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Investment Promotion & Infrastructure Development Cell
Secretariat for Industrial Assistance
Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Government of India
Chandu Press, Ph. : 22526936

Profile 1

Perspective Plan & Thrust Areas 3

Policy and Procedures for Private Participation in Railways 10

Public-Private Partnership in Rail Projects 11

Glossary 13

Useful Addresses 15

Published By :

Investment Promotion and Infrastructure Development Cell

Secretariat for Industrial Assistance
Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Government of India
Udyog Bhawan
New Delhi 110 011
Tel: 011-23014218

Indian Railways is one of the largest Railways in the sections and electrified routes lie on broad gauge 16272 route
world. Introduced in 1853 the Railway net work in India kms, constituting over 26 % of the total network and 35% of
spread and expanded rapidly and has become the principal broad gauge network on Indian Railway is electrified.
mode of transport in the country. It has also absorbed
Indian Railways has nearly 1,19,984 bridges of which
advances in railway technology in tune with the requirement
of moving large volumes of passenger and freight traffic. 9792 are major bridges. In 2002-03, 1151 bridges were
rebuilt/rehabilitated. The transport effort is sustained through
Indian Railway consists of an extensive net work spread the use of 7681 locomotives, 214760 wagons and 44756
over 109,221 Km. covering 6906 stations. Operating on three coaching vehicles. Over two lakh thirty thousand telephone
gauges - broad gauge (1676mm)-meter gauge (1000 mm) and exchange line, 6809 long haul MW Kms., 9138 optical fiber
narrow gauge (762 and 610 mm), trains in India carry about communication route Kms and over 1686 trunk tele channels
17.7 million passengers and 1.49 million tonnes of freight kms distinguishes Indian Railway telecom network.
every day. Broad gauge although forming 72 % of the route,
generated 98.5% of freight output and 90.5% of the passenger Indian Railway system will develop a capacity to carry 624
output during 2002-03. Almost all the double/multiple track million tonnes of originating revenue earning traffic which in

Table: 1
NETWORK OF RAILWAYS (as on 1.4.2003)

Gauge Route Km. Running Track Km. Total Track Km.

Broad 45622 64461 87889
This publication “Investment Opportunities in Infrastructure” is intended to provide information on policies
and investment opportunities, at a glance, available in Railway Sector and does not purport to be a legal Metre 14364 14859 17848
document. In case of any variance between what is stated in this publication and the provisions contained in Narrow 3136 3172 3484
the relevant Act, Rules, Regulations, Policy Statements, etc., the latter shall prevail.
Total 63122 82492 109221


Published By :

Investment Promotion and Infrastructure Development Cell

Secretariat for Industrial Assistance
Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Government of India
Udyog Bhawan
New Delhi 110 011
Tel: 011-23014218

Indian Railways is one of the largest Railways in the sections and electrified routes lie on broad gauge 16272 route
world. Introduced in 1853 the Railway net work in India kms, constituting over 26 % of the total network and 35% of
spread and expanded rapidly and has become the principal broad gauge network on Indian Railway is electrified.
mode of transport in the country. It has also absorbed
Indian Railways has nearly 1,19,984 bridges of which
advances in railway technology in tune with the requirement
of moving large volumes of passenger and freight traffic. 9792 are major bridges. In 2002-03, 1151 bridges were
rebuilt/rehabilitated. The transport effort is sustained through
Indian Railway consists of an extensive net work spread the use of 7681 locomotives, 214760 wagons and 44756
over 109,221 Km. covering 6906 stations. Operating on three coaching vehicles. Over two lakh thirty thousand telephone
gauges - broad gauge (1676mm)-meter gauge (1000 mm) and exchange line, 6809 long haul MW Kms., 9138 optical fiber
narrow gauge (762 and 610 mm), trains in India carry about communication route Kms and over 1686 trunk tele channels
17.7 million passengers and 1.49 million tonnes of freight kms distinguishes Indian Railway telecom network.
every day. Broad gauge although forming 72 % of the route,
generated 98.5% of freight output and 90.5% of the passenger Indian Railway system will develop a capacity to carry 624
output during 2002-03. Almost all the double/multiple track million tonnes of originating revenue earning traffic which in

Table: 1
NETWORK OF RAILWAYS (as on 1.4.2003)

Gauge Route Km. Running Track Km. Total Track Km.

Broad 45622 64461 87889
This publication “Investment Opportunities in Infrastructure” is intended to provide information on policies
and investment opportunities, at a glance, available in Railway Sector and does not purport to be a legal Metre 14364 14859 17848
document. In case of any variance between what is stated in this publication and the provisions contained in Narrow 3136 3172 3484
the relevant Act, Rules, Regulations, Policy Statements, etc., the latter shall prevail.
Total 63122 82492 109221

terms of transport output is 424 BTKMS, during the final
year of the X plan (2006-07). During 2002-03, the revenue
earning freight traffic moved by Railways was 518.7 million
tonnes. The total passenger traffic in the year was 5048.2 The growing demand of transport, in general, is directly is likely to be 1.2%. However the passenger traffic in terms of
million originating passengers. related to the growth of economy, the mobility of the passenger kms. has grown at a rate of 3.9% per annum.
population and other related factors. The Indian economy in
Table: 2 the last few years has seen a robust growth and is expected to The thrust areas identified for Xth Plan period (2002-
COMMODITY-WISE TONNAGE OF REVENUE grow at the same rate in the next two years of the Xth Plan. 07) included strengthening of high density network-
TRAFFIC (2002-03) Indian Railways has planned to carry the traffic offered by the investment towards building up capacity, technological
buoyancy in the economy. The increased output of basic upgradation of assets for improving efficiency, throughput
COMMODITY TONNAGE industries such as power, steel, cement, fertilizers etc. is and increasing average speed of trains, utilizing information
foreseen as necessitating facilities for bulk transport in which technology, improving safety of operations by replacement
Coal 235.85
the Railways have a comparative advantage. The increasing of over-aged assets through Special Railway Safety Fund,
Raw material to steel plants 40.99 rate of urbanization was also expected to generate demand
mobilization of additional resources through private-public
Pig iron and finished steel from steel plants 13.63 for rapid transit system.
participation in Railway projects and to increase share of
Iron ore for export 16.66 The Xth Five Year Plan had envisaged a growth rate of passenger and freight traffic. Large investments in wagons,
Cement 46.25 4.8% per annum of originating loading and 3.5% per annum locomotives and tracks were foreseen and planned for, to
Foodgrains 45.60 of freight output in terms of billion NTKM. As compared to augment the transport capacity of Indian Railways.
this the growth of originating loading in the first three years Investment was needed for opening alternative routes to the
Fertilizers (chemical manures) 26.46
of the Xth Plan is expected to be 5.6% and the freight output congested corridors, which included converting meter gauge
POL(Mineral Oils) 34.05 in terms of billion NTKM is 5.8%. tracks to broad gauge.
Balance other goods 59.25
On the passenger traffic front however, the growth rate During the Xth plan it has been planned to wipe out
Total revenue earning traffic 518.74
vis-a-vis target has been lower. There was a dip in the number accumulated arrears of asset renewals as well as take care of
of originating passengers in 2002-03 due to the upward the fresh accruals. To finance the liquidation of accumulated
MANAGEMENT OF INDIAN RAILWAYS revision of the passenger fares. Further there has been a shift arrears of such overaged assets, by providing for their
Indian Railway is a department of Government and the (Calcutta), production units, construction organisation and
Ministry of Railways functions under the guidelines of other rail establishments. These are generally headed by
Minister for Railways assisted by Minister of State for General Managers. Nine subsidiary organizations under the
Railways. The policy formation and management of Indian Ministry of Railways viz. IRCON, RITES, CONCOR, RCIL
Railway Board comprises of Chairman and six functional RVNL, MRVC, IRFC, and KRCL undertake special-ized
members. Wide powers are vested in the Board to effectively jobs contributing to Indian Railways' growth and progr-
supervise the running of 16 zonal railways, metro railway ess.RITES and IRCON have their business abroad also.

