10-03-18 Edition
10-03-18 Edition
10-03-18 Edition
“We just try to improve it one step at a time. It’s like you’re building
something just one brick every day, and it just keeps getting better.”
— Tim Draper, venture capitalist and founder of Draper University in downtown San Mateo
County OKs
$20 million
for housing
Discussion sparks some concern about
development proposal in Moss Beach
By Anna Schuessler downtown San Mateo, the collec-
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF tion of projects officials opted to
fund is expected to increase the
In approving nearly $20 mil- county’s affordable housing stock
lion in Measure K funds to support by 635 units, according to a staff
12 affordable housing develop- report.
ments Tuesday, county officials Also included in the mix of
provided a boost for a slate of housing developments were two
housing projects aimed at provid- Habitat for Humanity projects
ing housing for veterans, former aimed at offering first-time-home-
NICK ROSE/DAILY JOURNAL buying opportunities for resi-
foster youth and residents who
Tim Draper in his eponymous university in downtown San Mateo. The renowned venture capitalist and unable to afford market-rate rent or dents, a 20-unit affordable condo-
sometimes political activist has transformed a former vacant hotel into a center for entrepreneurship. home prices during a regional minium-ownership project at 612
housing crisis. Jefferson Ave. in Redwood City
to form four ordinary words. 9 34 17 64 59 22 1 2 4 36 39 showers. Partly sunny, with a high near
68. Calm wind becoming west 5 to 9 mph
Now arrange the circled letters The San Mateo Daily Journal Phone:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (650) 344-5200 Fax: (650) 344-5290
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003 1003 wed:1003 wed 38 10/2/18 8:01 PM Page 1
Drive, it was reported at 8:11 a.m. sure washer from it, it was reported at
Police reports Friday, Sept. 21. 1:46 p.m. Monday, Sept. 24.
Reckl es s dri v er. Someone was speed- Theft. Someone was stealing pack-
ing in a vehicle on Red Oak Way, it was ages from a porch on Tilia Street, it
Smartphones are expensive reported at 4:44 p.m. Friday, Sept. 21. was reported at 12:51 p.m. Monday,
Someone stole a jacket with a cell- DUI. Someone was arrested for driving Sept. 24.
phone and headlamp in it worth while under the influence on Bay Road, it was
$1,320 on Kelly Avenue in Half Fraud. The reporting person paid a
reported at 7:45 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 20. handyman a deposit for a job, but he
Moon Bay, it was reported at an
Reckl es s dri v er. Someone was never returned to do the job., it was
unkown time on Monday, Sept. 27.
stopped at a green light and driving reck- reported at 10:53 a.m. Monday, Sept. 24.
lessly on Woodside Road, it was report- Hi t - an d- run . Someone driving a
HALF MOON BAY ed at 7:53 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 20. black vehicle sideswiped a parked
vehicle on South Claremont Street, it
Ve h i c l e b urg l ary . Someone SAN CARLOS was reported at 9:22 a.m. Monday,
smashed a vehicle window on North Sept. 24.
Cabrillo Highway and stole a laptop Po s s es s i o n o f ni tro us o x i de. A res-
from it, the estimated loss is $2,045, ident of Pasco, Washington was cited for
it was reported at 7:30 p.m. Monday, possession of nitrous oxide on Bing SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO
Sept. 27. Street, it was reported at 3:12 p.m. B urg l ary . Someone burglarized a
Renters Insurance Rates Thursday, Sept. 20. room at a hotel on East Grand Avenue,
REDWOOD CITY Po s s es s i o n o f co ntro l l ed s ub- it was reported at 3:59 p.m. Tuesday,
s tance and paraphernal i a. A woman Sept. 18.
Burg l ary. Someone stole tools from a was cited for possession of a controlled
building on Canyon Road, it was report- Petty theft. Someone stole items
substance and drug paraphernalia on Old from a rental vehicle company on
ed at 9:15 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 25. County Road, it was reported at 1:05
Sto l en v ehi cl e. Someone stole a South Airport Boulevard, it was report-
p.m. Thursday, Sept. 20. ed at 8:50 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 18.
vehicle on Broadway, it was reported at
6:30 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 25. Mal i ci o us mi s chi ef. An incident of
Burg l ary. Someone broke into a home
SAN MATEO malicious mischief occurred in
that in under construction on Montserrat B urg l ary . Someone broke into a Brianwood Drive, it was reported at
vehicle and stole a generator and pres- 8:37 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 18.
004 1003 wed:1003 wed 38 10/2/18 3:34 PM Page 1
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007 1003 wed:1003 wed 38 10/2/18 8:03 PM Page 1
it was a misunderstanding.
Clergy targeted in sex abuse suit Around the state
Sexual harassment claim
Cisneros faces Republican Young Kim in a
November race widely considered a toss-up.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS abused for two years starting in 1978 when he
was 10 years old by Monsignor Thomas Joseph withdrawn in California House race California sets record as voter
LOS ANGELES — A man who says he was Mohan. The priest, who is deceased, arrived at LOS ANGELES — A woman who accused a registration tops 19 million
sexually abused decades ago by his parish priest St. Anthony Claret Catholic Church in Anaheim Southern California Democratic congressional SACRAMENTO — California’s voter regis-
said Tuesday he is suing all Catholic bishops in in the early 1970s from Chicago, according to candidate of sexual harassment has withdrawn tration has hit an all-time high ahead of the
California and the Archdiocese of Chicago, the lawsuit. the claim, saying it was a misunderstanding. November election, with more than 19 million
seeking to compel church officials to release “This lawsuit is to find justice — to get the The announcement by Gil Cisneros’ cam- people on the voting rolls, Secretary of State
records on clergy abuse. clerics at the top to come clean and tell the paign followed a barrage of Republican-backed Alex Padilla reported Tuesday.
The filing Tuesday in Los Angeles by Thomas truth,” Emens said. ads in the 39th District spotlighting the accusa- Nearly 76 percent of those eligible to vote
Emens claims a civil conspiracy among church Attorney Jeff Anderson said the goal of the so- tion. were registered as of Sept. 7, the largest share in
officials to cover up clergy sexual assault and called nuisance lawsuit is to force the church to Former state Assembly candidate Melissa September since the 1996 presidential election,
move offending priests to other parishes. reveal the names of all priests accused of child Fazli said in May that Cisneros made sexually which had 77 percent.
Emens said at a news conference that he was molestation. suggestive comments to her at a Democratic Californians are increasingly turning away
state convention and during a later phone call. from political parties and registering as “no
After meeting this weekend, Fazli and
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009 1003 wed:1030 FRI 64 10/2/18 8:01 PM Page 1
ontested city clerk races are immediately begin to find efficiencies
increasingly becoming rare
as more cities move toward
Editorial in continuing to modernize the office.
