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Effects of Plyometric Training On Sport-Specific Tests in Female Volleyball Players

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Effects of plyometric training on sport-specific tests in female volleyball


Article · September 2016


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3 authors, including:

Mario Baić
Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb


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Krističević, T. et al.: Effects of short high impact plyometric training on...              Acta Kinesiologica 10 (2016) Suppl 1: 25‐29 



Tomislav Krističević, Ivan Krakan and Mario Baić

Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

Original scientific paper

Fifty four female volleyball players participated in this study (15±1). The aim of this research is to determine
the effects of 5 week plyometric training in female volleyball players. Standard anthropometry (height,
standing-reach height, body mass, vertical jumps and specific volleyball jumps were the tests selected. The
experimental and control groups were well matched on the pre-training tests with no significant differences
found for any variable between the two groups. A five-week-long training program was applied in plyometric
group. There was significant interaction between the groups for Squat jump. Plyometric training induced
significant improvements in SJ and CMJ. However, control group showed no significant improvements in any
vertical jump test. In conclusion, the completion of a 5 week plyometric training program improved selected
vertical jump tests in young female volleyball players. However, there were no significant changes in spike
and block jumps following the plyometric training program.

Key words: jump training, impact, power, female athletes


Although previous methods have shown a positive impact and safety performance within
significant impact on increasing vertical jump children (Diallo, Dore, Duche, and Van Praagh,
performance, coaches and most authors agree that 2001; Faigenbaum et al., 2007; Kotzamanidis,
the plyometrics as the method of choice is the best 2006; Matavulj, Kukolj, Ugarkovic, Tihanyi, &Jaric,
for increasing VJ and explosive leg strength 2001). However, all authors agree that this must
(Markovic, 2007). In the meta-analysis (De be strictly controlled program with a certain load of
Villarreal, Requena,& Newton, 2010) which intensity, volume and frequency of exercise. Much
examined the effects of plyometric training on the effort has been invested in research and promotion
expression of power, the authors have come to the of plyometrics since it was mentioned for the first
conclusion that an exercise program that lasts less time in the USA. A large number of researches,
than 10 weeks and includes up to 15 training review articles and meta-analyses have proven
sessions, as well as high intensive training with effectiveness and safety performance. However
over 40 jumps, has the positive impact on the some parts are still not in fully explained and
strength increase. It is also recommended to explored. The question of the ideal and shortest
combine different plyometric programs with program that will contribute to a greater leap in
strength training, rather than to use only motor skills is still not in fully resolved, because the
plyometric treatment. Another meta-analysis was safety performance of certain rules must be
performed, that analysed the role of various factors respect. Therefore, the aim of this research is to
on the effects of plyometrics on vertical jump determine the effects of 5 week plyometric training
performance (de Villarreal, Kellis, in female volleyball players.
Kraeme,&Izquierdo,2009). Subjects with more
sports experience achieve better results in the Methods
vertical jump. The subjects with good or bad form
make equal progress by using plyometric training, Participants
while man score better results in power than Fifty four female volleyball players participated in
women. Athletes must be sufficiently mature not this study. Players were members of youth and
only physiologically but also psychologically in order junior squads from several Serbian volleyball clubs.
to participate in the program. For the lower part of A few were candidates for youth and junior female
the body the proper technique of contact with the national squad. General descriptive parameters are
surface is crucial, especially for depth jumps presented in Table 1. All the participants provided
(Zatsiorsky, & Kraemer, 2006).While plyometrics written consent after being informed of the test
can successfully affect the increase of the speed, protocol. All volleyball players participated in
power, sport performance, it may also cause injure medical examination, to determine their health
even more than it can be caused by less intensive state, because in the research can participate only
exercise (Zatsiorsky, & Kraemer, 2006). Recently healthy athletes and those whose parents agreed
unexplored and very sensitive field today is that their children can take part in the research.
showing a positive effects of plyometric exercise on The protocol of the study was approved by the
motor skills within children and adolescents. There Ethical Committee of the Faculty of sport and
is a growing number of authors who speak on physical education, University of Nis and according

