SimRF™ Reference
SimRF™ Reference
SimRF™ Reference
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Revision History
September 2010 Online only New for Version 3.0 (Release 2010b)
April 2011 Online only Revised for Version 3.0.2 (Release 2011a)
September 2011 Online only Revised for Version 3.1 (Release 2011b)
March 2012 Online only Revised for Version 3.2 (Release 2012a)
September 2012 Online only Revised for Version 3.3 (Release 2012b)
March 2013 Online only Revised for Version 4.0 (Release 2013a)
September 2013 Online only Revised for Version 4.1 (Release 2013b)
March 2014 Online only Revised for Version 4.2 (Release 2014a)
vi Contents
Library Elements
Description Use the Amplifier block to model a linear or nonlinear amplifier, with
or without noise. Defining the amplifier gain using a data source
also defines input data visualization and modeling. Use the Main
tab parameters to specify amplifier gain and noise using data sheet
values, standard s2p files, S-parameters or circuit envelope polynomial
The amplifier is implemented as a polynomial, voltage-controlled
voltage source (VCVS). The VCVS includes nonlinearities that are
described using parameters listed in the Nonlinearity tab. To model
linear amplification, the amplifier implements the relation Vout = a1*Vin
between the input and output voltages. The input voltage is Vi(t) =
Ai(t)ejωt, and the output voltage is Vo(t) = Ao(t)ejωt at each carrier w =
2πf in the SimRF™ environment.
Nonlinear amplification is modeled as a polynomial (with the
saturation power computed automatically). It also produces additional
intermodulation frequencies.
1 s11
for the maximal value of S21.
When using the data source option, S11 and S22, are used as the
input and output impedances. The data sources are specified
using either Data file or Network-parameters or Rational
model, depending on the value of Data source.
• Polynomial coefficients — The block implements a
nonlinear voltage gain according to the polynomial you specify.
The order of the polynomial must be less than or equal to 9.
The coefficients are ordered in ascending powers. If a vector
has 10 coefficients, [a0,a1,a2, ... a9], the polynomial it
represents is:
Vout = a0 + a1Vin + a2Vin2 + ... + a9Vin9
⎛ n Ck ⎞
F (s) = ⎜ ∑ + D ⎟ , s = j 2πf
⎜ ⎟
⎝ k=1 s − Ak ⎠
In this rational model equation, each Ck is the residue of the
pole Ak. If Ck is complex, a corresponding complex conjugate
pole and residue must also be enumerated. The example,
Model an RF Filter Using S-Parameter Data, shows how
to use the RF Toolbox™ rationalfit function to create an
rfmodel.rational object. This object has the properties C, A,
and D. You can use these properties to specify the Residues,
Poles, and Direct feedthrough parameters.
Noise figure (dB)
Specify the noise figure of the amplifier. The default value of this
parameter is 0 dB, which implies that no noise is added to the
system by this block.
Nonlinearity Tab
• When you select Odd order, the amplifier generates only odd
order intermodulation frequencies.
The linear gain determines the linear a1 term. The block
calculates the remaining terms from the specified parameters.
These parameters are IP3, 1-dB gain compression power,
Output saturation power, and Gain compression at
saturation. The number of constraints you specify determines
the order of the model.
Modeling Tab
Setting Source of amplifier gain to Data source activates the
Modeling Tab.
Modeling options
Modeling domain. Select Frequency domain or Time domain
(rationalfit) from the drop-down list.
Visualization Tab
Setting Source of amplifier gain to Data source activates the
Visualization tab.
Y-axis scale
Scale for the Y-axis.
The Outputscope displays both the Real Passband signal and the
change in magnitude of the input ramp signal.
C (Capacitor)
Library Elements
Box and
Specify the capacitance, C, as either 0 or a real number greater
than or equal to 1e-18 F. If you set this parameter to a value
between 0 and 1e-18 F, the block uses a value equal to 1e-18 F
during simulation. The default value of this parameter is 1e-12 F.
C (Capacitor)
Library Junctions
Description Use the Circulator block to model ideal passive three-port circulators in
a circuit envelope environment.
Select component
• Circulator clockwise
The default option is Circulator clockwise. The s-parameter
matrix for Circulator clockwise is:
0 0 1
1 0 0
When1 0
you select this option, the following parameter is
— Reference impedances (Ohm)
Specify the reference impedances of Circulator clockwise
as a scalar or three-tuple. The default values are 50 Ohms.
• Circulator counter clockwise
The s-parameter matrix for Circulator counter clockwise
0 1 0
0 0 1
When0 0
you select this option, the following parameter is
— Reference impedances (Ohm)
Specify the reference impedances of Circulator counter
clockwise as a scalar or three-tuple. The default values
are 50 Ohms.
Library Utilities
Description Use the Configuration block to set the model conditions for a circuit
envelope simulation. The block parameters define a set of simulation
frequencies, solver attributes, and thermal noise.
Connect one Configuration block to each topologically distinct SimRF
subsystem. Each Configuration block defines the parameters of the
connected SimRF subsystem. To see an example of the Configuration
block in a model, enter simrfV2_noise in a MATLAB Command
For an introduction to RF simulation, see “Simulate High Frequency
Box and
I 2 Q2
In this case, the corresponding passband signal at ω is represented
by the equation
I 2 Q2
In this case, the corresponding passband signal at ω represented
by the equation
References Motchenbacher, C.D. and J.A. Connely. Low Noise Electronic System
Design. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1993.
Rodrigues, Paulo J. C. Computer-Aided Analysis of Nonlinear
Microwave Circuits. Norwood, MA: Artech House, Inc., 1998.
Continuous Wave
Library Sources
v(t) = v0 e jkt
i(t) = i0 e jkt
at the carrier ωk, depending on the source type.
Continuous Wave
Box and
Source type
Specify the wave type as:
• Ideal Voltage — The block simulates a constant voltage
envelope v0 at the specified Carrier frequencies. The
envelope has real and imaginary parts specified by the
Constant in-phase value and Constant quadrature value
• Ideal Current — The block simulates a constant current
envelope i0 at the specified Carrier frequencies. The
envelope has real and imaginary parts determined by the
Constant in-phase value and Constant quadrature value
• Power — The block simulates the constant voltage envelope
Continuous Wave
v0 = 2 P0 Re ( Zs )e 180
— P0 is the value of the Available power parameter
— Zs is the value of the Source impedance (ohms)
— ϕ is the value of the Angle (degrees) parameter.
The default value of this parameter is Ideal Voltage.
Constant in-phase value
When the Source type is Ideal Voltage or Ideal Current,
specify the in-phase modulations for each of the specified Carrier
frequencies as a vector of real numbers. Specify the units
from the corresponding drop-down list. The default value of this
parameter is 0 V.
Constant quadrature value
When the Source type is Ideal Voltage or Ideal Current,
specify the quadrature modulations for each of the specified
Carrier frequencies as a vector of real numbers. Specify the
units from the corresponding drop-down list. The quadrature
value at baseband must equal 0. The default value of this
parameter is 0 V.
Source impedance (ohms)
When the Source type is Power, specify the source impedance as
either 0 or a complex number with real and imaginary parts that
are greater than or equal to 1e-18 Ohm. If you set this parameter to
a value with real or imaginary part between 0 and 1e-18 Ohm, the
block uses a value with real or imaginary part equal to 1e-18 Ohm
during simulation. The default value of this parameter is 0 Ohm.
Available power
When the Source type is Power, specify the available power at
the specified Carrier frequencies as a vector of real numbers.
Specify the units from the corresponding drop-down list. The
default value of this parameter is 0 W.
Continuous Wave
Angle (degrees)
When the Source type is Power, specify the phase angles of the
power waves at the specified Carrier frequencies as a vector of
real numbers. The default value of this parameter is 0 degrees.
Carrier frequencies
Enter a vector of carrier frequencies whose elements are
combinations of fundamental tones and corresponding harmonics
in the Configuration block. Specify the units from the
corresponding drop-down list. The default value of this parameter
is 0 Hz.
Ground and hide negative terminals
Select this option to internally ground and hide the negative
terminals. Clear this to expose the negative terminals. By
exposing these terminals, you can connect them to other parts
of your model.
Examples All models in the SimRF documentation that contain a Mixer block also
contain a Continuous Wave block used as a local oscillator.
Library Junctions
Description Use the Coupler block to model four port directional couplers in a circuit
envelope environment as an ideal S-parameter model.
Select component
• Directional coupler
The default option is Directional coupler. The s-parameter
matrix for Directional coupler is:
rl il is c
i r c i
l l s
is c rl il
c is il rl
— rl = 10(-ReturnLoss/20)
— il = 10(-InsertionLoss/20)
— is = 10(-(Coupling+Directivity)/20)
— c = 10(-Coupling/20)
When you select this option, the following parameters are
— Coupling (dB)
Specify the coupling factor of Directional coupler. The
valid value is nonnegative and real. The default value is 0
— Directivity (dB)
Specify the directivity of Directional coupler. The valid
values are nonnegative and real. The default value is inf.
— Isolation (dB)
Specify the isolation of Directional coupler. The valid
values are nonnegative and real. The default value is inf.
— Return loss (dB)
0 0 j
0 j 0
0 j 0
j 0 0
— |α| ≤ 1 = Power transmission coefficient
— β = sqrt(1– α*α)
When you select this option, the following parameters are
— Power transmission coefficient
Specify the power transmission coefficient of Coupler
symmetrical. The valid values are real. The default value
is 0.
— Reference impedance (Ohm)
Specify the reference impedances of Coupler symmetrical
as scalar or three-tuple. The default values are 50 Ohms.
• Coupler antisymmetrical
The s-parameter matrix for Coupler antisymmetrical is:
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
— |α| ≤ 1 = Power transmission coefficient.
— β = sqrt(1– α*α)
When you select this option, the following parameters are
— Power transmission coefficient
Specify the power transmission coefficient of Coupler
antisymmetrical. The valid values are real. The default
value is 0.
— Reference impedance (Ohm)
Specify the reference impedances of Coupler
antisymmetrical as scalar or three-tuple. The default
values are 50 Ohms.
• Hybrid quadrature (90deg)
The s-parameter matrix for Hybrid quadrature(90deg) is:
0 -j / 2 0 -1 / 2
- j / 2 0 -1 / 2 0
When 0 select
-1 / this
2 option,
0 the 2
- j / following parameter is available:
-1 / 2
• Reference impedance (Ohm)
0 - j / 2 0
0 j / 2 0 j / 2
j / 2 0 j/ 2 0
0 j/ 2 0 j / 2
you select this option, the following
When parameter is available:
j / 2 0 j / 2 0
• Reference impedance (Ohm)
Specify the reference impedances of Hybrid rat-race as scalar
or three-tuple. The default values are 50 Ohms.
Ground and hide negative terminals
Select this option to internally ground and hide the negative
terminals. Clear the option to expose the negative terminals. By
exposing these terminals, you can connect them to other parts
of your model.
Library Junctions
Description Use the Divider block to model power dividers (combiners) in a circuit
envelope environment as an ideal s-parameter model.
Select component
• T power divider
The default option is T power divider. The s-parameter
matrix for T-power divider is :
0 1 / 2 1 / 2
1 / 2 0 1 / 2
1 / 2 1 / 2 0
0 - j / 2 - j / 2
- j / 2 0 0
- j / 2you select
0 this0option,
the following parameter is
— Reference impedance (Ohm)
Specify the reference impedances of Wilkinson power
divideras scalar or three-tuple. The default values are 50.
Gnd (Ground)
Library Elements
Examples All models in the SimRF documentation contain a Ground block. See
Model an RF Mixer for an introduction to circuit envelope simulation.
Ideal Transformer
Library Elements
Box and
Winding ratio
Specify the winding ratio.
Library Utilities
Description The Inport block imports Simulink® signals into the SimRF circuit
envelope simulation environment. For an introduction to RF simulation,
see the example, “Simulate High Frequency Components”.
Complex-valued input signals Ik(t) + j · Qk(t) are the modulations at
the frequencies {fk} specified in the Carrier frequencies parameter
of the block.
The Source type parameter specifies the Simulink signal as either
current, or voltage, or power source.
Box and
Source type
Specify a current, voltage, or power source. If the input signal is a
vector containing more than one signal, the block assigns the kth
input signal to the kth carrier.
2 Re( Zs )
Pload v(t)
Zs Zl
When Zl = Zs*, this generator delivers the available power
Source impedance (ohms)
When Input is set to Power, specify a source impedance for
available power match. When you use multiple Inport blocks as
power sources at the same node in a given circuit, each block
modifies the load for other components connected to that shared
node, so the maximum available power is not achieved. By
default, the series impedance is 50.
Carrier frequencies
Enter a vector of carrier frequencies whose elements are
combinations of fundamental tones and corresponding harmonics
in the Configuration block. Specify the units from the
corresponding drop-down list. The default value of this parameter
is 0 Hz.
Examples The example “Two-Tone Envelope Analysis Using Real Signals” shows
how to use Inport and Outport blocks to position an RF system as part
of a larger workflow.
Z (Impedance)
Library Elements
Description The Impedance block implements the relation, vk(t) = Z(fk)*ik(t), for each
simulation frequency, fk, where:
Circuit envelope current and voltage signals comprise in-phase, Ik, and
quadrature, Qk, components at each frequency, fk.
Frequency-dependent impedance typically cannot be realized as
a physical network such as an RLC chain. You can, however,
use the Impedance block to model nonphysical behavior, such as
frequency-independent negative capacitance or negative inductance.
You can also use this block to specify resonant frequency offsets in
filter networks.
Box and
Z (Impedance)
Impedance type
Choose Frequency independent to apply the same impedance
for all frequencies. Choose Frequency dependent to apply the
impedance as a piecewise linear function.
Complex impedance (ohm)
When Impedance type is set to Frequency independent,
impedance is a scalar complex number that is applied to
all simulation frequencies. When Impedance type is set
to Frequency dependent, impedance is a vector of complex
numbers, [Z1, Z2, Z3, …]. This vector is linearly interpolated for
all simulation frequencies.
L (Inductor)
Library Elements
Box and
Specify the inductance, L, as either 0 or a real number greater
than or equal to 1e-18 H. If you set this parameter to a value
between 0 and 1e-18 H, the block uses a value equal to 1e-18 H
during simulation. The default value of this parameter is 1e-9 H.
L (Inductor)
LC Ladder
Library Elements
LC Ladder
Box and
LC Ladder
Ladder Topology
LC Ladder
LC Ladder
Specify a vector of inductance values. The vector index of a value
corresponds to the inductance index in the corresponding selected
ladder topology. All values must be greater than zero.
Specify a vector of capacitance values. The vector index of a value
corresponds to the capacitance index in the corresponding selected
ladder topology. All values must be greater than zero.
Examples • The section, “Filter Mixing Products”, shows the use of a LC Ladder.
Library Elements
Description The Mixer block performs signal frequency translation and nonlinear
For a given RF input signal VRF = ARFcos(ωRFt) and an LO input signal
VLO = ALOcos(ωLOt), the mixer multiplies the signals at the input ports:
Nonlinearity Tab
References [1] Grob, Siegfried and Lindner, Jurgen, “Polynomial Model Derivation
of Nonlinear Amplifiers”, Department of Information Technology,
University of Ulm, Germany.
Mutual Inductor
Library Elements
Description The Mutual Inductor block models an inductor within the SimRF
circuit envelope simulation environment. For an introduction to RF
simulation, see the example, “Simulate High Frequency Components”.
The block implements the relations
d d
v1 (t) = L1 [i1 (t)] + M [i2 (t)]
dt dt
d d
v2 (t) = M [ i1 (t) ] + L2 [ i2 (t) ]
dt dt
M = K L1 L2
i(t) = ∑ ( iI k
(t) + j ⋅ iQk (t) e j (2 fk )t
{ fk }
v(t) = ∑ ( vI k
(t) + j ⋅ vQk (t) e j (2 fk )t
{ fk }
Mutual Inductor
Box and
Inductance L1
Specify the inductance of the first inductor as a scalar value
greater than or equal to 0. Specify the units of the inductance
from the corresponding drop-down list. The default value of this
parameter is 1e-6 H.
Inductance L2
Specify the inductance of the second inductor as a scalar value
greater than or equal to 0. Specify the units of the inductance
from the corresponding drop-down list. The default value of this
parameter is 1e-6 H.
Coefficient of coupling
Specify the coefficient of coupling for the mutual inductance of the
two inductors as a scalar value between 0 and 1, inclusive. The
default value of this parameter is 0.9.
