Management of Insect Pests (Nuclear and Related Molecular and Genetic Tecniques) - LIVRO
Management of Insect Pests (Nuclear and Related Molecular and Genetic Tecniques) - LIVRO
Management of Insect Pests (Nuclear and Related Molecular and Genetic Tecniques) - LIVRO
Insect Pests:
Nuclear and Related
Molecular and
Genetic Techniques
19-23 OCTOBER 1992
© IAEA, 1993
VICL 93-00066
The balance of the relationship between people and insects is quite un
acceptable in many regions of the world. The incidence of malaria, which is
transmitted by mosquitoes, is far greater today than thirty years ago, when the
A n o p h e l e s vectors were being suppressed strongly with DDT and other organo-
chlorines in a co-ordinated global campaign. At that time, many hoped that the
mosquitoes that transmit malaria would be reduced to such low numbers that this
deadly disease would be eradicated from large sections of the globe. Subsequently,
the programmes against these vectors lost their effectiveness and there has been a
widespread resurgence of the disease. Similarly in Africa, ground has been lost
against tsetse flies and trypanosomiasis in livestock and man. Tropical fruit flies des
troy fruit and vegetables and they are a serious barrier for exports from developing
countries to markets in several industrialized countries. Some major fruit fly pests
have spread to other continents and threaten to spread even more widely as interna
tional travel continues to increase. Intermittently, locusts and other acridids devastate
crops in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. The dreaded cotton boll, weevil expanded
its range into the cotton growing areas of Brazil, where it has resulted in widespread
economic losses. The populations of more than six hundred species of insects have
developed resistance to insecticides, still the major weapon used to combat them.
The severity of certain insect pests, such as the whitefly, has increased as older insec
ticides have been replaced with synthetic pyrethroids, which decimate some of the
natural enemies that have hitherto effectively kept some of these pests under a
modicum of control.
Yet there are substantial grounds for optimism, based on some major and last
ing advances against certain dangerous pests, and on very promising developments
in science and technology. Thus, the New World screwworm has been eradicated
by means of the sterile insect technique (SIT) from all of Mexico and the United
States of America, and this campaign is rapidly advancing toward Panama. This
deadly parasite was also eradicated from the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, where it posed
a tremendous threat to the livestock, wildlife and people of Africa and the Mediterra
nean region. The SIT was also used to eradicate both the melon fly and the Oriental
fruit fly from Japan. The greatest single achievement in classical biological control
occurred recently in Africa, where the ravages of the cassava mealybug were brought
under lasting control throughout the cassava growing zone extending over 34 sub-
Saharan countries. This was accomplished by mass rearing its natural enemy, an
encyrtid wasp from South America, and distributing it over this vast region. In
Indonesia, the brown plant hopper and other insects on rice were controlled by
fostering the resurgence of their natural enemies, brought about by strongly limiting
the excessive use of insecticides.
Progress has been made during the past decade in overcoming many of the
impediments of biologically based methods of pest management. The reliability and
economy of mass rearing many insects have been improved significantly. Significant
advances have been made in formulating naturally occurring compounds, such as
pheromones and biological control agents. It has become possible to develop robust
genetic sexing strains of insects, so that only sexually sterile males can be released.
This will definitely increase the effectiveness and economy of SIT.
A topic of particular importance, dealt with at length in these Proceedings,
concerns the advances made in the field of molecular technology and biotechnology.
DNA probes and other molecular techniques are being used to identify cryptic
species and individual insects with genes for resistance to insecticides. Bacteria and
several crops have been genetically engineered to express the Ô endotoxin of B a c i l l u s
t h u r i n g i e n s i s for effective insect control on a commercial basis. The excessively
narrow host range o f some nuclear polyhedrosis viruses and other biological control
agents is being overcome through genetic engineering. However, many of the major
benefits from such approaches will not be realized until practical technology for the
genetic transformation of economically important arthropods has been developed.
The presentations in this Symposium focused on advances and trends in insect
control and eradication, genetic engineering and molecular biology, insect genetics,
operational SIT programmes, Fj sterility and behaviour, biocontrol, tsetse fly R&D
and quarantine. The Symposium was attended by 83 participants from 36 countries
and 3 international organizations. Sixty papers and four posters were presented and
are included in these Proceedings.
The Symposium participants expressed their desire to preserve in memory the life and
work of the late André Van Der Vloedt. Dr. Van Der Vloedt pioneered in the development and
use of the sterile insect technique in the combat o f tsetse fly vectors o f trypanosomiasis. He
became ill while on a mission in the United Republic o f Tanzania and Zambia and died in
Vienna, after a brief illness, on 31 December 1991. Dr. Van Der Vloedt was an outstanding
leader, teacher and researcher. His infectious enthusiasm and boundless good will enabled
him to reach across the chasms o f race and culture and to stimulate scientific advancement
on several continents.
The Proceedings have been edited by the editorial staff o f the IAEA to the extent
considered necessary for the reader’s assistance. The views expressed remain, however, the
responsibility o f the named authors or participants. In addition, the views are not necessarily
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Although great care has been taken to maintain the accuracy of information contained
in this publication, neither the IAEA nor its Member States assume any responsibility for
consequences which may arise from its use.
The use o f particular designations o f countries or territories does not imply any judge
ment by the publisher, the IAEA, as to the legal status of such countries or territories, of their
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OPENING (Session 1)
GENETICS (Session 3)
Poster presentation
Poster presentation
Evaluation of Oriental fruit fly control using the sterile insect technique
at Doi Ang Khang (IAEA-SM-327/16P) ........................................... . 359
M . S u ta n ta w o n g , P . K a o c h o n g ,
W. L im o p a s m a n e e , M . L u a n g a p ic h a tk u l
Poster presentation
BIOCONTROL (Session 6)
QUARANTINE (Session 8)
6 RIDGWAY et al.
; . Suppression methods can be placed into three broad categories: biological, cul
tural and chemical [11]. Howeyer,. many methods.cannot be exclusively classed in
a single:category. For instance, Br is a biological organism, but much of its insect
suppression activity is associated with a protein toxin that is a naturally, occurring
chemical. Therefore, an in depth.understanding of the characteristics and properties
of'various suppression methods,.particularly those that are biologically based, is
usually.necessary in order to develop and successfully utilize a suppression method.
The various suppression methods ,to be considered include microbial agents, nema
todes,, arthropods (augmentation), pheromones, botanicals, insect growth regulators,
synthetic toxicants, host plant resistance, arthropods (importation of exotics), auto-
çidal (genetic) methods and various cultural controls.
Finally, cultural controls [27] such as tillage, crop rotation, irrigation and fer
tilization management, manure management, trap cropping and companion cropping
provide a wide range of options for reducing insect populations, but they do not have
a direct market value. '
During the debate in the 1970s and 1980s, when IPM was frequently touted
as the preferred approach to pest control, many different interpretations were placed
on IPM. These ranged from ‘eliminate all pesticides’ to ‘make some changes, but
don’t reduce pesticide market size’ , and often did not include total population
management. However, now, in the early 1990s, two predominant interpretations of
IPM have emerged: (1) improved pesticide use management, which emphasizes
application only when needed, with a wide range of precautions to reduce exposure
of both workers and the environment, and (2) reduction in pest losses and/or pesti
cide use through expanded use of alternative pest control methods.
Thus, a common goal, which can encompass various insect management strate
gies designed to suppress insect populations, appears to be evolving and pest
management, as earlier defined by the Council on Environmental Quality [28], can
still provide the framework for moving toward that common goal:
Within this context, regardless of the strategy and methods to be employed, the basic
components ôf an IPM programme are similar. They include: (a) suppression
methods; (b) decision support technologies (sampling, treatment thresholds, decision
guides and population models); and (c) integration into production systems, includ
ing environmental assessments and economic analyses. In addition, a thorough
knowledge of population dynamics (host/pest interactions, pest density/damage/yield
relationships and management of pests and their natural enemies) is often needed or
useful in designing and implementing IPM programmes. Perhaps the single most
important element common to all strategies is monitoring or sampling. The develop
ment of pheromones and other attractants for use in traps is a major advancement
in that area [29]. Two examples of insect pest management are presented here to
illustrate local management and reproduction management/eradication programmes.
IAEA-SM-327/1 9
Although the use of biological insect control products is likely to increase, their cost
and the complexity of their use will likely limit the extent to which they will replace
conventional insecticides. In addition, the extent to which new insecticidal chemis
tries become available will significantly influence the rate of increase in the use of
biologically based insect suppression methods. Several hew organic synthetic insecti
cides and miticides from several chemical classes, such as pyrroles, nitroguanidines,
phenylpyrazoles, dibenzoylhÿdrazines, substituted triazones and quinazolines, are in
various stages of development.
The differences in the total values for insect control product sales in Tables I
and П should be noted. Even though both values are at the end user level, the values
in Table I are calculated on the basis that all materials are sold at the farm level and
the values in Table II include some sales at the consumer and professional pest con
trol levels. Also, estimates in Table II on projected sales for arthropods and nema
todes are from two different sources that used different criteria for the projections.
Therefore, the estimates for arthropods are more conservative than the estimates for
In addition to changing trends in the use of insect control products, there.are
numerous examples of the application of alternative insect control methods that are
not product oriented which have resulted in reductions in insecticide use [37], even
though quantitative worldwide data on the extent of use of these methods are not
offer considerable potential for reducing the costs of virus and insect production.
Further; chemical enhancers are showing considerable promise for increasing the
effectiveness of insect viruses [40]. Also, nutrient based phagostimulants can be used
to improve the efficacy of microbial agents [41], while some semiochemical baits
hold promise for controlling insects with very small quantities of insecticide [42].
Also, the development of total population management programmes would favour
the use of biologically based suppression methods [25].
Transgenic plants may also be a significant component in agricultural product
sales in the future, but their role in insect control continues to be uncertain because
of the time required to incorporate new traits and the concern about their potential
to increase the rate of resistance development. However, the great increase in our
ability to manipulate genes and, therefore, to transfer various traits from one
organism to another, likely will greatly increase our ability to utilize various genetic
traits. Therefore, the biologically based methods available in the future probably
will include increased numbers of genetically modified organisms or products of
such organisms [14, 43]. See related papers by Oakeshott1 and others in these
Proceedings. ,
[1] GORE, A ., Earth in the Balance: Ecology and'the Human Spirit, Houghton Mifflin,
Boston, MA (1992).
[2] PIMENTEL, D ., “ Introduction” , CRC Handbook of Pest Management in Agriculture
(PIMENTEL, D ., Ed.), Vol. 1, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL (1991) 3-11.
[3] CRAMER, H .H ., Plant protection and world crop production, Pflanzensch. Nachr. 20
(1967) 1-524.
[4] METCALF, R.L., “ Introduction” , Entomology Serving Society: Emerging Techno
logies and Challenges (VINSON, S.B., METCALF, R.L., Eds), Entomological Soci
ety of America, Lanham, MD (1991) 1-6.
[5] CARSON, R., Silent Spring , Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA (1962).
[6] PERKINS, J.H., Insects, Experts, and the Insecticide Crisis: The Quest for New Pest
Management Strategies, Plenum Press, New York (1982).
[7] COUNTY NATWEST WOODMÀC, Business Consultancy Unit, Edinburgh, United
Kingdom, personal communication, Oct. 1992.
[8] GEORGHIOU, G.P., LAGUNES-TEJEDA, A ., The Occurrence of Resistance to
Pesticides in Arthropods, FAO, Rome (1991).
[9] Enhancing the Safety of America’s Food Supply (Proc. Round Table, Washington, DC,
1991) (RIDGWAY, R.L., INSCOE, M .N ., ROBENS, J.F., Eds), Riley Memorial
Foundation, Lanham, MD (1992).
[10] WILLIAMS, C .S., “ Urban pesticides — 2000: The outlook for conventional pesti
cides” , Annual Meeting of the Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association, Fort
Lauderdale, FL (Dec. 1991) (oral presentation).
[11] GARCIA, R., et al., Comments on a redefinition of biological control, BioScience 38
(1988) 692-694.
[12] RABB, R.L., “ Principles and concepts of pest management” , Implementing Practical
Pest Management Strategies (Proc. National Extension Insect-Pest Management Work
shop, West Lafayette, 1972), Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN (1972) 6-29.
[13] KLASSEN, W ., “ Concepts of pest management” , Introduction to Crop Protection
(ENNIS, W .B ., Jr., Ed.), Crop Science Society of America, Madison, WI (1979)
14 RIDGWAY et al.
Mounting problems with resistance and residues threaten the long term utility of many
chemical insecticides and drive the search for biotechnological alternatives. The potential
impact that molecular and other biotechnologies may have on three pest control strategies,
involving biological insecticides, insect resistant hosts and genetically engineered insects, is
discussed. Regarding biological insecticides, it is argued that recent improvements in produc
tion technologies and relatively low development costs should allow exploitation of a number
of non-engineered microbials, generally for situations involving relatively high damage
thresholds where speed of action is not the major priority. The much greater development
costs associated with engineered microbials may restrict their use in the short term to situations
involving large markets in the developed world. Nevertheless, there are now excellent
prospects for genetically engineering insect viruses to achieve kill times approaching those of
many chemicals. Likewise, genetic engineering now permits the transfer of various insectici
dal delta endotoxin genes from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) to other bacteria with different eco
logical niches. Concerning insect resistant hosts, the prospects of developing vaccines against
several haematophagus animal ectoparasites such as ticks are now good, but genetic engineer
ing offers the possibility of heritable protection against a wider range of pests in both animals
and plants. The basic engineering technology is now available for many production animals
and non-cereal crops, but major difficulties remain in developing an engineering technology
for cereals; achieving adequate control of transgene expression in both plants and animals; the
shortage of orally active alternatives to Bt genes to engineer into plants; and the lack of any
efficacious insecticidal genes to engineer into animals. With regard to genetically engineered
insects, two of three basic components needed to generalize the existing capability for
Drosophila transformation to other insects are now available. These are marker genes to iden
tify transformants and promoters to drive the expression of foreign genes in these insects. The
third component is a transposable element system to act as a vector for transferring foreign
DNA into the recipient’ s genome. This component has proved more problematic, but recent
developments indicate that the hobo or mariner elements could function as such vectors for
non-drosophilid transformation. The resulting ability to analyse specific genes within pest
species will greatly enhance the ability to use these genes, or mutant alleles of them, as the
basis for future control strategies.
18 OAKESHOTT et al.
microorganism to be máss produced and stability under realistic storage and applica
tion conditions...............
The majority of microbials have only limited pathogenicity and/or speed of
action, presumably because they have evolved together with their host as a balanced
host-parasite system. In some cases, these problems may be remedied by genetic
engineering technologies and we discuss these in Section 2.2. In other pest control
situations, factors such as slow speed of action are less of a problem because the host
has a relatively high damage threshold and the losses incurred between application
and control can be tolerated. In the latter situations at least, there are significant
prospects of finding a pathogen that is sufficiently active in its wild type form to
provide effective control. ,
The next set of criteria that determine the suitability of a pathogen as a biologi
cal insecticide concerns host range and safety issues. Before any field trial of a candi-,
date pathogen can be contemplated it is necessary to have some information on these
two issues. Most entomopathogens have fairly restricted host ranges and for some
groups, such as baculoviruses, there are now extensive data to show that this range
is limited at the broadest to the ordinal level [1].; At least for many non-engineered
forms of such entomopathogens, their vertebrate safety can generally be demon
strated with only,-the.minimum of acute toxicity testing. However, this will, not be
true, for other groups of entomopathogens. For instance, the type virus of the
Nodaviridae, Nodamura virus, is capable of replicating after inoculation into the
brains of suckling mice [2]; obviously, any attempt to use a nodavirus as an insecti
cide would require more extensive safety testing before release. Such safety.testing,
can form a significant part of total development costs.
The next criterion that a new insecticide must meet concerns the means of its
mass production, which could entail the use of either living insects or artificial cul
ture systems (in vivo or in vitro systems, respectively). In vivo systems have
predominated, historically, but they are only possible when a suitable host can be
easily reared and even then problems with quality control can occur [1]. One
example of a successful in vivo method concerns the baculovirus of the soybean
looper,■ A n t i c a r s i a g e m m a t a l i s , , which was produced under field conditions by a
government agency in Brazil. A different in vivo production system was used,by
Sandoz in the United States of America to produce a viral insecticide marketed under
the trade name of ELCAR™ for use against H e l i o t h i s and H e l i c o v e r p a species.
Instead of infecting insects that had naturally infested field crops like the Brazilian
system, a dedicated large scale ‘caterpillar factory’ was constructed to provide larvae
for infection with the virus.
Nevertheless, there remain few cases where in vivo production systems have
proved adequate for large scale and/or commercial production. Indeed, the success
ful commercial development of a biological insecticide has often been predicated on
the development of a reliable, cost effective in vitro production system. The lack of
such a system has been a major reason why virtually no protozoan insecticides have
20 OAKESHOTT et al.
For those instances in which wild type microbials are incapable of delivering
acceptable levels of control (e.g. in high value crops with low damage thresholds
such as cotton), genetic engineering may be required to accelerate their pathogenic
effects. The technology has two parts: the ability to engineer the agent and a gene
encoding an insecticidal protein with which to engineer it.
IAEA-SM-327/2 21
None of the neurotoxin or hormone related genes mentioned above are suitable
for engineering into bacteria which, unlike viruses, cannot deliver gene products
beyond the gut barrier. For bacteria, the only toxins currently available are from the
B t delta endotoxin group. These act directly on the midgut cells of a number of
insects, causing cessation of feeding, lysis of the midgut cells and eventual death.
Delta endotoxin genes specific for many lepidopterans, some coleopterans and dipte-
rans are now available for engineering into various other bacteria [15].
Obviously, an engineered biological insecticide must meet similar downstream
criteria.regarding the safety, production and formulation as a wild type biological
insecticide. In many respects; the technologies for production and formulation are
the same as those used for the wild type forms. However, the safety issues are much
more complex for a genetically modified organism, (GMO). Many countries now
have a legislative framework to govern the release of GMOs and the requirements
relating to safety are more stringent than for non-engineered biologicals. For
instance, host range studies need to be more comprehensive to ensure that the
engineering.has not significantly altered the host range. Environmental fate studies
must also assess not only the way in which the organism disperses through the
environment, but also whether the introduced gene can be transferred to other organ
isms. For some agents, it is likely that additional technology will require develop
ment to restrict their persistence and recombination potential. These clear needs for
extra safety data and possible requirements for additional technology will add
substantially to the development costs of such engineered biological insecticides.
Consequently, they are less likely to be produced for small markets or by small
companies than non-engineered alternatives, and are less likely to be developed for
pest problems in developing nations in the short term.
The prospects of. pests evolving resistance to engineered microbials have so far
received much less attention than they have for the engineered hosts discussed below.
This is a problem that needs urgent study, since several engineered viruses are well
down the route to commercialization. Basic issues such as whether resistance would
arise to viral functions or to the insecticidal proteins they express have important
long term consequences but have so far not been explored in any depth.
3.1. Vaccines
vectors for microbial pathogens. For the latter, it will generally be more appropriate
to vaccinate directly against the microbe rather than its vector.
Successful adaptation of vaccine technology to control ectoparasitic insects
clearly requires isolation of antigens which are capable of stimulating a vigorous
immunological response to some aspect of the insect’ s physiology that is accessible
via the digestive tract. For some haematophagus parasites such as ticks which have
highly porous guts, ingestion of the antibody may give access to many internal
organs; for other species such as miasis flies, gut porosity will generally be limited
and the only accessible organ will be the digestive tract itself. Against this back
ground, it is not surprising that the first ectoparasitic vaccines developed have been
against ticks [16], although some progress has now also been made using essential
gut antigens as the basis for vaccines against blowflies [17].
Modern biotechnologies could play several roles in the development of
vaccines against ectoparasites. One lies in the identification of protective antigens
and the cloning of cognate genes. A second lies in the expression of these genes in
large scale in vitro expression systems to produce economic quantities of the anti
gens. Both of these functions have enabled the development of the tick vaccines dis
cussed above. Eventually, a third role for molecular biology in this area could also
arise as a result of emerging antibody library technologies [18]. These could allow
genes for the host’ s antibodies to be be cloned and then engineered into the same,
or another, host to confer long term and heritable protection. Particularly noteworthy
here is the prospect of engineering such genes into other hosts; coupled with the
recent demonstration that engineered plants can express functional antibodies [19],
it now becomes possible to contemplate the transfer of protective antibody genes
from laboratory animals into crop plants.
Classical genetic procedures have been deployed with variable success for
decades in efforts to build protection against insect pest attack into commercial varie
ties of plants and animals. The aim has been to produce varieties with sufficient in
built protection that no further intervention is required to produce economic levels
of control. In theory, the further attraction of genetic engineering solutions in this
area is that protective genes which do not occur naturally within the species can be
introduced into a commercial variety in a single generation, without the need for
extensive wide crossing and back crossing programmes. As was the case with the
engineered microbials above, progress towards this aim requires both the technology
to engineer foreign genes into the organism and the availability of cloned insecticidal
A basic engineering technology has now been developed for several production
animals and broad acre crops. For production animals, the technology relies on
24 OAKESHOTT et al.
injection of the foreign gene located on a vector into the developing embryo and sub
sequent transplantation of the embryo [20]. For plants, the technology has generally
used the Ti plasmid from the bacterium A g r o b a c t e r i u m t u m e f a c i e n s as the transfer
vector [21], while the host tissues used more protoplasts. A g r o b a c t e r i u m t u m e f a c i e n s
has a limited host range which does not include many important crops such as
cereals, but recent advances in ‘ballistic’ technology, in which DNA is ‘ shot’ into
the plant cell, have led to the transformation of some cereals not tractable to
engineering with the Ti element [22]. On the other hand, problems still remain in
regenerating many species or varieties from transformed protoplasts.
Even when the basic engineering technology is available for commercial varie
ties, there are additional problems in adapting them for the expression of currently
available insecticidal insert genes. One of these problems concerns the level and
specificity of expression of the transgene product,'which depend in large part on
promoter technology. For plants, some high level promoters are now available
which, together with enhancements in the post-transcriptional aspects of expression
such as RNA processing and codon usage, achieve concentrations of transgene
products that exceed 0.1% of the total cellular protein [23]. Unfortunately, these
high level promoters are all systemic in their expression profiles and there are con
cerns about the public acceptability of commodities expressing high amounts of
insecticidal proteins. However, currently available tissue specific promoters gener
ally do not express at sufficient levels to be useful in this context. Some parallel
problems have been met in the search for appropriate animal promoters, although
some wound response and sweat gland promoters that express at relatively high
levels are now under development [24].
Another problem in applying engineering technologies to the insertion of insec
ticidal genes relates to the specificity of the integration event. For no commercial
crop or production animal is it yet possible to target the insertion of the foreign gene
to a particular location in the host genome. This unpredictability means that a certain
proportion of insertion events will either inhibit adequate expression of the inserted
foreign gene or disrupt the functioning of an important host gene. This latter problem
has already proved a significant impediment to the introduction of many desirable
traits into both plants and animals.
While not dismissing some of the above problems, the major limitation in
attempts to engineer pest protection into plants and animals is the shortage of cloned
insecticidal genes. These genes must encode insecticidal proteins that are orally
active and, as we discussed above, for most insects this means that they must disrupt
the function of the digestive tract. Currently, the only group of genes that satisfies
these criteria are those encoding B t delta endotoxins. B t toxin genes have now been
expressed in many different plant species, providing effective protection from certain
lepidopteran and coleopteran pests in the glasshouse, and in some cases in field trials
as well. On the other hand, no currently identified B t toxins are suitable for engineer
ing into animals, for which many of the insect pests are members of the Diptera.
IAEA-SM-327/2 25
the foreign DNA into the host nucleus, providing that an efficient biological vector
system was then able to integrate the DNA into the host chromosome.
There have in fact been several recent advances in the biological aspects of the
technology as well. These three critical aspects are: a suitable marker gene that
allows transformants to be identified by a reliable and unambiguous phenotype; a
promoter(s) to drive the expression of the marker and other foreign genes once
integrated into the host genome; and the vector system to direct the incorporation
of the foreign DNA into the host genome. Most marker systems in D r o s o p h i l a have
been based around eye pigmentation and antibiotic resistance; however, recent
studies have shown that non-homologous markers such as the E . c o l i ¡3-g l u c u r o n i
d a s e gene (GUS) may have generic application [36]. Likewise, the promoter system
of first choice was based on the D r o s o p h i l a heat shock protein 70 promoter, but this
system is inadequate, at least in L . c u p r i n a embryos, where the D r o s o p h i l a actinC
promoter gives better expression [37].
The vector system has remained the most elusive biological component of a
non-drosophilid transformation technology. Nevertheless, the recent development of
an in vitro transposable element excision assay has greatly accelerated work on this
component. These assays, which detect and measure the excision of transposable ele
ments in preblastoderm embryos, are both easy to perform and rapid — results are
obtained within several days of microinjection. In these assays, a reporter plasmid
containing a transposable element into which a genetic marker has been inserted is
co-injected into preblastoderm embryos with a plasmid containing the functional
transposase gene (the transposase enzyme is encoded by the transposable element and
mediates the transposition event). The following day, the reporter plasmids are res
cued from developed embryos and transformed into a strain of E . c o l i which permits
the loss of the genetic marker to be assayed by a simple colour change. Candidate
plasmids are then sequenced to determine whether the loss of the marker is associated
with the excision of the transposable element. Results gained from these assays
enable any particular transposable element’ s suitability as a transformation vector for
a given species to be determined.
Excision assays have been used to demonstrate that the P element is capable
of mobility in members of the Drosophilidae [38], but is effectively non-functional,
or at least highly inefficient, in the various non-drosophilids examined. Major
modifications to this transposable element would be needed if it is to be used to
achieve transformation in these species.
Conversely, excision assays based on the h o b o transposable element of
D r o s o p h i l a demonstrate that this element can be cross-mobilized in L . c u p r i n a and
M . d o m e s t i c a [ 3 9 ] . Furthermore, the ability of h o b o to be cross-mobilized in non-
drosophilids in the absence of h o b o transposase indicates that these species may
possess a similar transposable element system [39]. Another significant feature of
h o b o elements with respect to non-drosophilid transformation is that h o b o trans
posase shows a high degree of amino acid similarity to both the A c element of maize
28 OAKESHOTT et al.
tively, in the genome adjacent to the target sequence. Nevertheless, the FLP recom-
binase has been demonstrated to facilitate site directed plasmid to plasmid
recombination in mosquitoes [46]. Clearly, neither the h o b o equivalent of the P sys
tem or the FLP system are currently sufficient to provide a gene replacement technol
ogy for non-drosophilids. However, with further development of these systems,
either could become the basis for highly specific gene replacement procedures in pest
insects once the basic transformation technology has been established.
Finally, we consider some of the downstream research priorities that will arise
once an efficient transformation technology has been developed for pest insects.
Perhaps the most often discussed application is in the design of genetic control strate
gies. We would concur that genetic control strategies would be greatly aided by
transformation technology. However, significant difficulties in the extension of this
technology into the field would still remain. A system or gene must be identified
which will lead to a significant and rapid decrease in the relevant insect population
and this gene must first be efficiently spread throughout the population. In practice,
this means that a conditional field lethal gene is needed. One such system which
shows some potential in this respect is the process of somatic sexual differentiation.
Investigations into this process in D r o s o p h i l a have revealed that the apparent sex
ratio of this species could be manipulated if so desired. Thus, a population of pheno
typic males could be obtained and, if applied to insects such as the Mediterranean
fruit fly which are currently the subject of SIT, would ensure the mass release of
only phenotypically male flies.
While not devaluing such applications of transformation technology in genetic
control, we believe that more powerful benefits may accrue in other areas. These
benefits follow from the fact that the technology enables the molecular analysis of
gene function in vivo. To give just one example, the study of P l a s m o d i u m - m o s q u i t o
interactions will benefit greatly from the development of mosquito transformation.
Genes expressed within the mosquito gut and salivary glands which are involved in
P l a s m o d i u m transmission could be identified, isolated and analysed. Thus, the
molecular basis for the P l a s m o d i u m refractory phenotype could be elucidated which,
in turn, could provide new approaches to malaria control. For example, specific
biorational insecticides could be designed which inhibit the function of those
molecules and processes in the mosquito required for the passage of P l a s m o d i u m ,
thereby preventing the parasite from infecting livestock and man.
[22] KLEIN, T .M ., et al., “ Applications of the particle gun in plant biology” , Progress in
Plant Cellular and Molecular Biology (NUKAMP, VAN DER PLA, L .H .W .,
VAN AARTRIKJ, A ., Eds), Kluwer, Dordrecht (1990) 56-66.
[23] PERLAK, F.J., et al., Modifications of the coding sequence enhance plant expression
of insect control protein genes, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 8 8 (1991) 3324-3328.
[24] WARD, K., “ Transgenic farm animals and enhanced productivity” , Animal Genetics
of Pigs, Oncomice and Men, Athene Trust, London (in press).
[25] BINNINGTON, K .C ., BAULE, V.J., “ Naturally occurring insecticidal molecules as
candidates for genetic engineering” , Molecular Approaches to Environmental and
Applied’ Entomology (OAKESHOTT, J.G., WHITTEN, M.J., Eds), Springer-Verlag,
New York (1992) 38-89.
[26] SIVASUBRAMANIAN, N ., et al., “ Use of baculovirus proteins for developing novel
protein insecticides” , Invertebrate Pathology and Microbial Control (Proc. 5th Int.
Colloq. Adelaide, 1990), Society for Invertebrate Pathology, Adelaide (1990).
[27] SIMS, S.R., STONE, T.B ., Genetic basis of tobacco budworm resistance to an
engineered Pseudomonas fluorescens expressing the delta endotoxin of Bacillus thurin-
giensis kurstaki, J. Invert. Pathol. 57 (1991) 206-210.
[28] GOULD, F., Evolutionary biology and genetically engineered crops, BioScience 38
(1988) 26-33.
[29] VAN RIE, J., Insect control with transgenic plants: Resistance proof? Trends Biotech.
9 (1991) 177-179.
[30] WHITTEN, M.J., HOY, M .A ., “ Genetic improvement and other genetic considera
tions for improving the efficacy and success rate of biological control” , Biological Con
trol (FISHER, T .W ., Ed.), University of California Press, Los Angeles (in press).
[31] MILLER, L.H ., et al., Stable integration and expression of a bacterial gene in the
mosquito, Anopheles gambiae, Science 237 (1987) 779-781.
[32] ATKINSON, P .W ., et al., Association of exogenous DNA with cattle and insect sper
matozoa in vitro, Mol. Reprod. Develop. 29 (1991) 1-5.
[33] KLEIN, T. M ., et al., Transformation of microbes, plants and particle bom
bardment, Biotechnology 10 (1992) 286-291.
[34] KAMDAR, P., et al., Transient expression of DNA in Drosophila via electroporation,
Nucleic Acids Res. 20 (1992) 3526.
[35] MIALHE, E., LAUGHINGHOUSE, A ., MILLER, L.H ., Paper IAEA-SM-327/14,
these Proceedings.
[36] O ’BROCHTA, D .A ., ATKINSON, P .W ., unpublished data.
[37] ATKINSON, P .W ., O’BROCHTA, D .A ., In vivo expression of two highly conserved
Drosophila genes in the Australian sheep blowfly, Lucilia cuprina, Insect Biochem.
Mol. Biol. 22 (1992) 423-431.
[38] O ’BROCHTA, HANDLER, A .M ., P element excision in Drosophila
D .A .,
melanogaster and related drosophilids, Mol. Gen. Genet. 225 (1991) 387-394.
[39] ATKINSON, P .W ., et al., Paper LA.EA-SM-327/7, these Proceedings.
[40] CALVI, B.R., et al., Evidence for a common evolutionary origin of inverted repeat
transposons in Drosophila and plants: hobo, Activator, and ТатЗ, Cell 6 6 (1991)
32 OAKESHOTT et al.
[41] H A Y M E R ,D .S., MARSH, J.L ., Germ line and somatic instability of a white mutation
in Drosophila mauritiana due to a transposable element, Dev. Genet. 6 (1986)
[42] GARZA, D ., et al., Introduction of the transposable element mariner into the germ line
of Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics 128 (1991) 303-310.
[43] PEARSON, M ., et al., The Autographa califomica baculovirus genome: Evidence for
multiple replication origins, Science 257 (1992) 1382-1384.
[44] GOLIC, K.G., LINDQUIST, S., The FLP recombinase of yeast catalyzes site-specific
recombination in the Drosophila genome, Cell 59 (1989) 499-509.
[45] GLOOR, G .B ., et al., Targeted gene replacement in Drosophila via P element-induced
gap repair, Science 253 (1991) 1110-1117.
[46] MORRIS, A .C ., et al., FLP-mediated recombination in the vector mosquito, Aedes
aegypti, Nucleic Acids Res. 19 (1991) 5895-5900.
Wolfson Unit of Molecular Genetics,
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine,
United Kingdom
Insects are responsible for transmitting a wide variety of organisms to man and
agricultural animals and are major agricultural pests. Control of such pest and vector popula
tions has until now relied on the elimination of breeding sites and the widespread application
of chemical insecticides. The appearance of insecticide resistance, coupled with rapidly
escalating costs for developing new insecticidal compounds, and the increasing awareness of
the detrimental effect insecticides have on the environment, has stimulated interest in alterna
tive methods for controlling insect populations or their ability to transmit disease causing
organisms to man and animals. What is required is the development and evaluation of a new
generation of methodologies which will have a profound and long lasting effect on insect pest
populations or their efficiency as vectors of disease. Biotechnology, genetic engineering and
transgenic technology can play a central role in developing such methodologies. Transgenic
technology in relation to insects may have potential application for population suppression.
Perhaps, more interestingly, it may also provide a means for altering the vectorial capacity
of insect populations. The various aspects of applying transgenic technology to insects are
discussed in the paper, highlighting the requirements for being able to genetically manipulate
insect genomes. The potential of the technology is then illustrated by outlining recent research
by the author aimed at creating an ‘incompetent’ mosquito, i.e. one which blocks the trans
mission of malaria. There is clearly some way to go before any release of transgenic insects
can be considered. The power of the technology is, however, so enormous that it must be
explored not only for its potential for manipulating wild populations, but also as an analytical
tool to help us understand the biology of insects and how they interact with man and his
Persons Principal
Disease Causative organism
infected annually mosquito vector
Malaria Protozoa
Dengue Arbovirus
various viral diseases, represent the most important health care problems in the
world today. Mosquitoes are particularly important as vectors of disease and Table I
lists just some of the different organisms which they transmit to man and the esti
mated number of individuals affected by each disease annually.
The most important of the diseases transmitted by insects is malaria which,
despite enormous efforts over many years, is again an increasingly important health
problem. Recent estimates indicate that malaria is endemic in 102 countries with
2000 million people at risk from the disease, representing over half the world’s
population. There are perhaps 200 million malaria infections and 1-2 million deaths
annually and clearly this one disease has an enormous impact on the health and
economies of many tropical countries [1]. The incidence of malaria is increasing, due
largely to the development of insecticide resistance by the mosquito vectors and by
the appearance of drug resistance in the malaria parasite. These factors are exacer
bated by climatic changes and migration of increasing numbers of people from non
endemic areas to regions where malaria is prevalent. Until now, control of malaria
on a global scale has relied on the application of chemical insecticides to limit
Anopheline vector populations. The appearance of insecticide resistance, coupled
with rapidly escalating costs for developing new insecticidal compounds, and the
increasing awareness of the detrimental effect insecticides have on the environment,
has stimulated interest in alternative methods for malaria control. What is required
is the development and evaluation of a new generation of methodologies which will
IAEA-SM-327/S 35
have a profound and long lasting effect on malaria transmission. Biotechnology and
molecular biology can play a central role in the search for, and production of, such
new tools. The development of potential anti-malarial vaccines and larvicidal
compounds produced by biotechnology are obvious examples of the power of the
approach. Perhaps, surprisingly, this technology has not been applied to the
Anopheline vectors of malaria or other insect vectors of disease until very recently.
Advances in the molecular analysis of vector-parasite relationships and vector
molecular biology now make such an approach very attractive, especially as past
experience has shown that vector control is an effective way of disrupting disease
3.2. Methods for introducing DNA into mosquito cells and embryos
As indicated above, the DNA vector systems currently available are not ideal
for creating transgenic mosquitoes. Attempts are being made to modify the P system
for more general use [21] but alternative elements, such as h o b o from D r o s o p h i l a
and the A c element'from maize, are also being investigated for their usefulness in
the mosquito system. In addition, there is increasing interest in identifying mosquito
elements with the properties of mobile or transposable genetic elements (TGEs).
Such an element could form the core of a mosquito transformation vector. Develop
ment of this system first requires the identification, isolation and characterization of
such endogenous mosquito TGEs.
A number of approaches have been taken to identify such mobile elements in
mosquitoes. One of these is to analyse specific gene systems, such as the ribosomal
DNA of mosquitoes, in order to detect variants of these genes arising from the inser
tion o f á mobile element. No such insertions have, as yet, been detected in
A e . a e g y p t i rDNA [22] but insertion events have been detected in the rDNA of
IAEA-SM-327/5 39
A n. g a m b ia e and these elements are being fully defined [23]. The elements appear
to resemble a particular class of TGEs, non-viral retroposons. It is unlikely, how
ever, that these elements will prove ideal as transformation vectors because of the
ill defined nature of their mode of transposition.
We have recently adopted an alternative strategy to directly identifying a
specific class of TGEs, known as retrotransposons, in the mosquito DNA. The
approach relies on utilizing the characteristic biochemical and structural properties
of these elements to identify them. This has led to the successful isolation of several
retrotransposon like elements from t h c A e . a e g y p t i genome [24, 25]. More recently,
we have used the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to develop a particularly rapid
methodology for identifying endogenous retrotransposon like elements in mosquito
DNA [8, 26]. Once such elements have been isolated, fully characterized and their
ability to transpose autonomously established, they may be engineered to form the
core of a transformation vector system.
Any DNA vector system which is to be of practical value will have to incor
porate a number of features in addition to its ability to transpose. Most important
of these are a selectable marker system and specific promoter or enhancer sequences.
As indicated above, current DNA vectors incorporate an antibiotic resistance gene
which allows for selection of transformed individuals by exposure to G418.
However, this system is less than satisfactory because different mosquitoes exhibit
a, spectrum of sensitivity to G418 and, more importantly, because it depends on high
levels of expression of the resistance gene in the transformed mosquitoes. The
method of choice would be the use of a phenotypic marker, such as eye colour, so
that transformed individuals may be identified by direct visual inspection. Such a
method requires mutant strains of mosquitoes and the corresponding cloned gene
coding for an easily scored phenotype which can be incorporated into a transforma
tion vector. Although eye colour mutants of both A e . a e g y p t i and A n . g a m b i a e are
available, cloning of the genes responsible for these phenotypes has not yet been
Finally, a considerable body of work using the pUChsneo transformation
vector, both in cultured mosquito cells and injected embryos, has indicated that the
D r o s o p h i l a heat shock promoter sequence is not entirely satisfactory for driving the
expression of genes in mosquitoes because of its low efficiency and the high tempera
tures required to induce expression [20]. In addition, at some stage it will be
desirable to express defined genes in mosquitoes in a tissue or stage specific fashion:
For this to be envisaged, stage and'tissue specific promoters that function in the
mosquito have to be defined. None are, as yet, available but attempts to characterize
the DNA sequences responsible for regulating the expression of genes encoding
abundant proteins in mosquitoes are well under way [27].
All of these different aspects of basic research need to be pursued in parallel
and eventually amalgamated to provide a mosquito DNA vector system of real
practical value.
Once the systems necessary to create transgenic insects have been developed,
how can this technology be applied? Two aspects are discussed in order to illustrate
the potential of the technology. The first deals with the use of the technique for
analytical purposes and the second with applying transgenic technology to medically
significant mosquito populations.
As discussed above, insects are important vectors of disease to both man and
agricultural animals. In this way, vector populations may have a profound impact on
the health and economy of a region which in many cases, particularly in the tropics,
are the most fertile and potentially productive areas. Transgenic technology may
eventually have a role to play in controlling vector borne disease by providing the
means to suppress vector populations by rendering them vulnerable to subsequent
control measures, such as insecticide susceptibility, temperature sensitivity or ability
to survive diapause. A second possibility and, perhaps, a more exciting approach,
would be to alter the ability of the insect to transmit the disease. Clearly, such possi
bilities are for the future, but in the shorter term it is quite feasible to consider genetic
manipulation of insect populations of direct commercial value, such as the honey bee
or silk moth. Here, transgenic technology may be employed to confer a. number of
beneficial characteristics to these insects to create novel and highly productive
strains. For example, the insect may be manipulated to increase the yield of the
product by increasing the growth rate or by enhancing the resistance of the insect
to infection, temperature shock or other detrimental factors.
IAEA-SM-327/5 41
4 .2 .1 . P o t e n t ia l t a r g e t g e n e s f o r m a n ip u la tio n
4 .2 .2 . C r ea tin g a n ‘i n c o m p e t e n t ’ m o s q u i t o
4 .2 .3 . T r a n s g e n i c m o s q u i t o e s in n a t u r a l p o p u l a t i o n s
Once transgenic insects with the necessary characteristics have been created,
there remains the question, what next? Clearly, if the manipulated insects are them
selves to be cultivated for production, it may .be possible to directly apply novel
strains created by transgenic means. However, where this is not the case, it is neces
sary to consider the problems likely to be faced in applying the technology in
experimental and natural populations. It may well be that such a situation would dis
rupt the normal adaptive process and therefore be opposed by natural selection. If
this is so, then some form of drive mechanism may be needed to force the desired
gene through the population. This is not an alien concept to those who have worked
on the genetic control of insect populations. However, testing of such mechanisms
has been limited since, in reality, they have awaited the advent of recombinant DNA
technology to provide the necessary raw material.
IAEA-SM-327/5 43
FIG. 2. Life-cycle of the malaria parasite and how transmission may be disrupted by
generating a mosquito which expresses transmission blocking antibodies in the gut when the
mosquito takes a blood meal infected with the malaria parasite.
Two types of drive mechanism have been suggested. One is meiotic drive,
where a given chromosome is transmitted to more than the expected 50% of off
spring. Any desirable genes linked to the driven chromosome would eventually
approach fixation, even with the release of relatively few individuals. There is
experimental evidence to support the use of meiotic drive in A e . a e g y p t i . This
mechanism, driven by the M ° locus, has been used to force the marker gene r e (red
eye) into a laboratory cage population [32]. Interestingly, meiotic drive also occurs
during hybrid dysgenesis and it might, therefore, also be possible to exploit this
phenomenon by using either the P element itself, or a mobile element with properties
similar to P , as an efficient mechanism to drive a specific gene construct through
IAEA-SM-327/5 45
Eventually, embryo transformation will provide the raw material to test the
proposed drive mechanisms in laboratory and natural populations. The questions
posed by considering the release of transgenic insects emphasize the need to assess
the biological consequences of such a release. It is, however, difficult to gauge the
possible hazards of such a release in the absence of experimental evidence and these
ethical and safety considerations need to be faced at an early stage. In order to under
take an informed appraisal where the possible net benefits may be balanced against
the potential hazards, considerable effort will have to be devoted to utilizing caged
populations and the controlled release of molecularly tagged individuals together
with mathematical modelling of these populations. There is clearly some way to go
before any release of transgenic insects can be considered. The power of the technol
ogy is, however, so enormous that it must be explored and there is every indication
that over the next few years the potential of transgenic technology in insects will be
fully exploited.
[1] STURCHLER, D., How much malaria is there worldwide? Parasitol. Today 5 (1989)
[2] KRAFSUR, E.S., WHITTEN, C.J., NOVY, J.E., Screwworm eradication in North
and Central America, Parasitol. Today 3 (1987) 131-137.
[3] MCDONALD, P.T., HAUSERMANN, N ., LORIMER, N .. Sterility introduced by
release of genetically altered males to a domestic population of Aedes aegypti at the
Kenya coast, Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 26 (1977) 553-561.
[4] RUDNICK, A ., Aedes aegypti and haemorrhagic fever, Bull. WHO 36 (1967)
[5] KNIPLING, E.F., et al., Genetic control of insects of public health importance, Bull.
WHO 38 (1968) 421-438.
[6 ] BLACK, W .C ., RAI, К .S., Genome evolution in mosquitoes: Intraspecific and inter
specific variation in repetitive DNA amounts and organization, Genet. Res. 51 (1988)
[7] COCKBURN, A .F ., MITCHELL, S.F., Repetitive DNA interspersion patterns in
Diptera, Arch. Insect. Biochem. Physiol. 10 (1989) 105-113.
[8 ] WARREN, A .M ., CRAMPTON, J.M., The Aedes aegypti genome: Complexity and
organization, Genet. Res. 58 (Í991) 225-232.
[9] BESANSKY, N.J., POWELL, J.R., Reassociation kinetics of Anopheles gambiae
(Diptera:Culicidae) DNA, J. Med. Entomol. 29 (1992) 125-128.
[10] MILLER, L.H.', et al., Stable integration and expression of a bacterial gene in the
mosquito Anopheles gambiae, Science 237 (1987) 779-781.
[11] McGRANE, V ., CARLSON, J.O., MILLER, B.R., BEATTY, B.J., Microinjection
of DNA into Aedes triseriatus ova and detection of integration, Am. J. Trop. Med.
Hyg. 39 (1988) 502-510.
[12] MORRIS, A .C ., EGGLESTON, P., CRAMPTON, J.M., Genetic transformation of
the mosquito Aedes aegypti by micro-injection of DNA, Med. Vet. Entomol. 3 (1989)
[13] STELLER, H., PIRROTTA, V ., Transposable P vector that confers selectable G418
resistance to Drosophila larvae, EMBO J. 4 (1985) 167-171.
[14] SPRADLING, A .C ., RUBIN, G .M ., Transposition of cloned P elements into
Drosophila germ line chromosomes, Science 218 (1982) 341-347.
[15] LYCETT, G ., EGGLESTON, P., CRAMPTON, J.M., DNA transfection of an Aedes
aegypti mosquito cell line, Heredity 63 (1989) 277.
[16] LYCETT, G.J., DNA transfection of mosquito cells in culture, Insect Mol. Genet.
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[17] DURBIN, J.E., FALLON, A .M ., Transient expression of the chloramphenicol acetyl
transferase gene in cultured mosquito cells, Gene 36 (1985) 173-178.
[18] FELGNER, P .L., et al., Lipofection: A highly efficient, lipid mediated DNA transfec
tion procedure, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84 (1987) 7413-7417.
[19] KOVACH, M.J., CARLSON, J.O., BEATY, B.J., A Drosophila metallothionein
promoter is inducible in mosquito cells, Insect Mol. Biol. 1 (1992) 37-43.
IAEA-SM-327/5 47
[20] LYCETT, G.J., CRAMPTON, J.M., Transient and stable expression of a heat
inducible reporter gene in an Aedes aegypti cell line, Insect Biochem. Mol. Biol, (sub
mitted for publication).
[21] O ’BROCHTA, D .A ., Genetic transformation and its potential in insect pest control,
Bull. Entomol. Res. 80 (1990) 241-244.
[22] GALE, K.R., CRAMPTON, J.M., The ribosomal genes of the mosquito, Aedes
aegypti, Eur. J. Biochem. 185 (1989) 311-317.
[23] PASKEWITZ, S.М ., COLLINS, F.H., Site-specific ribosomal DNA insertion ele
ments in Anopheles gambiae and A. arabiensis: Nucleotide sequence of gene-element
boundaries, Nucleic Acids Res. 17 (1989) 8125-8133.
EGGLESTON, P., Transgenic mosquitoes: A future vector control strategy? Parasitol.
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mosquito, Aedes aegypti” , Molecular Insect Science (HAGEDORN, H.H.,
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York (1990) 1-11.
[26] WARREN, A ., CRAMPTON, J.M., Identification of retrotransposon-like elements in
the genomes of the mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti and Anopheles gambiae, Insect Biochem.
Mol. Biol, (submitted for publication).
[27] JAMES, A .A ., BLACKMER, K., RACIOPPI, J.V., A salivary gland-specific,
maltase-like gene of the vector mosquito, Aedes aegypti, Gene75 (1989) 73-83.
[28] BINGHAM, P.M ., LEVIS, R., RUBIN, G .M ., Cloning of DNA sequences from the
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[29] MACDONALD, W .W ., RAMACHANDRAN, C.P., The influence of the g e n e /"
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strains of Brugia, Wuchereria and Dirofilaria, Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol. 59 (1965)
[30] COLLINS, A .F ., et al., Genetic selection of a Plasmodium refractory strain of the
malaria vector Anopheles gambiae, Science 236 (1986) 607-610.
[31] WINGER, L., et al., Ookinete antigens of Plasmodium berghei: The appearance of a
21 kd transmission blocking determinant on the developing ookinete, Parasite
Immunol. 10 (1987) 193-207.
[32] WOOD, R.J., COOK, L .M ., HAMILTON, A ., WHITELAW, A ., Transporting the
marker gene re (red eye) into a laboratory cage population of Aedes aegypti (Diptera:
Culicidae), using meiotic drive at the M D locus, J. Med. Entomol. 14 (1977)
[33] CURTIS, C .F., GRAVES, P.M ., Methods for replacement of malaria vector popula
tions, J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 91 (1988) 43-48.
A national project to eradicate an introduced pest, the melon fly, from Okinawa was
carried out from 1972 to 1992 using the sterile insect technique. After the release of about
50 000 million sterile flies, involving about ¥. 10 000 million as investment, the melon fly
was completely eradicated. The most important conditions for success were the maintenance
of a quality mass reared strain and availability of precise information on the temporal and spa
tial distribution of wild and released flies for improvement of the release plan.
Kyushu, Japan
Kagoshima Prefecture
0, 100 200km
Taiwan (China)
1919 Miyako
FIG. 1. Distribution and eradication o f the melon fly in the Southwestern Islands, Japan. Unboxed and boxed num
bers show years o f distribution and eradication, respectively. The broken line shows the border of -the-Prefecture.
IAEA-SM-327/4 51
For this large project, the Government established large mass rearing and
irradiation facilities which could produce a maximum of more than 200 million flies
(males and females) per week [3]. Although the composition of larval and adult diets
was basically the same as that developed in Hawaii, it must be noted that we used
(a) pumpkin juice for the oviposition stimulant; (b) a round surface egging apparatus
(in place of a flat surface of gauze, as in many medfly mass rearing facilities), and
(c) natural day length in the adult room [1,3,4]. These rearing conditions are differ
ent from many mass rearing systems of fruit flies used in other countries. We decided
to use them for the maintenance of natural genes in our mass rearing stock. Although
the male mating competitiveness of long term mass reared fly stock is weaker than
that of wild stock (see Ref. [5]), the quality of mass reared/sterilized males was kept
at a reasonable level until the last stage of the project.
The pupae were irradiated by gamma rays at a dose of 70 Gy three days before
adult eclosion. The pupae were mixed with fluorescent dye and sent by aircraft to
the target islands. Although pupal release was accomplished in the Kume
project [1, 2], we later used a chilled adult release system. Chilled adults were
distributed over the islands from helicopters.
For monitoring, traps baited with cuelure arid insecticide (naled, etc.) were set
in the target areas. The total number of trap sites was about 550. The traps were sur
veyed once every two weeks and captured specimens were checked for fluorescent
dye marking under an ultraviolet light; thus sterile and wild flies were counted
separately. Another method used to evaluate the efficacy of SIT was to examine the
infestation rate of host plants. Thousands of host fruits, mainly fruits of a wild cucur
bit, B r y o n o p s i s l a c i n i o s a , were collected once a month.
Before beginning the mass releases of sterile flies, we estimated the population
density of the wild fly in various vegetations using a mark-recapture method. A
modified Jackson positive method (the method of Itô and Hamada, Refs [6, 7]) and
the Jackson negative method [8] were used to calculate the density and survival rate
of wild males. We found that the density of the melon fly in mountainous areas was
Additional release
FIG. 2. Monthly change in the abundance of sterile (S) and wild (W) melon flies caught by monitor traps on the Miyako Islands.
IAEA-SM-327/4 53
usually less than 10/ha [9], while the density in crop fields and bushy areas some
times reached 600/ha [7, 10]. As the maximum density in non-mountainous areas
was higher than the capability of the mass production facilities, we suppressed the
fly population in high density areas using the male annihilation technique before
releasing sterile flies. Cotton strings soaked in cuelure and insecticide were
distributed from a helicopter at a dose of 40 strings per hectare per month. We
carried out this population suppression technique to decrease the density of wild flies
to one tenth to one twentieth of the natural density.
Figure 2 shows the monthly change in the number of sterile and wild melon
fly males caught by monitor traps in the Miyako Islands (total area: 227 km2).
Sterile fly release on the Miyako Islands began in August 1984; at first 30 million
flies per week were released evenly in the islands. During the initial seven months,
the number of sterile males caught by traps was low (about 100 per 1000 trap-days)
because of low temperature and low fly quality. Early in 1985, the fly quality was
improved and the number of sterile flies increased to about 10 000 per
1000 trap-days.
Figure 3 shows the local distribution of the abundance of sterile and wild melon
flies in August 1985. There were high density areas in some parts of Shimoji Village,
which is a well known vegetable producing area. We therefore decided to release
additional flies into these high density areas. Figure 4 shows the additional release
area in the Miyako Islands. At first, an additional six million flies were released per
week in the Shimoji area from October 1985. The second and third additional
releases were carried out in high density areas. The maximum number of flies
released in the Miyako Islands was 48 million per week. Figure 5 shows the distribu
tion and abundance of flies caught in June 1986. At this time, wild flies were caught
at only a few points and the number was very small. Since February 1987, no wild
flies have been caught in the Miyako Islands.
Figure 6 shows the change in infestation rate of host fruits. Until April 1986,
the infestation rate lay between 0.1 and 10%, but it rapidly decreased from
May 1986, and became zero in November 1986. In November 1987, the Govern
ment announced that the melon fly had been eradicated from the Miyako Islands after
the release of 6340 million sterile flies.
The project to eradicate the melon fly from the Okinawa Islands was begun in
November 1986, while the Miyako project was still under way. The release of sterile
(a). (b)
• ° оо о о ОО
О 1-3 4-9 10-20 21-50 51-100 101-200 201-
FIG. 3. Distribution and abundance o f (aj sterile ( о ) and (b) wild (• ) melon flies caught
by monitor traps on the Miyako Islands in August 1985. The size of the circles indicates the
number o f flies trapped.
>?>: First additional release (six million)
from October 1985
• ° о ОО ООО
О 1-3 4-9 10-20 21-50 51-100 101-200 201-
FIG. 5. Distribution and the abundance o f (a) sterile ( о ) and (b) wild ( • j melon flies caught by monitor traps in June 1986.
FIG. 6. Number of surveyed host fruits (histograms) and rate of melon fly infestation ( • ) on the Miyako Islands.
58 YAMAGISHI et al.
FIG. 7. Monthly change in the abundance of sterile (Q ) and wild (• ) melon flies caught
by monitor traps in the Okinawa Islands.
flies was begun from the southern part of Okinawa Hontô; the target areas were then
expanded to the northern part and adjacent islets. As in the Miyako Islands, wild flies
were caught until 1989 in the main crop producing areas and concentrated releases
were made into these areas. The maximum number of sterile flies released in the
Okinawa Islands was about 170 million per week.
Figure 7 shows the results of monitor trap surveys on the Okinawa Islands.
Since December 1989, wild flies have not been detected. The Government
announced in November 1990 that the eradication of the melon fly from the
Okinawa Islands had been achieved. The total number of sterile flies released was
30 940 million.
The project to eradicate the melon fly from the last target area, the Yaeyama
Islands, was begun in October 1989. The number of sterile flies released was
90 million per week. From September 1991, no wild flies were caught with monitor
traps (Fig. 8). We consider that melon flies from the Yaeyama Islands were eradi
cated. About 12 000 million sterile flies are planned to be released in this area until
March 1993.
IAEA-SM-327/4 59
FIG. 8. Monthly change in the abundance of sterile (©) and wild (• ) melon flies caught
by monitor traps in the Yaeyama Islands.
It can be concluded that the melon fly has been completely eradicated from
Okinawa. The total number of flies released (from the Kume to Yaeyama projects)
was about 50 000 million, and the total investment was about ¥. 10 000, including
¥. 3600 million for the construction of facilities.
As the melon fly was also eradicated from the Amami Islands by the
Kagoshima Prefectura] Government by 1989 [11], Japan now has no melon flies.
This is the first complete success of the sterile insect technique (SIT) eradication
project after 1963 (eradication of the melon fly from Rota [12]).
Our experience, based on the success of the eradication programme using SIT,
shows that the quality of mass reared, sterilized melon flies to be released is of fun
damental importance and estimation of the wild population density by the mark-
recapture technique and appropriate monitoring systems are necessary; the latter can
detect the temporal and spatial distributions of wild and released insects. Detailed
field studies on the spatial distribution pattern of the target insect are essential for
improvement of the sterile insect release plan. Over the twenty years of our SIT
project, we carried out research on the fundamental biology of the target insect and
published more than one hundred and eighty original papers. Such basic research
might have provided the conditions for our success.
60 YAMAGISHI et al.
The authors thank Y. Itô for reading the first draft of the manuscript. They also
thank the past and present staff of the Fruit Fly Laboratory, Okinawa Agricultural
Experiment Station.
[1] ITÔ, Y., K O Y A M A , J., Eradication of the melon fly: Role of population ecology in
the successful implementation of the sterile insect release method, Prot. Ecol. 4 (1982)
[2] I W A H A S H I , O., Eradication of the melon fly, Dacus cucurbitae, from K u m e Is.,
Okinawa, with the sterile insect release method, Res. Popul. Ecol. 19 (1977) 87-97.
[3] K A K I N O H A N À , H., “A plan to construct the new mass production facility for the
melon fly, Dacus cucurbitae Coquillett, in Okinawa, Japan”, Sterile Insect Technique
and Radiation in Insect Control (Proc. Symp. Neuherberg, 1981), IAEA, Vienna
(1982) 477-482.
[4] N A K A M O R I , H., K A K I N O H A N A , H., Mass-production of the melon fly, Dacus
cucurbitae Coquillet, in Okinawa, Japan, Rev. Plant Prot. Res. 13 (1980) 37-53.
[5] ITÔ, Y., Y A M A G I S H I , М., K U B A , H., IAEA-SM-327/41, these Proceedings.
[6] H A M A D A , R., Density estimation by the modified Jackson method, Appl. Entomol.
Zool. 11 (1976) 194-201.
[7] ITÔ, Y., M U R A I , М., T E R U Y A , T., H A M A D A , R., S U G I M O T O , A., A n estima
tion of population density of Dacus cucurbitae with mark-recapture methods, Res.
Popul. Ecol. 15 (1974) 213-222.
[8] J A C K S O N , C.H.N., The analysis of an animal population, J. Anim. Ecol. 8 (1939)
[9] K O Y A M A , J., et al., A n estimation of the adult population density of the melon fly,
Dacus cucurbitae Coquillett (Diptera:Tephritidae) in Okinawa Island, Japan, Appl.
Entomol. Zool. 17 (1982) 550-558.
[10] I C H I N O H E , F., T A N A K A , K., M I U R A , M., ITÔ, Y., A n estimation of the winter
population density of Dacus cucurbitae Coq. in southern Okinawa and the effect of
g a m m a radiation on the released male flies, Appl. Entomol. Zool. 13 (1978) 316-318.
[11] Éradication of the Melon Fly from A m a m i Islands, special publication, Kagoshima
Prefecture (1991) (in Japanese).
[12] STEINER, L.F., H A R M S , E.J., M I T C H E L L , W.C., F U J I M O T O , M.S.,
C H R I S T E N S E N , L.D., Melon fly eradication by overflooding with sterile flies,
J. Econ. Entomol. 58 (1965) 519-522.
(Session 2)
United Kingdom
Biosciences Research Laboratory,
Agricultural Research Service,
United States Department of Agriculture,
Fargo, North Dakota,
United States of America
A D V A N C E S IN T H E P R E S E R V A T I O N O F I N S E C T G E R M P L A S M :
The current means of preserving insects that are freezing intolerant or have no
dormancy capabilities for use in the laboratory or in management programmes is by continu
ous culture. Not only can continuous culture be a costly venture, but it can effect genetic drift
and is subject to accidental loss of colonies, genetic strains and transformants. Further, the
ability to be able to stockpile insects for later use in sterile insect technique and biocontrol
programmes would be of tremendous benefit. Since preservation of mammalian embryos by
low temperature technology has become a c o m m o n procedure, researchers, insectary
managers and those involved in control programmes have been looking to cryobiologists for
assistance in solving the insect germplasm storage problem. The paper examines the concepts
of the conventional methodology that is used for cryopreservation of cells and mammalian
embryos. Also pointed out are several inherent barriers posed by embryos of insects such as
muscoid flies which are incompatible with the use of the conventional techniques. Of the
obstacles thus far identified, chilling intolerance and egg membrane impermeability have been
given the most attention by researchers attempting to develop low temperature storage
methods. Limited but promising success has been obtained using chemical dissolution of
membrane waxes, infusion of embryos with multimolar ciyoprotectants and avoidance of
chilling injury by ultrarapid cooling and warming. The feasibility of incorporating techniques
which facilitate natural insect cold hardiness into a cryopreservation protocol and alternatives
to preservation of embryos are discussed.
The demand for a long term storage methodology for insects has grown sub
stantially in recent years with its successful use in sterile insect technique (SIT) and
biocontrol programmes and with the advancements made in genetic engineering and
molecular techniques. The need to increase the shelf-life of those insects having high
genetic control or research utility relates directly to reducing costs in the main
tenance of large numbers of genetic strains, combating genetic drift and catastrophic
loss under mass rearing conditions while having the capability to stockpile insects
Solute concentration
pH shift
Enzyme reaction rates '
Structural distortion
Structural damage ■
Ice surface effects
Proton mobility
Dielectric constant
Enzyme reaction rates
Structural damage
pH shift
Enzyme reaction rates
FIG. 1. Effects of three arbitrarily selected cooling rates on the movement and freezing of
intracellular water in the presence of extracellular ice. Also shown are the chemical andphysi
cal changes that accompany cell dehydration and intracellular freezing.
quantities too small to become damaging. When cells are cooled at faster rates, the
water efflux is limited and freezing occurs intracellularly (Fig. 1). For each system
to be frozen there is an optimum cooling rate and cooling too slowly can be as harm
ful as cooling too rapidly. Cell shrinkage below a critical volume and severe defor
mation within the unfrozen fraction of water remaining in the ice channels have been
suggested as the source of damage caused by a suboptimal rate of cooling [6, 7].
The warming process (fast versus slow) after storage at liquid nitrogen (LN2)
temperature appears to be directly related to the rate that the cells or embryos were
cooled and at what subzero temperature the transfer to liquid N2 was made [8].
Cells sensitive to slow warming are thought to have been cooled too rapidly,
allowing the formation of small intracellular ice crystals, which grow by migratory
recrystallization and create damage during the thaw [9]. Thus, fast warming
(>300°C/min) is needed to prevent damaging recrystallization. Cells or embryos
requiring slow warming (<25°C/min) have usually been cooled at a slow rate
(<l°C/m in) and may also have been transferred to LN2 at temperatures below
-60°C . In this case considerable dehydration has occurred, leading Leibo et al. [10]
to propose that rapid warming causes injury to cells and embryos through the osmotic
stress created by rapid rehydration as the extracellular ice melts. However, others
believe that neither recrystallization, melting of intracellular ice nor osmotic stress
are major factors in causing injury upon warming but that it is some as yet unidenti
fied component [8, 11]. A schematic representation of a conventional method of
cryopreservation using, cryoprotectant loading and slow cooling is depicted in Fig. 2.
3.1. Permeabilization
Intuitively, the amount and/or type of yolk present in insect eggs presents a
potential barrier to cryopreservation. Since thè insect egg is a self-sustaining
developmental system, all the materials needed for embryogenesis must be contained
within the yolk nutrients. For example, the lipid content of insect eggs typically
ranges from about 1.5 to 18.5% [17]. On the basis of measurements of respiratory
metabolism and a decrease in the lipid content during embryogenesis, stored lipids
are the main source of energy for the developing embryos of most1of the insects
IAEA-SM-327/27 67
(1 )
Alkane/A Icohol
+ 5 » — -5«C ' - jjg
H 20
-5 ° -*-< -3 0 ° C
-Î9 6 °-* -+ 3 0 °C <6>
. NaOCI — «►
FIG. 2. Comparisons of two methods of gaining LN2 storage for an insect embryo. The
essential differences between the two methods are in the amount of cell dehydration obtained
during the loading of cryoprôtectants and cooling, the concentration of cryoprotectants, and
the rates of cooling and warming. ■The asterisk at step 3 of the conventional method denotes
a process which precludes use on chilling intolerant embryos (see text for details).
studied [18]. Early work by Lea and Hawke [19] has shown that the lipovitellin
component produced by egg laying animals is sensitive to cold temperatures and dis
associates upon freezing. Further, Lovelock [20] indicated that the protein-lipid
complexes within cells are particularly susceptible to chilling and freezing because
they are held together by only weak associations and not through covalent bonding.
Mazur et al. [21] observed during the testing of their process for cryopreservation
of D . m e l a n o g a s t e r embryos that 47 % developed from the time of treatment (predor
sal closure) up to hatching, but hatching mostly did not occur. This may indica
tion that the energy needed for larval emergence from the egg has been lost because
of cold instituted damage to the yolk system.
3 .3 .1 . D i r e c t a n d i n d i r e c t c h i l l i n g in ju r y
tions in membrane lipids, which results in leakage and loss of the membrane function
[31]. An alternative view is that chilling causes damaging thermoelastic stress
through an unequal condensation of membranes relative to the cell contents [32].
Indirect chilling injury has been suggested to be associated with the formation of
irreversible metabolic imbalances involving cellular energetics [33].
3 .3 .2 . D e v e l o p m e n t a l s t a g e s e n s i t iv it y •
300 -
~1 I— I— I----- 1— Г 1— I— I— Г 1— I— I— I— Г
2 4 6 8 10 12 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Embryos Larvae Pupae
• (h) (d) (d)
FIG. 3. Within and between stage survival to hatching (LT50) o f house fly embryos, larvae
and pupae subjected to long term chilling at three temperatures (modified from Strong-
Gunderson and Leopold [24]).
The within stage sensitivity of house fly embryos subjected to a cold shock at
a temperature of —20°C is shown in Figs 4(a) and 4(b). House fly embryos super
cool to a range of -2 6 to -3 4 °C before freezing [24]. As indicated in Fig.. 4(a),
there is a rate limiting effect of cooling on survival up to and including 9 h post-
oviposition. The slower cooling rate of - 10°C/min was clearly better than the faster
rate at all ages, except for 12 h post-oviposition, where they do not differ. Further,
the younger ages are mostly more sensitive to rapid, brief chilling than are the.older
When the hold time is extended from 3 to 30 min at —20°C, survival is drasti
cally reduced (Fig. 4(b)). Only the 9-h-old embryos show any significant survival.
Survival at the two faster rates of cooling, -1 0 and -65°C/min, does not differ,
while cooling at a much slower rate, -0.5°C/min, increases survival almost four
The foregoing discussion has assumed that the insect embryo would be the
most desirable stage to use in developing a long term storage protocol. This assump
tion may not be applicable to a particular insect or situation. For example, preserva
tion of embryos of a larvapositing insect such as the tsetse fly would not be
attainable, since the embryo cannot be maintained outside its mother. Further, it may
be more desirable to stockpile an insect to be used in a control programme in the
stage closest to the one that is to be released. This would allow rapid implementation
of the control programme.
Cryopreservation of the post-embryonic stages generally presents even more
difficult problems than that of embryos. The post-embryonic stages are larger, more
compartmentalized and often possess almost impenetrable cuticular surfaces, which
would obstruct the permeabilizátion and even the distribution of cryoprotectants.
Moreover, the older stages may be more chilling intolerant than their embryonic
counterparts (see Section 3.3).
4.1. Cryoprotectants
Avoiding or dealing with the natural barriers that interfere with the use of low
temperature to effect a long term storage condition usually requires that chemical
cryoprotectants be employed in addition to the reduction of freezable water.
Cryoprotectants are variously classified by molecular weight, permeating ability, ice
promoting or deterring and as antifreeze agents. Permeating cryoprotectants of low
molecular weight can protect cells from freezing damage simply on a colligative
IAEA-SM-327/27 71
Cooled to - 2 0 ° G
Cooled to —20°C
FIG. 4. (a) Survival to hatching o f house fly embryos subjected to à short term cold shock
and cooled to —20°С at two different ratés, (b) Similar to (a) except that chilling was extended
to 30 min and an additional cooling rate o f 0.5°C/min was tested for the 3, 6 and 9 h (lines
not connected for clarity) .. The warming rates for all the groups were the same as each'respec
tive cooling rate.
basis and have the capacity to keep extra- and intracellular solutes from reaching
toxic levels by remaining in the aqueous phase during the freezing process. Thus,
cell dehydration and shrinkage is reduced, electrolyte balance is maintained and the
amount of extracellular water remaining as a liquid increases [6, 7, 34]. Others have
suggested that alternative or additional actions of permeating cryoprotectants may be
to stabilize the unfreezable water [34], to reduce cellular damage by changing the
ice crystal configuration [35] and to resist the dénaturation of the essential macro
molecules during subzero dehydration [33].
Non-permeating cryoprotectants such as trehalose appear to protect cell mem
branes during and upon recovery from chilling and/or freezing [36]. Combining tre
halose with glycerol was found to increase the viability of mouse embryos upon
recovery from a freeze-thaw process [37]. The protective action of trehalose has
been attributed to take the place of the H20 molecules that normally hydrate mem
brane phospholipids [38]. Further, several insects have been found to accumulate
large amounts of trehalose (4 0 -7 0 pig/mg body weight) during the overwintering
period, leading to the speculation that trehalose gives protection from chilling/freez
ing injury [39, 40].
4.2. Vitrification
Their two stèp method for infusing 12-h-old embryos with 2 . 1M and then 8.5M ethy
lene glycol (EG ), followed by cooling at 54 000°C/m in in liquid propane, resulted
in an 18% hatch, 3% of which developed into adults. Mazur et al. [21] reported
slightly better results by using 14-15-h-old embryos, altering the permeabilization
solution and cooling at rates approaching 100 000°C/m in in LN2 slush. However,
recent refinements made by Steponkus and Caldwell [44] have raised the hatching
to near 50% and survival to adulthood to about 10%. Their refinements include
optimizing the permeabilization procedure [16], choosing 13.5-14.5-h-old embryos
for treatment, increasing the duration of time for the exposure to EG, using LN2
slush as a coolant and increasing the osmotic potential of the vitrification solution.
Mazur et al. [21, 42] have made extensive studies on the cooling and warming
rates required to circumvent the chilling sensitivity of Drosophila embryos during
vitrification and they contend that very high warming rates are more important to
survival than the cooling rates. It was suggested that the requirement for rapid warm
ing was an indication that devitrification was occurring and was caused by the uneven
distribution of EG in the compartmentalized embryo.
1 0 0 0
3 0 0 0
6 0 .2 3.7 0
a 1 h at 0°C before cooling to -2 0 ° C at 65°C/min, holding for 30 min and warming at the
same rate.
b 30 min at 38°C before cooling, holding and warming as above.
c Cooled at 0.5°C/min from 20° to 0°C before cooling, holding and warming as above.
- 2 0 ° С imparted increased chilling tolerance only to the 9 h embryos (Table I). The
mechanism of how heat shock or rapid cold hardening increases tolerance to chilling
is not understood. More information on the etiology of chilling injury in insect
embryos and how cold and heat stress tend to reduce its severity is needed before
determ ining whether it can be used in a cryopreservation protocol.
Besides cold or heat stress, other factors such as changes in the photoperiod,
humidity, diet quality and quantity and oxygen tension, or a combination of these
factors, have been reported to enhance cold tolerance [4 8 -5 1 ]. Even oral injections
of glycerol given to the larvae of Añagasta kuehniella resulted in an increase in short
term low temperature survival [52]. In most cases, gaining enhancement of the cold
tolerance of an insect requires that its low temperature biology and physiology be
thoroughly studied, and understood.
be pointed out that the preservation of gonads and germ cells allows only one-half
the genome to be retained. However, recent success with the in vitro fertilization of
sawflies [54], if expandable to other insects, would alleviate this problem. The
current obstacle lies in the lack of knowledge on egg activation occurring at
[25] M E Y E R S , S .P ., L Y N C H , D . V . , K N I P P L E , D . C . , L E I B O , S.P ., S T E P O N K U S ,
P .L . , L o w temperature sensitivity o f Drosophila melanogaster em bryos, C ry o b io lo g y
2 5 (1988) 5 4 4 -5 4 5 .
[26] S O N N E N B L I C K , B .P ., “ T h e early em b ryo lo gy o f Drosophila melanogaster” , The
B io lo g y o f Drosophila ( D E M E R E C , M . , E d .), W ile y, N e w Y o r k (1 95 0) 6 2 -1 6 7 .
[27] C A L L A I N I , G ., M A R C H I N I , D ., A b n o rm a l centrosom es in cold-treated Drosophila
em bryos, E x p . C e ll Res. 18 4 (1989) 3 6 7 -3 7 4 .
[28] L E V I T T , J., “ R e sp onses o f plants to h ig h temperature stress” , C h illin g , F ree zing and
H ig h Tem perature Stress, V o l. 1, A ca d e m ic Press, N e w Y o r k (1 9 8 0 ) 2 3 -6 4 .
[29] B A L E , J.S., Insect cold hardiness — A n e cophysiological perspective, J. Insect P h y s
iol. 13 (1987) 121-129 .
[30] L E E , R . E . , C H E N , C .P ., D E N L I N G E R , D . L . , A rapid cold-hardening process in
insects, Science 2 3 8 (198 7) 14 15 -14 17 .
[31] Q U I N N , P J . , A lipid-phase separation m odel o f low-temperature dam age to b iological
m em branes, C ry o b io lo g y 2 2 (1985) 1 2 8-146 .
[32] M c G R A T H , J.J., “ C o ld shock: A thermoelastic stress in chilled biologica l m em
branes” , N e tw o rk T h erm odynam ics, H eat and M a s s T ran sfe r in B iotech no logy
( D I L L E R , K . R . , Ed .), A S M E B e d V o l. 5, H T D V o l. 9 0 (1987) 5 7 -6 6 .
[33] S T O R E Y , K . B . , S T O R E Y , J . M . , Freeze tolerance in anim als, Ph ysiol. R e v. 6 8 (1988)
. 2 7 -8 4 .
[34] F R A N K S , F ., B io p h y sic s and Biochem istry at L o w Tem peratures, C a m b rid ge U n iv e r
sity Press, C a m b rid ge (1985).
[35] B A U S T , J.G ., M e c h a n ism s o f cryoprotection in freezing tolerant anim al systems,
C ry o b io lo g y 10 (1973) 1 9 7-203 .
[36] R U D O L P H , A . S . , C R O W E , J .H ., M e m b ra n e stabilization d u rin g freezing: T h e role
o f two natural cryoprotectants, trehalose and proline, C ry o b io lo g y 22 (1985) 3 6 7 -3 7 7 .
[37] H O N A D E L , T . E ., K I L L I A N , G .J., C ryop reserva tion o f m urine em bryos with treha
lose and glycerol, C ry o b io lo g y 2 5 (1 98 8) 3 3 1 -3 3 7 .
[38] A N C H O R D O Q U Y , T.J., R U D O L P H , A . S . , C A R P E N T E R , J.F., C R O W E , J.H .,
M o d e s o f interaction o f cryoprotectants with m em brane p ho sph olipid s du rin g freezing,
C ry o b io lo g y 2 4 (1987) 3 2 4 -3 3 1 .
[39] A S A H I N A , E ., T A N N O , K ., A large am ount o f trehalose in a frost resistant insect,
Nature (L o n d o n ) 2 0 4 (1964) 1222.
[40] R O J A S , R . R . , C H A R L E T , L . D . , L E O P O L D , R . A . , Biochem istry and P h y sio lo g y o f
overw intering in the mature larva o f the red sunflow er weevil, Simicronyx fulvus
Leconte (Coleóptera: Curculionidae), J. Insect Ph ysiol. 3 7 (199 1) 4 8 9 -4 9 6 .
[41] M E Y E R S , S .P ., P IT T , R . E ., L Y N C H , D . V . , S T E P O N K U S , P .L ., Characterization
o f intracellular ice form ation in Drosophila melanogaster em bryos, C ry o b io lo g y 26
(1989) 4 7 2 -4 8 4 .
[42] M A Z U R , P., S C H N E I D E R , U ., M A H O W A L D , A .P ., Characteristics and kinetics o f
subzero ch illin g injury in Drosophila em bryos, C ry o b io lo g y 2 9 (1992) 3 9 -6 8 .
[43] S T E P O N K U S , P .L . , et al., C ryopreserva tion o f Drosophila melanogaster em bryos,
N ature (L o n d o n ) 3 4 5 (1990) 17 0-172 .
[44] S T E P O N K U S , P .L ., C A L D W E L L , S., C ryop reserva tion o f Drosophila melanogaster
em b ryos b y vitrification, C ry o b io lo g y (in press).
T h e developm ent o f a ge rm line transform ation m ethodology fo r insects o f agricultural
and m edical im portance is critical to the im plem entation o f n o ve l'a n d h ig h ly efficient m eans
o f insect m anagem ent u sin g m olecular b iolog ica l techniques. C urrently, an efficient m eans o f
gene transfer, u sin g the P transposable element based vector system, is p ossib le in on ly one
insect, Drosophila melanogaster, and this m ethodology has not been applicable to other
insects. P ro gre ss has been made in m o d ify in g the P element so that it m igh t function in non-
d ro sop h ilid s, although a system fully useful fo r a w ide range o f insects is still prospective.
O ther transposable element system s fro m Drosophila ha v in g the potential fo r gene vector
developm ent have been identified, specifically the hobo and mariner transposons. F o r both
these elements, h o m o lo g o u s genes or D N A sequences have been found in distantly related
insects, suggesting that their m ob ility properties m igh t be m aintained in these and other
insects, o r that they m ay be used as probes to isolate related transposons. Continued studies
along these lines ho ld the greatest prom ise, at present, fo r gene vector development. A n
immediate use o f gene transform ation in econom ically important insects m a y be for genetic
sexin g and m ale sterilization in the sterile insect technique. T h is is due to the understanding
o f sex specific gene expression and sex determination activity in D. melanogaster, as w ell as
the genetic material available fro m this and other organism s. M o d e l system s fo r h ig h ly effi
cient genetic se xin g and sterilization based on recom binant D N A m anipulation and gene
transform ation are discussed.
