4th Issue October 3, 2018
4th Issue October 3, 2018
4th Issue October 3, 2018
Managing Editor
Ida Domingo
[email protected]
Copy Editor
Shiza Manzoor
[email protected]
News Editor
Ida Domingo
Sports Editor
Davis Byrd
[email protected]
SMADs Manager
Yves White
[email protected]
The Tartan publishes 1,500 copies
per week and is distributed at more
than 26 locations on the RU campus.
The Tartan is always looking into
expanding their distribution. The
publication is printed at Shenandoah
Publishing House in Winchester, Va.
community members. children’s lives, “and create an struggling, you can just ask the
Learning communities are environment that’s safe for them person right next to you.”
typically a small class of 20-25 no matter where they come from The benefits of Schoolhouse
students with new freshman. or where they’ll go next.” is that students get to work with
With each student being paired “Schoolhouse has as been professional educators, they take
with a mentor, these students amazing so far.” Vanderpool courses that count toward their
receive hands-on learning and adds, “Not only is it a good program requirements, they can
mentoring not only inside the experience to live with the same engage more with students and
classroom but beyond that. people that you see in your faculty through social activities
Courtesy of University Relations
A freshman majoring in classes, but the Schoolhouse and most importantly, they
Elementary Education with hosts events just for the receive a good support system.
concentrations in special students and I’ve already gotten This new learning
education and science, Jillian to know so many people and community is essential for
Vanderpool is one of 27 members make lifelong friendships.” future teachers because of all it
choolhouse, one of the This learning community has included in this community. Another student in the offers. Vanderpool hopes to gain
six freshman learning faculty and peers working Vanderpool wants to community, Abigail Tefft, a much out of Schoolhouse.
communities that Radford together to support and advise be a teacher because of her freshman Elementary Education Excited about her future here,
University offers is now open. its students. passion for teaching. “Through major loves being a part of the she hopes to gain “friendships,
This living and learning space To qualify to become a leadership, playing “school” Schoolhouse community. experience, and knowledge” and
can be found on the third floor member of its community, with my brother, and being Tefft says, “It’s nice being have the opportunity to become
of Moffett Hall. It is a learning Schoolhouse accepts first-year influenced by my own teachers, with people who are studying a better teacher when entering
community for future teachers. students who plan to pursue I knew it was the profession something similar to me. It’s also the work field.
According to Housing and teacher licensure. Students must for me.” Being a part of the nice cause we are all freshman,
Residential Life, Schoolhouse “is also live on campus for their Schoolhouse community gets so we can all learn about our B y I da D o m i n g o
a living and learning community first two years to receive direct her one step closer to her future major and college together. [email protected]
that connects and inspires support, access to academic career. Having people who are in your
prospective educators from all advising, field experiences, After graduating in 2022, she classes and living with you is
disciplines and grade levels.” and courses exclusive only to plans to make a difference in pretty neat because if you’re
Tartan Briefs B y S h i z a M a n zo o r
[email protected]
he Glencoe Mansion, Party,” a day full of activities
one of Radford’s historic is planned for the city where
the New River Valley. You can and join intramural sports at
also go to Sinkland Farms for Radford.
pumpkin patches, corn maze, All in all, there are many
and hay rides. They have a vast activities and spots that Radford
farm filled with pumpkins this offers excellent for the fall spirit.
time of year. Whether its Halloween
At the university, fall is or just enjoying the weather,
all can be a beautiful time Oct. 6 and brings the crowds Another great thing to do also a great time to get out and there are many options. With
in the New River Valley. out for the fun environment it during the fall is to go hiking. support the sporting events. fall being the beginning of the
As the leaves change offers. It highlights the Scottish With the weather not to hot Fall sports include Men’s school year it also makes it a
and the weather gets colder heritage from the highlanders and not too cold yet, there are so Baseball (fall ball), Cross great time to get involved on
outside, it becomes one of the with games, music, and many trails around Radford with Country, Golf, Soccer, and campus and become part of the
best times of the year to get out entertainment. just a short drive. Tennis. The Women’s fall sports Radford family.
and do things around the city This is a fun way to learn The cascade falls are one are Cross Country, Golf, Soccer,
and in nature. about the highlander pride and of the most popular ones with Softball (fall ball), Tennis, and By Hannah Curran
One of the main events held have fun while doing it. This is a students. That’s about a four- Volleyball. This provides many [email protected]
during the fall here in Radford is terrific event for all ages if your mile loop and includes many opportunities to go out to games
the Highlander Festival. family wants to come to visit beautiful view spots. A little and support the school and the
It is held down in Bisset Park, and go. closer, Claytor Lake State Park athletic programs.
