3rd Issue September 26, 2018

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Radford University’s Student-run Newspaper The Tartan | September 26, 2018


2 | The Tartan Advertisement
www.rutartan.com Wednesday, September 26, 2018 | 3
Dylan Lepore
[email protected]

Managing Editor
Ida Domingo
[email protected]

Copy Editor
Shiza Manzoor
[email protected]

News Editor
Ida Domingo

The Tea Editor

Jennifer Bennett
[email protected]

Sports Editor
Davis Byrd
[email protected]

Staff Writers: Tristan Rines, Shiza

Manzoor, Gabby Cohen, Hannah
Curran, Savannah Roberson, Morgan
Hutcheson, Denny Price, Nay-Quan
Bryan, Lucas Carr, and Devin Stubbs

Photography and Advertising:

Photography Manager
Hailey Scherer
[email protected]

Staff Photographers: Shiza Manzoor,

Jordan Bennett, and Suzanne Dorr

SMADs Manager
Yves White
[email protected]

For a full list go to rutartan.com/


The Tartan publishes 1,500 copies
per week and is distributed at more
than 26 locations on the RU campus.
The Tartan is always looking into
expanding  their distribution. The
publication is printed at Shenandoah
Publishing House in Winchester, Va.

The Tartan is part of Highlander

Student Media and is completely
student-run. As a newspaper, The
Tartan reserves the right to address,
explore and delve into issues that
affect the university student body and
the surrounding area.


P.O. Box 6895 “Our Opinion” pieces are written collectively by members of
The Tartan Editorial Board. The Editorial Board is comprised
Radford VA, 24142
of the editing staff, the Tea writers, and other Radford
University students.

These undergraduate and graduate students represent

multiple class levels and different political, cultural, ethnic,
and religious backgrounds. Members may or may not belong
to a variety of student organizations. The Editorial Board is
“We train future journalists, editors, radio open to all RU students who apply.
producers, news anchors and even entre-
preneurs through our ever-evolving stu-
Here is your
dent-run media outlets.” #TartanWeather
Highlander Student Media has been a sig- Forecast for the
ni cant part of student involvement at Rad- week of Wed.,
ford University. Being a solely student-run September
media outlet HSM gives all students a voice 26-October 3,
that can and will be heard on campus, the 2018.
city of Radford, and beyond. HSM is com-
posed of several student-produced media
properties: The Tartan newspaper, the
online magazine Whim, The Beehive year-
book, Radio Free Radford (RFR), Radford *This forecast is
on Camera (ROC-TV), and Student Media always subject to
Advertising (SMADS).
By Dustin Staples
[email protected]
4 | The Tartan News

The First 80 Days: Mayor David Horton

I n t e r v i e w e d B y T r i s ta n
“It doesn’t actually
Blake Rines eliminate prayer. What it does
[email protected]
is it gives people an opportunity

