THE Title: First Author, Second Author, Third Author

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First Author a,*, Second Author a, b, Third Author b

First affiliation institution
First affiliation address, City, Country, e-mail
Second affiliation institution
Second affiliation address, City, Country, e-mail

Write your abstract here and the does not exceed 200 words.
Keywords: keywords contain three to five words/phrases separated with coma.

I. INTRODUCTION B. Writing Format

This guideline is a template for writing the The title and abstract should be in one column
manuscript for Journal SCOG submission and while the main text should be in two columns.
this guideline is available online at Author Title may not exceed 60 characters and spaces,
Guideline page on Journal SCOG official website title case, small caps, centered, bold, font type
at: Times New Roman (TNR), font size 14, and single spaced. Abstract contains neither pictures
/SCOG/about/submissions#authorGuidelines. nor tables, justified, in 11 TNR, single spaced,
Authors are allowed to modify this template for and should not exceed 200 words. Keywords
submission manuscript purpose. should be justified, 10 TNR and single spaced.
The main text of the writing should be in two
II. WRITING LAYOUT columns with 1 cm colom spacing, justified, 11
TNR, first line indent 5 mm, and single spaced.
Manuscript should be written in English and
be submitted online via journal website. Author C. Section Headings
must login, and if not a user? please register at
site in order to make submission. Online Heading should be made in four levels. Level
registration not will be charged. five cannot be accepted.
1) Heading Level 1
A. Soft Copy Submission Heading 1 should be written in title case,
small caps, left aligned, bold, 14 TNR, single
All manuscripts must be prepared and spaced, and Roman numbered followed by dot
submitted according to the guidelines of this 2) Heading Level 2
section. Manuscript should be contains at least Heading 2: should be written title case, left
2.000 words and should not exceed 10 pages aligned, bold, 11 TNR, single spaced, Capital
including embedded figures and tables, contain numbered followed by dot
no appendix, and the file should be in format 3) Heading Level 3
Microsoft Office (.doc/.docx). Paper should be in Heading 3: should be written title case, left
prepared in A4 paper using 2.5 cm for inside aligned, italic, 11 TNR, single spaced, numbered
margin and 2 cm for top, bottom, and outside by number followed by closed bracket
margin. No need to alter page number in this a) Heading level 4
template as the page number will be reordered at Heading 4 is not recommended, however,
preprinting process. it could still be accepted with the format
of: sentence case, left indent 5 mm,
hanging indent 5 mm, italic, 11 TNR,
© 2016 R&D Centre for Oil and Gas Technology LEMIGAS All rights reserved
Title of Your Paper, First Author et al. / Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas

single spaced, numbered by small cap be limited to the minimum information necessary
followed by closed bracket. to give an appropriate perspective. The
b) Heading Level 5 introduction may not be subdivided and extra
Heading Level 5 cannot be accepted in the spacing between paragraphs is not permitted here
manuscript. or throughout the text.

