Economic Analysis and Budget Impact of Clostridial Collagenase Ointment Compared With Medicinal Honey For Treatment of Pressure Ulcers in The US

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Economic analysis and budget impact of clostridial

collagenase ointment compared with medicinal
honey for treatment of pressure ulcers in the US
This article was published in the following Dove Press journal:
ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research
16 August 2017
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Elizabeth S Mearns 1 Objectives: Pressure ulcer (PU) treatment poses significant clinical and economic challenges
Michael Liang 1 to health-care systems. The aim of this study was to assess the cost-effectiveness and budget
Brendan L Limone 1 impact of enzymatic debridement with clostridial collagenase ointment (CCO) compared with
Adrienne M Gilligan 1 autolytic debridement with medicinal honey (MH) for PU treatment from a US payer/Medicare
perspective in the hospital outpatient department setting.
Jeffrey D Miller 1
Methods: A cost-effectiveness analysis using a Markov model was developed using a 1-week
Kathleen D Schaum 2
cycle length across a 1-year time horizon. The three health states were inflammation/senescence,
Curtis R Waycaster 2
granulation/proliferation (ie, patients achieving 100% granulation), and epithelialization. Data
Truven Health Analytics, an IBM sources included the US Wound Registry, Medicare fee schedules, and other published clinical
Company, Cambridge, MA, USA;
Smith & Nephew, Inc., Fort Worth, and cost studies about PU treatment.
TX, USA Results: In the base case analysis over a 1-year time horizon, CCO was the economically
dominant strategy (ie, simultaneously conferring greater benefit at less cost). Patients treated
with CCO experienced 22.7 quality-adjusted life weeks (QALWs) at a cost of $6,161 over 1
year, whereas MH patients experienced 21.9 QALWs at a cost of $7,149. Patients treated with
CCO achieved 11.5 granulation weeks and 6.0 epithelization weeks compared with 10.6 and
4.4 weeks for MH, respectively. The number of clinic visits was 40.1 for CCO vs 43.4 for MH,
and the number of debridements was 12.3 for CCO compared with 17.6 for MH. Probabilistic
sensitivity analyses determined CCO dominant in 72% of 10,000 iterations and cost-effective in
91%, assuming a benchmark willingness-to-pay threshold of $50,000/quality-adjusted life year
($962/QALW). The budget impact analysis showed that for every 1% of patients shifted from
MH to CCO, a cost savings of $9,883 over 1 year for a cohort of 1,000 patients was observed
by the payer.
Conclusion: The results of these economic analyses suggest that CCO is a cost-effective,
economically dominant alternative to MH in the treatment of patients with PUs in the hospital
outpatient department setting.
Keywords: cost-effectiveness, budget impact, pressure ulcer, debridement, clostridial col-
lagenase, outpatient

Pressure ulcers (PUs) contribute to significant morbidity and health-care costs among
institutionalized patients. The overall prevalence of PUs in US care settings is an esti-
Correspondence: Elizabeth S Mearns
Truven Health Analytics, an IBM mated 9.3% and is as high as 28.8% among patients in long-term acute care facilities.1
Company, 75 Binney Street, Cambridge, Patients who experience PUs report greater levels of pain,2 lower levels of health-related
MA 02142, USA
Tel +1 717 495 8043
quality of life,3 and require longer lengths of stay.4 The annual health-care costs attrib-
Email [email protected] uted to PUs in the US are an estimated $9.1–$11.8 billion.5 The Centers for Medicare

