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Sample Problems of Control System 2018

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Sample problems

Control System Engineering, 3rd year, 2010

(Compiled from problems in standard textbooks)

Problem 1
For the system shown in Fig, 1, determine the values of gain K and velocity feedback constant Kh so that
the maximum overshoot in the unit step response is 0.2 and the peak time is 1 sec. With these values of K
and Kh, obtain the rise time and settling time.

R(s) K/(s(s+1)) C(s)



Fig 1

Given that
−ζπ / 1−ζ 2
M p = 0.2 = e .
or , ζ = 0.456
Peak time
tp =1=
ωd .
or , ω d = 3.14
Hence, ω n = = 3.53 .
1− ζ 2

Also, ω n = K ⇒ K = ω n 2 = 1.25 .
2 K ζ −1
Hence, K h = = 0.178 .
and rise time
π −β
tr =
where β = tan −1 = tan −1 1.95 = 1.10.
∴ t r = 0.65s
Settling time t s = = 2.48 (for ± 2% criterion) .
Alternatively, t s = = 1.86 (for ± 5% criterion) .
Problem 2
For the system shown in fig 2(a), the steady state error to a unit ramp input is ess=2ζ/ωn. show that the
steady state error for a ramp input may be eliminated if the input is introduced to the system through a
proportional plus derivative filter as shown in fig 2(b) and the value of k is properly set.

R(s) ωn2/(s(s+2ζωn)) C(s) R(s) ωn2/(s(s+2ζωn)) C(s)

+ - + -
- + -

Fig 2(a) Fig 2(b)


The closed loop transfer function of the system in Fig 2(b) is

C (s ) (1 + ks )ω n 2
= .
R (s ) s 2 + 2ζω n s + ω n 2
 s 2 + 2ζω n s − ω n 2 ks 
Hence, R(s ) − C (s ) =   R(s ) .
 s 2 + 2ζω s + ω 2 
 n n 
For unit ramp input, steady state error is
 s 2 + 2ζω n s − ω n 2 ks  1
e ss = Lt s 
 s 2 + 2ζω s + ω 2  s 2
s →0  n n 
2ζω n − ω n 2 k

Hence, if k = , e ss = 0 .
[However, even for slight mismatch, a non-zero steady state error for ramp input results]

Control System Engineering 3rd year : Sample problems 2010 2

Problem 3
Determine the values of K and k of the closed-loop system shown in fig 3 so that the maximum overshoot
in unit step response is 25% and the peak time is 2 sec. Assume that J=1 kg-m2.

R(s) K 1/(Js2) C(s)



Fig 3

The closed loop transfer function of the system in Fig 3 is
C (s ) K
= 2 where J=1 kg-m2
R(s ) Js + Kks + K
C (s ) K
or, = 2 .
R(s ) s + Kks + K
Hence, ω n = K and 2ζω n = Kk .
Max O.S.
−ζπ / 1−ζ 2
Mp =e = 0.25
or , ζ = 0.404
Peak time
tp = 2 =
ωd .
or , ω d = 1.57
Undamped natural frequency ω n = = 1.72 .
1− ζ 2

Hence, K = ω n 2 = 2.95 N − m .
2ζω n 2 * 0.404 *1.72
k= = = 0.471 sec .
K 2.95

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Problem 4
The system shown in Fig 4 is a unity feedback control system with a minor feedback loop (output
derivative feedback).
(i) In the absence of derivative feedback, (a=0), determine the damping factor and natural
frequency. Also determines the steady state error resulting from a unit ramp input.
(ii) Determine the derivative feedback constant a which will increase the damping factor of the
system to 0.7. What is the steady state error to a unit ramp input with this setting of the
derivative feedback constant.
(iii) Illustrate how the steady state error of the system with derivative feedback to unit ramp input
can be reduced to the same value as in (i) while the damping factor is maintained at 0.7.

R(s) 8/(s(s+2)) C(s)

+ - + -
- -

Fig 4

(i) With a=0, the characteristic eqn is s(s+2)+8=0
or, s2+2s+8=0.
ω n = 8r / s .
2ζω n = 2 ⇒ ζ = 0.353
System Kv=8/2=4.
ess (to ramp input)=1/4=0.25.

