state-owned entities by the Brazil’s Vale sells stake in Moatize coal mine
upstream gas processing and midstream gas to Mitsui
transportation projects.
The Brazilian mining giant Vale has announced
Source: PR Newswire the conclusion of the sale of part of its assets in
Mozambique to the Japanese company Mitsui
Inspectors check filling stations According to a Vale press release, Vale has
received US$733-million from Mitsui, and
The National Institute for Standardisation and expects to receive a further US$37-million later
Quality (Instituto Nacional de Normalização e in the year.
Qualidade, INNOQ) has again confirmed that
petrol pumps in some Maputo filling stations are Under an agreement which took three years to
providing less fuel than motorists have paid for. negotiate, Mitsui is purchasing 15% of Vale’s
holding in its open cast coal mine at Moatize, in
An INNOQ team carried out an extraordinary the western Mozambican province of Tete. Vale
inspection on the morning of Tuesday 28 March, owns 95% of the mine, while the other 5%
of a filling station near Maputo airport owned by belongs to the Mozambican state.
the Portuguese company Galp.
Mitsui is also purchasing half of Vale’s
Bernardo Mussagy, head of the INNOQ Legal participation in the Nacala Logistics Corridor
Measurement Department, told reporters that (CLN). This consists of the new coal terminal at
the pumps at this station bear labels showing the northern port of Nacala-a-Velha, and the
that they were inspected last year. Yet they still railway from Moatize to Nacala, which crosses
have the same problem of providing less fuel southern Malawi. The CLN is 50% owned by
than the pump meter declared, and which the Vale and the remaining 50% by the publicly
client has paid for. owned Mozambican ports and rail company,
Portos e Caminhos de Ferro de Mocambique
He admitted that all measurements are subject (CFM).
to mistake. In the case of fuel, the acceptable
margin of error is 100 millilitres in every 20 From the Mozambican government’s point of
litres. “What we do not want are any view, perhaps the most significant aspect of this
premeditated mistakes, which always give the transaction is that Vale is liable to pay a large
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sum in capital gains tax. The sum has not yet as Petrozim is dependent on CPMZ to increase
been calculated: but when, earlier this month, the flow.
the American oil company ExxonMobil agreed
to pay the Italian energy company ENI US$2.8- Penspen’s executive VP (Europe & Africa),
billion for a 25% stake in offshore Area-4 of the Neale Carter, said: “We are pleased to continue
Rovuma Basin, off the coast of the northern our involvement with Petrozim Line (Pvt) Ltd.
province of Cabo Delgado, the AT calculated We have a 25-year relationship with the
the amount of capital gains tax owing at company dating back to the early 90s and are
US$350-million. delighted to work again on the pipeline we
originally installed”.
With the recent recovery in coal prices on the
world market, Vale’s investment in Mozambique “We started with a scoping study for the project
now looks like a profitable concern. In 2016, in 2011 followed by front end engineering and
Vale extracted 5.5-million tons of coal from the design for series pumping and capacity
Moatize mine. expansion studies. We are looking forward to
continuing our strong relationship with Petrozim
Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique and CPMZ in the future”, he added.
Products are then pumped from Feruka via the Savannah defined the resource at Ravene using
Petrozim 295 kilometres Feruka-Harare samples from initial drilling of 119 holes
multiproduct pipeline to the Msasa Terminal in completed between 2002 and 2004, and from
Harare. This pipeline was designed and the recent drilling of 107 holes.
installed by Penspen in the early 1990s. The
The company has discovered the Ravene
company also constructed a 61,000 cu m
resource contains a high-grade portion of 92mt
storage depot and automated road and rail
at 6.2% THM, which will be a primary focus
loading facility.
within the scoping study that is being carried
In order to expand the capacity of the Feruka- out.
Harare pipeline and meet increasing product
The scoping study is nearing completion and
demand, Penspen will establish a series
once received will be reviewed by Savannah
pumping operation at Feruka, said its top
and Rio Tinto.
“The increased mineral resource for the
The existing CPMZ and Petrozim pipelines will
Mutamba Project highlights its potential to be a
be used as a single pipeline with Feruka acting
significant producer of titanium feedstocks”, said
as an in-line booster pump station.
Savannah’s Chief Executive, David Archer.
In addition to this project, Penspen was
“In addition, this year we are seeing increasing
awarded a contract in December 2016 by CMPZ
prices for titanium feedstocks such as ilmenite
to work on series pumping on the Mozambique
and rutile, which means that it is an ideal time to
side of the pipeline system to enable the same
be taking this project forward”.
process to proceed for Petrozim on the Feruka
to Harare side. The two projects are interrelated Source: Proactive Investors
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Finland disburses MT100-million to train Nigeria and other nations, whose work is illegal,
deputies on extractive industry matters in unlike legitimate companies. A cohort of gem
Mozambique traffickers has also arrived to trade in the
Finland has offered to spend more than MT100-
million (approximately US$1.4-million) to train Treating a dozen cases of injuries a month and
National Assembly and Provincial Assembly the occasional death, the hospital finds itself on
deputies in matters related to the extractive the front line of a turf war between gangs of
industries in Mozambique, in order to help them illegal miners.
better monitor, supervise and legislate in the
field. “Miners are killing one another for the gems”,
said Montepuez district administrator Etelvina
António Amélia, first deputy speaker of the Fevereiro.
National Assembly, said that MPs would benefit
from the project in addressing a certain lack of “We have organised crime, armed attacks and
information on the extractive sector. trafficking of all kinds of drugs from cocaine to
hashish”, Fevereiro said.
“We believe that this project is an opportunity for
Members of the Assembly of the Republic and Police in February rounded up 3,672 illegal
Provincial Assemblies to take ownership of the miners, more than two-thirds of them
knowledge and experiences of other countries, clandestine migrants.
especially Finland”, Amélia said.
“The operation is very important because of the
The Ambassador of Finland in Mozambique, levels of disorder and anarchy”, said journalist
Laura Torvinem, said that better-trained MPs and commentator Fernando Lima.
will help the country avoid many of the evils that
result from poor management of natural “The situation there is just like in a Wild West
resources and will be able to ensure better movie”. The rush that has engulfed the remote
outcomes for the communities in the areas region, 1,650 kilometres north of the capital,
where the activity takes place. started six years ago.
The programme lasts for three years and Discovery of the century:
includes members of the First and Fifth
Commissions of parliament, as well as Rubies were discovered when a local
members of assemblies in provinces where woodcutter picked up a stone, which was
extractive industry projects are underway. passed on for expert analysis.
The rubies attract informal – also referred to as But some locals say they have enjoyed no
artisanal – miners from Mozambique, Tanzania, benefits, believing instead that they were
robbed of their livelihoods and claim they were
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Between 2014 and 2015, the local prosecution Magala explained that the commission had
service opened investigations into at least 10 already held meetings with the Zimbabwean
cases of alleged killings or violence, according authorities that had resulted in the reduction of
to Mozambican media. the debt due to the supply of electricity that
Mozambique also extends to other countries in
One policeman was convicted of involuntary the region.
homicide, Gemfields said.
“The supply of energy to Zimbabwe comes
“Zero tolerance’: within a long-standing agreement which we
continue to honour. However, as we increase
Montepuez Ruby Mining (MRM), the subsidiary power generation, two things happen. One is
of Gemfields, says that whenever illegal miners more availability for neighbouring countries that
stray on to its concession, the police are called. do not have the resources we have, and the
other is that we can increase national revenue,
“They take hold of those guys and that is a as well as regional. Therefore, Zimbabwe,
process actually in law”, said Gopal Kumar, the Zambia and other neighbouring countries are
mine’s general manager. our other partners. We are maturing in the
market and learning how to be a mature
“MRM absolutely never, never indulges in
business. The conversation with Zimbabwe’s
violence activities. We have zero tolerance
colleagues is to see if we can settle the debts
policy towards violence”.
that they have with us. We are now at around
An agreement signed with the police includes US$5-million to US$7-million”, Magala said.
provision “to treat artisanal miners with dignity
The Mavuzi hydroelectric plant, inaugurated by
and respect”, Gemfields said, adding that the
President Filipe Nyusi, supplies electricity to the
firm understood the authorities had given illegal
cities of Manica and Mutare in neighbouring
miners advance notice of the last crackdown.
Other accusations of police brutality have
Source: Rádio Moçambique/Club of Mozambique
recently surfaced. One illegal miner, Zito
Armando, told AFP: “They take people in cars EdM lost more than MT20-million in 2016 due
and leave them far away, in the middle of the to vandalism
road, 100 kilometres away”.
EdM revealed that it lost more than MT20-
Police dismiss the accusations, saying illegal million since the beginning of 2016 due to the
immigrants are deported, while Mozambicans vandalism of its infrastructures, which
are sent back to their native provinces. contributed to the stoppage of some projects.
This announcement was made in response to
“If there were violations, they would have been questions on the performance of the public
brought to the attention of the prosecutor. But
company, issued by the Mozambican
we did not see that”, said police spokesperson Democratic Movement (MDM) bench in the
Malva Brito. Municipal Assembly of Maputo City.
For the district administration, police action is a The municipal plenary met on the morning of
necessary move against illegal mining.
Thursday 30 March discuss the water supply
“Unlicensed mining is illegal everywhere in the and distribution of energy in the country’s
world”, Fevereiro said. “We are bringing back capital.
Source: AFP/News24
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The MDM bench outlined as main negative The Chairman of the Board of Directors of EdM,
aspects the performance of EdM, the electricity Mateus Magala, told Notícias that the
restrictions and the cut in the power supply in completion of the two power plants would
the neighbourhoods, as well as the billing increase the number of the company’s clients by
without meter readings. 26,000, who will join the 84,000 Manica
customers already connected.
In response to questions raised by the MDM,
EdM pointed to the financial constraints caused In Sofala, 44,000 new consumers will be
by the destruction of its power supply line as the connected to the power grid, bringing the
reason behind the restrictions. number of consumers in the province to
The MDM subsequently turned its attention to
the Águas da Região de Maputo (AdeM), Rehabilitation of a second power station on the
demanding clarification with regard to the Revue, at Chicamba, is now in its final phase.
current water situation in the capital. Between them Mavuzi and Chicamba will
provide an extra 80MW of generating capacity
The AdeM suggested the creation of a new dam which will supply Manica and the neighbouring
which will allow for the greater retention of province of Sofala. Some of the power from
water. these two dams will also be sold to Zimbabwe.
Source: O País Despite this advance, President Nyusi said the
country still faces a major challenge in
President Nyusi re-inaugurates Mavuzi expanding the national grid, since in 2016 it only
power station reached 26% of the population. “The
infrastructure of the national electricity grid is
On Monday 27 March, President Filipe Nyusi re-
still limited and remains incapable of meeting
inaugurated the Mavuzi hydro-electric station,
the growing demand for reliable, good quality
on the Revue River at Sussundenga (Manica
electricity”, the President added.
The limited reach of the electricity grid meant
After total rehabilitation, which began in
that the majority of the Mozambican population
November 2013, the generating capacity of the
still relies on wood fuel (charcoal and firewood)
Mavuzi station has risen from 25MW to about
as sources of energy, with all the damaging
environmental consequences that flow from this.
The work, the tender for which was launched in
President Nyusi encouraged the population of
2010 and work was launched in November 2013
Manica to produce more food, by exploiting the
by a Franco-Norwegian consortium made up of
abundance of arable land in the province, and to
Cedelec and Hydrokarst Rain Power, included
take advantage of the available electricity for
the modernisation of the Chicamba
agro-processing and food conservation.
hydroelectric facility, also in Manica.
“With electricity, we can guarantee local agro-
The rehabilitation of the power station cost
processing and the availability of the cold chain
roughly US$120-million. It consisted of
to conserve food and distribute it to the national,
overhauling the turbines and alternators,
regional and global markets with the necessary
installing new transformers, and a new auxiliary
quality”, he said. “Manica, with its high
low voltage system, and rehabilitating the high
agricultural potential, should feel challenged to
voltage equipment in the main sub-station.
become a leader in agricultural production and
Professional training of staff from the publicly
owned electricity company, EdM, was also part
of the project. The Mavuzi power station was built 60 years
ago, and is the oldest power station owed by
Speaking at the ceremony, President Nyusi said
EdM. Originally it could generate 52MW, but as
that the challenges resulting from new projects,
the equipment became obsolete this dropped to
together with the demand generated by the
emerging extractive sector, are among the
factors that obliged the government to The rehabilitation of Mavuzi and Chicamba has
rehabilitate the Mavuzi station. been financed by Sweden with a grant of about
€36-million (US$39-million), by the French
“Our concern with regional and local economic
Development Agency (AFD) with a soft loan of
development, and the imminent reduction in the
€50-million, and by Germany with a commercial
useful life of this power station, led to the
loan of €18-million.
rehabilitation, intended to ensure that Mavuzi
can continue to generate electricity for another Source: Agencia de Informacao de
30 years”, he said. Moçambique/Jornal Notícias/MacauHub
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Ncondezi progresses JDA with Shanghai activities until 10 May– the date on which the
Electric Power on 300MW Mozambique shareholder loan becomes repayable – owing to
power plant project careful working capital management.
Shanghai Electric Power, EdM and Ncondezi Ncondezi is now talking to potential funding
are making good progress on both the power partners, but said there is no certainty funding
purchase agreement and PCA, which are can be secured.
expected to be completed by the fourth quarter
of this year. Source: Alliance News Limited/London South
East/Creamer Media Engineering News
“Ncondezi is currently in advanced negotiations
with Shanghai Electric Power to finalise a Southern Africa records first electricity
development funding agreement pursuant to surplus in 10 years
which Shanghai Electric Power will provide up
to US$3-million to fund a development Southern Africa is experiencing surplus
programme and budget to obtain the decree electricity generation capacity for the first time in
and finalise the investment agreements over the a decade, thanks to the success of regional co-
next 12 months”, the company said in a operation in energy planning during the past few
statement on Thursday 30 March. years.
