Working With Variables: LET Variable Expr
Working With Variables: LET Variable Expr
Working With Variables: LET Variable Expr
LET assigns a value (the result of ‘expr’ above) to a variable. Variables can have
names of any length – and can contain spaces and numbers, though cannot start
with a number. String variables are denoted by a terminating ‘$’ character.
DIM Variable(numexpr[,numexpr...])
DIM creates an array of numbers or of strings. String arrays are fixed width (the
length being the last index supplied). There is no limit to the number of dimensions.
INC will increment the numeric variable specified by the amount specified. If not
specified, then the amount is assumed to be 1. Also a range can be optionally added
to constrain the variable to a range of values, which wrap when overflowed.
SWAP <numvar,numvar|strvar,strvar>
Clears all variables. Also clears the GO SUB stack and any ON assignments, and
clears the screen. Can also be used to clear the error status with CLEAR ERROR,
see ON for more details.
READ variable[,variable...]
Interprets an expression held in a DATA statement, and assigns the result to the
variable specified.
DATA item1[,Item2...ItemN]
RESTORE <linenumber|label>
Sets the location of the next DATA statement to be READ from. If no DATA
statement exists at this location in the program, RESTORE searches ahead for the
next one, if one exists.
String Functions
VAL$ strexpr
VAL strexpr
Returns the result of the expression stored in the string expression parameter. In the
case of VAL, the expression must return a numeric result. VAL$ can process either,
and always returns the result as a string.
STR$ numexpr
CHR$ numexpr
DCHR$ numexpr
QCHR$ numexpr
Returns the character that corresponds to the result of the numerical expression. For
example, CHR$ 32 returns the “ “ (space) character, or to look at it another way, a
string with the first character (or byte) set to 32. The DCHR$ and QCHR$ functions
return the numerical expression as 2-byte (for numbers of 0-0xFFFF) or 4-byte (for
numbers 0-0xFFFFFFFF) strings respectively. The latter is especially useful for
constructing WINDOW PUT-able graphic strings.
LEFT$(strexpr, count)
Returns the number of characters from the left of the string as a string. For example,
LEFT$(“hello”,4) returns “hell”.
RIGHT$(strexpr, count)
Returns a substring of the string expression, from the given start and count
parameters. For example, MID$(“Scunthorpe”,2,4) cannot be printed.
REP$(strexpr, count)
Returns a string that is comprised of the string expression parameter repeated count
times. A more “orangey” manual would likely use the example REP$(“hip!”,2)+”
HEX$ numexpr
Returns the number specified as a string of hexadecimal digits.
BIN$ numexpr
Like HEX$, but returns a string of 1s and 0s, representing a binary sequence.
Returns the string supplied, but with all whitespace (characters <= “ “) removed from
the start and end of the string.
Returns the string,but with any whitespace at the start stripped off.
As for LEFT$, but removes whitespace from the end of the string.
UDG$ <numexpr|char>
Returns a two-character UDG string. When the parameter is numerical, the string
returned is the UDG marker (CHR$ 1) + the char corresponding with the number,
such as “A” for 65. If the parameter is a string expression, then the result is again a
CHR$ 1, but with the first character of the string appended to create the UDG.
LEN strexpr
CODE strexpr
DCODE strexpr
QCODE strexpr
CODE returns the ASCII code of the first character in the string parameter. For
example, “1” would be 49. In a nutshell, the value of the first character as a byte is
returned. DCODE and QCODE perform the same job, but return the value of 2-byte
and 4-byte strings (or numbers expressed as two and four bytes).
POS(substr, strexpr)
Searches the string expression for the first occurrence of the substring and returns
the position it occupies, or zero if not found.
RANDOMIZE [numexpr]
Sets the random seed, used by the RND function. If a numeric expression is
specified, then the result is used as the seed – this enables you to use a repeatable
sequence of random numbers which is useful in procedural work.
Sets the angle types used by the trigonometric functions to degrees. The default is
Maths Functions
DEGTORAD numexpr
RADTODEG numexpr
As for DEGTORAD, but for the opposite conversion from radians into degrees. Uses
the calculation “num*180/PI”.
Takes no parameters, and returns a random number where 0 < RND < 1. To get a
random number from a range, try RND * Limit, where limit is the highest number you
want to get – ie, for a dice roll, try 1+(RND*6).
