Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

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Richard Noll, Ph.D.

Foreword by
Leonard George, Ph.D.
For Wolfgang Noll,
My beautiful boy of seven summers,
Sol invictus

The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders, Third Edition

Copyright © 1992, 2000, 2007 by Richard Noll, Ph.D.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Noll, Richard, 1959–

The Encyclopedia of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders / Richard Noll; foreword by
Leonard George. — 3rd ed.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 0-8160-6405-9 (alk. paper)
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Foreword iv
Preface to the Third Edition vii
Madness, Psychosis, Schizophrenia: ix
A Brief History
Entries A to Z 1
Appendixes 373
Index 393
O ur species is haunted by madness. One in
every 100 of us will fall prey to it at some time
in our lives, and of those, one in 10 will be driven
down by spirits. A shaman may have been called
in to divine the problem and heal the deranged
person, by finding the wayward soul or extracting
by misery or confusion to take their own lives. Not the invader—often literally by sucking it out of the
only the afflicted suffer, of course. As Aristotle body through a tube of bone or bark—or cutting a
famously noted, we are social animals, profoundly deal with the peeved sprite whose taboo had been
linked with each other, and derangements of the slighted. Shamans lived on the cusp between seen
psyche (the technical term is psychoses) strain the and unseen worlds and partook of the weirdness
social web, burdening family, friends, communi- of that liminal space, so their actions were often
ties, and economies. Directly or indirectly, mad- inscrutable. Ironically, many modern scholars
ness touches us all. who studied preliterate healing practices confused
Has it always been so? Experts disagree as to the patient’s state with that of the doctor, seeing
whether some forms of psychosis, such as schizo- symptoms of psychosis in the odd behavior of sha-
phrenia, may have arisen over the last few centu- mans. The present work’s author, Dr. Richard Noll,
ries. But people showing the common mark of the exposed the fallacy of the “schizophrenia meta-
psychotic disorders—disturbed contact with physi- phor” of shamanism in one of his earliest research
cal and social reality, leading to mental anguish papers.
and inability to live well—can be found in every The notion that madness can be caused by spiri-
culture on earth today and were likely among our tual forces endured into the worldviews of the
ancestors at prehistory’s dawn. early civilizations—indeed, it has survived to the
Throughout history, madness has been a terrible present. With the Vatican’s blessing, a Roman col-
scourge and, also, a mirror. Beliefs about psychosis lege still offers courses in the study of demonic pos-
reflect the framework with which societies define session and exorcism, training priests to discern
reality. Traditional cultures going back to the Old the signs of the devil’s hand in severely disturbed
Stone Age did not draw a line between animate behavior and the right techniques of “sucking out”
and nonliving as we do today. Rather, the cosmos the pest—no longer with a shaman’s bone, but
and everything in it was ensouled. In dreams and with sprays of holy water and chants of scripture.
visions, a person’s soul could wander in the invis- Dr. Noll’s published collection of psychiatric case
ible lands of the spirits. A soul’s distress implied reports of the “possession syndrome” is the most
trouble in the spirit realm. Perhaps the soul had important study of this topic in many decades.
been kidnapped by a sorcerer or lost its way in the In ancient Greece, all sorts of mental and physi-
otherworld. Maybe the body had been invaded by cal maladies were taken to be the mischief of the
some dark ghost. Or the person might have skewed kakodaimones, personifications of malign forces in
the balance of the world by breaking a taboo laid one’s character or environment, or else the result

Foreword: The Haunted Animal v

of the gods’ displeasure. Sufferers might make By the later Middle Ages, the Catholic project
a pilgrimage to a temple-complex of the heal- of a universal church was in dire straits. The grip
ing deity Asklepios. There, they would ease their of Islam on Africa and the Middle East was not
souls by strolling through gardens and groves and seriously loosened by the Crusades. Within west-
attending the theater. At the climax of the ther- ern Europe itself, heresies like Catharism and
apy, they spent the night in the temple, where Waldensianism threatened the Catholic monopoly
they prayed for a visit from the divine healer. of faith. The Black Death’s ravages were strangely
Asklepios’s favorite animal was the snake (which unresponsive to prayer, raising further doubts.
still curls around Asklepios’s wand in the symbol Clearly, Christendom was under sustained attack
of the medical profession)—feeling it slither over by a potent foe. It could only be the devil, aided by
one’s body in the darkened temple was a sure sign a “fifth column” of perverse humans. This conclu-
of good prognosis. sion was drawn not by the ignorant masses but by
Hippocrates founded a medical tradition that the leading intellectual lights of the church, setting
sought natural causes for ailments. The cosmos the foundation for the Great Witch Hunt. Devi-
was an interplay of four elements (air, fire, earth, ant behaviors that were taken as signs of humoral
and water), and the human being, as a mikrokosmos imbalance in the past now marked a person as
(small replica of the cosmos), featured the circula- either a demonic victim or collaborator. The pre-
tion of airy blood, fiery yellow bile, earthy black scription for psychosis was often exorcism. As well
bile, and watery phlegm. If the balanced flow of as the pronouncement of holy mutterings, tortur-
these four humors was upset, illness of body or ing the bewitched person was encouraged to dis-
mind could ensue. Too much yellow bile could comfit the resident demon. The “witches” accused
trigger bouts of mania, while an excess of black bile of sending the demons got even worse treatment.
(melan choler in Greek) could lead to a deep mel- Tens of thousands confessed under torture. But
ancholy. Either extreme could fray the sufferer’s some eagerly shared their tales of flying through
contact with reality for a while. The Hippocratic the air at night on a goat or broom to the witches’
doctor would advise a moderate lifestyle—neither sabbaths, where in Satan’s honor they would kiss a
too much nor too little sleep, food, exercise, social- giant cat beneath the tail, feast on babies’ flesh, and
izing. He might also try to bleed the excess humor plot spells to blight crops and abort good Christian
from the body. Hippocratic medicine, as reformu- fetuses. These delusional souls were freed from
lated by Galen in the second century A.D., remained their psychoses by the stake or the noose.
vital for classifying and treating madness well into There never were any witches. But the witch-
the Enlightenment. hunters’ fantasies surfaced again in the late 20th
Christian authorities through the ages viewed century as a wave of “ritual Satanic abuse” reports
madness in many ways. Christ’s call to compas- spread around the world. Investigators found no
sion for the sick drew Christian doctors to treat credible evidence for the alleged global conspiracy of
psychotic sufferers as patients who needed medi- devil-worshippers. Dr. Noll’s timely writings on this
cal help, often of the Hippocratic/Galenic variety. topic helped eventually to stem the irrational tide.
Christianity cast the world as a battle between the In the 1400s, as the Witch Hunt was unleashed,
Lord and Lucifer over the fate of souls, so it is no the Renaissance bloomed in Italy. A brighter con-
surprise that hurt psyches would be seen as casu- ception of humanity and nature gradually spread.
alties of that spiritual war. Folk healers peddled No longer was the world the chessboard of God
charms to keep Satan’s spawn at bay or drive them and devil, but a wondrous creation to be explored
out or offered to cut open the scalp of the mad per- by the miracle that is humanity, “noble in reason,
son and remove the “folly stone” that had sprouted infinite in faculty,” as Shakespeare put it. This
in the brain. With a little sleight of hand, they rebirth of a proud and ingenious curiosity led to
could give the plucked stone to the patient’s grate- the rise of modern science. Mad people were no
ful family as a keepsake—and then leave town as longer thought soiled by Satan’s touch but some-
fast as possible. how diseased. In the absence of useful treatments,
vi The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

they were locked in “insane asylums” or “mad- The madness that haunts us still evades our
houses” in the care of a new breed of medical spe- grasp. Millions around the world succumb, and
cialist, the “mad-doctor.” Patients’ disruptive acts few recover fully. But there is good news. A revo-
had to be managed in these settings, leading to an lution is taking place in our conceptions of health,
era of inventive restraints. And the mad-doctors illness, and recovery. Researchers have found that
devised many clever means to try to shock or stress the most useful approach to health problems is to
patients out of their psychoses. These methods weigh the full range of biological and psychoso-
were often not so different from those of the witch cial influences. We suffer not just as ill bodies or as
interrogators, but with much kinder motive. ill minds but as ill persons. In broad strokes, this
The humanistic wisdom of the Renaissance bore “biopsychosocial” model is like the holistic vision
fruit in the rise of democratic governments and of the ancients, but now confirmed, revised, and
legally enshrined human rights in Europe and the empowered by the tools of modern science. And it
Americas. Seen with humanists’ eyes, the denizens seems that psychosis is finally yielding some of its
of the madhouses looked to be unfortunate kin, not secrets to this approach. Let us hope that more and
only saddled with mental illness, but stripped of more effective therapies will be the result.
dignity and jailed in dungeons. Such was the view The study of psychosis is one of the fastest chang-
of the great reformers like Pinel, Rush, and Tuke, ing areas in health science. And its long history
who began the process (which is not yet complete holds deep lessons that must never be lost. How are
in some parts of the world) of unchaining the mad we to embrace this vast topic? We can have no bet-
and treating them decently. But there were still no ter guide in the world than Dr. Richard Noll. The
viable theories to explain the cause of psychosis or first two editions of the present book established it
guide its treatment. Other areas of medicine were as the best single-volume resource for anyone wish-
starting to see breakthroughs—scientists found ing to learn about the history and current science of
the cause of many diseases to be microorganisms, psychotic disorders. This, the third edition, is a mas-
and soon were creating vaccines. Medicine’s trend terpiece of erudition and clarity. Experts will find
was to focus on biology and neglect psychological nuggets of knowledge that they missed in decades
and social factors in illness and health. of study; nonspecialists will be introduced to the
The imprint of this split between body and landscape of psychosis in straightforward language
psyche has been clear in the disciplines of psychia- that is grounded in rock-solid scholarship. The best
try and psychology since their inception in the 19th way to use this book—indeed, the best way for us
century. Camps of specialists framed the puzzle of to advance in our struggle with psychosis—may be
psychosis as either biological or psychosocial. Their to follow the advice of the alchemists of old: “Ora,
research produced a series of dead ends instead of lege, lege, lege, relege, labora, et invenies”—“Pray, read,
insights. Each view had its turn dominating aca- read, read, reread, work, and you will find!” If we
demic and popular culture. More harm than good do so diligently, one day humankind may no longer
came of these fractured perspectives. The reign be the haunted animal.
of psychoanalysis for several decades was notably
unhelpful. Dr. Noll’s archival research, published —Leonard George, Ph.D., R.Psych.
in several articles and books, has shed much- Department of Psychology, Capilano College
needed light on this complex era. North Vancouver, British Columbia
T his third edition of The Encyclopedia of Schizo-
phrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders is a com-
pletely revised and updated reference to all the
New research findings regarding the course and
outcome of schizophrenia and possible new envi-
ronmental risk factors are discussed in entries for
medical, scientific, and historical aspects of these those topics.
ancient afflictions. The entries in this book have Since the last edition, an explosion of new
been carefully selected for their usefulness in the scholarship on the history of psychiatry has broad-
years to come. ened our understanding of the historical trajec-
This volume points both forward and backward tory of the evolution of dementia praecox (1893)
in time. In addition to providing entries that sum- into schizophrenia (1908). Extensive, entirely
marize all the current theories, findings, and treat- new entries for these disorders appear in this edi-
ments for schizophrenia since the second edition tion, as well as for related psychotic disorders such
was completed in the summer of 1999, this book as manic-depressive illness (1899) and bipolar dis-
has been thoroughly revised to place the science of order (1980). Disorders that may be biologically
schizophrenia into its historical context. Thus, this related to schizophrenia, such as schizotypal per-
book combines the latest scholarly research in the sonality disorder, also received thorough updating.
history of medicine and psychiatry with the vast So have entries for psychotic disorders that appear
scientific research literature on the diagnosis, etiol- to be distinct from schizophrenia and manic-
ogy, pathophysiology, course, outcome, and treat- depressive illness, such as paranoia, chronic delu-
ment of schizophrenia. There is no other reference sional states in French psychiatry, and the atypical
work that combines these two perspectives in such psychotic disorders. The history of treatments for
depth. schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders is
For this edition, many entries have been com- covered in depth in new or significantly revised
bined into larger, more comprehensive essays. entries on psychosurgery, insulin coma therapy,
This change is most evident in the entries for two metrazol shock therapy, and electroconvulsive
of the most rapidly changing areas of research in therapy.
schizophrenia: antipsychotic drugs and genetics Throughout this book, there will be many refer-
studies. The latest scientific information for all ences to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
entries is distilled and explained in plain lan- Disorders, 4th ed., text revision, or DSM-IV-TR (2000),
guage, thoroughly embedded in the new histori- produced by the American Psychiatric Association,
cal scholarship on those topics. Extensive reviews and The International Classification of Diseases, 10th ed.,
of the latest findings on endocrine and immune or ICD-10 (1992), created by the World Health Orga-
system alterations, brain abnormalities, and nization. They are the two most often used diag-
blood vessel alterations in schizophrenia likewise nostic manuals for mental disorders throughout
combine historical and scientific perspectives. the world. The diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia

viii The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

from these two volumes are included in appendixes the spirit of the proverb that was a favorite among
in this volume. the ancient alchemists, liber librum aperit (“one
Rather than including a huge bibliography at the book opens another”).
end of the book and in order to prevent all the flip- There are many long citations from rare psychi-
ping of pages back and forth as the reader attempts atric texts and especially from autobiographical
to locate a particular reference, full citations of accounts. Our best feeling for what life must have
references are included after each entry. Publica- been like for patients, their family members, and
tions in English, German, and French—the three physicians alike over the past two centuries comes
primary languages in the history of psychiatry— from such vivid reports. Many of these quotations
are provided for scholars and for European readers are from volumes that are so obscure that they
of this volume. Those reference sources have been can only be found in the rare book collections of
chosen carefully according to three criteria: (1) some specialized libraries, and care has been taken
the source is recommended as the best review of to select those passages that particularly make the
the relevant research in a particular area, (2) the history of psychiatry “come alive” for the reader.
source represents the first mention of an impor- No other book like this presently exists for
tant theory or research finding in print, and (3) understanding schizophrenia and the other psy-
the source refers directly to a passage quoted in the chotic disorders. It is hoped that the reader will find
entry or cites a major representative work of the it of value when trying to come to grips with a sub-
person listed in a biographical entry. The users of ject that has mystified humankind for centuries.
this book are encouraged to read further, and it is
hoped that the extensive references provided with —Richard Noll, Ph.D.
the entries will encourage further exploration in Allentown, Pennsylvania
T he history of schizophrenia is the history of
psychiatry. The earliest clear description of
this disease dates to only 1809—at about the time
Did Schizophrenia Exist
in Antiquity?
that the very first psychiatric textbooks were being If schizophrenia is truly a brain disease that has a
written by dedicated physicians who worked in strong basis in genetics, then there should be evi-
“madhouses” and “asylums” with the “insane.” dence that this severe mental disorder has afflicted
They collected their observations of lunatics, people for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.
devised classifications for them, speculated as to “Madness” has been reported in every society on
the causes of their afflictions, and even performed record, no matter how ancient or how primitive,
crude autopsies on their bodies to see if they could and descriptions of hallucinations, delusions, and
discover the secret of madness. The profession of bizarre behavior are often reported in associa-
psychiatry grew out of the efforts of these physi- tion with “madness.” For example, in an attempt
cians to understand and cure diseases of the mind, to trace schizophrenia back to ancient Babylonian
particularly those tragic, chronic mental illnesses accounts (3000 B.C.) or to early Sanskrit texts from
that condemned thousands to debilitated lives in India, translation of descriptions of mental illness
institutions. Therefore, the psychotic disorders, from these cultures have been collected in articles
and schizophrenia in particular, have always been published in 1985 by D. V. Jeste and his colleagues
at the very heart of the concerns of the psychi- and in 1984 by C. V. Haldipur. But it is still not clear
atric profession and are in fact responsible for its from this historical evidence that schizophrenia—
existence. as we know it, as a disease with a particular course
As we enter the 21st century hardly a month that begins in adolescence or early adulthood, with
goes by in which some new discovery in genetics characteristic signs and symptoms, and a chronic
is not announced, and the mission to explore the deteriorating course (at least in the type of schizo-
genetics of schizophrenia will no doubt occupy phrenia that seems to be the most “genetic”)—
a prominent position in the research of the next existed in the ancient eras. This point (and the
decade. But our late 20th-century cultural per- larger ramifications of this entire issue) has been
sona of schizophrenia as primarily a “genetically eloquently argued and documented by psychiatrist
transmitted disease” forces us to reexamine cer- E. Fuller Torrey in his book Schizophrenia and Civi-
tain historical problems related to schizophrenia. lization (1980).
Specifically, what is its ever-changing story over There are many reasons for this doubt. First,
the centuries? What other masks has it worn on ancient descriptions of madness that involved
the various stages of human history? What guesses delusional, hallucinating, or confused individu-
have been made as to its possible etiology? What als could be accounts of any number of physical
have been the fads and fashions in its research? or mental disorders. The same argument holds
The many individual entries in this encyclope- true for 19th- and 20th-century anthropological
dia provide detailed synopses of these topics, but descriptions of “schizophrenia” or “psychosis” in
below is a brief summary of the highlights of the preliterate (formerly called “primitive”) societ-
history of this disease. ies. For example, these same symptoms could be

x The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

produced by head trauma, brain infections, injury a royal institution, headed by physicians, and the
due to birth complications, strokes, or by any num- name was changed to St. Mary of Bethlehem. This
ber of other known organic mental disorders. Or was later changed to its present name, the Bethle-
they could be descriptions of the other psychotic hem Royal Hospital.
disorders, such as bipolar disorder (manic-depres- The reigning theory of madness was based on
sive psychosis) or any of the atypical psychotic the antiphlogistic or humoral theory of disease.
disorders. What is missing in these accounts are This theory had been in vogue since the time of
descriptions of the full course of the disease pro- Hippocrates (460–377 B.C.) and was elaborated
cess over time. upon by Galen (A.D. 129–199). Both mental and
Another issue regarding “schizophrenia” in so- physical disorders were considered by Galen to be
called primitive societies should also be addressed. caused by an excess (plethora) of one of the four
In the 20th century there has been a long tradi- humors: black bile, yellow bile, blood, and phlegm.
tion among some anthropologists (usually psy- The cure was to remove the excess by bleeding the
choanalytically oriented) and certain psychiatrists patient or by using purgatives or laxatives. Rem-
and psychologists who are “armchair anthropolo- nants of the humoral theory formed the basis of
gists” that the magico-religious healers and divin- asylum treatment for persons with schizophrenia
ers known as shamans have perhaps been persons and the other psychotic disorders until well into
who would otherwise be labeled schizophrenic or the 19th century and are graphically described by
certainly psychotic in our culture. The theory goes: the fathers of psychiatry in the earliest psychiatric
since their bizarre behavior is accepted (visions, textbooks.
ecstatic trances, etc.) and since prominent social
roles have been created for them, they seem to
adapt just fine without any further deterioration.
The “New Philosophy”
This absurd ethnocentric notion has unfortunately and Madness—the 1600s
persisted with some very prominent proponents, Many social and historical changes converged in
often with those who have little or no true exper- the 17th century (especially in England) to change
tise in the study of shamanism, schizophrenia, or this dark state of affairs for people with men-
both. The “schizophrenia metaphor” of shaman- tal disorders. First, societies began to incarcerate
ism is unfounded. mentally ill people in central institutions (jails,
hospitals) where many of them could be observed
together for long periods of time. Second, phy-
Psychosis in Europe up to 1600 sicians (crude as their art may have been at the
Since antiquity, persons with psychotic disorders time, an era that medical historian Guy Williams
and other forms of mental illness have been left has dubbed the Age of Agony) began to be put in
to themselves, sent off in “ships of fools,” locked charge of the care of the mentally ill in these insti-
in cages, “flogged into reason,” chained, or simply tutions. The institution of private madhouses for
killed, in some instances. Until the 1500s, the care the care of the insane (at a profit) also began in
of the insane in Europe—what little was offered— this era and also involved physicians. And third,
had been the responsibility of monks and nuns. with the influence of Francis Bacon’s “new phi-
For example, the oldest institution for the insane losophy,” which sparked science as we know it, the
in England, the Bethlem Royal Hospital (“Bed- concept of “disease” began to take on new mean-
lam”), was first established in 1247 as a priory, and ing. This was largely due to the influence of the
by 1329 it functioned as a hospital. The patients English physician Thomas Sydenham (1624–89),
were serviced by a 13th-century religious order often referred to as the “English Hippocrates,” who
known as the Bethlehemites, and on their habits emphasized the direct observation of illnesses and
they wore the special insignia of a red star with a suggested their classification according to syn-
dark blue center. The city of London took control dromes, or groups of symptoms. This differed from
of the place in 1346, and in 1547 it was made into the centuries-old identification of diseases usually
Madness, Psychosis, Schizophrenia: A Brief History xi

by a single symptom, such as was the case with the illness in their medical schools, and the British fol-
ancient mental disorder known as “fury.” lowed suit by the 1820s.
In 1801 French physician Philippe Pinel pub-
lished his famous treatise on insanity (l’aliénation
The 1700s: Madness Is Classified mentale, or “mental alienation,” which led physi-
Throughout the 1700s, physicians who doctored cians who specialized in the care of the mentally ill
to the mentally ill in madhouses (both pub- to be called “alienists” in England). The first edition
lic and private) began to be recognized for their of Pinel’s Traité médico-philosophique sur l’aliénation
medical specialty and were called mad-doctors or mentale, ou la manie established him as the world’s
lunatic-doctors in England and its colonies. The leading authority on mental illness and helped to
more scientifically minded mad-doctors began to persuade the world that the mentally ill could be
study the symptoms of mental illness for the first treated in a more humane manner through his phi-
time in terms of syndromes, and many of them losophy of “moral treatment.” When Pinel was put
contributed treatises and classifications of their in charge of the large institution for insane men in
insane patients. In this endeavor, the British led Paris following the French Revolution, he became
the way, and such figures as William Battle of St. famous for freeing 53 patients from their chains—
Luke’s Hospital in London, John Haslam of “Bed- without any disastrous consequences. Indeed, one
lam” in London, and William Cullen of Edin- of them, a former French soldier named Chevi-
burgh became world-famous authorities through gné, became his bodyguard. The legend of Pinel
their written observations on madness. Dar- unshackling the insane fit well with the revolu-
ingly, Haslam even reported on his autopsies of tionary and democratic spirit of the times, and
corpses of Bedlam patients, in an age where such it helped to free the psychological chains in the
practices were discouraged by British laws, and minds of caretakers of the mentally ill, that their
“bodysnatchers” supplied medical students and charges were nothing more than beasts and should
professors with such commodities. Each author be treated as such. Variations of the “moral treat-
devised his own unique classification system for ment” were already being developed in England by
mental disorders, often borrowing concepts used William Tuke at the York Retreat and by Vincenzo
for centuries, as well as coining new terms and Chiarugi, often referred to as “the Pinel of Italy.”
phrases. It is certain that many cases of what we This more humane treatment philosophy was not
would now call schizophrenia were probably clas- widely adopted in Europe until the mid-1800s, and
sified under one or more of these early attempts to even in England, it took the reformist physician
devise a more scientific method of understanding John Conolly’s “nonrestraint movement” in the
mental illness. 1840s to bring lasting changes finally in the asy-
lums in that country.
In the young United States, Philadelphia phy-
The 1800s: Psychiatry sician Benjamin Rush of the Pennsylvania Hospi-
(and Schizophrenia) Begins tal began to study the insane patients within his
Following the early lead of the British, after 1801 institution and published a book on the subject, his
it was the French who dominated the medical Medical Inquiries and Observations upon the Diseases of
study of the mentally ill until mid-century, when the Mind of 1812, the only major American text-
the Germans began their domination of this field. book of psychiatry to appear until the 1880s. Thus,
Indeed, the devotion of the early French aliénistes American physicians played almost no role in the
(Pinel, Esquirol, and the members of the “Esquirol scientific description and classification of mental
Circle”) to the study and classification of mental disorders until the 20th century.
disorders directly led to the development of a dis- Schizophrenia now enters the picture. In 1809
tinct medical specialty for mental illness, which the very first clinical descriptions of schizophrenia
is now universally known as “psychiatry.” The as we know it appeared in print in two separate
French were the first to include lectures on mental works. Working independently in their respective
xii The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

countries, John Haslam of the Bethlem Royal Hos- show a cold civility, but take no interest whatever
pital in London and Philippe Pinel of the Salpêtrière in their concerns. If they read a book they are
asylum in Paris both produced expanded second unable to give any account of its contents; some-
editions of books on mental illness that had been times, with steadfast eyes, they will dwell for an
published previously; they contain the first com- hour on one page, and then turn over a number
plete reports of what we now know as schizo- in a few minutes. It is very difficult to persuade
phrenia in its “chronic” (or “Type II”) form. The them to write, which most readily develops their
expanded second edition of 1809 of Pinel’s original state of mind; much time is consumed and lit-
1801 treatise has never been translated into English tle is produced. The subject is reportedly begun,
(a translation of the first edition appeared as early but they seldom advance beyond a sentence or
as 1806). Pinel’s description of démence in the first two; the orthography becomes puzzling, and by
edition strongly resembles the thought disorder of endeavoring to adjust the spelling the subject
schizophrenia, and this concept was apparently vanishes. As their apathy increases they are neg-
illustrated with case material in the second edition ligent of their dress, and inattentive to personal
that seemed to confirm this connection. However, cleanliness. Frequently they seem to experience
the following case history reproduced here from transient impulses of passion, but these have
Haslam’s 1809 Observations on Madness and Melan- no source in sentiment; the tears, which trickle
choly may be the first valid historical evidence in down at one time, are as unmeaning as the loud
the English language for schizophrenia: laugh which succeeds them; and it often happens
that a momentary gust of anger, with its atten-
There is a form of insanity which occurs in young dant invectives, ceases before the threat can be
persons; and, as far as these cases have been the concluded. As the disorder increases, the urine
subject of my observation, they have been more and feces are passed without restraint, and from
frequently noticed in females. Those whom I have the indolence which accompanies it, they gen-
seen, have been distinguished by prompt capacity erally become corpulent. Thus in the interval
and lively disposition; and in general have become between puberty and manhood, I have painfully
the favorites of parents and tutors, by their faculty witnessed this hopeless and degrading change,
in acquiring knowledge, and by a prematurity of which in a short time has transformed the most
attainment. This disorder commences, about or promising and vigorous intellect into a slavering
shortly after, the period of menstruation, and and bloated idiot.
in many instances has been unconnected with
hereditary taint; as far as could be ascertained by Haslam is describing what 20th-century British
minute enquiry. The attack is almost impercepti- psychiatrist Timothy J. Crow has named “Type II
ble; some months usually elapse before it becomes schizophrenia” or the “Pinel-Haslam syndrome”;
the subject of particular notice; and fond relatives insidious onset, negative symptoms (attention def-
are frequently deceived by the hope that it is only icits, problems in information processing, apathy,
an abatement of excessive vivacity, conducing to poverty of speech, loss of curiosity in people and
a prudent reserve, and steadiness of character. activities), and gradual cognitive deterioration.
A degree of apparent thoughtfulness and inac- The cognitive deterioration described by Haslam,
tivity precede, together with the diminution of or démence, as Pinel termed it, was later elaborated
the ordinary curiosity, concerning that which is upon by French aliéniste Benedict Augustin Morel
passing before them; and they therefore neglect in his descriptions of mental “degeneration,” for
those objects and pursuits which formerly proved which he coined the term démence précoce in 1853.
sources of delight and instruction. The sensibility Whereas the concept of degeneration probably
appears to be considerably blunted; they do not referred to cases that we would label schizophre-
bear the same affection towards their parents and nia today, it also referred to cases of one of the most
relations; they become unfeeling to kindness, frequently encountered psychotic disorders of the
and careless of reproof. To their companions they 19th and early 20th century, the “general paralysis
Madness, Psychosis, Schizophrenia: A Brief History xiii

of the insane,” which was later found to be caused today psychosis encompasses phenomena that
by tertiary syphilis. were labeled “insanity,” “alienation,” and “demen-
After Morel’s introduction of degeneration the- tia” or degeneration in the 19th century.
ory in the 1850s, and Jules Baillarger’s very first
description of the “double-formed insanity” (what
we now call bipolar disorder) in 1854, the French
The “Clinical Method”
alienists subsided in importance, and it was the of Psychopathology
Germans, led by Wilhelm Griesinger, who began In 1863 Karl Kahlbaum of Prussia published his
to dominate psychiatry until well into the 20th Habilitation (the equivalent of a second doctoral
century (except, perhaps, for Charcot’s contribu- dissertation in Germany, necessary for becoming a
tions in Paris in the 1880s to the understanding of university professor), Die Gruppirung der psychischen
hysteria and the use of hypnosis). Griesinger’s 1861 Krankheiten (The Classification of Psychiatric Diseases).
textbook, Die Pathologie und Therapie der Psychische In this book, Kahlbaum described a class of pro-
Krankheiten (The Pathology and Therapy of Mental Dis- gressively degenerating psychotic disorders that he
orders), provided a detailed classification of mental grouped under the term “Vesania typical” (typical
disorders that was based on the notion that they insanity). In 1866 Kahlbaum became the director
were organically based, indeed, that they were all of a private psychiatric clinic in Görlitz, Prussia,
largely diseases of the brain. Although not a new a small town near Dresden. He was accompa-
notion, the work of Griesinger and later German nied by his younger assistant, Ewald Hecker, and
psychiatrists and neurologists helped to establish together they conducted a series of research stud-
the biological approach in psychiatry. Because of ies on young psychotic patients that would even-
the contributions of the Germans, the biological tuate in a major influence on the development
approach is the central research strategy in the of modern psychiatry. Together Kahlbaum and
study of schizophrenia and the psychotic disorders Hecker were the first to describe and name such
today. syndromes as dysthymia, cyclothymia, paranoia,
The 1840s was the pivotal decade in the history catatonia, and hebephrenia. These are just the
of the profession of psychiatry. By this time the diagnostic labels that survived into history. In an
actual word psychiatry was in use in both Germany attempt to overthrow the confusion of the past,
and England, and the very first professional asso- including the inclination of physicians since pagan
ciations of such physicians were formed in Ger- antiquity to group all mental disorders as forms of
many, England, France, and in the United States. either “mania” or “melancholia” (terms that were
In 1844, 13 superintendents of state asylums not distilled down to their present meaning until
from across America met together in Philadelphia the period between 1850 and 1900), Kahlbaum
and formed the organization that is now known made the mistake of coining new names for just
as the American Psychiatric Association. In the about every syndrome. Though acknowledged as a
1870s, following the study of wounded veterans major psychiatric thinker in the 19th century, per-
of the American Civil War, the first professional haps second only to Emil Kraepelin, his classifica-
society for the medical specialty of neurology was tion system was too novel and idiosyncratic to be
founded. Thus the study of mental disorders now widely adopted, and thus Kahlbaum receded into
had two branches of medicine with two very dif- the shadows of history.
ferent philosophies, which remained at odds with Perhaps their most lasting contribution to psychi-
one another until well into the 20th century. atry was the introduction of the “clinical method”
With the Germans taking the lead, psychiatry from medicine to the study of mental diseases, a
began to resemble its present form. Indeed, by the method which is now known as psychopathology.
end of the 19th century our present notion of psy- Other than Morel’s claims about his degeneration
chosis as a disorder involving a gross impairment theory, the element of time had largely been miss-
in reality testing (a “break with reality”) and the ing from definitions of mental disorders. Psychia-
creation of a new reality had taken shape. Even trists made pronouncements about prognosis that
xiv The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

were not based on careful observations of the chang- “diagnosis box”] with his diagnosis written on it.
ing symptoms of patients over time. Mad-doctors, After a while, the notes were taken out of the box,
alienists, and other physicians who wrote about the diagnoses were listed, and the case was closed,
the insane arbitrarily invented names for insanities the final interpretation of the disease was added to
and described their characteristic signs and symp- the original diagnosis. In this way, we were able
toms based on a short-term, cross-sectional obser- to see what kind of mistakes had been made and
vation period of their lunatic patients. When the were able to follow-up the reasons for the wrong
element of time was added to the concept of diag- original diagnosis (p. 61).
nosis, a diagnosis became more than just a descrip-
tion of a collection of symptoms: diagnosis now Kraepelin was obsessed with finding patterns in
also defined prognosis (course and outcome). An the data on these cards, taking them home with
additional feature of the clinical method was that him or on vacation at times. In 1893, two years
the characteristic symptoms that define syndromes after starting his more rigorous research program
should be described without any prior assumption in Heidelberg, the fourth edition of Kraepelin’s
of brain pathology (although such links could be textbook, Psychiatrie, reflected some preliminary
made later as scientific knowledge progressed). impressions derived from the analysis of his cards.
Karl Kahlbaum first made his appeal for the adop- Diagnosis of clinical syndromes according to signs
tion of the clinical method in psychiatry in his 1874 and symptoms, the traditional approach, was now
book on catatonia. Without Kahlbaum and Hecker augmented by indications of course and outcome
there would be no dementia praecox. (prognosis). In that edition he introduced a class
of psychotic disorders he called “psychic degen-
erative processes.” Three of these came directly
Dementia Praecox (1893) from the work of Kahlbaum and Hecker: demen-
In 1891 Emil Kraepelin left his position at the uni- tia paranoides (a sudden-onset, degenerative form
versity in Dorpat (now Tartu, Estonia) to become of Kahlbaum’s paranoia); catatonia (directly from
a professor and director of the psychiatric clinic at Kahlbaum’s 1874 monograph on the subject); and
the university in Heidelberg, Germany. Convinced dementia praecox, which was essentially Hecker’s
of the value of Kahlbaum’s suggestions for a more hebephrenia (as described in 1871). Dementia
exact qualitative clinical method in psychiatry, praecox was hebephrenia and would remain so in
Kraeplin realized that by adding a quantitative Kraepelin’s thinking for six more years.
component to such a research program (which In March 1896 the fifth edition of Kraepelin’s
Kahlbaum never did), he could place psychiatry on textbook appeared. In it Kraepelin stated that he
a more scientific foundation. Quantification helped was confident of the value of his clinical method
to eliminate any subjective biases on the part of of using qualitative and quantitative data collected
the researcher. He began the first such research over a long period of observation of patients as a
program of this nature in the history of psychiatry way of developing a diagnosis that included prog-
at Heidelberg in 1891, collecting data about every nosis (course and outcome):
new patient that was admitted to the clinic (and
not just “interesting cases,” as had been the case in What convinced me of the superiority of the clini-
the past) and summarizing them on specially pre- cal method of diagnosis (followed here) over the
pared index cards, his famous Zahlkarten. He had traditional one, was the certainty with which we
been keeping data on such cards since at least 1887. could predict (in conjunction with our new concept of
In his posthumously published Memoirs (which was disease) the future course of events. Thanks to it the
first published in German 61 years after his death), student can now find his way more easily in the
Kraepelin described his method: difficult subject of psychiatry.

. . . after the first thorough examination of a new In the 1896 fifth edition, dementia praecox (still
patient, each of us had to throw in a note [in a essentially hebephrenia), dementia paranoides, and
Madness, Psychosis, Schizophrenia: A Brief History xv

catatonia are separate psychotic disorders included ferent courses to the disorder, and that some per-
among “metabolic disorders leading to dementia.” sons with dementia praecox would plateau at a
In the sixth edition of Psychiatrie of 1899, Kraepe- particular level of deficit and stay at that level for
lin reordered the psychiatric cosmos for the next the rest of their lives, without degenerating any
century by grouping most of the insanities into further. In 1908 Bleuler published a paper chal-
two large categories, dementia praecox and manic- lenging Kraepelin’s views, and suggested that the
depressive illness. They were distinguished by the disorder be renamed schizophrenia (from two Greek
following characteristics: (1) dementia praecox words meaning “to split” and “mind”) to remove
was primarily a disorder of intellectual function- the emphasis on prognosis suggested by the term
ing, whereas manic-depressive illness was pri- dementia praecox. Bleuler had been using the term
marily a disorder of affects or mood, (2) dementia schizophrenia in lectures to his medical staff at the
praecox had a uniformly deteriorating course and Burghölzli Hospital in Zurich, Switzerland, prior
a poor prognosis, whereas manic-depressive insan- to this time. In 1911 Bleuler published his classic
ity had a course of acute exacerbations followed monograph, Dementia Praecox oder die Gruppe der
by complete remissions with no lasting deteriora- Schizophrenien. His description of schizophrenia
tion of intellectual functioning, and (3) there were (to which he added a fourth subtype, Otto Diem’s
no recoveries from dementia praecox, whereas in “simple schizophrenia”) was hailed as a major con-
manic-depressive illness there were many complete tribution, and the ideas in Bleuler’s 1911 book are
recoveries. In 1899 dementia praecox took its now still largely reflected in the classification systems
familiar form as a heterogenous class of psychotic in use today. No one has ever matched Bleuler’s
disorders comprised of hebephrenic, catatonic, and insightful description of this disease.
paranoid forms. These forms have persisted until Bleuler had believed he was further developing
today, through Eugen Bleuler’s 1908 description of Kraepelin’s concepts of dementia praecox rather
schizophrenia (to which he added a fourth form, than inventing an entirely new disorder. Bleuler’s
dementia simplex, or simple schizophrenia) to the objections to Kraepelin’s dementia praecox were
main types of schizophrenia in DSM-IV-TR (the many, however. He objected (as many others did,
paranoid, catatonic, and disorganized types, with particularly British psychiatrists) that there was
the latter retaining its historical designation as the no “dementia” in the classical, organic sense of the
hebephrenic type in ICD-10 [1992]). term (for example, as in today’s Alzheimer’s dis-
But what caused this terrible disease of rapid ease), but instead an intellectual deterioration that
intellectual (cognitive) deterioration (dementia), may or may not end up looking like dementia. He
mainly in the young (between 15 and 25 years noted the deterioration was not progressive, with
old), and mainly in males? Kraepelin believed episodes of partial remission or complete recovery
that heredity predisposed persons with demen- occurring in some cases. The term praecox was also
tia praecox to develop abnormalities in the meta- objectionable to Bleuler, since he had encountered
bolic functioning of the sex glands (gonads) after cases of schizophrenia that occurred during midlife
puberty, leading to an autointoxication (self-poi- (currently named late-onset schizophrenia). There
soning) process that eventually affected the brain. were also cases of “latent schizophrenia,” accord-
Autointoxication theories of various diseases, ing to Bleuler, in which the psychotic disorder was
physical and mental, were highly influential from not triggered by an endogenous disease process but
the 1890s to the 1920s in psychiatry. by personal experiences, such as trauma. Bleuler
went so far as to believe that cases of latent schizo-
phrenia were more common than cases of mani-
Schizophrenia (1908) fest schizophrenia. Bleuer also noted the existence
Not everyone agreed with Kraepelin’s emphasis of people with paranoid personality disorders who
on classification by prognosis. Indeed one Swiss resembled cases of dementia praecox. Bleuler wid-
psychiatrist, Eugen Bleuler, began to question ened Kraepelin’s concept of dementia praecox by
the notion, observing that there were many dif- arguing that these cases, too, should be considered
xvi The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

part of the disease (an idea that has taken hold in medical training for thousands of years, dating back
our current notions of schizophrenia spectrum to the Hippocratic literature of the ancient Greeks.
disorders, especially schizotypal personality disor- By the late 1860s, claims for the clinical rel-
der). Influenced by his associate Carl Gustav Jung evance of basic science conducted in laboratories
and by Sigmund Freud and the psychoanalytic were being vigorously voiced by physicians in the
movement, Bleuler believed in the possibility of United States. These physicians argued that per-
psychogenic or reactive triggers for schizophrenia, sonal anecdotes and clinical folklore were a bad
which Kraepelin did not allow. way to conduct medical practice. Instead, new
In sum, Bleuler greatly widened the circumfer- studies in anatomy, chemistry, and other scientific
ence of persons whom he considered should be diag- disciplines should be relied upon to make medi-
nosed with dementia praecox. He also left open the cal practice more scientific. Of course, as we enter
possibilities for various courses and outcomes, and the 21st century, we now know that these medical
better prognoses, than Kraepelin did. He empha- discontents prevailed. However, circa 1900, this
sized the heterogeneous nature of schizophrenia, victory was not apparent, and the psychiatry of
with the possibility that multiple disease processes the 20th century remained the only major subdis-
may underlie it, whereas Kraepelin held to the con- cipline of American medicine to reject laboratory
viction that dementia praecox was one disease with science and its evidence that mental diseases may
at least three forms. It was therefore Bleuler’s wider have biological causes.
concept of schizophrenia that took hold, especially Why did psychiatry remain in such a primitive
in America, and dominated psychiatry until 1980. state throughout most of the 20th century? The
In that year, the narrower diagnostic criteria and responsibility for this tragedy lies in the influence
pessimistic prognosis for schizophrenia became the of two prominent American schools of psychia-
official diagnosis of this disorder in DSM-III. This try that were suspicious of laboratory science and
narrower, “neo-Kraepelinian” definition of schizo- rejected the claims of Kraepelin and his followers
phrenia persists today. that dementia praecox or schizophrenia was caused
by heredity (genetics) or other biological causes.
The first of these schools, Adolf Meyer’s “biosocial
The “Mind Twist Men” versus reaction” school, had an early influence from circa
the “Brain Spot Men” 1910 to the 1950s. The second of these schools, Sig-
In the late 1800s and early 1900s a great battle mund Freud’s psychoanalysis, had a profound and
erupted in American medicine that was to have devastating influence on American psychiatry and
a profound influence on the practice of psychia- retarded its development as a scientific branch of
try and on attitudes toward dementia praecox and medicine from the 1920s to the 1970s.
schizophrenia. The Meyerians. While acknowledging the poten-
The conflict raged between those traditional tial value of laboratory research in psychiatry,
physicians who preferred the knowledge derived prominent psychiatrists in America such as the
from the practice of medicine as an art and those Swiss émigrés Adolf Meyer and August Hoch pre-
who argued for the greater role of knowledge ferred to rely upon the ability of the trained clini-
gained from laboratory studies to make the prac- cian to analyze the biosocial factors in the life of
tice of medicine a science. Until the late 19th the “whole person” that contributed to the psycho-
century, medical training had followed the master- logical and behavioral “reactions” that constituted
apprentice model. One learned medical practice by all known mental disorders, including dementia
observing one’s mentor, and then by doing it one- praecox. The literature of Meyer and his support-
self. Clinical lore and personal anecdotes were the ers is laced throughout with polemics against the
only “evidence” to be trusted—especially in such “failed” or “outdated” practice of psychiatrists who
a backward discipline of medicine as psychiatry, modeled their thinking and their fatalistic diag-
which was held in very low esteem by the rest of nostic and prognostic pronouncements on the
the medical profession. Such had been the basis of medical pathologists. Most mental disorders, they
Madness, Psychosis, Schizophrenia: A Brief History xvii

argued, were viewed by these older psychiatrists lin insisted that it, too, had a firm etiologic basis
to be as irreversible as nervous tissue damage, or in biological processes and that therefore both
as irrefutable as the fateful hand dealt by hered- dementia praecox and manic-depressive insanity
ity. Furthermore, the Meyerians pointed out—and could be investigated through laboratory methods.
with some truth—that the neuropathological, bio- The growth in laboratory studies of these illnesses
chemical, and serological laboratory studies and are reflected in the bulkiness of volume III of the
the statistical studies of heredity had not proven eighth edition of Psychiatrie, published in 1913,
themselves to be of any real relevance to the diag- which is primarily concerned with dementia prae-
nosis and treatment of patients. Because the “can cox and manic-depressive insanity.
do” philosophy of the Meyerians blended so well While Kraepelin’s diagnostic terms dementia
with similar American cultural values of pragma- praecox and manic-depressive insanity were adopted
tism and functionalism, personified in the figure by American psychiatrists in the first quarter of
of William James (1842–1910), in the first two this century, the etiologic and prognostic ideas
decades of this century, they paved the way for the of Kraepelin underwent considerable revision-
resounding acceptance of psychoanalytic theory ing. This new—or perhaps more aptly put “New
by the 1920s in American psychiatry. World”—dynamic or functional interpretation of
The Psychoanalysts. Psychoanalysis, like the Meye- dementia praecox was forged by the hands of Adolf
rian philosophy, rejected “pessimistic” hereditarian Meyer, Smith Ely Jelliffe, and August Hoch, who
views and argued that patients could actually be coauthored a seminal monograph in 1911 contain-
understood and changed through the application ing their revisionist perspectives.
of this new method. By World War I, even neuro- There was a small group of American physi-
logically trained physicians such as James Jackson cians who believed that Kraepelin’s theories about
Putnam, Smith Ely Jelliffe, and William Alanson dementia praecox and schizophrenia were cor-
White had converted to the more optimistic world- rect. They, too, viewed this devastating disorder as
view of Freudian psychoanalysis. first and foremost a brain disease. They, too, knew
The Kraepelinians. The “old”—or perhaps more that heredity (genetics) played a strong role in the
aptly put “Old World”—psychiatric perspective cause and development of this disease. This group
castigated by Adolf Meyer was primarily the 19th- was led by Bayard Taylor Holmes (1852–1924) of
century French (B. A. Morel, Valentin Magnan) Chicago and Elmer Ernest Southard (1876–1920)
and particularly German emphasis on hereditary of Harvard Medical School in Boston.
degeneration theory, and in particular its avoca- Bayard Taylor Holmes was the editor of Demen-
tion by the German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin. tia Praecox Studies, the first scientific or medical
One disorder in particular, dementia praecox, was journal in any language to be named after a psy-
often the focus of the heated charges and coun- chiatric disorder. During its short life (1918–22),
tercharges hurled between the Kraepelinians, the Dementia Praecox Studies not only provided exten-
Meyerians, and the psychoanalysts. The biological sive bibliographic essays and reviews of published
and hereditarian etiology of dementia praecox (the laboratory reports from several nations but also
disorder described and named by Kraepelin in the provided translations of selected experimental
sixth edition of his Psychiatrie in 1899 as composed studies of unpublished doctoral theses from the
of the psychotic disorders paranoia, catatonia, and original German or French. Perhaps most impor-
hebephrenia) indicated in his opinion an extremely tant, Dementia Praecox Studies served as the primary
poor prognosis for any patient that manifested the place of publication for the experimental reports of
symptoms. Manic-depressive insanity, the non- the Research Laboratory of the Psychopathic Hos-
deteriorating and sometimes remitting form of pital of Cook County (Illinois) and for the editori-
serious psychotic disturbance, was described by als of its director, Holmes. Bayard Taylor Holmes
Kraepelin in the sixth edition of his Psychiatrie in was also a noted Chicago surgeon and, in 1895,
1899 and met with far greater acceptance among the unsuccessful Socialist candidate for mayor of
the Meyerians and psychoanalysts. Yet, Kraepe- Chicago.
xviii The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

Dementia Praecox Studies was the only journal atrophy as a clear pathology in the brains of per-
ever produced by the handful of Kraepelinian phy- sons with dementia praecox. But when Southard
sicians in the United States. Like Emil Kraepelin, died prematurely, so, too, did the only promise of
they believed that mental disorders were first and a serious American program of neuropathological
foremost brain diseases with neuropathological, research on dementia praecox and manic-depres-
biochemical, infectious, and genetic causes. But sive insanity. Southard, with his characteristic
from the 1910s until the late 1960s American psy- humor, referred to the Meyerians and the psycho-
chiatry was dominated by the followers of Adolf analysts as “mind twist men” and Kraepelinians
Meyer’s “psychosocial reaction” theory and Sig- (such as himself) as “brain spot men,” monikers as
mund Freud’s pseudoscience of psychoanalysis. apt as any others applied since.
These traditions of “mind twist men” (see below)
were suspicious of laboratory science and rejected
biological and genetic causes for mental disorders.
American Psychiatry and the Tragic
The premature death from pneumonia of patholo- Years of Psychoanalysis
gist Elmer Ernest Southard left the “brain spot Although laboratory research on the neurological,
men” without a prominent spokesman. The death biochemical, and genetic causes and associated
of Bayard Holmes in 1924 essentially ended the pathologies of schizophrenia continued in Munich
Kraepelinian movement in America for decades. at Kraepelin’s Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fuer
The opening pages of the January 1918 edition Psychiatrie (German Research Institute for Psy-
of Dementia Praecox Studies contain the following chiatry) from 1917 until World War II, in America
invitation from Herman Campbell Stevens for the such research was the exception and not the rule.
submission of laboratory research reports: “The After the deaths of Southard and Holmes, Henry
purpose of this publication is to arouse interest in Cotton, N. D. C. Lewis, George Kirby, Seymour
the subject of dementia praecox. . . . How little is Kety (after the war), and a handful of others con-
known about the disease is apparent from a read- tinued to look for biological evidence of the cause
ing of the standard treatises on psychiatry and and characteristic disease processes in schizophre-
from the current literature. It is the purpose of this nia but failed miserably. This failure emboldened
journal to serve as a clearinghouse for scientifically American, French, and British psychiatrists who
established facts with regard to dementia praecox. had come under the influence of the ideas of psy-
Any competent and contentious study of a mor- choanalysts such as Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav
phological, biochemical, or psychiatric nature will Jung, and Alfred Adler. Unfortunately, psycho-
be accepted. It is the aim of the editors to encour- analytically oriented psychiatrists drew the wrong
age research in the hope that a rational therapy and conclusion from the failure of laboratory science,
prophylaxis will result.” Bayard Holmes unabash- and thousands of persons with schizophrenia and
edly expressed his “faith” in the hypothesis that their family members suffered for it.
“disease of the mind is the result of organic disease From the 1920s until the 1970s, psychoanaly-
of the body,” and as “in spite of the magnitude of sis dominated American psychiatry, diverting the
this problem there is a great scarcity of books and search for new drug treatments and basic biologi-
monographs dealing with the physical, chemical cal research into a blind alley. Psychoanalysis was
and biologic conditions of the unfortunate vic- a covert ideology with absolutely no scientific evi-
tims of this disease,” he urges “the publication of a dence to support it. Psychoanalytic organizations
journal devoted exclusively to the study from the maintained a cultlike, secret society social struc-
organic point of view, of one part of the field of ture, which only added to its apparent mystery and
mental disease, viz., dementia praecox.” allure to the “uninitiated” lay public. However,
The most prominent bearer of the torch for because so many prominent physicians converted
Kraepelin in America was the neuropathologist— to it, psychoanalysis and figures such as Sigmund
and arch-critic of Adolf Meyer—E. E. Southard. Freud and Carl Jung enjoyed a legitimacy that was
Southard was the first to describe (in 1915) cortical not deserved. Throughout the 20th century psy-
Madness, Psychosis, Schizophrenia: A Brief History xix

choanalysts blamed the victim—or the victim’s Genetic transmission was now estimated to be
mother—as the “cause” of schizophrenia (or other responsible for about 80 percent of the cause of
psychiatric illnesses). Just imagine the pain caused schizophrenia, with other unknown environ-
by such a theory! And yet, the “refrigerator moth- mental factors comprising the other 20 percent.
ers” and “schizophrenogenic mothers” seemed like Viral theories of the cause of schizophrenia were
real villains to psychiatrists. Medical students were also resurrected after first being mentioned by
trained to view the mothers of schizophrenics as Kraepelin and Bleuler almost a century before.
“pathogens,” as if they were viruses. This same Perinatal factors in the development of schizo-
tragedy of blaming the afflicted person or a fam- phrenia again began to be studied in earnest.
ily member for the “cause” of schizophrenia was Cross-cultural studies of the prevalence rates of
additionally promoted in the various “family inter- schizophrenia were initiated by the World Health
action theories” of the 1950s to 1970s that became Organization. Twins studies and adoption stud-
so beloved of psychiatric social workers in particu- ies conducted in the 1960s helped to form new
lar. Family interaction theorists blamed unhealthy and complex theories of the genetic transmis-
communication patterns within the entire fam- sion of schizophrenia in the 1970s and 1980s.
ily—thus making everyone share the blame for After decades of disappointment and neglect, the
causing schizophrenia. search for the causes of schizophrenia once again
It took major advances in medical technol- was viewed as a promising endeavor.
ogy, specifically the computer revolution and the
rise of new techniques in neuroimaging, genetics
research, and psychopharmacology to swing the The 1980s, 1990s, and Beyond
pendulum back to Kraepelin’s search for the bio- The last two decades of the 20th century brought
logical causes of the psychotic disorders. more scientific progress than the last 100 years
Historians of science now regard psychoana lysis combined in the understanding and treatment of
as a pseudoscience that inexplicably dominated schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders.
a subdiscipline of medicine—psychiatry—and We now know for a fact that genetics plays a
unnecessarily maintained a 19th-century attitude key role in the cause and development of schizo-
toward the causes and treatment of mental disor- phrenia and bipolar disorder. Several candidates
ders. Psychoanalysis was the dominant medical for the locus of the genes that cause schizophrenia
pseudoscience of the 20th century, as phrenology are the subject of intense scrutiny. The mode of
was in the 19th century and animal magnetism genetic transmission remains a mystery; however,
was in the 18th century. the National Institute of Mental Health Schizo-
phrenia Genetics Initiative that began in 1989 is
collecting and analyzing the DNA of persons with
The 1970s: Schizophrenia Becomes schizophrenia and their entire families in order to
a Physical Disease Once Again find a solution. Environmental factors still play an
Advances in the technology to study biochemis- important role, too, in the development of the psy-
try, brain function and structure, genetics, and the chotic disorders, but no one knows what they are
development of brain imaging techniques (e.g., or how they interact with genes.
the CT scan) all converged to stimulate a biologi- Unfortunately, at the dawn of the 21st century
cal renaissance in the study of schizophrenia and most of the evidence concerning the “causes” of
the psychotic disorders in the 1970s. Suddenly it schizophrenia comes from epidemiological studies
was appropriate to speak of schizophrenia as a and not from the identification of a characteristic
“brain disease,” and psychoanalytic and family process of cellular pathology (as is the case in other
interaction models largely began to be ignored as diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease). As two
legitimate causes of this disease (although it was editorials that appeared in 1999 in The New England
found that psychosocial factors can have an effect Journal of Medicine and Nature Neuroscience remind
on relapse rates in persons with schizophrenia). us, no one knows what causes schizophrenia.
xx The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

Advances in brain imaging technology, neu- is the neurodevelopmental model. First proposed
rochemistry, and neuropathology have produced by R. H. Murray in 1985 and D. R. Weinberger in
sophisticated new models of schizophrenia based 1986, the neurodevelopmental model claims that
on the notion of disconnection between certain the causes of schizophrenia originate in subtle
neural circuits or pathways in the brain. The pre- abnormalities that occur sometime during the
frontal region of the frontal lobe and the temporal early development of the nervous system of the
lobe are the two cortical regions most affected in fetus. This approach has sparked new research
schizophrenia. Subcortical structures such as the into a wide variety of old topics of schizophrenia
thalamus, a major relay center for messages trav- research, such as childhood-onset schizophrenia.
eling throughout the brain, and the hippocam- Whether neurodevelopmental schizophrenia turns
pus and cerebellum also have been implicated in out to be the main illness or is found to be only one
schizophrenia. of several subtypes of schizophrenia remains to be
With the push to make psychiatry a true medi- seen. Still, no one can dispute the fact that schizo-
cal science, the traditional schizophrenia subtypes phrenia research will be one of the most fascinat-
of Kraepelin and Bleuler have been called into ing areas of science as the new century unfolds.
question by quantitative studies of the symptoms
of schizophrenia. Although Timothy Crow offered Andreasen, N. C. “Editorial: Understanding the Causes of
the first major reconceptualization of schizophre- Schizophrenia,” New England Journal of Medicine 340
nia with his Type I/Type II concept of syndromes (February 25, 1999).
characterized by positive and negative symptoms, Andreasen, N. C., and M. Flaum. “Schizophrenia: The
respectively, others have used the statistical tech- Characteristic Symptoms,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 17
nique of factor analysis to come up with new (1991): 27–49.
“dimensions” of schizophrenia. Prominent schizo- “Editorial: What Causes Schizophrenia?” Nature Neurosci-
phrenia researchers such as Peter F. Liddle and ence 2 (April 1999).
Nancy Andreasen have posited three syndromes Haldipur, C. V. “Madness in Ancient India: Concepts of
for schizophrenia, and Mark Lenzenweger has Madness in Charaka Samhita (1st century A.D.),” Com-
argued for four. All of these dimensional models prehensive Psychiatry 25 (1984): 335–344.
of schizophrenia claim that neuroimaging, neuro- Haslam, J. Observations on Madness and Melancholy. Lon-
pathological, and neuropsychological data provide don: J. Callon, 1809.
a better “fit” with these new dimensions than the Jeste, D. V. “Did Schizophrenia Exist before the Eigh-
old, traditional clinical subtypes of Kraepelin and teenth Century?” Comprehensive Psychiatry 26 (1985):
Bleuler. 493–503.
The introduction of clozapine as the first of the Noll, R. “The American Reaction to Dementia Praecox,
new class of antipsychotic medications was the first 1900,” History of Psychiatry 15 (2004): 127–128.
major innovation in the treatment of psychosis to Pinel, P. Traité médico-philosophique sur l’aliénation mentale.
appear in 30 years. Pharmaceutical companies have 2nd ed. Paris: J. A. Brosson, 1809.
a variety of new antipsychotics in the pipeline, and Torrey, E. F. Schizophrenia and Civilization. New York: Jason
as more is understood about the interaction of the Aronson, 1980.
more than 100 different neurotransmitters in the Warner, J. H. “Ideals of Science and Their Discontent in
brain, more effective drugs will continue to be Late Nineteenth-Century American Medicine,” Isis 82
designed and brought to market. (1991): 454–478.
As we enter the 21st century the dominant Williams, G. The Age of Agony: The Art of Healing, ca. 1700–
explanatory paradigm in schizophrenia research 1800. Chicago: Academy Chicago Publishers, 1986.
abaissement du niveau mental Literally, a “low- ment du niveau mental was a term used frequently
ering of the level (or threshold) of consciousness.” by C. G. Jung in his later writings.
Today, this idea is usually expressed by the term
ALTERED STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS. Janet, P. L’Automatisme Psychologique. Paris: Alcon, 1890.
French psychiatrist Pierre JANET (1859–1947) Jung, C. G. Über die Psychologie der Dementia praecox: Ein
coined this term to refer to the apparent weakening Versuch. Halle a.S., 1907.
of volitional control of consciousness and the sub-
sequent DISSOCIATION (or “splitting”) of conscious-
ness into autonomous parts that may not even be abilify See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.
aware of one another. Although Janet noted that
this abaissement was common in forms of psycholog-
ical automatisms such as found in multiple person- ablation studies In the late 19th and early 20th
alities, hysterics, the trance behavior of mediums, centuries, the modern neurosciences (then called
and in automatic writing, the term was adopted the “brain sciences”) were coming into being, just
and used extensively by Swiss psychiatrist C. G. as the clinical syndromes of DEMENTIA PRAECOX and
JUNG (1875–1961) in his famous 1907 monograph, manic-depressive PSYCHOSIS were simultaneously
Über die Psychologie der Dementia Praecox: Ein Versuch being identified and described by Emil K RAEPELIN
(The psychology of dementia praecox) to describe (1856–1926). It was natural that the investigative
DEMENTIA PRAECOX (later “SCHIZOPHRENIA”). Jung techniques of gross anatomy and neuropathology
felt that the abaissement was the “primary condi- of the new “brain sciences” would be applied to the
tion” and “the root of the schizophrenic disorder.” study of the brains of deceased patients that had
He thought it resulted from both psychological and suffered from these MENTAL DISORDERs. The many
physiological causes. In dementia praecox, Jung ablation studies of the brains of schizophren-
argued that the abaissement caused the following ics and manic-depressives involved the removal
effects commonly observed in schizophrenics: (1) and systematic destruction of the brain tissue in
the loss of whole regions of normally controlled order to look for structural abnormalities. Brain
contents of consciousness, (2) split-off fragments of tissue was commonly ablated slice by slice, with
the personality, (3) the prevention of normal trains careful records kept to document unusual forma-
of thought from being consistently carried through tions. Not surprisingly, most of these studies were
and completed, (4) a decrease in the responsibility inconclusive due to the imprecision of this gross
and proper reaction of the ego, (5) constriction and procedure. Modern brain imaging techniques and
distortion of thoughts and feelings, and (6) a low- biochemical and genetic strategies of investigation
ering of the threshold of consciousness (as in an have been more successful in detecting the subtle
altered state), thereby allowing normally inhibited physiological abnormalities in the brains of people
content of the unconscious to enter consciousness suffering from SCHIZOPHRENIA or manic-depressive
in the form of autonomous invasions. psychosis.
Jung was briefly (in 1902) a student of Janet’s in See also BRAIN ABNORMALITIES IN SCHIZOPHRE-
Paris and was greatly influenced by him. Abaisse- NIA ; BRAIN IMAGING STUDIES IN SCHIZOPHRENIA.

2 aboulia

aboulia In 19th-century psychiatry, aboulia was tury resulted in many reforms in some asylums for
a “disorder of the will” or “a form of insanity char- the insane, reports have continued until present
acterized by an inability to exert the will.” Before times of periodic abuses—both psychological and
the rise of PSYCHOANALYSIS and behaviorism in the physiological—in psychiatric facilities throughout
20th century, many psychiatrists considered abou- the world. It is often thought that the tremendous
lia as the central characteristic of most MENTAL DIS- power that the staff of such institutions wields
ORDER s. Hence, much of what we would now call over the (usually) involuntarily committed, men-
psychotherapy was actually “will-training,” that tally ill patient can sometimes corrupt even the
is, training people to concentrate better, to focus most empathetic and well-intentioned caregiver at
their attention on tasks better, and to control their stressful times.
impulses. Through the centuries, a massive and disturb-
DEMENTIA PRAECOX and SCHIZOPHRENIA were ing literature of first-person accounts has been
considered primarily disorders of the will by many created that documents such abuses. A small book
psychiatrists. According to Emil K RAEPELIN, the published anonymously in London in 1752, enti-
essence of dementia praecox/schizophrenia was tled Low-Life, Or One Half of the World Knows Not How
“that destruction of conscious volition . . . which the Other Half Lives, describes the torturous condi-
is manifest in the loss of energy and drive, in dis- tions of the chained patients at the BETHLEM ROYAL
jointed volitional behavior. This rudderless state HOSPITAL (“BEDLAM”), in which the author reports
leads to impulsive instinctual activity: there is no observing the nurses stealing for themselves the
planned reflection which suppresses impulses as best portions of food that were originally intended
they arise or directs them into proper channels.” for the patients. Sadly, even today such abuses by
Aboulia is again being considered in contem- staff are frequently reported in large psychiatric
porary schizophrenia research because so many institutions, and not only food but also property
researchers have implicated the abnormal func- and even money often mysteriously disappear
tioning of the frontal lobe—the seat of inhibition from patients who, when they complain, are told
and “executive functioning” or “supervisory men- they are either confused, delusional, or lying. In
tal processes.” Frontal lobe dysfunctions result in a The New York World newspaper in 1887, a serialized
disorder of volition or will, a symptom sometimes story entitled “Ten Days in a Mad House” described
also called “AVOLITION.” similar abuses. It was written by journalist-celebrity
See also BRAIN ABNORMALITIES IN SCHIZOPHRENIA. Elizabeth Seaman (née Cochrane), who, under
the pseudonym Nellie BLY, faked mental illness
Berrios, G. E., and M. Gili. “Will and Its Disorders: A and gained admission to the New York City Luna-
Conceptual History,” History of Psychiatry 6 (1995): tic Asylum on Blackwell’s Island (briefly named
87–104. “Welfare Island” in the 1940s but now changed to
Kraepelin, E. “Patterns of Mental Disorder (1920),” trans. “Roosevelt Island”). This account was published in
H. Marshall. In Themes and Variations in European Psy- book form in 1888.
chiatry, edited by S. R. Hirsch and M. Shepherd. Bris- Perhaps the most famous—and influential—
tol, England: Wright, 1974. autobiographical account was Clifford BEERS’s A
Morice, R., and A. Delahunty. “Frontal/Executive Impair- Mind That Found Itself (1908). Beers, a businessman
ments in Schizophrenia,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 22 who underwent a brief psychotic episode, was first
(1996): 125–137. put in a private sanitarium and then a state hos-
pital. He described the repeated abuses of patients
by attendants and how kindly new staff members
abuse of psychiatric patients The mentally ill were soon transformed into sadists through peer
have been ridiculed and scorned throughout pressure. Beers writes:
human history. Although the efforts to human-
ize the treatment of the mentally ill through the I soon observed that the only patients who were
“moral medicine” movement of the early 19th cen- not likely to be subjected to abuse were the very
abuse of psychiatric patients 3

ones least in need of care and treatment . . . The that described in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.
patient too weak, physically or mentally, to attend Acts of sadism were tolerated, if not encouraged.
to his own wants was frequently abused because On my first day as a psychiatric aide in a high-
of that very helplessness which made it necessary class sanitarium, I was put under the tutelage of
for attendants to wait upon him. an experienced psychiatric aide. Among his first
words of wisdom to me were that if I should find
He also relates the following anecdote, still it necessary to hit a patient, I should hit him in
familiar to those who work in today’s psychiatric the abdomen in order to leave no telltale marks.
institutions: Seeing a patient put into wet packs was the closest
thing I could imagine to a rape.
One attendant, on the very day he had been dis-
charged for choking a patient into an insensibil- In many countries today, political prisoners are
ity so profound that it had been necessary to call sometimes incarcerated and abused in psychiatric
a physician to restore him, said to me, “They are institutions, a practice that led to the withdrawal
getting pretty damned strict these days, discharg- of the Soviet Union from the WORLD PSYCHIATRIC
ing a man for simply choking a patient.” This illus- ASSOCIATION in 1983, when it became clear that
trates the attitude of many attendants. the USSR was likely to be expelled. As a result of
the glasnost of the Gorbachev era, an official del-
Beers eventually improved, wrote his autobi- egation of 26 Americans (including 14 psychiatrists
ography, and founded the MENTAL HYGIENE MOVE- and 2 lawyers) selected by the NATIONAL I NSTITUTE
MENT in the United States. His early efforts are still OF M ENTAL H EALTH (NIMH) visited four Soviet psy-
bearing fruit with the many mental patients’ advo- chiatric hospitals in February and March 1989 to
cacy groups, especially the National Alliance for investigate such reports. In July 1989 the investi-
the Mentally Ill. gative team released its report, claiming that many
As much as we may prefer not to believe it, of the patients they examined had no discernible
abuses are still a part of the world of almost any MENTAL DISORDERS and that the maximum security
institution that serves an inpatient population of prisons in the Soviet Union still had the character-
people who have chronic mental illnesses. A short istics of “psychiatric prisons.” They found that many
autobiographical account by Leopold Bellak, a patients had been incarcerated for “anti-Soviet
prominent psychiatrist, SCHIZOPHRENIA researcher, thoughts” or undesirable political behavior. Drugs
and professor at the Albert Einstein College of were used for “punitive rather than therapeutic
Medicine in New York City, includes a story that purposes,” and patients were denied most rights,
almost anyone today who has ever worked in such especially the right to have a say in their treatment.
facilities will find familiar. These are the sort of Based on these grim findings, the delegation recom-
events that go on sub rosa in the culture of the psy- mended that the Soviet Union not be readmitted to
chiatric hospital but that no one will openly admit the World Psychiatric Association. However, due
to, especially administrators, who often do not to the political climate of openness and optimism
want either to hear of such cases or believe them toward the changes in Soviet society, on October
when reported. This leaves the honest witness 18, 1989, the World Psychiatric Association voted
to suffer the brunt of the negative consequences to readmit the Soviet All-Union Society of Psychia-
for his or her accusations, with the actual abuser trists and Narcologists, but with the stipulation that
often remaining unaffected. Bellak describes his it would be subject to suspension if the Soviets did
first clinical experiences as a psychiatric aide on a not end their misuse of psychiatry against political
chronic psychotic ward in 1938 and 1939: dissidents. Despite the negative report and recom-
mendations of the NIMH, the A MERICAN PSYCHIAT-
The utter sense of hopelessness fostered in institu- RIC A SSOCIATION voted in favor of readmission.
tions run in very poor and dictatorial fashion by The abuse of persons suffering from mental
an ill-trained staff was often hardly better than disorders, particularly those inpatients residing
4 accessory symptoms

in institutions, has also occurred for centuries in See also BEERS, CLIFFORD W.; CHEMICAL RES-
the form of involuntary participation in medical TRAINT ; MECHANICAL RESTRAINT.
experiments aimed at preventing, treating, or cur-
ing mental disorders. In the given historical context Beers, Clifford. A Mind That Found Itself: An Autobiography.
of their respective eras, radical procedures were New York: Longmans, Green, 1908.
introduced as “rational treatments” that followed Bellak, L. “An Idiosyncratic Overview.” In Disorders of the
logically from a (then) current medical theory of Schizophrenic Syndrome, edited by L. Bellak. New York:
the cause (etiology) or the disease process (patho- Basic Books, 1979.
physiology) of mental disorders. Because of the Peterson, D., ed. A Mad People’s History of Madness. Pitts-
severity of deterioration in functioning that occurs burgh, Pa.: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1982.
over time, persons with schizophrenia have been Pressman, Jack. Last Resort: Psychosurgery and the Limits
disproportionately abused in such experiments. of Medicine. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
Perhaps the best documented example of such 1998.
abuse is that perpetuated by psychiatrist Henry A. Scull, Andrew. Madhouse: A Tragic Tale of Megalomania and
COTTON and his associates at the New Jersey State Modern Medicine. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University
Hospital at Trenton between 1918 and 1932. Like Press, 2005.
many prominent physicians in his day, Cotton
believed that infections in various parts of the body
(the teeth, gums, colon, stomach, cervix, testicles, accessory symptoms The name given by Eugen
and so on) could be transmitted to the brain via BLEULER in his 1911 classic, Dementia Praecox, Or
the blood and cause severe mental disorders such the Group of Schizophrenias, to the symptoms of
as DEMENTIA PRAECOX (schizophrenia) and manic- SCHIZOPHRENIA that may also appear in other types
depressive insanity (BIPOLAR DISORDER). Unlike the of mental illness. This is in contrast to the “fun-
majority of those physicians, Cotton chose to use damental symptoms” that uniquely characterize
his authority as superintendent and medical direc- schizophrenia. Among the most easily recogniz-
tor of his state hospital to immediately remove able of the accessory symptoms are HALLUCINA-
most or all the teeth of recent admissions and to TIONS and DELUSIONS. Bleuler emphasizes what an
perform radical surgeries to eliminate the sources important role these accessory symptoms play in
of focal infection. Hundreds of thousands of teeth the life of the afflicted individual when he writes:
were removed and more than 2,000 major surgi-
cal procedures were performed, resulting in the It is not often that the fundamental symptoms are
deaths of hundred of people. His own early statis- so markedly exhibited as to cause the patient to
tics indicated a mortality rate of about 30 percent, be hospitalized in a mental institution. It is pri-
and he was well aware of this fact, as historian marily the accessory phenomena which makes his
Andrew Scull has documented. Although Cot- retention at home impossible, or it is they which
ton was recognized for his humane innovations make the psychosis manifest and give occasion to
at Trenton after taking control in 1907, eliminat- require psychiatric help. These accessory symp-
ing many forms of physical restraint and replacing toms may be present throughout the whole course
abusive hospital staff, and although his surgical of this disease, or only in entirely arbitrary peri-
treatments were indeed congruent with current ods of illness.
medical theory, his continued use of such proce-
dures even when an outside evaluator was able to Bleuler, E. Dementia Praecox, Or the Group of Schizophrenia.
show they did not eliminate mental illness, is hor- Translated by Joseph Zinkin. 1911. Reprint, New York:
rifying. A similar story of abuse, PSYCHOSURGERY, International Universities Press, 1950.
also began with a seemingly rational treatment for
mental illness but led to the disabling or death of
an estimated 40,000 to 50,000 persons from the acedia Also spelled “accidia,” it is a word that
1930s to the 1960s. originated in the Middle Ages to refer to the apa-
active phase of schizophrenia 5

thetic self-neglect or uncaring behavior of those (3) disorganized speech (e.g., frequent derailment
who are melancholic (depressed) or otherwise or incoherence)
mentally ill. In medieval Europe, the church desig- (4) grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior
nated Accidia (or sloth) as the fourth of the Seven (5) negative symptoms, i.e., affective flattening,
Cardinal (Deadly) Sins. Acedia also described an ALOGIA , or AVOLITION.
impoverishment of mental energy, which, it was
felt, could be reversed in an individual through an Returning to a method of diagnosing schizo-
experience of “conversion,” in which lost faith is phrenia based on only one symptom that had been
recovered and psychological revitalization occurs. proposed in the past (see FIRST-RANK SYMPTOMS),
Thus, acedia was related to “MELANCHOLIA” or DSM-IV-TR states that the identification of the
“DEPRESSION.” This term was used in the 19th cen- active phase of schizophrenia may be identified
tury but is now considered obsolete. by only one characteristic symptom if “delusions
are bizarre” or “hallucinations consist of a voice
Jackson, S. W. Melancholia and Depression: From Hippocratic keeping up a running commentary on the person’s
Times to Modern Times. New Haven, Conn.: Yale Univer- behavior or thoughts, or two or more voices con-
sity Press, 1986. versing with each other.”
Although to receive a DSM-IV-TR diagnosis of
schizophrenia, these symptoms of the active phase
acromania A diagnostic term used in the 18th must be in evidence for at least one month (or less
and 19th centuries to label a “confirmed” or “incur- if successfully treated); attenuated forms of two or
able madness.” more of these active phase symptoms (such as odd
beliefs or unusual experiences) or the presence of
NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS must also be in evidence for a
acting-out A common bit of jargon in the day- period of six months as either part of a PRODROMAL
to-day conversation of mental health professionals
PHASE or a RESIDUAL PHASE. To receive a diagnosis
today; it refers to the expression of socially inap-
of schizophrenia in ICD -10 (1992), the characteristic
propriate sexual and aggressive behaviors. It has
symptoms of the active phase must be in evidence
its origins in psychoanalytic theory, in that sexual
for more than one month, and although a prodro-
and aggressive instinctual impulses, which we nor-
mal phase is acknowledged, since such a syndrome
mally repress, inhibit, or sublimate, are not held
cannot be identified reliably as belonging specifi-
back (either unconsciously or in fantasy) and are
cally to schizophrenia and not to any other MEN-
instead “acted-out” in behavior. More often than
TAL DISORDER , it is not included in this one-month
not it refers to violent behavior, and if a psychiatric
patient is engaged in acting-out behavior it is said duration.
that he or she is “going-off” (i.e., like the firing of a The European definition of the active phase
rocket or an explosion). in ICD-10 has a strict one-month minimum to be
met before “an acute schizophrenia-like psychotic
disorder” can be diagnosed as schizophrenia.
active phase of schizophrenia The period of time However, the range of characteristic symptoms is
that the characteristic symptoms of SCHIZOPHRENIA wider in Europe than in North America.
are present. According to DSM-IV-TR (2000), two or The North American psychiatric definition of
more of the five characteristic symptoms must be what constitutes an active phase of schizophre-
“present for a significant portion of time during a nia changed between 1987 and 1994. DSM-IV’s
one-month period (or less if successfully treated).” inclusion of negative symptoms as part of the
These five characteristic symptoms are: active phase of schizophrenia and the lengthen-
ing of the time frame for the active phase are the
(1) DELUSIONS two most significant departures from DSM-III-R
6 acute

acute In reference to diseases, acute refers to has been six years or more. Acute schizophrenics
those that are sudden in onset and generally rather have been found to differ from chronic schizo-
short-lived. However, acute phases of a disease are phrenics across many neurophysiological and neu-
those periods when symptoms that are generally ropsychological variables.
dormant can flare up. Studying schizophrenia by dividing persons
into acute and chronic subgroups has virtually
disappeared since the 1990s. Instead, a great deal
acute and transient psychotic disorders One of of attention has been paid to trying to identify
the five types of ATYPICAL PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS and understand the PRODROMAL PHASE of schizo-
found in ICD -10 (1992) that cannot be readily clas- phrenia, which predates the “first episode” or first
sified as SCHIZOPHRENIA or as a mood disorder with acute or active phase of characteristic psychotic
psychotic features. The others in this category are
symptoms. Additionally, the many cognitive and
persistent delusional disorders, induced DELUSIONAL
physical changes that occur as the illness persists
over the years (in decades past simply lumped
typal disorder. Acute and transient psychotic dis-
together as aspects of “chronic schizophrenia”) are
orders fall into two categories determined by the
being identified and studied in detail.
amount of time it took for the disorder to change
from a nonpsychotic to a clearly psychotic state:
abrupt onset (onset within 48 hours) or acute
onset (onset in more than 48 hours but less than
two weeks). If the onset is acute, ICD-10 indicates it
must be specified if it is associated with acute stress acute delirius mania A late 19th-century term
two weeks or less before the start of psychotic symp- for the acute forms of CATATONIC EXCITEMENT. The
toms. These disorders are also subdivided accord- syndrome was often described as an acute MENTAL
ing to whether POLYMORPHIC PSYCHOTIC SYMPTOMS DISORDER with a rapid onset and course, resem-
are present or whether those typical of schizo- bling DELIRIUM caused by fever, during which the
phrenia are present. If the symptoms are similar to patient would experience a rise in temperature,
those of schizophrenia, and if they last at least one rapidly reach exhaustion, and then possibly death.
month, the diagnosis is changed to schizophrenia. Other names for this syndrome were Bell’s syn-
If the symptoms are polymorphic and nonschizo- drome or disease, typhomania, Délire aigu, delirius
phrenic, the diagnosis need not be changed after mania, acute delirium, delirium grave, mania gra-
one month. However, after three months it may vis, and delirium acutum.
be changed to that of a persistent delusional dis-
order. DELUSIONS, HALLUCINATIONS, and incompre- Fürstner, C. “Über delirium acutum,” Archiv für Psychiatrie
hensible or incoherent speech, or any combination 11 (1881): 517–538.
of these, are the psychotic symptoms that are most
often present in these disorders.
acute recoverable psychosis Limited psychotic
episode for which complete remission can occur.
acute-chronic distinction The criterion in Acute recoverable psychoses (ARPs) is a generic
SCHIZOPHRENIA research that traditionally explores term proposed for the psychotic disorders that gen-
cognitive, perceptual, and behavioral differences in erally last only from two weeks up to six months.
schizophrenics based on the amount of time they These disorders may be predominantly affective,
have been diagnosed with the disorder and have confusional (resembling organic mental disorders),
been hospitalized. Generally, ACUTE schizophren- or SCHIZOPHRENIA-like (usually distinguished by
ics are those who have not been institutionalized paranoid and nonparanoid varieties). It has been
for more than 3.5 years, and chronic schizophren- suggested that the shared core symptoms and char-
ics are those whose total time spent in institutions acteristic natural history of the schizophrenia-like
adolescent insanity 7

ARPs indicate they are variants of the same under- which the active symptoms have been apparent
lying disorder, despite the many diagnostic labels. for only days, weeks, or months. These terms have
See also ATYPICAL PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS. almost entirely replaced the old notion of acute
Munro, A. “Schizophrenia-like Illnesses.” In New Per-
spectives in Schizophrenia, edited by M. N. Menuck and
M. V. Seeman. New York: Macmillan, 1985. ADD psychosis The acronym for “attention defi-
cit disorder,” a clinical diagnostic entity proposed
by Leopold Bellak in 1985. Bellak claims that many
acute schizophrenia The ACUTE phase of SCHIZO- cases of SCHIZOPHRENIA (perhaps as many as 10
PHRENIA is when the symptoms first flare up into percent) are misdiagnosed and are instead exam-
a full PSYCHOSIS. However, “acute” can also refer to ples of “ADD PSYCHOSIS.” ADD psychosis is organic
the length of time that active schizophrenic symp- in origin, and it is thought to constitute the end
toms are evident or refer to a hypothesized variant result of a particular neurological deficit (atten-
of schizophrenia that has a better prognosis than tion deficit disorder) on personality organization.
CHRONIC SCHIZOPHRENIA. The ACUTE-CHRONIC DIS- Attention deficit disorder (a common childhood
TINCTION in studies of schizophrenia refers to the diagnosis given to children who are hyperactive
amount of time that has elapsed since the clear and dyslexic, among other attributes) was formerly
diagnosis of schizophrenia has been made. Many called “minimal brain dysfunction,” and the con-
studies have shown psychological and behavioral cept of ADD psychosis is the lifelong extension of
differences between those patients in the early or these neurological deficits into adulthood. Many of
acute stages of the illness versus those in the later Bellak’s proposed symptoms (primarily NEGATIVE
or chronic stages of schizophrenia. For research SYMPTOMS) and associated neurological findings for
purposes, acute schizophrenics are those who have ADD psychosis seem to be similar to Crow’s Type II
had less than a total of 3.5 years’ hospitalization. schizophrenia and Carpenter’s “deficit syndrome.”
Studies have shown that chronic schizophrenics See also CROW’S HYPOTHESIS ; DEFICIT SYMPTOMS /
have more severe thought disorder and other cog- SYNDROME.
nitive deficits than acute schizophrenics, but many
have argued that this deterioration may be due Bellak, L. “ADD Psychosis as a Separate Entity,” Schizo-
to the debilitating effects of institutionalization phrenia Bulletin 11 (1985): 523–527.
rather than being a result of the illness itself. Acute
schizophrenia is often conceptually confused with
REACTIVE SCHIZOPHRENIA , the type of schizophre- adolescent insanity A term coined in 1873 by
nia in which patients are found to have a better Thomas Clouston, a Scottish psychiatrist and lec-
pre-breakdown history and eventually improve, turer in psychiatry at the University of Edinburgh.
versus those who follow a lifelong chronic course. He sometimes also called this syndrome “develop-
Schizophrenia researchers no longer design mental insanity.” Clouston identified adolescent
studies along the lines of the acute-chronic dis- insanity as a psychotic syndrome with an AGE AT
tinction. The arbitrary criterion that a certain ONSET between 18 and 24 years. Clouston said
number of years or less of hospitalization defines males were predominantly affected and that 30
acute schizophrenia is no longer used in contem- percent of the cases developed into a more seri-
porary schizophrenia research. Nor is the criterion ous “secondary DEMENTIA.” A family history of
provided in DSM-III (1980) and DSM-III-R (1987) such psychosis was noticed in 65 percent of his
that “chronic schizophrenia” is defined by an ill- cases when compared with 25 percent of cases of
ness that has been in evidence for at least two insanity with other diagnoses. Clouston’s concept
years. Instead, research is focused more narrowly of adolescent insanity never became popular and
on groups identified as manifesting “first-episode was forgotten after Emil K RAEPELIN elaborated
schizophrenia” or “recent-onset schizophrenia” in his concept of DEMENTIA PRAECOX in 1896. Clous-
8 adoption method and studies

ton was not at all pleased by being ignored for his cal relatives but not their adoptive ones, then the
contribution, and in a 1904 textbook on psychia- genetic explanation for schizophrenia is supported.
try he wrote: “Since I first used the term in 1873 The very first published study using these
and described its general characteristics it has adoptive methods in schizophrenia research was
become generally accepted by writers in psychia- reported by L. L. Heston in the British Journal of
try. Lately, however, Kraepelin has taken the term Psychiatry in 1966. In the late 1960s, a famous
Dementia Praecox and applied it to practically my series of adoption studies using these two meth-
whole group of adolescent cases, making it cover ods was conducted in Denmark by David Rosen-
the curable and incurable. I strongly object. . . .” thal and Seymour Kety. All of these studies have
Clouston’s syndrome is now regarded as one of the consistently shown that adopted children who
precursors to the NEURODEVELOPMENTAL MODEL OF develop schizophrenia are many times more likely
SCHIZOPHRENIA that has become the overarching to have biological relatives who have developed
paradigm at the end of the 20th century. schizophrenia rather than adoptive relatives who
have done so. In the 1980s Rosenthal and Kety and
Clouston, T. S. Clinical Lectures on Mental Diseases, Sixth Edi- their associates published reviews of clinical stud-
tion. London: Churchill, 1904. ies using the adoptive methods that support this
O’Connell, P., et al. “Developmental Insanity or Dementia genetic hypothesis in AFFECTIVE DISORDERS (such
Praecox: Was the Wrong Concept Adopted?” Schizo- as bipolar disorder) as well.
phrenia Research 23 (1997): 97–106. In the 1990s the Danish data underwent fur-
ther analyses and was supplemented by an ongoing
Finnish Adoptive Family Study of Schizophrenia.
adoption method and studies One of the research The Danish study found that biological relatives
strategies to resolve the “nature versus nurture” of schizophrenic adoptees are more likely to have
controversy in the investigation of the causes of typical “narrowly defined” schizophrenia but also
MENTAL DISORDER s. Adoption studies have tended have more “latent” nonpsychotic forms of the ill-
to strongly support the argument for the genetic ness. In the initial 1971 published report of the
basis for many psychiatric disorders, including Danish study, Rosenthal and his colleagues termed
SCHIZOPHRENIA , BIPOLAR DISORDER (manic-depres- these latent, nonpsychotic forms of the disorder
sive disorder), and even alcoholism. “SCHIZOPHRENIA SPECTRUM DISORDERS (SSD)” to
Adoption studies have been carried out in two indicate a potential underlying biological com-
ways: in the first method, children separated at monality between schizophrenia and other men-
birth from parents with a psychiatric disorder, and tal disorders. The results of the Finnish study, first
then raised by adoptive parents, are located. If these published in 1991, are consistent with previous
offspring show a prevalence for, say, schizophre- studies of adoptees, finding a lifetime prevalence
nia that is the same as might be expected if they rate of 9.4 percent in the adopted-away children of
had been raised at home by their schizophrenic schizophrenic parents and a lifetime prevalence in
parent(s), then the argument is supported that a control group of adoptees of 1.2 percent. There-
genetics rather than environment is the primary fore, adopted-away children of mothers suffering
cause of schizophrenia. A second method used from schizophrenia bear a four-times greater risk
in adoption studies is to look at all children who of developing schizophrenia later in life than those
have been adopted, matching those in a group who adopted-away children whose mothers did not
develop schizophrenia (or another mental disor- have schizophrenia. The Finnish study of Tienari
der), and then matching other adoptees in a con- and colleagues provided support for both strong
trol group who have not developed schizophrenia. genetic and strong environmental main effects
Research is then conducted on both the biological as well as gene-environment interaction effects.
and adoptive relatives of these individuals in these People who develop schizophrenia are “genetically
two groups. If the schizophrenia adoptees show a sensitive” to their environments.
higher prevalence of schizophrenia in their biologi- See also GENETICS STUDIES.
affective disorders 9

Heston, L. L. “Psychiatric Disorders in Foster Home Reared emotion, passion, feeling, sentiment, euphoria,
Children of Schizophrenic Mothers,” British Journal of dysphoria, euthymia, dysthymia, cyclothymia, and
Psychiatry 112 (1966): 819–825. so on. All these terms have been used to describe
Tienari, P. J., and L. C. Wynne. “Adoption Studies of inner, subjective states of experience that are diffi-
Schizophrenia,” Annals of Medicine 26 (1994): 233–237. cult to put into words. Since the time of the ancient
Wahlberg, K. E., L. C. Wynne, et al. “Gene-Environment Greeks, the two main broad categories for dozens
Interaction in Vulnerability to Schizophrenia: Findings of mental illnesses caused by a disorder of affect
from the Finnish Adoptive Family Study of Schizo- have been MELANCHOLIA and MANIA. By the latter
phrenia,” American Journal of Psychiatry 154 (1997): half of the 19th century, concepts of melancholia
355–362. and mania that had taken on a variety of meanings
Wender, P. H., S. S. Kety, D. Rosenthal, et al. “Psychi- since antiquity were redefined in modern clinical
atric Disorders in the Biological and Adoptive Fami- forms as DEPRESSION and mania.
lies of Adopted Individuals with Affective Disorders,” The affective disorders were renamed MOOD
Archives of General Psychiatry 43 (1986): 923–929. DISORDERS in 1987 with the publication of DSM-III-
R, and remain so in DSM-IV-TR (2000). These are a
group of MENTAL DISORDERs in which there is a dis-
affect The behavioral expression of what is inter- turbance of mood, accompanied by a full or partial
preted by others as an inner, subjective emotion or manic or depressive syndrome, which is not due to
mood. For centuries, the term affect has often been any other physical or mental disorder. The Mood
used interchangeably with mood. Affect, emotion, Disorders (Depressive Disorders, BIPOLAR DISOR-
and mood are now three distinct concepts in psy- DERS, Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical
chiatry, with emotion referring to an immediate Condition, Substance-Induced Mood Disorder) are
inner state of feeling that is fluid and changeable, characterized by “mood episodes” (Major Depres-
and mood referring to a general emotional state sive Episode, Manic Episode, Mixed Episode, and
that grips a person for a long period of time (such Hypomanis Episode). Like SCHIZOPHRENIA , there is
as DEPRESSION or MANIA). Facial expressions, tone evidence that the development of the various mood
of voice, body language, content of speech, and disorders is influenced, in part, by genetics.
observable actions can all be interpreted as affects For centuries it had been noticed that alterations
corresponding to privately experienced emotions of mania and melancholia could afflict the same
or moods. However, outwardly expressed affect person at various times, but it was only in 1850
can be incongruent or totally contradictory with that a French ALIENIST, Jean-Pierre FALRET, pro-
what a person is truly feeling inside. Addition- posed at a lecture to the Paris Psychiatric Society
ally, the affect expressed by a person can conflict that this might be evidence of a single underlying
with social norms in social interactions. The clini- disorder, a CIRCULAR INSANITY (la folie circulaire).
cal term inappropriate affect is often used to refer to In 1854 he and another French alienist, Jules-
these examples. Persons with SCHIZOPHRENIA have Gabriel-Francois BAILLARGER, published papers at
long been observed to display inappropriate affect, almost the same time making this assertion (Bail-
and these behaviors are social cues to others of larger called it the “double-formed insanity”). After
psychological disturbance. 1899, when Emil K RAEPELIN essentially grouped
See also AFFECTIVE DISORDERS. all the AFFECTIVE DISORDERS under the broad diag-
nostic category of “manic-depressive illness” (das
Owens, H., and J. S. Maxmen. “Mood and Affect: A Se– manisch-depressive Irrsein) and distinguished it from
mantic Confusion,” American Journal of Psychiatry 136 DEMENTIA PRAECOX (schizophrenia), all persons
(1979): 97–99. manifesting an affective or mood disorder were
regarded as manic-depressive or potentially manic-
depressive. In 1957, based on longitudinal studies
affective disorders Throughout history, the word of families with members who suffered from affec-
affective has been related to terms such as mood, tive disorders, German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard
10 affective disturbances

(1904–88) presented evidence that “monopolar” Torrey, E. F., and M. B. Knable. “Are Schizophrenia and
depression or mania were distinct illnesses from Bipolar Disorder One Disease or Two? Introduction
“bipolar” illness. However, the official separation to the Symposium,” Schizophrenia Research 39 (1999):
of MANIC-DEPRESSIVE ILLNESS from major depres- 93–94.
sion as distinct disorders did not occur until 1980, Torrey, E. F., and M. B. Knable. Surviving Manic Depression:
when DSM-III introduced the term bipolar disorder A Manual on Bipolar Disorder for Patients, Families and
to replace Kraepelin’s term. German psychiatrist Providers. New York: Basic Books, 2002.
Karl Kleist (1879–1960) had originally coined the
term bipolar in 1953.
The relationship between schizophrenia and affective disturbances One of the “Four A’s”
mood disorders, particularly the bipolar disorders, is (AUTISM , AFFECTIVE DISTURBANCES, ASSOCIATION
the subject of much ongoing debate and research. DISTURBANCES, AMBIVALENCE ) that Eugen BLEULER
Although Kraepelin distinctly separated dementia proposed as the fundamental symptoms of SCHIZO-
praecox from manic-depressive illness as the two PHRENIA. Since then, this disturbance in the abil-
main forms of insanity, it is still not clear among ity of schizophrenics to feel and/or express the
prominent psychiatrists and researchers if they are full range of human emotions has been included
separate diseases or two ends of the spectrum of the in most definitions of schizophrenia. In Demen-
same underlying disease. For example, in clinical tia Praecox, Or the Group of Schizophrenias (1911),
situations, a person suffering from bipolar disorder Bleuler writes:
with psychotic features (DELUSIONS and HALLUCINA-
TIONS), particularly the sort of PARANOIA that accom- Patients with schizophrenia react differently to
panies manic episodes, can be indistinguishable from their affective disturbances. The majority are
someone suffering from PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIA. not aware of them and consider their reaction as
normal. The more intelligent, however, may rea-
Causes of Affective Disorders son about it quite acutely. At the beginning they
Like schizophrenia, affective disorders are thought sense the emotional emptiness as rather painful,
to be characterized by ETIOLOGIC HETEROGENEITY. so that they may be easily mistaken for melan-
Multiple causes—experiential (e.g., psychologi- cholics. One of our catatonics considered himself
cal trauma), social, genetic, biochemical (neu- as “insensitized“; one of Jung’s patients could not
rotransmitter dysfunction), endocrine dysfunction pray any more because of “hardening of her feel-
(particularly the thyroid gland and the hypotha- ings.” Later, they tend to displace the changes in
lamic-pituitary-adrenal glands axis), immune sys- themselves to the outer world which itself becomes
tem dysfunction, biorhythm dysfunction, brain hollow, empty, strange, because of these affective
structure abnormalities, viral infection—have changes. Often the element of strangeness has a
been proposed. A clear summary of the evidence touch of the uncanny and the hostile.
and issues in the causes of affective disorders can
be found in the chapter on “Causes” in E. Fuller Bleuler, E. Dementia Praecox, Or the Group of Schizophrenias,
Torry and Michael Knable’s 2002 book, Surviving trans. Joseph Zinkin. 1911. Reprint, New York: Inter-
Manic Depression: A Manual on Bipolar Disorder for national Universities Press, 1950.
Patients, Families and Providers.
SIVE ILLNESS ; SCHIZOAFFECTIVE DISORDER. Africa Many studies have been done in Africa
Berrios, G. E. “Mood Disorders: Clinical Section.” In A since the 1930s to determine how prevalent
History of Clinical Psychiatry, edited by G. E. Berrios and SCHIZOPHRENIA is on this continent. The majority
R. Porter. London: Athlone Press, 1995. of impressions from around Africa is that the prev-
Taylor, A. M. “Are Schizophrenia and Affective Disorder alence of schizophrenia is quite low. Most of the
Related? A Selected Literature Review,” American Jour- disorders described in these reports resemble an
nal of Psychiatry 149 (1992): 22–32. ACUTE RECOVERABLE PSYCHOSIS rather than schizo-
AIDS and psychiatric patients 11

phrenia. Unfortunately, there is as yet no conclu- ric symptoms often makes it difficult to pinpoint
sive study that can give a reasonable estimate of exactly when a particular mental disorder is
the prevalence of schizophrenia in Africa. thought to begin.
In SCHIZOPHRENIA , it has been commonly
observed that the first major signs of this psychotic
after-care movement The original name for the disorder occur during adolescence or early adult-
organized efforts of mental health professionals hood, usually between age 15 and 25. However,
in Europe (and later the United States) to provide cases of LATE-ONSET SCHIZOPHRENIA occurring after
support services for deinstitutionalized mental the age of 45 have been reported in the literature.
patients so that they will not relapse and require Early-onset schizophrenia is more characteris-
readmission. A physician by the name of Lind- tic of males than females, with 1980s studies of
painter initiated this movement in Nassau, Ger- late-onset schizophrenia indicating a high female-
many, in 1829. It became so popular that it was to-male ratio and a predominance of paranoid
advocated by psychiatrist Jean FALRET in France symptoms. The average age of onset for BIPOLAR
in 1841 and instituted in England in 1871, by an DISORDER s has been found to be about 30 (aver-
organization called the Guild of Friends of the age range, ages 20 to 40), with occurrences of brief
Infirm in Mind. manic or HYPOMANIC EPISODEs in early adulthood
The first outpatient clinic devoted to the pre- leading up to the development of a psychotic disor-
vention of mental disorders was founded at the der at about this time.
Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia in 1885, It has long been known that many physical ill-
and other organized efforts to provide financial nesses (such as multiple sclerosis or Alzheimer’s
and social assistance to discharged mental patients disease) have typical age ranges of onset, and the
were started in America at around this time. establishment of similar patterns in many MENTAL
Forms of HYDROTHERAPY, various emetics, and DISORDER s supports the belief that they are essen-
some pharmacological substances were admin- tially biological in nature and not caused by super-
istered. Due to the excessive amount of psychi- natural forces or psychoanalytic demons such as
atric patients “deinstitutionalized” in the United “unresolved conflicts” or “SCHIZOPHRENOGENIC
States in the 1950s (estimated to be about 200,000 MOTHERS.” Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are
between 1955 and 1967), the United States gov- thought to be disorders characterized by incom-
ernment began to provide federal funds for Com- plete age-dependent penetrance, which is a term
munity Mental Health Centers (CMHCs) in 1963 in genetics research that refers to the likelihood
to provide after-care for these people. However, that someone with a particular genetic predispo-
studies have shown that only a small percentage sition will develop a corresponding disorder at a
of discharged psychiatric patients have received particular time in the life cycle.
consistent care from the CMHCs. The lack of a See also INCOMPLETE PENETRANCE.
major effort to provide housing for these individu-
als led to the phenomenon in the United States Hafner, H., et al. “Causes and Consequences of the Gen-
of the tens (and perhaps hundreds) of thousands der Difference in Age at Onset of Schizophrenia,”
of “mentally ill homeless” on American streets by Schizophrenia Bulletin 24 (1998): 87–98.
the late 1980s. Keith, S. J., and S. M. Matthews. “The Diagnosis of Schizo-
phrenia: A Review of Onset and Duration Issues,”
Schizophrenia Bulletin 17 (1991): 51–67.
age at onset The general age range at which a
particular disorder is thought to begin. Some dis-
orders can begin to afflict a person at any age, but AIDS and psychiatric patients Although no stud-
most have particular critical periods in the life ies of the incidence and prevalence of Acquired
cycle during which they are more likely to appear. Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) in psychi-
However, the insidious nature of many psychiat- atric patients have been conducted (as of early
12 AIDS and schizophrenia

1989), the institutionalized populations and dein- AIDS and schizophrenia See HIV AND SCHIZO-
stitutionalized “street people” are at high risk for PHRENIA.
contracting this disorder. This will no doubt be
an important issue in the future. As many insti-
tutionalized patients contract and develop AIDS, AIDS dementia complex Since 1981, when AIDS
the need will arise for special psychiatric inpatient was first observed to occur in the United States
units designed for those that need to be placed on in homosexual males, there has been an intense
body fluid precautions. State hospitals in particu- effort to identify the signs and symptoms of the dis-
lar are believed to be fertile breeding ground for order. One of the features that has been observed
the spread of this disorder; several high-risk popu- in many persons who have developed AIDS is a
lations (IV drug abusers, prisoners, promiscuous marked mental deterioration. It is now known that
patients with impulse control disorders) are com- HIV-positive persons also develop symptoms of an
bined in the wards of these institutions and freely ORGANIC MENTAL DISORDER—namely, DEMENTIA—
engage in high-risk sexual behaviors. Male wards which is due to the direct infection of the brain by
in psychiatric hospitals—as in prisons—are known HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). In fact, the
for their promotion of homosexual practices, and syndrome that was first described in a 1986 pub-
sometimes these same patients engage in sexual lication by researcher B. A. Navia and colleagues
activities with members of the opposite sex when as the “AIDS dementia complex” has been found
given free hours on the grounds during the day. to be the initial clinical presentation of AIDS in as
Recognizing this danger, and the ethical prob- many as one-fourth of all patients. Based on this
lems AIDS poses for psychiatrists, the A MERICAN work, the diagnostic criteria for AIDS formed by
PSYCHIATRIC A SSOCIATION’s Ad Hoc Committee on the Centers for Disease Control in the United States
AIDS Policy issued AIDS policy guidelines, which has modified the criteria to allow the diagnosis of
were published in full in the American Journal of AIDS solely on the basis of dementia in a seroposi-
Psychiatry in April 1988. The APA’s “Guidelines for tive (that is, tested positive for HIV in the blood)
Inpatient Psychiatric Units” recommends to psy- individual without any other evidence of an oppor-
chiatrists that, “Regardless of HIV serologic status, tunistic infection or Karposi’s sarcoma. Besides the
all inpatients should be considered potentially at usual signs of dementia—forgetfulness, poor con-
risk for transmitting or receiving HIV infection.” centration, confusion, slowed thinking—there are
During the early years of the AIDS epidemic, movement problems (loss of balance, leg weakness)
there was some concern that the confusion and and more serious psychiatric symptoms, such as
other signs of mental deterioration documented DEPRESSION, apathy, and even the thought disorder
in AIDS patients might be misdiagnosed as signs or mania of PSYCHOSIS. The later stages of the disor-
of SCHIZOPHRENIA or other MENTAL DISORDERs. der are marked by the most severe forms of these
But a major study released by the WORLD H EALTH symptoms.
ORGANIZATION in 1988 indicates that mental dete- There has been some concern that the early
rioration is evident only in the later, more serious stages of AIDS dementia complex may be misdiag-
stages of the illness, when the diagnosis of AIDS nosed as SCHIZOPHRENIA , although a routine HIV
has already become evident through the detectable test should help to clear up the issue. Research on
presence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) the retroviruses stimulated by AIDS may lead to a
antibodies in the blood. better understanding of the causes of the psychotic
American Psychiatric Association. “AIDS Policy: Guide- long been suggested.
lines for Inpatient Psychiatric Units,” American Journal
of Psychiatry 145 (1988): 4. Jones, G. H. “HIV and the Onset of Schizophrenia,” The
Woody, G. E., et al. “Psychiatric Symptoms, Risky Behav- Lancet 1 (1987): 982.
ior, and HIV Infection,” NIDA Research Monographs 172 Navia, B. A., et al. “The AIDS Dementia Complex. I. Clini-
(1997): 156–170. cal Features,” Annals of Neurology 19 (1986): 517–524.
almshouses 13

———. “AIDS Dementia Complex as the Presenting Sole alcohol amnestic disorder See KORSAKOV ’S
Manifestation of HIV Infection,” Annals of Neurology 44 PSYCHOSIS.
(1987): 65–69.

alienation mentale See MENTAL ALIENATION.

akathisia A symptom found in many psychiatric
patients treated with ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS. The
term was coined in a 1901 article in the French alienism An obsolete 19th-century term for the
journal Review neurologique by a neurologist from study and treatment of mental diseases. In France
Prague, Ladislav Haskovec (1866–1944), and is this medical discipline was referred to as MÉDICINE
derived from Greek word for “the inability to sit MENTALE. It predates “PSYCHIATRY” as a conven-
down.” It is usually defined as the compulsion to tional label for this profession. The word psychiatry
be in motion. Patients with akathisia report feel- was first used in English to describe this profession
ing restless, uncomfortable with remaining still, in 1846, following the reintroduction of the word
and needing to pace or fidget continually. The psychiatrics by F EUCHTERSLEBEN in 1845. From
neurological mechanism for this behavior is not about the mid-1800s this profession was also called
well understood. Akathisia seems to be a symptom “medical psychology” or “mental science.”
that appears in patients who are treated with high-
potency conventional antipsychotic drugs. Some-
times this symptom can be alleviated by lowering alienist An archaic, obsolete term for a psychiatrist
the dosage, switching to a lower-potency drug, or that was commonly used in the 1800s. The French
by administering a contra-active drug such as the term for this professional was aliéniste. Other com-
ones used to treat acute dystonic reactions (namely, monly used terms for psychiatrists, especially in
anticholinergic and antiparkinsonian agents, anti- England, were “mental pathologist” and “psychia-
histamines, and benzodiazepines). When the side ter” (from the German word of the same spelling).
effects are refractory, psychiatric experts often sug- “Lunatic doctor” and “MAD-DOCTOR” were terms more
gest adding propranolol as an adjunct treatment. commonly employed in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Akathisia is a classic early sign of Parkinson’s dis- These men frequently worked in “mad-houses” and
ease. The fact that antipsychotic drugs may produce later “lunatic asylums.” MENTAL ALIENATION—first
serious Parkinsonian side effects has been known used in the 15th century as a term for mental ill-
since the first clinical trials of CHLORPROMAZINE ness—became the standard term for mental illness
(T HORAZINE), a PHENOTHIAZINE, in France in 1952. in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, hence the
Akathisia and other Parkinsonian side effects may derivation of the label for this type of professional.
have been known to have been associated with the “Alienists” also referred to those psychiatric experts
use of phenothiazine-type drugs as early as 1947. who were requested to make legal competency deter-
Akathisia is a side effect that occurs in up to 20 to 25 minations in court, especially at LUNACY TRIALS.
percent of persons taking antipsychotic medication.
It is also a lesser side effect of selective-serotonin
reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) drugs such as Prozac used
allele One of several alternative forms of a GENE.
in the treatment of depression and anxiety. DSM-IV
Alleles always occupy the same place (“locus”) on
(1994) suggested that a new syndrome called “neu-
roleptic-induced acute akathisia” may possibly be
added as a diagnostic category in future editions.
almshouses Houses founded by private charities
akinesia See BRADYKINESIA. for the reception and support of the (usually) poor.
These are the famous “poor houses” that provided
“indoor relief.” Mentally ill individuals were fre-
Akineton See ANTIPARKINSONIAN DRUGS. quently guests at almshouses. The word dates back
14 alogia

to medieval times, when it referred to the house schizophrenics in the 1970s and 1980s have not
where the alms of the monastery were dispensed supported the contention that they are similar to
to the needy. Many such institutions were built in mystical or drug-induced ASCs. In the early 1960s
the United States during the Age of Reform from hallucinogens were called psychotomimetic or
the 1820s to the 1840s, as were many penitentiaries “psychosis-mimicking” drugs, but this term has
and asylums for the mentally ill. In Pennsylvania, fallen out of conventional usage.
the famous Philadelphia Poorhouse was utilized by In 1961 psychiatrists Humphrey Osmond
the many medical schools for the training of new (who coined the word psychedelic) and Abram
physicians. Today’s rough equivalent of almshouses Hoffer designed a diagnostic test for schizophre-
are rescue missions and halfway houses. Perhaps nia, the Hoffer-Osmond Diagnostic Test, the first
the best historical description of these institutions to be based on the subjective reports of schizo-
can be found in the chapter entitled “The Alms- phrenic experiences of perceptual distortions. It
house Experience,” in David J. Rothman’s book on was believed that this test distinguished schizo-
the rise of institutions in America. phrenia from other psychiatric disorders based
on the uniqueness of the phenomenology of the
Rothman, D. J. The Discovery of the Asylum: Social Order ASCs experienced by schizophrenics. A later scale
and Disorder in the New Republic. Boston: Little, Brown, whose items were also derived from autobio-
1971. graphical accounts of schizophrenics was devised
in 1970 by Osmond and psychologist A. Moneim
El-Meligi—the Experiential World Inventory. This
alogia One of the NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS of SCHIZO- self-report inventory of 400 items purported to
PHRENIA. Alogia is the term now used in place of measure subjective changes with scales for five
“poverty of speech” to refer to the underproduc- major phenomenological categories: sensory per-
tion of speech, the abbreviation of speech, or the ception, time perception, body perception, self
relative lack of any attempt to speak (mutism) that perception, and perception of others. Neither of
is often manifest in persons with schizophrenia. these phenomenologically based measures ever
became popular, and they have not been used in
research since the early 1970s.
altered state of consciousness Psychologist
Charles Tart, who is commonly regarded as a Bowers, M., and D. X. Freedman. “Psychedelic Experi-
leading authority on altered states of conscious- ences in Acute Psychosis,” Archives of General Psychiatry
ness (ASCs), often defines an ASC as a “qualita- 15 (1966): 240–248.
tive alteration in the overall patterning of mental El-Meligi, A. M., and H. Osmond. EWI: Manual for the
functioning, such that the experiencer feels his Clinical Use of the Experiential World Inventory. New York:
consciousness is radically different from the way it Mens Sana Press, 1970.
functions ordinarily.”
In an effort to understand the phenomenology
of SCHIZOPHRENIA , the subjective reports of schizo- Alzheimer, Alois (1864–1915) German neu-
phrenic experience began to be collected in the rologist who is best remembered for identifying
1960s and compared with other unusual ASCs— Alzheimer’s disease (a form of presenile demen-
such as those reported in “mystical” experience or tia) in 1906, but who also published research on
in the psychedelic experiences of those who have SCHIZOPHRENIA and MANIC-DEPRESSIVE ILLNESS.
ingested hallucinogenic substances. A famous Starting in 1903 he worked under Emil K RAEPE-
paper was published in 1966 by Malcom Bowers LIN in the research laboratory at the University of
and D. X. Freedman, which suggested that some Munich. Along with German neurologist Franz
schizophrenics have “psychedelic experiences” Nissl (1860–1919), these three men conducted
during the onset of their psychosis. However, research on the underlying disease processes in
further phenomenological studies of the ASCs of the nervous system that caused MENTAL DISORDERs
amenomania 15

such as DEMENTIA PRAECOX ; they made major con- focus on only one. One of Eugen BLEULER’s higher-
tributions to the field of neuropathology. Earlier functioning patients once told him that, “When one
Nissl had invented new staining techniques that expresses a thought, one always sees the counter
allowed for the study of nerve cells, and Alzheimer thought. This intensifies itself and becomes so rapid
discovered the organic disease process in the ail- that one doesn’t really know which was the first.”
ment that is still known by his name. Alzheimer Another of his patients expressed the ambivalence
considered dementia praecox an essentially organic so characteristic of schizophrenia by telling Bleuler,
disease of the brain. “I am a human being like yourself, even though I am
Alzheimer is credited for conducting the very not a human being.” Bleuler reports that example in
first neurohistological study of schizophrenia his classic 1911 book, Dementia Praecox, Or the Group of
(dementia praecox). In 1897 Alzheimer published Schizophrenias, in which “ambivalence” is described as
a paper in which he described abnormal nerve one of the “fundamental symptoms” of schizophre-
cells in the cortex of young patients with psychotic nia. A MBIVALENCE is one of Bleuler’s famous “Four
disorders who did not have a known organic brain A’s” (AUTISM, ASSOCIATIONS DISTURBANCES, AFFECTIVE
disease. Alzheimer believed that dementia praecox DISTURBANCES, ambivalence), which he felt were the
(schizophrenia), presenile dementia (later called central identifying symptoms of schizophrenia that
Alzheimer’s disease) and epilepsy were all organic differentiated it from other mental disorders. Bleuler
brain diseases. However, he did not believe that identified three types of ambivalence in schizophre-
hysteria or manic-depressive illness were organic nia: affective ambivalence, ambivalence of will, and
brain diseases. Thus, in the early 20th century intellectual ambivalence. Modern theorists think
there were numerous published reports of neuro- that schizophrenic ambivalence may be due to dis-
pathological studies on dementia praecox (schizo- orders in attention that disable the individual’s abil-
phrenia) and epilepsy, but none on the mood ity to focus attention on one goal or thought and
disorders. He held a professorship at Breslau Uni- screen out all other contradictory “noise” that might
versity and taught there from 1912 until his death otherwise flood the mind.
in 1915. See also ATTENTION, DISORDERS IN.

Alzheimer, A. “Beitrage zur pathologischen Anatomie Bleuler, E. Dementia Praecox, Or the Group of Schizophrenias,
der Hirnrinde und zur anatomischen Grundlagen der trans. Joseph Zinkin. 1911. Reprint, New York: Inter-
Psychosen,” Monatsschrift Psychiatrie und Neurologie 2 national Universities Press, 1950.
(1897): 82–120.

ambulatory schizophrenic This is a term for a

amantadine See ANTIPARKINSONIAN DRUGS. person with SCHIZOPHRENIA whose level of func-
tioning is high enough that inpatient care is not
generally required. It is also applied to schizo-
ambivalence The presence of two contradictory phrenic patients within psychiatric institutions
drives, tendencies, emotions, or thoughts that are who can be trusted to reside on open wards or be
aimed at the same person, object, or goal. These con- allowed frequent brief visits into the surround-
tradictory urges may be unconscious, conscious, or ing community. The term seems to be slowly fall-
only partly conscious, but in SCHIZOPHRENIA they are ing out of conventional usage, with the synonym
a very common phenomenon that tends to paralyze “high-functioning” replacing “ambulatory” as a
the willful, volitional actions of the afflicted. For label for these schizophrenics.
example, a commonly reported experience of people See also BORDERLINE SCHIZOPHRENIA.
with schizophrenia is that, when they try to express
a thought or feeling or attempt an action, their minds
suddenly become flooded with many different and amenomania In his 1812 psychiatric manual,
often contradictory choices, and they are unable to Medical Inquiries and Observations upon the Diseases
16 American Psychiatric Association

of the Mind, American alienist Benjamin RUSH psychiatry”—was a physician at the Pennsylvania
claimed that, “Amenomania is a common form Hospital in Philadelphia in the early 1800s and his
of partial insanity.” By the examples he gives, it image appears on the modern logo for this organi-
seems that Rush used this term to describe what zation. In that founding year the association also
we might now call a DELUSIONAL DISORDER in peo- published the first English-language psychiatric
ple who may not be paralyzed by mental illness journal, the American Journal of Insanity, which in
but who have fixed delusions or eccentric beliefs 1921, under the urging of then-APA president Wil-
on certain topics that may be quite bizarre. liam Alanson White, changed its name to the Amer-
In particular, Rush believed this disorder was ican Journal of Psychiatry. The association changed
found “most frequently in the enthusiasts in reli- its name to the American Medico-Psychological
gion,” which explains his derivation of the word. Association in 1893 and then to its present title, the
The grandiose religious delusions that characterize American Psychiatric Association, in 1921.
amenomania, Rush claims, may also be indicative The American Psychiatric Association is respon-
of what we now call BIPOLAR DISORDER or PARA- sible for the continually revised editions of the
NOID SCHIZOPHRENIA , for people with amenoma- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
nia believe they are “the peculiar favourites of which is the most widely accepted diagnostic man-
heaven.” They converse with angels and with spir- ual used in North America. The most recent edi-
its of the dead, they see visions, and they believe tion was DSM-IV-TR, published in 2000.
they are “exalted into beings of the highest order.”
Rush describes a familiar psychotic DELUSION still McGovern, C. M. Masters of Madness: Social Origins of the
encountered in a few patients today when he American Psychiatric Profession. Hanover and London:
reports, “I have seen two instances of persons, who University Press of New England, 1985.
believed themselves to be the Messiah.”
Psychologist Milton Rokeach experimentally
grouped three such schizophrenic patients together American Psychological Association The profes-
in the same environment and described the results sional society of American psychologists. It was
in 1964 in his unique book, The Three Christs of founded in July 1892 by G. Stanley Hall (1844–
Ypsilanti. 1924), a professor of psychology at Clark Univer-
sity in Worcester, Massachusetts.
Rokeach, M. The Three Christs of Ypsilanti. New York: Alfred
A. Knopf, 1964.
Rush, B. Medical Inquiries and Observations on the Diseases of amine The name for a type of organic compound
the Mind. Philadelphia: Kimber & Richardson, 1812. that contains nitrogen. Amines function as NEU-
are a type of amine.
American Psychiatric Association The profes- See also DOPAMINE HYPOTHESIS.
sional organization of physicians who specialize in
the practice of PSYCHIATRY. The precursor to the APA
was founded at a meeting in Philadelphia on Octo- amisulpride See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.
ber 16, 1844, by “the original thirteen” physicians:
Francis T. Stribling, Samuel B. Woodward, Sam-
uel White, Isaac RAY, Pliny EARLE, Thomas K IRK- amphetamine psychosis An obsolete diagnostic
BRIDE, Aramiah BRIGHAM, Luther Bell, William term for the psychotic episodes brought on in some
AWL, John Galt, Nehemia Cuter, John Butler, and people by the ingestion of amphetamine (usually in
Charles H. Steadman. The original name decided the form of the “street drug” methamphetamine, or
upon by these men was the Association of Medical “speed”) or similarly acting substances. Irritability,
Superintendents of American Institutions for the paranoid delusions, and even violent behavior may
Insane. Benjamin RUSH—the “father of American be exhibited during these acute psychotic episodes.
animal models of schizophrenia 17

The main pharmacological effect of amphetamine of schizophrenia based on direct manipulations of

is believed to be the release of CATECHOLAMINES, the dopaminergic system have outlived their use-
one of which, dopamine, is hypothesized to cause fulness and are no longer conducted in their clas-
schizophrenic symptoms when there is an excess sical form. However, dopamine is still implicated
of it. Amphetamine activates or worsens preex- in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia, and
isting psychotic symptoms, and ANTIPSYCHOTIC dopamine receptors in the brain remain a target of
DRUGS work as a potent antidote to the psychosis ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.
produced by extreme amphetamine intoxication. The problem with animal models of schizophre-
Thus, the biochemical properties and effects of nia is that they are most reliable when focusing
amphetamine have been studied as a model for on a single issue (e.g., the effects of manipulating
understanding the underlying biochemical pro- the levels of dopamine in the nervous system) but
cesses in schizophrenia. not multiple factors. Since schizophrenia is char-
See also BIOCHEMICAL THEORIES OF SCHIZOPHRE- acterized by a multiplicity of factors leading to its
NIA ; DOPAMINE HYPOTHESIS. (unknown) cause and resulting in its (still largely
unknown) pathophysiology, the development of
a single animal model of schizophrenia is doubt-
anhedonia The chronic inability to experience ful. However, two schizophrenia researchers at
pleasure. It is often a sign of a MOOD DISORDER, the NATIONAL I NSTITUTE OF M ENTAL H EALTH, the
such as a depressive episode, but can also be found National Institutes of Health, in Bethesda, Mary-
in schizophrenics as a form of their AFFECTIVE land, Daniel Weinberger (chief of the Clinical
DISTURBANCES. Brain Disorders branch), and B. K. Lipska (chief
of the Unit on Animal Models, Clinical Brain Dis-
orders branch), propose that future animal models
animal models of schizophrenia Animals have should focus on three emerging areas of schizophre-
long been used in a variety of experimental research nia research: (1) testing the NEURODEVELOPMEN-
studies in many areas of medicine. Animals are TAL MODEL OF SCHIZOPHRENIA by experimentally
routinely used in neurobiological, neurochemi- inducing disruption in the development of animal
cal, neuroendocrine, genetics, and pharmacologi- brain development at various stages of embryonic
cal research, for example, to test hypotheses that or fetal development through maternal malnutri-
would be injurious, lethal, and therefore ethically tion, the introduction of possible teratogens (such
forbidden if performed on human beings. Attempts as viruses) that may disrupt the creation or matu-
to induce behaviors or physiological changes in ration of nerve cells in utero, the creation of lesions
animals that are similar to those found in per- in the brains of newly born animals, inducing
sons with SCHIZOPHRENIA have a long history in “stress” in neonates, and so on, (2) the use of drugs
psychiatric research. However, the development to study the possible role that the neurotransmitter
of reliable “models” of the etiology (cause) and glutamate, particularly the “hypofunctioning” of
pathophysiology of schizophrenia date to only the the glutamatergic system of the brain, plays in the
early 1970s. These animal models focused on phar- underlying pathophysiology of schizophrenia, and
macologically manipulating the NEUROTRANSMIT- (3) genetics, particularly by inserting transgenic
TER DOPAMINE and studying the resulting changes mutations in developing embryos or knocking out
in pathophysiology and behavior. Such animal certain genes that are candidates for the develop-
research led, in part, to the DOPAMINE HYPOTHESIS ment of schizophrenia in human beings.
of schizophrenia, first posited by Solomon Snyder The functioning of the immune system in
and his colleagues in 1976 in the American Journal schizophrenia is an additional area of research
of Psychiatry. The dopamine hypothesis of the cause that lends itself to animal models. In a study pub-
of schizophrenia was subsequently rejected in its lished in Neuroscience Biobehavior Review in June
strict monocausal form, as other neurotransmit- 2005, a team of researchers in Zurich, Switzer-
ters were linked to the disorder. Animal models land, investigated the long-known epidemiological
18 animal spirits

link between bacterial or viral infections in preg- cholinergic effects are heterocyclic antidepressants,
nant mothers and the later higher risk of the post- antipsychotics, antihistamines, ANTIPARKINSONIAN
puberty development of schizophrenia in their DRUGS, and some hypnotics. If a patient is taking
children. Using pregnant mice in a series of dif- a combination of these drugs (such as an antipsy-
ferent conditions, they argue this epidemiological chotic drug with an antidepressant—a common
link in schizophrenia is mediated by the prenatal combination) or if an overdose of these drugs is
activation of the fetal immune system in response taken, the additive anticholinergic effects can cause
to the elevation of the maternal cytokine level due a crisis. The combination of signs and symptoms
to infection. This study combined assumptions that indicate there is too much of an effect is called
from the neurodevelopmental model and theories the “anticholinergic syndrome.” At its worst, a
of IMMUNE SYSTEM ALTERATIONS IN SCHIZOPHRENIA. patient suffering from an anticholinergic syndrome
The National Institutes of Health provides will have confusion, DELIRIUM with disorientation,
the latest information of animal models used in agitation, visual and AUDITORY HALLUCINATIONS,
genetics research on its Web site: www.nih.gov/ anxiety, restlessness, pseudoseizures, and perhaps
science/models. even thought disorder (e.g., delusions). Dry mouth,
constipation, urinary retention, decreased sweat-
Lipska, B. K., and D. R. Weinberger. “Animal Models ing, increased body temperature, flushing, disco-
of Schizophrenia.” In Schizophrenia. 2nd ed., edited by ordination, and tachycardia are common but far
S. R. Hirsch and D. R. Weinberger. Oxford: Blackwell, less serious side effects due to anticholinergic syn-
2003. drome. The treatment for the anticholinergic syn-
Meyer, U., et al. “Towards an Immuno-Precipitated Neu- drome is anticholinesterase drug therapy.
rodevelopmental Animal of Schizophrenia,” Neurosci-
ence Biobehavior Review 15 (June 2005): 913–947.
anticipation (genetic) A phenomenon observed
over time in some genetic diseases in which each
animal spirits A prescientific concept used to successive generation develops the disease at a pro-
explain the cause of MENTAL DISORDERs, particu- gressively earlier age and with a course that is more
larly mania. A 17th-century treatise by Thomas severe. This phenomenon was noted in the 19th
Willis, De anima brutorum (1672), claims that “ani- century and was cited as evidence for the medical
mal spirits” were distillations from the blood con- theory of hereditary DEGENERATION. A useful his-
tained in the brain. Their production in the brain torical survey of the survival of this idea was pro-
was thought to irritate the nervous system and vided by German psychiatric researcher Manfred
stimulate intellectual functioning so severely that Spitzer in the journal Nervenarzt in 1995.
mania would be the result. The term anticipation was first used in the con-
text of degeneration theory (and with reference
to DEMENTIA PRAECOX) in the published text of an
anticholinergic effects The effect of some drugs invited Huxley Lecture by F. W. Mott, delivered at
that act as antagonists to the actions of choliner- the Charing Cross Hospital Medical School in Lon-
gic nerve fibers, usually of the parasympathetic don in 1910. Mott was a physician at Charing Cross
nervous system. Such cholinergic nerve cells or Hospital as well as a pathologist for the London
fibers are those that use acetylcholine as their NEU- County Asylums and Fullerian Professor of Physi-
ROTRANSMITTERS. Drugs that have anticholinergic ology at the Royal Institution. Presenting charts
effects block the transmission of this neurotrans- of various pedigrees as evidence for the heredity
mitter, thus preventing the communication bet- basis of nervous and mental diseases, Mott noted
ween nerve cells and thereby altering behavior. that, “almost invariably in the case of insane par-
Most psychoactive drugs have anticholinergic ents and offspring, the offspring is affected ear-
effects in both the central and the peripheral ner- lier than the parent.” He proposed a name for this
vous systems. The types of drugs that have anti- phenomenon: “the law of anticipation.” Mott did
anticipation 19

place limits on this process of intergenerational known trinucleotide sequences called Satellog was
degeneration, stating that “the general tendency is established in June 2005 to assist geneticists in their
for insanity not to proceed beyond three genera- research. The name of this database refers to the fact
tions. . . . Not infrequently the stock dies out by that trinucleotide repeats are also known as satellite
the inborn tendency to insanity manifesting itself repeats. However, methodological problems with
in the form of congenital imbecility or insanity of identifying anticipation in diseases and psychiat-
adolescence—dementia praecox.” This is a good ric disorders such as schizophrenia were identified
thing, according to Mott: “thus rotten twigs are as early as 1945 by Lionel S. Penrose (1898–1972),
continually breaking off the tree of life.” then the Galton Professor of Eugenics at University
In an important paper published in 1992, R. I. College London in England: “This finding, which in
Richards and G. R. Sutherland were the first to pro- one form or another, is characteristic of mental hos-
pose the possible underlying molecular mechanism pital data, has in the past been attributed to a ten-
for the phenomenon of anticipation: the repeating dency for progressive degeneration or anticipation of
of a three nucleotide sequence (e.g., CAG or CTG). diseases in succeeding generations. Such an expla-
These three-letter repeats (triplet repeats) enlarge nation, which is not in accordance with the con-
further in the genomes of each successive genera- cepts of modern genetics, is unnecessary, because
tion, and longer repeats are correlated with more the more likely explanations are close at hand.”
severe disease. Because of this proliferation of the He further developed his warning about possible
three-letter repeats in succeeding generations, they “ascertainment bias” in documenting anticipation
also are called trinucleotide expansions. Triplet in a 1948 article published in the Annals of Eugenics.
repeats are known to cause at least 13 different neu- Whether the proposed mechanism of trinucleo-
rodegenerative disorders, making them an attrac- tide repeats can fully explain the phenomenon of
tive focus of research on SCHIZOPHRENIA. However, anticipation is doubtful, and even if a definitive
there is a fundamental difference between schizo- genetic pattern of nucleotide repeats is found in
phrenia and these other disorders. These neurode- some forms of schizophrenia, the phenomenon
generative disorders are caused by single genes and of anticipation in this disease—for which there
follow classic patterns of Mendelian inheritance, is some suggestive evidence—may have to be
whereas schizophrenia is thought to be a disorder accounted for by factors as yet unknown.
caused, in part, by many genes and follows con-
fusing NON-M ENDELIAN PATTERNS OF TRANSMISSION. Bassett, A. S., and W. G. Honer. “Evidence for Anticipa-
The possibility that genetic anticipation caused by tion in Schizophrenia,” American Journal of Human
triplet repeats is part of the schizophrenia disease Genetics 54 (1994): 864–870.
process was first proposed by Anne Bassett and W. McInnis, M. G., et al. “Anticipation in Schizophrenia:
G. Honer in an article published in the American A Review and Reconsideration,” American Journal of
Journal of Human Genetics in 1994. Medical Genetics 88 (1999): 686–693.
Anticipation is currently of great interest in Missirlis, P., et al. “Sattelog: A Database for the Identi-
GENETICS STUDIES of schizophrenia, particularly fication and Prioritization of Satellite Repeats in Dis-
those involving genetic association studies. Antici- ease Association Studies,” BMC Bioinformatics 6 (June
pation is also of great interest to researchers study- 2005): 145–150.
ing CHILDHOOD-ONSET SCHIZOPHRENIA. No candidate Mott, F. W. “The Huxley Lecture on Hereditary Aspects of
trinucleotide repeat has yet been conclusively linked Nervous and Mental Diseases,” British Medical Journal
to schizophrenia. Promising trinucleotide expan- 2 (October 8, 1910): 1,013–1,020.
sions in schizophrenia such as CAG and CTG have Penrose, L. S. “The Problem of Anticipation in Pedi-
not been reliably confirmed in replication stud- grees of Dystrophia Myotonics,” Annals of Eugenics 14
ies—a familiar and frustrating pattern in almost all (1948): 125–132.
areas of biological research on schizophrenia. ———. “Survey of Cases of Familial Mental Illness
Since so many genetic diseases manifest antici- (1945),” European Archives of Clinical Neuroscience 240
pation, a central public-access online database of (1991): 314–324.
20 antidepressant drugs

Richards, R. I., and G. R. Sutherland. “Dynamic Muta- about neurotransmitters (called neurohumors or
tions: A New Class of Mutations Causing Human Dis- neurohormones prior to the 1960s) in the brain,
ease,” Cell 70 (1992): 709–712. and indeed many neurotransmitters had still
Spitzer, M., and L. Hermle. “Von der Degeneration zur not been discovered yet. The third generation of
Antizipation,” Nervenarzt 66 (1995): 187–196. designer drugs for the treatment of depression
Vaswan, M., and S. Kapur. “Genetic Basis of Schizo- (and now anxiety as well) were created from the-
phrenia. Trinucleotide Repeats: An Update,” Progress ories of “reuptake inhibition” based on this new
in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 25 knowledge. These drugs inhibited the reuptake of
(August 2001): 1,187–1,201. monoamine neurotransmitters such as DOPAMINE,
norepinepherine, and serotonin. In 1979 the drug
mianserin appeared under the trade name Athymil
antidepressant drugs The class of psychoactive in France and in the United Kingdom as Norval.
drugs that alleviate the symptoms of depression. Others were trazodone (Desyrel), released in the
The term antidepressant was coined by Max Lurie United States in 1982, and maprotiline (Ludiomil),
in 1952 but did not come into common usage until first used in France in 1975 and in America in
the 1960s. The first drugs used specifically for 1981. Other drugs of this generation, which are
depression were amphetamines. The first designer sometimes called “atypical antidepressants,” are
drug marketed as a treatment for “mild depres- amoxapine (Ascendin), bupropion (Wellbutrin,
sion” (in 1942) was Benzedrine (racemic amphet- Zyban), clomipramine (Anafranil), and venlafax-
amine sulfate), the first of the amphetamine drugs ine (Effexor).
developed and introduced by the pharmaceutical The fourth generation of antidepressant drugs
company Smith Kline and French in 1936. Two are the SSRIs, or selective serotonin reuptake
years later, it was being recommended as a treat- inhibitors. Since these drugs work selectively on
ment for obesity, and for at least the next 30 years serotonin in the brain, there are fewer anticholin-
amphetamines were prescribed as “diet pills” by ergic or antihistaminic side effects, allowing for lit-
physicians. Dexadrine (dextroamphetamine sul- tle or no sedation and little impairment of learning,
fate) appeared in 1946, followed by a drug that memory, and cognition. The SSRIs are also used
combined Dexadrine with a barbiturate, amobar- in the treatment of anxiety disorders and obses-
bital (Amytal). sive compulsive disorder. Prozac, introduced in the
The second generation of antidepressants United States in 1988 (but approved by the FDA in
involved two separate categories of drugs. Mono- December 1987), is arguably the most famous drug
amine oxidase inhibitors (MAO inhibitors) included in the history of medicine. Other SSRIs that fol-
drugs such as iproniazid (Marsilid), developed in lowed Prozac were sertraline, introduced as Zoloft
1952 for tuberculosis but first used in PSYCHIATRY in the United States in 1992; paroxetine, marketed
in 1957. It was discovered by Nathan Kline. Tricy- as Paxil in 1992; fluvoxamine, trade name Luvox,
clic antidepressants were first introduced in 1957 1995; citalopram, trade name Celexa, 1998; and
with imipramine (Tofranil) after its discovery by escitalopram (Lexapro), introduced in the United
Roland Kuhn. In the decades after they were devel- States in 2002.
oped, researchers found that drugs of both these How they are thought to work (pharmaco-
classes increased levels of serotonin and norepi- dynamics) The first promising modern biological
nephrine in the brain, giving rise to the idea—still (neurotransmitter) theory for the pathophysiol-
unproven—that depression was caused by deficien- ogy (and perhaps the cause) of a MENTAL DISORDER
cies of these NEUROTRANSMITTERS in the brain. It was the “catecholamine theory of depression,” first
should be repeated in this age of Prozac that there proposed in a highly influential article by Harvard
is no evidence that depression is caused by a lack of psychiatrist Joseph Schildkraut (1934– ) published
serotonin or any other chemical in the brain. in 1965 in the American Journal of Psychiatry. It had
The first two generations of antidepressants long been suspected that the monoamines (CAT-
were designed in an era in which little was known ECHOLAMINES and INDOLAMINES) were involved in
antidepressant drugs 21

depression. Dopamine and norepinepherine are experiential, and genetic factors as well in its pro-
catecholamines, whereas serotonin is an indol- duction. The humoral metaphor of a dyscrasia, an
amine. The role of catecholamines in the “causa- imbalance in bodily fluids, as a cause of disease is
tion” of depression was noted as early as 1959 by still quite strong with regard to the presumed low
Canadian psychiatrist Abram Hoffer at a conference levels of serotonin and depression.
on depression at McGill University in Montreal, but The use of antidepressant drugs in schizophre-
his speculation had no effect on psychiatrists or nia Persons with schizophrenia do indeed expe-
psychopharmacologists. The catecholamine theory rience depression. In a review of studies by S. G.
of depression resulted from investigations into how Siris published in 1991, it was concluded that about
antidepressant drugs such as MAO inhibitors and 25 percent of persons with schizophrenia also suf-
the tricyclic antidepressants affected brain chemis- fer from depression. This is not surprising consid-
try. Both types of antidepressants were found to act ering the countless disappointments and losses
on the neurotransmitter norepinepherine. Schil- persons with schizophrenia experience in interper-
dkraut’s theory that abnormally low levels of the sonal relationships and occupational goals/achieve-
catecholamine neurotransmitter norepinepherine ments. Depression occurs throughout the course of
was associated with depression dominated psy- schizophrenia, both prior to and after the onset of
chiatric thinking in the 1970s and early 1980s. In the active phase of symptoms. Depression is a com-
the 1980s, the role of norepinepherine as the sole mon part of the RESIDUAL PHASE of schizophrenia
factor in depression was discredited when another following the storm of active psychotic symptoms.
similar “neurotransmitter deficit” theory involv- ICD-10 includes a formal diagnostic category of post-
ing serotonin emerged, leading to the production psychotic depression for this, whereas DSM-IV-TR
of designer SSRIs such as Prozac. SSRIs work by mentions postpsychotic depression in an appendix.
keeping more serotonin at receptor sites. The 1968 Antidepressant medication is often prescribed along
discovery that the tricyclic antidepressant imip- with antipsychotic medication, although treatment
ramine blocked the reuptake of serotonin led to of depression in schizophrenia with antidepressant
the speculation by Swedish pharmacologist Arvid drugs but without also administering antipsychotic
Carlsson (1923– ) that this specific action might be drugs is not recommended. In a major review of
a contributing source of its antidepressant effect. the double-blind, placebo-controlled studies of the
Carlsson and his colleagues Kjell Fuxe and Urban use of antidepressant drugs along with first-gen-
Ungerstedt published their discovery that year in eration ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS in schizophrenia by
the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. Research S. G. Siris and C. Bench in 2003, the results were
on the connection between blockade of serotonin said to be mixed but generally favorable. There
reuptake and the alleviation of depression soon fol- was some weak evidence that SSRIs and some tri-
lowed, resulting in the first SSRI to be marketed as cyclics might alleviate some NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS in
an antidepressant, zimeldine (Zelmid), in Europe in some persons with schizophrenia. The symptoms of
1982. It was withdrawn from the market in 1983 severe depression (ANHEDONIA, AVOLITION, ALOGIA,
because it caused Guillan-Barré syndrome in some AKATHISIA, AKINESIA, and so on) can often mimic
persons who took it. negative symptoms, so the negative symptoms of
Since the late 1980s, the dominant biological schizophrenia may actually not have been allevi-
theory of DEPRESSION is the monocausal neurotrans- ated. However, some antidepressants—particularly
mitter theory that deficient levels of serotonin SSRIs such as Prozac and Paxil—have been linked
at receptor cites in the brain produce depression to the onset of manic episodes and psychotic epi-
(expanded in the 21st century to anxiety, obses- sodes. Several of the ATYPICAL ANTIPSYCHOTICS, such
sional thoughts, and social phobias). Depression, as olanzapine (Zyprexa), have been found to lessen
however, is a highly complex syndrome involv- depressive symptoms and are often used to treat
ing not only neurotransmitters (of which there bipolar disorder.
are more than 100, only a few of which have been Side effects However, although the SSRIs are in
studied in detail), but cognitive, emotional, social, widespread use, there are severe side effects. If too
22 antiparkinsonian drugs

much serotonin accumulates in the central nervous Siris, S. G., and C. Bench. “Depression and Schizophre-
system through the use of SSRIs, the “serotonin syn- nia.” In Schizophrenia. 2nd ed., edited by S. R. Hirsch
drome” may occur. The serotonin syndrome is char- and D. Weinberger. Oxford: Blackwell, 2003.
acterized by disorientation, confusion, hypomania,
agitation, restlessness, fever, chills, sweating, diarrhea,
hypertension, tachycardia, ataxia, increased reflexes, antiparkinsonian drugs These are drugs that are
and myoclonus. Visual hallucinations have also administered to relieve PARKINSONISM, the side
been reported. The symptoms vanish 24 to 48 hours effects of antipsychotic drugs that will usually appear
after drug use is discontinued. When use of SSRIs is within weeks or a few months after beginning anti-
halted, the “serotonin withdrawal syndrome” mani- psychotic drug therapy. Patients who suffer from this
fests in about 60 percent of people who have taken side effect exhibit a triad of signs: tremors (usually in
these drugs. Withdrawal symptoms include anxiety, the hands but also in the wrists and elbows), rigid-
agitation, crying spells, irritability, dizziness, vertigo, ity (extreme tension in muscles that make the body
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, chills, sensations actually feel rigid), and AKINESIA or BRADYKINESIA
of electric shocks, insomnia, and vivid dreams. (an absence or a slowness of body or facial muscle
Akathisia as a side effect of SSRI use has been motion). Common ANTIPARKINSONIAN DRUGS are
increasingly linked to suicidal behavior, violence, amantadine (trade name Symmetrel), BENZTROPINE
and homicidal behavior. (Cogentin), biperiden (Akineton), and DIPHENHYDR-
Sexual dysfunction occurs in up to 80 percent AMINE (Benadryl). Parkinson’s syndrome, which is
of persons treated with SSRIs, although some more induced by ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS, should not be con-
conservative estimates place it within the 30 to 40 fused with Parkinson’s disease, which is a progres-
percent range, reflecting a more restrictive definition sive neurological disorder that is not reversible.
of the range of what constitutes a sexual dysfunc-
tion. This fact was kept hidden by pharmaceutical
companies for many years prior to the introduction antipsychiatry See L AING, RONALD DAVID.
of SSRIs to the market in the 1980s. Since the first
SSRIs were marketed as antidepressants, and since
the alleviation of depression was touted as its main anti-psychosis A curative substance that the
effect, the fact that more sexual dysfunction occurs prescient Daniel H. Tuke hypothesized, in 1881,
in persons taking these drugs than the alleviation of would one day be created to reverse the symptoms
depressive symptoms has led critics of the pharma- of mental disorders. His prophetic remarks were
ceutical industry to question the very meaning of delivered on August 2 in London in his presiden-
what a drug’s main effect may be. From an icono- tial address to the Medico-Psychological Associa-
clastic point of view, if we are to categorize drugs by tion in which he lamented the special problems of
their main effect, then there may be better evidence “psychological” medicine as opposed to the more
that the SSRIs are “sexual-dysfunction-inducing forthright “organic” medicine:
drugs” rather than antidepressants.
See also DEPRESSION. It must be frankly granted that Psychological
Medicine can boast, as yet, of no specifics, nor is it
Healy, D. The Antidepressant Era. Cambridge, Mass.: Har- likely, perhaps, that such a boast will ever be made.
vard University Press, 1997. It may be difficult to suppress the hope, but we
———. The Creation of Psychopharmacology. Cambridge, cannot entertain the expectation that some future
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2002. Sydenham will discover an anti-psychosis which
Julien, R. M. A Primer of Drug Action, 10th ed. New York: will as safely and speedily cut short an attack of
Worth, 2005. mania or melancholia as bark an attack of ague.
Schildkraut, J. “The Catecholamine Hypothesis of Depres-
sion: A Review of Supporting Evidence,” American Today’s ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS are named, in part,
Journal of Psychiatry 122 (1965): 509–522. as a memorial to Tuke’s farsightedness.
antipsychotic drugs 23

Tuke, D. H. Chapters in the History of the Insane in the British These are the drugs that enjoyed a long life in the
Isles. London: Keegan, Paul, Trench & Co., 1882. asylum, but in reality almost anything and every-
thing was tried on asylum patients in a desperate
effort to find effective treatment.
antipsychotic drugs The class of drugs that sup- In 1931 two physicians from India, Ganneth
press or alleviate psychotic symptoms (primarily Sen and Katrick Bose, published a report of their
POSITIVE SYMPTOMS such as hallucinations and delu- research using an extract from the roots of the
sions). The term antipsychotic drugs was used for the Rauwolfia plant. Rauwolfia had been used for cen-
first time to refer to these pharmacological agents turies in traditional Indian medicine for the treat-
by a German-Canadian psychiatrist, Heinz Lehm- ment of mental illness because of its ability to calm
ann of Montreal, in an article published in the Cana- excited persons. Sen and Bose recommended its use
dian Medical Association Journal in 1961. They are for high blood pressure as well as the treatment of
also commonly referred to as neuroleptics (coined psychiatric disorders. Three chemists working for
by Jean Delay of France in 1955), antischizophrenic the Ciba pharmaceutical company in Basel, Swit-
agents, and major tranquilizers (which is a mis- zerland, isolated the sedative agent from the plant,
nomer). From 1955 to the 1990s, antipsychotic the alkaloid reserpine. In April 1954 Nathan Kline
drugs were most often referred to as neuroleptics published a report in the Annals of the New York
in Europe and major tranquilizers in the United Academy of Sciences on the effectiveness of reserpine
States. Smith Kline and French introduced CHLOR- and a preparation of its whole root (marketed as
PROMAZINE (T HORAZINE) in 1955 just months before Raudixin for hypertension) on the inpatients at
another new drug that revolutionized outpatient Rockland State Hospital in Orangeburg, New York.
psychiatry, the famous “minor” tranquilizer mebro- The following year, the effectiveness of RESERPINE
bamate (Miltown), so in a marketing contrast to for the treatment of anxiety and depression was
Miltown, Thorazine was soon sold to physicians by confirmed in a randomized and controlled experi-
pharmaceutical companies as a “major tranquilizer.” ment conducted by David Lewis Davies and Michael
Antipsychotic drugs are the treatment of choice for Shepard of the Maudsley Hospital in England. They
SCHIZOPHRENIA and other psychotic disorders, but published their report in the British medical jour-
some—particularly those introduced since 1990— nal Lancet, but their results were largely overlooked
have been used effectively in the treatment of MANIC due to the explosion of interest in chlorpromazine
EPISODES (particularly “mixed” or dysphoric mania) (Thorazine) at that time. Reserpine was used in
and have an antidepressant effect as well. psychiatric practice until 1961, when it was taken
off the market due to adversive side effects.
Historical Background In 1955 approximately 559,000 persons were
Prior to 1952 there were only weakly effective residing in American psychiatric hospitals. In
drugs for treating persons suffering from schizo- 1956, two years after the first antipsychotic drug
phrenia or other psychotic disorders. Most of the chlorpromazine (Thorazine in the United States;
drugs used by MAD-DOCTORS and ALIENISTS in asy- Largactil in Europe) was approved for use in
lums were used to sedate patients in order to reduce America (as an anti-emetic, not an antipsychotic),
suffering, promote prolonged sleep, and thereby the number of inpatients began to drop steadily
improve patient management by asylum staff. on a year-by-year basis. Patients who responded
These drugs were widely in use from at least 1840 well to these drugs (not all, by any means, but a
until the mid-20th century, and they include opi- significant number) soon became well enough to
ates, hyocine, digitalis, chloral (after 1869), bro- be released back into the community. A similar
mides, barbiturates (after 1903), anticholinergic pattern followed in the United Kingdom in the
agents, and paraldehyde (a distinctly foul-smelling 1960s. If only the numbers are considered, from
drug when exhaled by asylum patients that led to the perspective of local and national governments
its characteristic odor permeating mental institu- that funded psychiatric inpatient care, “deinstitu-
tions prior to the introduction of chlorpromazine). tionalization” was a success. By 1983 fewer than
24 antipsychotic drugs

220,000 persons resided in psychiatric hospitals in appeared in the Presse Medicale and Annales-Medico-
the United States. By the 1990s most persons with Psychologiques in 1952. Although none of these
schizophrenia were quickly stabilized on antipsy- men—Laborit, Hamon, Paraire, Velluz, Delay, or
cotic drugs and discharged somewhat rapidly. There Deniker—was ever awarded the Nobel Prize for the
is no question that antipsychotic drugs have had a discovery of the antipsychotic properties of chlor-
profound effect on the practice of psychiatry and promazine, they fought bitterly with one another
in the treatment of schizophrenia. However, the over who should be credited with priority in the
introduction of chlorpromazine and the PHENOTHI- discovery. This very public controversy probably
AZINES into psychiatric practice was perhaps only led the Nobel committees to pass over them con-
partly responsible for this emptying of the wards of tinually for the Nobel Prize in medicine.
psychiatric hospitals. Other factors are social and Clinical trials followed in Lyons, France, and
financial. In America, changing the care of persons in 1953 in Basel, Switzerland, the United States,
with mental disorders from inpatient institutions and Canada. A common—almost miraculous—
to the community shifted the financial responsi- observation in these trials was that some chronic
bility from the states to the federal government. patients who were noncommunicative for years
In Japan, the introduction of phenothiazines was suddenly “woke up” and became responsive to
actually followed by an increase, not a decrease, in their environment. Many reported that the voices
the population of psychiatric institutions. they heard were gone, and some were surprised at
The first of the phenothiazine antihistamine what year it was and how high prices had become.
drugs, promethazine (synthesized in 1947), had By the late 1950s many people believed that chlor-
been used by French naval surgeon Henri Laborit promazine had become a wonder drug along the
(1914–95) as an agent to deepen anesthesia and lines of penicillin, a marvel of modern medical
to relax patients prior to surgery. Working with science.
the phenothiazine nucleus, in December 1950, The phenothiazines dominated the treatment
French biochemist Paul Charpentier synthesized of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
more potential pharmacological agents and devel- for decades, and many are still in use. Following
oped the second phenothiazine, chlorpromazine. the approval of chlorpromazine (Thorazine) for
It was found to produce a calmness, disinterest, use in the United States in March 1954, and the
and detachment from external stimuli, and con- pharmaceutical company Smith Kline and French
scious sedation in patients who took it—a con- immediately experienced enormous profits, other
dition Laborit called an “artificial hibernation.” phenothiazine “major tranquilizers” followed: pro-
Laborit believed there might be a therapeutic chlorperazine, 1957 (marketed as Compazine in
effect on psychosis. As he put it in his early 1952 1956); perphenazine, patented in 1956, marketed
article in Presse Medicale: “These findings allow one as Trilafon in 1957; thioridazine, 1958 (Mellaril,
to anticipate certain indications for the use of this 1959); trifluoperazine, 1959 (Stelazine, 1958); flu-
compound in psychiatry. . . .” At his suggestion, in phenazine, 1960 (Prolixin, 1960). The next class
1952 chlorpromazine was tested in clinical trials of antipsychotic drugs, the butyrophenomes, was
on patients at the Val-de Grace military hospital in used in Europe from 1959 onward. However, the
Paris by Pierre Hamon, Jean Paraire, and Jean Vel- first of these drugs, haloperidol (Haldol), was not
luz. Shortly following this first psychiatric trial, at introduced in the United States until 1967. By the
the Ste.-Anne Mental Hospital in Paris, Jean Delay 1980s it became the most widely prescribed anti-
and Pierre Deniker conducted a clinical trial on psychotic drug in the United States.
psychotic patients and found an alleviation of HAL- Antipsychotic drugs are now classified into
LUCINATIONs and DELUSIONs occurred without the three broad groups or “generations,” the preferred
patients being unduly sedated by the drug. After terminology of the WORLD PSYCHIATRIC A SSO-
only three months of their chlorpromazine clini- CIATION : conventional, typical, or first-generation
cal trial, Delay and Deniker became the first to antipsychotics (1954–75), which are grouped into
publish scientific claims of success in articles that three chemical classes: the phenothiazines, begin-
antipsychotic drugs 25

ning with chlorpromazine (Thorazine) in 1954; generation drug, amisulpride (Solian), is the first
the butyrophenomes, beginning in 1959 with hal- atypical that does not block serotonin receptors,
operidol (marketed as Haldol in America in 1967); but instead blocks two different dopamine recep-
the THIOXANTHENES, beginning with thiothixene tors, D2 and D3, in the limbic system of the brain
(Navane); and miscellaneous or alternative agents but not the basal ganglia (the part of the brain that
to the phenothiazines, introduced first in the early is primarily linked to producing the Parkinsonian
1970s, such as LOXAPINE (Loxitane), molindone side effects of antipsychotic medication).
(Moban), and pimozide (Orap); atypical or sec- Since there are more than 100 identifiable neu-
ond-generation antipsychotics, beginning in 1990 rotransmitters and only a select few have been
(no new antipsychotic drugs were marketed in the studied in depth, future generations of antipsy-
United States between 1975 and 1990) with the chotic drugs will no doubt target other neurotrans-
introduction of clozapine (Clozaril), and followed mitter systems. In particular, the neurotransmitter
by RISPERIDONE (R ISPERDAL) in 1993, OLANZAPINE glutamate, which has been linked to schizophre-
(Zyprexa) in 1996, sertinole (Serlect) in 1997, que- nia since 1980, will be of particular interest to psy-
tiapine (Seroquel) in 1999, ziprasidone (G EODON) in chopharmacologists in the decades to come.
2000, aripiprazole (Abilify) in 2003, and zotepine Pharmacogenetics It has long been observed
(not approved for use in North America but avail- by physicians and researchers that not everyone
able in Europe and in many countries worldwide); responds to a given medication in the same way.
and third-generation antipsychotics, beginning Some respond only to lower doses, some to higher,
with amisulpride (Solian) in 2005. Amulsipride is and some not at all. Ethnic differences, in particu-
considered to be the start of a new generation of lar, have been noted, and the underlying reasons
drugs because, although it is often referred to as for these differences in response to medication have
an atypical antipsychotic, it has a different effect been sought by identifying the genes that code for
on the NEUROTRANSMITTERS of the brain than the drug metabolizing enzymes (DMEs), which are
other atypical agents and, in low doses, is effective known to be different between Caucasians, Asians,
in the treatment of dysthymia and depression. black Africans, and African Americans. With the rise
How they are thought to work (pharmaco- of medical genomics—an entirely new approach to
dynamics) First-generation antipsychotics work, disease and health based on knowledge of genetic
in part, by blocking certain receptor sites for the neu- differences—pharmaceutical companies have been
rotransmitter DOPAMINE, particularly the D2 recep- keen to apply this new knowledge to the develop-
tors. Until the 1990s, the blocking of D2 receptors ment of new drugs. This field is known as pharma-
was thought to be the sole mechanism for reducing cogenetics, a term first used as early as 1959 by F.
psychotic symptoms. Second-generation or atypical Vogel in an article in a German pediatric journal in
antipsychotic drugs also block, or are antagonists, reference to the speculation that adverse drug reac-
at the same dopamine receptor sites, but they all tions might be due to genetic differences between
have a second action, usually the antagonism of the people. Designer drugs which are based on slight
serotonin 5HT2 receptors. In general, to be consid- differences in genes between people (single nucleo-
ered an “atypical” antipsychotic, the blocking of tide polymorphisms, SNPs or “snips”) and can tar-
serotonin 5HT2 receptor must be greater, and occur get treatment-resistant patients with a variety of
at lower doses, than the D2 receptor blockade. The diseases are a long-term development goal of phar-
serotonin psychedelic drug LSD (banned from pro- maceutical companies. Such designer drugs might
duction and distribution in the United States since be developed for the treatment of schizophrenia,
1966) is thought to produce its characteristic hallu- although currently no such pharmacogenomic
cinations and “psychosis-mimicking” state by being drugs for schizophrenia yet exist.
an agonist of 5HT2. Aripiprazole (Abilify) works Side effects It was noticed at least as early as
differently by being a partial agonist at D2 receptors 1953 that chlorpromazine (Thorazine) produced
and at serotonin 5HT1a receptors, and an antago- serious side effects (dyskinesias and AKATHISIA) in
nist at serotonin 5HT2 receptors. The first third- some patients. As early as 1956 there was a published
26 antipsychotic drugs

report that such side effects continued for months SYNDROMES (EPS) as a serious side effect early in
in some patients after being completely taken off the course of treatment. EPS is characterized by
phenothiazines. As the new era of phenothiazine a triad of symptoms: (a) dystonias (involuntary
use continued, severe and bizarre movement disor- muscle spasms, sustained abnormal posturing of
ders (tremors, rigidity, eye-rolls, grimaces, excessive the face, tongue, limbs, trunk); (b) akathisia; and
drooling) became increasingly apparent. By 1957 (c) PARKINSONISM (not to be confused with Par-
the syndrome later renamed (in 1964) TARDIVE DYS- kinson’s disease). Long-term use of the first-gen-
KINESIA (TD) had been described in an article by a eration antipsychotics leads to brain damage and
German physician, Matthais Schoenecker, in Der a chronic syndrome of the above triad of symp-
Nervenarzt. The emergence of such severe side effects toms, TD. Unlike TD, the acute EPS side effects are
was an unwelcome surprise to those few psychia- usually completely reversible through lowering
trists in the 1950s and 1960s who connected them the dosage of ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS or withdraw-
with the use of phenothiazines. This was especially ing them completely for a time (a “drug holiday”).
true in America, a country where mental hospi- Anticholinergic side effects are also quite common
tal staff and physicians were amazed as they saw with the first-generation antipsychotics in particu-
patients “wake up” and regain their humanity on lar: dry mouth, dilated pupils and blurred vision,
an almost daily basis. But considering the massive increased heart rate, constipation, urinary reten-
doses of these drugs patients were initially admin- tion, dizziness, and drying of lung secretions. Side
istered in the early days (particularly in the United effects can be reversed by giving the patient ANTI-
States, where daily doses of 3,000 mg a day were PARKINSONIAN DRUGS, anticholinergic drugs, or
routine as compared with the 150 mg a day given in antiadrenergic drugs. Tardive dyskinesia is man-
Europe to patients), it is a wonder that more physi- aged by these same drugs but is not reversible. Clo-
cians, patients, and families did not sound the alarm zapine is the only effective drug for persons with
earlier. Most preferred to attribute the side effects to TD. Atypical antipsychotics cause far fewer side
“psychodynamic” (unconscious impulses) or other effects and because of this are often preferred in
“spontaneous” biological causes and not to the new the early years of treatment of schizophrenia. How-
drugs. The turning point was the publication of a ever, there are concerns specific to the long-term
book in 1965, The Action of Neuroleptic Drugs, by Hans- use of clozapine. Persons taking clozapine must
Joachim Haase and Paul Janssen, which detailed the have their blood cell counts monitored weekly to
serious side effects of large doses and long-term use. prevent agranulocytosis, a dangerous lowering of
Still, despite the fact that the authors were a promi- the white blood cell counts. Alterations in normal
nent psychiatrist and a world-renowned psycho- EEG patterns and, at times, seizures may occur.
pharmacologist, the idea that such serious side effects All antipsychotic drugs lower the seizure thresh-
were caused by these psychiatric “wonder drugs” old, making them more likely.
was met with strong initial resistance by American Thermoregulatory adverse effects: The most
psychiatrists until a joint task force formed by the severe is NEUROLEPTIC MALIGNANT SYNDROME
Food and Drug Administration and the American (NMS), which can be fatal in 5 to 20 percent of
College of Neuropsychopharmacology published a cases if unnoticed and untreated. The syndrome
convincing report documenting such side effects in resembles an older one known as lethal catato-
1973. As law professor and historian Sheldon Gel- nia in the pre–antipsychotics era. DSM-IV criteria
man put it in his 1999 book, Medicating Schizophrenia: for NMS indicate that muscle rigidity and hyper-
A History, “Except to a few researchers, tardive dyski- thermia (a body temperature of 101–104 degrees
nesia remained invisible until the early 1970s. It was Fahrenheit) must be present. The clinical picture
as if the disorder simply did not exist” (p. 88). of NMS is similar to CATATONIA. Both typical and
The adverse effects of antipsychotic drug use fall atypical antipsychotic drugs can cause NMS, and it
into several categories: can happen at any point during treatment. Hyper-
Central nervous system effects: we now know thermia and hypothermia (a core body tempera-
that these drugs cause acute EXTRAPYRAMIDAL ture below 95 degrees Fahrenheit) may also occur,
antipsychotic drugs 27

with hypothermia associated with sudden unex- when treating newly psychotic individuals, when
plained deaths that coincide with the administra- practicing maintence therapy as a follow-up, and
tion of antipsychotic drugs. for patients who are “treatment resistant” and for
Other miscellaneous adverse effects: Sedation whom antipsychotic drugs do not seem to work.
is a problem in about 40 percent of persons tak- Atypical antipsychotics such as risperidol, which
ing clozapine, as is extreme weight gain. Weight produce fewer acute EPS side effects and which, if
gain is also a serious side effect of olanzapine, but used long-term, may prevent the development of
the other atypical antipsychotics also cause weight tardive dyskinesia, are the first-line treatments for
gain to a greater or lesser degree. Several atypical schizophrenia. The guidelines offer suggested com-
agents also affect heart rhythms and blood pres- binations of drugs in such refractory cases and, if
sure. Changes in the relative numbers of blood cor- all else fails, ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) as a
pusules (blood dyscrasias) may also occur with the last resort. Suggestions are also given for how to
use of first-generation antipsychotics and with clo- manage acute side effects such as EPS and tardive
zapine. Leukopenia (abnormally low white blood dyskinesia in chronic patients.
cell counts) is the most common, and agranulocy- It has long been known that persons with
tosis (granulocyte count below 500/mm) may be schizophrenia have a difficult time complying with
life threatening. There is also an increased risk of medication treatment after they are released from
developing diabetes and hyperglycemia with these inpatient settings. Forgetting to take medication,
drugs. Excessive salivation (sialorrhea) happens to or consciously choosing not to, has been associated
almost all patients who take clozapine. Dry mouth with higher rates of relapse and hospitalizations. It is
(xerostomia) is also common. Constipation can be estimated that noncompliance rates in persons with
a problem with first-generation antipsychotics and schizophrenia who are living in the community
clozapine. Transient elevation of liver enzymes range between 24 percent and 63 percent. The avoid-
occurs with the use of all antipsychotics. Extended ance of side effects is often cited as a reason persons
use of the phenothiazines (such as chlorproma- with schizophrenia do not take their medications,
zine) can lead to changes in the cornea, lens, and but due to the problems many persons have in focus-
retinas of the eyes. Sexual dysfunctions are com- ing their attention, many simply forget or are easily
mon. Treatment with phenothiazines can cause distracted by other events in their daily lives. Inject-
photosensitivity and lead to sunburns or rashes. able forms of medications such as Prolixin have been
DSM-IV-TR (2000) includes a new category for developed to solve this problem. Depending on the
“medication induced movement disorders.” Spe- medication or the dose, the effect of injectable forms
cific diagnostic criteria are offered for the following of antipsychotic drugs can last weeks.
syndromes: Neuroleptic-induced Parkinsonism; However, medication compliance is not just a
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, Neuroleptic- problem with persons with schizophrenia who
induced Acute Dystonia, Neuroleptic-induced Acute are patients. Psychiatrists who treat persons with
Akathisia, Neuroleptic-induced Tardive Dyskinesia, schizophrenia have been studied in the United
Medication-induced Postural Tremor, and Medica- States by the Schizophrenia Patient Outcomes
tion-induced Movement Disorder Not Otherwise Research Team (PORT) and have been found to be
Specified. Thus, the treatment of standard mental lacking in adherence to evidenced-based treatment
disorders has led to side effects that have now cre- guidelines set by the American Psychiatric Asso-
ated a whole new category of mental disorders to ciation. Physician-conformance to APA guidelines
accompany, not replace, the earlier diagnoses. was found to be “modest at best.” A common prob-
Administration of drugs and compliance In lem was the tendency of psychiatrists to engage
2004 the AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION (APA) in “polypharmacy”—the administration of more
issued a revision of its practice guidelines for the than one antipsychotic drug, or combinations of
psychopharmacological treatment of persons with antipsychotic drugs and other types of drugs—
schizophrenia. The guidelines offer treatment algo- when there was no scientific evidence to recom-
rithms, or decision paths, for physicians to follow mend such combinations.
28 antipsychotic drugs

Subtype differences in treatment responsive- has been mislabeled, or relabeled, as neuroleptic

ness Recent GENETICS STUDIES of schizophrenia malignant syndrome. In the pre–antipsychotic era
have not, as yet, identified characteristic schizo- literature, catatonia was treated effectively with bar-
phrenia subtype profiles for each of the classic forms biturates and electroshock therapy. The potency of
of schizophrenia (paranoid, hebephrenic [disorga- barbiturates in essentially curing catatonia through
nized], catatonic types). The lack of firm underly- the induction of prolonged sleep was documented
ing biological knowledge of possible differences as early as 1930 by W. J. Bleckwenn in the Archives
in the causes (etiologies) and pathophysiologies of Neurology and Psychiatry. In 1983 physicians Greg-
of the different schizophrenia subtypes, research- ory Fricchione and Ned Cassem of the Massachu-
ers and pharmaceutical companies who manufac- setts General Hospital in Boston reported in an
ture antipsychotic drugs have increasingly tended article in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology
to regard schizophrenia as a single heterogeneous that lorazepam (Ativan), a benzodiazepine “minor
disorder rather than several different disorders tranquilizer,” reversed neuroleptic malignant syn-
(the classic subtypes). Fewer studies examine sub- drome. Later at Stony Brook Hospital in New York,
type differences than a quarter century ago, and Fricchione and Max Fink found that barbiturates,
antipsychotic drugs are marketed for “schizophre- lorazepam, and ECT all were 100 percent effective
nia”—not for “paranoid schizophrenia,” “disorga- in curing NMS, thus adding weight to the evidence
nized schizophrenia” (hebephrenia prior to 1994), that NMS and “lethal catatonia” were perhaps one
or “catatonic schizophrenia.” An additional subtype and the same syndrome (with NMS being an iat-
of schizophrenia, the “undifferentiated type,” was rogenic form of lethal catatonia caused by the use
added to DSM-III in 1980 to refer to patients who of antipsychotic drugs). Although electroconvul-
do not manifest dominant symptoms of the three sive therapy (ECT) is effective in the treatment of
classic subtypes and which may include a mixture core catatonic symptoms (mutism, stupor, akathisia,
of symptoms from each. The undifferentiated type clouded consciousness), the evidence is less clear
category is among the most widely used today in that ECT works to alleviate core psychotic symptoms
psychiatric institutions and also adds to the percep- such as delusions and hallucinations. Treatment
tion that schizophrenia may be one disease because of catatonia or suspected NMS with benzodiaze-
there are no treatment differences between the clas- pines or barbiturates is therefore recommended
sic subtypes. The presence of positive and negative first before using ECT. Although the combination of
symptoms, not classic subtypes, guide treatment. ECT with antipsychotic drugs has been explored in
However, some differences in the responsiveness some studies, indicating that ECT may work best in
of the classic schizophrenia subtypes to treatment patients with acute exacerbations and short episode
have been documented in the literature of the past duration, there is not enough evidence upon which
40 years. Since antipsychotic drugs have always to base treatment recommendations for psychia-
worked best to alleviate positive symptoms, persons trists as to when ECT can be used in conjunction
with paranoid schizophrenia (a subtype character- with antipsychotic drugs. HEBEPHRENIA, or the dis-
ized entirely by positive symptoms such as paranoid organized type of schizophrenia, continues to be the
delusions and auditory hallucinations of voices) most treatment-resistant form of schizophrenia due
have generally responded quite well to these drugs. to the presence of negative symptoms, which still do
Persons with the disorganized type of schizophre- not respond well to any present antipsychotic drug.
nia (hebephrenia) and the catatonic type (catato- Still, the notion that “one treatment fits all” remains
nia) have traditionally been treatment-resistant. dominant in the current pharmacological response
Although catatonia (a syndrome that is essential to to schizophrenia.
the diagnosis of the catatonic subtype of schizophre- Relapse, treatment-resistant schizophrenia, and
nia but which may be a separate syndrome of its the natural course of the disease Several studies
own) has long been thought to have virtually van- have shown that, on average, if a group of persons
ished since the introduction of antipsychotic drugs with schizophrenia that is in remission (the residual
in 1952, since 1983 there have been reports that it type) is switched from treatment with an antipsy-
antipsychotic drugs 29

cotic drug to a placebo, approximately 65 to 85 per- changes as part of the progressing underlying dis-
cent of them will relapse within one year. A variety ease process. Wyatt’s argument that withholding
of studies estimate that 20 to 33 percent of persons the use of antipsychotic drugs leads to brain dam-
with schizophrenia exhibit treatment refractoriness age currently has no evidence to support it.
to antipsychotic drugs and that an additional num-
ber, about 15 percent, experience an alleviation of Summary
symptoms with placebo treatment alone in double- In essence, the effect of the usage of antipsychotic
blind studies. Clozapine is recommended as the drugs in schizophrenia can be summed up in the
treatment of choice in chronic treatment-resistant following way: (a) antipsychotic drugs alleviate
schizophrenia, demonstrating a therapeutic effect positive symptoms in most, but certainly not all,
in about 30 percent of such persons. persons with schizophrenia, especially in the early
Antipsychotic drugs do not “cure” schizophre- years of the disease, with 20 to 33 percent of all per-
nia: their main function is to significantly lower sons with schizophrenia demonstrating little or no
the probability of total relapse into psychosis by response to antipsychotic drugs, (2) the use of these
reducing the positive symptoms (hallucinations drugs is correlated with, but is perhaps not the sole
and delusions). Based on interpretations of the cause of, less overall hospitalization time and shorter
various long-term follow-up studies of schizophre- stays in inpatient settings, (3) although the use of
nia, antipsychotic drugs do not seem to slow or antipsychotic drugs, is beneficial in reversing acute
stop whatever natural disease process is at work exacerbations of psychosis, and help persons func-
in schizophrenia. Antipsychotic drugs do not have tion better in daily life in the short term by elimi-
any demonstrable effect on the various patterns of nating hallucinations and delusions, there is as yet
the COURSE AND OUTCOME OF SCHIZOPHRENIA. One no evidence that the use of these drugs dramatically
controversial literature review by the noted schizo- improves negative symptoms, or overall interper-
phrenia researcher Richard Jed Wyatt (1939–2002) sonal functioning over the life span, (4) there is no
disputed this conclusion. In his reanalysis of 22 evidence that antipsychotic drugs affect the natural
studies, Wyatt argued that early intervention with disease course of schizophrenia, and (5) the history
antipsychotic drugs in persons undergoing their first of psychiatry repeatedly has documented that, for
episode of active symptoms increased the likelihood at least 15 to 20 years after the introduction of new
psychopharmacologic agents (such as antipsychot-
of lessening the severity the long-term course of
ics or antidepressants), pharmaceutical companies
the disease. He additionally suggested that perhaps
and hopeful physicians tend to deny (consciously
even going so far as to identifying young persons
or unconsciously) the harmful side effects of these
at-risk for schizophrenia and giving them antipsy-
drugs and have highly biased positive views of their
chotic medication as a preventive measure before
therapeutic power and potential.
they suffer hallucinations and delusions may delay
or prevent the first-episode onset of schizophrenia. American Psychiatric Association. “Practice Guideline for
In an even more controversial claim, Wyatt sug- the Treatment of Patients with Schizophrenia, Second
gested such actions might prevent the “brain dam- Edition,” American Journal of Psychiatry 161 (2004),
age” the schizophrenia disease process produces. February Supplement.
However, although the evidence is abundant that Ban, T., D. Healy, and E. Shorter, eds. Reflections on Twentieth-
long-term treatment with antipsychotic drugs pro- Century Psychopharmacology. Budapest: Animula, 2004.
duces irreversible brain damage that results in the Barnes, T. R. E., P. Buckley, and S. S. Schultz. “Treatment-
syndrome known as tardive dyskinesia, there is resistant Schizophrenia.” In Schizophrenia. 2nd ed.,
still no clear evidence that a psychotic episode leads edited by S. R. Hirsch and D. Weinberger. Oxford: Black-
directly to irreversible structural brain damage. well, 2003.
Although the evidence for brain changes in schizo- Delay, J., P. Deniker, and J.-M. Harl. “Utilisation en thera-
phrenia is clear, it is not clear that active phases of peutique psychiatrique d’une phenothiazine d’action
the illness in which delusions and hallucinations centrale elective (4560 RP),” Annales Medico-Psychologique
are floridly present causes them or follows such 110 (1952): 112–117.
30 antisocial behavior

Fenton, W. S. “Determinants of Medication Compliance anxiety A symptom of most MENTAL DISORDERs

in Schizophrenia: Empirical and Clinical Findings,” that is usually described as a feeling of uneasiness,
Schizophrenia Bulletin 23 (1997): 635–651. apprehension, or dread. Anxiety can be a pervasive
Gelman, S. Medicating Schizophrenia: A History. New Bruns- feeling that is not associated with any one person
wick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1999. or thing in particular, which is generally how most
Healy, D. The Creation of Psychopharmacology. Cambridge, definitions distinguish it from fear, which usually
Mass., and London: Harvard University Press, 2002. does have an object. Anxiety can be overwhelm-
Julien, R. M. A Primer of Drug Action. 10th ed. New York: ing in the ACUTE RECOVERABLE PSYCHOSES and in
Worth, 2005. active phases of BIPOLAR DISORDER. Schizophren-
Kline N. S., and A. M. Stanley. “Use of Reserpine in a ics commonly report anxiety, especially during the
Neuropsychiatric Hospital,” Annals of the New York PRODROMAL PHASE, when the awareness of fright-
Academy of Medicine 61 (1955): 85–91. eningly new psychotic symptoms causes anxiety,
Laborit, H., P. Hugenard, and R. Alluaume. “Un nouveau and during periods in chronic schizophrenia, when
stabilisateur vegetatif (le 4560 RP),” Presse Medicale 60 exacerbations of psychotic symptoms occur. From
(1952): 206–208. a psychoanalytic point of view, anxiety is a sign
Lehman, A. F., and D. M. Steinwachs. “Patterns of Usual that the ego has not successfully been able to keep
Care for Schizophrenia: Initial Results from the Schizo- unpleasant or threatening thoughts or feelings
phrenia Patient Outcomes Research Team (PORT) Cli- entirely out of awareness, so that, even though the
ent Survey,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 24 (1998): 11–20. actual content of the threatening thought or feeling
Lieberman, J. A., and R. M. Murray, eds. Comprehensive may be unconscious, the unpleasant effects are still
Care of Schizophrenia: A Textbook of Clinical Management. experienced as anxiety.
London: Martin Dunitz, 2001.
McGlashan, T. H. “Early Detection and Intervention in
Schizophrenia Research,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 22
APA nomenclature The terminology and diag-
nostic schemata devised and continually revised
(1996): 327–345.
by the American Psychiatric Association in its con-
Sen, G., and K. Bose. “Rauwolfia Serpentina, a New Indian
tinuing editions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Man-
Drug for Insanity and High Blood Pressure,” Indian
ual of Mental Disorders. This term is often used in
Medical World 61 (1931): 194–201.
contradistinction to ICD nomenclature, the diag-
Vogel, F. “Moderne Probleme der Humangenetik,” Ergeb-
nostic schemata for mental disorders found in the
nisse innere Medizin und Kinderheilkunde 12 (1959):
sions of the International Classification of Diseases.

antisocial behavior Behavior that is disrupting apathy A symptom present in many mental
or harmful to society as a whole. Persons who disorders but especially in DEPRESSION, ORGANIC
are experiencing a psychotic disorder may, due MENTAL DISORDERS (due to brain damage), and in
to their lack of full contact with reality, commit SCHIZOPHRENIA. This symptom of “uncaring” or of
antisocial acts against others or against property. “lack of interest in the self or in the world” is per-
Sometimes extreme violence—such as assaults or vasive, like a MOOD DISORDER, and is indicative of
even homicides—have been known to result. If the AFFECTIVE DISTURBANCES of schizophrenia.
such persons are legally judged insane, then they are
generally not considered responsible for the antiso-
cial behavior committed while under the influence Argentina The only prevalence study of SCHIZO-
of the psychotic disorder. Particularly dangerous PHRENIA conducted in Argentina found a low rate
diagnostic categories include those afflicted with the of 1.1 per 1,000.
psychotic hostility and delusional beliefs character-
istic of some people with PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIA Torrey, E. F. Schizophrenia and Civilization. New York: Jason
or the manic episodes of BIPOLAR DISORDER. Aronson, 1980.
art, schizophrenic 31

Arieti, Silvano (1914–1981) An American psy- achievement in the development of modern psy-
chiatrist and psychoanalyst long recognized as chiatry. Arnold was an Edinburgh-trained English
a leading authority on SCHIZOPHRENIA. He was a physician who had studied under William Cullen.
professor of clinical psychiatry at the New York After completing his medical training, he opened
Medical College and was a training analyst and a private mad-house in Leicester, which provided
supervisor at the William Alanson White Institute him with the important observations on mental
for Psychoanalysis. For many years he was editor disorders that he then used to create the classifica-
in chief of The American Handbook of Psychiatry. His tion system outlined in his 1782 book. He classi-
most significant contribution to the study of schizo- fied MENTAL DISORDERS according to their symptom
phrenia was his comprehensive volume, Interpreta- clusters, as it is still done today, and he divided
tion of Schizophrenia, which was hailed soon after them into two main classes: “ideal insanity,” which
the appearance of the first edition in 1955 as the referred to disorders of perception such as HAL-
most complete presentation on the disorder since LUCINATIONS and illusions; and “notional insan-
Eugen BLEULER’s in 1911. A significantly revised ity,” those disorders characterized by DELUSIONS.
and expanded second edition appeared in 1974. This system influenced later authors of psychiatric
His psychoanalytic orientation is evident through- works. Two other influential books by Arnold are
out the volume, particularly in the sections con- A Case of Hydrophobia Successfully Treated (1793) and
cerning psychotherapy and schizophrenics. Observations on the Management of the Insane (1809).

