advisory board
Jack M. Gorman, MD
T h e r a p i s t G u i d e
Oxford University Press, Inc., publishes works that further
Oxford University’s objective of excellence
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Stunning developments in health care have taken place over the past sev-
eral years, but many of our widely accepted interventions and strategies
in mental health and behavioral medicine have been brought into ques-
tion by research evidence as not only lacking benefit but perhaps induc-
ing harm. Other strategies have been proven effective using the best cur-
rent standards of evidence, resulting in broad-based recommendations to
make these practices more available to the public. Several recent develop-
ments are behind this revolution. First, we have arrived at a much deeper
understanding of pathology, both psychological and physical, which has
led to the development of new, more precisely targeted interventions.
Second, our research methodologies have improved substantially, such
that we have reduced threats to internal and external validity, making the
outcomes more directly applicable to clinical situations. Third, govern-
ments around the world and health care systems and policy makers have
decided that the quality of care should improve, that it should be evi-
dence based, and that it is in the public’s interest to ensure that this hap-
pens (Barlow, 2004; Institute of Medicine, 2001).
Of course, the major stumbling block for clinicians everywhere is the ac-
cessibility of newly developed evidence-based psychological interventions.
Workshops and books can go only so far in acquainting responsible and
conscientious practitioners with the latest behavioral health care prac-
tices and their applicability to individual patients. This new series, Treat-
mentsThatWork™, is devoted to communicating these exciting new in-
terventions to clinicians on the frontlines of practice.
In our emerging health care system, the growing consensus is that evidence-
based practice offers the most responsible course of action for the men-
tal health professional. All behavioral health care clinicians deeply desire
to provide the best possible care for their patients. In this series, our aim
is to close the dissemination and information gap and make that possible.
This therapist guide and the companion workbook for clients describe a
cognitive-behavioral treatment (CBT ) that targets both depression and
adherence in individuals living with chronic illnesses who are also de-
pressed. Depression is common among individuals with chronic medical
conditions and can significantly impair their ability to manage their ill-
nesses. Depressed individuals tend to practice poor self-care behaviors,
which may include forgetting to take their medication as directed (or
not taking it all), missing medical appointments, and neglecting to ex-
ercise and eat healthfully. Increasing engagement in these sorts of be-
haviors is the focus of this modular program. The treatment is based on
standard interventions used in CBT for depression but chosen and
adapted for persons with chronic illness, with the specific emphasis on
self-care behaviors and medical adherence. Clients will learn core skills
such as problem solving and cognitive restructuring in order to help
them take better care of themselves. They will also learn relaxation and
breathing techniques to help them cope with symptoms and side effects.
Complete with step-by-step instructions for delivering this unique in-
tervention, this book is sure to become an invaluable resource for men-
tal health professionals and their chronically ill clients.
David H. Barlow, Editor-in-Chief,
Boston, Massachusetts
References 145
Improvement Graph 79
Example of Completed Problem-Solving Sheet
(“I never get the information I need from my doctor”) 122
Chapter 1 Introductory Information for Therapists
cation module come first). It is also likely that the number of sessions
per module will vary according to the clinical presentation and needs of
the client. Additionally, individuals with a chronic illness and depression
frequently experience multiple significant life stressors. Therapist flexi-
bility is necessary to balance the need to set and adhere to an agenda in
order to teach the coping skills described in this manual with the need
to provide necessary psychosocial support to clients when stressful life
events occur.
There are many potential reasons for the overlap between depression and
chronic illness. Living with a chronic illness can be stressful and can
limit one’s involvement in pleasurable activities. Physical symptoms
such as fatigue can impair one’s ability to maintain one’s usual activities
and can cause losses in functioning. Adjusting to an illness that has wax-
ing and waning symptoms can also be upsetting. Finally, cognitive as-
pects may include perceptions of loss of control or altered goals in life.
These factors together can result in distress and/or depression.
Depression is associated with increased mortality rates, both in the con-
text of chronic illness and in community samples (e.g., Cuijpers &
Schoevers, 2004). Decreased adherence to treatment has been proposed
as one of the likely mechanisms through which depression confers an
impact on mortality outcomes in the context of chronic illness.
Individuals with depression are three times more likely than nondepressed
individuals to be nonadherent with medical treatment recommenda-
tions (DiMatteo, Lepper, & Croghan, 2000). A strong body of evidence
supports the association between depression and treatment nonadher-
ence in chronic illness populations, including individuals who are post-
myocardial infarction (Ziegelstein et al., 2000) and in cancer patients in
chemotherapy (Valente, Saunders, & Cohen, 1994). Studies from our
group (Gonzalez et al., 2004; Safren et al., 2001) and others (e.g., Singh
et al., 1996; Simoni, Frick, Lockhart, & Liebovitz, 2002) demonstrate
that, in HIV, higher levels of depression are associated with worse ad-
herence to HIV medications. These findings suggest a robust relation-
ship between depression and poor adherence and point to the need for
interventions to enhance adherence in individuals with depression and
physical illness.
Depression goes undetected and likely untreated by the health care sys-
tem in nearly half of comorbid patients. For example, among diabetic
patients correctly recognized as depressed, 43% received one or more
antidepressant prescriptions and less than 7% received four or more
psychotherapy sessions during a 12-month period (Katon et al., 2004).
Rodin, Nolan, and Katz (2005) suggest several possible reasons for the
underdiagnosis and undertreatment of depression in the medical sys-
tem, including the overlap of symptoms of depression and medical
symptoms and the difficulty of differentiating sadness as a natural re-
sponse to a serious diagnosis from clinical depression. However, depres-
sion in the context of medical illness is treatable—both with medi-
cations and with CBT. The present manual describes a CBT approach
that involves treating depression and teaching skills to improve medical
In the following tables we list the criteria from the Diagnostic and Sta-
tistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR; American Psychiatric
Association, 2000) for the most common types of depression, including
major depression, dysthymia, and bipolar disorder, which has features of
mania and depression. This treatment manual is mainly designed for in-
dividuals with unipolar depression. However, in our studies we included
individuals with bipolar disorder who were currently depressed and who
had not recently experienced a manic or hypomanic episode. We believe
that this manual would be appropriate for those with bipolar depression
if they were currently depressed. The presence of mania would necessi-
tate other interventions to stabilize mood, which are not focused on in
this manual. Also, although we have designed this treatment manual for
use with clients who have symptoms of depression that are severe
enough to warrant a clinical diagnosis, there is evidence that lower lev-
els of depressive symptoms also negatively impact self-care and medica-
tion adherence (e.g., Gonzalez et al., in press), and it is likely that the
strategies that we present in this manual could be modified for use with
patients who have some symptoms of depression, even if they do not
meet criteria for a formal diagnosis.
every day, and this must represent a change from his or her
prior level of functioning. One of the symptoms must be
either (a) depressed mood or (b) loss of interest.
a. Depressed mood. For children and adolescents, this may
be irritable mood.
b. A significantly reduced level of interest or pleasure in
most or all activities.
c. A considerable loss or gain of weight (e.g., 5% or more
change in weight in a month when not dieting). This
may include an increase or decrease in appetite. Children
may fail to show expected gains in weight.
d. Difficulty falling or staying asleep (insomnia) or sleeping
more than usual (hypersomnia).
e. Behavior that is agitated or slowed down, which is ob-
servable by others.
f. Feeling fatigued or having diminished energy.
g. Thoughts of worthlessness or extreme guilt (though not
about being ill).
h. Reduced ability to think, concentrate, or make decisions.
i. Frequent thoughts of death or suicide (with or without a
specific plan), or attempt at suicide.
2. The person’s symptoms do not indicate a mixed episode.
3. The person’s symptoms are a cause of great distress or diffi-
culty in functioning at home, work, or other important areas.
4. The person’s symptoms are not caused by substance use (e.g.,
alcohol, drugs, medication) or a medical disorder.
5. The person’s symptoms are not due to normal grief or be-
reavement over the death of a loved one, they continue for
more than 2 months, or they include great difficulty in func-
tioning, frequent thoughts of worthlessness, thoughts of sui-
cide, symptoms that are psychotic, or behavior that is slowed
down (psychomotor retardation).
Dysthymic Disorder
A. A person has depressed mood for most the time almost every day
for at least 2 years. Children and adolescents may have irritable
mood, and the time frame is at least 1 year.
C. A person has not been free of the symptoms during the 2-year
time period (1 year for children and adolescents) for more than 2
months at a time.
D. During the 2-year time period (1 year for children and adoles-
cents) there has not been a major depressive episode.
F. The symptoms are not present only during the course of another
chronic disorder.
The bipolar spectrum mood disorders (i.e., bipolar I, bipolar II, cyclo-
thymia) are differentiated from unipolar depressive disorders in that in-
dividuals also experience hypomanic or manic episodes. The word bipolar
is used because individuals experience two emotional extremes—
depressed mood at times and at other times excessive euphoria. Individ-
uals with bipolar I experience full manic episodes; those with bipolar II
experience hypomanic episodes—episodes that are not as severe as manic
episodes; and those with cyclothymia experience a mix of low-level de-
pressive episodes and hypomanic episodes. Again, we believe this man-
ual is relevant for individuals with bipolar disorder only if they are not
currently experiencing manic or hypomanic episodes and if this aspect
of their disorder is stabilized.
The empirical basis of this approach comes from several sources. First,
there are many treatment studies for depression in nonmedical popula-
tions that demonstrate the efficacy of CBT. Second, there are emerging
studies of CBT approaches for depression in the context of medical con-
ditions, and these studies have demonstrated evidence for the efficacy of
CBT in these patients, particularly those with HIV or diabetes. Third,
the empirical base is supported by our research on a cognitive-behavioral
adherence intervention (now module 2 in this manual), which was
shown to successfully improve medication adherence in patients with
HIV. Finally, we have completed one randomized controlled trial and
two open-phase case-series studies of the specific intervention described
in this manual, targeting individuals with HIV and depression. At the
time of writing, we are conducting ongoing evaluations of this approach
in HIV and diabetes in two separate randomized controlled trials spon-
sored by the National Institutes of Health.
pression not fully treated by antidepressants (see Deckersbach, Berman,
& Neimeyer, 2000; Otto, Pava, & Sprich-Buckminster, 1996).
CBT for depression also generally shows lower relapse rates than phar-
macotherapy (Blackburn, Eunson, & Bishop, 1986; McLean & Haks-
tian, 1990; Simons, Murphy, Levine, & Wetzel, 1986), and the protection
against relapse for clients treated with CBT extends to those who began
with pharmacotherapy alone (Evans et al., 1992; Fava et al., 1995; Fava et
al., 1996; Fava, Rafanelli, Grandi, Canestrari, & Morphy, 1998; Paykel et
al., 1999; Simons et al., 1986; Teasdale et al., 2000). Fava, Rafanelli,
Grandi, Conti, and Belluardo (1998), for example, compared CBT with
clinical management alone in clients with chronic depression (three or
more episodes) who were being treated with antidepressants. Eighty per-
cent of those with clinical management of medications alone relapsed
over the 2-year assessment period, compared with only 25% of those
who received CBT and clinical management of medications.
CBT for Depression in Medical Illnesses That Require High Levels of Adherence
were randomly assigned to receive CBT were compared with patients
who only received education. Results showed that CBT did effectively
reduce depression symptoms and that 85% of the treatment group
reached depression remission on completion of the trial compared with
27% of controls (p < .001). At the 6-month follow-up, the remission
rates for CBT and control participants were 33% and 70%, respectively
(p ⫽ .03). Others have successfully applied CBT for depression to indi-
viduals with diabetes using a stepped-care approach whereby patients
had increasing levels of intervention as needed (e.g., Katon et al., 2004;
Williams et al., 2004).
The idea behind CBT-AD also stemmed from our previous randomized
controlled trial of a “minimal” adherence intervention—a single-session
adherence intervention that did not specifically address comorbid de-
pression. This intervention targets a series of informational, problem-
solving, and cognitive-behavioral steps needed to successfully adhere to
HIV medications. The description of the intervention, presented in
chapter 4, is also available as an article in the journal Cognitive and Be-
havioral Practice (Safren, Otto, & Worth, 1999). The results of the ran-
domized controlled trial are described in detail by Safren et al. (2001).
compared with those who did not receive the intervention. Accordingly,
at the 12-week follow-up, there was a statistically significant improve-
ment in adherence from week 0 to week 12. There was no significant main
effect, however, for condition, and the interaction of time and condition
across groups was not significant.