Mutual Inductor
Library Sources
Description Use the Noise block to model noise as a current or voltage source for
blocks other than Amplifier and Mixer blocks. When you use a Noise to
simulate noise in an RF model, also select the Simulate noise check
box in the Configuration block. Otherwise, the model simulates without
noise. The Noise block does not depend on the Temperature parameter
in the Configuration.
Box and
Source type
Specify the noise type as Ideal Voltage or Ideal Current. The
default is Ideal Voltage.
Noise distribution
Specify the noise distribution type as White or Piece-wise
linear. The default is White.
Noise power spectral density
Specify the single-sided noise power spectral distribution (PSD).
The default value of this parameter is 0.
Use the Noise block to calculate the classic thermal noise floor, kT, for
a matched resistor circuit.
From the MATLAB command prompt , open the model
To run the model, select Simulation > Run. With the bandwidth
included using the Configuration block, noise power is in the range
of 173.98 - 174.1 dBm
References Motchenbacher, C.D. and J.A. Connelly. Low Noise Electronic System
Design. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1993.
Library Utilities
Description The Outport block outputs carrier modulation signals in the SimRF
circuit envelope simulation environment as Simulink signal. For
an introduction to RF simulation, see the example, “Simulate High
Frequency Components”.
SimRF current and voltage signals consist of in-phase (Ik) and
quadrature (Qk) components at each frequency fk specified in the
Configuration block
The Sensor type parameter determines which signal the block
measures, and the Output parameter defines the format of the
Simulink signal.
Box and
Sensor type
Specify the type of signal measured by the sensor:
• Ideal voltage — The block outputs the modulations of the
voltage signal at the specified Carrier frequencies in the
format specified by the Output parameter.
• Ideal current — The block outputs the modulations of the
current signal at the specified Carrier frequencies in the
format specified by the Output parameter.
Re ( Zl )
where Zl is the value of the Load impedance (ohms)
parameter, at the specified Carrier frequencies. Output
parameter specifies the format of the signal.
min(h,((1 / 2 f ) 8))
f is the largest listed carrier frequency.
h is the time step listed in Configuration block.
Clear the selection to enter a value for step size. By default,
this option is selected.
— Set Step size to -1 to inherit the time step specified from
Step size in Configuration block.
— Set Step size to a user specified time step. The step size
should be small enough to resolve the fastest carrier signal.
This helps to avoid passband output undersampling and
aliasing effects.
The passband formula is defined by the Normalized carrier
power option in the Configuration block:
— When this option is selected, SimRF interprets complex
envelope I+jQ signal for the kth carrier as,
Note When using the Real Passband option, the solver will
take time steps small enough to resolve the carrier. Thus,
simulation speed improvements from envelope simulation may
be lost.
Carrier frequencies
Enter a vector of carrier frequencies whose elements are
combinations of fundamental tones and corresponding harmonics
in the Configuration block. Specify the units from the
corresponding drop-down list. The default value of this parameter
is 0 Hz.
Ground and hide negative terminals
Select this option to internally ground and hide the negative
terminals. Clear this to expose the negative terminals. By
exposing these terminals, you can connect them to other parts
of your model.
Phase Shift
Library Elements
Description The Phase Shift block models an ideal phase shift in the circuit envelope
Box and
The default value of this parameter is 90 deg. The phase shift
is applied to all nonzero simulation frequencies. For zero (DC)
frequency, the shift is always zero.
Ground and hide negative terminals
Select this option to internally ground and hide the negative
terminals. Clear this to expose the negative terminals. By
exposing these terminals, you can connect them to other parts
of your model.
Phase Shift
Examples The example, “”, shows how to use Phase Shift blocks to model an LO
phase offset in a receiver architecture.
R (Resistor)
Library Elements
Description The Resistor block models a resistor within the SimRF circuit envelope
simulation environment. For an introduction to RF simulation, see the
example, “Simulate High Frequency Components”.
The block implements the relation
v(t) = Ri(t)
i(t) = ∑ ( iI k
(t) + j ⋅ iQk (t) e j (2 fk )t
{ fk }
v(t) = ∑ ( vI k
(t) + j ⋅ vQk (t) e j (2 fk )t
{ fk }
R (Resistor)
Box and
Specify the resistance, R0, as a real number greater than zero.
Specify the units of the resistance from the corresponding
drop-down menu. The default value of this parameter is 50 Ohm.
Simulate noise
To simulate thermal noise in a resistor, select this check box.
Then, in the Configuration block dialog box, also select the
Simulate noise check box. By default, both Simulate noise
check boxes are selected.
Library Elements
Data source
Specify the source of the data that describes the amplifier
behavior. The data source must contain network parameters.
The value can be Data file, Network-parameters, or Rational
model. The default value of this parameter is Data file.
When you select Rational model, also select values for the
Residues, Poles, and Direct feedthrough parameters
corresponding to the equation for a rational model:
⎛ n Ck ⎞
F (s) = ⎜ ∑ + D ⎟ , s = j 2πf
⎜ ⎟
⎝ k=1 s − Ak ⎠
In this equation, for a rational model F(s), each Ck is the residue of
the pole Ak with direct feedthrough D. The example, Model an RF
Filter Using S-Parameter Data, shows how to use the RF Toolbox
rationalfit function to create an rfmodel.rational object. This
object has the properties C, A, and D that can be used to specify the
Residues, Poles, and Direct feedthrough parameters.
Data file
When Data source is Data file, specify the name of the file that
contains the S-parameter data. The file name must include the
extension. If the file is not in your MATLAB path, specify the full
path to the file, or click the Browse button to locate the file. By
default, this parameter specifies the data file unitygain.s2p.
Network parameter type
Specify the type of Network parameters: S-parameters,
Y-parameters, or Z-parameters.
When Data source is Network-parameters, specify a
multidimensional array of network parameters. The third
dimension of the S-parameter array must be the same length as
the vector of frequencies specified by the Frequency parameter.
Specify the frequency range of Network-parameters. Specify the
units from the corresponding drop-down list.
Reference impedance (Ohms)
Specify the nonzero reference impedance of the S-parameter data.
The default value is 50.
Modeling Tab
Modeling options
Modeling domain. Select Frequency domain or Time domain
(rationalfit) from the drop-down list.
Visualization Tab
For an example of using the Visualization tab, see Verify That the
S-parameter Block Is Fitting a Rational Function with Acceptable
Accuracy on page 1-90.
The signals displayed in the scope match the results of the simulation in
the Model an RF Filter section. The filter attenuates the high-frequency
carrier and passes the low-frequency carrier. For more information on
modeling RF components in with RF Toolbox objects, see Examples of
Basic Operations with RF Toolbox Objects.
To run the model, select Simulation > Run. For more information on
writing data files using RF Toolbox software, see Exporting Component
Data to a File.
1 On the Main tab, specify the Data source parameter and requisite
data to plot.
3 Specify the type of plot that you want to produce with your data. The
Plot type parameter provides the following options:
• X-Y plane — Generate a Cartesian plot of your data versus
frequency. To create linear, semilog, or log-log plots, set the Y-axis
scale and X-axis scale accordingly.
• Polar plane — Generate a polar plot of your data. The block plots
only the range of data corresponding to the specified frequencies.
• Z smith chart, Y smith chart, and ZY smith chart —
Generate a Smith chart. The block plots only the range of data
corresponding to the specified frequencies.
For X-Y plots, format the units of the parameters to plot from the
Format1 and Format2 drop-down lists. For polar plots and Smith
charts, the formats are set automatically.
5 Click Apply.
6 Click Plot. The block plots your data and a rational function
Signal Combiner
Library Elements
Description Use the Signal Combiner block to sum signals across each carrier
frequency in the SimRF circuit envelope simulation environment. For
an introduction to RF simulation, see the example, “Simulate High
Frequency Components”
Box and
Library Sources
Description The Sinusoid block implements a voltage or current source that provides
a DC offset and sine wave modulation. This block can be used with each
listed block carrier in the circuit envelope environment.
The block implements the following voltage (or current) relationships
for the in-phase, (ui), and quadrature, (uq), components of the kth listed
block carrier:
Box and
Source type
Specify the wave type as:
• Ideal Voltage — The block simulates a voltage envelope v(t)
at the specified Carrier frequencies.
• Ideal Current — The block simulates a current envelope i(t)
at the specified Carrier frequencies.
The default value of this parameter is Ideal Voltage.
Offset in-phase
Specify the in-phase offset, Di, as a scalar or vector. Specify the
units of the offset from the corresponding drop-down list. The
default value of this parameter is 0 V for a voltage signal or 0 A
for a current signal.
Offset quadrature
Specify the quadrature offset, Dq, as a scalar or vector. Specify
the units of the offset from the corresponding drop-down list. The
default value of this parameter is 0 V for a voltage signal or 0 A
for a current signal.
Sinusoidal amplitude in-phase
Specify the in-phase amplitude, Ai, as a scalar or vector. Specify
the units of the offset from the corresponding drop-down list. The
default value of this parameter is 0 V for a voltage signal or 0 A
for a current signal.
Sinusoidal amplitude quadrature
Specify the quadrature amplitude, Aq, as a scalar or vector.
Specify the units of the offset from the corresponding drop-down
list. The default value of this parameter is 0 V for a voltage signal
or 0 A for a current signal.
Sinusoidal modulation frequency
At each carrier fk specified by the Carrier frequencies
parameter, specify the modulation frequency mk. Specify the
units from the corresponding drop-down list. The default value of
this parameter is 0 Hz.
Time delay
Specify the time delay, τ, of the modulation as a scalar or vector.
Specify the units from the corresponding drop-down list. The
default value of this parameter is 0 s.
Damping factor (1/s)
Specify the damping factor, ζ, of the modulation as a nonzero
scalar or vector with nonzero elements. The default value of this
parameter is 0 s-1, representing an undamped sinusoid.
Carrier frequencies
Enter a vector of carrier frequencies whose elements are
combinations of fundamental tones and corresponding harmonics
in the Configuration block. Specify the units from the
corresponding drop-down list. The default value of this parameter
is 0 Hz.
Ground and hide negative terminals
Select this option to internally ground and hide the negative
terminals. Clear this to expose the negative terminals. By
exposing these terminals, you can connect them to other parts
of your model.
Three-Winding Transformer
Library Elements
d d d
v1 (t) = L1 [i1 (t)] + M12 [i2 (t)] + M13 [i3 (t)]
dt dt dt
d d d
v2 (t) = M12 [ i1 (t) ] + L2 [ i2 (t) ] + M23 [ i3 (t) ]
dt dt dt
d d d
v3 (t) = M13 [ i1 (t) ] + M23 [ i2 (t) ] + L3 [ i3 (t) ]
dt dt dt
M pq = K pq L p Lq
Three-Winding Transformer
• i1(t), i2(t), and i3(t) represent the current through the inductors at
time t. The block uses standard dot notation to indicate the direction
of positive current flow relative to a positive voltage.
i(t) = ∑ ( iI k
(t) + j ⋅ iQk (t) e j (2 fk )t
{ fk }
v(t) = ∑ ( vI k
(t) + j ⋅ vQk (t) e j (2 fk )t
{ fk }
Box and
Inductance L1
Specify the inductance of the first inductor, L1, as a scalar value
greater than or equal to 0. Specify the units of the inductance
from the corresponding drop-down list. The default value of this
parameter is 1e-6 H.
Three-Winding Transformer
Inductance L2
Specify the inductance of the second inductor, L2, as a scalar value
greater than or equal to 0. Specify the units of the inductance
from the corresponding drop-down list. The default value of this
parameter is 1e-6 H.
Inductance L3
Specify the inductance of the third inductor, L3, as a scalar value
greater than or equal to 0. Specify the units of the inductance
from the corresponding drop-down list. The default value of this
parameter is 1e-6 H.
Coefficient of coupling K12
Specify the coefficient of coupling for the mutual inductance of the
first and second inductors, K12, as a scalar value between 0 and 1,
inclusive. The default value of this parameter is 0.9.
Coefficient of coupling K13
Specify the coefficient of coupling for the mutual inductance of the
first and third inductors, K13, as a scalar value between 0 and 1,
inclusive. The default value of this parameter is 0.9.
Coefficient of coupling K23
Specify the coefficient of coupling for the mutual inductance of the
second and third inductors, K23, as a scalar value between 0 and
1, inclusive. The default value of this parameter is 0.9.
Transmission Line
Library Elements
Model type
Transmission Line
Specify the delay and select the units. The default value
is 4.7e-9 s.
— Characteristic impedance
Specify the characteristic impedance of the transmission line
and select the units. The default value is 50 Ohm.
Transmission Line
Transmission Line
Transmission Line
Transmission Line
Transmission Line
Specify the transmission line as a coaxial transmission line.
A coaxial transmission line is shown in cross-section in the
following figure. Its physical characteristics include the radius
of the inner conductor, a, and the radius of the outer conductor
Transmission Line
R + j ωL
Z0 =
G + j ωC
k = kr + jki = ( R + jωL)(G + jωC)
Transmission Line
1 1 1
R a b
2 cond cond
L ln
2 a
In these equations:
a is the radius of the inner conductor.
b is the radius of the outer conductor.
σcond is the conductivity in the conductor.
μ is the permeability of the dielectric.
ε is the permittivity of the dielectric.
ε″ is the imaginary part of ε, ε″ = ε0εrtan δ, where:
ε0 is the permittivity of free space.
εr is the Relative permittivity constant parameter
tan δ is the Loss tangent of dielectric parameter
δcond is the skin depth of the conductor, which the block
calculates as 1 / f cond .
f is a vector of internal modeling frequencies.
Z0 is the specified characteristic impedance.
Transmission Line
a = − ln (10 / 20 )
2 f
Coplanar waveguide
Specify the transmission line as a coplanar waveguide. A
coplanar waveguide transmission line is shown in cross-section
in the following figure. Its physical characteristics include the
conductor width, w, the conductor thickness, t, the slot width, s,
the substrate height, d, and the relative permittivity constant,
Transmission Line
— Conductor width
Specify the physical width of the conductor. The default
value is 0.6 mm.
— Slot width
Specify the physical width of the slot. The default value is
0.2 mm.
— Substrate height
Specify the thickness of the dielectric on which the conductor
resides. The default is 0.635 mm.
— Strip thickness
Specify the physical thickness of the conductor. The default
value is 5 mm.
— Relative permittivity constant
Specify the relative permittivity of the dielectric. This value
is expressed as the ratio of the permittivity of the dielectric
to permittivity in free space, ε0. The default value is 2.2.
— Loss tangent of dielectric
Specify the loss angle tangent of the dielectric. The default
value is 1.
— Line length
Specify the physical length of the transmission line. The
default value is 1 cm.
— Conductivity of conductor
Specify the conductivity of the conductor in siemens per
meter. The default value is inf S/m.
— Stub mode
Transmission Line
Specify the transmission line as a microstrip transmission
line. A microstrip transmission line is shown in cross-section
in the following figure. Its physical characteristics include the
microstrip width, w, the microstrip thickness, t, the substrate
height, d, and the relative permittivity constant, ε.
Transmission Line
Specify the transmission line as two-wire transmission line.
A two-wire transmission line is shown in cross-section in the
following figure. Its physical characteristics include the radius
of the wires, a, the separation or physical distance between the
wire centers, S, and the relative permittivity and permeability
of the wires. [2] SimRF Equivalent Baseband software assumes
the relative permittivity and permeability are uniform.
Transmission Line
Transmission Line
Parallel plate
Specify the transmission line as a parallel-plate transmission
line. A parallel-plate transmission line is shown in cross-section
in the following figure. Its physical characteristics include the
plate width, w, and the plate separation, d. [2]
Transmission Line
— Plate separation
Specify the thickness of the dielectric separating the plates.
The default value is 1 mm.
— Relative permeability constant
Specify the relative permeability of the dielectric expressed
as the ratio of the permeability of the dielectric to
permeability in free space, μ0. The default value is 1.
— Relative permittivity constant
Specify the relative permittivity of the dielectric expressed as
the ratio of the permittivity of the dielectric to permittivity
in free space, ε0. The default value is 2.2.
— Loss tangent of dielectric
Specify the loss angle tangent of the dielectric. The default
value is 0.
— Line length
Specify the physical length of the transmission line. The
default value is 1 cm.
— Conductivity of conductor
Specify the conductivity of the conductor. The default value
is inf S/m.
— Stub mode
Specify the type of stub. Choices are Not a stub, Shunt, or
Series. The default value is Not a stub. See Transmission
Line with Stub on page 119 for more information.
Specify the transmission line as an equation-based transmission
line. The transmission line, which can be lossy or lossless, is
treated as a two-port linear network.
Transmission Line
Transmission Line
Specify the transmission line as an RLCG transmission line.
