JPRHC: Research Article
JPRHC: Research Article
JPRHC: Research Article
Research Article
average values were calculated. While the breaking FDA and EMEA as the “logarithmic reciprocal square root
strength (hardness) of five tablets was determined using the transformation of one plus the mean squared difference in
Benchsavertm Series type hardness tester and the average percent dissolved between the test and the reference
values were calculated. Twenty tablets of each formulation products”. Moore and Flanner give the model independent
were checked visually for any discoloration or surface mathematical approach for calculating a similarity factor f2
roughness in the tablet formulation. To study weight for comparison between dissolution profiles of different
variation test, twenty tablets of the formulation were samples. The similarity factor (f2) given by SUPAC
weighed using a Mettler Toledo electronic balance and the guidelines for modified release dosage form was used as a
test was performed according to the official method. The basis to compare dissolution profile. The dissolution
friability of twenty tablets was measured by Roche profiles of products were compared using f2. The similarity
friabilator for 4 minute at 25rpm for 100 revolutions. factor is calculated by following formula. 15
W0 W
% Friability 100
W0 Where, n is the number of dissolution time points
Rt – The reference profile at the time point t
hardness, friability, assay, weight variation. Results of into bulk phase. The strength of the gel depends on the
chemical structure and molecular size of the polymer. It is
these parameters were shown in table 2. Hardness of the
prepared tablets was found in range of 6-8 KP. All the known that higher viscosity grade polymer i.e. HPMC
tablet formulations showed acceptable pharmacotechnical K100M hydrates at faster rate and therefore, it is capable of
properties and complied with the in-house specifications forming gel structure quickly than a low viscosity grade
HPMC K4M polymer.
for weight variation, drug content, hardness, and friability.
The size and surface area were kept constant by adding
Ingredients (%w/w)
Factorial Batches Hardness (kP) Thickness Friability (%) Avg. Wt. Assay (%)
(mm) (mg)
Real Value
Independent Variables
Low (-1) Medium (0) High (+1)
Fig. 1 Comparative dissolution profile of Factorial batches of F01 to F09 and innovator
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