Official Strategy Guide: D N Il RL
Official Strategy Guide: D N Il RL
Official Strategy Guide: D N Il RL
B y D a n il i rl cw
TABLE Of CONTENTS ...... ... • . . . . . . .2
!-lEROES ........ ,,"... " 12
GAME BASICS ......... . ..... . ....... ' 00
MAGIC SPELLS ......... . ............••;3
WEAPONS ............ . ....... . ... OS
ACCESSO IUES ... . ... . ..... . ......... ~
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._7
ITEMS .......... .. .. 09
SYNT!-lESIS ........ . ..... . .......... -
... 30
WALKTHROUGH ......... . .. . . .. .
" JO
I)I\'\.~ to the Heart . . ..... . ... . ... .
Destiny hl;\lld~ ... . .. ' . . .... . .. . . . .3~
..... .42
.... " ........ . .
Wondcrt\11d ...... . ... .. . . . ... . .. .:>:l
. ' " ... ... .. . .67
01ylllPU~ Coliseuill
Deep Jlln~k ...
.. .88
T ra\'cr~c Town Kl'yhok ..... . ·
.· 97
Agrabah ...... . .
MomtrO .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. 112
Atialloea .. . .
Halloween Town ...
Ncv('rbnd ..... . . . . . · . . 1..J.O
Weapon Accesso
None Non!
Sora is the chatacter you will cOlltrol throughout the game. Through the usc of the
powerful Kcybladc. he can defeat the Heartless enemies itlvading all of the worlds.
AP. ~:~~~~;i~~~~.~mb·'-
Boom attack po~is criti<lil~in~ with a wupon skill for more.p.ower. . _ __
IlKrum the wmmons' tiP gauge, zi!!ng them more tlmt lIld attacks ptr battle. [quIp to entire .par to 00011 tffen.
Combo Plu~ , htend~ ground combo attack by one step. Equip more to mend it furtbtr. _ _ _ _ __
D~ Dive and roll 10 evadeattack~ prmint~. bunon.
Sun - View an enemy's H!...g~e during b,!,,!"tI,'c-
' . .,,-_-;-;-~.,----;-----
V~ Oo~e tilt distanu to nt enemiu with tbi~ pow!rfulsp~,&..,~ .tQ
~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
~yel ~:~~IUS~] ~~ ",:",~~
i~ I",-_ _ ~""'~"'""_ Staff Shield
~] None ~
ill ·1
I I I i
Tarzan focuses mainly on
combat and flies into
berserk attacks. Using this
style, it's amazing how
Illany enemies Tarzan
can take out on his own .
Potion (d)
Name Corresponding~
"""~_,,,,,,,_ _, ;
~ ~:n ' t:~~e~a1Bi~:wnward swin aerial u ward swin
DtftmlvtKonl Htalin Heib,WindArmor
HP Items ~p.,,,,t;,,",,,
," , E,,
lix,,,- ----------1
ir, -,,'I<,.,-
KP lttllU hher, [Iilir, t({.
I ,::
""'"' r
, >-
'" '
t< ~,
:',':' -'*
Aladdin seems quite r.'"uniliar with fighting the Heartless enemies in the desert
world. He is agile and takes very few hits in combat. H e often dispenses aid to
your other party members when they're in distress. When navigating the Cave
of Wonders for the first time, keep Aladdin in your party to unlock the secrets
of the maze with the help of his trusted sidekick, Abu.
R ular Attacks SWift swt!, una! mila] SWJn aenal SWft
S ciil Aluda (ftS(fnt.Sanduorm
Potion (11), Ether(0
mcnu. You can cast spells from here. Having all your spells at your disposal at all times is
a widc variety of magic. You can assign three spells to the shortcut menu. YOli cast the
T he command menu's third the h ems menu. Hclpfi.ll items (like Porions, Ethers, and Elixirs) can be stored in each
for handy restoration of HP and M P during combat. T he use of item slots is described in
-:-----~-.--J ------~
{ Rttrllk T
line of the command menu is used to launch special
I tems
Raid, Ars Arcanum, Ragnarok, and Trinity Limit.
... SOIlIC
, the command mellU changes back from red to blue, signaling that all is clear. You can
with encmit""s, or running out of the enemies' combat range.
in treasure chests or some other son of container. You can even find
'~ --, -
.... -. ..
the game, defeated enemies begin to balls. which restore HP. When HP balls
drop items and little balls. Run close to appear, make sure your fellow party newwt'lrld. you will notice il!ms in
unrnth. ble 10cationl.o\I you proteId further into the
. .'
these items and balls to pick them up. members get their fair share.
gl me. you will glin nlw abilitiM th~t m ble you to
jump highuo r ~ i dl Ihoft diltJ.nm.After gaini ng
Gather up the transparent balls to
the\! newabiliO u.rder to thl "h tJ"l ll!rru in h ery
~ 't • .~ •
restore MP. Your support characters World" chapter for info rmation on obuining m il! pre·
also absorb MP balls. If you tend to use ¥ioullyunrmhableinms.
YOll can lock on to enemies or obj ects in the This feature makes it easier to locate trcas-
environment by pressing the III button . The ure chests and valuable items, so usc it :1-i- '~ 5J
target lock can be s\vitched from target to target
by pressing the Ill! or IE button. T he camera
will adjust to provide the best view.
while exploring. It's also essential during
boss fights in which you have an enemy
with several body parts to target.
\ "'"
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~. • 4 ~ .
@ - A numerical measure of a character's life, reflected in @ : f - A measure of how much damage your characters
the length of the green meter on the right side of the can sustain from each blow inflicted by an enemy. It
scret'n . It shortens when foes inflict damaf,'C, and is is occasionally increased when you gain new levels.
restored through item consumption or healing magic. You can manually raise it by using Defense Up
~ A measure of a charactc~'s ability to cast spells. It items. The defense statistic can be affected by the
accessories equipped on a character.
gets reduced when magIc spells o r special attacks are
used. and is restated by consuming Ethers and other @ - The level of experience reached by the ~haraCfer.
items . It is also gradually restored as you physically Each time a new level is gained, a statistic may
attack an enemy. increase o r a new ability may be learned. Gaining
levels can also increase the num ber of item or acces-
@ - ThiS is short for "ability points." Ma.."Ximum AP is
occasionally increased when a new level is attained. sory slots available fo r the character's usc in battle.
You can also manually increase max AP with AP Up
items. Enter the Abilities screen fr0111 the main menu
®- Experience points are gained by eliminating enc-
mic~. The stronger the foe, the morc experience
and usc AP to equip abilities on each character. yOll earn. T he experience gained from defeating
@ - Ameasure of your characters' ability to inflict dam- each enemy is momentarily displayed Oil-screen.
age through physical attacks. This statistic increases T he amount of experience required to reach the
occasionally as you reach new levels of experience next level is displayed to the right.
and is affected by accessories and weapons equipped
on the characters. Use Power Up items to manually
increase this total.
new spells by defeating certain foes or completing certain tasks. Each new spell is simultaneously
learned by Donald, which he can then usc.
i lt~\ ~
As long as you have the required amount of Mr, you can cast spetls. If you
run out of MP, you can restore it all by touching a save point. Consuming an Ether or other
1 1~ ",
multi-purpose item also recharges MP. Possibly the best way to regain MP is by striking enemies
with physical attacks. This helps balance out your magic use while improving your combat skills.
Much more detailed information on this subject is contained in the "Magic Spells" chapter.
. ' '. ,- ''1)
characters' combat abilities so that they call attack more often and evade attacks more
more munny and HP/MP balls. whi le other abili ties increase the odds of receiving a
if you manage your party properly. This includes equipping good weapons and acces-
characters always have sufficient items eqllipped to lise in combat.
worlds introduce new characters that you cnn switch into the party. These characters arc
"', If , .... ... q'
adapted to their particul::tr envirollmellt, making them beneficial allies. !fyotl plan
.. ~
Duck or Goofy with a world-specific character, we recommend that YOll
from the main party. Donald's ability to cast spells makes him an important
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. .,-
~ .
.. , -
, ...
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scribe. His accounts of your adventures are contained in the Journal, an option that becomes
available in the main menu.
In this handy volume, your exploits arc fully described and updated as the story proceeds.
Character bios are created and descriptions of all the Heartless enemies you've defeated are kept
here as well. As the party uncovers new mini-games, your record tilnes arc recorded here too.
The Journal is a valuable asset in tracking your progress in the game.
Donald and GoofY fly in a contraption that can maneuver Enemy craft that you destroy
through space, a craft that is built out of colorful blocks ofa will leave behind valuable
mysterious origin. When gummi blocks and gummi
Sora teams up with this duo, ship blueprints. To collect
you can travel to other them, press the • button to
worlds in tlus "b'1l11ll1U ship." slow down and then travel
over the object.
Some worlds have an cxit point, such as a gate or a largc door, 100 can aJslomize the gummi ship in Ih! Gummi Gmg!. Coiled blue·
while yOli can only enter and exit others through special save prints to build new lhips.or creale your own wacky duigns! RelertD the
"Gummi Garag!Mchiopler for more IImil!.
points. Once you leave a
, ~ :' , '
will learn a wide variety of magic. Whatever Sora learns, DOluid learns also. Thi$ is why
member. He can cast spell~ if you're doing something else.