Arieti, S. Interpretation of Schizophrenia. Rev. 2nd ed. New

York: Basic Books, 1974. art, schizophrenic The relationship between
“madness” and “creativity” has been the subject
of speculation for at least 2,000 years. Master art-
aripiprazole See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS. ists such as Vincent Van Gogh (1853–90), who
clearly suffered from a mental illness that led to his
incarceration in an asylum and eventual suicide,
Aristotelian thinking A concept used by Silvano or abstract expressionist Jackson Pollock (1912–
A RIETI to denote the usual rational, logical pro- 1956), who was hospitalized for severe alcoholism
cesses employed by “normal” human beings. In in 1938 and whose psychotic-like drawings were
his book Interpretation of Schizophrenia, Arieti con- later published by his analyst, have stimulated
trasts Aristotelian thinking in normals with the the argument over whether madmen and artists
more “primitive” and irrational logic that he calls draw from the same unconscious well for their
PALEOLOGIC THOUGHT and that, he argues, charac- inspiration.
terizes schizophrenics. This idea fit in well with Psychiatrists and psychologists have studied the
psychoanalytic notions of SCHIZOPHRENIA being an artwork of schizophrenics in particular for more
expression of REGRESSION to a more primitive and than a century. The very first psychiatrist to study
infantile mode of reasoning and experiencing the the artwork of mental patients was Max Simon,
world. Arieti writes in the 1974 revised edition of whose groundbreaking paper, “L’Imagination dans la
his classic volume: “The paleologic type of organi- folie: Étude sur les dessins, plans, descriptions, et costumes
zation is archaic or incomplete in comparison to des aliénés,” was published in the French psychiatric
the Aristotelian. The schizophrenic patient, when journal Annales Médico-Psychologiques in 1876. Simon
he thinks in a typically schizophrenic way, uses correlated five major classifications of artistic style
non-Aristotelian cognitive organizations.” with five different classes of MENTAL DISORDERs. As
have most subsequent psychiatric commentators,
Simon noted the similarities in style of psychotic
Arnold, Thomas (1742–1816) The author of Obser- art with the creations of small children and of
vations on the Nature, Kinds, Causes, and Prevention of people in primitive societies. In 1880 the famous
Insanity, Lunacy or Madness (1782), an important Italian criminologist and psychopathologist Cesare
32 art, schizophrenic

Lombroso (1836–1909) wrote a paper, “On the Art Explorations in Art (1952). Sexual and aggressive
of the Insane,” which was published as a chapter expressions of the id that characterize primitive
in his book The Man of Genius in 1888. In addition and infantile PRIMARY PROCESS thinking are exam-
to reaffirming Simon’s observations, Lombroso ined in the art of schizophrenics in these writings.
remarked on the prevalence of sexual symbolism in The practical use of artistic creations as a tool in
the artwork of psychotics. German psychiatrist Fritz the psychotherapy of schizophrenics was described
Mohr constructed the first diagnostic test based on by Margaret Naumberg in 1950 in her book, Schizo-
the drawings of mental patients in 1906. phrenic Art: Its Meaning in Psychotherapy. In the sec-
Perhaps the most famous book on schizophrenic ond edition (1974) of Silvano A RIETI’s Interpretation
art was published in German in 1922 (and trans- of Schizophrenia, more examples of this form of art
lated into English and published in 1972)—the therapy with psychotics are provided, with a psy-
classic work Bildnerei der Geisteskranken (Artistry of the choanalytic interpretation of these productions.
Mentally Ill) by Hans Prinzhorn (1886–1933). Prin- The use of creative techniques in psychotherapy
zhorn was a psychiatrist at the Heidelberg Psychiat- (such as drawing, painting, sculpture, dance) was
ric Clinic and amassed a unique collection of 5,000 pioneered by Swiss psychiatrist C. G. JUNG (1875–
pieces of artwork produced by psychiatric patients 1961), who interpreted such material as if it gave
from institutions in Germany, Austria, Switzer- a snapshot or X-ray of the patient’s internal world.
land, Italy, and the Netherlands between 1890 and Although not technically schizophrenic, but appar-
1920. Prinzhorn detailed the case histories of “ten ently often on the brink of psychosis, artist Jackson
schizophrenic artists” along with reproductions of Pollock spent several years in analysis with Jung-
their artwork. His approach to schizophrenic art ian analyst Dr. Joseph Henderson, who eventually
was essentially aesthetic, and he concluded that the allowed the publication of many of the drawings
content of the artwork had no value as a diagnostic that Pollock did during therapy in Jackson Pollock:
tool. Prinzhorn made the interesting observation Psychoanalytic Drawings (1970). In excerpts from
that HALLUCINATIONs were rarely depicted in the art a previously unpublished lecture on his former
of schizophrenics. He identified the “components” patient (but reproduced in the Pollock biography by
of the “schizophrenic configuration” that distin- B. H. Friedman, Jackson Pollock: Energy Made Visible
guish schizophrenic art from other styles (such as [1972]), Henderson makes the following observa-
similar productions by children and “primitives”) tions that are typical of many Jungian psychoana-
and argues that the “schizophrenic outlook” is most lytic interpretations: “Following a prolonged period
closely mirrored by the abstract art of the 20th cen- of representing human figures and animals in an
tury. Prinzhorn concludes: “Existing artistic abili- anguished, dismembered or lamed condition, there
ties are therefore not necessarily destroyed by the came a new development in the drawings Pollock
schizophrenic process but can in fact maintain made during therapy. This was not merely the
themselves unchanged over long periods. . . . We dissociation of schizophrenia, though he was fre-
have also demonstrated that during the progress quently close to it. It has seemed to me a parallel
of schizophrenia, while the patient declines into a with similar states of mind ritually induced among
highly confused, unapproachable final state with tribal societies or in shamanistic trance states. In
all the typical symptoms in their greatest extremes, this light the patient appears to have been in a state
his superficial, craftsmanlike dexterity develops similar to the novice in a tribal initiation rite dur-
great configurative power which allows him to ing which he is ritually dismembered at the onset
produce pictures of undoubted artistic quality.” of an ordeal whose goal is to change him from a
Many psychoanalytic papers have been pub- boy into a man.” Similar Jungian interpretations of
lished on schizophrenic art since 1918, perhaps the schizophrenic experience and art are found in the
most notable being Ernst Kris’s paper, “Comments writings of the Jungian analyst John Weir Perry.
on Spontaneous Artistic Creations by Psychotics,” Honoring the long tradition of schizophrenic
which was included in his chapter on “The Art art, the quarterly research review publication
of the Insane” in his famous book, Psychoanalytic of the NATIONAL I NSTITUTE OF M ENTAL H EALTH,
asthenic type 33

Schizophrenia Bulletin, continues to feature on its Instead, thinking operates with ideas and concepts
cover the artwork created by current and former which have no, or a completely insufficient, con-
mental patients, with a description of the piece by nection with the main idea and should therefore
its author included in the “About the Cover” sec- be excluded from the thought-process. The result is
tion following the table of contents. that thinking becomes confused, bizarre, incorrect,
abrupt. Sometimes, all the associative threads fail
Friedman, B. H. Jackson Pollock: Energy Made Visible. New and the thought chain is totally interrupted; after
York: McGraw-Hill, 1972. such “blocking,” ideas may emerge which have no
Kris, E. Psychoanalytic Explorations in Art. New York: Inter- recognizable connection with preceding ones.
national Universities Press, 1952.
Lombroso, C. The Man of Genius. 1880. Reprint, London: Today this association disturbance in schizo-
Scott, 1895. phrenia is referred to as a form of FORMAL THOUGHT
Naumberg, M. Schizophrenic Art: Its Meaning in Psychother- DISORDER.
apy. New York: Grune & Stratton, 1950. See also LOOSENING OF ASSOCIATIONS.
Prinzhorn, H. Artistry of the Mentally Ill: A Contribution to the
Psychology and Psychopathology of Configuration. Trans- Bleuler, E. Dementia Praecox, Or the Group of Schizophrenias,
lated by E. v. Brockdorff from the 2nd German edition. trans. Joseph Zinkin. 1911. Reprint, New York: Inter-
(1922). New York: Springer-Verlag, 1972. national Universities Press, 1950.
Simon, M. “L’Imagination dans le folie: Étude sur les
dessins, plans, descriptions, et costumes des aliénés,”
Annales Médico-Psychologiques 16 (1876): 358–390. Association of Medical Officers of Asylums and
Wysuph, C. I. Jackson Pollock: Psychoanalytic Drawings. New Hospitals for the Insane The first and oldest pro-
York: Horizon Press, 1970. fessional psychiatric association in the world, it was
founded in Great Britain in 1841. In 1865 its name
was changed to the Medico-Psychological Associa-
“as-if” personality See BORDERLINE CASES ; BOR- tion of Great Britain and Ireland. It became the
DERLINE SCHIZOPHRENIA. Royal Medico-Psychological Association in 1926
and eventually changed to its present title, the
Royal College of Psychiatrists, in 1971. The asso-
Asperger’s disorder See AUTISM, INFANTILE. ciation began publication of a professional journal,
The Asylum Journal, in 1842 but later changed its
name to the Journal of Mental Science. It is now pub-
association disturbances One of THE “FOUR A’s” lished by the Royal College of Psychiatrists as the
(association disturbances, AFFECTIVE DISTURBANCES, British Journal of Psychiatry.
fied as the “fundamental symptoms” that uniquely
characterize SCHIZOPHRENIA. Bleuler devoted a large Association of Medical Superintendents of Ameri-
section of his 1911 classic, Dementia Praecox, Or the can Institutions for the Insane The initial name
Group of Schizophrenias, to the description of these for the professional society of American psychia-
association disturbances in schizophrenia. In one trists, founded in 1844, that is known today as the
paragraph he summarizes his basic observations on A MERICAN PSYCHIATRIC A SSOCIATION.
association disturbances in schizophrenia:

In the normal thinking process, the numerous Association Studies See GENETICS STUDIES.
actual and latent images combine to determine
each association. In schizophrenia, however, sin-
gle images or whole combinations may be rendered asthenic type One of the types of physique that
ineffective, in an apparently haphazard fashion. psychiatrist and neurologist Ernst Kretschmer
34 asylums

claimed to be representative of schizophren- in England (and subsequently the United States)

ics (schizophrenes) in his 1921 book, Körperbau was passed regulating the care of the mentally ill
und Charakter (Physique and character). Asthenic by setting up national programs of institutions and
types were excessively thin and looked taller than licensing the operators of private madhouses. Pri-
they truly were. Other physical types, such as the vate psychiatric facilities presently refer to them-
ATHLETIC TYPE and the dysplastic type, were also selves as clinics or institutes. Now there is a trend,
thought by Kretschmer to be prevalent among particularly in the United States, to change the
schizophrenics. Kretschmer concludes: “There is a names of public institutions for the mentally ill
clear biological affinity between the psychic dispo- from hospitals to psychiatric centers.
sition of the schizophrenes and the bodily disposi- The first institution in the United States built
tion characteristic of the asthenics, athletics, and solely for the care of the insane was opened in Wil-
certain dysplastics.” Although Kretschmer’s the- liamsburg, Virginia, in 1769. By 1830 only 13 hospi-
ory of how certain temperaments were related to tals and asylums existed in the United States, mostly
specific types of physique has not been taken seri- in the Atlantic states but also as far west as Ohio
ously for many decades, he nonetheless deserves and Kentucky. Generally their patient population
credit as one of the pioneers in the search for the was relatively small, no more than 50 or so for most
BIOLOGICAL MARKERS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA. of them, but a few had a capacity of 200 or more.
However, in the 1830s and 1840s a definite shift in
Kretschmer, E. Physique and Character: An Investigation of the public opinion toward the “deviant and dependant”
Nature of Constitution and of the Theory of Temperament. led to the notion that institutions should be built
1921. Reprint, New York: The Humanities Press, 1951. and utilized as places of first resort for interven-
tion. Not only were asylums constructed in record
numbers for the insane, but also penitentiaries for
asylums A word that originally meant a place of the criminal, orphan asylums for homeless chil-
sanctuary—such as a church or monastery—asylum dren, ALMSHOUSES for the poor, and reformatories
later became the word of choice to designate insti- for delinquents. It was not that overwhelming new
tutions for the insane, particularly in the very late numbers of these people were suddenly appearing
18th and throughout the 19th centuries. Using the but simply that the general public and government’s
word hospital as the official name for institutions for philosophy of dealing with these social problems
the mentally disordered did not come into vogue changed. By 1860, of the 33 states then in existence,
in the United States until the State Care Act was 28 had asylums for the insane. Incredibly, between
passed into law in 1890, officially replacing the term 1840 and 1870 the number of people involuntarily
asylum with hospital in the system of state mental committed to state-run institutions in the United
hospitals that this legislation mandated. A similar States increased from 2,500 to more than 74,000—
official shift in terminology followed suit in Great far higher than the rate of growth for the popula-
Britain shortly thereafter. tion of the United States in that period (only three
For centuries the mentally ill were treated in and one half times). By 1955, just prior to the larg-
general hospitals, but more often than not they est waves in the deinstitutionalization of psychiat-
were relegated to the streets, poor-houses, and ric patients, that number had swollen to 559,000
prisons. Sometimes small houses or “one-man asy- patients in psychiatric hospitals.
lums” were built to contain particularly trouble- See also COMMITMENT.
some psychotics. In the 17th and 18th centuries,
especially in England, hospitals and private “mad- Deutsch, A. The Mentally Ill in America: A History of Their
houses” were created to incarcerate the mentally Care and Treatment from Colonial Times. 2nd ed. New
ill, although the royal hospitals also treated the York: Columbia University Press, 1949.
general medical problems of the community. With Rothman, D. J. The Discovery of the Asylum: Social Order
the humanistic movement toward the adoption of and Disorder in the New Republic. Boston: Little, Brown,
moral medicine in the early 1800s, much legislation 1971.
attention, disorders in 35

asyndetic thinking A term coined by psychiatrist attention, disorders in An almost universal char-
Norman Cameron to describe the apparent lack of acteristic of SCHIZOPHRENIA that has been observed
causal linkage or connectedness between elements since earliest times is the inability of an individ-
in the language of schizophrenics. Cameron con- ual with the disorder to willfully focus his or her
tributed to the study of the unique structure of attention on a thought, feeling, object, or activity
schizophrenic language in two noted papers writ- for any great length of time before it is disrupted.
ten in the 1930s and listed below. Since the late 1950s, this problem in functioning
See also COGNITIVE STUDIES OF SCHIZOPHRENIA. has been referred to as attentional deficits or disor-
ders of attention.
Cameron, N. “Deterioration and Regression in Schizo- Schizophrenics have been observed to have
phrenic Thinking,” Journal of Abnormal and Social Psy- extreme difficulty in sustaining and selectively
chology 34 (1939): 265. focusing their attention. This has been true not
———. “Reasoning, Regression and Communication in only in the earliest clinical descriptions of the
Schizophrenics,” Psychological Monographs 50, no. 1 disorder, but also in many experimental studies
(1938). of schizophrenic cognition conducted since 1961.
In the 1913 English translation of his papers on
Dementia Praecox and Paraphrenia, Emil K RAEPELIN
athletic type One of the three main “types of observed in his schizophrenic patients that “it is
physique” that Ernst Kretschmer proposed were quite common for them to lose both inclination
characteristic of “schizophrenes” in his 1921 book and ability on their own initiative to keep their
Körperbau und Charakter (Physique and Character). attention fixed for any length of time.” Oftentimes
The ASTHENIC TYPE was the most clearly associ- unsophisticated family members or other care-
ated with schizophrenics; also the dysplastic type takers of schizophrenics tragically mistake these
was common. The athletic type, according to “gaps” in attention that disrupt activity as signs
Kretschmer, “is recognized by the strong develop- that the afflicted person is “lazy” or “being diffi-
ment of the skeleton, the musculature and also the cult.” These short circuits in the willful activities of
skin.” Kretschmer attempted to devise a taxonomic schizophrenics are instead almost universal char-
system of body types that correlated with particu- acteristics of the disease, particularly in the non-
lar psychological types, in particular those with paranoid subtypes of schizophrenia.
the psychotic disorders of SCHIZOPHRENIA (whom In 1961 Andrew McGhie and James Chapman
he referred to as “schizophrenes”) and manic- published a classic paper on this topic that influ-
depressive psychosis (whom, following FALRET, he enced the next several decades of the experimental
referred to as “circulars”). study of schizophrenia. In their published report,
the authors collected representative statements
from schizophrenics about their own inner expe-
atropine intoxication therapy A little-used form riences and concluded that in schizophrenia “a pri-
of treatment for SCHIZOPHRENIA introduced by G. mary disorder is that of a decrease in the selective
R. Forrer in the late 1940s in which a coma would and inhibitory functions of attention.” In other
be induced in patients through the toxic state pro- words, McGhie and Chapman were arguing that
duced by injections of atropine. Never very popu- the selective “filtering” mechanism that we all use
lar, this procedure was discontinued in light of the to screen out unwanted ideas and feelings, when
ostensible effectiveness of INSULIN COMA THERAPY. we are focusing our attention on something else, is
See also COMA THERAPY; NITROGEN INHALATION not functioning properly in schizophrenics. They
THERAPY. find it difficult to screen out all these unwanted
stimuli from inside themselves and from the out-
Forrer, G. R. “Atropine Toxicity in the Treatment of side world, and this disrupts not only their ability
Schizophrenia,” Journal of the Michigan Medical Society to think and communicate, but it also distorts their
49 (1950): 184–185. perceptions and sensations.
36 attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

Reports by McGhie and Chapman’s patients of risk” for schizophrenia. (See also HIGH-RISK STUD-
illustrate the disorders in attention characteristic IES ; NONPARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIA.)
of schizophrenia: In the late 1990s, the ability of persons with
schizophrenia to screen out relevant from irrel-
“It’s as if I am too wide awake—very, very alert. I evant sensations was studied under the new term
can’t relax at all. Everything seems to go through SENSORIMOTOR GATING. Attempts to improve the
me. I just can’t shut things out.” ability of schizophrenics to focus their attention
“My concentration is very poor. I jump from through “attention training” have produced only
one thing to another. If I am talking to someone mild and temporary improvements.
they only need to cross their legs or scratch their
heads and I am distracted and I forget what I am Cornblatt, B. A., and J. G. Keilp. “Impaired Attention,
saying.” Genetics, and Pathophysiology of Schizophrenia,”
“I can’t concentrate on television because I Schizophrenia Bulletin 20 (1994): 31–46.
can’t watch the screen and listen to what is being Cornblatt, B. A., and L. Erlenmeyer-Kimling. “Global
said at the same time. I can’t seem to take in two Attentional Deviance as a Marker of Risk for Schizo-
things like this at the same time, especially when phrenia: Specificity and Predictive Validity,” Journal of
one of them means watching and the other means Abnormal Psychology (1985): 470–486.
listening. On the other hand I always seem to be McGhie, A., and J. Chapman. “Disorders of Attention and
taking in too much at the one time and then I Perception in Early Schizophrenia,” British Journal of
can’t handle it and can’t make sense of it.” Medical Psychology 34 (1961): 103–117.
“Sometimes when people speak to me my head Medalia, A., et al. “Effectiveness of Attention Training
is overloaded. It’s too much to hold at once. It goes in Schizophrenia,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 24 (1998):
out as quickly as it goes in. It makes you forget 147–152.
what you just heard because you can’t get hearing Swerdlow, N. R., et al. “Using an Animal Model of De-
it long enough. It’s just words in the air unless you ficient Sensorimotor Gating to Study the Patho-
can figure it out from their faces.” physiology and New Treatments of Schizophrenia,”
Schizophrenia Bulletin 24 (1998): 303–316.
Since McGhie and Chapman’s paper was pub-
lished, many experimental studies have been con-
ducted to understand the disorders of attention attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
in schizophrenia. This research has been a trend See HYPERKINESIA.
use metaphors of the mind derived from the com-
puter sciences to examine INFORMATION PROCESS- atypical antipsychotics See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.
ING IN SCHIZOPHRENIA. Some of this research has
attempted to correlate certain attention deficits
with deficits in the specific information process- atypical psychotic disorders The generic term
ing abilities of the two cerebral hemispheres of the for psychotic disorders with a sudden onset, short
brain. duration, and complete or almost complete remis-
In the search for childhood predictors of later sion and return to normal functioning. More than
adult schizophrenia, research has focused on distur- 200 synonyms or partial synonyms for these dis-
bances in attention in children as one possible way orders have been documented. These BRIEF PSY-
to predict the later development of schizophrenia. CHOTIC DISORDERS, as they are called in DSM-IV-TR
Barbara A. Cornblatt and L. Erlenmeyer-Kimling DERS, as they are grouped in ICD -10 (1992), have
of the New York State Psychiatric Institute are fol- historically been those that do not fall within the
lowing a group of children evaluated for “global two great psychotic disorders described in 1899
attention deficits” that may prove to be a “marker by Emil K RAEPELIN, DEMENTIA PRAECOX (later,
atypical psychotic disorders 37

SCHIZOPHRENIA) and MANIC-DEPRESSIVE ILLNESS. sis is usually presumed to be favorable, but in the
Since these disorders are periodic, cyclic, and have 1980s and 1990s a residual “defect syndrome” has
a good prognosis, Kraepelin tended to subsume been found in a small proportion of these patients,
them under his concept of manic-depressive ill- launching a debate over the differential diagnosis
ness as forms of MANIA. Today they are regarded between certain atypical psychoses and schizo-
as a large and little-understood group of psychotic phrenia. In Japan these disorders are seen to have
disorders that do not easily fit the diagnostic cate- etiological (causal) links to genetics; epilepsy, with
gories of schizophrenia or of the AFFECTIVE DISOR- an increased risk of epilepsy found in relatives of
DERS and which are therefore regarded separately. patients with atypical psychoses; and endocrinolog-
The incidence of these disorders is believed to be ical disorders such as luteal insufficiency and latent
greater in developing, or Third World, countries hypothyroidism.
than in First World countries (such as the west- Culture-bound syndromes There are some dis-
ern European countries, the United Kingdom, the orders that do not fit easily into Western diagnostic
United States, and Japan). In First World (devel- categories in psychiatry that are specific to par-
oped) countries they are generally split into two ticular populations or cultural areas of the world.
main types, depending on the length of time they These “culture-bound syndromes” (for example,
are in evidence: (1) a group of chronic persistent amok among the Malay, or various forms of spirit
delusional disorders, and (2) a group of acute and possession) are considered separately from psy-
transient disorders with POLYMORPHIC PSYCHOTIC chotic disorders in ICD-10 because many of them
SYMPTOMS. more closely fit other diagnostic categories (such
Cultural differences in diagnosis In North as personality disorders or dissociative disorders)
America, where DSM-IV-TR is most widely used, rather than Western concepts of psychosis. ICD-10
these disorders are now referred to as “brief psy- provides a list of these culture-specific syndromes
chotic disorders.” Formerly they were referred to and offers suggested Western psychiatric diagnoses
as “brief psychotic reactions” in DSM-III (1980) and that may be analogous to them.
DSM-III-R (1987), but the word reaction was dropped The issue of misdiagnosis There are numer-
because it implied a particular cause of the psychotic ous medical conditions and medications that may
disorder—a reaction to a stressful event or events— cause symptoms of psychosis. Invariably these
and this was not found in all cases. Although ICD- may present as atypical psychoses. A useful text
10 (1992) is used worldwide and is promoted by the that describes these conditions and offers sugges-
WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION as the standard diag- tions for making the differential diagnosis between
nostic reference book, individual countries refuse a medical disorder and a mental disorder is Distin-
to give up traditional terms that have a long history. guishing Psychological from Organic Disorders by Rob-
For example, in France the term BOUFFÉE DELIRANTE ert L. Taylor.
has been used quite popularly since the 1890s for
these disorders. In Germany, where Karl Kahlbaum Marneros, A., and F. Pillman. Brief Psychoses—The Acute
first proposed the term DYSPHRENIA for these dis- and Transient Psychotic Disorders. Cambridge: Cambridge
orders in 1863, the term CYCLOID PSYCHOSES is still University Press, 2003.
quite popular. In Scandinavian countries, the terms Pillman, F., and A. Marneros. “Brief and Acute Psychoses:
REACTIVE PSYCHOSES, psychogenic psychoses, and The Development of Concepts,” History of Psychiatry 14
schizophreniform psychoses are still popular fol- (2003): 161–177.
lowing a long history dating back to a 1916 book by Pull, C. B., J. M. Cloos, and N. V. Murthy. “Atypical Psy-
Danish psychiatrist August Wimmer (1872–1937) chotic Disorders.” In Schizophrenia. 2nd ed., edited by
on psychogenic forms of mental disease. In Japan, S. R. Hirsch and D. Weinberger. Cambridge: Blackwell,
the term atypical psychoses has been the most popu- 2003.
lar term for these disorders since a 1941 publica- Taylor, R. L. Distinguishing Psychological from Organic Dis-
tion by Japanese psychiatrist Hisatoshi Mitsuda that orders: Screening for Psychological Masquerade. London:
first described these disorders. In Japan the progno- Free Association Books, 2000.
38 auditory hallucinations

auditory hallucinations Perhaps the most com- volunteers go to psychiatric hospitals and report
mon type of HALLUCINATION found in the psychotic that they had been hearing voices for about three
disorders. These are hallucinations of sound, and weeks. This was their only reported symptom. Not
they are found across many diagnostic categories only were most of them admitted, but they were
and are even experienced in rare instances by also given schizophrenic diagnoses. Rosenham’s
“normals” who do not exhibit signs of a MENTAL remarkable report of this experiment, “On Being
DISORDER. Strictly speaking, auditory hallucina- Sane in Insane Places,” was published in Science in
tions may indicate a psychotic disorder only when 1973 and received much publicity.
they are accompanied by gross impairment in In the 1919 English translation of the eighth edi-
REALITY TESTING. tion of his famous textbook of psychiatry, Dementia
Auditory verbal hallucinations (AVHs)—specif- Praecox and Paraphrenia, Emil K RAEPELIN observes
ically the hearing of voices—is the most common that “the hearing of voices” was “the symptom
type of hallucination experienced by person with peculiarly characteristic of dementia praecox.”
SCHIZOPHRENIA. It is estimated that approximately He noted that, as a rule, what the voices say is
50 percent of all schizophrenics have experienced “unpleasant and disturbing.” These voices tease,
AVHs. The voices are usually identified as being mock, threaten, and abuse the suffering patient.
male or female and do not usually belong to any- However, Kraepelin also reports that some of his
one known to the person experiencing them. The patients heard “good voices” at times. A common
voices quiet if the experiencer is engaged in mean- characteristic of these auditory hallucinations is
ingful conversation, but they intensify if there is that, “Many of the voices make remarks about the
no background noise in the immediate environ- thoughts and doings of the patient.” Another qual-
ment or if the background noise has no meaning. ity that Kraepelin thought was specific to the audi-
DSM-IV-TR (2000) states that schizophrenia can tory hallucinations of schizophrenics was that “the
be diagnosed if only one of the following charac- patient’s own thoughts appear to them to be spo-
teristic symptoms has been in evidence for a sig- ken aloud.” One of Kraepelin’s patients told him, “I
nificant portion of a one-month period (or less if have the feeling as if someone beside me said out
successfully treated): AVHs of a voice keeping up a loud what I think.”
running commentary on the person’s behavior or In Dementia Praecox, Or the Group of Schizophrenias
thoughts, or AVHs of two or more voices convers- (1911), Eugen BLEULER argued that hallucinations
ing with one another. AVHs are one of the most were one of the accessory symptoms of schizophre-
common POSITIVE SYMPTOMS of schizophrenia. nia that could be found in other disorders (such
The hearing of “voices” is the most common type as manic-depressive psychosis) as well. However,
of auditory hallucination reported, but individu- Bleuler thought that auditory hallucinations were
als have also reported hallucinations of “clicks,” more common in schizophrenia than in other dis-
“rushing noises,” and “music.” A common miscon- orders. “Almost every schizophrenic who is hospi-
ception, which is no longer supported by recent talized hears ‘voices,’ occasionally or continually.”
research on the psychotic disorders, is that the Bleuler adds that,
hearing of “voices” is a definite sign of schizophre-
nia. Indeed, even in conventional clinical practice The most common auditory hallucination is that
today one of the most common (and usually one of of speech. The “voices” of our patients embody all
the first) questions asked of a patient upon admis- their strivings and fears, and their entire trans-
sion to a psychiatric crisis center or a psychiatric formed relationship to the external world. . . .
hospital is, “Have you been hearing voices?” If the For the patient, as for his attendant, the “voices”
answer is “yes,” then the patient is usually diag- become, above all, the representatives of the
nosed as schizophrenic. To illustrate how clini- pathological or hostile powers. The voices not
cians place too much emphasis on “hearing voices” only speak to the patient, but they pass electricity
as a symptom of schizophrenia, Stanford Univer- through his body, beat him, paralyze him, take
sity psychologist David L. Rosenham had normal his thoughts away.
auditory hallucinations 39

Different types of auditory hallucinations were in the brain sciences have refuted all the major
among the 11 FIRST-RANK SYMPTOMS of schizo- claims of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is now
phrenia proposed by the German psychiatrist Kurt regarded as a pseudoscience and has no place in
Schneider in his phenomenologically based text- ethical psychiatric practice.
book, Clinical Psychopathology (1959). The presence The invention of brain imaging technologies in
of any one of these 11 symptoms was proposed as the 1970s has allowed researchers to observe an
sufficient to make the diagnosis of schizophrenia. active, living human brain hallucinating in real
In this sense, it is said that each of these symp- time. Increasingly more sophisticated techniques
toms—including the auditory hallucinations of for observing or “capturing” the metabolic activity
voices—is PATHOGNOMONIC of schizophrenia, at of the brain during auditory hallucinations have
least according to Schneider. used such measures as regional cerebral blood flow
The psychoanalytic interpretation of auditory (rCBF), positron emission tomography (PET scans),
hallucinations was only briefly discussed by Sig- single photon emission computed tomography
mund FREUD (1857–1939). In his essay “Metapsy- (SPECT), and functional magnetic resonance imag-
chological Supplement to the Theory of Dreams” ing (fMRI). Computer generated images of regional
(1916), Freud made reference to the “dream hal- neuronal activity have given us pictures of the vari-
lucination” and compared it to schizophrenic ous parts of the brain that “light up” when some-
auditory hallucinations. Although he noted that one is experiencing an auditory hallucination.
both of these were examples of REGRESSION, he The first published study that showed the audi-
suggested that an additional factor in schizophre- tory hallucinations were not “imaginary” (or prod-
nia was a disturbance in “that institution of the ucts of some vague Freudian “superego” or “defense
ego” concerned with the “testing of reality.” In mechanism”) but due to the activity of a specific
his famous 1914 paper “On Narcissism,” Freud region of the brain was conducted by P. K. McGuire
makes it clear that the “voices” heard in schizo- and colleagues. It appeared in the British medical
phrenic auditory hallucinations do not represent journal Lancet in 1993. Using SPECT technology to
the superego itself, as might be thought, given the study regional cerebral blood flow (blood rushes to
critical, moralistic judgments and threats made by a part of the brain when that part is being used),
the voices, but instead Freud thought that these they found that auditory hallucinations were asso-
voices represent the regressive undoing or deterio- ciated with increased rCBF in Broca’s area of the
ration of the superego. Freud writes: “The voices brain (an area associated with language expres-
as well as the indefinite number of speakers, are sion) and, to a lesser extent, in the medial frontal
brought into the foreground again by the disease, cortex and left medial temporal cortex.
and so the evolution of conscience is regressively Since 1993 numerous brain imaging studies have
reproduced.” confirmed that auditory hallucinations are asso-
Later psychoanalytic writers mostly agree with ciated with activity in the parts of the brain that
psychoanalyst Otto Fenichel, who, in his textbook govern the hearing and speaking of words. These
The Psychoanalytic Theory of the Neuroses (1945), functional imaging studies have also confirmed
believes that schizophrenic auditory hallucina- that there is an abnormal interaction between areas
tions serve as a defense: they are “substitutes for of the brain known as the prefrontal area (where
perception” after a break with reality. “Inner con- so-called executive control of the brain, mind, and
flicts are projected and experienced as if they were body take place) and the auditory association areas
external perceptions,” Fenichel explains. in the temporal lobe of the brain (particularly Hes-
PSYCHOANALYSIS is now only a historical curi- chl’s gyrus). When these areas are activated dur-
osity of the 20th century, like animal magnetism ing auditory hallucinations, such hallucinations are
and phrenology in the 18th and 19th centuries. “heard” as “real” by the person with schizophrenia.
Although such speculations by Freud and his Both conventional and atypical antipsychotics
followers were highly influential on psychiatric have been the treatment of choice for auditory hal-
thinking from the 1920s until the 1970s, advances lucinations. However, in 25 to 30 percent of cases,
40 Australia

drugs do not stop the “voices.” Numerous psycho- lence rates for schizophrenia; two of the better
logical techniques have been developed to help ones both came up with a rate of 4.4 per 1,000.
persons with schizophrenia cope with their hal- Schizophrenia prevalence rates for the rest of the
lucinations. Almost all these techniques produced continent as a whole still need to be determined.
some limited benefit to such persons by reducing
their feeling of distress caused by the hallucina-
tions, but none of the techniques effectively elimi- Autenreith, Ferdinand (1772–1835) A German
nated the frequency of the hallucinations. The physician who believed in the curability of acute
strategies that have been tried are (1) distracting psychotic disorders. He is remembered as the inven-
activities, such as listening to music, (2) behavioral tor of the “padded room.” A more sinister inven-
activities, such as exercise, and (3) cognitive train- tion of Autenreith’s was a metal mask that would
ing to teach patients to ignore the voices in their fit over the faces of mental patients, preventing
heads. them from making too much noise by limiting the
The very few other clinical studies of auditory amount of movement of their jaws. He also devised
hallucinations have generally been in phenomeno- bulblike gags to perform the same function.
logical research on the relationship of certain types See also MECHANICAL RESTRAINT.
of hallucinations with certain diagnostic categories.
Auditory hallucinations have been found to occur
across diagnostic categories, including in psychotic autism Eugen BLEULER coined this term in 1910 as
depressions and BIPOLAR DISORDER, but the audi- one of the “FOUR A’s” (ASSOCIATION DISTURBANCES,
tory hallucination of “voices” may be most com- AFFECTIVE DISTURBANCES, AMBIVALENCE, AUTISM)
mon in the paranoid subtype of schizophrenia. that Eugen Bleuler proposed as the FUNDAMEN-
TAL SYMPTOMS that uniquely distinguish SCHIZO-
Asaad, G., and B. Shapiro. “Hallucinations: Theoretical PHRENIA from other MENTAL DISORDER s. It refers to
and Clinical Overview,” American Journal of Psychiatry the unresponsiveness of many schizophrenics to
143 (1986): 1,088–1,097. their environment, thus seeming like they are in
David, A. S. “Auditory Hallucinations: Phenomenology, a “world of their own.” In Dementia Praecox, Or the
Neuropsychology, and Neuroimaging Update,” Acta Group of Schizophrenias (1911), Bleuler makes the
Psychiatrica Scandinavica 395 (1999): 95–104. following observations on autism:
Dierks, T., et al. “Activation of Heschl’s Gyrus during Audi-
tory Hallucinations,” Neuron 22 (1999): 615–621. The most severe schizophrenics, who have no
Frith, C. “The Role of the Prefrontal Cortex in Self-Con- more contact with the outside world, live in a
sciousness: The Case of Auditory Hallucinations,” world of their own. They have encased themselves
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. B. with their desires and wishes (which they con-
Biological Sciences 1346 (1996): 1,505–1,512. sider fulfilled) or occupy themselves with the tri-
Leudar, I., and P. Thomas. Voices of Reason, Voices of Insan- als and tribulations of their precursory ideas; they
ity: Studies of Verbal Hallucinations. London: Routledge, have cut themselves off as much as possible from
2000. any contact with the external world.
McGuire, P. K., G. M. S. Shah, and R. M. Murray. “Increased
Blood Flow in Broca’s Area during Auditory Hallucina- Bleuler then concludes, “This detachment from
tions in Schizophrenia,” Lancet 342 (1993): 70–796. reality, together with the relative and absolute pre-
Shergill, S., R. M. Murray, and P. K. McGuire. “Audi- dominance of the inner life, we term autism.” This
tory Hallucinations: A Review of Psychological Treat- symptom in children has led to the identification
ments,” Schizophrenia Research 32 (1998): 137–150. of infantile autism.

Bleuler, E. Dementia Praecox, Or the Group of Schizophrenias.

Australia Several studies have been done on the Translated by Joseph Zinkin. 1911. Reprint, New York:
Australian aborigines to determine their preva- International Universities Press, 1950.
autism, infantile 41

autism, infantile A brain disease of infancy and general population. Candidate genes for autism
childhood first described by psychiatrist Leo Kan- have been found.
ner (1894–1981) in 1943. It was formerly called It was formerly thought that autism was a
Kanner’s syndrome but is now known as autistic form of a childhood psychosis that would eventu-
disorder, the most severe and prototypical form of ally develop into SCHIZOPHRENIA , but most recent
the general diagnostic category known as pervasive research seems to indicate that they are two dif-
developmental disorders in DSM-III-R. Through the ferent disorders. Sancte de Santis described a
years, many other diagnostic terms have been used childhood psychotic disorder in 1906, dementia
for this class of disorders, including atypical devel- praecoxissima, which he thought was related to
opment, symbiotic psychosis, childhood psychosis, DEMENTIA PRAECOX in adults. There was much
and childhood schizophrenia, but all these terms confusion over whether infantile autism was a
are now obsolete. form of CHILDHOOD SCHIZOPHRENIA , until Kanner
Autistic disorder is usually apparent in a child’s separated the two in 1943. Autism was officially
behavior within the first two to three years of life. removed from the diagnostic class of schizophrenic
The child generally does not respond well to touch- disorders in the 1970s, primarily as a result of the
ing or other forms of social interaction, is slow to six published studies on the childhood psychoses
develop language, develops many unusual stereo- published by Kolvin and his colleagues in 1971.
typed and repetitive behaviors, and can become Autism, like schizophrenia, is viewed by many
fascinated with certain inanimate objects (such as researchers as being a “spectrum disorder”: that is,
a spinning fan or faucets). Although some children the disease manifests in several forms to a greater
can experience improvements in language, social, or lesser degree and may have underlying genetic
and other skills around the ages of five or six, this relationships to other mental disorders. DSM-IV-TR
is not true in every case. Puberty can bring about (2000) includes Autistic Disorder in the category of
marked changes either for the better or worse. Pervasive Developmental Disorders, many of which,
The disease has a lifelong manifestation, although in decades past, were diagnosed as infantile autism
a small minority of these children go on to live or childhood schizophrenia. These include Rett’s
relatively independent lives. The majority remain Disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, and
handicapped, with about 25 percent experiencing Asperger’s Disorder. Autistic Disorder is character-
epileptic seizures before adulthood. About 50 per- ized by a triad of impairments: qualitative impair-
cent remain within the mentally retarded range of ment in social interaction (inability to look others
intellectual functioning. in the eye, lack of curiosity in the world around
Studies in England and the United States have them except for certain objects or movements of
found that the prevalence of autistic disorder in objects that fascinate them), qualitative impair-
the population is about four to five children out ments in communication (particularly delay in,
of every 10,000. Males are three to four times or total lack of, development of spoken language),
more likely to be afflicted with this disorder than and restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns
females. of behavior, interest, and activities. Many children
It is now known that autistic disorder is a brain diagnosed with autism also have a secondary diag-
disease that has nothing to do with child-rearing nosis of mental retardation due to an IQ below 70
practices—especially the supposedly monstrous and severe deficits in their ability to perform typi-
REFRIGERATOR MOTHER of autistic children, who cal activities of daily living. In the first four years
Kanner believed was the cause of the disorder. of life, autism is often easily distinguished from
Autistic disorder has been associated with maternal mental retardation as a primary diagnosis because
rubella, anoxia during birth, encephalitis, infan- mentally retarded children tend to seek out social
tile spasms, tuberous sclerosis, untreated phenyl- interaction and are more interpersonally “present”
ketonuria, and the fragile X syndrome. A genetic than children who are developing autism. Asperg-
basis is indicated by studies that show that autistic er’s disorder is a separate diagnosis in DSM-IV-TR,
disorder is more common in siblings than in the but many researchers and clinicians still argue that
42 autistic savants

it may be a form of “higher-functioning” autism. an early history of autistic disorder. Psychiatrist

Although impairments in social interactions and Darold Treffert proposes that this phenomenon
repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior are be renamed the “savant syndrome” in his book,
part of the picture, unlike Autistic Disorder, there Extraordinary People: Understanding “Idiot Savants”
is no clinically significant general delay in lan- (1989). He identifies two subtypes: “talented
guage (for example, single words are used by age savants” or “Savant I,” who have “skills that are
two, communicative phrases by age three). Also remarkable simply in contrast to the handicap“;
unlike Autistic Disorder, there is no clinically sig- and “prodigious savants” or “Savant II,” which is
nificant delay in cognitive development or in the a much rarer form of the condition in which “the
development of age-appropriate self-help skills, ability or brilliance is not only spectacular in con-
adaptive behavior (other than social interaction), trast to the handicap, but would be spectacular
and curiosity about the world around them. In even if viewed in a normal person.”
Asperger’s disorder, IQ levels are generally higher The savant syndrome is six times more likely to
and the possibility of holding jobs and engaging in occur in males than females. Although the condi-
other “normal” activities is greater as they become tion is rare, some estimates indicate that as many
adults. The disorder is named after Viennese pedia- as 9.8 percent of those children diagnosed with
trician Hans Asperger (1906–80), who published autistic disorder may exhibit this syndrome. And
a paper in 1944 in the medical journal Archiv fuer even more rare are the cases of the “prodigious
Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten on a condition savants,” or “Savant II,” with less than 100 cases
he called “autistic psychopathy.” This paper went on record in the past 150 years.
largely unnoticed until 1981, when Lorna Gladys The common talent of all children and adults
Wing, a child psychiatrist working at the Maudsley with the savant syndrome is phenomenal mem-
Hospital in London, published a paper in Psychologi- ory ability. This enables the sometimes spectacu-
cal Medicine proposing that a new diagnostic term, lar performance of skills in the following areas:
Asperger’s syndrome, be given to those autistic calendar calculating, music (usually the piano),
children who do not display developmental delays rapid numbers calculating and mathematics, art
in language and communication. She distinguished (painting, drawing, and sculpting), and sometimes
Asperger’s syndrome from the typical definition of mechanical ability. The memorization of enormous
autism of Leo Kanner. An earlier clinical descrip- amounts of information has been documented in
tion of a child with Asperger’s syndrome actually some prodigious savants.
appeared in an article by G. E. Ssucharewa in 1926 Treffert has found that one of the more common
in the Monatsschrift fuer Psychiatrie und Neurologie. patterns is a “triad” of blindness, mental retarda-
tion, and musical ability.
DeMyer, M. K., J. N. Hingtgen, and R. K. Jackson. “Infan- In 1988 a movie, Rain Man, won the Academy
tile Autism Reviewed: A Decade of Research,” Schizo- Award for best picture for its depiction of a pro-
phrenia Bulletin 7 (1981): 388–451. digious savant, or “Savant II.” The many remark-
Kolvin, J., et al. “Studies in the Childhood Psychoses. II. able feats of memory ability and calculating ability
The Phenomenology of Childhood Psychosis,” British dramatized in the film were all based on actual
Journal of Psychiatry 118 (1971): 385–395. anecdotes reported in the clinical literature and
are generally accurate re-creations.

autistic savants Formerly called idiot savants, a Treffert, D. “The Idiot Savant: A Review of the Syndrome,”
term coined in 1887 by the pioneer in the study American Journal of Psychiatry 145 (1988): 563–572.
of mental retardation, J. Langdon Down, for “chil-
dren who, while feebleminded, exhibit special fac-
ulties which are capable of being cultivated to a autoimmune hypothesis See IMMUNE SYSTEM
very great extent.” Autistic savants, though often ALTERATIONS IN SCHIZOPHRENIA.
mentally retarded, almost invariably develop from
autointoxication as the cause of dementia praecox 43

autointoxication as the cause of dementia prae- in the etiology and pathophysiology of many—if
cox (schizophrenia) There were two primary not most—diseases. Initially it was argued that
biological theories about the cause of DEMENTIA diseases were not caused by the bacterial organ-
PRAECOX and SCHIZOPHRENIA from 1896 until the isms acting directly but instead by the toxins they
1930s: heredity (genetics) and autointoxication. produced. Poisonous ptomaines (the products of
Whereas histories of biological psychiatry have proteins formed in putrefaction) or “toxalbumins”
focused almost exclusively on HEREDITY—since it were formed that could be circulated through the
has turned out that genetics does indeed play an body’s bloodstream and produce a wide variety of
influential role in the cause (ETIOLOGY) of the dis- diseases affecting almost every organ. In the origi-
ease—they have tended to ignore the autointoxica- nal, classical form of autointoxication theory, the
tion or focal infection (focal sepsis) theories that intestines were most often cited as the locus of this
were so promising a century ago. This is due to the systemic self-poisoning process, with the kidneys
fact that such theories of the cause of schizophre- and liver assuming lesser importance in theoretical
nia lost prominence by the 1930s. Breakthroughs speculation.
in bacteriology and endocrinology had a profound The disease theory of autointoxication first
influence on not only Emil K RAEPELIN (1856–1926) appears in the German medical literature. Her-
but many others as well, all of whom were con- mann Senator (1834–1911), a clinical professor at
vinced of the rationality of the notion that perhaps Berlin University, had speculated as early as 1868
all diseases, both physical and mental, were caused that “self-infection” arising in the intestines could
by self-poisoning processes in the body. Kraepelin be a source of disease elsewhere in the body. Later,
was not alone in the belief that dementia praecox in 1884, he argued that mental disturbances could
was due to an endogenous process of autointoxica- be caused by this process, claiming that the acute
tion or focal infection which led to a poisoning of delirium of diabetic coma may have its origin in
the brain and the production of the characteristic Selbstinfektion.
signs and symptoms of this chronic, devastating However, it was the work of French physicians
form of insanity. Then as now, the etiologic het- that fueled the rapid expansion of this theory to
erogeneity of dementia praecox and its successor, all categories of disease, including mental disor-
schizophrenia, cannot be explained by heredity ders. Autointoxication theory rose to international
or genetics alone. To understand fully Kraepelin’s prominence in medicine after the 1887 publica-
view of dementia praecox and its implications for tion of Lecons sur les auto-intoxications dans les mala-
subsequent research on the causes of schizophre- dies by Charles-Jacques Bouchard (1837–1915), an
nia, we must first understand the cognitive cate- eminent professor of pathology at the University
gories of the medical world in which he lived and of Paris. For both Senator and Bouchard—the
worked, an era dominated by the new bacteriologi- founders of autointoxication theory—the disease-
cal and endocrinological paradigms emerging from causing poisons were the products of putrefactive
the laboratory revolution in medicine that began in processes in the intestines. Although a normal
the late 1800s. part of the digestive process, under certain condi-
Autointoxication theory in medicine and psy- tions (such as fecal stasis) the overproduction of
chiatry With the general acceptance of the germ these toxins could not be filtered by the liver or
theory of disease by 1880 due to the efforts of Louis kidneys and, as they entered other organs, disease
Pasteur in France and Robert Koch in Germany, would result. Bouchard’s vision of the inner life of
the new medical science of bacteriology offered a the human body is dramatic: “I have said that the
novel and potentially fruitful paradigm for com- organism, in its normal, as in its pathological state,
prehending illness. Following the replicable labo- is a receptacle and a laboratory of poisons. . . . Man
ratory demonstration that bacteria or microbes is in this way constantly living under the chance
were involved in processes such a putrefaction, of being poisoned; he is always working toward his
fermentation, and infection, it was a natural cogni- own destruction; he makes continual attempts at
tive leap to hypothesize that they were involved suicide by intoxication.”
44 autointoxication as the cause of dementia praecox

It was not until 1893, however, that we find to psychiatry were offered in the German medi-
the first indications that autointoxication theory cal literature by D. E. Jacobson of Copenhagen and
is being seriously discussed as a possible etiology in the American medical literature by Albert E.
for mental disorders. On August 1 of that year, Sterne of Indianapolis. Even Julius von Wagner-
at the Fourth Session of the French Congress of Jauregg (1857–1940), who would later win a Nobel
Psychological Medicine held in La Rochelle, “Rap- Prize for his therapy for neurosyphilis, speculated
porteurs” François-André Chevalier-Lavaure, a that disturbed mental states may be caused by
physician from Aix-en-Provence, and Emmanuel the influence of intestinal toxins on brain cells
Regis, a physician from Bordeaux, drew atten- (Wagner-Jauregg 1896). According to Veronika
tion to the value of autointoxication as a pos- Jahn in a 1975 monograph on this subject, the gas-
sible organic cause of madness by organizing and trointestinal tract continued to be the most often
leading a panel on “Auto-intoxication in Mental cited etiologic locus of “autointoxication psycho-
Disease.” This topic had been the subject of Che- ses” in psychiatric circles.
valier-Lavaure’s doctoral dissertation in 1890, Although the rise of the bacteriological paradigm
the first substantive treatment of this issue in the after 1880 initiated and fueled autointoxication
history of psychiatry. In their presentation, they theory, advances in the understanding of metabolic
argued that it was difficult to distinguish between processes and the endocrine system between 1890
cases of autointoxication and those of infection and 1905—the year Ernest Starling first proposed
from sources outside the body, but that a clear the modern concept of the “hormone”—added a
diagnostic distinction should be made between new endogenous etiological hypothesis: metabolic
“infectious” insanity (mental disturbances fol- or “interstitial autointoxication” due to the over-
lowing acute infectious diseases, such as menin- or underproduction of internal secretions in the
gio-encephalitis) and “visceral insanity,” which glands with ducts (liver, pancreas, and kidney),
is “associated with disease of the internal organs” those without ducts (thyroid, adrenals, pituitary),
and is “also very probably due to autointoxication.” and especially the sex glands (gonads). The medi-
As Kraepelin would be three years later, in 1896, cal and psychiatric literatures on autointoxication
when he speculated that dementia praecox was prior to World War I reflect the confusion in the
caused by autointoxication, Regis and Chevalier- emerging discipline of endocrinology regarding
Lavaure were cautious about the extant scientific the nature of hormones and their similarities to
basis of their claims: “Indeed, we are inclined it enzymes, general metabolites, drugs, toxins, anti-
[visceral insanity] as the most typical illustration toxins, and vitamins. The noted Russian psychi-
of the influence of auto-intoxication on the mental atric researcher Aleksandr Ivanovich Iushchenko
faculties. There is not as yet sufficient experimen- (1869–1936) of St. Petersburg extensively reviewed
tal evidence, however, in favor of this assumption this confusing literature in a series of lectures in
to enable us to assert that such is actually the case; 1911, which were later published and translated
for in respect especially of the mental disturbances into German in 1914. He argued that dementia
that are dependent on digestive troubles we know praecox was not due to an autointoxication arising
next to nothing about the concomitant changes in in the intestines but rather was caused by glandu-
the chemistry of the gastric digestion and toxicity lar dysfunctions, especially disease processes in the
of the intestinal contents.” parathyroid. Dementia praecox as a disease aris-
Hermann Senator had already proposed in ing secondarily from metabolic disorders causing
1884 that such self-infection would have profound autointoxication would remain a central (if unsup-
effects on the nervous system and the brain. When ported) etiologic hypothesis for its first 40 years,
Bouchard’s book first appeared in English in Janu- beginning with the speculative medical cognition
ary 1894, Thomas Oliver noted in his translator’s of Emil Kraepelin himself.
preface that, “The part played by auto-intoxication Emil Kraepelin: Metabolic autointoxication as
in mental diseases is attracting attention.” In 1895 the cause of dementia praecox Impressed with
systematic extensions of autointoxication theory recent advances in the understanding of metabolic
autointoxication as the cause of dementia praecox 45

disorders (Stoffwechselerkrankungen) and with the chiatrists in the United States, in his review of
plausibility of autointoxication theory, Kraepelin the 1896 fifth edition of Kraepelin’s textbook. “As
positioned his new diagnostic entity of dementia long as chemistry can not furnish more accurate
praecox squarely within the context of these new data and methods, the theory of intoxication and
medical paradigms. In the general discussion of the auto-intoxication so often resorted to by Kraepe-
causes of the insanities that opens the 1896 fifth lin will be a terminus technicus for our ignorance.”
edition of his Psychiatrie, Kraepelin notes that many But such critics did not deter Kraepelin. In the
of the characteristic signs of glandular or metabolic 1899 sixth edition of his textbook, Kraepelin con-
disorders appear during the development of men- tinues to make the argument that the sex glands
tal deterioration, especially in dementia praecox are the source of the toxins that poison the brain
(pages 36–37). Later in this book (p. 439), in his and produce dementia praecox, but his claims are
very first detailed description of dementia praecox now more nuanced: “In view of the close connec-
in a chapter on “Die Stoffwechselerkrankungen,” Krae- tion for the disease with the developmental age,
pelin states that he has “serious objections” to the with menstrual disorders and reproduction, and in
point of view that dementia praecox is caused by view of the absence of any recognizable external
“inadequate constitutional faculties” or “hereditary cause, the most obvious thing to think of is prob-
degeneration (erblischen Entartung).” Instead, he ably an autointoxication which could possibly be in
offers an alternate hypothesis: “I consider it more some close or distant connection with processes
likely that what we have here is a tangible morbid in the genital organs.” However, Kraepelin now
process in the brain (einen greifbaren Krankheitsvor- tempers his earlier dismissal of the role of hered-
gang im Gehirne). Only in this way does the quick ity in the cause of dementia praecox, adopting a
descent into severe dementia become at all com- view that presages modern vulnerability models of
prehensible.” He admits the failure of neuropatho- the etiology of schizophrenia: “The frequency of
logical studies to find any characteristic cellular hereditary disposition to mental disturbances and
pathology in dementia praecox but attributes this their physical and mental symptoms would only
to an inadequate effort to search for such morbid signify a lowered resistance to the actual cause of
changes. What then causes this “tangible morbid the disease.”
process in the brain” if it is not heredity? Kraepelin Although many followed Kraepelin and accepted
is clear on this point: “In light of our current experi- autointoxication as the probable cause of the
ence, I would assume that we are dealing here with dementia praecox/schizophrenia, most diverged
an autointoxication (Selbstvergiftung), whose imme- from Kraepelin by insisting that the intestines were
diate causes lie somewhere in the body.” the true locus of the “self-infection” and not the sex
Kraepelin, however, makes a major departure glands. Still, metabolic autointoxication as a pos-
from classic autointoxication theory by reject- sible cause of dementia praecox was an hypothesis
ing the intestines as the source of toxins. Instead, that intrigued Kraepelin for at least two decades. In
Kraepelin posits the locus morbi in the gonads: “If the third volume of the final, 1913 eighth edition of
we consider the tendency for the illness to strike his Psychiatrie, Kraepelin (p. 931) cautiously asserts
at the age when sexual development is still taking that it is still too early to make etiological conclu-
place, then it is not out of the question for there sions about dementia praecox, but that it generally
to be a connection between the illness and some might be said that “a number of facts” (eine Reihe
processes taking place in the sexual organs. These von Tatsachen) about dementia praecox suggest “an
are, of course, only provisional and very indefinite autointoxication as a result of a metabolic distur-
hypotheses.” bance might be probable to some extent” (einer
Kraepelin’s metabolic autointoxication theory Selbstvergiftung infolge einer Stoffwechselstorung bis zu
of dementia praecox was not uniformly welcomed einem gewissen Grade wahrscheinlich).
by psychiatrists. Perhaps the most direct attack on Dementia praecox soon became an accepted
this thesis came from Adolf MEYER (1866–1950), diagnostic entity in Britain, and slightly later in
later to become one of the most prominent psy- America, where the first serious publications on
46 autointoxication as the cause of dementia praecox

dementia praecox began to appear in 1900. In these Rational therapeutics and surgical solutions The
first American notices, the importance of Krae- theories of autointoxication and focal infection were
pelin’s new scientific nomenclature is uniformly attractive to Kraepelin and others not only because
lauded, with heredity mentioned as the most prob- of their central assumptions about the etiology of
able cause of the disorder. Autointoxication is not dementia praecox but also because they held out
mentioned. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the the very real promise of viable treatments or even
autointoxication theory of the etiology of mental a cure. As Kraepelin well knew, without knowledge
disorders did not meet with the immediate interest of the cause of dementia praecox, there could be
that it did in Britain, where the theory mutated no effective rational therapy. Yet, despite his belief
into a new variant that originated in dentistry: in autointoxication, Kraepelin did not direct his
focal infection theory. energies, or those of his talented research associates
Focal infection as the cause of dementia prae- such as Franz Nissl and Alois ALZHEIMER, to finding
cox In 1900 the British physician William Hunter internal sites of autointoxication or focal infection.
suggested that “oral sepsis” was the root source of Rather, he focused his research group on neuro-
bacterial infections that would spread to other parts patholological studies, studies of hereditary patterns
of the body such as the heart, lungs, stomach, intes- of transmission, and the development of psycho-
tines, and—a speculation conducive to the applica- pharmacological agents designed specifically for use
tion of this theory to Kraepelin’s autointoxication in psychiatry.
theory of dementia praecox—even the sex glands. Sources of autointoxication or infection in the
Secondary localized diseases would then develop body, if located properly, could be treated with Lis-
from the pathogenic effect of these bacteria, pro- terizing sprays or ointments, colonic irrigations, or,
ducing toxins as by-products that would cause as Sir William Arbuthnot Lane demonstrated with
further systemic sequalae. With autointoxication his colectomies as a cure for chronic constipation,
theory gaining wider acceptance in medicine after surgery. For the cure of mental illness, several phy-
1900, especially through its promotion by the Brit- sicians in America and Britain decided that surgery
ish surgeon Sir William Arbuthnot Lane and John would be the most rational treatment. The first to
Harvey Kellog of Battle Creek, Michigan, focal do so was Newdigate M. Owensby (1882–1952),
infection theory in British dentistry seemed to be chief physician at the Bay View Asylum in Balti-
the next logical step in its evolution, although it, more, Maryland. His experimental procedure was
too, eventually proved to be an unfounded theory reported in The New York Times on December 20,
that had no scientific evidence to back it up. Focal 1907. Hypothesizing that the symptoms of demen-
infection as a cause of insanity was proposed by tia praecox were caused by an oversecretion of the
the British psychiatrist Lewis Bruce of Scotland in thyroid gland (due to diseased blood vessels in the
1906 and neurologist Henry Upson of Cleveland, gland), which poisoned the brain, in July 1907
Ohio, in 1907. In outlining his theory that demen- Owensby chose “the worst patient in the asylum”
tia praecox was caused by dental impaction, Upson and cut away the diseased portion of the thyroid. In
claimed in 1909, “In several cases I have watched October 1907 the man was discharged, symptom-
the development of an alveolar abcess and the free. By December 1907 Owensby had operated on
simultaneous development of an acute psycho- at least four other patients, reporting therapeutic
sis, which was finally relieved by the extraction of success in all of them. The second to do so was
the offending teeth.” After the prominent Chicago Bayard Taylor HOLMES (1852–1924), a professor of
physician Frank Billings, a former president of the medicine and a specialist in abdominal surgery in
American Medical Association, publicized his con- Chicago. Holmes was an avid proponent of biologi-
version to focal infection theory in 1916, physicians cal psychiatry and founded and edited the journal
and psychiatrists concerned with finding the cause DEMENTIA PRAECOX STUDIES between 1918 and 1922,
and cure of dementia praecox were emboldened to a periodical devoted to disseminating scientific
consider radical new theories of etiology and the information about the possible organic causes of
rational treatments that would follow from them. dementia praecox. It is believed to be the first med-
autointoxication as the cause of dementia praecox 47

ical journal named after a mental disorder. After The fourth physician to treat dementia prae-
conducting less than a year of his own laboratory cox through dental and abdominal surgery was
research, in 1915 Holmes hit upon a focal infection Thomas C. Graves, the medical superintendent of
theory of the etiology of dementia praecox—an the Rubery Hill and Hollymoore Mental Hospital
ergotism-like toxemia caused by fecal stasis in the in Birmingham, England.
cecum. The following year Holmes began perform- Autointoxication or focal infection as explana-
ing cecostomies and appendicostomies, construct- tions for the cause of a wide variety of diseases,
ing a stoma in the side of his subjects to allow daily both acute and chronic, continued to be promoted
irrigations of the colon with water and magnesium as a general theory in medicine and biological
sulfate to eliminate psychotic symptoms. Between psychiatry until the early 1930s. By that time,
1916 and 1918, in private hospitals and in his short- numerous clinical studies spurred by advances in
lived (1917–18) Psychiatric Research Laboratory of medical technology had found little scientific evi-
the Psychopathic Hospital at Cook County Hospital dence for endogenous autointoxication as the pre-
in Chicago, Holmes and his associates performed sumed cause of dozens of diseases, as the theory’s
major surgery on at least 22 persons suffering proponents had claimed. The autointoxication and
from dementia praecox. The first one was his own focal infection theories of dementia praecox like-
son, Ralph Loring Holmes, who had developed wise vanished from serious consideration, never to
dementia praecox at age 17 while in his first year return in their original form, as “schizophrenia”
of medical school. Ralph never recovered from his supplanted the Kraepelin’s old nosological cat-
May 1916 cecostomy and died four days after the egory and etiological speculation. However, viral
experimental surgical procedure. infections, endocrine disturbances, and even theo-
The third physician to advocate surgery as ries of too much of the neurotransmitter dopamine
a treatment of dementia praecox was Henry A. “poisoning” the brain and causing schizophrenia
COTTON (1876–1933), the superintendent of the are all analogues to the autointoxication theory
New Jersey State Hospital at Trenton from 1907 of the cause of dementia praecox/schizophrenia
to 1930 and an innovative psychiatrist who proposed by Kraepelin and other physicians more
had studied with Kraepelin and Alzheimer in than a century ago.
Munich for two years. Heavily influenced by See also DEMENTIA PRAECOX ; ENDOCRINE DISORDER
Kraepelin’s own belief in autointoxication as a HYPOTHESIS ; VIRAL THEORIES OF SCHIZOPHRENIA.
cause of dementia praecox, and impressed by the
dental theory of focal infection, starting in 1918 Holmes, B. T. “A Guide to the Documents in Evidence of
Cotton routinely had all the teeth removed from the Toxaemia of Dementia Praecox,” Dementia Praecox
the psychiatric patients to stem the production Studies 3 (1920): 23–107.
of psychotic symptoms. By the following year he Jahn, V. Die gastrointestinalen Autointoxikationspsychosen des
began even more radical procedures, removing spaeten 19. Jahrhunderts. Zurich: Juris Druck, 1975.
part or all of the colon, cervix, ovaries, testes, Kraepelin, E. Psychiatrie. Ein Lehrbuch für Studirende und
or appendix of dementia praecox patients and Aerzte. Achte, vollstandig umgearbeitete Auflage. 3 vols.
claimed enormous success. More than 2,000 per- Leipzig: Verlag von Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1908–
sons received experimental surgery as psychiat- 1913.
ric treatment at the state hospital in Trenton and ———. Psychiatrie. Ein Lehrbuch für Studirende und Aerzte.
in Cotton’s private clinic, although the pace of Funfte, vollstandig umgearbeitete Auflage. Leipzig: Verlag
this endeavor slowed considerably after a politi- von Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1896.
cal investigation into Cotton’s excesses led to a ———. Psychiatrie. Ein Lehrbuch für Studirende und Aerzte.
public scandal and his own mental breakdown. Sechste, vollstandig umgearbeitete Auflage. Leipzig: Verlag
Hundreds of his patients died following surgery. von Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1899.
Historian Andrew Scull relates the details of this ———. Psychiatry: A Textbook for Students and Physicians. Vol.
horrific gothic tale in his 2005 book, Madhouse: 2. Canton, Mass.: Science History Publications, 1990
A Tragic Tale of Megalomania and Modern Medicine. [A translation fo Kraepelin’s 6th edition of 1899].
48 avolition

Meyer, A. “Book Review,” American Journal of Insanity 53 ———. “Ueber Selbstinfektion durch abnorme Zerset-
(1896): 298–302. zungsvorgange und ein dadurch bedingtes (dyskra-
Noll, R. “Historical Review: Autointoxication and Focal sisches) Coma (Kussmaulscher Symptomenkomplex
Infection Theories of Dementia Praecox,” World Jour- des “diabetischen Coma),” Zeitschrift für klinische Med-
nal of Biological Psychiatry 5 (2004): 66–72. izin 7 (1884): 7–8.
———. “Infections Insanities, Surgical Solutions: Bayard
Taylor Holmes, Dementia Praecox, and Laboratory
Science in Early Twentieth-Century America,” History avolition See ABOULIA.
of Psychiatry 17 (2006): 183–204.
Regis, E., and F. A. Chevalier-Lavaure. “Auto-intoxication
in Mental Diseases,” The Medical Week 11 (1893): 373. Awl, William See “CURE-AWL , DR.”
Scull, A. Madhouse: A Tragic Tale of Megalomania and Mod-
ern Medicine. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press,
2005. axonal pruning See CORTICAL PRUNING AS A CAUSE
Senator, H. “Ueber ein Fall von Hydrothionamie und uber OF SCHIZOPHRENIA.
Selbstinfektion durch abnorme Verdauungsvorgange,”
Berliner klinische Wochenschrift 5 (1868): 254.
bad news technique Perhaps one of the earli- See also BIPOLAR DISORDER ; CIRCULAR INSANITY;
est “cognitive” psychotherapeutic techniques on MANIC-DEPRESSIVE ILLNESS.
record is the practice of inventing false “bad news”
to tell patients in order to quell their manic mood
states. There is evidence that this rather sadistic balderdash syndrome Another name for GAN-
“counter-cognitions” technique was used in the SER’S SYNDROME.
BETHLEM ROYAL HOSPITAL in England as early as
the 1500s to change the behavior of unmanage-
able patients. balmy Slang for “eccentric” or “mad.” Some scho-
lars have suggested that the term is derived from a
17th-century private madhouse in London known
Baillarger, Jules-Gabriel-François (1809–1890) as Balmes House. It was later known as the Whit-
One of the most eminent of the French psycho- more House or Warburton’s madhouse.
pathologists of the 19th century. Baillarger was
a student of ESQUIROL and founded the famous
Annales Médico-Psychologiques in 1843, the very first Barison, Ferdinando An influential theorist—
French professional publication devoted to the particularly in Italy—of schizophrenic thinking
study of psychological medicine. His research con- styles. Differing from those theorists who held
tributions include one of the first descriptions (in that schizophrenics tended to be more concrete in
1854) of MANIC-DEPRESSIVE PSYCHOSIS, which he their thinking than normals, Barison argued that
called folie à double forme. Baillarger’s revolution- schizophrenics become overly abstract in their
ary connection between alternating melancholic ideas and speech. Barison thought that schizo-
and manic phases, which he hypothesized to be phrenics employed abstractions in order to cover
of a single disorder and independent of MENTAL up the gaps in their thought processes caused by
DISORDERS characterized solely by DEPRESSION or the disease process, thus repairing the “dissocia-
solely by MANIA , is a concept later used by K RAEPE- tive” breaks in the organization of the typical
LIN in his definition of manic-depressive psychosis schizophrenic mind. This viewpoint was largely
and is still employed today in modern diagnostic adopted by psychiatrist Silvano A RIETI in his dis-
systems. A mere two weeks after Baillarger pre- cussion of the “pseudoabstract form and content”
sented his new diagnostic entity, another student of schizophrenic thought and language in his Inter-
of Esquirol’s, Pierre FALRET, claimed instead that pretation of Schizophrenia (1974).
it was he who had first described such a condition
in a paper published in 1851—but only in 1854 Barison, F. “L’Astrazione formale de pensiero quale sin-
did he call it la folie circulaire, the term historically tomo di schizofrenia,” Schizophrenie 3 (1934).
associated with Falret. Both Baillarger and Falret
are thus given the distinction of being the first cli-
nicians to describe manic-depressive psychosis or basket men The colloquial term used to refer to the

50 Bateson, Gregory

London as late as the 17th century. It was a holdover on Insanity (first English translation, 1845), lists
from medieval times when the hospital was a mon- several forms of cold water treatment for patients,
astery. “Basket men” was a term for the hospitallers but the bath of surprise “consists of plunging the
(usually monks or nuns) who would go out into the patient into water when he least expects it.” Esqui-
community—baskets in hand—begging for alms rol goes on to say that, “We administer it, by pre-
and food, which would then be carried back to the cipitating him into a reservoir, a river, or the sea.
hospital for the care of the hospitallers, their patients, It is the fright which renders this means effica-
and prisoners in the public jails. Such “alms-baskets” cious in overcoming sensibility. We can conceive
held a highly symbolic significance, for the phrase the vivid impression that a patient experiences,
“to go to the basket” meant to go to prison—a com- who falls unexpectedly into the water, with the
mon place to find the mentally ill prior to the reforms fear of being drowned.” However, Esquirol admits
of the 19th century. Along with other unfortunate that he has no data supporting the usefulness of
individuals, the mentally ill person might also be this form of therapy and confesses, “I have never
termed a “basket-scrambler,” meaning one who made use of it, but I am certain it has been fatal.”
scrambles for the dole from a basket (i.e., who lives Incredibly, instead of the bath of surprise, Esquirol
on charity). recommends throwing the patient out of a third-
story window in order to effect a cure: “When I
hear of it (the bath of surprise) being prescribed, I
Bateson, Gregory (1904–1985) An anthropolo- should prefer rather, that they advised to precipi-
gist by training, Bateson (and his associates) in tate the patient from the third story, because we
1956 formulated the famous DOUBLE-BIND THE- have known some insane persons cured by falling
ORY of communication patterns in the families of upon the head.”
schizophrenics. Bateson was the son of the famous
British biologist William Bateson, who coined the Esquirol, J. E. D. Mental Maladies: A Treatise on Insanity.
word genetics; his father named him after Gregor Translated by E. K. Hunt. 1838. Reprint, Philadelphia:
Mendel. After completing his M.A. in anthropol- Lea and Blanchard, 1845.
ogy at Cambridge, Bateson conducted fieldwork in
New Guinea. He met and married Margaret Mead,
a pioneer in cultural anthropology, with whom he baths One of the most ancient forms of treat-
conducted important fieldwork in Bali. Their mar- ment for mental illness. It is included by Philippe
riage lasted 14 years. Bateson is noted for his broad P INEL as one of the three forms of the “usual treat-
theoretical concerns in cybernetics, communica- ment” (“bleeding, bathing, and pumping”) for the
tions theory (which has influenced family-therapy mentally ill in asylums circa 1801. Various pseu-
theorists), the family dynamics of SCHIZOPHRENIA , doscientific theories were put forth at the time to
and his work with John Lilly on man-dolphin account for the calming or shocking effect of baths
communication at the Oceanographic Institute that seemed temporarily to reduce active psychotic
in Hawaii. Until his death in 1985, Bateson was a symptoms. In Daniel Hack Tuke’s A Dictionary of Psy-
frequent lecturer and scholar-in-residence at the chological Medicine of 1892, a full 10 pages is devoted
Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California. to the variations on this basic form of treatment for
the mentally ill. Indeed, 15 different categories of
Lipset, D. Gregory Bateson: The Legacy of a Scientist. Engle- “bath” are listed in that reference work, as follows:
wood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1980.
1. Prolonged warm or hot baths
2. Prolonged warm baths with the addition of
bath of surprise A type of immersion therapy, cold to the head
used until the 19th century, in which the mentally 3. Prolonged warm sitz baths
ill person was plunged without warning into cold 4. Prolonged warm baths medicated with mustard
water. ESQUIROL , in his Mental Maladies: A Treatise 5. Prolonged cold baths
bed saddle 51

6. Dip baths bia, who eventually headed the psychology labo-

7. Baths of surprise ratory at the Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago,
8. Suffusion of tepid and cold water from pails Illinois. After psychologist David Levy imported
9. Douches the RORSCHACH TEST from Switzerland around 1925,
10. Showers Beck was the first American psychologist to publish
11. Packing in the wet sheets research using the test; he also published the first
12. Packing in the dry sheets Rorschach manual in English in 1937. Beck pio-
13. Packing in mustard and water sheets neered the use of the Rorschach as a diagnostic test
14. Hot air (Turkish) baths for SCHIZOPHRENIA.
15. Vapour (Russian) baths

Many of these types of bath treatments survived bedlam A well-known euphemism, even today,
until well into the 20th century. for pandemonium or chaos—like that found in
See also HYDROTHERAPY. “mad-houses.” There was never a place officially
named Bedlam. Instead, the word was a colloquial
Williams, D. “Baths.” In A Dictionary of Psychological Medi- corruption of Bethlem, from the BETHLEM ROYAL
cine, Vol. 1, edited by D. H. Tuke. London: J. & A. HOSPITAL in London. An arresting portrayal of
Churchill, 1892. what the real “Bedlam” may have been like is to
be found in certain scenes in the motion picture
Bedlam (RKO, 1946), produced by Val Lewton,
Battie, William (1703–1776) An English phy- in which the chilling chiaroscuro suggests hor-
sician and anatomist who was the first (and rors of the asylum that the camera itself does not
only) psychiatrist ever to be elected president of fully depict for the audience. However, the asy-
the Royal College of Physicians, a distinction he lum images of life in “Bedlam” that are explicitly
earned in 1764. Beginning in 1742 he served on revealed bear a striking resemblance to those in
the board of governors of the BETHLEM ROYAL HOS- the famous painting Courtyard with Lunatics, com-
PITAL . However, due to the abusive conditions for pleted by Spanish artist Francisco Goya in 1793,
patients at “Bedlam,” in 1751 Battie founded Saint which gives a graphic portrayal of asylum life in
Luke’s Hospital for Lunatics and later acquired the 18th century. Since Lewton was known for
two private madhouses. Battie instituted impor- the many literary and artistic allusions in his films
tant reforms for the treatment of the mentally ill, (including many to Goya), he probably drew upon
many of which were outlined in his classic Treatise this painting (as well as Goya’s etchings) for his
on Madness (1758), which is a milestone in the his- motion picture conception of “Bedlam.”
tory of psychiatry. He advocated the training of the
caretakers of the insane and called for research into
the causes of insanity for the purposes of preven- bed saddle A severe form of MECHANICAL
tion. Battie is also remembered for his vicious bat- RESTRAINT for patients that survived into the 20th
tles fought with John Munro, who ran “Bedlam,” century. For example, the bed saddle was reported
over administrative and treatment philosophies for in use at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington,
the care of the insane. The slang expression that a D.C., until removed from use by William Alan-
mentally ill person is “batty” or has “gone batty” son White after he became superintendent of that
may have originated in England with the expres- institution in October 1903. In his memoirs, White
sion that a person has “gone to Battie’s,” i.e., to describes the bed saddle:
Battie’s private madhouse.
One day in my first month at the hospital. In going
through the wards of the institution I found a col-
Beck, Samuel Jacob (1896–?) Romanian-born ored patient strapped to the bed by means of what
psychologist, later educated at Harvard and Colum- was known as a “bed saddle.” This bed saddle was
52 Beers, Clifford W.

made of thin strips of metal in the form of a cross Beers, C. A Mind That Found Itself. Garden City, N.Y.: Dou-
strapped to the bed, and the patient was strapped bleday, 1908.
to it with his arms extended in the position of
crucifixion. I had never seen such an apparatus
before and immediately issued an order discon- behavior therapy The behavioral model of MEN-
tinuing its use. I had been trained in the belief TAL DISORDER s holds that SCHIZOPHRENIA should
that physical restraint was unnecessary, yet in the not be considered the expression of an underlying
very hospital where this was a fundamental prin- mental “disease” but instead reflects the learning
ciple a certain amount of physical restraint had of a repertoire of “maladaptive behaviors” that
actually been used. I had never seen such a cruel can be corrected through using the operant condi-
apparatus as this, so I felt justified in ordering its tioning techniques of behavior therapy. However,
discontinuance. behaviorists have never constructed a complete
theory about the recalcitrant maladaptive behav-
A standing form of this device was known as iors of schizophrenics, and long-term success, with
the CRUCIFORM STANCE or harness. behavioral techniques, of patients with schizophre-
nia has not been demonstrated. Behavior thera-
White, W. A. William Alanson White: An Autobiography pists focus on changing selected target behaviors
of a Purpose. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, of a patient (e.g., bizarre dressing, excessive smok-
1938. ing or coffee drinking, AUDITORY HALLUCINATIONS)
and try to eliminate them systematically through
the manipulation of “reinforcement contingen-
Beers, Clifford W. (1876–1943) Beers, an Ameri- cies” based on the general principles of learning
can businessman, underwent a mental breakdown that have been found to be effective in changing
and attempted to commit suicide by jumping out of the behavior of animals and “normals.”
a window in June 1900, at the age of 24. PARANOIA, The studies of psychologist T. Ayllon and his col-
AUDITORY HALLUCINATIONS, and continual thoughts leagues in the 1960s were some of the first applying
of suicide had plagued him for several years. After behavior therapy to institutionalized schizophren-
regaining his sanity and his eventual release, Beers ics. A much-publicized behavioral technique that
wrote an autobiography, A Mind That Found Itself was designed to shape the behavior of entire wards
(1908), which detailed his treatment—and abuse— of patients was the “token economy programs” that
in mental institutions. The horrors of these insti- were popular in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
tutions as depicted by Beers shocked the public of Tokens were introduced on wards as a money sub-
his day and helped to win him supporters for his stitute that could reward adaptive behaviors and
National Committee for Mental Health (later called help extinguish or reduce maladaptive ones. The
the National Association for Mental Health), the problem with such programs was that they could
first major psychiatric patient-advocacy organization only work in small environments where there was
in the United States. Beers relates in his book how a highly motivated and highly trained staff on all
he would deliberately get himself transferred to the three shifts of a 24-hour day—committed to fol-
worst wards of the hospital—the “violent wards”—so lowing the rules of the behavioral program to the
that he could thoroughly investigate the institution letter without “giving in” to the immediate mal-
for his later reform efforts. The sad fact is that the adaptive demands of the patients. Currently, social
reader of Beers’s book today who has worked any sig- skills training programs based on learning theory
nificant amount of time in psychiatric hospitals will and behavior therapy paradigms are gaining atten-
find many of Beers’s experiences familiar—suggest- tion. Modeling, problem solving, and reinforcement
ing that almost a century after the publication of this techniques are used to improve the ability of schizo-
book many ugly conditions have still not changed in phrenics to hold a conversation, be assertive, etc.
public institutions for the care of the mentally ill. Whether any of the above forms of behavior ther-
See also ABUSE OF PSYCHIATRIC PATIENTS. apy techniques for individuals or groups has long-
benign stupors 53

lasting effects is questionable. Schizophrenics who England. Special wards reserved specifically for the
do well in such programs in the highly structured mentally ill, called “insane pavilions,” were first
environment of an institution lose such skills as instituted at Bellevue Hospital in 1826. In 1839 a
soon as they are back in the community and with- city “mad-house” was constructed and opened on
out constant support and reminders as environ- Blackwell’s Island (now Roosevelt Island) on the
mental cues. The evidence suggests that the newly East River of New York City to handle the over-
learned behaviors instituted by these programs are whelming population of the mentally ill that
thus not generalizable. Furthermore, the disease Bellevue was unable to confine. In the mid-20th
process itself—as schizophrenia is more and more century, saying that someone “belongs in Bel-
viewed as a brain disease of as yet unknown etiol- levue” was equivalent to saying that they were
ogy—seems to sabotage the ability of the nervous insane. By 2005 such references to Bellevue in
system to allow psychosocially induced changes popular culture and in everyday conversation had
in thinking and behavior to remain permanently virtually disappeared on a national level, although
and lead to long-term improvements in the level it maintains a diminishing reputation as a “mad-
of social and occupational functioning. Behavior house” to locals.
therapy—and social skills training programs based
on these principles—is thus of limited value in the
treatment of schizophrenia. Bell’s mania or disease A late-19th-century term
Ayllon, T. “Some Behavioral Problems Associated with
Eating in Chronic Schizophrenic Patients.” In Case
Studies in Behavior Modification, edited by L. Ullman Benadryl The trade name for DIPHENHYDRAMINE,
and L. Krasner. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, an antihistamine and anticholinergic drug that
1965. is used to treat the sometimes severe side effects
Kazdin, A. E. “The Failure of Some Patients to Respond that patients can experience after the initiation
to Token Programs,” Journal of Behavior Therapy and of antipsychotic drug therapy or after a signifi-
Experimental Psychiatry 4 (1973): 7–14. cant increase in dosage. These side effects (stiff-
Lieberman, R. P., W. D. Spaulding, and P. W. Corrigan. ness; tremors; lockjaw; involuntary motions of
“Cognitive-Behavioural Therapies in Psychiatric Reha- the mouth, tongue, and hands; involuntary eye
bilitation.” In Schizophrenia, edited by S. R. Hirsch and rolls), which usually occur within hours or days
D. R. Weinberger. London: Blackwell Science, 1995, of administering ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS, are acute
pp. 605–625. dystonic reactions that can be reversed with anti-
Penn, D. L., and K. T. Mueser. “Research Update on the parkinsonian agents such as Benadryl, Cogentin,
Psychosocial Treatment of Schizophrenia,” American or Akineton. These side effects are acute and are
Journal of Psychiatry 153 (1996): 607–617. not to be confused with chronic reactions (to years
of treatment with antipsychotic drugs) that are
known as TARDIVE DYSKINESIA , which is treated
Belgian cage A wooden cage for the restraint with drugs other than Benadryl.
of individuals with severe MENTAL DISORDERs. It See also ANTIPARKINSONIAN DRUGS.
stood on short posts. Such a cage was on display
at a national exhibition in Brussels in 1880. Older
names for such forms of MECHANICAL RESTRAINT, benign stupors Swiss psychiatrist August HOCH
were the “idiot’s cage” or “lunatic’s cage.” (1868–1919) proposed this term to refer to a cer-
tain “reactive type” of manic-depressive insanity
that mimicked the symptoms of the catatonic type
Bellevue Hospital A hospital in New York City of DEMENTIA PRAECOX but which did not have the
whose psychiatric ward achieved the notoriety poor prognosis suggested by K RAEPELIN. Stanley
in the United States that “Bedlam” had earned in McCormick (1874–1947), an insane heir to the
54 benztropine

fortune of the famous McCormick family of Chi- Financial scandals and stories of abuse and tor-
cago, was treated by Hoch in the final years of his ture in the public media marked the next several
life and may have been the model for this proposed centuries of the institution’s existence—until the
psychiatric disorder. Hoch’s concept of benign stu- 1870s, when official investigations finally reported
pors, influenced by the “reactive psychiatry” of nothing out of the ordinary at the hospital. Prob-
Adolf MEYER, never became popular and is no lon- ably not without coincidence, this change followed
ger in use. a period of over a century (from 1728 to 1852) in
which the Bethlem Royal Hospital was directed
Hoch, A. Benign Stupors: A Study of a New Manic-Depressive by physician members of the Monro family for
Reaction Type. New York: Macmillan, 1921. four generations (James, John, Thomas, Edward
Noll, R. “Styles of Psychiatric Practice, 1906–1925: Clini- Thomas). In an investigative report of the Commit-
cal Evaluations of the Same Patient by James Jackson tee on Madhouses presented to the House of Com-
Putnam, Adolf Meyer, August Hoch, Emil Kraepelin, mons in 1815 it was noted that many patients were
and Smith Ely Jelliffe,” History of Psychiatry 10 (1999): chained and manacled with heavy irons. An Ameri-
145–189. can Marine named James Norris had been chained
continually for 12 years (since 1804), and a female
patient was found to have been restrained in such
benztropine See ANTIPARKINSONIAN DRUGS. a manner for eight years. Due to these abuses, par-
ticularly of Norris, superintendent Thomas Monro
and apothecary John HASLAM were fired from the
Bethlem Royal Hospital (“Bedlam”) The oldest Bethlem Royal Hospital (Monro through forced
mental hospital in England, which stood at the retirement). Surgeon Bryan CROWTHER, who was
present site of the Liverpool Street Railway Station responsible for routinely bleeding all the patients
in London. Originally established as a priory in at Bethlem every spring regardless of the type or
1247, by 1329 records show that it was function- severity of illness, escaped a similar fate when he
ing as a hospital. The patients were serviced by a died shortly before the committee began its hear-
religious order of Hospitallers founded in the 13th ings. Monro’s only defense against the charges of
century and called the “Bethlehemites.” The insig- abusive treatment of patients made by the investi-
nia on their habits was a red star with a dark blue gative commission was a weak one: “It was handed
center. In 1346 the City of London took control of down to me by my father, and I do not know any
the priory and hospital from the bishop of Bethle- better practice.”
hem, and by 1403 it is recorded that six mentally An autobiographical account of confinement
ill patients resided there. in “Bedlam” was circulated in 1818 by a former
The person who was brought to the Bethlem patient, Urbane Metcalf. He describes the hospi-
Hospital for incarceration when it was relocated tal as having four main “galleries” (more like cell-
in Moorfields entered gates that were topped, on blocks than wards), with the worst, the “basement
either side, with sculptures of reclining but man- gallery,” described as follows:
acled male nudes, created by Caius Gabriel Cibber
in 1677. Such a person may very well have felt that It is to be observed that the basement is appropri-
he or she were crossing through the gates of Hell ated for those patients who are not cleanly in their
and into the netherworld. These depicted “Rav- persons, and who, on that account have no beds,
ing Madness” (a heavily chained, taut-muscled but lay on straw with blankets and a rug; but I am
and -fisted madman whose mouth is opened in an sorry to say, it is too often made a place of punish-
anguishing grimace) and “Melancholy Madness” ment, to gratify the unbounded cruelties of the
(a more passive figure, lying on his stomach, a stu- keepers.
porous expression on his face). Noted English poet
Alexander Pope referred to them as the “brazen The hospital was first made into a royal insti-
brainless brothers” in his work The Dunciad. tution in 1547, and the official name became the
bibliotherapy 55

Hospital of St. Mary of Bethlehem. Later this was bibliotherapy The reading of books as a therapeu-
shortened to Bethlehem Hospital and then to the tic activity for the mentally ill. Such an activity can
Bethlem Royal Hospital. The institution moved help focus the mind of some afflicted persons and
several times over the years, with the final move give them a sense of structure and organization to
occurring in 1920, to its present location in Monks help combat chaotic thought processes. For psy-
Orchard, Eden Park, Beckenham, Kent. In 1948 it chotic patients the value is extremely limited, but
formed an association with Maudsley Hospital and some patients—particularly those who have PARA-
now serves as a postgraduate teaching hospital for NOID SCHIZOPHRENIA or BIPOLAR DISORDER—seem to
psychiatry. get satisfaction from the activity. Due to the religious
Recent scholarship by the archivist at the Beth- preoccupations of many psychotic patients, the Bible
lehem Royal Hospital, Patricia Allderidge, ques- remains one of the most common books read and
tions the “house of horrors” image of “Bedlam” reread by patients in today’s psychiatric hospitals, as
that has been perpetuated for the past 200 years. has been the case for almost two centuries.
While noting in a paper published in 1985 that In his Medical Inquiries and Observations on the
some patients were chained at the hospital, this Diseases of the Mind (1812), American psychiatrist
was standard practice in asylums at the time (see Benjamin RUSH recommended that the person
BICÊTRE). After examining the original hospital responsible for the care of the mentally ill should
records in the famous case of Norris (whose real engage them in bibliotherapy: “His business should
first name is James and not William, as is often be, to divert them from conversing upon all the sub-
reported), she notes that he was quite possibly the jects upon which they had been deranged, to tell
most dangerous patient that the hospital staff had them pleasant stories, to read to them select pas-
ever encountered. A large, strong seaman, Norris sages from entertaining books, and to oblige them
was continually making murderous assaults on to read to him.” A pioneer in the psychotherapy of
staff until finally, in 1804, he was cuffed in an iron schizophrenia, Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst
harness and chained to a post for good (as he is C. G. JUNG reports in his autobiography the case of
often pictured in drawings). The media attention a “schizophrenic old woman” whose auditory hal-
to the Committee on Madhouses enquiry into this lucinations of “voices” told her to let Jung test her
case truly helped to develop the stereotype of the knowledge of the Bible. As Jung (1961) tells it,
hellish Bedlam, although Allderidge claims that
the primary source materials (which have only She brought along an old, tattered, much-read
been open since 1967) do not reveal much else that Bible, and at each visit I had to assign her a chapter
was extraordinary about the treatment at Bedlam to read. The next time I had to test her on it. I did
vis-à-vis other asylums at that time. this for about seven years, once every two weeks.
See also BEDLAM. At first I felt very odd in this role, but after a while
I realized what the lessons signified. In this way
Allderidge, P. “Bedlam: Fact or Fantasy?” In The Anatomy her attention was kept alert, so that she did not
of Madness: Essays in the History of Psychiatry, Vol. 1, sink deeper into the disintegrating dream.
edited by W. Byrnum, R. Porter & M. Shephard. Lon-
don: Tavistock, 1985. Jung reports a partial cure with this biblio-
———. Cibber’s Figures from the Gates of Bedlam. London: therapy method, admitting that “I would not have
Victoria and Albert Museum Masterpieces, No. 14, imagined that these memory exercises could have
1977. a therapeutic effect.”
Metcalf, U. The Interior of Bethlehem Hospital. London:
1818. Jung, C. G. Memories, Dreams, Reflections. New York: Pan-
———. Report of the Committee for Better Regulation of Mad- theon, 1961.
houses. London: Baldwin, Craddock, & Joy, 1815. Rush, Benjamin. Medical Inquiries and Observations Upon
Tuke, D. H. Chapters in the History of the Insane in the British the Diseases of the Mind. Philadelphia: Kimber & Rich-
Isles. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, 1882. ardson, 1812.
56 Bicêtre

Bicêtre In 1793, following the French Revo- among the oldest in history. Almost all the bio-
lution, Philippe P INEL was appointed as physi- chemical theories assume that schizophrenia is
cian in charge of this mental institution in Paris, caused by abnormal metabolic or enzymatic pro-
renowned as one of the worst in the world. The cesses in the chemistry of the brain. Thus, when
Bicêtre became a hospital in 1656 but was essen- present-day mental health professionals explain
tially a holding tank for all of the undesirables of to the family member of a schizophrenic that the
society. By the time Pinel took charge of the insti- brain disease is caused by a “chemical imbalance,”
tution, it contained only insane males, whereas it is because of the suggestive evidence for certain
the females were kept at the SALPÊTRIÈRE, also in aberrant “autointoxicating” chemical processes in
Paris. Scores of patients, regardless of their illness, the brain. However, there are many different theo-
were heavily chained and often beaten by sadistic ries involving many different chemicals and bio-
attendants. Records show that riots by the patients chemical processes in the nervous system, and no
were not infrequent and led to the injuries and one biochemical theory can as yet be targeted as
deaths of many of the attendants—often convicted the best explanation for the sole cause of schizo-
criminals themselves. Pinel is frequently depicted phrenia (or of all its subtypes).
as stunning the world by unchaining scores of Autointoxication The idea that schizophrenia
these patients and by instituting policies for the was perhaps caused by such an “autointoxicating”
minimum mechanical restraint necessary for process in the brain was proposed from the very
maintaining order. Etchings and an 1876 painting first by Emil KRAEPELIN in his initial description of
by Tony Robert-Fleury depicting Pinel singlehand- dementia praecox in 1896. He wrote:
edly unchaining the mentally ill helped perpetuate
this myth, although in the 1809 second edition of For these reasons I consider it more likely that
his famous textbook Pinel gives credit to the chief what we have here is a tangible morbid process
male nurse of the Bicêtre, Jean-Baptiste Pussin occurring in the brain. Only in this way does the
(1746–1809), for freeing the first 40 patients on quick descent into severe dementia become at all
May 23, 1789. comprehensible. It is true that morbid anatomy
In his 1801 classic, A Treatise on Insanity (tr., has so far been quite unable to help us here, but
1806), Pinel argues that “coercion must always we should not forget that reliable methods have
appear to be the result of necessity,” and that with not yet been employed in a serious search for mor-
the changes he brought about at the Asylum de bid changes. In the light of our current experi-
Bicêtre with his philosophy of “moral treatment:” ence, I would assume that we are dealing with
an autointoxication, whose immediate causes lie
I can assert, from accurate personal knowledge, somewhere in the body.
that the maxims of enlightened humanity prevail
throughout every department of its management; Another early theorist to propose a metabolic
that the domestics and keepers are not allowed, on disturbance as the cause of schizophrenia was the
any pretext whatever, to strike a madman; and that Swiss psychiatrist C. G. JUNG. In his 1907 classic,
straight waistcoats, superior force, and seclusion for The Psychology of Dementia Praecox, Jung proposes
a limited time, are the only punishments inflicted. that purely psychological causes (COMPLEXES)
may be primary but are not enough to explain the
devastating effects of schizophrenia. He proposed
Pinel, P. A Treatise on Insanity (1801). Translated from the in addition the presence of a mysterious “hypo-
French by D. D. Davis and M. D. Sheffield. England: thetical X, or metabolic toxin (?)” as perhaps the
W. Todd, 1806. organic cause of this mental disorder. “Dementia
praecox favors the appearance of anomalies in the
metabolism—toxins, perhaps, which injure the
biochemical theories of schizophrenia Biochem- brain in a more or less irreparable manner, so that
ical theories of the causes of SCHIZOPHRENIA are the highest psychic functions become paralyzed,”
biochemical theories of schizophrenia 57

Jung wrote early in his monograph. Furthermore, down. A prominent proponent of this line of
he expressed the hope in 1907 that “a more perfect research during this era was Seymour Kety (1915–
chemistry or anatomy of the future will perhaps 2000), the head of the neuroscience laboratories at
demonstrate the objective metabolic anomalies or the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH.
toxic effects associated (with dementia praecox).” No endogenous psychotogen, no psychosis-
Endocrine theories By the mid-1930s most of causing metabolite, was ever found in persons
the prominent proponents of AUTOINTOXICATION AS with schizophrenia. However, the basic research
A CAUSE OF DEMENTIA PRAECOX (SCHIZOPHRENIA) had conducted within the framework of the trans-
vanished from the scenes. Sources of internal foci methylation hypotheses led to many useful discov-
of infection were no longer thought to be the cause eries, including the metabolites of DOPAMINE and
of poisons sent to the brain that caused psychotic serotonin, which had applications to other fields of
symptoms. However, with the rise of endocrinol- research, such as psychopharmacology. By the late
ogy as a medical science, ENDOCRINE ALTERATIONS IN 1960s the focus of research had shifted from the
SCHIZOPHRENIA became a major focus of biochemical search for toxic metabolites to instabilities of the
research in schizophrenia beginning in the 1920s. methylation process itself. By the late 1970s the
A significant proponent of such research was Nolan transmethylation hypothesis had been replaced
D. C. Lewis (1889–1979), a noted child psychiatrist by a new one: the DOPAMINE HYPOTHESIS. Research
who for a time served as the head of the New York into the various transmethylation hypotheses
State Psychiatric Institute. “Internal secretions” slowed to a trickle and had virtually disappeared
(hormones), enzymes, and a wide variety of other by the 21st century. The last such publication in
biochemical substances were examined in persons this tradition appeared in 1999, reporting the
with schizophrenia. Then as now, findings were “experimental psychosis” induced by the ingestion
inconsistent and difficult to understand. The vari- of Ayahoasca, a South American hallucinogenic
ous CONVULSIVE THERAPIES that became popular in beverage prepared by boiling two plants found in
the 1930s (such as electroshock therapy or insulin the Amazon region.
coma therapy) were thought to work by produc- Neurotransmitters Following the discovery of
ing biochemical changes in the brain, but there was receptors for acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin,
never any conclusive evidence to support this. and other NEUROTRANSMITTERS starting in 1970, bio-
Transmethylation hypotheses Based on studies chemical research in schizophrenia has been domi-
of how hallucinogenic drugs, particularly LSD-25, nated by the study of neurotransmitter systems in
worked on the brain to produce “psychotogenic” the central nervous system. The hypothesis that
(psychosis-causing) effects, from at least 1957 to the an excessive production of dopamine flooded its
mid-1970s the dominant theories of schizophrenia receptor sites and caused the POSITIVE SYMPTOMS of
were based on various “inappropriate methylation” schizophrenia led to a “single-system” theory of the
or TRANSMETHYLATION HYPOTHESES. The term trans- cause of schizophrenia. With increased knowledge
methylation was coined by the organic chemist John about the involvement of some of the other 100
Harley-Mason of Cambridge University in England. or more neurotransmitter systems in schizophrenia
The first publication advocating this hypothesis was (GABA, serotonin, glutamate, and so on), such
published in 1952 in the Journal of Mental Science and single-system theories are no longer held to be valid.
coauthored by Humphrey Osmond (1917–2004) Changes in the biochemistry of specific parts of the
and John Smythies. The assumption was that if the brain, such as the hypothalamus and portions of
body of a person with schizophrenia was producing the frontal lobe, have emerged from this research.
LSD-like or mescaline-like substances, then metab- A comprehensive review of research on the neu-
olites of these chemicals should be detectable in rotransmitters implicated in the pathophysiology of
the blood or urine. For two decades schizophrenia schizophrenia can be found in the chapter on the
researchers searched for enzymes that converted neurochemistry of schizophrenia by Moghaddam
one biochemical molecule into another less-active and Krystal published in Steven Hirsch and Daniel
substance or its detectable metabolite after break- Weinberger’s 2003 volume, Schizophrenia (2nd ed).
58 biogenic amine hypothesis

By 2005 research on the biochemical/neuro- Jung, C. G. The Psychology of Dementia Praecox, in The Col-
chemical theories of schizophrenia focused on lected Works of C. G. Jung. Vol. 3. Princeton, N.J.: Princ-
three major areas of abnormal processes in the brain eton University Press, 1960; first published, 1907.
involving (1) monoamine mechanisms (dopamine, Kraepelin, E. “Dementia praecox,” from Psychiatrie. In The
serotonin, and noradrenaline, and their common Clinical Roots of the Schizophrenia Concept: Translations of
degraditive enzyme, MAO); (2) amino acid neu- Seminal European Contributions on Schizophrenia, edited
rotransmitters (the inhibitory amino acid neu- by J. Cutting and M. Shepherd. 1896. Reprint, Cam-
rotransmitter pathways of gamma-aminobutryic bridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987.
acid [GABA] and glutamate, an excitatory neu- Moghaddam, B., and J. H. Krystal. “The Neurochemistry
rotransmitter); and (3) neuropeptides (opioids and of Schizophrenia.” In Schizophrenia. 2nd ed., edited by
cholecystokinin [CCK]). S. R. Hirsch and D. Weinberger. Cambridge: Blackwell,
Given the fact that there are more than 100 2003.
neurotransmitters in the brain, and many of them Osmond, H., and J. R. Smythies. “Schizophrenia: A New
interact with each other and with neuropeptides, Approach,” Journal of Mental Science 98 (1952): 309–
researchers in this field are increasingly reluctant 315.
to believe in “single-system” theories of the neuro- Pomilio, A. B., et al. “Ayahoasca: An Experimental Psy-
chemistry of schizophrenia. Neurochemical stud- chosis that Mirrors the Transmethylation Hypothesis
ies are now regularly combined with postmortem of Schizophrenia,” Journal of Ethnopharmacology 65
work, functional brain imaging data, and other (April 1999): 29–51.
sources of information about what really happens
in the brain of a person with schizophrenia. New
theories of schizophrenia no longer propose simple biogenic amine hypothesis The hypothesis that
“chemical imbalances” but instead are highly com- abnormalities in the structure, production, and
plex, interactive models that combine multiple neu- transmission of the biogenic amines are the cause
rotransmitter systems with neural circuitry. Most of of many mental disorders, especially psychotic
these theories focus on pathways between the cor- disorders. The three primary groups of biogenic
tex and the subcortical regions of the limbic system amines that are suspected to play this role are the
of the brain. An entire issue of Schizophrenia Bulle- CATECHOLAMINES (such as the NEUROTRANSMITTER
tin published in 1998 (vol. 24, no. 2) was devoted DOPAMINE), the INDOLAMINES (such as the neu-
to these “New Models of the Pathophysiology of rotransmitter serotonin), and the HISTAMINES.
With the promising findings in genetics
regarding schizophrenia, biochemical theories biological markers of schizophrenia The search
have been linked to genetic theories of the causes for certain biological “signs” or “markers” in the
of schizophrenia. The assumption is that a par- biochemistry and neurophysiology of SCHIZOPHRE-
ticular genetic abnormality predisposes an indi- NIA is one of the most important searches presently
vidual to developing a metabolic disorder in the underway in schizophrenia research laboratories.
brain. However, while this linkage is suggestive If it can be shown that certain biochemical or neu-
based on our knowledge of the genetic causes of rophysiological processes are different in schizo-
other types of diseases, concrete evidence link- phrenics than in normals, then further tests can
ing the two in the causes of schizophrenia is be devised to determine why this is so, perhaps
still lacking. Furthermore, it must be remem- giving scientific clues to the causes of schizophre-
bered that, other than through genetic causes, nia. Furthermore, certain measurable differences
biochemical imbalances may derive from such found in schizophrenics may then be developed
things as environmental stress, infectious dis- into a useful physiological method for making the
eases, and trauma—all of which have historically diagnosis of schizophrenia (much as we now have
been implicated in various theories of the cause tests for many other physical diseases). Ideally,
of schizophrenia. such tests could then be used in GENETIC COUNSEL-
bipolar disorder 59

ING (if genetics tests are developed) or in prenatal bipolar to refer to manic-depressive illness from
screening by determining the liability to schizo- another German psychiatrist, Karl Kleist (1879–
phrenia. At present, although it is almost certain 1960), who first used the term (and unipolar as
that schizophrenia is a brain disease with a physio- well) in 1953. His conclusions were based on years
logical cause, there are no certain biological mark- of longitudinal research on the course and out-
ers that can be looked for through medical tests in come of manic-depressive disorder. Leonhard’s
the same way that, for example, diabetes can be work inspired numerous studies of this issue by
diagnosed. other researchers throughout the 1960s, and by
Biological markers for schizophrenia are sought the 1970s it was believed that unipolar depression
in research on the following areas: neuroanatomy, and bipolar manic-depression were in fact separate
both gross and histologic (neuropathology, com- syndromes.
puted tomography, magnetic resonance imaging); In 1980 DSM-III introduced the new terms major
dynamic brain functioning (positron emission depression and bipolar disorder to replace manic-
tomography, mapping of the brain’s electrical depression as it had been defined since 1899. As
activity); neuroendocrine measures; neurophysi- forms of Affective Disorders (a new umbrella cat-
ological measures (tracking of eye movements, egory), the diagnosis of a manic episode was now
electroencephalogram); molecular genetics; bio- the key to receiving a bipolar diagnosis. This still
chemical measures; and the biochemical response implied that persons who are “bipolar” would one
to the administration of various psychoactive day experience at least one bout of major depres-
drugs. sion, but we now know that this is not the case.
See also BRAIN ABNORMALITIES IN SCHIZOPHRENIA ; In DSM-IV (2000), the category of Mood Disorders
BRAIN IMAGING TECHNIQUES ; BIOCHEMICAL THEORIES includes separate categories for (plural) Depressive
OF SCHIZOPHRENIA ; CARDIOVASCULAR HYPOPLASIA ; Disorders and Bipolar Disorders. Bipolar Disorders
ENDOCRINE DISORDER HYPOTHESIS ; EYE-MOVEMENT are divided into Bipolar I Disorder (where a full
ABNORMALITIES IN SCHIZOPRENIA ; PLATELET MONO- manic episode has been diagnosed) and Bipolar II
AMINE OXIDASE ACTIVITY HYPOTHESIS. disorder (where hypomanic episodes are present
with recurrent episodes of major depression). Each
of the forms of Bipolar I disorder is defined accord-
biperiden See ANTIPARKINSONIAN DRUGS. ing to whether the most recent episode was major
depression, mania, or a mixed episode. Specifiers
for each of the bipolar disorders are added if psy-
bipolar disorder Until the publication of DSM-III chotic features present, if there is a seasonal pat-
in 1980 and ICD -10 in 1992, a person suffering from tern, if there is or is not interepisode recovery,
a major depressive episode was diagnosed with if there are catatonic features, if the onset was
MANIC-DEPRESSIVE ILLNESS even though they may postpartum, and if the course of a person’s ill-
have never experienced a manic episode. This was ness indicated rapid cycling (four or more manic,
due to the conceptualization of manic-depression major depressive, or mixed episodes in a 12-month
proposed by Emil K RAEPELIN in 1899 as a single period).
disease resulting in the manifestation of almost Most of the research conducted since the adop-
all the known severe and/or chronic AFFECTIVE tion of the RESEARCH DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA (1978)
DISORDERS (now termed “mood disorders”). Evi- and DSM-III (1980) supports the notion that unipo-
dence that there may actually be “monopolar” lar depression and bipolar disorder are in fact two
syndromes of DEPRESSION and MANIA in addition separate syndromes. However, the focus has primar-
to the “bipolar” manic-depressive illness was first ily been on major depression, which has a lifetime
presented in 1957 in a book by a German psychia- risk of approximately 5 percent in the United States,
trist, Karl Leonhard (1904–88), Die Aufteilung der and not on bipolar disorder, which has a risk of
endogenen Psychosen (The Classification of Endog- approximately 1 percent (almost identical to schizo-
enous Psychoses). Leonard borrowed the term phrenia). Studies conducted in Europe indicate the
60 bipolar disorder

prevalence rate for bipolar disorder may be as high population to be born in December through March.
as 5 percent. Prior to 1980, manic-depressive illness Persons with unipolar depression are more likely to
also tended to be neglected by researchers, with be born in the period from March through May.
most of the attention going to dementia praecox and Frequency of episodes Studies have indicated
schizophrenia. that, for most persons with bipolar disorder, the
disease starts slowly and picks up severity over
Symptoms and Diagnostic Path the years. The durations between the first, second,
Despite the prominence of this disorder in psy- and third episodes are much longer than the time
chiatry since 1899, very little is still known about between bouts of mania, depression, or mixed states
the various courses of bipolar disorder, its various as the years go by. Earlier age of onset is associated
outcomes, its ETIOLOGY (causes), and its patho- with an increased frequency of episodes and a con-
physiology (underlying biological abnormalities tinuity of symptoms between full episodes. Later
associated with the disease process that causes it). episodes are less likely to include euphoric mania
What is known can be summarized below: and more likely to become increasingly dysphoric
Age of onset The rule of thumb since Kraepelin and/or psychotic.
was that most persons with manic-depression or Cycle patterns The classic CIRCULAR INSANITY
bipolar disorder experienced their first manic epi- pattern identified by Falret in 1854 of mania alter-
sode prior to age 25. This assumption has been dis- nating with depression is actually quite rare. Most
puted in a major study conducted by the Institute persons with bipolar disorder have a variety of alter-
of Psychiatry in London by Noel Kennedy and col- ations (mania-mania-mania-depression-mania, for
leagues that was published in the American Journal just one example). Untreated, depressive episodes
of Psychiatry in 2005. In this study, all cases of first- last longer than manic episodes. Seasonal patterns
episode PSYCHOSIS, mania, or hypomania in adults have been noted, with depression more likely in
treated at a psychiatric facility in London between the winter and mania or hypomania more likely in
1965 and 1999 were analyzed. They found that the the spring and summer. Anniversary reactions to
average age of onset of a manic episode was 32.9 past traumatic events seem to trigger annual manic
years. A major gender difference was found, with or depressive episodes in some persons.
an average age of onset for men at 30 years and Rapid cycling Rapid cycling is defined in DSM-
one for women at 35 years. Half of all the men IV-TR as four distinct episodes in a calendar year,
experienced a manic episode before age 25, and each separated by two months of normal function-
by age 35 almost 80 percent of men had done so. ing or by a switch in polarity (mania to depres-
In women, only one-third had experienced mania sion, or vice versa). One consistent finding is that
before the age of 25, and just 64 percent by the rapid cycling is far more common in women than
age of 35. in men. Continuous or ultradian (ultrafast) cycling
A family history of affective disorders is associ- is associated with a severe course of the illness.
ated with an earlier age of onset. Onset before the Mixed episodes Since the early 1990s, a great
age of 17 is associated with a more severe course deal of research has been devoted to those episodes
of the illness. that seem to be a mixture of mania and depres-
Comorbidity Persons with bipolar disorder are sion. Such MIXED STATES are now generally termed
extremely likely to develop another mental disorder dysphoric mania. They are associated with later
at some point in their lives. The two most common stages of the illness, with more suicidal thoughts
comorbid conditions are anxiety disorders (primar- and suicide attempts, and with poorer outcomes
ily panic disorder and social phobia) and substance than patients who experience pure or euphoric
abuse (primarily alcohol and marijuana). mania. Mixed states occur in about 40 percent of
Season of birth effect As with schizophrenia, persons with bipolar disorder during the course of
studies have found season of birth effects for bipo- a lifetime.
lar disorder and unipolar depression. Persons with Psychotic features Pronounced and persistent
bipolar disorder are more likely than the general delusions or hallucinations are a bad prognostic
bipolar disorder 61

sign in bipolar disorder. Psychotic features are asso- nection between manic-depression and bipolar
ciated with greater disability and a more severe and disorder in their excellent book Surviving Manic-
chronic course of the illness. Depression (2002), E. Fuller Torrey and Michael
Sleep For a person with bipolar disorder, the Knable of the Stanley Research Foundation of
duration and quality of sleep is the key to prevent- Bethesda, Maryland, concluded, “In fact, the
ing relapse. Lack of sleep has been known to ignite findings for manic-depressive illness more closely
a manic episode. approximate those for schizophrenia than for uni-
polar depression.”
Treatment Options and Outlook The issue of whether schizophrenia and bipolar
LITHIUM has been the standard treatment for disorder were one disease or two separate diseases
manic episodes since the 1950s. However, it was was the subject of a one-day symposium on April
only approved for use in the United States in 1970. 17, 1999, associated with the International Con-
Lithium also works to alleviate the depressive epi- gress on Schizophrenia Research. The results of
sodes in bipolar disorder. However, lithium does this symposium were published in a special issue
not work for everyone. Recent recommended of Schizophrenia Research in 1999. The basic con-
treatment algorithms (decision trees) for psy- clusion that many of the RISK FACTORS for the two
chiatrists to follow suggest that the type of manic disorders were similar (family history, roughly
episode is the most important determinant of the same season of birth effect, similar 1 percent
what medication to use. For euphoric mania (the lifetime risk for the disorder in the general popu-
classic type), lithium is the first choice. Lithium lation), but that the clinical pictures of the two dis-
works less well for dysphoric mania and psychotic orders were quite different (course and outcome,
mania. Antipsychotic drugs such as olanzapine neuropsychological findings, neuroimaging find-
(Zyprexa) or mood-stabilizers such as divalproex ings, gender differences). Whether schizophrenia
sodium or valproate (Depakote or Depakene), and manic-depression are two separate disorders
carbamazepine (Tegretol), lamotrigine (Lamic- or different expression of an underlying “unitary
tal), topiramate (Topamax), or gabapentin (Neu- psychosis” is still an open question.
rontin) are found to work better for these two
types of mania. Some antidepressant drugs (such Akiskal, H. S., et al. “Re-evaluating the Prevalence of
as some of the SSRIs) have actually been known and Diagnostic Composition within the Broad Clini-
to ignite a manic episode and therefore are not cal Spectrum of Bipolar Disorders,” Journal of Affective
usually prescribed. Disorders 59 (2000): S5–S30.
Genetics Like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder Kennedy, N. et al. “Gender Difficiences in Incidence and
runs in families. Twins studies and adoption studies Age at Onset of Mania and Bipolar Disorder over a 35-
have indicated patterns that support the suspicion year Period in Cambridge, England.” American Journal
that genetics plays a role in family transmission. of Psychiatry 162 (2005) 257–262.
Although far fewer studies of bipolar disorder have Goldberg, J. F., and M. Harrow, eds. Bipolar Disorders: Clin-
been conducted than those on schizophrenia, con- ical Course and Outcomes. Washington, D.C., and Lon-
cordance rates for identical twins have averaged don: American Psychiatric Press, 1999.
around 44 percent. No strong candidate genes for Sato, T., et al. “The Boundary between Mixed and Manic
bipolar disorder have been identified. Episodes in the ICD-10 Classification,” Acta Psychiactrica
Bipolar disorder and schizophrenia Near the Scandinavica 106 (2002): 109–116.
end of his career, Emil Kraepelin admitted that, Suppes, T., E. B. Dennehy, and E. Wells Gibbons. “The
in practice, it was sometimes quite difficult to Longitudinal Course of Bipolar Disorder,” Journal of
diagnose cases differentially of manic-depression Clinical Psychiatry 61 (2000): 23–30 (supplement 9).
from cases of schizophrenia. When pronounced Suppes, T., et al. “Report of the Texas Consensus Confer-
psychotic features are present in a mood disorder, ence Panel on Medication Treatment of Bipolar Disor-
especially during a manic episode, this is indeed der 2000,” Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 63 (April 2002):
the case. In reviewing the evidence for a con- 288–299.
62 Birch, John

Torrey, E. F., and M. B. Knable. Surviving Manic Depression: mental disorder. It is often used as a more colorful
A Manual on Bipolar Disorder for Patients, Families and euphemism for the more clinical term DELUSION.
Providers. New York: Basic Books, 2002.

blacks, incidence of schizophrenia in In the

Birch, John (1745–1815) Birch was a British sur- United States, blacks are given the diagnosis of
geon and is perhaps the first to use ELECTROSHOCK SCHIZOPHRENIA at a greater rate than whites. The
THERAPY for mental illness. In the late 1700s Birch most conservative studies indicate that the rate for
founded an “electric department” at London’s St. blacks is at least one and a half times that for whites.
Thomas Hospital and used electricity to treat his There are several reasons suggested for this discrep-
patients stricken with MELANCHOLIA and other ancy. One is that most clinicians in the United States
assumed MENTAL DISORDERs. He “passed shocks are white, and that the labeling of blacks with such
through the brain,” as is reported in a book by a serious diagnosis is an expression, consciously or
George Adams (the man who made Birch’s spe- unconsciously, of racism. Others have suggested
cial electrical instrument), An Essay on Electricity, reasons based on epidemiological grounds, namely
Explaining the Principles of That Useful Science, and that there is a strong association between schizo-
Describing the Instruments (London, 1799). phrenia and lower socioeconomic status—regard-
less of race—in large cities. This association does not
seem to be as strong for smaller cities or rural areas.
birth order and schizophrenia In the late 1950s Demographic studies show that blacks tend to be
and early 1960s many studies were conducted to clustered in major metropolitan areas and less so in
determine whether a person’s rank in birth order smaller cities or rural areas. Studies of schizophre-
among his or her siblings was correlated to the later nia rates in rural American areas show no difference
development of SCHIZOPHRENIA. This research was between whites and blacks. Thus, those who cite
partially conducted to test hypotheses generated such epidemiological data suggest that the higher
by psychoanalytic theory, which predicted that the schizophrenia rates among black Americans are due
extraordinary oedipal demands made upon the to environmental factors—the harsh life of poverty
first-born male child might (in combination with in large urban areas—rather than racial factors.
schizophrenia. The make-up or “constellation” of Kramer, M. “Population Changes and Schizophrenia,
schizophrenic families, determined by such things 1970–1985.” In The Nature of Schizophrenia, edited by
as the sex and birth order rank of children, was L. Wynne et al. New York: Wiley, 1978.
also of interest to “family systems” theorists who
practice family therapy. However, major reviews
of these studies have almost uniformly concluded bleeding The deliberate opening of a blood ves-
that there is no association between birth order sel (venesection) or the more localized use of cup-
and the development of schizophrenia. ping glasses and leeches to draw blood was one of
the most common forms of medical treatment for
Erlenmeyer-Kimling, L., E. Van Den Bosch, and B. Den- both physical and MENTAL DISORDERs for thousands
ham. “The Problem of Birth Order and Schizophrenia: of years. It gained in popularity as a psychiatric
A Negative Conclusion,” British Journal of Psychiatry treatment after William Harvey’s discovery of the
115 (1969): 659–678. circulation of blood in 1628 and was extensively
employed for many physical and mental diseases
until the 19th century. Galen, in the second cen-
bizarre ideation A common descriptive term found tury A.D., recommends it as a treatment for fevers.
in the diagnostic assessments of clinicians examin- Due to the HUMORAL THEORY OF MENTAL ILLNESS of
ing psychotic patients. It refers to the grossly aber- Hippocrates (fifth century B.C.) it was thought that
rant expressed thoughts of someone with a psychotic insanity was caused by an excess of “hot blood”
bleeding 63

or of particular humors, which thus needed to be sizes for different-size veins. They could be either
drawn off from the body. The word for this con- the manually applied type or, later, a “spring-lan-
dition of excess—the Greek plethora—is still used cet,” in which a spring-propelled device could be
today, although not in its original, humoral sense. released to mechanically push into and puncture a
Bloodletting was a common medical practice for vein. Special “bleeding bowls” with internal grada-
centuries, although in the 12th century priests and tions marked to measure the amount of blood col-
monks (who were long involved in the medical treat- lected were used, with some of the finer ones made
ment of the sick and poor) were forbidden to use it of pewter. It was considered an art not to spill a
or other physical treatments by Pope Innocent II drop of blood anywhere but in these bowls.
and instead were ordered to concentrate on religious A second method, “wet cupping,” involved the
matters of the soul. To compensate for this loss of application to the surface of the skin of a glass
medical specialists, a group of lay specialists known (usually) cup that had first been exhausted of air
as barbers or barber-surgeons arose to meet the inside (usually through holding it over a flame
demand for bloodletting services. In England, a sub- until the flame expired), causing the skin to puff
specialty group known as Lay-Barbers or Surgeons up (tumefy). After the skin responded in this man-
of the Short Robe was one of the groups represented ner, the cup was lifted and several incisions were
in the Guild of the Barber-Surgeons, which was made (sometimes with special devices, with mul-
formed in 1210. Later legislation restricted the Lay- tiple, razor-sharp blades, known as “scarificators”),
Barbers to bloodletting, wound surgery, cupping, and the cup reapplied to collect the blood.
leeching, the extraction of teeth, the giving of ene- The third method, “leeching,” involved applying
mas, and—the only service that the barbers of today the freshwater parasitic invertebrate still known
still perform—shaving. To distinguish themselves as Hirudo medicinalis to various parts of the body.
from the Surgeons of the Long Robe, who performed The animal would then attach itself to the skin
amputations and other services that the surgeons of through its three-pronged bite and would engorge
today still provide, the Lay-Barbers placed a striped itself until full (in the largest leeches, about an
pole or sign outside their doors, under which was ounce of blood). Cupping the wound after the
attached a “bleeding bowl” to advertise the nature leech was removed would then obtain much more
of their services. The barber-pole represented the blood, since leeches inject an anticoagulant sub-
stick held and squeezed in the patient’s hand to help stance into the blood and such wounds would not
increase the flow of blood from a wound produced readily clot or heal. The word leech is actually an
on a vein in the arm (the same place where blood is old Anglo-Saxon word for a “healer” or “to heal,”
most commonly drawn today), with the white stripe and for many centuries the animal was more com-
on the pole symbolizing the tourniquet tied around monly known by its ancient Latin name, hirudo.
the arm above the opened vein and the red stripe, of With the popularity of the medical practice of
course, symbolizing the blood. This is the way bar- bloodletting, the word leech only later began to
ber poles still appear today. Sometimes on the older refer to the animal itself.
poles a blue line might appear, which symbolized That the anemia caused by an excessive loss of
the appearance of the veins in the body. blood could weaken anyone—and thus diminish
There were three main bloodletting techniques. their symptoms of mental illness—is no surprise.
In venesection, sometimes called “breathing a vein,” Many individuals lost their lives through this mis-
a vein (usually on the arm or foot) was opened with guided form of treatment based on an incorrect
a sharp-pointed, double-edged, and straight-bladed theory. The history of psychiatry seems to be par-
cutting instrument known in ancient Greece and ticularly prone to such tragic treatments, usually
Rome as a phlebotome (from the Greek words for based upon some new scientific discovery (as the
“a vein” and “to cut”) or later as a lancet. The noted treatment of bleeding followed the discovery of the
British medical journal The Lancet is named after circulation of the blood), particularly since there
this bloodletting instrument. A practitioner would are also modern examples of dangerous treatments
be advised to carry a variety of lancets of various based on little or no scientific theory—20th-century
64 Bleuler, Eugen

equivalents of “bleeding,” such as PSYCHOSURGERY, in use in American asylums. By the mid-1800s,

the COMA THERAPIES, and the CONVULSIVE THERA- the use of bleeding as a treatment for mental ill-
PIES for schizophrenics. ness had almost entirely disappeared in Europe as
Up until the 19th century, all the patients in the well, leading the noted German psychiatrist Wil-
BETHLEM ROYAL HOSPITAL in London were bled sev- helm GRIESINGER to write in 1845 that, “The use of
eral times every summer, regardless of the severity bleeding . . . has in recent times been considerably
or type of disorder, and as a commonly reported restricted, and all are agreed that the necessity for
form of punishment. In 18th-century France, prior venesection is not to be inferred from delirium, or
to their transfer to the care of Philippe P INEL at any of its forms, even the most active, excited, and
the BICÊTRE Asylum in the 1790s, the mentally ill furious.”
patients of Paris’s oldest hospital were bled so often The best source of information on the medi-
that the general public referred to bleeding as the cal practice of bleeding for modern readers is the
“traitement de l’Hôtel-Dieu.” French mental patients essay and illustrations in a catalog of “bloodletting
were usually bled once or twice in the spring and instruments” in the collection of the Smithsonian
autumn and then bathed (or simply cast) into cold Institution in Washington, D.C., published in 1979
water. Pinel did not advocate bleeding, nor did J. by Audrey Davis and Toby Appel.
E. D. ESQUIROL , who bluntly stated in his 1838
psychiatric manual that “I do not believe it neces- Brain, P. Galen on Bloodletting: A Study of the Origins, Develop-
sary to prescribe bloodletting in the treatment of ment and Validity of His Opinions, with a Translation of the
insanity.” Three Works. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
Perhaps the greatest advocate of bleeding 1986.
among the fathers of modern psychiatry was the Davis, A., and T. Appel. Bloodletting Instruments in the
American Benjamin RUSH of Philadelphia. In his National Museum of History and Technology, Smithsonian
1812 textbook, Medical Inquiries and Observations on Studies in History and Technology, Number 41. Wash-
the Diseases of the Mind, he gives modern readers a ington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1979.
glimpse into this long-rejected practice as a treat- Earle, P. “Bloodletting in Mental Disorder,” American Jour-
ment for “mania”: nal of Insanity 10 (1854): 387–405.
Esquirol, J. E. D. Mental Maladies, A Treatise on Insan-
Blood-letting is indicated by the extraordinary ity, trans. E. K. Hunt. Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard,
success which has attended its artificial use in the 1845; first published, 1838.
United States, and particularly in the Pennsylva- Griesinger, W. Mental Pathology and Therapeutics. 2nd ed.,
nia Hospital. In the use of bleeding in this state of trans. C. L. Robertson. 1845. Reprint, New York: Wil-
madness, the following rules should be observed: liam Wood & Co., 1882.
It should be copious on the first attack of the Rush, B. Medical Inquiries and Observations Upon the Diseases
disease. From 20 to 30 ounces of blood may be of the Mind. Philadelphia: Kimber & Richardson, 1812.
taken at once, unless fainting be induced before
that quantity be drawn. It will do most service
if the patient be bled in a standing posture. The Bleuler, Eugen (1857–1939) An empathetic healer
effects of this early and copious bleeding are won- and prominent Swiss psychiatrist who coined the
derful in calming mad people. It often prevents term SCHIZOPHRENIA in a 1908 paper and who gave
the necessity of using any other remedy, and its clearest and unsurpassed description in his clas-
sometimes it cures in a few hours. sic book, Dementia Praecox, Or the Group of Schizo-
phrenias, in 1911. Bleuler was born in Zollikon,
Rush’s treatment of choice (which he picked near Zurich, where his ancestors were largely
up during his training in Edinburgh and London, farmers. After earning his diploma, he served his
where he witnessed the regime at Bedlam and St. medical residency at the Waldau mental hospital
Luke’s) did not meet with widespread approval near Bern. He then left to study in Paris with such
in the United States, and by 1832 was no longer noted French psychiatrists as Jean Martin Charcot
Bleuler, Manfred 65

and Victor Magnon. In 1885 he returned to Zur- the professor to the young resident was totally
ich to serve as assistant to August Forel, the chief absorbed by his work. Abstinence from alcoholic
of the BURGHÖLZI HOSPITAL . The following year, drinks was imposed on everyone. Bleuler was
Bleuler at the age of 29 became the director of a kind to all and never played the role of the chief.
mental hospital, the Reinau, located in a former
monastery on an island in the Rhine River. Bleuler was briefly associated with Sigmund
Bleuler’s next 12 years were spent at Reinau FREUD’s psychoanalytic movement but broke with
and provided him the intimate experience of the Freud in 1910. He is credited with coining the word
everyday life of schizophrenics that he based his depth psychology, which refers to the psychology of
later theoretical work on. Bleuler lived in the same the unconscious mind made famous by Freud and
building with 800-plus patients (considered some Jung.
of the worst and most chronic in this “backwater”
institution) and devoted himself selflessly to every Bleuler, E. Dementia Praecox, Or the Group of Schizophrenias.
aspect of their care. Still a bachelor, Bleuler spent Translated by Joseph Zinkin. 1911. Reprint, New York:
almost all his waking hours with his patients and International Universities Press, 1950.
succeeded in his goal of attaining a close emotional Ellenberger, H. The Discovery of the Unconscious. New York:
rapport (affektiver Rapport) with each of them. Basic Books, 1970.
Despite his relative youthfulness, the patients and
the attendants addressed him as “Father” out of
reverence. Bleuler, Manfred (1903–1990) Son of Eugen
This devotion to understanding the inner world BLEULER and a major contributor to the study of
of the schizophrenic patient he carried with him to schizophrenia in his own right. Manfred assumed
the Burghölzi mental hospital when he succeeded his father’s former position as the director of
his mentor Forel as the director in 1896. His lec- the Zürich Psychiatric University Clinic at the
tures to his new staff, based on his observations Burghölzi in 1942. He remained in this position for
made during his 12 years at Reinau, were the basis 27 years and was known for his long-term studies
of his later book on schizophrenia. He organized of schizophrenic patients and their families. Like
work therapy programs (Arbeitstherapie) for the his father, Manfred also placed a great importance
patients and would visit the wards several times at on understanding the inner world of those afflicted
any hour during the day. He was also insistent that with schizophrenia. In 1979 he wrote:
his staff demonstrate the same devotion as Bleuler
himself to understanding the patients—a revolu- A healthy life exists buried beneath this con-
tionary approach in the days when physicians were fusion. Somewhere deep within himself the
rarely seen by the patients at all, let alone involved schizophrenic is in touch with reality despite his
in discussions with them. Over the years, his staff hallucinations. He has common sense in spite of
contained individuals who would later become his delusions and confused thinking. He hides a
famous for their own contributions to psychiatry warm and human heart behind his sometimes
and psychoanalysis: C. G. JUNG, Karl Abraham, shocking affective behavior. We must know how
A. A. Brill, Ernest Jones, and Ludwig Binswanger. to approach the schizophrenic. We must enter and
Alphonse Maeder (cited in Ellenberger’s book, The feel with him his vision of reality. We must never
Discovery of the Unconscious), who also became well relinquish this endeavor.
known, described what life was like with Eugen
Bleuler in those legendary days at the Burghölzi: Bleuler, M. “My Sixty Years with Schizophrenics.” In Dis-
orders of the Schizophrenic Syndrome, edited by L. Bellak.
The patient was the focus of interest. The student New York: Basic Books, 1979.
learned how to talk with him. Burghölzi was in ———. The Schizophrenic Disorders: Long-Term Patient and
that time a kind of factory where you worked Family Studies, trans. S. M. Clemens. 1972. Reprint,
very much and were poorly paid. Everyone from New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1978.
66 Bleuler’s syndrome

Bleuler’s syndrome The eponymous label given as BLEEDING —for the cure of physical and mental
by British psychiatric researcher T. J. Crow to his maladies. For asylum physicians and researchers
proposed “Type I” SCHIZOPHRENIA , which is the intrigued by the stories that blood may reveal,
variety characterized by positive symptoms, good there were at least four questions that needed to
response to psychotropic medication, and a relative be addressed:
lack of intellectual impairment. This last character-
istic is why Crow named Type I schizophrenia after (1) Is the blood of diseased persons different from
Eugen BLEULER, whose contribution to the study of the blood of healthy ones?
schizophrenia was his recognition that there were (2) Can specific diseases be diagnosed by specific
forms of schizophrenia that did not necessarily fol- changes in the blood?
low the strict degenerative course that Emil K RAE- (3) Is the cause of madness in the blood itself? In
PELIN thought characterized all dementia praecox. other words, is “mad” blood “bad” blood? (the
Kraepelin’s concept of dementia praecox more question of etiology)
closely fits Crow’s Type II schizophrenia, which he (4) Are differences in the blood of the insane
named the P INEL-HASLAM SYNDROME after the two merely clues to the hidden causes of madness
famous alienists who each, apparently, provided that are to be found elsewhere in the body?
the first clinical descriptions of this disorder in (the question of pathophysiology)
books that they published in 1809.
See also CROW’S HYPOTHESIS. Unclear about the exact parameters of the
clinical syndromes confronting asylum physi-
Crow, T. J. “The Two-syndrome Concept: Origins and Cur- cians, and not knowing how to define opera-
rent Status,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 11 (1985): 471–485. tionally mental illnesses such as DEMENTIA
PRAECOX or manic-depressive insanity except as
vaguely “organic” or “biological,” most laboratory
blocking A very common symptom of SCHIZO- researchers simply applied methods inspired by
PHRENIA wherein a person has an abrupt loss of the latest conceptual or technological innovations
their train of thought, feeling as though he or she in the various medical sciences and hoped there
is suddenly “blanking out” in mid-sentence. Many would be a serendipitous payoff in the search for
schizophrenics describe this experience as a sudden the ETIOLOGY, pathophysiology, and treatment of
loss of all thoughts and feelings, leaving awareness psychiatric disorders.
“empty” or filled with “nothingness.” Often they In the past 150 years, four general approaches
cannot remember what they were previously say- to the examination of the blood of the insane have
ing or thinking when asked after such an experi- framed experimental research:
ence. One paranoid schizophrenic patient that the
author knew would scream out, “They just killed (1) the corpuscular richness paradigm (1854)
me right now!” to describe his anxiety over the (2) the metabolic paradigm (circa 1895)
frequent, sudden loss of his inner world. The term (3) the immunoserodiagnostic paradigm (1906)
was used by Eugen BLEULER as early as 1911. (4) the medical genomics paradigm (2005)

bloodletting See BLEEDING. The corpuscular richness paradigm The first

quantitative laboratory investigation of the blood
of asylum patients was conducted in 1854 by W.
blood of the insane, studies of Blood has always Lauder Lindsay, then an assistant physician at the
been regarded as a carrier of information about the Crichton Royal Institution at Dumfries, and pub-
essence—physical, mental, spiritual—of the indi- lished in January 1855 just as he assumed a new
vidual person. Humoral medicine, of course, pos- position as superintendent and chief medical offi-
ited blood as one of the primary causative factors cer of James Murray’s Royal Asylum for Lunatics
in disease and offered rational treatments—such in Perthshire, Scotland. Lauder Lindsay created the
blood of the insane, studies of 67

initial paradigm for this type of laboratory research hand, many, who could not appreciate the objects
in PSYCHIATRY by focusing on the relative numbers of experiment, submitted cheerfully . . . some pre-
or proportions of the structural elements of blood as sented their fingers under the impression that,
counted through microscopic observation. In doing from the single drop of blood, the state of their
so, Lauder Lindsay was applying laboratory logic— constitution, the chances of cure, and the period of
but not the time-consuming procedures—inspired their removal, could infallibly be predicted; others
by Karl Vierordt’s pioneering 1852 publication in from curiosity to see the appearance from which
which the first blood cell counts were reported. their own blood, or that of their companions, pre-
The studies of Vierordt and Lauder Lindsay were sented under a microscope . . . some carried this
conducted within the context of the first phase in laudable curiosity to a great extent, begging most
the history of modern hematology in which the earnestly not only to see their own blood at differ-
focus was on the quantification of various cell types ent periods of the day, but that of fellow-patients
within the blood. Staining techniques that could and attendants, evidently strongly impressed with
more accurately reveal the structural characteristics the belief that between their own blood and that
of the blood only came into general use after 1877, of companions who exhibited most different traits
when Paul Ehrlich (1854–1915), while still a medi- of character or conduct, or between that of insane
cal student, developed a triacid stain that enabled patients and sane attendants, there should exist a
the clear microscopic definition of the nucleus, perceptible difference. On various occasions, I was
cytoplasm, and other details of cells in thin films of obliged to demonstrate the condition of my own
dried blood on glass slides. blood under the microscope, to satisfy the curios-
In his unprecedented experiment, Lauder Lind- ity thus awakened (1855: 82).
say used a needle to prick the fingers of 236 insane
patients and 36 officers and attendants of the Crich- Documenting the relative proportion of serum,
ton Royal Institution and Southern Counties Asylum fibrin, and globules in the blood of the insane and
at Dumfries. A simple blood smear on glass slides noninsane, as well as a comparison of the form
was examined using a microscope from Nachet and structures of the red and white corpuscles, he
in Paris, with a magnifying power of “180 to 380 attributed differences in the blood of the insane to
diameters.” His procedural remarks are colorful: the presence of other physical diseases that were
equally present in noninsane persons. Diagnostic
As a general rule, the insane are extremely bad sub- differences among the insane did not yield cor-
jects for such experiments. . . . They are extremely responding differences in the blood. His negative
sensitive, restless and suspicious of operative inter- findings are summarized more succinctly in his
ference, even of a slight nature. Many obstinately later June 1857 annual report as superintendent
refused to allow their fingers to be pricked. Some and chief medical officer of Murray’s Royal Asy-
did so from a firm conviction that a deep-laid con- lum for Lunatics: “insanity and the different types
spiracy against their lives or welfare lurked under and phases thereof are not characterized by a par-
the cloak of apparently simple experiment; oth- ticular morbid state of the blood, and tend to show
ers simply objected to become tools of experiment that insanity must be placed in the category of
or amusement; some declined on the plea that in ordinary physical diseases” (1857: 15).
their greatly debilitated condition they could ill Lauder Lindsay was a Scottish precursor to what
afford to spare even a single drop of blood; others historian Edward Shorter referred to as “the first
lacked courage to submit to the operation; some biological psychiatry” launched in the 1860s by
demanded full explanations of the motives which Germans such as Wilhelm GRIESINGER (1817–68).
led to my making the singular request of allowing Additionally, Lauder Lindsay expressed his faith in
their finger to be pricked by a needle; in others laboratory medicine as a means not only to dis-
this formed the keynote of their delusions, delir- cover the causes of mental disorders but also as a
ium or vituperation, for days or weeks after the medium for dispelling discrimination against the
experiment was attempted in them. On the other mentally ill:
68 blood of the insane, studies of

Researches of this nature will tend greatly to break However, a 1920 review by Bayard Taylor HOLMES
down the unfounded prejudices still existing in (1852–1924)—an ardent American proponent of
the public mind regarding the special nature of biological psychiatry and the founder (in 1918) of
insanity, and to propagate, among the profession DEMENTIA PRAECOX STUDIES, the first medical jour-
as well as the public, more correct opinions of the nal named after a mental disorder—concluded that
mutual relations of the healthy and morbid states the blood in dementia praecox “is at times highly
of mind and body, and more particularly the reac- concentrated, exhibiting polycythemia [an excess
tion of physical disease on mental phenomena. It of red blood cells] with leucopenia [a decrease in
will hereby be found that insanity is much more white blood cells],” and that “the morphological
a corporeal disease than is at present believed, changes in the blood are excessively rapid, almost
or, at least, is more intimately connected with, or instantaneous, and when the ratio of corpuscles
inseparable from, various of the ordinary physical approaches the normal, there is often a betterment
diseases to which human flesh is heir (1855: 78). in the mental condition of the patient.” This lat-
ter statement by Holmes referred to a phenomenon
Reflecting the assumptions and practices of the known as the “blood crisis,” in which the exacer-
“morphologic era” in the early history of hematol- bation of psychotic symptoms was correlated with
ogy, subsequent innovators in biological psychia- a rapid diminishing of white blood cells and an
try also focused on the “corpuscular richness” of overproduction of red blood cells, the reversal of
the blood. Blood was taken from insane persons, which accompanied a return to relative normalcy.
diluted, and then the corpuscles in a certain vol- A rational treatment for dementia praecox derived
ume of that dilution were counted using such from this experimental observation involved the
instruments as Gower’s Haemacytometer. The rel- injection of patients with sodium nucleate (salts
ative proportion of red and white blood cells (blood of yeast acids used in the treatments of anemia,
dyskrasias) was of particular interest, as was the rheumatism, and gout) to increase the white blood
amount of hemoglobin, and many who followed cell count.
this research paradigm claimed these amounts dif- By the 1920s serological studies in psychiatry
fered before, during, and after an individual’s bout were no longer conducted within the corporeal
with madness. By 1892 S. Rutherford Macphail richness paradigm. Two more promising serologi-
could review the extant literature up to that time cal paradigms—the metabolic paradigm and the
and conclude that there was an overall “deficiency immunoserodiagnostic paradigm—captured the
of the corpuscular richness of the blood met with imagination of researchers after 1900 following
in the first stages of insanity,” and that a “close advances in endocrinology and immunology.
connection” exists “between improvement in the The metabolic paradigm Throughout the lat-
quality of the blood, and mental recovery, the con- ter half of the 19th century, physiologists sought
verse which exists in cases of persistent and incur- to understand the mechanisms of metabolism. For
able dementia.” The corpuscular richness paradigm most of that time, physiological changes in the body
continued to be followed not only by American were explained by theories of nervous regulation.
and British researchers but also by those in Ger- Between 1890 and 1905—the year Ernest Starling
many and France. first proposed the modern concept of “hormone”—
Following the division of dementia praecox metabolism was increasingly explained by theories
from manic-depressive insanity by Emil K RAEPE- of chemical regulation through secreting organs
LIN in the 6th edition of his Psychiatrie (1899), sero- such as glands. Endocrinology emerged from physi-
logical studies focused on distinguishing these two ology in a recognizable form in the years following
diseases from each other and from persons without British physiologist Edward Schaefer’s address “On
MENTAL DISORDER s. Experiments designed to test Internal Secretions” to the British Medical Associa-
the corpuscular richness hypothesis were, not sur- tion in Physiology in London on August 2, 1895.
prisingly, often contradictory. This was especially Internal secretions was a term introduced by physi-
true with regard to MANIC-DEPRESSIVE ILLNESS. ologist Claude Bernard in 1855, but reframed by
blood of the insane, studies of 69

Schaefer in terms of clinical medicine. Metabolic hypothesized that dementia praecox was caused
diseases as a separate category of illness were caused by glandular dysfunctions, especially disease pro-
by the overproduction or underproduction of inter- cesses in the parathyroid. Modern endocrinological
nal secretions in the glands with ducts (liver, pan- research into the biological substrates of demen-
creas, and kidneys), those without ducts (thyroid, tia praecox/SCHIZOPHRENIA began in the 1920s,
adrenals, pituitary), and the sex glands (gonads). increased in number from the late 1950s to the
As Schaefer proposed in his famous lecture, secret- 1980s due to researchers looking for metabolites as
ing organs, both with and without ducts, return part of the TRANSMETHYLATION HYPOTHESIS and has
secreted materials to the blood. The ductless glands, declined somewhat in the past 20 years. The early
however, produce only internal secretions. Blood literature was reviewed in the work of one of its
thus became the medium through which to detect major proponents, Nolan D. C. Lewis (1889–1959),
and measure internal secretions, or, later in the who believed the thyroid, adrenal, and gonads
20th century, hormones and NEUROTRANSMITTERS. were implicated in dementia praecox.
This emerging new endocrinological paradigm Most of the research into the metabolic disor-
was immediately seized upon by the first biologi- der hypothesis of schizophrenia has yielded little
cal psychiatrists. If an overproduction or under- of value. The past half-century of research is con-
production of internal secretions could produce founded by the fact that endocrine abnormalities
physical diseases such as diabetes, why not also in schizophrenia may be due to stress caused by
insanity? Since it was clear that the brain was the the illness itself or the effects of antipsychotic
organ underlying mental diseases, perhaps the medications. The best evidence for an endocrine
true etiology of the insanities originated elsewhere link to schizophrenia involves the anterior pitu-
in the body, places where substances toxic to the itary gland. The anterior pituitary contains gland
brain (internal secretions, ptomaines, bacteria, and cells that respond to releasing or inhibiting fac-
so on) were produced and then transmitted to the tors from the hypothalamus, which eventually
central nervous system via the blood. This autoin- may be found to be the source of the myriad
toxication theory of mental disorders first became confusing findings of endocrine dysfunction in
prominent in France in 1893 and influenced a schizophrenia.
generation of ALIENISTs, neurologists, and psychi- Endocrinological research provided a direct and
atric researchers. And indeed the most prominent important analogical bridge that led to the discov-
among them was Emil Kraepelin. From the fifth ery of neurotransmitters in the brain. Following
edition of Psychiatrie in 1896 until the eighth edition the 1921 discovery by Otto Loewi (1873–1961)
in 1913, autointoxication (Selbstvergiftung) arising of a substance in the brain later identified as ace-
from a metabolic disturbance, probably in the sex tylcholine, neurotransmitters were referred to
glands—and not heredity—was Kraepelin’s prime as neurohormones or neurohumors. Indeed, the
candidate for the cause of dementia praecox. term neurotransmitter did not come into use until
The early experimental literature on the search the 1960s. Neurotransmitter theories of the patho-
for traces of internal secretions in the blood of physiology of schizophrenia (not the etiology—an
the insane reflects the confusion in the emerging important distinction to remember) involving
field of endocrinology regarding the nature of hor- the measurement of serotonin (1954), DOPAMINE
mones and their similarities to enzymes, general (1966), glutamate (1980), and so on, in the blood
metabolites, drugs, toxins, antitoxins, and vita- or cerebral spinal fluid (CSF), evolved directly from
mins. These studies are too numerous, perplexing, the metabolic paradigm in studies of the blood of
and contradictory to summarize here. Perhaps the the insane.
most extensive early review of this literature was The immunoserodiagnostic paradigm By 1890
conducted by the Russian psychiatric researcher the discovery of “reactions” in the blood to for-
Aleksandr Ivanovich Iushchenko (1869–1936) eign organisms or substances, as evidenced by the
in a series of lectures delivered in 1911 and then production of detectable “antitoxins,” “antigens,”
translated into German and published in 1914. He “defensive ferments,” or “antibodies,” led to the
70 blood of the insane, studies of

rise of immunology in medicine. Following the Taylor Holmes of Chicago believed he had pro-
general acceptance of the germ theory of disease duced experimental support for the theory that
by 1880 and advances in bacteriology that demon- fecal stasis in the cecum led to the bacterial pro-
strated microorganisms could directly or indirectly duction of the same toxic amines that were impli-
cause diseases, between 1890 and 1910 the devel- cated in ergotism, resulting in the poisoning of the
opment of serologic tests such as agglutination, the brain and eventual psychosis. An excess of hista-
precipitin reaction, and complement fixation revo- mine in the blood was claimed as evidence for this
lutionized the diagnosis of infectious diseases. The mechanism.
development of the Wasserman reaction test for The immunoserodiagnostic paradigm contin-
neurosyphilis in 1906 was a turning point for bio- ues to this day in schizophrenia research, with not
logical psychiatry. It had long been suspected that only the blood but also the cerebral spinal fluid
the many asylum patients with GENERAL PARALYSIS examined for antibodies to possible pathogens.
OF THE INSANE were suffering from the long-term Evidence for allergic reactions to foods, viruses
effects of the syphilis bacterium in their nervous transmitted from cats to humans, and a lengthy
systems. For the first time, there was a blood test list of other possible pathogens is weak. Viruses
for madness—at least for one variety of madness, in particular are suspected to be involved in the
anyway. Could such immunoserodiagnostic tests etiology of some forms of schizophrenia and bipo-
for the other insanities be developed? Could one lar disorder, although no confirmatory antibodies
serologic test be developed that could differentially have yet been detected.
diagnose the major forms of insanity, dementia In the late 1990s there was renewed inter-
praecox, and manic-depressive illness? est in searching for IMMUNE SYSTEM ALTERATIONS
In 1909 two German researchers from Eppen- IN SCHIZOPHRENIA and other mental disorders. A
dorf created a minor sensation when they injected 2004 review of this literature by researchers from
patients with cobra venom and found that all the the Netherlands led to the hypothesis that lym-
dementia praecox patients, and a portion of the phocytes—which make up about 20 percent of all
manic-depressive subjects, invariably reacted to white blood cells—might carry information that
the toxin, while other psychiatric patients and reflects the metabolism of brain cells and might be
normals did not. The excitement over the “Much- utilized as an indirect probe of a limited number
Holzmann psycho-reaction” was over within of cellular functions, including gene expression.
two years. Although the “Much-Holzmann psy- They proposed focusing on the T (thymus-derived)
cho-reaction” was quickly discredited by other cell, B (bone-marrow-derived) cell, and NK cell
researchers, it was the first promising differential subpopulations of lymphocytes. Other increases
diagnostic immunoserologic finding for dementia or decreases in specific lymphocytes have been
praecox and manic-depressive insanity. Another found in schizophrenia. The return of interest to
more promising BLOOD TEST FOR SCHIZOPHRENIA , numerical or morphological changes in the white
the Abderhalden defensive ferments reaction test, blood cells harkens back to the early 20th century
would cause an international sensation in 1913. research by Lundvall, Holmes, and others intrigued
In an era in which autointoxication theory by correlating changes in the blood with changes
influenced medical and psychiatric cognition, in symptoms in dementia praecox.
researchers posited that bacteria in the intestines Medical genomics In January 2005 an interna-
spread throughout the body and caused damage tional team of researchers reported the results of a
to internal organs. These damaged organs would pilot study in which they claimed to have devel-
release debris such as “toxic albumins” into the oped a blood test that could differentially diagnose
bloodstream, which would then be carried to the schizophrenia from bipolar disorder and from nor-
brain and cause the symptoms of insanity. Such mal controls. Collecting RNA from blood samples,
theories were many and varied, as were the hypo- the researchers found that schizophrenia and BIPO-
thetical substances that could be detected in the LAR DISORDER exhibited unique expressed genome
blood of the insane. In only one example, Bayard signatures. If the follow-up studies confirm the
blood test for schizophrenia 71

preliminary report published in the American Jour- MENTAL DISORDER. The cause of SCHIZOPHRENIA is
nal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genet- unknown, the nature of the biological disease pro-
ics by Ming T. Tsuang, C. C. Liew, and colleagues, cess is unclear, and even today it is not known if it
this development signals not only a new paradigm is one disease with many forms or many diseases
in serological studies of mental disorders—that of with similar symptoms, courses, and outcomes.
medical genomics—but also promises the attain- Given this situation, it is next to impossible to
ment of the holy grail of biological psychiatry: a develop a blood test that could differentially diag-
blood test for madness. nose schizophrenia from other mental disorders
Is this the dawning of a “third biological psy- and from persons with no mental disorders. How-
chiatry”? The trajectory of history from a solitary ever, twice in history—once in 1913 and again in
Scottish asylum physician counting the blood cells January 2005—the world’s attention was caught
of his lunatic patients under a weak microscope in by the announcement of the development of just
1854 to this recent report by a team of geneticists such a blood test for schizophrenia.
in three different countries is nothing less than The story of the first blood test for dementia
breathtaking. praecox (1912) In May 1913 at the annual meet-
See also ENDOCRINE ALTERATIONS IN SCHIZOPHRE- ing of the German Psychiatrists Association in
NIA ; GENETICS STUDIES. Breslau, a presentation of experimental research
findings by August Fauser (1856–1938), a psychia-
Holmes, B. T. “A Guide to the Documents in Evidence of trist from Stuttgart, created an international sensa-
the Toxaemia of Dementia Praecox.” Dementia Praecox tion that would capture the imagination of medical
Studies 3 (1920): 23–107. researchers for the next several years. At that con-
Justschenko, A. I. Das Wesen der Geisteskrankheiten und ference, Fauser reported that he had used a recently
deren biologische-chemische Untersuchungen. Dresden and invented immunodiagnostic test in an examination
Leipzig, Verlag von Theodor Steinkopf, 1914. of the blood of 250 psychiatric patients and found
Kraepelin, E. Psychiatrie. Ein Lehrbuch für Studierende und it could differentially diagnose DEMENTIA PRAECOX
Aerzte. Fuenfte, vollstaendig umgearbeitete Auflage. Leipzig: from other psychiatric disorders. Furthermore,
Verlag von Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1896. Fauser claimed that this blood test could also dif-
Lauder Lindsay, W. “The Histology of the Blood in the ferentiate normal controls from persons suffering
Insane,” Journal of Psychological Medicine and Mental from severe mental disorders. Fauser’s stunning
Pathology 1 (1855): 78–93. announcement of the discovery of a blood test
———. Thirtieth Annual Report of the Directors of James Mur- for madness held out the promise that PSYCHIATRY
ray’s Royal Asylum for Lunatics. Perthshire, Scotland: would now share in the success of other medical
Printed by order of the Directors by James Dewar Jr., sciences that had been revolutionized by laboratory
1857. studies in bacteriology, endocrinology, and serology.
Macphail, S. R. “Blood of the Insane.” In D. H. Tuke (ed.), This remarkable new immunoserodiagnostic tool
A Dictionary of Psychological Medicine, Vol. I. Philadel- was known as the Abderhalden defensive ferments
phia: P. Blakiston and Son, 1892. reaction test, originally developed in 1909 by the
Noll, R. “The Blood of the Insane,” History of Psychiatry, Swiss biochemist Emil Abderhalden (1877–1950)
in press. as a purported method of diagnosing pregnancy.
Tsuang, M. T., N. Nossova, T. Yager, et al. “Assessing the Abderhalden continually refined his procedure and
Validity of Blood-based Gene Expression Profiles for the central concept—that of the “defensive ferments,”
Classification of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder: A the Schutzfermente or Abwehrfermente—and a 1912
Preliminary Report,” American Journal of Medical Genetics book on his discovery went through two more edi-
Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 133B (2005): 1–5. tions by 1914. The third edition of 1913 included
a bibliography of more than 400 published studies
using his serodiagnostic technique.
blood test for schizophrenia There is no diag- In a lecture on October 27, 1912, in Halle at a
nostic blood test for schizophrenia or any other congress of German Psychiatrists and Neurologists,
72 blood test for schizophrenia

Abderhalden himself had suggested that his new a living body. An experimental reaction indicat-
blood test might be applied to the study of nervous ing the creation of defensive ferments in the blood
and mental disorders. Fauser, under the direct guid- in response to contact with corresponding tissue
ance of Abderhalden, carried out this research plan would result in a bright violet color. Such a color
and published a short research report on his find- would confirm which organ in a patient’s body
ings on December 26, 1912. But it was Fauser’s pre- was diseased.
sentation at the May 1913 meeting of the German Thus, Fauser found that defensive ferments in
Psychiatrists Association that caught the world’s the blood of all persons with severe mental dis-
attention. For a very brief—but exciting—period orders caused a reaction against tissue from the
in the history of psychiatry, many researchers in cerebral cortex, thereby supporting Kraepelin’s
Europe and North America believed that psychia- contention that dementia praecox is caused by a
try now had the equivalent of the Wasserman reac- tangible morbid process in the brain. Fauser further
tion test for dementia praecox. corroborated Kraepelin when he reported that he
Fauser’s claim to have found a blood test that found defensive ferments reacted against sex gland
could differentially diagnose dementia praecox tissue only in the blood of persons with demen-
from other psychiatric illness and from healthy tia praecox and not in those diagnosed as manic-
persons was, for a time, internationally accepted depressive, hysteric, or with purely degenerative
as valid because of the congruence of his specific insanity. The serum of male patients reacted only
findings with the etiological speculations of Emil with testicular tissue, and the serum of female
Kraepelin. Kraepelin believed the disease was patients only with ovarian tissue.
caused by “a tangible morbid process in the brain Fauser’s report, and subsequent research pub-
(einen greifbaren Krankheitsvorgang im Gehirn).” Fur- lications from his clinic, immediately inspired
thermore, Kraepelin speculated that the brain is replication efforts around the world. The most
affected by “an autointoxication (Selbstvergiftung)” notable of these was a study conducted with the
that originated elsewhere in the body. Rejecting blood of 106 psychiatric patients at the Sheppard
notions prevalent in medicine at the time that and Enoch Pratt Hospital in Baltimore by the
bodily autointoxications primarily arose from noted virologist Charles E. Simon. In an article
the intestines, K RAEPELIN held to the notion that published in the May 30, 1914, issue of The Journal
dementia praecox was caused by a metabolic dis- of the American Medical Association, Simon provided
turbance originating in the sex glands. a critical review of the work of Fauser and sub-
One of the major claims of Abderhalden’s defen- sequent researchers who did not confirm Fauser’s
sive ferments reaction test was that it could iden- findings, pointing out possible flaws in their use of
tify diseased internal organs in the body through Abderhalden’s complex methodology as a reason
a reaction of hypothesized “defensive ferments (die for conflicting results. In Simon’s own study, the
Abwehrfermente)” in the blood of a patient when it sex-gland reaction was found in nearly all demen-
came into contact with tissue from corresponding tia praecox patients, but he directly rejects Fauser’s
human organs taken from a cadaver. The assump- claim that such a reaction is exclusive to demen-
tion by Abderhalden was that debris from a dis- tia praecox. Simon also directly accused Fauser of
eased organ, toxalbumins, would end up in the manipulating his data to achieve the expected out-
bloodstream. Since such material was poisonous come. According to Simon,
to the blood and not excreted through the kid-
neys, the blood produced “defensive ferments” or In surveying the literature just outlined, one
enzymes which dissolved this debris, catabolizing cannot help being impressed . . . by the wonder-
it and making it into a peptone and amino acid. ful apparent uniformity of the results reported
Specific defensive ferments would be produced in by Fauser, and on the other by the total lack of
the blood only when coming into contact with tis- uniformity of those obtained by others. . . . The
sue from specific organs, and this process could be thought naturally suggests itself that two factors
experimentally replicated in a test tube outside of may have been operative to this end, namely that
blood test for schizophrenia 73

Fauser was carried away by his enthusiasm and The story of the rise and fall of Abderhalden’s blood
allowed himself to be influenced unduly in the test is more akin to a social psychology experiment
direction of his own wishes, and that [others] on perceptual bias and the consensual nature of
lacked complete control of the technic. As a mat- reality rather than fraud perpetuated on a mas-
ter of fact, there is good ground for the belief that sive international scale. August Fauser and his
both factors were operative (p. 1,703). colleagues in Stuttgart clearly saw the color every
time it fit their preconceptions about the locus of
Despite an acute awareness of the chaos in the the diseased organs in dementia praecox. Because
medical literature on what Simon renamed the of this highly subjective element, the hundreds of
“Abderhalden-Fauser Reaction,” he insisted on the experimental reports often wildly conflicted in
reality of Abderhalden’s proposed “defensive fer- their results. Charles Simon was therefore correct
ments” and on the method for detecting them: “It in his suspicion of experimental bias on the part of
is my firm conviction that . . . Abderhalden’s basic Fauser but failed to discern the essential weakness
work in this field should be viewed as one of the in Abderhalden’s method. By 1917 it was clear to
most important contributions to modern experi- most of the world that Abderhalden’s defensive fer-
mental science” (Simon, 1914: 1702). ments did not exist and that the method purported
Charles E. Simon never again mentioned the to detect them was flawed. In 1920 Jacques Loeb
“Abderhalden-Fauser Reaction” in any subsequent could write to a biochemist colleague, “Nobody
publications—and for a very good reason. In the speaks of the Abderhalden reaction any more in
four months before Simon’s paper appeared in the United States and I am very much surprised to
print, a series of devastating critiques of Abder- see that in his journal Abderhalden still continues
halden’s defensive ferments reaction test began that myth.” However, scientific articles reporting
to appear in German medical journals. Serious the use of Abderhalden’s test continued to appear
criticisms of Abderhalden’s methods and even the in German publications for several more decades.
veracity of the defensive ferments continued in Despite the general rejection of Abderhalden’s
English language journals. defensive ferments and the test purporting to detect
With the wisdom of hindsight, it is known why them, a minority of physicians in the United States
the Abderhalden defensive ferments reaction test continued to believe in them and in their promise
did not revolutionize biological psychiatry: Abder- to revolutionize biological psychiatry. These physi-
halden’s defensive ferments simply do not exist. cians were Albert Sterne of Indianapolis, Bayard
They never did. All the reports of positive results Taylor HOLMES of Chicago, and Henry A. COTTON
with the Abderhalden reaction test were based on of Trenton. What united these men in their con-
error—if not worse. Indeed, in an article published tinued belief in Abderhalden and his test was their
in the May 14, 1998, issue of Nature, two German strong belief in autointoxication and focal infec-
scholars accuse Emil Abderhalden of outright fraud tion theories of the cause of dementia praecox and
rather than incompetence. The issue of error ver- other mental disorders.
sus fraud was explored in depth in a 2000 article The second blood test for schizophrenia (2005) It
by Kaasch. has been known for some time that both schizo-
But surely the hundreds of published experi- phrenia and MANIC-DEPRESSIVE ILLNESS (BIPOLAR DIS-
mental reports of positive findings using Abderhal- ORDER) have a significant genetic component. Blood
den’s test were not fraudulent? There is, of course, relations of persons with schizophrenia or bipolar
another explanation: human fallibility. Since the disorder are more likely also to have the same dis-
reaction depended on the ability to perceive a par- order than persons with whom there is no genetic
ticular color, the method was not quantitative. relatedness. Although the specific genes underly-
Instead, it was highly subjective. Some researchers ing these disorders are still largely unknown, some
saw the color all the time, some saw the color some candidate genes have been tentatively identified
of the time, and some never saw it no matter how on chromosomes that are implicated in both dis-
carefully they followed Abderhalden’s procedures. orders (specifically, chromosomes 10, 13, 18, and
74 blood transfusion

22). The promise of medical genomics for finding Deichmann, U., and B. Müller-Hill. “The Fraud of Abder-
the causes and potential treatments for schizophre- halow’s Enzymes.” Nature 393 (1998): 309–311.
nia and bipolar disorder has long been promoted by Fauser, A. “Die Serologie in der Psychiatrie: Rueckblicke
pharmaceutical and genomics companies. But the und Ausblicke,” Muenchener medizinische Wochenschrift
genetic heterogeneity of both disorders, and the 60 (September 9, 1913): 1,984–1,989.
complex environmental factors that surely must ———. “Einige Untersuchungsergebnisse und klinische
also be involved in the ETIOLOGY of these disorders, Ausblicke auf Grund der Abderhaldenschen Anschau-
has seemed to push the pay-off of basic genetics ungen und Methodik,” Deutsche medizinische Wochen-
research further and further into the future. This is schrift 52 (December 26, 1912): 2,446–2,451.
why the January 2005 report of a pilot study of a ———. “Pathologische-serologische Befunde bei Geis-
gene-based diagnostic blood test for schizophrenia teskrankheiten auf Grund der Abderhaldenschen
and bipolar disorder is so stunning. Anschauung und Methodik,” Allgemeine Zeitschrift für
Ming T. Tsuang, director of the Institute of Psychiatrie und psychisch-gerichtliche Medizin 70 (May
Behavioral Genomics at the University of Cali- 31, 1913): 841–849.
fornia, San Diego, and his international team ———. “Zur Frage des Vorhandenseins spezifischer Schutz-
of colleagues from the United States, Canada, fermente im Serum vom Geisteskranken,” Muchener med-
and Taiwan employed a procedure for using izinische Wochenschrift 11 (March 18, 1913): 584–586.
RNA derived from white blood cells. This proce- Kaasch, M. “Sensation, Irrtum, Betrug?—Emil Abderhal-
dure—known as “the Sentinel Principle”—was den und die Geschichte der Abwehrfermente,” Acta
invented and patented by C. C. Liew, chief sci- Historica Leopoldina 36 (2000): 145–210.
entist of ChondroGene, a private genomics firm Simon, C. E. “The Abderhalden-Fauser Reaction in Men-
in Toronto, Canada. They took blood from 30 tal Diseases with Special Reference to Dementia Prae-
subjects with schizophrenia, 16 with bipolar dis- cox,” Journal of the American Medical Association 62 (May
order, and 28 normal controls. Using a microar- 30, 1914): 1,701–1,706.
ray analysis, they found that each disease state Tsuang, M. T., N. Nossova, T. Yager, et al. “Assessing the
exhibited a unique expressed genome signature, Validity of Blood-based Gene Expression Profiles for
allowing for the objective biological differential the Classification of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disor-
diagnosis of mental disorders for perhaps the first der: A Preliminary Report,” American Journal of Medical
time in history. They examined eight candidate Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics 133B (January
biomarker genes and with 95 to 97 percent accu- 2005): 1–5.
racy were able to use them as blood biomarkers to
discriminate between schizophrenia, bipolar dis-
order, and normal controls. As they conclude in blood transfusion Down through the centuries
their abstract: “We therefore propose that blood the idea has persisted that mental illness might be
cell–derived RNA may have significant value for caused by abnormalities in the blood. The prac-
performing diagnostic functions and identifying tice of BLEEDING attempted to cure the mentally
disease biomarkers in schizophrenia and BPD.” ill by drawing significant quantities of blood from
the afflicted until a change in symptoms could be
Abderhalden, E. “Ausblicke ueber die Verwertbarkeit der noted. Similarly, the idea of blood transfusions as
Ergebnisse neuerer Forschungen auf dem Gebiete des a possible treatment of mental illness developed
Zellstoffwechsels zur Loesung von Fragestellungen in Europe in the late 1550s. A French physician,
auf dem Gebiete der Pathologie des Nervensystems,” Jean-Baptiste Denis, performed the first recorded
Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift 48 (November 28, transfusion of blood from dog to dog. At a meeting
1912): 2,252–2,255. of the Royal Society on November 23, 1667, Rich-
———. Defensive Ferments of the Animal Organism. 3rd ed. ard Lower demonstrated the transfusion of sheep’s
William Wood and Company, New York, 1914. blood into a divinity student, Arthur Coga. This
———. Die Abwehrfermente des Tierischen Organismus. Ber- event was recorded by Samuel Pepys in his famous
lin: Springer, 1913. diary. Besides France and England, these transfu-
blood vessel alterations in schizophrenia 75

sion treatments were recommended in Germany psychotic syndromes, attention again turned to
by physicians Klein and Ettmüller, the latter of the structure and function of the blood vessels
which suggested this form of treatment in his 1682 in persons with this disease. In his classic 1911
Chirurgia Transfusoria. volume Dementia Praecox, or the Group of Schizo-
A 20th-century resurrection of this “bad blood” phrenias, Eugen BLEULER discusses abnormalities
theory of the cause of mental illness was made in of the “vasomotor system” in schizophrenia, stat-
1977 by psychiatrists J. Wagemaker and R. Cade, ing, “We do not yet know anything fundamen-
who noticed a significant improvement in a para- tal about the tensions within the vascular system
noid schizophrenic patient following hemodialy- in psychoses (p. 166).” A page later he then adds
sis for kidney disease. They hypothesized that an the observation, “The fragility of the blood ves-
unknown “toxin,” which caused schizophrenic sels which appears in many schizophrenics, both
symptoms, may have been removed through hemo- acute and chronic, seems to indicate a real vascu-
dialysis. Although a further study using hemodi- lar pathology.”
alysis on schizophrenics with no kidney disease Between 1923 and 1925, while working as a
proved promising and attracted media attention, staff psychiatrist under superintendent William
replications of this study by others have not found Alanson White (1870–1937) of St. Elizabeth’s
the same results. Hospital in Washington, D.C., Noland D. C. Lewis
See also HEMODIALYSIS TREATMENT OF SCHIZO- (1889–1979) and his colleagues performed or
PHRENIA. reviewed the records of autopsies on 4,800 men-
tal patients, of which 601 were diagnosed with
dementia praecox (schizophrenia). Lewis con-
blood vessel alterations in schizophrenia Be- cluded that a biological marker of schizophrenia
ginning with the ancient Greek and Roman was a primary hypoplasia (underdevelopment or
humoral theory of medicine, blood has been asso- atrophy of tissue or an organ) of the cardiovas-
ciated in various ways with the cause of insanity. cular system. Dementia praecox patients, it was
By the 19th century, the focus shifted to the ves- found, were characterized by small hearts and a
sels that transported blood throughout the body. hypoplasia through the vascular system. This, it
The possibility that psychotic disorders might was hypothesized, led to a general reduction of
be caused by pathological changes in the circu- oxygen to the brain (cerebral hypoxemia), thereby
latory system was proposed by the great neuro- contributing to the development of dementia prae-
anatomist Theodor Meynert (1833–92). In 1884 cox. According to Lewis, another contributing fac-
Meynert proposed that the insanities were caused tor to the development of dementia praecox was
by pathological changes in the circulatory sys- the dysfunction of the thyroid and adrenal glands
tem. Since the brain was fed oxygen and nutri- and the gonads. Several confirmatory replications
ents through the blood-brain barrier (as we now of Lewis’s study were performed by others and
call it), any damage to the blood vessels feeding reported until about 1940. After that time, there
the brain would cause neuropathology. Meynert, was little interest in the role of the vascular sys-
who is best remembered for his contributions to tem in the etiology or pathophysiology of schizo-
our understanding of the structure and function- phrenia until 2005.
ing of the central nervous system (as well as for The inflammatory-vascular theory of schizo-
being Sigmund F REUD’s professor in Vienna), was phrenia (2005) In 2005 D. R. Hanson and Irving
a major influence on the first biological psychia- L. Gottesman, two prominent researchers in the
trists of the late 19th century by convincing them genetics of schizophrenia, proposed a “genetic-
that the foundation of mental illnesses illness vascular-inflammatory” theory of schizophrenia in
could be found in studies of neuroanatomy and the online electronic journal BMC Medical Genetics.
neuropathology. The theory proposes that the physiological abnor-
After the introduction of DEMENTIA PRAECOX malities leading to illness involve the disruption of
(1893) and SCHIZOPHRENIA (1908) as identifiable the “exquisitely precise regulation of the delivery
76 blunted affect

of energy and oxygen required for normal brain Lunatic Asylum (formerly “mad-house”) on Black-
function.” They propose that abnormalities in the well’s Island (now Roosevelt Island). Her serialized
metabolism of the central nervous system (as evi- exposé was entitled “Ten Days in a Mad House,”
denced by abnormal cerebral regional blood flow) with the engaging subtitle “Feigning insanity in
arise because genetically modulated inflammatory order to reveal asylum horrors. The trying ordeal
reactions damage the microvascular system of the of the New York World’s girl correspondent.” Her
brain in reaction to environmental agents. These articles were published in book form the following
would include infections, hypoxia, and physical year.
trauma. Damage would accumulate with repeated Bly detailed abuses involving the unnecessary
exposure to triggering agents resulting in exac- use of restraints, cruelty to patients by attendants,
erbation and deterioration, or healing with their and unsanitary conditions. These were the same
removal. Hansen and Gottesman are proposing “a kinds of maltreatment documented by Charles
chronic, smoldering, inflammation of the blood Dickens when he went to the asylum on Black-
vessels alone” as the source of the many BRAIN well’s Island during his trip to America in 1842.
must feed the cells in all areas of the brain, it is no Bly, N. Ten Days in a Mad House. New York: 1888.
surprise that a century of brain studies in schizo-
phrenia have implicated almost every area of the
brain to the disease at one time or another. This boarding homes The mentally ill have long
theory also brings IMMUNE SYSTEM ABNORMALITIES resided in boarding homes in the United States,
back into consideration with the hypothesis of the but this type of residence has proliferated since
inflammation of the blood vessels leading directly the DEINSTITUTIONALIZATION of psychiatric patients
to damage of the blood-brain barrier. from state hospitals, which began in the 1950s.
The idea was that it would be more “normal” for
Hansen, D. R., and L. L. Gottesman. “Schizophrenia: A patients to live in the community in such homes.
Genetic-Inflammatory-Vascular Synthesis,” BMC Medi- However, in the United States such homes are
cal Genetics 6 (2005): 1,471–1,492. often found to be undersupervised, with their
Lewis, N. D. C. “Pathology of Dementia Praecox,” Journal high turnover rates not infringing upon their
of Nervous and Mental Disease 62 (1925): 25–260. profitability to the private owners, who gener-
Meynert, T. Klinische Vorlesungen uber Psychiatrie. Vienna: ally have no professional training for supervising
Braumuller, 1890. such patients. Many psychiatric patients actually
prefer the relatively close supervision of the psy-
chiatric hospital, where there are always other
blunted affect A commonly used descriptive people around in case of danger. A cogent critique
term for a significant reduction in the (normal) of the problem of the “homeless mentally ill” in
intensity of the expressed emotions of a person. the 1980s is provided in a book by psychiatrist E.
This is one of the major symptomatic expressions Fuller Torrey.
of SCHIZOPHRENIA but can also be witnessed in
those persons who are depressed. A related term, Torrey, E. F. Nowhere to Go: The Tragic Odyssey of the Homeless
FLAT AFFECT, refers to the nearly complete absence Mentally Ill. New York: HarperPerennial, 1988.
of any emotions whatsoever, with the voice sound-
ing monotonous and the face rigid.
body image in schizophrenia A commonly re-
ported phenomenon in SCHIZOPHRENIA is the expe-
Bly, Nellie (1867–1922) The pseudonym of an rience of distortions in body image. The afflicted
American journalist for the New York World, Eliza- person feels, fears, or believes that the physical
beth Seaman (née Cochrane), who faked insan- body itself is changing and will look different to
ity and gained admittance to the New York City others. Such body distortions can take bizarre
borderline personality disorder 77

forms in people with schizophrenia and are fully of other types of similar personality disorders in
experienced as “real” by them. A former patient of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Dis-
the author’s was fully experiencing the feeling that orders, Third Edition, Revised (1987), with “Cluster
his face had turned into that of a dog’s, and that A” consisting of schizotypal, paranoid, and schiz-
this was how people were actually perceiving him. oid personality disorders. These people are said to
Others may believe that they have huge, gaping appear “odd or eccentric.” “Cluster B” is grouped
holes in the middle of their torsos through which into borderline, antisocial, histrionic, and nar-
they experience the wind passing, or feel much cissistic personality disorders, in all of which an
thinner or fatter than they really are. The issue of individual’s behavior appears “dramatic, emo-
a person’s body image has been much discussed tional or erratic.”
in recent years, with the phenomenon of females
with anorexia nervosa having the delusional belief Spitzer, R. L., J. Endicott, and M. Gibbon. “Crossing
that they are being perceived as fat when, in fact, the Border into Borderline Personality and Border-
they are emaciated. line Schizophrenia,” Archives of General Psychiatry 36
(1979): 17–24.

Boerhaave, Hermann (1668–1738) A Dutch

physician, known for his psychiatric interests. He borderline neuroses See BORDERLINE SCHIZOPHRENIA.
is acknowledged as the inventor of the “spinning
chair,” a device of mechanical restraint that was
designed to render patients unconscious. borderline personality disorder Although the
See also CIRCULATING SWING. descriptions of this disorder differ, the most widely
accepted diagnostic description is an erratic pat-
tern of interpersonal relationships characterized
borderline cases No diagnostic system is per- by extremes of overidealization and devaluation,
fect, especially when it comes to identifying men- problems with self-identity, emotional instability
tal disorders, and so over the years they must (usually depicted as vaccillating between intense
constantly be revised. New categories must be feelings and displays of anger and an “emptiness”
added and others discarded. In the 20th cen- depression), and, in the most severe forms of
tury, the concept that there could be cases that the disorder, self-mutilation and suicide threats
fall between “NEUROSIS” and “PSYCHOSIS” because and attempts. During stressful periods, psychotic
they have the features of each began to take symptoms (such as BIZARRE DELUSIONS or HAL-
hold when it was discovered that more and more LUCINATIONs) can appear. For example, a woman
patients could not be evenly classified by this whose daily occupation requires a significant
simple dichotomy. These have been called “bor- amount of reasoning ability and responsibility
derline cases.” However, following the dichotomy (e.g., as a social worker) may nonetheless suddenly
of psychotic disorders identified by K RAEPELIN be afraid to open the door of her apartment to pay
in 1899s, it has generally been found that these for the pizza she ordered over the telephone, for
so-called borderline cases seemed to be related fear that the delivery boy had poisoned it.
either to SCHIZOPHRENIA (DEMENTIA PRAECOX) or Borderline personality disorder is apparently
to BIPOLAR DISORDER (manic-depressive psycho- becoming more common than in the past and is
sis). Those borderline cases that seemed more generally diagnosed more in females than in males.
closely to resemble schizophrenia are now labeled Males with similar symptoms tend to be involved
SCHIZOTYPAL PERSONALITY DISORDER (see BORDER- in antisocial activities (e.g., stealing, violence, sub-
LINE SCHIZOPHRENIA), and those that are allied stance abuse) acted-out against others and thus are
with manic-depressive psychosis are now called usually given the diagnosis of antisocial personality
BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER . However, this disorder. Since this disorder is often difficult for most
distinction was also reflected in the clustering people to identify, fictional examples from motion
78 borderline schizophrenia

pictures or television are sometimes referred to in bouffée délirante Throughout the history of PSY-
the training of mental health professionals. Some CHIATRY, there has been a distinction been psychotic
fictionalized examples of extreme forms of the dis- disorders that are chronic (such as SCHIZOPHRENIA)
order are the roles of actresses Glenn Close in the and those that have a sudden onset, a brief duration,
movie Fatal Attraction (1987) and Meryl Streep in and then just as suddenly disappear. Bouffée délirante
the movie Plenty (1985). is a brief psychotic disorder characterized by a sud-
Borderline personality disorder is the best exam- den onset (“like a bolt from the blue”) of DELUSIONs
ple of the types of BORDERLINE CASES that resem- and HALLUCINATIONs of any kind (auditory, visual,
ble affective disorders, such as BIPOLAR DISORDER, tactile, olfactory, gustatory) with a rapid accel-
rather than those that resemble schizophrenia. eration of often changing delusional features (for
See also ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOR. example, persecution, megalomania, or hypochon-
driasis). The disorder disappears completely after a
period of weeks or months. Persons who suffer such
borderline schizophrenia A term that became disorders return to their previous level of function-
popular in the 1920s but is no longer in use for the ing and usually remain in full remission. In French
type of disorder in which a person has what resem- psychiatry, the brief or acute psychotic disorder
bles SCHIZOPHRENIA across many traits but is not known as the bouffée délirante has been an important
fully psychotic and does not have all the symptoms diagnostic category for more than a century. In the
of schizophrenia. Such individuals might now be past, this diagnosis was three times more likely to
commonly diagnosed as having a SCHIZOTYPAL PER- be used by French psychiatrists than that of ACUTE
SONALITY DISORDER. The concept that some patients SCHIZOPHRENIA. As recently as 1999, it was reported
fall between “NEUROSIS” and “psychosis” with their that the diagnosis of bouffée délirante polymorphe was
mental illness is expressed in the use of the word given to as many as one-third of persons admitted
borderline. In psychoanalytic publications, this con- with acute psychotic symptoms.
cept formerly meant patients who were intermediate Bouffée délirante was first described in separate
between the groups that were clearly “analyzable” books published in 1886 by Honore Saury (1854–
(such as those with neurotic disorders) and “non- ?) and Paul-Maurice Legrain (1860–1939), stu-
analyzable” (those who are psychotic). dents of the French alieniste Valentin Magnan
Other clinical terms used over the years that over- (1835–1916) of the Ste.-Anne Mental Hospital in
lap with borderline schizophrenia (with the person Paris. In 1893 Magnan proposed this diagnostic
who coined them and in what year) are as follows: category in the context of DEGENERATION THEORY,
borderline neurosis (L. P. Clark, 1919); impulsive of which he was a major proponent. The connec-
character (W. Reich, 1925); INCIPIENT SCHIZO- tion of this disorder with degeneration began to
PHRENIA (Glover, 1932); SCHIZOAFFECTIVE DISOR- disappear in French psychiatry around 1910. The
DER (Kasanin, 1933); AMBULATORY SCHIZOPHRENIA prominent French psychiatrist Henry Ey (1900–
(Zilboorg, 1941); “as-if” personality (H. Deutsch, 77) emphasized the distinction in course and
1942); LATENT PSYCHOSIS (Federn, 1947); pseudo- prognosis between bouffée délirante and schizo-
neurotic schizophrenia (Hoch & Polatin, 1949); phrenia rather than the symptoms, a character-
and LATENT SCHIZOPHRENIA (Bychowski, 1953). It istic feature of French psychiatry as a whole.
is also thought that Eugen BLEULER attempted to See also ACUTE AND TRANSIENT PSYCHOTIC DISOR-
identify this type of “borderline” person with the DERS ; BRIEF PSYCHOTIC DISORDER ; POLYMORPHIC PSY-
term compensated schizophrenic in 1911. CHOTIC SYMPTOMS.

Stone, M. H. “The Borderline Syndrome: Evolution of Ferrey, G. “Evolution et prognostic des troubles psy-
the Term, Genetic Aspects, and Prognosis.” In Essential chotiques aigus (bouffée délirante polymorphe),”
Papers on Borderline Disorders: One Hundred Years at the Encéphale 25 (1999): 26–32.
Border, edited by M. H. Stone. New York: New York Legrain, P.-M. Du Délire Chez Dégénérés. Paris: Deshaye et
University Press, 1986. Lecrosoier, 1886.
brain abnormalities in schizophrenia 79

Magnan, V. Lecons cliniques sur les maladies mentales. 2nd 19th-century ABLATION STUDIES and continuing
ed. Paris: Battaille, 1893. with the sophisticated technology of BRAIN IMAG-
Pichot, P. “The Concept of ‘Bouffée Délirante’ with Spe- ING TECHNIQUES today. It is known that autopsies
cial Reference to the Scandinavian Concept of Reac- were performed on the deceased patients at the
tive Psychosis,” Psychopathology 19 (1986): 35–43. BETHLEM ROYAL HOSPITAL in London, England, in
the early 1800s, as well as in Paris, France, by P INEL
and ESQUIROL at about the same time. Between
boundary disturbances in schizophrenia This is 1802 and 1804, Pinel conducted more than 250
a type of perceptual distortion that many schizo- autopsies or “openings” (ouvertures) of corpses of
phrenics report in which they feel they are merg- deceased mental patients. Only about one-fourth
ing or blending into or are part of another person. of these patients showed cerebral lesions, thus con-
Such persons may describe the anxiety felt when firming the belief of Pinel and his student Esquirol
in the presence of others as being due to the fright- after their recherches cadavériques that insanity was
ening feeling that they are “sliding into” another more likely to be caused by visceral lesions than by
person and thus losing the sense of individual brain abnormalities.
identity. Such experiences—although terrifying The brains of persons with SCHIZOPHRENIA have
for most psychotics—have been reported by “nor- been studied using two basic approaches, one for
mals” who have ingested certain hallucinogens, dead brains and one for living brains.
thus giving rise to the research in the experiential The first—and oldest—of these is called neu-
similarities between SCHIZOPHRENIA and halluci- ropathology. Neuropathology is the science that
nogenic states. correlates autopsy findings in dead brains with
the symptoms and behaviors of the person with
schizophrenia when they were alive. There are
bradykinesia One of the triad of signs of PARKIN- two general types of evidence in neuropathology:
SONISM that is an adverse effect of the administra- macroscopic findings, which involve the observa-
tion of ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS. Along with tremor tion and measurement of larger structures in the
and rigidity, bradykinesia (or AKINESIA) can occur brain (such as the early ablation studies that found
in patients within weeks to months after the begin- lesions with the naked eye); and histological find-
ning of antipsychotic drug therapy. Bradykinesia is ings, which involve the microscopic examination
a slowness of motion, whereas akinesia (less com- of the structure and neurochemistry of the vari-
mon and more severe) is an absence of motion that ous types of cells in the brain (neurons, glial cells).
is not caused by a general paralysis. The person The earliest neuropathological study of the brains
with bradykinesia will frequently seem to have a of persons with DEMENTIA PRAECOX (schizophre-
masklike face, with little expressiveness and infre- nia) and other psychotic disorders was conducted
quent and slow eye blinking. The motions of such in Germany by Alois A LZHEIMER (1864–1915)
a patient can seem “zombielike.” The bradykinetic and published in 1897. Alzheimer and Franz Nissl
patient is said to turn his or her body “en bloc,” as (inventor of a famous staining technique that
if rigidly frozen into a body without joints. Drool- allows for the study of nerve cells) continued their
ing is a common associated phenomenon with the neuropathological investigation of dementia prae-
triad of Parkinsonian symptoms. cox under Emil K RAEPELIN (1856–1926) in Ger-
Brady- is a prefix that means “slow” and is used many in the very first multidisciplinary research
in many other clinical behavioral terms. program devoted to discovering the biological
See also ANTIPARKINSONIAN DRUGS. causes of MENTAL DISORDERs. The findings of this
remarkable research group were summarized in
the thick third volume (1913) of four in the eighth
brain abnormalities in schizophrenia The search edition of Kraepelin’s textbook Psychiatrie. In the
for abnormal structures in the brains of schizo- United States, this neuropathological approach
phrenics has a long history, beginning with the was continued in a 1915 study of the brains of
80 brain abnormalities in schizophrenia

persons with dementia praecox by the prominent innovative research of German neuropathologist
Harvard Medical School neuropathologist E. E. Bernhard Bogerts. Bogerts and his research group
Southard (1876–1920). Southard counted himself published their first of many postmortem studies
with Kraepelin and Alzheimer as one of the “brain of schizophrenia in 1983.
spot men” in psychiatry who believed schizophre- The second major approach in neuropatho-
nia was a brain disease. He and the other Krae- logy is the use of BRAIN IMAGING TECHNIQUES (or
pelinians were opposed to “mind twist men” such “neuroimaging” as it is now commonly called) to
as Adolf MEYER (1866–1950) and Sigmund FREUD, study the brains of living persons. Neuroimaging
who denied the importance of heredity and brain studies have examined both the structure and
disease and instead claimed that mental disorders the functioning of living brains of persons with
were caused by reactions to environmental stresses schizophrenia. The very first neuroimaging study
(Meyer) or early childhood experiences (Freud). of structural abnormalities in schizophrenia was
Due to the lack of technological breakthroughs conducted by E. D. Johnstone and colleagues using
in the methods of neuropathological research, and a CT SCAN. It was published in 1976. Since then,
the rise of the influence of Freud and psychoanal- many other studies of structure have used not only
ysis in psychiatry in the United States and Great CT but also MRI to measure size and volume of
Britain after the First World War, virtually no certain brain structures. Many other studies have
neuropathological studies of schizophrenia were used techniques that look at the functioning of liv-
conducted from the mid-1920s to the early 1950s. ing brains, such as positron emission tomography
During that time, there were no neuropathologi- (PET) and single photo emission computed tomog-
cal investigations of AFFECTIVE DISORDERS such as raphy (SPECT) and functional magnetic resonance
manic-depressive illness, a state of affairs that per- imaging (fMRI), which combines both structure
sisted into the late 1990s, when the Stanley Foun- and function in its computer generated images.
dation of Bethesda, Maryland, began collecting and The scientific literature on the neuropathology
comparing the brains of persons with schizophre- of schizophrenia is gigantic and growing weekly.
nia, BIPOLAR DISORDER, and major DEPRESSION. At Prominent experts in the field of schizophrenia
the 1st International Congress of Neuropathology, disagree about the interpretation of almost every
which was held in Rome, Italy, in 1953, the general neuropathological finding. Neuropathological
consensus among the world’s leading experts was theories of schizophrenia come and go on a regu-
that there were no pathological changes in the ner- lar basis, with few of them ever completely ruled
vous system of schizophrenics—a conclusion that out. It is distressing to realize how little we know
greatly strengthened the prominence of theories about the brains of persons with schizophrenia.
like Freudian psychoanalysis, which denied the However, a major critical review of the literature
role of biological disease processes in favor of the on the neuropathology of schizophrenia by Paul
“schizophrenogenic mother” and other experien- J. Harrison was published in the scientific journal
tial/environmental causes of mental disorders. It Brain in 1999. Harrison weighed the strength of
would not be until 33 years later, at the 4th World the evidence for various claims, and the strongest
Congress of Biological Psychiatry held in Philadel- findings are as follows:
phia in 1985, that a symposium specifically on the
“Neuropathology of Schizophrenia”—the first in Macroscopic findings (in descending order of certainty):
history—would be held. By 1990 professional neu-
ropathologists could no longer ignore the growing 1. Enlarged lateral and third ventricles of the brain.
evidence of brain abnormalities in schizophre- Background: Ventricles are the “spaces” between
nia, and a workshop on “The Neuropathology of the lobes of the brain through which the cerebro-
Schizophrenia” was held at the XIth International spinal fluid passes. The first researcher to describe
Congress of Neuropathology in Kyoto, Japan. enlarged cerebral ventricles in the postmortem
The renewal of interest in the neuropathology of examination of brains from deceased psychotic
schizophrenia sprang almost directly from the patients was Ewald Hecker (1843–1909) in 1871.
brain abnormalities in schizophrenia 81

Hecker described the psychotic disorder HEBEPHRE- 3. Fewer neurons in dorsal thalamus
NIA , which Kraepelin later incorporated as one of 4. Reduced synaptic and dendritic markers in
the three subtypes of dementia praecox. Enlarged hippocampus
ventricles were also described in Johnstone’s 1976 5. Maldistribution of white matter neurons
CT study and have been described many times 6. Entorhirnal cortex dysplasia
since, thus justifying Harrison’s certainty about 7. Cortical or hippocampal neuron loss
the strength of this finding. 8. Disarray of hippocampal neurons
2. Decreased cortical volume. Background: There
have been many descriptions of the smaller, lighter Harrison also added two additional neuropatho-
brains of persons with schizophrenia. logical findings: (1) Contrary to speculation since the
3. Enlarged ventricles and decreased cortical vol- 1930s, evidence of Alzheimer’s disease is not more
ume are found in persons who have just suffered common in the brains of persons with schizophre-
through their first experience of schizophrenia. nia than in the general population and (2) pathology
Background: This strong finding means that brain (brain abnormality) is connected to asymmetries in
abnormalities are not due to the progression of the the cerebral hemispheres in the brain.
disease, nor are they due to the effects of antipsy- As so many others have concluded since South-
chotic medications on the brain. The brains of per- ard did in 1915, Harrison also suggests that the
sons who develop schizophrenia are structurally brain abnormalities in schizophrenia most likely
abnormal before they get ill for the very first time. originate in the developing embryo and fetus and
4. The temporal lobe (including the hippocampus) continue on through childhood and adolescence,
loses disproportionately more volume than the culminating in the first episode of schizophrenia
other areas of the brain. in young adulthood in most cases. Such theories of
5. Decreased thalamic volume. Background: The FETAL NEURAL DEVELOPMENT AND SCHIZOPHRENIA ,
thalamus, a major relay center for circuits that or “neurodevelopmental schizophrenia,” as it is
send messages traveling throughout the brain, is sometimes called, have dominated the field since
smaller and lighter than normal in persons with 1986. Michael Knable and Daniel Weinberger
6. Cortical volume loss affects gray matter rather (NIMH) argue that “schizophrenia is a develop-
than white matter. Background: The two large mental abnormality affecting the connectivity of
hemispheres of the cortex are made up of differ- the prefrontal and medial temporal cortices.” This
ent types of cells. The shrinkage of the brains of so-called disconnection hypothesis of schizophre-
people with schizophrenia seems to occur in the nia has been defined in many different ways with
gray matter, largely made of neurons, rather than reference to many different brain regions and neu-
the white matter, largely made of glial cells. ral pathways. Neuropathological studies of the
7. Enlarged basal ganglia is secondary to antipsy- brains of human fetuses at high-risk for developing
chotic medication. Background: The basal ganglia, an schizophrenia later in life are lacking, which make
important structure in the extrapyramidal motor it difficult to test hypotheses about the neurode-
system of the brain, is rich in the NEUROTRANS- velopmental causes of schizophrenia.
MITTER DOPAMINE. Because so many antipsychotic Two of the major reviewers of the evidence for
drugs work by affecting dopamine pathways in the brain abnormalities in schizophrenia—P. J. Har-
brain, long-term use of such drugs seems to affect rison of Oxford University in England and Bern–
the structure of the brain in areas such as the basal hard Bogerts of the University of Magdeburg,
ganglia that are part of the dopamine system. Germany, agree that the best interpretation of all
these findings is that much of the evidence clearly
Histological findings (in decreasing order of certainty): points away from the notion that schizophrenia
is a progressively neurodegenerative disease, like
1. Absence of gliosis as an intrinsic feature Alzheimer’s disease, and therefore, by default, the
2. Smaller cortical and hippocampal neurons findings generally fit the NEURODEVELOPMENTAL
82 brain imaging studies of schizophrenia

MODEL OF SCHIZOPHRENIA but do not prove it. They ———. “On the Topographical Distribution of Cortex
agree on consistent evidence for: Lesions and Abnormalities in Dementia Praecox,
with Some Account of Their Functional Significance,”
(1) cellular changes in the hippocampal forma- American Journal of Insanity 71 (1915): 603–671.
tion, a finding first reported in 1984 ———. “Psychopathology and Neuropathology: The
(2) cellular changes in the dorsal prefrontal cortex Problems of Teaching and Research Contrasted,” Jour-
(DPFC), first noticed in postmortem studies in nal of the American Medical Association 18 (1912): 914.
the 1990s Wassink, T. H., N. C. Andreasen, P. Nopoulos, and M.
(3) decreased volume in the mediodorsal thalamic Flaum. “Cerebellar Morphology as a Predictor of
nucleus Symptom and Psychosocial Outcome in Schizophre-
nia,” Biological Psychiatry 45 (1999): 41–48.
A problem with most neuropathological stud-
ies of schizophrenia until the year 2000 was that
most changes in the brains of schizophrenics were brain imaging studies of schizophrenia Also
compared to normal controls and not to the brains called neuroimaging techniques, these are tech-
of persons who had suffered from other psychiatric nologically sophisticated methods for studying
disorders (such as bipolar disorder). It is not known the structure and functioning of the brains of
if brain abnormalities are similar or distinctively living human beings by generating “pictures” or
different from persons suffering other psychotic dis- “images” that can then be studied and compared
orders, affective disorders, or personality disorders with images from the brains of others. These tech-
(for which there are no postmortem brain studies). niques have revolutionized the neurosciences.
Abnormalities in other areas of the brains of per- Techniques for “seeing” into a living body and
sons with schizophrenia have been proposed. Schizo- examining its internal structure has a long his-
phrenia researcher Nancy Andreasen (1938– ) of tory in medicine. After the invention of the X-
the University of Iowa, noted for leading the research ray technique in 1895 by the German physicist
group that published the first MRI study of schizo- W. C. Roentgen (1845–1923), it was applied the
phrenia in 1986, has proposed that abnormalities in following year by Harvey Cushing (1896–1939)
the cerebellum, particularly shrinkage in size over of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore to a
time, is correlated with the persistence of negative patient who had suffered spinal cord damage due
symptoms, psychosis, and psychosocial impairment. to a bullet injury to the neck. The extensive diag-
These assumptions form the basis of her COGNITIVE nostic use of X-rays to investigate the living brain
DYSMETRIA theory. and nervous system was pioneered by Arthur
Schuller (1874–1957) of Vienna, who published
Bogerts, B. “The Neuropathology of Schizophrenia Dis- a book on this application in 1918. Beginning in
eases: Historical Aspects and Present Knowledge,” 1918 another technique with a long history in
European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 20th century medicine, the air encephalography,
249 (1999): Supplement 4, IV2–IV13. ventriculography, or pneumoencephalography,
Harrison, P. J. “The Neuropathology of Schizophrenia: A was introduced at Johns Hopkins. This technique
Critical Review of the Data and Their Interpretation,” involved injecting air into the space around the
Brain 122 (1999): 593–624. spinal cord, which allowed for a clearer contrast
Knable, M. B., and D. R. Weinberger. “Are Mental Diseases image in X-ray studies. The first application of
Brain Diseases? The Contributions of Neuropathology pneumoencephalography to the study of SCHIZO -
to Understanding of Schizophrenic Psychoses,” Euro- PHRENIA in 1927 found an anomaly that has
pean Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 245 been a consistent finding in some (but not most)
(1995): 224–230. persons with schizophrenia: enlarged cerebral
Southard, E. E. “The Mind Twist and the Brain Spot ventricles. This first study was conducted in a
Hypotheses in Psychopathology and Neuropathology,” mental hospital near Jena, Germany, by Walter
Psychological Bulletin 11 (1914): 117–130. Jacobi and H. Winkler under the supervision
brain imaging studies of schizophrenia 83

of Hans Berger (1873–1941), who had invented netic resonance imaging (3D MRI), first used in
the EEG and was experimenting with it at this schizophrenia research by DeQuardo in 1996.
time. Other techniques that were introduced to After 24 years of the widespread use of neu-
image the living brain were carotid arteriography roimaging techniques in schizophrenia research,
(1947), radionucleotide brain scanning (1948), one fact clearly stands out: almost every region of
and the measurement of cerebral blood flow the brain has been implicated in schizophrenia by
(1948). The measurement of regional cerebral at least one or more of these hundreds of studies.
blood flow, or rCBF, played an important role in Since these technologies are new, and innova-
understanding schizophrenia in the years prior tions seem to appear at a rapid rate, it is difficult
to the introduction of modern neuroimaging to arrive at conclusions about schizophrenia with
technologies. The first modern technique was the absolute certainty. It is hard to generalize findings
CT SCAN, pioneered for use by G. N. Hounsfield in from one study to another. Technologies differ;
1973. The first report of the use of brain imag- different regions of the brain are examined from
ing techniques to study schizophrenic brains was one study to another, the tasks they are asked to
the classic report by E. D. Johnstone and his col- perform while being scanned differ, and there
leagues published in the British medical journal are serious statistical issues regarding the ways
Lancet in 1976. Many other types of brain imag- in which this computerized technology measures
ing techniques have been developed and used in the brain and then constructs a computer gener-
schizophrenia research since then. ated image from many thousands of tiny “approxi-
CT (computerized tomography) scans and nuclear mate” measurements. Because these technologies
magnetic resonance (NMR), also called MAGNETIC are so new and relatively rare (because they are
RESONANCE IMAGING (MRI), generate images of the so expensive to obtain and maintain), research-
structure of the brain. MRI images are considered ers know that just about any brain imaging study
to be clearer and of more value. The dynamics of of schizophrenia is a novel contribution to the
brain functioning, however, are studied with brain field. Some, unfortunately, are not careful about
imaging techniques such as brain electrical activity the logic of their experimental design. Many prin-
mapping (BEAM), cerebral blood flow imaging (also cipal investigators who manage neuroimaging
known as regional cerebral blood flow, or rCBF), research teams are medically trained psychiatrists
positron emission tomography (PET SCANS), single with little or no background in experimental psy-
photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), chology, a problem that may lead to design flaws
and magnetoencephalography (MEG). and to the wrong interpretation of neuroimaging
Brain imaging studies of schizophrenia have results. A common bit of gossip among researchers
become an important area of research. The neuro- in this field concerns some researchers with deep
imaging studies of the 1970s and 1980s focused on pockets whose goal is simply to produce impres-
brain structure in schizophrenia, with the first CT sive color photos of a schizophrenia brain “light-
study appearing in 1976 and the first MRI study ing up” when performing just about any task. Such
appearing in 1984. However, since the first PET images can be impressive to administrators with
study of schizophrenia appeared in 1980, the vast little expertise in neuroimaging when requesting
majority of studies since then has examined the grants or increases in funding. Fortunately, these
functioning brains of persons with schizophre- researchers are in the minority. It is therefore not
nia, usually as they performed certain psychologi- surprising to find that so many brain imaging stud-
cal tasks (memory tasks and so on). Most of these ies seem to contradict one another, as has been the
recent studies have used (1) a variety of different case with the issue of HYPOFRONTALITY as a “find-
types of PET techniques using different radioactive ing” about the brains of schizophrenics.
materials to trace the many different ways in which University of Pennsylvania schizophrenia
brain metabolism works, (2) functional magnetic researchers Ruben Gur and Raquel Gur remind
resonance imaging (fMRI), which came into use researchers to keep four basic principles in mind
in the mid-1990s, and (3) three-dimensional mag- before making claims of new scientific findings
84 brain imaging studies of schizophrenia

about schizophrenia based on brain imaging These functional imaging studies are the pri-
studies: mary basis of the so-called DISCONNECTION THEO -
RIES OF SCHIZOPHRENIA . These theories claim that
1. First, carry out extensive studies on healthy there is a dynamic imbalance between different
subjects before leaping to patient studies. regions of the brain, and as such they do not
2. Remember to incorporate standard resting cooperate with one another in a normal fash-
measures of brain activity as well as activation ion. Various versions of this disconnection the-
measures (as when the subject is asked to per- ory have been proposed that implicate different
form a psychological task, such as a memory or regions of the brain. The most prominent discon-
spatial problem). nection theory involves the “fronto-temporal net-
3. Suspend judgment until data are available on work.” As one of the most prominent researchers
large, well-characterized, samples of persons in functional imaging studies of schizophrenia,
with schizophrenia. Peter F. Liddle, describes the general “discon-
4. Integrate functional neuroimaging data with nection” hypothesis, “the essential functional
clinical variables and other measures of brain abnormality in schizophrenia is a disturbance of
structure and function. functional connectivity in the neural networks
serving the supervisory mental functions respon-
What have brain imaging studies of schizophre- sible for the initiation, selection and monitoring
nia taught us about the disease? In general, there of self-generated mental activity.”
are two categories of findings which result from Some support for neurodevelopmental and dis-
the brain imaging techniques used: connection theories of schizophrenia have come
(1) Structural imaging studies (CT, MRI) have from MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY IMAGING
consistently provided support for evidence first (MRSI) studies of both adults and children with
noticed in autopsies that the brains of some schizo- schizophrenia and their biological relatives. These
phrenics have less tissue and less volume than studies show that people with schizophrenia, both
normal brains. The problem seems to be worse children and adults, and their biological relatives
for the tissue of the temporal lobes of the brain, have a smaller than normal regional NAA (N-
particularly the left, and is also true for regions of acetylaspartate) chemical signal, indicating neuron
the frontal lobe and other areas (the hippocampus, damage or abnormalities in functioning of certain
the cerebellum, and so on). The reduction in the neural circuits or pathways.
volume of brain tissue results in the enlargement The results of neuroimaging studies of schizo-
of the “spaces” or ventricles between the various phrenia have been combined with postmortem
lobes of the brain, a fact that has also been repeat- studies of BRAIN ABNORMALITIES IN SCHIZOPHRENIA
edly confirmed in these imaging studies. Further- and with studies of cognitive functioning (mem-
more, brain imaging studies have confirmed that ory, spatial ability, and so on) to give us a fuller
these structural abnormalities are present even in picture of what is happening inside the brain of a
the earliest phases of the illness and therefore were person with schizophrenia.
most likely in existence before the first psychotic
symptoms appeared. Buchsbaum, M. S., et al. “Positron Emission Tomography
(2) Functional imaging studies (PET, SPECT, Studies of Abnormal Glucose Metabolism in Schizo-
fMRI) of schizophrenia have documented a phrenia,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 24 (1998): 343–364.
widespread disturbance of brain functioning. Buckley, P. F. “Structural Brain Imaging in Schizophre-
This seems to be especially true for the connec- nia.” In Schizophrenia. Psychiatric Clinics of North America,
tions between two areas: the frontal and tempo- edited by P. F. Buckley. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders,
ral lobes. However, many other areas of the brain 1998, pp. 77–92.
seem to function abnormally in schizophrenia as DeQuardo, J. R., et al. “Landmark-based Morphometric
well when compared to the functioning of normal Analysis in First-break Schizophrenia,” Biological Psy-
brains. chiatry 45 (1999): 1,321–1,328.
Broadmoor Hospital 85

Frith, C. D. “Functional Brain Imaging and the Neuro- diagnosis may then be changed to schizo-
pathology of Schizophrenia,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 23 phrenia, schizoaffective disorder, an atypical
(1997): 525–527. affective disorder, or a psychotic disorder not
Gur, R. C., and R. E. Gur. “Hypofrontality in Schizophre- otherwise specified.
nia: RIP,” Lancet 3 (June 1995): 1,383–1,384.
Hounsfield, G. N. “Computerized Transverse Axial Scan- See also ATYPICAL PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS.
ning (Tomography),” British Journal of Radiology 46
(1973): 1,016–1,022.
Johnstone, E. D., et al. “Cerebral Ventricular Size and Brierre de Boismont, Alexandre (1798–1881) A
Cognitive Impairment in Chronic Schizophrenia,” noted French aliéniste who is most remembered for
Lancet 2 (1976): 924–926. his comprehensive study of HALLUCINATIONS pub-
Liddle, P. F. “Brain Imaging.” In Schizophrenia, edited by lished in 1853. This study examined the phenom-
Hirsch, S. R., and D. R. Weinberger. London: Black- enon of hallucinations not only in the mentally ill,
well Science, 1995, pp. 425–439. but also in hypnosis (“magnetic visions”), religious
McCarley, R. W., et al. “Neuroimaging and the Cognitive experience, and in other ALTERED STATES OF CON-
Neuroscience of Schizophrenia,” Schizophrenia Bulletin SCIOUSNESS. Brierre de Boismont was a disciple of
22 (1996): 703–725. ESQUIROL and was a member of the famous “Esqui-
rol Circle.”

brain injury and psychosis See MEDICAL DISOR- Brierre de Boismont, A. Hallucinations: Or, the Rational His-
DERS THAT MIMIC PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS. tory of Apparitions, Visions, Dreams, Ecstasy, Magnetism
and Somnambulism. Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blakiston,
brain tumors and psychosis See MEDICAL DISOR-
Brigham, Amariah (1798–1848) One of the
original 13 founders of the American Psychiatric
brief psychotic disorder In DSM-IV-TR (2000), a Association in 1844 (then called the Association
psychotic disorder lasting at least one day but less of Medical Superintendents of American Insti-
than one month that results in a full return to tutions for the Insane). In 1843 he became the
premorbid levels of functioning. The presence of superintendent of the newly opened Utica State
one or more of the following symptoms must be Hospital in New York. The following year, in
in evidence: DELUSIONS, HALLUCINATIONS, disorga- 1844, he started the American Journal of Insanity,
nized speech, or grossly disorganized or catatonic which later became the American Journal of Psy-
behavior. There are three types: chiatry, as it is known today. He printed it in the
hospital with the assistance of patients in work
(1) with a marked stressor preceding the onset of programs.
symptoms (brief reactive psychosis)
(2) without a marked stressor, indicating the psy-
chosis is not a reaction to stress or trauma Broadmoor Hospital Broadmoor has achieved
(3) with postpartum onset (onset within four notoriety in the British Isles as the place where the
weeks of giving birth (postpartum psychosis) most homicidal of “homicidal maniacs” are kept.
In ICD -10 (1992) these are known as ACUTE AND Since it opened its doors in 1863, Broadmoor has
TRANSIENT PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS. After one been where the most dangerous or violent men-
month, if the symptoms persist, in DSM-IV-TR tally ill criminals have been placed. Prior to its
the diagnosis is changed to SCHIZOPHRENIFORM construction in Crowthorne, Berkshire, such dan-
DISORDER. If symptoms of schizophreniform gerous patients were kept in a special “gallery” at
disorder persist more than six months, the the BETHLEM ROYAL HOSPITAL in London.
86 Brosius, C. M.

