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Serial No. 7151 Roll No.

BASIC B.Sc. (NURSING) - 1st Year, JUNE 2016
(ANATOMY& PHYSIOLOGY,Paper Code: 0401101)
Time: 03 Hours Max. Marks: 75
I. Write Your Roll No. on the Question Paper.
2. Candidates should ensure that they have been provided with the correct question papers. Complaints in this
regard, if any, should be made within 15 minutes of the commencements of the exam. No Complaints will
be entertained thereafter.
3. Draw the diagram wherever required.
4. Question paper consists of two part-part-l and part- II. Max. Marks for Part- I is 37 marks and Part - II is
38 marks. Use separate answer book for each part. Any mistake in this regard shall be at the risk and
responsibility of the examinee and no complaint in this regard will be entertained after the exam.

Part-l (Anatomy) (37)

Q1. Answer anyone question (LONG ESSAY)
a- Enumerate parts of urinary system. Describe the kidneys in detail. 10
b- Enumerate different parts of respiratory tract. Describe the lungs in detail. 10
Q2. Answer any three questions (SHORT ESSAy)
a- Thyroid gland 05
b- Cerebral hemisphere 05
c- Liver 05
d- Testis 05
Q3. Answer all questions (SHORT ANSWER)
a- Name the parts of small intestine. 02
b- Name sites where intramuscular injections are given. 02
c- Types of synovial joints. 02
d- Epithelium 02
e- Salivary glands 02
f- Gall bladder 02

Part-II (Physiology) (38)

Q1. Answer anyone question (LONG ESSAy)
a- Define & classify anemia. What is the structure & function of hemoglobin? 10
b- Describe hormones secreted by the pituitary gland. 10
Q2. Answer any four questions (SHORT ESSAy)
a- Oxygen dissociation curve 05
b- Neurons 05
c- Autonomic nervous system 05
d- Cardiac output 05
e- Bile 05
Q3. Answer all questions (SHORT ANSWER)
a- Blood pressure 02
b- Oxytocin 02
c- Salvia 02
d- Nephorn 02
Serial No. 7152 Roll No.
BASIC B.SC (NURSING) -lstYear, JUNE 2016
(NUTRITION & BIOCHEMISTRY, Paper Code: 0401102)

Time: 03 Hours Max. Marks: 75

1. WriteRollNo. on the QuestionPaper.
2. Candidateshouldensurethat they have beenprovidedwith the correctquestionpaper. Complaintsin this
regard,ifany, shouldbe madewithin 15minutesof the commencementof the exam.No Complaintwill be
3. Drawthe diagramwhereverrequired.
4. Questionpaperconsistsof two parts-part-Aandpart- B. Max.Marksfor Part-A are 45 and Part- B are 30.
Use separate answer book for each part. Anylapsein this regardshallbe at the riskand responsibilityof
the examineeandno complaintin thisregardwillbe entertainedafterthe exam.


Q1. Answer anyone of the following: (1x10=10)

a- Design a table showing function, RDA, food sources for any five vitamins.
b- Explain the functions and food sources of Calcium, Iron, Iodine and their RDA.

Q2. Answer any five of the following: (5x5=25)

a- Write down medicinal value of corn, oats, soybean, carrot, mushroom, grapes, apple,
cinnamon, fenugreek seed and onion.
b- Describe the functions and metabolism of lipid in brief.
c- Design a table showing energy requirement for Indians (all groups) by ICMR.
d- Write short notes on electrolyte balance and dehydration.
e- Describe the functions of protein and factors affecting the requirements of protein.
f- Explain carbohydrate digestion and absorption in human body.

Q3. Answer all questions (Write Briefly): (2x5=10)

a- Define macro nutrients and micro nutrients.
b- What do you understand by ICDS?
c- What are the advantages of cooking foods?
d- What is the difference between food group and food pyramid?
e- What do you mean by meal planning and RDA?


Q1. Answer any three of the followingquestions: (3x5=15)

a- Write the structure and functions of cell membrane.
b- How is blood glucose regulated?
c- Mention the types of Lipoproteins and write their functions.
d- Classify enzymes with suitable examples.
e- Define electrophoresis. What are the uses of serum protein electrophoresis?

