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Pressure Changes in Drilling Wells Caused Pipe Movementt: It It

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Pressure Changes in Drilling Wells

Caused by Pipe Movementt

Blowouts c a n be prevented by closer control of suction is largest a t and below pipe bottom,, and
pipe-pulling suction; and circulation l o s s e s c a n be from pipe bottom t o the surface it d e c r e a s e s linear-
prevented by closer control of pipe-running pressure. l y t o zero.
T h i s paper explains the pressure changes that oc- 3. If there is balling, it will aggravate the pres-
cur when pipe is run or pulled, and it includes a sure change only below the depth of the. ball. Ball-
chart for quick, approximate estimates of pipequn- ing d e c r e a s e s the running pressure or p u ~ i n g , & u c -
ning pressure and pipepulling suction. Under quite tion above the depth of the ball.
ordinary conditions, the pressure changes may be 4 , If the bit is plugged, running p r e s s w e or pull-
of the order of several hundred pounds per square ing suction is increased a t a l l points of the hole.
inch. 5. Running pressure and pulling suction are pra-
Previously published field d a t a are explained and portional to the effective low shearing-rate vis-
unified. T h e following points are brought out: cosity, or gel strength, of the drilling fluid. For
1. Balling, or swabbing, is not the c a u s e of run- deep drilling, increased emphasis should be placed
ning pressure or pulling suction. Both running pres- on the measurement of drilling-fluid viscosities
sure and pulling suction must occur even with and gel strengths under simulated bottom-hole con-
c l e a n , open-ended pipe. ditions. Efforts to improve present measurement
2. Running pressure and pulling suction do not methods will help to control running pressure and
occur merely below pipe bottom. They occur a l l pulling suction, and will be repaid by less l o s t
the way up and down the hole. T h e pressure or circulation and fewer blowouts.
INTRODUCTION r e a s o n to study t h e s e pressure reductions. It hap-
Illany of the expensive blowouts that occur in p e n s , however, that the pressure reductions a f e in-
drilling operations are c a u s e d by reduction of s t a t i c timately related to pressure i n c r e a s e s that occur
pressure during drill-pipe withdrawal. T h e accumu- when pipe i s run into the hole and t h e s e p i e s s y e
lated evidence of s e v e r a l ~ t u d i e s ' . ~ ,w 6~ h a s proved
1' i n c r e a s e s cause, or contribute to the c a u s e of, l o s t
t h i s beyond a reasonable doubt. T h e recent study circulation. T h i s s i d e of the c a s e h a s been well
by Ilorn6 of 55 California blowouts gave strong evi- proved by Goins, aieichert, Durba, Dawson,. aqd
dence that 9 of those blowouts were c a u s e d princi- Teplitz.' 'lhese authors cited a s p e c t a c u l a r ex-
pally by reduction in s t a t i c p r e s s u r e during pipe ample of drilling under carefully controlled condi-
withdrawal. In s e v e n other c a s e s , t h i s kind of pres- tions to avoid high running p r e s s u r e s . I.ost circu-
sure reduction w a s cited by Horn a s a contributing lation w a s avoided completely in a controlled well,
c a u s e . T h e s e data are enough to show that pressure e v e n though 79 l o s s e s had occurred while drilling
reduction during pipe withdrawal i s s e r i o u s ; but three previous nearby wells.
even t h e s e d a t a d o not s t a t e the c a s e a s strongly D a t a like those collected by the cited authors
a s i t might be s t a t e d , for a s will be shown in the should perhaps sulfice to persuade a l l operators
present paper, there i s a l w a y s some pressure re- that it i s desirable to minimize the pressure c h a n g e s
duction in the hole during pipe withdrawal. T h u s , that occur during running and pulling of .pipe. Ilow-
in a s e n s e , it must always be a contributing c a u s e ever, surprisingly enough, it i s e a s y to find oper-
to any blowout e v e n though i t may not b e a principal a t o r s who s t i l l do not believe that t h e pressure
c a u s e or a primary contributor. c h a n g e s even e x i s t in their wells. Why i s t h i s s o ?
Blowout prevention alone would be a compelling
One reason that pressure c h a n g e s c a u s e d by pipe
Ir C a l i f o r n i a R e s e a r c h Corp., L a Habra, Calif.
movement are not more widely recognized may be
+ P r e s e n t e d a t the spring meeting of the P a c i f i c C o a s t District,
D i v i s i o n of Production, L o s Angele s , June 1953. that they have never been simply explained. A look
' R e f e r e n c e s are at the end of the paper. a t the history of the s u b j e c t s e e m s to indicate this.
It was two decades ago that G. E. Cannon1 perform- over 700 separate field experiments. It i s out of the
ed the first comprehensive field experiments proving question to perform 700 field experiments on such
that large pressure decreases occurred in drilling a subject. It would be prohibitively expensive and
wells when drill pipe was pulled upward. He show- time consuming. A strictly experimental approach
ed also that these pressure decreases depended upon to the subject can therefore be well complemented
the gel strength of the drilling fluid, and suggested by a theoretical approach.
that gel strengths should be controlled in the effort A simple theory shows what should be the sig-
to prevent blowouts. Cannon did not explain the nificant factors affecting pipe-running pressure and
pressure decreases he found; and, in particular, he pipe-pulling suction, and the theory also shows how
did not explain his most peculiar finding, viz., that to predict the magnitudes of the pressure disturb-
the pressure decreases he measured were not s i g ances for practical purposes.
nificantly affected by the rate of pulling. This finding The Names of the Pressure Changes
seemed unreasonable to L.' K. Laney, one of the The pressure increase that occurs when pipe i s
discussers of Cannon's paper.2 run has previously been called "running pressure,"
In 1951, Goins, Weichert, Burba, Dawson, and and this seems to be a good name for it. The pres-
~ e ~ l i t zreported
' a series of field experiments on sure decrease that occurs when pipe i s pulled has
pressure surges in wells resulting from pipe move- been called by the unfortunate name "swabbing pres-
ments." The work of these men differed from that of sure." Undoubtedly, this name has hampered under
Cannon in several respects, the essential difference standing of the pressure change it i s supposed to
being that Goins and his associates were'interested represent.
in the pressure increase that occurs when pipe i s The word "swabbing" in the term "swabbing
lowered, whereas Cannon had been interested in the pressure" i s unfortunate because it implies that the
pressure decrease that o c c ~ whens pipe i s raised. effect i s necessarily connected with a swab-like
Goins and his associates mentioned the work of body, or that the drill bit or drill collar must be
Cannon, but they did not attempt to relate his results balled before the effect i s significant. This i s not
with their own; and, in fact, they discussed the pres- the case, a s will be shown later. The word "pres-
sure reduction found by Cannon as if it'were a sepa- sure" in the term "swabbing pressure" i s unfortu-
rate. phenomenon not affected by the: same drilling- nate because the term was coined to represent the
fluid and hole properties. They did not attempt to re- effect during pulling, which effect i s a pressure de-
concile the fact that their measured pressure changes crease, or negative pressure change. The word
were proportional to pipe velocity and Cannon's pressure" i s not commonly used to represent a
measured pressure changes had been insensitive negative pressure change. The word 'Ltension" i s
to pipe velocity. used to denote negative pressure changes in liquids,
Even in view of their persuasive experiments and but it i s rarely, if ever, used in that s e n s e in the
their remarkable s u c c e s s in practical application, 1 oil fields.
Coins and his cu-workers appardntIy recognized the The common word that best denotes negative pres-
need for a comprehensive explanation of what they sure change i s "suction." Although the employment
had found. They stated that "the effect of both the of the word b6suction" to denote large negative pres-
annular clearance and changes in mud properties on sure changes i s not completely supported by the
the pressure surges caused by pipe movement needs modern dictionary, it seems to be supported by usage
to be clearly shown" and they further stated that
they hoped their paper would "encourage further
1 and general understanding. It is, therefore, proposed
to call the pressure lowering caused by pulling of.
work in this field." pipe pulling suction. The two phrases, running pres-
The work reported herein was begun in an attempt sure and pulling suction will be used throughout
to provide a simple explanation of running pressure this paper.
and pulling suction. Theoretical evidence was soon Explanation of Running Pressure and Pulling Suction
cbtained that field experiments have missed several At the outset, it should be explicitly stated that
significant features of the pressure disturbances. running pressure and pulling suction do not result
This i s not surprising when it i s considered that from the displacing action of the pipe. They would
there are a t least half a dozen variables that affect occur even if the pipe were infinitely thin, and had
running pressure and pulling suction. An exhaustive no displacement volume. The effects of displa,ce-
s e t of field experiments designed to determine the ment add to the effects discussed following, but
individual effects of s i x variables might have to they do not constitute a significant addition to those
cover, say, three values of each variable while the main effects.
others were being held constant. This would require When a pipe moves in a liquid, the part of the