Her fellow candidate, Caitline
A very poignant article in “The Week” a year or so ago
comes to mind. It sadly described a serious problem with
some who are obsessed with the game. It was about a 6-
appointed positions rather than elect- Acosta is the current city clerk for Bortoli, has experience working for year-old boy whose life has been terribly changed forever
ed ones. the small city of Pinole, has elected the city as a code inspector and could by his fanatical father who was trying to use his son to
Yet South San Francisco maintains official experience as a member of the also offer new ideas. However, experi- fulfill his obsession for his son to become a star football
an elected clerk and has two candi- South San Francisco Unified School ence in the field counts in this partic- player. When the father found out about the extent of the
dates vying for the position. District Board of Trustees and has ular position which acts not only as a boy’s injuries caused by the game, it was reported: “The
While both have solid qualifica- worked in the City Manager’s Office. liasion between the city and the pub- boy’s football-obsessed father struggled to come to terms
tions, one has more experience in the That trio of experience will give the lic but also acts as the administrator with the idea that his son may never play again.” The
field and would better hit the ground city its best choice for the job. She is for the City Council. unfortunate boy, who may suffer the rest of his life from
running — Rosa Acosta. familiar with the surroundings and can Acosta is the best choice. his sojourn with tackle football, had been used by his
father to live vicariously and bolster his own ego. There
is no mention of a feeling of remorse for pressuring his
Letter to the editor very young son to play a game that threatened brain dam-
age. It appears that it’s all Dad. “Mike wants his son to
be a football star — what would his own life be without
Business improvement district who operated retail stores in San rentable property they own, occu- football.”
Francisco where BIDs were being pied or not, and on the businesses, But not to worry! We then read about the “improve-
Editor, considered. If the Millbrae BID is professions, services, etc. based on ments” that those involved in promoting the game are
It appears as though Millbrae is indeed created, it will have to be both gross receipts and payroll. planning. This includes regulating the amount of contact
going to create a business improve- funded by assessments. Residents Reasonable percentages and/or frac- during practice, banning full contact — like blocking and
ment district (BID) bordered by El in upstairs flats, apartments or con- tions will have to be worked out by tackling — in youth football during the off-season,
Camino Real, Broadway and the dos should be exempt from assess- checking BIDs in neighboring com- changing the head in a tackle, and having an athletic
streets in between (“Millbrae pur- ment. No assessment will be satis- munities. trainer at all games and practices to evaluate the extent of
sues business improvement district” factory to all parties. An equitable a player’s injuries (of course, after the fact). Really, does
in the Sept. 28 edition of the Daily way to levy the assessment is to Joseph Farrah anyone think that such changes can make much differ-
Journal). have it apply it to property owners Millbrae ence?
I am a retired Millbrae resident based on the total square footage of Every year during football season, all of the above
comes to mind. Shouldn’t this game be outlawed? Of
OUR MISSION: course, those who worship at the altar of the All-
It is the mission of the Daily Journal to be the most American game want to preserve it. There’s too much at
accurate, fair and relevant local news source for stake. After all, it is an American icon and those with
those who live, work or play on the MidPeninsula. vested interests want to preserve their jobs and continue
By combining local news and sports coverage,
Jerry Lee, Publisher BUSINESS STAFF: analysis and insight with the latest business, the monetary rewards connected with it. And when a few
Michael Davis Charles Gould lifestyle, state, national and world news, we seek to more deaths and concussions occur while they’re trying
Jon Mays, Editor in Chief Paul Moisio Jeff Palter provide our readers with the highest quality to figure out how to alter and save the game, well, that’s
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persons. They silence the voice inside us that speaks the
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Should be no longer than 250 words. [email protected] The Daily Journal corrects its errors.
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010 1003 wed:1003 wed 38 10/2/18 8:03 PM Page 1
Business in brief
Poll: Half of young Americans
see better financial future
Can Tesla’s numbers be sustained?
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS times even slept on Tesla’s factory floor in Fremont,
About half of young Americans expect to be financially bet- California, to oversee the efforts to make more cars. The
ter off than their parents, according to a new poll, a sign that Tesla Motors accelerated production of its pivotal Model company even built a heavy-duty tent to add space to pro-
the dream of upward mobility is alive but somewhat tempered. 3 sedan during the summer just as CEO Elon Musk prom- duce Model 3s.
ised, vindicating the electric car maker’s leader amid a back- The past quarter’s accomplishments aren’t likely to keep
The poll, by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public drop of baffling behavior that jeopardized his job.
Affairs Research and MTV, found that half of 15- to 26-year- skeptics from wondering if Tesla will be able to crank out
The company announced Tuesday that it produced 80,142 enough of its cars to be profitable.
olds think they eventually will be better off than their parents vehicles in the third quarter, marking a 50 percent increase
in terms of household finances. About 29 percent expect to do “Going forward, it doesn’t prove much, ” said Erik
over the previous quarter. Tesla also made Gordon, a professor at the University of Michigan Ross
as well as their parents, and 20 percent expect to be worse off. a major leap in the number of cars that
Parents were slightly more optimistic: 60 percent think their School of Business. “They’re still producing in a tent,
were delivered to customers who had pre- they’re still producing the numbers by working crazy
children will do better than they did, a view that held true for ordered them.
parents across all income groups. Overall, only 12 percent of hours, with crazy cheerleading by Musk...It’s sort of this
The progress is essential to Tesla’s sur- insane carnival.”
parents said that they felt their children might do worse. vival, not only to preserve customer
It’s no longer a guarantee that children will achieve upward loyalty but to bring in the cash that the A total of 53,239 Model 3 vehicles rolled off Tesla’s
income mobility. About half of the Americans born in 1984 company will need to repay $1.3 billion assembly line during the third quarter, hitting Musk’s target
earned more at age 30 than their parents, down from 92 percent in debt coming due within the next six of 50,000 to 55,000 for Tesla’s first electric car designed
in 1940, according to the study by famed economist Raj Chetty months. Producing more cars also for the mass market, and nearly doubling the second quar-
and others that was released in 2016. Elon Musk should help Tesla begin making money, ter’s volume.
Jennifer Narvaez, 23, is among those who anticipates her something it has been unable to do since It produced 26,903 Model S and X vehicles. That’s slight-
financial future will be a bit brighter than that of her parents. going public eight years ago. ly better than its second-quarter performance and in line
Narvaez said she expects to have more opportunities as a col- “Today’s production announcement offers a bit of redemp- with its full-year guidance. The company’s target of
lege graduate to get a job and own a home than her parents, who tion to the Tesla faithful,” said Jeremy Acevedo, Edmunds 100, 000 Model S and X deliveries in 2018 remains
grew up in Nicaragua and immigrated to the United States. The manager of industry analysis, in an email. unchanged.
Miami resident holds an undergraduate degree in biology and is It also reverses a trend in which Tesla regularly missed its “It’s refreshing to see the company making headlines for
planning on attending medical school to become a cardiolo- production goals while amassing huge losses, fueling producing cars, not controversies,”Acevedo said.
gist. doubts about its ability to expand from its niche of making Indeed, the controversies abound for Tesla. Just last week,
luxury sports cars powered by electricity to become a major Musk cleared a dark cloud hanging over the company when
automaker. When the company hit its target for the first he agreed to settle a Securities and Exchange Commission
time in the last week of June, some questioned whether the case alleging he had misled investors by declaring he had
feat was sustainable. lined up the financing to take Tesla private. The SEC want-
Musk worked nearly to exhaustion to keep that momen- ed to oust Musk as CEO as punishment. Musk is staying on
tum going during the past quarter. He has publicly said he as CEO, but giving up his chairmanship. Musk and Tesla
has been working as much as 120 hours per week and some- will each pay $20 million to resolve the case.
Woodside outside hitter Elena Campell M-A opposite hitter Alicia Letvin strutting “I think something that’s really special is
cartilage in his right wrist while sliding A’s have often followed the “opener” with rookie record set by Joe DiMaggio in 1936.
It will cost $850,000 to study grade separa- City. The area is regularly congested during best for Redwood City.”