The funding is intended as a pre-investment to Figures released by the Southern African Power
Pool (SAPP) show that the 12-member pool is
funding under the JDA and will form part of the
sitting on surplus peak period generation
total investment under the JDA.
capacity of 919MW.
Notably, the London-listed company said it
“The excess is much higher if we look at off-
plans to exercise a share pledge agreement
peak periods”, acting SAPP Co-ordination
pledging up to 17.6% of the shares in UAE Co
Centre Manager, Alison Chikova, told the SADC
to Shanghai Electric to secure and guarantee
Energy Thematic Group (ETG) during its
Ncondezi’s obligations under the joint
biannual meeting in Gaborone on Monday 27
development agreement. It is expected that
would be repaid to Ncondezi should the decree
be secured within the 12-month timeframe.
Chikova said the excess was partly because of
the slowdown in the South African economy but
Ncondezi further noted that the conclusion of
also due to the impact of a co-ordinated
the JDA would be followed by the last
approach in implementation of the SADC
development phase of the power project
energy programme.
development programme to finalise funding
from lenders and achieve financial close in the
Chikova said South Africa has excess capacity
third quarter of 2018.
of 5,797MW, largely due to the economic
Meanwhile, Ncondezi assured shareholders that slowdown and the commissioning of 2,550MW
it had adequate cash resources to fund its
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of additional generation capacity from six new Unlike in the past where coal-fired plants
projects in 2016. contributed the largest share of new generation
capacity, 2016 saw only one new coal project in
The six projects include the 999MW Ingula Zambia coming on board with a capacity of
power station owned by state enterprise Eskom 300MW.
as well as five others involving power
generation through wind, gas and solar The move towards renewable energy follows a
photovoltaic technologies that were resolution made in 2012 by southern African
commissioned by Independent Power countries to increase the uptake of cleaner and
Producers. alternative energy sources. The long-term target
set by SADC is to achieve a renewable energy
Angola had largest number of projects mix in the regional grid of at least 32% by 2020
commissioned in 2016, contributing 780MW or and 35% by 2030.
about one fifth of the 4,180MW new capacity
commissioned last year. According to the African Development Bank
(AfDB), southern African alone has the potential
Other significant contributions were from to become a “gold mine” for renewable energy
Zambia and Zimbabwe where new Independent due to the abundant solar and wind resources
Power Projects added 300MW and 200MW that are now hugely sought after by international
respectively. investors in their quest for clean energy.
Chikova revealed that SAPP member countries Source: Namibia Economist/Joseph Ngwawi
plan to commission more than 30,000MW of
new generation capacity between 2017 and Transport, Construction & Development
2022, about half of which would come from Projects:
South Africa.
Rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse
However, the increased generation capacity in more than 100 strikers at Maputo Public
Angola, Malawi and Tanzania is only available Transport Company
domestically as the three countries are yet to be
interconnected to the rest of the SAPP grid. On Friday 24 March, tension broke out between
striking employees and company managers at
New generation capacity installed in any of the the headquarters of the Municipal Public
three non-participating countries is not Transport Company of Maputo (Empresa
accessible to the nine other members of SAPP Municipal de Transportes Públicos de Maputo,
– Botswana, the Democratic Republic of Congo, EMTPM).
Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland,
South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. After a few hours of negotiation attempts, the
company directorate requested a police force to
There are plans to tap into the installed capacity disperse the workers who had halted activities
of these three SAPP members through the since Monday 20 March.
implementation of several interconnector
projects. Using tear gas and rubber bullets, the Rapid
Intervention Unit (FIR) forced the workers out of
These include the Zambia-Tanzania-Kenya the company.
interconnector project that is expected to
connect the SAPP grid to the one operated by Saudósio Júlio has been a driver for the public
the Eastern Africa Power Pool – in addition to transportation company for 20 years. During the
linking the Tanzanian power network to other confusion, he was hit in the leg by a rubber
SAPP member countries. bullet, and one of the striking drivers was taken
to the police station by the Criminal
The Zambia-Tanzania-Kenya interconnector is Investigation Police (Polícia de Investigação
expected to be ready by the end of 2019, Criminal, PIC).
according to Chikova.
Some of the workers turned to the Human
Other interconnector projects are expected Rights League for legal assistance, but the
between Mozambique and Malawi as well as person in charge was not there at the time.
between Namibian and Angola. The target Workers, mostly drivers, said that they were fed
dates for commissioning these are in 2020. up with the treatment they have been subjected
to and called for government intervention.
Gas is increasingly becoming a major source of
electricity in the region, accounting for 995MW The group also said that, ever since the
or almost 24% of all power generated in 2016 – management of the company was transferred to
from two projects in Mozambique and one each the municipal council, their rights are
in South Africa and Tanzania. systematically violated.
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Following Friday’s incident, employees handful of buses on the roads. The workers
demanded that government intervene in order to angrily pointed out that the strike-breakers were
solve the problem. The Mayor of Maputo, David not properly qualified to drive buses.
Simango, assured workers that solutions were
being sought in order to solve the problem. The key problem for EMTPM is that the fares it
charges come nowhere near meeting its costs.
Striking workers return to work: According to the company, passengers should
pay MT2.5 per kilometre – but the current fares
On Tuesday 28 March, EMTPM workers are equivalent to MT0.25 per kilometre.
returned to work, eight days after initiating the
strike. Unless EMTPM is allowed to raise its fares, or a
much larger subsidy is paid to the company,
According to a driver who spoke anonymously future labour disputes look inevitable.
to Folha de Maputo, the employees returned to
work because the company’s management Source: O País/RFI/Folha de Maputo/Agencia de
conceded their main wage demands. Informacao de Moçambique/Club of Mozambique
According to a report in O País, the strike came Beira minibuses strike without prior notice
to an end thanks to the intervention of Maputo
City Council, which sent the Councillor for Hundreds of commuters that make use of the
Transport and Traffic, João Matlombe, to Baixa-Munhava and Inhamízua-Passagem de
negotiate between the company and the Nível via Rua 33 routes in Beira (Sofala
strikers. Province) were caught unawares on the
morning of Monday 27 March by an
The strikers demanded payment of their New unannounced stoppage of “chapas” transport
Year Bonus (known as “the thirteenth month”, providers.
since it is equivalent to an extra month’s
wages), and the restoration of a series of The striking workers intended it to pressure the
allowances (such as shift allowance and holiday authorities to increase tariffs from MT7 to MT10
allowance) that had been inexplicably removed and from MT9 to MT15, but the stoppage forced
from their wage packets. commuters to walk several kilometres from their
homes to workplaces and other points in central
Contacts with the Ministry of Economy and Beira.
Finance had led to the release of the money to
pay the thirteenth month. In theory, this bonus is Beira was not the only place in the province
discretionary, but workers in both the public and affected on Monday, passengers travelling on
private sectors have come to regard it as a right. the Beira-Nhamatanda, Búzi and Gorongosa
routes, via Inchope, were stranded at terminals
EMTPM spokesperson Lourenco Albino for the same reasons. The demand there is a
confirmed to reporters on Tuesday that the tariff rise from MT90 to MT150, MT150 to
money necessary to meet the strikers’ demands MT180 and MT250 to MT280.
will be sent by the Finance Ministry.
However, the operators of the Baixa-Macúti
“Work resumed at around 4:00hrs today”, Albino route via Matacuane and Ponta-Gêa, Estoril via
said, “after a discussion with the workers in Chipangara, Passagem de Nivel via Mutarara,
which it was announced that we shall receive and Beira-Dondo continued to work normally.
money for wages this week. We held
discussions with the Transport Ministry and the The strike was unofficial and commuters were
Finance Ministry. The latter was willing to caught by surprise, many of whom were forced
support us”. to walk many kilometres.
However, Albino only guaranteed, in addition to Those with no transport alternatives (as in the
the thirteenth month, payment of the delayed case of the Beira-Nhamatanda, Búzi and
March wages, and “probably” of the April Gorongosa via Inchope routes), did not travel
wages. He made no promises about restoring during the day at all.
the allowances, claiming this was “not an
essential issue”. In the afternoon, some “chapas” did travel the
Baixa-Inhamízua and Passagem-de-Nível via
Albino added that the strike had cost the rua 33 Munhava section, but the stops had long
company around MT1.7-million (about queues of passengers, most of whom were
US$25,500) in lost fares, and 187,000 unsuccessful in boarding the minibuses for their
passengers had been unable to travel. journey home.
EMTPM had made unsuccessful efforts to break Source: Diário de Moçambique/Club of Mozambique
the strike, recruiting new drivers, who put a
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Cornelder de Moçambique plane crashes in that crashed being the larger of the two, with
Manica Province nine seats.
On the morning of Monday 27 March, a light “The company has transported many people
aircraft belonging to the Mozambican company here in the country”, de Abreu said.
Air Transport Company (ETA) crashed in
Zimbabwe, in mountainous territory bordering “Preliminary indications indicate that due to the
Manica Province. bad visibility at the time, the aircraft collided with
Vumba, in an incident classified as CFIT
The deaths of at least five of the six people who [controlled flight into terrain]”, de Abreu said.
were on board at the time of the crash have
been confirmed. The managers of ETA, interviewed by
Mozambican Television in Beira, said the
The chairperson of the regulatory body, the aircraft were maintained regularly, but preferred
National Civil Aviation Institute (Instituto de to leave clarification to the team with the
Aviação Civil de Moçambique, IACM), João de mandate to study the matter and shed light on
Abreu, said that the plane, which was flying what happened on the fatal Monday flight.
from Beira (Sofala Province) to Harare
(Zimbabwe), came down in mountainous The aircraft took off from Beira at 7:15hrs on
territory near the administrative post of Monday and was expected to arrive in Mutare at
Machipanda-Chiujo. 8:25hrs, according to Cornelder.
The cause of the crash is not yet known, but it “Given the difficult access conditions, it was only
was raining heavily in Manica and Sofala possible to reach the victims at around
provinces. 17:40hrs, after which they were transferred to
Mutare central hospital mortuary”, Manica police
The plane was in the service of Cornelder de spokesperson Leonardo Colher said.
Moçambique, which holds the lease on the port
of Beira. All four passengers died. They were The remains of the victims arrived in Beira on
the Chief Executive Officer of Cornelder- Wednesday 29 March and their funerals took
Mozambique, Adelino Mesquita (brother of the place the following day.
current Transport Minister); prominent lawyer
Antonio Jorge Ucucho, who worked for the De Abreu said that the Commission of Inquiry
Cornelder legal department, and was a former set up by Mozambique was already working in
member of the Executive of the Mozambique co-ordination with the Zimbabwean authorities
Bar Association (Ordem dos Advogados de on the ground and further information would
Moçambique, OAM); Cornelder Financial become available in due course.
Director Isac Noor; and another senior
Source: Agencia de Informacao de
Cornelder official, Banele Chibande.
Moçambique/Lusa/Rádio Moçambique
De Abreu, speaking at a Monday press
Airlink increases frequency between
conference, said that preliminary data indicated
Nelspruit and Vilanculos
that one of the two crew members, pilot Luis
Lopes dos Santos and co-pilot Rui Fonseca Whether you’re planning on going on vacation in
Pereira dos Santos, had survived – but Vilanculos or visiting family in Mozambique, SA
according to the police in Manica, all six Airlink’s increased flight frequency will make
occupants of the plane died. planning a lot easier.
According to de Abreu, “both the plane and the Currently Airlink offers flights on Thursdays and
pilots were in good condition”. Sundays. On 26 March Airlink added additional
flights operating on Tuesdays and Fridays. On 4
“We have the aircraft’s airworthiness certificate, July, additional flight days will be added on
which certifies the validity of the aircraft. So the Mondays and Saturdays and on 7 August, there
aircraft was certified and in good operational will be additional flights on Wednesday’s – this
condition. As I mentioned, the pilots had service will be daily.
extensive experience: the Captain was a man of
experience and had been flying in Mozambique The flights will depart from Nelspruit at 11:45hrs
for many years in the charter sector. So, both and will arrive in Vilanculos at 12:55hrs.
the pilots and the aircraft were in perfect
condition”, he said. According to Airlink, the Nelspruit KMIA to
Vilanculos route will provide tour operators and
ETA Air Charter Lda. had a good safety record, African safari specialists the opportunity to
commander de Abreu said. Its register reported promote bush and beach packages.
it has having four aircraft, but more recent
information shows that it has only two, the one Source: Traveller24
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LAM cancels flights to Nampula and “LAM constraints are in the name of safety”
Lichinga due to technical problems – says IACM
More than 100 Linhas Aéreas de Moçambique, LAM reportedly frightens passengers with its
Ltd. (LAM) passengers bound for Nampula and frequent technical and operational problems, but
Lichinga (Niassa Province), were unable to the IACM has denied that there are safety
depart from Maputo International Airport on problems.
Sunday 26 March, due to technical problems.
Just this week, technical problems with two LAM
Some passengers travelling to Nampula had aircraft were reported by passengers, with
been delayed since Saturday afternoon videos circulating on social networks. One video
because of the same problem and spent the is related to three alleged failed take-offs at
night in a hotel, but the bulk of the passengers Maputo Airport, resulting in some of the
were those booked on the 18:30hrs flight on passengers declining to travel in the aircraft and
Sunday. demanding refunds.
Some passengers told Folha de Maputo that the Deutsche Welle Africa contacted national airline
flight was rescheduled more than five times, official, António Abreu, to learn more. “I’m just
during which time the passengers boarded arriving at the airport now, and I don’t even have
twice, at 10:00hrs and again at 16:00hrs, but charge on my phone. Please call me in an
whenever the aircraft was about to leave, the hour”, he politely answered.
pilot announced technical problems and ordered
the passengers to disembark. But an hour later, the LAM official was not
answering Deutsche Welle Africa’s calls.