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and Medicaid Services (CMS) no longer reimburse hospitals yielded inconsistent results. To the authors’ knowledge, no
for the treatment of hospital-acquired stage III and IV PU.6 economic analyses have examined the cost-effectiveness of
Therefore, the added costs of PU treatment (an average of MH relative to CCO for the treatment of PUs.
$8,250–$20,311) can create a substantial financial burden This study aims to assess the cost-effectiveness and bud-
for hospitals.7 get impact of enzymatic debridement using CCO compared
The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel defines four with autolytic debridement with MH for PU treatment in the
stages of PUs based on the degree of tissue loss; exposure of hospital outpatient department (HOPD) setting.
subcutaneous fat, bone, tendon, and muscle; and the amount
of slough or eschar present.8 The management of PUs requires Methods
proper wound bed preparation,9 the selection of appropriate Model design
wound dressings to maintain a moist environment, and atten- A Markov model was constructed to assess the incremental
tion to proper nutrition.10 Wound bed preparation includes cost-effectiveness of CCO compared to MH for the treatment
debridement, the removal of nonviable and necrotic tissue of PU. The base case analyses assumed a cohort of adult
that impairs the reepithelialization processes necessary for patients (≥18 years) with PUs treated in a HOPD. The three
healing.11 Debridement also reduces the bacterial burden health states in the model included inflammation/senescence,
of the wound and exposes newer wound margin cells with granulation/proliferation (patients achieving 100% granula-
greater proliferative potentials.11 Debridement may be con- tion), and epithelialization (Figure 1). All patients entered
ducted through sharp, enzymatic, biological, mechanical, or the model in the inflammation/senescence health state and
autolytic methods.10 The selection of an appropriate method is then either could fail to progress clinically (stay in that health
guided by wound and patient characteristics as well as clini- state), achieve 100% granulation (transition to the second
cian and timing considerations.9 Compared with surgical and health state), or achieve epithelialization (absorbing health
mechanical debridement, enzymatic and autolytic methods state) during any of the 1-week cycles (Figure 2). Patients
have high degrees of selectivity, are easy to use, and are less transitioned to health states in the model in 1-week cycle
painful to patients.9 lengths based on transition probabilities derived from the US
Clostridial collagenase ointment (CCO) is an enzymatic Wound Registry (USWR).19 One-week cycle lengths were
debridement agent that selectively breaks downs the collagen chosen because treatment for wound care is centered around
in the extracellular matrix of necrotic tissue that anchors the weekly clinic visits, and physician evaluation and treatment
tissue to the wound.9 Furthermore, collagenase enhances actions emanate from these visits. The model terminated after
keratinocyte proliferation and migration, promoting epithe- a time horizon of 1 year or epithelialization (whichever came
lialization and a faster reduction in wound size.9 Economic first). The model was constructed from a US payer perspec-
analyses report that CCO is a cost-effective treatment for PU tive and assessed all costs in 2016 US dollars. Outcomes
debridement relative to treatment with autolytic hydrocol- evaluated included total 1-year costs, number of granula-
loid12 and hydrogel13 dressings. tion and epithelialization weeks, number of clinic visits and
Medicinal honey (MH) has been used since ancient times debridements, quality-adjusted life weeks (QALWs), and
for its antibacterial effect, acceleration of tissue growth incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs). The model,
and wound healing, and reduction of inflammation.14–18 It sensitivity analyses, and outcomes were constructed and
is thought to act as an autolytic debriding agent,14 though analyzed in TreeAge Pro 2016 (TreeAge Software, Inc.,
evidence of its effectiveness in this capacity is conflicting.15,16 Williamstown, MA, USA).
Cost-effectiveness studies comparing honey to usual care for Furthermore, the study developed a simple budget impact
the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers17 and venous foot ulcers18 model to estimate the financial impact of using CCO com-

Inflammation/ Granulation/
senescence proliferation Epithelialization

Figure 1 Three-state Markov diagram of wound healing.

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Surgical debridement

NPWT Selective debridement

No debridement
Clinic visit
Surgical debridement

Inflammation/ Selective debridement

No debridement
No visit
Pressure Treat with Granulation
ulcer CCO or MH NPWT No debridement
Clinic visit
No NPWT No debridement
No visit

Figure 2 Schematic representation of the Markov model.

