AnlRptEng2016 17final
AnlRptEng2016 17final
AnlRptEng2016 17final
2 Chairman’s Speech. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
To harness the huge power poten al of the country, from conven onal and non-conven onal sources, with
minimal impact on the environment, through a planned development of power genera on projects by an
integrated approach covering all aspects of inves ga on, planning, design, construc on, opera on and
maintenance of power projects, which in turn would effec vely promote the development of the na on as a
Corporate Objectives
v To responsibly exploit the vast hydro & thermal power poten al for sustainable development of
v To promote industrial growth in N.E. Region there by improving quality of life and prosperity.
v To provide infrastructure, medical, schooling and create produc ve environment opportuni es.
Shri A. G. West Kharkongor (58 years) was appointed as the Chairman & Managing Director of
NEEPCO w.e.f. 29.08.2016. Prior to this, he was holding the charge of Director (Finance) of NEEPCO
Ltd. from 19-08-2010. He is an alumnus of IIT, Bombay as well as IIM, Calcu a. Shri A. G. West
Kharkongor is an experienced Finance professional having worked in various areas of the Finance &
Accounts Department of the Corpora on including Treasury, Internal Audit, Budge ng, Taxa on,
Compila on, Fund mobiliza on etc. During his tenure as General Manager (Finance), he
successfully mobilized funds for several on-going projects including a Structured Syndicated Term
Loan of ₹800 crs. Before joining the Corpora on in 1993 he had worked in Bharat Petroleum
Corpora on Ltd. He is a member of Finance Commi ee of the Tezpur University, Assam. He was
also a Member (Finance) of Damodar Valley Corpora on. He is keenly involved in community and
societal ac vi es.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Shri Vinod Kumar Singh (55 years) joined as Director (Technical) of NEEPCO
on 1 March, 2016. He has completed his Bachelors of Electrical Engineering
from Regional Engineering College (now NIT), Durgapur (West Bengal) and
M.Tech (Control Systems) from IIT, Kharagpur. Before joining NEEPCO he was
working as the Execu ve Director (U arakhand Power Sta ons) at NHPC.
Shri V. K. Singh has a vast experience of over 32 years covering en re gamut
of Hydro Power Development in NHPC. He was responsible for Electro
Mechanical Design & Engineering of 6 (six) Hydro Power Plants of NHPC. He
was ac vely involved for 8 years in the construc on of 540 MW Chamera-I
Shri Vinod Kumar Singh H.E Project (Himachal Pradesh) with Canadian Collabora on.
Director (Technical)
Shri Raj Pal (56 years), Economic Adviser, Ministry of Power belongs to the
Indian Economic Service. He has done his Masters & M.Phil in Economics. He
has also done Diploma in Development Studies from Ins tute of Developing
Economics, Tokyo, Japan. As a Member of Indian Economic Service, Shri Raj
Pal has experience of about 28 years working in different Ministries of
Government of India like Ministry of Finance, Planning Commission,
Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Labour etc. He has also worked as Adviser,
Economic Regula on in Telephone Regulatory Authority of India prior to
joining his current pos ng as Economic Adviser, Ministry of Power. In the
Shri Raj Pal Ministry of Power, Shri Raj Pal is Joint Secretary incharge for Policy &
Government Nominee Planning, Training & Research & Coordina on division. He joined our Board
(DIN:02491831) on 01-11-2013.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Shri Vineet Joshi (49 years) is the Commissioner (Power), Govt. of Manipur.
He passed out from IIT-Kanpur and completed his MBA from IIFT, New Delhi.
He was the former Chairman and Secretary of the Central Board of
Secondary Educa on (CBSE). He is known for introducing the term
Con nuous and Comprehensive Evalua on, which replaced the grading
system in the Board. Shri Vineet Joshi represents the state of Manipur on the
Board of NEEPCO. He joined our Board on 20.01.2017.
Dr. Amitabha De (64 years) is presently the Director of IIM Shillong. He has
more than 39 years of experience in teaching, research, consultancy and
administra on. Before joining as the Director of IIM Shillong, he was a
Professor and Founder Coordinator of TIFAC Centre of Relevance &
Excellence in Ergonomics & Human Factors Engineering, set up by
Technology Innova on, Forecas ng and Assessment Council, Department
of Science & Technology, Govt. of India at Na onal Ins tute of Industrial
Engineering Mumbai and was holding Director In Charge posi on for a
period of 23 months. He has more than 60 publica ons including
Conference proceedings to his credit. He has successfully completed more
Dr. Amitabha De
than 10 Research Projects and more than 18 Industrial Consultancy in the
Independent Director
areas of his interest and exper se. His areas of specializa on are
(DIN: 07466659)
Ergonomics, Work Systems Design, Execu ve Stress, Organisa onal
Excellence and Psychosocial factors and Corporate Governance. He joined
our Board on 17.11.2015.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Shri Vijay Kumar Gupta (62 years) is the President of Wholesale General
Merchants Associa on and North East Distributors Associa on. He was the
convener and advisor of Assam Chamber of Commerce. He is a diligent social
worker with an experience of over 36 years in Social Development. His key
competencies include promo ng Government policies and program
building rela onship with creden als in ini a ng and managing the projects
including undertaking research work and networking with different
stakeholders of the society like State Authori es, Community leaders, NGOs
and Government Organiza ons and agencies. He joined our Board on
Shri Vijay Kumar Gupta 17.11.2015.
Independent Director
(DIN: 07353011)
Prof. Bupinder Zutshi, (64 years) M.A/ M.Phil/ Ph.D, Presently, he is the Professor at
Centre for the Study of Regional Development, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New
Delhi. He has taught at Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Kashmir University, Srinagar.
He has more than 40 years of teaching and research experience at post-graduate
and research level (M.Phil/ Ph.D Programme). He has published 9 books, completed
more than dozen research projects and wri en several research ar cles (more than
40) in research journals of repute published from India and abroad. He has
organized several na onal and interna onal seminars and conferences. His major
research interests are issues related to human se lements and their changing
habitat, disaster risk and vulnerability of human se lements. Other research
interests are issues related to demographic changes and their consequences on
Prof. Bupinder Zutshi popula on composi on and popula on characteris cs, educa on and child labour
Independent Director issues, studies on tribal communi es. He has completed several research projects
(DIN: 07937359) sponsored by na onal and interna onal organiza ons, which includes UN Women
(UNIFEM), UNESCO (New Delhi), Interna onal Bureau of Educa on (IBE, Geneva),
United Na ons High Commissioner for Human Rights (Geneva), Ford Founda on
(New Delhi), Interna onal Labour Organiza on (New Delhi), Na onal Human Rights
Commission of India, Elec on Commission of India, Ministry of Human Resource
Development (GOI) and Indian Council for Social Science and Research. He has also
been member of Ministry of Labour (GOI). He joined our Board on 08.09.2017.
Dr. Hari Narayan Borkataky (69 years) is a social worker of repute. He has
taught at the Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology at Assam Medical College,
Dibrugarh and was the Professor at Indian College of Maternal & Child
He is a life member of Indian Medical Associa on, IMA Academy of Medical
Special es, and Associa on of Surgeons of India. Dr. Borkataky is also the
senior most member and Hony. Chairman of the Red Cross Society, Tinsukia.
He is the Medical Director and proprietor of Pinewood Hospital, Tinsukia. He
is a Senior Consultant Gynecologist having 43 years of clinical experience. He
Dr. Hari Narayan Borkataky joined our Board on 08.09.2017.
Independent Director
(DIN: 07956359)
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Chairman's Speech
which is an addi on to the por olio of Hydro-
capacity of the Corpora on a er a gap of 13 years.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
to be more than ₹335.00 Cr in the last 10 years and stage. Erec on of Equipment & Structures in
above ₹ 370.00 Cr during three consecu ve years. Switchyard completed. All the transformers are
placed in its posi on. Commissioning of the Project
Your Company has paid an Interim Dividend of has been re-scheduled to March'2018, primarily
₹21.00 Crore in February'17 and proposes a final due to major design changes of various hydraulic
Dividend of ₹51.14 Crore for FY 2016-17. Therefore, structures & Dam parameters, extremely poor
total dividend payout for the year amounts to ₹72.14 geology, contractual issues, natural calami es etc.
Crore i.e. ₹0.21 per equity share. The Net Worth of The Revised Cost Es mate stands at ₹6,179.96
the Corpora on excluding capital reserve as on 31st Crore (including IDC) at March'2015 Price Level and
March, 2017 was ₹5874.50 Crore against ₹5768.73 is under process of approval in the Ministry of
Crore as on 31 March, 2016 represen ng a growth Power, Government of India.
of 1.83 %.
In respect of 110 MW Pare HEP, Head Race Tunnel,
ONGOING PROJECTS: Power House civil works, steel lining work and
In regard to 60 MW Tuirial HEP, all the major Switchyard erec on and 90% Dam concre ng works
structures viz., Dam, water conductor system and all have been completed. Boxing up of Unit I & II
gates have been completed and the water is spilling completed while erec on of other Auxiliaries are in
through the spillway since 16.06.2017. BHEL the advance stage of comple on. Erec on of
completed mechanical spinning of Unit-I on Towers, Equipment & Structures are completed in
14.07.2017 and unit was synchronized on the Switchyard. Erec ons of two Generator
14.08.2017. Assembly & tes ng of Unit-II Stator and Transformers are in progress, whereas erec on of
Rotor and Erec on / Commissioning works of Sta on Auxiliary Transformer and Sta on Service
Transformers are in progress. Due to deplorable Transformer are completed. Comple on of Project
condi on of the approach road leading to the has been re-scheduled to March' 2018 due to ini al
project site maintained by the State PWD, series of delay in award of Package works through re-
massive slope failures at Power House site, apart tendering, poor condi on of approach roads,
from various other hindrances, the project is addi onal requirement of cut-off wall, inunda on
re-scheduled for comple on in November' 2017. of Dam pit due to repeated over topping of coffer
Revised Cost Es mate is ₹1329.43 Crore (including dam, natural calamity etc. Revised Cost Es mate
IDC&FC) at Dec'15 price level and is under scru ny stands at ₹1337.76 Crore (including IDC & FC) at
of Ministry of Power. Jan'16 Price Level and presently under scru ny of
Central Electricity Authority / Ministry of Power.
In 600 MW Kameng HEP, concre ng of Bichom
Dam, Tenga Dam and Power House are almost In 101 MW Tripura Gas Based Combined Cycle
completed. Lining of Head Race Tunnel (HRT) is in Power Project (TGBPP), the Gas Turbine Unit was
the advance stages of comple on. Electro- declared for Commercial Opera on with effect from
Mechanical works, erec on of Radial Gates, Stoplog 24.12.2015. Due to erra c gas supply by ONGC,
Gates etc. under Hydro-Mechanical front are TGBPP was not able to generate power on a
progressing as per the schedule. Boxing up of Unit - sustainable basis. Therefore, declara on of
1 & 2 completed. Stator of Unit-3 lowered to its Commercial Opera on Date (COD) of STG Unit had
founda on and assembly of Unit- 4 in advance to be deferred me and again. Finally COD of the
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Steam Turbine could be achieved on 21-03-2017. State levels have been put in place, both for grid
The RCE of the Project amoun ng to ₹1062.24 Crore connected and off-grid renewable energy. NEEPCO
(including ID & FC) at Mar'15 price level has been has already commissioned three Solar Power
ve ed by CEA. Projects in ownership / JV mode viz.,5 MWp at
Tripura, 50 MWp at Icchawar, MP and 25 MWp at
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyo Yojana
Gurramkunda, A.P. NEEPCO is also in the process of
(DDUGJY): NEEPCO is implemen ng the Rural
implemen ng 200 MW Solar PV Power Project in
Electrifica on programme including Household
Odisha shortly.
electrifica on scheme under 12 Plan of Deen
Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyo Yojana in two Districts JOINT VENTURES PROJECTS:
of the State of Tripura, viz. South Tripura and
Sepahijala. The project costs are ₹46.87 Crore and With a view to enhance genera on capacity,
₹40.84 Crore respec vely. Works in Sepahijala NEEPCO has formed / is in the process of forming
District has already been completed and the Joint Ventures with other CPSUs, State U li es and
infrastructure created has been handed over to the Private Developers to undertake various projects.
Government of Tripura. Works in South Tripura The projects to be taken up through the JV route are
District are in progress and are likely to be 120 MW Dibbin HEP with KSK Energy Ventures in
completed by September, 2017. Arunachal Pradesh and 330 MW Kurung HEP with
Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh.
Further, your Company has taken up addi onal
projects, both hydro and thermal, for prepara on of INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY:
PFR/DPR for subsequent implementa on in Power u li es have made major gains in term of
ownership as well as JV basis. Some of the major produc vity, efficiency, reliability and commercial
projects are 200 MW Solar PV Power Project in management through the use of modern IT tools.
Odisha, 85 MW Mawphu Stage-II HEP, 500 MW Garo The corpora on has undertaken ini a ve for
Hills Thermal Power Project in Meghalaya, 120 MW implementa on of ERP with end to end consultancy
Dibbin HEP, 330 MW Kurung HEP, 9750 MW Siang service from NTPC. Further during 2016-17,
Upper Stage- I & II HEP in Arunachal Pradesh, 210 Corpora on has developed & implemented online
MW Tuivai HEP in Mizoram etc. Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR)
RENEWABLE ENERGY INITIATIVES : applica on, completed process for installing
Structured LAN at Kimi, KaHEP and Turial H.E.P have
Renewable energy (RE) has become an important been completed.
mission of India's energy planning process
especially since climate change has taken center RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT:
stage in the domes c and interna onal policy Your Company has taken up several ini a ves to
arena. To demonstrate our commitment to address the challenges and opportunity in the
renewable energy, the government has set increasingly compe ve global market for
aggressive targets for renewables and several strengthening technological capabili es and
incen ves and policy ini a ves at the Central and growth. Some major ini a ves during 2016-17 are,
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(i) Assessment of corrosion of the steel liner of the RULES AND POLICIES:
water conductor system of Kopili H.E Plant and
sugges on for selec on of corrosion resistance The evolving and fast changing environment
system for the steel liner including a model study demands a dynamic Risk Management Policy. The
and (ii) Study on Flora & Fauna and their Survival in Risk Management Policy has been thoroughly
Acidic water of Kopili Reservoir of Kopili H.E Plant, reviewed and prepared afresh to cope with the
Umrongso, Dima Hasao District, Assam with present market scenario. The Risk Review
emphasis on iden fica on of endangered species Commi ee comprises three Func onal Directors for
and a prac cal solu on to their preserva on. Works aligning the strategic objec ves with the
is under progress in both the studies. Total organiza on's opera ons in order to achieve
expenditure against R & D during the year 2016-17 is intended outcomes and report to Audit Commi ee
₹57.37 Lakh. for further review and evalua on. Automa on of
the Risk Management Policy is also in process of
Public Procurement Policy for Micro & Small
Since incep on, your company has always given Enterprises (MSEs) - The total value of goods and
priority towards all round development of the services procured from MSEs (including MSEs
people residing in and around its area of opera on owned by SC/ST entrepreneurs) during the 2016-17
with due consulta on and par cipa on of was ₹9.42 Crore. The percentage of procurement
stakeholders according to their specific needs. Our from MSEs (including MSEs owned by SC/ST
core areas of interven on remain livelihood, entrepreneurs) out of the total procurement is
educa on, employability, empowerment, health & 7.87%. During the year, six numbers of Vendor
drinking water, sanita on, sports and rural Development Programmes for MSEs were
infrastructure development supported by ini a ves organized. The Annual procurement plan for
for renewable energy and other environment purchases from MSEs is uploaded in the official
protec on programmes, along with the na on wide website.
agenda on Swachh Bharat, School toilets and Skill
Dear Members, your Company is commi ed The HRD department, NEEPCO understands that
towards the objec ves of Sustainable Development training and development ac vi es play a vital role
through its ac vi es and services. There is a in be ering employees' performance and in
constant endeavor to contribute and maintain organiza onal growth. Training & development
social and environmental sustainability. CSR & programmes have been undertaken in accordance
Sustainability Development projects have been with the Annual Competency Development Plan
undertaken for promo on of educa on, health & (ACDP) 2016-17. Apart from budget allocated for
sanita on, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, training programmes, budget is also allocated for
Entrepreneurship Development Programme and training infrastructure development and organizing
ac vi es for Backward Area Development. Mo va onal Talk & Experience Sharing sessions by
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
eminent personali es. Your Company recognizes effec vely the Official Language Policy of the
that its human resource is the biggest asset and Government of India at its Corporate Office as well
effort is being made to channelize towards overall as Projects and other offices. Efforts were made to
objec ves of the Company. In the year 2016-17, issue papers referred to in Sec on 3 (3) of the
1466 employees were imparted training under Official Language Act in bilingual form. As per the
Annual Competency Development Plan to enhance requirement of the Sexual Harassment of Women at
their competency levels, skill set & knowledge Workplace (Preven on, Prohibi on & Redressal)
profile through various in-house and external Act, 2013 and Rules made there under, a Commi ee
training programs organized by various reputed was cons tuted for preven on and redressal of
training agencies within the country & abroad. This Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace.
includes 15 execu ves, who were nominated to
a end overseas training Programme. An amount of
₹ 5 . 2 7 c ro re wa s a l l o cate d to t ra i n i n g & During the year 2016-17, NEEPCO Vigilance
development of employees, Mo va onal Talk & Department dealt with various aspects of Vigilance
Experience sharing sessions and building of training Mechanism under the direc ves and guidelines
infrastructure during the year. NEEPCO has also issued by the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC),
made its foray into social media and Corporate me to me. For exclusive and independent
Communica ons Department oversees all official func oning of Vigilance Department, NEEPCO
handles in Facebook, Twi er, You Tube and ensured transparency, objec vity and quality in
Instagram so as to effec vely disseminate vigilance func oning. Apart from inves ga on of
informa on about the Corpora on and it's mission complaints received from various sources, the
and vision. This department has also worked Vigilance Department has inves gated various
effec vely to project the image of the Corpora on issues in a pro-ac ve manner. Emphasis was given to
through print and electronic media. CC department the aspect of preven ve vigilance to streamline and
is also execu ng other campaigns of the simplify the rules and procedures and making all
Government of India, including Swachh Bharat, BEE efforts to arrest the loopholes detected during
Pain ng Compe on on Energy Conserva on and inves ga on of various cases. Vigilance Wing gave
other specific campaigns. several advices by way of preven ve vigilance.
Notable process issues have also been pointed out
Your Company has also maintained congenial and to the management in the areas of awarding of
harmonious Industrial Rela ons throughout the contracts, signing of MoUs, Joint Ventures, and in
year. Mee ng and discussions between Unions transfers / promo ons of employees as well as
/Associa ons and Management and mee ngs of resource usage. The Corpora on has a policy tled
NEEPCO Na onal Bipar te Commi ee (NNBC) & "NEEPCO Fraud and Whistle Blower Policy" which is
NEEPCO Project Bipar te Commi ee (NPBC) were displayed in the Corpora on's website.
carried out on various issues concerning
improvement of work-life of employees and
progress on works of the organiza on. The The Corpora on firmly believes in the importance
Corpora on is making all out efforts to implement of good Corporate Governance in the conduct of its
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
affairs. It stresses on increasing efficiency along with express sincere gra tude and apprecia on for their
adequate control systems in its opera ons. An Audit invaluable support and contribu on. I would also
Commi ee regularly reviews all financial like to place on record, our sincere thanks to the
statements before placing to the Board. The Annual Statutory Auditors of the Corpora on, the Cost
Report along with various other communica ons is Auditors, Secretarial Auditors and Comptroller &
hosted on the website for informa on of the public Auditor General of India for their construc ve
at large. Cer ficate on Corporate Governance from sugges ons.
the Secretarial Auditor is enclosed in the Director's My special thanks and apprecia on to the members
Report. of the Board and the Senior Management team for
the valuable contribu on and sugges ons in
improving the performance of the Company.
In all its endeavors and achievements, your
Lastly, I on behalf of the Board of Directors of the
Corpora on has been receiving constant guidance Company would like to place on record the
and support from the Ministry of Power, Ministry of Corpora on's apprecia on for the sincere and
Finance, Ministry of DoNER, Ministry of New devoted service rendered by each individual
Renewable Energy, other Ministries of Govt. of employee who is the main architect in maintaining
India, Central Electricity Authority, Central Water its steady growth and consistent performance.
Commission, CERC and other Departments of the May I now request that the Director's Report, the
Govt. of India, State Governments and other Audited Accounts, the Reports of Auditor and
Departments of the North East States, Financial Comments of the C&AG for the year ended 31st
March, 2017 be considered and adopted.
Ins tu ons, Bank & Lending Agencies, media etc. I,
on behalf of the Company, take this opportunity to Thanking you.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
The performance of the Corpora on for the financial
year ended 31 March 2017 and 31 March 2016 are
summarized below:
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
( ` In Crore)
Sl. No. Items 2016-17 2015-16
A Revenue from Opera on 1404.47 1605.88
B Other Income 31.05 135.25
C Total Revenue 1435.52 1741.13
D Profit before deprecia on, interest and tax 565.03 572.00
E Deprecia on 160.39 119.39
F Profit a er deprecia on but before interest and tax 404.64 452.61
G Interest and finance charges 29.91 17.23
H Profit before tax 374.73 435.38
I Current Tax 134.27 127.18
J Profit a er Tax 240.46 308.20
K Other Comprehensive Income (2.14) 6.31
L Total Comprehensive Income 238.32 314.51
M Interim Dividend 21.00 22.59
N Proposed final dividend 51.14 89.17
O Dividend Tax 4.27 22.75
P Dividend Tax payable on Proposed Dividend 10.41 -
Q Transfer to Bond Redemp on Reserve 149.80 124.80
R Share Capital 3452.81 3452.81
S Reserve & Surplus 2421.69 2315.92
T Net Worth (R + S) 5874.50 5768.73
U Gross Block 6675.13 6112.72
V Capital Employed 3452.27 4130.01
W Number of Employees 2308 2421
X Financial Ra os
Gross Opera ng Margin 533.98 436.75
Net Profit to Net Worth (%) 4.09 5.34
PAT /Total Employment (` in lakhs) 10.42 12.73
Debt Equity Ra o 1.65 1.61
Liquidity (ra o) 0.81 1.99
Current Ra o 0.93 2.16
Sales Turnover/ Net Block (%) 39.72 50.89
Debtor Turnover Ra o (days) 194 204
Earnings per Share (`) 0.70 0.90
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Analysis of Revenue
Net Profit Cost of materials
Revenue 16% consumed
The Gross Revenue of the Corpora on for the year Tax Expense
2016-17 is ` 1435.52 Crore (previous year ` 1741.13
Other Expense
Employee benefits
amotisation expense Finance Costs
11% 2%
Gross Revenue
Profit Before and A er Tax 1741.13 Profit after Tax
1,800 1558.41
1392.40 1417.72 1435.53
The Corpora on earned a profit 1,600
before tax of ` 374.73 Crore as
` in crores
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
compensate the non receipt of Equity contribu on 5279.71
5594.47 5768.73
from the Government of India as the Revised Cost 5004.70
Dividend 1000
397.30 294.48 547.39 436.76 533.98
` in crores
120 111.76
95.56 500
72.69 69.46 72.14
` in crores
60 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Financial year
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Financial Year
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
STATUTORY AUDITOR conduc ng the secretarial audit for the year 2016-
17. The Secretarial Audit Report in Form No.MR-3
M/s S P A N & Associates, Guwaha was appointed
for the financial year ended 31 March 2017 as
as the Statutory Auditor of the Company, by the
audited by M/s. Biman Debnath & Associates,
Comptroller & Auditor General of India for the
Prac cing Company Secretaries is enclosed as
financial year 2016-17. The Statutory Auditor of the
ANNEXURE -8A Management's reply to the
company has submi ed the report on the Financial
Secretarial Auditors' observa ons raised in the
Statements of the Company for the financial year
Secretarial Audit Report for the year 2016-17 is
2016-17. The reports of the Statutory Auditor are
enclosed as ANNEXURE - 8B
given in ANNEXURE 6A & 6B
The Management's reply to the report on Internal Power Genera on during the year 2016-17 is 5290
Financial Controls under sec on 143(1) of MU against "Very Good" MoU Target of 5250 MU.
the Companies Act, 2013 are enclosed as There was no Genera on target against TGBPP due
ANNEXURE - 6C to uncertainty of Gas supply by ONGC. The
REVIEW OF ACCOUNTS BY COMPTROLLER & achievement is inclusive of genera on target
AUDITOR GENERAL OF INDIA against Pare during the year and exclusive of the
achievement of 182 MU from TGBPP. Power
Comptroller & Auditor General of India has genera on from AGBP, Assam, was affected due to
reviewed the financial statements of the Company less supply of gas by M/S OIL and under requisi on
for the year 2016-17. Copy of the report is enclosed by the beneficiaries. Power genera on from
as ANNEXURE-7 Ranganadi HEP, Arunachal Pradesh was affected
COST AUDITOR due to less rainfall in the catchment area.
The Central Government u/s 148 of the Companies Produc on Efficiency is a standard parameter to
Act, 2013 has approved the appointment of cost measure the efficiency of the opera onal power
audit firm, M/S Sanjib Das & Associates, Guwaha plants of the Corpora on and in the MOU for the
as Cost Auditor of the Corpora on for the financial year 2016-17 also, 3 (three) such parameters have
year 2016-17.The Cost Accoun ng Records are been incorporated as under:
being maintained by all the power sta ons as 1. Increase in PAF of the Hydro & Thermal Plants
prescribed under the Cost Accoun ng Records (weighted average) excluding Kopili HEP over
(Electricity Industry) Rules, 2011. The Cost Audit for previous year (2015-16). The achievement of
the year 2016-17 has been completed and the Cost the Corpora on in respect of the weighted
Auditor has submi ed the report. The due date for average of Plant Availability Factor (PAF) during
filing Cost Audit Reports for the financial year 2016- the year 2016-17 was 80.12% against the
17 is September 27, 2017 and the same shall be filed previous year(2015-16)'s achievement of
with the Cost Audit Branch within the s pulated 76.12%. Thus, increase in PAF was 5.25% which
me. corresponds to a 'Good' MOU ra ng in respect
SECRETARIAL AUDITOR of the parameter.
M/s. Biman Debnath & Associates, Prac cing 2. Reduc on in auxiliary power consump on in all
Company Secretaries, Guwaha , was appointed as Hydro & Thermal Plants (weighted average)
the Secretarial Auditor of the Company for over previous year and reduc on in forced
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
outages in all Hydro & Thermal Plants (weighted 3. Reduc on in Forced Outages in all Hydro &
average) over previous year. The achievement Thermal Plants (weighted average) over
of the Corpora on during the year 2016-17 was previous year (2015-16). The achievement of
1.43% (weighted average) against the previous the Corpora on during the year 2016-17 in
year (2015-16)'s achievement of 1.69%. Thus, respect of this parameter was 4.67% (weighted
reduc on in consump on of auxiliary power average) against the previous year (2015-16)'s
stood at 15.38% which corresponds to an achievement of 9.79%. Thus, achieving a
'Excellent' MOU ra ng in respect of the reduc on of 52.30% which corresponds to an
parameter. 'Excellent' MOU ra ng in respect of the
Power Sta on Genera on Actual Achievement in P.A.F. Target (%) Actual Plant
Target (MU) Genera on (MU) % age 2016-17 for Availability
2016-17 for 2016-17 "Very Good" Factor (%)
"V-Good" MOU MOU ra ng 2016-17
ra ng
Kopili H E Plant 1085 1287 118.62
(275 MW)
Doyang H E Plant 218 259 118.81
(75 MW)
Ranganadi H E 1250 1249 99.92
Plant (405 MW)
Solar Monarchak 7 7 100
(5 MW)
Note: “ Very Good” MoU Target for APAF (in %) for the year 2016-17 was fixed at 6% higher than the APAF of all the Hydro and
Thermal Plants (Weighted Average) excluding Kopili HEP over previous year 2015-16 (i.e. 76.12%).
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
generator is in progress. Assembly work of Unit- Ø 97% concre ng works has been completed in
III Stator is in progress, Rotor of Unit- III was Bichom and Tenga Dam
lowered on 28.02.17. Assembly works of Stator Ø Trunnion assembly and sill beam erec on at
and Rotor of Unit- IV are in progress. Erec on of Block No. 5, 6,7,8,9 & 10 of Bichom Dam are
Primary and Secondary cooling water system is completed. Erec on of components of the
in progress. Hydro test of Primary cooling water radial gates in Bichom dam is in progress.
pipelines for Unit - I and II are completed. Ø 99% lining (Overt) of Head Race Tunnel (HRT)
Erec on of CW system for Unit-III & IV are in and 90% in Invert lining has been completed
progress. Erec on of UATs for Unit-I & II are
completed. Governing System (P.P set) & Ø 99% concre ng works completed in Power
Control Panels Installa ons are in progress for House, while 100% concre ng works completed
in Tail Race Channel
Unit- I & II. Erec on of Bus-duct, fixing of CTs in
Generator Neutral and line side in Unit - I are Ø 99.98% erec on of steel liner in Penstock has
completed. Bus-duct cleaning & Enclosure been completed.
fixing (welding) is in progress in Unit-II. Bus- Ø Electro –Mechanical Works:
duct Erec on of Generator Line side in Unit - III
is in progress. Erec on of cable tray structures Ø Power House
are completed for Units-I & II. Cable laying and - Boxing up for unit-I & II completed.
dressing in Unit – I & II are in progress. Erec on
- Unit-III: Stator & Rotor Lowered
of drainage & dewatering system is in progress.
- Unit-IV: Assembly of Stator & Rotor is in
Erec on of Equipments & Structures in 400 kV &
132 kV Switchyard are completed. 13 nos. 63
MVA single phase GTs and 4 nos. 40 MVA, single - Erec on works of unit Auxiliaries are nearing
phase Auto transformers are placed on comple on.
founda on. Erec on of 4 nos. 3.15 MVA SSTs are Ø 400 & 132 kV Switchyard – Erec on of
in progress. equipments and Structures are completed.
The commissioning of the Project, as scheduled Ø Transformers - 13 nos. 63 MVA, 1-phase,
by 31 December'16 (As per MOU 2016-17) 13.8/420 kV GTs, 4 nos. 40 MVA, 1-phase,
could not be materialized mainly due to 400/132/33 kV Auto transformers are placed on
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
founda on, and erec on works are in progress. Units. Cable laying and termina on works are in
Erec on of 4 nos. 3.15 MVA, 1-phase, 132 / 33 progress for both the units. Installa on of
kV SSTs are nearing comple on ba ery bank and termina on are also
completed. Switchyard erec on works are also
B) 110 MW Pare H.E. Project, Arunachal Pradesh:
86% of Dam concre ng is achieved ll Mar'17.
Lining of Head Race Tunnel is almost completed The commissioning of the Project, as scheduled
and contact grou ng is in progress (97%). Steel by 31 December'16 (As per MOU 2016-17)
Liner Erec on is almost completed (99%), could not be materialized due to the adverse
except for a 2.0 M cut piece between Face-III & effect of the devasta ng flood during June'16,
July'16 & Oct'16 mainly in the Dam Site. Other
reasons a ributable for delay are the ini al
delay in award of EPC contract packages
through re-tendering leading to reduc on of
package costs, the project suffered delay due to
the construc on of Trans-Arunachal Highway,
poor geology of the area and frequent
overtopping of the coffer dam.
The RCE of the Project at January, 2016 price
level (PL) stands at ₹1337.76 Cr. (Including IDC
&FC), having a hard cost of ₹1192.00 Cr. and IDC
Power House inside view & FC amoun ng to ₹145.76 Cr. The cumula ve
Face-IV which will be done a er comple on of expenditure incurred in the project up to 31st
grou ng works. Power House concre ng has March 2017 is ₹1373.83 Crore, out of which an
been completed. amount of ₹197.29 crore was spent during
Boxing up of Unit – I is completed. Installa on of
cooling water pumps, erec on of OPU, Pressure Physical progress as on 31.08.2017:
Oil System and piping of MIV, NGT, Excita on l 92% concre ng works has been completed in
System, and Generator Instrumenta on works Pare Dam
are completed in Unit-I. Control, Monitoring
l Lining of Head Race Tunnel is almost completed
and Protec on System (95%) are also
while 100% contact grou ng is completed.
completed for Unit-1. Erec on works of Unit – II
Turbine is completed, along with lowering of l 99% Steel Liner Erec on is completed, except
Stator & Rotor. Boxing up of the Unit is almost for a 2.0 M cut piece between Face –III & Face
completed. Installa on of cooling water pumps, –IV which will be done a er comple on of
erec on of Excita on Transformer/panel, grou ng works.
Control & Monitoring panels, Protec on System l Power House concre ng has been completed.
panels, OPU and Pressure Oil System and piping
l Electro –Mechanical Works:
of MIV of Unit-II are completed. 70% Generator
Instrumenta on works are completed. Erec on l Power House
of Mechanical Balance of Plant and Electrical - Boxing up of Unit-I & II completed.
Balance of Plant are in progress. LP Compressor
Unit and Piping works completed for both the - Erec on of Mechanical Balance of Plants are
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
load test was carried out on 25.08.17. stands at ₹1007.68 Cr including IDC&FC. The
cumula ve expenditure incurred in the project
l Assembly & tes ng of Unit-II Stator and Rotor in
service bay, HV test & pain ng are in progress. up to 31 March 2017 was ₹994.24 Crore, out of
which an amount of ₹31.01 Crore was spent
l Commissioning works of three nos. of 12.5 during 2016-17.
MVA, single phase GTs and one 5 MVA SST are
completed, while three GTs for Unit-II are under ONGOING PROJECTS
erec on. (Joint Venture Basis):
D) 101 MW Tripura Gas Based Combined Cycle
E) 25 MW Solar PV Power Project, Nagari, Andhra
Power Project, Monarchak, Tripura:
Pradesh, by M/s WAANEEP (a JV between
The Gas Turbine Unit was declared for WAAREE Energies Ltd. and NEEPCO) :
Commercial Opera on with effect from 00:00 The project is being set up by M/s WAANEEP as a
hours of 24.12.2015. Joint Venture between WAAREE Energies Ltd.
Gas supply to the project was disrupted by M/S and NEEPCO at Nagari in the State of Andhra
ONGC from 29 February 2016. Gas supply was Pradesh. The Project is under construc on.
briefly resumed to the project from 17.04.2016
CAPEX Expenditure against the ongoing
on fall back basis. Gas supply was once again
Projects: For execu on of the ongoing Kameng,
withdrawn by M/S ONGC from 04.05.16, which
Pare and Tuirial HEPs, an amount of ₹ 1195 Crs
was again restored from 24.11.16. Due to this
was earmarked for the year 2016-17, which was
erra c gas supply, TGBPP was not able to
generate power on a sustainable basis. Besides, also incorporated as 'Excellent' target in the
the scheduled trial opera on for 72 hours (as MOU 2016-17. Against this target, the
per CERC norms) for the STG unit and its Corpora on spent an aggregate amount of ₹
consequent declara on of Commercial 1349.47 Crs corresponding to an 'Excellent'
Opera on Date (COD) had to be deferred me ra ng. However, as the Department of Public
and again. Enterprises subsequently revised the CAPEX
target to ₹1895 Crs (Excellent) against all the
The contractual trial opera on of the Steam
Projects of the Corpora on and the actual
Turbine Unit finally could commence from
expenditure incurred against all the Projects
2 1 . 0 3 . 2 0 1 7 , w h i c h i n c l u d e d 7 2 h o u rs
during the year 2016-17 was ₹1396.02 Crs, the
mandatory full load opera on for declara on of
MOU target could not be achieved.
Commercial Opera on. The full load opera on
started from 27.03.17 and ended on 30.03.17. The revised cost es mates (RCE) of the
Subsequently, the Steam Turbine Unit was KamengHEP, PareHEP, Tuirial HEP and Tripura
declared for Commercial Opera on (COD) w.e.f. GBPP are presently in the advanced stage of
00:00 hours of 31.03.2017 upon receipt of approval. However, as these RCEs did not get
clearance from TSECL. approval during the year 2016-17, the
'monitoring parameter' in the MOU 2016-17
The RCE of the Project at Mar'15 price level
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
that reads as, ' percentage of value of CAPEX worked out to ₹109.54 Crs which is 7.31 % of the
Contracts / project running / completed during previous year (2015-16)'s claim of ₹1497.02 Crs.
the year without me / cost overrun to total This reduc on in claims corresponds to a 'Very
value of CAPEX contracts running / completed Good' ra ng w.r.t. the target of the relevant
during the year' could not be achieved. parameter in MOU 2016-17.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
1 Mawphu H.E. Project, Stage-II (85 Ÿ Proposal for approval of pre-investment ac vi es expenditure of
MW), Meghalaya Mawphu HEP St-II was submi ed to the MoP on 27.06.16 and then
revised on 07.10.16 as per the CEA's comments. Subsequently the
proposal was re-submi ed as per SFC/EFC format on 31.03.17. The
Pre-investment proposal is in the final stage of approval by the
Ministry of Power.
Ÿ Implementa on Agreement for the project was submi ed to the
Government of Meghalaya on 14.03.17 along with the comments /
modifica ons for acceptance.
Ÿ All clearances / condi onal clearances from the concerned apprising
Statutory Authori es except Interna onal clearance for submission
of DPR has been obtained.
2 Tuivai HEP (210 MW), Mizoram. Ÿ NEEPCO signed the MoA with the State Government of Mizoram on
10.02.15 for execu on of the project.
Ÿ Different project development alterna ves were explored with
updated hydrology, the project cost and tariff were found to be on
higher side. A grant of about ₹1800 crore is required to contain the
tariff below ₹6.00 per unit.
Ÿ Findings on the project was in mated to Government of Mizoram
20.04.17. Response from the Government of Mizoram is awaited.
3 Garo Hills Thermal Power Project Ÿ The MoA with the Government of Meghalaya was signed on 17
(500 MW), Meghalaya March 2011.
Ÿ Coal linkage is yet to be established.
4 200 MW Solar PV Power Project, Ÿ GRIDCO on 17.03.2017 conveyed that they have in-principle agreed
Odisha to procure the total power from NEEPCO's proposed 200 MW Solar
Power Project to be implemented in Odisha.
Ÿ LoI was issued to M/s PwC on 28.03.17 for Consultancy Services for
selec on of site and prepara on of DPR for the project. Report is
Ÿ Implementa on of the Project to be undertaken only a er assessing
its viability as per the DPR.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
With a view to enhance genera on capacity, NEEPCO has formed / is in the process of forming Joint Ventures
with other CPSUs, State U li es and Private Developers to undertake various projects. The projects taken up/ to
be taken up through the JV route and their status are given below:
1 Dibbin HEP (120 MW), Arunachal KSK Dibbin Hydro Power Private Limited (JV between KSK Energy
Pradesh. Ventures and NEEPCO).
Considera on of e-flow as per the Bichom Basin Study Report brings
down the design energy from 371 MU (as per TEC) to 291 MU thereby
making the project unviable. Following efforts are being made to make
the project viable:
Ÿ Viability study with alterna ve modules and financial re-engineering
was carried out. Le er on the same was furnished to the MoP on
Ÿ NEEPCO vide le er dated 23.02.17 requested the Ministry of DoNER
to provide a Grant of ₹250 Crore in a phased manner during the
construc on period of 4 (four) years.
Ÿ KSK in its le er dated 6 March'17 also requested the Hon'ble Chief
Minister, Arunachal Pradesh, to extend a financial grant through the
Ministry of DoNER.
2 Siang Upper Stage-I HE Project Ÿ As per the GoI decision, both these projects were to be developed in
(6000 MW) Joint Venture mode between NEEPCO and NHPC.
And Ÿ The Siang Upper (Stage-II) HEP was under survey & inves ga on by
Siang Upper Stage-II HE Project NEEPCO (MOA signed with State Govt. on 28.05.13) which was
(3750 MW), Arunachal Pradesh. stopped due to vehement local protest.
Ÿ Subsequently, the project works were put on hold as per the
communica on of the MoP, GoI vide le ers dated 18 Nov' 2015 and
2ⁿ Feb' 2016, ll a final decision is taken regarding development of
the projects in single stage or two stages.
Ÿ The MoP vide le er dated 24.01.17 conveyed the MoWR's decision
to carry out inves ga on works for prepara on of DPR of Siang
Upper HE Project as a single mul purpose scheme. However, it was
advised therein not to implement the work on the project un l final
orders of the Government are issued.