Passengers complained of the lack of Instead, journalists spoke to the IACM, the body
communication and poor service. responsible for ensuring compliance with flight
safety regulations.
One passenger reported that those who had
been at the airport since 5:30hrs were only Safety is the source of the constraints:
provided a meal at 12:00hrs.
IACM official João de Abreu contradicted the
According to LAM technicians, the malfunction passengers’ testimony. “The story of three
was due to the delay in the maintenance of the attempted take-offs does not correspond to the
Poelela flight, one of the company’s largest truth”, he said.
“The first attempt was made to start, the second
As a result, the flight to Lichinga was cancelled was made but there was need to fetch support
and moved to Tuesday 28 March, while the equipment, as far as our investigation found.
Nampula flight was still awaiting resolution, with While the equipment was being fetched, the
passengers given the option of waiting to board crew disembarked the passengers, which is
at 20:45hrs on Monday, or deferring their flight normal and happens all over the world, but
to a later date. there have not been three aborted take-offs,
that is not true”.
At approximately 18:00hrs, LAM announced the
cancellation of the flight to Quelimane Recent reports that the cargo door of one LAM
(Zambézia Province). aircraft allegedly opened in mid-flight were also
denied by de Abreu, who says it was a false
In addition to passengers in Maputo, others at alarm. But these technical issues are frightening
Nampula, Lichinga and Quelimane airports passengers, who are beginning to believe that
travelling to Maputo and elsewhere suffered the Mozambican air carrier is unsafe.
similar scenarios.
De Abreu holds the opposite view. “What is
Additional information indicated that the happening at the moment is due to the rigour
Maputo-Beira (Sofala) flight, which was due to with which the civil aviation authority has been
depart at 19:30hrs, was also cancelled, applying standards, because our motto is safety
compromising not only general passengers, but first. We demand [respect] for safety standards.
also Mozambique’s national soccer team, the We do not allow aircraft to fly with unreliable
‘Mambas’, who had a friendly game against equipment, especially from Maputo”.
Ethiopia scheduled for Tuesday at the
Ferroviário da Beira sports ground. Credibility and responsibility of LAM:
Source: Folha de Maputo No less challenging are the long delays and
cancelled flights, most without warning and
without proper assistance for the passengers.
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Passenger Sonia Chambe’s latest experience Using four planes rather than seven to serve its
with LAM is a case in point. domestic and regional routes, LAM has been
unable to honour its timetable, and in recent
“I had a trip to Quelimane scheduled the day days several of its domestic flights have been
before yesterday. First the flight was scheduled cancelled, much to the annoyance of
for 17:45hrs and then there was a passengers.
postponement to 19:40hrs. I arrived at the
airport at that time and the flight was postponed After discussions with the LAM management,
again at 21:50hrs, except that by midnight we Deputy Minister Rebelo told reporters it was
had not yet caught the flight and LAM had not positive that the company grounded planes with
given any information. We only arrived in technical problems. “If the equipment, even in
Quelimane at 2:00hrs the following day”. the smallest detail, is not airworthy, then it is
important that the plane should stay on the
As to the return flight, scheduled for Thursday, ground”, she said. “It is first important to solve
the passenger has already received notice of the problem to guarantee that the passengers
two postponements. Passenger Jorge Vaz travel in safety. Safety must come first”.
experienced a similar situation in February on
the Maputo-Nampula route. His story calls into Critics of LAM have frequently accused the
question the professionalism and responsibility government of protecting LAM by refusing to
of the national airline. allow competition on the domestic routes.
Deputy Minister Rebelo denied this, and
“A few minutes before the plane was due to land claimed that Mozambican airspace is open to
we had to divert to Beira, where we were told other companies. But none of LAM’s would-be
that we could only return to Maputo to catch a competitors has yet met the conditions for
plane to Nampula the next day. We practically operating flights in Mozambican airspace.
occupied the plane, so the pilot came out and
told us neither he nor we were able to travel, so “It is important that the companies interested in
the flight was cancelled until the next day”. operating in Mozambique should come here,
register and meet the requirements”, she said.
He went on to say: “The justification was weird. João de Abreu, the chairperson of the IACM
They said that there were no landing lights. The said companies interested in flying Mozambican
joke was that they even asked us if we knew routes want the government to grant them
anyone who was responsible for the runway, facilities, but refused to obey Mozambican
and could we ask them to go turn on the lights. norms.
A serious airline cannot do such a thing”, he
concluded. Thus, the Nigerian company Fly Africa had
applied for authorisation to fly Mozambican
Source: Deutsche Welle/Club of Mozambique routes, but the application ground to a halt
“because they couldn’t show us where their
Three of LAM’S aircraft out of operation office is, what hangers they are going to use,
the people who will maintain the planes, their
Only four of LAM’s seven passenger aircraft are
pilots, among other matters”. “You can’t just
currently operational, LAM officials told Deputy
come here and have no offices, and nowhere to
Transport Minister Manuela Rebelo when she
maintain your equipment”, exclaimed de Abreu.
visited the company’s headquarters on
“Aviation is not a hobby. Aviation is treated
Wednesday 29 March.
professionally and by professionals”.
The other three planes are grounded for various Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique
technical problems, but the LAM Technical
Director, Pascoal Bernardo, assured reporters Frelimo builds new congress hall in Matola
that the necessary spare parts have been
ordered from the manufacturers. On Wednesday 29 March, President Filipe
Nyusi, in his capacity as leader of the ruling
Once the parts arrive, he said, the repairs will Frelimo Party, laid the first stone for the building
be made and the planes will be in the air again. of a new pavilion which will host the Party’s 11th
There was nothing abnormal about this. “The Congress, scheduled for September.
budget for the parts in question is within the
contract we have with the supplier”, Bernardo The pavilion is being built at the premises of the
added, “and within two days we shall receive Frelimo Central School, in the southern city of
the parts”. Matola. The previous meeting hall was
damaged in a storm earlier this year. Rather
Rui Macaringue, the head of LAM maintenance, than repair the damage, Frelimo opted to
said that after the parts had arrived, it would demolish it, and build a new, larger meeting
take two or three days to repair the planes, and space.
then they could take to the skies again.
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The new pavilion covers 3,066 square metres, goods and provision of social services, such as
666 square metres more than the previous one. education and health, to communities.
In addition to the congress hall itself, which can
hold 3,000 people, it will contain a room for the Artur’s statements were in response to the
party president (President Nyusi), rooms for the questions posed by the members of the
honorary party chairperson, for the party Provincial Assembly, who criticised the fact that
secretariat and for the press. There will be two the government had not complied with the post-
smaller meeting rooms. flood reconstruction plan. The members of this
body complained that there has been little effort
President Nyusi said that the new pavilion must on the part of the government to restore road
withstand extreme weather events. “The scale traffic, which is rendering the mobilisation of
of the 11th congress required something people and the trading of goods unfeasible,
additional because many people will participate, especially at the time of the launch of the
and we want the congress to be successful in national agricultural marketing campaign.
content and in quality”, he added. Frelimo has
appealed to its members to raise funds for The parliamentarians highlighted problem
building the new pavilion, and the President was sections such as Ile/Namarrói, Namarrói/Guruè,
sure that this fundraising effort, under way Mulevala/Gilé, Gilé/Pebane, Gilé/Alto Molócuè,
throughout the country, would be successful. among others, which at the moment constitute
“an embarrassment for the transit of people and
Frelimo General Secretary Eliseu Machava goods”. The parliamentarians advised on the
thanked members for their contribution. “This is creation of mechanisms for mobilising financial
a very important landmark in the history of our and material resources to enable the necessary
Party”, he said. “I want to thank all our militants rehabilitation in order to resume road travel and
who have accepted our appeal, and all re-launch the rural economy.
members who are contributing to the grandeur
of Frelimo”. Artur said that the priority for this year is the
construction of metal bridges. He explained that
Neither President Nyusi nor Machava gave the most of the 5,000 kilometres of Zambézia’s road
cost of the building, which should be completed network consists of untarred roads, and
within the next four months, in good time for the whenever it rains, the roads become
Congress. “We know what we want and where impassable due to the sandy soils.
we are going”, declared the President. “This will
be the Congress of tranquillity and of taking Members of the Assembly also questioned the
decisions in line with the problems of the poor water supply in the district of Mocuba. On
Mozambican nation”. this issue, Artur said that Mocuba has the
highest coverage in terms of water supply,
Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique currently standing at 86%. He said that last year
21 sources were built, and another 10 will be
Financial deficits hamper the restoration of built this year.
roads and bridges in Zambézia
Source: Jornal Notícias
The budget deficit of MT450-million is
undermining the reconstruction, rehabilitation Agriculture & Fishing:
and maintenance of most of the roads and
bridges destroyed by the natural disasters that Government intends to issue five-million
hit Zambézia Province in 2015. land titles
According to Artur, the international financial The latest 15,000 DUATS were handed over to
situation is one of the reasons as to why farmers on Friday 24 March, in Mocuba
resources cannot be mobilised for the (Zambézia Province), at a symbolic ceremony
rehabilitation or reconstruction of the road chaired by President Filipe Nyusi who
infrastructure. However, he acknowledged the personally delivered the first 10 of these land
impassability of access routes as being titles.
responsible for the poor circulation of people,
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Speaking at a rally which also marked the Obtala raises £4-million from Hong Kong
launch of the 2017 agricultural marketing investor share for Mozambican project
campaign, President Nyusi said that the mass
issuing of land titles to agricultural producers is African forestry and agriculture group Obtala
proof that agriculture, agro-processing and Ltd. has raised £4-million through a share issue
agricultural marketing are at the heart of the to a Hong Kong-based high net worth investor.
government’s actions. Wealth Rank Limited will subscribe for 20-
million new shares at 20p, a 13% premium to
By issuing the titles, the government intends to the closing price on Tuesday 28 March.
ensure that land occupied by farmers is not
usurped by other individuals, thus generating Warrants at the same price exercisable over the
land disputes. The government believes that next 18 months may raise an additional £4-
delivering the land to peasant farmers is an million. Miles Pelham, Obtala’s chairman, said
indispensable condition for sustainable he was delighted by the investment from WRL,
agriculture. Those who hold DUATS have which underlines the attractiveness assigned to
secure tenure over their farms, allowing them to Obtala’s substantial assets he said.
produce more and better to guarantee their food
and nutritional security, and to increase their Source: Proactive Investors
income through the sale of surplus crops.
Mozambique on track to surpass grain
Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique production target
to determine that this water must be used, as President Nyusi calls for Mozambique to
top priority, by the Umbeluzi treatment and become major food producer
pumping station that provides drinking water for
Maputo and Matola cities, and Boane district. On Friday 24 March, President Filipe Nyusi
argued that Mozambique enjoys all the
The use of water for irrigation was banned, necessary conditions to cease being a mere
affecting all agricultural concerns along the consumer of agricultural produce and to
banks of the Umbeluzi, including Bananalandia. become a major producer.
The level of the Pequenos Libombos reservoir
has recovered somewhat, and it is now about Speaking at the first National Forum on
27% full. But this is not enough to guarantee Agricultural Marketing, held in Mocuba
supplies during the coming dry months before (Zambézia Province), President Nyusi called for
the next rainy season, which begins in October. changes in the way crops are marketed. He said
The restrictions on the use of Umbeluzi water the current marketing model is essentially
thus remain in force. reactive, without the capacity to respond pro-
actively to the expectations of the Mozambican
The director of production at Bananalandia, population. It did not contribute towards an
Manuel Maluana, told Agencia de Informacao agriculture that rose to meet the country’s agro-
de Moçambique that before the drought and the ecological potential
restrictions on water consumption,
Bananalandia was producing between 55 and He went further, admitting that marketing has
60 tons of bananas per hectare. That figure has become a bottleneck in the national productive
now fallen to between 40 and 45 tons a hectare. chain.
Up until the end of October 2016, the banana
plantation was irrigated for between one and To reverse this scenario, the President said, it
two hours every day. But when the restrictions was a national imperative to involve all
on water use were imposed, irrigation stopped stakeholders in removing the obstacles that are
and Bananalandia became entirely dependent hindering the normal flow of agricultural
on rainfall. marketing. All barriers had to be removed, so
that Mozambican agriculture contributes to the
“The lack of irrigation is severely affecting country’s self-sufficiency, and reduces the need
production”, he said. “Previously banana for food imports.
production varied between 65 and 70 kilograms
per bunch. But now it is between 14 and 45 “We want to transmit the message that when we
kilograms”. The lack of irrigation affects the improve the marketing chain, we are also
quality of the bananas, said Maluana, and the building the fundamental pillars to raise the
only reason production is possible at all is that levels of national agricultural production and
bananas need most water at the start, productivity”, he added.
immediately after they have been planted, and
at that time water was available. He said that the poor state of rural roads was
one of the main hindrances to effective
Before the current water crisis Bananalandia marketing, and pledged that the government will
was exporting 800 tons of bananas a month to continue to invest in transport and
the regional market (South Africa, Botswana communication infrastructures to ensure that the
and Namibia). But exports have now fallen to crops produced by farmers reach market in
450 tons a month. The domestic market is also good condition.
supplied, but domestic sales have fallen from 50
to 20 tons a week. President Nyusi said the results of the forum
should begin to be reflected as from the
The decline in production has forced 2017/18 marketing campaign. “Our debates
Bananalandia to lay off workers, said Maluana, must look for concrete solutions, and not simply
cutting its number of staff from 1,500 to 1,250. revolve around the already known problems and
“Nobody can work if they don’t know whether rhetoric. Let us put aside justifications and
they’ll be paid at the end of the month”, he said. explanations for failures”, he declared.
