05 - Rotor Principal
05 - Rotor Principal
05 - Rotor Principal
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The main rotor ensures the aircraft lift and forward flight. The blades transform the mechanical energy from the
It comprises the rotor shaft, the rotor hub and 4 blades. engines into aerodynamic forces (lift).
The rotor shaft, which is secured to the MGB, drives the - Rotor diameter : ......................................... 16.200 m
hub and transmits the rotor lift to the structure. The hub, - Rotation speed (nominal rpm) : .................... 265 rpm
which is secured to the rotor shaft, supports the blades. - Rotation direction : clockwise (viewed from above)
It is the seat of the resulting blade lift and absorbs the
loads inherent in the rotation of the rotor (centrifugal The rotor shaft is inclined forward by 5°.
forces, flapping and drag loads).
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1 2 4
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The articulation of the sleeve is no longer made by con- Coming from technology developed on small size heli-
ventional means (bearings, trunnions etc.) but by a sin- copters (starflex rotor) it is made of two flanges, one fit-
gle part called : Laminated spherical stop. ted to the hub, the other one attached to the sleeve and
assembled together by a stack of metal cups sunk in
Centrifugal reaction elastomer.
Drag oscillation
Laminated spherical stop allows the blade to move around
three axis : drag, flapping and feathering.
Blade Sleeve
Kevlar belt
Rotor shaft
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Coning flyweight
Shot pack
(for rotor balance)
Pitch Lever
restrainer track
Threaded plate
On its lower side a reciprocating stop ring «floats» in a ring in opposite direction. On the ground at low rotor RPM
groove. Principle is simple : in flight, only one blade at and at stop the four blades simultaneously meet the ring.
the time may move down (max -7° 40') and thus push the In fact they all stop each other.
Coning flyweight
stop ring
Low NR <140 RPM : the flyweight Flight NR : the flyweight is centri- Max coning stop : the stop track
is retracted, the sleeve is limited to fuged and accompanies the stop pushes back the flyweight to its
+1°, the reciprocating stop ring lim- track for blade angle >13°30'. own stop set at +20°30'
its to -1°. There are only 2° free-
dom left to the blade.
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Attached between hub and sleeve it carries two functions: The motion of the blade around the drag axis is damp-
rigidity and damping. The rigidity locates the first drag ened to avoid oscillation phenomenon, source of vibra-
mode which means that the blade tend to return to its set tions. This is made by an hydraulic device (two work
position when it is not submitted to the alternate forces chambers separated by a piston and an expansion cham-
around the drag axis; this is obtained by interposition of ber).
hard elastomer between two cylindrical structures, one
attached to the sleeve the other one attached to the hub.
- Lamination of hydraulic fluid through the restrictor - Lamination of hydraulic fluid through restrictor.
- Move of the shuttle valve ; closure of the chamber in - Move of the shuttle valve ; closure of the chamber in
high pressure (B) high pressure (A)
- Intercommunicating of the chamber in low pressure - Intercommunicating of the chamber in low pressure
(A) with the expansion chamber. (B) with the expansion chamber
- Once the damp pressure exceeds the threshold, the - Once the damp pressure exceeds the threshold, the
valve opens to release the excess fluid which is relief valve opens.
nevertheless laminated through restrictor.
Fluid level sight
Filling/bleeding screw
WARNING : The drag damper must be always be carried and stored in vertical position, level sight upwards
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1 2 3 4 5
The pitch change rod transmits to the blades Between body (3) and washer (6) there are ser-
the pitch angles given by the attitude of the rations for fine adjustment.
swashplate. 1 complete turn = 120 serrations = 1°, 1 serration
Adjustable in length by rotation of the body = 30"
(3), it allows blade angle corrections neces- When the index (5) is aligned with the zero of the
sary to rotor dynamic rigging (tracking). An 2 washer (6) and when the end of the key (7) is on
internal device (2) keeps the angular setting the white line (8), the rod is at theoretical length
of the end fittings (1-4) constant. At its up- ("zero" rod).
per end there is a LH thread, at its lower end The reference rod is the yellow rod, it will be ad-
there is a RH thread. Rotation of the body 3 justed at theoretical length and sealed with
makes the rod length to vary. thermo-retractable sheath.
This rod ought to remain at this length.
Main servo
Main servo 7
action Grease
nipple Main servo
action 8
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The FLARED HOUSING is there to transmit the aerody- bears thrust screws (5) and a phonic wheel (4). This lat-
namic force from rotating items (rotor and blades) to non- ter rotates in front of sensors which provide rotor RPM
rotating elements like MGB and structure.The power information (NR)
transmission is made through a "4 contact" ball bearing At the lower end of the external bearing race (2) there is
for a better specific loads distribution.This bearing works a cup washer (7) to collect return oil from the bearing.
differently depending if we are on ground or in flight. The possible metallic particles are so collected and a
The oil from the MGB lubricating system is brought to magnetic plug (3) is there for periodic check.
the bearing by an internal lubrication duct. At the top of the bearing a lip seal (1) is fitted to retain oil.
The inner races of bearings (2) are held by a flared spacer
and a securing nut (6). This nut screwed onto the mast
1 - Lip seal
2 - "4 contact" ball bearings (dividing the loads
between 4 points reduces the specific
3 - Magnetic plug fitted with a felt witness of
4 - Phonic wheel
5 - Thrust screw
6 - Securing nut
7 - Oil claim cup washer
8 - Lubrication duct
9 - Rigging shim
10 - "O" ring
11 - Rotor Rpm (NR) sensor
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It consists of "ROVING" strips (glass fibers impregnated A set of tabs is used for aerodynamic adjustments. Stops
with resin) wound round the attachment bushes and are there to protect during blade folding maneuvers.
spread along the blade, they constitute the spar. To give A blade tip fairing having a parabolic shape and a nickel
the blade its shape, it is filled, depending on places, with electroplated leading edge is fitted at the very end.
rigid foam, compound, or «Nida Nomex».
Layers of fibreglass and carbon tissues make the skin.
The leading edge bears stainless steel cuffs, overlap-
ping each other, to protect from erosion.
Erosion protection
Balance weight
housing Blade folding stops
Marks on blade
lower surface
for pole positioning
(blade folding system)
Blade tip fairing
Stainless steel
attachment bush
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9 T8 and T9
7 can be used
5 by operators.
2 T1 to T7 are set
1 at the test bench
Mooring socket
It is not possible to produce strictly identical blades, this In order for blades B and C to enter in the track of the
results in a slight difference in the aerodynamic features, master blade :
particularly the lift. The incidence correction enables these - Blade B pitch must be reduced (-, i)
variations in lift to be compensated with respect to the - Blade C pitch must be increased (+,i)
reference lift of a master blade. This explanation is
illustrated by the figure.
G +, i
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3 4
1 6
Audio-warning push-button
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The input signal is rectified and stabilized by the power The frequency signal (F) is applied to a "Frequency /
supply. Voltage" converter, which is built into the indicator and
which outputs a current, the voltage (U) of which is pro-
The output voltage from the converter is applied, via a portional to the rotor RPM. This current actuates a motor
power supply circuit, to a galvanometer (G) which con- (M) slaved to the voltage signal variation.
trols the RPM display.
A flag appears in window :
PROVIDES AN NR READING, EVEN IN THE EVENT - when there is no power supply to indicator,
OF TOTAL LOSS OF THE ELECTRICAL GENERAT- - should the motor (M) slaving system fail.
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