Q2. Write short notes on any three of the following: (3x5=15)

a- Fat soluble vitamins.
b- Iron its functions and deficiency states.
c- Structure of collagen.
d- Structure of Immunoglobin.
e- Reactions of urea cycle.
, Sr.No. _----'-7..o..:15=3~__' Roll No.: __=.


Time: 03:00Drs. Max. Marks: 75
1. Write Your Roll No. on the Question Paper.
2. Candidate should ensure that they have been provided correct question paper. Complaints in this regard, if
any, should be made within 15 minutes of the commencement of the exam. No complaint(s) will be
entertained thereafter.
3. Draw Diagram wherever required.

1. Long essay question: Attempt any two out of the followingA,B & C parts.
A) Mr. Rakesh, 20 years male is admitted to medical ward with body temperature of
104°F.On the basis of the above .answer the following:
a) Define fever (2)
b) Explain the stages of fever (3)
c) Prepare a nursing care plan for three priority needs of Mr. Rakesh. (5)

B) Mrs. Sushma, 40 years female is admitted in medical ward with complaint of

dyspnea and hemoptysis. Doctor has ordered the following:
- Oxygen therapy SOS
- Inj Amclox 500mg IN BD

On the basis of the above, answer the following:

a) Nursing responsibility while administering oxygen. (5)
b) Complications of intravenous therapy and how to prevent it. (5)

C) Mr. Ranju, 40 years male is admitted to surgical ward with complain of

constipation since 10 days. On the basis of the above, answer the following:
a) List down the factor affecting bowel elimination. (3)
b) Define Enema (2)
c) Discuss the types of enema. (5)

2. Write short notes on any seven of the following: (5x7=35)

a) Qualities of Nurse
b) Types of discharge from hospital
c) Guidelines for maintaining records and reports.
d) Nursing ethics
e) Health Belief Model
f) Health promotion & level of disease prevention
g) Nursing management of unconscious patient
h) Care of dying patient
i) Body mechanics & its importance in nursing
j) Care of pressure points

3. Answer the following: (2x10=20)

a) Disinfection f)Lithotomy position
b) Cheyne stoke Respiration g) Proctoclysis enema
c) Surgical asepsis h) Palpation
d) Haemoptysis i) Rigor mortis
e) Cardiac output j) Sides for taking pulse.


Serial No. 7154 Roll No.----------------

BASIC B.SC (NURSING) _lstYear, JUNE 2016

(pSYCHOLOGY, Paper Code: 0401104)

Time: 03 Hours Max. Marks: 75

1. Write your Roll No. on the Question Paper.
2. Candidates should ensure that they have been provided with the correct question paper. Complaints in this
regard, if any, should be made within 15 minutes of the commencement of the exam. No Complaint will be
entertained thereafter.
3. Draw the diagram wherever required.

Q1. Attempt ANY TWO of the following (Long Essay):- (2x10=20)

a- Define motivation and its types. Discuss in detail about the behavior modification theory
of motivation.
b- Define intelligence and the methods of assessment of intelligence in detail with
appropriate examples.
c- Define stress and factors that determine stress. Discuss in detail about the theory that is
used during adapting to the stress.

Q2. Attempt ANY SEVEN of the following (Short Essay):- (7x5=35)

a- Methods of memorizing and forgetting.
b- Components of emotion and their effects on health and illness.
c- Discuss in detail about the concepts of mental hygiene and mental health.
d- What are the types of psychological assessment and their uses in the nursing field?
e- Explain body mind relationship.
f- Scope of psychology in nursing.
g- Principles and types of perception.
h- What are the domains and modes of learning?
1- What are the characteristic features of attitude with their components?
j- Psychometric assessment of personality.

