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Vacuum Pumps: The Solution To Your Water Scale Problems

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Vacuum Pumps

RYDLYME dissolves water scale, lime, mud and

® rust deposits safely, quickly and effectively!

the solution to your
water scale problems
Recommended RYDLYME Quantities
CL-200 SC-3 SC-4 L3 H4 MT/AT-124 10 10
CL-300 SC-5 L4 H5 AT-184 15 10
CL-400 SC-6 SC-7 L5 H6 K5 25 10
CL-700 L6 H7 K6 30 15
L7 L8 H8 K8 K9 45 20
CL-1000 CL-1500 H10 AT-1004 60 20
CL-2000 CL-2003 80-120 25
CL-3000 AT-2004 125-175 55
CL-4000 AT-3004 160-225 60
CL-6000 904L 904M 250-325 90
CL-9000 904P 904R 425-500 120
CL-14000 904S 904T 500-700 180
904U 700+ 210
2160 550 180
2200 600 220
2280 650 330
2370 750 440
2480 825 550
2620 1175 990

For other manufactures and model numbers, please consult Apex Engineering Products Corporation

The time required for cleaning will vary with the thickness and hardness of the deposit. The average RYDLYME
cleaning time is about two (2) hours, for the Premier series we recommend four (4) hours.
The foregoing quantities are average for the size and model listed. In some instances, additional RYDLYME may
be required to thoroughly remove all deposits in your vacuum pump.




www.rydlyme .com
® for Vacuum Pumps
When water scale, lime, mud and rust accumulates
on the water side of compressors or vacuum pumps of BEFORE
this type, this not only drastically reduces volume and
overall efficiency, but also increases electrical load.
In order to remove the water scale, lime, mud and
rust from the casing, rotor, hub, cones, and associated
piping, the following instructions should be followed.
1. Write down current or “before” amerage readings, cfm at
vacuum capacity and the vacuum in inches of mercury.
2. Take unit out of service. AFTER
3. Remove bottom drain plug and allow all water to drain from
pump casing. Replace bottom plug.
4. Break seal water piping and attach RYDLYME pump discharge
5. Remove top plug, attach return hose and place other end of
return hose in RYDLYME receiver.
6. Insert “blank” in flanges of discharge piping (see figure 1) and
tighten flange bolts.
7. Add the prescribed quantity of RYDLYME to the receiver (see chart
at left) and start pump.
8. In some instances additional water may be required to maintain RYDLYME effectively removes water scale, lime,
circulation. Add only enough water to maintain circulation. mud and rust from compressors and vacuum pumps
9. Tighten pump seal packing to minimize leakage of RYDLYME.
10. After 15 minutes of RYDLYME circulation, turn pump rotor 90
It is quite common that water scale, lime, mud and
degrees by pulling on the drive belts or jacking the starter switch. rust deposits can cause the rotor to completely seize
causing immediate shutdown.
11. Every 15 minutes thereafter, turn pump rotor through 90 degrees
to assure a thorough cleaning of all interior parts of your pump,
including hub, cones and rotor. When a Seized Rotor is Encountered
12. Continue the circulation of RYDLYME for a total of two (2) hours.
A. Complete steps 1 through 7.
13. After two hours of circulation time, with intermitent turning of
rotor, the pump should be clean and the rotor should turn freely. B. It is best to introduce RYDLYME wherever possible. Start by
removing both plugs from the top of the pump (if scale blocks
14. Shut off circulating pump and drain all the RYDLYME by remov- the passage, take a screwdriver and poke it through). Then add
ing the bottom drain plug. 100% RYDLYME into the top ports as well as pumping some into
the seal water passage. Once you have done this, please allow
15. Disconnect all the RYDLYME hoses and the circulating pump. the RYDLYME to sit for 30 to 45 minutes. This will enable the
product to start freeing up the pump. (Do not put the plugs
16. Reconnect the seal water piping. back in until you start the circulation process).
17. Remove “blank” in flanges of the discharge piping and tighten C. After pumping RYDLYME for 10-15 minutes, turn rotor 180
flange bolts. degrees with wrench and pump another 15 minutes.
18. Open the seal water valve and flush pump with water. D. RYDLYME will dissolve the water scale that causes the seizing and
allow the remaining steps to be accomplished.
19. With the seal water running, start vacuum pump and operate
for 10 minutes to thoroughly flush pump. During this time adjust E. Should the rotor remain seized after circulating RYDLYME for
the seal water rate to manufacturers recommendations. 10-15 minutes, disconnect the hose from the plug (discharge hose
from pump) and attach this hose to the opening at the top of the
20. Return pump or compressor to service. casing. Circulate RYDLYME into this opening for 10 minutes while
21. After unit has stabilized, write down current or “after” amper- periodically testing to see if the rotor has freed. When rotor is
free, proceed according to the instructions.
age readings, cfm at vacuum capacity and vacuum in inches of
22. Compare “before” readings with the “after” readings. The Periodic RYDLYME cleaning
difference between the “before” and “after” amerage readings
multiplied by the cost per kw/hr at your facility, will render the will keep your vacuum pump
obvious value of feasibility of RYDLYME cleaning of your liquid
ring vacuum pumps. RYDLYME cleaning should be performed operating at peak efficiency.
on a preventative or predictive maintenance schedule.

www.rydlyme .com
Multiple vacuum pumps can be cleaned at the same time
when using RYDLYME.

Why Should You Use ® ?

RYDLYME is EFFECTIVE . . . it dissolves approximately two pounds of
scale per gallon!

RYDLYME is NON-HAZARDOUS . . . it does not fall under any of the seven

federally designated classes of hazardous waste!

RYDLYME is BIODEGRADABLE . . . it has a biochemical oxygen demand of 16

mg/l and can be disposed of through existing plant sewers!

RYDLYME is SAFE . . . it can be held in the open hand without injury!

RYDLYME is ECONOMICAL . . . Call us at (800) 451-6291 to learn how an

investment in RYDLYME can multiply your efficiency!

P.O. Box 439

Plainfield, Illinois 60544
FAX 815-436-9418


1/00 Printed in U.S.A. ©Apex Engineering Products Corporation

RYDLYME is registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

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