a d f o r d ’ s to have a moment of silence that
longtime resident, is proceeded by an inspirational
Assistant Dean of the statement … and we try to
Artis College of Science and provide a statement that brings
Technology, and now the newest us all together and in the same
mayor, David Horton sat down place. We then have some quiet
with the Tartan to talk about his time where you can prepare for
first 80 days since being sworn the meeting in a way you see fit.
in on July 2. You can say a prayer, you can
“It’s fantastic, we really meditate, you can think about
love working for this great what’s on the agenda you may
community. Trying to make good want to participate with.”
things happen for the citizens of “Our goal was to make
Radford whether they be here at these meetings
Radford University or a Radford as open and
resident.” Horton said. connected as Video
The first-time mayor possible. Not
admitted to there being a steep e v e r y b o d y The full inter-
learning curve when assuming worships in the view produced
by Radford on
public office. same way, not
Camera can
“I think I’ve learned that everybody prays be found at
there are lots of different the same way, youtube.com/
solutions to the problems we not everybody RadfordOn-
have and that working together uses religion Camera.
we can find those answers in their lives
as a team. You learn a lot of the same way
little things that you didn’t that others do. But we have
necessarily know about that to be respectful of that. One
are procedural, and a lot of of the best things about the
things that are wonkish, policy United States of America is the
wonkish, that are out there. But freedoms that are afforded to
for the most part it’s learning us. One of those freedoms is the
about how to get those things freedom of religion.”
accomplished that will solve In regards to the criticism
problems for a lot of people in of this change, Horton recalled,
our community.” “Some people didn’t like it, it
Being a longtime resident business succeed. One of the significantly from what it was in an attempt to get more was a change. Change is hard
has helped Horton recognize big things we’re working on just before and, so, we are moving in residents involved with the city and I completely recognize
some of the issues that face the this past week, we spent a lot new directions with that.” government. that can be a difficult thing for
community. One of Horton’s of time with this, is the Main Horton also spoke on “Social media is a part of our some people to adjust to. My
most prominent initiatives has Street Virginia Program looking the program’s influence lives, both good and bad, in a hope was that they heard what
been to help bring businesses at Main Street Radford.” of businesses in Radford, lot of ways. But social media is we were saying. That it isn’t an
to Radford, including new The Virginia Main Street “Historically, a number of helping people find out about elimination of prayer, it’s just
businesses like Sweet & Savory Program is a program developed businesses in Radford have events, helps people interact the opposite actually. It provides
Donuts and Bagels. by the Virginia Department benefitted from being part of and communicate, and it’s an an avenue to protect the way
Horton explained that of Housing and Community the Main Street Program. We opportunity for us to share you want to pray, your neighbor
it’s challenging to bring new Development which helps think that’s an important key to more about this wonderful wants to pray, or however, you
businesses to Radford, “We revitalize the downtown districts moving us forward now.” community,” said Horton. want to prepare during that
have a wonderful community, of cities and communities. “We want to build up all “If you can get an entire moment of reflection. That
we have fantastic resources to “Radford had been a member parts of our community,” Horton community sharing messages, moment of silence.”
make things happen here, but of the Main Street Program, we added. “Our goal is to make sharing thoughts, and engaging “For those who are unhappy
it is always a challenge to find then had to stop that program Radford the place where people at that level, you can make a lot with it, I hope that they’re seeing
the right business mix. The for a little while after some want to spend their time, where of great things happen.” how we’re doing this [and that]
right investor, property, the re-direction was trying to be they want to engage with others, Horton has also seen some they’re becoming happier with
marketing. Everything that can determined. We stopped that and where they really want to criticism via social media. The what we are doing. Some may
work to really make a business about five years ago, but the celebrate life.” day after his inauguration, not be happy. What was done
successful here in Radford.” idea was that it was just going Mayor Horton has also made during a city council meeting, before was more of a spoken
He continued, “One of the to be a pause for maybe a year, himself a presence via social the administration considered common prayer for everyone to
things we’re trying to do is maybe two years and time got media. On Facebook, Horton how to re-structure their gather and some felt that’s the
to try and make people more away where we needed to bring regularly shares updates from meetings. It was decided that only way to have that type of
aware of the opportunities that it back this year.” the Radford City Government instead of a moment of prayer at presentation or program. That
are available to them and some “It’s a great new page and goes live from events, the beginning of the meeting, it
of the resources that we have opportunity.” Horton said, local businesses, and even would be considered a “moment >> Horton
available to them to help their “The program has evolved from City Council meetings of reflection” said Horton. Continued on page 5

Horton’s excitement for what he and his administration can do for the city and
community is very easy to see and hear upon interacting with him.
www.rutartan.com Wednesday, September 26, 2018 | 5

