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Introduction to Laboratory of Pharmacology

Routes Of Drug Administration

Wrood Salim , Msc.

Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
University of Al-Mustansyria
Laboratory of Pharmacology

o Pharmacological experiments are designed to study the effects

of drugs on tissues, organs, and other living subjects
o Find out new therapeutic agents
o Study the mechanism(s) by which the drug interact and affect
the targets
o Clinical Trials: Study the effect (s)/side effect (s) of drugs on
Significance of Pharmacological studies

o Drug Development:

Preclinical study:
Intact animal study ( in Vivo)
Isolated organ or tissue (in Vitro)

o Evaluating and Exploring doses, mechanisms, side

The Institutional Animal Care and Use
Committee (IACUC)

 are centrally important in applying laws about animal research in

the United States
 The NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) has been
directed by law to develop policies that describe the role of
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees.
Laboratory Animals
Rats were first used for experimental Lifespan 2.5-3.5 years
purposes in the mid 1800s Adult weight M 300-500g, F 250-300g
Carefully bred rats are used in animal Birth weight 5-6g
testing for a number of reasons, including Heart rate 330-480 beats/minute
their frequent reproduction, genetic purity Respiratory rate 85 breaths/minute
and similarities to human biology Body temp. 35.9-37.5ºC


Rats are generally fed a diet Rats should be acclimatized to handling to

containing low fiber, protein and fat reduce stress
Rat rooms are usually maintained Blood can be collected from several sites in the
at 30-70% relative humidity and a rat including tail vein, retro-orbital sinus, vena
temperature of 18-26ºC cava or cardiac puncture
Can receive oral, IP, IM, and IV
Laboratory Animals
Mice Lifespan 1-3 years
Adult weight M 20-30 g, F 18-35g
Birth weight 1-2 g
Easy to make
The mouse and Heart rate 310-840 beats/minute
disease models
human genomes are Respiratory rate 80-230 breaths/minute
about 85 percent Body temp. 36.5-38°C
the same, and those
similarities have
made the mouse a
powerful model for
studying human
biology and disease

Handling, blood
collection, and drug
administration: same
as rats
Laboratory Animals

frog or toad: physiological studies guinea pig: hypersensitive test

(allergic reaction) or the screening of
anti-asthmatic drug

Rabbit: Expensive, the Other: Cat, Dog, pig, and

effect of some drug Monkey
Routes of Drug Administration
Enteral Route of administration
Placement of drug directly into any part of the GIT

It could be Oral, Sublingual ,Intragastric gavage, or Rectal.

1- Oral : Swallowing a drug through mouth, It may be done by adding desired drug
to the drinking water or to the food

 The oral route is economical, convenient, relatively safe, and some animals
can be trained to cooperate voluntarily, depending on the compound being
 This route is not preferable since it inaccurate

Routes of Drug Administration

Enteral Route of administration

2- Intra-gastric gavage: is the administration of fluids directly into the
lower esophageal or stomach.
• Gavage is often used in research settings, instead of mixing substances in
water or food, to ensure accurate dosing of animals.
• A small, curved, metal tube, usually with a ball on the end (feeding needle)
is often used with small rodents. Entrance may normally be obtained
without anesthesia using ordinary hand restraint and the ball prevents
trauma to the esophagus and oral cavity.
Procedure for gastric gavage in rodents:
1. Fill the syringe with the appropriate volume of material and attach the
2. Restrain the animal by the scruff. Place the tip or ball of the needle into the
animal’s mouth. Slide the tip gently past the back of the tongue.
3. The needle should slide easily down the esophagus, if properly placed. DO
NOT FORCE!!! If any resistance is met, remove the needle and reinsert. Do
not aspirate. Once the needle is properly placed, administer the material.

➢ To make sure that the tube is in the esophagus and not in the trachea, dip
the end of the tube into a beaker containing water (bubbling indicates wrong
➢ A safe volume to gavage rats and mice is 10 ml gavage solution per kg
body weight.
Parenteral routes of administration
o Routes other than Enteral are called Parenteral routes of administration
o Parenteral administration methods typically produce the highest bioavailability of
substances because these methods avoid the first-pass effect of hepatic
 1- Intravenous (IV) directly in the vascular system through a vein
 2- Intraperitoneal (IP) - injected into the abdominal cavity
 3- Intramuscular (IM) injected into a muscle
 4- Subcutaneous (SC) injected under the skin
 5- Intradermal (ID) - injected between the layers of the skin
 6- intracerebral(IC)- injected into the brain
 7-Epidural : injected into the epidural space of the spinal cord
 8-Intranasal: sprayed into the nose for absorption across the nasal mucou
 9- Inhalation: Inspiration through nose or mouth
 10-Intra-articular: injection directly into the joint space
1-Subcutaneous (SC) injections
• The best spot to inject Subcutaneously is the loose skin on the back of the neck
• A mouse may easily be injected by one person, whereas a rat may require
restraint by one person and injection by the other
• Not suitable for large volumes. Suitable for some insoluble suspensions