liquid in contact with the surface of the pipe moves

with the same velocity a s the pipe. Some of the mo-
tion i s transmitted to the rest of the liquid. The
moving pipe therefore drags part of the liquid along No veloctty o t h o l e r o l l

with it. If a pipe (drill pipe, casing, or tubing) i s

moved downward in drilling fluid, it drags part of
the drilling fluid downward with it. The dragging
hlox~mumveloclfl a t p ~ rp
effect i s illustrated in Fig. la. If the fluid surround- equol to v e l o c ~ t yo f pnpc l l r e l f

ing a pipe i s contained in a closed hole, it cannot

have a net downward velocity. If part of the fluid
near the pipe moves downward, part of the fluid
away from the pipe must move upward. T h i s com-
no confnnement of flutd
pensating upward counterflow i s illustrate'd in Fig. lb. o \'eloc8t8er t1.ot would r c r u l t f r o r downword plpc motam alone. ~ 8 t h
ot the h o l e bottom
Fig. l b illustrates the fact that in both the pipe
and the annulus there i s a region of maximum up-
ward velocity, surrounded by regions of lower ve-
locity. When part of a fluid i s traveling faster than
its adjacent parts, the fluid i s being sheared a t the UPra;d ~ c l o c ~ t~n
) annulus t o cornpenrote
for downward veloctty ot p a w r o l l
boundaries of the fast moving part; and if the fluid
i s viscous, this shearing produces a viscous drag Flo velocnt) a t h o l e r o l l

that tends to hold back the fastermoving part. In Chonge from upward t o downward
the motion represented by Fig. Ib, this viscous drag vrloc!ty o t some port o f annulus

acts in the downward direction; and it causes each hlornnum +wnward velocaty ot pipe woll.
element of fluid to press harder .on the element be- equal t o velocnty of pope ~ t s e l l

low it than it would if the viscous drag did not exist.

So the effect i s like an increase in hydrostatic pres-
sure. The pressure in the fluid must increase faster
in the downward direction than does the hydrostatic b Vclocatoer that r c r u l t from do-ward p a w motnon wtth conlnnement ol f l v d at the hole
bottom No net d a n w o r d velocity .-
pressure. - ,

The usual roles of cause and effect are reversed Fig. 1-Fluid Velocities Produced by Downward
here. It i s common to think of a pressure difference Pipe Motion ;, '
causing a flow; it i s uncommon to think of a flow ward, there i s a possible outlet for all the fluid that
causing a pressure difference. Actually, it does not i s dragged upward by the pipe. It does not leave the
matter which i s considered to be the cause and which hole, however, because gravity.keeps it in the hole
the effect. In the example under discussion, the up- by producing a downward counterflow. ~ h downward
ward counterflow must be accompanied by a pres- counterflow, in effect, u s e s up part of the gravity-
sure increase in the downward direction in addition produced fluid head and thereby lowers the pressure
to the hydrostatic increase. The extra downward in the well.
pressure over and above the hydrostatic pressure i s It i s apparent from the foregoing discussion that
the running pressure. running pressure and pulling suction do not arise
Pulling suction i s just the reverse of running from swabbing. That is, they are not the result of
pressure. When pipe i s pulled upward, part of the piston-like action of an enlarged body at the lower
fluid i s dragged upward with the pipe. In order for end of the pipe, such a s . a balled bit or drill collar.
the hole to remain full, another part of the fluid must Swabbing does have secondary effects, and these
flow downward, and this produces, a pressure de- effects will be discussed later; but the primary pres-
crease in the downward direction. T h i s pressure sure changes during running and pulling pipe occur
decrease, below the hydrostatic pressure, i s the pull- whether or not there i s swabbing. Both running pres-
ing suction. sure and pulling suction result from relative motion
of the entire pipe with respect to the entire hole.
'Ahen pipe i s moved downward, it i s easy to see The foregoing explanation shows also that the
that there must be upward counterflow, because there pressure changes are not localized around or below
i s no place for the downwardly dragged fluid to go the bottom of the pipe; they exist all, the way up
except back upward. This i s assuming, of course, and down the hole. If there i s a certain pressure
that the hole i s closed or that there i s no lost c i r drop a t the depth of pipe bottom, there will be half
culation. On the other hand, when pipe i s moved up- of that drop half way down. a fourth of that drop a
. . ~. W. T. CARDWELL, JR. ...
100 * .

fourth of the way down, e t c . T h e importance of t h i s tion of running p r e s s u r e s and pulling suct-ions. F o r
fact with r e s p e c t to circulation l o s s e s and blowouts illustrative purposes a n example i s shown of an
will be brought out l a t e r herein. estimation for a hole diameter of 8'4 in., a pipe dia-
Practical Estimation and Control oif ~ " n n i n g~ r e s - meter of 4'4 in., a running (or pulling) time, of 10
sure and Pulling Suction s e c per s t a n d , and, a length of pipe in the hole of
Fig. 2 i s a chart which permits practical estinia- 15,000 ft. T h e running pressure (or pulling suction)

- Fig.2-PressureChange,Psi
(Running Pressure or Pulling Suct,ion) ,

i s 900 psi. If there were only 7,5OO,ft, of pipe in the mized, it must be done by controlling the other fac-
hole, the running pressure or pulling suction would tors.
by 450 psi. If considerations of drilling time and cost were
A few calculations with the chart will give the negligible, the e a s i e s t factor to control would be the
reader a feeling for the s i z e s of t h e r&ning pres-' running or pulling rate. If the running or pulling rate
sures and pulling suctions that e ~ i s tin the wells i s cut in half, the running pressure or pulling suc-
in which he may be interested. For instance, he will' tion i s cut in half. (This statement i s not exactly
appreciate'the fact that the pressure change i s pro-. ture, but it i s ku;! enough for practical,purposes.
portional to the length of immersed pipe and that' See Appendix for more exact statements on this
the formations in shallow wells cannot be very much point.) T o whatever extent it i s economically feas-
disturbed by running and pulling effects. On the ible, running and pulling r a t e s should be minimized
other hand, the formations at the bottom, of ,deep, , whenever circulation l o s s e s or blowouts are immi-
wells, s a y 10,000 to 20,000 ft, are subjected to, nent. T h i s .point has already been well covered by ~

large, sudden pressure changes; and it i s reason- Goins and his associates.'
able to expect those formations to be significantly ' The smaller the pipe and the larger the hole, the
disturbed, if running pressures and pulling suctions smaller will be the running pressure or pulling suc-.,
are not minimized. tion. Pipe s i z e and nominal~holes i z e are somewhat
If a hole has marked variations in s i z e , the ires- controllable, but they must usually be regulated by-
sure or suction can be approximated by considering other considerations; and they cannot usually be
' the sections of different s i z e s a s acting independ- considered adjustable for' the purpose of controlling
ently and by adding 'individual pressure changes ' running pressures and pulling suctions. However,
estimated from the chart. T h i s procedure is' not the actual hole s i z e may devi,ate in either direction
theoretically defensible, but it provides a conven- from the nominal hole size, and. the deviation i s
ient approximation. soniewhat contyollqble. In .this connection it i s im- '