FIRE: A flaming projectile shoots BLllZARD: A cold blast shoots directly from Sora's
As this spell is upgraded, the Keybladc and spreads outward. You can cast Blizzard
increases, as well as the amount trom midair, but it's more effective against non-flying
enemiell. When the spell is upgraded to higher levels, its
range and power increases. You can also use it to put out
flames and freeze water bubbles.
• THUNDER: Lighuling strikes from above, danuging.all ene- • STOP: The targeted enemy is rendered immobill:! for a short
mies within a certain radius around the main target. As the period of time. You can continue to attack the frozen
spell is upgraded, the attack radiu~ and the damage increase. enemy to accumulate damage. When the spell wears otT, all
This spell is effective against both airborne and non-flying damab'C accumulated during the spell's dmation is inflicted
enemies. You can al-.o use it for other electrical purposes. at once. As the spell is upgraded, it affects more enemies
and lasts longer.
• CURE: Magic that hcal~ a party member of your choosing.
You can increase the spell's level to increa$e the amount of AERO: Deploys a magic barrier of wind that protects one of
HP it restores. your party members from damage. Aero reduces damage
from somc attacks, whi le Acrora reduces damage from
GRAVITY: A crushing ball of darkness fLmens all enemies in 3
attacks and also damages enemies that touch the barrier.
small radius around the maill target, reducing each foc's HP
Aeroga denects most types of attacks, including some
by a certain percentage. This spell isn't fatal, even if the foe is
bosses' special attacks. It also callses damage to foes that
reduced to 1 HP. The spell's radius and percentage ofreduc-
[ouch the barrier.
Some spells may be ineffective against enemies with inherent elemental properties. Th e Fairy Godmother. inside Merlin's
For example, Red Nocturnes will actually absorb and be healed by Fire spells. On house in Traverse Town , can draw out
the other hand, they arc especially su~eprible to Blizzard spells. Conversely. the Blue the spirits contained in special stones so
Rhapsody absorbs Blizzard spells, but i~ weak against Fire spells. that Sora can summon them in battle .
Wrinp a perunt~ 01 HP from the ta'iet (fftttn-e apirut enerniet with leu of HP.
Wring1 aper<tnlag! olHP from the target. Wider arn of eff!<I than Gra,ity.
Wring'! i pemntilV 01 HP from the ratget.WiderlrtlOfefiect than Gravira.
Pf!l'l!nt! fllJ!! from uking lction for a limited tim~.
PrtWfltl ulJetI from taking wion for ilimi!fd time. Wide ~f!a of tffKt
Pffflf)tI wgttl from wing iCtion lor l ~mittd time. Widelt 1ftl of rift«.
Dtplop 1 bamer thlt alnorbt damage. Damages eMmiel on (onuet
DeploYI ~ bimer Ihit abtorbt damage. Deflero C!f!lin atucb.
enter a battle with amaz-
ing animation sequences!
Each one has a different
ability that it shares with
the party in combat. Most
of thc summoned allies
present. The summoned character usually has an MP gauge thatappcars in the upper-right
corner of the screen. The rapidly depleting orange meter indicates how much longer the
sununoned character will remain in baltic. If you want to send il away or SUllllllon a dif-
ferent ally into battle, use the Dismiss command. Each summoned character can only
appear once per battle, wblcb means you can't summon it again until your ne),:t skirmish.
Ian! tomfoolery. to sumlllOlllfushu, ytu mwl d~ftallflt Dragon at Hollow BasIlOl'l to re(fm!
the Fireglow.RtrumtoTmIi!mTOWfI iIIId speak to the hiry
Godmother about tbisgtm to gain a<ttlS to I!ushu.h takes
3 K? to summon this ally into battlt.
Theft'l a treasure chesl in I~e 1>!11y of l1onstrO thaI
Tfil'ltm Town and Ihow t~t gem to the Fairy
~~~'~~ighty 1Iag. Bambi had to lurn (OUrage l
when he was left alone to lend for hims!lf in the foftl
311P to summon thil ally. It lakes I I1PtO lumrnon Ihil ally into battle. (
,]I of whioh h,ve diff",,,, pow" level, ",d "tributes. / ::: ~ ............. _ .. .,..... _ ,;~A~n~R~I';UT~ES~
Other pktyablc chaJ<lctcrs (such :IS Tarz.1n, Aladdin. 'fi)' AIIacMd . . ..,.... is..... _~I\,;;;HO;.W;.:
:, T:O..:
.: G::ET;.:I:T:."
Ariel, and Peter P.:lll) come equipped with their own special
weapons, or none at all. Since t1u.:~e char-deters differ in that
~~lrwl ~~=I:~~===--,
All afme characters in your party can equip one or morc accessories. World-specific characters (like Tarzan , Aladdin, and Ariel)
come equipped with their own accessories. When you revisit worlds after gaining scverallcvels, these characters Illay have the
Accessories help your characters defend against various types of attacks and magic spells. They al~ affect certain statistics. such as
Strength, Defense, HP, MP and AP. You can view the status changes by highlighting the item in the Equipmt.·nt menu. The high-
lighted item is compared to tbe accessory currendy worn by the character.
The following table indicates where you can find each accessory. or whether it needs to be purchased or synthesized in.-Traverse
Town. It also indicates whether the item is dropped by certain enemies or if it come:i equipped on world-specific cl)aracten. 11le
phrase "equip more to boost effect" indicates that placing two ofa particular at:ceuory on one ~r will double the:statut
bonuses and magic reduction percentagesl
F-------------(l1]. . . -----------1iiiiiiiiiii
Name Name Description
N";-GPit« An[~M~ Evidfncf of thf Kutdtn; pmen! it to the Quten of Hum.
Pn!try StOnt A buuti/ulnollf mat giiuem in f0'1tt-Hf-Noc T1M! ~lIlI!mo!7· gift" by ~. NttlItd (0 ume iI. hurt
Empty Bottle Used to collect Drinking Water It Jilck·in-the-Box The MIU~" givfn by the ~or. Hffiled to UUlt I hurt
Old Book (jdr!~nitforllerlin;n!turnit Enl!tPinl .&. ticket rtqu irfd to enter tht gamu IltM Olympui {olil4!um
Emblem Pim Fragment of an t mblem, I~nd in Hno licente A certifitm dtdilring the butlrI ~Junior Herou."
Thm should be a mmhing slo! ~hillll ~ol. 8 An incienl lome (onllining illegible lCri~L
Emblem Piece ] Fragment of an emblem. .lound i Silltgg ~ol. 6 An ancient lome containing illtgiblt lcnpt
Thertlhouldbe anu.tchlng AuIY~ncienl(ome(onUininiilltgibltlcrie!:...
Emblem Pim Fragment of 1II emblem.klulld i tllIiI.¥tI.] AnincitnllOo'MconlliningillfgibitlCrie!:,..
ThmllHluldbtanlltching 11M '01. 6 All ancitn( lome containing ~lfgiblt wi~l
Emblem Pitu ] fraglMnt oilll fiNlltm,lovnd i Thton .01.6 All iIlIcitn! lome containing ~Itgible wipt
An ancittIt IOmt contlin"g ~Itgible wi L
~th bft nu.terms.found at the :"':" I"'''''''-~_~ __
SeaguliEgg Tmelingsupplifl,foundat tht
An iIlcirn! [orne containing illegible ICript
During your first visit to Traverse TOWIl, you'll encounter a moogle at the door behind Cid's Accessory Shop.
mooglcs' Item Workshop is closed at the time. It opens onCe you gain the ability to use green Trinity
When this occurs, return to the Accessory Shop in Traverse Town and use the green Trinity Mark on the
floor inside. This causes a ladder to lower, thus opening the Item Workshop for business.
At first, the maogles offer a slllaJlli~t of items and accessories that you can synthesize from itcou you've
collected. Some items, such as Bright Shards and lucid <ienu. an: stored in your inventory. These types of
items are the basic building materials from which you can syothcUze Items. It doesn't cost auy munny ro
synthesize itcnu, but some of the reqUired materials are ran! P difficult to obc3in.
&right Shird (l2~ Blue Shud (ll)
Elixir Bbu SJI~rd (d~ FfIIl! SJlvd (d~ ThIIndtr Shird (12~ "ythm Shird (l4)
Ene'l7BiflgIe I'owrr ~hlrd (12~ Frost Yuord (d)
Puw!rChain Spirit ~k~rd (x2), Powfr ~h~rd (xl)
Guard Earring Spirit Sh~rd (12), Thun~r Shard (xl)
Dari<Ring lucid Ihird {x2},Brightlhard (xl),"ythril Ihard (x2)
Item Need
"fll-Potion 81m Gem (d ~ fRIll Gem (xl), Thunder Gtm (d ~ lI)'lhril S/md (l2)
"lip Spirit SlJiid {d~ Spirit Gem (d~ Itythril (xl)
..... gtlBlnglt Spirit SlIm! {u~ Pow!r Shard (xl~ Bright Gem (11)
IhgicAnn!.!! Blue Shird (ll~ Froll Shard (d~ ThIIl!der SlJard (xl), lI,fbril (d) SynthtsiztlSlttlll$!OUIIIod
GoIem Chain Powf,r Slu.rd (xl), Power Gem (d~ lucid Gem (xl)
HamrEamog Lucid Shard (xl),lucid Gem (xl), Spirit Gem (.2)
Item Need
IItgi-l!her Blue Gem (ll~ Iflllt Gtm (ll~ ThJMtr Ge.I (.tl~ Bright Ibrd (II~ Bript ~uI (II)
Dtlellif Up wcid Shvd (IS~ lucid Gem (d~ lu<id Cryslll (d ~ ~m., Goo (xl)
G1ia ~gIt I'owrrS/wd (IS~Pow!rGtm(ll~Brigllt &-rill (II)
~1Ie Armlet BWe Gem (12~ Frost Gem (xl~ Thvnder Gem (12), lIytllril (d)
Meilllguird Spirit Shird (d~ I'owrr !hII'd (11), Puw!1 Crystal (ll)
ThfH Itm Blu! Shard (xJ~ Frollllwd (xJ~ TtRlnou Ihlrd (xJ~ Oridukum (II~ J.hirry Cry1u1 (xl)
you want and jump OntO the block by pressing the . button.
mind lilat choosing tM lIilf becomel mort beneficial ~hi eld ~taff 18 ~hield
~'; ~1
needed. Take every-
thing back to Kairi
and speak to her
A you~g girl who appeared on the Destiny IIland! when again.
wal v!ryyoung.!he is best friends with Sora and
doe!n'! mind that they sometimes compete for her
: '
Continue across the beach from the first Log
location to encounter Sora's fellow islander
Wakka. When speaking to Wakka, choose the
second option to hear about the others on the
island. T he first option starts a practice duel.