Continued from page 1
tion at Whipple Avenue and the city has
already secured $750,000 from the San Mateo
County Transportation Authority’s Measure A
commute times and as of August 2017, there
have been seven collisions at the crossing,
including one pedestrian injury and two driver
In other business, the council received a
presentation on plans to offer a reduction in
health benefits for retired city workers hired
Grade Separation Program. Redwood City has fatalities.
committed $100,000, or 11.77 percent of after September of this year.
Gee also celebrated grade separation as the
will not be disrupted when trains pass. total costs, to the project, according to a staff only way to increase Caltrain service. If all of the city’s employee groups agree to
“Redwood City is not in line for any grade report. That money was approved in the budg- Grade separation can be done in a variety of a second tier with fewer benefits for new hires,
separation funding now. We lost our place in et for fiscal year 2018-2019 and will come ways and councilmembers specifically agreed the city could save $2.4 million over the life-
line when the council 20-30 years ago said we from the Traffic Mitigation Fees Fund. to not pursue trench or tunnel options because time of current active employees, according to
don’t need more. Other cities took our place There are eight Caltrain crossings and so far of the high cost of those methods. Whatever a staff report. Savings for all employee groups
and jumped in front of us. So Redwood City’s two of them have been grade separated: method or scope of work is finally agreed for fiscal year 2018-19 are estimated to be
not in line now for any grade separations. The Jefferson Avenue was constructed below the upon, the project is still far from becoming a $262,000 and would increase over time.
studies that are going to be underway are tracks and Woodside Road over the tracks. The reality.
going to help us put Redwood City in line,” remaining six at-grade crossings have been Employees in the second tier will receive a
“Even the best-case scenario now given the stipend that won’t exceed 90 percent of the
said Councilman Jeff Gee. identified as “signature projects” in timeline, we’re not going to see construction California Public Employees’ Retirement
A study in 2009 estimated the cost of a grade RWCmoves, the city’s recently adopted trans- until 2030 or 2035 maybe if we get the fund-
portation plan. A community survey found System Bay Area Kaiser Premium for employ-
separation at the Whipple Avenue crossing to ing in place,” Gee said. “My advice to the ee-only coverage, according to the report.
be between $150 and $300 million, while ele- that a Whipple Avenue grade separation proj- council is don’t ever stop planning, because
vating the railroad between Whipple Avenue ect to be the second favorite project behind once you stop planning you lose your place in The city is currently in conversations with
and Maple Street would cost about $500 mil- the 101/Woodside Road Interchange improve- line. ... Construction costs rarely ever go all of its employee groups about the change,
lion. During the meeting, Assistant City ments. down, so the sooner we get started the sooner and so far the Redwood City Police
Manager Aaron Aknin said those numbers Aknin said the Whipple Avenue crossing is we can find our funding partners and the soon- Supervisors Association and Chief Officers
have likely doubled by now. the most affected of the crossings in Redwood er the council can make a decision on what’s Association have agreed to them.
018 1003 wed:1003 wed 38 10/2/18 7:57 PM Page 1
that surrounds them has created a pipeline of simulators, among other equipment, the space ing companies, and the jobs they would have
Continued from page 1
projects and startups the incubator and acceler-
ator can consider funding.
Draper admitted it’s easy to think about the
is aimed at providing the general public a
chance to test very expensive technologies
and better understand their potential, said
created, out of the state. By creating new states
and making way for new leadership, govern-
ments would have to compete with each other
ways things turned out from hindsight and see Wiegand. for talent, he said. Though his plan to split the
a clear plan to create a school that would Having recently acquired the Peninsula state into six pieces didn’t qualify for past bal-
there, later realizing the only thing he could become the birthplace of startups aimed at lots, Draper was successful this year in gather-
Beauty Supply building at 980 S. Amphlett
possibly teach is entrepreneurship. He admit- developing technology capable of detecting ing the hundreds of thousands of signatures
Blvd. for his foundation, Draper is also just
ted there were times he grew frustrated with the cancer or improving dairy delivery services in required to qualify an effort to split California
beginning to form plans for new maker space
long planning process for the university but China. And though the project has come a long into three states.
allowing patrons to rent space and equipment
later appreciated how big a change the school way since he first conceived of starting a resi- like lathes, laser cutters and 3D printers. With polls showing more and more residents
was for prime downtown spot, especially now dential school of entrepreneurship, the 60-
that the school has welcomed hundreds of stu- “We just want people to be able to create lending support to the “Three Californias” ini-
year-old has a lot more in mind for the city. these amazing things,” he said. “We think that tiative, Draper was determined to see where the
dents from dozens of countries and launched “We just try to improve it one step at a
more than 350 companies since it was founded that’s going to be another really great addition growing momentum behind the “Three
time,” he said. “It’s like you’re building some- in San Mateo.” Californias” initiative would go. But he said
in 2012. thing just one brick every day, and it just keeps Ever since his time on the California State the state Supreme Court’s July ruling in favor
For five weeks in the summer and four weeks getting better.” Board of Education, Draper said he began of a lawsuit filed against the initiative and
in the fall, budding entrepreneurs develop their Draper has pegged mid- to late-October for thinking about how he could help solve issues backed by unions proved his point that unions
mission as “heroes” and do whatever it takes to the launch of a virtual reality arcade at 37 E. he saw percolating throughout the state, a are in control of the state government.
be successful, said Draper. And though word Fourth Ave. Dubbed Hero Hangout, the space government he felt was delivering low-quality
about Draper University has spread — becom- has served as a lounge where Draper University “What kind of democracy do we live in?” he
education and crumbling infrastructure. After said. “We didn’t get to vote.”
ing part of the curriculum of colleges like students could relax or play video games, but he unsuccessfully advocated for a statewide ini-
Arizona State University offering a “Semester will be transformed into a showcase of the lat- tiative he believed would have given parents But with 50 to 60 buses making stops at
in Silicon Valley” program — he said the syn- est virtual reality technology, explained vouchers for private schools and more choices Draper University as they bring tourists to
ergy between the startups spawned by the uni- Daniel Wiegand, a program director for to pull their children out of failing schools in Silicon Valley landmarks and several projects
versity, his venture fund Draper Associates and Draper’s foundation The Hero Institute. 2000, Draper turned his attention to an initia- he’s started closer to home, Draper has plenty
the accelerator Boost VC his son Adam Draper By providing visitors with a pay-to-play tive to split California into six states, a move- to focus on in San Mateo.
manages has flourished over the years. He said experience of virtual reality stations allowing ment he felt could give the state a fresh start. “It’s like they go to the Google campus,
Draper University students and the network them to use flight, racing and roller-coaster
Draper believes the state has fostered a heav- they go to Stanford … then they come here,”
ily-regulated business climate pushing grow- he said. “It’s a thing.”
black pepper
Diverse & Delicious Southeast Asian Cuisine
Continued from page 1
In the most recent round of testing, 52
percent of Redwood City students met or
showed improved achievement in English,
as 62 percent of students met or exceeded
their standards, up 3 percent from 2017.
signs of slipping. Seventy-one percent of
San Mateo Union High School District stu-
dents met or exceeded their English stan-
exceeded their expected English standards, Fifty-four percent of students achieved sim- dards, down 6 percent from the year prior
up 5 percent from last year and 13 percent ilarly in math, matching their marks from while 51 percent achieved similarly in
their scores by 5 percent in each field since from 2015. Meeting or exceeding math last year. math, down 4 percent from last year. In the
2015, which is when the computer-based expectations reached 44 percent of districts District spokeswoman Amber Farinha Sequoia Union High School District, 62
tests were first introduced. students, up 6 percent from the year prior attributed a portion of the district’s percent met or exceeded the English stan-
Similar to Campbell, state and 12 percent overall. improvement to the focus on enhancing the dards, a 9 percent dip from last year, while
Superintendent Tom Torlakson expressed Superintendent John Baker shared his abilities of students still learning English. the 46 percent who met or exceeded math
his admiration for the gains shown by stu- appreciation for the hard work from stu- “Supporting the academic achievement of standards marked a 5 percent drop from last
dents across California. dents, teachers and the rest of the school our English learners has been another area year.
