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Structural Deformation Monitoring Surveys of New Administrative Building of Federal School of Surveying, Oyo - Nigeria

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Structural Deformation Monitoring Surveys of New Administrative Building of

Federal School of Surveying, Oyo – Nigeria

Article · January 2016


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2 authors:

Nura Yelwa Izzudin Abdullahi

Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto University of Wisconsin–Madison


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Volume 6 No.1, January 2016 ISSN 2224-3577
International Journal of Science and Technology

©2016 IJST. All rights reserved


Structural Deformation Monitoring Surveys of New Administrative

Building of Federal School of Surveying, Oyo – Nigeria
Abdullahi I. M. , Yelwa N. A.
Department of Geology, UsmanuDanfodiyo University, Sokoto-Nigeria

Structural monitoring is carried out to reduce cases of building collapse thereby enhancing safety conditions for the
inhabitants. During this survey, the use of measuring techniques which are geodetic are determined considering the type of
the structure of which deformations will be monitored, its environmental conditions and expected accuracy from the
measurements. Different structural monitoring requires certain kind of techniques. According to the profession,
deformation monitoring techniques and instrumentation of geodetic surveys include conventional measures such as precise
levelling measurements, angle and distance measurements, photogrammetric: terrestrial, aerial and digital
photogrammetry, satellite: such as Global Positioning System-GPS, and some special techniques were employed.

The control network points were positioned using GPS measuring technique for both new and existing pillars and height
differences were supported with precise leveling measurements; and Total Station equipment for angular observations
which employed intersection method. Afterward, deformation analysis using the height differences according to provided
data from the GPS and the precise levelling were carried out separately. The result of the analyses shows that the building
is stable both horizontally and vertically, and there were no noticeable displacement on the structure; as such it is safe to
dwell in it.

Keywords: Deformation Monitoring, GPS, Geodetic techniques, Levelling, Accuracy analysis

causes of unexpected deformation and consequently has

1. INTRODUCTION impact on the safety and economy as well as
environmental effects [2].
Due to the increase in the human population, the
pressure on land use becomes a source of concern to The safety of large engineering structures demands
human race. Thus changes in ground water level, tidal monitoring of deformation patterns of these structures
phenomena, tectonic phenomena triggers deformation of such as dams, bridges and high-rise buildings is essential
structures which thus becomes necessary to carrying on for the development of nation. However, under excessive
deformation studies as to save lives and properties. loading, such as building or structures are subjected to
deformation, potentially causing loss of lives and
As it is well known, engineering structures are subject of properties [3].
deformation due to factors such as changes of ground
water level, tectonic phenomena and human activities The importance of deformation studies cannot be
[1]. New and existing buildings can be affected by daily underestimated. There have been different scenarios in
movement (solar effects, heavy rainfalls), long period which structure collapses all over the world. Examples
movements (settlement) and dynamic movements of these collapses are: The Ojiani dam in Akoko-Edo, in
(resonance, wind and loads). They may also be built in Edo State, the Tiga dam in Kano State some years ago
flood or earthquake zones and therefore at risk of being which led to the loss of properties and displacements of
damaged by natural events. Many buildings are aging thousands of rural inhabitants and the recent collapse of
and their construction materials deteriorating due to time building in Abuja, Lagos and Ibadan etc. All these could
and weather effect. A monitoring system can insure the have been averted if there had been a program for
structural integrity of a building by providing continues monitoring the stability or deformation of these
deformation data over extended periods of time. This structures.
allows appropriate and cost effective maintenance to be
conducted. Methods carried out in the research studies includes the
direct measurement of deformation parameters (such as
The monitoring surveys serve not only the purpose of tilt, strain, stress/extension, joint etc.), the real-time
giving information on geometrical changes at the surface processing of continuously recorded deformation data,
of the investigated object but become a tool for physical the structural finite element method, and the integrated
interpretation of the deformation. The role of the analysis of deformation measurements. Similarly,
monitoring surveys expands into the explanation of triangulation, traversing, trilateration, and intersection
Volume 6 No.1, January 2016 ISSN 2224-3577
International Journal of Science and Technology

