Flange Calculations As Per en 1591.
Flange Calculations As Per en 1591.
Flange Calculations As Per en 1591.
GA Introduction
Since more than sixty years the traditional calculations of flange connections are based on estimated required
gasket forces for assemblage and working conditions; and it is assumed that the actual forces are equal the
required forces (c.g. AD-Merkblatt B8, ASME VIII, PD 5500 and EN13445-3, Clause 11).
Already in 1951 in [1] it was stated " ... that the actual conditions existing in a bolted joint will be considerably
different from those assumed ... "; but there was not detected a consequence of this knowledge in an official
flange calculation method. Similar knowledge was found in [2]; however the planned norms was realised for
several parts of vessels, but not for flange connections.
The works [4] to [8] consider both essentials for the calculation of flange connections:
(1) The actual forces shall be not greater than the allowable forces (usual strength calculation).
(2) The actual forces shall bc not less than the required forces (required for leak tightness).
Both conditions may bc written as the following general condition for bolted connections:
Required forces d Actual forces d Allowable forces (GA-1)
The required forces are determined for no loss of contact (force greater equal zero) or for a minimum gasket
pressure necessary for tightness.
The actual forces may be calculated under the assumption of elastic deformations between assemblage and
subsequent load cases, where only the assemblage condition may be assumed.
The allowable forces in all cases are limited by an assumed safety against the limit load, where the limit load
should be calculated for ductile materials of flanges and bolts.
These principles were applied in the calculation methods [4], [6], [8] with convincing success: At no of the so
designed (and correspondingly manufactured) flange connections untightness occur. For some cases of
untightness at existing flange connections (designed anyhow) the calculation methods show possible reasons for
the untightness, and these reasons was justified in practice. (An example for the latter was a heat exchanger,
designed for ca. 40 bar and ca. 400 °C according to AD-Merkblatt. Calculation with [8] shows it should be tight,
although some times it was untight: The flange to gasket surfaces was not correct flat. After re-machining these
surfaces was flat enough and since this time the untightness is removed.)
NOTE: The methods [4], [6], [8] do not include modern tightness parameters. Its tightness criterions are no other
than e.g. in DIN 2505 [3]. Untightness there is e.g. an acoustic or optic phenomenon.
Coordinates are u (meridional), v (circumferential) and w (normal to the middle surface) or r (radius) and z
(axial distance) respectively.
U, V, W are displacements corresponding to u, v, w. 4 = W' = dW/du is an inclination.
Forces per length unit are Nuu, Su and Nvv; Moments per length unit Muu and Mvv.
Values at the end of the shell are designated by a subscript S (shell). (In the case of SS - to avoid negative
signs - the direction is assumed opposite to Su .)
rc dr / du sin M ; zc dz / du cos M (GB.1-1)
du rK dM rK = const . (GB.1-2)
Equilibrium conditions:
r N uu c sin M N vv r Su / rK 0 (GB.1-3)
r Su c cosM N vv r N uu / rK P r 0 (GB.1-4)
r M uu c sin M M vv r Su 0 (GB.1-5)
Elastic relations:
Su W ccc W cc sin M / r W c Q cos M / r rK sin 2 M / r 2 E S eS3 / 12 1 Q 2 @
(GB.1-10) > @
From the given equations are derived two differential equations for the displacements U and W. These are solved
approximately with the following general result:
U A0 A1 u / l S >A2 cosu / l S A3 sin u / l S @ exp u / l S (GB.1-11)
W C0 C1 u / l S >C2 cosu / l S C3 sin u / l S @ exp u / l S (GB.1-12)
1/ 4
° ½°
4r 2 eS2
r | rS ; M | M S
lS ®
> ¾
°̄ 12 1 Q 2 cos 2 M
°¿ @ (GB.1-13)
With the given deformations WS and 4S at the boundary u = 0 (r=rS; boundary conditions), and writing
r=rS=dS/2, the following results were found:
FS k5 FR k 7
40 (GB.1-19)
S E S eS l S cos 2 M S
The additional coefficients k1 to k7 and the value 40 are included to facilitate numerical comparison with the
analytical solution, for which:
k1 = k2 = k3=1; k5 = k7 = 0; (40=0) (GB.1-20)
Q rS / rK cos M S
k4 = 1+ k6; k 6 (GB.1-21)
GB-2 Conical hub with cylindrical shell
The elastic stiffness of the system sketched in Figure GB-2 has been calculated numerical. (Computer program
ROSCHA, TU Dresden).
For simplicity it was assumed that the system could be represented by an equivalent cylindrical shell as follows:
e1 = eE= e2; rE = r0+eE/2
From equations (GB.1-14,-15) with cosMS = 1 and W0 = 0, 40 = 0 it follows:
BF z
rF ³³ rS FxF dA (GB.3-4b)
CF z F2
rF ³³
rS xF
dA (GB.3-4c)
RF N S sin M S S S cos M S rS P r z F dz F
³ (GB.3-5)
MF N S cosM S S S sin M S rS hH M S rS
hG P ^³ r
3e r rdr r z F z F dz F
³ `
d d
Integration regions: 0 d z F d eP ; 0 d r d Ge .
2 2
Equilibrium conditions shell:
N S sin M S S S cosM S S
dP d
RF P eP (GB.3-9)
2 2
FG hG FR hH FQ hH hP d
MF MS S (GB.3-10)
2S 2
For a flange ring with rectangular cross section the following holds (with rS x F | ):
bF eP eQ bF eF (GB.3-11a)
e 2
P eQ2 bF eF2
1 2O
2 2
e 3
P eQ
bF eF3
1 3O 3O2
3 3
eF e P eQ ; O (GB.3-12)
d5 S d3
d 5e d5 ; pB (GB.3-13)
pB nB
d5 d
This is based on a proposal in DIN 2505 in 1972 [3]. It is exact in both extreme cases 0 and 5 1,0 ;
pB pB
therefore it is assumed general.
The effective bolt circle diameter d3e<d3 takes account of the difference between chord and arc in the calculation
of lever arms. A simple geometric estimation gives:
§ 2 ·
d 3e d 3 ¨1 ¸ (GB.3-14)
¨ n2 ¸
© B ¹
GB-4 Flange ring connected to shell
To connect flange ring and shell the following conditions are to be realized (Figure GB-1):
WS ; 4S 4F (GB.4-1)
cosM S
Equations (GB.3-2,-3,-9,-10) and (GB.1-14,-15,-16) then gives two equations for UF and ĬF. Their solution for
ĬF (UF later is not required) is:
The equations for 4F and 4L (given above) and the global equilibrium condition for all load cases (all I)
FB FG FQ FR (GB.7-2)
then give:
FG (0) YG (0) FQ (0) YQ (0) FR (0) YR (0) FG ( I ) YG ( I ) FQ ( I ) YQ ( I ) FR ( I ) YR ( I ) 'U ( I )
This is the fundamental equation relating force changes in the flange connection.
The flexibility parameters YG, YQ, YR are positive; they (and 'UI,) are defined in Annex G. (Slightely deviating
from Annex G here the load condition identifier I (or 0) is written in brackets. This seems to be more clear and it
announces that this information may be waived - as done in G.7.)
