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Journal of Mathematical Psychology 83 (2018) 24–34

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Preparation and measurement in quantum memory models

Mojtaba Aliakbarzadeh a, *, Kirsty Kitto b,c
Information Systems School, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, 4000, Australia
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, 4000, Australia
Connected Intelligence Centre, University of Technology Sydney, PO Box 123 , Broadway, 2007, Australia


• A reconsideration of preparation and measurement in quantum cognition.

• An interpretation of contextuality based on the preparation and measurement processes.
• New avenues for understanding cognition using quantum tomography and Neumark’s theorem.

article info a b s t r a c t
Article history: Quantum Cognition has delivered a number of models for semantic memory, but to date these have tended
Received 22 August 2017 to assume pure states and projective measurement. Here we relax these assumptions. A quantum inspired
Received in revised form 12 February 2018 model of human word association experiments will be extended using a density matrix representation
Available online 24 March 2018
of human memory and a POVM based upon non-ideal measurements. Our formulation allows for a
consideration of key terms like measurement and contextuality within a rigorous modern approach. This
Quantum cognition approach both provides new conceptual advances and suggests new experimental protocols.
Projective valued measurement (PVM) © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Non-ideal measurement (POVM)
Density matrix
Semantic memory

1. Introduction This cannot be modeled with a pure state, rather a mixed state
is required. In this work we will make use of the density matrix
How should we model memory? As Shiffrin states: representation to model ensembles of human subjects in word
association experiments. At first, we will provide a detailed tech-
None of the models we use in psychology or cognitive science, at nical description of von Neumann projective valued measurement
least for any behavioral tasks I find to be of any interest, are correct. (PVM). Although PVM measurement has been used in QC before,
We build models to increase our understanding of, and to slightly especially in the recall experiment of Bruza et al. (2009), a better
better approximate, the incredibly complex cognitive systems that technical description is necessary to describe measurement on
determine behavior. (Shiffrin, 2003) ensembles of subjects. Here we will make use of a more precise
notation for the specific case of two observables in the recall
However, this pragmatism raises an interesting point. What do
experiment, and then we will generalize this notation for more
our models of memory assume? And how do they limit the way in
possible senses. This will enable us to describe scenarios that have
which we can formulate a given memory model? more possible outcomes for each observable.
Currently many models of Quantum Cognition (QC) apply a Another limitation of previous models for semantic memory
single state vector that assumes a system in a pure state (Aerts, in QC centers around the usage of projective measurement for
2011; Bruza, Kitto, Nelson, & McEvoy, 2009; Bruza, Kitto, Ramm, & cognitive systems. This is highly restrictive because QC (i) does not
Sitbon, 2015; Nelson, Kitto, Galea, McEvoy, & Bruza, 2013; Pothos necessarily assume an orthogonal relationship between operators,
& Busemeyer, 2013). However, when we perform memory ex- and (ii) sometimes entails violations of repeatability. An analysis
periments we obtain ensemble data for a collection of subjects. of these restrictions associated with the PVM formalism will lead
us to introduce the more modern and general positive operator
valued measure (POVM). We will show that this non-orthogonal
* Corresponding author. measurement provides new understanding and extensions of the
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. Aliakbarzadeh),
[email protected] (K. Kitto). standard advantages of quantum inspired models of memory.
0022-2496/© 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
M. Aliakbarzadeh, K. Kitto / Journal of Mathematical Psychology 83 (2018) 24–34 25

Some existing research has already applied POVM in the con- to establish compositionality; Marginal selectivity (Dzhafarov &
struction of quantum models of cognition. For example, Khren- Kujala, 2012) and a Bell type inequality. A number (21 from a
nikov, Basieva, Dzhafarov, and Busemeyer (2014) used POVM to total of 24) of conceptual combinations in that paper violated
model different arrangements of questions in opinion polling, in- the marginal selectivity condition, while one of the combinations
cluding ‘‘response (non)replicability’’ and ‘‘question order effect’’. (BATTERY CHARGE) appears to satisfy marginal selectivity but
In another work, Khrennikov and Basieva (2014) employed POVM violates a Bell-type inequality. More data is required before these
to describe a situation in which there are not sharp ‘‘Yes/No’’ results can be considered definitive. However, at this juncture it is
answers to dichotomous decision observables. Yearsley (2017) a good idea to reconsider the theoretical apparatus of that model.
and Yearsley and Busemeyer (2016) provide a detailed tutorial Its reliance upon standard quantum models leaves it open to a
for using POVM to model noisy and imperfect measurement, and number of criticisms from the perspective of psychology. Indeed,
their structure was used by Denolf, Martínez-Martínez, Josephy for a number of reasons that will become apparent shortly we
and Barque-Duran (2017) to model the prisoner’s dilemma exper- consider it important to extend that model to a more general and
iment. During this period of emerging interest, we recognized that modern formulation. We will begin this extension with a move to
POVM could provide a natural model of the process of conceptual the density matrix formulation.
combination (Aliakbarzadeh & Kitto, 2016), and introduced a
generalized Bell inequality, where POVMs were used to represent
2.1. Constructing a density matrix
joint nonideal measurement for two observables. The current work
will extend this early promising result, additionally describing a
more general form of POVM for one observable. We start with a consideration of the way in which a subject
We will show that the density matrix representation and POVM might recall an ambiguous word A when cued with a particular
formulation suggest new sources of contextuality in the prepara- prime. In quantum memory models this prime is represented as
tion and measurement processes respectively. This allows us to a basis state (i.e. a measurement context). Here we will use the
reconsider the interpretation of context within these new models. eventualities {a′ , a′′ } to describe a subject’s responses to a concept
Although it is important to explain existing contextuality in cogni- A, which can be interpreted according to one of two possible
tive experiments using better mathematical methods, we believe dominant and subordinate senses. When the dominant sense of
it is also essential to consider other sources for contextuality in concept A is primed, and A is interpreted in that sense by the human
those experiments; sources of contextuality that were ignored in subject, then we designate a′ = +1. If A is not interpreted in that
previous work. sense after priming the dominant sense, then we write a′ = −1.
We also introduce another application of POVM in the modeling Similarly, a′′ = {1, −1} relates to situations where the subordinate
of memory. We will use Neumark’s dilation theorem to relate sense of concept A primed, and either recalled (+1) or not (−1).
the full cognitive state of a subject to a restricted substate which An example will help to make this formalism clear. Consider
represents only those cognitive processes through which a subject an experimental protocol where a subject cued with a concept
participates in an experiment. A (e.g. BOXER) using a word on a screen ‘‘boxer’’. According to
At the end of the paper, we will discuss a future direction that the USF free association norms (Nelson et al., 2004), a subject is
we believe will contribute to better understanding of cognitive more likely to interpret BOXER in the sport sense than the animal
states. We will point to a possible application in using Quantum sense. We term the sporting sense dominant and the animal sense
Tomography to characterize the unknown state of a cognitive subordinate. If a subject is first primed with the dominant sense
system. Using the insights that we gain from this characterization, of BOXER using the word ‘‘glove’’, and then asked to interpret the
we will suggest that a new experimental protocol could be created concept BOXER, there is high possibility that they will recall a word
based on repeating projective measurements on similar ensembles that has a sport sense. This measurement process is represented
of a subject to specify the unknown state of that subject. In an by A′ , the result given by the subject is represented with a′ , and
idealized situation, the whole parameters of an unknown cognitive a′ = +1, as the response agrees with the way in which the subject
state could be specified using a single POVM. was primed. If the subject interprets BOXER in another sense, then
we write a′ = −1. Conversely, if at first the subject is shown the
2. The quantum model of memory word ‘‘vampire’’, then this is likely to awake the animal sense in the
mind of human subject. When the subject responds in a way that
Quantum Models of Memory (Bruza et al., 2009, 2015; Nelson agrees with the animal sense of the priming we write a′′ = +1, but
et al., 2013) treat words as states in a Hilbert space. The combined if the concept is not interpreted in this subordinate sense, we use
activation of words in memory is modeled using an entangled a′′ = −1.
state, where an associative network is either fully activated, or not. Adopting von Neumann’s approach to the quantum measure-
In Nelson et al. (2013), it was argued that associative semantic ment of an idealized system using self-adjoint linear operators, we
networks are constructed through the complex set of experiences assume that an orthonormal basis exists. We can now construct a
that people undergo throughout their lifetime, and so are closely Hermitian matrix A as a series of projection operators (Bruza et al.,
related to episodic memory, a point that opens up the possibility 2009)
for linking episodic and semantic models of memory if we can ∑
construct more plausible relationships between them in our for- A= ak Pk (1)
malism. In particular, episodic memories beyond the boundaries k
of an experiment can be considered a form of experimental noise,
where Pk is the projector onto the eigenspace of A with eigenvalue
a point that we will return to shortly.
ak , and each ak corresponds to the results of the measurement A.
Semantic associative models imply that the way in which a
As an example, for two eigenvalues a1 and a−1 , we can rewrite the
subject responds to a prime will affect their ability to recall other
von Neumann measurement as
words not directly connected to that prime in e.g. a semantic
network (Nelson, McEvoy, and Schreiber, 2004). This assumption A = a1 P1 + a−1 P−1 , (2)
can be tested experimentally, and in Bruza et al. (2015) a frame-
work is provided for considering whether conceptual combination where P1 and P−1 are the projectors onto the eigenspace of A for
can be considered compositionally or not. Two tests are used those two eigenvalues.
26 M. Aliakbarzadeh, K. Kitto / Journal of Mathematical Psychology 83 (2018) 24–34