in the short distance passengers to the road sector with the replacement, a Special Railway Safety Fund had been
expansion and growth of road network. Against an envisaged created in 2001-02. The replacement of identified assets is
growth rate of 2.6% per annum, the actual rate of growth of being undertaken from this fund with the objective of
originating passengers in the first three years of the Xth Plan completing the same by 2006-07. Annual arisings of renewal
Table: 3 of overaged assets during the Xth plan period is being
FREIGHT TRAFFIC PROJECTIONS FOR FINAL planned simultaneously through Depreciation Reserve Fund
YEAR OF Xth PLAN (2002-07) (DRF).

Tonnage(Million) Average Growth rate To meet the transport demand of future and to ensure
safe services to the customers, Indian Railways have laid
Originating tonnes 624 4.8%
down ambitious plans for enhancing transport capacity
Net tonne Kms. 424 4.9% through upgrading technology and introduction of improved

2 3
terms of transport output is 424 BTKMS, during the final
year of the X plan (2006-07). During 2002-03, the revenue
earning freight traffic moved by Railways was 518.7 million
tonnes. The total passenger traffic in the year was 5048.2 The growing demand of transport, in general, is directly is likely to be 1.2%. However the passenger traffic in terms of
million originating passengers. related to the growth of economy, the mobility of the passenger kms. has grown at a rate of 3.9% per annum.
population and other related factors. The Indian economy in
Table: 2 the last few years has seen a robust growth and is expected to The thrust areas identified for Xth Plan period (2002-
COMMODITY-WISE TONNAGE OF REVENUE grow at the same rate in the next two years of the Xth Plan. 07) included strengthening of high density network-
TRAFFIC (2002-03) Indian Railways has planned to carry the traffic offered by the investment towards building up capacity, technological
buoyancy in the economy. The increased output of basic upgradation of assets for improving efficiency, throughput
COMMODITY TONNAGE industries such as power, steel, cement, fertilizers etc. is and increasing average speed of trains, utilizing information
foreseen as necessitating facilities for bulk transport in which technology, improving safety of operations by replacement
Coal 235.85
the Railways have a comparative advantage. The increasing of over-aged assets through Special Railway Safety Fund,
Raw material to steel plants 40.99 rate of urbanization was also expected to generate demand
mobilization of additional resources through private-public
Pig iron and finished steel from steel plants 13.63 for rapid transit system.
participation in Railway projects and to increase share of
Iron ore for export 16.66 The Xth Five Year Plan had envisaged a growth rate of passenger and freight traffic. Large investments in wagons,
Cement 46.25 4.8% per annum of originating loading and 3.5% per annum locomotives and tracks were foreseen and planned for, to
Foodgrains 45.60 of freight output in terms of billion NTKM. As compared to augment the transport capacity of Indian Railways.
this the growth of originating loading in the first three years Investment was needed for opening alternative routes to the
Fertilizers (chemical manures) 26.46
of the Xth Plan is expected to be 5.6% and the freight output congested corridors, which included converting meter gauge
POL(Mineral Oils) 34.05 in terms of billion NTKM is 5.8%. tracks to broad gauge.
Balance other goods 59.25
On the passenger traffic front however, the growth rate During the Xth plan it has been planned to wipe out
Total revenue earning traffic 518.74
vis-a-vis target has been lower. There was a dip in the number accumulated arrears of asset renewals as well as take care of
of originating passengers in 2002-03 due to the upward the fresh accruals. To finance the liquidation of accumulated
MANAGEMENT OF INDIAN RAILWAYS revision of the passenger fares. Further there has been a shift arrears of such overaged assets, by providing for their
Indian Railway is a department of Government and the (Calcutta), production units, construction organisation and
Ministry of Railways functions under the guidelines of other rail establishments. These are generally headed by
Minister for Railways assisted by Minister of State for General Managers. Nine subsidiary organizations under the
Railways. The policy formation and management of Indian Ministry of Railways viz. IRCON, RITES, CONCOR, RCIL
Railway Board comprises of Chairman and six functional RVNL, MRVC, IRFC, and KRCL undertake special-ized
members. Wide powers are vested in the Board to effectively jobs contributing to Indian Railways' growth and progr-
supervise the running of 16 zonal railways, metro railway ess.RITES and IRCON have their business abroad also.

in the short distance passengers to the road sector with the replacement, a Special Railway Safety Fund had been
expansion and growth of road network. Against an envisaged created in 2001-02. The replacement of identified assets is
growth rate of 2.6% per annum, the actual rate of growth of being undertaken from this fund with the objective of
originating passengers in the first three years of the Xth Plan completing the same by 2006-07. Annual arisings of renewal
Table: 3 of overaged assets during the Xth plan period is being
FREIGHT TRAFFIC PROJECTIONS FOR FINAL planned simultaneously through Depreciation Reserve Fund
YEAR OF Xth PLAN (2002-07) (DRF).

Tonnage(Million) Average Growth rate To meet the transport demand of future and to ensure
safe services to the customers, Indian Railways have laid
Originating tonnes 624 4.8%
down ambitious plans for enhancing transport capacity
Net tonne Kms. 424 4.9% through upgrading technology and introduction of improved