Arts and Entertainment in Radford

and Drug
With Panel
and Film

Jordan Bennett | The Tartan

Right to left, in the picture, you have Chris Armin who has been clean for six years, then Kristen Stewart who goes here to
B y G a bby C o h e n Radford, Matthew Morency who is a senior at Virginia Tech, and finally Anna, a first-year graduate at Virginia Tech.
[email protected]

lcohol has been a leading with people that are going give us your pathway through Lastly, Anna’s story started panels and presentations like
cause of addiction for a through sobriety, for example, recovery?” off just like any other college this, then it should get a lot
long time. This addiction a mom who lost their child in They each answered the student. She thought that she more attention and help more
is also an illness, yet people have a car accident due to drinking, question individually to how was like any other student, people out there without people
recognized that in a bad light. and a high school in Boston, they ended up sober today. All drinking and going to parties jumping to conclusions and
However, in the past couple Massachusetts that accepts their stories impacted them every weekend, but she was stereotyping them.
of years, there have been 12- people that are going through differently. actually abusing alcohol.  She Anna said, “If I didn’t have
step group systems which work this. In their recovery story, had to drop out eventually, a drink, then that wouldn’t be
through 12 steps to recovery. There are around 23 million Armin explained that he got and then it went downhill from socializing for me.” It reminded
The Substance Abuse and people in recovery and still arrested for the possession of there. me that there are other ways
Violence Education Support counting today. alcohol back in 2004. Stewart She started feeling better that you can be social without
(SAVES) program hosted a film The film was about an hour also had a felony conviction for when she began going to self- drinking.  You must find the right
and panel about recovery and long, and the presentation the possession of drugs and not help groups. group of friends in a setting that
how to seek help for addiction. ended with a panel. There were passing the drug test, but ended The questions asked were you are comfortable with.
The program started off with four people at the panel who up getting help at the same mostly related to how we can Drinking isn’t always
a film called “The Anonymous have been through this situation treatment place where Armin teach this topic in a proper class necessary to be social.
People.” that are now sober and still went to. setting, and how we can help There are local groups here at
The narrator explains how going strong. Morency went to Virginia one another before things get Radford like the SAVES program
words can affect recovery and The panel went on for about Commonwealth University back out of hand. if you need help with anything
how different group systems 30 minutes answering questions in 2011-13 and faced some Armin responded from related to this. The moral of this
around the world have been that the audience had sent in serious consequences involving his experience that not many presentation was that there’s
formed. anonymously through text. The alcohol and ended up getting people accept alcoholics in the always a path out and that you
The film features interviews first question was, “Can you help. community, but if we held more too can do it.

From Page 4
may just be where we have challenge since taking the oath belt, Horton has his eyes set on spend their time, money, and
to disagree. As a council, we of office has been the business generating business for the city participate with the different quality of life benefit for those
felt it was important, at least of the position. “The things that of Radford and trying to bolster businesses in the area.” that live in the city of Radford,
four-fifths of us did felt it was you think you’ll be dealing with the local economy. Along with “One of the visions that but it’s also a wonderful tourism
important to go in this new are rarely the things you’ll be the economic side of the office, I have, and that our council piece as well.”
direction and we really respect dealing with.” Horton also hopes to increase members have, is to look at Horton’s excitement for what
everyone’s opinion on it.” Horton goes on to talk about the quality of education in the entertainment as one of those he and his administration can
“It’s okay if you don’t agree how tasks can come from all city. opportunities for the city. How do for the city and community is
with me on everything,” Horton directions that take a lot of “One of the key components great would it be to go to a very easy to see and hear upon
said. “I’m fine with that because both physical and mental time of any economic development different venue, be it a restaurant, interacting with him.
we want to make the best to remedy. “You want to do the is to have a wonderful school or performing arts venue, every With a number of initiatives
decisions possible and to make best job you can. You want to system and continue to maintain night of the week and hear a and goals, it will be interesting
that happen you have to feel free serve the people in the best way that.” different kind of music? And to see how the remainder of
to say, ‘I don’t agree with what possible. To do that it takes a lot Horton’s long-term plans hear different performers? To Horton’s four-year-term turns
you thought’ and I can address of thought and preparation and are to continue to “evolve” the see performances. I think we out with his mind set on the
that.” effort.” city and to make Radford, “the can make something like that future of Radford, and all that he
Mayor Horton’s biggest With these 80 days under his place where people want to happen and that is a wonderful hopes it can be.
6 | The Tartan Culture