For the case of the concept A discussed above, we can therefore would share the same initial state |ψ⟩ is highly unlikely. Although
write out two noncommuting measurement operators {A′ , A′′ } for we might try to provide the same experimental conditions as we
the two different cases of priming (dominant and subordinate) prepare our different subjects, we cannot assume that they will
all be in exactly the same state |ψ⟩, this can happen because
A′ = a′1 P′1 + a′−1 P′−1 (3)
of unwanted priming effects or even the different dynamics of
= a1 |a1 ⟩⟨a1 | + a′−1 |a′−1 ⟩⟨a′−1 |,
′ ′ ′
(4) those subjects. Summing up all of our subjects, we can represent
A′′ = a′′1 P′′1 + a′′−1 P′′−1 (5) a scenario where some proportion of them are in the state |ψ1 ⟩,
another proportion is in the state |ψ2 ⟩ and so on. Averaging these
= a′′1 |a′′1 ⟩⟨a′′1 | + a′′−1 |a′′−1 ⟩⟨a′′−1 | (6)
proportions with reference to our total subject pool would give us
where |a′k ⟩ and |a′′k ⟩ both represent potentialities of a subject’s a scenario where
state of mind after priming. It is reasonable to consider these two ⎧
operators {A′ , A′′ } as noncommuting because we cannot prime ⎨|ψ1 ⟩ with probability p1

with both dominant and subordinate senses simultaneously. This ε (S(ψ1 , ψ2 , . . .)) |ψ2 ⟩ with probability p2 (11)

implies that the related projectors are noncommuting across the ⎩
two primes.
If we consider |ψ⟩ as the cognitive state of a subject, then the where we use ε as an abbreviation for ensemble and S for sub-
probability of obtaining result k is ject (Wheeler, 2012).
For this expanded scenario, we can now rewrite the expected
p(k) = ⟨ψ|Pk |ψ⟩ = Tr(Pk |ψ⟩⟨ψ|), (7) value for all of our measurements over this ensemble of subjects
(using a standard approach that can be found in any QM text
and the subject’s post-measurement state is e.g. Wheeler (2012), or indeed in standard texts on QC e.g. Buse-
Pk |ψ⟩ meyer and Bruza (2012)).
√ . (8)
Definition 2. The expected value for measurements over an en-
This is known as a Projective Valued Measurement (PVM) in Quan- semble of subjects is calculated as
tum Mechanics (QM), a special class of measurements which has ∑
the following properties (Wheeler, 2012): ⟨A⟩ε = pv ⟨A⟩ψv
I. Hermitian: P† = (PT )∗ A square matrix P is Hermitian if it is ∑
= pv ⟨ψv |A|ψv ⟩
equal to its transposed complex conjugate. This leads to an
important property for operator P, that its eigenvalues are ∑∑
real (not complex). = pv ⟨ψv |A|ej ⟩⟨ej |ψv ⟩
II. Positive: ⟨α|Pi |α⟩ ≥ 0 (all α ) Positivity allows us to treat the j v
results of measurements as probabilities when coupled with
= ⟨ej |ψv ⟩pv ⟨ψv |A|ej ⟩
the next property.
∑ j v
III. Complete: i Pi = I The eigenvalues of a complete set of ∑
observables fully specify the state of a system. = Tr(ρϵ A) where ρϵ = |ψv ⟩pv ⟨ψv |.
IV. Orthogonal: Pi Pj = δij Pi The results of measurement are v
completely independent from each other. While we started with orthogonal measurements, it is inter-
esting that the state |ψv ⟩ which is used in the construction of the
Returning to the scenario of priming the dominant sense, the
density matrix ρϵ is not required to be orthogonal. As a result the
probabilities of the measurement of A′ are given as follows:
⎧ ′ different ensembles of states can lead to the same density matrix.
⎪ a = +1 with probability The density matrix is mathematically equivalent to the vector
representation of states, but provides a more convenient way to

|⟨a′1 |ψ⟩| = ⟨ψ|P+1 |ψ⟩

Prime with the
|ψ⟩ −−−−−−−−→ ′ (9) deal with some scenarios in QM, including the representation of
dominant sense ⎪ a = −1 with probability