2 3
(c) Apart with State Governments, efforts are being
made to develop Rail infrastructure through private
(d) Railways has recently entered into an MOU with
the National Thermal Power Corporation, in order
to explore the possibility of setting up captive
thermal power plants for the Railways, to reduce
expenditure on electric energy bill.
(e) With a view to ensure an equitable allocations to
railway projects in different states, allotment of
funds for the activities of New Lines, Doubling,
Gauge Conversion, Electrification have been
objectively based on transparent criteria. The 3
major criteria viz. area of the state, the population TECHNOLOGICAL UPGRADATIONS
of the state and the throw forward of projects in the
states have been given pre- determined High horse power Electric Locos, Diesel Locos and
weightages, for the purpose of allocation of funds Improved technology LHB type coaches have been
state wise. introduced on the Indian Railways. The technology to
management systems. A critical issue to bear in mind is that would considerably reduce the speed differential between produce such locos and coaches has also been adopted on
Railway infrastructure is capital intensive and has a long freight and passenger trains, increasing line capacity. (f) Initiatives have been taken to improve line Indian Railways as a step towards technological upgradation.
gestation period. capacity, enhance safety and increase the asset Also high-speed goods wagons are being introduced to
utilisation through the gradual induction of modem upgrade the goods trains for high speed.
Table: 4
i) Target for additional BG Lines signaling and telecommunication system of
PASSENGER TRAFFIC PROJECTIONS X PLAN The Indian Railways have completed the first phase of
Electronic Interlocking system, Block proving
Traditionally, the Railways have financed the through Axle counters, Train Actuated warning the computerized Freight Operation Information System to
2002-02 2006-07 Annual growth
augmentation of line capacity through New Lines, Gauge device at Level Crossing gates and Mobile Radio enable online tracking of cargo. The second phase of the
Conversion and Doubling from within the funds allocated by Communication system. In order to prevent drivers project covering Terminal Management System would be
Passengers 5169.3 5686 1.9% Ministry of Finance towards Capital expenditure. However, completed in 2004-05 and would improve the quality of
(millions) from passing a signal at danger and assist him in
considering the large shelf of projects within these three running trains even under adverse visibility services substantially. The increased use of IT by Indian
Pkms. (Billions) 494.2 593 3.8% activities, these funds are not found to suffice for completion conditions, provision of train position and warning Railways would lead to optimal utilisation of the existing
of the projects within a reasonable time frame. The Railways system on about 300 track Kms is in progress. infrastructure, rolling stock and man-power and, in the
have explored the possibility of attracting funds from other process, not only increase revenue from freight traffic but
Indian Railways (IR) has laid thrust on acquiring high- sources which include State Governments, beneficiary (g) Priority is being accorded to the construction of also effect substantial reduction in operational cost.
powered diesel and electric locomotives. State of art high industries, port infrastructure companies etc. A beginning Mega Bridges as they provide strategic linkages.
capacity 6000 H.P. Electric locomotives and 4000H.P. diesel This includes the Ganga Bridge at Patna and the During the X-Plan period, an endeavour to upgrade
has already been made and execution of some projects
locomotives have been imported along with Transfer of Bogibeel Bridge over the Brahmaputra. Other technology in all spheres with the objectives of improving
within different models of cost sharing with State
Technology (TOT). Manufacture of these locomotives is sources of funding for these projects are also being reliability, reduce maintenance requirement, increase
Governments, Private agencies etc. are already going on.
being carried out in Production Units of Indian Railways. explored. customer satisfaction and to reduce cost of operation has
The total BG Kms. added during the X Plan is expected to
Lightweight high-speed coaches from LHB, Germany have been made. The technology initiatives include the
exceed 5000 Kms.
also been acquired and commissioned into commercial following:-
services, with TOT for manufacture in India. RCF is ii) Policy Initiatives taken during X Plan i)Track : Higher Axle Load & Speeds, mechanised
manufacturing LHB type coaches for the Railways. IR is also maintenance, improvements in welding technology and
(a) Thrust is to be given to strengthening of Golden
in the process of further phasing out inefficient and better methods of detection rail flaws.
Quadrilateral and diagonals connecting the four
relatively, operationally risk-prone conventional four
metros. Active cooperation and participation of (ii) Wagons: Improvement in axle loads, speeds, pay
wheeler wagon stock, replacing them by high capacity 8
several non-Railway agencies in this effort are load to tare ratio and introduction of self steering bogies.
wheeler wagons fitted with air brakes, casnub bogie, CBC
being sought. This includes entering into funding
and tapered roller bearings having features of zero defects (iii) Operation of high speed freight trains on Indian
arrangements 'with State Governments, other
during operation. During the X Plan years, while a policy Railways: Till recently, the Indian railways had been
Ministries and private parties.
decision has been taken to procure air-brake wagon stock of operating freight trains with a maximum speed of 75 /80
an advanced high-speed design with a speed potential of 100 (b) Several new initiatives have taken place in kmph. A modified design of Casunub bogie fitted to airbrake
kmph., it has also been decided to convert the existing air- augmenting resources with involvement of State wagons has enabled wagons to be run at a maximum speed of
brake wagon to high speed version by retrofitment. This Governments. 100 kmph..

4 5
(c) Apart with State Governments, efforts are being
made to develop Rail infrastructure through private
(d) Railways has recently entered into an MOU with
the National Thermal Power Corporation, in order
to explore the possibility of setting up captive
thermal power plants for the Railways, to reduce
expenditure on electric energy bill.
(e) With a view to ensure an equitable allocations to
railway projects in different states, allotment of
funds for the activities of New Lines, Doubling,
Gauge Conversion, Electrification have been
objectively based on transparent criteria. The 3
major criteria viz. area of the state, the population TECHNOLOGICAL UPGRADATIONS
of the state and the throw forward of projects in the
states have been given pre- determined High horse power Electric Locos, Diesel Locos and
weightages, for the purpose of allocation of funds Improved technology LHB type coaches have been
state wise. introduced on the Indian Railways. The technology to
management systems. A critical issue to bear in mind is that would considerably reduce the speed differential between produce such locos and coaches has also been adopted on
Railway infrastructure is capital intensive and has a long freight and passenger trains, increasing line capacity. (f) Initiatives have been taken to improve line Indian Railways as a step towards technological upgradation.
gestation period. capacity, enhance safety and increase the asset Also high-speed goods wagons are being introduced to
utilisation through the gradual induction of modem upgrade the goods trains for high speed.
Table: 4
i) Target for additional BG Lines signaling and telecommunication system of
PASSENGER TRAFFIC PROJECTIONS X PLAN The Indian Railways have completed the first phase of
Electronic Interlocking system, Block proving
Traditionally, the Railways have financed the through Axle counters, Train Actuated warning the computerized Freight Operation Information System to
2002-02 2006-07 Annual growth
augmentation of line capacity through New Lines, Gauge device at Level Crossing gates and Mobile Radio enable online tracking of cargo. The second phase of the
Conversion and Doubling from within the funds allocated by Communication system. In order to prevent drivers project covering Terminal Management System would be
Passengers 5169.3 5686 1.9% Ministry of Finance towards Capital expenditure. However, completed in 2004-05 and would improve the quality of
(millions) from passing a signal at danger and assist him in
considering the large shelf of projects within these three running trains even under adverse visibility services substantially. The increased use of IT by Indian
Pkms. (Billions) 494.2 593 3.8% activities, these funds are not found to suffice for completion conditions, provision of train position and warning Railways would lead to optimal utilisation of the existing
of the projects within a reasonable time frame. The Railways system on about 300 track Kms is in progress. infrastructure, rolling stock and man-power and, in the
have explored the possibility of attracting funds from other process, not only increase revenue from freight traffic but
Indian Railways (IR) has laid thrust on acquiring high- sources which include State Governments, beneficiary (g) Priority is being accorded to the construction of also effect substantial reduction in operational cost.
powered diesel and electric locomotives. State of art high industries, port infrastructure companies etc. A beginning Mega Bridges as they provide strategic linkages.
capacity 6000 H.P. Electric locomotives and 4000H.P. diesel This includes the Ganga Bridge at Patna and the During the X-Plan period, an endeavour to upgrade
has already been made and execution of some projects
locomotives have been imported along with Transfer of Bogibeel Bridge over the Brahmaputra. Other technology in all spheres with the objectives of improving
within different models of cost sharing with State
Technology (TOT). Manufacture of these locomotives is sources of funding for these projects are also being reliability, reduce maintenance requirement, increase
Governments, Private agencies etc. are already going on.
being carried out in Production Units of Indian Railways. explored. customer satisfaction and to reduce cost of operation has
The total BG Kms. added during the X Plan is expected to
Lightweight high-speed coaches from LHB, Germany have been made. The technology initiatives include the
exceed 5000 Kms.
also been acquired and commissioned into commercial following:-
services, with TOT for manufacture in India. RCF is ii) Policy Initiatives taken during X Plan i)Track : Higher Axle Load & Speeds, mechanised
manufacturing LHB type coaches for the Railways. IR is also maintenance, improvements in welding technology and
(a) Thrust is to be given to strengthening of Golden
in the process of further phasing out inefficient and better methods of detection rail flaws.
Quadrilateral and diagonals connecting the four
relatively, operationally risk-prone conventional four
metros. Active cooperation and participation of (ii) Wagons: Improvement in axle loads, speeds, pay
wheeler wagon stock, replacing them by high capacity 8
several non-Railway agencies in this effort are load to tare ratio and introduction of self steering bogies.
wheeler wagons fitted with air brakes, casnub bogie, CBC
being sought. This includes entering into funding
and tapered roller bearings having features of zero defects (iii) Operation of high speed freight trains on Indian
arrangements 'with State Governments, other
during operation. During the X Plan years, while a policy Railways: Till recently, the Indian railways had been
Ministries and private parties.
decision has been taken to procure air-brake wagon stock of operating freight trains with a maximum speed of 75 /80
an advanced high-speed design with a speed potential of 100 (b) Several new initiatives have taken place in kmph. A modified design of Casunub bogie fitted to airbrake
kmph., it has also been decided to convert the existing air- augmenting resources with involvement of State wagons has enabled wagons to be run at a maximum speed of
brake wagon to high speed version by retrofitment. This Governments. 100 kmph..