©2016 IJST. All rights reserved


methods was practically measured using Total Station, monitoring systems, the accuracy, availability, reliability
Global Positioning System, Geodetic Level, Lasers, and integrity of the positioning solutions is heavily
Tiltmeters, Strainmeters, Extensometers, Joint-meters, dependent on the number and geometric distribution of
Plumb lines, Micrometers and any other high precision satellites being tracked. However, in some situations,
equipment for geometric data acquisition. such as in urban canyons, dam monitoring in valleys and
in deep open-cut mines, the number of visible satellites
The major motivation of this study is geodetic may not be sufficient to reliably determine precise
techniques in monitoring deformations of engineering coordinates. Furthermore, it is impossible to use GPS for
structures and analyzing. In determining deformations indoor applications.
according to geodetic techniques constitutes terrestrial
measurement techniques or space based positioning Global Positioning System offers advantages over
techniques and/or combination of both techniques. conventional terrestrial methods. Intervisibility between
stations is not strictly necessary, allowing greater
1.1 Study Area flexibility in the selection of station locations than for
terrestrial geodetic surveys. Measurements can be
The site of the project is located within Longitude 070 carried out during night or day, under varying weather
50’ 32” and latitude 030 57’ 08”; New Administrative conditions, which makes GPS measurements
building of Federal School of Surveying, part of Oyo economical, especially when multiple receivers can be
East Local Government of Old Oyo Town, Oyo State. deployed on the structure during the survey. With the
Located towards the school staff quarters, bounded on recent developed rapid static positioning techniques, the
the sides and behind by staff quarters and farmlands. time for the measurements at each station is reduced to a
few minutes [6].

Oyo State Nigeria GPS survey techniques can often be used to establish or
densify project controls more efficiently than
conventional control surveying techniques. Quality
control statistics and redundant measurements in GPS
networks help to ensure reliable results. Field operations
to perform a GPS survey are relatively easy and can
generally be performed by one person per receiver, with
two or more receivers required to transfer control. GPS
does not require inter-visibility between adjacent
stations. However, GPS must have visibility of at least
four satellites (for position determination) during
surveying. This requirement may make GPS
inappropriate in areas of dense vegetation [6].

GPS has several advantages over conventional surveys.

New Administrative Complex
It provides flexibility in the location of monitoring
Federal School of Surveying, Oyo stations, semi-automated data collection and processing,
reliable 3-Dimension positioning between two points,
Figure 1: Location Map of the Study Area built-in error analysis and export capability for survey
adjustments, and potentially faster hands-off field survey
2.1 Global Positioning System (GPS) Overview operation. The fieldwork and procedures for GPS
deformation surveys can be conducted in ways that are
Global Positioning System currently offers more than very similar to conventional surveying field operations
one method for structural monitoring applications. Two [7].
end-members of these methods might be described as
static post-processing of GPS data and Real-Time The specialized surveying practices in the olden days
Kinematic (RTK) positioning [4]. tend to be time and labor intensive. GPS surveying
techniques for structural monitoring have a high
Due to the high precision of the carrier phase potential for reduction in manpower needed for
measurements, the Global Positioning System (GPS) conducting deformation surveys. Although GPS can
technology has been widely used for measuring crustal yield positions that are comparable to (and may even
motion, river level and ground subsidence, and more exceed) the accuracy levels expected for conventional
recently for monitoring deformation of man-made surveys, it is use in the past was limited because of a
structures such as bridges, dams, buildings, etc.[5]. It is requirement for lengthy station occupation times.
well known that for such GPS-based deformation
Volume 6 No.1, January 2016 ISSN 2224-3577
International Journal of Science and Technology