This line is described in the block dialog box in terms of its
frequency-dependent resistance, inductance, capacitance, and
conductance. The transmission line, which can be lossy or
lossless, is treated as a two-port linear network.
I(z) R L I(z)
V(z) V(z)
z z
where z′ = z + Δz.
Transmission Line
Transmission Line
ekd + e− kd
Z0 * ekd − e− kd )
kd − kd
e −e
2 * Z0
ekd + e− kd
Transmission Line with Stub
When you set the Stub mode parameter in the mask dialog box to
Shunt, the two-port network consists of a transmission line in series
with a stub. You can terminate the stub with a short circuit or an open
circuit as shown in the following figure.
A =1
C = 1 / Zin
D =1
Transmission Line
When you set the Stub mode parameter in the mask dialog box to
Series, the two-port network comprises a series transmission line. You
can terminate this line with either a short circuit or an open circuit
as shown here.
A =1
B = Zin
D =1
Transmission Line
Modeling Tab
Transmission Line
Modeling options
Select Frequency domain or Time domain (rationalfit)
from the drop-down list. Distributed transmission lines use
S-parameter internal representation, while delay based and
lumped employ a time domain representation. S-parameter
modeling options in SimRF can be Time domain or Frequency
domain. For an introduction to RF simulation and modeling
options, see, “Simulate High Frequency Components”
For the Transmission Line block, the default value is Share all
Relative error desired (dB)
This field displays when you select Time domain(rationalfit)
as the modeling option. Enter the desired relative error in decibels
(dB). The default value is -40.
Rational fitting results
These fields display the results of rational fitting when you select
Time domain(rationalfit) as the modeling option.
Transmission Line
Visualization Tab
Transmission Line
Transmission Line
Tip In general, blocks that model delay effects rely on signal history. You
can minimize numerical error that occur due to a lack of signal history
at the start of a simulation. To do so, in the Configuration Parameters
dialog box Solver pane you can specify an Initial step size. For models
with delay-based Transmission Line blocks, use an initial step size that
is less than the value of the Delay parameter.
[3] Gupta, K. C., Ramesh Garg, Inder Bahl, and Prakash Bhartia.
Microstrip Lines and Slotlines, 2nd Edition, Norwood, MA: Artech
House, Inc., 1996.
Transmission Line
Library Mathematical
Note To use this block, you must install DSP System Toolbox™
software. For more information, see the SimRF release notes.
Modeling Nonlinearity
Use the Method parameter in the block dialog box to specify the
method for modeling amplifier nonlinearity. The options for the
Method parameter are
• Linear
• Cubic polynomial
• Hyperbolic tangent
• Saleh model
• Ghorbani model
• Rapp model
Amplifier (Idealized Baseband)
Application of Nonlinearity
All five subsystems for the nonlinear Method options apply a
memoryless nonlinearity to the complex baseband input signal. Each
2 Splits the complex signal into its magnitude and angle components.
Amplifier (Idealized Baseband)
2 Select Look under mask in the pop-up menu. This displays the
block’s configuration underneath the mask. The block contains five
subsystems corresponding to the five nonlinearity methods.
Amplifier (Idealized Baseband)
Note The Amplifier block also enables you to model a linear amplifier.
3 3
f = =
IIP 3 (Watts) 10( IIP3(dBm) − 30 ) / 10
Amplifier (Idealized Baseband)
FAM / AM (u) = u −
where u is the magnitude of the scaled input signal, which is a
unitless normalized input voltage.
(AM/PM conversion) ⋅ (upper input power limit − lower input power limit),
The Linear gain (dB) parameter scales the output signal.
Hyperbolic Tangent Model
When you select Hyperbolic tangent for the nonlinearity modeling
Method parameter, the Amplifier block computes and adds the AM/AM
nonlinearity by:
3 3
f = =
IIP 3 (Watts) 10( IIP3(dBm) − 30 ) / 10
Amplifier (Idealized Baseband)
(AM/PM conversion) ⋅ (upper input power limit − lower input power limit),
The Linear gain (dB) parameter scales the output signal.
Saleh Model
When you select Saleh model for the nonlinearity modeling Method
parameter, the Input scaling (dB) parameter scales the input signal
before the nonlinearity is applied. The block multiplies the input signal
by the parameter value, converted from decibels to linear units. If you
set the parameter to be the inverse of the input signal amplitude, the
scaled signal has amplitude normalized to 1.
The AM/AM parameters, alpha and beta, are used to compute the
amplitude gain for an input signal using the following function
FAM / AM (u) =
1 + u2
Amplifier (Idealized Baseband)
The AM/PM parameters, alpha and beta, are used to compute the phase
change for an input signal using the following function
FAM / PM (u) =
1 + u2
where u is the magnitude of the input signal. Note that the AM/AM
and AM/PM parameters, although similarly named alpha and beta,
are distinct.
The Output scaling (dB) parameter scales the output signal similarly.
Ghorbani Model
When you select Ghorbani model for the nonlinearity modeling
Method parameter, the Input scaling (dB) parameter scales the
input signal before the nonlinearity is applied. The block multiplies the
input signal by the parameter value, converted from decibels to linear
units. If you set the parameter to be the inverse of the input signal
amplitude, the scaled signal has amplitude normalized to 1.
The AM/AM parameters, [x1 x2 x3 x4], are used to compute the amplitude
gain for an input signal using the following function
x1u x2
FAM / AM (u) = + x4 u
1 + x3u x2
y1u y2
FAM / PM (u) = + y4 u
1 + y3u y2
Amplifier (Idealized Baseband)
Rapp Model
When you select Rapp model for the nonlinearity modeling Method
parameter, the Smoothness factor and Output saturation level
parameters are used to compute the amplitude gain for an input signal
by the following function
FAM / AM (u) =
⎛ 2S ⎞ 2S
⎜ 1 + ⎛⎜ u ⎞⎟ ⎟
⎜ ⎝ Osat ⎠ ⎟⎠
Noise temperature
Noise factor = 1 +
Amplifier (Idealized Baseband)
The parameters displayed in the dialog box vary for different methods
of modeling nonlinearity. Only some of these parameters are visible
in the dialog box at any one time.
Amplifier (Idealized Baseband)
Method used to model the nonlinearity. The choices are Linear,
Cubic polynomial, Hyperbolic tangent, Saleh model,
Ghorbani model, Rapp model. Tunable.
Linear gain (dB)
Scalar specifying the linear gain for the output function. This
field becomes visible if you select Linear, Cubic polynomial,
Hyperbolic tangent, or Rapp model as the Method parameter.
IIP3 (dBm)
Input power intercept point as a scalar value. This field becomes
visible if you select Cubic polynomial or Hyperbolic tangent as
the Method parameter. For both of these methods, the nominal
impedance is 1 ohm. Tunable.
AM/PM conversion (degrees per dB)
Scalar specifying the AM/PM conversion in degrees per decibel.
This field becomes visible if you select Cubic polynomial or
Hyperbolic tangent as the Method parameter. Tunable.
Lower input power limit for AM/PM conversion (dBm)
Scalar specifying the minimum input power for which AM/PM
conversion scales linearly with input power value. Below this
value, the phase shift resulting from AM/PM conversion is zero.
This field becomes visible if you select Cubic polynomial or
Hyperbolic tangent as the Method parameter. Tunable.
Upper input power limit for AM/PM conversion (dBm)
Scalar specifying the maximum input power for which AM/PM
conversion scales linearly with input power value. Above this
value, the phase shift resulting from AM/PM conversion is
constant. The value of this maximum shift is given by:
(AM/PM conversion) ⋅ (upper input power limit − lower input power limit),
Amplifier (Idealized Baseband)
Amplifier (Idealized Baseband)
Specification method
The method by which you specify the amount of noise. The choices
are Noise temperature, Noise figure, and Noise factor.
Noise temperature (K)
Scalar specifying the amount of noise. This field becomes visible
if you select Noise temperature as the Specification method
parameter. Tunable.
Noise figure (dB)
Scalar specifying the amount of noise relative to a noise
temperature of 290 kelvin. A Noise figure setting of 0 decibels
indicates a noiseless system. This field becomes visible if you
select Noise figure as the Specification method parameter.
Noise factor
Scalar specifying the amount of noise relative to a noise
temperature of 290 kelvin. This field becomes visible if you
select Noise factor as the Specification method parameter.
Initial seed
Nonnegative integer specifying the initial seed for the random
number generator the block uses to generate noise.
Examples You can see the effect of the Amplifier block in the example
Intermodulation: Mathematical Amplifier.
Amplifier (Idealized Baseband)
Amplifier (Idealized Baseband)
The next figure shows the same signal after it passes through the
Amplifier block, with the Method parameter set to Hyperbolic
tangent. The example uses the default Amplifier block IIP3 (dBm)
value of 30. It uses no AM/PM conversion. The example specifies
thermal noise as Noise figure, for which it uses the default 3.01 dB.
References [1] Ghorbani, A. and M. Sheikhan, “The Effect of Solid State Power
Amplifiers (SSPAs) Nonlinearities on MPSK and M-QAM Signal
Transmission,” Sixth Int’l Conference on Digital Processing of Signals in
Comm., 1991, pp. 193-197.
Bandpass RF Filter
Library Mathematical
Note To use this block, you must install DSP System Toolbox software.
For more information, see the SimRF release notes.
Description The Bandpass RF Filter block lets you design standard analog bandpass
filters, implemented in baseband-equivalent complex form. The
following table describes the available design methods.
Bandpass RF Filter
Select the design of the filter from the Design method list in the dialog
box. For each design method, the block enables you to specify the filter
design parameters shown in the following table.
The Bandpass RF Filter block designs the filters using the Signal
Processing Toolbox™ filter design functions buttap, cheb1ap, cheb2ap,
ellipap, and besselap.
Bandpass RF Filter
The parameters displayed in the dialog box vary for different design
methods. Only some of these parameters are visible in the dialog box
at any one time.
You can change tunable parameters while the model is running.
Design method
Filter design method. The design method can be Butterworth,
Chebyshev I, Chebyshev II, Elliptic, or Bessel. Tunable.
Filter order
Order of the lowpass analog prototype filter that forms the basis
for the bandpass filter design. The order of the final filter is twice
this value.
Bandpass RF Filter
Bandstop RF Filter
Library Mathematical
Note To use this block, you must install DSP System Toolbox software.
For more information, see the SimRF release notes.
Description The Bandstop RF Filter block lets you design standard analog bandstop
filters, implemented in baseband-equivalent complex form. The
following table describes the available design methods.
Bandstop RF Filter
Select the design of the filter from the Design method list in the dialog
box. For each design method, the block enables you to specify the filter
design parameters shown in the following table.
The Bandstop RF Filter block designs the filters using the Signal
Processing Toolbox filter design functions buttap, cheb1ap, cheb2ap,
ellipap, and besselap.
Bandstop RF Filter
The parameters displayed in the dialog box vary for different design
methods. Only some of these parameters are visible in the dialog box
at any one time.
You can change tunable parameters while the model is running.
Design method
Filter design method. The design method can be Butterworth,
Chebyshev I, Chebyshev II, Elliptic, or Bessel. Tunable.
Filter order
Order of the lowpass analog prototype filter that forms the basis
for the bandstop filter design. The order of the final filter is twice
this value.
Lower passband edge frequency (Hz)
Lower passband edge frequency for Butterworth, Chebyshev I,
elliptic, and Bessel designs. Tunable.
Bandstop RF Filter
Coaxial Transmission Line
Description The Coaxial Transmission Line block models the coaxial transmission
line described in the block dialog box in terms of its frequency-dependent
S-parameters. A coplanar waveguide transmission line is shown in
cross-section in the following figure. Its physical characteristics include
the radius of the inner conductor a and the radius of the outer conductor
The block lets you model the transmission line as a stub or as a stubless
Coaxial Transmission Line
ekd + e− kd
Z0 * ekd − e− kd )
kd − kd
e −e
2 * Z0
ekd + e− kd
R + j ωL
Z0 =
G + j ωC
k = kr + jki = ( R + jωL)(G + jωC)
1 1 1
R a b
2 cond cond
L ln
2 a
In these equations:
Coaxial Transmission Line
as 1 / f cond .
Shunt ABCD-Parameters
When you set the Stub mode parameter in the mask dialog box to
Shunt, the two-port network consists of a stub transmission line that
you can terminate with either a short circuit or an open circuit as
shown here.
Coaxial Transmission Line
A =1
C = 1 / Zin
D =1
Series ABCD-Parameters
When you set the Stub mode parameter in the mask dialog box to
Series, the two-port network consists of a series transmission line
that you can terminate with either a short circuit or an open circuit
as shown here.
Coaxial Transmission Line
A =1
B = Zin
D =1
Coaxial Transmission Line
Coaxial Transmission Line
Visualization Tab
References [1] Pozar, David M. Microwave Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
Connection Port
Port number
This field labels the subsystem connector port created by this
block. Multiple connector ports on the boundary of a single
subsystem require different numbers as labels. The default value
for the first port is 1.
Connection Port
Coplanar Waveguide Transmission Line
Description The Coplanar Waveguide Transmission Line block models the coplanar
waveguide transmission line described in the block dialog box in terms
of its frequency-dependent S-parameters. A coplanar waveguide
transmission line is shown in cross-section in the following figure. Its
physical characteristics include the conductor width (w), the conductor
thickness (t), the slot width (s), the substrate height (d), and the relative
permittivity constant (ε).
The block lets you model the transmission line as a stub or as a stubless
Coplanar Waveguide Transmission Line
ekd + e− kd
Z0 * ekd − e− kd )
kd − kd
e −e
2 * Z0
ekd + e− kd
Shunt ABCD-Parameters
When you set the Stub mode parameter in the mask dialog box to
Shunt, the two-port network consists of a stub transmission line that
you can terminate with either a short circuit or an open circuit as
shown here.
Coplanar Waveguide Transmission Line
A =1
C = 1 / Zin
D =1
Series ABCD-Parameters
When you set the Stub mode parameter in the mask dialog box to
Series, the two-port network consists of a series transmission line
that you can terminate with either a short circuit or an open circuit
as shown here.
Coplanar Waveguide Transmission Line
A =1
B = Zin
D =1
Coplanar Waveguide Transmission Line
Coplanar Waveguide Transmission Line
Visualization Tab
References [1] Gupta, K. C., Ramesh Garg, Inder Bahl, and Prakash Bhartia,
Microstrip Lines and Slotlines, 2nd Edition, Artech House, Inc.,
Norwood, MA, 1996.
General Amplifier
Description The General Amplifier block models the nonlinear amplifier described
by a data source. The data source consists of either an RF Toolbox data
( object or data from a file.
Network Parameters
If network parameter data and corresponding frequencies exist
as S-parameters in the data source, the General Amplifier block
interpolates the S-parameters to determine their values at the modeling
frequencies. If the network parameters are Y- or Z-parameters, the
block first converts them to S-parameters. For more information, see
“SimRF Equivalent Baseband Algorithms”.
If power data exists in the data source, the block extracts the
AMAM/AMPM nonlinearities from the power data.
If the data source contains no power data, then you can introduce
nonlinearities into your model by specifying parameters in the
Nonlinearity Data tab of the General Amplifier block dialog box.
Depending on which of these parameters you specify, the block computes
up to four of the coefficients c1 , c3 , c5 , and c7 of the polynomial
2 4 6
FAM / AM (s) = c1 s + c3 s s + c5 s s + c7 s s
that determines the AM/AM conversion for the input signal s . The
block automatically calculates c1 , the linear gain term. If you do not
specify additional nonlinearity data, the block operates as a linear
amplifier. If you do, the block calculates one or more of the remaining
coefficients as the solution to a system of linear equations, determined
by the following method.
General Amplifier
1 The block checks whether you have specified a value other than Inf
• The third-order intercept point ( OIP3 or IIP3 ).
( ) ( ) ( )
3 5 7
Psat,out = c1 Psat,in + c3 Psat,in + c5 Psat,in + c7 Psat,in
( ) ( ) ( )
3 5 7
P1dB,out = c1 P1dB,in + c3 P1dB,in + c5 P1dB,in + c7 P1dB,in
0= + c3
General Amplifier
Active Noise
You can specify active block noise in one of the following ways:
The latter four options are only available if noise data does not exist
in the data source.
General Amplifier
If you specify block noise as spot noise data, the block uses the data to
calculate noise figure. The block first interpolates the noise data for the
modeling frequencies, using the specified Interpolation method. It
then calculates the noise figure using the resulting values.
