Technical Paper Presentation of FPGA Based SVM Controller

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A Review on Design and Implementation of FPGA based Space

Vector Modulation controller for Three-Phase Induction motor


Shivaprasad M1, Nischala G2

UG Student’s, E&EE Department, SSIT, Tumkur, Karnataka, India.

Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract— The main aim of proposed project work is parallelism. The innovative development of FPGAs
to design and simulation of Space vector Modulation whose configuration could be re-programmed an
controller based three phase AC motor drive and unlimited number of times spurred the invention of a
implementation a FPGA based Space vector new field in which many different hardware
Modulation controller for three-phase induction motor
algorithms could execute, in turn, on single device,
drives. The Space vector Modulation controller is
realized on FPGA to generate gating pulses for just as many different software algorithms can run on
insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IDBTs) in drive a conventional processor. When comparing the
system implementing a Verilog hardware description dynamic performance, control capabilities and
language (HDL) code. The design and simulation will be concurrency in PWM controlled Power Converters,
carried out using MATLAB/SIMULINK software FPGA based digital techniques are better than DSPs.
package. Comparison of simulation results and
hardware results for validating performance of the PROPOSED BLOCK DIAGRAM:
proposed system will be done.



Controlling the speed of induction motors
has ever since been an important topic of research.
The control methodologies have evolved from
electromechanical switching to high speed digital
controllers using DSP and FPGA. Of late, Pulse-
Width Modulation techniques have been the subject
of intensive research; as PWM controlled power
electronic devices find increasing applications in
many new industrial processes involving more
stringent performance specifications. This is
particularly true in case of high performance drive
systems, uninterruptible power supply and Figure 1: Proposed system Block Diagram
programmable AC power sources. Since PWM
inverters play an important role in each of these
applications, the whole system is dependent on the
algorithm controlling the PWM inverter. In recent
years, Field Programmable Gate Arrays have drawn
much attention due to its short design cycle, low cost
and high flexibility in terms of programmability. The
Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) offer
significant advantages over microprocessors and
DSPs for high performance, low volume applications,
particularly for applications that can exploit
customized bit-widths and massive instruction-level Figure 2: FPGA based Space vector Modulation
controller for three-phase induction motor drive
as it will eliminate complexity of control circuit
LITERATURE SURVEY: algorithm occurred due to analog circuit reduces cost,
size of filter required and improved overall inverter
Sarat Kumar Sahoo, Performance Analysis and efficiency.
Simulation of three Phase Voltage Source Inverter
using basic PWM Techniques, Chennai and Mohammed abdul khader aziz biabani, Control of
Vivekanandha College of Technology for women, Induction Motor Drive using Space Vector PWM,
Third International Conference on Sustainable International Conference on Electrical,
Energy and Intelligent System (seiscon Electronics, and Optimization Techniques
2012),VCTW, Tiruchengode, Tamilnadu, India on (ICEEOT) – 2016.
27-29 December, 2012.
This paper presents speed Control of Induction Motor
This paper illustrates use of different Pulse Width Drive using Space Vector PWM by varying input
Techniques for a three phase voltage source inverter Voltage or frequency or both. Variable voltage and
using Matlab Simulink software. These techniques variable frequency for Adjustable Speed Drives
help in reducing harmonic content in power supply as (ASD) is invariably obtained from a three-phase
well as in controlling output voltage and frequency. Voltage Source Inverter (VSI). Voltage and
The techniques which are Multiple PWM, Sinusoidal frequency of inverter can be easily controlled by
PWM (SPWM), Trapezoidal PWM, Staircase PWM, using PWM techniques, which is a very important
60° PWM and Third Harmonic PWM. Though these aspect in the application of ASDs. A number of
