Abc Poem - 2nd Grade
Abc Poem - 2nd Grade
Abc Poem - 2nd Grade
● An ABC poem is a poem where the first letter of each line is the subsequent
letter of the alphabet. The first line starts with A. The second line begins with B,
and this continues for the rest of the poem. Each line focuses on building upon
the central topic of the poem, creating a specific mood, feeling, or picture in the
reader’s mind. There are various types of ABC (or Alphabet) poems. Some use all
26 letters, while others only use 5-6 of the letters in alphabetical order.
Grade level: 2nd
Approximate length of time: 15-20 minutes of instruction, plus 15-20 minutes for writing
Utah Common Core:
● Writing Standard 4: With guidance and support from adults, produce writing in
which the development and organization are appropriate to task and purpose.
● Writing Standard 5: With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and
strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing.
Materials: 1 ABC Poem worksheet for each student, 1 pencil per student, examples of
ABC poems
Essential Question/s:
● How do you write an ABC poem?
● How many lines does an ABC poem have?
Personal Objectives:
● Students will understand how to write an ABC poem.
● Students will be able to write an ABC poem using a template.
● Display instructions on board for students who may need more guidance.
● Allow students who have trouble reading/writing to say their poem verbally and
have it written down by a classroom aid or teacher.
● Use microphone for students who have trouble hearing.
1. “Remember last week when we talked about rhyming poems? Well today we are
going to talk about another kind of poem called ABC poems.”
2. “What do you think an ABC poem is?”
3. Think-pair-share
Introduce the lesson (5 min):
1. “ABC poems are poems where the first letter of each line is the next letter of the
alphabet. They can be short, and have 3-5 lines, or they can be long and have 26
lines by using all the letters in the alphabet.”
2. Show/read examples.
3. Pause and point to show how the first letter of each line starts with the next
letter of the alphabet.
Discuss the process (10 min):
1. “You are going to be writing your own ABC poems and I am going to help you know
how to do that.”
2. “First we are going to do an example together.”
3. “Before you start writing your poem, you need to think of a topic or something you
want to write about. For example, you could write about your pet dog, or summer
time, or school, or recess. Anything you want. So start thinking about something
you want to write about.”
4. “The first word in your poem is going to start with an “A”. Why do you think the first
line in your poem needs to be a word that starts with the letter “A”?”
5. Call on some students to answer.
a. Answer: “Because “A” is the first letter in the alphabet! Good job.”
6. Use template to model how to write an ABC poem.
7. “To start this poem, I need to think about something I want to write about.”
8. “I like fruit, animals, and reading. I think I am going to write about fruit because it is
something I like.”
9. “How do you think I should start my poem about fruit?”
10. Take suggestions.
11. While writing the poem, pause to show the thought process that goes along with
writing the poem and thinking of words that start with a specific letter.
12. Write a few lines to show the students how to use the template and how to write
an ABC poem.
“Apples and
Bananas and
Cherries are
Delicious! I like
Fruits like
Grapes and
Honeydew melons…”
13. “When you write your own ABC poem, you don’t have to go all the way to the letter
Z, you can do as many lines as you want, but write at least 6 lines.”
Apply the process (3 min):
1. “So what are you going to do?”
a. Answer: “write an ABC poem”
2. “Do you need go all the way to “Z”?”
a. Answer: “No”
3. “How many lines do you need to write?”
a. Answer: at least 6
Independent writing/Conferencing (15-20 min):
1. Release students to go back to their desks.
2. Pass out ABC poem templates and allow them to begin their work.
3. Walk around the room and help students who may need extra help.
Share (5 min):
Give students an opportunity to share their work; one line, the whole poem, or even a
A Friend
By Marilyn H. White
Accepts you as you are
Believes in you
Calls you just to say Hi
Doesn't give up on you.
Envisions the whole of you even the unfinished parts.
Forgives your mistakes
Gives unconditionally
Helps you
Invites you over
Just be with you
Keeps you close at Heart
Loves you for who you are
Makes a difference in your life
Never Judges
Offers Support
Picks you up
Quiets your fears
Raises your spirits.
Says nice things about you
Tells you the truth when you need to hear it
Understands You
Values You.
Walks beside you
Explains things you don't understand
Yells when you won't listen and
Zaps you back to reality.
Yummy Fruits
By Madelaine Miller
Apples and
Bananas and
Cherries are
Delicious. I like
Fruits like
Grapes and
Honeydew melons.
I especially like
Juicy fruits like
Lemons and limes
Make me pucker.
Nectarines and
Oranges are both divine.
Pineapples are
Quite ugly and
Rough on the outside, but they are
So sweet and
Tasty on the inside!
ABC Poem
Name:_______________________________ Date:_______________________
Write an ABC poem using the template below.
You don’t have to go all the way to Z, you can stop at any letter, but write at least 6 lines.