Our first case series targeted men with HIV who were infected through
sex with another man. Participants were five men, including an African
American male in his mid-40s who was on disability, a white male in his
early 30s who worked full time, a white male in his late 40s who was on
disability, an African American male in his late 40s who worked part
time and was on disability, and a white male in his early 50s with a rela-
tively high socioeconomic status who worked full time. At baseline, all
participants met criteria for major depressive disorder despite stable
treatment with an antidepressant, and all reported problems adhering to
their HIV medications. During the course of treatment, adherence to
antiretroviral medications, as assessed by electronic pill cap ratings, in-
creased, and depression, as assessed by the Beck Depression Inventory
(BDI; Beck, Ward, Mendelson, Mock, & Erbaugh, 1961) decreased. One
individual discontinued participation in treatment after four sessions
but agreed to complete the posttreatment assessment. According to the
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV, only one of the five individ-
uals presented still met current DSM-IV criteria for a major depressive
episode at the end of the treatment. This individual, however, had a rela-
tively low clinical global impression score (CGI; a 1–7 scale of depres-
sion severity; National Institute of Mental Health, 1985) for depression
(3 ⫽ mildly ill) at posttreatment and a clinically significantly higher one
at pretreatment (5 ⫽ markedly ill). All individuals made clinically sig-
nificant improvements as evident by a drop in at least 2 CGI points from
pretreatment to posttreatment.
Those who were assigned the full CBT-AD intervention showed signif-
icantly greater improvements in adherence and depression than the
comparison condition at the posttreatment assessment, with large effect
sizes. At the 3-month follow-up, individuals who received CBT-AD
maintained their gains, and those who crossed over to CBT-AD also sig-
nificantly improved from baseline. This pattern of results occurred for
depression, as rated by an independent assessor who was blind to treat-
ment assignment and in self-reported symptoms measured by the BDI.
The adherence outcome was percent adherence within a 2-hour window
of target time using the electronic pill caps.
Reduced depression
Potential mediators and
Intervention • Motivation and use of • Adherence
— CBT skills and self-care
CBT-AD • Social support and coping behaviors
• Illness and medication
• Provider relationship
Figure 1.1.
Cognitive-Behavioral Model of Depression and Adherence
interest) or associated symptoms (low motivation, poor problem solving)
can certainly interfere with one’s ability to adhere to a regimen of treat-
ment for a chronic illness. In HIV, adherence to medications is critical
for treatment success. In diabetes, adherence to glucose monitoring, in-
sulin, and medications can prevent further complications and morbid-
ity. Many other medical illnesses require strict adherence to the regi-
mens, and the approach used in this manual may be applicable to a wide
range of self-care regimens, particularly when the chronic illness is co-
morbid with depression.
Alternative Treatments
skills-based approach. Our studies of CBT-AD have begun after stabi-
lization on medications so that we can determine the degree to which
improvements from the treatment occur over and above the effects of
The main modules for CBT-AD are (1) psychoeducation and motiva-
tional interviewing regarding treating depression and being adherent to
one’s medical regimen; (2) adherence training; (3) activity scheduling;
(4) cognitive restructuring; (5) problem solving; (6) relaxation training/
diaphragmatic breathing; and (7) review, maintenance, and relapse pre-
vention. The treatment follows a modular approach so that core CBT
skills can be learned, followed by focused work on problems specific to
the individual. To maximize the balance between providing support to
clients and also teaching new skills, we recommend that the format of
every session begin with a mood check (we provide the Center for Epi-
demiologic Studies Depression Scale; CES-D), a review of adherence
and of homework and ongoing progress from previous modules, and
setting an agenda for the session. This should be done at the start of
every session, regardless of whether it is a new module or a continuation
of a module. We also recommend that therapists be flexible with clients
in terms of the order of the modules, the amount of time spent on any
one module, and the application of emergent client problems to the spe-
cific modules of treatment. This modular approach helps to make the
treatment more relevant for each client and allows a more flexible se-
quence in the delivery of interventions based on the client’s presenting
Each module builds on previous modules, and each session begins with
an assessment and discussion of depression and adherence for the previ-
ous week. The course of treatment is designed to be similar to a stan-
dardized cognitive-behavioral therapy, but though clients learn core CBT
skills (cognitive restructuring and activity scheduling), active training in
problem solving and relaxation are also implemented. The problem-
solving techniques complement the skills training for adherence. Be-
cause problem-solving skills can be impaired as a result of depression
and because effective problem-solving skills are important for the man-
agement of medical illness, it is essential to directly teach these skills.
Finally, we teach applied relaxation and slow breathing to help patients
cope with side effects of medications, illness-related symptoms, or pain.
These relaxation exercises can also improve sleep hygiene and stress
Other forms in the manual include a sample worksheet for the adher-
ence intervention, worksheets for mood and adherence monitoring,
problem solving, and cognitive restructuring, and an activity checklist.
The materials for cognitive restructuring include client instructions, as
well as forms for identifying negative thinking and formulating rational
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Chapter 2 Overview of Adherence Behaviors
for Selected Illnesses
most perfect adherence to HAART is required to maximize the chances
of treatment success and to minimize the chances of developing medi-
cation resistance. This is difficult for patients because many experience
immediate and long-term side effects, including fatigue, nausea, diar-
rhea, insomnia, abnormal fat accumulation, taste alterations, and pe-
ripheral neuropathy (damage to the peripheral nervous system; Ammas-
sari et al., 2001; Chesney, Morin, & Sherr, 2000). Additionally, HAART
needs to be taken in the long term—indefinitely. In contrast, in other
diseases (e.g., hypertension), chronically administered drug therapies are
tolerant of mild to moderate nonadherence because they do not require
continuous therapeutic coverage and may have a long duration of effect
after dosing. Full therapeutic benefit of HAART may require not only
administration of a high proportion of total doses, as in other chronic
illness treatments, but strict and near perfect attention to dosing fre-
quency, timing, and food requirements.
For HIV, the main area of adherence that this manual addresses is ad-
herence to medications, or HAART.
Key Terms
■ Viral Load or Viral Burden: The amount of HIV virus that a person
with HIV has in his or her blood. Usually this is the number of copies
per milliliter of blood plasma. Usually less than 50ml is considered
“undetectable” or “suppressed” in that standard devices do not detect
this level of virus. Sometimes less than 75ml or less than 400ml is con-
sidered undetectable. The goal of HAART is to get a patient to a “sup-
pressed” or “undetectable” level.
■ CD4 (or T-cell): These immune system cells protect the body from
viral, fungal, and other infections. HIV attacks these cells, and their
destruction leaves the body susceptible to infections that they might
not otherwise acquire. Because of a low CD4 or T-cell count, infections
have the opportunity to infect a person with HIV. These infections,
which a person would normally not get, are called “opportunistic”
■ AIDS: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. This is the more severe
manifestation of HIV. According to the CDC, a person is considered
to have AIDS when his or her CD4 count is under 200 or he or she
has certain opportunistic infections.
The New Era of HIV Management
In the United States and other countries where HAART is readily avail-
able to patients, many people are now living with HIV infection for
many years—even indefinitely if there are not other complications. Al-
though treatment advances have increased the life expectancy of HIV-
infected patients, the medications also demand near perfect adherence
to achieve maximum benefit and avoid treatment failure. Maintaining
excellent patient adherence remains an important challenge in the con-
trol of the virus and provides a decisive opportunity for behavioral
health clinicians to improve the health and quality of life of HIV-
infected patients.
strains. Although HAART is a highly potent treatment, perfect or near
perfect adherence to HAART is necessary in order to prevent break-
through of resistant strains of the virus. Not only does this represent a
serious consequence for individuals taking HAART, but it is also a major
public health concern, as it is possible for these drug-resistant strains of
HIV to be transmitted from one person to another.
prove the ability of patients to learn the Life-Steps strategies to improve
adherence and maintain these improvements over time. The use of cog-
nitive strategies to challenge negative beliefs about treatment and beliefs
about HIV is a core element of our intervention. Activity scheduling, in
addition to being an effective intervention for the treatment of depres-
sion, can also help patients to better plan for their HAART doses. En-
couraging communication with the health care team is also essential, as
patients taking HAART are likely to experience side effects of treatment
and need to be proactive in finding ways to address them with their phy-
sician. Openness about side effects and addressing them will help pa-
tients to resist engaging in the common practice of skipping or altering
doses in an attempt to avoid these side effects.
There are four types of diabetes: type 1, type 2, gestational diabetes, and
types that arise from genetic syndromes, drugs, and physical stressors
such as surgery. This chapter discusses type 1 diabetes, which accounts
for 5 to 10% of all cases of diabetes, and type 2 diabetes, which accounts
for about 90% of all cases.
Key Terms
■ HbA1c: The goal for patients with diabetes is to keep their HbA1c
below 7%. A blood test called Hemoglobin A1c or glycohemoglo-
bin (or glycosylated hemoglobin) (HbA1c) can be used to assess
control of diabetes. Hemoglobin is a protein found inside red
blood cells, which is responsible for transporting oxygen from the
lungs to all the cells of the body. Excess glucose enters red blood
cells and adheres, or glycates, to molecules of hemoglobin. The
more excess glucose in the blood, the more hemoglobin gets gly-
cated. It is possible to measure the percentage of glycosylated he-
moglobin in the blood through a laboratory test. This test gives a
picture of the average blood glucose control for the preceding 2 to
3 months and should be conducted routinely by a patient’s pro-
vider. There is some variation in the meaning of levels of HbA1c
from one lab to another.
Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes increase a patient’s risk for many serious
complications, including cardiovascular disease, retinopathy (noninflam-
matory damage to the retina of the eye), neuropathy (nerve damage),
and nephropathy (kidney damage). For example, studies have shown
that up to 60% of adults with diabetes also have high blood pressure and
nearly all have one or more lipid abnormalities, such as increased triglyc-
erides, low HDL cholesterol, or elevated LDL cholesterol. The Ameri-
can Diabetes Association reports that two out of three people with dia-
betes die from heart disease and stroke. Diabetes can also cause damage
to the kidneys due to the increased filtering caused by high levels of
blood sugar. This damage can be treated if detected early but could re-
sult in end-stage renal disease. Patients with diabetes are 40% more
likely to suffer from glaucoma and 60% more likely to develop cataracts
and are at risk to develop retinopathy, which can result in blindness.
Thus it is important that patients with diabetes obtain regular eye exams
to screen for early abnormalities. About half of all patients with diabetes
have some form of nerve damage, or neuropathy. Peripheral diabetic
neuropathy can lead to problems including pain, numbness, and weak-
ness in the hands and feet. Autonomic neuropathy can lead to digestive
problems, incontinence, sexual difficulties, dizziness, and other prob-
lems. Skin disorders and foot complications are also common, and foot
ulcers are a particularly dangerous complication of diabetes, as they can
lead to amputation. Diabetes patients face many potentially serious
complications, and their risk for these complications depends to a large
extent on how well their diabetes is controlled over time.
among individuals with type 2 diabetes also showed that tighter glucose
control could prevent the severe long-term complications of diabetes
(Ohkubo et al., 1995; Reichard, Nilsson, & Rosenqvist, 1993; Turner,
Cull, & Holman, 1996). Thus, perhaps to a greater extent than any other
chronic illness, the burden of diabetes control falls on the shoulders of
the patient and relies on his or her ability to adhere to lifestyle, medica-
tion, and glucose monitoring recommendations in order to achieve tight
Diet, exercise, and other self-care behaviors are also important for both
type 1 and type 2 diabetes patients. Patients with type 1 diabetes must
carefully balance food intake, insulin, and physical activity. Patients with
type 2 diabetes are often prescribed oral medications that increase in-
sulin production, decrease insulin resistance, or block carbohydrate
absorption. They may also require the administration of exogenous in-
sulin. Because these treatments improve metabolic control, they may re-
sult in weight gain if patients do not reduce their food intake and in-
crease physical activity. For type 2 diabetes, weight loss is often an
important treatment goal, as reducing weight improves insulin resist-
ance and reduces risk of cardiovascular complications. Thus, exercise and
diet are central health behaviors in the self-management of diabetes. Ad-
ditional self-care behaviors such as proper foot care and checking for ul-
cers are important and can be especially important for patients with neu-
ropathy. Smoking cessation is also an important goal for patients who
are current smokers, as smoking reduces blood flow to the extremities,
including feet, that may already be compromised. Routine screening for
complications of diabetes and consistent attendance at medical visits are
important for all patients.
Other Medical Conditions for Which CBT-AD May Be Applicable
hypertension in 1999–2000, with a total hypertension prevalence rate of
31.3% (Fields et al., 2004). Hypertension places patients at increased risk
of stroke, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, kidney failure,
and peripheral vascular disease. For example, hypertension increases the
risk of ischemic heart disease three- to fourfold and of overall cardiovas-
cular risk by two- to threefold (Berenson et al., 1998).