Brosius, C. M. (1825–1910) A German psychia- Lord Chancellor’s Visitor in Lunacy. Bucknill was
trist who, along with Wilhelm GRIESINGER, is noted also the first honorary member of the American
for quickly and successfully instituting policies of Psychiatric Association; together with D. H. Tuke
nonrestraint for the patients in German asylums he wrote a standard textbook, A Manual of Psycho-
and hospitals in the mid-1800s. German institu- logical Medicine, in 1858 (2nd ed., 1882) that was
tions took the lead in this more humane treatment widely used for many years.
of the mentally ill, whereas hospitals in the rest of
Europe, notably England and France, only signifi-
cantly improved near the end of the 1800s. Burghölzi Hospital The famous psychiatric hospi-
tal and clinic that is associated with the University
of Zürich in Switzerland. After accepting a position
Broussais, Francois Joseph Victor (1772–1838) A as professor of medicine at the University in 1860,
French physician, army surgeon, and professor of Wilhelm GRIESINGER assisted in planning and
general pathology of the University of Paris who overseeing the construction of the new hospital.
was a bitter enemy of Philippe P INEL . Broussais Griesinger also became its first director upon open-
entertained the theory that mental illness was ing. Other famous directors of the Burghölzi over
caused by gastrointestinal “irritation.” BLEEDING, the years have been August Forel, Eugen BLEULER,
PURGING, and diets were suggested as treatments and Manfred BLEULER. Burghölzi holds a special
for this irritation. significance for the history of the scientific study of
SCHIZOPHRENIA and the psychotic disorders because
Broussais, F. J. V. De l’irritation et de la folie. Paris: 1828. it was while they worked together there that Eugen
Bleuler and C. G. JUNG wrote their famous mono-
graphs on “DEMENTIA PRAECOX ,” and it is the place
Bucknill, Sir John Charles (1817–1897) A major where the term schizophrenia was first coined and
figure in 19th-century British PSYCHIATRY, Bucknill used. Jung also carried out his famous diagnos-
was an important advocate of nonrestraint policies tic “word-association” experiments at Burghölzi
and the boarding-out of mental patients from the in the early 20th century. The Burghölzi was the
hospitals to community placements. Superinten- site of a noted longitudinal study of schizophrenia,
dent of the Devon Asylum from 1844 to 1862, he carried out by Manfred Bleuler.
also became the first president of the Association of See also COURSE OF SCHIZOPHRENIA.
Medical Officers of Asylums and Hospitals for the
Insane (now the Royal College of Psychiatrists),
and in 1862 he rose to the prominent position of butyrophenones See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.
cacodemonomania This is one of the two types Cameron, Donald (1901–1967) A British psychi-
of DEMONOMANIA identified by ESQUIROL in his atrist who became the first president of the World
chapter on the topic in his 1838 textbook, Des Mal- Psychiatric Association. While a professor of psy-
adies mentales. The word is used to refer to those chiatry at McGill University in Montreal, Canada,
mentally ill persons who believe they are pos- in the 1940s, Cameron helped popularize the form
sessed by, or in contact with, evil spirits or Satan of treatment of SCHIZOPHRENIA known as INSULIN
himself. It is derived from two Greek words, kakos COMA THERAPY in North America.
and daimon, for “bad” and “demon.” The word
daimon in the classical world did not have a bad
connotation, as Esquirol notes, but had more of the camisole A heavy-canvas coat, reaching from neck
meaning of a “guardian spirit” or “spiritual guide,” to waist, with long, closed sleeves that are designed
which a person could consult. Esquirol asserts the to wrap the wearer’s arms across the chest and are
diagnosis of cacodemonomania should be applied tied with cords behind the wearer’s back. Appar-
to “all those unfortunate beings who fancied that ently, the 19th-century term camisole was merely a
they were possessed by the devil, and in his power; euphemism for a type of STRAITJACKET, a term that
who were convinced that they have been present had taken on a negative connotation by the end of
at the imaginary assemblies of evil spirits, or who the 1800s. In A Mind That Found Itself, Clifford BEERS
feared damnation, and the misery of eternal fire.” graphically describes his torturous experience of
Possession by “evil spirits” has been attributed being placed in a camisole in 1902, and describes
as a cause of mental illness for thousands of years. this type of mechanical restraint as follows: “A cam-
Cacodemonomania can still be witnessed from isole is a type of straight-jacket; and a very conve-
time to time in certain individuals even today, nient type it is for those who resort to such methods
and a modern case of this disorder, reported in of restraint, for it enables them to deny the use of a
the psychiatric literature as recently as 1987, can straight-jacket all. A straight-jacket, indeed, is not a
be found reprinted in the volume by Richard Noll camisole, just as electrocution is not hanging.”
listed below.
Beers, C. A Mind That Found Itself. New York: Doubleday,
Esquirol, J. E. D. Mental Maladies, A Treatise on Insanity, 1908.
trans. E. K. Hunt. 1838. Reprint, Philadelphia: Lea &
Blanchard, 1845.
Kemp, S., and K. Williams. “Demonic Possession and Canada The only major study of prevalence rates
Mental Disorder in Medieval and Early Modern for SCHIZOPHRENIA in Canada was carried out by
Europe,” Psychological Medicine 17 (1987): 21–29. research psychiatrist H. M. B. Murphy and his
Noll, R. Vampires, Werewolves and Demons: Twentieth Century colleagues in the 1960s. In a survey of 14 Cana-
Reports in the Psychiatric Literature. New York: Brunner/ dian villages with different ethnic compositions,
Mazel, 1991. he found an overall age-corrected prevalence rate
Salmons, P. H., and D. J. Clarke. “Cacodemonomania,” of 4.6 per 1,000 in Canada. However, consider-
Psychiatry 50 (1987): 50–54. ing that he used a much narrower (at the time)

88 candidate genes

definition of schizophrenia than was accepted in ber, friend, or caretaker whose identity is constantly
the United States, the Canadian rate would have denied even when confronted with the absurdity
been much higher if the broader, American crite- of the notion. Usually the person accused of being
ria had been used. Murphy found that traditional, an “impostor” or a “replacement” is also thought to
“Old French” villages had a much higher rate of bear bad intentions toward the delusional person.
schizophrenia than other types, measuring twice The very first case was described by Jean Marie
as high as Anglo-Protestant villages. Furthermore, Capgras (1873–1950) and J. Reboul-Lachaux in
Canadian Catholics as a whole had a much higher 1923: a woman with a chronic paranoid psycho-
rate of schizophrenia than Canadian Protestants. sis who insisted that various individuals involved
Many studies have also been conducted in in her life had been replaced by “doubles.” Their
Canada on the native Canadian Inuit popula- name for the condition was l’illusion des sosies, or
tions. Hudson Bay Inuit groups were found to have “the illusion of doubles,” but it is now almost uni-
higher prevalence rates for schizophrenia, with versally known as the Capgras syndrome.
studies ranging from 12.7 to 30.4 per 1,000. Capgras syndrome is one of the MISIDENTIFICA-
Schizophrenia may also be especially prevalent TION SYNDROMES that are sometimes witnessed in
among Canadian Indians, particularly the Cree psychotic individuals. As is the case with many
and Salteaux Indians of northern Saskatchewan, fictional works of horror or science fiction that
where the age-corrected prevalence rate was 11.0 exploit common human fears, the 1956 motion
in one study. The same study looked at the non- picture Invasion of the Body Snatchers is based on a
Indian population in the area and found that the premise very similar to the fearful experience of
age-corrected prevalence rate for schizophrenia persons suffering from Capgras syndrome.
was only 2.4 per 1,000. Recent neuroimaging and neuropsychologi-
cal studies of Capgras syndrome suggest that this
Murphy, H. B. M., and M. Lemieux. “The Problem of delusional disorder is associated with right hemi-
High Schizophrenic Prevalence in One Type of French- sphere abnormalities in the brain.
Canadian Rural Community,” Canadian Psychiatric
Association Journal 12 (1967): 72–81. Capgras, J. M., and J. Reboul-Lachaux. “L’illusion des
Sampath, H. “Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorders in a ‘soises’ dans um delire systematize chronique,” Annales
Southern Baffin Island Eskimo Settlement,” Canadian Medico-Psychologiques 81 (1923): 186–193.
Psychiatric Association Journal 19 (1974): 363–367. Edelstyn, N. M., and F. Oyebode. “A Review of the Phe-
Roy, C., et al. “The Prevalence of Mental Disorders among nomenology and the Cognitive Neuropsychological
Saskatchewan Indians,” Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychi- Origins of the Capgras Syndrome,” International Jour-
atry 1 (1970): 383–392. nal of Geriatric Psychiatry 14 (1999): 48–59.

candidate genes Genes that are believed to be carbamazepine A drug generally known by its
implicated in the cause of a particular disease trade name, Tegretol, used to treat seizure disor-
(pathogenesis). ders. However, it has come into use in psychiatric
See also BIOLOGICAL MARKERS OF SCHIZOPHRE- centers as a treatment for certain psychotic patients
NIA ; GENETICS STUDIES ; GENOME. who tend toward violence. It is structurally related
to the heterocyclic antidepressants (such as imip-
ramine and others) and to another anticonvulsant,
Capgras syndrome A delusional condition that phenytoin (trade name, Dilantin). It is also used in
some psychotic individuals develop in which they the treatment of some forms of BIPOLAR DISORDER.
believe that a person, usually closely related in
some way, has been replaced by an impostor or a
“double.” The DELUSION is often quite fixed and can carbon dioxide therapy One of the somatic or
be very distressing for the concerned family mem- physical therapies for SCHIZOPHRENIA that was used
catatonia, or catatonic type 89

by American psychiatrists from 1929 until the late catatonia, or catatonic type Catatonia is a syn-
1940s. In 1929 Arthur Solomon Loevenhart of the drome of abnormal movement. It can be associated
University of Wisconsin published a report that with mood disorders (such as major DEPRESSION)
indicated that the inhalation of carbon dioxide or with disorders of cognitive deterioration or defi-
produced a “cerebral stimulation” that alleviated cit (SCHIZOPHRENIA). Catatonic behavior can take
catatonic symptoms in schizophrenia, MANIC- many forms (see the entries below), from stupor
DEPRESSIVE ILLNESS, and involutional MELANCHO- (the classic picture of catatonia that we all have),
LIA (DEPRESSION in late life). Patients breathed in to excitement, catalepsy (catatonic waxy flexibil-
a gas mixture of 30 percent carbon dioxide, far ity), negativism, mutism, apparently voluntary
greater than the average atmospheric amount of assumption of inappropriate or bizarre posturing,
.03 percent. Patients were given as many as 150 stereotyped movements, off mannerisms, promi-
inhalation sessions. This form of therapy has not nent grimacing, echolalia, or echopraxia. All these
been used since the 1940s. characteristics are part of the clinical picture of
the “catatonic type” of schizophrenia in DSM-IV-TR
Loevenhart, A. S., W. F. Lorenz, and R. M. Waters. “Cere- (2000), any two of which are necessary for a diag-
bral Stimulation,” Journal of the American Medical Asso- nosis of this type.
ciation 92 (1929): 880–883. Catatonia was considered an independent psy-
chotic disorder in its own right until 1899. In that
year Emil K RAEPELIN reframed catatonia as a “form”
cardiazol therapy See METRAZOL SHOCK THERAPY. of DEMENTIA PRAECOX along with hebephrenic and
paranoid forms. In 1911 Eugen BLEULER likewise
considered catatonia as a subtype of schizophrenia
cardiovascular hypoplasia See BLOOD VESSEL and not as an independent disorder.
ALTERATIONS IN SCHIZOPHRENIA. Catatonia (Katatonia) was a term coined by Karl
Ludwig KAHLBAUM as early as 1868, but he first
used it in print in his 1874 monograph, Die Katato-
catalepsy Another name for CATATONIC WAXY nie, oder das Spannungsirresein. In Kahlbaum’s view,
FLEXIBILITY, or flexibilitas cera. catatonia was essentially a motility psychosis, a
disorder of movement, which manifested in over-
active and underactive forms. In the decades after
catathymic crisis The crisis state induced in a 1899, as first Kraepelin’s dementia praecox, then
person who is aware that he or she is developing Bleuler’s schizophrenia, were accepted by psychia-
a psychosis, or for whom an existing psychotic trists in primarily German and English-speaking
state is worsening. The terrible fear and anxiety countries (but not so in France or French-speaking
caused by this awareness of a loss of control and countries until, arguably, sometime after DSM-III
a degeneration into mental chaos somehow leads appeared in 1980), catatonia lost its independence.
the person to commit a violent or other antisocial After the introduction of CHLORPROMAZINE and the
act. As first described by Wertham in 1937, the cri- PHENOTHIAZINES in MENTAL HOSPITALS after 1954,
sis-provoked act is intended as a cry for help by it was claimed that catatonia had virtually dis-
the afflicted person. Wertham writes: “One gains appeared because of the effects of ANTIPSYCHOTIC
the impression that the violent act in these cases DRUGS. However, such symptoms do indeed still
prevents the developments that would be far more appear in patients treated with these drugs but
serious for the patient’s health. The overt act seems are now often interpreted as aspects of their side
to be a rallying point for the constructive forces of effects, particularly a form known as the NEURO-
the personality.” LEPTIC MALIGNANT SYNDROME (or NMS), which can
be lethal. Indeed, “lethal catatonia” had long been
Wertham, F. “The Catathymic Crisis,” Archives of Neurology described in the old psychiatric literature and the
and Psychiatry 37 (1937): 974. symptoms and lethal course are similar to that of
90 catatonic excitement

NMS. Catatonia has long been known to respond a stupor, hardly moving and relatively unrespon-
to treatment with barbiturates, benzodiazepines, sive to his or her environment.
and electroconvulsive therapy. There is no firm
scientific evidence from biological, genetic, or lon-
gitudinal studies of schizophrenia that catatonia catatonic waxy flexibility This is a behavior
is a distinct subtype of schizophrenia, but for his- found in persons with the rare catatonic subtype of
torical and clinical reasons it is kept within schizo- SCHIZOPHRENIA in which a person’s body or limbs
phrenia as a variant of this disorder. can be molded into a particular position and will
remain passively in place, as if the person were a
Kahlbaum, K. Die Katatonie, oder das Spannungsirresein. doll or made of wax. An older medical term for
Berlin: Hirschwald, 1874. waxy flexibility is cera flexibilitas.

catatonic excitement A behavior that occurs catecholamines A class of biogenic amines that
intermittently in catatonic persons in which they
includes the NEUROTRANSMITTERS dopamine, epi-
move about in a very active fashion without any
nephrine, and norepinephrine.
apparent purpose and seemingly unguided by envi-
ronmental cues. This excited motor behavior can
occur between periods of other types of less mobile
catatonic behavior. In the late 19th century, cata-
tonic excitement was sometimes thought to result cats and schizophrenia The current widespread
in death from exhaustion, and other names for it practice of humans keeping cats as house pets
included “acute delirius mania,” “BELL’S MANIA ,” did not begin until the middle of the 1700s and
and “BELL’S DISEASE.” became very popular by the end of the 1800s. The
See also AKATHISIA ; NEUROLEPTIC MALIGNANT rise in rates of insanity from 1750 until the pres-
ent parallels this phenomenon. The question is: Do
cats cause insanity? At least two controlled studies
have found that persons with SCHIZOPHRENIA and
catatonic negativism A seemingly purposeless
BIPOLAR DISORDER have had a greater exposure
resistance to all attempts, whether physical or ver-
to cats in childhood compared with persons who
bal, to being moved. If the person is passive, he or
do not have those MENTAL DISORDER s. This issue
she may simply be unresponsive. When in a more
has been explored in the context of VIRAL THEO-
active state, the person may be oppositional and do
RIES by E. Fuller Torrey of the Stanley Research
the opposite of what is asked.
Foundation in Bethesda, Maryland. In the past
decade several studies have found evidence that
Toxoplasmosis, an infectious disease caused by a
catatonic posturing The bizarre or unusual pos-
virus in cat feces or in undercooked meat, may be
tures that catatonic persons can maintain for a
implicated in schizophrenia. Several studies have
long period of time.
found antibodies to this virus in persons with
schizophrenia as well as in the mothers of persons
with schizophrenia.
catatonic rigidity The maintenance of a muscularly
tense, rigid position by a catatonic person, despite
the forceful efforts of others to move him or her. CAT scan See CT SCAN.

catatonic stupor The common image of a cata- causality, teleologic An aspect of the thinking of
tonic person’s behavior. The person behaves as if in schizophrenics, as identified by Silvano A RIETI, in
ceruloplasmin hypothesis 91

which events in the world are interpreted as pur- THERAPY. Cerletti was inspired to invent this treat-
poseful and due to somebody’s will. Arieti com- ment in a rather macabre way—by observing the
pares this aspect of schizophrenic cognition to the reactions of pigs who were given electrical shocks
thought patterns of children and people in primi- just before slaughter. Together with his colleague,
tive societies. Teleologic causality is contrasted Lucio Bini, Cerletti perfected his new treatment,
with “deterministic causality,” the more rational and the very first schizophrenic to receive this
and scientific way in which most “civilized” normal treatment did so on April 15, 1938. Electrocon-
adults attribute causes to events they experience. vulsive therapy, or ECT as it is commonly referred
to, was considered a safer and more humane type
of CONVULSIVE THERAPY than the one invented by
cautery treatment A rather primitive form of Hungarian psychiatrist VON M EDUNA , in which
“shock treatment” used on the mentally ill in the convulsions were induced by pharmacological
18th and early 19th centuries in which they would means.
be touched on the head or neck with a hot iron Cerletti had a varied medical career, undergo-
poker. Alternatively, the ancient technique of ignit- ing training in Turin, Rome, Paris, and Heidelberg,
ing moxa (small combustible cones from a plant where he was exposed to Emil K RAEPELIN and
that was introduced into Europe from Asia) on the his associates. Cerletti seems to have always been
skin to cauterize it. A treatment manual advocat- attracted to unconventional ideas about medical
ing the use of this method was written by French treatments for MENTAL DISORDERs. Near the end of
psychiatrist L. Valentin and published in 1815. his life, he attempted to find a chemical alterna-
ESQUIROL was greatly influenced by this book and tive to his own electroshock therapy, which would
successfully applied the treatment himself. This is have none of the harsh side effects of the convulsive
how he described its use: therapies. He concocted a serum, from the brains of
animals that had been subjected to repeated elec-
I cannot omit making some remarks respecting troshock sessions, that he thought would have the
the use of fire and moxa, applied to the top of same therapeutic effect as electroshock therapy.
the head, and over the occiput or neck in mania. This serum was alleged to contain a special chemi-
Doctor L. Valentin has published some valuable cal created in these animal brains from the treat-
observations concerning the cure of mania by the ments—vitalizing substances that Cerletti called
application of fire. I have many times applied the aeroagomines—which he believed he could inject into
iron at a red heat to the neck, in mania compli- schizophrenics and obtain similar results. However,
cated with fury, and sometimes with success. Cerletti’s work in this area has been discounted.

Cerletti, U. “Old and New Information about Electroshock,”

Esquirol, J. E. D. Mental Maladies, A Treatise on Insan- American Journal of Psychiatry 107 (1950): 87–94.
ity (1838), trans. E. K. Hunt. Philadelphia: Lea & Cerletti, U., and L. Bini. “L’Electroshock,” Arch. Gen. Neu-
Blanchard, 1845; first published, 1838. rol. Psichiatr. Psicoanal. 19 (1938): 266.
Valentin, L. An Essay and Observations Concerning the Good
Effects of the Actual Cautery, Applied to the Head in Various
Disorders. 8 vols. Nancy: 1815.
ceruloplasmin hypothesis In 1957 Swiss bio-
chemist S. Akerfeldt announced research findings
that suggested that an increased level of the cop-
cera flexibilitas See CATATONIC WAVY FLEXIBILITY. per-containing substance ceruloplasmin might be
related to the development of SCHIZOPHRENIA . He
developed a relatively simple test, which he thought
Cerletti, Ugo (1877–1963) Italian psychiatrist and could discriminate between the BIOLOGICAL MARK-
inventor of ELECTROSHOCK (or “electroconvulsive”) ERS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA and other mental diseases.
92 Ceylon

Despite media attention, his theory was soon dis- patient may be rendered unconscious and kept
proved when it was found that the level of cerulo- so for hours at a time. Indeed, very troublesome
plasmin depended on the amount of ascorbic acid patients (especially when attendants are scarce)
(vitamin C) in the blood, and institutionalized are not infrequently kept in a stupefied condition
psychiatric patients have been known to have low for days, or even for weeks—but only in institu-
serum ascorbic acid levels. tions where the welfare of the patients is lightly
Chemical restraint is one of the main instru-
Akerfeldt, S. “Oxidation of N1N-Dimenthyl-p-phenylene- ments of psychiatric abuse in many countries.
diamine by Serum from Patients with Mental Disease,” See also ABUSE OF PSYCHIATRIC PATIENTS.
Science 125 (1957): 117–123.
Beers, C. A Mind That Found Itself. New York: Doubleday,
Ceylon (Sri Lanka) A 1974 study of the preva-
lence rate for SCHIZOPHRENIA in Ceylon (now Sri
Lanka) found a rate of 3.7 per 1,000. chemistry of the brain See BIOCHEMICAL THEO-
Wijesinghe, C. P., et al. “Survey of Psychiatric Morbidity
in a Semi-urban Population in Sri Lanka,” Acta Psychia-
trica Scandinavica 58 (1978): 413–441. cheromania A term used in the Middle Ages to
describe the unnatural euphoric reaction to epi-
demics (such as the plague) and other disasters. It
chemical restraint The use of drugs, as opposed is equivalent to the elation reported in “maniacs”
to MECHANICAL RESTRAINTS (such as straps, in archaic psychiatric textbooks and to the same
STRAITJACKETS , MUFFS ) to subdue psychiatric behavior in persons undergoing a “manic episode”
patients. Although ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS were in today’s nomenclature.
only brought into use in 1952 to treat psychotic
disorders by reducing their symptoms, many dif-
ferent types of drugs have been used for centu- Chiarugi, Vincenzo (1759–1820) Sometimes re-
ries to restrain patients engaged in undesirable ferred to as the “Pinel of Italy.” Chiarugi was an
behaviors. Often such pharmacological agents Italian physician appointed in 1789 by the Grand
were used as punishment. In the 18th and 19th Duke Pietro Leopoldo of Tuscany to head the Hos-
centuries, such drugs may have been admin- pital of Bonifacio in Florence. His work with the
istered as a daily “physic” said to improve the mentally ill at that hospital led to his publishing
health of a patient. Camphor and opiates in par- several works regarding mental illness, including a
ticular are mentioned in these early accounts. By volume of 100 observations on mental illness. He
the end of the 19th century many sedatives had believed that psychoses were the result of a deterio-
been created that were then widely used (often ration of the brain, thus linking him with modern
to the point of excess) in mental hospitals. In his theories of the organic etiology of mental illness.
autobiography of his life as a mental patient, Clif- He was also an early reformer and an opponent
ford BEERS makes the following remarks about of cruel or unnecessary forms of restraint, and he
chemical restraint: shares an historic distinction as one of the earliest
proponents of nonrestraint policies, with P INEL in
Chemical restraint (sometimes called medi- France and William Tuke of the YORK R ETREAT in
cal restraint) consists in the use of temporarily England. A translation of an indicative passage from
paralyzing drugs—hyoscine being the popular one of Chiarugi’s works is provided by historian of
“dose.” By the use of such drugs a troublesome psychiatry George Mora:
childhood-onset schizophrenia 93

It is a supreme moral duty and medical obligation of schizophrenia and not a separate disease pro-
to respect the insane individual as a person. It is cess. For example, abnormalities in the cerebral
especially necessary for the person who treats the ventricles of children with schizophrenia tend to
mental patient to gain his confidence and trust. worsen in adolescence. Also, in MAGNETIC RESO-
It is best, therefore, to be tactful and understand- NANCE SPECTROSCOPY IMAGING studies, smaller
ing and try to lead the patient to the truth and than normal regional chemical signals for N-acet-
to instill reason in him little by little in a kind ylaspartate (NAA) are found in childhood-onset
way. . . . The attitude of doctors and nurses must schizophrenics, adult-onset schizophrenics, and
be authoritative and impressive, but at the same biological relatives of schizophrenics. In general,
time pleasant and adapted to the impaired mind the course of childhood-onset schizophrenia is
of the patient. . . . Generally it is better to follow more severe than the later-onset varieties of this
the patient’s inclinations and give him as many disease.
comforts as is advisable from a medical and practi- No one knows why there is an earlier age of
cal standpoint. onset in this disorder. Several possible factors
behind early onset are: (1) increased genetic load,
Chiarugi, V. Della pazzia in genere e in specie trattato medico especially if both parents are schizophrenic or
analitico con una centuria di observazioni. Florence: 1973– have a high-risk for schizophrenia themselves,
1974. (2) increased exposure to harmful environmental
———. On Insanity and Its Classification, ed. and trans. G. forces, either during fetal development, infancy, or
Mora. Canton, Mass.: Science History Publications, early childhood, that affect the brain and nervous
1987. system, (3) precocious brain maturation (the brain
Mora, G. Vincenzo. “Chiarugi (1759–1820) and His Psy- develops abnormally fast in some respects and not
chiatric Reform in Florence in the Late 18th Century,” in others, causing a disconnection between differ-
Journal of the History of Medicine 14 (1959): 431. ent areas of brain functioning), and (4) perhaps
a premature exposure of the nervous system to
hormones that are only usually released during
childhood-onset schizophrenia Childhood-onset puberty.
schizophrenia is a very rare form of SCHIZOPHRE- Other names for this disorder that can still be
NIA . It is defined by the onset of the typical psy- found in the literature are childhood schizophre-
chotic symptoms of schizophrenia before the 18th nia, developmental psychosis, childhood psycho-
birthday. This disorder is now sometimes called sis, symbiotic psychosis, and atypical development.
“neurodevelopmental schizophrenia.” Although DSM-IV (1994) allows the diagnosis of schizophrenia
it had practically disappeared from the scientific in children only if prominent DELUSIONS and HAL-
literature, in 1994 several studies were published LUCINATIONS are present for at least a month in a
that resurrected interest in this disorder. Since child who has already been known to have a his-
then, there has been an explosion of research on tory of autistic disorder or a pervasive developmen-
the very small population of children who could tal disorder.
be located that have childhood-onset schizophre- Since the neurodevelopmental model of schizo-
nia. Although childhood-onset schizophrenia phrenia has emerged as a dominant scientific para-
is rare, it resembles the “adolescent-onset” and digm, the study of childhood-onset schizophrenia
“adult-onset” versions of schizophrenia. There is combined with the data from studies of FETAL
are similarities between childhood, adolescent, NEURAL DEVELOPMENT, adolescent-onset, adult-
and adult-onset schizophrenias in terms of their onset, and LATE-ONSET schizophrenia to construct
poor premorbid histories, their performance on a picture of the natural course of this terrible dis-
psychological tests, and certain neuroanatomical ease over the human life span.
and neuroimaging findings. Thus, it is thought
that childhood-onset schizophrenia is continu- Alaghband-Rad, J., S. D. Hamburger, J. N. Giedd, J. A. Fra-
ous with at least some of the later-onset versions zier, and J. L. Rapoport. “Childhood-onset Schizophrenia:
94 childhood psychosis

Biological Markers in Relation to Clinical Characteris- Hecker, J. F. C. Die grossen Volkskrankheiten des Mittelalters,
tics,” American Journal of Psychiatry 154 (1997): 64–68. Historisch-pathologische Untersuchungen . . . , ed. August
Howells, J. G., and W. R. Guirguis. “Childhood Schizo- Hirsch. Berlin: Th.Chr.Fr.Enslin, 1865.
phrenia 20 Years Later,” American Journal of Psychiatry Mersky, H. The Analysis of Hysteria. London: Baillière Tin-
41 (1984): 123–128. dall, 1979.
McKenna, K., C. T. Gordon, and J. L. Rapoport. “Child-
hood Onset Schizophrenia: Timely Neurobiological
Research,” Journal of the American Academy of Child and chromosome Within the nucleus of each cell in
Adolescent Psychiatry 33 (1994): 771–781. the human body there are rodlike organic bodies
Murray, R. M. “Toward an Aetiological Classification of (normally 46 in humans) called chromosomes,
Schizophrenia,” Lancet 1 (1985): 1,023–1,026. which are the bearers of GENES. Each chromo-
Rapoport, J. L., J. Giedd, S. Kumra, et al. “Childhood- some is made up of an extended double helix of
onset Schizophrenia: Progressive Ventricular Change DNA and associated proteins. Chromosomes are
during Adolescence,” Archives of General Psychiatry 54 arranged in 23 different pairs. One pair, made
(1997): 897–903. up of the X and Y chromosomes, is called the sex
chromosomes and is responsible for the transmis-
sion of genetic information regarding sex differen-
childhood psychosis See CHILDHOOD SCHIZOPHRENIA. tiation. The other 22 pairs (numbered from 1 to
22) are called autosomes. The 46 chromosomes in
humans were first observed directly by scientists
children at risk for schizophrenia See HIGH-RISK when new techniques were developed by Tijo and
STUDIES. Levan in 1956. Since that time, a series of stud-
ies have been conducted on large samples of psy-
chiatric patients of varying diagnoses—especially
chiromania An archaic term for madness caused schizophrenics—with little success in detecting
by MASTURBATION, a common belief of psychiatrists specific abnormalities. This has changed with the
throughout the 19th century and earlier. It is derived development of clearer research diagnostic criteria
from the Greek words for “hand” and “insanity.” for schizophrenia and the more advanced research
technologies of molecular genetics.
A series of techniques known as chromosome
chlorpromazine The first true ANTIPSYCHOTIC mapping attempt to determine the position of spe-
DRUG, approved for use in the United States in March cific genes on specific chromosomes and then con-
1954. The drug is a PHENOTHIAZINE and is more struct a diagram of each chromosome showing the
commonly known by its trade name, T HORAZINE ; it relative position of genes. There are estimated to be
was named by the manufacturer, Smith, Kline, and between 25,000 to 30,000 human genes, most of
French, after the Norse god of thunder, Thor. which are yet to be identified.

choromania An archaic term for the uncontrol- Tijo, H., and A. Levan. “The Chromosome Number of Man,”
lable impulse to dance or sway. The famous “danc- Hereditas 42 (1956): 1–6.
ing manias” that were epidemic in the Middle Ages
are another example of this. Perhaps the classic
reference to “dancing manias” or “frenzies” is the chronic delusional states in French psychiatry Na-
work of the 19th-century German scholar J. F. C. tional differences have always played a role in the
Hecker, and translations of representative excerpts history of science and medicine. In PSYCHIATRY,
of his writings can be found in the appendix to a where most MENTAL DISORDERs are syndromes
book by psychiatrist Harold Mersky of the London (clusters of symptoms) that do not meet the criteria
Psychiatric Hospital, London, Ontario, Canada. for disease in the sense of having an identifiable
chronic delusional states in French psychiatry 95

underlying cellular pathology, national tradi- (3) chronic imaginative (or paraphrenic or fantas-
tions and culture-specific folklore shape (socially tic) psychosis
construct) clusters of symptoms into diagnostic
syndromes that may differ from standard classifi- Chronic interpretive psychosis There are two
cation of mental disorders that are found in ICD -10 types of chronic interpretive psychosis, intellec-
and DSM-IV-TR. Historically, this has been espe- tual delusional states and emotional delusional
cially true in France, where diagnostic systems states. Both were described in 1909 by Paul Serieux
arising in Germany (such as that of Emil K RAEPE- (1864–1947) and J. M. Capgras in their seminal
LIN) and “Anglo-Saxon” countries such as England book, Les Folies Raisonnantes: le Delire d’Interpretation
and the United States have met with resistance. (Intelligent Insanity: Delusional Interpretation). In intel-
The French antipathy toward German psychiatric lectual delusional states, facts that were perceived
classification began in the early 1900s as a reflec- correctly at first are misinterpreted due to false rea-
tion of the political and cultural nationalism that soning. Eventually the delusions arising from this
played a role in bringing about the First World War misinterpretation progressively conquer all other
(1914–18). Even today, definitions of what consti- aspects of mental activity. The delusions are sys-
tutes SCHIZOPHRENIA , the delusional disorders, and tematized and complex, there are no prominent
the brief psychotic disorders are viewed differently hallucinations, intellectual functioning is unim-
in French psychiatry. paired, and the course is chronic. In emotional
Since approximately 1909, French psychiatry delusional states, the delusional premise does not
has placed delusions at the center of its definition spread beyond the theme of the delusion and the
of psychotic disorders. This trend began with the persons or persons involved in the delusion. The
work of Valentin Magnan (1835–1916) and his two most common variants of emotional delusional
colleagues in the 1880s on “chronic delusional states are (a) vindictive delusional states (e.g., the
insanity.” However, although Magnan linked his “litigious paranoia” of persons who are constantly
“systematic delusions” to processes of DEGENERA- involved in legal suits against others whom they
TION or nondegeneration, by the First World War, perceive as having “wronged” them) and (b) sen-
degeneration theory began to decline in impor- timental delusional states (delusional jealousy and
tance in French psychiatry. Again, anti-German erotomania).
sentiment may have played a role, because Ger- Chronic hallucinatory psychosis This disorder
man psychiatry emphasized hereditary causes was first described in 1911 by Gilbert-Louis-Simeon
and disorders with chronic, progressively dete- Ballet (1853–1916), a Parisian psychiatrist working
riorating course like DEMENTIA PRAECOX . Since at the famous mental hospital the Hotel-Dieu. The
then, French psychiatry has adopted an elaborate symptoms of this disorder, which Ballet believed
classification system for chronic delusional states was rooted in HEREDITY, were:
that, under current diagnostic systems, might be
regarded as forms of PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIA , (a) persistent hallucinatory activity
PERSISTENT DELUSIONAL DISORDERS, DELUSIONAL (b) delusions, most frequently of persecution
DISORDER , and PARANOID PERSONALITY DISORDER . (c) clear sensorium, unimpaired speech, relatively
To this day French psychiatrists are more likely normal behavior, and unimpaired intellectual
to emphasize nonschizophrenia delusional syn- functioning.
dromes and more narrowly diagnose schizophre-
nia in everyday practice. In more recent French psychiatric descriptions
Currently, chronic delusional states are divided of this disorder, additional features are:
into three main categories:
(a) onset in middle or late adult life
(1) chronic interpretative psychosis (also known (b) absence of schizophrenic thought disorder
as systematized or paranoic psychoses) (c) relatively good functioning prior to the onset
(2) chronic hallucinatory psychosis of the disorder
96 chronic schizophrenia

Chronic imaginative psychosis This delusional Schizophrenia has long been conceptualized as
disorder is characterized by magical thinking, fan- pairs of opposites across many different dimen-
tastic and grandiose delusions, and confabulation. sions. The acute/chronic distinction and the reac-
All this is in stark contrast to the otherwise good tive/process distinction are essentially equivalent,
contact with reality the person exhibits. This disor- expressing the idea that there is a form of schizo-
der was first described by Ferdinand-Pierre-Louis- phrenia with a sudden onset and a better prognosis
Ernest Dupré (1862–1921) in 1910 in an article in (acute or reactive) and a form that has an insidious
the journal L’Encephale (The Brain). This diagnosis is onset that gradually develops from early in life and
rarely made by French psychiatrists today. does not seem to get any better (chronic or pro-
The continuing influence of the chronic delu- cess). In recent years the term chronic schizophrenia
sional states of French psychiatry is reflected in has been falling out of use in the clinical research
the diagnostic criteria for DELUSIONAL DISORDER in literature (although it is still part of the every-
DSM-IV-TR (2000) and PERSISTENT DELUSIONAL DIS- day jargon of mental health professionals) due to
ORDERS in ICD-10 (1992). the appearance of more descriptive terms for this
See also PARANOIA ; PARAPHRENIA. apparent strain of schizophrenia.
The traditional notion of “chronic schizo-
Magnan, V. “Chronic Delusional Insanity of Systematic phrenia” is now being redefined. In the psychi-
Evolution,” trans. A. Marie and J. MacPherson, Ameri- atric research literature chronic schizophrenia
can Journal of Insanity 51 (1895): 37–57; 175–198; is characterized by its NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS, such
524–538; 52 (1896): 397–415. as restricted emotional range, poverty of speech,
Pichot, P. “The Diagnosis and Classification of Mental Dis- reduction of curiosity in the immediate environ-
orders in the French-speaking Countries: Background, ment around a person, an apathetic or dimin-
Current Values and Comparison with other Classifica- ished sense of “purpose” in the afflicted person,
tions.” In Sources and Traditions of Classification in Psy- and a reduced need to engage in social interac-
chiatry, edited by N. Sartorius, et al. Toronto: Hofgrete tions. Negative symptoms are based on the idea
and Huber, 1990. that something is “taken away” from a person.
When they endure, they have been called “defi-
cit symptoms.” There is a vast amount of research
chronic schizophrenia The idea that some forms that also shows that chronic schizophrenics also
of SCHIZOPHRENIA seem to follow a chronic life- show certain “soft neurological signs” and some-
time course without improvement is as old as times structural and functional abnormalities in
the concept of schizophrenia itself. It has always the brain.
been observed throughout the history of PSYCHIA- See also ACUTE-CHRONIC DISTINCTION ; COURSE
TRY that there were some psychotic disorders that AND OUTCOME OF SCHIZOPHRENIA ; CROW ’S HYPOTH-
improved and some that ended in permanent dete- ESIS ; DEFICIT SYMPTOMS ; DEGENERATION ; P INEL-
rioration or “dementia.” Indeed, K RAEPELIN’s con- H ASLAM SYNDROME ; POSITIVE SYMPTOMS.
cept of “DEMENTIA PRAECOX,” which he formed in
1893, was based entirely on the idea that it was a
progressively degenerative disorder with a poor circular insanity The name given in 1854 by FAL-
prognosis. He called this mental deterioration the RET to what we now call BIPOLAR DISORDER. The
Verblodungs-process. However, his 1899 definition of term was widely used in English-language litera-
the MANIC-DEPRESSIVE PSYCHOSES (see also BIPOLAR ture until K RAEPELIN’s new definition of the dis-
DISORDER) was of a group of psychotic disorders order and invention of the term MANIC-DEPRESSIVE
with a relatively good prognosis for improvement. ILLNESS. People stricken with this mental disor-
Eugen BLEULER produced the still prevalent pic- der were often referred to as “circulars,” much in
ture of schizophrenia as having acute and chronic the same way that we presently refer to them as
forms in his 1911 Dementia Praecox, Or the Group of “manic-depressives.”
Schizophrenias. See also MANIC-DEPRESSIVE ILLNESS.
clanging 97

Ritti, A. “Circular Insanity.” In A Dictionary of Psychological patients. Needless to say, treatment sessions lasted
Medicine, 2 vols., edited by D. H. Tuke. Philadelphia: only a matter of minutes. ESQUIROL , who called
P. Blakiston & Son, 1892. it “the machine of Darwin” in 1838, was appar-
ently the first to introduce this rotary machine to
France, but he discourages its use along with the
circulating swing A form of treatment for the following report:
mentally ill that was popular throughout the 18th
and into the early 19th centuries in which patients Doctor Martin, physician of the hospital at Anti-
would be rapidly spun around in a circular motion. quaille, where to this day the insane of Lyons are
Although Dutch physician Herman Boerhaave treated, has informed me that he has been fright-
(1668–1738) may have been the first to use such ened at the accidents which the insane had met
a device, the first working model of a circulating with, who had been submitted to the influence of
swing is credited to English physician John Mason this machine. They fall into a state of syncope, and
Cox, who describes the device in his 1806 book, had also copious evacuations both by vomiting
Practical Observations on Insanity: and purging, which prostrated them extremely.

His swing formed by suspending a Windsor chair Esquirol notes at the bottom of the page of his
to a hook in the ceiling, by two ropes to hind legs Mental Maladies in 1838 that, “Since the first edition
and two to fore, joined by a sliding knot to regu- of this article was published, the rotary machine
late elevation: patient in a straight waistcoat, and has been every where abandoned.”
a leathern strap around his waist, buckled to the American psychiatrist Benjamin RUSH was an
bars behind; legs fastened by straps to the front enthusiastic advocate of his “gyrater,” as well as
ones of the chair; then turned around. a stationary “coercion chair,” which he referred
to as his “TRANQUILLIZER.” However, he utilized
Reflecting the many mechanical variations a form of the circulating swing and had sugges-
of this basic concept by innovative physicians in tions for technical improvements on the machine.
other asylums, it was also called the “GYRATOR” The circulating swing was also part of the regimen
or “gyrating chair,” “rotary machine,” “spinning recommended by 18th-century Englishman John
chair,” “rotating swing” or “chair” and also “Dar- H ASLAM (of “Bedlam”).
win’s chair” or “machine,” since it was suggested See also HAYNER’S WHEEL; MECHANICAL RESTRAINT.
by Erasmus Darwin (1731–1802), the physician
grandfather of Charles Darwin, as a form of treat- Alexander, F. G., and S. T. Selesnick. The History of Psychia-
ment for patients with many different types of ail- try. New York: Harper & Row, 1966.
ment. The device attributed to Darwin consisted Esquirol, J. E. D. Mental Maladies, A Treatise on Insanity,
of a boxlike chair (or bed, apparently), which was trans. E. K. Hunt. Philadelphia: Lea and Blanchard,
suspended by an iron rod from the ceiling. The 1845; first published, 1838.
patient would be tightly strapped into this seat. A Scull, A. “The Domestication of Madness,” Medical History
small wooden platform was built next to the chair 27 (1983): 233–248.
on which another person could push another rod
back and forth, which generated the rotation of
the rod on which the chair was suspended. Psy- clanging A frequently observed speech anom-
chiatrists Alexander and Selesnick reproduce an aly, in persons with psychotic disorders, in which
18th-century illustration of this machine in their words are spoken for the way they sound, rather
book on the history of psychiatry. than for what they mean. This can sometimes
It is said that the circulating swing could be appear like bizarre punning or attempts at rhym-
driven up to 100 rotations per minute, causing con- ing. “I am the needle-nose who knows. Like the
siderable disorientation, vomiting, purging, bleed- rose in his hair, OK?” is an example of the clang-
ing from the eyes, and eventual unconsciousness in ing found in psychotic speech patterns. BLEULER
98 Clérambault-Kandinsky syndrome

(in 1911) referred to these language anomalies as cognitive dysmetria theory of schizophrenia A
“clang associations.” DISCONNECTION THEORY OF SCHIZOPHRENIA proposed
See also LANGUAGE ABNORMALITIES IN SCHIZO- by Nancy Andreasen of the University of Iowa Col-
PHRENIA. lege of Medicine. Relying primarily on functional
brain imaging data, Andreasen and her associates
have developed a model that implicates the “con-
Clérambault-Kandinsky syndrome A syndrome
nectivity” of NEURAL CIRCUITS between the pre-
characterized by delusions of being controlled. It
frontal region of the frontal lobe of the brain, the
was identified by Gaétan Gatian de Clérambault
subcortical nuclei of the thalamus, and the cerebel-
(1872–1934), a French psychiatrist who was prom-
lum. A disruption in this circuitry produces what
inent in identifying several CHRONIC DELUSIONAL
Andreasen has called “cognitive dysmetria.” Cog-
nitive dysmetria means the person with schizo-
phrenia has difficulties in prioritizing, processing,
Clérambault’s syndrome (or de Clérambault’s coordinating, and responding to information. This
syndrome) See EROTOMANIA. “poor mental coordination” is a fundamental cog-
nitive deficit in SCHIZOPHRENIA and may account
for the broad diversity of its symptoms.
climate as a cause of insanity Many early See also ABOULIA.
authorities on mental illness claimed that the
nature of a particular climate could cause such Andreasen, N. A., et al. “ ‘Cognitive Dysmetria’ as an Inte-
disorders. Both Benjamin RUSH and J. E. D. grative Theory of Schizophrenia: A Dysfunction in
ESQUIROL agreed that temperate climates, which Cortical-Subcortical-Cerebellar Circuitry?” Schizophre-
had frequent alterations of hot and cold, were the nia Bulletin 24 (1998): 203–218.
most likely to cause insanity. These ideas exist in
a modern form in studies of the EPIDEMIOLOGY of
mental disorders, which show that incidence and cognitive studies of schizophrenia In the late
prevalence rates are different in different parts of 1950s a revolution began in the way experimental
the world—particularly for SCHIZOPHRENIA. studies in psychology were conducted. Advances
See also VIRAL THEORIES OF SCHIZOPHRENIA. in cybernetics, linguistics (particularly the work
of Noam Chomsky), and the computer sciences
gave rise to a new type of psychology. Called “cog-
clown syndrome See FAXENSYNDROM.
nitive psychology,” it borrowed the metaphors of
information processing from the computer sci-
clozapine See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS. ences to approach the study of human thought
and experience in a new way—by examining the
human mind’s processes of encoding, transform-
CNS The acronym for “central nervous system,” ing, storing, and using information for regulating
essentially designating the brain, the spinal cord, and behavior. Thought and language abnormalities
their associated processes. The “peripheral nervous had long been noted by SCHIZOPHRENIA research-
system” refers to the sensory (afferent) and motor ers, but cognitive psychology extended the study
(efferent) nerve cells that connect the remainder of of schizophrenia to find patterns of information
the body with the central nervous system. processing in sensation, perception, memory,
motor (movement) processes, and, in particular,
the ability to focus one’s attention. Studies com-
Cogentin See ANTIPARKINSONIAN DRUGS. paring schizophrenic and normal information
processing almost always find significant differ-
ences between these two groups. One line of evi-
cognitive-behavior therapy See BEHAVIOR THERAPY. dence tends to indicate that some schizophrenics
Columbia-Greystone Project 99

have information processing problems associated phrenia: Advances in Experimental Psychopathology, edited
with the left hemisphere of the brain when com- by M. F. Lenzenweger and R. H. Dwarkin. Washington,
pared to normals. Furthermore, cognitive studies D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1998.
have helped document evidence for distinct sub- Magaro, P. A., ed. “Special Issue: Paranoia,” Schizophrenia
divisions within schizophrenics, thus giving more Bulletin 7 (1981): 4.
suggestive evidence for subtype differences than
had hitherto been possible with strictly behavioral
or biological approaches. An example of this is the collective insanity See FOLIE À DEUX.
highly successful demonstration across numer-
ous studies that there are distinct differences
between the paranoid subtype of schizophrenia Columbia-Greystone Project A PSYCHOSURGERY
and the nonparanoid subtypes. Indeed, a special research project initiated in 1947 combining the
issue of Schizophrenia Bulletin, edited by experi- psychiatric research scientists of Columbia Univer-
mental psychologist Peter Magaro, was devoted to sity Medical Center in New York City and the psy-
this evidence in 1981. An excellent review of the chiatric patients of the New Jersey State Hospital at
experimental studies of “schizophrenic cognition” Greystone Park. The goal was to refine the meth-
was published by Canadian psychologist Leonard ods of psychosurgery as a treatment for mental
George in 1985. disorders, specifically to find the critical locations
In the 1990s the rise of the neurodevelopmen- in the frontal lobes where more limited incisions
tal model inspired researchers to investigate new could maximize the benefits and minimize the
aspects of the cognitive deficits that people with sometimes terrible after-effects. A review of this
schizophrenia exhibit. The cognitive studies of research was published in 1949. The group called
disorders of ATTENTION are now grounded in neu- itself the “Columbia-Greystone Associates” and
rophysiology in studies of SENSORIMOTOR GATING, was co-led by Fred Mettler, a professor of anatomy
the idea that the thalamus acts as a “gate” that at Columbia University, and Marcus Currey, the
separates relevant from irrelevant stimuli and medical superintendent and CEO of the Greystone
then relays this information to the appropriate cir- Park State Hospital. Mettler was also a board mem-
cuits of neural networks in the brain. In the case ber of the NATIONAL I NSTITUTE OF M ENTAL H EALTH
of schizophrenia, “gating” breaks down and irrele- (NIMH) at the time, and his influence led to the
vant stimuli competes with relevant stimuli in the large supporting grant from the NIMH, totaling
brain, causing the experiences and behaviors we hundreds of thousands of dollars, that funded the
observe as the symptoms of schizophrenia. Many project.
studies have found deficits in the working memory The project had two phases: a 1947–48 study
of schizophrenics, which is the type of short-term and a 1951–52 study. In the first study, the more
memory needed for tasks such as memorizing an important of the two, a series of 19 patients under-
unfamiliar telephone number just long enough went a psychosurgical procedure known as a TOPEC-
to be able to dial it before forgetting it. Working TOMY, a more localized and focal procedure than
memory is often compared to the RAM facility of the traditional “ice pick” lobotomies performed by
a computer. Walter F REEMAN, the world’s leading authority on
See also NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL STUDIES OF psychosurgery. They also explored other “open”
SCHIZOPHRENIA. methods (i.e., procedures that required the surgi-
cal opening of the skull), but their results were
George, L., and R. Neufeld. “Cognition and Symptom- all rather inconclusive. Realizing the less than
atology in Schizophrenia,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 11 spectacular results they were getting with their
(1985): 264–285. methods, the associates then invited Freeman
Knight, R. A., and S. M. Silverstein. “The Role of Cognitive to perform a series of his famous TRANSORBITAL
Psychology in Guiding Research on Cognitive Deficits LOBOTOMIES on a series of patients at Greystone
in Schizophrenia.” In Origins and Development of Schizo- Park in October 1948. Of this tragic failure, which
100 coma therapy

led him to abandon the hope of an assembly-line lucinations are present, they tend to be in the
approach to treating chronic psychiatric patients form of a “voice” telling the person to do vari-
(largely schizophrenics) with transorbital loboto- ous acts, some of which may be harmful to self
mies, Freeman later wrote: or others. Many patients resist the commands
and experience great fear and anxiety because
Of the 18 patients operated upon . . . there was not of them. For example, a patient once cried out
a single one that I would have chosen from my to the author in the middle of a conversation,
own practice. The results were as bad as I antici- “They’re trying to get me to kill myself, but I
pated. Furthermore, in one patient the icepick won’t do it!” He apparently had just then expe-
broke, leaving a small bit embedded in the base of rienced a command-type AUDITORY HALLUCINA-
the brain. Fortunately, there was no unfavorable TION urging him to commit suicide. Sometimes,
effects, but the embarrassment was mine [cited in however, psychotic individuals do give in to the
Shutts, 1982]. commands, and suicide and/or acts of violence
can be carried out against others.
Mettler, F. A., ed. Selective Partial Ablation of the Frontal Cor-
tex. New York: Hoeber, 1949.
Commissioners in Lunacy Commissioned by the
British government in 1845, this committee of 15
coma therapy In the 20th century, several bio- individuals was endowed with the power to inspect
logical treatments were developed for SCHIZOPHRE- existing madhouses and asylums and refuse or
NIA that were based on the deliberate induction of approve the licensure of new ones. The commis-
a comatose state in the patient, with the assump- sioners’ jurisdiction extended over England and
tion that the patient would reawaken in a much Wales, unlike previous regulatory boards, which
improved state. The most famous variety of coma had jurisdiction just over London and a seven mile
therapy was INSULIN COMA THERAPY, developed radius around it. The direct precursors to the Com-
by psychiatrist Manfred SAKEL and his associ- missioners in Lunacy were the committee of five
ates in Austria in 1936, in which a deep hypo- medical commissioners from the College of Phy-
glycemic coma was induced in schizophrenics sicians empowered in 1774, and its successor, the
as a sort of “shock” to their system. While coma Metropolitan Commissioners in Lunacy, estab-
therapy was widely used (along with PSYCHOSUR- lished in 1828.
1940s and 1950s, it disappeared after the intro-
duction of ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS for the treatment commitment One of the most frightening expe-
of schizophrenia. Other forms of coma therapy riences anyone can imagine is being involuntarily
for schizophrenia involved inducing a comatose committed to a MENTAL HOSPITAL . The many auto-
state through inhaling pure nitrogen or by injec- biographical accounts of such traumatic events
tions of atropine, but neither of these forms were by ex-mental patients have served only to stimu-
widely utilized. No rational theory explaining why late the public’s imagination, and they have been
coma therapy worked for some patients was ever depicted frequently in fictional accounts in litera-
formulated. ture, motion pictures and on television. There have
See also NITROGEN INHALATION THERAPY. been many critics of the role of psychiatrists, which
gives them extraordinary power over others usu-
ally granted only to judges or the police, and many
command hallucination Despite media depic- of these critics have been psychiatrists themselves,
tions of “psychotic killers” who carry out mur- notably Thomas Szaz and R. D. L AING (1927–89).
derous crimes “because God told me to,” the Szaz caused a stir in 1963 with his book Law, Lib-
phenomenon of command hallucinations is rela- erty and Psychiatry because he called for eliminating
tively uncommon in psychotics. When such hal- all forms of involuntary commitment. In his 1985
community mental health centers 101

autobiography, Laing bluntly expresses his view of “married women . . . may be entered or detained in
the powers of psychiatry when he writes: the hospital (the state asylum at Jacksonville, Illi-
nois) at the request of the husband of the woman
Thus, society expects psychiatry to perform two . . . without evidence of insanity required in other
very special functions. To lock certain people up, cases.” These laws were eventually changed after
and to stop and, if possible, change certain states the intense lobbying efforts of one such woman,
of mind and types of conduct in the name of cur- Elizabeth Parsons Ware Packard, who in 1860 was
ing mental illnesses . . . These two tasks are placed committed by her husband (the Reverend Theoph-
on psychiatry. It is ensured that psychiatrists carry ilus Packard) to the Illinois State Asylum at Jack-
out these tasks by giving them the power to do so, sonville and was incarcerated there for three years.
a power they can’t refuse, if they want to practice She apparently drew her husband’s ire for express-
psychiatry. ing philosophical differences on religious matters.
The commitment was carried out by two doctors
In the United States, each state is responsible for who were members of her husband’s church and
making its own commitment laws. In most cases, judged her insane by merely feeling her pulse. She
they are understandably vague (given the great kept a diary while in the asylum and produced
variety of symptoms and behaviors exhibited in many publications based on it over the years. An
persons with severe mental disorders), but since 1867 investigation of the Jacksonville asylum
the 1970s states have generally focused narrowly found 148 such women committed there. Packard
on the issue of dangerousness, specifically whether persuaded the Illinois state legislature to change
the person is a danger to himself or others. Gener- the commitment law that year, and she persuaded
ally it takes the written approval of only one or Iowa to do the same in 1872. Efforts by groups
two psychiatrists to commit someone involun- in the MENTAL HYGIENE MOVEMENT working with
tarily to a mental hospital. That such a process is the A MERICAN PSYCHIATRIC A SSOCIATION helped to
needed in the treatment of severe mental illness abolish such inhumane laws in the United States
is largely unquestioned, since in floridly psychotic by the 1930s.
states of mind people can—and do—engage in See also LUNACY TRIALS.
harmful acts against themselves or others. Judg-
ment is impaired during such episodes, and a per- Laing, R. D. Wisdom, Madness, and Folly: The Making of a
son who is indeed suffering from a severe mental Psychiatrist. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1985.
illness may not know that he or she requires help. Packard, E. P. W. Marital Power Exemplified in Mrs. Packard’s
This is known as lack of INSIGHT. Trial, and Self-Defense from the Charge of Insanity; or, Three
Most of the laws governing commitment have Year’s Imprisonment for Religious Belief, by the Arbitrary
been transformed over the years to become more Will of a Husband, with an Appeal to the Government to so
humane, largely due to the lobbying efforts of Change the Laws so as to Afford Legal Protection to Married
patient advocacy groups since the end of the 1800s. Women. Hartford: Case, Lockwood, 1866.
It has become progressively more difficult to com- Szaz, T. Law, Liberty and Psychiatry. New York: Macmillan,
mit someone to a psychiatric hospital, and laws 1963.
have been changed to require frequent psychiatric
and judicial review to expedite the earliest possible
release. communicated insanity See FOLIE À DEUX.
One of the abuses of the power of commitment
held by psychiatrists was the commitment of mar-
ried women to “insane asylums” at their husband’s community mental health centers Following the
request even though they were not truly insane. pattern of the DEINSTITUTIONALIZATION of the men-
Such power was granted to the superintendents tally ill from psychiatric institutions in the United
of asylums by some state legislatures, notably in States in the 1950s, it soon became clear that these
Illinois, whose 1851 commitment law declared: discharged patients were not receiving the proper
102 comorbidity

care in the community. In a 1961 report entitled Goldman, H. H., et al. “Community Mental Health Cen-
Action for Mental Health, the Joint Commission on ters and the Treatment of Severe Mental Disorder,”
Mental Illness and Health recommended the estab- American Journal of Psychiatry 137 (1980): 83–86.
lishment of federally funded community-based Torrey, E. F. Surviving Schizophrenia: A Family Manual. 2nd
mental health centers so that seriously ill patients ed. New York: Harper & Row, 1988.
could be treated closer to home and be kept out of
psychiatric hospitals. In a special message to Con-
gress in February 1963, President John F. Kennedy comorbidity Comorbidity refers to the simulta-
proposed a system of “Community Mental Health neous presence in an individual of two or more
Centers” to be set up around the United States. distinctly different diseases or mental disorders.
President Kennedy optimistically argued that, Their simultaneous presence may be due entirely
“when carried out, reliance on the cold mercy of to coincidence. In epidemiology, comorbidity is
custodial isolation will be supplanted by the open studied to see if there is a correlation between the
warmth of community concern and capability.” two or more diseases or disorders arising in the
Community care was designed to be a replacement same persons at the same time, implying perhaps
for confinement in state hospitals. a deeper, causal relationship. Correlations can be
Unfortunately, as many studies have shown, positive, meaning that when one disease is pres-
right from the start CMHCs have treated only ent there is a higher than expected rate of another
a small percentage of discharged psychiatric specific disease also being present. In situations
patients—at most, only 10 to 15 percent of the of negative comorbidity, there is a lower than
new cases admitted to the CMHCs were for people expected rate of the occurrence of another specific
with serious psychiatric diagnoses such as SCHIZO- disease.
PHRENIA . Instead of providing services to the seri- It has long been noted that persons with SCHIZO-
ously mentally ill—as was the idea behind the PHRENIA suffer from a variety of physical diseases
plan—CMHCs have overwhelmingly provided that are due to poor self-care or neglect within
counseling and psychotherapy for people with the medical system. It has been estimated that
marital problems, family problems, relationship between 46 percent and 80 percent of inpatients
problems, and other interpersonal problems. In and between 20 percent and 40 percent of out-
many settings valuable treatment resources are patients with schizophrenia have been found to
being drained by court-mandated “therapy” for have ongoing physical diseases. In about half these
individuals as a form of “pretrial intervention” so cases the medical condition was thought to make
that they do not have to schedule full trials and schizophrenic symptoms worse. The true rates of
be sent to already overcrowded jails. Such indi- comorbidity of schizophrenia with other diseases
viduals often include sociopaths (especially juve- or disorders is unknown because such persons are
niles) who are poorly motivated to change their deliberately left out of research studies on schizo-
behavior and see their weekly appointments with phrenia in order to eliminate possible confounding
a therapist at the local CMHC as merely a way of variables in the interpretation of results.
staying out of jail. Comorbidity with other diseases and disor-
It was estimated that, by 1987, more than 800 ders Persons with schizophrenia have higher-than-
CMHCs were granted more than $3 billion in fed- expected rates of infection (particularly pulmonary
eral funds to maintain this system but without any tuberculosis), diabetes, arteriosclerotic disease and
appreciable improvement in the care of the seri- myocardial infarction, middle ear disease, irritable
ously mentally ill. An illuminating critique of the bowel syndrome, and HIV infection. In the United
CMHC system in the United States and its almost States, it is estimated that approximately 5 per-
exclusive treatment of the “worried well” is pro- cent to 7 percent of persons with schizophrenia are
vided by psychiatrist E. Fuller Torrey in his section infected with HIV.
on “The Failure of the Community Health Centers” On the other hand, schizophrenia is negatively
in his book, Surviving Schizophrenia. comorbid with rheumatoid arthritis and cancer,
complex 103

particularly lung cancer in men with schizophre- betonter Komplex), nodal points, or clusters of affect
nia. This finding is in stark contrast to everyday whose dynamics are observed in the phenomenon
clinical experience with schizophrenia as it is we call “personality.” Jung felt that the “ego” was
apparent many persons with schizophrenia are essentially a complex, and although it was the
heavy smokers. Indeed, the best estimates based most important one, it was only one among many.
on research are that 73 percent of males and 53 The ego could be influenced and even paralyzed by
percent of females who are schizophrenic smoke other such clusters of feelings, which we experi-
cigarettes. No one knows the reasons behind this ence when we suddenly feel we are losing control
negative comorbidity of schizophrenia and lung when mad, joyful, etc., in everyday life. Everyone
cancer, but some have suggested that ANTIPSY- has complexes, but in normals they work together
CHOTIC DRUGS may provide some sort of long-term within a functional system that is adaptive for the
anticancer protection. survival of the individual. In mental disorders, par-
Substance abuse is the most common comor- ticularly severe ones such as schizophrenia or mul-
bid disorder associated with schizophrenia. Use of tiple personality disorder, their strength is greater
alcohol, cannabis (marijuana), cocaine, metham- and their autonomy from the ego more extreme
phetamine and a whole host of other substances, due to DISSOCIATION, thus disabling the personal-
legal and illegal, are known to be contributing fac- ity, as Jung observes, with “a multiplication of its
tors in relapse and may be involved in triggering centers of gravity.”
the first psychotic episode. In a 10-country study In schizophrenia, Jung thought that the dis-
conducted by the WORLD H EALTH ORGANIZATION turbances in the will of the individual, and his
(WHO) it was found that 57 percent of males with or her hallucinations and delusions, represented
schizophrenia abused alcohol, and another 24 to 41 the pathological work of complexes. In his famous
percent of all persons with schizophrenia abused monograph The Psychology of Dementia Praecox
street drugs, primarily cannabis and cocaine. The (1907), he demonstrated how the nature of com-
WHO singled out cannabis use (smoking mari- plexes in schizophrenia fits in with descriptions of
juana) as a significant predictor of poor outcome, similar phenomena in the psychoanalytic theories
indicating that it is associated with relapse. of Sigmund F REUD. Although Jung recognized that
dementia praecox was caused by a “toxin” that led
Jablensky, A. “The Epidemiological Horizon.” In Schizo- to an irreversible disease process in the brain, he
phrenia. 2nd ed., edited by S. R. Hirsch and D. Wein- was largely under the influence of the psychologi-
berger. Cambridge: Blackwell, 2003. cal approach of Freud at this time and felt that it
was possible for the “feeling-toned complex” to
make the changes in the chemistry of the brain
Compazine See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS. to produce the toxin. In this respect he differed
significantly from his supervisor, Eugen BLEULER,
who felt that the organic disease process in the
complex A term used by C. G. JUNG to describe brain came first and that the complexes only gave
organized clusters of feelings that take on a life of the psychotic symptoms their form but did not
their own and that exist in all of us. The term was cause them. In 1908 Bleuler and Jung published a
first used by the German philosopher and psychia- paper together that contrasted their views on this
trist Theodor Ziehen (1862–1950) as “emotionally issue. After his break with Freud, Jung returned
charged complex of representations” (gefühlsbet- much later to a more organic view of the causes of
onter Vorstellungskomplex) to explain the underlying schizophrenia.
cluster of feelings that caused delayed reactions Jung thought that ancient reports of demonia-
in the course of his experiments with the word cal possession (see DEMONOMANIA) were simply
association test, later made famous by Jung. Jung due to the work of complexes that had become
thought that the mind’s basic structure is made up too strong and had begun to form alternate egos
of autonomous “feeling-toned complexes” (gefühls- in the personality of the afflicted. Jung’s “complex
104 compos mentis

theory” is at the center of his entire psychology, should both develop the disease at higher rates (that
which was briefly referred to as “complex psychol- is, with concordance rates closer to 1.0) than dizy-
ogy” but is now more widely known as “analytical gotic twins, where perhaps only one member is
psychology.” likely to develop the disorder.
See also ABAISSEMENT DU NIVEAU MENTAL; MUL- Almost all research studies have shown that
TIPLE PERSONALITY AND SCHIZOPHRENIA. monozygotic twins do indeed have a higher con-
cordance for schizophrenia and for bipolar disorder
Bleuler, E., and C. G. Jung. “Komplexe und Krankheit- than dizygotic twins. On the average, most studies
sursachen bei Dementia Praecox,” Zentralblatt für Ner- show that the concordance rate for schizophrenia
venheilkunde und Psychiatrie 31:19 (1908): 220–227. is three times higher in monozygotic twins than in
Jung, C. G. “The Psychogenesis of Schizophrenia,” Jour- dizygotic twins. Furthermore, the risk for schizo-
nal of Mental Science 85 (1939): 999–1,011. phrenia is 40 to 60 times higher in monozygotic
———. “The Psychology of Dementia Praecox,” in The twins than in the general population. In patients
Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Vol. 3. 1907. Reprint, with bipolar disorder, the concordance rate is
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1960. approximately .43 for monozygotic twins.
Also supporting the hypothesis of the genetic
transmission of schizophrenia are recent re-analy-
compos mentis A Latin term for “sanity” that has ses of these twin studies data, in which it is found
found its way into jurisprudence over the centu- not only that monozygotic twins are more con-
ries. Non compos mentis is its opposite, meaning “not cordant for schizophrenia than dizygotic twins,
in full possession of mental faculties.” The expres- but also that within these pairs of monozygotic
sion apparently is derived from the Roman author twins, those that have a greater presence of NEGA-
Tacitus, who uses it in his Annals. TIVE SYMPTOMS (which have been associated with
See also INSANITY. a more degenerative, more “genetic” variety of
schizophrenia) have a higher concordance rate
(.52) than those monozygotic twins who have a
concordance rate The rate of agreement, asso- lesser presence of such symptoms (.36).
ciation, or correlation between two individuals (or After decades of research on monozygotic
types of individuals) and a given trait. Concordance (identical) twins, it has been found that the con-
rates are most often encountered in discussions of cordance rate for schizophrenia among identical
twins studies of SCHIZOPHRENIA and BIPOLAR DIS- twins is close to 50 percent, which means that a
ORDER that have sought evidence for the genetic large portion of whatever it is that causes schizo-
transmission of these diseases. For example, since phrenia is not due to genetic factors.
identical twins) share all the same genes, we known ITY METHOD ; CROW ’S HYPOTHESIS ; DEFICIT SYMPTOMS ;
that they must be highly concordant for traits like GENETICS STUDIES ; TWINS METHOD AND STUDIES.
eye and hair color, blood type, and most physical
characteristics. DIZYGOTIC TWINS, on the other hand, Moldin, S. O., and I. I. Gottesman. “Genes, Experience
who have on the average only half their genes in and Chance in Schizophrenia: Positioning for the 21st
common, will resemble each other no more than Century,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 23 (1997): 547–561.
other siblings, making them discordant across
many traits. Concordance rates are often presented
as decimaled numbers that represent a correlation concretization An aspect of schizophrenic thought
coefficient, and the closer the number is to 1.0 the patterns in which abstract thoughts or feelings are
more concordant two individuals or groups are for a “concretized,” usually in bizarre ways. For example,
given trait. If schizophrenia (or bipolar disorder) is during an exacerbation of the psychosis a schizo-
the result of genetic inheritance, then the assump- phrenic may feel a loss of control, which causes con-
tion in research studies is that monozygotic twins siderable anxiety. If paranoid, the individual may
consanguinity method 105

attribute this distress to the effect of a particular facial confusion A psychological state of disorientation
expression someone in his immediate environment that is found across many different types of MEN-
may just have manifested—perhaps without any TAL DISORDER s (including ORGANIC MENTAL DISOR-
awareness of or conscious interaction with the para- DERS) but in particular is evident in the psychotic
noid patient. The notion that humans tend to think disorders. It is usually evident during exacerba-
in two broad modes—the concrete and the abstract— tions of a PSYCHOSIS.
was first proposed by the psychologist Kurt GOLDSTEIN
in 1939. Goldstein noticed that concrete thinking was
particularly found in brain-damaged patients and, to conjugal insanity See FOLIE À DEUX.
a lesser degree, in schizophrenics. Psychologist and
psychoanalyst Silvano A RIETI picked up on this idea
and asserted that the “process of active concretiza- Conolly, John (1794–1866) An English psy-
tion” formed the essential basis of the way in which chiatrist and reformer. After graduating from
the thinking of people is changed by SCHIZOPHRENIA Edinburgh University, Conolly studied in France,
when compared to normal thinking processes. where he was influenced by the “moral treatment”
of Philippe P INEL . Returning to England, in 1839
Arieti, S. Interpretation of Schizophrenia. 2nd ed. New York: he became the chief physician to the Hanwell Asy-
Basic Books, 1974. lum in Middlesex and there began to practice his
Goldstein, K. The Organism. New York: American Books, own moral treatment of the mentally ill, includ-
1939. ing the abolition of MECHANICAL RESTRAINTS. He
remained there for four years. He wrote many
books on his philosophy of treatment; although
confabulation This is the unconcious fabrication they were controversial for their time, they were
of facts or events that is often noted in brain-dam- also highly influential. As the guiding leader of the
aged individuals and in those persons with amnes- NONRESTRAINT MOVEMENT, Conolly’s ideas spread
tic disorders. They confabulate due to gaps in throughout Europe and America. Indeed, his ideas
memory, and the fabricated response to questions were held in very high regard in the United States
are facile attempts to fill in these gaps, but with- and were partially the inspiration that brought
out any awareness of the person that he or she is together the 13 founders of the A MERICAN PSYCHI-
confabulating. This is different than lying or DELU- ATRIC A SSOCIATION in 1844.
SIONS, which are found in the psychotic disorders
and are not the response to memory impairment. Conolly, J. An Inquiry Concerning the Indications of Insanity
with Suggestions for the Better Protection and Cure of the
Insane. London: 1830.
confidentiality Individuals have the right to pri- ———. The Treatment of the Insane without the Use of Mechan-
vacy. Special relationships between a person and ical Restraints. London: Smith, Elder, 1856.
certain specific medical, mental health, or legal
representatives are protected by this right of pri-
vacy, and many statutes have established the privi- consanguinity method One of the methods of
leged nature of communications made during the conducting GENETICS STUDIES of SCHIZOPHRENIA and
course of professional relationships. A breach of other MENTAL DISORDERs (such as BIPOLAR DISOR-
confidentiality by a practitioner is a basis of mal- DER), which are assumed to have a genetic basis.
practice actions against that person. Patients of The consanguinity method is based on a simple
mental health professionals should expect that idea: If a particular disease is assumed to be genetic
what is discussed or included as part of treatment in origin, then the disease will be more prevalent
is private information, to be released to others only in relatives of an afflicted person than in the gen-
by the patient’s (ideally, written) consent. eral population as a whole. The afflicted person
See also LEGAL ISSUES IN SCHIZOPHRENIA. is known in these studies as the INDEX CASE. The
106 contagious insanity

assumption in consanguinity studies is that the procedure (toxicity, the development of respiratory
closer a relative is biologically to the index case, problems and pneumonia) outweighed the apparent
the more likely he or she is to develop the disor- therapeutic benefits, and thus the treatment was not
der. Twins studies are based on this principle but widely used.
for many reasons are considered more scientifically See also SLEEP TREATMENT.
powerful evidence than traditional consanguinity
studies. Diethelm, O. “An Historical View of Somatic Treatment in
The very first published study on the genetics of Psychiatry,” American Journal of Psychiatry 95 (1938):
schizophrenia was the consanguinity study con- 1,165–1,179.
ducted by Ernst Rüdin in 1916. He apparently car- Kläsi, J. “Über die therapeutische Anwendung der ‘Dau-
ried out this study at the urging of Emil K RAEPELIN. ernarkose’ mittels sominifens bei Schizophrenen,” Z.
Rüdin, as expected, found a significant increase in Neurol. Psychiatr. 74 (1922): 557–592.
the prevalence rate of schizophrenia in the biologi-
cal relatives of his index cases. He also recognized
that the gene seemed to be passed on in NON-M EN- continuum of psychosis See EINHEITSPSYCHOSE.
were conducted in Europe by Schultz in 1932 and
in the United States by K ALLMANN in 1938. convulsive therapies Although no sound scien-
tific theories have ever supported their use, the
Rüdin, E. Zur Vererburg und Neuentstehung der Dementia convulsive therapies were among the most widely
Praecox. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1916. used somatic treatments for SCHIZOPHRENIA in the
Slater, E. “A Review of Earlier Evidence on Genetic Factors 20th century. The basic idea is that deliberately
in Schizophrenia.” In The Transmission of Schizophrenia, inducing a convulsion or seizure—either by drugs
edited by D. Rosenthal and S. Kety. Oxford: Pergamon or electricity—somehow has a therapeutic effect in
Press, 1968. schizophrenia.
Zerbin-Rüdin, E., and K. S. Kendler. “Ernst Rüdin and His The first report of a convulsive therapy was by
Geneologic-Demographic Department in Munich: An the Hungarian psychiatrist L. von M EDUNA in 1935.
Introduction to Their Family Studies of Schizophrenia,” von Meduna apparently believed (without any
American Journal of Medical Genetics 67 (1996): 332–337. supporting scientific evidence) that epilepsy and
schizophrenia were biologically incompatible and
that, therefore, inducing a convulsive seizure in
contagious insanity See FOLIE À DEUX. schizophrenics would be therapeutic. He used cam-
phor and metrazol to induce these convulsions and
reported successful results. However, his relapse rate
continuous sleep therapy Swiss psychiatrist Jakob was high, and his “convulsive therapy” was found
Kläsi developed this form of therapy for schizophren- to be more effective with patients with AFFECTIVE
ics in the early 1920s. Kläsi induced a prolonged DISORDERS (such as DEPRESSION) than with schizo-
sleep in his patients with the use of barbiturates. phrenics. This similar beneficial result with people
These periods of sleep lasted a week or more, and the with severe affective disorders has also been found to
patient was only allowed to eat or perform bodily be true for ELECTROSHOCK THERAPY (now commonly
functions upon wakings, after which more barbitu- referred to as ECT, or “electroconvulsive therapy”),
rates would be administered and the patient would which was first used by CERLETTI and Bini in 1938.
be put back to sleep. His only theory to rational- Since the 1970s ECT has been infrequently used for
ize this treatment was that SCHIZOPHRENIA was the schizophrenia in the United States.
result of a pathological excitement that resulted from See also METRAZOL SHOCK THERAPY.
an inflammatory process in the brain that could be
alleviated through rest, as other inflammatory con- Fink, M. “Convulsive Therapy: A Review of the First 55
ditions could be. However, the complications of the Years,” Journal of Affective Disorders 63 (2001): 1–15.
cortical pruning as a cause of schizophrenia 107

copro-psychiatrie A 19th-century “school” of tal cortical regions. This process is called axonal
PSYCHIATRY that claimed that mental illnesses, and pruning.
particularly the psychotic disorders, were caused A theory for a possible contributing cause of
by diseases of the digestive tract, particularly the schizophrenia based on this normal process of “cor-
intestines and bowels. These physicians primarily tical” or “axonal pruning” was first put forth by
studied the feces, urine, and other bodily “secre- Irving Feinberg in 1982, and developed by research-
tions of the insane.” In the second (1861) edition of ers Ralph Hoffman and Steven Dobscha in a paper
his famous textbook, Die Pathologie und Therapie der published in 1989. In that paper, they hypothesized
Psychische Krankheit (the first was in 1845), Ger- that the normal developmental process of cortical
man psychiatrist Wilhelm GRIESINGER notes that pruning that happens to us all in childhood and
this “peculiar bud from the stem of the ‘Somatic adolescence, and especially its measured reduction
School’ has . . . gone out of fashion.” of cerebral metabolism in the prefrontal cortex, may
See also AUTOINTOXICATION AS A CAUSE OF actually cause schizophrenia if the process contin-
DEMENTIA PRAECOX. ues into late adolescence and early adulthood.
A computer model simulation of what the effect
of cortical pruning would be in normals was con-
cortical pruning as a cause of schizophrenia This ducted by Hoffman and Dobscha, and it was found
is a theory that proposes a developmental process that such experiences as DELUSIONS and HALLU-
(“cortical” or “axonal pruning”) that is extended CINATIONs and other psychotic symptoms might
past its normal point of termination (at about age be experienced by humans. Another prominent
16) and goes on to cause SCHIZOPHRENIA. In the schizophrenia researcher, Letten Saugstad of Nor-
brain, neurons (“brain cells”) pass messages back way, proposed that the cortical pruning process is
and forth to one another through a vast web of implicated in the development of manic-depres-
interconnections. From the nucleus of the neuron, sive psychosis as well, with the hypothesis being
a “message” travels down a branchlike structure that very early puberty is the necessary factor in
called the “axon.” The point at which informa- the development of manic-depressive psychosis,
tion from one cell passes to another is a gap sepa- and extremely late puberty the necessary factor in
rating the axons called a “synapse.” Biochemical the development of schizophrenia. If the onset of
NEUROTRANSMITTERS such as DOPAMINE, serotonin, puberty is viewed as coinciding with the last major
and norepinepherine all cross this gap to affect the step in brain development (the end of the cortical
adjoining neuron. pruning process), then manic-depressiveness may
Starting with the postmortem studies of P. R. result from the earlier than normal termination of
Huttenlocher, published in 1979, it was discovered the cortical pruning process.
that there are major changes in the number of syn- Cortical pruning theories of mental illness have
apses (especially in the prefrontal cortex) through- not been supported. As of 2005, such a theory of
out childhood and adolescence. “Synaptic density” schizophrenia has been rejected.
(think of this as the thick branches of a tree or
bush—the axons—intercrossing one another) Feinberg, I. “Schizophrenia and Late Maturational Brain
increases in this cortical area until about ages five Changes in Man,” Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 18
to seven, and then it begins a gradual decline until (1982): 29–31.
about age 16, when the density of synapses seems ———. “Schizophrenia: Caused by a Fault in Programmed
to level off to average adult levels. It is estimated Synaptic Elimination during Adolescence?” Journal of
that as much as 30 percent to 40 percent of these Psychiatric Research 4 (1982/1983): 319–334.
interconnections between brain cells disappear Hoffman, R. E., and S. K. Dobscha. “Cortical Pruning
or “fall off” or are “pruned” (as one would a tree and the Development of Schizophrenia: A Computer
or shrub), and as a result the brain is measured Model,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 15 (1989): 477–490.
to be less “active” or have less “energy” (“reduced Huttenlocher, P. R. “Synaptic Density in Human Frontal
cerebral metabolism”), particularly in the prefron- Cortex—Evidence for Synaptic Elimination during
108 Cotard’s syndrome

Normal Development,” Neuro-science Letters 33 (1979), course and outcome of the multitude of mental
247–252. disorders forced to fit into these two ancient cat-
Saugstad, L. F. “Social Class, Marriage, and Fertility in egories was varied and not based on any scientific
Schizophrenia,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 15 (1989): 9–43. study. For example, Benedict Morel in France
speculated in 1857 that both mania and melan-
cholia were the result of hereditary DEGENERATION
Cotard’s syndrome A relatively uncommon delu- and, over successive generations, ended in idi-
sional syndrome, usually found in people with a psy- ocy and death. Therefore, all mental disturbances
chotic disorder (usually, PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIA) were ultimately signs of degeneration and doomed
or with an ORGANIC MENTAL DISORDER, in which he an individual or his or her children to dementia
or she denies his or her own existence or the exis- and death.
tence of the external world. For this reason, French With the efforts of German psychiatrists such
psychiatrist Jules Cotard (1840–89) introduced this as Karl Ludwig K AHLBAUM (beginning in 1863)
idea in 1880 at a meeting in Paris of the Societé and Emil K RAEPELIN (beginning in 1883) to iden-
Médico-Psychologique by calling it le délire de néga- tify and classify syndromes of MENTAL DISORDERs,
tion (delusions of negation). Cotard first published it soon became apparent that one way of distin-
his ideas on this newly identified syndrome in 1882. guishing seemingly similar mental disorders from
Another French psychiatrist, Séglas, named this one another was by course and outcome. Some
condition the Cotard Syndrome in 1897. Schizo- mental disorders could be temporary and result in
phrenics who exhibit Cotard’s syndrome may make full recovery; others seemed to flare up occasion-
statements such as “I’m dead” or “I’m not here or ally and leave lasting deficits that became worse
anywhere. I’m a ghost.” Nonpsychotic conditions over the course of a person’s life.
that are probably related to Cotard’s syndrome are The importance of course and outcome proved
feelings of DEREALIZATION or DEPERSONALIZATION. to be crucial in the history of PSYCHIATRY beginning
with the publication of the sixth edition of Krae-
Cotard, J. “Du délire des négations,” Archives de Neurologie pelin’s textbook, Psychiatrie. In the 1899 edition,
11 (1882): 152–170: and 12: 282–296. Kraepelin divided and reclassified all the known
Séglas, J. La Délire de Négation. Vol. 1. Paris: Masson, 1897. “insanities” (psychotic disorders) into two main
SIVE ILLNESS. His main criterion for dividing the
cottage system Another name for the centuries- insanities this way was prognosis. Manic-depres-
old system of caring for the mentally ill in which sive illness was characterized by exacerbating and
they are maintained in the community rather than remitting episodes, many full recoveries, no cog-
in institutions. Belgium’s GHEEL COLONY, which is nitive deterioration (dementia), and an excellent
almost 1,000 years old, is an example of how long prognosis. Persons with manic-depressive illness
this system has been maintained. could often return to full intellectual, social, and
occupational functioning between episodes. On
the other hand, dementia praecox in its three main
Cotton, Henry A. See FOCAL INFECTION AS CAUSE forms (paranoid, hebephrenic, and catatonic) was
OF PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS. a degenerative disease characterized by a progres-
sive deteriorating course and outcome. From the
time he introduced the concept of dementia prae-
course and outcome of schizophrenia From cox in 1893, he had largely viewed dementia prae-
antiquity until the second half of the 1800s, all cox in this unforgiving way, but by 1920 he had
insanities were thought to fall within two broad admitted the existence of cases of partial or full
categories, MANIA and MELANCHOLIA. These two recovery (the existence of which Eugen BLEULER
terms did not have the meaning they have today had insisted upon from the first description of
until the end of the 1800s. Speculation as to the SCHIZOPHRENIA in 1908).
course and outcome of schizophrenia 109

Kraepelin identified two main patterns across Results from the five major longitudinal stud-
the life spans of people with dementia praecox: ies have been appearing in print since 1972. Two
“simple” (insidious, slow, and chronic) and “undu- were conducted in Switzerland: The BURGHÖLZLI
lating” (episodic, with psychotic symptoms flaring HOSPITAL Study (1972) conducted by Manfred
up and subsiding at times, yet leaving a core deficit Bleuler and his colleagues (designated in the chart
in cognitive functioning that worsens until death). below by “B”), and the Lausanne Investigations
Since Kraepelin’s time there has been much inter- (1976) conducted by Luc Ciompi and colleagues
est in the “natural history of schizophrenia,” that (L). Two additional studies were conducted in
is, the typical pattern or patterns the disorder the United States: the Vermont Longitudinal
demonstrates over long periods of time. Wilhelm Research Project (1987) conducted by Courte-
Meyer-Gross of Heidelburg University in Germany nay Harding and colleagues at Vermont’s only
was the first to conduct a long-term follow-up study state hospital (V), and the Chicago study (1991)
of 294 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia. In conducted by J. T. Marengo and colleagues (C).
his 1932 publication of his results, Mayer-Gross A worldwide study of 14 different geographical
reported that 17 years after first being diagnosed locations in developing and developed countries
with schizophrenia, approximately 30 percent was conducted by the WORLD H EALTH ORGANI-
were found to be “practically cured, living at ZATION in its collaborative International Study of
home, socially adjusted,” 19 percent were in insti- Schizophrenia (ISoS) project (2001). Since Swit-
tutions, 5 percent were “living at home, employed, zerland and the United States are developed or
but poorly socially adjusted,” and 3.5 percent were First World countries, the ISoS results are partic-
“living at home, but manifestly ill.” Strikingly, ularly interesting because of the addition of data
42.5 percent were dead, most having died in MEN- from developing countries and reflect the much
TAL HOSPITALS. In 1941 Manfred BLEULER , son of better outcome for persons with schizophrenia in
Eugen Bleuler, published early data on the possible those parts of the world.
course types of schizophrenia and devoted most of The common patterns found in the five major
his career to long-term follow-up studies of per- longitudinal studies are generally divided into
sons with chronic mental disorders. eight course types for schizophrenia. In the chart
Longitudinal or long-term follow-up stud- below, adapted from a chart prepared by H. Haef-
ies have examined the types of onset (sudden or ner and W. An der Heiden and published in 2003,
insidious), patterns of exacerbations and remis- the numbers represent the percentage of persons
sions of psychotic symptoms, changes in cognitive with schizophrenia that fit each of the eight course
functioning (attention, working memory, episodic and outcome combinations:
or autobiographical memory, executive functions) Based on these five major longitudinal studies,
over time, and the end state (full recovery to mild, 10 North American long-term follow-up studies
moderate, or severe deterioration by the end of the that lasted a minimum of 10 years, and the genetic,
time period of study). biochemical, psychopharmacological, neuropatho-
There have been five major longitudinal stud- logical, neuroimaging, and neuropsychological
ies of the course and outcome in schizophrenia picture of schizophrenia as it now stands, the fol-
since 1972, and all five have rejected Kraepelin’s lowing conclusions about the course and outcome
fatalistic definition of dementia praecox as always of schizophrenia may be drawn from our present
ending in a state of chronic dementia. All of them state of scientific knowledge:
also reject Kraepelin’s early division of the course
of dementia praecox into two patterns, simple and 1. In developed countries, schizophrenia is a
undulating, with one outcome, dementia. In fact, chronic disease, causing impairment (neuro-
the number of different courses of schizophrenia is cognitive, social, and occupational) that lasts a
not known for certain. Estimates based on research lifetime. In developing countries, schizophre-
have varied widely from four to 79 different pos- nia follows a less severe course and has a bet-
sible patterns that combine course and outcome. ter outcome. No one knows why this is so.
110 course and outcome of schizophrenia

Onset Course type End state L B V C ISoS

1 Acute Undulating Recovery/Mild 25.4 30–40/25–35 7 10.8 29.4
2 Chronic Simple Moderate/Severe 24.1 10–20 4 36.5 14.4
3 Acute Undulating Moderate/Severe 11.9 5 4 9.5 4.9
4 Chronic Simple Recovery/Mild 10.1 5–10 12 4.1 10.4
5 Chronic Undulating Recovery/Mild 9.6 – 38 6.8 22.6
6 Acute Simple Moderate/Severe 8.3 5–15 3 13.5 9.1
7 Chronic Undulating Moderate/Severe 5.3 – 27 12.2 4
8 Acute Simple Recovery/Mild 5.3 5 5 6.8 5.3

2. When compared to other mental disorders, of schizophrenia found in DSM-IV-TR (paranoid,

such as BIPOLAR DISORDER, the outcome for disorganized, catatonic, undifferentiated, resid-
schizophrenia is worse. ual) or ICD-10 (paranoid, hebephrenic, catatonic,
3. Schizophrenia is not a neurodegenerative dis- undifferentiated, residual, or simple). Therefore,
ease that begins after puberty, as Kraepelin although in practice clinicians believe that the
believed. Negative symptoms and cognitive paranoid subtypes have a better prognosis than
impairment are present in the prodromal phase, the nonparanoid subtypes, this is not supported
years before the first episode of schizophrenia. by longitudinal studies. Clinicians have no sci-
Cognitive impairment does not ever improve entific basis for making a prognosis based on the
over the course of schizophrenia, but it also presenting clinical subtype. The only firm sci-
does not significantly worsen either. Measur- entific evidence for possible subtypes of schizo-
able brain abnormalities, such as enlarged ven- phrenia is for forms of the disorder with an acute
tricles (when present, which is in a minority onset or an insidious onset, and these are asso-
of persons with schizophrenia), do not worsen ciated with good prognosis and poor prognosis,
over time. Most of the destructive impact of respectively.
schizophrenia occurs early in the process, dur- 6. Primary negative symptoms are stable over time
ing the years-long prodromal phase or around and are not affected by environmental factors.
the time of the first psychotic episode. Anti- Positive symptoms (HALLUCINATIONs and DELU-
psychotic drugs do not improve most negative SIONs) are unstable over time and are influenced
symptoms and they do not improve cognitive by environmental factors. The stability of nega-
functioning (attention, working memory, auto- tive symptoms contradicts the hypothesis that
biographical memory, executive functioning). schizophrenia is a progressive neurodegenera-
“Full recovery” unfortunately implies some tive disease, as Kraepelin believed.
residual cognitive impairment will remain. 7. Schizophrenia is associated with an increased
4. The underlying disease processes in schizo- risk of suicide, physical illness, and an average
phrenia, while mostly disabling and chronic, life span that is 10 to 15 years less than the
do not get progressively worse over the life general population.
span. In fact, people with schizophrenia suf- 8. A NTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS do not work in as many
fer most of their loss of functioning early in as one-third of all persons with schizophrenia.
the disease process. After five to 10 years their Antipsychotic drugs do not prevent brain dam-
symptoms reach a “plateau” and either do not age in schizophrenia. Antipsychotic drugs do
get worse or go into partial remission. This not directly work on the underlying causes of
again argues against a view of schizophrenia schizophrenia and therefore do not alter the
as a neurodegenerative disease. natural course of the disease process.
5. There is no firm scientific evidence, from these 9. The causes of schizophrenia are unknown.
longitudinal studies, biological research, or 10. In individual cases, it is impossible to predict
GENETICS STUDIES, to support the clinical subtypes the course or outcome of schizophrenia.
creativity and psychosis 111

Bleuler, M. Krankheitsverlauf, Persoenlichkeit, und Ver- schizophrenic is the inability to focus attention in
wandtschaft der Schizophrener und Ihrer Gegenseitigen a normal, sustained manner, and such attention is
Beziehungen. Leipzig: George Thieme, 1941. necessary for planning and carrying out all activi-
Haefner, H., and W. An der Heiden. “Course and Outcome ties of life—including creative ones. Thus, being
of Schizophrenia.” In Schizophrenia. 2nd ed., edited by “schizophrenic” does not make one creative, nor
S. R. Hirsch and D. Weinberger. Cambridge: Blackwell, vice versa.
2003. However, there has been much speculation
Mayer-Gross, W. “Die Klinik (der Schizophrenie).” In that many highly creative people throughout his-
Handbuch der Geisteskrankheiten. Band IX. Spezieller tory may have been afflicted (or blessed, as the
Teil V: Die Schizophrenie, edited by O. Bumke. Berlin: case may be) with BIPOLAR DISORDER. The thought
Springer, 1932. disorder of schizophrenia is generally absent in
McGlashan, T. H. “A Selective Review of Recent North manic-depressives, but there is an incredible rush
American Studies of Schizophrenia,” Schizophrenia of energy due to the manic phase of the illness that
Bulletin 14 (1988): 515-542. can keep creative people working on projects liter-
ally for days with little or no sleep. Such persons
may have been Vincent Van Gogh, Edgar Allan
creativity and psychosis Is there a relationship Poe, Handel, Berlioz, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Eugene
between “madness” and creativity? Thousands O’Neill, and Virginia Woolf. The anecdotal evi-
of years of popular speculation have thought so. dence for a connection between MANIC-DEPRESSIVE
The first of the now familiar “pathographies” of ILLNESS and creativity is quite strong.
famous creative individuals began to appear in Alcoholism, either in connection with bipo-
the mid-1800s, led by the works of French alien- lar illness or alone, is prominently represented in
ist J. J. Moreau de Tours (1804–84) and German creative individuals. Writers in particular seem to
psychiatrist P. J. Möbius (1853–1907), who wrote be prone to alcoholism, and the first five Ameri-
psychiatric interpretations of the creative lives of can Nobel laureates for literature (Lewis, O’Neill,
Rousseau, Goethe, Schopenhauer, and Nietzsche. Faulkner, Hemingway, and Steinbeck) were all
In the 20th century, psychologists have tried to alcoholics.
answer this question experimentally by comparing There has also been some speculation, based on
the thought processes of schizophrenics with those anecdotal evidence, that relatives of highly creative
of highly creative nonschizophrenic individuals. It people are often schizophrenic or manic-depres-
has long been reported that when highly creative sives. For example, Albert Einstein’s son Edward
nonschizophrenics are given traditional diagnostic (born in 1910) was afflicted with schizophrenia.
tests, they tend to score higher on psychopathol- James Joyce’s daughter Lucia was a diagnosed
ogy than “normals.” However, there is no evidence schizophrenic who spent most of her life in mental
that these people or other highly creative individu- institutions. British horror writer Ramsey Camp-
als are more susceptible to SCHIZOPHRENIA than the bell’s mother was schizophrenic, and Jane Fonda’s
general population. mother (Frances Seymour Brokow) committed sui-
A review of these studies on creativity and cide in a mental hospital in 1950 by slitting her own
schizophrenia was published by J. A. Keefe and P. throat. The exact nature of her severe illness is not
A. Magaro in 1980. Although there was no direct known. Even famous psychiatrists have not been
evidence of a link between the two, schizophrenics exempt, for the mothers of both Harry Stack Sul-
and creative nonschizophrenics did share several livan and C. G. JUNG are known to have had seri-
qualities in the styles of their thinking: both used ous MENTAL DISORDERs that may have resulted in
language in very unusual ways, both had devi- psychiatric hospitalization. Indeed, both Stack and
ant, idiosyncratic views of reality when compared Jung themselves are known to have had periods
to other people, and both tended to be perceived in their lives when psychotic-like symptoms and
as “eccentric” by others. An important distinc- a general functional breakdown were known to
tion to be made is that one of the hallmarks of a occur. Thus, the question of madness and creativity
112 Croatia

is an intriguing one that will continue to generate societies supported the view that schizophrenia
endless speculation. in particular seemed to be uncommon. The more
See also ART, SCHIZOPHRENIC. scientific epidemiological studies of the prevalence
of schizophrenia show that it is found in different
Dykes, M., and A. McGhie. “A Comparative Study of amounts in different parts of the world. In review-
Attentional Strategies of Schizophrenic and Highly ing all this data, psychiatrist E. Fuller Torrey pub-
Creative Normal Subjects,” British Journal of Psychiatry lished a fascinating book in 1980 on Schizophrenia
128 (1976): 50–56. and Civilization in which he argued that “schizo-
Jamison, K. R. Touched with Fire: Manic-Depressive Illness phrenia appears to be a disease of civilization, with
and Temperament. New York: Free Press, 1993. a close correlation between its prevalence and the
Keefe, J. A., and P. A. Magaro. “Creativity and Schizo- degree of civilization.”
phrenia: An Equivalence of Cognitive Processing,” However, diagnostic criteria can be very differ-
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 89 (1980): 390–398. ent from culture to culture, and many diseases that
look like schizophrenia (such as manic-depressive
psychosis in its earliest stage, certain metabolic dis-
Croatia Some parts of Croatia have some of orders, or ORGANIC MENTAL DISORDERs caused by
the highest prevalence rates for SCHIZOPHRENIA strokes, tumors, or lesions induced by head trauma)
in the world; the northwestern coastal area has may not in fact be so. To correct these problems
a prevalence rate twice as high as that of other and to construct a true picture of schizophrenia
areas. Rates for manic depression are also high worldwide, many rigorous, scientific, long-term
in Croatia. The Istrian Peninsula in Croatia has a follow-up studies have been conducted in many
particularly high rate (about 7.4 per 1,000) when areas of the world. The three most important stud-
compared to other areas of Croatia (from 2.9 to ies have been major projects of the WORLD H EALTH
4.2 per 1,000). ORGANIZATION: the International Pilot Study of
Schizophrenia (IPSS), which was carried out in
Lemkau, P. V. “Selected Aspects of the Epidemiology of nine countries (Denmark, India, Colombia, Nige-
Psychoses in Croatia,” American Journal of Epidemiology ria, United Kingdom, Soviet Union, Czechoslova-
94 (1971): 112–117. kia, Taiwan, and the United States) between 1968
and the early 1970s; the Determinants of Outcome
Study, conducted between 1983 and 1985 in 10
cross-cultural studies It has long been reported countries, using methods that were improvements
that severe MENTAL DISORDER s such as SCHIZO - over the IPSS study of a decade earlier; and the
PHRENIA and MANIC-DEPRESSIVE ILLNESS seem to International Study of Schizophrenia (ISoS) and
be more prevalent in technologically developed its follow-up studies, completed in 1997. The ISoS
Western countries than in developing countries looked at 14 different geographical locations in
in the Third World. This is a very old observa- both developed and developing countries. All these
tion. As early as 1835 British psychiatrist J. C. studies have shown that schizophrenic patients in
Prichard (1786–1848) noted in his text A Treatise less-industrialized societies (as in the Third World)
on Insanity that “insanity belongs almost exclu- have a significantly better outcome than do those
sively to civilized races of man: it scarcely exists schizophrenics in industrialized nations. However,
among savages, and is rare in barbarous coun- these studies also show a core of “worst outcome”
tries.” Other prominent figures in psychiatry schizophrenics, and these groups seem to match
in the 19th century who expressed these views the familiar descriptions of CHRONIC SCHIZOPHRE-
were Isaac R AY, Dorothea DIX , Edward Jarvis, NIA known in Western societies, where it is thought
and Pliny E ARLE . to be more genetically based and more “organic”
In the 19th and early 20th centuries, many and degenerative in nature than the “acute-onset”
anecdotal reports by psychiatrists and anthro- types. “Acute onset psychoses” were found, instead,
pologists about mental disorders in “primitive” to predominate in the non-Western world.
Crowther, Bryan 113

Whether these cross-cultural differences are due absence of NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS (those symptoms
to sociocultural differences (Third World countries that represent something taken away from the
being more “sociocentric,” Western societies more personality, such as poverty of speech, poverty of
“egocentric”) or to the prevalence of different, less content of speech, restricted affect, psychomotor
chronic strains of schizophrenia in Third World retardation, reduced desire for social interaction,
countries is presently unknown. and constricted thought process).
In Type II schizophrenia, characteristics
Jablensky, A., et al. “Schizophrenia: Manifestations, include insidious onset (i.e., it develops slowly,
Incidence and Course in Different Cultures. A World like a chronic illness), intellectual deterioration,
Health Organization Ten-Country Study,” Psychological enlarged ventricles in the brain, poor response
Medicine Monographs Supplement 20 (1992): 1–97. to antipsychotic drugs, and prominent negative
Lin, K. M., and A. M. Kleinman. “Psychopathology and symptoms. Thus, the difference in Type I versus
Clinical Course of Schizophrenia: A Cross-Cultural Per- Type II schizophrenia is based not only on the
spective,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 14 (1988): 555–567. predominance of unrelated symptoms (positive
Torrey, E. F. Schizophrenia and Civilization. New York: Jason versus negative) but also the fact that Type II
Aronson, 1980. schizophrenia is clearly characterized by struc-
tural BRAIN ABNORMALITIES. Type II, therefore, is
the subtype of schizophrenia that most resembles
Crow’s hypothesis For many years, research- traditional brain diseases.
ers sought to combine all the highly diversified Although Crow’s hypothesis generated consid-
studies of SCHIZOPHRENIA into a single theory erable research, it did not stand the test of time.
that could account for all the new findings that By the 1990s his “two-syndrome” concept had
advances in technology had brought. In essence, been replaced by new research schemes derived
the desire was for a theory that could account from statistical studies of the symptoms of schizo-
for the symptoms of schizophrenia and relate phrenia. These factor-analytic studies rejected the
them to specific biological processes. Further- notion of “syndromes” and “diagnostic subtypes”
more, such a theory would have to be testable. and instead replaced them with various “dimen-
In 1980 psychiatrist T. J. Crow did just that. He sions” of psychopathology. Instead of Crow’s two
published his concept of schizophrenia as essen- syndromes, proposals for three and four dimen-
tially a “two-syndrome” disease and connected sional alternatives have been offered by Nancy
findings on the symptomatology of schizophre- Andreasen (3), Peter Liddle (3), and Mark Lenzen-
nia with the biochemical and neurophysiologi- weger and Robert Dworkin (4).
cal qualities of the disease. He named these two
subtypes of schizophrenia Type I and Type II; Crow, T. J. “Molecular Pathology of Schizophrenia: More
because it has been so popular with those who Than One Disease Process?” British Medical Journal 280
carry out schizophrenia research, the theory is (1980): 66–86.
commonly referred to as Crow’s hypothesis or ———. “The Two-syndrome Concept: Origins and Current
two-syndrome paradigm. Status,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 11 (1985): 471–486.
Type I schizophrenia is thought by Crow to be Lenzenweger, M. F., and R. H. Dworkin. “The Dimen-
characterized by an acute onset, generally normal sions of Schizophrenia Phenomenology? Not One or
intellectual functioning, no discernible abnor- Not Two, At Least Three, Perhaps Four,” British Journal
malities in the structure of the brain, and a good of Psychiatry 168 (1996): 432–440.
response to ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS. It is thought to
be caused by an excess of dopamine production in
the brain and is generally associated with POSITIVE Crowther, Bryan (1765–1814) A surgeon of the
SYMPTOMS (symptoms that seem to be additions to BETHLEM ROYAL HOSPITAL who wrote a book in 1811
the personality, such as hallucinations and delu- of his observations made during the dissections
sions). Most important, it is associated with the of the brains of deceased “Bedlam” patients. He
114 cruciform stance

was assisted by apothecary John H ASLAM in these CT scan Abbreviation for “computed tomogra-
autopsies, who also incorporated his observations phy,” in BRAIN IMAGING STUDIES used to image the
in a book. He is thus one of the early investigators structure of the brain. It is the same as the more
to use neuropathological methods to look for BRAIN commonly known term CAT scan or computerized
ABNORMALITIES in the severely mentally ill. In his axial tomography. Information is gathered from
book, Crowther also mentioned that, as surgeon to the body in cross-sectional planes, as if examin-
the Bethlem Royal Hospital, he routinely practiced ing the body with X-rays slice by slice. An image is
the BLEEDING of patients every spring regardless of created by a computer synthesis of X-ray transmis-
the type or severity of their illness. sion data obtained from many different directions
When John Haslam was interrogated in 1815 through each plane. Image by image (or “slice” by
by a committee of the House of Commons about “slice”) the body is studied, and abnormalities are
alleged abuses at “Bedlam,” it came up in his tes- searched for in the computer-generated images. CT
timony that Crowther was a raging alcoholic who scans and other brain-imaging techniques are now
needed to be put in MECHANICAL RESTRAINT at commonly being used to study brain abnormalities
times. Haslam told the committee: “Mr. Crowther in schizophrenia and have led to discoveries about
was generally insane, and mostly drunk. He was so how the brains of people with SCHIZOPHRENIA are
insane as to have a straight-waistcoat.” Haslam and different from the brains of normals. It is the first
the superintendent of Bethlem, Thomas Monro, of the many new brain-imaging techniques devel-
were dismissed as a result of the committee’s find- oped since the first published report of the use of
ings, but Crowther died shortly before the com- a CT scan in 1973; its first use in schizophrenia
mittee opened its hearings—escaping, no doubt, a research was reported in 1976.
similar fate. See also BRAIN IMAGING STUDIES OF
Crowther, B. Practical Remarks on Insanity, to Which Is Added
a Commentary on the Dissection of the Brains of Maniacs,
with Some Account of Diseases Incident to the Insane. Lon- Cullen, William (1710–1790) A noted British
don: 1811. physician and one of the influential instructors of
Report of the Committee for Better Regulation of Madhouses. Benjamin RUSH. He is remembered for founding
London: Baldwin, Craddock, & Joy, 1815. the Glasgow Medical School in Scotland and for a
system of classifying mental disorders that influ-
enced later psychiatrists, notably Philippe P INEL
cruciform stance A form of MECHANICAL RES- and RUSH. Cullen is also remembered for coining
TRAINT in which a disobedient patient was har- the term NEUROSIS, a class of diseases with a physi-
nessed and tied in a standing position to a ological basis in the nervous system. One of these,
cross-shaped metal structure. Patients were then Vesania, was an ancient Latin term for “insanity,”
left on this structure for many hours or days at a used until the end of the 18th century. His treat-
time. An eminent 19th-century German psychia- ment recommendations for mental illness were
trist, Heinrich Wilhelm Neumann (1814–84), rec- largely those also used for other physical disorders:
ommended the cruciform stance or harness as “the BLEEDING, PURGING, bathing, and changes in diet.
best possible punishment for the worst transgres-
sions of the insane.” The horizontal form of this Cullen, William. First Lines of the Practice of Physic, with Prac-
mode of mechanical restraint was known as the tical and Explanatory Notes by John Rotheram. Edinburgh:
BED SADDLE and survived into the 20th century. Bell, Bradfute, etc., 1796.

Kreapelin, E. One Hundred Years of Psychiatry, trans. W.

Baskin. 1917. Reprint, New York: Philosophical Library, “Cure-Awl, Dr.” This was the derisive nickname
1962. of physician William AWL , the first superintendent
cycloid psychoses 115

(in 1838) of the Ohio State Asylum for the Insane a brief duration with full recovery, though in
and one of the 13 founders of the A MERICAN PSY- some instances they may reoccur. Kleist was a
CHIATRIC A SSOCIATION. The nickname derives from major critic of Emil K RAEPELIN ’s 1899 division of
his incredible claim in 1842 that under his direc- the psychotic disorders into two main categories,
tion the Ohio Asylum had achieved a 100 percent DEMENTIA PRAECOX and MANIC-DEPRESSIVE ILL-
cure rate for insanity. NESS , and believed there were many psychotic
Exaggerated claims of the curability of severe disorders that fell between these two but that
mental illness were not uncommon in the mid- could not be reduced to either. Kleist, following
19th century in the young United States, and such his teacher Carl Wernicke (1848–1905), believed
claims were considered a source of national pride. in the possibility of localizing these MENTAL DIS-
In fact, the preponderance of such claims in the ORDER s in functionally unstable areas of the brain
1830s and 1840s led to a “cult of the asylum” in and classifying them according to their underly-
the United States, led by Dorothea DIX , who cited ing neurological impairment. This was in opposi-
this evidence in her lobbying efforts to state legis- tion to SCHIZOPHRENIA , which Kleist believed was
lators to build more asylums. Without evidence to caused by the degenerative progressive atrophy-
the contrary, state after state mandated the con- ing of nerve cells in the brain.
struction of state asylums for the insane, and Dix Kleist and Karl Leonhard (1904–88), his col-
was credited for being personally responsible for league in Frankfurt, Germany, in the mid-1930s,
32 of them. It wasn’t until 1877 that these fabri- eventually identified at least 26 cycloid psychoses
cated statistics were finally shown to be false in an that were schizophrenia-like and cyclical (like
influential book by Pliny E ARLE, another of the 13 manic depression). In 1953 Kleist introduced
founders of the American Psychiatric Association. the terms unipolar and bipolar to differentiate
the cycloid psychoses in an article published in
Earle, P. The Curability of the Insane. Philadelphia: Blakis- the Monatsschrift fuer Psychiatrie und Neurologie.
ton, 1877. In 1957, in Die Aufteilung der endogenen Psychosen
Rothman. D. J. The Discovery of the Asylum: Social Order (The Classification of Endogenous Psychoses), Leon-
and Disorder in the New Republic. Boston: Little, Brown, hard grouped psychotic disorders into three large
1971. categories of “endogenous psychoses”: one, the
affective, or phasic psychoses (with “bipolar” dis-
tinguished from “monopolar” types); two, the
cycloid psychoses A variety of BRIEF PSYCHOTIC cycloid psychoses; and three the schizophrenia
DISORDERS that have played an influential role in psychoses, which he broke down into “systematic”
German and Scandinavian psychiatry. The term (stable symptoms picture, systematized delusions)
first appears in the work of German psychiatrist and “nonsystematic” psychoses (fluctuating or
Karl Kleist (1879–1960) in 1926 in the Archiv fuer polymorphic symptom picture, fluctuating sever-
Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten (Archives for Psy- ity). In his book, Leonhard insisted that “Cycloid
chiatry and Nervous Disease) as “cycloid degenera- psychoses are completely cured in every phase.
tion psychoses” to refer to two types of transient Should it be otherwise in a particular case, we
psychotic disorders: the confusional psychoses deal with misdiagnosis.” The concept of cycloid
that alternated between agitated confusion and psychoses is still popular in German psychiatry.
stupor, and the motility psychoses that alter- See also DYSPHRENIA.
nated between hyperkinesis and akinesis. The
term “cycloid psychoses” replaced a term used Beckmann, H., and E. Franzek. “Cycloid Psychoses and
by Kleist for the same disorders in a 1921 pub- Their Differentiations from Affective and Schizophre-
lication, “sudden, fully-formed, constitutional nia Psychoses.” In Contemporary Psychiatry, edited by
psychoses (autochthone konstitutionelle Psychosen).” F. Henn, N. Sartorius, H. Helmchen, and H. Lauter.
The cycloid psychoses have a sudden onset and Heidelberg: Springer, 2001.
116 cytogenetics

Beckmann, H., and K.-J. Neumarker, eds. Endogenous Psy- cytogenetics This is the area of specialization
choses: Leonhard’s Impact on Psychiatry. Berlin: Ullstein within genetics that is concerned with the study
Mosby, 1995. of the structure and function of the cell, and espe-
Kleist, K. “Autochthone Degenerationspsychosen,” Zeitschrift cially the study of the CHROMOSOMES.
fuer gesamte Neurologieund Psychiatrie 69 (1921): 1–11.
Darwin’s chair (or machine) See CIRCULATING ing him- or herself only in terms of deficiency,
SWING. imperfection, or “sin.”
3. A process of “covering.” The schizophrenic tries
to “cover-up” through thoughts, words, and
Daseinanalyse Literally, the “analysis of exis- behaviors the awful negative aspect of existence
tence,” a method and mode of treatment formu- (the Dasein, in Binswanger’s terminology) that
lated by Ludwig Binswanger (1881–1966) in the is unbearable to the schizophrenic. This natu-
1950s that was based on understanding the experi- rally leads to an inflated notion of the preferred
ential structures of the inner worlds of mentally ill alternative for viewing existence.
persons. Binswanger had worked at the BURGHÖLZI 4. An experience of existence as being “worn
HOSPITAL under Eugen BLEULER and C. G. JUNG in away,” as though by friction. No longer can the
the first years of the 20th century. He constructed person find a way in or out of his way of being,
this revision of FREUD’s psychoanalysis with the and this eventually fatigues him and leads to a
ideas of phenomenological philosophers Heidegger renunciation or resignation of the world, what
and Husserl. His emphasis on carefully describ- Binswanger calls an “existential retreat.”
ing the inner experiences of schizophrenics (the
phenomenology of schizophrenic experience) In 1957 Binswanger published a series of five
had great influence on subsequent studies of the case histories of schizophrenics that he treated
afflicted individual’s experience of his or her own using his daseinanalyse. Despite a significant
disease process. It influenced British PSYCHIATRY, in amount of interest in its philosophy and its phe-
particular in the 1950s and 1960s, and especially nomenological approach to clinical situations, das-
the work of R. D. L AING. einanalysis never was a widely accepted treatment
Binswanger thought that the experiential world of for schizophrenics and is today an uncommon
schizophrenics was characterized by four qualities: treatment mode in general.

1. A breakdown in the consistency of natural Binswanger, L. Being-in the-World: Selected Papers of Ludwig
experience. To get out of this situation, they Binswanger. Translated and edited by J. Neddleman.
construct DELUSIONS to minimize the anxiety New York: Basic Books, 1963.
felt about the inner chaos and to reestablish ———. Schizophrenie. Pfullingen: Gunther Neske Verlag,
order in the world. 1957.
2. A splitting-off of experiential consistency into
rigid pairs of alternatives. The world is seen as
good/bad, pure/evil, yes/no. These alternatives day hospitals An alternative to commitment to
are often grandiose, inflated, “exaggerated ide- psychiatric institutions, day hospitals provide care
als.” When choices in the world are limited in for severely mentally ill people during the day, after
this dualistic way, the schizophrenic cannot which they are allowed to go home at night. This
help but sometimes to fall into the darkness of is generally viewed as a cheaper and more humane
making the negative choice, therefore view- alternative to full-time care in institutions, which

118 deficit symptoms/syndrome

are usually the sponsors of such programs. A rarer Carpenter, W. T., D. W. Heinrichs, and A. M. Wagman.
version of this idea involves “night hospitals,” “Deficit and Nondeficit Forms of Schizophrenia: The
where patients return at night after spending the Concept,” American Journal of Psychiatry 145 (1988):
day in a community setting. Both are forms of 578–583.
what is commonly referred to as “partial hospital-
ization.” The earliest recorded operating day hos-
pital was opened in the Soviet Union in the 1930s. Defoe, Daniel (1661–1736) Best remembered as
It was not until 1946 that the movement began in the author of Robinson Crusoe (1719), Defoe was
Britain with the opening of a day hospital in Lon- prolific writer and social critic who took a particu-
don by a British psychiatrist by the name of Bierer. larly keen interest in the humane treatment of the
Day hospitals were introduced in North America mentally ill. He wrote many articles on the abusive
in 1947 by Donald Cameron, a psychiatrist from conditions in private madhouses, arguing that they
McGill University in Montreal, Canada. should be inspected and licensed, which they even-
See also COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CENTERS. tually were. He published his own journal, known
as the Review, and from time to time included arti-
Vaughan, P. J. “Developments in Psychiatric Day Care,” cles of his own with themes like the 1706 “Scheme
British Journal of Psychiatry 147 (1985): 1–4. for the Management of Mad-houses.”

deficit symptoms/syndrome These are the pri- degeneration theory In his Traité des dégénéres-
mary, enduring NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS of SCHIZO- cences physiques, intellectuelles et morales de l’espece
PHRENIA that are not considered secondary to other humaine (Treatise on the Physical, Intellectual and
factors (e.g., DEPRESSION or ANXIETY, the effects of Moral Degeneration of the Human Species) of 1857,
ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS, or the environmental depri- the French alienist Benedict-Augustin Morel pro-
vation found in institutions). These terms were posed the theory that physical and mental diseases
first proposed in a 1985 paper by W. T. Carpenter were caused by immorality, substance abuse, mas-
and his colleagues on deficit and nondeficit forms turbation, and living in unsanitary urban centers.
of schizophrenia. They are intended as a clarifica- These experiences in the life of an individual led
tion and an alternative to CROW’S HYPOTHESIS of to the hereditary transmission of a these physical,
“Type I” and “Type II” schizophrenia. In Crow’s mental, and moral weaknesses to one’s children.
two subtypes, POSITIVE SYMPTOMS (such as delu- Each generation would thus pass along this heredi-
sions and hallucinations) predominate in Type I tary taint, making each less and less fit to survive. It
but can also appear on a transient basis in Type II was believed (without statistical evidence until the
schizophrenia. The negative symptoms in Type II end of the 1800s) that this process of DEGENERATION
schizophrenia (restricted affect, diminished social from an original healthy “type” would end fam-
drive, anhedonia, diminished intellectual abil- ily lines when the last generations were populated
ity) can also be transient in some cases, due to the with persons who were too physically ill, insane,
secondary factors listed above. Carpenter and his demented, or mentally retarded (“idiocy,” “cretin-
coworkers wish to restrict more closely the two ism,” or “feeble-mindedness”) to survive and repro-
proposed subtypes of schizophrenia to one display- duce. This notion of “hereditary taint” or “bad blood”
ing a “primary enduring core of deficit symptoms” was akin to the notion of “original sin in the germ
and one that does not. This proposed diagnostic plasm”—that is, one was born burdened by the sins
category of “schizophrenia with deficit syndrome” of the fathers (previous generations). Degeneration
would then most clearly be related to the variety theory was an important influence in PSYCHIATRY
of the disease most associated with neurological in the latter half of the 19th century, particularly
deterioration and a chronic course. in France with the work of Valentin Magnan, in
See also CHRONIC SCHIZOPHRENIA ; COURSE AND England with the work of Henry Mausdley, and in
degeneration theory 119

After its introduction by Emil Kraepelin in rioration that occurred in an individual as part of
1893, DEMENTIA PRAECOX (or demence precoce, a term a disease process that, in most persons, began only
first used by Morel in 1860) was viewed within after puberty. For example, he originally introduced
this context as evidence of a “blood line” nearing dementia praecox in 1893 as one of the insanities
the end of its degeneration process because it was in the category of “psychic degenerative processes.”
a form of dementia arising in young people that In 1896 Emil Kraepelin estimated that in approxi-
is usually only seen in old age. Forms of insanity mately 70 percent of the cases of dementia praecox
such as dementia praecox (SCHIZOPHRENIA) were he had observed, “hereditary predisposition” was
thought to have an earlier AGE OF ONSET and a more present and “the so-called signs of degeneration
severe course in each new generation. Today this were frequently observed” (Psychiatrie, 6th ed., p.
phenomenon is known as genetic ANTICIPATION. It 97) However, this hereditary predisposition did not
has been observed to occur in some neurodegen- lead directly to dementia praecox but instead to a
erative diseases and is being studied for its possible metabolic self-poisoning of the body, or AUTOINTOX-
connection to schizophrenia. Degeneration theory ICATION (Selbstvergiftung), probably arising from the
became a dominant medical theory and a major sex glands, which eventually affected the brain and
source of PARANOIA among the public by the end produced psychotic symptoms (HALLUCINATIONS and
of the 19th century, fueled in no small part by DELUSIONS) and dementia. This belief was shared by
the popular hysteria provoked by the 1892 book another prominent German psychiatrist, Wilhelm
Entartung (published in English as Degeneration in Weygandt (1870–1939), who speculated in 1907
1895). As an accepted theory in medicine, degen- that “I should like to put forward a tentative expla-
eration theory finally subsided in importance in nation of dementia precox of my own. . . . I would
the 1920s. suggest that so far as the organic side is concerned
Backed by the authority of Francis Galton (1822– the most plausible concept is one of autotoxic dam-
1911) in England, in the first half of the 20th cen- age affecting genetically predisposed brains.” Krae-
tury programs of EUGENICS (a term Galton coined) pelin’s use of the concept of degeneration should
led to the promotion of selective breeding among thus be viewed from these two perspectives: first,
humans to produce stronger blood lines of healthy and most important, as a description of the course
human beings, forced sterilization of the insane, and outcome of a disease process, and only second-
the immoral, and the criminal, and, in Nazi Ger- arily as evidence supporting the grander medical,
many, the murder of individuals (such as persons social, cultural, and political claims of degeneration
with dementia praecox/schizophrenia) who were theory.
deemed too biologically “unfit” to live and repro- See also CHRONIC DELUSIONAL STATES IN F RENCH
duce. The geneticist Eolf Axl Carlson traced the PSYCHIATRY; GENETICS STUDIES.
tragic history of eugenics in his 2001 volume, The
Unfit: A History of a Bad Idea. Carlson, E. A. The Unfit: A History of a Bad Idea. Cold Spring
Emil Kraepelin, dementia praecox and degen- Harbor, N.Y.: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press,
eration It has long been asserted that Emil Krae- 2001.
pelin considered dementia praecox as evidence of Engstrom, E., W. Burgmair, and M. M. Weber. “Emil
the correctness of degeneration theory. We know Kraepelin’s ‘Self-Assessment’: Clinical Autobiography
from his autobiographical “self-assessment” that he in Historical Context,” History of Psychiatry 13 (2002):
wrote in 1920, and which remained unpublished 89–119.
until almost 80 years after his death, that he person- Genil-Perrin, G. Historie des origines et de l’évolution de l’idée
ally believed in degeneration theory and advocated de dégénérescence en médecine mentale. Paris: 1913.
eugenic programs to stop the “deterioration of the Morel, B. A. Traité des dégénérescences physiques, intellectu-
race” of the German people (Volk). But “degenera- elles et morales de l’espèce humaine. Paris: 1857.
tion” was more often used in his psychiatric pub- Weygandt, W. “Kritische Bemerkungen zur Psychologie
lications to refer to the processes of progressive der Dementia Praecox,” Monatsschrift für Psychiatrie und
intellectual (dementia), physical, and social dete- Neurologie 22 (1907): 289–301.
120 deinstitutionalization

deinstitutionalization With the advent of ANTI- perception, impaired memory, and a rapid flow
PSYCHOTIC DRUGS in the mid-1950s, and with the of disconnected ideas. DELUSIONS and HALLUCINA-
growing concern over the costs of institutional- TIONS can accompany delirious states. Delirium
izing large numbers of people and the harmful is a symptom of an organic brain disorder, for it
effects such living conditions might have, starting has a physiological basis (fevers, toxic effects from
in 1955 literally hundreds of thousands of psychi- drugs or alcohol, exhaustion, etc.). Delirium is
atric patients were released—all too often to the reversible, which distinguishes it from dementia,
streets—with little or no support services available which is not.
to them. In 1955 there were approximately 559,000 From the time of ancient Greece and Rome,
patients in public psychiatric facilities in the United “delirium” has referred to a disturbance in the
States, but by the mid-1980s that number had train of thinking, associated with physical dis-
dwindled to about 110,000. The greatest number ease. In 19th-century France, the term began to be
were released between 1965 and 1980, when an used in reference to such a disturbance in think-
estimated 358,000 patients were sent back into the ing but without any connection to physical disease.
community to live. This process, although initially For example Philippe P INEL uses the term délire to
well-intentioned, led to the alarming problem of refer both to disturbances in logical reasoning and
the homeless mentally ill, the “street people,” that judgment (delusions) as well as to organic brain
characterizes the last quarter of the 20th century. disease. In Great Britain and Germany, the distinc-
tion between “delusion” and “delirium” was largely
Talbott, J. A. “Deinstitutionalization: Avoiding the Disas- maintained throughout the 19th century and is the
ters of the Past,” Hospital and Community Psychiatry 30 basis of our modern definitions of these terms.
(1979): 621–624.
Torrey, E. F. Nowhere to Go: The Tragic Odyssey of the Homeless Berrios, G. E. “Delirium and Confusion in the 19th Cen-
Mentally Ill. New York: Harper/Perennial, 1989. tury: A Conceptual History,” British Journal of Psychia-
try 139 (1981): 439–449.

délire de négation See COTARD’S SYNDROME.

delusion Historically, one of the primary symp-
toms of a psychotic disorder. The German psy-
délire d’ énormité Literally the “delusion of chiatrist Karl Jaspers once wrote that “Since time
enormity,” a psychotic delusion that a person has immemorial Delusion has been taken as the basic
undergone a massive increase in size. Such a per- characteristic of madness.” Although there is dis-
son may insist that he or she fills up the entire agreement in the many different theories and def-
room or is as large as the earth or perhaps even the initions of what exactly a delusion is, a delusion
entire universe. In some cases, it has been known is defined “a false personal belief based on incor-
to alternate with COTARD’S SYNDROME (the “delu- rect inference about external reality” and is firmly
sion of negation”), and in fact it has been referred maintained despite the consensually accepted
to as a “manic” form of Cotard’s syndrome. beliefs of most others. Individuals with delusions
will generally hold on to their beliefs even when
Enoch, M. D., and W. H. Trethowan. “Cotard’s Syndrome.” confronted with strong evidence that contradicts
In Uncommon Psychiatric Syndromes, 2nd ed., edited by their beliefs. In this sense, delusions are said to be
Enoch and Trethowan. Bristol: John Wright & Sons, “fixed,” as if unchangeably cemented into the mind.
1979. Delusions are sometimes referred to as “ideational
symptoms,” because they involve a disturbance
in ideas or cognition, whereas HALLUCINATIONS
delirium An acute, reversible mental state char- are sometimes called “perceptual” or “sensational
acterized by clouded consciousness, confusion, symptoms,” since they represent a disturbance in
extreme mental and motor excitement, defective the processes of sensation and perception.
delusional jealousy 121

The first use of the word delusion in the Eng- There are seven different subtypes of delusional
lish language in reference to mental disorder was disorder: erotomanic (more traditionally known as
in 1552, and the word’s derivation can be traced Clérambault’s syndrome), in which the delusion
back to a form of the Latin verb meaning “to play is that another person, usually of a higher social
false.” In Great Britain in the first half of the 19th status, is in love with the subject; the grandiose,
century, the word delusion was used in a medical in which a person is convinced that he or she is
sense to refer to perceptual disorders (similar to “special” due to an inflated sense of power, iden-
our present use of the word illusion), but after 1850 tity, wealth, or special relationship to a deity or a
it appears to have taken on its present meaning of special person (such as a celebrity); the jealous, in
“wrong belief.” which the delusion is that one’s sexual partner is
See also CHRONIC DELUSIONAL STATES IN F RENCH unfaithful; the persecutory, in which the delusion
PSYCHIATRY. involves a convincing belief that one is being pur-
posely maligned or singled out for harassment in
Arthur, A. Z. “Theories and Explanations of Delusions: some way; the somatic, in which the person is con-
A Review,” American Journal of Psychiatry 121 (1964): vinced that he or she has some disease, mental dis-
105–115. order, or physical defect; the mixed type, in which
Garety, P. “Delusions: Problems in Definition and Mea- delusions characteristic of one or more of the above
surement,” British Journal of Medical Psychology 58 types are present, but no one these predominates;
(1985): 25–34. and finally, a category of unspecified type for delu-
Schmidt, G. “A Review of the German Literature on Delu- sions that do not fit in the above categories.
sion Between 1914 and 1939.” In The Clinical Roots of the In ICD-10 (1992), this category of psychotic disor-
Schizophrenia Concept, edited by J. Cutting and M. Shep- ders is divided into delusional disorder, other persistent
herd. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987. delusional disorder, and unspecified persistent delusional
disorder. Delusions that are not related to schizo-
phrenic delusions (that is, those that are “other than
delusional disorder A classification of psychotic completely impossible or culturally inappropriate”)
disorders that first appeared in the 1987 DSM-III- must be present for at least three months. No hal-
R. The essential characteristic of delusional dis- lucinations in any modality can be in evidence. The
order is the persistent presence of a DELUSION that subtypes of persistent delusions are as follows: perse-
is not “bizarre” and is not due to any other psy- cutory, litiginous, self-referential, grandiose, hypo-
chotic disorder (such as SCHIZOPHRENIA , SCHIZO- chondriacal (somatic), jealous, and erotomanic.
PHRENIFORM DISORDER , or a mood disorder such as Delusional disorder has its roots in a long tradi-
bipolar illness). Persons with this disorder do not tion in French psychiatry that identified a class of
have obviously odd or peculiar behavior. As DSM- psychotic disorders that do not fall within the cat-
III-R stated, “A common characteristic of people egories of schizophrenia (DEMENTIA PRAECOX) or a
with Delusional Disorder is the apparent normal- mood disorder (MANIC-DEPRESSIVE ILLNESS).
ity of their behavior and appearance when their See also CHRONIC DELUSIONAL STATES IN F RENCH
delusional ideas are not being discussed or acted PSYCHIATRY; PARANOIA ; PARAPHRENIA.
upon.” Yet they secretly (or in some cases, not so
secretly) harbor a delusion that profoundly dis- Dowbiggin, I. “Delusional Disorder.” In A History of Clinical
agrees with reality. Formerly, this type of disorder Psychiatry: The Origin and History of Psychiatric Disorders,
was called paranoid disorder, but there are many edited by G. E. Berrios and R. Porter. London and New
different types of delusions that have nothing to do Brunswick, N.J.: Athlone Press, 1995.
with “PARANOIA” (which is commonly interpreted
as unfounded suspiciousness). The disorder rarely
causes interruptions in intellectual or occupational delusional jealousy The false belief that one’s
functioning, and in most studies the average age sexual partner is engaging in sexual activities with
of onset seems to be between 40 and 55. others. This DELUSION of infidelity is also known
122 delusional perception

as the OTHELLO SYNDROME. Delusional jealousy is delusions, mood-congruent A delusion whose

considered a psychotic disorder, whereas “obses- content matches the particular manic or depressed
sional jealousy” is the term used for persons with mood state that a person is in. For example, the
neurotic disorders. “Pathological jealousy” was delusion that one has AIDS or cancer when, in fact,
first described by Karl Jaspers in 1910. one does not is consistent with a depressed mood
in an individual. If in a manic mood state, grandi-
ose delusions in particular may be mood-congru-
delusional perception A term for a phenomenon ent (e.g., claims of owning millions of dollars or of
noticed in certain psychotic disorders in which the being the most brilliant writer in the world).
distinction between a DELUSION and an HALLUCI-
NATION is not clear. It almost appears as if those
individuals who are delusional are also caught in delusions, mood-incongruent A delusion whose
a process that changes their perceptual processes. content does not match the particular mood state
Thus, when asked about their experiences, it is that a person is experiencing. These are the oppo-
often difficult to distinguish whether the events site of MOOD-CONGRUENT DELUSIONS.
described are simply delusions (bizarre ideas) or
actual hallucinatory experiences that were “per-
ceived” with the senses. This term (also called delusions, nihilistic Commonly found in schizo-
“perceptual delusions”) is more often described in phrenia, these delusions involve the conviction
the German and French psychiatric literature than that one does not exist, or that external reality
in the English-language literature. does not exist. This is also referred to as COTARD’S
Matussek, P. “Studies in Delusional Perception.” In The
Clinical Roots of the Schizophrenia Concept: Translations of
Seminal European Contributions on Schizophrenia, edited delusions, persecutory One of the most common
by J. Cutting and M. Shepherd. Cambridge: Cambridge types of DELUSION found in PARANOID SCHIZOPHRE-
University Press, 1987. NIA , and occasionally in other psychotic disorders
as well. It is the delusion that the psychotic indi-
vidual is being singled out, and even pursued for
delusions, bizarre A totally implausible idea special abuse, by persons or “forces,” and that this
or belief that is idiosyncratic and would not be places the mentally disordered person in a con-
believed as true by anyone. For example, a psy- stant state of danger. Delusions of being poisoned
chotic individual may believe that singer Diana are common. Although known since antiquity,
Ross is the “Antichrist” or that singer Madonna is and included in ESQUIROL’s descriptions of “mono-
the biblical “Whore of Babylon.” mania,” the earliest comprehensive treatment of
persecutory delusions was perhaps given by Ger-
man psychiatrist Carl Wilhelm Ideler (1795–1860)
delusions, grandiose A common psychotic delu- in 1948. These delusions were also referred to as
sion found particularly in PARANOID SCHIZOPHRE- “persecutory delirium” by French psychiatrist
NIA and in manic-depressive psychosis, in which a Ernest Charles Lasègue in 1852.
person has a highly exaggerated sense of his or her
importance, identity, knowledge, or influence. For Ideler, C. W. Der Wahnsinn. Bremen: 1848.
example, a psychotic individual may claim to own
IBM and generously offer to write a hospital staff
member a check for $5 million if they would only delusions, somatic A delusional belief about the
help that person escape or be discharged from the structure of functioning of one’s body. For example,
hospital. Many religious delusions are grandiose a male schizophrenic patient may fully believe that
(e.g., “I’m Jesus Christ”). he is pregnant, or a psychotic woman may believe
dementia 123

that a team of doctors kidnapped her during the This significance is usually of a negative or threat-
night and removed her uterus and genitalia. ening quality, but not always. For example, a psy-
chotic individual may believe that the expression
on television newsman Dan Rather’s face is a secret
delusions, systematized An organized system of message that is intended just for that person.
delusions that all refer to a similar theme and that
form the basis for a psychotic individual’s incorrect
interpretation of new experiences. For example, a demence A term used by both Philippe P INEL in
psychotic person who has failed a psychology licens- 1801 and Benjamin RUSH in 1812 to describe what
ing examination may believe that the members of we would now call THOUGHT DISORDER—discon-
the licensing board in that state are involved in a nected and disorganized thoughts that are strung
conspiracy against the afflicted person and, further- together without any logical order. Pinel describes
more, that these board members are responsible for the “special character of dementia” that is still
the person’s inability to find a parking space. The observed in schizophrenics today:
term systematic or systematized delusions originated in
the work of French psychiatrist Valentin Magnan Rapid succession or uninterrupted alternation of
of Paris. The idea was first put forth in a series of undulated ideas, and evanescent and unconnected
articles published in 1888 in Le Progrès médical, then emotions. Continually repeated acts of extrava-
in a monograph published in 1892 with his col- gance; complete forgetfulness of every previous
league Paul Sérieu (1864–1947), entitled Le délire state; diminished sensibility to external impres-
chronique à évolution systématique. Such systematized sions; abolition of the faculty of judgment; percep-
delusions were not only organized but persistent, tual activity.
unlike the disorganized and transient delusions
found in other psychotic disorders. Benjamin Rush preferred to rename this condi-
See also BOUFFÉE DÉLIRANTE ; CHRONIC DELU- tion “dissociation,” as he believed that this consti-
SIONAL STATES IN F RENCH PSYCHIATRY. tuted its primary symptom. However, Rush’s use
of this term is different than the more commonly
accepted definition of DISSOCIATION by Pierre JANET
delusions of being controlled One of the most (1859–1947). Dissociation was “an association of
common types of delusion found in SCHIZOPHRENIA, unrelated perceptions, or ideas, from the inability
it involves the idea that a person’s thought, feeling, of the mind to perform the operations of judge-
and behavior are controlled by some external force ment and reason.” Furthermore, “ideas, collected
(e.g., “Kate is controlling my thoughts”). This is also together without order, frequently constitute a par-
known as the Clérambault-Kandinsky syndrome. oxysm of the disease.” Rush’s emphasis on ASSOCIA-
TION DISTURBANCES was later also emphasized by
Eugen BLEULER in 1911 as one of the four PRIMARY

Pinel, P. A Treatise on Insanity 1801. Reprint, Sheffield: W.

delusions of poverty The delusion that a person Todd, 1806.
is totally devoid of any material possessions, or that Rush, B. Medical Inquiries and Observations upon Diseases of
such possessions will soon be taken away from the the Mind. Philadelphia: Kimber & Richardson, 1812.
person, rendering him or her poverty-stricken.

dementia Dementia is an ORGANIC MENTAL SYN-

delusions of reference The delusions that people, DROME that is characterized by impairment in
objects, or events in an individual’s immediate envi- short- and long-term memory, disturbances in
ronment have an unusual or “special” significance. the ability to think abstractly, impaired judgment,
124 dementia infantalis

and personality changes; there is also evidence of Psychiatrie, to characterize a psychotic disorder
other abnormal brain functioning. In personality with a sudden onset and disorganized delusions,
changes, a person may not seem himself or herself, which progresses rapidly into DEMENTIA. Demen-
may become withdrawn, and a once lively person- tia paranoides was one of the “psychic processes
ality may become flat. A once neat person may of degeneration” in this 1893 textbook, along with
start to appear sloppy and apathetic. When social DEMENTIA PRAECOX and CATATONIA . However, in
judgment is impaired by the organic brain disease the fifth edition of 1896, Kraepelin placed these
process that produced the dementia, some people three disorders under the category of “metabolic
may become irritable, impulsive, or paranoid. They disorders leading to dementia.” In 1899 dementia
may wander about and become lost. Alzheimer’s praecox ballooned into one of the two great insani-
disease (primary degenerative dementia of the ties (along with MANIC-DEPRESSIVE ILLNESS), and
Alzheimer’s type) is the picture of extreme demen- dementia paranoides, catatonia, and HEBEPHRENIA
tia that most of us are familiar with. were now merely forms of dementia praecox. Sig-
According to modern definition, dementia may mund F REUD’s famous interpretation of the auto-
not necessarily be progressively degenerative, and biography of the psychotic Daniel Paul Schreber,
actually may go into remission in some circum- formerly a presiding judge on Saxony’s highest
stances. However, in the 19th century the older court, is where this term figures most prominently
idea of dementia was that it referred to chronic in his writings. Since Schreber was a homosexual,
insanity or that it was a progressively degenerative this helped support Freud’s theory that homosex-
brain disease that led to death (see DEGENERATION). ual panic was at the root of paranoia.
With advances in the science of neurology in the See also PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIA.
second half of the 19th century, specific chronic
brain disorders were identified that involved Freud, S. “Psycho-analytic Notes on an Autobiographical
dementia, although conditions that could not be Account of a Case of Paranoia (Dementia Paranoides).”
conclusively identified as “organic” were also rec- In The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works
ognized as “vesanic dementias.” The idea of vesanic of Sigmund Freud, edited by J. Strachey. 1911. Reprint,
dementias contributed to the formation of the idea New York: Macmillan, 1964.
of PSYCHOSIS in the latter half of the 19th century.

Berrios, G. E. “Dementia during the 17th and 18th Cen- dementia praecocissima This term was first
turies,” Psychological Medicine (1987). used in 1905 by Italian psychiatrist Sante De
Sanctis (1862–1935) to describe a form of demen-
tia praecox that had its onset before puberty. De
dementia infantalis A term first used in 1930 by Sanctis is generally credited for being the first to
Austrian psychiatrist Theodore Heller to describe describe what later become known as CHILDHOOD
dementia infantalis was present in children before
the age of four. It is sometimes referred to as “Hell- De Sanctis, S. Neuropsichiatria infantile. Patalogia e diagnos-
er’s disease.” tica. Turin: Lattes, 1925.
See also AUTISM , INFANTILE. ———. “On Some Varieties of Dementia Praecox,” tr. M.
Osborn. In Modern Perspectives in International Child Psy-
chiatry, edited by J. G. Howells. 1906. Reprint, Edin-
dementia paralytica See GENERAL PARALYSIS OF burgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1969.

dementia praecox A term that referred to a psy-

dementia paranoides A term coined by Emil chotic disorder marked by rapid cognitive disin-
K RAEPELIN in the fourth edition of his textbook, tegration beginning soon after the clear onset of
dementia praecox 125

the disease, usually in the years following puberty. syndromes as dysthymia, cyclothymia, PARANOIA,
Cognitive disintegration did not mean an impair- CATATONIA, and HEBEPHRENIA.
ment of intelligence but instead referred to a dis- Perhaps their most lasting contribution to
ruption in the various mental functions that we psychiatry was the introduction of the “clinical
now commonly refer to as attention, memory, method” from medicine to the study of mental
and goal-directed thinking (executive functions). diseases, a method which is now known as psy-
DEMENTIA in this older sense meant “incoherence.” chopathology. Other than Morel’s claims about
The primary disturbance in dementia praecox his degeneration theory, the element of time had
was not one of mood (as was the case in MANIC- largely been missing from definitions of mental
DEPRESSIVE ILLNESS), but of cognition. From the disorders. Psychiatrists made pronouncements
outset, dementia praecox was viewed as a progres- about prognosis that were not based on careful
sively degenerating disease from which no one observations of the changing symptoms of patients
recovered. over time. M AD-DOCTORS, ALIENISTS, and other
Démence précoce (1853, 1860) This psychotic physicians who wrote about the insane arbitrarily
disorder was first mentioned by the French alien- invented names for insanities and described their
ist Benedict-Augustin Morel in 1853, but later characteristic signs and symptoms based on a
described in his 1860 textbook, Traité des maladies short-term, cross-sectional observation period of
mentales. Morel introduced this term to define a their lunatic patients. When the element of time
disorder striking primarily men in their teenage was added to the concept of diagnosis, a diagnosis
or young adult years. Following the first clear dis- became more than just a description of a collection
ruption in their lives, their intellectual functioning of symptoms: diagnosis now also defined prognosis
rapidly declined. Morel placed this insanity within (course and outcome). An additional feature of the
the larger context of his DEGENERATION THEORY. clinical method was that the characteristic symp-
These young men were beginning a rapid intel- toms that define syndromes should be described
lectual deterioration that would result in total dis- without any prior assumption of brain pathology
ability and possible death. Morel, however, did not (although such links could be made later as scien-
conduct any long-term or quantitative research on tific knowledge progressed). Karl Kahlbaum first
the course and outcome of démence précoce (KRAEPE- made his appeal for the adoption of the clinical
LIN would be the first in history to do that), so this method in psychiatry in his 1874 book on catato-
prognosis was based on speculation. nia. Without Kahlbaum and Hecker there would
The contributions of Karl Kahlbaum and Ewald be no dementia praecox.
Hecker (1863–1874) In 1863 Karl KAHLBAUM Emil Kraepelin and dementia praecox (1893) In
(1828–99) of Prussia published his Habilitation (the 1891 Emil Kraepelin left his position at the uni-
equivalent of a second doctoral dissertation in Ger- versity in Dorpat (now Tartu, Estonia) to become
many, necessary for becoming a university professor), a professor and director of the psychiatric clinic at
Die Gruppirung der psychischen Krankheiten (The Classi- the university in Heidelberg, Germany. Convinced
fication of Psychiatric Diseases). In this book, Kahl- of the value of Kahlbaum’s suggestions for a more
baum described a class of progressively degenerating exact qualitative clinical method in psychiatry
psychotic disorders that he grouped under the term (which Kahlbaum never applied himself), Kraeplin
Vesania typical (typical insanity). In 1866 Kahlbaum realized that by adding a quantitative component
became the director of a private psychiatric clinic in to such a research program he could place psychia-
Görlitz, Prussia, a small town near Dresden. He was try on a more scientific foundation. Quantifica-
accompanied by his younger assistant, Ewald Hecker tion helped to eliminate any subjective biases on
(1843–1909), and together they conducted a series the part of the researcher. He began the first such
of research studies on young psychotic patients that research program of this nature in the history of
would eventuate in a major influence on the devel- psychiatry at Heidelberg in 1891, collecting data
opment of modern PSYCHIATRY. Together Kahlbaum about every new patient that was admitted to the
and Hecker were the first to describe and name such clinic (and not just “interesting cases,” as had been
126 dementia praecox

the case in the past) and summarizing them on spe- traditional one, was the certainty with which we
cially prepared index cards, his famous Zählkarten. could predict (in conjunction with our new concept of
He had been keeping data on such cards since 1887. disease) the future course of events. Thanks to it the
In his posthumously published Memoirs (which was student can now find his way more easily in the
first published in German 61 years after his death), difficult subject of psychiatry.
Kraepelin described his method:
In the 1896 fifth edition, dementia praecox
. . . after the first thorough examination of a new (still essentially hebephrenia), dementia paranoi-
patient, each of us had to throw in a note [in a des, and catatonia are separate psychotic disorders
“diagnosis box”] with his diagnosis written on it. included among “metabolic disorders leading to
After a while, the notes were taken out of the box, dementia.”
the diagnoses were listed, and the case was closed, In the sixth edition of Psychiatrie of 1899, Krae-
the final interpretation of the disease was added to pelin reordered the psychiatric cosmos for the next
the original diagnosis. In this way, we were able century by grouping most of the insanities into
to see what kind of mistakes had been made and two large categories, dementia praecox and manic-
were able to follow-up the reasons for the wrong depressive illness. They were distinguished by the
original diagnosis (p. 61). following characteristics: dementia praecox was
primarily a disorder of intellectual functioning,
Kraepelin was obsessed with finding patterns whereas manic-depressive illness was primarily a
in the data on these cards, taking them home with disorder of affects or mood, dementia praecox had
him or on vacation at times. In 1893, two years after a uniformly deteriorating course and a poor prog-
starting his more rigorous research program in Hei- nosis, whereas manic-depressive insanity had a
delberg, the fourth edition of Kraepelin’s textbook, course of acute exacerbations followed by complete
Psychiatrie, reflected some preliminary impressions remissions with no lasting deterioration of intel-
derived from the analysis of his cards. Clinical syn- lectual functioning, and there were no recoveries
dromes involved not only a diagnosis according to from dementia praecox, whereas in manic-depres-
signs and symptoms, but one which also included sive illness there were many complete recoveries.
course and outcome. In that edition, he introduced In 1899 dementia praecox took its now-familiar
a class of psychotic disorders he called psychic form as a heterogenous class of psychotic disor-
degenerative processes. Three of these came directly ders comprised of hebephrenic, catatonic, and
from the work of Kahlbaum and Hecker: DEMEN- paranoid forms. These forms have persisted until
TIA PARANOIDES (a sudden-onset, degenerative form today through Eugen BLEULER’s SCHIZOPHRENIA of
of Kahlbaum’s paranoia; catatonia (directly from 1908 (to which he added a fourth form, dementia
Kahlbaum’s 1874 monograph on the subject; and simplex, or simple schizophrenia), and the main
dementia praecox, which was essentially Hecker’s types of schizophrenia in DSM-IV-TR (the paranoid,
hebephrenia (as described in 1871). Dementia prae- catatonic, and disorganized types, with the latter
cox was hebephrenia and would remain so in Krae- retaining its historical designation as the hebe-
pelin’s thinking for six more years. phrenic type in ICD -10 [1992]).
In March 1896 the fifth edition of Kraepelin’s In the seventh edition of 1904, there was little
textbook appeared. In it, Kraepelin stated that he change in the description of dementia praecox,
was confident of the value of his clinical method but Kraepelin does admit for the first time that in
of using qualitative and quantitative data collected a small number of cases recovery from dementia
over a long period of observation of patients as a praecox might occur.
way of developing a diagnosis that included prog- The eighth edition of Kraepelin’s Psychiatrie
nosis (course and outcome): was a four-volume opus, each of which appeared
in different years between 1909 and 1915. In this
What convinced me of the superiority of the clini- edition, dementia praecox became one of the
cal method of diagnosis (followed here) over the “endogenous dementias.” It is in the 1913 third
dementia praecox 127

volume (second part) of this edition that Krae- Chinese, Japanese, Tamil, and Malay patients, lead-
pelin adjusts his concept of prognosis to admit ing him to suggest in the eighth edition of Psychia-
that a partial remisison of symptoms occurred trie that “we must therefore seek the real cause of
in approximately 26 percent of his patients. This dementia praecox in conditions which are spread
brought dementia praecox in line with Eugen all over the world, which thus do not lie in race or
Bleuler’s claims about schizophrenia, which he in climate, in food or in any other general circum-
had insisted from the start (in 1908) that (a) in stance of life. . . .”
many cases there was no fateful progressive dete- Treatment Without knowing the cause of
rioration, (b) in some cases the symptoms did dementia praecox or manic-depressive illness,
indeed remit for periods of time, and (c) there Kraepelin repeatedly stated that there could be no
were cases of complete recovery. treatments specific to these conditions. Treatment
The eighth edition of 1913 is also notable for the for these insanities was the same for any institu-
fact that Kraepelin increased the number of forms tionalized patient with any diagnosis: the occasional
of dementia to 11. However, the three classical use of drugs (opiates, barbiturates, and so on) to
original subtypes would remain as the most influ- alleviate acute episodes of distress, prolonged baths
ential description of this disorder for the century (greatly admired by Kraepelin as a humane method
that followed. of calming patients), and occupational activities (if
The eighth edition of Psychiatrie was the last possible). Kraepelin himself had experimented with
Kraepelin would produce in his lifetime. He was hypnosis early in his career and found it lacking.
working on a ninth edition with Johannes Lange Psychotherapy as such was not part of the medical
(1891–1938) but died in 1926 before it could be cognition of Kraepelin. In fact, Kraepelin detested
completed. Lange finished the bulk of it and pub- both FREUD and JUNG for introducing diagnostic
lished it in 1927. terms and forms of treatment that had no empiri-
Etiology Kraepelin realized that the state of sci- cal basis.
entific knowledge was such that definitive claims The reception of dementia praecox By 1899
about the cause of dementia praecox could not be Kraepelin himself had counted almost 20 German-
made. Heredity clearly played a role, as Kraepe- language publications that made reference to his new
lin and his research associates had demonstrated diagnostic term, dementia praecox. In the decade
this in quantitative research. As a result of follow- after 1899, the number of German-language publica-
ing the clinical method suggested by Kahlbaum, tions using Kraepelin’s categories of dementia prae-
Kraepelin set aside claims about underlying brain cox and manic-depressive illness as a basis for clinical
disease or specific neuropathology in the diagnos- speculation and experimental research exploded.
tic descriptions of his mental disorders. However, German-language psychiatric concepts were always
from the fifth edition of 1896 to the third volume introduced much faster in America (than, say, Brit-
of the eighth edition of 1913, it was clear that Krae- ain) where émigré German, Swiss, and Austrian
pelin believed that dementia praecox was caused physicians essentially created American psychiatry.
by a poisoning of the brain and “autointoxication,” Swiss-emigree Adolf MEYER, arguably the most influ-
probably arising from the sex glands after puberty. ential psychiatrist in America for the first half of the
Kraepelin’s ideas about AUTOINTOXICATION AS A 20th century, published the first critique of dementia
CAUSE OF DEMENTIA PRAECOX is covered in depth in a praecox in an 1896 book review of the fifth edition
separate entry in this volume. of Kraepelin’s textbook. But it was not until 1900
Dementia praecox is a universal human dis- that the first three American publications regard-
ease Kraepelin believed that dementia praecox ing dementia praecox appeared, one of which was a
was not a culture-bound syndrome and that it rep- translation of a few sections of Kraepelin’s sixth edi-
resented a disease process that could be found all tion of 1899 on dementia praecox. Because so many
over the world. Kraepelin himself loved to travel, influential American physicians began to take psy-
and in Asia he observed that dementia praecox choanalysis seriously after Freud and Jung attended
was similar to the European form of the illness in a conference at Clark University in 1909, dementia
128 Dementia Praecox Studies

praecox and, after 1911, Bleuler’s schizophrenia one once again, with the notion that recovery, if it
were openly accepted. Until 1910 Bleuler had been happened at all, was rare. This revision of schizo-
peripherally connected through Jung to Freud’s psy- phrenia became the basis of the diagnostic criteria
choanalytic movement, and this eased the adoption in DSM-III. Some of the psychiatrists who worked
of his broader version of dementia praecox (schizo- to bring about this revision referred to themselves
phrenia) in America over Kraepelin’s more narrow as the neo-Kraepelinians.
and prognostically more negative one. Until the late
1950s the terms dementia praecox and schizophre- Berrios, G. E., and R. Hauser. “The Early Development of
nia were used interchangeably in American psy- Kraepelin’s Ideas on Classification,” Psychological Medi-
chiatry. The reception of dementia praecox as an cine 18 (1988): 813–822.
accepted diagnosis in British psychiatry came much Diem, O. “Die einfach demente Form der Dementia prae-
slower, perhaps taking hold only around the time of cox,” Archiv für Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten 37
the First World War. In France an older psychiatric (1903): 111–187.
tradition regarding the psychotic disorders (see the Hecker, E. “Die Hebephrenie,” Virchows Archiv für patholo-
entry for CHRONIC DELUSIONAL DISORDERS IN FRENCH gische Anatomie 52 (1871): 392–449.
PSYCHIATRY) predated Kraepelin, and the French Jablensky, A., et al. “Kraepelin Revisited: A Reassess-
never fully adopted Kraepelin’s classification system. ment and Statistical Analysis of Dementia Praecox
Instead the French maintained an independent clas- and Manic-Depressive Insanity in 1980,” Psychological
sification system throughout the 20th century. After Medicine 23 (1993): 843–858.
1980, when DSM-III totally reshaped psychiatric Kahlbaum, K. Die Gruppierung der psychischen Krankheiten
diagnosis, French psychiatry began finally to alter und die Eintheilung der Seelenstorungen. Danzig, 1863.
its views of diagnosis to converge with the North ———, K. Die Katatonie oder das Spannungsirresein. Berlin:
American system. Kraepelin thus finally conquered Hirschwald, 1874.
France via America. Kraepelin, E. “Dementia praecox.” In The Clinical Roots of
The “neo-Kraepelinians” and DSM-III (1980) the Schizophrenia Concept: Translations of Seminal Euro-
Editions of the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Men- pean Contributions On Schizophrenia, edited by J. Cutting
tal Disorders since the first one in 1952 had reflected and M. Shepherd. 1896. Reprint (5th ed.), Cambridge:
views of schizophrenia as “reactions” or “psycho- Cambridge University Press, 1987.
genic” (DSM-I), or as manifesting Freudian notions Kraepelin, E. Memoirs, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1987.
of “defense mechanisms” (as in DSM-II of 1968, in
which the symptoms of schizophrenia were inter-
preted as “psychologically self-protected). The Dementia Praecox Studies The first scientific or
diagnostic criteria were wide, including either con- medical journal in any language to be named after
cepts that no longer exist or that are now labeled a psychiatric disorder. During its short life (1918 to
as personality disorders (for example, SCHIZOTYPAL 1922), Dementia Praecox Studies not only provided
PERSONALITY DISORDER). There was also no mention extensive bibliographic essays and reviews of pub-
of the dire prognosis Kraepelin had made. Schizo- lished laboratory reports from several nations but
phrenia seemed to be more prevalent and more also provided translations of selected experimen-
treatable than either Kraepelin or Bleuler would tal studies of unpublished doctoral theses from the
have allowed. original German or French. Perhaps most impor-
As a direct result of the effort to construct tant, Dementia Praecox Studies served as the primary
RESEARCH DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA in the 1970s that place of publication for the experimental reports
were independent of any clinical diagnostic man- of the Research Laboratory of the Psychopathic
ual, Kraepelin’s ideas began to return in promi- Hospital of Cook County (Illinois) and the editori-
nence. For research purposes, the definition of als of its director, the noted Chicago surgeon and,
schizophrenia returned to the narrow range in 1895, the unsuccessful Socialist candidate for
allowed by Kraepelin’s dementia praecox. Further- mayor of Chicago, Bayard Taylor HOLMES, M.D.
more, the disorder was a progressively deteriorating (1852–1924).
demonomania 129

Dementia Praecox Studies was the only journal Stevens, H. C. “Our Point of View,” Dementia Praecox Stud-
ever produced by the handful of Kraepelinian phy- ies 1 (January 1918): 1–2.
sicians in the United States. Like Emil K RAEPELIN,
they believed that MENTAL DISORDERs were first
and foremost brain diseases with neuropathologi- demoniac A person who is “possessed” by demons
cal, biochemical, infectious, and genetic causes. or evil spirits. In all cultures, whether simple or
But from the 1890s until the late 1960s, Ameri- complex and technological, there is usually a belief
can psychiatry was dominated by the followers that mental illness was caused by such discarnate
of Adolf M EYER’s “psychosocial reaction” theory entities.
and Sigmund F REUD’s pseudoscience of PSYCHO- See also CACODEMONOMANIA ; POSSESSION
ANALYSIS. These traditions of “mind twist men” SYNDROME.
were suspicious of laboratory science and rejected
biological and genetic causes for mental disorders.
The premature death from pneumonia of Harvard demonomania A 19th-century term for a type
Medical School pathologist Elmer Ernest Southard of mental disorder in which a person believes his
(1876–1920) left the “brain spot men” without a or her thoughts, feelings, or behaviors are due to
prominent spokesman. The death of Bayard Hol- the direct influence of, or communication with,
mes in 1924 essentially ended the Kraepelinian “spiritual” entities. ESQUIROL devoted an entire
movement in America for decades. chapter in this disorder in his 1838 Mental Maladies,
The opening pages of the January 1918 edition which he said is composed of “all those forms of
contain the following invitation from Herman delirium which have reference to religious beliefs.”
Campbell Stevens for the submission of laboratory He identifies two distinct subtypes of demonoma-
research reports: “The purpose of this publication nia, depending on whether the person believes he
is to arouse interest in the subject of dementia prae- or she is influenced by “good” or “bad” spirits. The
cox. . . . How little is known about the disease is first of these, theomania, “would have designated
apparent from a reading of the standard treaties on that class of the insane, who believe that they are
psychiatry and from the current literature. It is the God, who imagine that they have conversations
purpose of this journal to serve as a clearing-house and intimate communications with the Holy Spirit,
for scientifically established facts with regard to angels and saints, and who pretend to be inspired,
dementia praecox. Any competent and contentious and to have received a commission from heaven to
study of a morphological, biochemical or psychiatric convert men.” The second type of demonomania,
nature will be accepted. It is the aim of the editors CACODEMONOMANIA , involves such imagined con-
to encourage research in the hope that a rational tact with evil spirits or the Devil. Esquirol uses the
therapy and prophylaxis will result.” Bayard Holmes word demonomania to refer to both “good” and “evil”
unabashedly expressed his “faith” in the hypothe- spiritual influences rather than just evil ones since,
sis that “disease of the mind is the result of organic as he correctly points out, “The word demon among
disease of the body,” and as “in spite of the mag- the ancients was not understood in a bad sense. It
nitude of this problem there is a great scarcity of signified the Divinity, a tutelary Genius, a guardian
books and monographs dealing with the physical, Spirit. . . .” Esquirol suggests he is thus “preserving
chemical and biologic conditions of the unfortunate the primitive significance of this word.”
victims of this disease,” he urges “the publication See also POSSESSION SYNDROME.
of a journal devoted exclusively to the study from
the organic point of view, of one part of the field of Esquirol, J. E. D. Mental Maladies, A Treatise on Insan-
mental disease, viz., dementia praecox.” ity, trans. E. K. Hunt. Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard,
1845; first published, 1838.
Holmes, B. “Prospectus of Dementia Praecox Studies,” Noll, R. Vampires, Werewolves, and Demons: Twentieth Cen-
Dementia Praecox Studies 1 (January 1918), unnum- tury Reports in the Psychiatric Literature. New York: Brun-
bered appendix to the first issue. ner/Mazel, 1991.
130 denial

denial A type of defense mechanism in which a the person that his or her mental capacities are
person does not seem to be aware of some aspect of deteriorating, or as a side effect of antipsychotic
external reality or of himself that is obvious to oth- medication. Many schizophrenics are thus also
ers. This type of behavior is commonly observed in given ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS along with their
people with psychotic disorders, and in its extreme antipsychotic medication. Sometimes people who
forms denial can give an individual’s statements are suffering from a severe depression can hear
an almost delusional quality. AUDITORY HALLUCINATIONS and, in many ways,
See also DELUSION. appear to be schizophrenic. However, clinicians
must make the sometimes difficult differential
diagnosis between this depression with psychotic
Denmark See SCANDINAVIA. features and true schizophrenia.

depersonalization An aberration of the sense DeLisi, L. E. Depression in Schizophrenia. Washington, D.C.:

or experience of oneself in which the feeling of American Psychiatric Press, 1990.
the “reality” of one’s experience is missing. Peo- Sands, J. R., and M. Harrow. “Depression during the Lon-
ple experiencing depersonalization claim that gitudinal Course of Schizophrenia,” Schizophrenia
they feel distant from their own experience, that Bulletin 25 (1999): 157–171.
it is “dreamlike,” or that reality has an uncanny
“strangeness” to it. They may feel that they are
automatons, or that their experience is “automatic” derealization This is the component of DEPER-
and not “spontaneous” in any way. Feelings that SONALIZATION in which one’s sense of the real-
one’s extremities have changed in size sometimes ity of one’s world is disturbed. Depersonalization
accompany this syndrome. Depersonalization can includes alterations in the sense of identity (e.g.,
occur in normals for temporary periods of time the feeling of being an automaton), in addition to
(particularly in adolescents, with estimates that as derealization.
many as 70 percent of them experience it at one
time or another), but it is also experienced by those
individuals who are diagnosed with SCHIZOTYPAL dereistic thinking A word coined by Eugen
PERSONALITY DISORDER, SCHIZOPHRENIA , or, when BLEULER in 1912 to describe a type of intense
not psychotic, depersonalization disorder, which is fantasy activity that totally ignores any contra-
one of the DISSOCIATIVE DISORDERS. dictions with reality and that may seem quite
realistic. Bleuler constructed the term “dereistic”
from two Latin words meaning “away from real-
depression When depression is present in an ity.” Dereistic thinking sometimes occurs in the
individual afflicted with one of the psychotic disor- daydreams of normal people, but it is found in its
ders it is considered a dangerous sign. Suicide is far clearest (and most reality-free) forms in dreams,
more likely to result from depression in psychotic the hallucinations and delusions of schizophren-
individuals. Studies have shown that for SCHIZO- ics, and in mythology. Bleuler’s concept of dereistic
PHRENIA , an individual is most likely to commit thinking resembles a similar process later referred
suicide within the first 10 years of the onset of the to by his colleague at the BURGHÖLZI HOSPITAL in
disease. Zurich, C. G. JUNG, as “active imagination.” Dere-
Depression has always been a type of AFFEC- istic thinking also resembles the descriptions of
TIVE DISORDER , but there has been more rec- REGRESSION or of “regression in the service of the
ognition that many people who are diagnosed ego” by Sigmund F REUD and his followers.
with schizophrenia suffer from depression. This
depression may be caused by the underlying Bleuler, E. Textbook of Psychiatry. 4th ed. Translated by A.
schizophrenic disease process, the realization by A. Brill. 1916. Reprint, New York: Macmillan, 1924.
diathesis-stress theories 131

De Sanctis, Sante (1862–1935) An Italian physi- World Health Organization, Mental Disorders: Glossary and
cian and a professor of psychiatry at the University Guide to Their Classification in Accordance with the Tenth Revi-
of Rome who is perhaps best remembered for his sion of the International Classification of Diseases. Geneva,
1905 description of DEMENTIA PRAECOCISSIMA , a Switzerland: World Health Organization, 1992.
childhood form of DEMENTIA PRAECOX. He wrote
on a wide variety of topics, including dreams,
experimental psychiatry, and forensic psychiatry. diathesis-stress theories One of the main catego-
In 1932 he published an autobiography of his life ries of genetic theories of SCHIZOPHRENIA. Diathe-
and career in PSYCHIATRY. sis-stress theories all posit that it is the interaction
between genetic heritage (the “diathesis” or “inher-
ited predisposition,” which places the person at
deteriorating psychoses A 19th-century term “high-risk” for the development of the disease) and
for psychotic disorders marked by their DEGENERA- stressors in the environment that causes the dis-
TION, such as DEMENTIA PRAECOX. ease. Diathesis-stress theories are polygenetic ones.
The diathesis is often assumed to involve the addi-
tive effect of the operation of a large number of
developmental insanity See ADOLESCENT INSANITY. genes, sometimes called schizophrenic polygenes.
These theories hold that the more schizophrenic
polygenes an individual inherits, the more vulner-
diagnosis, differential One of the most impor- able that person is to stressors in the environment
tant determinants of treatment is the diagnosis of that can induce the onset of schizophrenia.
the disorder. This is extremely important when it A famous theory of the diathesis-stress causes of
comes to severe MENTAL DISORDERs such as SCHIZO- schizophrenia was put forth by clinical psychologist
PHRENIA or BIPOLAR DISORDER, which often require Paul Meehl in 1962. Meehl proposed that a genetic
different classes of drugs and which have different predisposition for particular kinds of neurological
courses. Often one of the first diagnostic decisions defects, which he called SCHIZOTAXIA , must inter-
that a clinician must make is whether the patient act with the experiences of environmental social
is psychotic (out of touch with reality) or not. If so, learning to produce a type of person that may be
then: Are the symptoms due to one of the psychotic called a schizotype. If the schizotype is subjected
disorders, or are they due to an organic mental dis- to certain stressors that are severe enough, that
order (such as an underlying neurological disease person will develop schizophrenia. Meehl’s theory
or intoxication)? If a known organic brain disease, fits in with the other polygenetic diathesis-stress
or intoxication, can be ruled out, then the clinician theories because it accounts for the interaction of
must decide which among the various psychotic heredity and the environment in the production
disorders best fits the history of the person’s illness of schizophrenia, and it allows for a wide range
and the type of symptoms that person is display- of schizophrenia-like disorders that the schizotype
ing. Often a difficult differential diagnosis must be can exhibit without experiencing the extreme
made between schizophrenia (particularly the par- stressors that could cause schizophrenia. Further-
anoid subtype) and a manic episode with psychotic more, it assumes that the environment may be the
features. source of the development of one over the other
The two most commonly used diagnostic sys- type of schizophrenic subtype.
tem are the A MERICAN PSYCHIATRIC A SSOCIATION’S Diathesis-stress theories based on polygenetic
DSM-IV-TR (2000) and the WORLD H EALTH ORGANI- assumptions are still among the most widely
ZATION’s ICD -10 (1992). accepted theories with researchers who are try-
ing to learn the causes of severe MENTAL DISORDERs
American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical such as schizophrenia and BIPOLAR DISORDER. These
Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th ed, text revision. Wash- theories are the latest battleground in the long-
ington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association, 2000. standing “nature v. nurture” debate in science.
132 dibenzodiazepine

Yet, with increases in our knowledge of the causes schizophrenia concept (1908), a subtype called
of diseases, it is becoming clearer and clearer that “simple schizophrenia.” Both of the current major
the nature-nurture distinction is becoming more diagnostic manuals of mental disorders, DSM-IV
and more blurred. Epidemiologist Brian McMahon (1994) and ICD -10 (1992), base their diagnostic cri-
succinctly lists the problems in understanding the teria for schizophrenia on Kraepelin’s and Bleul-
complexity of gene-environment interactions: er’s clinical subtypes.
“Subtype” models of schizophrenia were based
1. It has become clear that there is no disease that on clinical observation of symptoms and the group-
is determined entirely by genetic or environ- ing and classification of those symptoms by indi-
mental factors. vidual researchers. By the 1970s a movement arose
2. There is, evidently, more overlap in the time of to reexamine these traditional subtypes using the
operation of genetic and environmental factors new findings in neuropathology, genetics neuro-
than was previously suspected. imaging, and neuropsychology as a basis for a new
3. Just as the environment may exert its effect model of schizophrenia. In 1980 T. J. Crow pro-
through the genetic mechanism of mutation, posed the first of these new models, his “two-syn-
so may genetic factors operate by changing the drome concept” of schizophrenia involving Type I
environment. (positive symptoms, later onset, better prognosis)
4. The roles of genes and environment, and the and Type II (negative symptoms, earlier onset, and
nature of the specific factors involved, may be poorer prognosis). CROW’S HYPOTHESIS generated
quite different in individuals with identical a great deal of additional research and, by 1987,
manifestations. its claims were being challenged by new statisti-
cal studies of the symptoms of schizophrenia using
See also GENETIC TRANSMISSION; HIGH-RISK STUDIES. factor analysis that led to new “dimensional mod-
els” of schizophrenia.
MacMahon, B. “Gene-environment Interaction in Human Factor analysis is a statistical technique that,
Disease.” In The Transmission of Schizophrenia, edited by when used in studies of schizophrenic symptoms
D. Rosenthal and S. Kety. Oxford: Pergamon Press, quantified with the use of structured interviews,
1968. identified groups of related symptoms that tend
Meehl, P. “Schizotaxia, Schizotypy, Schizophrenia,” Amer- to coexist in an individual. Closely related symp-
ican Psychologist 17 (1962): 827–828. toms “load” onto a single “factor” or “dimension.”
Factor analysis does not identify discrete clusters
of patients (which is what subtype models like
dibenzodiazepine See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS. those of Kraepelin, Bleuler, or DSM-IV-TR claim
to do). However, it does identify clusters of symp-
toms that may be related to ongoing findings on
dibenzoxazepine See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS. the biological processes in schizophrenia. Pro-
ponents of dimensional models claim that this
is indeed the case, and that statistically created,
dihydroindolone See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS. quantitative dimensional models are better indi-
cators of possible underlying neuropathology in
dimensions of schizophrenia SCHIZOPHRENIA has The first dimensional model of schizophre-
always been characterized as a “heterogeneous” nia using factor analysis was proposed by Peter
disorder made up of several different clinical “sub- F. Liddle in 1987. Liddle’s factor analytic studies
types” or, perhaps, several different diseases. Emil came up with four dimensions for three newly
K RAEPELIN posited three forms for his DEMENTIA proposed syndromes for schizophrenia: (1) a psy-
PRAECOX (1899): PARANOIA , HEBEPHRENIA , and chomotor poverty syndrome, (2) a disorganization
CATATONIA. Eugen BLEULER added a fourth to his syndrome, and (3) a reality distortion syndrome.
disconnection theories of schizophrenia 133

According to Liddle, there is a disconnection of the ral networks in the brain, and much research has
neuronal networks in the brain that serve supervi- been done to learn how these functionally special-
sory mental functions (the executive mental func- ized “systems” or “populations of neurons” work
tions, usually associated with the frontal lobe). in normal human brains as they perform very
Most factor analytic studies of schizophrenic simple tasks (for example, a simple memory or
symptoms come up with three or four dimensions. spatial task). There is much about the function-
Most recently, Mark Lenzenweger has proposed a ing of the normal human brain that we still do not
four-dimension model of schizophrenia: (1) real- understand.
ity distortion (HALLUCINATIONS, DELUSIONS), (2) The problem is therefore compounded when
disorganization (positive formal thought disorder, we try to understand the “connectivity” of differ-
bizarre behavior), (3) negative symptoms (flat- ent regions of the human brain when these same
tened affect, AVOLITION, ALOGIA , asociality), and simple tasks are performed by persons with SCHIZO-
(4) premorbid social functioning. PHRENIA. A growing class of theories of schizophre-
Whether the traditional clinical subtypes of nia claim there is an abnormal connection in the
schizophrenia or the new dimensional models will circuitry between different regions of the brain and
prevail in the future is presently unknown. that these regions do not cooperate on specific tasks
the way they would in a brain belonging to a person
Liddle, P. F. “Inner Connections within the Domain of who does not have schizophrenia. These disconnec-
Dementia Praecox: Role of Supervisory Processes in tion theories, as they are called, are now a major
Schizophrenia,” European Archives of Psychiatry and focus of investigation in schizophrenia research.
Clinical Neuroscience 245 (1995): 210–215. A primary source of data supporting these various
———. “The Symptoms of Chronic Schizophrenia: A Re- complementary theories comes from functional
Examination of the Positive-Negative Dichotomy,” BRAIN IMAGING studies. Although some theories
British Journal of Psychiatry 151 (1987): 145–151. compete with one another, most complement one
Lenzenweger, M. F. “Schizophrenia: Refining the Pheno- another and overlap to a greater or lesser degree.
type, Resolving Endophenotypes,” Behaviour Research The major disconnection theories are as follows:
and Therapy 37 (1999): 281–295. (1) Schizophrenia is a deficit of neuronal connectiv-
ity between the frontal lobe and the temporal lobe of
the brain. This theory is associated with the studies
diminished responsibility A legal term in Eng- of Daniel Weinberger, K. J. Friston, C. D. Frith, and
land that has been used since the 13th century as Peter Liddle. (2) The positive symptoms of schizo-
an argument to plea the innocence of mentally ill phrenia are due to a dysfunction of the temporo-
offenders. Prior to this time insanity was viewed limbic cortex. This is a theory associated with the
as an affliction from God to punish sinfulness, and work of the German neuropathologist B. Bogerts.
therefore criminal activities by such individuals (3) Schizophrenia is due to a deficit in the connec-
were not viewed with compassion. The concept of tivity between the thalamus (a major relay center
“guilty, but insane” was introduced only in 1843. for messages throughout the brain). This is a theory
See also INSANITY DEFENSE ; M’NAUGHTEN RULES. proposed by E. G. Jones. (4) Schizophrenia is due
to a dysfunction in cortical-subcortical-cerebellar
circuitry. This theory, known as the “cognitive dys-
diphenhydramine See ANTIPARKINSONIAN DRUGS. metria” theory, is proposed by Nancy Andreasen.

Friston, K. J. “Schizophrenia and the Disconnection

disconnection theories of schizophrenia It has Hypothesis,” Acta Scandinavica Psychiatrica 99 (1999):
long been known that specialized NEURAL CIRCUITS 68–79.
in the human brain connect disparate regions of Friston, K. J., and C. D. Frith. “Schizophrenia: A Discon-
the cortex and subcortical structures to perform nection Syndrome?” Clinical Neurosciences 3 (1995),
specific types of tasks. There are many such neu- 89–97.
134 disorganized type

disorganized type One of the classic subtypes of mental syndrome (such as DELIRIUM or DEMENTIA)
SCHIZOPHRENIA in DSM-IV-TR (2000), better known and who are confused about who they are, where
throughout the history of psychiatry as HEBEPHRE- they are, or what day of the week, month, or even
NIA (first described by Ewald Hecker in 1871). In ICD - year it is. A common shorthand notation for this,
10 (1992), this form of schizophrenia is still known often seen in clinical progress notes, is “disoriented
as the “hebephrenic type.” This syndrome is marked X 3” (i.e., disoriented in three spheres of normal
by incoherence (disorganized speech), disorganized experience).
behavior, an obvious LOOSENING OF ASSSOCIATIONS,
and FLAT AFFECT. Affect is also often inappropriate.
Sometimes there can be a “silliness” to it, includ- dissociation This is literally a splitting of the nor-
ing giggling, strange mannerisms, frequent somatic mally coherent and integrated functions of con-
(hypochondriacal) complaints, and unusual facial sciousness, particularly identity and memory. It is
grimaces or other odd behavior. There may be AUDI- the defining characteristic of the DISSOCIATIVE DIS-
TORY HALLUCINATIONS of voices or DELUSIONS, but the ORDERS, which include dissociative identity disor-
delusions are unsystematic and grossly illogical. der, psychogenic fugue, psychogenic amnesia, and
Hebephrenia was Emil K RAEPELIN’s model for depersonalization disorder.
DEMENTIA PRAECOX in the 1893 and 1896 editions of The concept of dissociation was apparently
his textbook, Psychiatrie. In those editions, dementia introduced by French ALIENIST J. J. Moreau de
praecox (hebephrenia), DEMENTIA PARANOIDES, and Tours in 1845. Pierre JANET (1859–1947) provided
CATATONIA were grouped together as three sepa- the first extensive psychological elaboration of
rate but related psychotic disorders. It was only in this concept in his classic work, L’Automatisme Psy-
the 1899 edition that hebephrenia becomes only chologique, in 1889 to describe systems of associated
one of three forms of dementia praecox, along ideas that have been split off from consciousness
with catatonia and the paranoid form. The hebe- and exist in a parallel life along with the dominant
phrenic (disorganized), catatonic, and paranoid stream of consciousness. Janet referred to dissocia-
forms of schizophrenia are still recognized in cur- tion as “dèsagrègation.” As this “disaggregation” or
rent diagnostic manuals. The disorganized type “dissociation” (as became the customary transla-
(hebephrenia) is still regarded as the most chronic. tion and use of this word in English) strengthens
NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS (constricted emotional range around its thematic core, referred to by Janet as
and intellectual abilities, ALOGIA, AVOLITION, and “subconscious fixed ideas,” the gap between these
so on) seem to predominate over POSITIVE SYMP- parallel streams of consciousness are widened, and
TOMS (HALLUCINATIONS and delusions). In clinical existences secondes, or “secondary existences,” are
lore it is also associated with earlier age of onset then created. Janet felt that this was a pathologi-
and afflicts males far more than females. However, cal—not a normal—psychological process and was
the scientific basis of dividing schizophrenia into to be found in hysteria, hypnosis, and in instances
these subtypes is currently questionable. Clinical of “dual consciousness” or multiple personality.
experience and research studies indicate that most Joseph Breuer (1842–1925) and Sigmund F REUD
persons with schizophrenia have symptoms of one (1856–1939) also contributed to the study of dis-
or more of the subtypes during their lives (hence sociative phenomena with their interpretation of
the category UNDIFFERENTIATED TYPE for these per- the famous case of “Anna O.” reported in 1895 in
sons), and there is no current biological or genetic their book, Studies On Hysteria, Anna O. was treated
basis for discriminating schizophrenia into various by Breuer from 1880 to 1882 for a series of psy-
types. The disorganized type, however, is “classical” chosomatic problems and peculiar dissociative
schizophrenia. absences. However, Breuer and Freud disagreed as
to the fundamental nature of these absences, with
Breuer interpreting these phenomena as a form
disorientation This is the clinical term most of “autohypnosis” and Freud insisting that their
often used for people who have an obvious organic basic reason for existing was to serve as a DEFENSE
Dix, Dorothea Lynde 135

MECHANISM. It is Freud’s basic claim that has been Keyes, D. The Minds of Billy Milligan. New York: Random
accepted by generations of clinicians, although House, 1981.
Breuer’s autohypnotic hypothesis has been resur- Putnam, F. W. “Dissociation as a Response to Extreme
rected recently as a major factor in the early child- Trauma.” In Childhood Antecedents of Multiple Personality,
hood creation of multiple personalities. Only Swiss edited by R. Kluft. Washington, D.C.: American Psy-
psychoanalyst and psychiatrist C. G. JUNG (1875– chiatric Press, 1985.
1961) seems to have included a nonpathological
interpretation of dissociation as a major part of his
psychological theories. distractibility A descriptive clinical term for when
See also COMPLEX ; MULTIPLE PERSONALITY. a person’s attention seems to be easily diverted to
unimportant or irrelevant events in the person’s
Bliss, E. L. “A Reexamination of Freud’s Basic Concepts immediate environment. This is a characteristic
from Studies of Multiple Personality Disorder,” Disso- found in many people who do not have diagnos-
ciation 1 (1988): 36–40. able MENTAL DISORDERs, and such people are often
Moreau de Tours, J. J. Du hachisch et de l’aliénation men- referred to as “dreamy,” “spacey,” or “spaced-out.”
tale: Etudes psychologiques. Paris: Fortin, Masson, & Cie, However, in certain psychotic disorders such as
1845. SCHIZOPHRENIA this distractibility can be extreme,
Noll, R. “Multiple Personality, Dissociation, and C. G. and such disturbances in the processes of attention
Jung’s Complex Theory,” Journal of Analytical Psychol- are often said to be one of the primary characteris-
ogy 34 (1989), 353–370. tics of schizophrenia.
van der Hart, O., and B. Friedman. “A Reader’s Guide to See also ATTENTION, DISORDERS IN ; COGNITIVE
Pierre Janet on Dissociation: A Neglected Intellectual STUDIES OF SCHIZOPHRENIA.
Heritage,” Dissociation, 2 (1989): 3–16.