Ÿ Based on the response of NEEPCO vide le er dated 09.02.17, the
MoP vide le er dated 30.03.2017 conveyed MoWR that S&I works
cannot be carried out by the PSUs unless approval of the competent
authority on the cost of pre-investment ac vi es for the combined
project and declaring the project as a Na onal Project with suitable
assistance for the power component are suitably addressed.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
3 Kurung HEP (330 MW), Ÿ The MoA was signed with the Government of Arunachal Pradesh on
Arunachal Pradesh 27 Jan' 2015 for development of the Project in joint venture with
the State Government.
Ÿ The PFR was prepared in Oct'15.
Ÿ Proposal for approval of pre-investment ac vi es expenditure of
Kurung HEP was first submi ed on 28.06.16 to the MoP and then
revised on 13.10.16 as per the CEA's comments. Subsequently, the
proposal was re-submi ed as per the SFC/EFC format on 18.05.17.
Ÿ Approval of the proposal is in process in the MoP.
Ÿ DPR prepara on shall commence on receipt of the pre-investment
Ÿ Hydrology was cleared by the CWC on 02.12.16.
4. Margherita Coal Based Thermal Ÿ The Dra MoU to be signed between NEEPCO and APGCL with 51%
Project (1320 MW) and 49% share of equity respec vely was approved by the BoDs' and
sent to MoP, GoI in Oct'14 for in principle approval, which is awaited.
5. JV between NEEPCO and Govt. of Ÿ The MoU was signed between Government of Tripura and NEEPCO
Tripura. on 12.12.2014 for forma on of a Power Genera on Company
(GENCO) in JV between Government of Tripura and NEEPCO.
Ÿ Dra SHA for the GENCO with NEEPCO's equity at 10% is under
finaliza on jointly with Government of Tripura.
Ÿ Prepara on of DPRs for conversion of Rokhia & Baramura Thermal
Projects to Combined Cycle projects are completed.
Ÿ DPR for R & M of Gum HEP completed.
1. Increase in PAF of all the Hydro and Thermal The increase in PAF of all the Hydro and Thermal Plants
Plants (Weighted Average) excluding Kopili (Weighted Average) excluding Kopili HEP over previous year
HEP over previous year. was 5.25%.
2. Reduc on in Auxiliary Power consump on The reduc on in Auxiliary Power consump on in all hydro and
in all hydro and thermal plants (weighted thermal plants (weighted average) over previous year was
average) over previous year. 15.38%.
3. Reduc on in Forced Outages in all hydro and The reduc on in Forced Outages in all hydro and thermal
thermal plants (weighted average) over plants (weighted average) over previous year was 52.30%.
previous year.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
1. Se ng up of one Pilot Project of “Tracking A 2 Kw pilot Solar PV Sun Tracking Plant with Horizontal Single
Solar Panel” in kilowa range. Axis Tracker was commissioned at Kopili HEP, Assam on 14
October 2016 thereby achieving “Excellent ra ng”.
4. Commissioning of Unit-I of Tuirial Ÿ The Boxing up of Unit –I of Tuirial HEP was achieved on 27 March
HEP (Box-up) 2017.
5. Pre-investment approval from NEEPCO applied for approval of expenditures to be incurred on pre-
Ministry of Power, GoI for the investment ac vi es in respect of two projects namely, Mawphu HEP St-
projects wherever required II (85 MW), Meghalaya and Kurung HEP (330 MW), Arunachal Pradesh.
Details are as under:
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Ÿ Further observa ons from the CEA was received vide le er dated
26.09.2016 which was again clarified on 07.10.2016 as per which the
proposal cost was revised to ₹67.95 Crore.
Ÿ The proposal along with queries of the MoP in the aforesaid SFC/EFC
format was submi ed on 31.03.2017. Pre-investment approval from
the MoP is awaited.
Ÿ Further observa ons from the CEA was received vide le er dated
28.09.2016 which was again clarified on 13.10.2016 and the proposal
cost was revised to ₹171.74 Crore.
Ÿ The Proposal along with queries of the MoP in the aforesaid SFC/EFC
format was again submi ed on 25.04.2017. Subsequently, the MoP
vide e-mail dated 03.05.2017 desired for submission of the proposal
as per format Annexure IVB which was submi ed on 18.05.2017.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
1. Based on the limited e-tender floated, the 2. “Study on Flora & Fauna and their Survival in
consultancy services for providing end to end Acidic water of Kopili Reservoir of Kopili H.E
consultancy for ERP implementa on in NEEPCO Plant, Umrongso, Dima Hasao District, Assam
was awarded to M/s Pricewaterhouse Coopers. with emphasis on iden fica on of endangered
NTPC has been engaged as the review/advisory species and a prac cal solu on to their
consultant. preserva on” - Work is in Progress.
2. Online Annual Performance Appraisal Report Total expenditure against R & D during the year
(APAR) applica on was developed during 2016- 2016-17 is ₹57.37 Lakh.
17 and is under implementa on.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Human Resource Development (HRD) the training inputs received through the analysis of
the training needs forms, training requirements
Interven ons forwarded by various departments from me to
The HRD department, NEEPCO understands that me, past par cipant feedback, training calendars
training and development ac vi es plays a vital role of external training agencies, etc. Apart from budget
in be ering employees' performance and in allocated for training programmes, budget is also
allocated for training infrastructure development
organisa onal growth. Training & development
and organising Mo va onal Talk & Experience
interven ons allow employees to acquire new skills,
Sharing sessions by eminent personali es.
sharpen exis ng ones, perform be er and increase
produc vity. As such HRD department has been
working towards offering the best of training and
development opportuni es to our employees so
that they can undertake their responsibili es in a
more effec ve manner.
Employees trained during the year
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Throughout the year, industrial rela ons remained
cordial. Mee ng and discussions between Unions
/Associa ons and Management and mee ngs of
NEEPCO Na onal Bipar te Commi ee (NNBC) &
NEEPCO Project Bipar te Commi ee (NPBC) were
carried out on various issues concerning
improvement of work-life of employees, progress
on works of the organisa ons. Sugges ons Free dental check up for employees at TGBP
generated out of the discussions were carried out in empanelled all over the country for the treatment of
a prac cal manner. There were zero man-days the employees and their dependent family
losses during the year 2016-17. The schedule of members. For the benefit of employees, cashless
NNBC Mee ng held during the year 2016-17 are facility has been introduced for treatment of
here as under: employees and their dependents in several
empanelled hospitals of the Corpora on.
The Corpora on con nued to provide schooling
facili es at Project sites as a welfare measure for
wards of the employees, where no schooling
facili es are available in the neighborhood. In
addi on to the wards of the NEEPCO employees, a
Programme on "Planning for superannua on"
good number of children from neighboring villages /
Sl no. NNBC Date locali es are also admi ed in these schools.
1 6 NNBC Mee ng 30.08.2016
2 7 NNBC Mee ng 02.12.2016
3 Special NNBC Mee ng 17.01.2017
The Corpora on has well equipped hospital /
dispensaries in its plants and also in its Construc on
Projects manned by qualified doctors and
paramedical staff who provide medical treatment
not only to the employees but also provide free Meritorious Awards func on at Corporate Office
consulta on to people of the neighboring villages as
NEEPCO had been sponsoring 5(five) Vivekananda
a social service measure.
Kendra Vidyalaya (VKV) Schools in four of its O&M
In addi on to the Corpora on's hospital plants and 1(one) construc on project. The
/dispensaries, several reputed hospitals are Vivekananda Kendra Siksha Vibhag is the nodal
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
agency for managing the Corpora on's schools. the House Journal - 'NEEPCO NEWS' valuable
These are English medium schools of good informa on rela ng to use of Hindi were provided.
academic standards affiliated to the Central Board A monthly newsle er “NEEPCO NEWS FLASH” is
of Secondary Educa on. published regularly in bilingual i.e. in Hindi &
English. NEEPCO website is also available in Hindi.
In order to encourage the wards of NEEPCO
Key words in Hindi with English equivalent were
employees under the NEEPCO Meritorious
displayed everyday on the black board under the
Scholarship scheme, Scholarships amoun ng to programme “Aaj Ka Shabd” (Today's Word) in order
₹30,24,000/- were released for the year of to enrich the Hindi vocabulary of the employees.
Rajbhasha (Hindi) Pakhwara was observed and
RAJBHASHA: “Hindi Divas” was celebrated at the Corporate office
as well as in the projects and other offices of the
The Corpora on is making all out efforts to
Corpora on to create awareness and to encourage
implement effec vely the Official Language Policy
the employees for doing their official works in Hindi.
of the Government of India at its Corporate Office as
Various compe ons were conducted in Hindi and
well as Projects and other offices. Efforts were made
a rac ve prizes were awarded to the par cipants.
to issue papers referred to in Sec on 3 (3) of the
Hindi patrika “NEEPCO JYOTI”, “Panyor Pravah” &
Official Language Act in bilingual. Employees posted
“Ratandeep” were published respec vely from
at different offices/Projects were nominated for
Corporate HQ, RHEP & Co-ordina on office New
Hindi Prabodh, Praveen & Pragya training courses.
Delhi. An exhibi on was also organized at the
The contact programmes were organized under
Corporate office where the achievements made in
Hindi Teaching Scheme at different project offices to
the use of Official Language Hindi in the Corpora on
provide guidance to the employees a ending Hindi
were displayed. Under Incen ve Scheme, number
Training. Cash Awards were given to the employees
of officers / employees were awarded Cash Award
for passing Hindi examina ons as per eligibility.
for wri ng no ng / dra ing in Hindi.
To facilitate the employees for doing their official
work in Hindi, 25(Twenty five) Hindi workshops Rajbhasha–cum-Kavi Sammelan was organized at
were organized and 446 officers & employees were Corporate Office, Shillong during the year. All
trained in the workshops. Training materials were representa ves of Shillong TOLIC, office members
provided to the employees during the Workshop. In were invited in the Sammelan.
NEEPCO OLIC mee ngs are held every quarter
under the chairmanship of Execu ve Director (HR).
In the mee ng, review was made on the
Implementa on work of Rajbhasha and valuable
sugges ons were provided for its effec ve
implementa on.
Our Co-ordina on office at New Delhi was awarded
2ⁿ prize for excellent works done in Northern
Region-1 of Region A for Implemen ng Official
Language Policy in best manner. Hon'ble State
Home Minister Sri Kiran Rijiju awarded the shield
Hindi Workshop in progress
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women at objec ve to achieve target value of the HRM. The
Workplace. The said Commi ee in its report noted key objec ve of this Cell is to se le the terminal
that no complaints were received regarding any benefits of all separated employee in me as per
Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace during rules of the Corpora on as well as direc ves/
the year 2016-17. guidelines of the Govt. of India.
During above financial year 2016-17, numbers of
Gratuity cases se led in respect of re red/resigned
Terminal Benefit Se lement Cell under Human /ex p i re d e m p l o ye e s a n d ex p e n d i t u re o n
Resource Department of this Corpora on has been gratuity/PRMB/leave encashment and financial
playing its role to contribute accomplishment of benefit under “NEEPCO Employees Family Benefit
Scheme” /Memento (Gold Coin)/ Cer ficate of
organisa onal goals as per me schedule of quality
Apprecia on are detailed below:
** In addi on to the above, the employees were presented with cer ficate of apprecia on on the day of
their re rement as a token of recogni on of their valuable services to the Corpora on
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Apart from inves ga on of complaints received out-side employment, re rement, resigna on,
from various sources, the Vigilance Department has release of terminal benefit etc. were given as and
inves gated various issues in a pro-ac ve manner. when sought for by the concerned department of
Emphasis was given to the aspect of preven ve the Corpora on.
vigilance to streamline and simplify the rules and
The CVO has also a ended various mee ngs during
procedures and making all efforts to arrest the
the said period as convened by the Central Vigilance
loopholes detected during inves ga on of various
Commission (CVC) and the Ministry of Power (MoP),
cases. Vigilance Wing gave several advices by way of
Govt. of India on the agenda framed by them and
preven ve vigilance. These have also led to systemic
subsequently follow-up ac on has been taken
improvements in Technical as well as Personnel
based on the Minutes of the mee ngs.
wings. In Kameng Hydro Electric Project, a major
systemic improvement in sourcing river bed The “Vigilance Awareness Week” was observed in
materials has been effected. Notable process issues the Corpora on w.e.f. 31.10.2016 to 05.11.2016.
have also been pointed out to the management in
the areas of awarding of contracts, signing of MoUs, VIGIL MECHANISM
Joint Ventures, and in transfers / promo ons of
The Corpora on has a policy tled “NEEPCO Fraud
employees as well as resource usage.
and Whistle Blower Policy” which is displayed in the
During this period, 47 (Forty Seven) numbers of Corpora on's website. The policy ensures that a
rou ne inspec ons have been conducted by site genuine Whistle Blower is granted due protec on
vigilance officials besides conduc ng CTE type from any vic miza on.
inspec ons in the project sites. Regarding
improving of vigilance administra on by leveraging EXTRACT OF THE ANNUAL RETURN
technology, the e-procurement, e-payment,
The extract of the Annual Return is enclosed as
registering online vigilance complaints and ANNEXURE – 1.
uploading of Annual Immovable Property Returns
(AIPRs) of Execu ves in the NEEPCO's web site have BOARD MEETING
been implemented.
A total of 8 Board Mee ng of the Board of Directors
All the important CVC circulars and OMs issued were held during the year 2016-17.
during this period have also been circulated to all
concerned authori es for follow up ac on as INDEPENDENT DIRECTORS
All the Independent Directors have furnished a
1736 numbers of Annual Property Returns (APRs) of declara on at the me of their appointment and
the employees have been scru nized during the also annually that they qualify the tests of their
period from 01/04/2016 to 31/03/2017. Vigilance being independent as laid down under Sec on
clearances in respect of officials required for various 149(6) of the Act. The declara ons are placed
purposes like DPC, NOC for obtaining of Passport, before the Board. No Separate Mee ng of the
promo on regulariza on, private foreign visit, Independent Directors was held during the year
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
FORMAL ANNUAL EVALUATION The effec veness of the control system is monitored
by a Board-level Audit Commi ee and an
NEEPCO being a Government Company the
Independent Internal Audit Department. A
provisions of sec on 134(3)(p) of the Companies
Act, 2013 shall not apply in view of the Gaze e summary of Audit Observa ons and Ac on Taken
no fica on dated 5 June, 2015 as issued by the Notes (ATNs) are placed before the Audit
Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India. Commi ee at regular intervals and accordingly its
recommenda ons and direc ons are implemented.
The following are the Key Managerial Personnel T H E N O M I N AT I O N A N D R E M U N E R AT I O N
(KMP) during the year 2016-17: COMMITTEE
1. Shri Prem Chand Pankaj, Chairman and The Nomina on & Remunera on Commi ee has
Managing Director (For part of the year) been cons tuted in terms of DPE OM No. 2(70)/08-
2. Shri Gurdeep Singh, Chairman & Managing DPE(WC)-GL-XVI/08 dated 26 November, 2008
Director (For part of the year) and the terms of reference is as per sec on 178 of
3. Shri A. G. West Kharkongor, Chairman & the Companies Act, 2013, read with the no fica on
Managing Director and Director (Finance) dated 5 June, 2015 as issued by the Ministry of
4. Shri Chiranjeeb Sharma, Company Secretary Corporate Affairs, Govt. of India and as per DPE
Office Memorandum dated 26 November, 2008.
SIGNIFICANT AND MATERIAL ORDERS The Nomina on & Remunera on Commi ee as on
PASSED BY THE REGULATORS OR 1 August, 2017 are as follows:
There were no significant and materials orders
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
The payments of remunera on to the employees of the Corpora on are guided by the relevant Guidelines
as issued by the Department of Public Enterprises.
STATEMENT CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF affairs. It stresses in increasing efficiency along with
THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF SUBSIDIARIES/ adequate control systems in its opera ons. An Audit
ASSOCIATE COMPANIES/ JOINT VENTURES Commi ee regularly reviews all financial
The Statement containing salient features of the statements before placing to the Board. The Annual
financial statement of subsidiaries/ associate Report along with various other communica ons is
companies/ joint ventures in the Format as per hosted on the website for informa on of the public
Form AOC-1 is enclosed as ANNEXURE – 2. at large. A separate statement on Corporate
MATERIAL CONTRAC TS / RELATED PARTY Governance is produced as a part of this Report
TRANSACTION as ANNEXURE - 3 and the Management Discussion
and Analysis Report as ANNEXURE–4 of this Report.
The Company has not entered into any material
Cer ficate on Corporate Governance from the
contracts/ arrangements with the related par es.
Therefore, Form AOC-2 is not applicable. The Prac cing Company Secretary is enclosed as
Company has obtained declara ons from all ANNEXURE – 5.
concerned in this regard. Note no.42 of the AUDIT COMMITTEE
Consolidated Financial Statements & Note no.42 of The Audit Commi ee regularly reviews all financial
the Standalone Financial Statements may be
statements before placing it before the Board of
Directors. Mee ngs with the Statutory Auditors and
STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 197(12) OF Internal Auditors are regularly held to ensure
THE COMPANIES ACT, 2013 READ WITH RULE 5(1) adequacy of audit and internal control systems.
OF THE COMPANIES (APPOINTMENT AND Details regarding the Audit Commi ee form part of
REMUNERATION OF MANAGERIAL PERSONNEL) the Report of Corporate Governance annexed to
RULES, 2014
this Report.
NEEPCO being a Government Company the
provisions of sec on 197 are not applicable.
The Board has accepted the recommenda ons of
the Audit Commi ee. The composi on of the Audit
The Corpora on firmly believes in the importance Commi ee as on 1 August, 2017 are as follows:
of good Corporate Governance in the conduct of its
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(e) the directors, have laid down internal financial 3. Shri U am K. Sangma, Independent Director
controls which are being followed by the 4. Shri K. V. Eapen, Non-Official Part Time Director
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
The Board of Directors places on record its deep par cularly the Ministry of Power, Ministry of
apprecia on for the valuable services rendered by Home Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of
the Directors. Environment and Forest, NITI Aayog, Department
of Public Enterprises, North Eastern Council,
PARTICULARS OF EMPLOYEES Central Electricity Authority, Central Water
During the year 2016-17 there was no employee Commission, Central Electricity Regulatory
who was in receipt of remunera on for that year Commission, Central Soil and Material Research
which, in the aggregate, was not less than ₹60 lakh Sta on, Geological Survey of India, Survey of India
or if employed for a part of financial year, was in and North Eastern Regional Electricity Board for
receipt of remunera on for any part of the year, at a their con nued coopera on and assistance.
rate which, in the aggregate, was not less than ₹5 The Directors express their sincere gra tude to the
lakh per month; or if employed throughout the State Government of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam,
financial year or part thereof, was in receipt of Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and
remunera on during the year, which, in the Tripura for the co-opera on and help extended by
aggregate, or as the case may be, at a rate which, in them. The Directors further express their
the aggregate, was in excess of that drawn by the apprecia on to the State Governments who had
managing director or whole- me director and holds made all payment against their current dues during
by himself or along with his spouse and dependent the period 2016-17.
and children not less than 2% of the equity shares of
the company. The Directors are also grateful to the Bankers, the
Statutory Auditors, the Cost Auditors, Secretarial
C O N S E R V A T I O N O F E N E R G Y, Auditors, the Commercial Audit Wing of the
Comptroller and Auditor General of India and the
Registrar of Companies.
Last but not least, the Directors wish to place on
Pursuant to Sec on 134 (m) of the Companies Act, record their apprecia on of the dedicated efforts
2013, read with Rule 8(3) of Companies (Accounts) made by all sec on of employees of the Corpora on
Rules, 2014 the informa on on conserva on of to achieve the goal of the Corpora on.
energy, technology absorp on, foreign exchange
earnings and outgo during the year 2016-17 is For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
annexed as ANNEXURE – 9.
The Directors are grateful to the various Ministries Dated: 22.09.2017 (D V Singh)
and Departments of the Government of India Place: New Delhi Chairman &
Managing Director
DIN: 03107819
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Form No. MGT-9
As on the financial year ended on 31-03-2017
Pursuant to sec on 92(3) of the Companies act, 2013 and rule 12(1) of the Companies
(Management and administra on) Rules, 2014
I) CIN U40101ML1976GOI001658
ii) Registra on Date 02-04-1976
iv) Category / Sub-Category Government Company
v) Address of the Registered office and contact Brookland Compound,Lower New Colony,
details Shillong – 793 003, Meghalaya
vi) Whether listed company Yes / No Equity Shares not listed. PSU Bonds are
listed in Bombay Stock Exchange
vii) Name, Address and Contact details of Equity – Not applicable.
Registrar and Transfer Agent, if any Bonds – Karvy Computer share Pvt. Ltd.,
Karvy Selenium Tower B, Plot number 31 & 32,
Financial District Gachibowli
Hyderabad 500 032
Sl. No. Name and Descrip on of NIC Code of the Product / % of total turnover of the
main products / services service company
1 Genera on of Power 351 97.83%
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
IV. SHARE HOLDING PATTERN (Equity Share capital Breakup as percentage of Total Equity)
I) Category-wise Share Holding
Category of No. of Shares held at the No. of Shares held at the end of the year % Change
Shareholders beginning of the year during
Demat Physical Total % of Total Demat Physical Total % of Total
Shares Shares
A. Promoters
(1) Indian
a) Individual / HUF
b) Central Govt. 3452810400 3452810400 100% 3452810400 3452810400 100%
c) State Govt.
d) Bodies Corp
e) Banks / FI
f) Any other
Sub-total (A) (1) 3452810400 3452810400 100% 3452810400 3452810400 100%
(2) Foreign
a) NRIs - Individuals
b) Other Individuals
c) Bodies Corp.
d) Banks / FI
e) Any other
Sub-total (A)(2)
B. Public Shareholding
1. Institutions
a) Mutual Funds
b) Banks / FI
c) Central Govt.
d) State Govt.
e) Venture Capital Funds
f) Insurance Companies
h) Foreign Venture
Capital Funds
i) Others (specify)
Sub-total (B)(1)
2. Non-Institutions
a) Bodies Corp.
i) Indian
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Category of No. of Shares held at the No. of Shares held at the end of the year % Change
Shareholders beginning of the year during
Demat Physical Total % of Total Demat Physical Total % of Total
Shares Shares
ii) Overseas
b) Individuals
i) Individual shareholders
holding nominal share
capital upto ₹1 lakh
ii) Individual shareholders
holding nominal share
capital in excess of
₹1 lakh
Sub-total (B)(2)
Total Public Shareholding
C. Shares held by
Custodian for GDRs &
Grand Total (A+B+C) 3452810400 3452810400 100% 3452810400 3452810400 100%
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(iv) Shareholding Pa ern of top ten Shareholder (other than Directors, Promoters and Holders of
GDRs and ADRS):
For each of the Top 10 Shareholders No of Shares % of total shares No of Shares % of total shares
of the Company of the Company
Shareholding of Directors & No. of shares % of total Date Increase / Reason No of Shares % of total
Key Managerial Personnel shares of Decrease shares of
the In share- the company
company holding
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Indebtedness of the Company including interest outstanding/accrued but not due for payment.
₹ in Lakhs
Particulars Secured Loans Unsecured Deposits Total
excluding Deposits Loans Indebtedness
Indebtedness at the beginning of the financial year
I) Principal Amount 4,75,908.57 79,262.59 5,55,171.16
ii) Interest due but not paid
iii) Interest accrued but not due 2959.28 405.40 3364.67
Total (i+ii+iii) 4,78,867.85 79,667.99 5,58,535.83
Change in Indebtedness during the financial year
Addition (principal + accrued int.) 76,514.63 367.41 76,882.04
Reduction (principal + accrued int) 20,849.77 8,076.15 28,925.93
Net Change 55,664.86 (7,708.74) 47,956.11
Indebtedness at the end of the financial year
I) Principal Amount 5,31,318.08 71,591.83 6,02,909.91
ii) Interest due but not paid
iii) Interest accrued but not due 3,214.63 367.41 3,582.04
Total (i+ii+iii) 5,34,532.71 71,959.24 6,06,491.95
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Shri Siddhartha
Bhattacharya *
Shri Uttam K.
Sl. Total
Particulars of Remuneration
No. Amount
1 Independent Directors
- fee for attending board/ 3,67,800 3,21,700 2,29,700 9,19,200
committee meetings
l Commission
l Others, please specify
Total(1) 3,67,800 3,21,700 2,29,700 9,19,200
2 Other Non-executive Directors
l Fee for attending board /
committee meetings
l Commission
l Others, please specify
Total (2)
Total (B) = (1+2)
Total Managerial Remuneration
Overall ceiling as per the act
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Type Sec on of the Brief Details of Penalty/ Authority Appeal made,
Companies Act Descrip on Punishment/ (RD /NCLT/ if any
Compounding Court (give Details)
fees imposed
A. Company
Penalty Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Punishment Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Compounding Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
B. Directors
Penalty Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Punishment Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Compounding Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
C. Other Officers
in default
Penalty Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Punishment Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Compounding Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Form AOC - I
Part “B”:
Associates and Joint Ventures
Statement pursuant to Sec on 129 (3) of the Companies Act, 2013 related to
Associate Companies and Joint Ventures
1. Latest audited Balance Sheet Date 31.03.2017 31.03.2017
2. Shares of Joint Ventures held by the company on
the year end
No. 8,20,00,000 2,79,30,000
Amount of Investment in Joint Venture (In ₹) 82,00,00,000.00 27,93,00,000.00
Extent of Holding % 40% 30%
3. Descrip on of how there is significant influence Vo ng right Vo ng right
4. Reason why the joint venture is not consolidated CFS prepared as per Ind AS-28
5. Networth a ributable to Shareholding as per
latest audited Balance Sheet (In ₹) 180,64,00,000 106,77,12,524
6. Profit / Loss for the year in ₹
I. Considered in Consolida on (5,56,80,000) 25,12,397
i. Not Considered in Consolida on (8,35,20,000) 58,62,260
1. Names of associate or joint ventures which are yet to commence opera ons.
2. Names of associates or joint ventures which have been liquidated or sold during the year.
NEEPCO Ltd exited from the Joint Venture by signing the termina on agreement with M/s ECI
Engineering & Construc on Company Ltd and M/s Metatron Danke Green Energy Pvt. Ltd. on
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Corporate Governance deals with laws, prac ces and implicit rules that determine a company's ability to
take informed managerial decision vis-a-vis its Stakeholders - in par cular, its shareholders, creditors,
customers, the State and employees. NEEPCO management tries to act in the best interest of all its
stakeholders at all mes and has adopted good Corporate Governance prac ces to benefit the greatest
number of Stakeholders.
(ii) To increase the efficiency of Business Enterprise for crea on of wealth of the Enterprise and Country
as a whole.
(iii) To ensure that Employees and Board subscribe to the corporate values and apply them in their
As on 31 March, 2017, the Board of Directors of the Company ("the Board") consists of 8 (eight)
Directors, including 3 (three) whole- me Directors, 2 (two) Government part- me Directors
represen ng the Government of India and North Eastern States and 3(three) Independent Directors.
The Composi on of the Board and the number of other Directorship and Commi ee posi ons held by
the Directors during the year ended as on 31 March, 2017 is as under:
Shri A. G. West Kharkongor Chairman & Managing Director Nil 1 Nil Nil
DIN: 03264625 and Director (Finance)
Shri Satyabrata Borgohain Director (Personnel) Nil Nil Nil Nil
DIN: 06801073
Shri Vinod Kumar Singh Director (Technical) Nil 1 Nil Nil
DIN: 07471291
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
* Excludes Directorships in Foreign Companies, Alternate Directorships and Companies under Sec on 8 of
the Companies Act, 2013.
** Other Commi ee Memberships include membership of Audit Commi ee, CSR Commi ee, Nomina on
& Remunera on Commi ee & Stakeholders Rela onship Commi ee of other Companies only.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
d. A endance of Directors in the Board Mee ng and Annual General Mee ng during the year under
review is as under:
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
e. The Board of Directors reviewed from me to me legal compliance report presented by the Company
2. Code of Conduct:
The Company is commi ed to conduc ng its business in accordance with the highest standards of
business ethics and in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regula ons. It is hereby confirmed
that the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics for Directors and Senior Management personnel was
circulated among all concerned and complied with during the year under report.
5. Audit Commi ee
The Audit Commi ee was cons tuted in the year 2001. The Audit Commi ee as on 1 August, 2017
were as follows:
Sl. No. Name of the Director & Category Chairman / Member
1 Shri Gopal Krishan Agarwal, Independent Director Chairman
2 Dr. Amitabha De, Independent Director Member
3 Shri Vijay Kumar Gupta, Independent Director Member
4 Shri Vinod Kumar Singh, Director (Technical), NEEPCO Member
The Commi ee met 4(four) mes during the year. The mee ngs were also a ended by Director (Finance),
Head of the Internal Audit and Statutory Auditors as Special Invitees. The Company Secretary acts as the
Secretary to the Commi ee.
The Minutes of the Audit Commi ee were placed before the Board for informa on. The terms of
reference of the Commi ee as under:
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
l The Audit Commi ee shall consist of a minimum of three directors with independent directors
forming a majority:
l Majority of members of Audit Commi ee including its Chairperson shall be persons with ability to
read and understand financial statements.
l The Company Secretary shall be the Convenor of the Mee ng of the Audit Commi ee.
l The statutory Auditor, Head of Internal Audit and Director (Finance) shall also a end the mee ngs
of the Audit Commi ee, but shall not have the right to vote.
l The Commi ee shall meet atleast three mes in a year, and once in six months.
l One mee ng of the Commi ee shall be held before the finalisa on of the Annual Accounts of the
l The quorum for the mee ngs of the Commi ee shall be of 2(two) members or 1/3rd (one-third) of
the members of the Audit Commi ee, whichever is higher.
i) To inves gate any ac vity / ma er within its terms of reference or referred to it by the Board and
for this purpose shall have power to obtain professional advice from external sources and have full
access to informa on contained in the records of the company.
iii) To seek a endance of any employee or officer or statutory Auditor for obtaining informa on if it
considers necessary.
iv) To call for the comments of the auditors about internal control systems, the scope of audit,
including the observa ons of the auditors and review of financial statement before their
submission to the Board and may also discuss any related issues with the internal and statutory
auditors and the management of the company.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
18) Consult with the Internal Auditor for formula on of the scope, func oning, periodicity and
methodology for conduc ng the internal audit.
19) The Audit Commi ee shall give the auditors of the company and the key managerial personnel a right
to be heard in the mee ngs of the Audit Commi ee when it considers the auditor's report.
20) The Audit Commi ee shall oversee the vigil mechanism established for the directors and employees
for repor ng genuine concerns or grievances and shall provide for adequate safeguards against
vic misa on of employees and directors who use such mechanism. The Chairperson of the Audit
Commi ee shall be directly accessible in appropriate and excep onal cases. In case of repeated
frivolous complaints being filed by a director or an employee, the audit commi ee may take suitable
ac on against the concerned director or employee including reprimand.
21) Review contracts awarded on nomina on / offer basis in terms of guidelines issued by the CVC / DPE/
other authori es, from me to me.
The Nomina on & Remunera on Commi ee has been cons tuted in terms of DPE OM No. 2(70)/08-
DPE(WC)-GL-XVI/08 dated 26 November, 2008 and the terms of reference is as per sec on 178 of the
Companies Act, 2013, read with the no fica on dated 5 June, 2015 as issued by the Ministry of Corporate
Affairs, Govt. of India and as per DPE Office Memorandum dated 26 November, 2008. The Nomina on &
Remunera on Commi ee as on 1 August, 2017 are as follows:
The payments of remunera on to the employees of the Corpora on are guided by the relevant Guidelines
as issued by the Department of Public Enterprises.
Our company being a Central Public Sector Undertaking, the appointment, tenure and remunera on
of Directors are decided by the President of India. Hence, the Board does not decide remunera on of
the Directors. Independent Directors are paid only si ng fees at rate fixed by the Board for a ending
the Board Mee ngs as well as Commi ee Mee ngs.
Details of remunera on of Func onal Directors of the Company during the year 2016-17 are given
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
There were no transac ons of material nature with the Directors or the Management etc., which have
poten al conflict with the interest of the Company at large. The details of the Related Party Disclosure
are included in notes forming part of the Accounts. The Company has been par cular in adhering to
the provisions of the laws and guidelines of regulatory authori es.
The date, me and loca on where the last three Annual General Mee ng were held are as under:
The details of the Special Resolu on passed by the Company at its last three Annual General Mee ngs
(AGM) are as under:
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
India is the fourth largest consumer of energy in the BU registering a growth of 4.7%. In terms of Power
world a er USA, China and Russia but it is endowed Supply Posi on (Demand/Availability) in the
with limited resources required for the country's country, the deficit was 0.7% during 2016-17, while
economic development and to support the the shor all in the NE Region was 2.8% during the
aspira ons of 1.2 billion people. In order to meet its same period. This 0.7% deficit in the Country
economic development the country need to use all during 2016-17 is the lowest ever deficit. In terms
its available resources of coal, uranium, oil, hydro, of Peak Demand/Peak Met, the deficit in the
and other renewable resources, and supplement its country in 2016-17 was 1.6%, while that in the NE
domes c produc on by imports. Mee ng the Region was 0.5%.
energy needs for achieving 8-9 percent economic
Electricity consump on in India is expected to rise
growth at affordable prices therefore presents a
to around 2280 BKWh by 2021-22 and around 4500
major challenge. It, therefore, calls for a sustained
BKWh by 2031-32. The Government of India has
effort at increasing energy efficiency to contain the
undertaken a robust approach to cater to the energy
growth in demand for energy while increasing demand of its ci zens and to fuel the economic
domes c produc on as much as possible to keep growth of the country while ensuring minimum
import dependence at a reasonable level. increase in CO2 emissions, so that the global
As on 31 March 2017, the total installed capacity in emissions do not lead to an irreversible damage to
India stood at 3,26,848.53 MW. Capacity added the earth system.
during the 12 Five Year Plan ( ll 31-03-2017) is NEEPCO on its part made a modest beginning with
99,209.47 MW which is 112.05% of the capacity the 50 MW Khandong Power Sta on which was
addi on target of 88,537 MW. Capacity addi on commissioned in 1984 as a part of the 275 MW
from conven onal source was 97209 MW during integrated Kopili H.E Plant. Today, NEEPCO operates
the plan, with the highest figure recorded in 2015- three Hydro, three Thermal and one Solar Power
16. Capacity addi on from conven onal source was Plants spread over the North Eastern Region of India
14209.8 MW during the year 2016-17. In capacity with a total installed capacity of 1287 MW, out of
addi on, it is seen that growth was fuelled mainly which 755 MW in Hydro, 527 MW in Thermal and 5
due to capacity addi on in the Thermal Sector. MWp in Solar sector. Another 770 MW is likely to be
H o we ve r, i n N u c l e a r E n e rg y, t h e o ve ra l l added during the 2017-18, thereby raising the total
achievement is only 2000 MW against the target of installed capacity to 2057 MW.
7500 MW in the 12 Plan.
The power genera on in the country in 2016-17
India is endowed with significant hydroelectric
went up from 1107.822 BU in 2015-16 to 1159.835
poten al and ranks fi h in the world in terms of
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
exploitable hydro-poten al on global scenario. Out situa on to exploit this area. The Ministry of Power
of around 1, 45,320 MW hydropower poten al, has also entrusted NEEPCO with the responsibility
slightly more than 30% has been developed so far. of exploring the possibili es for the development of
From a regional perspec ve, the Brahmaputra Basin PSPs in the Eastern & North Eastern regions of the
holds 45% of the total hydroelectric poten al of the country. However the full development of India's
country. However, over 93% of the total poten al in hydro-electric poten al, while technically feasible,
the North Eastern Region is yet to be tapped, faces issues of water rights, rese lement of project
primarily in parts of the Brahmaputra river basin. affected people and environmental concerns
The scenario is in sharp contrast to the Southern and among others. Also, issues like sharing costs /
the Western Regions where more than 65% of the benefits of hydropower genera on, naviga on &
poten al has already been harnessed. With such a flood modera on, development of roads and other
small scale u liza on of the hydro power capacity in infrastructure, inter-state issues including Land
the NE Region, NEEPCO has a huge role to play in the Acquisi on, downstream issues /development of
economic development of the Region. In addi on to the people and ensuring law & order needs to be
large Hydro, Pumped Storage Plants (PSP) addressed for rapid development of the Hydro
accompanied with short term storage can also be Sector.
used for the genera on of electricity. This can be of
The growth of Thermal Power Projects is necessary
value in balancing the intermi ency that would be
for rapid capacity addi on. The Geological Survey of
introduced by increased penetra on of other RE
India (as on April' 16) es mated the reserves of coal
sources such as Wind and Solar in the electricity
and lignite in India at around 308.802 and 44.59
mix. Similarly, Pumped Hydro Storage schemes
billion tones respec vely, whereas the es mated
u lize off-peak electricity from intermi ent sources
capacity of natural gas reserves were es mated to
to pump water from a river or a lower reservoir, to a
be approximately 1488.49 billion cubic meters
higher reservoir to allow its usage during peak
(BCM). As per a report published by the MOSPI in
mes. As far as the poten al of pumped storage
March 2016, the NE region alone has vast quan es
hydro schemes are concerned, 96500 MW is
of Natural Gas par cularly in the states of Assam
es mated to be poten ally available across 56 sites
(Es mated quan ty of 151.40 BCM) and huge
with the individual capaci es varying from 600 MW
reserves of Coal par cularly in the state of
to 2800 MW. Most of the poten al (about 41%) is
Meghalaya (0.58 Billion Tonnes). Given the
concentrated in the Western region, mainly due to
abundance of Fossil Fuel in the region, there is also
topological features with steep river gradients in the
ample scope for the development of the Thermal
Western Ghats region. However, Integra on of PSP
Power in the region. The projected energy
into the system will require further site-specific
requirement of the NE Region by the year 2021-22
evalua on to es mate the extent to which they can
stands at 22421 MU with the peak demand touching
contribute to future installed capacity. The CPSUs
3905 MW.
which have trained manpower, equity and technical
capability to develop hydropower projects - from Keeping in mind the Na onal energy security and
concept to commissioning are in an advantageous mi ga on of Climate Change issues, the
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Government has emphasized on the increased use terms of Wind Power Installed Capacity while it
of Renewable Energy Sources. One of India's major ranks 7 in total Solar PV Installed Capacity.
advantages is that its renewable energy (RE)
With about 300 clear and sunny days, India is
poten al is vast and largely untapped. Recent
endowed with vast solar energy poten al. About
es mates show that India's solar poten al is greater
5,000 trillion kWh per year energy is incident over
than 750 GW and its announced wind poten al is
India's land area with most parts receiving 4-7 kWh
302 GW. The poten al of biomass and small hydro is
per sq. m per day. Hence, both technology routes for
also significant. Thus, renewable energy has the
conversion of solar radia on into heat and
poten al to anchor the development of India's
electricity, namely, solar thermal and solar
electricity sector. The second major benefit of a
photovoltaic, can effec vely be harnessed providing
rapid transi on to RE will be the posi ve effect on
huge scalability for solar in India. In order to boost
India's macroeconomic ou lows for expensive
capacity addi on in these areas, the Government
fuels. From a pure macroeconomic perspec ve,
has announced several schemes. Among them are
promo ng RE could drama cally reduce the coal
schemes for Development of Solar Parks and Ultra
import bills of the country. Then, there are
M e ga S o l a r Po w e r P r o j e c t s , p r o j e c t fo r
environmental benefits (less pollu on), social
development of Grid Connected Solar PV Power
benefits (local employment opportuni es) and
Plants on Canal Banks and Canal Tops and Solar
investment inflows. But, to capture the benefits of
Pumping Programme for Irriga on and Drinking
RE, India would need to make available the
Water. The Government plans to rope in the
necessary capital, and manage the variability of RE
unemployed youth, MSME, Gram panchayats in this
genera on in conjunc on with the exis ng and
process and also plans to boost Solar Power
fossil fuel based and large power plants. In the area
genera on through grid connected Roo op Solar
of mi ga ng climate change issues, it is per nent to
Projects. As per the above stated schemes, the
note that Fossil fuels are the largest source of Green
Indian Government aims to meet a target of
House Gas (GHG) emissions. India is the 4 largest
achieving 100 GW of solar capacity (including 40
emi er of GHG (though the per capita GHG
GW from roo op solar). India quadrupled its solar-
emission is s ll quite low). U liza on of RE can
genera on capacity from 2,650 MW on 26 May
significantly contribute to reducing India's carbon
2014 to 12,289 MW on 10 March 2017. The country
added 3.01 GW of solar capacity in 2015-2016 and
Considering the relevance of Renewable Energy, the 5.525 GW in 2016-2017, the highest of any year. In
Indian Government is striving to increase overall addi on to the discussed ini a ves, the
renewable capacity by more than five mes from 32 Government of India along with like-minded
GW in 2014 to 175 GW by 2022 with a target of 100 partner countries have conceived the Interna onal
GW from solar and 60 GW through wind. (Rest 15 Solar Alliance as a coali on of 121 solar resource
GW target is to be achieved from 10 GW of biomass rich countries lying within the Tropics of Cancer and
energy and 5 GW power from small hydro projects). Capricorn with the objec ve of harnessing solar
In the global context, currently India ranks 4 in energy that these countries are endowed with.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Also, the installable wind power poten al assuming Calami es, Lack of experienced Contractors,
9 MW per square kilometer area in the country at 50 Contractual Disputes. Shortage of talent and trained
m level is es mated at 49 GW, while, the es mated technical manpower is another area that is likely to
installable poten al at 80 m level is found to be con nue to push up project costs and risks so far as
around 103 GW. Wind power genera on capacity in NEEPCO is concerned. Despite the adversi es,
India has significantly increased in recent years. As NEEPCO has set up projects in some of the remotest
of the end of March 2017, the total installed wind and most difficult areas in the Region.
power capacity was 32.17 GW, mainly spread across
the South, West and North regions. There is also RISKS AND CONCERNS
high poten al for genera on of renewable energy
Some of the major Risks and Concerns faced by
from various other sources such as biomass, small
hydro and cogenera on bagasse.
l Land acquisi on is a persistent issue involved in
Presence of ample poten al and opportunity at
the implementa on of hydro projects.
hand, NEEPCO can emerge as the leading power
producer in the Region. However, emphasis must be l There is severe impact on the commercial
laid on support by States for land acquisi on, and viability of hydro power projects with the
right of way for se ng up power projects. In line prevailing norms regarding release of
with the thrust of the Government of India on the environmental flow (e-flow) and payment of
Renewable sector, NEEPCO has already made Net Present Value (NPV) towards diversion of
inroads in the Renewable Energy Sector. forest land. Payment of NPV is in addi on to the
Compensatory Afforesta on to be grown
normally over double the forest land under
Primary constraints in development of Power Sector diversion.
in the NE Region have been due to geographical
l Subterranean geological surprises leading to
isola on, difficult terrain, adverse Law and Order
me and cost overrun in hydro project
situa on, poor surface communica on
implementa on.
infrastructure, communica on bo lenecks. The
young Himalayan Geology also makes development l Law and Order issues along with lack of
of Hydro Projects a daun ng task. Also, the working infrastructure at sites leading to project me
season actually available in the NE Region is on the and cost overruns.
average of 6-7 months in a year due to prolonged
l Acidic water in the reservoir of Kopili HE Plant
due to Acid Mine Drainage at the catchment of
Other bo lenecks include Land Acquisi on the Plant is major threat, which is not only
problems, Rese lement & Rehabilita on, causing frequent shutdown of plant, but also
Environment & Forest clearance issues, longer huge expenditures has to be incurred for
gesta on period, Inter-state aspects, Natural rec fica on/renova on works.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
l Non-clearing of dues by the beneficiaries conserving scarce resources and minimizing the
against sale of power is another major concern effect on the environment.
which is affec ng the cash flow of the
NEEPCO takes cognizance of the possible impact on
Corpora on.
environment and ecology and adopts suitable
OUTLOOK FOR THE FUTURE measures to negate any adverse effect on
environment and ecology during the execu on and
NEEPCO has drawn out plans for capacity addi on opera on & maintenance of its projects. Every care
which has been already highlighted. NEEPCO is is taken to implement and abide by the laws of the
poised to add another 770 MW to the Na onal Grid land in respect of environment and ecological
in 2017-18 which are in various stages of safeguards.
development. Apart from capacity addi on through
Being a Central Public Sector Enterprise under the
projects on ownership basis comprising the sectors
Ministry of Power, Govt. of India, NEEPCO strictly
of Hydro, Thermal and Renewable Energy, NEEPCO
follows and adheres to all policies and guidelines of
is also looking forward to accelerate development Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change
of projects through the Joint Venture route in all the (MoEF & CC), Govt. of India (GoI) with regards to
three sectors. In this regard, already three JVs have iden fica on and mi ga on of Environmental
been formed, while other proposals are in the impacts of power projects. In order to achieve the
pipeline. objec ve of sustainable development, studies like
E nv i ro n m e nta l I m p a c t A s s e s s m e nt ( E I A ) ,
With the Government laying emphasis on the
Environment Management Plan (EMP), Dam Break
development of Renewable Energy Sources, a road
Analysis, Reservoir Induced Seismicity (RIS) which
map has been prepared for capacity addi on
are a part of the Comprehensive Environmental
through Renewable sources.