©2016 IJST. All rights reserved


The geodetic techniques employed for deformation instruments, method of data acquisition, to
studies of the New Building complexes, are first order forecast/prepare for circumstances that may spring up in
intersection and precise leveling. The techniques give the course of executing any survey project. It requires
both absolute and relative value. The computations visitation of the site, checking for existing control points,
involved are: intersection computation and adjustment, and collection of coordinates which the work to be tied.
leveling computation and adjustment, GPS data
processing and transformation, variation of coordinates. These are collection of coordinates to be used (X,Y,Z),
The best technique that can be adopted for adjusting the base map if there is any, description of control stations
final product is the least squares adjustment. The X, Y, Z and bench mark points to be used and relevant
coordinates of all points would be generated from the information which could be instrumental towards the
acquired data. Necessary reductions and computations success of the project execution as shown in table 1.
would be performed after which least squares adjustment
would be used to adjust all the appropriate parameters. This is done in order to get acquainted with the project
site, to locate existing pillars, fix positions for
The measurement of relative movement is generally establishing new controls and structural pillars, fix best
much easier since movements are related to the structure positions for survey lines to ensure intervisibility.
itself or to some arbitrary points nearby. These may
move during a survey but this does not affect the result Table 1: Coordinates of GPS control used
obtained. While, absolute measurements on the other
hand are related to datum points that are assumed not to
move during a survey. The accuracy required for a Source: Archive, F.S.S. OYO.
deformation survey depends on many factors including
the type and the size of the building or structure, what is 3.2 Monumentation
causing the movement (environment factors or loading)
and whether an understanding of the movement is PILLAR EASTING( NORTHING( HEIGHT REMARK
m) m) (m)
needed. XSN 07 170112.050 424788.294 309.972 Horizontal &
Vertical Control
3. METHODOLOGY FSS1/9 170212.282 425117.072 304.661 Horizontal &
Vertical Control
FSS1/40/ 167954.629 425493.585 298.365 Horizontal &
Survey methods, principles and procedures adopted in 49 Vertical Control
the course of carrying out the surveyinvolves the SBM 300.923 Vertical Control
preliminary planning in the office, choice of instrument OYO
selection, field operations and data collection. As shown
in the work flow figure 2 below. This is the construction or fixing of control points
monuments around the structural building to be surveyed
for both the structural and control network points.

Monitoring Plan The lawn pillars were buried all around the structure
with a distance of not more than 30m. The pillars were
Maximum made of concrete mixed in the ratio of 3:2:1 proportion
Accuracy Pre-analysis &
Requirement Survey Design of sharp sands, crushed stone/gravel to a part of cement
in accordance with survey rules and regulations [8][9].
The dimension of the pillar is 75cm long, 18cm in
section with 5cm above the ground and 70cm below the
Network Data Data ground surface with identifier as shown in figure 3. The
Adjustment Reduction Collection
identification numbers are BMSC 400, BMSC 401,
BMSC 402, BMSC 403, BMSC 404, BMSC 405, BMSC
406, and BMSC 407.
Deformation Data
Modeling Presentation

Figure 2: Deformation Survey Data Flow

3.1 Reconnaissance Survey

Reconnaissance is usually the initial planning stage

which guides the surveyor in determining the appropriate
Volume 6 No.1, January 2016 ISSN 2224-3577
International Journal of Science and Technology

©2016 IJST. All rights reserved


18cm 18cm
BMSC 400

5cm Ground Level

Ground Level


Figure 4: Level set up (Two peg Tests Diagram)

Figure 2: Sketch of the Lawn Pillar

The structural pillars were molded on the walls of the

building all round. Pillar identification number was
written on it with a nail inserted at the centre of the
carved portion on the wall. The identification numbers of
the structural pillars are FSS/SP01, FSS/SP02,
and FSS/SP13 for the New Administrative Complex.

