Experimental Investigation On The Properties of Concrete With Plastic Pet Bottle Fibers As Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregates
Experimental Investigation On The Properties of Concrete With Plastic Pet Bottle Fibers As Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregates
Experimental Investigation On The Properties of Concrete With Plastic Pet Bottle Fibers As Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregates
Experimental Investigation
nvestigation on the Properties of Concrete with Plastic
Pet Bottle Fibers as Partial Replacement oof Fine Aggregates
ssain Malik1, Mohd Zeeshan Khan2, Dr. Asif Hussain3
Abid Hussain
PG Student, Construction Technology & Management, Al-Falah Falah University, Haryana, India.
Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Al
Falah University, Haryana, India.
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India.
Industrial activities in India are associated with gravity and fire resistance. However, it has some
significant amounts of non-biodegradable
biodegradable solid waste, negative properties, like- low tensile strength,
waste plastic being among the most prominent. This brittleness, lower impact strength, less resistance
re to
study involved 86 experiments and 254 tests to cracking, heavy weight etc. Still concrete is better
determine the efficiency of reusing waste plastic in option than any other available materials for civil
the production of concrete. Thirty kilograms of waste engineering constructions. Some remedial measures
plastic of fabriform shapes was used as a partial can be taken to minimize these negative properties of
replacement for sand by 0%, 1%, 2%, 2.5%, 3% and concrete. Some of the undesirable properties
p of
5% with 80 kg of concrete mixtures. concrete are due to micro cracks at mortar aggregate
interface. Some of these bitter properties can be
All of the concrete mixtures were tested at room enhanced by adding fibers with other ingredients of
temperature. These tests include performing slump, the concrete. The fibers inclusion in concrete acts as
compressive strength, cost analysis, and weight unwanted micro crack arrester. In presence of fibers
analysis. 14 cubes were molded for compressive the crack prorogation is delayed which helps in
strength and dry density tests, Curing ages of 3, 7, 14, improvement in static and dynamic properties of
and 28 days for the concrete mixtures were applied in concrete.
this work. The results proved the arrest of the
propagation of micro cracks by introducing waste The consumption of plastic has grown substantially
plastic of fabriform shapes to concrete mixtures. This all over the world; it leads to create large quantities of
study insures that reusing waste plastic as a sandsand- plastic-based waste.
e. It is common to serve the mineral
stitution aggregate in concrete gives a good water in plastic bottles (Polyethylene Teraphthelne
approach to reduce the cost of materials and solve (PET) bottles) in every country. Plastic waste is the
some of the solid waste problems posed by plastics. one of the challenges to dispose and manage as it is
biodegradable material which is harmful to our
Keywords: Non-Biodegradable,
Biodegradable, Concrete, PET beautiful environment.
Bottles, Aggregates.
Concrete is the most widely used construction
1.1 INTRODUCTION material in the world due to its high compressive
Concrete is a versatile material for civil engineering strength, long service life, and low cost. Nowadays,
construction. It has ability to get cast in any form and unfortunately, the recycling rate of PET bottles is
shape. All basic ingredients of concrete are natural much less than the sales of virgin PET production
p for
origin. But the properties of concrete can be change common uses. This gap is dramatically increasing,
by adding some special natural or arti artificial pushing towards finding a solution of this problem
ingredients. It has many advantageous properties such and a higher recycle of PET. Particular interest is
as good compressive strength, durability, specific stirring, at present, the use of fibers obtained from
@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www. ijtsrd. com | Volume – 2 | Issue – 5 | Jul-Aug 2018 Page: 1879
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
1.4 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND 1.4.1 Compressive Strength
DISCUSSIONS Concrete cubes were prepared according to IS 456.
In this chapter the parameters studied on the control The compression test machine was used for the
concrete and PET replaced concrete are discussed. compression test. The cubes were tested immediately
The parameters such as Compressive Strength, after taken out of water while they were still wet. The
Splitting Tensile Strength and flexural strength are average of compression strength of 6 cubes was
discussed and Comparison between the Control recorded for each testing age.
Concrete and PET added concrete is represented.
It was noticed that the compressive strength increases with increase in percentage of PET both in 7 and 28-day
tests up to 2% replacement of the fine aggregate with PET bottle fibres and then decrease for 2.5%, 3%
3 and 5%
replacements. Compressive strength of 2% polyester fiber reinforced concrete has found to be 22.5% increase
in strength, when compared to that of Conventional concrete.