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death in the United
States, causing one of every five deaths in the United States in 2004. Re-
cent estimates suggest that an estimated 15,800,000 American adults
suffer from CHD. Of these, approximately 7,900,000 have had myo-
cardial infarction (MI; i.e., a heart attack), and 8,900,000 suffer from
angina pectoris (i.e., chest pain). The estimated annual incidence of MI
is 565,000 new attacks and 300,000 recurrent attacks annually. A con-
servative estimate for the number of hospital discharges with acute coro-
nary syndrome, defined as either acute MI or acute unstable angina, in
2004 is 840,000. The estimated direct and indirect cost of CHD for
2007 is $151.6 billion (American Heart Association, 2007). Thus CHD
is a very common disorder and results in significant morbidity, mortal-
ity, and cost. Depression and nonadherence are two related psychosocial
factors that have been extensively researched in CHD and are each asso-
ciated with poorer health outcomes.
pressive symptoms predicting more nonadherence. Furthermore, im-
provements in depressive symptoms in the first month after discharge
were associated with improvements in adherence rates in the subsequent
2 months (Rieckmann et al., 2006).
night, in the early morning, or after exertion. Quick-relief medications
are also used to address asthma attack symptoms (cough, chest tight-
ness, and wheezing) when attacks occur. Avoiding asthma triggers such
as inhaled allergens and certain foods and medications, irritants such as
tobacco smoke, and other triggers is also important. Lastly, self-moni-
toring of daily asthma symptoms and peak airflow with a flow meter
and recording information in a diary is another important aspect of
discharge (Smith et al., 2006). Thus there is evidence to suggest that
CBT-AD, with a particular focus on correcting misperceptions about
the chronicity of asthma and the need for continued treatment and self-
monitoring, could be effective for asthma patients with depression.
Hepatitis C
The hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major public health problem and is the
leading cause of death from chronic liver disease in the United States
(Kim, 2002). In the United States, more than 2.7 million people are es-
timated to have ongoing HCV infection (Alter et al., 1999), and the
most recent World Health Organization estimate of the prevalence of
HCV infection is 2%, representing 123 million people worldwide (Perz,
Farrington, & Pecoraro, 2004). The most common risk factors for HCV
infection include blood transfusion before 1992, when sensitive screening
became available in the United States; intravenous drug use; and unsafe
sex. In the United States, injection drug use is the primary risk factor.
Among patients with chronic HCV infection, 5–20% are reported to de-
velop cirrhosis over periods of approximately 20–25 years. Persons with
HCV-related cirrhosis are at risk for developing end-stage liver disease,
as well as carcinoma of the liver. Between 15 and 45% of persons with
acute HCV will recover, are not at risk of long-term complications, and
do not need treatment. However, patients with chronic HCV face a life-
threatening illness. The progression to cirrhosis of the liver is the pri-
mary concern, although the rate of progression is usually slow. It often
takes more than two decades and occurs more often in persons infected
at older ages, particularly men; those who drink more than 50 grams of
alcohol each day; those who are obese or have substantial hepatic steato-
sis (accumulation of fat in liver cells); or those with HIV coinfection
(Strader, Wright, Thomas, & Seef, 2004).
represents the standard of care in the United States. Rates of sustained
virological response vary depending on the genotype of HCV and the
severity of the infection (as measured by viral load). However, approxi-
mately 46 to 77% of patients achieve a successful response after 48 weeks
of maximal dose combination therapy (Strader, Wright, Thomas, &
Seef, 2004).
Patients with HCV appear to have higher rates of psychiatric illness, es-
pecially substance abuse/dependence and depression. Rates of depression
in patients with HCV have been reported to range from 22 to 49% (e.g.,
Kraus, Schafer, Csef, Scheurlen, & Faller, 2000; El-Serag, Kunik, Richard-
son, & Rabeneck, 2002). Of major concern, estimates suggest that
between 23 and 40% of patients treated for HCV will develop major de-
pression during therapy (e.g., Dieperink, Ho, Thuras, & Willenbring,
2003; Bonaccorso et al., 2002) and that combination therapy can bio-
medically induce depression.
There are various reasons for nonadherence to these new treatments, in-
cluding the common occurrence of nausea, either resulting from the can-
cer or as a side effect of treatment. Nausea may make it difficult for pa-
tients to take and retain oral chemotherapy agents. Adherence to strict
administration schedules may also be challenging for some patients. There
is also the possibility that patients may adjust doses without consulting
their health care providers for various reasons, including worrying that
oral treatments are not effective enough, to avoid side effects, and to re-
duce the cost of oral agents, which are often not covered by insurance
plans (Bedell, 2003).
As the American Cancer Society (2006) has estimated that more than
25% of patients with cancer undergoing treatment become clinically de-
pressed, it is likely that many patients on oral chemotherapy will experi-
ence depression that could interfere with their adherence to these thera-
pies. Depressed individuals have been found to be less likely to adhere to
their oncologists’ treatment recommendations (e.g., Goodwin, Zhang,
& Ostir, 2004), and, as patients assume more of the responsibility for
correctly administering oral chemotherapy, it is likely that depression
would be associated with nonadherence. Therefore, it is likely that de-
pressed cancer patients taking oral chemotherapy could benefit from
Chapter 3 Module 1: Psychoeducation About CBT
and Motivational Interviewing
Materials Needed
■ Set agenda
Set Agenda
the session focus is on exploring the relationship between depression and
You may also track the client’s progress through the use of the Progress
Summary Chart, which charts improvement session by session. The ver-
sion for therapists includes session-by-session CES-D scores, adherence
scores, homework assignments for the following week, a homework rat-
ing for the previous week, and a place to record the particular module
covered. This chart can also be used to examine whether the client is get-
ting worse in terms of depression and therefore whether additional treat-
ment is needed (i.e., referral for medications, medication augmentation,
or hospitalization). The version for clients in the workbook tracks similar
information so that clients can actively see their progress.
A CES-D score of 16 is typically used as a cutoff to screen in for clinical
depression. It is important to assess suicidality in each session, particu-
larly if CES-D scores are high or if they have increased by more than
25% from the previous session. In this way, an appropriate further inter-
vention or referral for a more intensive intervention (i.e., medications if
the client is not already prescribed medications, or hospital-level care)
can be employed to prevent exacerbation of depression or suicidality.
The client also completes the Weekly Adherence Assessment Form. This
form is included in the corresponding client workbook. Although treat-
ment has just started, the client should complete this form in order to
establish a baseline against which his or her improvement in adherence
behaviors throughout treatment can be measured. Have the client use
the form to assess any medical changes experienced over the preceding
week, including changes in symptoms or emergence of new symptoms,
or new test results (e.g., viral load for HIV-infected clients or blood glu-
cose testing for clients with diabetes). Also discuss the relation of these
medical changes to adherence behavior and correlation with mood. Posi-
tive medical changes can be used to reinforce improvements in adher-
ence behaviors. Conversely, providing feedback to clients regarding the
exacerbation of their symptoms or test results may be a good opportu-
nity to address barriers to and increase motivation for medical adher-
ence. It may also allow for renegotiating the planned medical regimen to
better adapt to client needs.
The purpose of this first module is to teach the client about depression
in the context of having chronic illness. The emphasis is on how each of
the components of depression (cognitive, behavioral, physical) adds to
a cycle of continued or worsening of symptoms and decreases abilities
Weekly Adherence Assessment Form
Note: This form is to be completed by the client at the start of every session. Adherence goals
should be determined during the adherence counseling (Life-Steps) module and should corre-
spond to the articulated adherence goals. Examples are shown in script.
Thinking about the PAST WEEK, on average how would you rate your ability to adhere to
your goal of taking all of my medications ?
(Check one)
Very poor Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent
□ □ □ □ □ □
Thinking about the PAST WEEK, on average how would you rate your ability to adhere to
your goal of monitoring my blood glucose once a day ?
(Check one)
Very poor Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent
□ □ □ □ □ □
Thinking about the PAST WEEK, on average how would you rate your ability to adhere to
your goal of exercising three times a week ?
(Check one)
Very poor Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent
□ □ □ □ □ □
Thinking about the PAST WEEK, on average how would you rate your ability to adhere to
your goal of avoiding high-fat foods ?
(Check one)
Very poor Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent
□ □ □ □ □ □
Figure 3.1
Example of Completed Weekly Adherence Assessment Form
to adhere to one’s medical regimen. This module is meant to lay the
groundwork for the remainder of the treatment.
Components of Depression
Cognitive Component
Behavioral Component
Physiological Component
Having the client understand the CBT model and how it specifically ap-
plies to him or her is, in many ways, the basis for the entire remainder
of this intervention package. This discussion typically comprises a sig-
nificant portion of the session and ensures that the client understands
the model and how it explains the maintenance of depressed mood and
consequently affects his or her self-care. It is imperative that the client
totally understand this model. You must use language that is under-
standable to the client. For example, the word cognitive, although it is
the name of the treatment (i.e. “cognitive-behavioral therapy”), may be
difficult for some clients to understand in this context. Instead, words
such as thoughts and beliefs may help the client see the association of cog-
nitions and emotions.
Complete interactively with participant, filling in specific symptoms in each category.
Behavioral Physiological
Figure 3.2.
■ Cognitive: What is your thinking like since you have become de-
pressed? What thoughts do you have about yourself ? Your relationships
with others? Your future? Your illness? Your treatment/medications?
Think of the last time you were really feeling down. Picture where you
were. What was going through your mind at that time?
Cycle of Depression
Use the following sample dialogue to show how the client’s reported
symptoms function together to form a cycle of depression.
A person who has these kinds of thoughts going through his or her
head is less likely to do these activities and is more likely to withdraw
from others. Not doing these activities and being isolated are going to
make you more likely to feel like you have less energy and more fa-
tigue. These changes are going to make you feel more depressed and are
going to make you more likely to have these kinds of negative thoughts.
This cycle just builds on itself in a downward spiral toward depres-
sion, unless we do something to break these connections.
Focus of Treatment
Explain to the client that the point of this treatment is to attack each of
the three components of depression and to break the connection be-
tween them. Provide a brief overview of each of the modules that com-
pose this treatment program, how they address each component of de-
pression, and how they will be used to help medical adherence.
1. Life-Steps will teach skills that facilitate medical adherence and de-
crease the negative impact of depression on adherence behavior.
Therapist Note: If you are breaking this module into two sessions,
this would be a natural stopping point. In this case, the next session
should begin with a brief review as per the format of every session (set
agenda, CES-D mood check, adherence check), followed by the next set
of material.
ing self-care, adherence, and functional impairment. The particular rele-
vance of self-care when living with chronic illness is emphasized.
Discuss with your client his or her goals for participating in this pro-
gram. What is his or her general motivation? Review the problem areas
identified by the client in the initial evaluation and assessment. Talk about
anticipated difficulties with following this program (e.g., attendance).
Relate the CBT model of depression to the client’s problems. Ask: How
does this model fit in with the difficulties you are having? How are these
symptoms affected by your illness? Attempt to show how each section
ties in with specific problems the client presents with.
Motivational Metaphor
One day, someone comes along and throws down a ladder. But the
only thing the person knows how to do is shovel. Shoveling feels com-
fortable, but now there is another choice.
Motivational Exercise: Pros and Cons of Changing
Work with the client to complete the Motivational Exercise: Pros and
Cons of Changing, found in the workbook. Emphasize the negative
effect of depression on the client’s life. Questions should address topics
regarding the client’s hopes for living (e.g., goals not met, having chil-
dren, enjoyable aspects of life, etc.). Be sure to go over each cell in the
matrix on the worksheet and point out that there are pros and cons of
changing and pros and cons of not changing. For example, a big “pro”
of not changing is that one does not have to do the work to change. This
may be different from a “con” of changing, which for some people may
elicit different concerns, such as, “at least with my current situation, I
know what things are like, and I am comfortable.”
After completing this exercise on the pros and cons of changing, ask
the client to rate his or her motivation to change his or her depression
and to work on adherence to his or her medical regimen on a scale of
1–10, with 1 representing no motivation at all and 10 representing high
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No Some High
motivation motivation motivation
If the client gives a number other than 10, ask, “Why did you rate your
motivation a and not a 10?” This usually will facilitate a
conversation about the client’s reasons for wanting to be adherent; for
example, “I really want to stay healthy,” “I want to live a long life,” and
so forth. This is a good way to start the conversation. Then ask why the
client did not give a higher number. This usually yields reasons for bar-
riers. Use this as a discussion point to clarify the pros and cons of chang-
ing or what the treatment may be like. If the client appears to not be
motivated at all to participate in this program, it may be necessary to
progress through the treatment more slowly, trying to get the client to
agree to try some portions of it and revisiting progress, and/or to con-
Motivational Exercise: Pros and Cons of Changing
Pros Cons
Figure 3.3.