Krističević, T. et al.: Effects of short high impact plyometric training on...              Acta Kinesiologica 10 (2016) Suppl 1: 25‐29 

to the revised Declaration of Helsinki. Each player This position was maintained for about 1s. The
had 2-4 years of training experience, corresponding subjects were then instructed to extend the lower
to 2-hour training sessions, and at least 1 limbs as explosively as possible with the aim of
competition per week. performing a squat jump. Three attempts were
made at this exercise. The best result was retained
Table 1. General descriptive parameters of for analysis.
participants (Mean ± SD).
Spike and block jump performances
Plyometric Control For the standing reach, while wearing their normal
Age 15.4±1.32 15.5±1.52 volleyball footwear, players were requested to
Body 170.76±4.81 169.11±5.88 stand with their feet flat on the ground, extend
Body 60.76±8.43 61.31±7.61
their arm and hand, and mark the standing reach
height while standing 90° to a wall. Players were
Procedures encouraged to fully extend their dominant arm to
Standard anthropometry (height, standing-reach displace the highest vane possible to determine
height, body mass, vertical jumps and specific their maximum standing reach height. The
volleyball jumps were the tests selected. Players measurement of the standing reach height allowed
were instructed to refrain from strenuous exercise for a calculation of the relative jump heights on
for at least 48 hours prior to the fitness testing each of the jumping tasks (absolute jump height
session and consume their normal pre training diet (cm) – standing reach height (cm) = relative jump
prior to the testing session. The testing session height) (Sheppard, Gabbett, & Stanganelli, 2009).
began with anthropometric measurements. Players Spike and Block jump performances for volleyball
then underwent measurements of lower-body players depend heavily on the height at which
muscular power (vertical jump and spike jump), these skills are performed above the net and are
Subjects performed 2 trials muscular power tests, determined by not only the capacity of the athlete
with a recovery of approximately 3 minutes to raise vertically his center of gravity, but also his
between trials. Players were encouraged to perform stature and standing reach. In this particular case,
low-intensity activities and stretches between trials. specific tests would provide a further understanding
of the training-induced adaptation. For the spike
Countermovement and Squat Jump Performance jump, the standing reach was determined as the
For the purpose of the explosive strength maximal distance between the fingertip of the
assessing, a device “Myotest” was used. Subjects attack hand and the ground, while standing 90° to
performed two vertical jumps, Countermovement a wall. The spike jump was measured from a
Jump (CMJ) and Squat jump (SJ). The sample of running lead (2- or 3-step approach) by using a
the variables, processed and mistreated by the basketball backboard marked with lines 1 cm apart.
device “Myotest” consisted of the: Height For the Block, the standing reach was determined
(expressed in cm); Power (expressed in W/kg); as the maximal distance between fingertips of the
Force (expressed in N/kg) and Velocity (expressed block hands and the ground, while facing the wall.
in cm/s). Subjects carried a belt around their lower The block jumps started from a standing position
trunk, on which was positioned a wireless device with the hands at shoulder level and arms raised
“Myotest” (safely attached to a belt). All subjects from the start position without extra swing. All
performed three vertical jumps (CMJ), in the tests used the same observer who was situated on
following way: from the initial position, i.e., normal a volleyball referee stand placed 2 m from the
standing position and the hands placed on the hips, backboard. Both jumps were recorded as the best
through the flexion in the articulations of the knee of the 3 attempts (Stanganelli, Dourado, Oncken,
up to 90º, after the audio signal of the device, the Mançan, da Costa, 2008).
subjects performed the maximum vertical take-off,
and landed with affable flexion (up to 110º) in the Plyometric training
articulations of the knee and finally, went back into Before the study, the pre-season mesocycle for two
a starting standing position, while waiting for the weeks was carried out. Each week there will be five
new sound signal, when the specified jump training sessions lasting 90 to 120 minutes. The
technique was repeated. main objective of this period will be to improve the
aerobic endurance and strength. In the micro cycle
In the case, when the CMJ was not well performed, of seven days, three sessions will be designed to
double audio signal, informed the subject, to repeat develop endurance, and two sessions for strength.
properly specified jumping technique. At the end of In addition, concerning the fact that players were
the protocol, software of the device “Myotest”, young female athletes, they were involved in
automatically processed and mistreated the mean familiarisation sessions with aim for learning proper
values of analyzed variables. The squat jump (SJ) technique of the tests. After completing the
allows measurement of “non-plyometric” preparatory phase the initial measurement will be
displacement and the ability to develop a great deal carried out and the final measurement will be
of strength within a very short space of time implemented within two days after the end of the
(explosiveness). This test consisted of the person experimental program. Specific details of the
jumping as high as possible with their hands on Plyometric program are presented in Table 1. A
their hips from a half-squat position (i.e. 90° five-week-long training program was applied in
bending of the knees). plyometric group.