In general is FQ(0) = 0 (no fluid pressure in assemblage). If preliminary all loads additional to the fluid pressure
are ignored (FR(0) = FR(I) = 0 and 'U(I) = 0) then it follows (assume FQ(I) > 0 for P(I) > 0):
FB (0) FG (0) ; FG (0) YG (0) FG ( I ) YG ( I ) FQ ( I ) YQ ( I ) (GB.7-4)
This equation shows, that with an increasing internal fluid pressure the gasket force always decreases.
For traditional flange connections in general is hH ! hG and YQ (I ) ! YG I | YG 0 . Then it follows:
§ YQ ( I ) ·
YG (0)
FB I FG ( I ) FQ ( I ) FQ ( I ) ¨1
FG 0 ¸ FB 0 (GB.7-5)
YG ( I ) ¨ YG ( I ) ¸
© ¹
In these cases with an increasing internal fluid pressure the bolt load also decreases. (This is not general, but
often so.)
If (to ensure leak tightness) the required gasket force in a subsequent condition FG(I) is known, then from the
general equation (GB.7-3) follows a required gasket force in the assembly condition:
FG ( I ) YG ( I ) FQ ( I ) YQ ( I ) FR ( I ) YR ( I ) FR 0 YR 0 'U ( I )
FG (0) t (GB.7-6)
YG (0)
(Here is included the usual presupposition FQ(0)=0.) This corresponds to equation (G.6-10).
Annex G, equation (G.6-9) defines the required force FG(I) by the maximum of two values. The first represents
the tightness at the gasket, the second is to avoid loss of contact at the bolts. (The bolt load theoretical
could be FB(I) < 0 for cases with negative fluid pressure and/or external load.)
As in EN13445-3 defined here fS is the nominal design stress of the shell, used for allowable loads instead of the
yield stress for the real limit loads.
If the fluid pressure is small (P/fs « 1) the following limit load condition shall be fulfilled for all sections in all
axisymmetric shells. (It is based on the Mises criterion):
\ >1 n 2
uu nuu nvv nvv
3su2 @ 34 m
nvv mvv nuu 2 muu
muu mvv mvv
t 0 (GC.1-2)
To write the equilibrium conditions equation (GB.1-3 to -5) for the dimensionless forces and moments equation
(GC.1-la, -lb) the following dimensionless coordinate and modified notation is used:
u r rS
[ ; U ; N (GC.1-3)
rS eS 1/ 2 rS rk cosM S
c d / du o q d / d[ c rS eS 1 / 2 (GC.1-4)
Equations (GB.1-3 to -5) now become:
With these equations nuu, nvv and su can be expressed by muu and mvv (including derivatives). For the shell is not
very flat (sinM/w « 1 is negligible) and the plastic zone is small ( U | 1 and M | M S ) were found the following
nuu GR (GC.1-8)
nvv G Q N nuu (GC.1-9)
4 cos M S
The here used loading parameters correspond to Annex G, equations (G.7-10, -11):
GQ ; GR (GC.1-10)
f S eS cos M S f S 2SrS eS cos M S
Equations (GC.1-8, -9) are based on the equilibrium conditions and they do not include mvv.
For such case this value may be determined by optimisation of the limit load condition equation (GC.1-2):
w< 1 3 / 2 nuu nvv
0 o mvv muu (GC.1-11)
wmvv 2 3 / 2 nuu
Substitution of this mvv into equation (GC.1-2) and neglecting su gives the following limit load condition:
Solving equation (GC.1-12) for nvv and equating equation (GC.1-9) gives a differential equation for
qq 2 2
muu (depending on muu and nuu ) which despite its complicated form can be integrated analytical with the
following result (j = ±1 is determined later):
4§ 3 2 ·
¨1 nuu ¸ > j f m* n* m* @ const.
q 2
uu 8 cos M S ( GC.1-13)
3© 4 ¹
3 muu
m* (GC.1-14a)
4 1 3 n2
G Q N 1 / 2 nuu
n* (GC.1-14b)
3 2
1 nuu
f m* arcsinm* m* 1 m*2 º» (GC.1-14c)
2 «¬ ¼
wf m*
1 m*2 (GC.1-14d)
Equation (GC.1-7) with the mentioned simplifications gives
m q 2
uu 16 su 2
Equations (GC.1-13, -15) give the shear force su, as a implicite function of the coordinate [. The plastic
zone may have the following boundaries:
[ 0 : m* m*0 m* S ; su su 0 sS (GC.1-16a)
[ [1 : m* m*1 ; su su1 0 (GC.1-16b)
w su 0 2
The value su0 shall be maximum. The unknown value m*1 is determined from 0 , giving:
cos M S c M c S 1 j S k M
sS jS (GC.1-19)
f S eS dS
The variable kM (-1 kM +1) is defined by m*0 m* S k M 1 n*2 . The factor cM then follows immediately from
the above formulae; cS is found after some simplifications.
It is used ț = 0 for conical and cylindrical shell; ț = 1 for spherical shell.
(For more details may be asked the CEN REPORT [9] to EN 1591-1.)
RF ³³V vv dA r f F bF 2 z0 eQ eP (GC.3-2)
ª § e ·º § ·
¨¨ 4 P 2 ¸¸» ¨ ¸ d1
jm « M F (GC.3-6)
«¬ f F bF e F f F bF e F © F ¹¼ © f F bF e F ¸¹
» ¨
2 e
The actual loadings are given in equations (GB.3-7,-9,-10) and may be written as follows:
d P °ª FR P d S eS cosM S 2 º dS ½°
RF P eP ®« » tan M S S S ¾ (GC.3-7)
2 °̄¬« 2S 8 ¼» cos MS °¿
FG hG FR hH FQ hH hP dS
MF MS (GC.3-8)
2S 2
GC-4 Flange ring connected to shell
Equations (GC.1-18,-19) give:
MS f S
eS2 / 4 k M c M ; 1 d k M d 1 (GC.4-1)
FG hG FR hH FQ hH hP
ª § 4e · º e2 d
jm d «1 j M < ¨¨ P 2 ¸¸ < 2 » f F bF F j M M S S (GC.4-5)
2S «¬ © eF ¹ »¼ 4 2
The left side of this equation may be understand as the load and right side as the resistance. Variation of Ȍ
increasing from zero increases the resistance up to a maximum at < < opt (optimum value):
§ 2e ·
< opt j M ¨¨ P 1¸¸ (GC.4-6)
© eF ¹
As Ȍ depends on parameters jM, jS, kM, kS, the method Annex G gives some rules to find the best values. The
load ratio ĭF is the ratio of actual load to resistance. Since the resistance is influenced by the load, there is no
exact proportionality in the sense
(Permitted load) = (Actual load)/ ĭF.
Only for ĭF = 1,0 such an equation is always true.
For a flat flange (blank flange, plate with flange ring) comparable limit load equations are derived, where the
influence of the shell (if it exists) is ignored. However an additional check is provided for a potentially critical
section with a thickness eX < eF. (For integral flanges in general may be presupposed eX > e2; then such a check
is not necessary).
For loose flanges and their stub or collar the calculation as for integral flanges is applicable (some parameters
correspondingly changed). An question is the actual diameter d7 for the load transfer between loose flange and
stub or collar. For this is proposed to apply the optimum value for each load condition.