The Best Restaurants in Radford

Thursdays. and chicken. menu including items, such as
A pair of Shakin’ Chicken They also provide Also known for their omelets and pancakes.
Ceaser Salads with iced entertainment. Restaurateurs pasta, Sal’s offer Pasta Night BT’s doubles as a bar and has
coffees from Radford Coffee can play pool every day every Monday. Pasta Night a late-night menu, along with
Company. and participate in trivia on presents several different pasta an excellent atmosphere for a
Wednesdays. dishes that will satisfy anyone’s weekend night hang out.
Additionally, Radford Coffee Additionally, Sharkey’s Up cravings.
Company not only serves the Top provides a dance floor for Brick House Pizza
New River with delicious coffee people 21+ on the weekends. Golden Bowl
and food, but they also serve the Finally, Brick House Pizza
Coconut River. El Charro Golden Bowl provides provides wood-fired pizza made
Caitlyn Stultz | The Tartan

According to their website, Radford with excellent Asian from handmade dough, made
RCC is involved with Project With an array of options, cuisine at exceptional prices. daily. The pizzeria serves their
Ezra, which helps in educating El Charro provides delicious They also offer the convenience pizza garnished with many
children in Nicaragua. Their and affordable Mexican food. of being available to order online different vegetables and other
website also states that they They serve entrees that include for both dine-in and carry out. toppings.
B y C a i t lyn S t u lt z are involved with community chicken, beef, seafood, pork, and Along with their pizza, Brick
[email protected]
projects located within the New vegetarian options. Aside from their delicious House Pizza serves wings. The

adford is the 30th largest River Valley. The Mexican restaurant also options, Golden Bowl offers a hot sauce that covers these
city in Virginia. Even has a free salsa bar, a favorite unique dessert; rolled ice cream. wings are also handmade in the
though it’s nowhere Sharkey’s among many. They often provide Golden Bowl makes several restaurant. Brick House Pizza’s
near the largest city in Virginia, at least 10 different options that different flavors of this treat wings are also cooked in their
there are still many amazing Sharkey’s is a great place to patrons are free to try. fresh daily. wood oven.
restaurants available to eat and hang out with friends With the salsa bar and Live music can be regularly
students, residents, and visitors. and family. With classics generous portions, El Charro is BT’s found at this restaurant, and it’s
Here is a list of some of the like hamburgers and wings, sure to fill even the hungriest also a great place to watch many
best restaurants in Radford: Sharkey’s has something that person. BT’s has become a favorite different sports games.
will satisfy everyone’s hunger. among Radford University You may notice that there
Radford Coffee Company Along with their great food, Sal’s students for multiple reasons. aren’t a lot of good places to
Sharkey’s also provides great The restaurant is a very short dine at or near Radford, but
Radford Coffee Company, or deals every day of the week. Pizza is always a crowd- walk from campus, making it here is our list of must-eat
RCC, may technically be a coffee For example, the restaurant pleaser, and Sal’s does it like no easier for students to get to the places. With all these amazing
shop, but they also have amazing has a buy one get one free deal other. restaurant. restaurants offered nearby the
food. Along with their drinks, on their burgers every Monday. This pizzeria has many This full-service restaurant campus, you’re bound to find
such as coffees, smoothies, and Sharkey’s deals also include: beautiful signature pies every offers entrees ranging from one that you really enjoy.
shakes, RCC serves paninis, Kids Eat Free Tuesday’s, Wings day of the week. Sal’s provides soups, salads, burgers, sirloin,
traditional breakfast foods, & More Buffet on Sundays and many toppings, such as spinach, and sandwiches. On the
wraps, and salads. Wednesdays, and 10% off on feta, Italian pepperoni, eggplant, weekends, BT’s also has a brunch

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(A Review)

ike providing a section to keep you up- that the referrals must be
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Handshake. The event is scheduled and used by over 500
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It’s very much like enough reason for you,
LinkedIn. there’s also a huge contest
After filling out your going on that’s super new!
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end of it. win a $10,000 award! It’s
There’s a whole ‘nother important to keep in mind
The tea
www.rutartan.com Wednesday, September 26, 2018 | 7

Editorials and Opinions Quote of the week

“The best preparation for good work
tomorrow is to do good work today.”
- Elbert Hubbard
OPEN Campus Fun: 6 Great Low-Budget Activities
The Tartan is looking for dedicat-
ed, fast-learning, and self-suff-
ient student who can set their
own standars or goals for what
they would like to contritbute to
the Tartan.