Having A Laugh
ednesday night at couple of laughs. I thought that slowly rising, comedians in New like Ian Lara can be as successful role; there was a break-dancer, a
Radford was all about was cool that he communicates York. He has a special coming up as them because of his excellent person who only spoke in puns,
comedy. with us because it’s relatable. on Comedy Central next month delivery and stories. and one who didn’t know why
The crowd was in a good Lara starts talking about so keep on a lookout for After the show, the student the crowd is here. It took the
mood, and everybody was having millennials and what we would that. I’ve watched improv club came up to make guesser a while to guess, but she
a good time. Comedian Ian Lara be like in the future, like many comedians us laugh even more. They had got it eventually.
came all the way from New York, how we will be the oldest like John two rounds; the first round After improv there was open
and he has been doing comedy generation soon. He has a Mulaney and was the bachelorette round. night mic, where anybody in the
for about 6-7 years. He has conversation every once in a Jerry Seinfeld, The bachelorette had to guess crowd could come up and do
performed at various venues and while with Zach, and the crowd and I feel the role of each person. The anything, tell a story, sing, the
colleges throughout his years. is loving it. He jokes about how audience gets to choose what list goes on.
In his first couple of skits, short girls always want tall guys role each person was playing.
he talked about how he wants to to protect them, and I thought There were four people on
be an R&B artist but leaped into that part was the best because the stands. One of them had
comedy. His family has always it’s relatable. to play a barbie; another liked
been supporting Lara through Not just a comedian but changing shoes, the best one Overall, it was a
his career, and he has been doing he’s always a proud owner I think was that the third
great. of the Delta Airlines stock, person had to pretend to be great night to be
stress-free and
He starts to communicate just a small amount. He a Soundcloud rapper.
with the crowd and points out makes a smooth move Lastly the fourth person
a guy named Zach. He asks him
questions about his girlfriend
into talking about airports
and how he was selected
had to speak in the third
person. The bachelorette laugh all along.
who is also in the crowd across into questioning. He talks eventually guessed what
Pictures provided by RSPaCE
the room. about traveling and how each person’s role was.
Lara asks, “how did you he does comedy across the During the last round,
guys meet?” and Zach starts country from Miami back to a different person was
panicking. The crowd starts New York. throwing a party. Each
B y G a bby C o h e n
[email protected]
pointing out “ooh’s” and a Ian Lara is one of the newest, person had a very different
The tea
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The Tartan is committed to
correcting errors that appear in
the newspaper. Those interested
Affirmative Action Could End, but Would That be a Bad Thing?
in contacting the paper for that
purpose can send an e-mail to
ffirmative action is admissions process, a university back Obama-imposed guidelines King Jr. explained it, the United
[email protected] or call the
main number, 540 831-5474, receiving yet another must prove to a court that their that encouraged public States would finally live up to its
to make a correction to any challenge in court by the diversity oriented goals could universities to include race in founding words of “all men are
section. Students for Fair Admissions, not be achieved using race-blind admissions policies. The current created equal.”
a case that could affect policies instead and that any administration reasons that Tyler Perkins, the
Looking for universities across the country. use of race in the application discrimination, in any form, is Chairman of Radford’s College
Several Asian-American process is but one of several against the law. Republicans, believes that any
Tartan Archives? students are leading the factors in the decision. The legality of affirmative inclusion of race in a college
charge claiming that Harvard While Radford would not be action is currently tentative. application is wrong.
Rediscover the history of the Tartan University turned them down in Throw in two new Supreme “We should do away
through exploring all the way back favor of admitting less qualified Court appointments and active with putting race on college
He went on to
to 1910, when it was initially called students of other races. opposition from the justice admission applications,” he
the Grapurchat to when it was
The Students for Fair department, and there is a high said. “I think that no one should
rebranded as the Tartan in 1979.
favor of the University of Texas- the courts by creating guidance However, anti-
Austin, upholding the existing
ruling on affirmative action by a
“true equality.” that goes beyond the law and —
in some instances — stays on the
discrimination laws were passed
with the understanding that it
5-4 margin. books for decades.” was one particular group or set
In stating the majority directly affected by its legality, So it would appear that of groups that faced the front of
in the case, Justice Anthony as it does not have affirmative the primary argument against racial disadvantages. This has
Kennedy said that “It remains action policies, the admissions affirmative action is one of been the continued argument in
an enduring challenge to our office has taken note of the constitutionality. the decades after the institution
nation’s education system to development. Every university The “law” in this case of these policies in the face of
reconcile the pursuit of diversity would have to keep these legal is referring to the anti- opposition.