4 5
will be taken care of by normal provisioning under DRF. In level crossing gates, these ACDs network among themselves
addition, in the plan period, thrust will be given on safety to prevent accident like conditions.
enhancement works as identified and detailed in Corporate The first proto-type of ACD was demonstrated by
Safety Plan. The total expenditure involved for these safety KRCL in December, 1999. After limited trials, the device
enhancement works would be Rs. 31,835 cr. was put on extended field trials on Jalandhar - Amritsar
Special Railway Safety Fund section of Northern railway in 2002-03.

A non-lapsable Special Railway Safety Fund of Rs. To start with, provision of ACD on about 1735 Route
17,000 crores was set up with the approval of the Kms. BG section of Northeast Frontier railway has been
Government. The funding was to be done by a dividend free taken in had. Total cost of the work is about 65 crores. This
grant of Rs. 12,000 crores from the General Exchequer and shall be completed in the year 2004-05. Further sanctioned
Rs. 5,000 crores to be generated by the Ministry of Railways works of provision of ACD on about 1750 Route Kms. of
by levy of safety surcharge on passenger fares. The objective sections on Northern, Southern, South Central and South
While increasing the maximum speed potential of Western railways shall be taken in hand after the successful
was to liquidate the accumulated arrears of renewal of assets
freight trains leads to improvement in utilisation of wagons completion of Northeast Frontier railway pilot project.
up to 1.4.2001 within a time frame of 6 years from 2001-02
and locomotives, it also reduces the speed differential Additional ACD route survey on about 10,000 route Kms.
to 2006-07.
between passenger trains and freight trains. This would has also been sanctioned on important sections of Indian
augment the section capacities, particularly on those sections Railway. On present day prices, its introduction on the entire
working to saturation or near-saturation levels. IR network would cost about Rs. 1800 crores.
iv) Coaches & EMUs: Introduction of all stainless Crash Worthiness of Coaches: To improve the crash
steel coaches to reduce maintenance requirements, use of air- worthiness of coaches, as an immediate measure, coach
springs in EMUs to improve riding comfort, etc. interiors have been re-designed with improved fittings and
(v) Computer based Centralised Traffic Control features, which would not cause injury. Simultaneously, the
system: Initiatives has been taken to introduce Computer coach body is being re-designed to absorb more impact so as
based Centralised Traffic Control system on Ghaziabad - to keep passenger-carrying areas intact.
Kanpur section under modernisation of Signalling and Longer Rails: Indian Railways and Bhilai Steel Plant
Telecommunication system on this system. of Steel Authority of India Limited are also planning together
SAFETY to produce longer rails i.e.26 metres and 65 or 78 metres,
instead of the conventional 13 metres length to reduce
Implementation of Corporate Safety Plan number of welds in the track. This would ensure greater · Expansion of Computerised Unreserved Ticketing
safety of track. The potential for weld fractures on Long System.
Railways have formulated a Corporate Safety Plan to Out of Rs. 17,000 crore of Non-Lapsable Special
Railway Safety Fund (SRSF) set up in 2001-02, to wipe out Welded Rails(L WR) and Continuous Welded Rails(CWR) · Computerisation of Parcel Management System.
enhance safety (2003 to 2013). The main objectives of the
arrears in renewal and replacement of over-aged assets would significantly reduce.
Corporate Safety Plan are to reduce the number of accidents · Modern and environment friendly toilets in
and to reduce chances of passenger fatality in consequential within a time frame of six years, the expenditure in first three Integrated Modernization Plan (2005-2010) coaches.
train accidents etc. years is Rs. 6504.38 crores. For the year 2004-05, the total
Railways have formulated an Integrated Modernization Plan · Mechanised cleaning of Stations.
allocation (Net) at the time of BE for Special Railway Safety
While clearing of the arrears of replacement of tracks, covering the period 2005-06 to 2009-2010 with the aim · Mechanised cleaning of Coaches.
Fund is Rs. 2933 crores.
bridges, signaling gears and rolling stock would be towards transforming the Indian Railways into a modern
Anti Collision Device: An Anti-Collision Device (ACD) · Extension of Coaching Operations Information
addressed through the SRSF, annual arising for these items system of global standards. It is hoped that the initiatives
has been developed by Konkan Railway Corporation, System (CO IS) for improved passenger traffic
outlined will go a long way in bringing about the desired operations.
designed to prevent collisions like situations e.g. head-on transformation. The total expenditure involved for these
collisions, side and rear-end collisions and those caused due identified items would be about Rs. 24,000 crores. · Introduction of Public Address Systems on
to infringement by derailed vehicles on adjoining tracks. important trains.
This device also helps in detecting train parting, and Salient features of the Plan are: · Improved safety features in coaches - Internal and
provides audible and visual warning at level crossing gates Passenger Business Segment External crashworthiness, anti-climbing features
when trains approach. and use of fire retardant material in coaches.
· Towards high speed travel.
The system works on satellite-based Global Freight Business Segment
· Shatabdi/Rajdhani trains to run with latest
Positioning System (GPS) and Angula Deviation count · Running of Freight Trains at 100 kmph on
technology coaches.
principle for identification of track layout. The ACD is an identified sections.
intelligent micro-processor based equipment. It consists of · Integrated and Extended National Train Enquiry
System. · Completion of 75 Throughput Capacity
central processing unit, a global positioning system, and a
Enhancement works.
digital modem for communication with other ACDs. When · Expansion of Computerised Passenger
installed on a locomotives, brake vans and at stations and Reservation System. · Development of 50 Modern Freight Terminals.

6 7
will be taken care of by normal provisioning under DRF. In level crossing gates, these ACDs network among themselves
addition, in the plan period, thrust will be given on safety to prevent accident like conditions.
enhancement works as identified and detailed in Corporate The first proto-type of ACD was demonstrated by
Safety Plan. The total expenditure involved for these safety KRCL in December, 1999. After limited trials, the device
enhancement works would be Rs. 31,835 cr. was put on extended field trials on Jalandhar - Amritsar
Special Railway Safety Fund section of Northern railway in 2002-03.