Notes: All patients were treated with CCO or MH and entered the model in the “inflammation/senescence” health state. Based on healing rates from the US Wound
Registry, patients transitioned to the “granulation” health state until the “epithelialization” health state or the 1-year follow-up ended. Each health state is associated with a
cost and quality of life adjustment.
Abbreviations: CCO, clostridial collagenase ointment; MH, medicinal honey; NPWT, negative pressure wound therapy.

pared with MH for the treatment of PU over a time horizon diagnosis (International Classification of Diseases, Ninth
of 1 year. The budget impact model can provide clinicians Revision, Clinical Modification [ICD-9-CM] diagnosis
and decision-makers with guidance when selecting the CCO codes 707.00–707.07, 707.09, and 707.20–707.25) between
or MH therapeutic approach. A sample population of 1,000 January 2007 and December 2012. Patients were matched
patients was considered. to the corresponding honey-treated PUs (341 patients). In
total, there were 517 PUs in each group, with the majority
Health state transition probabilities of PUs being stage III or IV (17% were unstageable or stage
Health state transition probabilities were based on the II). Patients had at least one encounter with a PU diagnosis
observed rates from an analysis of patients from the after the index PU event and were followed from the index
USWR.19 The USWR is a nonprofit organization that pro- date until either 100% granulation or epithelialization or the
vides data on outcomes and resource utilization among end of the study period. CCO users had significantly fewer
patients with chronic, hard-to-heal wounds. Data are col- total clinic visits (9.1 vs 12.6; p<0.001), fewer total selective
lected from over 100 hospital-based outpatient clinics in the sharp debridements (2.7 vs 4.4; p<0.001), and fewer PUs
US and Puerto Rico as part of the CMS Physician Quality receiving negative-pressure wound therapy (NPWT) (29% vs
Reporting ­System.20 The USWR analysis used for the 38%; p=0.002) compared with MH. These results were used
transition probabilities in this analysis included 446 CCO- to calculate the weekly health state transition probabilities
treated patients with at least one encounter record with a PU in the model (Table 1).

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Table 1 Health state transition probabilities

Therapy 100% Granulation, Epithelialization, Clinic visits, NPWT, Debridement,
weekly weekly weekly weekly weeklya
CCO 0.0104 0.0064 0.8805 0.0198 0.3317
MH 0.0083 0.0046 0.9227 0.026 0.4422
Notes: aThe baseline case assumes that all debridements were surgical, while sensitivity analysis split the ratio of surgical debridement and selective debridement by the
observed ratio performed in additional analysis.
Abbreviations: CCO, clostridial collagenase ointment; MH, medicinal honey; NPWT, negative pressure wound therapy.