• Page Designer
• Culture Editor
• Assistant Culture Editor
• News Editor
• Assistant News Editor
• Staff Writer
• Staff Photographer
Courtesy of Radford Admissions

For more information head to
Tyler Hall Room 025
Monday - Friday
10 a.m to 5 p.m.

Need a Correction? s students, our belts promise a smile will be on that be doing is tubing. or a late weeknight that calls for
are always tight, but sweaty face of yours by the end Take your tube, and some some distressing.
The Tartan is committed to you can’t put a price on of it. Zumba especially, sign people you don’t mind floating If you are feeling like a big
correcting errors that appear in fun! Put your wallet away, here yourself up for an hour of super- with for two hours, to the top spender, and payday has come
the newspaper. Those interested are some simple solutions to sexy dancing with moves that of the river. Tie all your tubes around, plus you want to go all
in contacting the paper for that
enjoying a penniless week at will translate into your next together to make some sort of out, rumor has it that bowling is
purpose can send an e-mail to
Radford. Saturday night. Krispy Kreme looking ship and only three dollars. Extravagant I
[email protected] or call the
main number, 540 831-5474, let the river take you down- know.
to make a correction to any RU Outdoors Climbing Radford’s Four Quad’s stream. I would recommend Also, if you are tired of all
section. Wall taking an extra floatation your buddies huddling around
We had our scare with device for essential snacks and an 11-inch laptop screen for
Looking for There are only so many Hurricane Florence, but there beverages. movie night, the Bonnie is here
times a week I can force myself are still many days of sunshine If you end up in to help.
Tartan Archives? to the gym. 30 minutes on the to enjoy. There is always this Christiansburg, you’ve gone too Radford offers free film
treadmill is a hamster wheel feeling with studying that you far. screenings throughout the
Rediscover the history of the Tartan of suffering. The climbing must chain yourself to a desk. weekend, all you need to do
through exploring all the way back wall on campus offers a happy Why not grab that 10-pound Sports Games is bring your Radford ID plus
to 1910, when it was initially called alternative to exercise. This is textbook and enjoy those 80 popcorn and/or a cute date.
the Grapurchat to when it was
an arm day revelation ladies and pages in the sun? It’s time to dawn your Like I said above, there are
rebranded as the Tartan in 1979.
gents. Saying that this article Radford colors. You’ve already so many activities you can find
Go to rutartan.com and select the Climbing is a great way to promised fun things to do on blown the bank on all the on campus and around the city.
“More” tab to find those archives. take your mind off of things. campus, I suggest grabbing a merchandise at the bookstore, Treat yourself to some guilt-
It’s just you and the wall ... and couple of friends and hanging and maybe it is time to put that free fun throughout the week
Do old newspapers bore you? that guy holding tightly to your out on the grass. Bring a speaker over-priced jumper to good use. without having to blow all your
harness. Putting one foot in along and blare some obnoxious You don’t have to understand money away.
Check out our new photo gallery front of the other; it’s great for music while you are at it. If every rule in soccer to enjoy
on Flicker by selecting the “photo” a positive mindset and releasing you’re feeling a little more a game. Get excited about
Radford offers a
tab to wander our photos taken
those well-deserved endorphins solitary, enjoy that book you supporting your college and
by our exceptionally phenomenal
when you reach the top. have meant to read or of course, the excuse to eat an over-sized
With climbing on campus
being free, there is no pressure
bring along the newest issue of
The Tartan. Wink-wink.
whole range of
to enjoy it. If you get halfway
up that wall and see twenty- New River
The Bonnie
free gym classes,
something years flash by, no
money is wasted if you decide to Staying hopeful about this
I don’t want to call our girl
Bonnie “cheap,” but she is. If
from hard-
drop back down to the ground. weather, The New River is my
favorite place in Radford. I would
you have a flex meal plan, you
can save 50 to 70 percent on all
hitting Body
Gym Classes even go as far to say that I am
an advocate for The New River.
dining purchases.
The Hulbert Center (aka The
Pump to zen-
Radford offers a whole range
of free gym classes, from hard-
But if you don’t fancy getting
your toes wet - there is always
Bonnie) is a host to a range of
free activities, especially in the
like Yoga.
hitting Body Pump to zen-like the option of hanging (in a safe Game Room. From ping-pong to
Yoga. Fun exercise seems like space) along the river bank. board games, the Bonnie can be B y M o r g a n H u tc h e s o n
[email protected]
a bit of an oxymoron, but I However, what we all need to enjoyed on those rainy weekends
8 | The Tartan The Tea