III. WRITING STRUCTURE E. Matrial and Methods

Manuscripts are to be organized in the This section should give sufficient

following format and sequence, with all pages, information to permit repetition of the study by
beginning with that for the running head, others. Methods and apparatus used should be
numbered consecutively. indicated, but specific brand names and models
need to be mentioned only if significant. The
source, e.g., city and state, both spelled in full, of
A. Title special equipment or chemicals should also be
given. Previously published or standard
Immediately after the running head give the
techniques are to be referenced, but not detailed.
title of the article, names of authors, and address Generic descriptions should be given for unusual
of the first author. Include the email address, in compounds used.
italics, of the corresponding author only. The title The primary heading for this section should
and authors’ names should be in bold type, and be typed in all bold capital letters and started at
the same font size as the text. All other
the left-hand margin of the page. The heading is
information should be in Times New Roman type. unnumbered and ends without punctuation.
Titles should be short and descriptive.. Second-level headings in bold type should be on
a separate line beginning at the left-hand margin.
B. Abstract The initial letter of the first word is the only
capital letter except capitals needed for proper
This should follow directly after the author’s nouns. These headings are unnumbered and end
address with no additional spacing between them.
without punctuation. Third-level headings are
You should provide an abstract of the paper that
indented for a paragraph, italicized, and end with
does not exceed 200 words. The abstract should a colon, also italicized. The initial letter of the
be factual (as opposed to indicative) and should first word is the only capital letter, except capitals
outline the objective, methods used, conclusions,
needed for proper nouns. Text is run in
and significance of the study. The abstract is immediately following this heading. Further
headed with the word abstract, indented, and subdivision should not be needed. If the materials
typed in bold capital letters, ending with a colon and methods section is short, it should not be
also in bold type. Text is run in after the colon, is subdivided; it is unnecessary to provide headings,
not subdivided, and does not contain literature beyond the primary head, for a series of
citations. subsections comprising single paragraphs.
C. Keywords
F. Result and Discussion
The keywords should be avoiding general and Results section should contain a concise
plural terms and multiple concepts. Be sparing account of the new information. Tables and
with abbreviations: only abbreviations firmly figures are to be used as appropriate, but
established in the field may be eligible. These
information presented in them should not be
keywords will be used for indexing purposes repeated in the text. Avoid detailing methods and
interpreting results in this section. The results
D. Introduction section may be subdivided and headed as for the
materials and methods section.
The introduction should follow the abstract Discussion An interpretation and explanation
and should be un-headed. The introduction of the relationship of the results to existing
should establish the con-text of the paper by knowledge should appear in the discussion
stating the general field of interest, presenting section. Emphasis should be placed on the
findings of others that will be challenged or important new findings, and new hypotheses
developed, and specifying the specific question to
should be identified clearly. The primary heading
be addressed. Accounts of previous work should
First Author et al. / Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology XX (20XX) XX-XX

and subdivisions, if needed, in this section are as B. Figures

described for the materials and methods section. All figure captions are to appear consecutively,
in sequence, directly after the literature cited
G. Conclusions section. Do not place figure captions on the same
page as the figures. Each figure or plate of
They must be supported by fact or data. figures must have a caption. The caption is
Conclusions are presented in brief considering written in paragraph style, beginning with the
the topic of the article, the purposes and word ‘‘FIGURE.’’ Captions are typed in roman.
objectives. They must not be presented in For plates, a summary statement should pre-cede
pointers. the specific explanation of each figure. Avoid
repeating information for each figure that can be
H. Acknowledgements placed in the summary statement. Species names
are spelled out in full the first time used in each
These should be concise. Ethics require that caption. The caption must contain an explanation
colleagues be consulted before being of all abbreviations used on the figures and
acknowledged for their assistance in the study. indicate the value of lines or bars used to show
The heading for this section is as for the primary size (unless the value is shown directly on the
head described for the materials and methods figure). Size should not be indicated by
section. Subdivisions are not used in this section. magnification in the caption because the figure
might not be printed at the size calculated.
IV. MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION Figures are numbered consecutively in the
sequence mentioned in the text. Non
A. Table parenthetical references to figures in the text are
Tables are used only to present data that not abbreviated, i.e., Figure 1; Figures 1, 2;
cannot be incorporated conveniently into the text. Figures 1–3; references to figures in parentheses
Ordinarily values from statistical tests are not in the text are abbreviated, i.e., Fig. 1, Figs. 1, 2;
published as tables; tests employed and Figs. 1–3. All symbols used in a figure must be
probability accepted for significance can be defined when possible by a key within the body
stated in the materials and methods section with of the figure. Style, including the form of
significant differences indicated in tables by abbreviation, must be that used in the Journal.
footnotes or in the text by a statement. Figures may be used singly or grouped in a
Tables must be designed to fit in 1 or 2 plate. In either case, the originals must be
columns. Only rarely may they be designed to fit mounted on illustration board with a margin of at
the height of a printed page. Generally, if the least 25 mm on all sides. Photographs and line
width does not fit the height of a typed page, the drawings may not be combined in a single plate.
table is too wide. Tables may be continued on If such a composition is necessary, the additional
following pages to accommodate length, but expense may be billed to the author. All figures
pages may not be taped together, photo-reduced, are to be identified on the back by author name
single-spaced, oversized, or otherwise modified and figure number with the top indicated. Single
to contain more material. figures are not numbered on the front, but each
Tables are numbered with Roman numerals in figure in a plate must include a number or letter,
a continuous series and so referenced, in applied directly to the figure and, when possible,
sequence, in the text. Captions are typed above without an added background. Figures arranged
the data on the same page. All columns in a table to form a plate are to be abutted tightly without
must have headings, with the first letter of the space or masking between.
first word and proper nouns capitalized, e.g.,
Number sampled, % Recaptured. C. Mathematical Equation
Horizontal lines should be avoided in the Mathematical equation should be clearly
body of the table; vertical lines are not permitted. written, numbered orderly, and accompanied with
If such symbols are necessary, the table must be any information needed. They should also be
prepared as a line drawing and treated as a figure. separated from the surrounding text.
Use of letters and numbers as superscripts or ∞
subscripts is not permitted. Table designations 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑎0 + ∑ (𝑎𝑛 + 𝑏𝑛 sin ) (1)
𝑛=1 𝐿
must be used in the obligate sequence.
Where 𝑓(𝑥) is notation explanation, 𝑎0 is
notation explanation, and so on.
Title of Your Paper, First Author et al. / Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas

D. Literature Cited Information

All literatures used as references must be cited Systems:
in text, and vice versa all literatures cited in text Managing the
must be written as references. References should Digital Firm,
be at least ten sources highly related to the topic Prentice Hall,
with the following conditions: Upper Saddle
• 80% of the references must be published River, New
within the last five years. Jersey.
• 80% of the references must be in the Three In-text: Coveney, M.,
category of primary sources (i.e., journal, Authors initially Ganster, S. &
published proceeding, thesis, dissertation). (Coveney, King, D., 2003,
• Multiple publications for same author Ganster & The Strategy
- Same author; different years Normal King 2003) Gap: Leveraging
conventions (author, year, title, etc). In-text: Technology to
- Same author; same year More than one thereafter Execute Winning
reference by an author in the same year: (Coveney et Strategies,
these are distinguished in order of al. 2003) Wiley, Hoboken,
publication using a lower-case New Jersey.
alphabetical suffix after the year of More (Bond et al. Bond, W.R.,
publication (eg 1988a, 1988b, 1988c, than 2011) Smith, J.T.,
etc). The same suffix is used to Three Brown, K.L. &
distinguish that reference for the in-text Authors George, M.,
citations. 2011,
• The List of References is ordered Management of
alphabetically by primary authors' Small Firms,
surnames. McGraw-Hill,
- Multiple authors. Use the sequence of Sydney.
authors' surnames exactly as given in Corporate In-text: Department of
the publication. The primary author, i.e., Author initially Foreign Affairs
major contributor, is listed first by the (Department and Trade, 2002,
publisher. of Foreign Connecting with
- Same author: Different years: list the Affairs and Asia's Tech
author's references chronologically, Trade 2002) Future: ICT
starting with the earliest date. Same In-text: Export
year: use an alphabetical suffix (e.g. thereafter Opportunities,
1983a, 1983b). (DFAT Economic
2002) Analytical Unit,
Examples: Commonwealth
 Book Canberra.
Type of Citing in Writing
Book Text References  Journal, Proceeding, Thesis and
Single At the end Holt, D.H., Dissertation: Citing a journal,
Author of the 1997, proceeding, thesis and dissertation in
sentence: Management text should be written in the same way
(Holt 2010) Principles and as citing a book
At the Practices, Type of Citing in Writing
beginning Prentice-Hall, Source Text References
of the Sydney. Journal In the Conley, T.G. &
sentence: Article: middle or at Galeson, D.W.,
Holt (2010) Printed the end of 1998, 'Nativity
wrote that... Journal the sentence: and Wealth in
Two (Laudon & Laudon, K.C. & (Conley & mid-nineteenth
Authors Laudon Laudon, J.P., Galeson Century Cities',
2003) 2003, Essentials 1998) Journal of
of Management At the Economic
First Author et al. / Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology XX (20XX) XX-XX