Sods comiH:Is are his biggmllrength,so position him near the water·s edge
or the leawall,so that all thru have to ipproach him from one side. Don't ule
the urget lock feature, and inmadauack!hedol!l!!n!rnywhil! trying to k// p your back
to the walloI' the ocun.lfyou gft surrounded, they will ealily deflill you. You mll need 10
move to the second half of the island by
going through the door where Kairi was
previously standing. Riku wai ts on the
other side, and he asks what the raft shou ld
be named. R egardless of the name you
enter, Riku will always disagree. He WantS
to settle things wi th Sora by racing him!
Before accepting Riku's challenge, explore the whole side of the island and find the
quickeSt path to the big star and back.
Defeating Riku in the race isn't tOO difficult. but a good sense of the layout of the
area is needed. Win the race to receive a Pretty Stone! You can actually win up to
99 Pretty Stones. You cou ld thcn sell them at T raverse Town for 30 Illunny each, for
Kairi nc-ar the raft. She names a list of new items to collect, and gives you an Empty Bottle to
fill with fresh water. If you need hints on wherc to find all thcse things, return to Kairi and tell • • • •
her you're "totally clueless." The items, marked on the maps, are spread across the Cove and
Seashore areas. After gathering all the supplies, find Kairi and speak to her a couple of times.
She hands over a Hi-Potion for collecting them all
to Sora's wooden sword, so don 't fight
checks on the raft, but there are them, Instead, head for the end of the
much more sinister things lurking in pier because that's where Riku is, and
it's also where you obtain the mysteri-
ous Keyblade.
' r- · . 1
-- ~
T he Kcyblade is a weapon that enables you to hack and slash through the
Heartless enemies that have materialized. Use this powerful weapon to gain a
few levels, and hopefully a few Potions. T he save point in the Seaside Shack is
still available, so make good use ofit.
, ,'. . "I
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District. However, you're quickly open. That is. if you can reach
the area and flip onto the slope.
Once you're up top, cross to the far left to find a chest containing another Poti on .
Then head aU the way back in the other direction and hop over the balcony ontO the
narrow roof to get a
: ",,~ ,
.1Il ,
When you're ready. continue down the Alleyway to the tall At trus point you can either
door at the end. Cross through the three empty rooms inside explore the Third District,
the Dalmatians' House until you reach the Piano Room. The where you can fight plenty of
two adult dalmatians, Perdita and Pongo. are lamenting the loss Shadows, at you can return to
of their 99 pups who arc scattered across all of the worlds. You the Accessory Shop and tell
can rescue the spotted pups from secret locations throughout Cid thu you couldn't locate
all the worlds. After finding some of the puppies, return to the
- -
, < •
friend Yuille explain what is transpiring. After the conversation, speak to Yuffic
and she will mention hearing chat the Keybladc opens aU kinds oflocks. That said,
hop onto the table and open the blue trcasur:e chest to obtain an Elixir.
, t.t- :
~ ... .~
Following the destruction of the Guard Armor,
Donald and Goofy introduce themselves on a morc
formal basis. The characters return to the First
District, where Yuffie, Leon and Acrith give the party
100 munny. Ifyollmanagcd to defeat Leal) during
your previollS skirmish, he will give Sora an E lixir.
lurn mort _t
Imm 1I1~ bfi:Omtl lI~it~bh! in the IMnu. Ust it t~
tilt dlmcten 'fIJlJ'n 1ft" in the
I~IM. tM ItOry thul f~r. iU Wfn iU which fMmifl
magic now. Also. Goofy teaches the Dodge Roll abil-
ity and explains abilities in general. Take a moment to
you'll! flKountfrPlilJld IIowllWlJofudl'flJlJ tun
ddutPli. Each Umt 'fIJlJ Io~d ~ un.:! 1lmt, the equip all the abilities you can manage with your cur-
rent AP. Make sure that Goofy and Donald ha\"C a&ilti s
equipped as well, if the), have any availablt.
; " . '
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..... t
~, ' -. ~ ~,
Mhi!HI!h!.l.ady lndth!'r1I~lhrinei" !fie
Th.rd DUlrn:L Whln ulld, ~ "rkli lnori1rr 99
munny Ind 1 Camping Set!
another Postcard ing, andjl1mp across the rooftops to an exit that leads to-a bal-
cony overlooking the Third District. While standing on the
'1 bakony, press the rJl buttOn to locate a hidden object in the
, . ~
corner. Yes, another Postcard!
.' ~ ~,.
£Junin! rh! lilnr keyhol! in rhf Third ~i!lnClr~ ~lfi k! rh! righrlid!! c~ l~ve rh! door
unlock a lhorrcur buk 10 the l'llr D'!ln(~ on rht Grtln Room unbl It ru dl 1:00. Thll a~m
I cIi!!lr~ lppmon!h!Olhtr!id! ofrhr~1Tl.
Op!n !h! clim 10 find I Mythril
R emember to stop by the Item Shop and stock lip on Potions and H i- Potions before
departing for another world. If you have lots of munny, purchase better equipment
for Donald and Goofy. Also, each character should now be equipped with their own
accessory for marc protection. If not, stop by C id 's place and purchase one.
can also ptess the left analog stick to rotate the 3D model.
" I~,"
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lh3dow(()(W;on·9 LUg! BIld,(br!j
Igldiu (fftq~!n!) Tridmisllr (Jou) [)mroylhl uank IOwtl. tithttht twolOlll1pl. krlllm loth! Binn'! J.oom Mn! thITrid:mntlr.
~ed HOCM IH! (fr!Su! nt) .ndsptaktO!btCMlhirtut
M "~ ~1t",1 U~ Ifrifs HI/IlI
. 58, H, 60 Eii.i,
UmpOng Set (<3)
Polion(.&) I ""
D~lIUtiw n , 14, IS
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~~ ~ - -- . ~
and bizarre place, and the layOut of the area won't make much sense . !er~ in Wooderiand, tilt Whi!e Rabbi! fin! appe:utll in
ilkeirlWonderiand, the 195"1 Di\nty animated r~m~
You'll probably need to see the entire area to make heads or tails of the maps in this
00 tilt I.ewisUrroil book.
------------------- - -----
8JG .9~ ..s~~~Ll _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~
The sleepy Doorknob offers two bottles to
drink. Btfore drinking the medicille, push the bed
Alice of attempting to !l!ill her heart. and locklup the poor
Sora and company meet the mysterious Cheshire Cat, who points out a few clues for
until Sora and hil friendl Wl find eviden~ that will prove the
girl innocent--tvidence that the qu~n do!tn'tthink !xim. finding evidence. Explore the small area on the right side to find the Footprints
evidence inside a small pink box, then use the blue Trinity Mark near the mush-
rooms to receive. an E ther, a Potion, a Tent, and plenty of MP balls. Give a Potion
'_PJ~Tl9~~ _Hg!,~lt-I~ ~t-I~ JyIP~t!(JJ~.AII:!~R!t!G__ ~I
There are two mushrooms in the
same area in which the
Footprints item was found
Use them to jump up to a
series of platforms that lead to
a doorway in the trec. Upon
h't worth ooting thilt it isn't n~c~s\ll)' to gather ill four pims of !yidenc!. You un continue the 1I0ry tr)'
gatheringjull one pim.
This time, head to the very back of the forest to find a set of three mushrooms. Jump onto the smallest one in the middle, then
jump onto the mushroom to the right. Leap over to a platform to find an Antenna. It takes a longjump from this platform to
the one in the upper corner of the room. Sora will likely grab Ollto the edge if you make the jump. Hold down the" button
hard to leap the gap! Open the blue treasure chest in the corner to obtain the T hundcr- G gummi block. Now jump across the
mushrooms in the oppo!>ite direction and ascend the platforms to a chest with Dalmatians 16. 17. and 18.
forms overhead. Follow the raised platforms to a doorway back to
the Bizarre Room. This time, you get dropped onto a faucet head.
Use the first-person view and look to the right to spot an item on
the shelf. Jump toward it, grab the edge, and pull up to the small
box to get the Claw Marks. The Cheshire Cat appears nearby, and
after some enigmatic statements, he hands over the Blizzard spell.