The manipulation o f genes and their subsequent transfer into insect host
genomes offers a vast potential for improving our ability to control insects o f agricul
tural and medical importance. Gene transfer technology might directly impact insect
management programmes by facilitating: (1) genetic sexing and sterilization for
sterile male release programmes; (2) insecticide resistance in beneficial insects;
(3) cold hardiness or freeze tolerance to store insects for mass release or for main
taining germplasm; and (4) introduction o f genetic markers into populations for
monitoring gene flow, insect migration and dispersal patterns, among others.
Perhaps more important than some o f these immediate applications, the basic
knowledge gained by gene transfer experiments will certainly enhance our under
standing o f insect biology relevant to insect management and control, such as
resistance mechanisms, sex determination, hybrid sterility, and hormone action and
metabolism. In particular, this information will be essential to the development o f
biological control agents, enhancement o f natural enemies and developing resistance
mechanisms against insect pests in plants and animals.
Despite the benefits to be derived from gene transfer methods in insects, at
present the routine introduction o f exogenous DNA into a host insect’ s genome is
limited to the genus Drosophila using the P transposable element based gene vector.
Non-vector mediated gene transfer has been reported sporadically for many years,
although in most studies it was concluded that somatic inheritance was occurring,
and in no case was chromosomal integration verified (see Ref. [1]). Quite recently,
gene transformation was re p o rte d for the p re d a t o ry mite, Metaseiulus occidentalis,
at relatively high frequencies but, while stable transformation was concluded due to
the presence o f injected DNA after several generations, chromosomal integration
was not determined [2]. Other recent efforts to achieve P vector mediated gene
transfer in non-drosophilids, including mosquitoes, tephritids and locusts, have all
been unsuccessful. However, in the mosquito studies non-P mediated DNA
transposition was observed [3-5], suggesting that non-vector mediated transforma
tion may be possible in this insect, albeit at low frequencies. A caveat to the reported
failure o f P mediàted transformation is that all o f these tests relied, at least initially,
on the use o f neomycin analog resistance as a selection method. For tephritids, at
least, this appears to have been unreliable, since drug resistant lines were selected
in which they did not contain the vector, the vector was not chromosomally
integrated, or resistance was lost in succeeding generations [6-8].
While the P vector function in non-drosophilids remains uncertain on the basis
o f transformation experiments, a lack o f P mobility in these insects is supported by
our tests using transient embryonic P mobility assays (see Ref. [9]). Although
progress has been made in defining the specific restrictions on P mobility and
ameliorating some o f them using these assays, development o f a highly efficient P
vector for non-drosophilids may be a long term effort. Given this prospect, it is
IAEA-SM-327/6 81
reasonable that research be continued on the discovery and analysis o f other vector
systems, in addition to methods to efficiently introduce DNA into germ cells and
select for transformants. Potential candidates for vector development include
identified transposable elements, viruses and retroviruses and symbiotic organisms.
The relatively high number o f transposons within middle repetitive DNA has also
encouraged the search for new transposon systems for development into species
specific vector systems. O f these possibilities, the best prospects for rapid develop
ment o f an efficient, reliable and stable gene vector system are known transposable
element systems which are in the inverted terminal repeat class, such as the
P element. O f particular interest are the hobo and mariner elements, which were also
discovered in Drosophila and which have subsequently been developed into gene
vectors for that insect. Unlike the P element, these transposons have an apparent
evolutionary relationship to other transposons, or other genes, in distantly related
insect and non-insect organisms. This raises the possibility that the hobo and mariner
elements may retain mobility properties in non-drosophilid insects, or that they may
be used as probes to isolate related transposons.
The first vector helper system for stable germ line transformation in
Drosophila melanogaster was developed by Rubin and Spradling [10] using the
transposable element P system (see Ref. [11] for a review o f P). Within a few years
o f this development, several findings suggested that the P vector might similarly be
effective in non-drosophilids. First, Brennan et al. [12] found evidence for
P transposition in Drosophila species which are distantly related to D. melanogaster
and in which P elements had not been detected. Second, the basis for a major
restriction in P element mobility in D. melanogaster was discovered and
ameliorated. Laski et al. [13] found that P mobility was restricted to the germ line
due to a lack o f intron 3 processing in somatic cells, resulting in a truncated
non-functional transposase polypeptide. Creation o f a helper (pUChsxA2-3) having
intron 3 DNA deleted from the transposase gene resulted in somatic production o f
a full length functional product which supports P mobility. Third, a dominant drug
resistance selection system for transformants, using a vector (pUChsneo) with the
bacterial neomycin phosphotransferase gene, was developed, allowing relatively
easy selection o f transgenic insects [14]. This finding was especially important for
non-drosophilid insects in which the usual selectable markers are not available
(requiring a selectable mutant allele and cloned DNA for the wild type allele).
Using the pUChsneo vector and the pUChsirA2-3 helper, several laboratories
attempted to create non-drosophilid transformants. Most notably, three separate
5.5 x 10"3/pISP, with a precise excision frequency o f about 1.7 x 10"3/pISP [19].
In other drosophilids, the excision frequency decreased as a general function o f
relatedness to D. melanogaster, with both total and precise excisions occurring at
about a 10% level in distantly related drosophilids such as Chymomyza procnemis
and D. virilis [9, 18, 19]. In other dipterans, excision was not detected. These
results indicated that P mobility is restricted in non-drosophilid insects, and that the
P gene vector would most likely be non-functional as well in these insects.
P, or P like, elements are widely distributed in Drosophila [21, 22] and their
presence in dipterans outside o f the Drosophila genus has been reported [23]. While
our results suggest that P would not be an effective vector in these insects, these
P like elements may have vector capability in the insects in which they are found.
However, if they retain the functional characteristics o f P, their mobility properties
also might be restricted to a few closely related species.
3. Hobo
sequences exist but are missed owing to deletion o f one or both o f the primer sites.
For both P and hobo, most o f the deletion derivatives are internal, leaving the
inverted terminal repeat sequences intact or with minor sequence variation. Since
some homology exists between the terminal sequences o f hobo and Activator (as well
as other transposable elements) [28], a PCR screen was also conducted using the
terminal inverted repeat sequence as a primer. Unfortunately, the PCR reàction is
usually limited to efficient amplification o f sequences smaller than 2 kb; thus we
would not expect to generate complete sequences in the range o f 3 kb. However,
smaller internal deletion derivatives can be detected. As expected, numerous
fragments were generated in D. melanogaster and closely related species, as well as
drosophilids in which hobo had not yet been detected. Analysis o f a wide range o f
dipterans, lepidopterans, hymenopterans and coleopterans also revealed several
fragments in almost all the species. Notably, one o f the only species which did not
reveal hobo like fragments was A. quadrimaculatus, consistent with the internal
primer result. However, several polymorphic fragments were detected in several
strains o f C. capitata.
The relatedness o f these amplified sequences to hobo was indicated by DNA
hybridization using Ûie hobo Xho I fragment (a 2.6 kb internal sequence not
including the termini) as a probe. A very strong signal was obtained from
D. melanogaster strains and Drosophila species, such as simulons, known to have
elements. Previous evidence from Daniels et al. [29] indicated a very limited
distribution o f hobo among drosophilids based on low stringency hybridization. Thus
it was interesting to detect signals from D. willistoni and D. saltans, which were
probably missed in the Daniels et al. study owing to sequence divergence or low copy
number. Given the 55% homology between hobo and the hobo like internal fragment
in A. suspensa, we were not optimistic that an unambiguous signal would occur in
non-drosophilids. Among non-drosophilids, a signed was detected only from
Anticarsia gemmatalis, the velvetbean caterpillar, suggesting a relatively high level
o f homology. These fragments are currently being sequenced to better define this
The apparent mobility o f hobo in non-drosophilids, along with the discovery
o f DNA elements having homology with hobo, suggest that hobo based gene vectors
may be functional in these insects, or that new transposable elements may be isolated
on the basis o f their relatedness to hobo. The isolation o f a functional hobo like
element, if necessary, will be a challenge, and may be pursued by testing for
transcriptional activity or transient mobilization o f defective elements. Despite these
difficulties, these lines o f investigation hold great promise for development o f gene
vectors for non-drosophilid insects.
4. Mariner
vector from mariner or mariner like elements may be difficult, but it also has one
o f the best potentials for success.
O f the many potential uses o f gene transfer technology for the management o f
economically and medically important insects, an important application with
potential for immediate use is for genetic sexing and male sterilization utilized in the
sterile male release technique (see Ref. [33]). The knowledge and techniques
available from recombinant DNA, and transformation studies in Drosophila, suggest
a variety o f means to genetically sex and sterilize male insects. The rapid
implementation o f these techniques may be easier relative to other applications
requiring the release o f transgenic insects into the environment, since release would
be limited to sterile males.
The basis for genetic sexing using molecular techniques would, most simply,
follow methods already being developed with classical genetic techniques. These
include the sex specific expression o f a selectable gene product. A useful system for
fruit flies is alcohol dehydrogenase (adh) gene activity [34], since it can be used with
both positive and negative selections [35]. A lack o f activity, as in the null mutant
adh, is selected against with ethanol, while normal activity from the wild type gene
is selected against with secondary alcohols such as pentenol. Thus, female specific
expression o f adh + , when driven by a promoter such as the female specific yolk
protein (YP) gene promoter [36], could be selected against by pentenol. However,
while female specific YP promoters exist in almost all insects, they are only active,
in adults or late pupae, thereby limiting male selection after rearing costs have been
incurred. A more highly efficient selection system which acts early in development
and without toxic chemicals is based on temperature sensitive lethal (tsl) gene
activity [37]. Organisms having tsl mutations die at elevated temperature owing to
gene products which are necessary for survival becoming non-functional. The male
specific expression o f a wild type allele o f a tsl gene, in an otherwise tsl mutant
background, would allow males to survive, while females would an elevated
temperature. Most simply, this system would require a male specific promoter which
acts in most tissues or those critical to survival. Unfortunately, the identified male
specific promoters in D. melanogaster are all limited to tissues necessary for
reproduction, but which are not critical to survival [38]. Nevertheless, such male
specific promoters could find use in causing male sterility by linking them to toxin
genes. An alternative to the recessive tsl genes are mutations in genes such as a
dominant temperature sensitive lethal (DTS) gene, which has recently been
cloned [39]. This mutation acts as a neomorph or antimorph to cause lethality even
in the presence o f wild type alleles. If expressed female specifically, the mutant gene
product would kill only females at elevated temperatures.
Although the recombinant DNA molecules for the systems described are
available or can be created, the most effective genetic sexing and sterilization strains,
similarly based upon genetic information from D. melanogaster, are much more
speculative. For example, several sex determination genes act female specifically
throughout development owing to female specific intron splicing [40]. In females,
the spliced intron removes a translational stop signal, allowing production o f a
functional product. In males, use o f an upstream 3' splice site allows the stop codon
to remain in the transcript, resulting in a truncated non-functional product. If the
female specific splice site were inserted in front o f (5') to a gene which encodes a
selectable or toxic product, in conjunction with a conditional promoter, expression
would be limited to females, allowing their selection early in development.
Interestingly, the most efficient model system for genetic sexing and male
sterilization, also from D. melanogaster, does not directly require recombinant DNA
or gene transfer techniques. This model is based upon the transformer-2 temperature
sensitive (rra-2ts) allele [41]. The tra-2 gene is required in chromosomal females
for female differentiation. In the absence o f tra-2 (as in a tra-2 homozygous mutant),
chromosomal females develop as fully differentiated males, but they have
rudimentary testes and are sterile. Although mutant X Y males are not somatically
affected, they are also sterile. Therefore, for the temperature sensitive allele,
X X females are fertile (although weakly) at the permissive 16°C temperature, but
develop as morphological sterile males at 29°C. Mutant X Y males are morpho
logically normal at both temperatures, but sterile at 29°C. Thus, an idealized
extrapolation o f this homozygous mutant strain would yield breeding parentals at
16°C, while genetically identical offspring reared at 29°C would all develop as
sterile males. In this situation, there would be no treatment necessary other than
elevated temperature for sexing and sterilization. Indeed, genetic sexing would not
be required, since all the zygotes would be usable for release, thereby reducing by
half the number o f parental insects needed for breeding. Although, as noted,
molecular genetic manipulations would not necessarily be required to develop an
analogous system, molecular analysis using gene transformation would clearly be
essential to discover sex determination genes in non-drosophilid insects and to create
conditional mutations by site directed mutagenesis. This system well illustrates that
while gene transfer techniques may have some immediate uses for insect manage
ment, their greatest potential will only be realized as a result o f their use in more
basic genetic and biological studies.
P .W . ATK IN SO N , C.J. CO A TE S,
D ivision o f Entom ology,
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Research Organization
Division o f Biochemistry and M olecular B iology,
Australian National University
Canberra A C T ,
D .A . O ’B R O C H TA
Center for Agricultural Biotechnology
and Department o f Entom ology,
University o f Maryland,
College Park, Maryland,
United States o f Am erica
T h e hobo transposable element o f Drosophila melanogaster has been used to achieve
stable ge rm line transform ation o f this insect. It is exam ined whether this element, o r related
transposable elements, can be used as vectors fo r achieving the ge rm line transform ation o f
tw o non-d rosop hilid s, the A u stralia n sheep blow fly, Lucilia cuprina, and the housefly, Musca
domestica. T h ro u g h the use o f e xcision a ssays designed to m easure the m obility o f hobo in
preblastoderm em bryos, it is dem onstrated that this transposable element is capable o f m o v e
ment in these species and that this m obility is independent o f the supplied hobo transposase,
suggesting the presence o f host encoded factors w h ich are capable o f interacting w ith hobo
D N A . T h e presence o f hobo like elements in the genom es o f each o f these insects is supported
b y the clonin g o f hobo like sequences from both these species. A n a ly s is o f these sequences
is discussed, as is the possible role o f hobo and hobo like elements in achieving non-
d ro sop h ilid ge rm line transformation.
94 ATKINSON et al.
2 .1 . Strains
The strain o f L. cuprina used for both microinjections and cloning was the
standard wild type (SW T) strain maintained at the Division o f Entom ology,
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (C SIRO ), Canberra.
Three different populations o f M . domestica were used. One had been maintained
at the United States Department o f Agriculture (U SD A ) in Beltsville, Maryland,
another at the U SD A in Gainesville, Florida, and the third at the CSIRO Division
o f Entom ology, Canberra.
IAEA-SM-327/7 95
The hobo excision assay, together with the construction o f the plasmids used
and the techniques used for the sequencing o f excision events, have been described
previously [6].
A size fractionated genom ic library cloned into the EM BL3 derived lambda
vector GEM 11 (Promega) was transferred to Hybond N + membranes (Amersham)
and screened with radiolabelled D N A containing the hobo 108 element [4] under
standard conditions o f low stringency (5X SSC, 5 4 °C , 0% formamide) [7]. Posi
tively hybridizing plaques were rescreened with the same D N A and subsequent
hybridizing plaques were purified for further analysis. One o f these was found,
through conventional techniques o f cloning and D N A sequencing [8], to contain
sequences similar to the hobo element. D N A sequence analysis was perform ed using
the G C G database program o f the University o f W isconsin, M adison, U SA.
The hobo excision assay is similar in concept to the P element excision assay
described previously [9]. An indicator plasmid containing a defective hobo element
was co-injected into pre-blastoderm embryos together with a helper plasmid which
encodes hobo transposase. In some experiments, the indicator plasmid is injected
alone. When injected alone into embryos o f a strain o f D . melanogaster that lacks
autonomous elements, no excision events are recovered [6]. Co-injection o f the hobo
transposase encoding plasmid results in the recovery o f excision events at a fre
quency o f at least 0.04% [6]. Sequence analysis o f these excision events revealed
that, in the majority o f cases, all o f the hobo element had been rem oved, together
with a small amount o f flanking D N A sequence. Significantly, additional D N A was
present at the empty excision site. This additional D N A was not from the hobo ele
ment but was an inverted duplication o f flanking genom ic D N A . In some excision
events, this additional D N A was duplicated several times. Injection o f a plasmid
lacking hobo sequences did not result in the recovery o f excision events, indicating
that excision was dependent on the presence o f hobo sequences in the indicator
The pattern o f hobo excision observed in D. melanogaster was found to be
distinctly different to the pattern o f P element excision events recovered from this
species under identical experimental conditions [10]. Specifically, follow ing P exci-
TA BLE I. hobo EXCISION IN L. cuprina (SWT) AND M. domestica
W ith hobo excision indicator plasm id
N o . o f independent 9 5 9 7 5 6
N o . o f tetRlacZ~ colonies 40 25 95 14 7 16
et a l.
recovered (0 .0 5 3 % ) (0 .0 5 7 % ) (0 . 2 2 5 % ) (0 . 0 2 9 % ) (0 .0 0 7 % ) (0 .0 2 9 % )
N o. with deletions 19 11 55 11 0 2
(0 .0 2 5 % ) (0 .0 2 5 % ) (0 . 1 3 0 % ) (0 .0 2 3 % ) (0 .0 0 3 % )
N o . with deletions in v o lv in g 4 2 20 11 0
hobo sequences3 (0 .0 0 5 % ) (0 .0 0 4 % ) (0 . 0 4 7 % ) (0 . 0 2 3 % )
a W e have not as yet exam ined the break points o f the rem aining 3 4 and 35 deletions recovered from L. cuprina and M. domestica, respectively.
A g a ro se gel electrophoresis revealed that none o f these deletions с о -m igrated w ith a k n o w n p recise e x c isio n event recovered fro m
D. melanogaster in w h ich hobo excision involved both termini, rather that they contained deletions w h ich w ere either larger o r sm aller in size.
W e therefore suggest that it is unlikely that these deletions have resulted from excision s in w h ich both hobo term ini have been involved . W e
are currently e xa m in ing these plasm ids in order to determine the structure o f the e xcision events.
IAEA-SM-327/7 97
sion no additional D N A is found at the excision site, not all o f the P element is
excised and there is no duplication o f flanking genom ic D N A . The pattern o f hobo
excision in D. melanogaster resembled the excision o f A с elements and ТатЗ ele
ments from maize and snapdragon, respectively, suggesting that these transposable
elements are members o f a single family o f eukaryotic transposable elements.
Sequence similarities between these transposable elements have previously been
identified [5]. Given the wide phylogenetic range o f the Ac element in particular, we
were interested to determine whether hobo could be.excised in non-drosophilids.
Demonstration o f hobo excision in non-drosophilids would indicate that hobo, or
hobo like, elements could be useful as transformation vectors in these insects. Pre
blastoderm embryos o f L. cuprina and M. domestica were injected with indicator
plasmid in the presence or absence o f hobo transposase encoding plasmid. Excision
was observed in both species, however, at a lower frequency than that.observed in
D. melanogaster (Table I). Significantly, injection o f indicator plasmid alone
resulted in the recovery o f excision events from both species. This suggests that
L. cuprina and M. domestica contain endogenous factors which are capable o f
recognizing the hobo element and removing it from the indicator plasmid.
Sequence analysis o f the excision events recovered from L. cuprina and
M. domestica revealed that they did not resemble the excision events recovered from
D. melanogaster. Rather, the excision events appeared to be imprecise. In many
cases, large parts o f hobo remained at the empty excision site and, in addition, dele
tions often extended several hundred base pairs into the flanking plasmid sequence.
In those excision events so far characterized from M. domestica and L. cuprina, in
only four and two cases, respectively, did at least one o f the break points occur
within hobo element terminal sequences. Excision assays conducted in M. domestica
using an indicator plasmid lacking hobo sequences resulted in the recovery o f lacZ
p la s m id s at a f r e q u e n c y fo rt y -t h re e f o ld lo w e r th a n that o b s e r v e d in a s s a y s u s in g the
hobo containing indicator plasmid, indicating that, even though imprecise, excision
was dependent on the presence o f the hobo sequences in the indicator plasmid.
the putative hobo like transposase from this clone shows 39% identity and 59%
similarity over the entire region that has been sequenced.
Further evidence for the presence o f hobo like sequences in the genome o f
L. cuprina has been gained through the use o f the polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
Degenerate oligonucleotide primers based on the three regions o f similarity between
hobo, A c and ТатЗ were synthesized and used to amplify the intervening sequences.
Using primers from regions 1 and 2, an expected fragment o f 450 bp was amplified
from D . melanogaster D N A and, in addition, fragments o f similar size were ampli
fied from L. cuprina and M . domestica. A ll the fragments hybridized strongly to a
radiolabelled hobo D N A probe. The sequence o f the 264 bp M . domestica clone
revealed it to have 66% similarity to hobo element HFL1. M oreover, translation o f
the putative open reading frame o f this clone showed an 81% similarity to hobo
transposase [11].
Through the use o f hobo excision assays we had previously demonstrated that
the hobo element can be m obilized in the soma o f D. melanogaster embryos and that
this excision was dependent on the presence o f hobo sequences in the indicator
plasmid. M oreover, the structure o f empty excision sites follow ing excision o f the
hobo element resembled the structure o f empty sites follow ing the excision o f the A c
element o f maize and the ТатЗ element o f snapdragon in that all o f the hobo element
w a s r e m o v e d a n d a d d it io n a l D N A , w h ic h w a s a n in v e rte d d u p lic a t io n o f f la n k in g
genom ic D N A , was left at the excision site. This supported the hypothesis proposed
by Calvi et al. [5] that these three transposable elements were members o f the one
family o f transposable elements. They identified three regions o f strong nucleic acid
and amino acid similarity between A c and hobo, one o f which was also com m on to
A c, ТатЗ and hobo.
Given the broad phylogenetic range o f species in which A c can be mobilized,
w e were interested in determining whether hobo could also be mobilized in a number
o f distantly related species to D . melanogaster. Previous studies based on the low
stringency hybridization o f hobo element D N A to genom ic D N A prepared from
134 dipteran species suggested that hobo had a very narrow host distribution within
dipterans, confined to the melanogaster and montium subgroups o f the melanogaster
species group [12].
W e chose two independent strategies to examine for the presence o f hobo, or
hobo like, elements in two non-drosophilids, L. cuprina and M . domestica. The
first, based on a genetic approach, assayed for the mobilization o f the hobo element
HFL1 in pre-blastoderm em bryos. Excision events were recovered from both
species. How ever, sequence analysis o f these excision products revealed significant
differences between their structure and the structure o f excision events recovered
IAEA-SM-327/7 99
Insect M olecular Genetics Group,
Institute o f M olecular B iology and Biotechnology,
Heraklion, Crete,
C la ssica l genetic m a p p in g ha s relied on thé use o f m orphological, biochem ical and
D N A variation (restriction fragm ent length po lym o rp h ism s) to establish lin kage relationships
between loci in order to construct genetic m aps. T h is genetic a n alysis has been com plem ented
b y a cytological com ponent. Recent advances in m olecular b iological techniques w ill re volu
tionize the m anner and the speed w ith w h ich genetic m aps can be constructed. The ‘m otor’
o f this revolution is the polym erase chain reaction. T h e paper concentrates on tw o techniques
w h ich are no w available, nam ely, m icrosatellites and random am plified polym orp h ic D N A
( R A P D ) , b y p ro v id in g an explanation o f the prin ciple s involved together w ith exam ples o f
their use. A com parative assessm ent is m ade o f the tw o approaches and som e em phasis given
to their use as tools fo r m apping specific genes.
widespread and is readily accessible for analysis. H ow ever, there are real limits to
the number o f loci that can be studied. Nevertheless, using a combination o f
biochemical and m orphological markers, detailed genetic maps have been con
structed for several important pest or beneficial species, e .g . Lucilia cuprina [1],
Aedes aegypti [2], Musca domestica [3], Bombyx morí [4] and Ceratitis capitata [5].
For many years it has been recognized that variation at the D N A level can be
accessed using cloned D N A sequences and looking for restriction fragment length
polymorphisms (RFLPs), either within the cloned regions or in the flanking
sequences. Variations are monitored as changes in the length o f the defined D N A
fragments produced by digestion o f the D N A with restriction endonucleases. This
technology has been extensively used to produce detailed genetic maps in many spe
cies [6]. Although this variation is ubiquitous, exhibits co-dom inance and is stably
inherited, serious practical limitations have been acknowledged: it is laborious, the
quality o f the D N A has to be high and the amount o f D N A required is such that only
a few RFLPs can be scored for any individual. This paper will not deal further with
The key to being able to map any particular genome is the availability o f varia
tion at the D N A level and the accessibility o f that variation to analysis. The sequence
is the key, with variation occurring as specific changes in the nucleotide order or as
changes in the number o f times a particular sequence is repeated. Both these types
o f variation are well known, but up until now they have not been routinely accessible
to molecular analysis. This situation has now changed with the introduction o f the
polymerase chain reaction (PC R) [7].
The PCR utilizes in vitro enzymatic amplification o f a specific segment o f
D N A . Three nucleic acid segments are used, the double stranded D N A template and
IAEA-SM-327/8 103
— Original DNA
two single stranded oligonucleotide primers that are complementary to the two
strands, at opposite ends o f the D N A segment. By adding a thermostable D N A poly
merase, dNTPs and the appropriate buffer, the D N A segment between the primers
can be exponentially amplified (Fig. 1). This is done by multiple cycles o f denatur
ing the double stranded D N A , annealing the primers and synthesizing a new double
strand o f D N A between the primers. This amplification product can be visualized
on slab gels follow ing ethidium bromide staining. The pow er o f this technique is
illustrated by the fact that if 30 o f these cycles were repeated, then a 27 million fold
amplification can be obtained from a specific segment. This means o f course that
very small amounts o f template D N A are needed and conversely many assays could
be carried out from a single individual. M ost o f the approaches outlined below can
be carried out on insect species where no genetic information is available.
2.1. Microsatellites
Screen library
(CA) probe
Sequence unique
flanking DNA
Synthesize primers
to unique sequence
sequence information and they can be used as genetic markers to construct genetic
maps. The polymorphisms are visualized on ethidium stained agarose gels as the
presence or absence o f bands. The difference between the two approaches, A P-PCR
and R A P D , is quantitative, with R A P D being generated by 10 mer oligonucleotides,
while A P-PC R products are primed by much larger primers, up to 34 mers. In
general, there are more amplified bands using A P-PC R . Primers for R A P D analysis
Mutation Small insertion within ©
in annealing site the priming sites
X X * X X X
> < X
(1) (2) (3) (1)
FIG. 3. RAPD polymorphisms illustrating both dominant and co-dominant phenotypes from a single priming site. An asterisk represents a mutation
in an annealing site and an arrow the RAPD primers.
IAEA-SM-327/8 107
-> <— X * *
> < - * *
* * *
> < * * *
FIG. 4. RAPD amplification at multiple loci where cryptic variation is not revealed. An
asterisk represents a mutation in an annealing site and an arrow the RAPD primers.
IAEA-SM-327/8 109
Small insertions and deletions
<~X~- + < T *
X -X X
X- -X--X-|^X
Deletion we
> < >T< -1 ><
X -- ^ — ><— X
FIG. 5. RAPD amplification at multiple loci. Inserts and deletions lead to different sized
bands which can be from different loci or the same locus. An asterisk represents a mutation
in an annealing site and an arrow the RAPD primers.
to assemble genetic maps. These lines are now being very efficiently exploited using
R A P D . For example, in one month three R A P D markers were identified as being
closely linked to a Pseudomonas resistance gene in the tomato, whereas using the
conventional approach o f RFLP mapping, a period o f two years was needed [23].
In A. thaliana, 225 lo ci were identified and mapped in 8 person-months [22]. In
most insect species, however, such lines are not available and in many cases cannot
be constructed or, even if they could, would be extremely time consuming to
produce; therefore other strategies are necessary. T o demonstrate an alternative
approach, the m edfly, Ceratitis capitata, can be used as an example. In this species,
a collection o f mutations, both biochemical and m orphological, is available and mul
tiple marker strains can be synthesized. Initially, one can construct a strain which
is hom ozygous for at least one marker per aùtosome and different wild type strains
can be crossed with this strain to produce an F! generation. Following backcrossing
o f individual F]S to the multiple marker strain, a segregating . F 2 generation is
produced which can then be uséd to assign molecular markers, either R A P D or
microsatellites, to their autosomes. A s these techniques are PCR driven, very small
amounts o f D N A are necessary and up to 40 different molecular markers can be
assayed from a single pair mating in a day.
The type o f strategy adopted will depend on the species being investigated and
the availability o f markers, inbred lines, etc.; however, an investment o f time in the
construction o f the relevant strains will increase significantly the speed with which
a genetic map can be assembled.
A note o f caution is necessary, however, when using R A P D . A s the D N A
being amplified is random and o f unknown sequence, it is essential that molecular
analysis be performed on a defined cross, preferably with markers. This is to ensure
that the polymorphism observed on the gel can be shown to demonstrate Mendelian
inheritance and that it is not simply a PCR artefact.
In som e insect vectors o f disease, genes have been identified which interfere
with the ability o f the insect to transmit the disease, the so-called refractory genes
[24]. A study o f such genes will lead to a better understanding o f the disease and
perhaps to new methods o f control.
In general, the cloning o f such genes requires some knowledge o f the transcript
or polypeptide and in most insect vectors that knowledge is unavailable. If molecular
markers can be identified which are tightly linked, they can be used to initiate a
chromosomal ‘ walk’ to the gene o f interest. T o use this approach it is necessary to
saturate the genomic area o f interest with molecular markers and assess linkage rela
tionships. A new technique called ‘bulked segregant analysis’ will be an extremely
valuable asset to this approach [25]. Bulked segregant analysis involves the screening
o f tw o pools o f D N A in a segregating population which has been generated from a
IAEA-SM-327/8 111
single cross. Screening is done on D N A from the parental lines and from the
segregating F 2 populations. Using this approach with R A P D , it is possible to
differentiate between polymorphisms resulting from variation between the parental
lines and polymorphisms linked to the genom ic area o f interest.
It is clear that molecular markers o f the type outlined in this paper can provide
a rapid entry point into the genomes o f insect pests; there are, however, important
differences between R A P D and microsatellitès. First, technical differences: for
R A P D no libraries are necessary, only D N A and primers, which are comm ercially
available, whereas for microsatellites a library must first be constructed, screened
for microsatellites, follow ed by sequencing o f the unique flanking region and the
synthesis o f specific primers. The reproducibility o f results using R A P D can be a
problem due to PCR artefacts occurring. This might lead to difficulties in comparing
results between different laboratories, whereas for microsatellites, a collection o f
specific primers will be a very powerful tool for genome analysis with high repeata
bility. Second, genetic differences: the most important is the fact that R APD is
usually a dominant marker, whereas microsatellites are co-dominant. H ow ever, for
mapping this is not a serious problem as backcross populations map dominant and
co-dominant markers with equal efficiency [22]. This difference does, however,
becom e important when these two systems are applied to population genetic
problems [16]. With microsatellites, loci with high numbers o f repeats frequently
have multiple alleles/loci and in general the larger the number o f repeats the more
alleles/loci; R APD does not in general exhibit multi-allelism. An important factor
if in situ hybridization is to be included in the genome analysis is the occurrence o f
repeat sequences in the probe used for the hybridization. Data from plants have indi
cated that up to 50% o f R A P D loci hybridize to single copy D N A [14]; this has now
been supported by data from the mosquito [17]. For microsatellites, the situation is
clearly different and without further modification only a small proportion o f the
microsatellite clones will hybridize to a single polytene site, i.e. those containing low
numbers o f repeats.
It is at the moment unwise to be dogmatic as to which o f the two approaches
is best; it all depends on the question being asked and the species under considera
tion. How ever, independent o f the choice o f the method, the ready availability o f
these molecular tools will open up pest insect genomes to sophisticated analysis.
The author wishes to thank F .C . Kafatos for his comments on the manuscript.
The discussions with colleagues in the Insect M olecular Genetics Group have been
much appreciated. N. Kelaidi is thanked for secretarial help.
[1] F O S T E R , G .G ., W H I T T E N , M .J ., K O N O V A L O V , C ., A R N O L D , S . T . A . , M A F F I ,
G . , A u toso m al genetic m aps o f the A u stralia n sheep b low fly, Lucilia cupriana dorsalis,
and possible correlations w ith the linkage m aps o f Musca domestica and Drosophila
melanogaster, Genet. R e s. 3 7 (1981) 5 5 -6 9 .
[2] 0 ‘B R I E N , S.J., Ed ., Genetic M a p s 1990, C o ld S p rin g H a rb o r Laboratory, C o ld Sp rin g
H arb o r, N Y (1990).
[3] M A L A C R I D A , A ., G A S P E R I , G ., B I S C A L D I , G .F ., M I L A N I , R „ Signifícate funzi-
onale di grup p i di concatenazione in Musca domestica e altri ditteri, S. It. E . Atti
5 (1985) 3 0 7 -3 1 0 .
[4] S T R U N N IK O V , V .A ., S e x control in silkw o rm s, Nature (L o n d o n ) 2 5 5 (1975)
11 1-113 .
[5] M A L A C R I D A , A ., G A S P E R I , G ., M I L A N I , R ., “ G enom e organization o f Ceratitis
capitata: L in k a g e grou p s and evidence fo r sex-ratio distorters” , F ru it F lie s (Proc. 2nd
Int. Sym p . C o lym b a ri, Crete, 1986) ( E C O N O M O P O U L O S , A .P ., Ed .), Elsevier,
A m sterd am (1987) 16 9-174 .
IAEA-SM-327/8 113
[23] M A R T I N , G .B ., W I L L I A M S , J .G .K ., T A N K S L E Y , S . D ., R a p id identification o f
m arkers linked to a Pseudomonas resistance gene in tomato by u sin g random prim ers
and near-isogenic lines, Proc. Natl. A cad. Sci. U S A 8 8 (1991) 2 3 3 6 -2 3 4 0 .
[24] C O L L I N S , F . H . , et al., Genetic selection o f a Plasmodium-rtinciory strain o f the
: m alaria .vector, Anopheles gambiae, Science 2 3 4 (1986) 6 0 7 -6 1 0 .
[25] M I C H E L M O R E , R . W . , P A R A N , I . , K E S S E L I , R . V . , Identification o f m arkers linked
to disease resistance genes b y bulked segregant analysis: A rapid method to detect m ar
kers in specific ge nom ic regions by u sin g segregating populations, Proc. Natl. Acad.
S c i. U S A 8 8 (1991) 9 8 2 8 -9 8 3 2 .'
[26]. S C O T T , М ., K R I T I C O U , D ., R O B I N S O N , A .S . , Isolation o f c D N A s encoding
6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase fro m the
Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata: C orrelatin g genetic and physical m aps o f
chrom osom e 5, Insect M o l. Biol, (submitted for publication).
Z oological Institute,
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
Gene Technology ,
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
IN S E C T C O N T R O L ?
Research o n the genetic m anipulation o f baculoviruses fo r insect pest control has raised
tw o problem s. T h e first concerns the choice o f v iral prom oter used to direct the expression
o f an introduced insecticidal gene. T h e second points tow ards the k in d o f insecticidal gene
w h ich should be preferentially used in order to select m a xim u m effect on the target insect but
the m in im u m impact o n the environm ent. A sum m ary is g iv e n o f the m ajor argum ents in
favour o f the use o f im m ediate early b a culovirus gene prom oters w h ich direct the expression
o f insect derived peptide genes. It is thought that a correct com bination w ill affect the insect
at the first site o f infection, the insect gut.
116 HUYBRECHTS et al.
The 3.8 kb C L a l fragment, spanning the 9 4 -9 6 % map unit (mu) region o f the
Bombyx mori N PV physical map [7], includes an open reading frame o f 1572 bp as
well as a 631 bp upstream regulatory region showing a high degree o f sequence
hom ology with A cM N PVIE-1 [ 6]. Using a polymerase chain reaction, the existence
o f an extra upstream regulatory region, responsible for an extended spliced expres
sion product, corresponding to A cM N P V IE -0 was also evidenced. Apart from dem
onstrating that the BmNPVIEG gene product has transactivating capabilities towards
viral delayed early genes [6], it became clear that the conditions needed for promoter
activation o f the cloned leader sequence were fulfilled in permissive as well as non-
permissive insect cells [ 8]. On the other hand, transfection o f a fusion construct in
which the bacterial beta-galactosidase gene was inserted in frame downstream o f the
BmNPVIEG promoter allowed us to conclude, that neither V ero cells (monkey
kidney cells) nor. developing zebra fish em bryo cells were suitable hosts because
beta-galactosidase activity was never observed. Although further testing o f the
transcriptional activation o f the BmNPVIEG-ZacZ construct by vertebrate cell type
transcriptional machinery will be needed, present results point to the assumption that
IAEA-SM-327/10 117
the Bm NPVIEG promoter could be safely used in the field. In vitro, this BmNPVIEG
promoter, being isolated from any other cis or transacting viral sequence, remains
operational on a continuous, prolonged base [9]. On the basis o f the pronounced
sequence and the functional similarity to A cM N P V IE -1, transcription o f a gene
inserted downstream o f the BmNPVIEG promoter might also be expected to occur
throughout the entire infection cycle [10]. W e also tried a gene knock out experiment
in which the endogenous BmNPVIEG coding sequence was replaced, through
hom ologous recombination, by a fused lacZ-IEG sequence. T o our surprise, apart
from a wild type virus, the resulting inoculum also contained a virus that produced
blue plaques after reinfection and addition o f an X -gal substrate. Unfortunately, with
respect to the wild type virus, the recombinant virus titre was decreased some
1000 times, making it quite impossible to purify the plaque. A t this point, it remains
open whether the original BmNPVIEG was indeed knocked out or whether the blue
plaques were rather a result o f a random integration into a site, effecting optimal
viral replication. In any case, in view o f the wide range o f viral transactivating
activity o f this immediate early gene, its functional presence in the viral genome will
most probably be obligatory. In our m odel, we are considering duplicating the
BmNPVIEG promoter and inserting the second promoter in tandem downstream ó f
the P I0 promoter.
A s pointed out in Section 1, the insecticidal activity spectrum o f the gene used
for the realization o f a recombinant baculovirus will be a major determinant for
success. It might appear obvious to use well known toxin genes from which the
resulting toxin has already shown its potential for insect control. A good example
is Bacillus thuringiensis toxins. H ow ever, one should take into consideration that
these proteins exert their effect follow ing proteolytic activation and subsequent
binding to a receptor on the luminal side o f the gut. A first report on experiments
using an occluded recombinant virus carrying the Bikurstaki H D -73 delta-endotoxin
was not encouraging [11]. Neither were those experiments in which a baculovirus
expressing juvenile hormone esterase, a naturally occurring enzyme responsible for
juvenile hormone (JH) inactivation, was used [12]. So far, only the baculovirus
carrying a gene encoding the insect specific toxin, A alT , isolated from the venom
o f the scorpion Androctonus autralis, reduced the killing time o f the test insect by
40% [13]. Although these examples might still be somewhat disappointing, one
should not forget that the exploration o f this field has just .begun and that a major
breakthrough has still to be made.
In this context, we decided to explore further the potentials o f typical insect
neuropeptides that participate in the normal physiology o f the insect. Recently, our
research group [14], as well as several others, realized a major breakthrough by
118 HUYBRECHTS et al.
isolating and sequencing whole families o f bioactive neuropeptides. How ever, so far
only a very, limited success in cloning the corresponding genes has been reported.
In view o f our approach, and until the original genes becom e available, we can only
rely on the construction o f synthetic genes. In a first attempt, the genes encoding two
Locusta migratoria myotropins and one myo-inhibiting peptide were expressed in a
prokaryotic system and tested for bioactivity in a midgut contraction assay. Final
conclusions cannot yet be drawn, but we consider it appropriate to test these genes
for correct expression and processing in our eucaryotic, BmNPVIEG based stable
expression system [9]. This, in combination with practical in vitro hindgut contrac
tion assay, will enable us to screen for the correct genes that might be worth while
testing in vivo by a recombinant baculovirus in which the peptide gene will becom e
expressed by a doubled immediate early gene promoter.
[6] H U Y B R E C H T S , R ., G U A R IN O , L ., VAN B R U S S E L , М ., V U L S T E K E , V .,
Nucleotide sequence o f a transactivating Bombyx mori nuclear p olyh e d rosis virus,
B io p h y s. A c ta 1 1 29 (199 2) 3 2 8 -3 3 0 .
[7] M A E D A , S., M A J I M A , K . , M o le c u la r clo n in g and p hysical m apping o f the genom e
o f Bombyx mori nuclear p olyh e d rosis v iru s, J. Gen. V iro l. 71 (1990) 18 51 -18 55 .
[8] H U Y B R E C H T S , R ., V U L S T E K E , V . , C lo n in g o f an early gene prom oter o f the
Bombyx mori b a culovirus and its use fo r transient and permanent expression o f foreign
genes in eucaryotic cells, M L F R A 3 , M e d e d . L an d b H o o ge sch . O p zock Stnts Gent 56
(1 99 1) 1 4 1 1 -1 4 1 4 .
[9] V U L S T E K E , V ., V A N B R U S S E L , М ., J A N S S E N , I., H U Y B R E C H T S , R ., Paper
IA E A - S M - 3 2 7 / 1 1, these Proceedings.
[10] K O V A C S , G .R ., G U A R I N O , L . A . , S U M M E R S , M . D . , N o v e l regulatory properties
o f the IE 1 and IE O transactivators encoded b y the ba culovirus Autographa califomica
m ulticapsid nuclear p olyh e d rosis v irus, J. V ir o l. 6 5 (1991) 5 2 8 1 -5 2 8 8 .
[11] M E R R Y W E A T H E R , A .T . , et al., C onstruction o f genetically engineered b aculovirus
insecticides containing the Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. hurstaki H D - 7 3 delta-
endotoxin, J. G en. V ir o l. 71 (1990) 1 5 3 5 -1 5 4 4 .
[12] H A M M O C K , B .D ., B O N N IN G , B .C ., P O S S E E , R .D ., H A N Z L IK , T .N .,
M A E D A , S., E x p re ssio n and effects o f the ju ve nile horm one esterase in a b aculovirus
vector, Nature (L o n d o n ) 3 4 4 (199 0) 4 5 8 -4 6 1 .
[13] M c C U T C H E N , B . F . , et al., Developm ent o f a recom binant b a culovirus expressing an
insect-selective neurotoxin: Potential fo r pest control, B iotech no logy 9 (199 1) 84 8 -8 5 2 .
[14] S C H O O F S , L ., H O L M A N , G .M ., H A Y E S , Т .К ., N A C H M A N , R.J.,
D E L O O F , A ., Isolation, identification and synthesis o f locustam yoinhibiting peptide
( L O M - M I P ) , a n o ve l b io lo g ica lly active neuropeptide fro m Locusta migratoria, R egul.
Peptides 3 6 (1 99 1) 11 1 -1 1 9 .
Z oological Institute,
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
The classic baculovirus expression system makes use o f recombinant viruses to
infect cells. This infection can, by the lytic activity o f the virus, only result in transient
expression o f the recombinant protein. In this study, an alternative baculovirus expression
system is demonstrated which is based on the property o f viral immediate early genes, to be
transcribed by uninfected cells in the absence o f other viral gene products. An immediate early
gene o f the baculovirus o f Bombyx mori (BmNPVIEG) has been isolated and sequenced.
By using an expression vector in which the lacZ reporter gene is placed under BmNPVIEG
promoter control, expression o f the lacZ reported gene in insect cells in a transient way was
found. When the same expression vector was co-transfected with a construct containing the
hygromycin В resistance gene, transformed Drosophila S2 cells were able to express the
reporter géne continuously.
122 VULSTEKE et al.
Because immediate early genes are defined as those genes that, can be tran
scribed by uninfected cells in, the absence o f other viral gene products, we wanted
to prove that the 631 bp leader sequence contains the regulatory sequences necessary
for transcription o f the transactivating gene in transient assays.
For this, we used the comm ercial pCH 110 promoter screening vector
(Pharmacia) in which a functional E. coli lacZ gene is cloned. W e inserted the
631 bp leader sequence in such a way that expression o f the lacZ gene was dependent
on the promoter activity o f the Bm NPVIEG leader sequence. For all the transfection
experiments, we used the transfection agent D O T A P (Boehringer Mannheim
Gm bH, Germany) and 5 -1 0 /ig circular supercoiled plasmid D N A .
After transfection o f Bombyx mori Bm-5 cells, we found cells expressing
the lacZ reporter gene. Even when a Bm NPV semi-permissive cell line such as
Spodopiem frugiperda Sf9 cells, or a Bm NPV non-permissive cell line such as
Drosophila S2 cells was transformed, expression o f the reporter gene was clearly
found. In this way, we concluded that the BmNPVIEG leader sequence contains
promoter activity by which foreign genes can be expressed in uninfected insect cells.
So far, the lacZ reporter gene is only transiently expressed under BmNPVIEG
promoter control. A further objective o f our study was to produce permanent trans
formants. For this, we had to extend our transforming vector with an antibiotic
resistance gene. pUChshyg (kindly provided by J. Carlson, C olorado State Univer
sity, Fort Collins, C olorado, United States o f Am erica) contains the hygrom ycin В
resistance gene under control o f the Drosophila hsplO prom oter; which can be
activated in the available Drosophila S2 cells.
In the coding sequence o f Bm NPVIEG, cloned into pU C 19, the lacZ gene is
inserted in a frame 54 bp downstream o f the BmNPVIEG transcriptional start site.
Transformation o f S2 cells with this construct (pBm N PVIEG /acZ) is also successful.
This prompted us to co-transfèct S2 cells with pBm N PVIËG lacZ and
pUChshyg. The heterogeneous mixtures o f the transformed cells are cultured in
selective medium containing 300 /¿g o f hygrom ycin В and those cells that even
contain pBm N PVIEG /acZ can be m icroscopically detected by adding X -G al as sub
strate for /3-galactosidase.
W e follow ed the transformed cells for over one hundred passages and still
found /3-galactosidase expressing cells. Even when they are cultured, for over
30 passages, in non-selective medium they retain their transformed state.
Total cellular D N A , extracted from the transformed cells, was digested with
X bal and X h ol. X bal has one restriction site in pBm N PVIEG /acZ, and pUChshyg
is cleaved once by X h ol. Southern blots were probed for plasmid specific sequences.
The hybridization pattern o f digested total cellular D N A showed a fragment with the
same length as that o f digested plasmid D N A . It seems that the transforming
124 VULSTEKE et al.
OF Heliothis armígera
T. A T T A T H O M , B. ISAN O N T
Department o f Entom ology
S. A T T A T H O M
Plant Genetic Engineering Unit
Kasetsart University,
Kamphaengsaen, Nakorn Pathom,
Restriction fragm ents o f Heliothis armígera nuclear polyh edrosis v iru s ( H a N P V ) D N A
double digested w ith E c o R I and B a m H I were cloned in E. coli D H 5 a F ' u sin g the Bluescript
plasm id as a vector. T h e inserted D N A s w ere estimated to be 1 .5 -2 .0 k b in size. T h e D N A
probe w as constructed fro m a 1.5 k b D N A fragm ent labelled w ith d igoxigen in , i.e. no n
radioactive D N A labelling. T h e probe hybridize d w ell w ith D N A isolated from positive
colonies, but not w ith the Bluescrip t plasm id. D o t blot hybridization data indicated that this
d igo xig e n in labelled D N A probe can detect viral D N A in the infected larva two days after,
inoculation. T h is probe can also be used to detect viral D N A isolated from a single N P V
infected H. armígera larva.
126 ATTATHOM et al.
The nuclear polyhedrosis virus o f the cotton bollw orm , H. armígera, was iso
lated from diseased larvae collected from .cotton fields in Utong District, Supanburi
Province, Thailand. The virus was propagated in host larvae that were mass reared
on an artificial diet. Virus purification and viral D N A isolation follow ed the method
described elsewhere [ 8]. Briefly, virus particles were extracted by dissolving the
polyhedra in 0 .1 M Na2C 0 3, pH 11.2, for 20 min. After removing undissolved poly-
hedra and debris by low speed centrifugation, the virus particles were pelleted by
centrifugation at 36 000 rev./m in fo r 2 h. Viral D N A was isolated from the purified
virus by phenol:chloroform extraction, precipitated by ethanol and resuspended in
TE buffer for further analysis.
To prepare the DNA samples for hybridization tests, each heálthy and NPV
infected H. armígera larva was homogenized in 1 mL o f ddH20 and 1 mL o f 2X
lysis buffer (0.02M tris, pH7.5, Ó.3M NaCl and 4% SDS), centrifuged at
14 000 rev./min for 5 min and the supernatant collected. The DNA was precipitated
from the supernatant by cold absolute ethanol, vacuum dried and dissolved in
ddH20 for hybridization.
Double digestion o f the isolated plasmids with E coRI and BamHI restriction
endonucleases showed inserted D N A fragments o f similar size (Fig. 2). Colonies 3,
9 and 18 contained inserted D N A with the sizes o f 1 .3 -1 .5 kb. The digestion product
o fc o lo n ie s 5 , 12 and 20 showed D N A sizes o f 2 . 0 k b . The D N A fragment o f 1.3 kb
from colony 3 was used for probe construction.
9 12 15 18 20
2 3 .1 —-------- ►
2 .0 — -------- ►
3 5 9 12 15 18 20
« • •* • ® *
FIG. 3. Dot blot hybridization o f plasmids isolated from ampicillin resistant colonies to a
digoxigenin labelled NPV-cDNA probe. The DNA loaded per dot was 5 ng (row 1) and 10 ng
(row 2). The non-insert Bluescript showed negative reaction to the probe.
When the probe was dot blot hybridized with D N A isolated from healthy and
NPV infected H. armígera, positive reactions were observed only with diseased sam
ples (Fig. 4). The viral D N A isolated from one, two and three infected larvae gave
the same result when hybridized with the probe. The intensity o f colour development
showed the same level o f hybridization, independent o f the amount o f D N A loaded
per dot. This result indicated that D N A isolated from á single N PV infected larva
was sufficient for dot blot hybridization with the 1.3 kb fragment N P V -D N A probe.
Healthy Diseased
FIG. 4. Dot blot hybridization o f DNA isolated from healthy and NPV infected (diseased)
H eliothis arm ígera larvae to a digoxigenin labelled NPV-cDNA probe. The NPV-DNA was
isolated from one, two or three larvae, as indicated in rows 1, 2 and 3, respectively.
FIG. 5. Dot blot hybridization o f DNA isolated from healthy and NPV infected H eliothis
arm ígera larvae to a digoxigenin labelled NPV-DNA probe.
IAEA-SM-327/12 131
The restriction endonuclease pattern has proved to be useful for the analysis
o f D N A because the restriction enzymes cleave D N A at specific nucleotide
sequences. Its usefulness for identifying strains and genom ic variants o f NPV has
been well recognized [11, 12]. Our previous w ork has shown the difference in the
restriction endonuclease pattern o f H aN PV -D N A after being digested with EcoRI,
H indlll, PstI, SacII, Hpal and Seal [ 8]. How ever, application o f this technique to
differentiate the strains o f NPV found in Thailand is very limited. This is due to the
fact that there is no rapid and reliable method for detecting viruses in the field so
that more strains can be collected and studied. Molecular cloning o f restriction
endonuclease fragments o f N P V -D N A will prove to be o f great value in the search
for and development o f m ore effective strains o f N PV in Thailand. W e selected the
E coRI and BamHI fragments because o f their constant 1 .3 -2 .0 kb products, which
are suitable for cloning. Although this w ork is at the initial stage o f constructing
genome mapping and full length sequence analysis, the probe derived from a cloned
D N A fragment has a high potential for application. Using this probe and the digox
igenin labelling, technique, N PV can be detected even in a single infected larva. It
is hoped that m ore naturally occurring strains o f N P V . will be detected by this
method, thereby accomplishing the selection and development o f an effective strain
o f NPV for the control o f H. armígera.
A bstract-R ésu m é
E L E M E N T S F R O M M O S Q U IT O G E N O M E S .
T h e Juan elements constitute a fam ily o f L I N E ’S retroposons w h ich are dispersed in the
genom e o f m any strains, if not all, o f the three m osquito species A. aegypti, C. pipiens and
C. tarsalis. A specific Juan sub fam ily is am plified and dispersed in the genom e o f each o f
these species. T h e y have been designated respectively as Juan A in A. aegypti, Juan С in
C. pipiens and Juan C t in C. tarsalis. T h e distribution o f Juan retroposons am ong m osquito
species does not reflect the ph y loge n y o f these species. Furtherm ore, the Juan retroposons
form hom ogeneous subfam ilies: full-length copies w h ich are reiterated in strains collected
from regions covering different continents are nearly identical. T h ese data are interpreted to
indicate that the Juan retroposons have spread recently in the m osquito genom es harbouring
them, perhaps upon horizontal transfer from other species. Juan A elements have been found
in two isolates o f A. albopictus and one isolate o f A. polynesiensis, whereas num erous other
isolates o f these two species are devoided o f any Juan-like sequence. T h e unfrequent presence
o f Juan A elements in som e strains o f A. albopictus and A. polynesiensis can be the result o f
an horizontal invasion, but m ore p robably from cross-hybridizations w h ich have been reported
som etim es to occur between the form er species and A. aegypti. N o p ro gen y is obtained w hen
A. albopictus m ales containing Juan A retroposons are crossed w ith females la cking these
elements, whereas the reciprocal cross is fertile. Su c h results suggest that the Juan retroposons
m ay be responsible for-incom patibilities between, strains.
L e s éléments Juan constituent une fam ille de rétroposons de type L I N E , répétés et d is
persés dans le génom e des m oustiques Aedes aegypti, Culex pipiens et Culex tarsalis. U n e
sous-fam ille Juan particulière, désignée respectivement Juan A , Juan C ou Juan C t, est
am plifiée et dispersée dans le génom e de chacune des souches de ces trois espèces analysées
à ce jour. L a distribution des éléments Juan parm i les différentes espèces de m oustiques ne
reflète pas la p hylogénie de celles-ci. D e plus, les copies com plètes des rétroposons Juan
réitérées dans des souches de différents continents form ent des sous-fam illes hom ogènes. C e s
observations indiquent que ces éléments ont envahi récemment les génom es q ui les hébergent,
peut-être à l ’issue d ’un transfert horizontal, de façon infectieuse. D e s éléments Juan A ont été
134 MOUCHES et al.
trouvés dans seulement deux isolats d’A. albopictus et.un isolât d’A. polynesiensis, alors que
de nom breux autres isolats de ces espèces sont dépou rvus de tels,éléments. Cette contam ina
tion de rares isolats d ’A albopictus et d’A. polynesiensis par des éléments Juan A peut être
le résultat d ’une in va sio n horizontale, m ais p lus probablement de croisem ents fertiles peu
fréquents entre souches de ces deux espèces et A. aegypti. A u c u n e descendance n ’est obtenue
quand des m âles d ’une souche à'A. albopictus hébergeant les rétroposons Juan A sont croisés
avec des femelles dépourvues de ces éléments, a lors que le croisem ent réciproque est fertile.
C e s résultats prélim inaires suggèrent que les rétroposons Juan pourraient être responsables
d ’incom patibilités ou de dysgénésies entre souches de m oustiques.
ш т т Ш
IA E A -SM -3 2 7 / 1 3
Juan С (4487 pb)
* pb: paire de base; 1 kb d ’A D N double b rin a une m a sse m oléculaire de 6,6 X 105.
FIG. 1. Structure et organisation génétique des rétroposons Juan A d ’A . aegypti et Juan C d e C . pipiens. L es dom aines hautem ent con servés sont
indiqués p a r CYS (domaine riche en cystéine typique des p rotéin es d e liaison aux acides n ucléiques) dans la p h a se d e lectu re ou verte O R F 1
et R T (domaines typiques des transcriptases réverses) dans la ph ase de lectu re ou verte O R F 2. A n indique une séq u en ce rich e en adénosine à
l ’extrém ité 3 ’ d es éléments. L es sites de coupure par d es enzym es d e restriction sont indiqués p a r: B, Bam H I; E, E coR I; X , X bal.
138 MOUCHES et al.
protéine de liaison aux acides nucléiques (nucleic acid binding ou «gag» protein), la
seconde une transcriptase réverse (Fig. 1). Ils présentent entre eux de fortes homolo
gies au niveau de leurs séquences nucléotidiques et de celles des polypeptides poten
tiellement codés (37% d’homologies pour la protéine «gag», 67% d’homologies au
niveau dé la transcriptase reverse).
Les deux familles ont la même organisation génétique que les éléments Jockey,
F, G et I de D. m e l a n o g a s t e r [10, 11, 12]. En outre, les séquences nucléotidiques
des rétroposons Juan A et Juan C présentent des régions d’homologies avec les
éléments Jockey, F et G, mais non pas avec les rétroposons I de D . m e l a n o g a s t e r
et D . t e i s s i e r i , ou Tl à ' A n o p h e l e s g a m b i a e [13]. Ces résultats indiquent que les
rétroposons Juan et certains rétroposons de drosophiles dérivent d’un même élément
2.3. Ecologie des rétroposons Juan chez les moustiques Culex et Aedes
Des copies des rétroposons Juan C et Juan A, ou d’éléments voisins, ont été
recherchées dans des souches ou clés individus issus des populations naturelles, en
analysant les ADN génomiques extraits de ces insectes par hybridation avec les
éléments clonés, détermination ou polymorphisme de longueur des fragments de
restriction hybridés et par amplification génique in vitro par la polymérase (poly
merase chain reaction ou PCR), en utilisant comme amorces des oligonucléotides
spécifiques de ces éléments (Tableau I). '
Approximativement le mêmë nombre de copies du rétroposon Juan C sont
amplifiées dans le génome les souches de C . p i p i e n s de différents continents. Une
sous-famille d’éléments très proche de celle des rétroposons Juan C, désignée
Juan Ct, est amplifiée chez C . t a r s a l i s . Ces éléments Juan Ct présentent un poly
morphisme de restriction différent de celui des rétroposons Juan C, montrant que
chacune des deux sous-familles a été amplifiée à partir d’un variant d’un ancêtre
Des rétroposons Juan A sont amplifiés dans toutes les souches de moustiques
A . a e g y p t i . Des éléments identiques ont également été trouvés dans deux isolats de
l’espèce A . a l b o p i c t u s et un isolât d ’A . p o l y n e s i e n s i s , mais dé nombreux autres iso
lats de ces deux espèces sont dépourvus de tout élément de type Juan, quelle que soit
la stringence des conditions d’hybridations utilisées.
(a), (b), (c): cent dix-sept autres isolats d 'A:albopictus prélevés en 1986 a Hawaii, cent vingt-
deux autres collectés en 1988 à Poona et cent quatre-vingt-sept autres, isolats d 'A. poly
nesiensis prélevés en 1987 à Tahiti ne contenaient aucun rétroposon Juan.
absents chez la plupart des isolats d’autres espèces d ' A e d e s , pourtant plus proches
d ’A . a e g y p t i que des C u le x . Comme il est peu vraisemblable qu’un élément amplifié
et dispersé à plusieurs centaines de copies dans un génome puisse avoir été éliminé
totalement sans laisser de traces, les rétroposons Juan ont donc envahi le génome des
espèces qui les hébergent après la divergence évolutive des différentes espèces de
moustiques. • ■
En outre, les copies complètes d’une sous-famille Juan amplifiées dans une
espèce sont remarquablement homogènes, non seulement .au sein d’une souche
140 MOUCHES et al.
Depuis leur découverte, les éléments génétiques mobiles ont été étudiés chez
un nombre limité d’espèces. Dès lors, leur histoire évolutive et les stratégies qui leur
permettent d’évoluer apparemment de concert avec le génome de leurs hôtes respec
tifs sont peu connues. La caractérisation de nouveaux éléments à partir de
moustiques permettra de mieux connaître l’évolution de ces séquences, de
comprendre les mécanismes de leur interaction avec le génome hôte et d’apprécier
leur importance dans les mutations adaptatives. Il sera en particulier intéressant de
vérifier l’éventualité que ces éléments puissent être «infectieux», c’est-à-dire
transmis de façon horizontale, entre espèces différentes. Chez les mammifères et la
drosophile, certains éléments mobiles semblent avoir été fréquemment perdus et
gagnés par les diverses espèces, et il a été suggéré (et illustré chez la drosophile) que
certains d’entre eux ont envahi une espèce donnée à l’issue d’un transfert horizontal
à partir d’une autre espèce.
142 MOUCHES et al.
Gene transformation for the control of mosquito transmitted diseases is currently
limited by the lack of an efficient method for the transfection and integration of exogenous
DNA. The biolistic technique, which uses high velocity DNA coated microprojectiles, has
been developed to introduce DNA into embryos of Anopheles gambiae. The biolistic
parameters have been characterized and optimized on the basis of transient expression of the
luciferase reporter gene placed under the control of the heat shock protein 70 promoter of
Drosophila. High luciferase activities were observed for biolistic DNA introduction per
formed in the early embryonic stages. Because of the very large number of embryos which
can easily be transfected biolistically, and because DNA is probably delivered directly into
the nuclei, the biolistic method could be useful for obtaining insect genetic transformation,
despite the low frequency of exogenous DNA integration. Moreover, this technique has
already been proved suitable for embryo transfection in other invertebrates, such as
The introduction of genes into mosquitoes that would make them refractory to
pathogens is a possible strategy for controlling vector borne diseases [1-5].
However, techniques are not available to efficiently introduce genes into mosquitoes,
as DNA injected into embryos rarely integrates into the host genome. This barrier
was overcome in D r o s o p h i l a by identifying the P transposable element that effi
ciently introduce genes into the germ line. Because of the lack of identified high
146 MIALHE et al.
operations. The best ratio of DNA/particles was about 10 ¿ig/l mg. The higher
ratios resulted in the formation of particle aggregates. Using 900 psi rupture discs,
the embryo survival rates were similar to those of the controls. The transient expres
sion of luciferase was also analysed in 48-h-old embryos and in 1-d-old larvae. The
highest luciferase activities were found in 24-h-old embryos. Both circular and linear
DNA induced transient expression efficiently. The biolistic method led to transient
expression in about one hundred experiments.
Experiments are now in progress, using the biolistic conditions developed from
transient expression, to introduce DNA with a selectable marker into large numbers
of embryos in order to select for stable integration. The biolistic technique has
already been proved to be suitable for embryo transfection in other invertebrates,
such as crustaceans.
[1] MILLER, L.H ., et al., Stable integration and expression of a bacterial gene in the
mosquito Anopheles gambiae, Science 237 (1987) 779-781.
[2] EGGLESTON, P., The control of insect-borne disease through recombinant DNA
technology, Heredity 6 6 (1991) 161-172.
[3] HANDLER, A .M ., O ’BROCHTA, D ., Prospects for gene transformation in insects,
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 36 (1991) 159-183.
[4] McGRANE, V ., CARLSON, J.O., MILLER, B.R., BEATY, B.J., Microinjection of
DNA into Aedes triseriatus ova and detection of integration, Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg.
39 (1988) 502-510.
[5] MORRIS, A .C ., EGGLESTON, P., CRAMPTON, J.M., Genetic transformation of
the mosquito Aedes aegypti by microinjection of DNA, Med. Vet. Entomol. 3 (1989)
[6 ] SANFORD, J.C., SMITH, F.D ., RUSSEL, J.A., Optimizing the biolistic process for
different biological applications, Methods Enzymol. (in press).
[7] ZELENIN, A .V ., et al., The delivery of foreign genes into fertilized eggs using high-
velocity microprojectiles, FEBS Lett. 287 (1991) 118-120.
[8 ] BALDARELLI, R .M ., LENGYEL, J.A., Transient expression of DNA after ballistic
introduction into Drosophila embryos, Nucleic Acids Res. 18 (1990) 5903-5904.
Department of Genetics and Molecular Biology,
University of Hawaii
Agricultural Research Service,
United States Department of Agriculture
Honolulu, Hawaii,
United States of America
Ceratitis capitata.
Polymerase chain reaction amplification of RAPD markers was used to document the
existence of molecular markers that can distinguish different populations of the Mediterranean
fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata. The populations used include strains which differ primarily in
terms of geographical origin, but, in addition, strains that have been in long tèrm laboratory
culture can also be distinguished from wild caught strains. The molecular markers identified
can be used for a variety of purposes, including documentation of new forms of genetic varia
tion, identification of strain specific molecular markers and establishment of linkage relation
ships between anonymous DNA. sequences and desirable genes or traits of interest.
The PCR procedure we hâve used here has the great advantage that it can be
carried out on limited amounts of material, such as dessicated or ethanol preserved
material, even that which has been rendered unusable for most other types of
analysis. In our procedure, DNA is first extracted from material such as a single fly
or from body parts oif a fly according to established protocols [1]. Typically, from
a single medfly we dilute an aliquot of the. extracted DNA to approximately
10 ng//xL. This small fraction of the extracted DNA serves as a template for the
amplification of specific regions of the genome in the PCR.procedure. The regions
of the genome that are amplified can serve as molecular markers which are specific
to an individual, strain, population, or species, whatever the case may be.
The particular regions of the genome that will be amplified are determined
by ‘primers’ added to the PCR reaction. These primers are short, synthetic strands
of DNA that serve as the initiation point in the amplification of a specific region
of the genome. In the RAPD approach, primers are chosen at random, and they
consist of strings of DNA 10 nucleotides in length [4]. After PCR amplification,
the DNA fragments are visualized using ethidium bromide staining. The number and
sizes of these fragments can differ between individuals or strains. The specific
pattern of the DNA fragments observed are representative of the genetic make-up
of the individual. Identically sized bands observed between different individuals are
considered to represent genetic relatedness or similarity. To quantify these relation
ships, we calculated band sharing percentages for different medfly populations.
This number represents the proportion of bands generated by the RAPD PCR
procedure that are common, or shared, between individuals within or between
IAEA-SM-327/15 151
Brazil — — — — — 0.09 0
Argentina - — — 0.09
Israel — — —
a greater proportion of bands in common with samples from Hawaii and Central
America as opposed to other geographical localities. Similar results have been
obtainéd with other primers as well. Assuming that these bands represent DNA
polymorphisms which are common to different populations, these genetic markers
can be indicative of the origin and genetic relatedness of populations.
We are attempting to obtain additional material from California to examine this
further. In addition we need to examine other, presumably unrelated, geographical
populations to better understand these results. We are encouraged, however, that we
can produce these DNA polymorphisms to be used as population specific molecular
markers using the PCR technology.
[1] HAYMER, D., McINNIS, D ., ARCANGELI, L., Genetic variation between strains
of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, detected by DNA fingerprinting,
Genome 35 (1992) 528-533.
[2] ANLEITNER, J., HAYMER, D., Y specific and Y enriched sequences from the
genome of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, Chromosoma 101 (1992)
[3] HE, М ., HAYMER, D., Isolation and characterization of actin homologous sequences
from the Dacus dorsalis, Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 84 (1991) 601-607.
polymorphisms amplified by arbitrary primers are useful as genetic markers, Nucleic
Acids Res. 18 (1990) 6531-6535.
* Dipartmento di Genetica,
Biología Generate e Molecolare,
Facoltà di Scienze,
Università di Napoli,
** Dipartimento di Entomologia e Zoologia Agraria,
Università di Napoli,
*** Istituto di Entomologia Agraria e Forestale,
Università della Basilicata,
An investigation is being carried out on the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) molecular organi
zation of closely related Aphidiinae species belonging to the genus Aphidius Nees, of relevant
interest in biological control, with the aim of evaluating the variability within and between
species. After construction of a restriction map of the most represented A. ervi rDNA cistrons,
the molecular organization of the rDNA repeating units of single individuals and populations
was studied in Southern blot analyses. Heterogeneity within the A. ervi rDNA cistrons and
between populations of different geographical origin was identified. This approach allowed
the conclusion to be reached that differences in the rDNA cistrons can be diagnostic of species
and populations, therefore providing a useful tool in biological control programmes.
154 GARGIULO et al.
Among the insects, most of the detailed studies on rDNA using the well devel
oped recombinant DNA technologies for DNA structural analysis have been per
formed on the dipteran fly D r o s o p h i l a m e l a n o g a s t e r [1]. More recently, the study
of rDNA has been extended to several insect species of medical and agricultural
importance in order to start the molecular characterization of the genome and to
investigate the molecular systematics of an ever-growing number of species: Díp
tera, Orthoptera, Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera [2-4].
The study of the rDNA molecular structure of insects takes advantage of the
well described characteristics of these genes in D . m e l a n o g a s t e r , mainly their high
copy number and the presence in each repeated unit of a highly conserved coding
region and of less conserved sequences: non-transcribed spacers (NTS) and
introns [5-8]. Restriction analyses of the spacer structure of cloned rDNA gene units
have indicated that the spacers are internally repetitious and that the observed
heterogeneity in length derives in part from a different number of internal repeated
sequences [9-12]. Another particular feature of D . m e l a n o g a s t e r rDNA is that the
28S coding region sequences are interrupted by non-coding DNA sequences (rDNA
introns) in about 40% of the repeated units [13]. Almost all the dipteran species so
far investigated contain introns in some fraction of their 28S rRNA coding
regions [2 ].
We are investigating the rDNA molecular organization of closely related
Aphidiinae species, taking special interest in A p h i d i u s e r v i Haliday. We have
already demonstrated the real potentialities of this approach, both in the discrimina
tion of species and in the determination of the phyletic relationships between taxa.
The results reported in this paper show that the rDNA structure and organization of
A . e r v i is complex and heterogeneity exists both within the rDNA cluster and
between individuals and populations of different geographical origin.
(1) D N A ex tr a c tio n :
The DNA from single individual and from pooled samples
was extracted according to Endow and Glover [14].
(2) C l o n e s : A complete, uninterrupted genetic ribosomal unit (cDm Y22) inserted
into pMB9 was obtained from P.K. Wellauer (Institut Suisse de Recherches
Expérimentales sur le Cancer, Lausanne, Switzerland) and its different frag
ments were used as probes in Southern blot experiments. Cloned DNA was
prepared according to Dawid et al. [6 ]. Nick translation was performed
according to Rigby et al. [15].
(3) R e s tr ic tio n a n a ly s is , e le c tr o p h o r e s is , t r a n s fe r a n d h y b r id iz a tio n o f DNA\
Digestions with restriction enzymes were carried out under the conditions
recommended by the manufacturers (Amersham, Biolabs, Boehringer
Mannheim GmbH). Restriction maps were determined by analysing single and
double digestions on 0.6-1.5% agarose gels in Tris-borate EDTA buffer [16].
The DNA was transferred on to nitrocellulose filters, hybridized as outlined
by Southern [17] and washed four times in 2 X SSC, 0.1% SDS for 15 min
at 56°C.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- 21
- 0.98
- 0.84
FIG. 1. Southern blot analysis o f genomic DNA from A. ervi digested with (1) Hindlll/SacI;
(2) Hindlll/PvuII; (3) Hindlll/Pstl; (4) Hindlll/Kpnl; (5) Hindlll/Dral; (6) Hindlll/accI; and
(7) Hindlll and hybridized with labelled D. melanogaster 28a.
does not take into account the possible occurrence of other sources of variability,
such as the insertion sequences in the 28S region.
FIG. 2. Restriction map o f A. ervi rDNA. As stressed in the text, the most represented rDNA
cistrons are about 12 kb long. Without taking into account the possible occurrence o f other
sources o f variability, their spacer length would be 5.5-6 kb.
1 2 3 4 5
FIG. 3. Southern blot o f genomic DNA extracted from single laboratory reared A. ervi
individuals digested with the restriction enzyme BamHI and hybridized with the labelled 28S02
fragment o f D. melanogaster rDNA.
A s can be seen in the map (Fig. 2), the BamHI enzyme sites in the 18S and
28S/32 coding regions identify a fragment which, from comparison with D r o s o p h i l a ,
should contain the NTS as well as the site where 28S insertions occur in many
insects. We therefore used this enzyme in Southern blot experiments (Fig. 3) of
genomic DNAs extracted from single laboratory reared A . e r v i individuals hybri
dized with the labelled 28S/32 fragment of D . m e l a n o g a s t e r rDNA as probe.
158 GARGIULO et al.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 5 --
13 _
12- -
9 .5 -
F/G. 4. Southern blot o f genomic DNA from A. ervi single individuals collected from
different areas (lanes 1-2, Nola; lane 3, Samo; lanes 4-6, Ischitella; and lane 7,
Castelvoltumo). The enzyme and probe are the same as those used in Fig. 3.
Numerous bands appear in each lane, indicating that a considerable amount of varia
bility exists within the rDNA repeating units. A main band of about 7.5 kb appears
in all the individuals, indicating that this is the most represented class in single
individuals, but this band seems to differ slightly between individuals (either 7.5 or
8 kb). The other most represented bands (11 and 13 kb) are present in most of the
This research was supported by the National Research Council of Italy, Special
Project RAISA, Sub-Project No. 2, Paper No. N524.
[1] LONG, E.O., DAWID, I.B., Restriction analysis of spacer in ribosomal DNA of
Drosophila melanogaster, Nucleic Acids Res. 7 (1979) 205-215.
[2] BECKINGHAM, K ., “ Insect rDNA” , The Cell Nucleus, Vol. X (BUSCH, H.,
ROTHBLUM, L., Eds), Academic Press, London (1982) 205-269.
[3] SCHAFER, М ., KUNZ, W ., rDNA in Locusta migratoria is very variable: Two
introns and extensive restriction site polymorphisms in the spacer, Nucleic Acids Res.
13 (1985) 1251-1265.
[4] CROSS, N.C.P., DOVER, G .A ., Tsetse fly rDNA: An analysis of structure and
sequence, Nucleic Acids Res. 15 (1987) 15-30.
[5] RITOSSA, F .M ., ATWOOD, K .C ., SPIEGELMAN, S., A molecular explanation of
the bobbed mutant in Drosophila as partial deficiencies of ribosomal DNA, Genetics
54 (1966) 819-834.
[6 ] DAWID, I.B., WELLAUER, P.K., LONG, E.O., Ribosomal DNA in Drosophila
melanogaster. Isolation and characterization of cloned fragments, J. Molec. Biol. 126
(1978) 749-768.
160 GARGIULO et al.
[7] WELLAUER, P.К ., DAWID, I.B., The structural organization of ribosomal DNA in
D. melanogaster, Cell 10 (1977) 193-212.
[8 ] COEN, E.S., DOVER, D .A ., Unequal exchange and the coevolution of the X and Y
rDNA arrays in D. melanogaster, Cell 33 (1983) 849-855.
[9] LONG, E.O., DAWID, I.B., Repeated genes in eukaryotes, Annu. Rev. Biochem. 49
(1980) 727-764.
[10] DOVER, G ., Molecular drive: A cohesive mode of species evolution, Nature (London)
299 (1982) 111-117.
[11] BONCINELLI, E., et al., Inheritance of the rDNA spacer in D. melanogaster, Mol.
Gen. Genet. 189 (1983) 370-374.
[12] SALZANO, G ., MALVA, С ., Non-random loss of uninterrupted ribosomal DNA
repeating units upon induction of a bobbed mutation, J. Molec. Biol. 177 (1984)
[13] GLOVER, D .M ., HOGNESS, D .M ., A novel arrangement of the 18S and 28S
sequences in a repeating unit of D. melanogaster rDNA, Cell 10 (1977) 167-176.
[14] ENDOW, E.S., GLOVER, D .M ., Differential replication of ribosomal gene repeat in
polytene nuclei of D. melanogaster, Cell 17 (1979) 597-605.
[15] RIGBY, P.W.J., DIECKMANN, М ., RHODES, C ., BERG, P., Labelling deoxy
ribonucleic acid to high specific activity in vitro by nick translation with DNA poly
merase I, J. Molec. Biol. 113 (1977) 237-251.
[16] MANIATIS, T., FRITSCH, E.F., SAMBROOK, J., Molecular Cloning - A
Laboratory Manual, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY (1982).
[17] SOUTHERN, E., Detection of specific sequences among DNA fragments separated by
gel electrophoresis, J. Molec. Biol. 98 (1975) 503-519.
[18] GARGIULO, G ., MALVA, С ., PENNACCHIO, F., TREMBLAY, E., Structure of
Aphidius Nees rDNA: A molecular tool in biosystematic research, Boll. Lab. Entomol.
Agrie. F. Silvestri 45 (1988) 203-219.
Centro de Biología Molecular e Engenharia Genética,
Universidade Estadual de Campinas,
Campinas, Sào Paulo,
Restriction endonucleases analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was used to
examine the genetic variability of the screwworm in twelve populations collected in seven
locations of southern and northern Brazil. In two distinct areas of Sâo Paulo State, seasonal
sampling was performed to detect any possible variation in mtDNA. A group of five enzymes,
Clal, НаеШ, Hindin, MspI and PvuII, was sufficient to differentiate some of the 12 screw
worm sample populations tested. The results of this study support theoretical predictions that
mtDNA analysis is a highly sensitive method for examining the population structure of Coch-
liomyia hominivorax mtDNA. Variability in C. hominivorax mtDNA should prove useful in
the efforts to trace the origin and dispersion of the species in Brazil.
one of the preferred methods is mitochondrial DNA analysis, which has been shown
to represent a powerful tool for obtaining information on the gene flow, population
structure, biogeographical hybridization zones and phylogenetic relationships.
Mitochondrial DNA variation has also become an important tool for detailed studies
of the intraspecific population structure because of its considerable polymorphism
and strong sensitivity to founder events or population subdivision. The main reasons
for this are the maternal mode of inheritance and the lack of recombination.
In this study, mtDNA variability was analysed in twelve screwworm samples
collected from seven localities of southern and northern Brazil. In two different areas
of Sâo Paulo State, seasonal sampling was performed to detect any possible variation
in mtDNA. The specific objectives of this work are to answer the following ques
tions: (1) Can mtDNA restriction site analyses provide a sensitive method for
examining genetic variability in these natural populations; and (2) Can this analysis
reveal convenient genetic markers to trace the maternal lineages in these natural
Live screwworm samples (larvae and adults) were obtained from wounds in
infested cattle at the' following localities: Adamantina (Ad-1, Ad-2, Ad-3),
Caraguatatuba (Ca-1, Ca-2, Ca-3, Ca-4), Botucatu (Bot-1), Paulinia (Pa-1), Amparo
(Amp-1), Alfenas (Alf-1) and Morro do Chapeu (Ba-1). MtDNA was purified from
individual larvae, pupae or adults, as described in Ref. [1]. The screwworm larvae
were reared in the laboratory in a medium of fresh cattle groundmeat supplemented
with blood and water (2:1). The larvae were maintained at approximately 30°C.
Mature larvae were allowed to pupate in sawdust. Adults were maintained in screen
cages at 25°C, with dried milk, sugar and ferment.
MtDNA was purified from individual larvae, pupae or adults as described in
Ref. [1]. The following 15 restriction enzymes were used: AccI, BamHI, Clal,
EcoRI, ECoRV, Haelll, Hindlll, Hpal, MspI, PvuII, PstI, SppI, SttI, Xbal and
Xhol. The purified mtDNA was nick translated to yield a 32P labelled probe.
Hybridization was carried out under standard conditions [1]. Visualization of the
mtDNA fragments was conducted using autoradiography and the fragment sizes
were estimated from autoradiographs using a digitizer and Bioscan software.