Health state utility values sensitivity analysis, the CCO usage was scaled down weekly
QALWs were calculated by multiplying the time spent in to coincide with reduction in the average wound size. This
a given health state (life weeks) by a utility value (a health was calculated based on the weighted average of the weekly
status score ranging from 0 [death] to 1 [perfect health]). wound size change for granulated patients and the average
In this model, utility values were obtained from the medi- weekly change for patients who did not granulate.19,23 The
cal literature.21 Patients with PU entered the model with a cost for MH was estimated using the density of MH (1.5 g/
baseline utility of 0.36 for the “inflammation/senescence” cm3), wholesale acquisition cost ($0.33/mL),22 and the aver-
health state; “granulation/proliferation” health state utility age wound size, assuming a 0.2-cm-thick application was
value was 0.68, and for “epithelialization”, it was 0.8. Utili- used to calculate the required amount, in grams, per applica-
ties associated with all health states were applied for the full tion. Once-daily application was assumed, the quantity was
1-week the patient remained in the particular health state. ­converted to mL/week required (10.92), and a weekly cost
was calculated of $3.60 per week for MH.
Our analysis was conducted from the perspective of a US payer/ Sensitivity analysis
Medicare, and costs were expressed in 2016 US dollars. When One-way sensitivity analysis was conducted to assess the
the physician only performed evaluation and management relative impact of each input parameter on the results of
(E&M) services, a level 3 established visit was assumed. When the model. Model parameters and assumptions were varied
the HOPD only performed a clinic visit, the charge for a level independently across predetermined ranges. Where available,
3 established clinic visit was assumed. When the physician 95% confidence intervals were used for the ranges.19 Monte
performed surgical or selective debridement, an E&M charge Carlo simulation (MCS) of 10,000 iterations was performed
was not assumed; the HOPD only billed the same surgical or to determine the joint uncertainty of model parameters. For
selective debridement even if they followed that debridement each variable in MCS, a triangle distribution was assumed
with nonselective (enzymatic) debridement. When the physi- (defined by a likeliest, low, and high value) because the true
cian performed an E&M service and ordered the HOPD staff nature of variance for these variables is not well understood
to perform either nonselective debridement or NPWT, the level and the triangle distribution (when used appropriately) does
3 established clinic visit was assumed for the physician and not violate the requirements of any variable (ie, costs can-
either nonselective debridement or NPWT was assumed for not be less than $0, and probabilities and utilities must lie
the HOPD. If the physician performed surgical debridement between 0 and 1). The results of the MCS were plotted on a
and orderd the HOPD staff to follow with NPWT, surgical cost-effectiveness acceptability curve and incremental cost-
debridement was assumed for the physician while both surgical effectiveness scatterplots.
debridement and NPWT were assumed for the HOPD (Table 2).
The costs of CCO and MH were only included in the Results
sensitivity analyses because Medicare does not separately Base case analysis
reimburse for CCO in the HOPD setting (drugs, dressings, Under the base case model assumptions, patients treated with
and medical supplies are bundled into the debridement CCO achieved an average of 22.7 QALWs and incurred costs
procedure code). CCO costs were calculated using the aver- of $6,161 over 1 year. Patients treated with MH achieved
age wound size (7.8 cm2) from the USWR analysis19 and an average of 21.9 QALWs, with an average cost of $7,149
multiplied by the wholesale acquisition cost ($6.83/g)22 to (Table 3). This suggests CCO is the dominant economic
obtain an estimated weekly cost of $63.75. In a secondary treatment strategy.

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Table 2 Procedure and visit costs, 2016 US dollars

Services and procedures performed at encounter (CPT code) Allowable Charges (CPT/HCPCS code)*
Visit (99213/G0463) NPWT (97605)* Debridement Physician Facility
× Surgical (11042) $63.37 (11042) $225.55 (11042);
$58.92 (50% of 97605)
Surgical (11042) $63.37 (11042) $225.55 (11042)
× Selective (97597) $23.63 (97597) $225.55 (97597)
Selective (97597) $23.63 (97597) $225.55 (97597)
× Nonselective (97602) $51.56 (99213) $117.83 (97602)
Nonselective (97602) $51.56 (99213) $117.83 (97602)
× × None $51.56 (99213) $117.83 (97605)
× None $51.56 (99213) $102.12 (G0463)
Notes: Even though 2 procedures may be performed during the same HOPD encounter, the payer does not pay for the second procedure or the payer may pay 100% for
one procedure and 50% for the other procedure. *CMS pays 80% and patients pay 20%.
Abbreviations: CMS, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; NPWT, negative pressure wound therapy; CPT, current procedural terminology; HCPCS, health-care
common procedure coding system; HOPD, hospital outpatient department.

Table 3 Base case analysis results

Outcome CCO MH Difference between
CCO and MH
One-year costs (2016 US dollars) $6,161 $7,149 –$988
QALWs 22.73 21.89 0.84
Average weeks in granulation stage 11.51 10.64 0.87
Average weeks in epithelization stage 6.04 4.38 1.65
Number of clinic visits 40.07 43.38 –3.31
Number of debridements 12.31 17.61 –5.30
Proportion of patients who reached granulation/proliferation health state 41.4% 34.6% +6.8%
Proportion of patients who reached epithelization health state 27.6% 20.7% +6.9%
Abbreviations: CCO, clostridial collagenase ointment; MH, medicinal honey; QALWs, quality-adjusted life weeks.