~ ~
, - \
i '"
I ~~ " . ;
-t-,."....- ,\. _.,.' - " /r-J
#.-___ _. J
contains a Heartless, then Goofy and Donald remain free. I( however. you select the
Goofy and Donald will be imprisoned during the next battle. If you brought less than four
back to the court, then there will be other cha nces to pick Goofy and Donald. The
the better your chances arc to retain the freedom of your com rades
the grou nd and touch the save point to restore any lost health.
Now head back into the Lotus Forest. and cross the area to the
lily pads to rise. Now usc thc acorn
back. Jump from the mushrooms at the rear to reach the acorn
shrink back down to normal size, and
branch. then jump from there to the exit high in the back wall.
tree's branch is pointed toward the rear
\of ~- ~
Forest. ,.~ ~
Use the lily pads to hop inside an enclosed
. • 'I
a Potion to the rose here to receive a M'"a~ I'ot',o""",d lots of MP
lUi. , , :....~ "
balls. jJse the blue Trinity Mark to release '-:'~" "! 1 I~
Camping Set. The rack of roses that say <~----'- t--- -.:.::~ ..~~ ___ " .
attack them will have to wait until you get
balls and a Hi-Potion. Use the pond in JOINJNG THE UNBJRJ!:I()~Y_')~AR1"Y____:
the small mound to revisit the Bizarre In the Tea Party Garden, the group
Room. then return through the exit stumbles across the Mad Hatter's
near the bookshelf to the Lotus Forest. table. If you came through the
secret entrance in the Bizarre
Room, then you will appear on a
Cross the top of the Lotus Forest to the exit above and to the left of
the original entrance from the Queen's Castle. The characters Drop to the tabletop and read the sign on the garden wall
emerge on the waU of the Bizarre Room where the fireplace is twice. Then sit in any of the chairs to obtain different pres-
built. After the party defeats the enemies, turn the faucet to change ellts. But if you choose the wrong chair. the table will disap-
the drawing of the bucket into an opening. Jump into the bucket to pear along with all the gifts and enemies will attackl If this
reach the top of the hedges in the Queen's Castle area once again. happens, you must leave the room and. return to make the
selves on the upper level of
the Queen's Castle. Before
dropping to the ground, open
the chest on the bottom cor-
MP balls ncr of the platform to rescue .<_- - --
Dalmatians 13. 14. and 15.
HP balls
Speak to the satyr imide the Lobby, then try to move rhe stone on the right side of
the room . Push the stone until Sora mentions irs weight, then speak to Phil again.
of retirement to train the ton of leul in Oilney's Hercules You take part in the first trials of the Coliseum alone. The idea is to break all the
barrels before thc time limit runs out. Bcating the clock will take a little practice, so
don't get too frLIstratcd . It's not that easy!
The "Easy" trial consists of
breaking 20 barrels in 30 sec-
In the "Advanced" trial, you must destroy 25 barrels in one minute. Although you have more
time, the layout of the barrels dictates that more ingenuity is required.
For winning the barrel-smashing challenge, you receive the T hunder spell. You can speak to Phil
and take part in the cha!lenges again, but otherwise the malicious satyr refuses to give Sora what
he wants. Save your game and head outside.
The malignant Hades gives you an Entry Pass. Without
a second thought, show Phil what you have. Now you
can enter the preliminaries for the tournament!
IUlapsodies and Red Nocturnes over all othet kinds
of t:nemies. Otherwise, they will float around the
edges of the ring and cause massive damage to all of
A warriar hirtd by Hade\ (0
compete in the game! at the OIympu! (oli!!um. Good work! your characters . Run around the outside of the ring
Ind lay! litrie.!o oot much i! knOVln about hi! pllt(ioud and defeat the spell-casting foes, and let GoofY and
naJ~ appeomd :11 the main hero of Squamoft·! FrnalFanwsyVlf.
Donald handle the Soldiers and Shadows.
ensure that the party passes through all six
waves of regular foes with a minimum of
damage. T hi, conservative strategy will pay
off big-time when YOLl comc f.1Cc- to- f.1ce
i, Ii
!!>,~IJ~ •
D~Wnatwu 21, 29,30 ..
D~~~,)i ~-.
Whi-; f~ng ~l2
DrKh~kulll •
J~~ -~·--f
Tree Housc deek to
,110. Ii' ;
••1'4. 1• • _
locate a treasure
chest containing a
Mega-Potion .
r ~,
,'~ ,~
dng into the T unncl far below. No matter where
you fall, you'Uland safely ncar Tarzan and a save
point. Use the low platform near the save point to
reach a ledge overhead, where you c:tn extract a
Mega- Ether from a chest.
_,f' .
1- ,
",- -
From this arca, you can choose from twO modes oftravcl to the campsite area. If you
use the top exit to venture into the Treetop area, you can explore the Deep Jungle.
A1ttr you mttl TULln, you art ,om". \" "'"_ .... pick up a few items and get better acquainted with thc world. Along this route, you
to confirm your pirty !tI«tion.SillCt - .._·_~~I
will learn how to swing from vines. Or, you can drop through the centcr of the hol-
ill10 tilt party and kIIow ... rllrwgh tilt jungle. This low tree stump, and do a little tree surfing just like Tarzan does in the movie! The
wiIIl!tqutntlyocarrthroogilouttilt rtitof tilt g1llll',
second option takes you directly to the campsite, which is your imended destination.
ill'aHabfe.When yoo find Donafd and Goofy again, you Remember, you can always colket the items later!
can twitch oot y-our pirty mtmbtn 10 wit your btu
intfrtlU. WOfId'lpWfiC cbuxltll ~kt Tanan 11M mort
kHP in mind tNtorly If you decide to slide down [he bark- covered slopes,
$ofl,Donafd,andGooiy then save your game and jump through the hollow
hill'f tl!t mifity to per.
form tfltTriniryIIIO'Iti. trunk nearby.
whtthrr lIIty'rt in thr actiTt pirty or no~
~--------~ ----------------------
tilting the left analog
~t "" ~~~
f' -,
.,.l ti ...
sure yOll avoid running into the small branches along the way.
However, there is one instance in J hich a large tree branch gets .j " : "",
You may notice several items and auto-targets around the campsite , but ignore them
for now. Enter the tem to meet J d Cl plorers who are
smdying Tarzan and
the gorillas.
After reuniting wi th Goofy and Donald, the group disclisses the Protect- G found in A sum mtran hunlu who ltrvtl uJant I'ortefs guide on her
upeditionin semh of wi ld goriHu in tht jungle. He knllWl that
tbe jungle.. Now you must choose {our party members. Consideri ng that there's a Tarzan [rum Jane. ~nd that he can t¥!ntul ily follow the ape·
blue Trimty Mark in the camp out~ide, choose Goofy and Donald for the time man blCk to hi! inimal family.
being. T he chest inside the tent cOl~tains a M ythril Shard . Use the save point to
regain any loSt health and save your progress. T hen, speak to Jane again.
i the two R ecipe Ca rds, return to the stove and examine it again. Sora automatically
, I into the pot. Now strike the stove to open the hatch, :tu[O-target the interior, and
spell to ignite the tinder. You receive :t Hi- Potion fo r doing so.
return [0 the table with lab equipment to start the experiment. A Potion is placed into a
'" ,
slide projector.
,', -"
thell return inside the tent and examine the
in the opposite direction and plunge into the Hippos' Lagoon.
in the first small pond, then jump across to the next piece of
here, dive into the water and swim over to a small cmbank-
~ ~\ ri
to the edge of the tree branch and Sora will auto- target
~,'"h" w,e ""rl begin to swing back and forth. At the far-
auto-target the next vine. Press the • button to leap from
~. ~
.. .
Swing from vine to vine to the center tree branch, then u<,c the
. . ....../ '
' .. first-person view to search the area to the rigbt of your friends' loca-
' tion to spot a treasure chest. Grab the closest vine and swing over [Q
the cbest to obtain a M ythril. Jump onto the vine on the other side
-~ ir\
of the chest, and S'lving over to a long bar of treetops. Rather than
, "'
...~ " '-\:
~ your party, because the
'" . I>
Emerging from the tent, you' ll spot a gorilla smfoulldcd by a
new "monkey" type of Heartless called Powerwilds. These
'Ii ~
fearsome opponents arc stronger and swifter than the average
enemies, but with Tarzan in your party you'll have a Illllch
I • •
easier time. Make sure you equip Tarzan's R aging Daar and
Asp's Bite abilitjcs. Also, usc Sora's Dodge Koll and Vortex
Although ur troubles with Sabor
are officiall over, it looks like new
trouble is ewing inside Jane's
tent! Altho gh you'd like to return
to the cam site and assist the jungle
researcher, everal groups of
Heartless \ ·U slow you down.
As yo reenter the Camp area, you'll encounter a strange new form of Heartless that isn't
mean t all! These helpful creatures would rather playa game of charades, and have you guess
what 5 ell they want you to cast on them!
At this early point, Sora only has three possible spells: Fire,
Blizzar and Thunder. When the White Mushroom starts to
=--"'.........._ make a shivering motion, cast Fire on it to warm it up. When it
fans its If with both hands as if it's hot, cast Blizzatd. And when a
glowin' light appears high over the White Mushroom's head and
it appe rs to go to sleep, cast Thunder to wake it up!