The initial screening survey revealed that five of the fifteen enzymes used were
suitable for detecting mtDNA variation among the sampled populations. Three
different restriction patterns were obtained for Clal and PvuII, four for Hindlll and
IAEA-SM-327/17 163
(a) (b)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A С D ■ *
five for НаеШ and MspI. The different restriction patterns for each enzyme were
designated by capital letters in the order that they happened to be discovered. As seen
in Fig. 1, the enzyme Hindlll showed three patterns, designated A (lanes 2, 3, 5,
6 , 8 and 9), В (lane 4) and С (lanes 4, 5 and 6 ); MspI showed A (lanes 4, 5 and
7), В (lane 7), С (lane 2), D (lane 3) and E (lane 8 ).
The estimated mtDNA length was similar to that reported by Roehrdanz and
Johnson and Roehrdanz [2, 3] for screwworm populations from North and Central
America and has approximately 16.3 kilobase pairs.
On the basis of the fragment patterns of four enzymes, Haelll, Hindlll, MspI
and PvuII, 14 different haplotypes were defined for the sampled populations. The
interpopulation analysis has shown high variability in mtDNA. Three geographical
populations exhibited different single haplotypes. Two haplotypes were found in
three other localities. In one specific locality, Caraguatatuba (Sâo Paulo State), nine
different haplotypes were found. The occurrence of shared haplotypes was in some
cases independent of the geographical distance. In the populations that showed more
than one haplotype, the frequencies varied and in most cases one type was prevalent.
The results indicated that different geographical populations have different haplotype
compositions and therefore different maternal lineages for mtDNA.
High variability in mtDNA was also found by Roehrdanz and Johnson and
Roehrdanz [2, 3] in 30 screwworm lines from North and Central America. Sixteen
haplotypes found individually in only two screwworm lines in Mexico showed ample
distribution, while the remaining haplotypes were foiind individually in only one
location. A comparison of these results with our data showed that no common haplo
types were found on both the areas analysed. Taylor et al. [4] described a single
haplotype in a population found in Tripoli, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, but there was
no similarity to any of the haplotypes found in Brazil. This sample was collected
from a recent introduction of the screwworm, probably from South America. A
further screening from other regions of Brazil and other South American countries
could perhaps indicate its possible origin.
The seasonal analysis also indicated genetic heterogeneity. In one of the areas
(Caraguatatuba), two predominant haplotypes were found; these were the pre
dominant types found in all four samples taken in this locality. However, seven other
types were found in the samples collected during the summer (Ca-2) and in autumn
(Ca-4), but they were not detected in other samples at this locality. This variability,
plus the fact that large numbers of cattle are being taken in and out of the area, could
be the reasons for the presence or absence of flies of these haplotypes. Only further
temporal analysis of the mtDNA in this locality will provide more conclusive data
on the screwworm population in this area: In another locality (Adamantina, Sâo
Paulo State), no significant variation was observed during the year;
These preliminary data on the high variability observed on the mtDNA of
C. h o m i n i v o r a x samples collected in seven localities have indicated the existence of
different maternal lineages in Brazil. Despite the high dispersal capacity of the
screwworm flies and the movement of livestock in some regions, screening of some
of the samples has suggested local differentiation in mtDNA’and unique haplotypes.
Only further analysis of mtDNA, involving more samples from different areas
of Brazil, is needed, especially concerning the spreading and introduction of this pest
in other areas of the world, with special concern for Africa.
It has become increasingly clear that genetic variability among and within
populations of insect pests affects the success of biological control agents and insecti
cide resistance management. The high interpopulation mtDNA variation found in 12
screwworm populations from 7 locations suggests that further studies of mtDNA will
be valuable to address the evolutionary, genetic and pest management questions of
this insect in South America. . ■
IAEA-SM-327/17 165
Department of Biochemistry,
University of Saskatchewan,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
■ Department of Entomology,
University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Alberta
The bacteriophage M13 was used as a probe to detect DNA fingerprinting (DNAfp)
profiles in adults from laboratory colonies of the three subgenera of tsetse flies (Austenina,
Nemorhina and Glossina). In all three subgenera, the probe revealed profiles of multiple
components similar to those found in other organisms. The general complexity of the profiles
varied between subgenera and between species and subspecies. A common overall DNAfp
pattern was observed within a subspecies but variations occurred at the intrapopulation level.
Evidence is presented that DNAfp provides a means for population biology studies, such as
comparisons between field collected flies and those from established laboratory colonies.
Pedigree analysis was performed in the context of further development of a genetic linkage
map using DNAfp markers and studies related to the molecular basis of hybrid sterility in
tsetse flies. A pedigree established by mating a male and a female from different lines
(‘ RUCA’ x ‘Cent’) of G. m. centralis showed, in addition to a Mendelian inheritance of
DNAfp fragments, an amplification of the intensity of certain bands in the offspring. It is
suggested that DNAfp offers a tool for analysing the molecular genetic aspects of mating
flies from different geographical areas.
The information accumulated in the fields of biology and genetics has now
made tsetse flies, the vectors of African trypanosomiases, interesting and amenable
models for studies at the molecular level [1]. There are 31 species and subspecies
within the genus G l o s s i n a (Diptera: Glossinidae) and they are arranged in three
subgenera or species groups [2-5]: subgenus A u s t e n in a Townsend (= f u s c a group,
15 taxa); subgenus N e m o r h i n a Robineau-Desvoidy (= p a l p a l i s group, 9 taxa); and
subgenus Glossina s. str. ( = morsitans group, 7 taxa). Thé divisions are based
mainly on structural characters, but are supported also by ecological informa
tion [ 1 ].
DNA probes would be useful in research on tsetse flies, particularly in the
study of population genetics, expansion of the existing linkage map and in the search
for new methods of genetic control. Tandemly repeated sequences are well known
for their ability to detect, by DNA hybridization, high levels of variation between
individuals and to generate profiles commonly termed DNA fingerprinting
(DNAfp). DNAfp has found a wide range of applications in population biology
studies, linkage analysis studies, genetic relationships in vertebrate species and for
individual identification in forensic science [6 ]. The objective of this paper is to
demonstrate some potentials of DNAfp for developing the molecular biology of
tsetse flies.
The experimental procedures to perform DNAfp from individual insects have
been described previously [7]. In the present studies, the bacteriophage M13, known
to reveal DNAfp profiles in many organisms, including insects, was used as a
probe [7, 8 ].
Adult flies from laboratory colonies of tsetse flies of the three subgenera
(Austenina, Nemorhina and Glossina) were analysed by DNAfp (Fig. 1). The M13
sequence, detecting multiple hybridizing components in all three subgenera, acted
as a multilocus probe. Comparison of DNAfp profiles between subgenera and
between species and subspecies showed a great deal of variation in terms of the
number and position of the bands detected by the probe. Except for G. brevipalpis,
the DNAfp profiles of each subspecies were characterized by a conserved overall
pattern. In addition, the DNAfp profiles revealed intrapopulation variation within
a subspecies. Except for the ‘ RUCA’ and ‘Cent’ colonies of G. m. centralis, each
species of tsetse was represented, in the present study, by a laboratory colony that
originated from a single geographical area. Therefore, it is riot possible for us to
generalize on the geographical or ecological variations in DNAfp within a sub
species. However, the DNAfp profiles of flies from the ‘RUCA’ and ‘Cent’
colonies have a conserved DNAfp pattern. Although these colonies descended from
puparia collected in Zambia and the United Republic of Tanzania, they originate
from within the same main fly belt. The similarity of the DNAfp in the two colonies
suggests that along this fly belt, which is several hundred kilometres in length, a
continuous gene flow has occurred between the Zambian and Tanzanian populations,
IAEA-SM-327/18 169
(a )
kb 1 2 3 4 k b R R C C R R C C kb 1 2 3 4 kb 1 2 3 4
iiflflflft .y.* -ЯДО
- Ï
7 1 10
-W A%V 7 — 40M» *10
'I- ШШШ!!!
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-Ж »* » * “ f T 41
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I *
m - aw s
w ™
■#£: í88S-
# | i #
* * -* j 4 ”’V ^
Ш 2
G. pallidipes
т щ ь
G. m. centralis
G. m. morsitans
m *
G. m. submorsitans
(b) (C)
kb 1 2 3 4 kb 1 2 3 4 kb 1 2 3 4 kb 1 2 3 4
% "Ш
-тШШж 7 - i Щ 10
_ ■•■■•V.V.VAW.V.W.^WMfr.
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• w 5 7
- | | f ,
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^^Ш т ш 2 L * • * *
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Щ щ З Ш Ш У Й Н
9 нМ |
я я я ш
Щ 8* ^ В
Я ш Ш ж
G.p. palpalis G.p. gambiensis G. brevipalpis G. longipennis
FIG. 1. DNA fingerprinting o f adult tsetse flies, (a) Subgenus Glossina: G. pallidipes,
G. m. centralis (lines: R = ‘RUCA’, С = ‘Cent’), G. m. morsitans (line: 190),
G. m. submorsitans (line: ‘Brist’); (b) subgenus Nemorhina: G. p. palpalis, G. p. gambiensis;
(c) subgenus Austenina: G. brevipalpis, G. longipennis.
G. m. morsitans
line: 190 1 0 - 1 10 ± 0.7 (12) 0.60 ± 0.03 6 x 10 ~ 3
G. m. submorsitans
line: ‘Brist’ 1 0 - 1 1 2 .0 + 0.8 (13) 0.93 ± 0.06 0.28
1 2 O fD 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 41 < L 4 5 H 3 0
kb f2 ô ó ó á á
FIG. 2. DNA fingerprinting in pedigree analysis o f tsetse flies. Analysis o f some o f the
individuals resulting from an extensive G. m. centralis pedigree which originated by mating
a ‘RUCA’ virgin female with a ‘Cent’ male. Males are represented by squares and females
by circles and the offspring are numbered consecutively. The star indicates the position of
the band showing an amplification o f intensity in offspring females Fn and F]7.
have gone through genetic bottlenecks (almost certainly true for all of the small
colonies); and (3) all the colonies (except G . b r e v i p a l p i s and G . l o n g i p e n n i s ) were
subjected to inbreeding and selection to increase the frequency of specific alleles.
Nonetheless, the amount of variation in DNAfp provides a means for population
genetic comparisons between field collected and colonized tsetse flies. In this
context, one can propose that DNAfp be used as a routine technique to monitor
genetic variability and genetic changes in tsetse colonies.
United Republic of Tanzania). For the reasons explained above, the DNAfp profiles
showed little variation between individuals and a large majority of bands are
common to both parents. In this two generation pedigree, neither the parents nor the
different offspring have an identical profile and therefore each DNAfp is unique to
an individual. The pedigree demonstrates that there is a germ line stability of
inherited fragments, that the transmission of polymorphic fragments of maternal and
paternal origin can be followed in the progeny, and that each inherited fragment has
a counterpart in at least one parent. In this particular pedigree, there was no specific
linkage of any fragment to a sex chromosome, nor did any mutated bands appear.
Some fragments showed a dramatic increase in intensity in the segregation profile
of offspring, revealing that they are inherited as a homozygous allele. Two offspring,
females Fu and F 17, showed an amplification in intensity of a fragment that cannot
be explained through normal Mendelian inheritance. Similar observations were made
during the analysis of other pedigrees involving the same intercolony cross.
Although it is rather speculative at this stage of the study, this observation may
suggest the mobilization of repeated sequences such as transposable elements.
The authors would like to thank V. Catinot for technical assistance. This work
was supported by a Research Development Grant from the Medical Research
Council of Canada (to A. Blanchetot) and by a grant (No. A-3900) from the Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (to R.H. Gooding).
DNA FROM Ceratitis capitata IN BRAZIL.
Ceratitis capitata, as other tephritid fruit fly species, is a fresh fruit parasite during its
larval stages. A pest introduced to Brazil, it has now spread over large areas of the country.
Unfortunately, this species has shown very few genetic markers at the protein level that can
be used to track population scattering. Therefore, a search was started for suitable genetic
markers, the initial goal being to find genetic variation in the mitochondrial genome.
Mitochondria were isolated from pupae reared in the laboratory for several years by the usual
cell fractionation. The mitochondrial pellet was lysate; its DNA was further purified by the
CsCl equilibrium gradient in an ultracentrifuge. The purified mtDNA was cut with restriction
endonucleases and analysed by agarose gel electrophoresis, followed by direct visualization
with ethydium bromide or by Southern blot hybridization with biotinylated probes, revealed
by the histochemical reactions with streptavidin alkaline phosphatase conjugates. Eleven sites
were detected: one with BamHI, four with EcoRI, four with Hindlll, two with EcoRV and
none with Pstl. Small fragments were detected with silver stain after polyacrylamide gel
electrophoresis. The sites were mapped with multiple restriction enzyme digestions. The total
size of the mitochondrial genome was estimated to be about 16 kb.
176 MATIOLI et al.
It is known from studies made at the phenotypic level that Brazilian populations
of C . c a p i t a t a have sufficient genetic plasticity to adapt to new environments [3].
However, previous studies performed with the use of isozyme markers have shown
little variation in the sampled populations [4].
Over the past decade, analysis of genetic variability at the mitochondrial
genome has proved to be a powerful tool for tracking dispersion and for studying
the population structure of animal species [5-6]. Maternal inheritance and the high
degree of variation were believed to be the cause of this success [7]. To characterize
the mitochondrial genome of Brazilian populations, we started a programme that
began with the determination of the restriction sites of a long term laboratory
All the flies were obtained from a long term, laboratory reared colony of
first collected in Jundiai in 1975 [3]. MtDNA from pupae at least 3 d
C. c a p ita ta
old were isolated according to Ref. [8 ] (typically 10-20 g). We used TES buffer
(Tris-HCl 30mM, pH7.6, EDTA lOmM, Saccharose 0.25M) instead of the original
MIM buffer for mitochondria isolation in order to improve the yield. We also used
a single ultracentrifugation step in a caesium chloride-ethidium bromide equilibrium,
The two isolated mtDNA samples were either digested with the restriction
enzymes or used to prepare biotinylated probes. In order to make precise measure
ments of the electrophoretic migration rates, all the digestions were carried out in
a single buffer (‘One-phor-all’ Pharmacia). Typically, two units of each enzyme
were used to digest 50-200 ng of DNA for each slot.
To analyse small DNA fragments, vertical slab gels were also cast in TBE
0.5X buffer. A thickness of 0.7 mm was used for the 5% polyacrylamide gels. After
running, the gels were fixed and silver stained.
A tentative map is shown in Fig. 3. The site distances used to construct the
map were those obtained from the length estimates of the presumptive fragments
themselves (Table II). The map shown is therefore one of minimum distances. Dou
ble digestions with Hindin and EcoRI once showed a slightly increased distance
between the two smaller bands than the distance observed in Hindlll digestion. We
therefore concluded that there was an EcoRI site located in the smaller Hindin
178 MATIOLI et al.
FIG. 1. Ethidium bromide stained 0.8% agarose gel showing DNAfragments after restriction
enzyme digestion. Lane 1, lambda phage, and lanes 2-11, C. capitata mtDNA. The enzymes
used were: 1, EcoRI and Hindlll; 2, Hindlll; 3, Hindlll, BamHI and EcoRV; 4, EcoRI;
5, EcoRI and BamHI; 6, EcoRI and Hindlll; 7, EcoRI and Hindlll; 8, EcoRI and EcoRV;
9, EcoRV; 10, EcoRV and Hindlll; and 11, EcoRV and BamHI.
No. of Length
Digestion 95% confidence interval
fragment (bp)
3 2 1 0 2 2 059 2 146
FIG. 2. Silver stained 5% polyacrylamide gel. The samples are the same as in Fig. 1, with
the addition o f lane 13, which is lambda phage DNA cut with Hindlll. The open arrowheads
indicate the positions of double bands that were detected as single bands in the agarose gels.
The filled arrowheads indicate the 564 bp lambda DNA fragment.
14 774, BamHI
FIG. 3. Ceratitis capitata restriction site map o f the enzymes studied. The distances between
the sites are minima (in bp). The starting point was chosen to be the only BamHI site observed.-
IAEA-SM-327/19 181
Sites 95% confidence interval
1 2
The procedures used to construct the map are suitable for scaling up and use
in population studies. The use of non-radioactive probes provides a safer research
environment. The map obtained here can also be used for comparisons and the
construction of phylogenetic trees if different patterns are to be obtained in the
The authors wish to thank F.G. da Nobrega, A.M. Azeredo-Espin, F.J. Lara
and C.F.M. Menck for their help and suggestions, and J. Gomes da Silva for earlier
revisions of the manuscript. This work was supported by grants from the Conselho
Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq).
[11] GRAY, М ., Origin and evolution of mitochondrial DNA, Annu. Rev. Cell Biol. 5
(1989) 25-50.
[12] NOBREGA, F.G ., Departamento de Biología, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade
de Sâo Paulo, Sâo Paulo, personal communication, 1992.
(Session 3)
FAO/IAEA Entomology Unit,
Agency’s Laboratory Seibersdorf, ‘
International Atomic Energy Agency,
Gamma radiation was used to induce chromosome aberrations for the analysis and
genetic manipulation of the Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly). Several new translocations
linking different autosomes to the male determining Y chromosome were detected. In three
separate experiments, a total of 34 translocation strains were recovered. Sixteen of these
strains were subjected to more detailed analysis. The results concerning their overall viability
are presented. In addition, an attempt has been made to determine the cytological location of
the white pupa mutation. For this purpose, deletions were induced. Of the over 8000 pupae
screened, four strains with visible chromosome aberrations were found.
The application range of the SIT is extended in two respects if only males are
released. First, those countries that did not allow use of this technique because of
the damage caused by the sterile females attempting to deposit their eggs into the fruit
can now also apply SIT. Second, SIT can also be used to control rather than to
eradicate the pest.
To be able to release only males, genetic manipulation of the medfly is neces
sary. In all existing genetic sexing systems, the wild type allele of a selectable marker
is linked to the male sex through translocations between the respective autpsome and
the Y chromosome. This type of chromosome aberration is usually induced by radia
tion. The selection of the appropriate sexing gene determines primarily the cost
effectiveness of the sex separation (i.e. it should be as early and as accurate as possi
ble and should not require expensive equipment), while choosing which translocation
to use in the strain determines the genetic stability of the sexing system during mass
rearing. It has been shown that recombination in the males occurs [4, 5] and that
genetic exchange in the chromosomal region between the sexing gene and the trans
location break point leads to the breakdown of the sexing system [6 ].
In the first experiment (T7-1) (see Table I) aimed at the induction of Y auto
some translocations, pupae of the wild type strain Egypt II (EglI) were irradiated
with 50 Gy in a ^Co source 1 d before adult emergence. Single males, 61 in total,
were mated with females homozygous for the mutation white pupa ( w p ) [7].
F[ males were also crossed with females from the w p strain. The F2 progeny of
these families, originating from a single irradiated male, were scored for pseudo
linkage between w p and sex, i.e. for the appearance of only mutant females and only
wild type males. Seven families were found. In parallel, the remaining families were
analysed for translocations linking either chromosome 3 or chromosome 4 to the
Y chromosome, i.e. the same crossing scheme as that described for w p was used,
but in this case the mutations dark pupa ( d p ) [8 ] and apricot eye ( a p ) [8 ] were
used [9, 10].
Further genetic and cytological analyses of these 13 new translocation strains
showed that seven (11.5% of 61 families) displayed pseudolinkage with chromo
some 5 and six (9.8% of 61 families) with chromosome 3 or 4, respectively. This
means that under these experimental conditions approximately 1 0 % of all the scored
families carry at least one Y autosome traiislocation for any of the five autosomes,
assuming that the autosomes not tested here (chromosomes 2 and 6 ) exhibit the same
IAEA-SM-327/20 189
(52) 3 (dp) 1 1
Note: Numbers in parentheses denote remaining families after screening for pseudolinkage
with wp.
In the second experiment (T7-2), 150 irradiated EglI males were scored for
pseudolinkage between w p and sex. In this case, eight (5.3% of 150 families) new
translocations were detected. In both experiments (T7-1 and T7-2), a high frequency
of complex translocations was observed, i.e. of 21 translocations, 13 involved more
than one autosome. In the most extreme case, three autosomes were indirectly linked
via autosome-autosome translocations to the Y chromosome. The presence and the
complexity of the translocation has a severe impact on the viability of these strains
(Table П) [10-12]. Strains with simple Y autosome translocations produce approxi
mately half the number of males per 1 0 0 0 fertilized eggs as the standard non
translocation control (Fig. 1). If two autosomes are involved, this value is again
reduced by 50% and in the case of translocations linking three autosomes to the
Y chromosome, male production is reduced to approximately 13% of the control.
Consequently, the most suitable strains for mass rearing carry translocations
where only one autosome is involved. Experiments T7-1 and T7-2 resulted in four
strains where only chromosome 5 and the Y chromosome were linked. To increase
this number, a third experiment (T7-3) was initiated. This time, a dose of 40 Gy was
used and 300 single pair families were analysed (Table I). Of 13 families with
pseudolinkage, eight contained simple T(Y;5) translocations.
To construct genetic sexing strains, the position of the Y autosome break point
has to be known. Genetic and cytological experiments were performed to determine
the break points in the existing strains [ 1 0 , 1 1 ] and to analyse their stability using
either w p or .a temperature sensitive lethal (ts l) [13] as the selectable marker [11].
The second essential prerequisite for the construction of stable genetic sexing
strains is to determine the chromosomal location of the selectable marker. In several
experiments we have attempted to induce deletions of the w p locus (Table III) [14].
Because no balancer chromosomes exist in the medfly, the deletions were induced
in a Y autosome translocation (T(Y;5)30C, Refs [14, 15]), i.e. the deletions
remained linked to the Y chromosome and, therefore, to the male sex. The irradiated
males ( J ( Y ' , 5 ) w p + / w p + ) were crossed in large cages with w p females and the
Fl generation was screened for the occurrence of white pupae. Males emerging
IAEA-SM-327/20 191
fe 300 -
3 200 -
100 -
0 1 2 3
FIG. I: Production of males in strains with no, one, two or three autosomes linked to the
Y chromosome. Male survival is calculated per 1000 fertilized eggs.
from these pupae were used to establish single pair families and their offspring were
analysed cytologically. In the first three experiments (T6-1, T6-2 and T6-3) (see
Table III), five w p males were recovered. However, analysis of the trichogen poly
tene chromosomes revealed a chromosome aberration in only one of them, and this
was a transposition and not a deletion. In the fourth experiment, the dose was
reduced to 30 Gy. This resulted in the recovery of four w p males, three of which
showed a deletion and were used in combination, with the transposition to locate the
w p locus on chromosome 5 [12].
T6-3 50 1338 2 1 0
T6-4 50 639 0
40 1052 0
T o ta l >8052 18 2 9 4
Many of the genetic and cytogenetic tools required to analyse and manipulate
the medfly genome are now available [16]. Approximately ninety mutations have
been identified and the polytene chromosomes have been mapped [17-20]. In addi
tion, many Y autosome translocations have been induced. These can be used either
to locate mutations or to construct genetic sexing strains. Mapping through radiation
induced deletion has also been established in the medfly. The first case was the
mapping of the alcohol dehydrogenáse ( A d h ) loci on chromosome 2 [21-23]. We
used this technique to locate the w p gene on the right arm of chromosome 5 [15] and,
recently, we isolated three potential deletions for the mutation white eye ( w e ) [24]
(data not shown).
Abstract .
Differences in susceptibility to midgut infection between teneral flies from susceptible
and outbred stocks disappear in non-teneral flies, showing that maternally inherited suscep
tibility to midgut infection is a condition expressed only in teneral flies. The increased suscep
tibility of colonized Glossina morsitans morsitans to trypanosome infection compared with
wild flies can be related to the spread of flies carrying rickettsia like organisms through coloni
zation. The relative refractoriness of non-teneral flies suggests that flies fed prior to release
in a sterile insect technique programme would not play a significant part in the spread of
Trypanozoon or Trypanosoma congolense infections.
The enhanced susceptibility to infection of teneral flies has long been recog
nized. Duke [1] found that repeatedly infecting G l o s s i n a f u s c i p e s with T r y p a n o s o m a
b r u c e i sensu lato (si) did not significantly increase the infection rates over flies
infected only at the first feed. Wijers [2] and Harley [3] later confirmed the superior
susceptibility of teneral flies to T r y p a n o z o o n infections. It was later shown [4, 5] that
teneral flies are also more susceptible to T. c o n g o l e n s e infections than fed flies.
The present work examines the relationship between the heritability of refrac
toriness to trypanosome infection in tsetse and the teneral state of the fly.
(stock 1/148) [8 ] either when teneral or at the second to seventh subsequent feed.
All the flies were starved for three days before infection.
2.3. Dissection
Mouthparts (labrum and hypopharynx) and midguts were dissected and exam
ined for trypanosomes 21 d post-infection (Г. c o n g o l e n s e infections), and salivary
glands and midguts were dissected and examined 28 d post-infection (Г. b . r h o d e
s i e n s e infections).
Susceptible Outbred
No. of feeds
N MG Hyp N MG Hyp
n = 105; P < 0.001). Wild flies also showed significantly lower midgut infection
rates (22%, n = 46) than colonized flies (82%, n = 32) (P < 0.001); the salivary
gland infection rates were 0.0% and 6.5%, respectively.
The results presented here show that tsetse flies, once fed, remain highly
refractory to infection throughout their lives. The differences in susceptibility to
midgut infection observed between outbred G . m . m o r s i t a n s and a line from the same
population selected for susceptibility to infection disappeared in the non-teneral flies.
This suggests that enhanced susceptibility to T. c o n g o l e n s e and T r y p a n o z o o n midgut
infection in G . m . m o r s i t a n s , which has been shown to be maternally inherited [10],
is expressed only in teñerais and is abolished after the second feed.
We have previously shown that susceptibility to trypanosome infection is
related to RLO infection in teneral G . m . m o r s i t a n s [11]. The increased susceptibility
to midgut infection of laboratory reared G . m . m o r s i t a n s compared with wild flies
shown here may be attributed to the accumulation of RLO in the absence of selection
to which the field population would normally be exposed.
The financial support of the The Wellcome Trust; the Overseas Development
Administration of the United Kingdom Government (through the Livestock Protec
tion Programme of the Natural Resources Institute), the UNDP/World Bank/WHO
Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases and the Euro
pean Economic Community (Science, Twinning and Operations programme) is
gratefully acknowledged.
IAEA-SM-327/21 199
[1] DUKE, H .L ., Studies on the factors that may influence the transmission of the poly
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in the blood of mammal, Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol. 29 (1935) 131-143.
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[7] WELBURN, S.C., MAUDLIN, I., A simple in vitro method for infecting tsetse with
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[12] MAUDLIN, I., WELBURN, S.C., Lectin mediated establishment of midgut infections
of Trypanosoma congolense and Trypanosoma brucei in Glossina morsitans, Trop.
Med. Parasitol. 38 (1987) 167-170.
[13] WELBURN, S.C., MAUDLIN, I., The nature of the teneral state in Glossina and its
role in the acquisition of trypanosome infections in tsetse, Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol.
(in press).
[14] WELBURN, S.C., The Rickettsia-Like Organisms of Glossina spp., PhD Thesis,
University of Bristol, Bristol (1991).
[15] DUKES, P., et al., A new method of isolating Trypanosoma brucei gambiense from
sleeping sickness patients, Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 83 (1989) 636-639.
[16] GINGRICH, J.B., et al., African sleeping sickness: New evidence that mature tsetse
flies (Glossina morsitans) can become potent vectors, Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg.
76 (1982) 479-481.
Fruit Flies Laboratory,
Okinawa Préfectoral Agricultural Experiment Station
Okinawa Fruit Fly Eradication Project Office
Naha, Okinawa,
It is important to maintain the quality of mass reared flies throughout many generations
in establishing the sterile insect technique. In practical mass rearing of the melon fly, Bac-
trocera cucurbitae, many traits have already been differentiated between mass reared and wild
flies. First, the differing traits of wild and mass reared melon flies are reviewed and the factors
which have caused these differences are considered. In the mass rearing procedure, some
artificial selection pressures have been attributed to many traits of the flies. Next, an attempt
is made to predict the change in larval period in mass rearing. As a result, a quantitative
genetic model successfully predicts the change in traits. Finally, consideration is given to some
correlated responses to artificial selection in mass rearing. M a n y such responses to artificial
selection in the mass rearing process are explored. The survival rate that correlated to
reproduction was successfully controlled by artificial selection for reproduction in mass
rearing. O n the basis of these results, active quality control for mass reared melon flies in the
future is discussed.
The differences in some characteristics between wild and mass reared melon
flies have been extensively studied in Okinawa, Japan. We summarize the results o f
these reports in Table I [3-17]. In the table, the traits are divided into five categories:
reproductive activity (RA), duration and timing o f the life history (LH), dispersal
ability (DA), activity rhythm (AR) and variation within individuals (VI). Forty-six
comparisons were conducted independently for 18 traits in both wild and mass reared
melon flies. For ‘ R A ’ , mass reared flies were always more prolific than wild flies
in all ten comparisons. For ‘ LH ’ , mass reared flies always had shorter life history
stages than did wild flies in all 20 cases. The dispersal ability o f mass reared flies
was not superior to wild flies. Diurnal rhythm, except for the initiation time o f
mating in the day, was not affected by mass rearing in two studies, while the initia
tion time o f mating in the day for mass reared flies w as earlier than that for wild
flies in three studies. Variations within individuals in the pre-oviposition period,
reproduction, oviposition, longevity, pre-mating period and the number o f matings
in mass reared flies were smaller than those in wild flies (Table I) [6 ].
In addition to these traits, sensitivity to space during copulation [18] and the
mating behaviour o f wild flies [19] also differed from mass reared flies, while the
mating site o f wild flies in a field cage (i.e. on leaves or fruits or stems) did not differ
from that o f mass reared flies [16].
What factors have caused these differences between wild and mass reared
flies? In a laboratory reared insect strain, in-breeding depression by random drift is
the important problem when effective population size, Ne, is small, while artificial
selection pressures are important when it is large [20]. Artificial selection pressures
are significant in SIT, which requires mass rearing o f the insect.
In our mass rearing process, three types o f artificial selection are in operation.
The first process for mass rearing was selection for flies that displayed a high fitness
value, considering the abnormally high density in an adult cage. These mass reared
flies mated about 1 h earlier than wild flies ( ‘ A R ’) [9, 15, 16] and had somewhat
decreased flight ability compared with wild flies (‘ D A ’) [12]. Also, the mating
behaviour o f mass reared flies differed from that o f wild flies [18, 19]. This could
IAEA-SM-327/22 203
Type 'RA ’
Fecundity 0 0 5 [3-6]
% of females that laid eggs 0 0 1 [7]
Hatchability of eggs. 0 0 1 [7]
Frequency of oviposition0 0 0 1 [6]
Number of matings0 0 0 2 [6, 7]
Type ‘LH’
Development timed 1 0 0 : [8]
Pre-oviposition period 6 0 0 [3-6]
Age of peak fecundity 1 0 0 [5]
Ovarian development time 1 0 0 [9]
Post-ovipositional life span 1 0 0 [6]
Longevity 4 0 0 [5-7, 10]
Pre-mating period 5 0 0 [5-7, 9, 11]
Remating interval 1 0 0 [7]
Type ‘DA’
Flight ability 1 0 0 [12]
Dispersal ability in thé field 3 1 0 [10, 13, 14]
Type 'AR ’
Initiation of mating in a day 3 0 0 [9, 15, 16]
Diurnal rhythm 0 2 0 [9, 17]
Type ‘VI’
Variation within individuals0 4 2 0 [6]
have been caused by the first type o f selection. In the second selection process, flies
that adapted well to the artificial diet and the artificial egging devices were selected
for the next generation. The difference in reproduction ( ‘ R A ’ ) between wild and
mass reared flies may be a result o f adaptation to the artificial egging device and the
artificial diet. In the third process, flies that developed earlier in each stage were
selected for the next generation. The SIT requires a high level o f efficiency in the
production o f mass reared flies. The mass reared flies actually had a shorter develop
ment time [8 ] and shorter pre-mating and pre-oviposition periods, but they also had
shorter longevity compared with wild flies (‘ LH’ ) [6 ].
The genetic bases o f the traits mentioned above (see Table I) must be clarified
in order to obtain high quality mass reared flies. If the selection intensities in the
mass rearing process and the heritability for a trait are obtained, we can predict the
degree o f change in the trait using a quantitative genetic method [21]. W e predicted
the amount o f genetic change in the larval period as depicted in our study [2 2 ].
If a selection is by truncation, the response to selection per generation is expected
to be R = ih 2 ffp [21]. About 3% o f the larvae that developed most slowly were
selected out artificially for each generation in the mass rearing procedure for the
melon fly in Okinawa, i.e. 3% was the selection intensity (i) [23]. The heritability
(h2) o f the larval period for the melon fly was estimated to be 0.2704 [24]. The
phenotypic standard deviation, ap, in the wild strain ranged from 1.20 to 1.48 d
[25]. The value calculated by the equation closely corresponded with the observed
value at the 40th generation. The results showed that the larval period o f the melon
fly was getting shorter as generations passed through our mass rearing system. We
analysed all the records o f the mass rearing o f the melon fly and found similar
changes in larval periods to our prediction in the actual mass rearing process
(Table II).
The quality o f mass reared flies might be greatly influenced by characters cor
related to the shortened larval period resulting from mass rearing. W e tried a selec
tion experiment for development time (from egg to adult) and then examined some
correlated responses to the selection for development time.
Eggs were collected from the mass reared strain o f the 41st generation and
about 1600 eggs (0.1 mL in volume) were placed on 110 g o f the larval medium.
IAEA-SM-327/22 205
2 7.47 (0.18)
4 7.20 (0.31)
6 7.01 (0.10)
8 6.80(0.15)
10 6.09 (0.15)
12 6.39 (0.23)
14 6.33 (0.10)
16 6.40 (0.11)
18 6.28 (0.10
20 6.27 (0.14)
The first 50 males and 50 females that emerged were selected to propagate the short
development time lines (S line) and the last 50 males and females were selected to
propagate the long development time lines (L line). Two replicates were conducted.
One set o f short and long lines (designated S-l and L -l) was tested and maintained
together, as was the second replicate (S-2 and L-2). The two replicates were initiated
at the same time.
There was a clear response to selection for long development time, but no
response for the short one (Fig. 1). Realized heritabilities were calculated for the first
ten generations o f selection as the regression o f the population mean on the cumula
tive selection differential. The significance o f each regression was determined by
analysis o f variance. The realized heritabilities o f two replicates were significantly
different from zero for the L lines and divergence (Table Ш). The response to selec
tion for development time was mainly caused by the change in the larval period
rather than the pupal period [ 8 ].
FIG. 1. Response to selection for short and long development times ( © : first replicate;
о; second replicate).
for the S line and in generation 11 for the L line. We found significant correlated
responses for head width and wing length to selection for development time. The size
o f the L lines was larger than the size o f the S lines (P < 0.01, A N O V A 1). In
Drosophila melanogaster, the line selected for larger flies always took longer to
develop [28]. Total fecundity, peak fecundity, longevity, number o f matings and the
pre-mating periods were measured in generation 6 for the S line and in 5 for the
L line. Total fecundity, peak fecundity and longevity did not correlate with develop
ment time, in spite o f the size differences in the flies o f both lines (not significant,
two way AN O VA; see Ref. [29]). The number o f matings and the pre-mating period
did correlate with the development time, but the interaction between the selection
regime and replicates was also significant (P < 0.01, two way ANOVA). The
mating time in the day was measured in generation 19 for the S line and in 15 for
the L line. The mating time in the day o f the S lines was earlier than in the L lines
(P < 0.05, Kruskal-Wallis test).
1 A N O V A : Analysis of variance.
IAEA-SM-327/22 207
Replicate 1
Male -0.0761 0.3057*** 0.1716***
Female -0.0610 0.3257*** 0.1822***
Replicate 2
Male -0.0424 0.3781*** 0.2072***
Female -0.0041 0.3719*** 0.2126***
The correlated responses o f the melon fly to artificial two way selection have
been studied in four cases (Table IV). In two selection experiments conducted for
early and late reproduction, there were correlated»responses to the traits in early and
late fecundity, sexual maturation and mating time in the day. There were no cor
related responses to the traits in total fecundity, flight ability, flight velocity and the
beginning o f wing vibration by males in the day. Different results for longevity were
obtained from these two experiments [26, 27].
. In two selection experiments conducted for pre-adult developmental time,
there were correlated responses to the traits o f size and mating time in the day. There
were no correlated responses to the trait in fecundity, number o f lifetime matings,
the pre-mating period, or longevity [22, 27]. The evidence that mass reared flies
mated about 1 h earlier than wild flies [8 , 14, 15] should be related to this correla
tion. The difference in the change in mating time may be a mixed result o f the abnor
mally high adult density in the egg collection cage and the correlated response to
artificial selections for early reproduction or short developmental periods in mass
rearing. These three selection experiments, except for development time, have no
replications. Thus Nakamori [26] and Suenaga [27] cannot rule out the possibility
that the results were affected by mutation or genetic drift. More systematic selection
experiments are needed to elucidate the nature o f the correlated responses between
traits in the melon fly.
, . _ , . . . Correlated
Selected traits Reference Assayed traits
a A symbol of < shows that there was only a little difference between both strains.
The longevity o f the mass reared melon flies has gradually decreased [30].
However, in Drosophila melanogaster, the decreased longevity, which has a genetic
correlation with the onset o f reproduction, can be recovered by selection for late
IAEA-SM-327/22 209
(mean ± standard deviation)
fecundity (Refs [31, 32], but see Ref. [33]). To introduce such a selection technique
to our mass rearing o f the melon fly, we divided the mass reared flies into two strains
after 34 generations. In the first strain, flies were derived from eggs collected from
the second to the sixth week after adult emergence (non-selected strain). In the
second strain, flies were derived from eggs collected from older adults only five to
six weeks after emergence (selected for late reproduction strain) [30]. The survival
rate at the tenth week in the selected strain was significantly longer than the non-
selected one, except at the 36th generation (Table V). Thus, we can easily control
one o f the life history traits by changing the timing o f egg collection.
What is the important trait o f mass reared insects for successful SIT? It is the
ability o f the mass reared males to mate with wild female flies in the field. In order
to accomplish this, we must select for males with increased flight ability, providing
the capability o f dispersing and attracting wild female flies. If wild females will mate
more frequently with our mass reared mâles, rather than with wild males, the quality
control o f the mass reared flies based on artificial selection will become ‘ active’ . The
actual selection process is, however, complicated.
We should search for the genetic correlation between the traits controlling
mating behaviour and the traits that can be easily selectable in mass rearing. An
example o f these traits is life history. The correlations between longevity and flight
ability found in Drosophila melanogaster [34] may be a valuable candidate for the
SIT process.
We were able to control change in a trait by using the response o f a correlated
trait. As o f now, there is only one successful case in our mass rearing o f the melon
fly. To use the direct and correlated responses to artificial selection in mass rearing
for active quality control, we must accumulate information on many genetic
parameters, i.e. selection intensity, additive variance, heritability, genetic correla
tion, genotype environment correlation, etc. There are two main tools to obtain these
parameters: parent/offspring regression analysis and family analysis [21]. W e can
predict the change caused by selection in any trait using these parameters.
W e hope this report will be the first step in active quality control based on
quantitative genetic aspects and that this technique can be easily incorporated into
future SIT projects.
The authors thank K. Kawasaki for a critical review o f the manuscript and
E. Kasuya and B.E. Spix for their comments on the manuscript.
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[14] S O E M O R I , H., K U B A , H., Comparison of dispersal ability among one wild and two
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dae), under field conditions, Bull. Okinawa Agrie. Exp. Stn. 8 (1983) 37-41 (in
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[16] K O Y A M A , J., N A K A M O R I , H., K U B A , H., Mating behaviour of wild and mass-
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IAEA-SM-327/22 213
216 FUMA et al.
in females and its activity is similarly regulated at the level o f RNA splicing. Analo
gous mechanisms based on sex specific alternative splicing ensure the production and
function o f the other two relevant genes in the sex cascade, tra-2 [8 ] and dsx [9].
The genetic programme specifying the sexual fate is then achieved through the
activation, mediated by the dsx gene products, o f different sets o f structural genes
in males and females.
In this paper, we mainly report the isolation, by cross-hybridization with
Drosophila probes, o f a C. capitata gene homologous to Sxl.
All methodologies and buffers not specifically described were carried out
according to Sambrook et al. [10].
For Northern and Southern analyses and for screening o f libraries, the DNA
probes consisted o f DNA fragments isolated from 5% acrylamide gel and labelled
to a specific activity o f 5 X 108 (counts/min)//¿g with a Multiprime labelling kit
The total C. capitata RNA was extracted from female adults according to the
guanidinium/CsCl method. The poly (A )+ RNA was purified with the Stratagene
poly (A )+ Quick™ mRNA purification kit.
A cDNA library from C. capitata female adults poly (A )+ RNA was pre
pared in Uni-Zap™ X R using the Stratagene Zap-cDNA synthesis kit. The titre o f
the non-amplified library was 2.8 x 106 plaque forming units (PFU)/mL. The titre
o f the amplified library was 1 X 10 10 PFU/mL.
1 kb (a )
II I _ l_ _J____ u I I
2t 3t 4 56 7 8
RBD1 R B D 2
FEMALE 4 167!L
4 *
0.1 kb (b)
5 6 7 8 EXONS
F/G. 7. (a) Genomic map о/Sxl in D. melanogaster, with a schematic diagram illustrating
the approximate positions o f the exons present in adult.male and female specific transcripts
[6]. The open readingframes are indicated by arrows. RBD1 and KBD2 indicate the two RNA
binding domains present in the Sxl Drosophila protein; they extendfrom exon 5 to exon 8; the
brackets limit the first and the second domain, respectively. The restriction sites are: X, Xho,
I; H, Hindlll; P, Pstl. (b) A comparison between the D. melanogaster Sxl cDNA (middle)
and the homologous cDNA in C. capitata (top). The boxes on the Drosophila cDNA illustrate
the different percentages o f homology. Fragment A (bottom) was used to screen the adult
female cDNA library.
220 FURIA et al.
Drosophila Ceratitis
207 bp
48 A ' 72 A
58 С 47 C
59 G 44 G
42 T 44 T
8.5% A 36.1% A
33.1% С 24.3% C
36% G 15.7% G
21.4% T 23% T
G + С contents3
С + G 69.1% C + G 40%
and amino acid sequences o f the Ceratitis cDNA clone appear to be highly conserved
with respect to the Drosophila femalë cDNA.
The overall nucleotide sequence homology is about 58 %, while the amino acid
homology is about 62% ; these are, in absolute, very significant values. The sequence
corresponding to the male exon 3 is not present in the capitata cDNA that, as in the
Drosophila female, contains a single long open reading frame that starts at an
AUG codon in a region corresponding to the Drosophila exon 2. Sequences homolo
gous to exons 4, 5, 6 , 7 and 8 are present in the same order and are more or less
the same length. The codon usage in this open reading frame agrees with the
C. capitata codon bias [13].
Table I shows the base composition in one o f the two RNA binding domains,
RBD2, present in the D. melanogaster. female Sxl cDNA and in the corresponding
region o f the C. capitata clone (Fig. 1, panel (a)). .
In the latter clone, the coding region is preceded by a 5' untranslated leader
o f 108 bp, instead o f the 482 bp present in both the female and male Drosophila
clones. In the Drosophila cDNA clone, the termination codon UGA is in exon 8 and
is followed by 217 bp, ending with 3 A [6 ]. In our clone, after the stop codon there
are only 6 bp followed by 25 A.
IAEA-SM-327/23 221
In the products o f the Drosophila Sxl gene, two RNA binding domains, RBD1
and RBD2, are present. These domains are crucial in the process o f sex specific
splicing o f Sxl itself [6 ] and tra [ 8 ]. In conclusion, the fact that this part o f the gene
and the gene product are so highly homologous in Drosophila and Ceratitis is confir
mation o f the functional relevance in evolutionary terms. In addition, all these obser
vations strongly suggest that, even if the chromosomal basis o f sex determination
differs between these two insects [3, 15], the molecular regulatory pathways should
be extensively conserved.
The cloning o f the C. capitata Sxl gene will therefore provide the immediate
possibility o f studying the molecular bases o f sex determination in this organism and
checking if here also the sex regulatory cascade is based on the differential splicing
o f primary transcripts common to both sexes.
Once transformation in C. capitata is achieved, the introduction o f the
homologous Sxl. minigene in a construct that allows its inducible expression as
antisense RNA should permit selective elimination o f females from the mass reared
culture at an early stage o f development [2 ].
The antisense RNA will in fact interact with the Sxl transcripts both in female
and male insects, inducing loss o f function, [2 ], but because only the females
need it to maintain the sex pathway o f the Sxl gene, they will be the only ones
affected [4, 6 , 7].
At the same time, for the reasons presented in Section 1, we are also interested
in genes involved in a more terminal sex differentiation event, i.e. oocyte develop
ment. Nucleotide and amino acid sequences o f genes involved in the ovarian specific
functions are also more likely to be conserved, and, in fact, D. melanogaster and
C. capitata chorion [16] and vitellogenin [13] gene sequences show good homology.
Recently, our group reported in D. melanogaster the identification and the
initial molecular characterization o f a function expressed at high levels during
embryogenesis and oogenesis [17], as visualized by in situ hybridization to whole
mount preparation o f ovaries and embryos [18]. In Northern blots o f these stages a
single transcript o f 2.6 kb was revealed. From the patterns o f expression we
concluded that this gene is involved in establishing the egg morphology and in germ
line formation. Again, using a subfragment derived from a D. melanogaster cDNA
as probe, we identified and partially characterized, at the molecular level, a
corresponding function in Ceratitis.
On a Southern blot o f genomic Ceratitis DNA, restricted with .EcoRI and
Hindin, two bands o f 3.5 and 2.7 kb are visible in the EcoRI track and four (3.4,
2,9, 2.1 and 1.8 kb) in the Hindlll track.
At the RNA level, the Drosophila probe identifies at least two transcripts o f
about 1.3 and 2.2 kb, respectively, present at different stages o f Ceratitis
As a direct approach towards the isolation o f C. capitata sex specific genes,
we have prepared Ceratitis cDNA libraries from adult males and females, and
IAEA-SM-327/23 223
ovaries and testes, and we will proceed to identify, by subtractive analysis, clones
expressed in a sex specific manner.
From the data we have shown, we think it is possible to conclude that the cross
hybridization approach, Drosophila versus Ceratitis, to isolate genes o f the' latter
organism is still in certain contexts (i.e. highly conserved genes utilizing cDNA
libraries) a valid, if not general, strategy.
This research was supported by the National Research Council o f Italy Special
Project RAISA, Subproject N.2 Paper N536. D. Artiaco has received a RAISA
Training Fellowship.
[1] R O B I N S O N , A.S., “Genes for genetic sexing in the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis
capitata (Wied.), and the mosquito, Anopheles stephensi” , Genetic Sexing of the
Mediterranean Fruit Fly (Proc. Final Research Co-ordination Meeting Colymbari,
Crete, 1988), IAEA, Vienna (1990) 189-198.
[2] R O B I N S O N , A.S., SAVAKIS,.C., LOUIS, C., “Status of molecular genetic studies
in the medfly Ceratitis capitata in relation to genetic sexing”, M o d e m Insect Control:
Nuclear Techniques and Biotechnology (Proc. Symp. Vienna, 1987), IAEA, Vienna
(1988) 241-250.
[3] LIFSCHITZ, E., C L A D E R A , J., “Cytogenesis and sex determination in Ceratitis
capitata” , Fruit Flies and their Biology: Natural Enemies and Control
(ROB IN S O N , A.S., H O O P E R , G.H.S., Eds), Elsevier, Amsterdam (1989).
[4] S T E I N M A N N - Z W I C K E Y , M . , A M R E I N , H . , N O T H I N G E R , R., Genetic control of
sex determination in Drosophila, Adv. Genet. 27 (1990) 189-237.
[5] L U C C H E S I , J.C., M A N N I N G , J.E., Gene dosage compensation in Drosophila
melanogaster, Adv. Genet. 24 (1987) 371-429.
[6] BELL, L.R., M A I N E , E.M., S C H E D L , P., CLINE, T.W., Sex-lethal, a Drosophila
sex determination switch gene, exhibits sex-specific R N A splicing and sequence
similarity to R N A binding proteins, Cell 55 (1988) 1037-1048.
[7] BELL, L.R., H O R A B I N , J.I., S C H E D L , P., CLINE, T.W., Positive autoregulation
of Sex-lethal by alternative splicing maintains the female determined state in
Drosophila, Cell 65 (1991) 229-239.
[8] S O S N O W S K I , B.A., B E L O T A , J.M., M c K E O W N , М., Sex-specific alternative
splicing of R N A from the transformer gene results from sequence-dependent splice site
blockage, Cell 58 (1989) 449-459.
[9] BURTIS, K.C., B A K E R , B.S., Drosophila double-sex gene controls somatic sexual
differentiation by producing alternatively spliced m R N A encoding related sex-specific
polypeptides, Cell 56 (1989) 997-1010.
224 FURIA et al.
Biosciences Research Laboratory,
Agricultural Research Service,
United States Department o f Agriculture,
Fargo, North Dakota,
United States o f America
The introduction o f exogenous DNA into cultured tells o f insects has been
accomplished by a variety o f methods [ 1 ], while introduction into embryos has been
done mostly by microinjection [2]. The search for alternative DNA delivery methods
has become a goal o f many researchers, since the transfection frequency elicited by
a particular technique may vary widely among cell lines [1 ,3 ] and the microinjection
o f embryos tends to be labour intensive and inefficient [2]. While the prospects o f
The most common technique used to transfer foreign DNA to cultured insect
cells from the culture medium has been the calcium phosphate co-precipitation
method. Calcium phosphate is thought to aid uptake by the cells through precipitating
the DNA on the cell membrane, inducing endocytosis and protecting the internalized
DNA from degradation by endogenous nucleases [6 ]. Calcium phosphate co
precipitation has largely been used to transfer purified DNA to a variety o f
Drosophila cell lines [7-12], but it has also been used successfully in cultured
mosquito and lepidopteran cells'[3, 13]. Further, the temperature at which the DNA
and calcium phosphate are co-precipitated can also be an important factor in gaining
higher transfection frequencies. Preparation o f the DNA-calcium phosphate
co-precipitate at 50°C instead o f at ambient temperature gave a tenfold higher trans
fection frequency in mosquito cells [3].
Polycations such as DEAE-dextran, polybrene, poly ornithine and poly lysine
have been used to transfect dipteran, coleopteran and lepidopteran cell lines
[1, 14-18]. The negatively charged DNA molecule forms a complex with the posi-
IAEA-SM-327/24 227
Transfection D N A concentration % conversion of
mediator Oig/mL) .chloramphenicolb
tively charged polycation molecule and together they bind irreversibly to the cell
membrane and are apparently internalized by phagocytosis. Occasionally, DMSO is
used to facilitate entry o f the polycation-DNA complex into the cells, but it was
found to be o f no advantage when used in transfecting Aedes albopictus or Anthono-
mus grandis cells [10, 17].
Feigner et al. [19] developed a transfection procedure using the synthetic
cationic lipid, N-[l-(2,3-dioleyoxy)propyl]-N,N,N-trimethylammonium chloride.
Transfection is accomplished through a fusion o f cells with liposomes containing the
DNA. To this author’ s knowledge, this chemical mediator, marketed under the label
Lipofectin™, has not been used extensively in the transfection o f insect cells. Stiles
et al. [17] recently compared the transfection efficiency o f the cationic liposome
method with that o f polylysine, polybrene and electroporation and found it to be far
superior in gaining transient expression o f the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase
(CAT) gene in a boll weevil cell line (Table I).
While cell fusion has been accomplished in Drosophila and mosquito cell lines
[21-23], the lack o f selective media needed for transformant recovery by com
plementation o f a mutation in each parental line and problems deriving cell lines
from mutant insect strains have limited the use o f this method.
Another method that uses electric current to effect transfection o f cell cultures
is electroporation. This is a rapid procedure in which a suspension o f cells and DNA
is placed between two electrodes and given a high voltage pulse. Transient holes or
pores in the cell membrane are producèd through which the DNA is able to enter
the cell. After a short period o f time, the holes reseal and the cells resume normal
functions. Mann and King [24] used electroporation to aid entry o f a baculovirus
vector into a Spodoptera frugiperda cell line and Stiles et al. [17] obtained a low
transfection frequency in A. grandis cells when using the heat shock protein 70
(hsp70)-CAT plasmid. One o f the advantages o f this method is that internalization
o f the exogenous DNA is not dependent on the phagocytic capacity o f cells. Other
advantages include the ability to obtain integration o f low gene copy numbers, as
opposed to the large tandem arrays seen in the chemical methods [25], and to use
either plasmid or genomic DNA [26].
One o f the most effective methods o f transferring genes to lepidopteran cell
lines is by using insect viruses. The most commonly used o f the insect viruses is the
nuclear polyhedrosis baculovirus, Autographa californica (AcNPV). For a detailed
description o f how baculoviruses infect cells, enter nuclei and replicate, see the
review o f Faulkner and Carstens [27]. Baculovirus expression vectors (BEVs) are
recombinant insect viruses that have foreign genes inserted into the viral genome
under the regulation o f a strong promoter for the viral gene that produces the poly
hedrin protein. While BEVs have been used to transfect lepidopteran cell lines with
a variety o f foreign genes [28-30], they function poorly in most other insect cell
lines. However, some success was gained in the expression o f the CAT gene linked
with a retroviral promoter that was transferred by a BEV to Drosophila and
Ae. aegypti cells [31].
For the most part, transfection by a BEV results in transient gene expression,
since the host cells are eventually killed by the viral infection. Jarvis et al. [32] were
able to overcome this obstacle by placing foreign DNA under an early viral promoter
(IE1) and eliminating that part o f the viral genome which produces the cytopathic
effects occurring late in the infective cycle. With this method, they were able to
obtain stable transformation o f a S. frugiperda cell line. Some o f the advantages o f
using BEVs are that very high levels o f gene expression can be obtained, large
amounts o f DNA can be inserted into the host genome and the virus is non-infectious
for vertebrates [33, 34].
Except for the recent reports by Kjér and Fallon [3], Stiles et al. [17] and
Hartig et al. [35], little attention has been given to comparing the effectiveness o f
the various DNA delivery systems that are available for transfection o f the insect cell
lines. Cell lines can differ widely in their susceptibility to the often toxic effects o f
IAEA-SM-327/24 229
egg within the gravid female mite, Metaseiulus occidentalis, has provided a means
o f gaining stable transformation for this species [51]. A transformation frequency o f
0.5% was obtained without benefit of a transposable element system and survival o f
the injected females was described as an order o f magnitude higher than that gained
with injection o f mosquito embryos. It is not known whether the stable transforma
tion achieved by this method is related to the reproductive biology o f this phytoseiid
mite, or to the introduction o f exogenous DNA prior to fertilization o f the egg.
Regardless, the potential o f this method for transforming other arthropods certainly
deserves further study. It may be the only method whereby insects having a unique
reproductive cycle like that o f the tsetse fly can be transformed.
The search for methods that can deliver DNA simultaneously to large numbers
o f embryos rather than treating them individually by microinjection has been
encouraged by recent studies. Baldarelli and Lengyel [52] used a bombardment tech
nique whereby particles 1.2 ц т in diameter were coated with a DNA construct. The
particles were blasted shotgun like into samples containing 10 0 0 0 -2 0 000 dechorio-
nated Drosophila embryos using a commercially available biolistic bioparticle deliv
ery system. The survival to adulthood was not reported in this study nor was the
transfection frequency, but it was described as ‘high’ .
Another method which has the capability o f delivering exogenous DNA simul
taneously to samples containing hundreds o f embryos involves the use o f electropo
ration. Kamdar et al. [53] were able to obtain a 95% frequency o f transient
expression o f the aldehyde oxidase gene transfected into ma-l mutant Drosophila
embryos. These results were obtained without dechorionation and about 75% o f the
treated insects survived to third instar larvae. Dechorionation reduced survival to
1 0 % at the third instar, but frequency o f expression was 1 0 0 %.
Since it is essential to integrate DNA into the germ line when stable transfor
mation o f an organism is desired, manipulations which have the potential to selec
tively increase the likelihood o f uptake by germ cells would benefit any scheme
devised for gene integration. For example, injection o f gene constructs conjugated
to yolk proteins into the haemocoel of female insects during egg development has
been suggested as a means o f gaining selective uptake by oocytes [2]. Another
strategy could involve transfection o f sperm cells, either by direct injection o f the
testes or by transfecting sperm before artificial insemination (e.g. the honey bee) or
before in vitro fertilization [54]. Lipofection o f murine sperm was found to be an
IAEA-SM-327/24 231
efficient method for transfering DNA but, unlike an earlier report [55], no transgenic
mice were obtained upon testing by in vitro fertilization [56].
Pole cell transplants between mutant lines o f Drosophila have been routinely
used to produce germ line mosaics for developmental and genetic studies. While it
may not be beneficial to transfect these primordial germ cells outside the embryo,
combining the exogenous DNA with a chemical mediator such as a cationic liposome
or polybrene before injection into the pole cell region o f the egg may increase the
efficiency o f transfection. Extending the life o f an introduced DNA construct
through several cycles o f cell division or in the case o f the preblastoderm embryo,
cleavage divisions, could also enhance the chances for integration by a vector or by
random integration. This, too, could be accomplished by combining the construct
with a chemical mediator before transfecting by injection, electroporation or
bombardment o f the embryos.
[23] W Y S S , С., The loss of ecdysone sensitivity of a Drosophila cell line after hybridization
with embryonic cells? Exp. Cell Res. 125 (1980) 121-126.
[24] M A N N , S.G.,KING, L. A . ,Efficient transfection of insect cells with baculovirus D N A
using electroporation, J. Gen. Virol. 70 (1989) 3501-3505.
[25] T O N E G U Z Z O , F., K E A T I N G , A., G L Y N N , S., M c D O N A L D , K., Electric field-
mediated gene transfer: Characterization of D N A transfer and patterns of integration
in lymphoid cells, Nucleic Acids Res. (1988) 5515-5532.
[26] J A S T R E B O F F , M.M., ITO, E., B E R T I N O , J.R., N A R A Y A N A N , R., Use of electro
poration for high-molecular-weight DNA-mediated gene transfer, Exp. Cell Res. 171
(1987) 513-517.
[27] F A U L K N E R , P., C A R S T E N S , E.B., A n overview of the structure and replication of
baculoviruses, Curr. Top. Microbiol. Immunol. 131 (1986) 1-19.
[28] SMITH, G.E., S U M M E R S , M.D., F R A S E R , M.J., Production of human beta inter
feron in insect cells with a baculovirus expression vector, Mol. Cell. Biol. 3 (1983)
[29] P E N N O C K , G.D., S H O E M A K E R , C., M I L L E R , L.K., Strong and regulated expres
sion of Escherichia coli |3-galactosidase in insect cells with a baculovirus vector, Mol.
Cell. Biol. 4 (1984) 399-406.
[30] E L D R I D G E , R., O ’REILLY, D.R, H A M M O C K , B.D., M I L L E R , L.K., Insecticidal
properties of genetically engineered baculoviruses expressing an insect hormone ester
ase gene, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 58 (1992) 1583-1591.
[31] C A R B O N E L L , L.F., K L O W D E N , M.J., M I L L E R , L.K., Baculovirus-mediated
expression of bacterial genes in dipteran and mammalian cells, J. Virol. 56 (1985)
[32] JARVIS, D.L., F L E M I N G , J.G., K O V A C S , G.R., S U M M E R S , M.D.,
G U A R I N O , L.A., Use of early baculovirus promoters for continuous expression and
efficient processing of foreign gene products in stably transformed lepidopteran cells,
Bio/Technology 8 (1990) 950-955.
[33] L U C K O W , V.A., S U M M E R S , M.D., Trends in the development of baculovirus
vectors, Bio/Technology 6 (1988) 47-55.
[34] M I L L E R , L.K., Baculoviruses as gene expression vectors, Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 42
(1988) 177-199.
[35] H A R T I G , P.C., C A R D O N , M.C., K A W A N I S H I , C.Y., Generation of recombinant
baculovirus via liposome-mediated transfection, Biotechniques 11 (1991) 310-313.
[36] A S H B U R N E R , М., Drosophila — A Laboratory Handbook, Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, N Y (1989).
[37] O’ B R O C H T A , D.A., H A N D L E R , A.M., Mobility of P elements in drosophilids and
non-drosophilids, Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. U S A 85 (1988) 779-781.
[38] McINNIS, D.O., H A Y M E R , D.S., T A M , S.Y.T., T H A N A P H U M , S., Ceratitis
capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae): Transient expression of a heterologous gene for
resistance to the antibiotic geneticin, Ann. Entomol. Soc. A m . 83 (1990) 982-986.
[39] T A M U R A , T., K A N D A , T., T A K I Y A , S., O K A N O , K., M A E K A W A , H., Transient
expression of chimeric C A T genes injected into early embryos of the domesticated silk
worm, Bombyx mori, Jpn J. Genet. 65 (1990) 401-410.
Department o f Genetics,
Faculty o f Biology,
University o f Hanoi,
Hanoi, Viet Nam
Insect Genetics Unit,
Research Institute ITAL,
Wageningen, Netherlands
* Present address: Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, P.O. Box 1527,
GR-71110 Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
2.1. Strains
2.2. Rearing
All the mosquitoes were held at 28° С and 80% relative humidity (RH). The
larvae were fed on fish food (Tetramicromin) and the adult blood meals were
provided by anaesthetized mice. Since thé translocation strains were very stable, they
were maintained generation by generation without any selection.
IAEA-SM-327/25 237
2.3. Cytology
The mitotic and meiotic chromosomes were prepared from the testes o f fourth
instar larvae, as described by French et al. [11], to confirm the presence o f the trans
locations. The salivary glands o f early fourth instar larvae were dissected in a droplet
o f 5% diluted Carnoy’ s fixative and then transferred to a small drop o f concentrated
Carnoy (3 ethylalcohol:l acetic acid) on a siliconized coverslip. This tissue was
stained with 2% lacto-aceto-orcein. The squashed preparations were sealed using
photo glue and stored at 2°C . The chromosomes were investigated under a Carl
Zeiss microscope. Before dissection o f the salivary glands, the late third instar larvae
or early fourth instar larvae were kept overnight in an insectary set at 20°C. Accord
ing to Seawright et al. [7], low temperature treatment enhances the preparation o f
readable polytene chromosomes. The salivary gland chromosome map o f Sharma
et al. [ 1 2 ] was used to identify the break points.
The Lahor wild type line (■+/+) described by Robinson et al. [9] was used for
making the preparations o f the standard mitotic and polytene salivary gland chromo
somes. The mitotic chromosome complement o f An. stephensi consists o f one pair
o f short subtelocentric sex chromosomes and two pairs o f longer autosomes, one
metacentric and the other submetacentric. The longer and shorter autosomes are
designated as chromosomes 2 and 3, respectively. The sex chromosomes are
morphologically distinguishable in males. The shorter sex chromosome has been
designated as the Y and the longer one the X chromosome. The short arms o f
the Y and X chromosomes are equal in length, but the long arm o f X is longer than
that o f Y.
Analysis o f the polytene salivary gland chromosomes o f the wild type line
showed a complement composed o f five arms, the shortest bèing X , which was often
separated from the chromocentre, and four autosomal arms. The Y chromosome is
heterochromatic and does not polytenize [1]. The longest arm in the whole comple
ment is designated as 2R, which is characterized by a big puff in zone 7. The shortest
autosomal arm is designated 2L, which can easily be recognized by its length and
by other characteristics. The centromere part o f 2L (region 20) always formed a
loop, as described by Mittal and Dev [13]. The 3L and 3R arms are nearly equal
in length. They can be recognized by several characteristic landmarks. The free end
o f 3R is flared, with two dark bands and some dot line bands in region 29A. The
free end o f 3L is characterized by several light bands. In general, the banding pattern
in the polytene salivary gland chromosomes o f our An. stephensi specimen was
». f\
X t У
‘.y j
Ü \
£ > ^ - л 'гг' r
t e s » 3
similar to that described in the map o f Sharma et al. [12] and to that shown in the
photomap o f Mittal and Dev [13]. Therefore, the polytene salivary gland
chromosome map o f Sharma et al. [12] was used to designate the chromosome breaks
in our translocation strains. By analysing the mitotic and polytene chromosomes
in different translocations o f An. stephensi, in which visible alterations occurred,
Sakai et al. [1] showed that the 2R -2L arms in the polytene chromosome complement
are associated with the longer o f the mitotic autosomes and that the 3R -3L polytene
elements are associated with the shorter o f the mitotic autosomes.
Analysis o f the mitotic chromosomes o f the male larvae o f this strain showed
an abnormal karyotype (Fig. 3). Mitotic configurations showed an unequal exchange
between chromosome 3 and the long arm o f the Y chromosome. Chromosome 3 lost
a long segment and received a short one from the Y chromosome, so becoming about
half an arm shorter than its normal homologue. Analysing the polytene salivary gland
chromosomes o f male larvae showed that a single break point was found in region
34A o f 3R (Fig. 4). As the ф locus must be tightly linked to the break point [9],
T m fjT ? '
~:%jF * .
» . Í *Ч • ** ** \
7* к •* ** *’ ** * *
J ' Ч V
V !» ^ . ' • W J
**« - <*'• ....................................
F/G. 4. Translocation break ofT(Y-3)12 in region 34A of 3R. The arrow denotes the break.
IAEA-SM-327/25 241
it was concluded that the dp locus was located in 3R, veiy near to region 34A. By
analysing several translocations in which the dp locus is involved, Sakai et al. [1]
showed that the diamond palpus mutant is associated with the shorter o f the mitotic
autosomes and with the 3R element in polytene configurations. The break points in
the 3R aberrations studied in their experiment were distributed from zones 30-35 and
all showed moderately strong linkage with the dp locus. Our T(Y-3)12 translocation
showed strong linkage to dp, therefore it should be located very near to the above
mentioned region.
[1] SAKAI, R.K., MAHMOOD, F., AKTAR, K., DUBASH, J., BAKER, R.H., Induced
chromosomal aberrations and linkage group-chromosome correlation in Anopheles
stephensi, J. Hered. 74 (1983) 232-238.
[2] SAKAI, R.K., MAHMOOD, F., Homozygous chromosome aberrations in Anopheles
stephensi, J. Hered. 76 (1985) 230-236.
[3] VAN HEEMERT, C., TOAN, T., ROBINSON A.S., FELDMAN, A., Induction and
isolation of translocations in Anopheles stephensi, Mosq. News 43 (1983) 480-484.
[4] R O B I N S O N , A.S., Sex-ratio manipulation in relation to insect pest control, Annu.
Rev. Genet. 17 (1983) 191-214.
[5] ROBINSON, A.S., Genetic sexing in Anopheles stephensi using dieldrin resistance,
J. Am. Mosq. Control Assoc. 2 (1986) 93-95.
[6] RABBANI, M.G., SEAWRIGHT, J.A., Use of Y-autosome translocations in assigning
the stripe locus to chromosome 3 in the mosquito Anopheles albimanus, Ann. Entomol.
Soc. Am. 69 (1976) 2.
[7] SEAWRIGHT, J.A., BENEDICT, M.Q., NARANG, S., Use of deficiencies for map
ping four mutant loci on salivary gland chromosomes of Anopheles albimanus, Mosq.
News 44 4 (1984).
[8] ROBINSON, A.S., PHAM VAN LAP, Cytological, linkage and insecticide studies on
a genetic sexing line in Anopheles stephensi Liston, Heredity 58 (1987) 95-101.
[9] ROBINSON, A.S., MALCOLM, C., MALI, P., SCHELLING, G., Breakpoint distri
bution in male-linked translocations in Anopheles stephensi Liston, J. Hered. 77 6
[10] SAKAI, R.S., BAKER, R.H., DUBASH, C.J., RAANA, K., The genetics of diamond
palpus in Anopheles stephensi, Mosq. News 41 (1981) 125-128.
Institute o f Entomology,
Czechoslovak Academy o f Sciences,
Ceské Budéjovice,
Institut für Biologie der Medizinischen
Universitât zu Liibeck,
A centrifugation spreading technique (CST) was used to analyse 12 sex chromosome
mutant female lines of the Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella. The method permit
ted visualization of the long synaptonemal complexes of microspread pachytene nuclei in the
electron microscope. In four lines, T(W;Z)l-4, a stable translocation of a Z chromosome
segment on the W chromosome was confirmed. In the other lines, designated A S F (abnormal
segregating females), unexpected phenotypes segregated in atypical ratios. A quadrivalent
with both sex chromosomes and an autosome bivàlent was observed in females of the ÁSF-3
line, indicating that part of the Z chromosome was translocated on to one of the autosomes.
In seven A S F lines, an additional fragment of the Z chromosome was found to be responsible
for the segregation of unexpected phenotypes. It was shown that C S T is useful for the study
of chromosome aberrations in species with extremely small metaphase chromosomes.
2.1. Insects
The CST was performed according to the following protocol [1]. Gonads,
dissected in a physiological solution, were transferred to a hypotonic solution
(83 mM KCI and 17 mM NaCl) and disrupted using fine tungsten needles. After
IAEA-SM-327/26 245
+ dz + dz
T(W;Z)1 46 — — 54
T(W;Z)2 48 — — 52
T(W;Z)3 45 — — 55
T(W;Z)4 50 — — 50
ASF-1 40 12 — 48
ASF-2 39 17 — 44
ASF-3 32 34 — 34
ASF-4 37 9 11 43
ASF-5 33 16 14 37
ASF-6 33 ■ 14 15 38
ASF-7 33 16 14 37
ASF-8 30 9 11 50
Control — 52 48 ' —
10-20 min, the swollen material was transferred to a spreading solution (0.02% Joy
detergent, Procter and Gamble, United States o f America, adjusted to pH8.6-8.9
with a 0.01M borate buffer solution o f pH9.22, Merck, Germany) and allowed to
disperse for 5-10 min. Then the material was centrifuged in a Teflon microcentri
fugation chamber on to a hydrophilized EM grid through a 0.1M sucrose cushion
containing 1 % formaldehyde (pH 8.2-8.5). The centrifugation was performed at 4°C
in a minifuge 2 (Heraeus, Germany) at 2200 rev./min for 10 min. Then the
specimen was fixed for 2 min with a fresh formaldehyde-sucrose solution, rinsed for
30 s in 0.4% Kodak Foto Flo detergent (pH 8.0-8.2), air dried and stained for 30 s
in 1 % ethanolic phosphotungstic acid. Micrographs were taken in a Philips EM 400
operated at 80 kV.
In each line, at least 30 well spread nuclei o f pachytene oocytes were examined
for the configuration o f sex chromosomes and their structural changes. A digitizer
tablet and two computer programs, MESSCHRO and EVALCHRO (written by
W . Traut), were used to measure chromosomes on the EM micrographs.
In the oocyte pachytene nuclei, the complete set o f 30 bivalents was observed.
Synaptonemal complexes formed by 29 autosomal homologues consisted o f two
completely paired lateral elements o f equal length with chromatin loops radiating
from them. In some preparations, a central element was visible in the free space
between the two lateral elements. In most o f the pachytene complements, the W Z
bivalent could be identified as the only SC with both lateral elements o f unequal
length and from the remnants o f compact heterochromatin tangles decorating the
W chromosome axis [1]. Measurement o f 47 W Z bivalents revealed that the
W chromosome axis was, on average, 20% shorter than that o f the Z chromosome.
Only 60% o f the W Z bivalents were completely paired, often showing characteristic
twisting o f the longer Z lateral element along the shorter W lateral element (see
W T in Fig. 1). In the remaining cases, the W Z bivalents displayed partial pairing,
and in a few complements the sex chromosomes were not paired at all. This may
indicate delayed pairing o f these non-homologous chromosomes in the early
FIG: 1. Schematic drawing of the most frequent pachytene configurations of sex chromo
somes in WT, T(W;Z) and ASF females.
With the CST used it was possible not only to describe the structural rearrange
ments in the 12 sex chromosome mutants o f E. kuehniella, but also to correlate the
previously obtained cross-breeding data [3] with the pairing behaviour o f sex
In the T (W ;Z ) lines, a stable translocation o f a Z chromosome segment on the
W chromosome was confirmed. Owing to the homology between this segment and
the corresponding part o f the Z chromosome, the translocation seemed to increase
the pairing affinity o f the W and Z chromosomes, which are largely — if not
completely — non-homologous in females o f the wild type strain [2 ].
In the ASF-3 line, another type o f translocation was found to be responsible
for the segregation o f wild type and dz females at a ratio o f 1:1 (see Table I). The
dz+ allele was translocated on to an autosome and, therefore, exhibited autosomal
inheritance. However, this finding did not explain the total absence o f wild type
males in the progeny. One may only speculate that these males were lethal because
o f trisomy for some important genes o f the Z chromosome.
The atypical phenotypic ratios in the other ASF lines were due to the presence
and pairing behaviour o f those Z chromosome fragments possessing the dz + allele.
In W Z Z + trivalents, which appeared to be the predominating configuration o f sex
chromosomes in the females o f these lines, the Z + fragments were synapsed with
their structurally normal homologues. In such cases, they should segregate together
with the W chromosome, simulating a W linkage. On the other hand, free or
autosynapsed fragments could segregate randomly, resulting in the occurrence o f
exceptional phenotypes o f both sexes in the progeny. However, only exceptional
dz females segregated in the ASF-1 and ASF-2 lines but, apart from the deleted
W chromosome, we did not find any substantial difference between these and the
remaining five ASF lines in the configuration o f sex chromosomes. Thus, the
absence o f exceptional wild type males in the ASF-1 and ASF-2 lines remains to be
In conclusion, the present paper shows that CST is a suitable method for
chromosome analysis in species with extremely small metàphase chromosomes.
Therefore, this method may be useful in investigating the effects o f ionizing radiation
on the chromosomes o f any lepidopteran species that are candidates for genetic pest
Université di Pavía,
*** IDVGA,
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche,
Ceratitis capitata: S U I T A B L E M A R K E R S F O R P O P U L A T I O N G E N E T I C S A N D
G E N O M E O R G A N I Z A T I O N A N A L YS I S .
Biochemical and molecular markers (RAPD) càn be used for population genetics and
genome analysis of the Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata. At the population
level, biochemical markers allowed recognition of: (a) the presence of geographical genetic
heterogeneity, and (b) provided information on the relative contribution of different types of
evolutionary forces during the process of colonization. The polymorphisms in genomic finger
prints, generated by the R A P D approach, provide a tool to improve the significance of the
estimates of genetic relatedness between medfly populations, as well as being able to distin
guish between slightly divergent flies. For genome organization analysis, biochemical markers
provided information on the relationship of genome structure to genome function. The R A P D
approach may provide a new tool to explore and completely m a p the medfly genome.
The Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata Wied., is one o f the
major fruit crop pests in the world. It is a polyphagous and multivoltine tropical spe
cies which in the last hundred years has spread from its supposed origin in Africa
to a number o f countries, including the Mediterranean basin, parts o f South and Cen
tral America and Australia [1]. .
252 GASPERI et al.
The use o f biochemical markers [2] has broadened the available knowledge on
the genetic features o f this species at two main levels:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
such, as selection, drift and gene flow. In fact (i) comparison o f Fsx distribution
among loci led to the identification o f groups o f loci probably affected by selection;
(ii) genetic distance analysis permitted inference o f the amount o f drift between
geographical populations (this factor seems to have played a major role in the disper
sion processes o f the peripheral populations); and (iii) gene flow estimates, in terms
o f the number o f immigrants per generation, are significant between the original and
the derived Mediterranean populations and support the hypothesis o f recent coloniza
tion [13]. The sub-Saharan Kenyan population has all the properties o f a native popu
lation and could belong to the centre o f diffusion o f the species. It has probably
maintained a very large size, as deduced by the high number o f rare alleles present
only in this population [14].
A parallel study o f protein and DNA variation by means o f allozyme and
RAPD markers is in progress on samples o f wild medfly populations and on labora
tory strains. Although such markers may be influenced by different types and
degrees o f selection pressure, they would be affected similarly by such factors as
population size and gene flow. An unexpectedly high degree o f individual variability
in the genomic DNA is evident when the wild flies from Kenya are screened for
RAPD polymorphisms. The DNA o f the majority o f the Kenyan flies exhibits a
254 GASPERI et al.
unique pattern, differing in several fragments from that o f any other. The observed
profiles are typical DNA fingerprints and can be generated using different single
primers o f arbitrary sequence. A lesser degree o f genomic variability is detected in
the colonized laboratory strains which, however, maintain a certain degree o f DNA
polymorphism. An example is illustrated in Fig. 1, in which the polymorphic RAPD
profiles from African flies are compared with the ones derived from the Metapa
laboratory strain and from the M84 line. These data, as expected, support the previ
ous results obtained with allozyme markers on the role of, drift in the colonization
process and on the high degree o f genetic variation present in the medfly African
ancestral populations. However, RAPD analysis, compared with the allozyme
approach, detects a larger amount o f hidden variation both in wild and laboratory,
medfly samples.
The polymorphisms in genomic fingerprints, generated by the RAPD
approach, provide a tool to improve the significance o f the estimates o f genetic relat
edness between medfly populations, as well as to distinguish between slightly diver
gent flies. A great deal o f information datà will be available for the evolutionary
population genetics o f the medfly. From the point o f view o f application, the avail
ability o f markers which can unambiguously discriminate between strains as well as
samples o f C. capitata is o f utmost importance for the biological approach to medfly
control, such as the sterile insect technique (SIT).
logical importance in C. capitata that can be exploited also to improve autocidal con
trol o f this insect by genetic manipulation. From thè methodological point o f view,
the RAPD approach is easier and faster than other established molecular methods
used for genetic mapping. Using only one primer, in one multilocus cross, it is
possible to study the linkage relationships among several markers and to recognize
their linkage groups. Other advantages in utilizing RAPD polymorphisms are that
map planning can be approached without having to first identify RFLP probes and,
subsequently, RAPD generated DNA polymorphic fragments can be isolated directly
from gels and reamplified for use o f probes in restriction mapping strategies and for
mapping on polytene chromosomes by in situ hybridization.
This research was supported by the National Research Council o f Italy, Special
Project RAISA, Sub-project 2, Paper N. 560. Grants from the IAEA also
contributed to this work.
[1] F L E T C H E R , B.S., “Life history strategies of tephritid fruit flies”, Fruit Flies: Their
Biology, Natural Enemies and Control (ROBINSON, A.S,, H O O P E R , G., Eds),
Vol. 38, Elsevier, Amsterdam (1989) 195.
[2] MILANI, R., GASPERI, G., M A L A C R I D A , A., “Biochemical genetics (of Ceratitis
capitata)” , ibid., p. 35.