SIN numexpr
COS numexpr
TAN numexpr
ASN numexpr
ACS numexpr
ATN numexpr
Trigonometric functions. ASN, ACS and ATN are the inverse of their normal
counterparts, ie, ArcSIN, ArcCOS and ArcTAN. All take either degrees or radians as
parameters, depending on the angle mode set with either DEGREES or RADIANS.
LN numexpr
EXP numexpr
SQR numexpr
SGN numexpr
Returns the sign of the expression, either 0,-1 or 1, if the expression evaluates to
zero, a negative number or a positive number respectively.
ABS numexpr
Returns the absolute value of the expression. This will effectively convert a negative
number into a positive, and leave a positive number alone.
NOT numexpr
A logical operator – converts a TRUE number into a FALSE (0) number, and a
FALSE number into a TRUE number (1).
numexpr OR numexpr
Returns TRUE (1) if either of the numerical expressions evaluate to TRUE (non-
Returns, for two numeric paramters, TRUE (1) if both are TRUE (or non-zero), or
FALSE (0) if either are FALSE (0). For the string expression as the first parameter,
the result is the empty string (“”) if the numerical expression is FALSE (0), but if
TRUE (non-zero), the result is the first string parameter.
Returns the modulus, or whole remainder, of the first numerical expression divided
by the second. For example, 20 MOD 15 returns 5.
Performs a bitwise “Exclusive-Or” on the first number with the second. This has the
effect of reversing the bits of the first number where the corresponding bits of the
second number are set. For example, 255 XOR 255 is 0. 255 XOR 127 is 128 – ie,
as bits 0 to 6 are set in 127, then all those bits in the 255 are unset, leaving bit 7
(128) set.
numexpr SHL numexpr
Shifts the bits of the first number to the left by the second. This has the effect of
multiplying by two to the power of the second number.
As for SHL, but shifts to the right, which has the effect of dividing by 2 for each bit
INT numexpr
Rounds the numerical expression towards zero. ie, INT 1.5 is 1, and INT -1.5 is -1.
TRUNC numexpr
As for INT, rounds towards zero, and does the same job as INT.
FLOOR numexpr
Returns the highest integer less than or equal to the numerical expression. For
example, FLOOR -2.8 returns 3, and FLOOR 2.8 returns 2.
CEIL numexpr
Rounds upwards to the lowest integer greater than or equal to the numerical
expression. For example, CEIL -2.8 returns 2, and CEIL 2.8 returns 3.
ROUND(numexpr, digits)
FRAC numexpr
Returns the fractional part of the numerical expression – that is, the part that is below
the decimal point. For example, FRAC 12.345 returns 0.345.
MIN(numexpr, numexpr)
ODD numexpr
Defines a label for use with any command that requires a line number to jump to,
such as GO TO and GO SUB. Whereas supplying a line number for these
commands will work just fine, using a label allows you to specify a statement within a
line to jump to.
Labels are defined with the “@” character preceding them, and are referenced as
such throughout the program.
RUN [linenum|@label]
Causes execution of the program to begin at the specified line number or label if
present, or the beginning of the program if not. Clears the screen, all variables, ON
commands and the GO SUB stack before commencing execution.
Tests the numexpr and if TRUE (greater than zero), executes the statement after
THEN. If not, then the statement after ELSE is executed if it exists.
Initialises the numeric variable to the result of the first numexpr, and then continues
program execution. Information (the second numeric expression and the STEP
numeric expression if present) are stored in the variable.
NEXT numvar
Assuming that the referenced numeric variable has been initialised previously with
FOR, it is incremented (or decremented if a negative STEP value was specified) and
tested against the TO expression – if the limit has been reached, then program
execution continues on the next line, otherwise the statement after the FOR
command is executed.
GO TO <numexpr|label>
GO SUB <numexpr|label>
Like GO TO, program execution jumps to the line or label specified, but the current
line and statement number is added to the GO SUB stack. This can be used to return
to the next statement after the GO SUB later.
If a line/statement location has been pushed onto the GO SUB stack, it is popped off
and a jump is made to that position in the program.
DO [WHILE numexpr]
DO marks the start of a block of code which will repeat when LOOP is encountered.
You can optionally specify a numeric expression following a WHILE command, which
if evaluated TRUE, will cause the block to execute. If FALSE, then program
execution continues after the matching LOOP command. DO ... LOOP blocks can be
Matches with a preceding DO command, and causes program execution to loop back
to that command. If the optional UNTIL condition is specified, then looping is only
performed if it evaluates to TRUE.