3.3 Instrumentation
Figure 5: Two peg Test Diagram (from the software)
The instruments used in the execution of the project
include; Hardware and Software these are: Leica GPS 3.4 CONTROL CHECK
1200 receivers and its accessories; Leica TCA 1201+
and its accessories; Leica Geodetic Digital Level (DNA Vertical control check
03) and its accessories; Geodetic leveling staffs; Tripods;
Target; Plumb bob; Steel tape; Nails; Cutlass; and Field Suitability of the control points XSN07 and FSS1/9 for
book. While for the software are: Leica Geo-office vertical positioning was also checked. SBM OYO bench
combined; DATUM software for coordinate mark was used for the checking. Geodetic digital level
transformation; least square adjustment software; and was used for this operation. The leveling was run from
Microsoft office suite. the SBM OYO to the control XSN 07 and FSS1/9. The
point identifier and the corresponding observed height
The entire instruments used were tested to ascertain their are tabulated in table 2 below.
accuracy and suitability for data acquisition. The
instruments tested were Leica GPS 1200 receiver, Leica
Digital geodetic level (DNA 03) and Leica Total Station
TCA 1201+.

Ground Level
Ground Level
A B Figure 6: Geodetic level control checking from SBM/OYO
to XSN 07
Figure 3: Total Station setup
Volume 6 No.1, January 2016 ISSN 2224-3577
International Journal of Science and Technology

©2016 IJST. All rights reserved


Obtained misclosure< allowable misclosure

This implies that the control point FSS1/9 has remained

in-situ in the vertical position. Therefore, the control
points FSS 1/9 and XSN 07 remains in-situ in their
vertical positions.

Horizontal control check

In this operation GPS was used to carry out the

horizontal control check. This operation was carried out
on January, 2012 within the period of 8 hours and 15
hours. The reference was set up on FSS1/40/96 while the
Figure 7: Geodetic level controls checking from rover was set up on FSS1/9. The two receivers were
SBM/OYO to FSS 1/9 positioned at each control pillar for a period of forty five
minutes. The position of the rover was shifted to XSN 07
and was left for 45 minutes.

Table 2: Vertical Control Check Readings Thereafter, the position of the reference was shifted to
(FSS1/9 &XSN 07) XSN 07 and rover to FSS1 40/96 and then to FSS1/9.
The operation was repeated for the third time by placing
Station Known Observation Difference the reference on FSS1/9 and the rover to FSS1/40/96 and
Station Elevation (m) XSN07 respectively. The acquired and transformed
XSN07 309.972 309.9748 -0.0028 coordinates are tabulated in tables 3, 4 and 5 below.
FSS1/9 304.661 304.6585 -0.0025


XSN07: Allowable misclosure = ±0.0025√K


K = Total distance covered in kilometer = 414.950/1000

= 0.414950km

Obtained misclosure = ±2.8mm√0.414.950= ± Figure 8: GPS Observation control check

0.0000028 x 0.644166127 =±0.000001803

Obtained misclosure = -0.0028m, while the allowable

Table 3: Transformed and Observed coordinates
misclosure = ±0.001803m
of FSS 1/ 9 from XSN 07
Obtained misclosure< allowable misclosure
STATION Northin Easting Heigh Remar
g (m) (m) t (m) k
This means that XSN07 has remained in-situ in the
FSS 1/9 425117. 170212. 304.65 Obser
vertical position.
360 094 85 ved
FSS 1/9 425117. 170212. 304.66 Origin
351 099 10 al
FSS1/9: Allowable misclosure = -0.0025mm√K
Where K = Total distance covered in kilometer = NCY 0.009 +0.005 +0.002
670.480/1000 = 0.67048km 5

Allowable misclosure = ±2.8mm√0.67048 = ±0.0000028

x 0.818828431 = ±0.00000229m

Obtained misclosure = 0.0025m, while the allowable

misclosure = ±0.00000229m
Volume 6 No.1, January 2016 ISSN 2224-3577
International Journal of Science and Technology

©2016 IJST. All rights reserved


Table 4: Transformed and Observed coordinates

of FSS 1/40/96 from XSN 07

STATION Northin Easting Heig Remar

g (m) (m) ht k
FSS 1/40/96 425493. 167954. 296.9 Observ
515 019 64 ed
FSS 1/40/96 425493. 167954. 298.3 Origin Figure 10: GPS Loop 1 Observation using FSS 1/9 as
517 011 65 al reference point
NCY +0.002 0.008 -