Example of Completed Motivational Exercise
sider alternate approaches. Finally, for some clients, giving a low num-
ber could mean that they do not fully understand the rationale behind
the treatment nor have confidence that it applies to them. In this case, it
may be useful to return to the cognitive-behavioral model to be sure that
it is suited to the particular needs of your client.
Explain to the client that the following activities are included in each
Setting an Agenda
Monitoring Progress
Reviewing Homework
At the end of each module (except this first one), you and the client
work on a homework assignment. The homework is geared toward spe-
cifically practicing the new skills discussed during the session. The
homework is then reviewed at the beginning of the following session.
Assigning Homework
As previously stated, at the end of each session you work with the client
to assign homework exercises based on skills taught during treatment.
Progress Summary Chart
Past Week’s
Module CES-D Adherence Homework Homework
Date Covered Score Rating Assigned Rating
Progress Summary Chart
Past Week’s
Module CES-D Adherence Homework Homework
Date Covered Score Rating Assigned Rating
Figure 3.4
Example of Completed Progress Summary Chart
Homework Rating Chart
Instructions: Please rate your practice of the following skills for depression treatment since your
last session. Place a check in the column if you tried this skill. Only mark skills that you and your
therapist discussed, because your therapist may go through modules in a different order from how
they’re presented in this manual. Also, it is useful to jot down some notes about your practice so
that you can discuss this with your therapist. This can be done in the right-hand column.
Activity Scheduling
Monitor activities and mood on a daily basis
using Activity Log
Incorporate activities that involve pleasure
or mastery into daily schedule
Problem Solving
Practice problem-solving strategies (articulate
the problem, generate possible solutions,
choose the best alternative)
Break tasks down into manageable steps
Relaxation Training
Diaphragmatic breathing
Progressive muscle relaxation
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Chapter 4 Module 2: Adherence Training (Life-Steps)
Materials Needed
■ Pillbox, if applicable
■ Set agenda
■ Assign homework
Table 4.1 Steps for Conducting Adherence Intervention
Step 3 Plan for optimizing communication with medical and mental health care providers.
Step 4 Plan for coping with side effects of medications and medical regimen.
Step 6 Formulate a daily schedule for medication and other self-care behaviors (i.e., glucose
monitoring for diabetic patients, exercise, etc.).
Step 8 Develop cues for taking medications or implementing other self-care procedures (i.e.,
glucose monitoring).
Step 9 Prepare for adaptively coping with slips in adherence and preventing relapse.
Because the Life-Steps intervention is composed of multiple steps, we
have included a table outlining them for your use. You may refer to and
use this table as a guide during sessions when conducting the interven-
tion with clients. If you wish, you may photocopy the table from the
book or download it from the TreatmentsThatWork™ website at http://
Set Agenda
In this module, setting the expectation that this particular session fo-
cuses on adherence and self-care behaviors allows the therapist and client
to note additional emerging problems for future CBT sessions that more
generally work on depression or life stress. We conceptualize this mod-
ule as providing a foundation for future sessions in that it specifically
addresses the adherence behaviors, whereas additional modules help
treat depression in the context of attempting to maintain these adher-
ence behaviors.
We recommend completing this module on adherence training in one
session; however, for many clients, continued skills training is necessary,
and future sessions can be devoted to review of this material. Subsequent
modules on depression should also continue to incorporate the adher-
ence material, particularly addressing avoidance of self-care behaviors as
a behavioral component of depression.
Remind the client that the previous session involved discussion of the
cognitive, behavioral, and physical components of depression. Review
the particular components for the client and remind him or her about
how each of these three components interact, making it easier for de-
pression and poor adherence and self-care to continue. We recommend
referring back to the copy of the client’s completed cognitive-behavioral
model from the previous module (figure 3.2).
Remind the client that after this session that emphasizes adherence, the
subsequent modules and sessions seek to interrupt this cycle, targeting
both mental and physical health.
■ What other questions do you have about the treatment we are going to
■ What else can you tell me that will help me structure the treatment to
your situation?
■ How has the past week been in terms of your thoughts, behaviors, and
physical symptoms with respect to your mood and your ability to take
care of your illness?
After this discussion, remind the client that the topic of today’s session
is medical adherence and that future sessions will address depression
more specifically. It is useful to describe self-care behaviors and adher-
ence as a foundation for future sessions. You may use the following
sample dialogue to accomplish this:
feel less depressed. So, this is where we start, and we come back to these
skills throughout this program. Does that plan make sense to you?
Utilize the CBT model of depression to discuss how the client’s specific
thoughts and behaviors may affect adherence and how this, in turn,
affects the physical condition, which, in turn, can affect depression, con-
tinuing the cycle.
Although this module, as with the other modules, follows a specific for-
mat (setting an agenda, mood check using the CES-D, review of home-
work and previous material, introduction to the problem-solving steps
for adherence), we also emphasize therapist flexibility. Some of the fol-
lowing self-care items will be relevant to some clients and illnesses, and
others may be less relevant. Hence, each step should start with a brief
discussion about the particular self-care behaviors required for the man-
agement of the client’s illness, with more time spent on those self-care
behaviors that are most problematic or important.
related behavioral changes. To help instill a sense of self-efficacy, we de-
scribe adherence as a skill that can be learned and utilize education as
one component of this behavioral-change program.
As with the subsequent treatment modules, we have found that the best
way to present the rationale for Life-Steps within the context of CBT
and tailoring it to the clients’ needs is through an interactive discussion
rather than a didactic presentation.
The purpose of this module is to help you effectively follow the medi-
cal regimen prescribed by your doctor or other health care provider.
For many people with a chronic medical condition, this involves regu-
lar use of medications. For others it also involves other challenging
changes, such as following dietary restrictions, increasing exercise,
monitoring of one’s health using blood or other types of biological tests,
and maintaining medical or mental health appointments.
Importance of Adherence
Many people, when first confronted with the number of new things
needed to manage a complicated medical illness, can feel over-
whelmed. Being able to manage your illness doesn’t have to do with
what kind of person you are. It’s something that changes over time
and depends on the skills and support you have to carry out your self-
care regimen. The way you can think about it is that it can be a lot
like learning to drive a car for the first time. First, you need to learn
about all the steps and why they’re important: how to hold the wheel,
how much pressure to apply to the pedals, when to check your mirrors,
and so forth. At first each one of these steps requires a lot of concentra-
tion and effort, but over time, they feel less like steps and more like
automatic behaviors. As much as possible, we want to help you learn
the skills necessary to manage your illness well enough so that you can
incorporate them into your life in a way that makes them feel almost
as automatic as all those steps involved in driving a car. Just like you
learn the steps of driving a car because a car can take you places you
want to go, learning the steps involved in managing your illness and
following through with them is the best way you can get to better
Problem Solving
In problem solving, the first thing needed is to define the problem and
articulate goals. So, that is where we will begin today.
In order to have a basis for the material that follows, identify and discuss
the medical adherence behaviors that are relevant to your client and col-
laboratively identify the particular adherence behaviors that will be tar-
geted in this program.
With your help, the client will use the Adherence Goals worksheet in the
corresponding workbook to write down a list of the self-care adherence
behaviors that will be targeted during the subsequent steps. Sample
completed forms for clients with two different chronic illnesses are pro-
vided in figures 4.1 and 4.2.
Refer to chapter 2 and review the relevant material for the specific illness
that the client has. If the client has an illness that is not reviewed in this
manual, use this part of the session to elicit adherence goals. Again, it
is important to consult with the client’s health care provider to under-
stand what is most important for his or her health and to help formulate
self-care/adherence goals.
Adherence Goals Worksheet
Name Date
As you work with the client to formulate a plan and a backup plan for
the adherence steps that follow, some information is needed from the
client to more effectively tailor aspects of this intervention to his or her
needs. You may ask your client the following questions in order to facili-
tate a discussion about barriers to and facilitators of adherence.
■ When do you usually tend to forget to take your medications (e.g.,
in the morning, at night, on weekends, when you go out)?
■ How do you remember to take your medications (e.g., an alarm
clock, take with breakfast or when doing another activity)?
■ Do you sometimes feel so down that you do not feel like taking
your medications?
Adherence Goals Worksheet
Name Date
When you look at your medications (or glucose monitor, etc.) what
goes through your mind?
What are your reasons for following this regimen (i.e., goals, family
members, significant others)? What are your top five reasons for stay-
ing adherent and taking care of your medical illness? (Note: work-
book has space for client to list reasons.)
1. I want to be alive for my daughter’s graduation.
2. I want to be healthy enough to volunteer some of my time.
3. I want to be able to do my artwork once again.
4. I don’t want to have to be hospitalized again.
5. I want to avoid additional medical complications.
Transition to Problem-Solving Steps
These steps are provided in outline form; however, each area is meant to
be a discussion, with the client noting the goal, the barriers, and the plan
for each in the spaces provided in the workbook.
This first step will help your client utilize problem-solving skills to help
him or her identify measures that will facilitate getting to medical
Suggested questions:
■ How often do you have medical appointments?
■ Where do you go to have these medical appointments?
Suggested questions:
■ What might cause you to miss appointments? (e.g., varying work
schedules, work during clinic hours, children, long distance from
Suggested questions:
■ How will you get to your appointments in case the weather is bad
or you can’t go the way you usually go? (e.g., is there public trans-
portation nearby, does clinic have a medical van for pickup, can
you call and reschedule?)
■ How can you schedule them and make sure you remember?
Suggested questions:
■ During your next visit with your doctor, what questions do you
want to ask about your symptoms, medications, medication side
effects, or recommended self-care behaviors (e.g., questions about
diet, exercise)?
Suggested questions:
■ What might cause you to not ask your doctor the questions that
you have (e.g., you feel uncomfortable talking about those symp-
toms; you always forget; your doctor just changed and you feel
uncomfortable with the new doctor; your doctor is too busy to
answer your questions)?
Suggested questions:
■ How will you remember the questions that you want to ask your
doctor? (Suggest to the client that he or she write them down
on an index card to bring to the medical visit.)
■ Rehearse/role-play with client about asking questions in order to:
■ Assess difficulties in communication
■ Address embarrassment/discomfort
■ Address irrational fears about asking questions
■ Help client to ask provider for full explanations in case
providers seem too busy due to time pressures
■ After rehearsing, ask: What other concerns do you have regard-
ing being able to ask your questions of your doctor?
Life-Step 3: Coping With Side Effects
Suggested questions:
■ What kinds of side effects do you have from your medications
(e.g., headaches, nausea, muscle aches)?
■ Which medications do you think are causing these side effects?
Suggested questions:
■ Have your side effects gotten in the way of taking your medications?
■ What have you done about the side effects so far? Have you been
talking to your doctor about these side effects?
Suggested questions:
■ Will you be able to talk to your doctor about these side effects to
see what else can be done to help you, like give you other medica-
tions or change these?
■ In the meantime, do you think that you can continue to take
the medications as prescribed until you speak to your doctor
about them?
■ Refer to upcoming module on relaxation and diaphragmatic
breathing, which can be helpful in coping with side effects.
Encourage the client to work with his or her provider to develop a plan
for continued access to medications or other products (i.e., monitoring
devices). The plan should include information regarding payment op-
tions, pharmacy selection, backup plans for transportation or other issues,
plans for refilling prescriptions, and management of client-pharmacist
Suggested questions:
■ Where do you get your medications and medical supplies?
■ How do you pay for your medications and medical supplies?
■ How do you get to your pharmacy?
■ Have you ever run out of your medications or medical supplies?
■ When do you ask for a medication refill from your pharmacy?
■ When do you ask for a prescription refill from your doctor?
■ What might get in the way of getting another prescription from
your doctor?
an empty stomach vs. with food) for taking medications and complet-
ing other self-care activities. Also discuss variation in a “typical” sched-
ule and include examples from weekend and holiday schedules. A
sample completed worksheet is shown in figure 4.3.
Suggested questions:
■ When do you take your medications?
■ How do you remember to take your medications?
■ How often do you need to exercise?
■ How often do you need to perform other self-management behav-
iors (e.g., self-monitoring of blood glucose)?
Suggested questions:
■ When do you tend to forget to take your medications? (Identify
specific times that are potential risks for missing doses; e.g., week-
ends due to disruptions in routine.)
■ Do you take your medications at a usual time when you are
doing something else (like cup of coffee and toast in the morning;
getting home from work; during nightly news)?
■ What gets in the way of exercising regularly?
■ What gets in the way of adhering to your diet?
Suggested questions:
■ What activities can you do at the same time as you take your
medication so that each time you do it, you will remember to
take your medications, too (e.g., during breakfast, with an after-
noon snack)?
■ When would be the best times to schedule exercise?
■ How can you be sure to follow what you need to with respect
to diet?