Krističević, T. et al.: Effects of short high impact plyometric training on...              Acta Kinesiologica 10 (2016) Suppl 1: 25‐29 

The first two weeks were a preparatory phase, Training sessions were performed twice a week
followed by two more weeks with increased (Tuesdays and Thursdays). Plyometric training
volume, and one week with decreased volume to group was also involved in regular volleyball
taper. training.

Table 2. Plyometric training program

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5

Sets x repetitions 2x6 2x6 4x6 4x6 3x6
Hurdle jumps Box height 30 cm 30 cm 40 cm 40 cm 30 cm
Intensity moderate moderate high high moderate
Sets x repetitions 2x10 3x10 3x10 3x10 2x10
Depth jumps Box height 20 cm 20 cm 30 cm 30 cm 20 cm
Intensity moderate moderate high high moderate
Number of jumps 2x30 sec 3x30 sec 3x60 sec 3x60 sec 3x40 sec
Lateral jumps
Box height 20 cm 20 cm 30 cm 30 cm 20 cm
over box
Intensity moderate moderate high high moderate
Sets x repetitions 2x9 2x10 3x10 3x10 2x10
Lunge jumps
Intensity moderate moderate high high moderate
Sets x repetitions 2x8 2x10 3x10 3x12 2x10
Vertical jumps
Intensity moderate moderate high high moderate

Unlike in other plyometric training routines the Differences in jumping performance of the
specificity of the present program was that beside plyometric and control training groups before and
double-leg jumps, high intensity single-leg after training were analyzed by using a 2-way
exercises into both sagittal and lateral directions (group x time) repeated-measures analysis of
were also included. Participants were instructed to variance. The statistical significance was set at
minimize ground contact and to maximize jumping p<0.05.
height for greater the release of stored energy.
A conditioning specialist supervised every training
session to maximize safety by instructing proper The Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests showed that data
technique and to motivate participants for maximal were normally distributed and no violation of
effort. The control group did not apply the homogeneity of variance found using Levene’s test.
plyometric training method at the same time. They The experimental and control groups were well
were involved only in moderate continuous training matched on the pre-training tests with no
and regular volleyball training. significant differences found for any variable
between the two groups. The jumping
Statistical analysis characteristics of the plyometric training group and
The statistical Package for Social Sciences SPSS control group are shown in Table 3. There was
(v18.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) was used for the significant interaction between the groups for Squat
statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics were jump. Plyometric training induced significant
calculated for all experimental data. Kolmogorov- improvements in SJ and CMJ (p<0.05). However,
Smirnov test was calculated for all variables before control group showed no significant improvements
analysis to prove the normality of distribution. (p>0.05) in any vertical jump test (Table 3).

Table3. Differences between experimental and control group for Attack and Block jumps

Plyometric group Control group

Initial Final Initial Final
Block jump 31.96±4.59 33.04±3.72 32.96±5.32 32.24±3.78
Spike jump 37.52±5.93 37.34±4.39 34.12±6.86 34.68±6.02
SJ 21.80±4.22 24.28±3.48*† 24.32±4.10 24.80±4.09
CMJ 28.08±4.83 30.72±3.74* 33.04±6.18 33.32±5.62

*Different from before training. †Different from control group. Data are reported as mean ± SD.
SJ- squat jump, CMJ- countermovement jump

Discussion in both, Block jump test and Spike jump test.

