Geology Procedures Pit

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TO: Pit Geologists

CC: Pit Technical Superintendents, Pit Managers

FROM: Steve Macmillan

DATE: 3 October, 2018

SUBJECT: Detailed Geological Reconciliation Procedure for Production Areas

Background :
The detailed geology within the immediate working areas and for proposed production areas
(of the pit) for up 18 months ahead of the operation is the responsibility of the pit geologist.
Every assistance to help understand the geology will be provided by Mine Geology staff on
an as needs / requested basis.
The emphasis is on the pit geologist to:
 gather, interpret and dissapate the geological information to operations personnel to
allow more consistent overburden production and quality control of the coal,
 identify if there are shortfalls in data and request or obtain additional information to
overcome this– (usually by inpit drilling, additional sampling or surveying and
measuring the feature)
 identify if there are mistakes in the raw data – seam details, data input or survey errors
and pass the revised data back to Mine Geology for remodelling.

The pit geologist must work closely with the pit technical superintendent, mine planning
engineers, production personnel.and the senior geologist (Mine Geology). The pit technical
superintendent is responsible for the pit geologist and the senior mine geologist is responsible
for ensuring that the geological needs of the pits are provided by the pit geologist. The pit
geologist must complete daily inspections for all areas of production and ensure that all
aspects of geology are recorded for input into the geological model – daily inspection sheet.

Data / Model
There is an enormous amount of data already collected for each of the production areas.
Geological data is provided from exploration and inpit drilling, sampling, survey pickup of
faults and washouts, channel sampling for insitu quality and auger sampling for production
control, etc.
All the data is collected and forwarded to Mine Geology each month for remodelling and
upgrading the pit geology. (After release of an officail ECS geological model). No data is to
"This document and any following pages are intended solely for the named addressee, and are confidential and may contain information proprietary to PT Kaltim Prima Coal. The disclosure, copying
taking action in reliance on or distribution of them or any information they contain by anyone other than the address is prohibited. If you have received this document in error, please let us know by
telephone, and then return it by mail to the address below. We shall refund your costs of doing so"

PT Kaltim Prima Coal

Sangatta, East Kalimantan - INDONESIA
P.O Box 620 - Balikpapan 76106
TELEPHONE: (62-549) 21800
be entered to a local database in the pits and remodelling carried out by the geologist. This
ensures that data generated from the pits on a daily basis is always used to provide the most
accurate geology model to the planning engineers for detailed scheduling, etc.

The data that is available includes raw input data are processed data:
 lithological (raw) data,
 borehole survey data
 downhole geophysical logs
 analytical data from the cored holes
 outcrop records
 crests and toes of the exposed coal in the pit
 fault information
 NAG properties of the overburden
 burn zone and lox line information.

This data is lodged into the data dase and used by the modelling software to create a three
dimensional geological model for structure and quality for each of the seams in the area.
ECS develops a STRATIGRAPHIC model for the deposit which means that each known
seam in the sequence exists in every hole in the deposit. The seam may or may not have a
physical thickness in every borehole in the deposit.

The following data can be generated from the model:

 geological structure – roof, floor and thickness for coal and overburden
 quality information – iso quality plans for all input data
 cross sections from model

Model Checking and Geology Reconciliation

The following forms the basis for checking all the geological data in the working area of a
pit. You must check every borehole in the planned mine area at least 12 to 18 months in
advance of the operations. This will allow the opportunity to determine problems in the
model, instigate remedial action, remodelling etc before the operation is in the area. During
mining operations, geological data generated from the pit should be regularly added to the
data base and modelling is then repeated.

Step 1: Create the pit model

Step 2: Generate structure plans for raw data input and determine the variation form the
geological model surface. Model structure – raw data grid – 95% @ +/- 1m for production.
Step 3: Generate thickness plan for raw data input and determine the variation from the
geological model – Model thickness – raw data grid – 95% @ +/- 0.15 m for production area.
Step4: Determine noncompliant areas and the boreholes that have caused the problem. Is the
problem – data encoding from the reconciled log, incorrect reconciliation from the
“unreconciled sedimentary” log, survey error, wrong correlation, poor interpretation from the
downhole log, software estimation or software interpolation error. List the borehole and the
best guess of the cause of the problem. Use cross-secrion if needed.
Step 5 Check every borehole in the panel or area.
Step 6: Pass the corrected information to Mine Geology stating when you want the remodel.
Repeat steps 1 to step 5 until you get the compliance. If you cannot explain the cause of the
anomaly then recommend drilling or something else to fix or explain the anomaly

"This document and any following pages are intended solely for the named addressee, and are confidential and may contain information proprietary to PT Kaltim Prima Coal. The disclosure, copying
taking action in reliance on or distribution of them or any information they contain by anyone other than the address is prohibited. If you have received this document in error, please let us know by
telephone, and then return it by mail to the address below. We shall refund your costs of doing so"

PT Kaltim Prima Coal

Sangatta, East Kalimantan - INDONESIA
P.O Box 620 - Balikpapan 76106
TELEPHONE: (62-549) 21800

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