Medical Regimen Schedule
6:30 Wake up & use bathroom
7:00 Get dressed Check glucose level and take insulin
7:30 Eat breakfast
8:00 Drive to work Take morning medications
9:00 Arrive at work
10:00 Work
11:00 Snack break
12:00 Work
1:00 Lunch Check glucose level after lunch
2:00–4:00 Work
4:00 Snack break
5:00 Leave work
6:00 Go to gym Physical activity
7:00 Eat dinner Take evening medications
8:00–10:00 Watch TV Take insulin after dinner
10:00 Read the paper Check glucose level
10:30 Go to bed
Figure 4.3.
Example of Completed Medical Regimen Schedule
■ Backup plans: What if it is a raining and you had planned to
walk outside? What if you forget to take your medications/
Suggested questions:
■ If you leave home, do you take your medications (oral or in-
jectable) with you if you know you will not be back in time for
your dose?
■ How do you carry your medications (oral or injectable) or medi-
cal monitoring devices with you when you go out (e.g., do you
keep them in a pillbox or a bag )?
Suggested questions:
■ Where do you keep your medications when you go out and bring
them with you?
■ Do any of your medications need to be refrigerated?
■ What will you do about storing medications when you are away
from home?
Suggested questions:
■ If medications need to be refrigerated, ask: What can you do
instead of storing your medications in work or others’ refrigera-
tors? Suggest refrigerated lunch bag with an icepack instead?
■ Let’s take a look at your dose time again and see if you can take
your doses in such a way that you will not have to worry about
keeping your medication cold (this is to avoid refrigeration for
medications that retain their potency for a number of hours).
■ Would you be able to buy and use a small Ziplock bag or a pill-
box for each dose of the day? That way you can mark each bag
with the appropriate time you are supposed to take your medica-
tions and any other things you need to remember about them,
like certain foods to eat or not eat with them and refrigeration
■ Suggest small bag for diabetes medical supplies (e.g., insulin
or monitoring devices).
■ Suggest having backups that are kept in the client’s car trunk
or glove compartment.
This step can help clients learn strategies for remembering to take medi-
cations and for rehearsing adaptive thoughts of adherence each time
they look at the cues.
Suggested questions:
■ How do you usually help remind yourself to take your medications?
■ What do you think about when you know it is time to take your
Suggested questions:
■ What things do you think may keep you from using the dots? Do
you think the dots would be helpful reminders of taking your
Suggested questions:
■ Where can you place each dot so that you can see it at each dosing
time (e.g., near doorknob inside the house, near lock outside door,
bathroom mirror, work computer, phone receiver, or other helpful
■ What other things do you think you can use to help you remem-
ber your medications (e.g., link taking medications with trips to
the bathroom upon awakening and before going to bed, pillboxes
with built-in timer alarms, wake-up call service, clocks or timers
that chime on the hour or half-hour, and use of computers to
sound alarms at designated times)?
This step may help clients to prepare to recover from missing doses, laps-
ing from an exercise routine, or breaking their diet regimen, which, in
the long run, is likely to occur. If a lapse occurs, the best choice is to re-
turn to one’s adherence program as soon as possible instead of acting on
hopeless thoughts and giving up. Identifying what led to the lapse can
provide important information that can help solidify the skills and avoid
future lapses. It should be stressed that lapses are normal and not a big
problem. They only become a big problem when they lead to relapse and
giving up on the self-care regimen.
Many clients feel that progress in behavioral change will be linear. How-
ever, in behavioral-change programs, progress actually happens in the
context of the normal ups and downs of life. Hence, there will be good
days and bad days. A discussion of the graph shown in figure 4.4 can
help clients to improve their expectations about what behavioral change
really looks like. Point to the graph and discuss how most clients expect
change to happen steadily and consistently in contrast to how progress
usually happens, with its ebbs and flows over the sessions. At times in
treatment, clients may experience a worsening of symptoms or a lapse in
their ability to employ behavioral skills. Instead of reacting to these as
failures, these are opportunities to gather information about what con-
tributed to the negative change and to allow new learning. It is impor-
Improvement Graph usually
usually lookslooks
like like
What many
What many clie
expect progres
clients expect
look like
progress to
look like
Figure 4.4.
S Sessions
Improvement Graph
tant for the therapist to normalize these lapses. Over the long run, suc-
cessfully dealing with these short-term lapses will help clients be able to
maintain treatment outcomes.
Suggested questions:
■ How would you feel if one day you forget to take your medica-
tions or sleep through the time for them or are sick and do not
feel like taking them?
■ How would you feel if one day you don’t follow through with an
exercise or diet plan that you had set for yourself?
■ What would you do if that happens?
Suggested questions:
■ What kinds of thoughts do you think may keep you from restart-
ing your medical regimen if you have a slip?
Suggested questions:
■ What can you do to pick yourself up and start where you left off
before you had a slip? (Encourage clients to avoid all-or-nothing
thinking when a slip occurs.)
■ What can you learn from a lapse that will help you avoid another
in the future?
Review of Procedures
Review the previous steps and assess whether the client has understood
the rationale behind each one. Doing this can help the client remember
the strategies discussed during the session. Have the client write out any
action items in the space provided in the workbook (e.g., questions to
ask physician, placing the colored dots, and purchasing a refrigerator
bag, pillbox, or an alarm watch/clock). Ask the client if he or she has
any questions or concerns.
Is there anything else that may get in the way of your doing any of the
steps that we just reviewed?
Lastly, review the specifics of the plan and backup plan for each of the
adherence steps discussed.
Follow-Up (Optional)
You may schedule a follow-up phone call with the client before your next
session to review strategies and cues specified during the session, to assess
the emergence of any new problems/barriers and explore alternative so-
lutions, and to determine whether additional sessions focused on adher-
ence are needed.
For this module, the homework is inherent in each of the steps previ-
ously described. During the review, the therapist and client go over all of
the particular action items for the client for the next session. Remind the
client that this session covered adherence to medical regimens and that
future sessions will begin the work that targets depression and integrates
treating depression with self-care.
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Chapter 5 Module 3: Activity Scheduling
Materials Needed
■ Activity Log
■ Set agenda
■ Assign homework
Set Agenda
enjoyable activities. Clients will use the Positive Events Checklist in the
workbook to identify activities that involve pleasure or mastery.
It is estimated that it will take one session to lay the groundwork for
activity scheduling but that activity scheduling will be a part of future
sessions on cognitive restructuring. Some individuals will require addi-
tional sessions to learn about pacing. This can be done as part of addi-
tional modules or can involve dedicating full sessions to reviewing
activities, pacing suggestions, and overcoming barriers to activities. Note,
however, that the problem-solving and cognitive restructuring modules
are forthcoming, so if extensive problem-solving is required or if nega-
tive thoughts are barriers to activity scheduling, it may be important to
complete those modules first and then return to activity scheduling.
The client also completes the Weekly Adherence Assessment Form. This
form is included in the corresponding client workbook. Be sure to assess
any medical changes since the last session, including changes in symp-
toms or emergence of new symptoms, or new test results. Also review
the relation of these medical changes to adherence behavior and corre-
lation with mood.
Review of Previous Modules and Homework
Review the model with the client and remind him or her of the cogni-
tive, behavioral, and physical components of depression and how they
interact, making it easier for depression and poor adherence and poor
self-care to continue. This can be used as a setup for the present module,
stating that the goal, after review, is to attack the behavioral component
of depression. If necessary, refer back to the copy of the client’s com-
pleted CBT model from chapter 3.
Review: Life-Steps
Remind the client that the last session focused on learning how to effec-
tively follow the medical regimen prescribed by his or her doctor or
other health care provider. Review the importance of self-care behaviors
and medical adherence, as well as the problem-solving technique (AIM)
demonstrated in the previous session. Make additional plans or backup
plans for any new strategy that did not work out.
Activity Scheduling
Be sure to address the possibility that the client may not be able to par-
ticipate in enjoyable activities because of the physical limitations of his
or her illness (e.g., an asthmatic client who can’t engage in physical ex-
ercise such as hiking or jogging). Work with the client to brainstorm al-
ternative options (e.g., going for a short walk in the evenings around the
neighborhood). Additionally, problem solving for medication taking or
other aspects of self-care should be appropriately integrated into the
elicitation of potential positive events to engage in by clients with a medi-
cal illness.
Using the Positive Events Checklist, work with the client to create a list
of events that he or she no longer does but used to do before becoming
depressed and/or chronically ill. The goal of this exercise is to identify
activities that the client can begin to participate in once again that will
make him or her feel more positive and that can be done in conjunction
with the limitations of a chronic illness.
We recommend going over the entire list with the client in the session.
The reason is that, in our experience, clients with depression seem to
quickly jump to the conclusion that they do not have any interests or
that any interests they do have will not be possible to do now that they
are ill. We find that a discussion of each and every item in the list ends
up helping with client rapport and helps a discussion of a large number
of simple and more involved activities that the client can do as hobbies
or pleasurable activities during the day.
It is also important to set appropriate expectations regarding reengaging
in these activities. For example, if the client has the goal of meeting new
friends by joining a club, he or she cannot expect to have new friends
after the first or second event. However, if the client goes to a regularly
occurring activity, it is likely that over time he or she will see some of the
same people and slowly get to know them and establish relationships.
Activity Log
The goals of the activity log are for the client (1) to learn firsthand the
association of mood symptoms to activities and (2) to gain a sense of his
or her limits in terms of his or her physical symptoms. Understanding
the association of mood and activities may be much more effective than
recall, because individuals with depression tend to view their previous
week consistently with their mood state. This can result in a belief that
the entire week was negative, when, in fact, clients, through monitoring,
can learn that there are some parts of the week that are actually enjoy-
able. This can then be a baseline for decreasing more depressogenic ac-
tivities and increasing activities that promote positive affect.
The client will begin using the Activity Log in the workbook to moni-
tor daily activities (what he or she is doing during the relevant time pe-
riods, what his or her mood is like during those times, and any medical
symptoms experienced during those times). Instruct the client to also se-
lect the most prominent medical symptom of his or her illness to moni-
Table 5.1. Positive Events Checklist
1. Going to lunch with a friend 32. Getting a pet (or playing with 67. Going shopping
2. Speaking to a friend on the someone else’s dog or cat) 68. Lying in the sun
telephone 33. Mountain biking 69. Laughing
3. Going to a movie 34. Apple picking 70. Reading magazines or
4. Relaxing in a park or back- 35. Weightlifting newspapers
yard 36. Playing chess or other 71. Hobbies (model building,
5. Reading a book for pleasure board games scrapbook making, etc.)
6. Going for a walk with a 37. Going to a comedy club 72. Spending an evening with
friend or partner 38. Playing golf / miniature golf good friends
7. Going out for ice cream or 39. Going to the driving range 73. Planning a day’s activities
sugar-free frozen yogurt on 40. Curling 74. Meeting new people
a warm evening 41. Playing Frisbee 75. Eating healthful foods
8. Attending a play or show 42. Telling jokes and funny 76. Practicing karate, judo,
9. Playing a game with a child stories kickboxing
or friend 43. People watching 77. Thinking about retirement
10. Having a special meal or 44. Going window shopping 78. Tackling home improve-
treat 45. Stargazing ment projects
11. Taking a bubble bath 46. Rock climbing (indoor 79. Repairing things around
12. Creating art on your com- climbing wall) the house
puter 47. Blowing bubbles 80. Working on car or bicycle
13. Building or upgrading a 48. Going to a toy store or motorcycle
computer 49. Bird watching 81. Wearing sexy clothes
14. Taking digital photos 50. Going on a nature walk 82. Having quiet evenings
15. Baking 51. Having a cup of tea 83. Taking care of my plants
16. Creating glass art 52. Playing cards with friends / 84. Buying, selling stock
17. Organizing pictures establishing a “poker night” 85. Swimming
18. Helping other people 53. Going to an arcade 86. Doodling, drawing, painting
19. Volunteering 54. Surfing the Internet 87. Exercising
20. Cooking a gourmet meal 55. Downloading songs to your 88. Going to a party
21. Renting a movie MP3 player 89. Playing soccer
22. Making jewelry 56. Chatting online 90. Flying kites
23. Getting a manicure or 57. Watching TV 91. Having discussions with
pedicure 58. Using TiVo or DVR to friends
24. Rollerblading record your favorite shows 92. Having family get-togethers
25. Getting involved in your 59. Playing video games online 93. Having safe sex
community 60. Starting a collection 94. Going camping
26. Donating money to the (stamps, coins, shells, etc.) 95. Singing
charity of your choice 61. Going on a date 96. Arranging flowers
27. Joining a gym 62. Relaxing 97. Practicing religion (going to
28. Playing bocce, racquetball, 63. Jogging, walking, running church, group praying, etc.)
or squash 64. Thinking I have done a full 98. Going to the beach
29. Snowshoeing day’s work 99. Having class reunions
30. Kayaking 65. Listening to music 100. Going skating
31. Redecorating your home 66. Recalling fond memories 101. Going sailboating
102. Planning a trip or vacation 130. Going bike riding 159. Seeing and/or showing
103. Doing something sponta- 131. Buying gifts photos or slides
neous 132. Traveling to national parks 160. Playing pool
104. Doing needlepoint, cro- 133. Going to a spectator sport 161. Dressing up and looking
cheting, or knitting (auto racing, horse racing, nice
105. Going on a scenic drive etc.) 162. Reflecting on how I’ve
106. Entertaining / having a party 134. Teaching improved
107. Joining a social club (e.g., 135. Fishing 163. Talking on the phone
garden club, Parents with- 136. Playing with animals 164. Going to museums
out Partners, etc.) 137. Acting 165. Lighting candles
108. Flirting / kissing 138. Writing in a journal 166. Listening to the radio
109. Playing musical instruments 139. Writing and sending letters 167. Getting a massage
110. Doing arts and crafts or e-mails 168. Saying “I love you”
111. Making a gift for someone 140. Cleaning 169. Thinking about my good
112. Buying music (records, 141. Taking an exercise class qualities
CDs, etc.) 142. Watching comedy 170. Taking a sauna or a steam
113. Watching sports on television 143. Taking a class bath
114. Cooking 144. Learning a new language 171. Skiing (cross-country or
115. Going on a hike 145. Doing crossword puzzles, downhill)
116. Writing word jumbles, playing 172. Whitewater rafting
117. Buying clothes Sudoku 173. Bowling
118. Going out to dinner 146. Performing magic tricks 174. Woodworking
119. Discussing books / joining 147. Getting a new haircut 175. Taking dance classes (bal-
a book club 148. Going to a stylist let, tap, salsa, ballroom, etc.)
