Grama Panchayat in Orissa: Orissa Review February - March - 2010
Grama Panchayat in Orissa: Orissa Review February - March - 2010
Grama Panchayat in Orissa: Orissa Review February - March - 2010
The State shall take steps to organise village were consisting of five elected elderly members
Panchayats and endow them with such powers of the village. They were deciding the disputed
and authority as may be necessary to enable them issues and solving local problems in the villages.
to function as units of Self-Government -Article During Rig Vedic period Grama was formed
40 of the Indian Constitution. by a number of families. It had popular bodies
A democratic political system involves the called the Sabha and Samities . During later
decentralisation of power to the Local Vedic period there was also Sabha and
Government. Local Government is the Samities . The presiding officer was known as
representative political institution, which is Sabhapati and its members were known as
concerned with the local conditions, local needs, Sabhasad . People were ventilating their
local opinions. It is an essential part of the fabric grievances through discussions in the Sabha and
of democratic Government. It is not possible on Samities. Kautilya has described the autonomy
the part of the Central Government situated at of the village communities in Artha Sastra . The
Delhi or any State Government situated at State idea of Rural Local Self-Government was revived
capital to understand seriously and properly the seriously by the Government after Independence.
problem of rural areas. The decision makers Gandhiji was strongly in favour of the revival of
should hand over power to solve local problems village Panchayats. He wanted for the
and implementation of the local developmental establishment of democratic decentralization
programmes in the hand of the elected leaders of through devolution of power. During drafting of
the local area. Power must not be concentrated the Constitution, the members of the Constituent
in the hands of a few persons in a democratic Assembly were in favour of the introduction of
system. According to Lord Acton, Power Panchayati Raj Institutions to make the dreams
corrupts and absolute Power corrupts absolutely. of Mahatma Gandhi fruitful.
Considering this statement the Government According to the recommendations of the
decided for the decentralisation of power. It Balwant Rai Mehta Committee, the Government
implies the extension of democracy depends on decided to delegate more power, responsibility
the popular and active participation of its people and finance for planning and execution of the
in the process of administration. developmental programmes to the Grama
The System of Local Administration Panchayats. The main objective of establishing
through people s popular bodies especially Gram rural local bodies like Grama Panchayat in India
Panchayat is not new. It had its origin in the ancient is based with the principle of democratic
times. In the ancient times, Village Panchayats decentralization and direct participation of the
Orissa Review * February - March - 2010
people in administration. Grama Panchayat is at Grama there shall be a Grama Sasan. The Grama
the bottom of the three tier Panchayati Raj Sasan is a corporate body. The office and
Institutions. It is situated at village level. The village headquarters of the Grama Sasan is situated with
is an integrated and viable economic, social, the limits of the Grama. Grama Sasan is otherwise
cultural and political unit. It is the only effective known as Grama Sabha in Orissa. It meets at
organ of people s power. least two times, one in February and the other in
June, every year. The quorum for the meetings is
The Grama Panchayat in Orissa
one-tenth of the total members of the Grama
constitutes the basis of rural local government.
Sasan. There is one Grama Panchayat for each
86.6% of people in Orissa live in rural areas. The
Grama Sasan. It is the executive authority of the
Grama Panchayat was started in Orissa as per
Grama Sasan. After the constitution of a Grama
the Orissa Grama Panchayat Act, 1948. the Collector of the District determines about the
According to the recommendation of the Balwant number of wards in accordance with Article
Rai Mehta Committee, the Grama Panchayats in 243(C) of the Constitution. Normally a village is
Orissa were re-designed and Orissa Gram composed of one or more than one ward. The
Panchayat Act was passed in 1964. However, total number of wards of a Grama Panchayat
the Janata Government in 1991 brought a sea cannot be less than 11 and more than 25. Each
change in the working of Panchayati Raj in Orissa. Panchayat area is to be divided into different
The 73rd Amendment Act 1992 of the Indian territorial constituencies (wards). It should be
Constitution is very remarkable. This Act divided in such a manner that the ratio between
empowers the State Legislature to make laws for the population of each constituency and the
the organization of village Panchayats. Article number of seats allotted to it shall be same through
243-G of the Indian Constitution states that, the out the Panchayat area. Grama Panchayat is
legislature of a state by law, endow the Panchayats constituted with one Sarpanch, one Naib-
with such powers and authority as may be Sarpanch and Ward Members. Sarpanch is
necessary to enable them to function as institutions elected by the electors of whole Gram Panchayat.
of self-government and such law may contain One Ward Member is elected from each ward
provisions for the devolution of powers and by the electors of the ward from among
responsibilities upon Panchayats at the themselves. Soon after the publication of election
appropriate level, subject to such conditions as result of Sarpanch and Ward Members a special
may be specified therein with respect to the meeting is convened to elect one Naib-Sarpanch.
preparation of plans and implementation of Naib Sarpanch is elected from among the Ward
schemes for economic development and social members. If the post of Sarpanch of the Grama
justice and other matters listed in the Eleventh Panchayat is not reserved for woman than the
Schedule. post of Naib-Sarpanch shall be reserved for
woman of that particular Panchayat. One-third
seats (including the number of seats reserved from
Grama Panchayat is the bottom of three S.C. and S.T. Women) shall be reserved for
tier Panchayati Raj System in Orissa. It was woman. This reservation of seats shall be allotted
constituted as per the Orissa Grama Panchayat by rotation of different wards of a Gram
Act, 1964. A Group of contiguous villages Panchayat. Besides these elected members, one
constitute one Grama. The population of a Grama Secretary is being appointed by the State
is more than 2000 and less than 10,000 for each Government for maintaining the records.