“In the 18 years this company has existed, it
never owed its workers any wages. In order to It was a priority, President Nyusi said, to build a
avoid the worst, the viable option was to lay off national food reserve, and ensure that it could
staff”. Bananalandia had intended to expand, be available for consumers whenever
and set up units in Moamba and Namaacha necessary. He recommended that the Ministry
districts, said Maluana, but the water shortages of Industry and Trade should be to the forefront
in Maputo Province have forced the company to in regulating agricultural marketing, and
postpone these projects. guaranteeing the State’s food reserve for
periods of crisis.
Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique
Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique
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Government wants to attract Indian in improving soil fertility, conserving water and
investment in Mozambican agriculture reducing the adverse effects of climate change.
It also aims to promote greater sharing of
On the morning of Monday 27 March, the knowledge and experience in the country and
Deputy Minister of Industry and Commerce, the region, to help streamline partners’ efforts to
Ragendra de Sousa, invited Indian expand, strengthen efforts to create a national
businesspeople to invest in Mozambique, conservation agriculture platform, and
especially in the area of agriculture, in the hope consolidate other ongoing initiatives in the
of increasing agricultural production and fighting region.
hunger and poverty. The 20-company
delegation of entrepreneurs from India were in The event was organised by FAO in partnership
Mozambique this week with the aim of exploring with the Austrian Development Co-operation,
investment opportunities in the country as part Mozambican Agricultural Research Institute,
of an initiative of the Engineering Export National Conservation Agriculture Platform and
Promotion Council of India in partnership with its the Norwegian Embassy. The event brought
High Commissioner. together players and stakeholders including
producer associations, agricultural research
Deputy Minister de Sousa, who was speaking at institutions, representatives of the public and
the Mozambique-India Business Forum private sectors involved in promoting
organised by the CTA in Maputo, said that the conservation agriculture, co-operation partners
challenge was to find partnerships with Indian and the United Nations agency.
entrepreneurs to develop projects aligned with
the government’s priorities in agriculture, a Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique
sector with enormous potential and in which
India has considerable expertise. Gaza faces MT15-million deficit from lost
“We will pay special attention to agriculture. It is
a priority area for the Mozambican government Drought, followed by flooding along the lower
led by President Filipe Nyusi. By investing in reaches of the Limpopo River, has left Gaza
agriculture we will be fighting hunger, in addition Province with a deficit of more than MT15-
to generating more jobs and fighting absolute million for the purchase of seeds for the second
poverty”, he said, adding that tourism and agricultural growing season. Three weeks ago,
energy also warranted attention from India. after the Limpopo River reached flow levels
estimated at five meters – 2.3 meters above the
Between 2005 and 2015, India invested about alert level – its waters flooded and destroyed
US$1.6-billion in Mozambique. Most of this nearly 2,500 hectares of agricultural crops,
investment was channelled to coal and mineral including huge areas of corn.
resources, but the intention is to further increase
the value of agricultural exports through The flood wreaked havoc in the districts of
investments in agri-processing. Chokwé, with 1,366 hectares flooded and about
600 hectares lost; Guijá, which lost 906
“We draw inspiration from the Indian experience hectares of crops; and Chibuto, with more than
– once an exporter of raw materials and today 300 hectares lost. Of the total of MT29-million
an exporter of manufactured goods”, the Deputy needed to recover lost agricultural production,
Minister concluded. The Mozambique-India the provincial government has only MT13.6-
Business Forum aims to mobilise partnerships million, which will be used to purchase close to
for investment in various areas and skills 72 tons of corn, common beans, tomatoes,
transfer in Mozambique’s favour. cabbage and onion seeds.
people – vulnerable and killing seven people herself with the degree of compliance with the
and injuring 101. Some of the victims In government’s Economic and Social Plan and
Inhambane still depend on the food aid provided Five-Year Programme in her sector.
by the INGC.
She also attended meetings with local
As of Wednesday 29 March, the Limpopo River government authorities, social partners, officials
flow was about three meters, once more below from the sector and stakeholders in the
the alert level. According to the National province’s labour market, including workers and
Directorate for Water Resources, the level of the employers.
Macarretane reservoir, one of the Limpopo
measurement benchmarks in Gaza Province, In addition to workers and unions, Tuesday’s
has declined. In Pafuri and Shingwedzi, the flow meeting in Lichinga was attended by provincial,
is still above three meters, but also below the municipal and district government leaders. The
alert level. instruments that regulate the labour market in
Mozambique, in addition to the Labour Law,
Source: O País were presented. These include the Regulation
of Mechanisms for Contracting Foreign Citizens,
Tourism: the Decree on Private Employment Agencies,
as well as the Decree on the Port Regulations
Hotel inspection campaign looms and the Law on Contracts.
The Ministry of Culture and Tourism, through Source: Rádio Moçambique
the National Institute of Tourism in partnership
with the Mozambican Federation of Tourism and Ematum workers demand payment of wage
Hospitality, is launching a campaign to arrears
reclassify tourism enterprises.
On the morning of Thursday 30 March, Ematum
According to a press release sent to Folha De workers demonstrated in front of one of the
Maputo, the campaign will run for 20 days and entrances to Maputo Port and demanded the
is aimed at encouraging hotel managers to offer payment of their January and February salaries,
quality services that guarantee attractive as well as the payment of the thirteenth month
competition in the sector. bonus.
“The campaign, which in this first phase focuses The workers also revealed to journalists that the
on the city and province of Maputo, is carried salary deductions made by the company for
out door-to-door, in an attempt to raise social security contributions have not been
awareness of compliance with the requirements channelled to the INSS.
established by law, within the scope of a hotel
classification exercise”, the statement reads. Due to lack of payment, many workers in a
difficult financial situation and are unable to pay
Source: Folha de Maputo rent or afford to provide for their children.
Other: The workers also say that they have had no
contact with the company’s management and
Minister Diogo launches revision of Labour that the employer is never available to talk to
Law and Mechanisms for Contracting them.
Foreign Citizens
Reporters went to the Ematum headquarters in
On Tuesday 28 March, the Minister of Labour, Maputo on Thursday, but it was not possible to
Employment and Social Security, Vitória Diogo, obtain a reaction from the company’s
arrived in Niassa Province where she chaired management due to the fact that no employees
the first meeting of the Labour Law revision were in the office.
Source: O País
During the course of her four-day working visit
to the Province, the Minister also acquainted
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According to UNDP data, the living situation while the number of Mozambicans living on the
in Mozambique became worse during national poverty line has remained at 54.7%, the
President Nyusi’s first year in office number of citizens living on the new global
poverty line (adjusted from US$1 to US$1.9)
In an article published this week by @Verdade, has increased from 60.7% to 68.7%. In addition,
the author claimed that, according to data the 2015 HDI was corroborated by official
presented in the Human Development Index statistics which indicate that the number of poor
(HDI) – announced last week by the United people in Mozambique (even before the
Nations Development Programme (UNDP) – discovery of illegal loans that precipitated the
during the first year of President Filipe Nyusi’s economic crisis) had increased. In addition,
governance (and even before the discovery of according to the Human Development Index,
the illegal loans), the living situation in gender inequality in Mozambique continues to
Mozambique worsened. When the President, increase, with advantage for men. Nearly 1.5-
who claims that the people of Mozambique are billion people in developing countries live in
his boss, said in the balance sheet of his first what the UNDP calls multidimensional poverty,
year as head of state that the “state of the an index that takes into account factors such as
nation was not satisfactory but not bad” few access to clean water, fuel and health services,
Mozambicans believed the evaluation. as well as household and other items.
The HDI (prepared using data from 2015) Evidence of Mozambique’s poor development in
shows that the situation in Mozambican multidimensional poverty concerns diarrheal
worsened that year. Not only does Mozambique diseases (especially cholera, which plagues
continue to hold the position of one of the 10 thousands of Mozambicans every year). If all
worst countries in the world (out of the 188 Mozambicans had access to piped drinking
evaluated by the UNDP), it also fell from 180th water (and not only 17%, as is currently the
place in 2014 to 181st place in 2015: the “Pearl case) and conventional bathrooms, these
of the Indian Ocean” was overtaken by Sierra diseases would no longer be a cyclical health
Leone. Worse than Mozambique is the Central problem. It is said that the President is
African Republic, Niger, Chad, Burkina Faso, proposing to increase access to piped water to
Burundi, Guinea and South Sudan. Overall 22% by the end of his term, but the sanitation
human development in Mozambique has situation will likely remain largely the same –
stagnated, life expectancy continues to be 55.5 only 3% of the population has a conventional
years old and the average age at which children bathroom and 14% have toilets connected to
leave school remains at 9.1 years. But what fell septic tanks.
sharply was the per capita income of
Mozambicans, which went from US$1,123 to Source: @Verdade
only US$1,098. The UNDP Index reveals that
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President Nyusi in further phone contact time, but is now focused on preparing the
with Dhlakama bases. Renamo says that the preparation of the
cadres will be the party’s priority for the next few
On Friday 24 March, President Filipe Nyusi told months.
reporters that he has once again been in
telephone contact with the leader of the Source: O País
Renamo rebels, Afonso Dhlakama, this time in
order to clarify an incident which had EU wants to support 2018 and 2019 elections
supposedly taken place in Murrupula district, in in Mozambique
the northern province of Nampula. Last week
some of the Mozambican media had reported The EU has expressed its readiness to support
the kidnapping of a teacher in Morrupula by the upcoming local and legislative elections in
Renamo gunmen, and claimed that this was a Mozambique, even though the National
violation of the truce that Dhlakama had Elections Commission (Comissão Nacional de
declared in late December, and subsequently Eleições, CNE) has not yet requested budget
extended (twice) until May. support for the MT900-million needed.The EU
ambassador to Mozambique, Sven Kühn von
As such, President Nyusi decided to look into Burgsdorff, says the bloc will continue to
the matter on Tuesday by asking Dhlakama for support Mozambique, even in the context of the
his version of events. Speaking to reporters who United Kingdom leaving.
were attending the National Forum on
Agricultural Marketing, held on Friday in Ambassador von Burgsdorff was speaking on
Mocuba (Zambézia Province), President Nyusi Friday 24 March, at celebrations in Maputo of
said he had ascertained that the teacher had the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, the
simply removed tree trunks on a path that led to European Union’s founding document.
a Renamo military base. Ambassadors present at the event, representing
the 28 members of the European Union, said
The teacher was merely seeking to ensure that the bloc should focus on social aspects in
normal freedom of movement in that part of the support they provide to Mozambique. The
Murrupula. But he had not informed the local European Union is based on the principles of
Renamo commander, and so members of the peace, democracy, social justice, and was
Renamo militia assumed that he was working created after the two world wars.
for the Defence and Security Forces. The
Source: O País
teacher, who is a local village headman, was
released after the Renamo gunmen concluded
Peace and financial crisis dominate
that his motive was indeed to ensure freedom of
Zambézia Provincial Assembly
movement. “He has now left captivity, and the
people who had fled from their homes have The need to achieve effective peace in the
returned to their normal lives”, said President country, the negative impact of the financial
Nyusi. By and large the truce, arranged in the crisis on household budgets and the country’s
earlier phone contacts between the President so-called ‘hidden debts’ were themes that
and Dhlakama, is holding. Since it took effect, dominated Wednesday’s Fifth Ordinary Session
on 27 December, no further Renamo ambushes of the Zambézia Provincial Assembly, with
of vehicles on the country’s roads have been members seeking solutions to the current
reported, and there have been no clashes situation. The members of this representative
between Renamo and The Defence and body in Zambézia had as one of the main points
Security Forces. the debate and approval of the Economic and
Social Plan (Plano Económico e Social, PES)
Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique
for this year – a fundamental instrument for the
Renamo guarantees that it will be ready for functioning of the government and the
the next elections materialisation of the programmes of
During a two-day meeting in the city of Beira
(Sofala Province), the Renamo Party discussed The Frelimo and Renamo representatives of the
strategies and trained members of the provincial government both highlighted the
province’s Electoral Affairs Office. The members understanding reached between President
of Afonso Dhlakama’s party say that this time, Filipe Nyusi and Afonso Dhlakama in the search
the will of the people will be materialised, which for solutions to the conflict, by creating
is to see Renamo in power. During the course of specialised commissions to deal with political-
2015 and 2016, the party did not fully partake in administrative decentralisation and military
political activity, being involved in military issues.
confrontations with the government. The
The president of the Zambézia Provincial
Renamo Secretary General, Manuel Bissopo,
Assembly, Betinho Jaime, said in his speech
acknowledges that, politically, the party lost
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that the two parties should take advantage of territories coincide with municipalities, MDM’s
the second extension of the truce to reach Luther Simango saying it is a waste of human
consensus as quickly as possible, with a view of and financial resources to have two authorities
restoring an effective peace that allows for the in the same place. The MDM suggestion raised
movement of people and goods and promote heated debate in the fourth parliamentary
political development, social and economic of commission. Lucas Chomera, president of the
the country. He emphasised the role of the Commission, told the head of the MDM bench
President and the Renamo leader in their efforts that the problem of competencies in districts
to bring peace, and called for the highest level and municipalities should be resolved not by the
of understanding to serve as the foundation disbandment of districts, but rather by the
which should characterise the debates of the reinforcement of supervision. The Commission’s
session in which the government will present its rapporteur, António Muchanga, supported
Economic and Social plan this year. Chomera, saying that it does not make sense to
abolish districts, because within them there are
He admitted that the financial crisis is affecting district courts which would be set adrift. The
the lives of families, public and private MDM proposal will now go to the plenary
institutions and, consequently, the economy of assembly session for debate by all MPs.
the province of Zambézia, where the purchasing
power of citizens has drastically reduced. Hw Source: O País
subsequently warned that the crisis can only be
overcome with everyone’s involvement. More on the co-operation agreements signed
Frelimo’s head, Hilário da Costa, highlighted by Mozambique and Germany
President Nyusi’s commitment and the way in
which he has been facilitating open initiatives On Friday 24 March, Mozambique and
that could result in effective peace. Da Costa Germany signed technical and financial accords
commended the President’s commitment to establishing support for the sectors of
finding solutions to the financial crisis education, sustainable economic development,
responsible for the high cost of living. and public finances. The accords were signed
by Mozambican Foreign Minister Oldemiro Balói
“In this session we should have the opportunity and the German ambassador Detlev Wolter.
to discuss concrete ideas aimed at solving the This follows negotiations last year between the
people’s problems in the most varied areas of two governments, which resulted in pledges
socio-economic, political and cultural life, as from the German side to grant €118.6-million for
well as initiatives that encourage development”, the three sectors.
he said. Renamo's chief of staff, Noé Mavereca,
argued that the ongoing political dialogue Germany will also provide an additional €39-
should bring concrete responses, including million to finance a power transmission line
political-administrative decentralisation and between Mozambique and neighbouring
military issues. Mavereca deplored the fact that Malawi, as well as supporting short-term
this session took place before the members of electricity projects in Mozambique. Speaking at
the assembly maintained contact with the the signing ceremony, Minister Balói said that
citizens to listen to their main problems and the German financial support would spur on the
expectations. This year's Executive Economic government to redouble its efforts to implement
and Social Plan highlights the increase in the projects. He noted, “our sincere appreciation
agricultural production to seven-million tons, for the friendship, solidarity, and support that the
construction of sanitary units, increased German government has shown since our
coverage of water supply and other independence, particularly during the most
interventions aimed at improving human capital. difficult times”.
