Spaghetti Earthquake Challenge 1
Spaghetti Earthquake Challenge 1
Spaghetti Earthquake Challenge 1
Project Overview:
In groups of 4-5, you will design, build, and test a model structure made out of uncooked spaghetti sticks.
Your model will be tested on a specially built earthquake machine. This machine simulates the stresses that occur
during earthquakes.
Your model should be able to hold a golf ball and withstand a 10-second earthquake without collapsing.
You will be competing to attempt to build the best structure in the class. You and your teammates will give
a brief presentation prior to design before the earthquake test. In this verbal report (5 minutes), you will discuss
your Internet research/ prior knowledge/ class activities and how it helped you design your structure.
● To build a model of a structure that can withstand a simulated earthquake without breaking or having the golf
ball fall
● To understand how
● To monitor and reflect on your own learning (metacognition)
● To practice collaboration and demonstrate creativity with a group
Required Tasks:
Use the following list of tasks as a checklist to ensure all parts of the project has been completed
● Task 1: Write down your prior knowledge
● Task 2: Assign roles in the group, submit the roles for each group member and why they are best suited for
the role via Edmodo. All students should be working cooperatively during the class period, even if you feel
your role is "completed"
o Architect (responsible for making an architectural
drawing of structure)
o Treasurer (responsible for creating a financial plan and for supplies purchases for the
team- limited supplies)
o Technology Director (responsible for collecting research data or rationale for design from group
members and putting information into a single google doc with teacher assess
[[email protected]])
o Project Manager (responsible for maintaining group collaboration, being on task, time
management, and clean - up.)
o Presenter: Gives the verbal presentation on design during the final test
● Task 3: Brainstorm with your group a structure that will resist the simulated earthquake. Write 2-3
sentences to describe your design. Explain why you think your design can withstand your earthquake using
additional research or prior knowledge.
● Task 4: Draw a rough draft blueprint of your design
o Read over the rubric
● Task 5: Research, make improvements to the blueprint of the design
● Task 6: Build the structure using provided materials. Materials are limited
● Task 7: Final Test- 10-second earthquake simulation + 5 minute presentation about design/ research/
changes to the design
● Task 8: Write a daily summary of learning and what your group needs to complete the next class period.
● Task 9: Personal reflection
● Task 10: Add to e-portfolio with pictures and personal reflection
Research: After brainstorming ideas for your model, write down 2-3 questions or topics you need to research before
building your model. Write down the answers you find in another color. Include the sources!!!!
What’s the strongest shape should be used in constructing a building and cons of using this shape?
Triangle is the strongest shape among all other shapes and should be used in constructing a building but the
carrying capacity of the building would be much lesser than the building we have in present days.
- We did only one research because we only need to know what is the best shape in constructing the model
and then we use our own knowledge and experiences in planning the rest.
Outline the steps/plan for your project: (write your team’s timetable for each task,
you will have three class periods)
First Day: was a discussion about the ideas of how to make the model as strong as possible.
- Ant: write down the ideas.
- Benz/Broke: come up with as many ideas as possible.
- Yoyo: Draw a sample of the model.
Second Day: we start constructing the model.
- Ant/Yoyo: divide the clay into small circles and cut the spaghetti.
- Benz/Broke: Write down the required size for the spaghetti stick and connecting the spaghetti together.
Last Day: we finished the model building processes and start to plan for the presentation.
- Yoyo: finish model blueprint drawing.
- Ant/Broke: finish making the model.
- Benz: help to observe and comment on the model.
Clay Free
Spaghetti Free
We had spent the money much on the tape because we wanted to make sure that the base
was strong enough to hold the golf ball, and we got 4400 Baht left.
Day 1:
From my group research we had learned that triangle is the strongest and the best shape that
would support the building better than any shape, and from this we had planned to make our project
outlook would shape like a trapezoid and within the building will be containing pyramid shape poles
supporting the building and outside we will put a crossbar and we had planned during the brainstorm that
we will put three portions of spaghetti together to make the building stronger.
Day 2:
Within this day, Benz and I had to rewrite the model structure and Yoyo with Ant help us in
building the model. We, us a group had learned that something might not go as like what you expected it
to be, and never think it will be possible or impossible unless you tried to experiment on your thoughts.
This lesson causes us to revise the design of our building a little bit and we have to clear all the problems
we are facing on our model and the best thing that happens it that together we were able to solve this
Day 3:
Last day to working on this project, Yoyo had finished the building blueprint, Ant and I finished
building the model, but before we finished it we had some obstacles blocking our plans, some of the parts
of our model fell off because we were too much in a hurry, and lastly Benz came to check and comment
on the model whether there is anything we should be fixing.
What did you learn? What worked well? What was the most challenging aspect of this project?
What will you do differently next time? How could this information be used in a real-life
We had learned much about Earthquake safety and the triangle was the strongest shape among all,
and also should be used in constructing a building, but we don’t often see it because the triangular
building needs a wider space and the capacity carrying is much less than four angle shape building. But
then, the thing that works well in our model is that the base should be shaped into a four angle shape like
a square and we’re supposed to make the legs of the model leaning into the center of the model, because
the angles of the spaghetti sticks will affect the strength that the model legs can withstand (we are trying
to say that the spaghetti sticks can withstand the weight more than the sticks that are standing up straight,
and the leaning spaghetti have a lesser risk in breaking). In this process of building we had found out that
several obstacles that stop our plans, limited time caused us to forgot to consider our work’s quality and
strength. Materials we received, spaghetti sticks, a material which can break easily, thousand times easier
than breaking a wooden pencil, with such a frail material we must plan about how to make the model
strong enough to hold the golf ball. Overall, this project does not have only the bad side, from what we
learn from the obstacles, we could use these lessons in our life-scenarios.
Blue Print:
Class Expectations
1. This should be a fun activity for you.
2. You should take this project very seriously.
3. The rules are our agreed upon norms at the start of the class
A. Work cooperatively with your team. (-1 pt)
B. Do not interrupt other teams or group mates. (-1 pt)
C. Do not misuse materials. (-1 pt)
D. Do not be disrespectful to teammates or other groups
i. Be respectful and be on task, fulfill your role (-1 pt)
E. Do not miss deadlines (-10% each day late)
4. Failure to follow these expectations will result in you not participating.