Moreover, results for SJ and CMJ in control group
This study has shown that 5 weeks of high impact showed there were no significant differences
plyometric training had positive effects on SJ and between pre and post testing. The results in control
CMJ in young female volleyball players, but has no group can be explained by the fact that players
significant effects on spike and block jumps. were involved in skill training with numerous
Control group showed no significant improvement repetitions of volleyball technique which is in

Krističević, T. et al.: Effects of short high impact plyometric training on...              Acta Kinesiologica 10 (2016) Suppl 1: 25‐29 

contrast to the plyometric group that was involved Rathore, 2013) but especially in female players. In
in plyometric training and skill training. addition, the spike jump is technically more
Accordingly, experimental group simulated the challenging than the vertical jump (Osborne,
physiological demands of national-level female 2002). Another reason could be that players in our
junior volleyball players. Importantly, plyometric study already had a high level of jumping abilities
training successfully simulated the high-intensity and the potential for improving was small. In
physiological demands of competition, concerning addition, jumps in female volleyball and testing are
the great number of jumps during volleyball match. very similar. More research is needed to determine
Plyometric training induced significant whether instructing players to use specific spike
improvements in SJ and CMJ (p<0.05). However, jump approach and landing techniques may help to
there were no significant difference pre to post- improve jumping technique and reduce landing
training for spike and block jump. Possible reason stress. The current study has some limitations.
could be found in different jump technique used by Firstly, control group did not match the intensity
players which led to great intra-individual variation. with plyometric group due to skill training in
Some players, when performing a maximum volleyball. Secondly, the 5 week plyometric training
vertical jump, use different arm swing to increase may not present a sufficient time to induce an
the jump height. An arm swing together with additional physical performance benefits.
counter movement increases jump height (Walsh,
Bohm, Butterfield, & Santhosam, 2007). Conclusion

In addition, volleyball players use two different Completion of a 5 week plyometric training
Block jump techniques, starting from an upright program improved selected vertical jump tests in
position or starting from a squat position. This may young female volleyball players. However, there
influence the force generation during a game. If the were no significant changes in spike and block
muscles are already loaded, the quick jump may be jumps following the plyometric training program.
faster and the athlete may perform a faster BJ Therefore, the results of our study could partially
because it is submaximal effort. However, from the support our hypothesis. Vertical jump is especially
upright position, the player can load her muscles relevant for performance in volleyball. Therefore,
more and may achieve a higher jump (Amasay, this kind of information could help coaches to
2008). Compared to SJ and CMJ, neither group improve performance and use movements that are
showed significant improvement in Spike and Block safer. The use of this plyometric training program
jump tests. These results lead to the assumption could potentially modify volleyball player’s motion
that the technique of spike and block jumps seems strategies, improve performance, and lower the
to be highly individual in volleyball players (Singh & athlete’s risk for injury.


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Pedeset i četiri mlađe igračice su sudjelovale u ovom istraživanju (15 ± 1).Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da
utvrdi učinke 5 tjedana pliometrijskog treninga kod odbojkašica. Standardna antropometrija (visina, visina
stojnog dosega, tjelesna masa), vertikalni skokovi i specifični odbojkaški skokovi su odabrani testovi.
Eksperimentalne i kontrolne skupine su dobro usklađene na testovima prije treninga bez značajnih razlika
pronađenih za bilo koje varijable između dvije grupe. Program od pet tjedana se izvodi u grupi koja izvodi
pliometrijski trening. Pronađene su značajne interakcije između skupina za skok iz čučnja. Grupa koja izvodi
pliometrijski trening izazvala je značajna poboljšanja u testovima SJ i CMJ. Međutim, kontrolna skupina nije
pokazala značajna poboljšanja u svim testovima skočnosti. Može se zaključiti, petotjedni visokointenzivni
pliometrijski program doveo je do poboljšanja u izabranim testovima vertikalnog skoka kod mlađih
odbojkašica. Međutim, nije bilo značajnijih promjena u specifičnim odbojkaškim skokovima nakon
pliometrijskog programa.

Ključne riječi: trening skočnosti, utjecaj, snaga, ženski sportaši

Received: July 18, 2016

Accepted: September 5, 2016
Correspondence to:
Assist. Prof. Tomislav Krističević, PhD.
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Kinesiology
Zagreb, Croatia 10 000, Horvaćanski zavoj 15
Tel: +385 (1) 3658 666
E-mail: [email protected]


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