This not agrees with the diameter d70 being applied in the calculation of forces; however the calculated forces
may be approximations only, the load carrying capacity should be calculated as correct as possible. Especially
for thin walled collars an possible improvement of the load carrying capacity is presented by equation (G.7-31),
taking account of a supporting moment from the clamping on a flat gasket.
Q V xx V yy
p ; n xx ; n yy (GC.6-1)
fG fG fG
In the given case is nyy = nXX and the limit load condition becomes:
n xx p d 1 ; p d 1 n xx (GC.6-2)
Equilibrium condition:
wV xx wn xx T
eG 2T 0 o 2 0 (GC.6-3)
wx wx f G eG
Surface condition (Coulomb friction and Tresca shear limit):
f ½
T d min ®P G Q; G ¾ ; Limit : p 2P G 1 (GC.6-4)
¯ 2 ¿
First solution of equations (GC.6-3,-4):
wn xx P
1 n xx 2 G 0 (GC.6-5)
wx eG
§ P ·
n xx 1 exp¨¨ x 2 G ¸¸
© eG ¹
§ P ·
p 1 n xx exp¨¨ x 2 G ¸¸ (GC.6-6)
© eG ¹
This solution includes the boundary condition n xx x 0 0 . (Always is n xx d 0 and p t 0 .) It is valid for
1 x 1 § 1 ·
pd or d ln¨¨ ¸¸
2 PG eG 2 P G © 2P G ¹
1 ln 2P G x
p 1 n xx (GC.6-8)
2P G eG
1 x 1 § 1 ·
This solution is valid for p t or t ln¨¨ ¸¸ .
2P G eG 2 P G © 2P G ¹
For P G 0,20 the limit between both solutions is at x/eG = 2,29. Therefore for µG 0,20 the second solution occurs
only for bG/eG > 4,5, and for µG 0,10 it occurs only for bG/eG > 16.
The average pressure over the whole gasket width is:
2 § b ·
bG ³ pdx ; ¨0 d x d G ¸
© 2 ¹
4 F 1 4 F 2 x kx (k = abbreviation) (GD.1-2)
EG E0 K1 Q (GD.1-3)
§ H·
Q >expK1 H 1@ E0
| E0 H ¨1 K1 ¸ (GD.1-4)
K1 © 2¹
The resultant gasket force is
FG ³
S d Ge Q x dx 0 d x d bGa (GD.1-5)
acting at x = c, given by:
³ ³
c Q x dx c Q x xdx 0 d x d bGa (GD.1-6)
From this follows step by step:
1 § K k bGa ·
FG S d Ge E0 k b 2 ¨1 1 ¸ (GD.1-7)
2 Ga © 3 ¹
1 K1 k bGa
2 3
c bGa (GD.1-8)
3 1
1 K1 k bGa
FG eG F k
S d Ge E0 4 F 1 4 F 2 (GD.1-10a)
§ K k bGa ·
¨1 1 ¸
where F k © 4 ¹ (GD.1-10b)
§ K k bGa ·
¨1 1 ¸
© 3 ¹
For K1 k bGa «1 is
F k
K k bGa
1 1
With FG S d Ge b Ge Q , where Q is an average value, equation (GD.1-7) gives
2Q bGe
E0 k bGa (GD.1-12)
§ K k bGa ·
bGa ¨1 1 ¸
© 3 ¹
This value is required only in F(k) and connected to the (not very essential factor) K1. Therefore the only rough
approximation E0 k bGa | Q may be accepted. Further is simplified | 1 . Then:
bGi bGeel (GD.1-13)
S d Ge 4 F 1 4 F 2 ¨ E0 K1 ¸
© 2¹
This is the equation for the elastic behaviour of the gasket, where 4 F 1 4 F 2 are to be substituted by equation
(GD.1-1). For the plastic behaviour is assumed:
bGe pl (GD.1-14)
S d Ge Qmax
True elasto-plastic deformation gives an effective width greater than for pure elastic and pure plastic
deformation; approximately:
el bGe pl
bGe bGe bGi (GD.1-15)
The denomination bGi is used for the real effective width is limited as follows:
bGe min^bGi ; bGt ` (GD.1-16)
Note that the elastic modulus EG = E0 + K1 Q it is defined and measured for unloading/reloading (see GB-6).
Here it is used for initial loading also, because validated data for loading are missed.
(b) For a gasket with curved surfaces (simple contact) the following was calculated:
For elastic deformation (Hertzian contact) the contact width and the maximum contact pressure are:
2 32 1 Q 2
bGa FG r2 (GD.1-17)
S EG S d Ge
FG 0 t
^FGI min YG I FQI YQI FRI YRI FR0 YR0 'U I ` FG' (GD.2-2)
YG 0
FG 0 t max FG 0 min ; FG' ` FG 0 req (GD.2-3)
2 2 § C ·
FB 0 act | FB 0 max ¨¨1
FB 0 d , min | ¸ (GD.4-5)
3 3 © N R ¸¹
This gives immediately:
° ª2 § C · º ½°
FG 0 d max ® FG' ; « FB 0 max ¨¨1 ¸¸ FR 0 » ¾ (GD.4-6)
°̄ ¬« 3 © NR ¹ ¼» °¿
Based on the foregoing considerations an important hint to useful application of the method shall be given:
Normally for flange connections three or more load conditions are considered: Assemblage-, Test- and Operating
(one or more) conditions. The test pressure is higher than the operating pressures and therefore (by FGǻ) it
determines the required bolt load in assemblage. If one calculation is made for all three or more load conditions,
the test condition may be applied at any time, also after some operating cycles; the high bolt load required for
test is conserved over the operation cycles. This however in general is not necessary.
Normally the test pressure applies only once after assemblage, not after operating cycles. Therefore it may be
useful to make two calculations as follows: one for assemblage and all operating conditions, and a second for
assemblage and test condition. The second gives the more strong and therefore governing assemblage
requirements. During operating conditions possibly (not necessary) the bolt load lowers and the test pressure
then should not be allowed. However - if FB(0)d,min is met - this is no problem: After dismounting and
reassemblage all requirements are fulfilled!
x This limit is introduced for the analytic solution for the elastic shell is approximately only (see
Annex GB-1 here). A numerical verification with two different computer programs shows no
serious contradictions, but it gave no better or more general solution.
GF Bibliography
[1] Wesstrom, D.B. and Bergh, W.D.: "Effect of Internal Pressure on Stresses and Strains in BoltedFlanged
Connections"; Transactions of the ASME, July, 1951.
[2] Materialy k edinym normam i metodam rasceta na procnost sosudov i apparatov.
(Basics to unifyed normes and methods for strength calculation of vessels and apparates.)
Sovjet Ekonomiceskoj Vsaimopomoshci, Postojannaja Komissija po Mashinostroeniju, Sekcija
No. l2 (COMECON, Permanent Commission for Engineering, Section No. 12), Moskva, 1963:
6: "Flancevije sojedinenija" (Clause 6: Flange connections): Authors: Karasev, L.P. i Perzev, L.P.