Exits out of a DO ... LOOP block early, resuming program execution at the next
statement after the next LOOP command.
Use ON to specify a scheduled event. ON ERROR allows you to branch to your own
error handling routines – be aware that you must issue a RETURN when you’re done
handling the error, and that applies to all of the commands the follow ON.
ON numexpr EVERY will evaluate the numeric expression when the second number
of frames has elapsed. If EVERY is omitted, then the numeric expression will be
evaluated after every statement, and could potentially slow down your code
All these behaviours can be cancelled and deleted from memory by using the OFF
keyword, as shown above.
INPUT functions
Returns, taking into account the shift keys, the last key to be pressed on the
keyboard as a single character. Returns an empty string if no keys are pressed.
KEY numexpr
Returns the status of the key whose scancode is represented by the numerical
expression. Returns TRUE (1) if pressed, and FALSE (0) if not.
Returns the number of pixels the mouse has moved since the last mouse movement.
Useful in ON MOUSEMOVE statements.
Returns a number built from the state of the mouse buttons – Starting with 0, add 1 if the left
button is pressed, 2 if the right button is pressed and 4 if the middle button is pressed.
Working with Memory Banks and files
Banks are blocks of memory that can hold a number of datatypes, and the BANK command
manipulates them all.
Use BANK NEW to create an empty bank ready to put your data in. You can
optionally specify a size, but this is not necessary as banks can shrink and grow as
you see fit, and automatically expand as you write to them with a STREAM. The
numeric variable is necessary to hold the new ID number of the created bank, which
you will use to reference the bank in later operations. This ID number will be chosen
for you (except when using LOAD BANK – see later).
Resize banks with the SIZE command, and copy one bank to another with the COPY
Finally, you can erase a bank with the ERASE command. This operation will
permanently delete any information the bank is holding.
Loads the file specified in the string expression to a memory bank. If the ID number is
specified, the bank will be overwritten (if it exists) and created with that ID number if
not. If no ID number is specified, one will be chosen for you, and loaded into the
numeric variable.
Saves a bank specified by the id number to a file. Any bank can be saved, regardless
of how it was created – whether as a FONT bank, a SCREEN bank or whatever.
POKE id,offset,byteval
DPOKE id,offset,wordval
QPOKE id,offset,longwordval
Sets a byte in a memory bank’s data section at the offset specified to the value
specified. The DPOKE and QPOKE versions behave identically, but set two and four
bytes respectively. Offset must be in range of the bank’s size, or an error occurs.
Streams allow fast reading and writing of memory banks and files. Create a stream
with STREAM NEW and access that stream using the value returned in the numeric
variable. Specifying a numeric expression will attach that stream to a bank, otherwise
a string expression will attach it to a file. If the file does not exist, it will be created
only when the stream is written to.
STREAM READ id,strvar,count
STREAM WRITE id,strexpr
STREAM SEEK id,offset
Use STREAM READ to read a set number of bytes from the memory bank or file into
the specified string variable. Use STREAM WRITE to write the contents of a string
expression to the memory bank or file. You can set the position within the file or
memory bank using STREAM SEEK, but specifying a position that is out of the range
of the size of the bank or file will result in the position being set to offset 0 (if
negative) or the end of the stream if larger than the stream size.
Finally, STREAM CLOSE will close the stream, and end file access if it’s attached to
a file.
Returns the value in the bank’s data at the given offset. PEEK returns a byte,
DPEEK returns a Word (2 bytes, 0 to 65535) and QPEEK returns a LongWord (4
bytes, or 0 to $FFFFFFFF).
Create a new font with FONT NEW, which returns the bank number in the numeric
variable parameter. The mode can be FONT_MONO or FONT_COLOUR, and if
colour you can specify an optional transparent colour index – any pixels of that colour
in the font’s graphical image will not be drawn. Colour fonts take their colours from
the current screen palette.
You can set the transparent index of an already created font using the FONT
You can delete a font bank with FONT ERASE or BANK ERASE.
After creation (or having been loaded with LOAD BANK), the new font bank needs to
be activated as the current font before it can be used, and you do that with FONT
command on its own. Any subsequent PRINT commands will then use that font.
Font Functions
UDG <numexpr|strexpr>
For a numeric parameter, returns the address in the current font bank’s memory
block of the graphical data for the UDG number supplied. For example, for the UDG
associated with “A” you would specify 65 and given an 8x8 font, the offset would be
For a string parameter, the UDG is assumed to be the first character and therefore
specifying “A” as the parameter will be the same as specifying 65 as above.