A non-lapsable Special Railway Safety Fund of Rs. To start with, provision of ACD on about 1735 Route
17,000 crores was set up with the approval of the Kms. BG section of Northeast Frontier railway has been
Government. The funding was to be done by a dividend free taken in had. Total cost of the work is about 65 crores. This
grant of Rs. 12,000 crores from the General Exchequer and shall be completed in the year 2004-05. Further sanctioned
Rs. 5,000 crores to be generated by the Ministry of Railways works of provision of ACD on about 1750 Route Kms. of
by levy of safety surcharge on passenger fares. The objective sections on Northern, Southern, South Central and South
While increasing the maximum speed potential of Western railways shall be taken in hand after the successful
was to liquidate the accumulated arrears of renewal of assets
freight trains leads to improvement in utilisation of wagons completion of Northeast Frontier railway pilot project.
up to 1.4.2001 within a time frame of 6 years from 2001-02
and locomotives, it also reduces the speed differential Additional ACD route survey on about 10,000 route Kms.
to 2006-07.
between passenger trains and freight trains. This would has also been sanctioned on important sections of Indian
augment the section capacities, particularly on those sections Railway. On present day prices, its introduction on the entire
working to saturation or near-saturation levels. IR network would cost about Rs. 1800 crores.
iv) Coaches & EMUs: Introduction of all stainless Crash Worthiness of Coaches: To improve the crash
steel coaches to reduce maintenance requirements, use of air- worthiness of coaches, as an immediate measure, coach
springs in EMUs to improve riding comfort, etc. interiors have been re-designed with improved fittings and
(v) Computer based Centralised Traffic Control features, which would not cause injury. Simultaneously, the
system: Initiatives has been taken to introduce Computer coach body is being re-designed to absorb more impact so as
based Centralised Traffic Control system on Ghaziabad - to keep passenger-carrying areas intact.
Kanpur section under modernisation of Signalling and Longer Rails: Indian Railways and Bhilai Steel Plant
Telecommunication system on this system. of Steel Authority of India Limited are also planning together
SAFETY to produce longer rails i.e.26 metres and 65 or 78 metres,
instead of the conventional 13 metres length to reduce
Implementation of Corporate Safety Plan number of welds in the track. This would ensure greater · Expansion of Computerised Unreserved Ticketing
safety of track. The potential for weld fractures on Long System.
Railways have formulated a Corporate Safety Plan to Out of Rs. 17,000 crore of Non-Lapsable Special
Railway Safety Fund (SRSF) set up in 2001-02, to wipe out Welded Rails(L WR) and Continuous Welded Rails(CWR) · Computerisation of Parcel Management System.
enhance safety (2003 to 2013). The main objectives of the
arrears in renewal and replacement of over-aged assets would significantly reduce.
Corporate Safety Plan are to reduce the number of accidents · Modern and environment friendly toilets in
and to reduce chances of passenger fatality in consequential within a time frame of six years, the expenditure in first three Integrated Modernization Plan (2005-2010) coaches.
train accidents etc. years is Rs. 6504.38 crores. For the year 2004-05, the total
Railways have formulated an Integrated Modernization Plan · Mechanised cleaning of Stations.
allocation (Net) at the time of BE for Special Railway Safety
While clearing of the arrears of replacement of tracks, covering the period 2005-06 to 2009-2010 with the aim · Mechanised cleaning of Coaches.
Fund is Rs. 2933 crores.
bridges, signaling gears and rolling stock would be towards transforming the Indian Railways into a modern
Anti Collision Device: An Anti-Collision Device (ACD) · Extension of Coaching Operations Information
addressed through the SRSF, annual arising for these items system of global standards. It is hoped that the initiatives
has been developed by Konkan Railway Corporation, System (CO IS) for improved passenger traffic
outlined will go a long way in bringing about the desired operations.
designed to prevent collisions like situations e.g. head-on transformation. The total expenditure involved for these
collisions, side and rear-end collisions and those caused due identified items would be about Rs. 24,000 crores. · Introduction of Public Address Systems on
to infringement by derailed vehicles on adjoining tracks. important trains.
This device also helps in detecting train parting, and Salient features of the Plan are: · Improved safety features in coaches - Internal and
provides audible and visual warning at level crossing gates Passenger Business Segment External crashworthiness, anti-climbing features
when trains approach. and use of fire retardant material in coaches.
· Towards high speed travel.
The system works on satellite-based Global Freight Business Segment
· Shatabdi/Rajdhani trains to run with latest
Positioning System (GPS) and Angula Deviation count · Running of Freight Trains at 100 kmph on
technology coaches.
principle for identification of track layout. The ACD is an identified sections.
intelligent micro-processor based equipment. It consists of · Integrated and Extended National Train Enquiry
System. · Completion of 75 Throughput Capacity
central processing unit, a global positioning system, and a
Enhancement works.
digital modem for communication with other ACDs. When · Expansion of Computerised Passenger
installed on a locomotives, brake vans and at stations and Reservation System. · Development of 50 Modern Freight Terminals.

6 7
· Providing warehousing facilities through CWC
and private freight terminals. MOU has been
signed for providing integrated freight terminals at
22 locations in the country.
· Port connectivity and inter-modal transport.
· Introduction of more and more number of high
speed wagons to carry goods faster to the
· Introduction of Refrigerated parcel vans to carry
perishables and food stuff across the country on
express trains.
It was expected that in the X Plan about 1500 bridges At present the approaches to all major urban
would have to be strengthened/rebuilt yearly not only on agglomerations are extremely congested with passenger and
account of the backlog but also larger arising of distressed freight trains competing for available line and berthing
bridges on account of heavier and more intensive traffic. In capacities. Creation of adequate terminal capacity will
2003-04, 1584 bridges were rehabilitated. remain an area of vital importance to the Railways.
The objective of the X Plan was to complete the
The approaches to major yards, important freight and
doubling of the quadrilateral trunk routes, to undertake
construction of third and/or fourth lines on certain very busy coaching terminals particularly on the high-density traffic
routes and to undertake doubling on other important routes routes had been identified for improvements in the X Plan.
where the existing single line had reached its saturation limit. Facilities would also be created for running of longer
In all about 1500 km. of doubling are planned to be completed passenger trains (26/24 coach lengths) on identified routes.
in X Plan. During the Xth plan 742kms. of doubling is likely At the same time, the user industries would also have to take
· Introduction of high axle load operations on Logistic support for improving share in freight to be completed during the first three years of the plan period. effective steps to modernise loading and unloading systems.
selected routes. traffic
· Warehousing facilities near rail terminals through A number of steps have been taken during tenth plan
public/private participation. period to improve Railway's share in freight Traffic. Some of
these are listed below:-
· Web based Claims Management System.
· Rationalisation of freight tariff structure.
· Extension of Freight Operation Information
System to cover Terminal, Rake and Crew · Total number of classes for charging freight
Management Modules. reduced from 59 to 27

· Introduction of Double Stack Containers on · The ratio of the highest and lowest freight rates
identified routes. reduced from 8.0 to 2.8

· Modernisation of Freight Maintenance. · Reduction in Freight rates from 3.7% to 10.7% for
certain high rated commodities.
· Induction of corrosion resistant stainless steel
body wagons. · Trainload benefit for all block rakes and
· Induction of light weight aluminium wagons to
increase carrying capacity. · Higher Powers given to General Managers for
Flexible rating policy for specific pairs of stations.
· Modernisation of Guard's brakevan.
· Incentives to Premier Customers generating
· Provision of Bogie Mounted Brake System on freight earnings of more than 25 crores per annum
freight stock. for traffic originating from the sidings.
· Development of Roll-On-Roll-Off door-to-door · Policy to attract short lead traffic through higher
service. freight concessions.
· Locotrol for Diesel and Electric locomotives on · Computerisation of freight movement through
identified Sections. Freight Operations Information System.