The chart i s not ,intended to permit exact esti- portant to note that when,the hole i s not much larger.
mates in any case. It would be impossi'ble to make than the pipe, the running pressure or pulling suc-
exact estimates, because the field data that would . - - t i o n i s very sensitive to hole size. For instance,,,
be required are not even measured in present-day, with 4'4-in. pipe in an 8-in. hole, the running pres-
field operations. The principal uncertain quantity sure or pulling suction will be increased 50 percent
i s the effective viscosity of the drilling fluid during by a one-half inch filter cake that reduces the;effec-
the process of running or pulling. Riore will be said tive hole s i z e to 7 in. T h i s confirms the speculation
about this later. of George Gray, one of the d i s c u s s e r s of the Goins
The pressure or suction value obtainable from paper, who stated that: "Mud of high fiIter l o s s
the chart for a given hole size, pipe size, pipe- might affect the magnitude of the pressure surges
movement rate, and pipe length will be a s accurate by the formation of a thick filter cake opposite per- ,
a s can be estimated using present field meas,ure- meable beds, thereby reducing the effective dia-
men ts. meter of the hole." It i s certainly true' that a high
T o use the dhart, it i s not necessary to know how' drilling fluid filter .loss can indirectly cause high
it was derived. Actually, i t was derived from Fig. 3,. running pressure and pulling suction, and fiIter l o s s
which in turn was prepared from calculations using should therefore be minimized.
formulas derived in the Appendix to this paper. T h e final controllable factor i s the effective vis-
Fig. 3 i s not a s convenient to use for estimations cosity of the drilling fluid during the process of run-
a s i s the chart;. but for background purposes, it ning or pulling. As mentioned before, this i s the
shows more clearly how running pressure and pull- principal uncertain quantity in the estimation of run-
ing suction with the various significant factors. ning pressure and pulling suction; and it i s a l s o the
How can running pressures and pulling suctions main uncertain quantity in the control of the pres-
be minimized? - - sure changes.
In the first place, running pressure and p"lling Viscometrically, drilling fluids behave in a com-
suction are proportional to length,of immersed pipe. .
~ l ,
i c a t e dway. When a drilling fluid i s sheared rapid-
T h i s means that the deeper the drilling operation, ly, it m'ay behave a s though it had a viscosity of
the larger will be the running pressure and pulling 20 centipoises; and when it i s sheared very slowly
'suction. Pipe length i s not a controllable factor. If after quiescence, the same fluid may behave a s
a well has to be drilled to 15,000 ft, there i s no way , though it had a viscosity of 100 or a 1,000 centi-
to avoid having 15,000 ft of immersed pipe. If run- poises. During the process of running or pulling,
ning pressures and pulling suctions are t o ' b e mini- when the drilling fluid i s alternately allowed to $el

. .
, , . . Hole size, in.

Fig. 3-Effects of Various Factors on Running

Pressure and Pulling Suction

and de-gel, i t s detailed viscous behavior i s ex- suction, and will be repaid by l e s s lost circulation
ceedingly complicated. An adequate description of and fewer blowouts.
that viscous behavior during the entire running or Balled Bits and Drill Collars, Plugged Bits, and
pulling process would be impossible to obtain by Their Effects on Circulation Losses and Blowouts
any currently used method. It i s , therefore, neces-
sary to resort to the use of an estimated "effective The explanation already given h a s attempted to
viscosity" during the running and pulling processes. make clear that running pressure and pulling suction
The value of 300 centipoises w a s picked for this are not the result of the swabbing action of balled
quantity in the calculations for Fig. 3 and for the bits or drill collars. It i s worthwhile to emphasize
chart, because side calculations showed that the this point because there are many people who believe
most viscous drilling fluids encountered by Goins otherwise. Even some of the statements by experts
and his associates in their field experiments had on the subject might be misunderstood to imply that
effective viscosities of that order. Therefore, the balling i s essential in the production of running
running pressures and pulling suctions calculated pressure and pulling suction. For instance, Goins
from the chart will usually be high. T h i s i s not ob- and his a s s o c i a t e s 7 stated:

jectionable because the error i s a safety factor. T h i s led to the conclusion that pressures in ex-
No measurement i s made in the field a t thepresent c e s s of necessary hydrostatic pressure, caused by
time from which the desired effective viscosity could balling and pipe movements, were breaking down
be deduced. -Viscosity control i s based on measure- the formation, after which the circulating pressures
ments made with the Marsh funnel or the Stormer were sufficient to cause the formation to take mud.
viscometer; and although these instruments do good It was evident that balling would substantially
jobs a s control devices, they do not give the i n f o r raise the pressure below the point of the ball and
mation needed to make flow-behavior c a l ~ u l a t i o n s , ~ working of balled pipe would be expected to mag-
particularly in the low shearing rate range. The nify this effect. If balling could be eliminated, high
present measurement that will best correlate with pressures from this source would be avoided."
running pressure and pulling suction i s the measure- It should be clear from the explanation given here-
ment of gel strength. Qualitatively, i t i s certainly in that both running pressures and pulling suctions
true that the pressure changes are proportional to must occur even in the complete absence of balling.
gel strength, and it i s also true that the best way It i s important to appreciate this fact in order to
now to minimize running pressure and pulling suction realize that elimination of balling will not eliminate
through drillingfluid control i s to minimize gel running pressure and pulling suction.
strength. T h i s may be done by chemical treatment It i s true, a s Goins and his a s s o c i a t e s stated,
of the drilling fluid and a l s o by mechanical agitation that balling aggravates the pressure disturbance be-
of the fluid. When the drilling fluid has a tendency low the point of the ball. However, i t i s just a s true
to develop high gel strength on standing, it i s good that balling decreases the pressure disturbance
practice to stop every few s t a n d s during both the above the point of the ball. T o understand why this
running and the pulling operations, and circulate must be so, consider the action of a ball in the light
the drilling fluid to break down the gel. Merely rotat- of the explanation already given of running pressure
ing the pipe i s not as effective a s circulating, be- and pulling suction.
cause rotation tends to affect only a layer of drill- During running, the ball, acting like a piston,
ing fluid next to the pipe. Circulation i s much more tends to push fluid down the annulus and up into
effective. the drill pipe. The net upward fluid velocity, inside
The gel strength a s now determined i s not a quan- the pipe must be greater than, it i s when the annu-
titative measure of the effective viscosity during lus i s open. The greater net velocity requires a
running or pulling; thus, for the time being, it i s not greater pressure drop from the bottom to the surface
practical to attempt exact estimates of pipe-running through the drill pipe, and there must therefore be
pressure and pipe-pulling suction. a greater running pressure a t the bottom.
As drilling goes deeper, more emphasis should be On the other hand, in the annulus above the ball,
placed on the measurement of drilling-fluid proper there must be l e s s upward counterflow than would
t i e s under bottom-hole conditions.. Viscometers exist without the ball, and there must therefore be
should be developed that duplicate the shearing l e s s pressure increase than would occur with .no
rates a s well a s the temperatures and pressures balling. Fig. 4 shows how the running pressure i s
that occur in bottom-hole processes. affected by balling. ,.

