Action Plan SSG SY 2018-2019
Action Plan SSG SY 2018-2019
Action Plan SSG SY 2018-2019
Department of Education
Division of Batangas
Malaking Pook, San Pascual, Batangas
[email protected]
2. Check it Out! To update the students for the Posting the news and Human
upcoming activities and updates in school on the Resource Bulletin board
Year Round SSG Team
(Maintenance of the announcements in school. SSG bulletin board. and SSG
SSG bulletin board) Fund
3. Think Big! To encourage and motivate the every two weeks, the
Dream Big! students to habilitate their assigned SSG members Year Round
studies and everyday lives and SSG Team SSG Fund Inspirational
most of all, be an inspiration to will post Inspirational
them. Quotations about studies,
life, friendship, etc. on
bulletin boards or walls
where some of our fellow
students can notice these
4. Tapat Mo, Linis To maintain the cleanliness of Project 1:Trash can in Year round SSG Team Human Cleanliness of
Mo Program the school every classroom. and Adviser Resource the school
5. Busog Lusog To exhort the malnourished Feed atleast 40 Fourth week SSG Team, MOOE Feeding
Program children a healthy tips and malnourished students in of July. Adviser and Program
extend the service to the poor the school. Teachers
(Feeding Program)
children in the school.
6. Project “HEART” To value the unconditional love Simple Celebration for October SSG Team Human Teachers’ day
and dedication showed by the teachers and all Resource program
Honoring teachers to their learners. Presidents
Exemplary, of each
To let the students express section
Attentive, and
their feelings to their teachers
Teachers and make them special.
7. Ready, Set and To help the faculty staffs or Prepare the place of January- SSG Team Human Registration
Register Program teachers for the registration of registration and materials February and Resource for the
the incoming students. needed for the early Teacher in- incoming
(Registration for the registration of the charge. Grade 11
incoming Grade 11) learners
8. Pusuan Mo Valentine’s
To feel the spirit of Valentine’s Greetings to our dear February SSG Team Human
Program Day Program
Day. students and teachers. and all Resource
(Valentines Day) Presidents
of each