Finding Your Perfect Starbucks Drink

B y N ay -Q ua n B rya n
[email protected] choices. So here’s what the She skips over coffee and goes
perfect Starbucks drink is, straight for a sweetened passion

t’s nerve-racking, standing according to some of the fruit iced tea with lemonade. A
in line with at least a dozen University’s students: summer drink, it’s the perfect
other people behind you. Freshman, Khyler Jackson drink for her warm, laid-back
Do I want tea? Do I want said she likes an iced caramel attitude.
hot chocolate? Do I want my macchiato. However, have you ever
coffee iced or hot? Do I want a Carlos Miranda said he walked into Starbucks and
macchiato or a Frappuccino? gets horchata and almond milk bought a drink that touched
What exactly is a macchiato and because the sweet cinnamon your soul? A drink so amazing,
how well does it taste? taste reminds of his time back in no matter the calories, just a sip
What are the sizes because I Mexico. would make every stress; every
don’t see small, medium, large, If you’re not a coffee lover, worry would wash away.
or extra-large? then you would appreciate Well I have, this drink is
Starbucks is the home of a venti white chocolate more than just a drink, it’s a
sizes that no one understands peppermint mocha frappe; friend, a tasty friend, that cheers
unless he or she’s a regular. this is freshman Eli Ayers’ go- me up and is gone in less than
Luckily, the Starbucks on to drink. Another chocolate 10 minutes.
Radford University’s campus lover, Lily Salerno treats herself My perfect drink is an ultra
has a chalkboard post that with a double chocolate chip caramel frappe with extra
explains the sizes: tall (small), frappe. whipped cream, caramel drizzle,
grande (medium), venti (large), Ariel Kern, a design and mocha drizzle. It’s pure
and trenta (extra-large). management major, likes to heaven. This drink is probably
Stepping into a Starbucks keep it nice and simple with a full of calories and definitely full
can be like stepping into a world tasty and trendy white chocolate of sugar, but I could never resist

Shiza Manzoor | The Tartan

of confusion, albeit a tasty, frappe. the temptation of it.
caffeinated world of confusion. Paige McNally likes Finding the perfect Starbucks
However, what is Starbucks something I want to try, an iced drink is a matter of what you
all about? coconut milk mocha macchiato. like. I like sweet and sugary, and
Drinks! If you’re mainly into coconut, my drink is just that. your go-to. they’re here to help you. Ask
I asked different students this would be your drink. Think about what kind of It’s okay to be confused them questions, try new things,
their go-to beverages and I I sat with Tatiyana Nikolaev, flavors you prefer, Starbucks has when you’re new to Starbucks. and soon you too will have your
was surprised by the flavorful a freshman at Radford University. several drinks that could become The baristas are friendly, and perfect drink.