Effort's to improve present measurement methods Reasoning similar to the foregoing applies to pull-
will help to control running pressure and pulling ing suction. A bal1,on the pipe will restrain down-
sand a t 8,000 ft may be held in complete check
until the bit has risen past that depth. Thus, at
least in part of .the pulling operation, the balling
will have been beneficial!
After the bit has risen above the 8,000-ft depth,
the balling will aggravate the pulling suction. The
total effect of the ball during the entire pulling
operation may be beneficial or it may be harmful.
It will all depend upon how tight the ball is, how
the hole changes in size, and even how the ball
changes in s i z e on the way up.
]Vow imagine the opposite sort of case. Imagine
a 10,000-ft hole with all the pipe out. Let the pipe
size, hole size, and drilling-fluid properties be such
that the running pressure i s 50 psi-per 1,000 ft of
immersed pipe.
- .
Imagine a weak formation a t 5,000
ft that i s susceptible to breakdown by excessive
pressure and into which the fluid will be lost if it
breaks down. If there i s no balling, this formation
will be subjected to running pressures each time
the pipe i s moved downward, from the time the first
Fig. &The Effect of Balling on Pipe-running stand i s run until all the pipe i s in the hole. The
Pressure running pressure that i s effective a t 5,000 ft will
ward counterflow in the annulus and necessitate'in- start a t 0 psi, increase to 250 psi when 5,000 ft of
creased counterflow in the pipe, s o more pressure pipe a r e ' i n the hole, .and remain a t 250 psi during
de'crease or pulling suction will occur below the the,running of the last 5,000 ft of pipe.
ball. But all voints in the annulus above the. ball If; however, in this case, the bit becomes balled
will actually experience 'less pulling suction than up with wall cake during its travel down the first
they would experienck if there were no balling. 5,000 ft of hole, the running pressure that i s effec-
T h e c'onsequences of these facts may be made tive at 5,000 ft will be increased until the bit has
clear by some hypothetical examples: passed that depth. After that it will be decreased,
Imagine a 10,000-ft hole with all of the pipe still and i t may conceivably be decreased s o much & to
in the hole. L e t the pipe size, hole size, and drill- be insignificant during the running of the last 5,000
ing-fluid viscosity be such that when the pipe i s ft of pipe. The total effect of the ball during the
pulled upward the,pulling suction a t bottom i s 500 running of the entire 10,000 ft of pipe might there-
psi. imagine first that there i s no balling. If this i s fore be quite beneficial. Again, it would depend
so, then when the pulling suction i s 500 psi at bot- upon how tight the ball was, how the hole changed
tom, it' i s 400 psi at'8,OOO ft, 300 psi a t 6,000 ft, in size, and even how the ball changed in s i z e
200 psi at 4,000 ft, and 100 psi at 2,000 ft.
Now assume that there i s a gas sand at 8,000 ft.
during the run.
The point of all the foregoing discussion i s , n o t
The pressure opposing that sand i s reduced 400 just to show that balling could conceivably be bene-
psi 'below the.hydrostatic pressure ea'ch time the ficial. The mere knowledge of this possibility would
drill pipe i s pulled upward, until the first 2,000 ft not be helpful in the field.The point .is to show that
of pipe ,are removed. From then on, smaller reduc-
tions in . p r e s s u r e occur. a s the bit travels upward
balling can be harmful or beneficial and that the in-
dividual circumstances must be known before it can
toward the surface. Imagine that the hydrostatic be decided which i s the case.
head i s initidly.300'psi ,greater than the g a s pres- Some of the statements with reference to balling
sure; Gas will then be drawn into the hole each are also applicable to bit plugging, but some are
time, the p i p e , & pulltd Ipward, both while the bit not; Plugging of the bit intensifies either running
is' below 8,000 ft and while it i s above 8,000 ft, pressure or pulling suction. Unlike balling of the
until it reaches 6.000 ft. , bit, plugging i s a consistent aggravator; it intensi-
Let all, the foregoing conditions be the .same'&- fies'the' running pressure' or pulling suction a t all
cept that the bit and collar are balled up. In this points of the hole during all parts of the r.unning
case, the. pulling suctioh below the bit will be in- or pulling operation. Fortunately, plugging of the
creased, but above the bit it will. be decreased. If bit rarely occurs during running, when it might
the balling i s tight enough in the hole, the gas raise the running pressure and tend to cause lost
circulation. However, plugging of t h e bit c a n seri- Table 1
o u s l y aggravate pulling s u c t i o n and t h i s c a n be Summary of t h e Field Experimental R e s u l t s of
dangerous when high-pressure water. g a s , or oil Cannon,' and of G o i n s e t 01.'
formations a r e s u p p o s e d t o be held back by t h e E f f e c t s of Various F a c t o r s on Pipe-pulling Suction
hydrostatic head of t h e drilling fluid. (Cannon) and Pipe-running P r e s s u r e (Goins e t al.)
T h e one good feature about a plugged bit, if one Effect Found ~ f f e c Found
t o
may s p e a k of i t t h a t way, i s that i t c a u s e s a so- Factor by Cannon by ,Goins et al.
called wet job, and a wet job i s s o disagreeable Ge 1 strength proportional* (not measured)+
that there i s a l w a y s a c o n s c i o u s effort t o avoid the Viscositv small (not measured)+
plugged bit. Rate of pipe movement small proportional
Length of pipe in hole proportional proportional
Explanation of Field Data Obtained to Date Rate of dralnage of bit small "substantial"
T h i s s e c t i o n i s not intended t o aid in t h e estima- Diameter of drill collar small large effect due
to balling of
tion of pipe-running pressure and pipe-pulling suc- drill collar
tion. It i s intended t o a s s i s t t h o s e who a r e more Fluid density none (not measured)
than c a s u a l l y interested in t h e , s u b j e c t t o u n d e r * Proportional m thls table means approximately proportlonal.
s t a n d t h e r e s u l t s of field experiments reported in Theorv shows that some of the measwed . .
the literature. T h e experimental r e s u l t s contain would have been exact if the field experiments could have
some apparent i n c o n s i s t e n c i e s , and i t s e e m s desir- been exactly controlled.

a b l e to r a t i o n a l i z e t h o s e i n c o n s i s t e n c i e s in order t Coins et al. evidently believed that these effqcts were'ap-