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President Nyusi marks centenary of Barue President Nyusi travels to Manica for
revolt working visit
On Tuesday 28 March, President Filipe Nyusi On Monday 27 March, President Filipe Nyusi
urged Mozambicans to honour the heroes of the arrived in Manica Province on a working visit.
Barue Revolt, which broke out exactly a century Shortly after arriving in the province, the
ago, in March 1917, for the courage, unity, President presided over the inauguration
determination and daring they had shown. ceremony of the Mavuzi Hydroelectric Power
Station in Nhaurombe, Sussundenga district. In
The revolt, sparked off by the Portuguese Chimoio’s Tembwe district, the President
colonial regime’s demand for forced labour, inaugurated a distance learning centre before
erupted on 27 March 1917. Centred on what is joining celebrations of the Báruè Revolt in the
now Barue district (Manica Province), the Sanhathuze neighbourhood, Catandica village,
rebellion attacked Portuguese positions Báruè district. On Tuesday 28 March, the
throughout the Zambezi Valley, and united President inaugurated the Makombe Monument.
several ethnic groups against the colonial
occupying force. The President was accompanied by the
Ministers of Culture and Tourism, Silva
It took the Portuguese until 1920 to extinguish Dunduru, and Mineral Resources and Energy,
the flames of revolt. President Nyusi Leticia da Silva Deusina Klemens; Deputy
inaugurated a monument in the Barue district Ministers of Education and Human
capital, Catandica, to the Makombe, the most Development, Armindo Ngunga, and of Culture
prominent of the traditional ruling families that and Tourism, Ana Comoana, and staff from
led the revolt. other state institutions.
“Just like the people of Barue, we should revolt Source: Rádio Moçambique
against everything that brings us disunity,
against everything which prevents us from President Nyusi travels to Niassa on working
progressing economically and socially, and we visit
should take control of the reins of our history”,
declared President Nyusi. On Thursday 30 March, President Filipe Nyusi
arrived in Niassa Province on a working visit,
“Let us be the masters of our own destiny”. during which he learned about the activities
Paying tribute to the heroes of past resistance, under way under the government’s Economic
he added, meant “solidarity, reconciliation and and Social Plan. The head of state inaugurated
peaceful coexistence among Mozambicans”. the new Provincial Directorate of Labour,
Employment and Social Security building, and
He praised the heroes of the Barue Revolt for visited various economic enterprises including
daring to fight against a much better equipped D.D Farming, a company which runs a
army, and never vacillating in their struggle. “We macadamia plantation, the Indústria de
are here to do justice to our own history”, he Farinação de Milho and the Niassa Industria
declared. Alimentar.
“The dream of our ancestors was to see us all The President was expected to meet with the
free. 25 June 1975 (the date of Mozambican local population extensively over the course of
independence) was the result of our wanting to his working visit. President Nyusi was
be free and independent, an ideal that began accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs
right from the early days of the attempts to Oldemiro Balói; the Minister of Agriculture and
implant the Portuguese colonial system in Food Security, José Pacheco; the Minister of
Mozambique”. Labour, Employment and Social Security,
Vitória Diogo; and members of staff of the
Thus the date of Mozambican independence presidency and other state institutions.
was also “the day of the victory of the Barue
Revolt”. Source: Folha de Maputo
“This is the reading of continuity that we should President Nyusi travels to Inhambane on
make of our past”, added the President, “where working visit
we look on the facts that led to a more
structured form of nationalism in Mozambique. On Friday 31 March, President Filipe Nyusi
These are the corner stones of the arrived in Inhambane for a two-day working
strengthening of our peace, our sovereignty and visit. During his visit, the President inaugurated
our national unity”. the new Sentidos Beach Resort tourist complex
in Praia da Barra and visited various Inhambane
Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique neighbourhoods effected by cyclone Dineo.
Tropical cyclone Dineo totally destroyed 33,712
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houses and damaged another 71,526. It also Nations to this end”. In this regard, the Council
destroyed nearly 2,000 classrooms, and killed at calls on the Chairperson of the AU Commission,
least seven people, injuring a further 96, 15 Moussa Faki Mahamat, to take the necessary
seriously. steps to enable the AU High Representative to
assume his mandate immediately.
Approximately 62,382 hectares of crops
(including maize, beans, rice, peanuts, manioc, The African body calls upon all AU member
sweet potatoes, manioc and various horticultural states, in the spirit of pan-Africanism and in
crops) were destroyed in 30 districts of Manica, accordance with the provisions of the
Sofala, Inhambane, Gaza and Maputo. During Constitutive Act, to mobilise and provide other
the trip, President Nyusi was accompanied by forms of political and diplomatic support to
the Minister of Culture and Tourism, Silva Joaquim Chissano, to facilitate direct talks,
Dunduru; Deputy Minister of State furthermore calling on the AU Commission to
Administration and Public Service, Roque Silva; take immediate steps to reopen the AU Office in
Director General of the INGC, Osvaldo El Aaiun (Western Sahara), including the
Machatine and staff of the presidency and other provision of human and financial resources and
state institutions. the necessary logistical means.
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High Risk
Low Risk
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The following graphs relate to the political and security incidents in Mozambique recorded
from 01/01/2016 to 31/03/2017.
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Police give truce positive assessment Although Abrão’s murderers are not known,
political assassinations were one of the
The PRM is taking a generally positive view of hallmarks during the confrontations between the
the three-month truce between the Mozambican Mozambican Defence Forces and Renamo in
government and Renamo, but notes that “the the wake of political violence that followed the
Defence and Security Forces’ mission did not general elections of 2014 until the truce came
stop” with the declaration of peace. into force in December.
In an interview with Lusa, the spokesperson for Source: Lusa
the General Command of the PRM, Inácio Dina,
said that the Defence and Security Forces have Renamo accuses the FADM of kidnapping
an “ongoing mission to ensure public order and three of its members from Nampula Province
tranquillity”, and a mandate covering the whole
national territory. On Friday 31 March, Renamo accused the
Defence and Security Forces of abducting three
“In places where there is a certain risk with of its members from the Mogovolas district
regard to the movement of people, people (Nampula Province).
deserve to feel safe”, he said, noting that since
December, when the truce was announced, the According to Renamo spokesperson, António
Mozambican authorities had not registered any Muchanga, the alleged abduction took place on
incidents, although Renamo has made claims Thursday 30 March, and since then only one of
alluding to several attacks allegedly carried out the victims has been released.
by the Defence and Security Forces.
Muchanga told reporters that Defence and
“Since the cessation (of hostilities) was Security Force personnel had travelled to the
declared, citizens are moving about normally party's headquarters in Macusse where they
and there is no threat”, Dina said, adding that kidnapped the local head of mobilisation, Inês
peace benefited all Mozambicans and is thus Manuel, and his two companions.
important to preserve.
The three Renamo members were allegedly
Dina also said that the Mozambican police taken to the nearby forest where Manuel was
would continue to work to reduce possible released after giving his abductors MT10,000
threats to the security and stability of the (approximately €140, at current exchange
population in the region, calling for the co- rates).
operation of all parties in the maintenance of
peace in the country. “They demanded that each of the three pay
MT10,000. As only Inês Manuel paid, he was
“We continue to work normally, as authorities released, and the other two members of the
who have been given the power to guarantee party are still missing”, said Muchanga.
public order, security and tranquillity”, the he
said. The case has since been reported to the local
Source: Lusa
Source: Observador
Unknown individuals kill Renamo official in
Tsangano Vietnam and Mozambique foster defence co-
On Thursday 23 March, unknown individuals
killed Renamo’s head of organisation in the Vietnam attaches importance to the traditional
Tsangano district (Tete Province), João Abrão. relationship with Mozambique and wishes to
promote multi-faceted co-operation between the
According to Renamo spokesperson, António nations, particularly in national defence, said a
Muchanga, the head of the Renamo senior officer.
organisation in Tete was abducted at night in
the locality of Mapanje, by people who were Vietnam’s Deputy Minister of Defence, Sen. Lt.
transported in a white vehicle. Gen. Nguyen Chi Vinh, made this statement
during his meeting with Mozambique Defence
Abrão’s body was found riddled with bullets in Minister Atanásio Ntumuke as part of his two-
the Nhodola mountain, a few meters from the day visit to the country on 27 and 28 March.
village of Tsangano.
Deputy Minister Vinh, who led a senior
As of Friday 24 March, the Mozambican police delegation of the Vietnam Defence Ministry on a
had not yet commented on the incident. visit to Mozambique, briefed the Minister on the
outcomes of his talks with his host counterpart.
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Echoing the Vietnamese officer’s opinion, Davies Chama and Stephen Kapyongo,
Minister Ntumuke said Mozambique has respectively.
continuously valued the relationship between
the two nations. He hailed the outcomes of the With regard to the fight against drugs, the MoU
talks between the two sides and expected that includes combating and curbing the production,
defence relations will continue developing in a distribution, marketing and illegal use of
more practical and effective manner. narcotics and other psychotropic substances. It
will also encourage and facilitate the
Meanwhile, the Chief of the General Staff of the development of a framework for institutional
Mozambique Army, General Graca Tomas capacity-building in a number of areas, including
Chonggo, said Mozambique considers Vietnam drug testing, sharing of drug trafficking
a comrade and a friend. information, use of sniffer dogs, and counselling
and rehabilitation programmes for dependent
The army and the people of Mozambique have persons.
treasured and wished to promote the friendship
between the two sides, he said. Deputy Minister With regard to the area of migration, the parties
Vinh said that Vietnam has continuously kept in agree to co-operate in the areas of institutional
mind the support that Mozambique provided for capacity building, infrastructure construction,
the nation during the struggle for liberation and Migration Officer training, and experience
reunification. exchange on any immigration issues that may
impact the stability of either state. The two
The party, state, people and army of Vietnam countries also agreed to harmonise border
will make increasing efforts to nurture and boost management practices in the areas of
the traditional friendship with Mozambique, he information technology and to harmonise the
said. formalities of deportation procedures, in
accordance with the laws of the two countries.
Earlier, the Vietnamese Deputy Minister
engaged in talks with his counterpart, Patricio In addition, the agreement facilitates the transit
José. The two sides agreed that the bilateral of prohibited immigrants in each country, when
defence co-operation has gained fruitful they are removed or deported, as well as the
achievements in recent time. facilitation of the movement of people between
the two countries.
Deputy Minister Vinh suggested that the two
sides continue implementing the Memoranda of Mozambique and Zambia will also co-operate in
Understanding (MoU) on defence co-operation combating the criminal activities of border
signed in 2011 and develop a five-year plan to violators, such as irregular migration, smuggling
concretise the co-operation fields in an effective and trafficking in human beings and terrorism,
manner. and other related matters of mutual concern.
During their stay, the delegation visited Movitel, The Border Determination Special Committee
a joint venture between the military-run group of (BDSC) appointed by the Swaziland King, says
Viettel and its partner in Mozambique. his country has the right to claim parts of the
territory of Mozambique and South Africa,
Source: Vietnamnet including the capital of the latter, Pretoria.
Mozambique and Zambia agree to prioritise “The country’s original borders show that it was
the fight against drugs and illegal demarcated by the Limpopo River in the north
immigration and by the Mkhuze River in the south, so the
city now known as Pretoria belongs to
During the course of the week 17 to 24 March, Swaziland and the city then known as
Mozambique and Zambia signed two Sophiatown was inhabited by the Swazis. Our
Memoranda of Understanding with a view to history is complete and we can show that King
improve aspects of migration and drug control. Ngwane III was the first to cross the Lubombo
Mountains, which gives us the right to reclaim
The agreements were ratified at the IX Session some land from modern Mozambique”, the
of the Permanent Joint Commission on Defence Swazi Observer quotes committee member
and Security held in Livingstone (Zambia). The Prince Sicelo as saying.
agreements were signed by Mozambique’s
Interior Minister, Jaime Monteiro, and by The article does not explain which portion of
Zambia’s Defence and Home Affairs Ministers territory the King of Swaziland claims but details
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that the committee’s first meeting on Monday 27 Malawi and Mozambique police bring peace
March “put the cards on the table and revealed to Lizulu after violent protests against
that its mandate, as instructed by King Mswati Burundians
II, was to recover for the Swazis all the land lost
during the colonial era, to the east, west, north The Mozambican and Malawian police
and south, extending as far as Pretoria and the managed to restore peace at an agricultural
Limpopo Province”. trading centre after a violent protest recently
broke out against Burundians who allegedly
“The shrinking of Swaziland was the result of killed a woman in the area.
the arrival of white settlers, various
concessions, treaties and conventions, and the The Ntcheu police spokesperson said that one
country becoming a state under British person was shot at by the Mozambican police
protectorate”, Swaziland’s Attorney-General, and is currently receiving treatment at Dedza
‘Loyal Eagle’ Thabiso Masina, argues. District Hospital.