Returns the type of font in use – 1 for a colour font, and 0 for a mono font.
Returns the transparent index of the current font, or -1 if none exists or the font is MONO
Window/Screen manipulation
SCREEN <WINDOW|FULL> [width,height]
Decide if SpecBAS should run in a window or occupy the entire screen. If width and
height are present, then the size of the window or screen is set accordingly. Windows
can be any size, but full-screen resolutions depend on the capability of the host PC’s
graphics card.
This command, along with the WINDOW GRAB command, will get a rectangular
section of the screen and store it in a string variable. It is not recommended that you
PRINT this variable, as the contents will not make much sense to a human. The
string variable will contain a small header and pixels from the grabbed area (including
any windows that overlay the selected region), which can be placed in a window with
WINDOW PUT command, which will be discussed later. Graphics-in-strings are used
in a variety of other commands.
Windows are “screens” that are attached to the current screen. They are rendered in
z-order, with the main display (window 0) as the first. Use WINDOW NEW to create a
new window at coordinates x,y and size w,h in pixels. Optionally, a transparent index
can be supplied, which causes any pixels of that colour to be skipped whilst the
window is drawing.
Having many visible windows can cause a small performance penalty, so use them
with care. Window size is unimportant, however, as portions which are not within the
visible screen are not drawn. Windows can be any size.
Issuing a single WINDOW command with a valid window-id number will cause all
further output to the screen to be redirected to that window. This includes PRINT
Resizes a window. This is destructive, and the window contents will require re-
drawing afterwards. You cannot resize Window 0.
Alters the z-order of a window. Bringing it to the front will cause it to be drawn last,
and therefore in front of all other windows. Sending it to the back will cause it
“disappear” behind all other windows. The main screen (window 0) is classed as a
window, so can be moved in this way.
These commands move the window contents in the x and y axes by the specified
amount. SCROLL will move destructively – any contents that move off the visible
area are lost, where as ROLL will wrap those contents on at the opposite edge.
As for SCREEN GRAB, this will copy a rectangular region of the screen into a string
variable with an optional transparent parameter. This, unlike SCREEN GRAB, will
not include any overlapping windows, just the window specified.
Removes the specified window. If this window was previously focused for drawing,
then focus moves back to window 0 (the main screen).
Screen and Window functions
Returns the width of the screen (or host window if in windowed mode).
Returns the window ID number of the current drawing window. 0 represents the
screen itself.
Playing with Colours
INK numexpr
Sets the current INK – the pen colour used to draw text and other graphical
PAPER numexpr
Sets the background colour for drawn text. This only makes sense for those fonts
declared as “MONO” type.
INVERSE numexpr
Provided mostly for compatibility with the original Sinclair BASIC, this when activated
by a numerical expression which evaluates TRUE, will swap INK and PAPER values.
OVER numexpr
When activated by the numerical expression evaluating as TRUE (greater than zero),
this will cause all pixels drawn to be XOR’d with the one already on the screen at that
point. This is the same behaviour as the original Sinclair implementation, but as the
screen contains considerable more pixel states than the Spectrum, the results are
not as predictable and require careful thought before using.
PALETTE index,<r,g,b|RGB>
Sets the palette entry specified to the colour denoted either by the red, green and
blue values passed, or by the value which represents all the channels in one, in
$RRGGBB format. Red, Green and Blue can be in the range 0 to 255.
As above, this sets the palette using Hue, Saturation and Value components rather
than RGB values. As hue is specified in the range 0..360, the HSV Value takes the
This will cycle the colours of the palette, left or right respectively. If the range “start
TO end” is specified, then only those colour indexes inclusive to the range will be
cycled. The palette will wrap around as it cycles.
Colour Functions
Converts the supplied trio of values into a valid $RRGGBB format colour number.
RED numexpr
GREEN numexpr
BLUE numexpr
Extracts the red, green or blue component from a $RRGGBB format colour.
RGB index
RGBtoHSV numexpr
Converts from $RRGGBB format to $HHHHSSVV format. Hue is in the range 0..360,
so needs two bytes to convert properly.
HSVtoRGB numexpr
HSVtoINT (hue,saturation,value)
HUE index
VALUE index
Extracts the required Hue, Saturation and Value from the palette entry specified.