proximately proportlonal. In the drllllng subsequent to then
to strengthen the impression given by t h e data. It t e s t s , both vrscoslty and gel strength were "kept'as low as
h a s already been indicated in t h e first of t h i s report possible."
that the e a r l y work of Cannon1 did not receive i t s did not report confirming evidence. T h e r e i s good
proper recognition and that t h i s could have been r e a s d n why Cannon might have found t h i s point
due t o a presumption of doubt r a i s e d by unexplained e a s y t o d e m o n s t r a t e , , a n d , G o i n s and h i s a s s o c i -
results. . a t e s might have found i t difficult .or impossible to
T h e two outstanding experimental reports pertain- demonstrate: Drilling fluids have changed a lot in
ing to pulling s u c t i o n and running pressure are t h o s e t h e p a s t two decades. T h e drilling fluids in common
of Cannon1 and of Goins, Weichert, Burba, Dawson, u s e a t the time of Cannon's experiments had much
and Teplitz.' T h e report of Cannon w a s concerned higher g e l s t r e n g t h s ( v i s c o s i t i e s a t low, shearing
exclusively with pulling s u c t i o n (then called swab- r a t e s ) than present-day fluids. At t h e s a m e , time,
bing pressure) and i t did not e v e n mention running their high shearing-rate v i s c o s i t i e s were as low . a s , ,
pressure. T h e report of Gpins and h i s a s s o c i a t e s or lower than, t h o s e of present-day fluids. Flow
w a s concerned almost e x c l u s i v e l y with running p r o c e s s e s i n , which t h e drilling fluid w a s s h e a r e d
pressure. I t did mention pulling suction, but in s u c h after.standing were controlled by g e l strength. T h i s
a way a s t o minimize i t s importance r e l a t i v e ' t o t h a t is not usually true now. Gel s t r e n g t h s are of t h e
of running pressure. T h i s w a s b e c a u s e the experi- order of one-tenth what, they used t o be.Present-
ments of Goins a n d h i s a s s o c i a t e s indicated pulling d a y fluids d o not behave s o much l i k e p l a s t i c s o l i d s
s u c t i o n t o be a much smaller effect than running t h a t refuse t o flow appreciably until critical shear-
pressure. ing s t r e s s e s q e applied. Present-day fluids a r e
Explanation already given in the p r e s e n t report more . like Newtonian , l i q u i d s t h a t flow under any
s h o w s that Cannon on the one hand, and G o i n s and applied s h e a r i n g s t r e s s and flow a t v e l o c i t i e s pro-
h i s a s s o c i a t e s on t h e other, were actually working portional t o the applied, stress.. T h e y may s t i l l ex-
on the s a m e thing. T h e r e w a s only a change in dir- hibit measurable strengths, but their flow is not
ection. Running p r e s s u r e i s j u s t t h e , n e g a t i v e coun- usually gel-strength controlled.
terpart of pulling s u c t i o n and v i c e versa. T h e effects Similar s t a t e m e n t s . apply t o t h e s e c o n d line of
did not look t h e s a m e in t h e two s e t s , , o f experi- T a b l e 1. If Cannon were.to,.repeat h i s experiments
ments, but t h e differences were apparent rather than with present-day drilling fluids, he would find t h a t
real, and they c a n be explained.' v i s c o s i t y (meaning v i s c o s i t y a t moderate or high
In order t o d i s c u s s both s e t s of e'xperiments a t s h e a r i n g r a t e s ) w a s more important and that gel
once, i t i s convenient t o summarize resu!ts in T a b l e 1. strength, w a s l e s s important.
T h e first line in ,Table 1 c o n c e r n s g e l strength. T h e third 'line i n T a b l e 1 is the most worthy pf
Cannon found t h a t pulling s u c t i o n w a s p r o p ~ r t i o n a l discussion. Cannon found that t h e r a t e of pipe move-
t o gel strength. Goins and h i s a s s o c i a t e s apparent- ment had a s m a l l effect on the magnitude of t h e
l y believed there w a s some s o r t of proportionality pulling' suction. T h i s i s t h e finding about which one
between running p r e s s u r e and gel strength, but they of the d i s c u s s e r s of Cannon's p a p e r said:' "All

the discussions that have been drawn from the data be so, whether the drilling fluid i s gel-strength con-
gathered in this work appear entirely logical with trolled or not.
one exception, it seems to me, and that i s the rate The next two,lines of Table 1may be convenient-
a t which the pipe i s withdrawn indicated very little ly discussed together. Cannon found small effects
effect on the pressure drop. It strikes me that does from changing the bit-drainage rate and from chang-
not sound entirely logical. 0 1 course, that was dis- ing the diameter of the drill collar. Goins found
counted to a certain extent by the suggestion that large effects. Here again, the apparent difference
pipe be withdrawn slowly in order to be on the safe i s not caused by a difference between pulling suc-
side." tion and running pressure; it i s because of the
The record does not show that Cannon gave a difference in the drilling fluids used. The effects of
responsive answer to these doubts. It would have balled collars and plugged bits have been discussed
been possible for him to give a completely satis- in a previous section of this report. It was explain-
fying answer. He had been dealing with drilling ed that increases in pulling suction or running pres-
fluids that were gel-strength controlled. They be- sure are produced because balling or plugging ne-
haved a s plastic solids that refused to flow until c e s s i t a t e s higher counterflow velocities in the re-
the applied s t r e s s reached a high value and then maining open space. Once again, it need only be
flowed relatively easily when the s t r e s s was further recalled that gel-strength controlled fluids such a s
increased. Or, putting it another way,.if they were those used by Cannon do not produce significantly
caused to flow a t all, the pressures they exerted higher pressures when they are caused to flow more
were already relatively large compared to the further rapidly. Most of the pressure they will produce has
pressures exerted when the rate was increased. In already been produced when they are caused to flow
Cannon's field experiments, it therefore appeared a t all. T h i s explains why Cannon's results on bit
that pulling suctions were not much affected by pull- drainage differ from the recent results of Goins.
ing speed. The last line in Table 1 concerns the fluid den-
If Cannon were to repeat his experiments today sity. Cannon found no effect of density; Goins ap-
with modern drilling fluids that are not gel-strength parently did not look for one. Theory indicates there
controlled, he would find ( a s Goins and his asso- should be a negligible density elfect throughout the
ciates found with respect to running pressures) that pulling or running process.
pipe velocity has a significant effect. Most of the differences have now been explained
T o summarize, the apparent difference between the between the results of Cannon and the results of
Cannon and Goins experiments i s not the result of Coins and his associates. There remains one more
a difference in the two effects, pulling suction and point that demands explanation. Cannon's paper did
running pressure. It i s because of a difference in not even mention running pressure. From this lack
in the kinds of drilling fluids used in the two inves- of mention, a reader might presume that running
tigations. With modern drilling fluids, which tend to pressure was relatively unimportant. On the other
be gel-strength controlled, both effects are approxi- hand, Goins and his associates did attempt to meas-
mately proportional to pipe speed. sure both running pressure and pulling suction
The foregoing statements are, of course, general- (which they called "swabbing effect") under com-
izations,and are subject to exceptions. Fluida de- parable hole conditions, and their measurements in-
sribed very recently by Watkins and Nelson" are dicated pulling suction to be a smaller efTect. The
undoubtedly gel-strength controlled and would be- explanation given by Coins was a s follows: "In the
have like the fluids used by Cannon two decades t e s t s reported here the mud did not have high gel
ago. In fact, if such fluids were brought into general strengths. Consequently the swabbing effects were
use, running pressures and pulling suctions would of a low order." ,
be more advantageously estimated by a different Now, the present report has indicated that running
method than the one incorporated into Fig. 1 herein. pressure and pulling suction should be of the same
The disadvantages of fluids with high gel strengths magnitude and should differ only in direction. It has
are, however, s o well recognized that ways will also indicated that gel strength must have the same
almost surely be found to avoid their use. effect on both running pressure and pulling suction,
The fourth line in Table 1 concerns the length of s o the absence of high gel strengths could not be
pipe in the hole. Both Cannon and Goins found that the reason that pulling suction looked smaller than
their measured pressure changes were proportional ruilning pressure in the experiments of Coins. The
t o this length. T h e explanation already given of true explanation seems to be that pulling i s normal-
running pressure and pulling suction shows that ly a slower process than running. If the pulling
this should be so. Theory indicates that it should suctions of Coins and associates, a s g a p h e d in