120. Sightseeing 149. Going to a bookstore 176. Sitting in a sidewalk café
121. Gardening 150. Buying books 177. Having an aquarium
122. Going to a spa 151. Dancing 178. Erotica (sex books, movies)
123. Going out for coffee 152. Going on a picnic 179. Horseback riding
124. Playing tennis 153. Meditating 180. Doing something new
125. Doing yoga / stretching 154. Playing volleyball 181. Doing jigsaw puzzles
126. Being with / playing with 155. Going to the mountains 182. Thinking I’m a person who
children 156. Splurging / treating yourself can cope
127. Going to concerts 157. Having a political discussion 183. Going sledding
128. Planning to go to school 158. Playing softball 184. Going to the mall
129. Refinishing furniture 185. Making a home video
Adapted from Hickling & Blanchard, 2006; Linehan et al., 1993; and from brainstorming of the authors and col-
Activity Log
Rate activities for mood (1–10). 1 ⫽ bad mood, 10 ⫽ best mood.
Morning Went to bank-2 Slept late, Bed/TV-2 Read a book-6 Watched TV-4 Exercised while Had a nice
Dr. visit-5 stayed in bed, Had coffee-4 listening to brunch-5
watched TV-2 music-8
Watched TV-4
Afternoon Took a ride Mostly watched Hung around the Went out for My sister Kathy Went to store-6 Kathy picked
with a friend TV, hung around house, used the the afternoon: came by with Walked to park me up and we
who is courier the house, used Internet, Visited book- card for me-8 and read-8 went to my
all over Eastern the Internet-2 watched TV-2 store-8 Talked on phone sister’s-8
Mass-8 Read outside of with a friend-7
bookstore-8 Had coffee-5
Walked around
the stores-7
Evening Watched TV-4 Watched TV-4 Dinner at my Cleaned shelves Watched TV-4 Watched TV-4 Dinner party
Took bills to my sister’s house-8 and back hall-6 with my
sister’s-4 Watched TV-4 sisters for my
Figure 5.1.
Example of Completed Activity Log
tor (e.g., if fatigue is a concern, rate level of fatigue; if pain is a concern,
rate level of pain). If the client does not experience symptoms, he or she
should enter a “0” as the daily symptom rating. Clients with diabetes
should also use the log to record their glucose levels.
✎ Client should monitor activity and mood levels on a daily basis using
the Activity Log in the workbook.
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Chapter 6 Module 4: Cognitive Restructuring
(Adaptive Thinking)
Materials Needed
■ Thought Record
■ Set agenda
■ Introduce the 4-Column Thought Record and show client how to use
it to monitor automatic thoughts and cognitive distortions
■ Assign homework
Set Agenda
Review of Previous Modules and Homework
Review the model with the client and remind him or her of the cogni-
tive, behavioral, and physical components of depression and how they
interact, making it easier for depression and poor adherence and poor
self-care to continue. If necessary, refer back to the copy of the client’s
completed CBT model from chapter 3. Use this as an introduction
to the current module, which focuses on the cognitive component of
Review: Life-Steps
Remind client about how to effectively follow the medical regimen pre-
scribed by his or her doctor or other health care provider. Review the im-
portance of self-care behaviors and medical adherence, as well as the
problem-solving technique (AIM). Make additional plans or backup
plans for any new strategy that did not work out.
Spend time carefully reviewing activity scheduling, using the client’s com-
pleted Activity Log for the previous week to point out times when his or
her mood was elevated and times when his or her mood was depressed.
Use this as a justification to maximize pleasurable activities. Look for any
patterns with respect to symptoms (or, for diabetic patients, glucose lev-
els) and their relationship to mood, and make a corrective action plan as
Cognitive Restructuring
them to cognitive distortions. Preliminary instructions for cognitive re-
structuring are provided for the client in the workbook. We have also in-
cluded them here as a reference. The information that follows loosely
corresponds to the instruction sheet. While you go over this material,
the client can follow along in the workbook.
The purpose of using Thought Records is to identify and modify negative au-
tomatic thoughts in situations that lead to feeling overwhelmed.
The first step in learning to think in more useful ways is to become more
aware of these thoughts and their relationship to your feelings. If you are an-
ticipating a stressful situation or a task that is making you feel overwhelmed,
write out your thoughts regarding this situation.
If a situation has already passed and you find that you are thinking about it
negatively, list your thoughts for this situation.
The first column of the Thought Record is for you to provide a description
of the situation.
The second column is for you to list your thoughts during a stressful, over-
whelming, or uncontrollable situation.
The third column is for you to write down what emotions you are having
and what your mood is like when you are thinking these thoughts (e.g., de-
pressed, sad, angry).
The fourth column is for you to see whether your thoughts match the list of
“cognitive distortions.” These may include:
■ All-or-nothing thinking
■ Overgeneralizations
■ Magnification/minimization
■ Emotional reasoning
■ “Should” statements
■ Labeling and mislabeling
■ Personalization
■ Maladaptive thinking
Cognitive restructuring can also help with activity scheduling. Using the
client’s completed Activity Log from the previous week, point out times
when he or she rated his or her mood the lowest and how cognitive re-
structuring could have been used to increase it. For example, we had a
client who went to church for the first time in several years. She had pre-
viously avoided church because she felt that people would judge her for
having HIV because it can be transmitted sexually. She arrived right as
the service began, sat in the back, and walked right out when it was over.
She rated her mood as low in this situation, with the interpretation that
even in church, where one would think people would be friendly, she
was not able to make friends. She took it personally that no one spoke
to her. The realistic cognitive restructuring involved looking at the situa-
tion more objectively, with the interpretation that maybe no one spoke
to her because there was not much time to do so. This resulted in the
goal of arriving early and staying late to the next service, trying this three
times, and seeing whether she would participate in any conversations.
Cognitive Distortions
Have the client turn to the Cognitive Distortions List in the workbook.
Help the client identify which types of thoughts seem to apply to him
or her most. Explain to the client that cognitive distortions maintain
negative thinking and help to maintain negative emotions. Point out
that negative and inaccurate thoughts and beliefs can lead to adverse be-
havioral consequences, including avoidance, feelings of helplessness and
hopelessness, depression, the inability to take adequate care of oneself,
and poor adherence to medications. Refer back to the client’s completed
CBT model of depression as needed.
Mental filter: You pick out a single negative detail and dwell on it ex-
clusively, so that your vision of all reality becomes darkened, like the
drop of ink that discolors the entire beaker of water. For example, you
are working on increasing your glucose monitoring and physical activity
and trying to eat a better daily diet. Although this has been going well
and you’ve made consistent improvements, you only focus on the nega-
tives. For example, you might think, “Well, yeah, I’ve been trying but it’s
not going to make any difference because I haven’t lost weight yet.” You
focus on negative information and ignore all the positives.
Fortune-telling: You anticipate that things will turn out badly, and
you feel that your prediction is a predetermined fact. For example,
you predict that no matter what you do, you will never lose the
weight you need to in order to stay healthy.
qualities; your ability to do something despite having a chronic illness;
or the other’s imperfections).
Maladaptive thinking: You focus on a thought that may be true but over
which you have no control (e.g., “my abilities are more limited than they
were before I was sick”). Excessively thinking about it can be self-critical
or can distract you from an important task or from attempting new
Automatic Thoughts
Think about when you first learned to drive a car. At the age of 15 or
16, trying to coordinate many tasks at once, you had to be specifically
conscious of handling the steering wheel, remembering to signal for
turns, staying exactly in your lane, averting other traffic, trying to
park, and doing many tasks at the same time that required your total
Now, think about driving today. You probably know how to drive
without thinking actively about what you are doing. The process of
driving has become automatic.
In the same way that driving has become automatic, so can one’s in-
terpretation of various situations, which can result in a continuation
of depressed mood. People tend to automatically interpret situations
consistent with their moods. So, if someone is depressed for a pro-
longed period of time, the person continues to interpret neutral or
even positive situations in ways that are consistent with their negative
view of themselves, the future, and the past. For example, we had a
client with diabetes who was overweight and had depression. She
maintained the belief that she was ugly and that therefore no one
would want to talk with her or be her friend. When she would go to
events she would not approach new people or talk to them. When
people would approach her, she would shy away from maintaining a
conversation because of this negative view of herself. This pattern of
thinking and behavior became automatic—and reinforced itself—
because, in the end, it became a self-fulfilling prophecy. People did
not speak to her because she avoided them due to her thoughts and
beliefs about herself.
Identifying Automatic Thoughts
Using the Thought Record in the workbook, explain to the client how
to monitor his or her thoughts. Have the client pick a situation from his
or her completed Activity Log that rated as being a low point from the
previous week and elicit automatic thoughts from the situation (if the
client did not complete an activity log, try to help him or her elicit a
situation from memory by asking questions like, In thinking about the
past week, what was the time or times when your mood was at its worst?) As
your discussion continues, you and the client can list these automatic
thoughts on the Thought Record. The last column of the Thought
Record will be left blank for now, as rational responses have yet to be dis-
cussed. A sample completed Thought Record without rational responses
is shown in figure 6.1.
■ What was it about the situation that, specifically, made you upset?
Thought Record
Tues. afternoon: Good memories (at first) of wife First, felt really good
Went to cookout with who passed away. (80)
my girlfriend and I don’t take care of myself well A little sad “Should” thinking
daughter. enough. (60)
Because of this, I won’t live long Very sad and guilty Fortune-telling
enough to have these kinds of (95) “Should” thinking
outings to enjoy with my family.
My daughter lost her mother and Labeling
has a horrible father.
Figure 6.1.
Example of Completed Thought Record Up to Cognitive Distortions Column
Questioning ways to get beyond the negative thoughts specific to that
situation can allow a deeper understanding of an ongoing pattern of in-
terpreting situations negatively. Many times, for example, negative be-
liefs emerge that tie one’s identity into one’s illness. Other times, beliefs
emerge that were present before the illness but have become exacerbated.
Identifying negative beliefs can help clients look toward future situations
or thinking patterns in order to make longer lasting changes. Probes for
eliciting these beliefs may include:
■ What would make you interpret the situation in the way that you just
■ Can you think of the first time you thought that way about something
like this?
■ Has your thinking about situations like this changed since you became
chronically ill?
One potential pitfall in this process can involve the therapist being too
particular about the specific distortion. For example, if a client identifies
his or her thought as being “all or nothing” and the more appropriate
term is “fortune-telling,” it would be important to simply ask why they
saw it as “all or nothing” instead of necessarily spending too much time
matching to the most correct specific type of cognitive distortion. Ques-
tions that elicit the reasons clients label the terms help lay the ground-
work for the formulation of a rational response.
Discuss each one and highlight the connection between thinking and
mood. If time permits, you may perform this exercise with the client
multiple times. Whenever possible, the client should list thoughts speci-
fically related to his or her illness and self-care behaviors.
Upcoming Sessions
✎ Have client read the Preliminary Instructions for Cognitive Restruc-
turing in the workbook to assist with identifying automatic thoughts
and matching them to distortions.