“We’re encouraged by what we see, espe- community to make the gains possible. of focus for the district and these scores Ultimately though, as overall achieve-
cially since these tests are more rigorous “We are very proud of the significant improved in both [English language arts] ment rises, Campbell said more work
than previous paper and pencil tests. gains our students, our teachers and our dis- and math,” she said in an email. remains ahead, as county officials should
However, we need to make sure all students trict as a whole made this last school year,” Consistent with high levels of achieve- keep a close eye to assuring communities
continue to make progress,” he said in a he said in an email. “As I look at the overall ment historically, the Hillsborough City throughout the region are able to enjoy sim-
prepared statement. data, it is very obvious that our students are Elementary School District set the local ilar degrees of continued success.
Locally, the ability of San Mateo County engaged in the content as our teachers make pace for public school systems in scoring “These results also indicate San Mateo
students to outperform their state counter- every minute count.” as 83 percent of students met or exceeded County still has a significant achievement
parts is in keeping with the results shown To achieve the enhanced performance, their English scores and 84 achieved simi- gap that remains deeply troubling, ”
since the new system was implemented to Baker pointed to the district’s focus on larly in math. School systems in Campbell said. “I hope this year’s
replace the former Standardized Testing and building student reading skills, while also Burlingame, San Carlos, Belmont and [California Assessment of Student
Reporting System. offering teachers professional development Redwood Shores replicated their high levels Performance and Progress] data will help us
For her part, Campbell took time to rec- opportunities designed to advance problem of achievement as well, again hitting marks identify which instructional strategies are
ognize the achievement of students in the solving and critical thinking abilities in in the 70s for meeting and exceeding expec- leading to rapid and significant results so
Redwood City Elementary School District, their classes. tations in both fields. educators can implement them throughout
where scores have jumped in both math and Meanwhile, in the San Mateo-Foster City Not all districts improved though, as our county’s schools.”
congestion on the coast and the surrounding Horsley said the plan was scaled back and has ed to officials’ focus on dedicating funds to
Continued from page 1
“I think these issues kind of do need a little
bit more investigation,” she said, according
met the county’s requirements for infrastruc-
ture needs so far. County Planning Director
Steve Monowitz added the development is in
the county’s housing needs in the last decade.
“It’s really the ongoing reliable source of
to a live video of the meeting. “We’re not the early stages of its planning process, and funding that makes affordable housing non-
opposed to housing … we do think this could would require review by the county’s profits willing to look here for opportunities
of affordable housing funding allocations Planning Commission, Board of Supervisors and find the places where we can create
overwhelm our community and our infra-
was largely met with enthusiasm by supervi- and the California Coastal Commission. homes for people,” she said.
sors, it also sparked a discussion of whether Monowitz said review of the concerns neigh-
$3 million in Measure K funds should be ded- Resident Marcia Yeates asked supervisors Horsley said he hoped Moss Beach resi-
to also consider how close affordable hous- bors of the project have raised would be eval-
icated toward a 71-unit development called uated throughout the monthslong planning dents would continue to participate in the
the Cypress Point Family Community in ing units are to community services like gro-
process, and noted the earliest the Planning long planning process ahead for the Cypress
Moss Beach. Aimed at providing a mix of cery stores and medical facilities, noting the
Commission would review MidPen’s appli- Point development and also looked to
one-bedroom, two-bedroom and three-bed- development could be miles away from resi-
dents’ jobs, stores and resources like child cation would be in four months. Measure W, a half-cent sales tax increase for
room below-market rate apartments for fami- transportation improvements through
lies along the county’s stretch of the coast, care and require residents to own a car to
Evelyn Stivers, executive director of the SamTrans put on the Nov. 6 ballot by the San
the development would make dozens of access them.
county’s Housing Leadership Council, said Mateo County Transit District, to improve
affordable units available in a part of the “I believe in growth, but I think it should she was thrilled to see the list of affordable
be sensible and sustainable,” she said. public transportation connectivity to the
county that has historically lacked affordable housing projects county officials opted to coast if successful.
housing. Supervisor Don Horsley, whose District 3 support this year. Stivers was joined by
A half-cent sales tax previously known as includes the development, said the site was board President Dave Pine in noting the “There’s still a long process and all the
Measure A and extended by voters in 2016, pegged as the only one that could help the uptick in ongoing affordable housing devel- issues that they raised still have to be
Measure K has been used toward affordable county fulfill its Regional Housing Need opments in the county, which Stivers credit- addressed,” he said.
housing projects, health programs and edu- Allocation, or RHNA, the assigned amount
cational programs at county parks, among of new homes each jurisdiction should build
other initiatives.
Several Moss Beach residents stepped for-
in coming years. Previously used as a home-
less encampment, a skateboard park and a Calendar
ward Tuesday with concerns about the devel- military training site during the World War II WEDNESDAY, OCT. 3 more information call 877-8530.
opment’s location and impact on the envi- era, it could help house homeless residents Fundamentals of Geology. Little House, The Roslyn
who live on the coast in RVs and cars, said Morris Activity Center, 800 Middle Ave. Menlo Park. Cost Running Team. 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Belmont Library, 1110
ronment and traffic congestion as well as the $70. Learn to use common genealogical record types and Alameda de las Pulgas, Belmont. No experience required.
relative lack of community resources near the Horsley. important family history websites. For more information Wear running clothes. For more information call 591-8286.
Though Horsley acknowledged the devel- call 326-2025.
11-acre site where MidPen Housing is plan- Clutterers Anonymous Meeting. 6 p.m. 1609 Valley View
ning to build Cypress Point. About halfway opment was likely to affect traffic near the Computer Class: Election Resources. 10:30 a.m. Belmont Ave., Belmont. If clutter is causing problems at home, work
between Half Moon Bay and Pacifica, the 11- site, he noted the use of Measure K funds has Library, 1110 Alameda de las Pulgas, Belmont. For more or in relationships, and organizing is a daunting task, CLA
information call 591-8286. is a place to talk about it with no guilt or shame. For more
acre site would be served by the same aging been critical to getting affordable housing information call 348-2856.
sewer infrastructure with which neighbors of developments off the ground and available to Sons in Retirement Branch 4 Lunch. 11:30 a.m. to 1:15
those in need of them. p.m. Elk’s Lodge, 920 Stonegate Drive, South San Francisco. Out to Eat 2018. 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Oshman Family JCC, 3921
the project have struggled, noted Moss Active retired men’s lunch. Cost $19. For more information Fabian Way, Palo Alto. Event costs $100 and supports
Beach resident Dolores Silva. “Traffic is probably an issue and they’re call (650) 878-5746. LGBTQ+ youth. For more information call 424-0852.