Operating Conditions
Agilent® P2D and S2D files define block parameters for several
operating conditions. Operating conditions are the independent
parameter settings that are used when creating the file data. By default,
SimRF Equivalent Baseband software defines the block behavior using
the parameter values that correspond to the operating conditions that
appear first in the file. To use other property values, you must select a
different operating condition in the General Amplifier block dialog box.
Data Consistency
If the data source is a MathWorks™ AMP file or an Agilent S2D file that
contains both network parameter data and power data, the blockset
checks the data for consistency and reconciles it as necessary.
The blockset compares the small-signal amplifier gain defined by
the network parameters, S21, and by the power data, Pout-Pin. The
discrepancy between the two is computed in dBm using the following
General Amplifier
x x x
Pout (dBm)
* * *
DP *
fP Pin (dBm)
General Amplifier
Data source
Determines the source of the data that describes the amplifier
behavior. The data source must contain network parameters and
may also include noise data, nonlinearity data, or both. The value
can be Data file or RFDATA object.
Data file
If Data source is set to Data file, use this field to specify the
name of the file that contains the amplifier data. The file name
must include the extension. If the file is not in your MATLAB
General Amplifier
path, specify the full path to the file or click the Browse button
to find the file.
RFDATA object
If Data source is set to RFDATA object, use this field to specify
an RF Toolbox data ( object that describes an
amplifier. You can specify the object as:
• The handle of a data object previously created using RF Toolbox
• An RF Toolbox command such as'Freq',1e9,'S_Parameters',[0 0; 0.5 0]),
which creates a data object.
• A MATLAB expression that generates such an object.
Interpolation method
The method used to interpolate the network parameters. The
following table lists the available methods describes each one.
Method Description
Linear (default) Linear interpolation
Spline Cubic spline interpolation
Cubic Piecewise cubic Hermite
General Amplifier
Noise type
Type of noise data. The value can be Noise figure, Spot noise
data, Noise factor, or Noise temperature. This parameter is
disabled if the data source contains noise data.
General Amplifier
General Amplifier
General Amplifier
IP3 type
Type of third-order intercept point. The value can be IIP3 (input
intercept point) or OIP3 (output intercept point). This parameter
is disabled if the data source contains power data or IP3 data.
IP3 (dBm)
Value of third-order intercept point. This parameter is disabled if
the data source contains power data or IP3 data. Use the default
value, Inf, if you do not know the IP3 value. This parameter can
be a scalar (to specify frequency-independent nonlinearity data)
or a vector (to specify frequency-dependent nonlinearity data).
1 dB gain compression power (dBm)
Output power value ( P1dB,out ) at which gain has decreased by 1
dB. This parameter is disabled if the data source contains power
data or 1-dB compression point data. Use the default value, Inf, if
you do not know the 1-dB compression point. This parameter can
be a scalar (to specify frequency-independent nonlinearity data)
or a vector (to specify frequency-dependent nonlinearity data).
Output saturation power (dBm)
Output power value ( Psat,out ) that the amplifier produces when
fully saturated. This parameter is disabled if the data source
contains output saturation power data. Use the default value,
Inf, if you do not know the saturation power. If you specify
this parameter, you must also specify the Gain compression
at saturation (dB). This parameter can be a scalar (to specify
frequency-independent nonlinearity data) or a vector (to specify
frequency-dependent nonlinearity data).
Gain compression at saturation (dB)
Decrease in gain ( GCsat ) when the power is fully saturated. The
block ignores this parameter if you do not specify the Output
saturation power (dBm). This parameter can be a scalar (to
specify frequency-independent nonlinearity data) or a vector (to
specify frequency-dependent nonlinearity data).
General Amplifier
Frequency (Hz)
Scalar or vector value of frequency points corresponding to the
third-order intercept and power data. This parameter is disabled
if the data source contains power data or IP3 data. If you use a
scalar value, the IP3 (dBm), 1 dB gain compression power
(dBm), and Output saturation power (dBm) parameters must
all be scalars. If you use a vector value, one or more of the IP3
(dBm), 1 dB gain compression power (dBm), and Output
saturation power (dBm) parameters must also be a vector.
Visualization Tab
General Amplifier
For information about plotting, see “Create Plots”. Use rftool or the
RF Toolbox plotting functions to plot other data.
General Amplifier
General Amplifier
General Amplifier
Click Plot. This action creates Z Smith chart of the S22 parameters
using the frequencies taken from the data source.
General Amplifier
For more about using an Agilent .s2d file in a Simulink model, see
Effect of Nonlinear Amplifier on QPSK Modulation.
General Circuit Element
Description The General Circuit Element block models the two-port network
described by an RF Toolbox circuit (rfckt) object.
The block uses the rfckt/analyze method to calculate the network
parameters at the modeling frequencies.
RFCKT object
An RF Toolbox circuit (rfckt) object. You can specify the object
as (1) the handle of a circuit object previously created using
RF Toolbox software, (2) an RF Toolbox command such as
rfckt.txline, rfckt.coaxial, or rfckt.cascade that creates
a default circuit object of the specified type, or (3) a MATLAB
expression that generates such an object. See “RF Circuit Objects”
in the RF Toolbox documentation for more information about
circuit objects.
General Circuit Element
Visualization Tab
General Circuit Element
General Circuit Element
Click Plot. This action creates an X-Y Plane plot of the S12
parameters in the frequency range 1.9 to 2.2 GHz.
General Circuit Element
General Mixer
Description The General Mixer block models the mixer described by an RF Toolbox
data ( object.
Network Parameters
The network parameter values all refer to the mixer input frequency.
If network parameter data and corresponding frequencies exist as
S-parameters in the object, the General Mixer block
interpolates the S-parameters to determine their values at the modeling
frequencies. If the block contains network Y- or Z-parameters, the block
first converts them to S-parameters. See “Map Network Parameters to
Modeling Frequencies” for more details.
SimRF Equivalent Baseband software computes the reflected wave at
the mixer input ( b1 ) and at the mixer output ( b2 ) from the interpolated
S-parameters as
• fin and f out are the mixer input and output frequencies, respectively.
• a1 and a2 are the incident waves at the mixer input and output,
Active Noise
You can specify active block noise in one of the following ways:
General Mixer
The latter four options are only available if noise data does not exist
in the data source.
If you specify block noise as spot noise data, the block uses the data to
calculate noise figure. The block first interpolates the noise data for the
modeling frequencies, using the specified Interpolation method. It
then calculates the noise figure using the resulting values.
Phase Noise
The General Mixer block applies phase noise to a complex baseband
signal. The block first generates additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN)
and filters the noise with a digital FIR filter. It then adds the resulting
noise to the angle component of the input signal.
The blockset computes the digital filter by:
2 Taking the IFFT of the resulting phase noise spectrum to get the
coefficients of the FIR filter.
Note If you specify phase noise as a scalar value, the blockset assumes
that the phase noise is constant at all modeling frequencies and does
not have a 1/f slope. This assumption differs from that made by the
Mathematical Mixer block.
General Mixer
If power data exists in the data source, the block extracts the
AMAM/AMPM nonlinearities from it.
If the data source contains no power data, then you can introduce
nonlinearities into your model by specifying parameters in the
Nonlinearity Data tab of the General Mixer block dialog box.
Depending on which of these parameters you specify, the block computes
up to four of the coefficients c1 , c3 , c5 , and c7 of the polynomial
2 4 6
FAM / AM (s) = c1 s + c3 s s + c5 s s + c7 s s
that determines the AM/AM conversion for the input signal s . The
block automatically calculates c1 , the linear gain term. If you do not
specify additional nonlinearity data, the block operates as a mixer
with a linear gain. If you do, the block calculates one or more of the
remaining coefficients as the solution to a system of linear equations,
determined by the following method.
1 The block checks whether you have specified a value other than Inf
• The third-order intercept point ( OIP3 or IIP3 ).
General Mixer
( ) ( ) ( )
3 5 7
Psat,out = c1 Psat,in + c3 Psat,in + c5 Psat,in + c7 Psat,in
( ) ( ) ( )
3 5 7
P1dB,out = c1 P1dB,in + c3 P1dB,in + c5 P1dB,in + c7 P1dB,in
0= + c3
The first two equations are the evaluation of the polynomial
General Mixer
Operating Conditions
Agilent P2D and S2D files define block parameters for several operating
conditions. Operating conditions are the independent parameter
settings that are used when creating the file data. By default, the
blockset defines the block behavior using the parameter values that
correspond to the operating conditions that appear first in the file.
To use other property values, you must select a different operating
condition in the General Mixer block dialog box.
General Mixer
Data source
Determines the source of the data that describes the mixer
behavior. The data source must contain network parameters and
may also include noise data, nonlinearity data, or both. The value
can be Data file or RFDATA object.
Data file
If Data source is set to Data file, use this field to specify the
name of the file that contains the mixer data. The file name must
include the extension. If the file is not in your MATLAB path,
General Mixer
specify the full path to the file or click the Browse button to find
the file.
RFDATA object
If Data source is set to RFDATA object, use this field to specify
an RF Toolbox data ( object that describes a mixer.
You can specify the object as one of the following:
• The handle of a data object previously created using RF Toolbox
• An RF Toolbox command such as'Freq',1e9,'S_Parameters',[0 0; 0.5 0]),
which creates a data object.
• A MATLAB expression that generates a data object.
For more information about data objects, see the
reference page in the RF Toolbox documentation.
Interpolation method
The method used to interpolate the network parameters. The
following table lists the available methods describes each one.
Method Description
Linear (default) Linear interpolation
Spline Cubic spline interpolation
Cubic Piecewise cubic Hermite
General Mixer
Mixer Type
Type of mixer. Choices are Downconverter (default) and
LO frequency (Hz)
Local oscillator frequency. If you choose Downconverter, the
blockset computes the mixer output frequency, fout, from the mixer
input frequency, fin, and the local oscillator frequency, flo, as
fout = fin – flo. If you choose Upconverter, fout = fin + flo.
General Mixer
General Mixer
Noise type
Type of noise data. The value can be Noise figure, Spot noise
data, Noise factor, or Noise temperature. This parameter is
disabled if the data source contains noise data.
Noise figure (dB)
Scalar ratio or vector of ratios, in decibels, of the available
signal-to-noise power ratio at the input to the available
signal-to-noise power ratio at the output, (Si/Ni)/(So/No). This
parameter is enabled if Noise type is set to Noise figure.
Minimum noise figure (dB)
Minimum scalar ratio or vector of minimum ratios of the
available signal-to-noise power ratio at the input to the available
signal-to-noise power ratio at the output, (Si/Ni)/(So/No). This
parameter is enabled if Noise type is set to Spot noise data.
Optimal reflection coefficient
Optimal mixer source impedance. This parameter is enabled if
Noise type is set to Spot noise data. The value can be a scalar
or vector.
Equivalent normalized resistance
Resistance or vector of resistances normalized to the resistance
value or values used to take the noise measurement. This
parameter is enabled if Noise type is set to Spot noise data.
Noise factor
Scalar ratio or vector of ratios of the available signal-to-noise
power ratio at the input to the available signal-to-noise power
ratio at the output, (Si/Ni)/(So/No). This parameter is enabled if
Noise type is set to Noise factor.
Noise temperature (K)
Equivalent temperature or vector of temperatures that produce
the same amount of noise power as the mixer. This parameter is
enabled if Noise type is set to Noise temperature.
General Mixer
Frequency (Hz)
Scalar value or vector corresponding to the domain of frequencies
over which you are specifying the noise data. If you provide a
scalar value for your noise data, the block ignores the Frequency
(Hz) parameter and uses the noise data for all frequencies. If
you provide a vector of values for your noise data, it must be
the same size as the vector of frequencies. The block uses the
Interpolation method specified in the Main tab to interpolate
noise data.
General Mixer
IP3 type
Type of third-order intercept point. The value can be IIP3 (input
intercept point) or OIP3 (output intercept point). This parameter
is disabled if the data source contains power data or IP3 data.
General Mixer
IP3 (dBm)
Value of third-order intercept point. This parameter is disabled if
the data source contains power data or IP3 data. Use the default
value, Inf, if you do not know the IP3 value. This parameter can
be a scalar (to specify frequency-independent nonlinearity data)
or a vector (to specify frequency-dependent nonlinearity data).
1 dB gain compression power (dBm)
Output power value ( P1dB,out ) at which gain has decreased by 1
dB. This parameter is disabled if the data source contains power
data or 1-dB compression point data. Use the default value, Inf, if
you do not know the 1 dB compression point. This parameter can
be a scalar (to specify frequency-independent nonlinearity data)
or a vector (to specify frequency-dependent nonlinearity data).
Output saturation power (dBm)
Output power value ( Psat,out ) that the mixer produces when fully
saturated. This parameter is disabled if the data source contains
output saturation power data. Use the default value, Inf, if you do
not know the saturation power. If you specify this parameter, you
must also specify the Gain compression at saturation (dB).
This parameter can be a scalar (to specify frequency-independent
nonlinearity data) or a vector (to specify frequency-dependent
nonlinearity data).
Gain compression at saturation (dB)
Decrease in gain ( GCsat ) when the power is fully saturated. The
block ignores this parameter if you do not specify the Output
saturation power (dBm). This parameter can be a scalar (to
specify frequency-independent nonlinearity data) or a vector (to
specify frequency-dependent nonlinearity data).
Frequency (Hz)
Scalar or vector value of frequency points corresponding to the
third-order intercept and power data. This parameter is disabled
if the data source contains power data or IP3 data. If you use a
scalar value, the IP3 (dBm), 1 dB gain compression power
General Mixer
Visualization Tab
For information about plotting, see “Create Plots”. Use rftool or the
RF Toolbox plotting functions to plot other data.
General Mixer
General Mixer
General Passive Network
Description The General Passive Network block models the two-port passive
network described by an RF Toolbox data ( object.
If network parameter data and their corresponding frequencies exist as
S-parameters in the object, the General Passive Network
block interpolates the S-parameters to determine their values at the
modeling frequencies. If the block contains network Y- or Z-parameters,
the block first converts them to S-parameters. See “Map Network
Parameters to Modeling Frequencies” for more details.
Data source
Determines the source of the data that describes the passive device
behavior. The data source must contain network parameters and
General Passive Network
may also include noise data, nonlinearity data, or both. The value
can be Data file or RFDATA object.
RFDATA object
If Data source is set to RFDATA object, use this field to specify
an RF Toolbox data ( object. You can specify the
object as (1) the handle of a data object previously created
using RF Toolbox software, (2) an RF Toolbox command such as'Freq',1e9,'S_Parameters',[0 0; 0.5 0]),
which creates a data object, or (3) a MATLAB expression that
generates such an object.
Data file
If Data source is set to Data file, use this field to specify the
name of the file that contains the amplifier data. The file name
must include the extension. If the file is not in your MATLAB
path, specify the full path to the file or click the Browse button
to find the file.
Interpolation method
The method used to interpolate the network parameters. The
following table lists the available methods describes each one.
Method Description
Linear (default) Linear interpolation
Spline Cubic spline interpolation
Cubic Piecewise cubic Hermite
General Passive Network
Visualization Tab
General Passive Network
General Passive Network
Click Plot. This action creates a Z Smith chart of the S11 parameters,
using the frequencies taken from the RFDATA object parameter on
the Main tab.
General Passive Network
See Also General Circuit Element, Output Port, S-Parameters Passive Network,
Y-Parameters Passive Network, Z-Parameters Passive Network (RF Toolbox)
interp1 (MATLAB)
Highpass RF Filter
Library Mathematical
Note To use this block, you must install DSP System Toolbox software.
For more information, see the SimRF release notes.
Description The Highpass RF Filter block lets you design standard analog highpass
filters, implemented in baseband-equivalent complex form. The
following table describes the available design methods.
Highpass RF Filter
Select the design of the filter from the Design method list in the dialog
box. For each design method, the block lets you specify the filter design
parameters shown in the following table.
The Highpass RF Filter block designs the filters using the Signal
Processing Toolbox filter design functions buttap, cheb1ap, cheb2ap,
ellipap, and besselap.
Highpass RF Filter
The parameters displayed in the dialog box vary for different design
methods. Only some of these parameters are visible in the dialog box
at any one time.
You can change tunable parameters while the model is running.
Design method
Filter design method. The design method can be Butterworth,
Chebyshev I, Chebyshev II, Elliptic, or Bessel. Tunable.
Filter order
Order of the filter.
Passband edge frequency (Hz)
Passband edge frequency for Butterworth, Chebyshev I, elliptic,
and Bessel designs. Tunable.
Stopband edge frequency (Hz)
Stopband edge frequency for Chebyshev II designs. Tunable.
