Dreams - Vocabulary
Dreams - Vocabulary
Dreams - Vocabulary
F fall asleep v. 9. When I feel sleepy, I open my mouth very wide and I
get up ________________.
G v.
go to bed v. 10. I always go to bed at 10:30 pm, but our son is only
four years old, so his ________________ is at 8:30.
I insomnia n.
11. I have to get up at 7:00 tomorrow morning. I hope I
M morning person n.
don’t ________________ and get up at 7:30.
N nightmare n.
12. Getting enough sleep is very important. I usually go to
night owl n.
bed at 10 pm and I ________________ at 6 am.
O oversleep v.
13. I wake up at 6 am, but I don’t ________________ right
S sleep-in v. away. I like to stay in bed for five or ten minutes.
T take a nap v.
14. It’s 11 pm. It’s time to _______________. It’s bedtime.
W wake up v.
15. After I go to bed, I like to read a book for a while
Y yawn n., v. before I ________________.
1. night owl
2. insomnia
3. alarm clock
4. sleep-in
5. nightmare(s)
6. asleep
7. morning person
8. take a nap
9. yawn
10. bedtime
11. oversleep
12. wake up (or ‘get up’)
13. get up
14. go to bed
15. fall asleep