The ite Mushroom will jump and clap when you cast the correct spell on it. lfyou correctly
cast th e spells in a row on it, the White Mushroom will release lots of MP balls and rare items!
Howe r, if you attack a White Mushroom or cast the wrong spell, the poor Mushroom becomes
quite fi rious and leaves. There are three White Mushrooms roaming the Camp grounds in sepa-
~:l!".~.:;;!'tJ rate 10 tions. Play charades with all three!
There re many other interesting faCtS and tricks to discover. Refer to the "Mushrooms" section
in the' Mini-Games" t:hapter for all the details .
Jane and Terk arc gone from the tent, ut Tatzan senses they're near the Tree House
area . Head back through the Hippos' L goon, swing through the vines, and climb up to
the Climbing T rees . T he group finds J ne and Terk here entrapped by the Heartless.
~ Jp. CIt
~---------~ -----------------------------
and bash it repeat-
edly until it's
destroyed _ You can
free Jane and Terk
faster by using this
direct assault.
and use first-person view to
find the path to a cavern
high above the entrance .
Shadows. Bandits arc very smart in a corner. Use them to reach a ledgc With another lIIUl1ny jar and a Mega-Ether.
ers [hat often block your attacks.
H opefully, you can lcarn the
Counterattack ability soon, if you
haven't done so already.
Potion. There are two ll1ullny jars and two treasure
chests here. The chest behind 3 barrel contains a Mega-
Potion, but you can't reach the orhcr onc until you Ie-3m
how to lISC green Trinity Marks. Save your game and
Ii". \ >All -
~ ~.: ~, "'
lilaf il tilt vilief of Agnblh. He betnytd the I/UII of tilt
beloved lultan ilnd look om the pafm by forcf. He halioined
fOlm with Haf~fi(e nt and the other .inainl who ill! attempting
10 (onl/of the Hurdm.Jafar finl appwed in Diiney'i Aladdin
vantage point, you can jump across the window
shutters and fight a Pot Spider on the other side.
Jump to the platform ncar the entTallce. and knock
the twO Pot Spiders to the ground to reach a blue
chest containing a Cottage] Now jump back to the
previolls platform and go th~ough the gateway.
Following the
sandy confronta-
Ii (_ I ~ MJPr.
~ ~ {. ~
ofWondus and iI's ill tilt rut'" 6ttp ulldfrground.
UleTtnUalldu,ttagfstokttpyoor partymongand
non, hop into the
• o ./
Ilu lthy,b\lt ule them (onltl"fltr.ely! mouth of the ~
subdued beast.
'.-::" - " Ir-- '-" . - ' (i:\
Proceed. through
the Cwe of Wonders entrance and defeat any enemies th.1t materialize, but don't fu ll into
a chasm until you obtain the Mega-Ether from the cheston the left platform. If you fall,
you'll land in the R.clic Chamber below. If not, then procl~d fimher into the Hall.
- -----
'" _ .6111[ _
1\ .'
... . # ....
( .~ ~ ~'"
,- ": ~,.. t;'
Entrance and use the stairs to reach the ruins. Aladdin mllSt Ix: in your party to open all of the
]fhe isn't in your party, use the save point in the Dark Chamber to s\vitch him in now.
, Ii ',,\
. '
- -: ',-
{ . ""
- fA
another monkey statue. This one lowers a secret wall. The
. . n . ,. ,
Swim to dry land and
am. . . . . . . .__ ma. .~. .~. . . . ___
iorll.ldG-G(llf .
While in the gummi ship, plot a
After rhe imrodllction to the pllppet maker,
Tilt In! 01 the Hurtltll iR u(b ~ru use the save point aboard the boat and follow
~ to mike you fil frIIm a pllIform so
Pinocchio into the bowels of the beast. As you
[hat you have to lIan all o·w.Although the entmif!
ilppUf to mp~WII mil limt you tiltH ~ room. men travel through the organs, pay close attcmion
1ft a finite numbtrofene"'TltlJ'l
wilt to travel to all 1M rooml and dtfw ill of the
to the names and nUlnbcrs ofche intestinal
tlll'mitl until thfJ Itop rtatJptarinl.1M miliI to/. chambers. This is the best way we can lead you
Itaing I~ itl'ml mudl ealifr.
Chamber 6 is an area of"srcps." Fight to the top step and
'i''4 I ~.,......... \ 'i'
I ,. ..
dcop into, low" "" behind. The j Xi, I"d, to the top pOt-
tion of Chamber 3, where you can release Dalmatians 55 , \ I
56. ,nd 57. Then u" the bmd "e'l ,he edge to jump np to , ., r"! '.- "
a chest with a Tornado- G Inside. filthough you've obtained
some valuable scuff, you must 110W l:tvigarc back through the
'" -
~' c*
' /~~
~ 'I!
(~,~. .
,.)~ . I~
., .
':.-' ~
. '.
. .i:'~""'"
" '-,'
-/ "Jo.. ,
--- - ----------
_ _ __
_ _ _1- 1.- l~ ll ll"r_"_ _
- - --
trip into Monstro's throat, there's Usc the blue Trinity
Mark at the base of the
throat to obtain another
Mythril Shard and lots
of munny. Make sure that
all of yo ur characters' HP and MP are at full, and that
Sora has Fir:!. and Aero attached to his magic short-
cut. Then hop from platform to platform up the
rtlurdl nriout dtsigftS for gunvni ~p!.Dtptndinl 0(1 tilt ~llIOIIn!
G~pptno wil "" 1011 a difftrtnl pmmi ~p modd ~ach
tIIt"GuIAll1i GmI~·dAplu for 110ft sptcifK iniorlllllion.Nole:
6e1~nfd Hunkl! !Sots no! illckule HurMI! pnvni lIIips.
in clam shells. You need to usc different meth-
cave while avoiding [he upward cur-
rcnt. Continue through the circular
chamber and thc cave on the other
side to locate the Undersea Cave.
Search in a small alcove below the
exit for a clam with a Cottage
inside, then fo Uow the gold
trident mark into the Undersea
entrance and down [0 spot a blue clam in a small alcove. Use UlizzaT3. to
open it to retrieve a MythrU Shard. Con ti nue along the ocean's floor
to find a clam with a M ega-E ther.
Tough new enemies will attempt to repel your party upon entry to Triton's Palace. Prove your mettle against them, and descend
to the ocean floor near the entranc to locate a clam with a Mega-Ether. Other clams scattered around the ocean's floor contain
a Cottage and an Elixir. lJIast the ellow clam 011 a higher level with
Thunder ro gain another Mythril Shard . Collect all oftlte items and
swi m through the opening in tlte p~lars to reach Triton's Throne. After a
short convers.1tion between Ariel her f.1ther, strike the clam on tlte
AI I~e youngen mmlllid
daughtlrol the leil IOld.Xing Triton, ..... iel hal tht 1000t and
Illp«t 01 the entire IU world 01 Ad1fltiCl. HOII'tm, lhe longs
10( a world OUllide 01 her owlI.iIId aA tJperiena bfyond....Nl
----------~ ----
- ------ --
area and swim into the Strong inside the sunken craft, a shark
upward current. If you rode will attack! Luckily, it's tOO big
the dolphin in the Undersea to fit inside the ship. It's :l dif-
Corge are:l, you can now find fcrent matter, though, when
it swimming around the
announces a very important clue abo It your nemesis, Ursula. Choose your party members and revisit the Sunken Ship.
_ __ __ ~ ~~
The shark is threatening the area
- ._------- - - - - ------
DENI_ZENS OF 1H! J?~!!K_ .cITJ.__ _
Move through the gates into Guillotine Square. Don't worry about the Search
Ghosts in the courtyard, because they're under the control of the king of nightmares.
Explore the square until the Mayor introduces Jack
wants to su.r~ people out of their minds. and h~ h:u a
dramatic en(/lIn(eI-Ja(k is (urious about (he HeartlelS Skellington . Afterward, head around the guillotine
to see if he WI make them palt of the feuival. Jack
(it's that tall, scary-looking device to the right of the
appeared in fm &mon'sThe Nightrmlre/lefort Cllrirtmas.
cntrance) and enter the door next to the jack-o'-
lantern streetlights.
H ead pstairs into the ~esearch Lab. Dr. Finkelstein and Jack are concocting some bizarre
experiI ent to control the Heartless, to use them in the Halloween festivi ties . The pumpkin king
recruit Sora and the gang to search for the doctor's assistant, Sally, who has a vital ingredicllt for
the H e niess' hean.Jack can become a mClllber of your party to fight along with you ! When
you're eady, search the doctor's bookshelf for a T orn Page.
- ---------- - - ---------- -- -
THE WAYWARD AS_SI~TANI __ _ _ _ ____ __ ___ _
as soon as you leave the doctor's lab. Clear the Search
Prepare for an assault of He an less
- 'S' g
enter the gated area next to the Lab Entryway. Pull the
stairs to hear a scary noise. Pull it three times to receive
..- .
e~h yut.
(-:.~' (~ \~ # '
- - -- - -- -- - - - _..- -.
HALLOWEEN TQ'/tN ~~AJ~ ____ _ _
Zero knows where the kids took the heart! ;fj\
Follow Jack's ghostly dog into the Graveyard, go , .~
-, ,. • .)1c ", enemies on Moonlight Hill if you move around too much
at a high speed. R estrict your combat to a small corner of
{ ''if canthe area and you should do fine. For additional help, you
throw pumpkin bombs during battle. Just pick one up
and lock on to the closest enemy, then press the . button
to toss it. The pumpkins will explode just like bombs,
causing massive damage to your foes. If a pumpkin bomb
gets struck during combat, however, its filse \villlight! If
you see a pumpkin with a small blaze on top, run away or
use Dodge Roll to escape the ensuing blast. You can also
diffuse the pumpkins by using Blizzard spells on them.