Sensitivity analyses QALW) and that it fully dominates MH in 71% of iterations

When a constant cost of therapy based on the initial wound (Figures 4 and 5). Probabilistic sensitivity analysis of the
size was incorporated in the model (CCO, $63.75/week; MH second sensitivity scenario, where CCO/MH costs were
$3.60/week), patients treated with CCO incurred costs of incorporated with a decay in usage over time, suggests that
$8,177 compared to an average cost of $7,269 for patients CCO would be dominant in 48% of iterations and cost-
treated with MH. When the cost of therapy incorporated a effective in 74%.
decreasing cost over time based on a weighted average of
wound size change over time, CCO again was the dominant Budget impact
economic strategy compared to MH, incurring average total A simple budget impact analysis was performed assuming a
costs of $7,029 compared to average costs of $7,200. patient population of 1,000 patients and the same base case
The results of the one-way sensitivity analyses depicted scenario as the cost-effectiveness model (where costs of CCO
in Figure 3 show that the base case model results were most and MH were not included separately because drugs, dress-
sensitive to the rate of debridement, the rate of clinic visits, ings, and medical supplies are bundled into the debridement
and the probability of granulation, when these inputs were ­procedure code). For every 1% of patients shifted from MH
varied independently across a low-to-high range of costs. to CCO, there would be a cost savings to the payer of $9,883
CCO lost economic dominance (ICER> $0) when MH over a 1-year horizon. For instance, an initial 20% CCO/80%
granulation and clinic visit rates were varied to their lowest MH share of patients being shifted to 50%/50% would result
values, and when the CCO granulation rates were varied to in a cost savings of $296,484 over a 1-year period of time.
their highest values. Results of the MCS suggested that CCO
would be the dominant strategy compared to MH in 91% of Discussion
the 10,000 iterations at a willingness-to-pay threshold of PUs can be difficult-to-treat and slow-to-heal wounds, par-
$50,000/quality-adjusted life year (corresponding to $962/ ticularly stages III and IV. These wounds are often treated in

ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research 2017:9 submit your manuscript |

Mearns et al Dovepress

Surgical debridement (physician)

Surgical debridement (facility)
CCO NPWT (weekly)
CCO granulation (weekly)
CCO epithelization (weekly)
CCO debridement (per clinic visit)
CCO clinic visit (weekly)
NPWT (facility)
MH NPWT (weekly)
MH granulation (weekly)
MH epithelization (weekly)
MH debridement (per clinic visit)
MH clinic visit (weekly)
E&M (physician)
E&M (facility)

–6000 –5000 –4000 –3000 –2000 –1000 0 962


Variable Base case Range Low ICE High ICE Spread

Costs in 2016 USD (80% of listed base case)
Surgical debridement (facility) $225.55 $135.33–$225.55 -$1,471.93 -$893.19 $578.74
Surgical debridement (physician) $63.37 $38.022–$63.37 -$1,263.86 -$1,101.25 $162.60
E&M (facility) $51.56 $30.936–$51.56 -$1,234.87 -$1,130.24 $104.63
E&M (physician) $102.12 $61.272–$102.12 -$1,207.43 -$1,157.68 $49.76
NPWT (facility) $117.83 / 2 $27.222–$45.37 -$1,185.06 -$1,180.05 $5.00
Event rates
CCO granulation (weekly) 0.0104 0.0068–0.01488 -$3,415.03 $1,302.98 $4,718.02
CCO epithelization (weekly) 0.0488 0.0409–0.0524 -$1,207.69 -$1,173.47 $34.22
CCO clinic visit (weekly) 0.8805 0.46–1.0 -$4,694.68 -$184.46 $4,510.22
CCO NPWT (weekly) 0.0198 0.0109–0.1039 -$1,290.94 -$1,171.15 $119.79
CCO debridement (per clinic visit) 0.3317 0.1302–0.5331 -$2,105.39 -$259.70 $1,845.70
MH granulation (weekly) 0.0083 0.0052–0.0120 -$6,836.67 $1,455.61 $8,292.28
MH epithelization (weekly) 0.0397 0.0336–0.0423 -$1,188.41 -$1,168.32 $20.09
MH clinic visit (weekly) 0.9227 0.6–1.0 -$1,897.84 $1,803.51 $3,701.35
MH NPWT (weekly) 0.0260 0.0138–0.2349 -$1,195.57 -$960.66 $234.92
MH debridement (per clinic visit) 0.4422 0.3145–0.5698 -$1,835.63 -$544.14 $1,291.49

Figure 3 Results of the one-way sensitivity analysis.

