A New Empirical Constraint On The Prevalence of Technological Species in The Universe
A New Empirical Constraint On The Prevalence of Technological Species in The Universe
A New Empirical Constraint On The Prevalence of Technological Species in The Universe
In this article, we address the cosmic frequency of technological species. Recent advances in exoplanet studies
provide strong constraints on all astrophysical terms in the Drake equation. Using these and modifying the
form and intent of the Drake equation, we set a firm lower bound on the probability that one or more
technological species have evolved anywhere and at any time in the history of the observable Universe. We
find that as long as the probability that a habitable zone planet develops a technological species is larger than
*10-24, humanity is not the only time technological intelligence has evolved. This constraint has important
scientific and philosophical consequences. Key Words: Life—Intelligence—Extraterrestrial life. Astrobiology
2016, xxx–xxx.
1. Introduction 2. Method
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York.
Department of Astronomy and Astrobiology Program, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.
we assume that technology is associated with planets and suring that Earth is the only location in the history of the
their host stars. cosmos where a technological civilization has ever evolved.
We define the ‘‘A-form’’ of the Drake equation, which Adopting A = 0.01 means that in a statistical sense were we
describes the total number of technological species that have to rerun the history of the Universe 100 times, only once
ever evolved anywhere in the currently observable Uni- would a lone technological species occur. A lower bound fbt
verse: on the probability is then
Table 1. Limits on the Number of Technological Species Occurring on Different Scale Lengths
Scale length Size Rs (M lt-yr) No. galaxies Nast fbt for A = 1
Galaxy 0.1 1 6 · 10 10
1.7 · 10-11
Galaxy cluster 5 300 2 · 1013 5 · 10-14
Supercluster 300 3000 2 · 1014 5 · 10-15
Observable Universe 13,700 7 · 1010 4 · 1021 2.5 · 10-22
climate change, resource allocation, and loss of species di- changes, hydrological cycle disruptions, etc.; Frank and
versity, it is not clear if the kind of long-term global culture Sullivan, 2014). Thus modeling ensembles of such species
we hope to build is even sustainable. However A > 100 in to understand the broad classifications of their planetary
our formulation implies that the evolution of technological feedback histories is theoretically well-grounded for large-
species has occurred enough times that the ensemble of their enough values of fbt. Such a project would be an attempt to
histories (or trajectories in a suitably defined phase space) is understand both average properties like CLD as well as what
statistically meaningful. In particular, for large-enough led some trajectories to collapse and others to long-term
values of fbt, the average longevity CLD of such a sample of sustainability.
technological species does, in principle, exist. Thus if fbt is It is also possible to make the connection between our A
such that A ‡ 1000 (the statistically relevant population), it is form of the Drake equation and traditional SETI studies that
reasonable to consider that different versions of humanity’s ask about Nc, the number of technological species existing
current technological experiment in the alteration of our in our galaxy now. The traditional form of the Drake
planetary system have occurred before. Note that many as- equation can be written
pects of the feedback between an energy-intensive, tech-
nological species and its host planet would depend solely on ÆLæ
physical processes and constraints (atmospheric chemistry Nc ¼ ½Nast ½fbt
Thus Nc ¼ A ÆLæ
L . As we have shown in Table 1, for each
astrophysical scale of interest s, we candefine a minimum
biotechnical probability via Asmin ¼ Nast
s s
fbt, min ¼ 1. Using
this, we can then ask at each scale how much does fbts have to
s s
be increased above fbt, min to get some desired value A
above Amin . Thus we can write
s s ÆLæ
Ncs ¼ Nast fbt, min As
Ncg ¼ 6 · 1010 1:7 · 10 11 As ¼ 10 10 As ÆLæ
1010 yr
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