THE Title: First Author, Second Author, Third Author
THE Title: First Author, Second Author, Third Author
THE Title: First Author, Second Author, Third Author
Write your abstract here and the does not exceed 200 words.
Keywords: keywords contain three to five words/phrases separated with coma.
This guideline is a template for writing the The title and abstract should be in one column
manuscript for Journal SCOG submission and while the main text should be in two columns.
this guideline is available online at Author Title may not exceed 60 characters and spaces,
Guideline page on Journal SCOG official website title case, small caps, centered, bold, font type
at: Times New Roman (TNR), font size 14, and single spaced. Abstract contains neither pictures
/SCOG/about/submissions#authorGuidelines. nor tables, justified, in 11 TNR, single spaced,
Authors are allowed to modify this template for and should not exceed 200 words. Keywords
submission manuscript purpose. should be justified, 10 TNR and single spaced.
The main text of the writing should be in two
II. WRITING LAYOUT columns with 1 cm colom spacing, justified, 11
TNR, first line indent 5 mm, and single spaced.
Manuscript should be written in English and
be submitted online via journal website. Author C. Section Headings
must login, and if not a user? please register at
site in order to make submission. Online Heading should be made in four levels. Level
registration not will be charged. five cannot be accepted.
1) Heading Level 1
A. Soft Copy Submission Heading 1 should be written in title case,
small caps, left aligned, bold, 14 TNR, single
All manuscripts must be prepared and spaced, and Roman numbered followed by dot
submitted according to the guidelines of this 2) Heading Level 2
section. Manuscript should be contains at least Heading 2: should be written title case, left
2.000 words and should not exceed 10 pages aligned, bold, 11 TNR, single spaced, Capital
including embedded figures and tables, contain numbered followed by dot
no appendix, and the file should be in format 3) Heading Level 3
Microsoft Office (.doc/.docx). Paper should be in Heading 3: should be written title case, left
prepared in A4 paper using 2.5 cm for inside aligned, italic, 11 TNR, single spaced, numbered
margin and 2 cm for top, bottom, and outside by number followed by closed bracket
margin. No need to alter page number in this a) Heading level 4
template as the page number will be reordered at Heading 4 is not recommended, however,
preprinting process. it could still be accepted with the format
of: sentence case, left indent 5 mm,
hanging indent 5 mm, italic, 11 TNR,
© 2016 R&D Centre for Oil and Gas Technology LEMIGAS All rights reserved
Title of Your Paper, First Author et al. / Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas
single spaced, numbered by small cap be limited to the minimum information necessary
followed by closed bracket. to give an appropriate perspective. The
b) Heading Level 5 introduction may not be subdivided and extra
Heading Level 5 cannot be accepted in the spacing between paragraphs is not permitted here
manuscript. or throughout the text.