⎪ ensembles of states (Nielsen & Chuang, 2010). The density matrix
|⟨a′−1 |ψ⟩| = ⟨ψ|P−1 |ψ⟩ should have the following properties (Wheeler, 2012):

Repeating this measurement multiple times allows us to calculate I. Hermitian: ρ † = (ρ T )∗

∑α )
an expected value (Wheeler, 2012): II. Positive: ⟨α|ρ|α⟩ ≥ 0 (all
III. Have unit trace: Tr ρ = v pv = 1.
Definition 1. The expected value of operator A acting on state |ψ⟩
is calculated as The density matrix ρϵ in (12) becomes a pure state ρψ , when
∑ one of the probabilities pv becomes equal to unity and the others
⟨A⟩ψ = ak ⟨ψ|Pk |ψ⟩ = ⟨ψ|A|ψ⟩,
vanish. This signifies a return to the scenario where all subjects are
k (10) prepared in the same initial state, i.e. we have
where k ∈ {+1, −1}.
ρψ = |ψ⟩⟨ψ|. (13)
We should note that any of the two measurement operators
defined in (3)–(6) can be placed instead of the operator A in this When we cannot make this simplifying assumption, we must con-
definition. sider ρϵ to be mixed. In general, given a specific density matrix, we
At this point we should ask whether such an experiment could can discover if it is mixed or pure using the Trace, as Tr(ρ 2 ) = 1 for
be completed multiple times. The state |ψ⟩ denotes a cognitive pure states and Tr(ρ 2 ) < 1 for mixed ones. When a system is in a
state for a subject, and once we have performed the experiment pure state, both state vector and density matrix representations of
we have irrevocably changed the state of our subject’s mind to the a given system provide the same results (Nielsen & Chuang, 2010).
state represented by (8). We will need an ensemble of subjects to Until now our description has been based on an idealized as-
repeat our experiment, but the proposition that even two subjects sumption that measurements are performed on the pure state |ψ⟩
M. Aliakbarzadeh, K. Kitto / Journal of Mathematical Psychology 83 (2018) 24–34 27

for each subject. In other words we have assumed that the cogni- the observable A′ to represent a measurement process when the
tive state of a subject who recalls a concept A can be represented by subject is first primed with the dominant sense and then asked
a pure state |ψ⟩. But in reality we cannot guarantee that the subject to interpret the word BOXER. In this case, a′1 represents a case
will adhere to our designed experimental protocol; it is clear that where the subject’s response agrees with the primed sense, while
the human mind can process different concepts or events other a′2 and a′3 relate to two other possible responses in ‘‘animal’’ and
than our intended concept A during the experiment. The cognitive ‘‘clothing’’ senses, and a′4 represents all other possible senses. Then
state of a human mind does not relate only to the process of recall. as in (3) the von Neumann measurement for the observable A′
If we can represent the general state of the mind with a pure state becomes
|ψ⟩, then the state that we use to model the recall process should
be a subsystem of that pure state. In physics, as we mentioned A′ = a′1 P1 + a′2 P2 + a′3 P3 + a′4 P4 , (19)
earlier, we can use the density matrix to represent ensembles of where P1 , P2 , P3 and P4 are the projectors onto the eigenspace of A′
states, however the density matrix can also be used to represent a for four eigenvalues a′1 , a′2 , a′3 and a′4 . We will use this description
subsystem of a pure state (Nielsen & Chuang, 2010). of multiple senses to construct the generalized form of non-ideal
Elaborating, we will denote this extension of our formalism measurement in the next section.
by rewriting the cognitive state of our subject as a composition This section has presented a much more technical introduction
of states labeled by R and E, where R denotes that part of the to the model presented in Bruza et al. (2009). We have shown
cognitive state that is directly influenced by the recall experiment that it is possible to generalize the standard quantum probability
and E relates to the remainder. In physics, if a composite state model using density matrices. This allows for the representation of
can be represented as a pure state, then we cannot represent its scenarios where we cannot guarantee that an ensemble of subjects
subsystems using a pure state (Nielsen & Chuang, 2010). We can have all been prepared with the same pure cognitive state. This is
apply the reduced density matrix as an important consideration in psychology, the assumption that all
subjects prepared in the same way are in the same pure cognitive
ρ R ≡ TrE (ρ RE ), (14) state is a very strong one and does not match with reality. We
have also introduced a second application of this density matrix
where ρ RE describes the state of the composite system, and TrE is
apparatus to describe part of a larger cognitive system. The density
an operator known as a partial trace on operator E. For example, to
matrix operator is capable of dealing with far more complexity in
obtain the density matrix of subsystem R, we use the partial trace
the quantum model of memory, that is, it can fully characterize the
over subsystem E (Nielsen & Chuang, 2010)
state of a cognitive system. This means that once we are given the
TrE (|r1 ⟩⟨r2 |⊗|e1 ⟩⟨e2 |) ≡ |r1 ⟩⟨r2 |Tr(|e1 ⟩⟨e2 |). (15) density matrix we can predict the outcome of any measurement
on that state. But how we can access this knowledge about our
where {|r1 ⟩, |r2 ⟩} and {|e1 ⟩, |e2 ⟩} are spanning vectors in the state system? In QM, the standard way to characterize the complete
space of R, and E respectively, and the standard trace operator quantum state of a particle is by using quantum state tomogra-
Tr(|e1 ⟩⟨e2 |) = ⟨e2 |e1 ⟩ has been applied on the right hand side. phy (Thew, Nemoto, White, & Munro, 2002; Wootters, 2004). We
Now we can rewrite Eqs. (7) and (8) using the density matrix ρ will briefly describe how this method might be introduced to the
of the ensemble of subjects or the subsystem R. The probability of field of QC in Section 4.1, which identifies an unknown quantum
obtaining the result k becomes state using a set of measurements. In the next section we will keep
using the density matrix, where we will introduce a more general
p(k) = Tr(ρ Pk ), (16) formalism for measurement in QC, demonstrating the specifics of
how it can be used in quantum memory models.
and the state after measurement is
Pk † ρ Pk 2.2. Non-ideal measurement (POVM)
. (17)
In reality, the process of recall does not always create sharp
We note that the Hermitian matrix A that was defined in
results like the von Neumann measurement described in the pre-
(1) and used to construct the density matrix is not particularly
vious section assumes. This happens because of unwanted effects
comprehensive in its representation of memory, which makes it
in the process of measurement. For example, there is no guarantee
largely uninteresting in its current form. However, at this point it is
that a human subject will actually give a response corresponding
possible to extend the basic approach, which considered only two
to what they recalled. Despite the best experimental instructions,
possible senses.
humans will be noisy in their responses. Thus, in the recall ex-
To this end, we note that it is frequently the case that more
periment described earlier for the word BOXER, a subject may be
than two interpretations are possible for one lexical observable, a
primed with the sport sense (the word ‘‘glove’’ was used in the pre-
situation that can be represented by extending the set of projectors
vious example), think of ‘‘Muhammad’’, but censor their response
from our PVM measurement (2) as
giving a response with an animal sense instead (e.g.‘‘dog’’) with
⎪.. a probability ξ . This can be modeled using inefficient detectors.
If we prepare the system in the state |+1⟩ (corresponding to the