Q3. Attempt ALL the following (Short Answers) :- (l0x2=20)

a- Observation
b- Transfer of learning
c- Define frustration
d- Mentally gifted children
e- Psychology of sensations
f- Thinking
g- Psychology of groups
h- Regression
1- Repression
j- Cognitive process

Serial No. 7155 Roll No.
BASIC B.SC (NURSING) -lstYear, JUNE 2016
(MICROBIOLOGY, Paper Code: 0401105)

Time: 03 Hours Max. Marks: 75

l. The candidates should write their Roll No. on the Question Paper.
2. Candidates should ensure that they have been provided with the correct question paper. Complaints in this
regard, ifany, should be made within 15 minutes of the commencement of the exam. No Complaint will be
entertained thereafter.
3. Draw the diagram wherever required.
4. Question paper consists of Three Units i.e. Unit-I, II & III. Each unit carries maximum marks 25.


Q1. Define sterilization, disinfection and antisepsis. Write principle and functioning (10)
of autoclave.

Q2. Write briefly on: (8+7=15)

a- Modes of transmission of hospital acquired infections.

b- Methods of transfer of antimicrobial resistance.


Q1. Describe methods of identification of bacteria. (10)

Q2. Write short notes on- (3X5=15)

a- Methods of antimicrobial susceptibility testing
b- Universal precautions
c- Laboratory diagnosis of streptococcal sore throat


Q1. Describe morphology of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), modes of

transmission and laboratory diagnosis of HIV infection. (10)

Q2. Write short notes on- (3X5=15)

a- Bacterial capsule
b- Hydatid cyst
c- Candidiasis

S· r. No. 7156 .Roll No.
PAPER CODE: 0401106]
Time: 03:00 Hrs. i: Max. Marks: 75
1. Write your Roll No. on the Question paper.
2. Candidate should ensure that they have been provided correct question paper. Complaints in this regard, if
any, should be made within 15 minutes of the commencement of the exam. No complaint(s) will be
entertained thereafter.
3. Attempt all questions.
4. Draw diagram wherever required,

(Answer any two of the following)

Q.l Write an essay (about 300 words) on the topic: 'Pollution'. (10)
Q.2 Write a letter to the Medical Officer of AIIMS Hospital about the sanitary condition in
the hospital. Invent necessary details. (10)
Q.3 Read the passage below and answers the questions that follows: (10)
Florence Nightingale was a celebrated English nurse, leader, prolific writer and
statistician. She became famous for her work as a nurse in the Crimean War, where she
tended the wounded soldiers. However, she observed that soldiers were dying not so
much from their wounds as infections from the hospital itself. It was during this time that
she was referred to as the 'Lady with the Lamp'.
Her observations led to her model of nursing, which emphasized the importance of
nature in the healing process, it being the role of the nurse to ensure the environment is
suitable to allow healing to take place. This in turn led to her new design of ward,
reducing cross infection rates drastically, and used throughout the UK, some remaining
in use up until the year 2000.
On her return to London she founded a School of Nursing at St. Thomas' Hospital with
funds contributed by the public. International Nurses' Day was established by the
International Council of Nurses as 12 May, the birth anniversary of Florence
a. Who is Florence Nightingale?
b. Why is she referred to as the 'Lady with the Lamp'?
c. What is the name of the School she founded?
d. When is the International Council of Nurses celebrated?
e. When and where was Florence Nightingale born?


(Answer any seven of the following question)

Q.4 Write nurses note on 'Bleeding Nose'. (5)
Q.5 Write a paragraph on the topic 'Nursing is a Noble Profession'. (5)
Q.6 Fill in the blanks with question tags: (5)
a) We don't watch much TV, ?
b) You are a student of this University, -'- ?
c) The old lady doesn't smoke, ?
d) The students could not understand the problem, ?
e) Snow is white, ?
't ....

Q.7 Transcribe the following words: '
Apple, banana, orange, papaya, class, table, chair, fan, door, bag
Q.8 Write an advertisement for vacancy of 'Nursing Staff' in Fortis Hospital,
Delhi/Gurugram to be published in Tile Times 91 India Newspaper, New Delhi.
Q.9 Read the following passage and make precis and give a suitable title
'Speech is a great blessing, but it can also be a great curse, for, while it helps us to make
our intentions and desires known to our fellows, it can also, if we use it carelessly, make \
our attitude completely misunderstood. A slip of the tongue, the use of an unusual word,
or of an ambiguous word, and so on, may create an enemy where we had hoped to win a
friend. Again different classes of people use different vocabularies, and the ordinary
speech of an educated man may strike an uneducated listener as showing pride;
unintentionally we may use a word which bears a differ meaning to our listener from
what it does to men of our own class. Thus speech is not a gift to use lightly without
thought, but one which demands careful handling: only a fool will express himself alike
himself alike to all kinds and conditions of men. '