Orissa Review * February - March - 2010
Orissa Review * February - March - 2010
Orissa Review * February - March - 2010
16. Minor forest produce. 13. Maintenance and const ruct ion of
17. It takes steps for Small Scale Industries, Dharmasalas and rest houses.
food-processing industries. 14. Maintenance and o rganisat ion of
18. It takes measures for rural housing. agricultural industrial exhibitions.
19. It undertakes poverty alleviation, women 15. Collecting statistics of unemployed.
and child welfare programmes. 16. Provisions for adult education,
20. It takes steps for social welfare including Establishment of Primary Schools with the
welfare of the handicapped and mentally prior approval of the concerned Panchayat
retarded persons and public distribution Samities.
system. 17. It can organize a body known as Grama
Optional or Discretionary Functions Swechha Sevaka for assisting the Grama
The main optional functions of the Grama Panchayat during the time of emergency.
Panchayats are as follows: 18. Prevention of gambling and implementation
1. Maintenance and Planting of trees on both of the programme for prohibition.
side of the public streets and maintenance Besides the above mentioned functions it
of village forests. has to perform such other functions, which are
2. Establishment and improvement of given on compulsory basis or optional basis by
livestocks. the State Government.
3. Construction, maintenance and regulation Power, Functions and Duties of Sarpanch
of slaughter houses. Section 19 of t he Orissa Grama
4. Steps for assisting and advising farmers in Panchayat Act deals with power, duties and
reclaiming waste lands and cultivating fellow functions of Grama Panchayat. The following are
lands. the functions of Sarpanch. All the executive
5. Management and development of different powers of the Grama Panchayat are vested in
Co-operative Stores. him.
6. Relief from famine or other natural 1. He convenes and presides over the
calamities. meetings of the Grama Panchayat.
7. Opening and maintenance of Libraries and 2. He is responsible for the proper
Reading Rooms for villages. maintenance of the record and proceedings
8. Organisation of fire services and protection of the meeting.
of life and property in case of fire. 3. On behalf of the Grama Sasan, the
9. Establishment of maternity and child welfare Sarpanch execute documents relating to
centers. contracts.
10. Establishment and maintenance of Akharas, 4. He is responsible for all securities,
clubs and other recreation centers. properties, asset, records and documents
11. Establishment and maintenance of works of the Grama Sasan. He has control over
for providing employment in time of scarcity it.
and establishment of Grainaries. 5. He is responsible for proper working of
12. Promotion of cottage industries. the Grama Panchayat.
Orissa Review * February - March - 2010
Orissa Review * February - March - 2010
4. After getting elected and assuming office Yojana should be transferred to the
of Sarpanch, Naib-sarpanch and Ward Panchayati Raj Department, to empower
Members, they should be given special the local rural bodies.
training about the proper implementation The life of the people is very complex at
of different developmental programmes. present. Hence, there is necessity of rural local
Training should be given to both elected government to solve local problem / complexity.
representatives and other office bearers Local people can know better about the problem
related with the Grama Panchayat activities and if entrusted it can be solved by them properly.
jointly. As it is stated that The wearer of the shoe know
5. Minimum standard of education is required better where it pinches . Since Grama Panchayats
for successful working of rural local work as grass-root of democracy at the rural level,
Government. So Government should take they should be given proper care.
steps to prescribe a minimum standard of Here it can be concluded with the words
educational qualification for Sarpanchs and of Jaya Prakash Narayan that Unless people
Ward Members. realize that they and not the Government can take
6. Government should provide all the Acts, the country forward, no matter what amounts are
Rules and directions in Oriya to the spent on plans, the goal will not be achieved .
Sarpanchs and Ward Members for
successful working and implementation of
programmes. 1 Bryce, James, Modern Democracies Vol.3,
MacMillan, New York, 1992.
7. The Sarpanch, Naib-Sarpanch, Ward
2 Das, Hari Har, Introduction to Panchayat Raj
members should work honestly and
and Community Development in India- Kalyani
sincerely as they are the representatives of Publishers, New Delhi, 1996.
their own local people. They should not
3. Finer, Herman, The Theory and Practice of
waste time for their respective party
Modern Government, Methuen & Go. Ltd.,
politics. They should be thorough about the London, 1932.
rules, regulations, instructions, direction and
4. Johari, H.C., Indian Political System, Anmol
Grama Panchayat manual for better Publication Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1997.
participation in the meeting and supervision
5. Maheswari, B. Studies in Panchayati Raj,
of developmental programmes.
Metropolitan Book Co. , Delhi, 1963.
8. As in several other States like Gujarat, 6. Orissa Grama Panchayat Manual, 1994.
Kerala and Tamil Nadu, Panchayats in
Orissa should be endowed with more
financial power. The Panchayats should be
empowered to collect holding, rural water
supply and other taxes.
9. The various developmental programmes,
which are now being carried out through
Dr. (Mrs.) Johani Xaxa is a Senior Lecturer in the
rural development department, like rural Department of Political Science an d Public
water scheme and sanitation programme Administration, Sambalpur University, Jyoti Vihar,
and the center-sponsored Swajaladhara 768019, Dist. Sambalpur.