Dix, Dorothea Lynde (1802–1887) It is said by

dissociative disorders A category of mental historian of psychiatry Gregory Zilboorg in his 1941
disorders first created in 1980 in DSM-III whose classic, A History of Medical Psychology, that “The his-
primary symptom is DISSOCIATION. Disturbances tory of medical psychology in America during the
in identity and memory characterize these disor- nineteenth century is the history of the A MERICAN
ders. The dissociative disorders can often be mis- PSYCHIATRIC A SSOCIATION and the life of Dorothea
taken for more serious psychotic disorders such as Dix.” Dix was a retired schoolteacher who, starting
SCHIZOPHRENIA . Since there is no significant break in 1841, became one of the most noted reformers of
with reality, persons suffering from dissociative the care of the mentally ill in the 19th century. Her
disorders are not considered psychotic. This con- investigations of the terrible conditions suffered by
cept is recognized even by the legal system in the the mentally ill and the poor in ALMSHOUSES, pris-
United States, where there have been instances ons, and the few institutions that existed fueled
of individuals with multiple personality disorder her energetic campaign of petitions to state legis-
who have committed serious crimes but who have latures and the Congress of the United States, and
not been judged “insane” because they were not to the Parliament in England, to allocate funds
technically psychotic. An example of this is the to build more humane institutions for the care of
sensational case of convicted rapist Billy Milligan the mentally ill. It is estimated that between the
in Ohio in the 1970s; he suffered from multiple 1840s and 1880s she was directly responsible for
personality disorder but was not judged legally the building of 32 new state asylums for the insane
insane. in the United States.
A more traditional clinical term for the dissocia- In an 1848 “Memorial” address to Congress in
tive disorders is “hysterical neuroses, dissociative Washington, D.C., Dix reported that during her
type.” In ICD-9 (1978), these disorders were inclu- investigations she had seen “more than 9000 idiots,
ded among those subtypes listed for “Hysteria.” epileptics and insane in the United States, destitute
136 dizygotic twins

of appropriate care and protection . . . bound with phrenics who were not treated with ANTIPSYCHOTIC
galling chains, bowed beneath fetters and heavy DRUGS. Furthermore, they found the even more
iron balls attached to drag-chains, lacerated with suggestive evidence of higher than normal concen-
ropes, scourged with rods and terrified beneath trations of DMPEA in the urine of 71 percent of
storms of execration and cruel blows; now subject male paranoid schizophrenics and in 75 percent of
to jibes and scorn and torturing tricks; now aban- female paranoid schizophrenics. However, further
doned to the most outrageous violations.” research on the role of this and other compounds
Dix remained a reformer until late in her life. As produced by the biochemical process of transmeth-
repayment for her achievements in the care-taking ylation found in the body fluids of schizophrenics,
of others, she was given a permanent apartment has not indicated a specific relationship to this or
on the grounds of the New Jersey State Hospital at any other mental disorder.
Trenton, where she lived out most of her remain- See also BIOCHEMICAL THEORIES ; TRANSMETHYL-
LUMS ; BEERS, CLIFFORD W. Friedhoff, J. J., and E. Van Winkle. “Conversion of Dopa-
mine to 3,4-dimethoxyphenylacetic Acid in Schizo-
Deutsch, A. The Mentally Ill in America. Garden City, N.Y.: phrenia Patients,” Nature 199 (1963): 1,271–1,272.
Doubleday, 1937, chapter 9. Luchins, D., T. A. Ban, and H. E. Lehmann. “A Review of
Tiffany, F. The Life of Dorothea Lynde Dix. Boston: 1891. Nicotinic Acid, N-methylated Indolamines and Schizo-
Zilboorg, G. A History of Medical Psychology. New York: phrenia,” International Journal of Pharmacopsychiatry 13
W. W. Norton, 1941. (1978): 16–33.

dizygotic twins “Fraternal” or “nonidentical” DNA marker See MOLECULAR MARKER.

twins. Dizygotic twins are thought to share about
50 percent of their genes in common, compared
to the nearly 100 percent shared by MONOZYGOTIC Dollhaus An old German term for “madhouse.”
TWINS. This makes for an interesting comparison
between these two types of twin-pairs in GENET-
ICS STUDIES of SCHIZOPHRENIA and BIPOLAR DISOR- dominant In genetics, a trait observable in an
DER , and some of the most suggestive evidence that individual (called the PHENOTYPE) and caused by
these MENTAL DISORDERs have a genetic basis is the one ALLELE (the term for an alternative form of a
fact that a particular disease is much more likely gene) is said to be dominant with respect to another
to appear in both monozygotic twins than in both trait known to be caused by a second allele, if the
dizygotic twins. individual carrying both alleles shows signs only
See also CONCORDANCE RATE ; CONSANGUINITY of the first trait and not the second.

dopamine A chemical substance in the brain

DMPEA The acronym for dimethoxphenethyl- that functions as a NEUROTRANSMITTER, that is, it is
amine, once thought to be one of the BIOLOGICAL involved in the communication between neurons
MARKERS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA. DMPEA is a product of in the brain. Dopamine is one of the CATECHOL-
a chemical process known as transmethylation (in AMINES. For the most part, dopamine is thought
biochemistry, the transference of a methyl group to play the role of an inhibitor of functions. It has
from one compound to another). In 1963 scientists been found to be implicated in the motor (move-
Friedhoff and Van Winkle found increased con- ment) control systems of the brain, and especially
centrations (when compared to normal controls) of in SCHIZOPHRENIA.
DMPEA in the urine of 60 percent of acute schizo- See also DOPAMINE HYPOTHESIS.
dopamine hypothesis 137

dopamine hypothesis A NEUROTRANSMITTER the- mitter serotonin (5HT), but their paper had virtu-
ory of the cause (ETIOLOGY) of SCHIZOPHRENIA that ally no impact on fellow researchers.
was popular in the 1970s and 1980s but which is In 1963 Arvid Carlsson and his colleague Margit
now regarded as too simplistic. Interestingly, this Lindqvist published a famous paper reporting that
theory of the cause of schizophrenia arose from they had demonstrated that CHLORPROMAZINE and
studying how its main form of treatment, ANTIPSY- haloperidol worked on the catecholamine systems
CHOTIC DRUGS, worked in the cortex of the brain in the brain, reducing activity by acting on the post-
to eliminate HALLUCINATIONS and DELUSIONS (POSI- synaptic neurons. Although this 1963 paper is cited
TIVE SYMPTOMS). Antipsychotic drugs were found in many publications by schizophrenia research-
to do so by blocking dopamine at its receptor sites. ers as the first place the dopamine hypothesis of
This led to the hypothesis that the brain was pro- schizophrenia is mentioned, in fact, dopamine is
ducing dopamine in excess of normal levels— not specifically mentioned at all in the paper. Three
although then, as today, there is no way to know years later, pharmacologist Jacques van Rossum, a
exactly what “normal” levels of dopamine in the professor of pharmacology at the medical faculty
brain may be. This hypothesized overproduction of of the University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands,
dopamine was evidence of a neurological dysfunc- published a paper that specified dopamine as the
tion, so therefore there must be a dysfunction of the catecholamine system that was blocked at the post-
dopaminergic system, and that dysfunction causes synaptic neuron by antipsychotic drugs. This 1966
schizophrenia. The dopamine hypothesis replaced paper contained the first mention of the term dopa-
another of the BIOCHEMICAL THEORIES OF SCHIZO- mine hypothesis and the first formal description of
PHRENIA , the various forms of the TRANSMETHYL- its connection to schizophrenia:
ATION HYPOTHESIS, which, other than genetics, had
been the dominant biological theory of the cause When the hypothesis of dopamine blockade
of schizophrenia since the 1950s. The dopamine by neuroleptic agents can be further substanti-
hypothesis of schizophrenia in its fully articu- ated it may have fargoing consequences for the
lated form was first proposed by Solomon Snyder pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Overstimula-
and his colleagues in an article published in the tion of dopamine receptors could then be part of
American Journal of Psychiatry in 1976. However, the the etiology. Obviously, such an overstimulation
evolution of the dopamine hypothesis has a much may be caused by overproduction of dopamine,
longer history. production of substances with dopamine actions
In 1957 the Swedish neuroscientist Arvid Carls- (methoxy derivatives), abnormal susceptibility of
son (1923– ) discovered that dopamine acted as a the receptors, etc.
neurotransmitter in the brain. His research report
was published the following year in the journal Van Rossum’s paper is also sometimes cited as
Science. His work on DOPAMINE and the role of the the first description of how dopamine is blocked at
CATECHOLAMINES as neurotransmitters eventually its “receptor sites” by antipsychotic drugs, but the
led to Carlsson sharing the Nobel Prize in medicine idea of “receptors” had not been defined in the mid-
in 2000. 1960s. In fact, the first neurotransmitter receptor
Although antipsychotic drugs had been used (for acetylcholine) was not discovered until 1970.
since 1952, no one was sure exactly how they The development of radio-labeling techniques
worked on the brain to reduce psychotic symp- for research on neurotransmitter systems in the
toms. The first suggestion that a neurotransmitter nervous system led to an explosion of interest in
may be implicated not only in the pharmacody- research on receptors by 1972.
namics of antipsychotic drugs, but that there may In 1974 Solomon Snyder of Johns Hopkins Uni-
be a link to the cause of MENTAL DISORDERs such as versity reported the discovery of dopamine recep-
schizophrenia, was put forth in 1954 in a paper by tors. He and his colleagues discovered two types:
David Wolley and Edward Shaw. They suggested a D-1 and D-2 receptors. Furthermore, they discov-
role for the newly discovered (1953) neurotrans- ered that antipsychotic drugs worked by binding
138 dopamine hypothesis

selectively to D-2 receptors and not D-1 receptors. cause of schizophrenia, there is no doubt that dopa-
Since all antipsychotic drugs worked by binding to mine plays a role in the pathophysiology of positive
the D-2 receptor, it was thought that there must symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations.
be a dysfunction or abnormality in the D-2 recep- The “revised” dopamine hypothesis of schizo-
tor that caused PSYCHOSIS. This was the basis of the phrenia As a part of the new NEURODEVELOPMEN-
DOPAMINE HYPOTHESIS of schizophrenia put forth TAL THEORY OF SCHIZOPHRENIA proposed by Daniel
by Solomon Snyder in 1976. Since van Rossum’s Weinberger of The NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL
1966 article had not made much of an impact on HEALTH in Bethesda, Maryland, a “revised” version
his contemporaries, Snyder’s did, and it is Snyder of the dopamine hypothesis has been proposed.
who gets the credit for initiating a new phase of The “revised” dopamine hypothesis is an attempt
research in schizophrenia. However, by the 1980s to account for NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS and cognitive
Snyder backed off from this single-system theory impairment, serious features of schizophrenia that
of a neurotransmitter dysfunction cause of schizo- cannot be explained by the original dopamine the-
phrenia and criticized this logic. In the 1980s Arvid ory that only accounts for positive symptoms. In the
Carlsson also became a critic of this single-system revised view, schizophrenia is associated with (but
dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia. not necessarily caused by) a dopamine imbalance
The dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia, involving an excess of dopamine production in the
although discarded in its original form as a causal subcortical structures of the brain (the mesolim-
theory, still exerts its influence on the pharmaceu- bic system) and an underproduction of dopamine
tical industry. The idea that selected neurotrans- production in the prefrontal cortex. Subcortical
mitter receptors can be targeted (for blockade or dopamine projections might be hyperactive, hyper-
activation) by specific drugs, and that psychiatric stimulating D-2 receptors and producing hallucina-
symptoms would lessen from this action, has until tions and delusions. Dopamine projections to the
recently pushed psychopharmacological research prefrontal cortex might be hypoactive, resulting
and marketing to cling to single-transmitter theo- in the hyperstimulation of D-1 receptors, negative
ries of the causes of mental illnesses (e.g., dopa- symptoms, and cognitive impairment.
mine for schizophrenia, serotonin for depression, Both dopamine hypotheses have little experi-
and so on). Such specificity is attractive not only to mental support. To date, there is still no compel-
researchers, but also to those marketing new drugs: ling evidence that documents abnormalities of
single-transmitter drugs are easier to comprehend dopamine functioning in schizophrenia. Postmor-
by a largely science-blind public. Pharmaceutical tem neuropathological studies of the brains of per-
companies make use of ancient metaphors from sons with schizophrenia have been inconclusive.
the humoral theory of medicine to explain how Brain imaging studies using PET (positron emis-
these drugs work: DEPRESSION or schizophrenia is sion tomography) or SPECT (single photon emis-
caused by an “imbalance” of a specific “chemical.” sion computerized tomography) have been used for
Therefore, the way to restore health is by restoring receptor imaging in living subjects, particularly the
the balance of the chemical (humor) in the brain D-2 receptor. While the hyperactivity of subcortical
by the use of a drug. transmission at D-2 receptors has been supported,
There are known to be more than 100 neu- other aspects of the revised dopamine hypothesis
rotransmitter systems in the brain, and if one sys- have not. Speculations about dopamine dysfunc-
tem is altered by drugs, it is still not understood tion and the production of negative symptoms and
how this affects other neurotransmitter systems. cognitive impairment, and the claim that positive
Newer generations of psychoactive drugs work on symptoms become independent of the dopamine
multiple receptors of two or more neurotransmit- system and “take on a life of their own” in chronic,
ters, and the effect on the rest of the brain may treatment-resistant schizophrenia, are unsup-
be correspondingly more complicated to discern. ported with hard evidence. The revised dopamine
However, although a dysfunction in the dopami- hypothesis, like its predecessor, will probably have
nergic system is no longer posited as the single a short shelf life in science.
double conscience or consciousness 139

In fact, as any practicing clinician can tell the the 1950s to the 1970s, although it is now generally
researchers, there is strong evidence against both regarded as of little scientific significance. This the-
dopamine hypotheses: antipsychotic drugs do not ory was derived from communications and cyber-
always alleviate hallucinations and delusions, and netics research and was first put forth by Gregory
in fact may not do so in up to a third of all persons BATESON and his colleagues in 1956. Essentially, it
experiencing these psychotic symptoms. Corrobo- places the cause of schizophrenia in the interac-
ration of this clinical observation can be found in tion patterns of the family, and this theory was the
studies that, in some persons, hallucinations and basis of much later family interaction research.
delusions are present when, in fact, there seems to Essentially, the double-bind theory centers
be measurably normal levels of synaptic dopamine. on the incongruence between the basic content
Blocking the D-2 receptors of these persons with of primary communications and the underlying
antipsychotic drugs has little or no effect on their meaning (expressed by tone of voice, gestures or
psychotic symptoms. This may mean that other context of the communication), which incongru-
neurotransmitter systems acting independently of ence is called metacommunications. Bateson and
the dopaminergic system may also produce posi- his colleagues purported to find that, in the fami-
tive symptoms. lies of schizophrenics, the schizophrenic mem-
ber is caught in a double-bind when incongruent
Baumeister, A. A., and J. L. Francis. “Historical Develop- messages are communicated and the recipient
ment of the Dopamine Hypothesis of Schizophrenia,” must respond to the incongruent message with-
Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 11 (2002): out being given the opportunity to clarify the
265–277. incongruence in the message. For example, the
Carlsson, A. “The Current Status of the Dopamine Hypoth- parent of a schizophrenic may say, “Of course I
esis,” Neuropsychopharmacology 1 (1988): 179–186. love you,” while wearing a facial expression of
Carlsson, A., and M. Lindqvist. “The Effect of Chlor- disgust or while doing something intrusive or
promazine on the Formation of 3-Methoxytyramine harmful to the afflicted person. A lifetime of such
and Normetanephrine in Mouse Brain,” Acta Pharma- aberrant communications since early childhood
cologica 20 (1963): 140–144. is thus thought to produce schizophrenia. The
Healy, D. The Creation of Psychopharmacology. Cambridge, double-bind theory has remained just that, with
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2002. no carefully controlled scientific study to validate
Laruelle, M. “Dopamine Transmission in the Schizo- its claims.
phrenic Brain.” In Schizophrenia. 2nd ed., edited by S. See also FAMILY INTERACTION THEORIES.
R. Hirsch and D. Weinberger. Cambridge: Blackwell,
2003. Bateson, G., et al. “Towards a Theory of Schizophrenia,”
Snyder, S. “The Dopamine Hypothesis of Schizophrenia: Behavioral Science 1 (1956): 251–264.
Focus on the Dopamine Receptor,” American Journal of
Psychiatry 133 (1976): 197–202.
Van Rossum, J. M. “The Significance of Dopamine Recep- double conscience or consciousness These are
tor Blockade in the Mechanism of Action of Neurolep- 19th-century terms that refer to multiple person-
tic Drugs,” Archives of International Pharmacodynamics ality disorder, in which one or more alternate per-
and Therapeutics 60 (1966): 492–494. sonalities would coexist with the ego of the “birth
Wolley, D. W., and E. Shaw. “A Biochemical and Phar- personality.” The very first complete medical case
macological Suggestion about Certain Mental Disor- history of a person with multiple personalities was
ders,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the that of the young American woman Mary Reyn-
United States of America 40 (1954): 228–231. olds, first reported in 1817.

Mitchell, S. L. “A Double Consciousness or a Duality of

double-bind theory One of the most widely dis- Person, in the Same Individual,” Medical Repository 3
cussed theories of the cause of SCHIZOPHRENIA , from (1817): 185–186.
140 double insanity

Mitchell, S. W. “Mary Reynolds: A Case of Double Con- In describing the douche method of BATHS for
sciousness,” Transactions of the College of Physicians of the mentally ill included in Tuke’s A Dictionary of
Philadelphia 10 (1888): 366–389. Psychological Medicine, 14 other means of adminis-
tering baths are discussed in detail. One of them
sounds like the “Chinese water-torture” of motion
double insanity See FOLIE À DEUX. picture fame:

Schneider and Morel shaved their patients’ heads,

douche One of the primary modes of alleviat- and placed them under an intermittent stream of
ing the active symptoms of mental illness since water, which fell drop by drop on the back of the
antiquity; in particular, in mental institutions in scalp . . .
the 18th and 19th centuries the patient would be
forced under a shower of (usually) ice-cold water. See also HYDROTHERAPY.
This was done in many fashions, including: by
physically restraining the patient and pouring Esquirol, J. E. D. Mental Maladies, A Treatise on Insan-
buckets of cold water over his or her head (as in ity, trans. E. K. Hunt. Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard,
the SPREAD-EAGLE CURE), or by using a “douching 1845; first published, 1838.
machine” in which a patient would be strapped in Howells, J. G., and M. L. Osborn. A Reference Companion
a chair beneath an apparatus that forced strong jets to the History of Abnormal Psychology. 2 vols. Westport,
of cold water down onto his or her head. The repro- Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1984.
duction of a design drawing of such an apparatus Williams, D. “Baths.” In A Dictionary of Psychological Medi-
from the 1820s is provided in the first volume of cine. Vol. 1, edited by D. H. Tuke. London: J. & A.
Howells and Osborn’s A Reference Companion to the Churchill, 1892.
History of Abnormal Psychology.
ESQUIROL describes the use of the douche on the
mentally ill in his 1838 textbook, Mental Maladies: dreams in schizophrenia There is no scientific
evidence to suggest that the dream content of per-
The douche consists in pouring water upon the sons with SCHIZOPHRENIA (or any other mental
head from a greater or less height. It was known disorder) are markedly different from “normals.”
to the ancients; and is administered in different Throughout the 20th century, psychoanalysts,
ways. . . . The patient received the douche, seated including F REUD and JUNG, made such errone-
in an arm chair; or better, plunged into a bath of ous claims, and the misconception that schizo-
tepid or cold water. phrenic dreams are somehow different from those
The douche produces its effects, both by the of nonschizophrenics is widespread in the public.
action of the cold, and the percussion. It exercises All these claims were based on clinical anecdotes
a sympathetic influence upon the epigastrium. It and not from more rigorously designed quantita-
causes cardialgia, and desires to vomit. After its tive studies of dream content. It is now the con-
action ceases, the patients are pale, and sometimes ventional wisdom in cognitive neuroscience that
sallow. It also acts morally, as a means of repres- psychoanalysis was merely a pseudoscience (like
sion; a douche often sufficing to calm a raging phrenology or astrology) with no scientific sup-
excitement, to break up dangerous resolutions, or port for any of its claims. The speculations of
force a patient to obedience. . . . The douche ought Freud and Jung and their devotees about dreams
to be applied with discretion, and never immedi- and the “unconscious mind” have only historical,
ately after a repast. . . . Its employment ought to not scientific, significance. The only consistent
be continued but a few minutes at a time, and its finding in quantitative dream research studies is
administration never left to servants. They may that “patient populations” (not just persons suffer-
abuse it, and we ought not to be ignorant that the ing from schizophrenia, but people suffering from
douche is not exempt from grave accidents. depression and a whole host of other disorders)
dual diagnosis 141

have fewer “friends” appearing in their dreams. nostic manuals to be consistent with advances in
Instead, when contrasted with the dream content research on mental disorders. The later editions
of “normals,” the characters in their dreams tend have attempted to be phenomenologically based
to be family members or strangers. There are also (i.e., focused on descriptions of behaviors in vari-
fewer “friendly interactions” with people in their ous MENTAL DISORDERs) and have attempted to
dreams. None of this points to some special sta- be free of pejorative theoretical assumptions.
tus for the dreams of schizophrenics, but instead For example, the word NEUROSIS was no longer
points to the generally accepted theory that there is included when DSM-III came out in 1980, since it
more in common between our waking and dream- referred to a concept from psychoanalytic theory
ing lives than there is discontinuity (as Freud and that did not always match current research on the
Jung would have us believe). various disorders. Teams of psychiatrists are con-
An ongoing quantitative study of dreams is tinually working in committees to collect research
being conducted by G. William Domhoff of the information and to revise, eliminate, or create new
University of California, Santa Cruz. diagnostic categories for each revision of the man-
ual. DSM-IV-TR (2000) is just such a revision.
Domhoff, G. W. “New Rationales and Methods for Quan- Originally designed for use in the United States,
titative Dream Research Outside the Laboratory,” Sleep it is now one of the most widely used diagnostic
21 (1998): 398–404. manuals for mental disorders in the world.
Maharaj, N. An Investigation into the Structure of Schizo- The diagnostic criteria have changed consider-
phrenic Dreams, Doctoral Dissertation, Leiden Univer- ably over the many editions of the DSMs. This is
sity, The Netherlands, 1997. especially true for SCHIZOPHRENIA. Although Emil
K RAEPELIN’s narrowly defined view of schizophre-
nia dominated the early part of the century, by the
drug holiday A “vacation” from taking ANTIPSY- 1950s BLEULER’s more inclusive concept of schizo-
CHOTIC DRUGS that is necessary from time to time phrenia and the influence of psychoanalytic pseu-
so that the psychiatrist can assess the further need doscience on American mental health professionals
of medication for a patient. led to a broadening of the definition of what it
meant to be a schizophrenic—and often with disas-
trous consequences for those persons stigmatized
drug psychoses A category of organic psychotic with that inappropriate label. The broad definition
conditions, listed in ICD -10 (1992), for those psycho- of schizophrenia and the influence of psychoan-
ses induced by the ingestion of various drugs (e.g., alytic language finally disappeared in 1980 with
amphetamines, barbiturates, opiates, and halluci- the publication of DSM-III. Currently, the narrow
nogens). There is a break with reality, and HAL- “Neo-Kraepelinian” definition of schizophrenia is
LUCINATIONS and DELUSIONS may be present. They the accepted standard and continues to find scien-
can be due to the active intoxicating effects of the tific evidence in support of it.
substances, or to the effects of withdrawal.
INDUCED PSYCHOTIC DISORDER. dual diagnosis The presence of two existing
mental disorders in a person that requires the
granting of two different diagnostic labels. This
DSM-IV The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of term is most often used to describe those “dually
Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, appeared in 1994 diagnosed” patients who are mentally retarded as
as the latest in a series of major revisions of the well as schizophrenic (or carry some other psy-
“Bible” of psychiatrists. The earlier editions were chotic diagnosis). One of the growing problems in
DSM-I (1952), DSM-II (1968), DSM-III (1980), and the post-psychedelic era of the 1960s is the large
A SSOCIATION has periodically updated its diag- abusers of drugs and alcohol and who also seem to
142 ducking

have a serious (often psychotic) MENTAL DISORDER. spectrum of typical psychotic disorders, or vesania
These patients are also dually diagnosed and in the typica, which were all stages of a single underlying
United States are sometimes referred to as “double disease process that was progressive in nature. He
trouble” patients. believed that a different disease process (epileptic,
sexual, or rheumatic) provoked an exacerbation of
the same underlying disease process found in pro-
ducking See BATH OF SURPRISE ; BATHS ; gressive and chronic psychotic disorders but “with-
HYDROTHERAPY. out leaving a lasting alteration in the elements that
serve its expression” (p. 67).
Kahlbaum’s group of chronic and progres-
duplex personality See DOUBLE CONSCIENCE OR sively deteriorating psychotic disorders, which
CONSCIOUSNESS. he grouped under the vesania typica concept, was
a major source of inspiration for Emil K RAEPELIN
when he proposed his heterogeneous disease con-
dysphrenia A BRIEF PSYCHOTIC DISORDER or ACUTE cept of DEMENTIA PRAECOX in 1896. Kraepelin was
AND TRANSIENT PSYCHOTIC DISORDER described by aware of the existence of brief psychotic disorders,
the German psychiatrist Karl Ludwig K AHLBAUM but these disorders were difficult to reconcile with
(1829–99) in his Habilitation thesis, Die Gruppirung his view of dementia praecox as a progressively
psychicher Krankheiten (The Classification of Mental Dis- chronic disease. Starting in 1893, in successive
eases) in 1863. Dysphrenia was a severe psychotic dis- editions of his famous textbook, Psychiatrie, Krae-
order of sudden onset and short duration. Symptoms pelin placed brief psychotic disorders under the
were mixed or “impure” and varied widely from case category of “periodic” insanities. In 1899, when
to case (in modern terms, a syndrome characterized he introduced MANIC-DEPRESSIVE ILLNESS as a psy-
by POLYMORPHIC PSYCHOTIC SYMPTOMS). Kahlbaum chotic disorder that was periodic but continually
assumed that the underlying cause (etiology) of the remitting and manifesting a better prognosis than
psychosis involved an underlying disease process of dementia praecox, Kraepelin considered brief psy-
an epileptic, sexual, or rheumatic nature. Persons chotic disorders as subtypes of MANIA.
suffering from dysphrenia recovered in full with-
out any long lasting effect. In his highly influential Kahlbaum, K. L. Die Gruppirung psychicher Krankheiten.
book, Kahlbaum distinguished dysphrenia from the Danzig, 1863.
Earle, Pliny (1809–1892) Earle was a psychia- or staccato tone) “Belong to you. Belong to you.”
trist and one of the 13 founders of the A MERICAN Informally, it is sometime called “parroting” after
PSYCHOLOGICAL A SSOCIATION in 1844. He had trav- the behavior of parrots. This symptom is found
eled widely in Europe and was knowledgeable in SCHIZOPHRENIA (particularly the DISORGANIZED
about European treatments for mental illness. He TYPE) and especially in autistic children or indi-
held several important positions in his lifetime, viduals with certain brain disorders.
including that of medical superintendent of the See also AUTISM , INFANTILE ; LANGUAGE ABNOR-
Bloomingdale Asylum in New York in 1844 and MALITIES IN SCHIZOPHRENIA.
the State Lunatic Hospital at Northampton, Massa-
chusetts in 1864, where he remained for the next
21 years. He is perhaps best remembered for pio- ECT The acronym for “electroconvulsive therapy”
neering the teaching of PSYCHIATRY in American is the most recent attempt to neutralize the nega-
medical schools, and for his 1887 book, The Cur- tive connotations most people associate with the
ability of the Insane, which sharply contradicted the method’s original name, ELECTROSHOCK THERAPY.
wildly inflated claims of “curability” of the insane
that had been made by various superintendents of
ASYLUMS in the United States during the previous EEG studies of schizophrenia German psychia-
40 years. trist Hans Berger (1873–1941) invented the elec-
troencephalogram in 1924 and first published the
results of his studies of the electrical activity of the
écho de la pensée Literally, “echo of the thought.” human brain in 1929. The EEG (as it is still known
This is a characteristic of schizophrenic thought today) employed electrodes, which were attached
disorder that is commonly called “thought broad- to the scalp in strategic locations around the head,
casting.” A psychotic individual exhibiting écho de to map the electrical activity of the different
la pensée believes that his private thoughts are being regions of the brain. In the decade that followed
sent out into the minds of other people, who may this discovery there was great hope that the EEG
then speak them for him. In more-deteriorated could be used in psychiatry as a diagnostic tool,
psychotic states, the person may not even recog- the assumption being that the brain wave patterns
nize these thoughts as his or her own and attribute of people with particular mental disorders would
them entirely to other people. differ from one another and from the patterns of
people without diagnosable disorders. Although
applications were found in neurology, PSYCHIATRY
echolalia The spontaneous (yet persistent) rep- eventually found the EEG was of little diagnostic
etition of the words and phrases of others. It is as value.
if the listening person is an “echo” of the speak- EEG studies of schizophrenics generally showed
er’s speech. For example, the speaker may ask, more abnormalities than those of nonschizo-
“Does that belong to you?” only to be met with phrenic persons, but no specific brain wave abnor-
the response (usually in a mumbling, mocking, mality could be linked to SCHIZOPHRENIA. However,

144 Egas Moniz, António Caetano de Abreu Freire

an improvement on the classical EEG methodology rosis, Huntington’s chorea, and Parkinson’s dis-
has been the use of event-related potentials, also ease. The same P300 latency is found in all these
known as ERPs, which have been a much more diseases and is also found during normal aging.
Whereas most EEG studies are conducted while STUDIES.
the subject is at rest, ERPs involve the presentation
of a flash of light, a tone or a very mild electrical Berger, H. “Über das Elektrenkephalogramm des Men-
stimulus to a subject so that the responding electri- schen,” Archiv für Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten 98
cal activity in the brain can be recorded. ERPs are (1933): 231–255.
very useful because they are a nonintrusive way Erlenmeyer-Kimling, L. “Biological Markers for the
(unlike the surgical implantation of electrodes in Liability to Schizophrenia.” In Biological Perspectives of
the brain) of measuring the neural activity in rela- Schizophrenia, edited by H. Helmchen and F. A. Henn.
tion to sensory, motor, and cognitive processes. New York: Wiley, 1987.
A large literature exists of ERP research that Holzman, P. S. “Recent Studies of Psychophysiology in
has been conducted with people diagnosed with Schizophrenia,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 13 (1987): 49–76.
schizophrenia. Three lines of evidence have been McCarley, R. W., et al. “Auditory P300 Abnormalities
considered to be most promising in the search for and Left Superior Temporal Gyrus Volume Reduc-
biological markers: (1) Certain brain wave abnor- tion in Schizophrenia,” Archives of General Psychiatry 50
malities in schizophrenics (technically, amplitude (1993): 190–197.
reductions in middle and late positive compo- Morrison-Stewart, S. L., et al. “Coherence on Electroen-
nents) are thought to be related to dysfunctions in cephalography and Aberrant Functional Organization
attention, which are found in some schizophren- of the Brain in Schizophrenic Patients during Activa-
ics and in some individuals at high-risk for schizo- tion Tasks,” British Journal of Psychiatry 159 (1991):
phrenia (2) ERP patterns have been found to differ 636–644.
from those of people diagnosed with other mental O’Donnell, B. F. “Increased Rate of P300 Latency Prolon-
disorders and (3) certain aspects of the electrical gation with Age in Schizophrenia,” Archives of General
activity of the brain measured by ERPs seem to Psychiatry 52 (1995): 544–549.
be genetically determined (i.e., the brain may be
predisposed to react to certain types of stimuli in
specific ways). Egas Moniz, António Caetano de Abreu Freire
In the 1990s, the EEG technique was combined (1874–1955) A Portuguese neurologist who per-
with new BRAIN IMAGING technology in studies formed the first PSYCHOSURGERY (a term he coined)
of the functioning and structure of the brains of on a human being (a LEUCOTOMY) on November
persons with schizophrenia. Studies combining 15, 1935. For the invention of this procedure he
EEG activity with PET SCAN measurements have won a Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine in
found abnormal functioning in the connections 1949. Egas Moniz spells out his rationale for the
between the left frontal lobe and the temporal leucotomy in the first book on psychosurgery,
lobe. One study combining MAGNETIC RESONANCE Tentatives Opératoires dans le Traitement de Certaines
IMAGING (MRI) with EEG found that the reduction Psychoses (Experimental Surgery in the Treatment of
of volume in the left superior temporal gyrus was Certain Psychoses), which was published in France
strongly correlated with a decrease in the ampli- in the spring of 1936: “To cure these patients it is
tude of the P3 (or P300) peak, which has been necessary to destroy the arrangements of cellular
a commonly reported phenomenon reported in connections, more or less fixed, that must exist in
EEG studies of the brains of schizophrenics. This the brain and particularly those that are linked
“latency of the P300 cortical ERP,” as this abnor- with the frontal lobes.” Egas Moniz’s work inspired
mality is called, may be additional evidence that at Walter F REEMAN to perform the first leucotomy in
least one form of schizophrenia resembles diseases the United States and to popularize the practice of
like dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple scle- psychosurgery.
Einheitspsychose 145

Egas Moniz, A. Tentatives Opératoires dans le Traitement de Observation shows, further, that in the great
Certaines Psychoses. Paris: Masson, 1936. majority of cases, those conditions which form
the first leading group precede those of the second
group; that the latter generally appear only as
egocentricity Individuals with psychotic disor- consequences and terminations of the first, when
ders are sometimes described as being egocentric the cerebral affection has not been cured. There is,
in the same way that, for example, an infant is moreover, again presented within the first group,
egocentric: impulses are expressed without regard in a great proportion of cases, a certain definite
to the context of social situation. Thus, psychotic succession of the various forms of emotional states,
individuals may engage in activities that are whence there results a method of viewing insan-
socially repugnant, bizarre, or simply inconsider- ity which recognizes in the different forms, dif-
ate. According to psychoanalytic theory, energy ferent stages of one morbid process; which may,
(“libido”) is withdrawn from the external world indeed, be modified, interrupted, or transformed
and drawn back into the internal world in psy- by the most varied intercurrent pathological cir-
chotic individuals. Thus, the person becomes more cumstances, but which, on the whole, pursues a
interested in his or her internal world and its needs constantly progressive course, which may proceed
rather than the demands of external reality. In even to complete destruction of the mental life.
this way, the concept of egocentricity is related to
descriptions of the autism of some psychotic indi- The idea of the Einheitspsychose returned in a the-
viduals, particularly schizophrenics. ory by the noted British schizophrenia researcher
Timothy J. Crow. He postulated in a 1986 article
that all the psychotic disorders are distributed
Einheitspsychose In German, a “unitary psycho- along a continuum that extends from unipolar
sis,” the idea that all mental illnesses (certainly all depression through bipolar (manic-depressive)
of the psychotic disorders) are simply variations of and schizoaffective psychosis to schizophrenia—
the same underlying disease process (the EINHEIT- a progressive degeneration from bad to worse.
SPSYCHOSE) and are not separate mental disorders This matched Griesinger’s observations exactly:
with no apparent relationship to one another. This that the psychotic disorders characterized by
idea was first applied to mental illness by the Belgian disturbances in emotion degenerate into psy-
ALIENIST Joseph Guislain (1797–1860) in 1833. choses characterized by disturbances of will and
The eminent German psychiatrist Wilhelm thought. Crow added a 20th-century twist to this
GRIESINGER describes this idea in the “Form of idea by proposing that this spectrum of disorders
Mental Disease” chapter in his 1861 classic, Mental is caused by a single gene; in other words, there
Pathology and Therapeutics. He proposes that there is a single genetic locus where significant varia-
are “two grand groups” or “fundamental states of tion occurs in defect that predisposes to all these
mental anomalies”: (1) those characterized by dis- psychotic disorders. In a 1989 article he reviewed
turbances in emotional states (what we would call the evidence that the defective gene has a locus
MOOD DISORDERS), and (2) those characterized by on the sex chromosomes, particularly the X chro-
“disorders of the intellect and will” (the “thought mosome. Crow guessed the “psychosis gene” was
disorder” characteristic of SCHIZOPHRENIA and located somewhere on the X chromosome. He was
related “spectrum” disorders). Griesinger believed wrong.
that these types of disorder fit a degenerative pat-
tern, with the mood disorders (“states of depres- Crow, T. J. “The Continuum of Psychosis and Its Implica-
sion” then “states of exaltation” or manic states) tions for the Structure of the Gene,” British Journal of
developing eventually into more serious disorders Psychiatry 149 (1986): 419–429.
in which thinking functions deteriorate (“states of DeLisi, L. E., and T. J. Crow. “Evidence for a Sex Chromo-
mental weakness”), leading to the total degenera- some Locus for Schizophrenia,” Schizophrenia Bulletin
tion of the mind. Griesinger writes: 15 (1989): 431–440.
146 elective mutism

Griesinger, W. Mental Pathology and Therapeutics. Translated powerful seizures. The very first patient to receive
by C. L. Robertson and J. Rutherford. 1845. Reprint, this treatment (a schizophrenic) did so on April 15,
New York: William Wood & Co., 1882. 1938. Electroshock therapy then became one of the
Vleigen, J. Die Einheitpsychose. Stuttgart: F. Enke, 1980. most widely used forms of treatment for schizo-
phrenia until the 1970s, when it became clear that
ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS were a more effective means
elective mutism A symptom found in some peo- of controlling psychotic symptoms and that ECT
ple who are diagnosed with a psychotic disorder was much more effective with severe depression
who, for whatever reason, simply refuse to talk. than with schizophrenia.
This has been described particularly in connection Cerletti experimented with pigs before attempt-
with CATATONIA. ing the procedure on humans. Most other psychia-
trists were afraid to try this new procedure, but not
Cerletti. In a rather macabre account of the very
electronarcosis therapy Since at least the 1870s, first electroshock treatment ever administered, D.
asylum physicians who were at a loss as to how J. Impastato relates the details of this historic (and
to treat persons in acute episodes of psychotic dis- horrific) event:
orders experimented with sedative drugs (usually
opium derivatives or barbiturates) to induce long Now came the search for Rome’s first patient.
periods of sleep. This SLEEP TREATMENT procedure For obvious reasons this was not a simple mat-
was targeted specifically for SCHIZOPHRENIA by ter. Then, luckily, a patient from North Italy was
Jakob Kläsi in the 1922 and was used in the United admitted to the clinic who was a catatonic schizo-
States and Europe from the 1920s to the 1940s. In phrenic and who spoke an incomprehensible gib-
the Soviet Union a technique was developed for berish. He was unable to give his name or state
electrically stimulating the brain stem of persons anything about himself. No one could identify
with schizophrenia to induce prolonged sleep him. Dr. Cerletti decided he should be the historic
without drugs. This electronarcosis therapy was patient. Following adequate preparations the first
introduced as early as 1936 in the Soviet Union treatment was given in 1938. Present were Cer-
and was used well into the 1960s. Electronarcosis letti, Bini, Longhi, Accornero, Kalinowsky and
was also used by psychiatrists in the early 1960s Fleischer. The patient was brought in, and the
in the former German Democratic Republic (com- machine was set at 1/10 of a second and 70 volts
munist East Germany). Electronarcosis therapy is and the shock given. Naturally, the low dosage
no longer used for the treatment of schizophrenia resulted in a petit mal reaction. After the electric
today. spasm, which lasted a fraction of a second, the
patient burst out into song. The Professor sug-
Wortis, J. Soviet Psychiatry. Baltimore: Williams and gested that another treatment with a higher volt-
Wilkins, 1950. age be given. The staff objected. They stated that
if another treatment were given the patient would
probably die and wanted further treatment post-
electroshock therapy Now more commonly poned until the morrow. The Professor knew what
known as electroconvulsive therapy, or “ECT,” it that meant. He decided to go ahead right then
is a form of treatment designed by Italian psychia- and there, but before he could say so the patient
trist Ugo CERLETTI and his colleagues in Rome to suddenly sat up and pontifically proclaimed, no
treat severe mental illness by electrically inducing longer in a jargon, but in clear Italian: “Non una
seizures. An alleviation of symptoms followed the seconda! Mortifera!” (Not again, it will kill me).
deliberate induction of such seizures. It was con- This made the Professor think and swallow, but
sidered an improvement on other types of CONVUL- his courage was not lost. He gave the order to pro-
SIVE THERAPIES, which had many toxic side effects ceed at a higher voltage and a longer time: and the
associated with the use of drugs to induce such first electroconvulsion in man ensued. Thus was
electroshock therapy 147

born EST out of one man and over the objection the influence of electricity a large number of our
of his assistants. insane women. One only was cured, in the course
of my experiments. This was a young and very
No scientifically satisfying theory has ever strong girl, who had become a maniac in conse-
been put forth to justify or explain the use of elec- quence of a fright, which suppressed her menses.
troshock therapy for SCHIZOPHRENIA. Like most She had been insane for a month, and was elec-
treatments for mental illness over the last several trized for fifteen days. At the menstrual period,
centuries, as soon as a new scientific discovery is the discharge appeared, and she was immediately
made it is quickly adapted for use on the mentally restored.
ill in the hope that a new treatment or cure can
finally be found. When it was discovered that blood Although electroshock therapy is still sometimes
circulated in the body, BLEEDING and BLOOD TRANS- used for schizophrenia, this is quickly becoming
FUSIONS (often using animal blood) were quickly an outmoded form of treatment for the disease,
tried on the insane. When Hungarian psychiatrist at least in the United States. Symptomatic relief is
von M EDUNA put forth the scientifically unsound often only temporary, and a major review of the
theory that, since epilepsy and schizophrenia were bulk of the research published prior to 1980 has
biologically incompatible, deliberately inducing concluded that electroshock therapy has not been
seizures (by chemical means) in schizophrenics shown to improve the quality of life of schizo-
would cure it, such methods were widely tried and phrenic patients.
efforts were made to improve upon them. Electro- In June 1985 the NATIONAL I NSTITUTE OF M ENTAL
shock therapy was such an improvement, despite H EALTH in the United States convened a Consen-
the fact that the initial theory to explain its benefi- sus Development Conference on Electroconvulsive
cial effects was unsound. Therapy and issued a summary statement on the
Electric shocks that were too weak to produce body of scientific evidence about ECT. The panel of
convulsions were used almost 200 years before Cer- experts concluded that “The evidence for the effi-
letti to treat illness, but it was only around 1804 that cacy of ECT in schizophrenia is not compelling but
a use for psychosis is recorded. A machine that pro- is strongest for those schizophrenic patients with a
duced electric shocks from weak electric currents shorter duration of illness, a more acute onset, and
was set up in the Middlesex Hospital in England more intense affective symptoms. ECT has not been
in 1767 to treat various ailments, and shocks were useful in chronically ill schizophrenic patients.”
applied to various parts of the body. At about this When is ECT indicated? The expert panel found
time American inventor and statesman Benjamin that “The efficacy of ECT has been established most
Franklin suffered unconsciousness and retrograde convincingly in the treatment of delusional and
amnesia after a severe electric shock during one of severe endogenous depressions, which make up a
his electricity experiments, and he apparently sug- clinically important minority of depressive disor-
gested its use for the treatment of the insane. In the ders.” However, the panel warns that there are “sig-
1790s British surgeon John BIRCH used his machine nificant side effects, especially acute confusional
to “pass shocks through the brain” of depressed states and persistent memory deficits for events
patients at London’s Saint Thomas Hospital; this during the months surrounding ECT treatment.”
may be the first recorded use of electric shocks Due in no small part to the supportive studies
applied directly to the brain to treat a mental dis- of Max Fink (1923– ) and others, in the early
order. In 1838 ESQUIROL reviewed the reports of the 21st century some researchers and clinicians are
use of electricity in the treatment of mental illness, advocating a role for ECT in treatment-resistant
including his own experiments with its use: schizophrenia.

Gmelin and Perfect affirm, that they have effected Arndt, R. “Electricity.” In A Dictionary of Psychological
cures by electricity. At the Salpêtrière, during two Medicine. Vol. 1, edited by D. H. Tuke. London: J. & A.
summers, those of 1823 and 1824, I submitted to Churchill, 1892.
148 EMD

Esquirol, J. E. D. Mental Maladies, A Treatise on Insanity, History of the rise of endocrinology Through-
trans. E. K. Hunt. 1838. Reprint, Philadelphia: Lea and out the latter half of the 19th century, physiologists
Blanchard, 1845. sought to understand the mechanisms of metabo-
Harms, E. “Origins and Early History of Electrotherapy lism. For most of that time, physiological changes in
and Electroshock,” American Journal of Psychiatry 12 the body were explained by theories of nervous reg-
(1955): 933. ulation. Between 1890 and 1905—the year Ernest
Impastato, D. J. “The Story of the First Electroshock Starling first proposed the modern concept of “hor-
Treatment,” American Journal of Psychiatry 116 (1960): mone”—metabolism was increasingly explained
1,113–1,114. by theories of chemical regulation through secret-
National Institutes of Health, Electroconvulsive Therapy, ing organs such as glands. Endocrinology emerged
Consensus Development Conference Statement, 1985, from physiology in a recognizable form in the years
vol. 5, no. 11. Bethesda, Md.: U.S. Dept. of Health and following British physiologist Edward Schaefer’s
Human Services, National Institutes of Health, Office address “On Internal Secretions” to the British Medi-
of Medical Applications of Research. cal Association in Physiology in London on August
Salzman, C. “The Use of ECT in the Treatment of Schizo- 2, 1895. Internal secretions was a term introduced by
phrenia,” American Journal of Psychiatry 137 (1980): physiologist Claude Bernard in 1855 but reframed
1,032–1,041. by Schaefer in terms of clinical medicine. Metabolic
diseases as a separate category of illness were caused
by the overproduction or underproduction of inter-
EMD An acronym for “eye movement dysfunc- nal secretions in the glands with ducts (liver, pan-
tion,” perhaps one of the most promising candi- creas, and kidneys), those without ducts (thyroid,
dates for a BIOLOGICAL MARKER for schizophrenia. adrenals, pituitary), and the sex glands (gonads). As
See also EYE MOVEMENT ABNORMALITIES IN Schaefer proposed in his famous lecture, secreting
SCHIZOPHRENIA. organs, both with and without ducts, return secreted
materials to the blood. The ductless glands, however,
produce only internal secretions. Blood (and later
endocrine alterations in schizophrenia The hu- the cerebral spinal fluid) thus became the medium
man body is viewed in Western medicine as being through which to detect and measure internal secre-
composed of several major “systems.” In the 20th tions, or later in the 20th century, hormones and NEU-
century, these systems, which were conceptualized ROTRANSMITTERS (originally called neurohormones).
and studied as if they operated in isolation from one Dementia praecox as an endocrine disorder
another, became increasingly integrated. Recent (1896) This emerging new endocrinological par-
medical research has focused on how the nervous adigm was immediately seized upon by the first
system, the immune system, and the endocrine sys- biological psychiatrists. If an overproduction or
tem communicate with one another in both disease underproduction of internal secretions could pro-
and health. The endocrine system is composed of duce physical diseases such as diabetes, why not
the subcortical structure known as the hypothala- also insanity? Since it was clear that the brain was
mus, its connection to the pituitary gland (the “mas- the organ underlying mental diseases, perhaps the
ter gland” in the brain that “controls” the activity true ETIOLOGY of the insanities originated elsewhere
of the system of other glands throughout the body), in the body, places where substances toxic to the
and the various hormones produced by the glands, brain (internal secretions, ptomaines, bacteria, and
which have a stimulating effect on both the nervous so on) were produced and then transmitted to the
system and the immune system as well as other central nervous system via the blood. This AUTOIN-
aspects of growth and metabolism. The scientific dis- TOXICATION theory of mental disorders first became
cipline devoted to the study of metabolic processes is prominent in France in 1893 and influenced a
called endocrinology. A related field, neuroendocri- generation of alienists, neurologists, and psychi-
nology, focuses specifically on the interdependence atric researchers. And indeed the most prominent
of the endocrine and nervous systems. among them was Emil KRAEPELIN.
endocrine alterations in schizophrenia 149

Edward Shorter, in his 1997 volume, A History of covery by Otto Loewi (1873–1961) of a substance
Psychiatry: From the Era of the Asylum to the Age of Pro- in the brain later identified as acetylcholine, neu-
zac, emphasized the irony that Kraepelin, the icon rotransmitters were referred to as neurohormones
of the first biological psychiatry, was instrumental or neurohumors. Indeed, the term neurotransmitter
in putting an end to it because he was “agnostic did not come into use until the 1960s. Neurotrans-
about cause” and had “declared [brain] anatomy mitter theories of the pathophysiology of schizo-
to be unimportant.” This is only partially correct. phrenia (not the etiology—an important distinction
Although Shorter correctly reports that Kraepelin to remember) involving the measurement of sero-
introduced DEMENTIA PRAECOX in 1896 as a “met- tonin, DOPAMINE, glutamate, and so on, in the blood
abolic disorder,” the close connection between or cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) evolved directly from
metabolic disorders and autointoxication theory in the metabolic paradigm in studies of the blood of
Kraepelin’s medical cognition was not explored by the insane.
Shorter. Kraepelin is perhaps better characterized The “modern” era of endocrinology Modern
as having been “tentative about cause” rather than endocrinological research into the biological sub-
agnostic. From the fifth edition of Psychiatrie in strates of dementia praecox/schizophrenia began in
1896 until the eighth edition in 1913, autointoxi- the 1920s, increased in number from the 1960s to
cation (Selbstvergiftung) arising from a metabolic the 1980s, and has declined markedly in the past
disturbance, probably in the sex glands—and not 20 years. The early literature was reviewed in the
heredity—was Kraepelin’s prime candidate for the works of one of its major proponents, Nolan D.
cause of dementia praecox. C. Lewis (1889–1959), who believed the thyroid,
The search for “internal secretions” in dementia adrenals, and gonads were implicated in dementia
praecox (schizophrenia) The early experimen- praecox. In the 21st century, publications of basic
tal literature on the search for traces of internal research on the endocrinology of schizophrenia
secretions in the BLOOD OF THE INSANE reflects the have slowed to a trickle. Most of the research into
confusion in the emerging field of endocrinology the endocrine disorder hypothesis of schizophrenia
regarding the nature of hormones and their simi- has yielded little of value. There is no consistent or
larities to enzymes, general metabolites, drugs, conclusive evidence for the role of the endocrine
toxins, antitoxins, and vitamins. These studies system in the cause (etiology) or pathophysiology
are too numerous, perplexing, and contradictory (disease process) of schizophrenia.
to summarize here. Perhaps the most extensive The introduction of ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS in
early review of this literature was conducted by 1952 has made endocrine research in schizophre-
the Russian psychiatric researcher Aleksandr Iva- nia more difficult. Endocrine abnormalities found
novich Iushchenko (1869–1936) in a series of lec- in schizophrenia research may be due to the effects
tures delivered in 1911 and then translated into of antipsychotic medications. Recently, however,
German and published in 1914. He hypothesized a few studies have once again examined the role
that dementia praecox was caused by glandular of the sex glands and sex hormones in schizo-
dysfunctions, especially disease processes in the phrenia—a return to the initial 1896 hypothesis
parathyroid. In 1920 Bayard Taylor HOLMES, a of the cause of dementia praecox put forth by Emil
major proponent of the autointoxication theory of K RAEPELIN. The best evidence for an endocrine link
dementia praecox, published a massive bibliogra- to schizophrenia involves the anterior pituitary
phy of works relating to the “toxaemia of dementia gland. The anterior pituitary contains gland cells
praecox” that remains the best source of informa- that respond to releasing or inhibiting factors from
tion on early 20th century endocrine studies in the hypothalamus, which eventually may be found
dementia praecox (SCHIZOPHRENIA). to be the source of the myriad confusing findings
From hormones to neurohormones Endocri- of endocrine dysfunction in schizophrenia.
nological research provided a direct and important See also DOPAMINE HYPOTHESIS ; IMMUNE SYSTEM
analogical bridge that led to the discovery of neu- ALTERATIONS IN SCHIZOPHRENIA ; METABOLIC DISOR-
rotransmitters in the brain. Following the 1921 dis- DER HYPOTHESIS.
150 endogenous psychosis

Holmes, B. T. “A Guide to the Documents in Evidence of the close relatives of the person with the disorder
the Toxaemia of Dementia Praecox,” Dementia Praecox (known as the INDEX CASE or the PROBAND), but the
Studies 3 (1920): 23–107. symptoms of the mental illness itself may be fully
Justschenko, A. I. Das Wesen der Geisteskrankheiten und evident only in the person in question.
deren biologische-chemische Untersuchungen. Dresden and See also CANDIDATE GENES ; CONCORDANCE RATE ;
Leipzig, Verlag von Theodor Steinkopf, 1914. GENETICS STUDIES ; INCOMPLETE PENETRANCE.
Kraepelin, E. Psychiatrie. Ein Lehrbuch für Studierende und
Aerzte.Fuenfte, vollstaendig umgearbeitete Auflage. Leipzig:
Verlag von Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1896. England Studies of the prevalence rates for
Lewis, N. D. C. Constitutional Factors in Dementia Praecox, schizophrenia in England have found substan-
with Particular Attention to Circulatory System and Some of tial differences in different parts of the country,
the Endocrine Glands. New York: Nervous and Mental thus producing a mixed picture. Some researchers
Disease Publishing Co., 1923. have suggested that if the diagnostic criteria dif-
———. Research in Dementia Praecox. New York: National ferences between England and the United States
Committee For Mental Health, 1936. were resolved, England would have a higher prev-
Lieberman, J. A., and A. R. Koreen. “Neurochemistry and alence rate than the United States. A 1965 study of
Neuroendocrinology of Schizophrenia: A Selective a working-class area by South London’s Maudsley
Review,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 19 (1993): 371–429. Institute found a prevalence rate of 3.4 per 1,000.
Schaefer, E. “Address in Physiology: On Internal Secre- One clear fact is that in England, schizophrenia
tions,” Lancet 2 (1895): 321–324. occurs much more often in the lower socioeco-
Shorter, E. A History of Psychiatry, From the Era of the Asylum nomic groups. Scotland has a higher rate of schizo-
to the Age of Prozac. New York: John Wiley and Sons, phrenia than England.
1997. Studies done on immigrants to the United
Stevens, J. R. “Schizophrenia: Reproductive Hormones Kingdom who suffer from their first episode of
and the Brain,” American Journal of Psychiatry 159 schizophrenia show that Asian immigrants tend
(2002): 713–719. to have a considerably lower relapse and readmis-
Welbourn, R. B. “Endocrine Diseases.” In Companion sion rate than white British-born citizens, whereas
Encyclopedia of the History of Medicine, Volume I, edited by Afro-Caribbean immigrants have higher rates. The
Bynum, W. F. and R. Porter. London and New York: differences are thought to be due to the degree to
Routledge, 1993. which the immigrant group retains its traditional
cultural values and group cohesion after moving
to a new country. In Asians these qualities were
endogenous psychosis See PSYCHOSIS. maintained, whereas in Afro-Caribbeans in Brit-
ain these qualities were not maintained.

endophenotype In genetics research, an endo- Birchwood, M., et al. “The Influence of Ethnicity and
phenotype is perhaps best thought of as a BIOLOGI- Family Structure on Relapse in First-Episode Schizo-
CAL MARKER of a particular MENTAL DISORDER. It phrenia. A Comparison of Asian, Afro-Caribbean
is a biological abnormality that is a much more and White Patients,” British Journal of Psychiatry 161
direct result of the hypothesized genetic defect (1992): 783–790.
than the actual symptoms and behaviors of the Torrey, E. F. Schizophrenia and Civilization. New York: Jason
disorder itself. For example, such an abnormal- Aronson, 1980.
ity could be sought as a marker that indicates a
person is genetically vulnerable to developing the
disorder. It would then be said that the endophe- environmental causes of schizophrenia The envi-
notype demonstrates greater penetrance (i.e., it ronmental causes of schizophrenia are unknown.
occurs with greater frequency) than the mental Over the years, epidemiological studies have
illness itself. The endophenotype may be found in pointed to numerous possibilities: infections (such
epidemiology 151

as viruses), the weather, the seasons, pregnancy larly schizophrenics. Much of the interest in this
complications, emotional traumas such as early work was stimulated by a series of studies con-
parental loss, unhealthy expressed emotion styles ducted by researchers Murphy and Wyatt and pub-
in families, toxins, and a whole host of others. After lished in 1972. It was thought that this decrease
a century of research, no one is certain of an envi- in MAO activity may be a genetic marker of vul-
ronmental cause for schizophrenia. What is sure nerability to a range of mental disorders, not just
is that there is a genetic component to the origins schizophrenia.
and development of psychotic disorders such as Third, some reports indicated a decrease in the
schizophrenia, and that genetics do interact with activity of the enzyme dopamine-beta-hydroxy-
(unknown) environmental factors. lase (“DBH”) in the blood and the cerebrospinal
See also RISK FACTORS ; SEASONALITY OF BIRTH. fluid (“CSF”) of schizophrenics. The first published
finding of this DBH abnormality was by scientists
Wise and Stein in 1973.
enzyme In biochemistry, an enzyme is a pro- Fourth, many other enzymes (such as choline
tein, secreted by cells, that acts as a catalyst to acetyltransferase and glutamic acid decarboxyl-
induce chemical changes in other substances, itself ase), other NEUROTRANSMITTERS than DOPAMINE
remaining largely unchanged by the process. For (such as GABA, norepinepherine and serotonin),
this reason enzymes are also called “biocatalysts,” and peptides (such as the endorphins) have also
“biocatalyzers,” and “organic catalysts.” Most mod- been investigated as possible causal factors in the
ern enzymes, as they are discovered, are named development of SCHIZOPHRENIA.
by adding the suffix “-ase” to the name of the sub- The research in this area is often incomprehen-
stance on which the enzyme acts or activates, and/ sible to those not educated in the language of bio-
or the type of reaction it causes. chemistry, but a 1987 review by Meltzer published
in Schizophrenia Bulletin provided one of the more
accessible sources of information in this important
enzyme disorder hypothesis One of the BIO- area of schizophrenia research.
disease is caused by abnormal enzyme activity. In TRANSMETHYLATION HYPOTHESIS.
fact, between 1957 and 1979 one of the most active
areas in schizophrenia research was the search for Berger, P. A. “Biochemistry and the Schizophrenias: Old
metabolic (i.e., biochemical, neurochemical, neu- Concepts and New Hypotheses,” Journal of Nervous and
roendocrinologic) changes in certain substances Mental Disease 169 (1981): 90–99.
(neuroenzymes, neurohormones, neuropeptides Birkhauser, V. H. “Cholinesterase und monoaminoxydase
and their metabolites) in the neurophysiology of in zentralen nervensystem,” Schweitzer. Med. Woch. 71
people diagnosed with schizophrenia. (1941): 750–752.
Several diverse areas of research have yielded Meltzer, H. Y. “Creatin Kinase and Aldolase in Serum:
biological markers of uncertain significance. First, Abnormality Common to Acute Psychoses,” Science
there was suggestive evidence for elevations in 159 (1968): 1370.
the activity of the enzyme creatine kinase (CK) ———. “Biological Studies in Schizophrenia,” Schizophre-
during acute psychotic phases of schizophrenia nia Bulletin 13 (1987): 77–114.
and affective disorders. This was first reported Wise, C. D., and L. Stein. “Dopamine-beta-hydroxylase
by H. Y. Meltzer in 1968, and later work by him Deficits in the Brains of Schizophrenic Patients,” Sci-
indicated that serum CK activity was genetically ence 181 (1973): 344–347.
Second, many studies since 1941 (by Birk-
hauser) have indicated decreased levels of the epidemiology Epidemiology is an area of study
enzyme monoamine oxidase, or “MAO,” in the that combines the methods of many different dis-
blood platelets of psychiatric patients, particu- ciplines (demographic, sociological, psychological,
152 epidemiology

and medical) to study diseases. Of particular inter- States. Rates also appear to be higher in the
est is the incidence and prevalence of a disease in a Soviet Union and Eastern European countries,
population, the demographic factors involved (e.g., but may be very low in Southern European
race, sex, area inhabited), the natural history of countries, especially in Italy.
the disease (e.g., age of onset, subtypes), and how 5. The two areas of the world with perhaps the
the disease affects the environment. Most medical highest prevalence rates for schizophrenia (and
phenomena have been studied in this way, includ- for manic-depressive psychosis) are Croatia, in
ing the epidemiology of mental disorders. Yugoslavia and—in particular—Western Ire-
Incidence and prevalence rates for a disease are land. In fact, the likelihood that a person will be
the two most commonly encountered epidemiolog- hospitalized for schizophrenia in certain coun-
ical statistics in research reports. Incidence refers ties in Ireland is higher than 1 in 25 (4 percent),
to how frequently a particular disease occurs in a the highest of any area in the world. The coun-
given population, whereas prevalence refers to the ties most affected are Mayo, Sligo, Roscommon,
total number of cases of a particular disorder in a Galway, Clare, Kerry, Cork, and Waterford. Irish
population in a given time period. Both incidence immigrants to the United States and Canada
and prevalence rates can vary from study to study, have also traditionally had high rates of psychi-
depending upon the demographic characteristics of atric hospitalization.
the area. Studies of the prevalence of SCHIZOPHRE- 6. The prevalence rate for schizophrenia in Japan
NIA have reported lifetime prevalence rates averag- is about 2.3 per 1,000.
ing 1 percent in the general population. For bipolar 7. Schizophrenics may have a typical “season
disorder (manic-depressive psychosis), prevalence of birth,” since, according to Torrey, studies
rates have ranged from .4 percent to 1.2 percent indicate that—for unknown reasons—schizo-
of the adult population of the United States. Some phrenics are disproportionately born in the late
research (summarized by L. F. Saugstad in 1989) winter and early spring months in the Northern
indicates a marked increase of manic-depressive Hemisphere.
psychosis over the previous 30 years in several 8. There is evidence that there are cultural differ-
countries (mainly Scandinavia). ences in the response to antipsychotic medica-
Perhaps the most readable source of information tion. Europeans have been found to require
on the epidemiology of schizophrenia is psychia- lower doses of certain drugs than American
trist E. Fuller Torrey’s book, Schizophrenia and Civi- patients.
lization (1980). Chapter by chapter he reviews the
epidemiological evidence collected on schizophre- Since viruses follow seasonal patterns and have
nia. Torrey reaches the following conclusions: been studied with epidemiological approaches, it
has been suggested that some of this data point
1. Schizophrenia appears to be a disease of civiliza- to the role of viruses in the case of schizophre-
tion, since it appears to be found in more urban nia. However, a 1985 comprehensive review of
and technologically advanced areas of the world the epidemiological evidence on schizophrenia by
than in so-called “Third World” countries. William W. Eaton of the Center for Epidemiologi-
2. In the United States, prevalence rates for schizo- cal Studies at the NATIONAL I NSTITUTE OF M ENTAL
phrenia have ranged from 1.1 to 4.7 persons per H EALTH concluded that genetics is the most impor-
1,000. tant factor worldwide in the development of this
3. Chinese-Americans and Mexican-Americans disorder. Current interpretations of the vast lit-
appear to have low schizophrenia rates. Schizo- erature on the epidemiology of schizophrenia by
phrenia is more common among the lower socio- Assen Jablensky (1997 and 2003) confirm Torrey’s
economic groups, among blacks, and among summary and support Eaton’s conclusion about
urban dwellers. the importance of genetics.
4. Scandinavian prevalence rates for schizophre- See also CROSS-CULTURAL STUDIES; GENETICS STUD-
nia are two to three times that of the United IES; RISK FACTORS; VIRAL THEORIES OF SCHIZOPHRENIA.
erotomania 153

Eaton, W. W. “Epidemiology of Schizophrenia,” Epidemio- tal illness in the 18th and early 19th centuries.
logical Review 7 (1985): 105–126. ESQUIROL in 1838 mentions its successful use in the
Jablensky, A. “The Epidemiological Horizon.” In Schizo- treatment of a young man.
phrenia, edited by S. R. Hirsch and D. R. Weinberger.
London: Blackwell Science, 2003.
———. “The 100-Year Epidemiology of Schizophrenia,” equinoxes Certain times of the year were thought
Schizophrenia Research 28 (1997): 111–125. to cause madness or exacerbate its symptoms more
Rawnsley, K. Epidemiology of Affective Psychoses. London: than at other times. For example, the mentally
Cambridge University Press, 1982. ill were called “lunatics” because of the mistaken
Saugstad, L. F. “Social Class, Marriage, and Fertility in belief that the phases of the moon, particularly the
Schizophrenia,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 15 (1989): 11–43. full moon, had a role in causing madness. The ver-
Torrey, E. F. “Geographical Distribution of Insanity in nal and autumnal equinoxes, were singled out by
America: Evidence for an Urban Factor,” Schizophrenia many authorities in centuries past as critical peri-
Bulletin 16 (1990): 591–604. ods for the development of “madness.” ESQUIROL
———. Schizophrenia and Civilization. New York: Jason notes in 1838 that “a house for the insane is most
Aronson, 1980. disturbed, and requires more careful supervision,
at the period of the equinoxes.” Philippe P INEL ,
however, differed, writing in 1801 that the critical
epilepsy and schizophrenia There has been period of “maniacal paroxysms” “generally being
a long controversy as to whether epilepsy and immediately after the summer solstice, are con-
schizophrenia are related in any way. For exam- tinued with more or less violence during the heat
ple, the CONVULSIVE THERAPIES were invented by of summer, and commonly terminate towards the
von M EDUNA in the 1930s and were based on a sci- decline of autumn.”
entifically unsupported theory that epilepsy and
schizophrenia are biologically incompatible; it was Esquirol, J. E. D. Mental Maladies, A Treatise on Insanity.
thought that inducing a seizure in schizophrenics Translated by E. K. Hunt. 1838. Reprint, Philadelphia:
might “cure” them. Many studies both pro and con Lea and Blanchard, 1845.
have explored this relationship. One finding that Pinel, P. A Treatise on Insanity. 1801. Reprint, Sheffield: W.
seems to be reliable is that the symptoms of one Todd, 1806.
type of seizure disorder, temporal lobe epilepsy,
very often resemble schizophrenia in presenta-
tion. In fact, evidence presented by K. Davison in erotic jealousy syndrome See OTHELLO SYNDROME.
1983 suggests that as much as 17 percent of peo-
ple suffering from temporal lobe epilepsy display
some symptoms of schizophrenia. In particular, erotomania “Love is a madness” (furor amo-
temporal lobe epileptics have been known to have ris) the Roman orator and statesman Cicero once
symptoms that resemble PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIA , wrote, and indeed there are very few human expe-
including grandiose, mystical, and religious DELU- riences that can generate more DELUSIONS than our
SIONS and HALLUCINATIONS. erotic passions can. Forms of “love-madness” have
been called erotomania at least since the 17th cen-
Davison, K. “Schizophrenia-like Psychoses Associated tury. The word first appears in English in 1640 in
with Organic Cerebral Disorders: A Review,” Psychiat- a book by Jacques Ferrand, which was originally
ric Developments 1 (1983): 1–34. published in French in 1623, entitled Erotomania
or a Cure of Love or Erotique Melancholy. For the next
several centuries different authors defined eroto-
epistaxis From the Greek, meaning a “nose- mania in different ways, often confusing what we
bleed.” Profuse bleeding from the nose was one of now know as nymphomania for this essentially
the variations of BLEEDING as a treatment for men- delusional phenomenon.
154 erotomania, paranoid type

Erotomania is often referred to as C LÉRAM- Enoch, M. D., and W. H. Trethowan. “De Clérambault’s
BAULT ’S SYNDROME after French psychiatrist Gaé- Syndrome.” In Uncommon Psychiatric Syndromes. 2nd
tan Gatian de Clérambault (1872–1934). In an ed., edited by Enoch and Trethowan. Bristol, England:
article published in December 1920, Clérambault John Wright & Sons, 1979.
described erotomania as a type of “passional psy- Segal, J. H. “Erotomania Revisited! From Kraepelin to
chosis” (les delires passionels), his term for a cat- DSM-III-R,” American Journal of Psychiatry 146 (1989):
egory of delusional states in which a paranoid 1,261–1,266.
delusion is accompanied with passionate feeling.
Clérambault, as head of the psychiatric emer-
gency service of the Paris Prefectures of Police, erotomania, paranoid type See PARANOIA EROTICA.
was interested in how such delusional states led
persons to commit crimes. Clérambault identified
very specific characteristics of this delusional syn- erotomania proper The name given in 1882 by J.
drome: “A conviction of being in amorous com- C. Bucknill and D. H. Tuke to what was later called
munication with a person of much higher rank, pure erotomania. Following a distinction made in
who has been the first to fall in love and the first 1838 by ESQUIROL, Bucknill and Tuke distinguished
to make advances.” Clérambault thought that the delusional syndrome of erotomania from those
women in particular were susceptible to this delu- syndromes in which the sexual passions were actu-
sion, and he published supporting case histories ally acted out, such as nymphomania. They write:
of women who had developed delusional beliefs
that particularly desirable men (who, in reality, Erotomania, in its extended signification, not infre-
may never have met the women or had any con- quently follows upon religious melancholy. . . . It is
tact with them) had fallen in love with them. This not uncommon in the old, and . . . in persons who
picture of erotomania was termed pure erotomania have been patterns of chastity during life. . . . It is
by Clérambault to distinguish it from the descrip- more frequent among women than in men, and . . .
tions of other psychiatric authorities, who tended among the unmarried and widows than the mar-
to define it as a form of PARANOIA. ried. . . . It may attack any age; but the sentimental
As a type of delusional syndrome, erotoma- form—erotomania proper—more especially affects
nia generally does not appear alone and is usually the young, and those of an ardent, susceptible tem-
an aspect of a serious psychotic disorder, such as perament. . . . Erotomania is often complicated with
SCHIZOPHRENIA or BIPOLAR DISORDER. A tragic mod- hysteria, and sometimes with hypochondriasis.
ern example of this is would be presidential assas-
sin John Hinckley Jr.’s erotomanic fascination with Bucknill, J. C., and D. H. Tuke. A Manual of Psychological
the actress Jodie Foster, which led him to attempt to Medicine. 2nd ed. London: J. & A. Churchill, 1882.
assassinate President Ronald Reagan in 1981, in order
to forever link their names together in history.
In French psychiatry (which has always re- erotomanic type One of the variants of DELU-
sisted outside diagnostic systems), erotomania SIONAL DISORDER as defined in DSM-IV-TR (2000).
holds a special place as a separate delusional It corresponds to EROTOMANIA as defined by de
disorder. In DSM-IV-TR (2000) it is a subtype of Clérambault.
DELUSIONAL DISORDER . In ICD -10 (1992) it is simi-
larly considered a subtype of PERSISTENT DELU-
SIONAL DISORDERS. Erotomanic delusions have ERP The acronym for “event-related potentials.”
been known to be present in persons suffering See also EEG STUDIES OF SCHIZOPHRENIA.
from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major
DEPRESSION, but these other disorders are the pri-
mary diagnosis, and the erotomanic delusions Esquirol, Jean-Étienne-Dominique (1772–1840) A
are secondary. student of Philippe P INEL’s at the SALPÊTRIÈRE in
etherization 155

Paris and the author of the 1838 book Des Mala- named inspector general of the faculty of medicine
dies Mentales, a classic textbook in the field of PSY- at the Salpêtrière; he left in 1825 to become the
CHIATRY, or médecine mentale as it was then called. A superintendent of the Maison de Charenton, one
recent study of the 19th-century French psychiatric of France’s oldest mental hospitals. The Maison
profession by Goldstein concludes that until well de Charenton was the place where the Marquis
past the middle of the century, approximately 95 de Sade was held for many years until his death.
percent of all French aliénistes had studied in Paris Esquirol spent 15 years working on his famous
with either Pinel or Esquirol. Esquirol received his textbook, which was instantly recognized as a clas-
doctorate in 1805 with the completion of his the- sic and translated into Italian, English, and Ger-
sis, entitled “Passions Considered as Causes, Symp- man soon after publication. Esquirol is particularly
toms, and Therapeutic Means of Mental Diseases.” remembered for providing the first clear descrip-
He won the position of an attending physician at tion of HALLUCINATIONS and, especially, how they
the Salpêtrière in 1811, and in that year instituted differ from illusions.
the very first official training courses on mental dis-
eases for medical students and other physicians. A Esquirol, J. E. D. Des Maladies Mentales. 2 vols. Paris: J. B.
select group of young physicians who had trained Baillière, 1838.
under Esquirol and had become his disciples formed Goldstein, J. Console and Classify: The French Psychiatric Pro-
the “Esquirol Circle,” an informal intellectual soci- fession in the Nineteenth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge
ety that met for Sunday luncheons, which were University Press, 1987.
presided over by Esquirol himself. Many of these Mora, G. “On the Bicentenary of the Birth of Esquirol
“Circle” members became famous in their own right (1772–1840), the First Complete Psychiatrist,” Ameri-
as their careers developed during the 19th century, can Journal of Psychiatry 129 (1972): 562–566.
J.-J. Moreau de Tours, and Jules BAILLARGER.
The search for BIOLOGICAL MARKERS of men- etherization After the anesthetic properties of
tal disorders has always existed in one form or ether were discovered in 1846, it was highly rec-
another, and in Esquirol’s day PHYSIOGNOMY was ommended for use in American asylums, from
considered an important diagnostic tool. According about 1849 to 1860, for acute excitements and for
to an entry for March 22, 1818, in the diary of Sir agitated depression. In France it was especially
Alexander Morison, which described his visit to the given to those patients suffering from mental
Salpêtrière, Esquirol showed Morison his large per- DEGENERATION, most likely those suffering from
sonal collection of plaster casts of the faces of insane the general paralysis of the insane and dementia
persons. The search for physiological markers of praecox. However, this form of somatic treatment
insanity also led Esquirol to become involved in the for mental illness fell into decline in the remaining
autopsies of deceased patients, referred to at that decades of the 19th century.
time as “openings (ouvertures) of corpses.” Follow- The discovery of ether’s effects also eclipsed the
ing the lead of his mentor Philippe P INEL, who also use of hypnosis as anesthesia during surgery. Brit-
conducted recherches cadavériques between 1802 and ish “civil-surgeon” James Esdaille had perfected the
1804, Esquirol believed that visceral lessions were use of hypnosis anesthesia to perform thousands of
more likely to cause insanity than brain abnormali- minor operations and about 300 major ones (includ-
ties, particularly in melancholics in which, he pur- ing 19 amputations) between 1846 and 1848, in the
ported, the transverse colon was displaced. experimental “Mesmeric Hospital” that he had been
Esquirol traveled widely in his life and inspected granted permission to establish in Calcutta, India,
many institutions for the insane throughout by the governor of Bengal. Although the medical
Europe. His review of the inhumane conditions discipline of anesthesiology evolved from the early
in French institutions moved him enough to write surgical use of ether, the use of hypnosis anesthe-
a strong report of his experiences to the French sia during surgery did not come into any significant
minister of the interior in 1818. In 1823 he was use again until the 20th century.
156 ethnicity and schizophrenia

Bramwell, J. M. Hypnotism: Its History, Practice and Theory. frequently used. Besides their evident indication
London: Alexander Morning, 1906. in constipation—which is common in these dis-
Diethelm, O. “Somatic Treatment in Psychiatry,” American eases–, and very often better obviated by dietetic
Journal of Psychiatry 95 (1938): 1,165–1,179. means and mild clysters than by medicines—they
are also given with advantage in all recent cases
associated with cerebral congestion, and are the
ethnicity and schizophrenia See BLACKS, INCI- chief remedy in acute inflammatory states of the
Evacuants are no longer used as a treatment
for mental illness, although laxatives may be pre-
etiologic heterogeneity This is essentially a term scribed for a limited time to counteract the consti-
for expressing the idea that a single disease may pation that may be one of the side effects of some
have many different causes (etiologies). This idea, types of ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.
which is prominent in GENETICS STUDIES, is derived
from the growing body of evidence that several Griesinger, W. Mental Pathology and Therapeutics. 1861.
MENTAL DISORDER s—especially SCHIZOPHRENIA Reprint, New York: William Wood & Company, 1882.
and BIPOLAR DISORDER—are in reality a spectrum of
disorders, not just a single, homogeneous disease
entity. The subtypes of schizophrenia and bipo- exacerbations Those periods when the symp-
lar disorder, while somehow related, may develop toms of a disease flare up and become worse. They
from different causes. Etiologic heterogeneity may then may go into remission. Many of the psychotic
result from NONALLELIC GENETIC HETEROGENEITY, disorders are characterized by exacerbations and
PHENOCOPIES, or both. remissions. Such is also the case with most other
See also GENETIC TRANSMISSION. mental and physical diseases (such as multiple
sclerosis). These ACUTE episodes may accompany a
Tsuang, M. T., and Farone, S. V. “The Case for Hetero- more chronic course of an illness, such as the POSI-
genity in the Etiology of Schizophrenia,” Schizophrenia TIVE SYMPTOMS (delusions and hallucinations) of
Research 17 (1995): 161–175. schizophrenia, which may wax and wane over the
lifetime course of a disease.
etiology The cause or causes of a disease.

existential analysis See DASEINANALYSE.

evacuants Now called “laxatives,” these were sub-
stances that induced defecation in order to “purge”
(and therefore “purify”) the body. Evacuants and exogenous psychosis See PSYCHOSIS.
purgatives, especially emetics that caused vomiting,
were a popular form of treatment for the mentally
ill. The use of these substances continued in one exorcism Throughout history, many diseases—
form or another until the late 19th and early 20th and mental illnesses in particular—were thought
centuries. Wilhelm GRIESINGER, the noted German to be the result of “possession” by malevolent spirits
psychiatric authority, writes of the significance of or “demons.” Therefore, the remedy for this, exor-
evacuants for the treatment of mental illness in the cism, entailed the forceful removal of these entities
1861 second edition of his famous textbook: by magical means. This spirit possession theory of
disease and exorcism has been recorded in “primi-
Those medicines which act upon the digestive tive” societies worldwide and is mentioned in his-
canal are the oldest, and still those that are most torical works dating back as far as ancient Egypt.
expressed emotion 157

In the New Testament, particularly the Gospel report on EE appeared in 1962 and was the result
according to Mark (A.D. 64), one of the defining of the work in England of Brown and colleagues;
attributes of Jesus is his magical ability to cast out replications of this work that consistently support
“devils” from “demoniacs” and thereby cure them. the role of EE in relapse continued into the 1980s.
As a treatment, formal exorcisms by practitioners The consistent finding is that patients returning
of all sorts, clerical or otherwise, were carried out to families with low levels of EE have consistently
with regularity in Europe until the 17th century. lower relapse rates and had less of a need for anti-
See also CACODEMONOMANIA; POSSESSION SYNDROME. psychotic medication. The conclusion is that in peo-
ple with schizophrenia (at least in its earliest years
Kemp, S., and K. Williams. “Demonic Possession and of manifestation), there is a lower tolerance for
Mental Disorder in Medieval and Early Modern intense environmental stimuli, particularly critical
Europe,” Psychological Medicine 17 (1987): 21–29. or intensely emotional comments or interactions
Noll, R. Vampires, Werewolves and Demons: Twentieth Century involving family members. Thus, a family environ-
Reports in the Psychiatric Literature. New York: Brunner/ ment that is relatively supportive and emotionally
Malec, 1991. undemanding may help a person with schizophre-
Smith, M. Jesus the Magician. San Francisco: Harper & nia to reduce dependence on medication and help
Row, 1978. prevent relapse. Given this finding, other research
has been conducted that has had trained families
of schizophrenics with high levels of EE (high emo-
expressed emotion It has long been suspected tional overinvolvement of family members and high
that the behavior of the family has an influence numbers of critical comments) monitor their inter-
on the development of mental illness in afflicted actions and actually lower their levels of EE. Con-
family members. Proponents of most FAMILY INTER- trolled studies have shown that relapse rates can be
ACTION THEORIES propose that abnormal communi- significantly reduced for patients whose families can
cation patterns actually cause mental illness, and learn to lower their usually high levels of EE.
many theories have been put forth to describe Some research has examined other variables
the role of the family in the cause of schizophre- than EE as the source of important influences on
nia. However, the research in this area has been the course of a family member’s mental illness. For
difficult and so far inconclusive, and many of the example, an important study by the UCLA Fam-
older research tends to disregard entirely the role ily Project (reported by Goldstein in 1985) found
of biological factors in the causation of SCHIZOPHRE- that instead of EE, which is measured indirectly,
NIA. Instead, many researchers have turned their other factors, such as a directly measured index of
attention to the effect of the family on the course a family’s “affective style” or “AS” and a family’s
of an illness. These studies try to identify family “communication deviance” or “CD,” had more of
behavior patterns that influence—either positively an effect either independently or together in the
or negatively—the mental illness of a particular development of schizophrenia.
family member. The strength of this approach is More research clearly needs to be done in this
that it is not incompatible with the impressive body area. But what is important about these studies is
of research that points to significant biological fac- the knowledge that, to some extent, schizophre-
tors in the causation of mental illness (particularly nia can be managed by reducing or changing emo-
schizophrenia). tional interactions within the family.
One of the most significant findings is that the
“expressed emotion” or “EE” within a particular Brown, G. W., J. T. L. Birley, and J. K. Wing. “Influence of
family environment is a suggestive predictor of Family Life on the Course of Schizophrenic Disorders:
relapse in patients after their discharge from hospi- A Replication,” British Journal of Psychiatry 121 (1972):
tal care. EE was measured in families indirectly by 241–258.
analyzing interviews with family members (with- Goldstein, M. J. “Family Factors That Antedate the Onset
out the patient being present). The first published of Schizophrenia and Related Disorders: The Results
158 expressivity

of a Fifteen Year Prospective Longitudinal Study,” Acta detected in schizophrenics in 1908 by researchers
Psychiatrica Scandinavica 71, Suppl. 319 (1985): 7–18. Diefendorf and Dodge, and have been studied for
Hooley, J. M., and J. Hiller. “Expressed Emotion and their possible link to schizophrenia ever since. The
Pathogenesis of Relapse in Schizophrenia.” In Origins majority of these studies have involved “smooth
and Development of Schizophrenia: Advances in Experimen- pursuit eye movements” (SPEM), that is, those eye
tal Psychopathology, edited by M. F. Lenzenweger and movements made when following a moving object.
R. H. Dworkin, 447–468. Washington, D.C.: American With recent advances in technology, scientists have
Psychological Association, 1998. also found that eye movement dysfunctions are
detectable even while the eyes are focused on a sta-
tionary target.
expressivity In genetics, expressivity is the extent Overall, smooth pursuit eye movements have
to which a given phenotype, or observable trait, is
been found to be abnormal in about 50 percent to
manifest in an individual. It is the extent to which
85 percent of schizophrenics in most studies, with
a trait (an observable behavior or a physical charac-
the same dysfunctions found in about 8 percent of
teristic), known to be caused by the influence of a
the general population. Furthermore, 40 percent
particular gene or genes that predisposes an individ-
to 50 percent of first-degree relatives of schizo-
ual to that trait, can be observed in the individual.
phrenics also have smooth pursuit eye movement
abnormalities. The rate of abnormalities in persons
extrapyramidal symptoms/syndromes In the with bipolar disorder (30 percent to 50 percent) is
human body, the extrapyramidal system encom- thought to be inflated due to LITHIUM treatment,
passes those parts of the central nervous system that and the number of first-degree relatives of manic-
are responsible for the coordination and integration depressives that have these abnormalities is just 10
of body movements. Perhaps the most serious draw- percent to 13 percent—only slightly above the rate
back to the use of ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS in the treat- for the general population. Thus, smooth pursuit
ment of the psychotic disorders is their very serious eye movement abnormalities seem to be a geneti-
adverse effects on the extrapyramidal system. The cally transmitted dysfunction and are thus becom-
symptoms that these side effects produce can include ing more and more accepted as a solid biological
tremors, muscular rigidity, drooling, eyes rolling marker for schizophrenia. There is great hope that
upward toward the forehead, odd or jerky move- SPEM dysfunction is, indeed, such a marker, since
ments, blurred vision, dry mouth, odd motions of it could then be used as a predictor for identifying
the tongue and hands, and a shuffling gait. There which high-risk individuals are at true genetic risk
are four extrapyramidal syndromes: acute dystonic for one day developing schizophrenia.
DYSKINESIA. Of these, the first three syndromes can Diefendorf, A. R., and R. Dodge. “An Experimental Study
be alleviated with drugs such as BENADRYL or COGEN- of the Ocular Reactions of the Insane from Photo-
TIN, or through the reduction or cessation of anti- graphic Records,” Brain 31 (1908): 451–489.
psychotic medication. However, the fourth of these Erlenmeyer-Kimling, L. “Biological Markers for the
syndromes, tardive dyskinesia, is a chronic condi- Liability to Schizophrenia.” In Biological Perspectives of
tion that develops from the prolonged use of anti- Schizophrenia, edited by H. Helmchen and F. Hein. New
psychotic medication (usually many years, although York: Wiley, 1987.
sensitivity levels differ from person to person). Levy, D. L., P. S. Holzman, S. Matthysse, and N. R. Men-
dell. “Eye Tracking Dysfunction and Schizophrenia: A
Critical Perspective,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 19 (1994):
eye movement abnormalities in schizophrenia 461–536.
One of the clearest candidates for being a BIOLOGI-
CAL MARKER OF SCHIZOPHRENIA is certain eye move-
ment dysfunctions. These abnormalities were first eyes, subduing patients with See FIXING.
factor analytic models of schizophrenic symp- opening flood gates causes water to flow or cut-
toms See DIMENSIONS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA. ting the vagi causes the heart to beat more fre-
quently. Disease only causes the negative element
of the mental condition: the positive mental ele-
“Factors of Insanities, The” In 1894 John Hugh- ment, say a delusion, obviously an elaborate delu-
lings Jackson (1835–1911), a British neurologist sion however absurd it may be signifies activities
who is still considered one of the most important of the healthy nervous arrangements, signifies
in his field, published a paper on “The Factors evolution going on in what remains of the highest
of Insanities” in which he proposed some very cerebral centres.
important ideas that are still used today. In par-
ticular, Jackson defined the difference between Jackson’s observation that the “disease” or “dis-
POSITIVE SYMPTOMS and NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS and solution” of brain tissue is related to negative symp-
their relationship to the nervous system. In the toms influenced Crow’s “type II schizophrenia,” in
1980s, these concepts became especially impor- which negative symptoms, such as flat affect, pov-
tant in SCHIZOPHRENIA research with the work of erty of speech, blocking, are correlated with struc-
research psychiatrist Nancy Andreason (1938– ). tural abnormalities in the brain.
Jackson divided the presenting symptoms found See also BRAIN ABNORMALITIES IN SCHIZOPHRENIA.
in the psychotic disorders according to whether
they are the result of the “dissolution” of certain Jackson, J. H. “The Factors of Insanities.” In Selected Writ-
centers in the brain (the negative symptoms), ings. Vol. 2. 1894. Reprint, New York: Basic Books,
or whether they are caused by the remaining 1958.
“healthy nervous arrangements” left intact but
nonetheless affected in their functioning by the
destruction of neural tissue in other parts of the Falret, Jean-Pierre (1794–1870) A noted French
brain (the positive symptoms). The positive symp- aliéniste who was a member of the “Esquirol Cir-
toms, then, should disrupt the normally complex cle,” the group of influential physicians to the
integrative functions of the higher cortical func- insane females at the SALPÊTRIÈRE in Paris (males
tions (for example, thoughts and perceptions) were kept at another hospital, the BICÊTRE), who
and make them caricatures—less differentiated, met regularly for case seminars with their mentor,
less complex, and more automatic or involuntary J. E. D. ESQUIROL. Falret joined the medical staff
variations (such as delusions and hallucinations). at this hospital in 1815. After assuming charge of
Jackson wrote: the section for lunatics at the Salpêtrière in 1841,
Falret began a program of treatment based on the
We must not speak crudely of disease causing the belief that religion should play a role in psychiatric
symptoms of insanity. Popularly the expression treatment, a belief that sharply contrasted with his
may pass, but properly speaking disease of the mentors Pinel and Esquirol. He induced a cleric—a
highest centres no more causes positive mental certain Abbé Christophe—to come to the hospital
states, however abnormal they may seem, than and lead group religious activities that included

160 Falret, Jules Philippe Joseph

hours of praying, singing, and biblical recita- Falret, Jules-Philippe-Joseph (1824–1902) A French
tions. He believed that religious practice helped to aliéniste and the son of Jean-Pierre FALRET. He con-
bring about the cure of mental illness and to avoid tinued his father’s work in the understanding of the
relapses. In addition, as he told a journalist in the “circular insanity” and of the general paralysis of
1840s, religion played another role in the lives of the insane. However, he is perhaps best remembered
his female patients at the Salpêtrière because, “Not for his identification (along with Ernest Charles
being able to give them a lover to comfort the soli- Lasègue) in 1877 of a form of “communicated” or
tude of their hearts, I seek to give them God.” “shared” delusional disorder, which is still known as
Falret is best remembered for his 1854 descrip- FOLIE À DEUX.
tion of la folie circulaire, or the CIRCULAR INSANITY,
as it became known in English and which is now Lasègue, E., and J.-Ph.-J. Falret. “La folie à deux (ou
known as BIPOLAR DISORDER. However, his linkage folie communiquée),” Annales médico-psychologique 18
of phases of MELANCHOLIA and MANIA together into (1877): 321.
a separate disorder from either of these mental dis-
orders alone had been preceded only two weeks
earlier by fellow “Esquirol Circle” member Jules family care The placement of mentally ill people
BAILLARGER’s published description of la folie à dou- in households under the care of unrelated families.
ble forme. Thus, it is Baillarger who was given credit In Europe this tradition has persisted since at least
for what was later named by K RAEPELIN as MANIC- the 1300s in Gheel, Belgium, where a shrine to the
DEPRESSIVE insanity. Falret, however, claimed he patron saint of the mentally ill, Saint Dymphna,
had published a description of this disorder in 1851 attracted far too many of the afflicted seeking mir-
but did not use the term la folie circulaire in that acle cures for the local hospital to handle. Thus,
earlier paper. Falret stressed the role of heredity a tradition of boarding the mentally ill in private
in the transmission of this disorder, and he argued households began and is continued to this day on a
that the disorder was more commonly found in reduced scale under the sponsorship of the Belgian
women. government. Foster home care of the mentally
Falret’s other contributions include: in 1853, ill became more prevalent in Europe only in the
authoritative diagnostic indicators for the GENERAL 19th century. British psychiatrist Henry M AUDS-
PARALYSIS OF THE INSANE ; and in 1822 the first pub- LEY, who dominated the field in his country in the
lished study of suicide that used statistical data. latter third of the 1800s, strongly advocated the
He believed that suicide was the result of a combi- return of the most chronic patients to the care of
nation of predisposing and environmental causal their own families. In the United States, the very
factors. first such formal foster home program was appar-
ently instituted in Massachusetts in 1885.
Falret, J.-P. De l’hypochondrie et du suicide. Paris: 1822.
———. “Marche de la folie,” Gazette des Hôpitaux, January
14, 1851. family interaction theories Popular from the
———. “Mémoire sur la folie circulaire, forme de maladie 1950s to the 1970s, this group of theories asserts
mentale caractérisée par la reproduction successive et that severe mental illness (and in particular
régulière de l’état manaiaque, de l’état mélancolique, schizophrenia) is caused by abnormal family com-
et d’un intervalle lucide plus ou moins prolongé,” Bul- munication patterns. The assumption is that the
letin de l’Académie Impériale de Médecine 19 (February underlying pathological communication patterns
14, 1854): 382–400. of the family create the mental illness in a selected
———. Recherches sur la folie paralytique et les diverses paraly- person who is the “scapegoat” or the bearer of the
sies générales. Paris: 1853. “sick role” for the other members of the family,
Goldstein, J. Console and Classify: The French Psychiatric Pro- which acts together in an organized whole usually
fession in the Nineteenth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge called a “system.” Treating the mentally ill person
University Press, 1987. (“the identified patient”) is often depicted by pro-
family interaction theories 161

ponents of family interaction as a group “family develops in people from families that engage in
therapy” during which pathological communi- “double-bind” communications, i.e., commu-
cation patterns can be pointed out and changed, nications in which the content of the verbally
thus, theoretically, healing or curing the “identi- expressed message does not match, or is “incon-
fied patient.” When applied to SCHIZOPHRENIA , gruent,” with the underlying message expressed
most of these theories usually completely ignore in the tone of voice, gesture, facial expression, or
biological evidence for the cause of the psychosis. context of the message. For example, “I love you”
The family interaction theories were derived from may be said while the parent may have a facial
the interest of PSYCHOANALYSIS in family dynamics expression of total apathy, or perhaps during a
as the cause of schizophrenia. For example, psy- situation in which the parent is being particu-
choanalyst Frieda F ROMM-R EICHMANN first used larly cruel to the child. The double-bind theory
the term schizophrenogenic mother in 1948 to single was the basis of further elaborations of “family
out the mother as the primary cause of schizophre- systems theory” by Jay Haley, one of Bateson’s
nia in her children. This concept was later “veri- original colleagues, and a major influence in the
fied” in a study of 25 mothers of schizophrenics by development of “family therapy” as a treatment
Trude Tietze in 1949. Also in the 1940s, Leo Kanner modality. The essence of the rationale for using
wrote about the role of the “refrigerator mother” as family therapy as the treatment for schizophrenia
the cause of AUTISM in infancy and childhood. was expressed by Haley in a 1962 article when he
By the 1950s, more sophisticated family inter- notes, “It became apparent that it was not entirely
action theories were proposed that shifted from reasonable to have a child driven mad by his fam-
the focus on the single mother-child relationship ily, then hospitalize him and get him on his feet
to the study of the family as an interactive system and send him right back into his family to be
that works together as a whole. As early as 1949 driven mad again.”
Theodore Lidz and his colleagues at Yale Univer- Other family interaction theorists have invented
sity began to publish work on the study of commu- other terms for the types of family communica-
nication patterns in families with schizophrenic tions that seem to cause a schizophrenic break in
members. The family triad of father, mother, and one of the children. For example, in research span-
schizophrenic child was of particular interest, and ning more than a decade Wynne and various col-
two typical patterns of families were discerned, leagues have identified deviant styles of parental
schizmatic, and skewed. In the “skewed family,” communication that may lead to the development
an unempathetic and intrusive mother is the guilty of thought disorder in genetically susceptible chil-
party, and she paired with an ineffectual male dren. Communication deviance (CD) is thought to
who is passive and perhaps mentally ill or alcoholic comprise such characteristics as the lack of firm
himself. The lack of a strong male role model and commitment to ideas, unusual language patterns,
the over-intrusiveness of the mother tends to pro- and problems in bringing closure to ideas or in
duce schizophrenic sons in these families, accord- interactions with others. However, it cannot be as
ing to Lidz. In families characterized by a “marital yet determined whether the CD of the parents is
schism,” the entire family (rather than just the the expression of a latent genetic trait, such as defi-
mother) seems to be at war with one another, with cits in attention that have not fully developed into
the parents continually threatening separation schizophrenia (but which their child is experienc-
and undercutting one another. Lidz believed this ing as schizophrenia), or whether it is the parents’
sort of pattern was more characteristic of the lives response to daily communication with a psychotic
of female schizophrenic patients that he and his child. Several prospective studies of children at
colleagues studied. high risk for schizophrenia are currently underway
In 1956 Gregory BATESON and his colleagues at to determine whether family factors such as CD are
Stanford University (the “Palo Alto Group”) pro- present prior to the development of schizophrenia.
posed the theory of the double bind (see DOUBLE- In the 1988 edition of Surviving Schizophrenia,
BIND THEORY). The theory is that schizophrenia E. Fuller Torrey asserts that, “Family interaction
162 family studies

theories, like psychoanalytic theories, have by now ticular recommended farming as the best form of
been discarded and for many of the same reasons.” therapeutic physical exercise for the mentally ill,
He argues that research has been of poor quality or particularly depressed people. In 1838 he writes:
has not held up to replication by others, and that it
fails to distinguish between family communication Corporeal exercises, riding on horseback, the
patterns that cause schizophrenia versus those that game of tennis, fencing, swimming and traveling,
are caused by it. However, research in this area con- especially in melancholy, should be employed, in
tinues, since at present only a portion of the “cause” aid of other means of treatment. The culture of the
of schizophrenia can be attributed to genetics, sug- earth, with a certain class of the insane, may be
gesting that the environment—specifically, family advantageously substituted for all other exercises.
interaction patterns—may still play a significant We know the result to which a Scottish farmer
role in the development, or at least the severity of arrived, by the use of labor. He rendered himself
the course, of schizophrenia. celebrated by the cure of certain insane persons,
See also EXPRESSED EMOTION. whom he obliged to labor in his fields.

Bateson, G., et al. “Towards a Theory of Schizophrenia,” Esquirol, J. E. D. Mental Maladies. A Treatise on Insanity,
Behavioral Science 1 (1956): 251–264. trans. E. K. Hunt. Philadelphia: Lea and Blanchard,
Lidz, R., and T. Lidz. “The Family Environment of Schizo- 1845; first published, 1838.
phrenic Patients,” American Journal of Psychiatry 106
(1949): 332–345.
Lidz, T. The Origin and Treatment of Schizophrenic Disorders. Faxensyndrom Also known as the clown syn-
New York: Basic Books, 1973. drome, it is a form of reactive MENTAL DISORDER,
Tietze, T. “A Study of Mothers of Schizophrenic Patients,” found in prisoners, that simulates a true psycho-
Psychiatry 12 (1949): 55–65. sis. “Childish” or “silly” behavior predominates
Wynne, L. C., et al. “Schizophrenics and Their Families: in this syndrome as a dissociated reaction to the
Research on Parental Communication.” In Develop- confines of prison. It was first identified by Eugen
ments in Psychiatric Research, edited by J. M. Tanner. BLEULER, and it is related to the more commonly
London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1977. described GANSER’S SYNDROME, also known as
“prison psychosis.”

family studies (genetics) See CONSANGUINITY Bleuler, E. “Das Faxensyndrom,” Psychiatr.-Neurol. Wochen-
METHOD. schrift 12 (1910–11): S. 375.

family therapy See FAMILY INTERACTION THEORIES. Feighner research criteria In the 1970s, research-
ers in the field of SCHIZOPHRENIA began to develop
specific criteria for defining schizophrenia that
farming (as treatment) The physical exercise of would be universally acceptable and used in all
work has long been employed in the treatment future studies. For many decades, scientists had
of some mentally ill persons, and well into this been conducting research studies on “schizophren-
century many institutions continued the practice ics” without any commonly accepted definition of
of using patients to help farm or take care of the what a “schizophrenic” was. Furthermore, many
institutional grounds. However, due to the decline studies did not list their criteria for defining schizo-
of a farming-based society, most institutions now phrenia, and many studies reported using “schizo-
have pragmatic “occupational therapy” training phrenics” as a single generic group without regard
programs that are designed to help patients gain to important differences in the subtypes of schizo-
and maintain skills they will need upon discharge phrenia. Hence, most of the research prior to 1980
back to an urban community. ESQUIROL in par- is not cited in scientific journals today, because the
feigned insanity 163

patients that were used then might not match the to “Feigned Mania: The Method of Ascertaining
generally accepted definition of the schizophrenic It.” In this section he provides two illustrative case
subjects used in research today. The assumption is histories, one being a case of “feigned mania” in a
that the knowledge gained in those earlier studies political prisoner (whom Pinel humanely does not
may not be generalizable to the results of today. reveal to the authorities and thus spares the dissi-
The Feighner research criteria were developed dent a return to prison) and another exemplifying
at the Washington University School of Medicine genuine mental illness. Pinel makes the observa-
in St. Louis and first proposed in a 1972 publica- tion, still all too true today (as anyone who has
tion. They were referred to as the Feighner criteria worked in a state psychiatric facility will admit),
because of the name of the senior author of the that “A guilty prisoner sometimes counterfeits
publication. The Feighner criteria consists of sug- insanity in order to escape the vengeance of the
gested diagnostic criteria for 14 mental disorders law, preferring confinement in a lunatic hospital to
(including schizophrenia), criteria that would the punishment due to his crime.” However, Pinel
ensure that all future research used subjects with is honest about the difficulty of identifying simu-
the same characteristics. The Feighner criteria lated insanity.
was used extensively in schizophrenia research
throughout the 1970s. Other research criteria that It may be thought astonishing, that in an object
were also proposed in the early 1970s were the of so much importance as that of ascertaining the
New Haven Schizophrenia Index and the WORLD actual existence of mental derangement, there
H EALTH ORGANIZATION International Pilot Study is yet no definite rule to guide us in so delicate
of Schizophrenia Criteria, revised by Carpenter, an examination. In fact, there appears no other
Strauss and Bartko and called the “CSB system” method than what is adopted in other depart-
or the “WHO Flexible System.” However, in 1975 ments of natural history: that of ascertaining
the RESEARCH DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA (or RDC) was whether the facts which are observed belong to
developed by Robert Spitzer (1932– ) of the New any one of the established varieties of mental
York State Psychiatric Research Institute and Eli derangement, or to any of its complications with
Robins (1921–95) of the Washington University other disorders.
School of Medicine in St. Louis, and it is the RDC
that has been the most widely accepted research American physician Isaac R AY, whose 1838
criteria in the study of schizophrenia. book, A Treatise On the Medical Jurisprudence of
Insanity, was perhaps the greatest contribution
Endicott, J., et al. “Diagnostic Criteria for Schizophre- made by American psychiatry in the 19th century,
nia: Reliabilities and Agreement between Systems,” devotes several chapters to such topics as “Simu-
Archives of General Psychiatry 39 (1982): 864–889. lated Insanity,” “Concealed Insanity,” and “Simu-
Feighner, J. P., et al. “Diagnostic Criteria for Use in Psy- lated Somnambulism.” He criticizes the practice of
chiatric Research,” Archives of General Psychiatry 20 using the courtroom testimony of physicians who
(1972): 57–63. have no experience working with the mentally ill
in distinguishing cases of simulated insanity from
genuine ones:
feigned insanity Ever since laws began to accept
that some severely mentally ill people could com- Those who have been longest acquainted with
mit criminal acts for which they were not respon- the manners of the insane, and whose practical
sible due to their loss of reason, there have been acquaintance with the disease furnishes the most
otherwise-normal criminals and selected oth- satisfactory guaranty of the correctness of their
ers who have “feigned” or “simulated” insan- opinions, assure us that insanity is not feigned
ity to escape imprisonment or other punishment easily, and consequently that no attempt at impo-
for criminal acts. In his 1801 classic, A Treatise on sition can long escape the efforts of one properly
Insanity, Philippe P INEL devotes an entire section qualified to expose it.
164 Ferriar, John

Ray states that all cases of simulated insanity only such auditory hallucinations. Most of them
betray a common characteristic: “The grand fault were admitted to the facility with a diagnosis of
committed by impostors is, that in their anxiety schizophrenia. Rosenhan’s criticisms of psychiatric
to produce an imitation that shall deceive, they diagnostic practices have, in turn, been criticized
overdo the character they assume, and present by many others (see Spitzer’s 1976 article) who
nothing but a clumsy caricature.” He then describes defend the actions of the admitting psychiatrists
specific symptoms of “mania” that are often clum- in the Rosenhan study as rational decisions based
sily mimicked, and he gives physicians guidelines on the context in which the claims of psychotic
on how to trick the suspected simulator, urging symptoms were made.
them to “contrive some plan for outwitting the
pretender, and entrapping him in his own toils.” Jung, C. G. “On Simulated Insanity.” In The Collected Works
Many techniques have been employed through of C. G. Jung, Volume 1: Psychiatric Studies, edited by H.
the centuries to detect feigned insanity. Ray Read, M. Fordham and G. Adler. 1903. Reprint, Princ-
relates a tale reported by Benjamin RUSH of Phila- eton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1970.
delphia in which Rush was called in by the courts Pinel, P. A Treatise on Insanity. Translated by D. D. Davis.
to determine whether a man who had just been 1801. Reprint, Sheffield, England: W. Todd, 1806. .
condemned to execution was “feigning madness” Ray, I. A Treatise On the Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity.
or not. Incredibly, Rush based his decision on the Boston: Charles C. Little and James Brown, 1838.
man’s PULSE, which he found “twenty beats more Rosenhan, D. L. “On Being Sane in Insane Places,” Science
frequent than in the natural state,” and therefore, 179 (1973): 250–258.
“he decided, chiefly on the strength of this fact, Spitzer, R. L. “More on Pseudoscience in Science and the
that the prisoner was really mad.” With the rise of Case for Psychiatric Diagnosis,” Archives of General Psy-
experimental research on psychology and psycho- chiatry 33 (1976): 459–470.
physiology at the end of the 19th century, objec-
tive techniques were eventually sought for use in
forensic psychiatric situations. Swiss psychiatrist Ferriar, John (1761–1815) Scottish physician who
C. G. JUNG was a pioneer in the creation of a diag- served at the Manchester Lunatic Asylum in Eng-
nostic device with the famous “word association” land. He is remembered for his careful empirical
test, which had already been used in psychiatric observations and case histories of mental illness,
research by others. Jung reports the application provided in his 1792 book, Medical Histories and
of his word association tests to forensic issues, Reflections. He criticized BLEEDING and PURGING as
including determining cases of “simulated insan- treatments for mental illness and was one of the
ity” in a series of papers he published between first to recommend isolation rather than mechani-
1903 and 1908. cal restraints for violent patients. He is credited for
Today our knowledge of the psychotic disorders introducing the term “hysterical conversion” into
(particularly schizophrenia and bipolar disorder) the psychiatric vocabulary.
is so widely distributed that, in most legal situa-
tions, it would be highly unlikely for someone to Ferriar, J. Medical Histories and Reflections. London: 1792.
simulate them successfully for any great length of
time. However, in nonforensic situations in which
it is rarely expected that the presenting patient is fertility The ability to reproduce children.
lying about his or her symptoms, an impostor can Fertility rates for people diagnosed with the
gain admittance to psychiatric facilities by perhaps psychotic disorders have been determined on
just claiming to “hear voices.” Such was the ruse various populations in many countries over
reported in a famous 1973 article by psychologist many decades. The low marriage rates for schizo-
David Rosenhan and his associates at Stanford phrenic patients (particularly males) also con-
University, who sent normal impostors to a psy- tribute to low rates of marital fertility (the rate
chiatric facility and who instructed them to report of children per marriage). When census data are
fetal neural development and schizophrenia 165

used, marital fertility rates for SCHIZOPHRENIA 1. Recent neuropathological studies have found
and for manic-depressive psychosis (BIPOLAR DIS- structural deviance that has been interpreted
ORDER) are lower than the norm for the popula- as evidence of fetal neural development, most
tion as a whole. On the whole, no studies have likely in the second trimester.
found evidence of any physiological dysfunction 2. Helsinki residents whose second trimester of ges-
that might impair fertility in those people diag- tation overlapped a particularly severe viral
nosed with schizophrenia. Therefore the lower epidemic evidenced an increased rate of hos-
rates of fertility are probably due to the severe pital diagnoses of schizophrenia. First or third
disruption in the ability to form and maintain trimester exposure was not associated with an
social relationships with others. elevation of rates of schizophrenia.
3. Two clinical studies have found that distur-
Saugstad, L. F. “Social Class, Marriage, and Fertility in bances of gestation during the second trimester
Schizophrenia,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 15 (1989): 9–43. are linked to childhood and adult psychoses.
4. The extensive literature on the prenatal and
perinatal experiences of schizophrenic patients
fetal neural development and schizophrenia Brain contains evidence that schizophrenic patients
abnormalities may develop early in the lives of people have suffered considerably more prenatal and
later diagnosed with SCHIZOPHRENIA and may already perinatal complications than controls. Indeed,
be in existence before the full onset of the disease some perinatal complications may actually be
occurs. In many areas of the brain that demonstrate the result of a prenatal insult.
structural abnormalities, particularly those involv- 5. Minor physical anomalies are benign congeni-
ing the subcortical structures of the LIMBIC SYSTEM tal abnormalities associated with the disrup-
(e.g., the hippocampus and parahippocampal areas, tions of fetal development. These external signs
amygdala, dorsolateral frontal cortex, and the globus have been used as indices of otherwise cryptic
pallidus), the damage is thought to arise during the fetal neural maldevelopment. Several investiga-
development of the nervous system in the fetus dur- tors have reported that schizophrenic patients
ing gestation. During fetal neural development, cer- have a significantly elevated incidence of these
tain nerve cells (neurons) actually travel to specific anomalies.
spots (a process called neuronal migration) and form 6. Several investigators have found that the brains
very specific connections with one another to create of schizophrenic patients are significantly
distinct structures in the brain (a process called the reduced in volume. Such findings could reflect
specification of cerebral cortical areas). In fact, some a failure in fetal neural development.
researchers have argued that there is a strong pos-
sibility that the development of schizophrenia later It is hoped that by studying the role of fetal
in life is related to a defect in genes controlling the neural development in schizophrenia the
migration and interconnection of these young neu- interaction of both genetic (neuronal migration
rons during fetal neural development. and specification of areas) and environmental
A conference on fetal neural development and (vi ruses, birth complications) factors can be bet-
schizophrenia was held in Washington, D.C., from ter understood.
May 31 to June 1, 1988, and included many of the At the dawn of the 21st century, the reigning
major researchers in schizophrenia and experts scientific paradigm in schizophrenia research is
in brain imaging and neuropathology. A sum- the neurodevelopmental model. This theory was
mary of the conference proceedings published in first articulated in 1986 by Daniel Weinberger
Schizophrenia Bulletin in 1989 listed the following of the NATIONAL I NSTITUTE OF M ENTAL H EALTH.
findings as possible evidence that disturbances in Weinberger argued that the causes of schizophre-
the development of the nervous system of the fetus nia begin in the womb, long before birth, and are
may be the source of the brain anomalies found in not found in adolescence or adulthood, as many
schizophrenia: had previously thought.
166 Feuchtersleben, Ernst von

The normal development of the human nervous He proposed this term as a counterpart to NEUROSIS,
system through early life, from embryo to fetus already long in use to refer to a mental disorder that
to infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adult- is due to the pathology of nervous tissue (unlike
hood, is still not well understood, however. Cur- today’s colloquial usage, which does not carry that
rent textbooks in human embryology are filled emphasis on physiological causes of the disorder).
mainly with references to embryological research Feuchtersleben also coined or popularized many
on mice, chicks, zebrafish, and fruit flies—not other terms still in use today, most importantly psy-
human beings. Not only human embryology, but chopathology, psychopathy, and psychiatrics.
also developmental biology and developmental
genetics are still very much in their infancy as sci- Feuchtersleben, E. v. Lehrbuch der ärztlichen Seelenkunde.
entific disciplines. There is so much that we do not Vienna: 1845.
know about normal processes that it is difficult to
pinpoint the abnormalities in human fetal neural
development that may be evidence of the disease fever therapy Throughout the centuries there
process of schizophrenia. Hence, a severe limita- have been many anecdotal reports of improvements
tion of Weinberger’s neurodevelopmental model in the mentally ill following physical illnesses that
is that it still must refer to evidence from animal were accompanied by fever. For example, in the
studies of fetal neural development to look for mid-1700s Malcolm Flemyng (?–1764), an English
analogues to presumed causes of schizophrenia in physician, made the observation that “intermit-
human fetuses. Actual neuropathological evidence tent fevers strengthen the nerves.” In a chapter on
of schizophrenia from human fetal tissue does not “The Causes of the Disease” in his 1911 text Demen-
yet exist. tia Praecox, Of the Group Of Schizophrenias, Eugen
See also NEURODEVELOPMENTAL MODEL OF SCHIZO- BLEULER also notes, “yet we often see that men-
PRENIA; PERINATAL FACTORS HYPOTHESIS. tally ill patients improve extensively after having
had fever.”
Gilbert, S. F. Developmental Biology. 4th ed. Sunderland, In 1887 Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist
Mass.: Sinauer Associates, 1994. Julius Wagner von Jaureg (1857–1940) first pro-
Langman, J. Medical Embryology. 4th ed. Baltimore: Wil- posed the idea that the introduction of fevers might
liams & Wilking, 1989. be therapeutic for patients with certain mental ill-
Larsen, W. J. Human Embryology. 2nd ed. New York: nesses, specifically those with the disorder known
Churchill Livingstone, 1997. as the GENERAL PARALYSIS OF THE INSANE, which was
Lyon, M., et al. “Fetal Neural Development and Schizo- later found conclusively to be the result of syphi-
phrenia,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 15 (1989): 149–161. lis. His first experiments, in which he inoculated
Rakic, P. “Specification of Cerebral Cortical Areas,” Science these “paretics” with malarial organisms, were
241 (1988): 170–176. conducted in 1917. He achieved significantly ben-
Weinberger, D. R. “The Pathogenesis of Schizophrenia: eficial results with this malarial fever treatment,
A Neurodevelopmental Theory.” In The Neurology and in 1927 he won a Nobel Prize for this work.
of Schizophrenia, edited by H. A. Nasrallah and D. R. “Malaria treatment” was first used in the United
Weinberger. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1986, pp. 397–406. States on the patients at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital
in Washington, D.C., in 1922, at the initiative of
its superintendent, William Alanson White, who
Feuchtersleben, Ernst von (1806–1849) Feucht- ordered from Puerto Rico a supply of 12 mosqui-
ersleben was an influential Austrian physician toes contaminated with benign tertian malaria.
whose primary contribution was the invention of Eleven of the mosquitoes died in transit, but the
many clinical terms still used today. For example, sole surviving insect was placed in a small cage
in 1845 Feuchtersleben coined the word PSYCHOSIS and then strapped to the arm of a schizophrenic.
to refer to mental illness that was not due to identi- After being bitten through the wire mesh of the
fiable diseases in the tissue of the nervous system. cage, blood continued to be drawn from this
first-rank symptoms 167

schizophrenic so as to infect 12 other syphilitics cousins, aunts and uncles, and nieces and neph-
and induce the curative fevers in them. The first ews are known as “second-degree relatives.” In
published report of this syphilotherapy appeared studies of the transmission of SCHIZOPHRENIA
in 1924. Also in 1924, the then-29-year-old Wal- using the CONSANGUINITY METHOD, it has generally
ter F REEMAN, of later “PSYCHOSURGERY” fame, was been concluded, since the first studies were com-
made director of the research laboratories (bacteri- pleted in 1916, that the first-degree relatives of an
ology, psychology, pathology, and roentgenology) afflicted person (the “index case”) are nine times
at St. Elizabeth’s and subsequently continued this more likely than people in the general population
research. Prior to “malaria therapy,” fevers were to develop this disorder.
induced in patients with substances such as sterile See also GENETICS STUDIES.
milk and other proteins, with the intention of alle-
viating symptoms or producing a cure. The artifi-
cial production of fevers as a treatment for several first-rank symptoms Due to the extremely com-
mental illnesses was used in American institutions plex nature of SCHIZOPHRENIA , many different sys-
such as the New Jersey State Hospital at Trenton tems using different criteria have been proposed
throughout the 1930s. for its diagnosis. Some systems are based on theory,
whereas others are based primarily on phenome-
Lewis, N. D. C., et al. “Malaria Treatment of Paretic nology, i.e., the presence (or absence) of certain
Neuro-syphilis,” American Journal of Psychiatry 4 carefully described symptoms that are commonly
(1924): 175–188. observed in schizophrenic patients in clinical prac-
tice. This pragmatic approach to psychiatric diag-
nosis was characteristic of the “phenomenological
Finland See SCANDINAVIA. school” of German psychiatry, which included such
representatives as Jaspers, Mayer-Gross, Kleist,
Leonhard, and, especially, Kurt Schneider. A phe-
fire and moxa treatment See CAUTERY TREATMENT. nomenological approach developed by Schneider
in the 1939 book Psychischer Befund und Psychia-
trische Diagnose (published in subsequent editions
first break The first clear onset of the schizo- as Klinische Psychopathologie) purported to iden-
phrenic illness in a person’s life. It is an old term in tify only those symptoms that he thought would
the SCHIZOPHRENIA literature that is derived from discriminate schizophrenia from other forms of
the notion of a “first (nervous) breakdown.” The mental illness. The identified symptoms would be
term “first-break schizophrenics” is still used to considered “pathognomonic” of schizophrenia.
designate those people who come to the attention Schneider identified 11 characteristic symptoms
of mental health professionals for the very first of schizophrenia, which he called “first-rank symp-
time with the clear psychotic symptoms of schizo- toms,” the presence of any one of which would be
phrenia. “First-episode schizophrenics” is a cur- sufficient for diagnosing a person with schizophre-
rent term for this. nia. The first three of Schneider’s first-rank symp-
toms are forms of auditory hallucinations: (1) the
patient hears voices speaking his or her thought
first-degree relatives In the search for the genetic out loud, (2) the patient experiences himself or
basis of MENTAL DISORDERs, it is assumed that the herself as the subject about which the voices are
closer the relationship between an afflicted per- discussing or arguing, and (3) the patient hears
son and his blood relatives, the more likely these voices commenting on his or her actions as they
blood relatives will also manifest signs of the dis- are performed. The fourth symptom is a delusional
order. The parents, siblings (brothers and sisters), percept, a two-stage process in which a patient’s
and children of an afflicted person are known as normal perception is followed by a highly person-
“first-degree relatives,” whereas grandparents, alized delusional interpretation of the perception.
168 five-point restraints

The fifth through eleventh symptoms on five-point restraints The label given to a tech-
Schneider’s list are best characterized as serious nique of restraining violent patients in a psychiat-
defects in the experience of the normal boundar- ric setting. It refers to the practice of tying a violent
ies that separate the self from the environment: (5) patient to a bed, usually with thick cotton cords.
in somatic passivity, the patient experiences him- Each ankle is tied to a leg of the bed as the patient
or herself as the passive and reluctant recipient of either lies or is restrained physically on the bed,
body sensations that are imposed from the outside and the wrists are tied to portions of the bed frame
(6) in thought withdrawal, the patient believes his on either side of the patient’s body. This technique
thoughts are being taken out of his mind by some is called FOUR-POINT RESTRAINTS. For particularly
external force (7) in thought broadcast, the private violent patients, a bed sheet or another restraint
thoughts in the mind of the patient are experienced cord is wrapped across the chest and under the
as being magically transferred into the minds of arms and tied under the bed to keep the patient
others and (8) in thought insertion, the patients restrained flat on his or her back.
experience certain thoughts as being inserted See also MECHANICAL RESTRAINT.
into their head by others. First-rank symptoms, 9
through 11 consist of affect, impulses, and motor
activity that are experienced as imposed and con- fixing A technique recommended by some 18th-
trolled from outside the patient’s body. and early 19th-century physicians who worked
Schneider’s first-rank symptoms were adopted with “lunatics” or “madmen” to subdue unman-
in Europe and in many other parts of the world ageable patients by “fixing,” “setting,” or “catch-
as a primary method of diagnosing schizophrenia. ing the patients by the eye.” Although it is unclear
The first-rank symptoms became familiar to Amer- whether this practice was derived from the hyp-
ican psychiatrists only in the 1970s, and although notic induction techniques of practitioners of the
many of the individual symptoms are mentioned “animal magnetism” of Franz Anton Mesmer
in DSM-IV-TR (2000), they have not achieved the (1734–1815), which was popular at the time, this
prominence attributed to them in other parts of willful gazing or staring into the eyes of patients
the world. Many research studies have been con- in order to quiet them was recommended by En-
ducted that show that the first-rank symptoms glish physician William Pargeter (1760–1810) in
are not pathognomonic of schizophrenia, that the his 1792 book, Observations on Maniacal Disorders.
mere presence of any one of the 11 is not sufficient However, this practice was ridiculed by John
for giving someone a diagnosis of schizophrenia. H ASLAM in his 1798 manual, Observations on Insan-
For example, AUDITORY HALLUCINATIONS can occur ity. Nonetheless, American physician Benjamin
in other mental disorders, such as bipolar disorder RUSH of Philadelphia’s Pennsylvania Hospital rec-
or in depression with psychotic features. Further- ommended this practice as an effective “Remedie
more, Schneider’s first-rank symptoms seem to for Mania” in his 1812 textbook, Medical Inquiries
represent only the POSITIVE SYMPTOMS of schizo- and Observations Upon the Diseases of the Mind. After
phrenia (DELUSIONs and HALLUCINATIONs) and do isolating the violent patient from his family and
not take into account the presence of NEGATIVE placing him in a private chamber in either “a pub-
SYMPTOMS (FLAT AFFECT, poverty of speech, etc.) in lic or private madhouse,” Rush then gives physi-
some forms of schizophrenia. cians the following advice:
EXPERIENCE IN SCHIZOPHRENIA. This preliminary measure being taken, the first
object of the physician, when he enters the cell,
Carpenter, W. T., J. S. Strauss, and S. Muleh. “Are There or chamber, of his deranged patient, should be to
Pathognomonic Symptoms of Schizophrenia?,” catch his EYE, and look him out of countenance.
Archives of General Psychiatry 28 (1973): 847B–852. The dread of the eye was early imposed upon every
Schneider, K. Clinical Psychopathology. Translated by M. W. beast of the field. The tyger, the mad bull, and the
Hamilton. New York: Grune & Stratton, 1959. enraged dog, all fly from it: now a man deprived of
flogging 169

his reason partakes so much of the nature of those flat affect One of the NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS of
animals, that he is for the most part easily terrified, SCHIZOPHRENIA. In flat affect there is virtually no
or composed, by the eye of a man who possesses expression of affect, and in behavior this may mean
his reason. I know this dominion of the eye over that the person speaks in a monotone and that the
mad people is denied by Mr. Haslam, from his sup- face is relatively immobile and without expression.
posing that it consists simply in imparting to the Although some contemporary critics of the use of
eye a stern or ferocious look. This may sometimes ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS point to such behavior as evi-
be necessary; but a much greater effect is pro- dence that these substances reduce people suffer-
duced, by looking the patient out of countenance ing with schizophrenia to “zombies,” in fact, such
with a mild and steady eye, and varying its aspect behavioral qualities have been described for more
from the highest degree of sternness, down to the than a century, long before the widespread use of
mildest degree of benignity; for there are keys in antipsychotic drugs in the 1950s.
the eye, if I may be allowed the expression, which
should be suited to the state of the patient’s mind,
with the same exactness that musical tones should flexibilitas cerea See CATATONIC WAXY FLEXIBILITY.
be suited to the depression of spirits in hypochon-
driasis. Mr. Haslam again asks, “Where is the man
that would trust himself alone with a madman, flight of ideas This term refers to the rapid, con-
with no other means of subduing him than by his tinuous flow of a person’s speech in which there
eye?” This may be, and yet the efficacy of the eye are quick jumps form topic to topic. These rapid
as a calming remedy may not be called in ques- shifts are usually based on common associations,
tion. It is but one of several other remedies that are plays on words, or are in response to events hap-
proper to tranquilize him, and, when used alone, pening in the immediate environment. “Ideas” lit-
may not be sufficient to that purpose. Who will erally “fly” rapidly from the mouth of the person
deny the efficacy of bleeding for the cure of mad- speaking, and this is a very characteristic symptom
ness? and yet who would rely upon it exclusively, of someone experiencing a MANIC EPISODE. This
without the aid of other remedies? In favour of the can be a sign of BIPOLAR DISORDER, as well as a sign
power of the eye, in conjunction with other means, of ORGANIC MENTAL DISORDERs, SCHIZOPHRENIA , or
in composing mad people, I can speak from the acute reactive psychoses. Flight of ideas may also
experience of many years. It has been witnessed appear in nonpsychotic conditions, such as an
by several hundred students of medicine in our acute reaction to stress.
hospital, and once by several of the managers of See also LANGUAGE ABNORMALITIES IN
the hospital, in the case of a man recently brought SCHIZOPHRENIA.
into their room, and whose conduct for a consider-
able time resisted its efficacy.
flogging In the Middle Ages, a common practice
The most famous case of a “cure” using the in Europe (especially in German-speaking areas)
technique of “fixing” by a physician was the suc- was the ritual beating or “flogging” of wandering,
cessful treatment of King George III of England mentally ill people before escorting them back to
for an attack of “MANIA” in 1788 by MAD-DOCTOR the towns from which they originated. At other
Francis Willis, who demonstrated his use of “the times, public flogging (sometimes at a whipping
EYE” to a parliamentary committee inquiring into post) was the prescribed treatment for the inappro-
the physician’s activities. priate behavior of the mentally ill. In his Dialogue of
Cumfort of 1533, Sir Thomas More of England relates
Rush, B. Medical Inquiries and Observations upon the Diseases the story of an instance when he ordered the pub-
of the Mind. Philadelphia: Kimber & Richardson, 1812. lic flogging of “a lunatic” for disruptive behavior in
Scull, A. “The Domestication of Madness,” Medical History church during the Mass. Apparently the mentally
27 (1983): 233–248. ill person in question would lift the skirts of praying
170 fluphenazine

women just as the Host was elevated by the priest Tuke, D. H. Chapters in the History of the Insane in the British
during the ceremony. More ordered his seizure and Isles. London: Kegan, Paul, Trench, 1882.
he was flogged until the lesson “was beaten home.
For he could then very well rehearse his faults him-
self, and speak and treat very well, and promise to fluphenazine See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.
do afterward as well” (cited in Tuke).
Formally prescribed beatings were common
even in institutions for the insane until the early focal infection as cause of psychotic disorders A
1800s. Although the practice had disappeared in disputed autointoxication theory of the cause of
English and French institutions by the 1820s, it was mental illness that has not been seriously consid-
still a part of the treatment regime in German asy- ered since the 1930s. The short-lived “focal infec-
lums. Reviewing primarily rare German-language tion” theory of American psychiatrist Henry A.
texts from the 18th and early 19th centuries, Emil COTTON (1876–1933), which he first formulated
K RAEPELIN documents this form of “treatment” in and investigated in 1916, held that the “functional
his 1917 historical sketch, Hundert Jahre Psychiatre psychoses” were due to chronic infections in spe-
(One Hundred Years of Psychiatry): cific areas of the body that nonetheless had an
effect on the entire physiological system. It was
Rivaling chains in popularity was the lash. Müller proposed by Cotton that the weakest infections
(in 1700) related that in the Juliusspital attendants would result only in “psychoneuroses” in people,
were generously provided with many restraining but the stronger the infection the more severe
and punitive devices—chains, manacles, shack- the disorder it produced, with DEMENTIA PRAECOX
les, and efficient, leather-encased bullwhips. They (SCHIZOPHRENIA) apparently the result of the most
made ample use of these instruments whenever severe systemic focal infections. These infected
a patient complained, littered his quarters, or areas may not appear to be infected nor give the
became recalcitrant or abusive. “Thrashing was patient any unusual distress, but they were veri-
almost part of the daily routine,” he concluded. fied as being infected through laboratory tests. The
Lichtenberg explained that thrashings were often primary areas of focal infection were thought to
better for lunatics than anything else, and that be the teeth and tonsils. From these areas infec-
they helped them to adjust to the harsh realities of tions then spread (by constantly swallowing the
daily life. Even Reil, the enthusiastic champion of bacteria originating in the mouth) to the stomach
mental care for the insane, noted that the straight and lower intestinal tract (including the duode-
jacket, confinement, hunger, and a few lashes num, small intestine, gall bladder, appendix, and
with the bullwhip would readily bring patients colon) and the genitourinary tract. In mentally ill
into line. Frank was also of the opinion that a women, Cotton claimed in 1922, the cervix was
“light blow” was “effective in dealing with mali- infected in about 80 percent of the cases—even in
cious or unreasonable patients.” Autenreith found virgins.
that women who persisted in going around naked From 1916 to 1918 Cotton investigated the sus-
quickly dressed in response to a few applications pected foci of infection on the patients of the New
of the lash. . . . Jersey State Hospital at Trenton, where he was the
superintendent. By July 1918 Cotton decided to
See also ABUSE OF PSYCHIATRIC PATIENTS. take his bizarre theory one step further and actu-
ally devised a surgical procedure of treatment based
Kraepelin, E. One Hundred Years of Psychiatry. Translated on the theory that this would cure PSYCHOSIS. In an
by W. Baskin. 1917. Reprint, New York: Philosophical October 1922 article that summarizes his work, Cot-
Library, 1962. ton explained his rationale with the following claim:
Marx, O. “Descriptions of Psychiatric Care in Some Hospi- “For the general practitioner can, not only arrest
tals during the First Half of the 19th Century,” Bulletin many cases after a psychosis has developed, but,
of the History of Medicine (1967): 208–214. better still, by eliminating the foci of infection can
folie à deux 171

easily prevent the occurrence of a psychosis.” Thus, State Psychiatric Institute on Ward’s Island in New
between 1918 and 1922, Cotton and medical and York City by the medical director (George Kirby)
surgical colleagues from other disciplines performed and a bacteriologist (Nicholas Kopeloff). They
“detoxication” surgery on some 1,400 patients, found that the removal of focal infections in 58 of
removing teeth, tonsils, colons, parts of the stomach the cases did not result in a higher improvement
and intestines, and glandular tissue form the cervix. rate than that of the other 62. Surgical work was
In 38 women, full hysterectomies were performed, done on infected teeth, tonsils, sinuses, and geni-
and some patients—both male and female—also lost tals, but not on the intestinal tract. Furthermore,
their thyroid glands. Cotton claimed that, because of the study strongly criticized as “unsatisfactory”
this “detoxication” surgery, the recovery rate from from a scientific point of view Cotton’s methods for
psychosis from 1918 to 1922 jumped to 80 percent establishing focal infection. Thus, the study con-
of all cases, up from an average of 37 percent for the clusively rejected Cotton’s claim that focal infec-
10-year period prior to 1918. tion is the cause of functional psychoses.
Even in Cotton’s time, this theory and his surgi- Until his death in 1933, hundreds of patients
cal techniques for “arresting” psychosis were con- died from such operations performed by Cotton
sidered bizarre by many of his contemporaries. In and his staff at Trenton.
a publication of the remarks of other prominent
psychiatrists following Cotton’s research summary Cotton, H. A. “The Etiology and Treatment of the So-called
article in the American Journal of Psychiatry in 1922, Functional Psychoses. Summary of Results Based on
one critic made the following remarks to Cotton: the Experience of Four Years,” American Journal of Psy-
chiatry 2 (1922): 157–210.
Now, to my mind a colostomy or a colectomy is a Kopeloff, N., and G. H. Kirby. “Focal Infection and Men-
somewhat serious operation. Mr. Cotton speaks of tal Disease,” American Journal of Psychiatry, 3 (1923):
them in a way that would almost lead one to think 149–199.
the operation as simple and as devoid of danger as Scull, A. Madhouse: A Tragic Tale of Megalomania and Mod-
the extraction of a tooth . . . we find ourselves told ern Medicine. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press,
by the friends of patients, people who have heard 2005.
of these activities and this theory, not through
medical publications, seldom through their family
physicians, but through lay journals and the daily folie à deux Literally a “psychosis of two.” Folie
press, that something is being done at Trenton by à deux is a MENTAL DISORDER afflicting at least two
Dr. Cotton and his associates which the rest of us closely related persons in which identical delusions
are not doing, and they are demanding that we and sometimes psychotic behavior are shared and,
shall adopt these theories and follow the methods indeed, strongly supported by each of the partners.
pursued at Trenton. Although this disorder is most commonly found in
We should study this matter so carefully and relationships between two people, case histories
so thoroughly, not being carried away by the have been published that show that it can afflict as
enthusiasm of Dr. Cotton. . . . Shall we have our many as 12 persons in a family (folie à famille). In
daughter’s uterine cervix enucleated, or the tonsils DSM-IV-TR (2000), the diagnosis of shared psychotic
cut out, or the colon removed in whole or part, or disorder was given to those people who were ini-
my son’s teeth extracted with a hope of recovery tially not psychotic, but in whom a delusion or delu-
from dementia praecox or some other bad mental sions develop as the result of a close relationship
state(?) . . . with another person who already had the delusion
prior to the relationship. The many case histories
The support of the popular media, however, was that have been recorded indicate that the “primary
not enough to keep Cotton in good scientific stand- case” individual may have a higher IQ or some other
ing. A carefully designed study to test Cotton’s the- elevated social status when compared to the per-
ory was conducted in 120 patients at the New York son or persons in whom the psychosis is induced.
172 folie à double forme

Because this disorder occurs in the context of close 2. Folie simultanée, in which two related persons
and longlasting relationships, folie à deux seems to who are morbidly predisposed in some way
follow a chronic course that can be eliminated only simultaneously develop a paranoid and depres-
partially by treatment. sive psychosis.
French alienists Ernest-Charles Lasègue (1816– 3. Folie communiquée, in which the delusional ideas
83) and Jules-Philippe-Joseph FALRET (1824–1902) are induced in a second person, after that person
first described and named this disorder in a famous had initially resisted them for a long period of
paper published in 1877 (translated into English and time, and are maintained in the second person
published in 1964) in which they provide seven case even when the related persons are separated.
history examples of folie à deux. Prior to this time 4. Folie induite, in which a relationship between
and as early as 1838, similar disorders had been two psychotic persons results in the weaker
called “infectiousness of insanity” (Ideler) or “psy- person’s adoption of new delusions that initially
chic infection” (Hoffbauer), but the conditions under belonged only to the stronger one—a com-
which they occurred were not described. Lasègue monly observed phenomenon in many psychi-
and Falret describe these conditions that lead to the atric hospitals even today.
“contagion on insanity” in the following way:
When a group of people (such as a family) suc-
In “folie à deux,” one individual is the active ele- cumbs to the delusional beliefs of a stronger per-
ment; being more intelligent than the other he sonality within the group, this has been termed
creates the delusion and gradually imposes it upon folie à plusieurs or folie partagée (“shared madness”).
the second or passive one; little by little the latter The famous “Manson family” case of the late 1960s
resists the pressure of his associate, continuously would be a good example of this phenomenon.
reacting to correct, modify, and coordinate the
delusional material. The delusion soon becomes Dewhurst, K., and J. Todd. “The Psychosis of Asso-
their common cause to be repeated to all in almost ciation—Folie à Deux,” Journal of Nervous and Mental
identical fashion. Disease 124 (1956): 451.
Enoch, M. D., and W. H. Trethowan. Uncommon Psychiatric
Other names given to folie à deux after the time Disorders. 2nd ed. Bristol, U.K.: John Wright & Sons,
of Lasègue and Falret have been as follows: “con- 1979.
tagious insanity” (Seguin); “reciprocal insanity” Lasègue, C., and J. Falret. “La folie à deux (ou folie com-
(Parsons); “psychosis of association” (Gralnick); muniquée),” Annales Medico-psychologique 18 (1877):
“induced insanity” (Lehman, 1883); “insanity by 321. English translation by R. Michaud in American
contagion” (Carrier); “double insanity” (Tuke); Journal of Psychiatry 121, Suppl. (1964).
“collective insanity” (Ireland); “conjugal insanity”
(Rhein); “influenced psychosis” (Gordon); “mystic
paranoia” (Pike). DSM-III (1980) referred to this folie à double forme This is the very first name
syndrome as shared paranoid disorder. DSM-IV-TR given by BAILLARGER in 1854 to the MENTAL DISOR-
(2000) refers to it as “shared psychotic disorder,” DER we know as manic-depressive PSYCHOSIS.
and (ICD -10 (1992) refers to it as “induced delu- See also BIPOLAR DISORDER.
sional disorder.”
At least four different subtypes of folie à deux
have been suggested over the years: folie à famille See FOLIE À DEUX.

1. Folie imposée, in which the psychotic delusions

of the psychotic “primary case” are induced folie circulaire The name given to manic-
in a mentally healthy person and disappear depressive psychosis by FALRET in 1854—but
in the healthy person after the individuals are two weeks after BAILLARGER’s publication of a
separated. description of this syndrome. Although the two
Franklin, Benjamin 173

famous French ALIENISTS argued over who was first formication This is the term for a tactile HALLUCI-
in describing this disorder, Falret’s term was more NATION (a hallucination of touch) in which a per-
widely used in the English psychiatric literature son believes insects or other living creatures are
of the late 1800s, and as a result, people whom we crawling around under the person’s skin. Although
would now call “manic-depressives” were referred it is rare among the psychotic disorders, it can be
to as “circulars” until the early 1900s. more commonly found in people who may exhibit
See also BIPOLAR DISORDER. signs of an ORGANIC PSYCHOSIS induced by sub-
stance abuse, particularly cocaine intoxication, or
may be a part of delirium tremens in alcoholism.
food allergies as a cause of psychosis With the rise In Europe, formication may be one of the defining
in interest in the effects of nutrition on the mind and symptoms of a delusional syndrome known as the
the emotions in the 1960s, many have suggested that MONOSYMPTOMATIC HYPOCHONDRIACAL PSYCHOSIS.
even such serious mental disorders as SCHIZOPHRENIA
and BIPOLAR DISORDER may be due to imbalances in
nutrition. In particular, a commonly discussed the- Four A’s, the A useful mnemonic term invented
ory is that these psychotic disorders may be due to by later generations of scholars to refer to the four
the effects of allergic reactions to certain substances FUNDAMENTAL SYMPTOMS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA pro-
in various foods. Since the list of possible allergens in posed by Eugen BLEULER in 1911. The “Four A’s”
food is gigantic, it has been difficult to support this are AUTISM , AFFECTIVE DISTURBANCES, ASSOCIATION
hypothesis in controlled research studies, although DISTURBANCES, and AMBIVALENCE.
many researchers who hold to the principles of
“orthomolecular psychiatry” have continued the
search. Most adequately controlled studies have not four-point restraints See FIVE-POINT RESTRAINTS.
been able to find evidence of antibodies in the bod-
ies of schizophrenics that would support the notion
that the physical system was fighting a substance Franklin, Benjamin (1706–1790) Early American
that it was allergic to. However, it is probable that statesman and scientist. He founded the Pennsyl-
nutrition does, in some way, contribute either to the vania Hospital in Philadelphia in 1752, the first
development of some psychotic disorders or at least hospital in the United States and the place where
affects the course of the disease. Benjamin RUSH served (starting in 1785) and made
See also MEGAVITAMIN THERAPY; TRANSMETHYL- his observations of the mentally ill (who had been
ATION HYPOTHESIS. allowed admission since the hospital first opened
its doors). The original buildings are still used
Kinnell, H. G., et al. “Food Antibodies in Schizophrenia,” today, at their location on Pine Street in Philadel-
Psychological Medicine 12 (1982): 85–89. phia. Franklin and Rush were political as well as
scientific contemporaries, and Franklin’s signature
can be seen just below Rush’s on the Declaration
formal thought disorder A central characteris- of Independence. Franklin’s experiments in elec-
tic of many psychotic disorders, and SCHIZOPHRE- tricity led to the development of treatments by
NIA in particular, in which the form of thought physicians that consisted of passing weak electri-
processes is disturbed. This is distinguished from cal currents into patients to cure a variety of ills—
disturbances in the content of thought (such as including mental illness. Franklin was chosen by
BIZARRE IDEATION). Formal thought disorder may King Louis XVI of France to chair the famous royal
include such commonly observed phenomena in commission to investigate “animal magnetism” in
the psychotic disorders as LOOSENING OF ASSOCIA- March 1784. The eight other members included the
TION, INCOHERENCE, BLOCKING, CLANGING, ECHOLA- distinguished scientist Lavoisier and Guillotin, the
LIA , NEOLOGISMS, PERSEVERATION, and POVERTY OF inventor of the famous device of execution used
CONTENT OF SPEECH. extensively during the Reign of Terror following
174 Freeman, Walter

the French Revolution. The committee essentially leucotome”—the surgical instrument designed
debunked Franz Anton Mesmer’s claims about the by Egas Moniz for psychosurgery—they prac-
special “fluids” that were supposedly transferred ticed these techniques on the brains of cadavers.
from the operator to the patient and that suppos- Finally, on September 14, 1936, Freeman and
edly caused the sometimes wondrous manifesta- Watts performed the first American leucotomy
tions. In its report, the committee did not deny (psychosurgery on the white fibers that connect
that healing and curing was effected by the use of the frontal lobe to the rest of the brain) on a 63-
animal magnetism, but asserted that the mecha- year-old woman who had been admitted to George
nism at work was simply “imagination.” Washington University Hospital in Washington,
See also ELECTROSHOCK THERAPY. D.C., with “agitated depression.” In November
1936, Freeman used the term lobotomy for the first
Laurence, J.-R., and C. Perry. Hypnosis, Will and Memory: A time to describe these operations instead of Egas
Psycho-Legal History. New York: Guilford, 1988. Moniz’s term, leucotomy. Lobotomy simply referred
McConnkey, K. M., and C. Perry. “Benjamin Franklin and to the severing of the nerve fibers of a lobe of the
Mesmerism,” International Journal of Clinical and Experi- brain. However, Freeman streamlined psychosur-
mental Hypnosis 33 (1985): 122–130. gery with the invention of the technique of trans-
orbital lobotomies, in which a gold-plated icepick
was inserted directly into the frontal lobes of the
Freeman, Walter (1895–1972) The “father of lo- brain through the corner of each eye socket (the
botomy.” Freeman was born into a prominent Phil- orbit of the eye) rather than drilling through the
adelphia medical family and studied neurology in skull, as was Egas Moniz’s technique. This allowed
Philadelphia and in Europe. Upon the recommen- for the “assembly-line” approach to psychosurgery
dation of former mentors, in 1924, at the age of 29, that enabled the procedure to be performed quickly
Freeman was hired by William Alanson White to and with a minimum of preparation on large
direct the research laboratories of St. Elizabeth’s numbers of patients. In January 1946, Freeman
Hospital in Washington, D.C. His influential contact performed the first transorbital lobotomies, assem-
in Europe with Wagner-Jauregg, who invented the bly-line-style “icepick surgery,” on 10 patients in
“malaria treatment” for syphilis, led to Freeman’s his consulting office. Since the “leucotome” was
continuation of this FEVER THERAPY work at St. Eliz- too fragile for such a procedure, on this historic
abeth’s in the 1920s. He remained at St. Elizabeth’s occasion Freeman used an ordinary icepick found
until 1933, when he required recuperation for a in his kitchen drawer at home.
“nervous breakdown” caused by overwork and the Based on their lobotomies of 80 patients, Free-
ingestion of the barbiturate Nembutal, which he man and Watts published their famous textbook,
had taken every night for many years. At a neu- Psychosurgery, in 1942, and became world-renowned.
rological conference in London in August 1935, Although later discontinued as a dangerous and
Freeman met António EGAS MONIZ , a Portuguese inhumane technique, it is estimated that, due to
neurosurgeon who had been conducting PSYCHO- the influence of Freeman and Watts, as many as
SURGERY experiments with animals. Egas Moniz 30,000 lobotomies were performed in the United
excited Freeman with his theories about behavior States in the 1940s and the 1950s. Freeman had
change through psychosurgery; after returning to high hopes for psychosurgery as a treatment for
Portugal, Egas Moniz performed the first psycho- the psychotic disorders, in particular, schizophre-
surgery on a human subject (a chronic, severely nia. In the preface to the 1950 second edition of
depressed female patient from a local mental hos- Psychosurgery, Freeman and Watts argue, “Even
pital) on November 15, 1935. Egas Moniz published more important from the strictly psychiatric point
his classic book on the subject in the spring of 1936 of view is the recognition that some chronically
and sent a copy to Freeman. disturbed schizophrenic patients may become
Freeman and his colleague James Watts stud- completely restored to effective citizenship.” On
ied Egas Moniz’s book; after procuring the “Moniz a personal mission to make state hospitals obso-
Freud, Sigmund 175

lete with psychosurgery, Freeman made dozens Courbon and Fail in 1927, in the case of a woman
of road trips to a dozen or more states in the early who felt that a famous actor of that time, Fregoli,
1950s and performed rapid transorbital lobotomies was making himself known to her by occupying
on thousands of mental patients in V.A. and state the bodies of various persons in her environment.
hospitals. Freeman informally dubbed his mission- The actor Fregoli was known for his effectiveness
ary travels “Operation Icepick.” Many patients still at changing facial expression on stage and was in
exist in psychiatric hospitals today who were sub- this regard similar to the famous American silent
jected to surgery, their condition either unchanged screen actor Lon Chaney—”The Man of a Thousand
or worse. Faces.” Cases of Fregoli’s syndrome are extremely
When the U.S. Food and Drug Administration rare and may involve an organic component.
approved the use of CHLORPROMAZINE in March
1954, PSYCHOSURGERY and the chemical CONVULSIVE Courbon, P., and G. Fail. “Syndrome d’illusion de Fregoli
THERAPIES gradually fell into disuse. Treatment with et schizophrénie,” Bull. Soc. Clin. Med. Ment. 15 (1927):
antipsychotic drugs began to be viewed as the most 121.
humane treatment for the psychotic disorders, and Christodoulou, G. N. “Delusional Hyper-identification of
there was a public and scientific backlash directed the Fregoli-type: Organic Pathogenic Contributors,”
at Freeman and his psychosurgery work. Freeman Acta Psychiatrica Scandanavica 54 (1977): 305.
moved from Washington to California in 1954 and
never again performed lobotomies on such a grand
scale. He performed his last lobotomy on a previously Freud, Sigmund (1856–1939) An Austrian-Jewish
lobotomized woman at Herrick Memorial Hospital neurologist and the creator of PSYCHOANALYSIS, the
in Berkley, California, in February 1967, when he famous “talking cure,” which had a profound influ-
was 72. Freeman died of cancer in May 1972. ence on the treatment of mental illness in the 20th
See also COLUMBIA-GREYSTONE P ROJECT. century. Today’s various psychotherapies all owe a
major debt to Freud and psychoanalysis for dem-
Egas Moniz, A. Tentatives Opératoires dans le Traitement de onstrating that certain MENTAL DISORDERs can be
Certaines Psychoses. Paris: Masson, 1936. treated or even cured through the use of psycho-
Freeman, W., and J. Watts. Psychosurgery. 1942. Reprint, therapeutic techniques that were not physical (such
Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas, 1950. as drugs or baths). Although the bulk of Freud’s
Shutts, D. Lobotomy: Resort to the Knife. New York: Van Nos- clinical experience was not with patients suffering
trand Reinhold, 1982. from severe psychotic disorders (unlike that of his
one-time disciple, C. G. JUNG), Freud proposed and
revised several theories about psychosis during the
Fregoli’s syndrome One of the delusional MIS- course of his lifetime.
IDENTIFICATION SYNDROMES of the psychotic disor- Due largely to the influence of the German
ders (along with the CAPGRAS SYNDROME and the psychiatric literature in the latter half of the 19th
INTERMETAMORPHOSIS SYNDROME. In this delusion, century, by Freud’s time the terms neurosis and psy-
a familiar person, who is seen as a persecutor, exists chosis had become mutually exclusive categories,
in the bodies of various others in the immediate and Freud’s earliest writings reflect this distinc-
environment, who are unknown to the delusional tion. As early as 1894, in a letter to his mentor Wil-
person. The afflicted person recognizes that physi- helm Fliess (“Draft H,” dated January 24), Freud
cal differences exist between the body of the per- speaks of the psychoses as being composed of “hal-
secutor and the bodies of the people in which the lucinatory confusion,” “paranoia,” and “hysterical
persecutor is thought to exist. This distinguishes psychosis.” From the earliest, Freud considered
Fregoli’s syndrome from Capgras syndrome, in the psychoses as disruptions in the way in which
which the physical body of the “impostor” is trans- a person relates to the outside world. Since Freud
formed to match the delusion as well. This syn- determined that many of the psychological and
drome was first reported by French psychiatrists psychosomatic symptoms found in his neurotic
176 Freud, Sigmund

consulting-room patients were due to an inner for cancer during the last 16 years of his life, Freud
“defensive” conflict between the drive to express wrote a short paper in 1923 on “Neurosis and Psy-
sexuality and the efforts to “repress” these feelings chosis,” which described how these two clinical
and ideas, in his earliest work he mentions “defense classes of disorders could be caused by specific dis-
psychoses” that are likewise the result of a defen- turbed relationships among the three parts of the
sive conflict against sexuality. In other words, human mind. In this paper, Freud distinguishes
people with psychotic disorders defended against among “transference neuroses” (the type of dis-
their sexual drives by “projecting” the source of torted relationship that arises in a patient in psy-
their problems on the outside world (e.g., “hallu- choanalysis in which the patient transfers to the
cinations” are internal images or thoughts expe- analyst infantile thoughts and feelings that were
rienced as “external”; paranoid delusions are the originally “projected” onto the parents), “narcis-
projection of internal strife on the outside world). sistic neuroses” and the “psychoses” based on the
In fact, their problems are internal in origin. Psy- following formulas: “Transference neuroses cor-
chotic people thus withdraw from the external respond to a conflict between the ego and the id;
social world because it is mistakenly perceived as narcissistic neuroses, to a conflict between the ego
a threat. and the superego; and psychoses, to one between
Between 1911 and 1914, Freud developed his the ego and the external world.” Furthermore, in
first detailed model of the mind (“the psychical psychosis, the ego was thought to be in the ser-
apparatus”). His interpretation of the case his- vice of the id, and the main defense mechanism it
tory of the paranoid psychosis of Schreber, and employed was denial or disavowal.
his famous 1914 essay “On Narcissism,” both led Even after Freud was forced by the Nazis into
to an interpretation of psychosis as a withdrawal exile in England from his native Vienna in June
of libido (the energy of the sexual instinct) from 1938, he continued to write about the psychoan-
its normal attachment to objects and people of alytic theory of psychosis. In his very last major
the external world (object-love) and a return to piece of writing, the unfinished book, An Outline of
an infantile attachment on the self (“infantile Psycho-Analysis (1940), Freud explained that “the
auto-eroticism”). This withdrawal of energy to precipitating cause of the outbreak of a psychosis is
an infantile state was a process of “regression” either that reality has become intolerably painful
to a state of “primary narcissism.” In practical or that the instincts have become extraordinarily
terms, this means that Freud thought that psy- intensified.” Yet, as is commonly observed in peo-
chotics “regressed” to an egocentric mental state ple afflicted with the psychotic disorders, no one is
akin to that experienced by preverbal infants, as ever completely out of touch with reality when in
evidenced by the loss of connection to the “real a psychotic state, and there are “healthy” parts of
world” (“abandonment of object-love”) that is the mind that are always intact. Freud graphically
observed in people with psychotic disorders. describes this phenomenon in the following pas-
After this withdrawal of libido, there is an inef- sage from the same paragraph of the Outline:
fective attempt to reestablish a connection with
the “object world” of external reality, but this is The problem of psychoses would be simple and
instead done with the projection of delusions and perspicuous if the ego’s detachment from real-
hallucinations, which take the place of reality. ity could be carried through completely. But that
Psychotic symptoms were thus seen by Freud as a seems to happen only rarely or perhaps never.
defense, a way of shutting out the demands of the Even in a state so far removed from the reality of
external world. the external world as one of hallucinatory confu-
In the early 1920s, Freud developed his second sion, one learns from patients after their recovery
theory of the psychical apparatus—the famous that at the time in some corner of their mind (as
structural theory of the interplay of the ego, id, they put it) there was a normal person hidden,
and superego in psychic life. While convalescing who, like a detached spectator, watched the hub-
from the first of many major surgical operations bub of illness go past him.
Fromm-Reichmann, Frieda 177

Although true psychotics were generally consid- to describe the inner experiences of the patient
ered “unanalyzable,” Freud’s psychoanalysis was and the therapist working with such traditionally
used by some of his later followers to treat dementia “difficult” patients. She described the “loneliness”
praecox (schizophrenia). Notable analysts include of the schizophrenic patient and contradicted tra-
Abraham, Federn, Sullivan, F ROMM-R EICHMANN, ditional psychoanalytic notions that the person
Searles, and John Rosen, who developed a hybrid suffering from schizophrenia gladly seeks out his
treatment (“direct analysis”) that he used with or her withdrawal from interpersonal relation-
institutionalized patients. Although claims of suc- ships. Fromm-Reichmann instead argued that the
cess abound in this literature, with our present schizophrenic is eager to reestablish relationships
knowledge of the course of SCHIZOPHRENIA and the with others but is prevented by a profound sense of
strong biological basis for the disease process, there mistrust that originates from the earliest relation-
is much skepticism of claims of lasting therapeutic ships with the mother. Fromm-Reichmann was the
success using this modality of treatment. Indeed, first to use the term SCHIZOPHRENOGENIC MOTHER to
by 1980 the use of psychoanalysis for the treat- identify the mother’s role in causing the disorder,
ment of the psychotic disorders had virtually dis- but it was only popularized through its later use by
appeared in practice. psychoanalyst Trude Tietze, in 1949.
It is believed that Fromm-Reichmann uninten-
Freud, S. “The Loss of Reality in Neurosis and Psychosis,” tionally caused pain in thousands of patients and
Standard Edition, 19 (1924): 183–190. their families in the 1950s and 1960s by using her
———. “Neurosis and Psychosis,” Standard Edition, 19 considerable authority in psychoanalytic circles
(1924): pp. 149–154. to legitimize the idea that the mother of someone
———. “On Narcissism: An Introduction,” Standard Edi- with schizophrenia was to blame for the illness.
tion, 14 (1914): 67–104. Like FREUD and almost every other psychoanalyst,
———. “An Outline of Psycho-Analysis,” Standard Edi- she sincerely believed that the cause of schizophre-
tion, Vol. 23. 1940. pp. 139–208. nia was to be found in a disturbed early childhood
———. “Psychoanalytic Notes on an Autobiographical relationship with one’s mother. Psychoanalysts like
Account of a Case Paranoia (Dementia Paranoides),” Fromm-Reichmann vigorously denied that schizo-
Standard Edition, 12 (1911): pp. 3–82. phrenia could have a physical cause, and they denied
———. Standard Edition of the Complete Works of Sigmund the role of HEREDITY or genetics even though the sci-
Freud. Edited by James Strachey and Anna Freud. 24 entific evidence had been accumulating for that fact
vols. London: The Hogarth Press and the Institute of since at least 1916. Psychoanalysts held experimental,
Psychoanalysis, 1953–1974. quantitative, medical, and biological research in con-
tempt, believing blindly in a dubious pseudoscience
(psychoanalysis) created by a neurologist (Freud)
Fromm-Reichmann, Frieda (1890–1957) A Ger- who ignored the work of K RAEPELIN and others on
man psychoanalyst and a student of Harry Stack the physical causes of mental disorders. For many
Sullivan at the Chestnut Lodge sanitarium in mothers in the 1950s and 1960s, this unscientific
Rockville, Maryland. Sullivan was another psy- “medical finding” by a highly psychoanalytic psychi-
choanalyst known for his psychotherapeutic efforts atric establishment proved to be a disaster, as Edward
with schizophrenics, and he worked with Fromm- Dolnick illustrates in his book on this black chapter
Reichmann after her exile from Nazi Germany in in medical history, Madness on the Couch.
1934. Fromm-Reichmann developed her own style
of treatment, which she called “psychoanalytically- Dolnick, Edward. Madness on the Couch: Blaming the Vic-
oriented psychotherapy,” which indicated that she tim in the Heyday of Psychoanalysis. New York: Simon &
was departing from the classical Freudian psychoan- Schuster, 1998.
alytic procedure in her treatment of schizophrenia. Fromm-Reichmann, F. Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy:
Many of her essays on her treatment of SCHIZO- Selected Papers. Edited by D. M. Bullard. Chicago: Uni-
PHRENIA (written from 1939 onward) are attempts versity of Chicago Press, 1959.
178 functional psychoses

functional psychoses This is a term popular difference that separated manic-depressive insan-
since about 1915 to denote the group of psychotic ity from DEMENTIA PRAECOX , the other “functional
disorders that do not have a known organic cause psychosis” identified and named by him. How-
(ETIOLOGY). Four primary groups of psychotic disor- ever, Kraepelin noticed that manic-depressives
ders have been considered “functional.” DEMENTIA seemed to fall into four main categories of per-
PRAECOX and manic-depressive psychosis have long sonality types, or temperament, when they were
been described as the two main functional psycho- in the “free intervals between the attacks” or if
ses, although the acute recoverable psychoses and the full development of the disease had not yet
chronic paranoid psychoses have also been tradi- occurred. These four manic-depressive “funda-
tionally regarded as functional psychoses. The term mental states” are as follows: (1) the “depressive
functional is also used to point out the importance of temperament,” which is characterized by a “per-
psychological or environmental factors in the devel- manent gloomy emotional stress in all the expe-
opment of these psychoses. Functional psychoses are riences of life”, (2) “manic temperament,” the
distinguished from the “organic psychoses,” which opposite of the depressive temperament, which
are psychotic disorders caused by known organic Kraepelin also refers to as “constitutional excite-
disease processes in the brain (e.g., the dementias). ment”, (3) the “irritable temperament,” which
Perhaps the earliest use of the term functional is a mixture of the manic and depressed fun-
psychosis is found in a psychiatric textbook by Ger- damental states in which these people exhibit a
man psychiatrist Emanuel Ernst Mendel (1839– chronic hypersensitivity and irritability, and (4)
1907) in 1907: the “cyclothymic temperament,” which is char-
acterized by the “frequent, more or less regular
. . . there is a great difference of opinion amongst fluctuations of the psychic state to the manic or
authors as to how to divide those mental diseases to the depressive side.”
in which no anatomical findings have hitherto By identifying these fundamental tempera-
been met and which do not belong under any of ments, Kraepelin was supporting the contempo-
the forms named. They are designated as func- rary idea that mental disorders may be grouped
tional psychoses, by which it is not said that ana- into categories that are actually spectrum dis-
tomical changes do not exist, but only that we orders, i.e., that similarities can be found in the
have so far been unable to verify them. symptoms between certain psychotic disorders
and less serious personality disorders, which may
The term has not been used as frequently in the suggest that they are points on a spectrum of
past decade or so, since the prevailing viewpoint is psychopathology. Bipolar disorder, for example,
that both schizophrenia and BIPOLAR DISORDER are may share the same underlying disease process as
essentially organic (e.g., genetic, biochemical) in BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER , and schizo-
origin. Thus, the dichotomy between “functional” phrenia may likewise be a variant of SCHIZOTYPAL
and “organic” psychotic disorders is beginning to PERSONALITY DISORDER and SCHIZOPHRENIFORM
disappear. DISORDER .
Mendel, E. Textbook of Psychiatry. Translated by W. C.
Krauss. Philadelphia: F. A. Davis, 1907. Kraepelin, E. Manic-Depressive Insanity and Paranoia. Trans-
lated by R. M. Barclay and edited by G. M. Robertson.
Edinburgh: E. & S. Livingstone, 1921.
fundamental states of manic-depressive insan-
ity When elaborating his description of manic-
depressive insanity (a term he originated), Emil fundamental symptoms of schizophrenia When
K RAEPELIN noted that “manic-depressives” suf- Eugen BLEULER coined the term SCHIZOPHRENIA and
fered only from a “periodical insanity” and thus described this group of disorders in his famous
were not psychotic all the time. This was a major 1911 textbook, he described them as being com-
fury 179

prised of a group of “fundamental symptoms” that cried, threatened, and, whenever his arms were
were “permanent,” “specific,” and “characteris- at liberty, broke to pieces whatever came in his
tic” of schizophrenia and not of any other mental way, without manifesting any error of the imagi-
disorder. Therefore, the fundamental symptoms nation, or any lesion of the faculties of perception,
are said to be pathognomonic of schizophrenia, judgment and reasoning. Other madmen, subject
according to Bleuler. These are in contrast to the to periodical accessions of extreme violence, are
ACCESSORY SYMPTOMS of schizophrenia (e.g., hal- frequently sensible of the impending paroxysm,
lucinations and delusions), which may be found in give warning of the necessity of their immediate
other mental disorders as well. A shorthand label confinement, announce the decline and termi-
for these fundamental symptoms is THE FOUR A’S, nation of their effervescent fury, and retain dur-
namely, AUTISM , AMBIVALENCE, AFFECTIVE DISTUR- ing their lucid intervals the recollection of their

Bleuler, E. Dementia Praecox, Or the Group of Schizophrenias, As for the treatment of fury, Pinel recommends
trans. J. Zinkin. 1911. Reprint, New York: Interna- the following: “Opium, camphire (camphor) in
tional Universities Press, 1950. large doses, sudden emersion in cold water, blis-
ters, the moxa, and copious bleedings.” However,
almost four decades later (in 1838), Pinel’s famous
fury (or furor) An excited state of uncontrollable pupil, the French alienist J. E. D. ESQUIROL , devotes
violence and anger that has, since ancient times, an entire chapter to “Fury” in his book Mental Mal-
been associated with the mental disorder of MANIA. adies, primarily to put forth the idea that fury is a
Under Roman law, the Latin word furor referred to symptom, not a separate disorder, and that it may
the mental disorder in which people (the furiosi) be found in many mental illnesses besides mania.
became manic and violent but were not legally “Fury . . . does not require special treatment,”
responsible for their actions. The second major cat- Esquirol writes, further arguing:
egory of insanity in ancient Rome comprised those
people who were mentally handicapped in a cog- It is because fury has been taken for insanity itself
nitive sense, such as the mentally retarded or, it is . . . that so many grave errors have been commit-
assumed, those others who experienced psychotic ted in the treatment of the furiously insane. They
disorders that led to intellectual degeneration (the were bled to excess, with the intention of abat-
mente capti). They, too, were not responsible for ing their vital force, and it was not perceived that
their criminal acts. For almost 2,000 years “furor” the loss of blood augmented the evil, and that it
or “fury” has been mentioned by authorities on composed the sick only by depriving them of the
mental illness as either a separate syndrome of its power of reaction, necessary for the solution of
own or as a synonym for mania. In his 1801 text- the disorder.
book A Treatise on Insanity, Philippe P INEL confesses This symptom has been the cause of the most
that patients of this type are extremely difficult to general, as well as fatal errors in the treatment of
treat. He writes: the insane. Seeing among them only the furious,
all the insane have been treated like dangerous and
I have found maniacal fury without delirium, mischievous animals, ready to destroy and exter-
which in France is called folie raisonnante, minate every thing; against whom it was necessary
whether continued, periodical, or subject to irreg- to protect society. Hence dungeons, cells, grates,
ular returns and independent of the influence chains and blows; means which, by exasperating
of the seasons, the variety of the disorder most the delirium, were a principal obstacle to its cure.
unyielding to the action of remedies. A madman Ever since these unfortunate people have been
of this description condemned himself to the most treated with kindness, the number of the furious
absolute confinement for eight years. During the has diminished to such a degree that, in hospitals
whole of that time he was extremely agitated. He well kept, and properly arranged, among many
180 fury

hundred insane people, not one can be found in a 1909 and 1915), in which he mentions the violent
state of fury. variety called the “raving mania” or “acute deliri-
ous mania.”
For the second half of the 19th century, “fury” See also MANIA.
as a separate form of insanity fell into disuse as
a concept. However, it has long been noted (and Esquirol, J. E. D. Mental Maladies, A Treatise on Insanity.
is true today) that in certain manic states peo- Translated by E. K. Hunt. 1838. Reprint, Philadelphia:
ple can become irritable, hostile and, at times, Lea & Blanchard, 1845.
violent. This can be true during certain manic Kraepelin, E. Manic-Depressive Insanity and Paranoia. Trans-
phases of BIPOLAR DISORDER , a fact recognized lated by R. M. Barclay and edited by G. M. Robinson.
by German psychiatrist Emil K RAEPELIN in the Edinburgh: E. & S. Livingstone, 1921.
eighth edition of his famous Textbook on psychi- Pinel, P. A Treatise on Insanity. Translated by D. D. Davis.
atry (which appeared in four volumes between 1801. Reprint, Sheffield, England: W. Todd, 1806.
Ganser’s syndrome A rare psychotic syndrome ies of Ganser’s syndrome have found that there
(a cluster of symptoms) that likely occurs as a is usually a clouding of consciousness, as well
response to overwhelming stress. It has often been as reports of hallucinations, delusions and later
referred to as “PRISON PSYCHOSIS,” since, from the periods of amnesia for the intervals when the
time it was first described by German psychia- symptoms of Ganser’s syndrome were present.
trist Sigbert J. M. Ganser (1853–1931) in 1897, it Although Ganser thought it was a form of hyste-
has often (but not always) been found in people ria, it is most often considered either a true psy-
in confinement, primarily prisoners. Most of the chotic disorder or simple malingering, an instance
case histories of the past several decades, however, of FEIGNED INSANITY. However, due to reports of
have concerned people who are not confined and clouded consciousness, amnestic episodes, and its
who are not prisoners. possible origin as a reaction to extreme stress, it is
The distinguishing hallmark of Ganser’s Syn- classified among the nonspecific dissociative dis-
drome is the symptom of “approximate answers,” orders under that category in DSM-IV (1994).
i.e., blatantly incorrect, absurd, and sometimes See also FAXENSYNDROM.
silly responses to direct questions that required a
simple factual answer. In his 1897 lecture titled “A Auerbach, D. B. “The Ganser Syndrome.” In Extraordi-
Peculiar Hysterical State,” Ganser emphasized the nary Disorders of Human Behavior, edited by C. H. Fried-
“inability” of his patients (all prisoners) to “answer man & R. A. Faguet. New York: Plenum, 1982.
correctly the simplest questions which were asked Ganser, S. J. “Über einen eigenartigen hysterischen däm-
of them, even though by many of their answers merzustand,” Arch. Psychiatr. Nervenkr. 30 (1898): 633.
they have grasped, in a large part, the sense of An English translation by C. F. Shorer appears in the
the question, and in their answers they betray at British Journal of Criminology 5 (1965): 120.
once a baffling ignorance and a surprising lack
of knowledge which they most assuredly once
possessed or still possess.” Ganser would ask his gating See ATTENTION, DISORDERS IN ; SENSORIMO-
patients simple questions, and they would give the TOR GATING.
following responses to him: “Have you eyes? I have
no eyes. How many fingers do you have? Eleven.
How many legs does a horse have? Three.” Ganser Genain quadruplets The Genain quadruplets
remarked on how these people would deliberately are a rare set of monozygotic (“identical”) sisters
pass over the correct answer and select an obvi- who all developed SCHIZOPHRENIA in the mid-
ously false one. He concluded, however, that they 1950s when they were in their twenties. They
were not malingering, but that this was a genuine have been studied by David Rosenthal and his
symptom of a mental disorder. colleagues at the NATIONAL I NSTITUTE OF M EN-
The symptom of approximate answers is some- TAL H EALTH (NIMH) in Bethesda, Maryland, at
times referred to by the German word Vorbeireden, periodic intervals ever since. At the time of their
meaning “to talk past the point.” However, Ganser initial hospitalization at NIMH in the 1950s, they
never used this term himself. Further case stud- were extensively studied in the hope that they

182 gender differences in schizophrenia

could provide clues to the genetic transmission of of his famous textbook, Psychiatrie, he makes
schizophrenia. Being monozygotic quadruplets, the observation that: “Men appear to be three
they were genetically identical. However, the four times more likely than women to suffer from the
sisters all differed in the severity of their disorder, forms of illness described here.” In the 1980s, as
and this has remained true throughout their lives. researchers collected evidence on the heterogene-
They were last under extensive study at NIMH in ity of schizophrenia, gender differences became an
1981, but an update on their progress was published increasingly important area of research. Some of
in Schizophrenia Bulletin in 1988 by NIMH scientists the major findings can be summarized here:
Allan Mirsky and Olive Quinn; it revealed that the
then-57-year-old sisters “are faring about as well (1) Men have an earlier age of onset for schizo-
now as they ever have in their adult lives.” phrenia than women.
The name Genain is a pseudonym chosen by (2) Men with schizophrenia have a poorer premor-
Rosenthal and is derived from the Greek for “dread- bid history than women with schizophrenia.
ful gene.” Likewise, the names for the sisters, given (3) Males have more NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS than
in birth order, were Nora, Iris, Myra, and Hester females.
and were chosen from the acronym NIMH. Rosen- (4) Neurocognitive functioning is different across
thal summarized the initial psychological and many parameters between males and females
physiological studies conducted in the 1950s in his with schizophrenia.
book, The Genain Quadruplets (1963). Rosenthal felt (5) Males have a poorer course of schizophrenia
that the Genain quadruplets were evidence of the than females.
genetic determination of schizophrenic subtypes, (6) Males have a poorer response to antipsychotic
since they all developed nonparanoid types of drugs than females.
schizophrenia, thus fitting the pattern of mono- (7) Males have more structural and functional
zygotic twins. The 1981 follow-up study at NIMH brain abnormalities than women. Thus, by
utilized all the neurological and biochemical tech- almost any measure, women with schizophre-
niques of investigation that had been developed nia as a whole tend to do better than men with
since the 1950s. He and his researchers found the disorder.
that there were similar biological and biochemical
abnormalities in the quadruplets when compared A special issue of Schizophrenia Bulletin published
to normals, but that their CT SCANS were all nor- in 1990 was devoted to the theme of “Gender and
mal, showing no evidence of ventricular enlarge- Schizophrenia.”
ment and little atrophy of brain tissue. As of this writing there is still no plausible sci-
See also BRAIN ABNORMALITIES IN SCHIZOPHRE- entific explanation for the gender differences we
NIA ; BRAIN IMAGING TECHNIQUES ; TWINS METHOD know to exist in schizophrenia.
Bryant, N. L., et al. “Gender Differences in Temporal Lobe
Mirsky, A. F., and O. W. Quinn. “The Genain Quadru- Structures of Patients with Schizophrenia: A Volu-
plets,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 14 (1988): 595–612. metric MRI Study,” American Journal of Psychiatry 156
Rosenthal, D. The Genain Quadruplets. New York: Basic (1999): 603–609.
Books, 1963. Goldstein, J. M., and M. T. Tsuang. “Gender and Schizo-
phrenia: An Introduction and Synthesis of Findings,”
Schizophrenia Bulletin 16:2 (1990): 179–184.
gender differences in schizophrenia It has long
been observed that there are many differences
between men and women who are afflicted with gender-identity confusion A commonly reported
SCHIZOPHRENIA. This observation is almost a cen- experience, usually during the onset of SCHIZO-
tury old. In Emil K RAEPELIN’s original description PHRENIA or during periods of exacerbations, in
of DEMENTIA PRAECOX in the 1896 fifth edition which a person becomes confused about which
general paralysis of the insane 183

gender he or she is. They tend to feel themselves cognitive functions that rendered the sufferer psy-
transforming into the opposite sex. If it occurs in chologically—as well as physically—paralyzed.
a man, he may feel he is becoming a woman, and It has been suggested by medical historian
in extreme cases may report the feeling of being George Rosen that the condition may have been
“pregnant.” This symptom is not to be confused observed in the mentally ill as early as 1672 by
with the “switching” into an alternate personality English physician Thomas Willis (1621–75), and
of the opposite sex that sometimes occurs in mul- a mental disorder with similar symptoms was
tiple personality disorder, as this phenomenon is also described by John H ASLAM in 1798. The label
situation-specific and is not related to the pervasive “general paralysis of the insane” was given to the
sense of one’s entire being undergoing the sexual disorder in 1826 by French ALIENIST Louis Calmeil
transformation that is found in psychotic states. (1798–1895). However, the progression of stages
in the disorder were accurately described first by
another French alienist, Antoine-Leurente Bayle
gene The word gene is derived from an ancient (1799–1858), in 1822. As a result, this disorder
Greek word meaning “birth.” It is often defined as was commonly known in France throughout the
the functional unit of heredity, or sometimes as 19th century as “la maladie de Bayle.” In review-
an inherited “Mendelian factor” transmitted from ing the psychiatric literature of his day, German
parent to offspring. Each gene occupies a specific psychiatrist Wilhelm GRIESINGER (1817–68) found
place on a CHROMOSOME, and this place is called the that estimates from asylums in many European
locus (plural: loci). Each gene is able to reproduce countries put the number of admissions of patients
itself exactly at each cell division and is capable with this disorder at anywhere from 6 percent to
of directing the formation of an enzyme or other 25 percent of total admissions by 1861, with France
protein. Genes normally occur in pairs in all cells reporting the highest rates.
as a consequence of the fact that all chromosomes With the growing interest in the study of the
are paired (except the sex chromosomes X and Y brain and the nervous system in the latter half
of the male). If any one of a series of two or more of the 1800s some researchers began to suspect
different genes must occupy the same locus on a that syphilis might be related to the cause of gen-
chromosome, it is referred to as an allele. eral paralysis of the insane. In 1905 two German
researchers identified the spiral-shaped bacterium
that caused syphilis, SPIROCHAETA PALLIDA (later
general paralysis of the insane This was the name renamed) TREPONEMA PALLIDUM). In 1906 Ger-
given to a mental and physical disorder suffered by man bacteriologist August von Wassermann and
large numbers of people admitted to asylums in the his colleagues devised the diagnostic blood test for
19th century; early in this century the disorder was syphilis that still bears his name, and in 1913 the
conclusively found to be the effects of the tertiary issue was finally laid to rest when the syphilitic
stage of syphilis (neurosyphilis). People suffering organism was found in the brains of paretics by
from general paralysis of the insane (often referred Noguchi and Moore.
to as “paretics” due to the paresis, or muscular See also DEGENERATION.
weakening, that characterized the disorder) would
first experience difficulties in speaking, then move- Bayle, A. L. Traité des maladies du cerveau et de ses mem-
ment problems, epileptic-like convulsions, then a branes. Paris: 1826.
more paralytic stage, which would develop to the Noguchi, H., and J. W. Moore. “A Demonstration of
point where these people would need constant help Treponema Pallidum in the Brain in Cases of General
in feeding, dressing, hygiene, and simply moving Paralysis,” Journal of Experimental Medicine 17 (1913):
their bodies in any desired manner. Psychologi- 232–238.
cal symptoms would almost invariably begin with Rosen, G. Madness in Society: Chapters in the Historical Soci-
DEPRESSION, then DELUSIONs (sometimes grandiose ology of Mental Illness. Chicago: University of Chicago
ones), then a degeneration of memory and other Press, 1968.
184 genetic counseling for schizophrenia

genetic counseling for schizophrenia With the situations where (a) one of the prospective parents
advances made in linking certain medical disor- was schizophrenic or (b) when a relative of one
ders to specific genes (e.g., Huntington’s chorea of the two prospective parents had schizophrenia.
with chromosome 4, in 1983), more and more pro- Contrary to the strong opinions of some scholars
spective parents have sought genetic counseling to in the field, in practice, genetic counselors cannot
discover the risks involved when there is a family scientifically make these decisions for people, and
history of a particular disease. This presents dif- the staff at the Maudsley Clinic did not do so. Their
ficulties for those who seek genetic counseling for philosophy should be remembered by those who
schizophrenia, since the patterns of transmission either seek or give genetic counseling for schizo-
are still unknown. The only solid information that phrenia: “It is not the role of a genetic counsel-
can presently be offered are risk factors calculated lor to advise individuals, but rather to present the
by certain computer programs that are based on a evidence of risk, and provide enough informa-
polygenetic or multifactorial model for the trans- tion for those seeking counsel to make their own
mission of SCHIZOPHRENIA. These computer pro- decisions.”
grams can calculate the risks for each combination A similar situation presently exists for the
of affected or unaffected family members, rang- genetic counseling of bipolar disorder. A review of
ing from a risk of 1 percent (the base rate found in this issue by Cadoret in 1976 (still valid today) con-
the general population) to over 50 percent (when cludes that such counseling might be so tentative
both biological parents and other relatives have at present as to be virtually useless.
the illness). Given this lack of knowledge, should See also GENETIC TRANSMISSION.
a genetic counselor ever advise schizophrenics or
their mates not to have children? In this situation, Cadoret, R. J. “The Genetics of Affective Disorder and
a well-known textbook on genetic counseling by Genetic Counseling,” Social Biology 23 (1976): 116–
Fuhrmann and Vogel argues that the risks are 122.
high enough even with present knowledge always Erlenmeyer-Kimling, L. “Schizophrenia: A Bag of Dilem-
to discourage having children. Others, however, mas,” Social Biology 23 (1976): 123–134.
may argue only that this advice should “usually” Gottesman, I. I., and S. O. Moldin. Schizophrenia and
be given in this situation. For example, in a 1976 Genetic Risks: A Guide to Genetic Counseling. Arlington,
article a major figure in schizophrenia research, L. Va.: NAMI, 1992.
Erlenmeyer-Kimling, observes that, “Parenthood Reveley, A. “Genetic Counselling for Schizophrenia,” Brit-
and schizophrenia tend to mix poorly.” She adds ish Journal of Psychiatry 147 (1985): 107–112.
the following explanation:

In addition to the genetic risks to the children of genetic heterogeneity This is one of the possible
schizophrenic parents, there is considerable like- modes of the GENETIC TRANSMISSION of SCHIZOPHRE-
lihood that any children of such parents will be NIA. It is also sometimes referred to as ETIOLOGIC
exposed to a disrupted home environment, and HETEROGENEITY. The idea is that schizophrenia (or
frequently to a grossly unsuitable one. The birth other psychotic disorders such as BIPOLAR DISOR-
of a child often exacerbates the patient’s illness, DER) may be caused by any one of a number of
and the responsibilities of bringing up the chil- single genes, located, perhaps, even on different
dren tend to trigger further difficulties. chromosomes, each one of which is entirely capa-
ble of predisposing to the disease without the addi-
An experimental program for genetic coun- tional effect of other genes.
seling for schizophrenia was set up in London’s
Maudsley Hospital Genetic Clinic in 1983–84,
with the results reported by Adrianne Reveley in genetic markers of vulnerability In the search for
1985. Most of the cases inquired about the risk of BIOLOGICAL MARKERS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA and bipo-
potential offspring developing schizophrenia in lar disorder, the assumption is that certain mea-
genetic markers of vulnerability 185

surable physiological processes accompany specific psychotic disorders can be matched according to
diseases and, it is hoped, may be related to the a marker they all share, and which distinguishes
cause of the disease. Furthermore, it is hoped that them from “normals” who do not have the marker
these characteristic biological markers are indeed nor the disorder. For example, EYE-MOVEMENT
true genetic markers for the disorder, that is, that ABNORMALITIES may be such a marker for schizo-
the biological characteristic and the disease are phrenia, since it has been found in many schizo-
genetically linked and follow related patterns of phrenics and their nonschizophrenic relatives and
genetic transmission. Identifying such a biological is thought to have a genetic basis. Or, such geneti-
characteristic (such as “smooth pursuit eye move- cally vulnerable people and normals may be dis-
ment abnormalities” in SCHIZOPHRENIA) may then tinguished from one another if they have different
be considered a sign or a marker of the genetic vul- reactions to a specific drug that is experimentally
nerability of the person with the marker for the administered for a short period, a technique known
disease to which it is linked. as a PHARMACOLOGIC CHALLENGE.
According to a report on Behavioral Genetics by the Once a suspected biological marker of vulner-
NATIONAL I NSTITUTE OF M ENTAL H EALTH (NIMH), a ability is identified, it can be analyzed according
genetic marker must meet the following criteria: to how highly correlated the transmission of the
marker and the disorder is in families. One of
1. The characteristic must be associated with an the most powerful statistical procedures for this
increased likelihood of the illness (although all is SEGREGATION ANALYSIS. In segregation analysis,
people with the illness need not show the char- the observed frequency of illness in a SIBSHIP (the
acteristic nor vice versa). It is then a marker for group of all siblings of the afflicted person, and
the illness, though not necessarily a genetic one. their parents) or in a pedigree (the multigenera-
2. It must be heritable and not be a secondary tional extended family group) is compared with a
effect of the illness. That is, it must be genetic hypothetical pattern of inheritance that is based
and not a result of having had the illness. on a particular model of a mode of genetic trans-
3. It must be observable (or evocable) in the well mission (for example, possible patterns based on
state in addition to the ill state. Since the marker the theory that only one gene is the cause of the
is a predisposition to the illness, not a marker of disorder or the theory that more than one gene is,
the illness itself, we should expect it in at least in combination, responsible for the disease).
some well relatives and the recovered ill. If a biological marker is identified that seems
4. Transmission of both the characteristic and the to be transmitted throughout a family in a highly
illness must be related within pedigrees. This similar manner to the way the disease is inher-
demonstration shows the characteristic is a ited, then the next strategy would be to link the
necessary or contributing genetic factor in an marker to a single CHROMOSOME or to a location
illness. on a specific chromosome. The marker is then
called a LINKED MARKER. This search for dis-
Therefore, the search for genetic markers is a ease-related genes is done through a statistical
quest for the underlying biological predisposi- procedure known as LINKAGE ANALYSIS. Linkage
tion or vulnerability to a particular disease that is analysis is considered more sensitive than segrega-
detectable in the afflicted person during periods of tion analysis for detecting a single “locus” or place
remission as well as when actively symptomatic. that is responsible for predisposition to the illness
This shifts the attention of research away from (monogenetic transmission), and it is less suited
studying just those periods when the disease is to a model of genetic transmission that hypnoth-
most visible. esizes that many genetic places or loci, and perhaps
There are several strategies for searching for the environment, may be responsible together for
genetic markers of vulnerability. In well-state stud- predisposition to the illness (polygenetic transmis-
ies, patients, either in remission or actively psy- sion). Therefore, the linkage of a particular disor-
chotic, along with their relatives who do not have der to a specific chromosome (such as the linkage
186 genetics studies

of schizophrenia to abnormalities on chromosome to were not scientific. The “sins of the father” (or
6) only lets us know where on the chromosome perhaps some other family member), which may
the genetic predisposition may originate and does have brought a Divine curse upon the family, were
not necessarily tell us anything about the actual considered to be manifested in the mental ill-
cause of the disorder, which may involve many ness of certain family members. Or people simply
factors, both genetic and environmental. attributed the mental illness in an afflicted family
With remarkable improvements in PCR (poly- to “bad blood.”
merase chain reaction) techniques and computer- Many of the earliest psychiatric manuals from
ized DNA sequencing technology during the l990s, the early 1800s all comment on the fact that some
vast screenings of large areas of the human genome mental disorders are associated with certain fami-
are now possible. Current approaches to finding the lies and not others. By mid-century, so many
genes that make people susceptible to schizophre- informal studies had been compiled by alienists at
nia still include linkage analysis, association stud- various asylums that Wilhelm GRIESINGER could
ies, searches for chromosome abnormalities, the write in 1860:
DNA analysis of other physical or mental disorders
or syndromes that may resemble schizophrenia Statistical investigations strengthen very remark-
in some of their characteristics, studies of ANTIC- ably the opinion generally held by physicians
IPATION, and (genetic) efforts to facilitate genetic and the laity, that in the greater number of cases
analysis by reducing the phenotypic complexity of insanity a hereditary predisposition lies at
of the disease (primarily FACTOR ANALYTIC STUD- the bottom of the malady; and I believe that we
IES OF THE SYMPTOMS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA). Large- might, without hesitation, affirm that there is
scale ongoing studies of hundreds of families that really no circumstance more powerful than this
have schizophrenic members are conducted by (page 106).
the NIMH Genetics Initiative for Schizophrenia,
which uses all these new genomic technologies. Heredity and variation in the 19th century The
NIMH and other laboratories in the United States science of genetics is an early 20th-century creation.
and Europe have found many weak CHROMOSOME Throughout the late 18th and the entire 19th centu-
LINKAGES TO SCHIZOPHRENIA. However, it must be ries, discussions instead revolved around the issues
emphasized that these linkages are not strong ones of heredity and variation. HEREDITY is the transmis-
and that there are no certain genetic markers for sion of “characters” (physical and behavioral traits)
schizophrenia. from past generations to new ones. Variability
See also CANDIDATE GENES ; CHROMOSOME ABNOR- referred to the changes in inherited characters or
MALITIES ; GENETIC TRANSMISSION. traits from one generation to the next. Variability
also referred to the differences among individu-
Karayiorgou, M., and J. A. Gorgos. “Dissecting the Genetic als of the same generation. Animal breeders and
Complexity of Schizophrenia,” Molecular Psychiatry 2 horticulturalists (plant breeders) had evolved tech-
(1997): 211–223. niques over the centuries to blend “bloodlines” to
National Institute of Mental Health. Behavioral Genet- create new ones that possessed characters or traits
ics, Science Monographs No. 2, DHEW Publication No. that were desirable in their livestock, crops, or
(ADM) 80–876. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Gov’t. Print- flowers. These techniques of “hybridization”—the
ing Office, 1980. art of the creation of hybrids—were documented
since the late 1700s in a sizeable literature that
influenced Charles Darwin (1809–82). It also influ-
genetics studies The idea that “madness” or enced the generation of biologists after Darwin’s
“insanity” is inherited in some way from genera- death who eventually developed new ideas and
tion to generation has been hypothesized for thou- statistical methods that evolved into the science of
sands of years. Although family patterns of disease genetics. Because animal and plant breeders delib-
were observed, the causes people attributed them erately created hybrids to combine desirable char-
genetics studies 187

acters or traits in new generations that had been that is usually only seen in old age. Forms of insan-
stable in old generations, they viewed unstable ity such as DEMENTIA PRAECOX (SCHIZOPHRENIA)
characters or traits (variation) as undesirable. Their were thought to have an earlier AGE OF ONSET and a
assumption was that heredity and variation were more severe course in each new generation. Today
two violently opposing forces, and that variation this phenomenon is known as genetic ANTICIPATION.
could be mastered through the carefully controlled It has been observed to occur in some neurodegen-
art of breeding hybrid animals or plants over many erative diseases and is being studied for its pos-
generations. sible connection to schizophrenia. DEGENERATION
It was inevitable that the theories and tech- THEORY became a dominant medical theory and a
niques of animal and plant breeders would be major source of paranoia among the public by the
applied to human beings. Of particular interest was end of the 19th century but subsided in importance
the persistence of undesirable characters or traits by the end of the First World War.
in human beings, or the creation of new ones in Backed by the authority of Francis Galton (1822–
new generations (variability)—such as immorality, 1911) in England, in the first half of the 20th cen-
addictions, or mental illnesses—and how to prevent tury programs of EUGENICS (a term Galton coined)
them from being passed on to future generations. led to the promotion of selective breeding among
Throughout history it had been recognized that humans to produce stronger bloodlines of healthy
some mental disorders are associated with certain human beings; forced sterilization of the insane,
families and not others. The inheritance of insan- the immoral, and the criminal; and, in Nazi Ger-
ity became a particular concern in the 1800s, when many, the murder of individuals (such as persons
there was a sharp rise in the numbers of person with dementia praecox/schizophrenia) who were
developing psychotic disorders in Europe and Amer- deemed too biologically “unfit” to live and repro-
ica. For example, the question “whether heredity?” duce. The geneticist Eolf Axl Carlson traced the
was one of the routine inquiries that MAD-DOCTORS tragic history of eugenics in his 2001 volume, The
made at the BETHLEM ROYAL HOSPITAL (“Bedlam”) Unfit: A History of a Bad Idea.
and is reflected in patient records as early as the Dementia praecox and degeneration In his first
1820s. In his Traite des degenerescences physiques, intel- detailed clinical description of dementia praecox in
lectuelles et morales de l’espece humaine (Treatise on 1896, Emil KRAEPELIN estimated that in approxi-
the Physical, Intellectual and Moral Degeneration mately 70 percent of the cases he had observed,
of the Human Species) of 1857, the French ALIEN- “hereditary predisposition” was present and “the
IST Benedict-Augustin MOREL proposed the theory so-called signs of degeneration were frequently
that physical and mental diseases, immorality, observed” (Psychiatrie, 6th edition, p. 97). However,
substance abuse, and living in unsanitary urban this hereditary predisposition did not lead directly
centers, led to the hereditary transmission of a to dementia praecox but instead to a metabolic self-
physical, mental, and moral weakness of one’s chil- poisoning of the body, or AUTOINTOXICATION (Selb-
dren. Each generation would thus pass this along, stvergiftung), probably arising from the sex glands,
making each less and less fit to survive. This process which eventually affected the brain and produced
of DEGENERATION would end family lines when the psychotic symptoms (hallucinations and delusions)
last generations were populated with persons who and dementia. This belief was shared by another
were too physically ill, mentally retarded, or insane prominent German psychiatrist, Wilhelm Wey-
to survive and reproduce. This notion of “heredi- gandt (1870–1939), who speculated in 1907 that, “I
tary taint” or “bad blood” was akin to the notion of should like to put forward a tentative explanation
“original sin in the germ plasm”—that is, one was of dementia precox of my own. . . . I would suggest
born burdened by the sins of the fathers (previous that so far as the organic side is concerned the most
generations). Dementia praecox—a term first used plausible concept is one of autotoxic damage affect-
by Morel—was seen as evidence of a “bloodline” ing genetically predisposed brains.”
nearing the end of its degeneration process because Genetics in the 20th century Although hered-
it was a form of dementia arising in young people ity and variation were known facts, no one knew
188 genetics studies

their underlying biological mechanisms. Heredity 1940s) or was it composed of nucleic acids (as was
and variation were major components of Darwin- suspected by 1950, and reflected in the 1953 dis-
ian evolutionary theory (although the Darwin- covery by James Watson and Francis Crick that the
ians put a positive spin on variation as a desirable DNA molecule had a double helix structure of two
strength in populations, enhancing the ability of chains of nucleic acids twisted around each other)?
populations to survive and reproduce). However, Did the gene have a definite structure, or should it
Charles Darwin died in 1882 without knowing be defined solely in terms of functions (for exam-
anything about genes. The usual turning point ple, as the physiological unit that guides develop-
cited by historians is the reputed “rediscovery” of ment and growth)? How do environmental forces
an 1866 article in which a way to study hereditary affect genes—or do they? Many of these questions
units was proposed. In the year 1900, at least three have been answered to the satisfaction of biologists.
different biologists published papers in which they And yet, how, precisely, a gene should be defined is
cited a forgotten and/or ignored research report by still a matter of debate among many biologists and
the monk Gregor Mendel (1822–84). Mendel had philosophers of science. As one such philosopher
analyzed eight years of garden experiments that of science, Philip Kitcher, put it in 1992, “A gene
traced the hereditary transmission of characteristics is anything a competent biologist chooses to call a
(traits) in hybrids he created from different lineages gene.”
of peas. Proposing formulas for the prediction of Psychiatric genetics It was inevitable that the
the appearance of characteristics in future species, statistical study of the inheritance of traits or char-
and reporting that his actual findings matched his acteristics would be applied to persons with mental
predictions (much too well, others said later, indi- disorders and their families. Influenced by Galton’s
cating unconscious bias on the part of Mendel—or pioneering of statistical techniques of correlation in
worse, deliberate falsification), Mendel was turned his studies of the transmission of genius and other
into a hero and an icon for the transformation for traits, 19th-century proponents of degeneration
the study of heredity into a science. Although he theory in medicine used simple statistical proce-
has used the term in a private letter in 1905, British dures to trace hereditary taint in families. Galton’s
biologist William Bateson proposed that this new basic statistical tools were refined and exceeded by
science be called “genetics” in a lecture in 1906. new statistical techniques and research methods
In 1909 the Danish biologist Wilhelm Johannsen invented by R. A. Fisher (1918) and Sewall Wright
(1857–1927) proposed that a hypothetical basic bio- (1912). Fisher and Wright extended Mendel’s sin-
logical unit of heredity be called the “gene.” In the gle-gene model of the transmission of characters
same book, Elemente der Exacten Erblichkeiten (Ele- or traits to a new model in which predictions can
ments of Exact Heredity), Johannsen introduced be made about the probabilities of multiple genes
the terms PHENOTYPE and GENOTYPE. A lecture tour combining to have effects that result in measur-
of the United States in 1911 helped promote these able traits. This introduction of quantitative genet-
ideas there, influencing the prominent geneticist T. ics continues to have a profound effect on genetics
H. Morgan (1866–1945) of Columbia University. research.
Johannsen insisted that this orienting concept of The first true attempt to discern the role of genet-
the gene be free of any speculation about its mate- ics in the development of mental disorders was a
rial nature, and this open-ended view of the gene study conducted in Germany and published in 1916
led to a multitude of debates about the nature of the (see below), and from this eventually developed
gene throughout the 20th century: Was the gene a specialty known as psychiatric genetics. There
a corpuscule or a chemical? Was it found in the were two influential centers of psychiatric genetics
nucleus of cells or in the cytoplasm of cells? Were prior to the 1970s: the German psychiatric research
the chromosomes themselves genes or were the group centered around Emil Kraepelin in Munich
genes segments of the chromosomes? Was the gene in the first third of the 20th century, and the Brit-
stable and unchanging, or instable and mutating? ish research group led by Eliot Slater (who had
Was it a protein (a theory popular in the 1930s and first trained in Munich) beginning in 1935 at the
genetics studies 189

Maudsley Hospital in London. Slater set up the first provided strong evidence for the biological roots
psychiatric research unit at that hospital in 1959, of schizophrenia and manic-depressive illness and
and in 1971 he published the first true textbook directly refuted the claims of psychoanalysts, pav-
in the field of psychiatric genetics, The Genetics of ing the way for the return of biological psychiatry
Mental Disorders. Starting in the late 1960s, a third in the 1980s.
group of influential researchers into the genetics Today research methodologies for studying
of mental disorders was led by Semour Kety and the role of the genetics in schizophrenia fall into
David Rosenthal at the NATIONAL I NSTITUTE OF two broad categories: behavioral genetics, which
M ENTAL H EALTH (NIMH), the Institutes of Health, consists of the inferences we can indirectly draw
in Bethesda, Maryland. In addition to the ongoing about the influence of genes on complex human
schizophrenia research at NIMH, significant medi- behaviors and diseases (such as schizophrenia),
cal genomic research continues at deCODE genetics and is characterized by the methods found in
in Reykjavik, Iceland, led by Dr. Kari Stefansson. family, twin, and adoption studies; and molecu-
Following the influence of Harvard biologist E. lar genetics, which is devoted to discovering the
O. Wilson, whose theory of sociobiology (1975) actual sequences of DNA (genes) linked or associ-
proposed that complex social behaviors in all ated with the expression of schizophrenia as a dis-
species, including humans, had a strong genetic ease process. Although the causal links connecting
influence, the 1980s witnessed the rise of behav- molecular genetics and behavioral genetics are
ioral genetics as a scientific discipline. Behavioral currently unknown, the great assumption is that
genetics research involves sorting out how much of this tremendous gap in understanding will vanish
schizophrenia (and other disorders) is due to the through future research.
influence of genes and how much is due to envi-
Behavioral Genetics
ronmental factors. Behavioral genetics is an influ-
ential area of research in the early 21st century, Family studies Perhaps the historical starting
providing an important data base for an equally point for psychiatric genetics is the 1916 study by
influential subdiscipline of psychology known as Ernst Rüdin (1874–1952) of Munich, Germany. In
evolutionary psychology. Evolutionary psychol- Zur Vererbung und Neuentstheung der Dementia Praecox
ogy examines present-day behaviors (mating, (On the Inheritability and Cause of Dementia Praecox),
parenting, cooperation, competition, and so on) he studied patients with dementia praecox (schizo-
as reflecting adaptations formed in the prehis- phrenia) using the CONSANGUITY METHOD. The con-
toric human past. Genes are assumed to play a key sanguity method involves constructing family trees
role in shaping the structure and functions of the of genetic relatedness, or “pedigrees,” centered on
human brain, which is itself a product of Darwin- one person as a starting point who is the “proband”
ian natural selection. or “index case.” It is essentially a demographic
Genetic theories of the causes of mental disor- method that involves interviews or correspondence
ders were highly unpopular in mainstream psy- with as many members of an afflicted person’s fam-
chiatry from the 1920s to the 1970s, when the ily or friends of the family (such as parish priests,
profession was dominated by Freudian psychoana- in Rüdin’s case) as is possible in order to document
lysts who placed the root cause of adult mental life, the presence or absence of schizophrenia through-
normal and abnormal, in early childhood experi- out the family.
ences before the age of five. The adoption of the Rüdin, who worked under Kraepelin in Munich,
pseudoscience of eugenics as a state policy by the compiled data on 701 families with 4,823 children
National Socialist government in Germany (1933– living in Bavaria who had a family member who
45), and the subsequent exposure of the Holo- had been diagnosed with dementia praecox. He
caust, also fueled extreme environmentalism as a found higher rates of schizophrenia in children for
backlash to hereditary theories of mental illness. which one parent was schizophrenic (6.2 percent
By the late 1960s, the results of the family, twins, of children) than in children who had two healthy,
and adoption studies reviewed below eventually unaffected parents (4.5 percent of the children).
190 genetics studies