Movie Versus Book Debate

he long-standing debate argument. As an English major, better in print, while others look what I’d imagined or even ways that each of us interpret
of whether the book or a writer, and a person who reads better played out on a movie hoped it would be. Whether the same story is unique and
the movie is better has regularly, I tend to lean a little screen. It takes a particular type I’m surprised or disappointed, I beautiful. Just because our
divided book-lovers, movie- more towards the book side of of magic for both. try to appreciate that different interpretation doesn’t exactly
goers, and entertainment- the debate. I always find it amusing people can read the same text match up with everyone else’s,
seekers for years. With this in mind, I have also when there are a book and a and have so many different doesn’t mean it isn’t right.
Those who lean toward felt that some movie adaptations movie where I can compare ideas that might be unique and It’s easy sometimes to get
books couldn’t imagine a movie were as good as the book or even the two and pick out the best different from anyone else’s. caught up in the parts of a book
adaptation ever being able to better than the book. Yes, there parts from each. I love seeing To become upset when a that are missing in the movie or
capture what is all contained have even been a few times that the way a director envisions a movie isn’t exactly like the a character not looking exactly
inside the pages of a book. On I’ve read a book, not liked it, but story playing out and how he or book, or to give up on the story how you’d hoped. I believe it’s
the other hand, movie-lovers ended up enjoying the movie she captures it on screen, even because it’s not what we might important to try to view books
feel the opposite. They may adaptation. though it may be different than have expected, doesn’t give and their subsequent film as
know a story-line or even read I think it mostly depends on what I had in my head when I credit to the artist’s vision. Even different pieces of art that
the book first, but they often the type of story being told and first read it the book. if it’s not our vision, it’s still a should be seen in different ways.
think the movie brings the true the way in which it’s presented. With that being said, I’ve vision.
magic to the story. A lot of it isn’t preferenced; never gotten offended when a The book versus movie B y S ava nn a h R o b e r s o n
[email protected]
I can see both sides of the it’s just that some stories are movie adaptation is not exactly debate goes to show that the
www.rutartan.com Wednesday, September 26, 2018 | 9

WRITE FOR US! Home Opener Ends With a Win for Women’s Soccer
RU an established, or
fledgling journalist? Or looked to break the others goals in a 13-minute span to resume keeping Campbell
maybe you just love to
B y Z ac h a ry P ot t e r
[email protected] defense open. increase their lead to 4-0. scoreless in the game.
write, and this might be Campbell’s defense was like a Though two of these goals Radford’s Head Coach Ben

your first time showcasing adford’s Women’s Soccer brick wall early in the game, and came at the unlucky expense Sohrabi remarked about the
your hidden talent? wins big, after a brilliant their offense looked impressive of Campbell defender Anna different second half by stating
second-half performance, as well, earning a corner kick Brantley. Brantley was in the “After regrouping at halftime it
Want to bring your opin- to top Big South conference in the opening seconds of the wrong place at the wrong time seemed our entire team made
ions and unique views to opponent Campbell 4-0 in their game. Though, as the first half twice, as two Radford crosses the necessary adjustments to get
the masses? Love the idea first home game of this season. progressed, Radford became bounced off the defender and a win.”
of reporting on and off A great outing by the more and more aggressive, found the back of the net. This game was the first
campus news, voicing your Highlanders sees them increase showing great counter attacks The Highlanders continued time since 2013 that Radford’s
opinion on topics ranging their win streak to five-in-a- and getting most of their shots to press ever so forward, with Women’s Soccer managed a
from movies, laws, and on row after beating Campbell, toward the end of the first half. Nelia Perez earning her second win against Campbell. Jessica
the many fun, and some- moving their record to 5-1-1 for Then the second half goal of the season in the 66th Wollman is also one more
the season and 1-0 in Big South happened. Radford took over minute making the lead 4-0. game-winning goal away for
time’s unusual, attractions
conference play. This kicks off twice as many shots (13) Though she didn’t score a goal, tying Radford’s record with
going on around campus?
the team’s home play for the as Campbell (5) was able to Jasmine Casarez put in an nine. Radford Women’s Soccer
Then give Radford Univer-
season in a positive way after manage. The Highlanders came impressive display shooting the will look to continue their
sity’s Student-run Newspa-
the impressive start. out blazing in the second half. ball a game-high six times with winning ways, in the Big South
per a shout and email the The game was a tale of They controlled the ball down two of those shots finding a Conference, as they travel to
Editor-In-Chief! two different halves. Radford the sidelines and sent in cross target on the goal. Gardner-Webb in North Carolina
[email protected] managed eight shots to after cross till finally in the 53rd Though none of her shots on Saturday.
Campbell’s seven in the first, minute when Jessica Wollmann ever found the back of the net, The Highlander will return
while Campbell managed one broke through with the game Casarez did assist Perez on the home to Cupp Stadium to face
Letters to the extra corner kick getting six to opener. last goal of the game. Radford conference foe Longwood on
Radford’s five. The game looked With a 1-0 lead, the goalie Courtenay Kaplan gave Wednesday, Sept. 26.
Editor to be a deadlock as both teams Highlanders barrage continued an impressive display adding
controlled the ball and neither as they managed three more another clean sheet to her
We prefer letters that are fewer
than 200 words and take as
their starting point an article
or other item appearing in The
Tartan. They may not have
been submitted to, posted
to or published by any other
media. They must include the
writer’s full name — for more
information and to send a
letter head over to