with the constitutional promise developments in mind should discrimination laws instituted The mostly Democratic
of equal treatment and dignity.” they want to change their during and after the Civil Rights supporters of affirmative action
The court elaborated, saying policies. Movement. They prohibit all believe that this racial injustice
that university admissions This Supreme Court case forms of racial discrimination
policies must be upheld to “strict is coming off the heels of the no matter the color, so that,
>> Action
scrutiny.” To use race in the Department of Justice rolling as the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther Continued on page 5
www.rutartan.com Wednesday, October 3, 2018 | 7
From Page 6
is still present and that continuation of these policies. will assume that those arguing and the University of Georgia enough Latino students, but not
public institutions, including He brought up that many against affirmative action don’t voluntarily removed race from African American students. This
universities, must play a role in low-income communities are consider diversity to be a goal its admissions policies. may not be the most scientific
balancing the scales. primarily populated by people and that race-blind policies A study was conducted by the study, but the results shine a bit
The question addressing of color. would not provide any diversity Century Foundation in 2014 to of light on the prospective future
the current laws of affirmative “Segregation is still an issue. at all. There has been research analyze student populations of of admissions policies should
action may be of legality, but the Not in the same sense as Jim to show that the latter is not the state universities in these states affirmative action receive a
underlying question, in this case, Crow, but you still see majority case. to see if their race-blind policies national ban.
is one asking if it is permissible white areas and majority black In 2014, a SCOTUS decision still achieved similar levels It would seem the Students
to violate the nation’s principles areas,” he explained. “If you live upheld that states could decide of diversity as race-conscious for Fair Admissions have a fair
against racial discrimination in in a poor area, you’re going to go the legality of affirmative action ones. The study looked at the point then. If it is possible to
pursuit of social justice. to a poor school. If you go to a for themselves. Before then, data of new African American achieve satisfactory levels of
“Affirmative action is one poor school, your opportunities however, several states had and Latino students in the diversity on college campuses
of the policies from [the civil will be limited. Affirmative already banned the practice, and first year of the new race-blind without the need for racial
rights] era,” said Geoffrey action is meant to make sure a few universities had chosen policies and compared it to the discrimination, then according
Preudhomme, Vice President of that those folks don’t fall to abandon them. These states year before. to the 2013 SCOTUS decision,
the Young Democrats at Radford. through the cracks.” are California, New Hampshire, The gist of the results was a race-conscious admissions
“These policies have only been However, there is a Washington, Michigan, Florida, definitive yes. would be unconstitutional.
on the books for 50 years.” disconnect between those Nebraska, Arizona, and Out of eleven universities These universities achieved
Preudhomme cited this who advocate for affirmative Oklahoma. inspected, eight admitted their diversity goals through
country’s history of racial action and those who argue Texas had a ban for a period a similar amount of ethnic policies that focused much more
segregation as a reason for the against it on principle. People of seven years from 1996 to 2003, students, and one admitted on socioeconomic status and ...
Courtesy of pixabay.com
e’re human, and it’s industry. I believed these dreams believing that careers in those was a studio art major and a History major, then to Social
our innate ability were unattainable. fields aren’t reachable, that jobs currently is majoring in theater Science. From there I went to
from birth to make When I applied to Radford are scarce, because that’s the performance. Music Education Major, then
mistakes, to be fickle, and to my second time around, I ending result from obtaining Freshman Erica Gilley, a back to undecided, and now
change our minds. thought about what I wanted to these degrees, to find a steady double major, was majoring in I’m in Media Studies with a
We grow up with the mindset do in life. good paying job and assimilate Journalism and Dance and is now concentration in Production
that we can be anything, do We apply with an intended into society as full-fledged double majoring in English, with Technology, and minoring in
anything, “reach for the stars” major and after the first week, adults. a concentration in professional Theater and Art.”
they tell us. As children, we have the first semester, the first or Many first-year students of writing and Dance. She adds, “I kept changing
the craziest dreams of wanting what I wanted to do with
to be astronauts, princesses, my life and had a hard time
presidents, and race car drivers. deciding what my passion was.
creates stronger communities, anned Books Week has • And Tango Makes used on Radford University’s forget to exercise their mind and
and it inspires a sense of pride been held annually since Three written by campus in CORE classes. Carly learn through reading literature
and kinship in towns that are 1982, according to the Peter Parnell and Sumpter, a junior at Radford in a world full of social media.
often crucial for a town’s future, official website for the event. Justin Richardson and University, said that she read the Everyone should take time
especially smaller ones. Usually failing on the last week illustrated by Henry book last year for her CORE 201 from their busy and chaotic lives
I have seen the positive of September, this year it was Cole class. to pick up a book.