[3] DIN 2505 (Vornorm Okt.1964, Entwurf Nov.1972, Vornorm Jan. 1986, Entwurf April 1990)
"Berechnung von Flanschverbindungen". Teil 1: Berechnung; Teil 2: Dichtungskennwerte.
[4] RichtlinienKatalog Eestigkeitsberechnungen (RKF), Behälter und Apparate; Teil 1, BR-A13:
"Apparatebauelemente. Flanschverbindungen" (Flange connections); Dresden 1971. 1973;
VEB Komplette Chemieanlagen Dresden, 1979 (Author: J.Wölfel).
[5] Wölfel, J. und Räbisch, W.: "Berechnung und Standardisierung von Flanschverbindungen"
Chemische Technik, Leipzig, August 1975.
[6] TGL 20360 (1977) "Flanschverbindungen. Berechnung auf Festigkeit und Dichtigkeit"
[7] Wölfel, J.: "Berechnung der Festigkeit und Dichtigkeit von Flanschverbindungen"
Maschinenbautechnik, Berlin, Juni 1985.
[8] TGL 32903/13 (1983) "Behälter und Apparate. Festigkeitsberechnung. Flanschverbindungen"
[9] CR 13642 (1999): CEN REPORT: "Flanges and their joints - Design rules for gasketed circular
flange connections - Background information"
[10] EN 1591-1: 2001: "Flanges and their joints - Design rules for gasketed circular flange connections
Part 1: Calculation method" (EN 1591-2: Gasket parameters.)
[1l] PERL = Pressure Equipment, Reduction of Leak rate: Gasket parameters measurement.
Project funded by the European Community (1998-2002). Coordinator: ASE Ltd Cambridge UK.
flange #: -
plant: -
ID code: -
nomenclature: -
To model the flange with tube plate as practical as possible, the depth of the recesses has been
reduced so that the seals are in the main power circuit. To model the grip length and the thermal
expansion of the tube plate correctly, the height of the tube sheet has been taken into account by
expansion sleeves. Reducing the clamping length of the changes in the recesses is balanced with
the sleeve length.
name - -
flange #: -
plant: -
ID code: -
nomenclature: -
input values
assembly test cond. load cond.1 load cond.2
temperature T 20 20 206 210 °C
internal pressure p 0 4,4 1,8 2,6 MPa
additional forces according EN 1092-1
external axial force FA 0 0 174 174 kN
external bending moment MA 0 0 0 0 kNm
remarks on loads For all components the same temperature is applied. Covering
additional loads according to DIN EN 1092-1 considered.
flange 1
type weld-neck flange
hub conical hub
code -
nominal pressure / nominal size -
blind hole no
outer diameter flange d4 440,00 mm
bolt circle diameter d3 398,00 mm
inner diameter flange d0 303,80 mm
diameter of bolt hole d5 22,00 mm
thickness of flange ring bF 35,00 mm
thickness of wall eS 10,00 mm
wall thickness at thick end of hub e2 18,00 mm
lenght of conical hub lH 32,00 mm
flange 2
type weld-neck flange
hub conical hub
code -
nominal pressure / nominal size -
blind hole no
outer diameter flange d4 440,00 mm
bolt circle diameter d3 398,00 mm
inner diameter flange d0 303,80 mm
diameter of bolt hole d5 22,00 mm
thickness of flange ring bF 35,00 mm
thickness of wall eS 10,00 mm
wall thickness at thick end of hub e2 18,00 mm
lenght of conical hub lH 32,00 mm
flange #: -
plant: -
ID code: -
nomenclature: -
type of bolts screw
code EN ISO 4014
thread M20
pitch pt 2,50 mm
nominal diameter dB0 20,00 mm
basic pitch diameter dB2 18,38 mm
effekive diameter dBe 17,65 mm
number of bolts nB 16 -
clamping length lb 102,00 mm
diameter internal bolt di 0,00 mm
remarks on bolts
type of gasket Metal jacketed gasket with layers
quantity of gaskets 2,00
inner diameter inner ring dG0 323,00 mm
inner diameter gasket dG1 323,00 mm
outer diameter gasket dG2 363,00 mm
outer diameter centerring ring dG3 363,00 mm
gasket thickness eG 4,50 mm
rubber lining 0,00 mm
remarks on gasket
extension sleeve
inner diameter di 22,00 mm
outer diameter da 44,00 mm
length h 29,00 mm
remarks on extension sleeve Into account the level of the tube plate by extension sleeves.
material flange
material name/number AF 42 (C22 1.0402)
code EN 10083-2 (1996-10)
form of manufacture Aciers pour trempe et revenu
austenitic no
cast no
assembly test cond. load cond.1 load cond.2
temperature T F1 20 20 206 210 °C
strength parameter Rp0,2T 245 245 204 202 MPa
strength parameter Rp1,0T MPa
strength parameter RmT 440 440 403 401 MPa
flange #: -
plant: -
ID code: -
nomenclature: -
material of bolts
material name/number G41400 1Cr-1/5Mo (A193 B7)
code Section II/Part D (06/11)
form of manufacture Aciers pour éléments de fixation d ≤64 mm
austenitic no
cast no
assembly test cond. load cond.1 load cond.2
temperature TB 20 20 206 210 °C
strength parameter Rp0,2T 724 724 724 648 MPa
strength parameter Rp1,0T MPa
strength parameter RmT 862 862 862 862 MPa
modulus of elasticity EB 204000 204000 204000 195800 MPa
thermal expansion coefficient B
1,15E-05 1,15E-05 1,15E-05 1,25E-05 K -1
minimum rupture elongation A 14 %
determination of nominal design stress according to Rp0,2/SB
safety coefficient SB 1,05 1,05 1,5 1,5 -
nominal design stress fB 689,5 689,5 482,7 432,0 MPa
remarks on bolts
gasket characteristics
gasket manufacturer LJC
gasket marking MPR® GASKET 'SP' PETRO 4,0mm
material Graphit
scope 40 bar - L 0.01
assembly test cond. load cond.1 load cond.2
temperature TG 20 20 206 210 °C
flange #: -
plant: -
ID code: -
nomenclature: -
tightening device
nomenclature torque wrench = wrench with measuring of torque (only)
flange #: -
plant: -
ID code: -
nomenclature: -
calculation results
check of validity
flange 1
ratio width/heigth of flange ok
uniformity of gasket stress not ok
flange 2
ratio width/heigth of flange ok
uniformity of gasket stress not ok
axial flexibility modulus of bolts XB 2,92E-02 1/mm
rotational flexibility modulus of flange 1 ZF 3,16E-05 1/mm 3
rotational flexibility modulus of flange 2 ZF 3,16E-05 1/mm 3
axial flexibility modulus of gasket XG 2,09E-04 1/mm
assembly test cond. load cond.1 load cond.2
pressure force FQ 0 407 166 240 kN
axial force (addition bending moment) F R+ 0 0 174 174 kN
axial force (subtraction bending moment) F R- 0 0 174 174 kN
axial thermal expansion U 0,000 0,000 -0,008 0,010 mm
axial compliance
assembly test cond. load cond.1 load cond.2
axial compliance related to
gasket force YG 4,57E-07 4,57E-07 4,61E-07 4,67E-07 mm/N
pressure force YQ 4,87E-07 4,87E-07 5,17E-07 5,23E-07 mm/N