Masina said that “the basis of the country for He said the violence was mainly on the
this claim are the concessions” and added that Mozambique side at the trading centre, which
“the Swazis were never defeated in war, to have cuts through Malawi and Mozambique.
a land to be claimed by the winner”.
“Rioters broke into shops belonging to
Outlining the geographical history of the country Burundians and looted items. The riots started
since the mid-eighteenth century, Sicelo on the Mozambican side and spread to the
stressed that: “it is imperative for the Swazis to Malawi side but we have managed to stop it.
know where they came from and [about] the Our colleagues from Mozambique also came to
legacy they have lost over the years”. bring calm”, he said.
Swaziland is bordered by Mozambique in the He said the police were yet to arrest the rioters,
south, and is the only remaining absolute saying investigations were under way to bring to
monarchy in Africa. It has been repeatedly book the perpetrators.
criticised for violation of human rights and the
squandering of wealth by the royal family Traffic on the M1 Road at Lizulu was affected in
against a background of the extreme poverty the morning as the rioters became violent.
which affects the majority of the population.
Source: Nyasa Times
Source: Lusa/Club of Mozambique
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Mozambican police extend investigation into avoiding statements that might “disrupt
disappearance of Portuguese businessman investigations”.
Speaking to Lusa earlier this month, Portuguese
On Friday 24 March, the Mozambican police Foreign Minister Augusto Santos Silva said that
announced that it has extended investigations the Portuguese authorities were “very
into the disappearance of the Portuguese concerned” about the lack of information on the
businessman (who was kidnapped eight months Portuguese citizen’s location.
ago) throughout the entire country and now has
the support of authorities from neighbouring “The Portuguese authorities – the president and
countries. the government – are very concerned, as is
their duty, about the disappearance of a fellow
In an interview with Lusa, Mozambican police citizens in Mozambique, especially since,
spokesperson, Inácio Dina, said that the case several months later, we have no concrete
previously confined to the centre of the country, information as to the fate or whereabouts of this
where the man went missing, is now a national man”, Augusto Santos Silva said on the side-
priority. lines of the inauguration of the Monaco
principality office.
“We have extended investigations nationwide
and we also have help from neighbouring Previously, the Portuguese Ministry of Foreign
countries”, Dina said, noting that Mozambique is Affairs said that the Mozambican Interior
part of the Southern African Police Organisation Minister told President Marcelo Rebelo de
and Interpol, entities that have “contributed a Sousa and Prime Minister António Costa, “that
lot” to the clarification of complex crimes in the the Mozambican authorities were continuing to
past. investigate the matter of the missing Portuguese
The Portuguese businessman has been missing
for eight months after being abducted by Source: Lusa/Club of Mozambique
unknown individuals somewhere in the
Gorongosa district (Sofala Province), a region Fake Mozambican doctor arrested trying to
for a long time marked by confrontations cross into Zimbabwe with “unauthorised
between the Defence and Security Forces and medical equipment”
the armed wing of Renamo.
A Mozambican man who pretended to be a
In an interview with the weekly newspaper medical practitioner was recently fined US$300
Canal de Moçambique, Renamo leader Afonso after he was found in possession of medical
Dhlakama accused members of the Defence equipment at an illegal crossing point near the
and Security Forces of kidnapping the Marymount Teachers’ College (Zimbabwe).
Portuguese businessman, adding that
attributing the disappearance to Renamo was Franciso Sozinetto Melo was apprehended
“cheap propaganda”. while trying to illegally cross into Zimbabwe with
unauthorised medical equipment which he
“According to reports, the man went to the petrol claimed was for professional use as he was a
station to fill up his car, and the FADM forces health assistant in Chimoio (Manica Province).
arrived and they picked him up, as if it was a
joke. Everyone saw it”, Dhlakama said. He pleaded guilty to the charges.
Asked about the Renamo statements, Dina said Mutare magistrate, Innocent Bepura, heard the
that the police’s main concern at the moment is matter.
to ensure that the Portuguese man gets back to
Public prosecutor, Fletcher Karombe, told the
his family, and that there are “specialised teams
court that on 15 March at approximately
on the ground and they are the ones that must
8.30hrs, Constable Lungube Evance was in the
company of Private Ndou of the Zimbabwe
“Any citizen, national or foreign, who has any National Army on general patrol duties along the
information relevant to the clarification of a Zimbabwe-Mozambique border when they
particular crime, should come forward and caught the accused person on the Zimbabwean
present it to the competent authorities”, Dina side.
said. In an investigation like this, the authorities
They stopped him and escorted him to
“did not rule out any possibility”, he added.
Marymount Base where they searched his
“It is the state’s wish to see this case solved”, satchel. The law enforcement agents found him
Dina concluded, calling for calm and for in possession of medical equipment that he was
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trying to smuggle into Zimbabwe. Bepura asked IURD pastor accused of human trafficking
Melo about the equipment and he said he was a
medical assistant who wanted to help cholera A pastor of the Universal Church of the
and HIV patients in Chimoio. Kingdom of God (Universal do Reino de Deus,
IURD), based in the Maxixe district (Inhambane
“Your Worship, I am health assistant in Province), was recently arrested on charges of
Mozambique and all this equipment and attempted human trafficking in the Massinga
medicine is to help my grandmother who is HIV district. According to reports, the pastors’ four
positive”, he said. would-be victims included people with albinism,
a dwarf and a “blue-eyed woman”.
He failed to produce proof to bolster his claims
and was subsequently charged with violating A church employee and two members of the
Section 29(1) (a) of the Medical Allied church were also arrested in connection with the
Substances Control Act. case. The police told reporters that the arrests
were possible thanks to the denunciation on the
Source: Bulawayo 24 part of the population.
Inhambane: Source: Folha de Maputo/Rádio Moçambique/Jornal
Corruption in Inhambane: more
than MT20-million diverted from Maputo:
state coffers in 2016
Counterfeiters use children in
In Inhambane Province, some Maputo
MT21-million was diverted from
state coffers in 2016 by civil A judge of the Maputo City
servants. Juvenile Court, Maria Oliveira,
recently said that some currency
The withdrawal of funds from the public purse counterfeiters use children to
took place mainly from within the district bring false bills on to the market.
governments, municipal councils and the
sectors of education and health. According to Oliveira, most children do so
“innocently” and at the behest of criminals. She
The Anti-Corruption Office in Inhambane has urged parents and the community to avoid
initiated criminal cases against those involved. involving minors in criminal acts.
In the scope of the investigations carried out by According to Oliveira, in Maputo, the Juvenile
the institution, 12 people were implicated in the Court has been meeting with the police, Maputo
act of corruption and arrested, resulting in the municipal council and international partners in
recovery of just over MT230,000. order to find mechanisms to penalise these
children without violating their rights.
Simai Lundzo, a spokesperson for the Provincial
Office of Anti-Corruption in Inhambane, said that A statistical study, conducted by the Juvenile
in recent years there are many officials who Court, indicates that in Maputo, the
“navigate” the state’s coffers, a situation that neighbourhoods of Maxaquene, Polana Caniço
worries the institution. and Chamanculo have the highest number of
children in conflict with the law.
Source: Rádio Moçambique
Source: Rádio Moçambique
Man arrested for murdering his father in
Inhambane Police foil robbery in Matola
On Tuesday 21 March, a 31-year-old man Two suspects were arrested during the course
(identified as E. Mechisso) was arrested on of the week 17 to 24 March on charges of
charges of murder. attempting to rob an unnamed Matola company
of MT3-million.
According to reports, Mechisso beat his father
to death with a stick and hung his body from a According to the detainees, they planned the
cashew tree in an attempt to disguise the robbery with the help of a security guard hired to
murder as a suicide. protect the company in question.
Neighbours immediately called the police, who The robbery was subsequently foiled by the
arrested Mechisso as he attempted to escape. police and the men were arrested.
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Two kidnapping suspects shot dead by Three arrested in connection with theft at
police in Matola Zimpeto National Stadium
On Friday 31 March, the PRM shot dead two The Maputo PRM recently arrested three youths
men in the municipality of Matola. The two men in connection with the theft of office supplies
(identified as F. Jose Huo and C. José from the Zimpeto National Stadium (Estádio
Nhalungo) were suspects in kidnapping cases Nacional do Zimpeto). The theft in question
which took place in the cities of Maputo and occurred during the course of last week. Two of
Matola. According to Notícias, Nhalungo was the detainees were employed by a security
company. The three men stole three monitors,
also known as ‘Tiano’, and is believed to be the
two computers, two keyboards and a tablet.
ringleader of the kidnap gang.
One of the detainees has already confessed to
According to the PRM spokesperson for his involvement in the robbery.
Maputo, Fernando Manhiça, the third member,
Source: Magazine Independente
whose identity is not yet known, managed to
escape during the shootout. Adolescent car wash attendant arrested for
car theft
The two suspects died during an exchange of
fire between the police and the three individuals, On Monday 27 March, a 17-year-old employee
following a police chase that had started in of a car wash facility in Maputo Province was
Maputo city, where the suspects lived. arrested for stealing a Toyota Corolla from one
of his customers. According to reports, the
According to the authorities, the group is
detainee (identified as A. Júnior) was entrusted
responsible for a number of kidnappings that with the vehicle and its keys after the car was
took place at the end of last year (2016). brought in for a wash. At approximately
The suspects were in a Toyota Corolla with a 10:00hrs, Júnior disappeared with the vehicle
South African number plate. The vehicle has and was later arrested by the PRM. The car was
recovered and returned to its owner.
since been seized by the police who are
working to identify and apprehend other According to Paulo Nazaré, a police
elements of the gang. According to Notícias, the spokesperson assigned to the Maputo City
bodies were removed to the morgue of the Command, this is the second case in less than
Provincial Hospital of Matola. a week whereby a car has been stolen using the
same modus operandi. Car owners are
Source: O País/Folha de Maputo/Jornal
encouraged not to leave their keys with car
Notícias/Club of Mozambique
washers because vehicle thefts from car wash
Fake FADM officer arrested in Maputo companies are becoming increasingly frequent
in Maputo.
The PRM of Maputo Province recently arrested
26-year-old Passuel Paulo on charges of Júnior told the police that he did not steal the
robbery and of impersonating a FADM officer. car, insisting that the vehicle belonged to his
employer of six years, who had asked him to
Paulo, who lives in the Mahotas neighbourhood, wash the car. On realising that the vehicle was
was arrested in possession of a pair of too dirty for the company’s facilities, Júnior took
handcuffs, a military uniform and a machete. the car to a specialised car cleaning company.
Júnior maintains his innocents and says he was
The detainee denied being a member of the surprised by his arrest.
famous “homem-catana”, and maintained that at
no time did he wear the military uniform to Source: Jornal Notícias
commit robberies or assaults. He claimed to
merely like having the uniform in his house
because he appreciates the look of it. Would-be kidnappers arrested
in Nampula
The arrest took place after Paulo’s father
reported him to the police for allegedly stealing Three suspects have been
the uniforms from a neighbour. arrested in the city of Nampula
on charges of armed robbery and
Paulo confessed to the police that he smokes
attempted abduction. According
marijuana and has committed at least two
to reports, the three men
robberies in the past, one of which targeted his
attempted to kidnap a
own brother.
Mozambican national of Indian descent.
Source: @Verdade
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During the arrest, the PRM seized two firearms, “One day he came to my house and said he
ammunition and two vehicles. One of the wanted to buy cooking oil. When I went inside to
detainees told reporters that he was arrested get a bottle to give him, he stole the container
after the police found two guns in the car that he with all my merchandise and ran away”, she
was being transported in, claiming not to know lamented.
where the guns came from or what they were
used for. Most dangerous neighbourhoods:
“The weapons are not mine, I was only ordered In the city of Nampula, residents say the
to take the person [the kidnap victim] because Namicopo, Namutequeliua and Mutauanha
he was armed”, he said. According to Zacarias neighbourhoods are worst affected areas with
Nacute, a spokesperson for the Nampula PRM, regard to robberies and attacks, both residential
the suspects travelled from Maputo to Nampula and on the streets. Sara said that: “motorcycle
with the sole purpose of kidnapping the victim. taxi drivers here in Nampula are getting more
The gang leader is said to still be in Maputo. and more involved in crime”. The boldness of
the criminals is so great that, according to the
Source: @Verdade saleswoman, they “abduct people from their
homes and at night return to steal their
Mozambican police seize three tons of property”.
precious stones in Nampula province
Concerned about increasing criminal activity,
The PRM announced the seizure of three tons Mutauanha residents are demanding that the
of precious stones from illegal mining activities police take action. “If they [police officers] are
in the northern province of Nampula. Speaking actually working, we haven’t seen them, so we
at a weekly police press conference, PRM are asking for them to be on the alert with these
General Command spokesperson, Inácio Dina, motor taxis, otherwise the crimes will just go
said that the precious stones were seized in the on”, she said.
possession of illegal miners, during a campaign
conducted by the authorities against the illegal Alert:
extraction of ores.