Although this indicated a hereditary component 46 percent risk of developing schizophrenia later
to dementia praecox, the production of schizo- in life.
phrenic children by two healthy parents pointed The “family design” or consanguity method also
to the complexities of the pattern of genetic trans- forms the basis of HIGH-RISK STUDIES of schizophre-
mission, as too did the relatively small number nia. In these studies, children with mothers who
of schizophrenic children produced when there suffer from schizophrenia are studied from birth
was one schizophrenic parent. From this point into adulthood. Since such children are at genetic
onward, researchers began to suspect that schizo- “high-risk” for developing schizophrenia by early
phrenia followed a pattern of NON-M ENDELIAN PAT- adulthood, their cognitive, emotional, and behav-
TERNS OF TRANSMISSION. Further family studies of ioral development is thoroughly studied over time.
schizophrenia continued throughout the 20th cen- Currently, there are 15 long-term follow-up stud-
tury, many finding similar perplexing patterns of ies being conducted that have been coordinated
genetic transmission of schizophrenia in families. through the Risk Research Consortium since 1984,
The most notable of these was perhaps the research consisting of the continuous study of at least 1,200
of Franz J. Kallman (1897–1965), a German immi- children with a schizophrenic mother and 1,400
grant to the United States who worked at the New children born to parents without schizophrenia.
York State Psychiatric Institute. His 1938 volume, As these children age, new studies will be pub-
The Genetics of Schizophrenia, is regarded by many lished using this data.
behavioral geneticists as the true starting point for The problem with traditional family studies
the study of the genetics of schizophrenia. is that they do not provide a method of figuring
Since 1916, more than 40 family studies of out how much of schizophrenia might be due to
schizophrenia have been published. They consis- genetic inheritance, and how much might be due
tently show that schizophrenia runs in families. to “nurture” or environmental causes. Two other
All studies show that the lifetime risk of devel- methods have been developed to address the issue
oping schizophrenia increased with the degree of “genetics v. environment” or “nature v. nur-
of genetic relatedness to the schizophrenic index ture”: the twins studies and adoption studies.
case (or proband) that is the starting point of the Twins studies: logic of the design Studies of
pedigree in such studies. Those closer “in blood” twin pairs in which one member is affected with
to the person with schizophrenia consistently are schizophrenia provide strong evidence for both the
shown to bear a higher risk of also developing the influence of genetics and the role of environmental
disease. The average risk for first-degree relatives factors in the development of the disease process in
of a person with schizophrenia (parents, siblings, schizophrenia. Twins studies compare the CONCOR-
children) is 9 percent, and for second-degree rela- DANCE RATE for schizophrenia in MONOZYGOTIC TWINS
tives (grandparents, grandchildren, and so on) is (“identical twins,” who are assumed to share 100
4 percent. The average lifetime risk of the general percent of their genes and thus are natural “clones”
population is approximately 1 percent. When the of one another) with that for the disease in DIZY-
various amounts of risk averaged for first-degree GOTIC TWINS (who are assumed to have 50 percent
relatives are broken down according to relation- of their genes in common). If schizophrenia is a
ship, new patterns emerge: the median risk for genetically transmitted disease, then the likelihood
each parent was 6 percent, for each sibling 9 per- that both MZ twins would develop the disease, if
cent, and for each child 13 percent. Since the vast one of them has it, should be much higher than the
majority of persons with schizophrenia are born likelihood of the same thing happening in pairs of
to two biological parents who do not have the DZ twins. In fact, based on the relative percentages
disease, the lower risk of 6 percent reflects this of shared genes (100 percent v. 50 percent), the
fact. One parent with schizophrenia (and rates for assumed prediction is that MZ twins will both be
mothers and fathers are the same) conveys a 13 affected with schizophrenia at twice the rate of DZ
percent risk to each child, whereas two persons twins. Additionally, the concordance rates for DZ
with schizophrenia who produce a child gives it a twins, one of which has schizophrenia, should be
genetics studies 191

higher than randomly selected twin pairs from the (schizophrenia) in a Bavarian asylum. Publishing his
general population in which schizophrenia may or results in 1928 in the Zeitschrift fuer die gesamte Neurol-
may not be present. Such a pattern would indicate ogie und Psychiatrie (Journal of Combined Neurology
the clear influence of genetics in schizophrenia. and Psychiatry), Luxenburger reported concordance
In all twins studies of persons with schizophrenia rates of 64 percent for MZ twins and 0 percent for DZ
since the very first one in 1928, the general pattern twins—a very strong indication of the genetic basis
has always been along these lines (MZ more than of schizophrenia. How to explain the fact that there
DZ more than nonaffected twin pairs in the general were pairs of identical (MZ) twins in which one twin
population), although the actual concordance rates had schizophrenia and the other didn’t? Could the
have been far less than the predicted concordance discordant MZ pairs be evidence for a “nongenetic
rates of 100 percent for MZ twin pairs and 50 per- schizophrenia” caused by something other than
cent for DZ twin pairs—indicating once again that heredity? Looking specifically at the 36 percent of
genetics is not the whole story behind the develop- MZ pairs that were discordant for schizophrenia
ment of schizophrenia. Luxenburger found that first-degree relatives had
Twins studies are used to calculate an estimate the same risk for developing schizophrenia as the
known as heritability. Using a formula based on concordant MZ pairs. This finding gave support to
the MZ/DZ ratio, the heritability statistic (h) can the notion that genes that predispose a person to
be estimated. Heritability is defined as that pro- schizophrenia are indeed spread throughout the
portion of phenotypic variance that is due to family of biological relatives of a person with schizo-
genetic variance in a population. The portion of phrenia and that nongenetic forms of schizophrenia
variance found in a population that is not due to are probably uncommon. Otherwise, families of the
genotypic variance is therefore assumed to be due discordant MZ pairs, assuming that the one MZ twin
to unknown environmental influences or error. with schizophrenia has a nongenetic form of the dis-
There is both narrow heritability (that correspond- order, would have little or no affected members. This
ing to the assumptions of the animal breeders) was not found to be the case. Virtually every schizo-
and broad heritability (that corresponding to most phrenia study using the twins method has replicated
known genetic phenomena, which involve mul- Luxenburger’s finding. Even though one twin in a
tiple genes and complex traits). There are draw- discordant MZ pair has not been afflicted with the
backs to the usefulness of the heritability statistic, disease, that twin still has the same high genetic risk
however. Heritability changes in populations over for developing the disease as the other twin who has
time and place and is therefore highly sensitive to schizophrenia. What, then, threw the genetic switch
environmental changes. Citing the heritability of that started the schizophrenia disease process in one
a disease is often used incorrectly to imply cause, identical twin and not in another? Environmental
but a high heritability statistic (such as found in factors must be the missing clue to this puzzle, but
twins studies of schizophrenia) merely means that they remain a mystery.
genes play a significant role in a given population With respect to fraternal or DZ twins who are
at a given time in a given environment but that not genetically identical, the general finding in
this may not have been true in the past or will be twins studies is that the children of the DZ twin
true in the future. with schizophrenia are at a much greater risk for
Twins studies: “premodern” studies using vary- developing the disease than the children of the DZ
ing diagnostic definitions of “schizophrenia” The twin who is not afflicted. This, too, lends support
first application of the twins design to study the to the theory that schizophrenia is a brain disease
genetics of psychiatric disorders was conducted by with a strong genetic component.
Hans Luxenburger (1894–1976) in Munich. While Three other early genetics studies of schizo-
employed at the German Psychiatric Research Insti- phrenia in twins added weight to the arguments
tute founded by Emil Kraepelin and his associates, against the extreme environmentalism of Freud-
Luxenberger located 211 twin pairs in which one ian psychoanalysis among the American and Brit-
twin had been diagnosed with dementia praecox ish psychiatric elite of the mid-20th century. In a
192 genetics studies

study published in the journal California and West- results of five recent studies in Europe and Japan
ern Medicine in 1932, a Los Angeles private practice published between 1996 and 1999 that used both
psychiatrist, Aaron J. Rosanoff (1878–1943), found ICD-10 and DSM-III-R definitions of schizophre-
a concordance rate of 85 percent for schizophrenia nia were combined and analyzed by researchers
in 48 MZ twin pairs and a rate of 38 percent in Cardno and Gottesman in an article that appeared
79 DZ twin pairs. In 1946 Franz J. Kallman pub- in the American Journal of Medical Genetics in 2000.
lished a study in the American Journal of Psychiatry When using the DSM-III-R definition of schizo-
that found concordance rates of 89 percent for MZ phrenia, concordance rates were 50 percent for MZ
twin pairs and 15 percent for DZ twin pairs. Brit- twin pairs and 4.1 percent for DZ twin pairs, indi-
ish psychiatric researcher Eliot SLATER (1904–83) cating a liability-heritability estimate of 88 per-
reported concordance rates of 75 percent for MZ cent. Using ICD-10 criteria, the concordance rates
and 11 percent for DZ in his 1953 book, Psychotic were 42.4 (MZ), 3.9 (DZ), and a heritability esti-
and Neurotic Illnesses in Twins. Thus, consistently mate of 83 percent. Cardno and Gottesman stress
strong evidence suggesting a hereditary or genetic that two important conclusions can be drawn from
component to the cause of schizophrenia has accu- these data: first, that schizophrenia is a strongly
mulated since the early 20th century. genetic disorder and nongenetic forms of schizo-
Twins studies: “modern” studies using equiva- phrenia (phenocopies), if they exist, are relatively
lent diagnostic definitions of schizophrenia Until uncommon. Second, people who are at genetic
the development in 1978 of the FEIGHNER CRITERIA risk for developing schizophrenia but do not have
for diagnosing schizophrenia and other mental dis- it possess genotypes that are not expressed. (That
orders, diagnostic definitions of schizophrenia wid- is, despite having the genes that may cause schizo-
ened and narrowed throughout the 20th century. phrenia, these genes do not “switch on” and begin
Such a diversity of opinions about how to define the disease process.)
and identify persons with schizophrenia makes the Still, although there is evidence that schizophre-
pre–1980 scientific literature on schizophrenia dif- nia is a “strongly” genetic disorder, the recent (post
ficult to generalize to the more “modern,” narrowly 1996) MZ concordance rates for schizophrenia of
defined view that has been in existence since DSM- 42 to 50 percent still do not match the MZ con-
III of 1980 adopted the Feighner diagnostic criteria cordance rate of 100 percent for Huntington’s dis-
for schizophrenia. DSM-III narrowed the definition ease, a monogenetic neurological disease. Perhaps
of schizophrenia in a manner that brought it closer the characterization of schizophrenia as “strongly”
to Emil Kraepelin’s early views of dementia praecox genetic is best retermed “suggestively” genetic.
and separated schizophrenia from other mental dis- Adoption studies Despite the strongly sugges-
orders (such as schizoaffective disorder, schizotypal tive evidence from twins studies that genetics plays
disorder, and schizoid personality disorder), which a role in the development of schizophrenia, many
were previously diagnosed as forms of schizophre- critics flipped the data upside down and empha-
nia since the time of Eugen BLEULER’s 1911 vol- sized the opposite conclusion: that nongenetic
ume, Dementia Praecox, or the Group of Schizophrenias. factors are equally important. In particular, critics
A further tightening of the diagnostic criteria was focused on the fact that the twins in these stud-
reflected in DSM-III-R (1987) and ICD-10 (1992). ies were raised in the same homes. The idea that
This tightening of the diagnostic criteria for schizo- there may have been something about the “shared
phrenia since 1980 has produced stronger data for environment” of these twins—sharing the same
the role of genetics in this disease. mother, father, experiences, and so on—that could
The first twin study to use “modern” diagnos- be the true cause of schizophrenia. To investigate
tic criteria was conducted by S. Onstead and col- this issue, Leonard Heston (1930– ), a psychia-
leagues in Norway and published in 1991.Using try resident at the University of Oregon Medical
the DSM-III-R definition of schizophrenia, they School, conducted a study of children of mothers
found concordance rates of 48 percent for the MZ suffering from schizophrenia who had been given
twin pairs and 4 percent for the DZ twin pairs. The up for adoption. Adopted children were raised by
genetics studies 193

persons with whom they shared no genes. Also, relatives of adoptees who had no mental illness.
the “shared environment” of schizophrenic parents When the researchers broadened their definition
and children in previously studies was eliminated. of schizophrenia to include “schizophrenia spec-
Heston found that children of schizophrenic moth- trum disorders” (nonpsychotic disorders thought
ers who had been given up for adoption had an 11 to be related to schizophrenia but that are not
percent risk for developing the disease (5 of 47 chil- as severe, such as schizoid personality disorder),
dren of schizophrenia mothers), which corresponds they found much higher rates of risk among the
closely to the 9 or 10 percent risk of a child of a biological parents of adopted-away children with
schizophrenic parent. In other words, the genetic schizophrenia 20.3 percent, than among biologi-
risk was the same, regardless of what environment cal parents of nonaffected adopted-away children,
the child was raised in. Heston published his results 5.8 percent. These famous Danish studies further
in 1966 in the British Journal of Psychiatry. confirmed the role of heredity in the development
Two major adoption studies conducted in Den- of not only schizophrenia but also “schizophrenia
mark by three schizophrenia researchers at the spectrum” disorders. The results of this first adopt-
National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, ees family design was published in the journal
Maryland—Seymour Kety (1915–2000), David Behavior Genetics in 1976.
Rosenthal (1919–96), and Paul Wender (1934– )— The most recent adoption study of schizophre-
in collaboration with Danish psychiatrist Fini Schul- nia was carried out by P. Tienari and colleagues in
singer (1923– )—confirmed Heston’s conclusions. Finland and published in Acta Psychiatrica Scandi-
Using Danish adoption registers, the researchers navica in 1991. They found lifetime prevalence risk
examined the records of approximately 5,500 chil- for developing schizophrenia that was consistent
dren adopted between 1924 and 1947, and 10,000 with earlier adoption studies, a 9.4 percent risk
of their 11,000 biological parents. Of these, they for adopted-away children of schizophrenic par-
found 44 biological mothers (two-thirds of the ents, and an analogous risk of only 1.2 percent
parents) or fathers (one-third of the parents) who in adopted-away children of nonaffected parents.
had been diagnosed with schizophrenia and whose However, an interesting finding of the Finnish
children had been adopted away. The 44 adopted- adoption study pointed to an association between
away children of a schizophrenic parent were the genetic predisposition to schizophrenia and
matched against 67 control children who had been psychological abnormalities in the adopting par-
adopted away and whose biological parents had no ents. Whether this evidence for a specific “shared
psychiatric history. A 7 percent risk for developing environment” effect is supported in future studies
schizophrenia (3 of 44 children of schizophrenics) remains to be seen.
was found, with no risk found among the control Critics of some of the adoption studies, such as E.
adoptees whose biological parents had no psychiat- Fuller Torrey and R. H. Yolken, argue that “shared
ric history. This famous study using the adoptees’ environment” effects cannot be ruled out. In an
study method was published in the Journal of Psychi- article they published in Brain Research Reviews in
atric Research in 1968. 2000, Torrey and Yolken note that the adopted-
A second study based on the same data used a away children in these studies shared a uterine
different method combining the methods of adop- environment with their mothers. Factors such as
tion studies with that of family studies. In exam- oxygenation, possible exposure to drugs, chemi-
ining the medical histories of the extended family cal agents, or infectious agents (such as viruses)
members of the 47 of the approximately 5,500 may be part of the common shared environment
adopted children who had developed schizophre- of mother and child that has had a more important
nia, and matching them against 47 children who influence on the development of schizophrenia
had not developed schizophrenia, they found that than genes. Also, many of the adopted-away chil-
first-degree biological relatives of schizophrenic dren in adoption studies lived with their biological
adoptees had a 5 percent risk for developing mother for weeks or months before being adopted,
schizophrenia, and a 0 percent risk for first-degree thereby sharing a postnatal environment.
194 genetics studies

Subtype differences One of the enduring dilem- person suffering from schizophrenia are somehow
mas in schizophrenia research is whether or not causally related. At present, the two primary meth-
scientists are studying one disease or several related ods for identifying the genes involved in schizophre-
diseases. The noted schizophrenia researcher Irving nia are linkage analysis and association studies.
Gottesman and others take the position that the Linkage analysis Linkage analysis is a useful
various classical subtypes of schizophrenia (para- method for locating single genes that have a pow-
noid schizophrenia, hebephrenia or the disorga- erful effect. These genes are located through trac-
nized subtype, catatonic schizophrenia, and so on) ing DNA markers that are linked, or are in close
are perhaps best viewed as expressions of a single proximity to them, on a particular chromosome.
disease process on a continuum from less to more Until the development in 1980 by D. Botstein and
severe forms of the disorder and are not genetically colleagues of the technique of using restriction
distinct disorders. In fact, genetics studies of schizo- fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) as a map-
phrenia do not provide support for these classic sub- ping tool, it was not possible to search reliably for
type differences, indicating that future diagnostic specific candidate genes for schizophrenia. In the
manuals that may be based on as-yet undiscovered late 1980s, RFLP research was supplanted by the
facts about the biological nature of schizophrenia development of new methods for detecting varia-
may no longer include such subtypes. The only evi- tions within genomic DNA. These also led to the
dence suggestive of a genetic basis for a subtype of identification of segments of DNA on chromosomes
schizophrenia involves (a) the classic hebephrenic that could be used as “DNA markers” that could be
or disorganized subtype, considered to be a much traced through the pedigrees of families afflicted
more chronic and disabling form of the disorder, with schizophrenia and other diseases. There are
and (b) T. J. Crow’s Type II schizophrenia, which is several different classes of DNA markers that are
characterized by early onset, poorer prognosis, and used in this research, such as restriction endonu-
predominance of negative symptoms. However, cleases (REs), variable number of tandem repeats
even this genetic evidence is weak and may not be (VNTRs), simple sequence repeat (SSR) polymor-
supported in future studies. phisms, and single nucleotide polymorphisms
(SNPs or “snips”). In linkage analysis, DNA must be
Molecular Genetics taken from many members of different generations
Molecular biology The computer revolution that in multiple families in which schizophrenia is pres-
began in the 1970s and has changed our world for- ent (multiply affected pedigrees). Linkage analysis
ever has been the driving force behind an analogous is a powerful technique for tracing monogenetic
revolution in biology. Increasingly new and more traits (such as the single genes leading to mono-
powerful computing technologies have enabled us genetic diseases like Huntington’s disease) but is a
to study life at the level of molecules, resulting in much less powerful technique for identifying the
the current international effort to understand the genes underlying complex traits—like most human
location and functioning of the genes in the human behaviors or diseases such as schizophrenia.
genome. This effort will be followed by the rise of The completion of the first draft of the Human
proteomics, the study of the formation and dynam- Genome Sequence in 1999, and the availability of
ics of proteins. All that genes do, after all, is code this map for researchers, has accelerated research
for specific proteins. The causal link between genes, in the search for the candidate genes that are
proteins, and the development of complex bodily implicated in the cause and/or pathophysiology
structures and behaviors (including diseases such of schizophrenia. Specific regions of almost every
as schizophrenia) is a task that may very well take chromosome have been suspected of containing
us into the 22nd century. Still, the current revolu- schizophrenia genes, but many of the studies have
tion in molecular genetics will go hand in hand with not found confirmation in replication attempts by
future studies of behavioral genetics in an effort to other researchers,
close the yawning chasm of our gap in knowledge The first linkage analyses in schizophrenia
of how segments of certain DNA molecules and a research both implicated segments of chromosome
genetics studies 195

5. In an article published in the British journal latter finding perhaps lending support to the NEU-
Lancet in 1988, Anne Bassett and her colleagues RODEVELOPMENTAL MODEL OF SCHIZOPHRENIA). This
published a study of an Asian-Canadian fam- study, published in January 2005 in the American
ily in Vancouver in which they identified a locus Journal of Medical Genetics Part B (Neuropsychiatric
on chromosome 5q found in a young man with Genetics) may be the first step toward developing a
schizophrenia and his schizophrenic uncle but reliable diagnostic BLOOD TEST FOR SCHIZOPHRENIA.
which did not appear in the rest of the family. That Association studies Due to the confusing results
same year, in an article published in Nature, Robin of linkage studies, it is thought that perhaps schizo-
Sherrington and colleagues reported the results phrenia is not caused by the expression of one or
of the first true linkage analysis of schizophrenia, more powerful genes, but instead by multiple genes
using data from 7 British and Icelandic families. of small effect, none of which alone is necessary or
They, too, found a link between schizophrenia sufficient to cause the disorder. Linkage analysis
and chromosome 5q (specifically, 5q11-13). Rep- cannot detect small-effect genes contributing in an
lication studies by others found that the results of additive way with other such genes, nor can it detect
these two studies were due to false positives and small-effect genes interacting with other genes, nor
therefore were incorrect. Other linkage studies small-effect genes interacting with the environ-
over the past 18 years have implicated the follow- ment. The methods of association studies are more
ing regions: chromosome 22q, chromosome 8p, sensitive to detecting genes with small effects.
chromosome 6p, chromosome 10p, chromosome Association studies compare the frequencies of
6q, chromosome 13q, chromosome 15q13-q14, genetic marker alleles in a group of persons with
chromosome 18, chromosome 1q, and the X chro- schizophrenia and to those found in a sample of
mosome. Overall, at the present time there is no control subjects who do not have schizophrenia.
reliable agreement about the involvement of any A statistically significant difference suggests (a) a
of these regions in schizophrenia, although chro- tight linkage to a marker allele and a disease muta-
mosomes 6, 8, 13, and 22 hold the most promise at tion (linkage disequillibrium), or (b) the marker
present for the location of schizophrenia suscepti- allele itself contributes to the cause of schizophre-
bility genes. nia. The assumption is that the two loci are so
One recent finding of great interest has been close together that they have not been separated
the location of a candidate gene for schizophre- by recombination over several generations. Alleles
nia, neuregulin 1, that was found on region 8p in an at the two loci are therefore assumed to be “associ-
Icelandic study conducted by Hreinn Stefansson ated,” even in individuals with schizophrenia from
and colleagues. The results were published in the different families.
American Journal of Human Genetics in 2002. This Candidate genes Candidate genes that have
particular gene plays a role in the expression and been examined to see if there is an association to
activation of neurotransmitter receptors in the cen- schizophrenia have primarily been those that code
tral nervous system, especially receptors for gluta- for proteins that are involved in the neurochemistry
mate, a neurotransmitter that has been linked to of the disorder—specifically, dopamine, serotonin,
the pathophysiology of schizophrenia since 1980. and glutamate receptors. The inspiration for these
Candidate genes for schizophrenia found on genetic studies derived from the DOPAMINE HYPOTH-
chromosomes 1, 1, 20, and 22 were found in a ESIS of schizophrenia. It had been suggested in 1966
unique study by Ming T. Tsuang, C. C. Liew, and by Jac van Rossum that antipsychotic drugs worked
their colleagues in which they claim to have devel- by blocking dopamine at the post-synaptic recep-
oped an RNA-based blood test for differentially tor cite, so the next logical step was to infer that
diagnosing schizophrenia from bipolar disorder and schizophrenia might be caused by a dysfunction of
from other psychiatric disorders and normal con- the dopamine neurotransmitter system in the brain.
trols. These candidate genes have been previously By 1972 the technology of radio-labeling allowed,
linked to inflammatory/immunological processes for the first time, the positive identification of neu-
in the body and to human brain development (this rotransmitter receptors in the brain. Five dopamine
196 genetics studies

receptors have been identified since then, two D1 been developed. Gene therapy for the treatment of
receptors and three D2 receptors. ANTIPSYCHOTIC disease has turned out to be an exceedingly prob-
DRUGS work on the D2 receptors and not the D1 lematic (and sometimes dangerous) experimental
receptors. The regions of the chromosomes that therapy and is unlikely to be an option for persons
code for these D2 receptors are now known, and are with schizophrenia at anytime in the near future.
located on chromosomes 3 and 11. Seven serotonin
receptors have been identified (5HT-1 to 5HT-7) and Useful Web Sites
the corresponding genes have been located. Three Trying to keep up with the almost daily reports of
genes linked to dopamine and serotonin are among new research on the genetics of schizophrenia is
the top 12 candidate genes for schizophrenia thus far difficult. The Web sites of the following associations
(see below). However, none of these genes for dopa- continually post new scientific information relating
mine or serotonin receptors have been conclusively to the genetics of schizophrenia and other mental
linked to the cause of schizophrenia—meaning that disorders and genetic counseling: the International
schizophrenia is not caused by a neurotransmitter Society of Psychiatric Genetics (www.ispg.net), the
dysfunction—but they certainly must play a role in Behavior Genetics Association (www.bga.org), the
the pathophysiology of the disorder. International Society for Twin Studies (www.ists.
As of July 2005, the strongest evidence for candi- qimr.edu.au), and the National Society of Genetic
date genes for schizophrenia centers on four genes: Counselors (www.nsgc.org). For more informa-
DISC1 (Disturbed in schizophrenia 1), located on chro- tion on the terminology and history of genetics, see
mosome 1 (1q42.2); DTNBP1 (Dystrobrevin binding the Web site of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
protein 1), located on chromosome 6 (6p22.3); NRG1 (http:vector/cshl/org).
(Neuregulin1), located on chromosome 8 (8p12); and Summary
RGS4 (Regulator of G-protein signaling 4), located on
The following conclusions can be drawn from
chromosome 1 (1q23.3). Eight other candidate genes
the present state of research into the genetics of
have less support but are still considered possibilities:
AKT1 (14q32.33); COMT (22q11.21); DRD3 (3q13.31),
the dopamine receptor D3 gene; G30/G72 (13q33.2); (1) Schizophrenia is a familial disease, passed from
HTR2A (13q14.2), the serotonin receptor 2A gene; one generation to another within a family in
PRODH (22q11.21); SLC6A4 (17q11.2), the serotonin unpredictable ways, and genes are involved in
transporter gene; and ZDHHC8 (22q11.21). transmitting a vulnerability to the disease.
Treatment implications of genetics studies of (2) Almost all 23 chromosomes have been impli-
schizophrenia The most likely innovation in cated as continuing regions where possible
the treatment of schizophrenia that may follow genes linked to schizophrenia may reside,
from basic genetic research is the development but the evidence for specific candidate genes
of designer drugs tailored to treatment-resistant is generally weak and contradictory. There is
patients. Medical geonmics companies are focusing no evidence of “schizogenes” that directly lead
their research on single nucleotide polymorphisms to the development of schizophrenia that are
(SNPs or “snips”), very small differences in the same analogous to the gene that causes Huntington’s
gene in a population, which may be responsible disease, to name one example.
for the commonly observed fact in medicine that (3) Behavioral genetics studies of schizophrenia
some persons respond to a new drug but others do indicate that nongenetic factors play a size-
not. The term for this area of research—pharmaco- able role in the cause and pathophysiology of
genetics—was first used in an article by F. Vogel in a schizophrenia, and some RISK FACTORS are well
German pediatrics journal in 1959 in reference to known from epidemiological studies.
the speculation that adverse effects of medication (4) Schizophrenia is not caused by a chemical
in some persons and not in others may be due to imbalance in the brain (i.e., dopamine system
genetic differences. As of September 2005, no such dysfunctioning) as so many family members
pharmacogenetic drugs for schizophrenia have of people with schizophrenia are told every
genetic transmission 197

day, but such neurotransmitter irregularities Torrey, E. F., and R. H. Yolken. “Familial and Genetic
are instead representative of the disease pro- Mechanisms in Schizophrenia,” Brain Research Reviews
cess (pathophysiology). 31 (2000): 113–117.
(5) Estimates of the high heritability of schizo- Tsuang, M. T., et al. “Assessing the Validity of Blood-
phrenia derived from twins studies must be based Gene Expression Profiles for the Classification
interpreted with caution. High heritability of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder: A Preliminary
does not imply causation. Report,” American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B—
(6) Schizophrenia is most probably related to the Neuropsychiatric Genetics 133B (January 2005): 1–5.
activity of multiple genes with small effects. Vogel, F. “Moderne Probleme der Humangenetik,” Erb-
(7) The cause of schizophrenia is unknown. What gebnisse innere Medizin und Kinderheilkunde 12 (1959):
is known is that genes alone do not cause 52–125.
schizophrenia. Weygandt, W. “Kritische Bemerkungen zur Psychologie
de Dementia praecox,” Monatsschrift für Psychiatrie und
Botstein, D., R. L. White, M. H. Skolnik, and R. W. Davis. Neurologie 22 (1907): 289–301.
“Construction of a Genetic Linkage Map in Man Using
Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLPs),”
American Journal of Human Genetics 32 (1980): 314–331. genetic transmission Despite almost 90 years of
Carlson, E. A. The Unfit: A History of a Bad Idea. Cold Spring the study of the genetics of SCHIZOPHRENIA , the pat-
Harbor, N.Y.: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, tern of the transmission of the disease from family
2001. member to family member is unknown. Several
Gottesman, I. I. Schizophrenia Genesis: The Origin of Mad- possible models of the mode of genetic transmis-
ness. New York: W. H. Freman, 1991. sion of schizophrenia have been proposed.
Griesinger, W. Mental Pathology and Therapeutics, trans. C. L. There are, however, essentially two major variet-
Robinson and J. Rutherford. 1860 (German). Reprint, ies. One type of model proposes that a single major
New York: William Wood and Co., 1882. gene has defects that predispose an individual to a
Johannsen, W. Elemente der Exacten Erblichkeitslehre. Jena: particular disease. This is known as a monogenetic
Gustav Fischer, 1909. transmission model. It is also sometimes called
Kitcher, P. “Gene: Current Usages.” In Keywords in Evolu- the “generalized single locus (GSL) model” or, by
tionary Biology, edited by Evelyn Fox Keller and Elisa- others, a “Mendelian pattern,” since the defective
beth A. Lloyd. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University gene in classical M ENDELIAN TRANSMISSION pat-
Press, 1992. terns (the first genetic transmission patterns ever
Kraepelin, E. Psychiatrie. Ein Lehrbuch für Studirende und identified) is either a dominant gene, a recessive
Aerzte. Funfte, vollstandig umgearbeitete Auflage. Leipzig, gene, or a sex-linked gene (a single gene located
Verlag von Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1896. on a sex chromosome). This is the oldest model for
Prasad, S., et al. “Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia: the genetic transmission of schizophrenia and was
Past, Present, Future,” Journal of Bioscience 27 (Febru- first proposed by Rosanoff and Orr in 1911. This
ary 2002): 35–52. monogenetic model of genetic transmission is the
Riley, B., P. J. Asherton, and P. McGuffin. “Genetics and type more likely to be detected through LINKAGE
Schizophrenia.” In Schizophrenia. 2nd ed., edited by ANALYSIS statistical procedures, which are consid-
S. R. Hirsch and D. Weinberger. Oxford: Blackwell, ered more powerful than SEGREGATION ANALYSIS in
2003. the detecting of a single gene that may be respon-
Slater, E., and V. Cowie. The Genetics of Mental Disorders. sible for the predisposition to schizophrenia.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1971. More than 3,000 physical diseases (albeit some-
Stefansson, H., et al. “Neuregulin 1 and Susceptibility to what rare ones) have been found to be monoge-
Schizophrenia,” American Journal of Human Genetics 71 netic and are transmitted according to Mendelian
(2002): 877–892. patterns. Much research continues to be conducted
Sullivan, P. F. “The Genetics of Schizophrenia,” PLoS Medi- in the hope that mental illnesses may also be trans-
cine 2 (July 2005): e212 (www.plosmedicine.org). mitted in this “single gene” fashion.
198 genome

The second type is polygenetic models of trans- of Sciences of the United States of America 58 (1967):
mission, sometimes called “non-Mendelian models 199–205.
of transmission.” The assumption here is that the Rosanoff, A. J., and F. L. Orr. “A Study in Insanity in the
genetic predisposition to a particular disease is the Light of Mendelian Theory,” American Journal of Insan-
result of an additive effect. That is, the predispo- ity 68 (1911): 221–261.
sition exists only through the combined effects of Rosenthal, D., and S. Kety. The Transmission of Schizophre-
several genes. There are many physical character- nia. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1968.
istics that are polygenetically determined in all of
us, such as height and intelligence. Furthermore,
many physical illnesses such as diabetes are polyge- genome A combination of the words gene and
netically determined. MENTAL DISORDERs, especially chromosome, the word genome is the complete set
schizophrenia and BIPOLAR DISORDER, are likewise of chromosomes derived from one parent; or it can
thought to be more likely to follow a polygenetic refer to the total gene complement of a set of chro-
pattern of transmission. Computer models of trans- mosomes found in higher life forms. On April 27,
mission that also account for environmental fac- 1989, an announcement was made at Cold Spring
tors in the development of the disease are called Harbor Laboratory in New York State, a major
MULTIFACTORIAL THRESHOLD MODELS OF GENETIC genetics research center, that an international
TRANSMISSION, first proposed by Falconer in 1965 organization of geneticists was being formed to
and adapted to schizophrenia by Gottesman and initiate an immense project to identify and define
Shields in 1967. This is a form of a DIATHESIS-STRESS all human genes and genetic material. In 1999 an
THEORY of schizophrenia. announcement was made of the completion of
Another idea that combines concepts from the the first draft of the human genome. By 2005 it
monogenetic and polygenetic models is the GENETIC was estimated that there are 25,000 genes in the
HETEROGENEITY of a particular disorder. The human genome.
hypothesis here is that the same disease (schizo-
phrenia) may be caused by any one of a number
of genes located in different places (multiple loci). genotype The genetic composition of an individ-
Any one of these genes alone would be sufficient to ual. It may also refer to a gene combination at any
cause the disorder. Thus, while conflicting results one locus or with respect to any specified combi-
of research may place the “schizophrenia-gene” at nation of loci.
first on chromosome 5, then chromosome X, this
may just be confirming evidence for the genetic
heterogeneity of schizophrenia. Geodon See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.
There continues to be much debate among
researchers as to whether schizophrenia and the
psychotic disorders follow a monogenetic or a poly- Germany Prevalence studies for SCHIZOPHRENIA
genetic mode of transmission, or a “mixed model” conducted in the 1930s found prevalence rates
of the two. As of 2006 the mode of genetic trans- ranging from 1.9 to 2.6 per 1,000. Current evi-
mission of schizophrenia is unknown. dence suggests that the prevalence rates have not
changed in Germany since the 1930s.
Falconer, D. S. “The Inheritance of Liability to Certain
Diseases Estimated from the Incidence among Rela- Torrey, E. F. Schizophrenia and Civilization. New York: Jason
tives,” Annals of Human Genetics 29 (1965): 51–76. Aronson, 1980.
Garver, D. L., et al. “Schizophrenia and the Question of
the Genetic Heterogeneity,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 15
(1989): 421–430. Ghana The West African country of Ghana (for-
Gottesman, I. I., and J. Shields. “A Polygenetic Theory merly the Gold Coast) has been the subject of sev-
of Schizophrenia,” Proceedings of the National Academy eral SCHIZOPHRENIA prevalence studies since the
glossolalia 199

1940s. The most striking finding is that in one One of the most interesting of my visits was to Gheel,
area of northern Ghana the prevalence of schizo- in Belgium, where the patients for the most part
phrenia increased sharply between 1937 and 1963. live with the families that make up this settlement.
Since this coincided with the pervasive introduc- The hospital itself, the so-called asile fermé, occupies
tion of Western cultural influences, the Ghana the central position. The little town of Gheel con-
studies are often cited by E. Fuller Torrey as pos- sists for the most part of a few stores on one side of
sible indications that schizophrenia is a “disease of a single street, and the country for twenty miles
civilization.” about is occupied by peasants who live upon and
cultivate the land. This condition has been main-
Torrey, E. F. Schizophrenia and Civilization. New York: Jason tained over many centuries. The patients who are
Aronson, 1980. sent there are studied in the central asylum and if
found to be sufficiently reliable are sent out to the
little farm cottages, where they live with the peas-
Gheel Colony Gheel, Belgium, has been the ant’s families. The doctor makes his rounds once a
home of a shrine to Saint Dymphna, the patron month on his bicycle, sees the patient, chats with
saint of the mentally ill, since the 11th century. him and weighs him, the weight being considered
Many miraculous cures are said to have taken one of the outstanding evidences that the patient
place there. However, by the 14th century the large is being properly cared for. I visited a number of
number of mentally ill pilgrims was becoming these homes and found that the patient’s room was
unmanageable, and a hospital and humane system a plain affair furnished only with a bed and a chair
of family care were established. Mentally ill pil- and perhaps a table and a rug, with a crucifix at
grims would be placed in local households and be the head of the bed. The patient himself, treated
under the foster care of family members. Although as a member of the family, could usually be found
as recently as the late 1930s it was reported that downstairs or nearby, engaged in the household
as many as 4,000 mentally ill persons were under work or the work of the farm.
foster care in the community, by the 1960s this
number had been significantly reduced, with about Parry-Jones, W. L. “The Model of the Gheel Lunatic Col-
1,700 being served in 1970. However, the Belgian ony and Its Influence on the Nineteenth-Century Asy-
Ministry of Public Health still provides psychiatric lum System in Britain.” In Madhouses, Mad-Doctors, and
services for these people in the Gheel Colony. The Madmen: The Social History of Psychiatry in the Victorian
hospital that works with the families of the area is Era, edited by A. Scull. London: Athlone Press, 1981.
called the Rijkspsychiatrisch Ziekenhuis-Centrum White, W. A. William Alanson White: The Autobiography of a
voor Gezinsverpleging (the “State Psychiatric Hos- Purpose. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1938.
pital Center for Family Care.”).
The Gheel Colony is a remarkable example of
how the severely mentally ill can be integrated into glossolalia This is the technical term for the phe-
society as an alternative to institutionalization. nomenon of “speaking in tongues,” the bizarre
Attempts to copy the “Gheel model” of care in Great babbling and emission of sounds that is often part
Britain and the United States in the 19th century of an ecstatic religious ritual involving an altered
were known as the “cottage system” or as “boarding- state of consciousness. Although the phenomenon
out,” but no successful long-term program based on is ancient in origin, it is commonly observed in
the Gheel Colony has ever been devised. certain fundamentalist Christian or “charismatic”
American psychiatrist William Alanson While Roman Catholic gatherings, especially in the
made a series of trips, beginning in 1906, to visit United States and Canada. The speech in glossola-
European hospitals for mental disease. In his mem- lia may seem like the NEOLOGISMS or WORD SALAD
oirs, he gives a colorful description of the unique of a psychotic disorder, but it is in fact an innocu-
system of community care for the mentally ill at ous situation-specific behavior that does not neces-
Gheel: sarily indicate a mental disorder.
200 glutamate hypothesis

Goodman, F. Speaking in Tongues: A Cross-Cultural Study ize not only their “inmates,” but the staff as well.
of Glossolalia. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, He especially emphasized the ways in which
1972. inmates survive in the closed worlds of “total
institutions” by “making-do” in a bad situation.
The thesis of Goffman’s book is that perhaps the
glutamate hypothesis Glutamate is the main most important influence on the behavior of a
neurotransmitter in both the sensory and motor mental hospital patient is the institutional envi-
neural circuits of the cerebral cortex of the brain. ronment and not the illness, and that the reac-
In 1980 J. Kim and three other colleagues pub- tions and adjustments of a patient in a mental
lished a study in which it was hypothesized that hospital are similar to those of inmates in other
a “hypoactivity” of the glutamanergic system may types of institutions (e.g., prisons).
be linked to the pathophysiology of schizophre-
nia. This glutamate hypothesis of schizophrenia Goffman, E. Asylums: Essays on the Social Situation of Men-
in its pure form has already been rejected, just as tal Patients and Other Inmates. New York: Doubleday,
the simple “single-system” forms of the DOPAMINE 1961.
(1954) have been. Since 1980 numerous studies
of the activity of glutamate in schizophrenia have Goldstein, Kurt (1878–1965) A German psychia-
been conducted. Glutamate receptor genes, glu- trist perhaps most remembered for his studies of
tamate receptor binding, and glutamate receptor brain-damaged patients and schizophrenics. He
expression in the cortical, striatal, and temporal proposed the idea that there were two essential
lobe structures in the brain have been examined types of thought, “concrete” and “abstract,” and
in the past decade. The exact role of glutamate in that brain-damaged people and schizophrenics had
schizophrenia is presently unknown. lost their capacity for abstract thought and instead
exhibited concrete thought patterns. Goldstein
Kim, J., et al. “Low Cerebralspinal Fluid Glutamate in felt that brain damaged people adopted the “con-
Schizophrenic Patients and a New Hypothesis on Schizo- crete attitude” to avoid ANXIETY and “catastrophic
phrenia,” Neuroscience Letters 20 (1980): 379–382. reactions”—an agitated state of panic and rage
that is a reaction to the frustrations brought on
by the limitations imposed in thought and action
Goffman, Erving (1922–1988) Goffman was a by brain damage. His contribution to the study of
noted Canadian sociologist who is best remem- SCHIZOPHRENIA was the further recognition of the
bered for his book Asylums (1961), which con- fact that, at least in some forms of the disorder, it
tained a series of essays on his research on the resembles an organic brain disease.
interactive effects of institutions and the persons
who are confined and work in them. Goffman Goldstein, K. The Organism. New York: American Books,
conducted his research between 1954 and 1957 1939.
as a visiting member of the Laboratory of Socio- ———. “The Significance of Psychological Research in
environmental Studies of the NATIONAL I NSTI- Schizophrenia,” Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
TUTE OF M ENTAL H EALTH in Bethesda, Maryland. 97 (1943): 261–279.
For a period of one year (1955–56) he worked
“undercover” in St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Wash-
ington, D.C., one of the country’s largest mental governess psychosis In the 19th century, when
hospitals with a census of over 7,000 patients. much less was known about the causes of the
His depictions of the social world of the “hospital psychotic disorders, it was thought that certain
inmate,” especially how this world is subjectively occupations might predispose one to madness.
experienced by this person, offer a picture of Sometimes the exposure to certain chemicals
how such institutions systematically dehuman- or materials was the reputed cause, such as the
Griesinger, Wilhelm 201

chemical used by hatters or shoemakers, or the he or she has some special ability or status that ele-
vapors inhaled from the mining of lead (causing vates him or her above all others. These may be
a form of insanity known in 19th-century Scot- delusions of unlimited riches, of the possession of
land as “mill-reeck”). However, most of the time special powers or abilities, or that the person has
no such material causes could be found. Artists, been given a divine calling of some sort. People
poets, and other creative people are perhaps the may even believe that they are a famous person.
best known example, but (at least in Europe) the However, in delusional disorder, these usually
profession of being a “governess” to the children of fixed delusions do not impair intellectual, social,
wealthy parents was also commonly regarded as and occupational functioning as similar grandiose
possibly contributing to the development of a seri- delusions do in the paranoid subtype of schizo-
ous mental illness—especially DEMENTIA PRAECOX phrenia. The early 19th-century French descrip-
(SCHIZOPHRENIA). In the conventional folk wisdom tions of the mental disorder that Esquirol named
of the time, and even in psychiatric journals, it was MONOMANIA are perhaps most clearly found today
commonly speculated that there was a mental dis- in this grandiose type of delusional disorder.
order known as a “governess-psychosis.” This topic See also PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIA.
was taken so seriously in the latter half of the 19th
century that Eugen BLEULER felt the need to con-
sider the issue in his chapter on “The Causes of the grandiosity An inflated belief about one’s
Disease” in his 1911 book, Dementia Praecox, Or the importance, worth, knowledge, or identity. In
Group of Schizophrenias: the psychotic disorders, GRANDIOSE DELUSIONS are
common, particularly in the paranoid subtype of
For decades the idea has been preserved that schizophrenia and in the manic phase of BIPO-
governesses were especially prone to develop LAR DISORDER. A manic individual with grandiose
schizophrenia. Some authors even spoke of a delusions may believe that he or she has a “special
“governess-psychosis”; and it has been maintained message” or “talent” that no one in the world has,
that governesses suffer a particularly severe (and or may grossly overestimate their assets and create
unpleasant) form of the disease. There may be huge debts while on a shopping spree or in business
something in this, inasmuch as young women transactions. People with the paranoid subtype of
become governesses who have ambitions of rais- schizophrenia may believe that they are a famous
ing their social standing beyond their capaci- rock music star (Mick Jagger and Madonna seem
ties and among whom there must be many with to be the favorites in American psychiatric hospi-
schizophrenic predisposition. The treatment they tals) or are married to one.
often receive at the hands of their employers gives See also PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIA.
occasion for determining a schizophrenia. How-
ever, it must certainly be first established whether
or not governesses really do suffer in greater num- Griesinger, Wilhelm (1817–1868) German psy-
bers than members of other vocations. chiatrist who is regarded as the “father of biological
psychiatry.” The 1861 second edition of Griesinger’s
See also M AD H ATTER, MAD AS A HATTER. famous textbook, Mental Pathology and Therapeutics,
was a turning point in the history of psychiatry as
Bleuler, E. Dementia Praecox, Or the Group of Schizophrenias, it shifted the center of major scientific contribu-
trans. J. Zinkin. 1911. Reprint, New York: International tions in the field from France, whose aliénistes had
Universities Press, 1950. dominated psychiatry in the first half of the 19th
century, to Germany. German psychiatrists domi-
nated the field well into the early 20th century.
grandiose type One of the common types of delu- Born in Stuttgart, Griesinger was educated in
sional (paranoid) disorder. GRANDIOSE DELUSIONS Germany, Switzerland, and France. After finish-
are often those in which a person is convinced that ing his medical studies, he took a position at the
202 group psychotherapy

Winnenthal asylum in Württemberg. His two from an administrative and therapeutic point of
years there seem to have been the only period in view it seemed the perfect treatment for institu-
which he was involved in full-time clinical work tionalized patients. Group meetings of a wide vari-
with patients, as he held mainly administrative ety have been almost universally adopted by those
and teaching positions throughout the remainder who perform psychiatric services in institutional
of his life. His experience at Württemberg formed or quasi–institutional settings (e.g., aftercare pro-
the basis of the ideas and observations of his 1845 grams), particularly since the resources do no exist
first edition. After accepting a position as pro- to provide every patient with consistent individual-
fessor of medicine in Zurich in 1860, Griesinger ized treatment.
was in charge of planning and supervising the Insight-oriented group therapy, which is
construction of a large new hospital for the treat- designed to explore deeply personal emotional
ment of the mentally ill—the famous BURGHÖLZI issues, has until recently been the primary mode
HOSPITAL , which Eugen BLEULER later man- of group-oriented treatment for institutionalized
aged in the early 20th century. He also founded schizophrenics. Although patients with less seri-
a major psychiatric journal, which continues to ous psychiatric diagnoses (that is, nonpsychotic
be published today—the Archiv für Psychiatrie und disorders) may benefit from such emotionally
Nervenkrankheit. intense group experiences, research shows that
Griesinger made a major contribution to psy- insight-oriented group psychotherapy may actu-
chiatry with his strong emphasis on the brain and ally worsen psychotic symptoms. At best, as J. M.
nervous system as the source of all mental disor- Kane concludes in 1989 in a major review of the
ders. His classifications of mental disorders and research on the effectiveness of different treat-
their clinical descriptions were widely adopted in ments in schizophrenia,
Germany and elsewhere. His scientific philosophy
still reigns today in our current research efforts to Many clinicians have suggested the value of group
unlock the secrets of the psychotic disorders: therapy during the inpatient phase of the treat-
ment of schizophrenia. Several review articles
Insanity being a disease, and that disease being have appeared on this topic. . . . By and large, the
an affection of the brain, it can therefore only results from studies designed to assess the impact
be studied in a proper manner from the medi- of group therapy when used with or without med-
cal point of view. The anatomy, physiology, and ication have not been positive, though there are
pathology of the nervous system, and the whole some exceptions.
range of special pathology and therapeutics, con-
stitute preliminary knowledge most essential to Instead, much of the research indicates that the
the medical psychologist. focus should be shifted from the idea that the dis-
ease process in schizophrenia is somehow being
Griesinger, W. “The Care and Treatment of the Insane alleviated through insight-oriented group (or
in Germany,” Journal of Mental Science 14 (1868–69): individual) therapy, as it most probably is not, to
1–34. the idea that the focus of groups should be a struc-
———. Mental Pathology and Therapeutics. 2nd ed., trans. tured program that teaches adaptive social and
C. L. Robertson and J. Rutherford. 1861. Reprint, New vocational skills. Likewise, the research indicates
York: William Wood, 1882. that insight-oriented family therapy (see FAMILY
Marx, O. M. “Wilhelm Griesinger and the History of Psy- INTERACTION THEORIES), which views the cause of
chiatry: A Reassessment,” Bulletin of the History of Medi- the illness in family interaction patterns, should
cine 46 (1972): 522–544. instead be replaced by structured psychoeduca-
tional programs for family members that can teach
them how their behavior affects the course of the
group psychotherapy Group therapy came into schizophrenic relative’s illness and how to accen-
vogue in the latter half of the 20th century, and tuate the positive aspects of that influence. Such
gyrator 203

“family management strategies” can reduce the Penn, D. L., and K. T. Mueser. “Research Update on the
rate of relapse for schizophrenia (see EXPRESSED Psychosocial Treatment of Schizophrenia,” American
EMOTION). Journal of Psychiatry 153 (1996): 607–617.
Given the evidence that traditional insight-
oriented “group therapy” is essentially useless in
arresting the schizophrenic disease process, this
gustatory hallucination This is a hallucina-
tion of taste. People who report gustatory hal-
knowledge should have profound effects on the
lucinations often report an unpleasant taste in
treatment of schizophrenics in public institu-
their mouth. This type of HALLUCINATION is less
tions. For example, psychiatrists and psycholo-
common than other types, particularly AUDITORY
gists would no longer be necessary for conducting
“group therapy,” since individuals with only a
high school or college degree could be given spe-
cialized training in the methods of structured gyrator (or “gyrater”) A mechanical device
psychoeducational or supportive programming invented by Benjamin RUSH and used at the Penn-
for schizophrenics. Such policies could have pro- sylvania Hospital in Philadelphia in the early
found economic benefits since these people could 1800s. Based on the CIRCULATING SWING used
be hired at far lower wages than clinical person- by English physician Joseph Mason Cox (1762–
nel and yet with the same therapeutic effect for 1822) at the Fishponds Private Lunatic Asylum in
the patients. Stapleton, England, the gyrator was a machine on
Conceptions of “group therapy” for the treat- which a patient would apparently sit and be rap-
ment of schizophrenics therefore have changed idly spun around by its gyrations to bring the blood
radically in the 1980s. When the patient is hos- to the brain. In his 1812 textbook, Medical Inqui-
pitalized during the acute stages of the psycho- ries and Observations Upon the Diseases of the Mind,
sis, structured interaction with the patient, either Rush describes his “gyrater” under the heading of
individually or in a group situation, should be “Exercise” as a recommended treatment:
supportive and psychoeducational. However,
research shows that inpatient “social skills” or EXERCISE. This should consist of swinging, see-
“reality-adaptive-supportive therapy” or post-dis- saw, and an exercise discovered by Dr. Cox, which
charge “family management strategies” in combi- promises more than either of them, and that is,
nation with antipsychotic drugs are more effective subjecting the patient to a rotary motion, so as to
than just the drugs alone; the research also indi- give a centrifugal direction of the blood towards
cates that the positive effects of these psychoso- the brain. He tells us he has cured eight persons
cial strategies are only good for a year or so after of torpid madness by this mode of exercise. I have
discharge. Schizophrenia is, after all, in most of contrived a machine for this purpose in the hos-
its manifestations a chronic brain disease of an pital, which produces the same effects upon the
unknown origin, and it appears that the organic body which are mentioned by Dr. Cox. These are
disease process eventually counteracts the thera- vertigo and nausea, and a general perspiration. I
peutic gains of psychosocial treatment, no matter have called it a Gyrater. It would be more perfect,
how intense or consistent the program may be. did it permit the head to be placed at a greater dis-
The true therapy of the future for schizophrenia tance from its center of motion. It produces great
will almost certainly be biologically based. And changes in the pulse.
although “group therapy” is almost universally
mandated by the administrators of state hospi- Not satisfied with the “gyrater” he invented for
tals as part of the “usual treatment” of institu- use at the Pennsylvania Hospital, Rush provides the
tionalized patients, it may one day be regarded following suggestions for a more effective machine:
as quaint and as ultimately useless as the “usual
treatments” of the 19th century—bleeding, bath- A cheap contrivance, to answer all its purposes,
ing, and purging—seem to us today. might easily be made, by placing a patient upon
204 gyrator

a board moved at its centre upon a pivot, with Many descriptions of Rush’s “gyrater” incor-
his head toward one of its extremities, and then rectly describe it as this latter machine suggested
giving it a rotary motion. The centrifugal force of by Rush as an improvement on the gyrater.
the blood would exceed, in this way, that which
it receives from the chair employed by Dr. Cox or Rush B. Medical Inquiries and Observations upon the Diseases
from the gyrater in the Pennsylvania Hospital. of the Mind. Philadelphia: Kimber & Richardson, 1812.
hair pulling See TRICHTILLOMANIA. vidual who is also experiencing auditory hallu-
cinations may hear voices telling him that he is
worthless, useless or perhaps may urge self-muti-
Haiti See BOUFFÉE DÉLIRANTE. lation or suicide.
Hallucinations are only to be considered a
symptom of a psychotic disorder if there is also
Haldol See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS. a clearly demonstrated break with reality in the
mental state of the individual. Hallucinations are
often thought of as immediately signifying that a
hallucination A hallucination is an event that person is psychotic, but this is not the case. People
is experienced as a sensory perception (e.g., the who have many other types of MENTAL DISORDERS,
sound of a voice, the sight of someone or some- such as effective disorder and even personality
thing) but, in fact, is not real. The relevant sensory disorder, can experience transient hallucinations.
organs, such as the ears or eyes, are not physically Even normal individuals can experience transient
stimulated, yet the person reports a sensory expe- hallucinations from time to time. The most com-
rience. A hallucination is experienced as real, and monly reported hallucinatory experience reported
it may be perceived as originating from outside a in people without mental disorders is hearing a
person’s body (as with the usual sensory experi- voice calling one’s own name. Hallucinations that
ences of sight and sound), or it may be felt to come occur within the context of intense religious expe-
from within a person’s own body. For example, a riences are not necessarily to be considered a sign
person may report “hearing voices,” but the voices of mental illness.
may be experienced as coming from within the The word hallucination first appeared in the Eng-
head rather than from outside it. A delusional lish language in 1572 in a work by Johann Kaspar
interpretation (if present) of a hallucination, may Lavater, referring to “ghostes and spirites walking
be consistent with a person’s belief system or, if by nyght” (in other words, “apparitions”). How-
the person is psychotic, with his delusional system. ever, its original derivation is from a Greek word
Hallucinations are distinguished from delusions in meaning “to wander in mind.” J. E. D. ESQUIROL
that a hallucination is a disturbance of perception was the first to recognize the importance of hal-
whereas a delusion represents a pathological dis- lucinations as a symptom of mental disorder in
tortion of normal ideation. his 1838 textbook, Des Maladies Mentales. In the
Hallucinations occur in the form of one or more chapter “Hallucinations,” Esquirol constructs a
of the five senses: sight (VISUAL HALLUCINATIONS), definition of hallucinations that is still the basis of
sound (AUDITORY HALLUCINATIONS), taste (GUSTA- the one employed in the most current diagnostic
TORY HALLUCINATIONS), touch (TACTILE HALLUCI- manual of mental disorder—DSM-IV (1994). Esqui-
NATIONS), and smell (OLFACTORY HALLUCINATIONS). rol defines a hallucination as “a thorough convic-
Hallucinations can be mood congruent or mood tion of the perception of a sensation, when no
incongruent in content, with either a manic or external object, suited to excite the sensation, has
depressed mood. For example, a depressed indi- impressed the senses.” Esquirol was also the first

206 hallucinatory verbigeration

to emphasize the distinction between a hallucina- ing” auditory hallucinations while a person with
tion and an ILLUSION, in which an actual external schizophrenia was actually experiencing them.
stimulus is misperceived or misinterpreted. A pupil New “dysconnection,” or “disconnection,” theories
of Esquirol’s and a member of the “Esquirol Circle,” of schizophrenia point to imbalances in the neural
A. J. F. BRIERRE DE BOISMONT, wrote the first com- connection networks between the left frontal and
prehensive textbook on the clinical and cultural left temporal lobes of the brain in their explana-
manifestations of hallucinations, and this book was tions of auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia.
translated into English and published in 1853.
Hallucinations (as well as delusions) were regarded Asaad, I., and B. Shapiro. “Hallucinations: Theoretical
as an important symptom of schizophrenia by many and Clinical Overview,” American Journal of Psychiatry,
of the early authorities on schizophrenia, but they 143 (1986): 1,088–1,097.
differed in regard to how necessary the presence of Brierre de Boismont, A. Hallucinations, or, The Rational History
hallucinations in a person was to making the diag- of Apparitions, Visions, Dreams, Ecstasy, Magnetism and Som-
nosis of schizophrenia. For example, although many nambulism. Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blakiston, 1853.
authorities have considered hallucinations, particu- Esquirol, J. E. D. Mental Maladies, A Treatise on Insanity,
larly auditory hallucinations, as a defining sign of trans. E. K. Hunt. 1838. Reprint, Philadelphia: Lea &
schizophrenia as Kurt Schneider did with his FIRST- Blanchard, 1845.
RANK SYMPTOMS, others have proposed that differ- Sarbin, T. R., and J. B. Juhasz. “The Historical Background
ent symptoms might be better criteria for defining of the Concept of Hallucination, Journal of the History of
schizophrenia. Eugen BLEULER, for example, argued the Behavioral Sciences 3 (1967): 339–358.
in 1911 that hallucinations and delusions are not Stern, E., and D. A. Silbersweig. “Neural Mechanisms
among the four PRIMARY SYMPTOMS OF SCHIZOPHRE- Underlying Hallucinations in Schizophrenia: The Role
NIA but instead are merely the ACCESSORY SYMP- of Abnormal Fronto-Temporal Interactions.” In Origins
TOMS of the disorder. However, Bleuler realized how and Development of Schizophrenia: Advances in Experimen-
serious these accessory symptoms could be for the tal Psychopathology, edited by M. F. Lenzenweger and R.
afflicted person. For as he remarks in his 1911 clas- H. Dworkin. Washington, D.C.: American Psychologi-
sic, Dementia Praecox, Or the Group of Schizophrenias: cal Association, 1998.

It is not often that the fundamental symptoms are

so markedly exhibited as to cause the patient to hallucinatory verbigeration This is the term given
be hospitalized in a mental institution. It is pri- by Emil K RAEPELIN in the eighth edition (1909–15)
marily the accessory phenomena which make his of his famous textbook, Psychiatrie, for the type of
retention at home impossible, or it is they which AUDITORY HALLUCINATION in which a patient hears
make the psychosis manifest and give occasion to essentially the same meaningless sentences over
require psychiatric help. and over again. One of Kraepelin’s patients wrote
down the following nonsense sentences that he
Hallucinations, along with delusions, are con- heard over and over again as an auditory halluci-
sidered to be the POSITIVE SYMPTOMS of schizophre- nation: “For we ourselves can always hope that we
nia. The most recent comprehensive review article should let ourselves pray other thoughts. For we
on the theories and research findings on halluci- ourselves wish to know who would let the swine’s
nations was published in 1986 and was authored head be tormented to death with us foolishly.”
by G. Asaad and B. Shapiro.
With the introduction of BRAIN IMAGING tech- Kraepelin, E. Dementia Praecox and Paraphrenia. Translated
niques into the research on schizophrenia, by R. M. Barclay and edited by G. M. Robertson. Edin-
particularly those that allow for “images” of a burgh: E. & S. Livingstone, 1919.
functioning brain (positron emission tomography
and functional magnetic resonance imaging), in
the 1990s many researchers succeeded in “captur- haloperidol See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.
Haslam, John 207

handcuffs Until the mid-1800s, many extreme Goodheart, L. B. Mad Yankees: The Hartford Retreat for the
methods of MECHANICAL RESTRAINT were still Insane in Nineteenth-Century Psychiatry. Amherst: Uni-
in use in European asylums. Handcuffs were versity of Massachusetts Press, 2004.
included among these instruments, which were
more often used for punitive measures than thera-
peutic ones. One variant on the form of handcuffs Haslam, John (1764–1844) An apothecary and
that we think of today was a type that would hook researcher at the BETHLEM ROYAL HOSPITAL (“Bed-
onto iron rings on a heavy iron belt that circled lam”), Haslam produced some of the finest of the
the waist. Handcuffs were routinely employed at early psychiatric manuals; the 1798 Observations On
the asylum in Middlesex, England, until English Insanity and its expanded second edition of 1809,
physician John CONOLLY, a leading figure of the retitled Observations on Madness and Melancholy. He
NONRESTRAINT MOVEMENT, became superintendent performed autopsies on the patients at Bedlam and
there in 1839. described his observations in his written works.
He also provided clinical descriptions of what were
later known as general paralysis of the insane and
harness, cruciform See BED SADDLE ; CRUCIFORM the chronic, more degenerative form of schizo-
STANCE. phrenia now described by British psychiatrist T.
J. Crow as Type II schizophrenia. Because Haslam
and Philippe P INEL both seemed to provide the first
Hartford Retreat An American private institution descriptions of cases of this type of schizophrenia
for the humane treatment of mental illness that was in 1809, Crow has given the name P INEL-H ASLAM
founded in Hartford, Connecticut, in 1824. It was SYNDROME to Type II schizophrenia (see CROW ’S
based on the famous YORK R ETREAT in England. HYPOTHESIS).
For most of its first several decades, the Hartford Haslam’s descriptions of case histories seem to
Retreat admitted all patients who could pay and give a complete description of the disease process
only a small portion of those who could not. How- in CHRONIC SCHIZOPHRENIA , as we have come to
ever, these patients had to meet certain criteria and know it, with an insidious onset in adolescence
could not have a history of chronic mental illness. or early adulthood, classical signs and symptoms
What’s more, they would be discharged within and a chronic deteriorating course. Prior to this
six months regardless of their progress. Since time, many mental disorders had been described
“discharge rates” were often touted as “curability throughout the centuries, and although hal-
rates,” the Hartford Retreat was praised by many, lucinations and delusions had been commonly
including Dorothea DIX and British author Charles reported they had never been accompanied by
Dickens, who visited it on his trip to America in descriptions of the developmental course of the
1842 and found it to be one of the few institutions disease. Therefore, Haslam and Pinel’s simulta-
in America that was worthy of merit. neous (but independent) publications of these
However, when the retreat requested and case histories give us the first definite HISTORI-
received state funds in 1843, for the next two CAL EVIDENCE FOR SCHIZOPHRENIA as a distinct
decades it shifted its role from one of a curative disease.
institution to a custodial one. More poor and Haslam’s descriptions in his 1798 book of what
chronic cases were admitted, and superintendents we now know as BIPOLAR DISORDER predate the
of the institution complained of the growing num- French psychiatrist BAILLARGER’s first thorough
bers of “filthy, noisy, or dangerous pauper lunatics” description in 1854 of a single disorder that com-
that filled its wards. In 1866 the state of Connecti- bines both depressed and manic mood swings.
cut appropriated funds for a state asylum, allowing When discussing “mania” and “melancholia” he
the Hartford Retreat to revert to a private institu- insightfully asserts: “I would strongly oppose
tion for the wealthy. It later changed its name to their being considered as opposite diseases.” In a
the Institute for Living. later passage in the same book, Haslam gives a
208 Hayner’s wheel

description of patients with bipolar disorder that not unlike those we know today, which are com-
is still accurate today: monly placed in the cages of pet mice or hamsters.
With prodding from the “keepers” (as the psychi-
. . . for we see every day the most furious maniacs atric aides or attendants were called in those days),
suddenly sink into a profound melancholy; and the patient would be “encouraged” to run the
the most depressed and miserable objects, become treadmill until exhausted. It was used in several
violent and raving. We have patients in the Beth- German asylums in the 19th century, after its con-
lehem Hospital, whose lives are divided between struction by a German psychiatrist named Hayner,
furious and melancholic paroxisms, and who, who later renounced its use. Apparently, the idea
under both states, retain the same set of ideas. for this machine was first proposed by one of the
first German psychiatrists, Johann Christian Reil
In his writings, Haslam recommended the “gen- (1759–1813) of the University of Halle, who rec-
tleness of manner and kindness of treatment” of ommended many varieties of what he referred to
the insane popularized by Pinel with his traitement as “non-injurious torture” as effective treatments
moral (“moral treatment”). However, some of his for mental illness. In the 1890s, while at the Hei-
activities at “Bedlam” were deemed abusive by a delberg Clinic, Emil K RAEPELIN acquired one of
House of Commons investigation in 1815, and he Hayner’s wheels for the small museum of mechani-
was fired from the staff of that institution without cal restraint that he set up for the medical students
a pension after more than 20 years’ service. At the under his tutelage.
time of his dismissal he was 56 years old and is
credited by historians with knowing more about
mental illness than any of his contemporaries in hebephrenia One of the three distinct psychotic
Britain. His works on the clinical and legal aspects disorders, recognized in the last half of the 19th cen-
of mental illness remain classics in the field and tury, that Emil K RAEPELIN grouped together under
were influential in the early days of psychiatry. his unifying concept of DEMENTIA PRAECOX in 1899.
See also BETHLEM ROYAL HOSPITAL . Hebephrenia was the name given to a psychotic
disorder identified by German psychiatrist Ewald
Haslam, J. Considerations on the Moral Management of lnsane Hecker (1843–1909) in 1871, which would begin
Persons. London: Hunter, 1817. in adolescence or adulthood and result in a rapid
———. Medical Jurisprudence, as It Relates to Insanity, accord- disorganization or DEGENERATION. Hecker believed
ing to the Law of England. London: 1809. that in this disorder a person’s psychological state
———. Observations on Insanity, with Practical Remarks on was arrested at the developmental stage of puberty,
the Disease, and an Account of the Morbid Appearances On thus resulting in severe problems in late adoles-
Dissection. London: F. & C. Rivington, 1798. cence and early adulthood, when more mature psy-
———. Observations on Madness and Melancholy. London: chological integration was required. Hecker derived
J. Callon, 1809. the name of this disorder from “Hebe,” the name of
Leigh, D. “John Haslam, M.D.—1764–1844, Apothecary the ancient Greek goddess of youth.
to Bethlem,” Journal of the History of Medicine 10 (1955): Hecker is given credit by Kraepelin for being the
17–44. first to point out the characteristic AGE AT ONSET in
dementia praecox (schizophrenia). However, in his
description of dementia praecox in 1896, Kraepe-
Hayner’s wheel A device that was originally lin does not completely accept Hecker’s description
designed as a form of treatment for mental illness of hebephrenia as a disorder in which a depressed
but was more often used as a form of MECHANI- state is followed by a manic state, after which men-
CAL RESTRAINT for agitated patients. The “hollow tal degeneration quickly follows. Instead, Kraepe-
wheel,” as it was also called, was a huge, padded lin accepts the expanded definition of hebephrenia
circular treadmill on which a patient was forced to proposed in a doctoral dissertation by Daraszkie-
walk for hours or days at a time. The device was wicz in 1892, which allows for the most severe
hemodialysis treatment of schizophrenia 209

cases—including the “depressed forms”—that end Kraepelin, E. Dementia Praecox and Paraphrenia. Translated
in profound mental deterioration. by R. M. Barclay and edited by G. M. Robertons. Edin-
Kraepelin later referred to hebephrenia as “silly burgh: E. & S. Livingstone, 1919.
dementia,” since often a nonsensical, illogical “sil-
liness” marks the dementia praecox patients with
this subtype of the disorder. In the eighth edition hebephrenic type In the World Health Organiza-
(1909–15) of his textbook, Psychiatrie, Kraepelin tion’s 10th revision of the International Classification
describes this variant of dementia praecox in the of Diseases, or ICD -10, this is one of the mental disor-
following manner: ders classified under the category of schizophrenic
psychoses. It is equivalent to the classical descrip-
That form of dementia praecox which we have tions of HEBEPHRENIA and to current descriptions
called above “silly dementia” is in many respects of the subtype of SCHIZOPHRENIA known as the
nearly related to simple insidious dementia. In its DISORGANIZED TYPE , which is described in DSM-IV
clinical picture there appears beside the progres- (1994).
sive devastation of the psychic life incoherence in
thinking, feeling, and action. . . .
The development of the disease is accomplished hemispheric asymmetries in schizophrenia See
in almost four-fifths of the cases quite gradually; LATERALITY IN SCHIZOPHRENIA.
often an insidious change of the psychic personal-
ity precedes the appearance of more distinct mor-
bid phenomena by many years. In the remaining hemodialysis treatment of schizophrenia Be-
patients the disorder begins in a subacute form; tween the 1930s, when techniques for the CONVUL-
in a few cases it breaks out suddenly. In the pre- SIVE THERAPIES, COMA THERAPY, and PSYCHOSURGERY
liminary stage there are sometimes nervous trou- were being introduced, and the early 1970s, no
bles, complaints of lassitude, headaches, feeling new somatic treatment for SCHIZOPHRENIA was
of giddiness, fainting-fits, irritability, disorders of introduced. In the 1970s physician R. Cade noticed
sleep. The patients become absent-minded, forget- that the psychotic symptoms of a patient diagnosed
ful, negligent; they tire easily, they cannot collect with the paranoid subtype of schizophrenia had
their thoughts any more; they appear lacking in improved greatly after treatment with hemodi-
ideas and understanding, they are silly and lazy; alysis for a kidney disease. Cade and colleague J.
they fail in daily tasks, change their occupation, Wagemaker Jr. theorized that the dialysis might
because it is too difficult for them, set aside their have removed some sort of toxic substance from
work, or give it up entirely. the blood of the patient that had been responsible
for causing the psychotic symptoms. They followed
Kraepelin’s description of hebephrenia matches up this observation by submitting to hemodialy-
the current diagnostic subtype of schizophrenia sis a group of patients who were diagnosed with
known as the DISORGANIZED TYPE that can be found schizophrenia but who did not have any kidney
DSM-IV (1994). The descriptions of hebephrenia as disease. They were encouraged by seemingly posi-
comprising an insidious onset with the full out- tive results and published them in 1977. However,
break of psychotic symptoms in adolescence or early several attempts at replication by other researchers
adulthood (usually between ages 15 and 25), and have failed (most recently in 1983), suggesting that
the resulting cognitive disintegration, are all incor- hemodialysis as a treatment for schizophrenia is not
porated in modern descriptions of SCHIZOPHRENIA. very effective and therefore is not recommended.
Daraskiewicz, L. Über Hebephrenie, insbesondere deren schwere
Form. Doctoral dissertation, Laakmans, Dorpat, 1892. Carpenter, W. T., et al. “The Therapeutic Efficacy of
Hecker, E. “Die Hebephrenie,” Virchows Archiv für patholo- Hemodialysis in Schizophrenia,” New England Journal
gische Anatomie 52 (1871): 392–449. of Medicine 308 (1983): 669–675.
210 hemorrhoids, production of as treatment

Wagemaker, J., and R. Cade. “The Use of Hemodialysis in tion of the variation in a measurable trait (such as
Chronic Schizophrenia,” American Journal of Psychiatry IQ, or extraversion-introversion) or a disease (such
134 (1977): 684–685. as SCHIZOPHRENIA) that is due solely to genetic fac-
tors. It is expressed as the ratio of the total genetic
variance in a population to the phenotypic vari-
hemorrhoids, production of as treatment In his ance in a population. In the broad sense, then,
1838 book on Mental Maladies, J. E. D. ESQUIROL rec- heritability is a statistic that indicates the degree
ommends BLEEDING as a treatment for severe men- to which a trait is genetically determined. In the
tal illness only if it is performed locally through narrow sense, it is the degree to which a trait is
cupping with leeches. For both the severe forms transmitted from parent to offspring. If a trait (or
of depression (“lypemania or melancholy”) and a disease) has a heritability estimate of 1.00, that
of mania, Esquirol recommends the application of means that 100 percent of the trait or disease is
leeches to the anus to produce hemorrhoids (vari- assumed to be caused by the action of genes.
cose veins of the anus). He writes: TWINS METHOD AND STUDIES have provided most
of the estimates of the heritability of the various
Pursuing the atrabile into the circulation, the psychotic disorders, including estimates for schizo-
humorists deduce from blood-letting a general phrenia. The most recent estimates are derived from
precept against melancholy … Nevertheless, we the Maudsley Twin Psychosis Series at Maudsley
may have recourse to local sanguine evacuations; Hospital in London, England, and were reported
now at the epigastrium, when the stomach is the in a publication in February 1999. Heritability
seat of an active irritation; now, to the vulva, estimates for schizophrenia, SCHIZOAFFECTIVE DIS-
when we wish to reestablish the menstrual flux; ORDER , and MANIA (BIPOLAR DISORDER) were deter-
or to the anus, when we desire to renew a hemor- mined using various diagnostic criteria for each
rhoidal discharge; and finally to the head, when disorder (Research Diagnostic Criteria, DSM-II-R,
there are signs of cerebral congestion. I have some- and ICD -10 ). Despite slight differences in the diag-
times applied leeches with success to the side of nostic criteria for these three disorders, the heri-
the head, when lypemaniacs complained of a fixed tability estimates were all within the same range
pain in the part. and were quite high. All were between 82 percent
and 85 percent. Thus, it was once again confirmed
This form of treatment is a vestige of the type that genes play a significant role in the origins and
of thinking that resulted from the influence of the development of the psychotic disorders.
HUMORAL THEORY of disease and mental illness, in
which an excess of humors in the blood (a con- Cardno, A. G., et al. “Heritability Estimates for Psychotic
dition called plethora) needed to be drained off to Disorders: The Maudsley Twin Psychosis Series,”
restore a healthful balance in the patient. Archives of General Psychiatry 56 (1999): 162–168.

Esquirol, J. E. D. Mental Maladies. A Treatise on Insanity.

Translated by E. K. Hunt. 1838. Reprint, Philadelphia: high-functioning schizophrenic See AMBULA-
Lea & Blanchard, 1845. TORY SCHIZOPHRENIC.

heredity See GENETICS STUDIES. high-risk studies Also called the “risk-for-schizo-
phrenia” research, high-risk studies evaluate chil-
dren who are considered to be at a higher than
heritability of psychotic disorders Heritability average statistical risk for developing SCHIZOPHRE-
is a quantitative concept from population genetics NIA later in life. These studies hope to clarify sev-
and is used widely in studies of behavioral genet- eral questions that researchers have about the
ics. In a given population, heritability is that por- disease process in schizophrenia. For example,
high-risk studies 211

one hope is that by studying children before the tioning, and psychophysiological processes. They
onset of the disorder it will be possible to identify theorize that these primary areas of disturbance
the initial, core “warning signs” of the full onset create problems in social functioning as the child
of the disorder and separate them from the later grows older. Their results have indicated greater
symptoms of the disorder. Furthermore, if specific problems in fine motor coordinations, attentions,
environmental influences that precede the onset and information processing (AIP) in the children
of schizophrenia can be identified, perhaps further of schizophrenics.
research can then tell us whether schizophrenia Besides the presumed genetic risk factor in
can be prevented in vulnerable individuals by schizophrenia, risk factors related to the physical
changing or altering these environmental influ- environment have long been explored in the high-
ences in some way. risk studies as contributors to the development of
Most of the high-risk research has tended to use schizophrenia. Some of the most suggestive child-
children with at least one biological parent who hood history factors that may increase the risk for
has schizophrenia. As the family studies research developing schizophrenia are: (1) obstetrical com-
using the CONSANGUINITY METHOD to find evidence plications, (2) the season of birth (a higher percent-
of the genetic transmission of schizophrenia have age of schizophrenics are born in the winter and
indicated, children with one schizophrenic parent spring months), (3) prenatal stress of the mother,
have a lifetime risk of approximately 12 percent, and (4) early exposure to certain viral infections.
whereas individuals who have two biological par- In a major review of the evidence from 24 high-
ents diagnosed with schizophrenia have a much risk studies conducted since 1952, which was pub-
higher risk, of 35 percent to 46 percent. Individuals lished in Schizophrenia Bulletin in 1988, researcher
with a schizophrenic biological parent also have a Joan Asarnow of the UCLA Neuropsychiatric
greater risk for developing one of the schizophre- Institute reaches the following conclusions about
nia “spectrum” disorders (e.g., schizotypal per- the state of our knowledge concerning children at-
sonality disorder, schizophreniform disorder, and risk for schizophrenia:
schizoaffective disorder).
• Some high-risk children can be distinguished from
However, it is estimated that 85 percent to 90
their peers by signs of neurointegrative problems,
percent of all persons diagnosed with schizophre-
social impairments, and early symptomatology.
nia do not have a schizophrenic parent. There-
Although some abnormalities can be identified
fore, high-risk studies that use just the children of
as early as infancy, impairments are more pro-
schizophrenic parents may not apply to the much
nounced in middle childhood and adolescence.
larger number of individuals who will develop
schizophrenia but who do not have schizophrenic • Particular deficits in attention-information pro-
parents. To take this possibility into account, a cessing, neuromotor functions, and social behavior
complementary research strategy using “behavioral may be associated with specific risk for schizophre-
markers of risk” has been developed, which defines nia. The form of these deficits may vary with the
an individual’s risk status based on his or her own age of the individual, and future work is needed
specific behavioral disturbances. The ongoing New to clarify developmental patterns within the same
York High-Risk Project, which is being conducted individuals. Other deficiencies are shown by chil-
by researcher L. Erlenmeyer-Kimling of the New dren whose parents have other psychiatric disor-
York State Psychiatric Institute, has been studying ders, as well as in samples of clinically disturbed
two selected samples since the 1970s consisting of children.
children of schizophrenics. This group periodically • Strong evidence currently exists from the risk-
undergoes a battery of neuropsychological and psy- for-schizophrenia and general psychopathology
chophysiological tests that measure three primary literature that some attributes of the family envi-
“biobehavioral domains” of possible predictors of ronment are associated with increased risk for the
liability to psychopathology: attentional and infor- onset of the disorder. These attributes include:
mation-processing capacities, neuromotor func- family communication deviance, negative affective
212 Hill, Robert Gardiner

style, high expressed emotion, and general distur- do so. In an 1838 book he argues that, “in a prop-
bance in the family environment. It is still unclear erly constructed building, with sufficient number
whether these family attributes hold specific risk of suitable attendants, restraint is never necessary,
for schizophrenia or are associated with increased never justifiable, and always injurious.”
risk for a variety of disorders and dysfunctions. See also ABUSE OF PSYCHIATRIC PATIENTS ; CHEMI-
However, the current evidence . . . points to the CAL RESTRAINT ; MECHANICAL RESTRAINT ; NONRE-
highest rates of schizophrenia spectrum disorders STRAINT MOVEMENT.
in individuals exposed to both disturbed rearing
environments and genetic risk (inferred from the Hill, R. G. Lunacy: Its Past and Present. London: Longman,
presence of schizophrenia in at least one biologi- Green, Reader & Dyer, 1870.
cal parent). Future studies need to explicate the ———. Total Abolition of Personal Restraint in the Treatment
mechanisms by which environmental attributes, of the Insane. London: Simpkin, Marshall, 1838.
individual attributes and genetic predisposition
may interact to influence risk for schizophrenia.
histamines Histamine (HA), a biogenetic amine,
In the 1990s, innovation in the methods of data is a NEUROTRANSMITTER that has been linked to the
collection in high-risk studies included advanced regulation of several important functions of the
techniques for genetic screening and new brain central nervous system. These include arousal, cog-
imaging technologies. These neuroimaging stud- nition, neuroendocrine regulation, and circadian
ies allow for the long-term assessment of changes rhythyms. Animal model research on neurodegen-
in both the structure and the function of children eration conducted by L. Fernandez-Novona and R.
at high-risk for developing schizophrenia as these Cacabelos of Spain has shown that histamine may
children age. have a cytotoxic (cell-poisoning) effect. Histamine
has been examined in studies of Alzheimer’s disease
Asarnow, J. R. “Children at Risk for Schizophrenia: Con- and SCHIZOPHRENIA. The BIOGENIC AMINE HYPOTH-
verging Lines for Evidence,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 14 ESIS of the cause of schizophrenia has tended to
(1988): 613–631. focus on the CATECHOLAMINES (such as DOPAMINE)
Cornblatt, B. A., et al. “High-Risk Research in Schizo- and the INDOLAMINES (such as serotonin) and not
phrenia: New Strategies, New Designs.” In Origins and the histamines. An “autointoxication” theory of the
Development of Schizophrenia: Advances in Experimental cause of dementia praecox first put forth in 1916
Psychopathology, edited by M. F. Lenzenweger and R. H. by Chicago surgeon and bacteriologist Bayard Tay-
Dworkin. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological lor HOLMES implicated an overproduction of his-
Association, 1998. tamine—or “hyperhistaminia”—in the intestines
Erlenmeyer-Kimling, L., et al. “Prediction from Longitu- as a source of poisons carried to the brain, which
dinal Assessments of High-Risk Children.” In Origins caused psychotic symptoms.
and Development of Schizophrenia: Advances in Experimen- See also AUTOINTOXICATION AS A CAUSE OF DEMEN-
tal Psychopathology, edited by M. F. Lenzenweger and R. TIA PRAECOX (SCHIZOPHRENIA).
H. Dworkin. Washington, D.C.: American Psychologi-
cal Association, 1998. Fernandez-Novona, L., and R. Cacabelos. “Histamine
Function in Brain Disorders,” Behavioral Brain Research
124 (October 2001): 213–233.
Hill, Robert Gardiner (1811–1878) English phy- Holmes, B. T., and J. Retinger. “The Relation of Cecal
sician who served as the resident surgeon at the Stasis to Dementia Praecox,” Lancet-Clinic 116 (1916):
Lincoln Asylum in England. Known as a persua- 145–150.
sive advocate of nonrestraint policies in the treat-
ment of institutionalized patients, he put such
policies into effect at Lincoln in 1838 and is given historical evidence of schizophrenia If SCHIZO-
credit by Wilhelm GRIESINGER for being the first to PHRENIA is truly a brain disease that has a strong
historical evidence of schizophrenia 213

basis in genetics, then there should be evidence that began to take on a new meaning, largely due to
this severe mental disorder has afflicted people for the influence of English physician Thomas Syden-
hundreds, if not thousands, of years. “Madness” ham (1624–89), often referred to as the “English
has been reported in every society on record to a Hippocrates,” who emphasized the direct observa-
greater or lesser degree, and descriptions of HAL- tion of illnesses and suggested their classification
LUCINATIONS, DELUSIONS, and bizarre behavior are according to syndromes or groups of symptoms.
often reported in association with ancient mental This differed from centuries of the identification
disorders. In an attempt to trace schizophrenia of diseases usually by a single symptom, as was
back to ancient Babylonian accounts (3000 B.C.) the case with the mental disorder known as FURY.
or to early Sanskrit texts from India, translations Throughout the 1700s physicians who doctored to
of descriptions of mental illness were collected in the mentally ill (“mad-doctors,” or “lunatic doc-
articles published in 1985 by D. V. Jeste and his tors,” as their specialty of medical practice came
colleagues and in 1984 by C. V. Haldipur. But it to be known) contributed treatises and textbooks
is still unclear from this historical evidence that based on their idiosyncratic observations and clas-
schizophrenia—as we know it, a disease with a sifications of the mentally ill.
particular course that begins in adolescence or Eventually, in 1809, the very first clinical descrip-
early adulthood, with characteristic signs and tions of schizophrenia as we know it appeared in
symptoms and a chronic deteriorating course (at print. Working independently in their respective
least in the type of schizophrenia that seems to be countries, John H ASLAM of the Bethlem Royal
the most “genetic”)—existed in ancient times. This Hospital in London and Philippe P INEL of the
point (and the larger ramifications of this entire Salpêtrière asylum in Paris produced expanded sec-
issue) has been eloquently argued and documented ond editions of books on mental illness, which had
by psychiatrist E. Fuller Torrey in his book Schizo- been published previously, that contain the first
phrenia and Civilization (1980). complete reports of what we now know as schizo-
There are many reasons for this uncertainty. phrenia in its “chronic” form. The expanded second
First, ancient descriptions of “madness,” which edition of Pinel’s work, Traité médico-philosophique
involved delusional, hallucinating, or confused sur l’aliénation mentale, ou la manie (first edition,
individuals, could be accounts of any number of 1801), has never been translated into English.
physical or mental disorders. For example, these Pinel’s description of DÉMENCE in the first edition,
symptoms could be produced by head trauma, which strongly resembles the thought disorder of
brain infections, injury due to birth complications, schizophrenia, was apparently illustrated with
strokes or any number of other known, organic case material in the second edition that seemed to
mental disorders. Or, they could be descriptions of confirm this connection. However, the following
the other psychotic disorders, such as bipolar disor- case history, which is reproduced from Haslam’s
der or any of the acute reactive psychoses. What is 1809 Observations on Madness and Melancholy, may
missing in these ancient accounts are descriptions be the first valid historical evidence in the English
of the full course of the disease process over time. language that we have for schizophrenia:
Several changes in traditional thought devel-
oped in the 1600s (especially in England), which there is a form of insanity which occurs in young
converged to change this state of affairs. First, persons; and, as far as these cases have been the
societies began to incarcerate mentally ill people subject of my observation, they have been more
in central institutions (jails, hospitals), where frequently noticed in females. Those whom I have
many of them could be observed together for seen, have been distinguished by prompt capacity
long periods of time. Secondly, physicians began and lively disposition; and in general have become
to be put in charge of the care of the mentally ill the favorites of parents and tutors, by their faculty
in these institutions, as, for example, happened at in acquiring knowledge, and by a prematurity of
the BETHLEM ROYAL HOSPITAL in England during attainment. This disorder commences, about or
the 17th century. And third, the concept of disease shortly after, the period of menstruation, and in
214 HIV and schizophrenia

many instances has been unconnected with heredi- P INEL-H ASLAM SYNDROME : insidious onset, NEGA-
tary taint; as far as could be ascertained by min- TIVE SYMPTOMS (attention deficits, problems in
ute enquiry. The attack is almost imperceptible; information processing, apathy, poverty of speech,
some months usually elapse before it becomes the loss of curiosity in people and activities), and grad-
subject of particular notice; and fond relatives are ual cognitive deterioration. This démence, as Pinel
frequently deceived by the hope that it is only an called it, was later elaborated upon by French
abatement of excessive vivacity, conducing to a pru- alienist B. A. Morel in his descriptions of mental
dent reserve, and steadiness of character. A degree DEGENERATION, and was used by Morel to coin the
of apparent thoughtfulness and inactivity precede, term démence précoce in 1852. Emil K RAEPELIN bor-
together with a diminution of the ordinary curios- rowed this term to describe our modern clinical
ity, concerning that which is passing before them; picture of DEMENTIA PRAECOX in 1893.
and they therefore neglect those objects and pur-
suits which formerly proved sources of delight and Haldipur, C. V. “Madness in Ancient India: Concepts of
instruction. The sensibility appears to be consider- Madness in Charaka Samhita (1st century A.D.),”
ably blunted; they do not bear the same affection Comprehensive Psychiatry 25 (1984): 335–344.
towards their parents and relations; they become Haslam, J. Observations on Madness and Melancholy. Lon-
unfeeling to kindness, and careless of reproof. To don: J. Callon, 1809.
their companions they show a cold civility, but take Jeste, D. V. “Did Schizophrenia Exist before the Eigh-
no interest whatever in their concerns. If they read teenth Century?” Comprehensive Psychiatry 26 (1985),
a book they are unable to give any account of its 493–503.
contents; sometimes, with steadfast eyes, they will Pinel, P. Traité médico-philosophique sur l’aliénation mentale.
dwell for an hour on one page, and then turn over 2nd ed. Paris: J. A. Brosson, 1809.
a number in a few minutes. It is very difficult to Torrey, E. F. Schizophrenia and Civilization. New York: Jason
persuade them to write, which most readily devel- Aronson, 1980.
ops their state of mind; much time is consumed and
little produced. The subject is reportedly begun, but
they seldom advance beyond a sentence or two: the HIV and schizophrenia Persons with SCHIZO-
orthography becomes puzzling, and by endeavoring PHRENIA and other psychotic disorders are more
to adjust the spelling the subject vanishes. As their susceptible to high-risk behaviors that may lead
apathy increases they are negligent of their dress and to HIV infection than persons without any diag-
inattentive to personal cleanliness. Frequently they nosable mental disorder. Studies have shown that
seem to experience transient impulses of passion, persons with severe psychiatric disorders such as
but these have no source in sentiment; the tears, schizophrenia have less knowledge about the dan-
which trickle down at one time, are as unmeaning gers of HIV infection and are less concerned about
as the loud laugh which succeeds them; and it often such infection than “healthy” control group mem-
happens that a momentary gust of anger, with its bers. According to a study conducted in Italy and
attendant invectives, ceases before the threat can published in 1997, HIV infection in schizophrenic
be concluded. As the disorder increases, the urine patients may increase the severity of depres-
and feces are passed without restraint, and from sion and may reduce tolerability to antipsychotic
the indolence which accompanies it, they generally medication.
become corpulent. Thus in the interval between See also AIDS AND PSYCHIATRIC PATIENTS.
puberty and manhood, I have painfully witnessed
this hopeless and degrading change, which in a Gottesman, I. I., and C. S. Groome. “HIV/AIDS Risks as a
short time has transformed the most promising and Consequence of Schizophrenia,” Schizophrenia Bulletin
vigorous intellect into a slavering and bloated idiot. 23 (1997): 675–684.
Grassi, L., et al. “HIV-Risk Behavior and Knowledge about
Haslam is describing what British psychiatrist T. HIV/AIDS among Patients with Schizophrenia,” Psy-
J. Crow has named Type II schizophrenia or the chological Medicine 29 (1999): 171–179.
Holmes, Bayard Taylor 215

Mauri, M. C., et al. “Schizophrenia Patients before and cial stressors and not caused by heredity (genetics)
after HIV Infection: A Case-Control Study,” Encephale as Kraepelin and his followers argued. In his last
23 (1997): 437–441. years, poor health forced Hoch to retire to Cali-
fornia, where he was the live-in psychiatrist for
Stanley McCormick of the wealthy and influential
HIV CNS disease A disease of the central ner- McCormick family of Chicago.
vous system (the brain and spinal cord) that is due
to infection with the human immunodeficiency Meyer, A. “August Hoch, MD” (obituary), Archives of Neu-
virus (HIV), implicated in acquired immunodefi- rology and Psychiatry 2 (1919): 576.
ciency syndrome (AIDS). The symptoms of such a Meyer, A., S. E. Jelliffe, and A. Hoch. Dementia Praecox: A
disease process may resemble many MENTAL DISOR- Monograph. Boston: R. G. Badger, 1911.
DER s, including such psychotic disorders as SCHIZO- Noll, R. “Styles of Psychiatric Practice, 1906–1925: Clini-
PHRENIA and BIPOLAR DISORDER. However, the most cal Evaluations of the Same Patient by James Jackson
common symptom is DEMENTIA. The clinical signs Putnam, Adolf Meyer, August Hoch, Emil Kraepelin,
and symptoms of the AIDS DEMENTIA COMPLEX were and Smith Ely Jelliffe,” History of Psychiatry 10 (1999):
first clearly identified by B. A. Navia and his col- 145–189.
leagues in 1986.

Bridge, T. P., A. F. Mirsky, and F. K. Goodwin. Psychologi- holergasia A complete disorganization of mental
cal Neuropsychiatric, and Substance Abuse Aspects of AIDS, activity. This was one of the many terms of psy-
Vol. 44. New York: Raven Press, 1988. chological processes proposed by Swiss psychiatrist
Adolf MEYER in the early 20th century that never
became really popular and have since disappeared.
Hoch, August (1868–1919) A Swiss psychia- Holergasia is probably equivalent to the FORMAL
trist who emigrated to America in 1887 and is THOUGHT DISORDER of the DISORGANIZED TYPE of
best remembered for his posthumously published SCHIZOPHRENIA. Meyer, who came to the United
book Benign Stupors: A Study of a New Manic-Depres- States in 1892, was perhaps the most important
sive Reaction Type (New York: Macmillan, 1921). figure in American psychiatry from about 1910 to
Hoch had returned to Europe in 1893–94 to train 1940. His new name for schizophrenia, parergasia,
under Emil K RAEPELIN in Heidelberg, Germany. was never adopted by anyone outside his close cir-
Together they conducted a series of psychologi- cle of followers.
cal experiments (primarily word-association
tests) concerning mental performance under a Meyer, A., S. E. Jelliffe, and A. Hoch. Dementia Praecox, A
variety of conditions (fatigue, etc.). Upon arrival Monograph. Boston: R. G. Badger, 1911.
in America Hoch first worked at Johns Hopkins
Hospital in Baltimore. After returning from
Germany, he was a staff psychiatrist at McLean Hollingshead & Redlich See SOCIAL DRIFT THEORY.
Hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts, from 1895
until 1908. With the help of his friend and fellow
Swiss émigré Adolf M EYER , Hoch became a pro- hollow wheel See H AYNER’S WHEEL .
fessor of psychiatry at Cornell University Medi-
cal College in 1909. In 1910 he replaced Meyer as
the chief of the New York Psychiatric Institute at Holmes, Bayard Taylor (1852–1924) It is through
the Manhattan State Hospital on Ward’s Island in the psychotic illness in 1905 of Ralph Loring Hol-
New York City. mes, his 17-year-old son, that Bayard Taylor Hol-
Hoch became a convert to Meyer’s view that mes enters the history of psychiatry. Holmes was
all mental disorders, including DEMENTIA PRAECOX personally devastated by his son’s illness. His
or SCHIZOPHRENIA , were “reactions” to psychoso- anguish was exacerbated by feelings of impotence,
216 Horn’s sack

for although his professional life was devoted to use of jargon. Freud’s psychoanalysis was “a dis-
improving medical education in Chicago, he had tinctly mystical theory, insusceptible of either
a complete lack of expertise in psychiatry. Holmes, proof or refutation,” he wrote in 1914. Eugenics
however, had a combative nature and decided to was a “pseudoscience,” he claimed in 1916. Hol-
tackle his ignorance and his son’s illness head on. mes was especially appalled at the lack of labo-
Weary of relying on the advice of colleagues and ratories in mental hospitals. He made it clear in
some of the most respected psychiatrists in Amer- many opinion pieces in medical journals that he
ica while watching his son deteriorate further, Hol- detested the psychiatric profession for its lack of
mes semi-retired from his surgical practice and his interest in laboratory science and for making false
position as professor of surgical pathology and bac- claims to the unsuspecting public about scientific
teriology at College of Physicians and Surgeons in knowledge of causes and effective cures. Holmes
Chicago to care for his son himself. He also vowed firmly believed in AUTOINTOXICATION AS A CAUSE
to use his scientific expertise to find both a cause OF DEMENTIA PRAECOX (SCHIZOPHRENIA) and could
and a cure for dementia praecox. He soon became a not imagine how the followers of Meyer and Freud
prominent advocate for reforms in the institutional could ignore the fact that dementia praecox was an
care of the mentally ill, compiled a bibliographic organic disease. Holmes died at his vacation home
collection of more than 8,000 international scien- in Fairhope, Alabama, on April 1, 1924, discour-
tific articles, dissertations, and books concerning aged that he could not convince the medical and
laboratory studies of dementia praecox, and from psychiatric communities to take up the challenge
1918 to 1922 was the editor of what is believed to to find the biological cause and cure of the illness
be the first medical journal named after a psychi- that had so disabled his son.
atric disorder: DEMENTIA PRAECOX STUDIES. In May 1916, Ralph Loring Holmes was the very
Using equipment and lab space loaned by medi- first person in the history of medicine to undergo
cal colleagues, in January 1915 Holmes began abdominal surgery as a treatment for dementia
his own laboratory studies of dementia praecox. praecox. His father, Bayard Taylor Holmes, per-
Within a few months, to his satisfaction, he hit formed the procedure himself at Lakeside Hospital
upon a viable organic theory of the cause of demen- in Chicago. Ralph died from the procedure four
tia praecox: an ergotism-like toxemia caused by days later.
fecal stasis in the cecum led to an autointoxication See also PSYCHOSURGERY.
process that poisoned the brain. In May 1916, he
developed and experimented with a rational treat- Beatty, W. K. “Bayard Taylor Holmes—A Forgotten
ment based on this theory: abdominal surgery and Man,” Proceedings of the Institute of Medicine of Chicago 34
daily irrigations of the colon as a way to reduce psy- (1981): 120–123.
chotic symptoms. Between May 1916 and January Noll, R. “Infectious Insanities, Surgical Solutions: Bayard
1918 Holmes and his associates performed cecos- Taylor Holmes, Dementia Praecox, and Laboratory
tomies on at least 22 dementia praecox patients. Science in Early Twentieth-century America,” History
Holmes tested his surgical procedures, as well as of Psychiatry, 17 (2006): 183–204.
other forms of treatment, on additional patients
with DEMENTIA PRAECOX between April 1917 and
February 1918 at an experimental inpatient unit Horn’s sack An early German psychiatrist who
he founded: the Psychiatric Research Laboratory of worked in the Berlin asylum, Ernst Horn (1774–
the Psychopathic Hospital, Cook County Hospital, 1848) is largely remembered as the inventor of a
in Chicago, Illinois. sack that was put over unmanageable patients in
Until recently, Bayard Holmes did not appear order to calm them down and place them under
in any histories of psychiatry. During his lifetime control. A patient died from suffocation in one of
he was a major critic of just about every promi- Horn’s sacks, and the resulting court case earned
nent figure in American psychiatry. He believed Horn considerable notoriety. Horn’s sack was a
Adolf MEYER was deliberately deceptive in his long, wide bag that was reinforced with oilcloth.
Hoxton madhouses 217

Emil K RAEPELIN describes its use in his short his- which no emotional link is established, the child
torical book, One Hundred Years of Psychiatry (1917): will develop a series of disorders, which are collec-
tively called “hospitalism.” These disorders are: (1)
The bag was pulled over the patient’s head and retardation of bodily development, (2) retardation
tied beneath his feet. “It restraints the patient,” of body mastery, (3) retardation of adaptation to
explained Horn. “It shocks him by making him the world, (4) retardation of language ability, (5) a
aware of his confinement and causes him to sus- reduced resistance to disease, and (6) in the most
pect or realize the fruitlessness of any attempt to extreme cases, emaciation and eventual death.
stir up troubles.” He also claimed that many rest- Spitz thought the damage caused by this rupture
less, troublesome lunatics—even after other mea- in the earliest mother-child relationship was long-
sures had failed to make them obedient, orderly lasting and led to chronic problems, potentially
and calm—responded to it by developing a more including schizophrenia.
serene state of mind, by becoming more tracta- In studies of schizophrenia, the effects of insti-
ble, and by becoming more responsive to other, tutionalization must be taken into account and
indirect, psychic treatments. Many patients who separated from the observable behaviors of the
refused to eat were so impressed by the threat of schizophrenic subjects that are caused first and
the bag “that they took a new lease on life and foremost by the disease process. This is the basis of
began once more to enjoy the food which they the ACUTE-CHRONIC DISTINCTION in schizophrenia
had stubbornly refused.” research.

Apparently, Horn was also an advocate of the Coolidge, E. L. Care of Infants Who Must Be Separated from
CRUCIFORM STANCE, a standing form of the BED Their Mothers Because of Some Especial Need on the Part of
SADDLE. the Child, Papers of the American Academy of Medi-
cine. Conference on Prevention of Infant Mortality.
Kraepelin, E. One Hundred Years of Psychiatry. Translated Washington, D.C.: 1909.
by W. Baskin. 1917. Reprint, New York: Philosophical Spitz, R. A. “Hospitalism—An Enquiry into the Genesis of
Library, 1962. Psychiatric Conditions in Early Childhood,” Psychoana-
lytic Study of the Child 1 (1945): 53–74.

hospitalism A term for the apathy and loss of

ambition or creativity that was first noticed by Hôtel-Dieu, l’ Founded in 1656, l’Hôtel Dieu is
Emelyn Lincoln Coolidge in 1909 in children who the oldest hospital in Paris. In 1660 the French
were hospitalized for a long time. Today we would Parliament declared that it should provide special
refer to this as the effects of INSTITUTIONALIZATION. accommodations for “mad men and women.” In the
It is a type of “learned helplessness” that develops early 1790s, during the French Revolution, many
from being too dependent upon a caregiving staff of the mentally ill patients were removed from the
in an institutional setting for too long a time. hospital and transferred to the care of Philippe
In the 1940s the psychoanalyst René Spitz used P INEL at the BICÊTRE Asylum. Prior to this time the
this term to denote whatever physical or psycho- patients there were subjected to BLEEDING so often
logical disturbances occur in infants up to 18 that the technique was commonly referred to by
months old who undergo a prolonged stay in a the public as the traitement de l’Hôtel-Dieu.
hospital or other similar institution where they are
completely separated from their mother. Spitz did
research in orphanages, nurseries, and other insti- Hoxton madhouses These were private “mad-
tutions in which infants and young children were houses” in the Hoxton section of London, Eng-
separated from their mothers. Spitz thought that land. In the early 1700s practically all mentally ill
when a baby is cared for in an institutional setting in London were in one of the Hoxton madhouses.
in which the caregivers are anonymous and for Like “Bellevue” in the United States, the word
218 humoral theory of mental illness

“Hoxton” took on the ominous meaning of a place ING) or to counteract the effects of the abnormal
of banishment for the mentally ill, and sometimes balance of humors (through temperature-specific
was used as a synonym for “madness” or “lunacy” baths or douches). Reestablishing the flow of blood
itself. in menstruation or from hemorrhoids with the use
See also PRIVATE MADHOUSES. of leeches was thought by Galen to assist especially
in the elimination of the disease-causing humor.
Morris, A. D. The Hoxton Madhouses. London: 1958. Vestiges of the old Galenic humor theory of men-
tal illness can especially be seen in the psychiatric
texts of the first half of the 1800s, particularly in J.
humoral theory of mental illness This theory of E. D. ESQUIROL’s writings.
health and disease is thought to have been formu- See also HEMORRHOIDS, PRODUCTION OF AS A
lated by Hippocrates (460–377 B.C.) and expanded TREATMENT.
upon by Galen (A.D. 129–199). The ancient Greek
notion that the universe was comprised entirely of Jackson, S. W. “Galen—On Mental Disorders,” Journal of
four elements (earth, air, fire, water), which were the History of the Behavioral Sciences 5 (1969): 365–384.
each associated with a particular quality (dry,
cold, hot, moist), formed the basis of Hippocrates’
empirical medicine. Hippocrates associated four hurry of the spirits A term used popularly in
essential characteristics—the humors (from the 18th century England for “madness” or “lunacy.”
Latin word for moisture)—of the human body with William BATTIE uses it in his famous 1758 book, A
combinations of the elemental qualities. These four Treatise On Madness.
humors were blood, yellow bile, black bile, and
phlegm; their relative quantities in relation to one
another led to good health or to disease. Each of hydropathic institutions In Europe (especially
these humors was then associated with its ascen- Germany) in the mid-1800s, special clinics were set
dancy during a particular season: spring (blood); up to provide HYDROTHERAPY to mentally ill people
summer (yellow bile); autumn (black bile); win- as an alternative to commitment to the traditional
ter (phlegm). Galen later paired combinations of asylums. These “hydropathic” clinics or institutions
qualities to each of the humors and their seasons could provide outpatient treatment. Thus, people
of ascendancy: blood was warm and moist, yellow who did not suffer from severe mental disorders
bile warm and dry, black bile cold and dry, and did not have to be institutionalized to receive treat-
phlegm cold and moist. ment—a very modern concept. However, the estab-
Both physical and mental illnesses were consid- lished psychiatric authorities of the time—notably
ered by Galen to be caused by an excess of humors. Wilhelm GRIESINGER in Germany—strongly criti-
What we would call acute diseases tended to be the cized these practices as potentially dangerous since
result of an excess of blood or yellow bile, whereas they could be performed outside the supervision of
an excess of black bile or phlegm was associated the medical profession. In the 1861 second edition
with more chronic ailments. Black bile in particu- of his Mental Pathology and Therapeutics (originally
lar caused mental distress, and an excess of it pro- published in 1845), Griesinger expresses the fol-
duced MELANCHOLIA or “DEPRESSION,” as we know lowing opinions about hydropathic institutions:
it. Black bile could build up in the blood, the stom-
ach or elsewhere. Therefore Galen recommended In the first edition of this work, I have already
what would later become the standard regimen expressed my opinion of the treatment in hydro-
for the institutionalized mentally ill, what P INEL pathic institutions. Since then facts from all quar-
referred to as the “usual treatment” of bleeding, ters have been elicited proving the injury which it
bathing, and purging. These treatments were rec- generally inflicts on the mentally diseased. Most
ommended to either draw off the unwanted excess asylum physicians are in a position to contribute
humor in certain disorders (by BLEEDING or PURG- examples of this: Flemming, Erlenmeyer, Dam-
hydrotherapy 219

erow, Sponholz, etc., have expressed themselves filled with water and usually heated to between
decidedly upon this point. This violent procedure 98 and 102 degrees Fahrenheit. However, cold
seems much to favor the transition to general water baths were sometimes prescribed as well.
paralysis. The absurdity of sending patients to A thick canvas cover was stretched over the top
cold-water establishments, instead of into lunatic of the tub and tethered along the rim of the tub,
asylums, would be incredible were it not of daily with a hole cut at one end to allow the patient’s
occurrences, still, it is evident that, in certain head to be exposed. A “bathmaster” or “bath-
cases, the occasional use of wet compresses, cold mistress” would oversee the treatment sessions,
sitzbaths, and, above all, cold washing followed during which a patient would be left immersed
by dry friction, can, under special indications, be in the tub for hours or, in some cases of extreme
beneficially employed. agitation, days at a time. Not surprisingly, a state
of relaxation resulted and behavioral compliance
Despite these criticisms, hydropathic institu- was restored.
tions did not disappear, but instead flourished in While working at the psychiatric clinic at Hei-
the 1880s and 1890s as places of treatment for those delberg University between 1891 and 1903, Emil
from the upper classes suffering from the Victorian K RAEPELIN relied primarily on hydrotherapy for
Age malady of “nervousness” or NEURASTHENIA , the agitated patients, with great success. As he reports
term for this condition coined by physician George in his Memoirs:
Miller Beard (1839–83) of New York in the 1870s.
They specialized in a variety of hydrotherapeutic By procuring English fireclay tubs and by employ-
techniques involving both hot and cold bathing, ing more staff and using the baths during the
including being wrapped alternately in hot and night, our equipment became more and more
cold wet sheets, spraying from showering devices, complete. The baths were especially successful
and other such activities. The ancient spas at such when they were applied for weeks and months.
places as Baden-Baden, Carlsbad, and Marienbad, Slowly, but surely, they became the most impor-
which offered natural thermal spring waters, were tant method for dealing with states of agitation,
also popular as forms of hydrotherapy. and isolation became completely superfluous.

Drinka, G. F. The Birth of Neurosis: Myth, Malady, and the In the 1890s the primary authority on hydro-
Victorians. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1984. therapy in the United States was Dr. Simon Baruch
Griesinger, W. Mental Pathology and Therapeutics, trans. C. of Bellevue Hospital in New York City. Hydrother-
L. Robertson and J. Rutherford. New York: William apy equipment was later instituted at St. Elizabeth’s
Wood & Co., 1882. Hospital in Washington, D.C., after a visiting physi-
cian from there reviewed the hydrotherapy proce-
dures at Bellevue in 1897. When William Alanson
hydrotherapy Literally “water therapy,” since White became superintendent of St. Elizabeth’s in
the late 19th century the term for the various 1904, he implemented a policy of eliminating the
types of baths or DOUCHES that were one of the more inhumane forms of physical restraint (strait-
primary modes of treatment of the institutional- jackets, bed saddles, etc.) and promoted instead
ized mentally ill. It was particularly used for those the use of hydrotherapy. By the 1920s, hydrother-
patients who had become agitated or unmanage- apy was the primary mode of treatment for institu-
able in some way. In the latter half of the 1800s tionalized patients at St. Elizabeth’s, and statistics
“hydrotherapy” took on the meaning of a par- show that between the summers of 1923 and 1924
ticular procedure for a tub bath, which became a total of 106,816 warm-tub hydrotherapy sessions
popular in German psychiatric institutions and were prescribed for over 4,000 patients. Hydro-
then was copied in other places, including the therapy declined in use in the 1930s when the
United States. Special treatment rooms were set COMA , CONVULSIVE, and ELECTROSHOCK THERAPIES
up that contained large tubs, which would be all came into vogue in institutions.
220 hyperkinesia

Kraepelin, E. Memoirs. Translated by C. Wooding-Deane. “psychotics” and “borderlines” were comparable

Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1987. to normal subjects and neurotic subjects in their
ability to be hypnotized (hypnotic susceptibility).
However, Baker recommends that hypnotism be
hyperkinesia Excessive movement and restless- used as one of many other possible treatment tech-
ness. When accompanied by impulsivity and poor niques in psychotherapy—and in accordance with
attention span, it is a behavioral sign of a child- an overall treatment plan that may even include
hood disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity dis- ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS, which apparently do not
order (ADHD). It is estimated that one-third of reduce the hypnotic susceptibility of psychotic
children who manifest ADHD (usually before age patients.
4) continue to show signs of the disorder in adult-
hood. Hyperkinesis is also one of the traditional Baker, E. L. “The Use of Hypnotic Techniques with Psy-
symptoms of CATATONIC EXCITEMENT. chotics,” American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis 25 (1983):
Bramwell, J. M. Hypnotism: Its History, Practice and Theory.
hypnosis and psychosis In the 19th century a London: Alexander Moring, 1906.
small number of physicians attempted to use hyp- Owen, A. R. G. Hysteria, Hypnosis and Healing in the Work of
notism (“mesmerism”) to treat “insanity” in insti- J.-M. Charcot. New York: Garrett, 1971.
tutionalized patients. For example, in the 1840s in
India, British surgeon James Esdaile attempted to
cure the mental illnesses of patients of the Calcutta hypochondriasis Sometimes called “hypochon-
Asylum during a six-month period but was gener- dria.” The contemporary meaning of this disorder
ally disappointed with the results. However, in a is of a preoccupation with the belief and accom-
few cases, people with less debilitating disorders panying fear that one has a serious disease; based
responded to Esdaile’s hypnotic inductions. In one on a misinterpretation of bodily sensations, when
case, a man who had cut his throat during a MANIC in fact physical examination and medical reassur-
EPISODE had emergency surgery performed on him ances to the contrary present proof that one does
by Esdaile while the patient was under “mesmeric not have the imagined disease. This belief is not
anesthesia.” British physician John Elliotson, who of delusional intensity, so there is no break with
largely initiated the explosion of interest in mes- reality. It is not known how many people develop
merism in England in 1837 and founded the Zoist, a this disorder, but the numbers of men and women
mesmeric medical journal in 1843, recommended afflicted seem to be equal, and it seems to follow
the use of hypnotism for HYSTERIA. In Paris, the a chronic course throughout a person’s lifetime.
famous hypnotic experiments (beginning in 1878) Apparent predisposing factors seem to be a past
of neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot (1825–93) history of an actual serious disease (e.g., a heart
with the institutionalized female patients of the attack) in the person’s life or in the life of a family
Salpêtrière asylum led to the acceptance of hypno- member. In DSM-III-R this was listed as one of the
tism by the medical establishment. somatoform disorders, a group of mental disorders
In the 20th century there have been many that have physical symptoms, which at first seem
research studies to determine: (1) if people with to have a physical cause.
psychotic disorders can be hypnotized (question- In the psychotic disorders, particularly schizo-
able, due to problems in focusing attention noted phrenia, people may report odd physical symptoms
particularly in schizophrenia), and (2) whether in various parts of their bodies (e.g., the head, the
this may be a beneficial form of treatment. The genitals), which seems to be more common in the
leading authority on this issue is psychologist initial stages of the first definite onset of the disor-
Elgin Baker of the Indiana University School of der, or in periodic exacerbations in the first years of
Medicine, who published a review of this issue in the disorder. This is especially true for those diag-
1983. In reviewing the research, Baker found that nosed with one of the three nonparanoid subtypes
hypofrontality 221

of schizophrenia, particularly the DISORGANIZED that discovered this abnormality was conducted
TYPE OF HEBEPHRENIC TYPE that Emil Kraepelin by researchers Ingvar and Franzen and published
called the “silly dementia.” Although others often in 1974. They determined this “hypofrontality”
interpret these reports by schizophrenics as efforts by using a then-new BRAIN IMAGING TECHNIQUE
at malingering or as hypochondriasis, this is gen- known as regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF). In
erally not the case. Such reports seem to be the people diagnosed with schizophrenia, the more
experience of genuine effects of the disease process “hypofrontal” they appeared, the more they were
on the nervous system. observed to manifest the NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS of
“Hypochondria” has been used to describe men- schizophrenia (e.g., they were more withdrawn,
tal disorders at least since the time of Galen, who there was greater “ALOGIA” or poverty of speech,
may have been the first to use it. Hypochondrium is more disturbances in attention). The implication
the Greek word for an area just below the lower of this research is that this metabolic hypofrontal-
ribs, and Galen believed this was the place of ori- ity may be convincing evidence of a primary brain
gin of one of the three forms of melancholia. Over process (a lowered metabolism in the front part of
the centuries the words hypochondriasis and hypo- the brain) that produces the observable symptoms
chondria were used as synonyms for hypochondri- of schizophrenia. However, the “hypofrontality”
acal melancholy, a type of depression accompanied research has been somewhat inconsistent in that
by flatulence and gastrointestinal problems. In all the studies using the rCBF brain imaging tech-
the late 1600s, these terms were separated from nique seem to replicate Ingvar and Franzen’s origi-
melancholia (depression) by medical scholars, nal finding, but studies that use PET SCANS (positron
although hypochondriasis and melancholy were emission tomography) to measure cerebral metab-
closely related well into the 1800s. However, the olism have been much less consistent.
connection between an “imaginary illness” and Despite the inconsistencies across studies, by
hypochondria was apparent by the early 1600s to 1995 the finding of hypofrontality in schizophre-
some medical scholars. By the 1800s, hypochon- nia had reached the status of a “paradigm.” Most
driasis differed from other, true forms of men- researchers accepted it as a major truth about
tal disorder, such as “hypochondriacal insanity,” the abnormal brains of persons with schizophre-
which were considered a more severe pathological nia. This success was due, primarily, to the vigor-
development of “noninsane” hypochondriasis. ous promotion of this hypothesis by two National
Institute of Mental Health researchers, Daniel
Jackson, S. W. Melancholia and Depression: From Hippocratic Weinberger and Karen Faith Berman, in the late
Times to Modern Times. New Haven, Conn.: Yale Univer- 1980s. However, the claim that hypofrontality
sity Press, 1986. was a “trait-like” pathophysiologic characteristic
Kenyon, F. E. “Hypochondriasis: A Survey of Some His- of schizophrenia has been weakened considerably
torical, Clinical and Social Aspects,” International Jour- by other studies. These additional studies suggest
nal of Psychiatry 2 (1966): 308–326. that the images of lower metabolic activity in the
Savage, G. H. “Hypochondriasis and Insanity.” In A Dic- prefrontal cortex of the brain (hypofrontality) may
tionary of Psychological Medicine, edited by D. H. Tuke. depend on the specific cognitive demands of the
Philadelphia: P. Blakiston & Son, 1892. experimental task employed in the study (in other
words, they are task-dependent or state-specific),
and may therefore not be due to any continuous
hypofrontality Also referred to as “cerebral meta- abnormality in the around-the-clock operation
bolic hypofrontality,” or “metabolic hypofrontal- of a brain addled by schizophrenia. By 2005 ref-
ity,” it refers to the results of some studies of the erences to a static “hypofrontality” have virtually
patterns of blood flow in the brain, showing that disappeared in the literature on schizophrenia.
some schizophrenics have a much lower than nor- The hypofrontality controversy in schizophrenia
mal blood flow in the frontal lobe (specifically, the is a useful case study in the history of science, for
prefrontal regions) of the brain. The original study in it we see how quickly a scientific “finding” that
222 hypomanic episode

seems so certain and true can be just as quickly a deep suggestibility or gullibility and dissociative
overturned by more carefully designed and con- “trance-like” states of absences (as it was termed in
trolled research. France). The symptoms were often very change-
able, alternating or appearing and disappearing
Curtis, V. A., et al. “Attenuated Frontal Activation in without warning. Sometimes hysterics would also
Schizophrenia May Be Task Dependent,” Schizophrenia develop psychotic symptoms such as hallucina-
Research 37 (1999): 35–44. tions, delusions, and poor REALITY TESTING, leading
Gur, R. C., and R. E. Gur. “Hypofrontality in Schizophre- 20th-century psychiatric manuals to refer to this
nia: RIP,” Lancet 3 (June 1995): 1,383–1,384. as “hysterical psychosis.”
Weinberger, D. R., and K. F. Berman. “Prefrontal Func- “Hysteria” was generally an uncommon diagno-
tion in Schizophrenia: Confounds and Controversies,” sis in psychiatric institutions until the last quarter
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. B. of the 19th century. The explosion of interest in
Biological Sciences 351 (1996): 1,495–1,503. this disorder was perhaps first evident in France,
but soon spread to Germany, England, and the
United States. In a book on the French psychiat-
hypomanic episode This is a less serious ver- ric profession in the 19th century, historian Jan
sion of a fully developed MANIC EPISODE that is Goldstein reports that at the SALPÊTRIÈRE asylum
indicative of a MOOD DISORDER, particularly BIPO- for women in Paris, only 1 percent of the admis-
LAR DISORDER. The predominant mood in a hypo- sions for the two-year period 1841–42 were given
manic episode is usually described as expansive, “hysteria” as a diagnosis, but in the period 1882–
elevated, or irritable. A hypomanic episode is not 83 a full 20.5 percent received that diagnosis. Also
serious enough to cause impairment in social and in this later period, two males were admitted to
occupational functioning, and it does not develop the Bicêtre asylum for men with this diagnosis,
into the sometimes psychotic features (delusions, revealing a change in thinking about this “female
hallucinations) that may accompany a manic epi- malady.”
sode. “Hypomania” was first described by Berlin The work of J. M. Charcot at the Salpêtrière in
psychiatrist Emanuel Ernst Mendel (1839–1907) the 1870s legitimized hysteria as a distinct diag-
in 1881. nostic category, and he identified four successive
stages or “periods” that marked the fundamental
nature of a “grand” hysterical attack (grande hys-
hysteria Hysteria is the Greek word for uterus. tèrie): developing from physical rigidity, to spas-
From ancient times, a significant number of men- modic movements (grands mouvements), to a vividly
tal and physical disorders in women were believed dramatic, almost theatrical acting out of intense
to be caused by the wandering of a restless womb emotional states (attitudes passionnelles), and then
in the female body. Thus, there has always been a to a final delirious period in which the afflicted
connection between hysterical symptoms and sex- person laughed, cried, and was otherwise highly
uality in women. Hysteria was initially identified labile until he or she returned to a more reason-
by the Hippocratic school in the fifth century B.C. A able state. Charcot eventually recognized that
large number of symptoms have been attributed to hysteria was not a form of severe insanity (aliéne)
hysteria, many of which have survived into today’s but was instead a mental disorder that fell into
diagnostic manuals. Among the most ancient and a borderline area of partial normality (demi-fou).
most often reported symptoms have been spasms This also reflects the distinction, largely coming
or convulsions, and feelings of choking due to into vogue at about this time, between a PSYCHO -
the rise of an “hysterical ball” from the womb to SIS and a NEUROSIS. Sigmund F REUD studied with
the throat. In the 1700s and 1800s, other symp- Charcot in Paris in the winter of 1885–86, and
toms indicative of an hysteric were added, such as as a result of his exposure to Charcot’s hypnotic
the “vapors” (fainting, dizziness), paralysis of the treatment of hysterics he and his mentor Joseph
limbs, loss of sensation in the skin (anesthesias), Breuer began to treat “hysterical neurosis” in
hysteria 223

their private practice patients in Vienna. In 1895 Versuch (The Psychology of Dementia Praecox), par-
they published their famous book of such case ticularly in his chapter on “Dementia Praecox and
histories, Studien Über Hysterie (Studies on Hysteria). Hysteria.” He pictured dementia praecox as the far
Freud’s theories about the causes of hysteria in more serious disorder and the one that was prob-
sexuality formed the basis of his “psychoanalysis” ably organic in origin.
in the decades to come. In the 20th century, “hysteria” survived as a
Due to the sometime psychosis-like symptoms diagnosis as one of the “neurotic disorders” of the
in hysteria (disturbances in attention, “dreamy” or World Health Organization’s ICD-9 (1978); and in
“indifferent” quality in interactions with others, DSM-III-R (1987) it was split up into no less than
delusions, and hallucinations), there was much four different types of somatoform disorders.
discussion at the turn of the century as to how it
was related to K RAEPELIN’s dementia praecox. One Goldstein, J. Console and Classify: The French Psychiatric Pro-
of the most important contributions made by Swiss fession in the Nineteenth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge
psychiatrist and psychoanalyst C. G. JUNG was his University Press, 1987.
detailed analysis of the similarities and differences Micale, M. S. “On the Disappearance of Hysteria: A Study
between these two disorders in his 1907 mono- in the Clinical Deconstruction of a Diagnosis,” Isis 84
graph, Über die Psychologie der Dementia praecox: Ein (1993): 496–526.
ICD-10 This is the acronym for the periodically instinctually based “primary process” material—
revised manual produced by the WORLD H EALTH as appears, for example, in dreams. Id is Latin for
ORGANIZATION entitled: The International Statisti- “IT” (Das Es).
cal Classification of Disease, Injuries, and Causes of
Death. It is usually revised at 10-year intervals;
the very first edition appeared in 1900 and the ideas of reference One of the most common
most recent—ICD-10—in 1992. A more detailed symptoms of the psychotic disorders. It is an idea
revision of ICD-10 by major medical organiza- that certain events or people in a person’s imme-
tions in the United States, to make it more use- diate environment have a magical “special mean-
ful to clinicians, researchers, epidemiologists, and ing” for that person. For example, a song heard
others, is the Clinical Modification (or ICD-10-CM). on the radio may be interpreted by a psychotic
With the growing importance of mental disorders, person as having been specifically played at that
WHO produced in 1978 a special publication that time to convey a special message to him or her.
included the chapter on mental disorders from Ideas of reference are not as strong as DELUSIONS,
ICD-9 and a glossary and classification guide; it nor are they as long-lasting. They tend to be tran-
is perhaps the most useful summary of the ICD-9 sient and specific to the immediate situation the
position on mental disorders. psychotic person finds him- or herself in at the
Although DSM-IV may be more widely used in moment.
clinical practice and research around the world,
together with ICD-10 these two manuals have
become the standard classification systems for idiot savant See AUTISTIC SAVANTS.
mental disorders in the 20th century.

Commission on Professional and Hospital Activities. The idiot’s cage The name for an iron cage used to
International Classification of Disease, 10th Revision, Clini- confine severely mentally ill and mentally retarded
cal Modification. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Commission on people for public display, usually as entertainment.
Professional and Hospital Activities, 1992. Such cages were used well into the 1700s and had
World Health Organization. Mental Disorders: Glossary variations such as the BELGIAN CAGE that were used
and Guide to their Classification in Accordance with the in the 1800s.
10th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases.
Geneva: World Health Organization, 1992.
illusion This is a mistaken perception of an actual
object or event in the environment. Illusions are
id The Freudian “unconscious.” Sigmund F REUD different from HALLUCINATIONS, which do not have
borrowed the term Das Es from a colleague, Georg actual external stimuli for the sensory experience.
Groddeck. Psychosis was viewed by Freud as the
result of the ego’s inadequate defenses against
the id, thereby resulting in a flood of irrational, illusion des sosies See CAPGRAS SYNDROME.

immune system alterations in schizophrenia 225

illusion of intermetamorphosis See INTERMETA- of human physiology and especially the poten-
MORPHOSIS SYNDROME. tial causes of disease were especially valued. This
revolution in medicine was eventually won by the
physicians who sought to make medicine a science
illusion of negative doubles See CAPGRAS based on objective, quantitative, and replicable
SYNDROME. laboratory findings, and less an art based on sub-
jective personal experiences.
The discovery of “microbes” or “bacteria” and the
illusion of positive doubles See F REGOLI’S demonstration that these “germs” either directly
SYNDROME. caused disease or were secondarily involved in the
deteriorating effects of disease was an idea finally
accepted by the medical elites by 1880. The “germ
immediacy hypothesis This is the hypothesis theory of disease” led to the medical science of
that the behavior of people with schizophrenia is bacteriology, and many diseases that were thought
controlled primarily by stimuli immediate in their to be caused by heredity, such as tuberculosis and
environment. “Normal” people are “controlled” by syphilis, were found to be caused by bacteria. The
much wider and less immediate (i.e., not in the rise of bacteriology (starting in the 1880s), and the
immediate environment) stimuli, according to emergence of endocrinology from general physiol-
this hypothesis, which is largely based on a radical ogy (starting in earnest after 1890), led to vari-
behavioral interpretation of COGNITIVE STUDIES OF ous theories of AUTOINTOXICATION AS A CAUSE OF
SCHIZOPHRENIA. This hypothesis was first put forth DEMENTIA PRAECOX (SCHIZOPHRENIA).
by Kurt Salzinger in 1966. The immune response (the 1890s) By 1890
See also ATTENTION, DISORDERS IN. the discovery of “reactions” in the blood to for-
eign organisms or substances (“antigens”, as evi-
Salzinger, K. Schizophrenia: Behavioral Aspects. New York: denced by the production of detectable “antitoxins,”
Wiley, 1973. “defensive ferments,” or “antibodies,” led to the
rise of immunology in medicine. Originally, immu-
nology was named immunochemistry in 1904 by
immersion therapy See BATHS ; HYDROTHERAPY. the noted Swedish chemist and physicist Svante
Arrhenius (1859–1927). The focus on the identi-
fication and investigation of the antigen-antibody
immune system alterations in schizophrenia Re- reaction dominated early research in immunology
search on mental disorders such as schizophrenia from 1890 to 1910, as historian A. M. Silverstein
has always been directly influenced by new con- has documented. From about 1910 to about 1940
cepts and technologies that have emerged in other knowledge of the “immune response” was applied
medical sciences. By the end of the 19th century, a to the development of serum therapy (the production
time when most physicians had little or no formal of vaccines and other therapies to prevent or cure
training in medical schools, a “laboratory revolu- various diseases, based on antibodies present in the
tion” in medicine was well underway that would blood of ill persons). Starting in 1940, immunology
change the practice of medicine forever. Instead was revitalized by the introduction of techniques
of relying on the training of apprentice physicians and concepts from molecular biology, and a great
by master physicians through the relating of clini- deal of attention was focused on the lymphocytes
cal anecdotes and the shadowing of the day-to-day (white blood cells produced in the lymph glands)
medical practicing of the master by the apprentice, as an important aspect of the immune response. In
many physicians in Europe and North America 1949 the Australian researcher MacFarlane Bur-
called for the application of new knowledge gained net (1899–1965) added an important dimension
through basic research in laboratories to everyday to the definition of immunity when he proposed
medical practice. Laboratory-based knowledge that animal bodies had some sort of mechanism of
226 immune system alterations in schizophrenia

biological memory for distinguishing “self” from Historian of science Anne Marie Moulin iden-
“not-self.” Antigens present in the body before birth tified four essential main features of the immune
were accepted as “self.” No antibodies were made in system concept that emerged from the mid-1960s
response to them. to the mid-1970s:
The immune system (the mid-1960s) Theories
of immune reactions, how such reactions may (1) Immunity is a permanent function of the
relate to one another, and their connection to the entire body.
nervous system and endocrine system, were not (2) The representation of immunity requires ana-
viewed as comprising aspects of a comprehensive tomical and histological knowledge of its parts.
functional system until the mid-1960s. The first (3) Knowledge of immunity, beyond this mor-
reference to the immune system was to the lym- phological description, refers to a logical cat-
phoid system in 1963. As historian of science Anne egory—the so-called immunocompetence of
Marie Moulin has documented, it was only dur- cells—whatever their localization.
ing that decade that the first modern concept of (4) All immunological phenomena can be described
an integrated “immune system” came into being and explained in terms of the immune system.
in connection with the development of cellular
immunology. Cellular immunology arose as a reac- The rise of psychoneuroimmunology in the
tion to purely chemical interpretations of immune 1970s, led by the work of Robert Ader, focused
reactions (humoral immunology) that became popu- attention on the interconnections of the immune,
lar in the mid-20th century. The immune system endocrine, and nervous systems and their pos-
was conceptualized in terms of its function, not sible relevance to mental disorders such as
its structure, and focused on a set of autonomous schizophrenia.
cells involved in all immune reactions. These cells Immunology and the understanding of neuro-
were imagined as freely wandering throughout the syphilis The success story of the linkage of the
whole body, unrestricted by any internal organ. clinical symptoms, cellular pathology, and etiology
All that had been known for most of the 20th (underlying cause) of syphilis in an astonishingly
century was that immune responses (such as the brief six-year period had a major impact on bio-
activation of lymphocytes, the production of anti- logical psychiatrists looking for the cause of schizo-
bodies, the development of immunity to a disease phrenia in the early 20th century. This story is told
through exposure to it, allergic reactions, and so in detail in classic books on the Wasserman reaction
on) defended the body against infectious organ- test by Ludwig Fleck (1935) and Felix Plaut (1911).
isms such as bacteria and viruses as well as against In 1905 the spiral-shaped bacterium that caused
toxins manufactured within the body, or entering syphilis was discovered by two German research-
from outside the body. Each immunity response ers. By the following year, antibodies created as a
came from a separate place in the body (the bone defense against the syphilis bacterium were iden-
marrow produced granulocytes and macrophages, tified, leading directly to the development of the
plasma cells produced antibodies, and the lymph famous Wasserman blood test for syphilis in 1906.
nodes produced lymphocytes), but how all these Finally, in 1913, the syphilis bacterium was found
different places in the body were connected, if at in the brain tissue of persons in asylums suffering
all, was not understood. Nor were the presumed from the degenerating psychotic disorder known as
connections between immune responses, the GENERAL PARALYSIS OF THE INSANE (GPI). GPI, which
endocrine system, and the nervous system. The accounted for more than 20 percent of the inpa-
new concept of a “system” of “restless cells” roam- tients committed to asylums, was thereby proven to
ing the entire body at all times took the focus be a syndrome caused by the tertiary stage of syphi-
away from immunity being localized only in spe- lis and was therefore soon renamed neurosyphilis.
cific areas of the body (such as in “central” organs Hopes were raised for the discovery of similar bac-
like the spleen versus “peripheral” organs like the terial organisms that may be involved in demen-
lymph nodes). tia praecox (schizophrenia). If specific infectious
immune system alterations in schizophrenia 227

organisms could be found for the psychotic disor- or cerebral spinal fluid of the insane. Between
ders, then antibodies could be located in the blood 1912 and 1918 several prominent dementia prae-
or cerebral spinal fluid and a diagnostic BLOOD TEST cox researchers relied heavily on a test known as
FOR SCHIZOPHRENIA could be developed. As a result, the Abderhalden defensive ferments reaction test,
starting in the first decade of the 20th century, a first developed in 1909 by Swiss biochemist Emil
great deal of research—all ultimately fruitless—was Abderhalden as a pregnancy test. It was thought
aimed at finding immune system alterations in that this blood test could differentially diagnose
dementia praecox (schizophrenia). dementia praecox from other mental disorders and
Immunological studies of dementia praecox from the blood of persons with no mental disor-
Changes in the numbers of white blood cells in “luna- ders. The problem with this test, as many research-
tics” or “insane persons” had been observed through ers discovered by 1914, was that Abderhalden’s
primitive microscopic examinations throughout the reaction test was highly subjective and not quan-
latter half of the 19th century. We now know that titative (the identification of a particular deep blue
such changes in white blood cells—leukocytes— or violet color was evidence of a “reaction”—not a
might be an indication of altered immune functions, measurement of any sort), resulting in enormous
although the linkage of immune response and white experimenter bias and error. Furthermore, there
blood cell count did not become apparent until the was no other corroborating evidence of an immu-
early 20th century. nity response such as “defensive ferments,” and
One of the first promising immunity findings soon it was apparent that Abderhalden’s defensive
involved injecting persons with dementia prae- ferments simply did not exist.
cox and manic depression with cobra venom and Throughout the 20th century, searches for spe-
looking for the antibodies created as an immune cific and replicable evidence for immune system
response. In 1909 two German researchers from abnormalities or dysfunction in dementia prae-
Eppendorf created a minor sensation when they cox (schizophrenia) produced wildly conflicting
injected patients with cobra venom and found that results. Most of the research focused on lympho-
all the dementia praecox patients and a portion of cytes and immunogobulins, yielding confusing
the manic-depressive subjects invariably reacted to and contradictory results. Diagnostic criteria for
the toxin (by producing antibodies to fight it that identifying subjects with dementia praecox or
were detectable in the blood), while other psychi- schizophrenia were not standardized, so the com-
atric patients and normals did not. The excitement parison of groups across studies and the general-
over the “Much-Holzmann psycho-reaction” was izing of findings were not possible with any degree
over within two years. Although the “Much-Hol- of accuracy. Also, much of the confusion regard-
zmann psycho-reaction” was quickly discredited ing immunity was due to a general lack of knowl-
by other researchers, it was the first promising edge about the complexities of the immune system
immune response finding for dementia praecox (until the 1960s) and the lack of powerful com-
and manic-depressive insanity. puter-aided technologies to study them properly
In an era in which autointoxication theory (until the 1980s). Even well into the 1990s very
influenced medical and psychiatric cognition, few researchers were looking into the role of the
researchers posited that bacteria in the intestines immune system in schizophrenia, and chapters
spread throughout the body and caused damage reviewing this area of research disappeared from
to internal organs. These damaged organs would major volumes on the disease. For example, not
release debris such as “toxic albumins” into the only is there no chapter on immune system func-
bloodstream, which would then be carried to the tioning in schizophrenia in the important 2003 vol-
brain and cause the symptoms of insanity. Immune ume Schizophrenia, 2nd ed., by Steven Hirsch and
responses to such foreign materials were eagerly Daniel Weinberger, nowhere in the volume is such
sought in countless laboratory studies. Such theo- a research literature even acknowledged as exist-
ries were many and varied, as were the hypotheti- ing. However, with further advances in technol-
cal substances that could be detected in the blood ogy and a more sophisticated view of the “immune
228 immune system alterations in schizophrenia

system,” the latter half of the 1990s brought new of the innate immune system include complement,
researchers to this very old problem in schizo- APP, and mannose binding lectin (MBL). Humoral
phrenia research. The most prominent of the new productions of the phylogenetically more-recent
generation of researchers on the role of immune adaptive immune system are the antibodies. A
function in schizophrenia—Norbert Mueller and special class of antibodies, known generally as
his colleagues, Markus Schwarz, Manfred Acken- autoantibodies, directs its actions against the body,
heil, and Michael Riedel—are located at the Psy- mistaking “self” for “not-self” and thereby causing
chological Clinic at Ludwig Maximilian University the inflammation of cells and eventually disease
in Munich, Germany. (cellular pathology). Such diseases are known as
The concept of the immune system in the early autoimmune diseases.
21st century At the beginning of the 21st century, Although the findings of immune system altera-
the relatively primitive “immune system” concept tions in schizophrenia are varied, inconsistent, and
of the 1960s had given way to a highly complex difficult to interpret, two patterns of immune sys-
and still somewhat mysterious notion of a mecha- tem alterations have been repeatedly noted. The
nism of involving at least two functionally different first involves elevated interleukin-6 (IL-6) produc-
immune systems. The first, sometimes called the tion. IL-6 is an important cytokine that initiates
innate immune system, is a more primitive and, the immune system response to foreign intruders
assumedly, older immune system in terms of the and especially activates the B-cell system, activat-
evolutionary development of life on this planet. ing B-cells to synthesize antibodies. IL-6 is released
This “phylogenetically older” immune system is from different cell types in the blood (macrophages,
the first line of defense in many organisms, includ- monocytes, and T and B cells). IL-6 may be involved
ing humans. The second immune system, assumed in the exacerbation of symptoms in autoimmune
to be of more recent origin in the evolution of life disorders in the central nervous system (brain and
on this planet, is known as the adaptive immune spinal cord). IL-6 has also been shown, in vitro,
system. It is found in “higher” organisms, includ- to stimulate neurons to secrete neurotransmitters
ing humans. This second line of defense includes such as dopamine and probably other catechol-
higher functions such as “memory” and can be amines as well. Several studies have found elevated
conditioned. It is the adaptive immune system’s levels of IL-6 in schizophrenia, perhaps indicat-
mysterious memory ability that can “recognize” an ing an activation of the innate immune system in
enemy (e.g., a virus) upon re-exposure to it (that is, schizophrenia. One possible mechanism for this is
a second exposure to the antigen of the intruder), the activation of the monocyte/macrophage sys-
and it can initiate a specific immune response. tem, leading to an overproduction of IL-6 by the
The innate and adaptive immune systems are innate immune system. IL-6 levels also increase
further broken down into two other components. when the T-Helper-2 cell system is activated (see
The first, known as cellular immunity, refers to the below). Some studies have found that treatment
direct actions of immune cells (such as lymphocytes, with ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS significantly lowers lev-
macrophages, and leukocytes) and the products els of IL-6. Hence, at present, the role of IL-6 in the
they secrete (cytokines) on substances recognized pathophysiology of schizophrenia is suggestive.
as foreign (“not-self”). In the older innate immune A second finding in several studies indicates T-
system, cellular immune structures include mono- Helper-2 cell activation in schizophrenia. There is
cytes, macrophages, granulocytes, and NK (natural a functional balance between the TH-1 system and
killer) cells. In the more recent adaptive immune TH-2 system in the body. In schizophrenia, the acti-
system, cellular immune structures are T (thumus) vation of the TH-2 system has been coupled with
and B (bone marrow) cells. evidence of a lack of activation of the TH-1 system.
The second, known as humoral immunity, refers A lack of activation of the TH-1-related cellular
to the production of proteins known as antibodies immune system blunts immune system response
or immunoglobulins that act on some of the other to exposure to various antigens. In schizophrenia,
cells in the immune system. Humoral productions additional suggestive evidence that there may be
immune system alterations in schizophrenia 229

a blunted answer of the cellular mediated (TH- schizophrenia—may be artifacts of treatment with
1) response is found in publications prior to the antipsychotic drugs and have little or no connec-
introduction of antipsychotic drugs. Antipsychotic tion to any involvement of the immune system in
drugs mainly stimulate the TH-1 system to action. the etiology (cause) or the pathophysiology of the
It has been noted for decades that there may disease. The theory that schizophrenia may be an
be an increased antibody production in persons autoimmune disease is therefore based on evidence
with schizophrenia. This observation led to the tainted by the effect of antipsychotic drugs on per-
theoretical speculation that schizophrenia is an sons with schizophrenia and has little to support
autoimmune disease. However, although about it. This situation may change. In a review of the
20 to 35 percent of persons with schizophrenia autoimmune hypothesis by Amanda Jones and
were estimated in these studies to show evidence colleagues published in Immunology and Cell Biology
of an autoimmune response, the effect of antipsy- in 2005, the discovery that some autoantibodies
chotic drugs in producing this effect was not taken are directed specifically against neurotransmitter
into account. It has been known since at least the receptors in the brain may give a new perspective
late 1970s that treatment with phenothiazines on the cause of schizophrenia. The first to propose
increases the production of antibodies that can be a similar theory, that schizophrenia is caused by
detected in the blood and cerebral spinal fluid of autoantibodies attacking dopamine receptor sites
persons with schizophrenia. We now know that in the brain, was first put forth by J. G. Knight
antipsychotic medications may activate not only in 1982. The first study to report the detection of
TH-1 cell production but also the production of “anti-brain antibodies” in persons with schizophre-
antibodies by activating B cells. Activated B cells nia was published by Lehmann-Facius in 1939.
produce antibody cells. Currently, the interdependence of the immune
The immune system alterations associated with system, the nervous system, and the endocrine sys-
treatment with antipsychotic drugs indicate that tem is not well understood in human beings. All
both arms of the more recent adaptive immune sys- three are highly complex systems in the body, each
tem may be activated. The cellular immunity arm ancient and mysterious in its own right. Nonethe-
of the adaptive immune system evidences altera- less, the search for immune system alterations con-
tions in the activity of the TH-1 system and the tinues to this day in schizophrenia research, with
activation of the B cell system. The activation of B not only the blood but also the cerebral spinal fluid
cells produces a humoral immunity response, the examined for antibodies to possible pathogens.
production of antibodies. This is the second arm of Evidence connecting schizophrenia to allergic
the adaptive immune system. Future studies of the reactions to foods, viruses transmitted from cats to
phylogenetically older innate immune system— humans (toxoplasmosis), and a lengthy list of other
which is still not well understood—may indicate possible pathogens is still rather weak. Maternal
this system is activated in persons with schizo- exposure to viruses early in pregnancy has long
phrenia who are not medicated. Such a definitive been suspected to be a RISK FACTOR involved in the
finding may demonstrate that such innate immune etiology of some forms of schizophrenia and bipo-
system alterations may be part of the underlying lar disorder, although no confirmatory antibodies
natural disease processes of schizophrenia and have yet been detected (Yolken and Torrey, 1995).
may give us a better idea of the involvement of Thus, at present, neither of the two main theories
the immune system in this disorder. Immune sys- of immunological involvement in the cause and
tem alterations in schizophrenia may therefore be pathophysiology of schizophrenia—the autoim-
found to be due to a dysfunction in the oldest part mune hypothesis and the viral infection hypoth-
of the immune system, the phylogenetically-older esis—have much scientific support.
innate immune system. Lymphocytes as a neutral probe into brain func-
At present, the elevations of IL-6 and the shift tioning and gene expression In 2004 a research
from TH-1 blunting to TH-2 activation—the firm- group from Groningen, The Netherlands, led by
est findings of immune system alterations in Anatoliy Gladkevich proposed the hypothesis that
230 impulsive character

lymphocytes—which make up about 20 percent of Lehmann-Facius, H. “Serologisch-analytische versuche

all white blood cells—might carry information that mutliquoren und seren von schizophrenien,” Allgeme-
reflects the metabolism of brain cells and might be ine Zeitschrift fuer Psychiatrie 110 (1939): 232–243.
utilized as an indirect probe of a limited number of Moulin, A. M. “The Immune System: A Key Concept for
cellular functions, including gene expression. They the History of Immunology,” History and Philosophy of
proposed focusing on the T (thymus-derived) cell, B the Life Sciences 11 (1989): 13–28.
(bone marrow–derived) cell, and NK cell subpopu- Much, H., and W. Holzmann. “Eine Reaktion im Blute
lations of lymphocytes. This suggestion was recently von Geisteskranken,” Munchener mediziner Wochen-
put into practice by noted schizophrenia researcher schrift, 56 (1909): 1,001–1,009.
Ming T. Tsuang and colleagues and used to develop Mueller, N., M. Riedel, M. Ackenheil, and M. J. Schwarz.
a genetic diagnostic blood test for schizophrenia and “The Role of Immune Function in Schizophrenia: An
bipolar disorder. Lymphocytes were used to extract Overview,” European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical
mitochondrial RNA from the blood of persons with Neuroscience, 249 (1999): 62–68.
schizophrenia and bipolar disorder for the purpose Plaut, F. The Wasserman Sero-Diagnosis of Syphilis in Its Appli-
of genetic microarray analysis. The assumption was cation to Psychiatry. Translated by S. E. Jelliffe and L.
that the switching on of certain genes would leave Casamajor. New York: Journal of Nervous and Mental
identifiable mRNA traces in lymphocytes, thus giv- Disease Publishing Company, 1911.
ing an indication of brain functioning. Eight candi- Silverstein, A. M. “History of Immunology: A History of
date genes were identified as possible biomarkers Theories of Antibody Formation,” Cellular Immunology,
that could differentially diagnose schizophrenia from 91 (1985): 263–283.
bipolar disorder and from normal controls. Both Tsuang, M. T., N. Nossova, T. Yager, M. M. Tsuang, S. C.
schizophrenia and bipolar disorder were found to Guo, K. G. Shyu, S. J. Glatt, and C. C. Liew. “Assess-
have unique blood-based gene expression profiles. ing the Validity of Blood-based Gene Expression Pro-
The procedure had an overall estimated accuracy of files for the Classification of Schizophrenia and Bipolar
95 to 97 percent. The preliminary report appeared Disorder: A Preliminary Report,” American Journal of
in the American Journal of Medical Genetics in January Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 133B
2005. However, this study has not yet been repli- (January 2005): 1–5.
cated, and the results remain tentative.

Fitzgerald, J. G. “Immunity in Relation to Psychiatry,” impulsive character See BORDERLINE SCHIZO-

American Journal of Insanity 67 (1911): 687–703. PHRENIA.
Fleck, L. Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact. 1935
(German). Reprint, Chicago: University of Chicago
incidence of schizophrenia See EPIDEMIOLOGY.
Press, 1979.
Gladkevich, A., H. F. Kauffmann, and J. Korf. “Lympho-
cytes as a Neural Probe: Potential for Studying Psychi- incipient schizophrenia An older term for that
atric Disorders,” Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology phase of the schizophrenic disease process when
and Biological Psychiatry 28 (2004): 559–76. signs of the impending disorder first clearly make
Jones, Amanda, et al. “Immune Dysregulation and Self- their appearance. This usually involves a clear
reactivity in Schizophrenia: Do Some Cases of Schizo- deterioration in functioning before the active
phrenia Have an Autoimmune Basis?” Immunology and phase of the disorder. This is now called the PRO-
Cell Biology 83 (2005): 9–17. DROMAL PHASE.
Knight, J. G. “Dopamine-receptorstimulating Antibodies:
A Possible Cause of Schizophrenia,” Lancet 2 (1982):
1073–1076. incoherence Uncomprehensible speech. This
———. “Is Schizophrenia an Autoimmune Disorder? A term is applied when a person’s speech is
Review,” Methods and Findings of Experimental Clinical marked by ILLOGICAL THINKING, excessive use of
Pharmacology 6 (1984): 395–403. incomplete sentences, tangential or irrelevant
information processing in schizophrenia 231

statements, or abrupt changes in the topic of con- the relationships between the index case and other
versation. Grammar may be distorted and word family members. Another term for the index case
usage may be bizarre or idiosyncratic. Incoher- is the PROBAND.
ence may be a sign of FORMAL THOUGHT DISORDER .
It is commonly found in schizophrenia (particu-
larly the DISORGANIZED TYPE ) and in the atypi- India The prevalence rates for schizophrenia in
cal PSYCHOSES. Incoherence does not apply to an India have been found to range from 2.2 to 5.6 per
identifiable speech or language disorder such as 1,000. India is unusual in that the greater rates
an aphasia. for schizophrenia have been found in the higher
socioeconomic groups, which is unlike the pat-
tern for most of the rest of the world, in which the
incomplete penetrance In GENETICS STUDIES, higher rates are found in the lowest socioeconomic
the likelihood that a particular genetically trans- strata of society.
mitted abnormality (such as a disease) will be
expressed depends on the degree of penetrance Torrey, E. F. “Prevalence Studies of Schizophrenia,” Brit-
of that disorder. For example, with SCHIZOPHRE- ish Journal of Psychiatry 150 (1987): 598–608.
NIA it may be that close biological relatives (such
as MONOZYGOTIC TWINS) will carry the genetic
predisposition to developing the disease, but the indolamines A group of biogenic amines includ-
genetic abnormalities that may produce the dis- ing the NEUROTRANSMITTER SEROTONIN. The bio-
ease may not be expressed equally in the psycho- genic amines are implicated in the development of
logical and physiological development of these certain mental disorders, including SCHIZOPHRENIA,
persons. For example, although the CONCORDANCE BIPOLAR DISORDER, and DEPRESSION.
RATE for schizophrenia between monozygotic or See also BIOGENIC AMINE HYPOTHESIS.
“identical” twins is suggestively high, nonetheless
one twin will often develop schizophrenia and
the other will not, rendering them discordant for induced delusional disorder See FOLIE À DEUX.
schizophrenia. This is an example of incomplete
penetrance—the genetic defect does not fully
“penetrate” or influence later “expressed” psy- infantile autism See AUTISM , INFANTILE.
chological and physiological development (in this
case, in the genetically “identical” twin that does
not develop schizophrenia). Because the modes infectious agent hypothesis See FOCAL INFECTION
presently unknown, incomplete penetrance con- OF SCHIZOPHRENIA.
tinues to be a major problem in genetics studies of
these disorders.
infectious insanity See FOLIE À DEUX.


influenced psychosis See FOLIE À DEUX.

index case In GENETICS STUDIES of schizophrenia,

particularly the “family studies” using the CONSAN- information processing in schizophrenia By
GUINITY METHOD, the index case is the person who employing metaphors and concepts derived from
is diagnosed with the disorder. Such information the computer sciences, COGNITIVE STUDIES OF
as the possible risk for SCHIZOPHRENIA in relatives SCHIZOPHRENIA have attempted to demonstrate the
of a schizophrenic person are made by analyzing differences in the processes of thinking between
232 informed consent

people who are diagnosed with schizophrenia informed consent Before any medical procedure
and those who are not. These studies examine is performed, physicians must legally obtain the
the stages of information processing—essentially informed consent of the patient to perform the
defined as the encoding, transformation, storage, procedure. This involves an explanation of the
and retrieval of information for the purpose of purpose of the procedure, how it is done, and the
regulating behavior—to determine at what stage potential risks involved for the patient that may
or stages defects occur in schizophrenics that are result from the procedure. If the patient agrees, the
unlike those found in most normals. consent is then given in writing. Although obtain-
A comprehensive review of the literature of ing informed consent usually presents no problem
schizophrenia studies, conducted from an infor- in most people who are about to undergo a medical
mation-processing approach and compiled and procedure or treatment (e.g., surgery), for individ-
analyzed by Canadian psychologists Leonard uals who are suffering from a psychotic disorder
George and Richard Neufeld, appeared in Schizo- there are dilemmas. Can a person who is having
phrenia Bulletin in 1985. They conclude that the fol- problems remaining in contact with “reality” and
lowing traditional schizophrenic symptoms have is unable to think clearly and comprehend difficult
the accompanying interpretations according to information truly give informed consent?
information processing theory. This is an ethical and legal issue that is continu-
Sensory and perceptual anomalies Hallucina- ally debated not only in the psychiatric profession
tions may occur in conjunction with an interac- but also in the legal system. For example, all the
tion of several defects in information processing: present medical treatments for the psychotic dis-
a disruption in sensory processing, leading to the orders (ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS, electroconvulsive
spontaneous retrieval of information in long-term therapy, etc.) have side effects that effect either
memory; a predisposition toward representing this the immediate functioning of the individual (e.g.,
information as mental imagery; and the misattri- loss of memory after ECT) or his or her long-term
bution of these products of internal processing to health (e.g., TARDIVE DYSKINESIA caused by years of
external sources. treatment with antipsychotic drugs). Most studies
Body-image distortions These may be misper- confirm the obvious: psychotic patients may say
ceptions based on the result of a general sensory that they understand what is being explained to
analysis dysfunction. them, but in fact when they are given an objec-
Loosening of associations This anomaly may be tive examination afterward, they reveal that they
related to studies that show a schizophrenic deficit did not. The “lack of informed consent” before
in the implementation of the network of semantic administering treatment to patients is one of
relations in long-term memory. the most common causes of legal action against
Delusions A large body of evidence indicates psychiatrists.
cognitive and perceptual differences between par-
anoid and nonparanoid schizophrenics, with the Cohen, R. J., and W. E. Mariano. Legal Guidebook in Mental
paranoid characterized by a “premature judgment” Health. New York: Free Press, 1982.
or “jump to conclusions” response set. Irwin, M., et al. “Psychotic Patients’ Understanding of
Movement abnormalities These may be due to Informed Consent,” American Journal of Psychiatry 142
inadequate or inaccurate feedback information, or (1985): 1,351–1,354.
may reflect strategies for coping with attentional

George, L., and R. W. J. Neufeld. “Cognition and Symp- input dysfunction hypothesis This is one of the
tomatology in Schizophrenia,” Schizophrenia Bulletin early “cognitive” interpretations of the behavior of
11 (1985): 264–285. schizophrenics that was put forth to explain defi-
insanity defense 233

cits in attention. In 1964, British psychologist Peter insanity Originally termed “insanity of mind,”
Venables proposed that schizophrenics suffer from this refers to the state of being insane. Presently,
an “input dysfunction” in their ability to focus it has only a legal meaning (not a psychiatric one)
attention. Essentially, he postulated that the ability relating to the soundness of mind of a person when
to focus attention was related to levels of internal involved in actions that have legal consequences.
“arousal” in the nervous system. It is a well-known More generally, it has come to mean that a psy-
fact that for most of us, when we are nervous about chosis was present when a person committed such
performing some activity (such as public speaking, a legally consequent act. Throughout most of the
a job interview, or taking a test), our ability to focus 18th and 19th centuries, “insanity” was a generic
our attention may be affected. Venables proposes term for all mental illnesses and was used in the
that in chronic nonparanoid schizophrenics there same way that we rely on the term “mental disor-
is a heightened arousal of the brain and nervous ders” today. Until the latter part of the last century,
system (termed “cortical arousal”), which leads to “lunacy” was a synonym also used by the psychi-
an oversensitivity. Thus, when stimuli from the atric and legal professions to refer to mental illness.
outside confronts the schizophrenic (even simple In 19th-century France, the distinction made was
social interactions, for example), the person finds between aliéne and demi-fou, roughly our present
this to be “too intense,” and he or she “shuts down.” distinction between a “psychosis” and “neurosis.”
They may withdraw, become apathetic, and feel a Although a vast literature has existed since the early
restriction in their range of feelings (these are now 1800s on the legal issues raised by acts committed
called NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS). The field of attention by mentally ill offenders (“insane” offenders), the
is then narrowed in these people. In contrast, acute word “insanity” was still being used in a quasi-psy-
schizophrenics suffer from a lowered level of corti- chiatric sense (at least in the United States) in the
1920s. In 1923 William Alanson White, the super-
cal arousal when compared to normals, resulting
intendent of St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington,
in an expansion of attention that is so broad that
D.C., and the foremost forensic psychiatrist in the
they feel that they cannot shut anything out of
country, argued forcefully in a book that the word
awareness. Everything hits them at once, and they
“insanity” was entirely to be considered a legal
report feeling “flooded.”
term and had no medical meaning. White, as the
Venable’s “input dysfunction theory” is only
one of the many theories put forth in the 1960s
TION at that time, was also instrumental in chang-
about deficits in the ability of schizophrenics to ing the name of the American Journal of Insanity to
focus attention. An excellent summary of these the American Journal of Psychiatry in 1922.
detailed theories, and of the research on all areas See also FEIGNED INSANITY; M’NAUGHTEN RULES.
of “schizophrenic cognition,” can be found in a
classic volume by Loren J. and Jean P. Chapman, Hughes, J. S. In the Law’s Darkness: Isaac Ray and the Medical
Disordered Thought in Schizophrenia. Jurisprudence of Insanity in Nineteenth-Century America.
See also ATTENTION, DISORDERS IN. New York: Oceana Publications, 1986.
Quen, J. M. “Isaac Ray and the Development of Ameri-
Chapman, L. J., and J. P. Chapman. Disordered Thought
can Psychiatry and the Law,” Psychiatric Clinics of North
in Schizophrenia. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall,
America 6 (1983): 527–537.
White, W. A. Insanity and the Criminal Law. New York:
Venables, P. H. “Input Dysfunction in Schizophrenia.”
Macmillan, 1923.
In Progress in Experimental Personality Research. Vol. 1,
edited by B. A. Maher. New York: Academic Press,
1964. insanity by contagion See FOLIE À DEUX.

insane A word derived from the Latin insanus, for insanity defense This is the legal defense in
“unsound (in mind).” which a person may plead that he or she is not
234 insight

guilty for committing an alleged crime by reason of acknowledge, that they are “delusional” due to an
insanity. It apparently dates back to 13th-century illness that needs treatment. The very meaning of
English constitutional law, when it was popularly the term “insanity” since antiquity is bound to this
known as the “wild beast test,” i.e., if people act notion. Throughout the history of PSYCHIATRY, lack
like wild beasts they cannot be held accountable of insight has been viewed as a willful act of oppo-
for their actions. Over the centuries the concept sition requiring that a person be “flogged into rea-
that a person could not be responsible for criminal son,” or as an unconscious psychological defense
acts because he or she was non compos mentis (men- mechanism (Freudian PSYCHOANALYSIS), an adap-
tally incompetent), usually due to being an “idiot” tive coping strategy to avoid a painful awareness of
since birth or a “lunatic” thereafter, has undergone truths about oneself, or—the current view—as the
many changes. Our modern concepts of the insan- result of a neurocognitive deficit caused by abnor-
ity defense date back to the famous trial of Daniel mal brain functioning. This last interpretation was
M’Naughten in England in 1843 in which he was perhaps first proposed by the noted British psychi-
acquitted of a criminal act on the grounds of insan- atrist Aubrey Lewis (1900–75) in 1934.
ity. The judges in that trial relied primarily on the It has only been relatively recently, since the early
opinions in a book by American physician Isaac 1990s, that correlational and experimental studies
R AY, A Treatise on the Medical Jurisprudence of Insan- of insight in PSYCHOSIS have been conducted. Poor
ity (1838), in which he advocated many reforms insight or unawareness of illness is directly corre-
in the then-standard criminal laws and in the lated with medication noncompliance, making this
incompetency and commitment laws. The famous a vital issue of concern for the treatment of BIPOLAR
M’NAUGHTEN RULES, which later resulted from the DISORDER, SCHIZOPHRENIA, and the other psychotic
trial, became the established criterion of “knowing disorders. In studies conducted by Xavier Amador
right from wrong” for judging insanity. and colleagues, lack of insight in schizophrenia has
The insanity defense has been disputed in the not been found to be highly correlated to the sever-
1980s due to the “not guilty by reason of insanity” ity of symptoms but instead is related to the type of
verdict against John Hinckley Jr., who attempted symptoms. Poor insight is associated with the pres-
to assassinate President Ronald Reagan. Some ence of NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS. Lack of insight is far
states have abolished it completely, and many oth- more common in schizophrenia than in any other
ers have instituted major modifications that restrict psychotic disorder. It is speculated that this may tie
its use. Some states have passed legislation allow- in with BRAIN ABNORMALITIES IN SCHIZOPHRENIA
ing a variation on the verdict in the form of “guilty associated with the frontal lobe. Second in severity to
but insane.” schizophrenia, however, is the lack of insight mani-
fested by persons experiencing a MANIC EPISODE.
Lewinstein, S. R. “The Historical Development of Insanity See also BIPOLAR DISORDER ; NEUROPSYCHOLOGI-
as a Defense in Criminal Actions,” Journal of Forensic CAL STUDIES OF SCHIZOPHRENIA.
Science 14 (1969): 275–293, 469–500.
Oppenheimer, H. The Criminal Responsibility of Lunatics: A Amador, X. F. I Am Not Sick I Don’t Need Help! Helping the
Study in Comparative Law. London: Sweet & Maxwell, Seriously Mentally Ill Accept Treatment. Peconic, New
1909. York: Vida Press, 2000.
Amador, X. F., and A. S. David. Insight and Psychosis: Aware-
ness of Illness in Schizophrenia and Related Disorders. 2nd
insight Family members of persons with schizo- ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.
phrenia insist that the worst symptom of their Lewis, A. J. “The Psychopathology of Insight,” British
loved one’s disease is “lack of insight” or “poor Journal of Medical Psychology 14 (1934): 332–348.
insight” into their own illness and the need for
medication to treat it. Lack of insight is one of
the most common features of psychotic disorders. institutionalization It has long been observed
Many persons simply are not aware, or do not that many people who are diagnosed with SCHIZO-
insulin coma (or shock) therapy 235

PHRENIA and spend most of their time in institu- in such a setting could not have a negative effect
tions tend to get worse as the years go on. Patients on the mental health of the patient.
become apathetic, submissive, resigned, emotion- See also HOSPITALISM.
ally flat, and lose their sense of appropriateness in
social behavior. But is this due to the disease pro- Braginsky, B. M., and D. D. Braginsky. Methods of Mad-
cess or is it due to the experience of being involun- ness: The Mental Hospital as a Last Resort. New York: Holt,
tarily (usually) hospitalized in an institution? Rinehart & Winston, 1969.
There have been many theories about the effects Chapman, L. J., and J. P. Chapman. Disordered Thought
of hospitalization on the course of schizophrenia, in Schizophrenia. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall,
and the ACUTE-CHRONIC DISTINCTION in schizophre- 1973.
nia research is partly designed to “control” for such
institutionalization effects. For example, Erving
GOFFMAN pictures the “inmates” of “total institu- insulin coma (or shock) therapy This was the most
tions” (mental hospitals, prisons, etc.) as under- popular—and most consistently effective—form
going a degrading devaluation of any sense of of treatment for ACUTE SCHIZOPHRENIA from 1933
self-worth or identity, as being, essentially, brain- to the late 1950s, when treatment with ANTIPSY-
washed into the “role” of career mental patient. CHOTIC DRUGS became dominant. This technique
Others have viewed a hospitalized schizophrenic was invented by an Austrian psychiatrist, Man-
patient as holding a unique privilege—not respon- fred Joshua Sakel (1906–1957), who was working
sible for his actions. Therefore, there may be every at the Lichterfield Hospital in Berlin with patients
incentive to be sexually or aggressively inappropri- recovering from morphine addiction, between 1927
ate with others and to abdicate responsibility for and 1933. To diminish the agitation and psychotic
self-care (feeding oneself, hygiene, etc.). Therefore, symptoms due to withdrawal, Sakel began giving
according to this view, patients are “rewarded” for them experimental doses of insulin, a relatively new
acting “crazy” and manipulatable and remaining drug—isolated and used for the treatment of diabetes
in the hospital—which may be more like a vaca- only in 1922—whose full range of effects were not
tion resort than anything else. This latter posi- yet well known. He discovered that the higher doses
tion reflects the “impression management” theory did indeed relieve the agitative withdrawal symp-
of the effects of the institution on schizophrenics toms. When he found that high doses would induce a
proposed by Braginsky and Braginsky in the late coma in patients—particularly in those patients who
1960s. were also diagnosed with SCHIZOPHRENIA—he began
Controlled studies of the effects of institution- to experiment in 1933 with induced insulin comas as
alization (chronicity) on schizophrenic patients a treatment for schizophrenia.
have generally found that there is little evidence This therapy essentially regarded the induction
of intellectual deterioration that cannot be attrib- of a hypoglycemic (abnormally low blood sugar)
uted to the disease process. Furthermore, the coma as a form of “shock” to the system of a schizo-
“zombie-like” appearance of some severe schizo- phrenic patient. The modified procedure, which
phrenics in institutions cannot entirely be attrib- eventually came into use after Sakel published his
uted to the influence of ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS, results in 1934, required several months of treat-
since these behaviors match clinical descriptions ments on an inpatient unit with a highly trained
of schizophrenics in institutions before the advent staff, since inattentiveness could lead to the death
of this form of treatment. Some early studies of of the patient. In his book, Interpretation of Schizo-
these effects, as well as a summary of the above phrenia (1974), Silvano Arieti described the usual
theories, can be found in a 1973 book by Chap- procedure for insulin treatment:
man and Chapman. However, given the often
emotionally intense, noisy, and frequently violent It consists of administration of insulin in progres-
“holding-tank” environments of most large psy- sively larger doses. One starts initially with 10 to
chiatric institutions, it is difficult to see how living 15 units and increases the dosage until the patient
236 intermetamorphosis syndrome

undergoes severe hypoglycemic shocks, which their bodies (F REGOLI’S SYNDROME), this delusion
are characterized by comas and, less frequently, involves the belief that known persons have been
by epileptic seizures. The average coma producing interchanged or replaced by other known persons.
dose is 100 to 150 units. The state of coma used For example, such a delusional person may insist
to be terminated in the fourth or fifth hour by that one’s mother has been replaced by one’s first-
administration of an adequate amount of carbo- grade teacher, and so on. In the very first published
hydrates. Sugar was given orally if the patient was case of the intermetamorphosis syndrome—by
able to drink, or through tube feeding, or through French psychiatrists P. Courboun and J. Tusques
an intravenous injection of a glucose solution. in 1932—a depressed woman with paranoid delu-
Now termination is obtained through the use of sions of persecution insisted that her new coat had
glucagon, in doses of 0.33 to 1 mg intravenously or been replaced by a shabby, older one; that her two
intramuscularly. Small amounts generally awaken young hens had been replaced by older ones; and
the patient, who is then able to drink a sugar solu- that various women had been metamorphosed into
tion. From a minimum of twenty to a maximum men, and the young into old. As with the other
of eighty comas are generally produced, usually at misidentification syndromes, intermetamorphosis
a frequency of at least three times a week. syndrome may be the result of an ORGANIC MENTAL
DISORDER or be found within the delusional sys-
Sakel’s theoretical explanation for why insulin tems of those diagnosed with the paranoid subtype
coma therapy worked with acute schizophrenics of schizophrenia.
was never considered adequate and was rejected
by most. Nonetheless, the treatment seemed to Courbon, P., and J. Tusques. “L’illusion d’intermétamor-
be the first one that was consistently success- phose et de charmes,” Annales Medico-Psychologique 90
ful with people who were undergoing their very (1932): 401.
first episodes of psychosis. Chronic schizophrenics
did not benefit at all from the treatment. Critics
of this method have pointed out that most people interpersonal functioning In any of the psychotic
undergoing their very first schizophrenic episodes disorders, but particularly in SCHIZOPHRENIA, there
respond to just about any form of treatment (or go is a marked deterioration in the ability to sustain
into spontaneous remission anyway). Sakel immi- relationships with other people. In fact, social with-
grated to the United States in 1937, where insulin drawal, emotional detachment, and occupational
coma therapy became a prominent treatment for problems often mark the beginning of the first full
schizophrenia for the next two decades. onset of schizophrenia. Since psychotic disorders,
by their very definition, involve a disturbed rela-
Sakel, M. “New Treatment of Schizophrenia,” American tionship with the external demands of reality, this
Journal of Psychiatry 93 (1937), 829–841. invariably leads to problems with others. Sometimes
———. The Pharmacological Shock Treatment of Schizophre- people may find themselves becoming preoccupied
nia. New York: Nervous and Mental Diseases Mono- with bizarre ideas and fantasies and will therefore
graphs, 1936. shut out relationships. Other afflicted people may
instead do the opposite: They may begin to cling to
others, becoming almost child-like in their depen-
intermetamorphosis syndrome One of the rar- dence on them. Or they may begin to intrude upon
est of the psychotic MISIDENTIFICATION SYNDROMES, strangers in public, demanding their attention and
the intermetamorphosis syndrome involves the becoming physically too close to them, obviously
delusional belief that certain persons or objects making the strangers uncomfortable. These “inap-
have been interchanged. Rather than insisting propriate behaviors”—as the phrase is so often
that related persons are alien “impostors” (as in used in the psychiatric institutions of today—are
CAPGRAS SYNDROME), or that these strangers are, often quite troublesome for the family members
in reality, known persecutors who are inhabiting of schizophrenics and people with other psychotic
isolation 237

disorders, and often leads the family finally to seek United States. Western and southwestern Ireland,
help for the individual. which contain the poorer counties, have the high-
est schizophrenia rates. In these areas there is a one
in 25 chance that a person will be hospitalized for
introversion A term coined by Swiss psychia- schizophrenia at some point in their lives, making
trist and psychoanalyst C. G. JUNG for a perva- these rates the highest in the world. The counties
sive “attitude” toward the world in which one’s most affected are Mayo, Kerry, Sligo, Roscommon,
“psychic energy” or “libido” is primarily directed Galway, Clare, Cork, and Waterford. Northern Ire-
inward toward the self and the internal world of land, which is part of the United Kingdom, has
one’s own fantasies. Jung believed all people fit always maintained a lower rate of schizophrenia
along a continuum from introversion to extrover- than in the south. Studies in the United States and
sion with, usually, one or the other as a dominant Canada have consistently found that immigrants
mode of approaching the world. Although intro- from Ireland have very high first-admission rates
verted people were often very individualistic and to psychiatric hospitals when compared to other
were supposed to have a close relationship with ethnic groups.
the unconscious, they were often uncomfortable in
groups or in social situations. In its extreme patho- Torrey, E. F. “Prevalence Studies of Schizophrenia,” Brit-
logical form, introversion was thought to describe ish Journal of Psychiatry 150 (1987): 598–608.
the withdrawal of many schizophrenic patients
from the external world.
isolation Isolating agitated or violent people who
are psychotic has long been a method of prevent-
involuntary commitment See COMMITMENT. ing them from harming themselves or others. It
has been considered by many, over the centuries,
as a more humane form of restraint than either
involutional psychosis Also referred to as “invo- physical or chemical methods. The famous “pad-
lutional melancholia,” this is a severe depression ded rooms” invented by the German physician
that has developed into a psychosis. Agitation, Ferdinand AUTENREITH (1772–1835), which were
delusions, mood-congruent hallucinations, and lined with cork and rubber, were widely copied
somatic preoccupations characterize this disorder. throughout European asylums in the 19th cen-
It is also characterized by a loss of interest in activi- tury as places to isolate patients. Many institutions
ties, early morning awakenings, worse depression today still have isolation or “time-out rooms” for
in the morning, significant weight loss or anorexia, their more active patients.
and psychomotor retardation or agitation. In his 1838 classic, Des Maladies Mentale, ESQUIROL
devotes many pages to a discussion of “isolation,”
but he uses the word in much the same way we use
ipsity disorder See SUBJECTIVE EXPERIENCE IN “hospitalization” today. His use of the term was to
SCHIZOPHRENIA. denote the isolating of the mentally ill person from
his family by commitment in an institution for the
“insane.” Esquirol felt that the novelty of the new
Ireland Along with parts of Croatia and north- situation would have therapeutic value: “The first
ern Sweden, western Ireland has one of the high- effect of isolation is, to produce new sensations, to
est prevalence rates of SCHIZOPHRENIA in the world. change and break up the chain of ideas, from which
Proportionately, Ireland has three times more peo- the patient could not free himself. New and unex-
ple diagnosed with schizophrenia in psychiatric pected impressions strike, arrest, and excite his
hospitals and three times more first admissions for attention, and render him more accessible to those
schizophrenia than England. The schizophrenia councils, that ought to bring him back to reason.”
first-admission rate is even three times that of the Yet, after listing more virtues of commitment to an
238 Israel

asylum for the insane, Esquirol also expresses some groups are subject to errors in statistical measure-
words of caution about “isolation”: ment because of the large number of variables to
take into consideration, it has been difficult to
But, it may be said, that there are insane persons determine reliable prevalence rates for schizophre-
who are cured at home. This is true. These cures, nia in Israel.
however, are rare, and cannot impair the general
rule. They prove only, that isolation, like all other Torrey, E. F. Schizophrenia and Civilization. New York: Jason
curative means, ought always to be prescribed by Aronson, 1980.
a physician. I will say more, – that isolation has
been fatal to some persons. And what shall we
conclude from this? That we should recommend Italy It has been noted at least since 1862, when
it with caution; especially when it is to be pro- W. Charles Hood published his book Statistics of
longed; and also, that it is the nature of the best Insanity, that the rates of “insanity” in south-
and most useful things, not to be always exempt ern European countries were much lower than
from inconveniences. To the wise, judicious and those in northern European countries. In fact,
experienced physician does it belong, to foresee Hood found Italy to have the lowest rates in all
and prevent them. of Europe. Although no conclusive prevalence
rates have been calculated for Italy, it has been
A more commonly used term in the 20th century noted that, well into the 20th century, Italy had
for isolating patients in separate rooms is seclusion. low hospitalization rates for SCHIZOPHRENIA as
compared to other countries. Also, it has been
Esquirol, J. E. D. Mental Maladies, A Treatise on Insanity. found that the first-admission hospitalization
Translated by E. K. Hunt. 1838. Reprint, Philadelphia: rates for Italian immigrants in England and the
Lea & Blanchard, 1845. United States are far lower than for other ethnic

Israel Israel is a nation of immigrants. Since stud- Torrey, E. F. Schizophrenia and Civilization. New York: Jason
ies of SCHIZOPHRENIA prevalence rates in immigrant Aronson, 1980.
Janet, Pierre (1859–1947) A French philosopher Japan Japan and Sweden are the two countries
and psychiatrist whose research on the nature in which the best data on the prevalence rates for
of the unconscious mind and on psychotherapy SCHIZOPHRENIA have been collected. In Japan, the
makes him one of the most important figures in prevalence rates for schizophrenia have ranged
the history of psychology and PSYCHIATRY. He was from 2.1 to 2.3 per 1,000. The lowest socioeco-
appointed to teach philosophy at the Liceum of Le nomic level in Japan has been found to have preva-
Havre in 1881 (at the age of 22) and did volun- lence rates for psychotic disorders that are three to
teer work at the local asylum, where he conducted five times higher than the highest socioeconomic
research for his doctoral dissertation. His studies of levels.
the highly hypnotizable hysterical female patients
there led to observations about the workings of the Torrey, E. F. Schizophrenia and Civilization. New York: Jason
unconscious mind, which he incorporated into his Aronson, 1980.
dissertation and his classic book L’Automatisme Psy-
chologique (Psychological Automatisms) (1889). He is
best remembered for his descriptions of the psy- jealous type One of the variants of delusional
chological process known as DISSOCIATION and how disorder as listed in DSM-IV (1994). It is a persis-
it worked in people under hypnosis, in those with tent, usually “nonbizarre” DELUSION in which a
hysteria, and in those with multiple personalities. person is convinced that his or her spouse is being
About 1980, when multiple personality disorder unfaithful—without any rational grounds for the
once again began to attract serious interest, the suspicion. As this delusion can take on psychotic
work of Janet likewise found new students. Janet dimensions, such a person may take extraordinary
wrote voluminously (in French) on a wide range of measures to intervene and dissolve the fantasized
psychiatric, psychological, and philosophical top- relationship. He or she may keep the spouse locked
ics, but only a few of these works have ever been in the house or may restrict that person’s activities
translated into English. There are many papers on in other ways. The person with the delusional jeal-
paranoid schizophrenia that Janet produced in ousy may secretly follow the spouse or have that
the 1930s and 1940s that still await translation. person followed. In some cases the person with
the psychotic delusion may physically harm the
Janet, P. L’Automatisme psychologique. Paris: Félix Alcan, spouse. Although the delusion itself is so out of line
1889. with reality that it renders the person psychotic at
Perry, C., and J. R. Laurence. “Mental Processing Outside times, no other FORMAL THOUGHT DISORDER or other
of Awareness: The Contributions of Freud and Janet.” sign of a psychosis is present. In its pure form, this
In The Unconscious Reconsidered, edited by K. S. Bowers delusion of jealousy has been called the O THELLO
and D. Meichenbaum. New York: John Wiley, 1984. SYNDROME.
Van der Hart, O., and B. Friedman. “A Reader’s Guide to
Pierre Janet on Dissociation: A Neglected Intellectual
Heritage,” Dissociation 2 (1989): 3–16. jealousy, delusional See DELUSIONAL JEALOUSY.

240 Jung, Carl Gustav

Jung, Carl Gustav (1875–1961) A Swiss psychia- acknowledges the contributions of his assistant
trist and psychoanalyst who formulated his own Jung in the preface to his famous book, Dementia
unique “analytical psychology” (first called “com- Praecox, Or the Group of Schizophrenias (1911). Jung’s
plex psychology”) after breaking with his mentor, later psychology was based largely on the disso-
Sigmund F REUD, in 1913. The son of a Protestant ciative experiences of his mediumistic cousin and
pastor in Basel, Switzerland, the young Jung origi- his nine years of daily clinical work with institu-
nally wanted to become an archaeologist. After a tionalized psychotic patients. He was particularly
vividly symbolic dream, he decided instead to pur- interested in the story-motifs and structures of
sue medicine, which was an offshoot of his fascina- schizophrenic hallucinations and delusions and
tion with the natural sciences. During his medical how they seemed to correspond to the myths and
school years (specifically, in 1896), Jung became fairy tales of centuries past. These organizing
interested in the unusual trances and hypnotic structural dominants of all psychological life, con-
phenomena of his 15-year-old cousin, who was a scious and unconscious, he called “archetypes.” In
medium. In an attempt to analyze her behavior, contrast, Freud (whom Jung was associated with
he read widely in philosophy and spiritualism. In from 1907 to 1913) based his theories of the struc-
1902, he based his doctoral dissertation on this ture and dynamics of the psyche on the neurotic
work with her. In 1900, during his final exami- patients he saw in the Viennese consulting room
nations, he came across a PSYCHIATRY textbook of his home and had only minimal contact with
written by German psychiatrist and neurologist institutionalized patients.
Richard von Krafft-Ebing that convinced him he Jung is famous for proposing that a “toxin” may
should study psychiatry—commonly regarded at be the actual cause of many of the seriously debili-
the time as an “inferior” medical discipline. Jung tating psychological symptoms of SCHIZOPHRENIA,
passed his medical examinations and won a posi- although this toxin was first produced by the intense
tion at the BURGHÖLZI HOSPITAL under the direc- emotions of a psychological disturbance (i.e., a
tion of Eugen BLEULER in 1900. complex). He is also remembered for being perhaps
From the beginning, Jung was interested in the first to conduct individual psychotherapy with
pursuing the psychological and symbolic meaning institutionalized schizophrenics; in his descriptions
behind the psychotic disorders and not just their of his pre-psychoanalytic-period cases, he revealed
classification, which was the traditional occupa- a psychoeducational and rehabilitative approach
tion of psychiatry in those days. As Jung tells it in rather than an insight-oriented one—an approach
a lecture given in 1925: that is recommended for use with schizophrenics
today. Although in his writings Jung sometimes
I told nobody that I intended to work out the refers to the successful treatment of “dementia
unconscious phenomena of the psychoses, but praecox” in some patients, he later admitted that
that was my determination. I wanted to catch the these were BORDERLINE CASES that did not develop
intruders in the mind—the intruders that make into the full picture of this disorder. In a Septem-
people laugh when they should not laugh, and cry ber 24, 1926, letter to an American psychiatrist
when they should not cry. who had asked about Jung’s successful treatment
of dementia praecox, Jung admits the limitations
Jung remained at the Burghölzi for nine years. of his success:
During this time he developed a worldwide scien-
tific reputation for his famous “word-association I suppose the news you heard of my successes
test” experiments and for his 1907 monograph on in the treatment of Dementia praecox is greatly
the psychological processes involved in dementia exaggerated. As a matter of fact I only treated a
praecox (Über die Psychologie der Dementia Praecox). limited number of cases, and these were all what
It was likewise during these years that Bleuler was one might call in a liquid condition, that is, not
developing his ideas on “schizophrenia” (a term yet congealed. I avoid the treatment of such cases
Bleuler first used in print in 1908), and Bleuler as much as possible. It is true they can be treated,
Jung, Carl Gustav 241

and even with the most obvious success, but such “dual one: namely, up to a certain point psychol-
a success costs almost your own life. You have to ogy is indispensable in explaining the nature and
make the most stupendous effort to reintegrate the the causes of the initial emotions which give rise
dissociated psychic entities, and it is by no means to metabolic alterations. These emotions seem to
a neat and simple technique which you can apply, be accompanied by chemical processes that cause
but a creative effort with a vast knowledge of the specific temporary or chronic disturbances or
unconscious mind. lesions.”
Even in the face of the growing evidence for CHEMICAL THEORIES OF SCHIZOPHRENIA ; BIBLIO-
the organic basis of schizophrenia, until the end THERAPY; COMPLEX ; DISSOCIATION.
of his life Jung maintained that it may have an
equally important psychological cause. His final Jung, C. G. Letters. 1:1906–1950. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
statement on the issue was a letter sent to the University Press, 1973.
chairman of a Symposium on Chemical Concepts ———. The Collected Works of C. G. Jung. 20 vols. Princeton,
of Psychosis (held in September 1957), clarifying N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1953–1979.
his views on the issue; it was published in 1958. ———. Analytical Psychology: Notes of the Seminar Given in
Jung asserts that the cause of schizophrenia is a 1925. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1989.
Kahlbaum, Karl Ludwig (1828–1899) In 1863 widely adopted, and thus Kahlbaum receded into
German psychiatrist Karl Kahlbaum of Prussia the shadows of history.
published his Habilitation (the equivalent of a sec- Perhaps their most lasting contribution to psychi-
ond doctoral dissertation in Germany, necessary atry was the introduction of the “clinical method”
for becoming a university professor), Die Gruppi- from medicine to the study of mental diseases, a
rung der psychischen Krankheiten (The Classification method which is now known as psychopathol-
of Psychiatric Diseases). In this book, Kahlbaum ogy. Other than Benedict-Augustin MOREL’s claims
described a class of progressively degenerating about mental illness in his DEGENERATION THEORY,
psychotic disorders that he grouped under the the element of time had largely been missing from
term Vesania typica (typical insanity). This exam- definitions of mental disorders. Psychiatrists made
ple, and numerous others in his textbook, indi- pronouncements about prognosis that were not
cated Kahlbaum’s distate for those advocating based on careful observations of the changing
that all the insanities were really manifestations symptoms of patients over time. M AD-DOCTORS,
of one underlying insanity (a concept termed ALIENISTs, and other physicians who wrote about
the EINHEITSPSYCHOSE or “unitary psychosis”). In the insane arbitrarily invented names for insanities
1866 Kahlbaum became the director of a private and described their characteristic signs and symp-
psychiatric clinic in Goerlitz, Prussia, a small toms based on a short-term, cross-sectional obser-
town near Dresden. He was accompanied by his vation period of their lunatic patients. When the
younger assistant, Ewald Hecker (1843–1909), and element of time was added to the concept of diag-
together they conducted a series of research stud- nosis, a diagnosis became more than just a descrip-
ies on young psychotic patients that would even- tion of a collection of symptoms: diagnosis now
tuate in a major influence on the development of also defined prognosis (course and outcome). An
modern psychiatry. Kahlbaum and Hecker were additional feature of the clinical method was that
the first to describe and name such syndromes as the characteristic symptoms that define syndromes
dysthymia, cyclothymia, PARANOIA , CATATONIA should be described without any prior assumption
and HEBEPHRENIA. These are just the diagnostic of brain pathology (although such links could be
labels that survived into history. In an attempt made later as scientific knowledge progressed). Karl
to overthrow the confusion of the past, including Kahlbaum first made his appeal for the adoption of
the inclination of physicians since pagan antiquity the clinical method in PSYCHIATRY in his 1874 book
to group all mental disorders as forms of either on catatonia. Without Kahlbaum and Hecker there
“MANIA” or “MELANCHOLIA” (terms that were not would be no dementia praecox.
distilled down to their present meanings until the See also DEMENTIA PRAECOX ; NOSOLOGY.
period between 1850 and 1900), Kahlbaum made
the mistake of coining new names for just about Kahlbaum, K. Die Gruppierung der psychischen Krankheiten
every syndrome. Though acknowledged as a major und die Eintheilung der Seelenstorungen. Danzig: 1863.
psychiatric thinker in the 19th century, perhaps ———. “The Relationships of the New Groupings to Old
second only to Emil K RAEPELIN, his classifica- Classification and to a General Pathology of Mental
tion system was too novel and idiosyncratic to be Disorder,” History of Psychiatry 7 (1999): 167–181.