resulting additional force YR 4,36E-07 4,36E-07 4,62E-07 4,68E-07 mm/N
minimum forces
assembly test cond. load cond.1 load cond.2
minimum gasket force F Greq 1843 323 323 323 kN
flange #: -
plant: -
ID code: -
nomenclature: -
flange 1
allowable load ration F all
1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00
load ratio F
0,96 0,43 0,73 0,71
ok ok ok ok
flange 2
allowable load ration F all
1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00
load ratio F
0,96 0,43 0,73 0,71
ok ok ok ok
allowable load ration G all
1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00
flange #: -
plant: -
ID code: -
nomenclature: -
load ratio G
0,33 0,07 0,07 0,05
ok ok ok ok
flange rotation
flange #: -
plant: -
ID code: -
nomenclature: -
calculation parameters
flange parameters
flange 1 flange 2
pitch between bolts pB 78,15 78,15 mm
eff. diameter of bolt hole d5e 11,67 11,67 mm
eff. bolt circle diameter d3e 394,89 394,89 mm
cross-section area of flange ring AF 2290,20 2290,20 mm 2
cross-section area of loose flange ring AL 0,00 0,00 mm 2
eff. width of flange ring bF 56,43 56,43 mm
eff. diameter of flange ring dF 371,90 371,90 mm
eff. thickness of flange ring eF 33,63 33,63 mm
equ. wall thickness for flexibility eE 13,90 13,90 mm
intermediate variable 1,800 1,800 -
mean diameter shell dE 317,70 317,70 mm
lever arm correction hP 8,06 8,06 mm
lever arm hG 25,95 25,95 mm
lever arm hH 38,59 38,59 mm
lever arm hL 0,00 0,00 mm
intermediate variable 0,288 0,288 -
intermediate variable 1,087 1,087 -
intermediate variable 0,000 0,000 -
correction factor cF 0,191 0,191 -
lever arm correction hS 12,29 12,29 mm
lever arm correction hT 16,88 16,88 mm
lever arm correction hQ 12,56 12,56 mm
lever arm correction hR -1,84 -1,84 mm
correction factor kQ 0,850 0,850 -
correction factor kR -0,150 -0,150 -
rotational flexibility modulus of flange ZF 3,16E-05 3,16E-05 1/mm 3
rotational flexibility modulus of flange ZL 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1/mm 3
bolt parameters
eff. cross-section area AB 3916,70 mm 2
axial flexibility modulus XB 2,92E-02 1/mm
gasket parameters
theoretical gasket width bGt 20,00 mm
theoretical mean gasket diameter dGt 343,00 mm
theoretical gasket area AGt 21551,33 mm 2
gasket force for calculation of width F G0 1987,61 kN
interim gasket width bGi 20,00 mm
Effective gasket width bGe 20,00 mm
Effective mean gasket diameter dGe 343,00 mm
Effective gasket area AGe 21551,33 mm 2
axial flexibility modulus XG 2,09E-04 1/mm
internal forces
flange #: -
plant: -
ID code: -
nomenclature: -
compliance of the joint assembly test cond. load cond.1 load cond.2
axial compliance related to FG YG 4,57E-07 4,57E-07 4,61E-07 4,67E-07 mm/N
axial compliance related to FQ YQ 4,87E-07 4,87E-07 5,17E-07 5,23E-07 mm/N
axial compliance related to FR YR 4,36E-07 4,36E-07 4,62E-07 4,68E-07 mm/N
minimum forces necessary for the gasket assembly test cond. load cond.1 load cond.2
min. gasket force in assembly F G0min 1842,64 kN
min. gasket force in sub. conditions F GImin 323,27 323,27 323,27 kN
internal forces in assembly condition assembly test cond. load cond.1 load cond.2
min. gasket force for sub. Conditions F Gdel 874,90 kN
min. gasket force for all conditions F G0req 1842,64 kN
min. bolt force for all conditions F B0req 1842,33 kN
scatter for global load above nom. value e+ 0,070 -
scatter for global load above nom. value e- 0,070 -
nominal bolt force F B0nom 1217,00 kN
check of min. bolt force FB0req ok -
max. bolt force F B0max 1302,19 kN
max. gasket force F G0max 2080,00 kN
internal forces in subsequent condition assembly test cond. load cond.1 load cond.2
max. gasket force F G0d 874,90 kN
accumulation of plastic deformation no -
flange #: -
plant: -
ID code: -
nomenclature: -
particular value Z
0,425819 0,33902 0,371296 0,341766 -
resistance of flange WF 5,75E+07 5,47E+07 3,24E+07 3,15E+07 Nmm
flange load ratio F
0,96 0,43 0,73 0,71 -
Finn Kirkemo
Seaflex a.s.
P.O.Box 451
N-1373 Asker, Norway
Phone: +47 66 76 16 58
Fax: +47 66 76 16 30
E-mail: [email protected]
1 Copyright © by ASME
2 Copyright © by ASME
5. Closing of the small gap at the flange toe may be used as bolt load depends solely on gasket pressure and internal
an indicator of obtaining the target bolt load during hydrostatic pressure. The elastic based calculation method for
bolting-up. Excessive bolt tightening or compressive these joints is that developed by Waters, et al in 1937, and the
external forces cannot damage the seal ring or the flange gasket factors introduced by Rossheim and Markl in 1943. It
as contact forces between the flanges balance these is often named the Taylor Forge method. In the latter, the bolt
forces. load must also balance the contact force between mating
6. The flanges have an elliptical transition between the ring flanges outside the bolt circle, and this involves the flange
and hub to obtain low stress concentration factors (SCFs). flexibility. The Taylor Forge method is subjected to several
Values in the range of 1.5 are normally observed with limitations, e.g. see list in PD 6438:1969.
respect to unit axial stress in the connected pipe. The The prEN 13445-3:1999 provides rules based on the
flange geometry and makeup influence the stresses at the Taylor Forge method for pressure design, however, it opens
girth weld connecting the flange to the pipe. A typical for use of a more modern alternative design method given in
SCF at the weld ID is 0.9 and 1.1 at the weld OD. These EN 1591. EN 1591 considers pressure, external axial forces
values have to be included in addition to the SCF and bending moments, nonlinear elastic behavior of the gasket
introduced by any geometry misalignment in a fatigue and axial thermal effects. The EN 1591 applies limit load
assessment of the girth weld. criteria for all parts of the flanged connection taking into
account the scatter of the bolt preload. The leak tightness and
DESIGN RULES strength criteria consider the life of the joint including bolting
up, test and operation. The EN 1591 method is considered to
Safety and failure modes be an improvement of the Taylor-Forge model.
