Final Material
Final Material
Final Material
Question 1:_
Definition of metallography can be as the studying the microstructure of many types of the metallic
alloy , it also can be to determine the chemical and atomic structures and the randomly distribution of
phases in the metallic alloy .
and if the microscopy is used then it can study the component and the physical study of the metal .
2) Making a section of the sample used without changing the structure of the material or destroying it.
3) Mounting the section, and joining to consider not to destroy and harm the sample.
4) Grinding to look for a level sample and have a slightest harm to the surface.
Because grain boundaries has more weaker point in the material as a result it consider to be the first
part to have a corrosion so it will appear as a black spot shape .
Lab two
Functions of the label parts :
_ dial gauge: is basically mindful of interpreting or changing utilizing enhanced from which makes it all
the more clear and additionally relevant for people capable of monitoring the gadget.
_ load adjuster: weight is balanced by turning it whether to the line that has SET imprint keeping in mind
the end goal to have a minor weight load connected or swinging it to the another determined spot with
a specific end goal to have a major weight load connected on the penetrator
_ work stand: which for the most part holds the test piece and ensures it is settled and additionally
steady. This keeps the development of the gave test piece and guaranteeing an impeccable test system.
_ indenter holder and indenter: the indenter point is joined with the indenter holder which associate it
with the body of the machine though ; the indenter point is in charge of making an opening in the test
piece with a certain preset profundity
1) Shape of indenter : Ball steel indenter
2) Shape of indentation : Circular hole
3) Its believed as it was 86 HRB , that make the material soft .
it show the grain boundaries, micro phases, line and surface deformities by utilizing electron
microscope or optical microscope.
it used to demonstrate the resistance of the deformation of the metal like ductility and
Lab three
1 Carbon 10 10 55 2 mm deep, 45
steel ° angle, and
0.25 radius.
2 Copper 10 10 55 2 mm deep, 45
° angle, and
0.25 radius.
Copper 10 J
copp The
er specimen is
The carbon steel material need to apply a 180 J on it to be a fractured material ,so it is consider to be a
ductile ,
but Couper material need to apply a 10 J on it to be a fractured material ,so it is consider to be a brittle .
Impact test has numerous focal points in the examination field to static test , the effect test is utilized to
know or test the toughness's impact and get the properties of the materials while applying the impact's
test on it or even a dynamic stacking .. it additionally can be utilized to know the temperature
interpretation , yet the most vital use of it is the deformation of the plastic and elastic .Impact likewise
can get the area's data rate to be ductile or brittle.
the impact test can be utilized to decide the property of the metal on the off chance that it is toughness ,
temperature transition and ductility by applying particular amount of energy on the used metal.
Because it is the point at which the concentration force exit .
1)The energy’s amount decrease and the hole notch become more bigger
2)When the hammer’s velocity increases that lead to increasing the force of sample . We get that from
applying newton second law .
3)When the temperature of the sample increase , the sample become more ductile
but when the temperature of it decrease ,it become more brittle and then it is become able to fracture
easily .
Lab four
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
percentage of the elongation = ( ( 50 - 54.7438 ) / 50 ) * 100 = 9.489 %
A1 L1=A2 L2
( 1.75 ) ( 50 ) = A2 ( 54.7438 )
A2 = 1.59
percentage of the reduction in area = ( ( A 1 - A2 ) / A1 ) * 100 = ( ( 1.75 - 1.59 ) / 1.75 ) * 100 = 9.14 %
The elastic modulus =slope=(y2-y1)/(x1-x2)=(0.457143-0.451429)/(0.011-0.0109)=57.14
(0.004 , 0.1 )
The annealed steel has the biggest toughness as the toughness of any material is measured by the area
zone under the curve and after that cool rolled steel lastly aluminum composite alloy. The yield point is
initially touched by the annealed steel even before the cold rolled steel and it don't make a difference if
them two have the same elastic modulus. As the aluminum compound has the lower elastic modulus so
it has the lower stiffness. The course of action of a ultimate tensile is similar to that the annealed steel
then the cold rolled steel lastly the aluminum composite alloy. Both of the aluminum combination alloy
and the cold rolled steel curve are resemble the engineering stress strain one yet annealed steel does
not appear as though it. The applied force and area increment relatively for some time on the annealed
steel as its curve achieve reaching a point at which stress is kept constant and strain increment .
Discussion: _
** tensile test is the most broadly normal industrially, as a result of the assortment of its application and
advantages, yet tensile is utilized to decide how a material will respond when we apply a force on it, it is
the most basic and generally utilized as a part of mechanical tests. by measuring the force expected to
make the sample achieves the limit of the breaking point, the properties of the material can be resolved
in the wake of doing the tests like ductility , toughness and temperature transition that will help the
specialists and engineers to foresee how the material will carry on in their applications.
**We can presume that the most great test is the elastic test. It is utilized to know the backbone
molecule. There are more than one kind of the tensile test we can say that the first sort is the adhesion
strength, the second one can be the peel strength and he last one can be the tear resistance. The tensile
test is utilized as a part of modern in a wide range way.
** It can be utilized as a part of autos and bike industry, paper industry, plastic industry, fitness industry,
aircrafts, building, electrical, medicine and health safety, textiles and even in electronics industry. In
every industry from those that said before it has diverse work.
As it utilized as a part of the business of outside and insides in the autos and bike industry for instance
the air sacks, mirrors, seats belts, furthermore hand brake level. There is a few applications on the paper
business as the constancy of reports likewise the application that incorporate into the gadgets business
that connection with the drawl constrain that is the most gear that is utilized as a part of the all inclusive
testing machine and even it's the less demanding machine to take a shot at it .
** Numerous materials execution parameters can be known and measured by tensile test. The
consequences of the information curves verses extension portray the tensile profile of the tried sample,
where it break, along the tensile profile there is numerous purposes of meet on them as far as elastic
limit and the failure point.
**Tensile test is the best one to use because of the gigantic number of commercial enterprises that
should be possible by it not any businesses but rather the most well-known commercial enterprises
required in our life, and on the grounds that it is a simple test that give us by a lot of materials property
that minimize the expense of the generation of the commercial enterprises.