Table 5: Transformed and Observed coordinates

of XSN 07 from FSS 1/40/96

STATION Northin Easting Heigh Remar

g (m) (m) t (m) k Figure 11: GPS Loop 2 Observation using XSN 07 as
XSN 07 424788. 170112. 309.97 Obser reference point
294 057 48 ved
XSN 07 424788. 170112. 309.97 Origin 3.5.2 Geodetic Level data acquisition
294 050 2 al
DISCREPA ΔN = ΔE = - ΔH = - The observation was done and the data were acquired on
NCY 0.0000 0.0070 0.0028 all the controls in order to heighten the controls. The
diagram below shows the observational procedure.
All the 3 controls are in-situ and stable, with exception
of minor displacement in height found in control
FSS1/40/96. Control XSN07 was used GPS observation
because of its reliability among the three control points.

3.5 Data Acquisition and Procedure

3.5.1 GPS Data Acquisition

The GPS observations were done with two receivers, one

as the reference and the other as the rover. The reference
is meant to be set up on a point of known coordinate and
the rover on the point to be fixed. The two receivers
were to track signals from the same set of satellites as
shown below.
Figure 12: Leveling Observation to Lawn Beacons (first
Satellite 1 Satellite 2 Satellite 4 Epoch)
Satellite 3
Satellite 5 of structural pillars

The structural beacons were heighted using lawn

beacons as the bench marks. The operations were carried
Reference Rover out in three times as epochs. BMSC 401 was used as the
starting control and BMSC 407 was used as the closing
control for the three epochs for the New Administrative
Figure 9: GPS observations procedures Complex observation.

The figure 13 below shows the first epoch observations

The following figures 10 and 11 below showing the
for the height determination of the structural beacons of
results of the GPS observations of FSS 1/9 and XSN 07
the building:
as reference points respectively.
Volume 6 No.1, January 2016 ISSN 2224-3577
International Journal of Science and Technology

©2016 IJST. All rights reserved


Table 6: Adjusted heights of structural pillars

for the two epochs


FSS/SP 01 308.7887 308.7929
FSS/SP 02 308.4410 308.4395
FSS/SP 03 308.9100 308.9099
FSS/SP 04 308.9885 308.9883
FSS/SP 05 309.0817 309.0824
FSS/SP 06 309.5339 309.5349
FSS/SP 07 309.7324 309.7341
FSS/SP 08 310.0404 310.0421
FSS/SP 09 310.1147 310.1177
Figure 13: Leveling Observation to Structural Beacons FSS/SP 10 309.6088 309.6093
(First Epoch) New Administrative building FSS/SP 11 309.3870 309.3889
FSS/SP 12 309.4152 309.4166
3.5.3 Angular Observation FSS/SP 13 308.9857 308.9878
The instrument was set on the controls and the structural
beacons were observed within the intervisibility as seen Formulae for observation equations are stated below:
in figure 16. The angular observation and height
determination of the first epoch was carried out on the Angle = (K1-K2) δEi + (L1-L2) δNi – K1δEj + L1δNj +
second week of January and the second epoch was K2δEk – L2δNk = (O-C)”
carried out on the first week of March, and the third
epoch was carried out third week of April, 2012. Where
BMSC 404

k1= Cosαij/(Lijsin1”), k2= Cosαik/(Lijsin1”)


L1=Sinαij/(LijSin1”), L2=Sinαik/(Lijsin1”)
FSS/SP/06 FSS/SP/09 405


Other things include formation of Matrix ‘A’,



Normalization, Solution


FSS/SP/13 ‘δ’ = (ATPA)-1 AT PL. Where P = W (weight), W = 1/δ2.
Centenary Administrative Complex BMSC Variance was also computed.

