17 Cultural Differences: in Company Intermediate
17 Cultural Differences: in Company Intermediate
17 Cultural Differences: in Company Intermediate
17 Cultural differences
Paul Emmerson
1 Many books about multicultural management suggest that the world can be divided into
three geographical groups:
1 North America
2 Europe, Latin America, Middle East
3 Japan, China, East Asia
Try to match the groups to the descriptions below. Write the number 1–3 in the box.
Meetings Presentations
a Objective is to gather information. a Complicated language may be used to show
Communication style is often ‘monologue – education. Audience expects formality and a
pause – monologue’ rather than dialogue. logical structure, but a touch of imagination is
Arguments are often indirect, and there are no also appreciated. May want a more personal
sudden changes of viewpoint in meetings. ‘extra’ talk afterwards where you tell them the
Decisions are made by group consensus over ‘truth’.
a long time period. b Indirect, conservative language. Audience
b Objective is to make a deal or decision. appreciates a quiet, formal presentation with
Communication style is direct, factual, informal visual aids and lots of opportunity to ask
and at times confrontational. Decisions are based questions and check understanding.They
on facts, and are often made instantly in the expect separate handouts, prepared for
meeting. different people, by job function.
c Objective is to establish relationships, build c Direct, simple language. Audience expects
understanding, clarify, and issue instructions. jokes, modernity, logic, slogans, informality and
Communication style depends on national a hard sell. Audience may ask questions or
culture. Decisions are made by key individuals, interrupt while someone is speaking, and will
outside the meeting. openly question inconsistent facts.
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