Curriculum Vitae: Personal Information
Curriculum Vitae: Personal Information
Curriculum Vitae: Personal Information
Name : Nurmansyah Putra
Place & Date of Birth : Pasaman (West Sumatra), April 10th, 1987
Age : 24
Gender : Male
Marital Status : Single
Height : 168 cm
Weight : 69 kg
Blood Group : “B”
Religion : Moslem
Nationality : Indonesian
Home : Gang lombang,kp tongah,kec. Rao,kab. Pasaman,West Sumatra
Lodging House : KH. Azhari Street Aspol 10 Ulu Blok B no. 1 Palembang kodepos
Cell Phone : 085268924645
Email :[email protected]
Education & Professional Qualification
1. Kindergarten School at TK Aisiayah, kec.Rao, Kab.Pasman,West Sumatra 1993-1994.
2. Elementary School at SDN No. 36 tarung-tarung 1995-2001
3. Junior High School at SMP Negeri 1 Rao 2001 – 2003.
4. Senior High School at SMA Negeri 1Rao 2003 – 2005
5. Faculty of Scince at Physic Education Departement of Padang State University,
Padang, West Sumatra, 2005 – 2006
6. Faculty of Engineering at Mining Engineering Department of Sriwijaya University,
Inderalaya, South Sumatra, 2006 – 2011(4,7 tahun) GPA 3,4.
Field Experiences
1. Field Geology Studies at PT. Batubara Bukit Kendi, Association of Nature Student
(Himpala) Cikara Bhuana, 2007.
2. Field Study at Pertamina Prabumulih , PT.BA Tanjung Enim and Antam Tbk, Bogor,
3. Work Experience at PT. Batubara Bukit Kendi, with topic “mining activity”,
September – Oktober, 2009.
4. Thesis Research of Final Assignment at PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara, with topic
“analisis ground vibration bench -90,-105,-120,-135, dan -150 pada hard,moderate
dan soft domain di PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara”. Juli-Oktober,2010.
5. Work Experience at PT. Inti Bara Nusalima position Jr. Mine Engineer job site Muaro
Bungo – Kuansing Inti Makmur (Golden Mines Energi), maret – mei 2011.
6. Work Experience at PT. Titan Wijaya (Titan Group) position Pit Control Engineer job
site Bengkulu, Juni – now.
3. Training Equipment Survey "Sokkia Total Station SET350X" about the practice of
measuring Travers, install sokkialink, data processing sokkialink, by PT Asaba
December 15 to 16 November 2010.
4. Course Surpac Software "surfac Foundation, Pit and Mine Design" by PERMATA
UNSRI cooperation with PT. Globecon Indonesia, 13-14 May 2010 Indralaya.
1. Sofware Blastware, SHOTplus i, Surpac Basic, MineScape Basic
1. Assistant of Mineral Processing Laboratory in Mining Engineering Department
Engineering Faculty Sriwijaya University, 2009-2010.
2. The 2ND general winner of ISMC (Indonesian Student Mining Competition) held by
HMT (Himpunan Mahasiswa Tambang) ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung) in ITB
Campus,February 12-14th, 2010. With specification, bench blasting, hand mucking,
mine supporting, panning, tie in, writen test.
That’s all my Curriculum Vitae and I state that all of my points are made truly.
Thank you for your advice.