Highpass RF Filter
Passband ripple in dB
Passband ripple for Chebyshev I and elliptic designs. Tunable.
Stopband attenuation in dB
Stopband attenuation for Chebyshev II and elliptic designs.
Finite impulse response filter length
Desired length of the baseband-equivalent impulse response for
the filter.
Center frequency (Hz)
Center of the modeling frequencies.
Sample time
Time interval between consecutive samples of the input signal.
Input Port
Description The Input Port block is a connecting port from the Simulink, or
mathematical, part of the model to an RF physical part of the model.
The Input Port block lets you provide the parameter data needed
to calculate the modeling frequencies and the baseband-equivalent
impulse response for the physical subsystem. It also lets you specify
information about how to interpret the incoming Simulink signal.
For more information about how the Input Port block converts the
mathematical Simulink signals to physical modeling environment
signals, see “Convert to and from Simulink Signals”.
Input Port
Input Port
Input Port
A value less than or equal to 0 tells the Input Port block to use a
rectangular (rectwin) window. A value greater than or equal to 1
tells the Input Port block to use a hann window.
Input Port
Input Port
Add noise
If you select this parameter, noise data in the RF physical blocks
that are bracketed by the Input Port block and Output Port block
is taken into consideration. If you do not select this parameter,
noise data is ignored.
Initial seed
Nonnegative integer specifying the initial seed for the random
number generator the block uses to generate noise. This
parameter becomes visible if you select the Add noise parameter.
If you specify the initial seed parameter with a variable, the
initial seed changes each successive time you run a model.
LC Bandpass Pi
L2 C2 L4 C4
L1 C1 L3 C3
[L1, L2, L3, L4, ...] is the value of the 'L' property, and [C1, C2, C3, C4, ...]
is the value of the 'C' property.
LC Bandpass Pi
Inductance (H)
Vector containing the inductances, in order from source to load, of
all inductors in the network. The inductance vector must contain
at least three elements. All values must be strictly positive.
Capacitance (F)
Vector containing the capacitances, in order from source to load,
of all capacitors in the network. Its length must be equal to the
length of the vector you provide in the Inductance parameter.
All values must be strictly positive.
LC Bandpass Pi
Visualization Tab
LC Bandpass Pi
LC Bandpass Pi
LC Bandpass Pi
LC Bandpass Pi
References [1] Ludwig, Reinhold and Pavel Bretchko, RF Circuit Design: Theory
and Applications, Prentice-Hall, 2000.
[2] Zverev, Anatol I., Handbook of Filter Synthesis, John Wiley & Sons,
LC Bandpass Tee
Description The LC Bandpass Tee block models the LC bandpass tee network
described in the block dialog box, in terms of its frequency-dependent
For each inductor and capacitor pair in the network, the block first
calculates the ABCD-parameters at each frequency contained in the
vector of modeling frequencies. For each series pair, A = 1, B = Z, C = 0,
and D = 1, where Z is the impedance of the series pair. For each shunt
pair, A = 1, B = 0, C = Y, and D = 1, where Y is the admittance of the
shunt pair.
The LC Bandpass Tee block then cascades the ABCD-parameters
for each series and shunt pair at each of the modeling frequencies,
and converts the cascaded parameters to S-parameters using the RF
Toolbox abcd2s function.
See the Output Port block reference page for information about
determining the modeling frequencies.
The LC bandpass tee network object is a two-port network as shown
in the following circuit diagram.
L1 C1 L3 C3
L2 C2 L4 C4
[L1, L2, L3, L4, ...] is the value of the 'L' property, and [C1, C2, C3, C4, ...]
is the value of the 'C' property.
LC Bandpass Tee
Inductance (H)
Vector containing the inductances, in order from source to load, of
all inductors in the network. The inductance vector must contain
at least three elements. All values must be strictly positive.
Capacitance (F)
Vector containing the capacitances, in order from source to load,
of all capacitors in the network. Its length must be equal to the
length of the vector you provide in the Inductance parameter.
All values must be strictly positive.
LC Bandpass Tee
Visualization Tab
References [1] Ludwig, Reinhold and Pavel Bretchko, RF Circuit Design: Theory
and Applications, Prentice-Hall, 2000.
[2] Zverev, Anatol I., Handbook of Filter Synthesis, John Wiley & Sons,
LC Bandstop Pi
L2 L4
C2 C4
L1 L3
C1 C3
[L1, L2, L3, L4, ...] is the value of the 'L' property, and [C1, C2, C3, C4, ...]
is the value of the 'C' property.
LC Bandstop Pi
Inductance (H)
Vector containing the inductances, in order from source to load, of
all inductors in the network. The inductance vector must contain
at least three elements. All values must be strictly positive.
Capacitance (F)
Vector containing the capacitances, in order from source to load,
of all capacitors in the network. Its length must be equal to the
length of the vector you provide in the Inductance parameter.
All values must be strictly positive.
LC Bandstop Pi
Visualization Tab
References [1] Ludwig, Reinhold and Pavel Bretchko, RF Circuit Design: Theory
and Applications, Prentice-Hall, 2000.
[2] Zverev, Anatol I., Handbook of Filter Synthesis, John Wiley & Sons,
LC Bandstop Tee
Description The LC Bandstop Tee block models the LC bandstop tee network
described in the block dialog box, in terms of its frequency-dependent
For each inductor and capacitor pair in the network, the block first
calculates the ABCD-parameters at each frequency contained in the
vector of modeling frequencies. For each series pair, A = 1, B = Z, C = 0,
and D = 1, where Z is the impedance of the series pair. For each shunt
pair, A = 1, B = 0, C = Y, and D = 1, where Y is the admittance of the
shunt pair.
The LC Bandstop Tee block then cascades the ABCD-parameters
for each series and shunt pair at each of the modeling frequencies,
and converts the cascaded parameters to S-parameters using the RF
Toolbox abcd2s function.
See the Output Port block for information about determining the
modeling frequencies.
The LC bandstop tee network object is a two-port network as shown
in the following circuit diagram.
L1 L3
C1 C3
L2 L4
C2 C4
[L1, L2, L3, L4, ...] is the value of the 'L' property, and [C1, C2, C3, C4, ...]
is the value of the 'C' property.
LC Bandstop Tee
Inductance (H)
Vector containing the inductances, in order from source to load, of
all inductors in the network. The inductance vector must contain
at least three elements. All values must be strictly positive.
Capacitance (F)
Vector containing the capacitances, in order from source to load,
of all capacitors in the network. Its length must be equal to the
length of the vector you provide in the Inductance parameter.
All values must be strictly positive.
LC Bandstop Tee
Visualization Tab
References [1] Ludwig, Reinhold and Pavel Bretchko, RF Circuit Design: Theory
and Applications, Prentice-Hall, 2000.
[2] Zverev, Anatol I., Handbook of Filter Synthesis, John Wiley & Sons,
LC Highpass Pi
C1 C2
L1 L2 L3
[L1, L2, L3, ...] is the value of the 'L' property, and [C1, C2, ...] is the
value of the 'C' property.
LC Highpass Pi
Inductance (H)
Vector containing the inductances, in order from source to load, of
all inductors in the network. The inductance vector must contain
at least two elements. All values must be strictly positive.
Capacitance (F)
Vector containing the capacitances, in order from source to load,
of all capacitors in the network. Its length must be equal to or one
less than the length of the vector you provide in the Inductance
parameter. All values must be strictly positive.
LC Highpass Pi
Visualization Tab
References [1] Ludwig, Reinhold and Pavel Bretchko, RF Circuit Design: Theory
and Applications, Prentice-Hall, 2000.
[2] Zverev, Anatol I., Handbook of Filter Synthesis, John Wiley & Sons,
LC Highpass Tee
Description The LC Highpass Tee block models the LC highpass tee network
described in the block dialog box, in terms of its frequency-dependent
For each inductor and capacitor in the network, the block first calculates
the ABCD-parameters at each frequency contained in the vector of
modeling frequencies. For each series circuit, A = 1, B = Z, C = 0, and
D = 1, where Z is the impedance of the series circuit. For each shunt,
A = 1, B = 0, C = Y, and D = 1, where Y is the admittance of the shunt
The LC Highpass Tee block then cascades the ABCD-parameters for
each circuit element at each of the modeling frequencies, and converts
the cascaded parameters to S-parameters using the RF Toolbox abcd2s
See the Output Port block reference page for information about
determining the modeling frequencies.
The LC highpass tee network object is a two-port network as shown
in the following circuit diagram.
C1 C2 C3
L1 L2 L3
[L1, L2, L3, ...] is the value of the 'L' property, and [C1, C2, C3, ...] is the
value of the 'C' property.
LC Highpass Tee
Inductance (H)
Vector containing the inductances, in order from source to load, of
all inductors in the network. All values must be strictly positive.
The vector cannot be empty.
Capacitance (F)
Vector containing the capacitances, in order from source to load, of
all capacitors in the network. The capacitance vector must contain
at least two elements. Its length must be equal to or one greater
than the length of the vector you provide in the Inductance
parameter. All values must be strictly positive.
LC Highpass Tee
Visualization Tab
References [1] Ludwig, Reinhold and Pavel Bretchko, RF Circuit Design: Theory
and Applications, Prentice-Hall, 2000.
[2] Zverev, Anatol I., Handbook of Filter Synthesis, John Wiley & Sons,
LC Lowpass Pi
L1 L2
C1 C2 C3
[L1, L2, ...] is the value of the 'L' property, and [C1, C2, C3, ...] is the
value of the 'C' property.
LC Lowpass Pi
Inductance (H)
Vector containing the inductances, in order from source to load, of
all inductors in the network. All values must be strictly positive.
The vector cannot be empty.
Capacitance (F)
Vector containing the capacitances, in order from source to load, of
all capacitors in the network. The capacitance vector must contain
at least two elements. Its length must be equal to or one greater
than the length of the vector you provide in the Inductance
parameter. All values must be strictly positive.
LC Lowpass Pi
Visualization Tab
References [1] Ludwig, Reinhold and Pavel Bretchko, RF Circuit Design: Theory
and Applications, Prentice-Hall, 2000.
[2] Zverev, Anatol I., Handbook of Filter Synthesis, John Wiley & Sons,
LC Lowpass Tee
Description The LC Lowpass Tee block models the LC lowpass tee network
described in the block dialog box in terms of its frequency-dependent
For each inductor and capacitor in the network, the block first calculates
the ABCD-parameters at each frequency contained in the vector of
modeling frequencies. For each series circuit, A = 1, B = Z, C = 0, and
D = 1, where Z is the impedance of the series circuit. For each shunt,
A = 1, B = 0, C = Y, and D = 1, where Y is the admittance of the shunt
The LC Lowpass Tee block then cascades the ABCD-parameters for
each circuit element at each of the modeling frequencies, and converts
the cascaded parameters to S-parameters using the RF Toolbox abcd2s
See the Output Port block reference page for information about
determining the modeling frequencies.
The LC lowpass tee network object is a two-port network as shown
in the following circuit diagram.
L1 L2 L3
C1 C2 C3
[L1, L2, L3, ...] is the value of the 'L' property, and [C1, C2, C3, ...] is the
value of the 'C' property.
LC Lowpass Tee
Inductance (H)
Vector containing the inductances, in order from source to load, of
all inductors in the network. The inductance vector must contain
at least two elements. All values must be strictly positive.
Capacitance (F)
Vector containing the capacitances, in order from source to load,
of all capacitors in the network. Its length must be equal to or one
less than the length of the vector you provide in the Inductance
parameter. All values must be strictly positive.
LC Lowpass Tee
Visualization Tab
References [1] Ludwig, Reinhold and Pavel Bretchko, RF Circuit Design: Theory
and Applications, Prentice-Hall, 2000.
[2] Zverev, Anatol I., Handbook of Filter Synthesis, John Wiley & Sons,
Lowpass RF Filter
Library Mathematical
Note To use this block, you must install DSP System Toolbox software.
For more information, see the SimRF release notes.
Description The Lowpass RF Filter block lets you design standard analog lowpass
filters, implemented in baseband-equivalent complex form. The
following table describes the available design methods.
Lowpass RF Filter
Select the design of the filter from the Design method list in the dialog
box. For each design method, the block enables you to specify the filter
design parameters shown in the following table.
The Lowpass RF Filter block designs the filters using the Signal
Processing Toolbox filter design functions buttap, cheb1ap, cheb2ap,
ellipap, and besselap.
Lowpass RF Filter
The parameters displayed in the dialog box vary for different design
methods. Only some of these parameters are visible in the dialog box
at any one time.
Parameters that are tunable can be changed while the model is running.
Design method
Filter design method. The design method can be Butterworth,
Chebyshev I, Chebyshev II, Elliptic, or Bessel. Tunable.
Filter order
Order of the filter.
Passband edge frequency (Hz)
Passband edge frequency for Butterworth, Chebyshev I, elliptic,
and Bessel designs. Tunable.
Stopband edge frequency (Hz)
Stopband edge frequency for Chebyshev II designs. Tunable.
Lowpass RF Filter
Passband ripple in dB
Passband ripple for Chebyshev I and elliptic designs. Tunable.
Stopband attenuation in dB
Stopband attenuation for Chebyshev II and elliptic designs.
Finite impulse response filter length
Desired length of the baseband-equivalent impulse response for
the filter.
Center frequency (Hz)
Center of the modeling frequencies.
Sample time (s)
Time interval between consecutive samples of the input signal.
Microstrip Transmission Line
The block lets you model the transmission line as a stub or as a stubless
Microstrip Transmission Line
ekd + e− kd
Z0 * ekd − e− kd )
kd − kd
e −e
2 * Z0
ekd + e− kd
Shunt ABCD-Parameters
When you set the Stub mode parameter in the mask dialog box to
Shunt, the two-port network consists of a stub transmission line that
you can terminate with either a short circuit or an open circuit as
shown here.
Microstrip Transmission Line
A =1
C = 1 / Zin
D =1
Series ABCD-Parameters
When you set the Stub mode parameter in the mask dialog box to
Series, the two-port network consists of a series transmission line
that you can terminate with either a short circuit or an open circuit
as shown here.
Microstrip Transmission Line
A =1
B = Zin
D =1
Microstrip Transmission Line
Visualization Tab
Microstrip Transmission Line
References [1] Gupta, K.C., G. Ramesh, I. Bahl, and P. Bhartia, Microstrip Lines
and Slotlines, Second Edition, Artech House, 1996. pp. 102-109.
Mixer (Idealized Baseband)
Purpose Complex baseband model of mixer and local oscillator with phase noise
Library Mathematical
Note To use this block, you must install DSP System Toolbox software.
For more information, see the SimRF release notes.
Description The Mixer block generates a complex baseband model of the following:
• A mixer
• A local oscillator with phase noise whose spectrum is characterized
by a 1/f slope
2 Adds the resulting phase noise to the angle component of the input
Mixer (Idealized Baseband)
You can change parameters that are marked as tunable in the following
descriptions while the model is running.
Mixer (Idealized Baseband)
References [1] Kasdin, N.J., “Discrete Simulation of Colored Noise and Stochastic
Processes and 1/(f^alpha); Power Law Noise Generation,” The
Proceedings of the IEEE, May, 1995, Vol. 83, No. 5.
Output Port
Linear Subsystem
For the linear subsystem, the Output Port block uses the Input Port
block parameters and the interpolated S-parameters calculated by each
of the cascaded physical blocks to calculate the baseband-equivalent
impulse response. Specifically, it
Output Port
n −1
fn = fmin + n = 1,..., N
ts N
fmin = fc −
VL ( f )
H( f ) =
VS ( f )
where VS and VL are the source and load voltages, and f represents
the modeling frequencies. More specifically,
S21 (1 + Γ l ) (1 − Γ s )
H( f ) =
2 (1 − S22 Γ l ) (1 − Γin Γ s )
Output Port
Zl − Zo
Γl =
Zl + Zo
Zs − Zo
Γs =
Zs + Zo
⎛ Γl ⎞
Γin = S11 + ⎜ S12 S21 ⎟
⎜ (1 − S22Γ l ) ⎠⎟
• ZS is the source impedance.
• ZL is the load impedance.
• Sij are the S-parameters of a two-port network.
The blockset derives the passband transfer function from the Input
Port block parameters as shown in the following figure:
Output Port
fmin fn fmax
Bandwidth = 1/ts
Output Port
Baseband-Equivalent Spectrum
Centered at zero
-1/2ts 0 1/2ts
For the linear subsystem, the Output Port block uses the calculated
impulse response as input to the DSP System Toolbox Digital Filter
block to determine the output.
Nonlinear Subsystem
The nonlinear subsystem is implemented by AM/AM and AM/PM
nonlinear models, as shown in the following figure.
