Joseph Parish
Fr. Brandon Farrar, Interim Parochial Administrator
306 Iowa, PO Box 165, Olpe, KS 620-475-3326
Parish email: [email protected]
Facebook: “St. Joseph Catholic Church”
September 30, 2018 – 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
St Anne's Corner
We continue to seek officers for St. Ann's Altar Society. It is a two year commitment and very rewarding. It
does not require much of your time. Every member of the society is eligible. Won't you please open your
heart and step up to this rewarding service.
The Society's next meeting is October 21. We would like to have the election of officers at this meeting so
that the new team is ready by January 2019.
The officer positions include Vice-President, Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer. Please contact any
of the Society's Officers, President Kim Irwin, Vice-President Carolyn Cole, Secretary Carol Soyez,
Assistant Secretary Jade Cole, Treasurer Lindsey Ratcliffe, Assistant Treasurer Aubrey Arnold.
Mass attendance sheets can be turned in the middle of October. Thank you
for taking care of these requests. ……….Rose Redeker
Rural Catholic Youth Conference is Nov. 17-18 at the Capitol Plaza in Topeka. This is for grades 9-12 and
includes amazing speakers, live music, and breakout sessions, AND the opportunity to make new friends!!
Teens need to contact your CCD teacher if interested.
The National Life Chain is the largest peaceful, prayerful, pro-life, public witness in the
world. More than 1,500 cities across the US and Canada are expected to participate on
Sunday, October 7 from 2:30-4:00 PM. Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church in
Emporia will participate in the Life Chain on the corner of 6th and Merchant, Emporia.
Please email Kellie Vajgrt at [email protected] with any questions.
Sacred Heart in Emporia is offering a live Virtus training on Sunday, Sept. 30 from 10:45 AM to 2:00 PM at
the parish Hall. Light snacks will be provided. ALL INDIVIDUALS WHO VOLUNTEER WITH CHILDREN ARE
REQUIRED TO COMPLETE this one time training. Please pre-register online at www.virtusonline.org.
Construction on the Olpe All Veterans Memorial will begin as soon as the contractor
is available. Reebles Monuments is currently engraving the names on the granite.
To date, there are 350 names to place. We are still accepting donations; and names
will be added as requested.
St. John’s Bazaar in Greeley, KS will be Sept. 23. Dinner is served from 11:00-2:00 ($10 for adults, $6 for children,
and $10 for takeouts). Country Store is open from 11-2. Multiple raffle drawings, dinner of turkey/ham and
dressing, homemade noodles, mashed potatoes and gravy, and all the fixings.
Please help patronize the Olpe Senior Meals program and help keep it from being closed!
Meals served M-F at 11:30 AM at Olpe Knights Hall. $3.50 for 60 or older, $5.25
for younger than 60. Call Debbie Markowitz at 475-3384 (9:30-noon) for reservations
the day before.
Birthday lunch is the first Friday of each month.
Bingo and Angel Care for blood pressure and blood count 3rd Tuesday of each month.
Home delivery is available.
The Archdiocese remains committed to investigating any allegation of abuse of a minor made against any
member of the clergy or any church employee or volunteer---no matter the age of the incident or the current age
of the victim. Individuals are encouraged to call the confidential report line at 913-647-3051 or visit
archkck.org/reportabuse to make a report to Jan Saylor, archdiocesan report investigator, and to call law
enforcement directly. If a child or vulnerable adult is in immediate danger, call 911.
How far should we go? In marriage, sin can be easy to spot… in our spouse! In this weekend’s
Gospel, Jesus gets really serious about sin, and, therefore, he raises the bar on how far we should
go to root out sin. If our marriages are the most important relationship on earth, it is worth taking
a look at how we can root out sins against our spouse:
• Switch to a flip phone or use accountability software to keep from looking at
inappropriate websites, or even just to keep your phone from becoming a distraction.
• Intentionally flood your relationship with affirmation to correct a habit of criticism.
• Withdraw from activities that make too many demands on family time or Sunday Mass.
• Set reminders for yourself to do the things that make your spouse feel loved to avoid
taking him/her for granted.
For more, go to www.JoyfulMarriageProject.com
The next Marriage Encounter weekend is November 9-11, 2018 in Kansas City. For more
information or to apply, please visit our website: www.wwme4youandme.org or call Tony & Barb
Zimmerman, 816-741-4066 or email [email protected]