Silva was joined by other Moss Beach res- going to have to figure something out,” he San Mateo Professional Alliance. Noon to 1 p.m. Central Healthy Eating: A Nutrition Workshop Led by CalFresh.
idents in commending the project for said. “That was what we passed Measure K for Park Bistro, 181 E. Fourth Ave., San Mateo. Promotes an 6 p.m. 840 W. Orange Ave., South San Francisco. Learn how
increasing the county’s affordable housing … Public money is really what’s required to environment for idea sharing, leveraging resources and to eat healthy, shop smart and live well according to a reg-
building long-term relationships. Annual dues are $60 per istered dietitian. For more information call 829-3860.
stock, but urged supervisors to study the be able to build affordable housing.” year, and members will enjoy solid referrals from other
development’s potential impact on traffic Originally proposed for 148 units, business members within the group. Make sure to bring San Mateo Public Library’s Book Discussion Group.
your business cards, company brochures and other infor- 6:30 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. San Mateo Public Library, 55 W. Third
mational materials. For more information call 430-6500. Ave., San Mateo. Meets in Cedar Room. For more informa-
tion contact [email protected].
8=BCAD2C8>=B)5 5X]SPPb\
\P]hff^aSbPPbhh^dRRP]Q Qh[[X]ZX]V A Family Divided: Finding Peace by Letting Go. 6:30
1 D ? 7 [TccTabd
S^f]bbXSTc^bXSTPP]SS SXPV^]P[[hf faXcX]Vff^aSb p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Bethany Lutheran Church, 1095 Cloud Bay Area Content Marketing Meetup. 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Q[P]ZbbWTTc^ ^U_
H^d\\Ph^^][hd dbTT
F> 8 B ^]RTf fXcWX]PPbbX]V[Tf
Ave., Menlo Park. For more information call 854-5897. Bovet Office Center, 155 Bovet Road, San Mateo. Explore
6 > considerations and challenges to getting started and
: 4 f^aSUUX]SbRRa^bbX]V^ ^dcRR^\\^]f f^aSb San Carlos Smoke Free. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. San Carlos Public some of the available tools to help unlock insights. Pizza
06 ; <
1>66;4 H>DA1
Library, 610 Elm St., San Carlos. The event will include a dis- provided. For more information call (917) 903-8764.
B20;4 A0C8=6 cussion about the upcoming city of San Carlos study ses-
sion to regulate secondhand smoke in multi-unit hous- FRIDAY, OCT. 5
, _
_^X]c $ , 2WWP\_ ing. For more information call 395-9113. Aging Gracefully K athy Faenzi, MA, Clinical
_^X]cb $ , 4 g_Tac Gerontologist. 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m., Crystal Springs Golf
:]daTZ $[[TccTab,
_^X]cb % , ? a^ Save Energy, Water and Money. 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Course, 6650 Golf Course Drive, Burlingame. The presenta-
_^X]cb " % %,, 66P\Ta Burlingame Public Library Lane Room, 480 Primrose Road,
Burlingame. Complimentary energy and water saving
tion will touch on five key points to aging gracefully. For
more information call 342-0603.
_^X]cb ! " ",, AA^^ZXT
? C ; ;
devices. Free. For more information call 347-3576.
, _
_^X]cb !
0 \PcTda Kidz in Motion. 10:15 a.m. South San Francisco Library,
, $_
_^X]cb , ,
Caah PV
VPX] The November Ballot Initiatives Explained — San
Mateo County Democracy for America Meeting. 7 p.m
840 W. Orange Ave., South San Francisco. Kids will move,
play games, sing, stretch and balance to foster gross
to 9 p.m. United Methodist Church, 2000 Woodside Road, motor skills. For more information call 829-3860.
Redwood City. Light refreshments. Free. For more informa-
4 8 D 8
tion call 573-7544. KPOP CD Release Party. 4:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. South San
FT_ _dcb
VaXS Francisco Library, 840 W. Orange Ave., South San Francisco.
h^dUUX]SccWT\. THURSDAY, OCT. 4 Check out CDs from BTS, Twice, NCT 127, Red Velvet and
0C; ;40BC5 58E45
5;>F4ABXX]ccWT Conversacion en Ingles. 10:30 a.m. Grand Avenue Branch
Library, 306 Walnut Ave., South San Francisco. Non-native
more. Korean language classes, photo booths, prizes and
snacks. Free. For more information call 829-3860.
speakers can come practice English. For more information
B A ;
call 877-8530. First Friday Ar t Series: Ashley Moore. 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Alameda de las Pulgas, Belmont. English speaking prac-
tice. For more information call 591-8286. SATURDAY, OCT. 6
3 > H D
Pancake Break fast with the Junior League and MP Fire
Foster City 55+ Club. 11 a.m. to noon. Foster City Dept. 7:30 a.m. Menlo Park Fire District Headquarters, 300
Recreation Center, 650 Shell Blvd., Foster City. Meet others Middlefield Road, Menlo Park. $5-$10. For more informa-
and make new friends. Cost $25. For more information call tion call (510) 863-1401.
(650) 286-2585.
Friends of the San Bruno Public Library Book Sale. 10
Nintendo Lab Kit Building. 4 p.m. Grand Avenue Branch a.m. to 3 p.m. San Bruno Public Library, 701 Angus Ave.,
7PbQa^88]R " ' Library, 306 Walnut Ave., South San Francisco. This work- San Bruno. Bring a grocery-sized bag and fill it up with
!! '7
1aPX]1dbcTab) shop will cover the creative possibilities of cardboard and books for $7. Larger bags $10. For more information call
fffQ^VV[TQaPX]QdbcTabR^\ <0;87708C82
=864A80 assemble official kits to use with the Nintendo Switch. For 616-7078.
020 1003 wed:1003 wed 38 10/2/18 3:35 PM Page 1
SUDOKU Want More Fun
ANSWERS and Games?
O Each row and each column must contain the
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The numbers within the heavily outlined boxes,
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(in any order) to produce the target numbers in the
top-left corners. #PHHMF1V[[MF&WFSZEBZJO%BUF#PPL
O Freebies: Fill in single-box cages with the number in
the top-left corner.
021-026 1003 wed:Class Master Odd 10/2/18 4:23 PM Page 1
104 Training 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment
TERMS & cONDITIONS NOw HIRING Health Technology Assessment (HTA)
The San Mateo Daily Journal Classi-
fieds will not be responsible for more
ACW Air Duct and Window Cleaning
Starting $18 to $25 per hr(per experi- cAREGIvERS
Epidemiologist for Genentech, Inc.,
South San Francisco, CA. Req: Master
Caregivers Wanted
than one incorrect insertion, and its lia- ence); Not Scared of Heights; Bi-Lingual of Public Health in Epidemiology or Mas- Home
Home CCare
are Jobs The San Mateo Daily Journal is looking
bility shall be limited to the price of one a Plus. (650)583-0420 Or Email: ter's in Clinical/Health Sci, Pharma Sci, for ambitious interns who are eager to
insertion. No allowance will be made for [email protected]. 2 years experience or Health Econ & Outcomes, or rltd + 1 yr (650) 600-8108 jump into the business arena with both
feet and hands. Learn the ins and outs
errors not materially affecting the value exp. Apply:
of the ad. All error claims must be sub- required. http://applygene.com/201809-120993 EEmail:
mail: [email protected]
[email protected] of the newspaper and media industries.
mitted within 30 days. For full advertis- (Job ID: 201809-120993) This position will provide valuable
ing conditions, please ask for a Rate www.starlightcaregivers.com
w ww.starlightcaregivers.com experience for your bright future.