Motor taxi driver Victor Ernesto, who works in
“In areas where there is a mining activity with a Nampula, reports that there are people posing
high incidence of illegal mining by unlicensed as motor taxi drivers and admits that some
individuals, day after day we have been working colleagues have engaged in criminal activities
to discourage this type of practice, making rather than earn an honest living. “As far as
arrests and seizing the product of illegal money goes, everybody’s got their own ideas,
extraction”, said Dina, without specifying the but there are also people of bad faith who lead
type of gems or the number of people arrested us on, unaware that there are [criminal]
in relation to the case. networks, and we are worried. Be especially
alert at night, because even the taxi drivers
In addition to Nampula, Dina pointed to the themselves have been forcibly taken from their
provinces of Cabo Delgado, and Zambézia and motorcycles by these miscreants”.
Manica as the ones with the highest occurrence
rate of illegal extraction of minerals. Illegal Local police spokesperson, Zacarias Nacute,
mining in Mozambique, carried out by nationals admitted to Deutsche Welle Africa that this new
and expatriates who are usually in the country modus operandi was on the rise but says the
illegally, is aimed at gold, rubies and emeralds. police had redoubled efforts to stop robberies
and assaults on citizens. “The Mozambique
Source: Lusa/Club of Mozambique police, together with the Municipal Council of
the City of Nampula, is continually conducting
New criminal tactic worries Nampula operations to check on the legality of motorised
residents vehicles”, Nacute said.
A new crime tactic has been sweeping the During the operations, the police check driving
capital of Nampula Province in recent months, licenses and the type of service provided by the
whereby thieves pass themselves off as motor motorcyclist. Police in Nampula have seized
taxi drivers, and subsequently assault and rob more than 150 motorbikes for lack of
citizens. Inhabitants are terrified and accuse the documents. Many of them were stolen and
police of inactivity, but the authorities insist that found in the possession of people claiming to be
they are fighting the criminals. motor taxi drivers. “We always query these
motorised vehicles. They can only be recovered
Vendor Sara Orlando lives in the Muataunha
through regularisation of documents and
neighbourhood and was recently robbed by a
presentation of a safety helmet”, he said.
man driving a motorcycle.
Source: Deutsche Welle/Club of Mozambique
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“We have to have effective justice, because the “There is a water shortage in Maputo city, but
dissatisfaction of the population will bring we have water in the prisons, because the
negative consequences, we have to work human condition of the people under our
effectively so that we avoid certain issues”, responsibility concerns us”, said Mussanhane.
reiterated Espada.
Evidence of the improved hygiene, he
For the president of the Mozambican Human continued, was that this year no cases of
Rights League, Alice Mabota, “The situation in cholera have been reported from any of the
Mozambique is bad because, in terms of prisons, including those located in cities where
executions … people are being killed daily”. there have been cholera outbreaks.
The Human Rights League and OAM have The researchers who compiled the report said
called for the strengthening of dialogue between they had found it difficult to obtain information
different entities working to preserve human from some public institutions. Ivete Mafundza,
rights in order to ensure greater synergy in the the chairperson of the OAM Human Rights
advocacy process. Commission, remarked “all reports on human
rights are questioned. People don’t like to hear
Meanwhile, the Minister of Justice, what is really happening”.
Constitutional and Religious Affairs, Isaque
Chande, said that the government has been “We asked for information from the institutions,
working with other organs of the administration but the information doesn’t reach us, particularly
of justice “and we have established, above all at from the police and from SERNAP”, Mafundza
the level of the provinces, what we call legality said. However, the OAM Commission itself had
committees that are will oversee the issues that visited various institutions and this first-hand
afflict the justice sector”. evidence was drawn upon for the report.
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Ireland supports UNICEF’s response to In Alto Molocue and Gurue districts, also in
Dineo Zambézia, heavy rains on Sunday caused soil
erosion that rendered several roads impassable.
The Irish government is donating €200,000 to
UNICEF to support the emergency response to Deputy Minister Saíde said that in Marracuene
cyclone Dineo, which hit Inhambane Province in district, about 30 kilometres north of Maputo, a
mid-February. Cyclone Dineo hit land on 15 major storm destroyed 175 houses on Friday 24
February with winds of up to 160 kilometres an March. The rains also destroyed three
hour. According to the provincial government, classrooms in Marracuene, seven shops, and
the cyclone affected over half a million people, one health unit. Two electricity pylons were
damaged 70 health units, and severely swept away.
damaged 2,200 classrooms. The worst-hit
towns were Inhambane, Maxixe, Massinga and This storm is why LAM cancelled its scheduled
Morrumbene. flight from Beira to Maputo on Friday night. LAM
staff in Beira told disgruntled passengers that
The Irish donation will support the emergency the weather in Maputo was so bad that the pilot
rehabilitation of key services including health, was refusing to take off.
education, and water and sanitation. The
support will last for six months. It aims to restore Although many passengers were scornful and
access to learning for 2,000 children through the claimed (without evidence) that there must be
repair of 20 classrooms, to restore drinking something wrong with the plane, Deputy
water to 25,000 residents in the suburbs of Minister Saíde’s Monday remarks indicate that
Maxixe and Inhambane through the emergency the pilot had very good reason not to attempt
repair to two water systems, and to restore flying through the storm to Maputo airport.
basic health services in the most affected
districts. Currently, the Deputy Minister added, mobile
platforms are being mobilised that will allow
Irish ambassador William Carlos commented, traffic to resume on damaged roads.
“cyclone Dineo has demonstrated how
vulnerable Mozambique is to natural disasters. Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique
However, we must now help people rebuild their
Another 505 water sources planned for five
lives and develop resilience to future events”.
This intervention is part of the Flash Appeal
recently issued by the United Nations in During the course of this year, the government
response to cyclone Dineo, aimed at mobilising of Zambézia will invest more than MT350-million
US$10.2-million and targeting 150,000 people for the construction of 505 new sources of water
over the next six months. supply in five districts, namely Namacurra,
Mulevala, Ile, Namarrói and Gilé. The new
So far, the Mozambican government and
infrastructure will directly benefit 1.7-million
humanitarian teams have provided tents and
supplies for maternity services in affected health
centres; fuel for emergency water pumping; This is according to an announcement made on
food and shelter kits for the most vulnerable Wednesday 22 March by the Zambezi
people; school tents and educational Provincial Director of Housing and Water
equipment; and have initiated food for work Resources, Graciano Artur, during a World
schemes to clear the roads of debris. Water Day ceremony.
Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique
This investment is primarily aimed at raising the
Three dead in torrential rain current water access coverage (49%) to over
60% in order to provide quality water to improve
Torrential rains in parts of Mozambique last quality of life.
week resulted in the deaths of at least three
people, according to the government However, Artur reiterated that Zambézia
spokesperson, Deputy Health Minister Province faces enormous challenges with
Mouzinho Saíde. regard to delivering water to communities due to
several factors, namely the population increase,
Speaking to reporters on Tuesday 28 March, dispersion of human settlements, poor
after the weekly meeting of the Council of management sources and resource scarcity.
Ministers (Cabinet), Deputy Minister Saíde said
that the deaths occurred in Morrumbala district, Currently 2.4-million people living in the
in the central province of Zambézia, when a provinces rural areas have access to water,
house collapsed taking the lives of three which corresponds to 70% of the more than
members of the same family. five-million inhabitants of Zambézia. In addition
to the five districts that will receive the new
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systems, the locality of Macuse in Namacurra The purpose of such a centre, President Nyusi
will have a small water supply system. said, is to facilitate access of the largest
possible number of Mozambicans to formal
The Namacurra district government provided education.
MT470,000 for the rehabilitation of the small
water supply system that was paralysed 40 “It is necessary to publicise the importance of
years ago. The system, which was inaugurated this centre, and its advantages in comparison
on the occasion of World Water Day, will with other forms of learning, so that new
provide water to 30,000 people and public and students will join”, the President added. “The
private institutions. participation of students in the various distance
learning programmes must be maintained. The
Source: Jornal Notícias effectiveness of the tutors must be guaranteed,
which implies identifying and training tutors with
President Nyusi inaugurates distance wide-ranging experience in teaching
learning centre methodologies and who have mastered
educational planning and supervision”.
On Monday 27 March, President Filipe Nyusi
inaugurated the Manica Provincial Distance “Aware of the importance of this type of
Learning Centre (CPEDM), in the provincial education in social inclusion, the government
capital, Chimoio. intends to set up more provincial distance
learning centres throughout the country”,
This is the third such centre in the country – the
pledged President Nyusi.
others are in Maputo, and in the northernmost
province of Niassa. The Manica provincial governor, Alberto
Mondlane, said that the recommendations left
Financed by the World Bank, the investment in
by the President imply greater responsibility for
the CPEDM amounts to MT112.3-million (about
all users of the centre. This responsibility should
US$1.7-million). It consists of an academic
be reflected in the final result, with the trainees
centre, an administrative sector, laboratories, a
acquiring skills that can make a difference in the
lecture theatre and a car park. The courses it
country’s development.
will provide include both basic and higher
education. Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique
Mozambique bans Brazilian meat imports Trade, Agriculture, and Health, and from the AT
had checked across the country to see what
On Thursday 30 March, the government Brazilian imports were being sold on the
announced a ban on the import of Brazilian Mozambican market. They found no meat
meat and of imported chickens from anywhere imports from Brazil. But between October and
in the world. The decision follows the Brazilian February 360 tons of Brazilian chickens (whole
federal police operation codenamed ‘Carne chickens and chicken pieces) had been
Fraca’ (‘Rotten Meat’) aimed at fighting imported. Most of these imports came from the
corruption and crimes against public health in companies BRF and Seara International, which
the Brazilian meat trade. had been cited in the ‘Carne Fraca’
The Brazilian police uncovered a scandal
whereby certain meat companies used food The government has decided to temporarily
additives (such as ascorbic acid or sodium suspend the import of all meat from Brazil, and
nitrate) to disguise the fact that their meat was all chickens from anywhere. Macamo explained
going rotten, or had passed its expiry date. that this is because Brazilian chickens are sent
all over the world, and are often re-packaged
These food additives are authorised for use in and re-exported. Thus, chickens labelled as
many countries, including Mozambique, and, from South Africa or from European countries
when used correctly, present no threat to the could, in reality, be Brazilian chickens.
health of consumers. But in Brazil the additives
were being used to disguise the true state of the Mozambican poultry producers have
meat, and make it appear fresh and thus fit for complained for years at what they regard as
human consumption. unfair competition from cheap Brazilian
chickens. Now they have an unexpected
At a Maputo press conference on Thursday, the opportunity to rise to the challenge and supply
National Director of Trade, Zulmira Macamo, the market without any Brazilian competition.
said a team from the Ministries of Industry and
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Macamo believed this is possible, with the major celebrations of World Tuberculosis Day, held
domestic poultry producers (in Maputo, Manica under the banner, ‘United to End Tuberculosis’.
and Nampula provinces) able to provide around
1,000 tons of chicken a month. Deputy Minister Saíde said 2016 was a year of
great impact in the fight against TB in the
As for the imported chickens already on sale, country, characterised by an increase of about
the head of the National Inspectorate of 18% in the notification of diagnosed cases,
Economic Activities (Instituto de Actividades which resulted in the growth of the reporting rate
Económicas, INAE), Maria Rita Freitas, said from 239 to 278 per 100,000 cases. “As a result
that 603 brigades had fanned out across the of the efforts undertaken, in 2016 we were able
country, finding Brazilian chickens on sale in to diagnose, notify and initiate the treatment of
every province except Niassa in the far north. 9,283 children infected with childhood
tuberculosis. Approximately 12% of the total
The inspectors seized a total of 526 tons of cases reported at national level were children.
imported chicken, valued at MT76.8-million This number is within the standards acceptable
(about US$1.15-million). These chickens have to the World Health Organization (WHO), which
been placed in sealed bags inside freezers, in recommends between 10% and 15%”, he said.
the care of the shops or other companies that
own them, while laboratory inspections are The Deputy Minister explained that the gains
undertaken. Samples have been sent for made are the result of a combination of efforts,
microbiological analysis in laboratories abroad, including the training of more “coughing
and the results are expected within a week. officers”, who help identify signs and symptoms
of the disease in waiting rooms of the health
If the samples find no health problems, the units, as well as co-ordination with the various
chickens can be unsealed and put back on sale. community actors, including practitioners of
But anything that is unfit for human consumption traditional medicine. There is also an increase in
will be destroyed. A spokesperson for the AT, the demand for hospitals and the simplification
Ariano Chauque, assured the press conference of the criteria for the use of the ‘Genexpert’
that the customs service, at all the border posts, rapid TB test, which is the first option in all
has been alerted to the situation, and that no places where the device exists.
chickens and no Brazilian meat will be allowed
to enter the country until the ban has been lifted. “We are aware that we need to improve
collaboration with the community in order to
The Brazilian Ambassador to Mozambique, increase the search for undiagnosed cases, but
Rodrigo Baena Soares, has since requested a also to improve and expand the action of
meeting with the Minister of Industry and “coughing officers” in order to increase the rate
Commerce of Mozambique, Ernesto Tonela, of diagnosis and decrease the waiting time for
with the intention of providing the necessary treatment”, Deputy Minister Saíde
clarifications with regard to the production of acknowledged. Despite these gains, TB
meat in that country. continues to be a threat to public health in the
country, especially drug resistant cases. Last
Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique/O year alone, 911 of drug-resistant TB were
Mozambique registers 154,000 new cases of According to Ivan Manhiça, director of the
tuberculosis every year National Tuberculosis Programme, the country
annually uses about US$8-million to US$9-
Mozambique has made significant progress in
million worth of drugs to treat the approximately
the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis
2,500 drug-resistant and 73,000 drug-sensitive
(TB), although it continues to register high rates
TB patients. “A patient with tuberculosis
of transmission of the disease with around
sensitive to the drug component costs about
154,000 new infections per year. The figures
US$100 and with resistant tuberculosis (under
were made public on Sunday 26 March in
the current regime) costs about US$2,000”, he
Maputo by the Deputy Minister of Health,
Mouzinho Saíde, speaking in the context of the
Source: Jornal Notícias/Club of Mozambique
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INAE closes establishments selling goods urged shopkeepers not to use cats in their
gnawed by rats attempts to control rodents.
