Luscher JetScreenDX22 35
Luscher JetScreenDX22 35
Luscher JetScreenDX22 35
JetScreen DX
SWISS CTS from Lüscher Direct exposure with blue laser diodes
JetScreen DX flat
Lüscher offers the JetScreen DX flat with 32, 64, 96 or 128 laser
diodes. The JetScreen DX flat can handle all current printing frame
formats from 500 x 500 mm, up to an external frame format of
8000 x 3800 mm.
• Number of laser diodes can be upgraded at any time
JetScreen DX round
The new JetScreen DX round uses long lasting, state of the art
blue laser diodes to cut the time needed to produce high quality
rotary screens with a maximum length of 3500 mm.
The laser diodes offer tremendous time savings, since they are
capable of exposing screens at a higher resolution and up to
three times faster than is possible with today’s inkjet liquid wax
technologies. The JetScreen DX round also requires no consuma-
bles, so that the overall screen making process is cheaper and
more economical.
• The number of laser diodes can be increased at any time
Professional service and support as well as
user friendliness make your life simpler
The separated files are imaged from the printing side of the coated
screen by blue laser diodes as wrong reading negatives. The high-po-
wered lasers enable conventional diazo emulsions to be cured, even on
coloured meshes, as well as well-known CTS projection emulsions.
Lüscher AG | Bodenackerstrasse 7 | CH-5014 Gretzenbach | Switzerland | Tel +41 62 767 76 77 | Email [email protected] |
For additional information please visit us online or call 800-816-5755 (International Callers: 941-925-1303) 800-816-5755