Notes: CCO is cost-effective when ICE < WTP of $962/QALW. CCO is dominant when ICE < $0. Bars represent the range of outcomes from one-way sensitivity analysis.
Abbreviations: E&M, Evaluation and management; CCO, clostridial collagenase ointment; NPWT, negative-pressure wound therapy; ICE, incremental cost-effectiveness;
WTP, willingness-to-pay threshold; MH, medicinal honey; QALWs, quality-adjusted life weeks.

a HOPD, where the wound can be evaluated and treated by HOPD staff to track the progress of the wound throughout
a group of wound care specialists to stimulate granulation therapy and make changes to the treatment plan based on
and subsequent epithelialization. In HOPDs, evaluation and these outcomes. Treatment of PU remains a clinical challenge
management of PUs include wound location, size, tissue and, for wounds that do not granulate or epithelialize, can
type, periwound characteristics, and wound exudate, as well lead to infection and hospitalization. Enzymatic debridement
as development of a treatment plan that treats any comor- with CCO compared to autolytic debridement with MH has
bidities that may affect the patient’s ability to epithelialize. been shown to promote a faster rate of granulation and epi-
This information alongside periodic assessments allows the thelialization,19 although its impact on the risk of infection

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75 CCO

Iterations cost-effective (%)

70 MH
0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000
Figure 4 Cost-effectiveness acceptability curve.
Abbreviations: CCO, clostridial collagenase ointment; MH, medicinal honey.

Incremental cost (2016 US dollars)



0 5 10
Incremental effectiveness
Figure 5 Cost-effectiveness scatterplot.
Notes: Random 1,000-sample of the 10,000-iteration MCS with a 95% confidence interval. The center point is the base case scenario average. Dashed line represents WTP
of $962; CCO is cost-effective to the right of the line.
Abbreviations: WTP, willingness-to-pay; CCO, clostridial collagenase ointment; MCS, Monte Carlo simulation.

and hospitalization among patients with slow-to-heal PUs pletely remove necrotic tissue as well as time to epithelializa-
remains to be confirmed. tion, both in favor of CCO. One trial26 showed a quantitative
The evidence available to guide clinicians in regard to difference favoring debridement with CCO compared to
debridement approaches for PU is limited and nearly absent another proteolytic enzyme, fibrinolysin/deoxyribonuclease,
for slow-to-heal PUs. Randomized controlled trials24,25 have but the results did not reach statistical significance. Wilcox
shown significant differences between groups treated with et al27 demonstrated in a large retrospective analysis of more
CCO vs hydrogel dressings in terms of time required to com- than 300,000 wounds that faster epithelialization of PUs