Output Port
AMout = Rl Pout
PMout =
AMin = Rs Pin
where AMin is the AM of the input voltage, AMout and PMout are the AM
and PM of the output voltage, Rs is the source resistance (50 ohms), Rl is
the load resistance (50 ohms), Pin is the input power, Pout is the output
power, andϕ is the phase shift between the input and output voltage.
Note You can provide power data via a .amp file. See “AMP File
Format” in the RF Toolbox documentation for information about this
Output Port
Output Port
Output Port
Visualization Tab
This tab shows parameters for creating plots if you display the Output
Port mask after you perform one or more of the following actions:
• Run a model with two or more blocks between the Input Port block
and the Output Port block.
• Click the Update Diagram button to initialize a model with two or
more blocks between the Input Port block and the Output Port block.
Parallel-Plate Transmission Line
The block lets you model the transmission line as a stub or as a stubless
Parallel-Plate Transmission Line
ekd + e− kd
Z0 * ekd − e− kd )
kd − kd
e −e
2 * Z0
ekd + e− kd
R + j ωL
Z0 =
G + j ωC
k = kr + jki = ( R + jωL)(G + jωC)
w cond cond
G = ′′
In these equations:
Parallel-Plate Transmission Line
as 1 / f cond .
• f is a vector of modeling frequencies determined by the Output Port
Shunt ABCD-Parameters
When you set the Stub mode parameter in the mask dialog box to
Shunt, the two-port network consists of a stub transmission line that
you can terminate with either a short circuit or an open circuit as
shown here.
Parallel-Plate Transmission Line
A =1
C = 1 / Zin
D =1
Series ABCD-Parameters
When you set the Stub mode parameter in the mask dialog box to
Series, the two-port network consists of a series transmission line
that you can terminate with either a short circuit or an open circuit
as shown here.
A =1
B = Zin
D =1
Parallel-Plate Transmission Line
Parallel-Plate Transmission Line
Visualization Tab
References [1] Pozar, David M. Microwave Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
Parallel-Plate Transmission Line
RLCG Transmission Line
Description The RLCG Transmission Line block models the RLCG transmission line
described in the block dialog box in terms of its frequency-dependent
resistance, inductance, capacitance, and conductance. The transmission
line, which can be lossy or lossless, is treated as a two-port linear
I(z) R L I(z)
V(z) V(z)
z z
where z′ = z + Δz.
The block lets you model the transmission line as a stub or as a stubless
RLCG Transmission Line
ekd + e− kd
Z0 * ekd − e− kd )
kd − kd
e −e
2 * Z0
ekd + e− kd
R + j ωL
Z0 =
G + j ωC
k = kr + jki = ( R + jωL)(G + jωC)
Shunt ABCD-Parameters
When you set the Stub mode parameter in the mask dialog box to
Shunt, the two-port network consists of a stub transmission line that
you can terminate with either a short circuit or an open circuit as
shown here.
RLCG Transmission Line
A =1
C = 1 / Zin
D =1
Series ABCD-Parameters
When you set the Stub mode parameter in the mask dialog box to
Series, the two-port network consists of a series transmission line
that you can terminate with either a short circuit or an open circuit
as shown here.
RLCG Transmission Line
A =1
B = Zin
D =1
RLCG Transmission Line
Interpolation method
Specify the interpolation method the block uses to calculate the
parameter values at the modeling frequencies. Your choices are
Linear, Spline, or Cubic.
Transmission line length (m)
Physical length of the transmission line.
Stub mode
Type of stub. Your choices are Not a stub, Shunt, or Series.
Termination of stub
Stub termination for stub modes Shunt and Series. Choices are
Open or Short. This parameter becomes visible only when Stub
mode is set to Shunt or Series.
Visualization Tab
RLCG Transmission Line
References [1] Pozar, David M. Microwave Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
S-Parameters Amplifier
Network Parameters
In the S-parameters field of the block dialog box, provide the
S-parameters for each of M frequencies as a 2-by-2-by-M array. In the
Frequency field, specify the frequencies for the S-parameters as an
M-element vector. The elements of the frequencies vector must be in
the same order as the S-parameters. All frequencies must be positive.
For example, the following figure shows the correspondence between
the S-parameters array and the vector of frequencies.
You can introduce nonlinearities into your model by specifying
parameters in the Nonlinearity Data tab of the S-Parameters
Amplifier block dialog box. Depending on which of these parameters
S-Parameters Amplifier
2 4 6
FAM / AM (s) = c1 s + c3 s s + c5 s s + c7 s s
that determines the AM/AM conversion for the input signal s . The
block automatically calculates c1 , the linear gain term. If you do not
specify additional nonlinearity data, the block operates as a linear
amplifier. If you do, the block calculates one or more of the remaining
coefficients as the solution to a system of linear equations, determined
by the following method.
1 The block checks whether you have specified a value other than Inf
• The third-order intercept point ( OIP3 or IIP3 ).
S-Parameters Amplifier
( ) ( ) ( )
3 5 7
Psat,out = c1 Psat,in + c3 Psat,in + c5 Psat,in + c7 Psat,in
( ) ( ) ( )
3 5 7
P1dB,out = c1 P1dB,in + c3 P1dB,in + c5 P1dB,in + c7 P1dB,in
0= + c3
The first two equations are the evaluation of the polynomial
Active Noise
You can specify active block noise in one of the following ways:
S-Parameters Amplifier
If you specify block noise as spot noise data, the block uses the data to
calculate noise figure. The block first interpolates the noise data for the
modeling frequencies, using the specified Interpolation method. It
then calculates the noise figure using the resulting values.
S-Parameters Amplifier
S-parameters for a nonlinear amplifier in a 2-by-2-by-M array. M
is the number of S-parameters.
Frequency (Hz)
Frequencies of the S-parameters as an M-element vector. The
order of the frequencies must correspond to the order of the
S-parameters in S-Parameters. All frequencies must be positive.
Reference impedance (ohms)
Reference impedance of the S-parameters as a scalar or a vector
of length M. The value of this parameter can be real or complex.
If you provide a scalar value, then that value is applied to all
Interpolation method
The method used to interpolate the network parameters. The
following table lists the available methods describes each one.
Method Description
Linear (default) Linear interpolation
Spline Cubic spline interpolation
Cubic Piecewise cubic Hermite
S-Parameters Amplifier
Noise type
Type of noise data. The value can be Noise figure, Spot noise
data, Noise factor, or Noise temperature. This parameter is
disabled if the data source contains noise data.
Noise figure (dB)
Scalar ratio or vector of ratios, in decibels, of the available
signal-to-noise power ratio at the input to the available
S-Parameters Amplifier
S-Parameters Amplifier
IP3 type
Type of third-order intercept point. The value can be IIP3 (input
intercept point) or OIP3 (output intercept point). This parameter
is disabled if the data source contains power data or IP3 data.
S-Parameters Amplifier
IP3 (dBm)
Value of third-order intercept point. This parameter is disabled if
the data source contains power data or IP3 data. Use the default
value, Inf, if you do not know the IP3 value. This parameter can
be a scalar (to specify frequency-independent nonlinearity data)
or a vector (to specify frequency-dependent nonlinearity data).
1 dB gain compression power (dBm)
Output power value ( P1dB,out ) at which gain has decreased by 1
dB. This parameter is disabled if the data source contains power
data or 1-dB compression point data. Use the default value, Inf, if
you do not know the 1-dB compression point. This parameter can
be a scalar (to specify frequency-independent nonlinearity data)
or a vector (to specify frequency-dependent nonlinearity data).
Output saturation power (dBm)
Output power value ( Psat,out ) that the amplifier produces when
fully saturated. This parameter is disabled if the data source
contains output saturation power data. Use the default value,
Inf, if you do not know the saturation power. If you specify
this parameter, you must also specify the Gain compression
at saturation (dB). This parameter can be a scalar (to specify
frequency-independent nonlinearity data) or a vector (to specify
frequency-dependent nonlinearity data).
Gain compression at saturation (dB)
Decrease in gain ( GCsat ) when the power is fully saturated. The
block ignores this parameter if you do not specify the Output
saturation power (dBm). This parameter can be a scalar (to
specify frequency-independent nonlinearity data) or a vector (to
specify frequency-dependent nonlinearity data).
Frequency (Hz)
Scalar or vector value of frequency points corresponding to the
third-order intercept and power data. This parameter is disabled
if the data source contains power data or IP3 data. If you use a
scalar value, the IP3 (dBm), 1 dB gain compression power
S-Parameters Amplifier
Visualization Tab
S-Parameters Amplifier
sparams = cat(3,...
[-.33+0.71i, -.03i; 8.12-.02i, -.37-.37i],...
[ .16+0.20i, -.03-.04i; 7.71-8.04i, -.70-.12i])
S-Parameters Amplifier
S-Parameters Amplifier
Click Plot. This action creates an X-Y Plane plot of the S11
parameters using the frequencies taken from the Frequency (Hz)
parameter on the Main tab.
S-Parameters Amplifier
S-Parameters Mixer
Description The S-Parameters Mixer block models the nonlinear mixer described in
the block dialog box, in terms of its frequency-dependent S-parameters,
the frequencies and reference impedance of the S-parameters, noise
data (including phase noise data), and nonlinearity data.
Network Parameters
The S21 parameter values describe the conversion gain as a function
of frequency, referred to the mixer input frequency. The other
S-parameters also refer to the mixer input frequency.
The S-Parameters Mixer block interpolates the given S-parameters to
determine their values at the modeling frequencies the Output Port
block calculates. For more details about how the Output Port block
calculates the modeling frequencies, see “SimRF Equivalent Baseband
SimRF Equivalent Baseband software computes the reflected wave at
the mixer input ( b1 ) and at the mixer output ( b2 ) from the interpolated
S-parameters as
• fin and f out are the mixer input and output frequencies, respectively.
• a1 and a2 are the incident waves at the mixer input and output,
S-Parameters Mixer
Active Noise
You can specify active block noise in one of the following ways:
If you specify block noise as spot noise data, the block uses the data to
calculate noise figure. The block first interpolates the noise data for the
modeling frequencies, using the specified Interpolation method. It
then calculates the noise figure using the resulting values.
Phase Noise
The S-Parameters Mixer block applies phase noise to a complex
baseband signal. The block first generates additive white Gaussian
noise (AWGN) and filters the noise with a digital FIR filter. It then
adds the resulting noise to the angle component of the input signal.
The blockset computes the digital filter by:
2 Taking the IFFT of the resulting phase noise spectrum to get the
coefficients of the FIR filter.
Note If you specify phase noise as a scalar value, the blockset assumes
that the phase noise is the phase noise is constant at all modeling
frequencies and does not have a 1/f slope. This assumption differs from
that made by the Mathematical Mixer block.
You can introduce nonlinearities into your model by specifying
parameters in the Nonlinearity Data tab of the S-parameters Mixer
block dialog box. Depending on which of these parameters you specify,
S-Parameters Mixer
2 4 6
FAM / AM (s) = c1 s + c3 s s + c5 s s + c7 s s
that determines the AM/AM conversion for the input signal s . The
block automatically calculates c1 , the linear gain term. If you do not
specify additional nonlinearity data, the block operates as a mixer
with a linear gain. If you do, the block calculates one or more of the
remaining coefficients as the solution to a system of linear equations,
determined by the following method.
1 The block checks whether you have specified a value other than Inf
• The third-order intercept point ( OIP3 or IIP3 ).
S-Parameters Mixer
( ) ( ) ( )
3 5 7
Psat,out = c1 Psat,in + c3 Psat,in + c5 Psat,in + c7 Psat,in
( ) ( ) ( )
3 5 7
P1dB,out = c1 P1dB,in + c3 P1dB,in + c5 P1dB,in + c7 P1dB,in
0= + c3
The first two equations are the evaluation of the polynomial
S-Parameters Mixer
S-parameters for a nonlinear mixer in a 2-by-2-by-M array. M is
the number of S-parameters.
Frequency (Hz)
Frequencies of the S-parameters as an M-element vector. The
order of the frequencies must correspond to the order of the
S-parameters in S-Parameters. All frequencies must be positive.
The following figure shows the correspondence between the
S-parameters array and the vector of frequencies.
S-Parameters Mixer
Method Description
Linear (default) Linear interpolation
Spline Cubic spline interpolation
Cubic Piecewise cubic Hermite
Mixer Type
Type of mixer. Choices are Downconverter (default) and
LO frequency (Hz)
Local oscillator frequency. If you choose Downconverter, the
blockset computes the mixer output frequency, fout, from the mixer
input frequency, fin, and the local oscillator frequency, flo, as
fout = fin – flo. If you choose Upconverter, fout = fin + flo.
S-Parameters Mixer
S-Parameters Mixer
S-Parameters Mixer
S-Parameters Mixer
IP3 type
Type of third-order intercept point. The value can be IIP3 (input
intercept point) or OIP3 (output intercept point). This parameter
is disabled if the data source contains power data or IP3 data.
S-Parameters Mixer
IP3 (dBm)
Value of third-order intercept point. This parameter is disabled if
the data source contains power data or IP3 data. Use the default
value, Inf, if you do not know the IP3 value. This parameter can
be a scalar (to specify frequency-independent nonlinearity data)
or a vector (to specify frequency-dependent nonlinearity data).
1 dB gain compression power (dBm)
Output power value ( P1dB,out ) at which gain has decreased by 1
dB. This parameter is disabled if the data source contains power
data or 1-dB compression point data. Use the default value, Inf, if
you do not know the 1-dB compression point. This parameter can
be a scalar (to specify frequency-independent nonlinearity data)
or a vector (to specify frequency-dependent nonlinearity data).
Output saturation power (dBm)
Output power value ( Psat,out ) that the mixer produces when fully
saturated. This parameter is disabled if the data source contains
output saturation power data. Use the default value, Inf, if you do
not know the saturation power. If you specify this parameter, you
must also specify the Gain compression at saturation (dB).
This parameter can be a scalar (to specify frequency-independent
nonlinearity data) or a vector (to specify frequency-dependent
nonlinearity data).
Gain compression at saturation (dB)
Decrease in gain ( GCsat ) when the power is fully saturated. The
block ignores this parameter if you do not specify the Output
saturation power (dBm). This parameter can be a scalar (to
specify frequency-independent nonlinearity data) or a vector (to
specify frequency-dependent nonlinearity data).
Frequency (Hz)
Scalar or vector value of frequency points corresponding to the
third-order intercept and power data. This parameter is disabled
if the data source contains power data or IP3 data. If you use a
scalar value, the IP3 (dBm), 1 dB gain compression power
S-Parameters Mixer
Visualization Tab
S-Parameters Mixer
See Also General Mixer, Output Port, Y-Parameters Mixer, Z-Parameters Mixer
S-Parameters Passive Network
Description The S-Parameters Passive Network block models the two-port passive
network described in the block dialog box, in terms of its S-parameters
and the frequencies and reference impedance of the S-parameters.
In the S-Parameters field of the block dialog box, provide the
S-parameters for each of M frequencies as a 2-by-2-by-M array. In the
Frequency field, specify the frequencies for the S-parameters as an
M-element vector. The elements of the vector must be in the same order
as the S-parameters. All frequencies must be positive. For example, the
following figure shows the correspondence between the S-parameters
array and the vector of frequencies.
S-Parameters Passive Network
S-parameters for a two-port passive network in a 2-by-2-by-M
array. M is the number of S-parameters.
Frequency (Hz)
Frequencies of the S-parameters as an M-element vector. The
order of the frequencies must correspond to the order of the
S-parameters in S-Parameters. All frequencies must be positive.
Reference impedance (ohms)
Reference impedance of the network as a scalar or a vector of
length M. The value of this parameter can be real or complex.
If you provide a scalar value, then that value is applied to all
S-Parameters Passive Network
Interpolation method
The method used to interpolate the network parameters. The
following table lists the available methods describes each one.
Method Description
Linear (default) Linear interpolation
Spline Cubic spline interpolation
Cubic Piecewise cubic Hermite
Visualization Tab
S-Parameters Passive Network
You could also use the MATLAB reshape function. The following
command produces the same result as previous command.
sparams = cat(3,...
[-.96-.23i, .03-.12i; .03-.12i, -.96-.23i],...
[-.96-.11i, .02-.21i; .02-.21i, -.96-.11i])
S-Parameters Passive Network
S-Parameters Passive Network
Click Plot. This action creates an X-Y Plane plot of the magnitude of
the S21 parameters, in decibels, in the frequency range 1.9 to 2.2 GHz.