Card. Immediate placement HOUSEKEEPER - AApply
pply online or w
alk-in Email resume
[email protected]
on all assignments. 4600 EEll CCamino
amino Real
Real,, # 211,, LLos Altos
os Altos
Owner of a luxury home in Hillsborough
Ca. is seeking an experienced house- Natera seeks Associate Scientist (San
call keeper. This is a part-time position pay-
ing $20 per hour, 20 hours a week. Du-
Carlos, CA). Reqd: PhD or be in the
process of obtaining PhD in biochemis-
ties include light housekeeping, supervis-
(650)777-9000 ing sub-contractors and handymen to
make sure that repairs and updates are
try, molecular biology or rel.+3 yrs of in-
dustry or graduate-level academic re-
search exp. Resumes to: M. Chopra, Na-
completed in a timely manner. This Day
Day or Night
Night Shifts,
ts, Immediate
Shiffts Placement
Immediate Plac ement tera, Inc., 201 Industrial Road, Suite 410,
would be a perfect position for a retired Required: 2 yyears
Required: experience
ears paid experience San Carlos, CA 94070. Ref.code:
person. Please send your resume or current
current CNA Certification;
Certification; 31951-069/No calls/emails/faxes EOE.
to [email protected]
Must Drive
Drive CCar;
ar; Speak
Speak and write
write English
021-026 1003 wed:Class Master Odd 10/2/18 4:24 PM Page 2
Over the Hedge Over the Hedge Over the Hedge Tundra Tundra Tundra
110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices
Manager: Infrastructure Operations Sr. Software Engineer (Req# IIC1224) in FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
and DevOps NEWSPAPER INTERNS Foster City, CA. Software dev on core STATEMENT #278655 STATEMENT #278535
Manage cloud-computing operation on Java tech, particularly Spring-based The following person is doing business The following person is doing business
Amazon Web Services incl config & JOURNALISM maven apps. MS+2yrs exp. or BS + 5
yrs exp. Mail resumes to Illumina, Inc,
as: 1141 El Camino Real, 1141 El Cami-
no Real, BURLINGAME, CA 94010.
as: Cleanologie Homes, 139 Arden Ave,
managing load balancers, multi-region & The Daily Journal is looking for in- Attn: SD122372, 5200 Illumina Way, San Registered Owners: Richard Tod Spieker Registered Owners: Ana Melissa Jacobo
multi-availability zone instance mgmnt. terns to do entry level reporting, re- Diego, CA 92122. Ref title & req#. and Catherine R. Spieker, 60 Mulberry and Neri Jacobo, same address. The
MS or equiv. degree in CS, Comp Eng, search, updates of our ongoing fea- Lane, Atherton, CA 94027. The busi- business is conducted by a Married Cou-
EE, Eng or equiv. field. Two years exp as tures and interviews. Photo interns al- ness is conducted by a Trust. The regis- ple. The registrant commenced to trans-
Infrastructure Operations & DevOps Mgr, so welcome. trant commenced to transact business act business under the FBN on 8/7/18.
Staff Software Engineer (IIC1222) Foster under the FBN on 7/23/14. /s/Ana Melissa Jacobo/
Soft Eng, Soft Dev Eng or equiv. Two We expect a commitment of four to City, CA. Design, develop, build, test & /s/Richard Tod Spieker/ This statement was filed with the Asses-
years concurrent exp with Large-scale deploy next-generation software srvcs to This statement was filed with the Asses- sor-County Clerk on 8/9/18. (Published in
eight hours a week for at least four decipher bio structures & human dis-
cloud-computing operation on Amazon months. The internship is unpaid, but sor-County Clerk on 8/22/18. (Published the San Mateo Daily Journal, 9/12/18,
ease. MS or foreign equiv + 2 yrs exp or
Web Services; Config & mgmnt of Bal- intelligent, aggressive and talented in- BS+5. Mail resumes to Illumina, Inc, Attn:
in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 9/12/18, 9/19/18, 9/26/18, 10/3/18).
ancers; Multi-region & multi-availability terns have progressed in time into 9/19/18, 9/26/18, 10/3/18).
SD122372, 5200 Illumina Way, San Die-
zone instance activity; Auto-scaling auto- paid correspondents and full-time re- go, CA 92122. Ref title & req#.
mation; Data storage; Virtual Private Net- FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #278805
work deployment; Config, testing, de- Staff Software Engineer (Req# IIC1210) STATEMENT #278782 The following person is doing business
ploying, mnging, monitoring & maintain- College students or recent graduates Foster City, CA. Architect & design soft-
are encouraged to apply. Newspaper The following person is doing business as: 3D Kawaiko, 1271 Claremont Drive,
ing servers, routers, switches & firewalls; ware solutions. MS+3/BS+5. Mail re- as: 1)West Coast Financial 2)Sunset SAN BRUNO, CA 94066. Registered
experience is preferred but not neces- sumes to Illumina, Inc, Attn: SD122372, West Investment, 333 Gellert Blvd, Ste Owner: Valerie Kimiko Himuro, same ad-
Interacting w trading & ISP venues & sarily required. 5200 Illumina Way, San Diego, CA
Network Operations Centers; Continuous 210, DALY CITY, CA 94015. Registered dress. The business is conducted by an
92122. Ref title & req#. Owner: Sunset West Capital, Inc., CA. Individual. The registrant commenced to
Integration/Continuous Deployment of Please send a cover letter describing The business is conducted by a Corpora- transact business under the FBN on
staging & test environments & frame- your interest in newspapers, a resume tion. The registrant commenced to trans- June 1, 2018.
works; Optimization of cloud operations and three recent clips. Before you ap- VISUAL DESIGN - act business under the FBN on N/A. /s/Valerie Kimiko Himuro/
& cost; Sourcing of new colocation & ply, you should familiarize yourself SurveyMonkey Inc. has an opening in /s/Lawrence Woo/ This statement was filed with the Asses-
service providers for software, hardware with our publication. Our Web site: San Mateo, CA for a Senior Visual De- This statement was filed with the Asses- sor-County Clerk on 9/7/18. (Published in
www.smdailyjournal.com. signer to design deliverables for web pa- sor-County Clerk on 9/6/18. (Published in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 9/12/18,
& services. Jobsite: San Mateo, CA. Mail ges, marketing materials & email. Mail the San Mateo Daily Journal, 9/12/18, 9/19/18, 9/26/18, 10/3/18).
Sr. Operations Research Analyst (Field resume to: Xignite, Inc. Attn: HR 1825 resume to: SurveyMonkey Inc. Attn: HR,
Operations and Information Manage- Send your information via e-mail to 9/19/18, 9/26/18, 10/3/18).
South Grant St. Suite 100, San Mateo, [email protected] or by reg- 1 Curiosity Way, San Mateo, CA 94403.
ment) for Genentech USA, Inc., South FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
San Francisco, CA. Provide analytical CA 94402 Ref. Position HL092018. ular mail to 1900 Alameda de las Pul- Must reference ref code SM-RM .
support, incl decision analytics, for field gas #112, San Mateo CA 94403 STATEMENT #278807 The following person is doing business
planning + sales ops. Req: Bachelor's in The following person is doing business as: Peninsula Infiniti, 386 Convention
Ops Research, Math, Analytics, Engr, as: Katie Eiseman Consulting, 2104 Roo- Way, REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063. Reg-
Biz, or rltd + 5 yrs exp (or Master's + 3 sevelt Ave., BURLINGAME, CA 94010. istered Owner: Peninsula Infiniti LLC,
yrs). Apply: Sr Information Security Analyst (Req#
IIC1225) Foster City, CA. Provide exper- Registered Owner: Almacare, Inc., CA. CA. The business is conducted by a
http://applygene.com/201809-120623 Sr. IT Security Analyst, Genentech, Inc., The business is conducted by a Corpora- Limited Liability Company. The regis-
(Job ID: 201809-120623) tise defining, evaluating & recommend- South San Francisco, CA. REQ.: Mas- tion. The registrant commenced to trans- trant commenced to transact business
ing/implementing info security controls & ter's deg. in Info. Security, Comp. Sci., act business under the FBN on N/A. under the FBN on 2001.