(ii) With derivative feedback, the characteristic eqn is

s (s + 2 )
1+G(s)=0 ⇒ 1 + =0
s (s + 2 )
or, s +(2+8a)s+8=0
or, 2ζωn=2+8a
or, a=0.245.
2 + 8a
System Kv=8/(2+8a) ⇒ e ss = = 0.495 .
(iii) Let the gain of 8 in the forward path be adjusted to a higher value KA.
The new characteristic eqn is
s2+(2+KAa)s+KA=0 ⇒ 2ζω n = 2 + K A a
∴2*0.7*√ KA =2+aKA
2 + aK A
System Kv= KA /(2+aKA) ⇒ e ss = = 0.25 .
Solving, we have, KA=31.36

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a= 0.186
Alternative solution
An alternative solution is obtained by adding an amplifier of gain KA between the two summing blocks.
The ch. eqn. now becomes
s(s + 2)
1+G(s)=0 ⇒ 1 + K A =0
s(s + 2)
or, s2+(2+8a)s+8KA=0
or, 2ζωn=2+8a
∴2*0.7*2√2*√ KA =2+8a
2 + 8a
System Kv=8KA/(2+8a) ⇒ e ss = = 0.25 .
8K A
Solving, we obtain, KA=3.92, a=0.73
Note: The second solution requires a smaller gain but a separate amplification stage.

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Problem 5
Obtain the closed-loop transfer function for the position control servo system shown in fig 5.


Assume that the input and output of the system are the input shaft position and output shaft position
respectively. Assume the following numerical values for the constants:

r = Angular displacement of reference input shaft, radians

c = Angular displacement of output shaft, radians
θ = Angular displacement of motor shaft, radians
K1 = Gain of potentiometric error detector=24/π volt/rad
KP = Amplifier gain=10 volt/volt
ea = Applied armature voltage, volts
eb = Back emf, volts
Ra = Armature winding resistance = 0.2 ohms
La = Armature winding inductance = negligible
ia = Armature winding current, amperes
Kb = Back emf constant=5.5*10-2 volts-sec/rad
K = Motor torque constant=6*10-5 N-m/ampere
Jm = Moment of inertia of the motor=1*10-5 kg-m2
bm = Viscous friction coefficient of motor=negligible
JL = Moment of inertia of load=4.4*10-3 kg-m2
bL = Viscous friction coefficient of load=4*10-2 N-m/rad/sec
N1/N2 = Gear ratio=1/10

For the potentiometric error detector,
For the amplifier,
Ea(s)= KpE(s)= 10E(s)
For the armature controlled d.c. motor,
For the motor,
θ (s ) K K Ra J
= where K m = = 0.72 and τ m = = 0.13
E a (s ) s (τ m s + 1) R a b + KK b R a b + KK b
θ (s ) 10C (s ) 0.72
Thus, = =
E a (s ) E a (s ) s(0.13s + 1)
C (s ) 5.5 42.3
Hence the closed loop transfer function is = = .
R(s ) 0.13s 2 + s + 5.5 s 2 + 7.69s + 42.3

Control System Engineering 3rd year : Sample problems 2010 6

The block diagram is

R(s) E(s) Ea(s) θ(s) C(s)

7.64 10 0.72/(s(0.13s+1)) 1/10
+ -

R(s) 5.5/(s(0.13s+1)) C(s)

+ -

Control System Engineering 3rd year : Sample problems 2010 7

Problem 6
For an angular position control servomechanism, given the following:
Moment of inertia of motor, Jm=1.40*10-6 kg-m2
Moment of inertia of load, JL=2.70*10-3 kg-m2
Inertia of the gears and synchros is negligible.
Gear ratio, N1:N2=1:100
The detection is effected by the synchros (selsyns) which produce an error voltage of one volt for every
degree change in input.
The motor produces a torque proportional to the applied voltage at its terminals and equals 4*10-2 N-m
when the voltage equals 115 V.
Motor friction, fm=7*10-5 N-m/rad/sec
Damping ratio, ζ=0.25

(i) The block diagram of the system
(ii) The steady state gain and undamped natural frequency of oscillation, ωn
(iii) The steady state error for an input turning with a constant rate of 20 rpm
(iv) The amplifier gain.


(i) The block diagram is

R(s) C(s)
Κ 1/(Js2+f/s)
+ -


J=Jm(N2/N1)2+JL=1.67*10-2 kg-m2
f/=(N2/N1)2fm=0.7 N-m/rad/sec
where k is the amplifier gain

(ii) The transfer function of the system is

C (s ) K
= G (s ) = 2
R(s ) Js + f ' s + K
The steady state gain is equal to unity
f K
ζ = ;ωn =
2 JK J
where for ζ = 0.25; ω n = 84rad / sec

(iii) Steady state error,

Control System Engineering 3rd year : Sample problems 2010 8

2π × 20 1
e ss = Lt s 2
60s K
s →0 1+
Js 2 + f / s
2π × 20 f /
or , e ss = = 1.2 × 10 − 2 rad
60 K

(iv) The amplifier gain is given by

or, k=60.

