Assessment For Lessons A, B & C: Members in Group
Assessment For Lessons A, B & C: Members in Group
Assessment For Lessons A, B & C: Members in Group
Lesson A
Checklist- For emotions WordArt
Members in group:
Yes With Prompting No
Students listed one
Students listed two
Students listed three
Students listed four or
more emotions
Lesson B
Yes No With prompting
Student can list
one-way Jesus
served his disciples
Student can
identify one way
they can serve
Student can
identify two or
more ways they
can serve others
This will be completed for each child, after examining their art work worksheet.
Observations and Anecdotal notes will be taken during Wonder Questions
noting who is contributing and if students understand why Jesus washed his
disciples’ feet.
- For each correct answer there will be a tick put next to the student’s name
- For each student that is on the right track a circle will be put next to their
name. (This way the teacher will know which students need further
explaining in lessons to come, or before the worksheet is completed)
Rubric for worksheet
Lesson C
Rubric for Post card