sport sense), then the result of measurement will be |+1⟩ with
Set of projectors for a PVM measurement 2
Pk (18) the probability 1 − ξ and |−1⟩ with the probability ξ . To model
⎪ Pk3
⎪ this inefficiency, physicists often apply an unsharp measurement

instead of an ideal von Neumann measurement (Barnett, 2009;

de Muynck, 2002; Wheeler, 2012).
For example, returning to the BOXER case discussed above, it is Returning to the scenario where we prime the dominant sense
possible to interpret this ambiguous word in a third, clothing (observable A′ ), an ideal PVM measurement is described by the
related, sense (e.g. BOXER SHORTS). This gives us three possible two projectors P+1 and P−1 introduced in (2). The possibility of
senses: ‘‘sport’’,‘‘animal’’ and ‘‘clothing’’ (but it is important to imprecision arising in all subjects’ recall processes is represented
emphasize that this word could be interpreted in even more than with the probability ξ . This means that if the result of measurement
these three senses). Similar to the original example, we can use in the ideal situation was +1, a non-ideal situation would return
28 M. Aliakbarzadeh, K. Kitto / Journal of Mathematical Psychology 83 (2018) 24–34

+1 with the probability 1 − ξ and −1 with the probability ξ . If the To mathematically illustrate how non-repeatability arises

state of our system is described by the density matrix ρ , then the within the POVM approach, we can rewrite P̃k = Ak Ak where Ak
probability that the subjects recall words with the same sense as is called a measurement decomposition operator (Jaeger, 2009). In
the prime is given by Barnett (2009) this case the state after measurement can be written
Ak † ρ Ak
p(+1) = (1 − ξ )Tr(ρ P+1 ) + ξ Tr(ρ P−1 ). (20) √ . (24)
By defining a new operator P̃+1 as This post-measurement state indicates that unlike projective mea-
surement, a repeated application of the POVM does not lead to the
P̃+1 = (1 − ξ )P+1 + ξ P−1 , (21)
same result. We can quickly see this result if we apply the POVM
we can use the technique in Barnett (2009) to write the probability observable once more on the post-measurement state of (24), the
for the measurement outcome +1 in a manner similar to the PVM result becomes
case (7) Ak † Ak † ρ Ak Ak
Tr(Ak † Ak † ρ Ak Ak )
p(+1) = Tr(ρ P̃+1 ). (22)
which is not necessarily equal to the previous state. It will be
This P̃ is a new type of operator. It is not required to be orthogonal equal only if the POVM elements are idempotent (P̃2 = P̃). In this
and is used to describe this non-ideal situation. The operator is situation, POVM is reduced to a projective measurement. Despite
called a ‘‘Positive Operator-Valued Measure’’ or POVM. this difference, there is a way to relate these two measurements
It is possible to extend this situation, and to incorporate the to each other using Neumark’s Theorem, which we will discuss in
multiple senses described earlier to reach the most general theo- Section 3.1.
retical formulation using non-ideal measurement. As occurred for Experimental scenarios can rapidly become very complex in
the case with two possible responses, we have to define proba- the case of word association experiments. As we explained above,
bilities for each non-ideal measurement. In this general case with subjects may not report the word that sprang immediately to mind.
j possible responses, if the result of measurement in the ideal A further complexity emerges where we consider the overarching
situation was k, a non-ideal∑ situation would have the result j with social setting in which experimental priming is carried out (Aliak-
the probability wj|k where j wj|k = 1 for all k (Wheeler, 2012). barzadeh & Kitto, 2016). Even if we try our best to design an exper-
For a system in a state ρ , the probability of finding result k after iment with equally weighted primes for each possible sense, some
a non-ideal measurement would be represented by the following primes are more dominant. For example, during an election period
formula (Wheeler, 2012) the ‘‘political’’ sense of the word PARTY may become stronger. A
∑ similar shift in weight towards the alternative sense might occur
p(k) = wj|k Tr(ρ Pj ) for a subject who went to a party the night before the experiment.
j We can apply this complexity to describe a non ideal choice of
∑ (23)
= tr(ρ P̃k ) where P̃k = wj|k Pj . measurement settings in the generalized Bell-type experiments
in cognition. In this case the priming with different senses occurs
with different probabilities (Aliakbarzadeh & Kitto, 2016).
The general form of Eq. (23) can be reduced to the simple form The ideal Bell experiment modeled by Bruza et al. (2015)
of Eq. (22) if we have only two results, +1 and −1, where wj|k can assumes an equal choice of the different settings for any given
take two values p and 1 − p. Thus it is possible to recover the simple subject (two operators {A′ , A′′ } in (3)–(6) which relate to the
scenario discussed above. priming of two senses). It is possible to relax this assumption using
Similar to the way in which the set {P1 , P2 , . . .} was a complete the generalized Bell experiment. This is analogous to a situation
set of ideal measurements, the set {P̃1 , P̃2 , . . .} is a complete set of where a biased interferometer leads a photon arriving at one of two
non-ideal measurements, but this time with the following proper- detectors with different probabilities, which can be expressed by
ties (Wheeler, 2012) a bivariate POVM (de Muynck, 2002). The model in that approach
provides a joint non-ideal measurement of two observables, where
I. Hermitian: P̃† = (P̃T )∗
for simplicity de Muynck (2002) assumes 100% efficient detectors.
II. Positive: ⟨α|
∑P̃i |α⟩ ≥ 0 (all α ) This simplification removes the need to consider the possibility
III. Complete: i P̃i = I
that the subject’s response is not what first sprang to mind (i.e. the
IV. Typically non-projective and non-orthogonal: P̃i P̃j ̸ = δij P̃i . complexity of an inefficient detector). This allows us to assume
ideal measurements for each observable separately and non-ideal
Any operators P̃1 , P̃2 , . . . that satisfy these properties are POVM.
measurement for the joint observable. We need the following
The non-orthogonality of POVMs is a highly desirable feature in
definitions from de Muynck & Martens (1989) to construct POVM
QC, especially for semantic memory models where there is no guar-
as a jointly non-ideal measurement of observables.
antee that the natural representation of multiple senses of a word
should be orthogonal. Indeed, the senses of many words overlap to
Definition 3. A POVM {M̃m } is a nonideal measurement of the
a degree often owing to shared background etymology. This makes
observable POVM {Ñn } if
the assumption of orthogonal projective measurements in this
class of model highly restrictive. Because of this desirable property
∑ ∑
M̃m = λmn Ñn , λmn ≥ 0, λmn = 1. (26)
of orthogonality, POVMs can bring new opportunities to model
n m
psychological phenomena that have not previously been modeled
in PVM approaches. For example, it is possible that subjects give Definition 4. Two observables M̃m and Ñn are simultaneously,
different responses to the same repeated cue, a scenario that could or jointly measurable if a bivariate POVM R̃mn exists such that its
be termed ‘‘non-repeatability’’. We have already modeled this ∑ ∑
marginals { n R̃mn } and { m R̃mn } are POVMs and representing
property for recall experiment in an earlier work (Aliakbarzadeh
non ideal measurements of M̃m and Ñn respectively.
& Kitto, 2016). Interestingly, Khrennikov et al. (2014) also used
POVM in opinion polling to demonstrate non-repeatability in an As was shown in Aliakbarzadeh and Kitto (2016), this approach
evolution-free framework. can be applied to the experiment discussed by Bruza et al. (2015).
M. Aliakbarzadeh, K. Kitto / Journal of Mathematical Psychology 83 (2018) 24–34 29