Study, are carried out through highly reputed
Environmental Conserva on, Renewable organiza ons/consultants and the
recommenda ons like Catchment Area Treatment
Energy Use and R&D Developments
(CAT), Flood modera on & protec on measures are
The Power Sector is endeavoring to meet the earnestly implemented. All environmental impacts
challenge of providing adequate power needed to are looked into and suitably addressed in the
fuel the growing economy of the country. However, EIA/EMP reports which are appraised by the MoEF
this growth of the Power Sector has to be within the & CC, GoI while according Environment Clearance to
realms of the principles of sustainable a project.
development. A Low carbon growth strategy has The Corpora on spent ₹57.37 lakh under Research
been adopted in planning process and highest and Development in 2016-17. The DPE guidelines
priority is accorded to development of genera on state that 0.5% of Profit a er Tax (PAT) of the
based on renewable energy sources. Thrust is also previous year is to be spent on R&D. The PAT for the
accorded to maximizing efficiency in the en re year 2015-16 was ₹372.55 crores.
electricity chain, which has the dual advantage of
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Note: "Very Good" MOU Target for APAF (in %) for the year 2016-17 was fixed at 6% higher than the APAF of all Hydro and Thermal Plants
(Weighted Average) excluding Kopili HEP over previous year 2015-16 (i.e. 76.12%).
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
a thermal genera ng sta on or unit thereof is fuel, norma ve sta on heat rate of the respec ve
payable at a flat rate of 50 paise / kWh for the excess plant and norma ve auxiliary consump on.
of scheduled genera on over the ex-bus energy
corresponding to Norma ve Annual Plant Load During FY 2016-17, PAFY for Kopili Stage II, Doyang &
Factor (NAPLF) of 85%. The cost of gas is recovered Ranganadi Hydro Power sta on exceeded the
through the Energy Charge component calculated respec ve NAPAF. The PAFY versus NAPAF achieved
on the landed cost of fuel, gross calorific value of the during FY 2016-17 are as follows:
Name of the Power sta on Norma ve Plant Availability Actual Plant Availability
(NAPAF) (in %) (PAFY) achieved (in %)
Kopili Hydro Power Sta on (200 MW) 79.00 75.34
Khandong Hydro Power Sta on (50 MW) 69.00 67.79
Kopili Stage II (25 MW) 69.00 74.07
Ranganadi Hydro Power Sta on (405 MW) 85.00 93.03
Doyang Hydro Power Sta on (75 MW) 73.00 75.31
Assam Gas Based Power Plant (291 MW) 72.00 62.07
Agartala Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Power Plant (135 MW) 85.00 83.05
Tripura Gas Based Combined Cycle Power Plant (101 MW) 85.00 30.34
Solar PV Power Project, Monarchak (5 MW) 19.00 (CUF) 14.26 (CUF)
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
3. Net Cash from Financing Ac vi es and machinery, office equipment, computers and so
on while Intangible Assets consist of Land - right to
In FY 2016-17, NEEPCO's net cash ou low from use, Computer So ware, etc.
financing ac vi es was `4226.27 lakh. The
Corpora on raised funds of `73300.00 lakh through (b) Financial Assets:
PSU bonds and short term borrowings and also
Investments (Un-Quoted)
effected loan repayment and interest payments to
the tune of `20793.87 lakh and `43365.06 lakh As on 31 March, 2017 the Corpora on has invested
respec vely. During the year the Corpora on paid an amount of ` 10993.00 lakh (` 10295.00 as on 31
dividend of `13259.80 lakh out of which final March, 2016) in Joint Venture Companies as fully
dividend for 2015-16 was `8917.00 lakh, interim paid up Equity Share.
dividend for 2016-17 was `2100.00 lakh and
(c) Loans
dividend tax of `2242.80 lakh.
Long Term Loans & Advances to Employees as on
Discussion on Balance Sheet Items
31 March 2017 stood at `113.96 lakhs against
Financial Condi on `127.71 lakhs as on 31 March 2016. Loan &
Advances to employees includes Interest bearing
1. Net Worth Computer Advance and interest free Furniture
The net worth of the Corpora on as on 31 March, Advance and Mul purpose Advance.
2017 is `587450.25 lakh as compared to (d) Other Non-Current Assets
`576872.86 lakh as on 31 March, 2016
represen ng a growth of 1.83 %. Other Non-Current Assets includes Capital
advances which are expected to be realized a er a
ASSETS period of 12 months from the Balance Sheet date. It
includes advances to contractors for capital
1. Non- Current Assets
expenditure (both secured & Un-secured),
(a) Property, Plant and Equipment : advances paid for land and Prepayment of
Leasehold Land.
NEEPCO's net fixed assets consists of Property, Plant
and Equipment, Capital Work-in-Progress, Advances to contractors which are capital in nature
Intangible Assets under development and (both secured and unsecured, considered good)
Intangible Assets. The net fixed assets as on 31 a er adjustment of doub ul debts as on 31 March,
March, 2017 stood at `1162997.20 lakh (comprising 2017 stood at `19194.31 lakh as compared to the
of Property, Plant & Equipment a er deprecia on of previous year's amount of ` 21997.71 lakh. Advance
`348907.21 lakh, Capital Work in Progress of towards land amounts `21.42 lakhs as on 31
`799325.64 lakh, Intangible Assets under March 2017 as against `70.54 lakhs as on 31 March
Development `10082.50 lakhs and Intangible 2016. Prepayments of leasehold land has been
Assets a er deprecia on of `4681.85 lakh). The decreased by `193.82 lakhs and stood at
Tangible Assets consist of land, dams, tunnels, `6417.59 lakhs as on 31 March 2017 as against
buildings including power house buildings, plant `6611.41 lakhs as on 31 March 2016.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(a) Inventories Advance tax paid during the year along with tax
deducted source are shown under Current Tax
Inventories are valued at cost, which is determined
Assets. As on 31 March, 2017 and 31 March, 2016
on weighted average basis or net realizable value,
the current tax assets of the Corpora on were `
whichever is lower. Physical verifica on of
11824.22 lakh and ` 14463.66 lakh respec vely.
inventories is done by the management once a year.
Inventories were valued at `13436.19 lakh and (f) Other Current Assets
`14251.07 lakh as on 31 March, 2017 and 31
Other Current Assets mainly consist of prepaid
March, 2016 respec vely.
expenses, advance to Suppliers & contractor and
(b) Trade Receivables prepayments of Leasehold Land. NEEPCO's other
current assets as on 31 March, 2017 and 31
Trade receivables are dues in respect of goods sold
March, 2016 were ` 2039.31 lakh and `2113.02 lakh
or services rendered in the normal course of
respec vely.
business. The Trade Receivables as on 31 March,
2017 were `46534.16 lakh as compared to EQUITY & LIABILITIES
`102586.97 lakh 31 March, 2016.
1. Equity
(c) Cash and Cash Equivalents
(a) Equity Share Capital
Cash & Cash Equivalents consists of (i) current
accounts maintained with the Bank, (ii) cash and Equity Share Capital of the Corpora on as on 31
stamps in hand and (iii) Short Term Deposits on the March 2017 & as on 31 March 2016 amounts to
Balance Sheet date. As on 31 March, 2017 and 31 ` 345281.01 lakhs & ` 345281.01 lakhs respec vely.
March, 2016 the Cash and Cash Equivalents of the 2. Other Equity
Corpora on were `26928.01 lakh and
`44795.16 lakh respec vely. NEEPCO's other equity consists of General reserve,
Retained earnings & Bond redemp on reserve. The
(d) Others other equity as on 31 March, 2017 was
` 242169.21 lakh as compared to ` 231591.82 lakh
Others consists of Account receivables, Advance to
as on 31 March, 2016.
staff, Interest accrued on loans & deposits and
Security deposits to be se led within 12 months 3. Non-Current Liabili es
from the close of the current financial year. As on
31 March, 2017, amount stood at `6028.43 lakh as (a) Borrowings
against `3508.77 lakh on 31 March 2016. There Long Term Borrowing consists of PSU Bonds raised
was a net increase of 71.81 % in FY 2016-17 mainly through private placement, foreign currency loans
due to increase in accounts receivables viz Deferred and subordinate loan from the Government of
tax recoverable & revenue on account of difference India. These Loans are to be redeemed beyond 12
between effec ve tax rate & tax rate allowed by the months from the date of Balance Sheet. The total
CERC, advance to staff and decrease in interest liabili es against the Corpora on as on 31 March,
accrued on STDR. 2017 are detailed below:
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
i. PSU Bonds ` 453154.02 lakh ` 100.93 lakhs) for spares purchased out of Grant-
ii. External Commercial Borrowing from ` 38239.21 lakh in-aid received from the Central Government. An
SBI, Singapore equivalent amount has been recognized as income
iii. Loan from KfW, Germany ` 38782.81 lakh in the statement of Profit & Loss.
iv. Loan from Government of India ` 29116.74 lakh
Total ` 559292.78 lakh
Deferred foreign currency fluctua on
liabili es
(b) Provisions:
Foreign Exchange Rate Varia on on account of
Long Term Provisions of `12423.54 lakh as on 31 restatement of foreign currency borrowing
March, 2017 include Provisions for Employee recoverable from or payable to the beneficiaries as
B e n e fi t s ( G ra t u i t y ` 1 2 6 8 . 5 4 l a k h , L e av e per CERC Regula on and adjusted to carrying cost of
Encashment `7229.86 lakh, Post-Re rement fixed assets are accounted as Deferred Foreign
Medical Benefits `3799.52 lakh and Award of Gold Currency Fluctua on Account with corresponding
Coin `125.62 lakh) which are expected to be se led credit/debit to Deferred Income/Expenditure from
beyond 12 months from the date of Balance Sheet. Foreign Currency Fluctua on Account.
(c) Deferred Tax liabili es/(Asset) Deferred income/expenditure from foreign
currency fluctua on account is adjusted in the
Deferred Tax Liabili es (Net) as on 31 March, 2017
propor on in which deprecia on is charged on such
amounts to `3526.12 lakh as compared to
Foreign Exchange Rate Varia on by corresponding
`1790.13 lakh deferred tax Assets (net) as on 31
credit/debit to other income/ expenditure in the
March, 2016.
Statement of Profit and Loss of the relevant year.
(d) Other Non-Current Liabili es
Deferred foreign currency fluctua on liability
Deferred revenue arising from Government accounted as on 31 March, 2017 was ` 165.37 lakh
Grant (previous year ` 186.11 lakh).
As per the Investment Approval sanc oned vide the Current Liabili es
Ministry of Power's le er no.7/7/2009-H-I dated
(a) Borrowing
14 January'2011, an amount of `300.00 crores has
been sanc oned by the Ministry of Development of During the year 2016-17 the Corpora on has
North Eastern Region (MDONER) as a part of the availed from bank an amount of ` 43300.00 lakh
approved funding pa ern for the Tuirial Hydro towards Short Term Loan.
Electric Project, Mizoram. The total amount of `
(b) Trade Payables
300.00 crores are included in Grant in Aid which will
be carried forward ll the commissioning of the Trade Payables include the amount due on account
project. of goods purchased or services received in the
normal course of business. The trade payables as on
During the current year, repairs & maintenance has
31 March, 2017 were ` 12361.37 lakh as compared
been debited and Stock of Spares has been credited
to ` 13314.38 lakh as on 31 March, 2016.
by an amount of `20.31 lakhs (previous year
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(c) Other Financial Liabili es for write off ` 12917.46 lakh) which are expected to
be se led within 12 months from the date of
These include current maturity of long term debt,
Balance Sheet. Increase in Short Term Provisions
interest accrued but not due on outstanding loans
during FY 2016-17 is mainly due to increase in
and bonds and other liabili es like creditors for
Provision for write off.
Capital expenditure, advance received from REC for
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyo Yogana which are (f) Current Tax Liabili es
to be paid within 12 months from the date of
Current tax Liabili es has gone down to ` 7997.38
Balance Sheet. Other Financial Liabili es as on 31
lakh in 2016-17 from ` 11790.79 lakh in 2015-16
March, 2017 amounted to ` 32046.54 lakh as
due decrease in Profit during 2016-17.
compared to ` 30503.48 lakh as on 31 March,
2016. The increase in other financial liabili es by Off-Balance Sheet Items
5.05 % is primarily on account of increase in advance
received from Rural Electrifica on Corpora on Con ngent Liabili es::
Limited for execu on of the project under Deen The components of Con ngent Liabili es for the FY
Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyo Yogana and increase in 2016-17 and 2015-16 are as follows:
the interest accrued but not due & increase in (` in lakh )
creditors for capital expenditures. Claims against the Company 2016-17 2015-16
not acknowledged as debt in
(d) Other Current Liabili es respect of:
Capital Works 149358.36 146413.64
These include advance from contractors & others,
Disputed Land Compensa on 3416.74 3416.74
Direct & Indirect Taxes Payables, deferred foreign
currency fluctua on liability and other statutory
Income Tax and Service Tax 48.15 48.15
dues like CPF, LIP etc. which are to be paid within 12
Others 8.76 90.40
months from the date of Balance Sheet. Other
Total 152832.01 149968.93
current Liabili es as on 31 March, 2017 amounted
to ` 14318.83 lakh as compared to ` 13920.53 lakh
as on 31 March, 2016. The increase in other Financial review of Joint Venture Companies
financial liabili es by 2.86 % is primarily on account
As on 31 March 2017, NEEPCO has two Joint
of increase in advance from contractors & others
Venture Companies as follows:
and increase in Other Statutory Dues.
l WAANEEP Solar Private Limited, 602, Western
(e) Provisions Edge-I, Western Express 3 Highway, Brivali (E),
Short Term Provisions as on 31 March, 2017 was Mumbai-400066, India.
` 15220.49 lakh as compared to ` 14749.69 lakh in l KSK Dibbin Hydro Power Private Limited, 8-2-
the previous FY. These include Provision for 293/82/A/431/A, Road No.22, Jubilee Hills,
Employee Benefits (Gratuity ` 1420.78 lakh, Leave Hyderabad - 500 033, India
Encashment ` 593.72 lakh, Post-Re rement
Medical Benefits ` 269.92 lakh and Award of Gold T h e a b o ve J o i nt Ve nt u re C o m p a n i e s a re
Coin ` 18.61 lakh) and other provisions (Provision incorporated in India.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
The above findings indicate that more than half i.e. 3. Total Medical expenditure incurred for the
55% approx. of the manpower in the organisa on financial year 2016-17 is ` 1776.11 lakhs against
are in the upper age brackets (51 years and above) ` 1910.71 lakhs of previous year 2015-16 which
and about 626 numbers of employees will be indicates a decrease of 7%.
a aining superannua on by the year 2021-22. This
4. During the financial year 2016-17, (Forty) 40
figure suggests that the a ri on rate in the
numbers in category A and (Two) 2 numbers in
Corpora on is very high and needs immediate
Category D employees have been recruited in
a en on.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
5. Human Resource Development and Talent for our re ring employees and their spouses for
Management plays a crucial role in developing preparing them for post-re rement life. These
and sustaining workforce competencies which programmes had garnered a lot of posi ve
is the life line for sustenance of the fe e d b a c k a n d a p p r e c i a o n f r o m t h e
organisa on's growth and developing a par cipants.
compe ve edge in today's corporate world. It
has been our endeavour to develop our Induc on training programmes for new
employees through various interven ons. appointees were also conducted with a view of
familiarising them with NEEPCO, its opera ons,
During the year 2016-17, a total 1466 numbers projects/plants, rules & policies, crea ng a
of employees were imparted training and an sense of organisa onal belongingness etc.
average training man-days per employee of
4.45 covering 10,647 total training man days 6. Throughout the year, industrial rela ons
was achieved. This was done to enhance remained cordial. Mee ng and discussions
competency levels in their job besides enabling between Unions /Associa ons and
them to sharpen their skills and broaden their Management and mee ngs of NEEPCO
knowledge in work life sphere through Na onal Bipar te Commi ee (NNBC) &
organising various customised in-house training NEEPCO Project Bipar te Commi ee (NPBC)
programmes organised at NEEPCO viz. HRD were carried out on various issues concerning
centre & project/plants sites/establishments, improvement of work-life of employees,
nomina ng to external training programmes progress on works of the organisa ons.
(within India) and foreign training programme Sugges ons generated out of the discussions
organised by external training ins tutes. were carried out in a prac cal manner. There
Customised training programmes en tled were zero man-days losses during the year
"Planning for superannua on" were organised 2016-17.
in associa on with reputed training ins tutes
(D V Singh)
Chairman & Managing Director
DIN: 03107819
Dated: 22.09.2017
Place: New Delhi
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
The Members
M/s North Eastern Electric Power Corpora on Limited,
Brookland Compound Lower New Colony,
Dist.: East Khasi Hills,
Shillong – 793003
We have examined the compliance of condi ons of Corporate Governance by M/s North Eastern Electric
Power Corpora on Limited (a Non-Listed PSU) for the year ended 31 March, 2017 as s pulated in the
Guidelines on Corporate Governance for Central Public Sector Enterprises issued by Department of Public
Enterprises (DPE), Government of India, in May, 2010.
The compliance of condi ons of Corporate Governance is the responsibility of the Management. Our
examina on was limited to a review of the procedures and implementa on thereof, adopted by the
Company for ensuring the compliance of the condi ons of the Corporate Governance. It is neither an audit
nor an expression of opinion on the financial statements of the Company.
In our opinion and to the best of our informa on and explana ons given to us, we cer fy that the Company
has complied with the requirements of Corporate Governance as s pulated in the Guidelines.
We further state that such compliance is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Company nor
the efficiency or effec veness with which the Management has conducted the Affairs of the Company.
CS Biman Debnath
C.P. No.5857/ FCS No. 6717
Dated: 24.08.2017
Place: Guwaha
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Independent Auditors Report
We have audited the accompanying standalone Ind AS financial statements of North Eastern Electric Power.
Corpora on Limited ('the company'), which comprise the Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2017, the
Statement of Profit and Loss (including Other Comprehensive Income), the Statement of Cash Flow and the
Statement of Changes in Equity for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accoun ng policies
and other explanatory informa on (hereina er referred to as "standalone Ind AS financial statements").
The Company's Board of Directors is responsible for the ma ers stated in Sec on 134(5) of the Companies
Act, 2013 ('the Act') with respect to the prepara on of these standalone Ind AS financial statements that
give a true and fair view of the financial posi on, financial performance including other comprehensive
income, cash flows and changes in equity of the Company in accordance with the accoun ng principles
generally accepted in India, including the Indian Accoun ng Standards (Ind AS) specified under Sec on l33
of the Act, read with relevant rules issued there under and as per the Electricity Act, 2003 and relevant
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) regula on in respect of Deprecia on and other
recognized accoun ng prac ces and policies.
This responsibility also includes maintenance of adequate accoun ng records in accordance with the
provisions of the Act for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preven ng and detec ng frauds
and other irregulari es; selec on and applica on of appropriate accoun ng policies; making judgments
and es mates that are reasonable and prudent; and design, implementa on and maintenance of adequate
internal financial controls, that were opera ng effec vely for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of
the accoun ng records, relevant to the prepara on and presenta on of the stand alone Ind AS financial
statements that give a true and fair view and are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or
Auditors' Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these standalone Ind AS financial statements based on our
audit. While conduc ng the audit, we have taken into account the provisions of the Act, the Electricity Act
2003, CERC Regula ons and the accoun ng and audi ng standards and ma ers which are required to be
included in the audit report under the provisions of the Act and the Rules made there under.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Audi ng specified under Sec on 143(10) of
the Act. Those Standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform. the audit
to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the standalone Ind AS financial statements are free from
material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and the disclosures in
the standalone Ind AS financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment,
including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the standalone Ind AS financial
statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal
financial control relevant to the Company's prepara on of the standalone Ind AS financial statements that
give a true and fair view in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances. An
audit also includes evalua ng the appropriateness of the accoun ng policies used and the reasonableness
of the accoun ng es mates made by the management of the company, as well as evalua ng the overall
presenta on of the standalone Ind AS financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our
audit opinion on the standalone Ind AS financial statements.
In our opinion and to the best of our informa on and according to the explana ons given to us, the
aforesaid standalone Ind AS financial statements give the informa on required by the Act, the Electricity
Act 2003, and CERC Regula ons in the manner so required and give a true and fair view in conformity with
the accoun ng principles generally accepted in India including the Ind AS, of the financial posi on of the
Company as at 31st March 2017, its financial performance including other comprehensive income, its cash
flows and the changes in equity for the year ended on that date.
Emphasis of Ma ers
We draw a en on to the following ma ers in the Notes to the Ind AS financial statements:
1. Note No.48 inrespect of balance confirma on, reconcilia on and consequen al adjustment from the
different par es.
2. Note No.39 inrespect of the uncertainty related to the outcome of the claims/arbitra on proceedings
and lawsuit filed by the / against the company on / by contractors and /or others. In some cases, the
arbitra on award has been decided against the company /lost in lower courts and the company is
pursuing the ma er in higher courts.
The management doesn't foresee any possible ou lows in respect of decision against the company
other than those already provided in the books of account.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
1. As required by the Companies (Auditor's Report) Order, 2016 ('the Order') issued by the Central
Government of India in terms of Sec on 143 (11) of the Act, we have given in the Annexure A, a
statement on the ma ers specified in the paragraph 3 and 4 of the order.
2. We are enclosing our report in terms of Sec on 143(5) of the Act, on the basis of such checks of the
books and records of the Company as we considered appropriate and according to the informa on and
explana ons given to us, in the Annexure B on the direc ons and sub-direc ons issued by the
Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
a. we have sought and obtained all the informa on and explana ons which to the best of our
knowledge and belief were necessary for the purposes of our audit;
b. in our opinion proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Company so far as
it appears from our examina on of those books;
c. the Balance Sheet, the Statement of Profit and Loss including the other comprehensive income, the
statement of Cash Flow and the Statement in changes in equity dealt with by this Report are in
agreement with the books of account;
d. In our opinion, the aforesaid standalone Ind AS financial statements comply with the Accoun ng
Standards specified under Sec on 133 of the Act, read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts)
Rules, 2014;
e. Being a Government Company, pursuant to the No fica on No.GSR463{E) dated 5th June 2015
issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India, provisions of sub-sec on (2) of
Sec on 164 of the Companies Act, 2013, are not applicable to the Company.
f. With respect to the adequacy of the internal financial controls over financial repor ng of the
Company and the opera ng effec veness of such controls, refer to our separate report in Annexure
C; and
g. With respect to the other ma ers to be included in the Auditors' Report in accordance with Rule 11
of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014, in our opinion and to the best of our informa on
and according to the explana ons given to us:
i. The Company has disclosed the impact of pending li ga ons on its financial posi on in its
standalone Ind AS financial statements-Refer to Note 39 to the standalone Ind AS financial
ii. The Company has made provision, as required under the applicable law or accoun ng standards,
for material foreseeable losses, if any, on long-term contracts; and
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
iii. The Company has no case of transferring any amount to the Investor Educa on and Protec on
Fund as per the provisions of the Act.
iv. The Company has provided requisite disclosures in Note No.12(ii) of its Ind AS financial
statements as to the holding as well as dealings in Specified Bank Notes as defined in the
No fica on S.O. 3407(E) dated the 8 November, 2016 of the Ministry of Finance, during the
period from 8th November 2016 to 30th December 2016. However, as stated in aforesaid note,
the Company has received Specified Bank Notes amoun ng to ₹ 5,54,500.00 during the period
from transac ons at petrol pump located at the project sta on, refund of unspent employees'
advances and transac ons at the guest house of the company, which are not permi ed. Based on
audit procedure and relying on the management representa on, we report that the disclosures
are in accordance with books of accounts maintained by the Company and as produced to us by
the Management.
Membership No. 053080
Place: New Delhi
Dated: 16 August, 2017
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
We report that:
(i) (a) The Company has generally maintained records showing full par culars including q u a n t a v e
details and situa on of fixed assets.
(b) There is a regular programme of physical verifica on of all fixed assets on an annual basis. No
material discrepancies were no ced on such verifica on. In our opinion, programme of physical
verifica on as informed is reasonable having regard to the size of the Company and the nature of
its assets. Reconcilia on of physical records with book records of Fixed Asset has been done
barring few cases.
(c) The tle deeds of all the immovable proper es are held in the name of the Company except in
case of one of the project (KHEP) tle deed of freehold land measuring 183.19 hectares, valued at
₹4.52crores is pending and as informed to us, the company is taking appropriate steps for
comple on of legal formali es.
(ii) The inventory has been physically verified by the management at reasonable intervals. No material
discrepancies were no ced on such physical verifica on.
(iii) The Company has not granted any loans, secured or unsecured to any companies, firms, limited
liability partnership or other par es covered in register maintained under Sec on 189 of the
Companies Act, 2013.
In view of the above, the clauses 3 (iii) (a), 3 (iii) (b) and 3 (iii) (c) of the Order are not applicable.
(iv) The Company has not granted any loans or given any guarantee and security covered under Sec on
185 and 186 of the Companies Act, 2013. In respect of investment in the Joint Venture Companies, the
Company has complied with the provisions of Sec on 185 and 186 of the Companies Act, 2013.
(v) The Company has not accepted deposits from the public covered by sec on 73 to 76 of the Companies
Act 2013. Therefore clause (v) of the order is not applicable.
(vi) We have broadly reviewed the accounts and records maintained by the Company pursuant to the
Rules made by the Central Government for the maintenance of cost records under sub-sec on (I) of
Sec on 148 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Companies (Cost Records & Audit) Rules, 2014 and
we are of the opinion that prima facie the prescribed accounts and records have been made and
maintained. We have not, however, made detailed examina on of the records with a view to
determine whether they are accurate and complete.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(vii) (a) Undisputed statutory dues including provident fund, income tax, sales-tax, wealth tax, service tax,
custom duty, excise duty, value added tax, cess and other statutory, dues have generally been
regularly deposited with the appropriate authori es and there are no undisputed dues
outstanding as on 31st March 2017 for a period of more than six months from the date they
became payable. We have been informed that employees' state insurance is not applicable to the
(b) The disputed statutory dues aggrega ng to ₹56.91 lakhs that have not been deposited on account
of ma ers pending before appropriate authori es are detailed below:
Sales Tax Act of Sales Tax 8.76 1995-96 Guwaha High Court
various state
Total 56.91
(viii) In our opinion and according to the informa on and explana ons given to us, the Company has not
defaulted in repayment of dues to financial ins tu ons, banks or debenture holders.
(ix) The Company has not raised any money by way of ini al public offer or further public offer. According
to the informa on and explana ons given to us, the money raised by the Company by way of term
loans have been applied for the purpose for which they were obtained.
(x) According to the informa on and explana ons given to us and as represented by the Management
and based on our examina on of the books and records of the Company and in accordance with
generally accepted audi ng prac ces in India, no case of frauds by the Company or any fraud on the
company by its officers or employees has been no ced or reported during the year.
(xi) As per no fica on no. GSR 463(E) dated 5th June 2015 issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs,
Government of India, Sec on 197 is not applicable to the Government Companies. Accordingly,
provisions of clause 3 (xi) of the Order are not applicable to the Company.
(xii) The provisions of clause 3 (xii) of the Order, for Nidhi Company, are not applicable to the Company.
(xiii) The Company has complied with the provisions of Sec on 177 and 188 of the Companies Act, 2013
w.r.t. transac ons with the related par es, wherever applicable. Details of the transac ons with the
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
related par es have been disclosed in the financial statements as required by the applicable
accoun ng standards.
(xiv) The Company has not made any preferen al allotment or private placement of shares or
fully or partly conver ble debentures during the year under review. Accordingly, provisions of clause 3
of the Order are not applicable to the Company.
(xv) The Company has not entered into any non-cash transac ons with the directors or persons connected
with them as covered under Sec on 192 of the Companies Act, 2013.
(xvi) According to informa on and explana on given to us, the Company is not required to be registered u/s
45-IA of Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. Accordingly, provision of clause 3 (xvi) of the Order is not
applicable to the Company.
Membership No. 053080
Place: New Delhi
Dated: 16 August, 2017
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
SI. Direc ons u/s 143(5) of the Auditor's reply on ac on taken Impact on
No. Companies Act, 2013 on the direc ons financial
1 Whether the Company has clear tle / lease The Company has 593.43 hectares of Nil
deeds form freehold and leasehold land leasehold and 6728.48 hectares of freehold
respec vely? If not, please state the area of land. In addi on to this 6149.50 hectares of
the freehold and leasehold land for which forest land has been allo ed by the
tles / lease deeds are not available. Competent Authori es to the Company for
se ng up projects.
The company has tle / lease deed /
handover or possession cer ficate, as
applicable, for the above land.
Transfer of tle deed in respect of 183.19
hectares of land is yet to be executed.
2 Whether there are any cases of waiver / No amount has been wri en off during the Nil
write off of debts / loans /interest etc., if year.
yes, the reasons there of· and the amount
3 Whether proper records are maintained for The company has maintained proper Nil
inventories lying with third par es & assets records for inventories lying with third
received as gi from Govt. Or other par es.
authori es?
Membership No. 053080
Place: New Delhi
Dated: 16 August, 2017
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Report on the Internal Financial Controls under of Sec on 143 (3)(i) of the Companies Act, 2013 ('theAct')
We have audited the internal financial controls over financial repor ng of North Eastern Electric Power
Corpora on Limited ('the Company') as of 31st March 2017 in conjunc on with our audit of the standalone
Ind AS financial statements of the Company for the year ended on that date.
The Company's management is responsible for establishing and maintaining internal financial controls
based on the internal control over financial repor ng criteria established by the Company considering the
essen al components of internal control stated in the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls
over Financial Repor ng issued by the Ins tute of Chartered Accountants of India ('ICAI'). These
responsibili es include the design, implementa on and maintenance of adequate internal financial
controls that were opera ng effec vely for ensuring the orderly and efficient conduct of its business,
including adherence to the Company's policies, the safeguarding of its assets, the preven on and detec on
of frauds and errors, the accuracy and completeness of the accoun ng records, and the mely prepara on
of reliable financial informa on, as required under the Companies Act, 2013.
Auditors' Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company's internal financial controls over financial
repor ng based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Guidance Note on Audit of
Internal Financial Controls over Financial Repor ng (the "Guidance Note") and the Standards on Audi ng,
issued by ICAI and deemed to be prescribed under Sec on 143(10) of the Companies Act, 2013, to the
extent applicable to an audit of internal financial controls. Those Standards and the Guidance Note require
that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance
about whether adequate internal financial controls over financial repor ng were established and
maintained and if such controls operated effec vely in all material respects.
Our audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the adequacy of the internal
financial controls system over financial repor ng and their opera ng effec veness. Our audit of internal
financial controls over financial repor ng included obtaining an understanding of internal financial controls
over financial repor ng, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, and tes ng and evalua ng the
design and opera ng effec veness of internal control based on the assessed risk. The procedures selected
depend on the auditors' judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the
financial statements, whether due to fraud or error.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained are sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for
our audit opinion on the Company's internal financial controls system over financial repor ng.
A company's internal financial control over financial repor ng is a process designed to provide reasonable
assurance regarding the reliability of financial repor ng and the prepara on of financial statements for
external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accoun ng principles.
A company's internal financial control over financial repor ng includes those policies and procedures that
(1) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the
transac ons and disposi ons of the assets of the Company; (2) provide reasonable assurance that
transac ons are recorded as necessary to permit prepara on of financial statements in accordance with
generally accepted accoun ng principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the Company are being
made only in accordance with authoriza ons of the Management and directors of the Company; and (3)
provide reasonable assurance regarding preven on or mely detec on of unauthorized acquisi on, use, or
disposi on of the Company's assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.
Because of the inherent limita ons of internal financial controls over financial repor ng, including the
possibility of collusion or improper management over ride of controls, material misstatements due to error
or fraud may occur and not be detected. Also, projec ons of any evalua on of the internal financial controls
over financial repor ng to future periods are subject to the risk that the internal financial control over
financial repor ng may become in adequate because of changes in condi ons, or that the degree of
compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.
Qualified Opinion
According to the informa on and explana ons given to us and based on our audit, the following material
weaknesses have been iden fied as at 31 March 2017:
the company has old informa on technology (IT) applica on system which is unable to cater the emerging
needs and complete informa on consistent with financial repor ng objec ves.
This could poten ally result into weakness in the internal financial controls over financial repor ng of the
In our opinion, the company has, in all material respects, maintained adequate internal financial controls
over financial repor ng as of 31 March 2017, based on the internal control over financial repor ng criteria
established by the company considering the essen al components of internal control stated in the Guidance
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls Over Financial Repor ng issued by the Ins tute of Chartered
Accountants of India and except for the possible effects of the material weaknesses described above on
the achievement of the objec ves of the control criteria, the Company's internal financial controls over
financial repor ng were opera ng effec vely as of 31st March 2017.
We have considered the material weaknesses iden fied and reported above in determining the nature,
ming, and extent of audit tests applied in our audit of the 31 March 2017 standalone Ind AS financial
statements of the Company, and these material weaknesses do not affect our opinion on the standalone
financial statements of the Company.
Membership No. 053080
Place: New Delhi
Dated: 16 August, 2017
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Sl No. Par culars Note No. As at 31st March As at 31st March As at 1st April
2017 2016 2015
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Sl No. Par culars For the period ended For the period ended
31st-Mar-17 31st-Mar-16
B (ii) Income tax rela ng to items that will not be (113.22) 333.77
reclassified to profit and loss
C (i) Items that will be reclassified to profit and loss
(ii) Income tax rela ng to items that will be
reclassified to profit and loss
XIII Total other comprehensive income (A - B) (213.92) 630.67
XIV Total comprehensive income for the period 23,832.45 31,450.78
Profit for the year a ributable to:
- Owners of the Company 24,046.37 30,820.11
- Non-controlling interests - -
24,046.37 30,820.11
Other Comprehensive income for the year
a ributable to:
- Owners of the Company (213.92) 630.67
- Non-controlling interests - -
(213.92) 630.67
Total Comprehensive income for the year
a ributable to:
- Owners of the Company 23,832.45 31,450.78
- Non-controlling interests - -
23,832.45 31,450.78
Earnings per equity share :
(1) Basic (in `) 0.70 0.90
(2) Diluted (in `) 0.70 0.90
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Other Equity
Share Allo ed - - - - - -
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Corporate North Eastern Electric Power Corpora on Limited (“NEEPCO” / “the Company”) is a leading
informa on power u lity, primarily opera ng in the North-Eastern Region of India. NEEPCO Ltd, a
Central Public Sector Unit (CPSU) wholly owned by the Govt. of India and it is conferred
with the Schedule A- Miniratna Category-I CPSE status by the Government of India.
Authorised Capital of the Company is Rs. 5000 crore. With its headquarters located at
Shillong, the capital of Meghalaya, projects are located in the various states of North East.
NEEPCO operates 5 hydro, 3 thermal and 1 solar power sta ons with a combined installed
capacity of 1287MW. NEEPCO has power projects under construc on which include 110
MW Pare HEP, 600 MW Kameng HEP and 60 MW Tuirial HEP.
NEEPCO has its debt (Bond Eleventh issue to Seventeeth issue) listed with Bombay Stock
Exchange (BSE).
NEEPCO also executed Renewable Energy projects through Joint Ventures in Madhya
Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh.
Statement of In accordance with the no fica on issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, the
Compliance Company has adopted Indian Accoun ng Standards (referred to as “Ind AS”)
no fied under the Companies (Indian Accoun ng Standards) Rules, 2015 with
effect from 1 April, 2016, with a transi on date of 1 April 2015.