impacts of local shopping in conducted from Sept. 23-29. • I Am Jazz written by Sumpter said, “I liked the
my hometown, in Radford, and Every year, the coalition Jessica Herthel and Jazz book because although it was
in various other communities, encourages teachers, librarians, Jennings and illustrated very sexually explicit, it was real
so I plan to support it at any publishers, journalists, by Shelagh McNicholas in the fact that it showed what
opportunity I have. and readers of all ages and those in Indian reservations
backgrounds to read challenged Along with providing the actually go through. The book
B y S ava n n a h R o b e rs o n books. They provide a list of the non-exhaustive list, the ALA didn’t beat around the bush
[email protected] previous year’s most challenged also has promotional tools, such about real-life challenges,
books. This list is provided by the as posters or buttons. These and many students were able
American Library Associations tools can be downloaded for free to sympathize with the main
(ALA). or purchased online from the character, and they channeled
The ALA has been compiling ALA’s website. their Ethos Logos, and Pathos
this list since 2001 and provide So why is Banned Book Week techniques and practices.”
the reasoning behind each book. still important? Four of the books on 2017’s
The top 10 from 2017 were: The Banned Books Week list are cited to be challenged
website says that they believe because of their inclusion of
• Thirteen Reasons in “the freedom to seek and LGBTQ+ characters. I Am Jazz, an
B y C a i t lyn S t u lt z Why by Jay Asher to express ideas, even those autobiographical book that tells
[email protected] • The Absolutely True some consider unorthodox or the story of a young transgender
WRITE FOR US! The Highlanders Shock The Mountaineers on the Road
RU an established, or
fledgling journalist? Or
maybe you just love to
write, and this might be
your first time showcasing
your hidden talent?
Courtesy of RU Athletics
Letters to the
he Radford Men’s Soccer just before the halftime whistle the 70th minute. go head to head against one
We prefer letters that are fewer team began their three- as Diop ricocheted one off his The Highlanders put on more Power Five team as they
than 200 words and take as game road trip against foot and into the goal. a clinic against the Big 12 will see the Virginia Cavaliers in
their starting point an article West Virginia. The Highlanders Diop continued his busy Mountaineers, racking up some Charlottesville.
or other item appearing in The had not won a game all season night with his second goal of the serious stats. They had 18 total Following an impressive win
Tartan. They may not have but were starving for a victory match in the 56th minute off a shots with nine of them being against the Mountaineers, the
been submitted to, posted on the road against the Power free kick, following a foul just on target. Only tallying 46 total Highlanders move onto their
to or published by any other Five Mountaineers. outside the penalty box. A low- shots through five games, this second road test with a Big South
media. They must include the They did not shy away from rolling shot whipped around the made it a very impressive feat. match-up against Longwood.
writer’s full name — for more the challenge. wall of Mountaineer defenders Diop tallied six shots with two They will face up against the 3-4
information and to send a Freshman Forward Amadou and found its way into the net. on goal, two goals, and one Lancers Saturday, Sept. 29 at 6
letter head over to Diop’s two goals sealed the 4-1 This goal put the Highlanders up assist. Behind him, Roberts had p.m.
www.rutartan.com. victory for the Highlanders on 4-0 as the game moved into its five shots, four on target and Radford will finish up their
Tuesday night. final leg. one goal. three-game trek on the road
Meme of the Week Radford got their offense
started early with a long goal
Although it seemed too
little, too late, West Virginia
Head coach, Bryheem
Hancock, said this of his
against Gardner Webb on Oct. 3
and will come back home to play
from Victor Valls just before the scored on freshman goalie Sam players following the game: Presbyterian College in Cupp
10th minute. Valls had his first Farrell with a header in the 57th “Every guy in that locker room Memorial Stadium on Oct. 6.
shot blocked and off the rebound, minute. Despite the goal by the worked extremely hard in the Let’s wish Head Coach
the senior midfielder found the Mountaineers, Farrell made last 72 hours to turn the page Hancock and the Highlanders on
back of the net. Not long after, an impressive first start in a and prepare for tonight. It was the rest of their season as they
before the 20th minute, senior collegiate match. He made three a good result against a good enter Big South play.
forward Kieran Roberts lobbed a total saves including what was West Virginia team. Now we
pass from Diop over the keeper’s deemed the Play of the Match as must move on and prepare for
head and into the net. The he dove to the right and blocked Longwood on Saturday.” By Lucas Carr
Highlanders lead was tripled a West Virginia penalty kick in The men’s soccer team will [email protected]
Courtesy of RU Athletics
The Highlanders were able to hang on and endure the onslaught from the Lancers, conceding a late goal that would prove to
only be a consolation. The back line and goalkeeper Courtenay Kaplan shut up shop in the dying embers of the contest.
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