Kitsune-Tsuki psychosis 243

Lanczik, M. “Karl Ludwig Kahlbaum and the Emergence Kanner’s syndrome See AUTISM , INFANTILE.
of Psychopathological and Nosological Research in Ger-
man Psychiatry,” History of Psychiatry 3 (1992): 53–58.
karyotype This is a chromosome that has been
stained with a special substance and prepared so
Kallman, Franz J. (1897–1965) Kallman was a that it can be identified. Only since the early 1960s,
German-Jewish psychiatrist and researcher who, when it was developed, has the process of karyo-
from 1928, directed neuropathology laborato- typing chromosomes made it possible to identify
ries for psychiatric hospitals in Berlin. In 1936 he and study specific chromosomes.
immigrated to the United States and brought his
research on the genetics of MENTAL DISORDERs with
him. A translated version of his manuscript was katatonia See CATATONIA.
published in 1938, and it is considered by many
contemporary scholars to be the first true starting
point for the GENETICS STUDIES of schizophrenia. Kirkbride, Thomas Story (1809–1883) An Amer-
He also later became interested in the genetics of ican physician from Philadelphia and one of the
manic-depressive psychosis. original 13 founders of the A MERICAN PSYCHIATRIC
A SSOCIATION. Kirkbride was the superintendent of
Kallman, F. J. The Genetics of Schizophrenia. New York: J. S. the psychiatric section of the Pennsylvania Hospi-
Augustin, 1938. tal for more than four decades (from 1840 until
his death)—so long, in fact, that the institution
became known by Philadelphia locals as simply
Kandinsky-Clérambault syndrome This is the “Kirkbride’s.” He became interested in the effects
type of delusional experience in which a per- on the patients of the institutional environment’s
son feels his or her mind is being controlled or construction and of staff management styles; he
influenced in some way by outside forces. It is a firmly believed that, by designing and building
commonly reported experience in people diag- pragmatic institutions, mental illness could be
nosed with SCHIZOPHRENIA . It was first described cured. His 1847 textbook on this issue (second edi-
in 1890 by Viktor Chrisanfovich Kandinsky tion, 1880), considered one of the most important
(1825–89) and Gaétan Gaitian de Clérambault American psychiatric textbooks of the 19th cen-
(1872–1934). tury, is divided into two primary parts: the first
concerning the physical details of the ideal insti-
tution and the second detailing administrative
Kanner, Leo (1894–1981) An Austrian-born psy- procedures.
chiatrist who immigrated to the United States
and became the “father of child psychiatry.” He Kirkbride, T. On the Construction, Organization, and Gen-
did research on INFANTILE AUTISM and CHILDHOOD eral Arrangements of Hospitals for the Insane, with some
SCHIZOPHRENIA, which he thought, based on psy- Remarks on Insanity and its Treatment. Philadelphia:
choanalytic theory, were caused by disturbances in Blakiston, 1880.
early mother and child relationships. Kanner sepa- Tomes, N. A Generous Confidence: Thomas Story Kirkbride and
rated infantile autism from childhood schizophrenia the Art of Asylum Keeping, 1840–1883. Cambridge: Cam-
in 1943, believing them to be two separate types of bridge University Press, 1984.
childhood disorder. Because of his pioneering work
in this area, infantile autism is also called Kanner’s
syndrome. Kitsune-Tsuki psychosis This is an unusual psy-
chotic disorder native to Japan in which a person
Kanner, L. Child Psychiatry. Springfield, Ill.: Charles Thomas, maintains the DELUSION that he or she has been
1942. possessed by a fox. Kitsune-Tsuki psychosis is an
244 Korsakov’s psychosis

example of a “culture-bound syndrome.” A Euro- tic classification of mental disorders remain the
pean variation of this is LYCANTHROPY, in which a foundation of our understanding of schizophrenia
person believes he or she has been transformed today. Contemporary biological psychiatry and the
into a wolf. Some psychiatric authorities on this diagnostic criteria for the psychotic disorders found
syndrome have likened it to an atypical psychotic in ICD -10 (1992) and DSM-IV (1994) are thoroughly
disorder marked by the “fox” delusion, and oth- Kraepelinian.
ers have noted that it is similar to a POSSESSION Biographical history Kraepelin was described
SYNDROME. by one observer in 1916 as “a small stocky man
with yellowish skin and a full, dark beard.” He
Furukawa, F., and M. Bourgeois. “Délires de possession was an intense, driven man who characterized
par le renard au Japon (ou délire de Kitsune-Tsuke),” himself as having a “firm and persevering will.”
Annales Médico-Psychologiques 142 (1984): 677–687. He was first and foremost a scientist and had no
religious creed, although he was tolerant of other
faiths. Like many German scientists in the 19th
Korsakov’s psychosis More commonly known as and early 20th centuries, he had a fascination
Korsakov’s syndrome, this syndrome of amnesia with the religions of India and an attraction for
is due to the deficiency of thiamine in the body pantheism. Kraepelin was a well-known activist
caused by chronic alcoholism. In DSM-IV (1994) it is with strong political views (monarchist and Ger-
called alcohol amnestic disorder. Once it appears, man nationalist, anti-socialist) and strong social
this syndrome follows a chronic course, and views on a variety of issues (criminality, alcohol-
impairment may be so severe as to require lifelong ism, syphilis, mental illness, eugenics). Kraepelin
custodial care. When thiamine is administered also strongly opposed the anti-hereditarian, anti-
during a detoxification process before the syn- laboratory science views of psychoanalysts Sig-
drome is evident, it does not develop. Prior to the mund FREUD and Carl JUNG. Because of his utter
discovery that thiamine could reverse some of the disregard for the pseudoscience of psychoanalysis,
other neurological signs that precede the amnesia throughout most of the 20th century Kraepelin
of this syndrome, it routinely developed into its has not been treated kindly by historians of psy-
most severe forms. The syndrome is named after chiatry, as many of them were psychoanalytically
Sergei Sergeievich Korsakov (1853–1900), who trained American psychiatrists and uncritical dis-
was largely responsible for founding the discipline ciples of Sigmund Freud. It is only now, with psy-
of psychiatry in Russia. He first described this syn- chiatry’s return to its biological and experimental
drome in 1887 but called it cerebropathia psychica roots, that Kraepelin is receiving the recognition
toxemica. that is his due.
Kraepelin’s hereditary roots were in the Meck-
lenberg region of Germany. After earning his
Kraepelin, Emil (1856–1926) Emil Kraepelin is medical degree, Kraepelin taught medicine in the
now universally recognized as the most important Baltic region of the Russian Empire at the univer-
figure in the history of psychiatry in the 20th cen- sity in Dorpat from 1866 to 1891. At Dorpat, Krae-
tury. Certainly he is the most important figure in pelin conducted research on the effects of drugs on
the history of research on schizophrenia and the intellectual capacity and motor functions, exam-
other psychotic disorders. Kraepelin was a German ining the psychological effects of tea, alcohol, and
neurologist, psychiatrist, professor, and experi- other drugs. It was during this time that Kraepelin
mental researcher who understood (a) that men- began his lifelong interest in conducting psycho-
tal disorders were caused by biological processes logical experimentation on both normal and psy-
affecting the brain and (b) that heredity (genetics) chiatric populations, often using variations of the
played a significant role in the origins and devel- word-association test. During his tenure in Dor-
opment of DEMENTIA PRAECOX (SCHIZOPHRENIA). pat, Kraepelin wrote and published the very first
Kraepelin’s biological outlook and his diagnos- edition of his famous textbook, Psychiatrie (1883),
Kraepelin, Emil 245

which would undergo multiple revisions as he Dementia praecox and manic-depressive psycho-
defined his ideas until the four-volume eighth and sis Kraepelin first described and coined the terms
final edition (1909–15). for the two major FUNCTIONAL PSYCHOSES in succes-
After sharpening his expertise in neurological sive revisions of his textbook: DEMENTIA PRAECOX
and psychiatric problems, he moved to the Univer- was first discussed in the fourth edition (1893),
sity of Heidelberg, Germany, in 1891 and occupied and manic-depressive psychosis in the sixth edition
himself with both clinical and research duties. (1899). He separated the two based on their out-
Horrified by high percentage of alcoholism-related comes: manic-depressive psychosis had a relatively
admissions to the psychiatric clinic at the uni- good outcome, with many patients experiencing
versity, in 1895 Kraepelin himself became absti- remissions; dementia praecox had a poor progno-
nent and remained so for the rest of his life. Like sis, following a chronic, degenerating course. In his
August FOREL , Eugen BLEULER and many other fifth edition he puts forth the idea that it is a brain
major figures in medicine at the end of the 1800s, disease that is perhaps metabolic in origin, one in
Kraepelin became an activist in the anti-alcohol which the brain “autointoxicates” itself.
movement. It was believed that chronic alcohol- Kraepelin’s influence on the practice of psy-
ism caused hereditary DEGENERATION and there- chiatry was felt everywhere, as his classification
fore future generations would be permanently system helped to unify the profession. In his mem-
damaged (biologically) by the “sins of the fathers oirs, William Alanson White, one of the major
[and mothers].” During his tenure in Heidelberg, figures in American psychiatry in the first third
Kraepelin continued the psychological experi- of the 20th century, tells of the confusing state of
ments he had learned in Leipzig from his beloved affairs in psychiatry in the 1890s prior to Kraepe-
master Wilhelm WUNDT (1832–1920) and began lin’s work:
the serious neuropathological search for the causes
of psychotic disorders with colleagues Franz NISSL Of course we systematically labeled each patient
(1860–1919) and Alois A LZHEIMER. according to the diagnosis that we thought best fit-
In 1903 Kraepelin moved to Munich and became ted him, but I am quite sure that nobody felt that
director of the Institute of Hygiene at the University he had accomplished much in so doing. The fact
of Munich. Alzheimer accompanied him. Together that whenever a physician from another institu-
they continued their brain dissections and neuro- tion visited the hospital one of the first questions
histological research to find the cause of neuro- was “What classification do you use?” indicates
degenerative and psychotic disorders. Besides his to my mind the very serious discontent with this
continuing efforts to refine his classification system state of affairs . . . When, therefore, Kraepelin’s
of mental disorders, which was quickly becoming classification, based upon a new descriptive symp-
the world standard, Kraepelin continued the neuro- tomatology and the course and outcome of the
pathological, psychological, and serological research disease process, came to be known, it was hailed
on the psychotic disorders and continued to com- everywhere with joy. Here was a new lease on
pile statistics on the familial inheritance of mental life for all of us, a new interest in psychiatry, new
disorders. His anthropological interests led him to points of view. The whole subject was revivified
do fieldwork in such places as India and Java. He and made more alive, and the patients corre-
visited the United States twice, in 1908 and 1925, spondingly became more interesting.
both times as a consultant to the wealthy McCor-
mick family of Chicago, who wanted his assessment German Research Institute for Psychiatry As
of Stanley McCormick (1874–1947). On both occa- early as 1911 Kraepelin had official support from
sions Kraepelin found him to be suffering from the the Kaiser-Wilhelm Gesellschaft for his vision of a
catatonic subtype of dementia praecox. Kraepelin single, multidisciplinary institute where laboratory
remained in Munich until his death at age 70 in research could be conducted to find the causes and
1926, although in his later years he often vacationed cures of mental illness. Funds were raised through
at a villa he and his wife owned in Italy. donations by two Americans of German descent, Dr.
246 Kraepelin, Emil

James Loeb and Alfred Heinsheimer, and in April research divisions under one roof, adding a clinic
1918 the Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fuer Psychia- archives division to keep track of the patients in
trie, or German Research Institute for Psychiatry, the psychiatric wards at the nearby Schwabing
was officially opened within one of the buildings of Hospital, and a chemistry division.
the Munich University Psychiatric Clinic. With the The NATIONAL I NSTITUTE OF M ENTAL H EALTH
end of World War I in November, riots on the streets (NIMH) in the United States was directly modeled
of Munich, and a socialist revolution in Bavaria in on Kraepelin’s institute when the National Insti-
1919, the German economy collapsed. The donated tutes of Health was created after World War II.
money for the institute quickly evaporated during a NIMH is now where most of the world’s cutting-
period of extraordinary inflation. Kraepelin’s insti- edge research on the biological causes of schizo-
tute survived from 1920 until 1927 on yearly dona- phrenia takes place. Kraepelin’s vision lives on.
tions from Dr. Loeb. In the last years of his life much
of Kraepelin’s energy was taken up with the search Brink, L., and S. E. Jelliffe. “Emil Kraepelin—Psychia-
for funds. Finally, in 1927, the year after Kraepelin’s trist and Poet,” Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases
death, a sizable grant from the Rockefeller Founda- 77 (1933): 277–288.
tion allowed for the construction of a four-story- Engstrom, E. “Emil Kraepelin: Psychiatry and Public
high building “with decorations in bright red and Affairs in Wilhelmine Germany,” History of Psychiatry
green” (according to a report in a Cologne news- 2 (1991): 111–132.
paper) near the Schwabing Hospital in Munich. On Kraepelin, E. Memoirs. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1987.
June 13, 1928, the dedication ceremony to mark ———. One Hundred Years of Psychiatry. New York: Philo-
the opening of the Forschungsanstalt fuer Psychia- sophical Library, 1962; first published, 1917.
trie, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut took place. A marble ———. “The Manifestations of Insanity (1920).” Trans-
bust of the late Kraepelin (a gift of Dr. Loeb) was lated by Dominic Beer. History of Psychiatry 3 (1992):
placed in the lobby near the grand staircase. The 509–529.
street outside the institute was named after Krae- Noll, R. “Styles of Psychiatric Practice, 1906–1925: Clini-
pelin, as it still is today. However, the building itself cal Evaluations of the Same Patient by James Jackson
was destroyed by American bombs during World Putnam, Adolf Meyer, August Hoch, Emil Kraepelin,
War II, but the site on Kraepelinstrasse is now the and Smith Ely Jelliffe,” History of Psychiatry 10 (1999):
home of the Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry. 145–189.
During the years that Kraepelin was alive, the Rüdin, E. R. “Historical Record. Forschungsanstalt für Psy-
institute could manage only four divisions: labo- chiatrie, Munich, (Institute for Psychiatric Research),
ratories for anatomy, serology, and psychology, 1925–1928,” (1928). Unpublished manuscript in the
and a fourth division for the collection of statistics files of the Rockefeller Archives Center, New Tarry-
on the hereditary transmission of dementia prae- town, New York.
cox and other mental disorders. Upon rededica- White, W. A. William Alanson White: The Autobiography of a
tion in 1928, the institute housed six independent Purpose. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1938.
lactation psychoses It was commonly believed by in females who have become insane after the sup-
the ancients and by physicians well into the 1800s pression of the menses.” Esquirol admitted, how-
that the severe mental disorders suffered by women ever, that many of these women responded well
shortly preceding and especially directly following to treatment, particularly when it was designed
childbirth were related to the production (or lack to reestablish lactation or menstruation follow-
of production) of milk. It had been thought for ing childbirth. He recommended enemas, emetics,
centuries that milk was diverted from the breasts warm hip-baths, and, in the more extreme cases,
to other areas of the body, especially the brain, to restore menstruation, the application of leeches
causing these MENTAL DISORDERs. This process was to the vulva and cupping glasses to the thighs.
sometimes called lacteal metastasis. J. E. D. ESQUI- By the 20th century, however, the idea that psy-
ROL found these disorders to be so common that choses occurring in women at about the time of
he devoted an entire chapter to them in his Des birth were related to the lack of production of milk
Maladies Mentales (1838), entitled “Mental Alien- had been disregarded. Instead, the stress of preg-
ation of Those Recently Confined, and of Nursing nancy, and childbirth in particular, was thought to
Women.” “Confinement” or “to be confined” is an exacerbate an already existing underlying mental
18th-century term for the period during which a disorder such as schizophrenia or manic-depres-
woman was “confined” to her “child-bed” before sive psychosis. This is the argument made by
and after giving birth. “The number of women Eugen BLEULER in the fourth edition (1923) of his
who become insane after confinement, and dur- famous textbook Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie (first edi-
ing or after lactation, is much more considerable tion, 1916), in the section “Causes of Mental Dis-
than commonly supposed,” according to Esquirol. eases” in the English translation of 1924. Bleuler
He noted that he was not talking about the much thus concludes: “The lactation psychoses have little
more common “milk fever,” the transient delirium practical significance.”
that takes place after confinement, but instead the See also BLEEDING ; POSTPARTUM PSYCHOSIS ; PUER-
more serious postpartum depressions and psy- PERAL INSANITY.
chotic episodes that can occur.
Esquirol, after observations made during autop- Bleuler, E. Textbook of Psychiatry. 4th ed. Translated by A.
sies, asserted that no milk was ever found in the A. Brill. 1916. Reprint, New York: Macmillan, 1924.
brain tissue of deceased women who suffered from Esquirol, J. E. D. Mental Maladies: A Treatise on Insanity.
postpartum psychoses. Although it was commonly Translated by E. K. Hunt. 1838. Reprint, Philadelphia:
observed that the suppression or diminution of milk Lea & Blakiston, 1845.
production after birth was sometimes associated
with the onset of the psychosis, Esquirol denied
that the cause was related to milk being diverted Laing, Ronald David (1927–1989) One of the
to the brain. “Finally, it would be strange to find most controversial psychiatrists of the 20th cen-
milk in the brain after confinement or lactation, tury, R. D. Laing, is best remembered as a critic of
when there was suppression of this secretion, as to the profession of psychiatry and a strong advocate
find menstrual blood in the cavity of the cranium, of the often-neglected human rights of psychotic

248 language abnormalities in schizophrenia

people. He was born and educated in Glasgow, Scot- Cooper, D. Psychiatry and Anti-Psychiatry. London: Tavis-
land, where he trained as a physician and a psy- tock Publications, 1967.
chiatrist and served at the Glasgow Royal Mental Laing, R. D. Wisdom, Madness, and Folly: The Making of a
Hospital. In 1957 he joined the famous Tavistock Psychiatrist. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1985.
Clinic in London. However, by this time he had
developed serious doubts about the profession of
psychiatry. He felt there was a large gap between language abnormalities in schizophrenia One
physicians and patients, and the meaning of people’s of the most distinctive signs of schizophrenia is a
lives was lost in dehumanizing clinical terms that disturbance in language. Odd phrasing, loosening
placed them in an inferior position. Laing believed of associations, bizarre content of speech and the
that society gave psychiatrists special powers over use of nonexistent words (“word salad”) can all
others that often led to abuse. His many books, mark the person suffering from schizophrenia. To
starting with The Divided Self (1960), are thoughtful the extent that our spoken language reflects our
and provocative critiques of the present state of psy- thought processes, most studies of schizophrenic
chiatry. Beginning in June 1965 at Kingsley Hall, language are incorporated in research on FORMAL
a community center in London, Laing and his col- THOUGHT DISORDER , usually in the form of COGNITIVE
leagues began an experiment in which they lived STUDIES OF SCHIZOPHRENIA. One of the first books
with severely disturbed psychotics who would oth- to appear on the subject of language abnormali-
erwise be locked up in mental institutions. There ties in schizophrenia was edited by J. S. Kasanin
was no staff per se, no locked doors, no psychiatric and published in 1944. Although abnormalities in
treatment—just a group of people living together language occur as a result of many mental disor-
and trying to come to terms with one another. The ders, studies by researcher Nancy Andreasen and
atmosphere was described as being more like a “hip- colleagues at the University of Iowa suggest that
pie commune” than a mental hospital ward. The alogia, the diminished capacity to think or express
Philadelphia Association, as this charitable organi- thoughts (also known as the NEGATIVE SYMPTOM
zation was called, ended its experimental program of schizophrenia called poverty of speech), may
at Kingsley Hall in May 1970. be an especially important identifying indicator of
Laing was often more criticized than applauded schizophrenia and may also point to a poor prog-
during his lifetime. His views were often regarded nosis. Because language ability is largely governed
as mystical or downright dangerous for schizo- by the left hemisphere of the brain, there has been
phrenics and others who, it was felt, might be much speculation that schizophrenia may be the
led astray by Laing’s antimedical, overly optimis- result of abnormalities in this area of the brain.
tic view of psychosis and its successful outcome. See also BRAIN ABNORMALITIES IN SCHIZOPHRE-
However, many of those sympathetic to his work NIA ; LATERALITY AND SCHIZOPHRENIA.
introduced his radical ideas into practice and were
collectively known as the “anti-psychiatry move- Andreasen, N. C., R. E. Hoffman, and W. M. Grove. “Lan-
ment,” a term that Laing says in his 1985 memories guage Abnormalities in Schizophrenia.” In New Per-
he never approved of. It was, however, invented by spectives in Schizophrenia, edited by M. N. Menuck and
a colleague of Laing’s, psychiatrist David Cooper, M. V. Seeman. New York: Macmillan, 1985.
who set up an “anti-psychiatry ward” in a large Kasanin, J. S., ed. Language and Thought in Schizophrenia.
mental hospital near London in 1962. Laing, how- Berkeley: University of California Press, 1944.
ever, was obviously sympathetic to the thesis of
antipsychiatry, namely, that the role of psychiatry
is to exclude and repress those persons that society Lasègue’s disease A rarely used 19th-century
wants excluded and repressed. term for “persecution mania,” the paranoid delu-
sion that one is being deliberately persecuted by
Boyers, R., and R. Orrill, eds. R. D. Laing and Anti-Psychia- others when in fact there is no evidence to support
try. New York: Harper & Row, 1971. this. It was initially described by Ernest Charles
late-onset schizophrenia 249

Lasègue (1816–83) in 1852. Lasègue is more com- symptoms can only be described when defining the
monly remembered, however, for an article he clear-cut cases of the disorder and that “the milder
published with J. P. J. FALRET in 1877 that identi- cases, latent schizophrenics with far less manifest
fied another psychotic delusional syndrome—FOLIE symptoms, are many times more common than
À DEUX. the overt, manifest cases.” He later emphasizes just
how important the “subgroup” of schizophrenia
known as latent schizophrenia is when compared
lashing See FLOGGING. with the other “schizophrenias”:

There is also a latent schizophrenia, and I am

latent psychosis This terms refers to the idea that convinced that this is the most frequent form,
a person has an underlying psychotic process that although admittedly these people hardly ever
can break out into a full overt psychosis under the come for treatment. It is not necessary to give a
right circumstances. References to latent psycho- detailed description of the various manifestations
ses are found in the older psychiatric literature, of latent schizophrenia. In this form, we can see
but the idea is now generally subsumed under such in nuce all the symptoms and all the combinations
terms as the incipient or prodromal phases of a psy- of symptoms which are present in the manifest
chotic disorder, particularly schizophrenia. types of the disease. Irritable, odd, moody, with-
drawn or exaggeratedly punctual people arouse,
among other things, the suspicion of being
latent schizophrenia This term refers to people schizophrenic.
who exhibit odd or eccentric behavior, perhaps
even with transient hallucinations and delusions, People with latent schizophrenia may very well
but who never develop the full symptomatol- be those who are genetically predisposed for devel-
ogy of schizophrenia. In DSM-IV-TR (2000), latent oping schizophrenia but never manifest the full
schizophrenia is called SCHIZOTYPAL PERSONALITY symptoms of the disorder.
DISORDER—one of the “schizophrenia spectrum” See also BORDERLINE CASES ; BORDERLINE SCHIZO-
disorders (including, for example, SCHIZOID PER- PHRENIA ; INCOMPLETE PENETRANCE.
ORDER) that seem to be related in some way to Bleuler, E. Dementia Praecox, Or the Group of Schizophrenias.
schizophrenia. “Latent schizophrenia” is still a Translated by Joseph Zinkin. 1911. Reprint, New York:
valid diagnostic category in ICD -10 (1992), but it International Universities Press, 1950.
is not recommended for general use. ICD -9 sug- ———. “Die Prognose der Dementia Praecox—Schizo-
gested that this label replace such previously used phreniegruppe,” Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie 65
terms as latent schizophrenic reaction, borderline (1908): 436–464.
schizophrenia, prepsychotic schizophrenia, prodromal Docherty, J. P., et al. “Stages of Onset of Schizophrenic
schizophrenia, pseudoneurotic schizophrenia, and pseu- Psychosis,” American Journal of Psychiatry 135 (1978):
dopsychopathic schizophrenia. The pre-1980 psychiat- 420–426.
ric literature speaks of “prepsychotic symptoms,”
which are summarized in a review by Docherty et
al. (1978). late-onset schizophrenia Since the time of Emil
Eugen BLEULER, who coined and first used the K RAEPELIN, who relied on Ewald Hecker’s descrip-
term schizophrenia in a publication in 1908, also tion of the youthful age of onset of HEBEPHRENIA
refers to “latent schizophrenia” for the first time to help define his concept of DEMENTIA PRAECOX ,
in this same seminal classic. In his 1911 classic, schizophrenia has often been regarded as a dis-
Dementia Praecox, Or the Group of Schizophrenias, ease that shows its first serious signs in late ado-
Bleuler notes in the introduction to his discussion lescence or early adulthood. Cases of persons
of the “symptomatology” of schizophrenia that the developing schizophrenia after the age of 40, for
250 laterality and schizophrenia

example, were considered relatively uncommon. hemisphere (now called “Broca’s area”), lan-
However, a comprehensive review of the research guage ability has commonly been assumed to be
on this issue by M. J. Harris and D. V. Jeste sug- in this area of the brain. Furthermore, because
gested that late-onset schizophrenia may be more approximately 93 percent of humans are right-
common than originally thought. Although they handed, and speech has long been observed to be
were careful to point out the possible faults in the controlled by areas located in the hemisphere of
more than 30 studies (mainly from Europe) they the brain that is contralateral (“opposite-sided”)
review, they nonetheless found that persons who to the dominant hand—the left hemisphere—
develop late-onset schizophrenia (that is, after age it was thought that the language center could
40) have the following characteristics: (1) they always be determined by handedness. However,
tend to have predominant paranoid symptoms, (2) although in the vast majority of cases expressive
66 to 87 percent are female, (3) more instances of language is largely centered in Broca’s area in the
hearing loss or eye disease seem to occur among left hemisphere, this is not always the case, par-
this group, (4) prior to the full outbreak of the ticularly for left-handed people who prove to be
active phase of schizophrenia, these persons tend right-hemisphere dominant. Many people seem to
to have personalities that have strong “paranoid” have functions such as language and handedness
or “schizoid” traits, (5) the disease tends to follow distributed in unique patterns between the two
a chronic course, and (6) there is some alleviation hemispheres, and language and handedness may
of symptoms with ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS. not even be related at all in some people. There are
many differences in laterality between the sexes
Harris, M. J., and D. V. Jeste. “Late-Onset Schizophre- as well, with females appearing to be more like
nia: An Overview,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 14 (1988): left-handed people in general, with more func-
39–55. tions such as speech distributed in areas in both
hemispheres. This is why it is thought that women
and left-handed people in general can recover
laterality and schizophrenia Most people are more completely from strokes (cerebral vascular
familiar with the media versions of the popular- accidents) than right-handed men.
psychology interpretations of “right brain” versus Given the hypothesis that schizophrenia and,
“left brain” functioning. It is roughly true that perhaps, the other psychotic disorders are brain
the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for diseases, is there evidence that they can be local-
performing the more analytic, sequential, verbal, ized according to laterality in the brain?
and temporal sequencing functions, whereas the The first evidence that laterality may be a fac-
right hemisphere tends to serve more visual and tor in the psychotic disorders was found by neu-
spatial functions. The term laterality refers to the rologist P. Flor-Henry in 1969. Flor-Henry noticed
scientific evidence for this phenomenon. Since in a study of temporal-lobe epilepsy (which can
the 1960s, researchers have found that the two have many psychotic symptoms) that when the
hemispheres of the human brain are not identical focal point of the seizure was in the left hemi-
in many areas: Their respective structures (mor- sphere, schizophrenia-like psychotic features
phology) and biochemistry (proportions of vari- would appear, whereas when the seizure focus
ous neurotransmitters) are not alike, and the two was in the right hemisphere, the psychotic symp-
sides of the brain seem to serve different psycho- toms resembled those found in affective psychoses.
logical functions. Laterality is found not only in When the epileptic patient had “bilateral foci,” the
humans but also in other primates and mammals psychotic symptoms seemed to be “schizo-affec-
(such as rats). tive” in nature. Based on Flor-Henry’s initial study,
Since Paul Broca (1824–80) published his there have been many other such neurophysiologi-
famous report in 1861 of the autopsy of a male cal studies of the psychotic disorders trying to link
patient from the BICÊTRE asylum in Paris that schizophrenia with the left hemisphere and bipo-
localized the speech center of humans in the left lar disorder with the right hemisphere.
leper houses 251

There have been many published reviews of the Flor-Henry, P. “Psychosis and Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: A
evidence suggesting that laterality may be related to Controlled Investigation,” Epilepsia 10 (1969): 363–395.
schizophrenia, although not all the evidence points Nasrallah, H. A. “Is Schizophrenia a Left Hemisphere
conclusively to the left hemisphere as the source of Disease? In Can Schizophrenia Be Localized in the Brain?
dysfunction. This may be due to the fact that much edited by N. C. Andreasen. Washington, D.C.: Ameri-
of the research does not take schizophrenic subtype can Psychiatric Press, 1986.
differences or gender differences into account. For Wexler, B. E. “Cerebral Laterality and Psychiatry: A
example, paranoid schizophrenics are often distin- Review of the Literature,” American Journal of Psychia-
guished from schizophrenics diagnosed with one of try 137 (1980): 279–291.
the nonparanoid subtypes on the basis of many per-
ceptual and cognitive tasks in tests, but few stud-
ies take these subtype differences into account in lazar house (lazaretto) See LEPER HOUSES.
laterality studies, generally only comparing generic
“schizophrenics” with “normals” or other groups.
This is true in the many neuropsychological stud- leeches and leeching See BLEEDING.
ies, as well as those neurophysiological studies using
measurements with the EEG and evoked potentials,
regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF), position emis- legal issues in schizophrenia See COMMITMENT ;
of neurochemical differences to detect asymmetry DEFENSE ; RIGHT TO REFUSE TREATMENT ; RIGHT TO
between the hemispheres in the activity of certain TREATMENT.
an informed review of the major research into the
issue of laterality and schizophrenia by psychi- leg-locks A form of MECHANICAL RESTRAINT used
atric researcher Henry A. Nasrallah in 1986 pro- in Europe until the mid-19th century. These were
vides the following cautious conclusion: “Overall heavy iron clasps around each ankle or shin,
the evidence for left hemisphere dysfunction and linked by a chain or a thick metal ring.
over-activation appears to be relatively better docu-
mented than other types of dysfunction, although
it is by no means definitive.” leper houses Also known as lazar houses or laza-
Because schizophrenia seems to be characterized rettos (particularly in Italy), these were asylums for
by language abnormalities, the left hemisphere is lepers. After a drop in the incidence of leprosy in the
thought to be a prime candidate for the localization 1500s, these places were used to contain the poor,
of the disease process. However, a number of stud- the sick, and the mentally ill—in other words, they
ies point to the possibility that schizophrenia may were places of exile for all society’s undesirable ele-
be related to an “interhemispheric dysfunction,” ments. Many European asylums arose out of these
that is, it may be the result of disturbances in the former places of banishment for the lepers. Accord-
way messages are passed and interpreted between ing to French historian Michael Foucault, until
the two hemispheres of the brain. A minority of about 1650 the mentally ill were not considered a
studies even point to the right hemisphere as the “threat” to the existing “sane” society in Europe.
source of dysfunctions in schizophrenia. Until After that time, the Age of Reason was on the rise,
more is understood about the importance of later- and for the first time the mentally ill were rounded
ality in the functioning of the human brain, it may up into institutions called hospitals to contain the
be difficult to conclusively resolve the question of socially displaced: the mentally ill, the poor, the
laterality in the psychotic disorders. disabled, the elderly, criminals, those with vene-
real diseases, and political dissidents. These “hos-
Broca, R. “Remarques sur la siège de la faculté du langue pitals” largely had no medical function but were
articule,” Bull. Soc. Anat. 6 (1861): 330–357. essentially places of confinement. Foucault argues
252 leucotomy

that the creation of these institutions was inspired Jones, K. Lunacy, Law, and Conscience, 1744–1845: The Social
by the older tradition of banishing lepers to leper History of the Care of the Insane. London: Routledge &
houses and colonies. Kegan Paul, 1955.
Parry-Jones, W. The Trade in Lunacy: A Study of Private Mad-
Foucault, M. Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity houses in England in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centu-
in the Age of Reason. New York: Random House, 1965. ries. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1972.

leucotomy The name given by Portuguese neu- life expectancy of schizophrenics See MORTALITY.
rologist António EGAS MONIZ for his intrusive
PSYCHOSURGERY procedure in which the skull of a
person is opened and the white fibers connecting limbic system In most research on the areas of the
the frontal lobe to the rest of the brain are sev- brain that seem to be implicated in the disease pro-
ered. It is derived from two Greek words mean- cess in SCHIZOPHRENIA, the one characteristic that
ing “white” and “to cut.” Egas Moniz performed does seem to unite them (even more than laterality)
the first leucotomy on a human subject (a chroni- is the fact that most of these areas are interconnected
cally depressed female patient from a local mental in the brain according to what has been identified as
hospital in Portugal) on November 15, 1935. The the “limbic system.” The limbic system (also some-
first leucotomy performed in the United States was times called the visceral brain), which involves a
completed on September 14, 1936, in Washington, number of structures that lie deep below the surface
D.C., by American neurologists Walter F REEMAN of the brain (the cortex), was long considered to be
and James Watts. In 1936, Freeman began to refer one of the oldest parts of the brain and the one that
to the procedure as a “lobotomy” to separate him- governs many of the primitive, instinctual func-
self from the shadow of Egas Moniz and create an tions. Recent neurological research now considers
international reputation of his own. A leucotomy the limbic system to be a major integrative system,
was a form of major surgery that involved opening where raw sensations are selected and integrated
the skull, whereas a technique devised by Free- and sent to sites throughout the brain. The limbic
man in 1946, the “trans-orbital lobotomy,” only system is composed of such subcortical structures as
involved the penetration of an “ice pick” or similar the hippocampus, amygdala, hypothalamus, mam-
instrument into the eye socket (the “orbit of the millary bodies, the olfactory area, and bordering
eye”), behind the eye and into the brain. areas of the frontal and temporal lobes. Much of the
work that identified the role of the limbic system
as this large integrated network was conducted by
licensed houses A 19th-century British term for neurologist Paul MacLean in the 1940s.
those “private madhouses” that had obtained a The evidence that schizophrenia involves abnor-
license to house and provide limited care to the malities in the limbic system and its connections
mentally ill. Licenses were obtained by petitioning come from a wide variety of areas. EEG studies
the College of Physicians. These private madhouses have shown abnormalities in the limbic areas of
generated a hefty profit for their operators, for their the brain, and brain structure abnormalities and
overhead could be kept quite low by providing the neurochemical disturbances have been found in
absolute minimum in food and custodial care for these areas. Because there is still much more to be
their mentally ill residents. This brisk and lucra- learned about the functions of the brain as a whole,
tive “trade in lunacy” finally degenerated to such more research needs to be conducted to under-
inhumane conditions that a regulative body, the stand exactly how the limbic system is involved in
COMMISSIONERS IN LUNACY, was established in 1845 the organic disease process of schizophrenia and to
to monitor the private madhouses and ensure that determine the meaning of these disparate research
they met minimum standards. findings from many different areas when taken as
See also HOXTON MADHOUSES. a whole.
lobectomy 253

In his 1988 book, psychiatrist E. Fuller Torrey they developed strongly discouraged researchers
writes that one of the “four established facts” about from conducting further studies on this drug. How-
the causes of schizophrenia is that “the limbic sys- ever, psychopharmacologist J. F. J. Cade continued
tem and its connections are primarily affected.” research with lithium and in 1949 published the first
scientific report of the antimanic effects of lithium.
MacLean, P. D. “Psychosomatic Disease and the ‘Visceral In a study of agitated psychotic patients, Cade found
Brain,’ “ Psychosomatic Medicine 11 (1949): 338–353. that 10 manic patients responded favorably to lith-
Torrey, E. F. Surviving Schizophrenia: A Family Manual. 2nd ium, six schizophrenic and chronically depressed
ed. New York: Harper & Row, 1988. psychotic patients did not, and one patient’s symp-
Torrey, E. F., and Peterson, M. R. “Schizophrenia and the toms reappeared after the lithium was stopped. Its
Limbic system,” Lancet 2 (1974): 942–946. use for the treatment of affective disorders was not
approved in the United States until 1970.
It is not clearly understood how lithium works
linkage In genetics, “linkage” refers to the ten- to produce its results in behavioral changes. How-
dency of two ALLELES at different places (loci) on ever, it is estimated that between 70 percent and
the same CHROMOSOME to be inherited together. 80 percent of people with “typical” bipolar disorder
The closer they are together, the lesser the chances respond favorably to lithium therapy. This means,
of a genetic recombination occurring between however, that 20 percent to 30 percent of people
them. Therefore, there is a greater probability that experiencing mania do not respond to lithium.
they will be inherited together. For example, in Lithium may take one to two weeks to be fully
the search for the gene or genes that predispose effective, but after the acute symptoms of a disorder
to schizophrenia, it may well be that the abnor- lessen, lithium maintenance therapy can reduce the
mal gene responsible for a BIOLOGICAL MARKER number, severity, and frequency of episodes. The
OF SCHIZOPHRENIA (for example, eye movement side effects of long-term lithium therapy may cause
abnormalities) may be “linked”—because of its various endocrine abnormalities (thyroid problems,
physical closeness—to the actual disease gene that diabetes mellitus), kidney damage, cardiac reac-
produces schizophrenia. tions, skin problems, gastrointestinal problems, and
some central nervous system problems such as fine
hand tremors and other neuromuscular problems.
linkage analysis See GENETICS STUDIES. Because lithium can be lethal at toxic levels, blood
levels of the substance must be assessed regularly to
avoid dangerous concentrations.
linked markers See GENETIC MARKERS OF VUL-
NERABILITY; MOLECULAR MARKERS. Baldessarini, R. J. Chemotherapy in Psychiatry: Principles and
Practice. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,
lithium Lithium is the most commonly used drug Cade, J. F. J. “Lithium—Past, Present, and Future.” In
for the treatment of recurrent affective (or mood) Lithium in Medical Practice, edited by F. N. Johnson and
disorders such as BIPOLAR DISORDER or recurrent S. Johnson. Baltimore: University Park Press, 1978.
unipolar depression, MANIC EPISODES or acute HYPO- ———. “Lithium Salts in the Treatment of Psychotic Excite-
MANIC EPISODES. A naturally occurring salt, lithium ment,” Medical Journal of Australia 11 (1949): 349–352.
was discovered in 1817 by Swedish chemist John A.
Arfvedson (1792–1841). Medical uses began to be
applied in 1858 for the treatment of such conditions lobectomy A form of extreme surgery in which
as gout and urinary calculi. It was later combined an entire lobe of the brain is removed. Although
with bromides and used as a sedative. In 1940 lith- this procedure was sometimes performed to remove
ium chloride was administered to cardiac patients tumors and halt their spread in the brain, in the
as a salt substitute, but the severe toxic reactions 1930s it was suggested that it might be an effective
254 lobotomy

form of PSYCHOSURGERY for some mentally ill per- tally ill in which persons would be involuntarily
sons, specifically if the frontal lobe of the brain was “locked in.”
removed. A full lobectomy was first performed on
the chimpanzees Becky and Lucy in June 1934 at
the Yale primate research laboratory by John Ful- locus In genetics research, the word locus (plural,
ton and Carlyle Jacobsen. The entire frontal mass loci) is often used to refer to the place where a par-
of the brain was extracted and a cottonoid (a ster- ticular gene (or genes) is located.
ile, oil-soaked cotton wad) was put in its place to
fill in the space left in the skull and to support the
remaining sections of the brain. At an international lod score See LINKAGE ANALYSIS.
conference in London in August 1935, Fulton and
Jacobsen reported on the behavioral changes that
were observed in these animals as a result of the longitudinal studies These are also known as
lobectomy. They inspired Portuguese neurologist “long-term follow-up” studies. Particular groups
António EGAS MONIZ to suggest at their presenta- of patients, or cohorts, are identified and fol-
tion that lobectomies be performed on humans. lowed throughout the course of their lives. The
The horrified response of most of the participants best studies follow patients from childhood
caused him to modify his views, but on his return (such as the HIGH-RISK STUDIES ), although most
to Portugal after the conference he devised a less have simply followed patients diagnosed with a
radical procedure, the LEUCOTOMY, which merely particular illness. The purpose of these studies
severed the connections of the frontal lobe to the is to provide a picture of the natural course of a
rest of the brain, and performed the first psycho- disease, identifying its characteristics through-
surgery on a human subject in November 1935. out the life cycle of an individual. A special issue
See also FREEMAN, WALTER; TRANSORBITAL of Schizophrenia Bulletin devoted to a compre-
LOBOTOMY. hensive review of such studies appeared in 1988
(vol. 14, no. 4).
lobotomy The term that American neurologist
Walter FREEMAN invented to replace LEUCOTOMY,
the name given by Portuguese neurologist António loosening of associations This is one of the pri-
EGAS MONIZ for his famous psychosurgical procedure mary symptoms of the major psychotic disorders,
that severed the white fibers connecting the frontal particularly schizophrenia. It is considered a sign
lobe to the rest of the brain. Freeman suggested the of FORMAL THOUGHT DISORDER. Loosening of asso-
name change at a meeting of the Southern Medical ciations refers to the verbal expression of thoughts
Association in Baltimore in November 1936, and it that are disjointed and jump from one subject to
was first used in a published article in 1937. Because another without any relationship whatsoever; in
leucotomy referred to the severing of specific fibers, addition, the speaker demonstrates no awareness
“lobotomy” was suggested as a more general term for of the disconnection of these thoughts. When loos-
any psychosurgical procedure that involved the cut- ening of associations is severe, the person may be
ting of the nerve fibers of a lobe of the brain. perceived as speaking nonsense or gibberish and
may be incoherent.
Freeman, W. J., and J. Watts. “Prefrontal Lobotomy in Eugen BLEULER thought that such ASSOCIATION
the Treatment of Mental Disorders,” Southern Medical DISTURBANCES were one of the “primary symptoms”
Journal 30 (1937): 23–31. of schizophrenia that uniquely characterized it
when compared with other mental disorders. He
recognized the importance of loosening of associa-
lock hospitals A term popular in England for tions in his first publication (1908) that introduced
LEPER HOUSES and later asylums for the men- the concept of schizophrenia and its divergence
lunacy trials 255

from Kraepelin’s notion of DEMENTIA PRAECOX. caused by the influence of the moon. Both terms
Bleuler writes: were in common usage until the mid- to late 19th
century, when the term INSANITY replaced them as
On the psychological side the most fundamental a generic reference to “mental illness” or “men-
disorder appears to be a change in associations. In tal disorders,” as we would term them today. The
schizophrenia it is as if the physiological inhibi- mentally ill were called lunatics, and the physi-
tions and pathways have lost their significance. cians who administered aid to them were some-
The usual paths are no longer preferred, the times called lunatic-doctors. Whereas lunacy was
thread of ideas very easily becomes lost in unfa- a term used in medical and legal texts and organi-
miliar and incorrect pathways. Associations are zations (e.g., COMMISSIONERS IN LUNACY), the pop-
then guided by random influences, particularly ular term madness was not used in these official
by emotions, and this amounts to a partial or total capacities.
loss of logical function. In the acute stages associ-
ations are broken up into little fragments, so that
in spite of constant psychomotor excitement, no lunacy trials Beginning with Illinois in 1867,
kind of action is possible because no thought is many states passed “jury trial commitment” laws
followed through, and because a variety of con- that entitled a person to be judged insane by a
tradictory drives exist side by side and cannot be body of his or her peers before being involuntarily
synthesized under one unitary or affective point committed to an institution. These began as the
of view. result of the influence of Elizabeth Packard, whose
husband had her committed to the Illinois State
Disturbances in associations are also related to Asylum at Jacksonville for three years simply for
disturbances in attention and are more commonly disagreeing with him on philosophical issues.
found in the nonparanoid subtypes of schizo- Although Illinois repealed its “lunacy trial” bill in
phrenia that are characterized by such NEGATIVE 1892, many states still had such laws on the books
SYMPTOMS. However, loosening of associations can well into the 20th century. There were many crit-
also sometimes appear in MANIC EPISODES or in the ics of the lunacy trials, who felt that they caused
ACUTE AND TRANSIENT PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS. unnecessary public embarrassment to the patient
See also PRIMARY SYMPTOMS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA ; and that they cast the mentally ill person into the
the FOUR A’S. role of a criminal. The First International Congress
of Mental Hygiene, a congregation of the organiza-
Bleuler, E. “The Prognosis of Dementia Praecox: The tions of the Mental Hygiene Movement founded by
Group of Schizophrenias” (1908). In The Clinical Roots Clifford BEERS, condemned the practice of lunacy
of the Schizophrenia Concept: Translations of Seminal Euro- trials in 1930. A long transcript of such a lunacy
pean Contributions On Schizophrenia, edited by J. Cutting trial and a description of the events that transpired,
and M. Shepherd. Cambridge: Cambridge University including the incarceration of a Philadelphia busi-
Press, 1987. nessman who was eventually set free by the jury,
can be found in the 1869 autobiographical account
by Ebenezer Haskell.

Haskell, E. The Trial of Ebenezer Haskell, in Lunacy and His

Loxitane See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS. Acquittal before Judge Brewster, in November, 1868, together
with a Brief Sketch of the Mode of Treatment of Lunatics in
Different Asylums in This Country and in England, with
lunacy, lunatic Derived from the Latin word for Illustrations, including a Copy of Hogarth’s Celebrated
moon—luna—these terms were used for centuries Painting of a Scene of Old Bedlam, in London, 1635. Phila-
to reflect the belief that mental disorders were delphia: E. Haskell, 1869.
256 lycanthropy

lycanthropy Described since ancient times as a Jackson, S. W. Melancholia and Depression: From Hippocratic
form of “MELANCHOLIA ,” lycanthropy is a mental Times to Modern Times. New Haven, Conn.: Yale Univer-
disorder in which an individual believes that he sity Press, 1986.
or she has been transformed into an animal, espe- Keck, P. E., et al. “Lycanthropy: Alive and Well in the
cially a wolf. This disorder has also been referred Twentieth Century,” Psychological Medicine 18 (1988):
to as “werewolfism,” in reference to the Anglo- 113–120.
Saxon term (literally, a “man-wolf”). Lycanthropy Noll, R. Vampires, Werewolves and Demons: Twentieth Century
was long thought to be an extinct disorder, but at Reports in the Psychiatric Literature. New York: Brunner/
least 18 individual cases have been reported since Mazel, 1991.
1975. Most of these cases concern people who have Verdoux, H., et al. “La Lycanthropie: Une pathologie con-
been diagnosed with one of the psychotic disor- temporaine?” Annales de Psychiatrie 4, no. 2 (1989):
with psychotic features, or BIPOLAR DISORDER. In
the past century, such terms as insania zoanthrop- lypemania This is J. E. D. ESQUIROL’s term for
ica, zoanthropy and cyanthropy have been used occa- MELANCHOLIA , a group of disorders that we now
sionally in psychiatric texts to refer to this exotic refer to as depression. Depressed or “melancholic”
disease of the mind. persons were referred to as “lypemaniacs.”
mad-business This was the 17th- and 18th-century prophet after receiving head wounds in 1642 during
term used for any profession that dealt with “mad- the English civil war. However, modern interpreta-
people” or “madmen.” This included physicians, tions suggest that the profession of hatmakers may
apothecaries, and others who were responsible for have had more than its share of psychotic individ-
the custodial care of the mentally ill, as well as the uals due to the toxic effect of a substance they all
entire system of private “mad-houses” (after 1845 commonly employed in making felt hats—mercuric
called LICENSED HOUSES) in England. nitrate—which may have induced an ORGANIC MEN-
TAL DISORDER that included such psychotic symp-
toms as delusions and hallucinations.
mad-doctor Also known as lunatic doctors,
mad-doctors were physicians who provided medi- Spalding, K. “Poisoning from Mercurous Nitrate Used in
cal care to the mentally ill. This term was popular the Making of Felt Hats,” Modern Language Review 46
in the late 1600s and colloquially, into the 1800s. (1951): 442.
Our current usage of the term is different, referring
instead to representations of psychotic scientists or
physicians in literature and in motion pictures. For madness An Old English word first appearing in
example, the profane experiments of the grandi- the 1300s, “mad” or “madness” has always referred
ose Dr. Victor Frankenstein, as described in the to mental disorder, extreme foolishness or folly or
book Frankenstein, Or, the Modern Prometheus by an insane rage or fury. It has always been used as
Mary Shelley in 1816, may be the first such depic- part of everyday conversation, but with the rise
tion of this image, and it has been carried into this of the profession of PSYCHIATRY in the 1800s the
century in many films, notably in the many roles terms lunacy and then insanity were almost exclu-
played with such zeal by actor Lionel Atwill in the sively used in the official sense. Hence, there were
1930s and 1940s. more often commissions on “lunacy” or journals
of “insanity,” but no such uses seem to have been
made of the coarser term madness. The word is still
Mad Hatter, mad as a hatter The “Mad Hatter” was used today (as is its 16th-century synonym, crazy,
a popular character in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonder- which is derived from a French word meaning
land (1865), and it is because of this book that we are “cracked”) in this coarse sense.
familiar with this term today. However, the expres-
sion “mad as a hatter” predates this book, although Dalby, J. T. “Terms of Madness: Historical Linguistics,”
there are conflicting views as to how it originated. Comprehensive Psychiatry 34 (1993): 392–395.
Some have argued (namely William Hazlitt) that
the expression comes from a 17th-century eccen-
tric named John Hatter. Another view is that a mad-shirt A sacklike garment that was used as
17th-century hatter by the name of Robert Crab is a form of mechanical restraint for unmanageable
the original “mad hatter,” since he developed gran- patients. It is described as a close-fitting cylin-
diose religious delusions and proclaimed himself a drical garment, usually made of canvas or other

258 magical thinking

strong material, which was pulled down over the phrenia. In MRI (its common acronym), a high-
head of the individual and fastened tightly below strength magnetic field works on the hydrogen
the knees. It is reported to have been in use at the atoms located in the brain. Once “oriented,” radio
Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia in the early frequency pulses are bounced off the hydrogen
19th century. atoms. The resonant echoes are detected and, with
See also HORN’S SACK ; STRAITJACKET. the aid of computer analysis, can be constructed
into an image of the inner structure of the brain.
MRI has advantages over the use of the CT SCAN in
magical thinking This refers to the unusual that it can better identify the differences between
belief that some people may have in which they gray matter and white matter in the brain. The first
feel that their thoughts, words, or actions can published study of schizophrenia using MRI was
influence other people or events in the physical reported by R. C. Smith and colleagues in 1984.
world in such a way that defies our known physi- A comprehensive review (by R. W. McCarley
cal laws of cause and effect. Sometimes this can and colleagues) of 118 MRI studies of schizophre-
reach delusional proportions and become a fix- nia published between 1987 and May 1998 reported
ture of the person’s belief system about him- or BRAIN ABNORMALITIES that tended to be supported
herself and the world. For example, a person with by other neuropathological, neuroimaging, and
grandiose paranoid delusions may insist that he neuropsychological evidence. The authors of the
or she personally caused the 1989 San Francisco study also argue that the MRI studies suggest that
earthquake and will do so again if he or she is not structural abnormalities differ in bipolar (manic-
immediately released from involuntary commit- depressive) psychosis and in schizophrenia—just as
ment to a hospital. Loren J. Chapman and Jean P. Kraepelin predicted in the beginning of the 20th
Chapman, two noted schizophrenia researchers century.
from the University of Wisconsin in Madison, the-
orize that magical ideation in undiagnosed people McCarley, R. W., et al. “MRI Anatomy of Schizophrenia,”
in the general population is a strong indicator of Biological Psychiatry 45 (1999): 1,099–1,119.
“psychosis-proneness,” particularly to schizo- Smith, R. C. “Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Schizo-
phrenia. They have developed a 30-item Magical phrenia: A Preliminary Study,” Psychiatry Research 12
Ideation Scale with such items as “I think I could (1984): 137–147.
learn to read other people’s minds if I wanted to”
(keyed true), and “The hand motions that strang-
ers make seem to influence me at times” (keyed magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging
true). They are conducting long-term studies (MRSI) A BRAIN IMAGING technique that measures
to test their hypothesis that magical thinking certain chemical characteristics in living brains to
in undiagnosed persons may be a sign of later determine the integrity of specific populations of
schizophrenia. These persons may in fact be the nerve cells. This is one of the new technologies for
type referred to with the labels LATENT SCHIZO - studying NEURAL CIRCUITRY IN SCHIZOPHRENIA. Many
PHRENIA , SCHIZOTYPAL PERSONALITY DISORDER , OR MRSI studies use the technique of proton magnetic
BORDERLINE SCHIZOPHRENIA . resonance spectroscopic imaging (abbreviated as
1H-MRSI in the scientific literature). MRSI has
Chapman, L. J., and J. P. Chapman. “Psychosis-Prone- largely focused on one potential BIOLOGICAL MARKER
ness.” In Controversies in Schizophrenia, edited by M. of schizophrenia, N-acetylaspartate, or NAA. NAA
Alpert. New York: Guilford Press, 1985. is a measure of the health of certain populations of
nerve cells. When compared to healthy, non-schizo-
phrenia controls, NAA has been found to be reduced
magnetic resonance imaging One of the BRAIN in certain areas of the brain in persons with schizo-
IMAGING TECHNIQUES currently used in research phrenia and in their family members. Children with
on the psychotic disorders, particularly schizo- CHILDHOOD-ONSET SCHIZOPHRENIA also seem to have
mania 259

NAA reductions, lending support to the neurode- was never seriously considered by mainstream
velopmental model of schizophrenia that claims a psychiatry.
continuity of disease process from childhood into See also TRANSMETHYLATION HYPOTHESIS.
adulthood. Although promising, one drawback to
this form of neuroimaging is that the spatial reso- Hoffer, A. “Malvaria: A New Psychiatric Disease,” Acta
lution of MRSI is poor compared with either mag- Psychiatrica Scandinavica 39 (1963): 335–366.
netic resonance imaging and position emission
tomography scans, and therefore it is more difficult
to pinpoint exact locations in the brain that may be mania One of the two ancient categories of insan-
dysfunctional. ity (along with MELANCHOLIA). Mania was the term
used by the ancient Greeks for “madness.” From
Bertolino, A., et al. “Reproducibility of Proton Magnetic ancient times until the second half of the 19th cen-
Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging in Patients with tury, all forms of mental illness were interpreted
Schizophrenia,” Neuropsychopharmacology 18 (1998), as either forms of melancholia or mania, and these
1–9. terms had a variety of meanings that do not corre-
Brooks, W. M., et al. “Frontal Lobe of Children with spond to our contemporary psychiatric definitions
Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders: A Proton Mag- of the clinical syndromes of mania and depression.
netic Resonance Spectroscopic Study,” Biological Psy- From the time of the Greeks, mania referred to states
chiatry 43 (1998): 263–269. in which a person was highly energized, excitable,
euphoric, “possessed,” talkative, frenzied, enraged,
irritable, grandiose, and hallucinating. In ancient
Mahler’s syndrome See SYMBIOTIC PSYCHOSIS. times as now, “maniacs” sometimes went through
periods were they did not sleep for days or weeks at
a time. Until the late 19th century, “mania” almost
malaria therapy See FEVER THERAPY. always referred to an elevation or an increase in
intensity of moods, thoughts, and behaviors (as
opposed to melancholy, where there was a decrease
malingering The intentional faking of psycholog- in intensity in these areas). From antiquity until
ical or physical symptoms for some ulterior motive the time of K RAEPELIN, perhaps hundreds of differ-
(e.g., to receive worker compensation instead of ent forms of insanity were labeled as special forms
returning to work, or to avoid military duty). It of mania, sometimes with a single symptom domi-
is quite common for many relatives and friends nating the picture (e.g., kleptomania).
of mentally ill persons—particularly those with Starting in the 1850s with the proposal that
schizophrenia or severe depression—to unjustly states of mania and melancholy (depression) could
accuse them of malingering to avoid the respon- alternate in the same person as aspects of a single
sibilities of life. Strongly expressed sentiments of underlying disease process (the CIRCULAR INSAN-
this sort by family members of schizophrenics can ITY of French psychiatry), attention was turned
actually worsen the person’s very real condition to carving out the core clinical concepts of mania
and increase the probability of relapse. However, and melancholia (depression) and thereby separat-
with more education about mental illness, such ing them from their ancient, varied, and confus-
misconceptions will hopefully diminish. ing meanings. All the confusing forms of mania
See also FEIGNED INSANITY. (and melancholia, except one form, involutional
melancholia) were grouped under the concept of
MANIC-DEPRESSIVE ILLNESS (das manisch-depressive
malvaria A new subtype of schizophrenia pro- Irrsein) by Emil Kraepelin in 1899. The two great
posed by psychedelic researcher Abram Hoffer and ancient insanities of mania and melancholia
in 1963 that was supposedly characterized by were now replaced by manic-depressive illness and
a “mauve factor.” The idea never took hold and dementia praecox. By the end of the 20th century,
260 mania sine delirio

manic-depressive illness became the AFFECTIVE consciousness of the afflicted person is not clouded
DISORDERS or mood disorders, and dementia prae- (see DELIRIUM), nor is thinking permanently
cox became schizophrenia and other psychotic impaired. This is perhaps the most ancient defini-
disorders. tion of MANIA that exists. Sometimes in the older
Although Kraepelin identified numerous forms psychiatric literature, the word delirium means a
of mania and “mixed states” (dysphoric states in disturbance in the rational thinking processes (e.g.,
which depression and mania were mixed), and delusions) and may not refer specifically to our
changed these diagnostic categories until his death, modern concept of delirium as an organic disease
for the rest of the 20th century mania was still of the brain. Philippe P INEL devoted an entire sec-
largely viewed as a state of euphoric intensity that, tion to this “species of mental derangement” in his
over time, might devolve into irritability, rage, and 1801 classic textbook, Traite médico-philosophique sur
psychotic delusions. Prior to 1980, when the diag- l’aliénation mentale, ou la manie, in which he referred
nostic concept BIPOLAR DISORDER was introduced to it in French as manie sans délire. According to
to replace manic-depressive illness, anyone expe- Pinel, this type of mania “may be either continued
riencing depressive episodes with no history of or intermittent. No sensible change in the func-
mania was often labeled manic-depressive. After tions of the understanding; but perversion of the
1980, a person must experience at least one MANIC active faculties, marked by abstract and sanguinary
EPISODE to be diagnosed as bipolar. fury, with a blind propensity to acts of violence.”
Current research on mania indicates there are Due to the problems in institutional management
three primary forms: the classical form of euphoric created by such agitated “maniacs,” it is not surpris-
mania, dysphoric mania (known as MIXED STATES), ing that they frequently received the more extreme
and psychotic mania. Only the first, euphoric mania, “treatments,” such as extensive BLEEDING, the CAU-
responds well to treatment with LITHIUM. The other TERY TREATMENT, the BATH OF SURPRISE, and DOUCH-
dysphoric (or mixed) mania responds to treatment ING with cold water. J. E. D. ESQUIROL describes the
with ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS, particularly olanzapine treatment of a typical maniac in the following pas-
(Zyprexa). Psychotic mania may respond to either sage from his 1838 textbook:
lithium or olanzapine (Zyprexa). In clinical practice,
without knowing the medical history of a patient, a A maniac becomes furious during the night, and
person experiencing mania with psychotic features utters frightful howls. At two o’clock in the morn-
(particularly delusions) is indistinguishable from ing, I order the douche, and whilst the cold water
someone experiencing an acute episode of schizo- is falling upon his head, inundating his body, he
phrenia (particularly paranoid schizophrenia). appears to be greatly pleased and thanks us for
See also FUNDAMENTAL STATES OF MANIC DEPRES- the kindness we have shown him; becomes com-
SIVE INSANITY. posed; and sleeps remarkably well the rest of the
Cassidy, F., et al. “Signs and Symptoms of Mania in Pure
and Mixed Episodes,” Journal of Affective Disorders 50 Esquirol, J. E. D. Mental Maladies: A Treatise on Insanity.
(1998): 187–201. Translated by E. K. Hunt. 1838. Reprint, Philadelphia:
Diethelm, O. “Mania: A Clinical Study of Dissertations Lea and Blanchard, 1845.
Before 1750,” Confina Psychiatrica 13 (1970): 26–49. Pinel, P. A Treatise on Insanity. Translated by D. D. Davis.
Suppes, T., et al. “Report of the Texas Consensus Confer- 1801. Reprint, Sheffield, England: W. Todd, 1806.
ence Panel on Medication Treatment of Bipolar Disor-
der 2000,” Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 63 (April 2002):
288–299. manic-depressive illness One of the two com-
prehensive categories of insanity that have domi-
nated psychiatry since 1899. Throughout the 20th
mania sine delirio Literally, “mania without delir- century, and into the 21st century, all disorders
ium.” This refers to a MANIC EPISODE in which the of emotion, affect, or mood have been defined
manic episode 261

under, or in relation to, manic-depressive illness independently described CIRCULAR INSANITY (Fal-
or its successor, BIPOLAR DISORDER (1980). All ret) or “double formed insanity” (Baillarger). This
major psychotic disturbances of intellectual func- is the first time that the two very distinct phases
tioning, on the other hand, have been subsumed were viewed as expression of one underlying
under, or related to DEMENTIA PRAECOX (1893) or chronic illness. In Prussia, German psychiatrist
SCHIZOPHRENIA (1908). Manic-depressive illness Karl Kahlbaum coined the term cyclothymia for a
and schizophrenia have been the two anchors less severe form of circular insanity that was pri-
of modern psychiatric diagnostic manuals since marily a disorder of emotion and not intellectual
1899. functioning and that did not progress into termi-
Historical background From Greek and Roman nal dementia, unlike the more severe form of cir-
antiquity until the latter half of the 1800s, the cular insanity that affects cognitive functioning
two great forms of insanity were mania and mel- and the will and that leads to mental confusion,
ancholia. Hundreds of various manias or forms of dementia, and “complete mental degeneration.”
melancholy (including syndromes we might term Kahlbaum’s distinction between cyclothymia and
delusional or paranoid) were defined in terms of what we now call bipolar disorder is still reflected
these two anchors. Much of the times these disor- today in DSM-IV-TR (2002). Kahlbaum is perhaps
ders were seen to be mutually exclusive, but by the second only to Kraepelin in terms of his influence
1800s some “mad-doctors” or “alienists” began to on our current methods and categories of mental
see certain disorders as first starting off as a form of disorder classification.
melancholy then morphing into a form of mania,
or vice versa. Mania and depression in their mod-
ern sense were not defined until the late 1800s. manic episode According to DSM-IV-TR (2000),
Descriptions of persons who suffered from the experience of a diagnosable manic episode,
bouts of recurring and alternating depression whether currently or in the past, is the essential
and mania have existed since the first century criterion of being given a diagnosis of BIPOLAR DIS-
A . D. The clearest description of what may have ORDER (technically, Bipolar I Disorder). However, as
been manic-depressive illness can be found in the clinicians well know, the idea that someone who is
second-century A . D. works of Aretaeus of Cappa- “bipolar” or “manic-depressive” alternates between
docia. The description of euphoric mania turning manic episodes and depressive episodes is sim-
into irritable mixed states with psychotic features ply untrue. In fact, manic-depression in its classic
is a familiar one to clinicians even today: form is rare. Indeed, there are many persons who
experience manic episodes and/or MIXED EPISODES
If mania is associated with joy, the patient may who never experience an episode of major depres-
laugh, play, dance night and day, and go to the sion. Whether the presence of a manic episode
market crowned as if a victor in some contest of really means a “bipolar” disorder is present remains
skill. . . . The ideas the patient has are infinite . . . doubtful.
believing they are experts in astronomy, philoso- In DSM-IV-TR, a manic episode is defined in the
phy or poetry. . . . The patient may become excit- following way:
able, suspicious, and irritable . . . his hearing may
become sharp . . . some get noises and buzzing in (1) There is a distinct period of abnormality and
the ears . . . or may have visions . . . bad dreams persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable
and his sexual desires may get uncontrollable . . . if mood, lasting at least one week (or any dura-
aroused to anger, he may become wholly mad and tion if hospitalization is necessary).
run unrestrainedly, roar aloud . . . kill his keepers, (2) During the period of mood disturbance, three
and lay violent hands upon himself. or more of the following symptoms must have
persisted (four if the mood is only irritable):
It was not until 1854 that French alienists Jean- (a) inflated self-esteem or grandiosity
Pierre Falret and Jules-Gabriel-François Baillarger (b) decreased need for sleep
262 manic episode

(c) more talkative then usual or pressure to those of a particular psychic depression with psycho-
keep talking motor inhibition, or finally a mixture of the two states
(d) flight of ideas or subjective experience that (p. 273).
thoughts are racing
(e) distractibility (attention too easily drawn to The “attacks” of manic-depressive illness (or
unimportant or irrelevant external stimuli) insanity) were relatively short-lived (days or weeks
(f) increase in goal-directed activity (either at the most, sometimes months in the case of
socially, at work or school, or sexually) or depressive attacks) but always eventually remitted.
psychomotor agitation Patients between episodes returned to full normal
(g) excessive involvement in pleasurable activi- functioning without any deterioration or degenera-
ties that have a high potential for painful tion of cognitive functioning (which was, instead,
consequences (e.g., engaging in unrestrained the essential feature of diseases like dementia prae-
buying sprees, sexual indiscretions, or fool- cox). In the short term, therefore, prognosis was
ish business investments) good. However, Kraepelin noted that this disor-
der lasted a lifetime in most people. The number
Emil Kraepelin first proposed the “nosological of attacks, the type of attack (manic, depressive,
dichotomy” of the endogenous psychoses manic- or mixed states), and the period of relative health
depressive illness (manisch-depressive Irresein) and between attacks were variable. Kraepelin also
the so-called “Dementia-praecox Gruppe” in a pub- noted that some persons experienced only manic
lic lecture delivered in Heidelberg, Germany, on attacks, or periodic mania, and some only bouts of
November 27, 1898. These ideas were reflected in depression or periodic melancholia (both of which
print a few months later, beginning the process would be termed unipolar today), but that both
that would change psychiatric classification up to were still aspects of the same disease and should be
the present day. In 1899 the 6th edition of Emil diagnosed as manic-depressive (bipolar in our terms
Kraepelin’s book, Psychiatrie, grouped all the affec- today). Kraepelin noted that in about 60 percent
tive disorders described by previous generations of the cases the disease started with a depressive
of psychiatrists (all the simple manias, periodic or episode. Two-thirds of all his patients with manic-
circular insanities and their mixed forms, and the depressive disorder were female. In two-thirds of
affective melancholias, except involutional mel- the total cases (both men and women), the age of
ancholia) and grouped them under a major class onset was before age 25. The attacks come and go
of insanity, manic-depressive illness (das manisch- without external causes (hence, they are endog-
depressive Irresein). enous, or generated from within).
Delusions, illusions, and hallucinations are
“. . . we are definitely in a position to class within common during attacks, particularly in manic
the large framework of manic-depressive insan- attacks. In “mixed forms,” the manic excitement
ity even the smallest fragment of a pathological and irritability are combined with the low spirits
process belonging here; there are no bridges lead- and negative thoughts of depression. The iden-
ing over to the other groups of mental disorders, tification of mixed states was an important ele-
except perhaps for degenerative psychosis. For all ment in linking mania and depression together as
of these reasons, I feel bound to take the clinical two aspects of the same underlying disease, and
circle of forms of manic-depressive insanity as a Kraepelin’s descriptions of such states came from
homogenous whole, and to depict the individual the work of one of his assistants at the University
pictures and types of course as special forms of the of Heidelberg, Wilhelm Weygandt. Weygandt’s
one, common, pathological process. monograph on this topic, Uber die Mischzustande
As its name suggests, manic-depressive insan- des manisch-depressive Irreseins (On the Mixed States of
ity takes place in single attacks which present Manic-Depressive Insanity) also appeared in 1899.
either the signs of so-called manic excitation, flight In 1899 Kraepelin was clear on the distinction
of ideas, elated mood, and urge to be active, or between manic-depressive illness and dementia
manic episode 263

praecox. The clinical pictures were distinct and, Research Manic-depressive illness never cap-
he believed, they were caused by very different tured the attention of biological psychiatrists the
underlying disease processes (dementia praecox way that dementia praecox did. Volumes reviewing
being a degenerative disorder). However, by the the experimental literature on dementia praecox
end of his career, he was not so sure that these and schizophrenia have appeared with great regu-
two great insanities were so distinct. In 1920 he larity since the 1920s, with Leopold Bellak editing
wrote: “We must, then, accustom ourselves to the such compilations each decade from the late 1940s
idea that the phenomena of illness which we have to the late 1970s. The most recent series seems to
hitherto used are not sufficient to enable us to dis- be the successive editions of Schizophrenia by Steven
tinguish reliably between manic-depressive illness R. Hirsch and Daniel Weinberger (2nd ed., 2003).
and schizophrenia in all cases.” This lack of clarity However, only two such comprehensive reviews of
between the two great psychotic disorders resulted manic-depressive illness have appeared in the last
in geographical and national differences in diag- 50 years—Manic-Depressive Disease: Clinical and Psy-
nosis. Books and articles appearing in the 1970s chiatric Significance (1953) by John D. Campbell, and
reported that schizophrenia was overdiagnosed in Manic-Depressive Illness (1990) by Frederick K. Good-
the United States and manic-depression underdiag- win and Kay Redfield Jamison. This relative inat-
nosed compared to Europe, particularly the United tention by researchers to manic-depressive insanity
Kingdom, where the reverse was true. As schizo- since 1899 reflects the fact that persons with this dis-
phrenia researcher Nancy Andreasen (1938– ) order undergo long periods of normal functioning
pointed out in a 1994 article examining this issue, with only cyclic episodes that may require institu-
such evidence of cultural style differences in diag- tionalization and hence is not as disabling a disease
nosis cast doubt on the idea of dementia praecox as schizophrenia. Additionally, pharmacological
or schizophrenia as an “ahistorical” disease entity treatments for bipolar disorder have been effective
like physical diseases such as cancer or diabetes. in controlling the illness and allow most persons to
History, tradition, and culture have always played live productive lives, whereas the medications for
an important role in shaping our concepts of men- schizophrenia have been far less successful in restor-
tal disorders. Manic-depression and schizophrenia ing social and occupational functioning. Research
are no exceptions. conducted since the introduction of the RESEARCH
Cause “We are completely in the dark about DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA (1978) and DSM-III (1980) have
the nature of manic-depressive insanity,” Kraepelin studied this mental disorder according to the criteria
wrote in 1899 when addressing the issue of etiol- given to it under its new name, BIPOLAR DISORDER.
ogy (cause). He devoted exactly two paragraphs
to this topic, stressing the “periodic” nature of the Andreasen, N. “Changing Concepts of Schizophrenia and
illness and how such cycling resembles metabolic the Ahistorical Fallacy,” American Journal of Psychiatry
processes and epileptic attacks. “This could indicate 1 (1994): 355–362.
a chemical theory, all the more so as we now seem Campbell, J. D. Manic-Depressive Disease: Clinical and Psychi-
to be coming close to postulating an autointoxica- atric Significance. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott, 1953.
tion in the case of epilepsy too, which likewise is Goodwin, F. K., and K. R. Jamison. Manic-Depressive Ill-
periodic. . . . Still, we can probably expect this mat- ness. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990.
ter to be clarified some day by metabolic investiga- Kraepelin, E. Psychiatry: A Textbook for Students and Physi-
tions” (p. 309). At this time Kraepelin held to the cians, Volume 2: Clinical Psychiatry, translated by Sabine
theory of AUTOINTOXICATION AS A CAUSE OF DEMEN- Ayed, edited by Jacques Quen. Canton, Mass.: Science
TIA PRAECOX, and so it was a natural speculation on History Publications, 1990. [Originally published in
his part that autointoxication may also play a role two volumes in 1899 as the sixth edition of Psychiatrie:
in manic-depressive insanity. In later writings on Ein Lehrbuch für Studirende und Aerzte. Leipzing: Verlag
manic-depression, Kraepelin stressed the fact that von Johann Ambrosius Barth.]
heredity may be involved, noting that the disease Salvatore, P., et al. “Weygandt’s On the Mixed States of Manic-
ran in families. Depressive Insanity: A Translation and Commentary on
264 MAO activity

Its Significance in the Evolution of the Concept of Bipo- Saugstad, L. F. “Social Class, Marriage, and Fertility in
lar Disorder,” Harvard Review of Psychiatry 10 (2002): Schizophrenia,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 15 (1989): 9–43.
Weygandt, W. Uber die Mischzustande des manisch-depressiven
Irreseins. Munich: Verlag von J. F. Lehmann, 1899. masturbation Masturbation (also known as self-
pollution, onanism, or chiromania) was first pro-
posed as a cause of physical and mental disease in
MAO activity See ENZYME DISORDER HYPOTHESIS. a pamphlet published in England in 1710 entitled
ONANIA, or the Heinous Sin of Self-Pollution and All Its
Frightful Consequences in Both Sexes, Considered. The
author was anonymous, but it is suspected to be the
work of a clergyman. Although masturbation had
marital skew See FAMILY INTERACTION THEORIES. long been known as a sin since biblical times, this
pamphlet is the first place where direct biological
effects are connected with this practice. With the
marital status of schizophrenics It has long been rise of DEGENERATION THEORY in the mid-1800s, the
observed that most people with severe mental dis- direct mental and physical weaknesses caused by
orders that are admitted to psychiatric hospitals are this practice were not only harmful to its practitio-
unmarried. For example, even in 1812, American ners, but also to future generations. Seminal loss in
physician Benjamin RUSH could conclude, based on men depleted the vitality and the potentially good
the patient statistics of the Pennsylvania Hospital in heredity of males. The shocks to the “spinal mar-
Philadelphia, “Single persons are more predisposed row” produced by masturbation in both men and
to madness than married people.” Almost all stud- women also led to hereditary taint that could be
ies of the first admission rates of psychiatric hos- passed on to the next generation. Physical diseases
pitals in recent decades have likewise shown that like tuberculosis and insanities such as epilepsy
more unmarried than married people have serious might also result from such practices.
psychiatric illnesses, and that this unmarried rate In French alienist J. E. D. ESQUIROL’s 1838 text-
is consistently higher among males than females. book, Mental Maladies, a chart of the “physical
In schizophrenia, these high rates are related to the causes” of MANIA in males and females in separate
age of onset of illness (it is generally earlier than in asylums in Paris lists masturbation as the cause of
bipolar illness) and the subtype of schizophrenia insanity in 16 cases. As he put it later in his book,
(the unmarried rate is higher for the nonparanoid “Masturbation, that scourge of human kind, is
subtypes). According to a comprehensive review by more frequently than is supposed, the cause of
Letten Saugstad of Norway published in 1989, the insanity, especially among the rich.” Treatments
single to married ratio in SCHIZOPHRENIA is 7.7:1 for for chronic masturbation included the application
males, and 4.5:1 for females, and for manic-depres- of ice or leeches to the scrotum or vulva, cold sitz
sive psychosis (bipolar disorder) the ratios were baths, cold enemas, or confinement in MECHANICAL
a far lower 1.5:1 for males and 1.3:1 for females. RESTRAINTS such as STRAITJACKETS or MUFFS. Major
The likelihood of a schizophrenic person remain- medical authorities continued to link masturba-
ing married is directly related to the severity and tion with the development of “neurasthenia” and
course of illness, with those people with the worst even psychotic disorders at least until the 1930s.
prognosis obviously having the greater marital
disruptions and divorces. Thus, in schizophrenia, Englehart, H. T. “The Disease of Masturbation: Values and
being single or divorced is associated with a poor the Concept of Disease,” Bulletin of the History of Medi-
prognosis for the illness. cine 48 (1974): 239–248.
Gilbert, A. N. “Doctor, Patient, and Onanist Diseases in
Eaton, W. W. “Marital Status and Schizophrenia,” Acta the Nineteenth Century,” Journal of the History of Medi-
Psychiatrica Scandinavica 52 (1975): 320–329. cine, July 1975, pp. 217–234.
mechanical restraint 265

Hare, E. H. “Masturbation and Insanity,” Journal of Mental ing at the end of it whether he had spent his life
Science 108 (1962): 16. well, he accused the fortune of an evil hour which
Macdonald, R. “The Frightful Consequences of Onanism: threw him on that track of work. He could not
Notes on the History of a Delusion,” Journal of the His- well help feeling something of bitterness in the
tory of Ideas 28 (1967): 423–431. certitude that one-half the diseased he had dealt
with never could get well, and something of the
misgiving in the reflection whether he had done
Maudsley, Henry (1835–1918) A British psychia- real service to his kind by restoring the other half
trist, editor of the Journal of Mental Science and the to do reproductive work. Nor would the scientific
benefactor and founder of the famous Maudsley interest of his studies compensate entirely for
Hospital in London, Henry Maudsley was perhaps the practical uncertainties, since their revelation
the most important figure in British psychiatry of the structure of human nature might inspire
from the 1870s until his death. He was married to a doubt whether, notwithstanding impassioned
the daughter of the man who had previously domi- aims, paeans of progress, endless pageants of
nated psychiatry in Britain, John CONOLLY, the self-illusions, its capacity of degeneration did not
leader of the NONRESTRAINT MOVEMENT. Like his equal, and might someday exceed, its capacity of
contemporary Wilhelm GRIESINGER in Germany, development.
Maudsley believed in the physiological basis of all
mental disorders and particularly emphasized the Maudsley, H. “Insanity in Relation to Criminal Responsi-
role of heredity in transmitting these disorders. bility,” Alienist and Neurologist, April 17, 1896.
His first book, The Physiology and Pathology of Mind ———. The Physiology and Pathology of Mind. New York:
(1867), was considered a turning point in British D. Appleton, 1867.
psychiatry due to this biological perspective. In this
book he proposed that there were “two great divi-
sions” in the “varieties of insanity,” namely “Affec- mechanical restraint Throughout history, the
tive and Ideational,” and these were distinguished mentally ill have been abused and generally mis-
on the basis of whether or not a person had delu- treated, both before and after the rise of institu-
sions (delusions being a sign of an ideational insan- tional care in the late 1700s and especially during
ity). He was much criticized for his chapter in that the early 1800s. More often than not, the human
book entitled “Insanity in Early Life,” because it needs of the mentally ill (who were viewed as wild,
was not generally accepted in those times that chil- like beasts) were met with FLOGGINGS and lashings,
dren could develop psychotic disorders. Although placement in cages, or restraint by chains. Masks
he recommended the earliest possible treatment and gags that would keep talkative patients silent
of people with mental disorders in settings that were perfected by Ferdinand AUTENREITH in Ger-
removed them from their families, he also believed many in the late 1700s. Various machines based on
that the most chronic mental patients should be the CIRCULATING SWING or the GYRATOR were used
discharged from asylums and cared for at home. As to spin patients into obedience, as would the “hol-
treatment, Maudsley recommended baths, emetics, low wheel” (H AYNER’S WHEEL) treadmill. Another
and purgatives, a good diet and the use of opium. 17th-century invention, by MacBride in Eng-
Unlike his cheerful and emphatic father-in-law, land, was the “straight-waistcoat,” later known as
John Connolly, Maudsley was often described as the STRAITJACKET, and this in turn inspired other
arrogant, aloof, somewhat mean-spirited, and bit- variations by other asylum keepers, including the
ter. In 1896, at the age of 60, Maudsley’s rather sacklike mechanical restraints known as HORN’S
pessimistic view of life was reflected in this confes- SACK or the MAD-SHIRT that would be placed over
sional passage about his career: the unmanageable patient’s head in order to sub-
due him or her. Despite the widespread influence
A physician who had spent his life in administer- of the NONRESTRAINT MOVEMENT in Europe begin-
ing to diseased minds might be excused if, ask- ning in the 1840s, many such inhumane devices
266 medical disorders that mimic psychotic disorders

of mechanical restraint as the straitjacket, MUFFS used in some institutions as well. However, many
or the BED SADDLE survived into the 20th century. patients and patient advocates charge that the
Part of the reason that the use of mechanical modern equivalent of these mechanical restraints
restraints was so common in the treatment of the is in reality the use of ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS as a
mentally ill was due to the prevailing belief in those form of CHEMICAL RESTRAINT to keep patients man-
days that mental illness was incurable. According ageable in an institutional setting.
to Emil K RAEPELIN in his book One Hundred Years of Illustrations of almost all the forms of mechani-
Psychiatry (which is actually an excellent history of cal restraint ever used are reproduced in a useful
the use of mechanical restraints), it was only about book by A. A. Roback and Thomas Kiernan.
1820 that the idea took hold in Europe (and pre-
sumably the United States) that some cases of men- Kraepelin, E. One Hundred Years of Psychiatry. 1917. Reprint,
tal illness might be treatable and that some patients New York: Philosophical Library, 1962.
could be rehabilitated. Mechanical restraints, Roback, A. A., and T. Kiernan. Pictorial History of Psychology
although often portrayed as “treatments” that led and Psychiatry. New York: Philosophical Press, 1969.
to “cures,” were in fact merely coercive methods
to subdue difficult patients during periods of cri-
sis. Philippe P INEL made the first steps to correct medical disorders that mimic psychotic disor-
the torturous treatment of the mentally ill by free- ders It has long been known that some physical ill-
ing dozens of patients from their chains on May nesses can have serious effects on the mental health
24, 1789 (with his male nurse, Pussin), and by of an individual. Some of the more serious diseases
advocating the practice of “moral medicine.” Yet can actually produce symptoms that, upon first pre-
rehabilitative treatment for these patients was not sentation, may look like one of the psychotic disor-
begun until two decades later. ders. A person may be disoriented and confused, act
When Emil Kraepelin served at the Heidelberg bizarrely and experience hallucinations and delu-
Clinic from 1891–1903, he used no coercion with sions, but then be found to be suffering only from
his patients—a standard philosophy of the time a treatable physical ailment. The following medical
that was not everywhere practiced to the letter. disorders are those most likely to resemble a psy-
To demonstrate to his medical students how much chotic disorder, particularly schizophrenia:
had changed in the institutional treatment of the Viral encephalitis This is literally a “viral infec-
mentally ill, he set up a small museum of mechan- tion of the brain.” Such brain infections can resem-
ical restraints. Kraepelin relates in his memoirs: ble schizophrenia in their earliest stages of infection.
The most commonly reported viruses implicated are
The revolution caused by the systematical intro- cytomegalovirus, measles, coxsackie, herpes sim-
duction of bed rest, the frequent use of baths, and plex, Epstein-Barr, and equine encephalitis. As we
finally the newer narcoleptics and tranquilizers know from the history of the disorder that used to
was striking. To give the students an idea of these be called the GENERAL PARALYSIS OF THE INSANE, cere-
advances, I began collecting means of mechanical bral syphilis can resemble schizophrenia in its most
restraint, for example, straightjackets, chairs, foot- advanced stages, though it is rarely encountered
cuffs, muffs, gloves, and so on with correspond- today. The suspected viral cause of the psychosis
ing illustrations from the old asylums and made a can be confirmed with a spinal tap (lumbar punc-
little museum, which I showed the students dur- ture). The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
ing the semester. I managed to get some chains, can cause mental deterioration (dementia), and
which had once been used to chain a patient. individuals who are seropositive for HIV and mani-
fest the AIDS DEMENTIA COMPLEX may be diagnosed
Perhaps the only form of mechanical restraint with AIDS solely on the basis of this dementia.
still in use today is the FOUR-POINT RESTRAINT or Temporal lobe epilepsy This type of epilepsy has
FIVE-POINT RESTRAINT used for brief, supervised long been reported to include psychotic symptoms
periods. Seclusion or isolation rooms are still (delusions and hallucinations) in some people.
medical model of mental disorders 267

Thyroid disease Any disease process involving have a higher frequency of traumatic brain injury
the hormones and their role in the nervous system than individuals diagnosed with other psychiatric
of human beings (neuroendocrinopathy) can cause disorders.
psychosis-mimicking symptoms. Primary hypo- Parkinson’s disease PD is a degenerative neu-
thyroidism is perhaps the most commonly misdi- rological disease caused by the arteriosclerotic
agnosed medical disorder that mimics a psychiatric changes in the part of the brain that controls smooth
disorder, because it involves so many symptoms movement, the basal ganglia. It is often a crippling
that resemble a severe depression (depressed mood, disease, characterized by muscular tremors, rigidity
weight change, sleep disturbances, and, in its most of movement, droopy posture, and masklike facial
extreme forms, delusions and hallucinations). Thy- grimaces. In the latter stages of the disease, hallu-
roid disease can be mistaken for the mood disorders cinations and other psychotic symptoms develop in
and, in some cases, schizophrenia. about 40 percent of all persons who have PD.
Huntington’s disease A genetically transmitted There are a number of other medical disor-
disease that strikes in midlife, Huntington’s disease ders that may produce symptoms resembling
in its earliest stages is perhaps more persistently schizophrenia, though less commonly. These may
misdiagnosed as schizophrenia than is any other include the following medical disorders: stroke
medical disorder. When the characteristic abnormal (cerebral vascular accident, or CVA); metal poi-
movements begin later in the disease (“choreiform soning (e.g., mercury, lead); insecticide poisoning
movements”), the actual diagnosis is usually made (e.g., organo-phosphorous compounds); Wilson’s
without difficulty. disease; tropical infections; acute intermittent
Multiple sclerosis Multiple sclerosis has much porphyria, metachromatic leukodystrophy; lupus
in common with schizophrenia. Like schizophrenia, erythematosus; normal pressure hydrocephalus;
it often begins in people between the ages of 18 and hepatic encephalopathy; pellagra; pernicious ane-
40. In its earliest stages, patients may report feeling mia; leptospirosis, and sarcoidosis.
“tired” or “weak” a lot of the time, may become
depressed, and may undergo a certain amount of Extein, I., and M. S. Gold. Medical Mimics of Psychiatric Dis-
intellectual deterioration. Multiple sclerosis is com- orders. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press,
monly misdiagnosed in its early stages, but as the 1986.
disease progresses the characteristic symptoms Lisanby, S. H., et al. “Psychosis Secondary to Brain Tumor,”
become obvious. Seminars in Clinical Neuropathology 3 (1998): 12–22.
Brain tumors Brain tumors may cause psy- McAllister, T. W. “Traumatic Brain Injury and Psychosis:
chotic symptoms that resemble schizophrenia. What Is the Connection?” Seminars in Clinical Neuropsy-
Although “psychosis secondary to brain tumor” chiatry 3 (1998): 211–223.
is rare, it is easily misdiagnosed. Elderly persons Peyser, C. E., et al. “Psychoses in Parkinson’s Disease,”
are more likely to have psychotic symptoms from Seminars in Clinical Neuropsychiatry 3 (1998): 41–50.
brain tumors. The most likely place for a brain
tumor to cause schizophrenia-like symptoms is
on the pituitary gland, although some temporal medical model of mental disorders This is the
lobe tumors may also cause psychosis. The correct prevailing philosophical position in our culture on
diagnosis is easily made with neuroimaging scans the nature of mental disorders. Mental disorders
using magnetic resonance imaging or computed are viewed as equivalent to physical “illnesses,”
tomography. which can be “diagnosed” and “treated.” Critics of
Traumatic injury to the brain Psychotic syn- the medical model, such as American psychiatrist
dromes occur more frequently in individuals who Thomas Szaz, believe the “myth of mental illness”
have had a traumatic brain injury than in the has outlived its usefulness as a way to conceptu-
general population. Sometimes a chronic, schizo- alize the social and psychological phenomena we
phrenia-like syndrome can develop after a serious label “sick.” Other models of mental disorder can
head injury. People diagnosed with schizophrenia be based on other premises. For example, in other
268 medical restraint

cultures (or subcultures within our own society), different in the two disorders, thus verifying his
supernatural models may be more accepted, with clinical observation. From these two basic obser-
mental disorders viewed as the result of spirits or vations he created a theory that schizophrenia
demons that must be exorcised. and epilepsy were somehow “in opposition” to
The psychotic disorders have been assumed to one another. Therefore, he reasoned (somewhat
be brain diseases since the 19th century. How- poorly), if he could bring about an epilepsy-like
ever, due to the great influence in American psy- seizure in schizophrenics it would cure them.
chiatry of psychoanalysis and FAMILY INTERACTION He first used camphor to induce seizures, then
THEORIES throughout most of the 20th century, switched to a cardiac stimulant, pentylenetetra-
which emphasized the social and cultural causes zol, which was marketed in the United States as
of schizophrenia, the medical model did not really Metrazol and in Europe as Cardiazol. In his first
gain prominence again in schizophrenia research series of 26 schizophrenics, 10 showed remark-
until the 1970s with the advent of new BRAIN able improvement after their chemically induced
IMAGING TECHNIQUES and other technological seizures. Meduna’s published report of this study
advances in the field of biochemistry genetics, and in the Zeitschrift fuer die gesamte Neurologie und Psy-
psychopharmacology. chiatrie in 1935 attracted wide attention in central
Europe but did not attract the attention of Ameri-
Siegler, M., and H. Osmond. Models of Madness, Models of can psychiatrists until mid–1937. In that year
Medicine. New York: Macmillan, 1974. Meduna published a book on his new therapy, Die
Konvulsionstherapie der Schizohrenie (The Convulsion
Therapy of Schizophrenia), and two years later he
medical restraint See CHEMICAL RESTRAINT. immigrated to the United States and took a posi-
tion as professor of psychiatry at Loyola University
in Chicago.
médicine mentale Literally “mental medicine.” M ETRAZOL SHOCK THERAPY, as it was also called,
This was one of the earliest terms used in France did not have a long history in psychiatric thera-
for the professional discipline of psychiatry. By the peutics. ELECTROSHOCK THERAPY and INSULIN COMA
1820s, the status of médicine mentale was debated in THERAPY soon overshadowed it.
many circles. During this time J. E. D. ESQUIROL
argued that former methods of studying human
nature, particularly “metaphysical philosophy,” megavitamin therapy Megavitamin therapy for
completely ignored the “physical man.” Médicine schizophrenia was first reported in a publication
mentale was thus based on a physiological foun- by psychiatrist Abram Hoffer and his colleagues
dation, as evidenced by the methodology used by in 1957. On the basis of the TRANSMETHYLATION
Esquirol and Philippe P INEL in their investigations HYPOTHESIS, a BIOCHEMICAL THEORY OF SCHIZO-
of the causes of mental illness: namely, autopsies. PHRENIA , they reasoned that a toxic substance was
created when the NEUROTRANSMITTER epinephrine
was metabolized in the brain. This toxic metabo-
Meduna, Ladislaus von (1896–1964) The origi- lite—adrenochrome—was thought to be responsi-
nator of chemically induced convulsive therapy for ble for producing the symptoms of schizophrenia.
schizophrenia. Meduna was a neuropathologist in To block the production of adrenochrome, schizo-
Budapest, Hungary, who also worked at a promi- phrenic patients were administered high doses of
nent asylum in that city. Meduna had observed niacin (vitamin B-3). In later studies, the doses
that persons with schizophrenia rarely suffered of niacin were raised even higher and combined
from epilepsy. Using his microscopic skills as a with ECT and other somatic treatments. The lit-
neuropathologist, Meduna began to look for dif- erature on megavitamin therapy is voluminous,
ferences between the brain cells of epileptics and and highly controversial, with most knowledge-
schizophrenics. To his eye, glial cells were quite able assessments of this area of research tending to
Mendelian transmission 269

discount the claims of lasting therapeutic success SION. Instead the term was used as a general des-
with megavitamin therapy. ignation for the types of madness characterized
In 1968 Linus Pauling, a Nobel laureate in by fixed DELUSIONS (such as found in PARANOIA).
chemistry, coined the term orthomolecular psychia- Mania was a broad category for any disorder that
try to refer to the treatment of mental disorders involved hallucinations. A second meaning for
through nutritional changes. Pauling argues in melancholia was any sort of lessening in inten-
his first paper on the subject that mental illness sity or weakness in mood, intellectual function-
is the result of chemical imbalances in the brain ing, or “will.” The multitude of various maladies
that could be corrected through a proper diet and and weakened states of mind that were grouped
nutritional supplements. Pauling speaks of creat- under this old term can be found in Robert Bur-
ing an “orthomolecular environment of the mind” ton’s (1577–1640) huge volume, The Anatomy of
that eliminates the altered subjective experiences Melancholy (1621). Burton himself clearly suffered
of PSYCHOSIS (which in orthomolecular psychiatry from both anxiety and depression (which we
is called metabolic dysperception). Orthomolecu- now know are often combined). The connection
lar therapy grew in the 1970s among its adher- of melancholia with ancient humoral theories of
ents, and a wide variety of vitamins and minerals health and illness was first severed by British phy-
have been used in the treatment of SCHIZOPHRENIA sician William Cullen in his book First Lines of the
and other disorders. These research reports have Practice of Physic (1777).
been reported in such publications as the Journal of Although some sort of mood disorder or anxiety
Orthomolecular Psychiatry. disorder was always present in ancient descriptions
Although it is entirely possible—and even prob- of melancholy, melancholy was finally distilled
able—that nutrition may affect the development down to something that resembles modern con-
and the course of schizophrenia and other psychotic cepts of depression after 1850, and certainly by
disorders, due to its lack of conclusive evidence, the last two decades of the 19th century. In 1980
orthomolecular treatment is considered at present DSM-III introduced the diagnosis of “major depres-
to be outside the mainstream of psychiatry. sion,” and this concept has had a profound impact
See also FOOD ALLERGIES AS A CAUSE OF PSYCHO- on psychiatric practice as well as on the public
SIS ; TRANSMETHYLATION HYPOTHESIS. imagination, setting the state for the acceptance
of ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS such as Prozac (1988) as
Hawkins, D., and L. Pauling. Orthomolecular Psychiatry: the desired remedy for everyday psychic ills. The
Treatment of Schizophrenia. San Francisco: Freeman, most comprehensive description of the millen-
1973. nia-old history of melancholia can be found in an
Hoffer, A., et al. “Treatment of Schizophrenia with Nico- excellent book on the subject by Yale University
tinic Acid and Nicotinamide.” Journal of Clinical and historian of psychiatry Stanley W. Jackson.
Experimental Psychopathology 18 (1957): 131–158.
Pauling, L. “Orthomolecular Psychiatry,” Science 160 (1968): Jackson, S. W. Melancholia and Depression: From Hippocratic
265–271. Times to Modern Times. New Haven, Conn.: Yale Univer-
sity Press, 1986.

melancholia Along with MANIA , melancholia is

one of the two great ancient categories of madness Mellaril See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.
or insanity. In humoral medicine, melancholy was
thought to be caused by an excess of “black bile”
(which is the exact meaning of melancholy). From Mendelian transmission The modern science of
antiquity to the mid-1800s, mania and melancho- genetics is based upon the work of an Austrian
lia were prime organizing categories for all other biologist and Augustinian monk, Gregor Johann
insanities. Originally, melancholia had nothing Mendel (1822–84). In his experiments with peas
to do with what we think of today as DEPRES- grown in the garden of the monastery at Brünn,
270 mental alienation

he discovered lawful patterns of heredity in the mental hospitals See ASYLUMS.

ways certain characteristics, or traits, were trans-
mitted from generation to generation in the plants.
Classical Mendelian transmission is monogenetic mental hygiene movement Since the reform era
transmission—that is, a single gene with domi- of the mid-1800s, in the United States and Europe
nant and recessive ALLELES distributes certain there was a growing concern surrounding the treat-
traits (called Mendelian traits) in a typical fashion: ment and possibly even the prevention of mental
Three offspring have the dominant characteristic disorders. The term that came to be used for this
for every individual with a recessive trait. It has concept—mental hygiene—was coined and first
long been known that the genetic predisposition to used in a book in 1843 by William C. Sweetwater,
the psychotic disorders is passed on from genera- an American physician. It was later also used by
tion to generation in a NON-M ENDELIAN PATTERN OF Isaac R AY as the title of a book on this subject pub-
TRANSMISSION that is, as yet, not well understood. lished in 1863. However, in this century the term
See also GENETIC TRANSMISSION. mental hygiene has come to be associated with an
American reformer, Clifford BEERS.
At the turn of the century, American business-
mental alienation Mental illness. Although used man Clifford Beers suffered a mental disorder that
in a different context for centuries, it was not until led to his hospitalization in private and then in
the 1800s that mental alienation (aliénation mentale) public institutions. The horrors of his treatment led
became a medical term. With legislative reforms him to seek reforms in the treatment of the men-
in France in 1838, the term began to refer to the tally ill once he had recovered. The first step was
legal status of insanity (folie). At about this time it the publication of his vivid autobiography, A Mind
became popular with physicians who treated the That Found Itself, in March 1908. On May 6, 1908,
mentally ill as a term for severe mental illness. Clifford Beers met with 13 other interested men
The term “mental alienation” first began appear- and women in New Haven and founded the Con-
ing in English medical texts about 1860, and it was necticut Society for Mental Hygiene. The objec-
at about this time that the term “ALIENIST ” began tives they agreed upon that day have influenced all
to be popularly used to describe a physician who other mental health organizations since that time
specialized in the treatment of the mentally ill. In and have remained a vital plan of action for com-
English, “mental alienation” referred to mental munity responses to mental illness in society:
disorders that were not diseases of the brain (as
was delirium). Along with the concepts of “insan- The chief purpose of the Society shall be to work
ity” and “dementia,” the old concept of mental for the conservation of mental health; to help pre-
alienation helped to form the concept of PSYCHOSIS vent nervous and mental disorders and mental
in the latter half of the 19th century. defects; to help raise the standards of care for those
suffering from any of these disorders or defects;
Berrios, G. E. “Historical Aspects of Psychoses: 19th-Century to secure and disseminate reliable information
Issues,” British Medical Bulletin 43 (1987): 484–498. on these subjects; to cooperate with federal state,
and local agencies or officials and with public and
private agencies whose work in any way relates to
mental disorder This is now the officially that of a society for mental hygiene.
accepted term for what has been called in the past
mental illness, psychiatric disorder, or mental dis- The public response to this new organization
eases. The word disorder is used to make the con- was impressive (helped, no doubt, by Beers’s
cept more neutral and specifically to downplay the shocking book), and groups began to spring up
causal assumptions of a medical model of mad- in other areas of the country and, later, in other
ness that is communicated with the words illness countries. By 1909 Beers formed the National
or disease. Committee for Mental Hygiene and had the sup-
metabolic disorder hypothesis 271

port of such prominent figures as psychologist it had been hypothesized that hereditary trans-
and philosopher William James and psychiatrist mission played a role in enzyme formation, lead-
Adolf MEYER. In 1930 the First International Con- ing to the “one-gene, one-enzyme” idea until the
gress on Mental Hygiene met in Washington, D.C. 1960s, when this notion was replaced with a “one-
Later, this organization once again changed its gene, one-polypeptide” hypothesis. Molecular
name to the National Council for Mental Hygiene. biology research has focused on the genes linked
It is now known as the National Mental Health to the formation of these chemicals involved in
Association. metabolism.
Historical essays on the Mental Hygiene Move- Mental disorders as metabolic disorders By
ment and its influence can be found in the supple- the 1890s it was clear that some diseases—such
ment included in later editions (starting in 1953) as diabetes—were related to metabolism. As is the
of Beers’s book. usual pattern in the history of medicine, the excite-
ment caused by the discovery of a new mechanism
Beers, C. A Mind That Found Itself: An Autobiography. New for the cause of disease often leads to speculation
York: Longman, Green, 1908. that the new mechanism causes many, if not all,
diseases. In the 21st century it is the assertion that
genetics plays a role in the cause of most mental
mesoridazine See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS. and physical disorders that has become popular.
By the mid-1890s microbes (bacteria) and imbal-
ances in the production of “internal secretions” by
Messiah complex See AMENOMANIA; MONOMANIA. the glands, leading to “metabolic disorders,” were
two medical theories that were quickly extended
as explanations of the cause of most physical and
metabolic disorder hypothesis In biological mental diseases. Together these were known under
terms, the word metabolism refers to the chemi- the general term autointoxication.
cal processes within the body in which new sub- When Emil K RAEPELIN first introduced his con-
stances are synthesized (catabolism) or broken cept of dementia praecox in 1896, he included it
down (anabolism) in order to bring about growth, under a broad category of mental disorders that
regulation (homeostasis), tissue repair, and he believed were “metabolic disorders” (Stoffwech-
energy supply. Although the notion of the physi- selerkrankungen) in the fifth edition of his famous
cal basis of metabolism (conversion of organic textbook, Psychiatrie. In subsequent editions of
matter from one form into another) dated from Psychiatrie, he eventually dropped this broad asser-
the time of the ancient Greeks, the rise in experi- tion. However, for at least the first two decades
mental biology in the mid-1830s led to a primary after introducing dementia praecox as a diagnostic
focus on the processes of metabolism. “Soluable entity, Kraepelin held firm to the belief that this
ferments” (enzymes) were known and studied in disease was caused by a poisoning of the brain
the 19th century, but the importance of enzymes arising from the “sex organs,” since the disease
in metabolism was not recognized. It was not until most commonly appeared in the years directly fol-
1926 that technological advances allowed for the lowing puberty. Heredity did, of course, play a role,
identification and study of individual enzymes. but he claimed that it merely made one vulner-
However, by the 1890s it was certainly clear that able to developing this abnormal functioning of
“internal secretions” from glands with and with- the sex glands and did not directly cause dementia
out ducts were involved in metabolism, leading to praecox. AUTOINTOXICATION AS A CAUSE OF DEMEN-
the modern concept of the hormone (1905) and TIA PRAECOX (SCHIZOPHRENIA) was an influential
the rise of modern endocrinology. After 1930, the hypothesis that led to many theories of etiology
rise of MOLECULAR BIOLOGY deepened understand- (and radical forms of treatment) until the 1930s.
ing of the hormones, enzymes, and other biologi- Following Kraepelin and advances in endocrinol-
cal processes involved in metabolism. Since 1902 ogy, ENDOCRINE ALTERATIONS IN SCHIZOPHRENIA
272 Metrazol shock therapy

were studied throughout the 20th century, but inconsistently, in schizophrenia, it is not possible
relatively few publications have appeared on this to determine if these findings are due to the effect
subject in the 21st century. of ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS or to the underlying dis-
Metabolism and heredity The role of heredity ease process of schizophrenia. Antipsychotic drugs
(or genetics) in the development of metabolic dis- are known to affect both endocrine and immune
eases was documented convincingly by A. E. Gar- functions. Another further problem lies in the dif-
rod (1857–1936) in 1909 in his book Inborn Errors ficulty in knowing if metabolic or immune distur-
of Metabolism. Modern GENETICS STUDIES have found bances cause schizophrenia, or if they are caused
links between endocrine disorders and genes for some by schizophrenia. Although tighter links have been
forms of diabetes and other disorders, but no such forged between AFFECTIVE DISORDERS and metabolic
connection between genes and metabolic or endo- disorders, there is no convincing evidence that
crine disorders has been found for schizophrenia. schizophrenia is a metabolic disorder.
The return of metabolic studies in the 1950s Re- See also ENDOCRINE ALTERATIONS IN SCHIZOPHRE-
search on the “psychosis-causing” or psychotogenic NIA; IMMUNE SYSTEM ALTERATIONS IN SCHIZOPHRENIA.
effects of hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD-25 led
to speculation that there may be a similar chemical Healy, D. The Creation of Psychopharmacology. Cambridge,
process at work in the bodies of persons who suf- Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2002.
fer from schizophrenia. In 1952 Humphrey Osmond Yao, J. K., and R. D. Reddy. “Metabolic Investigations
and J. R. Smythies proposed a new theory about in Psychiatric Disorders,” Molecular Neurobiology 31
the cause of schizophrenic symptoms based on this (2005): 193–203.
assumption was that if such a psychotogenic process
was happening in the body, metabolic products of Metrazol shock therapy One of the chemically
it should be detectable in the blood or urine. The induced forms of the CONVULSIVE THERAPIES of
search for such metabolites and the enzymes that schizophrenia, invented by Hungarian psychiatrist
led to their creation dominated psychiatric research Ladislas von MEDUNA (1896–1964) in the early
from 1957 to 1967, an era that psychiatrist and his- 1930s. Believing that SCHIZOPHRENIA and epilepsy
torian David Healy characterized as “the flourishing were physiologically incompatible, Meduna rea-
of metabolic psychiatry.” Ultimately no such endog- soned that the artificial induction of seizures in
enous psychotogenic substance was found in persons schizophrenic patients would alleviate their symp-
with schizophrenia, and by 1979 the transmethyl- toms. First he used camphor. He then set out to
ation hypothesis no longer guided schizophrenia do this through chemical means by administering
research. Findings were numerous, contradictory, an initial intravenous dose of 3 c.c. of pentylene-
and not directly applicable to the design of new tetrazol (Metrazol) with an increase of 1 c.c. if a
antipsychotic drugs. Instead it was replaced by the convulsion was not induced in the patient. Achiev-
DOPAMINE HYPOTHESIS and the search for neurotrans- ing what he interpreted as a convincing success, he
mitters involved in the pathophysiology and possible published his results in 1935. The treatment spread
etiology of schizophrenia. Basic research on neu- quickly, and by 1940 literally thousands of schizo-
rotransmitters was directly relevant to the creation phrenic patients in Europe and the United States
of new antipsychotic drugs and attracted significant had been treated with Metrazol shock therapy,
funding by pharmaceutical companies. Despite a few both in institutions and in private practice. Metra-
promising leads, the pharmaceutical industry was far zol shock therapy was much easier to administer
less interested in funding large scale research on the than the INSULIN COMA (OR SHOCK) THERAPY of
transmethylation hypothesis because drug develop- Manfred Sakel (1900–57), which required a highly
ment seemed less promising. trained staff to administer and monitor the poten-
Problems in studying metabolism in schizo- tially life-threatening treatments.
phrenia Although endocrine and immune sys- Metrazol is a derivative of camphor, a substance
tem alterations have been documented, though used since the 18th century on institutionalized
Meyer, Adolf 273

mentally ill patients. In fact, the earliest use of a The convulsions (sometimes called “Metrazol
chemically induced convulsion therapy for mental storms”) were often so severe that some patients
illness was reported by British physician William experienced shoulder and jaw dislocations, with
Oliver in 1785. Oliver administered a high dose of reports that sometimes teeth would actually break
camphor to a patient experiencing a manic epi- in the process. To prevent shoulder dislocations,
sode in order to sedate him, but instead the patient Winkleman and A. M. Rechtman, a Philadelphia
experienced a convulsion. However, his manic orthopedic surgeon, invented a leather “belt” or
symptoms seemed to miraculously disappear. But “restraining device” that fastened the wrists of
when the same patient was suffering from depres- a person to the hips so that the arms would be
sion two years later, the same treatment had no immobile during convulsions. A picture of this
effect. Oliver’s report of convulsive treatment was device, which resembles MECHANICAL RESTRAINTS
cited occasionally in early psychiatric manuals, but used in the 18th and 19th centuries, can be found
it does not seem that it inspired others to apply the in Winkleman’s article.
method as a formal treatment for mental disorders The primary drawback to Metrazol shock ther-
until Meduna’s work in the 1930s. apy was that the convulsion did not occur immedi-
In a 1938 article that reviewed the research on ately after the injection of the drug, during which
Metrazol shock therapy to date and gave a report time the patient was conscious and experiencing
on the treatment of 35 patients in a private prac- feelings of intense fear and terror that were a side
tice setting, Philadelphia psychiatrist N. W. Win- effect of the drug. Furthermore, sometimes con-
kleman of the University of Pennsylvania Medical vulsions could not be produced, and these patients
School gives the following vivid description of would remain in an agitated state for days until
what Metrazol shock therapy was like: another treatment could be applied. ELECTROSHOCK
THERAPY replaced Metrazol shock therapy after
The technic of the therapy as advised by von 1940 because it induced immediate unconscious-
Meduna consists of two injections per week. ness and convulsions and was therefore considered
Within a few seconds to minutes after the intra- more humane.
venous injection of 3 c.c. to 10 c.c. of metrazol, See also M EDUNA , L ADISLAS JOSEPH VON.
the patients usually give a short cough. This is
followed in rapid succession by generalized body Oliver, W. “Account of the Effects of Camphor in a Case of
twitching, opening of the mouth, frequently Insanity,” London Medical Journal 6 (1785): 120–130.
with a cry, generalized convulsive seizures of the von Meduna, L. Konvulsionstherapie der Schizophrenie.
entire body, intense rigidity, gradual closing of the Halle: Marhold, 1937.
mouth with such vigor that frequently the patients ———. “Versuche über die biologische Beeinflüssung
have bitten through a wooden tongue depressor. des ablaufes der Schizophrenie. I. Campher- und
Then cyanosis, dyspnea, apnea occur until finally Cardazolkampfe,” Zeitschrift für Neurologie und Psychiat-
after a few seconds of cessation of breathing the rie 152 (1935): 235–262.
patient suddenly inspires and relaxes. The mouth Winkleman, N. W. “Metrazol Treatment in Schizophre-
gag is usually kept in the mouth rather tightly nia: A Study of Thirty-five Cases in Private Practice,
until the patient returns to full consciousness and Complications and Their Prevention,” American Jour-
frequently the patient makes sucking movements nal of Psychiatry 95 (1938): 303–316.
on the mouth gag. The patients are frequently in
a confused state which lasts for a variable period
after the convulsion is at an end. They may strug- Meyer, Adolf (1866–1950) A Swiss neurologist
gle to get out of bed or they may talk in an inco- and psychiatrist who immigrated to the United
herent manner. Frequently they are confused for States in 1892 after completing his medical studies,
a period up to two hours and are then able to be Adolf Meyer was perhaps the single most influen-
up and around and are then given their food after tial figure in American psychiatry from about 1895
three or four hours. to the 1920s. He established many links between
274 milieu therapy

American and European psychiatrists, and he was even by his own contemporaries, and it is said he
instrumental in modernizing the medical school never met a theory or new treatment in psychia-
teaching of psychiatry. He became a professor of try that he did not like. His vague and virtually
psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Bal- useless concept of “psychobiology” seemingly wel-
timore, Maryland, in 1910 and director of the comed biological research on dementia praecox
famous Henry Phipps Psychiatric Clinic in 1913. and schizophrenia, psychoanalysis, psychological
He coined the term psychobiology to describe his research, autointoxication and focal infection the-
approach to psychiatry, which emphasized that a ories of the cause of insanity, dental and abdominal
person’s mental state was influenced by biological surgery as a treatment for psychosis, the convulsive
and environmental factors. Meyer liked to empha- therapies (Metrazol, insulin, and electroshock),
size the lifelong history of a person and his or her and a whole host of other theories and techniques.
subjective experience of a disease. His influence Logical contradictions, inconsistencies, and poten-
can be seen in the first standard American diagnos- tial dangers of treatments (for example, abdominal
tic manual for mental disorders, DSM-I (1952), in surgery as a treatment for schizophrenia) did not
which many of the disorders were labeled as vari- seem to bother him. Although it is true his notion
ous types of “reactions”—a reflection of Meyer’s of mental disorders as “reactions” was a corrective
philosophy that all mental disorders were psycho- to those who believed in the influence of heredity,
logical responses (reactions) to the environment, including Kraepelin, he also did not totally reject
past experience, or biological processes. Kraepelin.
Meyer attempted to replace traditional terms for Meyer was the first psychiatrist in the United
mental disorders and other psychiatric terms with States to critique Kraepelin’s concept of dementia
his own idiosyncratic vocabulary (for example, praecox. In an 1896 book review of the fifth edi-
parergasia for schizophrenia, thymergasia reactions tion of Psychiatrie, he criticizes Kraepelin’s view of
for manic-depressive psychosis, holergasic disorders dementia praecox as a “metabolic disorder” and
for the psychotic disorders, ergasiology for psychobi- criticizes Kraepelin’s speculation that dementia
ology, and ergasiatry for psychiatry). None of these praecox is caused by an autointoxication. However,
terms, however, ever gained wide acceptance. by 1918, Meyer was willing to support Henry A.
Meyer resisted the theories of Emil K RAEPE- Cotton of the New Jersey State Hospital at Trenton
LIN and those who believed in the strict biological when he began the first of thousands of surgical
causes of mental disorders. Meyer and his “Meyer- procedures to cut out infected tissues in the body
ians” (like the Freudians and psychoanalysts after that were causing autointoxications of the brain
them) refused to believe in heredity (genetics) as and producing mental illness.
the primary cause of mental disorders. It is there-
fore not surprising that these “mind twist men” Lidz, T. “Adolf Meyer and the Development of American
(the Meyerians and psychoanalysts) were hostile Psychiatry,” American Journal of Psychiatry 123 (1966):
to the “brain spot men” (the Krapelinians). 320–332.
Meyer’s main contribution to the history of Meyer, A., S. E. Jelliffe, and A. Hoch. Dementia Praecox: A
dementia praecox and schizophrenia was a mono- Monograph. Boston: R. G. Badger, 1911.
graph he coauthored in 1911. It reinterprets the Noll, R. “Styles of Psychiatric Practice, 1906–1925: Clini-
causes and symptoms of dementia praecox as “reac- cal Evaluations of the Same Patient by James Jackson
tions” to psychosocial stressors. Meyer was one of Putnam, Adolf Meyer, August Hoch, Emil Kraepelin
a long list of famous figures in early 20th-century and Smith Ely Jelliffe,” History of Psychiatry 10 (1999):
psychiatry who treated the same psychotic patient, 145–189.
Stanley McCormick (1874–1947), of the promi-
nent Chicago family. However, neither he nor any
of the others could cure this patient. milieu therapy The idea behind milieu therapy is
Meyer has not fared well in histories of psy- that by creating a specially designed “therapeutic
chiatry. Meyer was seen as ruminative and vague environment” for patients with severe mental ill-
mixed states 275

ness, the course of the disease can be affected in a a more humane environment can only help those
positive way. This idea is as old as those of the ear- who are suffering from severe mental disorders.
liest pioneers of reform in the MORAL TREATMENT
of mental illness, namely Philippe P INEL in France, Main, T. F. “The Hospital as a Therapeutic Institution,”
Vincenzo CHIARUGI in Italy, and especially William Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic 19 (1946): 66–70.
Tuke in England, whose YORK R ETREAT may have Sullivan, H. S. “Socio-Psychiatric Research: Its Implica-
been the first true attempt at such a therapeutic tion for the Schizophrenia Problem and for Mental
environment. Since the early 19th century there Hygiene,” American Journal of Psychiatry 10 (1931):
have always been small private institutions that 977–991.
have attempted to provide such environments, but Van Putten, T., and P. R. A. May. “Milieu Therapy of the
it was not until the 1930s and 1940s that the con- Schizophrenias.” In Treatment of Schizophrenia: Progress
cept of constructing special wards or buildings for and Prospects, edited by L. J. West and D. E. Flinn. New
the purpose of milieu therapy came about. York: Grune & Stratton, 1976.
American psychiatrist Harry Stack Sullivan
may be given credit for stimulating the use of
milieu therapy with his 1931 publication describ- misidentification syndromes These are a group
ing his special unit for young males with acute of syndromes characterized by delusions that per-
schizophrenia. However, it was the work of T. F. sons or objects in the environment are something
Main with neurotics at the Cassel Hospital in Eng- other than what their true nature is. Familiar per-
land that popularized the notion of the “therapeu- sons can be regarded as impostors (as in CAPGRAS
tic community,” a term coined by Main in a 1946 SYNDROME), strange persons can become known
paper. This approach demanded a more active par- persons who are believed to be persecuting the
ticipation by the patients in the management of the delusional person (F REGOLI’S SYNDROME), or per-
environment and emphasized three elements: (1) sons in the delusional individual’s immediate
a flattening of the hierarchical structure of author- environment can become other known individuals
ity, (2) the blurring of role differentiations between (such as in the INTERMETAMORPHOSIS SYNDROME, in
staff and patients, and (3) the cultivation of open which a doctor, for example, can be mistaken for
communication in order to minimize differences a first grade teacher). All of the misidentification
between the social life within the institution and syndromes are generally part of one of the psy-
that of the world outside. Many such experimental chotic disorders and are not diagnostic categories
wards and units for the treatment of schizophrenia themselves.
were initiated using this approach.
The environments of many psychiatric institu- “The Delusional Misidentification Syndromes,” Biblioteca
tions have undergone extensive transformations Psychiatrica 164 (1986): 1–153.
since the 1950s in order to make them more “ther-
apeutic.” However, as a specific mode of treatment
for schizophrenia and the psychotic disorders, the mixed states When Emil K RAEPELIN introduced
measurable positive effects of such an environ- MANIC-DEPRESSIVE ILLNESS in 1899 as one of the
ment have been small in research studies. Hence two main categories of insanity (the other being
milieu therapy has been criticized by research- DEMENTIA PRAECOX), he described a disorder in
ers Van Putten and May in a 1976 review of the which mania, depression, and psychotic states that
research literature: “Milieu therapy has increas- were a combination of the two alternated over the
ingly become an ideology rather than a defined course of the life span of afflicted persons. The
method of treatment sustained to a large extent presence of these “mixed states” (Mischzustande)
not by scientific evaluation but by a steady flow of led Kraeplin to believe that mania and depression
rhetoric and by humanitarian and emotional justi- were indeed two aspects of the same pathological
fications.” Nonetheless, in conjunction with other process. The primary study of these mixed states
forms of treatment, it seems incontrovertible that was conducted by an assistant physician working
276 M’Naughten Rules

under Kraepelin at the Psychiatric Clinic of Heidel- of mania, dysphoric mania, separate from the clas-
berg University, Wilhelm Weygandt (1870–1939). sical idea of mania as euphoric mania and a newly
In the same year that Kraepelin published his first proposed form, psychotic mania.
description of manic-depressive illness, Weygandt Mixed mania (dysphoric mania) is found mostly
also published his dissertation as a monograph in females. It is associated with a higher rate of
describing these mixed states in detail, provid- suicidal thoughts than in those persons suffering
ing 16 case history examples of patients who were other forms of mania. Dysphoric mania also does
manifesting symptoms of both mania and depres- not respond well to treatment with LITHIUM but
sion at the same time. Such mixed states were does seem to respond better to the ANTIPSYCHOTIC
not uncommon in manic-depression. In addition DRUG OLANZAPINE (Zyprexa). Persons with bipolar
to pure mania and pure depression, Weygandt disorder who experience mixed states are much
described six separate mixed states, many of which less stable between episodes and are more likely to
Kraepelin later included in subsequent editions of be “rapid cyclers” (four or more episodes of mania
his textbook, Psychiatrie. Weygandt summarized or major depression in a 12-month period) or
his main conclusions thus: “continuous cyclers” (those for whom there is no
clear break between episodes). Thus, the presence
In summary, cases of circular or manic-depressive of multiple mixed episodes (dysphoric mania) is a
insanity, a mixture of the cardinal symptoms of feature of the most disabling and severe courses of
each of the two typical phases commonly occurs. bipolar disorder.
Those combinations are usually brief, although
sometimes the mixed state marks the entire Marneros, A. “Origin and Development of Concepts of
course of a single episode, or most of it. Later epi- Bipolar Mixed States,” Journal of Affective Disorders 67
sodes with mixed features show a longer course (2001): 228–240.
than do pure depressive or manic episodes, yet Salvatore, P., et al. “Weygandt’s On the Mixed States of
the prognosis is favorable in any kind of episode. Manic-Depressive Insanity: A Translation and Commen-
This clinical approach has achieved good results tary on Its Significance in the Evolution of the Con-
both diagnostically and prognostically in the cept of Bipolar Disorder,” Harvard Review of Psychiatry
Clinic of Heidelberg, where fewer than one-third 10 (2002): 255–275.
of [manic-depressive] patients have shown no Weygandt, W. Uber die Mischzustande des manisch-depressive
mixed states at all, and over 20 percent of patients Irreseins. Munich: Verlag von J. F. Lehmann, 1899.
have had one or more episodes in which mixed
features predominate.
M’Naughten Rules A legal interpretation named
Since 1899, “mixed states” have been acknowl- after Daniel M’Naughten (?–1865), the man whose
edged by psychiatry but have been little understood. celebrated trial legitimized the legal verdict “not
Following the pattern set by the reconceptualiz- guilty by reason of insanity,” also referred to as
ing of manic-depression as BIPOLAR DISORDER in the M’Naughten Rules. M’Naughten (also spelled
DSM-III in 1980, DSM-IV-TR (2000) merely defines a McNaughton) was a British joiner who apparently
“mixed episode” as one in which “criteria are met led a solitary existence for most of his life. As an
for both a manic episode and for a Major Depres- adult, he developed paranoid delusions that he
sive Episode (except for duration) nearly every day had enemies who were trying to kill him. He also
during at least a 1-week period.” Because these cri- complained of violent headaches, which leaves
teria have been so vague, in the 1990s researchers open the possibility that he may have been suf-
began to investigate the nature of “mixed states” fering from one of the MEDICAL DISORDERS THAT
and have attempted to develop better diagnostic MIMIC PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS. In any event, his par-
criteria that could be included in future editions anoid delusions also began to take on a political
of the DSM series. In the early 21st century the nature. He became convinced that the members
trend is to view mixed states as primarily a form of the Tory party were the persecutors who were
monoamine oxidase 277

out to get him, and to fight back he attempted to molecule in 1953 by Watson and Crick, molecular
assassinate British prime minister Sir Robert Peel genetics became an important area of research.
(1788–1850) but instead mistakenly shot Edward Molecular biology has come to dominate research
Drummond, the prime minister’s secretary. In his and treatment in psychiatry. Many psychiatrists
subsequent trial in 1843 he was found not guilty by openly admit they would like to see psychiatry dis-
reason of insanity—a historic judicial decision that appear into molecular biology. In the last 30 years,
caused considerable public outrage. The House of many articles in the top psychiatric journals are
Lords then required the judges in the M’Naughten about molecules rather than the mentally ill as indi-
trial to provide a written explanation of how they vidual persons. The rise in power of the pharma-
reached their controversial decision. Their crite- ceutical industry has fueled this revolution in the
ria for judging a criminal not guilty by reason of perspective of what constitutes a mentally ill person.
insanity have been referred to as the M’Naughten New drugs are developed through basic molecular
Rules and have greatly influenced legislation in biological research. Molecular biology has strikingly
Great Britain and in the United States. redefined our culture’s concept of what it means to
M’Naughten himself was involuntarily com- be a human being, whether in health or illness.
mitted to the BETHLEM ROYAL HOSPITAL , where he
was incarcerated for the remainder of his life. The
attempted assassination of President Ronald Rea- molecular markers These are certain biochemi-
gan in 1981 by John Hinckley Jr. caused a similar cal substances, identified by their molecules, that
public outcry when he too was found not guilty can be traced throughout a family to see if they are
by reason of insanity—based, in part, on the more “markers” that are genetically transmitted along
than a century of legislation influenced by the with the disease genes of a particular medical or
M’Naughten Rules. mental disorder. If the disease and the marker are
See also INSANITY DEFENSE. found to be inherited together in a family, it can
be inferred that the disease gene lies very near (is
Quen, J. M. “An Historical View of the M’Naughten Trial,” linked to) the marker gene.
Bulletin of the History of Medicine 42 (1968): 43–51.
West, D. J., and A. Walk, eds. Daniel McNaughton: His Trial
and the Aftermath. Ashford, Kent: Headley Brothers for molindone See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.
the British Journal of Psychiatry, 1977.

monasteries For many centuries in Europe,

Moban See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS. monasteries served as hospitals for the sick and
the poor. Although the Roman Catholic church
banned the practice of medicine by the clergy
mode of inheritance In GENETICS STUDIES, the (particularly such treatments as BLEEDING) in the
pattern of inheritance (e.g., dominant or recessive) early 13th century, monks were still allowed to
of a particular ALLELE. provide food and shelter to the needy. The men-
tally ill were among those cared for by the vari-
ous religious institutions, and some of them later
molecular biology Molecular biology is an inter- became asylums for the mentally ill (as was the
disciplinary field of research that investigates the case for the BETHLEM ROYAL HOSPITAL).
role of molecules in the form, function, and evolu- See also ALMSHOUSES ; BASKET MEN.
tionary descent of living things. The methods used
are from organic chemistry, structural chemistry,
and genetics. The term molecular biology was first monoamine oxidase (MAO) An enzyme that
used in 1938, but the field itself dates from about breaks down NEUROTRANSMITTERs such as nor-
1930. After the discovery of the structure of the DNA epinephrine and serotonin. The inhibition of this
278 monomania

enzyme in the functioning of the brain produces monosymptomatic hypochondriacal psychosis A

an antidepressant effect, and the MAO inhibitors proposed psychotic disorder, especially in Europe,
were therefore the first drugs to be used in the in which a person maintains a psychotic hypo-
treatment of depression. chondriacal delusional system that is distinct from
the rest of the personality. The single delusion usu-
ally contains one of the three following themes:
monomania A term for a very popular psychiatric FORMICATION (a tactile hallucination in which the
diagnosis in France in the 1830s and 1840s, mono- person feels that bugs are crawling under his or her
mania referred to a type of mental disorder in which skin); dysmorphophobia (the delusional belief that
a person would have fixed, and often grandiose, one is misshapen and unattractive); or the “olfac-
ideas that did not correspond to reality. Although tory reference syndrome” (the delusion that one
the person maintained these delusions, no other emits a foul body odor).
sign of mental deterioration was present. Save for
these pockets of delusions in their thought pattern, Munro, A., and J. Chamara. “Monosymptomatic Hypo-
the persons affected were otherwise considered chondriacal Psychosis: A Diagnostic Check List Based
rational. After J. E. D. ESQUIROL introduced the term on 50 Cases of the Disorder,” Canadian Journal of Psy-
around 1810, “monomania” quickly caught on with chiatry 27 (1982): 374–376.
intellectuals as a cultural metaphor for political, reli-
gious, and other social extremism. In his 1838 book,
Des Maladies Mentales, Esquirol identified several sub- monozygotic twins “Identical twins.” Monozy-
types of monomania, generally depending upon the gotic twins share all of their genes in common,
content of the primary delusions, the cause of the whereas “fraternal twins” share only half of their
disorder, or its behavioral consequences: for exam- genetic heritage. Therefore, the CONCORDANCE
RATE for genetically transmitted disorders is much
ple, theomania (religious delusions), erotic monoma-
nia, or erotomania (erotic delusions), monomania higher in monozygotic twins than in fraternal, or
dizygotic, twins.
resulting from drunkenness, incendiary monoma-
The study of monozygotic and dizygotic twins
nia (pyromania) and homicidal monomania.
has provided some of the strongest evidence of the
Although monomania was the most popular
significant role that genes play in the predisposition
diagnosis given in French asylums in the 1830s and
to developing schizophrenia. The median monozy-
1840s (rivaled only by the GENERAL PARALYSIS OF
gotic (MZ) concordance rate for schizophrenia is 46
THE INSANE), the condition was criticized by many
percent. This is three times the corresponding con-
alienists for being too general and thus virtually
cordance rate for dizygotic (DZ) twins, which is 14
disappeared by the end of the century. Perhaps the percent. Two conclusions can be drawn from this: (1)
most specific modern equivalent to monomania is The MZ:DZ ratio of more than 3:1 strongly indicates
the delusional (paranoid) disorders listed in DSM-IV, that genes play a role in the development of schizo-
particularly the “grandiose type.” However, the cat- phrenia, and (2) since the MZ concordance rate is
egory was so broad that it might have also included significantly less than 100 percent, this means that
cases of what we may now term paranoid schizo- schizophrenia is not caused 100 percent by genetic
phrenia or bipolar disorder. factors. Therefore, nongenetic factors of unknown
The best and only English-language history of origin also play a significant role in schizophrenia.
this 19th-century psychotic disorder is the chap-
ter entitled “Monomania” in a 1987 book by Jan Prescott, C. A., and I. I. Gottesman. “Genetically Medi-
Goldstein on the French psychiatric profession in ated Vulnerability to Schizophrenia,” Psychiatric Clinics
the 19th century. of North America, 16 (1993): 245–267.

Goldstein, J. Console and Classify: The French Psychiatric Pro-

fession in the Nineteenth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge mood This term refers to a pervasive and long-
University Press, 1987. lasting emotion that seems to color a person’s
moral insanity 279

perception of the world and of the self. The most increase of its light … It is possible, further, that
commonly experienced moods are anxiety, elation in the few cases in which the light of the moon, or
(elevated mood), depression (dysphoric mood), the rarity of the air, is felt by deranged persons in
anger (irritable mood), and euphoria (euphoric a hospital, that their noise, by keeping a number
mood). In an expansive mood, a person may just of patients in neighboring cells awake, and in a
blurt out whatever emotions he or she may be feel- state of inquietude from the want of sleep, may
ing at the time, and this often includes grandiose have contributed to establish that general belief in
overevaluations of self-importance. When a per- the influence of the moon upon madness, which
son is not experiencing an elevated or a depressed has so long obtained among physicians.
mood, the term for this is euthymic mood, that is,
mood in the “normal” range of experience. Oliver, J. F. “Moonlight and Nervous Disorders: A His-
torical Study,” American Journal of Psychiatry 99 (1943):
mood disorders An umbrella term introduced in Rush, B. Medical Inquiries and Observations upon the Diseases
DSM-III-R in 1987 to apply to the group of disorders of the Mind. Philadelphia: Kimber & Richardson, 1812.
previously termed the AFFECTIVE DISORDERS. These
include the BIPOLAR DISORDERS (cyclothymia, and
the three types of bipolar disorders: mixed, manic, moral insanity A term introduced in English
and depressed) and the depressive disorders (for- by psychiatrist and anthropologist James Cowles
merly called unipolar depression). The mood dis- Prichard in 1835 to refer to a type of mental illness
orders have been found to have seasonal patterns in which a person would exhibit severe distur-
in which the mood disorder returns during a par- bances in emotions or engage in highly patho-
ticular 60-day period every year. logical or self-destructive behaviors but would not
have any intellectual impairment (i.e., no FORMAL
THOUGHT DISORDER). Thus, a person had the abil-
Moon, influence of on madness Since classical ity to reason yet would engage in irrational behav-
times it was thought that the Moon caused mad- iors. Unlike another popular diagnosis in Europe
ness or made it worse, and the idea of “lunacy” in at that time, MONOMANIA , there were no delusions
the ancient sense of the word did not really die out in a particular subject area or any hallucinations
until the 1800s. Although many of the 18th-century relating to those specific delusions.
authors of the earliest psychiatric texts (such as John In his book A Treatise on Insanity and Other Dis-
H ASLAM) expressed their skepticism of this theory orders Affecting the Mind, Prichard defines “moral
of the cause of mental illness, American physician insanity” in the following way:
Benjamin RUSH did not dismiss it outright. Instead,
he concocted a pseudoscientific theory that mental . . . a morbid perversion of the natural feelings,
illness gives some people a “sixth sense” that ren- affections, inclinations, temper, habits, moral
ders them more sensitive to moonlight and to the dispositions, and natural impulses, without any
changes in the temperature and density of the air remarkable disorder or defect of the intellect or
when the moon was full. In his 1812 book on the knowing and reasoning faculties, and particularly
diseases of the mind, Rush writes: without any insane illusion or hallucination . . .
The individual is found to be incapable, not of talk-
The moon, when full, increases the rarity of the ing or reasoning upon any subject proposed to him,
air and the quantity of light, each of which I for this he will often do with great shrewdness and
believe acts upon sick people in various diseases, volubility, but of conducting himself with decency
and, among others, in madness … The inference and propriety in the business of life.
from these facts is, that the cases are few in which
mad people feel the influence of the moon, and Although Prichard based his idea of a moral
that when they do, it is derived chiefly from an insanity on many similar ideas proposed perhaps
280 moral treatment

as early as the 17th century, his concept that there ings, especially referring to that which was psy-
was no intellectual impairment came under attack chological in nature and not physical. Thus, Pinel
by other medical authorities. However, by 1850 could talk of the “passions” (emotions) as a “moral
the debate had shifted from the intellectual versus cause” of mental illness.
emotional issue to the irrational behavior of such In his book, Pinel advocates an understanding of
persons, specifically on how “moral insanity” was the character of the patient and his or her humane
related to immoral and criminal actions. Thus, by treatment. Coercion and mechanical restraints were
the 20th century, the original meaning of Prich- to be banned except in extreme circumstances. Pinel
ard’s “moral insanity” as essentially a synonym for also thought that by improving the physical envi-
an “emotional illness” was eliminated from the psy- ronment of asylums that patients would improve,
chiatric vocabulary and was reduced to our modern and so he advocated the supervised daily clean-
notions of sociopathic personalities, psychopathic ing of the patients’ cells. Certain physical activities
personalities, and, as they are now called, antiso- were recommended as beneficial to patients, such
cial personalities—that is, persons who repeatedly as exercise, work, experiencing beautiful scenery
engage in acts destructive to themselves or others and listening to soft, melodious music. Although
(e.g., criminal activities) without any realization these ideas seem quaint and rather obvious today,
of the consequences of their actions or any seem- in Pinel’s time the mentally ill were thought to have
ing ability to feel empathy for those persons who brain lesions that rendered them to a bestial level,
become the “victims” of their antisocial behaviors. and were therefore incurable. Hence, treatment to
The term moral insanity was first used in German improve or rehabilitate the mentally ill in any per-
(moralische Insanie) in 1819 by J. C. A. Grohmann manent sense was not considered a rational idea.
(1769–1847) to describe a particular symptom. Thus, the trend toward “moral medicine,” as it
was sometimes called, began with Pinel and finally
Carlson, E. T., and N. Dain. “The Meaning of Moral Insan- culminated in a general interest throughout Europe
ity,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 1962, pp. 130–140. in rehabilitating treatments about the year 1820.
Prichard, J. C. A Treatise on Insanity and Other Disorders The NONRESTRAINT MOVEMENT that began in the
Affecting the Mind. London: Sherwood, Gilbert & Piper, 1830s in England was directly inspired by Pinel in
1835. France (and at about the same time by Chiarugi in
Italy and Tuke in England). Our continuing efforts
today to improve the daily life of the mentally ill
moral treatment The treatment of mental ill- person and to discover new methods of treatment
ness through means other than physical ones and rehabilitation are a continuation of the traite-
(e.g., bleeding, bathing and purging). Perhaps the ment moral of Pinel.
best modern translation of the meaning of “moral
treatment” is a broad interpretation of our word Bockoven, J. S. Moral Treatment in American Psychiatry.
psychotherapy but also may refer to modern ideas New York: Springer, 1963.
of MILIEU THERAPY. Traitement moral is the name Carlson, E. T., and N. Dain. “The Psychotherapy That Was
for the revolutionary philosophy for the treatment Moral Treatment,” American Journal of Psychiatry 117
of the mentally ill proposed by the great French (1960): 519–524.
reformer and physician Philippe P INEL in his 1801 Riese, W. “An Outline of a History of Ideas in Psycho-
book, Traite médicophilosophique sur l’aliénation men- therapy,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine 25 (1951):
tale, ou la manie (English translation of 1806 enti- 442–456.
tled A Treatise on Insanity).
Moral treatment, as prescribed by Pinel, did not
morbid jealousy See OTHELLO SYNDROME.
solely mean an ethical approach to treating the
mentally ill, nor did it mean a method of treatment
that instructed patients in ethics. Since the early Moreau de Tours, Jacques-Joseph (1804–1884) A
1800s the French word moral had several mean- French alienist who was part of the “Esquirol Cir-
motion pictures, depictions of psychosis in 281

cle.” He wrote his 1830 doctoral thesis on MONO- tion of ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS, tuberculosis was the
MANIA under the supervision of J. E. D. ESQUIROL . major cause of death. However, starting in the
He is best remembered for his self-experimentation 1950s, most patients were treated with antipsy-
with hashish and cannabis to produce ALTERED chotic medication and were returned to the com-
STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS that helped him gain munity through DEINSTITUTIONALIZATION. As these
insight into mental illness. In his 1845 book on patients are no longer monitored on a daily basis by
these experiments, he introduced the concept of medical staff, and often cast into the community
DISSOCIATION for the first time. Moreau de Tours with little or no social support, it is not surprising
is considered the first medical researcher to use that suicide has become the leading cause of death
drugs to produce an “artificial psychosis,” although for persons with schizophrenia. In fact, some esti-
reports of the creation of an “artificial insanity” mates are so high that it is estimated that perhaps
through the use of chemical substances date from 10 percent to 13 percent of schizophrenics commit
at least the experiments of the Paracelsian iatro- suicide. A second major cause of death is accidents.
chemist Jan Baptista van Helmont (1577–1644). Young white schizophrenic men with high levels
See also PSYCHOTOMIMETIC. of premorbid functioning and high expectations
are particularly at risk.
Moreau de Tours, J.-J. Du hachisch et de l’aliénation men- Other studies have been conducted to see if
tale: Etudes psychologiques. Paris: Fortin, Masson, & Cie, the high mortality rates in schizophrenics are due
1845. solely to suicides and accidental deaths. It has been
found that the death rate due to “natural” cardio-
vascular disorders is also higher in schizophrenics
Morel, Bénédict-Augustin (1809–1873) A French than in the general population. Other studies have
psychiatrist who worked under Jules FALRET at shown that institutionalized psychiatric patients
the SALPÊTRIÈRE hospital in Paris. He wrote sev- (regardless of diagnosis) have a higher mortality as
eral important psychiatric texts during his career, a whole than the general population.
but he is best remembered for his 1857 theory that Currently it is estimated that persons with
many mental diseases were the result of physical, schizophrenia live, on average, 10 to 15 years less
intellectual, and moral (emotional) DEGENERATION. than persons in the general population.
Morel coined the term démence précoce in 1852 to
refer to rapid degeneration, and this concept was Allebeck, P. “Schizophrenia: A Life-Shortening Disease,”
later borrowed by Emil K RAEPELIN when describ- Schizophrenia Bulletin 15 (1989): 81–89.
ing DEMENTIA PRAECOX in 1896. Caldwell, C. B., and I. I. Gottesman. “Schizophrenics Kill
Themselves Too: A Review of Risk Factors for Suicide.”
Morel, B. A. Etudes cliniques: Traité théorique et pratique des Schizophrenia Bulletin 4 (1990): 571–589.
maladies mentales. Nancy: Grimblot: Paris: J.-B. Bail- Malzberg, B. Mortality among Patients with Mental Disease.
lière, 1852. New York: State Hospital Press, 1934.

mortality in schizophrenia Since the first mor- mosaicism A term used in GENETICS STUDIES that
tality studies of people with schizophrenia were refers to the condition of having a mixture of nor-
published in 1934, it has been known that schizo- mal and abnormal chromosomes. A person who
phrenia is a life-shortening disease. In fact, in a has mosaicism has various amounts of normal cells
major review of the mortality research on schizo- and trisomies (cells with three chromosomes),
phrenia that was published in 1989, researcher resulting in varying degrees of illness.
Peter Allebeck of Huddinge, Sweden, concludes
that the overall death rate is about twice that of the
general population. In the studies of institution- motion pictures, depictions of psychosis in Per-
alized schizophrenic patients prior to the inven- sons with psychotic disorders have been portrayed
282 motion pictures, depictions of psychosis in

in Greek classical tragedy, Elizabethan and Jaco- the escapades of an insane man who imagines
bean plays, stage melodramas, and Gothic novels himself to be Napoleon I. He escapes from the
of the 18th and 19th centuries and 20th-century asylum by a miraculous jump from a third story
feature films. Perhaps the first extensive portrayal window, and is pursued across the country by the
of the interior world of psychosis in motion pic- keepers through a series of ludicrous adventures,
tures is the famous German expressionist film until finally disgusted at the chase, he jumps back
of 1919 The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. In the surprise into the window of the asylum, and is very com-
ending to this dreamlike film the audience learns fortably reading a newspaper when the tired and
that the entire story was merely the delusion of an mud-spattered keepers enter.
institutionalized psychotic patient.
In a book on the portrayal of insanity in the A subsequent one-reel film made in 1906, Dr.
feature film, authors Michael Fleming and Roger Dippy’s Sanitarium, is the first American film to
Manvell identify several major “themes of mad- depict a mental health professional other than an
ness” that have often reflected prevailing societal attendant (a “keeper”). The first motion picture
attitudes toward mental illness and the psychiatric image of a psychiatrist is the one we still often see
profession. These are depicted in comedies and cartoons today: bearded
(often with a goatee), wearing pince-nez glasses,
(1) the family and madness (A Woman under the and somewhat portly with a distinctive formal con-
Influence, 1974) tinental European bearing. As in The Escaped Luna-
(2) institutionalization of the mad (The Snake Pit, tic, there is a psychotic individual who grandiosely
1948; One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, 1975) believes he is Napoleon, but there is also a depic-
(3) possession as madness (The Exorcist, 1973; tion of a woman with HYSTERIA who resembles a
Three Faces of Eve, 1957) somnambulist, gliding about in a flowing white
(4) the struggle between love and aggression gown with her extended arm holding a candle in
(Bad Timing: A Sensual Obsession, 1980) its holder. Whereas Dr. Dippy’s Sanitarium appears
(5) the love of aggression (M, 1931; Straw Dogs, to be the first film portrayal of a psychiatrist, the
1971) first literary appearances of the figure of the alien-
(6) violence against women (Psycho, 1960) ist can be found at least as early as 1861 in the nov-
(7) murder and madness (White Heat, 1949; Bad- els of Oliver Wendell Holmes.
lands, 1974) As with the mentally ill, psychiatrists have been
(8) war and madness (The Deer Hunter, 1978) depicted in films in a number of different ways. In
(9) drugs and madness (The Lost Weekend, 1945) their book Psychiatry and the Cinema, Krin Gabbard
(10) paranoia and madness (The Caine Mutiny, and Glen O. Gabbard propose that psychiatrists
1954; Repulsion, 1965) have been portrayed in three primary ways: as the
(11) sanity as madness, madness as sanity (Harvey, “alienist,” the “quack,” or the “oracle.”
1950; The King of Hearts, 1966) Recent trends in motion pictures and televi-
(12) madness and the psychiatrist (Dressed to Kill, sion have unjustly overemphasized the “homicidal
1980) maniac” stereotype of people suffering from psy-
chotic disorders—particularly in films in the hor-
Fleming and Manvell’s book also provides a syn- ror genre. Many advocacy groups for the mentally
opsis of 150 films dealing in one way or another ill have formally objected to these unrealistic por-
with the problems of mental illness. trayals and have attempted to counter these nega-
Prior to The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, many shorter tive stereotypes with factual information about
films appeared that depicted psychiatric patients, mental illness for the general public.
asylums, and psychiatrists. Perhaps the earliest
American film to depict a psychotic individual is the Fleming, M., and R. Manvell. Images of Madness: The Por-
1904 one-reeler The Escaped Lunatic. The Biograph trayal of Insanity in the Feature Film. Cranbury, N.J.:
publicity bulletin for this film reveals that it is about Associated University Presses, 1985.
multifactorial threshold model of genetic transmission 283

Gabbard, K., and G. O. Gabbard. Psychiatry and the Cinema. transmission and is sometimes called complex
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987. development (as opposed to another type of poly-
genetic model, GENETIC HETEROGENEITY). Genetic
influences are assumed to account for 80 percent
moxa See CAUTERY TREATMENT. of the development of schizophrenia, and envi-
ronmental factors 20 percent. This is a more com-
plex revision of older DIATHESIS-STRESS THEORIES
MRI See MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING. of the cause (etiology) of schizophrenia. In the
multifactorial model, it is assumed that schizo-
phrenia only becomes fully developed in those
muffs A form of MECHANICAL RESTRAINT in which persons in whom a critical threshold of liability is
a patient’s hands were bound together at the wrists exceeded (i.e., in those persons in whom enough
in a thick, tubular canvas casing. In his autobiog- of the disease-causing genes have added together,
raphy, Clifford BEERS describes his experience of plus enough of the right environmental causes
being forced to wear muffs every night during his have been introduced—thus pushing the person’s
first few weeks in a “sanitarium” while the atten- nervous system “over the edge,” as it were, to pro-
dant who watched over him slept: voke the onset of the illness).
In this model, the chance of developing this dis-
. . . I was subjected to a detestable form of restraint order is normally distributed throughout the pop-
that amounted to torture. To guard me at night ulation. On the average, relatives of schizophrenics
while the remaining attendant slept, my hands are at greater risk than the general population, and
were imprisoned in what is known as a “muff.” A therefore a greater proportion of these people have
muff, innocent enough to the eyes of those who a liability that exceeds the threshold. This model
have never worn one, is in reality a relic of the predicts that those schizophrenic persons who
Inquisition. It is an instrument of restraint which have the most severe manifestations of the disor-
has been in use for centuries and even in many of der (i.e., those with the highest liability) will have
our public and private institutions is still in use. the greatest proportions of relatives who will be
The muff I wore was made of canvas, and dif- affected. This is a feature of the model that corre-
fered in construction from a muff designed for the sponds to the findings of twin studies and consan-
hands of fashion only in the inner partition, also guinity studies of schizophrenia. This model also
of canvas, which separated my hands, but allowed makes the prediction that a person is at greater risk
them to overlap. At either end was a strap which for developing schizophrenia if two or more per-
buckled tightly around the wrist and was locked. sons in the family are affected.
There have been several criticisms of this model.
Beers, C. A Mind That Found Itself: An Autobiography. New One is that the specific environmental causes of
York: Longman, Greens, 1908. schizophrenia are hard to pin down. Second, all
of the genes that combine their effects may not
be of equal importance, for there may be a single
multifactorial threshold model of genetic trans- major gene that has a far greater effect upon the
mission This is the hypothetical model of the risk for schizophrenia than the other “polygenes.”
genetic transmission of schizophrenia first pro- This second idea is the basis for a “mixed model”
posed in detail by I. I. Gottesman and J. Shields of genetic transmission, first proposed as a possible
in 1967. Essentially, the multifactorial threshold mode of GENETIC TRANSMISSION for schizophrenia
model suggests that schizophrenia is caused pri- by Paul Meehl in 1972.
marily by the additive effect of a large numberof
genes of small effect, in addition to certain envi- Gottesman, I. I., and J. A. Shields. “A Polygenic Theory of
ronmental (but somewhat less powerful) influ- Schizophrenia,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sci-
ences. This is a type of polygenetic model of ences of the United States of America 58 (1967): 199–205.
284 multiple insanity

McGue, M., et al. “The Transmission of Schizophrenia another inside the person’s body). All these are
under a Multifactorial Threshold Model,” American also commonly reported in schizophrenia.
Journal of Human Genetics 35 (1983): 1,161–1,178.
Meehl, P. E. “A Critical Afterward.” In I. I. Gottesman and Rosenbaum, M. “The Role of the Term Schizophrenia in
J. A. Shields, Schizophrenia and Genetics: A Twin Study the Decline of the Diagnosis of Multiple Personality,”
Vantage Point. New York: Academic Press, 1972. Archives of General Psychiatry 37 (1980): 1,383–1,385.
Ross, C., and G. R. Norton. “Multiple Personality Disorder
Patients with a Prior Diagnosis of Schizophrenia,” Dis-
multiple insanity See FOLIE À DEUX. sociation 1 (1988): 39–42.

multiple personality and schizophrenia Many multiple sclerosis and schizophrenia Multiple
people often confuse schizophrenia with hav- sclerosis (MS) is a neurological disease primar-
ing “split personalities.” Although schizophrenia ily of body musculature and movement but with
literally means “split-mind,” schizophrenia is a certain psychological effects as well. Although it
very distinct disorder from multiple personality is quite distinct from schizophrenia in its total
disorder. An expanded definition of multiple per- picture, there are nonetheless many similarities
sonality disorder (MPD) made its first appearance between the two disorders that may point to a
in DSM-III in 1980 as one of the new category of common type of cause for them. For example, the
mental disorders known as the DISSOCIATIVE DIS- age of onset in both MS and schizophrenia is at its
ORDERS. Prior to 1980, multiple personality was peak in the early to mid-20s, with a range between
considered to be rare, with only about 200 cases ages 15 and 45. The course of the two diseases is
reported in the psychiatric literature. However, very similar, with periods in which the symptoms
since that time it is estimated that more than 6,000 are very active (exacerbations) often interspersed,
cases have been diagnosed. In DSM-IV (1994) MPD at least in the earlier stages, with partial or total
was renamed “dissociative identity disorder.” disappearance of the symptoms for short periods
Multiple personality was far more commonly (remissions). The highest pockets of the disease
recognized prior to 1910, and reports of this dis- seem to be distributed in the Northern Hemi-
order virtually disappeared between 1910 and sphere, particularly in Europe and North America.
1975. It has been suggested that this was due to All these points of correspondence were discussed
the fact that most people with MPD were misdi- in a 1988 paper on this topic by psychiatrist J. R.
agnosed with schizophrenia, the then-new diag- Stevens that was published in Schizophrenia Bulle-
nosis that Bleuler was popularizing at that time as tin. Her interpretation of the similarities between
a much more inclusive disorder than Emil Krae- MS and schizophrenia is that they both may be
pelin’s DEMENTIA PRAECOX . In 1988 a major study neurological disorders that are caused by viruses.
by Canadian psychiatrist Colin Ross found that See also VIRAL THEORIES OF SCHIZOPHRENIA.
in a sample of 236 persons diagnosed with MPD,
almost 41 percent had once previously been diag- Stevens, J. R. “Schizophrenia and Multiple Sclerosis,”
nosed with schizophrenia. It was found that many Schizophrenia Bulletin 14 (1988): 231–241.
FIRST-RANK SYMPTOMS that are thought to char-
acterize schizophrenia also characterize MPD.
People with multiple personality disorder experi- Munchausen’s syndrome This is a type of mental
ence delusions, experiences of being influenced, disorder in which the person fakes a serious physi-
feeling that their thoughts were being broadcast cal illness, constructs an elaborate system of lies to
from their heads, feeling that their thoughts were account for it, and then must wander until finally
being withdrawn from their heads, and they also a physician “catches on” to the pathological lying
report auditory hallucinations (which are thought of the patient, who then repeatedly enacts the
to be the “alternate personalities” talking to one same scenario for other physicians. In DSM-III-R
myth of mental illness 285

(1987) this is known as a factitious (“not genuine”) expanded 1729 edition), written by an English
disorder with physical symptoms. Other proposed apothecary named Richard Browne. He recom-
names for this syndrome have been hospital addicts mended its use in calming “maniacal” patients.
and hospital hoboes. In 1951 R. Asher published Philippe Pinel in France recommended it as a form
the first description of this disorder and named it of his MORAL TREATMENT of mental illness, and this
after an 18th-century German baron, Hierony- suggestion was repeated by many other authors of
mus Carl Friedrich von Münchausen (1720–97), psychiatric books. Music therapy remains a part
who became famous for telling tall tales of exotic of most psychiatric institutions today and helps to
adventures to his friends. There have been cases on make them more humane places to live.
record of such persons even faking psychotic dis-
orders such as schizophrenia just to be admitted to
a psychiatric hospital. Although these persons are mustard pack A form of treatment developed in
not found to be out of touch with reality, no one the late 1800s that involved adding “crude mus-
theory has been put forth that adequately explains tard” to wet sheets in which agitated patients were
their behavior. packed. It is said that the technique of packing agi-
tated mentally ill people in wet sheets was invented
Asher, R. “Munchausen’s Syndrome,” Lancet 1 (1951): 339. in 1840 by a Silesian peasant named Priessnitz
who gained a reputation for favorably treating dis-
ease by packing people in cold, wet sheets. It was
museums, psychiatric In the United States there apparently first used to treat mental illness in 1860
are several small museums that contain items by an English physician, Lockhart Robinson, at the
relating to the treatment of institutionalized peo- Sussex County Asylum in England.
ple with psychotic disorders. The better collections In the traditional wet pack, a cold, wet sheet is
can be found in the Midwest. The museum at the wrapped around the naked body of a patient, who
Menninger Institute in Topeka, Kansas, maintains is then rolled up in two or three blankets. In the
a collection of restraining devices, including strait- mustard pack (apparently first used on the men-
jackets and photographs from old asylums from tally ill by another English physician, S. Newing-
around the world. The Medical History Museum in ton), two handfuls of crude mustard are tied in a
Indianapolis, Indiana, is notable for the exquisite cloth, put in hot water and then squeezed, then
architectural detailing from psychiatric wards. The wrapped around the abdomen or legs, with a blan-
St. Joseph’s State Hospital Museum in Kirksville, ket then wrapped around this. Because the mus-
Missouri, has a collection of restraining devices tard acted as an irritant to the skin, this was quite
and other items, which chronicle the history of an unpleasant procedure to experience. Packing in
psychiatric treatment from the 15th century to wet sheets was a technique that continued to be
the present. This museum also contains a unique used until well into the 20th century and prob-
exhibit featuring 1,446 objects that were surgically ably did not disappear until the advent of ANTIPSY-
removed from a psychiatric patient’s gastrointes- CHOTIC DRUGS in the 1950s.
tinal tract, including nuts, bolts, spoon handles,
nails, stones, pins, pieces of glass, and a thimble. Williams, D. “Baths.” In A Dictionary of Psychological Medi-
cine, edited by D. H. Tuke. London: J. & A. Churchill,
Lipp, M. Medical Landmarks USA. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1892.

mystic paranoia See FOLIE À DEUX.

music therapy The act of listening to or playing
music as a treatment for mental illness. In 1727
the first book devoted to music therapy appeared myth of mental illness In 1960 American psy-
in print, Medicina Musica (the shortened title of the chiatrist Thomas Szaz published a paper in which
286 myth of mental illness

he argues that the concept of mental illness is, in Szaz gained notoriety for his notion of the “myth
reality, a myth. Szaz insists that the term is used to of mental illness,” and his many publications that
stigmatize anyone who deviates from certain psy- question the standard operating procedure of psy-
chological, ethical, or legal norms. “We call people chiatrists and the mental health system created
physically ill when their body-functioning violates much animosity toward him. Nonetheless, the
certain anatomical and physiological norms; simi- value in his writing is that he dared to “question
larly, we call people mentally ill when their per- authority,” and his works stimulated a good deal of
sonal conduct violates certain ethical, political and discussion about psychiatric procedures, patients’
social norms.” Furthermore, since (at that time) right to refuse treatment, and other significant
there was very little evidence for the physiologi- issues with medical and legal implications.
cal basis of the various mental disorders, they are
not medical disorders that should be treated with Szaz, T. “The Myth of Mental Illness,” American Psycholo-
medical procedures. Hence, there is no such thing gist 15 (1960): 113–118.
in reality as a purely “mental illness.”
National Institute of Mental Health The primary Mirsky, A. F. “Research on Schizophrenia in the NIMH
research and information organization in the Laboratory of Psychology and Psychopathology, 1954–
United States devoted to the study of mental dis- 1987,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 14 (1988): 151–156.
orders. It was established by the National Mental
Health Act passed by the U.S. Congress in 1946 but
did not formally begin operation until 1949. NIMH Navane See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.
distributes federally mandated grant money to
states and institutions for research on mental disor-
ders. Since 1954, NIMH has devoted a major effort negative symptoms The symptoms of schizophre-
to schizophrenia research with the establishment nia that are best conceptualized as “defects”—that
of the NIMH Laboratory of Psychology and Psy- is, as something “taken away” from the personal-
chopathology at the NIMH campus in Bethesda, ity of the afflicted person. The negative symptoms
Maryland. From 1955 to 1966 the laboratory car- seem to most resemble those types of symptoms
ried out a program of research on the nature of the found in people with brain damage due to other
behavioral deficits in schizophrenia, initiated by causes, and as such, negative symptoms have been
David Shakow, who was then Chief of the Labora- correlated to structural BRAIN ABNORMALITIES IN
tory. David Rosenthal (who succeeded Shakow as SCHIZOPHRENIA. Prominent negative symptoms
chief in 1977) and Seymour Kety conducted other are: (1) poverty of speech (alogia), (2) restricted
studies on the genetics of schizophrenia, the most affect and diminished emotional range, (3) dimin-
famous of which is the case of the GENAIN QUADRU- ished interest in the environment and a reduction
PLETS. Rosenthal’s work on the genetic factors in in curiosity, (4) diminished sense of purpose, and
the development of schizophrenia helped to define (5) a diminished interest in social interaction with
the nature of the transmission of schizophrenia. In others. POSITIVE SYMPTOMS, on the other hand, are
1989, NIMH launched a program to find the genes those symptoms that seem to be “added to” the
involved in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and personality, such as hallucinations and delusions.
Alzheimer’s disease. Interestingly, all three of these The distinction between negative and positive
disorders were first described by Emil K RAEPELIN symptoms has its origins in 19th-century neurol-
and his research group in Heidelberg, Germany, ogy. Perhaps the first use of these terms was by
in the late 1890s, but their search for the patterns the British neurologist J. R. Reynolds in 1858.
of hereditary transmission was unsuccessful. The They became popularized, although not in a sense
NIMH Genetics Initiative has taken up Kraepelin’s directly appropriate to schizophrenia, by the
unfinished task. The goal is to create a national famous British neurologist John Hughlins Jack-
resource of demographic, clinical, and diagnostic son, who discussed them in 1894 as part of the
data that would be available to the world scientific FACTORS OF INSANITIES. The explicit application of
community. DNA extracted from immortalized these concepts to schizophrenia can be credited to
cell lines is also available to researchers for genet- a paper published in 1974 by J. S. Strauss, W. T.
ics work. Carpenter, and J. J. Bartko.

288 negativism, schizophrenic

Negative symptoms characterize the most Bleuler, E. Dementia Praecox, Or the Group of Schizophrenias,
chronic forms of schizophrenia, and their early tr. J. Zinkin. 1911. Reprint, New York: International
signs indicate a poor prognosis. A NTIPSYCHOTIC Universities Press, 1950.
DRUGS have a minimal effect in diminishing or ———. “Zur Theorie des schizophrenen Negativismus,”
reversing negative symptoms. At present, there is Psychiatrisch-neurologische Wochenschrift (Halle) 12
no fully effective treatment for these symptoms. (1910–11): 171–195.
See also CROW’S HYPOTHESIS ; DEFICIT SYMPTOMS / Jung, C. G. “A Criticism of Bleuler’s Theory of Schizophrenic
SYNDROME. Negativism.” In The Collected Works of C. G. Jung. Vol. 3.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton, University Press, 1960.
Berrios, G. E. “Positive and Negative Symptoms and Jack-
son: A Conceptual History,” Archives of General Psychia-
try 42 (1985): 95–97. negligent release In the United States, there have
Reynolds, J. R. “On the Pathology of Convulsions, with been many legal suits brought against institutions
Special Reference to Those of Children,” Liverpool and responsible psychiatrists for releasing patients
Medico-Chirurgical Journal 2 (1858): 1–14. who then go on to do harm to themselves or oth-
Strauss, J. S., W. T. Carpenter, and J. J. Bartko. “The Diag- ers. In such “negligent release” suits, the charge is
nosis and Understanding of Schizophrenia: III. Specu- that psychiatric authorities released individuals to
lations on the Processes That Underlie Schizophrenic the community who were still dangerous and in
Symptoms and Signs,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 1, Experi- need of commitment.
mental Issue 11 (1974): 61–69.

neologisms The expression of neologisms (liter-

negativism, schizophrenic A concept put forth in ally meaning “new words”) by people with psy-
1910 by Eugen BLEULER to account for the baffling chotic disorders (particularly schizophrenia) is a
and often frustrating “contrary” or “oppositional” clear sign of FORMAL THOUGHT DISORDER. A per-
behavior of people with schizophrenia. Such reac- son may create entirely new words, distort actual
tions often infuriate those responsible for the care words, or give new and unusual meanings to words
of people with schizophrenia, who may frequently that already have an accepted meaning.
forget that such actions are expressions of the dis-
ease itself. The best example of this is the primary
schizophrenic symptom of AMBIVALENCE, in which neural circuits in schizophrenia Neural circuits
an impulse is balanced by contrary ones, thus par- are the information superhighways of the brain. It
alyzing the willful activity of the schizophrenic. has long been known that information is processed
In his 1911 book, Bleuler notes that in “negativ- by the human brain in “cell assemblies” or “neural
ism,” “the patients cannot or will not do what is networks” that cut across the lobes of the cortex, as
expected of them (passive negativism); or they do well as involved subcortical structures of the brain
just the very opposite or, at least, something else (such as the thalamus, a major relay center, and
than what is expected (active or contrary negativ- the hippocampus, a major center for turning short-
ism).” Bleuler largely attributed this negativism to term memories into long-term memories). These
the nature of the disease rather than to the inten- pathways of nervous tissue use electrical impulses
tions of the patient. Bleuler’s concept of negativ- and chemicals (NEUROTRANSMITTERs) to excite or
ism was criticized in 1911 by his former assistant, inhibit neighboring clusters of neurons as mes-
C. G. JUNG, who was then a disciple of Sigmund sages are sent and received. Information from the
F REUD’s and who thus interpreted such “negativ- external senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, scent)
ism” according to the psychoanalytic concept of an and from internal sources (the autonomic nervous
unconscious (but meaningful) resistance. Negativ- system, for example) is processed along certain dis-
ism is no longer discussed in the modern literature crete pathways or neural networks that crisscross
of schizophrenia. several major “functional centers” of the brain.
neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia 289

For years there have been computer models of by overwork. In the upper classes, MASTURBATION
neural networks in cognitive neuroscience research was also thought by Beard to be a significant cause
that have been used to understand the functioning of neurasthenia, although among members of the
of the normal human brain. With advances in com- lower classes, as Beard points out in his 1884 book
puting power and software innovations, the trend Sexual Neurasthenia, this was not the case because,
in the schizophrenia research of the 1990s was to for example, “Strong, phlegmatic Irish servant-girls
develop complex, interactive models of the neural may begin early the habit of abusing themselves
circuits that seem to dysfunction in the brains of and keep it up for years, but with little apparent
people who suffer from schizophrenia (and those harm.” Whereas Beard thought many of the vague
of close biological relatives, who often have some and mild symptoms were part of an actual nervous
of the same dysfunctions). disease, many of his contemporaries rejected them
In recent years, inferences about the location as mild and easily reversible symptoms of tiredness
and function of such neural circuits in schizophre- or out-and-out signs of malingering and attention
nia have come from (1) postmortem neuropatho- seeking. Special private sanitariums, retreats, spas,
logical studies, (2) neuropsychological test data, and hydropathic institutions were set up in the late
(3) structural neuroimaging studies, particularly 1800s to treat individuals, largely female and from
those employing positron magnetic resonance the upper classes of society, who suffered from
spectroscopy, and (4) functional neuroimaging “nervousness” or neurasthenia.
studies (rCBF, PET, fMRI), which actually allow Neurasthenia is still included as a diagnostic
us to see the pathways in the brain “light up” as category in the World Health Organization’s ICD -10
the brain of a person with schizophrenia performs (1992). It is defined as “a neurotic disorder charac-
a particular task. terized by fatigue, irritability, headaches, depres-
There is much that still needs to be resolved in sion, insomnia, difficulty in concentration, and a
the definition of the neural circuits involved in lack of capacity for enjoyment (anhedonia). It may
schizophrenia, but some of the most promising follow or accompany an infection or exhaustion,
neural circuits are (1) the temporolimbic cortex, or arise from continued emotional stress.”
(2) the prefrontal cortex, and (3) the thalamus.
Imbalances in the functioning between these Beard, G. M. American Nervousness. New York: Putnam’s,
regions or neural circuits is the basis of DISCONNEC- 1881.
TION THEORIES OF SCHIZOPHRENIA. ———. Sexual Neurasthenia: Its Hygiene, Causes, Symptoms,
and Treatment. Edited by A. D. Rockwell. New York:
Bogerts, B. “The Temporolimbic System Theory of Posi- Treat, 1884.
tive Schizophrenic Symptoms,” Schizophrenia Bulletin Drinka, G. F. The Birth of Neurosis: Myth, Malady, and the
23 (1997): 423–435. Victorians. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1984.
Jones, E. G. “Cortical Development and Thalamic Pathol-
ogy in Schizophrenia,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 23 (1997):
483–501. neurochemistry of schizophrenia See BIOCHEMI-
McCarley, R. W., et al. “Neural Circuits in Schizophrenia,” CAL THEORIES OF SCHIZOPHRENIA.
Archives of General Psychiatry 51 (1994): 515.

neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia At

neurasthenia A word coined by New York neu- the beginning of the 21st century, this is the dom-
rologist George Miller Beard in 1869 for a type of inant explanatory paradigm in schizophrenia
“nervousness” disorder that could be treated by research. Rather than assuming that the causes
HYDROTHERAPY, weak electrical currents, and rest. It of schizophrenia are to be found around the time
was considered a uniquely American neurotic disor- the first symptoms usually appear in late adoles-
der, for “nervous exhaustion” was brought about by cence or early adulthood, the neurodevelopmental
the “wear and tear” on the nervous system induced model assumes that the underlying disease process
290 neurohistological studies of schizophrenia

must begin during fetal development along with neurohistological studies of schizophrenia See
the development of the nervous system. BRAIN ABNORMALITIES IN SCHIZOPHRENIA.
Proposals for a similar model of certain psy-
chotic disorders had been made by Thomas Clous-
ton in 1873 for a syndrome he called ADOLESCENT neuroimaging studies of schizophrenia See
PRAECOX , and Eugen BLEULER in 1908 for SCHIZO-
PHRENIA. The neurodevelopmental model of
schizophrenia was first articulated in its modern neuroleptic This is another word for any drug that
form in the work of R. M. Murray in 1985 and changes the mental state of anyone who ingests it.
Daniel R. Weinberger in 1986. It became influen- It is often used synonymously with the term psy-
tial as a paradigm almost immediately. The neu- chotropic. The term neuroleptics is sometimes used
rodevelopmental model has proven to be a useful as an alternative name for ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS as
organizational concept for a wide range of studies well, although technically it can refer to antianxi-
in neuropathology, neuroimaging, genetics, neu- ety or antidepressant drugs.
ropsychology, epidemiology, and developmental
biology. One criticism of the neurodevelopmental
model of schizophrenia is that it may concern only neuroleptic malignant syndrome This is a rare but
one subtype or syndrome of schizophrenia and serious disorder that may be a side effect from the
may ignore others with a later onset. use of ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS. The symptoms of this
The primary argument in favor of a neuro- disorder are fever, muscular rigidity, stupor, auto-
developmental model is the evidence that has nomic dysfunction (increased pulse, sweating, and
accumulated that schizophrenia is probably not respiration), and, occasionally, death. NLMS, as it is
a neurodegenerative disease. Circumstantial evi- sometimes abbreviated, develops suddenly over a 24-
dence pointing to causes that happen during fetal to 72-hour period anywhere from hours to months
neural development, during gestation, or around after the initiation of therapy with antipsychotic
the time of birth all lend support to a neurode- drugs. At present, it is difficult to predict who will or
velopmental model. However, strong evidence in will not develop NLMS, because a person who had
favor of the neurodevelopmental model is lacking. previously undergone a period of treatment without
Some aspects of the model as proposed by Dan- developing the syndrome may suddenly develop it
iel Weinberger of the National Institute of Men- during other treatment periods. Neuroleptic malig-
tal Health in Bethesda, Maryland, are based on nant syndrome is often associated with the use of
speculative models of the role of dopamine and on high-potency antipsychotic drugs. It is more com-
connections between the frontal lobe and subcor- mon in young adult males with psychotic disorders
tical structures. However, the neurodevelopmental and in persons with organic mental disorders. The
model has directed basic research into new areas use of antipsychotic drugs must be discontinued
and will probably be a very difficult model to reject immediately if NLMS occurs, for about 15 percent to
or falsify conclusively. 20 percent of the patients who develop this disorder
See also BRAIN ABNORMALITIES; CHILDHOOD-ONSET die. The exact cause of the disorder is unknown.
Caroff, S. N. “The Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome,”
Murray, R. M. “Neurodevelopmental Schizophrenia: The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 41 (1980): 79–83.
Rediscovery of Dementia Praecox,” British Journal of Levinson, J. L. “Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome,” Amer-
Psychiatry 165 (1994): 6–12. ican Journal of Psychiatry 142 (1985): 1,137–1,145.
Weinberger, D. R. “The Pathogenesis of Schizophrenia:
A Neurodevelopmental Theory.” In The Neurology
of Schizophrenia, edited by H. A. Nasrallah and D. R. neuropathology of schizophrenia See BRAIN
Weinberger, 397–406. Amsterdam: Elsiever, 1986. ABNORMALITIES IN SCHIZOPHRENIA.
neurosis 291

neuropsychological studies of schizophrenia In It has long been known that many of the prob-
the 1970s, special batteries of psychological tests lems people with schizophrenia face every day
were devised to assess brain functioning in persons stem from these severe problems in cognition. To
suspected of having an organic brain dysfunction. address the treatment implications of this issue,
These “neuropsychological tests” targeted such including the development of new drugs that may
processes as memory, perception, concept forma- enhance cognitive performance in schizophrenia,
tion, visual-spatial ability, attention span and intel- the NATIONAL I NSTITUTE OF M ENTAL H EALTH began
ligence to see if they were disrupted in ways that a new research initiative in April 2003, the NIMH-
were characteristic of brain-damaged individuals Measurement and Treatment Research to Improve
who took such tests. Perhaps the two most famous Cognition in Schizophrenia (MATRICS). There are
of these batteries are the Halstead-Reitan battery two goals: one, to develop a standard “consensus
and the Luria-Nebraska battery. Major reviews of battery” of neuropsychological tests that can mea-
the more than 100 studies of the performance of sure cognition in schizophrenia in a valid and reli-
persons with schizophrenia on neuropsychological able way; and two, to develop a consensus among
tests have confirmed that “chronic” and “nonpara- experts in the field as to which molecules should
noid” schizophrenics are indistinguishable from be targeted for the development of new drugs that
persons who have known brain damage that is dif- can improve the cognitive performance of people
fuse rather than focal (i.e., spread throughout the with schizophrenia as measured in drug trials by
brain rather than localized damage in one place). this new test battery. Seven cognitive deficits in
In the 1980s and 1990s, neurological stud- schizophrenia are being targeted:
ies of schizophrenia were often correlated with
neuropathological findings and with neuroimag- (1) speed of information processing
ing findings to develop new models of how the (2) attention or vigilance
schizophrenia disease process works in the brain. (3) working memory
The studies of C. D. Frith of the cognitive neuro- (4) verbal learning and memory
psychology of schizophrenia have been highly (5) reasoning and problem solving
influential. (6) verbal comprehension
In schizophrenia the following cognitive func- (7) social cognition
tions have been consistently found to be impaired:
attention, working memory (a form of short-term David, A. S., and J. C. Cutting. The Neuropsychology of
memory associated with the functioning of the Schizophrenia. East Sussex, England: Lawrence Erlbaum
frontal lobe of the brain), episodic or autobio- Associates, 1994.
graphical memory, and executive functioning (the Frith, C. D. The Cognitive Neuropsychology of Schizophrenia.
overall organization of various goal-oriented cog- Hove, England: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1992.
nitive functions). Additionally, as we now know
from long-term follow-up studies of children
of schizophrenic parents who later went on to neurosis In contemporary usage, the term neu-
develop schizophrenia, all these cognitive deficits rosis refers to a wide variety of mental disorders
have been found to be present in the prodromal that do not involve a break with reality (as in
phase of schizophrenia, years before the first psy- PSYCHOSIS) and do not have an apparent organic
chotic episode. Furthermore, most of the cogni- basis. However, this term has changed its meaning
tive impairment in schizophrenia happens early in over the past two centuries, and even now there
the disease process. Very little decline in cognitive is some controversy about the actual meaning of
functioning is found after the first episode of psy- the word.
chosis. This contradicts the view of schizophrenia The word neurosis was first used by English phy-
as a progressive neurodegenerative disease. Anti- sician William Cullen in 1776 in his book Synopsis
psychotic drugs do not improve cognitive func- Nosologiae Methodical. Following Cullen, through-
tioning in schizophrenia. out most of the 19th century neuroses referred
292 neurotransmitter

to a large class of diseases that included present- within socially acceptable limits, but personality
day neurotic and psychotic disorders, neurological is not disorganized. The principal manifestations
disorders, and many other medical disorders. The include excessive anxiety, hysterical symptoms,
defining characteristics of the neuroses were a dis- phobias, obsessional and compulsive symptoms,
order of the “general” functions of the central ner- and depression.
vous system and the lack of fever in an individual.
Thus, throughout the 19th century, a neurosis was López Piñero, J. M. Historical Origins of the Concept of Neu-
a disease of the brain and nervous system, whereas roses, trans. G. Berrios. Cambridge: Cambridge Univer-
a psychosis (particularly in Germany) originally sity Press, 1983.
referred to the psychological aspects of a mental
However, by the year 1900, the term neurosis neurotransmitter Any specific chemical agent
began to take on more of the meaning of a “psycho- released by one brain cell or neuron (the pre-syn-
logical disorder” without reference to its organic aptic cell) when it is stimulated that crosses the
nature, and thus the types and number of neuro- gap between neurons (the synapse) to stimulate or
ses were greatly reduced. Psychosis began to be used inhibit a neighboring brain cell (the post-synaptic
instead to refer to the growing number of mental cell). More than 100 such neurotransmitters are
disorders that were organic in nature (e.g., demen- currently known.
tia praecox). At about this time Sigmund F REUD The rise of endocrinology as a new medical sci-
began to redefine the neuroses (which he also ence in the early 20th century provided a direct
termed psychoneuroses) according to psychoanalytic and important analogical bridge that led to the
theory—specifically, that the neuroses were men- discovery of neurotransmitters in the brain. Fol-
tal disorders that were caused by an unconscious lowing the 1921 discovery by Otto Loewi (1873–
conflict. This latter meaning of neuroses became 1961) of a substance in the brain later identified
the standard during much of the 20th century, and as acetylcholine, neurotransmitters were referred
the “neurotic disorders” were a common part of to as neurohormones or neurohumors. Indeed,
most diagnostic manuals. However, in 1980, the the term neurotransmitter did not come into use
A MERICAN PSYCHIATRIC A SSOCIATION’s DSM-III until the 1960s. It is important to remember that
eliminated the term neurosis because of its theo- neurotransmitters have been conclusively demon-
retical assumptions based on psychoanalysis and strated to be part of the pathophysiology of mental
instead introduced a largely atheoretical and neu- disorders and have been related to certain symp-
tral descriptive terminology, using various classi- toms (such as dopamine for hallucinations and
fications of “mental disorders” to account for the delusions in some persons with schizophrenia).
more traditional neuroses. Neurotransmitters have never been found to cause
The WORLD H EALTH ORGANIZATION’s ICD-9 (1978), any mental disorder, whether it is schizophrenia
however, used the category termed “neurotic disor- or depression.
ders” and defined them in the following way: See also ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS; ANTIPSYCHOTIC
The distinction between neurosis and psychosis is
difficult and remains subject to debate. However,
it has been retained in view of its wide use. neurotransmitter disorder as a cause of schi-
Neurotic disorders are mental disorders with- zophrenia The first theory of the cause of
out any demonstrable organic basis in which the schizophrenia that is based on the hypothesis
patient may have considerable insight and has of a neurotransmitter disorder was put forth by
unimpaired reality testing, in that he usually does biochemists D. W. Wooley and E. Shaw in 1954.
not confuse his morbid subjective experiences They proposed that a decrease in the (then) newly
and fantasies with external reality. Behavior may discovered transmitter serotonin (5HT) may be
be greatly affected although usually remaining related to the development of schizophrenia. Part
nonallelic genetic heterogeneity 293

of the reason for this was that LSD was thought in 1939, this form of treatment involved having
to be a powerful serotonin agonist, and at that schizophrenic patients breathe in pure nitrogen to
time the “psychedelic model” of psychosis was in reduce the amount of oxygen in the brain (cerebral
vogue, which suggested that schizophrenic experi- hypoxia) in order to induce a comatose state. It
ence was related to the experiences of those who never became popular, for ELECTROSHOCK THERAPY
ingested hallucinogenic substances. This hypoth- and INSULIN COMA (OR SHOCK) THERAPY, introduced
esis was not seriously considered for very long and just prior to the invention of nitrogen inhalation
was largely replaced by the DOPAMINE HYPOTHESIS therapy, had already taken root and were consid-
in 1976. Other neurotransmitters that have been ered much more successful in the treatment of
implicated as possible causes of schizophrenia schizophrenia.
are norepinephrine, GABA, the endorphins, and
glutamate. Alexander, F. A. D., and H. E. Himwich. “Nitrogen Inhala-
tion Therapy for Schizophrenia,” American Journal of
Wooley, D. W., and E. Shaw. “A Biochemical and Phar- Psychiatry 94 (1939): 643–655.
macological Suggestion about Certain Mental Disor-
ders,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
United States of America 40 (1954): 228–231. nitrogen metabolism disorder hypothesis This
———. “A Biochemical and Pharmacological Suggestion is the hypothesis put forth by the Norwegian psy-
about Certain Mental Disorders,” Science 119 (1957): chiatric researcher Rolf Gjessing (1889–1959) in
587–588. 1938 that the catatonic subtype of schizophre-
nia is caused by a primary disturbance of nitro-
gen metabolism that causes a shift back and forth
night attendant service Until 1829, it was cus- from positive to negative balances of nitrogen in
tomary for patients in almost all asylums through- the body of a catatonic. Gjessing discovered that by
out Europe and the United States to be locked in administering the drug thyroxin, these metabolic
their cells or strapped or chained to their beds for shifts could be prevented with therapeutic results.
the night without supervision. The death of such Unfortunately, the nitrogen metabolism disorder
a restrained patient in that year at the Lincoln hypothesis as a cause of schizophrenia was found
Asylum in England led to the eventual adoption to apply only to the very small group of persons
of “night attendants” who would keep watch over suffering from periodic catatonia, and thus Gjess-
such mechanically restrained patients. However, ing’s findings were not generalizable to the other
this policy was not adopted in every British asylum subtypes of schizophrenia.
nor throughout Europe on a large scale for many
years. Even in the 20th century, reports of unsu- Gjessing, R. “Disturbances of Somatic Functions in Cata-
pervised patients in restraints continue to surface tonia with a Periodic Course and Their Compensa-
from time to time. However, the general policy tion,” Journal of Mental Science 84 (1938): 608–621.
in psychiatric institutions today is that physically
restrained patients must be continually supervised
by at least one staff member. nonallelic genetic heterogeneity Because many
mental disorders—in particular, schizophrenia and
bipolar disorder—seem to constitute a spectrum
NIMH See NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH. of disorders rather than a single disease entity, it
has been thought that there are different genetic
causes of these disorders that nevertheless mani-
nitrogen inhalation therapy This is one of the fest similar symptoms when they are evident in a
forms of COMA THERAPY that were developed in person. This has been called ETIOLOGIC HETEROGE-
the 1930s as a type of treatment for schizophrenia. NEITY. One reason for etiologic heterogeneity may
Introduced by Franz A. Alexander and colleagues be nonallelic genetic heterogeneity, which refers to
294 noninjurious torture

the fact that although two or more persons may observed that those schizophrenics with nonpar-
manifest the same symptoms of a particular dis- anoid diagnoses tended to be more disorganized
ease, and therefore may have the same diagnosis, and have more FORMAL THOUGHT DISORDER than
nonetheless different genes may be affected in dif- the paranoid subtype; they were believed to have
ferent individuals to cause the disorder. In other an earlier onset and a poorer prognosis than the
words, the differences are not caused by alternate paranoid subtype; and they tended to exhibit
forms of the same gene (alleles). Nonallelic genetic a more diffuse set of symptoms than the para-
transmission has been hypothesized for the psy- noid subtype. Starting in the 1970s and 1980s,
chotic disorders. research psychologists conducted numerous stud-
ies that found significant differences between
paranoid and nonparanoid schizophrenics in
noninjurious torture This is the self-explanatory many areas. On cognitive, perceptual, and prob-
term used by German physician Johann Christian lem-solving tests, paranoids and nonparanoids
Reil (1759–1813) to refer to his philosophy of the have shown consistent differences. Nonparanoids
treatment of institutionalized patients with mental tend to exhibit a more conservative response style
disorders. Although Reil was more of a philosopher than paranoids, who often “jump to conclusions”
than a clinician and had no extensive experience without having enough of the relevant informa-
in treating the mentally ill, he nonetheless wrote a tion to make a logical decision on tasks presented
500-page volume in 1803 outlining his suggestions on various tests.
for the psychological treatment of such patients. He Many of these differences between nonpara-
advocated the use of fear and intimidation to shock noid and paranoid schizophrenics that have been
patients back into rationality, as well as the BATH found in COGNITIVE STUDIES OF SCHIZOPHRENIA sup-
OF SURPRISE, sudden loud noises, FLOGGING with a port the notion that schizophrenia is not a uni-
whip, the use of the straitjacket, and a whole host tary disorder but may instead be several different
of other “treatments.” disorders.
A major issue of Schizophrenia Bulletin devoted to
Reil, J. C. Rhapsodien über die Anwendung der psychischen reviewing the research on the differences between
Curmethode auf Geisteszerruttungen. Leipzig: 1803. nonparanoid and paranoid cognition was pub-
lished in 1981 (vol. 7, no. 4).

non-Mendelian patterns of transmission This Kendler, K. S., and K. L. Davis. “The Genetics and Bio-
term is used as an umbrella for a wide variety of chemistry of Paranoid Schizophrenia and Other
theories of genetic transmission that do not fit Paranoid Psychoses,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 7 (1981):
strict “single gene” patterns that are known to 698–709.
characterize classical M ENDELIAN TRANSMISSION. Magaro, P. A. “The Paranoid and the Schizophrenic: The
The psychotic disorders follow non-Mendelian Case for Distinct Cognitive Style,” Schizophrenia Bul-
patterns of genetic transmission. All theories that letin 7 (1981): 632–661.
resort to the hypothesis that more than one gene
is implicated in the transmission and development
of a particular disorder (i.e., polygenetic theories) nonrestraint movement This term was used by
can be referred to as non-Mendelian. English physician John CONOLLY to describe the
great shift in the philosophy and treatment of
the institutionalized mentally ill in the 19th cen-
nonparanoid schizophrenia In 1911 schizo- tury that advocated the absolute minimum use of
phrenia was divided into a paranoid subtype and MECHANICAL RESTRAINTS. Although the philoso-
three nonparanoid subtypes, which are currently phy of MORAL TREATMENT and moral medicine had
known as the disorganized type, the catatonic been given lip service since the time of Philippe
type and simple schizophrenia. It has long been P INEL around 1801, a truly humane approach to
nosology 295

the institutionalized mentally ill was not adopted rine (NE) in the brain, blood and cerebro-spinal
by the vast majority of European asylums that still fluid of schizophrenics. Some studies have even
restrained most patients whether they were vio- connected these increased blood plasma levels of
lent or not. First-person descriptions of conditions NE with POSITIVE SYMPTOMS and the paranoid sub-
in asylums in the early 1800s attest to these ter- type of schizophrenia. However, further studies
rible abuses. Considered incurable by most, and no that replicate these findings need to be done before
better than animals, the mentally ill were feared any firm conclusions can be reached.
by many. Although some institutions began exper-
imenting with nonrestraint policies, it was not Hornykiewicz, O. “Brain Catecholamines in Schizophre-
until John Conolly successfully adopted such poli- nia—A Good Case for Noradrenaline,” Nature 299
cies at the Hanwell Asylum in England between (1982): 484–486.
1839 and 1843 that the issue was discussed in ear-
nest around the world. His ideas caught the imagi-
nation of the public, due largely to strong support Norway See SCANDINAVIA.
from publications such as the Lancet and the Times
of London.
When Conolly first arrived at the Hanwell Asy- nosology The science of the classification of dis-
lum, he found the following items and immediately eases. Nosology involves, more specifically, the
abolished them: 51 leather straps, 10 leather muffs, underlying theory behind the grouping of dis-
two screw-gags, two extra-strong chain leg-locks, eases. In psychiatry there are no “diseases” in the
353 handcuffs and leg-locks, 49 restraint-chairs sense that they can be found in the rest of the
(similar to the American physician Benjamin medical sciences, because no distinctive cellular
RUSH’s TRANQUILLIZER), and 78 leather-and-ticking pathology (disease at the level of cells), nor dis-
restraint-sleeves. Despite loud cries of criticism, tinct biological etiologies (causes), nor, therefore,
Conolly implemented his experimental program any objective diagnostic tests (such as a blood
with great success. His methods were copied by test) exist that enable us to identify any mental
most English asylums and then by European and disorder as a disease. Instead, mental disorders
American institutions in the years that followed. are syndromes (distinctive clusters of symptoms
Our modern policies of nonrestraint except in the and signs linked to particular courses and out-
most extreme circumstances is directly due to the comes). The nosological approach in psychiatry
influence of John Conolly and his nonrestraint starts with the premise of an underlying disease
movement. process (e.g., in the brain) that exists before the
production of symptoms. The disease determines
Marx, O. M. “Descriptions of Psychiatric Care in Some the symptoms.
Hospitals during the First Half of the 19th Century,” A contrasting approach, also influential in psy-
Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 1967, pp. 208–214. chiatry, is that of psychopathology. The assumption
Zilboorg, G. A History of Medical Psychology. New York: since at least Karl Ludwig Kahlbaum’s 1874 book
W. W. Norton, 1941. on catatonia is that the objective identification and
classification of symptoms of mental illness led to
their grouping into syndromes. Concepts of disease
nonsense syndrome See GANSER’S SYNDROME. were constructed from symptoms identified in this
way. The symptoms determine the disease.
Classification systems reflect the cognitive cat-
norepinephrine and schizophrenia The neu- egories of the cultural and scientific beliefs of their
rotransmitter norepinephrine (or “noradrena- historical eras. As a result, in psychiatry there
line”), a CATECHOLAMINE (like DOPAMINE), has been are fundamental differences in certain diagnostic
studied for a possible link to schizophrenia. Some categories that are due to national traditions and
studies have found increased levels of norepineph- histories. Differences between North American,
296 nosology

German, and French classifications for certain were first established by German and French psy-
mental disorders persist to this day. However, most chiatrists between 1860 and 1920. However, the
of our current diagnostic concepts for mental dis- original classification systems differed widely in
orders found in DSM-IV-TR (2000) and ICD -10 (1992) their nosologies.
obsession A persistent, intrusive, generally unde- enable the patient to find employment when he or
sirable idea, mental image, or impulse that cannot she is discharged and returned to the community.
be wilfully eliminated through logical or rational For the most chronic forms of mental illness (such
thought. Although obsessions are the hallmark of as schizophrenia), this goal is not so realistic; none-
obsessive-compulsive disorder, which is not one of theless, anyone who has ever been employed in a
the psychotic disorders, obsessions may nonethe- psychiatric inpatient facility would no doubt agree
less be found in psychotic disorders such as schizo- with the observation made by C. G. JUNG in 1939
phrenia. The term was first used in its modern that “the results of occupational therapy in mental
psychiatric sense by the French alienist Benedict hospitals have clearly shown that the status of the
Augustin MOREL in 1860. hopeless cases can be enormously improved.”

obstetric complications and schizophrenia See Jung, C. G. “On the Psychogenesis of Schizophrenia,”
PERINATAL FACTORS AND SCHIZOPHRENIA. Journal of Mental Science 85 (1939): 999–1011.

odor of the insane For centuries it was believed

occupational therapy Perhaps the earliest form
that mentally ill people may have a particular odor
of therapy for the mentally ill. Since the days of
that distinguishes them from others. This idea was
ancient Egypt, afflicted persons have traditionally
given a certain shortlived credibility in a book by
been given physical activities or manual labor to
English physician George Man Burrows (1771–
perform. This “occupational therapy” has probably
1846), who ran his own private asylum known as
derived from the observation that persons with
the Clapham Retreat. In his 1828 Commentaries on
debilitating mental illnesses just seem to get worse
Causes, Forms, Symptoms and Treatment of Insanity he
if they are left alone to vegetate without becoming
asserted that “mania” could be diagnosed by a par-
involved in meaningful activities. With the rise of
ticular odor, that of fermenting henbane. Needless
the philosophy of “moral treatment” in the early
to say, there is no scientific validation of this idea.
1800s, many institutions for the insane developed
However, in modern times, persons under treat-
work programs involving their residents. In his
ment for a psychotic disorder are often character-
1801 A Treatise on Insanity, Philippe P INEL noted
ized by the strong odor of “T HORAZINE breath” that
that his patients at the BICÊTRE in Paris “were sup-
is part of the olfactory environment of many psy-
plied by the tradesmen of Paris with employments
chiatric inpatient units.
which fixed their attention.” By the 20th century,
the term occupational therapy came into vogue and
developed a professional status, with occupational olanzapine See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.
therapists now part of practically every inpatient
psychiatric unit or hospital. The current focus has
shifted to more of a rehabilitation model, so that olfactory hallucinations These are hallucina-
activities are designed to (ideally) teach skills that tions of smell. Olfactory hallucinations are not

298 olfactory reference syndrome

commonly reported among people with psychotic the search for other somatic treatments eventually
disorders, but they can occur. More commonly led to the discovery of ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS, thus
they occur along with such neurological disorders finally eliminating the use of opiates for persons
as convulsive disorders, especially those due to with psychotic disorders.
temporal lobe lesions (temporal lobe epilepsy) or
uncinate gyrus fits. They have also been reported
in person’s suffering from migraines or Parkinson’s Orap See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.

Asaad, G., and B. Shapiro. “Hallucinations: Theoretical organicity in schizophrenia See BRAIN ABNOR-
and Clinical Overview,” American Journal of Psychiatry MALITIES IN SCHIZOPHRENIA.
143 (1986): 1,088–1,097.

organic mental disorders This is the generic

olfactory reference syndrome This is the delu- name for a group of mental disorders that have a
sion in which a person is convinced (falsely) that known or presumed organic cause. For example,
he or she is emitting a strong, foul body odor, such such disorders as alcohol withdrawal delirium
as a fecal or rotting-flesh stench. It is a delusion or multi-infarct dementia would be classified as
and not an OLFACTORY HALLUCINATION. It can be a organic mental disorders.
part of a psychotic disorder, or it can be a part of a
less serious disorder known as the monosymptom-
atic hypochondriacal syndrome. organic mental syndromes This term refers to
a cluster of psychological or behavioral signs and
symptoms whose cause is unknown. These signs
oligophrenia See PROPFSCHIZOPHRENIA. and symptoms are those that have long been iden-
tified by physicians as due to the dysfunctioning of
the brain. For example, an individual who enters
oligosymptomatic types A term coined by psy- a hospital may exhibit the signs and symptoms of
chiatrist Silvano A RIETI in 1959 to describe “very delirium or dementia, but the exact cause may be
mild” cases of schizophrenia. Arieti distinguishes unknown. Such behavior may be due to the influ-
the oligosymptomatic forms of the four subtypes ence of a stroke, substance abuse, or other toxicity,
of schizophrenia from BORDERLINE CASES by not- or perhaps even a brain tumor or other neurologi-
ing that the latter are not psychotic, whereas the cal disease. In this case, a tentative diagnosis of an
mild cases of schizophrenia are psychotic. Ari- organic mental syndrome is given until the source
eti’s term never gained prominence in psychiatric of brain dysfunction is known, at which time it is
terminology. rediagnosed as an organic mental disorder.