The financial statements of the Company for the year 2016-17are prepared in
accordance with Ind ASs. Prior to adop on of Ind AS, the Company had been
preparing its financial statements in accordance with the Accoun ng Standards
no fied under the Companies (Accoun ng Standards) Rules, 2006 and other
generally accepted accoun ng principles in India ('together referred to as “Indian
GAAP”) for all periods up to and including the year ended 31 March 2016. During
the first- me adop on, the following op onal exemp ons are availed by the
Company apart from the mandatory exemp on:
n Deemed cost for property, plant and equipment and intangible assets -The
Company has opted to con nue with the carrying value of all of its plant and
equipment and intangible assets recognised as of 1 April, 2015 (transi on
date) measured as per the previous GAAP and use that carrying value as its
deemed cost as of the transi on date.
n Long-term foreign currency monetary item - The Company has elected to
con nue with the policy adopted for accoun ng for exchange differences
arising from transla on of long-term foreign currency monetary items
recognised in the financial statements for the period ending immediately
before the date of transi on as per the previous GAAP.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
n Investments in joint ventures - The Company has elected to con nue with
the carrying value of all of its investment in joint venture recognised as of 1
April, 2015 (transi on date) measured as per the previous GAAP and use that
carrying value as its deemed cost as of the transi on date.
n Fair value measurement of Financial Assets or Financial Liabili es at ini al
recogni on – The company has elected to apply the requirements paragraph
B5.1.2A (b) of Ind AS 109 prospec vely to transac ons entered into on or
a er the transi on date.
2. Significant Accoun ng Policies
Basis of The financial statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with
prepara on the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and Indian Accoun ng
Standards (herein a er referred to as “Ind-AS”) as no fied by the Ministry of
Corporate Affairs pursuant to the sec on 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read
with Rule 3 of the Companies (Indian Accoun ng Standards) Rules2015 and
Companies (Indian Accoun ng Standards) Rules 2016.
The Company has adopted all the applicable Ind ASs and such adop on was carried
out in accordance with Ind-AS 101 – First Time Adop on of Indian Accoun ng
Standards. The Company has transited from Indian Accoun ng Principles generally
accepted in India as prescribe in sec on 133 of the Act, read with Rule 7 of the
Companies (Accoun ng) Rules 2014, which was previous GAAP, to Ind-AS, as per
the requirement of Ind-AS 101 with necessary disclosures rela ng to reconcilia on
and explana ons of the effects of such transi on on the Company's Balance Sheet,
Statement of Profit & loss Account and Statement of Cash Flow in note nos 45 to
The financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2016 and the opening
balance sheet as on the 01 April 2015 have been restated in accordance with Ind-
AS for compara ve informa on.
The financial statements have been prepared on historical cost basis, except for
certain financial instruments that are measured at fair values at the end of each
repor ng period, as explained in the accoun ng policies below.
Historical cost is generally based on the fair value of the considera on given in
exchange for goods and services.
Income and Expenses are accounted for on Mercan le Basis.
Prepaid expenses of items of Rs. 20000/- and below are charged to natural head of
All assets and liabili es have been classified as current or non-current as per
Company's opera ng cycle and other criteria set
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
out in Schedule-III of the Companies Act 2013. Based on the nature of business,
the Company has ascertained its opera ng
cycle as 12 months for the purpose of Current or noncurrent classifica on of assets
and liabili es.
Each material class of similar items is presented separately in the financial
statements. Items of a dissimilar nature or func on are presented separately
unless they are immaterial.
Investment in A joint venture is a joint arrangement whereby the par es that have joint control of
joint ventures the arrangement have rights to the net assets of the joint arrangement. Joint
control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which
exists only when decisions about the relevant ac vi es require unanimous
consent of the par es sharing control.
The Company measures its investment in joint venture at cost in accordance with
Ind AS 27 – Separate financial statements.
Property, Plant Property, plant and equipment held for use in the produc on and transmission of
and Equipment power, or for administra ve purposes, are stated in the balance sheet at cost, less
any subsequent accumulated deprecia on and impairment loss, if any.
An item of PPE is recognized as an asset if it is probable that future economic
benefits associated with the item will flow to the Company and the cost of the item
can be measured reliably.
Assets which are not separately iden fiable, but are common to more than one
power genera ng unit are capitalised in the ra o of their respec ve installed
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
taxes/du es and costs that are directly a ributable to bringing the asset to the
loca on and condi on necessary for it to be capable of opera ng in the manner
intended by management. Such proper es are classified to the appropriate
categories of property, plant and equipment when completed and ready for
intended use.
Cost directly a ributable to projects under construc on include costs of employee
benefits, expenditure in rela on to survey and inves ga on ac vi es of the
projects, cost of site prepara on, ini al delivery and handling charges, installa on
and assembly costs, professional fees, expenditure on maintenance and up-
grada on etc. of common public facili es, deprecia on on assets used in
construc on of project, interest during construc on and other costs including
administra ve and general overhead costs, if a ributable to construc on of
projects. Such costs are accumulated under “Capital works in progress” and
subsequently allocated on systema c basis over major immovable assets. For
projects under construc on, the project specific IEDC is allocated to its qualifying
assets at the me of capitalisa on on the basis of Cost Es mate of the project.
Common expenditure of a project, which is par ally in opera on and par ally
under construc on, is being appor oned on the basis of the installed capacity.
Incidental expenditure during construc on including deprecia on and interest are
allocated/appor oned to the project/works forming part of work-in-progress on
the basis of accre on thereto during the year.
In case of abandonment/suspension/discon nua on of project, the expenditure
in rela on to the same is expensed/charged off in the year of decision.
Deprecia on
Deprecia on is charged as per Electricity Act, 2003 on straight line method
following the rates and methodology no fied by the Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission cons tuted under the Act except the followings:
i. IT equipment are being depreciated @ 33.33%, being the rate assessed by the
Corpora on based on useful life of the asset;
ii. Spares parts procured along with the Plant & Machinery or subsequently
which are capitalized and added in the carrying amount of such item are
depreciated over the residual useful life of the related plant and machinery at
the rates and methodology no fied by CERC.
iii. Assets/procured installed, whose individual cost is Rs. 5000/- or less but more
than Rs. 750/- (hereina er is called Assets of minor value) and assets
(excluding immovable assets) whose wri en down value is Rs.5000/- or less
at the beginning of the year are full depreciated during the year leaving a
nominal balance of Rs. 1/- only.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
iv. Low value items, which are in the nature of the assets (excluding immovable
assets) and value up to Rs.750/- are not capitalized and charged off to revenue
during the year.
v. Deprecia on of Corporate/Administra ve office assets and general assets of
projects under construc on are charged on the basis of rates no fied vide
CERC tariff regula ons.
Deprecia on for each class of assets are calculated from the 1 day of the month
following the month of its capitaliza on. For the de-capitalised assets,
deprecia on is calculated upto the previous month of de-capitalisa on.
Further, in accordance with the Tariff Regula on 2014-19, the methodology of
deprecia on for the projects under opera on is as follows:
(i) Asset wise rates of deprecia on are charged every year as per exis ng rate for
the period ending on 31 March of the year up to a period of 12 years from the
date of commercial opera on.
(ii) Remaining depreciable value as at 31 March closing a er a period of 12 years
from the date of commercial opera on shall be spread over the balance
useful life of the assets keeping 10% of the Asset as residual value, as
applicable for assets as no fied vide CERC tariff regula ons.
For the purpose of calcula on of deprecia on, the useful life of the various classes
of assets shall be taken as 35 years for Hydro genera ng sta on & 25 years for
Thermal genera ng sta on as specified in the Regula ons.
De-recogni on of assets
An item of property, plant and equipment is derecognized upon disposal or when
no future economic benefits are expected to arise from the con nued use of the
asset. Any gain or loss arising on the disposal or re rement of an item of property,
plant and equipment is determined as the difference between the sale proceeds
and the carrying amount of the asset and is recognized in profit & loss or IEDC, as
the case may be.
Intangible Intangible assets, i.e., Land right to use and Computer so ware are capitalized
Assets when the assets are ready for its intended use. These assets acquired are stated at
cost less accumulated amor za on and impairment loss, if any.
"Land taken for use from State Government (without transfer of tle) and
expenses on relief and rehabilita on as also on crea on of alternate facili es for
land evacuees or in lieu of exis ng facili es coming under submergence and where
construc on of such alternate facili es is a specific pre-condi on for the
acquisi on of the land for the purpose of the project, are accounted for as Land-
Right to use." Land-right to use” is amor zed over a period of useful life of the
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
project or as per the CERC Regula ons, whichever is lower, from the date of
commercial opera on of the project. Computer so ware is amor zed over its
useful life not exceeding three years from the date of capitaliza on.
Assets held for Assets classified as “Asset held for sale” at its Net Realisable Value (NRV) subject to
sale fulfillment of its recogni on criteria in compliance to the Ind-AS 105, which are as
n NRV is recoverable principally through a sale transac on rather than through
con nuing use;
n Such assets are available for immediate sale in its present condi ons;
n Its sale are highly probable, i.e., the appropriate level of management is
commi ed to a plan to sell the assets, assets are ac vely marketed for sell
that is reasonable in rela on to its current fair value and the sale is expected
to complete within one year from the date of classifica on.
Impairment At the end of each repor ng period, the Company reviews the carrying amounts of
its tangible assets to determine whether there is any indica on that those assets
have suffered an impairment loss, if any. If any such indica on exists, the
recoverable amount (i.e. higher of the fair value less cost to sell and the value-in-
use) is determined on an individual asset basis unless the asset does not generate
cash flows that are largely independent of those from other assets. In such cases,
the recoverable amount is determined for the cash genera ng unit (CGU) to which
the asset belongs.
If the recoverable amount of an asset (or CGU) is es mated to be less than its
carrying amount, the carrying amount of the asset (or CGU) is reduced to its
recoverable amount and the difference between the carrying amount and
recoverable amount is recognised as impairment loss in the statement of profit &
Regulatory A regulatory asset is recognised when it is probable that the future economic
asset or benefits associated with it will flow to the en ty as a result of the actual or
Regulatory expected ac ons of the regulator under the Central Electricity Regulatory
liability Commission (CERC) Regula on and the amount can be measured reliably
A regulatory liability is recognised:
n when an en ty has a present obliga on as a result of a past event;
n it is probable that an ou low of resources embodying economic benefits will
be required to se le the obliga on; and
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Foreign Items included in the financial statements are measured using the currency of the
currencies primary economic environment in which the Company operates. The Company's
func onal and repor ng currency is Indian Rupees (INR). The financial statements
are presented in Indian Rupees, which is the Company's repor ng currency.
In preparing the financial statements transac ons in currencies other than the
en ty's func onal currency (foreign currencies) are recognized at the rates of
exchange prevailing at the dates of the transac ons. At the end of each repor ng
period, monetary items denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the
rates prevailing at that date.
Exchange differences on foreign currency borrowings rela ng to Asset under
Construc ons for future produc ve use are included in the cost of those assets
when they are regarded as an adjustment to interest cost on those foreign
currency borrowings as per the requirements of Ind As 23.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
In accordance with the CERC tariff regula ons, every genera ng company shall
recover the foreign exchange rate varia on on year-to-year basis as income or
expense in the period in which it arises, i.e., the Company can recover the foreign
exchange rate varia on on actual basis when foreign currency loan is repaid a er
commercial opera on date (COD). As the financial statements are prepared on
accrual basis, exchange difference resul ng from resta ng long term foreign
currency monetary items on the repor ng date are charged to statement of profit
and loss. However right/obliga on of recovery/payment of the same on actual
basis arising out of CERC tariff regula ons is recognized through deferred foreign
currency fluctua on recoverable/payable account thereby resul ng in no impact
on the profit or loss of the period.
Provisions and Provisions are recognized when there is a present obliga on (legal or
con ngencies construc ve) as a result of a past event and it is probable (“more likely than not”)
that it is required to se le the obliga on, and a reliable es mate can be made of
the amount of the obliga on.
The amount recognized as a provision is the best es mate of the considera on
required to se le the present obliga on at the balance sheet date, taking into
account the risks and uncertain es surrounding the obliga on.
If the effect of the me value of money is material, provisions are discounted
using a pre-tax rate that reflects current market assessments of the me value of
money in that jurisdic on and the risks specific to the liability. When discoun ng
is used, the increase in the provision due to the passage of me is recognized as a
borrowing cost.
Con ngent liabili es are not recognized but disclosed unless the possibility of
ou low of resources are remote.
Con ngent assets are generally not recognized but are disclosed when inflow of
economic benefit is probable.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Leases At the incep on of a lease, the lease arrangement is classified as either a Finance
lease or an opera ng lease, based on the substance of the lease arrangement.
Leases are classified as finance leases whenever the terms of the lease transfers
substan ally all the risks and rewards incidental to the ownership of an asset to
the lessee. All other leases are classified as opera ng leases.
Lease assets are accounted in accordance with Ind AS 17 and amor sed as follows:
i. Leasehold Land, in case of projects under opera on, are amor sed over the
period of lease or useful life, whichever is lower.
ii. Leasehold Land, in case of administra ve offices, are amor sed over the
lease period.
iii. Leasehold Land, in case of projects under construc on are amor sed over
the period of lease or useful life, whichever is lower, a er commissioning of
the project.
Inventories Inventories mainly comprise of stores and spare parts to be used for maintenance
of Property, Plant and Equipment and are valued at costs, determined on weighted
average basis or net realizable value (NRV), whichever is lower. The cost is
determined using weighted average cost formula and NRV is the es mated selling
price in the ordinary course of business less the es mated costs necessary to make
the sale. Value of scrap is adjusted in the account as & when sold/disposed-off and
profit/loss, if any, is recognized in accounts in the year of selling/disposal.
Physical verifica on of inventory are done by the management once in every year.
Trade Trade receivables are amounts due from customers for goods sold or services
receivable performed in the ordinary course of business. If collec on is expect to be collected
within a period of 12 months or less from the repor ng date (or in the normal
opera ng cycle of the business if longer), they are classified as current assets
otherwise as non-current assets. Trade receivables are measured at their
transac on price.
As the en re sales are made to State Govt. u li es, the Company is not providing
for allowance for expected life me credit loss.
Financial Financial assets and liabili es are recognized when the Company becomes a party
Instruments to the contractual provisions of the instrument. Financial assets and liabili es are
ini ally measured at fair value. Transac on cost that are directly a ributable to the
acquisi on or issue of financial assets and financial liabili es ( other than financial
assets and financial liabili es at fair value through profit or loss) are added to or
deducted from the fair value measured on ini al recogni on of financial asset or
financial liabili es.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Financial Assets
Financial assets comprises of investments in joint venture, investment in power
bonds, loans and advances to employees, trade receivables, cash and cash
equivalents, materialised deferred tax recoverable and security deposits etc.
i. Cash or Cash Equivalents:
The Company considers all short term Bank deposits, which are readily conver ble
in to known amounts of cash that are subject to an insignificant risk of change in
value and having original maturi es of three months or less from the date of
purchase, to be cash equivalents. Cash and cash equivalents consists of balances
with banks which are unrestricted for withdrawal and usage
For the purposes of the Cash Flow Statement, cash and cash equivalents is as
defined above, net of outstanding bank overdra s. In the balance sheet, bank
overdra s are shown within borrowings in current liabili es.
ii. Financial assets at amor zed cost:
Financial assets are subsequently measured at amor zed costs if these financial
assets are held within a business model whose objec ve is to hold these assets in
order to collect contractual cash flows and the contractual terms of the financial
assets give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of
principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding.
iii. Financial assets at Fair value through Other Comprehensive Income (OCI)
Financial assets are measured at fair value through other comprehensive income if
these financial assets are held within a business model whose objec ve is achieved
by both collec ng contractual cash flows and selling financial assets and
contractual term of the financial assets give rise on specified days to cash flows
that are solely payment of principals and the interest on principal amount
iv. Financial assets at Fair value through Profit or loss
Financial assets are measured at fair value through profit or loss unless it is
measured at amor zed cost or at fair value through other comprehensive item on
ini al recogni on. The transac on cost directly a ributable to the acquisi on of
financial assets and liabili es at fair value through profit or loss are immediately
recognized in the statement of profit or loss.
Financial liabili es and equity instruments issued by the Company
i. Financial liabili es
Trade and other payables are ini ally measured at fair value, net of transac on
costs, and are subsequently measured at amor sed cost, using the effec ve
interest rate method.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Other financial liabili es are measured at amor zed cost using the effec ve
interest method.
The Company derecognizes a financial asset only when the contractual rights to
the cash flows from the asset expire, or when it transfers the financial asset and
substan ally all the risks and rewards of ownership of the asset to another en ty
At each repor ng date, the Company assess whether the credit risk on a financial
instrument has increased significantly since ini al recogni on.
If, at the repor ng date, the credit risk on a financial instrument has not increased
significantly since ini al recogni on, the Company measures the loss allowance for
that financial instrument at an amount equal to 12-month expected credit losses.
If, the credit risk on that financial instrument has increased significantly since ini al
recogni on, the Company measures the loss allowance for a financial instrument
at an amount equal to the life me expected credit losses.
The amount of expected credit losses (or reversal) that is required to adjust the loss
allowance at the repor ng date is recognized as an impairment gain or loss in the
statement of profit and loss.
The Company derecognizes financial liabili es when, and only when, the
Company's obliga ons are discharged, cancelled or they expire.
Financial assets and liabili es of the Company are offset and the net amount
reported in the balance sheet, when there is a legally enforceable right to offset
the recognized amounts and there is an inten on to se le on a net basis or realize
the asset and se le the liability simultaneously. The legally enforceable right must
not be con ngent on future events and must be enforceable in the normal course
of business.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Borrowing cost Borrowing costs directly a ributable to the acquisi on, construc on or
produc on of qualifying assets are added to the cost of those assets, un l such
me as the assets are substan ally ready for their intended use or sale.
Investment income earned on the temporary investment of specific borrowings
pending their expenditure on qualifying assets is deducted from the borrowing
costs eligible for capitaliza on. All other borrowing costs are recognized in the
statement of profit and loss in the period in which they are incurred. Borrowing
cost includes exchange differences on foreign currency borrowings are adjustment
to interest cost.
Prepayment charges on repayment of loan in full will be charged off to the IEDC /
Profit & Loss account, as applicable, in the year of repayment itself.
Accoun ng for Government grants are recognized when there is reasonable assurance that the
government Company will comply with the condi ons a aching to them and that the grants will
grants be received.
The benefits of a government loan at a below market rate of interest is treated as
Government Grant. The loan is ini ally recognised and measured at fair value and
the government grant is measured as the difference between the ini ally
recognized amount of the loan and the fair value of the loan based on prevailing
market interest rates.
Government grants are recognised in the statement of profit and loss on a
systema c basis over the periods in which the Company recognises as expenses
the related costs for which the grants are intended to compensate. Government
grants whose primary condi on is that the Company should purchase, construct or
otherwise acquire non-current assets are recognized in the balance sheet by
se ng up the grant as deferred income.
Other government grants (grants related to income) are recognized as income
over the periods necessary to match them with the costs for which they are
intended to compensate, on a systema c basis. Grants related to income are
presented under other income in the statement of profit and loss.
Employee Employee benefits consist of provident fund, pension, gratuity, post-re rement
Benefits medical benefit (PRMB), leave benefits and other terminal benefits.
Company contribu on paid/payable during the year to Employees Defined
Contribu on Superannua on Scheme for providing Pension benefit, Provident
Fund and Gratuity are accounted for and paid to respec ve funds which are
administered through separate trusts. The Company's liability is actuarially
determined for Gratuity, Leave encashment and PMRB at the Balance Sheet date
and any further accre on during the year for Gratuity is provided for to the Trust set
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
up by the Company and that for Leave encashment and PMRB are charged to IEDC
or profit & loss, as the case may be.
The expenses incurred on terminal benefits in the form of ex-gra a payments are
charged to IEDC or profit & loss, as the case may be in the year of incurrence of such
Income Taxes Tax expense represents the sum of current tax and deferred tax.
Current tax
The tax currently payable is based on taxable profit for the year. Taxable profit
differs from 'profit before tax' as reported in the statement of profit and loss
because of items of income or expense that are taxable or deduc ble in other
years and items that are never taxable or deduc ble. The current income tax
charge is calculated by using tax rates that have been enacted or substan vely
enacted by the end of the repor ng period
Deferred tax
Deferred tax assets and liabili es are measured at the tax rates that are expected
to apply to the period when the asset is realized or the liability is se led, based on
tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substan vely enacted by the end
of the repor ng period. Tax rela ng to items recognized directly in other
comprehensive income forms part of the statement of comprehensive income.
Deferred tax is provided, using the balance sheet method, on all temporary
differences at the repor ng date between the tax bases of assets and liabili es and
their carrying amounts for financial repor ng purposes.
The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed at each repor ng date and
reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profits
will be available to allow all or part of the asset to be recovered.
Deferred tax assets and liabili es are offset when there is a legally enforceable
right to set off current tax assets against current tax liabili es and when they relate
to income taxes levied by the same taxa on authority and the Company intends to
se le its current tax assets and liabili es on a net basis.
Revenue Revenue is measured at the fair value of the considera on received or receivable.
recogni on Revenues are reduced for rebates and other similar allowances.
and Other Sale of Power
Sale of energy is accounted for based on tariff approved by the Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (CERC) and in case of power sta ons where final tariff is
yet to be approved by CERC, provisional tariff as agreed by the beneficiaries are
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
The incen ves/disincen ves are recognized based on norms no fied by the
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission.
Rebate for prompt se lement of outstanding receivables (se lement discounts)
are ne ed off with revenue as per the requirements of the standard.
CERC applica on fee and publica on expenses and interest receivable on arrear
bills due to revision of Annual Fixed Cost (AFC) payable by the beneficiaries in
terms of CERC regula ons are being accounted for on accrual basis
Deferred tax liabili es ll March, 2009, whenever materializes and recoverable
from the beneficiaries as per the CERC tariff regula ons, are accounted for on year
to year basis
Other Income
Dividends income from investments are recognized when the right to receive the
dividend is established.
Interest income from a financial asset is recognized when it is probable that the
economic benefits will flow to the Company and the amount of income can be
measured reliably. Interest income is accrued on a me basis, by reference to the
principal outstanding and at the effec ve interest rate applicable, which is the rate
that exactly discounts es mated future cash receipts through the expected life of
the financial asset to that asset's net carrying amount on ini al recogni on.
Interest on amount involved in consequent securi za on of sundry debtors duly
confirmed by all the States and Interest on arrear bills on account of revision of
Annual Fixed Cost (AFC) are accounted for on accrual basis.
Recovery/refund towards foreign currency varia on in respect of foreign currency
loans as per the CERC tariff regula ons are accounted for on year to year basis
Surcharge recoverable from beneficiaries for late payment of bills on account of
sale of electricity and proceeds from renewable energy cer ficates for green
energy are accounted for on cash basis.
Earnings Per Basic earnings per share is computed by dividing the net profit for the period
Share a ributable to the equity shareholders of the Company by the weighted average
number of equity shares outstanding during the period. The weighted average
number of equity shares outstanding during the period and for all periods
presented is adjusted for events, if any, other than the conversion of poten al
equity shares, if any, that have changed the number of equity shares outstanding,
without a corresponding change in resources.
For the purpose of calcula ng diluted earnings per share, the net profit for the
period a ributable to equity shareholders and the weighted average number of
shares outstanding during the period is adjusted for the effects of all dilu ve
poten al equity shares.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Segment NEEPCO is in the business of only one product, i.e., genera on and selling of
Repor ng electricity. All the projects of NEEPCO are located with the North East Region, i.e.,
within the same geographical loca on. NEEPCO has no reportable segment and
accordingly, Ind AS 108 – Opera ng Segment to disclose informa on about
segments is not applicable.
The es mates and underlying assump ons are reviewed on an ongoing basis.
Revisions to accoun ng es mates are recognized in the period in which the
es mate is revised.
The following are the cri cal judgments, apart from those involving es ma ons
(see point ii below), that the management have made in the process of applying
the Company's accoun ng policies and that have the most significant effect on the
amounts recognized in the financial statements
The management has reviewed the Company's financial assets at amor zed cost
in the light of its business model and have confirmed the Company's posi ve
inten on and ability to hold these financial assets to collect contractual cash flows.
The following are the key assump ons concerning the future, and other key
sources of es ma on of uncertainty at the end of the repor ng period that may
have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of
assets and liabili es within the next financial year
a. Impairment of investments
The Company reviews its carrying value of investments carried at amor zed cost
annually, or more frequently when there is indica on for impairment. If the
recoverable amount is less than its carrying amount, the impairment loss is
accounted for.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
b. Provisions
Con ngent liabili es arising from past events the existence of which would be
confirmed only on occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more future uncertain
events not wholly within the control of the Company or con ngent liabili es
where there is a present obliga ons but it is not probable that economic benefits
would be required to se le the obliga ons are disclosed in the financial
statements unless the possibility of any ou low in se lement is remote
For financial repor ng purposes, fair value measurements are categorized into
Level 1, 2 or 3 based on the degree to which the inputs to the fair value
measurements are observable and the significance of the inputs to the fair value
measurement in its en rety, which are described as follows:
n Level 1 inputs are quoted prices (unadjusted) in ac ve markets for iden cal
assets or liabili es that the Company can access at the measurement date;
n Level 2 inputs are inputs, other than quoted prices included within Level 1,
that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly; and
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Office Equipment
Misc Equipment
Freehold Land
Gross Block as at April 1, 2016 1909.03 22535.12 560672.24 1575.64 699.33 5480.97 1449.11 6763.50 5418.60 148.62 606,652.16
Additions 1.42 1628.32 52682.21 99.17 28.01 374.52 109.77 573.02 1801.46 19.31 57,317.21
Disposals/Adjustment (0.25) (199.76) (999.20) (3.30) (16.36) (28.01) - - (0.08) (0.42) (1,247.38)
Re-classified as held for sale -
Gross Block as at March 31, 2017 1,910.20 23,963.68 612,355.25 1,671.51 710.98 5,827.48 1,558.88 7,336.52 7,219.98 167.51 662,721.99
Impairment as at April 1, 2016
Other re-classifications
Impairment as at March 31, 2017 - - - - - - - - - - -
Accumulated Depreciation as - 10278.52 274371.56 934.12 413.40 3740.57 948.66 2018.47 4063.86 122.61 296891.77
at April 1, 2016
Charge for the period - 609.69 15309.15 73.91 37.80 298.93 36.16 257.11 281.59 18.67 16923.01
Other re-classifications
Accumulated depreciation as - 10888.21 289680.71 1008.03 451.20 4039.50 984.82 2275.58 4345.45 141.28 313814.78
at March 31, 2017
Total accumulated depreciation and - 10888.21 289680.71 1008.03 451.20 4039.50 984.82 2275.58 4345.45 141.28 313814.78
impairment as at March 31, 2017
Net block as at March 31, 2017 1910.20 13075.47 322674.54 663.48 259.78 1787.98 574.06 5060.94 2874.53 26.23 348907.21
Office Equipment
Misc Equipment
Freehold Land
Gross Block as at April 1, 2015 1,790.23 20,360.50 456,168.65 1,463.14 684.36 5,102.08 1,340.17 6,703.44 5,296.26 145.65 499,054.48
Additions 118.80 2,204.17 108,129.07 89.68 15.76 428.35 108.96 116.01 127.80 2.97 111,341.57
Disposals/Adjustment (29.55) (2,341.68) 24.08 - (46.73) (0.02) (55.95) (4.93) - (2,454.78)
Re-classified as held for sale - - -
Gross Block as at March 31, 2016 1,909.03 22,535.12 561,956.04 1,576.90 700.12 5,483.70 1,449.11 6,763.50 5,419.13 148.62 607,941.27
Impairment as at April 1, 2015
Other re-classifications
Impairment as at March 31, 2016 - - - - - - - - - - -
Accumulated Depreciation as
at April 1, 2015 9,560.81 264,938.60 854.18 383.98 3,341.29 896.74 1,823.03 3,990.53 108.92 285898.08
Charge for the period 717.71 9,462.87 79.94 29.42 399.28 51.92 195.44 73.33 13.69 11023.60
Disposals - - - - - - - - -
Other re-classifications
Accumulated depreciation as - 10278.52 274401.47 934.12 413.40 3740.57 948.66 2018.47 4063.86 122.61 296921.68
at March 31, 2016
Total accumulated depreciation and - 10278.52 274401.47 934.12 413.40 3740.57 948.66 2018.47 4063.86 122.61 296921.68
impairment as at March 31, 2016
Net block as at March 31, 2016 1909.03 12256.60 287554.57 642.78 286.72 1743.13 500.45 4745.03 1355.27 26.01 311019.59
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
i Property, plant and equipment (including Capital work-in-progress) has been tested for impairment
where indicators of impairment existed. Based on the assessment, the Company do not recognise any
impairment charge during the current year and also during the year ended March 31, 2016
ii The Corpora on has spent an amount of ` 23127.82 lakhs (previous year ` 21936.37 lakhs) on account of
construc on of Roads, Bridges and Culvert in respect of project under construc on on assets which is not
owned by the Corpora on. Since this expenditure are essen al for se ng up the project/asset(s), the
same are capitalised
iii Present and future immovable proper es of Construc on and O&M projects are mortgaged for raising
Secured, Redeemable Non-Conver ble Bonds Eleventh to Seventeenth issue valuing ` 453250.00 lakhs
having Charge ID with ROC are 10603635 for ` 90000.00 lakhs, 10555356 for ` 60000.00 lakhs, 10534076
for ` 250000.00 lakhs, 10466275 for ` 7250.00 lakhs, 10411581 for ` 12000.00 lakhs and 10411580 for
` 4000.00 lakhs. Crea on of Charge for Bond raised on 27.03.2017 valued ` 30000.0 lakhs is under
process as on 31.03.2017. External Commercial Borrowing raised from SBI, Singapore for construc on
projects is secured by Hypotheca on of all movable & immovable assets (including plant, machinery)
created / to be created in respect of Tripura Gas Based Power Plant , Agartala and Agartala Gas Turbine
Projects –Extension, Agartala. Foreign currency Loan received from KfW, Germany for construc on
project is guranteed by Govt. of India.
iv Interest and finance charge, related to construc on projects, amoun ng to ` 37338.19 lakhs(previous
year ` 44602.76 lakhs) has been transferred to IEDC (Ref. Note No-36).This also includes foreign exchange
difference credited to carrying amount CWIP in respect of Pare Hydro Electric Project amoun ng to
` 3691.49 lakhs (previous year debit ` 4300.77 lakhs) and foreign exchange difference credited to
carrying amount CWIP in respect of Tripura Gas Based Power Plant, Monarchak amoun ng to ` 195.29
lakhs (previous year debit ` 1672.69 lakhs). The foreign exchange borrowings are un-hedged.
(` in lakhs)
Par culars As at March 31, As at March 31, As at April 1,
2017 2016 2015
Assets held under Finance Leases
Cost - - -
Accumulated deprecia on and - - -
impairment losses
Net carrying amount - - -
Owned assets 348,907.21 311,019.59 213,156.40
Net carrying amount 348,907.21 311,019.59 213,156.40
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Par culars As at 1st Addi ons Adjustments Capitalised As at 31st As at 31st As at 1st
April 2016 during the during the during the March 2017 March 2016 April 2015
year year year
Building 1372.54 698.59 (40.27) (850.22) 1180.64 1372.54 2280.71
Temporary Buildings/Erec ons 55.90 32.28 (2.17) (4.23) 81.78 55.90 235.32
Roads, Bridges, Culverts 22127.97 247.85 (34.64) (310.28) 22030.90 22127.97 21909.95
& Helipads
Electrical Installa on 112.91 47.36 (0.25) (95.57) 64.45 112.91 57.16
Water Supply,Sewerage & 259.07 30.17 (5.25) (210.50) 73.49 259.07 271.69
Hydraulic works incldg Dams, 280911.24 57539.12 (5427.47) (2445.01) 330577.88 280911.24 232795.76
Dykes etc.
Other Civil works 1780.71 201.45 (70.61) (1733.46) 178.09 1780.71 1118.67
Power house 27719.78 9098.15 (0.05) (46.38) 36771.50 27719.78 39985.14
Switch Yard including cable 9230.78 1474.11 (128.09) (460.75) 10116.05 9230.78 12532.43
connec on
Environment & Echology 4403.86 13001.33 (54.96) - 17350.23 4403.86 5027.24
Transmission Lines 913.71 65.72 (5.18) (572.87) 401.38 913.71 724.64
Transformer having a ra ng of 1072.90 6191.59 417.06 (1499.48) 6182.07 1072.90 2365.65
100KV ampere and above
Survey & Inves ga on 9356.97 256.13 (276.35) - 9336.75 9356.97 9194.31
Provision for S & I Units (5674.18) - - - (5674.18) (5674.18) (5674.18)
Communica on equipment - - - - - - -
Substa on 763.98 20.02 - (138.00) 646.00 763.98 596.51
Plant, etc. in Genera ng sta on 72105.77 9807.21 (1081.65) (21858.90) 58972.43 72105.77 94317.22
Plant & Machinery in Transit - - - - - - 16.75
Steam Turbine 28.72 - (28.72) - - 28.72 24356.60
EDP & WP Machines - 3.50 - (3.50) - - -
Solar Plant - - - - - - -
Gas Booster Sta on 4603.63 3206.37 - (5124.87) 2685.13 4603.63 2987.03
Incidental Expenditure during 264174.68 58267.47 (309.40) (13781.70) 308351.05 264174.68 215843.97
TOTAL 695320.94 160188.42 (7048.00) (49135.72) 799325.64 695320.94 660942.57
Par culars As at 1st Addi ons Adjustments Capitalised As at 31st As at 31st As at 1st
April 2016 during the during the during the March 2017 March 2016 April 2015
year year year
Upfront Premium including 10000.00 - 82.50 - 10082.50 10000.00 10000.00
Processing fee
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
As at March 31, 2017
(` in lakhs)
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
i Compensa on paid for forest land of 6149.50 Hectres for se ng up of projects ( Kameng Hydro Electric
Project, Pare Hydro Electric Project, Tuirial Hydro Electric Project and Tripura Gas Based Power Plant) are
treated as " Right to use". The land was handed over by respec ve District administra on.
ii Expenses incurred on maintenance of so ware system payable annually are charged to revenue.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Par cular As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
QTY Amounts QTY Amounts QTY Amounts
Quoted Investments
Unquoted Investments (all fully paid)
Investments in Equity Instruments
- of joint ventures - jointly controlled
en es
- WARNEEP Solar Pvt Limited 82000000.00 8200.00 75000000.00 7500.00 40000000.00 4000.00
(Equity Shares - Fully Paid up)
- KSK Dibbin Hydro Power 27930000.00 2793.00 27930000.00 2793.00 15280000.00 1528.00
(Equity Share Fully Paid up)
- of joint ventures - (Share Applica on
- WARNEEP Solar Pvt Limited - - 500.00
- MDGEPL (Windpower) 2.00 - 1.61
TOTAL AGGREGATE UNQUOTED 109930000.00 10993.00 102930000.00 10295.00 55280000.00 6030.00
Other Investment - - -
TOTAL other investment (C ) - - - - - -
TOTAL INVESTMENTS (A) + (B)+ (C ) 109930000.00 10993.00 102930000.00 10295.00 55280000.00 6030.00
Less : Aggregate amount of impairment in
value of investments
- of joint ventures - jointly controlled en es - -
TOTAL INVESTMENTS CARRYING VALUE 10993.00 10295.00 6030.00
(A) + (B) + (C ) - (D)
Par cular As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
(a) Unquoted
Aggregate carrying amount of unquoted - - -
Total carrying amount - - -
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(i) The cost of unquoted investments approximate the fair value because there is a wide range possible fair
value measurements and the cost represents es mate of fair value within that range.
(ii) Investment in WARNEEP Solar Pvt Limited:-50 MW Solar power Project has been developed by
WAANEEP solar Private Limited as a joint venture between WAAREE Energies Ltd and NEEPCO Ltd. The
Project was commissioned on 15 June'2015. Another 50 MW Solar Power Project is being set up in the
state of Andra Pradesh.
(iii) Investment in KSK Dibbin Hydro Power:- Joint venture between KSK Energy Ventures and NEEPCO Ltd
for se ng up of a hydro power plant at Arunachal Pradesh.
Par culars As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
a) Loans and Advances to employees
- Secured, considered good 113.96 127.71 110.50
- Unsecured, considered good - - -
- Doub ul - - -
Less : Allowance for bad and doub ul - - -
Total 113.96 127.71 110.50
(i) Loan & Advances to employees includes Interest bearing Computer Advance and interest free Furniture
Advance and Mul purpose Advance. Computer advance & Furniture advance are recovered from
employees in 60 equal instalments whereas Mul purpose Advance is recovered in 12 installment.
(ii) There are no outstanding debts from directors or other officers of the Company.
(iii) The above loans and advances have been given as per the norms of the Corpora on on recoverable
Par culars As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
Deferred Tax Liability 61,479.07 55,844.27 52,181.47
Net Deferred Tax Liabili es - - -
From OCI (113.22) 333.77 -
Less : Deferred Tax Asset 10,072.91 8,702.18 4,607.23
Less : Deferred Tax Recoverable 47,766.82 49,265.99 50,625.62
Net Deferred Tax (Asset)/ Liability 3,526.12 (1,790.13) (3,051.38)
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Income Tax
(i) The reconciliation of estimated income taxes to income tax expenses is as follows:
(` in lakhs)
(` in lakhs)
(` in lakhs)
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(ii) Significant component of deferred tax assets and liabilities for the year ended March 31, 2016 &
March 31, 2017 are as follows:
(` in lakhs)
(` in lakhs)
Par culars As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
Capital Advances
Secured :
Covered By Bank Guarantee 2628.21 3406.80 3800.73
Un-Secured :
Others 19194.31 21997.71 18191.73
Considered Doub ul 41.28 41.28 41.28
Less: Allowances for bad & doub ul 41.28 41.28 41.28
Sub- total 19194.31 21997.71 18191.73
Advances toward Land 21.42 70.54 117.41
Prepayments (Leasehold Land) 6417.59 6611.41 6805.24
Sub-total 6439.01 6681.95 6922.65
Total 28261.53 32086.46 28915.11
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(i) Capital advances comprises of Mobilisa on Advance and Plant & Machinery advance given to
contractor in respect of Construc on Projects. The advances are recovered from the contractors bills.
(ii) The Company has taken land under opera ng leases. There is no Minimum Lease Rental Payment for
such non-cancellable opera ng lease entered into by the company.
(iii) (a) During the year ended March 31, 2017,amor sa on of lease recognised in the statement of profit
and loss is ` 193.83 lakhs (2015-16: ` 193.83 lakhs)
(b) Significant leasing arrangements include lease of land for periods ranging between 30 years to 99
years as well as perpetual lease with renewal op on.
(i) The cost of inventories recognised as an expense during the year in respect of con nuing opera ons has
been ` 10721.88 lakhs (2015-2016: ` 11783.58 lakhs)
(ii) Inventories of ` 16611.01 lakhs (March 31, 2016: ` 14579.78 lakhs) are expected to be recovered within
twelve months.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Par cular As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
QTY Amounts QTY Amounts QTY Amounts
Other Investment
Investment in Power Bonds :
8.5% Tax free State Govt. Bonds of the
Government of -
- Arunachal Pradesh - - - - 17880.00 178.80
- Assam - - - - 638270.00 6382.70
- Manipur - - - - 125394.00 1253.94
- Meghalaya - - - - 13026.00 130.26
- Mizoram - - - - 42336.00 423.36
- Nagaland - - - - 58070.00 580.70
- Tripura - - - - 59930.00 599.30
Par culars As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
Investments carried at fair value through - - -
profit and loss
Investments carried at fair value through - - -
Investments carried at amor sed cost - - -
Government securi es (unquoted) - - -
Power bond resulted from Govt of India's Power Sector secu risa on scheme implemented during FY 2002-
03 has been redeemed fully on 1 April'2015
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(i) Trade receivables are dues in respect of goods sold or services rendered in the normal course of business.
(ii) Where no due date is specifically agreed upon, the normal credit period allowed by the Company is in
compliance to the CERC regula ons / Guidance.
(iii) Where a trade receivable has been provided for, such provision could be dictated by prudence, but one
could s ll expect to realise the amount within 12 months from the balance sheet date. Under such
circumstances, the said trade receivable is classified as current. Where, however, there is no
expecta on to realise the amount within the next twelve months period, the same needs to be
classified as non-current along with the provision made for the same.