 Lift the skin over the back to form a tent.
 place the mouse on the wire lid so it can hang on . Scruff the skin
over the back and tent it up.
 Insert the needle at the tent base, Hold the needle parallel to the
animal’s body to also avoid puncturing underlying structures.
 Aspirate to ensure that the needle has not entered a blood vessel.
 Withdraw the needle and then press the skin to seal the needle’s
exit hole in the skin and to prevent the fluid from leaking out.
o 2-Intraperitoneal (IP) injections
• Commonly used in rats and mice since muscle mass is so small
and veins are difficult to find
• Rapid absorption (almost as fast as IV) due to large peritoneal
• IP administration results in a faster absorption into the
vasculature than SC administration l
• A mouse may easily be injected by one person, whereas a rat
might require restraint by one person and injection by the
• Volume of vehicle ranging between 2 ml/kg to 10 ml/kg
Intraperitoneal (IP) injections

o The injection site is usually on the animal’s lower abdominal quadrant

o Insert the needle at approximately 45 degree angle
o There are three points that you need to pay attention: position/ angel / draw back.
o first the position of injection is in the abdomen, not too high, not too low, if too
high, liver may be hurt, if too low, bladder may be hurt.
o Second, the angle should be about 45 degree.
o Third, after the syringe needle has been in the abdomen, before injection, you
should draw back the stylet to see if can draw out something, if not , you can go on.
If draw out blood or urine, that shows you have fail
3- Intravenous (IV) injections
• is the most efficient means of delivering substances to animals because it bypasses the
need for solute absorption
• Technically difficult, and the use of a restraining device with appropriate size for the
animal to be injected, is often required
• Performed in mice and rats, use the lateral tail vein located on either side of the tail
• The tail vein is difficult to find that’s why mouse is often placed under a heat lamp to
promote peripheral vasodilation
• Suitable for large volumes. Must inject slowly.
Retro-orbital injections in mice
• This technique is a useful alternative to tail vein injection.
• The mouse should be anesthetized so that it remains still during the procedure
(inhalant anesthetic)
• The needle is being placed in the retro-bulbar space (the region behind the
globe of the eye).
4-Intramuscular (IM) injections

• intramuscular injections result in uniform and rapid absorption of

substances, because of the rich vascular supply
• Not recommended in mice and small species due to their small muscle
• Smaller volumes are administered intramuscularly than for
subcutaneous delivery
• Suitable for aqueous or specialized depot preparations
Intramuscular (IM) injections

1- One person restrains the mouse by the scruff method with one hand and
steadies the leg to be injected with the other.
2- The second person , aspirates and , bevel up. Direct the needle caudally
(toward tail) if using the caudal thigh muscles or cranially (toward head) if using
the quadriceps It is very important to avoid injuring the sciatic nerve.
2- Aspirate to ensure that you have not entered a blood vessel.
3- If no blood is seen, slowly inject the material
Injection site and volume in Rodents

Route Maximum needle size Optimal volume Site

Gavage Mice: 20 Gauge, (3.8cm) 5 mL/kg (to 20 mL/kg) intragastric

Rat: 16 Gauge, (7.6cm) length

IV 25 Up to 5 mL/kg tail or Retro-orbital

Sc. 25 Maximum of 5 mL/kg Intrascapular
per site (Scruff), neck,
IM 25-27 Maximum of 0.05 caudal thigh ,
mL/kg per site quadriceps
IP 23-25 Maximum of 10 mL/kg Lower ventral
Aim of the experiment
1. Learn how to handling, treating and preparing animals for
the experiments and the ethical guidelines during
treatments with animal being .
2. Measure the required volume of a drug in a syringe using
aseptic techniques.
3. Learn how to give different types of routes of
administration in this lab which includes: Intraperitonial,
intramuscular and subcutaneous.
Handling and restraint
 Good handling and restraint is the most important
technique for correct administration .There are two styles
of manual restraint:

a- Double handed manual restraint

b- Single handed restraint

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