their F i g . 10,' a r e multiplied by t h e r a t i o o f t h e 6

Horn, A. J: &ell Blowouts in California Drilling Oper-
"average time to withdraw one stand" to the "aver- ations, Causes and Suggestions for Prevention, Drrll-
a g e time to drop 90 ft of pipe," t h e pulling s u c t i o n s rng and P r o d u c t c o n P r a c t r c e , 112 (1950).
plot very well on their Fig. 4'' with the running 7
Goins, W.C., Jr; Weichert, J. P; Burba. J. L., Jr; Daw-
p r e s s u r e s ; and they are j u s t a s large. son,D.D. Jr; and Teplitz, A.J: Down-the-hole Pressure
REFERENCES Surges and Their Effect on Loss of Circulation, Drill-
'Cannon,G. E: Changes in Hydrostatic Pressure Due to zng and P r o d u c t i o n P r a c t r c e , 125 (1951).
Withdrawing Drill Pipe from the Hole, Drrlling and P r o - 8
d u c t r o n P r a c t r c e , 42 (1934). Cardwell, W.T., Jr: Drilling-Fluid Viscosirnetry, Drrll-
rng a n d P r o d u c t r o n P r a c t i c e , 104 (1941).
Laney, L. K: Ref. 1, p. 47.
Heald, li. C.: Deep-well Drilling Problems and Their
Solution, Drrllrng and P r o d u c t r o n P r a c t r c e , 49 (1936).
Anon: Drillrng Mud, 5, July, 1949, (publication of
Baroid Sales Div., The National Lead Co.) "Watkins, T. E. and Nelson, M. D: Measuring and ~ntkr-
chancy, P. E : Abnormal Pressure Surges and Lost preting High-temperature Gel Strengths of Drilling
Circulation, Drrllrng and P r o d u c t c o n P r a c t c c e , 145 Fluids, T r a n s . A m . l n s t . Mrnrng Met. E n g r s . ( P e t r o -
(1949). l e u m D e v e l o p m e n t and T e c h n o l o g y ) 198, 213 (1953).
An e x a c t mathematical theory of pressure chang- p = v i s c o s i t y of t h e liquid.
e s resulting from pipe motion i s impracticable to r = d i s t a n c e from t h e a x i s .
formulate. T h i s i s mainly b e c a u s e drilling fluids v = v e l ~ c i t yparallel t o the a x i s , or
have v i s c o s i t i e s that vary non-linearly with the rate velocity in the x direction.
a t which they a r e sheared. T o account rigorously In t h e present problem, t h e direction of x may be
for t h i s variation would require more labor than the taken t o be vertically downward. Equation A 1 may
present problem justifies. It i s f e a s i b l e , however. then be written:

( d V)
to formulate an approximate mathematical theory
that i s satisfactory for practical purposes and which --pg=TSr a r7 (A21
y i e l d s formulas useful for predictions of a c t u a l pres- ax
s u r e changes. It i s convenient t o c a l c u l a t e the pres-
In simple a x i a l flow, none of the q u a n t i t i e s v a r i e s
s u r e changes that would occur if a very thin-walled
in the x direction e x c e p t the pressure, and the pres-
pipe were moved in a hole filled with a liquid of con-
s u r e drop must be the s a m e for a n y increment of x.
s t a n t viscosity, a so-called Newtonian liquid.
s o equation A2 may be simplified to:
Consider a long cylindrical pipe of r a d i u s S and
negligible wall thickness. L e t t h e a x i s of t h e pipe
coincide with t h e a x i s of a cylindrical hole of larger
r a d i u s R, and l e t a l l the s p a c e inside t h e hole, in-
cluding the s p a c e inside the pipe, be filled with an wherein:
incompressible liquid of v i s c o s i t y p. L e t a l l liquid Ap = total pressure change over t h e length 1.
flow be parallel t o t h e a x i s , and symmetrical about 1 = length of the system. In t h e p r e s e n t problem,
the axis. and l e t i t be of the type usually c a l l e d 1 is conveniently considered t o b e the length
v i s c o u s or laminar flow. to which cylinder S i s immersed in cylinder
T h e fundamental equation for laminar v i s c o u s R.
flow with a x i a l symmetry i s the following:* An approximation i s implicitly introduced in equa-
tion A3. Certain end e f f e c t s a r e neglected. Actually,
there could not b e simple axial flow c l e a r t o the
e n d s of t h e s y s t e m of length 1; but, if 1 i s very large
wherein: compared t o R, i t i s permissible to neglect non-
x = d i s t a n c e along the a x i s of flow. a x i a l flow a t the ends.
p = pressure. It i s convenient now t o rewrite equation A3 in
p = d e n s i t y of t h e fluid. the form that b e s t s h o w s that t h e p r e s s u r e s being
g = gravitational acceleration. studied a r e d e v i a t i o n s from t h e hydrostatic head.
h = vertical distance. L e t P be the deviation from the hydrostatic head:
* ~ o u s e , H: Fluzd Yechanrcs for H ~ d r a u l r c E n g r e e r s . 160,
McGrew-Hill B o o k Company, Inc., New York, 1938.
108 W. T. CAR WELL, JR.

then equation A3 may be written: . ratio, z. It i s graphed in Fig. A l . T h e function be-

g i n s a t the value 2; for t h e c a s e when the pipe h a s
the same r a d i u s a s the hole. A s the radius r a t i o in-
c r e a s e s . the function F ( z ) i n c r e a s e s t o a maximum
and then diminishes asymptotically to zero.
Equation A5 i s now t o be used t o find t h e liquid T h e maximum in the F(g) curve s e e m s surprising
flux in two regions: 1, inside the pipe of r a d i u s S; a t first examination. Some simple experiments wit1
and 2, inside the annulus between the pipe and the liquids in variously s i z e d g l a s s t u b e s provide a
hole of radius R. clue t o t h e meaning of t h e maximum. 1 f ' a tube i s
Equation A5 must b e s e p a r a t e l y integrated over pushed downward in a s e c o n d tube only a little
the two regions, taking into account the assumption larger than itself, the s u r f a c e in the annulus f a l l s
t h a t the pipe itself i s moving with velocity u. Inte- and the surface inside the inner tube r i s e s . On the
gration over the region inside the pipe g i v e s the other hand, if a tube i s pushed downward in a much
following expression for the flux inside t h e pipe, 3:
larger second tube. the s u r f a c e of t h e liquid in the
inner tube will fall and the s u r f a c e in the a n n u l u s
will rise. At some intermediate r a d i u s ratio, there
will be no r i s e or f a l l in either the inner tube or the
Equation A6 i s recognizable a s the familiar P o i - annulus. It turns out t h a t the r a d i u s ratio a t which
s e u i l l e ' s law for viscous, flow in a pipe, p l u s a there will be no net velocity of the liquid either in
simple added term which a c c o u n t s for the movement the inner tube or in the a n n u l u s i s about 1.7, and
of the pipe, and which is merely t h e product of t h e t h i s i s t h e approximate value a t which the maximum
pipe a r e a and the pipe velocity, of F(z) occurs. It s e e m s intuitively reasonable that
Integration of equation A5 over the annular region the .maximum pressure disturbance s h o u l d ' occur
g- i v e s a more complicated expression for t h e annular when there i s no net flow tending to relieve the
flux, Q;: downward dragging of liquid and i t i s probably b e s t
to think of the no-net-flow condition a s t h e c a u s e of
the maximum of F(z). Actually, the value of z for
no-net-flow i s s l i g h t l y different from t h e v a l u e for
maximum F(z), but the difference h a s little practical
Equation A10. in conjunction with Fig. A l , per-
mits the calculation of running p r e s s u r e s and pull-
ing s u c t i o n s in s y s t e m s filled with Newtonian liquid.
Equation A10 s h o w s that in s u c h a s y s t e m , t h e pres-
Equation A7 c o n s i s t s of two parts, j u s t a s did equa-
s u r e drop i s proportional t o the length, t o the vis-
tion A6, one of the p a r t s representing t h e flux due
c o s i t y of the liquid. and t o the velocity of move-
t o the pressure deviation from the hydrostatic head
ment. T h e pressure drop i s positive if the velocity
and t h e other representing the flux due t o the pipe
i s positive ,(downward) and negative if t h e velocity
i s negative (upward).
Now, if the hole of r a d i u s R i s closed a t ,the bot-
tom,.the two fluxes must c a n c e l e a c h other: Equation A10 w a s used t o c a l c u l a t e t h e c u r v e s
in F i g . 3 of the paper. In t h e calculations. drill pipe
w a s assumed t o have no wall t h i c k n e s s , and the
following s i n g l e radii were a s s u m e d t o represent
and t h i s g i v e s r i s e t o the equation: the conventional pipe s i z e s : ,

I P i p e Size, In. Assumed Single Radius, In.