(` in lakhs)
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(` in lakhs)
The Company considers its maximum exposure to credit risk with respect to customers as at March 31, 2017
to be ` 46534.16 lakhs (March 31, 2016: ` 102586.96 lakhs, April 1, 2015: ` 76853.69 lakhs), which is the fair
value of trade receivables a er allowance for credit losses. The Company’s exposure to customers is
diversified and no single customer contributes to more than 10% of outstanding accounts receivable as at
March 31, 2017, March 31, 2016 and April 1, 2015 except Assam & Meghalaya.
(I) In determining the allowances for doub ul trade receivables the Company has used a prac cal
expedient by compu ng the expected credit loss allowance for trade receivables based on a provision
matrix. The provision matrix takes into account historical credit loss experience and is adjusted for
forward looking informa on. The expected credit loss allowance is based on the ageing of the
receivables that are due and rates used in the provision matrix.
(ii) There are no outstanding debts due from directors or other officers of the Company.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(i) Earmarked cash and bank balances primarily represents LC provided to State Bank of India for Gas
(ii) In accordance with the MCA no fica on G.S.R. 308(E) dated March 30, 2017 details of Specified Bank
Notes (SBN) and Other Denomina on Notes (ODN) held and transacted during the period from
November 8, 2016 to December 30, 2016, is given below:
(Fig. in Rupees)
(a) Unpermi ed receipts includes amount collected towards sale of POL & receipts from employees
towards se lement of advances.
(b) Unpermi ed payments is Nil
(iii) The cash and bank balances as above are primarily denominated and held in Indian rupees.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(` in lakhs)
(i) Accounts receivables comprises of deferred Tax recoverable amoun ng to ` 1557.13 lakhs and amount
to be billed on the beneficiary amoun ng to ` 2653.92 on account of effec ve tax rate for the
FY 2015-16.
(ii) The above loans have been given for business purpose.
(iii) There are no outstanding debts due from directors or other officers of the Company.
(iv) Loan & Advances to employees includes Interest bearing Computer Advance & Furniture Advance and
interest free Mul purpose Advance. Computer advance & Furniture advance are recovered from
employees in 60 equal instalment whereas Mul purpose Advance is recovered in 12 installment.
(v) Security deposits are primarily consists of Deposit against BSNL Lines, Gas Connec on, Cable
Connec on etc. which will be refunded on surrender of services provided by service providers.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Par culars As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
Current tax assets
Benefit of tax losses to be carried - - -
back to recover taxes paid in prior periods
Tax refund receivables 11824.22 14463.66 10072.63
Total 11824.22 14463.66 10072.63
Current tax liabili es
Income Tax payable 7997.38 11790.79 8623.13
Total 7997.38 11790.79 8623.13
Current Tax assets relates to advance Tax paid during the year. Current Tax liabili es relates to Tax computed
as per IT Act .
(i) Prepaid Expenses consists of amount paid in advance in respect of prepaid insurance & annual
maintenance charges rela ng to so ware & EDP equipment, the benefit of which has not yet expired
on repor ng date.
(ii) Advances to suppliers & contractors are the short term advances to be recovered within 12 months
from the bills. The advances are given as s pulated under the work/supply order.
(iii) Prepaid lease rental include assets carried at ` 4623.13 lakhs (as at 31 March, 2016: ` 4469.05 lakhs, as
at 1 April, 2015: ` 1,582.80 lakhs) for which the Company has paid lease rental in advance in the form
of compensa on, rese lement & rehabilita on & afforesta on at the me of acuisi on of land.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Assets classified as “Asset held for sale” at its Net Realisable Value (NRV) subject to fulfillment of its
recogni on criteria in compliance to the Ind-AS 105, which are as follows:
• NRV is recoverable principally through a sale transac on rather than through con nuing use
• Such assets are available for immediate sale in its present condi ons;
• Its sale are highly probable, i.e., the appropriate level of management is commi ed to a plan to sell the
assets, assets are ac vely marketed for sell that is reasonable in rela on to its current fair value and the
sale is expected to complete within one year from the date of classifica on.
Par culars As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
Equity Share Capital 345,281.04 345,281.04 342,611.54
Total 345,281.04 345,281.04 342,611.54
Share Capital
(` in lakhs)
Par culars As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
Authorised Capital
5,00,00,00,000 nos. of equity shares
of `10/- each (Previous year
5,00,00,00,000 nos. of equity shares 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00
of `10/- each)
Issued and Subscribed capital
comprises :
3,45,28,10,400 nos. as on March'17: 345,281.04 345,281.04 342,611.54
3,45,28,10,400 nos. As on March'16:
3,42,61,15,400 nos. as on April'15 of
equity shares of `10/- each
Total 345,281.04 345,281.04 342,611.54
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(I) The movement in subscribed and paid up share capital is set out below:
(ii) Shares in the company held by each shareholder holding more than 5% shares
(iii) The Corpora on has only one class of shares referred to as equity shares having a par value of
` 10/- wholly owned by the Govt of India.
Par culars As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
General Reserve 197691.68 197691.68 186291.68
Retained earnings 4745.05 9148.10 12663.90
Bond redemp on reserve 39732.48 24752.04 12271.60
Total 242169.21 231591.82 211227.18
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Par culars As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
Balance at the beginning of the year/period 197691.68 186291.68 186291.68
Movements - 11400.00 -
Balance at the end of the year/period 197691.68 197691.68 186291.68
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Non-current liabili es
Financial Liabili es
Note No. 18 Long term borrowings (` in lakhs)
Par culars As at March As at March As at April
31, 2017 31, 2016 1, 2015
a. Seventeenth issue 30000.00 - -
7.80% (Taxable),Secured, Redeemable Non-Conver ble Bonds of
` 10,00,000.00 each, Redeemable at par on 27-05.2020. (The value of
Assets of Kameng Hydro Electric Project, Arunachal Pradesh and landed
property of the Corpora on in the District of Mehhsana, Gujrat have
been iden fied for mortgage through the Trust Deed with the appointed
Less: Bond expense amor za on 30.05 - -
Bond - Seventeenth issue (Net) 29969.95 - -
a. Sixteenth Issue 90000.00 90000.00 -
8.68% (Taxable),Secured, Redeemable Non-Conver ble Bonds of
`10,00,000.00 each, Redeemable at 20% of face value on 30 Sept'2026,
30th Sept'2027, 30 Sept'2028, 30 Sept'2029, 30 Sept'2030. (The
value of Assets in the Tuirial Hydro Electric Project, Mizoram & Kopili
Hydro Electric Project in Assam and landed property of the Corpora on
in the District of Mehhsana, Gujrat have been iden fied for mortgage
through the Trust Deed with the appointed Trustee)
Less: Bond expense amor za on : 65.93 68.13 -
Bond - Sixteenth issue (Net) 89934.07 89931.87 -
b. Fi eenth issue 60000.00 60000.00 60000.00
9.15%(Taxable), Secured, Redeemable Non-Conver ble Bonds of
` 10,00,000.00 each, Redeemable at 20% of face value on 25 March
'2021, 25 March'2022, 25 March'2023, 25 March'2024 and 25
March'2025. (The value of Assets in the Agartala Gas Turbine Project
(original open cycle plant) in Agartala, Tripura, value of Assets except the
Gas Turbine & Steam Turbines in the Assam Gas Based Power Plant in
Kathalguri, Assam, value of Assets except Plant & Machinery in
genera ng sta on in the Ranganadi Hydro Electric Project in Arunachal
Pradesh along with landed property of the Corpora on in the District of
Mehsana, Gujarat have been charged by way of mortgage through a
Trust Deed with the appionted trustee)
c. Fourteenth issue 250000.00 250000.00 250000.00
9.60%(Taxable),Secured, Redeemable Non-Conver ble Bonds of
` 10,00,000.00 each, Redeemable at 20% of face value on 1
October'2020, 1 October'2021, 1 October'2022, 1 October'2023 and
1 October'2024 . (The asset value of Kameng Hydro Electric Project
along with the landed property of the Corpora on in the District of
Mehsana, Gujarat have been charged by way of mortgage through the
Trust Deed with the appointed Trustee)
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(` in lakhs)
Par culars As at March As at March As at April
31, 2017 31, 2016 1, 2015
Contractual maturi es As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
In one year or less or on demand 88,453.17 53,859.32 62,928.88
Between one & two years 58,717.36 55,056.01 52,756.72
Between two & three years 57,968.71 59,182.38 53,953.41
Between three & four years 1,48,037.26 58,433.73 58,079.78
Between four & five years 1,14,180.58 1,18,502.28 57,331.13
More than five years 4,36,783.30 5,53,723.76 5,74,348.61
Total contractual cash flows 9,04,140.38 8,98,757.48 8,59,398.53
Less: Capitalisa on of transac on costs - - -
Total Borrowings 9,04,140.38 8,98,757.48 8,59,398.53
The provision for employee benefits includes gratuity, leave encashment, post re rement medical benefit,
gold coin at re rement. The increase/ decrease in the carrying amount of the provision for the current year
is mainly on account of net impact of incremental charge for current year and benefits paid in the current
year. For disclosure on Acturial Valua on as Per AS19 (2015) refer note no.19a.
i. Defined Contribu on Plan
The Company par cipates in a number of defined contribu on plans on behalf of relevant personnel. Any
expense recognised in rela on to these schemes represents the value of contribu ons payable during the
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
period by them at rates specified by the rules of those plans. The only amounts included in the balance
sheet are those rela ng to the prior months contribu ons that were not due to be paid un l a er the end of
the repor ng period. The major defined contribu on plans operated by the Company are as below:
a) Provident fund
In accordance with Indian law, eligible employees of the Company are en tled to receive benefits in respect
of provident fund, a defined contribu on plan, in which both employees and the Company make monthly
contribu ons at a specified percentage of the covered employees’ salary. Company pays fixed contribu on
at predetermined rates to the Provident Fund Trust, which invests the fund in permi ed securi es as per
Government guidelines. The Companies contribu on to the fund for the period was ` 2905.59 lakhs
(previous year ` 2763.65 lakhs).The investment has earned sufficient interest to pay the same to the
member as per the rate specified by the Government of India.
b) Superannua on fund
In terms of the Guidelines of Department of Public Enterprise (DPE), Govt.of India (GOI) issued vide O.M.
no.2(70)/08-DPE (WC) / GL-xiv/08 dt.26.11.2008 and OM. No. 2(70)/08-DPE (WC) / GL-vii/09
dt.02.04.2009, the Company has formulated the NEEPCO Employees Defined Contribu on Superannua on
Benefit Scheme.
The Companies contribu on to the trust managing this scheme for the period was ` 2024.41 lakhs (previous
year ` 1886.39 lakhs).
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
clinical tests , examina on, cost of medicines and other OPD expenses at actual subject to a ceiling of
maximum of last basic per annum, whichever is less. The liability for the same is recognized on the basis of
actuarial valua on.
c. Gold Coin on Superannua on
To nurture a good organiza onal culture and appreciate the sincere services rendered by the employee, the
Corpora on is providing a Gold Coin to the re ring employee on the date of re rement. The liability for the
same is recognized on the basis of actuarial valua on.
iii. Other Employee benefit
a. Leave
The Company provides for earned leave benefits (including compensatory absences) and half pay leave to
the employees of the Company which accrue annually at 30 days and 20 days respec vely. Earned leave
account is maintained in one sec on only i.e. en-cashable. On Superannua on/ separa on of the employee
from the Corpora on, en re leave (Earned leave & Maximum 240 days Half Pay Leave) subject to a ceiling of
300 days will be en-cashable. Half pay leave cannot be commuted. The cash equivalent payable for Half Pay
Leave would be equal to leave salary as admissible for half pay plus Dearness Allowance.
b. Social Security Scheme
The Company has a Social Security Scheme in lieu of compassionate appointment. The Company makes a
matching contribu on to the scheme. The objec ve of the scheme is to provide cash benefits to the
dependent beneficiaries in the event of the death of an employee of the Company while in service including
permanent total disablement leading to cessa on of employment.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Amt. in ` Amt. in `
31-03-2016 Changes in Present Value of Obliga on as at 31-03-2017
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Amt. in ` Amt. in `
31-03-2016 Expense Recognized in statement of Profit/Loss as at 31-03-2017
95720302.00 Current Service Cost 98196795.00
7489985.00 Net Interest Cost 8963451.00
103210287.00 Benefit Cost(Expense Recognized in Statement of Profit/loss) 107160246.00
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Amt. in ` Amt. in `
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Amt. in ` Amt. in `
31-03-2016 Expense Recognized in statement of Profit/Loss as at 31-03-2017
112192725.00 Current Service Cost 77713526.00
44360308.00 Net Interest Cost 45185430.00
121126413.00 Actuarial Gain loss 162819571.00
277679446.00 Benefit Cost(Expense Recognized in Statement of Profit/loss) 285718527.00
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Amt. in ` Amt. in `
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Amt. in ` Amt. in `
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(I) Grants rela ng to construc on of Tuirial HEP and Grant for procurement of spare parts relates to
Assam Gas Based Power Plant.
(ii) Spares out of Grant in Aid During the current year, repairs & maintenance has been debited and Stock
of Spares has been credited by an amount of ` 20.31 lakhs (previous year `100.93 lakhs) for spares
purchased out of Grant-in-aid received from the Central Govt. An equivalent amount has been
recognized as income in the statement of Profit & Loss.
(iii) Grant from Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region As per the Investment Approval
sanc oned vide the Ministry of Power’s le er no.7/7/2009-H-I dated 14th January’2011, an amount
of ` 300.00 crores has been sanc oned by the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region
(MDONER) as a part of the approved funding pa ern for the Tuirial Hydro Electric Project, Mizoram.
The total amount of ` 300.00 crores are included in Grant in Aid which will be carried forward ll the
commissioning of the project.
(iv) Exchange differences on account of se lement/transala on of monetary items denominated in
foreign currency to the extent recoverable from the beneficiaries in subsequent periods as per CERC
Tariff Regula ons has been accounted as 'Deferred foreign currency fluctua on liabili es' post
construc on period and adjusted from the year in which the same becomes recoverable.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
The trade payable includes payment for fuel cost for the month of March, provisions made on contractors
claim and employees salary, statutory dues for March 2017. Therea er, no interest is payable on the
outstanding balance.
(` in lakhs)
Par culars As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
(a) Creditors for supplies and services 5285.97 7106.01 7909.68
(b) Creditors for accrued wages and salaries 7075.40 6208.37 5156.10
(i) The amount due to Micro and Small Enterprises as defined in the “The Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises Development Act, 2006” has been determined to the extent such par es have been
iden fied on the basis of informa on available with the Company. The disclosures rela ng to Micro and
Small Enterprises are as under:
Descrip on For the year ended For the year ended For the year ended
March 31, 2017 March 31, 2016 April 1, 2015
i. The principal amount remaining unpaid to - - -
supplier as at the end of the year
ii. The interest due thereon remaining unpaid - - -
to supplier as at the end of the year
iii. The amount of interest due and payable for - - -
the period of delay in making payment
(which have been paid but beyond the
appointed day during the year) but without
adding the interest specified under this Act
iv. The amount of interest accrued during the - - -
year and remaining unpaid at the end of
the year
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Current Liabili es
Note No. 23 Other Financial Liabli es (` in lakhs)
Par culars As at March As at March As at April
31, 2017 31, 2016 1, 2015
I) Creditor for Capital expenditure represents amount payable to constractor in respect of work done &
measured at the repor ng date.
ii) Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyo Yogana
Cash & Bank balances of ` 26928.01 lakhs (previous year ` 44795.16 lakhs) includes an amount of
` 1731.17 lakhs (previous year ` 708.46 lakhs) received from Rural Electrifica on Corpora on Limited
towards eligible fund for execu on of the project under Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyo Yogana.
The Corpora on has spent an amount of ` 126.17 lakhs (previous year ` 100.54 lakhs) towards this
scheme which is included Capital Work in Progress (Note no 2).
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(I) Advances from Contractors & others relates to security deposit, earnest money deducted from
works/supply bill which will be se led on comple on of work a er defect liability period as s pulated
by the terms of contract/supply order.
(ii) Direct & Indirect taxes like income tax deducted from salary of March, tax deducted at source, forest
royality, Value added Tax, Works contract tax deducted from works /supply bill of March not deposited
upto the repor ng date.
(iii) Other Liability (Defered Foreign Expenditure)- refer note no 20 (v)
(iv) Other Statutory Dues Payable includes Corpora on contribu on to Providend fund, LIC premium
deducted, Pension contribu on, employees contribu on to Providend fund and other deduc on made
during March & not deposited upto the repor ng date.
Par culars As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
Employee benefits
Gratuity 1420.78 1684.50 1503.73
Medical benefit for re red employees 269.92 174.69 147.61
Leave encashment 593.72 437.83 475.99
Award of Gold Coin 18.61 1.85 -
Sub-total 2303.03 2298.87 2127.33
Provision for Write off 12917.46 12450.82 -
Provision for Tariff Revision/Adjustment - - 1318.25
Total 15220.49 14749.69 3445.58
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Par culars For the period ended 31-Mar-17 For the period ended 31-Mar-16
Sale of Power 134640.67 157989.32
DSM receivable 2937.52 1705.07
RRAS receivable 114.30 -
Internal consump on 177.75 193.97
Less: rebate (328.05) (253.58)
Sale of Electricity (Net ) 137542.19 159634.78
Other opera ng Revenue:
NERLDC Fees & Charges 543.32 505.32
Interest from Beneficiaries 2361.50 447.54
Net Revenue from Opera on 140447.01 160587.64
a. Sale of energy is accounted for based on tariff approved by the Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission. In case of power sta ons where final tariff is yet to be no fied/approved by the
commission, provisional tariff as agreed by the beneficiaries are adopted.
b. Sales includes Nil (Previous year ` 2485.76 lakh) on account of earlier years sales arising out of
finaliza on of tariff in current year. However ` 2653.92 lakhs relates to recogni on of revenue on
account of deferrence between the efec ve tax rate for FY 2016-17 vs tax rate allowed by the CERC for
the said year.
c. In terms of cl. no. 49 of the CERC (Terms and condi ons of Tariff) Regula ons,2014, deferred tax
liabili es for the period upto 31st March, 2009 whenever they materialise shall be recoverable directly
by the genera ng companies or transmission licensees from the beneficiaries or long term
transmission customers/DICs, as the case may be. Accordingly, current year sale includes ` 1557.13
lakh (previously ` 1429.00 lakh).
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Par culars For the period ended For the period ended
31-Mar-17 31-Mar-16
a) Interest Income
Interest income earned on financial assets - -
that are not designated as at Fair Value
through profit or loss
Bank Deposits at amor sed Cost - -
Investments in debt instruments measured at
Other financial assets carried at amor sed cost - 608.75
Sub -total - 608.75
b) Dividend Income
Dividends from equity instruments
All dividend from equity investments
designated at FVTOCI recognised for
both the years relate to investments
held at the end of each repor ng period - -
Sub Total - -
c) Other non-opera ng income (net
of expenses directly a ributable to
such income)
Rental Income - -
Finance lease con ngent rental - -
Grant in Aid 20.31 100.93
Misc Receipts 104.66 152.39
FERV Recoveable/Payable (Net) 20.74 20.74
Liability/Provision wri en back 806.87 2.37
Delayed Payment Surcharge 2152.91 12622.21
Interest on arrear sale - 17.97
Sub Total 3105.49 12916.61
Other gains and losses
Gain /(loss) on disposal of PPE - 0.11
TOTAL 3105.49 13,525.47
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Par culars For the period ended For the period ended
31-Mar-17 31-Mar-16
Purchase of Gas 39630.11 61858.71
Transporta on charges for Gas 1112.06 1096.32
Total 40742.17 62955.03
Par culars For the period ended For the period ended
31-Mar-17 31-Mar-16
Salary & Wages 33162.43 32640.68
Contribu on to Provident Fund 2922.95 2763.65
Gratuity 1075.50 1.77
Employees Pension 2031.15 1886.39
Leave Encashment 2871.44 2776.80
Award of Gold Coin 34.56 156.87
Staff welfare expenses 57.79 42.73
Compuer adv to emp. - fair
valua on loss 3.06 6.98
Furniture adv to emp. - fair
valua on loss 1.08 3.19
Total 42159.96 40279.06
Amount transferred to IEDC 14512.31 14423.83
Carried forward to Statement of 27647.65 25855.23
Profit & Loss
Employees’ remunera on and benefits include the following for the Directors including the Chairman &
Managing Director.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Par culars For the period ended For the period ended
31-Mar-17 31-Mar-16
A. Interest Expenses
I) Loans from Life Insurance Corpora on 7.32
ii) Cash Credit from State Bank of India 164.24 135.97
iii) Interest on ECB Loan 1966.69 1433.75
iv) Bonds 39390.25 35626.25
v) Exchange Rate Fluctua on (4659.84) 6316.43
vi) Kfw Loan 1588.59 1605.62
vii) Interest on Short term Borrowing 1236.47 557.04
viii) Interest on Loan from Govt. Of India - 0.34
Finance Charges
I) Guarantee fee on foreign Loan 605.66 529.01
ii) Commitment Fees 0.30 14.10
B. Other Borrowing Costs 37.22 100.07
Total 40329.58 46325.90
Amount transferred to IEDC 37338.19 44602.76
Amount carried forward to Statement of 2991.39 1723.14
Profit & Loss
Par culars For the period ended For the period ended
31-Mar-17 31-Mar-16
Total ( as per notes 2) 16923.01 11023.60
Add: Decapitalisa on, Sale, Write off 397.20 48.99
Adjustment due to recas ng from -
IGAAP to Ind AS 1916.84
Total ( as per Note no.31) 17320.21 12989.43
Deprecia on of Construc on Project
(Note no. 36) 1281.53 1050.09
Deprecia on charged to PL account 16038.68 11939.34
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Par culars Note No. For the period ended For the period
31-Mar-17 ended 31st-Mar-16
Repairs & maintenance :
a) Roads & buildings 1018.34 1035.41
b) Power house 4217.79 3700.78
c) Hydraulic works 309.90 380.49
d) Line & sub-sta ons 106.57 60.11
e) Others 401.65 350.54
f ) Stores & spares (against Grant-in-Aid) 20.31 100.93
Sub Total 6074.56 5628.26
a) Travelling expenses 240.07 181.97
b) Adver sement expenses 77.45 150.51
c) Insurance charges 606.75 549.04
d) Rents 3.11 2.68
e) Rates & taxes 33.26 40.99
f) Entertainment expenses 0.77 2.18
g) General expenses 34 6136.72 4809.38
h) Publicity expenses 51.24 22.38
i) Legal charges 58.22 49.91
j) Filing fees to CERC 60.41 55.72
k) NERLDC Fees & Charges 527.19 492.01
l) Research & Development Expenses 56.41 110.75
m) Corporate Social Responsibility & SD 607.58 1030.57
o ) RRAS- Expenditure 43.05
p) Interest to beneficiary states 16.86 1417.52
q) Trading Expenses 979.58
r) Share of General establishment 35 2149.64 217.92
Sub Total 11648.31 9133.53
Other Expenses
a) Purchase of Power 121.00
b) Lubricants, oil etc 120.79 212.19
c) Electricity Duty 15.94 17.11
d) U I Charge 135.30 266.78
e) Transmission Charges 25.53 12.63
f) Provision for Write off 470.40 12450.82
g) Prepayment Amor sa on 168.56 259.67
Sub Total 936.52 13340.20
Total 18659.39 28101.99
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Par culars Note No. For the period ended For the period
31-Mar-17 ended 31-Mar-16
Administra on & other Expenses
Travelling expenses 189.34 252.67
Rent 88.80 73.97
Rates & taxes 4.37 4.31
General expenses 34 2171.53 2272.24
Repairs & maintenance 147.71 155.11
Audit fees & expenses 33 16.51 20.46
Legal expenses 11.98 4.62
Insurance charges 12.25 10.35
Entertainment expenses 0.04 0.01
Adver sement expenses 20.95 131.28
Publicity expenses 339.45 431.01
Board mee ng expenses 19.84 24.37
Sub-total 3022.77 3380.40
Less : Non opera ng receipts:
i) Interest on Investment 646.32 3072.54
ii) Others 226.81 89.94
873.13 3162.48
Net expenditure 2149.64 217.92
Expenditure charged to Profit 32 2149.64 217.92
& Loss Account
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Par culars Note No. For the period ended For the period
31-Mar-17 ended 31st-Mar-16
A. Employees benefit Expenses 29 14512.31 14423.83
B. Interest and Finance expenses capitalized 30 37338.19 44602.76
C. Deprecia on 31 1281.53 1050.09
D. Administra on & other expenses
Travelling expenses 248.66 290.44
Rents 17.87 19.35
Rates & taxes 1.56 2.24
General expenses 34 3187.60 3702.27
Repairs & maintenance 482.76 438.39
Filling Fees - 6.09
Environment & Ecology 6.89 -
Energy Conserva on expenses 0.38 -
Legal expenses 83.29 21.87
Insurance charges 1524.25 790.48
Entertainment expenses 0.09 0.68
Tender expenses 18.87 83.07
Total (D) 5572.22 5354.88
Total (A+B+C+D) 58704.25 65431.56
Less : Non-opera ng receipts
i) Interest on advances 381.38 481.60
from Suppliers/
Contractors 55.40 514.66
ii) Others 436.78 996.26
Net Expenditure 58267.47 64435.30
Expenditure transferred to 58267.47 64435.30
Capital Work-in-Progress
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Building and civil 52221.64 1927.25 (22.12) 54126.77 15569.12 1534.97 17104.09 37022.68 36652.52 12101.10
engineering works
containing genera on
plant & equipment,
main plant
Hydraulic works including 166110.42 544.36 - 166654.78 78290.17 3812.29 82102.46 84552.32 87820.25 91569.24
Dams Dykes, Reservoirs
& Tunnels
Plant & Machinery in 64270.01 3627.21 180.64 68077.86 29356.87 2307.44 31664.31 36413.55 34913.14 34888.18
Genera ng Sta on
Transformer having a 7643.90 2109.77 (18.58) 9735.09 3230.81 259.11 3489.92 6245.17 4413.09 2819.90
ra ng of 100 K.V. ampere
and above
Sub-sta on equipment 545.56 182.88 - 728.44 400.77 20.06 420.83 307.61 144.79 111.75
and other fixed apparatus
Switchgear including 17820.17 974.34 (1.94) 18792.57 7659.05 511.58 8170.63 10621.94 10161.12 4928.31
cable connec ons
Transmission Lines 901.97 74.26 - 976.23 602.60 20.40 623.00 353.23 299.37 274.57
PV modules including 3127.35 - - 3127.35 196.46 182.33 378.79 2748.56 2930.89 2994.80
Moun ng structures
Inverters including 290.77 - - 290.77 18.32 16.95 35.27 255.50 272.45 280.24
Ba ery Bank ( O & M )
Gas Turbine 131231.49 6196.52 802.60 138230.61 78225.98 3783.36 82009.34 56221.27 53005.51 14443.96
Gas Booster Sta on 19492.25 5408.62 (1860.24) 23040.63 14896.88 (220.40) 14676.48 8364.15 4595.37 1527.83
Gas Pipeline 36.60 - - 36.60 32.95 0.00 32.95 3.65 3.65 3.65
Gas Steam Turbine 82475.71 27814.53 (71.63) 110218.61 37843.98 2428.51 40272.49 69946.12 44631.73 17779.48
Gas Cooling Tower 3296.90 709.95 - 4006.85 2270.92 87.04 2357.96 1648.89 1025.98 1113.02
Make-up Water System 3669.28 2180.92 (0.78) 5849.42 2125.89 97.14 2223.03 3626.39 1543.39 1257.33
Sub -Total 553134.02 51750.61 (992.05) 603892.58 270720.77 14840.78 285561.55 318331.03 282413.25 186093.36
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(` in lakhs)
Buildings 10163.04 515.44 (199.76) 10478.72 3787.33 252.51 4039.84 6438.88 6375.71 4616.97
Furniture & Fixtures 628.29 68.53 (2.35) 694.47 426.47 26.49 452.96 241.51 201.82 132.03
Roads, Bridges, 3795.23 270.78 - 4066.01 1645.54 110.76 1756.30 2309.71 2149.69 1892.29
Culverts & Helipads
Vehicles 546.98 2.99 - 549.97 344.90 18.07 362.97 187.00 202.08 220.14
Railway Siding 10.65 - - 10.65 8.08 0.19 8.27 2.38 2.57 2.76
Electrical Installa on 975.09 95.04 - 1070.13 670.19 16.69 686.88 383.25 304.90 198.43
Temporary Buildings 2446.87 - - 2446.87 2446.87 0.00 2446.87 - - -
/Erec ons
Hospital Equipment 21.37 2.55 - 23.92 10.51 1.02 11.53 12.39 10.86 9.84
Tools & Plants 3621.80 79.10 (0.08) 3700.82 2784.46 44.67 2829.13 871.69 837.34 732.37
Office Equipment 308.44 55.71 (1.56) 362.59 185.50 9.70 195.20 167.39 122.94 43.22
I T Equipment 848.05 53.40 (13.74) 887.71 708.76 53.45 762.21 125.50 139.29 200.21
Other Equipment 817.58 79.39 (0.29) 896.68 436.32 33.16 469.48 427.20 381.26 194.21
Water supply, 959.90 159.03 - 1118.93 458.21 40.07 498.28 620.65 501.69 488.20
sewerage & drainage
Plant & Machinery 530.39 7.42 (62.18) 475.63 392.40 2.11 394.51 81.12 137.99 77.57
in Genera ng Sta on
(Diesel Power House)
Communica on 178.78 48.29 - 227.07 129.80 3.84 133.64 93.43 48.98 48.75
Lightning Arrestor - - - - - - - - - -
(Pole Type Magazine 142.00 - - 142.00 120.02 0.54 120.56 21.44 21.98 19.52
Telephone Line 103.69 - - 103.69 91.98 0.07 92.05 11.64 11.71 11.78
Solar Panel - 25.51 62.18 87.69 - 0.49 0.49 87.20 -
Cellular Line - - - - - - 2.12
Fixed Assets 33.46 14.10 0.01 47.57 33.46 14.10 47.56 0.01 - 0.01
of Minor value
Assets withdrawn - - - - - - - - - 621.88
from Ac ve use
Free hold 1441.76 1.42 (0.25) 1442.93 - - - 1442.93 1441.76 1118.11
Sub -Total 27573.37 1478.70 (218.02) 28834.05 14680.80 627.93 15308.73 13525.32 12892.57 10630.41
Total (A) 580707.39 53229.31 (1210.07) 632726.63 285401.57 15468.71 300870.28 331856.35 295305.82 196723.77
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(` in lakhs)
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Par culars As at
31-Mar-17 31-Mar-16 31-Mar-15
Con ngent liabili es :
Claims against the Company not acknowledged as debt in
respect of:
- Capital Works 149358.36 146413.64 84979.69
- Land compensa on cases 3416.74 3416.74 1099.19
- Disputed Income tax demand 48.15 48.15 48.15
- Others 8.76 90.40 27.31
Total 152832.01 149968.93 86154.34
Commitments :
Es mated amount of contracts remaining to be executed 147309.55 134188.13 224791.84
on capital contracts and not provided for (net of advances
and deposits)
Other Commitment Nil Nil Nil
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(i) Claims against the company not acknowledged as debts as on March 31,2017 include demand from the
Indian Income tax authori es for payment of tax of ` 48.15 lakhs upon comple on of their tax
assessment for the year 2001-02 amoun ng to ` 3.92 lakhs and for the year 2011-12 amoun ng to
` 44.23 lakhs. Demands were paid to statutory tax authori es in full except for fiscal year 2001-02 &
(ii) The company is contes ng the demand and the management including its tax advisors believes that its
posi on will likely be upheld in the appellate process. The management believes that the ul mate
outcome of these proceedings will not have a material adverse effect on the Company's financial
posi on and results of opera ons.
(iii) The Company is subject to legal proceedings and claims, which have arisen in the ordinary course of
business. The Company’s management does not reasonably expect that these legal ac ons, when
ul mately concluded and determined, will have a material and adverse effect on the Company’s results
of opera ons or financial condi on.
The details of significant accoun ng policies, including the criteria for recogni on, the basis of
measurement and the basis on which income and expenses are recognized, in respect of each class of
financial asset, financial liability and equity instrument are disclosed in note no.1 to the financial
The following table presents the carrying amount and fair value of each category of financial assets &
liabili es as at March 31, 2017
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(` in lakhs)
Fair value Deriva ve
Deriva ve
through Fair value instruments Total
instruments Amor sed Total Fair
As at March 31, 2017 statement through not in Carrying
in hedging Cost Value
of profit & OCI hedging Value
rela onship
loss rela onship
Financial assets
Cash and bank balances 26928.01 26928.01 26928.01
Trade receivables 46534.16 46534.16 46534.16
Investments 10993.00 10993.00 10993.00
Loans 4325.01 4325.01 4325.01
Other financial assets 6028.43 6028.43 6028.43
Total 94808.61 94808.61 94808.61
Financial liabili es
Trade and other payables 12361.37 12361.37 12361.37
Borrowings 592567.78 592567.78 592567.78
Other financial liabili es 32046.54 32046.54 32046.54
Total 636975.69 636975.69 636975.69
Financial assets
Cash and bank balances 44795.16 44795.16 44795.16
Trade receivables 102586.97 102586.97 102586.97
Investments 10295.00 10295.00 10295.00
Loans 1556.71 1556.71 1556.71
Other financial assets 3508.77 3508.77 3508.77
Total 162742.61 162742.61 162742.61
Financial liabili es
Trade and other payables 13314.38 13314.38 13314.38
Borrowings 544363.97 544363.97 544363.97
Other financial liabili es 30503.48 30503.48 30503.48
Total 588181.83 588181.83 588181.83
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(` in lakhs)
Financial assets
Cash and bank balances 72711.27 72711.27 72711.27
Trade receivables 76660.95 76660.95 76660.95
Investments 15579.06 15579.06 15579.06
Loans 2919.19 2919.19 2919.19
Other financial assets 4926.73 4926.73 4926.73
Total 172797.20 172797.20 172797.20
Financial liabili es
Trade and other payables 13065.78 13065.78 13065.78
Borrowings 468541.99 468541.99 468541.99
Other financial liabili es 27488.75 27488.75 27488.75
Total 509096.52 509096.52 509096.52
(b) The following table provides an analysis of financial instruments that are measured subsequent to
ini al recogni on at fair value, grouped into Level 1 to Level 3, as described below:
Quoted prices in an ac ve market (Level 1): This level of hierarchy includes financial assets that are
measured by reference to quoted prices (unadjusted) in ac ve markets for iden cal assets or liabili es.
This category consists of investment in quoted equity shares, quoted corporate debt instruments and
mutual fund investments.
Valua on techniques with observable inputs (Level 2): This level of hierarchy includes financial assets
and liabili es, measured using inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are
observable for the asset or liability, either directly (i.e., as prices) or indirectly (i.e., derived from prices).
This level of hierarchy includes Company’s over-the-counter (OTC) deriva ve contracts.
Valua on techniques with significant unobservable inputs (Level 3): This level of hierarchy includes
financial assets and liabili es measured using inputs that are not based on observable market data
(unobservable inputs). Fair values are determined in whole or in part, using a valua on model based on
assump ons that are neither supported by prices from observable current market transac ons in the
same instrument nor are they based on available market data. The main items in this category are
investment in unquoted equity shares, measured at fair value.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(` in lakhs)
As at April 1, 2015
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Financial assets measured at fair value
( I ) Investments 15579.06 - - 15579.06
( ii ) Trade receivables 76660.95 - - 76660.95
( iii ) Cash and Cash equivalents 72711.27 - - 72711.27
( iv ) Loans 2919.19 - - 2919.19
( v ) others 4926.73 - - 4926.73
Total financial assets measured at fair value 172797.20 - - 172797.20
Financial liabili es measured at fair value - - 0.00
( i ) Borrowings 468541.99 - - 468541.99
( ii ) Trade payables 13065.78 - - 13065.78
( iii ) Other financial liabili es 27488.75 - - 27488.75
Total financial liabili es measured at fair value 509096.52 - - 509096.52
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(i) The short-term financial assets and liabili es are stated at amor zed cost which is approximately equal
to their fair value.
(ii) The fair value in respect of the unquoted equity investments cannot be reliably measured.
(iii) Management uses its best judgment in es ma ng the fair value of its financial instruments. However,
there are inherent limita ons in any es ma on technique. Therefore, for substan ally all financial
instruments, the fair value es mates presented above are not necessarily indica ve of all the amounts
that the Company could have realized or paid in sale transac ons as of respec ve dates. As such, the
fair value of the financial instruments subsequent to the respec ve repor ng dates may be different
from the amounts reported at each year end.
(iv) There have been no transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 for the years ended March 31, 2017, 2016
and April 1, 2015.
(c) Transfer of financial assets
The Company has not transferred any of its financial assets during the year.
(d) Financial risk management
In the course of its business, the Company is exposed primarily to interest rates, liquidity and credit risk,
which may adversely impact the fair value of its financial instruments.
The Company has a risk management policy which covers the risks associated with the financial assets
and liabili es such as interest rate risks and credit risks. The risk management policy is approved by the
Board of Directors. The risk management framework aims to:
(i) Create a stable business planning environment by reducing the impact of currency and interest rate
fluctua ons on the Company’s business plan.
(ii) Achieve greater predictability to earnings by determining the financial value of the expected earnings
in advance.
Market Risk: Market risk is the risk of any loss in future earnings, in realizable fair values or in future
cash flows that may result from a change in the price of a financial instrument. The value of a financial
instrument may change as a result of changes in the interest rates, foreign currency exchange rates,
equity price fluctua ons, liquidity and other market changes. Future specific market movements
cannot be normally predicted with reasonable accuracy.
Credit Risk: Credit risk is the risk of financial loss arising from counterparty failure to repay or service
debt according to the contractual terms or obliga ons. Credit risk encompasses both the direct risk of
default and the risk of deteriora on of creditworthiness as well as concentra on risks.
Liquidity Risk: Liquidity risk refers to the risk that the Company cannot meet its financial obliga ons.
The objec ve of liquidity risk management is to maintain sufficient liquidity and ensure that funds are
available for use as per requirements.
(e) The following table shows a maturity analysis of the an cipated cash flows including interest payable
for the Company’s non deriva ve financial liabili es on an undiscounted basis, which therefore differ
from both carrying value and fair value.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
` In Lakhs
As at March 31, 2017
Carrying Contractual Less than Between More than
amount cash flows 1 year 1 - 5 years 5 years
Non- deriva ve financial liabili es
Borrowings including interest thereon 9,04,140.38 9,04,140.38 88,453.17 3,78,903.91 4,36,783.30
Trade payables 5,285.97 5,285.97 5,285.97 - -
Other financial liabili es - - - - -
Total non- deriva ve financial liabili es 9,09,426.35 9,09,426.35 93,739.14 3,78,903.91 4,36,783.30
Deriva ve financial liabili es
` In Lakhs
As at March 31, 2016
Carrying Contractual Less than Between More than
amount cash flows 1 year 1 - 5 years 5 years
Non- deriva ve financial liabili es
Borrowings including interest thereon 8,98,757.48 898757.48 53,859.32 2,91,174.40 5,53,723.76
Trade payables 7,106.01 7106.01 7106.01 - -
Other financial liabili es - - - - -
Total non- deriva ve financial liabili es 9,05,863.49 9,05,863.49 60,965.33 2,91,174.40 5,53,723.76
Deriva ve financial liabili es
` In Lakhs
As at April 1, 2015
Carrying Contractual Less than Between More than
amount cash flows 1 year 1 - 5 years 5 years
Non- deriva ve financial liabili es
Borrowings including interest thereon 8,59,398.53 8,59,398.53 62,928.88 2,22,121.04 5,74,348.61
Trade payables 7,909.68 7,909.68 7,909.68 - -
Other financial liabili es
Total non- deriva ve financial liabili es 8,67,308.21 8,67,308.21 70,838.56 2,22,121.04 5,74,348.61
Deriva ve financial liabili es
The cost of unquoted investments approximate the fair value because there is a wide range possible fair
value measurements and the cost represents es mate of fair value within that range.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
1 Sri P.C.Pankaj Chairman & Managing Director (upto 30th June 2016)
2 Sri Gurdeep Singh Chairman & Managing Director (w.e.f. 1st July 2016 to 29th August 2016)
3 Sri A G West Kharkongor Chairman & Managing Director ( w.e.f. 29th August 2016)
4 Sri A G West Kharkongor Director (Finance) (upto 29th August 2016)
5 Sri V K Singh Director ( Technical)
6 Sri Satyabrata Borgohain Director (Personnel)
a) Parent en es
NEEPCO is controlled by the honerable president of India. Government of India holds 100% ownership
interest in NEEPCO including and as on March 31, 2017
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
f) Loan to Associates
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Note: Approval of competent authority for engagement of M/S NVVN as licensed trader for sale of RECs at
IEX has been received on 16.06.2017 and process of concluding agreement with them is in progress. All
issued RECs will be placed for sale immediately therea er.