The Mozambican government’s INAE has Since 1 January, INAE has ordered the closure
ordered the closure of establishments in Maputo of 38 restaurants, bakeries and shops, mainly
that continued to sell products which had been because of dangerous lack of hygiene. They are
gnawed by rats. Speaking at a Monday 27 allowed to reopen, once the INAE inspectors
March, press conference in Maputo, the INAE are satisfied that they have implemented the
General Inspector, Maria Rita Freitas, said that inspectors’ recommendations.
the owners of these establishments tried to hide
the activities of the rats, by taping over the holes “We cannot tolerate these establishments
made by the rodents’ teeth. continuing to operate without the minimum of
hygiene conditions”, declared Freitas.
“After a rat had penetrated the packaging of the
biscuits, the bread, the pasta or whatever, the Freitas was also concerned that legislation of
owners just put some sellotape over the hole 2011, which obliges importers to put labels in
and continued to sell the goods to the public”, the official language, Portuguese, on imported
she accused. goods, is not being respected.
Freitas said this was a serious threat to public “Any consumer wants to know what he is
health. “If we eat something where a rat has buying”, said Freitas. “But in the north of the
been, that’s a danger to our health, and we country many goods are sold with labels in
cannot tolerate such situations”, she declared. Arabic or Chinese, and we don’t know what they
are made of. Citizens must know what they are
During the inspection of the shops, the INAE purchasing”.
inspectors had found rat droppings, and also
cats wandering around the shop corridors. She Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique
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Zimbabwe ruled off-side, Mozambique Boshoff submitted that the items at the centre of
citizen wins vehicles case the row were declared at the port of entry.
Zimbabwean Home Affairs Minister, Ignatius “My purpose in entering Zimbabwe with the said
Chombo, the police and the Zimbabwe Revenue items was to travel to Mozambique, where the
Authority (ZIMRA) have been ordered to release 22 camouflage uniforms and belts were to be
the vehicles of a Mozambican businessman used for anti-poaching activities”, he said.
impounded after his arrest for alleged
possession of army regalia early this year. “Despite having declared the items, ZIMRA
officials alerted the police, who searched the
Mozambican safari manager Stephen Boshoff vehicles, seized the camouflage uniforms and
and his companions Karl James Landrey, camouflage belts, arrested my companions and
Lovemore Damiano and Kefasi Tetellelle were charged them with unlawful possession or
arrested in Plumtree for alleged smuggling wearing of camouflage uniforms”.
military clothing when they entered Zimbabwe
through the Mphoengs border post, travelling in He said the police seized letters authorising
two South African registered vehicles. them to drive the said vehicles, temporary
import permits for the vehicles, receipt for items
Their vehicles were loaded with, among other held in respect of the vehicles, their contents
items, 22 camouflage uniforms and 22 and other documents pertaining to the import of
camouflage belts and 26 cases of bottled water. vehicles into Zimbabwe.
Following their arrests, their vehicles and Boshoff added that along with his compatriots,
military fatigue were confiscated. they were placed on remand, but were later
released on bail.
Even after charges were withdrawn against
them, the police and ZIMRA refused to release During their detention, police ordered them to
their vehicles, prompting Boshoff to file an surrender their vehicles and contents to ZIMRA
urgent chamber application seeking the release in Plumtree, which his lawyer has said was
of the vehicles and goods, citing the act as illegal, as the police were the only custodians of
unlawful. the property seized as evidence.
Boshoff, in his application, cited officer-in- Boshoff said an opinion on the charges was
charge CID Law and Order Plumtree, the sought by the prosecution in Plumtree, from the
National Prosecution Authority, a public Harare NPA, which said the charges must be
prosecutor identified as S Chinyanganya, senior withdrawn.
public prosecutor Matabeleland, Martha Cheda,
Chombo, a Kanjoma, Zimra’s station manager Charges were subsequently withdrawn on 9
at Plumtree, as respondents. January this year and bail money refunded.
On 16 March, Bulawayo High Court judge Ordinary citizens are barred from wearing any
Justice Nicholas Mathonsi ruled in Boshoff’s camouflage used by the army or any clothing
favour, ordering the parties concerned to related to it in Zimbabwe.
release the confiscated goods and vehicles to
the owner. Source: News Day Zimbabwe
“The provisional order be and is hereby Good news for Africa’s elephants: China is
confirmed. It is declared that in terms of section losing its taste for ivory
59(1)(a)(i) of the Criminal Procedure and
Evidence Act Chapter 9:07 and following the China closed 67 ivory carving factories and
withdrawal of charges against the applicant and retail shops on Friday, roughly one-third of the
other accused persons on 9 January 2017 in total, as it moves to implement a pledge to end
CRB MPH 91-94/16 the respondents’ decision all domestic ivory sales by the end of the year.
to refuse to return to applicant the motor
The news is likely to foster hopes for an
vehicles being two Nissan Hard body pickup
eventual end to the elephant poaching crisis in
trucks …. is unlawful”, Justice Mathonsi ruled.
Africa, especially since a new study shows that
“First and second respondents be and are prices of ivory in China are continuing to
hereby ordered to pay costs jointly and severally plummet.
the one paying the other to be absolved”.
Reducing demand from China, the world’s
In his founding affidavit, Boshoff said he was biggest ivory market, is probably the single most
employed as an administrator in Mozambique important factor that could help end the
by a private company known as Safaris de widespread poaching of elephants in Africa.
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In a report issued on Wednesday 29 March, Africa’s elephant population has dwindled from
Save The Elephants said the average wholesale about 1.2-million 35 years ago to between
price of tusks in China was US$2,100 per 400,000 and 500,000 now.
kilogram in early 2014, but had fallen to
US$1,100 by late 2015, before reaching Central African forest elephants could be extinct
US$730 in February 2017. within the next decade if current trends
continue, while Tanzania’s elephant population
The conservation group credits a combination of fell by 60% between 2009 and 2014, census
an economic slowdown, an official anti- data showed.
corruption campaign, a government
commitment to ending the trade and growing Knights said the ban was already helping;
public awareness. seizures of ivory coming into China dropped by
80% in 2016, and poaching has declined in
Conservationists heralded the Chinese Kenya.
government’s pledge to close its domestic ivory
industry as a “game-changer” and welcomed But Hong Kong and Britain have yet to pass
evidence it was being implemented. proposed bans on the ivory trade, while Japan’s
market “remains wide open”, according to
“These closures prove that China means WildAid.
business in closing down the ivory trade and
helping the African elephant”, said Peter Source: Washington Post
Knights, chief executive of WildAid, a San-
Francisco-based group that has played a Student writing project exposes NYC's
leading role in raising public awareness in China illegal ivory trade
about the link between ivory and poaching.
In spring 2016, student Wendy Hapgood walked
Knights said the latest price decline shows that around midtown Manhattan (New York, USA),
ivory “is now a very bad investment”. visiting antique stores advertising mammoth
ivory for sale that she found on Google maps.
He said he expects a further decline in prices by
the end of the year. “Mammoth tusk is so interesting”, she
explained, “A piece of ancient past, a long
Lucy Vigne, one of the authors of the Save The extinct mammal, dug up in the tundra in Russia,
Elephants report, said the legal ivory trade in sent to China for carving, then finding its way
China was “severely diminished”, with licensed here”.
outlets gradually reducing the quantity of items
on display and cutting prices. With her outgoing personality and interest in
both art and conservation, she found it easy to
The legal trade in ivory in China, using a engage shopkeepers in conversation as a
stockpile amassed before a global ban, was the potential buyer. What could they tell her about
cover for a much larger illegal trade that fueled the carved “netsuke” pieces? What kind of
poaching, conservationists say. buyers purchase these large tusks? Where will
the gallery ship to?
“Law enforcement is key to success”, Vigne said
in a news release. “This is already improving in It wasn’t until she got to Metropolitan Fine Arts
China – we have seen a decline in the number & Antiques that she suspected anything was
of illegal ivory items on display for sale since amiss. A shopkeeper, wary of her motives,
2013”. prevented her from entering the back room,
which she could see was filled wall-to-wall with
China’s State Forestry Administration what looked like elephant ivory.
announced the closure of the ivory carving
workshops and retail outlets on its website on “That’s when I knew I had a story”, she said. “I
24 March, as part of an “orderly process” to end knew I needed to go back”.
the trade. WildAid said 12 out of 34 ivory
carving factories in China were being closed, Hapgood, a student in the Master of Science in
and 45 out of 130 retail shops. Sustainability Management programme, was
looking for a term project for her Writing about
Although poaching may have peaked a few Science for International Media class. Designed
years ago, some 20,000 African elephants to help scientists communicate their work more
continue to be killed for their tusks every year, effectively to the public, students enrolled in the
experts say, largely to meet ivory demand from course are encouraged to select a journalism
Asia, particularly China. project on a topic that they care about.
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Tomorrow Fund, professor Claudia Dreifus Hapgood returned to Metropolitan Fine Arts &
encouraged her to investigate the possible sale Antiques a month later with her boyfriend, who
of illegal elephant ivory in Manhattan. was also shocked to see how much ivory they
seemed to have. This time, the shopkeeper
Dreifus, who writes an interview column for the escorted them to the back room, where he
New York Times, suspected that the elephant attempted to sell them a “starter piece” of what
tusks and rhinoceros horns lining shop windows they suspected was elephant ivory.
were just plastic replicas that they were selling
to tourists, especially since New York’s ivory “They gave these stores a grace period, a bit of
laws had recently been strengthened. At the time to adjust to the law”, Hapgood explained.
time, Hapgood agreed. “But they were lying to me and saying, ‘Oh, this
is mammoth’. It's too hard for the consumer to
“When I started the project, I was super worried tell the difference”.
that I wouldn’t have a story to write”, she said,
“because I didn’t really think there would be Considering the potential value of the ivory, she
ivory just openly for sale in Manhattan”. was concerned about putting herself at risk by
reporting the store and publishing her project.
New York has one of the largest markets for
ivory in the United States, leading legislators to But she decided to call the Department of
enact one of the strictest bans in the country in Environmental Conservation hotline anyway,
2014. The New York ban further restricted the later meeting with investigators in person.
trade of elephant ivory and rhinoceros horn, with Together, they discussed what she’d found
limited exceptions, and increased the criminal while reviewing the laws and how to distinguish
and civil penalties for violations. between different types of tusks.
It also restricted the trade of mammoth fossil As it turns out, Metropolitan Fine Arts &
ivory, which had not been included in earlier Antiques was already on the department’s
versions of the ban. (An international treaty, radar. Two undercover investigators posing as
CITES, bans most trade in ivory harvested after buyers had purchased a statuette allegedly of
1976.) mammoth tusk; upon testing the piece at the
American Museum of Natural History, it was
Since it is difficult to distinguish between discovered to be made of African elephant ivory.
mammoth and elephant ivory, some vendors
were attempting to sell recently poached Following up with a search warrant, the
elephant ivory by passing it off as mammoth. investigators found US$4.5-million in illegal
ivory at the shop, making it the largest bust in
To curb this practice, mammoth was included in New York State history.
the updated legislation, and vendors were given
a two-year grace period to revise their The salesperson and owners of the shop, Victor
inventories; as Hapgood discovered, some took Zilberman and brothers Irving and Samuel
advantage of the window to continue trafficking Morano, were indicted in September 2016, and
in elephant ivory as well. the case is pending as of this writing.
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This month, the DEC announced a conviction in co-operation, for the rangers who share a
another ivory bust at a Manhattan antique shop, border to work together”, said Hapgood.
the Landmark Gallery, where environmental
conservation officers recovered US$250,000 in With this donation, they hope to expand further,
elephant ivory. helping to finance an anti-poaching rapid
response vehicle to allow rangers to quickly
As part of the plea, the shop agreed to make a address incursions, and dehorning 18 critically
US$50,000 donation to the Wild Tomorrow endangered black rhinos. With only 5,000 black
Fund. rhinos left in the wild and horns fetching as
much as US$100,000 per kilogram on the black
“What Wendy did is what I hope all the people in market, dis-incentivising poachers on the supply
the course do, which is go out and find how the side can be an effective short-term solution.
world applies to their science, and observe it
and investigate it and learn about it and write However, in the longer term, she says, demand
about it, and she did that. And she did uncover reduction is vital. Despite a crack-down on
real violations”, Dreifus said. poaching on the ground, a recent study co-
authored by Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
“That they’ll be able to use some of this money geochemist Kevin Uno found that the vast
that the merchants have been fined to prevent majority of ivory coming out of Africa has been
more poaching and more wildlife deaths, that’s recently harvested. Hapgood believes that New
wonderful”. York’s system, by combining tough laws with
the resources needed to investigate violations
Co-ordinating with rangers on the ground in and hold offenders accountable, while benefiting
South Africa, Hapgood and her co-founders organisations working on the front lines of anti-
started the Wild Tomorrow Fund by raising poaching, will help shut down the market for
money for needed items, including updated ivory here and have a real impact on anti-
uniforms, new tires for field vehicles, and poaching efforts in Africa.
supplies for anti-poaching dogs.
“I love connecting New York with anti-poachers
They’ve since been able to expand into habitat on the ground”, she says. “We started this
conservation and education, purchasing land to organisation because it's so easy for New
close the gap between existing reserves and Yorkers to help”.
creating a poaching crime scene training
programme for rangers working along the Source: Earth Institute, Columbia
border between South Africa and Mozambique, University/
starting in May 2017. “It's great for international