@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www. ijtsrd. com | Volume – 2 | Issue – 5 | Jul-Aug 2018 Page: 1882
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
1.5 COST ANALYSIS The optimum strength was observed between 2 to
1.5.1 Normal Concrete 2.5% of fiber content for all types of strengths,
Cost per kg of fine aggregate = Rs.5.00 there after reductions in strength were observed.
Quantity of fine aggregate used in one M 25 cube = 3. The concrete with PET fibres reduces the weight
2.18 kg of concrete and thus mortar with plastic fibres can
Cost of fine aggregate used in one cube = 2.18 x 5.00 be made into light weight concrete based on unit
= Rs. 10.9 weight.
Quantity of fine aggregate required for producing 1 4. While testing control cement concrete cube the
m3 M 25 concrete = 647 kg spalling of concrete was observed. However, the
Cost of fine aggregate per cubic meter of m 25 failure mode of fiber concrete was bulging in
concrete = 647 x 5 = Rs. 3235 transverse direction
5. The mode of failure was changed from brittle to
1.5.2 Modified Concrete ductile failure due to inclusion of plastic fibers
3 % Replacement of Fine Aggregate: into the concrete.
Cost per kg of plastic powder = Rs 3.50 6. From this experimental investigation, the PET
Cost incurred per cube in fine aggregate at 3 % bottles would appear to be low-cost materials
dosage = 2.11 x 5.00 + 0.0654 x 3.50 = Rs 10.7 which would help to resolve solid waste problems
Cost incurred in fine aggregate in 1 m3of concrete and preventing environment pollution.
at 3 % dosage = 627.59 x 5.00 + 19.14 x 3.5 = Rs 7. Plastics have low bonding properties which results
3205 in reduction in compressive, tensile and flexural
Saving per cubic meter of M 25 concrete at 3 % strength for higher percentages.
dosage = 3235 – 3205 =Rs 30 So, to improve the bonding strength the PET
fibres can be modified into one of the several
6 % Replacement of Fine Aggregate: patterns like crimped, twist or cramped patterns.
Therefore, saving per m3 of M 25 concrete at 6 % 8. The slump test was conducted for every trail and it
dosage = 30 + 30 = Rs 60 was observed that slump value showed a
decreasing trend with increase in polyethylene
9 % Replacement of Fine Aggregate: Saving per powder content. The slump value for normal
cubic meter of M 25 concrete at 9 % dosage = 30 concrete was found out to be 50 mm which
+ 30 + 30 = Rs 90 decreased to 46 mm at 2.5 % replacement of fine
aggregate with polyethylene powder. At 3 %
The cost per cubic meter of concrete seems to replacement, the slump value decreased to 40mm
decrease by a small margin at these dosages but and at 5% replacement the slump value decreased
keeping in mind that billions and billions of cubic to 36 mm. The decrease in workability is not a
meters of concrete are produced every year major issue because required workability of
throughout the world. Therefore, even at these 48 concrete can be maintained with the help of
small dosages there is an enormous scope of saving plasticizers. The decrease in workability also takes
money and resources. place when fibres like steel fibre, glass fibrates are
added to the concrete.
1.6 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK 9. Weight is an important characteristic feature of
1.6.1 Conclusions concrete because self-weight of concrete has a
The major conclusions based on the results obtained major impact on the design parameters. The
in the experiments are as follows. weight of concrete due to the replacement of fine
1. Inclusion of fibers content increases flow aggregate with polyethylene powder has shown a
properties of concrete. The density was also decreasing trend. The average weight of cubes for
affected but made concrete slightly light weight. normal 54 concretes was found out to be 7.45 kg.
2. The maximum compressive, was at 2% of fiber At 2.5 % replacement, the average weight
content was 22.50 %, over control concrete (0% decreased to 7.40 kg and at 3 % and 5 %
fibers content). The significant improvements in replacement the average weight decreased to 7.25
strengths were observed with inclusion of plastic kg and 7.10 kg respectively. Therefore, it may be
fibers in concrete. concluded that polyethylene plastic powder can
prove to be an effective alternative in the
@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www. ijtsrd. com | Volume – 2 | Issue – 5 | Jul-Aug 2018 Page: 1883
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
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