Denoting the probability γ for priming with the sense A′ , and the these specific experimental scenarios, note that the properties of
probability 1 − γ for the priming with sense A′′ , to represent the POVMs mentioned earlier imply that each POVM P̃ is unique to
above scenario. As was the case in (3)–(6), our observables {A′ , A′′ } the relevant experimental context. Much more work remains to
can be represented using two projectors P1 , P−1 . We can write catalog other psychologically plausible mechanisms that can arise
the set of PVMs for the first and second observables as (P′n , P′′m ) in quantum memory experiments, and to demonstrate how they
where n and m take the values in {+1, −1}. The joint non ideal might be modeled using an approach based upon POVM.
measurement for PVMs (P′1 , P′−1 ) and (P′′1 , P′′−1 ), can be constructed
as a bivariate POVM (Aliakbarzadeh & Kitto, 2016; de Muynck, 3. Advantages of using a density matrix and POVM approach
At this point we have described the two processes of prepara-
γ (P′1 )
( )
R̃γmn = . (27) tion and measurement for a quantum memory model. In QM they
(1 − γ )(P1 )′′
γ (P′−1 ) + (1 − γ )(P′′−1 )
are considered as separate processes. For example, as Isham (2001,
The probability for this joint nonideal measurement is pmn = pp. 154–155) states:
Tr ρ R̃mn , as was the case for (7). The top left hand corner of this
A measurement is an operation on a system that probes that
matrix is equal to zero because the subject cannot be primed with
quantum state immediately before the measurement is made...
two senses for a word at the same time.
γ state preparation is an operation whose aim is to force the system
The marginals of R̃mn are the POVMs {M̃m } = {γ P′1 , I −γ P′1 } and
to be in some specified state immediately after the operation.
{Ñn } = {(1 − γ )P1 , I − (1 − γ )P′′1 } which can be re+presented in

matrix form as In this paper we introduced the density matrix as a practical tool
⎛∑ γ ⎞ for describing preparation when dealing with an ensemble of sub-
R̃1n (
γ 0
P′ 1
) jects (in Section 2.1). This operator ρ most generally represents a
⎝ n = (28)
⎜∑ ⎟
γ ⎠ 1−γ 1 P′ −1 mixed state and it contains all the information necessary to predict
R̃−1n any possible measurement outcome. For the measurement process
we introduced a POVM which gives us a more realistic depiction
⎛∑ γ ⎞ of word association experiments than an approach based on stan-
( )( )
0 P′′ 1 dard projective measurement (as defined in Section 2.2). Franco
⎝ m ⎠= . (29)
⎜∑ ⎟
R̃m−1 γ 1 P′′ −1 (2016) recently constructed a quantum inspired model of decision
making which follows a similar methodology; treating preparation
as a process where information is provided to a subject, and the
These marginals satisfy Definitions 3 and 4. It is clear that the measurement stage as a process of testing subjects at the end of
operators M̃m are Ñn are not commuting because P′n and P′′m are this preparation phase.
not commuting. So we do not necessarily need commutativity of Preparation and measurement have other more specific ap-
operators to construct non-ideal joint measurements (de Muynck, plications. For example, as we described in the previous section,
2007). Note that R̃mn only describes one concept (e.g. A or B). Muynck’s joint non-ideal measurement can be used to describe
This is unlike the scenario that arises for the standard Bell-type the situation of complementarity as it arises in the generalized Bell
inequalities that were constructed using ideal joint measurements inequality. We will now introduce some more specific applications,
on commuting observables for both concepts A and B (Bruza et al., explaining how they can serve to advance the field of QC.
The direct product of the bivariate POVMs (27) for two concepts 3.1. Neumark’s theorem
A and B in the Bell-type experiment of Bruza et al. (2015) leads to
a quadrivariate POVM, which can be written as To draw attention to the different roles of PVM and POVM
γA γB γA γB measurements in a cognitive experiment we can use Neumark’s
R̃mA nA mB nB = R̃mA nA R̃mB nB . (30)
Theorem (Peres, 1990). This theorem provides a tool for dealing
In this scenario there is no disturbing influence arising on the with noise in a cognitive experiment (of the type that was de-
marginals of one concept when we change the measurement set- scribed in Section 2). In that experiment we considered the state
tings for another concept (de Muynck, 2007). The measurement of a subject’s mind as the composition of two states ‘‘R’’ and ‘‘E’’,
results of each concept are influenced by the measurement settings where ‘‘R’’ denotes that part of the cognitive state related to recall
of that concept (complementarity). This enables the POVM formal- experiment, and ‘‘E’’ is considered as the remainder, which we
ism to model contextual behavior without making use of nonlo- will refer to as noise. Noise arises from events or thoughts outside
cality. Complementarity then provides us with a local explanation the defined bounds of the experiment (e.g. what the subject ate
for violations of the generalized Bell inequality which is expressed for breakfast, or an accident they witnessed on the way to the
using the quadrivariate probability distribution (de Muynck, 2007) experiment).
Neumark’s theorem relates the POVM of state ‘‘R’’ to a pro-
A nA mB nB
= Tr ρ R̃γmAA nA R̃γmBB nB . (31) jective measurement on the composition of states ‘‘R’’ and
‘‘E’’ (de Muynck, 2002). In other words, it extends the Hilbert space
Recall in this generalized form of the Bell experiment, each sub-
of ‘‘R’’ to the tensor product space of ‘‘R’’ and ‘‘E’’.
ject comes to the experiment with a different historical context.
This context affects the way in which subjects are primed, as
Theorem 1 (Neumark). An arbitrary POVM on a Hilbert space HR can
the semantic network will activate differently in response to the
be expressed using a PVM in a larger Hilbert space H containing HR .
prime (Nelson et al., 2013). This activation relates to the probabil-
ity γ that we used to construct the POVM in (27). A violation of the The inverse situation arises in a similar manner to the partial
generalized Bell inequality would occur because of each subject’s trace that we introduced in (14): Given any PVM on a Hilbert
unique historical context. space H, we can find a POVM on a subspace HR . In fact, we create
In this section we have described two methods for constructing the POVM on a sub-system when we do not need to consider the
a POVM, the first for one observable and the second for two. While extra information contained within the higher dimensional Hilbert
we have shown that it is possible to construct different POVMs for space. Tracing out this noise using the mathematical structure of
30 M. Aliakbarzadeh, K. Kitto / Journal of Mathematical Psychology 83 (2018) 24–34