✎ Using the Thought Record, the client should repeat the process of
identifying automatic thoughts and matching them to cognitive distor-
tions for at least two situations that are also listed on the Activity Log
during the week.
✎ For the therapist: Discuss possible situations that the client could work
on in the upcoming week.
✎ For the therapist: Discuss anticipated problems that may prevent the
client from completing homework.
Materials Needed
■ Thought Record
■ Set agenda
■ Work with client to determine the role of core beliefs in influenc-
ing the way he or she interprets situations
■ Assign homework
Set Agenda
Review of Previous Material and Homework
Review the model with the client and remind him or her of the cogni-
tive, behavioral, and physical components of depression and how they
interact, making it easier for depression and poor adherence and poor
self-care to continue. If necessary, refer back to the copy of the client’s
completed CBT model from chapter 3. Remind the client that this mod-
ule will focus on the cognitive component of depression.
Review: Life-Steps
Remind the client how to effectively follow the medical regimen pre-
scribed by his or her doctor or other health care provider. Review the
importance of self-care behaviors and medical adherence, as well as the
problem-solving technique (AIM). Make additional plans or backup
plans for any new strategy that did not work out.
Review the rationale for cognitive restructuring and the role of the sub-
sequent sessions in completing this module. Help with any problems the
client may have with activity scheduling that cannot be solved with cog-
nitive restructuring.
Review the client’s completed Thought Records for each of the two
situations for which he or she chose to record automatic thoughts and
cognitive distortions. Discuss each situation individually. If the client
has not completed this homework exercise, discuss the reasons why. If
necessary, refer back to motivational interviewing (see Module 1) and
complete the exercise during the session.
Rational Responses
Review reasons for rethinking situations that make one feel depressed or
overwhelmed. Explain “coaching styles” and use the coaching metaphor
provided to illustrate the importance of thinking in ways that are help-
ful, that make one feel better, and that are realistic.
Coaching Metaphor
This is a story about Little League baseball. I talk about Little League
baseball because of the amazing parents and coaches involved. And by
“amazing” I don’t mean good. I mean extreme.
But this story doesn’t start with the coaches or the parents. It starts
with Johnny, who is a Little League player in the outfield. His job is
to catch fly balls and return them to the infield players. On this par-
ticular day of our story, Johnny is in the outfield. And “crack!”—one
of the players on the other team hits a fly ball. The ball is coming to
Johnny. Johnny raises his glove. The ball is coming to him, it is com-
ing to him . . . and it goes over his head. Johnny misses the ball, and
the other team scores a run.
Now there are a number of ways a coach can respond to this situation.
Let’s take Coach A first. Coach A is the type of coach who will come
out on the field and shout:
I can’t believe you missed that ball! Anyone could have caught it!
My dog could have caught it! You screw up like that again and
you’ll be sitting on the bench! That was lousy!
Coach A then storms off the field. At this point, if Johnny is anything
like I am, he is standing there, tense, tight, trying not to cry, and
praying that another ball is not hit to him. If a ball does come to him,
Johnny will probably miss it. After all, he is tense, tight, and may
see four balls coming to him because of the tears in his eyes. Also, if
we are Johnny’s parents, we may see more profound changes after the
game: Johnny, who typically places his baseball glove on the mantle,
now throws it under his bed. And before the next game, he may com-
plain that his stomach hurts, that perhaps he should not go to the
game. This is the scenario with Coach A.
Now let’s go back to the original event and play it differently. Johnny
has just missed the fly ball, and now Coach B comes out on the field.
Coach B says:
Well, you missed that one. Here is what I want you to remember:
fly balls always look like they are farther away than they really
are. Also, it is much easier to run forward than to back up. Be-
cause of this, I want you to prepare for the ball by taking a
few extra steps backward. Run forward if you need to, but try to
catch it at chest level, so you can adjust your hand if you mis-
judge the ball. Let’s see how you do next time.
Coach B leaves the field. How does Johnny feel? Well, he is not happy.
After all, he missed the ball—but there are a number of important
differences from the way he felt with Coach A. He is not as tense or
tight, and if a fly ball does come to him, he knows what to do differ-
ently to catch it. And because he does not have tears in his eyes, he
may actually see the ball accurately. He may catch the next one.
a few balls; and he may enjoy the game. And he may continue to place
his glove on the mantel.
Now, while we may all select Coach B for Johnny, we rarely choose the
view of Coach B for the way we talk to ourselves. Think about your
last mistake. Did you say, “I can’t believe I did that! I am so stupid!
What a jerk!” These are Coach A thoughts, and they have approxi-
mately the same effect on us that they do on Johnny. They make us feel
tense and tight, and sometimes make us feel like crying. And this style
of coaching rarely makes us do better in the future. If you are only
concerned about productivity (making the major leagues), you would
pick Coach B. And if you were concerned with enjoying life, while
guiding yourself effectively for both joy and productivity, you would
still pick Coach B.
Keep in mind that we are not talking about how we coach ourselves
in a baseball game. We are talking about how we coach ourselves in
life, and our enjoyment of life.
During the next week, I would like you to listen to see how you are
coaching yourself. And if you hear Coach A, remember this story
and see if you can replace Coach A with Coach B. (Adapted from
Otto, 1999)
feel overwhelmed, write out your thoughts regarding this situation. If a sit-
uation has already passed, and you find that you are thinking about it neg-
atively, list your thoughts for this situation.
The first column of the Thought Record is for you to provide a description
of the situation.
The second column is for you to list your thoughts during a stressful, over-
whelming, or uncontrollable situation.
The third column is for you to write down what emotions you are having
and what your mood is like when thinking these thoughts (e.g., depressed,
sad, angry).
The fourth column is for you to see whether your thoughts match the list of
“cognitive distortions.” These may include:
In the fifth column, try to come up with a rational response to each thought
or to the most important negative thought. The rational response is a state-
ment that you can say to yourself to try to feel better about the situation.
Questions to help come up with this rational response can include:
Am I worrying excessively about this?
What would I say to a good friend about this situation if he/she were
going through it?
Using the client’s completed Thought Records from last week, help him
or her to formulate rational responses to each of the automatic thoughts
listed. An example of a completed Thought Record with rational re-
sponses is shown in figure 6.2.
Thought Record
Tues. afternoon: Good memories (at first) of wife First, felt really good I can only do my best in terms of
Went to cookout with who passed away. (80) taking care of myself.
my girlfriend and I don’t take care of myself well A little sad “Should” thinking
Although I have an illness, there
daughter. enough. (60)
are things I can do to take good
Because of this, I won’t live long Very sad and guilty Fortune-telling care of myself and can therefore
enough to have these kinds of (95) “Should” thinking live a longer life.
outings to enjoy with my family.
My daughter lost her mother and Labeling I do the best I can to take care of
has a horrible father. my daughter.
Weds. morning: I’m never going to be healthy. Disappointed in myself Catastrophizing I have been better at taking my
I woke up and knew I can’t take care of myself. (80) Labeling meds. Today was a slip.
it was time to take I am a horrible person. Hopeless (95) Missing meds one morning does not
my medications but I mean I am a horrible person.
had to push myself to
get out of bed and so
I just didn’t take
Figure 6.2.
Example of Completed Thought Record
upcoming situation. The client can prepare in advance and set realistic
goals. After the situation, the client is encouraged to look back at the
Thought Record completed before entering into the situation to deter-
mine how accurate his or her automatic thoughts and rational responses
Core Beliefs
✎ The client should continue all aspects of the program (practicing ad-
herence skills from the Life-Steps module, completing the Activity
Log, and engaging in pleasant alternative activities on a daily basis).
✎ Instruct the client to list automatic thoughts, cognitive distortions,
and rational responses on the Thought Record over the course of the
following week.
✎ For the therapist: Discuss possible situations that the client could work
on in the upcoming week.
✎ For the therapist: Discuss anticipated problems that may prevent the
client from completing homework.
Chapter 7 Module 5: Problem Solving
Materials Needed
■ Problem-Solving Sheet
■ Set agenda
■ Assign homework
Set Agenda
Over the course of the next two sessions you will teach the client problem-
solving skills. Problem-solving training (D’Zurilla, 1986) will involve
teaching clients how to take an overwhelming task and break it into
manageable steps, with the goal of reducing cognitive avoidance. Addi-
tional problem-solving techniques involve training in articulation of the
problem, coming up with possible solutions, and selecting the best pos-
sible solution. This approach is used for depression (Nezu & Perri, 1989)
and has specific application to coping with chronic illness (Nezu, Nezu,
Friedman, Faddis, & Houts, 1998). We have adapted these techniques
for use in this program.
The client also completes the Weekly Adherence Assessment Form. This
form is included in the corresponding client workbook. Be sure to assess
any medical changes since the last session, including changes in symp-
toms or emergence of new symptoms, or new test results. Also review
the relation of these medical changes to adherence behavior and corre-
lation with mood.
Review the model with the client and remind him or her of the cogni-
tive, behavioral, and physical components of depression and how they
interact, making it easier for depression and poor adherence and poor
self-care to continue. If necessary, refer back to the copy of the client’s
completed CBT model from chapter 3. Point out that the problem-solving
module attacks both the cognitive and the behavioral components of de-
pression. The reason is that we seek to help people feel better about what
they have to do by making the tasks easier. Hence the goals get done, and
the behavioral component is affected.
Review: Life-Steps
Remind the client how to effectively follow the medical regimen pre-
scribed by his or her doctor or other health care provider. Review the im-
portance of self-care behaviors and medical adherence, as well as the
problem-solving technique (AIM). Make additional plans or backup
plans for any new strategy that did not work out.
Discuss any questions the client may have regarding cognitive restruc-
turing. Review how thoughts and beliefs can impact the client’s view of
certain situations. Be sure the client is continuing to use cognitive re-
structuring in situations that make him or her upset. Review any up-
setting events over the previous week and discuss them in terms of
whether the client used cognitive restructuring to think more adaptively
about them.
Problem Solving
Provide the client with the following rationale for problem solving:
Problem-Solving Training
Explain to the client that problem solving involves two skills. First is the
ability to select a plan of action, even if there is no ideal solution avail-
able. Second is the ability to take an overwhelming task and break it down
into manageable steps. The aim of this session is to teach the client how
to effectively use the technique of problem solving in his or her own life.
Problem-Solving Sheet
Statement of the problem: I do not exercise enough but would like to because it will help improve
my health.
1) List all of the possible solutions that you can think of. List them even if you think they
don’t make sense, or you don’t think you would do them. The point is to come up with
as many solutions as possible.
2) List the pros and cons of each solution.
3) After listing the pros and cons of each, review the whole list, and give a rating to each
4) Use additional copies of this sheet as needed (even if it’s for the same problem).
Overall Rating
of Solution
Possible Solution Pros of Solution Cons of Solution (1–10)
Walk to work instead I will get fresh air, I may get a little 7
of drive get energized, and sweaty.
have a clearer head. I would need to carry
Less stress that a change of clothes.
comes with driving. Wake up earlier to
allow for more
commute time.
Figure 7.1
Example of Completed Problem-Solving Sheet
Problem-Solving Sheet
Statement of the problem: I never get the information I need from my doctor.
1) List all of the possible solutions that you can think of. List them even if you think they
don’t make sense, or you don’t think you would do them. The point is to come up with
as many solutions as possible.
2) List the pros and cons of each solution.
3) After listing the pros and cons of each, review the whole list, and give a rating to each
4) Use additional copies of this sheet as needed (even if it’s for the same problem).
Overall Rating
of Solution
Possible Solution Pros of Solution Cons of Solution (1–10)
Have someone come That person could help I don’t know who to 5
with me. listen to the answers ask, everyone is busy
and then remind me. during the day.
Make a list of what I I would get my questions I would feel stupid with 6
want to ask her about. answered. a list.
I would have to put in
time to make the list.
Tell the doctor that I The doctor would pos- I would feel awkward 6
have a hard time re- sibly make a better having this type of
membering what she effort to make sure conversation.
says and getting my that I understand.
questions asked. I would feel more com-
fortable asking questions.
Figure 7.2.
Example of Completed Problem-Solving Sheet
Step 1. Articulate the Problem
Try to get the client to describe the problem in as few words as possible—
one or two sentences at most. Examples include:
In the first column of the Problem-Solving Sheet, the client should try
to come up with a number of solutions—regardless of how possible
they are, what the consequences may be, or whether they are silly or out-
rageous. The idea is to generate a list of as many solutions as possible.
Notably, we find that listing the solutions can be a difficult task for
clients who feel that they are in a “rut.” Hence, we encourage creativity
with this—trying to find solutions that they may not have thought of,
or specifically articulate solutions that may seem obvious.