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Problem 7
In a d.c. position control servomechanism the load is driven by a motor supplied with constant armature
current. The motor field current is supplied from a d.c. amplifier, the input to which is the difference
between the voltages obtained from the input and output potentiometers.
The load and motor together have a moment of inertia of J=0.4 kg-m2 and the viscous friction is f=2 N-
m/rad/sec. Each potentiometer constant is KP=0.6 V/rad. The motor develops a torque of KT=2 N-m/amp of
field current. The field time constant is negligible.

(i) Make a sketch of the system (hardware)

(ii) Derive the equation of motion of the system and find the value of the amplifier gain KA (in
amperes output per volt input) to give a natural frequency of 10 rad/sec.
(iii) A tachogenerator of negligible inertia and friction is connected in the system to improve the
damping. Determine the tachogenerator constant (in V/rad/sec) to give critical damping for KA=5.

(i) Fig.7 shows the sketch of the position control servomechanism. The switch ‘S’ can be closed
to provide tachogenerator feedback.

Fig 7

(ii) Block diagram when tachogenerator is not in loop is given by opening switch S.

TM(s) θM(s)=θC(s)
θR(s) If(s) θ&m (s )
KP KA KT 1/(Js+f) 1/s
+ - + -
- -

θ C (s ) K P K A KT
θ R (s ) s(Js + f ) + K P K A K T

The differential equation can be written as

Jθ&&M (t ) + fθ&M (t ) + K P K A K T θ M (t ) = K P K A K T θ R (t )

Control System Engineering 3rd year : Sample problems 2010 10

The system characteristic eqn is
s 2 + ( f / J )s + K P K A K T / J = 0
K P K A KT 0.6 K A × 2
ωn 2 = ⇒ 100 =
J 0.4
or, KA=33.3 amp/volt

(iii) With tachogenerator, (switch S closed),

θ C (s ) K P K A KT
= 2
θ R (s ) Js + ( f + K t K A K T )s + K P K A K T

f + K t K A KT K P K A KT
2ζω n = ⇒ ωn =
1 f + K t K A KT 1 2 + 5* 2 * K t
∴ζ = ⇒1=
2 K P K A KT J 2 0.4 * 0.6 * 5 * 2
or, Kt=0.11 V/rad/sec.

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Problem 8
A d.c. motor with fixed excitation has a moment of inertia of 6.0*10-2 kg-m2 and a friction of 3.0*10-2 N-
m-s/rad. The motor drives a load having an inertia of 400 kg-m2 and friction of 200 N-m-s/rad through a
reduction gear having a reduction ratio of 100:1. If an armature current of 0.4 amps is required to produce a
torque of 1 N-m at the motor shaft, find the response of output speed at the load end when a step input of 1
ampere is fed to the armature from a constant current generator. Find also the steady state output speed in


Let us reflect the load moment of inertia and friction on the motor side.
Then J=JM+n2JL=60*10-2 + (1/100)2*400=10*10-2 kg-m2
f=fM+n2fL=3*10-2 + (1/100)2*200=5*10-2 N-m-s/rad

The step torque input Tu(t) is given by

Tu(t)=u(t)/0.4=2.5u(t) N-m

The governing differential eqn is


Taking L.T.,


Where ωM(0+) is the initial value of ωM(t)

Assuming ωM(0+)=0, we have,

 
T T 1 1  J
Ω M (s ) = =  − , where τ =
s (Js + f ) f  s 1 f
 
Hence, ω M (t ) = 1 − e −t / τ
Given that T=2.5 N-m, f=5*10-2 N-m-sec/rad
and τ=J/f=2 sec.

Control System Engineering 3rd year : Sample problems 2010 12

[ ]
ω M (t ) = 50 1 − e −t / 2 rad/sec
[ ]
1 − e −t / 2 r.p.m
The load speed will be
ω L (t ) = ω M (t )
[ ]
1 − e −t / 2 r.p.m.

The steady state output speed ωLss will be ω Lss = Lt ω L (t ) = r.p.m.
t →∞ π

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Problem 9
A 50 kW d.c. generator rated at 1000 r.p.m. and 250 V output has an armature resistance of 0.1 ohms, a
field resistance of 200 ohms and a time constant of 0.5 sec. The flux is developed at a rate of 1 m Wb/amp
of field current. It develops an induced voltage of 0.2 volts / µ Wb at the rated speed. The field current is
supplied directly from an amplifier of gain 100.
(a) The reference voltage input Er to the amplifier to give an output of 220 volts.
(b) If the input is Er u(t) , find the transient response e0(t) at no load condition.
(c) What is the settling time for the no load voltage to step inputs on 98 % basis.
(d) If this system is now closed with a negative feedback with b=0.2, find (a), (b) and (c) again.

