Audition Excerpts
Audition Excerpts
Audition Excerpts
1. A Solo Piece (or excerpt from a piece) of your choice. This solo should be representative of your
overall musical and technical ability. Solos and excerpts should be no more than 2 minutes in length.
2. Scales: You should prepare major scales up to four sharps/flats and melodic minor scales up to three
sharps/flats. Each musician will be asked to play at least one major and one melodic minor scale. You
should prepare scales in 2 octaves and be prepared
to demonstrate legato and staccato tonguing at various tempi.
3. Sight Reading: Don’t neglect practicing sight reading pieces you are unfamiliar with to help prepare
for this part of the audition.
For full information, see the Audition Requirements which can be found at