The overall goal by design, material selection,
manufacture, testing, assembly, safety systems and Code safety factors
maintenance is to keep the failure probability for a flanged The justification of the code design stresses in pressure
joint below an acceptable level in service. Safety is achieved vessel and piping codes is experience, rather than rational
by incorporating appropriate design factors or safety factors analysis of the material response to the loading. ASME VIII
using calculations, e.g. formulas or finite element analysis, was first published in 1915. The design (membrane) stress
and experimental testing against relevant failure modes. The was originally taken as one fifth of the tensile strength. The so
design factor(s) accounts for the integrated uncertainty and called “safety factors” have come down from 5 in the original
possible bias in load effects and resistance. A safety factor is ASME code to 3.0 in ASME VIII Div. 2, to 2.4 in draft EN
defined as a failure load divided by the allowable or design codes, where other properties are also considered. However,
load. The following failure modes are normally considered in for the brittle steels of that time, tensile strength was an
flange joint design: excessive yielding (gross plastic adequate limiting property.
deformation), leakage, fatigue failure and unstable fracture. Presented code safety factors here are at the room
Excessive yielding means exceeding the plastic load temperature in order to simplify the comparisons. In present
carrying capacity of the joint. Leakage means exceeding a version of ASME B31.3 and ASME VIII Div. 2 the flange
target leak rate. Fatigue design involves minimizing flange design stress for ferritic steels is limited to the minimum of
stress concentrations or stress raisers, keeping the operating Rp0.2/1.5 and Rm/3. Rp0.2 is the specified minimum yield
bolt stress ranges low and avoidance of flange face separation strength at room temperature, and Rm is the minimum ultimate
to have no relative motions between seating surface and seal tensile strength at room temperature. For austenitic grades, the
ring/gasket to avoid seal degradation. This may be obtained by design stress is Rp0.2/1.5. Bolt design stresses for ASTM A193
an elliptical transition between flange and hub in addition to B7 bolting is the lower of Rm/5 and Rp0.2/4 in general,
using high bolt preload. Materials selection and qualification however, in Appendices 4, 5, and 6 of Section VIII Div. 2 is
are normally done to ensure that the materials are sufficiently the bolt design stress equal to Rp0.2/3. The allowable stresses
ductile and have sufficient fracture toughness. above are for pressure loading only.
When discussing ASME design stresses and standard
Design rules ASME B16.5 flanges, Rodabaugh (1972) makes an interesting
The codes provide design rules for raised face and flat remark: "B16.5 flanged joints do not necessary meets the
face to face connections, e.g. ASME VIII and EN 1591. criteria in the ASME Boiler Code. Experience and a more
However, the interaction between flange, gasket and bolts are detailed analysis indicate that it is not necessary to meet the
treated different in the various codes and considerable ASME Code rules in order to have a satisfactory flanged joint
discrepancies are found between these codes. and, on the other hand, meeting the ASME Code rules does
ASME VIII rules are applicable for design of two not necessary assure a good flanged joint for use in a
connection types subjected to pressure only; i.e. the ring type pipeline".
joint with the gasket as a load carrying element and full-face- For ferritic flange grades, the design stress is the smaller
contact type flanges with self-energized gaskets. In the former, of Rp0.2/1.5 or Rm/2.4 in prEN 13445-3:1999. For austenitic
3 Copyright © by ASME
grades, the design stress is Rp1.0/1.5. The bolt design stresses with a safety factor of 1.5 on the limit load also fulfills the
for the Taylor Forge method in prEN 13445-3:1999 is the requirements in ASME VIII, Div.2 Appendix 4. Using yield
lesser of Rp0.2/3 and Rm/4. Design stresses for bolts in EN 1591 point limit loads or plastic design for design of components
are determined as for flanges. requires that the materials exhibit sufficient fracture toughness
In designing API 10 000 psi and 15 000 psi flanged joints and ductility to ensure that it can attain the required plastically
in API 6A for wellhead equipment, the allowable stresses at deformed state without premature failure. It should further be
design pressure were set to Rp0.2/2.0 of the flange and the noted that a safety factor of 1.5 on yield strength is also
bolting materials to arrive at reasonable dimensions, applied in ASME B31.3 high-pressure piping, DIN 2505 for
Eichenberg (1964). The target prestress in the bolts for API 6A flanges and API Spec.6A for wellhead equipment including
flanges is Rp0.2/2.0, hence flange face separation is expected to flanges in addition to several steel structural, pipeline, e.g.
occur for external loads in excess to the design pressure and ISO 13623:2000, and riser codes.
for pressure testing. Properly made-up joints do not leak As the load is restricted to a level of 2/3 of the limit loads,
during pressure testing, as the crushed metal gasket is partly the degree of yielding or permanent deformation in a flange
pressure activated. This makes the API joint unsuitable in joint is restricted to small values, see Fig. 9, which will not
cases where cyclic external loads occurs in excess of the cause leakage or malfunction. In the case of cyclic loading,
design pressure. the subsequent strain portions are linear, ensuring shake down,
as long as the stress range is less than 2 times the yield
Limit analysis strength. For load changes between zero and maximum load,
Limit analysis addresses directly the design objective of swelling loads, differences of deformations are linear, if the
preventing gross plastic deformation with an agreed-upon safety factor of 1.5 against limit loads is used. The load
safety factor. Limit analysis with safety factors on yield characteristic of flanges is not swelling because the bolts
strength only presumes use of sufficient tough, ductile, sound preload the flange joint. Common ductile materials show
and strain hardening materials to ensure that flange joints can hardening effects in the stress strain relation that increases the
attain the required plastic deformed state before premature range of linearity compared to elastic perfectly plastic
failure. When the yield strength is applied, the resulting limit behavior.
load provides a physical connection between the calculated
load and the "real" capacity found by testing or elastic plastic CFJ DESIGN METHOD
finite element analysis, hence indicating the "true" safety
factor. General
In limit analysis, the loading includes only primary loads In ASME/EN ring type joints, the gasket separates the
such as pressure and weights. Stresses and strains generated flanges and is a load-carrying element. Therefore it must be
by bolt preload (fixed displacement) or temperature fields do strong enough to take the full bolt load when the bolts are
not affect limit loads. Such constraints produce external forces tightened and no pressure exists in the flange. The bolt load in
(reactions) that are self-limiting. flange consists of the load caused by pressure and external
For ferritic flange grades the code limit load is based on a loads trying to separate the flanges plus the load necessary to
"yield" strength equal to 1.5 x min (Rm/3 ; Rp0.2/1.5) and 1.5 x keep the gasket tight, which load is assumed to be a multiple
min (Rm/2.4 ; Rp0.2/1.5) in ASME VIII Div.2 and EN 1591, of the unit pressure, exerted on the projected sealing area of
respectively. According to this approach, the calculated limit the gasket. A vicious circle is established thereby: The greater
load will be less than the yield-point limit load of the flange the bolt load, the greater the gasket width and seating area to
unless Rp0.2/Rm is less than 0.5 or 0.63 for the ASME and EN support it, in turn necessitating an increase in bolt load.
code respectively. Consider a flange made of ASTM A105 Enormous gaskets and bolts can be designed this way.