Now is the time for the client to realistically appraise each solution. In
the Pros and Cons columns of the sheet, the client should figure out
what he or she really thinks would happen if he or she selected that so-
lution. The advantages (pros) and disadvantages (cons) of each should
be listed.
Using the final column, the client should rate the solution on a scale
from 1–10. This should be done as objectively as possible.
Step 5. Implement the Best Option
Now that the client has rated each possible solution on a scale of 1–10,
review each option and its rating. Look at the one that is rated the high-
est. Determine whether this is really the solution that the client would
like to pick. The next part of problem solving involves trying to break
the solution down into manageable steps. Use of cognitive restructuring
can also be applied here if there are negative thoughts related to inaction
or if there are excessively negative projections about the potential out-
come of the situations.
Use the sample completed Problem-Solving Sheets to show the client ex-
amples of how to select action plans for particular problems.
List the steps that must be completed. This can be done using
small note cards or plain paper. Ask questions such as, “What is
the first thing that you would need to do to make this happen? What
is next?”
Have the client ask him- or herself, “Is this something that I could
realistically complete in one day?” and “Is this something that I
would want to put off doing?”
If any step seems too overwhelming, break that step down into
further manageable steps.
One of the potential pitfalls here is that clients will not want to imple-
ment any of the solutions because they fear the consequences or feel that
they cannot do them. This is where it is important to use cognitive re-
structuring as needed if completing any of the tasks would cause the
client to experience anxiety or depressed mood. Going back and forth
between the problem-solving module and the cognitive restructuring
module can be an integral part of progress here.
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Chapter 8 Module 6: Relaxation Training and
Diaphragmatic Breathing
■ Set agenda
■ Assign homework
Set Agenda
In this module, the focus is on teaching the client how to relax in situa-
tions that may cause stress or pain. This skill can be adapted for use in
managing side effects of medications, to help in preparation for any
painful medical procedures, and to help with sleep.
With the help of the therapist, the participant will make a relaxation
tape, which will involve training in cue-controlled relaxation.
Review the model with the client and remind him or her of the cogni-
tive, behavioral, and physical components of depression and how they
interact, making it easier for depression and poor adherence or poor self-
care to continue. If necessary, refer back to the copy of the client’s com-
pleted CBT model from chapter 3.
Review: Life-Steps
Discuss any questions the client may have regarding cognitive restruc-
turing. Review how thoughts and beliefs can impact the client’s view of
certain situations. Be sure the client is continuing to use cognitive re-
structuring in situations that make him or her upset. Review any upset-
ting events over the previous week and discuss them in terms of whether
the client used the cognitive restructuring to think more adaptively
about them.
Discuss the extent to which problems have been broken down into steps.
Review any completed problem-solving worksheets and encourage the
client to continue to use these skills. Review any areas in which the skills
are not understood or being utilized and attempt to clarify any remain-
ing questions.
Breathing Retraining
The object of breathing retraining is to teach the client to use calm, slow
breathing in order to achieve a relaxed state. Overbreathing and chest
breathing, which many people tend to do when feeling anxious, can ac-
tually exacerbate anxiety symptoms. Instead, it is more effective to
breathe from the diaphragm. Chest breathing involves filling your lungs
with air, forcing the chest upward and outward to expand, so that you
are taking relatively shallow breaths. Diaphragmatic breathing, on the
other hand, keeps your chest relaxed and lets the diaphragm, the smooth
muscle at the bottom of the lungs, do all the work. When you inhale,
the diaphragm moves down, creating a vacuum and pulling air in. This
technique results in deeper breaths, which is a healthier and fuller way to
take in oxygen.
Have the client practice diaphragmatic breathing during the session. In-
struct the client to place one hand on the stomach and the other on the
chest. Teach the client to differentiate between chest breathing and di-
aphragmatic breathing by having him or her inhale slowly and watch
which hand moves. Chest breathing occurs when the hand on the chest
moves; diaphragmatic breathing is occurring when the hand on the
stomach moves.
You may use the following sample dialogue to guide the client through
the process of diaphragmatic breathing:
Have the client repeat this exercise until he or she is able to do it cor-
rectly. Like any skill, it takes practice to master.
Once you are relaxed, the trick is to make a mental note of what the
relaxation feels like. You can then apply this to situations of stress, in
conjunction with slow breathing, when doing the whole procedure is
not possible. We will make a tape of the progressive muscle relaxation
procedure, so that you can take it home and practice.
Ask the client if he or she has any questions or concerns before contin-
uing. Use a blank cassette tape (or digital audio recorder) to record the
relaxation procedure.
Therapist Note: There are some relaxation “tapes” available as MP3 files
that can be found on public access Internet sites. Therapists may wish to
locate some this way, listen to them, and give them to clients.
You may use the following script to facilitate the relaxation exercise.
The following outline can be used to create a tape recording of the pro-
gressive muscle relaxation procedure. Use a slow, relaxing, somewhat
monotonous tone. Progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing, then
relaxing all of the different muscle groups. Muscles should be tensed for
approximately 5 seconds each, and then relaxed for at least 10 seconds.
Clients should be instructed to relax or “let go” all at once, so that the
contrast between tension and relaxation can be achieved. Before starting
the procedure, go over what it will look like to tense each muscle group.
Use the list of muscle groups provided.
You may use the following sample dialogue for each muscle group.
Now you can get even more relaxed by continuing to breathe and
relax. Your entire body is relaxed. Continue breathing and relaxing,
calmly and regularly, to achieve an even deeper level of relaxation.
(Wait a full minute.)
At this point I want you to make a mental note of your degree of re-
laxation right now. Notice what it feels like to be relaxed. There is no
tension in your body and you are totally relaxed. Remember what this
feels like. I am going to let you breathe and relax for another minute.
As you breathe, think of the word inhale every time you inhale, and
think of the word relax every time you exhale. If your mind starts to
wander, just go back to thinking “inhale” and “relax.”
We are now done with the progressive muscle relaxation training. When
you are ready, you can take some time and open your eyes. (Adapted
from Ost, n.d., and Otto, Jones, Craske, & Barlow, 1996)
Once again, stress to the client that muscle relaxation is a learned skill.
Practice is necessary so the client can master the technique and apply it
in real-life situations. Refer to the point in the script where you ask the
client to make a mental note of how relaxed he or she is at that point.
The idea is for the client to practice enough so that eventually he or she
will be able to simply take a slow, deep breath and recover that relaxed
✎ Have the client practice relaxation training as much as possible. Once
per day is ideal, but at least three to four times per week is acceptable.
Chapter 9 Module 7: Review, Maintenance,
and Relapse Prevention
■ Set agenda
■ Review homework
Set Agenda
As done in the beginning of all sessions, the client completes the CES-D
self-report measure of depression. Briefly review the score and take note
of any symptoms that may have changed from the last measurement.
Review the total score for each of the preceding sessions and examine
what may have been helpful in treatment and what may not have been
helpful for the client. Be sure to track scores using the Progress Summary
Chart. As in the previous sessions, this may also be a discussion point re-
garding therapy “homework”—that is, if a client completes the “home-
work” and feels better, this point can be emphasized. If the client has not
engaged in behavioral change and his or her symptoms of depression
have not changed, this fact could be utilized to increase motivation in
future sessions.
The client also completes the Weekly Adherence Assessment Form. As-
sess any medical changes since the last session, including changes in
symptoms or emergence of new symptoms, or new test results. Also re-
view the correlation of these medical changes with both adherence be-
havior and mood. Identify triggers for missed doses, such as running out
of medication or thoughts about not wanting or needing to take medi-
cation. Problem-solve as necessary to continue to improve adherence
and maintain improvements.
Remind client that the last session focused on using relaxation skills to
help ground him- or herself, to relax in the face of stress, and to directly
cope with any symptoms. Review the use of diaphragmatic breathing
and progressive muscle relaxation skills. Refer back to the copy of the
client’s CBT model completed during the psychoeducation module and
discuss the relation of use of relaxation skills to physical health, adher-
ence behavior, and overall mood.
Review skills learned in each previous session and discuss their role in
helping to interrupt the cycle of depression and improving adherence.
Review: CBT Model of Depression
Review the model with the client and remind him or her of the cogni-
tive, behavioral, and physical components of depression and how they
interact, making it easier for depression and poor adherence and poor
self-care to continue. If necessary, refer back to the copy of the client’s
completed CBT model from chapter 3.
Review: Life-Steps
Review skills learned during the Life-Steps module that help the client
follow the medical regimen prescribed by his or her health care provider.
Review the importance of self-care behaviors and medical adherence, as
well as the problem-solving technique (AIM), in relation to continuing
to maintain improvements in symptoms and depression.
Discuss any questions the client may have regarding cognitive restruc-
turing. Review how thoughts and core beliefs can impact the client’s
view of him- or herself, others, and various situations. Discuss how nega-
tive thoughts can affect use of skills to improve adherence and mood.
Review problem solving and use of skills to select a plan of action and
to take an overwhelming task and break it down into manageable steps.
Discuss Transition to Becoming One’s Own Therapist
Client Progress
Table 9.1. Treatment Strategies and Usefulness Chart
Instructions: Please rate the usefulness of each strategy to you, from 0 to 100 (0 ⫽ Didn’t help
at all; 100 ⫽ Was extremely important for me). Also, take some time to provide notes to your-
self about why you think each strategy worked or didn’t work to help you, and figure out which
strategies might be most helpful for you to practice over the next month.
Understanding the relationship between
thoughts, behaviors, and physical symp-
toms and depression and adherence
Motivational exercise: weighing pros and
cons of changing vs. not changing
Activity Scheduling
Understand the relationship between activi-
ties and mood
Incorporate activities that involve pleasure or
mastery into daily schedule
Table 9.1. Treatment Strategies and Usefulness Chart continued
Usefulness Notes About Your Application/
Treatment Strategies Ratings Usefulness of Strategies
Problem Solving
Articulate the problem
Articulate possible solutions
Select the best possible solution
Set a plan of action to implement the
Break tasks into manageable steps
Relaxation Training
Diaphragmatic breathing
Progressive muscle relaxation
ties that the client may be having with using the strategies that did not
seem to work.
What were your exercise goals? What was your exercise plan? Do you
know what got in the way? When you did exercise, how did you feel
right afterward? How about the following day(s)? How did you expect
to feel? What did you expect to gain?
If the client’s goals or plan can be improved, help the client to renegoti-
ate them. If that activity does not seem to work for the client at all, iden-
tify new activities instead.
Maintaining Gains
Successfully completing treatment does not mean that you will not
have future difficulties with symptoms. For most conditions, symptoms
and the changes you have made can wax and wane over time. The key
to maintaining treatment gains over the long run is to be ready for
periods of increased difficulties. These periods are not signs that the
treatment has failed. Instead, these periods are signals that you need to
apply the skills and practice them often.
tant to practice. You may use the following sample dialogue to facilitate
this discussion:
Completing the review sheet may help you to prepare to recover from
missing doses (or lapsing from an exercise routine, or breaking your
diet regimen), which, in the long run, is likely to occur. If a lapse oc-
curs, the best choice is to return to your adherence program as soon as
possible instead of acting on hopeless thoughts and giving up. If you
can identify what led to the lapse, the information can help to solidify
the skills and avoid future lapses. Lapses are normal and not a big
problem. They only become a big problem when they lead to relapse
and giving up on the self-care regimen.
Troubleshooting Difficulties
It may also be helpful to match some of the symptoms the client is ex-
periencing with some of the specific strategies used in treatment. You
can use the CBT model of depression worksheet to help the client to
identify his or her specific cognitions, behaviors, and physiological
symptoms that the client reports experiencing when depressed.
Use table 9.2 to help the client match specific symptoms with skills that
were taught in the treatment sessions.
As with any therapy, spend some time processing termination with the
client. Share your thoughts about how it was for you to work with the
client, noting aspects of the treatment that were especially enjoyable for
you (i.e., “I know you really had doubts about being able to monitor
your glucose regularly, and it was a pleasure for me to watch you work
Table 9.2 Symptoms and Skills Chart
Symptoms of Depression Skills to Consider
through that and get to the point now where you can’t imagine not
doing routine glucose checking”). Congratulate the client for all of the
hard work that was put into completing this treatment program. It was
demanding! However, we truly believe these skills can make a profound
difference and help improve depression and adherence. Remind the
client one final time to “practice, practice, practice the skills that were
learned! Improvements will not magically maintain themselves. Only
through continued use will they become automatic.”
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About the Authors
diabetes and depression. He is also a protocol therapist on both this
study and a trial of CBT-AD in patients with depression and HIV. Dr.
Gonzalez is a licensed psychologist specializing in behavioral medicine
interventions for clients with chronic medical conditions and cognitive-
behavioral therapy approaches to the treatment of mood and anxiety