Schematic diagram of the voltage regulator is shown.

Fig.9 (a)

The eqns may be written as

Ef(s) = KAEr(s)
φ(s) =KφIf(s)

where KA=100, rf=200, τf=0.5, Kφ=1*10-3, Kg=0.2*106

As at no load, the output voltage V0 equals the generated voltage Eg, we have,


(a) With step input,

Er(s) =Er/s
or, e0(t)=100(1-e-2t)Er

The steady state output voltage will be

Lt e 0 (t ) = 100 E r = 220
t →∞
or, E r = 2.2

(b) e0(t)=220(1-e-2t) volts

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(c) Since the settling time ts for a first order system is 4 times the time constant on a 98% basis, we have,

ts=4τf=4*0.5=2 sec.

With a negative feedback, the system with the open loop transfer function G(s) is given where

Er(s) G(s) E0(s)=Eg(s)



Fig.9 (b)

E 0 (s ) G (s ) 0.5s + 1 = 4.76
= =
E r (s ) 1 + βG (s ) 20 0.0238s + 1
0.5s + 1
and for a step input Er(s)=Er/s

E 0 (s ) = E r (s )
s (0.0238s + 1)
( )
e 0 (t ) = 4.76 1 − e −42t E r
220 = Lt e 0 (t ) = 4.76 E r ⇒ E r = = 46.2volts
t →∞ 4.76
( )
e0 (t ) = 220 1 − e −42t volts
The settling time becomes ts=4*time constant=4*0.0238sec=95.2 millisec

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Problem 10
The block diagram of a servomechanism is shown in fig 10 with appropriate parameters.

KS=60 volts/radians
KA=20 volt/volt
KM=30*10-6 Nm/volt
a= Gear ratio=1:30
h= Gear ratio=1:20

ΚS ΚΑ ΚM a Load
+ -
Synchro Amplifier Motor Gear

Fig 10

(a) With the feedback loop open, calculate the steady state load speed corresponding to an input
displacement of 1 degree.
(b) Find the value of system (as shown in fig 10) damping ratio.
(c) Determine the amount of total error rate damping needed to make the damping ration 0.7 while
meeting the specification that the steady state error as seen at the synchro is not to exceed 2 degree
for an input velocity of 2 rad/sec.
(d) Compute the natural frequency of the system.

The block diagram is given by
E(s) θ&M
R(s) θM θL
ΚS ΚΑ ΚM 1/(Js+F) 1/s a Load
+ -

K=KSKAKM=60*20*30*10-6 Nm/rad=0.036 Nm/rad

(a) Feedback loop is open

R(s)=1 deg=(π/180) rad

θ&m  1 
= K
R(s )  Js + F 

Control System Engineering 3rd year : Sample problems 2010 16

θ&m 30 θ&
= ⇒ θ&L = m
θ&L 1 30
π 0.036 1
θ&L = . .
180 (Js + F ) 30
π 0.036 1
θ&LSS = Lt . .
s → 0 180 (Js + F ) 30
= 0.13rad / sec

(b) Forward path transfer function is

θ m (s )  K 
= 2  = G (s ) (say)
E (s )  Js + Fs 
Closed loop transfer function is

θ m (s ) G (s ) 2
= = Js + Fs
R(s ) 1 K / 20
1 + G (s ). 1+ 2
20 Js + Fs
Fs K
s2 + +
J 20 J
K f 20 J 161× 10 − 6 20 × 10 −5
or , ω n = and ζ = = = 0.5957
20 J 2J K 2 × 10 −5 0.036

(c) Error rate damping:

R(s) C(s)
KP(1+Kds) Κ/(Js2+Fs)
+ -

Error transfer function is

E (s ) 1 Js 2 + Fs
= =
R(s )
KK P (1 + K d s ) ( )
Js 2 + F + KK p K d s + KK p
Js + Fs
e ss = Lt sE (s )
s →0

Also given that input is 2 rad/sec

or, R(s)=2/s2

2 Js 2 + Fs 2F
e ss = Lt s. . = .
s →0 s 2 2
( )
Js + F + KK p K d s + KK p KK p

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Given that

e ss < 2 0 i.e., e ss < rad .


2F 2π
KK P 180
or , K P = 0.2562
KK P 0.036 × 0.2562
ωn = = = 30.37 rad / sec
J 10 −5
F + KK P K d
Given, ζ = 0.7 =
2 J × 30.37
161× 10 − 6 + 0.036 × 0.2562 K d
or ,0.7 =
2 × 10 −5 × 30.37
Hence, K d = 0.02862 sec

(d) ω n = 30.37rad / sec .

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