Unit variance ‘δ 2’ = VT PV was computed. M-N


Table 7: Co-efficient of correction
Not Drawn to scale
Ei Ni Ej Nj Ek O-C
Figure 14: Intersection Observation to Structural Beacons
of New Administrative Complex (For all the Epochs) K1- L1- 0 Angle O-
K2 L2 L1 K2 C

4. DATA ANALYSIS Table 8: Adjusted coordinates of structural

pillars for the first epoch
This involves the processing and refinement of raw data,
reduction and adjustment to obtain the expected final POINT ID EASTING(m) NORTHING(m)
product which will be used for analysis. The X, Y, Z FSS/SP 01 170404.318 424755.096
coordinates of all points were generated from the FSS/SP 02 170432.037 424768.037
acquired raw data. The data was reduced, computed and FSS/SP 03 170435.470 424762.086
adjusted using least squares adjustment method. The FSS/SP 04 170434.965 424760.780
results were compared with those of previously year. FSS/SP 05 170430.288 424757.626
FSS/SP 06 170438.151 424741.670
FSS/SP 07 170437.575 424740.641
Volume 6 No.1, January 2016 ISSN 2224-3577
International Journal of Science and Technology

©2016 IJST. All rights reserved


FSS/SP 08 170421.514 424733.094

FSS/SP 09 170420.534 424733.766 ∆Y = N (i) – N (f)
FSS/SP 11 170421.160 424746.129 ∆X = E(i) - E(f)
FSS/SP 12 170410.556 424749.382 ∆Z= H(i) - H(f)
θ = tan (∆X/∆Y)
FSS/SP 13 170405.374 424751.138
Dh(n) = √( ΔXn2+ ΔYn2) = magnitude
Table 9: Adjusted coordinates of structural Dv(n) = √( ΔZn2)
pillars for the second epoch
Percentage Confidence in Horizontal Movement =
POINT ID EASTING(m) NORTHING(m) (49/25) x √ (σi2 + σf2)
FSS/SP 01 170431.903 424768.103
Percentage Confidence in Vertical Movement = (49/25)
FSS/SP 03 170435.470 424762.086
x √ (σi2 + σf2)
FSS/SP 09 170420.541 424733.769
FSS/SP 10 170418.080 424739.749
FSS/SP 11 170421.166 424746.139 Interpretation
FSS/SP 12 170410.556 424749.376
FSS/SP 13 170405.369 424751.172 Change in easting ΔX, Change in northing ΔY, Change
in height ΔZ, Magnitude of horizontal displacement D h,
Table 10: Adjusted coordinates of structural and Magnitude of vertical displacement D v
pillars for the third epoch
ΔXn = En(i) – En(f)
FSS/SP 01 170404.318 424755.097 ΔZn = Zn(i) – Zn(f)
FSS/SP 02 170432.034 424768.038
FSS/SP 03 170435.477 424762.063 If any of Dhnis greater than the Percentage Confidence in
FSS/SP 04 170434.966 424760.780 horizontal movement, such point must be assumed not
stable and require further investigation. If the result of
FSS/SP 05 170430.264 424757.631
such investigation is affirmative, Civil Engineers must
FSS/SP 06 170438.135 424741.666
be contacted for further actions.
FSS/SP 07 170437.596 424740.647
FSS/SP 08 170421.491 424733.086
If any of Dvnis greater than the Percentage Confidence in
FSS/SP 09 170420.544 424733.771 the vertical movement, such point must assumed not
FSS/SP 10 170418.060 424739.746 stable (differential settlement likely has occurred) and
FSS/SP 11 170421.170 424746.144 require further investigation to confirm this and if
FSS/SP 12 170410.556 424749.370 affirmative, construction engineers must be contacted for
FSS/SP 13 170405.366 424751.192 further decision. No part of the structure is seen as non-
stable, the structure is safe for the continuous use by the
4.2 Deformation Analysis

The deformation analysis was determined by analyzing

the reference point and the structural point to determine
the changes in the structure. The values were determined
using differences between the heights value of the
successive epochs and difference in the X, Y values. The
displacements of point were calculated by finding the
differences in the most recent survey.

The conventional deformation analysis was applied to

the leveling derived datasets as well as the X and Y data
sets in 1D and 3D presented in graphical form for
visualization of the possible differential settlement
horizontal displacement.