SALES - Telemarketing and Inside Sales tech. BS or foreign degree equiv + 1 yr Info. Sys. or rlt +3 yrs exp. as Security /s/Thomas Eiseman/ /s/Gordon MacDonald/
Representative needed to sell newspa- exp. Mail resumes to: Illumina, Inc, Attn: Analyst, Security Eng., Inc. Resp. Ana- This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses-
per print and web advertising and event SD122372, 5200 Illumina Way, San Die- lyst, or rlt. (or Bach +5 yrs). Apply: sor-County Clerk on 9/7/18. (Published in sor-County Clerk on 9/7/18. (Published in
marketing solutions. To apply, please call http://applygene.com/201809-121949 the San Mateo Daily Journal, 9/12/18, the San Mateo Daily Journal, 9/12/18,
go, CA 92122. Must reference job title 9/19/18, 9/26/18, 10/3/18). 9/19/18, 9/26/18, 10/3/18).
650-344-5200 and send resume to (Job ID: 201809-121949)
[email protected] and Req#.
• Food Service Dir
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021-026 1003 wed:Class Master Odd 10/2/18 4:24 PM Page 3
298 collectibles
80’s toPs Complete Factory Set All
Years $99 Call Rick (415) 999-4474.
298 Collectibles 302 Antiques 304 Furniture 304 Furniture 311 Musical instruments 318 Sports Equipment
SMALL RuG beater. $15.00 (650)207- RoSEviLLE TuLip Pitcher, Ca: 1900. dRESSER 4-dRAWER in Belmont for vEnEER ChEST 6.5’ high, 3 ft. wide 1929 AnTiquE Alto Selmer, Cigar Cut- EvERLAST 80# MMA Heavy Bag and
4162 $45. (650)574-2490. $75. Good condition; good for children. $99 (650)322-2814. ter, Newly Refurbished $6,000 OBO Call Stand. Like New. $99 (650)654-9966
Call (650)678-8585 (650)742-6776.
STAR WARS R2-D2, original 1998 un- WALL uniT/RooM Divider. Simple GoLF bALLS Titlest ProV1, 50, perfect
opened action figure. $15 in San Carlos. 303 Electronics EnTERTAinMEnT CEnTER for $50. lines. Breaks down for transportation. bALdWin bAby GRAND 1928 vintage condition, each at $ 0.50. (650)345-5446
Steve 650-518-6614 Good shape, blonde, about 5' high. $25.(650)712-9962 leave message in walnut. $7500.00 w/bench (415)608-
bLAupunKT AM/FM/Cd Radio and Re- (650)726-4102 1214 GoLF CLubS {13}, Bag, & Pull Cart all--
TELESCopE-CELESTRon ASTRo ceiver with Detachable Face asking WALnuT ChEST, small (4 drawer with $90.00 (650)341-8342
Master Newtonian Reflector, w/ tro/pod $100. (650)593-4490 FuLL SizE bed wood frame with pillow upper bookcase $50. (650)726-6429 ChRoMATiC hARMoniCA: Horner
stand, Like New $150.00 GoLF CLubS, used set with Cart for
top mattress $100.00 B/O (650)576-5026 The 64 Chomonica, German Made $180, $50. (650)593-4490
Call (415)239-1348. WhiTE WiCKER Armoire, asking $100, (650)278-5776.
CAnnon CopiER. $20. 650-342-5220. great condition, text for picture (650)571-
GLidER rocker and ottoman, oak, excel- GuThy-REnKER poWER Rider,Ever-
TiME MAGAzinES. Watergate coverage FREE TELEviSion - Mitsubishi, lent condition. $100 (650)345-5644. 0947
last 2 1/2 ankle weights, kegel thigh ex-
4/30/73 - 8/05/74. FREE. San Bruno. 26"W,22"H,18"D Works Great, Not EpiphonE LES paul 100th erciser $20 (510)770-1976
(650)794-0839 Flatscreen, Text (650) 333-8323 Local iKEA dRESSER, black, 3 shelf. 23" x Wood - wall Unit - 30" long x 6' tall x Anniversary Custom Electric Guitar.
Delivery available. 15"deep x 50" high. $65. (650)598-9804. 17.5" deep. $90. (650)631-9311 Mint. $600.00 650 421 5469 LEAThER GoLF bag with 23 clubs $90.
ToppS bASEbALL complete set 1987 (650) 592-2648.
iKEA TAbLE, black 58" x 21" x 14" high.
thru 1992, 1998,1999 $99 Rick (415)999- MoToRoLA bRAvo MB 520 (android
$ 30. (650)598-9804. 306 housewares EvERETT upRiGhT antique piano.
4474 4.1 upgrade) smart phone 35$ 8GB SD Lovely sound. $99. 650-365-5718. MEn'S RoSSiGnoL Skis. $95.00,
card Belmont (650)595-8855 LovE ChAiR, velour, tan. $45. CoMpLETE SET OF CHINA - Windsor good condition, (650)341-0282.
uniquE 1920'S -1930's imprinted milk Garden, Noritake. Four place-settings, FEndER MuSTAnG I guitar amplifier
(808)631-1365. 70 watts 8-guitar settings.with cover.
bottle with creamer top from Golden onKyo Av Receiver HT-R570 .Digital 20-pieces in original box, never used. onE dozEn Official League Diamond
State dairy. $25 (650)762-6048 Surround, HDMI, Dolby, Sirius Ready, MASSAGE TAbLE, excellent condition, $250 per box (3 boxes available). $80. (650)421-5469 Baseballs. Brand New. $35. Call Roger
Cinema Filter.$95/ Offer (650)591-2393 folding, $25, (650) 552-9556. (650)342-5630 (650)771-6324.
FEndER MuSTAnG ll guitar amplifier
299 Computers nEW dELuxE Twin Folding Bed, Lin- 110 watts 8-guitar settings, with cover. pop up tent. Sleeps. 2-3. Like new. In-
304 Furniture ens, cover, Cost $618. Sale $250. Must
CRySTAL (LEAdEd glass) lamp $30. $130.00 (650)421-5469 flatable camping bed. Sleeping bag.
19" CoLoR Monitor with stand VG con- Can send picture. (650)464-7860
Sell! (650) 875-8159. $50.00. (650)588-0842.
dition power cord/owners manual includ- 2 WALnuT 3-drawer nitestands. Tops FoR SALE: Epiphone Les Paul Cus-
ed $60.00 OBO 1-415-279-4857 MiKASA SET. White. Modern (square)
need work but very good cond. $20/ea nEW TWin Mattress set plus frame Setting for 4 $30 (415)734-1152. tom Prophecy Electric Guitar. Mint. pRinCE TEnniS 2 section nylon black
(650)952-3466. $30.00 (650) 347-2356 $625.00. (650)421-5469. Bag with Prince Pro Graphite Racket-
i-pAd KEyboARd. $25.00. (650)588- SinK doubLE cast iron. Good condi- $55.(650)341-8342
0842 6-dRAWER RoLLinG Storage cart, niAGARA vibRATinG Adjustable bed tion. $99.00. (650)593-7408 huGE LudWiG Drum Set Silver Sparkle
black with organizer top excellent condi- good condition Burlingame $90 Call Dan & Chrome, Zelgian, Pasite & Sabian ToTAL GyM XLS, excellent condition.