Meme of the Week

Hailey Scherer | The Tartan

The players gather in front of the crowd for a celebration.

10 | The Tartan Sports

Women’s Soccer pics!

Hailey Scherer | The Tartan

www.rutartan.com Wednesday, September 26, 2018 | 11

Camille Collier Named Top Thirty Under 30

By Lucas Carr honorees were recognized landing on the ACC Honor Roll Coach Collier does her best holding opponents to 52.9
[email protected] during the Final Four in March two times. She finished off her to help improve the skills of her points a game.
of 2018. time as a Demon Deacon, leading players on and off the court. Collier’s response to the

he Women’s Basketball During the 2017-2018 the women to a 20-win season Head Coach Mike McGuire said Big South news team on her
Coaches Association basketball season, Collier and and a birth in the Women’s to the Big South news team that Thirty Under 30 recognition: “I
(WBCA) announced their Head Coach Mike McGuire led National Invitation tournament she, “exemplifies a lot of great am humbled and thankful to be
top Thirty Under 30 list for 2018 the Highlanders to a 24-9 record at the end of the 2012 season. qualities in the day-to-day work recognized among a great group
this past March, following the with a 15-3 record in Big South Collier received a bachelor’s of our profession. Her drive, of coaches in our profession.
2017-18 basketball season. play, most wins in program degree in Sociology and a determination, initiative and I am very appreciative of the
The Thirty Under 30 program history. master’s degree in Education competitiveness is outstanding. opportunity to learn from
was created by the WBCA to Collier assisted in the while serving as a graduate Our profession needs more Coach McGuire and to coach
acknowledge 30 up-and-coming development of Janayla White assistant coach at Georgia Tech. young coaches like her.” great student-athletes who
women’s basketball coaches at and Jayda Worthy as they were Prior to joining the Radford McGuire went on to say that continuously push me to become
the age of 30 or below. both placed on the All-Big South coaching staff in 2017, Collier Collier has a bright future in a better coach.”
The honorees are recognized teams. Worthy was the fourth was an assistant coach for the coaching profession as she We look forward to the
for their involvement in player in program history to Jacksonville College where she continues to impact all of the excellent coaching and
community service, mentorship, be named Big South Defensive worked for four seasons. student-athletes she has the mentoring Collier will bring this
professional manner, and Player of the Year. During her time with the pleasure of coming into contact season and hope to have another
association involvement. Before Collier was a coach, Dolphins, she worked as a with. outstanding year!
Radford women’s basketball she was a player. Playing four recruiting coordinator and This past season the The Highlanders start the
assistant coach Camille Collier years for Wake Forest, she was saw that they claimed its first- Highlanders boasted an increase year off against South Carolina
was one of the 30 coaches to be named All-Academic team as a ever Atlantic Sun Conference in statistics, ranging from 420 State on Nov. 7.
honored for last year’s season. freshman leading the ACC with Championship with a 22-11 assists to have the fifth best
Collier and the other 8.2 scoring average as well as record. scoring defense in the country,

Courtesy of RU Athletics

During the 2017-2018 basketball season, Collier and Head Coach Mike McGuire led the Highlanders to a 24-9 record with a 15-3 record in Big South play, most wins in
program history.
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