Differences in the horizontal and vertical coordinates

were determined as well as vector quantity (magnitude
and direction of displacement). The following are the
formulae used in the analysis:
Volume 6 No.1, January 2016 ISSN 2224-3577
International Journal of Science and Technology

©2016 IJST. All rights reserved


Table 11: Shows the acquired data and their differences of New Administrative building

POINT ∆X1 ∆Y1 ∆Z1 ∆X2 ∆Y2 ∆Z2 ∆X3 ∆Y3 X1- ∆X1- ∆X Y1- Y1- ∆Y ∆Z
ID X2 ∆X3 Y2 Y3
FSS/SP 0 0 - 0.001 -0.0042
01 308.7887 308.793 170404.318 424755.097 0.001
FSS/SP 0.003 0.003 - 0.001 0.0015
02 308.441 308.44 170432.034 424768.038 0.001
FSS/SP 0 0.0007 0.0004 0 0.023 0.0115 0.0001
03 170435.47 424762.086 308.91 170435.47 424762.1 308.91 170435.477 424762.063
FSS/SP - 0.0001 0 0 0.0002
04 308.9885 308.988 170434.966 424760.78 0.0001
FSS/SP 0.024 0.024 - 0.005 -0.0007
05 309.0817 309.082 170430.264 424757.631 0.005
FSS/SP 0.016 0.016 0.004 0.004 -0.001
06 309.5339 309.535 170438.135 424741.666
FSS/SP 0.021 0.021 - 0.006 -0.0017
07 309.7324 309.734 170437.596 424740.647 0.006
FSS/SP -0.023 0.023 0.008 0 -0.0017
08 310.0404 310.042 170421.491 424733.086
FSS/SP 170420.534 424733.766 424733.8 - 0.01 0.009 - - 0.004 -0.0003
09 310.1147 170420.541 310.118 170420.544 424733.771 0.007 0.003 0.005
FSS/SP -0.0005
10 309.6088 309.609
FSS/SP 170421.16 424746.129 170421.166 424746.1 - 0.004 0.005 -0.01 - 0.013 -0.0019
11 309.387 309.389 170421.170 424746.144 0.006 0.015
FSS/SP 170410.556 424749.382 170410.556 0 0 0 0.006 0.012 0.009 -0.0014
12 309.4152 424749.4 309.417 170410.556 424749.37
FSS/SP 170405.374 424751.138 170405.369 0.005 0.008 0.007 0.034 0.054 0.044 -0.0021
13 308.9857 424751.2 308.988 170405.366 424751.192
Volume 6 No.1, January 2016 ISSN 2224-3577
International Journal of Science and Technology

©2016 IJST. All rights reserved


Table 12: Shows Comparison between first, second and third epoch of New Administrative building


FSS/SP 01 0 0.001 0.001 0.1 STABLE
FSS/SP 02 0.0015 0.0015 0.15 STABLE
FSS/SP 03 0.0004 0.0115 0.0015 0.15 STABLE 0.0001 0.0001 0.01 STABLE
FSS/SP 04 0.0001 0 0.00001 0.001 STABLE 0.0002 0.0002 0.02 STABLE
FSS/SP 05 -0.0007 0.0007 0.07 STABLE
FSS/SP 06 -0.001 0.001 0.1 STABLE
FSS/SP 07 -0.0017 0.0017 0.17 STABLE
FSS/SP 08 -0.0017 0.0017 0.17 STABLE
FSS/SP 09 -0.0003 0.0003 0.03 STABLE
FSS/SP 11 -0.0019 0.0019 0.19 STABLE
FSS/SP 12 -0.0014 0.0014 0.14 STABLE
FSS/SP 13 -0.0021 0.0021 0.21 STABLE
Volume 6 No.1, January 2016 ISSN 2224-3577
International Journal of Science and Technology

©2016 IJST. All rights reserved


Table 13: Shows comparison between 2011 and 2012 results data and their differences of the New Administrative building