2% 1.3
I 3 1.6
4 2.1
or: Of course, equation A10 (in conjunction with Fig.
A l ) r e p r e s e n t s the behavior of only a Newtonian
fluid, and i t would s e e m d e s i r a b l e t o derive a n equa-
tion that represented a non-Newtonian fluid having
wherein: z = R / S , the r a d i u s ratio. T h e bracketed a viscosity that d e c r e a s e d with increasing s h e a r i n g
.quantity in equation A9 is a function of t h e r a d i u s rate. However, it i s known in a d v a n c e that, if s u c h

Fig. Al-The Function of Hole-to-pipe Radius R tio to Which the Pressure Change i s Proportional

an equation could be derived. it would contain a t a n d ' pulling suction; and indeed, i t d o e s not s e e m
l e a s t one more constant than equation A1O. A t l e a s t t o , be. When Cannon performed h i s pulling s u c t i o n
two c o n s t a n t s are n e c e s s a r y t o d e s c r i b e the .viscous experiments, Newtonian theory would have been en-
behavior of a non-Newtonian fluid. F o r instance, one tirely inadequate to explain t h e insensitivity of pull-
may b e a "viscosity," or a "fluidity," and the other ing s u c t i o n t o r a t e of pulling. However, drilling
a "yield 'value." Present-day field ,measurements fluids now a c t u a l l y tend t o b e much more New-
would not supply those constants.. Until the time tonian. T h e experiments of C o i n s and his a s s o -
when more elaborate viscometric measurements a r e c i a t e s , particularly the o n e s graphed in their Fig. 6,
made in the field, it s e e m s e x p e d i t i o u s to leave the show that modern drilling fluids in the running
theory of running pressure and pulling s u c t i o n in or pulling p r o c e s s give pressure c h a n g e s almost
i t s s i m p l e s t p o s s i b l e form, a form that requires only proportional t o velocity, as if they had approximate-
one constant t o characterize the fluid. T h i s is on l y constant effective , v i s c o s i t i e s . Therefore, on the
the condition that the simple theory. i s not in con- grounds of present 'experimental evidence, i t s e e m s
flict with known f a c t s regarding running pressure unwise t o g o t o the added difficulty of deriving a

non-Piewtonian the-ory for running pressure and pull- l e s s experimental evidence indicates otherwise
ing suction. which, fortunately, it does not. It would be exceed-
id^ from a complete characterization of the drill- ingly difficult to duplicate accelerations and decel-
ing fluid, it might seem that several other important erations in the operation of running Or pulling pipe;
factors have been neglected in the theory outlined. and, if accelerative effects were significant, one
Some of these are: could hardly hope to obtain data such a s those in
Fig. 6 of Goins that are smoothly dependent upon
a. Effects of acceleration and deceleration. average velocity.
b. Effects of hole irregularities. Neglect of the effects of hole irregularities. tool
c. Effects of tool joints and protectors. joints, and protectors i s justified on the ground that
The neglect of accelerative and de-celerative ef- running pressure and pulling suction result from the
fects seems justified on the ground that in the par- movement of the entire pipe with respect to the en-
ticular type of process considered, the pressure tire hole. Irregularities do not make a significant
change results from fluid that i s dragged along by contribution to the running pressure orpullingsuction
the pipe, and viscous fluid drag does not develop unless they occupy a significant fraction of the drill
instantaneously; it begins in a boundary layer and string, or unless they markedly constrict the annu-
spreads outward. Although the pertinent time con- l u s a s do balled bits and collais. The effects of
s t a n t s are unknown, it seems reasonable to assume balling were considered in the main body of this
that accelerative effects would be damped out, un- paper.
DISCUSSION When the pressure drop caused by pipe movement
George E. Cannon (Ilumble Oil and Refining CO., i s primarily controlled by mud viscosity and thus
Houston): Mr. Cardwell has presented an excellent may be considered a s a flow phenomenon, Mr. Card-
paper on a very important subject. At the time we well has utilized classical pressure-drop equations
made our initial tests, the main problem we were for laminar or viscous flow corrected with a viscos-
considering was the cause of blowouts from normal- ity to correlate the calculated and observed read-
pressure wells. In fact, very little was known about ings. It i s believed that a t least in the mid-continent
abnormally high formation pressures. Goins and co- and Gulf Coast areas where 300-centipoise muds
workers had a problem of lost returns in trying to are seldom, if ever, encountered and flow under the
control abnormally high formation pressures. This conditions being considered i s turbulent, a more
accounts for the difference in emphasis placed on realistic approach to determining the magnitude of
the data obtained. these pressure surges i s to calculate the rate of
In the paper entitled "Changes in Hydrostatic flow to which the pipe movement i s equivalent and
Pressure Due to Withdrawing Drill Pipe from the add the pressure drops for these rates of flow using
Hole," Fig. 3 shows the type of chart obtained when published data on drilling-rig hydraulic systems.
the pressure gage was dropped into the bottom of Humble has published some of these data based
cased hole and was independent of the drill pipe. on purely experimental observation. The Hughes
An inspection of this chart will show that, a s the Tool Company has published a more comprehensive
pipe w a s lowered into the hole and approached the manual entitled Hydraulics of Rotary Drilling.
pressure gage resting on bottom, pressure surges These methods give the same results for 4'4-in.
were recorded of about the same magnitude a s pres- OD drill pipe in 8)/,-in. hole a t pipe rates of both
sure losses. 10 and 30 s e c per stand, the only values for which
Mr. Catdwell h a s presented a reasonable explana- we have experimental data. The Hughes data corre-
t i o n , a s to the reason viscosity effects were not ob- late other conditions presented by Cardwell.
served in the report referred to above. Another very Of much more significance i s the pressure drop
cpntributing factor, however, was probably the chart caused by running or pulling long strings of drill
speed being s o slow that any effect due to viscosity, collars at high rates. In this case, a linear velocity
which would be considerably l e s s than that due to distribution across the annular s p a c e i$ probably
the gelation of the mud, wou1.d appear a t some lower justified. In the annular space around the drill pipe
value on the same line showing the gelation effect. the pressure drop magnitudes are of a low order and
A s 'for speed of withdrawal, the same probably i s approximation makes practically no difference in the
true-the gelation effect being greater than the vis- total pressure magnitude. It should be pointed out
cosity effect. In this s e r i e s of t e s t s the magnitude that these pressure drops are of a linear function of
of the number would probably have been about the fluid density.
same had the pipe been moved only a few feet a t It should be emphasized that when the pressure
any speed obtainable with the drawworks in use a t drop i s not viscosity controlled, the pressure drop
that time. i s not only independent of the rate of pulling or drop-

