Antigone Guided Questions - 18

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Antigone Prologue - Scene II 

As your classmates act the play, answer these questions to monitor your comprehension.
Question Key:
RC= Reading Check RS= Reading Strategy LA= Literary Analysis

● Antigone: Daughter of Oedipus ● A Messenger

● Ismene: Daughter of Oedipus ● Chorus
● Creon: King of Thebes ● Choragos: leader of the chorus
● A Sentry  ● Guards
● Servants 

Prologue (773) 
1. LA: (773) What qualities does Antigone show in lines 14-25 to identify her as the protagonist?
2. RC: (773) Who are Eteocles and Polyneices?
3. LA: (774) What conflict is outlined by Antigone’s words in lines 30-36?
4. RS: (774) Why does Antigone want to bury her brother?
5. RC: (775) What does Antigone want her sister to help her do?
6. RS: (776) What motivates the brother to fight to the death?
S c e n e I (776) 
7. RC: (777) What event does the chorus describe on the bottom of page 776?
8. LA: (778) How do Creon’s words reveal him to be the antagonist of the play in lines 53-61?
9. RS: (779) What would the sentry’s motives would have been for proving someone else buries Polyneices in lines
10. RS: (779) Why does Choragos suggest that the Gods might have buries Polyneices?
11. RC: (779) What does the sentry say has happened to the body of Polyneices in lines 95-100?
12. LA: (780) What decision does Creon make here that might have antagonistic consequences in lines 135-145?
13. RC: (781) What does the sentry want Creon to do?
S c e n e II (781) 
14. RS: (782) What motivates the sentry to return with Antigone despite Creon’s threats (15-20)?
15. LA: (782) How does the sentry’s description here of Antigone paint her in a positive light? (lines 39-45)
16. lA: (783) How does this scene reinforce the audience’s sympathy for Antigone? (ln 65-85)
17. RC: (783) What is Antigone’s response to the sentry when she is charged?
18. RS: (784) What additional motive beyond upholding the law does Creon reveal here? (lns 92-99)
19. LA: (784) Which details in this scene solidify antigone’s role as protagonist and Creon’s role as antagonist?
20. RS: (785) Why does Ismene now want to share the guilt for burying Polyneices?
21. RC: (785) Who does Antigone say agrees with her decision to bury her brother?
22. RS: (786) Why does Antigone reject Ismene’s wish to share the blame?

Antigone Prologue- Scene II Review (771-787) 

Directions: To refresh your memory from what happened last class, answer these questions about the prologue through
scene 2.
1. a) Antigone and Ismene disagree over the burial of Polyneices. b) With whom do you agree?
2. a) Why do Ismene and Antigone quarrel as the play opens? b) Explain the stand that each takes.
3. a) What reasons does Ismene give as she urges Antigone not to disobey Creon? b) How might Ismene’s advice to her
sister seem cowardly to some readers?
4. a) What does Creon say to the chorus about the Ship of the State? b) What does that remark reveal about his
leadership style?
5. a) How does Creon learn about Antigone’s action? b) In his argument with Antigone, Creon declares, “An enemy is an
enemy, even dead.” What does this mean? Do you agree?
Antigone Scenes 3-5 
S c e n e III 
1. LA: (792) What flaw in his character do Creon’s words to Haimon reveal?
2. RC: (793) What does Creon say is the most important thing a son can do?
3. RS: (794) Do you identify with Creon or with Haimon here? Why?
4. RS: (795) In what ways can you identify with Haimon in this scene?
5. RC: (795) Why are Haimon and Creon arguing?
S c e n e IV 
6. RC: (797) Whom does Antigone blame for her fate?
S c e n e V 
7. RC: (799) How does Creon intend to get rid of Antigone?
8. LA: (800) Which details in Creon’s speech emphasize his role as a tragic character?
9. RC: (801) What does Teiresias want Creon to do?
10. RS: (802) Which details help you identify with Creon’s refusal to give in?
11. LA: (802) How does Creon’s statement reveal that he has begun to recognize his own tragic flaw?
12. RC: (803) What does Teiresias say is Creon’s crime?
13. RS: (805) Eurydice calmly worries about “some new sorrow.” Why might she say that she is accustomed to grief?
14. RC: (805) What news does the messenger bring?
15. LA: (806) What event here is one part of the resolution to the tragedy that Creon began with his decision to kill
16. RS: (807) In what way can you identify with Creon as he discovers his tragedy has suddenly been doubled?
17. RC: (807) What are Eurydice’s last words?

Character Descriptions 
Antigone   Ismene 
(An - Tig- Go -Nee)  (Is - Mean - ee ) 
This character has many lines. Her personality is sassy, This character has a lot lines. Her personality is weak,
outspoken, and brave. She believes in what is right! She is cowardly, and fake. She wants to support her sister, but
the protagonist.  not at the risk of her own life... 

Creon   Haimon 
( Cree - Yon)  (Hey - Man) 
This character has many lines. His personality is stubborn, This character has a lot lines. His personality is brave,
strong, and proud. He is a king and wants to stay!  vengeful, and adoring. He would do anything for Antigone. 

Eurydice   Teiresias  
(You - Rih - Dice)  (Tuh -Ray - See- As) 
This character has a moderate amount lines. Her
This character has a medium amount lines. His personality
personality is brave, mournful, and motherly. She is
is wise, warning, and important. He predicts the future! 
Creon’s wife.  

Choragos   Sentry  
(Chore - Rah- Go’s)   
This character has a moderate amount lines. His
This character has a lot lines. He is the voice of the
personality is humorous, cowardly, and teasing. 
people, the leader of the chorus. 

Messenger  Chorus 
This character has a smaller amount lines. His personality This character speaks in a group for a short time. 
is humorous and cowardly. 

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