Heartless enemies are gone, move onto the central, curling hill and look for a small
on the backside. This stone serves as a switch to uncurl the hill, so you can cross
- -_.
- -
_. __ _ _
- -- - .- -- - -
___ •.. __ . _._
Lots of Heartless enemies hang out in Bridge area. Try to engage them all on dry land; if the
surrounded. If you f.lll into the slime, use the stairs to ~""
go through the cave at the bottom of the gorge, as it
.t- ,~
gorge [0 release D almatians 40. 41 , and 42 . They're in the chest to the left of till' gate.
- - -
the platform to get a D efen se Up. If yOll have trouble access-
you can return here bter after you acquire more abilities.
- - --- .
. , / '?'
- - _ • .J;.
.. __ , . . i
-. (~
This ~f]l bag of hIIgs w~n 10 ~mhrow Jack
Sbllington u me king of IlaIIowHn.and lit bflif"~s
dlat Dr. Finbhttin's htatl hohb die kry.urde dots lit
rnliztthat tht Htarllellare not so fillily a.d.
If this happens. you won't be able to access it.
.:.' . .r'\
7'ii,1 'i'I ~
~ ,
""~ __, 0
room and attack it to start the machinery.
. \ ';f;/' "
,.~~ ';',. ' . t:;)
- -- ~ ~
- .. --
terrified of him! In their miod!,helping Dogie Boogie is more
':...~. ~ ~
• 't&:\ ~
intemtingthan litting around doing nothing.
_. ,1 . .
- -- -- - -- -- - - - -- - -
Jac\( finally sees the error of his
<~ W) : ...."' •.,r
.- t;) .. :~ ,
:"I- I I I
H[AC~EO! . '
Once on the gmnmi ship, plot a course toward the
Battle LV 7 world beyond Halloween Town. On tbe
way, Captain Hook's ship intercepts your course.
Sora and the gang are captured and imprisoned in
the ship's hold. Peter Pan joins the party to help
CAPTAIN HOOK overthrow the evil pirate. Use tbe save point and
Tilt pira[~ capuin hal htId agnidp againn ~trr Pin MfsiOO!
tilt boy from Ne¥!rbnd QUIfd him (0 11M hit Iw,d, coormy of
head out of thl~ small room.
avcodilr.m tNt n, Capliin HooIIIw l4!irdltd tilt flr
~ oftht w-wy rulm,lMIncing lot lilt boy who IIMr grows old. T he Pirate enemies fight and defend themselves as well as the Bandits of Agrabab, so
use attack magic to make the battles casier. Climb up the ladder and go through the
door on the right. The laddcr in this room of [he hold leads down into the Freezer
area. T hcre, you
must defeat three
sets of enemies and
":. ~ (~. hole in the right grating to reach the Cabin area.
I !,
c!. ' •
.' 11 , "-
. ')•. ,-.; ' t;)
Cabin where you fought Amisora. This time. exit through the door next to the floor
hatch you recendy opened .
Speak to Wendy at the Wendy mentions that one
briant clock tower, then nm
If you want, reelltcr Ncvcrland at the ship's hold and venture into the multi-lcvd
raoll1. Use your new flying ability to risc above the beam at the top of the area and
land o n it. The two chests stashed on top of the beam contain Dalmatians 82 , 83,
and 84 and a Shell-
Ii' t;.\ "i ~
high above the deck
is a chest containing a •• "
. f~
. ~ , :' I~
Dis~J.G ••
•II ••
!!tlhrilllwd OtftftH U~
1I!~·E!htr Orichm.m (ll)
LordFllllUnt •I
On your second trip to T raverse after sealing the Deep J ungle Keyhole, C id
has a little errand for you to run. the Old Book to the Mystical House at the
Me rlin. Merlin places the O ld Book on a
table where yOll can examine it at
,~ 'i,) -
, ~
V ,
, ~ , Alittlt bur who IiYtI in me Kundrfd AmWood,wholt liIYOritt
.. tAl food i1l\onr,'. Bting a bur of my linlt bnin,M'1 a bit
the extent that you'vc found the 1-:'. • ..J.lJ abltntminded wmetimet. Pooh never fOlJets hillriendl,or how
book in the main game. imporunt it it to h¥ft i pot IuU oIlloAeJ'!
I ' House, walk around back and hit the chimncy to knock a chest into the house.
know you' re successful whcn you hear a crume sound. Enter the house and clai m the
,then listen to Pooh. Afterwards, open the cabinet to get an Elix ir. You can also
the window in the house. Leave the house and talk to O wl. As he explains, yO Ll must
, I
"L 0 1 _
,- , ( --'j
, ,.
I I : -
· Exam ine the mailbox, which will have a
note from Pooh. You can also pull out the
: I
I '
Tigger loves 10 bounle mOrt Ihan uylhing elle. He is a genu!.
playful lOul, and lru!yd~ln't mf.J.n arty harm. Beneath thaI
}~ ,
happy.go.luckymeriorbeilllas!nsilivfo heart.Tiggerfint
lxIunc~ onlo the I(ln! in "Winnie the Pooh
.J and Ihe BlumryOa(in 1968.
is cold from swinging, so use Fire magic to light the woodsticks and Pooh will give yOll
a M ythril
next Torn Page you take to Hundred Acre
opens up a place near the very center of the
A big honey pot is visible, and the location
as a "clearing crowded with tree stumps."
• iO
. l Rabbit is an mne\~ hard.Wf.lrking member 01 the Hundred
AcrfWooo.He mOllly keept to Nm\!If,but ~ndt a hand
when he it needed. Tigger's tluberan(! often mak!t Rabbit
lenge is fairly straightforward, as .. I~~' leel a little uncomfortable. Rabbit first appeared in "Winnie
.l ~~
. ---
the Pooh and the Honty Tree" in 1966.
~ -- .,
forward to the end, but before you hop onto
turn around and jump backward one stump
The third path is almost the same as the first, except Roo
'. -rl launches you from the seesaw to one of the branches of the tree
above. Jumping to the correct stump below can be somewhat
tricky. Use first-person view to look down and locate the stump
~ ~ I'~-
, II ~ you must land on. Then drop----don'tjump--onto the stump
, 4!' . }
and continue all as normaL
During this portion, Tigger throws nuts out of the big honc)I pot. You must strike
them so that they rock the par, without making Sora fall ofT the tree stump . lfhe
--- ' 'I
After knocking the pot off the hollow trunk, jump inside the
trunk to find a green chest containing an AP Up . Now move to
a nearby trunk and use the target lock feature to lock on to a
l '-,' '" }
~ ~. ~
weak middle spot. Attack it to get a M ythril.
Speak to Owl to learn that he wants some rare nuts found in the
trees. Talk to Tigger near the baek tree, ~hen go to the seesaw and
choose to partner with either Tigger or Roo. Choose Roo to fly
onto a branch directly above. Jump to grab the R are Nut here and
give it to Owl for a Power U p . R eturn and grab the second Rare
N ut. Give it to Owl for a D efense U p . Fall down to the branch
directly below to get a T hunder-G . You may need to lise the Glide
Low r the cree stump at the back of the area by jumping on it T his makes a water geyser lift a
I~ " - :, 1 tree tump on the other side, where you can obtain another Rare Nut. Give it to Owl for a
I- _~ ~
llo<;., i~
MYl "l SI,.,d
NO\ do the seesaw with Tlggcr From the branch where you
land Jump along the branches to the left to reach a piece ofland
wnl a red eheS[ with a Mythril Shard lImde From here, turn
3rOllld andJl1Iup onto the leafY branches ofa nearby tree (Pooh IS
stanimg at Its base) Jump InSJde the hollow orthe tree to knock a ~
. --
-- .
( ~ "
Fmd Piglet standmg near a plcce of ark Ju mp on the short Now have R oo launch you mto the tree above. then turn left
stump nearby to start a geyser, then sc thl! large stump near and Jump along the tree branches T he last Rare Nut IS III a
the ledge to Jump to the fl03tlllg ba k platform. From here, tree branch directly above the first stump that starts a geyser
jump onco a tree branch above to g another Rare Nut. This one earns yOll an O richalcurn . After Owl congratulates
Gi e it to Owl to receive an ~- - you, leave the area. For com-
, -. .~ l
Up. pleting this area, the Torn
~ Page turns into a Mythril.
Your fastest times for
" ,.
• t
the last Torn Page, you will open a "windi ng, muddy path" in the lower-left corner of the
Upon emering. you 'll see Pooh walking around a hig bush. Move toward him. After a short
sect c, use the target lock featu re to bring Pooh along behind you. Walk around the center bush and
\Vh n you reach a place that you can examine, look inside to fllld Eeyorc. T his swns a new mini-
gal e, the goal of which is to gather all of Pooh's friends together at the bush .
.~ -'~ -
Lock on to Pooh, then lead him around
the central bush and under a nearby tree
root where Roo is hopping. Talk to Roo
and he will wait inside the bush .
Move toward the set of holes in the rock
wall at the back of the area, and wait for
Rabbit to come 01/t of one of them. Talk
to him to make him go to the bush.