beginning of History, vol. 58, Portal: ACM

the sentence: no. 2, pp. 468- Digital Library.
Conley & 493. [24 June 2004].
Galeson Conference (Brown & Brown, S &
(1998) stated Proceeding: Caste 2009) Caste, V 2009,
that... Unpublished 'Integrated
Journal (Liveris Liveris, A., 2011, Obstacle
Article: 2011) 'Ethics as a Detection
Electronic Strategy', Framework'.
Database Leadership Paper presented
Excellence, vol. at the IEEE
28, no. 2, pp.17- Intelligent
18. Available Vehicles
from: Proquest Symposium,
[23 June 2011]. IEEE, Detroit
Conference (Eidenberger, Eidenberger, H., MI.
Proceeding: Breiteneder Breiteneder, C. Thesis or (Hos 2005) Hos, J.P., 2005,
Print & Hitz 2002) & Hitz, M., Dissertation: Mechanochemica
2002, 'A Unpublished lly Synthesized
Framework for Nanomaterials
Visual for Intermediate
Information Temperature
Retrieval', in S- Solid Oxide Fuel
K. Chang, Z. Cell Membranes.
Chen & S-Y.Lee Ph.D.
(eds.), Recent dissertation,
Advances in University of
Visual Western
Information Australia.
Systems: 5th Thesis or (May 2007) May, B., 2007, A
International Dissertation: Survey of Radial
Conference, Published Velocities in the
VISUAL 2002 Zodiacal Dust
Proceedings, Cloud. Bristol
Hsin Chu, UK, Canopus
Taiwan, March Publishing.
11-13, 2002, pp. Thesis or (Baril 2006) Baril, M., 2006,
105-116. Dissertation: A Distributed
Conference (Fan, Gordon Fan, W, Gordon, Retrieved Conceptual
Proceeding: & Pathak MD & Pathak, R from a Model for Stream
Electronic 2000) 2000, Database Salinity
'Personalization Generation
of Search Engine Processes: A
Services for Systematic Data-
Effective based Approach.
Retrieval and WU2006.0058.
Knowledge Available from:
Management', Australasian
Proceedings of Digital Theses
the Twenty-first Program. [12
International August 2008].
Conference on
Systems, pp. 20-
34. Available
from: ACM
Title of Your Paper, First Author et al. / Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas

 World Wide Web Journal of Plant

Type of Citing in Writing Sciences vol. 164,
Source Text References no. 4, pp. 535-
Document According Greenpeace n.d., 542, viewed on 10
on the to The Future Is GE September 2003,
WWW Greenpeace Free, viewed 28 from
(author/spo (n.d.), September 2005,
nsor given genetically from
but not modified PS/journal/no.s/v
dated) foods are 164n4/164053/16
… or rming/canola.html 4053.html.
Greenpeace . Maps: (, 1999,
(n.d.:1 of 2)
Note: The title Online 1999) Bhutan, viewed
recommend of a webpage is 11 September
s that
treated like the 2003, from
‘fewer title of a book. It
geneticallyis written in com/cgi-
…’. italics in the bin/search/hypers
reference list. eek.cgi?search=C
Identifiable (Arch & Arch, A. & AT&Category=A
, personal Letourneau Letourneau, C., sia%3ABhutanP&
author 2002) 2002, 'Auxiliary Qualifier=
Benefits of
Accessible Web  Other Sources
Design', in W3C Type of Citing in Text Writing
Web Accessibility Source References
Initiative, viewed Maps: (Viking O'Neil Viking O'Neil,
26 February 2004, Print 1991:32-33) 1991, Australian
from Road Atlas, 10th edition., Penguin
g/WAI/bcase/ben Books Australia,
efits.html. Melbourne, pp.
E-book (Eck 2002) Eck, D.J., 2002, 32-33.
Introduction To Govern (Department Department of
Programming ment of Education, Education,
Using Java, 3rd Publicat Science & Science &
edition., ion Training 2000) Training, 2000,, Annual Report
viewed 26 1999-2000,
February 2004, AGPS, Canberra.
from Department of Immigration and Multicultural
uments/IntroToPr Affairs 2001,
ogrammingUsingJ Immigration:
ava/VolumeFr Federation to
ames.html. Century's End
E-journal (Mueller , Mueller, J.K., 1901-2000,
Heckathorn Heckathorn, S.A. Statistics Section,
& Fernando & Fernando, D., Business Branch,
2003) 2003, Department of
'Identification of a Immigration and
chloroplast Multicultural
dehydrin in leaves Affairs, Canberra.
of mature plants',
First Author et al. / Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology XX (20XX) XX-XX