S-Parameters Passive Network
See Also General Circuit Element, General Passive Network, Output Port,
Y-Parameters Passive Network, Z-Parameters Passive Network
interp1 (MATLAB)
Series C
Description The Series C block models the series capacitor described in the block
dialog box, in terms of its frequency-dependent S-parameters.
The series C object is a two-port network, as shown in the following
circuit diagram.
Series C
Capacitance (F)
Scalar value for the capacitance. The value must be nonnegative.
Visualization Tab
Series L
Description The Series L block models the series inductor described in the block
dialog box, in terms of its frequency-dependent S-parameters.
The series L object is a two-port network, as shown in the following
circuit diagram.
Series L
Inductance (H)
Scalar value for the inductance. The value must be nonnegative.
Visualization Tab
Series R
Description The Series R block models the series resistor described in the block
dialog box, in terms of its frequency-dependent S-parameters.
The series R object is a two-port network, as shown in the following
circuit diagram.
Series R
Resistance (ohms)
Scalar value for the resistance. The value must be nonnegative.
Visualization Tab
Series RLC
Description The Series RLC block models the series RLC network described in the
block dialog box, in terms of its frequency-dependent S-parameters.
For the given resistance, inductance, and capacitance, the block first
calculates the ABCD-parameters at each frequency contained in the
vector of modeling frequencies, and then converts the ABCD-parameters
to S-parameters using the RF Toolbox abcd2s function. See the
Output Port block reference page for information about determining
the modeling frequencies.
For this circuit, A = 1, B = Z, C = 0, and D = 1, where
− LC 2 + jRC + 1
and = 2 f .
The series RLC object is a two-port network as shown in the following
circuit diagram.
Series RLC
Resistance (ohms)
Scalar value for the resistance. The value must be nonnegative.
Inductance (H)
Scalar value for the inductance. The value must be nonnegative.
Capacitance (F)
Scalar value for the capacitance. The value must be nonnegative.
Series RLC
Visualization Tab
Shunt C
Description The Shunt C block models the shunt capacitor described in the block
dialog box, in terms of its frequency-dependent S-parameters.
The shunt C object is a two-port network, as shown in the following
circuit diagram.
Shunt C
Capacitance (F)
Scalar value for the capacitance. The value must be nonnegative.
Visualization Tab
Shunt L
Description The Shunt L block models the shunt inductor described in the block
dialog box, in terms of its frequency-dependent S-parameters.
The shunt L object is a two-port network, as shown in the following
circuit diagram.
Shunt L
Inductance (H)
Scalar value for the inductance. The value must be nonnegative.
Visualization Tab
Shunt R
Description The Shunt R block models the shunt resistor described in the block
dialog box, in terms of its frequency-dependent S-parameters.
The shunt R object is a two-port network, as shown in the following
circuit diagram.
Shunt R
Resistance (ohms)
Scalar value for the resistance. The value must be nonnegative.
Visualization Tab
Shunt RLC
Description The Shunt RLC block models the shunt RLC network described in the
block dialog box, in terms of its frequency-dependent S-parameters.
For the given resistance, inductance, and capacitance, the block first
calculates the ABCD-parameters at each frequency contained in the
vector of modeling frequencies, and then converts the ABCD-parameters
to S-parameters using the RF Toolbox abcd2s function. See the
Output Port block reference page for information about determining
the modeling frequencies.
For this circuit, A = 1, B = 0, C = Y, and D = 1, where
− LC 2 + j( L / R) + 1
Y =
and = 2 f .
The shunt RLC object is a two-port network as shown in the following
circuit diagram.
Shunt RLC
Resistance (ohms)
Scalar value for the resistance. The value must be nonnegative.
Inductance (H)
Scalar value for the inductance. The value must be nonnegative.
Capacitance (F)
Scalar value for the capacitance. The value must be nonnegative.
Shunt RLC
Visualization Tab
Transmission Line (Equivalent Baseband)
Description The Transmission Line block models the transmission line described
in the block dialog box in terms of its physical parameters. The
transmission line, which can be lossy or lossless, is treated as a two-port
linear network.
The block enables you to model the transmission line as a stub or as
a stubless line.
ekd + e− kd
Z0 * ekd − e− kd )
kd − kd
e −e
2 * Z0
ekd + e− kd
Transmission Line (Equivalent Baseband)
a = − ln (10 / 20 )
2 f
Shunt ABCD-Parameters
When you set the Stub mode parameter in the mask dialog box to
Shunt, the two-port network consists of a stub transmission line that
you can terminate with either a short circuit or an open circuit as
shown here.
Transmission Line (Equivalent Baseband)
A =1
C = 1 / Zin
D =1
Series ABCD-Parameters
When you set the Stub mode parameter in the mask dialog box to
Series, the two-port network consists of a series transmission line
that you can terminate with either a short circuit or an open circuit
as shown here.
A =1
B = Zin
D =1
Transmission Line (Equivalent Baseband)
Transmission Line (Equivalent Baseband)
Visualization Tab
References [1] Ludwig, Reinhold and Pavel Bretchko, RF Circuit Design: Theory
and Applications, Prentice-Hall, 2000.
Transmission Line (Equivalent Baseband)
Two-Wire Transmission Line
Two-Wire Transmission Line
ekd + e− kd
Z0 * ekd − e− kd )
kd − kd
e −e
2 * Z0
ekd + e− kd
R + j ωL
Z0 =
G + j ωC
k = kr + jki = ( R + jωL)(G + jωC)
Two-Wire Transmission Line
a cond cond
⎛ D⎞
L= a cosh ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2a ⎠
⎛ D⎞
a cosh ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2a ⎠
⎛ D⎞
a cosh ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2a ⎠
and = 2 f .
In these equations:
as 1 / f cond .
• f is a vector of modeling frequencies determined by the Output Port
Two-Wire Transmission Line
Shunt ABCD-Parameters
When you set the Stub mode parameter in the mask dialog box to
Shunt, the two-port network consists of a stub transmission line that
you can terminate with either a short circuit or an open circuit as
shown here.
A =1
C = 1 / Zin
D =1
Series ABCD-Parameters
When you set the Stub mode parameter in the mask dialog box to
Series, the two-port network consists of a series transmission line
that you can terminate with either a short circuit or an open circuit
as shown here.
Two-Wire Transmission Line
A =1
B = Zin
D =1
Two-Wire Transmission Line
Two-Wire Transmission Line
Visualization Tab
References [1] Pozar, David M. Microwave Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
Y-Parameters Amplifier
Y-Parameters Amplifier
2 4 6
FAM / AM (s) = c1 s + c3 s s + c5 s s + c7 s s
that determines the AM/AM conversion for the input signal s . The
block automatically calculates c1 , the linear gain term. If you do not
specify additional nonlinearity data, the block operates as a linear
amplifier. If you do, the block calculates one or more of the remaining
coefficients as the solution to a system of linear equations, determined
by the following method.
1 The block checks whether you have specified a value other than Inf
• The third-order intercept point ( OIP3 or IIP3 ).
Y-Parameters Amplifier
( ) ( ) ( )
3 5 7
Psat,out = c1 Psat,in + c3 Psat,in + c5 Psat,in + c7 Psat,in
( ) ( ) ( )
3 5 7
P1dB,out = c1 P1dB,in + c3 P1dB,in + c5 P1dB,in + c7 P1dB,in
0= + c3
The first two equations are the evaluation of the polynomial
Active Noise
You can specify active block noise in one of the following ways:
Y-Parameters Amplifier
If you specify block noise as spot noise data, the block uses the data to
calculate noise figure. The block first interpolates the noise data for the
modeling frequencies, using the specified Interpolation method. It
then calculates the noise figure using the resulting values.
Y-parameters for a nonlinear amplifier in a 2-by-2-by-M array. M
is the number of Y-parameters.
Y-Parameters Amplifier
Frequency (Hz)
Frequencies of the Y-parameters as an M-element vector. The
order of the frequencies must correspond to the order of the
Y-parameters in Y-Parameters. All frequencies must be positive.
Interpolation method
The method used to interpolate the network parameters. The
following table lists the available methods describes each one.
Method Description
Linear (default) Linear interpolation
Spline Cubic spline interpolation
Cubic Piecewise cubic Hermite
Y-Parameters Amplifier
Noise type
Type of noise data. The value can be Noise figure, Spot noise
data, Noise factor, or Noise temperature. This parameter is
disabled if the data source contains noise data.
Noise figure (dB)
Scalar ratio or vector of ratios, in decibels, of the available
signal-to-noise power ratio at the input to the available
Y-Parameters Amplifier
Y-Parameters Amplifier
IP3 type
Type of third-order intercept point. The value can be IIP3 (input
intercept point) or OIP3 (output intercept point). This parameter
is disabled if the data source contains power data or IP3 data.
Y-Parameters Amplifier
IP3 (dBm)
Value of third-order intercept point. This parameter is disabled if
the data source contains power data or IP3 data. Use the default
value, Inf, if you do not know the IP3 value. This parameter can
be a scalar (to specify frequency-independent nonlinearity data)
or a vector (to specify frequency-dependent nonlinearity data).
1 dB gain compression power (dBm)
Output power value ( P1dB,out ) at which gain has decreased by 1
dB. This parameter is disabled if the data source contains power
data or 1-dB compression point data. Use the default value, Inf, if
you do not know the 1-dB compression point. This parameter can
be a scalar (to specify frequency-independent nonlinearity data)
or a vector (to specify frequency-dependent nonlinearity data).
Output saturation power (dBm)
Output power value ( Psat,out ) that the amplifier produces when
fully saturated. This parameter is disabled if the data source
contains output saturation power data. Use the default value,
Inf, if you do not know the saturation power. If you specify
this parameter, you must also specify the Gain compression
at saturation (dB). This parameter can be a scalar (to specify
frequency-independent nonlinearity data) or a vector (to specify
frequency-dependent nonlinearity data).
Gain compression at saturation (dB)
Decrease in gain ( GCsat ) when the power is fully saturated. The
block ignores this parameter if you do not specify the Output
saturation power (dBm). This parameter can be a scalar (to
specify frequency-independent nonlinearity data) or a vector (to
specify frequency-dependent nonlinearity data).
Frequency (Hz)
Scalar or vector value of frequency points corresponding to the
third-order intercept and power data. This parameter is disabled
if the data source contains power data or IP3 data. If you use a
scalar value, the IP3 (dBm), 1 dB gain compression power
Y-Parameters Amplifier
Visualization Tab
Y-Parameters Amplifier
yparams = cat(3,...
[-.06+.58i, -.08i; 1.14-1.82i, -.07+.28i],...
[ .02-.21i, 0.03i; -.21+.72i, .03-.11i])
Y-Parameters Amplifier
Y-Parameters Amplifier
Click Plot. This action creates an X-Y Plane plot of the S11
parameters in the frequency range 1.8 to 2.3 GHz.
Y-Parameters Amplifier
Y-Parameters Mixer
Description The Y-Parameters Mixer block models the nonlinear mixer described in
the block dialog box in terms of its frequency-dependent Y-parameters,
the frequencies of the Y-parameters, noise data (including phase noise
data), and nonlinearity data.
Network Parameters
The Y-parameter values all refer to the mixer input frequency.
The Y-Parameters Mixer block uses the RF Toolbox y2s function to
convert the Y-parameters to S-parameters and then interpolates the
resulting S-parameters to determine their values at the modeling
frequencies. See “SimRF Equivalent Baseband Algorithms” for more
SimRF Equivalent Baseband software computes the reflected wave at
the mixer input ( b1 ) and at the mixer output ( b2 ) from the interpolated
S-parameters as
• fin and f out are the mixer input and output frequencies, respectively.
• a1 and a2 are the incident waves at the mixer input and output,
Y-Parameters Mixer
If you specify block noise as spot noise data, the block uses the data to
calculate noise figure. The block first interpolates the noise data for the
modeling frequencies, using the specified Interpolation method. It
then calculates the noise figure using the resulting values.
Phase Noise
The Y-Parameters Mixer block applies phase noise to a complex
baseband signal. The block first generates additive white Gaussian
noise (AWGN) and filters the noise with a digital FIR filter. It then
adds the resulting noise to the angle component of the input signal.
The blockset computes the digital filter by:
2 Taking the IFFT of the resulting phase noise spectrum to get the
coefficients of the FIR filter.
Note If you specify phase noise as a scalar value, the blockset assumes
that the phase noise is the phase noise is constant at all modeling
frequencies and does not have a 1/f slope. This assumption differs from
that made by the Mathematical Mixer block.
You can introduce nonlinearities into your model by specifying
parameters in the Nonlinearity Data tab of the Y-Parameters Mixer
block dialog box. Depending on which of these parameters you specify,
the block computes up to four of the coefficients c1 , c3 , c5 , and c7 of
the polynomial
Y-Parameters Mixer
2 4 6
FAM / AM (s) = c1 s + c3 s s + c5 s s + c7 s s
that determines the AM/AM conversion for the input signal s . The
block automatically calculates c1 , the linear gain term. If you do not
specify additional nonlinearity data, the block operates as a mixer
with a linear gain. If you do, the block calculates one or more of the
remaining coefficients as the solution to a system of linear equations,
determined by the following method.
1 The block checks whether you have specified a value other than Inf
• The third-order intercept point ( OIP3 or IIP3 ).
Y-Parameters Mixer
( ) ( ) ( )
3 5 7
Psat,out = c1 Psat,in + c3 Psat,in + c5 Psat,in + c7 Psat,in
( ) ( ) ( )
3 5 7
P1dB,out = c1 P1dB,in + c3 P1dB,in + c5 P1dB,in + c7 P1dB,in
0= + c3
The first two equations are the evaluation of the polynomial
Y-Parameters Mixer
Y-parameters for a nonlinear mixer in a 2-by-2-by-M array. M is
the number of Y-parameters.
Frequency (Hz)
Frequencies of the Y-parameters as an M-element vector. The
order of the frequencies must correspond to the order of the
Y-parameters in Y-Parameters. All frequencies must be positive.
The following figure shows the correspondence between the
Y-parameters array and the vector of frequencies.
Y-Parameters Mixer
Interpolation method
The method used to interpolate the network parameters. The
following table lists the available methods describes each one.
Method Description
Linear (default) Linear interpolation
Spline Cubic spline interpolation
Cubic Piecewise cubic Hermite
Mixer Type
Type of mixer. Choices are Downconverter (default) and
LO frequency (Hz)
Local oscillator frequency. If you choose Downconverter, the
blockset computes the mixer output frequency, fout, from the mixer
input frequency, fin, and the local oscillator frequency, flo, as
fout = fin – flo. If you choose Upconverter, fout = fin + flo.
Y-Parameters Mixer
Y-Parameters Mixer
Y-Parameters Mixer
Y-Parameters Mixer
IP3 type
Type of third-order intercept point. The value can be IIP3 (input
intercept point) or OIP3 (output intercept point). This parameter
is disabled if the data source contains power data or IP3 data.
Y-Parameters Mixer
IP3 (dBm)
Value of third-order intercept point. This parameter is disabled if
the data source contains power data or IP3 data. Use the default
value, Inf, if you do not know the IP3 value. This parameter can
be a scalar (to specify frequency-independent nonlinearity data)
or a vector (to specify frequency-dependent nonlinearity data).
1 dB gain compression power (dBm)
Output power value ( P1dB,out ) at which gain has decreased by 1
dB. This parameter is disabled if the data source contains power
data or 1-dB compression point data. Use the default value, Inf, if
you do not know the 1-dB compression point. This parameter can
be a scalar (to specify frequency-independent nonlinearity data)
or a vector (to specify frequency-dependent nonlinearity data).
Output saturation power (dBm)
Output power value ( Psat,out ) that the mixer produces when fully
saturated. This parameter is disabled if the data source contains
output saturation power data. Use the default value, Inf, if you do
not know the saturation power. If you specify this parameter, you
must also specify the Gain compression at saturation (dB).
This parameter can be a scalar (to specify frequency-independent
nonlinearity data) or a vector (to specify frequency-dependent
nonlinearity data).
Gain compression at saturation (dB)
Decrease in gain ( GCsat ) when the power is fully saturated. The
block ignores this parameter if you do not specify the Output
saturation power (dBm). This parameter can be a scalar (to
specify frequency-independent nonlinearity data) or a vector (to
specify frequency-dependent nonlinearity data).
Frequency (Hz)
Scalar or vector value of frequency points corresponding to the
third-order intercept and power data. This parameter is disabled
if the data source contains power data or IP3 data. If you use a
scalar value, the IP3 (dBm), 1 dB gain compression power
Y-Parameters Mixer
Visualization Tab
Y-Parameters Mixer
See Also General Mixer, Output Port, S-Parameters Mixer, Z-Parameters Mixer
Y-Parameters Passive Network
Description The Y-Parameters Passive Network block models the two-port passive
network described in the block dialog box, in terms of its Y-parameters
and their associated frequencies.