[3] GASPERI, G . ,G U G L I E L M I N O , C.R., M A L A C R I D A , A.R., MILANI, R., Genetic
variability and gene flow in geographic populations of the medfly Ceratitis capitata,
Heredity 67 (1991) 347.
[4] M A L A C R I D A , A.R., G U G L I E L M I N O , C.R., GASPERI, G., BARUFF I , L.,
MINALI, R., Spatial and temporal differentiation in colonizing populations of Ceratitis
capitata, Heredity 69 (1992) 101.
[5] M A L A C R I D A , A.R., etal., Genetical approach to systematics and phylogeny of
Trypetinae (Diptera: Tephritidae), Boll. Zool. 58 (1991) 355.
256 GASPERI et al.
[6] MALACRIDA, A.R., GASPERI, G., BARUFFI, L., MILANI, R., “ The contribu
tion of formai genetic studies to the species characterization of Ceratitis capitata
(Wied.)” , Genetic Sexing of the Mediterranean Fruit Fly (Proc. Final Research Co
ordination Mtg Colymbari, Crete, 1988), IAEA, Vienna (1990) 85.
MILANI, R., “ Updating of the genetics of Ceratitis capitata (Wied.)” , Modem Insect
Control: Nuclear Techniques and Biotechnology (Proc. Symp. Vienna, 1987), IAEA,
Vienna (1988) 221.
[8] MALACRIDA, A., etal., Evidence for a genetic duplication involving alcohol
dehydrogenase genes in Ceratitis capitata, Biochem. Gen. 30 (1992) 35.
ical genetic study of alcohol dehydrogenase isozymes of the medfly, Ceratitis capitata
Wied., Biochem. Genet. 30 (1992) 289.
family of larval serum proteins (LSP) of Ceratitis capitata” , Fruit Flies of Economic
Importance ’87 (CAVALLORO, R., Ed.), A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam (1989) 283.
[11] WELSH, J., McCLELLAND, м ., Fingerprinting genomes using PCR with arbitrary
primer, Nucleic Acids Res. 18 (1990) 7213.
GEY, S.V., DAN polymorphisms amplified by arbitrary primers are useful as genetic
markers, Nucleic Acids Res. 18 (1990) 6531.
[13] HAGEN, K.S., WILLIAM, W.W., TASSAN, R., Mediterranean fruit fly: The worst
may be yet to come, Calif. Agrie. 35 (1981) 5.
[14] NEI, М., MARUYAMA, T., CHAKRABORTY, R., The bottíeneck effect and
genetic variability in populations, Evolution 29 (1975) 1.
[15] BERLOCHER, S!H., SMITH, D.C., Segregation and mapping of allozymes of the
apple maggot, J. Hered. 74 (1983) 337.
[16] COLLIER, G.E., “Drosophila melanogaster, genetic map of biochemical loci” ,
Genetic Map 1987 (O’BRIEN, S.J., Ed.), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold
Spring Harbor, NY (1987) 374.
[17] MALACRIDA, A., GASPERI, G., BISCALDI, G.F., MILANI, R., “ Signifícate?
fiinzionale di blocchi di geni concatenad in Musca domestica ed altri ditteri”
(MORONI, A., ANELLI, A., RAVERA, O., Eds), S. It. E. Atti 5 (1985) 307.
Bacillus cereus and Bacillus thuringiensis are spore forming, common soil bac
teria. They are very closely related, and in some taxonomic studies B. thuringiensis
is regarded as a variant o f B. cereus. This implies that the differences between the
strains may not be o f taxonomic importance — yet the differences may be o f vast
practical and medical importance.
B. thuringiensis is well known for its insecticidal activity, producing toxins
active against lepidopteran, dipteran or coleopteran larvae [1, 2]. The toxin genes
are usually localized on large plasmids, and the protoxins are found inside the
bacteria during sporulation as crystalline inclusion bodies. Four classes o f cry genes
are characterized and one bacterial strain may produce several toxins. Today,
B. thuringiensis is the most widely used biopesticide in the world, and several
companies produce toxin crystals/spores with different insect specificities. Hundreds
o f tonnes o f spores/toxins are used in various parts o f the world every year.
Like other members o f the Bacillaceae family, B. cereus secretes proteins very
efficiently. Some strains produce and secrete enterotoxins, and may cause food
poisoning in humans [3]. B. cereus is the most ,common contaminant in dairies [4].
В. cereus and B. thuringiensis are very closely related, yet one is regarded as
a contaminant while the other is useful and o f great commercial interest. We wanted
to compare strains o f the two bacteria by analysing their DNA fingerprint patterns,
looking for characteristic patterns.
The bacteria strains were obtained from the American Type Culture Collection
(ATCC), from the Bacillus Genetic Stock Center (BGSC), Ohio, or through
H. Nissèn o f Ás, Norway, from the Public Health Laboratory (PHLS), United
Kingdom. One strain (В. cereus 45) was isolated and provided by the National
Institute for Public Health, Oslo, Norway.
A DNA plug was incubated with a restriction enzyme that cut infrequently into
the genome, like Notl, which recognizes the sequence GCGGCCGC. The DNA
fragments were then separated by pulsed field gel electrophoresis, where the direc
tion o f the electric field changes, thus allowing for separation o f DNA fragments o f
more than 1500 kb [7]. The fragment patterns from individual strains after staining
with ethidium bromide were analysed at pulse times ranging from 2 to 90 s; the
electrophoresis was routinely run for 18-24 h in a Beckman Gene Line apparatus.
2.4. Hybridization
. After staining the gel, the DNA was denatured and blotted on to supported
nitrocellulose filters [8 ]. The filters were baked at 80°C for 2 h and hybridized to
32P labelled DNA probes as described previously [6 , 9]. The probes used were
either genes or gene fragments from B. cereus (phospholipase С genes, beta-
lactamase genes), B. thuringiensis (the cryI gene), or B. subtilis (AbrB, the pyruvate
IAEA-SM-327/46 259
Bacteria were grown overnight at 30°C , centrifuged (10 000g, 20 min, 4°C ),
sterile filtered and the enterotoxin was measured in the filtrate using a kit for
B. cereus enterotoxin, BCET-RPLA, obtained from Oxoid, UK.
(a) (b)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
FIG. 1. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis of DNA from Bt strains after digestion with Notl.
The electrophoresis was run (a) at 60 s pulses at 150 mA for 22 h, and (b) at 30 s pulses at
150 mA for 18 h. (a) (1) Size markers, yeast chromosomes (Bio-Labs); (2) B. t. kurstaki;
(3) B. t. kenya; (4) B. t. canadensis; (5) B. t. entomocidus; (6) B. t. dendrolimus;
(7) B. t. subtoxicus; (8) B. t. morrisoni; and (9) B.t. darmstadiensis. (b) (1) Yeast chromo
somes; (2) B. t. kurstaki; (3) B. t. kenya; (4) B. t. canadensis; (6) B. t. morrisoni; and
(7) B. t. darmstadiensis.
(a) (b)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
FIG. 2. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis of DNA from B. cereus strains after digestion with
Notl. The electrophoresis was run (a) atóOs pubes at 150 mAfor 20 h, and fb) at 30 s pulses
at 150 mA for 18 h. (a) (1) Yeast chromosomes; (2) B. cereus ATCC 11778; (3) B. cereus
ATCC 1457; (4) B. cereus ATCC 10876; (5) B. cereus ATCC 10987; and (6) B. cereus F
4810/72; (7) F837/76. (b) (1) Size marker, lambda concatemers; (2) B. cereus 6EI;
(3) B. cereus 6E2; (4) B. cereus 45; (5) B. cereus ATCC 21281; (6) B. cereus ATCC 27877;
and (7) B. cereus ATCC 38018.
F kb
Í '
1200 -
юоо- И
t .
790- 270-
i -
50- i PDH
200 -
Вс 209 Вс 201
Вс 72
FIG. 3. (A) Pulsedfield gel electrophoresis of В. cereus ATCC 11778 Notl fragments, and (B) autoradiography of blotted
Notl fragments. The fragments were separated at 60 s pulse time at 150 mA for 20 h (I, II, III and IV), or at 30 s pulses
(V). The probes used for hybridization were as indicated in (B).
Abr В
Be 37 PDH
Be 37
When the haemolytic activity and the enterotoxin production were measured
in 12 B . t h u r i n g i e n s i s strains and 25 B . c e r e u s strains, most of the strains were
haemolytic, and more than half of both the strains were positive for enterotoxin
(Table I).
B. cereus B. thuringiensis
Haemolytic activity 23 2 1 0 2
Enterotoxin production 18 7 9 3
IAEA-SM-327/46 263
[1] ARONSON, A .I., BECKMAN, W ., DUNN, P., Bacillus thuringiensis and related
insect pathogens, Microbiol. Rev. 50 (1986) 1-24.
[2] HÓFTE, H., WHITELEY, H.R., Insecticidal crystal proteins of Bacillus thuringien
sis, Microbiol. Rev. 53 (1989) 242-255.
[3] TURNBULL, P.C.B., Bacillus cereus toxins, Pharmacol. Ther. 13 (1981) 453-505.
PETTERSON, H .-E ., Toxin production by Bacillus cereus dairy isolates in milk at low
temperatures, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 55 (1989) 2595-2600.
[5] SMITH, C .L ., KLCO, R.S., CANTOR, C.R ., “ Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and
the technology of large DNA molecules” , Genome Analysis: A Practical Approach
(DAVIES, K.E., Ed.), IRL Press, Oxford (1988) 41-72.
[6 ] KOLST0, A .-B., GR0NSTA D , A ., OPPEGAARD, H., Physical map of the Bacillus
cereus chromosome, J. Bacteriol. 172 7 (1990) 3821-3825.
[7] SCHWARTZ, D ., CANTOR, C.R ., Separation of yeast chromosome-sized DNAs by
pulsed field gradient electrophoresis, Cell 37 (1984) 67-75.
[8 ] SAMBROOK, J., FRITSCH, E.F., MANIATIS, T ., Molecular Cloning: A Labora
tory Manual, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY (1989).
[9] CARLSON, C ., GR0NSTAD, A. KOLST0, A .-B ., Physical maps of the genomes of
three Bacillus cereus strains, J. Bacteriol. 174 11 (1992) 3750-3756.
[10] CARLSON, C ., et al., (submitted for publication).
Istituto Internazionale di Genetica e Biofísica,
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche,
The central interest of our research concerns the molecular bases of maternal
control of development in D r o s o p h i l a m e l a n o g a s t e r and other insect species. We are
studying a group of female semi-sterile and maternal effect mutants, located in
region 32 of the standard salivary gland map of the second chromosome of
D r o s o p h i l a . Besides detailed genetic analyses to define the phenotypic aspects of the
mutation, we analysed the structure of ovaries and early embryos produced by
homozygous mutant females using DAPI or propidium iodide staining. At the
molecular level we isolated by chromosome walking 250 kb of DNA from region
32D-E, performed a restriction enzyme site polymorphism analysis in w i l d t y p e and
mutant stocks and identified a copia like b l o o d transposon inserted in region 32E of
the a b o chromosome. We demonstrated that the a b o phenotype is strictly correlated
with the presence of the b l o o d transposon. We identified transcripts on the two sides
of the transposon insertion site and isolated corresponding cDNA clones. From
sequence analysis of the cDNAs and the 10 kb genomic region, we identified a gene
whose putative product has an average 60% identity with the guanylate cyclase/atrial
natriuretic factor receptors (sea urchin, rat, mouse, human). The data obtained by
all the different approaches appear to indicate that this group of genes is involved
in general processes such as cell proliferation and/or cell migration. As part of the
study of the maternal effect mutants in region 32, we identified molecularly a vitel
line membrane protein (VMP) gene, called V M P 3 2 E , whose regulatory sequences
were dissected by using in vitro mutagenesis coupled with P element mediated germ
line transformation.
This work was supported by Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Target Pro
jects on Biotechnology and Bioinstrumentation (C. Malva) and Genetic Engineering
(F. Graziani) and is part of a FAO/IAEA Agreement (No. 5116/CF).
(Session 4)
Plant Protection and Quarantine,
Phoenix Methods Development Center,
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service,
United States Department of Agriculture,
Phoenix, Arizona
Plant Protection and Quarantine,
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service,
United States Department o f Agriculture,
Sacramento, California
Control and Eradication Division,
California Department of Food and Agriculture,
Bakersfield, California
The use of genetic control mechanisms for cotton insects has been explored to
varying degrees with several insects, including the tobacco budworm, H e l i o t h i s
v i r e s c e n s (F.), and the boll weevil, A n t h o n o m is g r a n d i s Boheman. Their use and
270 STATEN et al.
actual application on a large scale have been limited, however, to the pink bollworm,
(Saunders). This paper covers that usage and its potential
P e c t in o p h o r a g o s s y p ie lla
for expansion.
It is important to have a historical perspective of the pink bollworm problem
in the United States of America. At the present time, it is a problem in the western
USA, restricted to the irrigated desert areas. Pink bollworms are occasionally
recovered from states east of Texas , with only one endemic population on wild cotton
in the southern extreme of Florida. The Floridian population has total geographical
isolation from any commercial cotton growing area in the USA.
The pink bollworm is most destructive in Arizona, southern California and the
adjacent northwestern Mexican desert cotton growing areas. Its introduction and
establishment in central Arizona in the mid-1950s and into the Colorado River Basin
of western Arizona, southern California and northwestern Mexico in 1965 have led
to the development of a major pest problem with extreme side effects on the whole
ecosystem. This is, of course, exacerbated by à long growing season which, when
pushed for maximum production, results in crop longevity, giving pink bollworm
tremendous population potential. The extensive use of broad spectrum conventional
pesticides, including the newer synthetic pyrethroid compounds, has resulted in
expensive control systems with secondary pest problems. The only major area in the
western cotton belt where the impact of the pink bollworm has not been felt by the
grower is in the central California San Joaquin Valley. In this area, the establishment
of the pink bollworm has been prevented through the use of sterile insect release
technology, minor use of pheromones as a disruptant and adequate cultural control.
This paper briefly outlines the details and provides programme statistics for .that
project. In addition, it discusses efforts to integrate sterile release technology with
pheromone systems and optimum cultural practices in the heavily infested southern
California desert.
The San Joaquin Valley has never had a known continuous endemic population
of the pink bollworm, even after the spread of this insect into the Colorado River
desert growing areas in 1965 and 1966. The San Joaquin Valley is approximately
175 miles (282 km) (direct line) from any generally infested, areas of southern
California. The entire 175 miles is a host free zone. This expanse of desert and
mountains has formed a p a r t i a l barrier to pink bollworm movement. Movement
within the desert region between the generally infested southern California deserts
and the San Joaquin Valley has been documented by Stern and Savacherian [1] and
by trap lines maintained by programme personnel in the mountain passes between
the desert cotton growing areas and the San Joaquin Valley. Extensive movement
into the desert area has been documented early in the spring, late in the summer and
IAEA-SM-327/28 271
% mated
(48 h)
1985 43
1986 70
1987 81
1988 76
1989 8 6
1990 85
1991 87
throughout the fall. Movement over mountain passes into the adjacent San Joaquin
Valley has been documented in the fall. Programme trap data further provide evi
dence of movement within the San Joaquin Valley, since late season increases in
detection have coincided with captures in the desert trap lines. All of these data have
been gathered by using gossyplure baited traps placed along highways in the deserts
between cotton growing areas and in field traps.
In 1968, a programme was initiated to protect the 500 000 ha of cotton in the
San Joaquin Valley by releasing irradiated pink bollworm moths. Initially, the
released moths were irradiated with 25 krad of gamma rays, but since 1973 the dose
has been lowered to 20 krad. When sterile insects are treated at this dosage, they
will produce eggs but most of these progeny do not survive to reach the adult stage.
These few adults are infertile. Thus, the main purpose of lowering the dosage to
2 0 krad was to obtain more competitive males rather than to employ F! sterility.
Sterile insects are now reared in Phoenix, Arizona, using techniques or modifi
cations of techniques described by Stewart [2]. Attention to detail and constant
refinements of these rearing processes since 1 9 7 1 have improved the q u a n t i t y a n d
quality of insects available for shipment.
The increase in quality is illustrated in Table I, which summarizes quality
control mating tests carried out by programme personnel. These data come from
samples taken each day of shipment (seven days a week) throughout the season.
272 STATEN et al.
1970 135
1971 1 2 0
1972 113
1973 99
1974 41
1975 154
1976 177
1977 192
1978 301
1979 385
1980 372
1981 401
1982 497
1983 594
1984 579
1985 489
1986 702
1987 735
1988 804
1989 826
1990 809
1991 813
Three samples of 20 pairs are held in cages in the laboratory for 48 h before
dissection. An additional set of samples are checked for mating on arrival in the
release zone. Those females which contain spermatophores are considered mated.
Table I shows an increased mating propensity between 1985 and 1991 after small
procedural improvements were made in shipping. Mean mating levels of samples
taken directly from shipment containers (0 h) did not exceed 3.3% for any year.
IAEA-SM-327/28 273
No. of acres3 No. of traps Acres3 per Maximum acres3 Per cent Mean No. of steriles
mapped x 1 0 0 0 maintained x 1 0 0 0 trap x 1 0 0 released x 1 0 0 acres3 released per acre3 released
STATEN et al.
1980 1463 2 0 .8 70.2 177 1 2 .1 2 880
1981 1451 19.4 74.8 352 24.3 2 251
1982 1326 16.9 78.3 147 1 1 .0 5 260
1983 1005 12.9 78.2 . 132 13.1 4 452
1984 1392 17.6 79.0 42 6 .1 13 329
1985 1336 17.2 77.9 59 4.6 8 167
1986 1061 13.3 79.8 44 4.1 14 930
1987 1 2 1 2 19.9 60.8 63 4.6 10 864
1988 1368 22.7 60.4 71 5.2 10 655
1989 1128 19.2 58.8 104 9.2 7 258
1990 1184 19.5 60.7 129 1 0 .8 5 438
1991 1103 18.4 59.9 140 1 2 .6 5 806
Sterile moths Per cent sterile No. of sterile Non-sterile moths No. of sterile insects
released x 1 0 6 moths recovered moths recovered recovered (native) captured per native
1980 510.49 0 .1 1 566 170 4492a 126
1981 794.26 0 .1 1 864 861 677 127.7
1982 772.12 0.13 1 041 280 1 2 0 8 677.3
1983 586.77 0.18 1 057 735 863a 1 225.6
1984 571.50 0.38 2 144 018 351a 6 108.3
1985 483.74 0.09 434 739 160 2 717.1
1986 660.35 0.05 352 825 62 5 690.7
1987 670.07 0.15 1 057 925 294 3 598.7
1988 754.87 0.16 1 188 335 891 1 335.7
1990 701.50 0.27 1 943 863 3239b 600.14
1991 812.97 0.45 3 6 6 8 337 263 10 105.6
b In 1990, two fields had a cumulative average peak of 15.2% boll infestation.
276 STATEN et al.
The number of sterile moths released has increased steadily since 1974
(Table IV). Major improvements in rearing technology and management systems in
1975 represented a significant improvement in programme operations. A very
dramatic degree of improvement in rearing is seen when one compares the numbers
of moths shipped to the San Joaquin Valley in 1975 compared with 1974. Shipments
increased from 37.01 x 106 moths in 1974 to 150.11 x 105 in 1975, and
173.6 x 10° in 1976. Although native unmarked populations were low early in
1974, it became apparent that a major problem existed as the season progressed. The
total sterile moth captures of 282 897 was 647 times higher than the non-sterile
recovery, but an acceptable ratio1 of 60 sterile: 1 native moth at the individual field
level could not be maintained when native moth capture rates became very great in
August and September. It was very fortunate that improvements were brought on line
before the 1975 season. The production in 1975 was able to cover the entire
‘infested’ area adequately from the beginning of the season.
Relatively high native moth capture (1474) late in the season in 1976 followed
tropical storms originating off Baja California, Mexico and resulted in a decision to
augment sterile moth production at the USDA facility by outside contract production
for the 1977 season. This contract provided 28% of the 412 million moths used in
the San Joaquin Valley in 1977 and provided an average of 39% of all production
until the 1983 season. In 1983, the 586 million moths shipped were provided exclu
sively by the USDA facility in Phoenix. '
In 1980, we captured the highest number of native moths in programme
history., Unlike Í974, however, coverage of the entire area where moths were
detected was achievable throughout the season. Major efforts were also made
through grower meetings throughout this area to optimize cultural control through
rapid-xrop destruction after harvest and early plough down of host material.
The following year, 24% of the Valley received sterile insects. This rate is high
in comparison with the preceding few years of release, but with good winter mortal
ity; between the 1980 and 1981 season, it was apparently adequate.
In 1990, following a warm dry winter in which those cotton plants left standing
wère not frozen, populations developed predominantly in two areas within the
Valley. For the first and only time, a conventional insecticide was used against a
larval population. This population was large enough in two fields to be measured
with conventional sampling procedures. Guthion was applied on 28 September and
3 October on 280 acres (113 ha)- The crop in these fields.was chemically terminated
rapidly following these treatments and. cultural measures of the harshest nature rela
tive to the pink bollworm were token. It must be emphasized that this was, the only
time in the 24 years that sterile insects have been released in the San Joaquin Valley
that a conventional insecticide was used against the pink bollworm. The only other
1 Through experience, the ratio of 60 sterile moths: 1 native moth has been established
as à working, sáfe ratio. " ' ;
lÀEÀ-SM-327/28 277
Once the pink bollworm spread into the Colorado River Basin, the entire cotton
pest management system changed drastically. Cotton growers were determined to
continue maximizing yields and were quick to utilize regularly scheduled insecticide
application. This philosophy continued, essentially unabated,, for approximately
twenty years. In the most severely infested areas (such as in the Imperial Valley),
grower leadership is now seeking other remedies. In addition to working with sterile
insect technology, our laboratory, the Agricultural Research Service and industrial
co-operators have worked extensively in the development of pheromone communica
tion disruption. The large scale field testing of the Mitsubishi pink bollworm rope
in 1985 [8 ] in Imperial Valley provided a breakthrough. This .breakthrough led to
the carrying out of an ‘area wide’ management project in the Coachella Valley on
its restricted acreage.
The Coachella Valley is reasonably isolated during the main growing season
and is measurably affected by migration only during storm conditions that include
surface winds from the southeast, usually late in the season. In 1986, we started
working in a co-operative venture with the growers of the area and their pest control
advisor (M. Grummet of Foster Gardner Chemical Co.). Our first step in 1986 was
to treat the entire valley with the high rate pink bollworm rope system, at 30 g of
active ingredient (AI) per ácre in one application at the six to eight leaf cotton
development stage. Our results were so encouraging that between 1987 and 1989 we
STATEN et al.
1985 insecticide only
(pre-trial data) 7.27 56/57 414
Sample No. of bolls Total No. of bolls Total No. of bolls Total No. of bolls Total
week sampled larvae sampled larvae sampled larvae sampled larvae
1 50 3 370 0
280 STATEN et al.
1-5 July — 0 —
3 -6 September . — — 23.02
a Data adjusted from Boll Box Survey to equate with standard cutting procedures [4].
started releases of 500 sterile pink bollworms per day. This was done in connection
with a minimum shortening of the growing season. Under this system, sterile insect
release started at the three to four leaf cotton stage. If a ratio of 60:1 sterile to native
insects was not achieved in a given field at a six leaf stage, that field received a
pheromone treatment. Thus, while not all fields would receive pheromone, all fields
received sterile insects. If the chemical control thresholds were exceeded at any time
in the season, the grower and his pest control advisor were expected to utilize
chemical control to complete the growing season. This treatment was on a field by
field basis, as needed.
Pink bollworm sterile and native populations were monitored with Delta traps
at 2 traps per 40 acres (16.19 ha) and with samples of 80-100 bolls collected per
field each week. The bolls were then returned to the laboratory for examination
under large lighted 3 X magnification lenses. Samples were taken from the second
week in July through August.
IAEA-SM-327/28 281
The twenty-five year history of the San Joaquin Valley Exclusion Project is
considered by the California cotton industry to be a major success. The industry
funds their programme at more than 85 % of its total cost and has opted to spend
US $2.1 million for two new rearing buildings, with options for major expansion in
order to continue this programme.
In addition, these same growers and the USDA are pursuing an expanded trial
most likely to be in the Imperial Valley. This valley is ideal as a target for expanding
these techniques becaiise it normally has much larger acreage than Coachella and is,
as a cotton growing area, under extreme duress. Normal cotton production of
282 STATEN et al.
FIG. 1. Comprehensive larval infestation in the Imperial Valley before and after reduction
in season length expressed as larvae per 100 bolls ( ■ : 1990; 13 ; 1989).
40 000-80 000 acres (16 188-32 376 ha) has been the rule over past years. Cotton
production has slipped to approximately 4000 acres (1618 ha) largely due to the
extreme cost of treating pink bollworm infestations and a new biotype of the white-
fly, Bemisia. In addition, growers in this, community have opted to drastically
shorten the growing season, which has had a marked impact on the pink bollworm
population. Our laboratory, in co-operation with the Imperial County Commissioner
of Agriculture and the Agricultural Research Service, monitored the pink bollworm
population extensively in 1989 before any winter cultural programme could affect
the population of that year. Populations were thus mentioned in an identical fashion
in the season of 1990, following a mandatory fall termination in 1989. The popula
tions have been drastically reduced, as evidenced by adult moth counts in Delta traps
and boll infestation data (Fig. 1) [11]. In addition, test releases in 1990 clearly
indicated that a 500 sterile moth per acre per day release was feasible.
The importance of these approaches and the necessity of finding a better
management scenario are imperative in today’s ecologically concerned society. We
can no longer live with major insecticide usage for pink bollworm and its associated
secondary pest problems. The introduction of a new biotype of whitefly has further
drastically affected the entire agricultural ecosystem. In addition, we cannot keep
ahead of insecticide resistance for key pests such as the pink bollworm and the white-
fly now found in cotton. We must reduce environmental hazards from pesticide use,
including drift and residue. The pink bollworm problem, with today’ s knowledge,
can only be dealt with on an organized, area wide, rational basis.
IAEA-SM-327/28 283
[1] STERN, V ., SAVACHERIAN, V ., Long range dispersal of pink bollworm into the
San Joaquin Valley, California Agrie. 32 (1978) 4-5 .
[2] STEWART, F.D., “ Mass rearing the pink bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella” ,
Advances and Challenges in Insect Rearing (KING, E.G ., LEPPLA, N .C ., Eds),
Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington,
DC (1984).
[3] STATEN, R.T., unpublished.
[4] HENNEBERRY, T.J., KEAVENY, D .F., Suppression of Pink Bollworm by Sterile
Moth Releases, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agricul
ture, Phoenix, AZ (1985).
[5] HUMMEL, H.E., et al., Clarification of the chemical status of the pink bollworm sex
pheromones, Science 181 (1973) 873-875.
[6 ] BIERL, B .A ., BEROZA, М ., STATEN, R.T., SONNET, P.E., ADLER, V .E ., The
pink bollworm sex attractant, J. Econ. Entomol. 67 (1974) 211-216.
[7] FOSTER, R .N ., STATEN, R .T ., MILLER, E ., Evaluation of traps for pink bollworm,
J. Econ. Entomol. 70 (1977) 289-291.
[8 ] STATEN, R.T., et al., Pink bollworm (Lepidoptera: Gelichiidae): Large scale field
trials with a high rate gossyplure formulation, J. Econ. Entomol. 80 (1987) 1267-1271.
[10] STATEN, R.T., ANTILLA, L., MYERS, F., CROUT, R. (unpublished).
[11] CHU, C .C ., et al., “ Pink bollworm: Populations two years following initiation of a
short-season cotton system in the Imperial Valley, C A ” , Beltwide Cotton Production
(Proc. Conf. Nashville, TN, 1992) (BROWN, J., Ed.), National Cotton Council of
America, Memphis, TN (1992).
Okanagan-Kootenay Sterile Insect Release Program,
British Columbia,
The sterile insect release (SIR) programme to eradicate the codling moth, Cydia
pomonella (L.), from the Okanagan region by the year 2000 has begun. The SIR programme
includes about 8000 ha of apple and pear trees. In many orchards, the cessation of insecticidal
sprays for codling moth control should permit apples to be grown without pesticide applica
tions during the fruit development period, a major environmental and economic benefit.
Research done by M .D. Proverbs and colleagues over twenty years has established techniques
for rearing, sterilizing and releasing codling moths. However, the SIR costs estimated from
a pilot project were more than twice those of chemical sprays to control the pest. Nevertheless,
recent studies have shown that a programme would be economical if only the minimum
required number of moths was released; if the eradication area was treated in steps and if
reinfestation was prevented. The British Columbia Fruit Growers’ Association helped to
develop an implementation plan which included a budget, a revenue scheme and a political
and administrative framework. The plan was approved by the municipal governing bodies in
the region, as well as the Provincial and Federal Governments. Enabling legislation was
passed in 1989. Funds for equipment and a rearing facility to produce about five million moths
per week were provided by the two senior governments, and the municipal governing bodies
will collect property taxes and parcel taxes based on the orchard area to cover the operational
costs. The first phase of the programme, wild population reduction, started in 1992; the
second, sterile moth release, will begin in Í994, and the third, prevention of reinfestation, will
start in 1997. Recent improvements in the rearing procedures will increase efficiency and
production security, and reduce worker health hazards. The integrated pest management
systems in apples and pears may require some changes when the moth release phase of SIR
286 DYCK et al.
Thirty years of research and planning have finally developed into the sterile
insect release (SIR) programme to eradicate the codling moth, C y d i a p o m o n e l l a (L.),
by the year 2000 from the Okanagan region of south-central British Columbia,
Canada. This region includes about 8000 ha of apple and pear trees, mostly in
commercial orchards. Besides the Okanagan Valley, portions of other valleys and
districts are included, e.g. the Similkameen Valley, Salmon Arm and Crestón, to
incorporate all the areas which grow commercial fruit and exchange fruit and fruit
The codling moth is regarded in this region as the most important pest of
apples, and as a major pest of pears. Avoiding codling moth dàmage, and reducing
the use of expensive hazardous insecticides, are of great monetary and environmental
benefit to growers and consumers. There is potential for the development of pesticide
resistance in the pest population, and restrictions on pesticide use are becoming more
common. In many orchards, it is expected that the cessation of chemical sprays for
codling moth control will permit apples to be grown without spraying any pesticides
during the. fruit development period, and such apples could have a marketing advan
tage. A. SIR programme will reduce the need for increasingly costly, foreign made
chemical insecticides, while encouraging local employment.
Research done over twenty years by M.D. Proverbs and colleagues at Agricul
ture Canadà’ s research station in Summerland has established the techniques for
rearing, sterilizing and releasing codling moths [1, 2]. Related research has been
conducted in the Yakima Agricultural Research Laboratory (United States Depart
ment of Agriculture) in the neighbouring state of Washington, USA [3]. In the pilot
project (1976-1978) [2]. that was the culmination of Proverbs’, research, about
500 ha o f apple and pear orchards in the Similkameen Valley were treated, first with
insecticides to reduce the wild moth population, and then with reared sterile moths
to eradicate the pest. The technology was effective in rearing and releasing the sterile
moths, which appeared to eradicate the wild population, at least in some local areas.
The project was considered to be a field success, and received strong grower
In the pilot project, about 1 000 000 moths were reared each week on a saw
dust based artificial diet [2, 4]. About 10% of the moths were put in oviposition
cages to mate and lay eggs for the next production cycle, while the remaining 90% ,
both sexes in approximately equal numbers, were released after exposure to
IAEA-SM-327/29 287
35 krad1 gamma radiation in a 60Co irradiator. This dose induced about 92% steril
ity in the male moths and complete sterility in the females. The diet included Calco
red dye, which made the internal organs turn red. (The organs of the wild moths are
yellow in colour, and therefore the origin of the moths caught in field traps can be
determined by t h is c o l o u r difference.) Chilled moths were released via a specially
designed dispenser mounted on dune buggies that were driven through the orchards.
The desired sterile:wild ratio of 40:1 was, on average, exceeded.
After the pilot project was completed, analysis of the annual costs showed that
these were more than twice those of chemical sprays to control the pest [2]. Such
a high price for SIR, despite its environmental benefits, was considered unacceptable
to growers and precluded implementation. However, there were those in research
and amongst the growers (especially organic growers in the Similkameen Valley)
who hoped that another review of SIR, which would include a wide range of eco
nomic options and a long term view, might yield a positive result. Agriculture
Canada, notwithstanding the unfavourable economic implications of the pilot
project, decided to fund several studies by agricultural economists to review codling
moth SIR and reassess its commercial feasibility [5-7].
A complete review of the strategy, methodology and costs of SIR was made.
Various scenarios for a possible future programme were considered. The concept of
three years of moth release followed by three years of monitoring [2 ], with the
expectation that the cycle would be repeated, was abandoned in favour of assuming
that eradication would occur after three release years and that post-release protection
activities against reinfestation could maintain the pest free status. To reduce capital
costs, a small rearing facility was proposed which could produce enough moths to
service only one-sixth of the total area. At three years of release for each of the six
zones, 18 years would be required to eradicate the moth from the whole area. To
further reduce costs, only the minimum required number of moths estimated by
Proverbs [ 8 ] , plus 25% to cover the rearing risks, would be produced. The SIR costs
were, compared with the chemical control costs, and no environmental costs or
savings were considered per se because of the difficulty of estimating such figures.
The encouraging conclusion of this study was that a commercial eradication
programme would be feasible economically in the long run if changes in the strategy
and operations were made.
The second report [6 ] described sensitivity analyses of the various risks and
uncertainties in a SIR programme, assessing what impact changes in the various
components of the programme would have on its final economic feasibility. The
major aspects considered were the risk of contamination or disease reducing moth
production, the release ratio and, therefore, the number of moths to be reared in rela
tion to the somewhat unknown size of the wild population, the method of moth
release, the cost of chemical sprays, the risk of other pests requiring chemical
sprays, and the risk of reinfestation after eradication. The results of the analyses indi
cated that the number of moths required for field release, and the cost of chemical
sprays, were the most important aspects in assessing the cost benefits of SIR over
insecticidal treatments. Ground release of moths was more cost effective than aerial
release with rented helicopters. Other aspects had only a minor impact on SIR eco
nomics, but the programme would become uneconomical if the apple maggot became
established and required frequent sprays for control, since the codling moth would
be controlled partially by these sprays.
Since the effectiveness of SIR technology had been demonstrated in the pilot
project [2 ], the economic studies had given positive predictions about the financial
robustness of a codling moth SIR programme, and the benefits to apple and pear
growers were both monetary and environmental, the British Columbia Fruit
Growers’ Association decided to investigate the feasibility of implementing a
programme over the whole area represented by its members. The growers obtained
a grant from the Federal and Provincial Governments to hire a consultant to prepare
an implementation plan. The plan was to recommend practical operating procedures
that included economies of scale, to show the time relationships between the different
activities, to review programme costs, to develop a revenue scheme, to prepare a
budget for each year of operation, and to propose a political and administrative
framework for the programme.
IAEA-SM-327/29 289
ment covering both the rural and urban areas. Five regional districts
(Okanagan-Similkameen, Central Okanagan, North Okanagan, Columbia-
Shuswap and Central Kootenay) would work together, each district appointing
one member of its board of elected officials to represent it on the SIR Board.
Other people representing various interested parties, such as grower organiza
tions and Federal, Provincial and municipal agricultural departments, should
be included as non-voting Board Members. The SIR Board would be empo
wered to levy and collect the property and parcel taxes through the regional
district taxation system. Also, the Board should have authority to operate and
administer the' SIR programme, to enter property as required, and to enforce
the programme activities.
(6 ) T o c o n s t r u c t a r e a r i n g f a c i l i t y t o p r o d u c e m o t h s f o r 4 0 0 0 h a a t a t im e . Two
release zones, instead of three or six, would enable all the growers to receive
the benefits of the programme within a reasonable time. However, making two
zones instead of one would still allow for a relatively small, and therefore rela
tively inexpensive, rearing facility. The facility design provided was only a
sketch based on enlargement of the existing research facilities, with some
rearrangements to improve the sanitation and material flow and to reduce the
There are three distinct phases of the programme: prerelease sanitation, rear
ing and release of sterile moths, and protection against reinfestation. For a given
zone, the three phases follow each other in time, and operations in one zone are
independent of those in the other zone. The current programme schedule is as
Z on e Г. 1992-1993, prerelease sanitation; 1994-1996, rearing and release of
sterile moths; 1997, protection against reinfestation.
Z one 2: 1995-1996, prerelease sanitation; 1997-1999, rearing and release of
sterile moths; 2 0 0 0 , protection against reinfestation.
Since the efficiency of SIR technology increases when the number of sterile
moths becomes much greater than that of wild moths, the goal of prerelease sanita
tion is to reduce the wild moth population as much as possible using other control
methods, primarily the application of insecticides.
Apple and pear trees are located, mapped and then categorized as abandoned,
non-commercial or commercial orchard trees. Abandoned trees provide a refuge for
IAEA-SM-327/29 291
codling moths and must be cut down. Few abandoned trees exist in Zone 1 because
of the low rainfall, but in the wetter Zone 2 there is a significant number of aban
doned trees.
Non-commercial trees are found primarily in urban areas, in backyards and in
very small orchards. It is difficult to monitor the wild population size in these trees,
so control actions need to be prophylactic rather than remedial. The recommended
methods of control include well timed chemical sprays, blossom or fruit removal
early in the season, and placement of corrugated cardboard strips around the tree
trunks and limbs to trap the mature larvae searching for cocooning sites.
Commercial orchard trees are monitored for moth density by using sex phero
mone traps. The SIR programme employs monitors travelling in all terrain vehicles
(ATVs) to count the moths caught in the traps each week. Trap data and control
recommendations are given weekly to orchardists to enable them to apply appropri
ate and timely control tactics.
Release of marked sterile male moths into orchards followed by sex phero
mone trap counts of marked and wild moths, especially if done at the peak emergence
period of a brood, provide a measure of the sterile:wild moth ratio. This ratio indi
cates how low the wild population density is, and is a measure of the readiness of
an orchard for full scale sterile moth release. Observations in 1990 and 1991 in
several Similkameen Valley orchards using this method showed that some orchards
were ready, but many were not.
At harvest, field samples of fruit can estimate the level of damage incurred,
especially damage that indicates mature larvae have exited and will overwinter in the
orchard. Such estimates permit a projection of the number of moths that will emerge
in the first brood the following year. Again, such observations in the Similkameen
Valley showed that some orchards had low codling moth populations, but others not.
On the basis of the number of sterile moths scheduled for release in the SIR
programme, to maintain a sterile:wild ratio of >40:1, an overwintering larval
density of <100 larvae/ha the previous winter may be acceptable. The damage level
that would generate such a larval density is hard to determine because of the variable
crop sizes.and the kind of control tactics used, but codling moth damage levels of
0.1-0.3% may be acceptable, depending on the particular orchard. Many growers
who spray insecticides appear to achieve codling moth damage levels of 0 .2-0.3%
[10]. Proverbs advocated a very low prerelease damage level of 0.05% [2]; such a
level is desirable if it can be achieved with existing control technology.
The production goal of the SIR programme during peak production is 5.2 mil
lion moths per week derived from 10 500 trays of diet. After emergence, the male
and female moths will be collected and then released from ATVs within one or two
days in orchards. Moths for 1 ha will be released while the ATVs travel 300 m
292 DYCK et al.
between the tree rows. Releases will be carried out twice a week in each orchard,
and continue for about 20 weeks to cover both codling moth broods. Sex pheromone
traps, set up periodically for one night only in selected orchards, will catch both
sterile and wild male moths and provide an estimate of the sterile:wild ratio.
The new rearing facility will produce 4 000 000 moths per week for release.
If 4000 ha are treated twice a week, then each hectare of orchard will receive
500 moths at each release, and over a 20 to 25 week season up to 25 000 moths.
Since up to 36 500 moths/ha were released in the pilot project [2], admittedly achiev
ing high sterile:wild ratios, it is very important that the current SIR programme
emphasizes prerelease sanitation as well as moth production and quality in order to
achieve the goal of eradication within the targeted time period.
If 100 larvae/ha overwinter in an orchard, only about 50 larvae will survive
the winter and emerge as adults during the spring brood. If temperatures are hot,
up to 2 0 moths ( 1 0 males, since the sex ratio is 1 : 1 ) might emerge within one week.
If 500 sterile male moths are released per hectare per week, then the sterile:wild ratio
is a satisfactory 50:1 in the week of the brood when keeping a high ratio would be
the most difficult; in other weeks, the ratio should be even higher.
A mathematical model [11], based on the sterile insect technique work of
E.F. Knipling, indicates that an average sterile:wild ratio of 40:1 in the first brood
leads to extinction of the wild population in a 4000 ha zone by the end of the third
brood (1.5 years) if certain assumptions are true. These assumptions are: that the
natural population growth rate in the first brood each year is 5, and in the second
brood 1 0 ; that sterile male competitiveness is the same as in wild males; that male
and female sterility are both 100%; and that the sex ratio is 1:1. In the SIR
programme, the radiation dose that may be used, 35 krad, causes only 92% sterility
in male moths. As a result, there will be more surviving eggs and larvae in each
brood than expected, and this will cause some fruit damage but, since the mortality
of these larvae will be higher than usual and most will be males [ 1 2 ], the number
of female moths produced in each brood will be similar to what the model predicts.
Also, ? ! sterility of the few adult progeny from sterile male matings with fertile
females will reduce the threat to population growth, since the progeny will be
virtually sterile [ 1 2 ]; they will behave like released sterile moths.
Releases in urban areas will be done from special release boxes that allow the
moths to escape but prevent birds from entering the boxes. Experimental releases in
the city of Penticton indicated that placement of boxes every two blocks should
provide a good distribution of moths.
Three major activities will be required after eradication — monitoring for the
presence of wild moths, releasing sterile moths at border sites to prevent invasion
of wild moths, and controlling the transfer of infested fruit containers.
IAEA-SM-327/29 293
The technology used during the pilot project [2] is the basis of the commercial
SIR programme. However, some modifications in the technology have been made
to improve prerelease sanitation, quality control, production security and the work
ing environment, and to reduce costs.
7.2. Rearing
To improve the quality and competitiveness of the reared sterile moths, Hutt
[14] reared codling moths under daily fluctuating temperatures. He found that more
male moths reared under fluctuating temperatures than under constant temperatures
were caught in the sex pheromone traps during cool evenings. We confirmed this
finding in a similar experiment in the Okanagan region, and therefore moths destined
for release in spring or autumn should be reared under fluctuating temperatures. In
another of our experiments during warm weather, however, just as many constant
temperature reared sterile moths as released wild moths were caught in the traps,
indicating that constant temperature rearing should be acceptable in the summer.
This last experiment also showed that reared moths responded to the traps as well
as wild moths, indicating that the flight and pheromone responses of the reared males
should be satisfactory for a SIR programme.
To maintain vigour in the laboratory colony, and prior to starting a colony in
the new SIR rearing facility, infested apples were collected from commercial
orchards in the Okanagan region in 1992. For about six weeks, the male moths
reared out of these apples were added to oviposition cages, and the same number of
colony males removed, to increase the heterogeneity of the colony.
The moths that will form the nucleus of the SIR colony should be free of the
codling moth granulosis virus. Efforts are being made to create a virus free colony
which will be transferred to the rearing facility.
The competitiveness of reared sterile male moths with wild males in mating
wild females appears to be satisfactory in laboratory tests.,
A modification made to the existing oviposition cages [15] reduced by 50% the
time needed to remove the paper egg sheets each day. Water wicks with reservoirs
inside the cages to provide the moths with water for the duration of oviposition took
less time to install than inserting wet wicks into the cages every day. A series of
experiments revealed the appropriate number of moths to place in these cages in
order to obtain the number of eggs that would lead to optimum production in the next
Two methods of rearing will probably be used at the SIR facility: (1) the usual
sawdust diet held under long day length for continuous rearing, and (2 ) a soft diet
held under short day length for larvae that will spin cocoons outside the diet, enter
diapause and then be stored in the cold until a time of year when large numbers of
moths are required.
In the pilot project [2], moths that were emerging at large in an emergence
room were collected by attracting them to UV lighted cages on the floor. In an
attempt to avoid the health hazards of entering a room with moth scales in the air,
to make moth collection less labour intensive and to collect high quality moths, the
concepts of this collection system and that used by Stewart [16] for pink bollworm
296 DYCK et al.
moths were combined in a prototype automated moth collector that was built and
tested, and then further developed for the new facility.
In, collaboration with the engineering firm, the new rearing facility was
designed to incorporate many features that have improved the quality control, rear
ing efficiency and production security, and reduced the rearing costs and health and
safety hazards to workers.
The big change for these systems in apples and pears will be the elimination
of chemical insecticides for codling moth control. The most commonly sprayed
chemical at present is azinphosmethyl, a broad spectrum organophosphate. Cessation
of these sprays, applied after petal fall until near harvest, will have an impact on the
control of other insect pests. Also, the application of insecticides for other insects
could kill the released sterile moths.
It is expected that the major pests in apple that could require sprays in the sum
mer are the eyespotted bud moth, S p i l o n o t a o c e l l a n a (D. & S.), the white apple leaf-
hopper, T y p h l o c y b a p o m a r i a McAtee, and two species of two generations-a-year leaf
rollers. Reports from the pilot project [2], work done by Madsen and Downing [17]
and Madsen [18], and recent experiments at Summerland indicated that few summer
pest problems are likely to require sprays in SIR apple orchards, especially if spring
sprays have been applied. Should sprays be needed to save the crop, chemicals such
as azinphosmethyl, diazinon and endosulfan will kill some released codling moths,
and therefore releases should be stopped for a few days after treatment. This will
have little effect on SIR, since wild moths will also be killed by the sprays. An
approach to controlling other pests would be to apply chemical treatments in the
spring as a first priority and, if needed, biological control agents that would not harm
the released moths, such as B a c i l l u s t h u r in g i e n s i s ( B t ) , during the summer.
[1] PROVERBS, M .D ., “ Sterile insect technique in.codling moth control” , Sterile Insect
Technique and Radiation in Insect Control (Proc. Symp. Neuherberg, 1981), IAEA,
Vienna (1982) 85-99.
[2] PROVERBS, M .D ., NEWTON, J R., CAMPBELL, C.J., Codling moth: A pilot
program of control by sterile insect release in British Columbia, Can. Entomol. 114
(1982) 363-376.
[3] HUTT, R.B., WHITE, L .D ., Status of Sterile Insect Technique Investigations on
Codling Moth at the Yakima Agricultural Research Laboratory, Rep. SEA ARM-W-9,
United States Department of Agriculture, Oakland, CA (1979).
IAEA-SM-327/29 297
[4] BRINTON, F.E., PROVERBS, M .D ., CARTY, B.E., Artificial diet for mass produc
tion of the codling moth, Carpocapsa pomonella (Lepidoptera: Olethreutidae), Can.
Entomol. 101 (1969) 577-584.
[5] HOLM, W .R ., An Evaluation of the Commercial Cost of a Sterile Insect Release
Control Program for Codling Moth in British Columbia, Agriculture Canada, New
Westminster, BC (1985).
[6 ] HOLM, W .R ., Analysis of the Risks and Costs of a Sterile Insect Release Program for
the Control of Codling Moth in the Okanagan Region of British Columbia, Agriculture
Canada, New Westminster, BC (1986).
[7] JECK, S., HANSEN, J., Economics of Codling Moth Control by Sterile Insect
Release: Benefit-Cost Approach, Agriculture Canada, New Westminster, BC (1987).
[8 ] PROVERBS, M .D ., “ Codling moth control by the sterility principle in British Colum
bia: Estimated cost and some biological observations related to cost” , The Sterile-
Insect Technique and its Field Applications (Proc. Panel Vienna, 1972), IAEA, Vienna
(1974) 81-88.
[9] DEBIASIO, D ., Codling Moth Sterile Insect Release Study, British Columbia Fruit
Growers’ Association, Kelowna, BC (1988).
[10] HOLDER, D ., “ Pack-out analysis of size, colour and cullage” , Apples — Cultural
Practices to Meet Present Market Needs (Proc. 18th Annu. BCFGA Horticultural
Forum, Penticton, 1986) 24-29.
[11] WEIDHAAS, D .E., Rnipling Life Lotus Sheet for SIT, computer program on floppy
disk (1990).
[12] PROVERBS, M .D ., NEWTON, J.R., Some effects of gamma radiation on the
reproductive potential of the codling moth, Carpocapsa pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera:
Olethreutidae), Can. Entomol. 94 (1962) 1162-1170.
[13] JUDD, G.J.R., GARDINER, M .G .T ., THOMSON, D.R., Management of codling
moth with pheromones, Br. Columbia Orchardist 15 3 (1992) 12-15.
[14] HUTT, R.B., Codling moth (Laspeyresia pomonella (Lepidoptera: Olethreutidae)):
Improving field performance of mass-reared males, Can. Entomol. I l l (1979)
[15] PROVERBS, M .D ., LOGAN, D .M ., A rotating oviposition cage for the codling moth,
Carpocapsa pomonella, Can. Entomol. 102 (1970) 42-49.
[16] STEWART, F.D., “ Mass rearing the pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella” ,
Advances and Challenges in Insect Rearing (KING, E.G ., LEPPLA, N .C ., Eds),
Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture, New Orleans,
LA (1984) 176-187.
[17] MADSEN, H.F., DOWNING, R.S., Integrated control of the fruit-tree leaf roller,
Archips argyrospilus (Walker), and the eye-spotted bud moth, Spilonota ocellana
(Denis & Schiffermuller), J. Entomol. Soc. Br. Columbia 65 (1968) 19-21.
[18] MADSEN, H .F ., Integrated control of the fruit-tree leaf roller and the white apple leaf-
hopper in British Columbia, J. Econ. Entomol. 62 (1969) 1351-1353.
300 FOSTER et al.
The spectre of insecticide resistance and the success of the sterile insect tech
nique (SIT) against the screwworm in the United States of America led to the initia
tion of genetic and ecological research into the genetic control of SBF [3].
A review of the ecological studies is beyond the scope of this paper. Neverthe
less, their importance in the development of genetic control must be emphasized.
They have established a quantitative basis for planning and assessing genetic and
other control measures [4, 5]. They have permitted the use of ecological approxima
tions [6 ] in the assessment of trials, the design of release strains and the evaluation
of tactics. Models based on these studies should save many millions of dollars in
large scale control programmes.
Until recently, the genetic control programme was guided by the assumption
that, while eradication would be feasible in isolated areas, this goal could be exces
sively ambitious for the entire continent. Therefore, we concentrated on developing
systems suitable for long term suppression of SBF populations rather than
Recently, simulations combining genetic and ecological models suggested that
these suppression systems were also capable of eradication [7]. Moreover, at low
release rates they could be much more effective than SIT. Thus, both long term
suppression and eradication are currently being considered as feasible options.
The paper summarizes these and other developments which have made the
genetic control of SBF more commercially attractive.
The genetic methods available for SBF include SIT, the sterile male technique
(SMT) and the genetically impaired female technique (GIFT). Genetic sexing sys
tems form the basis of both SMT and GIFT.
GIFT was formerly called the field female killing (FK) system [7]. This system
combines chromosome rearrangements with eye colour and other mutations, such
that mass reared females are killed or debilitated. The mutations and rearrangements
are inherited in the offspring of field females mated by released males (Fig. 1),
causing genetic death, leading to population collapse [7, 8 ].
The systems constructed in SBF contain homozygous-viable pericentric
inversions on the same chromosomes as the eye colour mutations, opposite the sex
linked translocation which carries the wild type eye colour genes [8 ]. One strain also
contains a temperature sensitive lethal ( t s l) mutation.
The inversions stabilize the strain against genetic breakdown and contribute to
genetic death in GIFT systems because crossing over within heterozygotes generates
inviable products [8 ].
IAEA-SM-327/30 301
(NN) (Tl)
50% sterility
(TN) (IN) (Tl)
up to 90% sterility
(TI.TN) (И, IN)
Combined effect of
sterility and blindness
causes up to 98% death
FIG. 1. Proposed GIFT genetic control system: transfer of genes and chromosomes into a
field population. N represents the normal autosome set; I represents the autosome set
containing homozygous-viable inversions and eye mutations on both chromosomes 3 and 5
(heterozygotes fertile in males, semi-sterile in females), passed to the daughters o f released
males; T represents the sex linked (Y;3;5) translocation (semi-sterile), passed to the sons.
302 FOSTER et al.
The SMT would use a simpler genetic sexing system, involving a translocation
between the Y chromosome and only one autosome, plus a single eye colour muta
tion, a t s l mutation and a pericentric inversion.
Both SIT and SMT would involve the sterilization of males by irradiation
before release, whereas GIFT males cause genetic death without irradiation. It is
possible that with SIT or SMT, released males would suffer from radiation induced
loss of competitiveness, whereas GIFT males would not. This question has not been
investigated adequately in SBF.
SMT and GIFT should be cheaper to implement than SIT because females can
be eliminated using the t s l mutations at an early stage of mass rearing, thereby
reducing both capital outlays and operating costs.
In addition, stringent safeguards against the escape of fertile flies from a
rearing operation, as required with SIT, would be less necessary with GIFT or SMT.
The female flies in these cases would be debilitated and unable to survive in the wild.
Any males escaping the factory would be either identical to those being released
(GIFT) or at least generate partial sterility in their daughters (SMT).
Simulations predict that at high release rates SIT should cause more rapid sup
pression than GIFT [7]. On the other hand, at low release rates GIFT should give
more rapid suppression and earlier eradication than SIT (Fig. 2).
However, if releases cease before eradication, the predicted recovery of target
populations is more rapid following SIT than with GIFT [7].
The better performance of GIFT strains at low release rates or when releases
are interrupted is due to generation in the target population of males similar to the
mass reared GIFT males (Fig. 1).
FIG. 2. Simulations o f autocidal control using SIT or GIFT strains carrying a T(Y;3;5) trans
location. Initial population (one million) flies o f each sex, with the rate o f increase in each
generation (eight per year) influenced by simulated seasonal conditions and density [8]. GIFT
strains: Т/St, St — standard (non-inversion) chromosomes, heterozygous for three eye colour
mutations; T/In,St — chromosome 3 inversion only, heterozygous for two eye mutations;
T/Ih,In — chromosome 3 and 5 inversions, heterozygous for two eye mutations. Release rates:
(a) 0.6 million males per generation; and (b) 0.3 million males per generation.
304 FOSTER et al.
Simulations to illustrate the different potentials of SIT (or SMT) and GIFT are
presented in Fig. 2. At a release rate of 0.6 million males per generation (Fig. 2(a)),
SIT results in eradication within.two years; GIFT strains with two, one or no
inversions take progressively longer. At half this release rate (Fig. 2(b)), SIT does
not give eradication but the GIFT strains do, with the rate of suppression increasing
with the number of inversions.
Field trials of GIFT carried out in the 1970s did not achieve suppression of
target populations. Initially, this was attributed to an inappropriate release method
[10], but simulations using an analytical edition of GENCON suggested that these
trials were also influenced by the immigration of wild flies, density dependent effects
[6 ] and lower survival of the sons of released males in the field, possibly due to the
dieldrin resistance mutation they carried [ 1 1 ].
The best cure for male recombination appears to be that adopted by mosquito
geneticists, i.e. including inversions in genetic sexing systems [15].
Inversions can be used in several ways, depending on the specific use intended
for the sexing system [16]. We chose, homozygous-viable pericentric inversions,
since these have several advantages over other types of inversion and can be used
in both GIFT and SMT strains. One advantage is that the inversions and translocation
can be on separate chromosomes, and can readily be changed if necessary.
IAEA-SM-327/30 305
All thé sexing systems tested' so far have descended from a translocation
constructed to carry the dieldrin resistance mutation R d l to permit early killing of
females in mass rearing [18].
. However, dieldrin treatment proved harmful to the released males [19] ; the R d l
gene also reduces fitness in the field [11]. Hence, a search was undertaken for suit
able translocatións without this gene.
GIFT translocations involve the Y chromosome and two aütosomes, each
carrying the wild type allele of a selected eye colour mutation: chromosome 3 (white)
plus either chromosome 5 (topaz) or 6 (yellow). They must have a higher fertility
than the 25 % usually associated with three chromosome translocations (a fertility of
approximately 50% gives a reàsonable compromise between suppressive potential in
the field and fecundity in mass rearing) [7].
For SMT genetic sexing systems, selection of translocatións with a fertility
approaching 1 0 0 % should be the goal.
306 FOSTER et al.
More than two hundred translocations were screened over a three year period
[17]. First, two chromosome translocations were screened for near centromeric
break points. Experience suggests that these are more likely to be highly fertile than
other translocations. We assume that this is related to the positions of the break
points with respect to the euchromatic male meiotic pairing sites [2 0 , 2 1 ].
These were then screened for high fertility (70-100%). Two highly fertile
translocations have been retained for possible use in SMT systems. These and several
other translocations were also reirradiàted and screened genetically for inclusion of
a third chromosome in the rearrangement. These were then screened as above, first
cytologically and then for 40-60% fertility.
Four translocations which fit the selection criteria for GIFT were saved. One
has given encouraging results in preliminary field mating tests [17].
Temperature sensitive lethal mutations, which die at one temperature but sur
vive at another, can be used to eliminate females from mass reared strains prior to
The mutagen ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS) was used to treat flies, since this
chemical gives a higher proportion of t s l mutations than mutagens such as radiation
or alkylating agents [2 2 ].
Treated males homozygous for the chromosome 3 white eye mutation were
crossed to a balancer chromosome [9] in a scheme designed to make the treated
chromosomes homozygous. In the final generation of this scheme, eggs were
incubated for 24 h at 35 °C and then reared at 27 °C. If no lethal mutation had been
generated on the treated chromosome, 1/3 of the offspring would be white eyed and
2/3 wild type. The absence .of white eyed offspring indicated a lethal gene on
chromosome 3. Such families were then screened for survival when hatched
at 27°C. '
Of the 318 chromosomes tested, 62 lethals were found, two of which were t s l.
One t s l was too weak to be useful, and the remaining one was saved for incorporation
with a Y autosome translocation into a genetic sexing strain [17].
This strain gives 99% males when the eggs are incubated for 24 h at 35° С and
67 % males at 27°C, compared with 57% males in a n o n - t s l strain with this transloca1
tion. Male production averages 27% less at 35°C than at 27°G, which may indicate
a dominant effect of the t s l [17]. This is being investigated further.
We are mapping the t s l mutation genetically and will try to cross it on to an
inversion bearing chromosome. If this is not possible, it may be necessary to isolate
a new t s l, starting with an existing homozygous viable inversion. ■
IAEA-SM-327/30 307
In the 1980s, two field trials demonstrated the suppression of SBF populations
using GIFT. In these trials, migration was reduced by better geographical barriers
than in previous trials, and suppréssion of target populations to low levels was
achieved [23, 24].
In a mainland trial (240 km2) conducted in 1984-1985, a genetic death rate
averaged 50% suppressed populations to below the spring emergence level for
the entire season, unlike nearby areas where the fly densities increased by factors
of 50-80 [23, 24].
In an island trial (40 km2) carried out in 1985-1986, genetic death rose to
90% after six months of releases [23, 24]. The population was suppressed to
undetectable levels after eight months and remained at very low levels for nearly
one year after releases ceased [23].
A larger island trial (1990 km2) was conducted in 1989-1991 in the Bass
Strait. A substantial reduction in the target population occurred in 1989-1990 [25],
but problems in the mass rearing programme [26] reduced the release numbers at
critical times, preventing useful suppression in 1990-1991.
The main causes of irregular mass rearing production included inadequate
facilities and equipment and lack of appropriate criteria for controlling the critical
processes. This has led to recognition of the need for collaboration by entomologists
and engineers to develop large scale rearing systems.
Economic analysis indicates that when the technical problems with mass rear
ing are solved, the benefit:cost ratio of genetic control of SBF will be highly favour
able [1]. Analysis of genetic control as a potential business enterprise suggests that
it could be attractive to private investors, who would be paid a fee for the SBF eradi
cation service [27].
Considerable interest has been shown by government and private enterprise in
development of genetic methods for insect eradication commercially. One approach
under discussion would be to first eradicate SBF from Tasmania. This is currently
seen as an economically justifiable operation on its own, but it could also be used
to develop improved rearing technology suitable for Australia wide eradication.
Broadly speaking, there are three potentially cost effective approaches to the
genetic control of SBF: (1) suppression without eradication as a specific goal;
(2 ) local eradication protected by a barrier zone and quarantine measures; and
(3) total eradication from Australia.
308 FOSTER et al.
The above strategies are not mutually exclusive. For example, total eradication
would involve a series of local eradications, with a moving barrier between the
eradicated and; infested areas. Moreover, if a suppression campaign achieved local
eradication, the goals could then be modified, either to maintain the eradicated status
with a barrier or to proceed to total eradication.
The initial approach adopted will influence decisions such as the choice
between SIT/SMT or GIFT, and whether genetic control is centrally organized or
GIFT was designed as a low cost suppression system, requiring fewer released
males than SIT or SMT. Because GIFT does not require radiation equipment, it
could be implemented either as a single large scale operation (e.g. 500-1000 million
males per week) or several small scale local operations.
The SIT/SMT options, on the other hand, would require irradiation equipment,
which could be prohibitively expensive if installed in a large number of smaller scale
operations. These options would necessitate centrally organized, large scale rearing
and release operations.
FIG. 3. Simulations o f autocidal control with concurrent trapping removing 50% o f the flies
per generation. The strains and ecological parameters are as in Fig. 2, with a release rate
o f 0.3 million males per generation.
should be possible to remove half of the SBF population each generation [29], but
traditional trapping methods are too costly. However, recent progress in developing
a synthetic lure for SBF [30] may change this situation.
Simulations suggest that trapping would not eliminate a population by itself,
but would greatly accelerate the rate of eradication by autocidal methods (Fig. 3).
In these simulations, the strains and numbers released are identical to those used in
Fig. 2(b). Trapping + SIT predicts eradication within one year, compared
eradication without trapping. Trapping + GIFT predicts eradication times of about
1.5 years, down from 3.5-5 years without trapping.
[21] BEDO, D .G ., Specific recognition and differential affinity o f meiotic X -Y pairing sites
in Lucilia cuprina (Diptera: Calliphoridae) males, Chromosoma 95 (1987) 126-135.
[22] SUZUKI, D .T ., et al., Temperature sensitive mutations in Drosophila melanogaster.
I. Relative frequencies among gamma-ray and chemically induced sex-linked recessive
lethals and semilethals, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 57 (1967) 907-912.
[23] M AHON, R.J., unpublished data.
[24] FOSTER, G .G ., unpublished data.
[25] M AHON, R.J., STORRS, М ., W A R D H A U G H ,.K .G ., unpublished data.
[26] FOSTER, G .G ., FEEHAN, J.E., PASCHALIDIS, К Ж , unpublished data.
[27] STONE, J., Flies by the billion (and other pests): Mass rearing o f insects for control
programs, CMPS&F News, Summer 1991 (1991) 20-22.
[28] M ACKERRAS, M .J., FULLER, M .E ., AUSTIN, K .M ., LEFROY, E.H ., Sheep
blowfly investigations: The effect o f trapping on the incidence o f strike in sheep,
J. Council Sci. Indus. Res. Aust. 9 (1936) 153-162.
[29] VO G T, W .G ., personal communication.
[30] URECH, R ., ibid., “ Field performance o f synthetic lures for the Australian sheep
blowfly, Lucilia cuprina (Diptera: Calliphoridae)” , Pest Control and Sustainable
Agriculture, Proc. 5th Australian Conference on Applied Entomological Research
(1992) (in press).
[31] RAJAPAKSA, N ., SPRADBERY, J.P., Occurrence o f the old world screw-worm fly,
Chrysomya bezziana on livestock vessels and commercial aircraft, Aust. Vet. J. 66
(1989) 94-96.
Screw-worm fly miyasis in an overseas traveller — case report, Communie. Dis. Intelli
gence (Commonwealth Department o f Health, Canberra) 16 (1992) 239.
[33] FISHER, K .T ., HILL, A .R ., SPROUL, A .N ., Eradication o f Ceratitis capitata
(Wiedemann). (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Carnarvon, Western Australia, I. Aust.
Entomol. Soc. 24 (1985) 207-208.
[34] HORTICULTURAL POLICY COUNCIL, The impact o f fruit flies on Australian
horticulture, HPC Industry Report No. 3 (1991).
Fly Eradication Campaign (SPROUL, A .N ., BROUGHTON, S., M ON ZU , N ., Eds)
(1992). ;
314 IRASTORZA et al.
Debido a los progresos del Programa, en 1986 se modificó el convenio que dio
origen a la Comisión México-Americana para la Erradicación del Gusano
Barrenador del Ganado, con la finalidad de extender las actividades de erradicación
a la Península de Yucatán y a los países centroamericanos.
Como resultado de todas las acciones citadas, en julio de 1990 se presentó el
último caso positivo en México, por lo cual el 25 de febrero de 1991, México fue
declarado libre del GBNM.
La erradicación de la plaga en territorio mexicano se obtuvo después de
19 años de intenso trabajo y con una inversión de 600 millones de dólares de los
Estados Unidos, lográndose como beneficio un ahorro para la ganadería de México
del orden de 82,6 millones de dólares anuales.
Como consecuencia de la erradicación del parásito en México, durante todo
1991 se realizaron, actividades de sobrevigilancia epizootiológica, con el propósito
de seguir contando con el apoyo de los productores; así también, se estrechó la
coordinación con las diferentes dependencias del sector agropecuario.
De esta manera, el 31 de diciembre de 1991, la Comisión terminó las
actividades de campo y de cuarentena en México, quedando a cargo de la sobre-
vigilancia la Comisión México-Estados Unidos para la Prevención de la Fiebre
Aftosa y Otras Enfermedades Exóticas.
IAEA-SM-327/31 317
The New World screwworm, Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel), invaded North
Africa in the late 1980s. It became established in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, where it was
first detected in 1988 and confirmed in 1989. This devastating pest of livestock became the
target of a major eradication programme costing approximately US $80 million. The basis of
the eradication programme was the sterile insect technique. A total of 1400 million sterile
screwworm flies from Mexico were released over a 40 000 km2 area between December
1990 and October 1991. Total eradication was achieved. The eradication programme included
a very strong quarantine effort to prevent expansion of the infested area in the Libyan Arab
Jamahiriya. Animals in the infested area were inspected and wounds treated about every
three or four weeks. Trapping of adults determined the presence or absence of adult
screwworm flies. A major information programme supported the eradication effort.
320 LINDQUIST et al.
warm blooded animals, where she deposits eggs in clutches of about 20-200
(Fig. 1). The eggs are laid along the edge of the wounds, which can be as small as
a tick bite. The navel of newborn is a favourite site for deposition. Also, management
practices such as dehorning, castration and branding are excellent NWS oviposition
sites. In NWS endemic areas, management practices are to a large extent regulated
by NWS seasonal populations. Thus, births, castration, dehorning, branding, etc.,
are timed for when the NWS population is at its seasonal low period.
Individual livestock owners can effectively reduce or eliminate losses resulting
from NWS attack. However the cost is very high, particularly for labour. During
the season of the year when NWS populations are sufficiently large to result in losses
of livestock, each animal must be inspected individually at least two times per week
and all wounds, whether NWS infested or not, must be treated with the appropriate
insecticide to kill the worms in the infested wound and to prevent an infestation
(Figs 2 and 3).
The eggs that are laid on the wound hatch within 24 h and the larvae feed on
the living flesh and exudate from the damaged flesh. Feeding within the host con
tinues for five to six days during which time the larvae enlarge the wound signifi
cantly. The odours emanating from the wound áre attractive to gravid females, who
may lay additional eggs and thus greatly aggravate the situation. When mature, the
larvae leave the wound and burrow into the ground and pupate. During warm
weather (20 ° C or higher), the pupal period is about 8 d. The adult flies which emerge
from the pupae will then mate within a few days and the females deposit eggs on
wounds. The total life-cycle requires about 21 d during good weather conditions.
The cost of controlling the NWS by individual livestock producers has been
estimated at US $5-10 per animal per year. As stated previously, the major part of
this cost is associated with labour; however, the cost of insecticides is also signifi
cant. Although there are a number of insecticides available which kill screwworm
larvae, Coumaphos is widely used because of its effectiveness against larvae, some
residual activity and lack of repellent activity against the adult female fly. This latter
feature can be quite important, since if the adult fly is repelled by the insecticide she
will deposit her eggs on another wound which has not been treated with insecticide.
The NWS attacks wildlife and in south Texas the mortality rate of newborn
White tailed deer ranges from 25-80% each year prior to the eradication of the pest.
People living in endemic NWS areas have learned to live with the pest by protecting
wounds and by frequent inspection of wounds, primarily of children. The use of
insecticide is widespread for this purpose.
The NWS was discovered in the area around Tripoli, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya,
in early 1988 when unusually severe myiasis cases in sheep were reported. The pest
was identified in late 1988, confirmed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations (FAO) in early 1989 and an eradication programme was planned
and implemented [3-8].
It is not known exactly when the NWS was introduced into the Libyan Arab
Jænahiriya, but it probably occurred prior to 1988; it could have been 1987, or
perhaps it occurred as early as 1986. The confirmation that the NWS was established
in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya resulted in termination of livestock imports (primarily
sheep) from the New World to that country. It also resulted in the termination of
most livestock movement from this country into neighbouring countries.
The NWS infestation in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya undoubtedly resulted from
immature stages being transported in live animals, or viable pupae being transported
in association with live animals. Sheep are the most commonly imported animal and
thus the probable carrier of the disease. However, a NWS infected dog, zoo animal
or even a human could have been the source of the infestation.
Nearly all of the live animal imports into the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya are by
ship. Air transport has been rarely used, but would certainly be the most likely mode
of import because of the short time needed for transport and the relatively short time
of the egg and larvae stages in the host animal, about seven to eight days. The short
time that the parasite is in the egg or larvae stage and on and in the host animal
IAEA-SM-327/32 323
precludes an infested animal being placed on a ship in the New World and the animal
being removed from the ship in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya with the same infesta
tion. The transit time by ship exceeds the seven to eight days that the immature stages
are in or on the host animal. Thus, there seem to be two possibilities: (1) the adults
from the parent generation mated and infested wounded animals on board ship and
it was the Fj generation which arrived in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya; (2) pupae of
the parent generation were in a suitable pupation media on board ship and this media,
with the NWS pupae, was removed in that country. Since the infestation was origi
nally centred around Tripoli, it is reasonable to assume that the infestation originated
from the Tripoli port area.
Mating and genetic studies were conducted in the USA to ensure that the
Mexican sterile NWS was sexually compatible with the Libyan NWS strain. These
data showed that the two strains would readily mate and produce viable offspring and
that the mitochondrial DNA of the two strains was similar [9]. Further, the mito
chondrial DNA of the Libyan strain was quite similar to other strains available in
the laboratory which originated from some of the Caribbean islands and Central
American countries; Studies to determine the geographical origin of NWS strains
have not been conducted and thus it is not possible to pinpoint the country of origin
for the Libyan NWS infestation.
Prior to the establishment of the NWS in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, the
myiasis resulting from NWS attack was not an International Office of Epizootics
reportable disease. This has changed and NWS myiasis is now a category В
reportable disease.
The establishment of a NWS population in North Africa was a major concern
to national and international organizations because of the fear that it would spread
throughout North Africa, migrate down the Nile River to other parts of Africa and
spread throughout the Middle East as well as southern Europe. Because of this con
cern, a major eradication campaign was determined to be the only feasible approach
to solving the problem. Fortunately, extensive knowledge was available from the
New World on NWS eradication. The NWS had been eradicated first from southeast
USA and then from the southwest. This was followed by eradication from Mexico
and some of the Caribbean islands. The current programme has the objective of
eradicating the pest from Central America and Panama and the establishment of a
barrier at the Darien Gap to prevent reinfestation. In addition, plans are being devel
oped to eradicate the pest from those Caribbean islands which are still infested.
The cost of NWS eradication in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya can be rather eas
ily calculated. The cost of loss of exports from the New World to North Africa is
much more difficult to calculate and at present no data are available. Furthermore,
because of the wide publicity about NWS infestation in this country it is likely that
exports of live animals from NWS endemic countries in the New World have been
reduced because of fear of a repeat infestation in other parts of the world. Again,
no data are available.
324 LINDQUIST et al.
FIG. 5. Loading boxed and palletized sterile flies onto a charter aircraft at Tuxtla Gutierrez,
Mexico. The plane will fly directly to Tripoli, with a stop in Bermuda for fuel and a crew
change. The flight takes about 14 h.
326 LINDQUIST et al.
FIG. 6, Unloading boxed, palletized, sterile screwworm flies at Tripoli International Airport.
FIG. 7. Sterile Fly Distribution Centre, Tripoli International Airport, showing boxed sterile
screwworm flies which had just arrived from Mexico and were being placed in temperature
controlled trailers.
IAEA-SM-327/32 327
FIG. 8. Loading boxed sterile screwwormflies onto dispersal aircraft at Tripoli International
Airport. Each box contains 1600 sterile flies which will be released in the predetermined grid
over the infested area.
FIG. 9. A surveillance team treating the wound o f a camel with insecticide to prevent
screwworm infestation.
328 LINDQUIST et al.
FIG. 12. After passing through the quarantine station, a farmer is given literature describing
the programme and the reasons for the quarantine stations.
The NW S has been successfully eradicated from the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
A large part o f the credit for the success o f this campaign should g o to the effective
support provided by the Government o f the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, which included
cash paid on time, the assignment o f a technically competent and dedicated staff (a
total o f about four hundred), the very high priority that the Government placed on
330 LINDQUIST et al.
successful NWS eradication, which resulted in the many usual bureaucratic problems
being solved instantly and the fact that all concerned set aside politics so that the
programme could succeed.
The eradication programme which was successfully implemented in this coun
try cost a total o f about US $80 000 000. A n econom ic analysis clearly demonstrated
the benefits o f this expenditure [11]. Approximately half o f this was paid for by the
Government o f the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya in cash and in kind, while the remainder
was from a number o f donors. The eradication programme was planned and
implemented by F A O and was supported by the IA E A , International Fund for
Agricultural Development and the United Nations Development Programme. In
addition, major support was received from the M exican-A m erican Commission for
the Eradication o f Screww orm , the organization which is responsible for screwworm
eradication in M exico and is the only source o f sterile NW Ss.
[1] G R A H A M ,О.H ., E d ., Eradication of the Screwworm from the United States and M e x
ico (Proc. Symp. San Antonio, TX, 1985), Vol. 62, Entomological Society of America,
Lanham, M D (1985) 1-66.
[2] W O R L D A N I M A L R E V I E W , Special Issue (October 1991).
[3] LINDQUIST, D.A., A B U S O W A , М., H A L L , M.J.R., The N e w World Screwworm
fly in Libya: A review of its introduction and eradication, Med. Vet. Entomol. 6 (1992)
2- 8 .
[4] C U N N I N G H A M , E.P., A B U S O W A , М., LINDQUIST, D.A., SID A H M E D , A. E.,
V A R G A S - T E R Á N , М., The North African Screwworm Eradication Programme,
Invertebr. Repr. Dev. 22 1-3 (1993) 103-108.
[5] LINDQUIST, D.A., A B U S O W A , М., Eradicating the N e w World Screwworm from
the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, IAEA, Bull. No. 4 (1992) 17-24.
[6] LIND Q U I S T, D.A., A B U S O W A , М., K L A S S E N , W., “Eradication of the N e w
World Screwworm in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya”, I A E A Yearbook 1992, IAEA,
Vienna (1992) B7-B18.
[7] The N e w World Screwworm Eradication Programme, North Africa 1988-1992, FA O ,
R o m e (1992).
[8] V A N D E R V L O E D T , A.M.V., K L A S S E N , W., The development and application of
the sterile insect technique (SIT) for N e w World Screwworm eradication, World Anim.
Rev. (1991) 42-49.
[9] T A Y L O R , D.B., H A M M A C K , L., R O E H R D A N Z , R.L., Reproductive compatibility
and mitochondrial D N A restriction site analysis of N e w World Screwworm,
Cochliomyia hominivorax, from North Africa and Central America, Med. Vet.
Entomol. 5 (1991) 145-151.
[10] A Programme for the Eradication of the N e w World Screwworm from North Africa,
Joint F A O / I A E A Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, IAEA,
Vienna (1990).
[11] G R I N D L E , J., Economic Impact of N W S Eradication from North Africa, Technical
Report SECNA/INT/001/MVL, F A O , R o m e (1991).
A .P . E CO N O M O P O U L O S***
F A O /IA E A Entomology Unit,
A gen cy’ s Laboratory Seibersdorf,
International A tom ic Energy A gency,
I N G M A L E O N L Y S T E R I L E I N S E C T T E C H N I Q U E R E L E A S E S D U R I N G 1989-1990.
For two successive years, the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann),
was effectively controlled by a combination of bait spraying onto boards suspended on host
trees in May, followed by weekly releases of about one million g a m m a sterilized genetic sex-
ing males till the end of the year. The treated area, Kibbutz Gvulot in southern Israel, included
about 500 ha of citrus, mango and backyard fruit trees. In both years, the female/male ratio
declined to extremely low levels in November-December, suggesting that the wild population
had been driven to near extinction. This was apparent from fruit infestation as well, which
was kept to levels below 0.1% in both years as compared with similar or even higher levels
in the control area, which was treated by air bait spraying about weekly from September till
the end of the year.
Research carried out with the support of the I A E A under Research Contract
No. 5339/R1/TC.
" Present address: Department of Plant Protection and Inspection, Ministry of
Agriculture, Bet-Dagan, Israel.
Present address: Department of Biology, University of Crete and Institute of
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, P.O. Box 1470, GR-71110 Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
332 NITZAN et al.
The Mediterranean fruit fly (m edfly), Ceratitis capitata, is the major fruit pest
in many countries around the world, including Israel. The only effective control
relies on the wide and indiscriminate use o f pesticides (such as poisoned bait sprays).
Sterile insect releases o f the medfly were tested in various countries, including
Israel [1], and relied always on the joint release o f sterilized males and females due
to the lack o f a sound method o f genetic sexing. The construction o f ‘ genetic sexing’
strains o f the medfly [2 -5 ] permitted the testing o f an all male release programme,
which should reduce the cost o f handling and release, eliminate oviposition punctures
by the released females [6] and enhance the efficacy o f the released males [7].
The all male release method was previously tested on the island o f Procida
(Italy) in a field cage [7] and in a limited field test [8]. It was also tested in a field
cage in Hawaii [9].
The present test lasted for two entire seasons. Its main objective was to evalu
ate the feasibility o f the all male release method as a practical control technique in
the field and compare it with currently used malathion bait aerial applications.