HSV index
RGBn numexpr
RGBf numexpr
RGBc numexpr
These functions take a $RRGGBB format colour and attempt to find, in the current
palette, the closest, furthest match and the best contrasting colour respectively.
Graphical things
CLS [numexpr]
Clears the current window to the colour specified. If no colour is present, then the last
PAPER value is used. Using CLS to change paper colour is non-permanent.
PRINT [[colour-item|expr|location-item]print-sep...]
Displays optional textual items on the screen. Text can be any expression, be it
numerical or string. Colour items can be included in the parameter list if desired, and
will temporarily affect INK, PAPER, OVER and INVERSE settings. The location of
the text can be set with the AT command (which moves text based on a grid whose
size is the size of a single character), the MOVE command which uses a pixel-based
grid and the TAB command which moves text to a position within the current line.
Print separators are “ ; ” which concatenates strings, “ ’ ” which forces text to appear
on a new line, and “ , “ which moves to the next tab-stop.
PLOT [colour-item;...]x,y
Draws a single pixel in the current INK colour unless INK is changed in the colour-
items parameter.
Draws a line from the last point plotted (by any of the drawing commands) to an
offset specified by x and y. For example, DRAW 10,10 will draw to position 110,110 if
PLOT 100,100 had been executed beforehand. Specifying the TO command before
the coordinates draws from the last point plotted to the coordinate specified. Adding a
third coordinate draws an arc which turns through angle degrees (or radians, by
default) as it travels from point to point. This parameter retains the bugs found in the
original Sinclair implementation; large values cause interesting patterns.
Parameters can be chained; DRAW 10,10;20,20;30,30 will draw three lines to three
successive points.
Draws a bézier curve from the last point plotted, via (but not through) the control
point x1,y1 to end at the point x2,y2, with n subdivisions. More subdivisions take
longer to calculate, so use with care.
Draws a rectangle in the current INK colour (unless changed in the colour-items)
from x1,y1 at the top-left corner to x2,y2 at the bottom-right. The coordinates will be
reversed if x2 or y2 are less than x1 and y1. Specifying a string as a final parameter
indicates the fill pattern, and can be text (which will be rendered in current INK,
PAPER and FONT colours) or a previously obtained graphic from a SCREEN GRAB
or WINDOW GRAB operation. And empty string will fill with solid colour.
DRAW, like the other commands CIRCLE, ELLIPSE and POLYGON require an
initial coordinate to work from, and do not operate from the last point plotted.
CIRCLE [colour-item;]x,y,r[,fill$]
Like RECTANGLE, this draws a circle at the coordinates x,y with a radius r, and as
with RECTANGLE, an optional fill string expression can be appended. See above for
information about how to use the fill expression.
ELLIPSE [colour-item;]x,y,rx,ry[,fill$]
Similar to the CIRCLE command, but allows you to specify a major and minor radius.
Draws a n-sided polygon from a minimum of three points (a triangle is the simplest
form of polygon permitted) to any number of points as a maximum. It can be
optionally filled using the fill string expression detailed in the DRAW reference.
FILL [colour-item;]x,y[,fill$]
Performs a fast flood-fill starting at the point specified. All pixels touching the
destination pixel that share the same colour will be affected. Filling will be done with
the currently set INK colour, unless a colour-item in the parameter list specifies
otherwise. Again, a texture fill can be used by specifying a fill string expression.
Miscellaneous commands
LOAD filename$
Loads the program specified by the filename into memory. If it was saved with a
LINE parameter, then execution will begin at that line.
MERGE filename$
Merges the program specified by the filename into the current program. Lines that
have the same line number as lines already present in the current program will
replace those lines, otherwise they will be inserted in numerical order.
Saves the current program to the filename specified. If LINE is present, then it will be
saved with a flag to execute the program from that line when loaded.
REM remarks
Does nothing; is present purely to allow you to insert comments into your program.
The entire line from that statement onwards is ignored.
PAUSE numexpr
Takes no parameters, and simply gives up SpecBAS’s current timeslice to the host
OS. Tight loops in SpecBAS on a single-core PC can cause delays to other
processes and this command will allow them to execute.
SETDIR strexpr
Sets the current working directory to that specified, if the directory exists.
SpecBAS saves your work whenever you enter or alter a program line, and the
RECOVER command will load in the last saved backup.
Quits SpecBAS.
Miscellaneous Functions
These functions return information on the previous error – the error code, the line it
occurred on and the statement within that line where your code failed.