POVM requires that we understand cognitive function well enough ontic state in cognition will be illustrated further on with reference
to construct the appropriate PVM and POVM for the Hilbert space to the recall experiment.)
H and subspace HR respectively. Thus, we would need to under- Here we bring the definition of an ontological model of opera-
stand the variables involved in shaping states ‘‘R’’ and ‘‘E’’. Current tional theory as suggested by Spekkens (2005) and Harrigan and
experimental developments may not provide us with this ability; Spekkens (2010) to define a notion of contextuality:
as Khrennikov and Basieva (2014) discuss, the brain can be both a
system and the observer in a QC system, which can make it difficult Definition 6. An ontological model (of operational quantum the-
to isolate from its mental environment. ory) posits an ontic state space Λ and for every preparation proce-
dure P over Λ appoints a probability distribution µP (λ). Similarly,
Progressing in this area will require significantly more work
a probability distribution ξM ,k (λ) is attributed over the different
to understand how boundaries should be defined in cognitive
outcomes k of a measurement M for every ontic state λ ∈ Λ.
experiments. For example, we are immediately confronted with
Finally, to be consistent with operational theory for all P and M,
the question of: what should be considered noise in a given ex- an ontological model should satisfy
periment? ∑
It is essential that the field of QC considers the effects of noise p(k|P , M) = ξM ,k (λ)µP (λ). (32)
in our models for different cognitive experiments. Our work in λ∈Λ
Section 2.2 was just a first step in this direction. We have so far This definition makes it possible to specify the notion of a
considered two cognitively motivated effects of noise as: (1) the contextual model, where instead of explicitly considering quantum
probability ξ , which represents the imprecision across all subjects states and POVMs, we specify probabilistic interpretations of the
in a recall experiment; and (2) the probability γ for priming with preparation and measurement procedures that are used to create
the sense A′ and A in the generalized Bell experiment. However, them (µP (λ) and ξM ,k (λ)). These are the probabilities that deter-
more work remains to be completed before it will be possible mine what can be known and inferred by observers (Harrigan &
to construct comprehensive models for memory using modern Spekkens, 2010; Spekkens, 2005).
quantum inspired methods. Having provided the mathematical details of an operational
theory and ontological model, now we can study the Spekkens
3.2. An operational approach to modeling cognition-defining context approach to contextuality (Spekkens, 2005). The fundamental
idea of noncontextuality in this approach is that processes which
are operationally equivalent, should not be distinguishable in an
Much of this section was inspired by the work of Spekkens
ontological model (Leifer, 2014). This means two processes which
(2005), who has generalized the standard treatment of contextu-
generate the same observable probabilities, should be represented
ality in quantum theory to arbitrary operational theories. We have
by the same probability distributions over their underlying ontic
used his approach to treat contextuality as it occurs for both prepa-
state. Thus, we can say the two preparation processes of a state are
ration and measurement processes in cognition. This approach noncontextual when they yield the same probability distributions
extends existing works on contextuality in QC by Aerts, Gabora, without changing the intrinsic properties of the system.
and Sozzo (2013), Bruza (2016), Bruza et al. (2015), Dzhafarov and We can illustrate this approach in cognition with reference to
Kujala (2016) and Dzhafarov, Kujala, and Larsson (2016). Thus, we the recall experiment that was introduced earlier in Section 2.1. In
have provided: (a) a method for modeling contextuality in prepa- that example, the preparation scenario leads to some proportion
ration, and; (b) refinements in our understanding of contextuality of subjects belonging to different cognitive states (11), where the
as it arises during measurement. density matrix of ensembles of subjects is represented using the
Our approach here has been deliberately formulated in terms convex composition of pure states ψv representing those subjects,
of basic operations such as preparation (P) and measurement with the probability pv .1
(M), and the probabilities for various possible measurement out- This density state of ensembles is related2 to the preparation
comes. In physics, operational theory is defined based on these process. However, we know that our cognitive reality is not com-
experimental procedures (Abramsky & Heunen, 2016; Harrigan pletely controlled by the preparation process, which means that
& Spekkens, 2010; Spekkens, 2005). This section will apply the preparing our cognitive system in a specific state ρ does not give
same approach to cognitive experiments. More specifically, we will us any information about the exact ontic state. Our knowledge of
show how this approach is compatible with the process of recall the ontic state can only be described by the probability distribution
demonstrated earlier (in Section 2.1), and allude to the manner in
µ(λ) that we introduced earlier. The assumption of noncontextual
preparation entails that the probability distribution of preparation
which the same approach can be used to model contextuality.
P on an ontic state λ depends only on the ρ related to P (Spekkens,
The mathematical structures we need for the operational ap-
proach were introduced earlier in Sections 2.1 and 2.2. To define
this approach, we apply the density matrix ρ to model the prepa- µP (λ) = µρ (λ). (33)
ration process P, and a POVM{P̃k } to the measurement process M
as follows (Abramsky & Heunen, 2016; Spekkens, 2005): This implies that for an ensemble of subjects to be noncontextual,
the distribution µP (λ) should not depend on a specific convex
decomposition of ρ (each convex decomposition provides a dif-
Definition 5. Operational theory defines the probabilities
ferent context for the preparation P). In other words, consider a
p(k|P , M) of different outcomes k given specific preparation and
hypothetical scenario where two preparation procedures result
measurement procedures. in the same density matrix. This density matrix of the ensemble
To fully describe the Spekkens approach we require a precise of subjects can be implemented based on the two3 different
understanding of what he means by an Ontological model. Here,
the intrinsic properties of a physical system are called its ontic 1 It worth pointing out that we can also consider a more general scenario that the