8 9
· Providing warehousing facilities through CWC
and private freight terminals. MOU has been
signed for providing integrated freight terminals at
22 locations in the country.
· Port connectivity and inter-modal transport.
· Introduction of more and more number of high
speed wagons to carry goods faster to the
· Introduction of Refrigerated parcel vans to carry
perishables and food stuff across the country on
express trains.
It was expected that in the X Plan about 1500 bridges At present the approaches to all major urban
would have to be strengthened/rebuilt yearly not only on agglomerations are extremely congested with passenger and
account of the backlog but also larger arising of distressed freight trains competing for available line and berthing
bridges on account of heavier and more intensive traffic. In capacities. Creation of adequate terminal capacity will
2003-04, 1584 bridges were rehabilitated. remain an area of vital importance to the Railways.
The objective of the X Plan was to complete the
The approaches to major yards, important freight and
doubling of the quadrilateral trunk routes, to undertake
construction of third and/or fourth lines on certain very busy coaching terminals particularly on the high-density traffic
routes and to undertake doubling on other important routes routes had been identified for improvements in the X Plan.
where the existing single line had reached its saturation limit. Facilities would also be created for running of longer
In all about 1500 km. of doubling are planned to be completed passenger trains (26/24 coach lengths) on identified routes.
in X Plan. During the Xth plan 742kms. of doubling is likely At the same time, the user industries would also have to take
· Introduction of high axle load operations on Logistic support for improving share in freight to be completed during the first three years of the plan period. effective steps to modernise loading and unloading systems.
selected routes. traffic
· Warehousing facilities near rail terminals through A number of steps have been taken during tenth plan
public/private participation. period to improve Railway's share in freight Traffic. Some of
these are listed below:-
· Web based Claims Management System.
· Rationalisation of freight tariff structure.
· Extension of Freight Operation Information
System to cover Terminal, Rake and Crew · Total number of classes for charging freight
Management Modules. reduced from 59 to 27

· Introduction of Double Stack Containers on · The ratio of the highest and lowest freight rates
identified routes. reduced from 8.0 to 2.8

· Modernisation of Freight Maintenance. · Reduction in Freight rates from 3.7% to 10.7% for
certain high rated commodities.
· Induction of corrosion resistant stainless steel
body wagons. · Trainload benefit for all block rakes and
· Induction of light weight aluminium wagons to
increase carrying capacity. · Higher Powers given to General Managers for
Flexible rating policy for specific pairs of stations.
· Modernisation of Guard's brakevan.
· Incentives to Premier Customers generating
· Provision of Bogie Mounted Brake System on freight earnings of more than 25 crores per annum
freight stock. for traffic originating from the sidings.
· Development of Roll-On-Roll-Off door-to-door · Policy to attract short lead traffic through higher
service. freight concessions.
· Locotrol for Diesel and Electric locomotives on · Computerisation of freight movement through
identified Sections. Freight Operations Information System.

8 9
Regarding electrification of routes, objective of the X Keeping in view the massive transport requirements of Luxury Tourist Trains
Plan was to complete the ongoing works, to take up the metropolises, the Railways propose to continue
The Railways run luxury tourist trains in collaboration
electrification of the remaining un-electrified sections of the investment in projects already on hand and complete all the with the State Tourism Departments e.g. the Palace on Wheels
golden quadrilateral as also to cover certain missing links. on-going projects. A joint venture with the Govt. of in collaboration with the Rajasthan Tourism Corporation
Conversion of 1500 VDC suburban system in Mumbai area
Maharashtra under the auspices of MRVC (Maharashtra (RTDC), the Royal Orient Express with the Tourism
(CR &WR) to 25 KV AC was planned in the IXth Plan as it is
Rail Vikas Corporation) is already underway for Corporation of Gujarat Ltd. (TCGL) and the Deccan Odyssey
no longer possible to increase the frequency of the suburban
implementing new projects of the Mumbai suburban in collaboration with the Maharashtra Tourism Development
services on the DC system as it is not capable of taking any
network. Similar joint ventures are also on with Govt. of Corporation (MTDC). An MOO has also been signed with the
additional electric load is progressing well.
Karnataka State Tourism Development Corporation (KSTDC)
The objective in X Plan was to construct project West Bengal for extension of the Calcutta metro and with
for running such a luxury tourist train. The costs and the
oriented lines to serve new industries, complete missing Govt. of Tamil Nadu for development of Mass Rapid Transit revenue in these projects are shared by the Railways and the
links for developing alternative routes, lines required for System at Chennai. participating State on a predetermined ratio.
strategic reasons, lines for establishment of new growth
centres and to develop backward areas. About 1310 kms. of
However, the achievement on this front is likely to be around X PLAN
613 kms. only during the first three years of the X Plan. Expected acquisition of Rolling Stock during X Plan is
given below:- Indian Railways is operating in the core sector of the
One additional project of Udhampur Srinagar- economy and to strengthen, modernise and expand the
Baramulla has also been taken up as national project at a cost Original Revised network, it seeks to attract private capital as also State
of about Rs. 5000 crores, which is to be funded outside the targets targets funding in the following categories of rail projects viz.
Railway plan. Proposed Proposed projects for port connectivity, Gauge Conversion,
by Railways now Connectivity to Remote/Backward areas-New Lines,
Signalling is an area where modernization and
replacement are urgently needed. In an era of quantum Diesel Locomotives 444 655 Doubling, Electrification and Suburban Transportation.
technological advancement resulting in better equipment & Electric Locomotives 343 481 (i) A Joint Venture named K-RIDE (Rail
providing greater safety through technical aids, e.g. Infrastructure Development (Karnataka) Limited
provision of Auxiliary Warning System (A WS) etc., a total Coaches (conventional) 9,160 9,160
has been formed jointly with the State
of Rs. 1600 crores outlay was proposed in the X Plan. The EMUs 1,965 1 745 Government of Karnataka for early completion of
provisionally estimated expenditure would exceed the
Wagons (FWUs) 65,000 94,214 four identified projects in the State of Karnataka.
proposed outlay.
K-RIDE will execute these projects through
Project Specific SPVs. First such SPV named
HMRDC (Hassan - Mangalore Rail Development Railways, for execution of six projects estimated

POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR PRIVATE Co.) has been formed with equity participation
from Ministry of Railways, Government of
at Rs. 1997 crores. Two-thirds of the project cost
will be borne by the State Government and one-
Karnataka and K-RIDE. Strategic partners and third by the Ministry of Railways. These projects
PARTICIPATION IN RAILWAYS other financial institutions will also take part in will be completed in a time-frame of five years.
the equity contribution. Besides, Government of
(iv) Apart from participating in MRVC (Mumbai Rail
Karnataka has agreed for funding of three rail
BOLT/BOT SCHEME Vikas Corporation), Maharastra Government
projects by contributing two-thirds of the cost.
through CIDCO is contributing two-third of the
Projects identified for taking up under BOLT Scheme
(ii) The Government of Tamil Nadu is also
were Gauge Conversion, Doubling of existing single lines,
continuing to share two-thirds of the cost of Mass
electrification projects, telecom projects, supply of rolling
Rapid Transport System Project between
stock such as wagons and passenger coaches, diesel and
Thirumayilai and Vellacherry; it has also been
electric locos, supply of tracks, machines etc. The scheme
had not been successful. The new BOT scheme, with features agreed to contribute 50 percent of the cost of
which are more investor-friendly, is to be put on trial for 2 Salem - Cuddalore Gauge Conversion Project and
projects. Meanwhile, a copy of the draft model documents Chennai Beach - Tambaram - Chengleput
has been sent to some zonal Railways, to facilitate Suburban Gauge Conversion project.
compilation of the requisite technical and other details, between Railway, Concessionare and financier, - a feature (iii) Among other significant developments regarding
which are to form part of the BOT tender for these 2 projects. which was absent in the earlier BOLT scheme, this scheme is partnership with State Governments for funding
With role of financier being recognized and comfort being likely to provide substantial investment by private agencies of projects, is the signing of a MOU between
provided to financier by means of tri-partite arrangement in infrastructural projects, where the BOLT scheme failed.
Government of Jharkhand and Ministry of

10 11
Regarding electrification of routes, objective of the X Keeping in view the massive transport requirements of Luxury Tourist Trains
Plan was to complete the ongoing works, to take up the metropolises, the Railways propose to continue
The Railways run luxury tourist trains in collaboration
electrification of the remaining un-electrified sections of the investment in projects already on hand and complete all the with the State Tourism Departments e.g. the Palace on Wheels
golden quadrilateral as also to cover certain missing links. on-going projects. A joint venture with the Govt. of in collaboration with the Rajasthan Tourism Corporation
Conversion of 1500 VDC suburban system in Mumbai area
Maharashtra under the auspices of MRVC (Maharashtra (RTDC), the Royal Orient Express with the Tourism
(CR &WR) to 25 KV AC was planned in the IXth Plan as it is
Rail Vikas Corporation) is already underway for Corporation of Gujarat Ltd. (TCGL) and the Deccan Odyssey
no longer possible to increase the frequency of the suburban
implementing new projects of the Mumbai suburban in collaboration with the Maharashtra Tourism Development
services on the DC system as it is not capable of taking any
network. Similar joint ventures are also on with Govt. of Corporation (MTDC). An MOO has also been signed with the
additional electric load is progressing well.
Karnataka State Tourism Development Corporation (KSTDC)
The objective in X Plan was to construct project West Bengal for extension of the Calcutta metro and with
for running such a luxury tourist train. The costs and the
oriented lines to serve new industries, complete missing Govt. of Tamil Nadu for development of Mass Rapid Transit revenue in these projects are shared by the Railways and the
links for developing alternative routes, lines required for System at Chennai. participating State on a predetermined ratio.
strategic reasons, lines for establishment of new growth
centres and to develop backward areas. About 1310 kms. of
However, the achievement on this front is likely to be around X PLAN
613 kms. only during the first three years of the X Plan. Expected acquisition of Rolling Stock during X Plan is
given below:- Indian Railways is operating in the core sector of the
One additional project of Udhampur Srinagar- economy and to strengthen, modernise and expand the
Baramulla has also been taken up as national project at a cost Original Revised network, it seeks to attract private capital as also State
of about Rs. 5000 crores, which is to be funded outside the targets targets funding in the following categories of rail projects viz.
Railway plan. Proposed Proposed projects for port connectivity, Gauge Conversion,
by Railways now Connectivity to Remote/Backward areas-New Lines,
Signalling is an area where modernization and
replacement are urgently needed. In an era of quantum Diesel Locomotives 444 655 Doubling, Electrification and Suburban Transportation.
technological advancement resulting in better equipment & Electric Locomotives 343 481 (i) A Joint Venture named K-RIDE (Rail
providing greater safety through technical aids, e.g. Infrastructure Development (Karnataka) Limited
provision of Auxiliary Warning System (A WS) etc., a total Coaches (conventional) 9,160 9,160
has been formed jointly with the State
of Rs. 1600 crores outlay was proposed in the X Plan. The EMUs 1,965 1 745 Government of Karnataka for early completion of
provisionally estimated expenditure would exceed the
Wagons (FWUs) 65,000 94,214 four identified projects in the State of Karnataka.
proposed outlay.
K-RIDE will execute these projects through
Project Specific SPVs. First such SPV named
HMRDC (Hassan - Mangalore Rail Development Railways, for execution of six projects estimated

POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR PRIVATE Co.) has been formed with equity participation
from Ministry of Railways, Government of
at Rs. 1997 crores. Two-thirds of the project cost
will be borne by the State Government and one-
Karnataka and K-RIDE. Strategic partners and third by the Ministry of Railways. These projects
PARTICIPATION IN RAILWAYS other financial institutions will also take part in will be completed in a time-frame of five years.
the equity contribution. Besides, Government of
(iv) Apart from participating in MRVC (Mumbai Rail
Karnataka has agreed for funding of three rail
BOLT/BOT SCHEME Vikas Corporation), Maharastra Government
projects by contributing two-thirds of the cost.
through CIDCO is contributing two-third of the
Projects identified for taking up under BOLT Scheme
(ii) The Government of Tamil Nadu is also
were Gauge Conversion, Doubling of existing single lines,
continuing to share two-thirds of the cost of Mass
electrification projects, telecom projects, supply of rolling
Rapid Transport System Project between
stock such as wagons and passenger coaches, diesel and
Thirumayilai and Vellacherry; it has also been
electric locos, supply of tracks, machines etc. The scheme
had not been successful. The new BOT scheme, with features agreed to contribute 50 percent of the cost of
which are more investor-friendly, is to be put on trial for 2 Salem - Cuddalore Gauge Conversion Project and
projects. Meanwhile, a copy of the draft model documents Chennai Beach - Tambaram - Chengleput
has been sent to some zonal Railways, to facilitate Suburban Gauge Conversion project.
compilation of the requisite technical and other details, between Railway, Concessionare and financier, - a feature (iii) Among other significant developments regarding
which are to form part of the BOT tender for these 2 projects. which was absent in the earlier BOLT scheme, this scheme is partnership with State Governments for funding
With role of financier being recognized and comfort being likely to provide substantial investment by private agencies of projects, is the signing of a MOU between
provided to financier by means of tri-partite arrangement in infrastructural projects, where the BOLT scheme failed.
Government of Jharkhand and Ministry of