with Rm=485 MPa and Rp0.2=250 MPa and ASTM A694 F52 If flanges are made up face-to-face, this arrangement will
with Rm=455 MPa and Rp0.2=360 MPa. In this case is the support the bolt load when no pressure is on the flanges; and
safety factor against its yield-point limit state 1.55 and 2.37 if the seal ring is self seating only a small initial load is
for A105 and A694 F52 for the ASME code limit load. High necessary to establish sealing. Therefore the bolts have to
strength steels, duplex stainless steels (which are treated as carry only the pressure and external load plus any small axial
ferritic) and steel bolts suffer from this as the ratio of yield to component of the seal ring contact pressure. Thus the seal ring
tensile strength for these steels is close to 0.9. cross section becomes independent of the bolt load. The
Based on the author's experience, yield point limit loads present design method applies to circular bolted flange
fit very well with elastic ideal plastic finite element analysis connections with self-seating and pressure activating seal ring
and gives lower bounds compared to experimental testing, with metal-to-metal face contact.
hence the code safety factor seems to be varying. However, It is important to note that the operating bolt load is
ASME VIII, Div. 2 Appendix 4 gives a safety factor of 1.5 on relative insensitive to the changes in preload up to a certain
the capacity obtained by experimental testing. It may then be point where separation occurs and that thereafter the two loads
argued that yield-point limit load analysis may be performed are essentially the same, see Fig. 3. This is a desirable
4 Copyright © by ASME
5 Copyright © by ASME
DRi is chosen equal to the pipe/neck outside diameter, see Fig. hoop direction. The groove seal surface bears against a contact
5, radius on the seal ring. The radial force on the ring, FR,r,
DRi = Do (2) generating a contact pressure corresponding to yielding over a
This ensures that the distance from the inside edge of the 1 mm height, when neglecting the effect from the flank angle
groove to the bore is almost equal to the connecting pipe wall as cos(15°)=0.97, is given by
thickness, hence, the inner flank of the groove resists any FR , r = π × DRi × 1× R p , R (5)
pressure and external loads applied to the connecting pipe. where Rp,R is the seal ring yield strength. Naming bRs as the
The flange surfaces are slightly conical so that they only meet ring thickness at the sealing diameter Ds, the hoop stress in the
at the inner edge after seating the seal ring. This ensures ring subjected to a radial force FR,r becomes, see Fig. 6,
contact stresses in excess of yield strength at the inner edge 2 × FR ,r
after bolting-up, i.e. heel seating. × DRi
π × DRi × H R
σh = = R p,R (6)
Free position 2 × bRs
Stand off D
bRs = Ri (7)
bR = bRs + R × tan (ϕ − 2 ) (8)
Assembled position
where bR is the total radial width of the seal ring and (ϕ-
2) = 13° is the lower flank angle of the seal ring, see Fig. 6.
Seating loads
Contact forces HR H R,s =
Pressure activated ϕ = 15o Q
6 Copyright © by ASME
7 Copyright © by ASME
section area using the root diameter of all bolts, AB,act, equals
or exceeds the minimum required bolt area AB,min give by Eq.
Feq (18). Single bolt root areas are given by Eq. (55).
The bolt spacing and bolt circle diameter must be
FD sufficient to provide the necessary makeup tool clearances.
Make-up tools may include standard socket, hydraulic torque
wrench or tension tool as appropriate, see Fig. 8. The bolt data
Do hD given in Table 1 is based on access for use of hydraulic torque
tools available in the marked. The selected tools should have a
torque capacity of minimum 30 – 50 % in excess that
necessary to make-up the lubricated bolt. The reserves are
considered necessary for disassembly after a period in service.
hR eF
FR ,a
FT hT g
O Fig. 8 Hydraulic torque and tension tool
8 Copyright © by ASME
c M = − + δ R × 1 − + δ R2
where a minimum length of lH is assumed to be 25 mm to
3 2 4
allow for weld access during welding/NDT. The length in
excess of xe is sufficient to account for a straight part between cS = cM × (0.8 − 0.6 × δ Q + 0.4 × δ R ) (38)
end ellipse and weld bevel.
bF =
(O − B ) − L (39)
At this time, all flange main dimensions except the flange and fF and fP are the flange and pipe/hub design stresses,
thickness eF are know. The internal flange (warping) moment respectively, in N/mm2, bF is the radial width of flange ring
M due to load acting on the flange is the product of the excluding the bolt hole diameter in mm, δQ and δR are pressure
resulting load and its moment arm, see Fig. 7. The applied and external loading parameters, and cS and cM are correction
moments have to be resisted by the moment capacity of the factors. Eq.(34) is based on Draft.2, 1992 of the EN 1591. The
flange, hence, the flange thickness can be determined. limit load of the flange ring in EN 1591 is corrected to be in
The internal flange moment for operation conditions is line with the theoretical flange ring limit load. EN 1591
resulting from the sum of pressure end load, external loads subtracts only a partial bolt hole diameter, while limit load
and the seal ring retaining load for the relevant conditions as analysis require that the total bolt hole diameter L shall be
follows: applied to establish the flange radial width.
M F = (FD + Feq )× hD + FT × hT + FR , a × hR (27)
where Bolt Threads AB1 Bmin Rmin Emin L
π size per inch
FD = × B 2 × pi (28) in. mm2 mm mm mm mm
π 1/2 13 81.1 29.1 16.3 12.8 15.0
FT =
× Ds2 − B 2 × pi ) (29) 5/8 11 130.2 35.1 19.5 15.6 18.0
hD = K − B − e p 2 ) (30) 3/4 10 194.8 42.3 24.0 18.3 22.0
7/8 9 270.4 49.3 28.2 21.1 25.0
hT = (2 K − B − D s ) 4 (31)
1 8 355.4 56.6 32.8 23.8 29.0
hR = (K − D s ) 2 (32)
1 1/8 8 469.4 62.1 35.6 26.6 32.0
and FD is hydrostatic end force applied via the pipe to flange 1 1/4 8 599.3 70.7 41.4 29.3 35.0
in N, FR is seal ring retaining load in N, FT is hydrostatic end
1 3/8 8 744.9 76.3 44.2 32.1 39.0
force due to pressure on flange face in N. The moment arms
1 1/2 8 906.5 82.3 47.5 34.8 42.0
hD, hR and hT are the radial distances from bolt circle to circle
on which FD, FR and FT acts in mm. The loads acting on the 1 5/8 8 1083.8 90.2 52.6 37.6 45.0
flange are assumed uniformly distributed around the 1 3/4 8 1277.0 95.7 55.4 40.3 48.0
circumference of the circles of diameters. 1 7/8 8 1486.0 101.5 58.4 43.1 51.0
Proper allowance has to be made if connections are 2 8 1710.9 110.1 64.3 45.8 54.0
subjected to external loads. In cases where the external loads 2 1/4 8 2208.1 122.3 71.0 51.3 61.0
are not know, the equivalent axial tension acting on the CFJ 2 1/2 8 2768.6 138.4 81.5 56.8 67.0
may be chosen as
2 3/4 8 3392.5 149.7 87.4 62.3 73.0
Feq = × Do2 × pi (33) 3 8 4079.7 161.0 93.2 67.8 80.0
3 1/4 8 4830.3 172.1 98.8 73.3 86.0
The internal flange moment capacity, i.e. the limit load, of
the flange including support from the neck is given by: 3 1/2 8 5644.2 181.8 103.0 78.8 92.0
3 3/4 8 6521.4 194.3 110.0 84.3 99.0
2 × bF × eF2 × f F +
4 8 7462.0 205.8 116.0 89.8 105.0
WF = × 2.2 × cS × eF × eP × d P × e p × f P + (34) where
4 AB1 is the cross section area of a single bolt using the root
c M × d p × e 2p × f P
diameter in mm2, see Eq. (55)
where L is the bolt hole diameter
p ×d Table 1 Bolt and torque wrench data.