E. Header, Footer, and Hyperlink Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade,

Header and footer including page number 2002, Connecting with Asia's Tech Future: ICT
must not be used. All hypertext links and section Export Opportunities, Economic Analytical Unit,
bookmarks will be removed from papers. If you Commonwealth Government, Canberra.
need to refer to an Internet email address or URL Eidenberger, H., Breiteneder, C. & Hitz,
in your paper, you must type out the address or M., 2002, 'A Framework for Visual Information
URL fully in Regular font. Retrieval', in S-K. Chang, Z. Chen & S-Y.Lee
(eds.), Recent Advances in Visual Information
V. CONCLUSIONS Systems: 5th International Conference, VISUAL
They must be supported by fact or data. 2002 Proceedings, Hsin Chu, Taiwan, March 11-
Conclusions are presented in brief considering 13, 2002, pp. 105-116.
the topic of the article, the purposes and Fan, W, Gordon, MD & Pathak, R 2000,
objectives. They must not be presented in 'Personalization of Search Engine Services for
pointers. Effective Retrieval and Knowledge Management',
Proceedings of the Twenty-first International
ACKNOWLEDGE Conference on Information Systems, pp. 20-34.
These should be concise. Ethics require that Available from: ACM Portal: ACM Digital
colleagues be consulted before being Library. [24 June 2004].
acknowledged for their assistance in the study. Holt, D.H., 1997, Management Principles
The heading for this section is as for the primary and Practices, Prentice-Hall, Sydney G. O.
head described for the materials and methods Young, “Synthetic structure,” in Plastics, 2nd ed.,
section. Subdivisions are not used in this section. vol. 3, J. Peters, Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill,
1964, pp. 15–64.
REFERENCES Hos, J.P., 2005, Mechanochemically
Arch, A. & Letourneau, C., 2002, Synthesized Nanomaterials for Intermediate
'Auxiliary Benefits of Accessible Web Design', in Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Membranes.
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative, viewed 26 Ph.D. dissertation, University of Western
February 2004, from Australia. Laudon, K.C. & Laudon, J.P., 2003,
Bond, W.R., Smith, J.T., Brown, K.L. & Essentials of Management Information Systems:
George, M., 2011, Management of Small Firms, Managing the Digital Firm, Prentice Hall, Upper
McGraw-Hill, Sydney. Saddle River, New Jersey.E. P. Wigner, “Theory
Brown, S & Caste, V 2009, 'Integrated of traveling-wave optical laser,” Phys. Rev., vol.
Obstacle Detection Framework'. Paper presented 134, pp. A635–A646, Dec. 1965.
at the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Liveris, A., 2011, 'Ethics as a Strategy',
IEEE, Detroit MI. Leadership Excellence, vol. 28, no. 2, pp.17-18.
Conley, T.G. & Galeson, D.W., 1998, Available from: Proquest [23 June 2011].
'Nativity and Wealth in mid-nineteenth Century Mueller, J.K., Heckathorn, S.A. &
Cities', Journal of Economic History, vol. 58, no. Fernando, D., 2003, 'Identification of a
2, pp. 468-493. chloroplast dehydrin in leaves of mature plants',
Coveney, M., Ganster, S. & King, D., 2003, International Journal of Plant Sciences vol. 164,
The Strategy Gap: Leveraging Technology to no. 4, pp. 535-542, viewed on 10 September
Execute Winning Strategies, Wiley, Hoboken, 2003, from
New Jersey.

 If possible, equalize columns on the last page 

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