The test was carried out in the northern N egev. This is a semi-arid region in
the south o f Israel. The groves were relatively isolated from neighbouring cultivated
groves by a savannah-like plain. Releases were made over a 500 ha area in the
groves o f the Kibbutz Gvulot on citrus, mango orchards and backyard trees (apricots,
fejoa, etc.). The control area, in the Kibbutz Zeelim , located approximately 6 km
from the test area, included similar sized groves o f citrus and mango (Fig. 1).
The conventional medfly control method was used in Zeelim (aerial sprays o f
malathion baits). These were applied, on the basis o f trimedlure (T M L ) trap surveys,
almost every ten days in 1989. In 1990, the malathion bait applications were
governed by LADD® trap1 surveys (see Section 2 .2 ). The citrus orchards in Zeelim
received 12 applications (from September to Decem ber) and the mango orchards 15
applications (from July to O ctober), i.e. an average interval o f eight days between
The sterile insect technique (SIT) test area in Gvulot received in both test sea
sons tw o applications o f malathion bait sprays, at the end o f April and M ay, one and
two weeks before the beginning o f the releases to reduce the density o f the wild popu
lation o f medflies.
FIG. 1. (a) Test area, Kibbutz Gvulot and (b) control area, Kibbutz Zeelim ( о : trimedlure
trap; *: LADD trap).
The T :Y (w p )3 0 c strain (álso called the ‘ Robinson’ strain) was used. The strain
was originally constructed by À .S. Robinson and stabilized during its mass rearing
in the A gen cy ’ s Laboratory at Seibersdorf, near Vienna [1]. The strain had brown
(wild type) pupae males and white pupae females. The flies used in the test were
mass reared at Seibersdorf [10], where the pupae were photoelectrically sexed and
gamma sterilized (95 G y ) before being shipped to Israel. W eekly shipments o f
approximately two million male pupae, one to two days before adult eclosion, were
air freighted under anoxia (in plastic bags) in cooled , insulated cardboard containers
and delivered directly to the SIT test area within 24 h from irradiation-packing. A
small sample o f pupae was sent to the Rehovot Laboratory upon arrival for quality
control tests. In 1989, the pupae were distributed in regular 53 cm X 37 cm paper
bags, with 5000 pupae per bag. W e inserted crumpled newspaper sheets sprayed with
a 10% sugar solution and two pieces o f rubber sponge (10 cm X 8 cm x 1 cm)
334 NITZAN et al.
soaked with the same sugar solution into each bag. The emerging adult flies were
kept in the bags for three days at a temperature o f 2 5 -2 7 .5 °C for sexual maturation.
The flies were then released at approximately 400 sites, uniformly spread in the test
area, and the bags were torn and hanged on the trees. Thirty-five consecutive weekly
releases from May to Decem ber 1989 were carried out.
In 1990, the paper bags were replaced with 32 cm x 17 cm X 40 cm flat-
bottom paper bags and the total number o f pupae per bag was reduced to 4500. The
number o f release sites was increased to 450. The releases were delayed for five
weeks as compared with 1989 and only 30 weekly releases were carried out from
June to Decem ber 1990. Quality control tests were carried out, both at Seibersdorf
and Rehovot, for pupal size, adult emergence, adult flight ability and strain break
down (the occurrence o f brown pupae females and white pupae males).
The survival o f the released flies in the groves was checked by the m ark-
release-recapture method after the first release in the citrus grove in 1990. Following
first release, all the flies were collected weekly from the L A D D traps and checked
for dye traces (as mentioned in Section 2 .3).
Aerial release (by helicopter) was carried out once in 1990, in the first release,
in order to compare it with the ground release. Fluorescent dyes were used to
differentiate between the flies from the two release methods, which were carried out
simultaneously. ‘ A rc Y e llo w ’ dye (for aerial release) and ‘ Neon R ed’ dye (for
ground release) (D ay-G lo C olour, Cleveland, Ohio, USA) were used, with 2 g o f
dye per 1 L o f pupae, prior to the release. Equal numbers o f flies were released by
each method at 75 sites, uniformly spread in an isolated group o f groves (4500 flies
per site). As the test was preliminary in nature, we may only conclude that flies
released from the air reached the traps and were not less abundant than ground
released flies. It seemed that air release did not harm the flies.
Adult male and female flies were counted in L A D D traps and the T M L conven
tional traps, throughout the test period. The L A D D traps consist o f red plastic
spheres located in the middle o f a yellow rectangular plastic sheet and covered with
Tanglefoot. The trap attracts both sexes, whereas the T M L trap attracts males only.
In 1989, a total o f 21 L A D D traps and 10 T M L traps were placed in the SIT test
area (Gvulot) and 13 L A D D traps and 5 T M L traps were placed in the control area
(Zeelim ). Four additional T M L traps were placed outside the test area, at varying
distances, between Gvulot and the nearest cultivated areas. In 1990, two traps were
also placed in the area between the backyards and the citrus groves to intercept
migrating medflies.
In the 1989 test season, the T M L traps captured large numbers o f released
males and interfered with the SIT test. It was therefore decided not to use these traps
in 1990 and to rely only on the L A D D traps, which had been very effective in attract
IAEA-SM-327/70 335
ing both sexes o f the m edfly. Thus, in the 1990 test period, 19 L A D D traps were
placed in the SIT test area (Gvulot) and 10 L A D D traps were placed in the control
area (Zeelim ). A ll the traps (in 1989 and 1990) were inspected weekly with a binocu
lar magnifier (2 .5 X ) (Tem om Hessen, Germany). The flies were sexed, counted and
removed from the trap.
T w o methods were used to distinguish between natural and released flies:
(1) The released flies were marked with fluorescent “ Neon R ed” dye, with 2 g
o f dye per 1 L o f pupae, prior to release. In 1989, this was done four times
during the release period: in May a single release; in July, Septem ber-October
and in Decem ber four successive releases were marked. In 1990, such marking
was done three times during the release period: in June a single release; in
Septem ber-October and in N ovem ber-D ecem ber four successive releases
were marked. The objective o f the successive markings was to eliminate the
possibility o f capturing released unmarked flies when the flies were checked
for colour marking. Flies were therefore recaptured for examination only four
days after the last release o f marked flies. The recaptured flies were sexed and
inspected under ultraviolet light. No m ore than 50 specimens o f each sex were
examined from each trap.
(2) It was assumed that released (irradiated) females can be distinguished from
normal and sexually mature females by their undeveloped ovaries. (The
method will not distinguish irradiated from one-day-old normal females.) The
ovaries o f all the live and dead females (where possible) caught by the L A D D
traps were dissected. Such dissections were carried out routinely every week
during the last three and a half months o f the test in 1989 and throughout the
test period in 1990.
ture’ . These fruits were then kept for possible emergence o f médfly larvae. The
‘ sterile stings’ , where no larvae emerged, and the fruit with live medfly infestation
were counted separately. Ten thousand individual fruits were checked in the test area
as well as in the control in both test seasons.
Dropped fruits. A ll the dropped fruits were collected from under ten randomly
selected trees on each picking day. Sterile stings and the emergence o f live larvae
were recorded. A yield o f approximately 500 fruits per tree was assumed and our
calculation o f the percentage o f infested fruits was based on that figure.
The quality o f the released flies was checked thoroughly in the mass rearing
facility at the A gen cy’ s Laboratory at Seibersdorf. For technical reasons, only part
o f these data was examined for 1989, while for 1990 all data were examined. Certain
aspects o f quality such as adult eclosion, the percentage o f white pupae and the per
centage o f females among the shipped flies, were also checked in Rehovot (follow ing
the air journey o f the flies from Vienna to Israel).
Adult eclosion in the shipments arriving at Rehovot was a major concern dur
ing both the 1989 and 1990 periods. It seemed to fluctuate greatly between shipments
(Figs 2 and 3). It dropped often to lows o f 30% and less. The data from Seibersdorf
(Figs 2 and 3) suggested that the air journey and handling contributed most to pupal
mortality and the decrease in adult eclosion (Fig. 4). In nine shipments (two in 1989
and seven in 1990), the differences between the Rehovot and Seibersdorf data were
between 50% and 70% ! Our conclusion is that in spite o f detailed instructions given
to airport and shipment company personnel, on certain dates the pupal shipments
were not handled correctly, mainly because o f ignorance as a result o f airport person
nel changes.
The sorting o f the genetic sexing line was carried out at Seibersdorf using an
electro-optical sorting machine. Such sorting left between 2 and 5% o f white pupae
among the wild type batch, with occasional exceptions o f 10% white pupae early in
1989 (Fig. 4 ), and fluctuated between 1 and 7% in 1990 (Fig. 5). The inclusion o f
such a proportion o f white pupae (assuming that these are females) meant that at least
100-250 females were released at each release site, or a total o f 20 0 0 0 -1 0 0 000
females were released in the whole test area each week. These were all sterilized
females, o f course, but their interference with the activity o f the released males, as
well as their interference with our checking method, was obvious.
The occurrence o f females among the wild type pupae was a measure o f the
stability o f the genetic sexing line T :Y (w p )3 0 c. In 1989, there seemed to be a rather
accelerated decline and breakdown o f the line (Fig: 4) and the proportion o f females
IAEA-SM-327/70 337
0 4 -0 5 0 8 -0 6 0 6 -0 7 0 3 -0 8 3 0 -0 8 2 8 -0 9 2 6 -1 0 2 3 -1 1 21 -1 2
2 5 -0 5 21 - 0 6 2 0 -0 7 1 6 -0 8 1 4 -0 9 1 2 -1 0 0 9 -1 1 0 7 -1 2
FIG. 2. Effect o f airfreighting on adult eclosion o f the medfly, 1989 ( ■: Rehovot laboratory;
a ; Agency ’
.v Laboratory Seibersdorf).
FIG. 3. Effect o f airfreighting on adult eclosion o f the medfly, 1990 ( я : Rehovot laboratory;
л. : Agency’s Laboratory Seibersdo>f).
338 NITZAN et al.
0 4 -0 5 0 8 -0 6 0 6 -0 7 0 3 -0 8 3 0 -0 8 2 8 -0 9 2 6 - 1 0 .2 3 -1 1 21 - 1 2
2 5 -0 5 21 - 0 6 2 0 -0 7 1 6 -0 8 1 4 -0 9 1 2 -1 0 0 9 -1 1 0 7 -1 2
FIG. 4. Percentage o f white pupae andfemales in released medflies, 1989 ( я : white pupae;
a. : females).
FIG. 5. Percentage o f white pupae andfemales in released medflies, 1990 ( ■: white pupae;
à. : females).
IAEA-SM-327/70 339
among the wild type flies reached 7% and higher early in the test period. The line
used in 1990 was much more stable and the proportion o f females fluctuated between
2 and 7 % throughout the season, with an exception o f 8 % at the beginning o f the
test (Fig. 5). It should be noted that 1 % o f the flies meant that at least 10 000 addi
tional (though sterilized) females were released with the males every week.
The survival o f released flies was also monitored and it was found that these
flies survived for no m ore than three weeks in the orchard. The number o f marked
flies in the trap dropped from 297 to 21 to 2 in the three consecutive weeks follow ing
the release.
The trend o f the female population in the control (Zeelim ) and test (Gvulot)
areas is presented in Fig. 6 for 1989 and in Fig. 7 for 1990. W e transformed the
L A D D data to display the number o f females per trap per day. The transformation
was direct for Zeelim , where all the females were native. In Gvulot, we had to distin
guish between the released and native females. The ratio between released and native
females was calculated from the data obtained by the mark-release-recapture
method, as well as the routine dissections o f ovaries. The data were transformed into
the total number o f females and the number o f native females per trap per day.
In 1989, there was a sharp increase in the number o f female catches in the con
trol orchard in June and July, follow ed by a sharp decrease (ow ing to conventional
control operations) towards the end o f the test season (Fig. 6). In the SIT orchards
in Gvulot, a similar but much smaller increase was observed. This increase con
tinued to the middle o f August and declined later, but did not reach the ‘ zero’ level
as in the Zeelim control area. The occurrence o f females in the SIT orchard (Gvulot)
could not be attributed only to the presence o f females in the released flies, but also
to the continuous presence o f native females in the orchard (Fig. 6).
In 1990, the female population in the control orchard seemed to be much better
controlled and showed a steady and continuous decline throughout the season until
it disappeared completely in Decem ber. The SIT orchard also harboured a relatively
small population o f females, with some increase towards the end o f October and
Novem ber (Fig. 7). The female population nevertheless consisted in these instances
largely o f released females.
The decline in the female population due to the release o f sterile males can also
be viewed through the change in the sex ratio (females/males) during the release
period (Table I). The number o f males per trap increased during the season (due to
the presence o f a large population o f released males). At the same time the proportion
o f females among the captured flies declined to a level which was close to the ‘ impu
rity’ o f the released line, or even low er (Figs 4 and 5).
34 0 NITZAN et al.
FIG. 6. Sterile insect technique test — Kibbutz Gvulot, 1989 (trend o f the female population)
( a : Kibbutz Zeelim; +; total, Gvulot; О : native, Gvulot).
' 1.2
■§ 0:8
£ 0.7
~ 0.6
’ a>
I 0.4
^ 0.3
14 Jun. 12 Jul. 09 Aug. 06 Sep. 03 Oct. 01 Nov. 29 Nov. 27 Dec.
FIG. 7. Sterile insect technique test — Kibbutz Gvulot, 1990 (trend o f the female population)
( a : Kibbutz Zeelim; + : total, Gvulot; О• native, Gvulot).
IAEA-SM-327/70 341
Four thousand grapefruits were checked, in the SIT test area in Gvulot, in pick
ing bins on 19 and 30 Novem ber 1989. O f these, 16 were found with sterile stings
and only 5 fruits with live medfly maggots; On the same dates, and; also ón
19 Decem ber 1989, 176 grapefruits were collected from under 30 trees and
inspected for medfly damage. T w o fruits were found with sterile stings and 33 with
live medfly maggots. (O f the 33 fruits, 29 were collected from a single tree on
19 Decem ber 1989.) Six thousand oranges o f the variety ‘ Shamouti’ were inspected
on 28 Decem ber 1989, 31 Decem ber 1989 and 1 January 1990. O f these, 92 fruits
were found with sterile stings and only 2 fruits with live medfly maggots. On the
same dates, 222 oranges were collected from under 30 trees and inspected for medfly
damage. O f these, four were found with sterile stings and six fruits with live medfly
The control orchard in Zeelim included only grapefruit and M ineóla orange
hybrids. Eight thousand grapefruits were inspected on 13 Novem ber, 20 Novem ber
and 3 Decem ber 1989 and also on 2 January 1990. Ten fruits were found with sterile
stings and four with live medfly maggots. A total o f 329 fruits were collected from
342 NITZAN et al.
Per cent sterile Per cent live Per cent sterile Per cent live
stmgs maggots stings maggots
under 40 trees and only 1 was found with live medfly maggots. The 2000 M ineóla
fruits which were inspected on 12 Decem ber 1989 and the 91 fruits collected from
under 10 trees on the same date showed no sign o f medfly damage.
The infestation rates in 1989 are presented in Table II. The harvested fruit
(grapefruit and oranges) at the SIT site (Gvulot) included 1.1% fruits with sterile
stings and 0 .07% fruits with live maggots. In the control orchard in Zeelim , only
0 .1 % o f the harvested fruit had sterile stings and 0.04% had live medfly maggots.
The infestation found in the dropped fruit was transformed to an estimated infestation
per tree. The average yield per tree consisted o f 500 fruits and the infested fruits
found on the ground under the trees was calculated to be part o f these 500 fruits.
Thus, the SIT site had an infestation rate o f 0.0 6 % o f sterile stings per tree and
0.13 % o f fruits with live medfly maggots per tree. I f the 29 fruits found under a sin
gle tree are excluded, infestation o f 0.024 and 0 .0 4 % , respectively, are reached.
Similarly, the control orchard in Zeelim showed 0 .1 % sterile stings and 0.0 4 % live
medfly maggots in the harvested fruits, and no sterile stings and 0.004% live medfly
maggots in the fruit collected from under the trees. The conclusion was that the SIT
method was effective and produced very g ood medfly control.
M onitoring for medfly infestation in citrus fruit throughout the test, when
fruits that seemed infected were intentionally searched, showed a low rate o f infesta
tion. The infestation started in October (5 .0 % ) and declined in Novem ber (3 .7 % )
and Decem ber (1 .5 % ).
Ten thousand grapefruits were checked in the SIT test area in Gvulot in picking
bins on 20 Decem ber 1989 and on 9 -1 2 January 1991. O f these, five were found
with sterile stings and 40 fruits with live medfly maggots. On the same dates, 353
IAEA-SM-327/70 343
grapefruits were collected from under 50 trees and inspected for medfly damage.
Twenty-five fruits were found with sterile stings and 19 with live medfly maggots.
A total o f 10 000 grapefruits were inspected in the control orchard in Zeelim
on 12, 26 and 31 Decem ber 1990 and on 6 and 11 January 1991. Ten fruits were
found with sterile stings and four with live medfly maggots. A total o f 310 fruits
were collected from under 50 trees. Thirty-seven fruits were found with sterile stings
and 52 fruits with live medfly maggots.
The total infestation rate in 1990 is presented in Table П. The harvested fruit
(grapefruit and oranges) at the SIT site (Gvulot) consisted o f 0.05 % fruits with sterile
stings and 0 .4 % fruits with live maggots. In the control orchard in Zeelim , 0.21%
o f the harvested fruit had sterile stings and 0 .5 9 % live medfly maggots. The infesta
tion found in the dropped fruit was transformed tó an estimated infestation per tree.
The average yield per tree consists o f 500 fruits and the infested fruits found on the
ground under the trees were calculated to be part o f these 500 fruits. Thus, the SIT
site had an infestation rate o f 0.1 % sterile stings per tree and 0.076% o f fruits with
live medfly maggots per tree. Similarly, the control area in Zeelim had an infestation
rateofO .15% sterile stings andO .21% live medfly maggots per tree. The SIT method
in 1990 was as effective, if not more so, as in 1989.
Forint Enterprise,
Following the successful eradication of the screwworm, Cochliomyia hominivorax
(Coql.), from the island of Curaçao and the southeastern United States of America, the sterile
insect technique (SIT) was tested against several other noxious insects, including the tsetse fly.
Between 1967 and 1987, experiments were conducted in Zimbabwe and the United Republic
of Tanzania (East Africa) and in Burkina Faso and Nigeria (West Africa) to test the feasibility
of the new technique in eradicating selected species of tsetse fly. For the Zimbabwe
programme, sterile flies were obtained from field collected pupae treated with the
chemosterilant tepaR. Complete eradication was not achieved, primarily because of insuffi
cient sterile males emerging from the wild pupae. In later programmes in the United Republic
of Tanzania, Burkina Faso and Nigeria, flies were obtained from laboratory bred mass reared
colonies. Males were sterilized either as pupae (Tanzanian project) or as young adults using
g a m m a irradiation from a ^ C o or 137Cs source. Efforts currently in progress to apply the
technique to eradicate Glossina austeni from Zanzibar Island, United Republic of Tanzania,
have attracted considerable interest and funding from several international organizations. Past
and current tsetse SIT programmes are reviewed and future prospects of the technique in large
scale tsetse/trypanosomiasis programmes are discussed.
o f savannah land, equivalent to about 30% o f the tsetse infested area, were cleared
o f tsetse by ground and limited aerial spraying o f insecticides [2]..
The use o f SIT in tsetse control is a recent introduction. Over the past 25 years,
the technique has been introduced into several tsetse infested African countries
through the training o f personnel already involved in national tsetse control activi
ties, through scientists participating in IA EA Co-ordinated Research Programmes
and, more practically, through Joint F A O /IA E A Division o f Nuclear Techniques in
Food and Agriculture field operational technical co-operation projects, or through
bilateral or similar projects funded with donor contributions. Four examples are
described briefly to illustrate the approach adopted in each case, the progress
achieved and the lessons learned. It is important to stress that all the tsetse SIT pro
grammes undertaken to date have been, essentially, research and development
projects aimed, primarily, at testing the feasibility o f the new concept in.a practical
field situation.
The story begins in Zim babwe in 1964, on an island in Lake Kariba. At that
time, the sterility principle for pest control had been tested, with positive results on
a number o f insects; much curiosity had been aroused with regard to its applicability
to the tsetse fly because o f the fly ’ s low reproductive capacity and its relatively low
population density in nature. Because very little information was available on tsetse
rearing and radiation sterilization, and the behaviour o f sterile flies released into the
natural environment, a research programme was called for [3].
Sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development
(U SA ID ), the project was conducted jointly by the Agricultural Research Service o f
the United States Department o f Agriculture, the then Agricultural Research Council
o f Central Africa and the then University o f Rhodesia. The target species was
Glossina morsitans morsitans, the most important transmitter o f trypanosomiasis in
eastern Africa. The species was most abundant in the selected field station in the
valley o f the Zambezi River near Lake Kariba: The objectives o f the project were
to develop methods o f rearing and sterilizing the target species, and to evaluate SIT
against the species in the field.
In the initial stages, attempts were made to rear the flies in large screen
cages covering as much as 10 000 ft2 o f natural habitat.1 Flies were allowed to
feed at will on cattle and bushpigs. Smaller cages o f 8 in X 8 in X 11 in
(22 cm x 22 cm x 28 cm ) were also used. Both types o f cage were stocked with
pupae and adults collected from the field in the project area. The large field cage
1 1 f t 2 = 9 .2 9 0 x 10~2 m 2 .
IAEA-SM-327/71 347
design and the general rearing conditions meant that there was no climatic or other
control o f the rearing environment. In the end, the attempt to rear G. m. morsitans
in its natural habitat was unsuccessful. The next stage o f the experiment therefore
relied upon the use o f field collected materials.
Sterility was induced in the males by dipping field collected pupae in a
5 % solution o f the chemosterilant tepaR. Irradiation was not used because only
pupae o f unknown ages were available, which meant that mortality from the over
exposure o f younger pupae to high doses o f gamma radiation could be excessive [3].
Prior to the release o f sterile flies, the original population (estimated at
3000 flies/m ile2) was reduced by two aerial applications o f dieldrin.2 Trays o f
chemosterilant treated pupae were placed at selected points in the test area. Within
20 months o f the operation, the population o f G. m. morsitans was reduced to below
the detectable level [3].
Complete eradication was not achieved for several reasons. The number o f
field collected pupae available for sterilization was limited. Because, o f the limited
number o f pupae, only a small number (1 .2 % o f any batch) o f treated pupae emerged
as sterile males each day. It was, therefore, necessary to leave the pupae in the field
for a long time in order to obtain an adequate number o f released sterile males. The
long exposure, in turn, meant that the chemosterilant became unstable and, there
fore, failed to produce com plete sterility in the flies emerging.later [3]. In addition,
the pupae were o f unknown ages, therefore rather high mortality resulted from
exposing ‘ under age’ pupae to the chemosterilant. The test results emphasized the
need to obtain known age pupae and/or adults for sterilization. Uncertainties about
the reliability o f chemosterilization would require that gamma irradiation be used as
the preferred method o f inducing sterility..
The first large scale SIT field project involving the use o f laboratory reared
radiation sterilized tsetse flies was initiated towards the end o f 1971 in the United
Republic o f Tanzania. The Tanga based project was, in fact, the continuation o f
studies begun four years earlier in Zim babwe. The objective was to integrate the
release o f sterile males with limited applications o f insecticides to control the tsetse
population. The research would also demonstrate whether good quality flies could
be produced under African conditions for use in a SIT programme. The project was
jointly funded by the U SA ID and the Government o f the United Republic, o f
2 1 m i l e 2 = 2 . 5 9 0 k m 2.
The target species, G. m. morsitans, was colonized in the laboratory using flies
from pupae collected in the field (Handeni), about 100 km from Tanga, the project
headquarters [4]. T he colon y, held in three separate facilities, was fed daily on goats
purchased locally and another group on rabbits imported from Europe. The newly
acquired goats were quarantined and treated for trypanosomiasis and worm infec
tions before being used for fly feeding. From the 60 000 fly colony (45 000 females
and 15 000 males), approximately 6000 surplus males were available weekly for
sterilization and release [4]. A back-up colony o f some 10 000 females was main
tained in the A gen cy’ s Laboratory at Seibërsdorf.
The target area, Mkwanja Ranch, 195 km 2 in size and located 100 km by
road from the production centre in Tanga, proved ideal all round for the study,
except that it was not strictly ‘ isolated’ . Therefore, an artificial barrier (1 km in
width) was constructed on the perimeter o f the project area'in an attempt to ensure
isolation and prevent fly immigration from the adjoining vegetation [5].
Detailed studies o f the natural tsetse fly population on the Mkwanja Ranch
were follow ed by two aerial applications o f endosulfan at 28-d intervals in order to
suppress the native population o f G. m. morsitans before the release o f sterile males.
The flies were sterilized by exposing late stage pupae to 11.8 krad o f gamma radia
tion from a 137Cs sou rce.3 Pupae collected over a three or four day period were
irradiated as a group. Sterilized pupae were held refrigerated at 10°C while being
transported by road to the release site. Refrigeration ensured synchronous emer
gence, so that a large number o f sterile males became available within a very short
time follow ing pupal release in the field. Releases were made twice a week, giving,
on average, 135 sterile males per square kilometre per month. During the 15 months
o f fly releases, a total o f 510 000 pupae were utilized at a cost o f US $0.22 per
pupa [4].
The main achievements o f this programme can be summarized as follow s:
(1) For the first time, a large, self sustaining colony o f tsetse flies was raised and
maintained under African conditions. The use o f local animals (goats) to mass
rear G. m. morsitans was clearly demonstrated, and the flies produced from
such a system were o f high quality. A major objective o f the experiment was
thus realized.
(2) With a combination o f limited application o f insecticides and release o f sterile
males, the natural population o f the target species o f tsetse was reduced, albeit
by only 81 % . Total eradication was not achieved because the target area was
reinvaded by flies from the adjoining vegetation. The barrier clearing became
overgrown with bush because o f unseasonably heavy rains during the project
Experiments carried out in Burkina Faso between 1976 and 1984 aimed at
testing and then applying SIT for eradicating riverine and savannah tsetse flies.
In a five year research programme, Glossina palpalis gambiensis was eradi
cated in a 32 km (100 km 2 area) riverine forest through combined application o f a
non-persistent insecticide, thiodan and the release o f laboratory reared sterile males
o f the target species [6]. The research involved testing the effectiveness o f Challier-
Laveissière traps, mechanical barriers (total clearing and burning) and application o f
persistent insecticides for re-enforcing the barriers.
A large scale programme initiated in 1981 was directed against two riverine
species o f tsetse, G. p. gambiensis and G. tachinoides, and one savannah species,
G. m. submorsitans. Jointly sponsored by the German Gesellschaft fur Technische
Zusammenarbeit (G T Z ) and the French Institut d ’ élevage et de médecine vétérinaire,
des pays tropicaux (IE M V T) and supported by the Government o f Burkina Faso, this
was the first large scale tsetse SIT project directed against eradication o f more than
one species at the same time. The project covered 3500 km 2 o f agropastoral land,
including approximately 500 linear kilometres o f riverine forest. Clearing tsetse flies
in the area would permit the development o f livestock in a 240 000 ha area o f the
Sideradougou agropastoral zone. The project headquarters and mass rearing facility
were located at B obo Dioulasso [7].
The flies were fed in vivo (on rabbits) or in vitro (on defibrinated or
heparinized bovine blood collected from the local abattoir). T o prevent bacterial
infection, the blood was treated with 50 krad gamma radiation in a 60C o source.
A t the peak o f production, the colonies contained approximately 150 000 G. p.
gambiensis, 115 000 G. tachinoides and 40 000 G. m. submorsitans [7].
Prior to fly release, a thorough entomological survey was undertaken over
the entire Sideradougou area. A ccess roads were first provided, and C hallier-
Laveissière traps were placed at 100 m intervals for a full day. In the savannah areas,
parallel transects were cut every 4 -5 km, and surveys similarly undertaken. T o iso
late the experimental zone, the entire drainage system was protected by three perma
nent barriers comprising traps and insecticide (deltamethrin) impregnated screens
placed 100 m apart; some were hung from tree branches. In dense forests, the
screens were placed 2 0 -3 0 m apart. In the m ore open country to the southeast, as
many as 1700 traps were deployed [7].
A total o f 7204 screens deployed over a two month period reduced the fly
population by 88% for G. p. gambiensis and 92% in the case o f G. tachinoides.
Adult males sterilized with 11— 13 krad gamma radiation were fed one blood
meal before being transported for release at the experimental site. Releases
were done during the rainy season, first on a. weekly basis but later fortnightly.
In all, more than 900 000 sterile males (713 000 G. p. gambiensis and
225 000 G. tachinoides) were released. Complete eradication was achieved within
four months.
The Burkina Faso project demonstrated for the first time the use o f insecticide
impregnated screens for tsetse population suppression and as strategic barriers
against reinvasion. A lso, for the first time sterile flies were fed in the laboratory
before being released. Both practices were later adopted and used with positive
results in the Nigerian project, BICOT.
The project Biological Control o f Tsetse Using the Sterile Insect Technique
(BICOT) was initiated in 1979 follow ing several preparatory meetings between the
Joint F A O /IA E A Division o f Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture and o ffi
cials o f the Government o f Nigeria. With financial contributions by Belgium,
Germany, Italy and Sweden, and in-kind contributions from the United Kingdom ,
the experiment was successfully concluded in 1986. The objective was to demon
strate the use o f SIT in eradicating Glossina palpalis palpalis, and to investigate ways
o f integrating the technology into the regular tsetse control operations in Nigeria.
The target species, G. p. palpalis, was mass reared at the project headquarters
in V om , using both in vivo (guinea pigs) and in vitro (fresh bovine and freeze dried
porcine blood) feeding techniques. The bovine b lood was obtained from the local
abattoir, but the freeze dried porcine blood was imported from the A gen cy ’ s Labora
tory at Seibersdorf. At peak production, the colony contained 180 000 females. A
back-up colony o f about 80 000 females was maintained at the A gen cy ’ s Laboratory
on an in vitro feeding system [8].
The project field area, located approximately 250 km by road south o f V om ,
is part o f the Lafia Agricultural Development Project, which included provision for
crop farming and livestock grazing. The target area, 1500 km2 in extent, was
characterized by three major river systems: Akuni, Achiba and Ehula-Ganye. These
were treated as separate operational areas. Extensive cultivation by subsistence
farmers provided an effective barrier to the south o f the project area. Otherwise,
no physical barriers such as vegetation clearing and bush burning were instituted;
however, the western boundary zone was secured by limited ground spraying with
dieldrin. The native fly population was suppressed using biconical traps and
deltamethrin impregnated blue screens. This approach, already demonstrated in
Burkina Faso, proved effective in reducing the population to as low as 5% o f the
Males sterilized as 2 to 4-d-old adults with 120 Gy o f gamma radiation in a
60C o source were fed at least two blood meals before being released. Giving them
at least one blood meal lowered the probability o f their becom ing infected with
trypanosomes. Fly releases were done at weekly intervals from predetermined points
IAEA-SM-327/71 351
2 km apart. Up to 800 sterile males were released at each point. Initially, a 3:1 ratio
o f sterile to native males was used. Later, the ratio was increased to 10:1. Survival
o f the sterile males was excellent in spite o f the 3 h transportation by car from V om
to the release site. O ver 25% o f the males were still alive two weeks after release.
Using the release ratio o f 10:1, eradication was achieved in 8 -1 2 months, i.e. by the
end o f 1986, in all the river systems within the 1500 km 2 project area.
T o prevent reinfestation o f the cleared area, insecticide impregnated blue
screens were placed at critical areas 100 m apart, on the project boundaries. The
interval was decreased to 50 m or less in areas o f denser vegetation [9]. Screens were
reimpregnated every three to four months. Frequent (fortnightly) visits were made
to inspect the screens and to replace the lost ones.
From the foregoing review, several lessons emerge that should benefit and
guide future tsetse SIT programmes.
The difficulty in mass rearing tsetse flies was one o f the main obstacles to
applying SIT for tsetse eradication in the past. Since the days o f the Zimbabwe
programme, tsetse rearing on a large scale has becom e a routine activity. Fly colony
maintenance is now done using artificial feeding systems, with little or no reliance
on live animals. Thus, the expense involved in maintaining large colonies o f host
animals can be eliminated. This approach was demonstrated effectively in Burkina
Faso and Nigeria. The project in Burkina Faso also demonstrated the possibility o f
mass rearing and releasing more than one species o f tsetse at the same time. Since
1988, varying numbers o f six different species o f Glossina have been maintained
successfully on an artificial rearing system at the A gen cy’ s Laboratory at Seibers-
dorf. Clearly, the basic obstacle to application o f SIT for tsetse control or eradication
has been overcom e. What is needed is to refine rearing operations and to introduce
procedures that would further reduce operational costs.
6.2. Sterilization
With field collected pupae o f unknown age (as was the case in the Zimbabwe
programme), chemosterilization provides a means o f inducing sterility in emerging
adults without the high mortality associated with the gamma irradiation o f young
pupae. H ow ever, gamma radiation sterilization is safer, more accurate and much
simpler to administer than chemosterilization. M oreover, the programme in Burkina
Faso and Nigeria demonstrated that gamma sterilization o f the adult does not produce
Suppression o f the native fly population was a major undertaking in all the pro
grammes. W hile limited spraying o f insecticides was used in the initial programmes
to achieve suppression, the same result was obtained in later programmes using
insecticide impregnated targets or screens placed at vantage locations for a limited
time, prior to release o f the sterile males. In all cases, the screens/targets were e ffec
tive in reducing the tsetse population by as much as 95 % .
grammes have been initiated since the U SA ID project in the United Republic o f
Tanzania and the successful Germ an-French project in Burkina Faso. A s far as inter
national organizations are concerned, it is pertinent to note that the F A O is support
ing tsetse/trypanosomiasis control projects in several countries in East, Central and
West A frica. H ow ever, none o f these has an SIT component, except the one on
Zanzibar, United Republic o f Tanzania, where the IA E A is also involved.
The IA E A is currently supporting small to medium scale tsetse SIT projects
through its technical co-operation programme in several African countries. Activities
in Ghana, Mali, Nigeria, Uganda, the United Republic o f Tanzania and Zambia
include ecological studies o f the target species in a given country or locality,
establishment o f tsetse colonies and experimental feeding in vitro or, in some cases,
mass rearing in anticipation o f large field programmes.
In Zanzibar, the United Republic o f Tanzania, a major SIT programme is
planned, starting in 1993, to eradicate G. austeni, the only tsetse species on the island
and which is the sole transmitter o f animal trypanosomiasis on Zanzibar. For this
programme, the facility in Tanga is already being used to produce sterile flies for
release on Zanzibar. E cological studies have been initiated that involve the testing
o f various devices for trapping the target species, G. austeni, which has eluded
detection for many years. In the Jozani forest, one o f the main habitats o f the species,
baseline data on fly abundance and population structure are currently being assem
bled. Both sticky panels and insecticide impregnated blue screens are being evaluated
for population sampling and population suppression. At the same time, an F A O field
team, supported by staff o f the Zanzibar Department o f Livestock Development, is
engaged in fly population suppression using insecticide (deltamethrin) ‘ spot-on’
treatment o f animals. Monitoring o f animal trypanosomiasis in the island’ s cattle
population is also in progress. Pilot releases have been initiated using sterile male
flies from the Tanga mass rearing facility. Results to date indicate that the sterile flies
adapt and disperse well within the forest. It is anticipated that a full scale SIT
programme will be in place in early 1993 and that eradication o f G. austeni will be
completed within tw o years. The programme is already benefitting from a substantial
financial input from F A O . Both the Organization o f Petroleum Exporting Countries
(OPEC) Fund and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IF A D ) have
pledged financial support. Additional funding is being solicited from the Government
o f Belgium and other sources.
It has been shown that when integrated with other methods, SIT could be an
effective tool for eradicating tsetse flies or for reducing tsetse populations to manage
able levels if control is the objective. The difficulty o f maintaining viable laboratory
colonies o f tsetse has been overcom e, and mass rearing is now a routine operation.
A number o f African scientists and technicians have been trained in the use o f the
technology, and several administrators in A frica have been made aware o f the poten
tial o f the technology in solving the tsetse/trypanosomiasis problem . Therefore, it is
reasonable to expect that requests for assistance will increase in the future to apply
SIT for tsetse/trypanosomiasis control. H ow ever, application o f SIT on a routine
basis for large scale tsetse population management will only be possible when certain
additional conditions have been satisfied.
First, governments o f the affected African countries must decide whether and
under what conditions to utilize the technique as part o f their tsetse/trypanosomiasis
control programme. In making this decision, governments will depend upon tsetse
specialists, preferably their own nationals, who are knowledgeable in all aspects o f
the problem . Therefore, it is important that tsetse scientists in A frica becom e more
than familiar with SIT.
Second, governments, having made the decision to utilize the technique, must
be willing to comm it resources, unreservedly, for implementing the programme.
This commitment is even more important should it becom e necessary to conduct a
regional tsetse control programme embracing several countries. In this connection,
it must be conceded that although 38 African countries are listed as ‘ affected by
tsetse’ , the priority rating o f the problem is not the same in all countries, for various
Third, external (donor) support must be assured because o f the inability o f
some national governments to cope with the financial requirements o f tsetse eradica
tion programmes. Unfortunately, donor countries have their own preferences for
countries to assist in A frica, and sometimes their own preferred tsetse control/
eradication approaches. Therefore, it is necessary to work towards the harmoniza
tion o f the attitudes, approaches and objectives o f donors.
Fourth, it will be necessary to keep the cost o f SIT operations as low as
possible. (Knipling — quoted by Dame and Schmidt [3] — suggested that tsetse
pupae produced at US $0.05 per pupa would be econom ically acceptable for SIT
programmes.) Since one o f the main sources o f the high cost is fly production and
handling, labour requirements for mass rearing.must be reduced. Therefore, serious
consideration should be given to establishing regional rearing facilities. Such an
approach would take away the financial burden from individual countries setting up,
equipping and running mass production facilities. A well designed, robust produc
tion facility, one for western and another to serve eastern African countries, would
be used by several countries on a cost sharing basis. It was recently recommended
by a group o f consultants meeting in Vienna that, in designing regional rearing facili
ties, a ‘modular system’ should be considered as it has the advantage that it could
be expanded or contracted, depending upon circumstances. Furthermore, construc
tion o f these mass rearing facilities has been adopted as a goal in the IA E A medium
term plan.
IAEA-SM-327/71 355
M . S U T A N T A W O N G , P. K A O C H O N G ,
W . LIM O P A SM A N E E , M . L U A N G A P IC H A T K U L
O ffice o f Atom ic Energy for Peace,
Chatuchak, Bangkok,
The Oriental fruit fly, Dacus dorsalis Hendel, is a major pest o f fruits in
Thailand. Its attack on fruits not only reduces the yield but also affects international
trade because o f the quarantine restrictions imposed by major importing countries.
Heavy reliance on insecticide applications has led to new problems such as a resur
gence o f secondary pests, undesirable chemical residues and environmental contami
nation. The sterile insect technique (SIT) is one o f the few highly specific control
methods which can be used to overcom e these problems. D oi Ang Khang was
selected for the pilot test as a model for larger operations. The 20 km 2 D oi Ang
Khang area located at the northwest tip o f the Chiang Mai provincial area (northern
Thailand) is highland country (1400 m above sea level) comprising semi-isolated
areas surrounded by hills and slopes. It is covered by regular plantations o f peach,
pear, persimmon and other fruit crops. The O ffice o f A tom ic Energy for Peace,
which has pioneered SIT activities against fruit flies at D oi Ang Khang since 1982,
has extended these activities until 1996.
Fruit fly pupae to be sterilized and released were reared in the mass rearing
facility in Bangkok. B efore irradiation, the pupae were marked with a fluorescent
dye two days before emergence. The marked pupae were packed into 800 m L
narrow polyethylene bags, which were then closed with rubber bands. The pupae
were sterilized at 90 Gy with gamma rays from a ^ C o source. The bags o f pupae
were packed into polystyrene containers and kept co o l with ice packs. Five million
sterilized puae were transported to D oi A ng Khang by train and vehicle. During the
period February to September, sterilized pupae were sent to the area and released
every week in 15 release huts. After the release o f the sterilized flies, the percentage
o f infested peaches decreased from 54.7% in 1984 to 17.1% in 1991. In 1991, the
cost o f fruit fly control using SIT was US $30 397, while the net return from the
increasing value o f the fruits was US $121 558.
In addition, the public has benefited from some o f the advantages accrued from
SIT, namely, reduced risks o f toxic damage and pollution.
(Session 5)
S T R A T E G I E S F O R Helicoverpa zea: S T A T U S A N D P O T E N T I A L .
The corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), is one of the most destructive pests of
field crops in the United States of America. Currently, control of H. zea is achieved almost
entirely through the use of synthetic insecticides. However, successful application of the
inherited sterility principle to a wild population of H. zea during a pilot test has encouraged
further development of this pest control strategy. Data from recent studies and population
models suggest that the full potential of inherited sterility as an area wide control strategy for
H. zea and other lepidopteran pests m a y be realized only when inherited sterility is integrated
with other suppression methods. Applications of singular, non-insecticidal methods for area
wide suppression of H. zea have had limited success and have been vulnerable to temporary
programme failures (e.g. inclement weather, reduced insect rearing output, etc.). A n
integrated approach would be horizontally diversified through the use of several strategies
which use different modes of action and, therefore, would be less vulnerable to temporary
programme failures than would a single strategy. Combining two or more control strategies
with additive effects may increase programme efficiency. However, the greatest benefit in
combining inherited sterility with other control strategies is the dynamic synergistic effects.
The demonstrated potential of inherited sterility to reduce the reproductive ability of H. zea
and the demonstrated capacity of inherited sterility to perform compatibly and synergistically
with other control strategies suggest that inherited sterility should be a major component of
future integrated approaches to managing H. zea.
target site for a short period o f time. Insecticide resistance, the mounting concern
over pesticide pollution and the desire to effectively manage H. zea both within fields
and on an area wide basis have encouraged scientists to identify and develop new
methods o f control.
The potential for using inherited sterility as a component o f the area wide
management o f H. zea has been discussed by LaChance [1]. Knipling [2] demon
strated the potential advantage o f inherited sterility over the sterile insect technique
(SIT) through the use o f population models. Carpenter et al. [3] found that sub-
sterilizing doses o f radiation induced deleterious effects in H. zea that were inherited
through the F2 generation. Subsequently, a series o f investigations was conducted to
further define and understand the effects o f inherited sterility in H. zea. Irradiated
(100 G y), laboratory reared moths were competitive with non-irradiated, laboratory
reared moths in attracting and securing mates under field conditions [4]. Females that
mated with irradiated males, and females that mated with non-irradiated males had
the same mating propensity and the same refractory period [5]. Although there was
a difference in mortality, between H. zea larvae from irradiated and non-irradiated
parents when they were reared in the laboratory, this mortality differential was
reduced when larvae were reared under natural conditions in the field [6]. Other
studies have revealed no interaction between inherited sterility and diapause in
H. zea [7].
A s a result o f these studies, a pilot test was conducted in small mountain
valleys in North Carolina (U SA ) to assess the influence o f released, substerilized
(100 Gy) males on wild H. zea populations and to measure the infusion rate o f
inherited sterility into the wild population. Results from this study revealed that the
number o f wild males captured per hectare was positively correlated with the
distance from the release site o f irradiated males. Analyses o f the seasonal population
curves o f wild H. zea males calculated from mark-recapture data suggested that
seasonal increases o f wild H. zea males were delayed and/or reduced in the mountain
valleys where the irradiated males were released. The incidence o f larvae with
chromosomal aberrations (progeny o f irradiated, released H. zea males [8]) collected
from the test sites during the growing seasons indicated that irradiated males were
very competitive in mating with wild females and were successful in producing F]
progeny, which further reduced the wild population.
Successful application o f the inherited sterility principle to a wild population
o f H. zea during this pilot test has encouraged further development o f this pest con
trol strategy. H owever, because H. zea is a highly m obile,xpolyphagous pest with
a wide geographical distribution, and because the technology required to rear H. zea
econom ically is incomplete, the conventional methodology employed in SIT pro
grammes may benefit from certain modifications. Therefore, the development o f a
pest management approach in which inherited sterility is integrated as a primary
component with other pest control strategies is to be encouraged.
IAEA-SM-327/35 365
A computer model using data from Carpenter et al. [3] quantified the influence
o f different parameters on the predicted efficacy o f the inherited sterility method.
Ratio (irradiated:non-irradiated)
FIG. 1. Per cent reduction in normal population growth at different release ratios of
irradiated (100 Gy) males.
FIG. 2. Relationship between the per cent reduction in normal population growth and the rate
o f increase per generation.
IAEA-SM-327/35 367
Increases in the release ratio had the greatest effect on the percentage reduction in
normal population growth when the release ratio was less than 10:1 (Fig. 1). Even
a release ratio as low as 1;1 reduced the normal population growth by 30 % . These
model predictions were corroborated in a pilot test (unpublished data) in which
release ratios averaging less than 5:1 reduced the wild population o f H. zea by an
average ( ± S E ) o f 73.5 ± 1 4.9% .
The population model suggests that the efficacy o f inherited sterility is almost
constant when the rate o f increase per generation is tw ofold or higher (Fig. 2). This
is in contrast to the efficacy o f SIT which declines as the intrinsic rate o f increase
rises. The model also suggests that a substantial increase (3 % ) in treatment efficacy
o f inherited sterility occurs when the normal population is in decline (0.5 fold per
generation). Because the H. zea population normally declines follow ing the
em ergen çe-of the overwintering generation, the increase in treatment efficacy o f
inherited sterility revealed in the model provides an additional potential for managing
this pest population.
Available data from insecticide resistance and host plant resistance studies
suggest that the impact o f other pest control strategies will not be greater for
irradiated insects and their progeny than for wild insects. A s explained earlier,
conventional uses o f both insecticides and host plant resistance would increase the
ratio o f irradiated to non-irradiated insects, thus producing synergistic effects.
Furthermore, models developed by Knipling [12, 13] depicting different integration
scenarios suggest that combining inundative releases o f parasites with sterile insects
will yield both additive.and synergistic, effects. Although the parasite technique and
SIT have different modes o f action, the effectiveness o f SIT increases the ratio o f
adult parasites to adult hosts, and the effectiveness o f the parasites increases the ratio
o f sterile to fertile insects. Knipling [13] calculated that com bining sterile insects
with parasites theoretically could be 10 000 times m ore effective than i f each tech
nique were used alone. W hile these figures are impressive, even greater suppression
could be expected i f parasite releases were combined with the inherited sterility
technique. Not only is inherited sterility in H. zea m ore effective than full sterility
in reducing population increases, but the inherited sterility technique produces sterile
F! larvae that would provide an increased number o f hosts for the parasites. There
fore, the number o f parasites produced would increase even if the rate o f parasitism
remained the same (host density independent), and whether or not additional para
sites were released.
Atom ic Ènergy Agricultural Research Centré,
Tandojam, Sind,
S I ON O F T H E P I N K B O L L W O R M , Pectinophora gossypiella (SAUNDERS).
Field cage studies were carried out to evaluate the F, sterility technique for population
suppression of the pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders),' in cotton. For this
purpose, six field cages (1.8 m x 1.8 m x 1.8 m) were placed over cotton seedlings in the
field.. Five pairs of laboratory reared, untreated adult moths were released in all six cages dur
ing the first week of August. In addition, on the same date 100 pairs.of adults, following irradi
ation of the mature pupae at 100 Gy, were released in two cages and 250 such pairs of
irradiated adults in two other cages in ratios of 20:1 and 50:1 (irradiated:normal), respec
tively. The results of per cent larval infestation in the rosette blooms in different field cages
indicated that larval infestation in the flowers was significantly lower (4.93%) in cages where
the moths were released at the 50:1 ratio than in cages where moths were released at the 20:1
ratio (6.71%). Larval infestation in the flowers was significantly highest (21.87%) in the con
trol cages. Similarly, larval infestation in the green bolls was significantly reduced to the
siibeconomic level (5.23%) in the 50:1 cages compared with the 20:1 cages (8.10%).
However, larval infestation in the control cages exceeded 20%. These preliminary studies
indicate the potential of the F, sterility technique for effective control of the pink bollworm.'
372 QURESHI et al.
Field cage studies were carried out to evaluate the efficiency o f irradiated
moths and their F] progeny for population suppression o f the pink bollworm . For
this purpose, six field cages ( 1 . 8 m x 1 . 8 m x 1.8 m) were placed over cotton
seedlings in the field. The native population o f pink bollw orm , if any, from
diapausing larvae in the cages was monitored by gossyplure baited traps and by
inspecting the cotton fruiting bodies weekly. After confirming that there was no
infestation in the cages, five pairs o f laboratory reared, untreated adult moths were
released in all six cages during the first week o f August. In addition, on the same
date 100 pairs o f adults, follow ing irradiation o f the mature pupae at 100 G y, were
released in two cages and 250 such pairs o f irradiated adults in two other cages at
ratios o f 20:1 and 50:1 (irradiated:normal), respectively. The remaining two cages
were kept as the control, with no irradiated moths. Subsequently, three releases o f
moths at the above mentioned ratios were made in the respective cages at three week
intérvals. The observations made on the rosette bloom s and larval infestation in the
green bolls were recorded at weekly intervals.
1:50 4.93b:5.24b
1:20 6.71b:8.57b
Control 21.87a:21.35a
The results o f the pier cent larval infestation in rosette bloom s in different field
cages (Table I) indicated that larval infestation in the flowers was significantly lower
(4 .9 3 % ) in cages where the moths were released at the 50:1 ratio compared with
cages where they were released at the 20:1 ratio (6 .7 1 % ). Larval infestation in the
flowers was significantly the highest (2 1 .8 7 % ) in the control cages.
The results o f the larval population buildup in the different field cages, as
recorded for flowers by inspecting the rosette bloom s (Fig. 1), showed that the first
rosette bloom was recorded two weeks after the release o f normal moths in the con
trol cages. How ever, rosette bloom s appeared after the third week o f release in cages
where the ratio o f irradiated . normal moths was maintained at 20:1 and 50:1.
Although the trend o f larval population buildup in the flowers was almost identical
in all the cages, the releases o f irradiated moths resulted in reduced moth population
development in the 20:1 and 50:1 cages. How ever, larval infestation in the 50:1
cages was significantly lower when compared with the rest o f the field cages.
The data on larval infestation in green bolls in different field cages (Table I)
indicated that infestation was significantly reduced, to the su becon om ic, level
(5 .2 3 % ), in cages where a release ratio o f 50:1 moths, was maintained as compared
374 QURESHI et al.
with the cages with a release ratio o f 20:1 moths (8 .1 0 % ). How ever, larval infesta
tion in green bolls was significantly the highest (2 1 .9 8 % ) in the control check cages.
The results o f larval population buildup in mature green bolls in different cages
(Fig. 2) indicated that in cages receiving irradiated moths, follow ing irradiation o f
mature pupae, larval infestation appeared three weeks after the first release, whereas
in the control cages the infestation appeared after two weeks. The increase in larval
infestation was rapid in the control cages, reaching its peak seven weeks after the
first release o f moths. In the cages where a release ratio o f 20:1 was maintained, lar
val infestation in green bolls was significantly low er than in the control cages.
Although the larval infestation trend in the green bolls after three releases o f moths
IAEA-SM-327/36 375
©— в---------------------------- в Control
£ ъ ъ. 1:20 (Normal:¡rradiated)
в— в— в 1:50 (Normal:irradiated)
was almost identical in all the cages, larval infestation in the 50:1 cages was
significantly lower than in the 20:1 cages.
[1] KNIPLING, E.F., Suppression of pest Lepidoptera by releasing partially sterile males,
Bioscience 20 (1970) 465-470.
[2] C H E N G , W.Y., N O R T H , D.T., Inherited sterility in the F, progeny of irradiated
male pink bollworms, J. Econ. Entomol. 65 (1972) 1272-75.
[3] G R A H A M , H.M., O U Y E , M.T., G A R C I A , R.D., D E L A R O S S A , H.H., Dosage of
g a m m a irradiation for full and inherited sterility in adult pink bollworms, J. Econ.
Entomol. 65 (1972) 645-650.
[4] SEREBRO V SK I J , A.S., O n the possibility of a new method for the control of insect
pests, Zool. Zh. 19 (1940) 618-630 (in Russian).
[5] P R O V E R B S , M.D., Progress on the use of induced sexual sterility for the control of
codling moth, Proc. Entomol. Soc. Ont. 92 (1962) 5-11.
[6] N O R T H , D.T., H O L T , G.G., Inherited sterility in progeny of irradiated male cabbage
looper, J. Econ. Entomol. 61 (1968) 928-931.
[7] FLINT, H.M., P A L M E R , D.L., B A R I O L A , L.A., H O R N , B., Suppression of popu
lation of native pink bollworm in field cages by the release of irradiated moths, J. Econ.
Entomol. 67 (1974) 55.
[8] B A R T L E T T , A.C., B U T L E R , G.D., Jr., A model of pink bollworm populations and
its use for evaluating the effects of radiation, Southwest Entomol. 4 (1979) 216.
IAEA-SM-327/36 377
(Ostrinia nubilalis Hb.) IN THE FIELD
Research Institute for Cereal and Industrial Crops,
(Ostrinia nubilalis Hb.) IN T H E F I E L D B Y R A D I A T I O N I N D U C E D F! STERILITY.
The European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hb.) is considered to be the most important
pest of maize in Romania after panicle emergence. It covers the entire cropping area of the
country. Data collected over a five year period have indicated an average of 4 4 % plants
infested, 1.1 larvae per plant, 23 180 larvae/ha and 550 kg/ha or 7.5% losses in yield.
Depending on the geographical area, the climatic conditions, the structure of the culture and
the corn hybrids cultivated in spring, the E C B population can theoretically be estimated at
263-5845 larvae/ha. Of a total area of 3 x 106 ha c o m cultivated in Romania, it can reach
levels of between 789 and 17 535 x 106 larvae. A mass rearing technique suitable for
Romanian conditions has been developed. In Romania, the European c o m borer is attacked
by many natural enemies throughout its life; the role of parasites and predators is presented
in the paper. It is n o w possible to apply biological control by Triçhogramma spp. but the
results differ depending on the region in which the control is applied. Sex pheromone formula
tion developed in Romania is less efficient, but it can be used to record the flight of the c o m
borer males. Control of the flies in small areas (1-2 ha) was attempted by mating disruption
and mass capture of males in sticky traps. The results show that under these conditions it is
not possible to control the pest. Experiments performed in field cages have demonstrated a
theoretical possibility of controlling the pest by releases of flies having inherited F, sterility.
Our data have demonstrated that the percentage of stems attacked by the pest and the number
of overwintering larvae per stem were correláted with the hatching percentage. Releases of
the F, generation with inherited sterility, in field cages, at different ratio of males with
inherited F, sterility to wild males demonstrate that this method of control can be used as
part of an integrated control system.
The European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis H b.) (ECB) is one o f the most
damaging pests o f maize. It covers an extensive area in almost all parts o f the world,
especially in the Northern Hemisphere, and is able to thrive in a wide range o f
climates, from equatorial to temperate zones. Its particular econom ic significance
has determined the intensive research being carried out on this insect, especially in
North America.
In Romania, ECB is most harmful after panicle emergence, and is encountered
in all corn culture areas. The losses induced have risen to 40% o f the grain yield [1].
Data collected over a five-year period indicated averages o f 44% attacked plants,
1.1 larvae per plant, 23 180 larvae/ha and 550 kg/ha (or 7 .5 % ) loss in yield [2]
(Table I).
Under the ecological conditions prevailing in Romania, the insect develops one
generation per year, except for areas in the south, where a second partial generation
has been recorded with a population that is less than 20% that o f the previous genera
tion. The mass flight o f the overwintering generation o f moths com m only takes place
a few days before panicle emergence, the main attack taking place in tunnels inside
the stems. The attack on c o m is econom ically important, but the pest also feeds on
hemp and sorghum crops, as well as on various species o f spontaneous flora.
Because o f the particular significance o f ECB for the corn crop, a series o f
investigations has been undertaken in Romania with a view to preventing outbreaks
o f this pest using chemicals [3], biological means [4 -8 ] and resistant hybrids [9 -1 5 ].
In recent years, particular attention has been paid to the study o f synthetic sex
pheromones [16—19] and, since 1988, investigations have been carried out on male
sterilization using radiation [2 0 -2 3 ].
The life history o f ECB has been studied in detail by many workers and its
biology is well known. The developmental rates are influenced by many factors,
including temperature and moisture.
The ECB is a poor flyer and until now large migrations have not been reported.
The moths leave the emergence sites in corn field debris and fly to places with dense
vegetation, usually grasses, where a g ood microclimate exists for feeding, resting
and mating.
After mating, the female moth leaves the mating site and deposits her eggs in
corn fields. This movement is possibly repeated. N ot enough experimental data are
available on the flying capacity o f the moths.
Since all investigàtions aimed at preventing ECB attack are conditioned by the
availability o f large numbers o f insects, mass rearing o f this insect is essential.
Consequently, a series o f experiments were performed on various diets, using
bean meal as the basic ingredient because it affords satisfactory growth o f the ECB
and because the evolution o f ECB is not influenced negatively by any o f the ingre
dients added. The diet ingredients shown in Table II are o f practical importance
because they were used in all the investigations carried out on male sterilization.
These ingredients are com m on, readily available and inexpensive. Depending on the
extent o f the rearing facilities, the cost o f 1000 pupae ranged from 751 to 4130 lei
(US $1 = lei 430 (Oct. 1992)) (Table Ш ).
When evaluating the performance o f O. nubilalis moths reared for a varying
number o f generations on an artificial diet, it was found that the fecundity and
longevity values did not exhibit significant differences between generations. The
Ingredient Amount %
results o f experiments carried out on generations 81 and 106 were similar to those
obtained iñ generations 8 and 9, respectively [24].
It is worth mentioning that mass rearing o f ECB has been running for 161
successive generations and is still in progress, unlike individual rearing, which
will be discontinued after nine successive generations because o f a degeneration in
induced sterility.
A mass rearing technique has been developed that fits the Romanian
conditions. On the basis o f this technique, using a diet com posed essentially o f
indigenous ingredients, insects can be reared continuously, so satisfying the
increasing requirements.
Since sufficient biological material is available, it was possible to perform
experiments on the sterilization o f O. nubilalis malts by irradiation.
Corn plants d o not yield well as a result o f ECB damage. The damage resulting
from leaf feeding is o f no relevance, but stalk tunnelling is o f great importance. In
Romania, the reduction in yield ranges between 80 and 1326 kg/ha (on average,
550 kg/ha).
IAEA-SM-327/37 383
7. C O N TR O L
Integrated control o f this pest is now being explored. New pest management
strategies should include the econom ic threshold levels, regular monitoring surveys,
biological control opportunities, etc.
8. C H E M IC A L C O N T R O L
Because the mass flight o f moths usually takes place a few days before panicle
emergence, the c o m is generally too tall when the decision is made to control ECB.
Equipment availability and the time required to complete application over large areas
often necessitate use o f aerial treatment, but this is very expensive. For this reason,
no chemical control o f ECB is carried out in Romania, as a result o f which no
insecticide resistance exists.
In Romania, ECB is attacked by many natural enemies throughout its life. The
parasites and predators are presented in Table IV and Table V shows the most im por
tant biological factors affecting populations o f O. nubilalis Hb.
Biological control o f ECB by Trichogramma spp. is theoretically possible in
Romania, but Table V I shows that control differs, depending on the region in which
Egg T richogrammatidae 4 0; + + +
Anthochoridae 2 0; +
Nabidae 4 0; +
Chrrysopidae 2 0; +
Larva Chalcididae 8 0; +
Ichneumonidae 14 + ;+ +
Tachinidae 5 + ;+ +
Chloropidae 8 0; +
Pupa Ichneumonidae 1 0
Note: 0: Unimportant.
+: O f small account.
+ + : Important.
+ + + : Of the first importance.
it is applied. Trichogramma species has weak flying and searching activity and a
short period o f life. For these reasons, it is necessary to repeat the releases in corn
fields (7 m -7 m ) and no results are achieved when the temperature is over 3 1 °C in
the fields. The parasites must be applied manually; this type o f control is expensive
and the results are not precise.
Selections o f inbred corn lines resistant to ECB have been made in Romania
over the past tw o decades. Today, many types o f hybrid are available that show an
intermediate resistance tolerance to O. nubilalis.
' At the Research Institute for Cereals and Industrial Crops at Fundulea, there
is an extensive breeding project in which germplasm resistant to ECB is used as
genetic stock for breeding purposes.
Components o f various ratios and amounts o f the synthetic ECB sex phero
mone were evaluated in the field. The results showed a relatively high number o f
males captured in the sticky traps throughout the flying period; this varied with the
location and the pheromone variant used. It is worth mentioning that in Romania both
cis (Z) and trans (E) pherotypes o f this species are found, but the latter are missing
in the central and northeastern parts o f the country.
The pherotype trans (E) is generally found in less numerous populations, but
the problem o f ECB in Romania lies in the cis (Z) pherotype.
Even though the synthetic sex pheromone formulation developed in Romania
is less efficient, it can be used to record the flight o f ECB males; thus flight curves
can be drawn for generations 1 and 2 (Fig. 1).
W e should stress that in Romania the first generation is particularly important,
occurring in the second half o f June; the second generation, specific to the southern
part o f the country, appears in August and is practically devoid o f damage potential.
There are a series o f theoretical models for using sex attractants for insect
control. In 1990 and 1991 at Fundulea, we tried to control ECB in small areas
( 1-2 ha) isolated in the forest by mating disruption and mass capture o f males in
sticky traps.
The results presented in Tables VII and VIII showed that it is not possible to
control ECB in small areas because we presume that mating o f the females did not
take place in the corn fields.
Sex pheromones are now used in ecological studies, mainly for migration and
evaluation or monitoring o f pest populations.
— Pherotype cis(Z)
■■■ Pherotype trans (E)
No. males/trap
Fundulea 1991
Fundulea 1990
Turda 1991
No.’ males/trap
Turda 1990
FIG. 1. Flight curves o f the ECB, registered by number o f males captured in sticky traps.
Attacked plants
Control M D a Control M D a
their hatching in comparison with the unirradiated check pupae. It should be noted
that adult emergence was negatively influenced in direct proportion to the radiation
dose [21 ].
As a result o f these preliminary trials, subsequent investigations used 6-d-old
pupae, from which the adults emerged Within the next 48 h.
The two sexes had different levels o f sterility at the same radiation dose; males
were more resistant to radiation than females, which had a higher degree o f sensitiv
ity. Complete sterility o f the females was obtained with 30 krad, a d o se 1 at which
the males had only 86.5% sterility, i.e. partial sterility [22].
It is well known that pupal sexing is particularly difficult. Therefore, for sterile
insect releases it is necessary to irradiate both the male and female pupae together.
It is necessary to use partially sterile males because their competitiveness is close to
that o f hormale ones, on one hand, and completely sterile females, unable to generate
larvae which subsequently would attack corn plants, on the other. T o increase the
degree o f sterility at a lower rate o f radiation, the F, generation had to be used for
releases instead o f the P generation.
T o decrease the rate o f radiation, the P male genitors were irradiated with 10
or 15 krad as 6-d-old pupae. The males that emerged were crossed with normal
females. The offspring o f these crossings were inbred or backcrossed; F! observa
tions were carried out on the number o f eggs/fem ale, the percentage egg hatch, the
adult lifespan and the percentage sterile couples.
The data in Tables IX and X showed no significant decrease in the number o f
eggs laid by one female in the P, F[ or F 2 generations after irradiation with 10 and
15 krad. Generally, the number o f eggs was a little lower when adults from the
P0 I X N were inbred.
W e failed to obtain a sufficiently large population to test in F 2 populations
from F] I x- I because hatching rose to 25 .4 % at 10 krad and 9 .1 % at 15krad;
however, the larvae obtained did not reach the adult stage.
In all the combinations tested in F j, hatching decreased with the increasing
radiation dose. The hatching percentage in Fj was lower in the three variants from
P0 I x N, when compared with the parent generation. Egg viability in F , was
significantly reduced in comparison with the control for both the doses applied,
indicating the existence o f recessive lethal genes within these populations. In F2, a
decrease in the percentage egg hatching was also noted in all the combinations tested,
indicating the inheritance o f harmful effects induced by males irradiated in the parent
generation. It is also remarkable that the variants analysed for F2, although more
fertile than those in F 1; still exhibited a noticeable effect o f lethalgenes. No
significant reduction in the adult lifespan was noted in P, F, or F2.
The percentage sterile couples increased in descendences derived from
irradiated males, reaching the highest values in inbred variants.'
This experiment showed that the F! sterility obtained at 10 krad was lower
than that at 15 krad; consequently, for field cage releases 15 krad were used.
Experiments performed in 1990-1991 and in 1992, and carried out in
3 m x 2 m x 2 m field cages, have demonstrated a theoretical possibility for
controlling the pest by the release o f insects with an inherited F! sterility (Tables X I
and XII).
IAEA-SM-327/37 391
Longevity of adults
Egg masses/ Hatchability Sterile
Male Female female (%) Male Female pairs (%)
The data in these tables show no significant reduction in the number o f eggs
laid by irradiated females, except for variant F t X F ,. The hatching percentage was
lower in all the variants using Fj moths; this effect still persisted in F 2 and
disappeared in F4.
The percentage attacked stems and the number o f overwintering larvae per
stem were correlated with the hatching percentage.
T A B L E XII. F I E L D C A G E R E L E A S E T E S T S - 1991
[16] RO§ CA, I., “Research regarding sexual synthesis pheromones of moths injurious of
field crops”, paper presented at 8th National Symp. on Environmental Protection,
Constanfa, 1990.
[17] RO§ CA, I., et al., “Possibilities of using synthetic sexual pheromones in protection
of cereal and technical crop cultures”, paper presented at 9th National Conf. on Plant
Protection, Bucharest, 1985.
[18] R O Ç C A , I.,et al., Results and prospects in utilization of sex pheromones in cereals and
technical plants from Romania, Probl. Prot. Plant. 17 (1989) 297-312.
[19] RO§ CA, I., et al., Research on the behaviour of Ostrinia nubilalis by the use of phero
mone technique, Rev. Roum. Biol. 35 2 (1990) 105-115.
[20] B A R B U L E S C U , AL., RO§ CA, I., Results Regarding Sterilization Through Irradiation
of Male Ostrinia nubilalis Hb., an Important Pest of C o m in Romania, report, Joint
F A O / I A E A Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, IAEA, Vienna.
[21] RO§ CA, I., B A R B U L E S C U , AL., G a m m a radiation sterilization of Ostrinia nubilalis
Hb. A n important pest of maize crops in Romania, Rev. Roum. Biol. 34 2 (1989)
[22] RO§ CA, I., B A R B U L E S C U , AL., Sterility inheritance in the irradiated European
C o m Borer, Ostrinia nubilalis Hb., Rev. Roum. Biol. 35 1 (1990) 27-30.
[23] RO§ CA, I., “Research regarding use of g a m m a rays as genetic control of European
Corn Borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hb.)”, paper presented at 8th National Symp. on
Environmental Protection, Constanta, 1990.
[24] B A R B U L E S C U , AL., “Achievements obtained at Fundulea regarding mass rearing of
E C B ”, paper presented at E C B W G Symp. Varna, Sept. 1988.
Centre for the Application o f Isotopes and Radiation,
National Atom ic Energy A gency,
Jakarta Selatan,
STERILITY T O C O N T R O L T H E D I A M O N D B A C K M O T H , Plutella xylostella (L.), A N D
T H E C A B B A G E W E B W O R M , Crocidolomia binotalis ZELL.
T w o major cabbage insect pests, the diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella
(L.), and the cabbage w e b w o r m ( C W W ) , Crocidolomia binotalis Zell., have been studied
intensively in relation to the possibility of insect control, either by using the sterile insect
technique (SIT) or by transmission of inherited sterility. Four hundred and fifty moths each
of P. xylostella and C. binotalis were sterilized with 0.30 and 0.40 kGy of g a m m a
radiation, respectively. The irradiated insects, released into two laboratory cages
(90 c m x 60 c m x 60 cm) containing 50 unirradiated moths, reduced the F, population
of P. xylostella and C. binotalis by 61.1 and 65.3%, respectively. In the field cage
(2 m X 2 m x 2 m), the F, population reductions in the respective insect species were 55.6
and 50.5%. Release of about 4500 irradiated C. binotalis into an experimental plot
(15 m x 10 m) containing 500 normal moths reduced the F, population by 41.02% in the
dry season and 50.55% in the rainy season. Release of about 5000 irradiated P. xylostella
into an experimental plot containing about 350 moths of a natural population resulted in a
reduction in egg hatch of 85.9% in the unreleased plot and 17.0% in the released plot.
Experiments on the F, sterility of P. xylostella and Ç. binotalis were also conducted to
explore the possibility of controlling these pests by using inherited sterility. In D B M , a
substerilizing dose of 200 G y resulted in considerable F, sterility. Release of Fj inherited
sterile D B M moths into population laboratory cages caused different levels of population
suppression, depending on the irradiation dose. A substerilizing dose of 200 G y induced
inherited F, sterility, which reduced the population by 2 2 % in D B M . In. C. binotalis, a
substerilizing dose of 0.275 kGy was sufficient to induce inherited sterility, because the levels
of sterility in the parent and in the F, generation were 65.82 and 84.64%, respectively.
The use o f insects to control populations o f their own kind through, the transfer
o f damaged genetic material represents a new approach that could prove to be useful
for the control o f a number o f major insect pests throughout the world. This autocidal
method o f control is now generally referred to as the sterile insect technique (SIT).
Experiments have been conducted under laboratory and field cage conditions to
explore the possibility o f using SIT for controlling two cabbage pests in Indonesia.
The diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L .), and the cabbage webworm ,
Crocidolomia binotalis Z e ll., are the most important pests o f cruciferous crops [1].
These insects attack many varieties o f cabbage. The other important insect pest o f
cabbage is the cabbage looper, Diachrysia (Plusia) orichalcea (Z .) [2]. The highest
econom ic losses o f cabbage crops caused by P. xylostella and C. binotalis occur
in the dry season whenever control measures using insecticides are not properly
applied [3]. Plutella xylostella is found on young cabbage plants, while C. binotalis
is found on young and old cabbage plants.
T o control these insects, farmers usually apply various types o f insecticide,
e .g . Ambush 2 EC, Basudin 60 EC, Dipel W P and Lannate L [4]. The use o f
insecticides tends to result in the development o f insect resistance. A strain o f
P. xylostella found at Lembang, West Java, has shown resistance to permethrine
(pyrethroid insecticide) (up to eleven fold) [5]. Increasing insect resistance to
insecticides stimulates farmers to apply a higher dose or more toxic insecticides.
The use o f the parasite Angitia cerophaga to control P. maculipennis was introduced
in Indonesia, but the results were not satisfactory, particularly in regions where
intensive use o f insecticides was practised [ 6].
The purpose o f this paper is to explore the possibility o f using SIT and
transmitted inherited sterility to control the major cabbage pests in Indonesia because
o f the inadequate control measures available.
The field cage tests were conducted at the field station of the Horticultural
Research Institute in Cipanas, West Java. Two field cages (2 m x 2 m x 2 m)
containing 300 two-week-old cabbage crops were used to conduct experiments that
were similar to those carried out in the laboratory. The experiments were replicated
three times.
. The field tests were slightly different to those done in the laboratory and field
cage tests. They were carried out in the agricultural production area of Cipanas,
West Java. Each experimental unit (plot) (15 m x 10 m) contained 600 two-week-
old cabbage crops. The natural population was developed prior to the release of
irradiated moths in the plots. The irradiated moths were released into the plot at a
ratio of 14:1 to the natural population. Egg hatchability was observed by collecting
eggs randomly .
In the C. binotalis test, unsexed, 6-d-old pupae were exposed to 0 .4 0 kGy. The
conditions for the laboratory tests were the same as those used for P. xylostella.
The F , generation was measured by counting the larvae in weeks 1 and 2 after
The field cage tests were also carried out in the Cipanas area. The conditions
for these tests were the same as those used in the P. xylostella laboratory test, except
that four-week-old cabbage crops were used.
The field tests were again conducted in the Cipanas area, but the experi
mental side of the field was isolated to avoid reinfestation. Two experimental plots
(7 m X 7 m) containing 250 cabbage crops were used. The conditions were similar
to those of both the laboratory and field cage tests, but the number of insects used
was ten times higher than that used in either of the other tests.
No. of No: of
parents (P) Fj populations
Condition Reduction
Treated (%)
Control Unirradiated Irradiated Control Treated
P. xylostella
Laboratory8 50 50 + . 450 1141 ' 430 61.1
Field cageb 50 50 + 450 378 180 55.6
315 338 + 4827 466c 42.4
Field plot
C. binotalis
Laboratory2 50 50 + 450 556 193 65.3
Field cageb 50 50 + 450 275 136 50.55
Field plot:
Dry season 500 500 + 4500 1219 719 41.02
Rainy season 500 500 + 4500 2216 1096 50.55
The effects of releasing sterile insects on the reduction in population are shown
in Table I. Release of 450 irradiated (sterile) moths into the laboratory cage
containing 50 unirradiated moths reduced the emerging Fj population from 1141 in
the control cage to 430 in the released cage. Release of irradiated moths into the
unirradiated population at a 9:1 ratio resulted , in a 61.1% reduction in the
F , generation.
In the field cage tests (Table I), the F ! populations of the control and released
cages were 378 and 180, respectively. This indicated that the reduction in the F,
population, as affected by the release of irradiated moths, was 55.6% . In the field
tests, the release of irradiated moths to the field population at a ratio of about 14:1
resulted in.a reduction in egg hatchability from 8 5.9 to 17%. The number of eggs
collected from the control and treated plots was 942 and 2743, respectively.
IAEA-SM-327/38 399
However, the F] population was 809 larvae (85.9% of 942) in the control plot and
466 larvae (17% of 2743) in the treated plot. Therefore, the reduction in the F|
population was 42.40% .
In C. binotalis, the effects of releasing irradiated (sterile) insects on the
reduction in progeny were quite promising (Table I). By releasing 450 irradiated
into 50 unirradiated insects under laboratory and field cage conditions, the F, popu
lation was reduced by 65.3 and 50.55% , respectively. Release of about 4500 irradi
ated pupae into an experimental plot containing 500 unirradiated pupae reduced the
F , population by 41.12% in the dry season and 50.55% in the rainy season. The
difference in F , population reductions obtained under laboratory, field cage and
field conditions may have been due to an uncontrolled source of variation related
to the different test conditions.
(Gy) F, 9 x ui 9 F, o' x ui с
у F, cr x ui 9 F, 9 F, с? x ui 9 F, 9 x ui o'
Pupae Moths Pupae Moths Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
0 74.33 69.66 1395 1395 4.32 4.32
100 76.66 75.00 63.66 58.00 1186.50 1683.50 951.00 1072.00 9.47 11.92 10.79 7.51
125 61.00 51.00 56.00 50.66 1382.00 1113.00 1096.50 1222.00 19.56 9.88 15.55 19.36
150 69.66 65.00 47.66 43.33 1108.00 1147.50 977.00 1329.00 7.59 15.93 13.26 8.90
175 37.00 29.33 19.66 17.00 1139.50 1074.00 1015.00 696.50 17.06 33.65 15.55 41.85
200 62.33 56.33 68.00 60.66 1465.50 1119.00 1223.50 1376.00 8.82 13.18 9.33 14.69
ui: unirradiated.
IAEA-SM-327/38 401
Treatment Replication
Total Average
(No. of released moth pairs) 1 2 3 4
5 ui
5 ui + 45 i - 1 8.93 2.37 22.16 5.22 38.68 9.67
5 ui + 45 i — 2 14.43 16.91 17.66 29.73 77.73 19.43
5 ui + 45 i — 3 25.43 20.47 33.53 12.31 91.74 22.93
Calculated u u r x 100%
where u is the offspring population (moths) in the unreleased cage/check and R is the
offspring population (moths) in the released cage.
ui: unirradiated.
i — 1:irradiated with a dose of 100 Gy.
i — 2:irradiated with a dose of 150 Gy.
i — 3:irradiated with a dose of 200 Gy.
Dose P(, i x 9 ui F, уx
с 9 ui F, 9 x a ui
(kGy) No. of eggs Sterility No. of eggs Sterility No. of eggs Sterility
(%) (%) (%)
i: irradiated,
ui: unirradiated.
HSD: high significant difference.
CC: correlation coefficient.
S T E R I L I T Y O F I R R A D I A T E D F E M A L E P U P A E O F C. binotalis
i: irradiated,
ui: unirradiated.
IAEA-SM-327/38 403
The irradiated female parents showed slightly different results (Table VI). The
F[ progeny of the irradiated males were more sterile than the parents, and the Fj
progeny of the irradiated females were partially sterile, but they were as sterile as
the irradiated female parents (Tables V and VI). The male progeny were still the
more sterile of the two sexes. These phenomena also occur in the cabbage looper,
Trichoplusia ni (Hubner) [8].
[1] K A L S H O V E N , L.G.E., Pest of Crops in Indonesia, P.T Ichtiar Baru Van Houve,
Jakarta (1974).
[2] S A S T R O S I S W O J O , S., S U K A R N A , D., O M O Y , T.R., “The effect of several kinds
of pyrethroid synthetic insecticide on caterpillar cabbage leaf feeder and parasitoid of
diadegma eucerophagà on cabbage fields”, Proc. 2nd Entomological Congress, 1983,
Jakarta (1983).
[3] S U D A R W O H A D I , S., The relationship between planting time of cabbage and popula
tion dynamic of Plutella maculipennis Curt and Crocidolomia binotalis Z., Bull.
Penel. Hort. 33 (1975) 3-14.
[4] Pesticide for Agriculture and Forestry, Directorate of Food Crop Protection,
Indonesian Department of Agriculture, Jakarta (1987).
[5] S O E K A R N A , D., KILLIN, D., S U D A R W O H A D I , S., “Status of resistency of
diamondback moth caterpillar, Plutella maculipennis Curt, to pyrethroid insecticide”,
Proc. Symp. Entomology, Bandung, 1982, (1982).
[6] N.C.C.A.A. VOS, News of Agricultural Reseach Center, 134, Bogor, 3 (1953).
[7] KNIPLING, E.F., Suppression of pest Lepidoptera by releasing partially sterile males:
A theoretical appraisal, Bio. Sci. 20 8 (1970) 465.
[8] N O R T H , D.T., H O L T , G.G., “Inherited sterility and its use in population suppression
of Lepidoptera”, Application of Induced Sterility for Control of Lepidopterous
Populations (Proc. Panel Vienna, 1970), IAEA, Vienna (1971) 99.