POINT ID ∆X1 ∆Y1 ∆Z1 ∆X2 ∆Y2 ∆Z2 X1-X2 Y1-Y2 ∆Z1-Z2
FSS/SP 01 170404.389 424755.136 308.8005 170404.318 424755.1 308.7929 0.0711 0.0387 0.0076
FSS/SP 02 170432.128 424768.086 308.4499 170432.034 424768.04 308.4395 0.0935 0.0484 0.0104
FSS/SP 03 170435.523 424762.127 308.9208 170435.477 424762.06 308.9099 0.0462 0.0638 0.0109
FSS/SP 04 170435.042 424760.826 308.9978 170434.966 424760.78 308.9883 0.076 0.0464 0.0095
FSS/SP 05 170430.356 424757.677 309.092 170430.264 424757.63 309.0824 0.0916 0.0464 0.0096
FSS/SP 06 170438.206 424741.718 309.5435 170438.135 424741.67 309.5349 0.0714 0.0522 0.0086
FSS/SP 07 170437.669 424740.7 309.7424 170437.596 424740.65 309.7341 0.0734 0.0534 0.0083
FSS/SP 08 170421.621 424733.166 310.0503 170421.491 424733.09 310.0421 0.1304 0.0795 0.0082
FSS/SP 09 170420.615 424733.825 310.1256 170420.544 424733.77 310.1177 0.071 0.0542 0.0079
FSS/SP 10 170418.161 424739.834 309.6181 170418.06 424739.75 309.6093 0.1011 0.0879 0.0088
FSS/SP 11 170421.253 424746.208 309.3975 170421.17 424746.14 309.3889 0.0826 0.0642 0.0086
FSS/SP 12 170410.633 424749.646 309.4258 170410.556 424749.37 309.4166 0.0768 0.2761 0.0092
FSS/SP 13 170405.437 424751.567 308.9955 170405.366 424751.19 308.9878 0.0714 0.3751 0.0077
Volume 6 No.1, January 2016 ISSN 2224-3577
International Journal of Science and Technology

©2016 IJST. All rights reserved


Table 14: Magnitude and comments of the comparison between 2011 and 2012 (Magnitude of horizontal and vertical displacement)


FSS/SP/01 0.0711 0.0387 0.0809 8.095 0.0076 0.76
FSS/SP/02 0.0935 0.0484 0.105 10.528 0.0104 1.04
FSS/SP/03 0.0462 0.0638 0.079 7.877 0.0109 1.09
FSS/SP/04 0.076 0.0464 0.089 8.904 0.0095 0.95
FSS/SP/05 0.0916 0.0464 0.103 10.268 0.0096 0.96
FSS/SP/06 0.0714 0.0522 0.088 8.845 0.0086 0.86
FSS/SP/07 0.0734 0.0534 0.0901 9.077 0.0083 0.83
FSS/SP/08 0.1304 0.0795 0.153 15.272 0.0082 0.82
FSS/SP/09 0.071 0.0542 0.089 8.932 0.0079 0.79
FSS/SP/10 0.1011 0.0879 0.134 13.397 0.0088 0.88
FSS/SP/11 0.0826 0.0642 0.105 10.462 0.0086 0.86
FSS/SP/12 0.0768 0.2761 0.287 28.658 0.0092 0.92
FSS/SP/13 0.0714 0.3751 0.382 38.184 0.0077 0.77
Volume 6 No.1, January 2016 ISSN 2224-3577
International Journal of Science and Technology

©2016 IJST. All rights reserved


both vertically and horizontally. Therefore the

Figures 15 and 16 below shows the horizontal building is still in a good habitable condition.
graphical representation of the structure for the two
epochs individually and collectively, hence shows no 5.1 Recommendations
noticeable movements in both horizontal and vertical. It is, however, recommended that
 Record of consistent and accurate data
424770 should be kept and updated at specific
EPOCHS intervals. Also, newly constructed high-rise
buildings; dams, bridges should have
structural pillars to aid deformation
424750 monitoring and studies.


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Volume 6 No.1, January 2016 ISSN 2224-3577
International Journal of Science and Technology

©2016 IJST. All rights reserved


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