Arieti, S. Interpretation of Schizophrenia. 2nd ed. New York:

Basic Books, 1974. organic psychosis See FUNCTIONAL PSYCHOSIS.

onset of psychosis See AGE AT ONSET. orthomolecular psychiatry See MEGAVITAMIN


opium Opiates were commonly used in the

18th and 19th centuries as a form of CHEMICAL Othello syndrome This is a delusional syndrome
RESTRAINT to quell the agitation of certain per- in which the dominant delusion is that one’s
sons confined to asylums. In the 20th century, spouse or sexual partner is secretly unfaithful.
ovariotomy 299

When this delusion of infidelity occurs in its purest nia Hospital was the first mental hospital to offer
form, it is often called the Othello syndrome after an outpatient department. The clinic was oper-
the Shakespearean character whose jealousy was ated by the medical staff of the Department for the
the central delusion that led to his madness. Other Insane of the Philadelphia Hospital. The concept
names that have been given to this delusional syn- that such a clinic could be used for preventing the
drome are sexual jealousy, the erotic jealousy syn- development of more serious mental illness was
drome, morbid jealousy, and psychotic jealousy. quite revolutionary for its time. Historian of the
In all these cases the jealous person maintains a Pennsylvania Hospital Thomas G. Morton writes
psychotic delusion that accompanies a significant in 1897 that
break from reality. However, there are persons
who are generally not suffering from a psychotic . . . the service was regarded at that time as experi-
disorder who may be jealously obsessed with the mental. . . . It was undertaken under a convic-
past sexual activity of their mates, but there is no tion that in a city of one million inhabitants, a
delusion about any current infidelity. In this case large number were suffering from premonitory
the syndrome is called retrospective ruminative symptoms of insanity as nervous prostration and
jealousy. In DSM-IV (1994), the Othello syndrome depression, who might receive timely advice and
was included under the label “delusional disorder, treatment, and that a further development of
jealous type.” mental disorder might thus be arrested.

Enoch, M. D., and W. H. Trethowan. Uncommon Psychiat- In England the first outpatient departments
ric Syndromes. 2nd ed. Bristol, England: John Wright & were opened at Saint Thomas’ Hospital in London,
Sons, 1979. and at the Wakefield Asylum, in 1890.

Morton, T. G. History of the Pennsylvania Hospital. Philadel-

oubliettes A term popular in the 19th and early phia: 1897.
20th centuries for the primitive seclusion cells that
were used to contain agitated or violent patients
in mental hospitals. They were usually cylindrical outpatient commitment This is a legal procedure
pits large enough for only one person that were dug allowed in about two-thirds of the United States in
into the basement floor and covered with a heavy which a person is committed to treatment in an out-
metal grate. Such oubliettes once existed in the patient program rather than a psychiatric hospital.
basement of the Center Building of St. Elizabeth’s This differs from “conditional release,” in which a
Hospital in Washington, D.C. The word is derived person who is already committed and residing in
from the French verb oublier, meaning “to forget.” a psychiatric hospital is released to the community
Such inhumane forms of seclusion were also more on the condition that he or she follows through
commonly called “strong rooms.” with an outpatient treatment program. Outpatient
commitment has been used infrequently due to
the extra responsibility it places on psychiatrists,
outpatient care The concept that mentally ill who must first initiate a legal proceeding and go to
persons could still live in the community and yet court to testify. Psychiatrist E. Fuller Torrey is an
come to a clinic or hospital for outpatient treat- advocate of outpatient commitment.
ment was first put into practice by the Pennsyl-
vania Hospital in Philadelphia (at its Pine Street Torrey, E. F. Surviving Schizophrenia. 2nd ed. New York:
location) in November 1885. Although “nerve clin- Harper & Row, 1988.
ics” offering primarily HYDROTHERAPY and various
tonics were established almost two decades earlier
in Philadelphia (1867) and Boston (1873) for what ovariotomy The surgical removal of the ovaries
would later be called NEURASTHENIA , Pennsylva- in a woman was thought to be a cure for severe
300 ovariotomy

mental disorders. French surgeon Jules-Émile mies and ovariotomies were also considered a cure
Péan (1830–98) performed the first ovariotomy for schizophrenia according to the focal theory of
in France in 1864 and performed what may have infection of American psychiatrist Henry Cotton,
been the first such operation for the treatment who performed such operations on patients with
of hysteria in 1882. In the late 19th century, it schizophrenia at the Trenton State Hospital in New
was performed on women suffering from HYSTE- Jersey around 1920.
RIA following the theory of Jean Martin Charcot See also FOCAL INFECTION AS CAUSE OF PSYCHOTIC
that the disorder had a sexual basis. Hysterecto- DISORDERS.
P300 event-related potential One of the pro- padded room A single-person room lined with rub-
posed BIOLOGICAL MARKERS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA ber and cork in which agitated mental patients were
found in EEG STUDIES. incarcerated. The first padded room was invented
by Ferdinand AUTENREITH (1772–1835) for use in
German asylums. Throughout the 19th century and
pacifick medicines The 18th-century term for into the 20th, practically every large institution for
drugs given to the mentally ill to “calm” or perhaps the care of the mentally ill possessed such a room for
“subdue” them. They were commonly derivatives the seclusion of violent or agitated patients.
of OPIUM. The modern term for such drugs might
be “tranquilizers.”
See also ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS. paleologic thought A term coined by Silvano
A RIETI for the type of primitive logic that under-
lies the thought processes of all schizophrenics. It
Packard, Elizabeth Parsons Ware See COMMITMENT. is the particular laws of this type of logic that Ari-
eti proposes lead to delusions. Arieti also argues
that the thought processes of very young children
packing (as treatment) Until well into the 20th and people in primitive societies also manifest this
century, a common method for treating agitated type of logic. Paleologic thought was believed to
persons with mental disorders. It involved pack- be a developmentally earlier type of thinking than
ing the patients in wet sheets, usually cold, and Aristotelian logic, which Arieti says is the “usual
then wrapping them further in several blankets. logic of the normal human being.”
Sometimes these sheets were saturated with mus-
tard, which acted as an irritant and thus caused Arieti, S. Interpretation of Schizophrenia. 2nd ed. New York:
such agony in patients that they eventually suc- Basic Books, 1974.
cumbed to exhaustion. This practice is said to have
been invented in 1840 by a Silesian peasant named
Priessnitz, who gained a reputation for treating Papua New Guinea In 1929 physician and
physical illness by applying cold-water wet packs. anthropologist C. G. Seligman reported that he
This technique was first used on the mentally ill found no cases of psychotic disorders in Papua New
in 1860 in the Sussex County Asylum in England Guinea native villages living a traditional life-style
by Dr. Lockhart Robinson. It was finally judged an but found several cases among those “natives” who
inhumane form of treatment and abandoned in were in close contact with Europeans. A major
the 20th century. study conducted by E. Fuller Torrey, B. G. Burton-
Bradley, and colleagues in the early 1970s found
Williams, D. “Baths.” In A Dictionary of Psychological Med- that the prevalence rates for schizophrenia differed
icine. Vol. 1., edited by D. H. Tuke. London: J. & A. greatly across the country. However, Torrey con-
Churchill, 1892. cludes: “Papua New Guinea provides another case

302 paralytic insanity

study in which schizophrenia appears to be more sions “diastrephia” and distinguished them from
common in areas with longer contact with West- the major forms of psychosis, the “Vesania typica,”
ern civilization and rare in areas with little such which were chronic and deteriorating. In 1893, in
contact.” the fourth edition of Psychiatrie, Emil Kraepelin
introduced the concept of “Verrückheit (Paranoia)”
Torrey, E. F. Schizophrenia and Civilization. New York: Jason which was a “durable delusional system in the
Aronson, 1980. presence of an intact personality.” In this edition
of his textbook, in which he introduced the term
dementia praecox for the first time, he identified a
paralytic insanity See GENERAL PARALYSIS OF THE chronic degenerative psychotic disorder which he
INSANE. calls “dementia paranoides.” In the sixth edition
of Psychiatrie (1899), dementia paranoides would
become the paranoid subtype of dementia praecox.
paranoia A psychotic disorder described since In this edition he distinguishes between dementia
antiquity in which a person has a fixed false belief praecox and paranoia:
about reality. This has been the traditional mean-
ing of the word DELUSIONS in English, the word The delusions in dementia praecox are extremely
délire in French, and Wahn in German since at least fantastic, changing beyond all reason, with an
the 16th century. Insanity has often been defined absence of system and a failure to harmonize them
by the presence of delusion, and so these two terms with events of their past life; while in paranoia
were used interchangeably. These false beliefs are the delusions are largely confined to morbid inter-
the result of faulty logical reasoning, and although pretations of real events, are woven together into
they may dominate the person’s mental life, usu- a coherent whole, gradually becoming extended
ally their intellectual ability and general global to include even events of recent date, and con-
level of functioning remain intact. This has tra- tradictions and objections are apprehended and
ditionally distinguished paranoia from either explained.
depressive illness. Paranoia thus has been regard- By the end of the 1800s, paranoia referred to
ing as a third class of psychotic disorders that fall a whole class of fixed delusions that dominated a
in-between these two major insanities identified person who did not deteriorate further into demen-
by Emil K RAEPELIN in the sixth edition of his text- tia praecox or MANIC-DEPRESSIVE ILLNESS, as in the
Throughout most of the 19th century psy- These could be delusions of persecution, jealousy,
chiatrists did not use the word paranoia for these grandiosity, erotomania, hypochondria, litiginous,
delusional disorders. Delusion, insanity, délire, and so on. Today, such a broad class of delusions
and Verrücktheit (in German) were most often the is seen as “types” of a larger “delusional disorder”
terms used for paranoia. Starting in the 1850s, in DSM-IV-TR (2000) or “persistent delusional disor-
French psychiatrists began to identify and clas- ders” in ICD -10 (1992). Paranoia is no longer viewed
sify specific delusions (such as “delusions of per- as an independent class of psychotic disorders in its
secution,” identified by Ernest-Charles Lasegue own right, and paranoid now referring to delusions
in 1852, the later the identification and classifi- of persecution specifically. In the early 1980s, lit-
cation of “systematized” delusions in the work of erature reviews by noted schizophrenia researcher
Valentin Magnan and his colleagues starting in Kenneth Kendler concluded that the available evi-
the 1880s). Likewise, in German psychiatry there dence indicates that paranoia is not a subtype of
was a growing acknowledgement that some per- manic-depressive illness and that “paranoia and
sons could have fixed delusions and not undergo schizophrenia are distinct syndromes.”
intellectual impairment or further deterioration in Since the 1913 volume of the eighth edition of
functioning. In 1863 Karl KAHLBAUM called delu- Kraepelin’s Psychiatrie, there has been a continuum
paranoid schizophrenia, or paranoid type 303

of paranoid disorders from paranoia to PARAPHRE- paranoid-nonparanoid distinction, the It has

NIA (a deteriorating form of paranoia resembling become clear after decades of research that there
dementia praecox, in that hallucinations may be are some fundamental differences between the
present, but the delusions remain systematic and paranoid subtype of schizophrenia and the three
there is no intellectual deterioration), then finally nonparanoid subtypes. Persons with the nonpara-
the dementia paranoides subtype of dementia noid forms of this disorder tend to be more disor-
praecox. In DSM-IV-TR this continuum is reflected ganized and to have more formal thought disorder,
in the increasing severity of paranoid personality more overall cognitive deterioration, an earlier age
disorder to delusional disorder (paranoid type) to of onset, and a poorer prognosis than those persons
schizophrenia (paranoid type). diagnosed with the paranoid subtype. In cognitive,
perceptual and behavioral studies of schizophre-
Kendler, K. S. “Nosology of Paranoid Schizophrenia and nia, many differences have been demonstrated to
Other Paranoid Psychoses,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 7 exist between these two major divisions of schizo-
(1981): 594–610. phrenia. Much of this research has been sum-
marized in the special 1981 issue of Schizophrenia
Bulletin (vol. 7, no. 4) devoted to paranoia.
paranoia erotica A now-defunct term for EROTO-
MANIA , it was coined and first described by psychi-
atrist L. Bianchi in 1906. He felt that this type of paranoid personality disorder This is nonpsy-
delusional syndrome could sometimes occur alone chotic disorder in which a person maintains a
without any other evidence of a psychotic disorder pervasive and unwarranted tendency, beginning
and that it “occurred often in individuals of defec- before early adulthood, to interpret the words and
tive sexual life, not much inclined to copulation, actions of people as deliberately demeaning or
sometimes in old maids who have never had an threatening. These sorts of persons often expect to
opportunity of marrying.” be hurt or exploited in some ways by others, read
“hidden meanings” into the harmless remarks or
Bianchi, L. A Textbook of Psychiatry, trans. J. H. MacDonald. actions of others, and are generally hypersensitive
London: Baillière, Tindall & Cox, 1906. and easy to anger. They usually bear grudges for-
ever, are generally somewhat humorless and are
often interested in mechanical devices or electron-
paranoid cognitive style A concept derived from ics. Such persons are often sensitive to rank and
COGNITIVE STUDIES OF SCHIZOPHRENIA , it refers often are jealous of those in positions of power
to the fact that people diagnosed with paranoid and disdain those persons of lower rank. It is not
schizophrenia have a unique way of responding exactly known how this personality disorder is
to perceptual, cognitive, and behavioral tasks in related to schizophrenia, paranoid type, or to the
experiments. Paranoid cognitive style is charac- delusional (paranoid) disorders.
terized by a “jump to conclusions” strategy—that
is, such persons give a response to an ambigu-
ous stimulus (for example) without really having paranoid schizophrenia, or paranoid type One of
enough information in the first place to make a the classic forms of DEMENTIA PRAECOX and SCHIZO-
reasonable correct response. Paranoid cogni- PHRENIA. In DSM-IV-TR (2000) the “paranoid type” is
tive style is also marked by a certain rigidity of defined as “preoccupation with one or more delu-
thought processes and a reliance on verbal infor- sions or frequent auditory hallucinations” and the
mation processing. absence of “disorganized speech, disorganized or
catatonic behavior, or flat or inappropriate affect.”
Magaro, P. A. “The Paranoid and the Schizophrenic: The The classic AUDITORY HALLUCINATIONS are of voices.
Case for Distinct Cognitive Style,” Schizophrenia Bul- The delusions are “bizarre” and do not seem to be
letin 7 (1981): 632–661. based on a faulty logical premise, as is the case
304 paraphrenia

in DELUSIONAL DISORDER. Delusions of persecu- COX , FORMAL THOUGHT DISORDER is usually absent,
tion (“The pope is turning my family against me and there is little or no deterioration of the rest of
and stealing my money”) and grandiosity (“I am the personality. Like dementia praecox, Kraepelin
Christ”) are common. thought that paraphrenia was a chronic disorder,
The current paranoid type of schizophrenia is a but that unlike dementia praecox it did not lead
descendant of the syndrome named and described to dementia. Kraepelin identified four subtypes
by Emil K RAEPELIN in the 1893 fourth edition of of paraphrenia: systematica (the most common
his textbook, Psychiatrie. In that edition, Krae- type), expansive, confabulans, and phantastica.
pelin introduced DEMENTIA PRAECOX for the first In terms of the severity of the paranoid psychotic
time (which was essentially the same syndrome as disorders described by Kraepelin, paraphrenia
HEBEPHRENIA , identified in 1871 by Ewald Hecker), occupies a midpoint between paranoid dementia
and placed it alongside CATAONIA and DEMENTIA praecox (the most severe disorder) and paranoia
PARANOIDES as forms of “psychic degenerative pro- (the least severe of the three).
cesses.” Dementia paranoides differed from an ear-
lier description of PARANOIA by Karl K AHLBAUM in Kendler, K. S., and M. T. Tsuang. “Nosology of Paranoid
terms of its sudden onset and its deteriorating course, Schizophrenia and Other Paranoid Psychoses,” Schizo-
resulting in “feeble-minded confusion.” In 1899 phrenia Bulletin 7 (1981): 594–610.
dementia praecox became a comprehensive cat-
egory of degenerative psychoses, and the “paranoid
form” was subsumed under it along with catatonic parataxic distortion A term used by American
and hebephrenia. In 1911 Eugen BLEULER kept the psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Harry Stack Sulli-
paranoid type as one of his forms of schizophrenia. van (1892–1949) to identify one of the three devel-
This subtype has remained relatively unchanged up opmental modes of experience through which all
to the current time. However, although subtypes humans pass: the prototaxic, the parataxic, and
of schizophrenia have been a part of clinical lore, the syntaxic. Experiences in the parataxic mode
at present there is no hard scientific evidence from are often fragmented, momentary states of being
biological, genetic, or longitudinal studies that the that have no logical connections or relationship
various subtypes of schizophrenia are independent between them. Sullivan thought that this mode of
disorders. In the course of the life of a person with experience, usually found only in very young chil-
schizophrenia it is not unusual for them to have dren, characterized many schizophrenic adults,
symptoms from one or more of the classic subtypes, leading to distorted interpretations of interper-
thus blurring the vision we have of the variants of sonal situations. This happens by incorrectly infer-
this tragic disorder. ring casual relationships between events that are
actually independent. If parataxic distortions are
Kendler, K. S., and M. T. Tsuang. “Nosology of Paranoid not corrected, Sullivan felt that the schizophrenic
Schizophrenia and Other Paranoid Psychoses,” Schizo- would then receive less and less “consensual vali-
phrenia Bulletin 7 (1981): 594–610. dation” and that this lack of respect and validation
for the thoughts and feeling of the afflicted person
would only serve to increase problems in his or her
paraphrenia The term, no longer in use, for a day-to-day interpersonal relationships.
type of paranoid MENTAL DISORDER that was intro-
duced by Emil K RAEPELIN in the 8th edition of his Sullivan, H. S. In The Interpersonal Theory of Psychiatry,
Psychiatrie, which was published in four volumes edited by H. S. Perry and M. L. Gawel. New York: W.
between 1909 and 1913. Paraphrenia is a paranoid W. Norton, 1953.
psychotic disorder in which people may present
fantastic or bizarre delusions that are somewhat
organized and accompanied by hallucinations; parergasia A term coined by Adolf M EYER for
but, unlike the paranoid form of DEMENTIA PRAE- schizophrenia. Meyer attempted to rename all the
pathognomy 305

major mental disorders based on concepts from an antiparkinsonian agent such as AMANTADINE
his own theory of “psychobiology.” None of his (trade name Symmetrel), BENZTROPINE (Cogentin),
proposed terms—including this one—were ever biperiden (Akineton), DIPHENHYDRAMINE (Benad-
adopted by mainstream psychiatry. ryl), or trihexyphenidyl (Artane).

Gelenberg, A. J. “Psychoses.” In The Practitioner’s Guide to

paresis See GENERAL PARALYSIS OF THE INSANE. Psychoactive Drugs. 2nd ed., edited by E. L. Bassuk, S. C.
Schoonover, and A. J. Gelenberg. New York: Plenum,
Parkinsonism The cluster of Parkinsonian symp-
toms that is induced as a side effect of treatment
with ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS. The signs and symp- Parkinson’s disease and psychosis See MEDICAL
toms are very much like those found in Parkin- DISORDERS THAT MIMIC PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS.
son’s disease, which was first described by British
physician and surgeon James Parkinson (1755–
1824) in 1817 in his treatise Essay on the Shaking pathogen Something that causes a disease process.
Palsy. However, Parkinson’s disease is caused by
an unknown pathological process of the nervous
system, whereas Parkinson’s syndrome is a drug- pathognomonic Certain signs and symptoms
induced disorder. are said to be pathognomonic of a particular dis-
Parkinson’s syndrome is characterized by a triad ease if they alone can identify the presence of that
of signs: tremor, rigidity, and AKINESIA (also called particular disease. Although this may be true for
BRADYKINESIA). The tremor is worse when the per- many medical disorders whose physiological basis
son’s afflicted body part is at rest, and it is usually is quite well known and can be diagnosed through
found in the hands, often with the thumb rubbing physical measurements, such is not the case for
against the pad of the index finger to produce a mental disorders. For example, because DELUSIONS
“pill-rolling” movement. However, the wrists, and HALLUCINATIONS can occur in many disorders
elbows, head, or almost any other body part can (and sometimes in normal persons), they would
experience tremor. Rigidity is the increase in the not be considered pathognomonic of SCHIZOPHRE-
normal resting tone of a body part and is usually NIA. No single symptom alone is pathognomonic of
only detectable upon physical examination. Aki- schizophrenia.
nesia (an absence of motion) or bradykinesia (a See also FIRST-RANK SYMPTOMS.
slowness of motion) are more commonly found
earlier in Parkinson’s syndrome than in Parkin-
son’s disease. The bradykinetic person may have pathognomy A 19th-century pseudoscience that,
a masklike face, with diminished expressiveness like phrenology and PHYSIOGNOMY, influenced the
and less frequent eye blinking. The body is turned development of psychiatry as a science. Patho-
“en bloc,” as if the person were a solid mass with- gnomy (also called “movable physiognomy”) was
out joints. The slowed movements may make the the study of the various expressions of the human
person seem apathetic or “zombie-like,” and drool- face as they reflect different emotions and underly-
ing can often occur. ing musculature, and particularly as they reflect the
Parkinson’s syndrome can develop in per- inner emotional states of the mentally ill. The inter-
sons who are taking antipsychotic drugs within nationally acclaimed Scottish anatomist, physiolo-
weeks to months after the beginning of therapy. gist, and neurologist Sir Charles Bell (1774–1842)
Women and elderly persons are the most com- of Edinburgh was one of the earliest to take a scien-
monly affected. Treatment for this syndrome may tific interest in the expressions of mentally ill per-
include lowering the dosage of antipsychotic drugs, sons, and in his 1806 book, Essays on the Anatomy
switching to a less potent drug and/or introducing of Expressions in Painting, he compares the expres-
306 pauper lunatics

sions of “madness” with those found in “lower ani- An analogous term today might be the “homeless
mals” and attributed them to fear and terror. Bell mentally ill.”
was a gifted illustrator and included a sketch of a
typical “outrageous maniac” that he observed on a
visit to the ROYAL BETHLEM HOSPITAL (“Bedlam”) in Pavlov’s theory of schizophrenia The famous
July 1805. In his book he gives advice to painters Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov (1849–1936),
on “what ought to be represented as the prevailing who influenced the field of learning by establish-
character and physiognomy of a madman,” and in ing the importance of the autonomic nervous sys-
doing so, Bell sets the following scene: tem in the phenomenon known as “conditioned
reflexes” (the discovery of which led to a Nobel
You see him lying in his cell regardless of every Prize in 1904), became interested in SCHIZOPHRE-
thing, with a death-like fixed gloom upon his NIA after several visits to a Russian psychiatric
countenance. When I say it is a death-like gloom, I hospital in 1918. Pavlov was particularly inter-
mean a heaviness of the features without knitting ested in catatonic patients and in his writings
of the brows or actions of the muscles. compared them to animals that had been experi-
If you watch him in his paroxysm you may see mentally conditioned. In early articles (1919), he
the blood working to his head; his face acquires a interpreted the behavior of catatonic schizophren-
darker red; he becomes restless; then rising from ics as resulting from an inhibition of the cerebral
his couch he paces his cell and tugs his chains. cortex of the brain, specifically a motor inhibi-
Now his inflamed eye is fixed upon you, and his tion (inhibition of voluntary movement). Later
features lighten up into an inexpressible wildness (1930) Pavlov theorized that schizophrenia was
and ferocity. a chronic state of hypnosis caused by hereditary
and learned weakness of the cells of the cerebral
The famous Scottish physician Alexander Mori- cortex. Pavlov felt that the disease might begin as
son (1779–1866), who in 1822 delivered the first a learned response but later becomes organic in
formal lectures in psychiatry in Great Britain, pub- nature.
lished a textbook in several editions that discussed
the pathognomy of mental illness and included Pavlov, I. P. “Last Communications on the Physiology and
a series of relevant illustrations of patients who Pathology of the Superior Nervous Activity,” Journal of
represented various diagnostic categories. In his Mental Science 80 (1934): 187–197.
Outlines of Lectures on Mental Diseases (1826), Mori-
son writes: “The appearance of the face, it is well
known, is intimately connected with, and depen- peas therapy Yet another of the bizarre somatic
dent upon, the state of mind.” He continued his treatments for psychotic disorders and other MEN-
research on the pathognomy of mental disorders TAL DISORDER s in the 18th and 19th centuries, peas
and in 1840 published a textbook with 108 origi- therapy involved the creation of a head wound into
nal drawings of the facial expressions of the men- which strings of dried peas would be inserted. It
tally ill, The Physiognomy of Mental Diseases. Many was thought that this would work as a counter-
of the expressions depicted would be similar to irritant to the irritation of the brain within the
those seen on the faces of persons with psychotic skull that was causing the insanity. It was report-
disorders in the psychiatric hospitals and wards of edly used by the famous Scottish physician James
today. Cowles Prichard (1786–1848), who in his day was
one of the most eminent alienists in Britain.
Gilman, S. L. Seeing the Insane. New York: Wiley, 1982.

pedigree A diagrammed ancestral line of descent

pauper lunatics A term especially popular in (a “family tree”) that is used in GENETICS STUDIES
the 19th century for the destitute mentally ill. to analyze the inheritance of psychiatric disorders
perceptual anomalies in schizophrenia 307

or other associated characteristics. It is often more Copper, T. C. “Pellagrous Insanity,” American Journal of
difficult to determine correct pedigree information Insanity, 1928, pp. 945–952.
for genetics studies of psychiatric disorders than
for studies of other types of illnesses. Often family
members may be inaccessible or uncooperative, or, penetrance In GENETICS STUDIES, the proportion
as in the case of people with schizophrenia, who of persons with a given GENOTYPE that actually
tend to produce fewer children than normals, the manifest a particular PHENOTYPE.
families may simply be too small to do a thorough
study. Researchers often try to minimize the limi-
tations to pedigree studies by locating and study- peptides and schizophrenia A peptide is an inter-
ing “geographical isolates,” that is, communities mediate level of biochemical synthesis between
that have been in one place for many generations amino acids and proteins. A protein is composed
and have not interbred very much with groups of one or more peptides. Some of these protein
from other areas. The geographical isolation itself, particles have been demonstrated to have signifi-
as well as consanguineous marriages (marriages cant effects on behavior. Neuropeptides have been
within the same bloodlines), helps to minimize demonstrated to act as NEUROTRANSMITTERS, and
the probability that the illness that is being studied therefore it has been suggested that a neuropep-
for its possible genetic transmission is due to more tide abnormality in the brain might be a possible
than one genetic variant. contributing cause of SCHIZOPHRENIA. However, an
informed review of the existing studies thus far by
Pardes, H., et al. “Genetics and Psychiatry: Past Discover- Herbert Meltzer in 1987 concludes, “It should be
ies, Current Dilemmas, and Future Directions,” Ameri- clear from this brief review that there is as yet no
can Journal of Psychiatry, 146 (1989): 435–443. clear evidence for a neuropeptidergic mechanism
in schizophrenia.” Nonetheless, he recommends
the exploration of the relationship between neu-
pediluvia One of the inhumane somatic treatments ropeptides and schizophrenia as a possibly fruitful
for mental illness used in the 19th century in which area of research for the future.
the legs of patients were plunged into vast amounts
of water containing an irritating substance. Meltzer, H. Y. “Biological Studies in Schizophrenia,”
Schizophrenia Bulletin 13 (1987): 77–111.

pellagrous insanity Pellagra is a disease caused

by a deficiency of niacin. The term is derived from perceptual anomalies in schizophrenia It has
two Italian words meaning “skin” and “rough.” long been known that persons who are undergo-
Pellagra was first described in the 1730s in Spain, ing a brief psychotic episode or who have a chronic
and its symptoms include diarrhea, dermatitis, psychotic disorder have quite a different sensory
and in its latter stages, mental disorders such as experience of the world than those who are not psy-
DEPRESSION and DEMENTIA. Thus, many persons chotic. Although many attempts have been made by
who survived into the final stages of this disorder clinical observers (as well as by writers in fictional
needed institutional care, usually in psychiatric treatments of madness) to understand and describe
hospitals. Although cases of pellagra are rela- this “other worldliness” of psychosis, it was not until
tively uncommon today, it was estimated that in the 1960s that the first scientific studies attempted
1917 there were 125,000 cases of pellagra in the to find a measure that could quantify the phenom-
United States, primarily in the southeastern states. enology of the ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS
However, it was estimated that only 4 percent to found in psychosis, and specifically in SCHIZOPHRE-
10 percent of persons with pellagra (“pellagrins”) NIA. The perceptual anomalies caused by the inges-
went on to develop the psychotic disorder known tion of hallucinogenic substances such as peyote or
as “pellagrous insanity.” LSD led to their early label as “psychotomimetic”
308 perceptual delusions

or “psychosis-mimicking” drugs. Disorders of atten- into eternity. Events become discontinuous, or

tion in schizophrenia have often suggested that a time sensation becomes erratic.
“filtering” mechanism that separates out meaning- 9. Abnormal space perception: For example,
ful from peripheral information is dysfunctional micropsia, dysmegalopsia; space expands.
in persons with schizophrenia, and so along these 10. Distortion of bodily perception: The limbs feel
lines some theorists have suggested that “percep- light or heavy, or as though they are coming
tual dyscontrol” may be a useful way of attempting apart. The nose, hands, face, feet, or hips seem
to describe and understand the mysterious symp- to have changed size. The skin texture or body
toms of this psychotic disorder. odor seems different, the head feels odd or
In a 1976 paper published in Schizophrenia Bul- numb.
letin, psychiatrist Lionel Corbett lists the follow- 11. Hallucinations, including hallucinatory memory.
ing perceptual anomalies found in people with 12. Changes in the perception of emotion: The
schizophrenia: experience of having lost all feelings; changes
in the feeling tone of perceptions—for exam-
1. Changes in stimulus intensity control: ple, the touch of normal objects becomes
• Enhancement; increased vividness of sounds, charged with unpleasant affect. Sometimes
colors, appetite, even to the point of pain. percepts become unduly imbued with ecstatic,
• Diminution; sensations become muted; aware- wonderful feelings.
ness is deadened.
2. Shifts in quality: Objects change size, faces See also ATTENTION, DISORDERS IN ; PSYCHEDELIC
swell, printed words rearrange themselves EXPERIENCES IN SCHIZOPHRENIA ; SUBJECTIVE EXPE-
and zigzag; sudden changes in gestalts occur. RIENCES IN SCHIZOPHRENIA.
3. Abnormal concomitant perceptions: Each true
stimulus is accompanied by a second sensa- Corbett, L. “Perceptual Dyscontrol: A Possible Organizing
tion; for example, every word heard is associ- Principle for Schizophrenia Research,” Schizophrenia
ated with a pain in the head. Bulletin 2 (1976), 249–265.
4. Abnormal perceptual alienation: Things and
people look strangely different; voices sound
unreal; the world looks fresh, exciting, and perceptual delusions See DELUSIONAL PERCEPTION.
overpoweringly beautiful or uncanny and
menacing. Sometimes perceptions lose their
meaning, so that sounds, faces, and speech do perinatal factors hypothesis Because genetics
not make any sense. cannot account for 100 percent of the causes of
5. Splitting of perceptions: For example, a bird SCHIZOPHRENIA , many theorists have postulated that
is heard chirping, but the bird and its song there may be environmental causes of this brain
seem separated as though they do not belong disease. One possibility that has attracted atten-
together. tion is that certain factors surrounding the birth of
6. Loss of perceptual constancy: Depth per- the person who later develops schizophrenia may
ception and perspective are lost, so that contribute to or actually cause the disease itself.
everything looks two-dimensional and flat. Among the first to investigate these perinatal fac-
Buildings seem to be crumbling, the steep- tors was researcher W. Pollin and colleagues in the
ness of stairs cannot be judged, the edges of mid-1960s. Many other investigators have followed
rooms curve. suit and have examined a variety of possible factors
7. Failure of gating: The perceptual world is in the development of schizophrenia. For example,
flooded with uncontrolled images, originating in examining birth weight as a perinatal factor, it
both internally and externally. has been found that in those pairs of MONOZYGOTIC
8. Abnormal time perception: Time speeds, TWINS (“identical twins”) discordant for schizo-
slows, stands still, or the moment expands phrenia (that is, one has it and the other doesn’t),
pervasive developmental disorders 309

the “normal” twin is usually the one who weighed McNeil, T. F. “Perinatal Factors in the Development of
more at birth and is usually born first. Other stud- Schizophrenia.” In Biological Perspectives of Schizophre-
ies (conducted in the 1970s by Sweden’s Thomas F. nia, edited by H. Helmschen and F. Henn. Chichester,
McNeil and colleagues) indicate that birth compli- England: John Wiley & Sons, 1987.
cations are more likely to have occurred in the ill Pollin W., et al. “Life History Differences in Identical
twin of monozygotic twins discordant for schizo- Twins Discordant for Schizophrenia,” American Journal
phrenia, thus suggesting that given identical genes, of Orthopsychiatry 36 (1966): 492–509.
environmentally induced injuries may influence
the later expression of the illness.
Perhaps the most important study of the role of perphenazine See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.
pregnancy complications and the risk of schizo-
phrenia was conducted by Christiana Dalman and persecutory delirium See DELUSIONS, PERSECUTORY.
colleagues in Sweden and published in 1999. In
this longitudinal cohort study, Sweden’s National
Birth Register was linked to the National Inpa- persecutory type According to DSM-IV (1994), the
tient Register. The researchers followed up on the variant of delusional disorder in which the pre-
lives of 507,516 children born between 1973 and dominant theme of the person’s delusion is that the
1977 with regard to a diagnosis of schizophrenia afflicted person (or someone that he or she is close
between 1987 and 1995. They found 238 cases that to) is being deliberately mistreated or threatened
matched. Using Sweden’s detailed central medical in some way. Persons with this disorder may con-
databases, they also had access to data on physical tinually complain to landlords, the police, or the
and psychiatric illnesses in the mothers. Risk fac- FBI, for example, about being mistreated. Persons
tors that increased the risk of schizophrenia in a with this disorder are often resentful and angry
newborn were (1) preeclampsia (hypertension in and may become violent toward those they believe
the mother that is also an indicator of fetal malnu- are persecuting them. This is the most common
trition), which was the only statistically significant subtype of delusional disorder.
risk factor, (2) vacuum extraction from the womb See also PARANOIA.
during birth, and (3) minor physical abnormalities
in the fetus. These problems are caused by (1) mal-
nutrition during fetal development, (2) extreme perseveration The tendency to continue to repeat
prematurity, and (3) hypoxia or ischemia around particular behavior long after it is necessary to per-
the time of birth. form it. Persons with brain damage often perse-
Other perinatal factors that have been investi- verate, since it seems that the ability to inhibit an
gated in schizophrenia research are the mother’s impulse to perform an action once it has started
nutritional status at the time of the birth of the is impaired, thus causing the organically impaired
child, complications arising during the delivery of person to repeat ritually the same activity over and
the child, possible hypoxia due to postnatal apnea in over again. Due to the evidence for the underlying
the newborn, intracranial hemorrhages, the imme- organic basis of schizophrenia, it is not surprising
diate postnatal living environment of the newborn, to at times find such behaviors in people with this
and possible exposure to infectious diseases. Cur- disorder.
rently, new research on perinatal factors is being
conducted in the area of fetal neural development.
See also FETAL NEURAL DEVELOPMENT AND persistent delusional disorders See DELUSIONAL

Dalman, C., et al. “Obstetric Complications and the Risk

of Schizophrenia,” Archives of General Psychiatry 56 pervasive developmental disorders See CHILD-
(1999): 234–240. HOOD SCHIZOPHRENIA.
310 PET scan

PET scan A type of BRAIN IMAGING TECHNIQUE or ferences to a particular drug can be used as a use-
neuroimaging technique that measures regional ful marker of vulnerability. No such marker has
brain metabolism. The acronym stands for posi- yet been discovered for schizophrenia using a
tron emission tomography, and the first published pharmacologic challenge.
report of its use was in a paper by L. Sokoloff in
1977. PET scans examine functional changes in
the brain, specifically: (a) biochemical changes pharmacotherapy of the psychotic disorders See
such as oxygen metabolism, glucose metabolism, ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.
and changes in neurotransmitter receptor num-
bers, and (b) changes in physiological parameters,
such as regional blood flow and blood volume. phenocopy An individual who exhibits a trait
PET uses computer-generated images, displayed that is due to nongenetic factors.
as if they were slices of the brain. These images
serve to map and quantify metabolic changes
throughout the brain. Through either intrave- phenomenology of schizophrenic experience See
nous or inhaled means, the subject is adminis- ALTERED STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS ; PERCEPTUAL
tered “tracer agents” that have been tagged with ANOMALIES IN SCHIZOPHRENIA ; SUBJECTIVE EXPERI-
a short-lived (usually two to four hours) positron- ENCES OF SCHIZOPHRENIA.
emitting isotope. A variety of brain functions can
be studied with PET since hundreds of different
tracer agents can be tagged with positron-emitting phenothiazine Technically, the parent chemi-
isotopes. The PET scanner follows the course of cal compound for the synthesis of a large number
the positron emissions and translates these signals of ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS, including promethazine
into pictures. and CHLORPROMAZINE. By the late 1940s, research-
The first published report of the use of PET in ers had discovered all the major chemical groups
schizophrenia research was a preliminary report that are currently used in psychopharmacology. At
on a single chronic schizophrenic subject by T. about this time it was discovered that prometha-
Farkas and colleagues in 1980. The first published zine, a phenothiazine derivative, effectively poten-
controlled study of PET using schizophrenics and tiated the sedative properties of barbiturates (the
normal control subjects was produced by M. S. type of drugs primarily used for mental illness
Buchsbaum and colleagues in 1982. for the first half of the 20th century) when used
together but was useless when used alone. There-
Farkas, T., et al. “The Application of [18F] 2-deoxy-2-flu- fore, researchers sought to develop other pheno-
oro-D-glucose and Positron Emission Tomography in thiazines that might have a stronger effect. This
a Study of Psychiatric Conditions.” In Cerebral Metabo- was achieved in 1949 when Charpentier synthe-
lism and Neural Function, edited by J. V. Passonneau et sized chlorpromazine (trade name: THORAZINE).
al. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1980. By 1952 the antipsychotic effect of this drug had
been documented in published reports, and it was
approved for use with persons with psychotic dis-
pharmacologic challenge A method employed in orders in the United States in 1954.
GENETICS STUDIES to search for markers of vulner-
ability by administering drugs in subclinical doses
for a limited period of time. A selected drug is given phenotype An observable trait in a person, phys-
both to persons who are thought to be genetically ical or behavioral, surmised to be due genetics.
vulnerable to the later development of a disease
and to normals. If the two groups respond differ-
ently, then the difference in response is attributed Philadelphia Association, the See L AING, RON-
to genetic differences. At that point, response dif- ALD DAVID.
physical disease and schizophrenia 311

photophilia in schizophrenia It has been reported were found in those persons, especially males, who
by many observers of people with psychotic disor- had an earlier age of onset for schizophrenia. None
ders that they sometimes exhibit photophilic (sun- of these anomalies, particularly the head circum-
loving) or photophobic (sun-avoiding) tendencies. ference anomalies, were found to be related to cog-
Schizophrenics in particular have been observed nitive performance, confirming a conclusion that
in sun-gazing activities, sometimes resulting in Philippe P INEL made in 1801: “I have also taken, by
damage to the retina. Psychiatrist Hector Gerbaldo means of a caliber compass, the dimensions of the
suspects that people with schizophrenia have a heads of different persons of both sexes, who had
decreased sensitivity to light, and that this may been, or who were at the time in a state of insanity.
be important later in understanding the relation- I generally observed that the two most striking vari-
ship between SCHIZOPHRENIA and photosensitive eties, the elongated and the spheroidal skulls are
neuroendocrine processes (neural and hormonal found indifferently and bearing, at least, no evident
processes that are stimulated by sunlight). It has relation to the extent of the intellectual faculties.”
been hypothesized that psychotic symptoms may See also PERINATAL FACTORS HYPOTHESIS.
be tied in with natural biological rhythms, and
therefore the study of photophilia in schizophre- Green, M. F. “Minor Physical Anomalies in Schizophre-
nia may shed light on chronobiological studies of nia,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 15 (1989): 91–99.
the psychotic disorders. Pinel, P. A Treatise on Insanity, trans. D. D. Davis Shefield.
1801. Reprint, England: W. Todd, 1806.
Gerbaldo, H., B. Thaker, and S. Cassady. “Sun Gazing and
Photophilia in Schizophrenia,” American Journal of Psy-
chiatry 148 (1991): 693. physical disease and schizophrenia The belief
in the existence of a relationship between physi-
cal and mental illness has a long history. Indeed,
physical abnormalities in schizophrenia Many throughout the centuries it has been reported that
investigators looking for “biological markers” of severe physical illnesses can sometimes alleviate
schizophrenia have found minor physical abnor- the symptoms of mental illness, as was the basis for
malities in schizophrenia, confirming, somewhat, the rationale for FEVER THERAPY. Many studies have
the approach of the study of PHYSIOGNOMY. Minor examined the risk factors for specific physical ill-
physical anomalies (PAs) are often defined in nesses to which persons with SCHIZOPHRENIA may
research studies as slight defects of the head, hands, or may not be susceptible. A 1988 review of this
mouth, hair, eyes, ears, and feet. Generally, most vast area of research by psychologist Anne Harris
researchers believe that these anomalies are due to of Arizona State University has concluded that: (a)
perinatal factors and are associated with injury or persons with schizophrenia may be at increased
unusual development during the first trimester of risk for breast cancer and possibly for cardiovascu-
pregnancy, since this is the most critical period for lar disease, (b) persons with schizophrenia seem
the development of the epidermis, hair, ears, nose, to have a decreased risk for developing rheumatoid
and eyes. Between 1967 and 1989 the only five arthritis or lung cancer (even in light of the fact that
studies of PAs in schizophrenics that have ever been so many of them are heavy smokers), and (c) the
conducted have all found positive results. In a 1989 overall risk for cancer is, however, greater in per-
study by M. F. Green and colleagues at the UCLA sons with PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIA than in those
Research Center in Camarillo, California, schizo- diagnosed with the other subtypes. The problem
phrenic patients had significantly more physical with these studies, however, is that the risk factors
anomalies than the normal control group subjects. for particular disease may one day be found to have
They also found that the most common anomalies nothing to do with the schizophrenic disease pro-
in schizophrenics were anomalies of the mouth and cess per se in individuals but instead may be deter-
unusual head circumference, especially in women. mined by the effects of antipsychotic medication or
In addition, the more prevalent physical anomalies other as yet unknown confounding factors.
312 physiognomy

Harris, A. H. “Physical Disease and Schizophrenia,” Schizo- ber of the “Esquirol Circle,” Etienne-Jean Georget
phrenia Bulletin 14 (1988): 85–96. (1795–1828), commissioned the painter Géricault
to paint 10 studies of “lunatics,” all of which were
“monomaniacs.” Later in the 19th century, Cesare
physiognomy The attempt to gain insight into a Lombroso (1836–1909) studied criminal behavior
person’s character or personality based on his or her and believed that certain physical characteristics in
physical characteristics (particularly facial expres- a person were “stigmata of degeneracy” that could
sions) dates from at least Aristotle, who, in the Phys- identify the “criminal type.”
iognomica (a book attributed to him), suggested that In the 20th century, German psychiatrist Ernst
people have the temperament of animals they may Kretschmer (1888–1964) correlated body type and
resemble. In 1775 J. K. Lavater published his Physi- constitution with specific mental disorders in his
ognomische Fragmente, which attempted to construct famous book Körperbau und charakter (1921). The
a classification system of character based on facial ASTHENIC TYPE was thought to characterize schizo-
expressions. In a later work published in Paris, L’Art phrenics. In the United States, American psychol-
de connaitre les hommes par la physionomie (1806), ogist William H. Sheldon (1899–1977) correlated
Lavater explains that “physiognomy is the science various psychotic disorders with body types and
or knowledge of the correspondence between the proposed that certain very thin individuals called
internal and external man, the visible superficies ectomorphs would be more likely to develop schizo-
and the invisible contents.” Franz Joseph Gall’s phrenia than endomorphs, who were heavier and
(1758–1828) influential pseudoscience of phrenol- more likely to develop manic-depressive psycho-
ogy (which dominated psychiatric thought between sis. Similarly, American psychiatrist Alexander
the 1820s and 1840s) likewise drew attention to the Lowen, a disciple of Wilhelm Reich’s “bioenerget-
relationship between physiology and mental facul- ics analysis,” combined physiognomy and psycho-
ties, with the structure of the skull allegedly related analytic thought by identifying the “schizophrenic
to structural characteristics of the brain that were character” and the “schizoid character” in his writ-
correlated with specific mental functions. Phrenol- ings of the 1950s.
ogy had a profound effect on the history of psy-
chiatry, since it conclusively introduced the (then) Cooter, R. “Phrenology and the British Alienists, ca.
controversial notion that the mind had a primarily 1825–1845.” In Madhouses, Mad-Doctors, and Madmen:
physiological basis in the brain. The Social History of Psychiatry in the Victorian Era, edited
It has long been proposed that specific psychotic by A. Scull. London: Athlone Press, 1981.
disorders could be diagnosed in part through the Goldstein, J. Console and Classify: The French Psychiatric Pro-
physical characteristics of a particular individual. fession in the Nineteenth Century. Chicago: Chicago Uni-
This early protoscientific attempt to understand the versity Press, 1987.
“biological markers” of mental illness involved the Lowen, A. Physical Dynamics of Character Structure: Bodily
study and classification of the physiognomy of the Form and Movement in Analytic Therapy. New York:
“insane.” Philippe P INEL devoted considerable effort Grune & Stratton, 1958.
to measuring the size and shapes of the heads of Sheldon, W. H. The Varieties of Human Physique. New York:
many of his institutionalized patients as well as “a Harper Brothers, 1940.
great number of skulls in different museums,” find-
ing only a relationship between skull size and shape
and mental retardation. He devotes a whole section pica The eating of nonfood substances (e.g., dirt,
to the topic—“Of Malconformation of the Skulls of paint chips, hair, cloth). Pica can sometimes be the
Maniacs and Idiots”—in his 1801 A Treatise on Insan- result of a person’s psychotic disorder, particularly
ity. Pinel’s pupil, J. E. D. ESQUIROL (1772–1840) in severe cases of chronic schizophrenia.
maintained a large collection of plaster casts of the
faces of institutionalized patients at the Salpêtrière
in Paris. During the early 1820s, another mem- pimozide See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.
polydipsia 313

Pinel, Philippe (1745–1826) A French ALIENIST given the placebo should not show any difference
and one of the most important figures in the devel- in affect, behavior, or other areas, whereas those
opment of modern psychiatry. In 1793, following persons in the experimental group who are given
the French Revolution, Pinel was appointed chief an actual drug should indeed show such differ-
physician at the BICÊTRE asylum in Paris, where ences. The word is derived from a liturgical hymn
he became famous for freeing more than 50 male from the Roman Catholic church, specifically, the
patients from their chains. (Although the action first antiphon of the vespers for the dead: “Placebo
was initiated by Jean-Baptiste Pussin, not Pinel.) Domino in regione vivorum” (“I shall be pleasing
In 1795 he became the head of the other major to the Lord in the land of the living”).
asylum in Paris at that time, the Salpêtrière,
where he was also known for his humane philoso-
phy of treatment, which he later called the MORAL platelet MAO activity hypothesis See ENZYME
TREATMENT. His 1801 textbook, Traité médico-phi- DISORDER HYPOTHESIS.
losophique sur l’alienation mental ou la maine, is one
of the long-standing classics of psychiatry and had
a profound effect on the classification and treat- Poland Although no conclusive studies have
ment of the mentally ill worldwide. He is credited been conducted in Poland, the prevalence rate for
(along with John H ASLAM of England) with pro- schizophrenia is estimated to be higher than in
viding the first complete description of a case of most countries. This is based on data from Aus-
schizophrenia in 1809. tralia, England, and the United States, which
concludes that Polish immigrants (as well as Rus-
Goldstein, J. Console and Classify: The French Psychiatric Pro- sian and, in some studies, Swedish immigrants)
fession in the Nineteenth Century. Chicago: Chicago Uni- have very high rates of first admission to psychi-
versity Press, 1987. atric hospitals when compared with other ethnic
Riese, W. The Legacy of Philippe Pinel: An Inquiry into Thought groups.
on Mental Alienation. New York: Springer, 1969.
Torrey, E. F. Schizophrenia and Civilization. New York: Jason
Aronson, 1980.
Pinel-Haslam syndrome, the The proposed name
for the type of schizophrenia that according to
CROW’s HYPOTHESIS is called “Type II” schizophre- polydipsia This is a medical term for frequent
nia—the type that is characterized by NEGATIVE drinking because of excessive thirst. Polydipsia
SYMPTOMS, is more organically based, and has an is a commonly observed behavior in people with
earlier onset and a more chronic course. This term psychotic disorders. Although studies have indi-
was first proposed by M. Altschule in 1967 as a cated that 6 percent to 17 percent of all chronically
replacement for the term schizophrenia. ill psychiatric patients manifest this behavior, 69
See also HISTORICAL EVIDENCE OF SCHIZOPHRENIA. percent to 83 percent of people diagnosed with
SCHIZOPHRENIA do so. Both relatives and institu-
Altschule, M. D. “Whichophrenia, or the Confused tional caretakers of people with schizophrenia
Past, Ambiguous Present, and Dubious Future of the can acknowledge that this is a very common activ-
Schizophrenia Concept,” Journal of Schizophrenia 1 ity, but the reason for it still remains a matter of
(1967): 8–17. conjecture. Irrational or psychotic thoughts that
encourage drinking, the mouth dryness caused
by ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS, and the hyperactivity
placebo A harmless, impotent substance that of the thirst centers in the hypothalamus in the
can be given to a patient and affects that person brain have all been posited as contributing to this
through suggestion. Placebos are important in test- behavior. However, polydipsia can be dangerous,
ing the efficacy of new drugs, since control groups as it can lead to abnormally low concentrations of
314 polygenetic theory

sodium ions in the circulating blood, which is a poor houses See ALMSHOUSES.
condition known as hyponatremia. The constant
drinking of water can lead to water intoxica-
tion, with such symptoms as confusion, lethargy, portmanteau word This is a word that has two
the worsening of psychotic symptoms, and even separate meanings “packed” into it in a forced
death. Perhaps the earliest case report of a per- fit. Persons with psychotic disorders, particularly
son with schizophrenia engaging in dangerous schizophrenia, can sometimes create such NEOL-
polydipsia was reported in 1938 by Barahal, who OGISMS that are usually quite meaningless. For
described an example “in which a female demen- example, the “pillfill” might be a word for the little
tia praecox patient drank excessive quantities of plastic cup in which a nurse hands a patient his or
tap water resulting in edema, coma, convulsions, her medication. Author Lewis Carroll coined the
with subsequent recovery.” Other terms for this term in his novel Through the Looking Glass (1872).
syndrome have been compulsive water drinking, self-
induced water intoxication and psychosis, psychogenic
polydipsia, primary polydipsia, and psychosis-intermit- positive symptoms Specifically, DELUSIONS and
tent hyponatremia-polydipsia (PIP) syndrome. The pri- HALLUCINATIONS. Positive symptoms have been
mary treatment remains fluid restriction and the postulated to be the characteristic symptoms of
removal of exacerbating factors. “Type I” schizophrenia by British researcher Timo-
thy Crow and are thought to be related to increased
Barahal, H. S. “Water Intoxication in a Mental Case,” Psy- dopamine receptors in the brain. However, CROW’s
chiatric Quarterly 12 (1938): 767–771. HYPOTHESIS has been challenged by prominent
Illowsky, B. P., and D. G. Kirch. “Polydipsia and Hypo- schizophrenia researcher Herbert Meltzer of Case
natremia in Psychiatric Patients,” American Journal of Western Reserve University, who argues that the
Psychiatry 145 (1988): 675–683. connection between increased DOPAMINE activity
and positive symptoms is not clear-cut, and indeed
dopamine activity may be related to NEGATIVE
polygenetic theory See DIATHESIS-STRESS THEORIES. SYMPTOMS as well.
polymorphic psychotic symptoms A term used in
ICD -10 (1992) to distinguish a syndrome of psychotic Berrios, G. E. “Positive and Negative Symptoms and Jack-
symptoms found in ACUTE AND TRANSIENT PSYCHOTIC son: A Conceptual History,” Archives of General Psychia-
DISORDERS that are not characteristic of the longer- try 42 (1985): 95–97.
term symptoms found in SCHIZOPHRENIA. Polymor- Meltzer, H. Y. “Dopamine and Negative Symptoms in
phic symptoms are rapidly changing and variable, Schizophrenia: A Critique of the Type I-II Hypothesis.”
changing from hour to hour or day to day. These In Controversies in Schizophrenia, edited by M. Apert.
symptoms include HALLUCINATIONS, DELUSIONS, per- New York: Guilford Press, 1985.
ceptual disturbances, and emotional turmoil (irrita-
bility and anxiety, although sometimes alternating
with feeling of ecstasy and happiness). possession syndrome Since antiquity there have
been numerous reports of persons who claim to
be “possessed” by evil spirits. French ALIENIST J. E.
polypharmacy The mixing of several drugs in D. ESQUIROL referred to this syndrome in the 19th
one prescription. Psychiatrists are often cautious century as CACODEMONOMANIA. Case histories of
about the possible dangers of such a practice, since such persons continue to appear from time to time
care must be taken when prescribing, for example, in modern psychiatric literature. More than likely,
an antipsychotic, an antidepressant, and an ANTI- such persons are experiencing a DISSOCIATIVE DISOR-
PARKINSONIAN DRUG all at the same time. DER in which a person’s consciousness, memory, and
predisposing factors 315

identity are split into two or more separate personal- ing and especially directly following childbirth were
ity states or personalities. Many persons who were related to the production (or lack of production) of
thought to be “possessed” over the centuries may milk (see LACTATION PSYCHOSES). In 1838 French
have instead been afflicted with multiple personality alienist J. E. D. ESQUIROL observed that fully one-
disorder, with the switching of alternate personali- twelfth of the women admitted to the SALPÊTRIÈRE
ties leading to a supernatural explanation. However, in Paris became psychotic after giving birth.
in persons with schizoprenia, it is not uncommon to Research into the types of psychotic disorders that
encounter reports that the person feels “possessed” are brought on by childbirth has resulted in con-
or has delusions about being possessed by evil spir- flicting conclusions over the years. In a major study
its, malevolent family members, and so on. published in 1969 by Protheroe in England, almost
The belief in possession is so widespread that an twice as many cases of manic-depressive psychosis
exhaustive study of 488 randomly selected societ- were reported as cases of schizophrenia. In some
ies in 1968 by cultural anthropologist Erika Bour- previous studies, more cases of schizophrenia were
guignon of Ohio State University found that 74 reported as postpartum or puerperal insanity. One
percent of them had some sort of belief in posses- of the best sources of information on postpartum
sion, and many had ritualized forms of “possession psychotic disorders is the chapter titled “Postpar-
trance” that were accepted among religious practi- tum Schizophrenic Psychoses” in Silvano A RIETI’s
tioners. Due to the influx of many immigrants into book Interpretation of Schizophrenia (1974). Today,
the United States and Canada from South America with the use of synthetic hormones, ANTIPSYCHOTIC
and the Carribean, where there are many cultures DRUGS and psychotherapy, such psychotic episodes
that promote such beliefs and religious practices, in women rarely become chronic illnesses.
clinicians are encountering more and more exam-
ples of such cases. Arieti, S. Interpretation of Schizophrenia. 2nd ed. New York:
Basic Books, 1974.
Bourguignon, E. Possession. San Francisco: Chandler & Protheroe, C. “Puerperal Psychoses: A Long-Term Study,
Sharp, 1976. 1927–1961,” British Journal of Psychiatry 115 (1969):
Goodman, F. D. How about Demons? Possession and Exorcism 9–30.
in the Modern World. Bloomington: Indiana University
Press, 1988.
McAll, R. K. “Demonosis or the Possession Syndrome,” postpsychotic depression See DEPRESSION.
International Journal of Social Psychiatry 17 (1971): 150–
Noll, R. Vampires, Werewolves and Demons: Twentieth Cen- poverty of content of speech Also known as Alo-
tury Case Reports in the Psychiatric Literature. New York: gia, one of the NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS of schizophre-
Brunner/Mazel, 1991. nia. According to DSM-III-R (1987), this is “speech
that is adequate in amount but conveys little infor-
mation because of vagueness, empty repetitions, or
postpartum psychosis The phenomenon that still use of stereotyped or obscure phrases.”
occurs from time to time in which a psychotic epi-
sode (usually a psychotic depression) or more seri-
ous psychotic disorder (such as schizophrenia or poverty of speech One of the NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS
bipolar disorder) seems to be induced by the stress of schizophrenia, it is reduction in the amount and
of childbirth. It was first described by the French frequency of speech.
physician Charles Lepois (1563–1633), who thought
it was due to an excess (plethora) of dark humors
(see HUMORAL THEORY OF MENTAL ILLNESS). Well into predisposing factors Any fact of a person’s life,
the 1800s some physicians believed that the severe whether genetic or environmental, that may
mental disorders suffered by women shortly preced- increase the likelihood that that person will
316 prefrontal lobotomy

develop a specific disease. For example, in both Enoch, M. D., and W. H. Trethowan. Uncommon Psychiat-
schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, a family his- ric Syndromes. 2nd ed. Bristol, England: John Wright &
tory that includes several afflicted persons with the Sons, 1979. (The chapter on the couvade syndrome is
same psychotic disorder is a strong predisposing an exemplary resource.)
factor to the possible development of the disease. Small, G. W. “Pseudocyesis: An Overview,” Canadian Jour-
See also HIGH-RISK STUDIES ; RISK FACTORS. nal of Psychiatry 31 (1986): 452–457.

prefrontal lobotomy See LOBOTOMY. premorbid functioning The physical, psycho-

logical and interpersonal level of functioning of a
person before the first clear signs of a mental dis-
pregnancy complications and schizophrenia See ease process are apparent. Another, older term for
PERINATAL FACTORS HYPOTHESIS. this is “premorbid personality.” In schizophrenia
it has generally been found that persons with the
paranoid subtype have a higher level of premor-
pregnancy delusions A commonly encountered bid functioning than those with the nonparanoid
type of delusion found in both women and men subtypes. Premorbid functioning is a factor in the
with severe psychotic disorders, usually schizo- PROCESS-REACTIVE DISTINCTION IN SCHIZOPHRENIA ,
phrenia. A man may claim, for example, that he with “process” schizophrenics being characterized
has been pregnant for nine years. by poor premorbid history and “reactive” schizo-
In persons who may not have psychotic dis- phrenics having a much better premorbid level of
orders, there have been many cases on record functioning.
of women who have developed a psychosomatic See also AGE AT ONSET ; COURSE AND OUTCOME OF
syndrome in which they may fully believe they SCHIZOPHRENIA.
are pregnant and at times mysteriously manifest
many of the symptoms of pregnancy but may not
actually be so. With this mysterious syndrome— prenatal factors See FETAL NEURAL DEVELOPMENT
called pseudocyesis (a term coined by John AND SCHIZOPHRENIA ; PERINATAL FACTORS HYPOTH-
Mason Good in his Physiological System of Nosol- ESIS ; RISK FACTORS.
ogy in 1823)—women may report morning sick-
ness or feeling fetal movements, and, incredibly,
the abdomen may enlarge and the breasts may prepsychotic panic A commonly reported phe-
enlarge and actually begin to produce milk. This nomenon by people who later develop a full psy-
psychosomatic disorder has been reported since chotic episode or disorder. It is the crucial point in
300 B.C. when Hippocrates, the father of medi- the person’s life when he or she realizes that his
cine, wrote about women “who imagined they or her experiences of the world are aberrant, and
were pregnant, seeing the menses suppressed and this engenders a sense of isolation and loneliness.
the matrices swollen,” treating 12 such cases him- Fear, terror and sheer panic are experienced by
self. Although modern technology has allowed the individual who experiences the world as split-
the early detection of pregnancy and has elimi- ting or crumbling. It may very well be the point
nated most cases of pseudocyesis, the continued at which the person realizes he or she is losing
rare occurrence of such cases has led to a new control and will soon no longer be able to function
scientific name for the syndrome: the galactor- in a healthy way. Many people enter treatment
rhea-amenorrhea hyperprolactinemia syndrome, at this point and can be helped with pharmaco-
or GAHS. A related syndrome in men is couvade, therapy and psychotherapy, although many still
from the French for to “brood” or “hatch,” and it go on to develop a psychosis. American psychia-
essentially refers to what is conventionally known trist Harry Stack Sullivan described just such a
as “sympathetic labor pains.” “schizophrenic panic,” which he thought was the
private madhouses 317

result of an extreme injury to self-esteem or sense rational form of thought that typifies normal wak-
of self. Silvano A RIETI describes this initial stage ing consciousness. The principal drive behind pri-
of “prepsychotic panic” in the development of a mary process, according to Freud, is the pleasure
full case of schizophrenia as follows: “when the principle, whereas the primary motivation behind
patient starts to perceive things in a different way, secondary process is the reality principle. Freud
is frightened on account of it, appears confused, developed the distinction between primary and
and does not know how to explain ‘the strange secondary process as early as 1895 in his “Project
things that are happening.’ ” for a Scientific Psychology” but developed these
ideas in more detail in his book, The Interpretation
Arieti, S. Interpretation of Schizophrenia. 2nd ed. New York: of Dreams.
Basic Books, 1974.
Sullivan, H. S. Conceptions of Modern Psychiatry. New York: Laplanche, J., and J. B. Pontalis. The Language of Psycho-
Norton, 1953. Analysis, trans. D. Nicholson-Smith. New York: W. W.
Norton, 1973.

prepsychotic personality See LATENT SCHIZOPHRENIA.

primary symptoms of schizophrenia See FUNDA-
pressured speech This is one of the hallmarks
of a MANIC EPISODE. It occurs when a person is
rapidly talking in great bursts and is difficult, if primitive thinking See MAGICAL THINKING.
not impossible, to interrupt. Often the person is
speaking very loudly and emphatically and with-
out any prompting from anyone else. Indeed, such prison psychosis See GANSER’S SYNDROME.
persons may continue to speak even though no
one is listening. Beside manic episodes, pressured
speech may occur in persons who are diagnosed private madhouses Common in France, Ger-
with schizophrenia, an organic mental disorder, many, and especially Britain in the 18th and
major depression with psychomotor agitation, 19th centuries, these were privately owned
other psychotic disorder, or in short-term reac- “madhouses” for mentally ill people with money.
tions to stress. Those without money—the “pauper lunatics”—
sometimes had their costs paid by local church
parishes. The earliest of the private madhouses
prevalence of schizophrenia See EPIDEMIOLOGY. were developed in England in 1615 (the Kings-
down house at Box, closed finally in 1940), but
they did not become a popular practice until the
primary process According to Sigmund F REUD, next century. Most were owned by business-
this is the type of psychological process that is men, not medical professionals, and many were
characteristic of the unconscious. From the point run by women—usually the wives, widows, and
of view of psychoanalysis, primary process is the daughters of the owners. Some of these private
most primitive and infantile form of psychologi- madhouses were passed on for many generations
cal activity, and it is most evident in dreams, fan- within the same family.
tasies, and hallucinations. A psychotic episode or Private madhouses were a profit-making enter-
psychotic disorder would then be considered the prise, and scandals and abuses were frequent. In
eruption or intrusion of this primitive and infan- 1706 British author Daniel Defoe wrote an essay
tile mode of experience into consciousness. Pri- calling for the abolition of private madhouses
mary process is to be distinguished from secondary because of the inhumane treatment prevalent in
process, which is the more logical, sequential, and so many of them. It was finally a novel, Hard Cash,
318 proband

by British author Charles Reade (1814–84), that his or her lifetime. Therefore, it is also sometimes
ignited the movement for reform in the 1860s. referred to as the “poor premorbid/good premor-
Hard Cash (first published in England in 1863, bid” distinction, or, by some, the “poor progno-
and then in the United States in 1864 under the sis/good prognosis” distinction (see PREMORBID
title Very Hard Cash) is the story of a sane young FUNCTIONING).
man who is diabolically committed to a private Eugen BLEULER first discussed the differences
asylum by his business associates who covet the between psychotic disorders that were based on
young hero’s wealth. Reade based the novel on an a “morbid reaction to an affective experience”
actual incident in his own life in which he was (such as an emotional shock or stressor), which he
instrumental in gaining the release of a young called reactive psychoses or situation psychoses,
man who was wrongfully committed to a pri- and those psychoses based on a “morbid process in
vate madhouse. Prior to being released as a novel, the brain,” which he termed process psychoses or
Reade’s Hard Cash was first serialized in a periodi- progressive psychoses. However, as Bleuler notes
cal edited by Charles Dickens, All the Year Round, in the fourth edition (1923) of his Textbook of Psy-
and both of these men were attacked by the Brit- chiatry, “no (diagnostic) division can be based on
ish Medical Journal for being irresponsible in mak- these classes because the two symptomatologies
ing “diabolical charges upon the character of all intermingle.”
medical men connected with the management of However, based on Bleuler’s observation about
lunatics.” psychotic disorders in general, the idea was fur-
ther developed by others that some persons with
Ackerknecht, E. H. “Private Institutions in the Genesis of schizophrenia could have a variety of the disease
Psychiatry,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine 60 (1986): caused by an organic disease of the brain and
387–399. another variety that seemed to be induced as a
Parry-Jones, W. L. The Trade in Lunacy: A Study of Private reaction to stress or other environmental fac-
Madhouses in England in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth tors. Revising some proposals for studying the
Centuries. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1972. problem of prognosis in schizophrenia first put
forth in a 1937 article, in 1956 Gabriel Langfeldt
(1895–1983) of Norway proposed that schizo-
proband In GENETICS STUDIES, the proband is the phrenics who had a poor premorbid history (that
person in a given PEDIGREE diagnosed with the dis- is, a long-term history of poor social, occupa-
ease. Relationships between that person and oth- tional, and psychological functioning perhaps
ers in the family are then studied to determine dating from childhood) be called process schizo-
possible patterns of genetic transmission. Another phrenics. Furthermore, Langfeldt also argued
name for proband is INDEX CASE or “propositus” that these persons generally had a poor prognosis
(plural: probands or propositi). and a lifelong history of long-term institutional-
ization. Langfeldt noticed that there was another
type of schizophrenia characterized by persons
process-reactive distinction in schizophrenia, who may have had a generally good premorbid
the This distinction is one attempt to further dif- history and who develop an acute onset of symp-
ferentiate the possible subtypes of schizophrenia. toms rather than the slow, insidious development
The process-reactive distinction divides persons of symptoms found in process schizophrenics.
with schizophrenia into two groups based on dif- Furthermore, these persons had a better chance
ferences in premorbid personality, the course of of recovery than those with process schizophre-
the disease, and its PROGNOSIS. The idea is that nia. Langfeldt called this reactive disorder schizo-
the premorbid history of a person who develops phreniform psychosis.
schizophrenia and the rapidity with which the Throughout the years, the process-reactive dis-
first symptoms appear are related to how well or tinction has been given many other names as well.
ill the person eventually becomes in the course of These clinical dichotomies have been termed true
prognosis 319

schizophrenia/schizophreniform, demential prae- prochlorperazine See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.

cox/schizophrenia, typical schizophrenia/atypi-
cal schizophrenia, chronic schizophrenia/episodic
schizophrenia, and degenerative schizophrenia/ prodromal phase The prodromal phase is the
psychogenic schizophrenia. period prior to the full expression of psychotic
Decades of research that has divided schizo- symptoms (DELUSIONS, HALLUCINATIONS, etc.) in
phrenia into these two forms has proven useful, for which there is a clear deterioration in a person’s
significant differences have been found between previous level of functioning. Often during this
the two types of persons with schizophrenia. Pro- period the person will tend to withdraw from
cess schizophrenics tend to perform more poorly social situations, perhaps begin to exhibit poor
on cognitive, perceptual, and behavioral tasks in grooming and hygiene or express odd or bizarre
experiments. Reactives perform closer to normals ideas. Often the person’s affect will become rather
on these tasks. Process schizophrenics are also blunted, or he or she may express it inappropriately
more likely to have NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS, which (e.g., laughing to him- or herself in the middle of a
is to be expected if this is a form of the disorder serious discussion). Sometimes he or she will have
that seems to be the most organic and genetically perceptual abnormalities and may seem to have
based. Reactive schizophrenics tend to demonstrate lost a zest for life by developing a lack of initiative
a fuller range of affect and have shorter hospital- or energy. Insensitive family members or friends
izations and fewer admissions than process schizo- may accuse the person of being “lazy” when in fact
phrenics. The paranoid subtype of schizophrenia this is not really the case. Often those who know
tends to be more common among those in the reac- the person who is undergoing the prodromal phase
tive category, whereas the nonparanoid subtypes of schizophrenia will comment on that fact that he
tend to be found among those considered process or she “is no longer the same person.” The length
schizophrenics. of the prodromal phase is extremely variable, per-
The process-reactive distinction has been haps weeks in some cases to many years in others.
important for understanding schizophrenia. One The poor premorbid adjustment of “process schizo-
of the most consistent research findings is that the phrenics” (see the PROCESS-REACTIVE DISTINCTION
premorbid level of social functioning is an impor- IN SCHIZOPHRENIA) may be due to the presence of
tant factor in determining the prognosis of cases the prodromal phase of the illness.
of schizophrenia, although it is not 100 percent See also AGE AT ONSET.
predictive and must be considered with other fac-
tors. This vast literature is reviewed by J. Higgins
in a 1969 article, and in 1977 an entire issue of prognosis The foretelling of the probable course
Schizophrenia Bulletin (vol. 3, no. 2) was devoted to and outcome of a disease. Even after more than
the issue of the premorbid adjustment aspect of the a century of scientific research on schizophre-
process-reactive distinction. nia, it is impossible to predict with any certainty
the course and outcome of any individual case of
Bleuler, E. Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie. 4th ed. Berlin: Springer, schizophrenia.
1923. (English translation, 1924.) Much attention has been paid to the prognosis of
Higgins, J. “Process-Reactive Schizophrenia,” Journal of schizophrenia. Indeed, Emil K RAEPELIN’s classifica-
Nervous and Mental Disease 149 (1969): 450–465. tion of the psychotic disorders was based on progno-
Langfeldt, G. “The Prognosis in Schizophrenia and the sis, with dementia praecox representing the types of
Factors Influencing the Course of the Disease,” Acta psychosis that follow a chronic degenerating course,
Psychiatrica et Neurologica Scandinavica Supplementum and MANIC-DEPRESSIVE PSYCHOSIS being the type of
no. 13 (1937). psychotic disorder that has a better outcome. Within
———. “The Prognosis in Schizophrenia,” Acta Psychiat- the field of schizophrenia research specifically, the
rica et Neurologica Scandinavica Supplementum no. 110 concept of “poor prognosis/good prognosis” types of
(1956). schizophrenia has been examined in depth.
320 projection

In Surviving Schizophrenia: A Family Manual, psy- this is an indication of poor prognosis. If the CT
chiatrist E. Fuller Torrey lists the following factors, scan results are normal, then the prognosis is
which, when considered together in an individ- much better.
ual’s unique history, help to determine whether 8. Response to medication. One of the strongest indi-
that person fits in the good prognosis or the poor cators of prognosis is response to ANTIPSYCHOTIC
prognosis group: DRUGS. If the initial response to antipsychotic
medication is weak, then the prognosis is far
1. History of adjustment prior to onset of illness. This worse, especially since these drugs are the first
has often been regarded as perhaps the most line of defense against the debilitating effects of
important factor. If the person seemed rela- schizophrenia.
tively normal prior to the obvious onset of 9. Clinical symptoms. Torrey lists a number of
schizophrenia, then the chances for a better symptoms that may appear during the first
outcome are greater than for those who may schizophrenic episode that he states “can be
have seemed “odd,” withdrawn, or delinquent used as predictive factors.” Initial symptoms
since childhood. that indicate a good outcome are the presence
2. Gender. Women have a much better prognosis of (a) paranoid symptoms, (b) catatonic symp-
for schizophrenia than men. Women have a toms, (c) depression or other emotions, (d) a
later AGE AT ONSET than men, shorter hospital previous diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder,
stays, and fewer relapses. (e) symptoms that are not typical of schizo-
3. Family history. A family history of schizophre- phrenia, and (f) confusion (“I don’t under-
nia often indicates a poor prognosis, especially stand what is happening to me!” is an example
if the blood relationship is close between the Torrey gives). Initial symptoms that indicate
INDEX CASE and the affected relatives. A good a poor outcome are the presence of (a) NEGA-
outcome is suggested by no family history of TIVE SYMPTOMS such as flat or blunted affect,
schizophrenia or psychiatric disorders, or, as it apathy, extreme social withdrawal, poverty of
turns out, if there is a history of depression or speech, blocking, etc., and (b) obsessive and
bipolar illness in the family. compulsive symptoms.
4. Age of onset. The earlier schizophrenia devel-
ops and is diagnosed in a person, the worse the See also COURSE AND OUTCOME OF SCHIZO-
potential outcome will be. Alternatively, those PHRENIA ; GENDER DIFFERENCES IN SCHIZOPHRENIA ;
persons who develop schizophrenia relatively HIGH-RISK STUDIES ; LONGITUDINAL STUDIES ; PRO-
late (especially after age 30) have a much better CESS-REACTIVE DISTINCTION IN SCHIZOPHRENIA , THE.
5. Suddenness of onset. If the first symptoms come Stephens, J. H. “Long Term Prognosis and Follow-up
on rapidly, then the prognosis is much better in Schizophrenia,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 4 (1978):
than if the symptoms developed over a period 25–47.
of months or years. Torrey, E. F. Surviving Schizophrenia: A Family Manual. 2nd
6. Precipitating events. If there is a definite stress- ed. New York: Harper & Row, 1988.
ful situation or event that is pointed to as the
starting point for the onset of the schizophrenic
symptoms, the prognosis is good. This corre- projection In Sigmund F REUD’s psychoanalysis,
sponds to the “reactive schizophrenia” notion projection is a defense mechanism in which feel-
of a subtype that may be more environmentally ings, qualities, or wishes that the person refuses
induced and less genetically and organically to recognize or are rejected in him- or herself are
based. expelled (“projected”) from the self and located
7. CT scan findings. If a person who is diagnosed in another person, group, or thing. Projection is
with schizophrenia is given a CT scan and the one of the most primitive of the defense mecha-
ventricles of the brain are found to be enlarged, nisms and is prevalent in the psychotic disorders,
propfschizophrenia 321

particularly those involving PARANOIA or para- versus less talented ones. Although Rorschach
noid delusions. In fact, Freud first became aware conducted his initial experiments with the ink-
of the phenomenon of projection in 1895–96 blots in 1911, over the years he experimented with
when studying the mental processes involved in more than 300 psychiatric patients in asylums and
paranoia. clinics in Switzerland as well as normal persons.
Many of the institutionalized patients had psy-
chotic disorders, such as schizophrenia and manic-
projective tests Psychological tests that attempt depressive psychosis, and so it is with these types
to infer qualities of an individual’s personality of patients that Rorschach fine-tuned his famous
by analyzing the free responses he or she gives test. He finally published the results of his stud-
to selected stimuli. The idea is based on F REUD’s ies in 1921 in his famous book Psychodiagnostik
concept of PROJECTION. The answers given on a (Psychodiagnostics).
projective test are thought to contain information Projective tests for the purposes of diagnos-
about the unconscious wishes, fears, and desires ing schizophrenia (or other mental disorders) has
within a person, as well as give an idea of how, fallen into disrepute. From a scientific standpoint,
at a more conscious level, the person constructs they are unreliable.
reality and how approaches are taken to prob-
lem solving. Projective tests give a good idea of Jung, C. G. Experimental Researches: The Collected Works of
how strong a person’s defense mechanisms are, C. G. Jung. Vol. 2. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University
thereby indicating how strong the ego is and how Press, 1973.
well the person can deal with the demands of life Rabin, A. I. “Projective Methods: A Historical Introduc-
and of reality. Projective tests can use structured tion.” In Assessment with Projective Techniques: A Concise
stimuli (such as words for the Word Associa- Introduction, edited by A. I. Rubin. New York: Springer,
tion Test, or charcoal drawings for the Thematic 1981.
Apperception Test) or unstructured stimuli (such Rorschach, H. Psychodiagnostik. Bern und Leipzig: Ernst
as the various inkblot tests, especially the Ror- Bircher Verlag, 1921.
schach). What is interesting about the history of Weiner, I. B. Psychodiagnosis in Schizophrenia. New York:
projective tests is that they were first developed Wiley, 1966.
by clinicians using institutionalized people with
dementia praecox (schizophrenia) and other seri-
ous mental disorders. prolonged sleep therapy See SLEEP TREATMENT.
C. G. JUNG (1875–1961), the Swiss psychiatrist
and psychoanalyst, was the first to use a projective
test for diagnostic purposes with people with men- Prolixin See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.
tal disorders. Even though the Word Association
Test had been used by others in previous studies
to study the way the “normal,” rational, conscious propfschizophrenia A now-defunct term for a
mind works, Jung used the association test to dis- type of schizophrenia that was only thought to
cover the unconscious feelings, wishes, fears, and be found in a small number of persons who were
desires that revealed something about the deeper mentally retarded. It was considered to have an
aspects of the human personality. He experimen- onset after puberty and was characterized by para-
tally demonstrated the phenomenon of COMPLEXES noid episodes with delusions and hallucinations.
using these tests, and his published research Propfhebephrenia is another term formerly used for
(which appeared in journals between 1904 and the same concept. Oligophrenia was a term used
1910) made him world famous. for “mental defective” or “idiots” (as the mentally
Swiss psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach (1884– retarded were termed earlier in this century), and
1922) initially invented an inkblot test to exam- propfschizophrenia was often referred to as a vari-
ine the fantasy capacity of successful art students ety of this class of disorders.
322 propositus

propositus See PROBAND. TAL SYNDROME such as dementia without having

any underlying brain disease process. Sometimes
persons who are experiencing a major depres-
protein factors hypothesis Since the time of Emil sive episode may appear to have DEMENTIA due
K RAEPELIN, the search for a toxin or other substance to the seriousness of the vegetative signs. In rarer
that was to be found in the blood of schizophrenics cases, the PRODROMAL PHASE of schizophrenia may
has been reported from time to time. In many stud- resemble dementia in extreme instances.
ies the blood or urine of schizophrenics has been
analyzed, and substances that were assumed to be
protein factors have been singled out as being pos- pseudodementia syndrome See GANSER’S
sibly related to the cause of the disorder, or at least SYNDROME .
to the expression of its symptoms. Often these sub-
stances were isolated and then injected into other
organisms (e.g., cells, plants, animals), which then pseudologia fantastica The clinical term for
changed their usual behavior, thus indicating that “pathological lying.” The term is coined from two
quite possibly these substances were affecting the Greek words meaning “elaborate false speech.”
behavior of humans.
HYPOTHESIS. pseudoneurotic schizophrenia See BORDERLINE
Frohman, C. E., et al. “Evidence of a Plasma Factor in
Schizophrenia,” Archives of General Psychiatry 2 (1960):
255–262. pseudoschizophrenia syndrome A type of epi-
lepsy that resembles schizophrenia and is suppos-
edly characterized by its “hypnoid states.” This
pseudoabstraction A characteristic of the concept has never gained wide usage. Although
thought and language of some schizophrenics the relationship between convulsive disorders
who begin to use polysyllabic, highly abstract such as epilepsy and schizophrenia have been
words, perhaps taken from philosophy or the sci- investigated, no support has ever been found for a
ences, but without using them meaningfully or in pseudoschizophrenia syndrome.
the proper context. Silvano A RIETI remarks that
in a patient who is exhibiting pseudoabstraction, Zec, N. R. “Pseudoschizophrenic Syndrome,” Psychiat. et
“If we ask him to explain what he means with Neurol. 149 (1965): 197–209.
these big words, he will be unable to do so. He
will use other big words to accentuate the feeling
of confusion. . . . Various German authors have psychedelic experiences in schizophrenia With
very appropriately called this characteristic ‘talk- the advent of the “psychedelic revolution” in the
ing on stilts.’ ” mid-1960s, the metaphors supplied by the types of
experiences reported by persons who had ingested
Arieti, S. Interpretation of Schizophrenia. 2nd ed. New York: hallucinogenic substances (e.g., LSD, mescaline)
Basic Books, 1974. came to be applied to numerous areas of human
experience. In particular, the psychedelic meta-
phors were applied to the subjective experience of
pseudocyesis See PREGNANCY DELUSIONS. psychosis. Because many persons in the PRODRO-
MAL PHASE of schizophrenia and other psychotic
disorders report perceptual anomalies and other
pseudodementia Sometimes a person may phenomena related to ALTERED STATES OF CON-
exhibit signs and symptoms of an ORGANIC MEN- SCIOUSNESS, many investigators during this period
psychoanalytic theories of schizophrenia 323

began to turn their attention to the similarities one of the other psychotic disorders. Pierre JANET
between drug-induced hallucinatory states of introduced the term in 1903 in his book Les obses-
consciousness and psychotic experience (see PER- sions et la psychasthénie.
notable attempt at such a comparison was pub-
lished by Malcom Bowers and Daniel X. Freedman psychiatric social work In many instances, it is
in 1966. the nonmedical professionals such as social workers
Due to a long-standing tradition of roman- who are in the “frontlines” of the battle against the
ticizing “madness,” psychotic experiences were inhumane treatment of the mentally ill. It was only
compared with psychedelic experiences as pos- in the 1920s that the specialization of psychiatric
sible “transcendent” experiences, notably by R. social work came into existence, largely through
D. L AING. However, in a sharp critique of Laing’s the proliferation of “child guidance clinics” in the
“psychedelic model” of schizophrenia, Miriam United States and England. In the decades since,
Siegler, Humphrey Osmond, and Harriet Mann psychiatric social workers have provided critical
constructed a detailed comparison of the subjec- services for people with mental disorders in virtu-
tive experiences of psychedelic experiences with ally every aspect of community care.
those of schizophrenia and found many disturb-
ing differences. They make the analogy of the dif-
ference between good dreams, bad dreams, and psychiatry The medical profession devoted to
nightmares, with psychosis represented by the lat- the study and treatment of mental disorders. The
ter and psychedelic experiences by the first two. word psychiatry was first used in English in 1846
With the metaphoric fad of the 1960s no longer to refer to this profession. Other terms have been
in fashion, the psychedelic model of schizophre- medical psychologist or alienist, and in an earlier age
nia is no longer discussed in the literature on this these physicians were also known as mad-doctors
disorder. or lunatic doctors. The word is derived from the
See also SUBJECTIVE EXPERIENCES IN German term psychiaterie, which was first used in
SCHIZOPHRENIA. 1803 by the physician and student of mental ill-
ness Johannes Christian Reil (1759–1813) in a
Bowers, M., and D. X. Freedman. “Psychedelic Experi- book entitled Rhapsodies in the Application of Psychic
ences in Acute Psychosis,” Archives of General Psychiatry Methods in the Treatment of Mental Disturbances. The
15 (1966): 240–248. word psychiatrie was first used by Johann Christian
Laing, R. D. “Transcendental Experience in Relation to Heinroth (1773–1843), and Ernst von Feuchtersle-
Religion and Psychosis,” Psychedelic Review 6 (1965): ben (1806–1849) used the term psychiatrics for the
7–15. profession in 1845.
Siegler, M., and H. Osmond. Models of Madness, Models of
Medicine. New York: Macmillan, 1974. Hunter, R. A., and I. Macalpine, eds. Three Hundred Years
Siegler, M., H. Osmond, and H. Mann. “Laing’s Models of Psychiatry, 1535–1860: A History Presented in Selected
of Madness.” In R. D. Laing and Anti-Psychiatry, edited English Texts. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1963.
by R. Boyers and R. Orrill. New York: Harper & Row,
psychoanalysis See DIRECT ANALYSIS.

psychesthenia A disorder caused by the “exhaus-

tion” of the nervous system. It is related to the con- psychoanalytic theories of schizophrenia Sig-
cept of NEURASTHENIA in that the “wear and tear” mund F REUD coined the term psychoanalysis in 1896
of the “nerves” was thought to lead to a “nervous to refer to his philosophy and system of therapy that
breakdown,” which may result in some cases in was based on a careful analysis of internal uncon-
more serious disorders such as schizophrenia or scious processes. Although Freud did treat some
324 psychogenic psychoses

manic-depressives, he never treated schizophrenic of their anti-biological, anti-genetics, anti-labora-

patients (unlike his colleague, C. G. JUNG, who held tory science biases. Psychoanalysis continued to
a position in a psychiatric hospital for nine years). emphasize the exclusive master-apprentice model
Freud was very pessimistic about the treatment of of medical training that had been challenged circa
schizophrenia with psychoanalysis and tended to 1900 by those physicians who wanted to base
discourage it. He left few writings on the subject, medical therapeutics on laboratory findings, not
but this gap was filled by those psychoanalysts who general clinical “impressions” or vivid anecdotes.
came after him, notably Karl Abraham, Paul Fed- However, by 1980s it had become resoundingly
ern, Melanie Klein, Frieda F ROMM-R EICHMANN, clear that there was absolutely no empirical sup-
Leland Hinsie, John Rosen, Otto Fenichel, and port from cognitive neuroscience research for any
Harold Searles. of the claims made by Freud, Jung, Adler, and
According to Freud, schizophrenia involves a their followers.
withdrawal of libido from the objects of the exter- Historians of science now view psychoanalysis
nal world and into the self. This withdrawal of as a pseudoscience, not a scientific discipline. Psy-
energy into the self was termed by Freud a regres- choanalysis is to the 20th century what phrenol-
sion into a state of primary narcissism similar to ogy was to the l9th century and animal magnetism
that found in infants in a period before there is was to the 18th century.
any differentiation between ego, superego, or
id and before there is any discriminative ability Cioffi, F. Freud and the Question of Pseudoscience. Chicago:
between the inner and outer worlds. Because of Open Court, 1998.
this, Freud believed no transference could take Crews, F. Unauthorized Freud: Doubters Confront a Legend.
place between the schizophrenic patient and the New York: Viking, 1998.
analyst, and therefore no treatment could be pos- Dolnick, E. Madness on the Couch: Blaming the Victim in the
sible. Because the regression to a state of primary Heyday of Psychoanalysis. New York: Simon & Schuster,
narcissism characterized psychoses, he called them 1998.
narcissistic neuroses (as opposed to transference Gellner, E. The Psychoanalytic Movement: The Cunning of Unrea-
neuroses, which were the usual phenomenon in son. Evanston, Ill.: Northwest University Press, 1996.
psychoanalysis). Freud wrote in 1924 that in the
narcissistic neuroses “the resistance is unconquer-
able” and that psychoanalytic techniques there- psychogenic psychoses See REACTIVE PSYCHOSES.
fore “must be replaced by others; and we do not
know yet whether we shall succeed in finding a
substitute.” psychological research Although the search
The central aspect of the schizophrenic experi- for the biological basis for schizophrenia and the
ence, according to most psychoanalytic theorists, psychotic disorders has been a primary focus of
is the initial break with reality, after which the investigation since the 18th century (see ABLATION
ego returns to its original infantile, undifferenti- STUDIES), psychological experiments have given
ated state in which it is submerged or dissolved us much useful information on cognition, percep-
wholly or partially into the id. Although such tion, learning, language, memory, and behavior in
regressions may be found in normals, the schizo- these disorders. The current trend is to correlate
phrenic regresses to a fixation point in develop- the overall findings of these studies and match this
ment that is further back than any encountered in knowledge with the new discoveries gained by
the neuroses. biochemical techniques, brain imaging, and other
Psychoanalytic theories of schizophrenia domi- areas of scientific inquiry.
nated American psychiatry from the 1920s until Francis Galton founded the first psychological
the 1960s. Since biological research had turned up laboratory in England in 1884, and his Anthro-
no definite cause of schizophrenia, psychoanalysts pometric Laboratory collected data on more than
argued that this failure was in fact a confirmation 9,000 subjects. Galton charged his subjects a fee
psychosis 325

for providing them with their test results. How- activity is repetitious and nonproductive. When
ever, the first laboratory designated solely for the agitation is at a high level, some persons may
the application of the experimental method to scream, shout, or complain loudly. People with
psychology was founded in Leipzig, Germany, psychomotor agitation can be seen pacing, pull-
by Wilhelm Wundt in 1879. In the 1880s, many ing at their clothes or hair, wringing their hands,
Americans flocked to Germany to learn the exper- being unable to sit in one place for more than a
imental method (generally from Wundt), and few seconds, etc. When this type of behavior is a
subsequently between 1888 and 1895 many uni- side effect of ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS, the behavior is
versities and hospitals set up “psychological labo- called AKATHISIA .
ratories” to conduct research. Harvard University
was probably the first to do so in the United States,
but the eminent American philosopher and psy- psychoneurosis A nonpsychotic mental disorder
chologist William James (1842–1910), who taught of a purely psychological (and not organic) origin.
at Harvard, was not impressed with the experi- The word was introduced by Swiss neuropatholo-
mental method. Ridiculing the stereotypical gist Paul Charles Dubois (1848–1918) and was
obsessive-compulsive style of the Germans, James often used by Sigmund F REUD.
snidely remarks in the first volume of his land-
mark Principles of Psychology (1890), “This method
taxes patience to the utmost, and could hardly psychopathology The study of mental disorders.
have arisen in a country whose natives could be Despite the fact that mental disorders have been
bored. Such Germans as Weber, Fechner, Vierordt reported since antiquity, the clinical and descrip-
and Wundt obviously cannot …” tive categories now in use were only developed in
Emil K RAEPELIN was an admiring disciple of the 19th century.
Wilhelm Wundt and learned the techniques of See also K AHLBAUM , K ARL; NOSOLOGY.
psychological research from him. Kraepelin was
one of the first to conduct psychological association Berrios, G. E. “Descriptive Psychopathology: Conceptual
experiments on subjects who were given various and Historical Aspects,” Psychological Medicine 11 (1984):
drugs. Since Kraepelin defined DEMENTIA PRAECOX , 677–688.
he was arguably the first to conduct experimental
research on this disorder.
A useful summary of the psychological research psychose passionelle See EROTOMANIA.
on schizophrenia can be found in a review arti-
cle by A. I. Rabin, Stuart Doneson, and Ricky
Jentons in L. Bellak’s Disorders of the Schizophrenic psychosis The term psychosis was coined by the
Syndrome. Austrian physician and poet Ernst von F EUCHTER-
SLEBEN in 1845. Today psychosis refers to a MENTAL
Boring, E. G. A History of Experimental Psychology. New DISORDER in which there is gross impairment in
York: Century Company, 1929. reality testing (a “break with reality”) and the cre-
James, W. The Principles of Psychology. 2 vols. New York: ation of a new reality. Although the word psychoses
Henry Holt, 1890. first appeared in the early part of the 19th century,
Rabin, A. I., et al. “Studies of Psychological Functions in it has only been used in this sense since the end of
Schizophrenia.” In Disorders of the Schizophrenic Syn- that century, encompassing phenomena that were
drome, edited by L. Bellak. New York: Basic Books, formerly described by the terms insanity, alienation,
1979. and DEMENTIA. Throughout most of the 19th cen-
tury the word neuroses referred to an enormous
class of diseases that included all the insanities,
psychomotor agitation Excessive movement most neurological conditions, all the present-day
that is associated with inner tension. Often the neuroses, and some medical disorders—thus, they
326 psychosis gene

were considered “organic” in origin. The word psy- phases of life; (h) physical illness or injury; and (i)
choses instead referred to psychological or experi- family factors.
ential states, and the terms neuroses and psychoses
were not dichotomous and did not depend upon
one another for definition. By the end of the 1800s psychosurgery The history of psychiatry can
the new classificatory systems of Karl K AHL- only be understood in the context of the history of
BAUM and especially Emil K RAEPELIN introduced medicine. As new biological discoveries, theories of
the modern concept of psychosis and drastically disease, or treatments for disease were introduced
reduced the number of the “insanities.” into the practice of medicine, it was only natural
Two classification dichotomies that were popu- that they be applied to the most mysterious class of
lar in the late 19th century and survived into the diseases of all—the insanities. The advance of sur-
early part of the 20th are (a) functional versus gery as a technique for treating or curing disease
organic psychoses (see FUNCTIONAL PSYCHOSES), began in earnest after the introduction of anesthe-
and (b) exogenous (in neurology, diseases due to sias (starting in 1846 with ether) and the general
toxins and infections) versus endogenous psycho- adoption of techniques of antisepsis (in the 1860s
ses (due to inner or constitutional factors). and 1870s) such as hand washing or the treating
of the surgeon’s hands with “Listerizing” prepa-
Beer, M. D. “The Importance of the Social and Intellectual rations (the mouthwash Listerine is a descendant
Contexts in a Discussion of the History of the Con- of these substances, bearing the name of Joseph
cept of Psychosis,” Psychological Medicine 25 (1995): Lister, a pioneer of antiseptic surgery). It was only
317–325. natural that advances in surgical procedure would
Berrios, G. E. “Historical Aspects of Psychoses: 19th- be applied to solving the problems of psychiatry.
century Issues,” British Medical Bulletin 43 (1987): The three areas of the body that were the focus
484–498. of psychosurgery were the brain, the mouth (den-
Feuchtersleben, E. von. Lehrbuch der aerztlichen Seelen- tistry), and the abdomen.
kunde. Vienna: Carl Gerold, 1845. Brain surgery Although ancient peoples per-
formed operations on the skulls and perhaps the
brains of ill individuals (a phenomenon known as
psychosis gene See GENETICS STUDIES. TREPHINING), the very first brain operation that spe-
cifically intended to treat or cure psychotic disorders
was performed in Marin, Switzerland, in December
psychosis of association See FOLIE À DEUX. 1888. Gottlieb Burckhardt (1836–1907), a Swiss
psychiatrist and director of a private psychiatric
clinic, operated (unsuccessfully) on the brains of
psychosocial stressors Psychological or social six persons with psychotic disorders. He published
sources of stress that can exacerbate mental dis- his findings in an article in the Allgemeine Zeitschrift
orders, including psychotic disorders. Severe trag- für Psychiatrie in 1891. No more brain operations to
edies (the death of loved ones) can even lead to treat or cure mental disorders were performed for
the development of such disorders, as can the 47 years. It was not until November 1935 that neu-
developmental phases of life (e.g., the stresses of rologist EGAS MONIZ (1874–1955), working with
adolescence, childbirth). The types of psychosocial neurosurgeon Almeida Lima, performed the first
stressors that clinicians are advised to document LEUCOTOMY on an asylum patient in Lisbon, Por-
by severity are (a) conjugal (marital and nonmari- tugal. The following year, neuropathologist Walter
tal), for example, engagement, marriage, discord, FREEMAN (1895–1972) and neurosurgeon James
separation, divorce, death of a spouse; (b) parent- Watts (1904–94) performed the first LOBOTOMY on
ing; (c) other interpersonal problems; (d) occupa- a patient at George Washington University Hospital
tional; (e) financial; (f) living circumstances, for in Washington, D.C. After 1942, “psychosurgery”
example, change in residence; (g) developmental gained in prominence and was widely practiced in
psychosurgery 327

the United States and Canada by the late 1940s. The Lunacy Committee of the State Board of Charities.
development of the “icepick technique” of TRANSOR- A member of the committee called the procedures
BITAL LOBOTOMY by Freeman in 1946 led to the rapid “illegal . . . brutal and inhuman, and not excusable
spread of psychosurgical treatments for schizophre- on any reasonable ground . . . it is regarded by the
nia and other mental illnesses (including depres- best medical authorities as a useless and improper
sion, anxiety, and other less severe conditions). expedient for the cure or relief of insanity, and the
Whereas major surgery in an operating room was operation of oophorectomy in a public hospital
required for traditional lobotomies, leucotomies, or upon indigent insane women must be regarded as
TOPECTOMIES, a transorbital lobotomy only required largely experimental, and for that reason bound to
a local anesthetic and could be performed in outpa- reflect upon hospital authorities now boasting of
tient settings (which was where Freeman first tried modern humane methods.”
it out). As historian Jack Pressman documented in The collapse of the clinical trial in Pennsylva-
his book, Last Resort: Psychosurgery and the Limits of nia did not deter individual asylum superinten-
Medicine (1998), psychosurgery “made sense” in dents from approving such surgeries on a limited
the context of its era and was supported by some case-by-case basis in their own institutions. In the
of the most important figures in medicine and psy- mid-1890s ovariotomies, hysterectomies, and male
chiatry. Egas Moniz won the Nobel Prize in Medi- castrations had been performed on asylum patients
cine in 1949 for his leucotomy treatment. After the at a great many institutions, but by the end of that
widespread introduction of ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS decade critics of the procedure slowed the spread of
in asylums after 1954, psychosurgery and other these experimental procedures. In the early 1900s
“somatic” treatments such as INSULIN COMA THERAPY such surgeries were still performed but as part of
and ELECTROSHOCK THERAPY began to decline in use. the eugenics program to halt DEGENERATION. This
By the 1960s, brain operations to alleviate mental was especially true in the United States, where
disorders had virtually disappeared (except for the new state laws advocating forced sterilization for
treatment of severe seizure disorders). the “morally insane,” the mentally ill, the mentally
Ovariotomies (oophorectomies) In 1872 an retarded, and criminals were in effect after 1907.
American surgeon, Robert Battey, published an After July 1918 Henry A. COTTON (1877–1933) of
article on “normal ovariotomy” in the Atlanta the New Jersey State Hospital at Trenton resumed
Medical and Surgical Journal that inspired the surgi- this procedure along with a whole host of other
cal removal of the ovaries in perhaps as many as forms of surgery to eliminate sites of FOCAL INFEC-
150,000 women in America, Britain, and Germany TION AS A CAUSE OF MENTAL DISORDER.
by 1906. These operations were much less welcome Thyroid surgery Following the classic AUTO-
in France. Known as “Battey’s operation,” it was INTOXICATION theory that an overproduction of
performed on otherwise normal, healthy women as “internal secretions” from glands poisoned the
a method of preventing later “incurable diseases.” It brain and caused mental illness, Newdigate M.
was quickly adopted by psychiatrists who applied it Owensby (1882–1952), chief physician at the Bay
to incurably insane women in asylums. View Asylum in Baltimore, Maryland, hypoth-
In 1893 the first large-scale experimental sur- esized that the symptoms of DEMENTIA PRAECOX
gical program for the treatment of insanity was were caused by an oversecretion of the thyroid
approved for a clinical trial at the Norristown gland. The oversecretion was thought to be caused
Insane Asylum in Pennsylvania. The plan, pro- by diseased blood vessels in the gland. According
posed by Dr. Joseph Price, was to perform “oopho- to the December 20, 1907, edition of the New York
rectomies” on “fifty patients selected as being cases Times, in July 1907 Owensby chose “the worst
likely to be benefited with this operation.” How- patient in the asylum,” and cut away the diseased
ever, when the fifth patient to be operated on died portion of the thyroid, “giving opportunity for
during surgery, the program was halted. The sus- new blood vessels to form.” In October 1907 the
pended program quickly became a political issue man was discharged, symptom free. By Decem-
in Pennsylvania, leading to an investigation by the ber 1907 Owensby had operated on at least four
328 psychotherapy of schizophrenia

other patients, reporting therapeutic success in on more than 2,000 patients at the New Jersey
all of them. There is no indication that Owensby State Hospital at Trenton between 1918 and 1933.
continued these experiments after 1907. Owensby Hundreds died from postoperative infections and
later become one of the first psychiatrists in Geor- other complications. In England, Thomas Graves
gia, achieving notoriety in 1940 for using metrazol continued to perform such operations well into the
convulsive therapy to attempt to reverse homo- 1930s.
sexuality in five male and one female patient. Surgery on the brain, reproductive organs,
Dental surgery In the very first years of mouth, and abdomen is no longer performed for
the 20th century, reports that psychotic symp- the treatment of schizophrenia or any other men-
toms were reduced or eliminated after rotting or tal disorder.
impacted teeth were pulled led to an increase in
such procedures. As a site of focal infections that Anonymous. “An Experiment in Castration,” Medical
could spread from the mouth to the brain, the logic Record 43 (1893): 433–434.
of removing teeth as a treatment method for the Dally, A. Fantasy Surgery 1880–1930. Atlanta and Amster-
mentally ill “made sense” within an era dazzled by dam: Rodopi, 1996.
the “germ theory of disease.” At Trenton, Henry Pressman, J. Last Resort: Psychosurgery and the Limits of Med-
Cotton installed a dental operating clinic in 1919 icine. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
and routinely had all the teeth of newly admitted Reilly, P. R. The Surgical Solution: A History of Involuntary
patients removed. He also convinced his wife and Sterilization in the United States. Baltimore: Johns Hop-
his two sons to have all their teeth removed as a kins University Press, 1991.
preventive measure. The removal of teeth was also Scull, A. Madhouse: A Tragic Tale of Megalomania and Mod-
a major focus of treatment for psychiatrist Thomas ern Medicine. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press,
C. Graves in Birmingham, England, in the 1920s 2005.
and 1930s. Stone, J. L. “Dr. Gottlieb Burckhardt—the Pioneer of Psy-
Abdominal surgery In May 1916, Chicago chosurgery,” Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 10
medical professor and specialist in the surgery of (2001): 79–92.
the abdomen and head, Bayard Taylor HOLMES,
was the first to perform abdominal surgery specifi-
cally for the treatment and cure of dementia prae- psychotherapy of schizophrenia Because people
cox (schizophrenia). The patient was his own son, with schizophrenia have so many personal prob-
Ralph Loring Holmes, who had developed demen- lems associated with daily living, most find them-
tia praecox in 1905 at the age of 17 as a first-year selves in some form of psychotherapy at some
medical student. The previous year, Holmes had point in their lives, and this can be supportive for
devised an AUTOINTOXICATION theory of the cause them. The earliest recorded cases of individual
of dementia praecox based on the idea that fecal psychotherapy with schizophrenic persons can be
stasis in the colon led to the production of toxic attributed to Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst
amines (histamine) that was carried to the brain by C. G. JUNG at the BURGHÖLZI HOSPITAL in Switzer-
the bloodstream and caused psychosis. Holmes or land. There is a vast literature on the psychother-
his associates performed a series of cecostomies on apy of schizophrenia, and the various therapeutic
at least 22 persons diagnosed with dementia prae- modalities that have been tried include individual,
cox, leaving a hole (stoma) open near the appendix group, family, and a whole host of “brand name”
through which a hose was inserted daily for con- psychotherapeutic orientations.
stant irrigations. His son Ralph, the first to receive Throughout most of the century the emphasis
this experimental surgery for dementia praecox, has been on the alleviation of the disease pro-
died four days after the operation at Lakeside Hos- cess itself with psychotherapy, but with the new
pital in Chicago. Abdominal surgeries involving the emphasis on the organic basis of schizophrenia
whole or partial removal of the colon, stomach, (and the discouraging results of psychotherapy on
rectum, cervix, testes, and so on were performed the disease itself), this goal is no longer deemed
psychotic jealousy 329

justified. Instead, the focus has shifted to improv- • Schizophreniform Disorder

ing the psychosocial adaptation of individuals with • Schizoaffective Disorder (bipolar type, depressive
schizophrenia, their vocational functioning, and type)
the subjective well-being of these persons. Also, • Delusional Disorder (erotomanic types, grandi-
family therapy approaches have shifted away from ose type, jealous type, persecutory type, somatic
viewing family dynamics as the cause of schizo- type, mixed type, unspecified type)
phrenia and now focuses instead on the potential • Brief Psychotic Disorder (with marked stressors
influence of the family on the course of the illness [brief reactive psychosis], without marked stress-
and how family members may be taught strategies ors, with postpartum onset)
to make that influence more positive and reduce • Shared Psychotic Disorder (Folie à Deux)
relapses (see EXPRESSED EMOTION). • Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medical
In general, the well-controlled scientific re- Condition
search on the influence of psychotherapy on • Substance-induced Psychotic Disorder
schizophrenics has tended to conclude that insight- • Psychotic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
oriented individual or group psychotherapy may
be too intense for such individuals and perhaps There may also be a primary diagnosis of a mood
worsen symptoms. Indeed, E. Fuller Torrey goes disorder that includes psychotic features. Psychotic
so far as to label psychoanalysis, insight-oriented features may be specified for Major Depressive Dis-
therapy, and group psychotherapy as “ineffective order, Single Episode; Major Depressive Disorder,
treatments” in his book Surviving Schizophrenia: Recurrent; Bipolar I Disorder, Single Manic Episode;
A Family Manual (1988). It is now generally rec- Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Manic;
ommended that psychotherapeutic treatments be Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Mixed;
psychoeducational and supportive in nature and Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Depressed;
used as an adjunct to treatment with ANTIPSY- and Bipolar II Disorder, Depressed.
PSYCHOTHERAPY. psychotic disorders in ICD-10 According to the
WORLD H EALTH ORGANIZATION, the following psy-
Mueser, K. T., and A. S. Bellack. “Psychotherapy for chotic disorders included in ICD-10 (1992) can be
Schizophrenia.” In Schizophrenia, edited by S. R. Hirsch found in all countries of the world. Although this
and D. R. Weinberge. London: Blackwell Science, manual strives to be culture-free, it still reflects
1995, pp. 626–648. the major traditions of European PSYCHIATRY of
the past 150 years. Entries for the major disorders
below are included in this book.
psychotic disorders in DSM-IV-TR According to
the most recent revision of the most widely used • Schizophrenia (paranoid, catatonic, hebephre-
diagnostic manual for mental disorders in North nic, residual, undifferentiated, simple, postsch-
America, DSM-IV-TR (2000), the disorders listed izophrenic depression)
below are considered to be characterized by “psycho- • Schizotypal Disorder
sis” (a clear break with reality, often characterized • Persistent Delusional Disorder
by delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thought • Acute and Transient Psychotic Disorders
processes, bizarre and/or disorganized behavior, • Induced Delusional Disorders
and a decline in social and occupational function- • Schizoaffective Disorder
ing). Entries for each can be found in this book. • Other Non-organic Psychotic Disorders
• Unspecified Non-organic Psychosis
• Schizophrenia (paranoid type, disorganized type,
catatonic type, undifferentiated type, residual
type) psychotic jealousy See OTHELLO SYNDROME.
330 psychotogenic drugs

psychotogenic drugs Literally, “psychosis-caus- to make it disordered to a certain extent, for the
ing drugs.” With the severe and widespread sub- sake of observing it and investigating its nature by
stance-abuse epidemic following the “psychedelic means of the features which may be discovered
revolution” of the 1960s, psychiatric facilities in such experiments. Thus Helmont reports, after
around the world have been flooded with indi- consuming a certain dose of napell (a poisonous
viduals, many of them young (see YOUNG ADULT root), having the unmistakable feeling as if he
CHRONIC PATIENTS), whose substance abuse has led thought in his stomach. Another doctor increased
to permanent psychotic disorders. Such persons his consumption of camphor, little by little, until
with a psychotic disorder and a history of chronic it appeared to him as if everything along the street
substance abuse are called dually diagnosed were in a great tumult. Still others have experi-
patients. Current research studies are beginning to mented on themselves with opium so long that
find that premorbid psychotogenic drug use (e.g., they felt a weakening of the mind whenever they
cocaine, PCP, LSD, marijuana) contributes to the stopped using more of this brain-stimulant. An
development of psychotic disorders and may hin- artificial insanity can easily become a real one.
der the effectiveness of ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS (a
phenomenon called neuroleptic refractoriness), See also TRANSMETHYLATION HYPOTHESIS.
especially at the beginning of the illness.
Kant, I. The Classification of Mental Disorders, trans. C. T.
Bowers, M. B., Jr., et al. “Psychotogenic Drug Use and Sullivan. Doylestown, Pa.: The Doylestown Founda-
Neuroleptic Response,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 16 (1990): tion, 1964 [1798].

psychotropic See NEUROLEPTIC.

psychotomimetic Literally “psychosis-mimick-
ing.” Hallucinogenic (psychedelic) drugs were for
a time referred to as “psychotomimetic drugs” puerperal insanity Another name for POSTPAR-
because it was thought they could mimic the sub- TUM PSYCHOSIS.
jective experience of psychosis in anyone who
ingested them. Prior to the banning of research
using psychedelic drugs in the 1960s, some investi- pulse Since the days of ancient Greece and Rome
gators administered such drugs to research sub- and well into the 19th century, it was commonly
jects so as to better understand various dimensions believed that a physician could diagnose mental dis-
of the psychotic disorders (see PSYCHOTOGENIC orders simply by taking the afflicted person’s pulse
DRUGS). This sort of research has a long history and determining the heartbeat rate. In his famous
dating from the 17th century. In Immanuel Kant’s textbook of 1812, American physician Benjamin
published lectures on “anthropology” (what we RUSH of Philadelphia reports that: “. . . seven-eighths
would now call empirical psychology), he cites the of all the deranged patients in the Pennsylvania Hos-
efforts of researchers to induce an “artificial insan- pital in the year 1811 had frequent pulses, and that
ity” through psychotomimetic drugs: a pardon was granted to a criminal by the President
of the United States, in the year 1794, who was sus-
On the other hand, attempts to observe oneself pected of counterfeiting madness, in consequence
in a condition which approaches derangement, of its having been declared by three physicians that
produced in oneself voluntarily and by physical that symptom constituted an unequivocal mark of
means, in order to better understand the invol- intellectual derangement.”
untary through such observations, indicate that The diagnostic importance of the pulse was still
one has understanding enough to investigate so highly regarded at the end of the last century
the sources of the phenomenon. But it is danger- that 20 columns were given to it in Daniel Hack
ous to perform experiments with the mind, and Tuke’s famous Dictionary of Psychological Medicine.
pyknic type 331

Rush, B. Medical Inquiries and Observations upon the Diseases ment of mental illness, and the herb hellbore was
of the Mind. Philadelphia: Kimber & Richardson, 1812. used for this purpose until the end of the 19th
Tuke, D. H. “Pulse.” In A Dictionary of Psychological Medi- century.
cine, edited by D. H. Tuke. London: Churchill, 1892.

pyknic type One of the four physiological types

purging One of Pinel’s three USUAL TREATMENTS identified by Ernst Kretschmer in the 1920s. It was
for MENTAL DISORDERS around 1800, purgatives a thick-torsoed type with rounded shoulders that
were given to patients to help them expel bad tended to resemble an orangutan. Most pyknic
humors or other bodily toxins that were thought types were thought by Kretschmer to be “circu-
to be the cause of mental illness. Purgatives have lars” (manic-depressives).
been used for thousands of years for the treat- See also ASTHENIC TYPE ; ATHLETIC TYPE.
quetiapine See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS. ship between cerebral metabolism and psychiatric
race and schizophrenia In the United States,
blacks have a higher rate of schizophrenia than do
whites. This conclusion has been confirmed across
reactive psychoses It has long been noted that
many studies. However, psychiatrist E. Fuller Tor-
BRIEF PSYCHOTIC EPISODES sometimes result from
rey argues in his book Surviving Schizophrenia: A
the experience of trauma or extreme and prolonged
Family Manual that this may have more to do with
stress. Conditions that produce such “reactions”
geography and socioeconomic status than with
include combat, imprisonment, and involuntary
racial differences or racism. Most of the studies
commitment to a mental hospital. Based on his
that have found a higher rate in blacks have been
study of the psychology of prisoners, August Wim-
conducted in dense urban areas, but those stud-
mer (1872–1937), director of the St. Hans Psychi-
ies done in rural areas find that the schizophrenia
atric Hospital near Roskilde, Denmark, published a
rates in whites and blacks are the same. Therefore,
study on psychotic disorders that arose in reaction
Torrey concludes, “This argues strongly against
to stress and that were “psychogenic” rather than
race as being the cause of the difference. Rather it
the result of hereditary DEGENERATION (as proposed
suggests that it is because blacks live in the inner
by French psychiatrist Valentin Magnan) or a com-
city, and not because they are black, that they have
bination of heredity predisposition and glandular
a higher schizophrenia rate.”
Torrey, E. F. Surviving Schizophrenia: A Family Manual. New COX (as believed by Emil K RAEPELIN and Wilhelm
York: Harper & Row, 1988. Weygandt). The title of Wimmer’s 1916 study was
Psykogene Sindssygdomsformer (Psychogenic Forms
of Mental Disease). Following Wimmer, these psy-
Ray, Isaac (1807–1881) An American physician chotic disorders were originally called psychogenic,
and legal scholar, Ray was one of the original 13 but they were more often called reactive through-
founders of the A MERICAN PSYCHIATRIC A SSOCIA- out the 20th century, with the two terms being
TION. His classic textbook, Treatise on the Medical used interchangeably. The term reactive gained
Jurisprudence of Insanity (1838), is considered to be ascendancy after 1927 when the German psychia-
perhaps the most influential American psychiatric trist Kurt Schneider proposed three “abnormal psy-
text of the 19th century. chic reactions”:
Hughes, J. S. In the Law’s Darkness: Isaac Ray and the Medical
Jurisprudence of Insanity in Nineteenth Century America.
(1) emotional syndromes
New York: Oceana Publications, 1986.
(2) paranoid states
(3) syndromes with a disturbance of conscience

rCBF The acronym for regional cerebral blood According to Wimmer, psychogenic (reactive)
flow, a measurement used to study the relation- psychoses are independent of schizophrenia and

relapse, signs of 333

MANIC-DEPRESSIVE ILLNESS, develop in a person and remissions but did not lead to the gross cogni-
with a “predisposed foundation,” are caused by tive deterioration of chronic, progressively wors-
psychosocial stressors, and end in full recovery ening disorders such as dementia praecox.
with no lasting deficit. A similar diagnostic concept
was added to DSM-IV in 1980 under the label “Brief
Reactive Psychosis,” but this changed to “Brief recovery with defect The term describes those
Psychotic Disorder” in 1992 in DSM-IV. Under the persons whose basic personality is permanently
DSM-IV definition, a triggering stressor or trauma altered after recovery from their primary mental
is not necessary, as there are causes of postpartum disorder. Today, such a condition in schizophrenia
psychosis and other psychotic disorders that have might be termed the RESIDUAL PHASE. This term
no apparent trigger. was coined by the German physician K. G. Neu-
mann (1744–1850).
Pillman, F., and A. Marneros. “Brief and Acute Psychoses:
The Development of Concepts,” History of Psychiatry 14
(2003): 161–177. reference, ideas of See IDEAS OF REFERENCE.
Wimmer, A. “Psykogene Sindssygdomsformer.” In Jubi-
lee Publication, St. Hans Hospital 1816–1916, edited by A.
Wimmer, 85–216. Copenhagen: Gad, 1916. refrigerator mother The name for the cold, reject-
ing mother who would thereby induce autism in
her child.
reactive schizophrenia See PROCESS-REACTIVE See also AUTISM , INFANTILE.

regression A concept introduced by Sigmund

reality testing The ability to “test” or evaluate the F REUD in 1900 in his classic book The Interpreta-
external world (“reality”) objectively and to dis- tion of Dreams, although he did not use the word
tinguish it from the internal psychological state. It until much later. Essentially, regression means a
is also the ability to discriminate ego boundaries reversion to earlier forms of thought, object-rela-
between what is the self and what is nonself (the “I” tionships, or behavior that the individual had
versus the “not-I”). The term was coined by Sigmund previously experienced. Thus, according to PSYCHO-
F REUD in 1911 as Realitätsprüfung. The hallmark of ANALYSIS, persons with psychotic disorders are
PSYCHOSIS is that reality testing is impaired. “regressed” because they show signs of returning
to infantile modes of thought, behavior and expe-
rience. In DEGENERATION THEORY, “reversions to
recessive In GENETICS STUDIES, the opposite of type” were found in the physical stigmata of crimi-
DOMINANT. nals, idiots, and the insane.
recombination The process by which a pair of
homologous chromosomes exchange sections
yielding a new combination of genes. relapse, signs of Those people with schizophrenia
who seem to fare the best are those who are aware
of the signs of an impending relapse of an active
recoverable psychosis According to the clas- phase of the illness and who therefore seek help. In
sification system of Emil K RAEPELIN, the group a useful study of relapse by Marvin Herz and Charles
of recoverable psychoses was characterized by its Melville published in 1980, they found the following
primary entity, MANIC-DEPRESSIVE ILLNESS. These signs and symptoms of relapse to be the most fre-
were psychotic disorders that had exacerbations quently reported by patients and their families:
334 religious delusions

Patients Reported Percent remissions from schizophrenia apparently do

occur, but they are extremely rare, and the few
being tense and nervous 80
eating less 72 that are on record are an issue of controversy. A
trouble concentrating 70 return to full premorbid functioning is also rare in
trouble sleeping 67 schizophrenia.
enjoying things less 65
restlessness 63 See also RESIDUAL PHASE.
not able to remember things 63
depression 61
being preoccupied with one or two things 60 Renfield’s syndrome A term first used by Richard
seeing friends less 60
being laughed at, talked about 60 Noll (1991) to refer to CLINICAL VAMPIRISM , since
contemporary reports of people with this delu-
sional disorder seem to develop the same sequence
Families Reported Percent of symptoms as the human vampire Renfield in
being tense and nervous 83 Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula (1897).
restlessness 79
trouble concentrating 76 Noll, R. Vampires, Werewolves and Demons: Twentieth Cen-
depression 76
tury Case Reports in the Psychiatric Literature. New York:
talking in a nonsensical way 76
loss of interest in things 76 Brunner/Mazel, 1991.
trouble sleeping 69
enjoying things less 68
being preoccupied with one or two things 65
not able to remember things 60 repression A term used by Sigmund F REUD
hearing voices, seeing things 60 (Verdrängung in the original German) for a psy-
chological operation in which a person attempts
to push away, expel, or keep in the unconscious
representations (thoughts, images, memories)
It is extremely important for family members
that are connected to an instinct. Repression
and persons with schizophrenia to recognize
occurs when it is determined that the expression
these signs of relapse and to seek medical help
of an instinctual urge, which is probably in itself
pleasurable (e.g., sex), may have painful conse-
quences. Repression is considered one of the most
Herz, M. “Prodromal Symptoms and the Prevention of
basic defense mechanisms for keeping threaten-
Relapse in Schizophrenia,” Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
ing materials out of conscious awareness. Freud
46 (1985): 22–25.
once wrote that “the theory of repression is the
Herz, M. I., and C. Melville. “Relapse in Schizophrenia,”
cornerstone on which the whole structure of psy-
American Journal of Psychiatry 137 (1980): 801–805.
choanalysis rests.” According to psychoanalytic
theory, the failure of repression in the psychotic
disorders leads to HALLUCINATIONS and bizarre and
religious delusions Religious delusions are quite inappropriate behavior.
common in the psychotic disorders. Persons may See also PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORIES OF
believe, for example, that they are God, Jesus SCHIZOPHRENIA.
Christ, or a prophet who relates messages from
God to the world. Many of these delusions are also Laplanche, J., and J. B. Pontalis. The Language of Psycho-
grandiose in nature. Analysis, trans. D. Nicholson-Smith. New York: Nor-
ton, 1973.

remission The abatement of an illness. In schizo-

phrenia, the period after a remission may still research diagnostic criteria (RDC) In an effort
evidence residual deficits from the illness. Full to ensure that diagnostic groups of persons with
risk factors 335

mental disorders have the same characteristics retrospective ruminative jealousy A (usually)
across different studies performed in different set- nonpsychotic delusional disorder related to the
tings, several attempts have been made to set stan- OTHELLO SYNDROME in which a person is obsessed
dard guidelines for selecting subjects for research. with the past sexual activities of the current sexual
An early system was the F EIGHNER RESEARCH CRI- partner or spouse. However, there is no delusion
TERIA , but currently the most widely accepted about present infidelity.
criteria is the Research Diagnostic Criteria devel-
oped at the New York Psychiatric Institute. When
research studies refer to “RDC schizophrenics,” RFLP See MOLECULAR MARKERS.
they are referring to schizophrenic subjects that fit
the RDC definitional guidelines.
right to refuse treatment In the United States,
Endicott, J., et al. “Diagnostic Criteria for Schizophre- the legal principle has developed over a series of
nia: Reliabilities and Agreement between Systems,” cases since 1975 that holds that no one admitted
Archives of General Psychiatry 39 (1982): 864–889. to a psychiatric facility for treatment, whether the
Spitzer, R. L., J. Endicott, and E. Robins. “Research Diag- commitment was voluntary or involuntary, can be
nostic Criteria: Rationale and Reliability,” Archives of forced to submit to any form of treatment against
General Psychiatry 35 (1978): 773–782. his or her will unless it is determined that a life-
and-death emergency exists.

Reserpine See antipsychotic drugs. Applebaum, P. S. “The Right to Refuse Treatment with
Antipsychotic Medications: Retrospect and Prospect,”
American Journal of Psychiatry 145 (1988): 413–419.
residual phase The residual phase follows the
active phase of the illness. In many ways, the clin-
ical picture of the residual phase resembles many right to treatment In the United States, the legal
of the signs and symptoms of the initial PRODRO- principle has developed that when a psychiatric
MAL PHASE , except that the blunting or flattening facility has assumed the responsibility of providing
of affect and a marked impairment in social and treatment for a person, that facility is then legally
occupational functioning are found. Some DELU- obligated to provide adequate treatment for that
SIONS and HALLUCINATIONS may persist in the resid- individual.
ual phase, but they may not be accompanied any
longer by strong affect (e.g., a strong screaming
reaction to the hearing of voices may not be found risk factors Most of what we have learned about
in the residual phase). The most common course the potential causes, courses, and outcomes of
of schizophrenia is a disease process character- schizophrenia comes from epidemiological stud-
ized by acute exacerbations of symptoms followed ies. In current epidemiological research in medi-
by periods of residual impairment between active cine, a distinction is being made between risk
phases of the illness. During the first years of the indicators or proxy markers and risk modifying
disorder (some say five to 10 years), the residual factors. Risk indicators are any variables that
impairment between episodes increases and then precede an outcome (e.g., the first episode of
seems to plateau at some point for the remainder schizophrenia) but are not causally related to that
of the person’s life. Depression is often present in outcome (e.g., season of birth). Risk modifying fac-
the residual phase. tors is a term reserved for factors that appear to
contribute to the cause of the outcome. Risk modi-
fying factors can be fixed (for example, gender)
restraints See CHEMICAL RESTRAINTS ; MECHANI- or variable (e.g., amount and frequency of canni-
CAL RESTRAINTS. bis use), endogenous (e.g., genetics) or exogenous
336 Risperdal

(e.g., obstetric complications, maternal exposure Infection Exposure to various infections dur-
to infections). ing pregnancy have been linked to the later devel-
Family history/genetics The strongest risk opment of schizophrenia in the unborn child. Of
factor correlated to developing schizophrenia is the various infectious agents studied, rubella (Ger-
family history. Being biologically related to a per- man measles) carries the strongest risk, followed
son with schizophrenia has been found to be the by influenza, respiratory infections, and the polio
greatest risk factor in developing schizophrenia in virus. More recent research has focused on expo-
the future. Genetic relatedness is a key factor: the sure to toxoplasmosis (a virus transmitted from cats
closer the blood relationship, the greater the risk to humans) as a possible viral risk factor.
for developing schizophrenia. Having a biological Premorbid intelligence Low IQ and the risk of
parent with schizophrenia is the strongest predic- developing schizophrenia have been linked in sev-
tor of outcome for adult psychiatric disorders. This eral studies.
is one of the very few firm facts we know about Place and time of birth Being born in urban
schizophrenia. environments confers a higher risk than being born
Environment There is no single environmen- in a rural setting. Also, the SEASONALITY OF BIRTHS
tal factor that predicts a higher risk of developing effect for persons born in the Northern Hemisphere
schizophrenia. In persons who are biologically confers a greater risk for developing schizophrenia
related to someone with schizophrenia, certain if one is born in the winter and spring months (par-
environmental or nongenetic risk factors have been ticularly February to May). Both findings have been
identified as possible risk indicators or risk modify- linked to the greater presence of viruses, but no one
ing factors. These are as follows: really knows what causes this effect. Interestingly,
Age and sex The vast majority of people who season of birth effects have also been found for
develop schizophrenia have their first episode bipolar disorder, autism, attention deficit disorder,
somewhere between 15 and 24 years of age. For alcoholism, stillbirths, diabetes, Alzheimer’s dis-
the vast majority of males the peak age of onset ease, and Down’s syndrome. No one knows how to
is 20 to 24 years old, then the rate remains at a interpret these facts either.
constant low rate. In contrast, there is a small peak Migrant status and ethnic minorities In some
for females between 20 and 24 years old, followed groups (such as African-Caribbean immigrants to
by a constant low rate until age 35, after which it the United Kingdom), being an immigrant and eth-
begins rising. Cases of late-onset schizophrenia are nic minority confers a higher risk for developing
predominantly women. schizophrenia.
Perinatal factors (maternal obstetric compli- Epidemiological research into the risk factors
cations) Birth complications have been correlated associated with the development of schizophre-
with the later development of schizophrenia in nia will continue to be a vital area of research.
studies dating back to the mid-1960s. The strongest Genetics alone cannot explain schizophrenia, and
findings are, in order: it is only through the clues revealed through the
study of correlated environmental factors that new
(1) perinatal brain damage (any cause) hypotheses about the causes of schizophrenia will
(2) brain damage due to hypoxia (lack of oxygen) emerge.
(3) Rh incompatibility
(4) pre-eclampsia Murray, R. M., et al. The Epidemiology of Schizophrenia.
(5) low birth weight Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.

Prenatal factors The strongest prenatal risk

factor found thus far, ranking third behind fam- Risperdal See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.
ily history and perinatal brain damage, is maternal
bereavement. Unwantedness, famine, flood, and
maternal depression are much lesser factors. risperidone See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.
Rush, Benjamin 337

ritualistic behavior Sometimes people with BETHLEM ROYAL HOSPITAL , and was influenced by
schizophrenia are described as engaging in ritu- English physician William Cullen’s ideas on the
alistic behavior—that is, they repeat stereotyped classification and treatment of mental disorders.
actions based, perhaps, on MAGICAL THINKING. For Rush was a signer of the Declaration of Indepen-
example, such a person may repeatedly take off dence, and as physician at the Pennsylvania Hos-
all his or her clothes, crouch down on the floor pital in Philadelphia (starting in 1783), he was
in a praying position, and then get up and put the the leading American physician of his day. Rush’s
clothes back on, only to repeat continually these own son John became insane at the age of 30 and
actions over and over again for long periods of was admitted to the Pennsylvania Hospital as a
time. “lunatic,” and he remained there until his death
27 years later.
Besides conducting an abundance of research
Rorschach test See PROJECTIVE TESTS. on all aspects of medicine, Rush took a particu-
lar interest in diseases of the human mind. Rush’s
treatments covered a wide range from the “moral
rotatory machines See CIRCULATING SWING ; treatment” (influenced in Philadelphia, no doubt,
GYRATOR. by the Quakers) of institutionalized patients to
some fairly terrifying methods of BLEEDING and
MECHANICAL RESTRAINT, including his famous
Rush, Benjamin (1746–1813) The first American invention the stationary “coercion-chair” or TRAN-
physician to specialize in mental disorders. In fact, QUILLIZER and the GYRATOR. His 1812 textbook
his profile appears in the logo of the A MERICAN was the only American textbook on psychiatry for
PSYCHIATRIC A SSOCIATION. He graduated from the more than 70 years.
Presbyterian College of New Jersey (later renamed
Princeton) when he was 15 years old and later Goodman, N. G. Benjamin Rush: Physician and Citizen,
went to Edinburgh and received a medical degree 1746–1813. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania
from the university there in 1768. During his stay Press, 1934.
in Scotland and England, Rush visited the major Rush, B. Medical Inquiries and Observations on the Diseases of
psychiatric hospitals of his day, including the the Mind. Philadelphia: Kimber & Richardson, 1812.
Sakel, Manfred Joshua (1906–1957) The inven- of Norway and Finland, but somewhat less so for
tor of INSULIN COMA THERAPY for schizophrenia. Denmark.

Böök, J. A. “Schizophrenia in a Northern Swedish Popu-

Salpêtrière, la The famous Paris asylum for lation, 1900–1975,” Clinical Genetics 14 (1978): 373–
insane females. Although it was a place of incar- 394.
ceration for socially undesirable females since Torrey, E. F. “Prevalence Studies of Schizophrenia,” Brit-
1656, following the French Revolution of the early ish Journal of Psychiatry 150 (1987): 598–608.
1790s it became primarily a hospital for mentally
ill women. The Salpêtrière played an important
role in the history of psychiatry, for Philippe P INEL schizoaffective disorder The term schizoaffective
made many of his clinical observations as head of was coined by Jacob S. Kasanin (1897–1946) in
the institution in the 1790s and Jean Martin Char- 1933 to describe cases of BORDERLINE SCHIZOPHRE-
cot established a neurological clinic there in 1878. NIA. Kasanin’s concept was accepted for a time as
It was there that Charcot developed an interest in a possible fifth subtype of schizophrenia. It is now
hypnotism and HYSTERIA. a psychotic disorder that has symptoms of both a
schizophrenic and a mood disturbance, and at other
times with psychotic symptoms but without mood
Scandinavia The Scandinavian countries contain symptoms. The diagnosis is made only if the crite-
areas with some of the highest prevalence rates of ria for schizophrenia or for a mood disorder cannot
schizophrenia in the world. This fact was observed be met and if it cannot be determined if an organic
as early as 1862 in a book by W. Charles Hood, factor is responsible for this confusing mixture of
Statistics of Insanity, in which he reported that the symptoms. Family studies indicate that schizoaf-
northern European countries had the highest rates fective disorder is distinct from BIPOLAR DISORDER
of insanity and the southern European countries but that it may bear a closer relationship to schizo-
had the lowest. The Scandinavian countries, par- phrenia. There are two subtypes of schizoaffective
ticularly Sweden, have been found to have preva- disorder: schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type,
lence rates for schizophrenia that are two to three which, with its current or previous manic episode,
times that of the United States. The highest prev- makes it more closely related to a mood disorder
alence rates for any area of the world have been than to schizophrenia; and schizoaffective disor-
found in northern Sweden in two studies that were der, depressive type, which does seem to be more
conducted 25 years apart by J. A. Böök and col- closely related to schizophrenia.
leagues. The rural area of Sweden that was north The typical age of onset for schizoaffective dis-
of the Arctic Circle was found by Bvvk to have a order is early adulthood. The course of the disor-
prevalence rate of 9.5 per 1,000. Other Swedish der tends to be chronic, but the prognosis is better
studies have found lower rates, but these are still than that for schizophrenia and worse than that
quite high when compared with other areas of the for a mood disorder. It is not known how prevalent
world. High rates have also been found in areas this disorder is, but it is less common than schizo-

schizophrenia 339

phrenia. Some family studies have indicated that TIA PRAECOX for the most prevalent group of the
there is an increased risk of schizophrenia in the psychotic disorders. In 1899 Emil K RAEPELIN had
first-degree biological relatives of people with this unified what were previously separate disorders—
disorder. hebephrenia, catatonia, and paranoia (of a specific
See also ATYPICAL PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS. type)—under the general heading of dementia
praecox, which he regarded as all chronic and pro-
Bertelsen, A., and I. I. Gottesman. “Schizoaffective Psy- gressively degenerative diseases. Thus, the basis of
choses: Genetical Clues to Classification,” American Kraepelin’s classification was the prognosis of these
Journal of Medical Genetics 60 (1995): 7–11. disorders.
Kasanin, J. “The Acute Schizo-affective Psychoses,” Amer- Bleuler disagreed with the overtly negative
ican Journal of Psychiatry 97 (1933): 97–106. prognosis as the defining characteristic of this dis-
order and instead renamed it schizophrenia (from
two Greek words meaning “to split” and “mind”)
schizoid personality disorder According to DSM- to stress what for him was the fundamental nature
IV-R (1994), the defining characteristic of this non- of these psychotic disorders: the splitting or dis-
psychotic mental disorder is “a pervasive pattern of sociation of psychic functions (for which Bleuler
indifference to social relationships and a restricted used the German word Spaltung).
range of emotional experience and expression, Although Bleuler had been using the word
beginning in early adulthood and present in a schizophrenia in clinical presentations and lectures
variety of contexts.” These people appear to be cold at the BURGHÖLZI HOSPITAL in Zurich, Switzerland,
and aloof, and they do not seem to desire or enjoy where he was the chief physician, he introduced
close relationships with other people. They almost the concept in print in a 1908 article titled “The
always choose solitary activities and occupations, Prognosis of Dementia Praecox: The Group of
and they express little desire for sexual relation- Schizophrenias” (Die Prognose der Dementia Prae-
ships with others. A person who meets the criteria cox—Schizophreniegruppe). In the first paragraph
for schizoid personality disorder must have dem- of that historic article, in which he questions
onstrated a lifelong course, and even though many the importance of Kraepelin’s idea of prognosis,
of the signs and symptoms may resemble the PRO- Bleuler writes:
DROMAL PHASE of schizophrenia, it is not thought
that persons with this personality disorder go on to In using the term dementia praecox I would like it
develop schizophrenia. to mean what the creator of the concept meant it
See also SCHIZOTYPAL PERSONALITY DISORDER. to mean. To treat the subject from any other point
of view would serve no purpose, but I would like
to emphasize that Kraepelin’s dementia praecox is
schizomimetic Behavior in a person that mim- not necessarily either a form of dementia or a dis-
ics or resembles the signs and symptoms of schizo- order of early onset. For this reason, and because
phrenia but in fact is not due to the presence of there is no adjective or noun that can be derived
that disorder. from the term dementia praecox, I am taking the
liberty of using the word schizophrenia to denote
Kraepelin’s concept. I believe that the tearing
schizophrene An obsolete term for persons with apart or splitting of psychic functions is a promi-
schizophrenia. We now call them schizophrenics. nent symptom of the whole group and I will give
An analogous outmoded term for persons with my reasons for this elsewhere.
bipolar disorder is circulars.
So what is “split” (Spaltung) in schizophrenia?
Bleuler argues that it is primarily encountered
schizophrenia A term coined by Swiss psychia- in the disturbance of associations that character-
trist Eugen BLEULER to replace the term DEMEN- ize normal trains of thought, although there are
340 schizophrenia

also splits in the normal functions of affect and of up looking like dementia. He noted the deteriora-
behavior (especially relating to the external world). tion was not progressive, with episodes of partial
Thus, the FOUR A’S (associations disturbances, remission or complete recovery occurring in some
autism, ambivalence, affective disturbances) that cases. The term praecox was also objectionable to
constitute the FUNDAMENTAL SYMPTOMS OF SCHIZO- Bleuler since he had encountered cases of schizo-
PHRENIA according to Bleuler are all manifestations phrenia that occurred during midlife (currently
of the splitting of psychic functions. named LATE-ONSET SCHIZOPHRENIA). There were also
In 1911 Bleuler published his classic book cases of LATENT SCHIZOPHRENIA, according to Bleuler,
that still influences our current thinking about in which the psychotic disorder was not triggered
schizophrenia: Dementia Praecox oder die Gruppe by an endogenous disease process but by personal
der Schizophrenien (Dementia Praecox, or the Group of experiences, such as trauma. Bleuler went so far as
Schizophrenias). In it, Bleuler defines his conception to believe that cases of latent schizophrenia were
of the disease in the following way: more common than cases of manifest schizophre-
nia. Bleuer also noted the existence of people with
By the term “dementia praecox” or “schizophre- paranoid personality disorders who resembled cases
nia” we designate a group of psychoses whose of dementia praecox. Bleuler widened Kraepelin’s
course is at times chronic, at times marked by concept of dementia praecox by arguing that these
intermittent attacks, and which can stop or retro- cases, too, should be considered part of the disease
grade at any stage, but does not permit a full res- (an idea that has taken hold in our current notions
titutio ad integrum. The disease is characterized by of schizophrenia spectrum disorders, especially
a specific type of alteration of thinking, feeling, SCHIZOTYPAL PERSONALITY DISORDER). Influenced by
and relation to the external world which appears his associate Carl Gustav Jung (1875–1961) and by
nowhere else in this particular fashion. Freud and the psychoanalytic movement, Bleuler
believed in the possibility of psychogenic or reac-
Bleuler divided the clinical picture of schizo- tive triggers for schizophrenia, which Kraepelin did
phrenia into its “fundamental symptoms” (Grund- not allow.
symptome), which were caused directly by the In sum, Bleuler greatly widened the circum-
disease process itself, and its accessory symptoms ference of persons whom he considered should
(akzessorische Symptome). The fundamental symp- be diagnosed with dementia praecox. He also
toms (the “four A’s”) are present to some degree left open the possibilities for various courses and
during the entire course of the illness, whereas the outcomes, and better prognoses, than Kraepelin
secondary symptoms (delusions, hallucinations, did. He emphasized the heterogeneous nature of
transient catatonic episodes, behavioral distur- schizophrenia, with the possibility that multiple
bances) come and go throughout the course of the disease processes may underlie it, whereas Krae-
illness and are found in other mental disorders as pelin held to the conviction that dementia praecox
well. In addition, Bleuler added a fourth subtype was one disease with at least three forms. It was
of the disease—“simple schizophrenia”—that had therefore Bleuler’s wider concept of schizophrenia
been proposed by Otto Diem in 1904. that took hold, especially in America, and domi-
Bleuler’s dementia praecox Bleuler had nated psychiatry until 1980. In that year, the nar-
believed he was further developing Kraepelin’s rower diagnostic criteria and pessimistic prognosis
concepts of dementia praecox rather than invent- for schizophrenia became the official diagnosis
ing an entirely new disorder. Bleuler’s objections to of this disorder in DSM-III. This narrower, “neo-
Kraepelin’s dementia praecox were many, however. Krapelinian” definition of schizophrenia persists
He objected (as many others did, particularly Brit- today.
ish psychiatrists) that there was no dementia in the
classical, organic sense of the term (for example, Symptoms and Diagnostic Path
as in today’s Alzheimer’s disease), but instead an Schizophrenia remains a disease of unknown
intellectual deterioration that may or may not end cause, with no single identifiable pathophysiol-
schizophreniform psychoses 341

ogy, no truly effective treatment for most, and no tor that has been strongly linked to the cause and
known cure. There is no objective medical test for development of schizophrenia.
diagnosing this disorder. No blood test or brain scan
can confirm a diagnosis. The current diagnostic Risk Factors and Preventive Measures
criteria for this book from both the North Ameri- There are no known preventive measures for
can DSM-IV-TR (2000) and the European ICD-10 schizophrenia.
(1992) can be found in an appendix to this book. See also RISK FACTORS.
Sometimes schizophrenia may resemble other psy-
chotic disorders, especially MANIC-DEPRESSIVE ILL- Bleuler, E. Dementia Praecox oder die Gruppe der Schizophre-
NESS or BIPOLAR DISORDER. nien. A volume in Handbuch der Geisteskrankheiten, edited
Reviews of the significant epidemiological, bio- by G. Aschaffenburg. Leipzig: F. Deuticke, 1911.
logical, and clinical features of this disease can ———. “Die Prognose der Dementia Praecox—Schizo-
be found in the following entries in this book: phreniengruppe,” Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie
MAL PHASE ; RESIDUAL PHASE ; RISK FACTORS ; BRAIN Cutting, J., and M. Shepherd, eds. The Clinical Roots of the
ABNORMALITIES IN SCHIZOPHRENIA ; NEUROPSYCHO- Schizophrenia Concept: Translations of Seminal European
LOGICAL STUDIES OF SCHIZOPHRENIA ; SUBJECTIVE Contributions on Schizophrenia. Cambridge: Cambridge
EXPERIENCES IN SCHIZOPHRENIA. University Press, 1987. (Contains an almost complete
translation of Bleuler’s 1908 article.)
Treatment Options and Outlook
The treatment of schizophrenia is primarily based
on the administration of ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS. schizophrenia spectrum disorders See SCHIZO-
Severe side effects of these drugs, such as TARDIVE TYPAL PERSONALITY DISORDER.
NANT SYNDROME are also discussed in detailed
entries. Other than programs that educate fam- schizophreniform disorder According to DSM-
ily members about the disease, and how to alter IV-TR (2000), a person must be given the diagno-
their own behavior to prevent relapse in their rela- sis of schizophreniform disorder if they manifest
tive with schizophrenia (see EXPRESSED EMOTION), the characteristic symptoms of the active phase of
there is no form of psychotherapy that has been schizophrenia for a period of one month but not
shown to be effective for the long term for people more than six months and there is a full recov-
with schizophrenia. Antipsychotic drugs do not ery. If symptoms persist after six months, they
seem to delay or reverse the natural course of the are given the diagnosis of schizophrenia. Schizo-
schizophrenia disease process. Antipsychotic drugs phreniform disorder is perhaps nothing more than
do not improve NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS or cognitive a conceptual bridge, based on duration of symp-
deficits (for example, attention, working memory, toms, between BRIEF PSYCHOTIC DISORDER and
and goal-directed thinking). schizophrenia. Although it is in DSM-IV-TR, there
No one knows the cause or pathophysiol- is no scientific evidence to support schizophreni-
ogy of schizophrenia. However, the most promi- form disorder as a distinct diagnostic category.
nent theory generating research at present is the For this reason it does not appear in the WORLD
Schizophrenia does not seem to follow the pat-
tern of being a neurodegenerative disease like
Alzheimer’s disease, so neurodevelopmental theo- schizophreniform psychoses A term for per-
ries are prominent almost by default. The strongest sons with an ATYPICAL PSYCHOTIC DISORDER with
evidence for a biological cause for schizophrenia a good prognosis that was often misdiagnosed as
seems to lie in the evidence provided in GENET- “genuine” or “process” schizophrenia, another
ICS STUDIES. There is no single environmental fac- syndrome that had a chronic and deteriorating
342 schizophrenogenic mother

course. Persons who developed schizophreniform phrenogenic mother in American culture and psy-
psychoses were well-adjusted prior to becoming chiatry was published by C. E. Hartwell in 1996.
ill. The onset of psychotic symptoms was sudden, Today, it is clear that there is no scientific evidence
and in response to identifiable causes such as stress to support the notion of the schizophrenogenic
or trauma. Although the psychotic symptoms mother.
resembled those of schizophrenia, there were also
elements of an AFFECTIVE DISORDER such as manic- Hartwell, C. E. “The Schizophrenogenic Mother Concept
depression and a clouding of consciousness. Unlike in American Psychiatry,” Psychiatry 59 (1996): 274–
persons with true schizophrenia, persons with a 279.
schizophreniform psychosis were responsive to Tietze, T. “A Study of Mothers of Schizophrenic Patients,”
treatments such as electroshock therapy. The con- Psychiatry 12 (1949): 55–65.
cept was introduced into psychiatry by Gabriel
Langfeldt (1895–1983), a psychiatrist in Vinderen,
Norway, in his 1939 book, The Schizophreniform schizotaxia A term coined by psychologist Paul
States. From the 1940s to the 1980s Langfeldt’s con- Meehl in 1962 to refer to the genetically transmit-
cept of schizophreniform psychoses was popular in ted “neural integrative defect” that predisposes a
psychiatry, particularly in Europe and Scandina- whole class of individuals to develop SCHIZOTYPY or
via. Langfeldt’s term lives on as SCHIZOPHRENIFORM SCHIZOPHRENIA. Schizotaxia, according to Meehl, is
DISORDER in DSM-IV-TR, although the clinical pic- the only thing that is inherited in schizophrenics,
ture differs sharply from his suggested symptoms and it does not necessarily lead to the development
for the disorder. Reanalyses of the 100 case histo- of this disorder unless there are certain environ-
ries documented by Langfeldt as schizophreniform mental factors that also push the individual in the
have found that his cases more closely match affec- direction of psychopathology. Schizotypy refers to
tive or mood disorders with psychotic features. the unusual personality organization that these
environmental influences may cause, but per-
Langfeldt, G. The Schizophreniform Disorders. Copenhagen: sons who are schizotypes still may not necessarily
Munsksgaard; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1939. develop schizophrenia. Instead, Meehl suggests:
“It seems likely that the most important causal
influence pushing the schizotype toward schizo-
schizophrenogenic mother Due to the influence phrenic decompensation is the schizophrenogenic
of psychoanalysis and, later, FAMILY INTERACTION mother.”
THEORIES, it was thought that the behavior of cer- Meehl first proposed these ideas in a Presi-
tain family members—particularly the mother— dential Address to the A MERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL
was responsible for causing a schizophrenic A SSOCIATION in September 1962, and the idea
breakdown in children. The term schizophreno- of “schizotaxia, schizotypy, schizophrenia” was
genic mother (although previously used in a paper important in developing later diathesis stress mod-
by Frieda F ROMM-R EICHMANN) was introduced els of schizophrenia and of the role of genetics in
into the mainstream by psychoanalytic psychia- SPECTRUM DISORDERS.
trist Trude Tietze in a 1949 published study of 25
mothers of schizophrenic patients. They were all Meehl, P. “Schizotaxia, Schizotypy, Schizophrenia,” Amer-
seen as “domineering” and with “warped psycho- ican Psychologist 17 (1962): 827–838.
sexual development” that psychologically injured
their children. In the 1950s and early 1960s medi-
cal students training in psychiatry were routinely schizotypal personality disorder This type of
taught that mothers were “pathogens.” One of the personality disorder best exemplifies what Paul
most prominent figures in clinical psychology, Paul Meehl meant by “SCHIZOTYPY” (see SCHIZOTAXIA).
Meehl, likewise believed in this. A useful review of The person with schizotypal personality disorder
the long and tragic course of the idea of the schizo- displays a “pervasive pattern of peculiarities of
schizotypal personality disorder 343

ideation, appearance, and behavior and deficits 1968 report of the Danish adoption studies was
in interpersonal relatedness, beginning by early that some relatives of persons with schizophrenia
adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, who did not have the disorder nonetheless exhib-
that are not severe enough to meet the criteria ited symptoms or traits of a “borderline state” of
for schizophrenia.” These persons may exhibit schizophrenia. GENETICS STUDIES of schizophre-
IDEAS OF REFERENCE, be extremely uncomfortable nia that have followed Kety and Rosenthal’s work
in social situations, exhibit extremely odd beliefs have replicated this finding, indicating that close
or engage in magical thinking, may look odd or biological relatives of persons with schizophrenia
unkempt, talk to themselves, speak oddly, have no may share the same genes underlying the predis-
close friends, have silly or inappropriate affect, or position to the disorder (“schizotaxia”) but may
perhaps even be a little suspicious or paranoid. It is express watered-down or less severe symptoms or
estimated that approximately 3 percent of the pop- traits of schizophrenia (“schizotypy”). Although
ulation of the United States has this disorder and the current assumption in modern genetics stud-
that it is more common among the FIRST-DEGREE ies is that schizotypal personality disorder is a
RELATIVES of persons with schizophrenia. form of “subthreshold” schizophrenia,” similari-
ties between the symptoms of the two disorders
Historical Background do not necessarily mean they have a common eti-
When Eugen BLEULER proposed his concept of ology (cause). However, as a recent survey of the
SCHIZOPHREHNIA in 1908, he widened the circum- experimental research on schizotypal personal-
ference of the definition DEMENTIA PRAECOX to ity disorder (SPD) by O’Flynn, et al., concluded
include persons who had dementia praecox–like in 2003, “Studies of the phenomenology, genet-
symptoms that were much less severe and who had ics, biology, cognition, outcome and treatment
a much better prognosis than those identified by response of SPD have consistently supported a
Emil K RAEPELIN. He also referred to persons who close relationship of SPD to schizophrenia.”
had “latent dementia praecox” that might worsen In clinical practice as well as research studies,
into cases of full, active schizophrenia under the “cluster A” personality disorders (paranoid,
stress or the experience of trauma. Later, in 1911, schizoid, and schizotypal) are highly overlapping
he would add a fourth form of dementia praecox and often difficult to distinguish in practice. The
that loosely corresponded to this group, SIMPLE high comorbidity of these disorders is interpreted
SCHIZOPHRENIA . The New York psychoanalyst San- by some schizophrenia researchers as an indication
dor Rado was the first to use the term SCHIZOTYPAL that there may be gradations along the schizophre-
DISORDERS in the American Journal of Psychiatry in nia spectrum rather than distinct disorders. From
1953 to refer to persons who were genetically least in severity to worst, the gradation would go
predisposed to schizophrenia but who did not from schizoid to paranoid to schizotypal personal-
go on to develop the full disorder. These persons ity disorders to schizophrenia.
appeared to have stable if bizarre personality The terms schizotypal, schizotypy, and schizophre-
traits rather than a psychotic disorder, therefore nia spectrum disorders are all used interchangeably
beginning with DSM-III in 1980, this diagnostic in the literature on schizophrenia research.
group was renamed Schizotypal Personality Dis- In ICD -10 (1992), schizotypal disorder is not a
order and included in a “cluster” with two other personality disorder but is one of the five catego-
similar personality disorders: Paranoid Personal- ries of ATYPICAL PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS.
ity Disorder and Schizoid Personality Disorder. See also BORDERLINE CASES ; BORDERLINE SCHIZO-
Schizoid personality disorder and schizotypal PHRENIA ; LATENT SCHIZOPHRENIA.
personality disorder are part of what was termed
schizophrenia spectrum disorders by Seymour Kety O’Flynn, K. O., J. Gruzelier, A. Bergman, and L. J. Siever.
and David Rosenthal of the NATIONAL I NSTITUTE “The Schizophrenia Spectrum Personality Disorders.”
OF M ENTAL H EALTH in Bethesda, Maryland, in the Schizophrenia. 2nd ed., edited by S. R. Hirsch and
early 1970s. A significant finding of their initial D. Weinberger. Cambridge: Blackwell, 2003.
344 schizotypy

schizotypy See SCHIZOTYPAL PERSONALITY DISORDER. seasonal affective disorder The observation that
DEPRESSION and MANIA are sensitive to seasonal and
environmental influences has been reported for at
schizovirus According to the VIRAL THEORIES OF least 2,000 years. Hippocrates noted in the fourth
SCHIZOPHRENIA, there is a possibility that some indi- century B.C. that “it is chiefly in the changes of sea-
viduals with schizophrenia develop the disorder due son which produce diseases, and in the seasons the
to a chronic infectious agent of the nervous system. great changes are from cold or heat.” As early as
Although such a possibility had been noted by Emil 1801, French ALIENIST Philippe P INEL noted winter
K RAEPELIN at the turn of the century, the hypothesis and summer onsets for mood disorders. DSM-III-R
was not investigated seriously until E. Fuller Torrey (1987) included criteria for “seasonal pattern” in
resurrected this notion with a series of studies at mood disorders such as BIPOLAR DISORDER or recur-
the NATIONAL I NSTITUTE OF M ENTAL H EALTH in the rent major depression in which it must be estab-
1970s. In a 1988 article, he reports, “My psychiatric lished that, through the years, there has been a
research colleagues regarded the efforts whimsically regular appearance of an episode of the disorder in
as the search for the ‘schizovirus’ or ‘schizococcus.’” a given 60-day period of the year. In a 1989 review
However, as Torrey admits, there is yet very little of all the research studies that link seasonal pat-
direct evidence to link viruses with schizophrenia. terns to mood disorders, it was found that there are
Yet, he writes, “The search for the putative ‘schizo- two primary, opposite seasonal patterns of annual
virus’ continues. Whether the quest will eventu- mood disorders, namely depression: those with
ally lead to Jason’s fabled Golden Fleece, or merely winter depression (onset during September, Octo-
be another blind alley down which schizophrenia ber, and November) and summer depression (onset
research has wandered, remains to be seen.” during March, April, and May). It is estimated that
seasonal affective disorder has been found to occur
Torrey, E. F. “Stalking the Schizovirus,” Schizophrenia Bul- in about 16 percent to 38 percent of all persons who
letin 14 (1988): 223–229. experience recurrent depression. The vast major-
Torrey, E. F., and M. R. Peterson. “Slow and Latent Viruses ity of persons (83 percent) who develop SAD (the
in Schizophrenia,” Lancet 2 (1973): 22–24. apt acronym for seasonal affective disorder) are
females in their 30s. It is generally important to
identify those persons who suffer from recurrent
Schnauzkrampf Interest in the PHYSIOGNOMY of winter depression because they have been found to
mental illness was a major concern in the 19th cen- respond to a novel form of treatment—phototherapy
tury. In schizophrenic people with CATATONIA, it was (bright light administered to such persons for vary-
reported by German psychiatrist Karl K AHLBAUM ing lengths of time and intensity of brightness).
that they tended to exhibit a protrusion of the lips
that resembled an animal snout (Schnauzkrampf). Rosenthal, N. E., and M. C. Blehar, eds. Seasonal Affective
Disorder and Phototherapy. New York: Guilford, 1989.
Rosenthal, N. E., and T. A. Wehr. “Seasonal Affective Dis-
Scotland Scotland has a higher prevalence rate orders,” Psychiatric Annals 17 (1987): 670–674.
for schizophrenia than England, its neighbor to Wehr, T. A., and N. E. Rosenthal. “Seasonality and Affec-
the south. The observation that there has always tive Illness,” American Journal of Psychiatry 146 (1989):
been more “insanity” among the Scottish dates at 829–839.
least from the mid-19th century. A schizophre-
nia prevalence study by Mayer-Gross in Scotland,
in which 56,231 persons were surveyed, found a seasonality of births in the psychotic disorders One
prevalence rate of 4.2 per 1,000. of the most consistent findings in the epidemiol-
ogy of the psychotic disorders is that there is a sea-
Torrey, E. F. Schizophrenia and Civilization. New York: Jason sonal excess of births in the winter and early spring
Aronson, 1980. months (roughly December through May) of people
self-image in schizophrenia 345

who go on to develop schizophrenia and/or bipolar Tramer, M. “Uber die biologische Bedeutung des Geburts-
disorder later in life. The very first published study to monates, insbesondere für die Psychoseerkrankung,”
document this remarkable phenomenon appeared Schweitzer Archiv für Neurologie and Psychiatrie 24
in 1929. In it, a Swiss psychiatrist named Tramer (1929): 17–24.
analyzed birth data for 3,100 patients with psychotic
disorders institutionalized in Swiss clinics.
Since then, the most vigorous proponent of secondary process See PRIMARY PROCESS.
this hypothetical risk factor for schizophrenia is E.
Fuller Torrey. In a comprehensive review article
on this issue published in Schizophrenia Research in secondary symptoms of schizophrenia See ACCES-
1997, Torrey and his colleagues analyzed more than SORY SYMPTOMS.
250 studies on seasonality of birth that covered 29
Northern and five Southern Hemisphere countries.
A consistent finding across studies was a 5 percent segregation analysis This is a major statistical
to 8 percent winter-spring excess of births of people method used in population genetics research that
who later went on to develop schizophrenia or bipo- compares the observed frequency of an illness
lar disorder. Of the 86 studies dealing specifically in a pedigree with a pattern that would occur if
with schizophrenia, a total of 437,710 individu- a hypothesized mode of genetic inheritance (e.g.,
als with schizophrenia were analyzed. According one of the patterns of monogenetic transmission or
to Torrey et al., “The schizophrenia birth excess, polygenetic transmission) were accurate. Although
therefore, may be said to be predominantly from there are limitations to segregation analyses, such
December to May, with its maximum peak in Janu- analyses on diverse phenotypes in relevant pedi-
ary and February.” In BIPOLAR DISORDER, those with grees have been able to reject the “single-locus
mania have a December to March peak, and those model” (that is, the idea that all cases of schizo-
with major depression have a March to May peak. phrenia have a common single cause and that no
This birth-excess effect was also found for per- familial resemblance is environmentally deter-
sons diagnosed with SCHIZOAFFECTIVE DISORDER mined). It has also ruled out the strict polygenetic
(December–March), major depression (March– inheritance model (that is, that schizophrenia is
May), and autism (March). However, no other caused by the additive effect of many genes in all
major psychiatric disorders seemed to be related to cases).
the season of a person’s birth.
The seasonality of birth effect is not correlated Garver, D. L., et al. “Schizophrenia and the Question
with gender, social class, race, measurable preg- of Genetic Heterogeneity,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 15
nancy and birth complications, clinical subtypes, (1989): 421–430.
or neurological, neuropsychological, or neuroim-
aging measures.
What, then, causes this remarkable effect? Tor- seleniasmus Yet another synonym for lunacy.
rey and colleagues offer the following hypoth- The word is derived from the name for the Greek
eses: seasonal effects of genes, subtle pregnancy goddess of the moon, Selene.
and birth complications, sunlight’s effect on the
internal chemistry of the body, toxins, nutrition,
temperature/weather, infectious agents (such as self-image in schizophrenia According to Sil-
viruses), or a combination of any number of these vano A RIETI , a person’s self-image consists of
environmental and genetic factors. three components: body image, self-identity, and
self-esteem. In schizophrenia, all three of these
Torrey, E. F., et al. “Seasonality of Births in Schizophre- components are disrupted. There are body image
nia and Bipolar Disorder: A Review of the Literature,” distortions and perceptual anomalies, GENDER-
Schizophrenia Research 28 (1997): 1–38. IDENTITY CONFUSION, and a loss of self-esteem
346 self-injurious behavior, or self-mutilation

that can be so severe that it may precipitate the person with schizophrenia cannot screen out rel-
PREPSYCHOTIC PANIC that may then lead to a psy- evant from irrelevant sensations. The metaphorical
chosis. American psychiatrist Harry Stack Sulli- “gate” that lets sensory and motor messages in and
van devoted considerable work to exploring the out of the cortex is broken. This failure in “gating”
development of self and self-image, which he felt to “screen out” irrelevant stimuli leads to a disrup-
originated in the child’s passive incorporation of tion in the ability of a person with schizophrenia
reflected appraisals from significant adults. Sev- to willfully focus his or her ATTENTION. The person
eral papers on the transformation of self-image in feels flooded by irrelevant sensations, feelings, and
the person stricken with schizophrenia were pub- thoughts and, in an effort to cope, can “shut down”
lished in a special issue of Schizophrenia Bulletin and become unresponsive. Genes that seem to be
(vol. 15, no. 2) in 1989 devoted to the theme “Sub- linked to sensorimotor gating have been found in
jective Experiences of Schizophrenia and Related mice (in 1998) and are suspected to exist in humans
Disorders.” as well.

Estroff, S. E. “Self, Identity, and Subjective Experiences Swerdlow, N. R., and M. A. Geyer. “Using an Animal
of Schizophrenia,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 15 (1989): Model of Deficient Sensorimotor Gating to Study the
189–198. Pathophysiology and New Treatments of Schizophre-
nia,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 24 (1998): 285–301.

self-injurious behavior, or self-mutilation The

deliberate cutting, scratching, burning, tearing, Serentil See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.
or other action performed against one’s own body.
Self-mutilation is a serious sign of extreme inter-
nal distress in many of the persons who do it. It is Seroquel See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.
a side effect of many psychiatric disorders, espe-
cially in the psychotic disorders, the DISSOCIATIVE
DISORDERS, BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER , serotonin hypothesis Serotonin is a neurotrans-
sexual masochism, and the eating disorders buli- mitter that functions in both the central and the
mia and anorexia nervosa. Self-injurious behavior peripheral nervous systems. In the peripheral ner-
(SIB) is also quite commonly seen in the mentally vous system (PNS) it functions as a vasoconstrictor.
retarded, and studies have reported that as many In the central nervous system (CNS) it has many
as 40 percent of the institutionalized mentally functions, primarily the inhibition of certain brain
retarded, especially those with a rare enzyme defi- areas during sleep.
ciency known as Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, bang The chemical name for serotonin is 5-hydroxy-
their heads; chew their fingers, lips, or the skin of tryptamine, or 5HT. Serotonin was the basis for
other parts of their body; and abuse themselves in the first theory of a NEUROTRANSMITTER DISORDER
a multitude of other ways. AS A CAUSE OF SCHIZOPHRENIA , which was proposed
in a paper by biochemists D. W. Wooley and E.
Favazza, A. Bodies under Siege: Self-Mutilation in Culture and Shaw in 1954.
Psychiatry. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, Many of the ATYPICAL ANTIPSYCHOTICS intro-
1990. duced in the 1990s act on serotonergic pathways
in the brain to alleviate the symptoms of schizo-
phrenia. However, given that more than 100 dif-
sensorimotor gating This is one of the oldest ferent neurotransmitters in the brain have now
theories in studies of schizophrenic cognition but been found, it is no longer argued by schizophre-
has been given new life under a new name with nia researchers that serotonin (or dopamine or
the neuropathological and neuroimaging studies of norepinepherine or glutamine) can act alone in
the 1980s and 1990s. The idea is that the brain of a the disease processes of schizophrenia.
simple schizophrenia 347

Baumeister, A. A., and M. F. Hawkins. “The Serotonin However, a 1983 paper by clinical psychologist
Hypothesis of Schizophrenia: A Historical Case Study Richard Noll strongly criticized this assumption
on the Heuristic Value of Theory in Clinical Neurosci- on phenomenological grounds, and now anthro-
ence,” Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 13 (Sep- pological studies of religion no longer view the
tember 2004): 277–291. experiences of shamans as “schizophrenic” or
Wolley, D. W., and E. Shaw. “A Biochemical and Phar- “psychotic.”
macological Suggestion about Certain Mental Disor-
ders,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Noll, R. “Shamanism and Schizophrenia: A State-Specific
United States of America 40 (1954): 228–231. Approach to the ‘Schizophrenia Metaphor’ of Shamanic
States,” American Ethnologist 10 (1983): 443–459.
———. “What Have We Really Learned about Shaman-
sertindole See ATYPICAL ANTIPSYCHOTICS. ism?” Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 21 (1989): 47–50.
Silverman, J. “Shamanism and Acute Schizophrenia,”
American Anthropologist 69 (1967): 21–31.
sex differences in schizophrenia See GENDER
shared delusional (or paranoid) disorder See
sexual jealousy See OTHELLO SYNDROME.

shared psychotic disorder See FOLIE À DEUX.

shamanism and schizophrenia Shamanism is a
magico-religious tradition that has been reported
for centuries in simple societies that are based on shock therapy See ELECTROSHOCK THERAPY.
hunting, gathering, and fishing. The shaman is
an individual who deliberately enters an altered
state of consciousness (through drugs, drumming, sibship The group of all siblings of the afflicted
dancing, fasting) in order to induce visionary states person and their parents.
in which he performs certain culturally prescribed
actions, usually either healing or divination.
Unfortunately, especially prior to the “psychedelic sign The sign of an illness is an objective indica-
era” of the 1960s, the only frame of reference most tor of a pathological condition. This differs from a
anthropologists possessed for understanding the SYMPTOM in that the sign of a disorder is observed
unusual experiences these people had during their by an examiner and is not a subjective report by
visions was psychiatric diagnostic manuals. Thus, the individual. For example, a runny nose is the
such experiences were long interpreted as signs of sign of the common cold, whereas the feeling of
psychosis, and the myth grew that shamans were discomfort or fever are symptoms of this illness.
nothing more than severely disturbed individuals
who may even be psychotic but whose society has
a role for them and therefore they are accepted and silly dementia See HEBEPHRENIA.
“healed” to some extent.
A widely cited 1967 paper by Julian Silverman
did much to promote this pathologizing of sha- simple schizophrenia The fourth subtype of
mans by comparing the experiences of the altered schizophrenia added by Eugen BLEULER to the
states of consciousness in the early training of the original three of paranoia, hebephrenia, and cata-
shaman with the symptoms of acute schizophre- tonia grouped together in 1899 by Emil K RAEPELIN
nia. Unfortunately, Silverman’s paper was taken as as DEMENTIA PRAECOX. This subtype was outlined
the final word on the issue for almost two decades. by Swiss psychiatrist Otto Diem in 1903. Diem
348 simulated insanity

worked under Bleuler at the BURGHÖLZI HOSPITAL , states of some persons with schizophrenia seem
and the idea for his article may have been suggested to be. This has led researchers to explore the psy-
by Bleuler as an elaboration of an earlier idea by chophysiology of sleep and to see if people with
Czech psychiatrist Arnold Pick (1851–1924). In schizophrenia manifest any significant differences
the English translation (in Cutting and Shepard’s in the normal stages of sleep or in REM (rapid eye
book) of his original article, Diem acknowledges movement) sleep that is associated with dreaming.
the “characteristic mental debility” of Kraepelin’s A 1977 review of this vast experimental literature
dementia praecox in the three original subtypes by Mendelson et al. concluded that investigators
and then proposes that “there is one further condi- “have failed to establish any unique or even con-
tion which leads to the same end state, to the same sistent abnormalities in the sleep of schizophrenic
disorder of intelligence and affect.” Diem calls patients.” However, a later reassessment of this
this dementia simplex, or “simple schizophrenia.” conclusion by Buchsbaum in 1979 suggests that
Diem notes that, after puberty, “the onset of this the highly contradictory results of the study of
particular form of the illness is habitually simple, sleep in persons with schizophrenia may simply
insidious, and without warning signs, and the ill- indicate the great diversity in the sleep neuro-
ness progresses without acute progressive attacks physiology of persons with psychotic disorders
and remissions. There are no definite affective and perhaps warrants more carefully controlled
disturbances of a manic or a melancholic nature, studies with larger sample sizes of schizophrenic
no hallucinations or delusional ideas, and none subjects. Although the issue of REM sleep differ-
of the other characteristic symptoms of the other ences in schizophrenics when compared with nor-
forms of dementia praecox . . . such as catalepsy, mals is still controversial, Buchsbaum does suggest
affectations, mannerisms, stereotypies, negativ- that one fairly consistent finding is that people
ism and mutism.” The term simple schizophrenia with schizophrenia have much lower amounts of
entered the official psychiatric diagnostic manuals delta, or stage IV, sleep than do people without
and remained there for many years. In DSM-IV-TR this disorder.
(2000), it is no longer considered one of the four
main subtypes of schizophrenia and is instead cur- Buchsbaum, M. S. “Neurophysiological Aspects of the
rently referred to as schizotypal personality disor- Schizophrenic Syndrome.” In Disorders of the Schizo-
der. Simple schizophrenia still exists as a subtype phrenic Syndrome, edited by L. Bellak. New York: Basic
in ICD -10 (1992). Books, 1979.
Mendelson, W. B., J. C. Gillin, and R. J. Wyatt. Human
Black, D. W., and T. J. Boffeli. “Simple Schizophrenia: Sleep and Its Disorders. New York: Plenum, 1977.
Past, Present, Future,” American Journal of Psychiatry Reich, L., et al. “Sleep Disturbance in Schizophrenia,”
146 (1989): 1,267–1,273. Archives of General Psychiatry, 32 (1975): 51–55.
Diem, O. “The Simple Dementing Form of Dementia
Praecox,” (“Die einfach demente Form der Dementia
praecox”), Archiv Für Psychiatrie und Neruenkrankheiten sleep treatment In 1922 Swiss psychiatrist Jakob
37 (1903): 111–187. Translated and reprinted in J. Kläsi (1883–1980) introduced the first somatic
Cutting and M. Shepherd, eds. The Clinical Roots of the treatment specifically for schizophrenia. It was
Schizophrenia Concept. Cambridge: Cambridge Univer- referred to as “prolonged sleep therapy.” He used
sity Press, 1987. barbiturates to induce continuous periods of sleep
of one week or longer in persons with schizophre-
nia. They were only allowed to be awakened for
simulated insanity See FEIGNED INSANITY. eating and performing other bodily functions.
Kläsi reported good results with his sleep treat-
ment, but it never became an accepted treatment.
sleep studies It has often been remarked how The strong sedatives he used were rather toxic and
“dreamlike” the hallucinatory and confusional would result in respiratory complications, espe-
social skills training 349

cially pneumonia. This form of treatment was used See also ABUSE OF PSYCHIATRIC PATIENTS ; BOR-

Kläsi, J. “Ober die therapeutische Anwendung per ‘Dau- Smulevich, A. B. “Sluggish Schizophrenia in the Modern
ernarkose’ mittels sominifens bei Schizophrenen,” Z. Classification of Mental Illness,” Schizophrenia Bulletin
Neurol. Psychiatr. 74 (1922): 557–592. 15 (1989): 533–539.
Snezhnevsky, A. V., ed. Shizofrenia: Klinika i Patogenez.
Moscow: Meditsina, 1969.
sluggish schizophrenia In the former Soviet
Union, perhaps 40 percent of all persons labeled
with schizophrenia are within the form of the smoking and schizophrenia As anyone who has
disorder identified as “sluggish schizophrenia.” In ever visited or worked in a psychiatric hospital will
many ways this concept is compatible with Eugen know, persons with schizophrenia tend to smoke
BLEULER’s concept of LATENT SCHIZOPHRENIA , which a great deal. Some have even been seen to smoke
he presented in 1911. In Soviet psychiatry, there two or more cigarettes at a time, and many per-
is a long-established tradition of studying “soft” sons chain-smoke so much that their lips and fin-
forms of schizophrenia. In 1969 A. V. Snezhnevsky gers are stained with nicotine. Cigarettes are the
and colleagues published an influential book that currency of the psychiatric hospital, and all sorts
introduced a new classification system for the vari- of economic transactions (including prostitution)
ous schizophrenias, including the new concept of are based on them. One study of outpatients with
“sluggish schizophrenia.” Sluggish schizophrenia schizophrenia found that 88 percent of them were
is not viewed as an initial or PRODROMAL PHASE regular smokers, a number three times higher
of schizophrenia, but instead it is an independent than the nonpsychiatric control group subjects in
diagnostic category characterized by a slowly pro- the study and still far higher than persons who are
gressive course, subclinical manifestations in the diagnosed with other psychiatric disorders. It is
latent period, overt psychopathological symp- not known why nicotine addiction is so prevalent
toms in the active period. Then follows a period in persons with schizophrenia, nor is it known
in which the POSITIVE SYMPTOMS decrease and the why, paradoxically, lung cancer does not seem to
NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS predominate the clinical pre- be a major cause of death among schizophrenics
sentation during the stabilization of the patient. In despite their years of heavy daily smoking.
the United States, “sluggish schizophrenia” may See also PHYSICAL DISEASE AND SCHIZOPHRENIA ;
have been called SIMPLE SCHIZOPHRENIA or by its RISK FACTORS.
currently accepted name, SCHIZOTYPAL PERSONAL-
ITY DISORDER. Hughes, J. R., et al. “Prevalence of Smoking among Psy-
The diagnosis of “sluggish schizophrenia” has chiatric Outpatients,” American Journal of Psychiatry
long been claimed by Soviet dissidents to be the 143 (1986): 993–997.
excuse for putting countless political prisoners
into Soviet mental hospitals for punishment. Dur-
ing the week of June 30, 1989, the Reuters news social drift theory See SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS
agency reported from Moscow that the current AND SCHIZOPHRENIA.
issue of an influential Moscow journal, the Liter-
ary Gazette, published an article by writer Leonid
Zagalsky that for the first time publicly named and social skills training The poor social interac-
condemned the two top Soviet psychiatric authori- tions of people who develop schizophrenia adds
ties and their mentor, A. V. Snezhnevsky, for con- considerably to the often terrible quality of their
doning the imprisonment in mental hospitals of lives and alienates them from other members of
otherwise healthy persons under the label “slug- the community. Social adjustment has repeatedly
gish schizophrenia.” been found to be a relatively strong predictor of
350 socioeconomic status and schizophrenia

relapse, rehospitalization, and long-term outcome. tend to “drift” downward to the lower socioeco-
Therefore, since the 1970s and 1980s in particu- nomic layers of society. An alternative hypothesis
lar, there has been a strong emphasis on teaching asserts that it is the unhealthful and stressful liv-
persons with schizophrenia certain “social skills” ing conditions of persons of low socioeconomic
that may help prevent relapse or rehospitaliza- levels (e.g., living in a ghetto) that produces the
tion as they continue to adjust to life with such disorder.
a chronic and debilitating disease. Social skills Perhaps another explanation may involve a mix-
that are often trained are learned abilities such as ture of these two theories, in that if schizophrenia
making eye contact, the content of speech, voice is a genetic disease, then previous generations have
inflection, and facial expression. The training gotten sick and have already drifted downward in
techniques often include modeling new behav- socioeconomic status over the generations, and
iors, role playing, homework and even training therefore a higher concentration of persons with
in social perception in order to help keep such this disorder should be found at these lower levels
persons from misinterpreting the expressions and of society.
actions of others. Faris and Dunham published the first major
Many studies have indicated that social skills study of the relationship between schizophrenia
training procedures are effective in teaching and socioeconomic status in 1939 and gave the
some persons with schizophrenia new skills, and first evidence for the inverse relationship between
that such newly learned behaviors can be main- class and schizophrenia. Their research was cor-
tained for varying periods of time. Some studies roborated by Hollingshead and Redlich in 1958,
have even associated some forms of social skills in their famous book Social Class and Mental Illness,
training with reduced rates of relapse. However, in which they present the “social drift” hypothe-
due to the organic nature of the disease, it is diffi- sis. In 1980 epidemiologist W. W. Eaton published
cult to maintain such learned skills once the per- a review of 17 studies conducted throughout the
son with schizophrenia is no longer monitored world and found that 15 of them confirmed the
and trained consistently within a structured pro- same conclusion that Faris and Dunham reached
gram, and therefore those persons who would in 1939: that schizophrenia forms a concentric
most benefit from such training are strongly pattern, with the highest admission rates for
encouraged to be involved in such programs as schizophrenia in the central slum areas of the
often as possible. city with the lowest socioeconomic status and
then diminishing rates as one looks farther and
Bellak, A. S., ed. Schizophrenia: Treatment, Management, farther from the inner-city slums to the higher-
Rehabilitation. New York: Grune & Stratton, 1984. status suburbs.
Penn, D. L., and K. T. Mueser. “Research Update on the It is not likely that one’s socioeconomic class
Psychosocial Treatment of Schizophrenia,” American actually causes schizophrenia, and this is a con-
Journal of Psychiatry 153 (1996): 607–617. clusion reached in 1992 in a major review of the
issue in Science.

socioeconomic status and schizophrenia One of Dohrenwald, B. P., et al. “Socioeconomic Status and Psy-
the most overwhelming pieces of evidence that we chiatric Disorders: The Causation-selection Issue,” Sci-
have about schizophrenia is that it occurs at an ence 255 (1992): 946–952.
unusually high rate in the lowest socioeconomic Faris, R. E. L., and H. W. Dunham. Mental Disorders in
strata of urban communities. However, there are Urban Areas. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1939.
several different interpretations of this finding. Hollingshead, A. B., and F. C. Redlich. Social Class and Men-
One of them is the famous “social drift” explana- tal Illness: A Community Study. New York: Wiley, 1958.
tion—that is, that persons who develop schizo-
phrenia tend not to be able to function very well
in the social or occupational spheres and therefore Solian See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.
stadium melancholicum 351

somatic delusions Delusions involving the body. Spiegel, A. “The Dictionary of Disorder: How One Man
An example is the delusion that one has a hole in Revolutionized Psychiatry,” New Yorker, January 3,
the middle of one’s body through which the wind 2005, pp. 56–63.
is blowing. Another type may be a PREGNANCY
See also DELUSIONAL DISORDER. spontaneous remission Although many clini-
cians have reported rare cases of spontaneous
remission in cases of schizophrenia, DSM-IV (1994)
somatic type One of the subtypes of the psychotic cautions that “a return to full premorbid function-
disorder known as DELUSIONAL DISORDER in which ing in this disorder is not common. Full remissions
a person may have the delusion that he or she has do occur, but their frequency is currently a subject
some physical defect, disorder or disease. of controversy.”

spectrum disorders Influenced by Paul Meehl’s spread eagle cure In 19th-century America,
DIATHESIS-STRESS THEORY of “schizotaxia, schizotypy, this was a technique used in all asylums and pris-
schizophrenia” and by the later GENETICS STUDIES ons for agitated patients or inmates. The proce-
of David Rosenthal and Seymour Kety, it has been dure involved stripping the violent patient of all
suggested that many persons may inherit a genetic clothes and throwing him flat on his back. Four
defect (schizotaxia, in Meehl’s words) that may then men would take hold of each of the limbs and
give rise to a spectrum of disorders, all the way from spread them out at right angles from the body. A
a schizoid personality disorder to schizotypal per- physician or an attendant would then stand up
sonality disorder to schizophrenia. In other words, a on a chair or a table and pour buckets of ice-cold
spectrum of related disorders from the least serious water on the restrained person’s face until he was
to the most serious may be due to similar or related completely subdued. In some instances, the shock
genetic factors. The evidence supporting a spectrum was so great that death resulted. A picture of this
concept of schizophrenia is that first-degree biologi- torturous procedure appears in Emil K RAEPELIN’s
cal relatives of persons with schizophrenia have a book One Hundred Years of Psychiatry.
greater risk of developing schizotypal personality
disorder or paranoid personality disorder or other Kraepelin, E. One Hundred Years of Psychiatry, trans. W.
schizophrenia-spectrum disorders. Baskin. 1917. Reprint, New York: Philosophical Library,

stadium melancholicum This is the 19th-century

spinning chair See CIRCULATING SWING. term for the depression that sometimes precedes
the onset of a psychotic disorder. German psychia-
trist Wilhelm GRIESINGER writes in his 1861 book,
Spitzer, Robert (1932– ) An American psychia- Mental Pathology and Therapeutics: “The stadium
trist from New York who is perhaps second only melancholicum which precedes insanity is by some
to Emil K RAEPELIN in changing the language and physicians designated as the period of incubation,
classification systems of psychiatry. Spitzer led the or prodromal stadium . . . (that) the stage of incu-
task force that produced DSM-III in 1980. This revi- bation has almost always a depressive character is
sion of the diagnostic manual completely changed interesting and of great importance.”
clinical research and practice and is regarded as the See also PRODROMAL PHASE.
most influential psychiatric text of the 20th cen-
tury. Many of the changes were either proposed or Griesinger, W. Mental Pathology and Therapeutics. 2nd ed.,
personally approved by him. trans. C. L. Robertson. New York: William Wood, 1882.
352 State Care Act of 1890

State Care Act of 1890 This was the legislative gist Heinz Werner. In his 1922 book (published in
act passed by Congress that divided each of the an English translation in 1924), Storch compared
United States into districts and mandated a state the similarities between the thought processes
hospital for each of the districts. With this act, the of schizophrenics and those of persons in primi-
term asylum was replaced by the term hospital in tive societies. He compared the magical worlds of
reference to these institutions. persons living in such societies and the delusional
worlds of schizophrenics, especially their preoc-
cupations with religious and mystical issues. Such
Stelazine See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS. comparisons are today considered invalid due to
the ethnocentrism that colors them. Persons who
live in preliterate societies are as “normal” in their
stereotypy Long observed to be a behavioral sign thought processes as “normal” persons are in our
of psychotic disorders, particularly schizophrenia, own, and mental illness is known in these societ-
stereotypy refers to seemingly meaningless repeti- ies and is recognized as such.
tive acts that are rigidly performed over and over
again, as if engaged in an idiosyncratic ritual. One Storch, A. The Primitive Archaic Forms of Inner Experiences
of the first psychiatrists to find a symbolic mean- and Thought in Schizophrenics. New York and Wash-
ing in the stereotypies of psychotic individuals was ington, D.C.: Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing
C. G. JUNG, who, in his autobiography, Memories, Company, 1924.
Dreams, Reflections (1962), relates the story of a quiet
old woman who made strange repetitive sewing
motions with her hands. In trying to understand straitjacket, or straight-waistcoat A form of
what possible meaning the action could have had MECHANICAL RESTRAINT invented by a man named
for her, he investigated her past and found out that MacBride in England in the 1700s for restraining
many years previously, the woman had suffered agitated patients in asylums. The heavy canvas coat
the onset of her psychosis after losing a lover who had sleeves that wrapped around the body and
happened to make shoes—hence the source of her could be tied in the back. Such forms of restraint
sewing motions. Psychoanalyst Frieda F ROMM- were used well into the 20th century and may still
R EICHMANN writes in a 1942 paper that “the seem- be in use in some places even today.
ingly meaningless and inappropriate stereotyped See also CAMISOLE.
actions of schizophrenics are meaningful, as are
the rest of their communications. They serve to
screen the appropriate emotional reactions that are street drug psychosis A psychotic disorder whose
at their bottom. . . . They are a means of defense onset is related to the use of PSYCHOTOGENIC DRUGS.
against non-acceptance and rebuff.” See also SUBSTANCE ABUSE ; SUBSTANCE-INDUCED
Fromm-Reichmann, F. “A Preliminary Note on the Emo-
tional Significance of Stereotypes in Schizophrenics”
(1942). In Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy: Selected street people A term for vagrants of all sorts, but
Papers of Frieda Fromm-Reichmann, edited by D. M. Bul- especially the homeless mentally ill persons who
lard. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1959. live on the streets. It is an American term that
came into vogue in the 1980s. A 19th-century
term for the same class of individuals was PAUPER
Storch’s theory of schizophrenic cognition Alfred LUNATICS.
Storch was a German psychologist who published
one of the first comprehensive studies of the pecu-
liarities of thought and language in schizophrenia. stress It is clear that stress is related to the onset
Storch was a pupil of the comparative psycholo- and relapse of many mental and physical disorders.
subjective experiences of schizophrenia 353

However, a direct connection between stressful Based on their work in the United Kingdom,
life events and the development of schizophre- McGhie and Chapman’s 1961 paper on atten-
nia has not been demonstrated. Given that about tion disturbances is an exemplary study of the
80 percent of the vulnerability to schizophrenia inner experiences of schizophrenics and what
is now estimated to be from genetic factors (see these reports may mean from a theoretical point
GENETICS STUDIES), it is probably true that part of view. The “psychedelic era” generated new
of the remaining 20 percent may be related to interest in purported PSYCHEDELIC EXPERIENCES IN
physically or emotionally stressful environmen- SCHIZOPHRENIA , which then led to a series of stud-
tal influences that contribute to the exacerbation ies comparing drug-induced states with psychotic
of the disease process. However, a major review states of consciousness. In the United States, psy-
of the stress issue in schizophrenia published in chiatrist Malcom Bowers’s book, Retreat from San-
1985 has concluded that “there is no good evi- ity: The Structure of Emerging Psychosis, published in
dence that life stress is causally related to episodes 1974, provided clinicians and the general public
of schizophrenia.” with a series of vivid case histories of what it must
be like to undergo a psychotic episode. An excel-
Gruen, R., and M. Biron. “Stressful Life Events and Schizo- lent collection of historical accounts of the subjec-
phrenia,” Neuropsychobiology 12 (1984): 206–208. tive experience of mental illness, particularly of
Tennant, C. C. “Stress and Schizophrenia: A Review,” institu- tionalization, was published by Dale Peter-
Integrative Psychiatry (1985): 248–261. son in 1982, containing a comprehensive bibliog-
raphy of first-person accounts of experiences with
“madness.” Indeed, most of the major attempts to
strong rooms See OUBLIETTES. study the subjective experiences of people with
schizophrenia were published in the 1960s and
1970s—prior to the revolution in BRAIN IMAGING
subjective experiences of schizophrenia With its TECHNIQUES and GENETICS STUDIES that have shifted
emphasis on biological and biochemical factors in the focus to the purely organic view of this dis-
the development of mental disorders (and the psy- ease. In an effort to resurrect interest in the more
chotic disorders in particular), psychiatry has been human and experiential side, in 1989 Schizophre-
criticized for ignoring the actual experience of an nia Bulletin (vol. 15, no. 2) devoted an entire spe-
illness by the afflicted person. Indeed, psychiatry cial issue to the theme “Subjective Experiences of
has been accused of viewing the notion of the “self” Schizophrenia and Related Disorders.”
as perhaps a bit mystical, and most professional
psychiatric journals today have less and less space Historical Background
for detailed “case histories” of individual experi- Beginning at least with German psychiatrist Karl
ences. Most studies of the subjective experience of Ludwig Kahlbaum’s 1874 book on catatonia, psy-
schizophrenia agree on the alterations in the sense chiatry has been concerned with psychopathology
of “self” that the disease process produces. Hearing in a very specific way: the objective identification
voices, perceptual anomalies, odd beliefs, intrusive and classification of symptoms of mental illness
thoughts, strange feelings (or lack thereof)—all that could then be grouped into syndromes. A dis-
these highly self-threatening phenomena have ease was constructed from its symptoms. A second
been documented in the various reports of persons approach in psychiatry, that of nosology, assumed
with psychotic disorders (see PERCEPTUAL ANOMA- that there are underlying disease processes that
LIES IN SCHIZOPHRENIA). By understanding what exist prior to the appearance of symptoms, and
actually goes on inside the thoughts and emotions the disease determines the symptoms. Both ap-
of a person with schizophrenia, we can all develop proaches are still quite influential in psychiatry.
a deeper empathy for the afflicted person and However, the subjective human experience of be-
interact with him or her in a much more genuinely ing a particular mentally ill person is lost in these
supportive manner. approaches. Both emphasize what is common and
354 subjective experiences of schizophrenia

universal across persons (symptoms) and not how Phenomenological and existential approaches to
a particular form of a symptom (e.g., an auditory the inner experiences of persons with schizophre-
hallucination of voices) is actually experienced by nia were always more popular in Europe and the
a particular person in the course of his or her life. rest of the world than in the United States, where
Individual patients are thus objectified, reduced to there is a traditional aversion among psychiatrists
collections of interchangeable modular compo- to any philosophical tradition other than its home-
nents of mental illness stripped of any connection grown pragmatism of William James and John
to the meaning of one’s personal history. Dewey. Other than its 70-year (1910–80) flirtation
In 1913 the German psychiatrist Karl Jaspers with Freudian psychoanalysis and its murky meta-
(1883–1969) transformed the psychopathology physical ideas, abstract European philosophical
approach by applying the philosophical meth- concepts have generally been avoided like cholera
ods of phenomenology to psychiatry in his book by anti-intellectual Americans.
Allgemeine Psychopathologie. Jaspers was interested Beginning in the 1990s, clinical psychologist
in the ways in which patients experienced their Louis Sass of Rutgers University in New Jersey
consciousness of themselves, the meaning they and psychiatrist Josef Parnas of Denmark have
attached to their symptoms and their illness as a been promoting a return to the study of the inner
whole, and their feelings. From 1908 to 1915 Jas- world of schizophrenia by redefining it as a “self-
pers was associated with the psychiatric clinic at disorder” or an “ipseity disorder” from the Latin,
the University of Heidelberg in Germany and later ipse, for “self” or “itself.” Relying on European phe-
was appointed a professor of philosophy there. His nomenological psychiatry, cognitive science, and
work inspired a “phenomenology” movement in phenomenological philosophy, they argue that
psychiatry that was centered in Heidelberg and schizophrenia is characterized by “complementary
included such prominent German psychiatrists as distortions of the act of awareness: hyperreflexity
Karl Wilmanns (1873–1945); Hans Walther Gruhle and diminished self-affection.” Ipseity is defined as
(1880–1958); Wilhelm Mayer-Gross (1889–1961), “the experiential sense of being a vital and self-
who wrote his paper on “the phenomenology of identical subject of experience or first person per-
abnormal feelings of happiness”; Kurt Beringer spective on the world.” Whether the reframing of
(1893–1949), who wrote a 1924 monograph on the schizophrenia as an ipseity disorder proves to have
“dream-like (oneiroid)” forms of experience in psy- direct application in clinical practice and research
chotic disorders; and Hans Prinzhorn (1886–1933), remains to be seen.
who compiled a vast collection of the “art of the
insane” as evidence of the inner, subjective world Bowers, M. Retreat from Sanity: The Structure of Emerging
of madness, and published an influential book on Psychosis. New York: Human Sciences Press, 1974.
the subject (see ART, SCHIZOPHRENIC). From 1945 Freedman, B. J. “The Subjective Experience of Percep-
to 1955, Kurt Schneider (1887–1967) became chair tual and Cognitive Disturbances in Schizophrenia,”
of the department. Schneider’s FIRST-RANK SYMP- Archives of General Psychiatry 30 (1974): 333–340.
TOMS of schizophrenia are a product of this phe- Freedman, B. J., and L. J. Chapman. “Early Subjective
nomenological tradition at Heidelberg that started Experience in Schizophrenia Episodes,” Journal of
with Jaspers. Abnormal Psychology 82 (1973): 46–54.
In the 1950s the subjective experiences of per- Kleinman, J. E., et al. “A Comparison of the Phenom-
sons with schizophrenia again became a focus of enology of Hallucinogens and Schizophrenia from
understanding by psychiatrists influenced by the Some Autobiographical Accounts,” Schizophrenia Bul-
philosophy of existentialism. Prominent among letin 3 (1977): 560–586.
this group was Ludwig Binswanger (1881–1966), McGhie, A., and J. Chapman. “Disorders of Attention and
who developed a method of psychotherapy based Perception in Early Schizophrenia,” British Journal of
on existential principles, DASEINANALYSE. This work Medical Psychology 34 (1961): 103–115.
influenced British psychiatrist R. D. L AING and the Peterson, D., ed. A Mad People’s History of Madness. Pitts-
antipsychiatry movement. burgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1982.
substance abuse 355