DE Diatraea saccharalis (Fab.)>
I. Efectos de las dosis subesterilizantes
sobre la reproducción y la competividad
Abstract-Resum en
Los insectos procedían de una cría en laboratorio, alimentándose las larvas con
una dieta merídica [ 11 ].
Las crisálidas con más de cin co días de edad y previamente sexadas se coloca
ron en viales de vidrio de 3,0 cm de diámetro y 7 ,5 cm de altura tapados con tapones
de algodón y gasa, y se irradiaron en una fuente de ^ C o . La temperatura ambiente
durante la irradiación fue de 2 2 °C y el aire de la cámara no fue renovado durante
él período de irradiación. El procedimiento seguido fue aplicar primero la mitad de
la dosis, esperar dos horas, y aplicar entonces la segunda mitad. Las crisálidas duran
te el período de recuperación se colocaban dentro de una incubadora a 27 ± 1°C .
150M 150Н
200M 200Н
300M 300Н
Las dosis de irradiación empleadas fueron 150, 200 y 300 Gy (16 G y/m in),
así com o un testigo no irradiado. En todos los casos se trataron machos y hembras;
para los parentales se tomaron 21 parejas y para las descendencias el número depen
dió de la disponibilidad de individuos. Los indicadores evaluados fueron: huevos
puestos por cada hembra copulada, huevos fértiles en cabezas negras, larvas eclo
sionadas, espermatóforos por hembra copulada, crisálidas y adultos form ados. Con
los primeros tres indicadores se calcularon los porcentajes de huevos con mutaciones
letales dominantes (M L D ), porcentajes de huevos inviables (HIV) y prom edio de
larvas eclosionadas, evaluándose estadísticamente por la prueba de rangos múltiples
de Duncan para el 5 % de probabilidad de error, previa transformación de los porcen
tajes en .arcsen raíz cuadrada y el número de larvas eclosionadas en V x + 0,5;
con los demás indicadores se calcularon los porcentajes de cópula, de pupación, de
emersión de adultos y de conversión larva-adulto, comparándose con el testigo a
través del estadígrafo ts.
Se usaron los adultos emergidos hasta 48 horas después de irradiadas las crisá
lidas macho con dosis de 200 y 300 Gy (10,14 Gy/m in). Para calcular las competiti-
IAEA-SM-327/39 409
10 10 10
10 10
_ 10 10
Número de Copularon
Generación Variante ts1 Significación2
parejas (% )
F, testigo 23 47,8 —
150MM 24 50,0 0,717 NS
150MH 24 50,0 - 0 ,1 4 9 NS
200M M 24 58,3 - 0 .4 2 5 NS
200M H 14 50,0 - 0 ,1 2 8 NS
300M M 9 0 ,0 — —
300MH 1 100,0 — —
150HM 15 86,6 -2 ,6 1 1 S
150HH 15 73,3 - 1 ,5 9 4 NS
200HM 9 55,5 - 0 ,3 9 4 NS
200HH 13 61,5 - 0 ,7 9 6 NS
300HM 4 75 ,0 - 1 ,0 4 7 NS
300HH 8 62,5 - 0 ,7 2 2 NS
f2 testigo 24 79,1 — —
150M M M 10 80,0 - 0 ,0 5 5 NS
150M MH 7 71 ,4 0,419 NS •
200M M M 12 66,6 0,800 NS
200M M H 0 — — —
150MHM 4 75,0 0,184 NS
150MHH 10 70,0 0,561 NS
200M H M 13 69,2 0,662 NS
200M HH 20 90,0 - 1 ,0 0 6 NS
F3 testigo 25 84,0 — —
150M M M M 21 66,6 . 1,378 NS
150M MMH 25 56,0 2,218 S
200M M M M 25 80,0 0,369 NS
200M M M H ■ 25 84,0 0,000 NS
150M MHM 25 76,0 0,710 NS
150MMHH 25 84,0 0,000 NS
Letras iguales en la misma columna de cada generación indican que no hay diferencias
significativas para un 5% de probabilidad de error.
cia hasta la F 3 donde los machos de las parejas parentales fueron irradiados con las
dos dosis inferiores; en este último caso, la diferencia significativa que apareció en
F3150M M M H fue para el 5% y no para menores niveles de significación, por lo
que pensamos que esto no se debió a la acción de las radiaciones sobre los parentales
tres generaciones antes. En el Cuadro I vem os también que las nueve parejas forma
das por los machos FÍ300M M no copularon y sólo una pareja de F^OOMH pudo
formarse, no siendo, posible en este caso hacer comparación estadística.
En el Cuadro П vemos que no hubo diferencias significativas con respecto al
testigo en le fecundidad de las hembras normales apareadas con machos irradiados,
pero la aparición de mutaciones letales dominantes y los porcentajes de huevos
in viables fueron significativamente mayores. También vemos que el prom edio de
larvas eclosionadas fue significativamente bajo en las parejas en que los machos
fueron irradiados con 300 G y, presentándose valores intermedios y no significativa
mente diferentes cuando los machos estaban irradiados con 150 ó 200 Gy.
Por consiguiente, la aplicación de radiaciones gamma a las crisálidas machos
produjo uñ aumento de la esterilidad en las parejas formadas con hembras no trata
das, lo que coincide con lo obtenido por Sanford [6] en dosis menores, siendo esto
mayor en la dosis de 300 Gy. Con respecto a la Fj descendiente de machos irra
diados, el Cuadro II muestra que las fecundidades promedios tanto de las hembras
Fj 150MH y F]200M H com o de las hembras copuladas por los machos F] 150MM
y F, 200M M fueron significativamente inferiores al testigo y similares entre sí y los
% de HIV y de M L D fueron significativamente superiores a los del testigo, apare
ciendo los valores mayores en los provenientes de los parejas donde el macho era
de la línea de los irradiados. Además, se observa que estos porcentajes fueron más
altos que los de la generación anterior (P150M у P200M ) y la cantidad de larvas
eclosionadas prom edio fue significativamente baja, incluso menor que los promedios
de sus respectivos progenitores. El aumento de la esterilidad en la generación Fj
procedente de machos irradiados ocurrió co m o ya había sido reportado para esta
especie [4 -6 ] y pára muchas otras especies de lepidópteros [ 8, 1 4 -16], sobre todo
la heredada por los machos [17]. La esterilidad fue más marcada en las parejas donde
el macho era descendiente de irradiados.
En la F 2 de la línea de los machos inicialmente irradiados se pudieron formar
por lo general pocas parejas de adultos (Cuadro II) e incluso ninguna de
F 2200M M H por no emerger hembras. Además no se consideraron en los análisis
los resultados de fecundidad, fertilidad, etc., de las tres parejas que copularon en la
variante F2150MHM por ser muy pequeña la muestra. En la generación F 2 se
observa una recuperación de la fecundidad prom edio al nivel del testigo (Cuadro II),
aunque este indicador en F2200M M M y en F2150MHH se mantuvo significativa
mente diferente. Los % de HIV y de M L D se mantuvieron significativamente altos,
aunque se observa que los valores promedio fueron por lo general menores que los
de la generación precedente, e incluso no apareció diferencia significativa entre los
resultados de F2150MM H y el testigo. En cuanto al número prom edio de larvas
eclosionadas, vem os que aún fue significativamente bajo en la mayoría de todas las
variantes descendientes de irradiados con relación al testigo pero sus valores absolu
tos mayores que los de la generación precedente [8, 15], lo que indica una cierta
recuperación de la fertilidad.
IAEA-SM-327/39 413
Letras iguales en la misma columna de cada generación indican que no hay diferencias
significativas para un 5 % de probabilidad de error.
Emersión de Conversión
adultos larva-adulto
Generación Larvas
larval evaluadas % ts % ts % ts
92,9 - 2 ,9 2 6 *
200M M M 85 98,8 0,080 88,0 - 1 ,3
89 87,0 - 1 ,3 2 6
ya que fueron muy pocas las.parejas que se pudieron formar. Las hembras F.j copu
ladas por machos de la cría pusieron una cantidad de huevos no significativamente
diferente. Los démas indicadores que aparecen en el Cuadro Ш no dieron resultados
estadísticamente diferentes entre las variantes y el testigo. La irradiación de las crisá
lidas hembras dió com o resultado que el porcentaje de infertilidad de las polillas
emergidas al copular con machos de la cría fuese muy alto, incluso mayor que el
correspondiente producido por los machos irradiados al copular con hembras de la
cría, lo que indica que las hembras fueron más sensibles a las radiaciones que los
IAEA-SM-327/39 415
machos. Esto es similar a lo ocurrido en otros lepidópteros [15, 17], y la poca des
cendencia adulta F] que se obtuvo de estas hembras irradiadas tuvo una recupera
ción de su fertilidad [17], lo que también habría que tenerse en cuenta al elaborar
una estrategia de liberación en la lucha contra esta plaga.
Durante el desarrollo post-embrionario (Cuadro IV ) continuó manifestándose
la acción de las radiaciones, de manera que los porcentajes de conversión larva-
adulto fueron significativamene más bajos en la generación larval F ,, tanto de los
machos com o de las hembras parentales irradiadas, y continuó siendo así en la gene
ración larval F 2 (excepto en F 2200M M que, por su muy escaso número, tuvo valo
res similares) descendiente de los adultos F! de machos inicialmentes irradiados, lo
saccharalis IR R A D IA D A CON 300 G y, E V A L U A D A POR EL M E TO D O
ES = error estandard.
que concuerda con los resultados para otros lepidópteros [ 8, 14, 15] y los obtenidos
por Sanford [6] en la generación larval F j. Los porcentajes de pupación, emersión
de adultos y de conversión larva-adulto de las larvas F 3 fueron similares o supe
riores al testigo.
- En el Cuadro V se observa que el valor de la competitividad C f (calculada por
el método de Fried) de adultos irradiados en estado de crisálida con 200 Gy fue
cercano a la unidad, siendo la cantidad prom edio de larvas emergidas por hembra
copulada (He) similar a la cantidad esperada. Con la dosis de 300 Gy y el valor de
competitividad superior a uno, la cantidad prom edio de larvas emergidas fue aproxi
madamente un tercio menor que la esperada. También se observa que en cada dosis
la cantidad prom edio de larvas emergidas fue significativamente menor cuando esta
ban juntos en la jaula de apareamiento machos irradiados y normales y menor aun
cuando solo hábía machos irradiados, en todos los casos con hembras normales.
En general, estos resultados de competitividad obtenidos coinciden con los
reportados en Plodia interpunctella (Hubner) [18], Ostrinia fumacalis (Guen) [11]
y Heliothis virescens (F .) [19]. L os resultados de la observación directa de los adul
tos copulando, irradiados con la dosis mayor, aparecen en el Cuadro VI. El prom e
dio de machos irradiados que copularon fue mayor que el de los normales y,
correspondientemente, el valor de competitividad (С о) mayor que uno, lo que coin ci
de con lo obtenido en el experimento anterior calculado por el número de larvas
[1] P R O V E R B S , M.D., Progress in the use of induced sexual sterility for the control of
the codling moth, Carpocapsa pomonella L. (Lepidoptera: Olethreutidae), Proc. Ento-
mol. Soc. Ont. 92 (1962) 5-11.
IAEA-SM-327/39 417
[2] L A C H A N C E , L.E., Genetic Methods for the Control of Lepidopteran Species. Status
and Potential, Rep. ARS-28, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington,
■DC (1985).
[3] Modern Insect Control: Nuclear Techniques and Biotechnology (Proc. Symp. Vienna,
1987), IAEA, Vienna (1988).
[4] W A L K E R , D.W., Q U I N T A N A , V., Inherited partial sterility among survivors from
irradiation experiments, J. Econ. Entomol. 61 (1968) 318-319,
[5] W A L K E R , D.W., Q U I N T A N A , V., T O R R E S , J., Genetic collapse of insect popula
tions. Extinction of inbred and outbred lines in laboratory population of the sugarcane
borer, J. Econ. Entomol. 64 (1971) 660-667.
[6] S A N F O R D , J.W., Inherited sterility in progeny of irradiated male sugarcane borers,
J. Econ. Entomol. 69 (1976) 456-458.
[7] W A L K E R , D.W., Q U I N T A N A , V., P A D O V A N I , F., “Effect of g a m m a irradiation
on immature sugarcane borers”, Sterility Principle for Insect Control or Eradication
(Proc. Panel Athens, 1970), IAEA, Vienna (1971) 513-524.
[8] LI, Y.Y., Z H A N G , H.Q., L O U , H.Z., C H A N , C.D., “The inherited sterility of the
corn borer (Ostrinia fumacalis Guen.)”, M o d e m Insect Control: Nuclear Techniques
and Biotechnology (Proc. Symp. Vienna, 1987), IAEA, Vienna (1988) 403-411.
[9] M A S T R O , V.C., S C H W A L B E , C.P., “Status and potential of sterility for control of
noxious Lepidoptera”, ibid., pp. 15-40.
[10] “Recommendations of this panel”, Application of Induced Sterility for Control of
Lepidopterous Populations (Proc. Panel Vienna, 1970), IAEA, Vienna (1971)
[11] G O N Z A L E Z , J.R., G A R C I A , J.C. de C E S P E D E S , E., Una nueva dieta artificial para
la cría de Diatraea saccharalis (Fab.), C. Tec. Agrie. Cañ. 7 3 (1987) 1-6.
[12] FRIED, М., Determination of sterile competitiveness, J. Econ. Entomol. 64 4 (1971)
[13] T E R U Y A , T., Z U K E Y A M A , H., Sterilization of the melon fly Dacus curcubitae
Coquillet with g a m m a radiation: Effect of dose on competitiveness for irradiated males,
Appl. Entomol. Zool. 14 3 (1979) 241-244.
[14] B U G H I O , A.R., “Parental and inherited sterility induced by g a m m a radiation in male
moths of the maize borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe)”, M o d e m Insect Control: Nuclear
Techniques and Biotechnology (Proc. Symp. Vienna, 1987), IAEA, Vienna (1988)
[15] C A R P E N T E R , J.E., Y O U N G , J.R., S P A R KS , A.N., C R O M R O Y , H.L.,
C H O W D H U R Y , M.A., Corn earworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): Effects of substerili-
zing doses of radiation and inherited sterility on reproduction, J. Econ. Entomol. 80
[16] N A B O R S , R.A., PLESS, C.D., Inherity sterility induced by g a m m a radiation in a
laboratory population of the European c o m borer, Entomol. Soc. A m . 74 6 (1981)
[17] H E N N E B E R R Y , T.J., C L A Y T O N , T.E., Effects of g a m m a radiation on pink boll
w o r m (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) pupae: Adult emergence, reproduction, mating, and
longevity of emerged adults and their F, progeny, J. Econ. Entomol. 81 1 (1988)
DE Diatraea saccharalis (Fab.),
II. Dinámica de apareamiento y
efectos sobre su descendencia
J.R. G O N Z A L E Z , J.C. G A R C IA
Instituto de Investigaciones de Sanidad Vegetal,
Ministerio de la Agricultura,
Ciudad de la Habana,
Horas de apareamiento
Duración media (min)
FIG. 2. Distribución de las duraciones medias de las cópulas de las parejas formadas.
Tiempo (horas)
FIG. 3. Distribución de los inicios de apareamiento de los adultos machos recién emergidos
con hembras no irradiadas recién emergidas.
9 204 114 31 145 3,7
Testigo 7 309 95 103 198 0,9
106 31 137 51,56 ± 14,2 81,00 ± 24,5
Testigo 65 101 186 59,22 ± 17,7 96,31 ± 18,3
Estos resultados muestran una incidencia de los efectos de las radiaciones sobre
la descendencia de los adultos machos irradiados que se manifiesta a nivel somático,
lo que viene a sumarse a lo ya reportado en cuanto a su alta esterilidad.
Spodoptera litura (Fabr.): G R O W T H , B I O E N E R G E T I C S A N D R E P R O D U C T I V E
Partial sterilizing g a m m a radiation doses (4-20 krad) were evaluated with respect to the
pre-imaginal and imaginai behaviour of a serious pest in Indian tropical regions, Spodoptera
litura (Fabr.), with a view to generating more competitive and sterile F, insects to be used
for the control of this pest. A radiosensitivity differential between males and females was
apparent in the P, generation, and male irradiation was considered better than female irradia
tion for producing behaviourally more viable, but infertile, F, candidates when a moderate
sublethal dose of 13 krad was tested. It was pertinent to assess the viability of F, larvae
before studying adult behaviour. Various growth and developmental characteristics of
F, progeny of the treated moths were studied. A reduction in the growth indices and an
increase in the level of malformations observed in F, progeny were found to be dose depen
dent. The nutritional profile and energy budget of F, progeny of the irradiated male moths
were ascertained. The irradiation impact was more pronounced in F, females than in
F, males, reflecting the better viability of F, males. Oviposition and egg viability were found
to be negatively correlated with irradiation when F, crosses (self-crosses and out-crosses)
were studied. F, progeny exhibited more sterility than their parent generation. Also,
F, males inherited more sterility with better reproductive competence than F, females.
Higher doses reduced male longevity, whereas the irradiation effect on mating frequency was
not significantly evident. According to the present investigations on F, bioenergetics and
reproductive performance, the feasibility of employing F, sterility by the administration of
substerilizing g a m m a doses to parent moths might be considered with further cautious
appraisal for this pest’ s management.
mating competitiveness caused by the high ionizing doses required for complete
sterilization, the release o f partially sterile insects has been suggested [1 -3 ].
Spodoptera litura (Fabr.), a serious polyphagous pest in the Indian subcontinent, was
reported to have a negative correlation o f radiosusceptibility with age, and fully
sterile insects were found to possess a great deal o f somatic damage and poor
reproductive performance [4, 5]. The w ork reported on here was undertaken to
evaluate the effect o f substerilizing gamma radiation doses on the biology o f the
tobacco caterpillar (S. Litura) with a view to assessing the competence o f
progeny and the potential o f inherited sterility.
The nucleus culture o f S. litura was maintained on the leaves o f castor, Ricinus
communis, under controlled environmental conditions: 27 + 2 °C temperature,
75 ± 5% relative humidity and a 12 h light: 12 h dark regimen. The irradiation
facilities at the Institute o f Nuclear M edicine and Allied ¡Sciences, Delhi, were used
and the required doses o f gamma irradiation were applied to 0 to 24-h-old adult
moths from a “ C o source at a dose rate o f 780 rad/min . 1 Reproductive pairing o f
the moths was conducted in perspex-nylon cages. Adult moths were fed a 20%
honey solution and a fresh castor leaf was used as the ovipositional trap. Various
reproductive cháracteristics such as the total number o f eggs oviposited, the percent
age egg hatch, the mating frequency (number o f spermatophores/mated fem ale), the
percentage mating and the longevity o f both sexes were observed for the treated and
normal crosses. The corrected sterility and control o f reproduction 2 were computed
in response to the reproductive performance o f the treated insects and their Fj
progeny involved in different in-crosses and out-crosses.
Growth and development were studied in terms o f the percentage pupae and
adult formation, the developmental period, the growth index, the degree o f morpho
genetic deformities and the sex ratio. The nutritional profile and energy budget o f
sixth instar Fj S. litura larvae o f the treated male moths were evaluated [ 6, 7].
The data were subjected to appropriate statistical analyses for comparison o f
the means (x + standard error) computed from ten replicates [ 8, 9].
Set I Set II
(Progeny of T or) (Progeny of T Ç )
(at13krad) (at13krad)
2. ’production o f S. litura in the F¡ progeny o f irradiated male and female adults
• /> п I
? ; ■: egg hatch).
IAEA-SM-327/40 431
up to the level o f 25% in F] males and 30% in Fj females at 20 krad .3 The energy
stored in the body, the coefficient o f metabolizable energy (C M E ), the efficiency o f
storage o f ingested energy (ESI(E)) and the efficiency o f storage o f metabolizable
energy (ESM (E)) were determined in unirradiated and irradiated F] insects; the
adverse effects o f irradiation were more pronounced in F[ females than in F! males.
For instance, at 20 krad the gross energy stored in the body, ESI(E)) and ESM (E),
was reduced by 48, 38 and 31% in F, males compared with 58, 48 and 4 1 % ,
respectively, in Ft females with respect to the control.
In the progeny o f treated males, reproductive competence was studied in three
different crosses: F, cr X N Ç , N cr X F t Ç and F t cr X F! Ç (Table IV ). The
fecundity and fertility were affected by irradiation and the radiosusceptibility
increased at higher doses. The number o f eggs oviposited by normal females
(crossed with F , males) and F¡ females (crossed with normal males) was reduced in
relation to the ovipositional response elicited in a parental cross, but the irradiation
impact o f these out-crosses was less than that observed in F[ self-crosses. The
fertility measured in terms o f egg viability was markedly affected in the F t progeny
in comparison to that exhibited by parents treated with the substerilizing doses. The
effect o f radiation on Fj fertility was apparent in groups treated with doses as low
as 4 krad. A dose o f 13 krad, which caused about 50% fertility, leading to
39% sterility in the treated males, could induce 72 .4 % sterility in F! males and
56.5% sterility in F! females, whereas the sterility shown by F! self-crosses at this
dose was about 75 % . At a higher dose o f 16 krad, the inherited sterility in Fj males
was 78.8% and in F, females 6 6 .4 % , whereas Fj self-crosses at 16 krad exhibited
82.6% sterility. W hile comparing a particular pairing cross (e.g. F , cr x N Ç )
between radiation treatments, the sterility o f the Fj progeny increased with the
increase in radiation dose administered to the male parent. In other words,
F, progeny o f the 13 krad treated males were more sterile than the progeny o f
7 krad treated males. H ow ever, mating was more fertile when the F! females were
out-crossed than when the F! males were out-crossed. The percentage mating was
higher in F[ males than in F! females and a significant decrease in mating was
observed at higher doses. For instance, the mating success in F[ males was 75% at
13 krad and 52% at 20 krad. In F, progeny, the mating frequency was not signifi
cantly affected, although male longevity was affected from 16 krad onwards.
Generally, the proportion o f non-productive Fj pairs increased as the radia
tion dose increased. This could be attributed to the reduction in percentage mating
or to an insufficiency or absence o f sperm transfer, or failure o f the sperm to fertilize
the egg or a combination o f all three; this remains to be determined by further sperm
studies. The inherited sterility was o f a greater degree in the progeny o f the treated
males than in the treated Pj moths, and more competitive F, progeny with a sex
(control) ± 0 .6 0 ± 0 .7 1
4 79.2 ± 2 .0 69.16b ± 2.79 23.4ab ± 0.54 2.97b ± 0.22 16.6 • 19.0 1:0.85
± 1 .9 6 ± 2 .0 1
13 56.7 ± 3.1 49.35d ± 2.20 25.09b ± 0.37 1.96c ± 0.04 21.09 25.01 1:0.57
± 1 .5 2 ± 1 .3 2
16 48.31 ± 2 .6 36.4e ± 2.13 25.31b ± 0.11 1.43d ± 0.07 32.6 40.22 1:0.38
± 2 .2 2 ± 1 .9 2
20 40.05 ± 2 . 1 1 2 0 .95f ± 2.29 25.98b ± 0.58 0.80e ± 0.03 39.15 14.50 1:0.35
± 2 .2 8 ± 2 .5 6
Note: Means followed by the same letter in columns are not significantly different (P < 0 .0 5 ; Duncan’ s multiple range test).
0 1.81 0.3744 0.1817 0.0807 0.1925 0.0777 0.580 2.74 51.77 21.57 44.31
+ 0 .0 6 ± 0 .0 2 0 ± 0 .0 1 8 ± 0 .0 0 5 ± 0 .0 1 4 ± 0 .0 0 4 ± 0 .0 2 4 ± 0 .1 8 ± 2 .1 9 + 0 .7 7 ± 3 .0 1
4 2.47 0.3696 0.1968 0.0802 0.1727 0.765 0.432 1.96 45.41 22.42 50.97
± 0 .1 2 ± 0 .0 2 9 ± 0 .0 1 1 ± 0 .0 0 4 ± 0 .0 2 1 + 0 .0 0 2 ± 0 .0 2 5 ± 0 .1 2 ± 1 .8 7 ± 1 .0 5 ± 3 .5 9
7 2.78 0.3499 0.2013 0.769 0.1485 0.0740 0.385 1.77 43.04 2 1 .96 52.92
+ 0 .1 5 ± 0 .0 2 1 ± 0 .0 1 9 ± 0 .0 0 5 ± 0 .0 1 1 ± 0 .0 0 5 ± 0 .0 2 2 ± 0 .1 2 ± 2 .9 3 ± 0 .7 2 ± 3 .4 6
13 2.87 0.3399 0.2227 0.0701 0.1 170 0.0703 0.362 1.75 34.54 20.92 61.80
± 0 .1 4 ± 0 .0 1 4 ± 0 .0 1 2 ± 0 .0 0 1 ± 0 .0 0 7 ± 0 .0 0 5 ± 0 .0 2 4 ± 0 .1 3 ± 1 .9 3 + 1.03 ± 3 .8 6
16 3.18 0.3395 0.2012 0.0615 0.1382 0.0567 0.344 1.85 40.85 18.73 47.35
± 0 .0 8 ± 0 .0 2 6 ± 0 .0 1 8 ± 0 .0 0 3 ± 0 .0 1 2 ± 0 .0 0 2 + 0 .0 2 0 ± 0 .0 6 ± 2 .7 6 ± 1 .4 9 ± 4 .8 0
20 3.25 0.3122 0.1693 0.0577 0.1427 0.0554 0.322 1.79 45.36 18.57 42.29
± 0 .1 0 ± 0 .0 1 4 ± 0 .0 0 8 ± 0 .0 0 3 ± 0 .0 1 1 ± 0 .0 0 4 ± 0 .0 2 6 ± 0 .0 9 ± 2 .5 1 ± 1 .0 8 ± 3 .2 6
TABLE II. (cont.)
0 1.94 0.4167 0.1930 0.1018 0.2236 0.0923 0.567 2.37 53.20 25.27 50.11
± 0 .0 3 ± 0 .0 2 4 ± 0 .0 1 4 ± 0 .0 0 6 ± 0 .0 2 0 ± 0 .0 0 5 ± 0 .0 1 8 ± 0 .1 8 ± 2 .9 3 ± 2 .1 3 . ± 3 .9 8
4 2.6 4 0.3903 0.2029 0.0928 0.1873 0.0866 0.409 1.68 . 47.57 24.97 53.87
± 0 .1 1 ± 0 .0 2 9 ± 0 .0 1 4 ± 0 .0 0 3 ± 0 .0 1 6 ± 0 .0 0 2 ± 0 .0 1 8 ± 0 .0 8 ± 1 .9 4 ± 2 .2 9 ± 3 .8 9
7 3.11 0.3614 0.2246 0.0856 0.1367 0.0830 0.332 1.41 37.53 23.95 65.53
± 0 .0 9 ± 0 .0 1 6 ± 0 .0 0 9 ± 0 .0 0 5 ± 0 .0 1 0 ± 0 .0 0 5 ± 0 .0 1 4 ± 0 .0 7 ± 1 .6 2 ± 1 .4 9 ± 3 .1 2
13 3.20 0.3593 0.2073 0.0819 0.1519 0.0774 0.328 1.45 42.65 22.59 53.82
± 0 .1 2 ± 0 .0 2 8 ± 0 .0 1 9 ± 0 .0 0 7 ± 0 .0 1 1 ± 0 .0 0 5 ± 0 .0 1 3 ± 0 .0 4 ± 1 .8 4 ± 0 .5 2 ± 2 .9 7
16 0.21 0.3547 0.2157 0.0625 0.1390 0.0617 0.321 1.78 38.89 18.05 46.76
± 0 .1 3 ± 0 .0 3 2 ± 0 .0 1 8 ± 0 .0 0 4 ± 0 .0 1 5 ± 0 .0 0 4 ± 0 .0 1 7 ± 0 .0 6 ± 1 .7 5 ± 0 .9 5 ± 2 .3 3
20 3.47 0.3332 0.1902 0.0588 0.1429 0.0602 0.288 1.62 42.63 18.05 43.26
± 0 .1 4 ± 0 .0 1 4 ± 0 .0 0 6 ± 0 .0 0 2 ± 0 .0 0 9 ± 0 .0 0 2 ± 0 .0 1 9 ± 0 .0 8 ± 1 .1 7 ± 1 .2 7 ± 4 .0 1
0 2301 750 .1551 524 67.40 22.77 33.78
±80 ±44 ±42 ±15 ± 2 .5 7 . ± 0 .8 6 ± 3 .7 0
4 2271 840 1431 513 63.01 22.58 35.84
±58 ±22 ±52 ±10 ± 2 .1 1 ± 1 .1 8 ± 2 .1 1
±89 ±35 ±53 ±22 ±2.22, ±2.42 ±4.06
Pj A D U L T S ) IN TH E F , GE N E RA TIO N 00
±0.48 3
±0.59 a
F, cr x F,ç 1568 ± 69 61.71c ± 1.8 1.70 ± 0.29 76 ± 9.2 11.30 9.75 27.40 39.75 ел
±0.61 ±0.53 BE
7 P,Ttf x N 9 1742 ± 69 64.90bc ± 2.6 2.29 ± 0.15 77 ± 2.5 10.70 10.14 20.85 30.64 t
±0.33 ±0.44
F,cr x N 9 1501 ± 70 49.22d ± 2.5 1.99 ± 0.24 76 ± 4.4 10.91 9.98 42.09 56.38
±0.31 ±0.71
Nor x F ,9 1344 ± 72 59.90c ± 2.2 1.80 ± 0.11 68 ± 1.9 11.64 9.91 27.74 51.70
±0.74 ±0.13
Fj o- x F, 9 1308 ± 70 47.lid ± 2.8 1.76 ± 0.19 62 ± 5.8 10.91 10.14 44.57 61.63
±0.71 0.73
13 Р,Тст x N 9 1592 ± 57 49.90d ± 2.3 1.98 ± 0.11 71 ± 2.4 10.27 9.68 39.14 51.26
±0.53 ±0.41
F,cy x N 9 1329 ± 59 23.39fg ± 1.8 1.96 ± 0.23 75 ± 3.5 10.80 9.29 72.48 81.62
±0.40 ±0.51
TABLE IV. (cont.)
Ncr x F, 9 1278 ± 142 35.98e ± 2.2 1.60 ± 0.33 62 ± 5.3 10.78 10.04 56.59 72:41
±0.35 ±0.31
F, a x F, Ç 1085 ± 100 21.26fg ± 2.1 1.85 ± 0.47 59 ± 7.6 9.85 10.01 74.98 85.63
±0.96 ±0.44
16 P,Tcr X N 9 1502 ± 35 40.21e ± 3.1 1.95 ± 0.18 68 ± 3.9 10.39 9.41 50.96 62.94
±0.36 ±0.57
F,cr x N 9 1311 ± 69 17.99g ± 2.1 1.89 ± 0.22 62 ± 4.4 10.50 9.59 78.85 86.06
±0.33 ±0.52
N ct x F, 9 1252 ± 67 27.80f ± 1.5 1.71 ± 0.17 54 ± 3.8 9.98 9.99 66.46 79.12 .
±0.17 ±0.41
F,cr x F ,9 1014 ± 37 14.7lg ± 1.2 2.Ó1 ± 0.63 51 ± 6.6 0.09 8.96 82.69 90.71
20 P ,T с
уX N 9 1251 ± 53 25.19f ± 2.3 2.36 ± 0.17 60 ± 4.0 9.49 9.43 69.28 83.75
±0.53 ±0.40
F ,cr x N 9 1215 ± 89 2.98h ± 0.4 1.61 ± 0.24 52 ± 5.1 9.90 9.50 96.49 97.86
±0.35 ±0.28
N o 1 x F, 9 1092 ±. 113 12.25g ± 0.6 1.33 ± 0.29 40 ± 7.1 9.95 9.53 85.22 91.97
±0.13 ±0.13
F íO" x F, 9 831 ± 94 0 1.60 ± 0.16 39 ± 5.8 9.06 9.22 100 100
±0.50 ±0.77
Note: Means followed by the same letter in the same test are not significantly different (P < 0.05; Duncan’
s multiple range test).
a Pi: parental generation; F,: first filial generation of T CT x N ç ; N: normal; T: treated.
ratio skewed in favour o f males in the present findings are in accordance with the
observations made in other lepidopteran species [2, 11, 12]. Interestingly, F, males
showed better competence in terms o f larval and adult behaviour than F, females.
Further critical evaluations need to be conducted, both in the laboratory and in
the field, on the competence o f F! progeny, to select an appropriate dose and
to optimize the strategy o f using inherited sterility for the suppression o f this
lepidopteran pest.
[1] KNIPLING, E.F., Suppression of pest Lepidoptera by releasing partially sterile males:
A theoretical appraisal, BioScience 20 (1970) 465-470.
[2] N O R T H , D.T., Inherited sterility in Lepidoptera, Annu. Rev. Entomol. 20 (1975)
[3] C A R P E N T E R , J.E., et al., Fall armyworm (Lepidoptera:Noctuidae): Inheritance of
gamma-induced deleterious effects and potential for pest control, J. Econ. Entomol. 76
(1983) 378-382.
[4] SETH, R.K., Evaluation of Growth and Reproductive Bioactivities of Spodoptera
litura vis-à-vis G a m m a Irradiation and its Bioefficacy Modified by Alternate Host
Plants, P h D Thesis, Department of Zoology, Delhi University, Delhi (1985).
[5] SETH, R.K., S E H G A L , S.S., “Efficacy of g a m m a rays in modifying behavioural
traits of Spodoptera litura and their evâluation in F, generation”, paper presented at
18th Int. Congress on Entomology, Vancouver, BC, 1988.
[6] W A L D B A U E R , G .P ., The consumption and utilization o f fo o d by insects, A d v . Insect
Physiol. 5 (1968) 229-288.
[7] B H A T T A C H A R Y A , A.K., P A N T , N.C., Studies on host plant relationships:
Consumption and utilization profile in insects, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. India, Part В46
I, II (1976) 273-301.
[8] S N E D E C O R , G.W., C O C H R A N , W.G., Statistical Methods, Iowa State University
Press, Ames, IA (1967).
[9] D U N C A N , D.B., Multiple range and multiple F-tests, Biometrics 11 (1955). 1-42.
[10] C A R P E N T E R , J.E., et al., Fall armyworm (Lepidoptera:Noctuidae): Comparison of
inherited deleterious effects in the progeny from irradiated males and females, J. Econ.
Entomol. 79 (1986) 46-49.
[11] L A C H A N C E , L.E., Genetic Methods for the Control of Lepidopteran Species: Status
and Potential, Rep. ARS-28, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department
of Agriculture, Washington, D C (1983).
[12] M A S T R O , V.C., S C H W A L B E , C.P., “Status and potential of F, sterility for control
of noxious Lepidoptera”, M o d e m Insect Control: Nuclear Techniques and Biotech
nology (Proc. Symp. Vienna, 1987), IAEA, Vienna (1988) 15-40.
Y . ITÔ*
Laboratory o f Applied Entomology and Nem atology,
Nagoya University,
Chikusa, Nagoya
M . Y A M A G IS H I, H. KU BA
Okinawa Fruit Fly Eradication Project O ffice,
Naha, Okinawa
A bstract
Melon fly females show strong mate choice and, after continuous mass releases of
sterile males, a genetic fraction, which leads females to reject the courtship of mass reared
males, will increase (a sterile insect technique (SIT) resistant strain). To prevent this increase,
as large a number of sterile males as possible should be released from the start of SIT. Last
male sperm precedence exists mainly due to the short lifespan of melon fly sperm. A long
duration of copulation is necessary for males to inhibit female remating, which reduces the
fitness of the first male. This information is important for the future use of SIT for insect
species that mate many times.
The melon fly, Bactrocera (form erly Dacus) cucurbitae, is an important pest
o f cucurbit vegetables and many tropical fruits. A large project using the sterile
insect technique (SIT) to eradicate this species from the Southwestern Islands
(Okinawa and Amani), Japan, has been under way since 1972 and, as Yamagishi
et al. [ 1 ] report, almost complete success has been achieved.
Three topics are presented here which have been developed from our melon
fly project:
(1) The existence o f mate ch oice among melon fly females, and its ‘evolution’ in
nature during mass releases;
* Present address: Faculty of Science and Arts, Okinawa University, 555 Kokuba,
Naha, Okinawa 902, Japan.
442 ITÔ et al.
(a) Phenotypic effects: Decrease in vigour due to poor nutrition, high density, etc., in
mass rearing facilities.
(b) Genetic effects: Changes in behaviour because o f genetic changes that took place
during continued mass rearing (‘domestication’)
(2 ) T w o aspects o f sperm competition in the melon fly, namely, the absence o f last
male sperm precedence and the inhibition o f female remating;
(3) The importance o f mating behaviour studies for improvements in SIT. and fruit
fly control.
Table I shows the major conditions that are necessary for the successful eradi
cation o f a pest using SIT. For the melon fly, the second item mentioned above was
achieved; the harmful effect o f sterilization with gamma ray irradiation on the sur
vival and dispersal o f males was negligible.
Item 1 above consists o f two aspects, phenotypic and genetic effects. In the
melon fly, the latter is far m ore important than the former (see, for example,
Ref. [2]). In the case o f the melon fly, damage to crops from released adults is
negligible and the target area, the Southwestern Islands, is very well isolated.
C ommencement
FIG. L (a) Mating competitiveness o f mass reared and sterilized melon fly males measured
under field conditions (modified from Ref. [3]) ( о ; data taken from Kudaka-zima; • : data
taken from Kume-zima; ▲: competitiveness values measured in laboratory cages, (b) Rela
tionship between the size o f the cage per fly and the percentage o f successful mating o f males
o f mass reared (33-34 generations ( о )) and wild ( • ) strains when caged together with mass
reared females (from Ref [4]).
444 ITÔ et al.
laboratory, the competitiveness value fell to only 0.2. These results possibly
originate from genetic effects. H owever, at this time the competitiveness values
obtained in laboratory cages were still high (see triangles in Fig. 1(a)).
Soemori et al. [4] reported the results o f experiments that suggest an explana
tion for the discrepancy between laboratory and field data. They released individu
ally marked flies into cages or rooms o f different sizes and recorded the matings in
the evening. Figure 1(b) shows the percentage o f released males that mated in rela
tion to the size o f the experimental area. Males o f the wild strain could not mate well
in a small space, but males o f the laboratory strain could mate.
Iwahashi and Majima [5] found that melon fly males formed leks for mating.
In the evening, males aggregated on a non-host tree where each male established his
FIG. 2. Mate choice by wild melon fly females collected on Okinawa-Hontô (Okinawa Island,
О females) to wild males (O males) and males of a mass reared strain (R males). The arrows
indicate the direction in which the behavioural sequence proceeds. The upper numerals indi
cate the frequencies o f the transitions when О females encountered О males, while the lower
numerals indicate cases when О females encountered R males (redrawn from Refs [7, 8]).
IAEA-SM-327/41 445
FIG. 3. Mate choice by wild melon fly females, collected on Ishigaki-zima (I females), to
lshigaki wild males (I males) and mass reared males (R males) (from Ref [8]). For a full
explanation, see Fig. 2.
territory, usually on a single leaf. They then secreted sex pheromone to attract
females. When a female arrived, a territorial male courted her with special m ove
ments and sounds. How ever, the female often rejected the courtship and flew away;
a female usually accepted copulation after visits to the territories o f several males.
This is evidence o f female mate ch oice in insects, which has been demonstrated only
in a few other animals, despite Darwin’ s [ 6] earlier suggestion.
Hibino and Iwahashi [7] compared the mating success o f males o f a wild and
a mass reared strain. Figure 2 [7, 8] shows the results o f field cage experiments
using flies o f a wild strain o f Okinawa-Hontô ( ‘ О flies’ ). The figure shows that even
when courted by wild males (O males), wild females (O females) accepted copula
tion in only 4 o f 37 courtship trials, or 3 o f 47 trials. It is notable that О females
never accepted courtship from mass reared (R ) males. This may be caused by differ
ences in the courtship song [9].
When Hibino and Iwahashi carried out these experiments, the melon fly on
Okinawa-Hontô was near extinction as a result o f the eradication project. Therefore,
О flies were subjected to strong selection pressure by the released sterile males.
Hibino and Iwahashi [ 8] carried out a similar experiment using wild flies taken
from Ishigaki-zima, where there had been no SIT programme. Figure 3 [ 8] shows
that females o f the Ishigaki wild strain (I females) accepted courtship from R males,
as well as by I males. Table II [ 8] shows the mean duration o f wing vibration from
the time o f the m ale-fem ale encounter to the escape o f the female. In О females there
was a significant difference between the duration o f encounters with О males and
with R males, but in I females the difference was insignificant.
There are two possible explanations for the differences in behaviour between
flies from the two islands. The first is that О flies and I flies had genetically different
446 ITÔ et al.
0 females to 0 males 60 ± 105 40 146 ± 149 4
0 females to R males 25 ± 24 52 39 ± 31 10
Mann-Whitney U test P < 0.05 P < 0.05
I females to I males 50 ± 45 39 93 ± 76 9
I females to R males 50 ± 47 38 101 ± 117 15
Mann-Whitney U test NS NS
courtship and acceptance characters and the courtship character o f R males was more
similar to that o f I males. The second is the ‘ SIT resistance hypothesis’ , which states
that although the range o f the wild male courtship character was narrow, the wild
female population was heterogeneous and contained individuals who accepted a
broad range o f male courtship characters. H ow ever, females that accepted sterilized
R male courtship could not reproduce. Thus, under strong selection pressure from
SIT, a female genotype that accepted the courtship o f mass reared males may have
becom e extinct.
T o test the tw o hypotheses, Hibino and Iwahashi [ 8] carried out an experiment
using О females and О and I males. There were no differences between the two,
which suggests that the mate ch oice o f О females changed to a rejection o f the court
ship o f R males after being artificially selected by SIT. Thus, the authors made an
interesting discovery: evolution o f mate choice which had not been demonstrated
before in animals.
How can this problem be overcom e? Tsubaki and Bunroongsook [10] con
ducted a simulation experiment to estimate the effect o f the change in mate choice.
IAEA-SM-327/41 447
Their mode] is an expansion o f a logistic model developed by Itô [11]. They showed
that the effect o f a reduction in mating competitiveness o f mass reared and sterile
males is far more important than the effect o f a change in female mate ch oice, and
that releases o f two to three times m ore sterile males than could be released in a non
mate choice model can eradicate the target insect.
Because melon fly males insert free sperm into the fem ales’ spermathecae, and
many females copulate more than once, sperm mixing may take place. Thus, sperm
competition might be an important problem for SIT.
T o examine this possibility, we used sterile males to measure the P2 values,
an index o f the last male sperm precedence in the melon fly. Figure 4 shows the
results obtained by Yamagishi et al. [12]. When the interval between the first and
second matings was short (1 -4 d ), there were no significant differences in the hatch-
ability o f eggs between the first norm al-second sterile (NS) and first sterile-second
normal (SN) matings. H ow ever, when the interval was 16 d or m ore, hatchability
was significantly higher when the second mating was normal than when the second
mating was sterile. Thus, last male sperm precedence could be detected
(P 2 > 0 .5 ). T w o processes, the consumption o f sperm during fertilization and the
outflow o f sperm at the time o f fertilization, or sperm mortality, could be a reason
for this change.
As melon fly females do not oviposit without stimuli from host fruit, oviposi
tion can be manipulated by either placing or not having a pumpkin slice in the rearing
cups. In Fig. 4 , NS1 and SN1 are experiments where females oviposited during the
period between the first and second matings because we placed pumpkin slices in the
cups, while NS2 and SN2 are experiments where the females could not oviposit
because no pumpkin was present. There were no significant differences between the
hatchability values o f NS1 and NS2 or SN1 and SN2, suggesting that it was not
sperm loss owing to fertilization and the related processes, but sperm mortality that
was the major cause o f differences in P2 values.
Figure 5(a) is a sperm survival curve showing a decrease in the number o f
sperm in the spermathecae o f non-ovipositing females [13]. The curve in Fig. 5(b)
shows the change in P2 values expected from the survival curve [12]. The circles
and triangles are the observed P2 values. These values were about 0.5 (no last male
precedence) for short mating intervals, but increased with the increase in mating
intervals. There was no significant difference between the expected and observed
values ( x 2 test, P > 0.05).
Based mainly on knowledge o f the long lifespan o f sperm in the spermathecae
o f social insects, entomologists have often considered that sperm may survive for a
448 ITÔ et al.
ñ . . .* i i .i . l l i
50 .... 48SN2
— 48 NS2
L .U - l I l- i- U o lU - ]
-25. 25 50
Days after second mating
FIG. 4. Mean hatchability of eggs laid by melonflyfemales mated with normal (N) and sterile
(S) males (from Ref. [12]). NS: Mated first with sterile and then with normal males; SN: first
sterile and second normal mating. The numbers on the graphs indicate the mating interval,
in days. N SI, SN1: Females that could oviposit after thefirst mating. NS2, SN2: Females that
could oviposit only after the second mating.
IAEA-SM-327/41 449
FIG. 5. (a) Change in the number of sperm infemale spermathecae without oviposition (from
Ref. [13]). (b) P 2 values in relation to intervals between two matings. The curve shows the
expected values calculated from the sperm survival rate shown in (a) (from Ref. [12]).
long time in spermathecae (see, for example, papers in Ref. [14]). The Yamagishi
et al. report [12] is the first case where the short lifespan o f sperm is the main reason
for the high P2 values.
In the melon fly, sperm transfer is completed after 4 h o f copulation, but melon
fly copulations continue for more than 8 h. To examine the reason for this long dura
tion o f copulation, Kuba and Itô [15] studied the effects o f the duration o f copulation
450 ITÔ et al.
,0-0-0- o-o-o-cr
0- 0
м- ■
17 •
> A -A -A -A
Duration of
Type of males copulation (h)
Mated normal 8
Virgin normal 8
Mated sterile 3
Mated sterile 8
Virgin sterile 3
Virgin sterile 8
I___ I
10 15 25
Days after first copulation
FIG. 6. Cumulative remating curves of melon fly females mated with virgin and previously
mated normal and sterile males. Thé mated sterile males lack sperm (from Ref. [14]).
on the inhibition o f female remating. Virgin normal males, virgin sterile males and
normal and sterile males that had already mated four times were used. Gamma ray
irradiation not only induces dominant lethal mutations in sperm which exists in the
testes o f melon fly pupae, but it also completely destroys spermatogonia. Therefore,
sterile males that have mated three or four times have no sperm, and are good sub
jects for the evaluation o f the effects o f sperm.
Figure 6 shows changes in the cumulative percentage o f remated females that
copulated the first time for 3 or 8 h with different types o f males. Three hours o f
copulation did not inhibit female remating, but 8 h did. Copulation not only with vir
gin sterile males, but also with spermless sterile males inhibited female remating at
the same rate as normal matings. Our recent experiment showed that 4 h o f copula
tion did not inhibit female remating, but 6 and 8 h did.
In Drosophila, although secretion from male accessory glands is the main fac
tor that inhibits female remating, the existence o f sperm in spermathecae also inhibits
female remating. In the melon fly, however, sperm is not an important factor inhibit
ing remating. We suggest that the transfer o f an accessory gland substance after 4 h
o f copulation is the main factor inhibiting female remating. Determining the impor
tance o f the accessory gland substance and its chemical structure, asChen et al. [16]
did for Drosophila, are the next subjects o f our study.
Melon fly researchers in Japan have developed studies which are important not
only for future improvement o f sterile insect release programmes and in fruit fly con
IAEA-SM-327/41 451
trol, but also important in understanding the evolution o f sexual selection. The
results given in this paper show that more basic ecological and ethological studies
are necessary to improve the genetic control o f insect pests.
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melon fly, Dacus cucurbitae Coquillett (Diptera: Tephritidae), Appl. Entomol. Zool.
21 (1986) 7 0 -7 5 .
[6] D AR W IN , C ., The Descent o f Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex, Appleton,
New York (1871).
[7] HIBINO, Y ., IW AH ASH I, O ., Mating receptivity of wild type females for wild type
males and mass-reared males in the melon fly, Dacus cucurbitae Coquillett (Diptera:
Tephritidae), Appl. Entomol. Zool. 24 (1988) 152-154.
[8] HIBINO, Y ., IW A H ASH I, O ., Appearance o f wild females unreceptive to sterilized
males on Okinawa Island in the eradication programme o f the melon fly, Dacus cucur
bitae Coquillett (Diptera: Tephritidae), Appl. Entomol. Zool. 26 (1991) 265-270.
[9] K A N M IY A , K ., N A K A G A W A , K ., T A N A K A , A ., K A M IW A D A , H ., Comparison
o f acoustic properties o f tethered flight sounds for wild, mass-reared, and irradiated
melon flies, Dacus cucurbitae Coquillett (Diptera: Tephritidae), Appl. Entomol. Zool.
22 (1987) 85 -9 7.
[10] TSUBAKI, Y ., BUNROONGSOOK, S., Sexual competitive ability o f mass-reared
males and mate preference in wild females: Their effects on eradication o f melon flies,
Appl. Entomol. Zool. 25 (1990) 45 7-46 6.
[11] ITÔ, Y . , A model o f sterile insect release for eradication o f the melon fly, Dacus cucur
bitae Coquillett, Appl. Entomol. Zool. 12 (1977) 303-312.
[12] Y AM AG ISH I, M ., ITÔ, Y ., TSUBAKI, Y ., Sperm competition in the melon fly, Bac-
trocera cucurbitae (Diptera: Tephritidae): Effects o f sperm “ longevity” on sperm
precedence, J. Insect Behav. 5 (in press).
[13] TSUBAKI, Y ., YAM A G ISH I, М ., “ Longevity” o f sperm within the female of the
melon fly, Dacus cucurbitae (Diptera: Tephritidae), and its relevance to sperm compe
tition, J. Insect Behav. 4 (1991) 24 3-25 0.
452 ITÔ et al.
[14] SMITH, R .L. (Ed.), Sperm Competition and the Evolution o f Animal Mating Systems,
Academic Press, London (1984).
[15] KU BA, H ., ITÔ, Y ., Remating inhibition in Bactrocera ( = Dacus) cucurbitae (Díp
tera: Tephritidae): Copulation with spermless males inhibits female remating, J. Ethol
ogy 10 (1992) (in press).
[16] CHEN, P .S., et al., A male accessory gland peptide that regulates the reproductive
behavior of the female D. melanogaster, Cell 54 (1988) 29 1-29 8.
454 HENDRICHS et al.
The benefits o f releasing only males in fruit fly control programmes based on
the sterile insect technique (SIT) are manyfold [1]. However, pupal colour strains,
the only genetic sexing strains o f the Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis
capitata (Wied.), currently available, are not applicable in mass rearing facilities
because females must be reared to the pupal stage and mechanical separation o f
pupae by colour is inexact, slow and expensive.
Recently, temperature sensitive lethal ( tsl) genetic sexing strains o f the medfly
have been developed at the Agency’ s Laboratory at Seibersdorf [1]. Unlike the previ
ous sexing strains, these ‘ second generation’ sexing strains are (a) stable under mass
rearing conditions and (b) allow females to be killed at an early (embryonal) stage.
This represents an important breakthrough because both o f these attributes were con
sidered indispensable for genetic sexing strains with any potential to replace bisexual
strains in sterile medfly production facilities.
Over the past year, the main procedures developed to mass rear these tsl strains
have proved amenable to routine large scale rearing, with only minor adjustments
in existing facilities. Standard mating tests, as well as detailed greenhouse
behavioural assessments, have confirmed that the behaviour and mating activity o f
tsl males is comparable with that o f the pupal colour sexing strain (successfully used
in a large pilot trial in Israel [2]), as well as with that o f wild males (unpublished
Field assessment o f the most promising tsl strains is the next step in the evalua
tion o f these flies. Pilot trials o f tsl strains are planned for various sites in the
Maghreb countries o f North Africa. Starting in 1993, the first o f these pilot tests is
planned for the oasis o f Tozeur, in southern Tunisia. Before embarking on large pilot
evaluations, however, one more aspect o f tsl male behaviour had to be assessed,
namely dispersal and survival under orchard conditions. W e report here on the
results o f the first preliminary assessment o f the dispersal and survival o f mass reared
sterile tsl males under field conditions.
The field study was carried out during the first half o f September 1992 on the
island o f Chios, Greece. Minimum daily temperatures ranged between 16 and 21 °C
and maximum temperatures between 27 and 33 °C. During the short time available
it was only possible to carry out one test lasting ten days. Typical o f the Mediterra
nean region, property sizes on Chios are small and orchards are interspersed between
houses and gardens. Under these conditions, the best site available for a sufficiently
large dispersal area included various contiguous citrus orchards belonging to differ
ent owners (Fig. 1). These were separated from each other by 3-5 m high stone
IAEA-SM-327/42 455
Release point
Citrus orchards
Open fields and
3 - 5 m high
stone walls
100 m 210 m
walls, which apparently protect trees from strong winds. The citrus fruits, mostly
orange and mandarin, were largely at an immature stage. A 30 m X 30 m grid o f
35 Jackson traps was distributed over the central orchards and a few traps were
placed inside the outer orchards (Fig. 1).
The males released originated from tsl strain Vienna-42 (T(Y;5)1-61), which
had been held for nine generations iinder mass rearing conditions at the Agency’ s
Laboratory at Seibersdorf. To eliminate female embryos, eggs were subjected to a
heat treatment o f 32°C for 48 h o f incubation in aerated water. Thereafter, they were
seeded at a rate o f 1.4 mL/kg o f larval diet. Pupae o f the first three larval collection
456 HENDRICHS et al.
days were irradiated in air one day before emergence with a dose o f 90 Gy. Subse
quently, they were marked with a fluorescent dye and packed in anoxia in 1.0 L plas
tic bags and immediately shipped in a cardboard container to Chios. The total
transport time from Vienna to Chios was 12 h. Upon arrival at Chios, the pupae were
placed in paper bags at a rate o f approximately 25 mL o f pupae/release bag. The
paper bags had previously been painted internally with sugar and provided with rest
ing surfaces for emerging males. The bags were held under field conditions and, two
to three days after emergence, they were opened during the afternoon to release the
sterile males from one central release point. Control paper bags were retained to
determine the average per cent o f emergence, which was 86.5. Based on these data,
approximately 240 000 males were released.
Traps were first installed 23 h after release o f the flies. Then, during each o f
ten days, the traps were installed and removed after 1 h between 1700 and 1800 h.
As in previous dispersal studies [3], this short exposure period was an attempt to
ensure that the traps themselves would not bias the movement o f the males. Each
trap was installed and removed sequentially in the same order in the predetermined
grid pattern so that all traps were exposed for 1 h daily. Initially, traps were baited
with fresh, slow release trimedlure plugs. After each trap removal, the inserts
covered with Tanglefoot were observed under ultraviolet lamps. The head o f each
unmarked fly was squashed for signs o f fluorescent dye and the number o f marked
and unmarked males was recorded. The traps were provided with new sticky inserts
on the following day, just before installation.
Starting with the fly release and in parallel with the entire trapping period, con
trol males were held in a rectangular open mesh field cage ( l m x 0 . 5 m x 0.5 m).
They were held under orchard conditions and provided with water and a mixture o f
sucrose and yeast hydrolysate. The number o f flies in the field cage corresponded
to one paper bag. Dead males in the cage were counted and removed daily. At the
end o f the ten day trapping period, the number o f males remaining in the cage was
The population o f wild flies remained relatively constant throughout the trap
ping period, despite the near absence o f mature fruit in the citrus orchards (Table I).
Most o f these wild flies originated apparently from sour oranges which had ripened
the previous month. Only during the first trapping day were wild fly captures high,
a normal situation at the initiation o f trapping with a dense trap grid. The tsl males
were recaptured in the citrus orchards during each o f the ten days o f trapping follow
ing the initial release (Table I). The numbers recaptured, however, declined very
rapidly (Fig. 2). As a result, only on the first two days o f trapping were their num
bers higher than those o f wild flies (Table I). The daily rate o f disappearance o f tsl
IAEA-SM-327/42 457
FIG. 2. Comparison of sterile males of tsl strain Vienna-42 (1-61) recaptured in Jackson
traps up to ten days after release with control males of the same strain and shipment surviving
infield cages with food and water. In the equation N, = Nge'^, ц is the rate of disappear
ance (mortality and emigration, or only mortality in the case of the cages), and N 0 the esti
mated initial population, i.e. not the total released population, but rather the fraction of the
population equal to thefractional trapping rate (---------- : field trap catches;---------- : field cage
458 HENDRICHS et al.
1 1.81 2.57 4
2 1.16 1.12 5
3 1.20 1.23 6
4 2.48 1.63 6
5 0.65 1.39 7
6 0.44 0.93 5
7 0.34 1.18 3
8 0.83 0.83 3
9 0.55 0.96 2
10 0.45 0.97 3
a No significant interaction (P = 0.64) strain versus trapside over time (two way analysis of
variance (A N O V A)).
males, either due to mortality or emigration, was 0.68. This rate was at least ten
times higher than that o f the flies in the control field cage (0.06). However, in the
latter case the rate includes only mortality and not emigration or recapture.
Continuous winds from the northwest prevailed during the whole ten day
recapture period following release. Wind speeds ranged from a light or gentle breeze
(2 or 3 on the maritime Beaufort scale) up to a moderate gale (7 on this scale =
50-61 km/h). The tsl males.dispersed in spite o f the wind not only downwind, but
also upwind. In fact, the ratio o f downwind to upwind recaptures decreased through
out the study, and from days five to ten, a majority o f recaptures occurred on the
upwind side o f the initial central release point (Table П). The ratio o f downwind to
upwind captures for wild flies followed a similar pattern.
The percentage distribution o f average recaptures per trap at various distances
from the release point is shown in Fig. 3. Although tsl males were recaptured in all
traps deployed starting from the first day o f trapping, only 0.6% o f recaptures per
trap occurred initially in the most distant traps compared with 43 % recaptured at the
IAEA-SM-327/42 459
Day 2
© 60
Day 4
ф . 40
Е 20
Day 6
3 60
Ф 40
Day 8
Ъ 60
Ф 40
с 20
FIG. 3. Percentage distribution of recaptured sterile males of tsl strain Vienna-42 (1-61) per
trap and distance from the release point.
central release site. However, the percentage o f recapture per trap at the release site
declined rapidly to 16 on day four, 9 on day six, and finally 0 on days eight and ten.
At the outlying traps on the other hand, the percentage o f recapture per trap increased
to 13 on day four, 30 on day six, 47 on day eight and finally 66 on day ten.
To date, a number o f very thorough field assessments o f the dispersal and sur
vival o f sterile medflies have been carried out in different regions o f the world [3-8].
460 HENDRICHS et al
Although these studies did not involve male only releases, they all report rapid
declines in the numbers o f released sterile flies. On average, the last recaptures o f
released medflies in these studies have been on day eight, when released populations
were monitored until they had reached a practically undetectable level. This rapid
disappearance o f flies occurred even where the recapture area covered a 1 km2 non
host orchard [3], and fly emigration was insignificant, as evidenced by the few flies
that reached the outer perimeter o f the traps.
In our dispersal study, the rate o f disappearance was again high, although tsl
males were recaptured during each o f the ten trapping days. The percentage o f recap
ture o f tsl males was approximately 4, which is considerable, taking into account that
the traps were deployed daily for only 1 h in the afternoons. Not all o f the high rate
o f disappearance o f tsl males from the trapping area was due to mortality within the
release area. The percentage o f males recaptured in the most distant traps in the out
lying orchards increased throughout the study (Fig. 3). In addition, tsl males
probably disperse farther than males o f bisexual strains. In various field studies
[2, 8, 9], it was shown that sterile males range much wider in search o f wild females
when released alone than when they are released together with females. This advan
tage o f sexing strains, where only sterile males are released, results in considerable
increases in the effectiveness o f SIT [9].
Although emigration and recapture account for some fly losses, they do not
account for most o f the tenfold difference in survival between the tsl males in the
orchard and those in the protected control field cage. Unlike released tsl males, tsl
males in the control cage had access to food and water. The dissection o f recaptured
tsl males showed, however, that they had the same type o f light green dense sub
stance in their crops as wild males, probably an indication that sterile males were
finding and feeding at the same natural food sites as wild males.
Probably a more important factor to consider here is mortality due to predation
as a considerable number o f cases o f predations on the released flies were noted in
the release area. Particularly apparent was predation by yellowjacket wasps (Vespula
germánico) [10]. This may account to a large extent for the enormous difference in
survival between the tsl males in the orchard and those in the protected control field
cage. During observations o f sterile medflies released on a mango tree, Baker and
van der Valk [11] also observed rapid declines in fly numbers immediately after
release. They found no evidence that the physical effect o f heavy rain might reduce
numbers. However, although it was not measured, they suggested that heavy preda
tion, including by wasps, might account for the precipitous fall in fly numbers.
We quantified our observations o f predation losses using a field cage
(2.2 m high X 3 m diameter) with a fruit bearing citrus tree. A release bag contain
ing tsl males was opened within the field cage. The entrance o f the field cage
remained open (approximately 0.5 m wide) to allow access to foraging wasps. On
each o f the three occasions this study was replicated [12], wasps entered the open
cage in large number's and within 5-7 h killed all o f the more than 1000 flies that
IAEA-SM-327/42 461
had been released. Under natural conditions, the escape o f the flies would have been
less constrained than in the cage, and predation losses would probably have been less
drastic. However, the study confirmed that predation losses can be very large and
suggested .that predaceous wasps are the most likely explanation for the much more
rapid decline in the numbers o f males released in the field than in the closed control
field cage.
In another study within the same field cage (unpublished data), we recorded
the foraging o f individual wasps to compare predation on wild and sterile males. We
found that although wild males suffer less, they still suffer considerable losses from
wasp predation. This is also confirmed by the observation that a large majority o f
the wild males captured live for behaviour studies after the first trapping day were
still sexually immature. However, sterile males were on average three to four times
as likely as wild males to be captured by wasps [12, 13]. Particularly vulnerable to
predation were young tsl males and those engaged in pheromone calling and lekking
activities. In view o f the high predation mortality, and because the reproductive
behaviour o f released sterile males is still increasing in intensity three days after the
normal 3-d-old release, there would be advantages to releasing flies that are older
than those currently released (Ref. [11]; Hendrichs et al., unpublished data).
The results o f this field test should be considered to be preliminary as only one
release was carried out and the recapture area was not sufficiently large to distinguish
accurately between mortality and emigration. Even so, findings on the survival and
dispersal o f tsl males are comparable with the most thorough field evaluations o f
bisexual strains reported in the literature. Flies seemed able to locate food and water
and to respond to trimedlure. Furthermore, and in spite o f windy weather, they dis
persed not only downwind, but also upwind more than the minimum o f 100 m
required to cover the 200 m distance between flight lines during conventional aerial
sterile fly releases. Larger field trials using these strains seem warranted, although
consideration should be given to releasing sterile males that are older than those
currently released to reduce predation losses before the flies attain their full sexual
The authors wish to thank L. Lang and H. Gensthaler for technical help, H.
Baumgartner for preparing the figures, and R. Gingrich, W. Klassen, D .A . Lind
quist and J. Richards for supporting this work. Also thanked is E. Katsoyannos for
her hospitality and S. Kokkinakis, I. Kokkinakis, A. Melekos and G. Maurogiannis
for allowing us to work in their orchards.
462 HENDRICHS et al.
Recent developments in the analytical methods used for collecting and analysing
semiochemicals that are attractive to fruit flies are reviewed. These efforts have resulted in
increased knowledge o f the nature o f the pheromonal components released by males o f the
Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), and males o f several
Anastrepha species. A recently developed bioassay system is described that permits the testing
o f various substrates for biological activity in a flight tunnel, while simultaneously collecting
a portion o f the volatiles from the attractive source for subsequent chemical identification and
quantification. This system is currently being used to re-examine the attractiveness o f various
protein based baits for pest fruit flies. It was found, for example, that an increase in the pH
of the protein bait Nulure significantly increases the attraction o f female medflies to this bait.
Similarly, pheromone research using the described systems for the bioassay and collection of
attractive pheromonal components from the medfly and from several Anastrepha species are
under way, and the results from this research are presented.
A bioassay system has been developed in our laboratory that permits the testing
o f various substrates for biological activity in a flight tunnel, while simultaneously
collecting a portion o f the volatiles from the attractive source for subsequent chemi
cal identification and quantification. The bioassay system consists o f four main sub
components designed for specific tasks and capable o f varying certain parameters
IAEA-SM-327/43 465
FIG. 1. A system designed for the collection of volatiles released from plants. The system.
components are as follows: an air filtration system (AFS), a multiport collector base (MCB),
a volatile collection chamber (VCC) and a volatile collector trap (VCT). ;
between experiments (Fig. 2). These components include the bioassay flight tunnel,
the air flow system and air delivery system, the insect isolation trap and, finally, the
volatile collection system. The air flow system contains sheets o f cloth that have been
infused with charcoal material, as described for the volatile collection system. This
material purifies the air entering the tunnel, which facilitates pheromone collection
at various points inside the flight tunnel with minimal contamination.
This system was used to determine the periodicity o f response o f female med
flies to the pheromone released by male flies. Studies conducted with female factory
and feral medflies indicated that these flies were highly responsive to odours from
live males in the flight tunnel bioassay, with an average o f 50-75% o f the tested
females trapped. The periodicity o f response is shown in Fig. 3. The system
described should be o f general utility in the determination o f the attraction o f pest
fruit flies to suspected attractants, and is currently being used to test the response
o f females to synthetic pheromone blends.
Prior to the isolation o f the ‘ food’ attractant chemicals from various protein
sources, it is paramount to determine what chemical conditions are required for
attractiveness. Although considerable efforts have been made on improving protein
To exhaust blower
FIG. 2. The wind tunnel bioassay system, which is comprised of a bioassay flight tunnel (BFT), an air flow system (AFS), an air delivery
system (ADS), two insect isolation traps (IITs), a multiport collector base (MCB), a volatile collection system (VCS) and a volatile collector
trap (VCT).
IAEA-SM-327/43 467
i— — i
9-1 0 10—11 11-1.2 12—1 . 2-3
Time of bioassay (h)
FIG. 3. The percentage offemale medflies responding to volatiles from five male medflies
during the day. The lines indicate the standard error (n = 12).
baits, these efforts have been largely empirical. W e recently determined that the
attractiveness o f Nulure (Miller Chemical and Fertilizer C o., Hanover, PA, USA)
for medflies can be ‘programmed’ on the basis o f pH. In tests conducted in
Guatemala, we compared solutions o f torula yeast plus borax pellets, 10% Nulure
plus 1, 3, 5 and 10% borax, and a control (water) in McPhail traps. Every 2-3 d,
flies were removed from the traps, the pH o f the bait recorded, recycled bait replaced
in the traps, and the traps moved to a new position sequentially. Trapped flies were
sorted by sex and species, and the number per trap recorded. The effect o f bait treat
ment was analysed by one way analysis o f variance followed by Duncan’ s mean
separation test (P = 0.05). Based on five replicates, Nulure at a pH o f 8.5 captures
significantly more female medflies than both Nulure at a lower pH and torula yeast
pellets (Fig. 4). These findings allow the determination o f chemicals emitted from
Nulure having various degrees o f attractiveness and allow us to determine either the
amount of/or ratio o f differences o f potentially attractive chemicals released from
protein baits.
Baker et al. [5] reported the identification o f nine compounds emitted by male
medflies. However, no behavioural data to substantiate pheromonal activity were
46 8 HEATH and EPSKY
Female medflies
Male medflies
FIG. 4. The percentage of female and male medflies trapped with various protein baits.
A : Water (not shown); treatment B: five torula yeast pellets; C: Nulure + 1 % borax; D ;
Nulure + 3 % borax; E: Nulure + 5 % borax; F; Nulure + 10% borax; The effect ofbait treat
ment was analysed by one way analysis of variance followed by Duncan’s mean separation
test (P = 0.05). n = 90 for each treatment.
FIG. 5. Response of female medflies to a three component and four component synthetic
pheromone blend (n = 16). ,
using the flight tunnel bioassay system described earlier, it appears that additional
components may result in a significantly improved lure for female medflies. A com
parison between the feral and factory reared female medfly response to a control
equivalent to five caged males versus the previously field tested three-component
blend containing ethyl-(£)-3-octenoate, geranyl acetate and E, £-a-farnesene is
shown in Fig. 5. It is apparent that the three-component blend is considerably less
attractive. W e determined that the addition o f delta 1 pyrolline results in a considera
ble increase in attractiveness (Fig. 5). Although we have improved the attractiveness
o f our previously field tested three-component blend, additional tests are being
conducted to delineate a blend that will be equal and perhaps better than that emitted
by male medflies.
Research that began in 1972 and which has continued to date.has not yet
resulted in a pheromone based trap for the Caribbean fruit fly (caribfly), Anastrepha
suspensa (Lóew). The most current information on the pheromone components can
be found in a recent article by Rocca et al. [8] and references therein. Initial studies
on the chemical nature o f the pheromone extracted from the abdomens o f sexually
mature male caribflies resulted in the identification o f (Z)-3-nonenol and
(Z, Z)-3,6-nonadienol. Subsequent investigations o f the abdominal extracts o f male
flies resulted in the identification o f two additional components, the lactones, ahas-
trephin (írans-hexahydro-írans-4, 7a-dimethyl-4-vinyl-2-(3H)-benzofuranoñe) and
epi-anastrephin (irans-hexahydro-di-4, 7a-dimethyl-4-vinyl-2-(3H)-benzofuranone).
Laboratory bioassays o f these compounds showed that all were individually attrac
tive to females, but a blend o f all four components was the most attractive to
females [9]. A synthetic mix o f the four components, however, failed to attract flies
in field trials [10]. A fifth component, a macrolide (E ,E )A , 8-dimethyl-3,
8-decadien-10-olide), was identified, synthesized and has been named ‘ suspen-
solide’ . Additionally, /З-bisabolene, ocimene and (E, £)-a-farnesene have been
reported as volatiles emitted by the caribfly .
Admittedly, the chemistry o f the male caribfly pheromone is complex. Analy
sis o f some o f the pheromonal components is further complicated by their thermal
lability. For example, the identification o f suspensolide was not completed until 1988
and the identification o f (£ , E)-a-farnesene not until 1992. Elucidation o f these com
ponents in earlier research was hampered by the lack o f appropriate analytical
methodologies now available to researchers. Not all components o f the volatile blend
produced by calling males have been proved to have pheromonal activity. W e have
begun studies to test the female response to the putative male pheromone compo
nents. We were able to obtain high rates o f attraction o f females to caged males using
the flight tunnel bioassay system. The testing o f synthetics is awaiting the completion
o f the synthesis o f some o f the pheromonal components.
A. suspensa Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
A. ludens N Y Y Y N Y Y
A. obliqua N Y N N N N N
A. striata N N N N N N N
? ? ? ? ?
A. fraterculus
A. serpentina N N N N N N • N' ■
FIG. 6. Comparison of volatiles emitted from several species of male Anastrepha. 'Y'
indicates the presence of the compound, ‘N ’ indicates the absence of the compound and
'? ’ indicates that the compounds are likely present (A: ocimene; B: (E, E)-a-famesene;
C: (Z)-3-nonenol; D : (L, Z )-3, 6-nonadienol; E: suspensolide; F: ¡i-bisabolene; G : anastre-
phin; H : epi-anastrephin).
The success in developing better attractants for fruit flies will require consider
able efforts in understanding the biology o f the insect, especially as it relates to the
attractiveness o f the semiochemical being investigated. Additionally, a great deal o f
effort will be required to isolate, identify, synthesize and formulate the attractive
semiochemicals for use in the field. An integrated approach between, the chemistry
o f attractive chemicals and an understanding o f the insect response to the semio
chemicals should provide a significant series o f excellent lures for the detection, and
perhaps even control, o f many economically important fruit flies.
The authors would like to thank the numerous scientists and technicians who
have made this research possible. Significant contributions by D. Baker, C. Calkins,
FAO/IAEA Entomology Unit,
Agency’ s Laboratory Seibersdorf,
International Atomic Energy Agency,
M EDITERRANEAN FRUIT FLY (Diptera: Tephritidae).
When the female:male ratio in the adult cages o f artificially reared Mediterranean
fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), was increased from 50:50 to 80:20 (the initial
number o f total adults was always the same) a 50% overall increase in the fertilized eggs
collected per cage occurred during the first 2 weeks o f adult life. Smaller increases occurred
when the sex ratios were between 50 :50 and 80:20, and there was a decrease (compared with
the 80:20 sex ratio) when the sex ratio was 90:10 because the males needed several days to
fertilize all, or nearly all o f the females. At high female:male ratios, there was no increase
in the eggs sticking on the oviposition net, in spite o f the increased egg laying per surface
unit o f oviposition net.
(Insect density at start, 0.3 flies/cm3 cage volume, or 0 .7 flies /cm 2 cage surface;
oviposition net surface/cage, 66.5 cm2)
a Four cage replications per treatment. Eggs laid on days other than those indicated were
removed but not counted. For each column, means with the same letter do not differ
- significantly (P > 0 .0 5 ; Duncan’ s multiple range test [3]).
(Same experiment as in Table I)
a Four cage replications per treatment. Eggs laid on days other than those indicated were
removed but not counted. For each column, means with the same letter do not differ
significantly (P > 0 .0 5 ; Duncan’ s multiple range test [3]).
IAEA^SM-327/33 475
a Four cagé replications per treatment. Eggs laid on days other than those indicated were
removed but not counted. For each column, means with the same letter do not differ
significantly (P > 0 .0 5 ; Duncan’ s multiple range test [3]).
a Four cage replications per treatment. Eggs laid on days other than those indicated were
removed but not counted. For each column, means with' the same letter do not differ
significantly. (P > 0 .0 5 ; Duncan’ s multiple range test [3]).
The insects used were from a colony established in the IAEA Laboratory
at Seibersdorf in October 1983 from pupae that had been collected from guava in
the Sohag Governorate in Egypt. The rearing procedures were as described by
Hooper [2]. Small plastic cages (11 cm x 11 cm x 15.3 cm) were used, with four
cages (replicates) per sex ratio treatment in both experiments.
Two successive experiments were run. In the first, the adult flies were kept
for 3 1/2 weeks in cages at an initial density o f 0.3 flies/cm3 (600 flies per cage).
A 9 cm diameter hole, covered by a 0.1 mm2 hole synthetic oviposition net (the
total oviposition surface per cage was 66.5 cm 2) was prepared for oviposition in
one o f the two small sides (11 cm x 11 cm) o f the cage. Sex ratios o f 30, 40, 50,
60, 70, 80 and 90% females were compared. Insect mortality, egg collection
(eggs inserted through the net and dropped on moistened filter paper plus those that
stuck on the oviposition net) and egg hatch (100 eggs from those dropped on the
filter paper) were examined per cage on the experiment days (adult day minus 2)
shown in Tables I and II. The cages were kept at 25 ± 2°C , 55-65% RH and a
12 h photoperiod. The light intensity was about 2800 lux inside the cages.
In the second experiment, the adult flies were kept for 4 1/2 weeks in cages
at an initial density o f 0.15 flies/cm3 (300 flies per cage). An 8 cm x 11.5 cm
rectangular hole, covered by an oviposition net, was prepared for oviposition on
each o f the two opposite large sides (11 cm x 15.3 cm) o f the cage (the total
oviposition surface per cage was 2 X 92 cm 2 = 184 cm2). Sex ratios o f 50, 60,
70, 80 and 90% females were compared. Again, insect mortality, egg collection
and egg hatch (from 500 eggs that had dropped) were examined on the experiment
days shown in Tables III and IV. The cages were again kept at 25 ± 2°C and
55-65 % RH but with a 14 h photoperiod.
In both experiments, the first experiment day was usually day 3 o f adult life.
Adults were o f variable size, having been collected as larvae on day 2 o f their
emigration from the diet to the pupation medium. The flies were provided with
water and solid adult food containing three parts sucrose to one part hydrolized
Data were analysed by analysis o f variance (ANOVA), and significant differ
ences between the means (P < 0.05) were detected by Duncan’ s multiple range
test [3].
the second experiment, male longevity was always shorter than female longevity,
by 12.5-18.5% .
Tables I and Ш show the egg collection rates per cage in the two experiments.
The total egg collection per cage per day increased by 72 and 82% when the sex
ratio was changed from 50 to 90% females in the first and second experiment,
respectively. The collection o f eggs per cage per day increased, usually significantly
(P < 0.05), in all successive increases in the female:male ratio. In the second part
o f both experiments, a significant increase in egg collection again occurred when the
lower female:male ratios were compared with the higher ones. Nevertheless, the
differences were not as striking as in the first part o f the experiments, and often no
differences could be detected between successive increases in the female:male ratios.
Tables П and IV show the percentage eggs fertilized in the different sex ratios
o f the two experiments. In the first part o f the experiments, egg hatch decreased
by 26 and 19% when the sex ratio was changed from 50 to 90% females in the first
and second experiment, respectively. In the first experiment, the decrease occurred
only in the higher female.male sex ratios, while in the second experiment the
decrease was small, but constant, in successive increases in the female:male ratio.
In the second part o f the first experiment, no significant decrease in egg hatch was
observed with successive increases in the female:male ratio, while in the same period
o f the second experiment a striking decrease in egg hatch was observed in the two
highest female:male ratios.
3 0 -4 0 20.8 —
40 - 50 20.7 —
5 0 -6 0 8 .6 22.8
6 0 -7 0 5 .4 ■ 10.8
7 0 -8 0 32.2 11.3
8 0 -9 0 -1 5 .4 - 2 .6
Table V combines egg collection and fertilization and shows the effect o f the
sex ratio on the overall collection o f fertilized eggs during the first 2 weeks o f the
experiments. In both experiments, when the female:male ratio was changed from
50:50% to 80:20% , there was an overall increase in the fertilized eggs, by about
50% . A further increase in the female:male ratio, to 90:10% , caused a decrease in
the fertilized eggs.
A detailed study o f egg hatch in the first experiment showed that only 1-2 days
were needed for the female:male ratios o f 60:40, 70:30 and 80:20 to reach
the percentage egg hatch o f the 50:50 sex ratio. The corresponding time for the
90:10 female:male ratio was 4 days. Also, after the second week o f adult life, the
percentage eggs that hatched with the 90:10 female:male ratio decreased much
faster than in the other sex ratios, corresponding to the increase in percentage
males per cage. Similar changes also occurred in the second experiment.
The collection o f eggs per cage was 26-46% higher in the first experiment for
the corresponding sex ratio treatments than for the second experiment (Tables I, III).
There were no significant differences in the percentage o f eggs that stuck on the
oviposition net among the different sex ratios in both periods-of the two experiments.