techniques are very good at reducing lower order PWM techniques are there to obtain variable voltage
harmonics, efficiency of an inverter can’t be and variable frequency supply such as PWM, SPWM,
effectively increased due to the presence of higher SVPWM to name a few, among the various
order harmonics. To eliminate these harmonics, a modulation strategies SVPWM is one of the most
filter is designed. Comparative study of these efficient techniques as it has better performance and
techniques from the point of view of their harmonics output voltage is similar to sinusoidal.
spectrum and total harmonic distortion, it is proven
that the techniques SPWM and THPWM have better Upama Bose, Performance Analysis of Four-
performances compared to other techniques. switch Three-phase Inverter-fed Induction Motor
drive, 2014 Power and Energy Systems: Towards
Lavanya KOMMA, Harmonic reduction for three Sustainable Energy (PESTSE 2014).
phase voltage source inverters, Journal of This paper presents the performance evaluation ofan
Electrical Engineering. induction motor fed from a four-switch three-phase
inverter. Here, instead of using six-switch three-
This paper gives comparison between two level & phase inverter (SSTPI), a four-switch three-phase
three level inverters using SVPWM technique. Also inverter (FSTPI) is used. This reduces the cost of the
this paper gives comparison between three level inverter, the switching losses, the complexity of the
inverters using SVPWM and SPWM technique. The control algorithms and the interface circuits to
simulation study reveals that three-level SVPWM generate six PWM logic signals. Both PWM and
inverter generates less THD compared to two-level SPWM techniques are implemented for switching.
SVPWM inverters & Three-level SPWM inverters
Krishna Chandran Vinay, FPGA Based
Krunal Rao, Implementation of SPWM Implementation of Variable-Voltage Variable-
Technique for 3 phase VSI using STM32F4 Frequency Controller for a Three Phase Induction
Discovery Board Interfaced with MATLAB, 1st Motor, 978-1-61284-764-1/11©2011 IEEE
IEEE International Conference on Power This paper presents the design and implementation of
Electronics. Intelligent Control and Energy a Variable-Voltage Variable-Frequency (VVVF)
Systems (ICPEICES-2016). Controller based on Sinusoidal Pulse Width
Modulation (SPWM) Technique for a 3 Phase
In this paper Design and development of control Induction Motor using a Field Programmable Gate
circuit algorithm of 3-4» Voltage Source Inverter (V Array (FPGA). The FPGA controller is used to
SI) using Unipolar Sinusoidal Pulse Width generate SPWM pulses based on the frequency input,
Modulation (SPWM) techniques are proposed using that are used to control the inverter. The VVVF
STM32F407VGTx discovery board interfaced with output of the inverter can be used as supply to a three
MATLAB/SIMULINK Environment. For phase induction motor and thereby speed of the
implementing 3-phase VSI this method is most useful motor can be controlled
of reference of Vreference control the amplitude and the
PWM TECHNIQUES: fundamental frequency respectively.
In these techniques, a fixed dc input voltage
is given to the inverter and a controlled ac output SVM TECHNIQUE:
voltage is obtained by adjusting the on and off periods
of the inverter components. The on and off periods The topology of a three-leg voltage source
of the inverter are controlled by different PWM inverter is shown in Figure 4.1. Eight
signals. The PWM signals are pulses with fixed
frequency and magnitude and variable pulse width.
possible switching combinations are
These are generated by mainly two techniques, generated by the switching network shown
Triangle comparison based PWM and Space Vector in Figure 4 Six out of these eight topologies
based PWM. Here, Triangle comparison based producing a nonzero output voltage are
PWM is discussed where a triangular carrier known as the non-zero switching states and
wave is compared with a modulating wave of
fundamental frequency. The width of the PWM
the remaining two topologies producing zero
pulses changes from pulse to pulse according to the output voltage are known as zero switching
modulating wave. The frequency of the carrier signal states.
must be much higher than that of the modulating
signal, such that the energy delivered to the load
depends mostly on the modulating signal.