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was generally correlated with more frequent debridement. setting, Motley et al32 found that CCO and selective sharp
­However, despite the high incidence of PUs, higher level debridement compared to selective sharp debridement alone
evidence for proper debridement methods is scarce. over 1 year yielded eight additional ulcer-free weeks with a
In this study, this model assessed the cost-effectiveness of cost savings of approximately $300 per patient for the man-
enzymatic debridement with CCO vs autolytic d­ ebridement agement of diabetic foot ulcers.
with MH as treatment for PU among patients in the HOPD The results of our model are promising; however, certain
setting from a US payer’s perspective. At the time of initiating limitations should be considered when interpreting these
treatment at the HOPD, the average age of these PUs was results. 1) Results cannot be generalized to wounds of other
approximately 6 months, demonstrating the slow-to-heal etiologies (ie, diabetic foot ulcers, venous leg ulcers, or
nature of the wounds being assessed. Overall, the results of other chronic wounds) or other countries because our study
the Markov analysis found that CCO was associated with uses real-world data from the US. 2) Comparison of other
greater quality-adjusted life outcomes (0.84 QALW) at lower studies may be challenging because the study population
total health-care costs than MH (–$988). This economic is ­outpatient based rather than inpatient or long-term care.
dominance was robust under a series of sensitivity analyses Our study uses real-world data from the USWR, which
where input cost and utility estimates were varied. This would may be more generalizable to what is happening in the
result in potential cost savings of $9,883 per percentage point HOPD clinics. In addition, data inputs to the model were
shift from MH to CCO per 1,000 patients. derived from relatively small samples. Furthermore, epi-
Results from the sensitivity analysis showed that the thelialization rates had to be simplified owing to the high
weekly rate of debridement and clinic visits were some of variance in both groups resulting from loss to follow-up in
the most sensitive model inputs. The adjunctive benefits of the USWR. 3) Ulcer recurrence rate is not likely to impact
debridement and NPWT for treatment of PU are well sup- any findings,31 and therefore, the model did not incorporate
ported in the literature.28,29 McCallon and Frilot30 found that any ulcer recurrence or complications such as infection or
patients with stage III and IV PU who received both NPWT hospitalization. 4) Although other adjunctive therapies such
and CCO reported improved wound outcomes in several as cellular/tissue-derived products and hyperbaric oxygen
Bates-Jensen Wound Assessment Tool categories, particularly therapy were similar between groups,19 it is possible that the
in changes in the overall score and the necrotic tissue domain. incidence of other therapies or dressings not captured may
Additional findings reported that patients with late-stage PU
have been different. 5) A limitation of the Markov model is
who received NPWT, sharp debridement, and CCO reported that the probability of moving out of a particular health state
an increased rate of granulation and epithelialization com- is not dependent on the states a patient may have experienced
pared to NPWT and sharp debridement alone. prior to entering that specific health state.33 However, with
Our Markov model is the first to assess the cost-effec- the use of time-dependent transition probabilities, this limita-
tiveness of enzymatic debridement with CCO to autolytic tion is minimized. Furthermore, parameter uncertainty was
debridement with MH. A number of studies have compared reduced by conducting probabilistic sensitivity analyses.
enzymatic debridement with CCO to other debridement Despite these limitations, the findings for this study provide
methods, primarily other autolytic modalities, in terms of critical information on the cost-effectiveness of enzymatic
both treatment efficacy and cost, and found similar results. debridement with CCO and autolytic debridement with MH
Carter et al31 compared the cost of CCO and selective sharp in the management of PUs.
debridement to selective sharp debridement alone for the
management of PU using data from the USWR, and found Conclusion
that adding CCO to selective debridement resulted in an ICER Treatment with CCO increases PU patient quality of life and
of –$375 per ulcer-free week with 17.2 additional ulcer-free is associated with fewer health-care expenditures over 1 year
weeks and a cost savings of $6,445 per patient over a 2-year compared to MH, making CCO the dominant economic strat-
period. Waycaster and Milne13 found similar results using egy. Results of our model suggest, based on input data from
data based on a randomized controlled trial in a long-term the USWR, that a larger proportion of patients treated with
care setting, where enzymatic debridement with CCO was CCO achieved epithelialization, had fewer clinic visits and
economically dominant over autolytic debridement with a number of debridements, and spent more weeks in granula-
hydrogel, providing an additional 99 epithelialized wound tion. Given the cost savings and added benefit of ulcer-free
days and a cost savings of $3,477 over a 1-year period. Using weeks, health-care providers should consider using CCO
data from a randomized controlled trial in an outpatient over MH for the treatment and management of PUs within

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Dovepress Cost-effectiveness of clostridial collagenase vs medicinal honey

14. Molan PC. Potential of honey in the treatment of wounds and burns.
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