Status as on 31.03.2016
Number of RECs for which eligible 5978
Number of RECs applied for 5978
Number of RECs issued NIL
Number of RECs placed for sale at exchange NIL
Number of RECs sold NIL
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Sl. No. Par culars Notes IGAAP31- Adjustment Ind AS 31- Reasons
Mar-16 Mar-16
XI Profit / (loss) for the year/ 37254.66 (6434.55) 30820.11
period (IX + XII)
XII Other comprehensive income
A (i) Items that will not be
reclassified to profit and loss
(a) Remeasurements of the - 964.44 964.44
defined benefit plans
(b) Others (specify nature)
B. Income tax rela ng to items - 333.77 333.77
that will not be reclassified
to profit and loss
XIII Total Other Comprehensive - 630.67 630.67
XIV Total comprehensive 37254.66 (5803.88) 31450.78
Income (XI+XIII)
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(` in lakhs)
ASSETS Notes IGAAP Transi on Effect IND AS Remarks
Equity Share capital 16 3,42,611.54 - 3,42,611.54
Other Equity 17 2,16,849.27 (5,622.09) 2,11,227.18 Refer note 17A on equity
reconcilia on
Equity a riutable to 5,59,460.81 (5,622.09) 5,53,838.72
Share Applica on money
pending allotment
Non-current liabili es
Financial Liabili es
Long-term borrowings 18 4,52,541.99 - 4,52,541.99
Long-term provisions 19 9,582.18 - 9,582.18
Deferred tax liabili es (net) 7 1,556.30 (1,556.30) - Defer tax computed as per
balance sheet approach
Other non-current liabili es 20 206.85 18,175.94 18,382.79 Government grant recognised
as deferred income
4,63,887.32 16,619.64 4,80,506.96
Current liabili es
Financial Liabili es
Short-term borrowings 21 16,000.00 - 16,000.00
Trade and other payables 22 13,065.78 - 13,065.78
Other financial liabili es 23 27,488.75 - 27,488.75
56,554.53 - 56,554.53
Short-term provisions 25 11,817.68 (8,372.10) 3,445.58 Dividend payable and dividend
distribu on tax is recorded as
a liability in the period in which
it is declared and approved by
the share holders.
Liabili es for Current Tax (net) 14 8,623.13 - 8,623.13
Other current liabili es 24 18,533.79 - 18,533.79
95,529.13 (8,372.10) 87,157.03
Total 11,18,877.26 2,625.45 11,21,502.71
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41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(` in lakhs)
Notes IGAAP Transi on Effect IND AS Remarks
Equity Share capital 16 3,45,281.04 - 3,45,281.04
Other Equity 17 2,53,560.83 (21,969.01) 2,31,591.82 G.I.A. (` 31084.01 lakh)
recognised as deferred income
and Recogni on of Retained
Equity a ributable to 5,98,841.87 (21,969.01) 5,76,872.86
Share Applica on money
pending allotment
Non-current liabili es
Financial Liabili es
Long-term borrowings 18 5,44,432.10 (68.13) 5,44,363.97 Long-term borrowings at
amor sed cost
Long-term provisions 19 9,959.47 155.02 10,114.49 Prov for Gold Coin
Deferred tax liabili es (net) 7 -
Other non-current liabili es 20 186.11 31,084.01 31,270.12 Government grant recognised as
deferred income
5,54,577.68 31,170.90 5,85,748.58
Current liabili es
Financial Liabili es
Short-term borrowings 21 - -
Trade and other payables 22 13,314.38 - 13,314.38
Other financial liabili es 23 30,503.48 - 30,503.48
43,817.86 - 43,817.86
Short-term provisions 25 25,480.15 (10,730.46) 14,749.69 Dividend payable and dividend
distribu on tax (` 10732.31 lakh)
is recorded as a liability in the
period in which it is declared and
approved by the share holders.
Prov. for Gold Coin (` 1.85 lakh)
Liabili es for Current Tax (net) 14 11,790.79 - 11,790.79
Other current liabili es 24 13,920.53 - 13,920.53
95,009.33 (10,730.46) 84,278.87
TOTAL 12,48,428.88 (1,528.57) 12,46,900.31
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
We have audited the accompanying consolidated Ind AS financial statements of North Eastern Electric
Power Corpora on Limited ("the Venturer Company") and its jointly controlled en ty (collec vely referred
to as "the Company''), comprising the consolidated balance sheet as at 31 March 2017, the consolidated
statement of profit and loss including other comprehensive income, the consolidated statement of cash
flows, the consolidated statement of changes in equity, for the year then ended, and a summary of the
significant accoun ng policies and other explanatory informa on (hereina er referred to as" the
consolidated Ind AS financial statements").
The Venturer Company's Board of Directors is responsible for the prepara on of the consolidated Ind AS
financial statements in terms of the requirements of the Companies Act, 2013 ("the Act") that give a true
and fair view of the consolidated financial posi on, consolidated financial performance including other
comprehensive income, consolidated cash flows and consolidated changes in equity of the Company in
accordance with the accoun ng principles generally accepted in India, including the Indian Accoun ng
Standards (Ind AS) prescribed under Sec on 133 of the Act, read with relevant rules issued there under and
as per the Electricity Act, 2003 and relevant Central Electricity Regulatory Commission regula on in respect
of Deprecia on and other recognized accoun ng prac ces and policies. The respec ve Board of Directors
of the companies included in the group are responsible for maintenance of adequate accoun ng records in
accordance with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding of the assets of the Company and for preven ng
and detec ng frauds and other irregulari es; the selec on and applica on of appropriate accoun ng
policies; making judgments and es mates that are reasonable and prudent; and the design,
implementa on and maintenance of adequate internal financial controls that were opera ng effec vely
for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the accoun ng records, relevant to the prepara on and
presenta on of the consolidated Ind AS financial statements that give a true and fair view and are free from
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, which have been used for the purpose of prepara on
of the consolidated Ind AS financial statements by the Directors of the Venturer Company, as aforesaid.
Auditors' Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the consolidated Ind AS financial statements based on our
audit. While conduc ng the audit, we have taken into account the provisions of the Act, the Electricity Act
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
2003, CERC Regula ons and the accoun ng and audi ng standards and ma ers which are required to be
included in the audit report under the provisions of the Act and the Rules made there under.
We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Audi ng specified under Sec on 143 (10) of
the Act. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit
to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated Ind AS financial statements are free from
material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and the disclosures in
the consolidated Ind AS financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditors' judgment,
including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated Ind AS financial
statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal
financial control relevant to the Venturer Company's prepara on of the consolidated Ind AS financial
statements that give a true and fair view in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the
circumstances. An audit also includes evalua ng the appropriateness of the accoun ng policies used and
the reasonableness of the accoun ng es mates made by the Venturer Company's Board of Directors, as
well as evalua ng the overall presenta on of the consolidated Ind AS financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence obtained by us and the audit evidence obtained by the other auditors in
terms of their report referred to in 'Other Ma ers' paragraph below, are sufficient and appropriate to
provide a basis for our audit opinion on the consolidated Ind AS financial statements.
In our opinion and to the best of our informa on and according to the explana ons given to us and based on
the considera on of report of other auditor on separate Ind AS financial statements of the joint ventures
referred to below in the Other Ma ers Paragraph, the aforesaid consolidated Ind AS financial statements
give the informa on required by the Act, the Electricity Act 2003 and CERC Regula ons in the manner so
required and give a true and fair view in conformity with the accoun ng principles generally accepted in
India, of the consolidated financial posi ons of the Company as at 31st March 2017, and their consolidated
financial performance including other comprehensive income, their consolidated cash flows and their
consolidated changes in equity for the year ended on that date.
Emphasis of Ma ers
We draw a en on to the following ma ers in the Notes to the Ind AS financial statements:
1. Note No. 48 in respect of balance confirma on, reconcilia on and consequen al adjustment from the
different par es.
2. Note No.39 in respect of the uncertainty related to the outcome of the claims /arbitra on proceedings
and lawsuit filed by the / against the Venturer Company on /by contractors and/or others. In some
cases, the arbitra on award has been decided against the Venturer Company / lost in lower courts and
the Venturer Company is pursuing the ma er in higher courts.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
The management doesn't foresee any possible ou lows in respect of decision against the Venturer
Company other than those already provided in the books of account.
Other Ma ers
We did not audit the Ind AS financial statements of two jointly controlled en es. These Ind AS financial
statements have been audited by other auditors whose report have been furnished to us by the
management and our opinion on the consolidated Ind AS financial statements, in so far as it relates to the
amounts and disclosures included in respect of these jointly controlled en es and our report in terms of
Sec on 143 (3) and 143 (11) of the Act, in so far as it relates to the aforesaid jointly controlled en es, is
based solely on such audited Ind AS financial statements.
Our opinion on the consolidated Ind AS financial statements, and our report on Other Legal and Regulatory
Requirements below, is not modified in respect of the above ma ers with respect to our reliance on the work
done and the reports of the other auditors.
1. As required under Sec on 143(3) of the Act, based on our audit and on the considera on of the report of
the other auditors on separate financial statements of joint ventures referred in Other Ma ers
Paragraph above, we report, to the extent applicable, that:
a. We have sought and obtained all the informa on and explana ons which to the best of our
knowledge and belief were necessary for the purposes of our audit of the aforesaid consolidated Ind
AS financial statements.
b. In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law rela ng to prepara on of the aforesaid
consolidated Ind AS financial statements have been kept so far as it appears from our examina on of
those books.
c. The consolidated balance sheet, the consolidated statement of profit and loss, the consolidated
statement of cash flows and consolidate statement of changes in equity dealt with by this report are
in agreement with the relevant books of account maintained for the purpose of prepara on of the
consolidated Ind AS financial statements.
d. In our opinion, the aforesaid consolidated Ind AS financial statements comply with the Accoun ng
Standards specified under Sec on 133 of the Act, read with relevant rules issued there under.
e. Being a Government Company, pursuant to the No fica on No. GSR463{E) dated 5 June 2015
issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India, provisions of sub-sec on (2) of Sec on
164 of the Companies Act, 2013, are not applicable to the Company.
f. With respect to the adequacy of the internal financial controls over financial repor ng of the Group
and the opera ng effec veness of such controls, refer to our separate report in 'Annexure A'; and
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
g. With respect to the other ma ers to be included in the Auditors' Report in accordance with Rule 11
of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014, as amended, in our opinion and to the best of our
informa on and according to the explana ons given to us:
i. The Venturer Company has disclosed the impact of pending li ga ons on the consolidated
financial posi on of the Group Refer to Note 42 to the consolidated Ind AS financial statements;
ii. The Venturer Company has made provision, as required under the applicable law or accoun ng
standards, for material foreseeable losses, if any, on long-term contracts; and
iii. The Venturer Company has no case of transferring any amount to the Investor Educa on and
Protec on Fund as per the provisions of the Act.
iv. The Venturer Company has provided requisite disclosures in Note No.12 (ii) of its Ind AS financial
statements as to the holding as well as dealings in Specified Bank Notes as defined in the
No fica on S.O. 3407(E) dated the 8 November, 2016 of the Ministry of Finance, during the
period from 8 November 2016 to 30 December 2016 of the Group en es as applicable.
However, as stated in aforesaid note, the Company has received Specified Bank Notes amoun ng
to ₹5,54,500.00 during the period from transac ons at petrol pump located at the project sta on,
refund of unspent employees' advances and transac ons at the guest house of the company,
which are not permi ed. Based on audit procedures performed and the representa ons
provided to us by the management were port that the disclosures are in accordance with the
relevant books of accounts maintained by those en es for the purpose of prepara on of the
consolidated Ind AS financial statements and as produced to us and other auditors by the
managements of the respec ve Group en es.
2. We are enclosing our report in terms of Sec on 143 (5) of the Act, on the basis of such checks of the
books and records of the Venturer Company as we considered appropriate and according to the
informa on and explana ons given to us, in the 'Annexure B' on the direc ons and sub-direc ons issued
by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
Membership No. 053080
Place: New Delhi
Date: 16 August,2017
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Report on the Internal Financial Controls under Sec on 143(3) (i) of the Companies Act, 2013 ('the Act')
In conjunc on with our audit of the consolidated Ind AS financial statements of the Company as of and for
the year ended 31 March 2017, we have audited the internal financial controls over financial repor ng of
North Eastern Electric Power Corpora on Limited ('the Venturer Company') and its jointly controlled
en es which are companies incorporated in India, as of that date.
The respec ve Board of Directors of the Venturer Company and its jointly controlled en es, which are
companies incorporated in India, are responsible for establishing and maintaining internal financial controls
based on the internal control over financial repor ng criteria established by the Company considering the
essen al components of internal control stated in the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls
over Financial Repor ng issued by the Ins tute of Chartered Accountants of India ('ICAI'). These
responsibili es include the design, implementa on and maintenance of adequate internal financial
controls that were opera ng effec vely for ensuring the orderly and efficient conduct of its business,
including adherence to company's policies, the safeguarding of its assets, the preven on and detec on of
frauds and errors, the accuracy and completeness of the accoun ng records, and the mely prepara on of
reliable financial informa on, as required under the Companies Act, 2013.
Auditors' Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company's internal financial controls over financial
repor ng based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Guidance Note on Audit of
Internal Financial Controls over Financial Repor ng (the 'Guidance Note') issued by ICAI and the Standards
on Audi ng, issued by ICAI and deemed to be prescribed under Sec on 143 (10) of the Companies Act, 2013,
to the extent applicable to an audit of internal financial controls. Those Standards and the Guidance Note
require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether adequate internal financial controls over financial repor ng was established and
maintained and if such controls operated effec vely in all material respects.
Our audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the adequacy of the internal
financial controls system over financial repor ng and their opera ng effec veness. Our audit of internal
financial controls. over financial repor ng included obtaining an understanding of internal financial controls
over financial repor ng, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, and tes ng and evalua ng the
design and opera ng effec veness of internal control based on the assessed risk. The procedures selected
depend on the auditors' judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the Ind
AS financial statements, whether due to fraud or error.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our
audit opinion on the Company's internal financial controls system over financial repor ng.
A company's internal financial control over financial repor ng is a process designed to provide reasonable
assurance regarding the reliability of financial repor ng and the prepara on of Ind AS financial statements
for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accoun ng principles. A company's internal
financial control over financial repor ng includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertain to the
maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transac ons and
disposi ons of the assets of the Company; (2) provide reasonable assurance that transac ons are
recorded as necessary to permit prepara on of Ind AS financial statements in accordance with generally
accepted accoun ng principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the Company are being made only
in accordance with authoriza ons of management and directors of the Company; and (3) provide
reasonable assurance regarding preven on or mely detec on of unauthorized acquisi on, use, or
disposi on of the Company's assets that could have a material effect on the Ind AS financial statements.
Because of the inherent limita ons of internal financial controls over financial repor ng, including the
possibility of collusion or improper management over ride of controls, material misstatements due to
error or fraud may occur and not be detected. Also, projec ons of any evalua on of the internal financial
controls over financial repor ng to future periods are subject to the risk that the internal financial control
over financial repor ng may become in adequate because of changes in condi ons, or that the degree of
compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.
Qualified Opinion
According to the informa on and explana ons given to us and based on our audit, the following material
weaknesses in the internal financial control system of the Venturer Company have been iden fied as at
31 March, 2017:
the company has an old informa on technology (IT general and applica on system which is unable to
cater-the emerging needs and complete informa on consistent with financial repor ng objec ves.
This could poten ally result into weakness in the internal financial controls over financial repor ng of the
Venturer Company.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
In our opinion to the best of our informa on and according to the explana ons given to us and based on the
considera on of the reports of other auditors referred to in the other ma ers paragraph below, the venturer
company and jointly controlled en es, which are companies incorporated in India, have, in all material
respects, maintained adequate internal financial controls over financial repor ng as of March 31 , 2017,
based on the internal control over financial repor ng criteria established by the company considering the
essen al components of internal control stated in the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls
Over Financial Repor ng issued by the Ins tute of Chartered Accountants of India and except for the
possible effects of the material weaknesses described above on the achievement of the objec ves of the
control criteria, the Company's internal financial controls over financial repor ng were opera ng effec vely
as of March 31, 2017.
We have considered the material weaknesses iden fied and reported above in determining the nature,
ming, and extent of audit tests applied in our audit of the March 31 , 2017 consolidated Ind AS financial
statements of the Venturer Company, and these material weaknesses do not affect our opinion on the
consolidated Ind AS financial statements of the Venturer Company.
Other Ma ers
Our aforesaid report under Sec on 143 (3) (i) of the Act on the adequacy and opera ve effec veness of the
internal controls over financial repor ng insofar as it relates to two jointly controlled companies, which are
companies incorporated in India, is based on the corresponding reports of the auditors of such companies
incorporated in India.
Membership No. 053080
Dated: 16.08.2017
Place: New Delhi
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(` in lakhs)
Sl No. Par culars Note No. As at 31st March As at 31st March As at 1st April
2017 2016 2015
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Sl No. Par culars For the period ended For the period ended
31 -Mar-17 31 -Mar-16
B (ii) Income tax rela ng to items that will not be (113.22) 333.77
reclassified to profit and loss
C (i) Items that will be reclassified to profit and loss - -
(ii) Income tax rela ng to items that will be
reclassified to profit and loss - -
XIII Total other comprehensive income (A - B) (213.92) 630.67
XIV Total comprehensive income for the period 23,295.68 31,211.93
Profit for the year a ributable to:
- Owners of the Company 23,509.60 30,581.26
- Non-controlling interests - -
23,509.60 30,581.26
Other Comprehensive income for the year
a ributable to:
- Owners of the Company (213.92) 630.67
- Non-controlling interests - -
(213.92) 630.67
Total Comprehensive income for the year
a ributable to:
- Owners of the Company 23,295.68 31,211.93
- Non-controlling interests - -
23,295.68 31,211.93
Earnings per equity share :
(1) Basic (in `) 0.68 0.89
(2) Diluted (in `) 0.68 0.89
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Share Allo ed - - - - - -
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Corporate North Eastern Electric Power Corpora on Limited (“NEEPCO” / “the Company”) is a leading
informa on power u lity, primarily opera ng in the North-Eastern Region of India. NEEPCO Ltd, a
Central Public Sector Unit (CPSU) wholly owned by the Govt. of India and it is conferred
with the Schedule A- Miniratna Category-I CPSE status by the Government of India.
Authorised Capital of the Company is ₹ 5000 crore. With its headquarters located at
Shillong, the capital of Meghalaya, projects are located in the various states of North East.
NEEPCO operates 5 hydro, 3 thermal and 1 solar power sta ons with a combined installed
capacity of 1287MW. NEEPCO has power projects under construc on which include 110
MW Pare HEP, 600 MW Kameng HEP and 60 MW Tuirial HEP.
NEEPCO has its debt (Bond Eleventh issue to Seventeeth issue) listed with Bombay Stock
Exchange (BSE).
NEEPCO also executed Renewable Energy projects through Joint Ventures in Madhya
Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh.
Statement of In accordance with the no fica on issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, the
Compliance Group has adopted Indian Accoun ng Standards (referred to as “Ind AS”) no fied
under the Companies (Indian Accoun ng Standards) Rules, 2015 with effect from 1
April, 2016, with a transi on date of 1 April 2015.
The financial statements of the Group for the year 2016-17are prepared in
accordance with Ind ASs. Prior to adop on of Ind AS, the Group had been
preparing its financial statements in accordance with the Accoun ng Standards
no fied under the Companies (Accoun ng Standards) Rules, 2006 and other
generally accepted accoun ng principles in India ('together referred to as “Indian
GAAP”) for all periods up to and including the year ended 31 March 2016. During
the first- me adop on, the following op onal exemp ons are availed by the
Group apart from the mandatory exemp on:
n Deemed cost for property, plant and equipment and intangible assets -The
Group has opted to con nue with the carrying value of all of its plant and
equipment and intangible assets recognised as of 1 April, 2015 (transi on
date) measured as per the previous GAAP and use that carrying value as its
deemed cost as of the transi on date.
n Long-term foreign currency monetary item - The Group has elected to
con nue with the policy adopted for accoun ng for exchange differences
arising from transla on of long-term foreign currency monetary items
recognised in the financial statements for the period ending immediately
before the date of transi on as per the previous GAAP.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
n Investments in joint ventures - The Group has elected to con nue with the
carrying value of all of its investment in joint venture recognised as of 1 April,
2015 (transi on date) measured as per the previous GAAP and use that
carrying value as its deemed cost as of the transi on date.
n Fair value measurement of Financial Assets or Financial Liabili es at ini al
recogni on – The Group has elected to apply the requirements paragraph
B5.1.2A (b) of Ind AS 109 prospec vely to transac ons entered into on or
a er the transi on date.
2. Significant Accoun ng Policies
Basis of The consolidated financial statements of the Group have been prepared in
prepara on accordance with the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and Indian
Accoun ng Standards (herein a er referred to as “Ind-AS”) as no fied by the
Ministry of Corporate Affairs pursuant to the sec on 133 of the Companies Act,
2013 read with Rule 3 of the Companies (Indian Accoun ng Standards) Rules2015
and Companies (Indian Accoun ng Standards) Rules 2016.
The Group has adopted all the applicable Ind ASs and such adop on was carried
out in accordance with Ind-AS 101 – First Time Adop on of Indian Accoun ng
Standards. The Group has transited from Indian Accoun ng Principles generally
accepted in India as prescribe in sec on 133 of the Act, read with Rule 7 of the
Companies (Accoun ng) Rules 2014, which was previous GAAP, to Ind-AS, as per
the requirement of Ind-AS 101 with necessary disclosures rela ng to reconcilia on
and explana ons of the effects of such transi on on the consolidated Balance
Sheet, Statement of Profit & loss Account and Statement of Cash Flow in note nos.
45 to 47.
The financial statements for the year ended 31st March 2016 and the opening
balance sheet as on the 01st April 2015 have been restated in accordance with Ind-
AS for compara ve informa on.
The financial statements have been prepared on historical cost basis, except for
certain financial instruments that are measured at fair values at the end of each
repor ng period, as explained in the accoun ng policies below.
Historical cost is generally based on the fair value of the considera on given in
exchange for goods and services.
Income and Expenses are accounted for on Mercan le Basis.
Prepaid expenses of items of ₹ 20000/- and below are charged to natural head of
All assets and liabili es have been classified as current or non-current as per
Group's opera ng cycle and other criteria set
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
out in Schedule-III of the Companies Act 2013. Based on the nature of business,
the Group has ascertained its opera ng
cycle as 12 months for the purpose of Current or noncurrent classifica on of assets
and liabili es.
Each material class of similar items is presented separately in the financial
statements. Items of a dissimilar nature or func on are presented separately
unless they are immaterial.
Basis of A joint venture is a joint arrangement whereby the par es that have joint control of
Consolida on the arrangement have rights to the net assets of the joint arrangement. Joint
control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which
exists only when decisions about the relevant ac vi es require unanimous
consent of the par es sharing control.
The results and assets and liabili es of joint ventures are incorporated in these
consolidated financial statements using the equity method of accoun ng, except
when the investment, or a por on thereof, is classified as held for sale, in which
case it is accounted for in accordance with Ind AS 105.
Under the equity method, an investment in a joint venture is ini ally recognised in
the consolidated balance sheet at cost and adjusted therea er to recognise the
Group's share of the profit and loss of the joint venture. When the Group's share
of losses of a joint venture exceeds the Group's interest in that joint venture (which
includes any long-term interests that, in substance, form part of the Group's net
investment in the joint venture), the Group discon nues recognising its share of
further losses. Addi onal losses are recognised only to the extent that the Group
has incurred legal or construc ve obliga ons or made payments on behalf of the
joint venture.
An investment in a joint venture is accounted for using the equity method from the
date on which the investee becomes a joint venture. On acquisi on of the
investment in a joint venture, any excess of the cost of the investment over the
Group's share of the net fair value of the iden fiable assets and liabili es of the
investee is recognised as goodwill, which is included within the carrying amount of
the investment. Any excess of the Group's share of the net fair value of the
iden fiable assets and liabili es over the cost of the investment, a er
reassessment, is recognised directly in equity as capital reserve in the period in
which the investment is acquired.
If there is objec ve evidence of impairment as a result of one or more events that
occurred a er the ini al recogni on of the net investment in a joint venture (a 'loss
event') and that loss event (or events) has an impact on the es mated future cash
flows from the net investment that can be reliably es mated, then it is necessary
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Investment in A joint venture is a joint arrangement whereby the par es that have joint control of
joint ventures the arrangement have rights to the net assets of the joint arrangement. Joint
control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which
exists only when decisions about the relevant ac vi es require unanimous
consent of the par es sharing control.
The Group measures its investment in joint venture at cost in accordance with Ind
AS 27 – Separate financial statements.
Property, Plant Property, plant and equipment held for use in the produc on and transmission of
and Equipment power, or for administra ve purposes, are stated in the balance sheet at cost, less
any subsequent accumulated deprecia on and impairment loss, if any.
An item of PPE is recognized as an asset if it is probable that future economic
benefits associated with the item will flow to the Group and the cost of the item
can be measured reliably.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Assets which are not separately iden fiable, but are common to more than one
power genera ng unit are capitalised in the ra o of their respec ve installed
PPE are ini ally measured at cost of acquisi on/construc on including
decommissioning or restora on cost, if any, wherever required. The cost includes
expenditure that is directly a ributable to the acquisi on/construc on of the
asset. In cases where final se lement of bills with contractors is pending, but the
asset is complete and ready for use, capitaliza on is done on provisional basis
subject to necessary adjustments in the year of final se lement.
The expenditure incurred on start-up and commissioning of the project, including
the expenditure incurred on trial/test runs and experimental produc on is
capitalized as an indirect element of the construc on cost. However, a er
commencement of commercial opera on, the expenditure incurred is charged to
Revenue expenditure, although the contract s pula on provides for final taking
over of the plant a er sa sfactory comple on of the guarantee period.
Subsequent expenditure on major maintenance or repairs includes the cost of the
replacement of parts of assets and overhaul costs. Where an asset or part of an
asset is replaced and it is probable that future economic benefits associated with
the item will be available to the Group, the expenditure is capitalized and the
carrying amount of the item replaced is derecognized. Similarly, overhaul costs
associated with major maintenance are capitalized and depreciated over their
useful lives where it is probable that future economic benefits will be available and
any remaining carrying amounts of the cost of previous overhauls are
derecognized. All other costs are expensed as incurred.
Net pre- commissioning income/ expenditure is adjusted directly to the cost of
related assets.
Payments made/ liabili es created provisionally towards compensa on,
rehabilita on and other expenses relatable to land in possession are treated as
cost of land.
Spare parts procured along-with the Plant & Machinery and capital spares
procured subsequently which meets the recogni on criteria are capitalized and
added in the carrying amount of such item. The carrying amount of those spare
parts that are replaced is derecognized when no future economic benefits are
expected from their use or upon disposal. Other machinery spares are treated as
“stores & spares” forming part of the inventory.
Cost of mobile handsets are recognised as revenue expenditure.
Physical verifica on of Fixed Assets are undertaken by the management once in a
year. The discrepancies no ced, if any, are accounted for in the year in which such
differences are found.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Capital work-in-progress
Expenditure incurred on assets under construc on is carried at cost under Capital
work in Progress. Such costs comprises purchase price of asset including all
taxes/du es and costs that are directly a ributable to bringing the asset to the
loca on and condi on necessary for it to be capable of opera ng in the manner
intended by management. Such proper es are classified to the appropriate
categories of property, plant and equipment when completed and ready for
intended use.
Cost directly a ributable to projects under construc on include costs of employee
benefits, expenditure in rela on to survey and inves ga on ac vi es of the
projects, cost of site prepara on, ini al delivery and handling charges, installa on
and assembly costs, professional fees, expenditure on maintenance and up-
grada on etc. of common public facili es, deprecia on on assets used in
construc on of project, interest during construc on and other costs including
administra ve and general overhead costs, if a ributable to construc on of
projects. Such costs are accumulated under “Capital works in progress” and
subsequently allocated on systema c basis over major immovable assets. For
projects under construc on, the project specific IEDC is allocated to its qualifying
assets at the me of capitalisa on on the basis of Cost Es mate of the project.
Common expenditure of a project, which is par ally in opera on and par ally
under construc on, is being appor oned on the basis of the installed capacity.
Incidental expenditure during construc on including deprecia on and interest are
allocated/appor oned to the project/works forming part of work-in-progress on
the basis of accre on thereto during the year.
In case of abandonment/suspension/discon nua on of project, the expenditure
in rela on to the same is expensed/charged off in the year of decision.
Deprecia on
Deprecia on is charged as per Electricity Act, 2003 on straight line method
following the rates and methodology no fied by the Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission cons tuted under the Act except the followings:
I. IT equipment are being depreciated @ 33.33%, being the rate assessed by the
Corpora on based on useful life of the asset;
ii. Spares parts procured along with the Plant & Machinery or subsequently
which are capitalized and added in the carrying amount of such item are
depreciated over the residual useful life of the related plant and machinery at
the rates and methodology no fied by CERC.
iii. Assets/procured installed, whose individual cost is RS. 5000/- or less but more
than RS. 750/- (hereina er is called Assets of minor value) and assets
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Intangible Intangible assets, i.e., Land right to use and Computer so ware are capitalized
Assets when the assets are ready for its intended use. These assets acquired are stated at
cost less accumulated amor za on and impairment loss, if any.
"Land taken for use from State Government (without transfer of tle) and
expenses on relief and rehabilita on as also on crea on of alternate facili es for
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
land evacuees or in lieu of exis ng facili es coming under submergence and where
construc on of such alternate facili es is a specific pre-condi on for the
acquisi on of the land for the purpose of the project, are accounted for as Land-
Right to use." Land-right to use” is amor zed over a period of useful life of the
project or as per the CERC Regula ons, whichever is lower, from the date of
commercial opera on of the project. Computer so ware is amor zed over its
useful life not exceeding three years from the date of capitaliza on.
Assets held for Assets classified as “Asset held for sale” at its Net Realisable Value (NRV) subject to
sale fulfillment of its recogni on criteria in compliance to the Ind-AS 105, which are as
n NRV is recoverable principally through a sale transac on rather than through
con nuing use;
n Such assets are available for immediate sale in its present condi ons;
Its sale are highly probable, i.e., the appropriate level of management is
commi ed to a plan to sell the assets, assets are ac vely marketed for sell that is
reasonable in rela on to its current fair value and the sale is expected to complete
within one year from the date of classifica on.
Impairment At the end of each repor ng period, the Group reviews the carrying amounts of its
tangible assets to determine whether there is any indica on that those assets have
suffered an impairment loss, if any. If any such indica on exists, the recoverable
amount (i.e. higher of the fair value less cost to sell and the value-in-use) is
determined on an individual asset basis unless the asset does not generate cash
flows that are largely independent of those from other assets. In such cases, the
recoverable amount is determined for the cash genera ng unit (CGU) to which the
asset belongs.
If the recoverable amount of an asset (or CGU) is es mated to be less than its
carrying amount, the carrying amount of the asset (or CGU) is reduced to its
recoverable amount and the difference between the carrying amount and
recoverable amount is recognised as impairment loss in the statement of profit &
Regulatory A regulatory asset is recognised when it is probable that the future economic
asset or benefits associated with it will flow to the en ty as a result of the actual or
Regulatory expected ac ons of the regulator under the Central Electricity Regulatory
liability Commission (CERC) Regula on and the amount can be measured reliably
A regulatory liability is recognised:
n when an en ty has a present obliga on as a result of a past event;
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Foreign Items included in the financial statements are measured using the currency of the
currencies primary economic environment in which the Group operates. The Group's
func onal and repor ng currency is Indian Rupees (INR). The financial statements
are presented in Indian Rupees, which is the Group's repor ng currency.
In preparing the financial statements transac ons in currencies other than the
en ty's func onal currency (foreign currencies) are recognized at the rates of
exchange prevailing at the dates of the transac ons. At the end of each repor ng
period, monetary items denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the
rates prevailing at that date.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Provisions and Provisions are recognized when there is a present obliga on (legal or construc ve)
con ngencies as a result of a past event and it is probable (“more likely than not”) that it is
required to se le the obliga on, and a reliable es mate can be made of the
amount of the obliga on.
The amount recognized as a provision is the best es mate of the considera on
required to se le the present obliga on at the balance sheet date, taking into
account the risks and uncertain es surrounding the obliga on.
If the effect of the me value of money is material, provisions are discounted using
a pre-tax rate that reflects current market assessments of the me value of money
in that jurisdic on and the risks specific to the liability. When discoun ng is used,
the increase in the provision due to the passage of me is recognized as a
borrowing cost.
Con ngent liabili es are not recognized but disclosed unless the possibility of
ou low of resources are remote.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Con ngent assets are generally not recognized but are disclosed when inflow of
economic benefit is probable.
Leases At the incep on of a lease, the lease arrangement is classified as either a Finance
lease or an opera ng lease, based on the substance of the lease arrangement.
Leases are classified as finance leases whenever the terms of the lease transfers
substan ally all the risks and rewards incidental to the ownership of an asset to the
lessee. All other leases are classified as opera ng leases.
Lease assets are accounted in accordance with Ind AS 17 and amor sed as follows:
i. Leasehold Land, in case of projects under opera on, are amor sed over the
period of lease or useful life, whichever is lower.
ii. Leasehold Land, in case of administra ve offices, are amor sed over the lease
iii. Leasehold Land, in case of projects under construc on are amor sed over the
period of lease or useful life, whichever is lower, a er commissioning of the
Inventories Inventories mainly comprise of stores and spare parts to be used for maintenance
of Property, Plant and Equipment and are valued at costs, determined on weighted
average basis or net realizable value (NRV), whichever is lower. The cost is
determined using weighted average cost formula and NRV is the es mated selling
price in the ordinary course of business less the es mated costs necessary to make
the sale. Value of scrap is adjusted in the account as & when sold/disposed-off and
profit/loss, if any, is recognized in accounts in the year of selling/disposal.
Physical verifica on of inventory are done by the management once in every year.
Trade Trade receivables are amounts due from customers for goods sold or services
receivable performed in the ordinary course of business. If collec on is expect to be collected
within a period of 12 months or less from the repor ng date (or in the normal
opera ng cycle of the business if longer), they are classified as current assets
otherwise as non-current assets. Trade receivables are measured at their
transac on price.
As the en re sales are made to State Govt. u li es, the Group is not providing for
allowance for expected life me credit loss.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Financial Financial assets and liabili es are recognized when the Group becomes a party to
Instruments the contractual provisions of the instrument. Financial assets and liabili es are
ini ally measured at fair value. Transac on cost that are directly a ributable to the
acquisi on or issue of financial assets and financial liabili es ( other than financial
assets and financial liabili es at fair value through profit or loss) are added to or
deducted from the fair value measured on ini al recogni on of financial asset or
financial liabili es.
Financial Assets
Financial assets comprises of investments in joint venture, investment in power
bonds, loans and advances to employees, trade receivables, cash and cash
equivalents, materialised deferred tax recoverable and security deposits etc.
i. Cash or Cash Equivalents:
The Group considers all short term Bank deposits, which are readily conver ble in
to known amounts of cash that are subject to an insignificant risk of change in
value and having original maturi es of three months or less from the date of
purchase, to be cash equivalents. Cash and cash equivalents consists of balances
with banks which are unrestricted for withdrawal and usage
For the purposes of the Cash Flow Statement, cash and cash equivalents is as
defined above, net of outstanding bank overdra s. In the balance sheet, bank
overdra s are shown within borrowings in current liabili es.
ii. Financial assets at amor zed cost:
Financial assets are subsequently measured at amor zed costs if these financial
assets are held within a business model whose objec ve is to hold these assets in
order to collect contractual cash flows and the contractual terms of the financial
assets give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of
principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding.
iii. Financial assets at Fair value through Other Comprehensive Income (OCI)
Financial assets are measured at fair value through other comprehensive income if
these financial assets are held within a business model whose objec ve is
achieved by both collec ng contractual cash flows and selling financial assets and
contractual term of the financial assets give rise on specified days to cash flows
that are solely payment of principals and the interest on principal amount
iv. Financial assets at Fair value through Profit or loss
Financial assets are measured at fair value through profit or loss unless it is
measured at amor zed cost or at fair value through other comprehensive item on
ini al recogni on. The transac on cost directly a ributable to the acquisi on of
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
financial assets and liabili es at fair value through profit or loss are immediately
recognized in the statement of profit or loss.
Financial liabili es and equity instruments issued by the Group
i. Financial liabili es
Trade and other payables are ini ally measured at fair value, net of transac on
costs, and are subsequently measured at amor sed cost, using the effec ve
interest rate method.
Other financial liabili es are measured at amor zed cost using the effec ve
interest method
ii. Equity Instruments:
An equity instrument is a contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of
the Group a er deduc ng all of its liabili es. Equity instruments issued by the
Group are recognised at the proceeds received, net of direct issue costs.
Derecogni on of financial assets
The Group derecognizes a financial asset only when the contractual rights to the
cash flows from the asset expire, or when it transfers the financial asset and
substan ally all the risks and rewards of ownership of the asset to another en ty
Impairment of financial assets
At each repor ng date, the Group assess whether the credit risk on a financial
instrument has increased significantly since ini al recogni on.
At each repor ng date, the Group assess whether the credit risk on a financial
instrument has increased significantly since ini al recogni on.
If, at the repor ng date, the credit risk on a financial instrument has not increased
significantly since ini al recogni on, the Group measures the loss allowance for
that financial instrument at an amount equal to 12-month expected credit losses.
If, the credit risk on that financial instrument has increased significantly since ini al
recogni on, the Group measures the loss allowance for a financial instrument at
an amount equal to the life me expected credit losses.
The amount of expected credit losses (or reversal) that is required to adjust the
loss allowance at the repor ng date is recognized as an impairment gain or loss in
the statement of profit and loss.
Derecogni on of financial liability
The Group derecognizes financial liabili es when, and only when, the Group's
obliga ons are discharged, cancelled or they expire.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Borrowing cost Borrowing costs directly a ributable to the acquisi on, construc on or
produc on of qualifying assets are added to the cost of those assets, un l such
me as the assets are substan ally ready for their intended use or sale.
Investment income earned on the temporary investment of specific borrowings
pending their expenditure on qualifying assets is deducted from the borrowing
costs eligible for capitaliza on. All other borrowing costs are recognized in the
statement of profit and loss in the period in which they are incurred. Borrowing
cost includes exchange differences on foreign currency borrowings are adjustment
to interest cost.
Prepayment charges on repayment of loan in full will be charged off to the IEDC /
Profit & Loss account, as applicable, in the year of repayment itself.
Accoun ng for Government grants are recognized when there is reasonable assurance that the
government Group will comply with the condi ons a aching to them and that the grants will be
grants received.
The benefits of a government loan at a below market rate of interest is treated as
Government Grant. The loan is ini ally recognised and measured at fair value and
the government grant is measured as the difference between the ini ally
recognized amount of the loan and the fair value of the loan based on prevailing
market interest rates.
Government grants are recognised in the statement of profit and loss on a
systema c basis over the periods in which the Group recognises as expenses the
related costs for which the grants are intended to compensate. Government grants
whose primary condi on is that the Group should purchase, construct or
otherwise acquire non-current assets are recognized in the balance sheet by
se ng up the grant as deferred income.
Other government grants (grants related to income) are recognized as income
over the periods necessary to match them with the costs for which they are
intended to compensate, on a systema c basis. Grants related to income are
presented under other income in the statement of profit and loss.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Employee Employee benefits consist of provident fund, pension, gratuity, post-re rement
Benefits medical benefit (PRMB), leave benefits and other terminal benefits.