state and is denoted by λ (where λ belongs to a set of all possible density matrix of this recall experiment as a convex composition of mixed states.
2 It is possible to have a one-to-one relationship between the state of a system
ontic states Λ). To use Spekkens’ approach in cognition, we will
ψ and the reality, although in most of physical models ψ only indicates a state
make use of a similar conception: an ontic state should refer to of incomplete knowledge about reality. A more complete discussion can be found
the reality of the cognitive system, that is, the presumed features in Harrigan and Spekkens (2010).
of a cognitive state (of mind) which exist without performing 3 It is clear in a more general scenario, there could be more possible convex
experiments or any other form of observation. (Our definition of decompositions for the density matrix ρ .
M. Aliakbarzadeh, K. Kitto / Journal of Mathematical Psychology 83 (2018) 24–34 31

convex decompositions of ρ , represented as ρ = v pv ρv (see

Eq. (12)). Each of these possible decompositions can be associated
to a member of the equivalence class of preparation procedures for
density matrix ρ . These two procedures are noncontextual if the
probability distribution µP (λ) is independent of each member of
that class.
As with the preparation process, we can consider the mea-
surement process as measuring the ontic state of our cognitive
system. As for preparation, performing this measurement does
not guarantee access to the ontic state, it only provides different
probabilities that the system exists in one of a collection of ontic
states. These probabilities are represented by ξ (λ) (Spekkens,
2005). The assumption of noncontextual measurement entails that
the probability distribution of measurement M on an ontic state λ
depends only on the POVM {P̃k } related to M:

ξM ,k (λ) = ξ{P̃k },k (λ). (34)

Fig. 1. Bloch sphere representation of a qubit.
One way to represent context for measurement in cognition
is to consider Neumark’s theorem (Section 3.1). This approach
suggests that each way of recognizing a POVM on subsystem HR ,
based on its coupling with the environment (noise) and performing complex vector space with the orthonormal computational basis
a projective measurement on a composite system H, implicitly |0⟩ and |1⟩. One of the main differences between a qubit and a
generates a context. In other words, different sources of noise classical bit is this superposition property. Unlike a classical bit,
can lead to different contexts. Examples of these sources of noise which acts akin to a coin with only two possible states of ‘‘heads’’
might include episodic memories constructed for different sub- and ‘‘tails’’, a qubit can exist in any weighted continuum of states
jects throughout their lifetimes (and represented in a semantic between |0⟩ and |1⟩. However, when it is measured a qubit still
network), e.g. subjects who have had their breakfast or not, give only gives outcomes indicative of |0⟩ or |1⟩ (Nielsen & Chuang,
different response to a priming word ‘‘food’’. The measurements of 2010). This property has been widely exploited in QC (Aerts, 2011;
psychology are inherently noisy, but this approach offers ways in Asano, Khrennikov, Ohya, Tanaka, & Yamato, 2015; Busemeyer &
which we might start to model this phenomenon. Bruza, 2012; Wang, Busemeyer, Atmanspacher, & Pothos, 2013).
In this section, we have shown that reconsidering an ensemble For example, Pothos and Busemeyer (2013) represent the happi-
of subjects and a generalized measurement for cognitive systems ness of a hypothetical person using the superposition state |ψ⟩ =
leads us to identify new sources of contextuality. This approach a|happy⟩ + b|unhappy⟩. After being asked about her happiness, and
the subject deciding upon her answer, the state vector becomes
describes the way in which contextuality affects the preparation
process for the first time in cognition. Moreover, the suggested
|ψ⟩ = |happy⟩ or |ψ⟩ = |unhappy⟩.
However, an approach like this leaves us with few ideas as to
contextuality model for measurement process extended the stan-
what this representation of |ψ⟩ actually symbolizes. What is the
dard measurement approaches traditionally used in QC with a non
underlying cognitive state? And how does it evolve in time as
projective measurement. Furthermore, this approach opens up a
a person moves through their day? Here, we will provide some
possibility for extending this model using contextuality models in
guidelines that could be considered in future research aimed at
physics, where every convex decomposition of a POVM {P̃k } reveals
clarifying the representation of cognitive states. We note that many
a context for the measurement process (Spekkens, 2005). more questions are provided in this section than answers, but con-
sider it appropriate to draw attention to what is an underexplored
4. What is a quantum cognitive state? but important area for future research.
Rather than representing qubits using the abstraction of a
In this paper we first generalized the process of preparation and complex vector space, it is possible to more fully visualize their
measurement for cognitive systems, and then discussed some pos- properties using the geometrical Bloch sphere representation. This
sible advantages of this representation. However, it is important method also provides a more explicit representation of the types
to realize that much of the mathematics utilized in QC rests upon of operations that we can apply on a qubit. We carry out this
rather shaky foundations. To further improve quantum inspired transformation by rewriting Eq. (35) as
models of cognition we need to advance in our mathematical
θ θ
understanding of the most basic cognitive states. As an example, |ψ⟩ = cos |0⟩ + sin eiϕ |1⟩, (36)
the model provided in Section 2.1, of the two senses that a subject 2 2
might associate with the ambiguous word BOXER is constructed where spherical coordinates are defined by latitude θ and longi-
using the assumption of a basic two-level cognitive state. The tude ϕ . Each pure state represented by Eq. (35) associates to a
subject can give many possible answers to an observable A (in this point on the surface of a unit sphere in the Euclidean 3-dimensional
case the cue word BOXER), but we assume in our models that they space (see Fig. 1). In this geometrical representation, two orthog-
fall into one of two possible senses (i.e. the same as the priming onal basis states |0⟩ = |↑⟩ and |1⟩ = |↓⟩ correspond to an
sense and different from the priming sense), which are denoted orientation of the spin in +z and −z directions respectively. And
with +1 and -1. This basic state can be considered similar to a single superposition states can correspond to other orientations of the
qubit (a spin-1/2 particle) system in QM. It is represented by a pure spin in different spatial directions, e.g. the state |0y ⟩ is oriented in
the +y direction. The spherical polar coordinates (r , θ , ϕ ) can be
related to Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) by
|ψ⟩ = α|0⟩ + β|1⟩ (35) x = r sin θ cos ϕ
where |α|2 and |β|2 are probabilities of spins up and down respec- y = r sin θ sin ϕ (37)
tively, and the state of the qubit is a vector in a two-dimensional z = r cos θ.
32 M. Aliakbarzadeh, K. Kitto / Journal of Mathematical Psychology 83 (2018) 24–34