Figure 4 Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverter

Space Vector Modulation (SVM) for three-leg VSI is

based on the representation of the three phase
quantities as vectors in a two-dimensional (α, β)
plane. Considering topology 1 of Figure 5, which is
repeated in Figure 6. The line voltagesVab ,Vbc and
Vca are given by
Figure 3 Conventional SPWM generation Vab=+Vdc (1)
technique for three phase voltage source inverter Vbc=0 (2)
Vca=-Vdc (3)
In this SPWM technique there are multiple numbers This can be represented in the (α ,β ) plane as shown
of output pulses per half cycle. The each pulse width in Figure 7 where voltages Vab ,Vbc and Vca are
is varied according to the amplitude of a sine wave three line voltage vectors displaced 120° in space.
evaluated at the centre of the same pulse. Sinusoidal The effective voltage vector generated by this
Pulse width modulation (SPWM) generated by topology is represented as V1 (pnn) in Figure 7. The
comparing amplitude of triangular wave (carrier) and switching network shown in Figure 4 has a total of
sinusoidal reference wave (modulating) signal. eight possible switching combinations. Each
SPWM switching for three phase inverter is similar switching combination is shown in Figure 5.
to that of a single phase inverter. Basically, each
switch is controlled by comparing a triangular carrier
wave with a sinusoidal reference wave. The output
fundamental frequency becomes same as the
reference wave, and the amplitude of the output is
determined by relative amplitudes of the reference
wave and carrier wave. In the case of six-step three
phase SPWM frequency is made equal to the
frequency of Vcarrier. The peak value and the frequency
We vary the stator voltage in such a
way that the flux remains constant by
simultaneously varying the supply frequency such
that the ratio V/f remains constant. The AC supply
is rectified and then applied to a PWM inverter to
obtain a variable frequency, variable magnitude 3-
ph AC supply. The electromagnetic torque
developed by the motor is directly proportional
to the magnetic field produced by the stator and the
flux produced by the stator is proportional to the ratio
of applied voltage and frequency of supply.
Therefore, by varying the voltage and frequency by
the same ratio, flux and hence, the torque can be kept
constant throughout the speed range. This make
constant V/f method the most common speed control
method of an induction motor.

The main goal of proposed work are summarized

 Good understanding the concepts of three

phase Inverter & three phase induction
Figure 5. Eight Switching State Topologies of motor drives.
Three-Phase Inverter  Study of various PWM techniques.
 Design and Simulation of Space vector
Modulation controller based three phase AC
motor drive using MATLAB/SIMULINK.
 Study of FPGA based Space vector
Modulation controller.
 Implementation of FPGA based Space
vector Modulation controller for three phase
AC motor drive
Analysis of simulation results of Space vector
Modulation controller based three phase AC motor
and analysis of results of FPGA based Space vector
Modulation controller for three phase AC motor drive
will be done to ensure better performance of the
proposed system.
Figure 6. Topology V1 (100) Voltage Source
The paper presents a brief discussion on basic various
PWM techniques for three phase inverter feeding AC
motor. Pros and cons of SPWM and SVM techniques
were discussed. SVPWM is one of the most efficient
techniques as it has better performance and output
voltage is similar to sinusoidal and which helps in
smooth control of AC motors. Comparison of FPGA
with DSP and other microcontroller yields Field
Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) offer significant
advantages over microprocessors and DSPs for high
performance, low volume applications, particularly
Figure 7 Topology Representation of α, β plane for applications that can exploit customized bit-
widths and massive instruction-level parallelism.
V/F control or Frequency control: Hence FPGA based SVPM controller is most suitable
for AC motor drive. Research works are in progress
considering the structure complexity and control
circuits. This helps to reduce the power electronics [4] Mohammed abdul khader aziz biabani, Control of
components and improve total harmonics profile and Induction Motor Drive using Space Vector PWM,
total cost of the system. International Conference on Electrical, Electronics,
and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) – 2016.

REFERENCE: [5] Upama Bose, Performance Analysis of Four-

switch Three-phase Inverter-fed Induction Motor
[1] Sarat Kumar Sahoo, Performance Analysis and drive, 2014 Power and Energy Systems: Towards
Simulation of three Phase Voltage Source Inverter Sustainable Energy (PESTSE 2014).
using basic PWM Techniques, Chennai and
Vivekanandha College of Technology for women, [6] Krishna Chandran Vinay, FPGA Based
Third International Conference on Sustainable Implementation of Variable-Voltage Variable-
Energy and Intelligent System (seiscon Frequency Controller for a Three Phase Induction
2012),VCTW, Tiruchengode, Tamilnadu, India on Motor, 978-1-61284-764-1/11©2011 IEEE
27-29 December, 2012.
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Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-

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