ping the drill pipe but a l s o practically no movement could be made considering the available d a t a and
o f the drill pipe is required t o r e a c h the maximam t h e f a c t that no consideration c a n b e taken of varia-
pressure. t i o n s in annular c l e a r a n c e s around tool joints, drill
collars, and protectors, apparent v i s c o s i t y of t h e
W.C. Goins, Jr. (Gulf O i l Corp., Houston)(written): mud, and hole enlargements. Comparison of sample
Mr. Cardwell h a s made some very interesting obser- chart readings with available d a t a showed differences
v a t i o n s on the work done by Cannon and by the were generally l e s s than 125 psi. T h i s should be
group c o n ~ p o s e dof myself a n d a s s o c i a t e s . H i s de- s a t i s f a c t o r y for e s t i m a t i n g purposes.
t a i l e d consideration of f a c t o r s involved in t h e crea-
I t should be emphasized, however, that t h i s chart
tion of pressure c h a n g e s due t o pipe movement
i s only useful for e s t i m a t i n g the pressure changes
should contribute materially to a better understand-
d u e to running and pulling s t a n d s of pipe. If t h e bit
ing of t h i s subject.
is plugged, a back-pressure valve or s o l i d 1ift.nip-
Quoting from hid paper: "Running pressure and ple i s used, or balling e x i s t s , the pressure c h a n g e s
pulling s u c t i o n d o ,not occur merely below pipe bot- will be s u b s t a n t i a l l y increased. Further, t h e pres-
tom. T h e y occur all the way up and down the hole. s u r e s u r g e s due t o movement of pipe without circu-
T h e pressure or s u c t i o n i s l a r g e s t a t and belowpipe lation a r e not a s S g t e a t as with circulation. T h i s w a s
bottom, and from pipe bottom t o s u r f a c e i t decreas- shown in my a s s o c i a t e s ' and my paper where the
e s to zero." T h e s e s t a t e m e n t s were apparently de- length of t h e kelly joint w a s spudded while circulat-
duced by Mr. Cardwell from h i s picturization of the ing. It would be u s e l e s s for a n operator t o control
flow c a u s e d by pipe movement. I t should be of inter- the rate of ,running and pulling drill pipe in a well
e s t to know that t h e y c a n a l s o be s u b s t a n t i a t e d from and ignore the e f f e c t s of f a s t movement of the pipe
experimental evidence. Cannon measured suction- while circulating or reaming. Cardwell might a l s o
pressure effects with a recorder located in some in- find i t p o s s i b l e t o make a chart b a s e d upon t h i s ef-
s t a n c e s on the end of the pipe and in other c a s e s fect, and i t would be of value equal t o the one he
with t h e recorder well below the end of t h e pipe a t h a s already presented. He h a s already shown a pos-
the bottom of the hole. H i s r e s u l t s clearly showed s i b l e explanation for the i n c r e a s e s in pressure with
t h a t the suction p r e s s u r e s e x i s t e d from the end of circulation or plugged pipe. In h i s diagram of mud
the pipe to the bottom of the hole. In more r e c e n t flow in moving pipe, there i s shown a tendency for.
and unpublished work by my a s s o c i a t e s and myself, the pressure change developed below the pipe to be
pressure recorders were mounted both a t the end of relieved by flow inside the pipe. If t h i s is plugged
t h e pipe and a t points back t o the surface. A s Mr. off, or if there i s forced circulation, then i t would
Cardwell h a s concluded, w e found. t h a t running pres- be expected that pressure c h a n g e s below a n d out-
s u r e and pulling s u c t i o n did e x i s t along the pipe s i d e the pipe would be greater.
and that they were approximately proportional t o T h e author. h a s somewhat misinterpreted our s t a t e -
depth. ments: "In t h e t e s t s reported here the mud did not
Mr. Cardwell w a s a l s o correct in h i s s t a t e m e n t have high gel strengths. Consequently the swabbing
t h a t a prohibitively large number of experiments effects were of a low order." T h i s w a s not intended
would be n e c e s s a r y t o determine t h e individual effect a s a n explanation of the low pulling-suction v a l u e s
of the s e v e r a l f a c t o r s affecting running pressure a n d a s compared t o high running pressures. Instead, i t
pulling suction. A s he s t a t e d , i t would be prohibi- w a s meant t o explain why Cannon recorded high
tively expensive and this, as well as the uncertain- pulling s u c t i o n when we did not. It may be r e c a l l e d
t i e s connected with a d e q u a t e l y determining the ap- that he recorded much higher pulling-suction v a l u e s
parent v i s c o s i t y of the muds in the hole, kept my than we did, e v e n though w e t e s t e d a t r a t e s of with-
a s s o c i a t e s and myself from attempting a d e t a i l e d drawal of up t o twice a s f a s t a s he reported. T h i s
study. w a s undoubtedly b e c a u s e of t h e high g e l s t r e n g t h s
If, a s hlr. Cardwell believes, there i s a tendency of h i s muds. Elad i t been p o s s i b l e with t h e r i g equip-
t o interpret the d a t a in Cannon's and our p a p e r s a s ment in u s e t o pull pipe a t f a s t e r r a t e s , Cannon
indicating that balling i s n e c e s s a r y for the creation might a l s o have found pulling s u c t i o n t o be propor-
of s u c t i o n pressure, i t is unfortunate. Much of the tional t o rate of movement. Cardwell's conclusions
d a t a w a s obtained when no balling, either r e a l or that pulling s u c t i o n would e q u a l running pressure a t
simulated by large drill collars, w a s present. Both e q u a l pipe-movement r a t e s a p p e a r s reasonable.
p a p e r s indicate that the p r e s s u r e changes due t o It i s n e c e s s a r y t o t a k e i s s u e with only one of the
pipe movement a r e large without balling, but that author's c o n c l u s i o n s and that i s h i s s t a t e m e n t t h a t
t h e y will be s u b s t a n t i a l l y i n c r e a s e d if balling is irregularities c a u s e d b y tool joints and protectors
present. d o not make a significant contribution t o pressure
T h e chart which w a s presented i s a s good as s u r g e s . He qualified t h i s s t a t e m e n t by s a y i n g i t w a s

true u n l e s s they markedly constrict the annulus, a s s t e a d of the silicate mud, the r e s u l t might have been
do balled b i t s or drill collars. However, for fear l e s s marked, but s u r e l y s t i l l significant.
some may make too liberal interpretation of what A frequent question is: Where and t o what e x t e n t
would be a markedly constricted annular s p a c e , the should the methods of running
following i s reported: gnd ~ u l l i n gs u c t i o n be applied? Many w e l l s are s u c -
In a well a t P e a c h P o i n t with ?-in. c a s i n g a t 10,- c e s s f u l l y drilled with only a c a s u a l regard t o ade-
7 2 8 ft and drilling a t 11,095 ft, 3%-in. drill pipe with,^ quate annular clearances and low g e l skengths. Most
Ilydril internal-flush tool joints w a s in use. Rubber are drilled without regard to limiting rates of pipe
c a s i n g protectors were a l s o in u s e on each3-joint movement. Because a high percentage do not ex-
s t a n d t o c a s i n g depth. T h i s left c l e a r a n c e s of 0.638 perience blowouts and lost it is unrea-
in. between Protectors and hole, and 0.888 in. be- sonable to w g u e thatslowed pipe movements a r e re-
tween tool joints and hole. It w a s decided t o sub- quired a s routine practice. However, there a r e many
s t i t u t e 3'/,-in. drill pipe with R e e d double-stream- areas in which lost circulationis frequently exper-
line, external-internal u p s e t tool joints and t o elim- ienced ir considered probable. As a result, minimum
inate the protectors. . T h i s increased t h e annular safe mud densities are also frequently in
'Iearances Before gas these a r e a s . Under s u c h conditions, every precau-
was swabbed into the ".'-PP~ mud during tionmy measure t o prevent swabbing and pressure
and no g a s w a s found in the mud after the t r i p s with surges seems justified.
the streamline pipe, e v e n though mud density had
been reduced to 16.7 ppg. Apparently, the increased Appreciation is e x p r e s s e d t o the author of t h e
annular c l e a r a n c e s d e c r e a s e d swabbing t o a n e x t e n t ~ a p e r f o rh i s fine effort. It i s hoped t h a t other con-
equivalent to 0.6 ppg mud densit), or 340 p s i a t tributions will b e made in t h i s field. One specific
11,000 ft. Mud properties other than density were need i s for the measurement of p r e s s u r e s resulting
c l o s e l y conirolled durin'g t h i s period and it w a s be- from running c a s i n g , which, b e c a u s e of s m a l l an-
lieved that they.did not change s o a s t o effect t h i s nular c l e a r a n c e s and check v a l v e s in the string, a r e
event. Had a low-gel lime-treated mud been used in- probably much higher than occur with drill pipe.

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