δQ = i P (35)
2 × f P × eP
FR The first and last part of Eq.(34) is ring and pipe wall
δF = (36) thickness internal flange moment resistance. The reduction
π × f P × d P × eP factors cM and cS take into account the reduction of the
9 Copyright © by ASME
bending-carrying capacity and shear force capacity of the pipe design with balanced strength between flange and bolts,
cross section assuming von Mises yield criterion. The factors excludes any flange interacting outside the bolt circle, hence
are based on pipe wall yielding and not the actual cross any additional bolt stress generated due a prying effect can be
section yielding capacity, see Kirkemo (2001). The middle neglected. The back face of the flange is made parallel to front
part contains the support effect of a radial force from the pipe face in the made-up position; hence, bending in the bolts is
for the ring. If the value in the root giving cM is negative the reduced to a minimum.
hub/pipe is overloaded. Hoop stress caused by internal Considerable elastic and elastic plastic finite element
pressure is neglected in the flange ring, however, included in analyses, Fig. 9, have been performed to justify the applied
the strength contribution from the connecting hub/pipe. limit load based design and stiffness equations. Capacities
The flange ring thickness can now be calculated by should be determined using elastic-plastic finite element
requiring that WF should be equal to MF by an iterative solver analysis to avoid the necessity of dividing the stresses into
available in spreadsheets. The initial flange face angle θ in primary and secondary stress categories and linearisation of
radians is calculated as stresses as required in elastic analysis. The structural capacity
M is determined by increasing the loads nearly to the point of
θ = 0 min (40) instability (maximum) or when the local strains exceed 5 %.
The design capacity is found by dividing the structural
M 0 min = nB × FB1min × hD (41) capacity by 1.5. Only limited permanent deformation occurs at
where M0min is the minimum applied bolting up internal flange this load level, see Fig. 9.
moment in Nmm, KF is the elastic stiffness of the integrated
flange ring and cylinder and FB1min is the minimum bolt force
for one bolt in N. KF is given by
E × π × bFe × eF3
KF = F (42)
3 × d F × cF
and the correction factors are as follows
c F = 0.91 × (1 + γ × ϑ )
( )
1 + γ × ϑ 4 + 6 × ϑ + 6 × ϑ 2
+ 3 × γ 2 × ϑ 4 Flange capacity
ϑ = 0.4 × d P × e P e F
Calculated yield point
(45) 6000.0
limit load
(O − B ) − L
Elastic plastic FEA
bFe = (46)
Total separation force
2 4000.0
Design capacity = 2/3 yield point limit load
L × nB
Le = L (47)
π ×K 2000.0
FEA notch
strain limit
d P = B + eP (48)
(O + B)
dF = (49)
0.00% 1.00% 2.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00%
Total strain in neck
The flange stiffness takes into the adjoining effective
cylinder shell (eP , d P ) by multiplication with c F . The factor Flange ring rotation
g = 0.9 × tan (θ )×
Design capacity = 2/3 yield point limit load
As the toe gap is 90% of the theoretical elastic value, closing 2000.0
preload and external loads are transferred as contact forces Rotation, deg
between flanges within the bolt circle due to flange taper. This Fig. 9 Finite element analysis of flange ring
in combination with stiff flanges and flexible bolts and a
10 Copyright © by ASME
11 Copyright © by ASME
steels, due to creep, causing relaxation in bolt and seal ring, It should be noted that selection of other materials, pipe
and eventually the joint may leak. The load capacity for the wall thickness and external loading would change the
CFJs at temperature is established by using the actual yield dimension of the CFJ.
strength at temperature. For material strength at temperature, it
should be noted that EN uses minimum yield and tensile Table 3 10" CL1500 CFJ and ASME comparison
strength values while ASME uses strength values based on Characteristic CFJ ASME B16.5
average temperature dependent trend curve. Outside diameter 418.2 mm 584 mm
For thermal applications the bolt, seal ring and flange Thickness 71.1 mm 108 mm
materials should not have coefficients of thermal expansion, Total length 130.5 mm 254 mm
which are differing too much. The bolt load will in general Bolting 16 x 1 1/8" x 12 x 1 7/8" x
change with temperature. The axial bolt load at temperate 215 mm 345 mm
FB1,T may be expressed by
Weight each flange1) 57 kg 205 kg
FB1,T = FB10 min × F ,T + AB1 × EB ,T × (α B − α F )× (T − To ) (58) Weight bolting 21 kg 73 kg
EF , 0 Weight torque tool 2.5 kg 12.5 kg
where EF,T and EF,0 is the flange elastic modulus at temperature 1) Weight of one flange half with pipe length equal to total
T and assembly temperature T0, respectively, EB,T is the bolt ASME flange length is 73 kg.
elastic modulus at temperature T, αB and αF is the thermal
expansion coefficients of the bolt and flange, respectively. The
following may be observed from the expression: 273 mm
1. The bolt force will reduce with increasing temperature
with equal thermal expansion in bolt and flange due to the
drop in elastic modulus with increased temperature.
2. Higher thermal expansion in bolts than in flange will
reduce the bolt load with increasing temperature.
3. Lower thermal expansion in the bolts than in flange will
increase the bolt load with increasing temperature.
The axial bolt load at temperature including primary and
secondary axial load effects should be kept below the yield 12 stud bolts
1 7/8x345 mm
strength at temperature to avoid permanent deformation of the
bolt, hence avoid reduction of bolt preload when the joint is
returned to room temperature.
Note that the seal ring and bolts are thermally shielded 16 stud bolts
1 1/8x225 mm
against direct influence from internal fluids and external
thermal sources like fire.
119.1 mm
An example of a CFJ sizing is given in this section. The mm
CFJ consists of 2 weld neck flanges with materials according
to ASTM A694 F52. The stud bolts strength and threads are in
accordance ASTM A193 B7 while the seal ring material is 415 mm
ASTM A694 F65. The flanges are connected to pipes with
Do=273.1 mm (10") and wall thickness eP=26 mm. The flange 584 mm
connection is designed for a pressure of 258 bar, an equivalent
tension equal to 1511 kN, Eq.(33), and a temperature of 20°C.
Fig. 10 Comparison of 10" CL1500 CFJ and
The minimum target prestress is 2/3 yield strength. For more
equivalent ASME B16.5 joint (dotted)
details see Table 2.
The comparable ASME B16.5 flanged joint is a 10"
CL1500 ring type joint. The CFJ is considerably lighter and
smaller than the ASME B16.5 flanged joint including torque
Conventional flange designs with load carrying gaskets
tools, see Table 3. In Fig. 10, the CFJ is compared with the
have major shortcomings wrt. to leakage reliability and
B16.5 flange joint. Main dimensions and weights are given in
inability to cope with cycling loading and temperature. A
Table 4.
design method for CFJs is presented and applied in an
example for a flange design. The design principles of a CFJ
presented in this paper are sound and offer many fundamental
12 Copyright © by ASME
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