In the Y-Parameters field of the block dialog box, provide the
Y-parameters for each of M frequencies as a 2-by-2-by-M array. In the
Frequency field, specify the frequencies for the Y-parameters as an
M-element vector. The elements of the vector must be in the same order
as the Y-parameters. All frequencies must be positive. For example, the
following figure shows the correspondence between the Y-parameters
array and the vector of frequencies.
Y-Parameters Passive Network
Y-parameters for a two-port passive network in a 2-by-2-by-M
array. M is the number of Y-parameters.
Frequency (Hz)
Frequencies of the Y-parameters as an M-element vector. The
order of the frequencies must correspond to the order of the
Y-parameters in Y-Parameters. All frequencies must be positive.
Interpolation method
The method used to interpolate the network parameters. The
following table lists the available methods describes each one.
Y-Parameters Passive Network
Method Description
Linear (default) Linear interpolation
Spline Cubic spline interpolation
Cubic Piecewise cubic Hermite
Visualization Tab
Y-Parameters Passive Network
2.1 GHz respectively. It uses the MATLAB cat function to create the
2-by-2-by-2 Y-parameters array.
[.02-.13i,-.02+.25i;-.02+.25i, .02-.13i])
yparams = cat(3,[.23i,-.12i;-.12i,.23i],...
[.02-.13i,-.02+.25i;-.02+.25i, .02-.13i])
Y-Parameters Passive Network
Click Plot. This action creates a polar plane plot of the S11
parameters in the frequency range 1.9 to 2.2 GHz.
Y-Parameters Passive Network
See Also General Circuit Element, General Passive Network, Output Port,
S-Parameters Passive Network, Z-Parameters Passive Network
y2s (RF Toolbox)
interp1 (MATLAB)
Z-Parameters Amplifier
Network Parameters
In the Z-Parameters field of the block dialog box, provide the
Z-parameters for each of M frequencies as a 2-by-2-by-M array. In the
Frequency field, specify the frequencies for the Z-parameters as an
M-element vector. The elements of the frequencies vector must be in
the same order as the Z-parameters. All frequencies must be positive.
For example, the following figure shows the correspondence between
the Z-parameters array and the vector of frequencies.
Z-Parameters Amplifier
You can introduce nonlinearities into your model by specifying
parameters in the Nonlinearity Data tab of the Z-Parameters
Amplifier block dialog box. Depending on which of these parameters
you specify, the block computes up to four of the coefficients c1 , c3 , c5 ,
and c7 of the polynomial
2 4 6
FAM / AM (s) = c1 s + c3 s s + c5 s s + c7 s s
that determines the AM/AM conversion for the input signal s . The
block automatically calculates c1 , the linear gain term. If you do not
specify additional nonlinearity data, the block operates as a linear
amplifier. If you do, the block calculates one or more of the remaining
coefficients as the solution to a system of linear equations, determined
by the following method.
1 The block checks whether you have specified a value other than Inf
• The third-order intercept point ( OIP3 or IIP3 ).
Z-Parameters Amplifier
( ) ( ) ( )
3 5 7
Psat,out = c1 Psat,in + c3 Psat,in + c5 Psat,in + c7 Psat,in
( ) ( ) ( )
3 5 7
P1dB,out = c1 P1dB,in + c3 P1dB,in + c5 P1dB,in + c7 P1dB,in
0= + c3
The first two equations are the evaluation of the polynomial
Z-Parameters Amplifier
Active Noise
You can specify active block noise in one of the following ways:
If you specify block noise as spot noise data, the block uses the data to
calculate noise figure. The block first interpolates the noise data for the
modeling frequencies, using the specified Interpolation method. It
then calculates the noise figure using the resulting values.
Z-Parameters Amplifier
Z-parameters for a nonlinear amplifier in a 2-by-2-by-M array. M
is the number of Z-parameters.
Frequency (Hz)
Frequencies of the Z-parameters as an M-element vector. The
order of the frequencies must correspond to the order of the
Z-parameters in Z-Parameters. All frequencies must be positive.
Interpolation method
The method used to interpolate the network parameters. The
following table lists the available methods describes each one.
Z-Parameters Amplifier
Method Description
Linear (default) Linear interpolation
Spline Cubic spline interpolation
Cubic Piecewise cubic Hermite
Z-Parameters Amplifier
Noise type
Type of noise data. The value can be Noise figure, Spot noise
data, Noise factor, or Noise temperature. This parameter is
disabled if the data source contains noise data.
Noise figure (dB)
Scalar ratio or vector of ratios, in decibels, of the available
signal-to-noise power ratio at the input to the available
signal-to-noise power ratio at the output, (Si/Ni)/(So/No). This
parameter is enabled if Noise type is set to Noise figure.
Minimum noise figure (dB)
Minimum scalar ratio or vector of minimum ratios of the
available signal-to-noise power ratio at the input to the available
signal-to-noise power ratio at the output, (Si/Ni)/(So/No). This
parameter is enabled if Noise type is set to Spot noise data.
Optimal reflection coefficient
Optimal amplifier source impedance. This parameter is enabled
if Noise type is set to Spot noise data. The value can be a
scalar or vector.
Equivalent normalized resistance
Resistance or vector of resistances normalized to the resistance
value or values used to take the noise measurement. This
parameter is enabled if Noise type is set to Spot noise data.
Noise factor
Scalar ratio or vector of ratios of the available signal-to-noise
power ratio at the input to the available signal-to-noise power
ratio at the output, (Si/Ni)/(So/No). This parameter is enabled if
Noise type is set to Noise factor.
Noise temperature (K)
Equivalent temperature or vector of temperatures that produce
the same amount of noise power as the amplifier. This parameter
is enabled if Noise type is set to Noise temperature.
Z-Parameters Amplifier
Frequency (Hz)
Scalar value or vector corresponding to the domain of frequencies
over which you are specifying the noise data. If you provide a
scalar value for your noise data, the block ignores the Frequency
(Hz) parameter and uses the noise data for all frequencies. If
you provide a vector of values for your noise data, it must be
the same size as the vector of frequencies. The block uses the
Interpolation method specified in the Main tab to interpolate
noise data.
Z-Parameters Amplifier
IP3 type
Type of third-order intercept point. The value can be IIP3 (input
intercept point) or OIP3 (output intercept point). This parameter
is disabled if the data source contains power data or IP3 data.
Z-Parameters Amplifier
IP3 (dBm)
Value of third-order intercept point. This parameter is disabled if
the data source contains power data or IP3 data. Use the default
value, Inf, if you do not know the IP3 value. This parameter can
be a scalar (to specify frequency-independent nonlinearity data)
or a vector (to specify frequency-dependent nonlinearity data).
1 dB gain compression power (dBm)
Output power value ( P1dB,out ) at which gain has decreased by 1
dB. This parameter is disabled if the data source contains power
data or 1-dB compression point data. Use the default value, Inf, if
you do not know the 1-dB compression point. This parameter can
be a scalar (to specify frequency-independent nonlinearity data)
or a vector (to specify frequency-dependent nonlinearity data).
Output saturation power (dBm)
Output power value ( Psat,out ) that the amplifier produces when
fully saturated. This parameter is disabled if the data source
contains output saturation power data. Use the default value,
Inf, if you do not know the saturation power. If you specify
this parameter, you must also specify the Gain compression
at saturation (dB). This parameter can be a scalar (to specify
frequency-independent nonlinearity data) or a vector (to specify
frequency-dependent nonlinearity data).
Gain compression at saturation (dB)
Decrease in gain ( GCsat ) when the power is fully saturated. The
block ignores this parameter if you do not specify the Output
saturation power (dBm). This parameter can be a scalar (to
specify frequency-independent nonlinearity data) or a vector (to
specify frequency-dependent nonlinearity data).
Frequency (Hz)
Scalar or vector value of frequency points corresponding to the
third-order intercept and power data. This parameter is disabled
if the data source contains power data or IP3 data. If you use a
scalar value, the IP3 (dBm), 1 dB gain compression power
Z-Parameters Amplifier
Visualization Tab
Z-Parameters Amplifier
[12.60+3.80i, 3.77-0.17i; 80.02+54.68i, 26.02+3.84i],...
[15.12+3.55i, 4.14-0.92i; 92.10+23.67i, 27.59+2.71i])
zparams = cat(3,...
[12.60+3.80i, 3.77-0.17i; 80.02+54.68i, 26.02+3.84i],...
[15.12+3.55i, 4.14-0.92i; 92.10+23.67i, 27.59+2.71i])
Z-Parameters Amplifier
Z-Parameters Amplifier
Click Plot. This action creates an X-Y Plane plot of the S11
parameters in the frequency range 1.9 to 2.2 GHz.
Z-Parameters Amplifier
Z-Parameters Mixer
Description The Z-Parameters Mixer block models the nonlinear mixer described in
the block dialog box in terms of its frequency-dependent Z-parameters,
the frequencies of the Z-parameters, noise data (including phase noise
data), and nonlinearity data.
Network Parameters
The Z-parameter values all refer to the mixer input frequency.
The Z-Parameters Mixer block uses the RF Toolbox z2s function to
convert the Z-parameters to S-parameters and then interpolates the
resulting S-parameters to determine their values at the modeling
frequencies. See “SimRF Equivalent Baseband Algorithms” for more
SimRF Equivalent Baseband software computes the reflected wave at
the mixer input ( b1 ) and at the mixer output ( b2 ) from the interpolated
S-parameters as
• fin and f out are the mixer input and output frequencies, respectively.
• a1 and a2 are the incident waves at the mixer input and output,
Z-Parameters Mixer
If you specify block noise as spot noise data, the block uses the data to
calculate noise figure. The block first interpolates the noise data for the
modeling frequencies, using the specified Interpolation method. It
then calculates the noise figure using the resulting values.
Phase Noise
The Z-Parameters Mixer block applies phase noise to a complex
baseband signal. The block first generates additive white Gaussian
noise (AWGN) and filters the noise with a digital FIR filter. It then
adds the resulting noise to the angle component of the input signal.
The blockset computes the digital filter by:
2 Taking the IFFT of the resulting phase noise spectrum to get the
coefficients of the FIR filter.
Note If you specify phase noise as a scalar value, the blockset assumes
that the phase noise is the phase noise is constant at all modeling
frequencies and does not have a 1/f slope. This assumption differs from
that made by the Mathematical Mixer block.
You can introduce nonlinearities into your model by specifying
parameters in the Nonlinearity Data tab of the Z-Parameters Mixer
block dialog box. Depending on which of these parameters you specify,
the block computes up to four of the coefficients c1 , c3 , c5 , and c7 of
the polynomial
Z-Parameters Mixer
2 4 6
FAM / AM (s) = c1 s + c3 s s + c5 s s + c7 s s
that determines the AM/AM conversion for the input signal s . The
block automatically calculates c1 , the linear gain term. If you do not
specify additional nonlinearity data, the block operates as a mixer
with a linear gain. If you do, the block calculates one or more of the
remaining coefficients as the solution to a system of linear equations,
determined by the following method.
1 The block checks whether you have specified a value other than Inf
• The third-order intercept point ( OIP3 or IIP3 ).
Z-Parameters Mixer
( ) ( ) ( )
3 5 7
Psat,out = c1 Psat,in + c3 Psat,in + c5 Psat,in + c7 Psat,in
( ) ( ) ( )
3 5 7
P1dB,out = c1 P1dB,in + c3 P1dB,in + c5 P1dB,in + c7 P1dB,in
0= + c3
The first two equations are the evaluation of the polynomial
Z-Parameters Mixer
Z-parameters for a nonlinear mixer in a 2-by-2-by-M array. M is
the number of Z-parameters.
Frequency (Hz)
Frequencies of the Z-parameters as an M-element vector. The
order of the frequencies must correspond to the order of the
Z-parameters in Z-Parameters. All frequencies must be positive.
The following figure shows the correspondence between the
Z-parameters array and the vector of frequencies.
Z-Parameters Mixer
Interpolation method
The method used to interpolate the network parameters. The
following table lists the available methods describes each one.
Method Description
Linear (default) Linear interpolation
Spline Cubic spline interpolation
Cubic Piecewise cubic Hermite
Mixer Type
Type of mixer. Choices are Downconverter (default) and
LO frequency (Hz)
Local oscillator frequency. If you choose Downconverter, the
blockset computes the mixer output frequency, fout, from the mixer
input frequency, fin, and the local oscillator frequency, flo, as
fout = fin – flo. If you choose Upconverter, fout = fin + flo.
Z-Parameters Mixer
Z-Parameters Mixer
Z-Parameters Mixer
Z-Parameters Mixer
IP3 type
Type of third-order intercept point. The value can be IIP3 (input
intercept point) or OIP3 (output intercept point). This parameter
is disabled if the data source contains power data or IP3 data.
Z-Parameters Mixer
IP3 (dBm)
Value of third-order intercept point. This parameter is disabled if
the data source contains power data or IP3 data. Use the default
value, Inf, if you do not know the IP3 value. This parameter can
be a scalar (to specify frequency-independent nonlinearity data)
or a vector (to specify frequency-dependent nonlinearity data).
1 dB gain compression power (dBm)
Output power value ( P1dB,out ) at which gain has decreased by 1
dB. This parameter is disabled if the data source contains power
data or 1-dB compression point data. Use the default value, Inf, if
you do not know the 1-dB compression point. This parameter can
be a scalar (to specify frequency-independent nonlinearity data)
or a vector (to specify frequency-dependent nonlinearity data).
Output saturation power (dBm)
Output power value ( Psat,out ) that the mixer produces when fully
saturated. This parameter is disabled if the data source contains
output saturation power data. Use the default value, Inf, if you do
not know the saturation power. If you specify this parameter, you
must also specify the Gain compression at saturation (dB).
This parameter can be a scalar (to specify frequency-independent
nonlinearity data) or a vector (to specify frequency-dependent
nonlinearity data).
Gain compression at saturation (dB)
Decrease in gain ( GCsat ) when the power is fully saturated. The
block ignores this parameter if you do not specify the Output
saturation power (dBm). This parameter can be a scalar (to
specify frequency-independent nonlinearity data) or a vector (to
specify frequency-dependent nonlinearity data).
Frequency (Hz)
Scalar or vector value of frequency points corresponding to the
third-order intercept and power data. This parameter is disabled
if the data source contains power data or IP3 data. If you use a
scalar value, the IP3 (dBm), 1 dB gain compression power
Z-Parameters Mixer
Visualization Tab
Z-Parameters Mixer
See Also General Mixer, Output Port, S-Parameters Mixer, Y-Parameters Mixer
Z-Parameters Passive Network
Description The Z-Parameters Passive Network block models the two-port passive
network described in the block dialog box, in terms of its Z-parameters
and their associated frequencies.
In the Z-Parameters field of the block dialog box, provide the
Z-parameters for each of M frequencies as a 2-by-2-by-M array. In the
Frequency field, specify the frequencies for the Z-parameters as an
M-element vector. The elements of the vector must be in the same order
as the Z-parameters. All frequencies must be positive. For example, the
following figure shows the correspondence between the Z-parameters
array and the vector of frequencies.
Z-Parameters Passive Network
Z-parameters for a two-port passive network in a 2-by-2-by-M
array. M is the number of Z-parameters.
Frequency (Hz)
Frequencies of the Z-parameters as an M-element vector. The
order of the frequencies must correspond to the order of the
Z-parameters in Z-Parameters. All frequencies must be positive.
Interpolation method
The method used to interpolate the network parameters. The
following table lists the available methods describes each one.
Z-Parameters Passive Network
Method Description
Linear (default) Linear interpolation
Spline Cubic spline interpolation
Cubic Piecewise cubic Hermite
Visualization Tab
Z-Parameters Passive Network
frequencies 2.0 GHz and 2.1 GHz respectively. It uses the MATLAB cat
function to create the 2-by-2-by-2 Z-parameters array.
zparams = cat(3,...
[0.13-5.93i,.03-3.16i; 0.03-3.16i,.13-5.93i],...
[0.27-2.86i,-.09-5.41i; -.09-5.41i,.27-2.86i])
Z-Parameters Passive Network
Click Plot. This action creates an X-Y plane plot of the S12
parameters in the frequency range 1.9 to 2.2 GHz.
Z-Parameters Passive Network
See Also General Circuit Element, General Passive Network, Output Port,
S-Parameters Passive Network, Y-Parameters Passive Network
z2s (RF Toolbox)
interp1 ( MATLAB)