Star Trek Adventures Starbase 364 and The Shacklet

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The United Federation of Planets is seeking to expand its exploration efforts beyond current
territorial boundaries into regions which until now have only been mapped by automated survey
probes. Very little is known about the area of the galaxy beyond the far borders of space claimed
by the Klingon and Romulan Empires. Starfleet has made only a handful of visits to this largely
uncharted sector, christened by some nameless stellar cartographer “ the Shackleton Expanse” in
honor of the famed twentieth-century Earth explorer, Ernest Shackleton. Though Starfleet has
established a token presence in the area with starbases to serve as outposts along this unfamiliar
frontier, Narendra Station has been designated as the waypoint for this increased exploration

Formally designated Starbase 364, Narendra Station has been operational since 2353. Named in
tribute to the Klingon colonists who were massacred during a Romulan sneak attack against the
outpost on Narendra III in 2344, the starbase also serves as a reminder of the pivotal shift in
Klingon-Federation relations which occurred in the aftermath of the assault. During the attack,
the Starfleet vessel U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-C commanded by Captain Rachel Garrett
answered the colony’s distress call, managing to repel the attacking Romulan ships and saving
the outpost from total annihilation. The action came at the cost of the Enterprise -C and its crew,
a gesture of bravery and sacrifice which was not lost on the Klingon Empire’s High Council.

Out of tragedy was forged a new era of Federation-Empire alliance. For now, both Federation and
Klingon officials have worked to broaden and fortify this alliance, expanding beyond mere
military alliances to other common interests such as territorial expansion as well as locating
planets rich in needed resources. Though the Klingons have largely done away with the practice
of subjugating other worlds and civilizations to imperial interests, this does not mean the High
Council and Federation leadership always see eye to eye.

Narendra Station serves as one more method of enhancing the existing Federation-Empire
partnership. Both Starfleet and Klingon personnel live and work here, pursuing missions and
goals relevant to their individual government as well as joint tasks that serve to further support
continuing collaborative efforts. Given its location and relative isolation from more populated
areas of Federation space, the station’s command staff  is granted a broad authority to dispatch
the vessels in its charge on missions of exploration as well as diplomacy. The starbase also serves
as a first line of defense against threats to Federation and Klingon security, whether introduced
by a known adversary such as the Romulans, or anyone or anything previously unidentified that
might emerge from the unexplored depths of the Shackleton Expanse or points beyond.

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Located well away from the heart of Federation space and beyond the far borders of both the
Klingon and Romulan Empires, the Shackleton Expanse is an area shrouded in mystery and even
legend. It is largely uncharted, save for the efforts of automated survey probes. Many of those
drones have recorded onboard system issues when traversing the region, originally explained by
various stellar phenomena that emit peculiar forms of electromagnetic and gravimetric
distortions that have been deemed hazardous to navigation. For this reason in particular,
Starfleet’s efforts to push into the area have been limited, though many stories have been
passed around thanks to decades of independent merchants and prospectors skirting the region.

However, recent months have seen increases in the level of interference, and Narendra Station’s
science officer has requested additional resources be devoted toward enabling further study of
the Expanse. To that end, experimental improvements in sensors and deflector shield technology
have been installed aboard three of the vessels assigned to the starbase:

U.S.S. Venture – NCC-71854 – Galaxy  Class

U.S.S. Bellerophon – NCC-74705 – Intrepid  Class
U.S.S. Thunderchild  – NCC-63549 –  Akira Class

™ & ©2016 CBS Studios Inc. STAR TREK and related marks and logos are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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