Air is rising from a well under the fallen tree
trunk that Tigger is jumping on. Jump into
the draft to rise to the area above. Stand on
the end of the fallen tree that TigbTCf is
jumping on, wait for him to jump toward
you, and talk to him when he is close.
Jump onto the Tel! again to rise to the
upper level. Ven,ture across the tree to the
other side, jump to the ledge high above,
and talk to Owl to add him to the bush.
To get Piglet out of the hollow in
an Orichalcum.
~:~1t;!3) ---= "'~il~"'gi."·:----:.~
~ --'- ~~
Il0l1-' •
fWI·G(Ll) •
flou·G(d) •
Dir\:.~I(fl'lqu!nt) HlIl!oclnt(Bon)
D!ftodtr(Fr!qUlnt) DrIjOA(Bon)
Wrtr~ f{kwiona/) Bllltmath(Bon)
and use the save point. You can
Dispcl-G gumllli.
chests on high ledges behind yotl.
There is a moving platform to the left;
get on tOP ont and glide to the closest chest
[Q reveal a Mcgalixir. Glide down the slope I
of platfonns to the other chests. which con-
tain a Blizzaga Ring and a D ispel-G .
behind a gate. Move to the bars to grate. nut first, usc B1izzara to freeze the bubble . When thi bubbles are turned to
the right of the chest, and yOllr ice, they momentarily become platforms. Hop onto the platform, then quickly hop
auto- targeting will enable you to call onto the wall between the rooms. Move along the top of tJe wall to a chest contain-
lIpon the Beast to smash the wall. At ing a Flare- G . Now ride the same bubble under the grate II1tO a new area.
the back of [he area behind it is an
Upon examin ing it, Sora nOtes that it has four empty sockets. Take a few steps back
and look around the room in first-person view, and look for a chest on a ledge
above. Usc the wall sconce on the right side to flip up to the high part, andjulllp
across to the chest. Open it to receive a Power Up.
Move around the balcony to the left of the door, and walk through the double
wooden doors into the Library. This area is full of secrets and items, so prepare to
Gravira on the chest (Q
·.· ...
. Run clockwise from the library doors to find a stone
engraved with a thunderbolt. Cast Thundara on it to lower
·- -..
, two platforms near the room 's center pla£form.
, ~.~ the center platform, and grab the Emblem Piece from the
On the side ofche room opposite the ";1 ""y d'>o"~· a stone
statue of a tusked monster. Push it to
in the area directly below. T here is
Trinity Mark ncar the bull-headed statue
you plununet to the bottom of the Entrance H all to collect all the pieces. return to the
and step on the save point to recharge your MP the easy way.
to the lower section of the Entrance Hall and collect the three items. Head into the alcovt'
top of the stairs, and examine the door with the Heartlcss insignia four times to place all of
After the fight, head through the opening [() the Lift Stop.
Examine the red crystal to turn it blue. This causes the lift nearby
, 'i\ t;:\
. . A'IJ
ascend to a Lift StOp.
Examine the red crystal to rdcase some MP balls and a M ythril ,
, 'iI'<.! then ride the lift back dOWJl to tht: Waterway. The other lift takes
• • you back to the Dungeon, so go there now (with Goofy and
Donald in your party) and use the blucc T ri nity Mark to get a
The moving platform also takes you to a chest on a floating
column. Open the chest to get an O richalcurn . Ride the
moving platforms back to the
area near the orange pipe plat-
form. and examjne the crystal
ncar t;he edge to ride IIp to a
higher level.
Use the blue crystal to ride the lift to the platform directly
above. Head tbrough tbe doorway to r new section oCthe
some M P balls. The chest Great Crest area, Outside,
contains a Dispel- G . Head
down the side stair; and into
[he building.
Through the doorway i~ a small platform in~ide the Lift Stop
area. Usc Gravity magic to lower a chest containing a Float-G.
As the parl)' leaves the area, glide from the platfonn to the far
left, so that YOll return to the level below. This nukes it easier
to return to the High Tower platfonn where you started.
" .~
l' ! 00,
prinu.lIowmt-. htr btllllJ igniltd tht hat~ and ~lloUl7 Gf
die evil scmms. Iblrliutlt.ron is GIIr 01 thr smn princess·
tl rfquirtd lOoptMI die
a new corridor is revealed in the
Chapel. You'll need certain abilities
to get through the next one-an-one
• Guard
• Counterattack
• Ars Arcanum
HEARTlESS, BUT NOT DAN<!EI!O!jS-~-=- - _~ ~ ~
After the boss fight, you control a Shadow Heartless
for a while. Head back Out to the High Towet a~a
Following the events at Hollow Bastion, you automatically remrn to Traverse Town. Talk
to Cid behind the Item Workshop, then go to the Secret Waterway at the back of the
Alleyway and head toward Kairi. Based on her clue, walk toward the sun mural on the
cave wall to receive a Navi-Gummi. Head back toward Kairi to receive the Oathkeeper
key chain. Use the white Trinity Mark behind Kairi to get an Orichalcun1 .
co Tmrne Town and rellock
your chmctm' it!m 11011 wh~neY~r pOlsible. Stock
on Hi-I'ncionl and Ethm, and buy ~u~r wuponl
aC(ulOrirl for Goofy and Dould.
Utilize the platform up the stairs at the back of the Secret Waterway toemer Merlin's
house. Speak to the Fairy Godmother to have her convert the Fireglow into the Mushu
summon, thell try it Ollt in Merlin's furniture battle arena! Return to the First District
and speak to Cid. Sounds like crazy things arc happening back at Hollow Bastion.
- - --- - - -- ~--- .
1':0, "
~ (r:
. ~o
- I'r:
FINAL DESTINATION -- ~ ~- -~~ -~ ~ i
seals Hollow Bastion's Keyhole. In addition.
to Firaga. Use the save point to return to
BtIIt il~YilIagtfr1.mobfaln! tilt 8m!'1 1M IaIor.SMstri
beyond th~ hidtous riugt WIth wbid! lit Jw bttn curttd, rnliting
lit h;u ~ good hurtltlko is 0Ilf 91 ImII prilKmflllffiltd to
acquire new spells, powerful weapons,
Coliseum champ isn't bad either!
After you complete a tournament as a and with Sora alone, you can enter it again
as a time trial. If you set a record, try it! Awards are given for clearing a tourna-
.: • t;)
~ I.", •
_Toam Ene....
9 Gholt Banditl ~m(h Ghoi! xl, Bandit xl Air So!dier xl
8 Hmudm I Bandit x2 Barn! S idtr d , Shadow x4
7 S!uggm Fat Bandit (xl). large Bocfy(x2),1'Ilt Spidtr(xl).
Barrel ider II
, I ~n & Boln I ~t \>idol (.5) I.... O~. (d) """ ....." (ul
5 I ~he Big Combo I ~at Bi1l1 dit (12), Search jholt (x4)
4 10adllool Slack fu n Ul xl
) Pon & Sarrell Pot S ider IS. Barrel S ider 15
2 I Giant 1m act I fat Bandit dl.Wte Blld d
I lton&M"tt lton,Yuffit
Ncvcrland Keyhole is scaled. The final opponent is the
40 I Behemoth I Behemoth
39 Redl ion Sear(hGhost xl , RedNocturne xB
38 I Blue le ion I BlueRhasod x7,Gmole x2
__ . .
.~ _.-
_ __
- -_ -_ -_ _ --_. --
_ _ __. _ _ _
Proceed forward uncil a large black 11 drops onto the heroes. By now you should understand how to navigate through this
Fighting the Invisible enemies is mu h like taking on previous area and know what to expect. From the D efense Up chest,
aerial creatllres, only they're much n are resilient. If one tlIrns head straight across the area
smoky and starts to circle around So a, use D odge R oll to
escape. After defeating the enemjes, cad toward the chest.
to a green chest containing
a Megalixir. From there. ~
Open it to get a Power Up. contin ue straight up toward
~:v It) r.
the glowing rocks to reach a .. Of f"r
). Ii'
r.) red chest. ~'
..J O~~ \
Defeat the Behemoth that
'.L. . ~' li' f ,
~.,.-~ '~ ~
~ ...:- ~ pops out of the red chest to
make it drop lots of munny
C. - . . .
" "
and M P balls. When you
".. ~
return to the purple void,
you receive an Omega Arts .
orbs to prevent additional
Move from chest to chest,
fighting any enemies that
appear, and collect the fonow-
ing items: an Angel Bangle. a
Megalixir, a Defense Up, a
-,.' ,h• !!.oJ
Three Stars accessory, a Dark
Ring, and a Power Up .
this area, so carefull y glide
from chest to chest down
through the olltcroppings. If
yOll £1]) to tbe bottom of the
Once they ,ce finished ofT, , hole OP«1' in the gcound. The
chest is on the platform below. Use thi save point on a bank
From there,jump across the gap and ncar the bottom of the crevasse and drop into the glowing
Esuna- G . crater.
, 'i) r.:) ~
{. ' .&'''~
-i~::.~\ ~
_ _ I;)
~, ' ( .?"", ...
logue, too.
~ I
accessible . When you climb the ladder
to the roof, you'll find a chest near the --
~ .
It::lc:::J '""" r
belilocatioll . The chest contains a . , r' .'
Mythril Shard.
again to receive Donald's Dream Rod.
,, .