Group contribu on paid/payable during the year to Employees Defined
Contribu on Superannua on Scheme for providing Pension benefit, Provident
Fund and Gratuity are accounted for and paid to respec ve funds which are
administered through separate trusts. The Group's liability is actuarially
determined for Gratuity, Leave encashment and PMRB at the Balance Sheet date
and any further accre on during the year for Gratuity is provided for to the Trust
set up by the Group and that for Leave encashment and PMRB are charged to IEDC
or profit & loss, as the case may be.
The expenses incurred on terminal benefits in the form of ex-gra a payments are
charged to IEDC or profit & loss, as the case may be in the year of incurrence of such
Income Taxes Tax expense represents the sum of current tax and deferred tax.
Current tax
The tax currently payable is based on taxable profit for the year. Taxable profit
differs from 'profit before tax' as reported in the statement of profit and loss
because of items of income or expense that are taxable or deduc ble in other
years and items that are never taxable or deduc ble. The current income tax
charge is calculated by using tax rates that have been enacted or substan vely
enacted by the end of the repor ng period
Deferred tax
Deferred tax assets and liabili es are measured at the tax rates that are expected
to apply to the period when the asset is realized or the liability is se led, based on
tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substan vely enacted by the end
of the repor ng period. Tax rela ng to items recognized directly in other
comprehensive income forms part of the statement of comprehensive income.
Deferred tax is provided, using the balance sheet method, on all temporary
differences at the repor ng date between the tax bases of assets and liabili es and
their carrying amounts for financial repor ng purposes.
The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed at each repor ng date and
reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profits will
be available to allow all or part of the asset to be recovered.
Deferred tax assets and liabili es are offset when there is a legally enforceable
right to set off current tax assets against current tax liabili es and when they relate
to income taxes levied by the same taxa on authority and the Group intends to
se le its current tax assets and liabili es on a net basis.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Revenue Revenue is measured at the fair value of the considera on received or receivable.
recogni on and Revenues are reduced for rebates and other similar allowances.
Other income
Sale of Power
Sale of energy is accounted for based on tariff approved by the Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (CERC) and in case of power sta ons where final tariff is
yet to be approved by CERC, provisional tariff as agreed by the beneficiaries are
The incen ves/disincen ves are recognized based on norms no fied by the
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission.
CERC applica on fee and publica on expenses and interest receivable on arrear
bills due to revision of Annual Fixed Cost (AFC) payable by the beneficiaries in
terms of CERC regula ons are being accounted for on accrual basis
Other Income
Dividends income from investments are recognized when the right to receive the
dividend is established.
Interest income from a financial asset is recognized when it is probable that the
economic benefits will flow to the Group and the amount of income can be
measured reliably. Interest income is accrued on a me basis, by reference to the
principal outstanding and at the effec ve interest rate applicable, which is the rate
that exactly discounts es mated future cash receipts through the expected life of
the financial asset to that asset's net carrying amount on ini al recogni on.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Earnings Per Basic earnings per share is computed by dividing the net profit for the period
Share a ributable to the equity shareholders of the Group by the weighted average
number of equity shares outstanding during the period. The weighted average
number of equity shares outstanding during the period and for all periods
presented is adjusted for events, if any, other than the conversion of poten al
equity shares, if any, that have changed the number of equity shares outstanding,
without a corresponding change in resources.
For the purpose of calcula ng diluted earnings per share, the net profit for the
period a ributable to equity shareholders and the weighted average number of
shares outstanding during the period is adjusted for the effects of all dilu ve
poten al equity shares.
Segment NEEPCO is in the business of only one product, i.e., genera on and selling of
Repor ng electricity. All the projects of NEEPCO are located with the North East Region, i.e.,
within the same geographical loca on. NEEPCO has no reportable segment and
accordingly, Ind AS 108 – Opera ng Segment to disclose informa on about
segments is not applicable.
In the applica on of the Group's accoun ng policies, which are described in Note-
2, the management of the Group is required to make judgments, es mates and
assump ons about the carrying amounts of assets and liabili es that are not
readily apparent from other sources. The es mates and associated assump ons
are based on historical experience and other factors that are considered to be
relevant. Actual results may differ from these es mates.
The es mates and underlying assump ons are reviewed on an ongoing basis.
Revisions to accoun ng es mates are recognized in the period in which the
es mate is revised.
The following are the cri cal judgments, apart from those involving es ma ons
(see point ii below), that the management have made in the process of applying
the Group's accoun ng policies and that have the most significant effect on the
amounts recognized in the financial statements
The management has reviewed the Group's financial assets at amor zed cost in
the light of its business model and have confirmed the Group's posi ve inten on
and ability to hold these financial assets to collect contractual cash flows.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
The following are the key assump ons concerning the future, and other key
sources of es ma on of uncertainty at the end of the repor ng period that may
have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of
assets and liabili es within the next financial year
a. Impairment of investments
The Group reviews its carrying value of investments carried at amor zed cost
annually, or more frequently when there is indica on for impairment. If the
recoverable amount is less than its carrying amount, the impairment loss is
accounted for.
b. Provisions
Con ngent liabili es arising from past events the existence of which would be
confirmed only on occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more future uncertain
events not wholly within the control of the Group or con ngent liabili es where
there is a present obliga ons but it is not probable that economic benefits would
be required to se le the obliga ons are disclosed in the financial statements
unless the possibility of any ou low in se lement is remote
For financial repor ng purposes, fair value measurements are categorized into
Level 1, 2 or 3 based on the degree to which the inputs to the fair value
measurements are observable and the significance of the inputs to the fair value
measurement in its en rety, which are described as follows:
n Level 1 inputs are quoted prices (unadjusted) in ac ve markets for iden cal
assets or liabili es that the Group can access at the measurement date;
n Level 2 inputs are inputs, other than quoted prices included within Level 1,
that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly; and
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Office Equipment
Misc Equipment
Freehold Land
Gross Block as at April 1, 2016 1909.03 22535.12 560672.24 1575.64 699.33 5480.97 1449.11 6763.50 5418.60 148.62 606,652.16
Additions 1.42 1628.32 52682.21 99.17 28.01 374.52 109.77 573.02 1801.46 19.31 57,317.21
Disposals/Adjustment (0.25) (199.76) (999.20) (3.30) (16.36) (28.01) - - (0.08) (0.42) (1,247.38)
Reclassified as held for sale - - - - - - - - - - -
Gross Block as at March 31, 2017 1,910.20 23,963.68 612,355.25 1,671.51 710.98 5,827.48 1,558.88 7,336.52 7,219.98 167.51 662,721.99
Impairment as at April 1, 2016
Other re-classifications
Impairment as at March 31, 2017 - - - - - - - - - - -
Accumulated Depreciation as - 10278.52 274371.56 934.12 413.40 3740.57 948.66 2018.47 4063.86 122.61 296891.77
at April 1, 2016
Charge for the period - 609.69 15309.15 73.91 37.80 298.93 36.16 257.11 281.59 18.67 16923.01
Other re-classifications
Accumulated depreciation as - 10888.21 289680.71 1008.03 451.20 4039.50 984.82 2275.58 4345.45 141.28 313814.78
at March 31, 2017
Total accumulated depreciation and - 10888.21 289680.71 1008.03 451.20 4039.50 984.82 2275.58 4345.45 141.28 313814.78
impairment as at March 31, 2017
Net block as at March 31, 2017 1910.20 13075.47 322674.54 663.48 259.78 1787.98 574.06 5060.94 2874.53 26.23 348907.21
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Office Equipment
Misc Equipment
Freehold Land
Gross Block as at April 1, 2015 1,790.23 20,360.50 456,168.65 1,463.14 684.36 5,102.08 1,340.17 6,703.44 5,296.26 145.65 499,054.48
Additions 118.80 2,204.17 108,129.07 89.68 15.76 428.35 108.96 116.01 127.80 2.97 111,341.57
Disposals/Adjustment - (29.55) (2,341.68) 24.08 - (46.73) (0.02) (55.95) (4.93) - (2,454.78)
Redlassified as held for sale - - - - - - - - - - -
Gross Block as at March 31, 2016 1,909.03 22,535.12 561,956.04 1,576.90 700.12 5,483.70 1,449.11 6,763.50 5,419.13 148.62 607,941.27
Impairment as at April 1, 2015
Other re-classifications
Impairment as at March 31, 2016 - - - - - - - - - - -
Accumulated Depreciation as
at April 1, 2015 - 9,560.81 264,938.60 854.18 383.98 3,341.29 896.74 1,823.03 3,990.53 108.92 285898.08
Charge for the period - 717.71 9,462.87 79.94 29.42 399.28 51.92 195.44 73.33 13.69 11023.60
Disposals - - - - - - - - - - -
Other re-classifications
Accumulated depreciation as - 10278.52 274401.47 934.12 413.40 3740.57 948.66 2018.47 4063.86 122.61 296921.68
at March 31, 2016
Total accumulated depreciation and - 10278.52 274401.47 934.12 413.40 3740.57 948.66 2018.47 4063.86 122.61 296921.68
impairment as at March 31, 2016
Net block as at March 31, 2016 1909.03 12256.60 287554.57 642.78 286.72 1743.13 500.45 4745.03 1355.27 26.01 311019.59
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
i Property, plant and equipment (including Capital work-in-progress) has been tested for impairment
where indicators of impairment existed. Based on the assessment, the Company do not recognise any
impairment charge during the current year and also during the year ended March 31, 2016.
ii The Corpora on has spent an amount of ` 23127.82 lakhs (previous year ` 21936.37 lakhs) on account of
construc on of Roads, Bridges and Culvert in respect of project under construc on on assets which is not
owned by the Corpora on. Since this expenditure are essen al for se ng up the project/asset(s), the
same are capitalised.
iii Present and future immovable proper es of Construc on and O&M projects are mortgaged for raising
Secured, Redeemable Non-Conver ble Bonds Eleventh to Seventeenth issue valuing ` 453250.00 lakhs
having Charge ID with ROC are 10603635 for ` 90000.00 lakhs, 10555356 for ` 60000.00 lakhs,
10534076 for ` 250000.00 lakhs, ` 10466275 for ` 7250.00 lakhs, 10411581 for ` 12000.00 lakhs and
10411580 for ` 4000.00 lakhs. Crea on of Charge for Bond raised on 27.03.2017 valued ` 30000.00 lakhs
is under process as on 31.03.2017. External Commercial Borrowing raised from SBI, Singapore for
construc on projects is secured by Hypotheca on of all movable & immovable assets (including plant,
machinery) created / to be created in respect of Tripura Gas Based Power Plant , Agartala and Agartala
Gas Turbine Projects –Extension, Agartala. Foreign currency Loan received from KfW, Germany for
construc on project is guranteed by Govt. of India.
iv Interest and finance charge, related to construc on projects, amoun ng to ` 37338.19 lakhs(previous
year ` 44602.76 lakhs) has been transferred to IEDC (Ref. Note No-36). This also includes foreign
exchange difference credited to carrying amount CWIP in respect of Pare Hydro Electric Project
amoun ng to ` 3691.49 lakhs (previous year debit ` 4300.77 lakhs) and foreign exchange difference
credited to carrying amount CWIP in respect of Tripura Gas Based Power Plant, Monarchak amoun ng to
` 195.29 lakhs (previous year debit ` 1672.69 lakhs). The foreign exchange borrowings are un-hedged.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Par culars As at 1st Addi ons Adjustments Capitalised As at 31st As at 31st As at 1st
April 2016 during the during the during the March 2017 March 2016 April 2015
year year year
Building 1372.54 698.59 (40.27) (850.22) 1180.64 1372.54 2280.71
Temporary Buildings/Erec ons 55.90 32.28 (2.17) (4.23) 81.78 55.90 235.32
Roads, Bridges, Culverts 22127.97 247.85 (34.64) (310.28) 22030.90 22127.97 21909.95
& Helipads
Electrical Installa on 112.91 47.36 (0.25) (95.57) 64.45 112.91 57.16
Water Supply,Sewerage & 259.07 30.17 (5.25) (210.50) 73.49 259.07 271.69
Hydraulic works incldg Dams, 280911.24 57539.12 (5427.47) (2445.01) 330577.88 280911.24 232795.76
Dykes etc.
Other Civil works 1780.71 201.45 (70.61) (1733.46) 178.09 1780.71 1118.67
Power house 27719.78 9098.15 (0.05) (46.38) 36771.50 27719.78 39985.14
Switch Yard including cable 9230.78 1474.11 (128.09) (460.75) 10116.05 9230.78 12532.43
connec on
Environment & Ecology 4403.86 13001.33 (54.96) - 17350.23 4403.86 5027.24
Transmission Lines 913.71 65.72 (5.18) (572.87) 401.38 913.71 724.64
Transformer having a ra ng of 1072.90 6191.59 417.06 (1499.48) 6182.07 1072.90 2365.65
100KV ampere and above
Survey & Inves ga on 9356.97 256.13 (276.35) - 9336.75 9356.97 9194.31
Provision for S & I Units (5674.18) - - - (5674.18) (5674.18) (5674.18)
Communica on equipment - - - - - - -
Substa on 763.98 20.02 (138.00) 646.00 763.98 596.51
Plant, etc. in Genera ng sta on 72105.77 9807.21 (1081.65) (21858.90) 58972.43 72105.77 94317.22
Plant & Machinery in Transit - - - - - - 16.75
Steam Turbine 28.72 - (28.72) - - 28.72 24356.60
EDP & WP Machines - 3.50 - (3.50) - - -
Solar Plant - - - - - - -
Gas Booster Sta on 4603.63 3206.37 (5124.87) 2685.13 4603.63 2987.03
Incidental Expenditure during 264174.68 58267.47 (309.40) (13781.70) 308351.05 264174.68 215843.97
TOTAL 695320.94 160188.42 (7048.00) (49135.72) 799325.64 695320.94 660942.57
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
As at March 31, 2017
(` in lakhs)
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
i Compensa on paid for forest land of 6149.50 Hectares for se ng up of projects (Kameng Hydro Electric
Project, Pare Hydro Electric Project, Tuirial Hydro Electric Project and Tripura Gas Based Power Plant) are
treated as " Right to use". The land was handed over by respec ve District administra on.
ii Expenses incurred on maintenance of so ware system payable annually are charged to revenue.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Par cular As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
QTY Amounts QTY Amounts QTY Amounts
Quoted Investments
Unquoted Investments (all fully paid)
Investments in Equity Instruments
- of joint ventures - jointly controlled
en es - - - - - -
- WARNEEP Solar Pvt Limited 82000000.00 7225.60 75000000.00 7082.40 40000000.00 4446.40
(Equity Shares - Fully Paid up)
- KSK Dibbin Hydro Power 27930000.00 3203.14 27930000.00 3178.01 15280000.00 1256.50
(Equity Share Fully Paid up)
- of joint ventures - (Share Applica on
Money) - - - - - -
- WARNEEP Solar Pvt Limited - - - - - 500.00
- MDGEPL (Windpower) - - - 2.00 - 1.61
TOTAL AGGREGATE UNQUOTED 109930000.00 10428.74 102930000.00 10262.41 55280000.00 6204.50
Other Investment - - - - - -
TOTAL other investment (C ) - - - - - -
TOTAL INVESTMENTS (A) + (B)+ (C ) 109930000.00 10428.74 102930000.00 10262.41 55280000.00 6204.50
Less : Aggregate amount of impairment in
value of investments
- of joint ventures - jointly controlled en es - - - - - -
(A) + (B) + (C ) - (D) 10428.74 10262.41 6204.50
Par cular As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
(a) Unquoted
Aggregate carrying amount of unquoted - - -
Total carrying amount - - -
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(i) The cost of unquoted investments approximate the fair value because there is a wide range possible fair
value measurements and the cost represents es mate of fair value within that range.
(ii) Investment in WARNEEP Solar Pvt Limited:-50 MW Solar power Project has been developed by
WAANEEP Solar Private Limited as a joint venture between WAAREE Energies Ltd and NEEPCO Ltd. The
Project was commissioned on 15 June'2015. Another 50 MW Solar Power Project is being set up in the
state of Andra Pradesh.
(iii) Investment in KSK Dibbin Hydro Power:- Joint venture between KSK Energy Ventures and NEEPCO Ltd
for se ng up of a hydro power plant at Arunachal Pradesh.
Par culars As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
a) Loans and Advances to employees
- Secured, considered good 113.96 127.71 110.50
- Unsecured, considered good - ` -
- Doub ul - - -
Less : Allowance for bad and doub ul - - -
TOTAL (A) 113.96 127.71 110.50
(i) Loan & Advances to employees includes Interest bearing Computer Advance and interest free Furniture
Advance and Mul purpose Advance. Computer advance & Furniture advance are recovered from
employees in 60 equal instalments whereas Mul purpose Advance is recovered in 12 installment.
(ii) There are no outstanding debts from directors or other officers of the Company.
(iii) The above loans and advances have been given as per the norms of the Corpora on on recoverable
Par culars As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
Deferred Tax Liability 61,479.07 55,844.27 52,181.47
Net Deferred Tax Liabili es - - -
From OCI (113.22) 333.77 -
Less : Deferred Tax Asset 10,072.91 8,702.18 4,607.23
Less : Deferred Tax Recoverable 47,766.82 49,265.99 50,625.62
Deferred tax for JV Companies 83.22 (78.12) (46.36)
Net Deferred Tax (Asset)/ Liability 3,609.34 (1,712.01) (3,005.02)
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Income Tax
(i) The reconciliation of estimated income taxes to income tax expenses is as follows:
(` in lakhs)
(` in lakhs)
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(ii) Significant component of deferred tax assets and liabilities for the year ended March 31, 2016 &
March 31, 2017 are as follows:
(` in lakhs)
(` in lakhs)
Par culars As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
Capital Advances
Secured :
Covered By Bank Guarantee 2628.21 3406.80 3800.73
Un-Secured :
Others 19194.31 21997.71 18191.73
Considered Doub ul 41.28 41.28 41.28
Less: Allowances for bad & doub ul 41.28 41.28 41.28
Sub - total 19194.31 21997.71 18191.73
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Par culars As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
Advances towards Land 21.42 70.54 117.41
Prepayments (Leasehold Land) 6417.59 6611.41 6805.24
Sub- total 6439.01 6681.95 6922.65
Total 28261.53 32086.46 28915.11
(i) Capital advances comprises of Mobilisa on Advance and Plant & Machinery advance given to
contractor in respect of Construc on Projects. The advances are recovered from the contractors bills.
(ii) The Company has taken land under opera ng leases. There is no Minimum Lease Rental Payment for
such under non-cancellable opera ng lease entered into by the company.
(iii) (a) During the year ended March 31, 2017,amor sa on of lease recognised in the statement of profit
and loss is ` 193.83 lakhs (2015-16: ` 193.83 lakhs)
(b) Significant leasing arrangements include lease of land for periods ranging between 30 years to 99
years as well as perpetual lease with renewal op on.
(i) The cost of inventories recognised as an expense during the year in respect of con nuing opera ons has
been ` 10721.88 lakhs (2015-2016: ` 11783.58 lakhs)
(ii) Inventories of ` 16611.01 lakhs (March 31, 2016: ` 14579.78 lakhs) are expected to be recovered within
twelve months.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Par cular As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
QTY Amounts QTY Amounts QTY Amounts
Other Investment
Investment in Power Bonds :
8.5% Tax free State Govt. Bonds of the
Government of -
- Arunachal Pradesh - - - - 17880.00 178.80
- Assam - - - - 638270.00 6382.70
- Manipur - - - - 125394.00 1253.94
- Meghalaya - - - - 13026.00 130.26
- Mizoram - - - - 42336.00 423.36
- Nagaland - - - - 58070.00 580.70
- Tripura - - - - 59930.00 599.30
Par culars As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
Investments carried at fair value through - - -
profit and loss
Investments carried at fair value through - - -
Investments carried at amor sed cost - - -
Government securi es (unquoted) - - -
Power bond resulted from Govt of India's Power Sector securi sa on scheme implemented during
FY 2002-03 has been redeemed fully on 1 April, 2015
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(i) Trade receivables are dues in respect of goods sold or services rendered in the normal course of
(ii) Where no due date is specifically agreed upon, the normal credit period allowed by the Company is in
compliance to the CERC regula ons / Guidance.
(iii) Where a trade receivable has been provided for, such provision could be dictated by prudence, but one
could s ll expect to realise the amount within 12 months from the balance sheet date. Under such
circumstances, the said trade receivable is classified as current. Where, however, there is no
expecta on to realise the amount within the next twelve months period, the same needs to be
classified as non-current along with the provision made for the same.
(iv) Trade receivables are further analysed as :
(` in lakhs)
(` in lakhs)
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(` in lakhs)
The Company considers its maximum exposure to credit risk with respect to customers as at March 31, 2017
to be ` 46534.16 lakhs (March 31, 2016: ` 102586.96 lakhs, April 1, 2015: ` 76853.69 lakhs), which is the fair
value of trade receivables a er allowance for credit losses. The Company’s exposure to customers is
diversified and no single customer contributes to more than 10% of outstanding accounts receivable as at
March 31, 2017, 2016 and April 1, 2015 except Assam & Meghalaya.
(` in lakhs)
(i) In determining the allowances for doub ul trade receivables the Company has used a prac cal
expedient by compu ng the expected credit loss allowance for trade receivables based on a provision
matrix. The provision matrix takes into account historical credit loss experience and is adjusted for
forward looking informa on. The expected credit loss allowance is based on the ageing of the
receivables that are due and rates used in the provision matrix
(ii) There are no outstanding debts due from directors or other officers of the Company.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(i) Earmarked cash and bank balances primarily represents LC provided to State Bank of India for Gas
(ii) In accordance with the MCA no fica on G.S.R. 308(E) dated March 30, 2017 details of Specified Bank
Notes (SBN) and Other Denomina on Notes (ODN) held and transacted during the period from
November 8, 2016 to December 30, 2016, is given below:
(Figure in Rupees)
(a) Unpermi ed receipts includes amount collected towards sale of POL & receipts from employees
towards se lement of advances.
(b) Unpermi ed payments is Nil
(iii) The cash and bank balances as above are primarily denominated and held in Indian rupees
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(` in lakhs)
(i) Accounts receivables comprises of deferred Tax recoverable amoun ng to ₹1557.13 lakhs and amount
to be billed on the beneficiary amoun ng to ₹ 2653.92 on account of effec ve tax rate for the FY 2015-
(ii) The above loans have been given for business purpose.
(iii) There are no outstanding debts due from directors or other officers of the Company.
(iv) Loan & Advances to employees includes Interest bearing Computer Advance & Furniture Advance and
interest free Mul purpose Advance. Computer advance & Furniture advance are recovered from
employees in 60 equal instalment whereas Mul purpose Advance is recovered in 12 installment.
(v) Security deposits are primarily consists of Deposit against BSNL Lines, Gas Connec on, Cable Connec on
etc. which will be refunded on surrender of services provided by service providers.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Par culars As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
Current tax assets
Benefit of tax losses to be carried - - -
back to recover taxes paid in prior periods
Tax refund receivables 11824.22 14463.66 10072.63
Total 11824.22 14463.66 10072.63
Current tax liabili es
Income Tax payable 7997.38 11790.79 8623.13
Total 7997.38 11790.79 8623.13
Current Tax assets relates to advance Tax paid during the year. Current Tax liabili es relates to Tax computed
as per IT Act .
(i) Prepaid Expenses consists of amount paid in advance in respect of prepaid insurance & annual
maintenance charges rela ng to so ware & EDP equipment the benefit of which has not yet expired
on repor ng date.
(ii) Advances to suppliers & contractors are the short term advances to be recovered within 12 months
from the bills. The advances are given as s pulated under the work/supply order.
(iii) Prepaid lease rental include assets carried at ` 4623.13 lakhs (as at 31 March, 2016 ` 4469.05 lakhs, as
at 1 April, 2015 ` 1,582.80 lakhs) for which the Company has paid lease rental in advance in the form of
compensa on, rese lement & rehabilita on & Afforesta on at the me of acquisi on of land
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Assets classified as “Asset held for sale” at its Net Realisable Value (NRV) subject to fulfillment of its
recogni on criteria in compliance to the Ind-AS 105, which are as follows:
• NRV is recoverable principally through a sale transac on rather than through con nuing use ;
• Such assets are available for immediate sale in its present condi ons;
• Its sale are highly probable, i.e., the appropriate level of management is commi ed to a plan to sell the
assets, assets are ac vely marketed for sell that is reasonable in rela on to its current fair value and the
sale is expected to complete within one year from the date of classifica on.
Par culars As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
Equity Share Capital 345,281.04 345,281.04 342,611.54
TOTAL 345,281.04 345,281.04 342,611.54
Par culars As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
Authorised Capital
5,00,00,00,000 nos. of equity shares
of `10/- each (Previous year
5,00,00,00,000 nos. of equity shares 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00
of `10/- each)
Issued and Subscribed capital
comprises :
3,45,28,10,400 nos. as on March'17: 345,281.04 345,281.04 342,611.54
3,45,28,10,400 nos. As on March'16:
3,42,61,15,400 nos. as on April'15 of
equity shares of `10/- each
Total 345,281.04 345,281.04 342,611.54
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(I) The movement in subscribed and paid up share capital is set out below:
(ii) Shares in the company held by each shareholder holding more than 5% shares
(iii) The Corpora on has only one class of shares referred to as equity shares having a par value of
` 10/- wholly owned by the Govt of India.
Par culars As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
General Reserve 197691.68 197691.68 186291.68
Retained earnings 4097.57 9037.39 12792.04
Bond redemp on reserve 39732.48 24752.04 12271.60
Total 241521.73 231481.11 211355.32
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Par culars As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
Balance at the beginning of the year/period 197691.68 186291.68 186291.68
Movements - 11400.00 -
Balance at the end of the year/period 197691.68 197691.68 186291.68
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Name of the Joint Ventures Waaneep Solar Meratron KSK Dibbin Total
Percentage Holding 0.40 0.40 0.30 -
Equity 20500.00 - 9311.00 -
Reserve and Surplus (2436.00) - 1366.13 -
Net Assets 18064.00 - 10677.13 -
Share of Equity 7225.60 - 3203.14 10428.74
Total Equity - - - 10428.74
Cost in stand alone financials 8200.00 - 2793.00 10993.00
Difference to Transi on (974.40) - 410.14 (564.26)
Reserve in CFS
Differen al Entry (556.80) - 25.12 (531.68)
Defer Tax Entry - - 5.10 -
Name of the Joint Ventures Waaneep Solar Meratron KSK Dibbin Total
Percentage Holding 0.40 0.40 0.30 -
Equity 18750.00 5.00 9311.00 -
Reserve and Surplus (1044.00) (59.46) 1282.38 -
Net Assets 17706.00 (54.46) 10593.38 -
Share of Equity 7082.40 2.00 3178.01 10262.41
Total Equity - - - 10262.41
Cost in stand alone financials 7500.00 2.00 2793.00 10295.00
Difference to Transi on
Reserve in CFS (417.60) - 385.01 (32.59)
Differen al Entry (364.00) 0.39 156.52 (207.09)
Defer Tax Entry - - 31.76 -
Name of the Joint Ventures Waaneep Solar Meratron KSK Dibbin Total
Percentage Holding 0.40 0.40 0.1899 -
Equity 11250.00 5.00 8046.00 1527.94
Reserve and Surplus (134.00) (0.99) 1203.59 -
Net Assets 11116.00 4.01 9249.59 -
Share of Equity 4446.40 1.61 1756.50 6204.50
Total Equity - - - 6204.50
Cost in stand alone financials 4500.00 2.00 1528.00 6030.00
Difference to Transi on (53.60) (0.39) 228.50 174.50
Reserve in CFS
Defer Tax Entry - - 46.36 46.36
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Non-current liabili es
Financial Liabili es
Note No. 18 Long term borrowings
(` in lakhs)
Par culars As at March As at March As at April
31, 2017 31, 2016 1, 2015
a. Seventeenth issue
7.80 % (Taxable),Secured, Redeemable Non-Conver ble Bonds of 30000.00
` 10,00,000.00 each, Redeemable at par on 27-05.2020. (The value of
Assets of Kameng Hydro Electric Project, Arunachal Pradesh and landed
property of the Corpora on in the District of Mehhsana, Gujrat have
been iden fied for mortgage through the Trust Deed with the appointed
Less: Bond expense amor za on 30.05
Bond - Seventeenth issue (Net) 29969.95
a. Sixteenth Issue 90000.00 90000.00
8.68% (Taxable),Secured, Redeemable Non-Conver ble Bonds of
`10,00,000.00 each, Redeemable at 20% of face value on 30th
Sept'2026, 30th Sept'2027, 30th Sept'2028, 30th Sept'2029, 30th
Sept'2030. (The value of Assets in the Tuirial Hydro Electric Project,
Mizoram & Kopili Hydro Electric Project in Assam and landed property of
the Corpora on in the District of Mehhsana, Gujrat have been iden fied
for mortgage through the Trust Deed with the appointed Trustee)
Less: Bond expense amor za on : (₹ 69.60- 1.48-2.20) 65.93 68.13
Bond - Sixteenth issue (Net) 89934.07 89931.87
b. Fi eenth issue 60000.00 60000.00 60000.00
9.15%(Taxable),Secured, Redeemable Non-Conver ble Bonds of
` 10,00,000.00 each, Redeemable at 20% of face value on 25th March
'2021, 25th March'2022, 25th March'2023 , 25th March'2024 and 25th
March'2025. (The value of Assets in the Agartala Gas Turbine Project
(original open cycle plant) in Agartala, Tripura, value of Assets except the
Gas Turbine & Steam Turbines in the Assam Gas Based Power Plant in
Kathalguri , Assam, value of Assets except Plant & Machinery in
genera ng sta on in the Ranganadi Hydro Electric Project in Arunachal
Pradesh along with landed property of the Corpora on in the District of
Mehsana, Gujarat have been charged by way of mortgage through a
Trust Deed with the appionted trustee)
c. Fourteenth issue 250000.00 250000.00 250000.00
9.60%(Taxable),Secured, Redeemable Non-Conver ble Bonds of
` 10,00,000.00 each, Redeemable at 20% of face value on 1st
October'2020, 1st October'2021, 1st October'2022, 1st October'2023
and 1st October'2024 . (The asset value of Kameng Hydro Electric Project
along with the landed property of the Corpora on in the District of
Mehsana , Gujarat have been charged by way of mortgage through the
Trust Deed with the appointed Trustee)
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
B. Unsecured
Rupee Loan
Loans from Govt. of India
Subordinate Loans from Govt. of India 29196.42 29196.42 29096.42
Less: Amor za on of GOI Loan : 79.68
Sub- total 29116.74 29196.42 29096.42
Repayable in 15 equal annual installment star ng from the 16th
year a er commissioning of Tuiral Hydro Electric Project
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Contractual maturi es As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
In one year or less or on demand 88,453.17 53,859.32 62,928.88
Between one & two years 58,717.36 55,056.01 52,756.72
Between two & tree years 57,968.71 59,182.38 53,953.41
Between three & four years 1,48,037.26 58,433.73 58,079.78
Between four & five years 1,14,180.58 1,18,502.28 57,331.13
More than five years 4,36,783.30 5,53,723.76 5,74,348.61
Total contractual cash flows 9,04,140.38 8,98,757.48 8,59,398.53
Less: Capitalisa on of transac on costs - - -
Total Borrowings 9,04,140.38 8,98,757.48 8,59,398.53
The provision for employee benefits includes gratuity, Leave Encashment, Post re rement medical benefit,
Gold Coin at re rement. The increase/ decrease in the carrying amount of the provision for the current year
is mainly on account of net impact of incremental charge for current year and benefits paid in the current
year. For disclosure on Acturial Valua on as Per AS19 (2015) refer note no.19a
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
period by them at rates specified by the rules of those plans. The only amounts included in the balance
sheet are those rela ng to the prior months contribu ons that were not due to be paid un l a er the end of
the repor ng period. The major defined contribu on plans operated by the Company are as below:
a) Provident fund
In accordance with Indian law, eligible employees of the Company are en tled to receive benefits in respect
of provident fund, a defined contribu on plan, in which both employees and the Company make monthly
contribu ons at a specified percentage of the covered employees’ salary. Company pays fixed contribu on
at predetermined rates to the Provident Fund Trust, which invests the fund in permi ed securi es as per
Government guidelines. The Companies contribu on to the fund for the period was ` 2905.59 lakhs
(previous year ` 2763.65 lakhs).The investment has earned sufficient interest to pay the same to the
member as per the rate specified by the Government of India.
b) Superannua on fund
In terms of the Guidelines of Department of Public Enterprise (DPE), Govt.of India (GOI) issued vide O.M.
no.2(70)/08-DPE (WC) / GL-xiv/08 dt.26.11.2008 and OM. No. 2(70)/08-DPE (WC) / GL-vii/09
dt.02.04.2009, the Company has formulated the NEEPCO Employees Defined Contribu on Superannua on
Benefit Scheme.
The Companies contribu on to the trust managing this scheme for the period was ` 2024.41 lakhs (previous
year ` 1886.39 lakhs).
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
For out-pa ent/ domiciliary treatment taken in empanelled hospitals, reimbursement are allowed for
clinical tests , examina on, cost of medicines and other OPD expenses at actual subject to a ceiling of
maximum of last basic per annum, whichever is less.. The liability for the same is recognized on the basis of
actuarial valua on.
c. Gold Coin on Superannua on
To nurture a good organiza onal culture and appreciate the sincere services rendered by the employee, the
Corpora on is providing a Gold Coin to the re ring employee on the date of re rement. The liability for the
same is recognized on the basis of actuarial valua on.
iii. Other Employee benefit
a. Leave
The Company provides for earned leave benefits (including compensatory absences) and half pay leave to
the employees of the Company which accrue annually at 30 days and 20 days respec vely. Earned leave
account is maintained in one sec on only i.e. en-cashable. On Superannua on/ separa on of the employee
from the Corpora on, en re leave (Earned leave & Maximum 240 days Half Pay Leave) subject to a ceiling of
300 days will be en-cashable. Half pay leave cannot be commuted. The cash equivalent payable for Half Pay
Leave would be equal to leave salary as admissible for half pay plus Dearness Allowance.
b. Social Security Scheme
The Company has a Social Security Scheme in lieu of compassionate appointment. The Company makes a
matching contribu on to the scheme. The objec ve of the scheme is to provide cash benefits to the
dependent beneficiaries in the event of the death of an employee of the Company while in service including
permanent total disablement leading to cessa on of employment.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(i) Grants rela ng to construc on of Tuirial HEP and Grant for procurement of Spare parts relates to
Assam Gas Based Power Plant
(ii) Spares out of Grant in Aid During the current year, repairs & maintenance has been debited and Stock
of Spares has been credited by an amount of ` 20.31 lakhs (previous year `100.93 lakhs) for spares
purchased out of Grant-in-aid received from the Central Govt. An equivalent amount has been
recognized as income in the statement of Profit & Loss.
(iii) Grant from Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region As per the Investment Approval
sanc oned vide the Ministry of Power’s le er no.7/7/2009-H-I dated 14 January’2011, an amount
of ` 300.00 crores has been sanc oned by the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region
(MDONER) as a part of the approved funding pa ern for the Tuirial Hydro Electric Project, Mizoram.
The total amount of ` 300.00 crores are included in Grant in Aid which will be carried forward ll the
commissioning of the project.
(v) Exchange differences on account of se lement/transala on of monetary items denominated in
foreign currency to the extent recoverable from the beneficiaries in subsequent periods as per CERC
Tariff Regularions has been accounted as 'Deferred foreign currency fluctua on liabili es' post
construc on period and adjusted from the year in which the same becomes recoverable.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
The trade payable includes payment for fuel cost for the month of March, provisions made on contractors
claim and employees salary, statutory dues for March 2017. Therea er, no interest is payable on the
outstanding balance
(` in lakhs)
Par culars As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
(a) Creditors for supplies and services 5285.97 7106.01 7909.68
(b) Creditors for accrued wages and salaries 7075.40 6208.37 5156.10
(i) The amount due to Micro and Small Enterprises as defined in the “The Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises Development Act, 2006” has been determined to the extent such par es have been
iden fied on the basis of informa on available with the Company. The disclosures rela ng to Micro and
Small Enterprises are as under:
Descrip on For the year ended For the year ended For the year ended
March 31, 2017 March 31, 2016 April 1, 2015
i. The principal amount remaining unpaid to - - -
supplier as at the end of the year
ii. The interest due thereon remaining unpaid - - -
to supplier as at the end of the year
iii. The amount of interest due and payable for - - -
the period of delay in making payment
(which have been paid but beyond the
appointed day during the year) but without
adding the interest specified under this Act
iv. The amount of interest accrued during the - - -
year and remaining unpaid at the end of
the year
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Current Liabili es
Note No. 23 Other Financial Liabli es (` in lakhs)
Par culars As at March As at March As at April
31, 2017 31, 2016 1, 2015
Loan from LICI [Secured by the assets of Kopili HEP : Khamdong Dam,
Umrong Dam, Power House Khandong, Khandong Penstock, Dukes -
Khandong, Tunnel - Khandong, Dyke - Umrong, Power House khandong -
Electrical works (R&M) - Khandong, Tunnel Umrong, Steel liner & Penstock - - 264.00
- KoPH. Also secured by the assets of Doyang HEP - Residen al & non-
residen al buildings (Parmanent), Road & Bridges and Diversion Tunnel]
I) Creditor for Capital expenditure represents amount payable to constractor in respect of work done & measured at
the repor ng date.
ii) Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyo Yogana
Cash & Bank balances of ` 26928.01 lakhs (previous year ` 44795.16 lakhs) includes an amount of
` 1731.17 lakhs (previous year ` 708.46 lakhs) received from Rural Electrifica on Corpora on Limited towards
eligible fund for execu on of the project under Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyo Yogana.
The Corpora on has spent an amount of ` 126.17 lakhs (previous year ` 100.54 lakhs) towards this scheme which is
included Capital Work in Progress (Note no 2).
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(I) Advances from Contractors & others relates to security deposit, earnest money deducted from
works/supply bill which will be se led on comple on of work a er defect liability period as s pulated
by the terms of contract/supply order.
(ii) Direct & Indirect taxes like income tax deducted from salary of March, tax deducted at source, forest
royality, Value added Tax, Works contract tax deducted from works /supply bill of March not deposited
upto the repor ng date.
(iii) Other Liability (Deferred Foreign Currency Fluctua on A/C Expenditure)- refer note no 20 (v)
(iv) Other Statutory Dues Payable includes Corpora on contribu on to Providend Fund, LIC premium
deducted, Pension contribu on, Employees contribu on to Providend Fund and other deduc on
made during March & not deposited upto the repor ng date.
Par culars As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015
Employee benefits
Gratuity 1420.78 1684.50 1503.73
Medical benefit for re red employees 269.92 174.69 147.61
Leave encashment 593.72 437.83 475.99
Award of Gold Coin 18.61 1.85 -
Sub-total 2303.03 2298.87 2127.33
Provision for Write off 12917.46 12450.82 0.00
Provision for Tariff Revision/Adjustment - - 1318.25
Total 15220.49 14749.69 3445.58
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Par culars For the period ended 31-Mar-17 For the period ended 31-Mar-16
Sale of Power 134640.67 157989.32
DSM receivable 2937.52 1705.07
RRAS receivable 114.30 0.00
Internal consump on 177.75 193.97
Less: rebate (328.05) (253.58)
Sale of Electricity (Net ) 137542.19 159634.78
Other opera ng Revenue:
NERLDC Fees & Charges 543.32 505.32
Interest from Beneficiaries 2361.50 447.54
Net Revenue from Opera on 140447.01 160587.64
a. Sale of energy is accounted for based on tariff approved by the Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission. In case of power sta ons where final tariff is yet to be no fied/approved by the
commission, provisional tariff as agreed by the beneficiaries are adopted.
b. Sales includes Nil (Previous year ` 2485.76 lakh) on account of earlier years sales arising out of
finaliza on of tariff in current year. However ` 2653.92 lakhs relates to recogni on of revenue on
account of difference between the effec ve tax rate for FY 2016-16 vs tax rate allowed by the CERC for
the said year.
c. In terms of cl. no. 49 of the CERC (Terms and condi ons of Tariff) Regula ons, 2014, deferred tax
liabili es for the period upto 31 March, 2009 whenever they materialise shall be recoverable
directly by the genera ng companies or transmission licensees from the beneficiaries or long term
transmission customers/DICs, as the case may be. Accordingly, current year sale includes ` 1557.13
lakh (previously ` 1429.00 lakh).