To measure spin of the qubit in each of these directions we would unsatisfactory lack of detail still remains in mapping such models
apply the Pauli matrices to cognitively plausible representations, our mapping in this paper
( ) ( ) ( ) of the density matrix to interpretable semantic memory tasks gives
0 1 0 −i 1 0
σx = , σy = , σz = . (38) a new avenue that will help to link this more interpretationally
1 0 i 0 0 −1
robust class of models to the extensive data sets that have been
In other words, we can visualize the two-level quantum system collected in this the domain of memory and recall already (see
using this three-dimensional Bloch sphere representation. A cog- e.g. Nelson et al. (2013) for a summary of one such dataset). We
nitive state built from this basic representation brings with it the leave this contribution for future work.
possibility of modeling its dynamical evolution, but still has a If we can successfully create a cognitively well justified geomet-
direct mapping to the qubits which have been used in the previous rical representation for our cobit then it will be straightforward
work in QC. However, the visualization of more than two-level to extend the model for multiple cobits. As Nielsen and Chuang
quantum systems can have different geometries and usually need
(2010) explain, treating qubits as abstract mathematical objects
higher-dimensional Bloch based vector representation (Bertlmann
enables us to generalize the concept for more complex situations
& Krammer, 2008; Goyal, Neethi Simon, Singh, & Simon, 2016;
(e.g. multiple qubits) without depending upon a specific realiza-
Kimura, 2003).4 Likewise, cognitive systems of more than two-
tion. This geometrical representation opens different avenues to
levels (like the example we described in Eq. (19)) could still be
modeled by these higher-dimensional representations. make use of the approaches identified in this paper for using
However, to employ this Bloch sphere representation of a qubit the density matrix and generalized measurement in modeling
in cognition, we have to provide appropriate meanings for these semantics. As an example of a further approach that this avenue
three directions in phase space. Yearsley and Pothos (2013) pro- might open up, we will briefly introduce the concept of cognitive
vide an example interpretation in a decision making experiment, tomography, and suggest a way in which it might be used to
by projecting a bivariate observable on Z direction. This work em- characterize unknown cognitive states.
ploys a Bloch sphere representation to build up an understanding
of how a cognitive system might evolve in time to define a test for 4.1. Cognitive tomography
violations of the temporal-Bell inequalities. Similarly, Broekaert,
Basieva, Blasiak, and Pothos (2017) provide the geometric inter- In a QC model, the result of measurement gives an indication
pretation for the evolution of states implied by Hamiltonian. Their of the state of a subject’s mind with reference to a measurement
Hamiltonian is built based on only two Pauli matrices to describe scenario, or question, just before the measurement occurred. For
different dynamical evolution scenarios. However, in both of these instance, in the BOXER example described in Section 2.1, each
approaches, the derivation of the Hamiltonian of the system makes
answer +1 or −1 indicates whether BOXER would be interpreted
reference only to the mathematical aspects of the Bloch sphere,
in the same way as the priming occurred (as represented by the
without providing an exact cognitive meaning for the directions
operators A′ or A′′ ), or not. But to fully understand the state of a
x, y and z that are used in these models.
subject’s mind when faced with the word BOXER, we cannot rely
This is an important point to emphasize; there is little con-
nection in these more advanced models between the physical for- on one measurement alone. One possibility would be to repeat the
malism and the cognitive meaning. This paper has been careful to measurement many times on the same subject to get an average of
associate a strong psychological interpretation to the more ad- different results. A memory experiment would need to repeat the
vanced models of measurement and preparation as they apply cuing procedure in a variety of different contexts. However, this
to cognition. However, to move forwards we will require a far demonstrates precisely how difficult it is to construct a reliable
stronger connection to the underlying meaning of a cognitive measurement in cognition, because the response a subject gives
qubit, which we will term a cobit. As we emphasized earlier, it is to an experiment can affect the response that they give for the
necessary to provide cognitive meanings for the different Carte- following experiments (see Section 2.1).
sian directions in the geometrical representations used with this So how can we proceed in finding a more precise understanding
approach. However, to transform this representation back to the of the underlying cognitive state? One possibility would be to apply
complex vector space, we should still be able to provide cognitive a method inspired by Quantum Tomography, which specifies an
meanings for the orthonormal computational basis |0⟩ and |1⟩ unknown quantum state by performing measurements over an
(like the two senses that we assigned to these two basis states ensemble of equally prepared identical quantum states (Leon-
in Eq. (35)). We admit that this geometrical interpretation does hardt, 1997). To use this method for cognition, we would need
not scale to more complex multipartite situations in a straight- to provide the same experimental conditions as we prepare our
forward manner, which potentially limits its utility as a general different subjects.6 This is similar to the scenario in physics where
model, however, we consider it necessary that QC place more of an a device produces a beam of spin-1/2 particles (Wootters, 2004). It
emphasis upon finding the underlying dynamical representation of
is possible to predict the spin state of particles that the device pro-
cognitive processes, and a model based upon a high dimensional
duces if we perform a set of orthogonal measurements in the x, y
Bloch based representation is an immediately plausible option, as
and z directions. These three measurements should be ‘‘mutually
has already been recognized by a number of papers previously
published in this domain. Providing the cognitive meaning for conjugate’’ (Wootters, 2004) which means that an eigenvector of
a cobit as discussed above, helps us to interpret the cognitive any one of them must be an equal superposition of the eigenvectors
meanings of applied operators on that cobit. As an example, we of the two others. For this set of measurements, each different mea-
could reach a better understanding of the rotations group SO(3) surement provides information independent from the information
and SU(2) and their special relation with each other.5 While an provided by the other measurements (Wootters, 2004).
A detailed mathematical description of tomography for cobits
4 It is not always necessary to consider a higher dimension, as an exam- would rely upon having a precise cognitive meaning for the x, y and
ple, Kurzyński, Kołodziejski, Laskowski and Markiewicz (2016) suggest a three- z directions in their geometrical representation. Then to estimate
dimensional visualization for qutrit. a cognitive state of cobits we would need to repeatedly apply three
5 The special orthogonal group SO(3) represents rotations around the origin of linearly independent observables (associated with those three
a three-dimensional Euclidean space and the special unitary group SU(2) is the
set of 2 by 2 unitary matrices with determinant 1 (like the set of Pauli matrices
described in Eq. (38)). The relation between these two rotations groups is an one- 6 This does not necessarily lead to an ensemble of subjects with the same pure
to-two correspondence between any R ∈ SO(3) and 2U ∈ SU(2) (Miller, 1972). cognitive state, as we mentioned in Section 2.1.
M. Aliakbarzadeh, K. Kitto / Journal of Mathematical Psychology 83 (2018) 24–34 33

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