Return to Traverse Town after obtaining the Glide
ability in Ncvcrland, and float across the water
behind Merlin's house to a small rock at the back of
the area. Open the chest to release Dalmatians
1, 2 , and 3. Use the target lock feature to keep the
chest in view as you float towards it.
'$ ~
After you obtain the Glide ability,
return to Wonderland and glide across
the top of Lotus Forest to the chest you
haven't been able to reach. Collect the
Orichalcum inside, and go through I '~
( :z.~I
the nearby exit into the Tea Party ~~----~
Garden area.
rj ~
Enter the area by the gliding route
mentioned in the previous paragraph.
Inside one chest is an Acroga- G , while
- •... '1J ~
the other contains Da1matians 19. 20,
and 21. Glide from the gummi block
location to a chest on tOp of the corner
ledge. Opcn the chest fo r a Mythril.
hop up the broken stairs to the
mid-level. Run around tht second
deck level to a locatiOnj~'t above
the barrel, and glide beilltjd the T ree H ouse to a
new platform and a laddel C limb the ladder to the
roof and open a red chest to find a Protera C hain .
T he green Trinity Mark in the Treetop area is
somewhat difficult to see. ISlightly tilt the left ana-
log stick so that Sora Walj slowly around the cen-
ter area, and stop as so~n s the T rinity com~lIand
appears. Use of the Tnlli here will rclinqlllsh a
Mythril Shard .
. Ij) r,:.
~ " ..
": '\ (tj
') tt':! -
other cOntains
an Elixir.
tower after scaling the Neverland Keyhole. Every game h9ur, a small
. shine above a door o n o ne of the four sides of the tower. Fly to that door to
. Every game hOllr afccr that, a light will appear above another dt or.
collect another item. Wait for lights to appear until you collect aU ~ Items. Keep track of
braille time by entering the main menu occasionally. If an hour clap s and a light docs not
o ne of the doors, leave Neverland and reenter at the Clock Tower ve point to activate it.
party at the same time, they can unleash the potential of special colored markings
located in many worlds. As you I the game and lock different worlds, you are rewarded by receiving the ability to
,*JJ II' ;%'1 11.
Tf"lI'tm Town flnt Trmm Town fint Oiltri<~ where Sorll woke u 0 Rl ~(ml
, I
if, /~~'I,< w-' lib~
, I , '
, I
magic carpet.
The Phantom. While in the
weapon are:
• Lucid Gcm x5
• Power Gem xS
• Thunder Gem xS
~ -- Mold is like the Pretty Stone; it isn't +ed in synthesis and can
Second District.
Hearts, there is no doubt that it revolves around the mushrooms that occasionally appear in
different locations on "p""""v"dd,. IThi"h,,>t., reveals what to do each time you encounter these funny little creamres.
, Black Fungus or Rare T ruffics, your chance to interact with them is timed. If you wait
mushroom will eventually dis.1ppear. The amount oftimc you have depends on the area
the type of mushroom you smmble upon.
If you cast the exact same spell on the White Mushroom three
times, it will drop a spell Arts item (Fire Arts, Blizzard Arts,
etc.). After collecting one of all seven of these items, take
them to Merlin at the Magician's Study. In retu rn , he rewards
you with GoofY's D ream Shield weapon.
IfyOll want to obtain the Arts, then wait until the ll1ushroom
requests a spell that you want to obtain the Arts item for. For
example, say you correctly cast Fire on a Whlte Mushroom in
response to the freezing gesture, but the next hint requires YOLI to
you cast an incorrect spell, or cast Thunder. Jfthis happens, be paticntand wait. If the White
mushroom stops gesturing, then Mushroom previously performed tlle gesture for Fire, it will very
The following likely do it again. When you correctly cast Fire 011 the same
tablesunmlarizes White Mushroom three times, it will drop the Fire Arts item.
dropping items.
Agrabah: Bazaar
Halloween Town: Moonlight Hi!!
• Olympus Col~seum: Pegasus Cup, th Seed
• Olympus Cobseum : Hades Cup, 3 th Seed
• Traverse Town: R.ed Room • End of the World: Linked Worlds
{until Traverse Town's Battle LV
• Deep Jungle: Camp If you defeat a Black Fungus with the~nal combo attack
• Deep J ungle: Treehouse (Trinity Limit). there's a 30%.chance hat it \vill drop i.tcms.
• Halloween Town: Graveyard From this 30% chance, there IS a l()l) chance that it will drop
• Olympus Coliseum: Hades Cup, 61h the Mystery Mold.
• End of the World: Linked Worlds
• Atl:'lntica: Sunken Ship and Un,]m",,_'"
• Agr:'lbah: Treasure Room
• Wonderland: LotuS Forest
The followi ng table summarizes the rewards:
vide a major due. T hey want able to knock a Rare Truffic into the air lots artimes. You can
you to help them stay aloft for even sell them for 100 munny (Shiitake Rank) or 500 mllnny
Try this trick at the final save point in the game. Load your game
at the Final Rest location and go into the previous room. Upon
doing so, some type of Mushroom will appear the vast majority of
the time. If you receive an item from one of the mushrooms. s.we
your game, do a soft reset (press [J). IE, Ill, iii, START , and
slide down the trees to win some
can compete against your best time. Remember that jumping causes a slight delay, so keep
firmly planted on the path as much as possible.
a small mini-game becomes available in the Vines and Vines 2 areas. There arc 110
From the H ippos' Lagoon, climb th vine nearest the exit to the Camp area. Sora should auto-target the yellow flower located
near the save point. Now move behi d the flower so that the camera faces the vines. Examine the flower and when it blooms,
accept a time trial challenge.
The courses are listed in order of asee ding difficulty. In each one, the idea is to jump fwm vine to
vine through both of the vines areas. he finish line is the tree branch near the entrance to the
Climbing T rees area. The time trial e lds upon your reaching tillS area. Your record times are recorded
in the Mini-Games section oftheJo nal.
Lagoon below, effectively ending time trial. The Acrobat Course and the Expert Course have
acquire the shared abilities Glide and Supcrglide, rerum here and try the Vine Jump mini-
i to dramatically improve your times. Note that sometimes Sora doesn't grab a vine with
fotward momentum to reach the next ouc. T he aforementioned abilities enablc you to skip a
b'Ummi ships from scratch or by "';"" ~,I,,,,";no< found in the game. Tllis section
tells you everything you need to
- - - -- -
To fly from one world to another, cho se a destination on the navibTational map and
press the. button to confirm your c llrsc. Use the left analog stick to highlight
differem worlds and view some statisti s. Each world's Battle LV indicates the
difficulry posed by its Heartless inhabit nts. When faced with unexplored worlds,
it's generally wise to choose a destinati n that is just one Battle LV higher than the
world from which you're departing.
- -
- ----- -~
' .~ _ __
After you choose a course, the gummi ship fli es forward until i9reaches its charted des-
tination. During the flight, you maneuver the ship a ll-screen with the left analog stick.
Thc controls for ascent and descent are inverted to simulate how real pilots navigate
aircraft. Moving the left analog stick up causes the craft to desccnd, while moving it
down causes the craft to rise. Move it left or right to swing
Ii i
' FLIGHT GAUGES _ h... •_ L _ __-,
a distance
ARMOR: R.ecover from dam~e by grabbing these
strangely shaped, greenish-b ue objects.
[J ~~~1:;;eroid5. They will re, harge all of your meters
, JI
While on the Navigational Map.
dirt(tionalbuttolU Hove cursorl ummi a«ordiB to view
press the" button to enter
Iotattlele<ttd '2iiimniblod:
the Gummi Garage. This loUIe view 01 rid
menu enables you to bui ld and H(l'ftCUl'SOru onthtwid
custornize gummi sbips. The l10vt tursor down on the rid
first time you enter the Gllmmi Start from maldl wilen entirt !hi is Itle(ted
~lt(1 entire shi
Garage, Chip and Dale will otTer
Dttadllflemd mllll
a very informative tutorial.
-- -- - - -
---r -
_ --
YOll selected to place will reappear.
This function makes it very easy to
replace lower-level gummis with
higher-level ones. Blocks that you
remove from models are returned
to the gmnrni block inventory for
later use.
I added all the bells and whistles, too. This ship has shields,
radar, capture arms, boosters. and an Esuna-G to reveal hid-
den objects. With the Ultima-G laser installed, nothing
stands a chance against me. I placed all the odd-shaped spe-
cial guillmis under the wings, so they didn't disrupt the
ship's aerodynamic design.
gummis attached.
-- -- - - - - - --
A cockpit is required to Oy any gUlluni ship. Where else is
, J 4tr
SYS. UP2: Upgrading the system a second time e."<pands the
construction area to the maximum of 10 squares (or, 10 x 10).
You can purchase it from Cid for 750 munny.
(OM. LV: Computer upgrades arc great because they enable you
to save more gummi ship designs, construct gununj ship mod-
els with high gunmti block counts, and they also increase each
ship's power. Purchase the COM. LV upgrades as soon as pos-
sible. YOLI can purchase COM. LV2 fOr 500 munny, and
COM. LV3 for 1000 mUllny.
i i
_____ _ mt -----~------
- --- -- -- -}l .---------------
David Waybright
! H. Leigh Davis
R.obin Lasek
Mike Degler
Susie Nieman
Tim Cox
Ken Schmidt
Michael Owen
trln- Marie Deets
ehriS Luckenbill
Tracy Wehmeyer