Role of Teachers in Nation Building
Role of Teachers in Nation Building
Role of Teachers in Nation Building
The study is aimed at evaluating the roles of teachers No other personality can have an influence more
in National Development. It is obvious that qualified profound than that of a teacher. Students are deeply
competent and dedicated teachers are the major affected by the teacher's love and affection, his
instrument for achieving educational goals and character, his competence, and his moral
National Development. They are often molested and commitment. A popular teacher becomes a model for
abused by students, parents and the entire society. his students. The students try to follow their teacher in
Nevertheless, through teacher education, teachers his manners, customs, etiquette,
ette, style of conversation
have contributed to national developments like and his get up. He is their ideal. He can lead them
election, census. Theyy also participate in creating anywhere. During their early education, the students
awareness among the citizens. Teachers are the real tend to determine their aims in life and their future
agents that help in the development of various skills plans, in consultation with their teachers.
and competencies. It should be noted that the more
good teachers the nation has, the more the solid REVIEW OF LITERATURE:
citizens and hence more development of the country. SunitaKumari (2016), a quality teacher’s education
program is rational and streamlined to address some
INTRODUCTION specific pedagogical issues. Basically, it elucidates the
Teachers are the future builders of our country; they idea about what good teaching is all about and then
are the providers of knowledge and wisdom. They are how it organizes course work and all practical
the basic source of education for most of the people of experiences around it. Teacher’s education courses
the country and they are the ones who build the future are very much connected to practice as well as to
of the nation. The teachers can very easily decide theory. A good teacher’s training programs have
what they want the nation to look like and educate the teachers working continuously with expert master
masses accordingly. They have the ability and the teachers in a traditional classroom or virtual setting to
strength to fight the odds and make India a powerful enhance the knowledgedge and experience base.
and a well educated country. A nation iis built by its
citizens, citizens are moulded by teachers and teachers Aneja (2015), this paper suggest that for a developed
are made by teacher educators. Chanakya has rightly India, an important thrust should be on the growth of
stated, "Teacher is the maker of nation" So for the the invisible leaders and innovative
development of the country, it is very important to institutions/universities/colleges/research institutions.
have good teachers and good teachers eachers can be Hence, there is an urgent need n to establish and
produced only if we have a good system of teacher efficient innovation system and let the universities act
education and dedicated and efficient teacher teacher- as bridging institutions like think tanks.
educators. The teacher can be rightly called a nation
builder. Teachers through their perseverance love and Ekpikenand Edet (2014),, in this paper the researcher
sacrifices have shown us the right path
th in which great adopted survey design approach through the use of
men have built our nation. It is our dear teachers who questionnaire developed and validated
val by the
mould our character, our personality and show us the researchers and two experts in measurement and
right direction which leads us to our Final destination. evaluation course. The sample consisted of 118
Imam (2011), this article provides an overview of A friend, philosopher and guide – Today we can see
teacher education and evaluation in India and lastly that teachers have moved on from the basic image of a
we discuss about issues and challenges in teacher strict teacher, they have become much more for their
education. Several studies related to classroom students. They provide a friendly shoulder to cry on
environment and teacher behavior in selected subjects when the kid is in a problem, they tell about the
are referenced. The results from different papers and philosophies of life so that the child could take
articles and some interview with teachers from lessons and apply to his/her own life and they guide
different schools and colleges indicate that some the child to follow the right path. The teachers have
items may be irrelevant in the Indian context (e.g., the courage to push the kid to do what they want to,
physical characteristics), while more items may be even if it has never been done before.
needed to reflect good teaching in India (e.g.,
questioning skills). In addition, the potential use of Well-wishers – No other job makes a person worried
teacher profiles to drive staff development and if a child’s parent is divorced, a drunk or a wife
academic improvement is explored. abuser. Teachers are the ones who have full
knowledge of the child’s life, the environment back
Objective of the Study: home, his mindset and his capabilities. They always
To examine the role of teachers in national building. try and strike a balance between all of these things
And which role teachers required playing in and make sure that the kid’s future doesn’t get
development of the nation. affected in a bad way.
@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ | Volume – 2 | Issue – 5 | Jul-Aug 2018 Page: 2087
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
who tend to disturb the teachers during ongoing their scores. But that is not the ultimate measure to
lessons. This in turn, makes us unable to attend the judge a child’s abilities, instead the child should be
students who sit at back benches or other students in given adequate learning materials, proper
the class who wish to learn. As a consequence, the infrastructure and teacher’s support.
teacher completes the curriculum somehow, making
the students skip the understanding part. This 5. Lack of Motivation:
adversely affects the class performance. Teachers play extremely crucial role in shaping the
young mind, during the FORMATIVE years, starting
2. Involvement of Parents: from pre-primary to secondary school, and yet most
It becomes really difficult for the school teacher, if the societies in the world, do not position school teachers,
child’s parents do not collaborate with them on the at a level that they deserve, in laying foundation to the
educational front. The problem with US parents is that future society. Under-positioning of the role of school
either they are very busy with their own lives or they teachers, leads to lower motivation culminating into
lack proper education, as a consequence of which, reduced level of passion/commitment.
they are unable to pay attention to their children’s
educational progress. In fact, I have seen parents 6. Pace of Change:
disfavoring the concept of home assignments. Most of World is changing at a rapid pace and there’s a need
them complain, that the assignments given to their for teachers to learn as well, for instance, new way of
children are beyond their scope of knowledge and teaching or engaging with subject using technology.
they cannot guide their kids for completing the home In my experience, most school teachers are not
assignments. Being a teacher myself, I never expect updated to engage with students of today. The
parents to have knowledge about the child’s students are born in an environment that is far more
assignment, but what I really want from them, is their information intensive than ever before and unless
support, to motivate the child to complete the teachers are capable to comprehend the latest, they
assignments themselves and on time. Due to the lack cannot enable students in learning for future. I did
of this support from some parents, the teachers fail in express my views on this subject earlier through my
helping their children in understanding the concepts blog in March, 2013, albeit blog was focused on
effectively. Moreover, a majority of parents do not higher education and not school.
involve themselves in parent’s meetings and activities
organized by the school. I have observed few of my Conclusion:
students’ parents to be similar. Honestly, without Teacher education and teachers are the major
proper discussion with the parents, it becomes very instrument for achieving educational goals and
tough for me to strengthen their child academically. national development hence no nation can rise above
All these factors majorly affects the students’ overall the standard of its educational system. This write up
performance in class. Therefore, communication observed that teachers are not given their respect in
between parents and teachers should be improved. the society, they are molested, sometimes harassed,
intimated and humiliated by shameless and heartless
3. Monetary Concerns: parents and government officials and have lost their
The amount of salary we receive from the school, collective prestige to the greedy and over ambitious
doesn’t have the capability to restrain us from society. Notwithstanding, teachers contribute to the
bankruptcy after retirement. After clearing debts, development of the nation in areas of, supply of
paying for instalments, car, food and daily manpower to the various sectors of national economy,
requirements along with increased taxes, pay cuts, and they ensure good discipline and high moral plane of
bills, there is not a penny left with us at the midst of pupils who are future leaders of tomorrow. The
the month. This is a huge problem for teachers as teacher is the real agent that helps in the development
financial stability is a primary requirement for of various skills and competencies thereby enhancing
maintaining their peace of mind. self-employment and self-efficiency.
@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ | Volume – 2 | Issue – 5 | Jul-Aug 2018 Page: 2088
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
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@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ | Volume – 2 | Issue – 5 | Jul-Aug 2018 Page: 2089