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Par culars For the period ended For the period ended
31-Mar-17 31-Mar-16
a) Interest Income
Interest income earned on financial assets - -
that are not designated as at Fair Value
through profit or loss
Bank Deposits at amor sed Cost - -
Investments in debt instruments measured at - -
Other financial assets carried at amor sed cost - 608.75
Sub -total - 608.75
b) Dividend Income
Dividends from equity instruments
All dividend from equity investments - -
designated at FVTOCI recognised for
both the years relate to investments
held at the end of each repor ng period
Sub Total - -
c) Other non-opera ng income (net
of expenses directly a ributable to
such income)
Rental Income - -
Finance lease con ngent rental - -
Grant in Aid 20.31 100.93
Misc Receipts 104.66 152.39
FERV Recoveable/Payable (Net) 20.74 20.74
Liability/Provision wri en back 806.87 2.37
Delayed Payment Surcharge 2152.91 12622.21
Interest on arrear sale - 17.97
Sub Total 3105.49 12916.61
Other gains and losses
Gain /(loss) on disposal of PPE - 0.11
TOTAL 3105.49 13,525.47
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Par culars For the period ended For the period ended
31-Mar-17 31-Mar-16
Purchase of Gas 39630.11 61858.71
Transporta on charges for Gas 1112.06 1096.32
TOTAL 40742.17 62955.03
Par culars For the period ended For the period ended
31-Mar-17 31-Mar-16
Salary & Wages 33162.43 32640.68
Contribu on to Provident Fund 2922.95 2763.65
Gratuity 1075.50 1.77
Employees Pension 2031.15 1886.39
Leave Encashment 2871.44 2776.80
Award of Gold Coin 34.56 156.87
Staff welfare expenses 57.79 42.73
Computer adv to emp. - fair
valua on loss 3.06 6.98
Furniture adv to emp. - fair
valua on loss 1.08 3.19
Total 42159.96 40279.06
Amount transferred to IEDC 14512.31 14423.83
carried forward to Statement of 27647.65 25855.23
Profit & Loss
Employees’ remunera on and benefits include the following for the Directors including the Chairman &
Managing Director.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Par culars For the period ended For the period ended
31-Mar-17 31-Mar-16
A. Interest Expenses
I) Loans from Life Insurance Corpora on - 7.32
ii) Cash Credit from State Bank of India 164.24 135.97
iii) Interest on ECB Loan 1966.69 1433.75
iv) Bonds 39390.25 35626.25
v) Exchange Rate Fluctua on (4659.84) 6316.43
vi) Kfw Loan 1588.59 1605.62
vii) Interest on Short term Borrowing 1236.47 557.04
viii) Interest on Loan from Govt. Of India 0.34
Finance Charges
I) Guarantee fee on foreign Loan 605.66 529.01
ii) Commitment Fees 0.30 14.10
B. Other Borrowing Costs 37.22 100.07
Total 40329.58 46325.90
Amount transferred to IEDC 37338.19 44602.76
Amount carried forward to Statement of 2991.39 1723.14
Profit & Loss
Par culars For the period ended For the period ended
31-Mar-17 31-Mar-16
Total ( as per notes 2) 16923.01 11023.60
Add: Decapitalisa on, Sale, Write off 397.20 48.99
Adjustment due to recas ng from - 1916.84
Total (as per Note no.31) 17320.21 12989.43
Deprecia on of Construc on Project 1281.53 1050.09
(Note no. 36)
Deprecia on charged to PL account 16038.68 11939.34
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Par culars Note No. For the period ended For the period
31-Mar-17 ended 31st-Mar-16
Repairs & maintenance:
a) Roads & buildings 1018.34 1035.41
b) Power house 4217.79 3700.78
c) Hydraulic works 309.90 380.49
d) Line & sub-sta ons 106.57 60.11
e) Others 401.65 350.54
f ) Stores & spares (against Grant-in-Aid) 20.31 100.93
Sub Total 6074.56 5628.26
a) Travelling expenses 240.07 181.97
b) Adver sement expenses 77.45 150.51
c) Insurance charges 606.75 549.04
d) Rents 3.11 2.68
e) Rates & taxes 33.26 40.99
f) Entertainment expenses 0.77 2.18
g) General expenses 34 6136.72 4809.38
h) Publicity expenses 51.24 22.38
i) Legal charges 58.22 49.91
j) Filing fees to CERC 60.41 55.72
k) NERLDC Fees & Charges 527.19 492.01
l) Research & Development Expenses 56.41 110.75
m) Corporate Social Responsibility & SD 607.58 1030.57
o ) RRAS- Expenditure 43.05
p) Interest to beneficiary states 16.86 1417.52
q) Trading Expenses 979.58
r) Share of General establishment 35 2149.64 217.92
Sub Total 11648.31 9133.53
Other Expenses
a) Purchase of Power 121.00
b) Lubricants, oil etc 120.79 212.19
c) Electricity Duty 15.94 17.11
d) U I Charge 135.30 266.78
e) Transmission Charges 25.53 12.63
f) Provision for Write off 470.40 12450.82
g) Prepayment Amor sa on 168.56 259.67
Sub Total 936.52 13340.20
Total 18659.39 28101.99
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Par culars Note No. For the period ended For the period
31-Mar-17 ended 31st-Mar-16
Administra on & other Expenses
Travelling expenses 189.34 252.67
Rent 88.80 73.97
Rates & taxes 4.37 4.31
General expenses 34 2171.53 2272.24
Repairs & maintenance 147.71 155.11
Audit fees & expenses 33 16.51 20.46
Legal expenses 11.98 4.62
Insurance charges 12.25 10.35
Entertainment expenses 0.04 0.01
Adver sement expenses 20.95 131.28
Publicity expenses 339.45 431.01
Board mee ng expenses 19.84 24.37
Sub-total 3022.77 3380.40
Less : Non opera ng receipts :
i) Interest on Investment 646.32 3072.54
ii) Others 226.81 89.94
873.13 3162.48
Net expenditure 2149.64 217.92
Expenditure charged to Profit 32 2149.64 217.92
& Loss Account
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Par culars Note No. For the period ended For the period
31-Mar-17 ended 31-Mar-16
A. Employees benefit Expenses 29 14512.31 14423.83
B. Interest and Finance expenses capitalized 30 37338.19 44602.76
C. Deprecia on 31 1281.53 1050.09
D. Administra on & other expenses
Travelling expenses 248.66 290.44
Rents 17.87 19.35
Rates & taxes 1.56 2.24
General expenses 34 3187.60 3702.27
Repairs & maintenance 482.76 438.39
Filling Fees 0.00 6.09
Environment & Ecology 6.89 -
Energy Conserva on expenses 0.38 -
Legal expenses 83.29 21.87
Insurance charges 1524.25 790.48
Entertainment expenses 0.09 0.68
Tender expenses 18.87 83.07
Total (D) 5572.22 5354.88
Total (A+B+C+D) 58704.25 65431.56
Less : Non-opera ng receipts
i) Interest on advances 381.38 481.60
from Suppliers/
Contractors 55.40 514.66
ii) Others 436.78 996.26
Net Expenditure 58267.47 64435.30
Expenditure transferred to 58267.47 64435.30
Capital Work-in-Progress
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Building and civil 52221.64 1927.25 (22.12) 54126.77 15569.12 1534.97 17104.09 37022.68 36652.52 12101.10
engineering works
containing genera on
plant & equipment,
main plant
Hydraulic works including 166110.42 544.36 - 166654.78 78290.17 3812.29 82102.46 84552.32 87820.25 91569.24
Dams Dykes, Reservoirs
& Tunnels
Plant & Machinery in 64270.01 3627.21 180.64 68077.86 29356.87 2307.44 31664.31 36413.55 34913.14 34888.18
Genera ng Sta on
Transformer having a 7643.90 2109.77 (18.58) 9735.09 3230.81 259.11 3489.92 6245.17 4413.09 2819.90
ra ng of 100 K.V. ampere
and above
Sub-sta on equipment 545.56 182.88 728.44 400.77 20.06 420.83 307.61 144.79 111.75
and other fixed apparatus
Switchgear including 17820.17 974.34 (1.94) 18792.57 7659.05 511.58 8170.63 10621.94 10161.12 4928.31
cable connec ons
Transmission Lines 901.97 74.26 976.23 602.60 20.40 623.00 353.23 299.37 274.57
PV modules including 3127.35 3127.35 196.46 182.33 378.79 2748.56 2930.89 2994.80
Moun ng structures
Inverters including 290.77 290.77 18.32 16.95 35.27 255.50 272.45 280.24
Ba ery Bank ( O & M )
Gas Turbine 131231.49 6196.52 802.60 138230.61 78225.98 3783.36 82009.34 56221.27 53005.51 14443.96
Gas Booster Sta on 19492.25 5408.62 (1860.24) 23040.63 14896.88 (220.40) 14676.48 8364.15 4595.37 1527.83
Gas Pipeline 36.60 36.60 32.95 0.00 32.95 3.65 3.65 3.65
Gas Steam Turbine 82475.71 27814.53 (71.63) 110218.61 37843.98 2428.51 40272.49 69946.12 44631.73 17779.48
Gas Cooling Tower 3296.90 709.95 4006.85 2270.92 87.04 2357.96 1648.89 1025.98 1113.02
Make-up Water System 3669.28 2180.92 (0.78) 5849.42 2125.89 97.14 2223.03 3626.39 1543.39 1257.33
Sub -Total 553134.02 51750.61 (992.05) 603892.58 270720.77 14840.78 285561.55 318331.03 282413.25 186093.36
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(` in lakhs)
Buildings 10163.04 515.44 (199.76) 10478.72 3787.33 252.51 4039.84 6438.88 6375.71 4616.97
Furniture & Fixtures 628.29 68.53 (2.35) 694.47 426.47 26.49 452.96 241.51 201.82 132.03
Roads, Bridges, 3795.23 270.78 - 4066.01 1645.54 110.76 1756.30 2309.71 2149.69 1892.29
Culverts & Helipads
Vehicles 546.98 2.99 - 549.97 344.90 18.07 362.97 187.00 202.08 220.14
Railway Siding 10.65 - - 10.65 8.08 0.19 8.27 2.38 2.57 2.76
Electrical Installa on 975.09 95.04 - 1070.13 670.19 16.69 686.88 383.25 304.90 198.43
Hospital Equipment 21.37 2.55 - 23.92 10.51 1.02 11.53 12.39 10.86 9.84
Tools & Plants 3621.80 79.10 (0.08) 3700.82 2784.46 44.67 2829.13 871.69 837.34 732.37
Office Equipment 308.44 55.71 (1.56) 362.59 185.50 9.70 195.20 167.39 122.94 43.22
I T Equipment 848.05 53.40 (13.74) 887.71 708.76 53.45 762.21 125.50 139.29 200.21
Other Equipment 817.58 79.39 (0.29) 896.68 436.32 33.16 469.48 427.20 381.26 194.21
Water supply, 959.90 159.03 - 1118.93 458.21 40.07 498.28 620.65 501.69 488.20
sewerage & drainage
Plant & Machinery 530.39 7.42 (62.18) 475.63 392.40 2.11 394.51 81.12 137.99 77.57
in Genera ng Sta on
(Diesel Power House)
Communica on 178.78 48.29 - 227.07 129.80 3.84 133.64 93.43 48.98 48.75
(Pole Type Magazine 142.00 - - 142.00 120.02 0.54 120.56 21.44 21.98 19.52
Telephone Line 103.69 - - 103.69 91.98 0.07 92.05 11.64 11.71 11.78
Fixed Assets 33.46 14.10 0.01 47.57 33.46 14.10 47.56 0.01 - 0.01
of Minor value
Sub -Total 27573.37 1478.70 (218.02) 28834.05 14680.80 627.93 15308.73 13525.32 12892.57 10630.41
TOTAL (A) 580707.39 53229.31 (1210.07) 632726.63 285401.57 15468.71 300870.28 331856.35 295305.82 196723.77
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(` in lakhs)
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
As at
Par culars 31-Mar-17 31-Mar-16 31-Mar-15
Con ngent liabili es :
Claims against the Company not acknowledged as debt in
respect of:
- Capital Works 149358.36 146413.64 84979.69
- Land compensa on cases 3416.74 3416.74 1099.19
- Disputed Income tax demand 48.15 48.15 48.15
- Others 8.76 90.40 27.31
Total 152832.01 149968.93 86154.34
Commitments :
Es mated amount of contracts remaining to be executed 147309.55 134188.13 224791.84
on capital contracts and not provided for (net of advances
and deposits)
Other Commitment Nil Nil Nil
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(I) Claims against the company not acknowledged as debts as on March 31,2017 include demand from the
Indian Income tax authori es for payment of tax of ` 48.15 lakhs upon comple on of their tax
assessment for the year 2001-02 amoun ng to ` 3.92 lakhs and for the year 2011-12 amoun ng to
` 44.23 lakhs. Demands were paid to statutory tax authori es in full except for fiscal year 2001-02 &
(ii) The company is contes ng the demand and the management including its tax advisors believes that its
posi on will likely be upheld in the appellate process. The management believes that the ul mate
outcome of these proceedings will not have a material adverse effect on the Company's financial
posi on and results of opera ons.
(iii) The Company is subject to legal proceedings and claims, which have arisen in the ordinary course of
business. The Company’s management does not reasonably expect that these legal ac ons, when
ul mately concluded and determined, will have a material and adverse effect on the Company’s results
of opera ons or financial condi on.
The details of significant accoun ng policies, including the criteria for recogni on, the basis of
measurement and the basis on which income and expenses are recognized, in respect of each class of
financial asset, financial liability and equity instrument are disclosed in note no.1 to the financial
The following table presents the carrying amount and fair value of each category of financial assets &
liabili es as at March 31, 2017
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(` in lakhs)
(` in lakhs)
Financial assets
Cash and bank balances 44795.16 44795.16 44795.16
Trade receivables 102586.97 102586.97 102586.97
Investments 10295.00 10295.00 10295.00
Loans 1556.71 1556.71 1556.71
Other financial assets 3508.77 3508.77 3508.77
Total 162742.61 162742.61 162742.61
Financial liabili es
Trade and other payables 13314.38 13314.38 13314.38
Borrowings 544363.97 544363.97 544363.97
Other financial liabili es 30503.48 30503.48 30503.48
Total 588181.83 588181.83 588181.83
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(` in lakhs)
Financial assets
Cash and bank balances 72711.27 72711.27 72711.27
Trade receivables 76660.95 76660.95 76660.95
Investments 15579.06 15579.06 15579.06
Loans 2919.19 2919.19 2919.19
Other financial assets 4926.73 4926.73 4926.73
Total 172797.20 172797.20 172797.20
Financial liabili es
Trade and other payables 13065.78 13065.78 13065.78
Borrowings 468541.99 468541.99 468541.99
Other financial liabili es 27488.75 27488.75 27488.75
Total 509096.52 509096.52 509096.52
(b) The following table provides an analysis of financial instruments that are measured subsequent to
ini al recogni on at fair value, grouped into Level 1 to Level 3, as described below:
Quoted prices in an ac ve market (Level 1): This level of hierarchy includes financial assets that are
measured by reference to quoted prices (unadjusted) in ac ve markets for iden cal assets or liabili es.
This category consists of investment in quoted equity shares, quoted corporate debt instruments and
mutual fund investments.
Valua on techniques with observable inputs (Level 2): This level of hierarchy includes financial assets
and liabili es, measured using inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are
observable for the asset or liability, either directly (i.e., as prices) or indirectly (i.e., derived from prices).
This level of hierarchy includes Company’s over-the-counter (OTC) deriva ve contracts.
Valua on techniques with significant unobservable inputs (Level 3): This level of hierarchy includes
financial assets and liabili es measured using inputs that are not based on observable market data
(unobservable inputs). Fair values are determined in whole or in part, using a valua on model based on
assump ons that are neither supported by prices from observable current market transac ons in the
same instrument nor are they based on available market data. The main items in this category are
investment in unquoted equity shares, measured at fair value.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(` in lakhs)
As at April 1, 2015
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Financial assets measured at fair value
(i) Investments 15579.06 - - 15579.06
(ii) Trade receivables 76660.95 - - 76660.95
(iii) Cash and Cash equivalents 72711.27 - - 72711.27
(iv) Loans 2919.19 - - 2919.19
(v) others 4926.73 - - 4926.73
Total financial assets measured at fair value 172797.20 - - 172797.20
Financial liabili es measured at fair value - - 0.00
(i) Borrowings 468541.99 - - 468541.99
(ii) Trade payables 13065.78 - - 13065.78
(iii) Other financial liabili es 27488.75 - - 27488.75
Total financial liabili es measured at fair value 509096.52 - - 509096.52
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(i) The short-term financial assets and liabili es are stated at amor zed cost which is approximately equal
to their fair value.
(ii) The fair value in respect of the unquoted equity investments cannot be reliably measured.
(iii) Management uses its best judgment in es ma ng the fair value of its financial instruments. However,
there are inherent limita ons in any es ma on technique. Therefore, for substan ally all financial
instruments, the fair value es mates presented above are not necessarily indica ve of all the amounts
that the Company could have realized or paid in sale transac ons as of respec ve dates. As such, the
fair value of the financial instruments subsequent to the respec ve repor ng dates may be different
from the amounts reported at each year end.
(iv) There have been no transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 for the years ended March 31, 2017, 2016
and April 1, 2015.
(c) Transfer of financial assets
The Company has not transferred any of its financial assets during the year.
(d) Financial risk management
In the course of its business, the Company is exposed primarily to interest rates, liquidity and credit risk,
which may adversely impact the fair value of its financial instruments.
The Company has a risk management policy which covers the risks associated with the financial assets
and liabili es such as interest rate risks and credit risks. The risk management policy is approved by the
Board of Directors. The risk management framework aims to:
(i) Create a stable business planning environment by reducing the impact of currency and interest rate
fluctua ons on the Company’s business plan.
(ii) Achieve greater predictability to earnings by determining the financial value of the expected earnings
in advance.
Market Risk : - Market risk is the risk of any loss in future earnings, in realizable fair values or in future
cash flows that may result from a change in the price of a financial instrument. The value of a financial
instrument may change as a result of changes in the interest rates, foreign currency exchange rates,
equity price fluctua ons, liquidity and other market changes. Future specific market movements
cannot be normally predicted with reasonable accuracy.
Credit Risk :- Credit risk is the risk of financial loss arising from counterparty failure to repay or service
debt according to the contractual terms or obliga ons. Credit risk encompasses both the direct risk of
default and the risk of deteriora on of creditworthiness as well as concentra on risks.
Liquidity Risk: Liquidity risk refers to the risk that the Company cannot meet its financial obliga ons.
The objec ve of liquidity risk management is to maintain sufficient liquidity and ensure that funds are
available for use as per requirements.
(e) The following table shows a maturity analysis of the an cipated cash flows including interest payable
for the Company’s non deriva ve financial liabili es on an undiscounted basis, which therefore differ
from both carrying value and fair value.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(` in lakhs)
In Lakhs
As at March 31, 2016
Carrying Contractual Less than Between More than
amount cash flows 1 year 1 - 5 years 5 years
Non- deriva ve financial liabili es
Borrowings including interest thereon 8,98,757.48 898757.48 53,859.32 2,91,174.40 5,53,723.76
Trade payables 7106.01 7106.01 7,106.01 - -
Other financial liabili es - - - - -
Total non- deriva ve financial liabili es 9,05,863.49 9,05,863.49 60,965.33 2,91,174.40 5,53,723.76
Deriva ve financial liabili es
In Lakhs
As at April 1, 2015
Carrying Contractual Less than Between More than
amount cash flows 1 year 1 - 5 years 5 years
Non- deriva ve financial liabili es
Borrowings including interest thereon 8,59,398.53 8,59,398.53 62,928.88 2,22,121.04 5,74,348.61
Trade payables 7,909.68 7,909.68 7,909.68 - -
Other financial liabili es - - - - -
Total non- deriva ve financial liabili es 8,67,308.21 8,67,308.21 70,838.56 2,22,121.04 5,74,348.61
Deriva ve financial liabili es
The cost of unquoted investments approximate the fair value because there is a wide range possible fair
value measurements and the cost represents es mate of fair value within that range.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
1 Sri P.C.Pankaj Chairman & Managing Director (upto 30th June 2016)
2 Sri Gurdeep Singh Chairman & Managing Director (w.e.f. 1st July 2016 to 29th August 2016)
3 Sri A G West Kharkongor Chairman & Managing Director ( w.e.f. 29th August 2016)
4 Sri A G West Kharkongor Director (Finance) (upto 29th August 2016)
5 Sri V K Singh Director ( Technical)
6 Sri Satyabrata Borgohain Director (Personnel)
a) Parent en es
NEEPCO is controlled by the honerable president of India. Government of India, holds 100% ownership
interest in NEEPCO including and as on March 31, 2017
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
f) Loan to Associates
Par culars 31-Mar-17 31-Mar-16 31-Mar-15
Loans to associates
Beginning of the year Nil Nil Nil
Loans advanced Nil Nil Nil
Loan repayments received Nil Nil Nil
Interest charged Nil Nil Nil
Interest received Nil Nil Nil
End of the year Nil Nil Nil
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Note: Approval of competent authority for engagement of M/S NVVN as licensed trader for sale of RECs at
IEX has been received on 16.06.2017 and process of concluding agreement with them is in progress. All
issued RECs will be placed for sale immediately therea er.
Status as on 31.03.2016
Number of RECs for which eligible 5978
Number of RECs applied for 5978
Number of RECs issued NIL
Number of RECs placed for sale at exchange NIL
Number of RECs sold NIL
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(` in lakhs)
Notes IGAAP Transi on Effect IND AS Remarks
Equity Share capital 16 3,45,281.04 - 3,45,281.04
Other Equity 17 2,53,560.83 (21,969.01) 2,31,591.82 G.I.A. (`31084.01 lakh)
recognised as deferred income
and Recogni on of Retained
Equity a ributable to 5,98,841.87 (21,969.01) 5,76,872.86
Share Applica on money
pending allotment
Non-current liabili es
Financial Liabili es
Long-term borrowings 18 5,44,432.10 (68.13) 5,44,363.97 Long-term borrowings at
amor sed cost
Long-term provisions 19 9,959.47 155.02 10,114.49 Prov for Gold Coin
Deferred tax liabili es (net) 7 -
Other non-current liabili es 20 186.11 31,084.01 31,270.12 Government grant recognised as
deferred income
5,54,577.68 31,170.90 5,85,748.58
Current liabili es
Financial Liabili es
Short-term borrowings 21 - -
Trade and other payables 22 13,314.38 13,314.38
Other financial liabili es 23 30,503.48 30,503.48
43,817.86 - 43,817.86
Short-term provisions 25 25,480.15 (10,730.46) 14,749.69 Dividend payable and dividend
distribu on tax (` 10732.31 lakh)
is recorded as a liability in the
period in which it is declared and
approved by the share holders.
Prov. for Gold Coin (` 1.85 lakh)
Liabili es for Current Tax (net) 14 11,790.79 11,790.79
Other current liabili es 24 13,920.53 13,920.53
95,009.33 (10,730.46) 84,278.87
TOTAL 12,48,428.88 (1,528.57) 12,46,900.31
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Notes No. 47
(`in lakhs)
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Note No. 52 Disclosure as per SCH III Of Companies Act 2013 (As on 31.03.2017)
1 2 3 4 5
Joint Ventures
(AS per propor onate consolida on
/Investment as per equity method):
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Management Reply to the Report on Internal Financial Control under Sec on143 (3) (i) of the Companies
Act, 2013 to the Auditors Report (Annexure C) on the Standalone and Consolidated Financial Statement for
the Financial Year 2016-17
The company has old informa on technology (IT) Presently NEEPCO is using MATFIN Applica on for
applica on system which in unable to cater the Finance & Accounts system. The Applica on
emerging needs and complete informa on lacked many features of a modern day ERP system.
consistent with the financial repor ng objec ves. To mi gate the weakness men oned by the
Auditor, NEEPCO is in the process of migra on
This could poten ally result into weakness in the
from the exis ng Informa on Technology system
internal financial controls over financial repor ng
to ERP. Process for implementa on of ERP system
of the company
has already been ini ated by NEEPCO, which
will facilitate the requirements of complete
informa on consistent with the financial
repor ng objec ves.
(D V Singh)
Dated: 22.09.2017 Chairman & Managing Director
Place: New Delhi DIN: 03107819
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
The prepara on of financial statements of North Eastern Electric Power Corpora on Limited, Shillong for
the year ended 31 March 2017 in accordance with the financial repor ng frame work prescribed under the
Companies Act, 2013 (Act) is the responsibility of the management of the company. The statutory auditor
appointed by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India under sec on 139(5) of the Act is responsible for
expressing opinion on the financial statements under sec on 143 of the Act based on independent audit in
accordance with the standards on audi ng prescribed under sec on 143(10) of the Act. This is stated to
have been done by them vide their Audit Report dated 16 August 2017.
I, on the behalf of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, have conducted a supplementary audit
under sec on 143(6) (a) of the Act of the financial statements of North Eastern Electric Power Corpora on
Limited, Shillong for the year ended 31 March 2017. This supplementary audit has been carried out
independently without access to the working papers of the statutory auditors and is limited primarily to
inquiries of the statutory auditors and company personnel and a selec ve examina on of some of the
accoun ng records. On the basis of my audit nothing significant has come to my knowledge which would
give rise to any comment upon or supplement to statutory auditors' report.
(Reena Saha)
Place: Kolkata Principal Director of Commercial Audit
Date: 01.09.2017 & Ex-officio Member, Audit Board-I, Kolkata
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
MARCH 2017
The prepara on of consolidated financial statements of North Eastern Electric Power Corpora on Limited,
Shillong for the year ended 31 March 2017 in accordance with the financial repor ng framework
prescribed under the Companies Act, 2013 (Act) is the responsibility of the management of the company.
The statutory auditor appointed by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India under sec on 139(5) read
with sec on 129(4) of the Act is responsible for expressing opinion on the financial statements under
sec on 143 read with sec on 129(4) of the Act based on independent audit in accordance with the
standards on audi ng prescribed under sec on 143(10) of the Act. This is stated to have been done by them
vide their Audit Report dated 16 August 2017.
I, on the behalf of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, have conducted a supplementary audit
under sec on 143(6)(a) read with sec on 129(4) of the Act of the consolidated financial statements of
North Eastern Electric Power Corpora on Limited, Shillong for the year ended 31 March 20l7. We
conducted a supplementary audit of the financial statement of North Eastern Electric Power Corpora on
Limited, Shillong for the year ended on that date. Further, sec on 139 (5) and 143(6) of the Act are not
applicable to its joint venture companies M/s.WAANEEP Solar Private Limited and M/s KSK Dibbin Hydro
Power Private Limited being private en es, for appointment of their Statutory Auditor nor for conduct of
supplementary audit. Accordingly, C&AG has neither appointed the Statutory Auditors nor conducted the
supplementary audit of these companies. This supplementary audit has been carried out independently
without access to the working papers of the statutory auditors and is limited primarily to inquiries of the
statutory auditors and company personnel and a selec ve examina on of some of the accoun ng records.
On the basis of my audit nothing significant has come to my knowledge which would give rise to any
comment upon or supplement to statutory auditors' report.
(Reena Saha)
Place: Kolkata Principal Director of Commercial Audit
Date: 01.09.2017 & Ex-officio Member, Audit Board-I, Kolkata
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
The Members
North Eastern Electric Power Corpora on Limited,
Brookland Compound Lower New Colony,
Dist.: East Khasi Hills,
Shillong – 793003
We have conducted the secretarial audit of the compliance of applicable statutory provisions and the
adherence to good corporate prac ces by M/s North Eastern Electric Power Corpora on Limited
(hereina er called “the Company”). Secretarial Audit was conducted in a manner that provided us a
reasonable basis for evalua ng the Corporate Conducts and Statutory Compliances and expressing our
opinion thereon.
Based on our verifica on of Company’s books, papers, minute books, forms and returns filed and other
records maintained by the Company and also the informa on provided by the Company, its officers and
authorized representa ves during the conduct of secretarial audit, we hereby report that in our opinion,
the Company has, during the audit period covering the financial year ended on 31 March, 2017 complied
with the statutory provisions listed hereunder and also that the Company has proper Board-processes and
compliance-mechanism in place to the extent, in the manner and subject to the repor ng made
hereina er:
We have examined the books, papers, minute books, forms and returns filed and other records maintained
by the Company for the financial year ended on 31 March, 2017 according to the provisions of:
(i) The Companies Act, 2013 (the Act) and the rules made thereunder;
We have also examined compliance with the applicable clauses of the following:
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(i) Secretarial Standards issued by the Ins tute of Company Secretaries of India.
(ii) Debt Lis ng Agreement entered into by the Company with BSE Limited.
We further report that, having regard to the compliance system prevailing in the Company and on the
examina on of the relevant documents and records in pursuance thereof on test-check basis, the Company
has complied with the following laws applicable specifically to the Company:
b. The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Preven on, Prohibi on and Redressal) Act, 2013 &
Rules, 2013.
The Acts which are not applicable to the Company though forming part of the prescribed Secretarial Audit
Report have not been considered while preparing this Secretarial Audit Report. Further, we have also
examined compliance with the applicable clauses of the following:
(i) Order, Instruc ons, Guidelines of the Department of Public Enterprises, Government of India and other
concerned Ministry including Government of Meghalaya;
During the period under review the Company has complied with the provisions of the Act, Rules,
Regula ons, Guidelines, Standards, etc. except the following:-
1. The Company has not properly complied with the provisions of Sec on 149 of the Companies Act, 2013
read with Rule 3 of the Companies (Appointment and Qualifica on of Directors) Rules, 2014 regarding
the appointment of Women Director.
2. The No ce calling Annual General Mee ng of the Company and the Annual report of the Company
were sent to the members and the other required par es without C&AG Comments.
3. Data Storage of the Company, at present is done by having two sets of back-up located at loca ons
within the Corporate Office, which is not as per the provisions of the Informa on Technology Act, 2000.
It is suggested that the data should be stored at two separate seismic zones.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
4. One of the Director Mr. U am K. Sangma appointed by the Central Government, did not furnish his DIN
to the Company, as a result Company could not file the forms required for his appointment with the
Registrar of Companies, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Govt. of India.
The changes in the composi on of the Board of Directors that took place during the period under review
were carried out in compliance with the provisions of the Act.
Adequate no ce was given to all the directors to schedule the Board Mee ngs, agenda and detailed notes
on agenda were sent at least seven days in advance, and a system exists for seeking and obtaining further
informa on and clarifica ons on the agenda items before the mee ng and for meaningful par cipa on at
the mee ng.
All the decisions at Board Mee ngs and Commi ee Mee ngs were carried out unanimously as recorded in
the minutes of the Mee ngs of the Board of Directors and the Commi ee of the Board, as the case may be.
We further report that separate mee ng of the Independent Directors pursuant to Clause VII of Schedule IV
of the Companies Act, 2013, was not conducted by the Independent Directors, during the year under
scru ny.
We further report that there are adequate systems and processes in the Company commensurate with the
size and opera ons of the Company to monitor and ensure compliance with applicable laws, rules,
regula ons and guidelines.
CS Biman Debnath
C.P. No.5857/ FCS No. 6717
Date: 24.08.2017
Place: Guwaha
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
S.N Secretarial Auditors' Observa on Reply / Explana on of the Management
1 The Company has not properly complied As per the Ar cles of Associa on of the Company, all members
with the provisions of Sec on 149 of the of the Board of Directors shall be appointed by the President of
Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 3 of the India. Accordingly, a er coming into effect of the sec on 149 of
Companies (Appointment and Qualifica on Companies Act, 2013, the ma er rela ng to appointment of
of Directors) Rules, 2014 regarding the women director was taken up with the Ministry of Power on
appointment of Women Director.
several occasions and the ma er is under process.
2. The No ce calling Annual General Mee ng of the The No ce calling the Annual General Mee ng of the Company
Company and the Annual report of the Company and the Annual Report of the Company were sent to the
were sent to the members and the other required members and other required par es without C&AG Comments.
par es without C&AG Comments. However, the NIL comment Report from the Comptroller &
Auditor General Of India (C&AG) for the year ended 31st March,
2016 was placed before the members in the Annual General
Mee ng.
3. Data Storage of the Company, at present is At present two sets of backup are kept at two separate loca ons
done by having two sets of back-up located at Corporate office. One set is kept in a data stored in fire proof
at loca ons within the Corporate Office, almirah and the other in the SAN (Storage Area Network). Once
which is not as per the provisions of the ERP is implemented, storage of data will be implemented at two
Informa on Technology Act, 2000. It is separate seismic zones.
suggested that the data should be stored at
two separate seismic zones.
4. One of the Director Mr. U am K. Sangma The Ministry of Power vide its le er dated 17th November,
appointed by the Central Government, did 2015 had appointed Shri U am K. Sangma as a Non-Official Part
not furnish his DIN to the Company, as a Time Director on the Board of NEEPCO for a period of three
result Company could not file the forms
required for his appointment with the
Registrar of Companies, Ministry of However, Shri U am K. Sangma did not respond to the
Corporate Affairs, Govt. of India. appointment and did not a end a single Board Mee ng for a
period of one year from the date of his appointment.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(D V Singh)
Dated: 22.09.2017 Chairman & Managing Director
Place: New Delhi DIN: 03107819
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Pursuant to Sec on 134 (m) of the Companies Act, 2013, read with Rule 8(3) of Companies (Accounts) Rules,
2014 the informa on on conserva on of energy, technology absorp on, foreign exchange earnings and
outgo during the year 2016-17 are as under:
(i) Steps taken or Impact on Energy Conserva on:
Some of the steps taken by the Company for u lizing alternate source of energy:
a) Use of energy saving LED luminaires in office buildings, street ligh ng, Powerhouses and other loca ons
has been made mandatory in each establishment.
b) Installa on of occupancy sensors, Sensor for wash room and Energy Saving Fans.
c) Improving efficiency of Steam Turbines by chemical treatment of condensers/cooling lines.
d) Measures were also taken to improve Sta on Heat Rate in AGBP, & AGTCCPP.
The impact of u lizing alternate source of energy:
a) A er installa on of roo op solar Plants at different power plants and installa on of energy saving
luminaires, the ligh ng consump on from grid power has been reduced.
b) Net Sta on Heat Rate, kCal/KWh (GCV Basis) at AGTCCPP was considerably reduced by stabiliza on of
combined cycle opera on.
c) There has been a reduc on of 15.38% in Auxiliary Power Consump on (APC) in all Hydro and Thermal
Plants (Weighted Average) over the actual of 1.69% during 2015-16. The actual APC (Weighted Average)
of all the Hydro and Thermal Plants of NEEPCO is 1.43% during 2016-17.
(ii) Steps taken by the Company for u lizing alternate sources of Energy:
a) Installa on of 15 kW grid interac ve roof-top solar plant at AGBP, office complex to cater to office load.
b) Installa on of 2 kW grid interac ve horizontal axis sun tracker solar plant at KHEP.
c) Installa on of Solar Water Hea ng Systems of aggregate capacity of 4000 LPD at Project Guest Houses of
NEEPCO in three loca ons, viz. AGBP, KHEP, and KaHEP.
d) Installa on of Solar PV Power Plants of aggregate capacity of 27 KWp at Project Guest Houses of NEEPCO
in three loca ons, viz. AGBP, KHEP and KaHEP.
(iii) Capital Investment on Energy Conserva on Equipment:
For the above energy conserva on steps, the Corpora on has made considerable investment during the
year, which has also resulted in substan al saving in energy consump on.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(i) Efforts made towards technology absorp on:
l Conversion of OFWF cooling system to OFAF for one phase of Unit-IV generator transformer of Kopili.
The system has been commissioned successfully. In view of performance of the system, materials have
been procured for all the generator transformers and shall be commissioned in 2017-18 progressively.
l Up grada on of Turbine control system (from MEGAC-MACTUS to PC based MEGAC-V DIASYS
Netma on) for 2 nos. MHI make Gas Turbines at AGBP from MHI, Japan in 2016-17.
l NEEPCO installed a 2KW Pilot Solar PV Sun Tracking Plant with Horizontal Single Axis Tracker at KHEP,
Assam. The plant was commissioned on 14th Oct 2016. As per the irradia on data of the area the
expected annual CUF is 15.57%. The tracking system was installed to observe the performance of the
sun tracking system vis-à-vis a plant with fixed solar PV panels.
(ii) Benefits derived like product improvement, cost reduc on, product development or import
subs tu on:
l Unforeseen forced outage has reduced and consump on of water has also reduced. There has been a
reduc on of 52.30% in forced outages in all Hydro and Thermal Plants of NEEPCO (Weighted Average)
over the actual of 9.79% during 2015-16. The actual Forced Outage (Weighted Average) of all the Hydro
and Thermal Plants of NEEPCO is 4.67% during 2016-17.
(iii) Imported Technology (imported during the last three years reckoned from the beginning of the
financial year):
l Order placed for upgrada on of Mitsubishi HI make, Japan control system MEGAC & MACTUS system to
PC based MEGAC V DIASYS Netma on for Gas Turbine unit no. 1 & 2, AGBPP
l Renova on of Gas Booster Compressor Sta on of AGBP completed with installa on of new Waukesha
USA make Gas Engines, radiators, one addi onal higher capacity inlet scrubber, addi onal fuel filter
system, new control panels and one master control panel for monitoring all parameters at GBS control
l The GT Rotor of AGBPP, Unit-IV has been replaced with new rotor with up graded technology (from
l Up grada on of Turbine control system (from MEGAC-MACTUS to PC based MEGAC-V DIASYS
Netma on) completed for 2 nos. MHI make Gas Turbines at AGBP from MHI, Japan.
(iv) Expenditure incurred on Research and Development:
The Corpora on spent ₹57.37 lakh on Research and Development in 2016-17. The DPE guidelines states
that 0.5% of Profit a er Tax (PAT) of the previous year is to be spent on R&D. The PAT for the year 2015-16
was ₹ 372.55 crore.
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Note :
The above figures represents actual inflow & actual ou low in foreign currency during the year 2016-17
(D V Singh)
Dated: 22.09.2017 Chairman & Managing Director
Place: New Delhi DIN: 03107819
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
CSR Policy:
The NEEPCO CSR&S policy ar culates on how the corpora on creates long-term stakeholder value by
integra ng economic, environmental and social considera ons. The policy is helping to integrate
sustainability considera ons into all decisions and key work processes, mi ga ng future risks and
maximizing opportuni es.
Further, under the policy, the corpora on commits to aspire sector's sustainability leadership in the area
they operate in by cons tu ng a governance structure to oversee sustainability endeavors. The governance
process, under the aegis of the Boards, iden fies relevant sustainability issues and develops comprehensive
sustainability strategies with goals, targets, mi ga on and adapta on ac on plans. The Policy aligns the
corpora on to undertake natural and social capital valua on to assess business risks while adhering to
required repor ng frameworks.
CSR Commi ee:
The cons tu on of the CSR Commi ee members as on 1 August, 2017 are as follows:
1. Chairman & Managing Director
2. Dr. Amitabha De, Independent Director
3. Shri Gopal Krishan Agarwal, Independent Director
4. Director (Finance)
5. Director (Technical)
A. Nodal Officer:
Shri M.S. Jyrwa, Execu ve Director (O&M)
Assisted by Standing Commi ee on CSR & Sustainability.
Average Net Profit of Last three Financial Years: (₹ In Cr.)
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
(D V Singh)
Dated: 22.09.2017 Chairman & Managing Director
Place: New Delhi DIN: 03107819
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Expenditure Ra o
34% 26.45%
16% 16%
Expenditure in Lakhs
9803238 9906540
Expenditure in Lakhs
41st ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17
Construc on of Science & Maths Park at Extension of school building, repairing of Basketball court
Hill View Secondary School, Shillong and beau fica on of Children's park at
Mawlai Kynton Massar SSA LP & UP School, Shillong
Tools & equipment for new trade Electrician at Industrial Training Ins tute (ITI),
Yupia, Papumpare, Arunachal Pradesh.
Dona on of Mortuary Van to Kargo AO Society, at Tools & Equipment provided to ITI,
Yazali, Arunachal Pradesh Yupia, Arunachal Pradesh for new trade (Electrician)
North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Limited
(A Miniratna Category - I, Government of India Enterprise)
Regd. Ofce: Brookland Compound, Lower New Colony, Shillong - 793 003, Meghalaya, India
Telephone Number: +91-364-2222094, 2222070 | Fax: +91-364-2226417
Email Id: [email protected] | Website: | CIN: U40101ML1976GOI001658