Sass, L. A., and J. Parnas. “Schizophrenia, Consciousness, 5. Drugs may be precipitating relapse and subse-
and the Self,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 29 (2003): 427–444. quent rehospitalization among those persons
with schizophrenia who are in remission and
who would otherwise remain outside of the
substance abuse Psychiatric facilities the world hospital.
over have been deluged since the 1960s with a new
type of patient—the “dual diagnosis” patient who is At the end of the 20th century, one of the great-
often young, a substance abuser, and perhaps even est obstacles to the effective treatment of schizo-
schizophrenic. Considering the prevalence of illicit phrenia was the fact that so many young patients
drug use in our society by adolescents, and given used drugs and alcohol. An estimate by Lisa Dixon
the fact that it is usually in late adolescence or early speculates that half of persons in the United States
adulthood that the first serious onset of schizo- with schizophrenia may also be battling a diagnos-
phrenia has been documented for almost a century, able drug or alcohol disorder. Those persons with
the combination (“comorbidity”) of schizophrenia schizophrenia at greater risk for addiction tend to
and substance abuse is perhaps the rule and not the be of younger age, of male gender, and have a lower
exception in today’s treatment centers. The issues grade of completed education. It is clear now from
that are often raised are whether certain drugs research studies that persons with schizophrenia
actually do initiate the onset of schizophrenia, how who also have a substance abuse problem have
they affect its course, and how a history of sub- poorer outcomes. Furthermore, when compared to
stance abuse with PSYCHOTOGENIC DRUGS may affect other persons diagnosed with schizophrenia, they
treatment, especially with antipsychotic drugs. have more psychotic symptoms, poorer treatment
In a major review of the impact of substance compliance, they tend to be more violent, they
abuse on schizophrenia, researchers Winston are more likely to be homeless, and they are more
Turner and Ming T. Tsuang arrived at the follow- likely to have medical problems (including HIV
ing conclusions regarding the present state of sci- infection). Integrating substance abuse treatment
entific knowledge about this relationship: (AA, etc.) with mental health services is currently
the only viable treatment option.
1. It is evident that substance abuse may profoundly In the early 1990s the WORLD H EALTH ORGAN-
affect the course and outcome of schizophrenia, IZATION conducted a 10-country study of the
but the true impact remains largely undefined. comorbidity of substance abuse and schizophrenia.
2. There is some evidence that drugs tend to has- It was found that 57 percent of males with schizo-
ten the age of onset of psychosis, but it is unclear phrenia abused alcohol. Illegal drugs, primarily
whether the effect is to precipitate latent or sub- cannabis (marijuana) and cocaine, were found to
liminal psychotic behavior or to initiate psy- be in use by 24 to 41 percent of all persons with
chosis in persons who would not have had a schizophrenia surveyed in the study. In a two-year
psychotic episode if they did not abuse drugs. follow-up study the WHO found that cannabis use
3. Drug abuse just before hospitalization is fairly was a major risk factor for relapse in schizophre-
common, and the drugs of choice do not appear nia. In clinical practice it is not unusual to meet
to be random, but it has yet to be determined young persons who experienced their first episode
whether the specific benefits the schizophrenic of schizophrenia after smoking marijuana, and this
patients are receiving from the drugs differ from connection has long been part of the anecdotal lore
those experienced by persons who do not have of mental health professionals. There is no strong
schizophrenia. evidence as to whether smoking marijuana is actu-
4. The relationship between characteristics of drug ally a causal factor in the onset of schizophrenia, but
abuse (drug type, quantity, and frequency of the evidence concerning its correlation to increased
drug abuse) and the degree of psychopathology, rates of relapse suggests this may be a precipitating
manifestations of the disease, and long-term factor in the illness of some young persons.
outcome has yet to be addressed. See also COMORBIDITY.
356 substance-induced psychotic disorder

Dixon, Lisa. “Dual Diagnosis of Substance Abuse in LEUCOTOMY; LOBECTOMY; LOBOTOMY; PSYCHOSUR-
Schizophrenia: Prevalence and Impact on Outcomes,” GERY; TOPECTOMY; TRANSORBITAL LOBOTOMY.
Schizophrenia Research 35 (1999): 93–100.
Turner, W. M., and M. T. Tsuang. “Impact of Substance
Abuse on the Course and Outcome of Schizophrenia,” Sweden See SCANDINAVIA.
Schizophrenia Bulletin 16 (1990): 87–95.

swinging chair See CIRCULATING SWING.

substance-induced psychotic disorder A DSM-IV-
TR diagnostic category for persons who develop a
psychotic disorder during, or within a month of, symbiotic psychosis This was a syndrome pro-
substance intoxication or withdrawal. The symp- posed by child psychoanalyst Margaret Mahler to
toms must be severe and in excess of what would describe a psychotic disorder of childhood that may
normally be expected from intoxication or with- resemble schizophrenia. It has also been called
drawal. To receive this diagnosis there can be no the “Mahler syndrome.” According to Mahler, it
evidence of a preexisting psychotic disorder. occurs in children who have reached a level of
development in which they are able to differen-
tiate and individualize from the mother (usually
subtype An identifiable variant of a particular ages two to four) but cannot proceed to a full sepa-
disease. ration. Whenever separation is attempted, panic
(“separation anxiety”) sets in. Mahler writes: “The
symbiotic psychotic syndrome is aimed at restoring
suicide and schizophrenia Persons with schizo- the symbiotic-parasitic delusion of oneness with
phrenia live, on average, 10 to 15 years less than the mother and thus serves a function diametri-
persons in the general population. The main cally opposite to that of the autistic mechanism.”
causes of this are deaths due to suicide and to Mahler says that the psychosis may be insidious
accidents. The single most common cause of death and may not be detected until school age. The pri-
in persons with schizophrenia is suicide. Current mary symptoms of REGRESSION are catatonia-like
estimates place the suicide rate in schizophrenia temper tantrums and states of panic.
as equal to, or greater than, the risk of suicide
in persons suffering from major depression. In Mahler, M. S. On Human Symbiosis and the Vicissitudes of
1995 a study conducted in Scotland found that Individuation. Vol. 1, Infantile Psychosis. New York:
the suicide rate for persons with schizophrenia International Universities Press, 1968.
was increasing, with the most dangerous period
being the first year following discharge from the
hospital. symptom Generally, a symptom is any mani-
See also COMORBIDITY; MORTALITY IN SCHIZO- festation of a pathological condition. Although a
PHRENIA ; RISK FACTORS. strict interpretation of this word is that it refers
only to subjective complaints of distress, it may, in
Geddes, J. R., and E. Juszczak. “Period Trends in Rate of some instances, also refer to objective pathological
Suicide in First 28 Days after Discharge from Psychi- conditions.
atric Hospitals in Scotland, 1968–1992,” British Medical See also SIGN.
Journal 311 (1995): 357–360.

syndrome A cluster of symptoms that commonly

surgery See AUTOINTOXICATION AS A CAUSE OF appear together and constitute a recognizable con-
DEMENTIA PRAECOX , COLUMBIA-GREYSTONE P ROJ- dition. The term syndrome is often less specific than
ECT ; FOCAL INFECTION A CAUSE OF SCHIZOPHRENIA ; the words disease or disorder. Disease is used when
syphilitic psychosis 357

a specific etiology (cause) of an illness is known, visual images of lights flashing or swirling col-
or if its specific organic disease process is known. ors. Such experiences have been reported with
Most mental disorders therefore are in fact syn- the use of hallucinogens and in acute psychotic
dromes rather than diseases. episodes.
synesthesia A condition in which a sensory
experience normally associated with one modal-
ity occurs when another modality is stimulated. syphilitic psychosis See GENERAL PARALYSIS OF
For example, a loud, sudden sound might produce THE INSANE.
tactile hallucinations A hallucination of “touch.” it apparently produced abnormal behavior. Fur-
Often a tactile hallucination involves something thermore, when injected into normal human sub-
that is felt on or under the skin, and a delusional jects, Heath claimed that this substance induced
interpretation of the sensory experience usually a temporary psychotic disorder that mimicked
accompanies a tactile hallucination. FORMICATION schizophrenia. It was claimed that taraxein was
is a specific type of tactile hallucination in which in the gamma immunoglobulin (IgG) of persons
something (usually “bugs”) is felt to be crawling with schizophrenia and that it acted as an anti-
just below the surface of the skin. Formication is body against antigens that were present in the
commonly reported in alcohol withdrawal delir- person’s own limbic system in the brain. There-
ium and in withdrawal from cocaine intoxication. fore, since it interfered with brain functioning, it
was argued that taraxein was a probable cause of
schizophrenia, making it an autoimmune disease.
Taiwan The prevalence rate for schizophrenia in Heath’s findings have not been replicated by other
Taiwan has been found to be 2.2 per 1,000. Studies laboratories.
of prevalence rates for schizophrenia among the See also IMMUNE SYSTEM ALTERATION IN
aboriginal population has been found to be among SCHIZOPHRENIA.
the lowest rates in the world—0.9 per 1,000.
Heath, R. G., and I. M. Krupp. “Schizophrenia as an
Torrey, E. F. Schizophrenia and Civilization. New York: Jason Immunologic Disorder: Demonstration of Antibrain
Aronson, 1980. Globulins by Fluorescent Antibody Techniques,”
Archives of General Psychiatry 16 (1967): 1–9.
Heath, R. G., et al. “Effect on Behavior in Humans with
tangentiality A feature of the peculiar thought the Administration of Taraxein,” American Journal of
processes found in schizophrenia and in schizo- Psychiatry 114 (1957): 14–24.
typal personality disorder in which a person does
not stick to one topic when speaking but gets
pulled off into tangential currents of thought. Usu- tardive dyskinesia This is an involuntary move-
ally these are topics that are unrelated to the main ment disorder directly caused by brain changes
point of the conversation, but the person seems resulting from the long-term use of ANTIPSYCHOTIC
unable to focus attention enough to stay consistent DRUGS. It appears either during treatment with
with the main topic. antipsychotic drugs or shortly (four to eight weeks)
after terminating such treatment.

taraxein hypothesis In 1957 a research study by Symptoms and Diagnostic Path

Heath and coworkers announced that they had The TD syndrome is characterized by abnormal
isolated an abnormal blood protein in the serum of movements in the following areas of the body, as
people with schizophrenia that they called tarax- summarized by M. Marsalek in an article pub-
ein. When they injected this protein into monkeys, lished in 2000:

Three Christs of Ypsilanti 359

• Tongue: rolling, arrhythmic tongue protrusions therapeutic community See MILIEU THERAPY.
(fly catching sign), tongue producing a bulge in
the cheek (the bon-bon sign)
• Lips: pouting, smacking, puckering, sucking thioridazine See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.
• Mouth: chewing movements
• Face: grimacing, paroxysms of rapid eye-blinking
• Neck: arrhythmic head nodding thiothixene See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.
• Trunk: irregular rocking movements of the upper
• Upper extremities: abnormal stereotypic move- thioxanthenes See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.
ments in the fingers may look as though the
patient is playing an invisible guitar (also for-
merly known as the “pill-rolling” movement) Thorazine The trade name for CHLORPROMAZINE.
• Lower extremeties: flexing, rotation of the ankles, It is named after the Norse god of Thunder, Thor.
involuntary stamping movements, retroflexion See also ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.
of the toes

Treatment Options and Outlook thought broadcasting A delusion common in

schizophrenia in which the person believes or
Tardive dyskinesia is a chronic disorder. At pres-
experiences his or her own internal thoughts as
ent there are no uniformly safe and effective treat-
being broadcast from one’s head as they are occur-
ments for it.
ring so that others can hear them.
Marsalek, M. “Tardive Drug-induced Extrapyramidal
Syndromes,” Pharmacopsychiatry 33 (2000): 14–33.
thought disorder See FORMAL THOUGHT DISORDER.

temperament See FUNDAMENTAL STATES OF MANIC- thought insertion Another common delusion
DEPRESSIVE INSANITY. found in persons in schizophrenia, it is the delu-
sion that thoughts belonging to other persons or
entities are being inserted into one’s mind.
temporary psychosis See ATYPICAL PSYCHOTIC
thought withdrawal One of the most common
delusions found in schizophrenia, “thought with-
theomania A type of MONOMANIA identified by J. drawal” is the belief that thoughts have been
E. D. ESQUIROL in 1938 for the category of persons removed from one’s head.
with a psychotic disorder that includes those “who
believe that they are God, who imagine that they
have conversations and intimate communications thrashing See FLOGGING.
with the Holy Spirit, angels and saints, and who pre-
tend to be inspired, and to have received a commis-
sion from heaven to convert men.” This disorder is in Three Christs of Ypsilanti Social psychologist
distinction to CACODEMONOMANIA, which involves Milton Rokeach published his famous study of the
the delusional belief of contact with “evil” forces. impact that three paranoid schizophrenic men,
who all believed they were Jesus Christ, had on
Esquirol, J. E. D. Mental Maladies: A Treatise on Insanity, one another when they were placed together in
trans. E. K. Hunt. 1838. Reprint, Philadelphia: Lea and the same bedroom, same workplace, and same caf-
Blanchard, 1945. eteria table at Ypsilanti State Hospital in Michigan
360 thyroid disease masking as psychosis

from July 1959 to August 1961. The purpose was RUSH to refer to those “insane” persons who did
to record the changes in each of the men, who all not believe in the value of the American Revolu-
claimed the same delusional identity. Although tion. Rush was convinced that these people were
no one improved in any overall sense, two of the mentally ill and that they died from their insanity.
Christs modified their self-identities a bit to avoid It is not known if Rush involuntarily committed
conflict, whereas the third ended up becoming any of these people to the Pennsylvania Hospital in
more firmly entrenched in his identity, even to the Philadelphia, which would have made them politi-
point of denying that the other two were alive (see cal prisoners.
COTARD’S SYNDROME). Rokeach concludes in the
final sentence of his books: “And, finally, we have Lloyd, J. H. “Benjamin Rush and His Critics,” Annals of
learned that even when a summit of three is com- Medical History 2 (1930): 470–475.
posed of paranoid men, deadlocked over the ulti-
mate in human contradiction, they prefer to seek
ways to live with one another in peace rather than toxin theory See AUTOINTOXICATION AS A CAUSE

Rokeach, M. The Three Christs of Ypsilanti: A Psychological

Study. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1964. tranquillizer A form of MECHANICAL RESTRAINT
invented by American physician Benjamin RUSH
in 1808. Also called a “coercion chair,” it was
thyroid disease masking as psychosis See MEDI- designed to restrain agitated or violent patients.
CAL DISORDERS THAT MIMIC PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS. The device was an instrument of torture in which
a person would sit upright in a chair, arms shack-
led to the arms of the chair and feet clasped by the
token economy See BEHAVIOR THERAPY. ankles in a device at the bottom of the chair; it had
a wooden block that could be raised or lowered
and would fit over the head of the person, mak-
topectomy A PSYCHOSURGERY procedure invented ing him or her completely immobile. In his 1812
by J. Lawrence Pool, a research assistant in the treatise, Rush extols the virtues of the use of the
Department of Neurology at Columbia University “tranquillizer” for violent patients:
in 1947. The term is derived from two Greek words
meaning “place” and “excision.” An attempt to Confinement by means of a strait waistcoat or of
create a more conservative form of psychosur- a chair which I have called a tranquillizer. He
gery, topectomy involved destroying parts of the submits to them both with less difficulty than
frontal cortex itself rather than severing the white to human force, and struggles less to disengage
fibers below (as in a LEUCOTOMY). It considerably himself from them. The tranquillizer has several
reduced the chances of hemorrhaging and there- advantages over the straight waistcoat or mad
fore the likelihood that a patient would become shirt. It opposes the impetus of blood towards the
a zombie-like vegetable, as was the case in many brain, it lessens muscular actions every where, it
psychosurgical patients of Walter F REEMAN. The reduces the force and the frequency of the pulse,
topectomy was one of the forms of psychosurgery it favours the application of cold water and ice
studied by the COLUMBIA-GREYSTONE P ROJECT in to the head, and warm water to the feet, both of
1947 and was performed on patients of the New which I shall say presently are excellent remedies
Jersey State Hospital in Greystone Park. in this disease; it enables the physician to feel
the pulse and to bleed without any trouble, or
altering the erect position of the patient’s body;
Tory rot An 18th- and early 19th-century Amer- and, lastly, it relieves him, by means of a close
ican psychotic disorder identified by Benjamin stool, half filled with water, over which he con-
transmethylation hypothesis 361

stantly sits, from the festor and filth of his alvine of persons with schizophrenia. However, Hoffer’s
evacuations. suggestion that the production of adrenochrome
could be blocked by administering high doses of
Since Rush’s time, the word tranquillizer has niacin (vitamin B3) led to the fad of MEGAVITAMIN
been part of the slang of asylums and mental hos- THERAPY for schizophrenia and a new but marginal
pitals, referring to just about any method that qui- discipline known as orthomolecular psychiatry.
ets an agitated patient. It is thought that this is the The assumption was that if the body of a per-
source of our use of the word tranquilizer for seda- son with schizophrenia was producing LSD-like
tive medications. A graphic reproduction of the or mescaline-like substances, then metabolites of
famous illustration of Rush’s device appears on the these chemicals should be detectable in the blood or
cover of the book cited below by Sander Gilman. urine. For two decades schizophrenia researchers
searched for enzymes that converted one biochem-
Gilman, S. L. Seeing the Insane. New York: Wiley, 1982. ical molecule into another less-active substance or
Rush, B. Medical Inquiries and Observations upon the Diseases its detectable metabolite after breakdown. A prom-
of the Mind. Philadelphia: Kimber & Richardson, 1812. inent proponent of this line of research during this
era of “metabolic psychiatry” was Seymour Kety
(1915–2000), the head of the neuroscience labora-
transcultural studies of schizophrenia See CROSS- tories at the National Institute of Mental Health.
CULTURAL STUDIES. No endogenous psychotogen or psychosis-caus-
ing metabolite was ever found in persons with
schizophrenia. However, the basic research con-
transmethylation hypothesis Based on studies ducted within the framework of the transmethyl-
of how hallucinogenic drugs, particularly LSD-25, ation hypotheses led to many useful discoveries,
worked on the brain to produce “psychotogenic” including the metabolites of dopamine and sero-
(psychosis-causing) effects, from at least 1957 to tonin, which had applications to other fields of
the mid-1970s the dominant theories of schizo- research, such as psychopharmacology. By the late
phrenia were based on various “inappropriate 1960s the focus of research had shifted from the
methylation” or transmethylation hypotheses. The search for toxic metabolites to instabilities of the
term transmethylation was coined by the organic methylation process itself. By the late 1970s, the
chemist John Harley-Mason of Cambridge Univer- TRANSMETHYLATION HYPOTHESIS had been replaced
sity in England in 1951. The first publication advo- by a new one: the DOPAMINE HYPOTHESIS. Research
cating this hypothesis was published in 1952 in the into the various transmethylation hypotheses
Journal of Mental Science and coauthored by Hum- slowed to a trickle and had virtually disappeared
phrey Osmond (1917–2004) and John Smythies. by the 21st century. The last such publication in
They suggested that schizophrenia was caused by this tradition appeared in 1999, reporting the
a toxic hallucinogenic substance, produced in the “experimental psychosis” induced by the ingestion
brain, through the faulty methylation of adrena- of Ayahoasca, a South American hallucinogenic
line. Throughout the 1950s Osmond was joined beverage prepared by boiling two plants found in
by Abram Hoffer (1917– ) in this research at the the Amazon region.
mental hospital in Weyburn, Saskatchewan, Can- See also BIOCHEMICAL STUDIES OF SCHIZOPHRE-
ada. Osmond coined the term psychedelic in 1957 NIA ; METABOLIC DISORDER HYPOTHESIS.
for hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD-25 and mes-
caline, which he had personally introduced to the Hoffer, A., and H. Osmond. “The Adrenochrome Model
British author Aldous Huxley (1894–1963) in 1953. and Schizophrenia,” Journal of Nervous and Mental Dis-
In 1959 Osmond and Hoffer revised their trans- ease 123 (1959): 18–35.
methylation theory, claiming the toxic substance Luchins, D., et al. “A Review of Nicotinic Acid, N-meth-
was adrenochrome. Replication attempts by others ylated Indoleamines and Schizophrenia,” International
could not find adrenochrome in the bodily fluids Pharmacopsychiatry 13 (1978): 16–33.
362 transorbital lobotomy

Osmond, H., and J. R. Smythies. “Schizophrenia: A New come (a fact that rejects the claims of CROW’S
Approach,” Journal of Mental Science 98 (1952): 309– HYPOTHESIS regarding Type II schizophrenia)
315. (2) poor premorbid functioning
Pomilio, A. B., et al. “Ayahoasca: An Experimental Psy- (3) early age of onset of illness
chosis That Mirrors the Transmethylation Hypothesis (4) male gender
of Schizophrenia,” Journal of Ethnopharmacology 65 (5) presence of neurological “soft signs” in males
(April 1999): 29–51. (6) early cognitive impairment

The duration of time during which the illness

transorbital lobotomy The famous “ice-pick tech- was left untreated has no apparent relationship to
nique” of PSYCHOSURGERY invented by psychiatrist being treatment-resistant. Research on the new
Walter F REEMAN in 1946 as an alternative to the atypical ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS indicates many of
formal surgical procedures that involved the open- them may be as useful as clozapine as a form of
ing of the skull. Transorbital lobotomies avoided this maintenance therapy. All in all, the reasons why
by lodging an ice pick–type instrument behind the so many persons with schizophrenia simply do not
orbit of the eye and into the frontal lobes, where a respond to current medication remain a mystery.
few quick strokes could damage enough of the brain
tissue to achieve the desired tranquilizing effect. Barnes, T. R. E., P. Buckley, and S. C. Schulz. “Treatment-
Freeman first used this technique on outpatients resistant Schizophrenia.” In Schizophrenia. 2nd ed.,
in his Washington, D.C., office in 1946 against the edited by S. R. Hirsch and D. Weinberger. Cambridge:
advice of his associate, James Watts, who refused to Blackwell, 2003.
cooperate with him. For these first patients Freeman
did use an actual ice pick from his kitchen drawer
at home, and this historic kitchen utensil is in the trepanation (or trephination) Perhaps the earli-
collection of the James W. Watts and Himmelfarb est form of PSYCHOSURGERY for epilepsy and mental
Health Sciences Library of George Washington Uni- disorders, this technique involved the removal of
versity in Washington, D.C. The development of the a (usually) circular piece of the skull for the pur-
transorbital lobotomy technique led to the mass poses of surgical treatment of the brain. Trephined
brain damaging of thousands of institutionalized skulls dating from Neolithic times have been found
psychiatric patients in the 1940s and 1950s. in Europe and among the ruins of the great civi-
lizations of the world, including the ancient Incas.
During the Middle Ages trepanning continued as
treatment-resistant schizophrenia Despite the a treatment and was done by using carpenters’
many positive reports about the beneficial effects of drills. Sir William Osler (1848–1919) writes in a
treating people with schizophrenia with ANTIPSY- 1921 book, The Evolution of Modern Medicine, that
CHOTIC DRUGS, there are still patients who are refrac- “the operation was done for epilepsy, infantile con-
tory to this form of therapy. Those who are not helped vulsions, headache and various cerebral disease
by antipsychotic drugs range in estimates from 20 believed caused by confined demons, to whom the
to 33 percent of schizophrenics. These estimates do hole gave a ready method of escape.”
not include the 15 percent or so of schizophrenic
patients who improve with just placebo treatment in Horrax, G. Neurosurgery—An Historical Sketch. Springfield,
double-blind studies of antipsychotic drugs. Ill.: Charles C. Thomas, 1952.
Research on persons who develop treatment-
resistant schizophrenia have found the following
characteristics: trichtillomania An infrequently observed but not
uncommon behavior observed in people with psy-
(1) there is no clear relationship between ini- chotic disorders (and with other types of mental
tial symptoms, positive or negative, and out- disorders) is the compulsive pulling out of one’s
twins method and studies 363

hair, resulting in bald patches on the scalp or on For a few years following this announcement, the
other parts of the body. In DSM-III-R trichtillomania hypothesis was discussed that schizophrenia and
is included among the impulse control disorders. tuberculosis may be related after all, but no con-
Trichtillomania was first described by the French firming evidence was ever put forth.
physician Hallopeau in 1889. Most studies of trich- See also PHYSICAL DISEASE ; SCHIZOPHRENIA.
tillomania have concluded that it is (1) a chronic
disorder that (2) frequently involves multiple hair Hunter, R. A., and J. G. Widdicombe. “Tuberculosis and
sites, and (3) that is highly correlated with the Insanity: Historical and Experimental Observations on
presence of another mental disorder (for example, the Straight-waistcoat as Collapse Therapy,” St. Bart’s
major depression, the mental disorder with which Hospital Journal 61 (1957): 113–119.
trichtillomania is most closely correlated). Löwenstein, E. “Über Tuberkelbasillämie bei Nerven-
krankheiten,” Wein. Klin. Wchschr. 46 (1933): 228–231.
Christenson, G. A., et al. “Characteristics of 60 Adult
Chronic Hair Pullers,” American Journal of Psychiatry
148 (1991): 365–370. twins method and studies Studying pairs of
Hallopeau, M. “Alopcie par grattage (trichomanie ou twins in which one or both members have schizo-
trichtillomanie),” Annales Dermatol. Venerol. 10 (1889): phrenia or bipolar disorder has been an important
440–441. area in GENETICS STUDIES of these psychotic disor-
ders. Indeed, they have been so fruitful that NIMH
genetics researcher David Rosenthal has concluded
trifluoperazine See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS. that “the twins studies probably have contributed
our most reliable data regarding the inheritance of
Trilafon See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS. Twins studies compare the CONCORDANCE RATE
for schizophrenia in pairs of MONOZYGOTIC (“identi-
cal”) TWINS with the rate found in DIZYGOTIC (“fra-
tuberculosis and psychosis The idea has often ternal”) TWINS. In fact, it was Rosenthal himself
been put forth that certain diseases are incompat- who pioneered the scientific study of schizophrenic
ible and cannot be found in the same person. This twins for their possible information regarding
was the untested hypothesis behind the CONVUL- genetic transmission, publishing the first study
SIVE THERAPY idea in the 20th century that epilepsy using the strategy of comparing the concordance
and schizophrenia could not be found together in rate of monozygotic twins in 1962. In some later
the same person. In the 18th and 19th centuries, studies, the rate in first-degree biological relatives
it was believed that those persons who developed is also compared.
pulmonary tuberculosis were not likely to develop There are two major assumptions behind the
a psychotic disorder. No scientific support for this twins studies: (a) that monozygotic twins share all
theory has ever been put forth. the same genes, whereas dizygotic twins only have
However, in the 1930s the opposite hypothesis about half of their genes in common, and (b) that
was put forth: namely, that tuberculosis might both varieties of twin pairs are exposed to the same
be the cause of certain mental diseases, includ- prenatal and postnatal environmental influences.
ing schizophrenia. In 1933 Austrian researcher Therefore, given these two assumptions, it would
E. Löwenstein published a paper describing a new be expected that monozygotic twins would show
and more sensitive technique for the detection of a greater concordance for genetically transmitted
Koch’s bacillus (the cause of tuberculosis) and sug- diseases of all types than dizygotic twins—which
gested that he could establish a diagnosis of tuber- is, indeed, the case.
culosis in cases that may not, on first appearance, According to a review of genetics studies of
look like tuberculosis. Included among these were schizophrenia by K. S. Kendler in 1986, the twins
some mental disorders, including schizophrenia. studies of schizophrenia have fairly consistently
364 two-syndrome concept of schizophrenia

reported a three-times greater risk for develop- disease, the other didn’t) for schizophrenia or bipo-
ing schizophrenia in the monozygotic twins of lar disease, Torrey and his colleagues conducted a
persons with schizophrenia than in the dizygotic series of neuropsychological, neurophysiological,
twins of afflicted persons. Furthermore, the risk genetic, and neuroimaging studies to answer the
for developing schizophrenia is 40 percent to 60 age-old question: “Why is one twin sick and the
percent greater in these monozygotic twins than other one isn’t if X is a genetic disease?” Although
in the general population. Other studies have they did not find the answer to this question, the
demonstrated that monozygotic twins reared apart data they collected will be a valuable contribution
from each other are concordant for schizophrenia to solving that riddle in the 21st century.
(that is, both twins have it) at about the same rate See also GENETICS STUDIES.
as those who are raised together, thus strongly
confirming the role of genetics over the environ- Bertelsen, A., et al. “A Danish Twin Study of Manic-
ment. Still, there are monozygotic twins who are Depressive Disorders,” British Journal of Psychiatry 130
discordant for schizophrenia, and future research (1997): 330–351.
must determine why this is so if schizophrenia is a Kendler, K. S. “Genetics of Schizophrenia.” In Psychiatry
genetically transmitted disease. Update: American Psychiatric Association Annual Review.
For bipolar disorder, twins studies also point Vol. 5, edited by A. J. Frances and R. J. Hales. Wash-
to a strong genetic component for the transmis- ington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press, 1986.
sion of the illness. A famous Danish twins study Rosenthal, D. “Problems of Sampling and Diagnosis in the
of manic-depressive disorders published in 1977 Major Twin Studies of Schizophrenia,” Journal of Psy-
found that there was a 79 percent concordance chiatric Research 1 (1962): 116–134.
rate for bipolar illness in the monozygotic twins of Torrey, E. F., A. E. Bowler, E. H. Taylor, and I. I. Gottesman.
persons diagnosed with this disorder, in contrast Schizophrenia and Manic-Depressive Disorder: The Biological
to a concordance rate of only 19 percent in the Roots of Mental Illness as Revealed by the Landmark Study of
dizygotic twins of persons diagnosed with bipolar Identical Twins. New York: Basic Books, 1994.
disorder. Reanalysis of the Danish data by others
found these rates to be too high. Other studies of
bipolar disorder find the rates for MZ twins to be two-syndrome concept of schizophrenia See
closer to 44 percent. CROW’S HYPOTHESIS.
One of the most intriguing studies using the
twins method was conducted by E. Fuller Torrey
and his colleagues. Finding large numbers of pairs Type I/Type II schizophrenia See CROW’S
of twins that were discordant (one twin had the HYPOTHESIS.
undifferentiated type This is one of the four sub- lowest socioeconomic strata of American soci-
types of schizophrenia currently recognized by ety. E. Fuller Torrey has suggested that prelimi-
DSM-IV (1994), and it is probably the most common nary evidence shows that the prevalence rate for
diagnosis given to people with schizophrenia (with schizophrenia in the United States may have risen
the paranoid subtype close behind). The essential since 1950 and recommends that more compre-
features of this subtype are prominent psychotic hensive research be carried out to investigate this
features such as delusions, hallucinations, formal possibility.
thought disorder, incoherence, or grossly disorga-
nized behavior, but it may combine features of two Torrey, E. F. “Prevalence Studies of Schizophrenia,” Brit-
or more of the other subtypes, or features that sim- ish Journal of Psychiatry 150 (1987): 598–608.
ply cannot fit into the diagnostic descriptions of
the other subtypes. Hence, “undifferentiated type”
is a garbage pail diagnosis. “usual treatment, the” Philippe Pinel’s phrase
that he used several times in his 1801 book, A Trea-
tise on Insanity, to describe the treatment of insti-
unitary psychosis See EINHEITSPSYCHOSE. tutionalized persons with mental disorders in the
18th and early 19th centuries—namely, “bleeding,
bathing and purging.”
United States Worldwide prevalence rates for
schizophrenia have been found to range from less
than 1 to 17 per 1,000 persons. However, most Utica crib A form of mechanical restraint origi-
studies conducted worldwide—including those in nally developed in France by a physician named
the United States—fall within the 2 to 5 per 1,000 Aubanel in 1845 but first used in the United States
range. In the United States, specific prevalence at the Utica State Hospital in New York State upon
rates from research studies have ranged from 1.1 the recommendation of its superintendent, Ama-
(among the rural Hutterites, a closed religious riah Brigham, one of the original 13 founders of the
community) to 4.7 (if age corrected, from 2.1 to A MERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION. It was a crib
6.4) per 1,000. The highest rates of schizophre- bed but with a hinged lid that could be locked, keep-
nia are found in the urban areas and among the ing the patient confined in a horizontal position.

V.A. hospitals Hospitals in the United States for variable expressivity In GENETICS STUDIES, if
veterans of military service. They are managed the same genetically transmitted abnormal-
under the auspices of the Veterans Administration, ity produces different manifestations for either
and their psychiatric wards serve as an adjunct to genetic or nongenetic reasons, it is said that this
the state hospital system for the mentally ill. abnormality is characterized by variable expres-
sivity. For example, the finding in schizophre-
nia research that smooth-pursuit eye movement
vampirism, clinical Although it is quite rare, there abnormalities have been found in 60 percent of
have been actual case reports of people with psy- persons with schizophrenia and in 55 percent
chotic disorders engaging in clinical vampirism— of their first-degree biological relatives might be
that is, the ingestion of blood, whether one’s own or an example of variable expressivity, because in
the blood of others. Clinical vampirism is actually many instances there are persons with schizo-
a “blood fetish” that often develops in childhood, phrenia who do not have abnormal smooth-pur-
when the child finds the taste of his own blood suit eye movement but their nonschizophrenic
enjoyable. Then, after puberty, these pleasurable relatives do (see EYE MOVEMENT ABNORMALITIES IN
feelings become associated with sexual activities, SCHIZOPHRENIA). All this may really mean is that
usually masturbation. The typical course starts with an underlying process (or “latent trait,” perhaps)
autovampirism, causing bleeding from one’s own may induce a disorder in the brain that produces
body through simple cuts or scrapes, to then open- either schizophrenia, smooth-pursuit eye move-
ing major blood vessels to drink one’s own blood. ment abnormalities, or both. These three possi-
In some people, the fetish graduates to true clinical bilities illustrate the variable expressivity of this
vampirism—the desire to drink the blood of oth- underlying process or trait.
ers. Psychologist Richard Noll has suggested this
delusional syndrome be named R ENFIELD’S SYN- Holzman, P. S. “Eye Movement Dysfunction and Psy-
DROME, after the character in Bram Stoker’s Drac- chosis,” International Review of Neurobiology 27 (1985):
ula. People with schizophrenia have been reported 179–205.
to have engaged in clinical vampirism, but this is an
extremely rare occurrence.
vascular-inflammatory theory of schizophrenia
Benezech, M., et al. “Cannibalism and Vampirism in Par- See BLOOD VESSEL ALTERATIONS IN SCHIZOPHRENIA.
anoid Schizophrenia,” Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 42
(1981): 7.
Noll, R. Vampires, Werewolves and Demons: Twentieth Cen- ventriculomegaly Literally, “enlarged ventri-
tury Case Reports in the Psychiatric Literature. New York: cles,” a common characteristic of some persons
Brunner/Mazel, 1991. with schizophrenia. Ventricle size in the majority
Prins, H. “Vampirism—A Clinical Condition,” British Jour- of schizophrenics is within the normal range.
nal of Psychiatry 146 (1985): 666–668. See also BRAIN ABNORMALITIES IN SCHIZOPHRENIA.

viral theories of schizophrenia 367

verbigeration A term for the repetitious, mean- viral theories of schizophrenia Since the turn of
ingless speech of persons with psychotic disorders. the century, it has often been suggested that infec-
It was first introduced by German psychiatrist Karl tious agents might be the cause of schizophre-
K AHLBAUM in 1874. In the English translation of nia. Both Emil K RAEPELIN and Eugen BLEULER
the fourth edition of Eugen BLEULER’s famous commented on the fact that infectious processes
textbook on psychiatry, he defines this psychotic might play a role in the development of schizo-
behavior in the following way: “The stereotype of phrenia. When it was discovered conclusively at
speech, or verbigeration, always repeats the same around that time that the syndrome known as the
words or sentences, often entirely senseless ones.” GENERAL PARALYSIS OF THE INSANE was caused by
tertiary syphilis, similar infectious agents were
sought for dementia praecox (schizophrenia).
violence and schizophrenia Contrary to the Most of the research centered on bacteria (see
popular negative stereotype of the mentally ill as FOCAL INFECTION AS CAUSE OF PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS
“psycho killers,” it is probably not true that persons and TUBERCULOSIS AND PSYCHOSIS), since viruses
with schizophrenia are more violent toward others were not well understood at the time.
than those persons who do not have this disease. After the First World War, worldwide out-
It is true that those persons with schizophrenia breaks of influenza and Von Economo’s encepha-
that do tend to be violent toward others are of the litis drew attention once again to this hypothesis,
paranoid subtype or have transient paranoid delu- since post-encephalitic patients seem to have the
sions, are undermedicated or have ingested street same signs and symptoms of schizophrenia. How-
drugs of some sort. It is also true that persons ever, after the 1920s, the rise of psychoanalytic,
with schizophrenia have a higher rate of crimes psychosocial, and family interaction theories of
against property than persons in the general pop- the causes of schizophrenia drew attention away
ulation. In addition, persons with schizophrenia from possible organic causes, such as viruses. It
have higher rates of violence against themselves wasn’t until the 1950s that interest once again
in the form of suicide when compared with the briefly revived, only to subside until the 1970s,
general population, and perhaps even for acts of when research on the role of infectious agents in
self-mutilation, although there are no statistics for the development of many physical diseases began
this latter observation. Although a prior history of to uncover some promising results.
violence is the best predictor of future violence in E. Fuller Torrey is responsible for drawing atten-
individual cases, it is still next to impossible for tion once again to the viral hypothesis of schizo-
clinicians to accurately predict future acts of “dan- phrenia, after he became aware of some research
gerousness” or of violence. that demonstrated that “slow” or latent viruses
could cause central nervous system diseases after
McNiel, D. E., and R. L. Binder. “Predictive Validity of remaining latent in the body for perhaps 20 years
Judgments of Dangerous in Emergency Civil Com- or more. Such research continues into the possible
mitment,” American Journal of Psychiatry 144 (1987): viral causes of multiple sclerosis and many other
197–200. diseases of the central nervous system. Torrey
Rada, R. T. “The Violent Patient: Rapid Assessment and began research at the National Institute of Mental
Management,” Psychosomatics 22 (1981): 101–109. Health in the early 1970s by collecting the blood
Weaver, K. E. “Increasing the Dose of Antipsychotic and cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) from persons with
Medication to Control Violence,” American Journal of schizophrenia and then analyzing these fluids to
Psychiatry 140 (1983): 1,274. detect evidence of a viral presence. His first publi-
Yesavage, J. A. “Inpatient Violence and the Schizophrenic cation on this viral hypothesis appeared in 1973.
Patient: An Inverse Correlation between Danger- Although other infectious agents such as bac-
Related Events and Neuroleptic Levels,” Biological Psy- teria, rickettsiae, and fungi cannot be ruled out,
chiatry 17 (1982): 1,331–1,337. viruses are prime suspects in schizophrenia for
368 visual hallucinations

several reasons: (1) their frequent neurotropism, tious agents are involved in such cases, transmis-
that is, their affinity for neural tissue, (2) their sion of the agent must occur in utero or at birth.”
ability to remain latent in brain tissue for many Throughout the 1990s the search for a virus that
years, perhaps even decades, (3) they can attack may be related to schizophrenia continued to fail.
very specific areas of the brain (often the limbic Using the long latency period of the human immu-
system, which is implicated in schizophrenia) nodeficiency virus (HIV) as a model (since it takes
and leave others untouched, (4) their propensity so many years for symptoms to appear in infected
to produce relapses and remissions, and (5) their persons), schizophrenia researchers used the new
ability to alter the enzymatic functions of brain tools of genetics research to find evidence of the
cells without causing visible structural damage presence of a retrovirus in persons with schizo-
to the cells that could be picked up, for example, phrenia. In one major study, DNA and RNA was
by BRAIN IMAGING TECHNIQUES or neuropathologi- extracted from the brain tissue of deceased persons
cal methods. They have even been found to cause with schizophrenia and also from controls. The
changes in the neurotransmitters of the brain, per- new PCR (polymerase chain reaction) procedure
haps even producing the biochemical changes that was used because it can allow for the detection
produce the symptoms of schizophrenia. of small amount of genetic material from viruses
There are several viral models as possible present in the blood, urine, or tissue of humans.
causes of schizophrenia. Some of them are based The researchers used PCR with primers from 12
on the idea that an in utero infection of the fetus different viruses, some of them retroviruses, all of
may affect fetal neural development and therefore them speculated to be involved in schizophrenia
result in schizophrenia later in life. This theory fits at one time or another. Absolutely no trace of any
in with the research on perinatal factors as con- genes from any of these viruses were found. The
tributing causes to schizophrenia. Other theories search for the “schizovirus” continues.
propose that the mother or even the father may See also CATS AND SCHIZOPHRENIA.
be an asymptomatic carrier that transmits the
virus across the placenta during pregnancy. The Taller, A. M., et al. “Search for Viral Nucleic Acid Sequences
SEASONALITY OF BIRTHS of persons who develop in Brain Tissues of Patients with Schizophrenia Using
schizophrenia also fits well with a viral theory, Nested Polymerase Chain Reaction,” Archives of Gen-
since many viral infections are seasonal, and the eral Psychiatry 53 (1996): 32–40.
excess of schizophrenic births in late winter to Torrey, E. F. “Stalking the Schizovirus,” Schizophrenia Bul-
spring may be a reflection of prenatal infection. letin, 14 (1988): 223–229.
The fact that schizophrenia runs in families may Torrey, E. F., and M. R. Peterson. “Slow and Latent Viruses
be attributed to viral theories as well, since per- in Schizophrenia,” Lancet 2 (1973): 22–24.
sons may be inheriting a genetic predisposition to
being affected by a particular virus, or the virus
may actually be transmitted on the gene itself (as visual hallucinations Hallucinations of sight.
is the case in retroviruses). These may include formed images (such as people
However, despite the logic of viral theories of or alligators) or unformed images (such as flashes
schizophrenia, the research has not been very of light). Visual hallucinations have often been
fruitful. In 1988 E. Fuller Torrey concluded in his attributed to an organic cause, such as the pres-
review of the issue: “Despite the theoretical attrac- ence of drugs in the person’s system, or perhaps a
tiveness of infectious agents as etiologic models, metabolic disorder or an infection. In schizophre-
there is as yet little direct evidence with which to nia, auditory hallucinations have been the most
link them to schizophrenia. This may be because commonly reported type. However, a 1989 study
laboratory technology is not yet sensitive enough, found that visual hallucinations may occur in 32
we have not yet looked for the correct infectious percent to 56 percent of persons with schizophre-
agent, or the infectious hypothesis is simply wrong. nia at some point in their illness, and that they are
In addition, adoption studies suggest that if infec- usually associated with auditory hallucinations,
vulnerability model of schizophrenia 369

delusions, and thought disorder. They found that physiological) have in common? Can they be uni-
visual hallucinations were slightly more prevalent fied in some way? These were the questions asked
in the nonparanoid forms of schizophrenia than in by researchers Joseph Zubin and Bonnie Spring,
the paranoid forms but that this difference was not who propose in a 1977 paper that the concept of
statistically significant in the study. They suggest vulnerability is the common link between all these
that most clinicians do not ask about visual hal- theories. They write: “The vulnerability model
lucinations (the most common interview question proposes that each of us is endowed with a degree
is often, “Do you hear voices?”), and that prob- of vulnerability that under suitable circumstances
ably accounts for why they are so infrequently dis- will express itself in an episode of schizophrenia
cussed in the literature of schizophrenia. illness.” However, the researchers “distinguish
between vulnerability to schizophrenia, which we
Bracha, H. S., et al. “High Prevalence of Visual Halluci- regard as a relatively permanent, enduring trait,
nations in Research Subjects with Chronic Schizo- and episodes of schizophrenic disorder, which are
phrenia,” American Journal of Psychiatry 146 (1989): waxing and waning states.” Thus, they suggest that
526–528. both vulnerability and episodic “markers” (biolog-
ical, genetic, environmental) must be found. Since
the publication of this article, the concept of vul-
vorbeireden See GANSER’S SYNDROME. nerability in this wider, more general sense is often
referred to in the literature of schizophrenia.

vulnerability model of schizophrenia What do Zubin, J., and B. Spring. “Vulnerability—A New View
all the various theories of schizophrenia (genetic, of Schizophrenia,” Journal of Abnormal Psychology 86
environmental, developmental, learning, neuro- (1977): 103–126.
water drinking, excessive, in persons with schizo- tions of a Fallacy,” Professional Psychology: Research and
phrenia See POLYDIPSIA. Practice 15 (1984): 299–314.

water therapy See HYDROTHERAPY. withdrawal, social This is one of the most com-
monly reported signs of schizophrenia and is pres-
ent long before the definite outbreak of a psychosis
wet sheets See PACKING (AS TREATMENT). in many persons. Social withdrawal is therefore
part of the PRODROMAL PHASE of schizophrenia and
whipping See FLOGGING. can later develop into one of the chronic NEGATIVE
SYMPTOMS of this disorder. Such persons may shun
contact with others, for example, or be unable to
Williamsburg Eastern Lunatic Asylum The first interact or make eye contact when in the presence
official asylum for the mentally ill to be founded in of others.
the United States. It was established in Williams-
burg, Virginia, in 1773, and was open to all levels
of society except slaves. word salad A very descriptive term for an abnor-
mality of language that can be found in some per-
sons with schizophrenia or with certain types of
witchcraft It has often been reported, especially aphasias. A person speaking word salad just seems
in psychiatric textbooks, that the most prevalent to toss out words without regard to their meaning,
theory of the causes of mental illness (and partic- making unusual and meaningless combinations
ularly the psychotic disorders) was a supernatural and perhaps even creating NEOLOGISMS.
one based on “demons” or malevolent “spirits.”
Furthermore, it has often been reported that most work (as therapy) See FARMING (AS TREATMENT);
of those people who died during the Great Witch OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY.
Hunt in Europe, between about 1500 and 1650,
were mentally ill. However, research by psycholo-
gist Thomas Schoeneman has demonstrated that World Health Organization One of the semi-
these assertions, despite wide report in psychiat- autonomous organizations created by the United
ric textbooks, are untrue and that the evidence Nations, the World Health Organization (WHO)
shows that most of the people who were executed has been instrumental in sponsoring epidemiolog-
for witchcraft were poor women with a sharp ical and CROSS-CULTURAL STUDIES of schizophrenia
tongue and a bad temper, or old and unmar- and other mental disorders.
ried—or that, in some areas, just about anyone
was suspect. World Psychiatric Association An international
association made up of national associations of psy-
Schoeneman, T. J. “The Mentally Ill Witch in Textbooks chiatrists from various countries. It was founded in
of Abnormal Psychology: Current Status and Implica- 1961.

Y, Z
York Retreat The famous humane institution for disorder) and a history of substance abuse since
the insane founded in 1792 by the Religious Society the 1960s, more and more young persons who are
of Friends in York, England. Founded by William nonetheless following a chronic course of illness
Tuke (1732–1822), it helped to put into practice the have made up a large percentage of the admis-
MORAL TREATMENT of the institutionalized mentally sions to psychiatric facilities. This person has been
ill in England, as was shortly thereafter the case in labeled by psychiatrist Bert Pepper as the “young
Philippe P INEL’s France and Vincenzo CHIARUGI’s adult chronic patient.” A young adult chronic
Italy. The emphasis was on occupational ther- patient is defined as one who is between 18 and
apy and good food and sanitary conditions, with 35 years old, abuses alcohol and drugs, is sexually
MECHANICAL RESTRAINTS used rarely, if at all. Wil- active, has unpredictable and sometimes violent
liam Tuke’s grandson, Samuel Tuke (1784–1857), behavior, has frequent suicidal thoughts, often has
wrote a glowing description of the treatment of the children with whom there is little or no relation-
mentally ill at the Retreat, and after its publication ship, often has been arrested, cannot seem to hold
in 1813 it helped influence Parliament to investi- down a job, and is attention-seeking but also tends
gate conditions in British asylums. to reject treatment.
Daniel Hack Tuke (1827–95), one of the leading See also SUBSTANCE ABUSE.
psychiatrists in England in the 19th century, was the
son of Samuel and the grandson of William Tuke. Pepper, B. “The Young Adult Chronic Patient: Popula-
tion Overview,” Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology
Tuke, S. Description of the Retreat. London: 1813. 5 (1985): 3S to 7S.

young adult chronic patient With the ever- ziprasidone See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.
increasing problem of patients presenting with the
dual diagnosis of a traditional psychotic disorder
(schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, schizoaffective Zyprexa See ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS.

I. North American Diagnostic Criteria for Schizophrenia

II. European Diagnostic Criteria for Schizophrenia

III. Sources of Information Concerning Schizophrenia

IV. Directory

DSM-IV-TR (2000)
Source: American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth
Edition Text Revision. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press, 2000.

DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA C. Duration: Continuous signs of the disturbance

persist for at least 6 months. This 6-month
period must include at least 1 month of symp-
A. Characteristic symptoms: Two (or more) of the fol-
toms (or less if successfully treated) that meet
lowing, each present for a significant portion of
Criterion A (i.e., active-phase symptoms) and
time during a 1-month period (or less if success-
may include periods of prodromal or residual
fully treated):
symptoms. During these prodromal or residual
1. delusions periods, the signs of the disturbance may be
2. hallucinations manifested by only negative symptoms or two
3. disorganized speech (e.g., frequent derail- or more symptoms listed in Criterion A present
ment or incoherence) in an attenuated form (e.g., odd beliefs, unusual
4. grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior perceptual experiences).
5. negative symptoms, i.e., affective flattening, D. Schizoaffective and mood disorder exclusion: Schizo-
alogia, or avolition affective Disorder and Mood Disorder With
Psychotic Features have been ruled out because
Note: Only one Criterion A symptom is required either (1) no Major Depressive, Manic, or Mixed
if delusions are bizarre or hallucinations consist Episodes have occurred concurrently with the
of a voice keeping up a running commentary active-phase symptoms; or (2) if mood episodes
on the person’s behavior or thoughts, or two or have occurred during active-phase symptoms,
more voices conversing with each other. their total duration has been brief relative to the
B. Social/occupational dysfunction: For a significant duration of the active and residual periods.
portion of the time since the onset of the dis- E. Substance/general medical condition exclusion: The
turbance, one or more major areas of function- disturbance is not due to the direct physiologi-
ing such as work, interpersonal relations, or cal effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a
self-care are markedly below the level achieved medication) or a general medical condition.
prior to the onset (or when the onset is in child- F. Relationship to a pervasive developmental disorder: If
hood or adolescence, failure to achieve expected there is a history of Autistic Disorder or another
level of interpersonal, academic, or occupational Pervasive Developmental Disorder, the addi-
achievement). tional diagnosis of Schizophrenia is made only

376 The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

if prominent delusions or hallucinations are also DISORGANIZED TYPE

present for at least a month (or less if success-
A type of Schizophrenia in which the following
fully treated).
criteria are met:
A. All of the following are prominent:
A type of Schizophrenia in which the following
1. disorganized speech
criteria are met:
2. disorganized behavior
A. Preoccupation with one or more delusions or 3. flat or inappropriate affect
frequent auditory hallucinations. B. The criteria are not met for Catatonic Type.
B. None of the following is prominent: disorga-
nized speech, disorganized or catatonic behav- UNDIFFERENTIATED TYPE
ior, or flat or inappropriate affect.
A type of Schizophrenia in which symptoms that
CATATONIC TYPE meet Criterion A are present, but the criteria are
not met for the Paranoid, Disorganized, or Catatonic
A type of Schizophrenia in which the clinical pic- Type.
ture is dominated by at least two of the following:
1. motoric immobility as evidenced by catalepsy RESIDUAL TYPE
(including waxy flexibility) or stupor A type of Schizophrenia in which the following
2. excessive motor activity (that is apparently pur- criteria are met:
poseless and not influenced by external stimuli)
3. extreme negativism (an apparently motiveless A Absence of prominent delusions, hallucina-
resistance to all instructions or maintenance of tions, disorganized speech, and grossly disorga-
a rigid posture against attempts to be moved) nized or catatonic behavior.
or mutism B. There is continuing evidence of the distur-
4. peculiarities of voluntary movement as evi- bance, as indicated by the presence of negative
denced by posturing (voluntary assumption of symptoms or two or more symptoms listed in
inappropriate or bizarre postures), stereotyped criterion A for Schizophrenia, present in an
movements, prominent mannerisms, or promi- attenuated form (e.g., odd beliefs, unusual
nent grimacing perceptual experiences).
5. echolalia or echopraxia
Source: World Health Organization. International Classification of Diseases,
Tenth Edition (ICD-10). Geneva: WHO, 1992.

F20 SCHIZOPHRENIA ing, peripheral and irrelevant features of a total

The schizophrenic disorders are characterized in concept, which are inhibited in normal directed
general by fundamental and characteristic distor- mental activity, are brought to the fore and uti-
tions of thinking and perception, and by inap- lized in place of those that are relevant and appro-
propriate or blunted affect. Clear consciousness priate to the situation. Thus thinking becomes
and intellectual capacity are usually maintained, vague, elliptical, and obscure, and its expression
although certain cognitive deficits may evolve in in speech sometimes incomprehensible. Breaks
the course of time. The disturbance involves the and interpolations in the train of thought are fre-
most basic functions that give the normal person quent, and thoughts may seem to be withdrawn
a feeling of individuality, uniqueness, and self- by some outside agency. Mood is characteristically
direction. The most intimate thoughts, feelings, shallow, capricious, or incongruous. Ambivalence
and acts are often felt to be known to or shared by and disturbance of volition may appear as inertia,
others, and explanatory delusions may develop, negativism, or stupor. Catatonia may be present.
to the effect that natural or supernatural forces The onset may be acute, with seriously disturbed
are at work to influence the afflicted individual’s behaviour, or insidious, with a gradual develop-
thoughts and actions in ways that are often bizarre. ment of odd ideas and conduct. The course of the
The individual may see himself or herself as the disorder shows equally great variation and is by
pivot of all that happens. Hallucinations, especially no means inevitably chronic or deteriorating (the
auditory, are common and may comment on the course is specified by five-character categories). In
individual’s behaviour or thoughts. Perception a proportion of cases, which may vary in different
is frequently disturbed in other ways: colours or cultures and populations, the outcome is com-
sounds may seem unduly vivid or altered in qual- plete, or nearly complete, recovery. The sexes are
ity, and irrelevant features of ordinary things may approximately equally affected but the onset tends
appear more important than the whole object to be later in women.
or situation. Perplexity is also common early on Although no strictly pathognomonic symptoms
and frequently leads to a belief that everyday can be identified, for practical purposes it is use-
situations possess a special, usually sinister, mean- ful to divide the above symptoms into groups that
ing intended uniquely for the individual. In the have special importance for the diagnosis and often
characteristic schizophrenic disturbance of think- occur together, such as:

378 The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

(a) thought echo, thought insertion or withdrawal, been clearly present for most of the time during
and thought broadcasting; a period of 1 month or more. Conditions meeting
(b) delusions of control, influence, or passivity, such symptomatic requirements but of duration
clearly referred to body or limb movements or less than 1 month (whether treated or not) should
specific thoughts, actions, or sensations; delu- be diagnosed in the first instance as acute schizo-
sional perception; phrenia-like psychotic disorder and are classified
(c) hallucinatory voices giving a running commen- as schizophrenia if the symptoms persist for longer
tary on the patient’s behaviour, or discussing periods.
the patient among themselves, or other types Viewed retrospectively, it may be clear that a
of hallucinatory voices coming from some part prodromal phase in which symptoms and behav-
of the body; iour, such as loss of interest in work, social
(d) persistent delusions of other kinds that are activities, and personal appearance and hygiene,
culturally inappropriate and completely impos- together with generalized anxiety and mild degrees
sible, such as religious or political identity, or of depression and preoccupation, preceded the
superhuman powers and abilities (e.g. being onset of psychotic symptoms by weeks or even
able to control the weather, or being in com- months. Because of the difficulty in timing onset,
munication with aliens from another world); the 1-month duration criterion applies only to the
(e) persistent hallucinations in any modality, when specific symptoms listed above and not to any pro-
accompanied either by fleeting or half-formed dromal nonpsychotic phase.
delusions without clear affective content, or by The diagnosis of schizophrenia should not be
persistent over-valued ideas, or when occurring made in the presence of extensive depressive or
every day for weeks or months on end; manic symptoms unless it is clear that schizophrenic
(f) breaks or interpolations in the train of thought, symptoms antedated the affective disturbance. If
resulting in incoherence or irrelevant speech, both schizophrenic and affective symptoms develop
or neologisms; together and are evenly balanced, the diagno-
(g) catatonic behaviour, such as excitement, pos- sis of schizoaffective disorder should be made,
turing, or waxy flexibility, negativism, mutism, even if the schizophrenic symptoms by themselves
and stupor; would have justified the diagnosis of schizophre-
(h) “negative” symptoms such as marked apathy, nia. Schizophrenia should not be diagnosed in the
paucity of speech, and blunting or incongru- presence of overt brain disease or during states of
ity of emotional responses, usually resulting in drug intoxication or withdrawal.
social withdrawal and lowering of social perfor-
mance; it must be clear that these are not due F20.0 PARANOID
to depression or to neuroleptic medication; SCHIZOPHRENIA
(i) a significant and consistent change in the over- This is the commonest type of schizophrenia in most
all quality of some aspects of personal behav- parts of the world. The clinical picture is dominated
iour, manifest as loss of interest, aimlessness, by relatively stable, often paranoid, delusions, usu-
idleness, a self-absorbed attitude, and social ally accompanied by hallucinations, particularly of
withdrawal. the auditory variety, and perceptual disturbances.
Disturbances of affect, volition, and speech, and
catatonic symptoms, are not prominent.
DIAGNOSTIC GUIDELINES Examples of the most common paranoid symp-
The normal requirement for a diagnosis of schizo- toms are:
phrenia is that a minimum of one very clear
symptom (and usually two or more if less clear- (a) delusions of persecution, reference, exalted birth,
cut) belonging to any one of the groups listed as special mission, bodily change, or jealousy;
(a) to (d) above, or symptoms from at least two of (b) hallucinatory voices that threaten the patient
the groups referred to as (e) to (h), should have or give commands, or auditory hallucinations
Appendix II 379

without verbal form, such as whistling, hum- F20.1 HEBEPHRENIC

ming, or laughing; SCHIZOPHRENIA
(c) hallucinations of smell or taste, or of sexual or
A form of schizophrenia in which affective changes
other bodily sensations; visual hallucinations are prominent, delusions and hallucinations fleet-
may occur but are rarely predominant. ing and fragmentary, behaviour irresponsible and
unpredictable, and mannerisms common. The mood
Thought disorder may be obvious in acute is shallow and inappropriate and often accompa-
states, but if so it does not prevent the typical nied by giggling or self-satisfied, self-absorbed smil-
delusions or hallucinations from being described ing, or by a lofty manner, grimaces, mannerisms,
clearly. Affect is usually less blunted than in other pranks, hypochondriacal complaints, and reiterated
varieties of schizophrenia, but a minor degree of phrases. Thought is disorganized and speech ram-
incongruity is common, as are mood disturbances bling and incoherent. There is a tendency to remain
such as irritability, sudden anger, fearfulness, and solitary, and behaviour seems empty of purpose and
suspicion. “Negative” symptoms such as blunting of feeling. This form of schizophrenia usually starts
affect and impaired volition are often present but between the ages of 15 and 25 years and tends to
do not dominate the clinical picture. have a poor prognosis because of the rapid develop-
The course of paranoid schizophrenia may be ment of “negative” symptoms, particularly flatten-
episodic, with partial or complete remissions, or ing of affect and loss of volition.
chronic. In chronic cases, the florid symptoms In addition, disturbances of affect and volition,
persist over years and it is difficult to distinguish and thought disorder are usually prominent. Hal-
discrete episodes. The onset tends to be later than lucinations and delusions may be present but are
in the hebephrenic and catatonic forms. not usually prominent. Drive and determination
are lost and goals abandoned, so that the patient’s
DIAGNOSTIC GUIDELINES behaviour becomes characteristically aimless and
The general criteria for a diagnosis of schizophre- empty of purpose. A superficial and manneristic
nia (see introduction to F20 above) must be satis- preoccupation with religion, philosophy, and other
fied. In addition, hallucinations and/or delusions abstract themes may add to the listener’s difficulty
must be prominent, and disturbances of affect, in following the train of thought.
volition and speech, and catatonic symptoms must
be relatively inconspicuous. The hallucinations
will usually be of the kind described in (b) and The general criteria for a diagnosis of schizophrenia
(c) above. Delusions can be of almost any kind of (see introduction to F20 above) must be satisfied.
delusions of control, influence, or passivity, and Hebephrenia should normally be diagnosed for the
first time only in adolescents or young adults. The
persecutory beliefs of various kinds are the most
premorbid personality is characteristically, but not
necessarily, rather shy and solitary. For a confident
diagnosis of hebephrenia, a period of 2 or 3 months
• paraphrenic schizophrenia of continuous observation is usually necessary, in
order to ensure that the characteristic behaviours
Differential diagnosis It is important to exclude epi- described above are sustained.
leptic and drug-induced psychoses, and to remem- Includes:
ber that persecutory delusions might carry little • disorganized schizophrenia
diagnostic weight in people from certain countries • hebephrenia
or cultures.
Excludes: F20.2 CATATONIC
• involutional paranoid state (F22.8) Prominent psychomotor disturbances are essential
• paranoia (F22.0) and dominant features and may alternate between
380 The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

extremes such as hyperkinesis and stupor, or auto- Includes:

matic obedience and negativism. Constrained atti-
tudes and postures may be maintained for long 1. catatonic stupor
periods. Episodes of violent excitement may be a 2. schizophrenic catalepsy
striking feature of the condition. 3. schizophrenic catatonia
For reasons that are poorly understood, cata- 4. schizophrenic flexibilitas cerea
tonic schizophrenia is now rarely seen in industrial
countries though it remains common elsewhere. F20.3 UNDIFFERENTIATED
These catatonic phenomena may be combined SCHIZOPHRENIA
with a dream-like (oneiroid) state with vivid scenic Conditions meeting the general diagnostic criteria
hallucinations. for schizophrenia (see introduction to F20 above)
DIAGNOSTIC GUIDELINES but not conforming to any of the above subtypes,
The general criteria for a diagnosis of schizophrenia or exhibiting the features of more than one of
(see introduction to F20 above) must be satisfied. them without a clear predominance of a particular
Transitory and isolated catatonic symptoms may set of diagnostic characteristics. This rubric should
occur in the context of any other subtype of schizo- be used only for psychotic conditions (i.e. residual
phrenia, but for a diagnosis of catatonic schizo- schizophrenia and post-schizophrenic depression
phrenia one or more of the following behaviours are excluded) and after an attempt has been made
should dominate the clinical picture: to classify the condition into one of the three pre-
ceding categories.
(a) stupor (marked decrease in reactivity to the
environment and in spontaneous movements DIAGNOSTIC GUIDELINES
and activity) or mutism; This category should be reserved for disorders
(b) excitement (apparently purposeless motor that:
activity, not influenced by external stimuli);
(c) posturing (voluntary assumption and mainte- (a) meet the diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia;
nance of inappropriate or bizarre postures); (b) do not satisfy the criteria for the paranoid,
(d) negativism (an apparently motiveless resistance hebephrenic, or catatonic subtypes;
to all instructions or attempts to be moved, or (c) do not satisfy the criteria for residual schizo-
movement in opposite direction); phrenia or post-schizophrenic depression.
(e) rigidity (maintenance of a rigid posture against
efforts to be moved); Includes:
(f) waxy flexibility (maintenance of limbs and
body in externally imposed positions); and • atypical schizophrenia
(g) other symptoms such as command automatism
(automatic compliance with instructions), and
perseveration of words and phrases.
In uncommunicative patients with behavioural A depressive episode, which may be prolonged, aris-
manifestations of catatonic disorder, the diagno- ing in the aftermath of a schizophrenic illness. Some
sis of schizophrenia may have to be provisional schizophrenic symptoms must still be present but no
until adequate evidence of the presence of other longer dominate the clinical picture. These persist-
symptoms is obtained. It is also vital to appreci- ing schizophrenic symptoms may be “positive” or
ate that catatonic symptoms are not diagnostic of “negative,” though the latter are more common. It is
schizophrenia. A catatonic symptom or symptoms uncertain, and immaterial to the diagnosis, to what
may also be provoked by brain disease, metabolic extent the depressive symptoms have merely been
disturbances, or alcohol and drugs, and may also uncovered by the resolution of earlier psychotic
occur in mood disorders. symptoms (rather than being a new development)
Appendix II 381

or are an intrinsic part of schizophrenia rather than nonverbal communication by facial expression,
a psychological reaction to it. They are rarely suf- eye contact, voice modulation, and posture,
ficiently severe or extensive to meet criteria for a poor self-care and social performance;
severe depressive episode, and it is often difficult to (b) evidence in the past of at least one clear-cut
decide which of the patient’s symptoms are due to psychotic episode meeting the diagnostic crite-
depression and which to neuroleptic medication or ria for schizophrenia;
to the impaired volition and affective flattening of (c) a period of at least 1 year during which the
schizophrenia itself. This depressive disorder is asso- intensity and frequency of florid symptoms such
ciated with an increased risk of suicide. as delusions and hallucinations have been mini-
mal or substantially reduced and the “negative”
DIAGNOSTIC GUIDELINES schizophrenic syndrome has been present;
The diagnosis should be made only if: (d) absence of dementia or other organic brain dis-
ease or disorder, and of chronic depression or
(a) the patient has had a schizophrenic illness institutionalism sufficient to explain the nega-
meeting the general criteria for schizophrenia tive impairments.
(see introduction to F20 above) within the past
12 months; If adequate information about the patient’s pre-
(b) some schizophrenic symptoms are still pres- vious history cannot be obtained, and it therefore
ent; and cannot be established that criteria for schizophre-
(c) the depressive symptoms are prominent and nia have been met at some time in the past, it may
distressing, fulfilling at least the criteria for a be necessary to make a provisional diagnosis of
depressive episode, and have been present for residual schizophrenia.
at least 2 weeks. Includes:
If the patient no longer has any schizophrenic
• chronic undifferentiated schizophrenia
symptoms, a depressive episode should be diag-
nosed. If schizophrenic symptoms are still florid • “Restzustand”
and prominent, the diagnosis should remain that of • schizophrenic residual state
the appropriate schizophrenic subtype.
F20.5 RESIDUAL An uncommon disorder in which there is an insid-
SCHIZOPHRENIA ious but progressive development of oddities of
A chronic stage in the development of a schizo- conduct, inability to meet the demands of society,
phrenic disorder in which there has been a clear and decline in total performance. Delusions and
progression from an early stage (comprising one or hallucinations are not evident, and the disorder
more episodes with psychotic symptoms meeting the is less obviously psychotic than the hebephrenic,
general criteria for schizophrenia described above) paranoid, and catatonic subtypes of schizophrenia.
to a later stage characterized by long-term, though The characteristic “negative” features of residual
not necessarily irreversible, “negative” symptoms. schizophrenia (e.g. blunting of affect, loss of voli-
tion) develop without being preceded by any
DIAGNOSTIC GUIDELINES overt psychotic symptoms. With increasing social
For a confident diagnosis, the following require- impoverishment, vagrancy may ensue and the
ments should be met: individual may then become self-absorbed, idle,
and aimless.
(a) prominent “negative” schizophrenic symptoms,
i.e. psychomotor slowing, underactivity, blunt- DIAGNOSTIC GUIDELINES
ing of affect, passivity and lack of initiative, Simple schizophrenia is a difficult diagnosis to
poverty of quantity or content of speech, poor make with any confidence because it depends on
382 The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

establishing the slowly progressive development of in personal behaviour, manifest as a marked loss
the characteristic “negative” symptoms of residual of interest, idleness, and social withdrawal.
schizophrenia without any history of hallucina- Includes:
tions, delusions, or other manifestations of an ear-
lier psychotic episode, and with significant changes • schizophrenia simplex


Since information on schizophrenia and its treat-
60 Cutter Mill Road
ments changes rapidly, please check the Web sites
Suite 404
of these organizations to get the most up-to-date
Great Neck, NY 11021
information. Some of these organizations maintain
(516) 829-0091
Web sites that are tremendously rich sources of
current information.
NAMI (Formerly called THE NATIONAL
Office of Communication and Public Liaison
NAMI is the national umbrella organization for
Information Resources and Inquiries Branch
more than 1,100 local support and advocacy groups
6001 Executive Boulevard
for families and individuals affected by serious
Room 8184, MSC 9663
mental illnesses. NAMI is the first place for families
Bethesda, MD 20892-9663
to turn when a loved one has been diagnosed with
(301) 443-4279
schizophrenia or another serious mental disorder.
All local chapters are listed on NAMI’s Web site.
2107 Wilson Boulevard For the latest information on the genetics of schizo-
Suite 300 phrenia, regularly check out the Web site of the NIMH
Arlington, VA 22201-3042 Schizophrenia Initiative, as they gather data from
(800) 950-NAMI (6264) large numbers of families of people with the illness.
http://www.nami.org http://www.grb.nimh.nih.gov/gi.html
5430 Grosvenor Lane
Suite 200 http://www.schizophrenia.com
Bethesda, MD 20814 By far the best Web site devoted solely to
(301) 571-0770 schizophrenia. Besides basic information for
http://www.stanleyresearch.org families and persons who have schizophrenia,

384 The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

there are multiple links to other schizophrenia- OTHER ONLINE RESOURCES

related Web sites and discussion and chat areas.
British Columbia Schizophrenia Society
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed http://www.bcss.org
PubMed is a search service provided by the
National Library of Medicine in Bethesda, Maryland, The Experience of Schizophrenia
as part of its MEDLINE medical Web site. Scientific http://www.chovil.com
and medical journals that publish articles on schizo- Mental Health Infosource
phrenia or the other psychotic disorders are added http://www.mhsource.com/narsad.html
to the PubMed data base daily. This is the best place
to look for (literally) up-to-the-minute scientific Public Citizen: eLetter on Drugs for Severe
research on schizophrenia and the psychotic disor- Psychiatric Illness
ders. One must first register to use the service, but http://www.citizen.org/eletter
there is no registration fee. One can order copies of Schizophrenia Society of Canada
scientific and medical articles and have them sent via http://www.schizophrenia.ca
the mail, but there is a rather steep fee for this service.
Treatment Advocacy Center
http://www.mentalhealth.com http://www.psychlaws.org
An information source and a search engine
maintained by Internet Mental Health. Quite useful.

Academy for Eating Disorders American Academy of Neurology

60 Revere Drive 1080 Montreal Avenue
Suite 500 Saint Paul, MN 55116
Northbrook, IL 60062-1577 (651) 695-2717
(847) 498-4274 (800) 879-1960
http://www.aedweb.org (651) 695-2791 (fax)
Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine
5272 River Road American Academy of Pediatrics
Bethesda, MD 20816 141 Northwest Point Boulevard
(301) 718-6520 Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
http://www.apm.org (847) 434-4000
American Academy of Addiction
Psychiatry American Academy of Physician and Patient
1010 Vermont Avenue, NW 16020 Swingley Ridge Road
Suite 710 Suite 300
Washington, DC 20005 Chesterfield, MO 63017
(202) 393-4484 (636) 449-5080
(202) 393-4419 (fax) (636) 449-5051 (fax)
http://www.aaap.org http://www.physicianpatient.org
American Academy of Child and Adolescent American Association for Geriatric
Psychiatry Psychiatry
3615 Wisconsin Avenue, NW 7910 Woodmont Avenue
Washington, DC 20016-3007 Suite 1050
(202) 966-7300 Bethesda, MD 20814-3004
(202) 966-2891 (fax) (301) 654-7850
http://www.aacap.org (301) 654-4137 (fax)
American Academy of Family Physicians
P.O. Box 11210 American Association for the Advancement
Shawnee Mission, KS 66207-1210 of Science
(800) 274-2237 1200 New York Avenue, NW
http://www.aafp.org Washington, DC 20005

386 The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

(202) 326-6450 American Association on Mental Retardation

http://www.aaas.org 444 North Capitol Street, NW
Suite 846
American Association for Social Psychiatry
Washington, DC 20001-1512
Medical College of Wisconsin
(800) 424-3688 or (202) 387-1968
Froedtert Behavioral Center
(202) 387-2193 (fax)
9200 West Wisconsin Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53226
(414) 257-5070 American Board of Medical Specialties
1007 Church Street
American Association for the History of
Suite 404
Evanston, IL 60201-5913
Department of Medical Humanities
(847) 491-9091
East Carolina University
(847) 328-3596 (fax)
School of Medicine
Greenville, NC 27834
http://www.histmed.org American Board of Psychiatry
and Neurology
American Association of Community
500 Lake Cook Road
Suite 335
AACP c/o Frances M. Roton
Deerfield, IL 60015
P.O. Box 570218
(847) 945-7900
Dallas, TX 75228-0218
(972) 613-0985
(972) 613-5532 (fax) American College of Mental Health
http://www.comm.psych.pitt.edu Administration
7804 Loma del Norte Road, NE
American Association of General Hospital
Albuquerque, NM 87109-5419
(505) 822-5038
Mt. Auburn Hospital
Wyman 2
Cambridge, MA 02238 American College of
(617) 499-5008 Neuropsychopharmacology
545 Mainstream Drive
American Association of
Suite 110
Nashville, TN 37228
Department of Pathology
(615) 324-2360
Case Western Reserve University
(615) 324-2361 (fax)
2103 Cornell Road, WRB, 5-101
Cleveland, OH 44106-7288
(216) 368-2488 American College of Psychiatrists
(216) 368-8964 (fax) 732 Addison Street
http://www.aanp-jnen.com Suite C
Berkeley, CA 94710
American Association of Psychiatric
(510) 704-8020
(510) 704-0113 (fax)
P.O. Box 570218
Dallas, TX 75357-0218
(800) 650-5888 American Hospital Association
(972) 613-5532 (fax) One North Franklin
http://www.psychiatricadministrators.org Chicago, IL 60606
Appendix IV 387

(312) 422-3000 (281) 419-0052

http://www.hospitalconnect.com (281)419-0082
American Managed Behavioral Healthcare http://www.aps-spr.org
Association American Psychiatric Association
AMBHA 1000 Wilson Boulevard
1101 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Suite 1825
Sixth Floor Arlington, VA 22209-3901
Washington, DC 20004 (703) 907-7300
(202) 756-7308 (fax) http://www.psych.org
http://www.ambha.org American Psychiatric Nurses Association
American Medical Association 1555 Wilson Boulevard
515 North State Street Suite 515
Chicago, IL 60616 Arlington, VA 22209
(312) 464-5000 (703) 243-2443
http://www.ama.org http:llwww.apna.org
American Neurological Association American Psychological Association
5841 Cedar Lake Road 750 First Street, NE
Suite 204 Washington, DC 20002-4242
Minneapolis, MN 55416 (202) 336-5500
(952) 545-6284 (800) 374-2721
(952) 545-6073 (fax) http://www.apa.org
American Psychosomatic Society
American Neuropsychiatric Association 6728 Old McLean Village Drive
700 Ackerman Road McLean, VA 22101-3906
Suite 625 (703) 556-9222
Columbus, OH 43202 (703) 556-8729 (fax)
(614) 447-2077 http://www.psychosomatic.org
http://www.anpaonline.org American Society for Adolescent
American Nurses Association Psychiatry
8515 Georgia Avenue P.O. Box 570218
Suite 400 Dallas, TX 75357-02 18
Silver Spring, MD 20910 (972) 686-6166
(800) 274-4ANA http://www.adolpsych.org
http://www.nursingworld.org American Society of Addiction Medicine
American Orthopsychiatric Association 4601 North Park Avenue
Department of Psychology, Box 1104 Upper Arcade #101
Arizona State University Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Tempe, AZ 85287-1104 (301) 656-3920
(480) 727-7518 (301) 656-3815 (fax)
(480) 965-8544 (fax) http://www.asam.org
http://www.amerortho.org American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
American Pediatric Society 140 North Bloomingdale Road
3400 Research Forest Drive Bloomingdale, IL 60108-1017
Suite B-7 (630) 980-4740
The Woodlands, TX 77381 http://www.asch.net
388 The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

American Society of Clinical (405) 946-7651 (fax)

Psychopharmacology http://www.aaip.org
P.O. Box 40395
Association of Behavioral Healthcare
Glen Oaks, NY 11004
(718) 470-4007
12300 Twinbrook Parkway
Suite 320
American Society of Law, Medicine and Rockville, MD 20852
Ethics (301) 984-6200
765 Commonwealth Avenue (301) 881-7159 (fax)
Suite 1634 http://www.nccbh.org/abhm/
Boston, MA 02215
Association of Directors of Medical Student
(617) 262-4990
Education in Psychiatry
(617) 437-7596 (fax)
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
University of Louisville School of Medicine
Association for Academic Psychiatry 501 East Broadway
AAP Executive Office Suite 340
464 Common Street, #147 Louisville, KY 40202
Belmont, MA 02478 (502) 852-5431
(617) 393-3935 (502) 852-3971 (fax)
(617) 393-1808 (fax) http://www.admsep.org
Association of Gay and Lesbian
Association for Ambulatory Behavioral Psychiatrists
Healthcare 4514 Chester Avenue
247 Douglas Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19143-3707
Portsmouth, VA 23707 (215) 222-2800
(757) 673-3741 http://www.aglp.org
Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law
Association for Psychological Science Judge David L. Bazelon Center for Mental Health
1010 Vermont Avenue, NW, 11th Floor Law
Washington, DC 20005-4918 11011 5th Street, NW
(202) 783-2077 Suite 1212
(202) 783-2083 (fax) Washington, DC 20005
http://www.psychologicalscience.org (202) 467-5730
(202) 223-0409 (fax)
Association for the Advancement of Philoso-
phy and Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry Black Psychiatrists of America
UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas 640 Temple 8th Floor
5323 Harry Hines Boulevard Detroit, MI 48201
Dallas, TX 75390-9070 (313) 833-2421
http://www3.utsouthwestern.edu/aapp/ (313) 833-4281 (fax)
Association of American Indian Physicians Canadian Medical Association
1225 Sovereign Row 1867 Alta Vista Drive
Suite 103 Ottawa, ON K1G 3Y6
Oklahoma City, OK 73108 (800) 457-4205
(405) 946-7072 http://www.cma.ca
Appendix IV 389

Canadian Mental Health Association Landover, MD 20785-7223

Canadian Mental Health Association (800) 332-1000
8 King Street East http://www.efa.org
Suite 810
Toronto, ON M5C lBS Federation of Families for Children’s Mental
(416) 484-7750 Health
http://www.cmha.ca 9605 Medical Center Drive
Suite 280
The Canadian Psychiatric Association Rockville, MD 20850
141 Laurier Avenue West (240) 403-1901
Suite 701 (240) 403-1909 (fax)
Ottawa, ON K1P 5J3 http://www.ffcmh.org
(613) 234-2815
http://www.cpa-apc.ca Frontier Mental Health Services Resource
The Center for Behavioral Health, Justice, Network
and Public Policy Western Interstate Commission for Higher
8490 Dorsey Run Road Education
Jessup, MD 20794 Mental Health
(410) 724-5007 P.O. Box 9752
http://www.umaryland.edu/behavioraljustice Boulder, CO 80301
(303) 541-0256
Center for Mental Health Services (303) 541-0291 (fax)
P.O. Box 42557 http://www.wiche.edu/Mentalhealth/Frontier/
Washington, DC 20015 frontier.asp
(800) 789-2647
http://www.mentalhealth.samhsa.gov/aboutken/ Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry
contact.asp P.O. Box 570218
Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation Dallas, TX 75357-02 18
Boston University (972) 613-3044
940 Commonwealth Avenue West http://www.groupadpsych.org
Boston, MA 02215 HSRI–The Evaluation Center
(617) 353-3549 The Evaluation Center @HSRI
(617) 353-7700 (fax) 2269 Massachusetts Avenue
http://www.bu.edu/cpr Cambridge, MA 02140
Criminal Justice/Mental Health Consensus (617) 876-0426, Ext. 4
Project http://www.tecathsri.org/contact.asp?frm=gen
Project Coordinator:
Council of State Governments / Eastern Regional Indo-American Psychiatric Association
Conference 107 Chesley Drive
40 Broad Street Unit #4
Suite 2050 Media, PA 19063
New York, NY 10004 (610) 891-9024, ext. 115
(212) 482-2320 http://www.myiapa.org
(212) 482-2344 (fax)
Institute of Medicine–National Academy
of Sciences
Epilepsy Foundation 500 Fifth Street, NW
4351 Garden City Drive Washington, DC 20005
390 The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

(202) 334-2352 NARSAD, The Mental Health Research

http://www.iom.edu Association
60 Cutter Mill Road
International Academy of Law and Mental Suite 404
Health Great Neck, NY 11021
Académie internationale de droit et de santé (516) 829-0091
mentale (800) 829-8289
c/o Chaire de psychiatrie légale et d’éthique bio- http://www.narsad.org
médicale Philippe Pinel
Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric
Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal
C.P. 6128, Succ. Centre-Ville,
140 Old Orangeburg Road
Montréal, QC, H3C 3J7
Orangeburg, NY 10962
(845) 398-5500
+1(514) 343-5938
(845) 398-5510 (fax)
+1(514) 343-2452 (fax)
National Alliance of Multi-Ethnic Behavioral
International Society for the Study Health Associations
of Bipolar Disorders 1875 I Street, NW
P.O. Box 7168 Suite 5009
Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Washington, DC 20006
(412) 605-1412 (202) 429-5520
http://www.isbd.org (202) 429-9574 (fax)
International Society for the Study of
Dissociation National Asian American Pacific Islander
60 Revere Drive Mental Health Association (NAAPIMHA)
Suite 500 1215 19th Street
Northbrook, IL 60062 Suite A
(847) 480-0899 Denver, CO 80202
(847) 480-9282 (fax) http://www.naapimha.org
http://www.issd.org National Association of Psychiatric Health
Systems (NAPHS)
Mental Health Liaison Group (MHLG)
701 13th Street, NW
http://www.mhlg.org Suite 950
Mental Health Part D Washington, DC 20005-3903
http://www.mentalhealthpartd.org/ (202) 393-6700
Mental Health Statistics Improvement
National Association of Social Workers
Program Online
750 First Street, SW
Suite 700
NAMI/National Alliance on Mental Illness Washington, DC 20002-424 1
Colonial Place Three (202) 408-8600
2107 Wilson Boulevard http://www.naswdc.org
Suite 300 National Association of State Mental Health
Arlington, VA 22201-3042 Program Directors
(703) 524-7600 66 Canal Center Plaza
(703) 524-9094 (fax) Suite 302
http://www.nami.org Alexandria, VA 22314
Appendix IV 391

(703) 739-9333 National Research and Training Center on

http://www.nasmhpd.org Psychiatric Disability
National Empowerment Center 104 South Michigan Avenue
599 Canal Street Suite 900
Lawrence, MA 01840 Chicago, IL 60603
(800) 769-3728 (312) 422-8180
(978) 681-6426 (fax) (312) 422-0740 (fax)
http://www.power2u.org/contact.html (312) 422-0706 (TDD)
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
6001 Executive Boulevard Network of Care for Mental Health
Room 8184, MSC 9663 Trilogy Integrated Resources LLC
Bethesda, MD 20892-9663 1101 Fifth Avenue
(301) 443-4513 Suite 250
(866) 615-6464 San Rafael, CA 94901
(301) 443-4279 (fax) (415) 256-9036 (fax)
http://www.nimh.nih.gov http://networkofcare.org
National Latino Behavioral Health Associa- Schizophrenia International Research
tion (NLBHA) Society
P.O. Box 387 P.O. Box 212
506 Welch Street, Unit B Piermont, NY 10968
Berthoud, CO 80513 http://www.schizophreniasirs.org
(970) 532-7210
(970) 532-7209 (fax) Society of Behavioral Medicine
http://nlbha.org 555 East Wells Street
Suite 1100
National Leadership Council on African Milwaukee, WI 53202-3823
American Behavioral Health, Inc. (414) 918-3156
http://www.nlcouncil.org http://www.sbm.org
National Mental Health Association
(NMHA) Society of Biological Psychiatry
2001 North Beauregard Street c/o Mayo Clinic Jacksonville
12th Floor Research—Birdsall 310
Alexandria, VA 22311 4500 San Pablo Road
(703) 684-7722 Jacksonville, FL 32224
(703) 684-5968 (904) 953-2842
http://www.nmha.org 953-7117 (fax)
National Mental Health Consumer’s Self-
Help Clearinghouse Society for Neuroscience
1211 Chestnut Street 11 Dupont Circle, NW
Suite 1207 Suite 500
Philadelphia, PA 19107 Washington, DC 20036
(800) 553-4539 (202) 462-6688
http://www.mhselthelp.org (202) 462-9740 (fax)
National Resource and Training Center on
Homelessness and the Mentally Ill Southern Psychiatric Association
(800) 444-7415 35 Lakeshore Drive
http://www.nrchmi.samhsa.gov Birmingham, AL 35209
392 The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

(205) 945-1840 World Health Organization

(800) 423-4992 20 Avenue Appia
http://www.smaservicesinc.com CH-1211 Geneva 27
Treatment Advocacy Center
The Treatment Advocacy Center
200 North Glebe Road World Psychiatric Association
Suite 730 WPA Secretariat
Arlington, VA 22203 Psychiatric Hospital
(703) 294-6001 or 6002 2, ch. du Petit-Bel-Air
(703) 294-6010 (fax) 1225 Chêne-Bourg
http://www.psychlaws.org Switzerland
+41 22 305 57 30
World Federation for Mental Health
P.O. Box 16810
Alexandria, VA 22302-0810
(703) 519-7648

Page numbers in boldface indicate major adrenochrome, in transmethylation American Psychological Association 16
treatment of a topic. hypothesis 361 amine 16
aeroagomines 91 amisulpride (Solian) 25
A affect 9 amnesia 105, 244
abaissement du niveau mental 1 blunted 76 amoxapine (Ascendin) 20
Abderhalden, Emil 71–73, 227 in disorganized type 134 amphetamine psychosis 16–17
Abderhalden defensive ferments reaction flat 76, 169 Amytal 20
test 70, 71–73, 227 inappropriate 9 Anafranil. See clomipramine
Abderhalden-Fauser Reaction 73 in prodromal phase 319 An der Heiden, W. 109
abdominal surgery, for dementia praecox in residual phase 335 Andreasen, Nancy 82, 98, 113, 133, 159,
46–47, 216 affective disorders 9–10, 279 248, 263
Abilify. See aripiprazole causes of 10 anesthesia 155
ablation studies 1 convulsive therapies for 106 anhedonia 17
aboulia 2 lithium for 253 animal magnetism 173–174
abstract thought 200 affective disturbances 10 animal models of schizophrenia 17–18
abuse, of psychiatric patients 2–4. See Africa 10–11 animal spirits 18
also chemical restraints; mechanical after-care movement 11 Annales Médico-Psychologiques 49
restraint(s); moral treatment age, as schizophrenia risk factor 336 anorexia nervosa 77
Beers (Clifford) on 2–3, 52 age at onset 11, 320 anterior pituitary gland 149
at Bethlem Royal Hospital 2, 54, 55 AIDS, and psychiatric patients 11–12 antibodies 225, 227, 228, 229
at Bicêtre 56 AIDS dementia complex 12–13, 215 anti-brain antibodies 229
Bly (Nellie) on 2, 76 air encephalography 82–83 anticholinergic effects 18, 26
accessory symptoms 4, 206 akathisia 13, 22, 158 anticholinergic syndrome 18
accidia. See acedia Akerfeldt, S. 91 anticipation (genetic) 18–20, 119, 187
acedia 4–5 akinesia 79, 305 antidepressant drugs 20–22
acetylcholine 149 alcohol amnestic disorder. See Korsakov’s atypical 20, 25
Ackenheil, Manfred 228 psychosis for bipolar disorder 61
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome alcoholism mechanisms of action of 20–21
(AIDS), and psychiatric patients 11–12 and creativity 111 for schizophrenia 21
acromania 5 and Korsakov’s psychosis 244 side effects of 21–22
acting-out 5 Kraepelin (Emil) on 245 tricyclic 20
Action for Mental Health (Joint Commission Alexander, Franz A. 293 antigen-antibody reactions 225
on Mental Illness and Health) 102 alienism 13 antiparkinsonian drugs 22, 305
active phase, of schizophrenia 5 alienist 13, 155, 270 anti-psychiatry movement 248
acute 6 Allderidge, Patricia 55 anti-psychosis 22–23
acute and transient psychotic disorders 6, Allebeck, Peter 281 antipsychotic drugs 23–30, 290, 301
255 alleles 13 administration of 27
acute-chronic distinction 6, 7, 217, 235 dominant 136 anticancer protection of 103
acute delirium. See acute delirius mania linkage of 253 atypical 21, 346
acute delirius mania 6. See also catatonic allergens. See food allergies for auditory hallucinations 39–40
excitement almshouses 13–14 for bipolar disorder 61
acute dystonic reactions 158 alogia 14, 315. See also poverty of speech and bradykinesia 79
acute recoverable psychosis (ARP) 6–7 altered state of consciousness 1, 14, 281 for catatonia 89–90
acute schizophrenia 7, 235 Altschule, M. 313 as chemical restraints 266
Adams, George 62 Alzheimer, Alois 14–15, 79, 245 classification of 24–25
adaptive immune system 228, 229 Alzheimer’s disease 81, 124 compliance with 27
ADD psychosis 7 Amador, Xavier 234 and dopamine hypothesis 137, 139
adenochrome 268 ambivalence 15, 288 drug holiday from 141
Ader, Robert 226 ambulatory schizophrenia 15 endocrine and immune effects of 272
ADHD. See attention-deficit hyperactivity amenomania 15–16 and endocrinology 149
disorder American Journal of Psychiatry 233 and flat affect 169
adolescent insanity 7–8, 290 American Psychiatric Association 16, 33, historical background of 23–25
adoption method and studies 8–9, 61, 101 and immune system alterations 228,
192–193 nomenclature of 30 229
adrenaline, in transmethylation hypothesis psychopharmacological guidelines of 27 for mania 260
361 Rush (Benjamin) and 337 and natural course of disease 28–29

394 The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

antipsychotic drugs (continued) attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder bedlam 51

and neuroleptic malignant syndrome (ADHD) 220 Bedlam (movie) 51
290 atypical antidepressants 20, 25 “Bedlam.” See Bethlem Royal Hospital
and Parkinsonism 305 atypical antipsychotics 21, 346 bed saddle 51–52, 114
pharmacodynamics of 25 atypical development. See childhood-onset Beers, Clifford W. 2–3, 52, 87, 92, 255,
pharmacogenetics of 25 schizophrenia 270–271, 283
and relapse 28–29 atypical psychotic disorders 36–37 behavior
resistance to 28–29, 362 Aubanel (physician) 365 acting-out 5
response to auditory hallucinations 38–40, 100, 205, antisocial 30
and schizophrenia prognosis 320 206, 368 immediacy hypothesis of 225
subtype differences in 28 in depression 130 input dysfunction hypothesis of 232–
for schizophrenia 110, 341 in disorganized type 134 233
side effects of 13, 25–27, 53, 89–90, in paranoid schizophrenia 303 ritualistic 337
156, 158 auditory verbal hallucinations (AVHs) 38 self-injurious 346
and tardive dyskinesia 358–359 Australia 40 behavioral genetics 189–194
antisocial behavior 30 Autenreith, Ferdinand 40, 237, 265, 301 adoption studies in 192–193
antisocial personalities 280 autism 40 family studies in 189–190
APA nomenclature 30 infantile 41–42, 243 subtype differences in 194
apathy 30 refrigerator mother and 333 twins studies in 190–192
Appel, Toby 64 autistic savants 42 behavior therapy 52–53
approximate answers, in Ganser’s syndrome autoantibodies 228 Belgian cage 53
181 autoimmune diseases 228, 229 Bell, Sir Charles 305–306
archetypes 240 autoimmunity 228 Bellak, Leopold 3, 7, 263, 325
Areateus of Cappadocia 261 autointoxication. See also focal infection Bellevue Hospital 53
Arfvedson, John A. 253 and abdominal surgery 328 Bell’s mania/disease/syndrome 53, 90. See
Argentina 30 as cause of dementia praecox also acute delirius mania
Arieti, Silvano 31, 32 (schizophrenia) 43–48, 56–57, 119, Benadryl 53, 158
and Aristotelian thinking 31 127, 148–149, 187, 212, 227, 271 Bench, C. 21
and causality 90–91 focal infections and 170–171 benign stupors 53–54
and concretization 49, 105 Holmes (Bayard) on 216 Benzedrine 20
and insulin coma therapy 235–236 treatment options and 46–47 Berger, Hans 83, 143
and oligosymptomatic types 298 history of theory 43–44 Beringer, Kurt 354
and paleologic thought 301 and thyroid surgery 327–328 Berman, Karen Faith 221
and postpartum psychosis 315 autosomes 94 Bernard, Claude 68, 148
and prepsychotic panic 317 autovampirism 366 Bethlem Royal Hospital (“Bedlam”) 54–55
and pseudoabstraction 322 autumnal equinox 153 abuse at 2
and self-image 345 AVHs. See auditory verbal hallucinations bad news technique at 49
aripiprazole (Abilify) 25 Awl, William 114–115 basket men at 49–50
Aristotelian thinking 31 axonal pruning 107 Battie (William) at 51
Aristotle 312 Ayahoasca (hallucinogenic beverage) 57, Bell (Charles) on 306
Arnold, Thomas 31 361 bleeding at 64
ARP. See acute recoverable psychosis Ayllon, T. 52 Crowther (Bryan) at 113–114
Arrhenius, Svante 225 Haslam (John) at 207–208
art, schizophrenic 31–33 B heredity inquiries at 187
Asaad, G. 206 bacteria, discovery of 225 M’Naughten (Daniel) at 277
Asarnow, Joan 211 bacteriology 43, 225 nickname of 51
Ascendin. See amoxapine bad blood. See genetics violent patients at 85
Asher, R. 285 bad news technique 49 Bianchi, L. 303
as-if personality 78 Baillarger, Jules-Gabriel-François 9, 49, bibliotherapy 55
Asperger, Hans 42 160, 172–173, 261 Bicêtre 56, 56, 64, 217, 222, 313
Asperger’s disorder 41–42 Baker, Elgin 220 bile 218, 269
Asperger’s syndrome 42 balderdash syndrome 49. See also Ganser’s Billings, Frank 46
association disturbances 33, 232, 254–255 syndrome Bini, Lucio 91
Association of Medical Officers of Asylums Ballet, Gilbert-Louis-Simeon 95 Binswanger, Ludwig 117, 354
and Hospitals for the Insane 33 Balmes House 49 biocatalysts. See enzyme(s)
Association of Medical Superintendents of barber-surgeons 63 biocatalyzers. See enzyme(s)
American Institutions for the Insane 33 Barison, Ferdinando 49 biochemical theories of schizophrenia
association studies, in molecular genetics Bartko, J. J. 287 56–58, 151
195 Baruch, Simon 219 biogenic amine hypothesis 58, 212
asthenic type 33–34, 312 basal ganglia, in schizophrenia 81 biological markers of schizophrenia 58–59,
asylums 34, 251–252. See also specific basket men 49–50 155, 184–185, 258–259
asylums Bassett, Anne 19, 195 biological psychiatry 201, 202
Asylums (Goffman) 200 Bateson, Gregory 50, 139, 161 bipolar 115
asyndetic thinking 35 Bateson, William 50, 188 bipolar disorder 10, 59–62, 260. See also
athletic type 35 bath of surprise 50 circular insanity; manic-depressive illness
Athymil. See mianserin baths 50–51. See also hydrotherapy age of onset 11, 60
atropine intoxication therapy 35 Battey, Robert 327 anxiety in 30
attention Battie, William 51, 218 comorbidity 60
cognitive studies on 99 Bayle, Antoine-Leurente 183 concordance rates of 104
creativity and 111 B cells, in immunity 229 and creativity 111
disorders in 35–36 Beard, George Miller 219, 289 cycle patterns of 60
attention deficit disorder (ADD) 7 Beck, Samuel Jacob 51 diagnostic path of 60–61
Index 395

frequency of episodes 60 and process-reactive distinction 318 Breuer, Joseph 134–135, 222–223
fury (furor) in 180 and schizophrenia 192, 339–340 brief psychotic disorder 85, 332
genetic counseling for 184 and schizotypal personality disorder brief reactive psychosis 85
grandiosity in 201 343 Brierre de Boismont, Alexandre 85, 206
Haslam (John) on 207–208 and simple schizophrenia 348 Brigham, Amariah 85, 365
heritability of 210 and verbigeration 367 Broadmoor Hospital 85
immune system alterations in 230 and viral theories of schizophrenia 367 Broca, Paul 250
lithium for 253 Bleuler, Manfred 65, 86, 109 Broca’s area 250
manic episode of 253, 255, 260, 261– Bleuler’s syndrome 66 Brosius, C. M. 86
263, 261–264, 317 blocking 66 Broussais, Francois Joseph Victor 86
mixed episodes of 60 blood Browne, Richard 285
outlook for 61 antipsychotic drug effects on 27 Bruce, Lewis 46
prevalence of 152 in humoral theory 218 Buchsbaum, M. S. 310
psychotic features of 60–61 of the insane Bucknill, Sir John Charles 86, 154
rapid cycling in 60 corpuscular richness paradigm 66–68 bupropion 20
and schizophrenia 61 immunoserodiagnostic paradigm Burckhardt, Gottlieb 326
seasonality of birth of 345 of 69–70 Burghölzi Hospital 65, 86, 109, 202, 240
season of birth effect in 60 medical genomics and 70–71 Burnet, MacFarlane 225–226
sleep in 61 metabolic paradigm of 68–69 Burrows, George Man 297
symptoms of 60–61 studies of 66–71 Burton, Robert 269
treatment of 61 blood crisis 68 Burton-Bradley, B. G. 301
in twins 364 “blood fetish” 366 butyrophenomes 25
Birch, John 62, 147 bloodletting. See bleeding
birth blood test, for schizophrenia 71–74, 227 C
place and time of, as schizophrenia risk blood transfusion 74–75 Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The (movie) 282
factor 336 blood vessel alterations, in schizophrenia Cacabelos, R. 212
seasonality of 336, 344–345, 368 75–76 cacodemonomania 87, 129, 314, 359
birth order, and schizophrenia 62 blunted affect 76 Cade, J. F. J. 253
birth weight, as perinatal risk factor Bly, Nellie 2, 76 Cade, R. 75, 209
308–309 boarding homes 76 Calcutta Asylum 220
bizarre ideation 62. See also delusion(s) boarding-out 199 Calmeil, Louis 183
black bile 218, 269 body image, in schizophrenia 76–77, 232, Cameron, Donald 87, 118
blacks, schizophrenia in 62, 332 345–346 Cameron, Norman 35
Bleckwenn, W. J. 28 Boerhaave, Hermann 77, 97 camisole 87
bleeding 62–64 Bogerts, B. 80, 133 Campbell, John D. 263
by epistaxis 153 Böök, J. A. 338 Canada 87–88
at l’Hôtel-Dieu 217 borderline cases 77 Canadian Indians 88
in humoral theory 218 borderline personality disorder 77–78 Canadian Inuits 88
for production of hemorrhoids 210 borderline schizophrenia 78. See also latent cancer, and schizophrenia 102–103, 311
Bleuler, Eugen 64–65 schizophrenia candidate genes 88, 195–196
and accessory symptoms 4 Bose, Katrick 23 Capgras, Jean Marie 88, 95
and affective disturbances 10 Botstein, D. 194 Capgras syndrome 88, 175, 236, 275
and ambivalence 15 Bouchard, Charles-Jacques 43 carbamazepine 88
and association disturbances 33 bouffée délirante 78–79 carbon dioxide therapy 88–89
and autism 40 bouffée délirante polymorphe 78 Carlson, Eolf Axl 119, 187
and blood vessel alterations in boundary disturbances, in schizophrenia 79 Carlsson, Arvid 21, 137, 138
schizophrenia 75 Bourguignon, Erika 315 carotid arteriography 83
and borderline schizophrenia 78 Bowers, Malcolm 14, 323, 353 Carpenter, W. T. 118, 287
at Burghölzi Hospital 86 bradykinesia 79, 305 Carroll, Lewis 257, 314
and catatonia 89 brain Cassem, Ned 28
and chronic schizophrenia 96 ablation studies of 1 catalepsy 89
and clanging 97–98 laterality of 250–251 catathymic crisis 89
and complexes 103 traumatic injury to 267 catatonia 89–90, 126, 146, 344
on course and outcome of schizophrenia brain abnormalities, in schizophrenia 79– catatonic excitement 6, 53, 90, 220
108 82, 113–114 catatonic negativism 90
and demence 123 blood vessel alterations and 76 catatonic posturing 90
and dementia praecox 128, 340 historical findings 81–82 catatonic rigidity 90
and dereistic thinking 130 macroscopic findings 80–81 catatonic stupor 90
and Faxensyndrom 162 brain imaging studies 80, 82–85 catatonic type 28, 89–90, 294
and fever therapy 166 CT scans 80, 83, 114, 320 catatonic waxy flexibility 90
and fundamental symptoms of EEG and 144 catecholamines 20–21, 90, 136
schizophrenia 178–179 functional imaging 84 cats, and schizophrenia 90
and governess psychosis 201 of hallucinations 39, 206 CAT scan 114
and hallucinations 38, 206 hypofrontality in 221 causality, teleologic 90–91
influence of 117 magnetic resonance imaging 80, 82, 83, cautery treatment 91
Jung (Carl) and 240 93, 144, 258, 258 CD. See communication deviance
and lactation psychoses 247 magnetic resonance spectroscopy cellular immunity 228, 229
and latent schizophrenia 249 imaging 84, 258–259 cellular immunology 226
and loosening of associations 254–255 PET scans 83, 310 central nervous system (CNS) 98
and negativism 288 structural imaging 84 antipsychotic drug effects on 26
neurodevelopmental model of 290 brain surgery 326–327 diseases of, latent viruses as cause of 367
and paranoid schizophrenia 304 brain tumors 267 HIV and 215
396 The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

cera flexibilitas 90 clown syndrome. See Faxensyndrom corpuscular richness paradigm 66–68
cerebral blood flow, measurement of 83 clozapine (Clozaril) 25, 26, 29 cortical pruning, as cause of schizophrenia
cerebral metabolic hypofrontality. See Clozaril. See clozapine 107–108
hypofrontality CMHC. See community mental health cortical volume, decreased, in schizophrenia
cerebropathica psychica toxemica. See centers 81
Korsakov’s psychosis CNS (central nervous system) 98 Cotard, Jules 108
Cerletti, Ugo 91, 146 HIV and 215 Cotard’s syndrome 108, 119, 122
ceruloplasmin hypothesis 91–92 cobra venom, antibodies to 70, 227 cottage system 108, 199
Ceylon (Sri Lanka) 92 coercion chair. See tranquilizer Cotton, Henry A. 274, 300, 327, 328
Chapman, James 35–36 Coga, Arthur 74 and abuse of patients 4, 47
Chapman, Jean P. 233, 258 Cogentin, for extrapyramidal symptoms/ on blood test for schizophrenia 73
Chapman, Loren J. 233, 258 syndromes 158 focal infection theory of 4, 47, 170–171
Charcot, Jean Martin 220, 222–223, 300, cognitive dysmetria theory, of schizophrenia Courboun, P. 236
338 98 course and outcome, of schizophrenia
Charpentier, Paul 24 cognitive impairments, in schizophrenia 108–111
chemical restraints 92, 266, 298 291 Courtyard with Lunatics (Goya) 51
cheromania 92 cognitive psychology 98 couvade 316
Chevalier-Lavaure, François-André 44 cognitive studies, of schizophrenia 98–99, Cox, John Mason 97
Chiarugi, Vincenzo 92–93, 275 231–232, 294 Cox, Joseph Mason 203
childhood-onset schizophrenia 93–94, 124, collective insanity. See folie à deux Crab, Robert 257
243, 258–259 Columbia-Greystone Project 99–100, 360 creatine kinase (CK) 151
childhood psychosis. See childhood-onset coma therapy 100, 293 creativity, and psychosis 111–112
schizophrenia insulin coma (shock) therapy 87, 100, Crick, Francis 188
childhood schizophrenia. See childhood- 235–236, 272 crisis, catathymic 89
onset schizophrenia command hallucination 100 Croatia 112
children Commentaries on Causes, Forms, Symptoms and cross-cultural studies 112–113
attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder Treatment of Insanity (Burrows) 297 Crow, T. J. 66, 113, 132, 145, 194, 207, 214
in 220 Commissioners in Lunacy 100, 252 Crow’s hypothesis 113, 118, 132, 313, 314
attention disorders in 36 commitment 100–101 Crowther, Bryan 54, 113–114
autism in 41–42 lunacy trials and 255 cruciform stance 52, 114, 217
and childhood psychiatry 243 outpatient 299 CSB system 163
in family interaction theories 161 Committee on Madhouses 54, 55 CT (computed tomography) scan 80, 83,
high-risk studies of 210–212 communication deviance (CD) 161 114, 320
hospitalism in 217 community mental health centers (CMHC) Cullen, William 114, 269, 291, 337
schizophrenia in 189–190 11, 101–102 culture, differences in diagnosis and 37
symbiotic psychosis in 356 comorbidity 60, 102–103 culture-bound syndromes 37, 94–95,
chiromania 94. See also masturbation compensated schizophrenia 78 243–244
chlorpromazine (Thorazine) 13, 23–24, complex 103–104, 321 Curability of the Insane, The (Earle) 143
25–26, 94, 310, 359 complex development 283 “Cure-Awl, Dr.” 114–115
Chomsky, Noam 98 compliance, with antipsychotic drug Currey, Marcus 99
choromania 94 regimen 27 Cushing, Harvey 82
chromosome 94, 116, 185–186, 194–195 compos mentis 104 cyanthropy. See lycanthropy
chronic delusional states, in French compulsive water drinking. See polydipsia cycling, in bipolar disorder 60
psychiatry 94–96, 302 computed tomography (CT) scan 80, 83, cycloid psychoses 115–116
chronic hallucinatory psychosis 95 114, 320
chronic interpretive psychosis 95 concordance rate 104, 278, 363–364 D
chronic schizophrenia 96, 207, 213 concrete thought 49, 104–105, 200 D2 receptors 25
Cibber, Caius Gabriel 54 concretization 104–105 Dalman, Christiana 309
Ciompi, Luc 109 conditional release 299 dancing manias 94
circular insanity 49, 60, 96–97, 160. See confabulation 105 Darwin, Charles 97, 186, 188
also bipolar disorder; folie circulaire; manic- confidentiality 105 Darwin, Erasmus 97
depressive illness confusion 105 Daseinanalyse 117
circulating swing 77, 97, 203 conjugal insanity. See folie à deux Davies, David Lewis 23
citalopram (Lexapro) 20 Conolly, John 105, 265, 294–295 Davis, Audrey 64
CK. See creatine kinase consanguinity method 105–106, 211 Davison, K. 153
clanging 97–98 in behavioral genetics 189, 190 day hospitals 117–118
Classification of Psychiatric Diseases, The first-degree relatives in 167 DBH. See dopamine-beta-hydroxylase
(Kahlbaum) 125, 242 conscience, double 139–140 defense mechanisms 130, 134–135, 320
classification systems consciousness defensive ferments 70, 71–72, 227
of Kahlbaum (Karl) 242 altered state of 1, 14, 281 deficit symptoms/syndrome 118
of Kraepelin (Emil) 245 in dissociation 134–135 Defoe, Daniel 118, 317
nosology 295–296 double 139–140 degeneration theory 118–119, 125, 187,
of psychoses 326 primary process of 317 333
Clérambault, Gaétan Gaitian de 98, 154, constipation 27 anticipation and 18
243 contagious insanity. See folie à deux and bouffée délirante 78
Clérambault-Kandinsky syndrome 98, 123 continuous sleep therapy 106 Kraepelin (Emil) and 245
Clérambault’s syndrome 121, 154 convulsive therapies 91, 106, 146, 272, 363 Morel (Bénédict-Augustin) and 281
climate, as cause of insanity 98 Coolidge, Emelyn Lincoln 217 deinstitutionalization 120
clinical method. See psychopathology Cooper, David 248 and after-care movement 11
Clinical Modification. See ICD-10-CM copro-psychiatrie 107 and boarding homes 76
clomipramine (Anafranil) 20 Corbett, Lionel 308 and community mental health centers
Clouston, Thomas 7–8, 290 Cornblatt, Barbara A. 36 101–102
Index 397

Delay, Jean 23, 24 Deniker, Pierre 24 dopamine 136, 195–196

délire aigu. See acute delirius mania Denis, Jean-Baptiste 74 in neurodevelopmental model of
délire d’énormité 120 Denmark 338 schizophrenia 290
delirium 120, 260 dental surgery 328 and positive symptoms 314
delirium acutum. See acute delirius mania depersonalization 108, 130 dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (DBH) 151
delirium grave. See acute delirius mania depression 130. See also melancholia dopamine hypothesis 57, 137–139, 272,
delirius mania. See acute delirius mania antidepressant drugs for 20–22 361
delusion(s) 62, 120–121, 232, 302 causes of 21 in animal models 17
of being controlled 123 lithium for 253 revised 138–139
bizarre 122 in residual phase 335 dopamine receptors 25, 137–138
in bouffée délirante 78 depth psychology 65 double-bind theory 50, 139, 161
in Capgras syndrome 88 derealization 108, 130 double conscience/consciousness 139–140
in chronic interpretive psychosis 95 dereistic thinking 130 double insanity. See folie à deux
in Cotard’s syndrome 108 De Sanctis, Sante 124, 131 douche 140, 219
difference from delirium 120 Des Maladies Mentale (Esquirol). See Mental Down, J. Langdon 42
difference from hallucinations 120, Maladies (Esquirol) Dr. Dippy’s Sanitarium (movie) 282
122, 205 Desyrel. See trazodone dreams, in schizophrenia 140–141
in disorganized type 134 deterioriating psychoses 131 drug abuse. See substance abuse
in erotomania 153–154 Determinants and Outcome Study 112 drug holiday 141
grandiose 122, 201 detoxication surgery 171 drug metabolizing agents (DMEs) 25
in misidentification syndromes 275 developmental psychosis. See childhood- drug psychoses 141
mood-congruent 122 onset schizophrenia DSM-I 274
mood-incongruent 122 Dewey, John 354 DSM-III 141, 351
nihilistic 122 Dexadrine 20 bipolar disorder in 59
in paranoid schizophrenia 303–304 diagnosis catatonia in 89
persecuory 122 culture differences in 37 dementia praecox in 128
of poverty 123 differential 131 dissociative disorders in 135
pregnancy 316 Feighner criteria for 162–163 folie à deux in 172
of reference 123 of feigned insanity 164 major depression in 269
religious 122, 129, 334 historical changes in 213 mixed states in 276
in residual phase 335 and misdiagnosis 37 multiple personality disorder in 284
somatic 122–123, 351 of schizophrenia 192 neurosis in 292
systematized 123 dialysis, as schizophrenia treatment 209 schizophrenia in 192
delusional disorder 121, 351 diathesis-stress theories 131–132, 283 schizotypal personality disorder in 343
delusional jealousy 121–122 Dickens, Charles 76, 207, 318 DSM-III-R
delusional perception 122 Dictionary of Psychological Medicine, A (Tuke) atypical psychotic disorders in 37
demence 123, 213, 214 140 borderline cases in 77
démence précoce 125, 281. See also dementia Diem, Otto 347–348 delusional disorder in 121
praecox differential diagnosis 131 hypochondriasis in 220
dementia 123–124 digestive tract, diseases of, as cause of hysteria in 223
in AIDS dementia complex 12 mental illness 107 mood disorders in 279
dementia infantalis 124 dimensions, of schizophrenia 132–133 Munchausen’s syndrome in 284–285
dementia paranoides 124, 126, 302, 304 dimethoxphenethylamine (DMPEA) 136 poverty of content of speech in 315
dementia praecocissima 124 diminished responsibility 133 schizophrenia in 192
dementia praecox 124–128, 259–260. See diphenhydramine 53 seasonal affective disorder in 344
also schizophrenia disconnection theories, of schizophrenia DSM-IV 141
Bleuler (Eugen) on 128, 340 84, 98, 133 bipolar disorder in 59
blood test for 71–73 disease 356–357 childhood-onset schizophrenia in 93
and degeneration theory 119 germ theory of 70, 225 disorganized type in 209
derivation of term 214 disorganized type 134, 209, 221, 294 dissociative identity disorder in 284
difference from hysteria 223 disorientation 134 Ganser’s syndrome in 181
in DSM-III 128 dissociation 1, 123, 134–135, 239 hallucinations in 205
as endocrine disorder 148–149 dissociative disorders 135, 314–315 monomania in 278
etiology of 127 dissociative identity disorder 284 persecutory type in 309
focal infection as cause of 46 distractibility 135 reactive psychoses in 333
hereditary predisposition for 187 Dix, Dorothea Lynde 112, 115, 135–136, spontaneous remission in 351
immunological studies of 227–228 207 DSM-IV-TR 141, 375–376
internal secretions in 149 Dixon, Lisa 355 active phase of schizophrenia in 5
Kraepelin (Emil) on 2, 56, 72, 108, dizygotic twins 136, 363–364 atypical psychotic disorders in 36, 37
125–126, 126–127, 245 in behavioral genetics studies 190–192 autism in 41–42
neurodevelopmental model of 290 and concordance rates 104 bipolar disorder in 60, 261
public reception of 127–128 DMEs. See drug metabolizing agents brief psychotic disorder in 85
treatment of 127 DMPEA (dimethoxphenethylamine) 136 catatonic type in 89
as universal human disease 127 DNA markers, in linkage analysis 194 disorganized type in 134
Dementia Praecox, Or the Group of DNA sequencing, and genetic markers of erotomania in 154
Schizophrenias (Bleuler) 4, 10, 15, 33, 41, vulnerability 186 first-rank symptoms in 168
206, 240, 249, 340 Dobscha, Steven 107 folie à deux in 171, 172
Dementia Praecox Studies 128–129, 216 Dollhaus 136 latent schizophrenia in 249
dementia simplex 348 Dolnick, Edward 177 manic episode in 261–262
demoniac 129 Domhoff, G. William 141 on medication side effects 27
demonomania 87, 103, 129 dominant 136 mixed states in 276
denial 130 Doneson, Stuart 325 paranoia in 302, 303
398 The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

DSM-IV-TR (continued) Erlenmeyer-Kimling, L. 36, 184, 211 family history

paranoid schizophrenia in 303–304 erotic jealousy syndrome. See Othello and schizophrenia prognosis 320
psychotic disorders in 329 syndrome as schizophrenia risk factor 189–190,
schizophreniform disorder in 341, 342 erotomania 153–154, 303 336
shizoid personality type in 339 erotomania proper 154 family interaction theories 157, 160–162
simple schizophrenia in 348 erotomanic type 121, 154 family studies, in behavioral genetics
substance-induced psychotic disorder ERP (event-related potentials) 144, 154 189–190
in 356 Escaped Lunatic, The (movie) 282 family systems theory 161
dual diagnosis 141–142, 355 Esdaile, James 155, 220 family therapy 161
Dubois, Paul Charles 325 Esquirol, Jean-Étienne-Dominique 154– insight-oriented 202–203, 329
Dupré, Ferdinand-Pierre-Louis-Ernest 96 155 Farkas, T. 310
Dworkin, Robert 113 and bath of surprise 50 farming, as treatment 162
dysmorphophobia 278 and bleeding 64 Fauser, August 71–73
dysphoric mania 60, 61, 260, 276 and brain abnormalities in Faxensyndrom 162
dysphrenia 142 schizophrenia 79 Feighner research criteria 162–163, 192,
and cacodemonomania 87, 314 335
E and circulating swing 97 feigned insanity 163–164, 181
Earle, Pliny 112, 115, 143 and climate 98 Feinberg, Irving 107
Eaton, William W. 152, 350 and demonomania 129 Fenichel, Otto 39
écho de la pensée 143 and douche methods 140 Fernandez-Novona, L. 212
echolalia 143 and electroshock therapy 147 Ferrand, Jacques 153
ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) 28, 91, and equinoxes 153 Ferrier, John 164
106, 143. See also electroshock therapy and fury (furor) 179–180 fertility 164–165
EE. See expressed emotion and hallucinations 205–206 fetal neural development, and
EEG studies and humoral theory 218 schizophrenia 81, 165–166
of limbic system 252 and isolation 237–238 Feuchtersleben, Ernst von 166, 323, 325
of schizophrenia 143–144 and lactation psychoses 247 fever therapy 166–167, 174, 311
Effexor. See venlafaxine and lypemania 256 Fink, Max 28, 147
Egas Moniz, António Caetano de Abreu and mania sans délire 260 Finland 338
Freire 144–145, 174, 252, 254 and masturbation 264 Finnish Adoptive Family Study of
ego 103, 176, 224 and médicine mentale 268 Schizophrenia 8
egocentricity 145 and monomania 201, 278 first break 167
Ehrlich, Paul 67 and occupational therapy 162 first-degree relatives 167
Einheitspsychose 145–146, 242 and persecutory delusions 122 first-episode schizophrenics 167
elective mutism 146 and physiognomy 312 First International Congress of Mental
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) 28, 91, and postpartum psychosis 315 Hygiene 255
106, 143. See also electroshock therapy and theomania 359 first-rank symptoms 167–168
electroencephalogram. See EEG studies Esquirol Circle 155, 159 Fisher, R. A. 188
electronarcosis therapy 146 etherization 155–156 5HT2 receptors 25
electroshock therapy 62, 91, 106, 143, ethnicity five-point restraints 168
146–148, 273 and pharmacogenetics 25 fixing 168–169
Elliotson, John 220 as schizophrenia risk factor 336 flat affect 76, 169
EMD (eye movement dysfunction) 148 etiologic heterogeneity 156, 184, 293–294 Fleck, Ludwig 226
emotion, expressed 157–158 etiology 156 Fleming, Michael 282
encephalitis eugenics 119, 187, 189, 327 Flemyng, Malcolm 166
viral 266 euphoric mania 61, 260 Fliess, Wilhelm 175
and viral theories of schizophrenia 367 evacuants 156 flight of ideas 169
endocrine alterations, in schizophrenia 57, event-related potentials (ERPs) 144, 154 flogging 169–170
148–150, 271–272 evolutionary psychology 189 Flor-Henry, P. 250
endocrinology 225, 292 Evolution of Modern Medicine, The (Osler) fluvoxamine (Luvox) 20
definition of 148 362 focal infection, as cause of psychotic
history of 148 exacerbations 156 disorders 46–47, 57, 170–171, 300. See
and metabolic paradigm 68–69 existential approach, to psychiatry 354 also autointoxication
modern era of 149 exorcism 156–157 folie à deux 171–172
endogenous psychoses 115 Experiential World Inventory 14 folie à double forme 49, 172
endophenotype 150 expressed emotion (EE) 157–158 folie à familie 171
England 150 expressivity 158 folie à plusieurs 172
environmental causes, of schizophrenia extrapyrimidal symptoms/syndromes 26, folie circulaire 49, 160, 172–173. See also
150–151, 336 158 circular insanity
enzyme(s) 151 Ey, Henry 78 folie communiquée 172
in metabolic disorder hypothesis 271 eye movement abnormalities, in folie imposée 172
viruses and 368 schizophrenia 158, 185 folie induite 172
enzyme disorder hypothesis 151 eye movement dysfunction (EMD) 148 folie partagée 172
epidemiology 102, 151–153 folie simultanée 172
epilepsy F food allergies, as cause of psychosis 173
and pseudoschizophrenia syndrome factor analysis 132–133 formal thought disorder 173, 254–255, 288
322 “Factors of Insanities, The” (Jackson) 159, formication 173, 278, 358
and schizophrenia 106, 153 287 Forrer, G. R. 35
temporal-lobe 153, 250, 266 Falret, Jean-Pierre 9, 49, 60, 96, 159–160, foster home care 160
trepanation for 362 172–173, 261 Foucault, Michael 251–252
epistaxis 153 Falret, Jules-Philippe-Joseph 160, 172, 249 Four A’s, the 173
equinoxes 153 family care 160 four-point restraints 168
Index 399

Frankenstein, Victor 257 genetic counseling, for schizophrenia glutamate receptors 195, 196
Franklin, Benjamin 147, 173–174 58–59, 184 Goffman, Erving 200, 235
fraternal twins. See dizygotic twins genetic heterogeneity 184, 198 Goldstein, Jan 222, 278
Freedman, Daniel X. 14, 323 genetic markers of vulnerability 184–186 Goldstein, Kurt 105, 200
Freeman, Walter 174–175 genetics Good, John Mason 316
and fever therapy 167 behavioral. See behavioral genetics Goodwin, Frederick K. 263
and lobotomy 99–100, 144, 252, 254, of bipolar disorder 61 Gottesman, I. I. 283
326, 360, 362 and blood test for schizophrenia 73–74 Gottesman, Irving 75–76, 194
Fregoli’s syndrome 175, 236, 275 diathesis-stress theories of 131–132 governess psychosis 200–201
French psychiatry, chronic delusional states linkage in 253 Goya, Francisco 51
in 94–96, 302 locus in 254 GPI. See general paralysis of the insane
Freud, Sigmund 117, 175–177 and Mendelian transmission 269–270 grandiose delusions 201
and auditory hallucinations 39 molecular 194–196 grandiose type 121, 201
Bleuler (Eugen) and 65 and nonallelic genetic heterogeneity grandiosity 201
and brain abnormalities in 293–294 Graves, Thomas C. 47, 328
schizophrenia 80 and non-Mendelian transmission 294 gray matter, in schizophrenia 81
and dementia paranoides 124 psychiatric 188–189 Great Witch Hunt 370
and dereistic thinking 130 quantitative 188 Greece, ancient, mania in 259
and dissociation 134–135 as schizophrenia risk factor 336 Green, M. F. 311
and dreams 140 and viral theories of schizophrenia 368 Griesinger, Wilhelm 67, 201–202
Holmes (Bayard) on 216 genetics studies 186–197 and bleeding 64
and hysteria 222–223 in 19th century 186–187 at Burghölzi Hospital 86
and id 224 in 20th century 187–188 and copro-psychiatrie 107
and Jung (Carl) 103 anticipation in 19 and Einheitspsychose 145
Kraepelin (Emil) on 244 consanguinity method in 105–106 and evacuants 156
and Meynert (Theodor) 75 endophenotypes in 150 and general paralysis of the insane 183
and negativism 288 etiologic heterogeneity in 156 and heredity of schizophrenia 186
and neurosis 292 expressivity in 158 and Hill (Robert) 212
and primary process 317 incomplete penetrance in 231 and hydropathic institutions 218–219
and projection 320 Kallman (Franz) and 243 and stadium melancholicum 351
and psychoanalysis 323–324 molecular genetics 194–196 Groddeck, Georg 224
and psychoneurosis 325 mosaicism in 281 Grohmann, J. C. A. 280
and reality testing 333 at National Institute of Mental Health group psychotherapy 202–203
and regression 333 287 GSL model. See generalized single locus
and repression 334 pedigrees in 306–307 model
Fricchione, Gregory 28 penetrance in 307 Guild of Friends of the Infirm in Mind 11
Friedman, B. H. 32 pharmacologic challenges in 310 Guislain, Joseph 145
Friston, K. J. 133 proband in 318 Gur, Raquel 83–84
Frith, C. D. 133, 291 on schizotypal personality disorder 343 Gur, Ruben 83–84
Fromm-Reichmann, Frieda 161, 177, 342, segregation analysis in 345 gustatory hallucination 203, 205
352 treatment implications of 196 gyrator (“gyrater”) 97, 203–204
Fulton, John 254 twins method and studies in 363–364
functional psychoses 178 variable expressivity in 366 H
fundamental states, of manic-depressive Web sites for reference 196 Haase, Hans-Joachim 26
insanity 178 genetic transmission 184, 197–198 Haefner, H. 109
fundamental symptoms, of schizophrenia in Genian quadruples 182 hair, pulling out of 362–363
178–179, 340 Mendelian 196, 269–270 Haldipur, C. V. 213
fury (furor) 179–180 monogenetic 196 Haldol. See haloperidol
Fuxe, Kjell 21 multifactorial threshold model of 198, Haley, Jay 161
283–284 Hall, G. Stanley 16
G non-Mendelian 190, 294 hallucination(s) 205–206
Gabbard, Glen O. 282 polygenetic 197 auditory 38–40, 100, 130, 134, 205,
Gabbard, Krin 282 Genian quadruplets 181–182 206, 303, 368
GAHS. See galatorrhea-amenorrhea genome 198 Brierre de Boismont (Alexandre) on 85
hyperprolactinemia syndrome genotype 188, 198 command 100
galatorrhea-amenorrhea hyperprolactinemia Geoden. See ziprasidone difference from delusions 120, 122
syndrome (GAHS) 316 geographical isolates 307 gustatory 203, 205
Galen 62, 218, 221 George, Leonard 98, 232 mood congruency of 205
Gall, Franz Joseph 312 George III (king of Great Britain) 169 olfactory 205, 297–298
Galton, Francis 119, 187, 188, 324–325 Georget, Etienne-Jean 312 repression and 334
Ganser, Sigbert J. M. 181 Gerbaldo, Hector 311 in residual phase 335
Ganser’s syndrome 49, 162, 181 German Research Institute for Psychiatry tactile 173, 205, 358
Garrod, A. E. 272 245–246 visual 205, 368–369
Gelman, Sheldon 26 Germany 198 hallucinatory verbigeration 206
gender differences, in schizophrenia 182, germ theory of disease 70, 225 hallucinogenic drugs 14, 322–323, 330,
320 Ghana 198–199 361
gender-identity confusion 182–183 Gheel Colony 108, 199 haloperidol (Haldol) 24, 25
gene 183 Gilman, Sander 361 Halstead-Reitan battery of tests 291
generalized single locus (GSL) model 196 Gjessing, Rolf 293 Hamon, Pierre 24
general paralysis of the insane (GPI) 166, Gladkevich, Anatoliy 229–230 handcuffs 207
183, 226, 266, 367 glossolalia 199–200 Hanson, D. R. 75–76
genetic anticipation 18–20, 119, 187 glutamate hypothesis 200 Hanwell Asylum 295
400 The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

Hard Cash (Reade) 317–318 Holmes, Ralph Loring 47, 215, 216, 328 drug psychoses in 141
Harley-Mason, John 57, 361 homelessness 76, 306 erotomania in 154
Harris, Anne 311 homosexuality 12, 124, 328 hebephrenic type in 209
Harris, M. J. 250 Honer, W. G. 19 latent schizophrenia in 249
Harrison, P. J. 81 Hood, W. Charles 238, 338 paranoia in 302
Hartford Retreat 207 Horn, Ernst 216–217 polymorphic psychotic symptoms in 314
Hartwell, C. E. 342 Horn’s sack 216–217 psychotic disorders in 329
Harvey, William 62 hospitalism 217 schizophrenia in 192
Haskell, Ebenezer 255 hospitalization, partial 118 schizotypal personality disorder in 343
Haskovec, Ladislav 13 hospitals 34. See also specific hospitals ICD-10-CM 224
Haslam, John 207–208 day 117–118 id 176, 224
at Bethlem Royal Hospital 54, 114 lock 254 ideas of reference 224
and chronic schizophrenia 213–214 night 118 Ideler, Carl Wilhelm 122
and circulating swing 97 V.A. 366 identical twins. See monozygotic twins
and fixing 168 Hôtel-Dieu, l’ 217 idiot savants. See autistic savants
and general paralysis of the insane 183 Hounsfield, G. N. 83 idiot’s cage 53, 224
Hatter, John 257 Hoxton madhouses 217–218 IL-6. See interleukin-6
Hayner’s wheel 208 Human Genome Sequence 194 illusion 121, 206, 224
Hazlitt, William 257 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) imipramine (Tofranil) 20
Healy, David 272 and dementia 266 immediacy hypothesis 225
“hearing voices” 38, 205 and schizophrenia 102, 214–215 immersion therapy 50. See also baths;
heart, antipsychotic drug effects on 27 humoral immunity 228, 229 hydrotherapy
heart rate. See pulse humoral immunology 226 immune response 225–226
hebephrenia 134, 208–209 humoral theory, of mental illness 62–63, immune system 225–230
hebephrenic type 28, 209, 221 218 adaptive 228, 229
Hecker, Ewald 80–81, 125, 134, 208, 242 bleeding in 210 innate 228, 229
Hecker, J. F. C. 94 and postpartum psychosis 315 interdependence with nervous and
Heinroth, Johann Christian 323 Hunter, William 46 endocrine systems 229
Heinsheimer, Alfred 246 Huntington’s disease 267 immune system alterations, in
Heller, Theodore 124 hurry of the spirits 218 schizophrenia 17–18, 70, 76, 225–230
Heller’s disease. See dementia infantalis Huttenlocher, P. R. 107 immunity
Helmont, Jan Baptista van 281 Huxley, Aldous 361 cellular 228, 229
helplessness, learned 217 hybridization 186–187, 188 humoral 228, 229
hemodialysis treatment, of schizophrenia hydropathic institutions 218–219 immunological studies, of dementia praecox
209–210 hydrotherapy 218, 219–220. See also baths 227–228
hemorrhoids, production of as treatment hyperhistamania 212 immunology 225–230
210 hyperkinesia 220 cellular 226
Henderson, Joseph 32 hyperthermia 26–27 humoral 226
heredity/heritability. See also genetics hypnosis and neurosyphilis 226–227
in 19th century 186–187 as anesthesia 155 immunoserodiagnostic paradigm, of blood
in 20th century 187–188 and psychosis 220 of the insane 69–70
metabolism and 272 hypochondriacal insanity 221 Impastato, D. J. 146–147
of psychotic disorders 210 hypochondriacal melancholy 221 impression management theory 235
in twins studies 191 hypochondriasis 220–221 impulsive character 78
Herz, Marvin 333 hypochondrium 221 inappropriate affect 9
Heston, L. L. 8 hypofrontality 83, 221–222 incidence, in epidemiology 152
Heston, Leonard 192–193 hypomanic episode 222, 253 incipient schizophrenia 78, 230, 249. See
Higgins, J. 319 hyponatremia 314 also prodromal phase
high-functioning schizophrenic 15 hypothermia 26–27 incoherence 230–231
high-risk studies 210–212 hypothyroidism 267 incomplete penetrance 231
Hill, Robert Gardiner 212 hysterectomy 300, 327 index case 105, 231, 318. See also proband
Hinckley, John, Jr. 154, 234, 277 hysteria 222–223 India 231
Hippocrates 218, 316, 344 hypnotism for 220 indolamines 231
Hirsch, Steven 57, 227, 263 ovariotomy for 300 induced delusional disorder. See folie à deux
histamines 212 hysterical conversion 164 induced insanity. See folie à deux
historical evidence, of schizophrenia 212–214 hysterical psychosis 222 infantile autism 41–42, 243
HIV infections
and dementia 266 I as schizophrenia risk factor 336. See also
and schizophrenia 102, 214–215 ICD-9 224 focal infection
HIV CNS disease 215 dissociative disorders in 135 in utero, and schizophrenia 368
Hoch, August 53, 54, 215 hysteria in 223 infectiousness of insanity. See folie à deux
Hoffer, Abram 14, 259, 268, 361 latent schizophrenia in 249 inflammatory-vascular theory, of
Hoffer-Osmond Diagnostic Test 14 neurosis in 292 schizophrenia 75–76
Hoffman, Ralph 107 ICD-10 224, 377–382 influenced psychosis. See folie à deux
holergasia 215 active phase of schizophrenia in 5 influenza, and viral theories of
Holmes, Bayard Taylor 128, 129, 215–216 acute and transient psychotic disorders schizophrenia 367
and abdominal surgery 46–47, 328 in 6 information processing, in schizophrenia
and autointoxication/focal infection atypical psychotic disorders in 36, 37 98–99, 231–232
theory 46–47, 149, 212 bipolar disorder in 59 informed consent 232
and blood of the insane studies 70 culture-bound syndromes in 37 inheritance. See also genetics; heredity/
and blood test for schizophrenia 73 delusional disorder in 121 heritability
and corpuscular richness paradigm 68 disorganized type in 134 mode of 277
Index 401

inkblot test. See Rorschach test Jentons, Ricky 325 Knable, Michael 61, 81
innate immune system 228, 229 Jeste, D. V. 213, 250 Knight, J. G. 229
input dysfunction hypothesis 232–233 Johannsen, Wilhelm 188 Kopeloff, Nicholas 171
insane 233 Johnstone, E. D. 80, 83 Korsakov, Sergei Sergeivich 244
insania zoanthropica. See lycanthropy Joint Commission on Mental Illness and Korsakov’s psychosis 244
insanity 233, 257, 302 Health 102 Kraepelin, Emil 244–246, 259–260
adolescent 7–8, 290 Jones, Amanda 229 and affective disorders 9
feigned 163–164, 181 Jones, E. G. 133 and Alzheimer (Alois) 14–15
insanity by contagion. See folie à deux Jung, Carl Gustav 117, 240–241, 328 and attention disorders 35
insanity defense 133, 233–234, 277 and abaissement 1 and atypical psychotic disorders 36–37
insight 101, 234 and art 32 and auditory hallucinations 38
insight-oriented family therapy 202–203, and bibliotherapy 55 and autointoxication 43, 44–46,
329 and biochemical theories of 148–149
Institute for Living 207 schizophrenia 56–57 biographical history of 244–245
institutionalization 217, 234–235 at Burghölzi Hospital 86 and bipolar disorder 61
insulin coma (shock) therapy 87, 100, and complexes 103–104 and brain abnormalities in
235–236, 272 and dereistic thinking 130 schizophrenia 79
intelligence, premorbid, as schizophrenia and dissociation 135 and catatonia 89
risk factor 336 and dreams 140 and chronic schizophrenia 96
interleukin-6 (IL-6) 228, 229 and feigned insanity 164 and Clouston (Thomas) 7–8
intermetamorphosis syndrome 236, 275 and hysteria 223 and consanguinity method 106
internal secretions 57, 148, 149 and introversion 237 on course and outcome of schizophrenia
International Pilot Study of Schizophrenia Kraepelin (Emil) on 244 108–109
112, 163 mother of 111 and degeneration theory 118–119
International Statistical Classification of Disease, and negativism 288 and dementia paranoides 124
Injuries, and Causes of Death, The. See ICD-10 and occupational therapy 297 and dementia praecox 2, 56, 72,
International Study of Schizophrenia (ISoS) and projective tests 321 125–126, 245
109, 112 and stereotypy 352 and dysphrenia 142
interpersonal functioning 236–237 jury trial commitment laws 255 and eugenics 119
Interpretation of Dreams, The (Freud) 333 and flogging 170
Interpretation of Schizophrenia (Arieti) 31, K and fury (furor) 180
235–236 Kahlbaum, Karl Ludwig 242–243 and gender differences in schizophrenia
introversion 237 and catatonia 89 182
in utero infections, and schizophrenia 368 on course and outcome of schizophrenia genetics studies of 287
involutional melancholia. See involutional 108 and German Research Institute for
psychosis and cyclothymia 261 Psychiatry 245–246
involutional psychosis 237 and delusions 302 and hallucinatory verbigeration 206
iproniazid (Marsilid) 20 and dementia praecox 125 and Hayner’s wheel 208
ipseity 354 and dysphrenia 142 and hebephrenia 134, 208–209
IPSS. See International Pilot Study of and paranoia 304 and heredity of dementia praecox 187
Schizophrenia and psychosis 326 and Hoch (August) 215
Ireland 237 and verbigeration 367 and Horn’s sack 217
isolation 237–238 Kallman, Franz J. 106, 190, 192, 243 and hydrotherapy 219
ISoS. See International Study of Kandinsky, Viktor Chrisianfovich 243 and manic-depressive psychosis 59,
Schizophrenia Kandinsky-Clérambault syndrome 243 178, 245
Israel 238 Kane, J. M. 202 and manic episodes 262–263
Italy 238 Kanner, Leo 41, 161, 243 and mechanical restraints 266
Iushchenko, Aleksandr Ivanovich 44, 69, Kanner’s syndrome. See autism, infantile metabolic disorder hypothesis of 271
149 Kant, Immanuel 330 and metabolic paradigm 69
karyotype 243 Meyer (Adolf) and 274
J Kasanin, J. S. 248, 338 and mixed states 275–276
Jablensky, Assen 152 Keefe, J. A. 111 neurodevelopmental model of 290
Jackson, John Hughlins 159, 287 Kellog, John Harvey 46 and paranoia 302
Jackson, Stanley W. 269 Kendler, K. S. 363–364 and paranoid schizophrenia 304
Jacobi, Walter 82–83 Kendler, Kenneth 302 and paraphrenia 304
Jacobsen, Carlyle 254 Kennedy, John F. 102 prognosis concept of 339
Jacobson, D. E. 44 Kety, Seymour and psychiatric genetics 188
Jahn, Veronika 44 adoption studies of 8, 193 and psychological research 325
James, William 271, 325, 354 and psychiatric genetics 189, 287 and psychosis 326
Jamison, Kay Redfield 263 and schizotypal personality disorder and psychotherapy 127
Janet, Pierre 1, 123, 134, 239, 323 343 and reactive psychoses 332
Janssen, Paul 26 and spectrum disorders 351 and recoverable psychoses 333
Japan 37, 239, 243–244 and transmethylation hypothesis 57, 361 schizophrenia definition of 192
Jarvis, Edward 112 Kim, J. 200 and viral theories of schizophrenia 367
Jaspers, Karl 120, 122, 354 Kingsley Hall 248 Krafft-Ebing, Richard von 240
Jaureg, Julius Wagner von 166 Kirby, George 171 Kretschmer, Ernst 33–34, 35, 312, 331
jealous type 121, 239 Kirkbride, Thomas Story 243 Kris, Ernst 32
jealousy. See also Othello syndrome Kitcher, Philip 188 Kuhn, Ronald 20
delusional 121–122 Kitsune-Tsuki psychosis 243–244
obsessional 122 Kläsi, Jakob 106, 146, 348–349 L
pathological 122 Kleist, Karl 10, 59, 115 laboratory-based knowledge 225
retrospective ruminative 299, 335 Kline, Nathan 20, 23 Laborit, Henri 24
402 The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

lack of insight 101, 234 lithium 61, 158, 253, 260 amenomania 15–16
lactation psychoses 247, 315 lobectomy 253–254 Bell’s mania 53, 90
lacteal metastasis 247 lobotomy 174, 252, 254 cacodemonomania 87, 129, 314, 359
Laing, Ronald David 100–101, 117, 247– transorbital 99–100, 174–175, 252, cheromania 92
248, 323, 354 327, 362 chiromania 94
Lane, Sir William Arbuthnot 46 lock hospitals 254 choromania 94
Lange, Johannes 127 locus 254 dancing manias 94
Langfeldt, Gabriel 318, 342 Loeb, James 246 demonomania 87, 103, 129
language, laterality of brain and 250 Loevenhart, Arthur Solomon 89 dysphoric 60, 61, 260, 276
language abnormalities Loewi, Otto 69, 292 erotomania 153–154, 303
clanging 97–98 Lombroso, Cesare 31–32, 312 euphoric 61, 260
echolalia 143 longitudinal studies 109–110, 254 forms of 260
glossolalia 199–200 long-term follow-up studies. See hyperhistamania 212
hallucinatory verbigeration 206 longitudinal studies lypemaniacs 256
incoherence 230–231 loosening of associations 232, 254–255 mixed (dysphoric) 276
loosening of associations 232, 254–255 Louis XVI (king of France) 173 monomania 201, 278, 359
neologisms 288 love-madness. See erotomania nymphomania 153
portmanteau word 314 Lowen, Alexander 312 psychotic 61, 260
poverty of content of speech 315 Löwenstein, E. 363 theomania 129, 359
poverty of speech 248, 315 Lower, Richard 74 trichtillomania 362–363
pressured speech 317 loxapine (Loxitane) 25 mania gravis. See acute delirius mania
pseudoabstraction 322 LSD 293 mania sine delirio 260
in schizophrenia 248 LSD-25, transmethylation hypothesis of manic-depressive illness 259–260, 260–261.
tangentiality 358 57, 361 See also bipolar disorder
verbigeration 206, 367 Ludiomil. See maprotiline Baillarger (François) on 49
word salad 370 lunacy 233, 255, 257, 279 causes of 263
Lasègue, Ernest Charles 122, 160, 172, lunacy trials 255 cortical pruning and 107
248–249, 302 lunatic 255 and creativity 160
Lasègue’s disease 248–249 lunatic doctors. See mad-doctor historical background of 261
latent psychosis 78, 249 lunatic’s cage. See idiot’s cage history of 160
latent schizophrenia 78, 249, 349 Luria-Nebraska battery of tests 291 immunological studies of 227
latent viruses 367, 368 Lurie, Max 20 Kraepelin (Emil) on 108–109, 245
late-onset schizophrenia 11, 249–250 Luvox. See fluvoxamine manic episodes in 261–263
laterality, and schizophrenia 250–251 Luxenburger, Hans 191 personality types in 178
Lauder Lindsay, W. 66–68 lycanthropy 244, 256 and recoverable psychoses 333
Lausanne Investigations 109 lymphocytes 229–230 research on 263
L’Automatisme Psychologique (Psychological lymphoid system 226 in twins 364
Automatisms) (Janet) 337 lypemaniacs 256 manic-depressive insanity, fundamental
Lavater, Johann Kaspar 205, 312 states of 178
laxatives. See evacuants M manic episode 260, 261–264
lazarettos. See leper houses MacLean, Paul 252 association disturbances in 255
lazar houses. See leper houses Macphail, S. Rutherford 68 lithium for 253
learned helplessness 217 mad as a hatter 257 pressured speech in 317
leeching 63 mad-business 257 Mann, Harriet 323
left brain vs. right brain 250–251 mad-doctor 257 Manvell, Roger 282
leg-locks 251 Mad Hatter 257 MAO. See monoamine oxidase
Legrain, Paul-Maurice 78 madhouses maprotiline (Ludiomil) 20
Lehmann, Heinz 23 Hoxton 217–218 Marengo, J. T. 109
Lenzenweger, Mark 113, 133 private 34, 252, 317–318 marijuana use 103, 355
Leonhard, Karl 9–10, 59, 115 madness 257 marital status, of schizophrenics 264
leper houses 251–252, 254 mad-shirt 257–258 Marsalek, M. 358
Lepois, Charles 315 Maeder, Alphonse 65 Marsilid. See iproniazid
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome 346 Magaro, P. 98, 111 masturbation 264–265, 289
leucotomy 144, 174, 252, 254, 326, 360 Magical Ideation Scale 258 MATRICS. See NIMH Measurement and
leukocytes. See white blood cells magical thinking 96, 258, 337 Treatment Research to Improve Cognition
Levy, David 51 Magnan, Valentin 95, 118, 123, 302, 332 in Schizophrenia
Lewis, Aubrey 234 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 80, 82, Maudsley, Henry 118, 160, 265
Lewis, Nolan D. C. 57, 69, 75, 149 83, 258 Maudsley Clinic 184
Lexapro. See citalopram of childhood-onset schizophrenia 93 Maudsley Twin Psychosis Series 210
licensed houses 252 EEG and 144 Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry 246
Liddle, Peter F. 84, 113, 132, 133 magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging Mayer-Gross, Wilhelm 354
Lidz, Theodore 161 (MRSI) 84, 258–259 McCarley, R. W. 258
Liew, C. C. 71, 74, 195 Mahler, Margaret 356 McCormick, Stanley 53–54, 245, 274
Lilly, John 50 Mahler’s syndrome. See symbiotic psychosis McGhie, Andrew 35–36
Lima, Almeida 326 Main, T. F. 275 McGuire, P. K. 39
limbic system 252–253 Maison de Charenton 155 McMahon, Brian 132
Lincoln Asylum 212 malaria treatment 166–167 McNeil, Thomas F. 309
Lindqvist, Margit 137 malingering 259 Mead, Margaret 50
linkage 253 malvaria 259 mebrobamate (Miltown) 23
linkage analysis 185–186, 194–195 mania 9, 108, 259–260 mechanical restraint(s) 265–266
linked marker 185 acromania 5 Autenreith (Ferdinand) and 40
Lipska, B. K. 17 acute delirius 6 bed saddle 51–52, 114
Index 403

Belgian cage 53 metabolism 272 Pinel (Philippe) and 56, 313

camisole 87 Metcalf, Urbane 54 at York Retreat 371
cruciform stance 52, 114, 217 methamphetamine 16 morbid jealousy. See Othello syndrome
five-point restraints 168 Metrazol shock therapy 268, 272–273 More, Sir Thomas 169–170
four-point restraints 168 Mettler, Fred 99 Moreau de Tours, Jacques-Joseph 111,
handcuffs 207 Meyer, Adolf 127, 273–274 280–281
Hayner’s wheel 208 and autointoxication 45 Morel, Bénédict-Augustin 118, 214, 281
Horn’s sack 216–217 and brain abnormalities in on course and outcome of schizophrenia
idiot’s cage 53, 224 schizophrenia 80 108
leg-locks 251 and Hoch (August) 215 and démence précoce 125
mad-shirt 257–258 and holergasia 215 and heredity 187
muffs 283 Holmes (Bayard) on 216 and obsessions 297
and night attendant service 293 and mental hygiene movement 271 Morgan, T. H. 188
straight-waistcoat 352 and parergasia 304–305 Morison, Alexander 155, 306
straitjacket 87, 352 Meyer-Gross, Wilhelm 109 mortality, in schizophrenia 281
tranquilizer 97, 360–361 Meynert, Theodor 75 Morton, Thomas G. 299
Utica crib 365 mianserin 20 mosaicism 281
medical disorders microbes, discovery of 225 mother
faking of. See Munchausen’s syndrome migrant status, as schizophrenia risk factor refrigerator 161, 333
that mimic psychotic disorders 266– 336 schizophrenogenic 161, 177, 342
267 milieu therapy 274–275, 280 motion pictures, depictions of psychosis in
medical experiments, involuntary milk fever 247 281–283
participation in 4 Milligan, Billy 135 Mott, F. W. 18–19
medical genomics 70–71 Miltown. See mebrobamate Moulin, Anne Marie 226
Medical History Museum 285 Mirsky, Allan 182 movable physiognomy. See pathognomy
Medical Inquiries and Observations Upon the misdiagnosis 37 movement disorders 232, 358–359
Diseases of the Mind (Rush) 15–16, 55, 64, misidentification syndromes 88, 175, 236, MPD. See multiple personality
168–169, 203 275 MRI. See magnetic resonance imaging
medical model, of mental disorders 267–268 Mitsuda, Hisatoshi 37 MRSI. See magnetic resonance spectroscopy
médicine mentale 268 mixed mania 276 imaging
Meduna, Ladislaus von 106, 147, 268, 272 mixed states 262, 275–276 MS. See multiple sclerosis
Meehl, Paul 131, 342, 351 M’Naughten, Daniel 234, 276 Much-Holzmann psycho-reaction 70, 227
megavitamin therapy 268–269, 361 M’Naughten Rules 234, 276–277 Mueller, Norbert 228
melancholia 5, 9, 108, 221, 259, 269 Möbius, P. J. 111 muffs 283
involutional 237 mode of inheritance 277 multifactorial threshold model, of genetic
and lycanthropy 256 Mohr, Fritz 32 transmission 198, 283–284
Meltzer, Herbert 151, 307, 314 molecular biology 194, 277 multiple personality 139, 239, 284, 315
Melville, Charles 333 molecular genetics 194–196 multiple sclerosis (MS) 267, 284
Memoirs (Kraepelin) 126, 219 molecular markers 277 Münchausen, Carl Friedrich von 285
memory, in schizophrenia 99 molindone (Moban) 25 Munchausen’s syndrome 284–285
men monasteries 277 Munro, John 51
borderline personality disorder in 77 Moneim El-Meligi, A. 14 Murphy, H. M. B. 87, 88
schizophrenia in 182 monoamine oxidase (MAO) 151, 277–278 Murray, R. M. 290
Mendel, Emanuel Ernst 178, 222 monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors 20, museums, psychiatric 285
Mendel, Gregor 188, 269 21, 278 music therapy 285
Mendelian transmission 196, 269–270 monogenetic transmission model 196 mustard pack 285, 301
Menninger Institute 285 monomania 201, 278, 359 mutism, elective 146
mental alienation 13, 270 monosymptomatic hypochondriacal mystic paranoia. See folie à deux
mental disorders 270 psychosis 278, 298 myth, of mental illness 285–286
medical model of 267–268 monozygotic twins 278, 363–364
as metabolic disorders 271–272 in behavioral genetics studies N
mental hygiene movement 3, 101, 255, 190–192 NAA. See N-acetylaspartate
270–271 and concordance rates 104 N-acetylaspartate (NAA) 84, 258–259
mental illness Genian quadruplets 181–182 narcissism 324
humoral theory of 218 Monro, Edward 54 Nasrallah, Henry A. 251
myth of 285–286 Monro, James 54 National Association for Mental Health 52
in relatives of creative people 111 Monro, John 54 National Committee for Mental Health 52
Mental Maladies (Esquirol) 50, 87, 97, 129, Monro, Thomas 54, 114 National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
140, 179–180, 205, 210, 237–238, 264, 278 mood 278–279 246, 287
Mental Pathology and Therapeutics (Griesinger) mood congruency, of hallucinations 205 and art 32–33
201, 218–219 mood disorders 9, 279 and Columbia-Greystone Project 99
mental retardation 41–42, 321 Moon, influence of on madness 153, 255, and electroshock therapy 147
Mersky, Harold 94 279 and epidemiology 152
mescaline, in transmethylation hypothesis Mora, George 92 and genetic markers 185, 186
361 moral insanity 279–280 Genian quadruplets at 181–182
Mesmer, Franz Anton 168, 174 moral treatment 280 and psychiatric genetics 189
mesmerism 220 Conolly (John) and 105 National Mental Health Act 287
metabolic diseases 148 Haslam (John) and 208 National Mental Health Association 271
metabolic disorder hypothesis 271–272 and milieu therapy 275 nature v. nurture
metabolic hypofrontality. See hypofrontality music therapy in 285 diathesis-stress theories and 131–132
metabolic paradigm, of blood of the insane and nonrestraint movement 294–295 in twin and adoption studies 8, 190–193
68–69 and occupational therapy 297 Naumbert, Margaret 32
404 The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

Navia, B. A. 12, 215 non-Mendelian patterns of transmission Paraire, Jean 24

NE. See norepinephrine 190, 294 paranoia 302–303
negative symptoms 110, 118, 159, 287–288 nonparanoid schizophrenia 294 and concretization 104–105
of chronic schizophrenia 96 association disturbances in 255 degeneration theory and 119
in disorganized type 134 and hypochondriasis 220–221 and delusional disorder 121
social withdrawal as 370 laterality and 251 paranoia erotica 303. See also erotomania
negativism, schizophrenic 288 visual hallucinations in 369 paranoid cognitive style 303
negligent release 288 nonrestraint movement 86, 105, 280, paranoid-nonparanoid distinction 303
neologisms 288 294–295 paranoid personality disorder 303
nervousness. See neurasthenia noradrenaline. See norepinephrine paranoid schizophrenia 294, 303–304
Neufeld, Richard 232 norepinephrine (NE), and schizophrenia grandiose delusions in 122
Neumann, Heinrich Wilhelm 114 21, 295 grandiosity in 201
Neumann, K. G. 333 Norris, James 54, 55 laterality and 251
neural circuits, in schizophrenia 98, 133, Norval. See mianserin persecutory delusions in 122
258, 288–289 Norway 338 premorbid functioning in 316
neurasthenia 289, 323 nosebleed. See epistaxis paranoid type 28, 303–304, 367
hydropathic institutions in treatment nosology 295–296 paraphrenia 303, 304
of 219 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). See parataxic distortion 304
masturbation and 264 magnetic resonance imaging parenthood, schizophrenia and 184,
neuregulin 1 195 nutrition, and psychosis 173 189–190
neurodevelopmental model, of nymphomania 153 parergasia 215, 304–305
schizophrenia 81–82, 165, 289–290, 341 paretics 183
neurodevelopmental schizophrenia. See O Pargeter, William 168
childhood-onset schizophrenia Observations on Insanity (Haslam) 168, 207 Parkinson, James 305
neuroendocrinology 148 Observations on Madness and Melancholy Parkinsonism 13, 79, 158, 305
neuroimaging. See brain imaging studies (Haslam) 207, 213–214 Parkinson’s disease (PD) 267, 305
neuroleptic 290 Observations on the Nature, Kinds, Causes, and Parnas, Josef 354
neuroleptic-induced acute akathisia 13 Prevention of Insanity, Lunacy or Madness paroxetine (Paxil) 20
neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NLMS) (Arnold) 31 parroting. See echolalia
26, 28, 89–90, 290 obsession 296 partial hospitalization 118
neuroleptics. See antipsychotic drugs obsessional jealousy 122 passional psychosis. See erotomania
neuronal migration 165 occupational therapy 162, 297 pathognominic 305
neuropathology 79–80 odor of the insane 297 pathognomy 305–306
neuropeptides 307 Ohio State Asylum 115 pathological jealousy 122
neurophysiological studies, on laterality olanzapine (Zyprexa) 21, 25, 27, 260, 276 pathological lying 322
251 olfactory hallucinations 205, 297–298 Pauling, Linus 269
neuropsychological studies, of schizophrenia olfactory reference syndrome 278, 298 pauper lunatics 306, 317
291 oligophrenia 321 Pavlov, Ivan 306
neurosis 114, 233, 291–292 oligosymptomatic types 298 Paxil. See paroxetine
difference from psychosis 222, 325, 326 Oliver, Thomas 44 PCR. See polymerase chain reaction
neurosyphilis 226–227 Oliver, William 273 PD. See Parkinson’s disease
neurotic disorders, definition of 292 onanism. See masturbation Péan, Jules-Émile 300
neurotransmitter(s) 69, 200, 212, 292. See One Hundred Years of Psychiatry (Kraepelin) peas therapy 306
also specific neurotransmitters 170, 266 pedigree 306–307
antidepressant drugs and 20 Onstead, S. 192 pediluvia 307
discovery of 149 oophrectomies 327 Peel, Robert 277
monoamine oxidase and 277–278 opium 298 pellagrous insanity 307
neurotransmitter disorder, as cause of Orap. See pimozide penetrance 307
schizophrenia 57–58, 292–293 organic catalysts. See enzyme(s) Pennsylvania Hospital
New Haven Schizophrenia Index 163 organic mental disorders 298 founding of 173
Newington, S. 285 organic mental syndromes 298 Kirkbride (Thomas Story) at 243
New Jersey State Hospital 99, 170, 171 organic psychoses 178 marital status of schizophrenics at 264
New York High-Risk Project 211 orthomolecular psychiatry 269, 361 mechanical restraints at 258
niacin, deficiency of 307 Osler, Sir William 362 outpatient care at 299
night attendant service 293 Osmond, Humphrey 14, 57, 272, 323, 361 Penrose, Lionel S. 19
night hospitals 118 Othello syndrome 122, 239, 298–299, 335 pentylene-tetrazol. See Metrazol shock
NIMH. See National Institute of Mental oubliettes 299 therapy
Health Outline of Psycho-Analysis, An (Freud) 176 Pepper, Bert 371
NIMH Laboratory of Psychology and outpatient care 299 peptides, and schizophrenia 307
Psychopathology 287 outpatient commitment 299 Pepys, Samuel 74
NIMH Measurement and Treatment ovariotomy 299–300, 327 perceptual anomalies, in schizophrenia
Research to Improve Cognition in Owensby, Newdigate M. 46, 327 232, 307–308
Schizophrenia (MATRICS) 291 perceptual delusions 122
Nissl, Franz 14–15, 46, 79, 245 P perinatal factors hypothesis 308–309, 311,
nitrogen inhalation therapy 293 P300 event-related potential 301 336
nitrogen metabolism disorder hypothesis P300 latency 144 peripheral nervous system 98
293 pacifick medicines 301 Perry, John Weir 32
NLMS. See neuroleptic malignant syndrome Packard, Elizabeth 101, 255 persecution mania. See Lasègue’s disease
Noll, Richard 87, 347, 366 packing, as treatment 301 persecutory type 121, 309
nonallelic genetic heterogeneity 293–294 padded room 237, 301 perseveration 309
non compos mentis 104 paleologic thought 301 PET. See positron emission tomography
noninjurious torture 294 Papua New Guinea 301–302 Peterson, Dale 353
Index 405

PET scan 83, 144, 310 poverty of speech 248, 315 pseudopsychopathic schizophrenia. See
pharmacogenetics 196 Practical Observations on Insanity (Cox) 97 latent schizophrenia
pharmacologic challenge 185, 310 predisposing factors 315–316 pseudoschizophrenia syndrome 322
phenocopy 310 pregnancy, and viral theories of psychedelic 361
phenomenological school 167, 354 schizophrenia 165, 368 psychedelic experiences, in schizophrenia
phenothiazine 24, 26, 27, 310 pregnancy delusions 316 293, 322–323
phenotype 188, 310 premorbid functioning 316 psychesthenia 323
Philadelphia Association 248 premorbid intelligence, as schizophrenia psychiatric genetics 188–189
phlegm, in humoral theory 218 risk factor 336 psychiatric patients, abuse of. See abuse
photophilia, in schizophrenia 311 prenatal factors, as schizophrenia risk psychiatrics 166
photophobia 311 factors 18, 336 psychiatric social work 323
phrenology 312 prenatal infections, and viral theories of Psychiatrie (Kraepelin) 45, 79, 108, 124,
physical abnormalities, in schizophrenia schizophrenia 368 126–127, 134, 142, 182, 209, 244–245,
311 prepsychotic panic 316–317 262, 271, 274, 276, 302, 304
physical disease, and schizophrenia 311– prepsychotic schizophrenia. See latent psychiatry 323
312 schizophrenia classification systems in 295–296
physiognomy 155, 312, 344 Pressman, Jack 327 degeneration theory in 118
pica 312 pressured speech 317 existential approaches to 354
pimozide (Orap) 25 prevalence orthomolecular 269
Pinel, Philippe 207, 313 in epidemiology 152 phenomenological approaches to 354
and baths 50 of schizophrenia 152 philosophical approaches to 353–354
at Bicêtre 56, 313 in Africa 10–11 Psychiatry and the Cinema (Gabbard &
and bleeding 64 in Argentina 30 Gabbard) 282
and brain abnormalities in in Australia 40 psychic infection. See folie à deux
schizophrenia 79 in Canada 87–88 psychoanalysis 39, 323–324
and chronic schizophrenia 213 in Croatia 112 and family interaction theories 161
and Cullen (William) 114 in England 150 Freud (Sigmund) and 175–177
and delirium 120 in Germany 198 Kraepelin (Emil) on 244
and equinoxes 153 in Ghana 198–199 psychoanalytically-oriented psychotherapy
and feigned insanity 163 in India 231 177
and fury (furor) 179 in Ireland 237 psychoanalytic theories, of schizophrenia
influence of 155 in Israel 238 323–324
and mania sans délire 260 in Italy 238 psychobiology 274
and mechanical restraints 266 in Japan 239 psychogenic polydipsia. See polydipsia
and médicine mentale 268 in Papua New Guinea 301–302 psychogenic psychoses. See reactive
and milieu therapy 275 in Poland 313 psychoses
and moral treatment 208, 280, 285 in Scandinavia 338 Psychological Automatisms (L’Automatisme
and occupational therapy 297 in Scotland 344 Psychologique) (Janet) 337
and physiognomy 312 in Taiwan 358 psychological research 324–325
and purging 331 in United States 365 psychology
at Salpêtrière 338 Price, Joseph 327 cognitive 98
and seasonal affective disorder 344 Prichard, James Cowles 112, 279–280, 306 depth 65
and skull abnormalities 311, 312 primary polydipsia. See polydipsia evolutionary 189
and thought disorder 123 primary process 317 Psychology of Dementia Praecox, The (Jung)
and “the usual treatment” 365 Prinzhorn, Hans 32, 354 103
Pinel-Haslam syndrome 66, 207, 214, 313 prison psychosis. See Ganser’s syndrome psychomimetic 14, 330
PIP syndrome. See polydipsia privacy 105 psychomotor agitation 325
placebo 313 private madhouses 252, 317–318 psychoneuroimmunology 226
Plaut, Felix 226 proband 318. See also index case psychoneurosis 325
pleasure principle 317 process-reactive distinction in schizophrenia psychopathology 166, 242, 325
pneumoencephalography 82–83 316, 318–319 psychopathy 166
Poland 313 process schizophrenics. See process-reactive psychosis 233, 325–326
political prisoners, in psychiatric hospitals 3 distinction in schizophrenia acute recoverable 6–7
Pollin, W. 308 prodromal phase 249, 319, 370 ADD 7
Pollock, Jackson 31, 32 prodromal schizophrenia. See latent amphetamine 16–17
polydipsia 313–314 schizophrenia chronic hallucinatory 95
polygenetic model of transmission 197, 283 prognosis 319–320, 339 chronic interpretive 95
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 186, 368 projection 320–321 creativity and 111–112
polymorphic psychotic symptoms 6, 314 projective tests 321 cycloid 115–116
polypharmacy 27, 314 prolonged sleep therapy 348–349 definition of 292
Pool, J. Lawrence 360 promethazine 24, 310 difference from neurosis 222
Pope, Alexander 54 propfhebephrenia 321 endogenous 115
portmanteau word 314 propfschizophrenia 321 Feuchtersleben (Ernst von) and 166
positive symptoms 110, 118, 159, 206, propositus. See index case; proband food allergies as cause of 173
287, 314 protein factor hypothesis 322 Freud (Sigmund) on 175–177
positron emission tomography (PET) 83, Prozac 20, 21 functional 178
144, 310 pseudoabstraction 322 governess 200–201
possession, by demons/spirits 87, 103, 129, pseudocyesis 316 hypnosis and 220
156–157 pseudodementia 322 hysterical 222
possession syndrome 314–315 pseudologia fantastica 322 involutional 237
postpartum psychosis 85, 247, 315 pseudoneurotic schizophrenia 78. See also Kitsune-Tsuki 243–244
poverty of content of speech 315 latent schizophrenia Korsakov’s 244
406 The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

psychosis (continued) Rado, Sandor 343 Rorschach, Hermann 321

lactation 247, 315 Rain Man (movie) 42 Rorschach test 51, 321
latent 78, 249 rapid cycling, in bipolar disorder 60 Rosanoff, Aaron J. 192
monosymptomatic hypochondriacal Rauwolfia 23 Rosen, George 183
278 Ray, Isaac 112, 163–164, 234, 270, 332 Rosenhan, David 38, 164
organic 178 rCBF 39, 83, 221, 332 Rosenthal, David 287
postpartum 85, 247, 315 RDC. See research diagnostic criteria and adoption studies 8, 193
reactive 332–333 reactive psychoses 332–333 and Genian quadruplets 181–182
recoverable 333 reactive schizophrenics. See process-reactive and psychiatric genetics 181–182, 189
schizophreniform 341–342 distinction in schizophrenia and schizotypal personality disorder
street drug 352 Reade, Charles 318 343
symbiotic 356 reality testing 333 and spectrum disorders 351
tuberculosis and 363 Reboul-Lachaux, J. 88 and twins studies 363
unitary. See Einheitspsychose recessive 333 Ross, Colin 284
psychosis-intermittent hyponatremia Rechtman, A. M. 273 Rossum, Jacques van 137, 138, 195
polydipsia (PIP) syndrome. See polydipsia reciprocal insanity. See folie à deux Rothman, David J. 14
psychosis of association. See folie à deux recoverable psychosis 333 rubella 336
psychosocial stressors 326 recovery with defect 333 Rüdin, Ernst 106, 189–190
psychosomatic disorder, pregnancy refrigerator mother 161, 333 Rush, Benjamin 337
delusions 316 regional cerebral blood flow. See rCBF and amenomania 16
psychosurgery 326–328 Regis, Emmanuel 44 and American Psychiatric Association
abdominal surgery 46–47, 216, 328 regression 130, 176, 333 16
as abuse 4 Rei, Johannes Christian 323 and bleeding 64
autointoxication theory and 46 Reich, Wilhelm 312 and climate 98
brain surgery 326–327 Reil, Johann Christian 208, 294 and Cullen (William) 114
in Columbia-Greystone project 99–100 relapse, signs of 333–334 and feigned insanity 164
dental surgery 328 religion and fixing 168–169
Egas Moniz and 144 as part of treatment 159–160 and Franklin (Benjamin) 173
Freeman (Walter) and 174–175 and shamanism 347 and gyrator (gyrater) 97, 203–204
leucotomy 144, 174, 252, 254, 326, religious delusions 122, 129, 334 and marital status of schizophrenics
360 Religious Society of Friends, and York 264
lobectomy 253–254 Retreat 371 and Moon’s influence on madness 279
lobotomy 174, 252, 254 remission 334 and pulse as diagnostic tool 330
ovariotomy 299–300, 327 spontaneous 351 and thought disorder 123
thyroid surgery 327–328 REM sleep 348 and Tory rot 360
topectomy 99, 360, 360 Renfield’s syndrome 334, 366 and tranquilizer 360
transorbital lobotomy 99–100, 174– repression 334 Rush, John 337
175, 252, 327, 362, 362 research diagnostic criteria (RDC) 59, 128,
trepanation (trephination) 326, 362 163, 334–335 S
psychotherapy 280 reserpine 23 SAD. See seasonal affective disorder
group 202–203 residual phase 333, 335 Saint Dymphna 160, 199
of schizophrenia 328–329 restraints Saint Luke’s Hospital for Lunatics 51
psychotic disorders chemical. See chemical restraints Saint Thomas’ Hospital 299
acute and transient 6 mechanical. See mechanical restraint(s) Sakel, Manfred Joshua 100, 235–236, 272,
in DSM-IV-TR 329 restriction fragment length polymorphisms 338
focal infection as cause of 170–171 (RFLP) 194 salivation, excessive 27
heritability of 210 retrospective ruminative jealousy 299, 335 Salpêtrière, la 155, 159, 220, 222, 313, 338
in ICD-10 329 retroviruses 368 Salzinger, Kurt 225
medical disorders that mimic 266–267 Reveley, Adrianne 184 Sass, Louis 354
seasonality of births in 344–345 Reynolds, J. R. 287 satellite repeats 19
substance-induced 356 Reynolds, Mary 139 Saugstad, Letten 107, 264
psychotic jealousy. See Othello syndrome RFLP. See restriction fragment length Saury, Honore 78
psychotic mania 61, 260 polymorphisms savant syndrome 42
psychotogenic drugs 330 Richards, R. I. 19 Scandinavia 338
Psykigene Sundssygdomsformer (Wimmer) 332 Riedel, Michael 228 Schaefer, Edward 68–69, 148
ptomaines 43 right brain v. left brain 250–251 Schildkraut, Joseph 20
puerperal insanity 330. See also postpartum right to refuse treatment 335 schizoaffective disorder 78, 338–339
psychosis right to treatment 335 bipolar type 338
pulse 164, 330–331 rigidity, in Parkinson’s disease 305 depressive type 338
purgatives 156, 331 risk factors 211, 335–336 heritability of 210
purging 331 risk-for-schizophrenia research. See high- schizoid personality disorder 339
pyknic type 331 risk studies schizomimetic 339
risk indicators 335 schizophrene 339
Q risk modifying factors 335–336 schizophrenia 339–341. See also dementia
quantitative genetics 188 Risperdal. See risperidone praecox
quetiapine (Seroquel) 25 risperidone (Risperdal) 25 active phase of 5
Quinn, Olive 182 ritualistic behavior 337 acute 7, 235
Robert-Fleury, Tony 56 acute-chronic distinction in 6, 7, 217,
R Robins, Eli 163 235
Rabin, A. I. 325 Robinson, Lockhart 301 ambulatory 15
race, and schizophrenia 332 Rokeach, Milton 16, 359 animal models of 17–18
radionucleotide brain scanning 83 Rome, ancient, mental disorders in 179 biochemical theories of 56–58, 151
Index 407

biological markers of 58–59 nonparanoid 294 seasonality of births, in psychotic disorders

and bipolar disorder 61 norepinephrine and 21, 295 60, 152, 336, 344–345, 368
birth order and 62 outlook for 341 seasonal patterns, of mood disorders 279
blood test for 71–74, 227 paranoid 122, 201, 251, 294, 303–304, seclusion 238. See also isolation
blood vessel alterations in 75–76 316 sedation, antipsychotic drugs and 27
body image in 76–77, 232, 345–346 Pavlov’s theory of 306 segregation analysis 185, 345
borderline 78 peptides and 307 selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitors
boundary disturbances in 79 perceptual anomalies in 232, 307–308 (SSRIs) 13, 20, 21–22
brain abnormalities in 79–82, 113–114 photophilia in 311 seleniasmus 345
brain imaging studies of. See brain physical abnormalities in 311 self, distinction from non-self, in
imaging studies physical disease and 311–312 immunology 226, 228
cats and 90 prevalence of 152, 365 self-image, in schizophrenia 345–346
childhood-onset 93–94, 124, 243, process-reactive distinction 316, self-induced water intoxication and
258–259 318–319 psychosis. See polydipsia
chronic 96, 207, 213 psychedelic experiences in 293, self-injurious behavior (SIB) 346
cognitive dysmetria theory of 98 322–323 self-mutilation 346
cognitive impairments in 291 psychoanalytic theories of 323–324 self-pollution. See masturbation
cognitive studies of 98–99, 231–232, psychotherapy of 328–329 Seligman, C. G. 301
294 race and 332 Sen, Ganneth 23
and comorbidity 60, 102–103 in relatives of creative people 111 Senator, Hermann 43, 44
compensated 78 remission of 334 sensorimotor gating 36, 99, 346
concordance rates of 104, 278, 363–364 risk factors for 335–336, 341 sensory anomalies 232. See also
cortical pruning as cause of 107–108 seasonality of birth of 345 hallucination(s)
course and outcome of 108–111 self-image in 345–346 Sentinel Principle 74
defining 141, 162–163, 191–192 shamanism and 347 Serieux, Paul 95
depression in 21 simple 294, 347–348, 349 Serlect. See sertinole
diagnosis of 5 sluggish 349 Seroquel. See quetiapine
diagnostic path of 340–341 smoking and 103, 349 serotonin 195, 196, 231, 292–293
dimensions of 132–133 social drift theory of 350 serotonin hypothesis 346–347
disconnection theories of 84, 98, 133 socioeconomic status and 350 serotonin syndrome 22
disease process of 335 subjective experiences of 353–355 sertinole (Serlect) 25
dreams in 140–141 suicide and 356 sertraline (Zoloft) 20
EEG studies of 143–144 symptoms of 340–341 serum therapy 225
endocrine alterations in 57, 148–150, treatment-resistant 28–29, 362 sex, as schizophrenia risk factor 336
271–272 type I 66, 113, 132, 314 sex chromosomes 94
environmental causes of 150–151, 336 type II 66, 113, 118, 132, 159, 194, sexual dysfunction, as antidepressant side
epilepsy and 106, 153 313. See also Pinel-Haslam syndrome effect 22
eye movement abnormalities in 158, violence and 30, 367 sexuality, Freud (Sigmund) on 176
185 viral theories of 344, 367–368 sexual jealousy. See Othello syndrome
fetal neural development and 81, vulnerability model of 369 Sexual Neurasthenia (Beard) 289
165–166 Schizophrenia (Hirsch & Weinberger) 227 Shakow, David 287
fundamental symptoms of 178–179, Schizophrenia and Civilization (Torrey) 112, shamanism, and schizophrenia 347
340 152, 213 Shapiro, B. 206
gender differences in 182, 320 Schizophrenia Bulletin 33 shared paranoid disorder. See folie à deux
genetic counseling for 58–59, 184 schizophrenia spectrum disorders 8, 342, shared psychotic disorder. See folie à deux
hemodialysis treatment of 209–210 343, 351 Shaw, E. 292–293, 346
heritability of 210 schizophrenic cognition, Storch’s theory Sheldon, William H. 312
historical evidence of 212–214 of 352 Shelley, Mary 257
HIV and 102, 214–215 schizophrenics Shepard, Michael 23
immune system alterations in 17–18, first-episode 167 Sherrington, Robin 195
70, 76, 225–230 high-functioning 15 Shields, J. 283
incipient 78, 230, 249 marital status of 264 shock therapy. See cautery treatment;
inflammatory-vascular theory of 75–76 schizophreniform disorder 341 electroconvulsive therapy; electroshock
information processing in 98–99, schizophreniform psychoses 341–342 therapy; insulin coma (shock) therapy
231–232 schizophrenogenic mother 161, 177, 342 Shorter, Edward 67, 149
Jung (Carl) on 240–241 schizotaxia 131, 342, 343 sialorrhea 27
language abnormalities in 248 schizotypal personality disorder 77, 249, SIB. See self-injurious behavior
latent 78, 249, 349 342–343, 349 sibship 185, 347
late-onset 11, 249–250 schizotypy 342, 343 side effects
laterality and 250–251 schizovirus 343 of antidepressant drugs 21–22
and mood disorders 10 Schnauzkampf 344 of antipsychotic drugs 13, 25–27, 53,
mortality in 281 Schneider, Kurt 39, 167–168, 206, 354 89–90, 156, 158
multiple personality and 284 Schoenecker, Matthais 26 on central nervous system 26
multiple sclerosis and 284 Schoeneman, Thomas 370 of convulsive therapies 146
natural history of 109 Schreber, Daniel Paul 124 of phenothiazine 26, 27
neural circuits in 98, 133, 258, Schuller, Arthur 82 of selective-serotonin reuptake
288–289 Schulsinger, Fini 193 inhibitors 21–22
neurodevelopmental model of 81–82, Schwarz, Markus 228 thermoregulatory 26–27
165, 289–290, 341 Scotland 344 Siegler, Miriam 323
neuropsychological studies of 291 Scull, Andrew 4 sign 347
neurotransmitter disorder as cause of Seaman, Elizabeth. See Bly, Nellie Silverman, Julian 347
57–58, 292–293 seasonal affective disorder (SAD) 344 Silverstein, A. M. 225
408 The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

Simon, Charles E. 72–73 street drug psychosis 352 concrete 49, 104–105, 200
Simon, Max 31 street people 352 dereistic 130
simple schizophrenia 294, 347–348, 349 stress 352–353 magical 96, 258, 337
single-locus model 345 in diathesis-stress theories 131–132 paleologic 301
single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and Ganser’s syndrome 181 Thorazine (chlorpromazine) 13, 23–24,
25, 196 strong rooms. See oubliettes 25–26, 94, 310, 359
Siris, S. G. 21 stupors, benign 53–54 Thorazine breath 297
Slater, Eliot 188–189, 192 subjective experiences, of schizophrenia thought broadcasting 143, 359
sleep, in bipolar disorder 61 353–355 thought disorder 123
sleep studies 348 substance abuse 103, 281, 355–356, 371 thought insertion 359
sleep treatment 106, 146, 348–349 substance-induced psychotic disorder 356 thought withdrawal 359
sluggish schizophrenia 349 subtypes 132–133 Three Christs of Ypsilanti 16, 359–360
Smith, R C. 258 suicide 130, 160, 356 thyroid disease 267
smoking, and schizophrenia 103, 349 Sullivan, Harry Stack 177 thyroid surgery 327–328
smooth-pursuit eye movement (SPEM) and milieu therapy 275 thyroxin, in nitrogen metabolism disorder
abnormality 158, 366 mother of 111 hypothesis 293
Smythies, J. R. 272 and parataxic distortion 304 Tienari, P. 193
Smythies, John 57, 361 and prepsychotic panic 316–317 Tietze, Trudie 161, 177, 342
Snezhnevsky, A. V. 349 and self-image 346 time, and diagnosis 242
SNPs. See single nucleotide polymorphisms superego, Freud (Sigmund) on 176 Tofranil. See imipramine
Snyder, Solomon 17, 137–138 Surviving Schizophrenia: A Family Manual token economy programs 52
social drift theory, of schizophrenia 350 (Torrey) 320, 329, 332 topectomy 99, 360
social skills training 52, 53, 349–350 Sutherland, G. R. 19 Torrey, E. Fuller
social work, psychiatric 323 Sweden 338 and adoption studies 193
socioeconomic status, and schizophrenia Sweetwater, William C. 270 and affective disorders 10
350 swinging chair. See circulating swing and cross-cultural studies 112
Sokoloff, L. 310 Sydenham, Thomas 213 and epidemiology of schizophrenia 152
Solian. See amisulpride symbiotic psychosis 356. See also childhood- and family interaction theories 161–
somatic delusions 351 onset schizophrenia 162
somatic type 121, 351 symptoms 356 and historical evidence of schizophrenia
somatoform disorders 220 accessory 4, 206 213
Southard, Elmer Ernest 80, 129 first-rank 167–168 and homelessness 76
Soviet Union 3 fundamental 178–179, 340 and limbic system 253
speaking in tongues. See glossolalia negative 96, 110, 118, 134, 159, and outpatient commitment 299
spectrum disorders 8, 41, 342, 343, 351 287–288, 370 in Papua New Guinea 301–302
speech pathognomonic 305 and prevalence of schizophrenia in
poverty of 248, 315 polymorphic psychotic 6, 314 United States 365
poverty of content of 315 positive 110, 118, 159, 206, 287, 314 and prognosis of schizophrenia 320
pressured 317 and schizophrenia prognosis 320 and psychotherapy 329
SPEM abnormality. See smooth-pursuit eye synaptic density 107 on race and schizophrenia 332
movement abnormality syndrome 356–357 on schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
Spitz, René 217 synesthesia 357 61
Spitzer, Robert 163, 351 Synopsis Nosologiae Methodical (Cullen) 291 and schizovirus 344
spontaneous remission 351 syphilis 183, 226–227, 367 and seasonality of births 345
spread eagle cure 351 Szaz, Thomas 100, 267, 285–286 and twins studies 364
Spring, Bonnie 369 and viral theories of schizophrenia 90,
SSRIs. See selective-serotonin reuptake T 367, 368
inhibitors tactile hallucinations 173, 205, 358 torture, noninjurious 294
Ssucharewa, G. E. 42 Taiwan 358 Tory rot 360
St. Elizabeth’s Hospital (Washington, D.C.) tangentiality 358 Tours, J. J. Moreau de 134
233 taraxein hypothesis 358 toxalbumins 43
bed saddles at 51–52 tardive dyskinesia 26, 158, 358–359 toxin theory, of schizophrenia 240
blood vessel alterations studies at 75 Tart, Charles 14 toxoplasmosis 90, 336
fever therapy at 166–167, 174 Tavistock Clinic 248 traitement moral. See moral treatment
Freeman (Walter) at 174 Taylor, Robert L. 37 tranquilizer 97, 360–361
Goffman (Erving) at 200 Tegretol. See carbamazepine transient psychotic disorders 6
hydrotherapy at 219 teleologic causality 90–91 transmethylation hypothesis 57, 137, 268,
oubliettes in 299 temporal lobe, in schizophrenia 81 272, 361–362
St. Joseph’s State Hospital Museum 285 temporal-lobe epilepsy 153, 250, 266 transmission
stadium melancholicum 351 thalamic volume, decreased, in Mendelian 196, 269–270
Starling, Ernest 44, 68, 148 schizophrenia 81 monogenetic 196
State Care Act of 1890 34, 352 T-Helper-1 system 228–229 multifactorial threshold model 198,
Stefansson, Hreinn 195 T-Helper-2 system 228–229 283–284
Stefansson, Kari 189 theomania 129, 359 non-Mendelian patterns of 190, 294
stereotypy 352 therapeutic environment 274–275 polygenetic 197
Stevens, Herman Campbell 129 thermoregulatory system, antipsychotic transorbital lobotomy 99–100, 174–175,
Stevens, J. R. 284 drug effects on 26–27 252, 327, 362
Storch, Alfred, schizophrenic cognition thiamine, deficiency of, and Korsakov’s traumatic injury to brain 267
theory of 352 psychosis 244 trazodone (Desyrel) 20
straight-waistcoat 352 thinking Treatise on Insanity, A (Pinel) 56, 163, 179,
straitjacket 87, 352 Aristotelian 31 280, 297, 365
Strauss, J. S. 287 asyndetic 35 Treatise on Insanity, A (Prichard) 112
Index 409

Treatise on the Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity vampirism, clinical 334, 366 and Gheel Colony 199
(Ray) 163–164, 234, 332 variable expressivity 366 and hydrotherapy 219
treatment variation, genetic 186–188 on Kraepelin (Emil) 245
right to 335 Velluz, Jean 24 and terminology of mental illness 233
right to refuse 335 Venables, Peter 233 white blood cells 227
treatment-resistant schizophrenia 362 venesection 63 white matter 81
Treffert, Darold 42 venlafaxine (Effexor) 20 WHO. See World Health Organization
tremor, in Parkinson’s disease 305 ventriculography 82–83 WHO Flexible System 163
trepanation (trephination) 326, 362 ventriculomegaly 80–81, 366 wild beast test 234
trichtillomania 362–363 verbigeration 367 Williamsburg Eastern Lunatic Asylum 370
tricyclic antidepressants 20 hallucinatory 206 Willis, Francis 169
trinucleotide sequences 19 Verblodungs-process 96 Willis, Thomas 18, 183
triplet repeats, in anticipation 19 Vermont Longitudinal Research Project 109 Wilson, E. O. 189
Tsuang, Ming T. 71, 74, 195, 230, 355 vernal equinox 153 Wimmer, August 37, 332–333
tuberculosis, and psychosis 363 Very Hard Cash (Reade) 318 Wing, Lorna Gladys 42
Tuke, Daniel Hack 22, 50–51, 86, 154, vesania typica 125, 142, 302 Winkleman, N. W. 273
330, 371 Vierordt, Karl 67 Winkler, H. 82–83
Tuke, Samuel 371 violence, and schizophrenia 30, 367 witchcraft 370
Tuke, William 275, 371 violent patients, at Broadmoor Hospital 85 withdrawal, social 370
tumors, brain 267 viral encephalitis 266 women
Turner, Winston 355 viral theories, of schizophrenia 344, borderline personality disorder in 77
Tusques, J. 236 367–368 hysteria in 222
twin method and studies 363–364 viruses, latent 367, 368 involuntary commitment of 101
in behavioral genetics 190–192 visceral brain. See limbic system at Salpêtrière 338
on bipolar disorder 61 visual hallucinations 205, 368–369 schizophrenia in 182
concordance in 104 Vorbeireden, in Ganser’s syndrome 181 Wooley, D. W. 292–293, 346
and consanguinity method 106 vulnerability model, of schizophrenia 369 word association test 86, 164
design of 190–191 word salad 370
on heritability 210 W World Health Organization (WHO) 370
incomplete penetrance in 231 Wagemaker, J. 75 cross-cultural studies of 112
modern studies 192 Wagemaker, J., Jr. 209 Flexible System of 163
on perinatal risk factors 308–309 Wagner-Jauregg, Julius von 44 and ICD 224
premodern studies 191–192 Wakefield Asylum 299 International Pilot Study of
twins Wasserman, August von 183 Schizophrenia Criteria of 163
bipolar disorder in 364 Wasserman reaction test 70, 183, 226 longitudinal studies of 109
dizygotic 136, 363–364 water therapy. See hydrotherapy on substance abuse 103, 355
in behavioral genetics studies Watson, James 188 World Psychiatric Association 370
190–192 Watts, James 174, 252, 326, 362 Wright, Sewall 188
and concordance rates 104 weight gain, antipsychotic drugs and 27 Wundt, Wilhelm 245, 325
manic-depressive disorders in 364 Weinberger, Daniel R. Wyatt, Richard Jed 29
monozygotic 278, 363–364 and animal models of schizophrenia 17
in behavioral genetics studies and brain abnormalities in X
190–192 schizophrenia 81, 221 xerostomia 27
and concordance rates 104 disconnection theory of 133 X-rays 82
Genian quadruplets 181–182 and dopamine hypothesis 57, 138
schizophrenia in 363–364 and immune system 227 Y
typhomania. See acute delirius mania and manic-depressive illness 263 yellow bile 218
neurodevelopmental model of 165– Yolken, R. H. 193
U 166, 290 York Retreat 207, 275, 371
UCLA Family Project 157 Wellbutrin. See bupropion young adult chronic patient 141–142, 371
undifferentiated type 28, 365 Wender, Paul 193 Ypsilanti State Hospital 359–360
unipolar 115, 262 werewolfism. See lycanthropy
unitary psychosis. See Einheitspsychose Werner, Heinz 352 Z
United Nations 370 Wernicke, Carl 115 Zelmid. See zimeldine
United States 365 Wertham, F. 89 Ziehen, Theodor 103
boarding homes in 76 wet cupping 63 Zilboorg, Gregory 135
community mental health centers in wet pack 285, 301 zimeldine (Zelmid) 21
101–102 Weygandt, Wilhelm 119, 187, 262, 276, ziprasidone (Geodon) 25
cult of the asylum in 115 332 zoanthropy. See lycanthropy
Upson, Henry 46 whipping. See flogging Zoloft. See sertraline
“usual treatment, the” 218, 365 White, William Alanson Zubin, Joseph 369
Utica crib 365 and American Psychiatric Association Zyban. See bupropion
Utica State Hospital 365 16, 233 Zyprexa. See olanzapine
and bed saddles 51–52
V and blood vessel alterations in
V.A. hospitals 366 schizophrenia 75
Valentin, L. 91 and fever therapy 166–167
Richard Noll, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist, a University Press, 1994) was chosen by the Asso-
historian of science, and an award-winning author. ciation of American Publishers as the Best Book
From 1994 to 1998 he was a postdoctoral fellow in Psychology published that year, and Princeton
and lecturer in the history of science at Harvard University Press submitted it as one of its entries for
University. He is a former Resident Fellow of the the Pulitzer Prize competition. Noll’s scholarship
Dibner Institute for the History of Science and has been translated into 13 foreign languages, and
Technology as well as Visiting Scholar at the Massa- he has taught courses or delivered invited lectures
chusetts Institute of Technology. Noll is the author in 14 foreign countries on five continents.
of dozens of scholarly articles and seven books Currently, Noll is associate professor of psy-
on the history of psychiatry, unusual psychiatric chology at DeSales University in Center Valley,
syndromes, and anthropology. His book The Jung Pennsylvania.
Cult: Origins of a Charismatic Movement (Princeton

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