RECoRdAbLE Cd-R 74, Sealed, Unop- (408)656-0958 Cymbals, 24 in. Timpany $3,500 Paid $2,500. Yours for $900. Call
ened, original packaging, Samsung, 12X, tion $15 (650)872-2371 308 Tools (916)975-4969 (650)588-0828
(650) 578 9208 oFFiCE TypE 34"X 60" heavy solid
AnTiquE dininG table for six people AnTiquE iRon Hand Drills. 3 available piAno, upRiGhT, in excellent condi-
with chairs $99. (650)580-6324 wood with formica wood grain top $25 TouREdGE REACTion ii uniflex sys-
at $30 each. (650)339-3672 Ron tion. Asking $345. (650)366-4769 tem 8 irons 3-9 and pitch irons
300 Toys (650) 787-9753
new $75. Call May (650)349-0430
AnTiquE MohAGAny Bookcase. Four bRiGGS & Stratton Lawn Mower with piAno-1955 bALdWin Acrosonic 36”
100 ThinGS for little children to do on a feet tall. $75. (415) 282-0966. RECLininG ChAiR, wine colored $30,
(650)-583-4985 Mulch rear bag-like new- $95.00. High, Free for anyone to pick-up TREAdMiLL in very good condition. Pic-
trip. 4"X6" cards with instructions. Used. (650)771-6324. (650)295-9121.
FREE (650)595-3933 bEdSTEAd SinGLE, poster style, box ture available on request. $50 obo.
spring, mattress available. $40.00. RETRo huTCh Needs refinishing other- 650 322 9598.
wise good condition. Top detaches from CRAFTSMAn 9" Radial Arm Saw with 6" pLAyER piAno 1916 W/Bench 25 mu-
AMERiCAn FLyER locomotive runs (650)593-7408 bottom $25. (650)712-9962 dado set. No stand. $55 (650)341-6402 sic rolls $950 Don (415)309-3892 TREAdMiLL-hoRizon LiKE New, limit-
good #21085 $75.00 (650) 867-7433 www.elo.deals ed use, Paid $750-Asking $450 OBO
bEiGE SoFA $99. Excellent Condition SoFAbEd, vELouR, tan, Excellent LG CRAFTSMEn shop vac 6.5hp $60 (650)508-8662
LARGE STuFFEd ANIMALS - $3 each (650) 315-2319 condition. $75. (808)631-1365. (510)943-9221 upRiGhT piAno. In tune. Fair condi-
Great for Kids (650) 952-3500 tion. FREE. (650) 533-4886. TREK MounTAin train tag a long; exec
bLACK METAL 4 drawer file cabinet SoLid Wood Dining table with exten- ShopSMiTh MARK V 50th Anniversary
STAR WARS Celebration 3 Darth Vader $15. good condition. call (650)872-2371 most attachments. $1,500/OBO. condition;$75;will text photo; (650)218-
sion great piece great condition black vinTAGE LinGERiE Washboard circa 0121 San Carlos
$20 new w/case Dan (650)303-3568 $80 (650)364-5263 (650)504-0585 1920’s The Zinc King #703. Suitable for
bunK bEdS for sale. Cherry Wood, 2 strumming $50 (650)369-2486
years old. Includes Mattresses. $600 or vinTAGE CRAFTSMAn Jig Saw. Circa TunTuRiC STATionARy Bike $45.
302 Antiques B/O (650)685-2494
SoLid Wood Entertainment Center-
1947. $60. (650)245-7517 yAMAhA ACouSTiC Guitar, model
Daly City-(650) 878-8403
TurnTable, Am-Fm, Eight Track, Built In
100 y/o family heirloom, hand sewn, Speakers, Sony 26’ Smart T.V.(68.75 in. FG830 electric. $400.00 (650)421-5469 vinTAGE nASh Cruisers Mens/ Wom-
CoMModE, Good condition. $20 obo. vinTAGE ShopSMiTh and bAnd
hexagon pieced quilt. 8ft. sq. $99. X 25.5inch X28inch) $500 o.b.o SAW, good shape. $300/obo. Call ens Roller Skates Blue indoor/outdoor sz
Please call (650)745-6309 (925)482-5742 ziLjiAn CyMbALS with stands, 21” 6-8. $60 B/O. (650)574-4439
(650)556-9708 (650)342-6993 ride, 18” crash. Paistie 18” crash - $99
CoMpuTER dESK (glass) & chair. Like TAbLE 24"x48" folding legs each end. (916)826-5964 WoRKouT bEnCh, weights, bars, for
AnTiquE 8-dAy pendulum mantel clock new $75 OBO (650)704-4709 or Melamine top, 500# capacity. Cost flat/incline bench and legs. $100.
by Jerome & Co. 21" tall. Still running.
$25 (650)762-6048
[email protected] $130. Sell $50. 650-591-4141 WELdER- LinCoLn AC 220 amps 240 312 pets & Animals (650)861-2411
CoMpuTER SWivEL CHAIR. Padded volts $199.00 (650)948-4895
ThREE inCh egg crate foam twin bed AiRLinE CARRiER for cats, pur. from yAMAhA RooF RACK, 58 inches $75.
AnTiquE hEMinGRAy Glass Tele- Leather. $80. (650) 455-3409 mattress for sound sleep, perfect condi- (650)458-3255
Southwest Airlines, $25, 2 available. Call
graph Pole Insulator. Aqua colored. Pris- tion, $20, 650-595-3933 309 office Equipment (505)228-1480 local.
tine condition. 4.5"X3.25" $15 (650)762- dARK bRoWn living room chair with
6048 matching pillow. $99.99. excellent condi- TWin bEd frame-black wrought iron LApTop CASE or bag. Black. Like new. 340 Camera & photo Equip.
tion. call (650)872-2371. Hardly used. $25. (650)697-1564. onE KEnnEL Cab ll one Pet Taxi ani-
from Crate & Barrel $65 (650)631-1341 mal carriers 26x16. Excellent cond. $60..
bEER STEinS-oRiGinAL from Germa- niKon 18-140 zoom lenses (3), excel-
(650)593-2066 lent condition. $200 each. (650)592-9044
ny, three different $99 ea. Call for info dESK, Gd. cond. $99.99 or b.o. TWin bEd, mattress, box spring, frame
$ 50. (650)598-9804.
310 Misc. For Sale
(650)592-7483 (650)458-3578 pARRoT CAGE, Steel, Large - approx oMEGA b600 Condenser Enlarger, In-
TWin bEd- Free you pick up. Call 200 pLASTiC trading card holders; $15; 4 ft by 4 ft, Excellent condition $300 best struction Manual & 50mm El-Omegar En-
(650)344-2109 (650)591-9769 San Carlos offer. (650)245-4084 larging Lens $95 (415)260-6940
MAhoGAny AnTiquE Secretary desk, dininG TAbLE (36"x54") and 4 match-
72” x 40” , 3 drawers, Display case, bev- ing chairs, sturdy oak, cost $600, sell for uSEd bEdRooM Furniture, FREE. Call 500-600 biG Band-era 78's--most mint, pET CARRiER for small dog or cat in ex- viviTAR v 2000 W/35-70 zoom and
elled glass, $150. (650)766-3024. $250 .(650)-654-1930. (650)573-7381. no sleeves--$50 for all-(650)574-5459 cellent condition $30. Claudia (650) 349- original manual. Like new. $99 SSF
6059 (650)583-6636
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