The major economic species o f tephritids (fruit flies) are in the subfamilies
o f Dacinae and Trypetinae. In Dacinae, the sexual behaviour has been studied
mostly in the genus Dácus, where the males are polygamous but the females do
not remate frequently. In Trypetinae, different mating frequencies have been found
for females o f the different species o f Anastrepha, Ceratitis and Rhagoletis [4]. In
the Mediterranean fruit fly, males are polygamous while females generally are not,
depending on the amount o f sperm stored in their spermathecae [5]. Among
laboratory reared flies, o f the females that remated (about 60% o f the total), 54%
remated once, 25% twice, 12% three times and the remaining between four and six
times. The amount o f sperm stored in the spermathecae declined considerably only
after 20-25 days following initial mating, and remating increased with the decrease
in stored sperm. This suggests that one successful mating can fertilize most o f the
eggs produced in an average female’ s life and certainly for the 2 weeks that the
flies are kept in mass rearing facilities.
Following the recent successful efforts to develop genetic sexing strains in the
Mediterranean fruit fly [1], the present results clearly show that high female:male
ratios can be used in the mass rearing o f the fly. Female:male ratios o f around 80:20
are recommended, since they result in the highest possible collection o f fertilized
eggs per cage during the first 2 weeks o f adult life. A further increase in the
IAEA-SM-327/33 479
proportion o f females does not increase the collection o f fertilized eggs because
it takes several days for the low number o f males to achieve fertilization o f the
Although in Experiment 1 there were twice as many females as in Experi
ment 2, egg collection was only 26-46% higher. As has been reported [6], appar
ently this resulted from the longer duration o f light in Experiment 2 (14 versus
12 hours, respectively), and the reduced oviposition surface and increased insect
density in Experiment 1. The finding that there was no increase in eggs sticking on
the oviposition net as a result o f increased egg laying per unit o f oviposition surface
in the highest female:male ratios confirms that sticking depends on fly activity,
which results in dirt on the net [7, 8], and not the number o f eggs laid. Finally, the
reduced survival rates o f males compared with females for all the sex ratios tested
indicate that reproduction is not a major survival stress for the female. Competition
among the polygamous males to secure matings could be one o f the factors, among
others, which reduced the male lifespan. Nevertheless, it is noted that no significant
difference was observed in the present study in male survival between treatments
o f low and high female:male ratio, i.e. high and low male mating competition,
In conclusion, to achieve a substantial reduction in the mass rearing costs
o f genetic sexing strains, a ratio o f 80% females to 20% males in the cages is
recommended. This results during the first two weeks o f adult life in about a 50%
increase in fertilized eggs collected per cage compared with cages containing a
50:50 ratio. The possible negative effects o f high female:male ratios on the quality
o f flies, in particular their sexual behaviour, should be examined.
The author wishes to thank D. Lindquist and R. Gingrich for supporting this
work, L. Lang for technical help, and H. Baumgartner for assistance in statistical
analysis o f the data.
[1] Genetic Sexing o f the Mediterranean Fruit Fly (Proc. Final Research Co-ordination
Mtg, Colymbari, Crete, 1988), IAE A, Vienna (1990).
[2] HOOPER, G .H .S ., Application o f quality control procedure to large-scale rearing of
the Mediterranean fruit fly, Entomol. Exp. Appl. 44 (1987) 161-167.
[3] STEEL, R .G .D ., TORRIE, J.H ., Principles and Procedures o f Statistics, McGraw-
Hill, New York (I960).
Epestia cautella (W A LK E R)
Atomic Energy Commission,
Syrian Arab Republic
2-d-old females for 24 h, after which the males were removed and oviposition
observed. Four groups o f unirradiated males aged 1, 2, 3 and 4 d old were taken
as controls. The percentage egg hatch and mating ability were determined as
described in Section 2.1.
The mating ability o f irradiated and unirradiated males was very high in the
first copulation; after that it started to decline. At any copulation, the mating ability
o f irradiated males did not differ significantly from that o f the control (Table I).
It is possible that in late mating the males were unable to mate because they
had already depleted their supply o f sperm and accessory gland secretions during the
early mating [1].
The results show that both irradiated and unirradiated males were most fertile
in the first mating, but then their fertility declined during the following mating.
There was no significant difference in the fertility o f irradiated males in the second,
third and fourth matings. The fertility o f these males was markedly lower than the
control males, regardless o f the number o f matings involved (Table I).
It has been known that mature sperm are the most radioresistant stage o f sper
matogenesis: spermatids are less resistant and would suffer greater damage. This
could explain the higher fertility in early mating than in late mating.
% mating Control . (20/20) 100a (20/20) 80b (20/20). 100a (7/20) 35c
Irradiated (26/26) 100a (23/26) 88a (19/26) 73ab (10/26) 38c
Note: Numbers followed by the same letter are not significantly different.
Numbers in parentheses denote (number o f mated males)/(number o f tested males).
% mating Control (25/26) 96a (24/28) 86a (22/27) 81a (17/28) 61b
Irradiated (23/24) 96a (18/25) 72a (19/25) 76a (13/26) 50b
Note: Numbers followed by the same letter are not significantly different.
Numbers in parentheses denote (numbers o f mated males)/(numbers o f tested
When the irradiated males were paired on the same day o f treatment, their mat
ing ability was higher than at any other time. The mating ability o f the control males
declined steadily with age. There was no significant difference in the mating ability
o f irradiated and unirradiated males (Table II). Irradiation appears, therefore, to
have no effect on the ability o f the male to mate and only age is important in the
reduction in male mating ability [2].
When irradiated males were mated at various intervals after treatment, their
fertility did not change significantly. A very similar result was recorded in the con
trol males (Table II).
Thus, the age or storage o f sperm in the reproduction system for various inter
vals before mating did not have any effect on male fertility.
These results are very important in applying the sterile male technique against
E. cautella.
United States o f America
Even though volatiles from protein hydrolysates have for a long time been
known to attract tephritids [1-10], attractants accounting for most o f the activity have
not been chemically identified,, although there are indications that some components
have been found to be somewhat active. The standard methods o f distillation and
extraction have been applied, and many compounds have been identified
[4, 5, 10]. Because such distillation and extraction methods did not yield very active
isolates, it was decided to look at components with very low boiling points,
specifically ammonia. • ¡ . .
488 TERANISHI et al.
The protein hydrolysate used in this study was Nu-Lure insect bait (NLIB),
provided by the California Department o f Food and Agriculture, arranged by
R.T. Cunningham, Tropical Fruit and Vegetable Research Laboratory, Agricultural
Research Service (ARS), United States Department o f Agriculture (USDA),
Honolulu, Hawaii.
The ammonium carbonate used, certified ACS grade, was purchased from the
Fisher Scientific Company.
Cotton wicks were purchased from the Richmond Dental Cotton Company,
Charlotte, North Carolina.
The gas chromatographs used were Hewlett Packard models 5830A and 5840A
fitted with flame ionization detectors. The mass spectrometer used was a Finnigan
M AT 4500 quadrupole fitted with a gas chromatograph. Cross-linked bonded methyl
silicone columns (DB-1, 60 m X 0.32 mm i.d., 0.25 fim film, J&W Scientific, Inc.)
and DB-W AX columns (same dimensions and source as the silicone columns)
were used.
The isolation and chemical identification methods used were those developed
for flavour studies by the group at the Western Regional Research Center, ARS,
USDA, Albany, California.
The bioassay methods used were those developed at the Department o f Biologi
cal Sciences, California State University, Hayward, California.
Diffusion Time
Cotton wick
Wick in vial
FIG. 1. Diagrams illustrating the reduction in diffusion by limiting the direction and reducing
the orifice for the escape of ammonia.
0.3 g/d, this bottle will provide ammonia vapours for 100 d. To indicate the amount
volatilized per second in terms o f moles, the weight loss is divided by the formula
weight o f ammonium carbonate, and the result is the number o f moles o f ammonium
carbonate dissociated per day. Because there are two moles o f ammonia given o ff
per mole o f ammonium carbonate, the moles o f ammonia emitted are double the
moles o f ammonium carbonate evaporated. To obtain the amount per second, one
simply divides by the number o f seconds in a day.
From simple experimentation and from simple calculations, the amount o f
ammonia given o ff can be accurately measured and easily calculated. With an inex
pensive source available, with controlled and measurable amounts dispensed, opti
mum conditions for efficiency o f trapping with ammonia can now be systematically
approached. A report on bioassays with the walnut husk fly (Rhagoletis completa
Cresson) is currently in preparation. However, a brief discussion o f the effect o f
ammonia seems necessary to illustrate the importance o f ammonia in attracting
tephritids. The observations reported here are with the walnut hiisk fly.
Walnut husk flies were captured on Scentry Multigard traps baited with various
lure substances during the summer o f 1992 in an unsprayed English walnut orchard
at the Ardenwood Historic Farm, East Bay Regional Parks, Newark, California.
These were wild flies found under natural, field conditions. Four materials were used
as lures: (1) bird faeces (fresh chicken droppings mixed with an equal volume o f
water); (2) NLIB at pH4.5; (3) NLIB at pH8.5; and (4) ammonia from powdered
ammonium carbonate sprinkled on the sticky material on the traps or from
ammonium carbonate dispensed with slow release systems. Water baited traps were
used as controls. Each trap-lure combination was replicated five times for a total o f
25 traps hung for continuous five-day periods during mid-season. Flies were
removed and separated by gender from each trap daily.
Traps baited with bird faeces captured fewer flies than other materials
tested and did not differ much from the water controls (Fig. 2). On the first day o f
observations, more than three times the number o f walnut husk flies were captured
on traps baited with NLIB at pH8.5 than on traps baited with NLIB at pH4:5.
Moreover, twice the number o f flies were captured on ammonium carbonate baited
traps than on traps baited with NLIB at pH8.5. Both ammonium carbonate and NLIB
at pH8.5 baited traps captured a far greater number o f flies on the first day than they
did on the remaining two days. This observation can be explained by the substantial
decrease in ammonia concentration by the second day.
Ammonium carbonate baited traps captured significantly more female walnut
husk flies than NLIB at pH4.5 or at pH8.5 (Fig. 3). Capture o f females continued
at a higher rate with use o f systems capable o f controlled slow release o f ammonia
versus the application o f powdered ammonium carbonate (Fig. 4).
No significant differences in the capture o f males were seen among the
traps baited with the three substances from the first day to the end o f the five
trapping days. Equally low numbers o f males and females were captured daily with
IAEA-SM-327/44 491
FIG. 2. Captures of walnut husk flies on yellow panel traps baited with various substances
showing the rapid decline in attractiveness of ammonium carbonate and N U B at pH8.5.
Each bar represents the total number offlies captured on five replicates of each treatment.
Lure substances
FIG. 3. First'day captures of female versus male walnut husk flies on yellow panel traps
baited with N U B atpH4.5, N U B atpH8.5 orammonium carbonate. Each bar represents the
total number of flies of each sex captured on five replicates of each treatment
(fâ: females; ■ / males).
492 TERANISHI et al.
4 0 0-i
l , . I —r i
18 Aug. 19 Aug. 20 Aug. 21 Aug. 22 Aug.
FIG. 4. Captures of walnut husk flies on yellow panel traps baited with 2 g of powdered
ammonium carbonate versus a saturated solution of ammonium carbonate. Each bar
represents the total number of flies captured on five replicates of each treatment
( 0 : ammonium carbonate powder; ■ ; ammonium carbonate tube).
NLIB at pH4.5. Perhaps an explanation for the low rate o f capture o f males with
protein hydrolysate volátiles is that females need protein food to provide for the
development o f the eggs they carry, whereas male adults have no such urgent need
for protein food.
[1] STEINER, L .F ., Fruit fly control in Hawaii with poison-bait sprays containing protein
hydrolysates, J. Econ. Entomol. 45 (1952) 83 8-843.
[2] STEINER, L .F ., Bait sprays for fruit fly control, Agrie. Chem. 10 (1955) 3 2 -4 3 and
[3] B A T E M A N , M .A ., M O RTO N , T .C ., The importance of ammonia in proteinaceous
attractants for fruit flies (Family. Tephritidae), Aust. J. Agrie. Res. 32 (1981) 88 3-89 0.
[4] M O R TO N, T .C ., B A TE M A N , M .A ., Chemical studies on proteinaceous attractants
for fruit flies, including the identification o f volatile constituents, Aust. J. Agrie. Res.
32 (1981) 90 5-91 6.
[5] BUTTERY, R .G ., LING, L .C ., TERANISHI, R ., M O N , T .R ., Insect attractants:
Volatiles o f hydrolyzed protein insect baits, J. Agrie. Food Chem. 31 (1983) 68 9-69 2.
[6] M AT SU M O T O , K .E ., BUTTERY, R .G ., FLATH, R .A ., MON, T .R .,
TERANISHI, R ., “ Protein hydrolysate volatiles as insect attractants” , Bioregulators
for Pest Control (HEDIN, P .A ., Ed.), ACS Symposium Series No. 276, American
Chemical Society, Washington, DC (1985) 35 3-366.
[7] M A ZO R , М ., GOTHILF, S ., G A L U N , G ., The role o f ammonia o f the attraction of
females in the Mediterranean fruit fly to protein hydrolysate baits, Entomol. Exp. Appl.
43 (1987) 2 5 -2 9 .
[8] TERANISHI, R ., et al., “ Recent developments in chemical attractant for Tephritid
fruit flies” , Allelochemicals: Role in Agriculture and Forestry (W ALLER , G .R ., Ed.),
ACS Symposium Series No. 330, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC (1987)
4 3 1-43 8.
[9] D R EW , R .A .I., F A Y , H .A .C ., Comparison o f the roles o f ammonia and bacteria in
the attraction o f Dacus tryoni (Froggatt) (Queensland fruit fly) to proteinaceous suspen
sions, J. Plant Prot. Tropics 5 (1988) 127-130.
[10] F L A T H , R .A ., M A T S U M O T O , K .E ., B IN D E R , R .G ., C U N N IN G H A M , R .T .,
M O N , T .R ., E ffect o f pH on the volatiles o f hydrolyzed protein insect baits, J. A grie.
Food Chem. 37 (1989) 814-819.
The flowers o f several plant species o f Bulbophyllum (Orchidaceae) and Spàthiphyllum
(Araceae) that release methyl eugenol (ME) or other phenylpropanoids, and several varieties
of Dendrobium anosmum (Orchidaceae) that secrete raspberry ketone (RK) are attractive to
fruit' flies, which actively consume the ecohormone (fragrance) released. Ocimum sanctum
stores large quantities o f M E , which is released only when some part o f the plant is damaged.
When the male melon fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae, feeds on RK, the ecohormone is
sequestered. Methyl eugenol, when consumed by male flies, is converted to other phenyl-
propanoid(s) for storage. Bactrocera dorsalis (taxon A ) produced coniferylalcohol (CF);
B. dorsalis (taxon B) produced three compounds: CF, 2-allyl-4,5-dimethoxyphenol (com
pound I) and Z-3,4-dimethoxycinnamyl alcohol (Z compound П); and B. umbrosa produced
three compounds: compound I, E and Z compound II and 3,4-dimethoxy-hydroxyallyl
benzene. Coniferyl alcohol and compound I are attractive to conspecific males, while CF
attracts conspecific females and stimulates ovipositor extrusion at close range. The strong
attractancy o f fruit flies to certain lures can now be explained by demonstrating: (1) an anti
predation mechanism in several species of fruit fly through the endogenous production and
secretion o f allomone(s); and (2) chemical(s) responsible for male aggregation in a lek forma
tion, after pharmacophagy. Compulsive feeding o f M E by male flies produced a feeding deter
rent effect on the house lizard, Hemidactylus frenatus. Lizards did not attempt to feed on fruit
flies after initial exposure to flies that had fed on M E. On the other hand, sequestration of
RK may not play an anti-predation role in the melon fly, but functions as a male aggregation
pheromone. The anti-predation mechanism in the melon fly is the result o f the endogenous
synthesis o f ethyl-hydroxybenzoate and 1,3-nonandiol in the male rectal gland at sexual matu
rity. Most mature male flies undergo reflex ejaculation o f rectal gland content when they are
under stress, e.g. when they are being anaesthetized with carbon dioxide or when they are
being held by a feather forceps.
496 TAN
Certain species o f tephritid fruit flies are amongst the most important global
pests infesting fruit and vegetable crops. In the tropics and subtropics, many species
o f Bactrocera (Dacus) are major, or potentially important, pests. Most Bactrocera
species are strongly attracted to male lures, either methyl eugenol (ME) or cuelure
(CL)/raspberry ketone (rheosmin/RK) [1-3]. Since the discovery in 1912 that
B. diversus and B. zonatus were attracted to citronella oil [4], attempts have been
made to explain the strong attractancy o f fruit fly males to lures. The attractancy o f
Dacinae flies to, and their compulsive feeding on, certain male lures are unique
characteristics o f tephritid fruit flies; the reason for such a phenomenon is not fully
understood [1, 3]. These lures play a central role in the chemical ecology o f fruit
flies. Methyl eugenol was first shown to be a strong attractant for fruit fly species
in 1915 [5] and has been used successfully in monitoring and male annihilation pro
grammes [6], and in estimating population and survival rates o f native males in two
species [7, 8] and fly movements between ecosystems [9]. In Malaysia, dacine fruit
flies are serious pests o f fruits and vegetables: two species o f B. dorsalis complex
(taxa A and B)-and B. umbrosa, which are strongly attracted to ME, ME attracted
species; B. cucurbitae, B. caudatus and B. tau, which are attracted to CL and RK,
CL/RK attracted species; and B. latifrons (not attracted to latilure, alpha-ionol,
under tropical conditions) and B. arecae, which are not attracted to the known lures.
The biology, ecology, behaviour arid control o f economically important fruit fly spe
cies have been reviewed elsewhere [1-3]. In this overview, because o f space limita
tion, emphasis is placed on the central role o f fruit fly attractants, secreted as
ecohormones, in understanding the complex interrelationships between plant, fruit
fly (Bactrocera species) and predator.
Plants form the focal point o f the ecological activities o f fruit flies, including
host finding, oviposition, development, adult feeding and pharmacophagy (consump
tion o f non-essential chemicals), courtship and mating behaviour, and protective
behaviour against predators. Many o f these behavioural patterns are mediated via
chemical reception and some have been extensively reviewed [1-3].
that attracts a few fruit flies, which thus play a role along with other insects ( Trígona
spp.) as pollinators.
The orchid flower o f Dendrobium superbum (synonymous with D. Anosmum
(Orchidaceae)) has been reported to contain 4-phenyl-2-butanone [12]. Re
examination o f the floral chemical constituents showed that all three varieties, one
with white flowers, one with purplish flowers and one with white sepals and petals
and purple lip flowers, contain 4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-butanone (RK). Cuelure,
when consumed through pharmacophagy by the male melon fly, is stored as RK in
the rectum. If the fly feeds directly on RK, the ecohormone is sequestered [13]. Male
melon flies, B. cucurbitae, have been observed to feed around the lip, petal and sepal
o f the Dendrobium flowers. It has not yet been observed that the melon fly acts as
a pollinating agent for the orchid flower.
Healthy Ocimum sanctum plants, normally free from insect attack, do not
attract the fruit fly, except when some part o f the plant is damaged [14]. Two varie
ties o f О. sanctum (Labiatae), one with a green calyx and white corolla, the other
with a violet calyx and corolla, contain relatively large quantities o f ME — more than
60% o f the essential oil. Hence, ME, probably stored in numerous glands (well dis
tributed on both the upper and lower leaf surfaces and having no pores, as seen under
a scanning electron microscope), is released only upon tissue damage. This may be
the plant’ s defence mechanism against foraging insects because ME is toxic to some
phytophagous insects. Here, ME is a para-ecohormone that acts as an allomone-like
deterrent upon release after plant damage. We believe that more varieties and species
o f Ocimúm (e.g. O. basilicum, currently under study) with such a mechanism will
be discovered.
Piper betel is normally free from insect damage. Healthy plants do not attract
fruit flies. However,'when a leaf is squashed in a cage containing ME attracted fruit
fly species, many males are attracted. The leaf contains two phenyl propanoids —
eugenol and hydroxychavicol [10]. It also contains numerous glands without pores.
The chemicals act as a para-ecohormone in deterring phytophagous insects.
Female fruit flies probably locate host fruits through chemical as well as visual
cues. The odour o f fruit acting as a kairomone may attract female fruit flies to
oviposit in the fruit, resulting in fruit damage caused by larvál development. Infesta
tion o f 18 host fruit species by different fruit fly species has been reported [15]. A
recent study using ripe host fruits (without ovipuncture) from 14 different species
suspended under the canopy o f a non-host tree in a village ecosystem showed that
most female B. dorsalis (taxon B) flies (caught after landing) preferred to alight on
banana ( Musa paradisiaca), starfruit (Averrhoa carambola) and papaya ( Carica
papaya) (unpublished data from our laboratory). Female fruit flies are attracted to
fruit odour, but the chemical nature o f the kairomone has not been identified.
IAEA-SM-327/45 499
The number o f B. dorsalis flies attracted to lure traps in the field showed two
peaks in a daily cycle: a high peak between 0800 and 1000 h and a low peak between
1600 and 1800 h. Similar daily cycle peaks have been observed for B. umbrosa.
Under subtropical conditions, different species have a different peak response in the
daily cycle [3].
Conflicting data exist about the effect o f age between 1 and 14 days on respon
siveness to lures [3]; However, in Malaysia, all major pest species respond to lures
at sexual maturity. In our wind tunnel studies, B. dorsalis (taxa ¡A and В),
В. umbrosa and В. cucurbitae began to respond to their respective lures after 5 d,
with a high percentage o f males responding at 12-14 d after adult eclosion. The
response o f the native male o f B. dorsalis (taxon B) (marked after emergence) to ME
traps set up in a village ecosystem showed that the first marked male trapped was
7 d old. The majority o f marked males caught were between 10 and 16 d after eclo
sion [16]. . -
Analysis o f the male fruit fly rectal gland after pharmacophagy showed
that ME was converted to other phenylpropanoids for storage. Bactrocera
dorsalis (taxon A ) produced coniferyl alcohol (CF); B. dorsalis (taxon B)
produced three compounds: CF, 2-allyl-4,5-dimethoxyphenol (compound I) and
Z-3,4-dimethoxycinnamyl alcohol (Z compound П) [17]; and B. umbrosa produced
three compounds: compound I, E and Z compound II and 3,4-dimethoxy-
hydroxyallyl benzene. Coniferyl alcohol and compound I are attractive to conspecific
males while CF attracts conspecific females and. stimulates ovipositor extrusion at
close range [14]. The rectal compounds were released into the air during dusk, which
coincides with the fruit fly courtship period [17]. The male rectal gland is known
to be the source o f the sex pheromone in fruit flies [18]. The three fruit fly species
have been observed to form lek. Therefore, CF and compound I act as a male aggre
gation pheromone. Controversy currently exists over the possible interbreeding o f
taxa A and В (to be placed as separate species) flies in the wild. They were interbred
in the laboratory, and intermediate morphological forms between the two were col
lected from the wild [19]. The ability to interbreed may be caused by the presence
o f CF, acting as sex pheromone, in the pheromone system o f the two taxa, provided
the sexes are in close proximity.
500 TAN
It has now become possible to explain the strong attractancy o f fruit flies to
certain lures by demonstrating an anti-predation mechanism in several species o f
fruit fly through the endogenous production and secretion o f an allomone after phar-
macophagy. Compulsive feeding o f ME by male flies produced a feeding deterrent
effect on the house lizard, Hemidactylus frenatus. Lizards did not attempt to feed on
fruit flies after initial exposure to flies that had fed on ME [20]. Some lizards would
rather starve than feed on fruit flies (demonstrated in a no choice feeding experiment
over a two to three week period). Lizards learn to avoid preying on fruit flies, proba
bly through the characteristic yellow markings on the flies. It has been shown that
compound I was a stronger fèeding deterrent than ME against sparrows [21].
Besides functioning as a male aggregation, pheromone, RK may not play an
anti-predation role in B. cucurbitae. The anti-predation mechanism in the melon fly
is achieved at sexual maturity [22], which coincides with the endogenous synthesis
o f ethyl-hydroxybenzoate and 1,3-nonandiol in the male rectal gland. The rectal
compounds were not detected in the first week after eclosion, but they increased
significantly with age, starting from two weeks old [23]. The mechanism probably
involves endogenously synthesized chemicals. The chemical 1,3-nonandiol reduced
the consumption o f treated house flies but did not directly deter predation. It may
play a role in conjunction with other components o f the rectal gland [23]. Further
investigation is necessary to determine the actual rectal component(s) involved as
allomones in the anti-predation mechanism o f the male melon fly.
Sexually mature male fruit flies congregate at dusk and produce a smoke-like
substance originating from the rectum during courtship [24]. This substance, when
sprayed onto the máte, may also protect females from lizards, especially during
copulation, which normally lasts from dusk to dawn. The female flies may be pro
tected through automimicry, because they resemble the males. Furthermore, both
B. latifrons and B. arecae may be Batesian mimics to gain protection from predators.
This is because the two species resemble B. dorsalis and they are much less abun
dant. However, their status as Batesian or Mullerian mimics is under review.
Sexually mature males hâve an escape mechanism. They have been observed
to release droplets during escape when disturbed. Spontaneous ejaculation o f rectal
content has been observed in sexually mature males when under stress, e.g. when
they are being anaesthetized with carbon dioxide or when they are being held by a
feather forceps [20, 22]. Such behaviour may distract a potential predator and thus
help the male flies to escape.
[1] FLETCHER, B .S ., The biology o f Dacinae fruit flies, Annu. Rev. Entómól. 32 (1987)
[2] M E TC ALF, R .L ., Plant volatiles as insect attractants, CRC Crit. Rev. Plant Sci. 5 3
(1987) 25 1 -3 0 1 . ' ‘
[3] M E TC ALF, R .L ., Chemical ecology o f Dacinae fruit fliés (Diptera: Tephritidae),
Ann. Entomol, Soc. Am . 83 (1990) 1017—1030.
[4] H O W LETT, F .M ., The effects o f oil o f citronella on two species o f Dacus, Trans. R.
Entomol. Soc. 60 (1912) 41 2-41 8.
502 TAN
[5] H OW LETT, F .М ., Chemical reactions o f fruit flies, Bull. Entomol. Res. 6 (1915)
. 29 7-30 5.
[6] STEINER, L .F ., et al., Eradication o f the oriental fruit fly from the Mariana Islands
by the methods o f male annihilation and sterile insect release, J. Econ. Entomol. 50
(1970) 50 8-509.
[7] T A N , K .H ., Estimation o f native populations o f male Dacus spp. by Jolly’s stochastic
method using a new designed attractant trap in a village ecosystem, J. Plant. Prot.
Tropics 2 (1985) 87 -9 5.
[8] T A N , K .H ., JAAL, Z ., Comparison o f male adult population densities o f the Oriental
and Artocarpus fruit flies, Dacus spp. (Diptera: Tephritidae), in two nearby villages
in Penang, Malaysia, Res. Popùl. Ecol. 28 (1986) 85 -8 9.
[9] T A N , K .H ., SERIT, М . , Movements and population sizes o f native male adult Dacus
dorsalis and Dacus umbrosus (Diptera: Tephritidae) in three ecosystems in Tanjung
Bungah, Penang, Malaysia, J. Plant Prot. Tropics 5 (1988) 17-21.
[10] TO ONG, Y .C ., T A N , K .H ., “ Fruit fly attractants from local plants” , paper presented
at symposium on Tropical Fruit Flies, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1992.
[11] •LEW IS, J .A .,, Volatile compounds from the flowers o f Spathiphyllum cannaefo-
lium, Phytochemistry 27 (1988) 2755-2757.
[12] FLATH , R. A . , O H IN AT A, K . , Volatile components of the orchid Dendrobium super-
bum RChb., J. Agríe. Food Chem. 30 (1982) 841-842.
[13] NISHIDA, R ., IW AH ASH I, O ., TAN, K .H ., Accumulation o f Dendrobium
(Orchidaceae) flower fragrance in the rectal glands by males o f the melon fly, Dacus
cucurbitae (Tephritidae), J. Chem. Ecol. (in press).
[14] T A N , K .H ., “ Chemical ecology of Malaysian Dacinae fruit flies — Plant-fruit fly -
predator interrelationships” , paper presented at 9th Annual Mtg o f the Int. Soc. of
Chem. Ecologists, Kyoto, Japan, 1992.
[15] TAN, K .H ., LEE; S .L ., Species diversity and abundance o f Dacus (Diptera:
Tephritidea) in,five ecosystems o f Penang, West Malaysia, Bull. Entomol. Res. 72
(1982) 70 9-716.
[16] T A N , K .H ., KIRTON, L .G ., SERIT, М ., “ Age response o f Dacus dorsalis (Hendel)
to methyl eugenol in (a) a wind tunnel and (b) traps set in a village, and its implication
in population estimation” , Fruit Flies (Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. Colymbari, Greece, 1986)
(ECONOM OPOULOS, A .P ., Ed.), Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam (1987)
4 2 5-43 2.
[17] NISHIDA, R ., et al., Accumulation o f phenylpropanoids in the rectal glands o f males
o f the Oriental fruit fly, Dacus dorsalis, Experientia 44 (1988) 53 4-53 6.
[18] FLETCHER, B .S ., The storage and release o f a sex pheromone by the Queensland fruit
fly, Dacus tryoni (Diptera: Trypetidae), Nature (London) 219 (1968) 63 1-632.
[19] K H O O , S .G ., Y Ó N G , H .S ., Department o f Zoology, University o f Malaysia, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia, personal communication, 1992.
[20] T A N , K .H ., NISHIDA, R ., “ Fruit fly allomones against predation by lizard” , Proc.
Nad IRPA Seminar, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Vol. 1 (1992) 23 7-238.
[21] NISHIDA, R ., FU KAM I, H ., Sequestration o f distasteful compounds by some phar-
macophagous insects, J. Chem. Ecol. 16 (1990) 151-164.
IAEA-SM-327/45 503
Artificial rearing o f the Chinese citrus fly, Dacus citri (Chen), is described. It was
found that the appropriate irradiation stage for sterilization treatment is at the last pupal phase,
one or two days before emergence, and that 9 krad o f irradiation is a suitable dose for steriliz
ing D . citri. A total o f 56 000 and 95 000 irradiated sterile males o f D . citri were released
in the Zhonglian orchard (about 34 ha) in Huishui County, Guizhou Province, in 1987 and
1989, respectively. The release ratio o f sterile to native fruit flies was 12.5:1 and 45 :1. The
percentage o f oranges damaged by D . citri dropped from 7.5 to 0.005.
It is known that Dacus citri.(Chen) only occurs in China. This pest was first
recorded in two provinces during the 1940s [1]; it was then found in four other
provinces during the 1960s [2]. It occurs in all the citrus producing regions in China
(except for Zhejiang and Guandong Provinces), ranging climatically from temperate
to subtropical to tropical zones. Dacus citri is highly injurious to sweet orange and
other citrus species, even though it produces only one generation per year. In some
orchards, infestation o f fruits by this pest has been estimated to amount to more than
50% [3]. During the 1950s, infestation in some counties in Sichen Province was
higher than 80%. On the basis o f a recent report from the Huaihua Plant Station in
Hunan Province, infestation in some areas is still as high as 80%. In 1987, the
infestation in Bangong township, Lodian County, Guizhou Province, was 22% ; in
one o f these orchards it rose; to 100%.
Over the last decade, China has made great economic progress. The living
standards and purchasing power have increased and the demand for vegetables and
fruits has become greater. To meet this increasing demand, large areas o f orchard
have been cultivated, especially for orange production. The area covered by citrus
506 WANG and ZHANG
orchards rose to 1 million hectares in 1989 and the annual output o f citrus fruit
increased to 4.56 million tonnes, from 0.9 million tonnes in 1980. Following the
expansion o f citrus orchards, great efforts have been made to protect citrus fruit and
the damage caused by D. citri has been reduced. However, the losses caused by
D. citri are still heavy. Therefore, it is necessary to find new ways o f coping with
D. citri.
One or two days before emergence the pupae were irradiated with 6, 9, 12 and
15 krad o f gamma irradiation at a dose rate o f 89.5 rad/min.1
The irradiated adults were placed in cages as mating crosses o f SÇ x Scr,
SÇ x N a , Ser x N 9 and N Ç x N cr. Each irradiation treatment was repli
cated four or five times and each cage contained five to ten pairs o f adults covered
with a citrus tree branch.
The mating time, lifespan and damage done to the citrus fruits, etc., were
The release o f irradiated sterile Chinese citrus flies was conducted in the
Zhonglian orange orchard in Huishui County, Guizhou Province, southwest China,
which covers about 34 ha and has 4800 orange trees. The orange orchard is isolated
by the surrounding hills, where there are neither citrus trees nor wild hosts o f D. citri
such as trifoliate orange.
The irradiated sterile pupae were mixed with fluorescent powder in containers
and then placed in the cages. After the female adults were removed, the irradiated
sterile male adults labelled with fluorescent powder were released. Six to ten sites
evenly distributed in the orchard were chosen as the releasing locations. Traps,
baited with a solution o f brown sugar, hydrolytic protein and brewer’ s yeast, were
used to capture the wild adults and recapture the released, labelled, sterile adults o f
D. citri.
The survival and emergence rates o f the overwintered pupae were 92.66 and
78.10% in the sand compared with 82.64 and 75.90% in the soil and 0 and 0% in
the sawdust, respectively. Therefore, fine sand was considered to be a favourable
substance for preserving the pupae. This also proved that the 10-15% water content
in the fine sand was appropriate, and that the temperature should not drop below 0°C
for several days.
The peak o f emergence was at about 12—14 h. Mating occurred at least by day
7 after emergence, days 12—17 on average, and was most concentrated at 12-14 h
under 100-1000 lux o f illumination.
Dacus citri is a polygamous fly. Under single pair rearing o f a total o f 55 pairs,
60% mated once, 34.55% mated twice and 5.54% mated three times. The preovipo-
sition period ranged between 23 and 69 d, most often 33-42 d. On average, the
fem ale laid 81.6 eggs three times within 10 d.
The best adult complementary nutrient’ was soybean powder + brown sugar
+ brewer’ s yeast. ■ 1
Most o f the females laid eggs on the surface o f the glass jar; only a few eggs
were laid on the cellophane and the gauze net covering the jar or the agar ball. Most
o f the eggs needed 40-60 d to complete development.
The artificial larval diet was selected from 31 formulas. Its ingredients were
the powder o f wheat germ, the powder o f carrot, sucrose, wheat bran and brewer’ s
yeast, juice o f the green orange, agar, citric acid, methylparaben, etc. The pércent-
age pupae obtained was 80.14. The larvae stage was about 66-79 d. Mature larvae
o f a lustrous light yellow colour pupated in the fine sand or soil.
A series o f tests indicated that there was no significant influence o f the radia
tion treatments (6—15 krad) on the emergence rate and lifespan o f the adults (Tables I
508 WANG and ZHANG
C H IN E S E C IT R U S F L Y , D . citri
a S: sterile; N: normal.
b ** and * denote significantly different at P = 0.01 and
P = 0.05 (LSD), respectively, compared with the control.
a Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P = 0.01, LSD.
Treatment 0800 qqqq ю оо цоо 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 Total
and crosses
6 krad
S9 x N ct 2 6 10 18 11 17 15 22 8 7 4 120
№ x S ct 2 9 20 17 20 21 22 10 24 15 6 2 168
SÇ x S ct 6 5 18 16 17 14 16 18 9 6 1 126
9 krad
.S Ç x Ncr 2 7 8 13 13 11 19 20 13 13 6 1 126
N Ç x Sa 1 6 8 12 14 10 18 17 15 13 7 1 122
S9 x So- 2 5 11 21 15 15 19 16 21 15 7 3 152
12 krad
S9 x N o- 2 4 8 16 8 8 8 3 3 60
N9 x So- 2 3 2 4 6 9 6 5 5 42
S9 x So- 2 7 5 3 5 3 3 2 30
15 krad
S9 x N cf 1 6 6 10 13 14 18 14 9 8 2 101
N9 x Scr 3 5 3 11 7 12 3 2 2 48
S9 x S ct 4 8 5 4 5 2 1 7 1 37
'ontrol 1 2 7 7 13 9 12 7 10 7 3 1 79
6 krad
S Ç X NO" 31 17 12 13 6 7 9.92 32.00
N 9 x Sо 41 20 15 4 5 6.67 16.27
S ç x Sa 29 23 15 2 1 1.53 5.28
9 krad
S ç x N o- 42 24 17 0 0 0
N 9 x So- 28 9 6 0 0 0
and Z H A N G
S 9 x So- 23 15 12 0 0 0
12 krad
S 9 x No- 13 8 5 0 0 0
N 9 x So- 22 13 12 0 0 0
S 9 x So- 16 3 2 0 0 0
15 krad
S 9 x Ñcr 23 8 6 0 0 0
N 9 x So- 27 15 9 0 0 0
S9 x So 7 0 0 0 0 0
Note: (1) The number of damaged fruits dissected is the number of fruits containing eggs and larvae from the dissected fruits.
(2) The number of damaged fruits checked is the number of damaged fruits dissected times the total number of pierced fruits divided by
the number of pierced fruits dissected.
IAEA-SM-327/47 511
and П), and that the mating time o f the irradiated D. citri was not changed
(Table Ш ). H ow ever, for both males and females treated with 6 and 9 krad, the mat
ing rate increased significantly. Some control occurred at 6 krad, but complete con
trol did not occur in the mating crosses until'9 'krad was applied (Table IV ).
Therefore, 9 krad o f irradiation (for pupae irradiated one or two days before
emergence) was determined as the appropriate sterile irradiation dose and irradiation
phase [4].
Using the labelling and recapture method, the longest dispersal distance o f
D. citri was found to be about 1500 m in a favourable wind direction. It appears that
movement and transportation o f damaged citrus fruits containing the larvae o f
D. citri are the main ways o f spreading infestation.
From the number o f wild and treated adults o f D. citri captured at different
sites in the orange orchard and the times at which they were captured, it was deduced
that D. citri prefers flying and is active in a breeze. A lso, it was proved that irradi
ated sterile adult D. citri still retained the behaviour o f native populations in the field.
A total o f 56 000 and 95 000 sterile males irradiated with 9 krad were released
at a ratio o f 12.5:1 and 45:1 (sterile: native fruit flies) in 1987 and 1989, respec
tively. The percentage o f oranges damaged by D. citri dropped from 7.5 to 0.005
during the same period [5].
In 1989, about 48 000 irradiated sterile female D. citri removed from the
Zhonglian orange orchard were released in another small orange orchard, about
1 ha. The percentage o f damaged oranges dropped from 0.55 to 0.003. Although the
release ratio was not obtained, it appeared that release o f irradiated sterile females
was effective, although many o f the orange fruits were scarred because the females
still produced oviposition marks.
Because preliminary control o f D. citri using the sterile insect technique has
been successful, a larger release programme is to be carried out in all orange
orchards with about 100 000 orange trees throughout Huishui County during the next
five years.
[1] C H E N , F.J., W O N G , F.P., Study on citrus maggot in Jiangjin county, Agrie. Sci. 1
(1943) 46-59.
[2]S U N , Z. Y., ‘‘The study and control of Dacus citri’ ’
, Chinese Plant Protection Science,
Scientific Publishing House, Beijing (1961).
[3] C H E N , S.H., T w o new Dacinae from Szechwan, Sinensia 11 1, 2 (1940) 131-135.
LIU, Q.R., Z H A O , C.D., Effect of radiation on the sterility of Chinese citrus fly, Acta
Agrie. Nucl. Sinica 6 1 (1991) 46-50.
W A N G , H.S., et al., Control of Chinese citrus fly Dacus citri by male sterile tech
nique, Acta Agrie. Nucl. Sinica 5 3 (1990) 135-138.
E .O . OSIR, G .N . M A G O M A ,
M .W . V U N D L A , E. K E N Y A
International Centre o f Insect Physiology and E cology,
The use o f synthetic chemical pesticides for the control o f insect pests and
disease vectors poses a great risk to human health and the environment [1]. Further,
selected mortality o f the more susceptible genotypes follow ing repeated application
o f insecticides has resulted in the rapid development o f resistance among several
insect pests and disease vectors [2]. Consequently, the last half o f this century has
seen efforts to develop alternative pest management strategies that are non-polluting
and environmentally benign. One such strategy that has attracted much interest
involves use o f the naturally occurring bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), as a
biopesticide. Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) is a gram positive soil bacterium that
514 OSIR et al.
Adult tsetse flies (G. m. morsitans W estw ood) and third instar С. partellus
larvae were supplied by the Insect and Animal Breeding Unit o f the International
Centre o f Insect Physiology and E cology (ICIPE).
Bacillus thuringiensis strain M F4B/2 was obtained from the ICIPE M icrobial
Bank. This strain was originally isolated in Kenya and found to be active against
C. partellus [5]. The Bt (Tikki) strain active against adult G. m. morsitans was iso
lated from dead or dying flies at the Kenya Veterinary Research Laboratories,
Kabete [6]. Strain M F4B/2 was grown in a m odified nutrient broth medium [7]. The
Tikki strain was grown in nutrient broth (O xoid Ltd, Basingstoke, Hants, United
Kingdom ). After a starter culture (220 rev./m in, 2 8 °C , 24 h), the culture was
aliquoted into media and incubated in a shaker incubator (220 rev./m in, 2 8 °C ,
72 h).
The M F4B/2 strain crystals were isolated as follow s. The spores, crystals and
cell debris were pielleted from a 72-h culture by centrifugation (10 000g, 10 min,
4 °C ). The resulting pellet was first washed with distilled water ( x 3), layered on
to a linear sucrose gradient (4 0 -7 0 % ) and then centrifuged (8000g, 1 h, 15°C ) in
a Beckman M odel L5-50 ultracentrifuge. The resulting interphases were washed free
o f sucrose by centrifugation (5000g, 20 min, 4 °C ) using distilled water. The inter
phase samples were checked for crystals m icroscopically after staining with Sm irnoff
IAEA-SM-327/48 515
stain [8]. The interphase with the most crystals was layered on to a liñeár sucrose
gradient (4 0 -7 0 % ) and centrifuged (7000g, 1 h, 15°C ) as described above. The
resulting single interphase from this step was washed with water and stored
at - 2 0 ° C .
The relatively large Tikki crystals were isolated by single step, low speed
centrifugation (1100g, 10 min, 4 °C ) o f the 72-h culture. The crystals that settled at
the bottom o f the tube were then washed ( x 3) with distilled water and stored at 4 °C .
Protein estimation was carried out using the Pierce Bicinchoninic açid (B C A )
protein assay method. The absorbances were measured at 562 nm using a M odel
D U -50 Beckman spectrophotometer. Bovine serum albumin (B SÁ) was used as the
protein standard.
The C. partellus (M F 4B /2) active endotoxin crystals were separated from the
spores and cell debris by centrifugation in a linear sucrose gradient. The crystals
form ed a distinct band in the low er half o f the centrifuge tube. The cell debris formed
tw o bands in the upper half o f the tube, while the spores form ed a pellet at the bottom
o f the tube. The purity o f the crystals obtained by this procedure was ascertained by
Sm irnoff staining. In the case o f the G. m. morsitans (Tikki) active crystals, separa
tion was achieved by a simple procedure involving centrifugation o f the crystal,
spore and cell debris mixture at a low speed. Under these conditions, the large Tikki
crystals settled at the bottom o f the tube, leaving the spores and cell debris in the
supernatant fraction.
The M F4B/2 crystals were analysed by SDS-polyacrylam ide gel electro
phoresis (PAGE) and found to contain only one major polypeptide of
M r ~ 130 kilodalton (Fig. 1). The crystal endotoxin could be solubilized under
IAEA-SM-327/48 517
1 2 3 4 5
----- 200
m «-----116
& ------ 97
$4 ----- 66
1И& . 9
9 <9
<¡B ------ 43
FIG. 1. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of MF4B/2 crystal proteins. The protein samples
were separated by dissociating gradient PAGE (4-15%), as described in Section 2. (I) Native
crystal; (2) insoluble crystal (pellet); (3) solubilized crystal (protoxin); (4) toxin (trypsin
treated protoxin); (5) bovine trypsin; and (6) molecular weight markers (Bio-Rad) (in
to — 200
— 116
97 — — 97
67 — — 67.
45 — — 45
31 —
21 —
14 —
FIG. 2. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis o f Tikki crystal proteins. The protein samples
were separated by gradient SDS-PAGE, as described in Section 2. (1) Low molecular weight
markers; (2) native crystal; (3) insoluble crystal (pellet); (4) solubilized crystal (protoxirt);
and (5) high molecular weight markers (Bio-Rad) (in kilodalton):
518 o sm et al.
1 2 3 4 5 6
f - 20°
31 — • шт» :
21 — ■ НИМ'
FIG. 3. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showing activation o f the Tikki protoxin. The
protein samples were separated by gradient SDS-PAGE, as described in Section 2. (1) Low
molecular weight markers (Bio-Rad); (2) protoxin; (3) toxin (trypsin treated protoxin);
(4) toxin (chymotrypsin treated protoxin); (5) toxin (chymotrypsin + trysin treated protoxin);
and (6) high molecular weight markers (in kilodalton).
FIG. 4. Staining for carbohydrates. The protein samples were separated by gradient SDS-
PAGE and the gel stained using the PAS stain, as described in Section 2. The arrow indicates
the position of the protoxin band.
\ ‘
x ill illl l
FIG. 5. Double radial immunodiffusion. The centre well had the antibodies against the
MF4B/2 protoxin (x), while the peripheral wells had the following samples: (a) MF4B/2
protoxin; (b) Tikki protoxin; and (c) Ae. aegypti active Bt protoxin.
520 OSIR et al.
the basis for such studies in the project we are currently undertaking. This paper
presents some initial findings on the biochem ical characterization o f the endotoxins
derived from the two strains.
Although several procedures o f isolating Bt crystals have been reported
[17, 18], a linear sucrose gradient was found to be most suitable for isolating the
M F4B/2 crystals. O ver 90% o f the crystals form ed a discrete interphase in the lower
half o f the centrifuge tube. This was in contrast to the relatively large Tikki crystals,
which had a higher density than that o f the spores and consequently settled to the
bottom o f the tube during low speed centrifugation. These observations indicated that
for each strain a specific procedure for isolating crystals has to be established. The
freshly prepared M F 4B /2 and Tikki crystals yielded a single major polypeptide band
on S D S -P A G E , with other minor bands occasionally appearing. The intensity and
number o f these minor bands increased with storage o f the crystals, probably due
to endogenous proteases associated with the crystals. Solubilization converted the
crystals into protoxins o f M r ~ 63 kilodalton in both cases. Compared with the
Tikki crystals, the M F4B /2 crystals were more completely solubilized under high
pH conditions and in the presence o f a reducing agent. V ery little solubilization was
achieved in the absence o f the reducing agent in both cases. Enzymatic conversion
o f the protoxins into the toxins gave interesting results. Compared with the Tikki
protoxin, treatment with trypsin did not appear to alter appreciably the molecular
weight o f the M F4B /2 protoxin. Further, chymotrypsin caused a shift in the m olecu
lar weight o f the M F4B /2 and Tikki protoxins. In the case o f M F 4B /2, chymotrypsin
gave results similar to those o f C. partellus midgut homogenate.
Many Bt toxins have been reported to be glycosylated [4]. In this study, both
the M F4B/2 and Tikki protoxins were shown to be glycosylated by a general carbo
hydrate stain. Furthermore, both proteins reacted with the lectin concanavalin A ,
suggesting the presence o f N linked high mannose carbohydrate chains. How ever,
it is possible that the О linked glycosyl residues are also present on the protoxins.
The exact role o f the carbohydrate moiety on these toxins remains unknown.
H ow ever, it has been proposed that they may play a role in insect toxicity [19].
Although M F4B/2 and Tikki had many similarities, they appeared to be im munologi-
cally distinct. H ow ever, it should be noted that the im munological relationship
between the protoxins was tested using the relatively insensitive technique o f
immunodiffusion. It will be interesting to repeat the tests using the more sensitive
technique o f immunoblotting. Other studies aimed at characterizing these two
Bt toxins more fully are under way.
This work was supported by grants from the United States A gency for Interna
tional Development and the OPEC Fund.
522 OSIR et al.
Z oolog ical Institute,
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
Leuven, .
In order to reduce environmental pollution, it is o f great interest to find alternative
methods for controlling insect pests. With the progress made in the isolation and identification
o f peptides and endogenous toxins from insects, the question can be raised whether or not
these natural factors are potentially useful as insecticides. The aim o f the present study was
to test certain toxins and myotropic peptides isolated from insects for their usefulness as insec
ticides. Over twenty neuropeptides isolated from different insect species have been isolated
and identified in the laboratory. To date, tests have been carried out on the influence o f four
neuropeptides on the food intake o f Lj larvae o f Mamestra brassicae. Also, the crude haemo-
lymph, as well as some o f the purified fractions o f the Colorado potato beetle, have been
tested. At least one o f the neuropeptides and some o f the compounds present in the haemo-
lymph and the purified fraction D have a negative influence on the development o f L, larvae
o f M. brassicae after oral intake.
524 BUEDS et al.
2.1. Neuropeptides
In our laboratory, over twenty new insect neuropeptides were isolated and fully
sequenced. Then they were synthesized. So far, we have tested four such synthetic
peptides that were originally isolated from Locusta migratoria and Sarcophaga bul-
lata. During isolation, the biological activity was monitored by observing the effect
o f fractions on changes in the frequency or amplitude o f spontaneous contractions
o f the cockroach (Leucophaea maderae) proctodeum (hindgut). This bioassay is an
excellent detection method for isolating peptides from different insect species.
Three o f the four peptides tested showed m yotropic effects. The one isolated
from head extracts o f Sarcophaga was a myoinhibiting peptide. Their amino acid
sequences were:
2 .2 . Insect toxins
W e also tested toxic proteins present in the haemolymph o f the Colorado potato
beetle for possible lethal effects on Mamestra larvae. This haemolymph contains four
different proteinaceous toxins [6]. Some are toxic to mammals and others to insects.
2 .3 . Sim m ondsin
A ll the natural factors were tested on fo o d intake and lethal effects in the
phytophageous noctuid Mamestra brassicae L. This species occurs in large parts o f
Europe and Asia and can cause considerable damage to crops. O f extreme im por
tance, however, for this species is that an artificial diet is available so that the insects
can be reared all year round. A s mentioned in Secton 1, some species o f Noctuidae
are less sensitive to com m on strains o f B. thuringiensis, so we hoped that our tested
natural factors may be effective.
A s the larvae hatched from the egg they were divided into two groups o f
20 larvae each. One group was fed a treated diet, the other group a normal diet. The
compounds to be tested were dissolved in water and small cubes o f artificial diet
were covered with a given amount o f the solution. The larvae were checked daily
for repellent and lethal effects.
Preliminary results indicate that none o f the tested natural factors has a repel
lent effect on the larvae. Only one o f the neuropeptides (Ala-Pro-Gln-Ala-Gly-Phe-
T yr-G ly-V al-A rg-N H 2), when administered orally, has a lethal effect within five
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
days o f emergence. The crude haemolymph, as well as one o f the purified fractions,
have a deleterious effect on the larvae o f Mamestra. Simmondsin was also lethal for
the larvae. Figure 1 shows the survival o f the L] larvae o f M. brassicae treated with
the various natural factors.
At this point it is clear that at least some o f the natural factors tested are lethal
for the L , larvae o f M. brassicae. H ow ever, none o f the factors was totally pure,
with the exception o f Simmondsin. For the active neuropeptide, there was a possibil
ity the impurities still present after synthesis are responsible for the lethal effects.
How ever, the preliminary results o f the feeding experiments with the purified
neuropeptide gave the same results.
IAEA-SM-327/49 527
Further research is being carried out to find out if the alimentary canal is the
primary target o f the active compounds. Preliminary results with larvae treated with
the active fraction isolated from the crude haemolymph o f the C olorado potato beetle
indicate that these compounds disturb the structure o f the alimentary epithelium.
Additional research is required before w e can draw conclusions about the possibili
ties for practical use o f all these compounds.
The research was sponsored by the Instituut ter bevordering van onderzoek in
nijverheid en landbouw (IW O N L ) o f Belgium; we thank M . Cokelaere for providing
the Simmondsin sample.
[1] VAECK, M ., et al., Transgenic plants protected from insect attack, Nature (London)
328 (1987) 33-37.
[2] FONAGY, A ., et al., Isolations, primary structure and synthesis o f Neomyosupressin,
a myoinhibiting neuropeptide from the grey fleshfly, Neobelleria bullata, Insect
Biochem. (submitted).
[3] SCHOOFS, L., et al., Locustatachykinin in and IV: Two additional insect
neuropeptides with homology to peptides o f the vertebrate tachykinin family, Regul.
Peptides 31 (1990) 199-212.
[4] PAEMEN, L., et al., Lom -AG-М уotropin: A novel myotropic peptide from the male
accessory glands o f Locusta migratoria, Peptides 12 (1990) 7-10.
[5] T IP S , A ., K ath oliek e U niversiteit L euven , personal com m unication.
[6] AMELINCKX, М ., Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, personal communication.
R. T Y K V A
Institute o f Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry,
C zechoslovak Academ y o f Sciences,
Institute o f Entom ology,
C zechoslovak A cadem y o f Sciences,
Ceské Budéjovice
Utilization o f biologically active compounds applied in insect pest management has
been studied by a complex method using carbamate juvenoid radiolabelled in different posi
tions with ,4C and/or 3H. The technique enables the penetration, distribution and excretion
o f the applied compound and/or its metabolites to be followed quantitatively.
The flesh fly, Sarcophaga bullata Parker, was used in the experiments. Larvae
were reared on b eef liver and pupariated in sawdust. One-day-old sugar fed females
were employed. Since the strain o f Sarcophaga used is partly autogenous, no liver
was offered during the experiments.
Previously synthesized [3] carbamate juvenoid (signature W 328) was labelled
separately at the Institute o f Nuclear B iology and Radiochemistry, Prague, in two
different positions with 14C using chemical synthesis, and independently with 3H by
the catalytic exchange solution-gas method. The radiochemical purity after prepara
tion [4] was higher than 9 9 % . The stability was examined during storage and
chromatographic purification was carried out before application, if necessary. The
labelled positions are summarized in Fig. 1.
An acetone solution (5 /xL) o f labelled W 328 was topically applied to the upper
part o f the thorax. The flies were narcotized at given time intervals and then sepa
rated into three main parts (head, thorax and abdomen) to measure the macrodistri-
bution o f radioactivity. Washing was carried out three times in a 5 m L solution o f
chloroform -m ethanol (1 :1 ). The body parts were dissolved in 1 m L o f scintillation
cocktail (Backman, BTS 450), then 15 m L ó f toluene scintillator were added. A
liquid scintillation spectrometer, Backman LS 6000 SE, was used; the standard
deviation was less than 1% in all the measurements.
! iv
Specific activity
Labelling No.
Benzyl-3H 82.3 I
Benzyl-3H 323 II
Benzyl-3H 557 III
Carbonyl-HC 0.185 IV
Benzene-U-u C 2.294 V
FIG. 1. Labelling o f the applied carbamate juvenoid W328 (molecular weight = 363.4).
IAEA-SM-327/50 531
The dependence o f the barrier effect o f the cuticle on the applied dose, is
demonstrated in Table I, expressed as a comparison o f the radioactivity recovered
by surface washing to the radioactivity applied [7]. It follow s from the measured
values that the percentage o f applied radioactivity recovered increased with increas
ing dose. F or example, the routes o f surface decontamination after application o f
0.081 fig o f tritiated W 328 differed considerably, depending on whether they were
applied alone or simultaneously with 14C . In the latter case, the values for both the
radiotracers were comparable, although their positions in the molecule differed and
the radioactivity applied differed considerably. A lso, the time dependence o f the
radioactivity recovered differs according to the dose applied.
T o appraise the influence o f this barrier effect on the radioactivity levels in the
body, we compared the results obtained with different doses o f the same label
(Table П). Although the relative radioactivity recovered by washing is strongly
dependent on the applied dose, body radioactivity after washing is roughly propor
tional to the applied radioactivity. Within two orders o f magnitude o f the applied
dose (0 .2 0 6 -1 3 .7 /¿g per fly), the percentage o f applied radioactivity measured
within the whole body was only slightly different during a period o f more than
two weeks. Therefore, with increasing input o f radioactivity in the range o f a b io
logically active dose, the radioactivity o f a certain tissue could be increased, i f neces
sary. A ccording to bur measurements o f the detailed radioactivity distribution
(Table Ш ), the fluctuations were partly due to excretion by the gut. The effects o f
washing were mostly evident on the thorax, because this was the site on which the
label was applied.
Labelled W328 1 П + IV Ш
Note: The value o f mass (g) was calculated from the appropriate specific activities o f the labels
(see Fig. 1), assuming their surface stability.
Day Washed off Body Washed off Body Washed off Body
A FT E R A PP L IC A T IO N O F 24.6 fig O F ( 14C RIN G ) W 328 (THE M E AN S OF
198.3 kBq OF (C A R B O N Y L - 14C ) W 328 PER F L Y
Total 87.8
8 2U AO
Time (min)
FIG. 2. Standard UV and radioactivity detection after high pressure liquid chromatography
o f an aliquot o f the whole body extract from three flies on day 7 after application o f 12.4 kBq
o f (carbonyl-14C) W328 per fly.
IAEA-SM-327/50 535
The authors wish to thank T. Elbert and V . Vlasáková from the Institute o f
Nuclear B iology and Radiochemistry, Prague, for the radiochromatographic
Faculty o f Biological Sciences,
University o f South Bohemia,
Ceské Budëjovice,
Insect development and reproduction are under hormonal control and are ham
pered when the hormonal regulation is disturbed. The practical potential o f artifi
cially induced hormonal imbalance was recognized by W illiams [1], who discovered
that topical applications o f juvenile hormone (JH) extracts caused developmental
defects with lethal consequences. Since then, the structure o f five JHs has been eluci
dated. Juvenile hormones seem to be unique to insects, in which they control
metamorphosis, reproduction, and several other processes and functions. There are
differences in the role o f JHs in various insect groups [2]. For example, in Lepidop-
tera, metamorphosis ensues after a drop in JH titre and egg formation often occurs
in pupae when JH remains low . By contrast, in cyclorrhaphous Diptera, metamor
phosis appears to begin in the last larval instar in the presence o f JH, and egg produc
tion requires a high titre o f this hormone.
The effects o f JHs are mimicked by juvenoids, whose structure is often only
vaguely related to the known hormones. A few juvenoids were isolated from plants
and several thousand were synthesized. Examples o f the structural variety o f ju ve
noids can be found in Refs [3, 4] and in a number o f other publications. Juvenoids
have also been linked to inert moieties such as sugars and fatty acids to obtain juveno-
gens from which the hormonally active component is released upon enzymatic
cleavage in the target insect. Research efforts were further directed to substances that
interfere either with the production or with the action o f JH [5]. These ‘ anti-JH
agents’ , as well as the juvenogens, seem to be far from practical utilization.
Arguments for and against the use o f juvenoids in insect pest management have
been put forward for the last twenty years [6 , 7]. It is agreed that juvenoids suffer
two major disadvantages. First, the activities o f juvenoids are invariably species
specific and some insect groups are difficult to affect with any compound [ 8 , 9].
Second, the desired effects in most pest control programmes are death or sterility,
both o f which occur days or weeks after the juvenoid treatments. Owing to these
limitàtions, progress in juvenoid commercialization has been slow and to date only
five compounds are available on the market. The flaws o f juvenoids, however, are
compensated for by their selectivity, which makes them safe to most non-target spe
cies, and their biodegradability, which prevents accumulation o f residues in the food
Available knowledge and experience indicate that juvenoids are not likely to
becom e a general means o f controlling insect pests. On the other hand, in certain
cases their use appears to be the method o f choice. The aim o f the present paper,
in which the effects and the current use o f juvenoids are briefly reviewed, is to
encourage considerations on combining juvenoid treatments with radionuclear,
molecular and genetic techniques o f pest control. Owing to lack o f space the refer
ences listed are limited to reviews and selected reports published within the last few
Juvenoids have been reported to affect all the developmental stages o f insects
[ 10 ], but usually only applications to one or two stages are o f practical significance
in any given species. The most suitable stage must be identified experimentally. The
follow ing paragraphs illustrate the variety o f effects that can be encountered after
juvenoid treatments. The suppression o f reproduction is emphasized.
Juvenoids applied to the eggs either directly or via the maternal organism
inhibit embryogenesis. The effects range from the blockage o f cleavage to the hatch
IAEA-SM-327/51 539
ing o f slightly defective larvae that are bound to perish. Death usually occurs soon
after hatching, but tobacco hornworm larvae eclosing from fenoxycarb treated eggs
sometimes survive until the second instar [ 1 1 ].
The life cy cle o f many insects includes a facultative or obligatory diapause that
occurs in various developmental periods and is controlled by differential hormonal
mechanisms. Juvenoids have been reported to terminate early embryonic diapause,
while our experience indicates that they have no effect on diapause at the very end
o f embryonic development when the fully form ed first instar larvae are prevented
from hatching. The effects o f juvenoids on diapause in early larval instars have not
been examined, except for a report on diapause termination in a planthopper [14] .
Diapause in an early part o f the last larval instar, i.e. before the programming for
metamorphosis takes place (such diapausing larvae undergo in som e species station
ary larval moults), was induced and maintained with juvenoids in several endop
terygotes. The effect o f juvenoids is variable in the case o f diapause occurring late
in the last larval instar; diapause induction is facilitated but in some species juvenoids
cannot revert stimulation o f development by environmental cues. In contrast, ju ve
noids invariably terminate pupal diapause. Precisely dosed treatments induce con
tinuation o f normal development, whereas high doses bring about morphogenetic
defects, as described in Section 2.5.
2 .5 . Derangement of metamorphosis
2 .7 . Inhibition of reproduction
M ost o f the juvenoid effects listed above have indirect consequences for
reproduction. O bviously no progeny are produced when the treated insects die from
morphogenetic defects. The supernumerary larvae and intermediate form s, which
ecdyse after treatment at the metamorphosing stages, can survive for a long time,
but incomplete development o f the reproductive system prevents their reproduction.
A n exception is found in viviparous aphids that deliver their parthenogenic progeny
via a rupture in the body wall. In most insects, however, reproduction is impaired
when juvenoids cause even a minor m orphological abnormality in the emerged
adults, such as incomplete genitalia rotation in the males or distorted ovipositor in
the females o f cyclorrhaphous Diptera. The interference o f juvenoids with polym or
phism, moulting and diapause may also inhibit reproduction. For example, juvenoids
suppress the reproductive potential o f termite cdlonies by causing a shift from the
development o f reproductives to that o f soldiers.
ates and perish. In the German cockroach, however, it is possible to cause permanent
sterility in externally normal adults by administering juvenoids to the larvae [17].
Juvenoids also inhibit the differentiation and function o f follicular cells and this
results in the formation o f faulty egg chambers. The chambers either fuse to contain
m ore than one oocyte or remain unusually small, and/or they appear normal but
either vitellogenesis or chorion and m icropyle formations are defective. Imperfect
egg chambers are usually resorbed but occasionally they sustain and non-developing
eggs are laid. Their sterility, however, may also be due to juvenoid deposition in the
egg and consequent blockage o f embryogenesis (see Section 2 .1 ). The latter case
occurs frequently after juvenoid applications to adults. Females are obviously more
susceptible to this effect, but treated males may transfer juvenoids to the eggs during
mating. High doses o f juvenoids administered to the reproducing females o f the fire-
brat, Thermobia domestica, cause irreversible degeneration o f entire о varioles. Such
an effect has not been reported for any other insects and exemplifies great differences
in the sterilizing potential o f juvenoids for different species. In many cases, the cause
o f reproductive failure is not precisely known and may be unrelated to gonads. For
example, reduction in fecundity in Spodoptera litura has been attributed to juvenoid
interference with a humoral stimulation o f oviposition [18].
Z oecon Corporation (now Sandoz Crop Protection Ltd) o f California com m er
cialized three esters o f 3,7,ll-trim eth yl-dodeca-2,4-dien oic acid m ore than a decade
ago. The juvenoid kinoprene was introduced under the name Enstar for the control
o f homopterans on ornamental plants in greenhouses (applied at 0 .1 g /m 2; these and
all follow ing data refer to the active ingredient). T w o other juvenoids had a much
broader spectrum o f application. By 1985, the juvenoid methoprene was formulated
as Altosid to control mosquitoes (280 g/ha) and hom flies (0.02% in mineral blocks
for a feed through application); as Apex against sciarid flies in mushroom cultures
(1 g /m 2); as Kabat for application in tobacco storehouses (10 ppm sprays), and as
Dianex and Diacon to protect stored peanuts (0.0207 g /m 3 in aerosol formulation
and 1.12 g/100 kg peanuts in spray). Bait formulations Pharorid (Z oecon ) and Lafa-
rex (Lachema, Czechoslovakia) proved very effective against the pharaoni ant. The
third juvenoid o f Z oecon Corporation, the hydroprene, was developed for use
against fleas (Precor or, in combination with a pyrethroid, Raid Flea Killer II Plus)
and cockroaches (G encor, or Gencor Plus in a mixture with Permethrin).
Dr. R. Maag Ltd (Switzerland) developed for commercial use the juvenoid
fenoxycarb, which is characterized by the phenoxyphenoxy moiety and a carbamate
functional group. Fenoxycarb is used under the name Insegar (Ciba Geigy, Switzer-
IAEA-SM-327/51 543
land) to control tortricids and homopterans in orchards (the doses vary from
0.25 to 1 kg/ha with one to three sprays per season), fire ants in the households
(5 -1 0 m g/colon y), mosquito larvae in water reservoirs (0 .0 3 -0 .1 ppm ), and some
stored product pests (4 -1 0 ppm). Fenoxycarb is now also manufactured in Japan, but
its broad use in agriculture is being threatened by reports that fenoxycarb contamina
tion has prevented cocoon spinning in com m ercially reared silkworms in certain
parts o f Italy and France [19].
The fifth com m ercially available juvenoid, named pyriproxyfen, is produced
by the Sumitomo Chemical Company Ltd, Japan. A s Sumilarv, it is particularly
recommended for the control o f fly development in waste products (0.2 g /m 2) and
o f mosquitoes in water reservoirs (0.01 ppm ). G ood results have also been obtained
with the use ô f pyriproxyfen against aphids, psyllids, white flies and scales [ 20 - 22 ],
and also against the triatomid bug, Rhodnius prolixus [23].
There are at least two juvenoids o f interest in the testing stage. A compound
resembling fenoxycarb, ethyl 2 -{4-[(l,4-dioxaspiro[4,5]dec-6-yl)m ethyl]ph enoxy}
ethylcarbamate, was discovered at the Czechoslovak A cadem y o f Sciences.
It exhibits high activities on several insect groups, psyllids in particular [24].
A structurally unrelated com pound, 4-chloro-5-(6-chloro-3-pyridylm ethoxy)-2-
(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-pyridazin-3(2H )-one, Nissan Chemical Industries, Japan,
shows very promising effects on leafhoppers [15, 25].
Juvenoids harbour a potential for use with other environmentally friendly tech
niques o f sustained pest suppression. A combination o f juvenoids with the use o f
bioagens, such as parasitoids and predators, is an emerging trend in some pest con
trol schemes. Such an approach is possible because juvenoids are often destructive
for the pests but are safe for their natural enemies [26, 27]. There are indications
that juvenoid treatments may even enhance the population growth o f some parasi
toids; w e observed that treatment o f the eggs o f the sun bug, Eurygaster integriceps,
extends by several times the period in which they can be infested with the parasitoid
Azolcus grandis.
It is possible to envisage the use o f juvenoids as part o f various sterile insect
technique programmes. For instance, the high ovicidal activity o f both fenoxycarb
and pyriproxyfen on the codling moth could be exploited for suppressing the natural
population before sterile insect release. Pyriproxyfen has also been identified as an
effective tsetse sterilant that acts by inhibiting metamorphosis in the offspring o f
treated flies [28]. Luring adults to traps in which they becom e contaminated with
pyriproxyfen was devised as a method for achieving a considerable population reduc
tion in tsetse [29]. This approach should certainly be considered in tsetse eradication
[1] W I L L I A M S , C.M., The juvenile hormone of insects, Nature (London) 178 (1956)
[2] S E H N A L , F., “Growth and life cycles’ ’, Comprehensive Insect Physiology,
Biochemistry and Pharmacology ( K E R K U T , G.A., GILBERT, L.I., Eds), Vol. 2,
Pergamon Press, Oxford (1985) 1-86.
[3] S L A M A , K., R O M A N U K , М., S O R M , F., Insect Hormones and Bioanalogues,
Springer-Verlag, Vienna (1974).
[4] H E N R I C K , C.A., “Juvenile hormone analogues: Structure-activity relationships”,
Insecticidal Modes of Action (COATS, J.R., Ed.), Academic Press, N e w York (1982)
[5] S T A A L , G., Anti-juvenile hormone agents, Annu. Rev. Entomol. 31 (1986) 391-429.
[6] E D W A R D S , J.P., M E N N , J.J., “The use of juvenoids in insect pest management”,
Chemie der Pflanzenschutz- und Schàdlingsbekàmpfungsmittel ( W E G L E R , R., Ed.),
Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1981) 185-214.
[7] B O W E R S , W.S., “Prospects for the use of insect growth regulators in agriculture”,
Advances in Invertebrate Reproduction (HOSHI, М., Y A M A S H I T A , O., Eds),
Vol. 5, Elsevier, Amsterdam (1990) 365-382.
[8] S T A A L , G., Insect growth regulators with juvenile hormone activity, Annu. Rev.
Entomol. 20 (1975) 417-460.
[9] S E H N A L , F., “Action of juvenoids on different groups of insects”, The Juvenile Hor
mones (GILBERT, L.I., Ed.), Plenum Press, N e w York (1976) 301-322.
[10] S E H N A L , F., “Juvenile hormone analogues”, Invertebrate Endocrinology
( D O W N E R , R.G.H., L A U F E R , H., Eds.), Vol. 1, Alan R. Liss, N e w York (1983)
[11] M A S N E R , P., A N G S T , М., D O R N , S., Fenoxycarb, an insect growth regulator with
juvenile hormone activity: A candidate for Heliothis virescens (F.) control on cotton,
Pesticide Sci. 18 (1987) 89-94.
[12] GEBLIC, I., S E H N A L , I., Failure of some individuals of Spodoptera littoralis
(Lepidoptera) to produce superlarvae, Acta Entomol. Bohemoslov. 83 (1986) 161-170.
[13] AKAI, H., K I M U R A , K., KIUCHI, М., S H I B U K A W A , A., Increase of silk produc
tion by repeated treatments with juvenile hormone analogue, J. Serie. Sci. Jpn 54
(1985) 297-299.
[14] M I Y A K E , T., H A R U Y A M A , H., MITSUI, T., S A K U R À I , A., Effects of a new
juvenile hormone mimic, NC-170, on metamorphosis and diapause of the small brown
planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus, J. Pesticide Sci. 17 (1992) 75-82.
[15] K R Y S A N , J.L., “Premature termination of reproductive diapause by a juvenile hor
mone mimic: A possible control strategy for pear psylla”, Advances in Invertebrate
IAEA-SM-327/51 545
J.W . H A R G R O V E
Insect Pest Management Initiative,
Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Control Branch,
For a closed (island) population of G. morsitans morsitans Westwood, the probability
per week of capturing females on ox fly rounds was about 0.3 in the first week of life, less
than 0.2 for 27 to 35-d-old flies and greater than 0.4 for flies more than 80 d old. For open
populations, the relative changes in capture probability were measured from the ovarian
age distributions of trap and ox fly round samples. They were used (with the island data) to
show that the age dependent sampling bias of traps for female G. m. morsitans increased
more than sixfold over the first 80 d of life. The age dependent bias for G. pallidipes
Austen taken from odour baited traps is probably at least as serious as for G. m. morsitans.
Estimates of daily mortality from the mark-recapture studies were always (up to 20 times)
higher than estimates from ovarian age samples taken at the same times. The mortalities
recalculated from samples adjusted for sampling biases were closer to, but still lower than,
the mark-recapture estimates. Odour baited targets are successful in controlling tsetse popu
lations, despite the relatively low probability of treating young females. If sterilants instead
of insecticides were used on the targets, young females could be treated indirectly via treated
males, which transfer the sterilant to virgin females during copulation.
* Research carried out with the support of the I A E A under Research Contract
No. 3031/RB.
In the past, mortalities have been estimated from ovarian age data by non
linear regression [3, 12], but the method assumes equal variance in each o f the n¡
(the number o f sampled flies in age class i). It can be shown that the maximum
likelihood estimate for the mortality is obtained by solving, for <p, the equation
7 7 7
and where <p = exp (ц + X) fo r mortality p and growth rate X. (Flies in ovarian
category zero have generally been excluded from such analyses, since they are
judged to be severely underrepresented in field samples.) The mortality ц can then
be estimated if the growth rate X is known; the latter is obtained from changes in
population levels estimated, for the present study, by multiple mark-recapture
[5, 6].
The com plex form o f Eq. (1) is due to the pooling o f older flies in ovarian
categories 4 -7 . Thus, ovarian category 4 contains flies from age categories 4, 8 , 12,
etc., which cannot be separated by the dissection technique alone; analogous
problems exist for ovarian categories 5, 6 and 7. The older age classes can be
partitioned approximately on the basis o f their wing fray [13]; this technique is used
in Section 3.
For a population o f N flies, suppose n¡ are in age category i and that for a
sample o f M j flies (using technique j ) m¡ j are in age category i. Then we define the
bias ( b j j ) for age category i and capture system j by
by = (my/MjVOii/N) (2)
Conversely, if the b¡ j are known, the n¡ are estimated by
n¡ = ( т у Н ) /( М г Ьу) (3)
Note that the population age distribution can be estimated even i f N is unknown.
It also follow s that the biases o f the two different sampling systems are related by
0.8 г 25
(a) (b )
S' 20
¡t1 0.6 С
ce I 15
0.4 Ф
Q. ф
<0 0.2 о
o ф 5
_i_____ i_____ i------- i_
4 8 12 . 16 20
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ovarian age Ovarian category
4 8 12 16 20
Ovarian age Ovarian age
(e) w
<a a} 4
ш m
0 4 8 12 16 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ovarian age Ovarian category
FIG. 1. Age dependent sampling biases in female G. m. morsitans. (a) The relationship,
for flies recaptured on an ox fly round [13], between the age and probability o f capture
(± standard deviation) in successive seven-day periods, (b) Frequency by ovarian category
for flies caught in odour baited traps (solid bars) and on ox fly rounds (open bars) [11].
(c) As for (b), but flies in ovarian categories 4-7 distributed to older categories according
to wing fray [13]. (d) Estimate of true age distribution using information from (a) and (c).
(e) Estimated age dependent sampling bias for flies caught in odour baited traps calculated
using the estimated true distribution (d) and the trap sample (c). (f) As for (e), but the
distributions in (c) and (d) are pooled prior to calculation to give only ovarian categories 0-7,
as in (b).
IAEA-SM-327/52 553
FIG. 2. Population levels and mortality rates for female G. m. morsitans and G. pallidipes
(all filled symbols) on Antelope Island, Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe [7]. (a) Weekly mark-
recapture estimates o f the total population numbers (logarithmic scale). Unes are fitted by
regression to estimate growth rates over times shown, (b) Estimates o f mortality resulting
from: mark-recapture (circles), analysis o f original ovarian age distribution (squares) and
o f 'corrected' distributions (triangles).
Note that Fig. 1(a) shows the absolute probability o f capture at various ages,
rather than the bias. The latter is obtained by multiplying each o f the probabilities
(Pÿ) by the constant factor
where к is the number o f age classes and the n¡ and m¡j are defined in Section 2.2.
Figure 1(b) shows the percentage in each ovarian age class for samples o f
G. m. morsitans taken from odour baited traps and o x fly rounds in a study on an
open population [11]. Flies in ovarian categories 4 -7 can be partitioned, using the
wing fray o f individual flies, to produce an approximate sample age distribution
(Fig. 1(c)). The true age distribution (Fig. 1(d)) can then be estimated (from
Eq. (3)), using the ox fly round sample age distribution (Fig. 1(c)) and the capture
probability function (Fig. 1(a)).
The age dependent sampling bias for the traps (Figs 1(e) and 1 (f)) is now
estimated (from Eq. (4)), using the estimated true age distribution (Fig. 1(d)) and the
trap sample age distribution (Fig. 1(c)). The bias changes more radically with age
for traps than for the ox fly. rounds (see Figs 1(a) and 1(e), noting the tenfold differ
ence in scale), increasing approximately linearly with age for most o f the fly ’ s life.
The vital parameters of island populations of G. m. morsitans and
G. pallidipes [7] have been estimated by mark-recapture (Fig. 2). During this
experiment, three ovarian age samples o f trapped flies were also obtained. The daily
mortalities estimated by mark-recapture were up to five times higher than those
from age structure analysis for G. m. morsitans and up to 20 times higher for
G. pallidipes (Fig. 2 (b)). This could be explained by a bias in trap samples towards
old flies. The mortalities estimated from age structures ‘ corrected’ using the bias
estimates (Fig. 1(d)) were indeed higher than the originals, but still substantially
low er than the mark-recapture estimates in each case (Fig. 2(b)).
The Government o f Zim babwe is grateful for the continuing support given by
the Joint F A O /IA E A Division o f Nuclear Techniques in F ood and Agriculture,
IA E A .
[1] VALE, G.A., etal., Odour-baited targets to control tsetse flies, Glossina spp.
(Diptera: Glossinidae), in Zimbabwe, Bull. Entomol. Res. 78 (1988) 31-49.
[2] HARGROVE, J.W., Tsetse dispersal reconsidered, J. Animal Ecol. 50 (1981)
[3] ROGERS, D.J., etal., Local variations in the population dynamics o f Glossina
palpalis palpalis (Robineau-Desvoidy) (Diptera: Glossinidae). I. Natural population
regulation, Bull. Entomol. Res. 74 (1984) 403-423.
[4] HARGROVE, J.W., Tsetse: The limits to population growth, Med. Vet. Entomol. 2
(1988) 203-217.
[5] JOLLY, G.M ., Explicit estimates from capture-recapture data with both death and
immigration — stochastic model, Biometrika 52 (1965) 225-247.
[6] SEBER, G.A.F., A note on the multiple recapture census, Biometrika 52 (1965)
[7] VALE, G.A., et al., Field trials o f baits to control populations o f Glossina morsitans
morsitans Westwood and G. pallidipes Austen (Diptera: Glossinidae), Bull. Entomol.
Res. 76 (1986) 179-193.
[8] HARGROVE, J.W., “ Population estimation from mark-recapture data: Equations
for a pooled mark system and for pooled data, with applications to a study on island
populations o f tsetse flies in Zimbabwe” , Sterile Insect Technique for Tsetsë Control
and Eradication (Proc. Panel Vóm, 1988), IAEA, Vienna (1990) 79-114.
[9] CAUGHLEY, G., Analysis o f vertebrate populations, Wiley, Chichester (1977)
234 pp.