10 11
cost of rail projects being executed in New including grant of advertising rights on the · Commercial utilisation of the Railways Right of
Mumbai area, viz. Belapur - Panvel Doubling, wagons and selected passenger trains, advertising Way proposed to be achieved by completing a
T h a n e - Tu r b h e - N e r u l - Va s h i l i n e a n d rights at level crossing gates and additionally nationwide, broad band telecom and multi media
Belapur/Nerul-Seawood Uran line. advertising at Railway stations. net work by laying optical fibre cables.
(v) Government of West Bengal have agreed to share
one-third of the cost of the extension of Metro
Railway from Tolly Ganj to Garia GLOSSARY
(vi) An MOU has also been signed with the
Government of AP for development of the Multi-
modal Urban Transport System in the twin cities
of Hyderabad and Secundrabad through Joint
Venture. Train services have been introduced. An
SPV is proposed to be set up for managing the
(vii) A Special Purpose Vehicle named PRCL Mundra ports, Government of Gujarat and
(Pipavav Railway Corporation Limited) which RVNL are equity holders.
was formed with equal equity participation from
Implementation of certain Port Connectivity
Ministry of Railways and GPPL (Gujarat
works under National Rail Vikas Yojana through
Pipavav Port Limited) for construction,
Public-Private Partnership is being explored by
Operations and Maintenance of Surendranagar-
Rail Vikas Nigam Limited.
Pipavav Broad Gauge line, has implemented
Surendranagar - Pipavav Gauge conversion/New Besides non conventional sources of revenue are also
Line project. The construction of this line has being tapped to supplement the internal generation of funds
been completed and thrown open for Goods which are: -
Traffic since March 2003. Earlier, connectivity of
· Commercial utilisation of Railway land and its
Mundra Port on the West Coast to the Broad
surrounding - this envisages identification of
Gauge network of Indian Railways has already
certain station building and wagon loads in prime
been effected. Gandhidham - Palanpur gauge Passenger Kilometre A passenger transported over one Km.
areas for advertisement as station-cum-
conversion is being implemented through
commercial complexes. Net Tonne Kilometre Payload of one tonne carried over one Km.
involvement of Kandla and Mundra ports. Kutch
railway Company, SPV formed with Kandla and Gross Tonne Kilometre A tonne, including payload, tare and weight of engine, carried over one Km.
· Revenue through commercial publicity,
Revenue Earning Traffic Traffic which is paid for by consignor or consignee.
Non-Revenue Traffic Traffic conveyed free for working the Railways.
Lead Average haul of a passenger or a tonne of freight.
Net Load Payload of passengers, luggage or goods carried by a vehicle or a train.
Wagon Turn-around Interval of time between two successive loadings of a wagon.
Train Kilometre Movement of a train over one Km.
Engine Kilometre Movement of an engine under its own power over one Km.
Vehicle/Wagon Kilometre Movement of a vehicle/wagon over one km.
Loaded wagon kilometer Movement of a wagon, including departmental, loaded with goods over one Km.
Route kilometer The distance between two points on a Railway system treating all lines (double, treble etc.) as a
single line.
Running Track Kilometre The distance of multiple tracks (excluding track in sidings, yards and crossings at stations) i.e.
double, treble etc., taken as two, three or more, as the. case may be.
Track Kilometre The distance of running track kilometer and tracks in sidings, yards and crossings at stations.

12 13
cost of rail projects being executed in New including grant of advertising rights on the · Commercial utilisation of the Railways Right of
Mumbai area, viz. Belapur - Panvel Doubling, wagons and selected passenger trains, advertising Way proposed to be achieved by completing a
T h a n e - Tu r b h e - N e r u l - Va s h i l i n e a n d rights at level crossing gates and additionally nationwide, broad band telecom and multi media
Belapur/Nerul-Seawood Uran line. advertising at Railway stations. net work by laying optical fibre cables.
(v) Government of West Bengal have agreed to share
one-third of the cost of the extension of Metro
Railway from Tolly Ganj to Garia GLOSSARY
(vi) An MOU has also been signed with the
Government of AP for development of the Multi-
modal Urban Transport System in the twin cities
of Hyderabad and Secundrabad through Joint
Venture. Train services have been introduced. An
SPV is proposed to be set up for managing the
(vii) A Special Purpose Vehicle named PRCL Mundra ports, Government of Gujarat and
(Pipavav Railway Corporation Limited) which RVNL are equity holders.
was formed with equal equity participation from
Implementation of certain Port Connectivity
Ministry of Railways and GPPL (Gujarat
works under National Rail Vikas Yojana through
Pipavav Port Limited) for construction,
Public-Private Partnership is being explored by
Operations and Maintenance of Surendranagar-
Rail Vikas Nigam Limited.
Pipavav Broad Gauge line, has implemented
Surendranagar - Pipavav Gauge conversion/New Besides non conventional sources of revenue are also
Line project. The construction of this line has being tapped to supplement the internal generation of funds
been completed and thrown open for Goods which are: -
Traffic since March 2003. Earlier, connectivity of
· Commercial utilisation of Railway land and its
Mundra Port on the West Coast to the Broad
surrounding - this envisages identification of
Gauge network of Indian Railways has already
certain station building and wagon loads in prime
been effected. Gandhidham - Palanpur gauge Passenger Kilometre A passenger transported over one Km.
areas for advertisement as station-cum-
conversion is being implemented through
commercial complexes. Net Tonne Kilometre Payload of one tonne carried over one Km.
involvement of Kandla and Mundra ports. Kutch
railway Company, SPV formed with Kandla and Gross Tonne Kilometre A tonne, including payload, tare and weight of engine, carried over one Km.
· Revenue through commercial publicity,
Revenue Earning Traffic Traffic which is paid for by consignor or consignee.
Non-Revenue Traffic Traffic conveyed free for working the Railways.
Lead Average haul of a passenger or a tonne of freight.
Net Load Payload of passengers, luggage or goods carried by a vehicle or a train.
Wagon Turn-around Interval of time between two successive loadings of a wagon.
Train Kilometre Movement of a train over one Km.
Engine Kilometre Movement of an engine under its own power over one Km.
Vehicle/Wagon Kilometre Movement of a vehicle/wagon over one km.
Loaded wagon kilometer Movement of a wagon, including departmental, loaded with goods over one Km.
Route kilometer The distance between two points on a Railway system treating all lines (double, treble etc.) as a
single line.
Running Track Kilometre The distance of multiple tracks (excluding track in sidings, yards and crossings at stations) i.e.
double, treble etc., taken as two, three or more, as the. case may be.
Track Kilometre The distance of running track kilometer and tracks in sidings, yards and crossings at stations.

12 13

Add. Member (Projects)
Room No. 561, Rail Bhavan
New Delhi-110 001
Tel: 91-11-2338 6334/2330 3624
Fax: 91-11-2330 3978

Director (Information and Publicity)

Ministry of Railways
303, Rail Bhawan
New Delhi - 110001
Tel: 91-11-2338 1224
Fax: 91-11-2338 1224


Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion
Secretariat for Industrial Assistance (SIA)
Joint Secretary (SIA)
Tel: 011-2301 1983
Fax: 011-2301 1034
E-mail: [email protected]

(Investment Promotion & Infrastructure
Development Cell)
Tel: 011-2301 4218
E-mail: [email protected]


Visit SIA Website http://www.dipp.nic.in

For updated and other related information

14 15

Add. Member (Projects)
Room No. 561, Rail Bhavan
New Delhi-110 001
Tel: 91-11-2338 6334/2330 3624
Fax: 91-11-2330 3978

Director (Information and Publicity)

Ministry of Railways
303, Rail Bhawan
New Delhi - 110001
Tel: 91-11-2338 1224
Fax: 91-11-2338 1224


Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion
Secretariat for Industrial Assistance (SIA)
Joint Secretary (SIA)
Tel: 011-2301 1983
Fax: 011-2301 1034
E-mail: [email protected]

(Investment Promotion & Infrastructure
Development Cell)
Tel: 011-2301 4218
E-mail: [email protected]


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