0,1 Change the following sentences in to indirect speech: .
a. The nurse said, 'The doctor will be on leave tor a aay' .
b. The teacher said to the boys, 'Take back your books'.
c. The man asked, 'Can I withdraw money whenever I need it?'
d. 'What an idea!' said Rose.
e. 'Please grant me leave for a day, the clerk said to the Manager.
Q.ll Change the voice of the following sentences:
a. People think that he is dishonest..(Passive Voice)
b. Be seated. (Active Voice)
c. She sent me a gift. (Passive Voice)
d. God be thanked. (Active Voice)
e. He made me study. (Passive Voice)
Q.12 Change the following sentences:
a. He is too weak to walk (Remove too)
b. He gives an order and it is immediately carried out (Complex sentence)
c. Make haste, or else you will be late. (Complex sentence)
d. She is too shy to make any friends. (Remove too)
e. They are so poor that they could not pay back their loans (Simple sentence)
Q.13 Write the meaning of the following sentences:
Evacuate, Kleptomania, Schizophrenia, Claustrophobia, Panacea

(Answer all the following questions)
Q.14 Correct the following sentences:
a. The number of houses are limited.
b. Either Reena or Ritu are to do this work
c. He eats eggs as well as fishes
d. Whom went with him?
Q.15 Fill in the blanks with articles:
a. __ apple a day, keeps the doctor away.
b. __ University degree will help you fetch a job.
c. We must take __ umbrella when we go out in the sun.
d. James is __ tallest boy in the class.
Q.i6 Fill in the blanks with preposition: (2)
a. The teacher kept the book __ the table.
b. The postman is standing of the building.
c. The cat is sitting the chair
d. Rashmi lives the river
Q.17 Make sentences using the following idioms and phrases (2)
in full swing, in vogue, at large, to turn the tables
Q.18 Write synonyms of the following words:
Abandon, candid, delicate, initiate
Q.19 Change the following sentences with degrees: (2)
a. Sam is taller than all the students in the class. (Superlative degree)
b. Summer is hottest than winter. (Comparative degree)
Q.20 Change the following sentences:
a. The old man asked the shopkeeper to keep the change. (Direct speech)
b. The sun rises from the East. (Interrogative sentence)
Q.21 Change the following sentences:
a. It is a pretty doll. (Exclamatory)
b. What a pleasant morning! (Assertive)
Q.22 Write antonyms of the following words:
Admit, Bitter, Create, Generous, Harsh
Q.23 What is an Adjective? Write any four examples.

SeHal No. 7157 Roll No.

BASIC B.SC (NURSING) _1st Year, JUNE 2016


Time: 03 Hours Max. Marks: 75

I. Write Roll No. on the Question Paper.
2. Candidates should ensure that they have been provided with the correct question paper. Complaint in this
regard, ifany, should be made within 15 minutes of the commencement of the exam. No Complaint will be
entertained thereafter.
3. Draw the diagram wherever required.

Ql. Attempt any Two of the following (Long Essay) :- (2xl0=20)

a- Draw Block diagram of computer. Explain with functional units.
b- What is DOS? Explain any 8 DOS commands.
c- What is the use of Hospital Management? Explain the application of computer in Hospital

Q2. Attempt any Seven ofthe following (Short Essay): (7x5=35)

a- Multimedia
b- Feature of statistical packages
c- Memory and CPU
d- Windows Benefits
e- Types of windows operating System
f- What is use of Internet?
g- Features ofMS word
h- Explain the Browser and types of browser
1- Explain Computer aided teaching
j- What is Mail Merge in MS Word?

Q3. Write Short Notes on the following: (l0x2=20)

b- DOS
c- LAN
d- Program
e- Database
f- Use ofMS Access
g- Testing
h- Search Engine
1- Presentation in MS Power Point
J- Computer


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