[10] SAUNDERS, D.S., Age determination for female tsetse flies and the age composition
o f samples o f G. pallidipes Aust., G. palpalis fuscipes Newst. and G. brevipalpalis
Newst., Bull. Entomol. Res. S3 (1963) 579-595.
[11] HARGROVE, J.W., Ovarian ages o f tsetse flies (Diptera: Glossinidae) caught from
mobile and stationary baits in the presence and absence o f humans, Bull. Entomol.
Res. 81 (1991) 43-50.
[12] VAN.SICKLE, J., PHELPS, R.J., Age distributions and reproductive status o f
declining and stationary populations o f G. pallidipes Austen (Diptera: Glossinidae) in
Zimbabwe, Bull. Entomol. Res. 78 (1988) 51-61.
[13] HARGROVE, J.W., Age-dependent changes in the probabilities o f survival and
capture o f the tsetse, Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood, Insect Sci. Applic. 11
(1990) 323-330.
[14] HARGROVE, J.W., BORLAND, C.H., Pooled population parameter estimates from
mark-recapture data, Biometrics (accepted for publication).
[15] HARGROVE, J.W., LANGLEY, P.A., Sterilizing tsetse (Diptera: Glossinidae) in the
field: A successful trial, Bull. Entomol. Res. 80 (1990) 397-403.
P. V O L F
Department o f Parasitology,
Charles University,
Institute o f Parasitology,
Czechoslovak Academ y o f Sciences,
Ceské Budëjovice
T S E T S E FLY, Glossina tachinoides: M I D G U T LECTIN ACTIVITY W I T H
Lectin that agglutinates human and animal red blood cells (RBCs) was demonstrated in
midgut extracts of Glossina tachinoides. The highest haemagglutination titres were against
pig and rabbit RBCs. Treatment of rabbit R B C s with pronase, trypsin, neuraminidase,
bromelain, glutaraldehyde and periodate reduced the agglutination titres. The lectin is specific
for amino, methyl and deoxy derivates of glucose, amino and methyl derivates of mannose,
D-galactosamine, N-acetylneuraminic acid and trehalose. In addition, very high reactivity
against the lipopolysaccharide of E. coli К 235 was found. Lectin is secreted to the midgut
lumen. It consists of a 27 kilodalton protein component that is not glycosylated. Sandwich
ELI S A permits quantification of lectin in tissue samples.
In insects, lectins take part in the humoral and cellular immune mechanisms.
In vectors o f infectious diseases, they may also react with the glycosylated com p o
nents o f transmitted pathogens [1]. Several species o f Glossina possess haemolymph
and gut lectins that are important for the life-cycle o f transmitted trypanosomes, e.g.
* This research was carried out with the support of the I A E A under Research Contract
No. 6804/RB.
558 VOLF et al.
Adult tsetse flies, G. tachinoides, obtained as puparia from the A gen cy’ s
Laboratory at Seibersdorf, were maintained on a mixture o f cattle/pig blood.
The midgut was removed from teneral and non-teneral flies o f both sexes,
repeatedly homogenized, frozen and thawed three times at - 7 0 ° C . The gut extracts
were then centrifuged at 3000g for 10 min and the supernatant stored at —7 0 °C .
In a haemagglutination activity (H A ) test, four types o f human ( A l , A 2, В
and O) and seven types o f animal red blood cells (RBCs) (rabbit, sheep, cattle, pig,
goat, mice and chicken) were used. Rabbit RBCs were used native or treated with
pronase, trypsin, bromelain, periodate and glutaraldehyde. An extract of
G. tachinoides midgut was serially diluted in haemagglutination buffer T N (10 mM
T ris-H C l, 0.15M NaCl, pH 7.2) on microtitration plates. The same volume (50 /¿L)
o f erythrocyte suspension was added to each well. The reciprocal value o f the highest
dilution with a positive reaction was designated a titre.
In the haemagglutination inhibition test (H IT), the inhibitors (saccharides and
glycoconjugates) were serially diluted in TN buffer. The midgut extract was adjusted
to contain 1.5 units o f haemagglutination activity (H AU ) and the same volume
(50 p,L) o f 1 % suspension o f rabbit or pig erythrocytes was added to each well. The
lowest concentration o f an inhibitor blocking 1.5 H AU was designated a 50% inhibi
tion concentration.
Antibodies directed against the H A o f G. tachinoides midgut were raised in
rabbits and m ice according to R ef. [4]. A 1% suspension o f RBCs was agglutinated
by midgut extract, washed three times in TN buffer and injected subcutaneously. The
gammaglobulin fraction was isolated from the rabbit hyperimmune serum using
caprylic acid according to R ef. [5].
Electrophoresis in p'olyacrylaminè gel in the presence o f sodium dodecyl sul
phate (S D S-P A G E ) was carried out in a discontinuous system according to R ef. [6]
on a 10-15% linear gradient slab gel (thicknéss 1.5 mm) under reduced conditions.
The gel, with markers o f molecular masses (L M W kit, Pharmacia, Uppsala,
Sweden), was stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250.
Transfer o f proteins to the NC membrane was carried out according to
R ef. [7]. The NC membrane was rinsed in T-PBS (PBS, pH 7.4, 0.05% Tween 20).
IAEA-SM-327/53 559
Immunoblats were incubated for 2 h in 5 % skim milk (O xoid, London, United King
dom ), washed in T-PBS and incubated for 2 h with rabbit antiserum to
G. tachinoides H A and then for 1 h with horseradish peroxidase-cOnjugated swine
anti-rabbit immunoglobulins (S E V A C , Prague, Czechoslovakia).
In affinoblotting, NC strips blocked with 3% BSA (Serva, Heidelberg, Ger
many) were incubated with peroxidase labelled lectins (diluted 1:100) for 2 h. The
lectins from the jack bean (C on A ), garden pea (P S A ), peanut (P N A ), soybean
(SBA) and wheat germ (W G A ) obtained from Lectinola (Prague) were labelled with
horseradish peroxidase (Serva, Heidelberg), as described in Ref. [8].
The peroxidase reaction product was developed by substrate solution with
0.6m M 3,3'-diam inobenzidine.
For indirect im munofluorescence assay, the midgut tissue was fixed in
3% paraformaldehyde at 4 °C and embedded in JB-4 resin (Polysciences) in ВЕЕМ
capsules. Sections (3 p m thick) were incubated with 3% BSA in PBS overnight at
4 °C , then with rabbit antibodies directed against G. tachinoides H A diluted'in 3%
BSA for 30 min and with fluorescein-conjugated swine anti-rabbit immunoglobulins
(S E V A C , Prague) for 30 min at 3 7 °C . Sections post-stained with Evans blue were
photographed using a Jenalumar (Zeiss, Jena, Germany) fluorescent m icroscope.
Sandwich ELISA was developed for the lectin measurement. Polystyrene
microtitration plates (G A M A , Ceské Budëjovice, Czechoslovakia) were incubated
overnight with 60 /xL o f rabbit gammaglobulins directed against G. tachinoides HA
(20 /ug/mL) in 0.1M carbonate buffer (pH 9:6). Midgut extracts (50 juL) were
serially diluted in PBS-Tw and incubated for 2 h at 3 7 °C . Then the plates were
incubated for 90 min with m ice antiserum directed against G. tachinoides HA
(diluted 1:1000) at 3 7°C and for 60 min with peroxidase-labelled swine anti-mice
immunoglobulins (S E V A C , Prague). Orthophenylendiamine in phosphate-citrate
buffer (pH 5.5) served as a substrate and the plates were read at 492 nm.
Carbohydrates (mM)
Glycoconjugates (/xg/mL)
Fetuin 39 156 10
Fetuin desialized 156 39 5
Bovine submaxillary mucin 156 78 39
Bovine submaxillary mucin
desialized z z 20
Ovomucoid z z 312
Ovalbumin z z 156
Gelatine z 30 10
Heparin z z 1
LPS E. coli K235 2 10 5
LPS S. typhosa 625 312 z
Without inhibition effect in HIT using both rabbit and pig RBCs: D-glucose,
D-galactose, D-mannose, L-fucose, D-arabinose, D-tagatose, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine,
N-acetyl-D-galactosamine, N-acetyl-D-mannosamine, lactose, maltose, fructose,
cellobiose, mellibiose, stachyose, dulcit, inositol, hyaluronic acid, laminarin and
IAEA-SM-327/53 561
FIG. 1. SDS-PAGE analysis o f G. tachinoides midgut extracts from unfed flies (A) and from
flies four days after feeding (B). Immuno- and affinoblotting analyses o f the same extracts
(C, D) with: (a) rabbit antiserum directed against the haemagglutination activity of
G. tachinoides midgut; (b) control rabbit serum; (c) lectin Con A ; and (d) lectin PSA.
562 VOLF et al.
lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from E. coli К 235 (with RBCs o f both species) and
glycoprotein heparin (with pig RBCs only). On the other hand, only a weak inhibi
tion occurred with Salmonella typhosa LPS (Table I). Using rabbit RBCs, no
qualitative differences were found between the binding specificity o f midgut extracts
from teneral and non-teneral flies o f both sexes (Table I).
S D S -P A G E and blotting techniques were used for the identification and
characterization o f lectin components. Only one polypeptide subunit o f 27 kilodalton
was detected using immunoblotting with rabbit antibodies directed against the
haemagglutination activity o f G. tachinoides midgut (Fig. 1). The 27 kilodalton
protein component did not react with the plant lectins in affinoblotting.
IAEA-SM-327/53 563
FIG. 3. Sandwich ELISA with G. tachinoides midgut extract. Standard curve. The optical
density (OD 492) reading was plotted against the protein concentration in the sample.
Laboratoire central vétérinaire,
Bamako, Mali
Centre de recherches sur les trypanosomoses animales,
B obo-D ioulasso, Burkina Faso
A . V A N D E R V L O E D T f , U , F E L D M A N N , M .J.B . V RE YSE N
D ivision mixte F A O /A IE A ,
A gence internationale de l ’énergie atomique,
568 DJITEYE et al.
in males irradiated with various doses are: 7 1 % (60 G y on day 25), 7 5 % (incubated and
60 G y on day 25), 8 2 % (incubated and 60 G y on day 28), 100% (80 G y on day 28) and 100%
(100 G y on day 30).
Des pupes de Glossina palpalis gambiensis âgées de 25, 28 ou 30 jours ont été
irradiées à l ’ aide d ’un irradiateur gamma ( 137Cs) dans les conditions ambiantes aux
doses de 60 G y, 80 G y ou 100 Gy (1 Gy = 100 rad). Elles ont été également
exposées (ou non) durant 5 jours dans un incubateur du type LKB M ini Coldlab réglé
à 15 + 1 ,5 °C et 90% d ’ humidité relative, immédiatement avant ou après
l ’ irradiation.
Après éclosion, les mouches mâles sont groupées dans des cages du type
Roubeau à raison de 2 5 -3 0 individus par cage et alimentées, durant 5 min, pendant
trois jours successifs sur des animaux infectés: une chèvre pour T. vivax et des lapins
pour T. congolense et T. brucei, tous au pic de la parasitémie. Dans chaque lot, deux
catégories de mouches, dont le nombre varie de 100 à 120, sont infectées à différents
états de réplétion: à l ’ état ténéral avec trois repas infectants aux jours 2 , 3 et 4 post
émergence ou à l ’ état non ténéral avec deux repas ordinaires in vitro sur membrane
de silicone aux jours 2 et 3 post-ém ergence, suivis de trois repas infectants aux
jours 4, 5 et 6.
Dans le cas spécifique de T. vivax, deux lapins ont été infectés sans succès
avec la souche Zaria 81/486/699. Le premier a éliminé l ’ infection (2 trypanosomes/
champ) avant l ’émergence des mouches, et les quelque 1000 mouches nourries sur
le second, avec un p ic de parasitémie de 8 trypanosomes/champ, n’ ont pas été
infectées. Une chèvre sahélienne a été directement inoculée par voie intraveineuse
par une seconde souche (Banan 8 5 /C R T A /7 8 , précédant une administration de
La parasitémie la plus élevée a été de 80 trypanosomes/champ, mais la chèvre
est morte avant la fin de l ’ expérience (20e jou r post-infection, 40 trypanosomes/
champ, hématocrite = 17% ). C ’est pour cette raison que certains lots ont reçu 1 ou
2 repas infectants et que d ’ autres n’ en ont pas reçu du tout. Après les trois repas
infectants, toutes les mouches sont alimentées tous les jou rs, durant 5 min, sur
membrane à silicone avec du sang de bœ uf hépariné, irradié et enrichi de glucose
et d ’ adénosine triphosphate, et gardées dans une salle à la température de 2 4 -2 6 °C
avec 7 5 -8 5 % d ’ humidité relative.
La mortalité est vérifiée avant les repas infectants et suivie tous les 5 jours.
Les mouches infectées par T. vivax sont disséquées et examinées à l ’ aide d ’ une loupe
binoculaire et d ’ un m icroscope, à partir du 10e jou r; celles qui sont infectées par
T. congolense et T. brucei sont examinées respectivement à partir des jours 20 et
25 après le premier repas infectant.
L ’étude de l ’ effet des différents traitements sur la fertilité a concerné 16 lots
de mouches, constitué chacun de 30 femelles âgées de 2 jours, accouplées durant
3 jours avec 30 mâles âgés de 7 jours. Après séparation, la production des pupes et
les avortements sont suivis chez les femelles jusqu’au 3 5 e jour.
570 DJITEYE et al.
Pour les tests de compétitivité, des mâles traités, incubés ou irradiés ont été
marqués et mis dans une cage d ’ éclosion avec des témoins (25:25, à 4 reprises) en
présence du même nombre de femelles vierges. Les couples form és ont été
immédiatement prélevés à l ’ aide d ’ un tube à essais, puis comptabilisés.
Les infections par cette espèce se limitent à la trompe des glossines: au labre
et à l ’ hypopharynx. En général, les mâles nourris à l ’ état ténéral sur l ’ animal infecté
par T. vivax n ’ont pas un taux d ’ infection différent d ’une manière significative de
ceux qui ont pris leurs repas infectants à l ’ état non ténéral.
Les taux observés dans le lot témoin sont respectivement 9 8 ,8 % et 9 7 ,9 % ,
contre 96,7 % et 95 ,6% dans le lot des pupes exposées à 15°C du jou r 20 au jou r 25
et irradiées à 80 Gy au 2 8 e jou r. Cependant, les taux d ’ infection suivants 67,3%
(ténéral) et 71,2 % (non ténéral) observés dans le lot des pupes irradiées à 80 Gy au
jou r 28 et incubées sont inférieurs d ’ une manière significative aux taux des lots
précédents. L ’ action de maintenir les pupes à basse température (à 15°C durant
5 jours) après irradiation semble diminuer le taux d ’ infection à T. vivax par rapport
au témoin et au lot des pupes incubées et irradiées. Nous avons également constaté
que le taux d ’ infection à T.vivax et la charge parasitaire augmentent avec le nombre
de repas infectants, et que les mouches peuvent perdre l ’ infection avec le temps.
572 DJ1TEYE et al.
Survie Infection au
Effectifs au Dissections labre et à
Traitement Etat infectants
(Nb) jour 10 (Nb) l’hypopharynx
(Nb) (Nb) (% )
60 Gy J28 Ténéral _ _ _ _
Non ténéral 100 1 90 90 77 85,5
80 Gy J30 Ténéral _ _ _ ■
Non ténéral 60 1 51 51 39 76,5
— : Les observations n’ont pas été faites, la chèvre étant morte avant la fin de l ’expérience.
J: Jours post-émergence. Basse température: 15°C.
Irradiation: 60, 80 ou 100 Gy (l Gy = 100 rad).
IAEA-SM-327/54 573
Taux d’ infection
Effectif Survie J25 Dissections Intestin Glandes
Traitement Etat
(Nb) (Nb) (% ) (Nb) moyen salivaires
(% ) (% )
80 Gy J30 Ténéral — — — —
/1 5 °C J30-35 Non ténéral 75 36 48,0 36 50 ,0 16,7
U. F E L D M A N N *
F A Q /IA E A Entom ology Unit,
A gen cy ’ s Laboratory Seibersdorf,
International A tom ic Energy A gency,
In past years, considerable progress has been achieved in the mass rearing o f tsetse flies
for use in vector control programmes. This was made possible through the introduction o f the
membrane feeding'system and the development o f strict quality control procedures for differ
ent developmental stages o f tsetse and for various aspects that are relevant to insect produc
tion, such as blood diet quality screening. The maintenance o f large tsetse fly colonies, e.g.
more than 100 000 producing ¡females that’ may provide more than 12 000 reproductively
sterile males and equal numbers o f surplus female material, is feasible without major efforts.
Calculations o f labour requirements and the costs involved for different mass rearing systems
can now be conducted. Depending on the purpose for which the insects are reared, different
types o f mass rearing facilities may be erected (a small stationary .insect factory, large breed
ing centre or mobile production plant). Sexually sterile tsetse from a mass rearing system may
be used for different reasons in tsetse control or eradication campaigns, namely for eradication
or control through the sterile insect technique, for ecological monitoring o f a target tsetse
population, particularly if it is under advanced control, and for transtaxon control o f closely
related species (or subspecies). Bottlenecks for a larger scale field use o f mass reared tsetse
remain for the time being: (a) the relatively long process o f strain adaptation to mass rearing
conditions, (b) laborious sexing procedures o f mature insecis upon emergence and after mating
and (c) unavailability o f simple genetic tools to collect baseline information on the suitability
o f a mass reared strain to combat an identified target population and to assess the degree of
isolation o f a target population.
Present address: Insect and Pest Control Section, Joint F A O /IA E A Division o f
Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, International Atomic Energy Agency,
Wagramerstrasse 5, P.O . Box 100,' A -1400 Vienna, Austria.
Tsetse flies are larviparous insects with a very low reproductive capacity.
During its three to four month lifespan, a female produces on average only five to
seven offspring, hence the low natural population density o f tsetse. In spite o f this,
many tsetse fly species are effective transmitters o f pathogenic Trypanosoma species,
and Glossina control in many regions o f A frica is a prerequisite for sustainable
agricultural production. The use o f conventional area wide control methods, namely
aerial spraying o f insecticides, has been reduced in the past years because o f (a) rela
tively high expense; (b) insufficient effectiveness against tsetse fly populations in
densely vegetated habitats; and (c) environmental concerns resulting in legislative
restrictions. Currently more favoured methods o f tsetse control are field-by-field
approaches that involve the participation o f local communities for the application o f
insecticides in combination with attractive devices. Although involvement o f the
inhabitants o f the region that is affected by trypanosomiasis is generally beneficial
for the smooth conduct o f vector control operations, any insufficiently controlled use
o f insecticides and trypanocides by individual farmers bears a considerable risk o f
inappropriate application and may promote the development o f resistance among the
trypanosome parasites and tsetse flies. The sterile insect technique (SIT) does not
share the environmentally detrimental aspects o f conventional area wide control pro
grammes, because o f its specificity against only the target pest insect. H ow ever, the
success o f SIT depends largely on the regular supply o f sufficient and competitive
sexually sterile insects from a mass rearing facility. This paper briefly describes the
status and prospects for the mass rearing o f tsetse flies and their use in vector control
Both sexes o f the tsetse fly are obligatory haematophagous. A variety o f host
animal preferences has been reported for different species [ 1] and there are distinct
habitat requirements among various species [2]. Holding methods for tsetse flies in
the laboratory have to reflect natural demands. These include the maintenance o f an
adequate breeding room climate, the provision o f a suitable b lood diet and the
appropriate manipulation o f different immature and adult stages for optimal colony
female insemination and satisfactory fly performance. Until a few years ago, the
maintenance o f tsetse flies under laboratory conditions required the permanent avail
ability o f host animals for in vivo feeding. Nevertheless, fly colonies o f considerable
size were held using rabbits, goats or guinea pigs [3 -5 ]. H ow ever, the maintenance
o f a host animal colony for in vivo feeding proved to be problematic and expen-
Pupae incubation and em ergen ce o f flies H andling o f y o u n g flies P rod u cin g fem ales
D iet
Incubation, M ean fem ale Rate o f % b ovin e: Sexing H old in g F eeding A g e at 2 d m ating (d) H oldin g Feeding
con ditions pupal p eriod em ergence m ales porcin e m ethod upon con ditions regim en con ditions regim en
M ales F em ales
(d ) (% ). (% ) E M and SEP
G. f. fuscipes 2 4°C , 36 9 1 .4 5 0.5 7 5 :2 5 Im m ob ilized 2 4 °C , M5 8-10 2 -3 2 4 °C , M5
8 5 % r.h. ( + lm M at + 4 ° C 8 5 % r.h. 8 5 % r.h.
a r.h .: relative hum idity. 00
b A T P : adenosine triphosphate.
sive [ 6]. The development o f artificial membranes [7] and their successive m odifica
tion for use with different tsetse fly species have greatly facilitated and reduced the
cost for the laboratory maintenance o f Glossina. T o breed a colony o f 30 000 G. pal
palis palpalis, a host animal colony o f 1000 guinea pigs (4 0 -4 5 % thereof are
feeders, the rest being breeding stock, weaners or sick animals) needs to be main
tained [6]. The same colony size, fed a quality tested diet using the iri vitro feeding
regimen, consumes 10-15 L o f b lood per week. The basic tsetse handling procedures
and conditions o f incubation o f different developmental stages, as conducted at the
F A O /IA E A Entom ology Unit at the A g e n cy ’s Laboratory at Seibersdorf, are
summarized in Table I. The colonization procedures for mass rearing 100 000
G. tachinoides to produce surplus pupae for use in a SIT project in A frica are illus
trated in Fig. 1.
Quality assurance needs to be maintained for various stages o f tsetse fly pro
duction [14, 15].
The health o f animals kept for feeding tsetse requires permanent care. For
smaller scale in v ivo feeding, suitable animals can be bought upon demand. Before
use as hosts to feed tsetse, they require quarantine observation and treatment against
diseases, particularly an effective trypanocidal treatment in case the animals
originate from an area with endemic trypanosomiasis. The feed mixture arid vitamin
supplementation have to reflect the special holding purpose o f the animals as blood
donors. In order not to interfere with tsetse colony performance, the host animal
feeds need to be free o f insecticides, antibiotics [16] or other toxins for tsetse. Limits
10 000 000 _ m Glossina fuscipes fuscipes
0 Glossina brevipalpis 4b
Щ Glossina pallidipes
1 000 000
0 Glossina austeni
^ Glossina palpalis palpalis
100 000 Ш Glossina tachinoides
No. of pupae supplied
10 000
G. submorsitans 15 822 ‘ Rapport d ’activité’ 1983
United Republic o f Tanzania T T R I, Tanga G. austeni 89 418 Ref. [12] Sep. 1992
for minimum weight and maximum fly challenge per host animal need to be estab
lished and strictly observed, e .g . for guinea pigs used as host animals, a 550 g mini
mum weight, a maximum challenge with 200 tsetse colony females at a time and their
use for a maximum o f twice per week as ‘ feeder’ . The maintenance o f large numbers
o f tsetse flies may require a self-sustaining host animal colony with established stan
dards for colony performance (mortality and female fecundity) and for the condition
o f individual animals (offspring and feeder weight) [6].
Small amounts o f b lood for in vitro feeding o f tsetse can be collected under
sterile conditions from a known and healthy host that is not under any medication
treatment. Once the microbial cleanliness o f such b lood has been confirm ed, it can
be offered to tsetse. Large tsetse colonies require a system o f b lood collection,
microbial decontamination and diet testing with a quantifiable result, i.e. a diet qual
ity control factor [14]. The system o f diet quality control at the F A O /IA E A Entomol
ogy Unit includes a bioassay with a small group o f test females [17] and microbial
screenings at different stages o f diet processing (Fig. 3). Thus, only an uncontami
nated diet with sufficient nutritional quality is offered to the mass reared colony.
The offspring quality is usually monitored routinely by weight one day after
pupation or by size (width class, Ref. [18]). The appropriateness o f incubation con
ditions for tsetse fly pupae can be determined by means o f a weekly emergence con
trol, i.e. the pupal period, per cent emergence rate and sex ratio are monitored from
a group o f 100 pupae. I f the emergence rate is below 85 % , all non-emergent pupae
are dissected in order to determine the developmental stage as an indication o f
whether any interference with ‘ normal’ intrapuparial development may have
occurred. For many Glossina spp., an increased number o f weak females is recorded
if the peak o f female emergence occurs before day 32 post-larviposition. Occasion
ally, at least once per month, some males from the weekly emergence control should
be dissected in order to determine the development o f their testes and sperm m obil
ity. In particular, incubation temperatures above 2 7 °C may affect spermatogenesis
or sperm maturation. An adjustment o f climatic conditions is usually sufficient to
achieve an appropriate incubation o f immature stages. Species with rather waxy
puparia, such as G. austeni, require slightly increased humidity during the last third
o f the pupal period (Fig. 4). Without changing the climatic settings o f the breeding
room , a suitable microclimate can be created in the vicinity o f the pupae by placing
moist sponges below slightly m odified pupal dishes in the standard emergence cages.
There is currently no automatic method to identify the sex o f flies upon emer
gence or for separating males and females after routine colony female mating. The
IAEA-SM-327/55 587
1 kGy irradiation
Bacteriological test
(contaminated diet is discarded)
Colony feeding к
90.0 -
80.0 -
Per cent emergence
70.0 -
Dec. 1988 Feb. 1989 Mar. 1989 May 1989
Day of larviposition
FIG. 4. Development of the adult emergence rate in the Glossina austeni colony in relation to relative humidity during the late pupal stage
(r.h.: relative humidity).
IAEA-SM-327/55 589
FIG. 5. Glossina tachinoides under mass rearing conditions. The graph shows the percentage
daily mortality in relation to the age of the female colony units (— ; colony mean;
E M : emergence).
FIG. 6. Glossina tachinoides under mass rearing conditions. The graph shows female fecun
dity in relation to the age of the female colony units (—— : colony mean; E M : emergence).
FIG. 7. Glossina tachinoides under mass rearing conditions. The graph shows the percentage
of produced small (i.e. А-class) pupae in relation to the age of the female colony units
(-— : colony mean; E M : emergence).
tings o f the holding room , stress (overcrow ding, rough handling, inadequate
illumination), intoxication or bacterial contamination. In many cases, when low
female fecundity is recorded, an increased number o f abortions (expelled at the early
or late pregnancy stages) are also observed. Factors causing inferior performance o f
colony females need immediate correction in order to prevent detrimental effects on
colony size or the supply o f excess pupae to field projects.
The quality o f dispatched pupae and the suitability o f methods used for packing
and transport can be monitored as described above for immature stages. The quality
o f sexually sterile males can be assessed under laboratory conditions by means o f
mating competitiveness and survival tests in large cages or with flight activity simu
lations in specially designed flight mills.
There may be either continuous demand for sexually sterile insects throughout
the year until eradication o f the target pest insect has been achieved, or flies are
T A B L E III. COSTS FO R M A SS REARIN G 100 000 FEM ALE Glossina tachinoides AS IN C U R R E D IN 1991-1992 A T THE
1. Facilities
Amortization Total cost
No. Item Cost per unit time Cost per year per pupa
(US $) (years) (US $) (US $)
25 m 2 Feeding room
45 m2 Handling room
lO m 2 Washing area
10 m 2 Blood processing
10 m 2 Store
2. Equipment
Amortization Total cost
No. Item Cost per one Total cost time Cost per year per pupa
(US $) (US $) (years) (US $) (US $)
3 Climate control systems 1 500 4 500 10 450
5000 S C -11 fly holding cages for young females 2 .50 12 500 5 2 500
1600 M C -20 fly holding cages for producing females 5 8 000 5 1 600
3 Washing machines (1 each for cages and feeding trays) 1 000 3 000 5 600
T AB LE III. (cont.)
3 Electric blood stirrers 800 2 400 15 160
33 045 0.0129
(including the
gamma source)
T A B L E III. (cont.)
Total cost
Cost per year per pupa
(U S $ ) (US $)
3. Supplies
4. Overhead costs
L /l
released on a seasonal basis if other control methods cannot be used due to the inac
cessibility o f the control area, e .g . in the rainy season. Depending on the nature and
location o f the field programme, different types o f rearing facilities may be erected,
such as:
— A stationary insect factory for national campaigns with a relatively small treat
ment area,
— A large breeding centre for the provision o f sterile insects to several neigh
bouring countries (regional programmes),
— M obile insect factories (ship or land based container system) that can be shifted
as the release area changes in accordance with the expansion o f the eradication
In addition to procedures for quality assurance o f the released insects, the long
distance transfer o f tsetse from a rearing facility may require the co-operation o f
various relevant agencies, such as veterinary, quarantine and customs authorities,
brokers and importation firms, airlines and other transport businesses.
tory reared, sexually sterile virgin females into the target habitat and their recapture
and dissection (sterile virgin female ecological monitoring (S V FE M )) may have
technical and econom ic advantages.
Preliminary results from tests with various tsetse fly species colonized at
Seibersdorf (i.e. G. p. palpalis, G. tachinoides, G. f fuscipes, G. austeni, G. pal-
lidipes and G. brevipalpis) provide evidence that:
(a) Female Glossina spp. can be radiation sterilized sexually (ovary atrophy) by
means o f a 60 G y gamma treatment one week before expected emergence.
(b) There is evidence that such radiation sterilized pupae may be shipped over a
long distance without affecting their emergence (provided the packing and
transport conditions and duration are adequate).
(c) Sexually sterile virgin females emerging from 60 Gy gamma ray treated pupae
survive well and indicate no difference in mating behaviour and receptivity to
insemination when compared with fertile virgin females.
(d) Sterile virgin females may be released into the fly habitat o f the target popula
tion and be recaptured later. Inseminated recaptured females prove the
presence o f native males (i.e. the prevalence o f a wild population).
F or the detection o f a relic tsetse target population, the time interval between
release o f the sterile females and their recapture may be extended, which increases
the chances o f sexual contact between released sterile females and native males, thus
amplifying the monitoring results. In order to explore the feasibility and econom ics
o f SVFEM as a detector technique, releases and recaptures o f virgin sterile tsetse
females have to be conducted before, during and after vector control operations.
o f hybridization has been detected. This limited extent o f the hybridization zone is
another indication o f the occurrence o f hybridization in the field, as it is probably
caused by the reduced emergence and the sex ratio distortion among hybrid offspring
and the sterility o f hybrid males.
The above results suggest the use o f laboratory produced sexually sterile flies
from one species for the control o f its own and two other species or subspecies, i.e.
G. p. palpalis, G. p. gambiensis and G. f. fuscipes. The econom ic implications o f
the mass rearing o f tsetse flies, i.e. producing only one species in the laboratory to
combat at least three in the field, are obvious.
The establishment o f a small laboratory colony from wild fly material using
fresh sterile whole b lood with the membrane feeding system is relatively simple for
most tsetse fly species, provided there are adequate maintenance conditions.
How ever, the transfer o f such a strain to mass rearing procedures, such as the adap
tation to (a) immobilization at + 4 ° C for sex recognition, (b) mass processed b lood
diet, or (c) higher female densities in larger cages, usually lasts about two years and
may cause undesired selective pressure. Information is required on the genetic diver
sity and the fate o f symbionts during this process o f adaptation. Efforts should aim
at a reduction o f the adaptation period to the mass rearing system.
Procedures for morphological sex recognition and separation, or the develop
ment o f a genetic sexing technique without losses in fly performance would double
the number o f males that can currently be supplied by a tsetse colony and is the
prerequisite for large scale mass production o f sexually sterile tsetse flies for use in
vector control projects. Once this has been achieved, the mass rearing o f tsetse can
be automated.
IAEA-SM-327/55 599
[1] WEITZ, B., The feeding habits o f Glossina, Bull. World Health Organ. 28 (1963)
[2] BUXTON, P. A ., The Natural History o f Tsetse Flies, Mem. No. 10, School ó f Tropi
cal Medicine and Hygiene, London (1955).
H Y B R ID IZ A T IO N O F Glossina swynnertoni
W IT H S U B S P E C IE S O F Glossina morsitans
( D IP T E R A : G L O S S IN ID A E )
Implicationsfor use of hybrid sterility
and satyrsfor genetic control of tsetse
R .H . G O O D IN G
Department o f Entom ology,
University o f Alberta,
Edmonton, Alberta,
lato W estw ood [1, 3; 4 ], and it has been suggested that G. swynnertoni recently
evolved from G. morsitans as a species that is adapted to drier and m ore open
savannah [5].
Many species or subspecies o f tsetse will hybridize with members of. closely
related taxa. From a historical perspective, the most interesting species is
G. swynnertoni. This species was one o f the first to be studied in hybridization
experiments in the laboratory [3, 6- 8] and in the field [9], and it was the first
species o f insect against which genetic control methods were used [ 8, 10].
Vanderplank reduced the number o f G. swynnertoni in an isolated population by
releasing G. m. centralis W estw ood at that site [ 8, 10]. He interpreted the reduction
in the G. swynnertoni population as the result o f hybrid sterility, but Ribeiro [11]
interpreted this reduction as being the result o f ‘ satyrist’ behaviour, i.e. the tendency
o f males o f one taxon to mate with females from another taxon. Ribeiro [11] p ro
posed that satyrs may be useful in the genetic control o f insects. This suggestion has
been challenged, at least for use against subspecies o f G. morsitans, by the demon
stration that polyandrous females o f this species generally use, the sperm from their
ow n taxon only [ 12 ].
The objectives o f this study were to determine the hybridization relationships
between G. swynnertoni and the three subspecies o f G. morsitans and to use this
hybridization data to determine the potential o f hybrid sterility as a genetic control
agent for use against populations o f G. swynnertoni or subspecies o f G. morsitans.
toni male was receptive when placed with a male o f its own subspecies. Males were
used up to five times, at 4 8 -7 2 h intervals. Each day, G. swynnertoni males were
placed with females in the order G. m. centralis, G. m. morsitans and finally
G. m. submorsitans.
In the 1991 experiments, males were at least seven days old and females were
three or four days old when tested. With the exception o f 14 males that were mated
twice with G. swynnertoni, all the males emerging from field collected G. swynner
toni were mated once only. H ow ever, the 15 laboratory reared G. swynnertoni males
used to establish the hybrid pedigrees were mated four times, at 4 8 -7 2 h intervals.
The first mate was a G. swynnertoni female, after which one third o f the males
were placed with females in the order G. m. centralis, G. m. morsitans and
G. m. submorsitans', one third in the order G. m. morsitans, G. m. submorsitans and
G. m. centralis; and one third in the order G. m. submorsitans, G. m. centralis
and G. m. morsitans.
Females that became pregnant were maintained, by the procedures mentioned
above, to obtain offspring for further experiments. Hybrid and backcross females
were mated with males from one o f their parental taxa and maintained to obtain
offspring for further fertility tests. Recurrent backcrosses (to G. swynnertoni or
to the appropriate G. morsitans subspecies) were accomplished with the crosses
G. m. centralis. X G. swynnertoni, G. m. morsitans X G. swynnertoni and
G. m. submorsitans X G. swynnertoni. (Throughout this paper the taxon of. the
female is specified first in an inter-taxon cross.)
Each hybrid or backcross male was mated with two to four females from his
parental G. morsitans subspecies. Forty-eight hours after mating, each o f the test
females was dissected and the spermathecae examined (at 160 X ) for motile sperm.
Those males that passed motile sperm were mated with several m ore G. morsitans
subspecies females and each female was observed daily until she became pregnant,
or for 28 d, at which time the spermathecae were examined for motile sperm.
Only one marker gene (Pgm, the locus for phosphoglucomutase) was available
to distinguish the X chrom osom es o f G. swynnertoni from those o f G. m. centralis
and G. m. morsitans. The electrophoretic procedure used [13] gave phosphogluco
mutase (PG M ) bands with the follow ing migrations, relative to the bromophenol blue
marker: 0 .5 8 , 0.62 and 0.65 for G. m. centralis, 0.58 and 0.62 for G. m. morsitans,
and 0.55 and 0 .59 for G. swynnertoni. The origins o f the Y chrom osom es were
established on the basis o f the taxon o f the sire.
a The adult G. swynnertoni used in these experiments had emerged from puparia collected
in the United Republic o f Tanzania in 1991 and shipped to the University o f Alberta,
Edmonton, Canada.
b The numbers in these two columns are the percentage pairs that copulated (the number of
pairs tested is in parentheses).
c The numerals in the last two columns are: No. o f pregnant/No. o f inseminated/No. o f mated
females alive 28 d after mating.
d Data for the same 65 pairs appear in all the columns.
experiments, o f 19 G. swynnertoni males that were placed with females from one,
two or three G. morsitans subspecies in 1 d, four mated with G. m. centralis,
15 mated with G. m. morsitans and 14 mated with G. m. submorsitans. Three males
were rejected by G. m. centralis, then by G. m. morsitans and then accepted by
G. m. submorsitans. On one occasion, a male was rejected by the females o f all three
G. morsitans subspecies; this male mated with two G. m. submorsitans and one
G. m. morsitans on other days.
In the 1991 experiments, all the G. swynnertoni females accepted their mates,
regardless o f whether these were conspecifics or members o f a G. morsitans
subspecies (Table I). M ore than half o f the G. m. centralis females rejected
G. swynnertoni males that emerged from field collected puparia, but the rejected
males were accepted by G. m. morsitans or G. m. submorsitans (Table I). Similar
results were obtained using males from the first generation o f a laboratory colony
o f G. swynnertoni (Table П).
IAEA-SM-327/57 607
Inseminated Offspring
Per cent mating and produced during
Taxon o f females (No. tested) pregnantb three months
G. m. submorsitans 100 (15) 7/7 /15 Six males: one female (7)
a Males were from the first generation that was laboratory reared, and each had mated with
a G. swynnertoni female before being tested with a G. morsitans female.
b The numerals are: No. o f pregnant/No. o f inseminated/No. o f mated females alive 28 d
after mating.
c The number o f puparia is given in parentheses.
In the 1989 experiments, none o f the females that mated with G. swynnertoni
became pregnant. O f 12 G. swynnertoni females examined, only three were insemi
nated, and none o f the 65 females o f the various G. morsitans subspecies were
inseminated. A t that time, the three G. swynnertoni males that were still alive were
dissected; all had motile sperm in their testes. It is not known why the G. swynnertoni
in the 1989 sample were unable to fertilize females.
In the 1991 experiments, only 41% o f the G. swynnertoni females were ferti
lized by conspecifics, but 28 o f the 36 females (7 8 % ) that did not becom e pregnant
were inseminated (Table I). None o f the G. swynnertoni females that mated with
G. m. morsitans or G. m. submorsitans became pregnant, but two o f those mating
with G. m. centralis did (Table I).
Polling the data on males emerging from field collected puparia (Table I) with
the data from males o f the first generation o f the laboratory colony (Table П) showed
that G. swynnertoni males fertilized 47% o f G. m. centralis, 60% o f G. m. morsitans
and 39% o f G. m. submorsitans.
Gmm Gs 0 11 8/8/10 6 /6 /6
Gms 1/2/2 2 /2 /2
“ The data are from field collected and laboratory reared G. swynnertoni and include F,
hybrids o f the pedigrees Gmc/Gs, Gmm/Gs and Gms/Gs.
b The numerals are: No. o f pregnant/No. o f inseminated/No. o f mated females alive 28 d
after mating.
c The criterion for sterility was the inability to inseminate a female o f the appropriate
G. morsitans subspecies.
d Three other males died when less than one week old.
e One other male died when less than one week old.
inseminated; the fifth was not checked for sperm. Fertile males were not found in
the first three backcrosses, but did occur among Bx 4(s) and Bx 4( j/c ) (Fig. 1).
M ost o f the females produced by recurrent backcrossing to G. m. centralis
were fertile (Fig. 2 ), with only two non-inseminated females found among the
Bx 3(c) females. Fertile backcross males occurred among the second to fourth back-
cross generations (Fig. 2).
A ll but two o f the 39 backcross males that were placed with the females from
all three G. morsitans subspecies were accepted by the females from all three subspe
cies. The exceptions (Bx 3(s) and Bx 4(s) males, Fig. 1) were rejected by the
G. m. centralis females.
O f the 37 males that mated with the females from all three G. morsitans
subspecies, two failed to fertilize G. m. centralis, four did not fertilize
G. m. morsitans, two did not fertilize G. m. submorsitans and one fertilized
G. m. submorsitans only. The remaining 28 males fertilized the females from all
three G. morsitans subspecies.
A ll 15 backcross males that had an X from one taxon and a Y from another
were sterile (Table IV ). Fertile and sterile individuals occurred among the 76 males
that had both sex chrom osom es from the same taxon.
F, ç A x Gs cr
I____________ _________________ I
Bx2 (s) Ç 9 x Gs <у a Bx2 (s) 9 Bx2 (s/c) 9 9 x Gme o'er No c c r
(two fertilized) (one fertile) (three fertilized,
one not fertilized)
Bx3 (s) Ç ç x Gs a <y Bx3 (s) cr a Bx3 (s/c) 9 9 . > Gmc cr о• Bx3 (s/c) a a
(three fertilized) (three fertile) (two fertilized, (nine sterile)
two not fertilized)
FIG. 1. Portion of pedigree Gmc/Gs that involved recurrent backcrossing to G. swynnertoni. (Gmc: G. m. centralis; Gs: G. swynnertoni.)
(See text for which of these females were inseminated.)
Gmc 9 9 x Gs crcr
(four fertilized)
F, 9 В Gmc a
Bx2 (c) 9 9 Gmc crcr Bx2 (с) оr a Bx2 (c) 9 9 Gs a a Bx2 (c) a
(17 fertilized) (four fertile, (two fertilized) (one sterile)
ten sterile)
Bx4 (c) a a
(five fertile,
five sterile)
FIG. 2. Portion of pedigree Gmc/Gs that involved recurrent backcrossing to G. m. centralis. (Gmc: G. m. centralis; Gs: G. swynnertoni.)
(See text for which of these females were inseminated.)
Gmm 9 9 G s o' c
(nine fertilized)
F, 9 9 Gs o ' c
(five fertilized)
Bx2 (s) 9 9 x Gs crcr Bx2 (s) a о' Bx2 (m) 9 9 > Gs o'er Bx2 (m) cr cr
(12 fertilized, (12 sterile sterile) (four fertilized, (six sterile)
two not fertilized) one not fertilized)
Bx3 (s) 9 9 x Gs e ra Bx3 (s) or a Bx3 (m) 9 9 > Gs cr o' Bx3 (m) cr
(nine fertilized, (one fertile, (three fertilized, (one sterile)
one not fertilized) eight sterile) two not fertilized)
Bx4 (s) cr cr
(three fertile,
four sterile)
FIG. 3. Portion of pedigree Gmm/Gs that involved recurrent backcrossing to G. swynnertoni. (Gmm: G. m. morsitans; Gs: G. swynnertoni.)
(See text for which of these females were inseminated.)
IAEA-SM-327/57 613
No. o f males
Originb of
X Y Fertile Sterile
5 S 3 • 16
m s 2 ' 10
с с 36 30
s s 3 7
c s 0 5
s c 0 10
The G. swynnertoni females used were those that emerged from field collected
puparia. Under laboratory conditions, they mated readily with conspecifics and with
the males o f all three subspecies o f G. morsitans. Similarly, G. swynnertoni males
attempted to mate with conspecifics and with the females from laboratory colonies
o f G. m. centralis, G. m. morsitans and G. m. submorsitans, but were frequently
rejected by G. m. centralis. The reluctance o f G. m. centralis females to copulate
with G. swynnertoni was unéxpected, since it had previously been reported that
G. m. centralis and G. swynnertoni mated non-assortatively [9, 10]. The only reports
suggesting any difficulties in mating G. m. centralis females with G. swynnertoni
were the results o f Corson [6], who was able to get only 12 o f 18 G. m. centralis
females to mate with G. swynnertoni, and the observation by Potts [7] that “ ... the
inter-specific couplings were undertaken with greater reluctance than the intra-
specific ones ... ” . The present results indicated that the tendency o f females o f all
three subspecies o f G. morsitans to mate with G. swynnertoni is inversely related to
the geographical proximity o f the G. swynnertoni and G. morsitans subspecies. This
finding, although tentative, helps to clarify the ambiguous statement made by
Vanderplank [3] that G. swynnertoni and the subspecies o f G. morsitans “ ... will
intermate, though the degree to which they d o so varies with the geographical
proximity o f the species . . . ” .
It has been proposed [14] that asymmetries in mating behaviour indicate the
direction o f evolution, with the derived species having females that accept males
o f both derived and ancestral taxa, while females o f the ancestral taxon accept
conspecifics only. I f this hypothesis is applicable to tsetse, it would indicate that
G. swynnertoni is derived from G. m. centralis, a proposal that is consistent with
an earlier suggestion [5] that G. swynnertoni evolved from G. morsitans as a result
o f its ability to inhabit more open types o f bush than are occupied by G. morsitans.
In any case, the data suggested that premating barriers have begun to develop
between G. m. centralis and G. swynnertoni, but that there is little to prevent mating
o f G. swynnertoni to either G. m. morsitans or G. m. submorsitans. I f the mating
barriers between G. m. centralis females and G. swynnertoni males exist under field
conditions, they would impose limitations on the use o f G. swynnertoni males for
the control o f G. m. centralis.
With respect to the fertility o f interspecific crosses, the results o f the present
experiments were similar to most o f the results o f Vanderplank [3]. In the present
study, G. m. centralis, G. m. morsitans and G. m. submorsitans males fertilized 25,
0 and 0% o f G. swynnertoni; corresponding figures from the previous study were
6 and 0 % , with the third cross not reported. Similarly, in the present study
G. swynnertoni males fertilized 47% o f G. m. centralis, 68% o f G. m. morsitans
and 39% o f G. m. submorsitans; the corresponding figures from the previous study
were 24, 58 and 0% (the latter being based on two pairs).
The most striking effect o f the hybridization o f females o f G. morsitans was
the suppression o f their reproductive capacity. In our colonies o f G. morsitans,
females normally average six to eight puparia during the three months that they are
maintained. How ever, females that were hybridized with G. swynnertoni produced
an average o f 1.0 (G. m. submorsitans), 1.5 (G. m. centralis) and 1.8 puparia/female
(G. m. morsitans) during three months (Table II). A ll the females that were scored
as pregnant had produced their first offspring within 28 d o f mating, i.e. each had
produced a mature larva as a result o f the first or second ovulation. The low number
IAEA-SM-327/57 615
o f offspring produced thereafter suggests that the females were sterilized as a result
o f their first pregnancy. Such an effect would have a profound effect on reducing
the size o f a population.
The ability o f G. m. centralis males to mate with G. swynnertoni and to ferti
lize a small percentage o f these females indicates that these males could serve as
satyrs or as a means o f introducing hybrid male sterility into a G. swynnertoni popu
lation. Either would have the effect o f reducing the reproductive capacity o f the
G. swynnertoni population. This was, in fact, accomplished by Vanderplank with the
marked reduction in or eradication o f a G. swynnertoni population in the United
Republic o f Tanzania [ 8, 10]. The results o f the present study do not shed light on
whether the success o f this control operation was solely the result o f hybrid sterility
(as claimed by Vanderplank [ 8, 10]) or the effect o f satyrism (as suggested by
Ribeiro [11]).
The ability o f G. m. morsitans and G. m. submorsitans males to inseminate,
but not fertilize, G. swynnertoni suggests that these males may be useful as satyrs
for the control o f G. swynnertoni. T o explore this possibility, it will be necessary
to determine whether polyandrous G. swynnertoni females, use the sperm o f
conspecifics only (as is the case with G. morsitans subspecies [12]) and to establish
whether interspecific mating can occur in nature.
A ll the Fj hybrid males were sterile and failed to inseminate their mates.
These results contrast with those o f Vanderplank [10], who found that about 80%
o f the Fj hybrid males from the G. swynnertoni/G. m. centralis crosses were able
to inseminate, but not fertilize, females. The discrepancy in our results may be due
to differences in the conditions under which we maintained the puparia and adults.
H ow ever, three backcross males were found (one ВхД с) male from pedigree
Gmc/Gs and two Bx 3(s) males from pedigree Gmm/Gs) that each inseminated the
first female with which it mated; however, none o f the females that were subse
quently mated (six, six and four) became pregnant, and'only one o f these females
was inseminated.
M ost o f the F! hybrid females could be fertilized by backcrossing to either
parental taxon. The occcurrence o f sterile females among the first three backcross
generations was sporadic. Although the number o f flies in each pedigreee was low ,
the occurrence o f sterile backcross females was most com m on in the Gmm/Gs
pedigree, and in that portion o f the Gmc/Gs pedigree in which backcrossing
was switched from G. swynnertoni to G. m. centralis. I f genetic control o f a
G. m. centralis population were attempted by repetitive release o f G. swynnertoni
males, one would expect some o f the backcrosses to be o f this ‘ switch’ type and this
phenomenon, whatever its genetic basis, would contribute to a m ore rapid decline
in the population.
Sterile males predominated among the first three backcross generations and
made up approximately half the males o f the fourth backcross generation. A m ong
the backcross males, for which the origin o f the sex chrom osom es was determined
(Table IV ), there were 42 fertile and 53 sterile males whose X and Y chromosomes
came from the same taxon, and two fertile and 25 sterile males whose X and
Y chromosomes came from two different taxa (x 2 (with Yates correction) = 10 801,
1 degree o f freedom, P < 0;005). Thus, a major cause o f hybrid male sterility is
an incompatibility o f sex chromosomes from two different taxa. This is consistent
with previous reports that X /Y incompatibility in tsetse is a major cause o f hybrid
male sterility [15]. How ever, it is clear that since 58% o f the males that had X and
Y chrom osom es from one taxon were sterile, there must be other factors that
influence hybrid sterility. Furthermore, the fertility o f hybrid males was not tested
with females from both parental taxa, and there may be maternally inherited sterility
factors that will cause an asymmetry in the reproductive success o f backcross males
[15]. Such factors could further influence the effectiveness o f backcross males in
reducing the reproductive potential o f a population.
The results reported here are preliminary and are based on two samples o f
G. swynnertoni taken from a population against which control operations had been
carried out, and were also dependent on the use o f inbred laboratory colonies o f
G. morsitans subspecies. Interpretation o f the results must be tempered also by the
fact that a relatively low percentage o f G. swynnertoni females were fertilized by
conspeciflc males.. The above notwithstanding, the results suggest that in certain
combinations there is a possibility for control o f populations o f G. swynnertoni and
o f the subspecies o f G. morsitans by the effects o f satyrism and by interspecific
hybridizations that might occur by introducing members o f one taxon into the habitat
o f another.
B. B AU E R , S. A M SLE R
Centre de recherches sur les trypanosomes animales (C R T A ),
Burkina Faso
1. IN T R O D U C TIO N ,
None o f the substances attractive for savannah species such as Glossina morsi
tans or G. pallidipes (l-o cte n -3 -o l, acetone or the phenolic fractions o f urine) has
proved to be effective against G. p. gambiensis. Therefore, part o f our research is
oriented towards other host animals o f this tsetse species. Bearing in mind that more
than 50% o f the feed o f G. p. gambiensis consists o f bloodmeals taken from reptiles,
it is worthwhile having a closer look at the mechanisms that are responsible for the
attractiveness o f these hosts to this tsetse. In fact, monitor lizards ( Varanus niloti-
cus), crocodiles ( Crocodylus niloticus and Osteolaemus tetraspis) and snakes
(Python sebae) are being evaluated for their attraction to G. p. gambiensis and
G. tachinoides. Large scale bioassays with flies o f known age — C R T A still disposes
o f about 150 000 producing females o f G. p. gambiensis, G. tachinoides and
G. morsitans submorsitans — allow rapid appraisal o f the attraction o f the various
reptiles. The preferred feeding sites on the reptiles are also being recorded. Promis
ing compounds or mixtures are then assayed in a field station to evaluate their ability
to influence the effectiveness o f a standard capture technique.
Servicing o f the targets or traps accounts for approximately 30% o f the total
costs o f a tsetse campaign based on the use o f such devices. The incentive is to reduce
the number o f visits required per year for servicing. The possible ways o f achieving
this are: identification o f pyrethroids with maximum persistence; increase in the
amount o f insecticide used for treatment and selection o f the most suitable tissue —
in general, synthesis tissues have proved to be more suitable than natural materials,
e.g . synthetic cotton. After impregnation, the tissues are constantly exposed to sun
light and rain. Bioassays are conducted at regular intervals with defined numbers o f
flies o f known age. So far, results have indicated that ‘ washing o f f , i.e. a decrease
in the effectiveness o f an insecticide due to rainfall, is less deleterious than the effects
o f sunlight itself. The maximum persistence o f certain deltamethrin formulations was
found to exceed nine months, approaching a situation where the effectiveness o f a
pyrethroid would last as long as the tissues themselves, hence making servicing
targets/traps and the treatment o f cattle constitute the main pillars in rural areas for
tsetse control. Currently, large scale bioassays are being conducted to evaluate all
the comm ercially available pyrethroids. Flies o f known age and reproductive state
are released in the presence o f a treated zebu and the follow ing parameters are
recorded: the persistence o f a given product, the mortality rates, the knock down
effects and their duration, the percentage o f flies that failed to feed, as well as the
effects on reproductive performance. Every second day, the treated animal is
exposed to sun for about 3 h and thereafter rinsed with 50 L o f water in order to
provide a realistic view o f the respective efficacies. O f all the products tested so far,
none has shown any decrease in persistence when being rinsed with water even 2 h
after treatment and thereafter every second day. On the other hand, sunlight has a
deleterious effect on certain formulations. Some o f the products show a distinct per
sistence, exceeding 90 d. A manual is in preparation that will summarize all the
results and provide technical advice on the rational and strategic use o f acari-
cides/insecticides for the simultaneous control o f ticks and tsetse.
The sterile insect technique has proved its efficacy in large scale eradication
campaigns in the pastoral zones o f Sideradougou, Burkina Faso, and V om , Plateau
State, Nigeria. C R T A /C IR D E S , with its regional mandate, is prepared to deliver
sterilized tsetse flies to any project in the region i f required. Until recently, the fragil
ity o f the biological material has been a serious obstacle to the supply o f tsetse over
long distances. In general, either late stage puparia or young adult flies have been
transported. There are now . signs that storage o f puparia at about 15°C does not
adversely affect the emergence rate or the subsequent viability o f the newly emerged
flies. Therefore, supply o f puparia over longer distances and taking several days may
becom e feasible.
The shape and colour o f the devices, apart from olfactory compounds, are
requiring further w ork to define the optimum system. Further, it should be borne
in mind that the system should be affordable and sustainable for the rural communi
ties concerned. Comparisons between different trapping systems are being conducted
in a field station in the presence o f the tsetse species mentioned in Section 2.
Large scale tsetse control is being carried out by integrating the periodic treat
ment o f livestock with a pyrethroid in combination with the use o f traps and targets
in habitats inaccessible for treated cattle.
An immediate improvement in the overall health o f the herd after a few acarici-
dal treatments is rapidly being perceived by the livestock owner, thus facilitating his
further collaboration and his taking over o f the costs o f the treatments. The prerequi
sites o f any intervention are thorough entomological and epidem iological surveys
providing justification for interventions. O f increasing importance are socioeco
nomic analyses o f the various situations. The main aspects should relate to a
benefit/cost analysis o f the control in areas o f agropastoral land use and a compara
tive cost analysis o f the different methods o f control. The incidence o f African
animal trypanosomosis (A A T ) is regularly monitored in sentinel herds. Consecutive
entomological surveys, and dissection o f captured flies to determine their physiologi
cal age and infection rate permit constant appraisal o f the effects o f the tsetse cam
paign. Ideally, this should allow assessment o f trypanosomosis challenge.
However, in certain areas the results obtained so far indicate that incongruities
exist between the incidence o f A A T and tsetse challenge. M ore investigations are
required to elucidate the dynamics o f the tsetse-trypanosom e-livestock relationship.
The vectorial capacity o f the different tsetse species must be better understood.
Apparently, this capacity is low in G. p. gambiensis in an area (Samorogouan)
where a tsetse campaign started about tw o years ago based on the treatment o f the
cattle population. Apparently, there exists a relic population o f this species that does
not seem to be affected by the tsetse campaign, presumably because it is partly feed
ing on reptiles. Can we afford to neglect this population because o f its apparent low
vectorial capacity and its present behaviour? D o we have to deal with other tsetse
species (G. m. submorsitans were abundant before the campaign) that have a density
below a detectable level and which could be responsible for an incidence o f 2 0 -2 5 %
A A T in the sentinel herds?
IAEA-SM-327/77 623
It is evident that the actual methodology needs to be adjusted to fit the existing
situation. Additional research is required, for instance, to identify bloodm eals or
D N A probes for detecting infections in tsetse flies. Tracking o f low density tsetse
flies demands an improvement in the trapping devices; identification o f new olfac
tory compounds could further enhance the response o f the flies, thereby improving
the trapping systems.
(Session 8)
Chairm an
D .A . L IN D Q U IS T
Entomology Branch,
Department o f Primary Industries,
Indooroopilly, Queensland,
com m ercially, but they are also applicable to items carried by travellers. Used as a
quarantine disinfestation treatment, irradiation is highly efficacious and has other
advantages for fruits, grains and agricultural produce which might be infested with
unwanted pests.
Fruit flies, family Tephritidae, in fresh fruits or vegetables are arguably the
most important quarantine pest o f agricultural commodities [1]. The orders Acariña,
Thysanoptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera and Diptera contain further pests o f quaran
tine importance [2 ] against which irradiation can constitute a useful, and sometimes
unique, method o f disinfestation.
The potential o f irradiation to disinfest agricultural and horticultural produce
has been recognized since early in this century, although most o f the research has
been done in the latter half. The availability o f gamma radiation sources, particularly
60C o, has given rise to many dose-m ortality studies on insect pests and on the
effects o f irradiation on the organoleptic qualities o f fruit and other commodities.
A major conference on the radiation disinfestation o f food and agricultural
products [3], held in Hawaii in 1983, focused attention on irradiation as a quarantine
disinfestation treatment. This was follow ed in 1986 and 1991 by Task Force
meetings at Chiang M ai, Thailand, and Bethesda, Maryland, United States o f
America, respectively, convened by the F A O /IA E A sponsored International Consul
tative Group on Food Irradiation (ICGFI) to review irradiation as a quarantine treat
ment. Reports o f these Task Force meetings [4, 5] identified the pests and host
commodities for which irradiation was an effective method o f disinfestation. They
recommended generic and specific dosages o f irradiation which would ensure
quarantine security based upon the appropriate criteria for effectiveness.
A major factor motivating interest in irradiation for quarantine purposes was
the cancellation o f registration o f the fumigant ethylene dibromide (EDB) in the
USA [6]. This fumigant was very effective against fruit flies, econom ical to purchase
and apply, and logistiçally very flexible, requiring only a gas tight room or tent.
W hile it remained available, alternative methods, including irradiation, were greatly
disadvantaged. The loss o f EDB highlighted the risk to any treatment giving rise to
residues and led to heightened interest in the physical residue free treatments, cold ,
heat and irradiation.
A prerequisite to the use o f irradiation as a quarantine treatment for agricul
tural commodities was approval o f its use on foodstuffs. The joint F A O /W H O C odex
Alimentarius Commission, General Standard for Irradiated Foods [7], recommended
approval o f doses up to 10 kGy as safe for use on any food . Subsequently, the United
States Food and Drug Administration [ 8] approved doses o f up to 1 kGy for dis
infestation o f fresh fruits and vegetables. Many other countries follow ed suit and it
is estimated that the process has been approved in a majority o f the world based on
population. Finally, in 1989 the United States Department o f Agriculture’ s Animal
and Plant Health Inspection Service amended its quarantine regulations to permit use
o f irradiation as a quarantine treatment [9].
IAEA-SM-327/58 629
Dose for
Species Host Refs
no emergence (Gy)
Pest species Host Refs
dose (Gy)
H e m ip te ra -H o m o p te ra
A ll insect pests are susceptible to control by irradiation. The tissues most sensi
tive to irradiation are those containing a high proportion o f dividing cells. During
the immature development o f insects, there are periods within each stage when cell
division is highly active. This could explain the difference in response o f insect
developmental stages with age [45]. In adults, the two most important sites o f cell
division appear to be the gonads and gut cells. Disruption o f the form er can cause
temporary or permanent sterility, and o f the latter, death by starvation. A t higher
doses, other tissues may also be damaged, leading to more rapid mortality [46].
Particular sites o f damage include the enzyme secretion systems, epidermal lipid
secretion systems and the nervous system, especially the supraoesophageal ganglion,
which exercises hormonal control over development [47, 48].
6.1. Doses
Although the minimum doses for quarantine security may be very low , in prac
tice a much higher dose may have to be given to ensure that all o f the product being
irradiated receives at least the minimum dose. Factors o f 2:1 are com m on where
boxes o f fruit are to be irradiated; 3:1 can be needed. Careful attention to irradiation
geometry is therefore required where the product to be irradiated is susceptible to
damage. Fruits range in tolerance but almost all can be damaged at or above twice
the generic dose o f 300 Gy [13, 49, 50]. W here this is a problem , consideration can
be given to combination treatments such as cold storage and irradiation [52].
6.2. Markers
Physical irradiation markers are a topic outside the scope o f this paper.
H ow ever, it would be o f advantage to quarantine authorities if it could be determined
IAEA-SM-327/58 635
for insects found alive at an inspection follow ing irradiation whether they had been
irradiated. Studies on the Mediterranean fruit fly [48] and the Queensland fruit fly
[52] have shown that the supraoesophageal ganglion fails to develop normally in
irradiated larvae. Development can be expressed as a ratio o f the size o f the ganglion
compared with a structure such as the crop. Another difference reported was the
failure o f ovaries and testes to develop and the loss o f yellow colouration, e .g . o f
humeral calli, in flies emerging from the pupae o f Queensland fruit flies irradiated
at quarantine doses [53].
Biochemical diagnosis is also possible. A study using the technique o f poly
acrylamide gel electrophoresis on irradiated larvae o f the Oriental fruit fly,
Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), has shown reliable detectable differences in the
protein band profiles [54]. This technique holds considerable promise as a relatively
rapid diagnostic method.
[3] MOY, J.H., Ed., Radiation Disinfestation of Food and Agricultural Products (Proc.
Conf. Honolulu, 1983), University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu (1985).
[4] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Irradiation as a Quarantine Treat
ment, International Consultative Group on Food Irradiation, Task Force Meeting,
Chiang Mai, IAEA, Vienna, 1986 (internal report).
[5] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Irradiation as a Quarantine Treat
ment, International Consultative Group on Food Irradiation, Task Force Meeting,
Bethesda, MD, IAEA, Vienna, 1991 (internal report).
dibromide, Fed. Regist. 48 (1983) 46234-46243.
[7] CODEX ALIMENTARIUS COMMISSION, Codex General Standard for Irradiated
Foods and Recommended International Code of Practice for the Operation of Radiation
Facilities Used for the Treatment of Foods, Vol XV, FAO, Rome (1984).
production, processing and handling of food: Final rule, Fed. Regist. 51 (1986)
quarantine treatment for fresh fruit of papaya from Hawaii, Fed. Regist. 54 (1989)
[10] KANESHIRO, K.Y., etal., Gamma radiation treatment for disinfestation of the
Mediterranean fruit fly in California grown fruit. I. Stone fruits, Proc. Hawaiian
Entomol. Soc. 24 (1983) 245-259.
[11] FINNEY, D.J., Probit Analysis, 3rd edn, Cambridge University Press, London (1971)
333 pp.
[12] CHEW, V., OUYE, M .T., “ Statistical basis for quarantine treatment schedule and
security” , Radiation Disinfestation of Food and Agricultural Products (Proc. Conf.
Honolulu, 1983) (MOY, J.H., Ed.), University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu (1985)
[13] McLAUCHLAN, R.L., etal., Ionising Energy Treatment for Fresh Horticultural
Produce, Lychee and Mango, Trial Ш , Jan.-Feb. 1988, Department of Primary Indus
tries Project Report, Brisbane, Queensland (1990).
[14] RIGNEY, C.J., WILLS, P.A. “ Efficacy of gamma irradiation as a quarantine treat
ment against Queensland fruit fly ” , Radiation Disinfestation of Food and Agricultural
Products (Proc. Conf. Honolulu, 1983) (MOY, J.H., Ed.), University of Hawaii at
Manoa, Honolulu (1985) 116-120.
[15] HEATHER, N.W., CORCORAN, R.J., BANOS, C., Disinfestation of mangoes with
gamma irradiation against two Australian fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae), J. Econ.
Entomol. 84 (1991) 1304-1307.
[16] BURDITT, A.K., Jr., “ Effectiveness of irradiation as a quarantine treatment against
various fruit fly species” , Irradiation as a Quarantine Treatment, International Consul
tative Group on Food Irradiation, Task Force Meeting, Bethesda, MD, IAEA, Vienna,
1991 (internal report).
[17] BROWNELL, L.E., YUDELOVIÇH, М ., “ Effect of radiation on Mexican fruit fly
eggs and larvae in grapefruit” , Radioisotopes and Radiation in Entomology (Proc.
Symp. Bombay, 1960), IAEA, Vienna (1962) 193-202.
IAEA-SM-327/58 63 7
“ Irradiation of mangoes as a quarantine treatment” , Use of Irradiation as a Quarantine
Treatment o f Food and Agricultural Commodities (Proc. Research Co-ordination Mtg
Kuala Lumpur, 1990), IAEA, Vienna (1992) 77-90.
[19] BURDITT, A.K., Jr., et al., Low Dose Irradiation as a Treatment for Grapefruit and
Mangoes Infested with Caribbean Fruit Fly Larvae, Agricultural Research Results,
Rep. ARR-S-10, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agri
culture, New Orleans, LA (1991) 1-9.
[20] VON WINDEGUTH, D .L., Effects of gamma irradiation on the mortality of the
Caribbean fruit fly in grapefruit, Proc. Fla. State Hortic. Soc. 95 (1982) 235-237.
[21] VON WINDEGUTH, D .L., Gamma irradiation as a quarantine treatment for
Caribbean fruit fly infested mangoes, Proc. Fla. State Hortic. Soc. 99 (1986) 131-134.
[22] VON WINDEGUTH, D .L ., GOULD, W.'P., Gamma irradiation as a quarantine treat
ment for Florida grapefruit infested with Caribbean fruit flies, Fla. Entomol. 73 (1989).
[23] VON WINDEGUTH, D .L., GOULD, W.P., Gamma irradiation followed by cold
storage as a quarantine treatment for Florida grapefruit infested with Caribbean fruit
fly, Fla. Entomol. 74 (1990) 242-247.
[24] BALOCK, J.W., et al., Gamma radiation as a quarantine treatment for Hawaiian fruit
flies, J. Econ. Entomol. 59 (1966) 202-204.
[25] KOMSON, P. et al., “ Irradiation as a quarantine treatment for the oriental fruit fly,
Dacus dorsalis Hendel, in mangoes” , Modem Insect Control: Nuclear Techniques and
Biotechnology (Proc. Symp. Vienna, 1987), IAEA, Vienna (1988) 319-324.
[26] MANOTO, E.C., et al., “ Effects of gamma radiation on the insect mortality and fruit
quality o f Philippine ‘Carabao’ mangoes” , Use o f Irradiation as a Quarantine Treat
ment of Food and Agricultural Commodities (Proc. Research Co-ordination Mtg Kuala
Lumpur, 1990), IAEA, Vienna (1992) 91-116.
[27] THOMAS, P., RAKHALAR, G.W., Disinfestation of fruit flies in mango by irradia
tion, Curr. Sci. (1975) 775-776.
“ Gamma irradiation as a commodity treatment against the Queensland fruit fly in fresh
fruit” , Use of Irradiation as a Quarantine Treatment of Food and Agricultural Com
modities (Proc. Research Co-ordination Mtg Kuala Lumpur, 1990), IAEA, Vienna
(1992) 13-42.
[29] HAQUE, H., AHMAD, R., Effects of ionising radiation on Dacus zonatus fruit fly
eggs and larvae in situ, Pakistan J. Sci. 19 (1967) 233-238.
[30] BURDITT, A.K., Jr., HUNGATE, F.P., Gamma irradiation as a quarantine treatment
for cherries infested by Western Cherry fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae), J. Econ.
Entomol. 81 (1988) 859-862.
[31] HEATHER, N.W., “ Review of irradiation as a quarantine treatment for insects other
than fruit flies” , Use of Irradiation as a Quarantine Treatment of Food and Agricultural
Commodities (Proc. Research Co-ordination Mtg Kuala Lumpur, 1990), IAEA, Vienna
(1992) 203-218.
[32] WIT, A.K.H , DE VRIE, М., “ Possibilities for irradiation to control insects and mites
in cut flowers after harvest” , Irradiation as a Quarantine Disinfestation Treatment,
Report to the 1st Meeting of the Co-ordinated Research Project, Chiang Mai, 1986, per
sonal communication.
A bstract
as the dose rate applied. Mature, third instar larvae are more resistant to a low dose
o f 25 Gy than larvae at the first and second instar stages [4].
Detection methods for irradiated foods are required to determine whether food
has been irradiated effectively, i.e. whether the larvae or pupae found in a fo o d pack
age will emerge as viable adult flies. Several detection methods have been presented
as part o f the Programme on Analytical Detection Methods for Irradiation Treatment
o f Foods (A D M IT ). A few are acceptable but, to date, no detection method has been
adopted as an internationally agreed upon protocol for establishing the efficacy o f
irradiation treatment o f foods [1].
Separation and identification o f macromolecules using polyacrylamide gel
electrophoresis (PAGE) show some potential for adaptation as an analytical tech
nique for detecting radiation induced changes in protein biosynthesis. Our prelimi
nary studies [5] on the electrophoretic profile o f proteins extracted from D. dorsalis
at different stages o f development showed changes in certain proteins as the insect
evolved into the adult stage. Distinct banding patterns o f the proteins were observed
in the electrophoretic profile, at each stage o f development. Thus, each profile could
be used as an electrophoretic signature for a particular stage o f insect develop
ment [5].
One o f the recommendations made at the International Consultative Group on
Food Irradiation (ICGFI) Task Force Meeting held in 1991 in Bethesda, Maryland,
U SA , was to develop a rapid, practical technique for determining whether insects
have been irradiated adequately [2]. T o address this problem , this paper presents a
biochemical detection method for gamma irradiated larvae o f the Oriental fruit fly
using SD S -P A G E .
2.1. Irradiation
using a 60C o dry gamma cell. Immature D. dorsalis larvae (two-day-old) were like
wise irradiated in the same facility. A fter irradiation, the larvae were transferred to
vials containing coconut coir dust and allowed to continue their life-cycle at room
2.2. Homogenization
A 100 /xL sample buffer (3.3% SDS, 10% glycerine, 0 .1 M tris) was added to
100 fiL o f soluble fraction. 2-mercaptoethanol (10 /xL) and 0.1 % bromophenol blue
(10 fiL) were pipetted into the sample in buffer solution and heated at 8 0 -9 0 ° С for
1 min or longer. The Laemmli method for slab gel electrophoresis was follow ed,
with some modifications [6]. The 10-15 /xL sample was applied to each electrophore
sis well. A 7 .5 % separating gel was used, with a 3 .5 % stacking gel. The running
buffer was 0.025M tris, 0 . 19M glycine. The proteins were electrophoresed at 25 m A
for about 1 h or until the blue dye was approximately 2 cm above the low er end o f
the gel. Gel was stained in Coomassie Brilliant blue in 7% H A c for 1-2 h and
destained in 7% H A c, 5% M eO H overnight, or until the blue dye background was
д В дШ ш М
ш ш л ттШ Я
■ в
¡¡1 11
f ,-^ r '* ( * *
F/G. /. 77ie SDS-PAGE protein profile o f seven-day-old larvae (A, В) one-day-old pupae
(C, D) and two-day-old pupae (E, F) at day 1, day 2 and day 3 post-irradiated third instar
larvae o f D. dorsalis, respectively. Dose is 100 Gy. The irradiated larvae are A, С and E,
and the unirradiated control larvae are B, D and F. The arrow in F indicates the Gs protein.
larvae were irradiated at 10, 25, 50 and 75 Gy. A t day 4 post-irradiation, the elec
trophoretic profile showed identical protein patterns for both the irradiated and the
unirradiated larvae at all the radiation doses tested. When irradiation o f the immature
larvae reached 100 G y, the S D S -P A G E profile o f six- and seven-day-old larvae
(days 4 and 5 post-irradiation) did not differ from the protein profiles o f larvae irradi
ated at low er doses. The GS protein band was definitely absent in the electrophoretic
profiles derived from both the irradiated and unirradiated larvae; at days 4 and 5
post-irradiation, the insect had not yet turned into a pupa and so the protein profiles
were still those o f a larva. This suggests that at this early stage, when the insect was
still in its larval stage, the putative gene coding fo r the Gs protein had not yet been
transcribed. How ever, in one-day-old pupae (day 6 post-irradiation) the elec
trophoretic profile showed a faintly stained band o f Gs protein, which became a
IAEA-SM-327/60 645
FIG. 2. The SDS-PAGE protein profile o f seven-day-old larvae (A, B), one-day-old pupae
(С, D) and three-day-old pupae (E, F) at day 5, day 6 and day 8 post-irradiated immature
(two-day-old) larvae o f D. dorsalis, respectively. Dose is 100 Gy. The irradiated larvae
are B, D and F, and the unirradiated control larvae are A, С and E. The arrow in E indicates
the Gs protein.
FIG. 3. The SDS-PAGE protein profile o f three-day-old pupae (day 4 post-irradiation) o f the
third instar larvae o f D. dorsalis irradiated at various doses. The irradiated larvae are В
(25 Gy), С (30 Gy), D (35 Gy), E (40 Gy), F (45 Gy) and G (50 Gy) and the unirradiated
control larvae are A. The arrow in A indicates the Gs protein.
present (compared with the electrophoretic profiles o f the pupae from unirradiated
larvae). This signifies that some form o f damage (D N A lesion) had already been sus
tained by the Gs gene at a low dose o f 25 G y, although this dose may not be sufficient
to disable (transcriptionally) the putative Gs gene completely.
The apparent molecular weight o f the Gs protein, by linear regression, ranges
between 105 and 115 kilodalton. This protein is detectable only at the pupal and adult
stages o f the D. dorsalis life-cycle and may be an obligatory protein in the maturation
process towards the pupal stage and, beyond, into adult flies capable o f flight.
M anoto and Resilva [7] have shown that in larvae exposed to 100 G y, pupation
takes place but not emergence into adults In our studies, the S D S -P A G E profile o f
pupae from the irradiated larvae showed clearly that these pupae do not emerge into
adult flies because o f the ‘ missing’ protein component (Fig. 1). It was apparent that
IAEA-SM-327/60 647
a certain gene-enzyme system had been disrupted by gamma radiation and thus cellu
lar production o f certain key proteins had becom e inoperative, which explains why
a certain protein band found in tw o-day-old control pupae was missing in two-day-
old pupae (day 3 post-irradiation) o f irradiated larvae. It is speculated that this partic
ular Gs protein is necessary for the emergence o f pupae into adults capable o f flight.
The authors express their special thanks to A .D . Nazarea for his support,
invaluable discussions and critical review o f the manuscript. They would also like
to thank L .C . Cobar for technical assistance and D. Villamater for irradiation o f the
fruit flies.
Department o f Applied Entom ology,
Agricultural University o f Warsaw,
Viable eggs o f the European red mite, Panonychus ulmi K och (Acari: Tetrany-
chidae), on apples have been the concern o f several importing countries, and exports
require pre-shipment (i.e. quarantine) treatment to eliminate the live eggs [1]. The
follow ing treatments are suggested: fumigation with chemicals, m odified
atmosphere, cold treatment and ionizing radiation.
The objectives o f this study were to determine the density o f European red mite
eggs on apples, and to determine the dose o f gamma radiation required to prevent
development o f diapausing eggs o f P. ulmi.
Apples with eggs o f European red mite were treated with ^ C o gamma radia
tion at a dose rate o f 140 Gy/m in. After the treatment, the calyx end and stem cavity
o f each apple were ringed with white glycerine prior to incubation. Apples with eggs
were incubated in darkness at 2 4 °C for a period o f 14 d. After this period, the apples
were examined and the eggs and larvae counted.
Usually, 7 0 -9 0 % o f the apples were infested with eggs o f P. ulmi. The more
infested apples in the sample, the more eggs were laid per apple. Distribution o f mite
eggs on apples was very characteristic. Aggregations o f eggs were located in the
calyx ends m ore often than in the stem cavities.
Preliminary experiments indicate that gamma radiation applied at 0 .4 -0 .6 kGy
inhibited completely the hatchability o f eggs. About 60% o f control eggs hatched.
The effects o f low er doses o f gamma radiation on the viability o f diapausing
eggs are presented in Table I. It is seen that wintering eggs o f P. ulmi are very
susceptible to irradiation. A dose o f 100-125 G y caused com plete inhibition o f egg
hatchability. This dose is suggested for quarantine treatment o f apples infested with
diapausing eggs o f the European red mite. A few larvae hatched at doses higher than
100 G y. H ow ever, these larvae died soon after treatment without moulting into the
next developmental stage.
This research was carried out with the support o f the IA E A under Research
Contract No. 6942/RB.
Apples are among those fresh fruits and vegetables which are relatively
tolerant to irradiation stress at doses below 1 kGy. A t these doses, only m inimum
detrimental effects o f radiation on apples have been observed.
The embryonic stage o f an animal is a tim e o f extreme radiosensitivity [2, 3]
and mites are no exception. However, the specific stage o f embryonic development
involved determines the observed radiosensitivity [4]. Usually, as the embryo
achieves greater development, its resistance increases dramatically. Taking this into
consideration, as w ell as the results which indicate the high susceptibility o f the
wintering eggs o f P. ulmi to irradiation, one may conclude that these diapausing eggs
|r e at the early stages o f embryogenesis, before termination o f diapause.
[1] LIDSTER, P.D., SANFORD, K.H., McRAE, K.B., “ Effects o f modified atmosphere
storage on overwintering populations of the apple rust mite and European red mite eggs,
HortScience 16 (1981) 328-329.
[2] BROWER, J.H ., “ Combined effects o f egg age and radiation dosage on egg hatch o f
Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), Can. Entomol. 104 (1972) 141-147.
[3] TTLTON, E .W ., BROWER, J.H., “ Radiation effects on arthropods” , Preservation o f
Food by Ionizing Radiation, CRC Press, Boca Raton, F L (1983) 269-316.
[4] IG NATO W ICZ, S., SYSIAK, M :, “ Sterilization o f the bulb mite, Rhizoglyphus
echinopus (F. et R.) (Acarida: Acaridae), with gamma radiation” , Proc. 5th Int.
Workshop on Stored-Products Protection, Bordeaux, 1990, Vol. 2 (1990) 1211-1220.
(The affiliations given are those that pertained at the time o f the Symposium)
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